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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504050050-6
JPRS L/10474
21 April 1982
_ USSR Re ort
. p
c~ouo si82~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500050050-6
JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
ar e transcribed or reprinted, with the orig inal ph~:asing and
o ther characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, a.nd material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indica tors such as [Text]
or [Excerpt) in the first line of each item, or following the
la st line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
pr ocessed. Where no processing indicator is given, *_he infor-
ma tion was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names pr eceded by a ques-
t ion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the
or iginal but have been supplied as appropriate in context.
Other unattribuced parenthetical notes with in the body of an
item originate with the source. Times with in ~tems are as
g iven by source.
The contents of thi.s publication in no way represent the poli-
c ies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540050050-6
JPRS L/10474
21 April 1982
c~az~o~ 6/ s 2 )
New Collection of Articles on Microprocessors 1
Use of Series K580 Microprocessor To Control Thyristor Pulsed
~urrent Regulator of ~leatric Train Traction ~gines 7
High-Frequency Frequency Multiplier for Problems of Precise
Measurement of LDIS Signal 11
Cross Compilation of Programs on YeS Computers for
Micracomputers Based on K580 Microp~ocessor Series 17
Pacnage of Programs for Modeling Microprocessor Set of '
K589 Large-Scale Integrated Circuits 22
ATSP-35 Adaptive Analog-Digital Converter 2Lt
" Practical Course in Progra~mming for M5000 Series Computers..... 26
Manual for KOMPAS Data Base Management 9ystem 3~
Equivalent "'ranslations of Data 3tream Schemes 3Lt
I}ictionary-IkLrectory Subsyatem for Automa.ted System for
Proc essing of Test Results 36
New PRI Z Automated Prugranuning System 38
Manual on Switching to More Powerful YeS Operating System 1~6
- a- [III - USSR - 21.C S&T FOUO]
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Application of Qptical Infor.mation Processing Methods and
Holography 5b
Spatial-~equency Spectra of Images of Di sturbed Water
Surface 60
Optical Method of Measuring Dimensions of Moving Objects
on Basis of Scattered Waves 6~
Output Units for ~}ptical Information Processing Systems
Based on Charge-Coupled Devices b8
MeFeedback Methodic��Television�by�Optical����.
Qptical Processing of Information From Antenna Systems 77
Analysis of Conditions of Generation and Optical Processing
of Information at Radax Installations With S~mthetic
- Aperture 80
_ On-Line Optical Processing of Information in Radio-
- Holographic 5ystems 84
Optical Calculation of Signal Ambiguity Ftiinction 88
Optical Calculation of Signal Ambiguity Flinction With
~ Vaxiable Scale on Axis of Delays 93
High-F`requency Acou~to-Optic Orthogonal Filters 96
Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Acousto-Optical
Spectrum Analyzers 100
Determining Time Position of Complex Signals With Long
Duration by Acoustc -Optical Convolvers 103
Bandwidt,h Evaluation in Optical Informat~.on Processing
Systems 1~7
Optical Processing of Signals With Enhanced Resolu~ion
in Noncoherent Light. Optical Systems With Fixed
References Using Noncoherent Light for Real-Time
Signal Processing 111
Optical Methods of Processing Signals From Seismic Sources.. 117
Principle4 of Design of Optical Iligital Complex for
Seismic Information Processing 120
- b -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450050-6
Third International Conference ~Diagnosis and Failure-Free
Systems~ 121~
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
Riga TSIFROVYYE UST~OYSTVA I MIKROPROTSESSORY in Russian No 4, 1980 (signed to
press 27 Oct 80) pp 3, 173-180
[Foreword and arstracts of articles from book "Digital Units and Micro-
urocessors , edited by A. K. Bauma, N. Ye. Z~znova and A. A. Chipa, Latvian SSR
Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Zinatne", 500 copies, 180 pages]
[Text] From the Editorial Board
This collection of articles includes works on the use and design of micro-
processor systems and their individual units. The material published is divided
into three sections:
1. microprocessor syatems;
2. the digital units of microprocesaors and automation systems;
3. programming and modeliag microprocessor systems.
The first section reviews the queations of construction of microprocessor sys-
tems and various way.s of interlinking them with real ob~ects, especially in
subsystems to control electric trains and motor vehicles.
The second section includes articles which treat the questions of c~nstruction
of the particular assemblies of micropxocessor units and other discrete automa-
tion systems. Special attention is devoted to questions of organizing links
among the individual assemblies.
The first section is devoted to questions of development of software for micro-
processor systems using cross program equipment, in particular cross compila-
tion of pr~grams and modeling work. A apecial algorithmic language for
developing programs to teat digital microcircuits is propoaed.
The material in this collection can be used in the development of digital units
for various purpoaes. We ask that all requesta and remarks be sent to the fol-
lowing address: 226006, Riga, Ulitsa Akademiyas, 14, Institute of Electronics
and Computer Technology of the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences>
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UDC 681.325.5 181.4:62--83
A. K. Baums, V. T. Yermolov, A. A. Chi~a, et al., "Use of a Series K580
- Microprocessor To Control the Thyristor Pulsed Current Regulator of the Trac-
tion Engines of an Electric Train."
This article considers the use of a microcomputer as a unit to control the trac-
tion drive of an electric train, employing a tfiyristor pulsed regulator. The
autfiors present tfie structure of a controller developed on the basis of a
K580IK80 microprocessor, a flowchart of the control algorithm, and time diagrams
of control pulses durtng comFiined testing of the power equipment and micro-
computer. The article has seven illustrations and two bibliographic entries.
UDC 681.32-181.48:624.113
Yu. N. Andriyevtchev, V. D. Komarov, N. V. Kocfietov, et al., "Microprocessor
System for Controlling the Moment of Ignition."
Tfiis article describes a system to control the moment of ignition of the fuel
mixture for internal combustion engines. The system was built using a micro-
computer based on a K580IK80 microprocessor. The authors show how the ignition
advance angle depends on input parameters, present a structural diagram of the
system and a flowchart of the program for finding the ignition advance angle,
~ and describe the system interface. The use of this system in a motor vehicle
makes it possible to reduce fuel expenditure up to 15 percent and lower the
toxicity of exhaust gases. The article has three illuatrations and one biblio-
graphic entry.
UDC 68]..32-181.48:629.113
Yu. N. Andriyevichev, V. D. Komarov, and N. V. Kochetov, "The Effect of the
Parameters of an Anti-Interlock Braking System Control Block Based on a Microcom-
puter on the Controllability, Stability of Tra~ectory, and Braking Efficiency
of a Motor Vehicle."
This article presents an analysis of the influence of the parameters of a block
to control an anti-interlock syetem huilt using a microcomputer based on the
K580IK80 microprocessor on the controllability, stabili.ty of tra,jectory, and
braking efficiency ot a motor vehicle. The autfiors revi.ew the fundamental laws
of control on which the functioning of contemporary anti-interlock systems is
- based and possible ways to apply them in motor vehicles. Tliey give a flowchart
of a microcomputer and its software. Tfie analyais demonstratea tfie possibility
of realiztng a block to control an anti-interlock sys~em on a microcomputer
and to insure htgh precision of execution of the law of control of an anti-
interlock system for a motor vehicle.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
UDC (681(3T-~181)46:629:113
Yu. N. Andrtyevtchev, Yu. N. Ivanov, V. D. i~omarov, et al., nResident System
for Designing and Debugging a Microc~mputer Tfiat Realizes tfie Laws of Control
for Engine Assemb2ies and an Anti--Interlock Braking System.K
This article describes a resident syatem for de5uggiag motor vehicle micro-
processor automattc control systems realized on the basis of th~ K580IK80
microprocessor. The hardware and aoft~are of the system are considered. The
authors give a etructural dtagram of a resident design system. All tTie software
was developed on tlie modular principle, whicfi.makes it possiBle to build up and
refine tfie system further. The system described makes it possible to design and
debug all presently known motor vehicle automatic control systems. The article
has one illustration and two bibliographic entries.
UDC 681.327--181.4
Ye. A. Kalin'sh, "The Development of Interface LSIC~s of Microprocessor Systema."
This article reviews the question of development of interface LSIC's [large-scale
integrated circuits] of microcomputers. The autfiors present a variation of the
application of universal interface LSIC~s (third generation) and a comparison
of the use of first and second generation o~ ~,SIC~s with the example of parallel
data copying. The articla has five illustrations and eight bibliographic entries.
UDC 681.327.2
G. V. Tabuns, "Hardware Simulator of Control Memory."
This article reviews the questions of building optimal h,;rdware for ad~usting
digital units that contain microprogram memory. The author gives an analysis
of the basic parameters and requirements for the function of hardware simu-
lators. The analysis may beLSed as a recommendation for building such units.
The article has one illustration and aight bibliographic entries.
UDC 681.325.53:621.391.23.037.372
D. K. Zibin', "Duplex Interlinks Among Assemblies of a Digital Computer."
This article reviews structural diagrams of tha interlinking lines of trans-
mitting and receiving units that use multivalued signals. The suthor proposes
duplex interlink lines, that is, two independent channels that work in opposite
directions on one tnterlink line.. Cfianging to four-valued stgnals cuts the num-
ber of interlinked linea tn half compared to t~ro'valued aignals, while com~iining
two channels into one produces an additional benefit. The arttcle has two
tllustrations and four bibliographic entries.
~ 3
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UDC 681.3.04
D. K. Zibin~, "Ph.ysical Codiag of Multivalued Sig:lal~~"
Tfie articles considers one-, two-, and three-dimensional coding of variables of
multivalued algebraic logic by physical sign~ls that "carry" tlie values of tTie
variatiles and gives appropriste geometric interpretations. The autlior rev~ews
the drawbacks of one-dimenstonal coding a.nd ways to eliminate tfiem. Different
coding variations use posttive, negative, shifted, sy~metrical, parapfiasal,
and other logics, for which appropriate definitions are given. The article has
f~our illustrations and five bibliographic entries.
UDC 681.325
V. Ya. Zogurskiy, "Systems for Analog-Digital Conversion of Signals with Periodic
This article reviews the primary types of discretization operations during
analog-dtgital conversion of signals. On the basis of a generalized descrip-
tion of analog-digttal conversion the author proposes an algorithm for liigh-
speed analog-digttal conversion by combining the operations of discretization
and quantization. The algorithm accomplishes periodic discretization of the
input signal. The article gives the structures of apstem variations of analog-
digital convertors with different types of quantization, by amplitude and
time. There are five illustration~ and five bibliographic entrtes.
UDC 621.374.2(088.8)
V. Ya. Zogurskiy and M. A. Arnit, "Device for Precise Systemization of Signals."
This article reviews the principal vsriations of eynchronization units with pos-
sible precision of alignment to synchronizing signals to a level of 0.5-1 nano-
seconds. The authors analyze different forms of constituent parts in the units
and possibilities of st3bilizing the parametere of synchronizing signals. They
show the possibilities of using the devices. The article has three illustra-
tions and four biblio~raphic entries.
UDC 621.373
V. A. Bespal'ko, "High-Frequency Frequency Multiplier for Prohlems of Precise
Measurement of an LDIS Signal."
This arttcle reviews a variation of realizing a high--fr.equency frequency multi-
plier with an output frequency of 400 megahertz, oriented for use in the
analog-dig~:~tal convertor of a discrete laser doppler velocity measurement [LDIS]
system. The litgh reliability and small dimensions of the multiplier are
achieved by constructing the principal assembliea on the basis of logical inte-
grated circutts. This article has two illustrations and six bibliographic
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
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UDC 681.3.06
P. A. Tiss, "Tfie Process of Cross Compilation o~ Programs on YES Computers for
Microcomputers Based on the K580 Mi.croprocessor Sexies.~'
This article reviews t~ie process of cross compilation from macroassembler language
and a high-level language by systems of programs on a YeS computer for micro-
computers based on the K580 microprocessor series. Tiie author presents the
principle of ustng a library of initial modules and formulating the initial text
of the program. Tlie article has three illustrations and four bibliograghic entries.
UDC 681.324:681.3.06
Ye. Ye. Ekmanis, "Construction of a Model of a Program for Modeling Its Parallel
This article considers the theoretical premtses of construction of a model of a
program to model its parallel execution in a computing system consisting of a cen-
tral processor, a central memory unit, and a changing number of working processors.
The article does not consider construction of a model of system hardware. The
article has one tllustration anct four taibliographic entries.
UDC 681.32-
N. Ye. Zaznova, "Package of Programs for Modeling a Microprocessor Set of K589
Large-Scale Integrated Circuits."
This article describes a packag~ of programs designed for modeling microprocessor
systems constructed on the basi~ of a set of series K589 LSIC's. The package is
written in FORTRAN IV and contai.ns subroutines for modeling specific microcircuits
- of the set, microassembler subr~~utines, and subroutines for computing logical oper-
ations using whole number aritf~aetiC. The article has one illustration and two
bibliographic entries.
UDC 621.
S. B. Bondar', "Nine-Character Modeling of Logical Circuits.~'
The reliability of results of studying logical circuits by the simulation modeling
method depends significantly on the way that the process of distribution of in-
formation in the circuit is rep~esented. The purpose of this article is to
describe a nine-character modeling alphabet that correctly represents the infor-
mation characteristic of real si.gnals in a logical circuit. The author reviews
combination and sequential circuits that realize elementary logical conversions in
the given set of characters. The article has five tahles, one illustration, and
two bibliographic entries.
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UDC 683.32.06-181.48
V. M. Kosik, V. V, Kremskoy, A. V. Olekhnovich, and A. I. Yatsunov, "The TALL-1
Problem-Oriented Algorithmic Language for Programiming the Testing of Digital
This article describes the TALL--1 programming language, which is designed for
use as the tnput language of general--purpose information-measurement comput-
ing systems that make it possible to test any tppe of LSIC. The article has
one illustration and five bibliographic entries.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Zinatne~'~ 1980
11,176 .
CSO: 1863/44
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UDC 681.325.5-181.4:62-83 .
press 27 Oct 80) pp 4-16
[Article by A. K. Baums, V. T. Yermolov, A. A. Chipa, G. E. Vasarin~sh, R. M.
Berzin and L. Yu. Veytsman]
[Excerpts] One of the areas in ~thicts microprocessors are beginning to be used
successfully is electric transportation.
This article considers the use of series K-580 microprocessor to control the
thyristor pulsed armature current regulator of the traction engines of an electric
Flowchart of the Control System of the Traction Drive of an Electric Train
Figure 5 below shows a flowchart of a control system for the traction drive of
an electric train using a microcomputer. In it the microcomputer plays the role
of controlling automaton. Tfie input aignals are: a signal from the generator
(400 hertz) that assigns the frequency of regulation; signals from the analog-
- digital convertor which represent in number form the current value of the arma-
ture current of the traction engine; signals from the engineer's console, which
give the magnitude of the set current; signals from the position counter of the
rheostat force controller, representing the four-bit code of the position of,the
controller; and, signals from the tachometer characterizing the curreut speed of
the train.
In conformity with the worki:ag program, th.e microcomputer atored in a read-only
(pern?anent) memory issues ~f the following control signals: pulses of a certain
length to block and unblo:k the TIR (thyrister pulsed regulator); the logical
level for the trans~er circuit of the power controller; a pulse to launch the
anaLog-digital convertor $nd a strobe to select the channel of the convertor;
logical levels for the program mechanism to indicate the settings being gxven.
The microcomputer. A model of a single-board microcontroller. based on the
K-580IK8~ microprocessor was used as the control macfiine to perform the
7 ,
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- � ~
1 ,
,,Q H
KpC~2 ~
f.aoor~ 3BM . Au~ .
n ~ ~m "
Figure 5. Flowchart of ths Traction Drive Control Systera of
the ER-200 Electric Train.
Key: (1) Thyrister Pulse Regulator; (5) Analog-Digital Convertor;
(2) Power Controller; (6) Program Mechanism;
(3) Voltage Sensor; (7) Tachometer.
(4) ,~[icrocomputer;
above-described task. The microcontroller has a comparatively simple structure
and consists of the following basic components:
- generator of two sequential timing pulses with shapers,
assembled on a series 155 integrated clrcuit, transis-
tors, and discrete elements;
- the larg~scale integrated circuits of the K580IK80 micro-
- static-type internal memory with a capacity of 256 bytes
(eight KSOSRU4 chips);
- reprogrammable read-only memory with ultraviolet data
erasure and a capacity of 1,000 bytes (four KSOSRRI chips);
a system controller assembled on a K589IR12 chip, a K589AP16
ct?ip, and a series 155 integrated circuit;
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ru,. ~r~au, C~~
/ 17/Au.n
~ ~
y~~ 4t c6por .
k3dONKdO ~
~on ,lO;,~7nn. c~~p. � ~0�A/5 '~J~ '
.~I 4 C2
~^~,~�d ~~~pOC KseawKSS �
~M~ C0. M.
. ~ ow~:e , eY ion :i .m:rt~
, 13.SN~1 ~
lSS~d1 I
M� I
~ Y
' . ~ 8 arx ~ nnmv
I x~esHOrt
Figure 6. Block Diagram of a Controller Based on the K580IK80
Key: (1) Timer; (5) llata Line;
(2) Clear; (6) Control Line;
(3) System Controller; (7) Address Line;
(4) Confirmation of Readiness; (8) Internal Line for Memory Output.
- an address line amplifier (K589IR12 chips);
- decoder for selection of pag~s in memory (internal and re--
programmable readronly) and peripfierals (155 ID4 inte~-ated
- K580IK55 parallel interface.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
Input signals are fed to the microcontroller and contrQl signals are out-
puttea to tfie K580IK55 parallel interspace. The output signals fiave TTL levels.
Table 1[not reproduced] shows the distribution of input/output signals by ports
A, B, and C of the interface.
The analog-digital convertor. A standard ATaPN-1 convertor from the Elektronika-
IOOI set was used to convert the current value of the code of the traction engine
to a digital parallel code in the system described.
Conversion time for the ATsPN-1 is 20 microseconds and the word length is 10
bits (without a sign bit). Eight high-order digits of the ATsPN-1 were used.
The analog quantity being converted, in the form of a voltag~ read from the
voltage sensor proportional to the current of the traction engine, was fed to
one of the 16 channels of the ATsPN-1. The procedures for switching the channel
selected and starting the ATsPN-1 were carried out on instructions from the
Regulation frequency generator. The frequency of regulation of the current of
the traction engine is assigned by a generator (f = 400 hertz) whicT~ is as-
sembled on a series 155 integrated circuit and discrete components. The output
signal of the generator has a TTD level and a"meander" form. The length of
the period T is 2.5 milliseconds.
The traction engine control system using a microcomputer was tested on a labora-
tory stand in a rheostat brake regime. An IDT-004 engine with an output of
210 kilowatts was used as the tractiion machine, and the thyrister pulse regu-
lator of an EL-200 electric train was used as the regulator (box RYaA.030).
The results of the testing demonstrated the advantages of using microprocessors
in assemblies to control the power equipLent of an electric train. These ad-
vantages found expression in improved qualitative cflaracteristics of control,
greater flexibility and compactness of the control system, and an improvement
in the reliability indicators of the electric drive.
COPYRIGHT: I~datel'stvo "Zinatne", 1980
CSO: 1863/44
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050050-6
UDC 621.373
press 27 Oct 80) pp 106-115
[Article by V. A. Bespal'ko]
[TextJ As we know [1], measuring the sigual of the LDIS (laser doppler measure
~ of velocity) of gas flows amounte to measuring the frequency ~ of a radio pulse
with the gaussian envelope
t ~i)
ulf>-A.ex~(- ~aj,cos at,
whose appearance at tl~e output of the photo receiver is caused by a particle
moving witfi the flow intersecting the interference bands formed by the laser
beam. Measuring the frequency of the doppler signal is a fairly camplex tech-
nical problem involving the random character.of the moment of appearance of
the radio pulse, ita brief duration (tenths of a microsecond), and the presence
of noise. The problem is solved using sets of~measurement , computing, and
auxiliary equipment - LDIS measurement systems. ~
In the case of the single-particle LDIS regime the discrete method of ineasuring
the frequency G~ by the number of times the signal intersects the zerc, level is
best [1]. In this case the frequency is defined as
W - ~r` T ~ �
where T is the relation of the radio pulae, and N is the number of times the
signa~. intersects the zero level.
The basic unit that determines the precision of the measurement components of
a discrete LDIS system is the analog--digital convertor of time interval T[2].
The comprehensive approach to solving the problem of precise analog-digital
conversion of brief time intervals necessitates not only high-speed conversion
equipment (selector coimters and the like), but also appropriate sources ~f a
standard frequency. Tt~us, to measure the quantity T with a precision of ~ipprox-
imately 0.1 percent (tt~e precision of the LDIS method itself, defined by noise)
by the direct calculation method, it is necessary to have a freq~~ency in the
range 0.1-1.0 gigahertz for the standard quantizing generator. The fact that
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this generator must be an integrated part of a single measurement system de-
termines the principal requirements for it: small dimenstons; uniformity of
basic elements used in the generator and measurement system; coordination of tfie
parameters of the output signal (frequency, levels, and loading capacity) with
other elemente of the analog-digital convertor, and so on. In many r~spects
the well-known high-frequency frequency standards do not meet these requirements.
In what follows we will consider a variation for realizing a high-frequency mul-
tiplier w':th an output frequency of 400 megahertz, oriented for use in the
analog-digital convertor of a discrete LDIS system.
In addition to traditional methods of aingling out a:~d ampliFying the harmonics
of the signal being multiplied, the problems of multiplying a fre;~s~ncy.are
often solved today by using pulsed systems of phased automatic frequency tuning
(IFAPCh) with division of the frequency in a feedi~ack system. ThESe systems
permit large multiplication factors. Because rigorous requirements are not
imposed for the form of the stand~rd signal in measuring units �or time inter-
val~, practically all the assemblies of an IFAPCh system can be constructed
on the ba~is of logical integrated circuits, thus achieving high reliability,
small dimensicns, and simplicfty of layout. The maximum speed of contemporary
ECL (emitter coupled logic) integrated circuits is about 200 megahertz (series
100 and 500), and in the multiplier under conside.ration tTiQ input signal
(5 megahertz) is first mult~plied to 200 megahertz using an IFAPCh system, and
then to 400 megahertz by singling out and amplifying the second harmonic (see
Figure 1 below).
A~n~e 4oanar?a .
(1) N ' ~
. .
X~a~ 2
l 1 ~ ~~t) �
r n~ u~p *~~~1 nr ioo
T ~3) -d'[nj.. 4) (5)
. .
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Frequency Multiplier.
Key: (1) Frequency Divider;
(2) Key;
(3) Pulsed Frequency Detectora;
(4) Generator Being Ad~usted;
(5) Multiplier 200/400 Megahertz.
The most significant factor that affects the quality of a frequency multiplier
with an IFAPCh system is modulation of the output signal by the frequency of
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the multtplied signal. "Complex" pulsed pfiased detectors of the "access-
storage" type are usually used to elimtnate this problem [3]. It is preferable
in this case to switch to an IFAPCh system supplemented bp integrating the out-
put of the.pulsed phase detectors. One such variation is the astatic IFAPCh
(see Figure 1 above) with an integrator on keys and a broad-pulse phase detector
with a unit to determine tTie sign of a phase mismatch [4]. Signals from the
outputs of the pulsed phase detectors that carry information about either the
sign or the magnitude of the deviation of the phase shift of the input signals
�rom a certain constant value are converted by key elements into equipalar
pulses of current and integrated in space C. The voltage from space C influ-
ences the frequency o~ the generator being adjusted (trimmed).
In a set regime the working algorithm of the pulsed frequency detectors may be
described approximately by the dirference equation
~-~n~ - o - T
~n~~ ~ ( s )
where d(n)is the time mismatch identified by the detector; To is the period of
the signal being multiplied;T[?+] is the period of the signal at the output of
the divider in regulation cycle n. If we introduce the system amplification
factor p : _
~D : y/1'~y / ( 4 )
where N is the coefficient of division of the divider;KM= ~ is the coefficient
of conversion of the integrator; and, KM is the steepness of control of the
generator being ad~usted, from expression [3], the behavior of the system can be
described by a first-order linear difference equation with constant coefficients:
rl� : - ;o) r~,,~ r . _ cs>
From equation [5] it is possible to determine the condition of system stabtlity
~ ~,l~ ~ ? FE)
' snd the nature of change
T~n~ - o -6~n~(f-,,o)", (7)
where d[o]is the initial time mismatch for inputs of the pulsed phase detectors.
It follows from expression f7] that, where condition [6] is met, the time mis-
match for the inputs of the pulsed phase detectors in a steady regime is equal
to zero regardless of the initial conditions:
� BGm (7 - T ~r/~~~ ' 0 , ( b )
ycs ~ ~ a,
in other words, this system is astatic with respect to the ad~usting (seti:ing)
action. Because the detector is in a state where there are ,zot signals for both
outputs, the voltage in space C changes only when there is a mismatch for the
inputs of the pulsed phase detectors and thus the effect of reducing modulation
is analogous to the use of an"access-storage" amplitude detector with simpler
hardware realization and high working precision.
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Tt ~l~ould be noted that expreasion [5] correctly descrihes the system only in
a stEady regime when the phase and time mismatcfies for the inputs of the
pulsed phase detectors can be equated. To consider transfer processes in the
system requires a precise description of it in higher-order equations, but tfie
length and nature of the transfer process is not significant in the multiplier.
Analysis of the factors that affect the level of phase fluctuations of the out-
put signal shows that to reduce them it is necessary to increase the comparison
frequency and amplification factor in the system as much as possible and also
reduce time fluctuations in elements of the circuit.
The principal assemblies of the multiplier (see Figure 2 below) are: the phase
detector, integrator, high-frequency~adjustable generator, frequencp divider
on emitter coupled logic triggers, and 200/400 megahertz multiplier.
,~,----.----~4---, V11T~76-_---_-~
r~ r ~ s.I ' i ~ i
k ~ ~ i
i D
T I ?,~88 ~ ~ (
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ I
i D2 ~'Z I, . I I ' ' i,
~ k ~ I t5V ~ ~ qdp 5l0
T a 3 ~ I 7T326 ~ ~ ~
I k ~ I 4.7 ~ ~
.f ~ . . ~ I I
~ � ~.S~~t~~P___~ ii.3~ I
r�ane? yMWOaru~,e ~ 6)Bauoo~ .
' ~4~ ?00 ~ 5 ~ ~ 900 ~ru
~ Figure 2. Diagram of the Principal Assemblies of the Multiplter:
A I-p3 - K13d TBI;I14 - K1LN301;A5 - K100 LMOI.
Key: (1) Pulsed Phase Detector; (4) Frequency Divider;
(2) Integrator; (5) 200/400 Megahertz Multiplier;
(3) Generator Being Adjusted; (6) Output, 400 Megahertz.
The phase detector is assembled on elements AI 1T4. As already pointed out, the
working algorithm of the detector was such that in. addition to determining the
absolute magnitude of tfie phase (or time) mismatch d[n~, it should separate out-
puts by sign b[n~, that is, realize the function
~ = s~~ d~n~ � ( ~ )
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To perform these functions the detector ahould contain a sign determination
unit that switches the two circuits for identifying the absolute value of
the mismatch j4]. As we know, the "I" circuit is the most precise circuit for
identifying the phase shift of pulsed signals, and an "I-~C" trigger (A 3) can
be used to determine the sign. The output signal of tliis detector will be
zero when the input triggers (p1,A 2) are working in opposite phases. When
the pulsed phase detectors are built ~ith higfi-speed series 130 or 530 TTL
integrated circuits a time solution on the order of several nanoseconds is in-
sured .
The integrator consists of t~o controlled keys (V1, V2), storage space C, and
an isolating series on transistor V3. The currenta of tfis charge and discharge
keys of the stage space are selected according to expression [4] based on tfie
condition of system stability [6;, the ateepness of control of the generator
being adjusted, and the division factor of the divider.
The principal requirements of the generato.r being adjusted in the frequency
multiplier are: insuring a generation frequency of 200 megahertz �10 percent
- and low, brief inatabiYity. The simplest way to solve this problem is to use
a relaxation generator on an inverting emitter coupled logic logical element
and a delay line in the feedback circuit [5]. A cable of a definite length
(about five centimetera) is used as a delay line, and frequency control is ac-
complished by changing the actual delay of the microcircuit when regulating the
voltage on the loading resistor. The peridd of repetition of pulses of the
output of the generator may vary in the range 180-220 megahertz with a change
in the control voltaRe of about two volts. The control characteristic in
this frequency range is cloae to linear. It should be noted that when de-
- stabilizing factors related to the sutonomy of the cycle are operative, tfie
relaxation generator has the ability to accumulate the dispersion of the
period between ad3ustment cycles, in other words, the phases of output signals
that are adequately dispersed in time of quasirandom. This makes it~possible
to insure the independence of tests when the multiplier is usec'. as a
standard generator in digital measures of time intervals with static averaging
The frequency.divider is built on aeries 100D-triggers, while the 200/400
megahertz multiplier uses a conventional circuit with resonance contours.
The basic technical specificati.ons: of the multiplier are: input frequency
five megahertz; multiplication factor - 80; levels ~f output signal - at
least five volts. The shape of the output signal is close to sinusoidal,
and its instability is not more than 5�10-6 milliseconds.
It is recommended that a synchronizable 4I-40 quartz generator be uaed as the
source of the signal being multiplied.
1. G. I. Grozdovskiy, "Analysis of the Precision of LDIS Measurements,"
TR. TSAGI, 1976, Vyp 1750, pp 5-31.
15 ~
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2. Yu. N. Artyukh, "Convertor for Frequency-Time M~easurements ir. LDIS Systems,"
in "Eksper~.mental'nyye Metody i Apparatura dlya Issledovaniya Turbolentnosti.
Tr. II Vseaoyuz. Soveshch." [Experimental Methods and Equi.pment for the
Study of Trubulence. Proceedings of the 2ad All-Union Conference],
Novosibirsk, 1977, pp 159-160.
3. S. K. Romanov, Analysis of FAPCh System with Memory and Delay," VOPROSY
4. Yu. N. Artyukh, and V. A. Bespal'ko, "Phase. and Frequency-Phase Detectors
for Astatic IFAPCh Systems," in "Tsiforvyye Ustroystva i Mikroprots~ssory"
[Digital Devices and Microprocessors], Vyp 2, Riga, "Zinatne", 1977,
pp 164-171.
5. S. G. Basiladze, "Integrated Circuits with Emitter Coupling and Their
Application in Nanosecond Nuclear Electronics," PRIBORY I TEKFINIKA
EKSPERIMENTA, 1976, No 6, pp 7-19.
~ 6. Yu. N. Artyukh, and V. A. Bespal'ko, "Pulse Generator," USSR Author's
ZNAKI, 19~7, No 33.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Zinatne", 1980
CSO: 1863/44
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UDC 681.3.06
press 27 Oct g0) pp ll0-123
[Article by P. A. Tiss]
[TextJ In connectton with the possibility of broad use of microprocessors and
microprocessor systems in various fields of engineering and in everyday life,
many different programs must be formulated. As the volume and complexitq of the
programs increase, it becomes harder and harder to write tfiem in machine codes.
Automation of programming on large computers and minicomputers, i.e. pr.~gramming
languages, is being used to easeti~ejob. Compiler programs which occupy a signifi-
~ c.ant memory volume are used to convert the text of programs~written in the initial
language into the~machine codes of the particular computer.
In most cases the application of microprocessors is highly specialized and the
working programs.are copied into read-only (or reprogrammable) memory, while the
internal memory has a small volume that does not permit it to be used for com-
piling programs. Assembler-type programming languages and high--level languages
have been developed to uae and accelerate the process of writing programs for
microprocessors, and the compilers work on large com~uters and minicomputers and
produce object programs in the system of instructiona of the microprocessor.
These compilers have received the name "cross compilers."
The present article describes the processes of compilation by systems of programs
that include an ASSA-YeS cros~ -~ompiler from macroassembly language and a TL/M
cross compiler from the hig~h-level PL/M language [1]. The result of this process
is an ob,ject program that correaponds to the system of commands of tTie K580
microprocessor series [2, 3]. The processes of compilation are generally similar
in the YeS [Unified System] conventional operating system and disk operating
system. Therefore, the sPecial features of the proceas in the YeS disk.operating
system are deacribed separately.
The Cross Compilation Process in the YeS Operatiag System~
Figure 1 below shows a structural diagram of the compilation process using tfi,e
ASSA-YeS croas compiler. After loading control program 4 begins feeding puncfied
cards 1 of control statements that define the work regime from the system input.
If the compilation regime is selected from the punched card, program 2 is exe-
cuted and the initial text of the program is copied from punched card 1 to disk 7.
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If the work regime using the library of initial modules is.selected, program 5
is loaded for execution. It feeds the names of the modules that must be in-
cluded in the initial program from punched cards 1, read them from the library
of initial modules 3, and formulates the sequential set ot data on disk 7.
buring the wcrk of programs 4 and 5 diagnostic messages are outputted to
- . - -
printer 6. ,
~ . 4 . : s
, � . .
'1 1 . ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 10
Z ~ g ~ i 9. . ~ ~2
~ , ~ .
~ 8 } 11
. 3 -
g ' 6 13
Figure 1. The Process of Cross Compilation from Macro-
assembler Language.
The initial text of the program may be supplemented from punched cards and formed
on magnetic tape 8, not on the disk. The next stage is loading and running the
cross compiler 9, whi~h is a double-pass unit and after the first pass pre-
pares unit 7 or 8 for beginning to set up the data. Printer 6 outputs the
initial text of the program, the object code, the table of symbols, and error
messages. The sequential set of data containing the object program is form~ed on
disk 10 or magnetic tape 11. The set of data conaists of entries in a definite
When selecting the regime for output to punched tape, program 12 is loaded and
run and unit 13 outputs punched tape in the above-described format. The process
of cross compilation is accomplished by requesting a procedure is run in
one step and contains all the neceasary control statements of the YeS operating
system [4].
Figure 2 below gives the structural diagram of the compilation process using the
PL/M-YeS cross comptler. In this case the procedure consists of two steps.
Performance of the first step of the procedure begins with loading and executing
controt program 5. System.punched card input 1 feeds statements to control
the compilation regtme. If the regime that uses the library of initial modules 2
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~ . . 5 . 4 1 12 4
~ , f 14
, 9
3 g t1 ~ ~ 16
~ ~ 13
~ ~ ~ - 15
. 7
: ~ ' 4 4 17
Figure 2. Process of Croas Compilation from High Level Language.
is selected, program 3 is run. Those initial modules whoae names are fed from
unit 1 are selected from the library. The sequential set of data consisting of
the initial modules whose order was indicated when their names were fed is
formed on disk 6. After this the program of the firat pass of cross compiler 8
is executed; it feeds and processes the initial test of the program from unit 6.
In addition, part of the initial program can be represented in unit 1 and on mag-
netic tape 7. System printer 4 outputs the complete text of the initial program
and diagnostic messages. Sequential sets of data that contain the intermediate
language and tables of symbols are formed on diaks 9 and 10. If a regime is
assigned that does not use the library of initial modules, program 3 is not ex-
The second step of the procedure begins with execution of control program 12,
which immediately loads for execution the program of the second pass of cross
compiler ~1. Control statements are fed from unit l, while the intermediate
language and table of aymbols are fed from units 9 and 10. The tables selected
by the control statement, the text of the object program, and diagnostic messages
are outputted on unit 4. If desired, the ob~ect program may be outputted to
units 13 and 15 or to punched card unit 14. The format when outputting the ob~ect
program is identical to the format outputted by the ASSA-YeS cross compiler..
If the punched tape output regime is selected, program 16 is run and outputs the
ob~ect program to unit 17.
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Special Features of Using the Library of Initial Modules in the YeS Dtsk Operat-
ing System
The process of compilation in the YeS disk operattng spstem differs funda--
mentally if a library of initial modules is used. We will now consider in de-
tail the process of formulating the initial program for the ASSti
YeS and TL/M-
YeS cross compilers (see Figure 3 below).
SySIA? O/?@PCiL~UGHMQA cucmeMo
1 ~QOC EC ~
~ ~
. i
. i
SySIfQ9 ~ ~
I ~
SyS70T ` ~ p
.DISyS syssce. SSfPV 1~ISyS1 , a
~ ~
~ ' ' o
. . ~ Y
. ' ~
~ ~
Figure 3. Process of Formulating the Initial Text of a Program
from the Library in the YeS Disk Operating System.
Key: (1) YeS Disk Operating System;
(2) Cross Compilers.
The DISYS program feeds the name of the cros,s compiler and the names of the
modules from the library wh-ich must tie included in the initial program. The
statements and directions of the YeS disk operating system and the input infor-
mation for the SSERV program are outputted to logical unit SYS 9. Before
completion of the work of the DISYS program the name SYSIN is given to logical
unit SYS 9 for feeding system statements and data. The YeS disk operating
system requests service program SSERV which serves the library of initial modules.
The modules whose names were fed during the running of the DISYS program are se-
lected from the library. The SSERV program outputs the modules to the logical
unit of the system punch SYSPPH, which is called SYS 7 for the DISYS 1 pro-
gram. The DISYS 1 program feeds the initial text from logical unit SYS 7,
processes it, and outputs it to logical unit SYS 3 as a sequential set of
data. The cross compilers use logical unit SYS 2 to feed the initial text of
the program.
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1. D. McCracken, "A Guide to PL/M Prograanning for Microcomputer Applications,"
Reading, Massachusetts, Addison We:rley, 1978, 356 pages.
2. A. A. Vasenkov, "Mi~roprocessors," ELEKTRONNAYA PROMYSHLE~JNOST~, 1978, No 5,
PP 7-9.
3. Yu. V. Ivanov, L. I. Kolosovskiy, N. Ye. Chebykin and I. V. Shturts, "Cross
Equipment for Development and Debugging of Microcomputer Programs,"
4. Z. S. Srich, D. V. Kapilevich, S. Yu. Kotik, and V. I. Tsagel'skiy,
"Fortran YeS EVM" ["Fortran for YeS Computers"], Moscow, Statistika, 1978,
264 pages.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Zinatne", 1980
CSO: 1863/44
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UDC 681.32-
Riga TSIFROVYYE USTROYSTVA I MIKROPRbTSESSORY in Russian No 4, 1980 (signed to
press 27 Oct 80) pp 134-142
[Article by N. Ye. Zaznova]
[Excerpts] Modeling on general-purpose computers is an important part of tne
process of developing microprocessor units. It permits checking tTie correctness
of the fundamental structural concepts and the algorithms for performance of par-
ticular operations and programs to be copied into the read-only (permanent)
memory of the microprocessor system. This article considers a package of pro-
grams designed for modeling computer units built on the basis of a set of series
K589 microprocessor LSIC's [large-scale integrated circuits].
Series K589 is a microprocessor set consisting of processor, storage, and inter-
face integrated circuits built with the technology of~transistor-transistor logic
w~th Schottky diodes [1]. Its architecture is 'based on the "3-M"
(microprogram ability, modularity, and mainline [pipeline)) principTe. The two
basic components of the set are the K589IKS1 microcircuits of the microprogram
control block and the K589IK02 central processor element. In combination with
standard read-only, programmable, and internal memory they can form highly pro-
ductive processor and monitor circuits. The supplementary microcircuits of the
set - the K589IK03 accelerated transfer circuit, the K589IR12 multiregime buffer
register, the K589IK14 polarity interrupt block, and the K589AP16 and K589AP26
line shapers - increase the productivity and capabilities of the primary com-
ponents of the set.
The package of programs for modeling includes subroutines that model the width
of particular microcircuits of the sets as well as a number of auxiliary sub-
routines. They are written in FORTRAN IV language and were tested in use with
the G-translator included in the YeS [Unified System] operating system.
Block IK589Q1 has 16 internal triggers, 15 of which are conventional synchron-
ized triggers which receive information only when the synchronization signal is
zero and output it to the output of the block when the synchronization signal is
one, One trigger, the trigger of the sign is a D-type trigger which receives
information when the systemized signal is one and does not change its state when
the value of the signal is zero.
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1. A. I. Berezenko, L. N. Koryadin, A. I. Nazar'yan, and B. V. Orlov, "Series
K589 Microprocessor Set of TTL Large-Scale Integrated Circuits with
Schottky Diodes," ELEKTRONNAYA PROM-ST', 1978, No 5, pp 20-21.
2. N. Ye. Zaznova, "Modeling Microprocessor Systems Using FORTRAN IV," in
"Tsifrovyye Ustroystva i Mikroprotsessory" [Digital Units ar_d Micropro-
cessors], Vyp 3, Riga, 1979, pp 59-69.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Zinatne", 1980
CSO:~ 1863/44
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UDC 681.325+681.335
Kiev ELEKTRi0NN0YE MODELIROVANIYE in Russian No 1, Jan-Feb 81 p 104
[Article by Doctor of Technical Sciences Andrey Ivanovich K,ondalev, department
head, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukrainian SSR Acadeiay of Sciences, Kiev, jun-
for scientific worker Petr Stepanovich Klochan, Institute of Cybernetics,
i7krainian SSR Academy of Sciences, and senior engineer Vasiliy Nikolayev~ch
Lavrent'yev, Institute of Cybernetics, Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences]
[Text] The ATsP-35 adaptive converter developed at the Institute of Cyber-
netics, Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, is designed for multichannel con-
version of positive and negative polarity DC voltages to binary digital code
and for entry of it to a digital computer usinq standard integraters of type
RANG-2K, YeS-EVM [Unified Canputer System] and so on. It is used in automa-
tion of scientific experiments and measuring-test w~ork, in industrial monitor-
inq systems, hybrid computer~systems and information-computer complexes.
The device is~designed on the modular principle and consists of the baseline
version and additional units. An external view of the ATsP-35 ia presented
on the s~~ond page of the cover. Operation of the converter is organized by
the digit coding method with two-way equalization of the siqnal to be con-
verted. The presence of additienal units in the converter permits automatic
matching of the outputs of analog sensors to the input of the converter in
the voltage range of 0-100 V, makes it possible to reduce the aperture time
of the converter to 1 us, to provide a general and normal noise suppression
coefficient of not less than 120 dB and it also permits one to monitor, tune
and calibrate the conr~erter parameters durinq operation. The property of
adaptation includes the capability of changing the number of dfqits from 10
to 16 and accordingly the conversion time from 5 to 10 1s, which permits op-
timum utilization of the parameters of conversion accuracy and speed in dif-
ferent systems. A block dixqram of the ATsP-35 is presented on the third
page of the cover. Her a 1 1 s a multichannel commutator, 2 is a reference
voltage source, 3 is a digital-analog converter, 4 is a comparator, 5 is a
display unit, 6 is a number register, 7 is a control and monitoring unit and
8 is the interface.
The ATsP-35 converter differs from similar devices by structural homogeneity,
accuracy, econamy and high speed due to the use of original enqineering solu-
tions. The number of control members and requlations is reduced to a minimum
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by introducinq a monitorinq device and autanatic correction circuit. The
presence of diqital display permits the ATsP-35 computer to be used in the
voltmeter mode.
Main Specifications
Operating principle Diqit encoding
Number of connected analog channels 16
input voltaqe range, V
~,n 0-+10
auxiliary 0-+0.1j 0-+ls 0-+100
Number of diqits of output code 10-16
Resolution, uV _ 150
Conversion error (correspondinq to output code),
percent 0.1-0.005
Linearity error, percent � 0.0015
General and normal noise suppression coeffficient, dB 120
Conversion time, us 5-10
Aperture conversion tiine, us 1
Code output frequency, kHz 75-150
Consumed power with voltage of 220 V, frequency of
50 Hz, W 150
The ATsP-35 converter in stendard ASVT-M housing measurinq 480 X 485 X 160 is
based on s~rfally-produced inteqrated circuits.
The weight of the converter does not exceed 20 kg.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", Elektronnoye modelirovaniye, 1981
CSO: 1863/86
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rux urr~~iw~ w~ vivL.Y
(sfgned to press 27 Apr 81) pp 2-5
[Table of contents, annotation and introduction from book, "Practical Course in
Programming for the M5000 Series Computers", by O1'ga Mikhaylovna Mitsuk and
Yevgeniy Ivanovich Nikol'akiy, Izdatel'stvo "Finansy i statistika", 12,200 copies,
176 pages]
[Text] Contents Page
Introductian 3
Chapter 1. tissembler Program Examplea 5
Chapter 2. COBOL Program Exemples 59
Chapter 3. RPG Program Examples 120
This practical course in programming~contains examples of programs compiled in the
Assembler, COBOL and RPG Languagea.
Attention is paid to the rules for uaing DOS comr~nents and to operating with
general-purpose subroutines. The program exemples can be used as fragments of
larger programa.
The practical course can be used in a syatem for training pereonnel for computer
centers, a~ well as by computer center employees, atudents, engineera and econo-
miats specializing in the field of proceasing economic information by applying
M5000 series computer complexes.
The development of information procesaing hardware in our country and abroad in
rates of development is outstripping the development of software for it. After the
first modification to the M5000 perforated computer complex (PVK), aeries production
of which began in 1974, domeatic induatry set up production of its succeaeora: the
M5010 VK and the subatantially improved M5100 VK.
M5000 seriea computer complexes are small third-generatio~ computers with modern
architecture, magnetic diaka and tapea used ae external storage and standard peri-
pherals and are made with a modern element base.
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The M5000 seriee VK are controlled by the diak operating, aye~em (DOS), deaigned to
extend its hardware capabilities and which is a cY~aract~:riatic feature of all
modern computera. The operating aystem ia a set of software facilities that allow
automation of the procesa of compiling application programe and execution of them
on the computer; the facilities also control equipment d:iring ,job execution.
The M5000 aeries computer complexea are upwards compat:lble computere, i.e. the
software developed for the smaller computers can be u~ed for the subeequent modifi-
cations. Thie circumstance large balancea the prf~rity in development of the hard-
ware itaelf comapred to the software for each new modification of the M5000 series
Both systema and applicatione software ie being built up from model to mcdel; and
DOS itself continuea to be improved. In addition to the Asaert?bler 8ystem, the uae
of new facilities for automating rpogramming, the algorithmic languagea, was begun.
Translators.have now been implemented for COBOL, RPG and PL/1 (f irst ver~ion).
Methods of programming with algorithmic language facilities are given in the
"Practical Course in Programming for M5000 Seriea Computers." The orientation of
the M5000 series computer complexea to the processing of economic information has
determined the aet of progremming languages foY the inclusion of them wi~ain DOS.
Each algorithmic language, besides general-purpoae, is oriented to a certain class
of problems, and it is for thie class of problema that th~ highest efficiency of
use of all its capabilities is achieved.
This practical course has a number of examples using gene~al-purpose subroutines
that are in DOS and delivered to usere with the equipmenL. Ueing general-purpose
subroutines considerably facilitates the procesa of compiling programs by freeing
the programmer from many routine operations. A p~rogrammer can call.them when
wri*.ing programs in Assembler, COBOL or RPG. These general-purpose subroutines
include a complex of aubroutines intended for recoding of information prepared in
accordance with varioue GOST [etate atandarda] into the M50(JO internal code and
vice versa.
The M5000 series VK internal code is a code for representing information in
accordance with GOST 13052-74 and meeting the requirements for computer processing
of information.
Other standards are used for external media of information: info�~nation on punched
cards can be prepared in accordance with GOST 10859-64, NPTO [expanaion unknown~
code 019.001 or GOST 19769-74; information on punched tape ia coded in accordance
with GOST 15029=69, GOST 10859-64 and MTK-2M code.
The M5000 series VK DOS contains, besides that of the GOST named above, subroutines
for recoding information into the code used in the Unified Syatem of Computers, the
DKOI [decimal code for information interchange] (G~ST 19768-74).
Among the general-purpose subroutinee is e whole spectrum of routines deaigned to
sort and merge files. Part of theee subroutines can be ueed to generate working
sort and merge programe, and part.for arranging recorda in alphabetic order, etc.
~ 2
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rvn vrr~~-~~+a, a~..~a. .,,~i.~
To supplement the practical courae [5], this work containe examples in the machine-
oriented language Assembler, which illustrate operation with magnetic tapes and
with information represented in accordance with the different GOST's ar.d other
peculiarities in the uae of this language.
The capabilities of dividing a program into parts, aectioning it, are pointed out.
The process of sectioning is convenient and sometimes even necessary when large
and complex programs have to be written. Examples are uaed to also illustrate the
the capability of making use of a common area, or common program section, for com-
munica~ion between separate modules of a program.
This practical course also contains problems executed in the .procedure-oriented
general-purpose language of COBOL (or Common Business Oriented Language). COBOL is
intended for problems that entail organization and processing of large data f iles,
as well as for cyclic repetitive operationa of data processing that are typical
of busineas and econon~ic problems.
Using COBOL preaupposea a description of processing by a cerXain scheme:
identification, or title, of the process;.
instructions on the computer equipment that msut be used in processing;
instructions on the data structure and nature of the data to be processed; and
descriptions of the operationa on the data.
" In accordance with this procesaing scheme adopted in COBOL, a working program
includes: the identification diviaion, the environment division, the data
division and the procedure diviaion.
The COBOL translator is based on application of the standard version o~ the
language. The COBOL input language may uae both Russian and English mnemonica.
As an aid for studying the COBOL system, we recommend�[4].
The problem-oriArted RPG (Report Program Generator) language ia a programming sys-
tem designed tc cLpate data prccessing programs to format output files and r eports.
~ It was developed by breaking the proceas of data file proceasing into a number of
typical operations that are executed formally and uniquely irrespective of the
data content.
Such operations are:
searching records in a file for specified valuea of fields;
selection of individual records fo~ their rpoceseing;
execution of operations on fielda in records;
adding new records to files; and
formatting output reports using specific forms.
The algorithm for data procesaing in an RPG program is not directly deacribed; it
is generated by the compiler according to a atandard acheme that is executed under
the control of the operating aystem. In this practical courae, there is a chapter
containing examples for using RPG in ita epecific implementation for the M5000
series VK.
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There are two versions of RPG translatore in the M5000 eoftware. One veraion is
de~acribed in detail in [3], and the other, developed by the SKB VM [Special Design
Office for Computers], is described in [1]. The latter version of the tranelator
h~.s been illuatrated by examplea in this course.
Explanations for certain functiona implemented in the examples are given in the
course as supplementary information.
It goes without saying that before aetting about aolving the problems in this course,
one muat study the technical documentation on the aoftware for the M5000 aeries
computer complexes [1] and other literature (see the liet of recom~nended
literature at the end of the book)
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Finansy i atati~stika", 1981
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rvn v.~......r~..
UDC 519.685
Moscow RUKOVODSTVO PO SUBD KOMPAS in Rusaian 1981 (aigned to press 9 Mar 81)
pp 2-4, 44-46
[Annotation, table of contents, introduction and referencea from book, "Manual for
the KOMPAS Data.Base Management Syetem", by Viktor Ivanovich Filippov, edited by
V. M. Kurochkin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Vychislitel`nyy
tsentr Akademii nauk SSSR, 400 copies, 47 pages~
[Text] This manual covers the basic capabilities of the KOMPAS data base management
syatem [DBMS] developed in the USSR Academy of Sciences Computer Center and based on
the auggeationa by the CODASYL [Conference on Data Syatema Languages]. The system
supports creation, maintenance and use of data bases through the programming
languages in the DUBNA monitor system or directly through the interactive module
for terminal access. The system version described ia version 1.1 (January 1981).
The manual is intended for KOMPAS DBMS adminiatratora and usera.
Contenta Page
Chapter 1. Basic Concepta 9
Chapter 2. System Archite~.ture 12
Chapter 3. Data Description Language (YaOD) 12
3.1. YaOD Syntax 13
3.2. Explanation of Syntax and Semantica of YaOD Sentences 13
3.2.1. SCHEME Sentence 14
3;2.2. RECORD Sentence 14
3.2.3. SET Sentence 16
Chapter 4. Subacheme Description Lar?guage (YaOF'S) 18
Chapter 5. Data Handling Language (YaI~) 18
5.1. Syntax of Basic Handling Statements 18
5.2. Syntax of Service Statements 19
5.3. Functioris of Basic Handling Statementa 19
5.3.1. PUT Statement 19
5.3.2. GET Statement 20
5.3.3. REPLACE Statement 20
5.3.4. REMOVE Statement 20
5.3.5. INCLUDE Statement ZO
5.3.6. EXCLUDE Statement 20
5.3.7. FIND Statement
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5.4. Service Statements 21
5.4.1. SUBSCHEME Statement 21
5.4.2. COI~ASS Statement 22
5.4.3. CALL Statement 22
5.4.4. ATTACH Statement 22
5.4.5. RECORD Statement 22
5.4.6. DATA Statement 23
5.4.7. PASSWORD Statement 23
5.4.8. LANGUAGE Statement 23
5.4.9. PROCEDURE Statement 23
5.4.10. UPDATE Statement 23
5.4.11. DUPLICATE Statement 23
5.4.12. OUTPUT Statement 24
5.4.~13. MODE Statement 24
5.5. Data Base Exceptional Conditions 24
Chapter 6. Organization of Application Program 27
6.1. Deacriptiona 27
6.2. Statementa 28
6.3. PASCAL Program Example 30
Chapter 7. Terminal Acceas l~iodule 31
7.1. Obtaining the Terminal Accesa Module 31
7.2. Language for the Terminal Access Module 31
Chapter 8. Supplied Vereion-Example of System 35
8.1. Composition of Version-Exemple 35
8.2. Operation with Veraion-Exemple 37
8.2..1. Start of Translatore and Programs ~ 37
8.2.2. Building Up User Data Baee 38
8.3. Sequence of Femiliarity with Version-Example 39
Appendix 1. Graphic Description of Scheme of Example 4L
Appendix 2. Fragment of Text of Scheme of Example 42
Appendix 3. Structure of Tabular Subacheme 43
Bibliography ~ 44
The KOI~AS DBMS is intended for definition and management of atructured data files
(data bases) on the BESM-6 computer under DISPAK OS. The system can be used to
design banks of data of any etructure and aizea for information-reference and
accounting-calculation systeme, planning syatema, computer-aided deaign systems
(industrial and regional), application progrem packagea, etc. In view of the
availability of terminal acceas facilitiea, the syatem can perform the functiona of
an independent "adjustable" information-reference ayatem.
The KOI~AS DBMS ie based on CODASYL auggestions [1, 2, 3] (i.e. it can operate with
any network structurea of data), but does not implement these suggestions to the
full extent, though in certain propertiea it goes beyond them. In aubsequent ver-
siona, the ayatem will be developed, on the one hand, in the direction of approach-
ing the CODASYL auggeations, and on the other, on the level and amount of services
offered the usera.
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In data structure and certain functional capabilities, the KOMPAS system is close
to its predeceasor, the AL'MA system [4, 5], but differs considerably from it in
methods of implementation, general architecture and capabilities, interaction with
inclusive programming languages and format of language facilities.
Contained in this manual are the descriptions of the system language and program
facilitiea, recommendations for their use and instructions on the composition of
the system veraion being aent and on placing it into operation. The size of this
manual does not allow giving a sufficiently complete example of use; therefore,
the texts of the data base example delivered with the syatem are being made avail-
able directly by the developer as separate Appendices. The developer is also
making available current ATsPU [alphanumeric printer]-instructions for the KOMPAS
system and the ATaPU-instructions for the universal DUBNA-interface with the
MARS-6 system and for the MARS-6 system.
The language and program facilities in the KOMPAS aystem are rather standard, so
that this manual can serve as a brief "Introduction" to the CODASYL suggestione on
management of data bases. On the other hand, for a fuller understanding of the
historical grounds and methods of using the suggeated facilities, KOMPAS system
data base administratora should refer to the basic texts for the CODASYL sugges-
tions and works dealing with data base design.
To supplement the capabilities described here, development is now underway on
facilities for logging, restructuring, automatic generation of load progrems and
a relational interface with the KOMPAS system.
1. Stolyarov, G. K., "Review of Proposals by the CODASYL Working Group on Data
Bases," in "Algoritmy i organizateiya resheniya ekonomicheakikh zadach"
[Algorithms and Organization of Solutiona to Economic Problems], No 4, Moscow,
"Statistika'~, 1974.
2. "Report of the CODASYL Data Description Language Committee," INFOKM. SYSTEMS,
Vol 3, No 4, 1978.
3. Olle, T. W., "The CODASYL Approach to Data Base Management," G. B., J. Wiley
& Sons, 1978 (Rusaian translation by "Statistika", 1981, in the preae).
4. Velichko, I. V. and Filippov, V. I., "The AL'MA-1 Network DBMS," in "Materialy
Vsesoyuznogo seminara 'Programmnoye obeapecheniye bankov dannykh [Materials
of the All-Union Seminar, "Data Bank Software"], Moscow, VNIIPOU, 1979.
5. Velichko, I. V., "Sistema upravleniya bazami dannykh AL'MA" [AL'MA DBMS],
Moscow, USSR Academy of Sciences Computer Center, 1980.
6. Martin, J., "Organization of Data Bases and Computer Syatems," Moacow, "Mir",
7. Pirin, S. I., "Yazyk PASKAL'-monitor i ego iapol'zovaniye" [PASCAL Monitor
Language and Ita Uae], Moacow, USSR A~cademy of Sciences Computer Center, 1978.
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8. Bryabrin, V. M. et al., "Sistema PUL'T-78 (rukovodstvo k pol'zovaniyu)"
[PUL'T-78 System (Users Manual)], Moscow, USSR Academy of Sciences Computer
Center, 1978.
9. Filippov, V. I., "Procedure for Tmplementation of a Network DBMS Based on the
MARS-6 File Syatem," USiM, No 1, 1980.
COPYRIGHT: Vychislitel'nyy tsentr Akademii nauk SSSR, 1981
CSO: 1863/93
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F~uK ur~h'ic:iA~ u~~, uNLY
UDC 681.3.06:51
(eigned to preae 21 Apr 81) pp 2, 45-46
[Annotation, conclusion and references from Preprint 81-24, "Equivalent Transla-
tions of Data Stream Scheanes", by Viktor Ivanovich Borisenko, Inst~.tut kibernetiki
Ak.ademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, 3~J0 copies, 48 pages]
[Excerpts] Annotation
One of the models of parallel programming ia coneidered: data
stream schemea suggeated by Dennis et al. A system of translatione
is conatructed that maintain the property of strong aimilarity
and permit varying the asynchronous nature of the scheme and
representing it in some atandard form.
This work is of interest to apecialiets in the theory of
programming and developera of operating syatems for
multiprocessor computers. '
11. Conclusion
The system of translations suggested in this work permita considerable rearrange-
ment of the informational portion of the acheme, varing the asynchronous propertiea
of the scheme or reducing it to some standard form. For a certain class of schemea,
this standard form ia the natural form that permits obtaining the enceasary condi-
tion of strong eimilarity of the schemes and, consequently, the necessary condition
of their functional equivalence.
1. Dennis, J. B.; Foesin, J. B.; and Linderman, J. P., "Data Stream Schemes," in
"Theory of Progremming," Novoaibirsk, Computer Center, Siberian Branch, USSR
Academy of Sciencea, Vol 2, pp 7-43, 1972.
2. Boriaenko, V. I., "Translation of Program Schemes into Data Stream Schemes,"
(Preprint 79-42), Kiev, Institute of Cybernetics, UkSSR Academy of Sciencea,
41 pages, 1979.
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3. Glushkov, V. M. s:id Anisimov, A. V., "Church-Rosser Translators,"
KIBERNETIKA, No 5, pp 1-8, 1979.
4. Borisenko, V. I., "Algorithm for Construction of Data Stream Scheme,"
KIBERNETIKA, No 6, pp 45-52, 1978.
5. Glushkov, V. M., "Sintez tsifrovykh avtomatov" [Synthesis of Digital Automata],
Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 476 pagee, 1962.
COPYRIGHT: Inatitut kibernetiki, 1981
CSO: 1863/94
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UDC 681.03.06
REZU1.'TATOV ISPYTANIY in Russian 1981 (signed to press 19 Feb 81) pp 2-4
[Annotation and excerpt from Preprint 81-2, "Dictionary-Directory Subsystem for
Automated System for Processing of Test Reaults", by Vladimir I1'ich Skurikhin,
Valentin Grigor'yevich Kvachev and Yuriy Romanovich Val'kman, Institut kibernetiki
Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, 300 copies, 37 nages]
[Excerpt] Annotation
A problem-oriented dictionary-directory is considered for an
automated system for processing of test reaults. Five functional
subeystems are included in the dictionary-directory aystem
described: informational aupport, mass input of information,
report generation, interactive mode and interface facilities.
The system described ia implemented on the base of the SEDAN
data base management system. .
Using the dictionary-directory in designing large data processing
systems provides the necessary service for administration of the
systems under development. This work is oriented to a broad
group of developers and designers of automated information
processing systems.
The complexity of data structures, the diversity of forme for representing and
methods of obtaining data, multipurpoae utilization, the varying functional orien-
tation of data processing programa, the variety of tasks being solved and the
rather large data proceasing syetems lead to the necesaity of automating the work
of administering such syetems. Thia ia a main reason for using dictionaries-
directories in automated data processing systems. In [1], the data dictionary has
been called the cornerstone of good data management.
A dictionary-directory system, on the one hand, is a"directory'` i.n the aenae that
it enables answering the queation: What is in a given syatem? This question
breaks down into a set of questions:
what kind of data is kept in the syatem
what is their structure
in what formats are they stored
which programs use the given information
which programa are part of a given subsystem, etc., etc.
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On the other hand, a dicLionary-directory system is a"dictionary," since it permits
answering the queetion: Where is a given item of information stored?
The need for dictionaries-directories arose back in the early atages of development
of alrge data processing syatems. Thus, to support flexible operation with a YeS
OS data set, a table of contents was created on direct access volumes. Then for
data base management systems (SUBD), tables emerged in the role of dictionaries-
directories; theae tables were created by using a data deacription language and
formed a nucleus for programs that support language interfaces. Theae were all
prerequisites for the emergence o~ a dictionary-directory system. However, these
developments could not be conaidered dictionary-directory aystems for the
following reasons.
First, the main users of such catalogs, tables of contents and tables were programs
oriented to execution of specific functions. Therefore, on the one hand, and this
is the main thing, stored in such systems was only the data needed for programs,
and on the other, it was stored in the correaponding formata.
The information stored in these dictionaries wae clearly inadequate for sys.tem
administrators in decision making.
Second, all the dictionary systems developed were oriented to solving a specific
problem and were different.
The need for combining them into a single system, inherently, also led to the de-
velopment of the dictionary-directory system. A survey of a number of these
foreign systems was given in [1].
In contrast to systems of general-purpose dictionaries [1], in this work we consider
a dictionary-directory oriented to application in automated systems for procesaing
of test results (ASORI).
The data dictionary-directory is a metadata bank. It stores information concerning
declarations of the data base, references of programa to objects of the data base,
statistics on usage pertaining to access to the data, declarations of secrecy, etc.
COPYRIGHT: Institut kibernetiki, 1981.
8545 ~
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1981 (signed to press 21 Aug 81) pp 3-9, 157-158
[Introduction, chapter 1, bibliography and table~of contents of book "The PRIZ
Instrument System of ProRramming YeS Computers", bp Kil`vi Iokfiannesovna Kakhro,
Akhto Peeterovich Kal~ya and Enn Kitaral~dovich Tpugu, Izdatel~stvo "Finansy i
statistika. 15,000 copies, 160 pages]
[Excerpts] Introduction
It is difficult to give an exact defini.tion of tfi.e concept of a"programming
system." At the present time the role of tF~e programming system as the aggre-
gate of ineans for development of computer programs is steadily growing. As
the speed of computers is increased it becomes increasingly posQible to automatQ
programmtng. High--level programming spstems in wFiich the computer is an intellec-
tual partner of the programmer Tiave 5~ecome widespread today. Among these systems
is the PRIZ YeS, whicfi differs from most otfier fiigfi-level programming syatems
in that it is an industr~al, not an experimental, system. This system has two
prototypea, the S1~ and PRIZ-32 systems wfiich were tested on a Minek computer.
The PRIZ system has tieen used for a fairly long time and is now being dis-
tributed by the Algoritm Science Production Association as a component of the
software of the,YeS EVM jUnified System of Computers].
This book describes the capabilittes and conceptions of the PRIZ system, its
input language, and progra~ing technology in tfiis system. The book is intended
primarily for programmers wfio are developing specialized programming languages
and translators, program packages, and large program complexes. The first
chapter, which reviews the basic concept, purpose, and capabilities of the sys-
tem, and the last chapter, wTiich presents an example of a program package, will
also be interesting to specialists in tfie applied areas who have an interest in
the construction of program packages.
The book also contains matertal on the realization of new concepts. Because
this system employs automatic program syntfiesis on a broad scale for the first
time, the description of certain prtnctples of realization may Be interesting
for system programmers and specialtsts in translators.
The authors have attempted to present t~ie material in *i~e i;ook in such a way
that the reader will not need specialized knowledge tn system prograa~ning.
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Chapter 1 was written by E. 1'yugu, whtle Cfiapter 3 was written by M. Kakhro,
and Chapter 5 by A. Kal'ya. Tfie bulk of tfie material in the book is the ~oint
work of all three authors.
Chapter 1. Purpose of the System. Basic Concepts.
The Place of the PRIZ System in tfie Software System of the YeS EVM
The software system of the Unifiecl Spstem of Computers (YeS EVM) ia an extremely
large complex of programa destgned for computer operatioas and~ tfie development of
new programs. The basic principle in program development is the modular prin-
ciple, wfiich makes it possible to compile and process pieces of a program of the
necessary dimensions (modules) independently of one another.
It can be said that the YeS EVM software supports the technology of modular pro-
gramming. Work on structuring a program is essentially work on its modules.
Each of them goes through certain stages of procc:ssing, input, text generation,
text edtting, translation, linkage edittng, loading, and starting. During this
the form of the modules changes from tfie initial module recorded in a certain in-
put language to the ob3ect model (result of translation), and finally to the
loading model, ready for execution.
YeS computers permit stortng a practically unltmited number of modules in li-
braries on magnettc disks. But tt is becoming tncreasingly difficult to keep
track of the large number of modules, select the needed ones from them, and as-
sign the information necessary to 3oin tfiem into a single program. Moreover,
when constructing a ne~w program from ready modules it is almost al~ays necessary
to devise a certain number of new, and aluast always very small, pieces of pro-
grams, in other words modules to interlink the.already existing ones. These
linkage modules may be requtred to transfer data, convert format, convert units
of ineasure, and for other purpos~es. TCie PRIZ programming syetem containa means
to automate the selection of modules and automatically construct modules for
interlinktng other modules.
An important feature of this system ts its complete compatibility with the
processing programs of the YeS operating system, with translators from FORTRAN
and COBOL, and with tfie macroassembler. We should note that compatibility here
means that the PRIZ system does not impose any additional limitations on the
modules. Tt can be considered an expansion of the YeS operating system
provides new means for proceasing modules.
Figure 1 below shows the relati.onship of tfie PRIZ system to components of the YeS
operating system and ways of uatng tt. Programming in FORTRAN or in the Assemb-
ler language (lines 7 and 6 in Figure 1) requires the use of tfie linkage editor
to obtain a loading module and operating system for starting the programs.
Programming using the PRYZ sqstem always requires, in addition, use of the
Assembler language to obtain oFiject modules. There are different possible vari-
ations of combined use of the programming system:
a. programming in FORTRAN using expansiona of the language
in the form of ~ob statements (8);
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. J _
? .
. ~ Op~ ~Oq2 9s
(a yto cr
~ nP o
B p~ - ~ _
3 = 0 3
^ ~ \
~ (k
� � Q
~y ~ ~ / . `e~6c~,e,Q~
QNO ~ pcA`Ge~ .
a3b~K ~ .
7 � s
Figure 1. Relationship of tfis PRIZ System with YeS EOM Software
Key: a. Package Input Language 1; g. Linkage Editor;
b. Package Input Language 2; h. ~anslator from FORTRAN;
c. Package Input Language 3; i. FORTRAN;
d. Package Input Language 4; Assembler;
e. UTOPIST: k. Assembler Language.
b. programming entirely in the input language of the PRIZ
system 1; ~
c. solving problems written in the package input languages of
tfie applied programs, which are constructed by means of tfie
PRIZ system (2-4};
d. progra~ing in Assembler language using expansions of the
language in the form of ~ob statements (5).
Another permisetble application of tfie system is where some of the modulea are
written in FORTRAN, some in ASSEMBLER, and some in COBOL.
Compatibility with PL/1 language~ia not specially provided in the PRIZ system be-
cause the translator from this language outputs ob3ect modules that are diffi-
cult to combine with modules obtai:ned from other languages. But it is possible,
using procedures descrtbed in tnstructions f~r progra~ing in PL/1, to use modules
obtained from this language.
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In the prograuuning systems of the YeS operating system i.t is necessary to
explicitly {�~icate tfie modules in tlie request for a subroutine or macrooperator
in order to comFine modules into a stngle program; but the PRIZ system in many
cases elimtnates the need for explictt indication of the modules which must be
joined in the final worYing program. Tfierefore, the system user is largely freed
from programming, 5ut fias tlie duty of describing tfie job conditions and on their
basis tfie program is automatically synthesized. Obviously, the correctness of
the program is then determtned entirelp by the correctness of the assignment
conditions, because the automatic program synthesizer does not make errors.
This greatly increases the producttvity and quality of programmer labor, in
other words it raises tfie tecfinological level of program development for YeS
The PRIZ as a System for Construction of Translators
In 1968 D. Knuth proposed representing tfie semantics of programming languages by
attributes ascribed to language sym~iols and relattonship assigned among attri-
butes [1]. Tliis technique, called tfie attribute technique, is now the most com-
mon method of automattng construc~~ton os the semantic part of translators. In
practice, however, it does not provide fully automatic construction of the trana-
lator with respect to description of semantics. In the first place, know-how
in dEfining appropriate attrtbutes and relationships for all the constructions
of programming language is still not widely enough distributed. In the second
place, the attribute tecfinique itself fias certain problems in organizing compu-
tation of the values of the attrtbiites [2J.
The PRIZ programming system also permit~, defintng the semantics of concepts (that
is, nonterminal symbols) of new languagzs by describing the corresponding attri-
_ butes, called their components, and tfi~ relationships among components, which per-
mits organizing computatton of t~ie latter.
In this sense, there is a full analogy between the attribute technique proposed
by D. Knuth and the semantic models tecfinique used in the PRIZ. The main dif-
ference is that the PRIZ system is applicable to write new problemroriented
l~nguages as expansions of the one base language, UTOPIST. Unlike mo.;t of the
systems for construction of translators, it uses the macrogeneration technique
for syntactical text processtng tnstead of syntactically controlled analysis.
The principal advantages of the system are powerful and convenient means of
semantic processing and simple-to-use syntactical means. This allows extremely
quick construction of translators for many simple languages.
The PRIZ as a System for Construction of Program Packages
Development of a package of programs differs ao greatly from development of an
individual program tfiat experttse accumulated by programmers solving applied
problems is plainly inadequate to construct a package tfiat function3 well.
Both specialists in the subject area and system progra~ers must participate in
construction of a package. Specialists in tfie subject area of the package are
responsible for correct selectton of tfie concepts of the input language of the
package and for choosing computing tecfiniques which are adopted as the basis for
programming modules of the package. Tfie work of specialists in the subject area
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during construction of the package is ordinarily called modular analysis. This
is th~ first s*.age of program construction. Modular analysis may result in
a dEStgn for a program package.
System programmers are responsifile for good--quality realization of the package
design. Ultimately they must put tfie package under development in the form of
a finished program product whicTi meets very higfi. qualitp specifications.
It often happens that applied spectalists.undertake the development of a pack-
age of programs without the participation of system programmers. The thing to
be feared in this case is that the program package will ta&e the form of a
partially operating model of tfie conceived system. Development of the finished
program package is postponed for an indeftnite time because of unforeseen dif-
ficulties that arise in the concluding stage of work. Tt~ie same difficulties
are observed when a program pacTcage is developed by system programmers without
participation by adequately.qualifted specialists in tTie applied sub~ect area.
In this case there may be a danger tfiat tfie class of jobs to be done as selected
by the designers of the pacTcage wtll not satisfy package users and the problem-
solving tecfiniques will be ineffecttve or limited in applicability.
A quality package can only lie developed by clearcut wor~. procedures supported
by appropriate software. Tlie PRI~Z system ie a sys~em for constructing program
packages that insures all the b.asic stages of package development:
; a. modular analysis;
b. progra~ing, deliugging, and testing the program modules in-
cluded in the package;
c. designing and realtzing tfie input language;
d. development of the control part, tfiat is, the part that or-
ganizes tfie programs of tTie package;
e. providing the services necessary for work with.the package
(communication c~th the data Fiase, input-output, and dialogue).
For modular analysis the PRIZ system fias means to formalize the description of
system models and processes from the most diverse areas. It provides the capa-
bility of automatic processing and storage of formalized descriptions.
' For the second atage, pro,~rammtng modules, COBOL, FORTRAN, and MACROAS-
SEMBLER are applicahle and there are expanded capabilities for including auto-
matically synthesized parts of the programs.
Nonetheless, these two stages are least subject to automation because they re-
quire knowledge of a specific su~~ect area, and the main difficulty is not
machine realization hut making correct contentroriented deciaions.
The remaining stages beginning witfi realization of the input language are very
highly automated in the PRIZ system. Cliapter 4 presents the work procedures for
construction of packages.
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The PRIZ as an Artificial Tntellect System
In the second fialf of tfie 1970's a trend was clearlq observed to use artificial
intellect methods in practical applications.
In translators and systems application of these methods is prom-
ising for raising the level of the language in wliich dialogue with the com-
puter is conducted. This refers to both programming languages and specialized
languages for job descriptions.
The PRIZ system uses the following procedurea from the field of artificial in-
1. The semantics of the input language are described in semantic modele that
contain ob~ects and rel$tionsfiips. Processing of the initial text involves
translating it into semantic notation and working with semantic models.
2. A very convenient possibility is created of expanding the input language
by describing new concepts through existing ones in the same way as is done
in other artificial intellect systems. Semantic memory and resources for work-
ing with it are used for this purpose.
In fact, work is, organized with ~oncept frames, that i~, semantic models in
which significant changes are mad4~ automatically to ad~ust to a concrete situ-
ation (use of objects of the NEOPR' type) and make it possible to perform the
neceseary procedures automatically (without an explicit call).
3. It realizes automatic program synthesis and creates poasibilities of solving
problems based on their assigned condttione.
On the other hand, experience has aho~n that the PRIZ system ia very applicable
to program ~obs for an artificial intellect. Specifically, using it one can
quickly set up machine experimenta to form concepts, teach, use unclear con-
cepta, and the like which formerly took much more time.
Technological Services of the System
In addition to the primary functions performed by the PRIZ system, tfi.e uaer can
receive the following services from it.
1. Virtual memory programs which can be uaed in modules written in FORTRAN
or ASSEMBLFR language permit work with a large~-voiume mathematical memory, auto-
matically replacing pages from disk memory.
2. The dialogue regime of program translation and generation permits direct
contact between the user and the system.
3. Work directives with semantic memorq are more ccnvenient for work witfi a
library of modcia than means for work with litarary files.
4. The HELP information pragram ia deadgned to receive operational iaformation
on expansions of the UTOPIST language.
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5. High-level deb.ugging resources permit automation of comprehenstve dehugging
of synthesized programs taking iato account possible errors in modules and
descripttons of jo6 conditions.
6. The system has a set of catalogue procedures wliich.permit work in various
regimes: batch processing and dialogue; tfie regime of expansion and modifica-
tion of the model of tfie sub~ect area; tTie macrogeneration regime; the regime
for solving problems written tn the input languages of the packages; the regimes
for solving problems whtcti are described in FORTRAN or ASSII~SBLEA language and
so on.
7. There are special utilities tTiat insure conventent management of the li-
braries of semanttc models and the macroprocessor of tfie PRIZ system.
8. The package of applied programs for data base control systems is compatible
with other packages designed tn tfie PRIZ sys~tem, whicfi enables users of the
system to construct indtvidual data bases.
9. The generator of dialogue programs permits generation of dialogue modules
that are included in the program packages.
1. Knuth, D. E., "Semantics of Context Free Languages," MATH. SEPT. THEORY,
1968, No 2, Vol 2, pp 127-144.
2. Meriste, M. B., "Methods of Realizing AttriTiute Schemes in Systems for
Constructing Translators," PROGRAMMIROVANIYE, 1980, No 5.
3. "Osnovy Razrabotki Translyatorov" [Fundamentals of Development of Trans-
lators], Rostov-na-Donu, RGU, 1974.
4. Grigorenko, V. P., Saan, Yu. P., and Sotnik~ova, N. S., "Experience ~aith
Use of the PRIZ-32 System in Constructing Packages of Applied Programs
for an Automated Design S~ystem,'~ PROGRAr'~'IIROVANIYE, 1979, No 1.
5. Levin, D. Ya., The SETL System. No 1. Programming in the SETL System,"
Preprint VTs SO AN SSSR, 1978, No 138.
6. Codd, E. F., "A Relational Model Data for Large S:~ared Data Banks,"
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, 197Q, No 6, Vol 13~ pp 377-387.
Table of Contents
. . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 1. Purpose of the System. Hasic Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 2. The UTOPIST Language . . . . . � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' ' 17
2.1. Description of OTa~ects . . . � � � � � � � � � ~ � � � ' ' ' ' ' 20
2.2. Descriptton of Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
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2.3. Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4. Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Chapter 3. Some Information on Realization of YeS PRIZ System 43
3.1. General Structure and Work Procedure of tfie System 49
3.2. Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
_ 3.3. Program Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4. Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5. Processing Descriptions of Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapter 4. Programmtng Technology in th.e YeS PRIZ System 71
4.1. Programmtng in tfie YeS PRTZ System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2. Programming Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.3. Macrosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.4. Input--Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.5. Program Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.6. State and Generation of tFie System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Chapter 5. Packages of Applied Programs To Manage Data Bases 121
5.1. Languages of Data Sases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
5.2. General Structure of the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.3. Work with Data Bas~es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.4. State and Generation of Data Sase Management Syatems 142
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Finansy i statistika", 1981
CSO: 1863/104
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(signed to press 11 Aug 80) pp 2-4, 226-231
[Annotation, foreword, bibliography, and table of contents of book
"The Transition From the YeS Disk Operating System to the YeS Operating
System (,Reference Manual)", by 0. S. Ivaniko, N. M. Ivanvutina, M. P. 1Kotov,
T. P. Potapenko, L. M. Romanovskaya and A. T. Fedorov, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika",
29,000 covies, 232 pages]
[Excerpts] Anr tation
This book reviews the baeic differences between the YeS DOS [Unified System Disk
Operating System] and the OS YeS [Unified System Operating Sqstem). Recommenda-
tions are given on converting DOS YeS programs and filea for uae tn the OS YeS.
- The manual ~s intended for usera of the DOS YeS who are planning to ewitch from
operations uaing the DOS YeS to operatione using the OS YeS.
The software of YeS [Unified System] computers includes two operating systems, the
DOS YeS (DOS) and the OS YeS (OS). These systems accomplish the same purposes:
raising the efficiency of use of YeS computer hardware and increasing the labor
productivity of programmers and service personnel. In many respects the means
by which these ob~ ectives are accomplished are the same: processing, multi-
programming, program~ning languages and corresponding translators, data control
means, and tTie like.
The concrete realization of these meana in different operating systems is deter--
mined by the ortentation of the system to configurations of computing machines
that differ by power . Thus, the DOS ie oriented mainly to small YeS models and
takes account of the limtted capabtlities of the hardware of these models (small
internal memory volume, low processor speed, and the small set and limited types
of peripheral units usually connected to these models). The OS operating system
offers users a significantly more powerful hardware configuration.
Theoretically the OS and the DAS can function on any of the YeS models witfi.the
exceptions of the YeS~1010 and the YeS--1021. The appropriate operating system is
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chosen applicable to the spectfic purpose of tfie YeS machine at ths computing
center. As tli~ngs deve]Dped htstoricallp, fin~ever, tlie D03 operating system was
most widelq applied in tfie ftrst phase of development of YeS computers. This
was Fecause its development and deliverp preceded tfiat of tfi~ OS by 2-~3 year8
and owtng to the limited configuratioa of tfie first models of YeS computers.
Broader use of the DOS was promoted by ita simplicity, which insured compara-
tively rapid incorporation of the system.
In recent ttmes users have reoriented themselves to the OS as a result of the
following factors:
- the aew models appearing in the Unified System of computers
are significantly more powerful than the first models,�
- the configurations of already-installed computers are being
expanded by connecting in additional equipment;
- most of the packages of applied programs are oriented to
the OS;
- usera are developing a need for the additional capabilities
offered by the OS.
Analysis of these factors permits us to conclude that most users of the DOS to-
day will in the near future face the question of switching to use of the OS.
The incompatibility of the DOS and OS operating apstems makes this transition a
fairly difficult job. Among the basic factors that make the transition from
the DOS to the OS difficult are the following:
a. It is not possible to exchange programs between the oper-
ating systems in formats that are the result of tranala-
tion (ob~ect modules) and editing (absolute modules for
the DOS and loading modules for the OS). This exchange is
impossible primarily becauae the interface between problem
programs and the control program is realized differently
in the system, and so the processing of SVC etatements by
which many of the system funetiona are requested is com-
pletely different;
b. Without preliminary analyais and~ ia a large ma~ority of
cases, without additional processit~g it ia impossible to
exchange programa in source languages. The labor-inten~
siveness of such proceasing depends on the programming
languages and the programa in these languages. For
Assembler language tt is very significaat, while for
high-level languagea it is leas significant. This dif-
ference in labor-intenstty occurs because uaers of the
DOS and OS are given aubstantially different sets of
system macroinstructions without which no program in As-
semblq language can get by;
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c. It ie im- ssible to exchange prepared asstgnments between
operatiug systems fiecause of differences tn assignment
control languages;
d. Data files prepared on magnet media in the DOS cannot al--
waqs be used directly bp programs in tTie OS. In some
cases preliminary conversion of the files is required to
use tfiem in tfiis way.
T~ao primary stages can be identified in the transition from the DOS to the OS:
evaluating the wisdom of making the transition for the particular computing
center, and organizing work to carrq out the transition.
In the first stage tt is necessary to evaluate: the capabilities offered by the
OS and the need for them to solve user problems; the availability and prospects
for receiving the fiardware necessary for efficient operation of the OS; and, ex-
ternal factora that stimulate use of the OS. These factors are tl~en compared
with tfie lab~or-intensiveneas of switching to the OS. The material presented in
the book will enalile the reader to compare the capabilities of the DOS and OS
and to get some idea of the labor-intensivenesa of the transition from the DOS
to the OS.
After making the decision that the transition to the OS i~ necessary, study of
this operating system should be organized. This book can provide introductory
material for studying tfie OS. The book reveals the functions of tfie OS by com-
paring them with the functions of the DOS, which makes it easier for a reader
familiar with the DOS to understand the baaic principles of the OS.
The main purpose of this book is to give concrete recommendations on converting
programs, assignments, and data files accumulated in the process of using the
DOS for subsequent use in work with the OS. ~
The book does not consider questions related to remote proceseing. The material
presented in the book corresponda to publications 2.2 DOS YeS and 4.1 OS Yes.
1. Lesyuk, V. G., Markov, A. S., Peledov, G. V., and Raykov, L. D. (under the
general editorship of A. M. Larionov), "Siatema Matematicheskogo
Obespecheniya YeS EVM" [Software System of the YeS Computers], Moscow,
"Statisttka", 1974.
2. Peledov, G. V., and Raykov, L. D., "Vvedeniye v OS YeS EVM" [Introduction
to tfie YeS Computer Opera~ing System], Moacow, ~~Statistika"~ 1977.
3. Naumov, V. V. Peledov, G. V. Timofeyev, Yu. A., and Chekalov, A. G.,
"SuperviZOr OS YeS EVM" [The Supervisor of the YeS Computer Operating System],
Moscow, "Stattstika", 1975.
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4. Mitrofanov, V. V., and Odintsov, H. V., "Programmy Obsluz~iivaniya OS YeS
EVM" [Service Programs of the YeS Computer Operating System], Moscow,
"Statistika", 1977.
5. Lebedev, V. N., and Sokolov, A. P., "Vvedeniye v Sistemu Programmirovaniya
OS YeS" [Introduction to the Programming System of tfie Ye3 Operattng ~ystem],
Moscow, "Stattstika", 1978.
6. Shura-Bura, M. R., Kovalevich, E. V., Margolin, M. S.~ et al., "Operatsionnaya
Sistema DOS YeS. Obshchiye Polozheniya" [The YeS Disk Operating System. Gen-
eral Principles], Moscow, "Statisttka", 1975.
7. Bitel', Yu. Yu., Voyush, V. I., Gorbunova, R. V., et al., "Operatsionnaya
Sistema DOS YeS. Spravochnik" [T~e YeS Disk Operating System. Manual],
Moscow, "Statistika", 1977.
8. Vasyuchkova, T. D., Zaguzova, L. K., Itkina, 0.. I., et al., "Yazki
Programmirovaniya DOS.YeS EVM. Kratkiy Spravochnik" [Programming Languages
of the YeS Computer Disk Operating Syatem. Concise Manual), Moscow,
"Statistika", 1975.
Table of Contents
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 1. Basic Differences Between the DOS and OS Operating Systems 5
1.1. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2. Composition of the Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3. Operating Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.1. Batch Processing. The Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.2. Multiprogramming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.3. Multiple Problem Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.4. Putting Assignments in Order (Queuing) . � � � � � � � � � 9
1.3.5. Selection of Assignments from the ~ueue � � � � � . . 10
1.3.6. Dispatcher Prioritiea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.7. Quantization of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.8. Control of Internal Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.9. Outputting Data to System Output Units . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4. The Libraries of the OS YeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.4.1. Library Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.4.2. Program Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ~
1.4.3. System and Personal Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4.4. Library of Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5. Control of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.1. Common Features and Differences in the Data Control
Systems of the DOS and OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.2. Use of Subroutinea of the Logical System of Input-
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
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1.5.3. Independence ~rom Type of Unit . ~ . ~ . . . . . . ~ . . 23
1.5,4. Logical Input~-Output Uni,ta . ~ . . . ~ . . . ~ ~ . . . 24
1.5.5. Distribution of Tnput--0utput Units . . . . , . . R . . . 24
1.5.6. Types of Requests for Tnput--0utput Units 25 .
1.5.7. Temporary and Permanent Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.5.8. Attributes of Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.5.9. Autonomous and Operational State of Uni.ts 27
1.5.10. Setting Up and Removing Vol~es . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.5.11. Algorithms for Satisfying Specfal Requests 28
1.5.12. Algorithms for Satisfying Non-Special Requests 30
1.5.13. Optimization of tfie Arrangement of Data Files 30
1.5.14. Distribution of Memory in Units with Random Access 31
1.5.15. Cataloguing Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.5.16. Naming Data Files and Catalogue Structure 32
- 1.6. Generation of a System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.6.1. General Informatton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.6.2. Stages of Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.6.3. Results of Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.6.4. Mandatory Data Files for System Resident Volumes 34
1.6.5. Mandatory Data Files for System . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6.6. Non-Mandatory Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chapter 2. Program Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2. Loading Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .
_ 2.3. The Program and Loading Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4. Means of Calling for and Transferring Control 41
2.5. Recommendations on Conversion of Loading Macroinstructions and
Transfer of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.1. Programs with Simple Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.2. Programs with Overlapping Structure . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.3. Programs with Dynamic Structure . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.6. Agreements on Linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.1. Use of Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.6.2. Storage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.6.3. Linkage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.7. Editor of Linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.7.1. Special Features of Editing in the OS 51
2.7.2. Control Statements of the Linkage Editor 52
2.7.3. Example of Constructing Assignments for the
Linkage Editor in tfie DOS and OS . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Chapter 3. Control of Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1. General Information . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2. Structure of the Asstgnment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3. Statements of the OS Language for Assignment Control 56
j.4. Tfie Assignment Statement (JOB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
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3.5. Assignment Point Statement (EXEC~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.6. Data File Description Statement (bD~ . ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ . . . . 60
3.7. Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.7.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.7.2, Symbolic Parameters . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.7.3. Modiftcation of Parameters of EXEC Statement 67
3.7.4. Modification of Parameters of DD Statement 68
3.7.5. Standard Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.8. Statement Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.9. Comparison of Statements and Directives (Instructions of
Assignment Control tn DOS and OS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.10. Examples of Converting DOS Assignments to OS Assignments 77
Chapter 4. Transfer of DOS Files to US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.1. General Information . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2. Transfer of Volumes from DOS to OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2.T. Identification of Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.2.2. Heading of a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3. Identification of Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.4. Punchcard Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.5. Magnetic Tape Filea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.2. Files Without Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.3. Files with Standard Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.5.4. User Files with Standard Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.5.5. Files with Non-Standard Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.6. Files in Memory Units with Random Access 93
4.6.1. User Labels in Memory Units with Random Access 93
4.6.2. Sequential Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.6.3. Direct-Access Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.6.4. Index-Sequential Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chapter 5. Macroinstructions for Communication with SuperviPUr 101
5.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2. Multiple Branching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2.1. The Macroinstruction ATTACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.2.2. The Macroinstruction DETACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.3. Resource Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
- 5.3.1. The Macroinstruction ENQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.3.2. The Macroinstruction DEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.4. Communication Between Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.4.1. The Macroinstructions WAIT and WAITM . . . . . . . . . 108
5.4.2. The Macroinstructtnn POST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.5. Loading Phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.6. Cancelling Temporary Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.7. Work with the Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.7.1. The Macroinstruction GETIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.7.2. The Macroinstruction SETIME, TECB~ WAIT 112
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5.8. Processing Interrupte of the Problem Program 112
5.8.1. Interrupts fly tFae Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.8.2. Interrupts for Program Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.8.3. Interrupts for Afinormal Completion . . . . . . . . ~ . 115
5.8.4. Interrupts Demanded by Operators . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.9. Completion of the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.9.1. The Macroinatruction EOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.9.2. The Macroinstructions CANCEL and DiTI~ 118
5.10. Unlnading Internal Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.11. Establishing a Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
~ 5.12. Tfie Macrotnstructions CALL, SAVE, and RETURN . . . . . . . . . 120
5.12.1. The Macroinstruction CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.12.2. The Macroinatruction SAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
5.12.3. The Macroinstruction RETURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Chapter 6. Input--0utput Macroinstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.2. Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.3. Description of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.4. Control of Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.4.1. Definition of Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.4.2. Construction of Buffers in the OS . . . . . . . . . . 126
6.4.3. Methods of Controlling Buffers in the OS 126
6.5. Independence from Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.6. Forms of Macroinstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
6.7. Processing Input-Output Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.8. Opening a Data File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
6.9. Closing a Data File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.10. Punchcard Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.11. Printed Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.12. Magnetic Tape Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.13. Typewriter Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.14. Unit-Independent Files in the DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.15. Sequential Files in Memory Units Random Access 141
6.16. Direct Access Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.16.1 Indication of Location of Entry . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.16.2. Methods of Access to Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.16.3. Definition and Creation of Direct-Access Files 151
6.16.4. Methods of Creating Direct-Access Fi1es 152
6.16.5. Error Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.16.6. Direct-Access Macroinstructiona . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.17. Index-Sequential Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.17.1. Index-Sequential Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.17.2. Defintti.on of Index-Sequential Files . . . . . . . . . 164
6.17.3. Error Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.17.4. Macrotnstructions for Processing Index-Sequential
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
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6.18. Input-Output Programming on tTie Level 172
6.18.1. General Princi~les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6.18.2, Correspondence Betveen Elements of Input-Output Pro-
gramming on tfi~ Pfiysical Level in tfie DOS and OS 176
Chapter 7. RPG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.2. Differences in the RPG Language for the DOS and OS 181
7.2.1. Definition of Selection Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.2.2. Definitton of the Field on the Computations Blank 181
7.2.3. Use of Register 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.3. Organization of Input-Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.3.1. Symbolic Name of the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.3.2. Proceasing Non-Standard Label of Magnetic Tape File . 182
7.3.3. Files Without Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.3.4. Setting the Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.3.5. Addressing Tracka on a Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.3.6. Opening Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.4. Preparation of Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.4.1. Use of Catalogued Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.4.2. Translation Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.4.3. Definitions of Data Filea Used During Execution 185
Chapter 8. FORTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.2. Organization of Input-Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.2.1. Access to Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.2.2. Dimensions of Entries in Sequential Filea 187
8.2.3. Formatting a Segment for a Direct Access File 187
8.3. Preparation of Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.3.1. Use of Catalogued Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.3.2. Translation Regimea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.3.3. Programs with Overlay Structure . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Chapter 9. COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
9.1. General Information . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
9.2. Differenences in the Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.2.1. Special Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.2.2. The Paragraph SPECIAL--NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
9.2.3. The "Integer" Variation in the Phrase ASSIGN 192
9.2.4. The System Name in the Phrases ASSIGN and RERUN 193
9.2.5. The Phrase ACTUAL KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
9.2.6. The Phrase TRACK-AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
9.2.7. The Phrase MULTIPLE FILE TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . 195
9.2.8. The Phrase APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
9.2.9. Declarative Procedures for Proces~ing Input-Output
Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
9.2.10. The Statements ACCEPT and DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . 197
9.2.11. Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
9.2.12. Reserved Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
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9.3. Organization of Ftle Processing . . . , . . . . . � � � . 198
9.3.1. Fictitious Entrtes in Files with.Direct Or}r,anization. 198
9.3.2. Ficttttous Entries ~n Files ~z3:.tfi. Index-,~eq+iential
Organtzation . . , . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . 199
9.3.3. The Statement REC[RITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
9.3.4. Processing Sequent~al Multivolume Files 200
9.3.5. Processing Non-Standard Labela . . . . . . . . . . . 200
9.3.6. Feeding Punchcard Files in the Input Stream 201
9.4. Preparation of Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
9.4.1. Use of Catalogued Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
9.4.2. Translation Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
9.4.3. Definition of Data Files Used During Execution 203
9.4.4. Editing a Segmented Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Chapter 10. PL/1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
10.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
10.2. Differences in PL/1 Language for the DOS and OS 206
10.2.1. Operations with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
10.2.2. Built-In Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
10.2.3. The Attribute DEFINED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
10.2.4. The Statement DO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
10.2.5. The Exceptional Situation SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . 208
10.2.6. The Onsyslog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
10.2.7. Differences in Quantitative Cons.traints 209
10.2.8. Debugging Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
10.3. Input-Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
10.3.1. File Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
10.3.2. The Statement WRITE Using the KEYFROM Regime 211
10.3.3. The Statement REWRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
10.3.4. The Statement LOCATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
10.3.5. The Index-Sequential File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
10.3.6. Fictitious Entries for thE REGIONAL File 212
10.3.7. Maximum Size of All REGIONAL Files 213
10.3.8. The Exceptional Situation KEY for REGIONAL (3) Files. 213
10.3.9. Files with Variable-Length Entries . . . . . . . . . 213
10.3.10.Format Elements in Stream-Oriented Input-Output 213
10.3.11.Input-Output in a Stream Controlled by a List 214
10.3.12.Access to Data Files Used in a Program as Input
and Output Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
10.4. Preparation of Aesignmenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
10.4.1. Use of Catalogued Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
10.4.2. Translation Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
10.4.3. Definition of Data Files Used During Execution 216
10.4.4. GTriting Programs with Overlay Structure 217
Chapter 11. Utilities (Service Programs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
11.1. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
11.2. Classification of OS Utilitiea . . . . . . . . . . . 220
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11.3. Selection of OS Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
11.4. Examples of the Use of Utilities in the OS 222
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1980
CSO: 1863/101
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540050050-6
Russian 1980 (signed to press 16 Dec 80) pp 1-2, 436-441
[Annotation and table of contente from book "Application of Optical Information
Procesaing Methods and Holography", a collection of the papers read at the Third
All-Union School on Optical Information Proceesing Methods held in Riga in May
1980, edited by Profesaor S. B. Gurevich and V. K. Sokolov, candidate of physico-
mathematical acience, USSR Academy of Sciencea, Order of Lenin PhyaicoTechnic al
Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, LIYaF [Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics imeni
B. P. Konstantinov], 500 copies, 442 pagea]
[Text] Annotation ~
This is a collection of the papers read at the Third All-Union School on Optical
Information Processing Methods held in Riga in May 1980.
Ttie collection is~divided by subject into three parts: optical methoda of image
processing (including problems of practical use), spatial-time light modulatora and
recording media and optical methods of signal processing. Both aurvey papaers and
results of original research are presented on these problems.
To a certain extent, this collection reflects the state-of-the-art in optical pro-
cessing of information and its element base at present. It will be of use to a
broad group of specialiats working in the field of optical procesaing of images
and signals and its applications in varioue fields of science and technology.
Table of Contente PBge
Part 1. Optical Methoda of Image Proceasing
E. I. Krupitakiy. Principles of the General Theory of Analog Coherent-Optical
Proceseors (Part 2. Nonlinear Systems) 3
R. I. E1'man. Digital Methods of Proceseing A~erospace Information and Their
Cpmparison with Optical Methoda 22
N. P. Berezin. Image Processing and the Quality Criterion Problem 32
G. A. Gavrilov and A. F. Malyy. Hybrid Opticoelectronic Information
Processing Systems ~ 38
A. Akayev. Prospecta for Application of Holographic Memoriea in the
Computer Storage Hierarchy 51
0. I. Potaturkin. Diffraction Correlators of Intensity 62
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L. 0. Krasnov~, A. I. Larkin and Yu. A. Mironov.
Stud1 of the Characterietics of the Lohmann Correlator 70
Ye.S. Nezhevenko, 0. I. Potaturkin and V. I. Khotskin. Recognition of
Images in Diffraction Correlatora of Intenaity 74
R. M. Bychkov, Ye.S. Nezhevenko and 0. I. Potaturkin. ApglicaCion of
Optical Methods for Image Recognition in Inatrumentation 80
- A. N. Korol~v. Synthesis of Frequency Responae in Noncoherent Optical
Information Processing Systems 85
A. N. Korol~v and S. L. Morozova. Physically Implementable Pupilary Functione
in Tasks of Syntheais of Frequency Responae of a Noncoherent Optical Syetem 89
A. M. Blagorodov, R. A. Vanetsian, B. V. Danilov, Yu. V. Sharov,
M. V. Shakhmatov and V. V. Shtykhno. Equivalent Spatial Filtration in
Noncoherent Optical Systems 92
A. L. Auslender, G. N. Vishnyakov and G. G. Levin. Solution to
Inverse Problems of Mathematical Phyaice in Opticoelectronic Procesaore 97
A. Akayev and A. Sytsykov. Solving Problems of Mathematical Physice by the
Optical Spatial Filtration Method 105
V. N. Karnaukhov, A. N. Korol~v and Yu. V. Stolyarov. Digital and Coherent
Optical Procesaing of Photo Images Using Computer Syntheeized Filters 109
S. V. Rudakov and F. M. Subbotin. Optical Subtraction of Images 113
G. R. Lokshin, S. M. Kozel and V. Ye. Helonuchkin. ltnear Filtration and
Quadratic Detection in Coherent Optical Informatioi. Processinge Systeme 118
I. V. Shchukin. Image Structure Analyeis by Coherent Optical Methods 121
A. S. Kuniskiy. Image Analysis in Molecular Biological Research 126
A. I. Balabanov, S.. S. Bogdanov, V. A. Skorik and A. A. Feoktiatov.~
Spatial-Frequency Spectra of Images of Disturbed Water Surface 137
S. V. Mikhlyayev and Yu. V. Chuguy. Spectral Method of Tolerance Checking
of Object Dimensions 141
V. V. Aristov, G. A. Bashkina, A. I. Yerko and L. V. Dorozhkina. Application
of Optical Filtration for Proceeaing of X-Ray Diffraction Images of
Crystals 146
V. V. Vertoprakhov and Yu. V. Chuguy. Optical Method of Meaeuring
Dimensiona of Moving Objects on Basis of Scattered Waves 150
Yu. A. Bykovskiy, A. I. Larkin, A. A. Markilov and S. N. Starikov.
Development of Hologram Filters for Pattern Recognition by Using
Stochastic Approximation 155
N. M. Verenikina and 0. V. Rozhkov. Operative Complex Fourier Filter 159
G. R. Lokshin. Optical Spatial Filter with a Given Processing Algorithm 165
V. A. Arutyunov, N. A. Yesepkina, B. A. Kotov, Yu. A. Kotov, A. P. Lavrov and
I. I. Sayenko. Output Unit