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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500054434-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10%~58 14 April 1982 , � Worldwide Re ort p NA~COTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS - CFOUO 17/82) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050034-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JYRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] _ or [ExcerptJ in the f irst line of each item, or following the ~ last line of a brief, iadicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonet~cally or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUL~TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HERRIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RF'STRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 JPRS L/10458 ~ ~ 14 April 1982 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ f~oUO 17/821 CONTENTS . ASIA AUSTRALIA Brief s Thai Heroin Traffickers 1 BANGLADESH Briefs Chittangong Opium Seizure 2 . BURMA Opium Seizure in Katha Reported (LOKTHA PYEITIiU NEZIN, 18 Feb 82) 3 . Briefs . Opium Seized on Train ~ 4 Acres of Opium Fields Destroyed ~1 INDIA Briefs Madras Qpium Arrests 5 INDONESIA Brieis ASEAN Narcotics Contrai ',�:~~~ing Ends 6 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540050034-4 THAILAND Ei�i ef s Pessimism About Opium Reduc~tion 7 LATIN AMERICA COLOMBIA Recruitment of Indians for lTrug Production (EL TIEMPO, 21~ Feb 82) 8 MEXICO Brie~ s Marihuana Seizure 10 Pure Heroin Seized 10 It2lian LSD Peddlers Arrest,ed 10 PERU PAP Leaders Deny I}rug Trafficking Involvement (EL COMERCIO, 18 Feb 82) 11 Bri ef s PIP Cocaine Seizure 14 FAP Joins Fight Against Drug Trafficking 1L~ IdEAR EA5T AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN Brief s Zahedan Drug Seizure 16 Poppy Cultivation Ban 16 Opium, Heroin Discovered 16 Taibad Seizures 16 Narcotics Seized 17 S~'B-5AHAR,AN ~:FRICA SOUTH AFRICA Opium Dealer Sentenced to Seven Years ~Sandra Lieberum; THE CITIZEN, 23 Mar 82) 18 - b - FOR OFTIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 WEST IITROPE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Bri ef s Fewer Drug-Rel~ted Deaths 19 Frankfurt Dealer Sentenced 19 German Addicts in Amsterdam 20 GREECE _ Bri ef s Tdarcotics Center I7iscovered 21 NETHERLANDS Three Police Commissioners on Drug Problem, Remedies (J. Valken, et al. Interview; ELSEVIERS MAGAZINE, 27 Feb 82) 22 Brief s - More Narcotics Experts Abroad 25 ~ NORWAY Justice Minister Expresses Alarm Over Narcotics Increase (Thorleif Andreassen; AFTENPOSTEN, 20 Mar 82) 26 SWITZERLAND Heroin Dealer Sentenced to Twelve Years (NEUE ZUERCHER ZEITUNG~ 18 Feb 82) 28 TURKEY Brief s ~ Qpium Seized 31 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 AUSTRALIA BRIEF S TFiAI HEROIN TRAFFICKERS--Three men from Thailand have appeared in the MeI- bourne magistrate's court charged over the seizure in the city of heroin valued at more than $1 million, around U.S. $1.C5 million. Detective Ir,rpec- tor (McDonalc~) on the Victoria police told the court that the three men had arrived in Australia on 9 March with the sole intention of splling heroin. More than 700 grams of heroin has been seized by polir_e and all three mer_ - liave been remanded in custocy, [Text] [BK020252 Melbourne Overseas Service in English 0500 GMT 31 Ma: 82~~ cso: 5300/5692 1 a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 BANGLADESH BRIEFS CHITTANGONG OPIUM SEIZURE--Dacca, 3 March (AFP)--Customs officials in the port city of Chittangong have discavered 17.2 kilograms (38 lbs) of opium, valued at more than 600,000 dollars, in a cargo ship, it was reported h.ere today. Report~ said the ship belonging to Bangladesh's national flag carrier "shipping corpor- ation" was also carrying huge quantities ~f unautho?-ised electronic goods and cosmetics worth thousands of dollars. According to the reports, the same ship was detained in a port in the Unitecl States on a November when U.S~. customs off.icials found more than 9.5 kilos (21 pounds) of hashish and 26 kilos (58 pounds) of opium. The ship, "Banglar Maya," sailed to Chittagong on Monday from New York after callir.g at P.arachi in Oakistan and Tuiticorin in India, customs officials were q~aoted as saying. [Text] [BK050745 Hong Kong AFP in English 1631 GMT 3 Mar 82] CSO: 5300/5697 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 BURMA OPIUM SEIZURE IN KATHA REPORT~~ BKOSQ745 Rangoon LOKTHA PYETT?iU NEZIN in Burmese 18 Feb 82 p 5] [Text] Under the Katha Township opium suppression campaign, Katha Township people's council, Kyandaw ward people's council and armed forces members at ~bout midnight on 31 January laid in wait near Kyandaw Village. They later arrested Sai Nan together with 72 packages of opium, each weighing 1 viss [3.6 pounds], and 1 packet of opium weighing half a viss. The other gang members transporting the opium fled. Later, following a testimony given by Sai Nan, 12 more packages of opium, each weighing 1 viss, were uncovered buried underground near a haystack near Kyandaw Creek. - ~ - . [Photo caption] Sai Nan seen together with 85 packages of opium. CSO: 5300/5695 - 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 BURMA : BRIEFS OPIUM SEIZED ON TRAIN--Lashio railways golice on 15 February boarded the Lashio-Mandalay train No 132 at Hsipaw Station and searched the bedroll of ria Chan Wan oF No 4 Aryondaw Ward, Lashio. The search uncovered two packages of raw opium weighing 2 viss. Hsipaw people's police station has filed charges a~;,~inst Ma Chan Wan. [BK050745 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 24 Feb 82 p 4] ACRES OF UPIUM FIELllS DESTROYED--Since 19 December 1981, under the program of the Central Narcotic Control Board, members of t:~e armed forces, the people's police force; security teams and the local p~ople destroye3 a total of 10,539 acres oE opium Eields in the Shan state under the leadership of the p~rty and the councils. Of these, 3,099 acres were in the Eastern Shan state, 726 acres in the Southern Shan state and 6,714 in the Northern Shan state. Members of the armed forces, the local people's pol~.ce force and the working people are cc~ntinuing to destroy the remaining opium fields. [Text] [BK271034 Rangoon Domesti~ Service in Burmese 1330 GMT 25 Mar 82] cso: 5300/5692 1 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 INDIA BRIE~S MADRAS OPIUM ARRESTS--Madras, March 11--Two airmen have been arrested on a charge of possessing 23 kg of opium worth 46,000. The police said that the _ airmen were picked up by the Air Force Security Police at I.A.F. Tambaram on Saturday nigh* and the contraband seized. They were handed over to the Narcotics In~elliger.~e B ureau who arrested them and had them remanded to custody. ~Text~ ~Madras THE HINDU in English 12 Mar 82 p 12] CSO: 5300/7023 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 INDONESIA BRIEFS ASEAN NARCOTICS CONTROL MEETING ENDS--Jakarta, 28 Mar (AFP)--Delegates from the Association of Southesst Asian Nations (ASEAN) have ended a 3-day meeting during which they discussed narcotics control; drug abuse, population matters and education. The meeting was chaired by Indonesia's Abubukaran Saleh who said it was a success. He added that the results would be submitted to ASEAN's standzng committee in Singapore for final approval. [Text] [BK020252 - Hong Kong AFP in English 0348 GMT 28 Mar 82] cso: 5300/5692 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050034-4 THAILAND BRIEFS 1'ESSIMISM ABOUT OPIUM REDUCTION--The minister for administrative services, Mr Newman, says he is pessimistic about the early success of programs in reducing opium production in Northern Thailand. Mr Newman, the minister responsible for drug control in Austral~;a, was speaking after a tour of a - village in the opium-growing region of Thailand near the Burmese border. He said efforts were continuing to introduce substitute cash crops like coffee to the region but significant successes must be many years away. Mr Newman _ says communications in the area are very difficult and it is almost impossible to catch the opium buyers who traditionally are the cash source of the village people. [Text] [BK270929 Melbourne Overseas Service in English 0830 GMT 27 Mar 82] cso: 5300/5692 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500050034-4 COLOMBIA ~ECRUITMF,NT OI' INDIANS FOR DRUG PRODUCTION Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 24 Feb 82 p 9A [Text] Indian communities of the country announced here yesterday in a mes- sage sent to the Feace Commission, that in the last few months the m;.fia and the guerrillas have united in a"war of extermination." The former goverzor of the Jambalo reservation, Emilio Ejuegia, informed EL TIEMPO that the gangs of narcotics traffickers are arming the Indians iri a "~aar which has no end." He indicated that the gang members encourage th e Indians with money to sow coca. in different areas in the country thus abandoning the traditional crops such as corn and cassava.. He explained that on the Jambalo reservation the Indians had coca for per- sonal use, but in the last few months they have set it all up as a business, supported economically by the.gangs. He denounced also the landlords for promoting the coca business. This,in the long run~will create an Indian society which will be continually breaking the law by possessing coca crops or money. The gangs have gradually convinced the Indians that planting coca is economi- cally more fruitful than planting corn or cassava, or even engaging in cattle raising. The Indian chief likewise advised that the guerrillas are making~the land- owners eliminate the Indians with their pillaging in important, areas of Cauca. fle suggested that a means of pacifying these regions is for the government to grant lands to th e Indians to farm with traditional crops. The document notes that "today, for us, violence has acquired new forms and _ dimensions. How ever, for the Indians it means a new episode of the wa.r which for centuries they have had to contend with." - They have also noted that with the passage of time, the diff erent tribes - that exist in the country, have been dying out little by little. 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050034-4 T~~ey maintain that the action of ttie lanclowners, day by day, has been putting the Indians in the category of rustic, ignorant people, incapable of managing on their own, or simply savages. T:Zey declared that in recent years a psychological and juridical war is ceing waged against the country's Indian communities," especially the Paez. He revealed that in the last few weeks, 19 of these Indians have died in the Jambalo reservation due to .*_he war unleashed by the landowners. They maintained that there are several Indians detained in the prisons of - Jambalo, Santander, and the Third Brigade, accused of being invaders or guerrillas. They explained likewise that another form of the war of exter- mination against the Paez has been the ecanomic boycott carried out against them, especially on the landowners' haciendas. in the document they denounce the "infiltration of the Indian communities by Catholic missionaries from the Convention of Missi.ons and of the Summer Institute of Linguistics." The note says we understand that the search for peace cannot be reduced to a pact betweeu chiefs in arms nor to a mere 'cease-f ire' rather it should be based on an effort of questioning and collective analysis which leads to _ changes which make it possible to live in this country." The note concludes: "in this respect there already exists in Congress a docu- ment which summarizes the thought of the Indian authorities of Cauca, Narino and YuLUmayo, who were then undertaking a march by Indian governors from the great Cumbal~ on the southern frontier, to Bogota." 9678 - CSO: 5300/2227 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 MEXICO BRIEFS MARIHUANA SEIZURE--Federal Judtcial Police agents have uncovered and seized 2 and a half tons of marihuana tn Be3ucos and Paredon del Guayabal, Tejupilco municipality, Mexico State, where marihuana distribution and storage centers - were operating. Moises Ocampo Vazo+se~, Raul Gaona Nunez, Luis Lopez Benitez and Santos Hernandez Arce were arrested and brought before the Toluca district judge. In preliminary statements, the accused said they had been selling - marihuana wholesale in the State of Mexico and in the Federal District for - more than a year. [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 5 Mar 82 p 31-A] PUR~ HEROIN SEIZED--Hermosillo, Sonora, 4 Mar~-The Federal Judicial Police today arrested Norberto Contreras Moreno from whom they seized pure heroin valued at 10 million pesos in the black market. The arrest was made in the town of Benjamin Hill. The drug came from Puebla State and was to be taken to Los Angeles, California. Federal agent Ernesto Avila Triana showed three bags, one of which contained the heroin concentrate which, according to Contreras Moreno, was going to be mixed with other drugs before it was sold. [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 5 Mar 82 p 31~A] ITALIAN LSD PEDDLERS ARRESTID--Mexico, DF, 31 Mar (NOTIMEX)--Italian citizens Rentato Ferrari and Cavaliere Gianluka were arrested in Mexico City by federal a~ents. Ferrari and Gianluka had obtained 540 doses of LSD in San Francisco, ~alifornia, and were trying to pec~dle them in this city when they were arrested. [FL011705 Mesico City NOTIMEX in Spanish 0220 GMT 1 Apr 82] CSO: 5300/2250 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050034-4 rcnu ~ PAP LEADERS DENY DRUG TRAFFICKING INVOLVEMENT Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 18 Feb 82 p A-4 [Article: "PAP Leaders Deny Links With the Drug Traffic"] [Text] Armando Villanueva and Fernando Leon de Vivero, leaders of the APRA [American Revolutionary Popular Alliance], stated yesterday that the accusations of an alleged link between the APRA and narcotiics trafficking and the Langberg case were a government plot designed to do damage and to ccver up its loss of prestige which, in their view,.the government party is ' suffering from, due to its policies. Nevertheless, Leon de Vivero admitted that he was a friend of the controversial Langberg and that he had visited him several times. He also admitted that his friend Jorge Idiaquez and the Manco Capac construction firm . bought the Villa Mercedes and that the persons ~llegedly linked to the narcotics traffic must make a report to the Department of Discipline. At a press conference held at the APRA office or Alfonso Ugarte Avenue, basically called to deny the charges against the APRA and some oz its leaders which the magazine C~'U.tETAS made, Villanueva del Campo said that he firmly rejected all the charges, in the name of his party. He maintained that the campaign had no other purpose tnan to interfere in some way with the meeting scheduled for tomorrow by that section of the APRA and to distract public attention "from the disastro us policy of the govern- ment." ~ Villanueva del Campo added that the aim of the government is to conceal "the turnover of the oil enterprises to the multinational companies, the increases I~ in food prices, and the failure of the call for co ns~ltations." I He said that there is government involvement in all this, because when the ' mag~zine CARETAS brought out a similar report on Langberg in October 1980, ~ the government never took action to ensure that the appropriate authorities would begin legal action in the case. "I ask: why was the government silent then, and f urthermore I call on it to answer. This shows that there is complicity of silence," Villanueva del , Campo stated emphatically. i 11 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540050034-4 He recalled that something similar happened with the government under Manuel Odria, rememU ering that in February 1950, accusations were also made against Vic~~r Raul Haya de la Torre as an alleged narcotics trafficker. He s;ii.d that everything was done to prevent Haya de la Torre from receiving a visa to l.eave the Colombian ~mbassy, where he had taken refuge. "However~, later l~e coas absolved of the charge by The Hague Tribunal, the same body which was originally against him as a result of obvious interference," he stated. He then denied that the controversial Carlos Langberg was a member of the APRA. Fiowever, ne observed that it makes him think a great c~Pdl that the press says notliing about the friendship between Andres T~~wnsend Ezcurra and his brother-in-law, Francisco Diez Canseco, and Langberg. "We do not co nsider friendship a crime, and I can say that I met Langberg at the time oF the death of Haya de la Torre. On the other hand Townsend had lcnown Langherg for some time before that," he indicated. He rejected that story that Langberg paid for Haya de la Torre's medical treatment i.n tlie United States, statir.g that the first of the two trips Haya de la Torre Paid f~r himself, "and the second trip was rinanced by members ot the AYP.A and Venezuelan friends." Regarding the payment oF services to the Houston clinic where la W1S treated, he said ttiat party member Lui~ Pinillos took care of them in Large part and that the rest came as a contribution from ~he mass of ~PI2~ member.s . He also rejected the view expressed by the former presidential candidate that Langber~ himself financed his campaign in the 1930 elections, spending millions of sols, noting that "that is completely false, and if someone insists on saying that, I challenge h m to prove it in court." Nevertheless, he agreed that suppart from Langberg came through a group of Mexican technicians who were specialists in broadcasting. _ Leon de Vivero Wlien Leon de Vivero was asked about his friendship with Langberg, he replied, "Yes, I know him, and I'm not afraid of saying that. It's not a crime to know him." Fie said that in effect he had made several visits to Langberg, although it w:~s for the purpose of. correcting "or providing orientation to publications which made reference to the APRA, as indeed I did with other newspapers." He pointed o ut immediatcly afterwards that he had not been s ubjected to party discipline because of the accusation in CARETAS. However, he stated that ~t his request there is an investigation underway by the Department of Discipline. 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 II~ 5~~id that for that purpose the alleged accused, Jibaja, Idiaquez, Lopez Silva, ar.~l he himself would have occasion to present a report to the Department of Discipline. "However, inves~tigating does not mean finding someone guilty, nor can it affect ~he rights ~f an individual, requiring an innocent man to prove his innocence," he said. Regarding the building known as the Villa Mercedes, which belonged to the late Iiaya de la Torre, he said that a one-fift~? share in that residence was purchased by Idiaquez, "who made a list to cancel the joint purchase." 5170 CSO: 5300/2237 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 PERU BRIEFS 1?IP COCAINE SEIZURE--The PIP [Peruvian Investigative Police] detacl:ment at the airport yesterday stopped the shipment of 33 kg o~ cocaine valued at - 150 million sols which two Peruvians were attempting to take to Bogota. This happened at 2:00 pm, when all the passengers from a commercial jet of Venezuelan registrati~~:~ had already presented their passports to the immigration authorities. Two of the passenge:rs were acting strangely, as a result of which the PIP became suspicious and asked them to come to their ofFices at the airport. When their suitcases were ~nened, no less than 33 kg of cocaine were found, wrapped in various plastic-covered pack~ges, distributed among their personal effects. During the interrogation to which they were subjected separately both individuals appeared to be confused and were unable to bring out any ready justification for tre drugs which they were taking to Colombia. In fact it is believed that the two people arrested identified themselves with false personal documents. One said he was Luis - Antonio Castillo Guzman (52), a painter; the second said he was Pedro Daniel Flores Herrera (60). [Text] [Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 20 Feb 82 p A-10] 5170 rAP JOINS FIGHi AG/'~INST DRUG TRAFFICKING--With the lo gistical support of the Peruvian Air Folce [FAP] the Peruvian Inve~tigative Pol ice [PIP] will intensify and extend to the,critical zones or centers of high production of coca leaf a brr~ad campaign to combat narcotics trafficking in our country. As announcPd by Regian IV of the PIP, headquartered in Cuzco, during a study of ~~he situation it has been determined that the zone is highly important for coca leaf production. It has also been established that the area around Cachipucara, Puno, is critical for chlorhydrate of cocaine laboratories and it is the supply center for the areas bounded by Cuzco, Puno, Arequipa, Ayacucho, and Tacna, with ramifications in such foreign countries as Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina, as well as across the Atlantic Ocean in Europe. The chief of PIP Region IV, Gen Rolando Llanos Oliveros,.said th~t the request for FAP logistical support called for aerial reconnaissance of the regions invol.ved, in addition to redoubling vigilance and the establish- ment of f ixed and mobile investigations, using cammunications equipment with special f requencies. He said that the PIP is preparing and developing the "Coca 1" operations plan and that during a recent operation an international band of drug traf�ickers was captured which, in less than 6 months, had sold , more than 600 kg of PBC. The traffickers had established their operatiorts - 11~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500050034-4 renter in z recently established village, "E1 Alto de los Incas," in Cuzco, the PIP fo~ind 3 tons of coca leaves in the p:ocess of maceration, in addition to other substances and laboratory equipment. In this place were: arrested Ascencio Quiape Aquino (35); Filomena Salas, also known as Rosa Villa (43); and Teofilo Escobede Ramos (53), who confessed their involvement with the traffic. In Lima personnel from PID Region IV in coordination with personnel from DINTID [Directorate for the Investigation of the International 'I'raffic in Drugs] located and captured their contacts and distr_ibutors at the international level, identified as Justo Perez (41) and Rosendo Salazar (50), who have confessed their nnde of operations and connections, giving the names and addresses of their contacts in Venezuela and Mexico. [Text] [ EXPRESO in Spanish 18 Feb 82 p 7] 5170 cso: 5300/2237 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 IRAN BRIEFS ZAHEDAN DRUG SEIZURE--The antidrug squad of the Zahedan Revolution Guards has recovered 6 kg hashish and 1 kg of opium from two persons. [GF050418 Tehran JOMHURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 17 Mar 82 p 4] ~ POPPY CULTIVATIOIr' BAN--The F~s governor general has issued a circular asking people to cooperate in uprooting the canker of ad3iction from the country by destroying all poppy plants or to informing the nearest gendarmerie so that they can take the necessary steps. [GF051844 Shiraz Domestic Service in Per- sian 1500 GMT 5 Apr 82] OPIUM, HEROTN DISCOVERED--IRNA reporfs that 341.5 kg of opium were seized from severdl smugglers during the past-�2 weeks thanks to the relentless pers�istence of our brothers at the antinarcotics headquarters of the Isl~mic Revolutioi~ Guards Corps of Esfahan and with cooperat~;on of the guards corps and gendar- , merie personnel of Iranshahr. The offenders have been arrested. Yesterday the antinarcotics officers at the Nosratabad Post, which is part of the gendarmerie company in Zahedan, discovered 6 kg of heroin in 2 cars. The of- fenders were arrested and handed over to the relevant authorities. [LD070220 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 6 Apr 82] TAIBAD S~IZURES--So far since the beginning of the new year [21 Mar 81], officials of the Gendarmerie Regiment of the township of Taibad have seized more than 760 kilograms of opium, heroin, and hashish from more than 246 smugglers. In a short interview with IRNA on this sub~ect, the commander of the Gendarmerie Regiment of Taibad said that of these smugglers 205 were Iranian and 41, Afghans. He added that in this connection 27 firearms and 193 cartridges were seized from ~mauthorized gun-carriers as well as 1,630,200 foreign cigarettes, 4,932 kilo- grams of tea, and 18,953 kilograms of smuggled cloth. Also at this time, the ~mauthorized export of more than 30 million rials worth of spare parts for auto- mobiles was interdicted. The commander of the Gendarmerie Regiment of Taibad also pointed out that of the narcotics seized, 718.25 kilograms was opium, 31.68 kilograms was heroin, and the rest was hashish. [TP.xt] [Tehran ~;~BH-E AZADEGAN in Persian 11 Mar 82 p 11] 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450034-4 NARCOTICS SF.Z7ED--Shemiran. KGYHAN reporter. rtore than 46 kg of heroin and c~pi:im have been seized in S3hneh, Bonah, 'Ajabshir, and Tehran. Mr Rafi'ipur, public relations officer of the Islamic Republ;_c Publis Prosecutor's Office ann.ounced: "Through their efforts and persistence, the brothers of the Central Antinarcotics Headquarters have arrested several groups of international smvgglers with police records and seized 23..61 lcg of heroin and 4.34 kg of opium. And one of the police stations in Tehran has found 2.14 kg of hashish." He added: "The brothers active in the Central Committee of Sahneh in the pxovince of Bakhtazan last month seized 10.93 kg of opium, 30 grams of burnt - opium, and 4 firearms. Meanwhile, brothers of the active narcr,tics struggle of the Revolution Guards of 'Ajabshir have arrested 25 smuggl~ars and seized 5.27 kg of opium, 2.68 kg of heroin, and 3.71 kg of burnt opium. The anti- narcotics brothers of the Revolution Guards of Bohnab have arrested 15 sellers and smugglers and seized 2.51 kg of opium, ,90 kg of heroin, and 2.23 kg of burnt opium." He requested the public to send written notif ication to this ofL-ice if they have any information about sellers or smugglers of narcotics, or contact them on telephone numbers 27-85-33 or 27r85~34. [Text] [Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 14 Mar 82 p 2] CSO: 5300/5381 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500450034-4 SOUTH AFRICA OPIUl~t DEALER SE\TENCED TO SEVEN YEARS Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English 23 Mar 82 p 11 [Article by Sandra Lieberum] [ Text ] A HILLBROW resi- government people" for' dent was yesterd~y? Lekvou and so it would jailed for seven years ~ 1~5~1� ' for illegally dealing After a visit to Yu~o- in R110 000 worth of siavia Lekvou returaed opium which he "'ith the opium which brought to South ~~onged to his grand- father. Africa after visiting Each time he asked~ relations in Yugosla- the friend what was ~a~Many lives could bappenin~ about the transaction Lekvou have been destroyed by Way told to be patieat this drug", Magistrate ~~I didn't know what M P~~~~~ gazd to do, I juet kept it in Save Levkou (36) a my I was afraid to father of three who has have it - the opium been in South Africa N,~y ~n my car till the� since 1977, pleaded po~ice caught me." guilty in the Johannes- Afte; five months of burg Magistrate's ~yaitina Lekvou decided Court yesterday to il- to try and sell the opi- legally dealing in a pro- ~ ~f as ~~I hibited depeadence pro- r~,~ted to make some ducing drugs - 540,5 S money for my family." of prepared opium on He negotiated the sale � January 7. for R120 000 - but the The opium, which the deal was not finalised investigating officer ~d he was airested. Warrant Officer, H C du ~~I'm sorry for this Plooy, testified, sold for one mistake in a~y life," about R200/8~ raas Lekvou said. He had no found in the Levkou's p~ow convictlons. car at a business in ~e ma~istrate told Wynburg where he ~~u ~e crime wa~ worked as an R800 a very ~erious - the mint- month mechanic. mum prescribed sen- Levkou said whese tence bein~ Hve year~ he came from, Yu~osla- ~p~~enL Taking via, moat people had ~to account the large oP~~- amount involved and. A friend urged him ~e devastating effect it to bring some to South ~Wd have had if not Africa. The friend said Found by the potice, he he would "seU it to the xatenced him ta seven years. Mr A J Slot pro~ecvted. CSO: 5300/5691 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500050034-4 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY BRIEFS FEWER DRUG-RELATED DEATHS--According to a Federal Government report to the Bundestag interior committee, drug-related deaths have steadily declined in recent years. 623 deaths were recorded in 1979, 494 in 198U and 360 last year. It is estimated that hard drug consumers have declined from 50,000 in 1980 to 45,000 last year, while the incidence of drug offenaes dropped by 0.8 percent. The trend on the German drug scene thus displays some satisfactory aspects. According to the government this is due in large measure to the efforts of the security agencies. It remains to be seen, though, whether a real turnaround is in progress. Last year some. 6.7 tons of marijuana products, mainly hashish, were confiscated, double the 1980 volume. As for heroin, the most dangerous of all narcotics, 93 kg were seized in 1981 compared with 267 kg in 1980. It is reported that, at ~least temporarily, little heroin was available on the market. The reason: The need for Turkish citi- zens to have visas to enter Germany and considerable efforts by the Turkish author- i.ties. The fight against narcoti.;~ smuggling is encouraged by training and equip- ment aid to foreign police and custon:s agencies. A treaty with Turkey is to be followed b~ agreements with other count:ies in Asia and the Mediterranean region. /Text/ /Frankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ALLG~MEINE in German 12 Mar 82 p 8/ 11698 FRANKFURT DEALER SENTENCED--Drug dealer Joseph Amiel, 40, of Israeli origin and known by the alias "Big Joe" went on trial and Frankfurt and was sentenced to 9 years' detention on the first day. The defendant had pleaded ~~uilty. "I did not have the fainte:st idea of wtiat narcotics mean in terms of crime and misery; now I know what I ha~ve done," he said. The restaurant owner from Tel Aviv was the founder and leader of a ring of heroin traders, dealing in drugs from April 1974 to March 1975 in Frankfurt, Amsterdam and London. In Frankfurt in 1976 nine members of the group received prison sentences of up to 9~ years; "Big Joe" had escaped fro~r *he remand prison Dieburg shortly before the trial began. He and his family found re- fuge in Argentina, but his children's governess "denounced" him to the police, and he was sentenced to 5 years for passport offenses. Immediately after finishing his sent~nce which he described in Frankfurt as "torture," he was extradited to Germany last autumn. Defense counsel regretted that it was not possible to credit Amiel's 5 years jail in Argentina to the Frankfurt penalty. tiowever, in view of the com- prehensive confession counsel hoped that Amiel mi~ht be pardoned in 3-4 years, en- abling him to return to Israel and his family. /Text/ %~`rankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE in German 12 Mar 82 p 7/ 11698 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 GF.R?~tAN ADDICTS IN EIMSTERDAAt--More than 700 German drug addicts, permanent residents in Amsterdam, are causing increasing concern to the city and the German assistance _ association there. The association reported last Friday that the Dutch Government , tiad expressed a wish for the Federal Republic to help pay for the care given these peo7le (although, accarding to international agreements, the "host country"--howeve~ involt~ntarily--has responsibility for them). "If no decision is taken within the fort.seeable future, we will have to close down," said a spokesman of the association. About 70 percent of the German addicts have yet another handicap: They have criminal records, are subject to supervision as parolees, should have to go to prison in the FRG to serve their sentences or go on trial there. Almost 30 percent have escaped from a treatment facility or therapeutic community. That is why not all dare go to the assistance association, and its five staff inembers must actually take to the streets to find those most in need. Among the 1,5C~J-2,000 aliens on the Amsterdam drug scene, the largest contingent is provided by Germ~n women. Not a few of these girls--and even young men--earn their keep by prostitution. Hardly a day passes without the association and a parallel Church organization treating ~ome 20 addicts in tlle building at Prinsengracht 148. The helpers there have just over half the money at their disposal that would be available to them in Germany. It is not lcr?own yet wllether the influx of aliens will diminish consequent upon the recent:ly - issued request by the Dutch authorities to physicians to prescribe the much coveted methadone only to native addicts. Quite a few Germans have by now been "fully in- tegraeed," spealc Dutch with an Amsterdam accent. Heroin is on sale all over the country, and judges are usually fairly easy-going. Every year 10-20 ~oung Germans die of an overdose in Amsterdam hotels and rooming houses. /Text/ /Frankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE in German 13 Mar 82 p 7/ 11698 CSO: 5300/2238 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054034-4 GREECE BRIEFS NARCOTICS CENTER DISCOVERED--The Piraievs police have found a new narcotics center at the house of Lemonia Kourpali, at Zaimis Street. Small quantities of hashish and heroin were found and confiscated. Many syringes ready for use as well as 15 (roinidon) pills were also found. In addition to Kourpali, the following people were also arrested: Matthaios Iliyas, age 31; Iririi Sandik, age 24. Another four persons are wanted by the police. [TextJ [NC012119 Athens Domesiic Service in Greek 1130 GMT 1 Apr 82 NC] CSO: 5300/5380 21 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 NETHERLANDS THRL=E POLICE COhiMISSIONERS ON DRUG PROBLEM, REMEDIES Arr?sterdam ELSE"v'IERS r9AGAZINE in Dutch 27 Feb 82 pp 44-50 (Group interview with J. Valken, C.N. Pei~ster, and A. Vermeij by Coen van Harten - and Jan Heinemans] ' [Excerpts] Petty crime and hard drugs. How safe are our big cities? The investigation--is it real.investigation or just registration of crime? Do policemen in troublesome cities have a right to higher pay? And what are the police unions up to=-you hardly ever used to hear of them, but nowadays they clamorously make known their dissatisfactions. What is wrong with the policemen's training--are they put out on t}ie street too young? And what must we do about the new police law? These are subjects that came up~for discussion in a frank round-table talk that ELSEVIERS had with the "big three": the chief police commissioners of Amsterdam, The - Ilague, and Rotterdam: J. Valken, Dr C.N. Peijster, and A. Vermeij . 'I'hat is shown by the more intensive police presence in the most dangerous square l;ilometer of the Amsterdam inner city. What is happening on the Seawall also s~tc~i~~s that an unimaginably high percentage of petty crime has to do directly witi~ clrug problems. In spite.of all the methadone treatments and welfare work- crs, heroin use and with it (conseQuently) crime are increa,sing hand over fist. Discussion of the drug problem goes more and more in the direction of supplying pure heroin grati~, through socialized medicine, to registered (Netherlands) junkies. 'fhe big three all seem to be proponents of that. Valken: That would deal a death-blow to the drug traffic, but to me registra- tion and.supervision are absolute conditions, and meanwhile it is important for ~omething to be done ahout the problem of the drug user. I'cijstcr: I find it primarily a medical question. You have a right to.expect it oE the physicians involved that they will act conscientiously; i.e., not be mer.�c suppliers, but also always keep an eye on the user's interests, and in any case always offer him the opportunity tv kick the habit. Vermeij: It is important to ksep talking with the addict, and registered sup- ~~ly offers optimal opportunities f.or that. 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050034-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500050034-4 Valken: ~Ve are dealing here ~aith an incalculabl~ problem. In Amsterdam there arc 3,000 registered addicts, but in reality there are several times that many --over 10,000. Ve~mcij: Ancl think of the amount of stealing and robbing all those people have to cio to get their daily dose of 300 u;~its. 'I'11ey are bringing grief on them- ticlves, those a.round them, and societ.y. lVl~enever a kilogram of heroin is seized, ecstatic press releases are handed out. l31it even record seizures are small potatoes viewed against the background of the imr.iense turllover iii this "white circuit." Those arrested turn out without ex- cel~tion to bc or accidentally caught couriers or users who are trying to finance their own consumption this way--small fish. The big bosses, who alone ccul operate in this racket with investments of millions, go free. Investigators kno~~ their i~arnes but fail in every effort .to provide proof. The detective - a~encies liave made Minister of Justice De Ruiter aware of this "kno~vledge." For tl~at reason tlie ?ninister proposes to the Second Chamber to proceed to a jurid- ical 111110V~ltlOil. In the Netherlands the concept of conspiracy exists solely in COIlilCCt1011 ~�~ittt crzmes against the state and t]Ze Royal House. In all other r_riraes, before anyone ~an be considered suspect--let alone guilty--at least a start~ raust luive been naue in committing the act. This fact is regarded as one oF tlle fot~ndations of legal security. Hence De Ruiter's proposal to introduce the consl~iracy concei~t i.nto the opium law as well may be characterized as start 1 in~;. Pe:ijster (like a minister of justice at heart): I do not believe yoti can sup- press the drug traffic by juridical measures. It is a di:-?,:~_:.ion of the possi- bilities open to the police and the courts; you would be stupidly creating a ne~ti~ Vall:en (does see something in De Ruiter's plans): It is not a salvation, of course, but perhaps it is one of the ways to reach a solution. We must follow various paths: free drug dispensing, but also more possibilities of repression. - The narcotics squads are Powc;rless, and with the normal orthodox methods of de- tectioi~ you have not the ghost of a c}iance of catching the big boys. Peijster: I am allergic to that call for. overhai~ling the law. As soon as a little offshoat of the RAF [Red Army Faction (Baader-h9ei.nhof Group)] is traced li~rc, cveryl~ocly Leti:ins to shout for a conspiracy law. Then you are ~aitl~ the c~uality of t}~e coristitutional state. I do not underestimate the druQ ~~roblem, but thc j~ublic essentially does. The fate of the tens of thousands - of