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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050033-5
JPRS L/ 10457
. 14 April 1982
V'~orlalwide Re ort
(FOUO 9/82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500054033-5
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050033-5
_ , .
JPRS L/10457
14 April 1982
~auo 9/82~
Telecommunication Liberalization EYamined
(NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, various datea) 1
Ariane 4 Expects 43 Percent of Market From 1986 to 1990 ~
(Pierre Langereux; AIR ET COSMOS, 6 Feb 82) 14
Potential Markets, Launch Reliability
Geo~tationary Satellite Launch Cost
Ariane Operational Launch in Agril 19
Ariane Launch Set for April 19
_ a _ [III - WW - 14Q FOUO]
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Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese 18, 19, 24~ 25 Feb 82
[18 Feb 82. p 3]
[Text] .
Postal Services Ministry Tele-Communications Eolicy Bureau Director
_ General MORIZUMI held a press conference on th~u 17th, and stated
as follows on the problem or liberalizing data communications: "In
regard to the revising of the Public Tele-Communications Law this time,
private information and corranunications enterprise operators will not
be permitted ~o offe:r high-level information and communieations services
(VAN)." So saying, .e clarified the outlook that the Gontents of the
proposed liberali~ation of data communications will be limited to
fie~ds excluding high-level iriformation.and communicat~ons services,
for the time being. Therefore, the possibility has also, appeared that
the overa?1 opening ef the market for data communications, as sought by
in~ormation and communications business circles and the economic and
industrial circles, will be de'.ayed on a large scale.
zn connection with the problem of liberaliz~ng data cormnunications,
the Government-LDP side h~~s already decided on a incorporate a
- revised Public Tele-Communications Law in a'~package bill con~erning
the re-adjustment or rationalization.of [projects which require]
permission or approval," instead of enacting a new law. At the press
con:erence held on that day, MORIZUMI also said, "The actual situation
is such that this time, the enactment of a new law (as called for by
the Postal 5ervices Ministry) has become difficult," Thus, h.e formally
= expressed his intention to give up a new data-communications
~ bill (bill conce~:ning added-value data transmission serv:.ces) to the
current Diet session.
Howeve-r, the Postal Services Ministry says, "The preconditions
Eincluding the preservation of communications secrets) for the
liberalizing of high-level incormation and communications services as to
private information and comm~inications enterprise opeT~ators have still not
been established (through negoti.ations with MITI)" (Bui~eau Director
- 1 ,
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y -
General MORIZUMI). Thus, the Ministry plans no` to include trie
li.beralization of high-level information and communications services
(added-value data transmission services) in the Public Tele-Communications
Law Revision Bill, though it had decided to do that.
As for the revising of the ~,aw this time, the proposed liberalization ,
will be limi~ted (1) to "joint use" of~comtnunica*ions circuits by two
- or rr.ore companies , and ( 2) to "use by others in� which private '
- comriunications enterprise ope�rators will lease communications circuits
from the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation and sub-lease
them to other enterprises, and which will not be accompanied by any
- message exchange (meaning the transmitting of information as is,
aithout changing the contents thereof, as in the case of the telephone). ' .
This means that approval will virtl.ially not be granted to tt~e
li~eralization of inessage exchangE, which liberalization will be
indispensable for private information and communications enterprise
_ epera'~ors to offer high-level information and communications services, or
to the ccnnection of public communications circuits, specific communications
_ circuits, and public communications circuS.ts (so-called public-specifie-
= pubiic cor.nection) which is necessary for the establishment of
_ ir.formation-processing networks . .
On the oth er hand, MITI intends ~o seek strongly the Postal .
Services ~�iinistry's overall opening of the market for data communications, .
on the strength of the I'rovisional Administrative Affairs Research
Council's recommendation calling for the overall liberali~ation of
data communications. For this reasorr, the focal point has~shifted to
the problem of whether the proposed liberalization in the fie?d of
high-?evel information and communications services will be incoroorated
in t;~e Public Tele-Communications Law Revision Bill this time.
[19 P'eb 82 p 3] _
The problem of wh~ther efforts should ~e made to cope with the
_ proposed liberalization of data cor~ununicati.ons through the enactment
of a new 1aw Cdata communications law) or through the revising af the
- existing ~3w (Public Tele-~ommunications Law), on which problem the
assertions of the Postal Services Mina.stry and MITI were ir. a sharp
conflict, has come to an end along the line of revising tt;e La~r n~;:
- in. force, with the Postal Services Ministry's having givcn up �
establishing a new law. The reason for this zs that the Postal
- Services Ministry's view urging the establishment of a new approval or
permission system was not accepted, ~a.~~e to the la~~^ge-scale cur.r~ent of
administrative reform, callin~ for the re--adjustment or rationalization
of [projects which require] approval or permission. With this as
turning point, however, the Ministry has shifted to the tact ic of
restricting the liberalization this time. The ~ocal point is whether
high-level communicatior:s services, which can also be said ta ha the
2 '
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nucleus of the proposed iiberalizati.on of data cemmunications, will
be included among the objects of the liberalization through the
- revising of the Luw this time. The ~'ost3.l Services Ministry intends
to give up libera].zzin~ high-level communications services, but
= MITI and industrial circles concerned are showing strong repulsion ~
against this. ~fi e problem of liberalizing data communications will
enter its second round of development as to how far the scope of ~
- liberalization sho u1d be expanded.
"Has the Postal Services Minis~ry reaL'.y given up enaeting a
new law?" tlews about Postal Services Minister MINOWA's statement,
which said that "the Postal Services Ministry has given up enacting a
new law," was conveyed to the Government-LDP sidQ on the 16th. At ~
that time, MI'I'I leaders looked as if they were unable to quite believe
[the news]. On the other hand, the Postal Services Ministry administrative
officials concerned were also bewii.dered, as they were una~~le to
grasp the real intention of the Posfial Services Minister.
The.major reason why a decis5.on was rapidly reached to give up
the planr.ed enactment of a new law, was the Provisional Adminis~trative ~
P.ffairs Research Council's second recommendation calling for fihe
re-adjustment or rationalization of the approval or permission system.
'I'he Government-LDP side earlier decided to co~e with the proposed .
liberalization of data communications through a"b ill concerning the
package har.dling of ttie re-adjustment or rationalization of the
a~proval or permission system." The atmosphere within the LDP was
- as represen~ed by the view th~t "such a bi11 (as a new bill called for
by the Postal Services f~linistr}r), which wi11 necessitate the granting
of aor,roval or permission, cannot be included in the preposed bill
calling for the re-adj w tment or rationali2ation of the approval or
permissien system" (LDP Adma.nistrative and Financial Affairs Research
Ccuncil Chairman HASHI~lOTO). Moreover, at a Cabinet meeting, slated
fo~ the 19th, the Government wi11 decide to "respect the Provisional
Administrative Research Council's rec~mmezidation." ,The large-�
scale current of administrative reform by the Government and the LDP
as one body can be said to h~ve become connected with the settlement ~
of ~.he probl.em in the form of revising the Law now in force.
Howeve:, the Postal Services Ministry has not made overall concessi~ns,
_ though it has giv~n up the planned enactment of a new law. .Rather,
it is resor~tir.g to the tactic of r~olling back with 1:he substantial
contents, in plar_e of di~cardi~g the formal oroblem of whether (.the
situation s;~ould he se~tled] ;.hrough ~the enac:tmpnt of a new law or
~ through [the re~risiag of] the Law now in force. Th e~irst step for .
that purpose was the emergenc~ px~ess conference wh ich Postal Service~
Ministry Tele-Communications Policy Bureau Director General MGRIZJMI �
held oii tl:e 17th. MORIZUMI definitely stated as fol].ows : "The
- precondit~ons (including the presex+vation of communications secrets
and co-ordination of fa.elds betweeil private indu.~trial ~circles
c~ncerned and the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Pi:blic Corporation
3 '
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- [P7TT]) foz~ the liberalizing of highslevel communications services (VAPI)
as to vriv~te information and cor~municat~.ons enterprise operators have
sti11 no~t been established thro~lgt~ nego~iati.ons with MITI. If, this time,
ef~orts are to be made to cope hith the sitLation only through the
revising of the Law now in force, privare information and communications
enterpz~ise operators cannot b~ permitted to offer hi~n-level
cer,imunications services."
This means th~t the Postal Services Minisfiry is still not changing
its ~osture, to the effect that high'--level communications services
cannot be extende~ excep~t under a new laia. It also says that it will
give up the proposed libexalization in the field of high-level
communications services, in which Field it has been planning to
carr~f out partial ~.iberalization in the form of enacting a ner~* law,
if it is said that the existing Law alone should be revised. It is
t;ius carrying out operations to submi~t a ne~r bi11 to the next Diet
session, as expected at the very beginna.nb, with its usual p�~rsevering
- posture seen when ~'he ~rhree Ministers reached agreement on the
establishmen~: of a new postal individual annuity system and the
nandling of the Postal Sa.vings Delibera~tion Council's recommendation.'
- When asked .i~ "this wi.l1 result in delaying the liberalization of
data communications," Bureau Director Genera?. MORTZUMI replied,
"The Government office, which has jurisdia~tior over the data
communicatior.s--connect~d legislation, is ~Che Posfial Services Ministry.
His logic is th~t tznless the Posta', 5ervices Ministry moves, the bill
cannot be submi~-ted [to the Diet].
If the Postal Services Ministry's asseZ~tions are to be accepted, then
the proposed liberalization ~aill be limited to the following cases
through -the rev~.sin~ of the Law this time: (1) "Joint use" of
communications circuits by two or more companies; (2) "use by others," �
in which private information and communicafii.ons enterprise aperators
wi1.t lease communications circuits from NTT and sub-lease them to
other enterpris~s, and F~hich will not be accompanied by any message
� exchange (meaning the transmitting ~f information as is, without
changing the contents thereaf, as in the case of the telephone); and
(3) the connection of computers through the use of personal circuits.
This means tha~t approval will viz~tually no~t be granted to the
liberalization of inessage exchange, which liberal.ization will be
indispe*~sable for private intormation and communications en~erprise
operators to ofA~r high-level information and comm~:nications services,
- or to the connection of public communications circuits, specific
cortrmunications circuits, and gublic commvz~ications circuits, which
connect ion is necessary fnr ~he es~abli.shment of information-processing
networks. ~
This field of high-level communications services is a star field
in regard to the liberalization of data communications. Unless that
fieici is liberalized to priv~te information and communications enterprise
operators ~his time, the realization of the future image of the
~ ~
4 �
FO1R O~]F~Ci~.L USE OIV~,~'
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data-comcnuni_cations liberalization age, in which simultaneous conferences
wili be tleld or. the telev~.sion screen, for example, between the Tokyo
head office and its branch of.fices in Sapporo, Fukuoka, and other
~ remote areas, will be delayed to that extent.
Therefore, from the stand that "if the field of hzgh-level com-
munications services is not liberalized, it ~i11 decrease the meanir.g
of li.beralizing data communications," MITI intends to c~.rry out
strong activities ~to ~ecure the inclusion of the liberalization of
the high-level communications service�field in a revision bill concerning
the Law now in force. It is the Provisional Administrative Affairs
Research Council's second recommendation which supports MITI's
- asserticns. The recommendat~on notes as follows: (1) In connection
with the use or" data-communications circuits, liberalization should '
be carriecl out, with the exception of the system of exchangin~ .
messages alone, with an unspecified large number of persons as the
objects; (2) in order to c.larify the scope of the minimum necessary
degr~e of restrictions, a negative-list formula (formula cailing for
_ liberalization in principle and also th~ listing of plans which cannot
be carried out) should be adopted; and (3) in regard to mutual connection,
the standards for granting approval should be clarified when a separate-
apcroval system is carried out. In sh~rt, the recommendation calls for
- the overall liberalization of data co~nunications.. �
~ The proposed liberalization of data communications cannot but be said
~ to be incomplete un?ess thE field of high-level communications syste~
and exchange of inessages are liberalized. In that meaning,.future
_ negotiations between the Postal Services Ministry and MITI.on tr;e
scope of the substantial liberalization may be said to be an imp~rtant
_ testing place, from thE standpoint of liberalizing data communications.
- (Note) High-level commur.ications services (VAN) mean. that data will
be exchanged ancl ~rocessed, betwepn the data communications systems
of different cornpanies through the connection vf ~:heir own respective
computers with i1TT's communications circuits, and through the
establishment of networks which will use those computers as switch boards.
- This is the must developed, form o~ data comQnunications . Private .
information and conununications enterpxise operators are planning such
- services as a future image of data cortununications 'services. They are
also said to be added-value communications servi.~es.
- ~t ~'c :r ot 4s ati 9: s4 �
- 5 .
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rvit vrri~.a~ia. vo.: vivL,Y
The Postal Services Ministry's and MITI's ~oays of ~tinking as ta Liberaliza-
tion of Data Communications
Postal Services MITI
(1) Joint use (by companies ~ .
' which have continuous
business relations)
No message switching Liberalization in Liberalization in
_ principle principle
yessage switching Only between com- L~iberalization in~
_ panies which have principle
' close business
- relations
( 2) Us e by o~thers
No message switching Liberalization in Liberalization in
principle principle
_ ,
' Message switching
Between specific persons Report system%'~ Liberalization in
principle �
~ Between non-speci~ic Approva]. system~'~ Liberalization ex-
persons cluding message
~ switching which will
impede services by
(3) Mutual connection
- Public circuits-sp~cific
circuits Liberalization ex- Liberalization in
~ cluding message princi.ple
. switching ~
circuits Separate approval Liberalization in
� principle
(Note) The asterisked systems will not be.included in the re~ising oi
the Law this time. ~
- [24 Feb 82 pp 1-2]
_ The Postal Services Ministry formulated the general outline of a
Public Tele-Communications Law rPVisi.on bill in conc:ection with the
E~roblem o~ liberalizirig the use of cla~Ca communications circuits, and
cbtained the general approval thereof at a mee~ting of the LDP Policy
Board Communicatians Pepartrnent (Chief: Yoshihide MORI), hQld on the
~ 6 ~
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morning of the,24th. The general outline has been drawn up, accompanying
the fact that in response to the Provisional Administrative Affairs
Research Council's second recommendation concerning fihe proposed
re-adjustment of the appro val or permission system, the planned submitting
of a new bill (data communications bill) to the current session
has been given up. Under the general outline, the utilization of ,
data communications circuits, wraich utilization is banned at present,
will be liberalized to a rather great extent, in the information-processing
- field. However, it blocks the road leading to the liberalization of
high-level communications services (VAN) which are expected to develop
in the future. The Ministry will submit its revision bill gen-
eral outline t.o the Administrative Management Agency on the same day.
' However, MITI and the Administrative Management Agency are showing
- re~ulsion agai:nst the Postal Ser~vices Mi~nistry's second draft on the
strength of the Provisional Admi~istrative Affairs Research Council's
- recommendation calling for the overall liberal.ization of data
communications. Complications will pz~obably 2,rise before the problem can
be settled.
In regard to data communicat~i~ns, information will be processed '
through the direct connection of computers and communications functions, as
in the case of the National Railways' Green (TN: First Class Ticket) Windows
and the banics' on-line systems. They are said to be the third communications,
= after telegraoh and the teleohone. At present, restrictions are being carried
out on the private information and communications enterprise operators'
- leasing exclusive-use circuits from the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
Pvblic Corporation (NTT) and their processing information. Industrial
circles concerned have strongly criticized that this been
impeding the development of indus~ries.
- At the very beginning, the Postal Services Ministry had p.lanned~to
liberalize the use of data communications circuits through the _revising
oF tne Public Tele-Communications Law now in force, and a~so through
the enactment of a new data communications ].aw. It had also intended
= to put up a new net of approval or permission over the field of data
- comm~nications in the form of establishing a new law. The LDP
Administrative and Financial Affairs Research Council, ete., criticized
this plan, from t'he stand that it "~aill go against the current of
admi;~istrative reform." The Ministry has f~nally decided to give up
enac~ing a new law and to submit.a revision bill as to the existing
Law to the current Diet session. � ~
- Under the Posta~ Services Ministry's second revision-bill general
outline, the use of communications circuits by companies, which have
bu~inass relations with each other or with cne anothe^, will be
li~~=ralized, in regard to the "joint use" of such circuita~ by two or
more comoanies. Also, as regards th~ exchange of inessages (meaning
tne transmi::ting of information as is, without changing the contents
t`~ereof, as in the case of the telephone), it will be approved, for the
f'_rs~ time, if i~t is to be carried out between or among companies
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rvrc vrri~.4rsi, t~o,c, v~vL,Y
wh~ch iiave close business connections Nith each other or with one anather.
It will became possi~le to estat~lish comm~inications systems, fer
- example, hetween manufacturing iridustr.ialists and retail business-persons,
; bet~~een tourism enterprisers and hoteL~keepers, and between transportation
enterprisers and ~rarehousing enterpric.ers, which systems have been
5 anned up .unt il now . .
~;.th regard to "us~ by others," which is regarded as a focal point,
from the standpoint of fostering and the private information
and communications services, and in wh~ch i.nformation and communicaticns
- enterprise operators w~ll lease circuits from NTT and sub-lease them
to other enterprises, ifi will be liberalized if it is ror data~-
processing purposes. However, in regard ~to high-level communications
services which will be accom~anied by the exchange of inessages, and
_ which ~the Pos~al Services Ministry had planned to incorporate in ~he
- pro~osed new, [the liberalizatic,n thereof] will not be approved,
par-Cly for the reason that "it is impa~sxlile to preserve caium~anications
secrets through the revising of the La~~r now in force." Therefore,
under the Postal Services Ministry's draft plan, it will be impossible
for or?vate information and communications enterprise~operators to off~r
such high-level commun.ications services as computer communications services
_ or mail services (services for t�ransmitting documents for office
- au~omation). ~
Moreover, concerning the connection of public communications circuits,
- specific communications cir~ui'ca, and public coinmunications circuits
(so-calied public-specific-public connection) which will become indispensable
for private informatian and communications entex~prise operators to
azf~r information-processing networJ