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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY JPRS L/ 10398 17 March 1982 Worldwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS cFOUO ,sis2~~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SER~/ICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040044-4 - NOTE JPRS publications cont4in information primarily from for~ign newspapers, periodicals and books, but,also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the origxnal phrasing and other characteristics r~tained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerptj in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in th~e original but have been supplied as appropriate in c~ntext. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. , The contents of this publicatior. in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT llISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044444-4 . FOR OFFICI.4L USE QNLY JPRS I~/10398 ' 17 March 1982 ~ WORLDWID~ REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ - (k~ouo 13/82) CONTENTS ASIA AUSTRALIA International Drug Ring 9mashed in Melbourne (Various sources, various dates) 1 Foreign Connections Found Charges Against Four Passport Crackdown, by Ian Davis Brief s ~ - Prison Drug Problem Italian Drug Problem . - Queensland Cocaine Arrest 4 BANGLADESH Brief s Chittagong Opium Seizure 5 ~ BURMA Briefs - Opium Seizure in Katha 6 Qpium 5eized on Train 6 HONG KONG - Hong Kong May Become Center for Narcotic Export (THE WORKING PEOPLE~S DATT,Y, 19 Feb.82) 7 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INDIA Aid in Reduction of Opium Stockpile Seen (PATRIOT, 15 Feb 82) 8 Brief s ~ Heroin Seized, S~mdicate 9mashed 9 Heroin Smuggler Arrested 9 PARISTAN Golden Crescent Brings Heroin Smuggling Alarm (AnthonY Hyman; THE IS~."ND, 26 Feb 82) 10 Over 70 Rilograms of Heroin Seized, Worth 1 Billion Rupees (MORNING NEWS, 20 Feb 82) 12 Briefs More Hashish Seized 13 Hashish Seized From Ship 13 Drug Haul in Karachi ~ 14 Opium Seized F`rom Ship 11~ . PHII,IPPINES , - Brief s - Revised Dangei~ous Drugs Act 15 SRI LANKA ~ Haven for Haz~d Drugs (Ranil Weer~,singhe; SU~T, 23 Feb 82) 16 THAILADID Kriangsak Interviey:ad on Ties T~'ith Drug Kingpins (Kr~.angsak Chamanan Interview; MATICHON, 28 Jan 82) 17 Commentar ies Voice Questions Over Anti-Sua Operations (Vaxious sourc~s, various dates) 22 U. S. Connec tion Cited, by Phachon Phint~hu ~b~.n I}ieo ~ Corrmients RTG Links With Minorities, Traffickers, by Da Mo Lo - Other Opium Traf.ficking Groups, by Nui Bangkhunthien Columnist Slams :fnaction Against KMT, Saeng San Wan Athit _ Question s Raised on Timir,g of Anti-Sua Operations !MATICHON, 31 Jan 82) 31 Relations With Burma Viewed in Conte~:t of Drugs (MATICHON, 31 Jan 82) 37 -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Post-Raid Situation at Baan Hin Taek Described (TFi~ NATION REVIEW, 13 Feb 82) 40 Drug Officials Believe Heroin Refineries Have Moved (NATION REVIEW, 22 ~'eb 82) lt2 Briefs ~ Hat Yai Trafficker Suspect Nabbed 43 Hong Kong Man Arrested ~3 I,ampang ~Cooked Opium~ Seizure ~ Hat Yai Opiun Seizure ~ Northern D~ug Raid ~ Nakhon Pathom Morphine Seizure ~ L~ug Arrests in Chiang Mai ~5 Mong Hand Over Opium 45 CANAIl~ Government Delay in Reducing Harshness of Marihuana I,aw Cited . ~ (John Gray; THE G7~GBE AND MAIL, 26 Jan 82) 4b Lawyer Gives Opinion on Writ of Assigtance Needs in Drug Cases t~ii.chael Valpy; THE GIABE AND MAIL, 10 Dec 811 !~8 Brief s Ih~ug, Gun Raids 50 EAST EUROPE - YUGOSLAVIA Data on Ixug Addiction in Croatia . ~ (Vlatko Miskovic; V~TESNIK, 16 Jari 82) 51 LATIN AMEftICA JAMAICA Brief s Marihuana Arrests 53 MERICO Large-Scale Traffickers Captured, Maxihuana Seized (EL FRONTERIZO, 20 Feb 82) 54 - c - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Drug Processing Laboratories Discovered in Monterrey 56 (EL DIARIO DE N[TEVO LAREDO, 20 Jan 82~ ~ Brief s Z7 _ Heroin Trafficker Arrested 57 Marihuana Shipments Seized 57 ~affickers Battle Police ~ Bolivia-U.S. Cocaine Traffickers 58 Marihuana Shipping Points Reported 58 Opium Gum Seized TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Guns, Marihuana Seized; Police Say Pusher War Averted (TRINIDAD GUARD2AN, 8 Feb 82) 59 Brief s - I~ug Arrest of Four 61 ~.n e f or Vene zuelan 61 NEAft EAST AND NORTH AFRICA . AF~GHANISTAN Brief s Heroin Factories in Pakistan 62 F~GYPT . . Major Opium Ring Captured � ~ (Husayn Ghanim; AT.-AF~AM, 31 Jan 82) 63 Drug Seizure Reported _ (Husayn Ghanim; AL-AHFt~1M, 6 Dec 81) 66 Brief s 67 Opium Seized IRAN Brief s 68 Tehran Drug Seizure, Statistics 68 Iranshahr Ih~ug I}iscovery 68 Tabriz Drug Catch 68 Tabas Opium Find 68 Provincial Drug Ihscoveries Qom Heroin Find 68 Zahedan, Jahrom Seizures 68 Tabriz, Bo~nurd Discoveries 69 Heroin I7iscovered 69 - d - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY LEBANON Brief s ~ Seizure of Narcotics 70 SYRIA - Brief s . Narcotics Seized 71 SUB-SAFiARAN AFR.ICA . SOUTH AFRICA . Indians Arrested for Possessing Mandrax (Kay Turvey, Rika van Graan; THE CITIZEN, 27 Feb 82) 72 WEST EUROPE CYPRUS Alleged Narcotics Production, S~nuggling in North Reported (I DHILINI, 9 Mar 82) ?Lt - DENMAR~ Nordic ,~Iinisters Report on Meeting in Stockholm on Ih~ugs ~ ~Jens Thomsen; BEEt~INGSKE TIDENDE, 20 Feb 82} ?5 Paper Attacks Position of Danish Minister at Nordic Panel (Editorial; BERLINGSKE TIDEND~, 20~Feb 82) 78 Conservative MP Demands Action Against Christiania ~ , (Bent Bak Andersen; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 22 Feb 82) 80 Customs, Police to Tighten Border Controls Agsinst Drugs � (Bent Bak Andersen; BFHI,INaSKE TIDEN~, 22 Feb 82) 81 ~ Brief s Christiania Drug Seizure Statistics 82 ITALY Heroir Laboratory in Palermo Shut Down (F`rancesco La Licata; GIORNALE DI SICII,IA, ?2 Feb 82) 83 -e- 1~OR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 FOR Gr FICIAL USE ONLY . SWEDEN Police, Customs Report Decline in Hashish Seizur~s (DAGEN~ NYHETER, 10 Feb 82) 89 _ Study Registers Continued Hashish.Use Decline by Pupils ~ (Borje Karlsson; DAGENS NYHETr~R, ~2 Feb 82) 91 Brief s F~~lishman Expelled for Drugs Crime 93 Successful Raids Aga~.nst Pushers ~ 93 SWITZERZANII ~ F`~stent of Drug Problem, Seizures, Deaths 3n 1981 ~ (NEUE ZUERCHER ZEITUI~G, 3 Feb 82) 94 ~ UNITED RZNGD(~NI ~ ~ ~ ~Police Charged With Supplying Drugs to Pusher ~ ~Sicanley G~ldsmith; THE DAIY,Y TEI~EGRAPH, 2 Feb 82) 97 Briefs Cleric~s Robes Hid Drugs . 99 _ - f - ' FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 _ . AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL DRUG RING SAlASHED IN MELBOURNE Foreign Connections Found~ Sydr~ey THE SYDNEY MQRNING HERALD in Enqlish 6 Jan 82 p 1 [Text] MF,T "gOURNE - A secret Senior poGce wae dali~hted Police were last night carrying Vi.ctorian-based police tasr ~e taalc foret'a auoee~. out further raids in Melbourne force yesterday smashed an The Aasiatant Commiaaiolner ~n connection with the heroin internatJOnal drug empire ~~e), Mr Paul Delianis~ aaid syndicate. Aries detectives said after a series of raicis in Mel- Y~~lr "T~ ~~e firat ttuly inveatigationa would continue bourne. ~u~OD~ ~n~~8a~~? wxle~r- ~hroughout Australia and overseas takan ont of Vidoria. into thc drug network. Ti~e task force, codenamed ~~I~ y~ ~~~y ~Q ~~t P~~ ~eve the heroin ring "Operation Aries"~ swung into ~~on undertalcaa by ViF t' the drug in South-E.~+st action aftcr raids in Thaitand I:~st torian poGce." ' � ~s~~~~ took it to ditTerent pl~ces W~~`� Mr Deliaais atid aew lce throughout the world and thea , - Thc ~orce, made u of Victoria techni uea wero used for the first flew it to Australia. - P 9 Thc 25-membcr Arics task � Police, Australian Federnl Police time durlnQ the Aria operationa. forca hat worked ia aecrecy since and Customs Officers, has tx;en ~~Q~y~~ r~~ ~~1~ it wns established. tracking the drug group sinco ~ted the operadonv It has been under the oontrol February Iast y~ear. ~ a~~~pve. chiefa of tihe af Aasistant Commissioner De1i- It is believal the syndicute qrganiaation. ania, Australian Federal Police brought about ~2 million iu police yesterday also rxvettled ~~gtant Commissionsr (Crime) heroin into Austrulia on . cach arate tssk force had Mr Roy Fatmer, and the Deputy ~P� � ~~~ed an internauonal Collector of ~ Ctietoms in Victoria, _ Police, lerl by' the crack multi-million dollar cannabia ring. Mr Colin Vasserotd. Speciai Operations Oroup~ raided 'ibai pollce aeiud 3.5 kg of The operaGon�s caordinator two housq in t6e southan sub- heroin valued at 53.5 million, 25 has betn the head of the Vic- urbs in a aynchronised move at gg of cannabis, false bottomed torian Bureau of Ctiminal Intel- 6 am. 'I~vo men and two women ~xea and a comgactiug press ligence, Detective Superintendent were arrested in the ruid. ~t ~k. 'Jim Williame, . Police ' said both luxurious The raids were organised aftcr Mcmbers of the task force have houses were equipped with information from, t6a Aries tasl: flovm recently to Europe~ the UK sop6isticated electronic ~ecuriry force was passed on. and South�East Asia to collert devices. The heroin syndicate used informution on the drug syndi- De1c~Nves eeized heroin, a douas of false paseports to help � ; large quantity of cash and elx-~ couriera bring the heroin into Police aaid yesterday it wat one ' tronic gaar including police radio Auatrelia without beinR detected. of the most diRicu'.~t polia opera- monitors, buga~ bug detectoca. "They were hig6ly organiscd tiona ever undortaken in Victoria. - twaway radios and radio tel~ and had worldwlde connectians~" phones. one scnior policeman said. The task fonx sometimes re- They betieve Wa herdn em- Recendy an Ariea team tracked fused to acxept intemational ~ a oourier through four Auatralian Police channels to pass on infor- � pire has linka in South-East Aaia. States in three days without being ma'~on overseas because of thc Britain, Eumpe, Naw Zealund d~~~~. ~ fear it woutd be leaked to the ; and tha US. Detectivea said the group had ~q� Police anid yesterday the syndi- connecdona throu~hout Austra- Polia were interviewieg taro caxe was bused m Melbournc. lia. . men and two women laat night. i 1 ~ ; i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 Charqes Against Four = Canberra TI~ AUSTRALIAN in English 7 Jan 82 p 2 [TextJ . A URUC.-tratficking syn- of high-grade heroin in each one of those arrested was a dicate used the names ot. of tive well-documented runs. govemment official. dead infants to obtain false The lOkg fmpOrted On these ' F'alse Passports Dlayed a occaslons h~d a atreet value in major role in the syndicste's _ passports for overseas drug euatral~a of at teaat tio mi1- h~ i~faelse~~pores runs, a court was told yester- ijon. ~ h~ p~sesaion whtte tt?c The four people charged othera had a number of false day. were: ~~d a numt~er of The Melbourne-based ring � David Peter McMUlan. 2y. was allegedly responsible for of Beaumaris, Victoda. who ~r~~t Driver then told importing heroin valued at was charged with conspirln6 Lhe packed court that it would Senior oificers in olved in a Decemb~ert3 and December 5 b~ alleged that McMlllan travelled o~ierseaa � on 11 - Joint Federal Police-Victoria last year: ~~ions while Sullivan and Police operaLion wnich ~ Cle11a Teresa ViQ4no, 27. of V~g~o travelled overseas on smashed the rtng told the Mel- the same addreaa, who was leaat six occaslons. t~hat~ oldMneiwspaper death wt hghaving knowlepdge oi he "On each of those occa.slons notices were scoured by Lhe importation ot heroin on thoae the persona used false identt- syndfcate to provide false� dates. $he was alao charged ties and were in poaseasion of identities. with four VicWriat? otfences Australlan passPort:' he Detective Senior Sergeant relating to the trafficking, sNe ~ S�~d� Peter Driver, of the Victorian and possession of heroin as Sergeant Driver said in CIB, said police had iound a well as one count oi possessing ij Du ne, appea rng foP all "definite pattern" connecting Indian hemp; death notices of the late 1940s � Mlchael8ullivan, 38, an an- four defendar?ts, that the ex- and early 1950s with passports tique dealer of Brighton, Vic- tent of the drug trafficking � us~d by the syndicate. torla, who was charged with operation was Yet W be esta- ~~Nearly all Lhose named in consplring Lo import heroin blished. the passports died in infancy between December 3 and S laet 1 Ha Colombian ational ame but would now be around the year; and same age of the fonr peoP~~ � Mary Escolar CatUo, 29, also from a wealthy family.' accused," he told the court. of Brighton, who wsus charged Sulltvan and Catilo had been He said the joint operatton, with conspiracy Lo import her- tiving fn a. de facto relstfon- involving members ot the Aus- oin on the same dates. Milplan and Vigano had iived in tralian Federal Police, the Vic- No pleaa were ~ntered on be- a Symilar relationahlp since at toria Police and custocns offi- ~~alf of the fourdefendatits. �least 1978. cials, had begun in February The proaecuWr. Mr C3rahat??~ pnawer(ng a queation trom last year. Cantwell, told the court i~ Mr Dunne, 8ergeant Driver He told ~he Chicf would be alleged the four ac- sAld it was understood Vigano Stlpendiary Magistrate, Mr A. cused were prtnclpals ot Lhe W~ of a fsmlly "of some Vale, it involved surveillance gang lnvolved ta the importa- means who lived in Melbour- of syndicate members in Aas- tion oi a number of kllograms ne's southern suburbs. tralia and overseas and drew of heroin. The Victorla police surgeon, on informabion from IIritain, ~~The importation was under- Dr Peter Bush, satd he had the US: Thailand, South taken by them and itve cour- ~reated them all since their America and New Zealand. lers who were each pald up to ~.est for the effects of heroin He said it would be alleged SZ~.~ tor each trlp to br1nB the drug operation began in the druBa lnto Auatralfa;' he uMg Vale refused all four de- 1980, involved trips by at least Spi'~� fendents baU and remanded two of the accused usinB false Anests had also taken Place them to JanuarY 14. passports, and that the syndi- in another country in connec- �cate liad imported at least 2kg tion with the syndlcate~ and Passport Crackdown Melbourne THE AGE in English 6 Jan 82 p 3 [Article by Ian Davis] ' [Text ) CAN'B~E~RR'A. - The ~Federal Government wi1~ make . gassports'harder to get in an ePf~rt to crack down on the ase of ~alse passports ~by drug syndicates. 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 Passport ap liqnb wfp be re- quired to pr~uee moce proot ot identity than requlred nwow, and the Department of Immigration and the Federal pollce will checJc identity than required now, and obteined passports have been - used in big dr~g rackete inciud ing the Mc AsFa syndicate. ` The Miniater for Foreign At lairs, Mr Sueet, yesterday an- nounad the increased checks on passport appllcanta He said that a management consultant would be hired by ti~ Government W "revIew the securtty aapects ot passport issue and control, par- tkularly as they rel4te to the estsblishmerK ot identity". The new measuros are expected to cause delnya in the ~sauing ot passpprts. Mr Street said that while some genuine applicsnts m8y be allghtly lnconvenIencxd he hoaed most people woald ac� cept tl~e checks as necessary iu the national interest. - In the Mr Asia drug trlal in Britain it was revaled that one member ot the synd[cate~ Errol Hincksman, got an Australian passport by clalming to be s person whose name he took trom - a gravestone. He epplied fa the persan'a blrth cectiflcate, then pra sented the certiflcate and rece~ved apa saport. Evldenoe waa also gtven in the trial that the ayndlcate head~ Terrence Clark, used blank blrth certtRcate forms to produce for- ' ged b~rth certlflcates which were used to get ~pes~orta� Tfie Drugs Royel. CommissAon, chaired by Mr Justice W9111ams~ recomrnended tightening pass- port nquirements. The pacMer ot the failed Nugan Hand merchant bank~ Michael Sydney butcher and~obtained a pessport in his name. without the butcher beMg aware. ' Mr Street sald the rnw proce- ~ dures would include req~t3rements o~f proo{ ot identity as well as a blrth certiHcate. Tl~e identity would be check~d a8aimt alec- � toral mlis and'other records. The�. depertment wouyd have direct contact by ~hone or mall with the epplicaAt and ttu person certify- , ' Sng~the' applicant'a identity. He baid that the Govarnment was oon~idering further messures. CSO: 5000/7531 3 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 AUSTRALIA BRIEFS PRISON DRUG PROBLEM--Sydney.--Prisoners at Sydney's Parramatta Jail were locked in their celis last night and wili ~tay there for at least two days while prison offic~rs search for weapons and drugs. After a year of violence, drug and qun hauls and con~inuous allegations of an organised drug netw~ork, the New South Wales Government decid~d yesterday to withdraw several nrivil- eges and to review all other freedoms in tlie jail. The lock-up at Sydney's maximua? security jail comes after 19-year-old Petex Thomas was found strang- led under his bed on Monday aftersioon. Thomas was the fourth murder victim in the jail in 10 mon~hs. The killinq has been linked with the jail's drug network. The Minister for Correctfve Services, Mr Jackson, said yesterday: "The indications are that cestain prisoners have control of. the jail and other inmates won't talk because they fear far their lives." The search for weapons and drugs will last at least twa days. Al1 furnishings, including cupboards and curtains, in which contraband can be concealed, will be removed. [Excerpt] [Melbourne THE AGE in English 6 Jan 82 pp 1, 3] ITALIAN DRUG PRABLIIri--All but 16 of the 130 alleged Calabrian Mafia members detained since early last year in Locri, Calabria, have now been released. And the Australian D~partment of Foreign Affairs is seen as being partly re- . sponsible. Several af them were suspected of links with drug gmwing at Grif- fith. However, despite the invastigating magistrate's request to the Italian IInbassy in Canberra far an autheiZt~cated copy of the Woodward 1tei~oY"t~ it did not arrive in time for its sections on Griffith-Calabria drug links to be used as evidence. The First Secretary of the Italian Embassy in Canberra, Dr Gian- carlo Izzo, said yesterday the embassy had made a request to the Department of Foreign Affairs for a copy of the Woodward Report in July or August last year. N~o response had been received from the d~partment. [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING I~RALD in English 6 Jan 82 p. 3] QUEENSLAND COCAINE ARREST--Police on Queensland's Gold Coast have seized co- - caine worth $1 million. Detectivea took possession of the druq, and more than $6000 in cash, in a raid on a house in Surfers Paradise. Phillip Issam Abdi, 31, was arrested xt Coolangatta Airport on Monday. Abdi, a Gold Coast res- tauranteur, appeared before the Southport Magistratss Court yesterday on char- ges of having possessed and trafficked in a dangemus drug. ICanberra TI~ _ AUSTRALIAN in English 7 Jan 82 p 3] CSO: 5300/7531 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 _ BAIdGLADESH BRIEFS CHITTAGONG OPIUM SEIZURE--Dacca, 3 Mar (AFP)--Customs officials in the port city of Ch3.ttagong have discovered 17.2 kilograms (38 lbs) of opium, valued at more than $600,000, in a cargo ship, it was reported here today. Reports said the ship belonging to Bangladesh's national flag carrier "Shipping Corporation" was also carrying huge quantities of unauthorised electronic goods and cosmetics worth thousands of dollars. According to the reports, the same ship was detained - in a port in the United States on.8 November when U.S. cuatoms officials found more than 9.5 kilos (21 poun.ds) of hashish and 26 kilos (58 pounds) of opium. ~ The ship, "Banglar Maya," sailed to Chittagong on Monday from New York after calling at Karac:~i in Pakistan and Tuiticorin in India, customs of�icials,were quoted as saying. [Text] [BK050745 Hong Kong AFP in English 1631 GMT 3 Mar 82] CSO: 5300/5667 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 BURMA BRIEFS OPIUM SEIZURE IN KATHA--Under the Katha Township opium suppression campaign, Katha Township People's Council, Kyandaw War~l People's Council and armed forces members at about midnight on 31 January laid in wait near Kyaadaw Village. They later arrested Sai Nan together with 72 packages of opium, each weighing 1 viss [3.6 pounds], and one packet of opium weighing~half a vias. The other gang members transporting the opium~fled. Later, following a testimony given by Sai Nan, 12 more packages of opium, each weighing 1 vise, were uncovered b uried ~dergroimd near a haystack near Kyandaw Creek.~ (BK050745 Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 18 Feb 82 p 5] OPIUM SEIZED ON TRAIN--Lashio Railways police on 15 February boarded the Lashio- Mandalay Train No 132 at Hsipaw station and searched the bedroll of Ma Chan Wan of No 4 Aryondaw Ward, Lashio. The search ~covered two packages of raw opium weighing 2 viss. Hsipaw peoF~le's police station has filed charges againsb Ma Chan Wan. [BK050745 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 24 Feb 82 p 4] CSOa 5300/5667 ~ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 HONG KONG ~ -i HONG KONG MAY BECOME CENTER FOR NAFi~COTIC EXPORT ~ Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in Enqlish 19 Feb i32 p 6 ~ [Text] FiONG. HONG, =7 Feb-A~ seaior Hoag Hoag i cnstoms officer has espressed� concern tl~t ~ thxs British colony might ~ sgaiq become s centre ~ for aarcotics esporta. after. en~oyiag . a drug-~ee~ i status for more th~a eight ye~: . I K S Tong,. Chief ~of.the cuatoms officers cpnfiaca- i Customs Investigation ted t:g3 kiloa of heroin' Bureau, ~ said~ yesterday from the luggage of man ~ ' ohat the volume of drugs ~ who was aboui to leave.' ae~iz~'d here last ycu .~ose , for Alnsterdam. ~ bY ZS Per cent over ic~o.: "Tr~ickera have been� ~ The bundper harvest in k~a to ba using diverai-' , plsia's producing arc~"had fied-route methods ~ io bronght~. down thd~ pri'as smuggle aarcotic~ inEar of . narcotics and cau~ed . Hong Kong via the ?hilip- tiaffickers , to- warK out ~pines, Tatwaa and Macao~ ~ new smuggling~ tactics. ~and some'other neighbour- ' Tong said.. " . ing . areas as tr~nsit ~ "`For . many yeara," he~ porb," Tong said. , , s~id, "Hong Kong liae H~,~,~,er~ he ~ said that. bten a~ place which did l~t year, there had. aot have drug exRorts. ~n no reporta since i.y~3 However, the big seizures of drugs beiag smuggled last� year at� the (Kaitak) ~hrough ~the calony to Airport from two Europe- ~ other countries. � ~ bound passengers � has ~ once again put Hong Kong He said thact fopowing' into disrepute," he said. the bumper harvest, th~ He'said that in.the first wholesale price of black case, policc seized I.S market raw opium in the ~ kilos oE heroin in three salt- .~lony had. dropped , by e i fiah belonAing~ to a 12 per cent from i g8o. womaa. Later in the year; ~ 1 ~ ~ CSO: 5300/4924 i i ~ 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040044-4 INDIA J AID IN REDUCTION OF CPIUM STOCKPILE SEF.N New Delhi PATRIOT in English 15 Feb 82 p 7 (Text] :VIENNA,~ Feb 14 (PTi)-- Qa~e i~~iroientative to ths o~n�~ Iudie; tiur lerQeat prod~ic~r~ dt mi~sian; .told PTI tbet th~ dtua� ord~n legnUy~ expecw .tn i~� tioa~ :in Aighanf~taa 'and � It~n~ tara~tlon~l at~istsa0s, itl s~duc~ had` turned India into a ra~or 1~t ib'accumul~ted +~tflcb .dus to traadt noint tor narcotlo dru~w . nver-supply in the ~rld � ~r~ ~A ~ ~ao" o! ~et.: ' � � Dp1qff. w?~t ~b~ed o~? tbe Iadte� . Ttie~:Indlu~ dele~ition to~� tfie p~b~ y~der wbea !t wa~ be� ~eventh' epecial eeu~On oi VN nqy~g ~d~ The ~robleln rva~ Cnrainiaaion on N~rcottc' �~u R! be~.t~e~ed bY t1i~ IAdian 8tt barm led by Mr a. ~ ~1~1; ~Ad� 'tb e~. , . ~i~ional Secreta3y.. Aa~n~nt He deDr~a~ted the~'ddlibenta oi Reyenue, has~~x~turaed, ~ wlth ~tte~l ~ude i~% i~ia quar� this optimiRm. Delegation eoyrc- tete ~the We~t to�proeeat�'~h~t~ ~,s ielt confident India w.ould bn ~ ~y acens iri In~i~ w~e .beYond ~ble to bring down ita ~tockr thu ~n~~; A ree ueh ~tady made ~ vc~r. ~ ' ~ ' at !~e � Chen~aarh Institute ~ ot While Ii?d1a produee~ A00 ''ta Nedical Scienee3 ~a qubllal~ed ~ i,~ tonnee oi raw oyium ~ ot aith distortlon. wlrl� ~ 90 per cent i~~ e~cpoeteel, ; H~ bid mida'av:Uble a copy tBe~: over-euppl~y � eltuation 1u~ o~ the study . to ihs VnitcA Na� ariden ~�~irora tbe emer~e~ce o! Hone divieion o! nareotiC dru8e . � Aastralif~ ae '~upplle~ oi ~O1~Y io tbat , it woWd have' a.correct ; ~ etraw a~ ~well ae A h!g ri~e oicture � beipr it. - lllicij..~roductlon and b1~ck. m~r� ~e� ..~~p eeion, durln~t ita . ket o~.opium and prAduot~ U,~t , ftve-de,y ~eu~n here. con4idered ~eAtthoukh there ~ aae ~oms ee~ propoeale tor acheduling ~ ana ~iatance in the 8amember eom~ ceschedulin~ druBe, the repqrt miasipn, Id dia'e caea wat acoep t~ �o~~ the ~Intelnetlonal Narcotica ~d'~even bv Australie, whfch pt~r , Control Hoas~d, a lpecfal report 0d the. wnY , far a~ con~enntt se~ 4i the bo~rd on thd aemard and ~olirtion on auppla and,demLnd~ ~upply oi opiatea ior medical. ~ourcee ~atd. and edentitie neede. au well aa ~sr M~I Bha~a ar. N~rcdtlc~ a PTO~mmd ot etratgey ior druY Commleaioner and ~ndii?'~ alber contro . ~ . ~ CSO: 5300/7021 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 ~ INDIA BRIEFS HEROIt3 SEIZED, SYNDIGATE SMASHED--New Delhi, 3 Mar (AFP)--Four foretgn nationals, three Afghans and an Australian, were arrested by officials of the Narcotics Branch of the Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI) from a New Delhi - south district who seized one kilogramme (2.2 lbs) of heroin worth over 300,000 rupees (537,500), PTZ News Agency reported today. CBI sources said narcotics detectives moved into the houae hired by Afghan gnag leader, Abdul Ghani, after a week-lAng surveillance and seized the contrs~band. The two Afghan nationals and the Australian were us~~ as courrier~ in the heroin smuggling racket which had spread its tentacles from illicit heroin factories�in Afghanistan through Pakistan into India, CBI sources said. Meanwhile, police in Gaziabad, about 30 kms (18 miles), in Uttar Pradesh, today claimed to have smashed a . syndicate of narcotica smugglers operating in northern India after arresting a - member and seizing 46 kilogram of charas (mari.~uana), PTI reports said. The "smuggling kiag" behind the racket employed a fleet of vehic~les to transport mari~uanr~ and opium from Nepal and other placea in Uttar Pradesh. [Textj [BK0507~+5 Iiong Kong AFP in English 1510 GMP 3 Mar $21 HEROIN SMUGG)~ER ARRESTED"Heroin worth more than Rs 3 lakh W~ ~CA cording to the Palaua pc~lice from a Londoa-bound British national on Sunday. a spokesma~, the hexoin, weighing about 400 gr~ 8w~lfP astic~packetsin ~e accused John Davis'. underwear. It wns packec3 contraband was detected durinq the security check. During the friskinq, a _ police off.icial fovnd th~t Davis had concealed some packets in his underwear, and after soma hesitation, he handed over the three packete contapolice are ,hesroin. Davis harg been remande~ to judicial custo8y for a week� tryiaq to a~~estain the aourae of its procurement� (New Delhi PATRZOT in ~g- lish 16 Feb.82 p ZO] CSO: 5300/7020 9 ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 PAKISTAN GOLDEN CRESCENT BRINGS HER~IN SMUGGLING ALARM Colombo THE ISLAND in Engl3sh 26 Feb 82 p 6 [1~r~icle by Anthony Hyman) - [Te3n:] � Pakistanhasappeale:dformassive Everyday items of glass, China � inte~national aid to fight drug and plastic from abroad abound in smuggling. The problem is huge. In smuggli~g cmtRS, as well as more rcant years tha wild borderland expensive iterr~. At Nushki, west of regic�n betwern I~an, Pakistan and Quetta (capital of Pakistan's Afghanistan has surpassed "The Baluchistan pravince), goods of all Golden Triangle" ~egion of Indo- description are readily available. China as a soura of opium for The last threeyearshave favoured wurld markets. They cali it "The Golded Crescent". Alarmingiy. a an expansion of smuggling. The heroin industry is now emerging as iranian Revolution rendered border W~~~ , chedcposts more or less ineffective. Afghanistan's long boeders wereleft In Pakistan's border regions, virtuallY open when war developed smuggling is a way of life. The there. Pathans and Baluchis become Even Pakiatan, though not in smugglers almost as naturally .as �volutionl~Ce Iran arunder foreign people in the Western World oocupation like Afghanistan. has bxome factory workers or clerks. serious border policing gaps. None The mountainous, semi-desert of the three governmentshasprovcd regions between iran, Pakistan and successful in trying_ to ,curb � Afghanistan, have little natural smuggling.~~Low pay for state wealth, and very few factoria, officials makes bribery and offices or fertile agricultural land. corruption by wealthy smugglers a temptatiun many cannot resist. In vast stretches of unguarded There arc other ~ reasons for borderland almost the only viable . ' occupation ~ smuggling, dealing ~ Cailure. Baluchistan s very size-it is imported goods free of heavy State ~arger than italy-Prese~ts real duties, or smuggling out the opium problectB for patrds of Customs produced in abundance by local offiaaLs or Coast Guards, who are furmers. thin 9n the ground. Smugglero are _ And dru s are only a pact of the ofeen bettec armed than state . B forces-and better acqusinted with smuggling scme. An enormous the teccain. range of consumer goods from Japan, Western Europe and the US The Pakistani Government also ' has long come into Pakistart and recognises the importance of iran, often via Dubai, smuggling smuggling as the biggat employer capitai oFthe Gulf. and sou~ces of income for many ' � rural areas. It has always tolerated a This smuggling trade, worth degra of ille~al activity and loss of hundreds of millions of dollars a state income, rathe~ than risk year, is in such items us electrical pa~~~~cal instability in sensiti've goods watches, US and British border regions. � c~gareaes, Scotch whisky, forcign cloth, auto sparc parts ahd tyrcs. The entire border re~on betwern 1~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 (ran, Pakistnn and Af~hnnistan is � The ~p~~ntic potential relits Itan among the poorcst and leASt ~ dcug smuggling f'rom "The Golden _ developed part of each sounuy. Crescent" must continue to anract The Iceul populaaon is still interrtational crime syndicates mainly tri6al, many of them ' because business can be done in the . nomads, living between their reiative safeiy of tribaUy-governed villages and mountian pastures for parts of Fakutan. All this means their flocks. steadily worsening drugs addiction - They are of indepcndent mind, in the Middle East, Europe and the often armed, determinod to, keep Us� free of central interference and ta � "ad~na what they regard as their The Pakistani Government's fixed right to make~ a living as request for international aid to fight smugglers or producers of opium. smuggling only deals with a part of Some experts claim that up to ,the problem. Opium und haoin � I,000 tons of opium from "Ttie exporu are likely to cont:nue . Golden Crescent" are smuggled out growing. even with more thorou~ . of Pakistan and Afghanistan each checks at Karachi or other ports. year on to world markets in the The problem has to be tackled at I~Fiddle East, Eurape and the US. root-that is, at produc[an tevel. Some two-thirds of its originates . Narcotics experts are co.nvinced in Paki~tan. Hi~hland tribesmen in � measwe have to be taken at the Pathan or Baluch areas can produa poppy fields if lasting success is to be. - opium with a t4 perant morphine echieved. Th: sources will have to be ~ content-not far below the prized cut off by substituting other cash opium from Turkey and crops for opium-by far the best Afghanistan. paying crop for peasant farrt~ers. ~ ' Such plar~ to pers uade.. r fo rce, Heroin, [he deadly sr.daave drug rural communities to swRe~~~ fran preparcd from morphine was until npium production requirc large " recently, virtually unknown in scale finance. Farmers have to be Pakistecr's tribal belt. Now a heroin compensated and the changeover ~industry for eicport, based in supervised. Pakistan's North West Frontier . Province, has been created with the What is more, government have cechnical help oC experts from to be determined to cooperate in European centres, where big what is bound to be an unpopular international drugs. syadicates policy with their rucal population. operate. CSO: 5300/4924 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 - PAKISTAN OVER 70 RILOGRAMS aF ~fEROIN SEIZED, WORTH 1 BILLION RUPEES Rarachi MORNING NEW~ in English~20 Feb 82 p 1 ~Text~ Peshawar, Feb 19--About 70 kilograms of heroin, warth abou~ l00 crore in the international narket was today seized by the Customs authorities ia an opera- tion on the D.I. Rhan-Tank Road. , Customs sources said here toc~ay that ttiie seizure was made by the D.I. Khan Anti- Smuggling Mobile Squad from a truck ~~nich was overpowe~ed after a hot chase. The heroin w~s artfully concealed in the secret c~vities of the truck which was recovered after a thorough search of the vehicle. The driver a~nd cleaner of the truck, namely Sardar Khan and qayyum Khan, belonging to Khyb er Agency, have been arrested. The truck No KT-1073 has also been impounded, Collector Jehagir Khan~said, although the local market value of the seized h eroin was estimated at Ra. 50 lakh, yet it would have ahot-up to over Rs. 100 crore in the international market. A team comprising senior officials has been deputed to carry out in-depth investigations of the seizure which may lead to the disclosure of useful informa- tion about the activities of the narcotic smugglers. Today's seizure was the second ma~or haul of heroin in the province during the week. _ The Customs I~telligence Wing had earlier confiscated 80 kilograms of heroin . on Feb. 12. ~ Mr Jehangir Khan said that more special squads ~~ere being deputed to curb. _ smuggling. The~teams which have the power of taking on-the-spot action were part of a vigorous campaign launched by the Customs to check smuggling, Mr Jehangir added. CSO: 5300/5660 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440044-4 PAKISTAN ~ BRIEFS MORE HASHISH SEIZED--On the third day of rummaging of mv 'Kaptai' at East Wharf, the Directorate of Customs 'tntelligence and Investigation recovered 321 kilograms of high grade hashish bringing the total of seized hashish to 356 kilos on Monday. The contraband was cleverly concealed in the wa13.s of Crew Mess while 35 kilos recovered on Saturday night were found from the walls of Petty Officers Mess. Arrest of at least three crew members were reported last night, while a city-wide search is on for others. Mr S.T.R. Zaidi, director of the DCI and I, said "it was.a very bit haul aboard a cargo ship. We are trying to establish how such a big consignment (over nine maunds) r.GUld be boarded and then concealed so cleverly. Meanwhile, the ship which was scheduled to leave for a German por.t on Monday has been detained pending investigations. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 23 Feb 82 P 12) HASHISH SEIZED FROM SHIP--The Directorata of Customs Intelligence and Investiga- tion have recovered 35 kilograms of high-grade hashish from the Europe-bound ves- sel m.v. Kaptai in a raid Saturday night. Mr Mansoor Iqbal, Superintendent of Customs told newsmen aboard the ship, beldnging to.the Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) that on a tip-off by the Customs informers, 35 packets of highly refined "export quality" hashish worth over Rs 17 lakh in the European streets were recovered from the cavity of a wall of the ship. The drug was con- cealed very artfully in a comtaon place in the Pettq Officers mess to escape sus- ~ picion. The Customs intelligence and investigation squad led by Superintendent ~ Khurshid Ali Khan ru~naged almost all the sections of the ship before success- fully laying hand on the contrabarld drug. The Customs got suspicious on notic- ing false ceiling and fresh coat of paint in the Petty.Officers mess. The false ceiling and other chip-board covering the concea].ed drug were removed and the hashish was recovered. No arrest has so far been made in this connection. How- ever, the Customs believed it was the work of more than one person from among the = crew. They expect to lay their hands on the culprits before the ship sails off. APP. [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 22 Feb 82 p 5] ' 13 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 ; ~a DRUG HAUL IN KARACHI--In a city-wide crackdown on anti-social elements the martial law [ML] authorities, police, customs and excise rotmded up 74 persons - including a city mill-owner and a gold smuggler during the last 24 hours. In - a surprise raid on the narcotic den of Abscoading Szifur Rahman, alias Sa~oora~ _ in Wahid Colony, North Nazimabad, jointly latmched by ML authorities and police force, a large quantity of narcotics and arms etc. were recovered. They r~covered 32,500 kilograms of ~~aras, and 5,500 ~tgs of opium. Excise police (south) reported arrests of Wali Khan, Juma Gul, Mir Hashim and Zahir Khan following seizure of 120 kilograms of hashish from a Toyota car (326-063) and from the embankment of Clifton Beach, where it was buried f~r 'illegal export' to a European coimtry. [GF051049 Karachi DAWN in English 3 Mar 82 p 1] ~ OPIUM SEI~ID FROM SHIP--Custolns Anti-S~nuqgling Orqanisation recovered and seized 94 and a half pounds of contraband opi~um worth about Rs. 1.5 million in local market from a foreign flag ship docked at East Wharf, an Sunday. - Cook A.B. Jinm?y, a Phillipino, was booked for drug smuggling and two others detained for questioning while search for local aonnections' is on. The opi- um-yielding vessel MV "New Lark" has been detained pending further rucnmaging. It was scheduled to leave for Muscat with general cargo on her way to a Euro- pean ~ountry, it wns stated. The opium was recovered after tw~o days of hectic runmaging by the Custams from a 3-feet deep oil-drainage place which was no- ticed covered with wooden-planks. The opium was found dumped after the oil was drained out duly concealed in 23 Cellophane paper bags in the oil drain of the ship. [Karachi DAWN in English 1 Mar 82 p 10] CSO: 5300/5671 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040044-4 PHILIPPINES ~ BRIEFS REVISED DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT--President Marcoa has signed into law the revised dangerous drugs act. The law raises the penalties for posrsession and txafficking of illegal drugs. The president signed it in the presence: o~ ranking leaders of the Batasan, the military and the cabiaet. Shortly after the signing, Philippine Constabulary [PC7 Chief Fidel Ramos ordered the increase of personnel and funding - support for all PC antinarcotics units in the country. The new law is expected to be a big deterrent to drug abuse. The new law strengthens the government's campaign against drug abuse. It imposes heavy penalties for violators. Unauthor- ized possession of marijuana is punishable by imprisonment of 6 to 12 years and a fine of 6,000 to 12,000 pesos. Illegal possession of narcotics is punishable by - imprisonment of 12 to 20 years and a fin~e of 12,000 to 20,000 pesos. Military and government peisonnel convicted of violating the law ~ay be jailed for 12 to 14 years and fined 10,000 to 20,000 pesos as well as~banned perpetually from holding public office. Cultivation of mari~uana and similar plants in punishable by 14 years to life imprisonment and a fine of 20,f~0 to 30,OOQ pesos. President Marcos has certified to the urgency of the dangerous drugs act in view of the dangers posed by prohibited drugs. Last year nearly half a million mari~uana seedlings were uprooted and destroyed in 249 cultivation sites discovered in 50 - provinces. [Text] [HK030255.Manila Domestic Service in English 2300 (~IT 2 Mar 82] CSO: 5300/5658 . 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 SRI LANKA HAVEN FOR HARD DRUGS Colombo SUN in IIzglish 23 Feh 82 p 1 [Article by Weerasinghe] (Text ] ' The ~recent crackdown on the c~tltivation and.illegal export of cannabis has resulted in local naicot~cs ringa turning ta trafficking in harder druge. . Members of these rings who have massive sums of black money and international connections in this illegal trade, are said to have found that the smuggling of hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin and hashish is more lucrative than the s4nuggling of the bulkier, . cannabis. ~ Intelligence reports indicate that the Narcotics Bureau although exposiag an attempt to aet up a heroin procesaing factory in Hikkaduwa. had only revealed the tip of the ica berg and that there are aimilar factories operatiag in various p~rts of the � country. Foreign narcotics o8ictals have pointed out that the equipment needed for refining opiwn to produce brroia could ba set up even in a gar~age and that there is a likelihood oR international tra~ckers ebiiting their area oi oper~ttions to Sr1.Lanka. ~ ~ This Drospect haa been b~Bhtened ~fter India. whicL had been a havea for rings fndul~ing in the collection and . tra~eking of narcotica, tightened ita enforce9ment, ' Sri L~nka which is found to be getting a steady flmv o! _ opium. with a good cover ~or narcotics carriers among the thousands of tourists~ is now considered one of the few countries in this region which could aerve as a base for heroin production. Police believe that this may be the = reason why there is so much of a yarticular ~ype of heroin e~sily available in the local marke~ Detence Mlnistry aourcea told 'SUN' tbat the Nareotics Bur~eau witn i~s i~nitea resources had no chattce oi com batiag this sitnstlon particularly if the operations were based in remoto areas 1a the north and east SmugRling rings in the north theae aources aaid could easi~y bring in letrse quantltfea o~ opium irom Ind~s, and this refined into heroin could then be taken out to various fee~ing points in the western world. . ~ CSO: 5300/4924 ~ I 16 ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 THAILAND KRIANGSAK INTERVIEWED ON TIES WITH DRUG KINGP~INS Bangkok MATICHON in Thai 28 Jan 82 p 3 [Interview with General Kriangsak Chamanan, the Head of the National Democracy Party and Former Prime Minister; date and place not specified] [TextJ [Question] There have been news stories implying that you have been involved with Khun Sa. Would you give us some of your views on this? [Answer] Concerning the matter of Khun Sa, I have not....Let me change what I was going to say. The minority group policy set forth by the National Security Council in order to protect the interests n� Thailand is that we - do not want to alow foreign forces to enter the country. The entry of foreign forces is considered to be dangerous for the country. This was the policy of the National Security Council and we folluwed this policy. As for myself, my duties did not involve me with Khun Sa in any way. The newspapers have _ slanderously said that I have been involved with Khun Sa in matters concerning opium. I categorically deny this. If anyone plays with me, I will sue them. And if I had any contact.with.Khun Sa as the newspapers say, I am sorry. Concerning this, you can go investigate things for yourself. Whatever was done cannot be kept secret. And if you do not believe that I carried on suppression operations, you can go ask Phao Sarasin himself what I did. I will tell you what I did. During the time I was supreme commander and - prime minister, I carried on suppression operations resolutely and there was cooperation with Burma. All of you probably remember the incident of the helocopter that got lost � in Burma and that necessitated negotiations during a major suppression operation. After that, news reports indicated that sugpression operations 3eclined. This is true. In addition, because of the many political events, we did not have a chance [to conduct suppression operations]. At present, the government _ is free and will probably do something to show the world that we are not , sitting by idly. During the period I was in power, we carried on suppression operations all the time. If yau want to know things, I would like to clear myself of the things printed by the newspapers. 17 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500444444-4 [Question] Many people misunderstand and say that when you were in power you did not carry on suppression operations. [Answer] There were suppression operations during that period. We had to � ~i solve the problems one by one. He did not live in the country. We drov~ him out of the country in order to '.solve the problem. When he left, this i became the ~roblem of another country, which had to solve the problem itself i or cooperate in solving it. But if he had`entered our country [again], we , would have had to expel him. After he was driven out, what should we have done? Should we have sent forces to carry o~ suppression operations in Burma? ; We had to see what would keep peace in the country. The important thing i was not to allow him to produce opium and make heroin in our coun~ry. By ourselves, we could not solve this great problem.This was an international problem that required further action. Cencerning the production areas in the Golden Triangle, we closed all the doors. Naw, whoever wants to do this cannot be caught. But in these circles it is known who is involved and if people come and engage in activities in our country, we can stop them. When I was in office, I made investigations and carried on suppression operations. We moved the Meo out of the mountains. 9s I have stated, we obtained helocopters from the United States. Those that we received each year were always used for suppression operations and - were turned over to the police. We carried out major suppression operations during the time I was prime minister. [Question] When you were in office, did Khun Sa make contact and ask to hold discussions? [Answerj My duties did not involve me with Khun Sa. My dmties were concerned with Supreme Command Headquarters policies for demobilizing the remnant KMT forces in Thailand and .for suppressing the transport of opium. That task was completed and they took up other occupations instead of transporting opium from Burma into Thailand. Now, Supreme Command Headquarters has provided jobs for them and normally they cultivate 7-S million tea plants. They grow new varieties of tea and there are tea production factories so that they can make a living cooperatively. Besides this, they grow apples, pears, strawberries, coffee and lichees and engage in other occupations,. Al:so, - they have been entrusted with doing afforestation work for the government. Some newspapers have printed stories saying that I built a house in the mountains there. This is not true! (Question) And what about the 93rd Division? , [Answer] It was at Mae Salong junder] General Tuan..The 3rd Army, the 5th Army under General Li and the 93rd Division all returned long ago. There are no [KMT] armies now. These are just ordinary people now. [Question] Did they build a house for you at Mae Salong? 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 [Answer] [They did this] out of respect for what I had done in helping them to have occupations in accord with the policies of the Security Council, which ordered me to carry out tasks for 20 years. And at present they have occupations and can support themselves. . (Question] At that time, did you respond to the policies of the government or the Security Council? - [Answer] To both the government and the Security Council. And now, more than 80 percent of the work has been completed. I wanted to build a pavilion and donate it as a platform which I could use to inspect the forests they had planted. But out of respect, General Tuan built a guest house in memory of the things that I had done for them. I stayed there once when I went to inspect things. With good intentions and to honor me, they built a round- shaped cement pavilion about 1 wa [1 wa equals 2 yards] in diameter. This was nicer than what I had planned. Concerning that house, they built that for themselves and only used my name. After I left the military, I never stayed there and never got involved. They named the house Chamanan in rememberance of ine. We tried to find out whether he was engaged in opium trafticking. When General Tuari died, he owed 1,800,000 baht which he had borrowed to take care of his soldiers. This shows that, concerning the charge that he was engaged in transporting opium, which is the feeling of people in general, he had in fact stopped as we wanted. I remember that when opium was burned during that period, he burned 28 tons. As far as I remember, few United Nations committee members or experts came to inspect this. The burning took place at the military base in Chiang Mai Province. I was involved with this KMT group that was admitted by the government but that could not go anywhere. As for Khun Sa, my duties did not involve me with him because we were not allowed to become involved with this minority group. Just because he was an enemy of the Burmese government and was forced out does not mean that he could come and use our country as a base. This was an internal affair that they had to settle themselves. Concerning solving the problems facing our country, new problems have continually arisen. There are the Kampuchean and Lao problems and the problems that affect Burma. We have not started wars on all frc~nts. But there [is fighting] in the south, in the east and in Laos. We must carefully discuss policies for maintaining the security of the country. As for what he [Prem) has done, I believe that these are correct policies. First, we do not want [foreign] ~ troops in the country. Second, concerning those who have married and formed families, most of whom are Thai, we have acted in a humanitarian manner and allowed them to stay. I have never been to Ban Hin Taek. You must ask someone who has been there. - There is a squad ~f border patrol police stationed there. Schools and roads have been built. I once questioned why those people whom the Security Council wanted to accept did not build roads so that it would be easier for us to go manage things and promote agriculture. You should go and see the road to 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 Ban Hin Taek. I have never been there but I know there is a school there and the school sign is a Thai sign. This is recognized as a Thai village. Occupations have been promoted. Supreme Command Headquarters is not involved with any of this. As for one time that I was involved with Khun Sa, wren he entered the country in 1978, I sent BK04 to tell him to leave and he left. Previously, he entered occasionally but his family was still living here and so he had to come see them at times. Another time that I iaas involved with him was when I was ordered by Prime Minister Sanya, through Air Chief Marshal Thawee, to go bring back the Russian doctors that Khun Sa had captured so they could be returned to Russia. I tried for a long time. It took me 9 months to get the first one released and 14 ~onths to get the other one released. Both were returned to the Soviet Union safely. The Soviet Union appealed to our government and I carried this out. [Question] Later on, Khun Sa had great-.influence. He was engaged in heroin = trafficking and he had many weapons. [Answer] I do not know anything about this. I did not have any relations with him. If you want information about this, you should go talk to Phao [Sarasin]. He can tell you how much influence Khun Sa had and what he did. [Question] Did you ever have an opportunity to meet Khun Sa? [Answerj I once met Khun Saenq, who is Khun Sa's uncle. But I have never met Khun Sa. [Khun Saeng] is still alive. I met him when I went to get the Russians out. � [Question] What do you think.the situation will be like now. He has threatened to respond 10-fold to any act against him. [Answer] He is boasting. Forces are not stationed there but the poeple of Chiang Rai are. [Question] What is your view about this suppression operation being a real attempt to suppress him? [Answer] He must be suppressed. If he has forces, they must be suppressed. I agree. We are conducting suppression operations in our own territory. We once asked for cooperation but there were a few minor problems with Burma. [Question] There are only a few people. Why has the Burmese government had to reshuffle the government two or three times.? It has still not been able to suppress him. 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 ~[Answer) The terrain is very difficult. Khun Sa and his group are cunning and it is their territory. [Question] There is criticism to the effect that we acted on Burma's behalf in this svppression operation. ~ [Answer] Concerning this, I do not know how they contacted the United States or Burma but the suppression of narcotics is essential. - This can be looked ai: in two ways. Opium can destroy,the world. If they acted seriously, I support this. Forceful suppression operations must be carried out, particularly against their forces. Regardless of who ordered that they be suppressed, I think this was correct: When I was in office, bombs were dropped on t~eir forces too and armed helocopters were sent to fire on those transporting opium. Concerning talkinq about these problems, if I talk about them myself, people will say that I am tryin~~ to exonerate myself. To clear me, you should go talk to those responsible for suppresssion operations and ask them whether I was connected in any wa}~ with opium trafficking or whether I really carried on suppression operations. Smearinq others for political gain is natural. Nonetheless, if anyone does somethinq like this, I will take legal action immediately. [Questionj Concerning the weapons that were seized, wher~a do you think they obtained them? [Answer] I do not know how long they have been gathering ttiem. From what I saw on television, they had both old and new weapons. I saw an old machine gun. There were M79s and M16s. The rest were all old weapons. It is my understand- ing that they obtained these weapons in battles and that they were kept - at Ban Hin Taek. However, this should not be ignored. [People] cannot be allowed to have such rifles and weapons in Thailand. 11943 CSO: 5300/5640 21. .r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 ' . THAILAND COMMENTARIES VOICE QUESTIONS OVER ANTI-SUA OPERATIONS U.S. Connection Cited ~ Bangkok TAWAN SIAM in Thai 29 Jan 82 p 5 [Phachon Phinthu columnJ ~ [TextJ If you asked me how I felt about the suppression of Khun Sa's armed forces who established a~base in our country, resulting in a clash in which soldiers of ours were killed, regardless of the side, I would answer ~incerely that - "I am deeply sorry t.r,at we had to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers since we should not have had to lose people like this." we sufferred such losses because of the insanity of the "big shots" and ~ people's ineffectiveness. I certainly do not believe those people who say that this suppression operation had nothing to do with the visit by important relatives (whose I don't know) from the United States. Because if this suppression operation was carried out without anyone giving their opinions or encouragement in oraer to exchange various proposals, we should have carried out suppression operations long _ ago. But we ignored matters for a long time until the once small forces grew - into a village having even a swimming pool. What was the reason for this? Lets look back in time. Formerly, how important was Khun Sa? How many important politicians, military officers and officers did he have close ties with? I too don't know whom he had secret ties with. Yes, if it is thought that the free forces that have assembled in our country must all be suppressed, then the Free Karens, Free Mons, Laos, Kampucheans, Free Burmese and various minority groups living in Thailand should all be suppressed. W~uld it be good to start wars all throughout the country? Why? Why don't we use these groups in a way that benefits the country? When we want to do something in our country, why do we have to tie ourselves to other countries, particularly the United States? Are we a colony that must follow orders? 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 ~ I think it would be highly fitting if we formed relations with these minority qroups. Most of these minority groups know the terrain very wel] and could Frovide information, or obtain information, that would be of qreat use to r us. If we support them covertly and, with proper reasons, reach an agreement to limit their forces and weapons, they can serve as armed forces to block outside forces, or be "buffer states" as they say. But instead we have created enemies all around us. And will we have to lose more men and weapons, almost everything, in order to carry on such suppression operations endlessly just to gain face with foreign countries? If tl-iis is the case, I feel that, soon, poeple from Bangkok who visit the north or, the northeast will have to surrender their indentity cards and carry passports instead. 'Bin Dieo' Comments Bangkok TAWAN SIAM in Thai 29 Jan 82 p 5 (Bin Dieo column by Chaiya Bansuwan] [Text] I did not stop over in Chiang Mai for 2 nights to help the border patrol police attack Khun Sa's Ban Hin Taek. I went to spend my Chinese ~ New Year's holiday there. . In Chiang Mai there were stories about Khun Sa, the heroin kingpin who was under heavy attack. They said that, this Khun Sa has influence all over the north and that he owns houses worth several million baht in Ctiiang Mai and Bangkok. On certain days, Khun Sa comes into Chiang=Mai and goes dancing at the Blue Moon and Honey nightclubs. After he finishes dancing, he gets a massage. ~ Recently, Cho Wen Fa gave a concert at the Ambassador Hotel in Bangkok. I~t is said that Khun Sa sat in the front row. He wanted to come see Wi An An's - show at the Dusit Thani Hotel too but had to miss it because of the attack by the border patrol police. People say that there are several hundred government officials in the north who are paid by both the government and by Khun Sa. I cannot swear to the truth of this. They told me this and I am simply repeating it. Concerning this attack by the border patrol police, they say that Khun Sa was caught unaware while watching the program "T!ok Sok" on video tape. While he was engrossedin this program, police sudden~y rushed in. Khun did not have time to take any of his possessions but :a~ tc ilee ' ediately. The police seized many items. They seized two to three color television sets and many video cassettes. . The police have viewed these. Among them were Sanoh Noi Ruong Ngam, Laksanawonq and Dui Pik Khong Rak ar.d two to three pornographic films, includinq Secrets In a Convent, the Nun Gathers Mushrooms and the Destruction of Mae Yai Cave (his son-in-law was certainly the star in these latter films). 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 At Khun Sa's house there, there were many items for entertainment and even a swimming pool that is more modern than that at the Department of Physical Education. There was a stereo tape player and [tapes of] the sonqs "The One In My Heart" and "Ask Your Heart First." It seems that Khun Sa was very modern. But the prettiest song and the best one to dance disco to was "Khun Sa~One-Half, the Thai Police One-Half." This was an abusive song (it was probably made during the period he transported opium through Thailand a - long time ago). People also said that one af our former pr.ime ministers was once very close - to ~Chun Sa. But I cannot guess who this might be since we liave had many prime ministers. It might have been Phraya Manoprakorn Nitithada,.the first prime minister of Thailand, or Mr Khuang Aphaiwong. Who Can Say? - Now, Khun Sa has fled and the police have not been able to catch him. The only people caught were his underlings, such as Khun Suai and Khun Suak. They first refused to talk to the police except to shout "Phang Nae, Phang ~ Nae." At first the police thought that they were speaking in :iaw Chinese and spent half a day trying to figure out what this meant. But la~er, these - ~ two Haw Chinese probably got fed up and said that they were not using code but were speaking Thai. ~ - "Destroyed. What was destroyed?" asked the border patrol Folice. "The Prachathipat Party! You live in Bangkok and don't know Lhis? Even those � living in Ban Hin Taek know this. You are so dumb!" said the two Haw Chinese abusively. Concerning thi~~ attack on Ban Hin Taek, they said that Khu:~ sufferred a terriblP t,t~w bPcause 10 tons of her.oin was destroyed. Kht~n Sa was making preparations to sell this heroin durinq the 200-year Ratanakosin celebrations when it was destroyed and so he sufferred a terrible blow. Khun Sa has not ~led far. He is probably in hiding somewhere around Ban Hin Taek. When our border patrol police withdraw, he will probably return and set up a new heroin refinery and continue to ship heroin through Thailand to the outside world just as before. There is only one way to completely suppress and eradicate poppy cultivation and heroin refining in that area and that is ~Eor the Thai army to station a division in Ban Hin Taek permanently. But this s~ould be thought about carefuily too because if it turns out that our own division cultivates poppy and produces heroin in place of Khc:n Sa, Gen~ral Prayut Charumani will be very depressed. A border patrol police official who [took part inJ seizing Ban Hin Taek .said that he saw one man fleeing right behind Khun Sa who resembled Police Colonel Niran Withayawutikun. But this police official could not confirm that it was Colonel Niran for sure. He claimed to have a cataract in his eye which prevents him form seeing clearly. 21~ . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440044-4 A secret agent reported that Khun Sa secretely went and watched the elephant festival at Kilometer 25 at the Don Muang curve. Police officials wen~ and snooped around and some of them quietly asked the ticket seller if he had seen Khun Sa. "There is no Khun Sa here; only a Khun So," shouted back the ticket seller. The police left. ~ RTG Links With Minorities, Traffickers Bangkok BAN MUANG in Thai 28 Jan 82 p 5 [Da Mo Lo column] [Text] I wrote about the Khun Sa affair yesterday but it seems that what I wrote was not clear. That is, I was unable to clarify things concerning the following question: "What did the Thai government do that allowed Khun Sa to establish an army, equal in size to an army corps,.in Thailand?" To suppress him, bombs and border patrol police had to be used. "This is because some of our people wer~ involved with Khun Sa, isn't that right?" ' Concerning this question, I do not have any data. I will instead provide - some information about the first question in honor of the Thai police and in honor of Thailand, which has the bad reputation of being the largest narcotics exporting country in the world. Khun Sa is the leader of a minority group that claims that it is waging a struggle against the Burmese government in order to win independence for the Shans. At present the size of their (regular) armed forces is approximately 2,000 men. And they can mobilize another 10,000 men or more. Their real source of income is opiulm from the Golden Triangle, a place known throughout the world. National liberation and opium trafficking are the national liberation funds of Khun Sa, who has settled down along the border between Thailand and Burma. When Burma carries on suppressi~n operations, he flees into Thailand and _ Burma cannot do anything. And when Thailand carries on a suppression drive, Khun Sa flees to Burma and Thailand is powerless to do anything. This is because there is an internation law prohibitng officials from one country from pursuing criminals across the border without permission. Those of you who frequently watch American cowboy movies will understand since when the county she riff tries to catch the criminal, the criminal ~ flees into Mexico. The sheriff can only watch in frustrata.on while the criminal makes faces at him from across the border. 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040044-4 Concerning this international law, I do not know what has happened. Governments throuqhout the world are very strict about this. If officials from one country cross the border an enter the terr~tory of another country, it immediately becomes a mojor incident. The officials of both sides must, therefore,observe this strictly. Thus, the international border is a free area for large nwmLbers of national liberation groups and bandits. Khun Sa has been survive because of this. In addition, the terrain along the border is composed of jungle and mountains and this forms a natural bas~ that provides excellent protection for Khun Sa. He cannot be~cornored. If he is attacked from one direction, he flees in another direction. The jungles and mountains provide good~cover and fortifications. Also, the forces ot Khun Sa travel with their wives and children. If an attack is made in the wrong area, or the target is missed and their families suffer casualties, humanitarian problems arise. ~ . - Wis News UPITN, a foreign news service, has helped to brand Thailand as uncivilized. This is not all. The movement of narcotics kingpin Khun Sa has the political i3eals of a movement that is trying to win independence from Burma. It is like an institute that uses the word "independence" as a sacred word = to protect it. It also has international organizations that have "taken them under their wings" to protect it. The Thai government cannot take resolute action. ' ~ If international organizations and the United Nations do not give the "go-ahead" and if the United Nations does not extend its friendship, Thailand can do ~ nothing. Do you see how many "layers" of protection Khun Sa has? He has international laws, the political issue of independence for the minority groups, which are supported by international�organizations, humanitarian issues and the jungle terrain,.which forms an excellent natural fortress, as protection. Both Thailand and Burma are slaves to these international laws and this has turned a small matter into a major issue. And in making decisions, the government must liste~n to the people too. For example, suppose that the Thai government allowed Burmese suppression forces to pursue and destory the forces of Khun Sa, an international opium kingpin, in Thailand. The Thai newspapers would certainly raise a hue and cry. And an example of this is the problem in the south where an agreement was reached between Thailand and Malaysia. ~ 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 lt is because of these insane conditions that nothing can be done to Khun , ~Sa. And besides this, the Tahi government also has to allow the families of the forces under Khun Sa to live in Thailand alang the border in such places as Ban Hin Taek, Muang District, Chiang Rai Province. They are like duckweed. That is, 2 or 3 days after getting rid of them, they will be back again. And this is a very large area. If we guard one place, they will sneak back in at another place. If you cut down the trees and destroy the headwaters; everything will go to ruin. In the end, the government will have to allow the families of Khun Sa's forces to live in Thailand in order to create order and facilitate controlling them. But it will have to be agreed that only their families will be allowed in and that Khun Sa's armed forces will not enter the country. They can swear to this but, concerning what they actually do, how can we watch them everywhere and at all times? ~ And there are others besides Khun Sa. There are the independence movements that are being waged by the Karens, Shans (different groups) and Mons, who are all fighting the Burmese govertunent. There are the Haw Chinese, who - are called the gypsies of the East. As mentioned above, there is the 93rd Division, which is an armed force. There are their families, who serve as a shield and prevent.the Thai goverr~ment from taking stern ~ction. And there are the profits from the opium. The Burmese government in Rangoon has been angry at the Thai government _ for many years. Other Opium Trafficking Groups ' Bangkok BAN MUANG in Thai 29 Jan 82.pp 4, 5 ~ [Independent Thoughts, Forest Breezes and Sunshine column by Nui Bangkhunthien: "Who Is Responsible"] [Text] The behavior of Khun Se and of the various influential groups of narcotics traffickers in the north is a great puzzle that is challenging the mind~ of the Thai people. The points to consider are: 1. Concerning these influential groups, which are minority groups along the northern border and which have constantly been driven south along the western border from Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, Tak, Kamphaengphet, Uthaithani, Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi to the Ranong area, altogether, how many groups are there for sure? 2. Is any group that is carrying on a liberation movem~nt receiving secret support from some foreign country? . 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 3. Concerning the Thai citizens who live in those areas that are under the influence of the minority group~, how do they live and has the government ever looked after them? 4. Have these influential groups established administrative territories, like states within a state, in Thailand? If they have done so by having their own leaders and forces and by promulgating regulations ~in their areas . _ without acknowledging Thai laws, what should the Thai government do to solve this poroblem? 5. Who is responsible for allowing these influential groups to gather here and expand to the point where they have be~.ome a problem or a threat to stability and security in Thailand? All five points have been posed as questions for the p~ime minister who,~ as the head of the cabinet, may answer if he wishes. As for the little that is known, the northern border area is the area of operations o.f the 93rd KMT Division, which was driven out of China by ~he communists and had no way to join Chianq Kai-shek on Taiwan. They thus settled down here and acted like a hill tribe group. That is, the hill tribes cultivate poppy and the 93rd Division sells opium. They have.built their own towns, which they administer. Previous Thai governments did not carry outthings well and allowed these foreigners to trespass on our territory at will. Some previous governments used politics~as a guise, that is, they claimed ~ - that they were using the 93rd Division as a buffer against the communists. But in fact it is well known that the main occupation of the 93rd Division is producing opium and selling heroin and that .~some people in the government have received money. Besides the 93rd Division, there is the Shan group that is known as the "bold young warriers," and there are the Mon and Karen groups. All of these claim that they are fighting for national liberation to retake from Bur.~na . those lands that were once theirs. These influential national liberation groups are engaged in narcotics trafficking and it has reached the point where the "fame" of the Golden Triangle has reached everywhere in the world: ~'hailand, as one of the cauntries with a piece of the triangle, is paradise for foreign rirug addicts. At a cabinet meeting, General Prem Tinsulanon said that he feels ashamed that foreign troops have used Thailand to assemble weapons and war materials, - carved out a territory that they govern themselves.and collected taxes even from Thais, who are the real owners of the land. Thus, the government will try to eradicate them completely. The 93rd KMT Division has been making use of an area in the north for 30 years. As for the Shans, Mons, Karens and Meo, these groups have been making 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 a living there and expanding their influence for a hundred years. They should be suppressed and cleared out of every nook and cranny. The United Nations and some great powers will realize that the present Thai government m~ans what it says and will really act and that it is not feigning. The image of Thailand will improve and those border patrol policemen, soldiers and government officials who died will have sacrificed their lives for the ~ honor of their country. Columnist Slams Inaction Against KMT Bangkok Dao SIAM in Thai 31 Jan 82 p 5 (Saeng San Wan Athit column by Taphaya] [TextJ Who does the 93rd Division belong to? Is it an enemy of Khun Sa? There is still no indication that [the conflict] will stop even though both sides have sufferred many casualties. And in addition, the important person escaped again. He seems to be able to flee invisibly like always. Needless to say, there is something behind this. Or are we deceiving ourselves? Opium, heroin and smuggled goods were these the targets of this suppression . operation? The police sacrificed 20 men but did not seize any opium or heroin at all. Instead, they found weapons and war materials that [Khun Sa's forces] had been collecting i~or years. They seized a huqe number of weapons. - Yesterday, a Shan friend of mine who calls himself a"Tai" came to see me at the newspaper office. He admitted that he supported the government's attempt to suppress Khun Sa, or Chang Si Fu, who is an opium and heroin kingpin. But this suppression operation has caused trouble for those Thais who are _ Thai by citizenship but Shan by birth and even for pure Thais who live and work in that area. This is because, in making the arrests, or carrying on - the suppression operations, the officials used a"blanket type" attack and this caused trouble for everyone. Many people did not know anything and were not involved with Khun Sa in any way. Besides this, my Shan friend cheerfully admitted that the weapons seized by the officials belonged to the Shans [Tai] and that they had been readied in order to liberate their country. They trusted some important Thais and, therefore, they had carelessly stored these weapons in Thailand. , And it is worth asking who the 93rd KMT Division, which is composed of Haw Chinese living in Mae Salong, Mae Chan District, and in Fang District, belongs tio and who is behind it. 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 These groups have been allowed to live in Thailand, accumlulate weapons and form strong forces. Whoever wants to enter or leave [the area] is disarmed. This is Thai territory, but Thais are disarmed by these qroups when they entpr these areas. ~ It is these groups tha~ ~ultivate poppy and that are international traffickers in opium, heroin and smuggled goods. Are there any officials who dare to touch them, to suppress Khun Sa? But if the forces of the 93rd. Division are allowed to live here in great comfort, Thailand will never be rid of opium and heroin..The 93rd Division lives in Thailand but it has never obeyed Thai laws. They have sent their children to Chinese schools in the mountains. And they have grown very wealthy from the opium and heroin trade. The forces of the 93rd Division still live there without anyone daring to touch them. This is true even for BK04 [officials] at the Sua Pa Camp who are responsible for watching over this group. But why were these forces allowed to grow stronger and stronger and compete against the owners of the country without the officials doing anythinq about this? Or were the forces of the 93rd Division involved with some important person in the country which resulted in others being afraid to touch them? The government has a policy of not allowing any group to establish forces in Thailand. But if we look at the 93rd Division, it seems that the government . has been only feigning. And if these people have been involved with important ~ people in the country, just let it go! Caption: Who is his friend? Who is he a friend to? ~hotographs of Kriangsak Chomanan, Khun Sa and Thawee ChunlasaP7 11943 CSO: 5300/5638 . ` 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 THAILAND ~ QUESTIONS RAISED ON TIMING OF ANTI-SUA OPERATIONS Bangkok MATICHON in Thai 31 Jan 82 pp 6-9 - (Article: "Khun Sa Has He Risen to Such Great Heights By Himself Or Has Someone Done This For Him?"] [TextJ "This was the biggest battle in 10 years, said Police Colonel Nikhom Chongchira, the deputy commander of the Police Aviation Division. He added that "this was the second largest battle since the battle at Khi Thao." This battle lasted only 2 days but 16 border patrol police officials were killed and 50 were wounded. Concerning the forces that were thrown into the battle, almost all nearby units sent forces. For example, the border patrol police sent five companies from Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Tak. A battalion of soldiers was sent from the Phaya Mengrai Camp. And toward the end, reinforcements were mobilized from irregulars at the Pakthongchai Nakhon Ratchasima. . Aircraft and helocopters of the Police Department, army and air force flew over Ban Hin Taek day and night. Why Were Suppression Operations Carried On At This Particular Time Politics Or Narcotics? � Concerning tY,e forces of Khun Sa and his secure base at Ban Hin Taek in Pa Sang Commune, Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province, this problem di~ not arise just recently but has been in existence for a long time. Police General Sura~hon chunlaphrom, the director-general nf the Police Department, has admitted that Khun Sa's house at Ban Hin Taek was built securely and strongly. A story in the newspaper THAI RAT stated that this house had a swimming pool and a 20-inch video tape machine. This is not all. In an interview, Mr Phisan Mulasatsathorn, the undersecretary of inter.ior, stated that Khun Sa even has houses in the middle of Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Pricha Kunpricha, a reporter for DAO SIAM who has followed the 31 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 operations of Khun Sa for a long time, confirmed thafi Khun Sa has a 15-million baht house on Soi 71, Sukhumwit Road. "Why have they been allowed to grow so powerful before suppressing them?" asked one border patrol policeman who was wounded in this fight of a regorter bewilderedly. "Exactly! I do not know either why a suppression drive was mounted at this particular time," stated General Prem Tinsulanon, the prime minister, even though he was the person who signed the order. , "This was by chance. There was nothing else involved," said Ge,-1era1 Prachuap _ Suntharangkun, the deputy prime minister in his capacity as head of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) in summary after saying that the "intention to suppress naxcotics trafficking has existed ~for a~long time, but the prime minister gave the order only recently. We therefore set a date." Movements Prior to the Suppression Operation Regardless of whether this drive to suppress and eradicate the armed forces of Khun Sa, who is engaged in producing and selling narcotics, resulted because of the initiative of the prime minister or because of some secret political reason, there have recently been some very interesting movements. Between 14-16 January, Air Chief Marshal Sitthi Sawetsila, the minister of foreign affairs, visited Burma and on his return he stated that: "Ccncerning the narcotics problem, we informed Burma that we firmly intend _ t.o suppress [narcotics trafficking] resolutely. General Prachuap Suntharangkun, the depuity prime minister, will travel there to discuss this prablem again." Between 18-23 January, Mr Luigi Cotta, the deputy secretary-general of the Unitd Nations and the director of the United Nations Office in Europe, visited Thailand. He held discussior.s with PolicE Major General Phao Sarasin, the . secretary-general of the ONCB, and went to see the opium crop substituion program in the north. = Admidst these movements, at the end of 1981, Mr Prok Amaranan, the Thai ambassador in Washington, returned to Thailand to file a report and confer with the government. He just returned to the United States on 17 January. - A military news source has stated that before the attack on Ban Hin Taek was launched on 21 January, Major General Chawalit Yongchaiyut, the director of the [army] Directorate of Operations, visited�the north and joined high- ranking border patrol police officials in formulating plans. And then the "Ban Hin Taek" operation was launched. The objective was to expell and annihilate Khun Sa's "foreign" forces, whose basic activity is - not to liberate their nation from Burma but rather to produce and sell narcotics. , 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 Khun Sa Was Betrayed. Does This Concern General Kriangsak In Any Way? "Concerning this operation to eliminate Khun Sa, I feel that this was carried out in order to cut of certain people's sources of funds," said Mr Wattana Khieuwimon, the "big Nawaphon" and the head of the Pracha Seri Party during an interview given to MATICHON. Even though he would not state during the interview whom he was referring to, Mr Wattana Khieuwimon observed that during the.period when this problem arose and during the clash with Khun Sa's forces, General Kriangsak Chamanan, - the former supreme commander and the head of the National Democracy Party,was on a visit to Taiwan. General Kriangsak Chamanan has not denied that he knows Khun Sa. "My allowing the families of Khun Sa's [forces] to live in Thailand was an act that was in accord with the policy of the National Security Council," said General _ Rriangsak to a Thai news agency. General Kriangsak stated that during the time of the Sanya Thammasak government, Khun Sa captured two Russians. General Kriangsak, in his capacity as chief : of staff of Supreme Command Headquarters, was assigned the task of making contact and asking for their release. He contacted Khun Saeng, Khun Sa's uncle, and was successful in securing the release of the two Russians. However, a report by Sahatchai Sorat, a special reporter for FRACHAMIT, _ states that the person who captured these Russians was actually Chang Su Choen, who was acting in place of Khun Sa, since Khun Sa was in a Burmese prison in Mandalay. They were captured in order to bargain with the Ne Win government for the release of Khun Sa. Who Is Behind Khun Sa's Rise? The BK04 Responded Better Than Who? . BK04, which is a special-action section of Supreme Command Headquarters, ~was established in accord with a 1970 cabinet resolution. General Kriangsak Chamanan, who was reponsible for this from the very beginning has stated that the establishment of BK04 in Chiang Mai Province was the policy of the National Security Council, with the aim being to preserve peace along tne border since it was not desired to have enemies on several fronts. Based on this policy, BK04 was responsible not only for controlling the "refugees;' which included Haw Chinese, Shans and Free Karena,but also for making beneficial use of these minority forces. A report by the National Security Council states that BK04 used elements of these foreign forces for both independent operations and joint operations with government forces to drive out the communist terrorists. It was, because 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 of such operations tht General Li, the commander of the 93rd (KMT] Division, was later granted Thai citizenship, taking the name Mr Chai Saeli. � , , C~~neral Krianasak once stated during an interview that General Li was granted - Thai citizenship because he had performed beneficial acts for Thailand. It was not only the Thai government, through BK04, that was involved with these foreign forces. A report by the Thai Phithak group in the United States states that the United States poured in more than 10 billion baht in order - to support various minority groups in Burma with the aim of creating a.state of war between the minority groups and the Burmese government under the claim of national liberation. - Because of the massive injuections of:~weapons and money from the United States and the Thai government, these "forei,gn" forces gradually grew stronger. But [their] power and growth [was not used for] waging national liberation wars but rather for producing and selling narcotics. This hidden activity damaged Thailand and created great dangers for the Thai people. ~ . The lance that a Thai government sharpened so that it could serve as a"buffer" _ has returned and pierced its owner. ~ If It Is Said That a Person Has Engaged In Narcotics Trafficking, What Honor Does He Have Left? ~ � Concerning Khun Sa's forces that fled from Burma during that initial period, many of these people were suffering from malnutrition, malaria and other diseases and were almost on the point of death. "But now, all of them are well-fed and content, they are free.from disease, they are strong and healthy and they have modern weapons," stated a Police Department source. "They regularly cross back and forth across the border ~ and their power has constantly expanded in narcotics trafficking." A report in THAI RAT stated that at Ban Hin Taek, Khun Sa's base, there are schools that teach Chinese and Thai and a 100-bed hospital. . A total of 10 tons of modern weapons and war materials belonging to Khun Sa was seized and five helocopters have had to make trip after trip to transport all these things. Also seized were large quaritities of foodstuffs, - including both fresh and canned food. It was sufficient to feed them for more than a year. There were all types of inedicines and the two trucks used to haul all the medicine away have not yet completed the job. All~of these medicines were modern medicines and they can be found in markets throughout Thailand. Khun Sa's forces in both Thailand and Burma total almost 6,000 men. Khun Sa's main source of strength is narcotics trafficking, but at the same time, he received a"green light" from the policies of former Thai governments through BK04. 31~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 But when Khun Sa became powerful through the productinn and sale of narcotics, the matter of national liberation became just a pretense. And the matter of using jhis group] as a buffer state to preserve peace along the border was just a way to facilitate the transport and sale of narcotics. Having been friends with a heroin trafficker is a matter almost completely devoid of honor. The Ban Hin Taek Operation, a Protracted Campaign "We will retaliate and our attacks will be 10 times stronger than your attacks on us." This is an excerpt from a letter written by Khun Sa that was sent through Police Colonel Bin Prasopchok, the Chiang Rai provincial police cor~cnander . As for their response after Ban Hin Taek was seized, the attack on the provincial police station in Mae Sai District early on the morning of 26 January, in which they attacked like "bandits," did not look like the work of national liberation forces with political ideals. "I did not dare open the door. When I turned on the light, they fired into the house," said one owner of a shop at the Mae Sai District market. "The streets were filled with these soldiers." "The government should stop the suppression op~ration once Khun Sa is out of Thailand," said Mr Wattana Khieuwimon. "Becr~use if we pressure Khun Sa ' to the point where he joins with the Karens, the anxiety in suppression operations will be increased even more." The worry of the government and that, after the soldiers and police withdraw, how can safety be ensured? A 50 Percent Reduction In Heroin. What Will the Government Do Next? Concerning the government's decision to supress Khun Sa, regardless of purpose, one good result that Police Major General Sarasin foresees is that this will reduce heroin production by about 50 pereent. J But something that sould certainly not be foregotten is that 16 border patrol police were killed and 45 wounded. And a very disgraceful thing is that these foreign forces violated Thailand's territorial integrity and used Thailand as a place to produce narcotics and distribute them through~ut L-he world with the tacit support of previous governments. The question that should be pondered seriously is whether or not this "farmer and snake" policy will be retained. The truth at present is that, along the Thai-Burmese border, other forces besides Khun Sa's are present also. Since there are still Free Karen, Free Mon and even free Chinese KMT forces there, does the Thai government, through BK04, intend to contine to benefit from these illegal forces? 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440044-4 If it does, the lesson of the snake named "Khun Sa" should certainly not be forgotten lest there be even greater pain. Quantities of Items Seized From Khun Sa's Armed Forces Item Number Carbine rifles 252 M16s 43 ~ Chinese machine guns 3 Sikase rifles 3 FM rifles 2 - G3 rifles 2 Recoilless 57 rifles 3 Bazookas ~ 9 - 88-type self-loading rifles 21 AK filfe ammunition 52,000 rounds M67 grenades 210 - Sony taperecorder 1 Cased radio receiver-transmitters 7 Side-band radio receiver-transmitters 9 - Hand-held radio receiver=transmitters 197 Walkie-talkies 6 K10 (M79s) � 8 AK rifles 17 SK rifles 140 APGs 2 87 light machine guns 29 K60s 1 Sten guns 20 _ Various tyupes of small arms 173 K30s ' 15 M61 grenades 90 PC 15 radios 23 Field telephones 3 Transmitters 1 Megaphones 1 Power saw 1 Portable radio equipment 3 11943 CSO: 5300/5640 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 THAILAND RELATIONS WITH BURMA VIETnTED IN CONTEXT OF DRUGS Bangkok MATICHON in Thai 31 Jan 82 p 11 [Article: "Thailand and Burma an Old Story That Never Ends"] [Text] Air Chief Marshal Sitthi Sawetsila, the minister of foreign affairs, made another visit to Burma between 14-16 January after having gone there in 1980. . - If we look at the real heart of this trip, we find a recurrent theme that can be likened to an old story that never ends. It seems as if no progress at all has been made in matters concerning relations between Thailand and Burma. These old problems that never go away are: 1. Air Chief Marshal Sitthi Sawetsila held discussions with Mr U Chit Hlaing, the new Burmese minister of foreign affiars, concerning the suppression ~ of narcotics, the cultivation of alternative crops in place of opium~and the smuggling of narcotics. But everywhere in the northern border region where Thailand and Burma meet, which is known as the "Golden Triangle" because of long being known for the opium cultivation there, there has been a switch to heroin and it is flooding world markets. However, during the discussions this time, both Thailand and Burma agreed to hold more detailed discussions on cooperating with each other. General Prachuap Suntharangkun, the deputy prime minister, who is responsible for matters concerning the narcotics problem, will visit Burma sometime in the near future in order to hold detailed discussions with Burma. 2. A problem that is coupled to the narcotics problem is the problem of the minority groups who are enemies of the Burmese government. When Burmese officials carry on suppression operations against them, these groups flee into Thailand. These minority group.:rebels from Burma are i~Rvolved in narcotics smuggling also. And at present, there are reports that the Burmese Communist Party too is making money from trafficking in narcotics. , ~ 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040044-4 About 5 years ago, it was observed that the Thai government had a policy of using the groups that were engaged in narcotics trafficking and that opposed the Burmese government as a buffer between the countries. But in 197g, the government of General Kriangsak Chamanan changed course and really wanted tA be friends with Burma. It announced that it would drive the armed rebels who opposed the Burmese government out of Thailand. The Prem government has continued to follow this policy and tried to form a close friendship with Burma. " During the latest discussions, Air Chief Marshal Sitthi, taking the same standpoint as before, affirmed that Thailand would qive no support to the various minority groups in Burma and that it would try to prevent weapons and ammunition from reaching these groups. And he proposed.various measures for preventing the minority groups from controlling trade across tY,e border. 3. On the economic front, Air Chief Marshal Sitthi proposed several programs for cooperation for Burma to consider. Examples are the Salaween River program to build a dam to generate electricity and provide water for irrigation, technical exchanges in developing oil and resources, exchanges in the agricultural field and an exp~nsion of air services between the two countries. Criticisms From the.essence of the~talks as presented in the three sections above, it can be seen that these are the same points that are always raised and discussed by Thailand and Burma at ministerial-level meetings: This makes - us doubtful about how much progress has been made in fostering cooperation between Thailand and Burma since the time of General Kriangsak. . In particular, the first and second points above benefit the Burmese government directly because the income earned from selling opium is the main income of the rebel groups and Burmese communists, income that they use to purchase supplies and weapons with which to fight the Burmese government. One time, the leader of a Burmese rebel group suggested that the United States give his group large sums o� money directly instead of spending it on ineffective _ narcotics suppr~ssion operations and in return his group would destroy the poppy fields. As for the third point, it will be very interesting if Burma cooperates with Thailand on the economic front as Thailand has suggested, particularly in expanding airline service betwe~en the two countries. Thi~ is because Burma is one country in this region that is capable ~of attracting foreign tourists. And it looks as though Burma is looking for a way to promote foreign tourism. But concerning other economic fronts such as oil drilling and mining, the Burmese government will probably maintain its present position and act very - 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 cautiously. But if some country is allowed to participate in these areas, it will "smile contentedly" because of the great sums of money to be made from Burmese minerals and oil. In particular, the Salaween dam~power and irrigation project has been under discussion by Thai and Burmese leaders since the end of 1980 but to date no important progress has been made. 4. In addition to the three matters discussed above, there is the problem of Kampuchea, a problem that was certainly discussed. In the document presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the only thing mentioned was that Air Chief Marshal Sitthi told Burma that Vietnam's extension of its western border to where it now borders Thailand is something that Thailand is concerned about and that it cannot accept. And this is also one reason why Thailand ' has had to involve itself in the situation in Kampuchea. As for Burma and the Kampuchean problem, Burma will probably remain neutral and not lean toward eithe_ side in accord with Burma's princa.ple of not getting involved with either side. Last year, Burma was the site for pnlitical talks between the Thai deputy minister of foreign affairs and Vietnam. As for the future, whether or not Burma will again play such a role cannot be determined for sure. Besides this, the previous Burmese minister of foreign affairs is still acting as a political intermediary between Thailand and Vietnam and has gone to Hanoi to hold talks with foreign minister Nguyen Co Thach. ~ Thus, concerning the trip by Air Chief Marshal Sitthi Sawetsila, even though only old matters [were discussed], because of the fact that Burma has a new cabinet due to the resignation of former President Ne Win, since we are neighbors, this trip to get t�o know each other was a correct step. It can be said that Air Chief Marshal Sitthi Sawetsila was the first foreign - visitor to hold discussions with Mr U San Yu, the new president of Burma. Seni Saowaphong, a foreigner observer, has expressed the view that this ~ trip was a proper diplomatic move and a good innovation. 11943 5300/5640 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 THAILAND POST-RAID SITUATION AT BAAN HIN TAEK DESCRIBED Bangkok THE NATION REVIEW in English 13 Feb 82 p 13 ~ [Text~ pRE'PEIAN three weeks after ment forces against a rebel force on change for S00 000 b�rl~t" Meight, companies of border the Thai-Burmese border in history, Local ~ill.! ~~ars who know thr _ palrol pol~cemen mounted what could be uen everywhere ~n the area well ' saxi that altt:~ugh the was descn~ed as an"uprooting vlllage. Bullet holes are on the walla strafing had dealE a severe btow to operation" against notorious drug of some hous~a. The chatred Khun Sa's banacks at Baan Hin k~ngpin Khun Sa at Baan Hin Tas k wreckage of bumtdoa?n houx~are Taek, another village nearby~ in Amphoe Mae Chan o f Chiang Rai diu there. The dead bodiea arE atill known aa Baan Muang Song, n- Province, the mood rCmains tense ~ tying in aome areaa. Some oor ps~e' maina intact. ' and jitters � continue to haunt the have yet to be buried properly. The Baan Mua ~�conant at~'~ons area near the Burmese border: stench is hanowing. be the site of~rg of SUA's aoldiers, full ui d The fighting~ has dizd dawn fol- The latest count gut the death Y~1 PPe lowing 1Z day$ of skirmislies and toll an the SUA's aide at around W~h a m~itary base,banacks, ruws bombanlment by the Ciiiang Mai- 100, moatIy k~71ed in the strating ed b l~abou 4sa0 o SOOaamged re- based Thai air force. 13~~t for the from the air by helicoptergunshipa ~~S ylt is about four kilometres more than 2,000 Shan, Huw, andVC�lOs. fromB~anHiriTaek:~~ ' IVluser hilltribers and Thais,at Baa� The heavleat fi~,hting probal~ly.. ~ Hin Taek the'situatiori is'fat~'~orri"took'p~~e7~Y'f~ifi?~ Kh t?S schief� S~JA tro ps-k~-d wtlstHei~ ~lmis nurmal. N~any have .chosen to pack pf Ch~t?g Si~e,ttuati, up their belongings and headed of�staff who was char ~e of hold� after fighttng t e Bucmese troops~ downhill on pickup trucks to stay ~g fort at Baan Hin Taek after change Into clvillan ' clothes and with relatives in Amphoe.Mac Sa~ Khun Sa.aliasChang Si�fu,had fled walk about half anyho~~nC n Bai~ Mae Chan and the provinc~al seat o~ into Burma~/o8ae la nched wtthh a H~~`Taek~~s~Ord he well-intom~eJ Chiang Ra~ to avoid being caught in ~?P~8 , scurce. the crossfire. vengeance. The central government in Bang� Another acxne of severe fighting Tl~a latest Thai Government kok may have categorically denied ~+aa on the route which waa the o~ pe:atiu~is did not touch Ba:~~i that "truce tallcs" were held be- m~ thruat of assault of the Bor� Muang Song. A few bomb crat~~rs tween the government forces and der PatrolPolice towardaKhun Sa'? mi~ht have ban sighted at the mi� � the armed fi hters of the Shan row of bazracks . behind That- Itary trau~ing centre and some da- United Army ~SUA). But a mIlitary k~kharn tempb~ 'hldden behind a m~ge might have been done to officer in charge of tl~e sp ecial task h~� It waa a windiing dead-0nd val� some barracks but the main head- ~ force on thesp ot, Col Jer Pohsri- ley two kilorrietres in le~ quarters. dormitories and wells re- nak, said that a bout� 8 0 per cen t o f " T h e o p e r a t i o n proba6ly~did not main intact. The otily sign of abnor- the villagers may now: retum to ~N~ ~Dn ~ronghold. The mality might have been t ha t t he " ac:e losses of 100 lives for SUA were 1oca1 villagers had all evacuated. their old houses followu?g pe 'talks", not a major blow. Khun Sa may'be But w~thin two days a er a The military officer said that the forced to mov~e his headquartera roup of reporters visited the place, SUA leaders agreed during the talks t~ rarUy turning his force into ~aan Muang Song became alive on three main points - that they mobile guerrilla units. Tt?e ~,~,hh activity again. Television and would stop trad'ung in drugs, cease s~me thing happened to him when video sets were back in the li~use the practice of collecting more arms Buzmese Government launched ~d traces of horses and muleswere - and operations against the Burmese i m~~ ~~p~n againat the mi� ~~en again. norit rebel grou a sevetal yean ~ Thai anti�narcotics uf~clals said Government. that Khun Sa l~ad at least tour "This shows that the situation eBo~ ~id a well~ formed source will retum to normal soon," the mi- on the sane. ~ heroin refineries in that srea near litary of~cer said. He added: 'When the T'haiGo� Tachilek near Mae Sai un the~ Thai But the mood in the village re- vernment sir~dropped leatlets an� side. They said tliat Khun Sa when mains quiet: Some shops m~ght nouncing a SOOA00-baht pr?ze for he de~ls in narcutics;would ~iandle have reopened for business but arn~ of Khun Sa, the villagers only the big deals worth about some hilltrbesmen have resorted to here kept them and wouldn't dare 50o to 1,000 million baht wlth the tty, theft against houses vacated distribute them. Khun Sa once de� drug merchants comin all the way pe o Kon to by v~llagers who had fled in the clated thst he would pay one mil� from Singapore and n~ S wake of the fighting. 1lon baht to anybody v?~ho ~vas discuss detaUs of the transartions. The scars of the C~ghting~ the vI� thinking of try' ing to I~a~~J I~un c~vc~r Local villagers were last week Rorous launched by Thai govern� to the Thai Governn?ent in ex- still talking about a rumour that ~ . I~0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540040044-4 twu Americ~n CIA of~ciels wlio many issues. For one thing~ Khun bels who provide securit~ measures were on a secret mission to tallc to Sa sees the Burmese Communi~ts several heroin refineries,' said ano- Khun Sa were later kidnapped and as a group trying to lske state po� ther informed official, who said tater released. "But the two Ameri- wer whik hu movement wants an that an opium caravan in the arca cans were reportedly run over by a autonomous Shan State," said a now is being protected by about ten~uvheeled truck after they reach- local informed source. .700 heav~ly-armed men, compand ed Chiang Rai," said a local offic~al. Critics believe that ev~en if Khun to about 30 to SO government Thai officials said that the dras- Sa waa neutralized - and the lateat troopera at each point along the tic drive against .Khun Sa mtght drive haa yet to pmve that - the route. push him deeper uito the em6~race path towuda totaIIy eliminating the The major operatIon haa died of the Communist Party of Burma, drug trade in the Shan State ~i far down. Casualties have been heavy a move which have caused s~me from over. on both ades. But Khun Sa's in- serious concern among Thai securi- "Ja Tae Puey~and Liew Ta Moei fluena is far from over. He might ty~~fficials. an two major,Haw Chinese heroin change his strategy. But the heroin '`But Khun Sa and the Burmese producers in Mae Chan area. They connection rema3ns relat~vely unaf- Communists certainly disagree on control about 120 to 150 armed re- fected. CSO: 5300/5665 - L~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 THAILAND ~ DRUG OFFICIALS BELIEVE HEROIN REFINERIES HAVE MOVED BK220303 Bangkok NATION REVIEW in Engliah 22 Feb 82 p 2 [Text~ Chiang Mai--Anti-narcotice officials believed the centre of heroin refineries has m~ved from the north to elsewhere due to tight measures to make the region off-limits to chemicals needed for the heroin production. "The centre could have ~oved to another region in the country or outside the couatry. This is a ma~or question we are seeking to a~swer," Chief of the North Narcotics Control Centre (N1qCC) Narong Suwanpiam told the NATION over the weekend. . He said the theory was based on the fact that officials receatly seized large amounts of raw opium being bransported from the nortIi southwards than the pre- vious years. ~ - Narong said that raw opium itself is almost worthless unless it has been pro- cessed into morphine or heroin. "The raw opium could only be smoked or used as medicine by~tribesmen," he added. ' He said that most of the opium to be processed into heroin here was smuggled from the neighbouring couatries. "The latest survey conduGted between 1979 and 1980 shows that only about 40 tons of opium was cultivated in about 37,000 rai of poppy fields in the north," he said. He also quoted another survey conducted by the North Narcotics Rehabilitation Centre as sho~aing that abeut 12 perceat of the 300,000 hill tribeemen nation- wide are addicted to opium. "If we cuuld bar the material from being smuggled from our neighbours, the ~ drug trafficking here would be greatlq affected. But then it is very difficult to do so because of hundreds of kilometres of Th~i-Burmese border," he said. He said that he was sympathetic with the Burmese Government which could not effectively eradicate poppy fields in the country despite its arduous efforts to do so. "We have to understand the problem facing the Burmese; most of the poppy plantations are in areas under the influence of rebel minoritles. The areas are almost inaccessible to the Burmese troops," he eaid. CSO: 5300/5668 L~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440044-4 THAILAND ~ . - BRIEFS HAT YAITRAFFICKER SUSPECT NABBED--Sat Yai--U.S. and Thai anti-narcotics officials yesterday nabbed a man who is believed to be a ma~or drug trafficker whose ring has connections in four countries, police reported. The suspect, identified as Sanguan Chongcharoen, 51, was arrested with 199 fake banknotes, each of which in U.S.$100 denomination with face value totalling about 400,000 baht. The fake banknotes foimd in his residence on Sinin Road in thia tourist town were believed to have been acquired when Sanguan presumably traded drugs with one of his customers, police said. We believe that Sanguan was duped by the cuatomer who paid him bogus banknotes for the amo~t.of narcotics delivered, one of the anti- drug officials said. The Thai and U.S. officials who belong to the Drug Enforce- _ ment Agency (DEA) arrested Sanguan after they had fotmd the bankaotes in a safe built in a recess in one of the walls in his residence. The officials raided the house to search for heroin believed to be hidden in the house, police said. Sanguan who is believed to have connections in Malaqsia, Singapore and Song Kong was quoted as confessing that he received the fake money from a man identified only as Sin and two other Malaysians. Police were reportedly intensively inter- rogating the suspect whoae name appears on the DEA's lists of ma~or drug traffickers. [Text] [Bangkok NATION REVIEW ia English 8 Feb 82 p 3] HONG KONG MAN ARRESTED--A Hong Kong man, believed to have connections with a drug trafficking riag allegedly involving three Thai drug suspecta now in police custody, was arrested yesterday iri an apartment here with over~3 kgs of heroin, a senior police official reported. A team of policemen of the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) burst into a room of Chaemchan Court in Soi Chaemchan off Soi Ekkamai (Sukhumwit 63) and arrested Mr Chang Tuk Lun or Peter. Pol Lt Col Nitiphan Singhonlaka, deputy chief o� Division Seven of CSD, said two [pieces of] luggage were found in his room. They contained at least 3 kgs of No 4 heroin, he said. The drug was estimated to be around one million baht in the local market. Peter saas quoted as confessing that he possessed the drug, he said. Pol Lt Col Nitiphan said Peter was believed to have connections with a drug trafficking ring operating from Bangkok. He linked the drug trafficking ring to the seizure of over 7 kgs of No 4 heroin at Don Muang Airport last Monday. A movie director, Phichai Noirot, and two actresses were also arrested in connection with the drug seizure at the airport. [Excerpt] [BK050200 Bangkok NATION REVIEW in - English 9 Feb 82 p 3] 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 LAMPANG 'COOKED OPIUM' SEIZURE--Lampang--Police yesterdaq seized 107 kgs of cooked opium frotn a~eep and arrested two mea at a road checkpoiat ia Hang Chat District. Acting on a tip that an ~specified amount of drugs would be trans- ported through this province to Bangkok, a squad of police from the Office of Narcotics Control Board led by Pol Col Kosol Limpichart, and a Sang Chat pol3ce team rushed to a spot on the Chiang Mai-Lampang Highway and set up a roadblock. At about 1020, a land rover carrying a Bangkok licence plate arrived at the checkpoint and was stopped by the policemen. A search of the floor and a apecial compartment under the body of the ~eep r~vealed 50 packs of opiuaa weighing about 107 kilogrammes, police said. Ztao men in the 3eep who l.ater identified them- selves as Soagpol Sae Thai and Somsak Sae Thong, both natives of Baagkok, were apprehended for questioning. They reportedly`�aid they were hired by a man, Uthis, to pick up the opium in Chiang Mai and drive it to Bangkok. [Text] [Bangkok POST in English 18 Feb 82 p 3] HAT YAI OPIUM SEIZURE--Hat Yai customs officials yesterday [18 February], seized over 4 kgs of raw opium and arrested a suspect at a Sadao District checkpoint, an informed source said. The suspect was identified as Chimpeng Sae Lao, 34. ~ao other suspects who were with Chimpeng in a taxi at the time of the arrest. managed to escape. Chimpeng reportedly admitted to the charge of possessing . opium with intent to sell. [Text) [Bangkok POST in English 19 Feb 82 p 3] - NORTHERN DRUG RAID--Chiang Mai--Northern police on 19 February seized 7 kilo- grammes of heroin and arreated three suspected drug traffickers believed to have been operating in Fang and San Kamphaeng Districts. The suspects were arrested after police intercepted their pick-up truck in San Kamphaeng District and searched it. Pol Col Prakop Chuanthesa, assistant chief of the provincial police Zone 3 who led the search team, said he foiaid 2 kilogrammes of heroin in four plastic bags hidden in the truck. Police identified the three as Sombtm Khamsuwan, 45, Samran Prayatyot, 51, and his wife, Mrs Champhen. After questioning police took Mrs Champhen to her house in Fang District where they _ allegedly fotmd 5 kilogrammes of heroin hidden under the roof, police said. Police said the heroin was packed in 16 plastic bags. [Bangkok WORLD in English 20 Feb 82 p 3] NAKHON PATHOM MORPHINE SEIZURE--Nakhon Pathom--~ao suspected drug traffickers were arrested in this provincial town yesterday by narcotics suppression police ~ who followed them for mo~e than 700 kilometers from the northern.province of Chiang Mai, police reported this morning. The narcotics police claimed that they found 12 sticks of morphine hidden behind a seat inside the car driven by the two men. The morphine was worth about 19 million baht in the country, they said. The police said they had been following Pankaew Pengro~, 28, and Somboon Jirasak, 48, from Chiang Mai since Monday. They once atopped the two men and searched their car in Suphan Buri Province but nothing incriminating was found, they said. Yesterday afternoon, the police lay in wait for the two men at the Malaiman intersection ~n Nakhon Pathom Town, about 30 km from Bangkok, after learning that the men would allegedly. deliver morphine to a buyer there. The two men allegedly told the police that they had been hired by a shopowner in Chiang Mai for 6,000 baht to deliver 12 sticks of morphine to a certain person in Nakhon Pathom. The same shopowner hired them in December last year to deliver morphone to a man in Chiang Mai, they allegedly said. [Text] [Bangkok WORLD in English 12 Feb 82 p 3] ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540040044-4 DRUG ARRESTS IN CHIANG MAI--Chiang Mai--Police seized over 4 kgs of pure heroin and arrested five people, four of whom are Chinese haws, on drug trafficking charges in two separate raids here over the weekend. Chiang Mia's chief anti- narcotics police officer Pol Capt Phayung Chinachit said yesterday the five people were nabbed with about 1.4 kgs of No 4 heroin 3.n Chiang Dao District here on Saturday. He said that about 1.4 kgs of heroin worth about 250,000 baht or~ the local market was found hidden in fertilizer bags seized from the five suspects. The first two suspects were identified as Yingchan Sae Ma, 30, and ' ~Pricha Kaeomalai, 19, while the others aze Chaiching Sae Po, 20, Thibui Sae Thi, 19, and Saeokwa Sa Yae, 19. Four of the five arrested were found to be reIIm.ants of the 93rd division of the Chinese Nationalist Party of Kuomintang, according to the officer. Police also seized 2.86 kgs of No 4 heroin fotm.d hidden in the oil tank of a pick-up truck owned by a man identified only as Withaya in Muang District yesterday. [Bangkok NATION REVIEW in English 1 Mar 82 p 3] MONG HAND OVER OPIUN~-Four forme ~ea onso olthetmilitarydlast week, Third~~ys of raw opium and a number of war p Region Commander Lt Gen Phrom Phiunuan revealed yesterday. The four Mong were among 1,500 Mong insurgents and de~endents from six villages in Chiang Rai who surrendered to the third army region following secret negotiations in January. The former political commissar of the Communist Party of Thailand's Eighth Zone, Yuathong Sae Yang, led the four Mong, from Therng and Chi~uig ni~ong Districts, to a meeting with military authorities at the Ban Yang Iiom base in Therng District last Thursday. Saying they realised opium possession was illegal, the four Mong handed over the 1,280 kilogrammies of the drug as well as a small anti- aircraft gun, a 75mm re coiless gun and a bazooka anti-tank gun with ammimition. The military, in return, gave the Mong vegetable seeds to grow in place of the opium. Yuanthong said that the 1,500 Mong, from six villages along Doi Yao-Doi Pha Mon Mountains, which were under CPT control during the past 14 years, had earned their living by growing opium. Last year`s crop was good, he said, and each family sold between 5 to 8 kilogrammes to Chinese haw merchants who resold it on the black market in Lags. Last year`p raw BPi ~okrPOST in En lish 45,000 baht per kilogramme Yuathon said. [Excer t] [ ang g 2 Mar 82 p 5] CSO: 5300/5662 ~ ~ 45 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 CANADA GOVERNMENT DELAY IN REDUCING HARSHNESS OF MARIHUANA LAW CITED Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 26 Jan 82 p 7 [Article by John Gray: "The Mari~uana Predicament") ~ [Text] ~ FTE~MO~tE ~'HAN a decade oi promis-' ~8s� Tec,~uiicalIy, that scope ~icluded alcohol; q es and aiter . the' convlctioh oi mur~? but tar more important were such substances tha~: 300,000 Canadians - the. Liberal'? as LSD; speed (methamphetamine) and, above; Guvernment stiti hesitates to reduce.the harsh-; all~ marljuana. . ~ ness nf the Iaw,on�ma~l]uana: : ~ By 19~, the Cabinet knew theie was~ a politt~ . Despite the : Government's ~ soleinu ~ comaait cal , probiem: Ministers were less concerned~ ment in the last throne speech, less than two~ wlth the more exotic drugs;. they didn't know years ago, to do ~ something abo~}t� C~nadiand many~ people who dmpped acid, but they sure . mari juana legislation, it now appears the issue � Irnew a lot~ about kids who were smoking dope. may be conveniendy, shoved aside ~nd forgot,; In t~e. ilowertng� Qf the late s~xties~ middle- tea. ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ class parents, politidans among them~ disca Solicitor-~eneral Robert Kaplan.~insists the~ vered wlth a slaock that their children were Government's stand is firm, "but there ai~e a p~g on to more, than beer~and skitdes.'And lot ot other piiority items as well~ which might for thei; rebellion. some of' those kids were be easier to move.~~ .'1"hus~ he seems w have: going to jail~ ' ~ � joined a long list ot. Trudeau ministers whose ` ~ 1960s and the early 1960s, mari. determination to. cushion madjuana penalties ~ ~d been a rare weed, mast often associ- has been detlected toward. less pollticaUy con- ated wlth 3azz musicians. It was an unusual troversiai reforms. ~ - ' ` . ~ The Solicitor-General says political sensitivl- Y~' ~t registered' more than two dozen con- ty isn't the reason his reforming ardor has': ~~ions for possession oi the plant with the cooted somewhat.~ Instead, he explains~ "it's $Piky leaves. Suddenly, the number oi convia , tions began to doubl~ and then triple. By 1969, the anticipated pubUc reaction to the easing oi ce~u~,~� . ; more than 3,000 Cgnadiaas were convlcted for In tact, anticipating adverse public reacdo~t. ~�n ~j~ or hashlsh~ a crime has crippled a good many Goven~ment prom~s-~; whicb c~uid. earn them up to seven years in. es since Pierre Trudesu first came to power ~ p~0�' ~ with a whitt ot retorm in so marry areas. Yet, T~ Nazc:otics Contml Act was a product of none has suftered more thar? the repeate~l ~e days when there was little understanding ot commitment to change a law that successive ~ ~~u~~~ ~d was understandably severe: ministers have judged to be sadly misguided. Mere possession of mari juana could lead to imprlsonment; the sale of any amotant was The Trudeau Government's concern about p~~~~e by life imprisonment; importing� mari juana first surtaced formally ln May,1969~ ~y ~~t meant a minimum of seven years when John Munm, then minlster ot health and ~ j~, ~e p~~~ ~yere not imposed to the . welfare and now�Minister ot Indlan and North- . ~t they, Were there. Worst of all. ern Attalrs~ announced an lnquiry to look into whatever the penalty, conviction meant a crim- the wlwle spectrum of the non-medical use, oi.~ ~ _ , ~ _ . , . . 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 By the end oi the sixties~ the days of Reeter inapproprlate that any Canadians caught with Madness had long since passed. The I.eDain a small amount of marijuana for personat use inquiry into the non-medical use of drugs esti- should face the embarrassment and indignity - :mated that 1.5 million Canadians had used ot fingerprints and photographs~ the possibility marijuana or .hashish. Although members of ot imprisonment and the stigma of a crlminal th~ commission were divided in their judg- record. Clearly, something mus� be done." ment, they were united in their Insistence that However inappropr~ate the law, however the law on cannabis - marijuana and hashish clear the need tor action~ 1VIr.~Kaplan retlects shouid be sottened considerably..The majori- the tensions and uncertalnties afflictlng his ty wanted no prohibition against either posse~- ministeNal and caucus colleagues. Like them, si~n or cultivation tor personal use. he stlll worries about "anticipated public reac- Ar. uncertain Government wanted. nothing of 'tion." Most of his prepared speech that night that, but John Munro promised that there was devoted to reassuring people who might - would be legislation within a few months to 8~ ~e wrong idea~ who might think that every- transfer cannabis to the~ Food and Drugs Act, th1nB was going to b~ made legal~ that the away. trom the much more severe strictures ot .G~vernment was going to break new ground - the Narcotics Control Act. that Liberals tavored dope. . That was in 1970~ and was the first of a suc- That same thinking persuaded some minis- cession of Government promises. Mr. Munro ter last month to take the pmposal tor marijua- repeated his promise formally two years later; na legislation to the provlncial attorneys-gener- indeed, he issued a written statement and~ al. l~erhaps they could be roped into taking called it a policy on cannabis. Two years lat~r, sume of the blame for such libertine reforms. his successor, Marc Lalonde, went so far as to, Predictably~ the provIncial mi~isters were produce legislation to go with the policy, and he as alarmed as , the federai ministers~ even said, like Charles Dickens, that the law was an though people such as Mr. K~plan can cite ass. public opinion surveys which show that two- That legislation was introduced in the Sen- thlyds of Canadlans want lighter penaltles or no ate, and the senators made valiant attempts to penalties for possession ot mari juana. ~ improve it, held long hearings and then The result is indecision, so that today Mr. watched as the Government quietly let the bill Kapian can say: "I don't know what we'll, be die on the order paper. taking back to Cabinet. But if we move forward ~ By 1978, with cannabis convictions running on it~ it's going to have to be w~thout unanimous at the rate of more than 35~000 a year~ Mr. La- Provincial support, no matter what we do. londe said he really would like to have new leg- Although he acknowledges that Ottawa is not 4slation to reduce marijuana penalties. He said always so scruputous about getting provincial it was being studied on an urgent basis and, approval~ Mr. Kaplan talks of the need for a = citing the number of convictions. commented: ~ified appmach in this instance. However~ he "You have to ask yourseli serious questions ~~Ys nothing about getting the provinces to about that particular law and whether it is share the adverse public reaction. realiy responding to the values ot the society in. ~ Mr. Kaplan explains it~ the Government which you live and whether you can continue to recognizes the conuaitment to the reform of have a law that is really rejected by such a, ~e law on marljuana~ but that commitment is large number ot your citizens." ar?ytl~ing but a precise policy. That is just about the way things were more When the Conservatives were in power~ than 10 years.ago. Today, the vast majority ot David Crombie hetd the health and welfare oftenders are tined - only about 10 per cent portfolio. He, like his Liberal predecessors~� receive jall terms - but the decade the Gov- _ promised legislation~ but produced nothing. ernment has spent promising change has seen A year later, with the Liberals back in pow- more than 300,000 Canadians. acquire'crlminal er, Solicitor-General Kaplan was making all records under the terms of a law. they. �ve been tfie right noises. He even made a speech to his told all along should be changed. Don Valley riding association in which he out- lined the familiar position. "I personally ieel it � CSO: 5320/21 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 CANADA LAWYER GIVES OPINION ON WRIT OF ASSISTANCE NEEDS IN DRUG CASES ToronCo THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 10 Dec 81 p 7 [Article by Michael Valpy: "Four Drug Cases"] . [Text] , ~ OTTAWA a judlclal oiticer and obtair. a Cose 3. A package suspected Back to Solicitor-General search warrant they will be ot containing drugs is sent to a Robert Kaplan and his wNts of. too late.. , ~Post Otiice box. The Mounties assistance. I asked Toronto crlminal watch to see who cflmes'for it:� ' He presents four types of lawyer Clayton Ruby for his .They then follow the person to drug cases where he says the oplnion. ' his dwelling place:, Mounties cannot aitord the Mr. ,Ruby � says: "The They cannot stop the ~man~ time to obtain a search war- ~common faw says you cat? fol- arith his package and demand rant. Not if they hope to pres- low a person into a dwelling .ro (mow its contents. It they sure a~suspect into giving (wtthout a search warrant) Ii want to get a convictlon~ them information or get an� your purpose is to an~est him. they~ve got W be sure the man arrest and convictioa before And you can search hlm inci- knovvs what is inside and still - evidence vanishes. dental to that arrest. You've keeps it. � i o be effective, he says~ ~got grounds to go in - you That means the police have suspect he ls in possession oi a to wait tor the man to go in-` they need a, writ of assistance. ~~~c; you've seen him bu He wants to lift the federal it � . Y side and open the package. Government moratorlum on The rlsk ls that ti~e contents issuing Mounties with more Care 2. The. Mounties are ~will be disposed of betor~ the tipped that a New ~York drug , M~~~ ~ _ v~rrits, ~ get a search: - ~ Case The Mounties see a dealer is .coming into Mon- warrant. ' man buy heroin. He puts it in ~~a~' Mr. Ruby says: "It takes his mouth so that he can swal- The m~n arrlves~ rents a half an hour to get a search low It ig he is sto b ~r and drives 120 miles into warrant. In the meantime lice. p~ y~~ the bush. He goes into a cot- you're watching the place W ~ The Mounties fo~low hirre to ~~e~ out again~ and, see dt the stuff goes anywhere. where he lives~ af~ address drtves 120 miles back to Mon- It you re smart, you ve they don't know in advance. treal airport. It takes the already sprayed the envelope, He gces inside. Mount~es three hours to dMve say with a ituorescent dye out �oi the bush~ get a search without ~ interfering with the The Mounties tigure he~ warrant an~d return to the cot- .course ot the mail, rlght? - immediately is going to pr~ ~age, qny~g c~uld happen ~and then anyone who's han- pare his fix. If they're ~oing to In that time. dled it has got red ttngers get the goods on him~ they Mr. Ruby asks: Why don't, (under the iluorescent. have to go through the door the Mounties post a guard on tamp)." immediately, the cottage while they've gone Using a writ they can. If for the warrant? they take the time to go betore ~8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 4. A man suspected of . possessirtg narcotlcs is fol- lowed into a boarding house. The police don't Imow which room. They have to get a. - search warrant tor every mom in the boarding . house. With a writ~ they can go any- ~ where. Mr. Ruby says: In a boarding 1louse. you don't need a separate search war- rant for each room. ThaNs clear law. Mr. Kaplan dcesn't ~ know his law." CSO: 5320/21 ~ 49 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 CANADA , BRIEFS DRUG, GUN RAIDS--Thirty people were charged in Ottawa-Hull Friday following a combined police raid involving 75 officers ~rom the RCMP, Quebec provincial police and local forces. A Quebec Police Force spokesman said 15 West Quebec residents are scheduled to appear in provincial court Monday charged with trafficking in narcotics and possession of illegal weapons. An RCMP spokesman said the other suspects are being held by the other local forces involved in the raid on the Ontario side. The raid includes officers from the RC1~, QPF,~OPP, Ottawa, Hull,. Aylmer, Vanier and Timmins, Ont. police forces. Police said officers entered 40 houses and apartments at 8 a.m., seizing narcot~cs, stolen goods aad weapons. The Quebec Police Force was in charge of the operation. [Text] [Ottawa THE WEEKEND CITIZEN in English 9 Jan 82 p 3] CSO: 5320/21 ; I i 50 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 YUGOSLAVIA DATA ON DRUG ADDICTION IN CROATIA AU201707 Zagreb VJESNIK in Serbo-Croatian 16 Jan 82 p 16 - [Saturday supplement SEDAM DANA Article by Vlutko Miskovic: "Threat of 'The White Plague ] [Summary] "In recent times Yugoslavia has ceased to be a mere `transit coun- try' for the trade in narcotic drugs because more and more of taat poison now stays in Yugoslavia." According to the Federal Secretariat for. Internal _ Affairs, the number of reported users of narcotic drugs in Yugoslavia in- _ creased from 250 in 1970 to oyer 8,000 in 1981. Last summ~er in Belgrade, nine drug addicts died from the effects of drug addiction and another three drug addicts died in Belgra3~ for the same reason in October. According to an enquiry conducted in Zagreb schools, about 6 percent of elementary and 20 percent of secondary school children have experimented with narcotic drugs. The following table shows the increase in the number of reported drug users and distributors in Croatia, by regions, for 1979 and 1980: - Number of Reported Users and Distributors Percentage Region: In 1979: In 1980: Increase: Ri~eka 131 157 16.5 Istria 144 234 42.7 Lika 0 0 0 Split 191 262 27.1 Sibenik 45 45 Q Zadar 64 106 29.6 Dubrovnik 102 105 2.8 Osi~ek (1 61 ~ Slavonski Brod 55 75 26.6 Vinkovci 7 7 ~ Zagreb 306 637 52.0 Karlovac 39 45 13.4 B~elovar 9 29 68.9 Sisak 37 37 ~ Varazdin 60 60 p = Total 1,327 1,862 28.7 51 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 j I ~ I The number of drug addicts treated in hospitala in the Socialist�Republic of Cr,oatia hae also increased as the following table for the 1976-80 period shows: . Number of Addicts Treated In Type of Addiction: 1976 1977 1978 1979 19~0 Morphius ~ 20 20 31 42 69 Barbiturares 17 17 11 38 55 Cocaine 0 0 0 0 0 Cannabis 1 6 1 12 1~ Amphetamines 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 Hallucinogens ' 2 2~ 2 0 1 Evaporative solutions 0 ~ ~ ~ 6 Various comb inations 51 73 94 65 65 Unidentif ied 39 68 ~4 Total 130 186 211 242 278 The quantities of various drugs conf iscated by authorities has.increased simultaneously with the spreading of drug addiction in Yugoslavia as the follow- ing table for confiscated heroin shows: Quantity of .Confiscated Year: Number of Cases Involved: fleroin in Kilograms: 1976 ~ 2 1.18 5 ~ 0.27 1977 1978 7 31.70 1979 . 22 91.40 January 1980 6 70.70 CSO: 5300/3006 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 JAMAICA BRIEFS MARIJUANA ARRESTS--A motor boat, more than 5,000 lbs of gan~a, a quantity of cocaine have been seized by the police, and five Americana and two Jamaicans arrested on drug charges in Trelawny, St. Ann, and Manchester. Five others have been detained. The boat, the Holqcol, was intercepted about four miles off the Falmouth coast, Trelawny, on Friday mornimg by the Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard. The ganja was found on board, the police information centre said. Kenneth Smith, 32, James Wollon, 28, Steve Messiur, 35, all of South Carolina, U.S.A.; and Jamaican Allan Ellis, 30, lifeguard, of Cor3naldi Avenue, Montego Bay, w~re arrested and charged with possession of gan~a and attempting to export gan~a. [Excerpt] [FL222230 Kingston DAILY GLEANER in English 15 Feb 82 p i] CSO: 5300/2170 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 i ~ . ~ 1 MEXICO 'I 1 ~ ~ ; i - i ~ ~ i ~ ~ LARGE SCALE TRAFFICKERS CAPTURED, MARIHUA.'~A SEIZED _ ~ dad Juares EL FRONTERZZO in Spanish 20 Eeb 82 Sec B p 2 . , Ciu ' o a ents from.the Eederal Security Office in this town confiscated % [T,.~;t] Yesterday, $ drugs, specifically, marihuana and cocaine, worth 36.624 million pesos. e arrested the individuals who had.been dealing in druas and his~nephewe~Eduardo Th y on a large scale, who proved to 6e: Arnulfo Quinones Avi , Vargas Quinones. ; Luis Garcia Madrid, who has often been involved in crimes ; The head of that group, ; against health and ~.n trading powerful weapons in exchange for powders an~ her~s, managed to evade the action of the law enforcers. ' out in time that he was being sought, made arrangements and succeeded in He found ~ obtaining protection. ' ~ Therefore, he was not arrested together with his two accomplices. f I of that ring, and the seizure of the shipment whicComdrtRamonsRodrigueze ~ The breakup j one taken by the police in the last 20 years, was achieved by - and group chief Cuauthemoc Ortiz, after an investigation effort lasting for over 2 months. ' with New Me~:ico, They learned, after four individuals that thosettrai~`.ickersrhad~been working together more than 7,000 pounds of marihuana, via E1 with the group �rom Ciudad Juarez, Seduently,htosYankeetterritorqriving Granjero, and were being taken, sub q They undertook a search, and soon leas reethin thatysectioneS ndrthatrfurtivet s residence No 55 on Sierra del Carmen unloadings were taking place by night� Th i htBOand sometimes~duringrtherdaytime. were being loaded on the same premises by S~ e o erating method was planned, and they raided that residence, findi~g Arnulfo Th P and Eduardo inside. The were holding in the improvised storage sitea 79 bales of marihuana weighing y a total of 1,600 kilograms. 54 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 ~ _ . ~,r;,, : ~ ~;h ~ ,,-tk ~p~F _ . S. . . ~l ; ~ t x 1 ~t 6r, ~ ~ ~ . , {r~~~~ ~Fx^Y . ~.i ? ~ ~ ~ ~a %~4�~ ~i+' ;=3 `v t . ~ }yr . ~ts yY,~ ,~,i� . ~ C r~. a ;.r 5a ~ i; y~. . 3 . . w: ,Y ~ f ~ y ;f~� t ~ t ~ . i~ / ,f~ ` ~5} L.Y.~, � i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ : ~ . Arnulfo Quinones Avila and Eduardo Vargas Quinones, uncle and nephew, reapectively, are the traffickers who were captured by Comdr Ramon Rodriguez's agents with the million-peso shipment. 2909 CSO: 5330/67 55 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 ' MEXICO DRUG PROCESSING LABORATORIES DISCOVERED IN MONTERREY ~ Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 20 Jan 82 Sec C p 3 [Text] The Regional Coordinating Unit of-the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, with headquarters in this border port, administered by Carlos Aguilar Garza, will take over the investigation associated with the breaking up of a ring of ~rug processers captured recently in the city of Monterrey, where two clandes- tine laboratories were discovered and flve persona, iacluding three Americans, were captured. Following an anonymous phone call which disclosed the location of two clandestine laboratories in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, State Judicial Police agents from that state, aided by Army forces, sucCeeded in capturing the Americans Danny Brand, Charles Brown and Ira Bochardo, as well as the laboratory workers Jorge Luis _ Bermudez Betancourt and Luis Ruben Orozco. ~ Four days ago, these individuals had set up two clandestine laboratories, one in the Cerro de la Silla section and another located at 1031 Iiuasteca Stireet, in the Model Unit Housing Development, where they in~ended to process about 1 kilogram of chemical material to convert it into the drug known in the underworld as "speed". When the aforementioned subjects had been captured, they were turned over to the Monterrey Federal Public Ministry agents, Jose Luis Montoya Centeno and Ale~andro Garza Delgado, who will, at the proper time, report on the investigation to the coordinator of the Attorney General's Office in the statea of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon _ and Coahuila. 2909 CSO: 5330/67 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 MEXICO BRIEFS HEROIN TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Rafael Amador Valdez was arrested by members of the Federal Judicial Police as a result of investigations conducted by that entity to ~ locate the individual responsible for distributing heroin to the addicts in the state, and it was found that this individual was one of the suppliers of that drug. After being questioned, the suh~ect under arreat said that he had actually been engaged in the business of selling the drug to anyone seeking it. At the time of his capture, he was found to have in his possession sEVen small aluminum foil packets containing heroin which had a total weight of 8 grams. The sub~ect explained that he had been involved in that activity for some time, and gave the names of his customers, whom he knew quite well, because they are complete addicts. The Federal Judicial Police investigations are being continued, because an attempt is being made to establish the identity of those engaged in markettng the drug, so as to learn its origin and arrest thoae guilty of that illegal activity. Meanwhile, according to the Federal Judicial Police, this individual will be turned over to the agent of the Federal Public Ministry to be held for whatever crimes against health result, beginning with the possession and distribution of drug products. [TextJ [Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 22 Feb 82 p 8] 2909 MARIHUANA SHIPMENTS SEIZED--Mexicali, B.C., 13 February (EXCELSIOR)--A marihuana shipment worth over 33 mfllion pesos was seized by inspectors from the Calexico Drug Traffic Department, who arrested the Mexicali resident Francisco S. Orduno. It was officially reported that Francisco S. O~duno was carrying the grass in a special compartment on a freight truck, which was also left at the disposal of the Calexico authorities. The individual under arrest was summoned to make a statement _ at the court in E1 Centro, California, under charges of smuggling and conspiracy. Personnel from the Calexico Drug Traffic Department announced that, this week, another shipment of smuggled marihuana had also been discovered, and that it Was apparently related to the grass shipment aetzed from Francisco S. Orduno. [Text] [H. Matamoros EL BRAVO in Spanish 15 Feb 82 Sec A p 8] 2909 TRAFFICKERS BATTLE POLICE--Mexico City, D.F., 16 February (EXCELSIOR)--After a gun battle which lasted over 2 and a half hours, between drug.traffickers and Federal Judicial Police agents in the middle o� downtown Salamanca, Guana~uato, Comdr Jose Mendez Rico succeeded in capturing three criminals who, in addition to being sought - for drug trafficking, had seven atolen cars in their possession. The confrontation took place at 008 Reynosa Street, in the Bellavista housing development, at 2100 hours last Monday, and it was not until 0450 hours that they overcame the criminals who, in fact, had an arsenal at that residence. Francisco Jose Robles Castillo, identified as head of a ring o~ drug traffickers and car thieves_, was sought after four members of that organization had been arrested; and when the agents went to 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 ; ~ arrest him they were met with bullets fired by Robles Castillo and two more of his ~ associates. After the gun battle, Fernando Arroyo Ro~as and Juan Isauro Velasquez j Solis were arrested, along with Robles Castillo. The ring, which was operating in , Guanajuato, Jalisco and San Luis Potosi, had in its possession.ll cars that had been stolen in those states. [Text] [H. Matamoros EL BRAVO in Spanish 17 Feb 82 Sec A p 7] 2909 ~ BOLIVIA U.S. COCAINE TRAFFICKERS--Cocaine valued at more than 50 m3.llioa pesos was s.eized by federal law enforcement officers at the Mexico City International Airport. An Italian a~d a Bolivian were stopped with lthe shipment when they arrived from Bolivia. According~to experts, the drug, whose purity would have taken up to 8 "cuts," was brought in hidden between double insoles of their shoes and in suit coat shoulder pads. Pascual Sannella Carona, an Italian, and Luis Fernando Marcel Urioste de Avila, a Bolivian, were caught at the inspection station in the air - terminal when they became highly nervous. On being discovered, they tried to es- but were held by the police. The two foraigners said they bought the drug cape, in La Paz, Bolivia, from an individual named Antonio Beamontes and that they were to deliver it in Mexicali, Ba3a California, to one Giorgio Bukoski, an American, who was to come from Los Angeles, California. The buyer in the United States,, according to investigations by the federal officers is.a drug dealer of Italian descent who is now a naturalized U.S. citiz~n. Investigations also revealed that Pascual Sannella Carona, besides being involved in drug trafficking, did so using U.S.-~?ade automobiles, including trucks and stationwagons from San Francisco to Panama City. As for Urioste de Avila, he said he was invited by P~eu~otforeigners to drug trafficking and th~t he had been guaranteed big profits. . will soon appear before a federal 3udge charged with responsibility for crimes against health in all its aspects. [Text] (Mexico City ERCELSIOR in Spanish 16 Feb 82 p 32-A] 9908 MARIHUANA SHIPPING POINTS REPORTED--Three drug traffickers who were transporting some 150 kilos of marihuana valued at a little over 3 million pesos in the black market were intercepted by federal 1aw enforcement officers at the crossroads of the Pan American and Zacatecas-Guadala~ara Highways near the town of La Escondida. J. Jesus~Hernandez Arroyo, a Federal Public Ministry agant,.said the drug traffickers are Rosalio Aparicio Caldera, Domingo Gonzalez Diaz and Enrique Ramirez Mendez. The detainees were carrying the "grass" in a statiornaagon bearing license plates ZA-8651; the drug was purchased in the State of Michoacan and was being taken to Neuvo Laredo, Tamaulipas, fo~ sal~xicoVCity EXCELSIORsin Spanish~8bFebs82tpu31-A] were also confiscated. [Tex ] [ 9908 ~ ~ OPIUM GUM SEIZED--Following the confrontation that occureed between drug dealers and Federal Judicial Police the day before yesterday at Presidente de Zihuatanejo Hotel in Guerrero, two brothers, both fugitives, are being sought by law agents. Antonio and Gervasio Rios Bustillo, who took part in the sl~oot-out with Federal agents, are being sought in the Costa Chica between Guerrero and Oaxaca by investi- gators from both localities and uy detectives from the Federal Government that work in the various com~unities near the Costa Chica. During the confrontation, Ober- lin Penazola and a person known only as Teodoro, who had in their possession 4 kilo- grams of opium gum when interc~Excerpt]th[Mexico Cit EI, SOZ DE iMEXICO in Spani h Federal agents, were killed. 13 Jan 82 p 12A] 9907 cso: 5300/2145 58 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040044-4 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO GUNS, 1`'IARIHUANA SEIZED; ~'OLICE SAY PUSHER WAR AVERTED Port-of-Spain TRINIDAD GUARDIAN in English 8 Feb 82 p 1 [Text] Six persons were held, and two shot guns and three revolvers including one .44 (an unusual calibre) were seized when team led by Police Commissioner Mr Randolph Burroughs intervened to halt an upsu~ge of violence in the San Juan area. Early Saturday morning the Police averted what they described a war between rival mari~uana peddlers when they made a surprise raid at Hunt Road, San Juan, on premises barricaded with a high concrete wall guarded by armed sentries. Mr Burroughs and his men broke through the barricade and seized the shotguns and revolvers and shotgun and other ammunition. In this raid two women and four men were held and also a quantity of mari- juana seized. Resldents in the area praised Mr Burroughs who used subtle strategy with his raiding party to gain access to the protected premises which provoked anxiety and fear among people in the neighbourhood. They claimed of having heard shots being fired from passing motor-cars during the past few days, and these recent events had generated a high level of agitation. One revolver seized during the operation has since been identif ied as having been stolen from Mr Eugene Hernandez, a barrister-at-law employed with an oil company and residing at Goodwood Park, sometime in October last year. Two persons have also been detained for questioning in connection with a recent murder at San Juan. They are also being questioned in connection with $11,000 armed robbery outside an Arima Bank. Mr Burroughs explained that the murder at San Juan took place on January 9, and it was drug related. - He said there have been exaggerated reports on the crime situation in this country. In fact he said, crime was on the decline and advised the public not to be taken in by a scare campaign. 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 Mr Burroughs reported that a raid was made at a certain home at San Juan where some five persons were held for possession of mari~uana and investiga- tions revealed that they were prohibited immigrants from St Vincent. Operation "FAN," (f irearms ammunition and narcotics), he said, had cut down some of the seasonal reports which were dramatised. Twenty one people in all were picked up over the weekend. "We were able to smash two of the g,angs responsible for the armed robberies, and with the upcoming Carnival there were persons trying to~give the wrong impression to our. visitors," Mr Burroughs said. Mr Burroughs said that for the operation he merged the Flying Squad, Narcotics - Squad, Special Tactical Unit; members of the Guard and Emergenr_y Branch; Canine (Dog) Section; Women Police and Divisional Police, using acting Deputy Comm~?issioner Sampson Phillip as coordinator. Even despatch riders were used and numerous road blocks were set up throughout the country and this paid off very well, the Commissioner added. CSO: 5300/7530 60 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 TRI~TIDAD AND TOBAGO BRIEFS DRUG ARREST OF FOUR--A Venezuelan national who entered Trinidad aboard a pirogue on Monday was picked up by Flying Squad detectives on Independence Square, near the Drag Brothers booths, and when searched a quantity of cocaine, hashish and marijuana was found. The detectives, headed by Cpl. Mervyn Lynch and including Cpl. Eugene Granger, journeyed to the Maraval district where they detained a 38- year-old salesman of Mayfield Rc~ad, Valsayn Park, a clerical officer of Bayshore and the occupant of the Maraval home. ~'he party seized a quantity of narcotics among other things at the home. Al1 faur are due to appear before a Port-of-Spain magistrate today to answer charges. [Port-of-Spain TRINIDAD GUARDIAN in English 3 Feb 82 p 3] . FINE FOR VENEZUELAN--Venezuelsn national who was held on Independence Square l.ast week with cocaine in his pos~ession was fined $1,000 af~er he was found guilty by a Port--of-Spain magistrate, on Monday afternooh. Reuben Gonzales of Caracas, had pleaded not guilty before Magistrate Pat Jaggesar in the Port- of-Spain Fourth Police Court. The Court was told that the defendant who had. entered the country the previous day was held by Detective Cpl Eugene Granger who was on patrol duty with Cpl Mervyn Lynch--both members of the Flying Squad. Gonzales, who was deemed a prohibited immigrant was handed over to the Immigra- tion Officers and was deported yesterday. [Text] [Port-of-Spain TRINIDAD GUARUTAN in English 10 Feb 82 p 3] CSO: 5300/7530 I i I'~ - 61 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 AFGHANISTAN " BRIEFS HEROIN FACTORIES IN PAKISTAN--The Afghan counterrevolutionaries who had fled away to Pakistan are resorting to smuggling of narcotics. According to a report received from authentic sources, about 24 heroin production labora- - tories are active inside the territory of Pakistan c.~hile Pakistani authorities are fully aware of them. [Text] [GF031715 Kab ul Radio in English to South Asia 1530 GMT 3 Mar 82] CSO: 5300/5374 62 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 EGYPT - MAJOR OPIUM RING CAPTURID Cairo AL-AHItAM in Arabic 31 Jan 82 p 1 [Article by Husayn Ghanim: "Opium Worth S.Million Pounds Seized After An Adven- ture Aboard a Ship in the Suez Straits"] [Text] The entrance to the Gulf of Suez Straits witnessed a rousing adventure for the first ~ime by the Egyptian security machinery one midnight last week on a Pakistan ship arriving from Pakistan while the ship was stopped waiting to transit the Canal. It ended with the surrender of an international ring of Pak- istani drug smugglers and the seizure of large shipments of opium worth 5 mil- lion pounds that had been readied to be smuggled into Egypt with other shipments destined for Europe. The machinery of the General Anti-Narcotics Department had been keeping an eye out for the smuggling of opium shipments from Pakistan into Egypt to stop them from flooding into the i].legal dru; peddling market and to frustrate the scheme for this. It had in fact been able to prosecute many cases.which had a great role in the unprecedented rise in drug prices, the price having risen from about 30,000 pounds per 'uqqah [1.248 kilograms) to six times that in 6 months. There was information that new attempts ~~~_re being made by an international ring from.Pakistan to flood the country with large~shipments of opium. Minister of Interior Hassan Abu Basha directed Maj Gen Sami As'ad, First Assistant Minister for Social Security, to focus efforts on the heads of this ring and that the scheme be frustrated. In accordance with a plan that was laid out, Maj Gen Mamduh Salim Zaki, director of the Genera7. Anti-Narcotics Department, instructed Col Muhammad 'Abbas Mansur, director of the operations department, to go to Pakistan, the prime source for smuggling opium into the Middle East and some European countries to make inves- tigations. During his 2-week trip, he was able to get acquainted with two lead- ers of international rings, the f irst named Muhammad Asghar Malik and the second named Muhammad Zayar Ra~a. The off icer introduced himself to them as an owner of a f ishing vessel in the Gulf of Suez. When he had won their confidence, he gave them to understand that he engaged in smuggling operations in this area in cooperation with some persons who had been helping him for a long time and over whom he wielded influence and control. 63 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540040044-4 Report and a Meeting in Egypt Col Muhammad 'Abbas Mansur then returned to Egypt to submit a full report on his investigations and his many meetings with the two leaders of the interna- tional ring in Pakistan to Maj Gen Mamduh Salim Zaki, director of the General Department for Combatting Drug Smuggling. Then, during last July and October, the two gangle~sdex~s came to Egypt to meet with their friend, the undercover officer, and to confirm his identity before they engaged ~n any smuggling opera- tions. During the third visit last January, while dining at the Sheraton Heli- opolis, the two gangleaders asked the off icer to help them work a smuggling op- eration through the Port of Suez. He pretended to go along with them and one ~ of the leaders returned to Pakistan on 17 January to complete arrangements for smuggling a shipment of opium. He returned on 19 January under the asaumed name of Muhammad Amin 'Arif and gave the off icex half of a Pakistani 10 Rupee note and a picture of a ship (al-Husayn) carrying Pakistani nationality. He asked him to meet the ship before it lef t the Straits of Suez on 21 January and to get acquainted with two crew me.~nbera, Ghulaan Rusul Jadawat and Ghulam Qadir Muhammad al-Razzaq, giving them the half of the note, the picture and the sum of $25,000, their fee for the operation, and taking delivery of the drug ship- ment from them. This meeting was tape recorded by permission of the chief ju~- tice of North Cairo. The ship, al-Husayn, arrived on schedule, stopping about 10 kilometers from the Port of Suez in territorial waters awaiting permission to continue ahead to transit the canal enroute to Europe. Af ter legal arrangements were made, a plan was set up to maintain surveillance in conjunction with the Port Suez Police Department and its branches in Southern Sinai and the Port of Suez. At ahoat 1500 hours, Col Muhammad 'Abbas Mansur, director of operations, took a launch out to where the ship was anchored, carrying with him the articles to be used for identification and accompanied by Col al-Sayyid Ghayth, chief of foreign operations, Lt Col Mahmud 'Abd-al-Rashid and Lt Col Hasan Fathi, chief of the port department, who were pretending to be dockhands working in the port. They boarded the ship, carrying some Khan al-Khalil goods and actually sold them to the ship's crew. In the meantime, the undercover director of operations was able to get acquainted with Ghulam Rusul and Ghulam Qadir. He showed them the stuff used to identify him which had been given to him by the Pakistani, Muhammad Asghar Malik. After they felt reassured about him, they asked him to approach the ship from astern no later than midnight, along with the $25,000, making sure to have with him four persons to help move the opium ahipment. The off icer left with the rest of the undercover force without anyone discovering their identity or becoming suspicious of them. Plan to Raid the Ship A complete plan to raid the ship was set up under the supervision of Brig Gen Husni 'Abd-al-'Azim, deputy chief of the drug department for operations. The plan was based on a sketch of the exits to the port af ter it emerged that the ship carried about 58 crewmen. The forces were split up among a number of radio-equipped launches under the command of Col Mustafa al-Kashif and Col Asamah al-Hamamisi and Lt Col's Shafiq al-'Aahri, 'Imad Rashid, Majdi Husayn, Sayyid Muhammadin, Atunad al-Ghaffar, Faruq Namnam and 'Abd-al Mun'im al-Sharabi. 6!~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 Af ter the place wherr. the ship waa anchored was surrounded, Col Muhammad 'Abbas, along with four drug inspectors secretly boarded the ship ;rom the stern by means of a rope ladder while the rest of the force monitored their movements while in radio contact with them. - After the director of operations reached the spot where the opium shipments were concealed, he carried on his pretense to the two members of the ring and told them that he was prepared to pay the $25,000 and gave tYiem to understand that he was ready to transf er the shipment. At the same time, he gave the other members of the force the prearranged signal and the ship was taken over in order to block any resistance which the crew members might try to make. The two gang _ leaders, Chulam Rusul and Ghulam Qadir, were surprised and dismayed when the members of the force revealed their identity and arrested them. They seized the opium shipments which were being smuggled for the ring inside four bags in the cabin of the second leader. The shipment comprised 100 packets of opium weighing 136 kilograms, as well as four other cartons in the same cabin contain- ing 94 packets of opium weighing 122 kilograms. The two accused persons con- f essed that they were for anothe?- ring in a European country and had been re- ceived in return for half of a 50 Pakistani rupee note with the serial number - 713505. The half of the note which Col Muhammad 'Abbas, director of operations, had given them, along with its matching half, was aeized. Information and investigations revealed that the other two leaders of the inter- national ring, Muhammad Asghar Malik and Muhammad Zayyar Ra~a, had rented a fur- nished apartment at 25 Ahmad [word illegible] St. in al-Nuzhdh District in Heli- opolis in anticipation of the arrival of the opium shipments where they had concluded deals for sale to some drug dealers in Egypt. Col Muhammad 'Abbas and Col Sayyid Ghayth went there and recordings were made of their conversations in- volving the success of the smuggling operation and the role of each in it. When there was sufficient evidence against them, the two were arrested and the off ice of the prosecutor general notified. The investigation was handled by Muhammad al-Batati, chief prosecutor of Suez. The four accused persons confessed to all the facts and it was decided to hold thesn in prison for 45 days. At the same time, steps were taken to watch for the arrival of a leader of the international ring named Muhammad Afyar Khan, also known as "the doctor," as he was expected to arrive within a f ew days carrying new articles used for identification for ~ other shipments of opium to be smuggled from Pakistan aboard a ship. So, this operation uncovered dangerous leaders of international rings wYiich smuggle opium into Egypt. The shipments szized are worth an estimated 5 million pounds. 8389 CSO: 5300/5011 ~ b5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 EGYPT DRUG SEIZURE REPORTED Cairo AL-AHRAM in Arab ic 6 Dec 81 p 10 [Article by Husayn Ghaniin: "Seizure of Drugs Worth Half Million Pounds Hidden by Smugglers in Caches in Eastern Desert"] [Text] Agencies of the Anti-Narcotics Department have seized a big shipment of hashish worth one-half million pounds hidden by smugglers in several caches in al-Tall al-Kabir Desert, in al-Sfiarqiyah and in Ismailia before the market could be flooded with the drug. The seizure was made after an excifiing chase and three ma~or smugglers were arrested. - Information received by Maj Gen Mamduii Salim Zaki, the director of the Anti- Narcotics Department, indicated tfiat the smugglers had hidden the drugs with some desert bedouins in Ismailia and al-Sharqiyah governorates while waiting for the opportunity to flood the market with tfiem. Brig Gen Muhammad Husni 'Abd al-'Azim, the department deputy director, e~amined the matter and determined the hiding places. Agreement was reached on a plan supervised by Co1 Muhammad 'Abbas Mansur, the director of operations, Col Tari.q Salim; the head of the internal investigation section, and Brig Gen Mamduh al-Jama1,, the director of the Ismailia intelligence, to watch the movements of the ma~o~r drug smugglers and traff ickers between Cairo and the desert areas wh~re the bedouins known for hiding and trafficking in drugs gather and to examine all the conditions surrounding these areas. These efforts resulted in determining the hiding places in the Ismailia and al- Sharqiyah desert and in identifying the smugglers. Ambushes were laid to attack - these hiding places. Forces of the Anti-Narcotics Depar~ment and of;~the canine units whose dogs are to sniff out drugs at the Police Academy took part in the ambushes which were supervised by Colonels 'Isam al-Tarsawi and 'Abd al-Khaliq al-Tahawi and Lieutenant Colonels Muhammad al-Imam, Samir badawi and 'Ala' 'Abd al-Latif. Several caches were discovered in the sand dunes containing large - quantities of hashish blocks valued at one-half million pounds and bearing such brand names as al-Zahrah, al-Dhahabiyah and al-'A'ilah al-Karimah. Three major smugglers, namely Salim Musallam al-'Abdi, Musallam Salim Jami' and 'Abd al-Karim Dayfallah Rashid, were arrested after an exciting chase in the desert. The prose- cution was notified and the iuvestigation was conduc:ed by Muhammad 'Abd al- Rahman, deputy prosecutor in al-Tall al-Kabir, who has ordered that the three smugglers be jailed and that the drugs be confiscated. 8494 CSO: 5300/5007 66 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 EGYPT BRIEFS ~ OPIUM SEIZED--Suez--Narcotics agenta foiled an attempt to smuggle quantities of opium into the country valued at EL10rYmillion. Iavestigatione indicated that the opium, weighing 260 kilograms, was amuggled aboard the Pakistani~ ship (Samar) which was due to arrive yesterd~y in Port Suez. Two Pakistanis carried the goods, they are Ghulam 'Abd-al-Qadir and Ghulam 'Abd-al-Rusul. They were apprehended on board the ahi~, as soon as it anchored in the port, and the opium was found oa them. Maj Gen Mamduh Salim led the investigations _ aided by Gen Husni 'Abd-al-Azim, and Col Muhammad 'Abbas, Sayyid Ghayth, Usama al-Hamama, Lt Col 'Abd-al-Latif "Ali and Maj Hasan Fathi. Thp two accused were i:lt.errogated by 'Ali Muhammad al-Batti, the chief prosecutor. He ordered their detention for 4 days pending the trial. [Text] [Cairo AI,-JUMEiURIYAA in Arabic 31 Jan 82 pl] CSO: 5300/5012 67 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 _ IRAN BRIEFS TEHRAN DRUG SEIZURE, STATISTICS--The Public Relations Department of the Office of the Antidrug Prosecutor has announced that members~of central antidrug headquarters have arrested an individual in Shemiran and confiscated 12.1 kg of rolled opium. The same source issued the following statistics for drug seizures nationwide for the period 31 December 1980-11 February 1982: 16,005.401 kg heroin, 945.892 kg hashish, 70.223 kg burned opium, 11,468.661 kg opium, 1,105.586 kg snuff [naas], 162.514 kg morphine, 83.241 kg opium ~u3.ce and 55 kg of opium residue. Some 15,857 individuals have been arrested in connection with these drugs. [GF041422 Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 15 Feb 82 p 15] IRANSHAHR DRUG DISCOVERY--Iranshahr gendarmerie personnel have seized 74 kg of opium and 144 kg of hashish as we11 as a kalashnikov from a number of armed traffickers after a heavy clash in which one trafficker was kiYled and two others were arrested. In a related incident another trafficker was arrested for possession of 144 kg of hashiah. [GF041422 Tehran ETTELA'AT in Persian 15 Feb 82 p 13] TABRIZ DRUG CATCH--Revolution Guards of the Tabri.z antidrug squad have arrested a father and son and confiscated 10 kg of opium and 2 kg of heroin from two individuals. [GF041422 Tehran ETTELA'AT in Persian 18 Feb 82 p 4] TABAS OPIUM FIND--The action group of the Tabas Islamic Revolution Commtttee has arrested two individuals and confiscated 20 kg of opium. [GF041422 Tehran JOMHURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 20 Feb 82 p 9] PROVINCIAL DRUG DISCOVERIES--Gendarmerie personnel in provinces of Sistan va Baluchestan, Hormzgan, Lorestan and Kerman have confiscated a total of 392 kg of opium and 118.5 kg of heroin in the past 15 days. [GF041422 Tehran JOI~iURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 15 Feb 82 p 4] QOM HEROIN FIND--Members of the Qom Revolution Guards have arrested an individual on Qom--Kashan Road who had 1.05 kg of heroin in his possession. [GF041422 Tehran JOMHURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 15 Feb 82 p 4] ZAHEDAN, JAHROM SEIZURES--During the past 48 hours Zahedan police were able to confiscate 1 kg of opium. In the same period Jahrom Revolution Guards confis- cated 8 kg of opium and 500 grams of heroin. [GF041422 Tehran JOMHURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 17 Feb 82 p 4] 68 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544444444-4 TABRIZ, BOJNURD DISCOVERIES--During the past 10 days personnel of Tabriz narcotics squad have confiscated a~total of 10.5 kg of opium. In Bo3nurd members of the Islamic Revolution Committee arrested an 3ndividual on 17 February who had 1.37 kg of opium and 134,250 rials in cash in his possession. [GF041422 Tehran JOMHURI-YE ESLAMI in Persian 18 Feb 82 p 4] HEROIN DISCOVERED--The antinarcotics team of the Hamadan police last Thursday discovered 26.591 kg of heroin in a welding workshop and ironworks in Hamadan. Four people were arrested. [LD280338 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian.1630 GMT 27 Feb 82] . CSO: 5300/5373 ~ 69 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R000540040044-4 LEBANON BRIEFS SEIZURE OF NARCOTICS--The Beirut airport security authorities have arrested 'Ali Hasan Hamzah as he was trying to smuggle 30 kilograms of hashish to West Germany. He admitted that arr organization had asked him to take the parcel with him to Germany, telling him that the parcel contained political leaflets. [NC262028 Beirut Voice of Lebanon in Arabic 1015 GMT 26 Feb 82] CSO: 5300/4711 70 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000544040044-4 . SYRIA ~ ; ~ ~ V BRIEFS . ~ 28 Feb (SANA)--YeSterday, customs offic:ials were ' NARCOTICS SEIZED--Damascus, led hashish at the S~irian-Lebanese , rehend a truck with 346 kg of smugg o~,~ds. A. , able to aPP ~e hashish is worth 1.4 million Syrian P border-crossing po~t� oint sa::Ld that the onsible source at the Syrian-Lebanese border-crossing p resp e bears a Kuwaiti license number and ~,as on its truck is of the Henschel typ ~~282036 Damascus SANA in Arabic 18c)5 GMT , way to Saudi Arabia. [Text] ~ 28 Feb 82J CSO: 5300/4711 ~ ~ 71 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500040044-4 SOUTH AFRICA INDIANS ARRESTED FOR POSSESSING MANDRAX Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English 27 Feb 82 pp l., 2 [Article by Kay Turvey and Rika van Graan] [ T ex t] UNE of the biggest ~ It b belleved the tab- the tears and the heart- dTUg hauls in lets origin~te from ache, t6at would have South AfTiCan his- Bombay - one of [ew been caused had these tory was made this P~g~s in the world drugs ~ot onto the week when nine where facsoriea still.` Souch African black produce Maadrax legal� ~ market," Lieutenant- Indians were ar- ~y, rested for being in The smu~gters were ~tonet G'hris coetue, possession c~f R1~7- exposed when a cus- Public relatIons officer for the Police, eom- milliOn worth of tom's control offieer, mented. ~ Mr Julian Pratt, mea- Mandrax ~ills and The cuscoma offio- NarcotiCs BuTeau aured the depth of the iais had done the ooun- suitcaae he was check- uy by p~~g detectives seized ing. The inside of the dagga valued at suitcax was a good 2 on top of their jobs, R450 000. cro shorter then the eAd deserved all the Seven Indiar.s- six out~ide. P='~ they were reoeiv- ing. men and a women The Indians were In the Free State de- - were apprehended at pa~~ ~~gh the tectives siuce Wednes- Jan Smuts Airport on cus- day have seized 90 bags Wednesday afternoon toma adt. havin~ da of dag~s worth . when a customs officlal clared a luse number R450 000 in two eepar- discovered packets of of ~oods. ate inddents in which a the tabtets hidden in Mr Ivor Heath. a smug~ler was shot the false bottom of a xnior customa wntrol dead, one arrested and suitcase. nfficer~ said tu belteved several others fled and The other two people the Indians probab~y left their vehicles aban- involved in the drug thought that by pe~ying doned. , racket were later ar- heavy duties on some Early yestetday two rested by the police. iteme, they vroul~ not Klerksdorp detectlves, Seven suitcasea con- ~~OiE~ Warrant Officer F J Mr Pratt said he was taining 170 000 of the Fernira and Warrant methquolone tablets, ~~aurprised" on dtscov- Officer E J Brunette - valued at about R10 erin~ the haul - the In- followed up informa- each on the black me~ dian had remaiued ao tion about a ear which ket. wen confiscated. 'n~~~ durtng the wouid be travellin~ on chack. . the Den eville-Sasol- The Indians arrived On dlscover~, . Mr ~ in South Africa on sepe- pratt immediately noti- bura road. : ate flights from Brit- fied a more sent~r offi- At about 11.30 pm ain and Madrid. Both ~e~ they tried to stop the flights - BA 055 and iB vehicle. It raced off and - 96T - flew via Naimbi. unbelievable the effect, 8 high apeed chhase erupted. 72 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 _ ' ; _ ~ lttos o6o a~d,d.~a i~s a5e 1~dc ~e ~ Wp ! ~ieLide, ' ' ~ -d ~/is ~aiasd . at ~ .-Ta aeo~e LdArt -�iflba00~~. Van iec [ieed and wlear bo~'4 ~ ~ ~ ~s ~d b~dc to aees ~~e Wt We tw~s ~ ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ec~ alro ~l~s- ~ ~ O�~, amd saa d[ loos d~e swd ~a Mlaioe~ f~. d~~ a dee' Pdio~ f~'~~ !be ~ws d~ecel~as ~ He s~et~d ~ p~a ~w anA aoot5s' aad ao~P~ is''!~a re li~t !a ~r~ 1~r'. . ~ot ~s lit~tl. Oue d 6~/ a~aAe . !Le Aeeie~ ~ea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ir6irla s+~atei - tl~e~~d~er was arrs~t~sd Van . t~s~io~ a~s~atd ~ _ De~ecti~sook !ar- ~~od l~w~i k w~a e~oom~'d ~ ~im d 21 ~p d s~~dori. 'itit omi- ~ sot iMl- *~�ts ,~ed .a~.n ~-~~r s~irw ~.a ~i1~ ~ ~ ' ~ d~e erif0~ ~11~'~L I~ .~r~ : . . . , . CSO: 5300/5664 73 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 - CYPRUS ALLEGED NARCOTICS PRODUCTION, SMUGGLING IN NORTH REPORTED NC091301 Nicosia l DHILINI in Greek 9 Mar 82 pp 1, 8 [Excerpt] There is a workshop in occupied Karpasha that produces heroin, while in other parts [of the occup3.ed north] there is systematic cultiva- tion of cannabis and opium (poppy). What is of most concern in the produc- tion and marketing of narcotics in the occup3ed territories is that members = of the Turkish Cypriot leadership appear to prov3de cover to the smugglers. This shocking information was confirmed by the Cypriot police, the narcotic division services of various countries and Interpol, who are in a very good position to know what is going on 3n the occupied part of Cyprus with regard to cultivation and marketing of narcotics, which started, grew and was systematized after the Turlcish invas3on. According to the same information, both the Cypriot police and "Interpol" are in possession of uncontrad3^"ed proofa and evidence that the occupied part of Cyprus is the center of narcotics hard narcotics--that large quantities of heroin are availa.ble and also that the Turkish narcotics smugglers in occupied areas can respond to any s3ze order. - The information received by our police and by "Interpol" on the smuggling of narcotics in the occupied territories is practically 3dentical. According to this information the Turkish smugglers are cooperating with Turkish Cypriots and fore~gners, who arrive undisturbed and they move freely, channel- ing, through occupied northern Cyprus, great quantities ~f narcotics to other countries, such as Brita3n. The same authoritative information adds that after the invasion, the mass influx of Turks from Turkey in the accupied areas, among them riany narcotic smugglers, _ resulted in the systematic cultivation o� the poppy (opium) as well as in the - d~.sposal of any quantity of morphine and hero3n base. wh ich is channeled to illegal workshops in Lebanon and Ttaly through the occupied northern part of Cyprus . - CSO: 5300/5375 7~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040044-4 DENMARK NORDIC MIIVISTERS REPORT ON NIEETING IN STOCKHOLM ON DRUGS Copenh~zgen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 20 Feb 82 pt II p 1 _ [Article by Jens Thomsen7 - [Text] The Nordic ministers of justice and ministers of sucial affairs yesterda.y agr-eed to increase their efforts to combat drug a.buse, among other thing;s, through increased cooperation among customs authorities _ and the police. After the meeting yesterday at the Swedish Ministry of Justice, the Nordic ministers of justice and ministers of social affairs were unable to pronide any deadline for the goal on which full a$reement wa.s reached, viz. making the Nordic countries a drug-free area. On the rr~ans to achieve this goal, it was stated, however, that the Nordic govern- ments w:ill increase the cooperation among the Nordic customs and police authori- - ties, and that the anti-drug efforts constitute an important and essential part ' of the Nordic cooperation. The participants izi the meeting were from Denmark Minister of Justice Ole Espersen and Minister of the Interior Henning Rasmussen, from Sweden Minister of Just~ce Carl Axel Petri and Minister of Social Affairs Karin Soder, from Norway Minister of Justice Mona Rokke and Minister of Social Affairs Leif Arne Heloe, from Iceland Minister of Justice Fridjon Thordarsson and from Finland Secretary General Margit Eskman of the National Finnish Social Welfare Board in Helsinlti. Participants .from Denmark, in addition to the two ministers, were Permanent Under- secretary Ole Asmussen, Dr. He E. Knipschildt, city officer of health, Jacob Tmrning, chief of section, as well as Permanent Undersecretary Niels Madsen of the Ministry of Justice a.nd Peter Rhedin, chief of section. Christiania not Mention~d by Name Despite the recent sharp condemnation from Sweden of Christiania as responsible for a large part of the hashish abuse in Norway and Sweden, the official communi- q~:e iss~:ed at the meeting of the Nordic ministers, fails in an almost too con- " spicuous manner to mention the free town by name. This probably deliberate omission in order not to create any unnecessary jars in the Nordic cooperation 75 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040044-4 was, however, not forgotten at the subsequent meeting with Swedish and Danish press peogle and TV crews from both countries. Here Minister of Justice Ole Espersen came in for severe criticism both in respect of the continued existence of Christiania as a Nordic hashish center and the lighter sentences applying in Denmark for possession of hashish. Ole Espersen stated that first-time users of hashish as a rule got off with a caution, whereas the Swedish Minister of Justice Carl Axel Petri stressed that that practice certainly did not apply to Sweden. It was, furthermore, established that drug abuse is more widespread in Denmark, ~ Norway and Sweden than in Finland and Iceland. Hashish abuse is most widespread, - but, in several of the Nordic countries, heroin abuse and stimulants for the central nervous system are a serious problem. Cocaine abuse is fairly limited, but there is a danger that there w:ill be an increase also in the abuse of cocaine unless steps are taken in.time. In a document from the meeting of ministers it was stated that in Sweden, in 1981, 8.6 kgs. of heroin, 0.4 kgs. of cocaine, and 446 kgs of hashish were seized, while the same figures in the case of Denmark were somewhat higher, viz. 9.2 kgs. of heroin, 10.4 kgs. of cocaine, and 1,292 kgs. of hashish. E~cpansion of Danish Narcotics Police Force Ole Espersen stated that a major expansion of the narcotics police forces in all of the Danish police districts had taken place during the summer of 1981, and that major results had already been achieved. For a number of years, the Ministry cf Justice and the Danish police have found it most expedient to concentrate the efforts of the police in particular on the principals and the middlemen. The viewpoint has been that criminal action against the individual drug abuser who often is in an unhappy social situation, in mar~y cases serJes no purpose. ~ For that reason, the number of charges for breaches of the Narcotics Act has, during the last decades, been at a somewhat constant level of 4,000 cases annually, while infringements of the more severe narcotics provision has shown a marked in- crease from approximately 400 cases in 1975 to 1,600 cases in 1981. "The sale and abuse of hashish in Christiania must be stopped,'' said Ole Espersen, thus departing from his previous statemant that the traffic in hashish in the free city ought to be kept "at a reasonable level." - "A reasonable level" is, according to the Swedish minister of justice, a zero - level. Ole Espersen went on to say: "But Christiania cannot be made responsible for narcotics abuse in all of the Nordic countries. Christiania is just one of the places where hashish is traded." According to Ole Espersen, the police has no proof that Christiania, as claimed, for example, in the Swedish ~nd Norwegian press, would be a major trading center for euphoriants other than hashish. More generaliy, it may be mentioned that the police authorities have found no basis for the claims made in the press of the Nordic'countries that Christiania ~ would be'the biggest crime center in the Nordic countries'or the like, Ole Espersen added. 76 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 Ole Espersen commented on the table, showing the quantities of drugs seized, stating that nearly twice the quantity of drugs seized by the police in 1980 in Sweden and Narway together had been seized in Denmark. The high figures from Denmark must, to some extent, be viewed against the background of Derimark's geographic position as the gateway and transit country for the rest of the Nordic countries. However, the figures show, at the same time, that there is no basis for claims, if any, that the Danish authorities would not take effective steps against drug- related crimes. The fact that the efforts on the part of the police alone are not adequate to solve the drug problems neither in Denmark nor in any other country is a different matter, Yie added. _ In the resolution adopted to increase the cooperation among the Nordic police and customs authorities, this was stressed in a proposal for the same technical means, exchange of personnel, coordination of training, and increased efforts on the part of the ser,~et police among the Nordic countries. Police officers have already been sent from several Nordic countries to partici- ;~ate in the anti-drug efforts on a world-wide level. Sweden has made an arrange- ment with Turkey for the exchange of police officers, and the possibility of placing an expert in Greece is, at the same time, beiug looked into. Denmark will station a drug expert at Wiesbaden, and a Danish delegation will shortly go to South America for negotiations on drug control. Norway wi11 s~~ation experts in Islamabad, in Pakistan and in London. ~ 7262 - Cso: 530o/22oi 77 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500440044-4 DENMARK PAPER ATTACKS POSITION OF DAI~TISH MIN2STER AT NORDIC PANEL Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 20 Feb 82 p 6 [Editorial: "Euphorizing Denmark"] [Text] The Danish participants left for the meeting of Nordic ministers of justice and ministers of social affairs in Stockholm with an attitude which exerts a seri- ous strain on Nordic cooperation. The difficult situation in which the Social Democratic Party has ~aeen put by Christiania in the arena of domestic politics has caused the goverr~ment to reject Norwegian and Swedish protests against the i role played by the so-;;alled free city as a center for hashish traffic and to maintair the claim that ttiis is a purely Danish matter. ~ The government party maintains that Christiania should be carried on as a social experiment, an "alternative" to tY~e society which is based on the citizens' respect of law and their willingness to carry the economic burden brought about not least by the social welfare legislation. They imagine that this provocation to the orderly society may be put into a constructive framework as lon~ as the dru~ problem is kept limited. All other people view this as Utopian. . The inhabitants of Christiania who would be non-consumers of the drugs in question are, at best, neutral, but the fact that they remain in the area must be regarded as a support of all that the "free city" stands for, with all of its good and bad . qualities. The unlawfulness is a common concern to all of those supporting the dubious philosophy of the alternative, whether they are active or passive. Christiania apparently cannot.exist without the drugs which attract young people _ from far and near, and which, in Sweden, are regarded as a thrE~at to Swedish young ~ people, particuiarly in the Sound region. It is in the line which they have chosen to follow in Sweden that the mistakes of the Danish government must be sought. Christiania as a phenomenon is a Danish matter--the fact that it still exists is due to our own decisions--but the traffic in dru~s taking place there concerns, in the highest .degree, our neighboring countries. If thi~ ~pread of drugs is a Danish concern, the Social Democratic Party must acknowledge its responsibility for the tragic consequences of this spread of drugs. On Tuesday, 1 December 1981, Minicter of Justice Ole Espersen stated that he had entered into an agreement with inhabitants of Christiania not mentioned by name, to the ef~ect that they were to "reduce the hashish traffic from its present very hi$h level to as low a level as possible." A few days ago, Minister of Defense Poul Ssagaard stated in the Folke- tin~ that the traffic in hashish at Christiania is no greater than in other places. 78 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-04854R004504040044-4 ; _ conflict with the a.nnual report for i981 of thh ~o ~~s�~eChrist ania, This is in Copenhagen Police, in which report it is stated, among o ; where the major part of the hashish turnover in Copenhagen takes place.~~ !I blic opinion ~ 2'he statements made by the two ministers constitute an i~~atfor joint~Nordic in this country and are not calculated ro lem.~2'he No dic cooperation is, in any efforts in respect of the entire druB P case a-sensitive matter. With its iAternational problem, the Danish government makes that coop 7262 ~ . cso: 5300/2201 . 79 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544444444-4 DENMARK . CONSERVATIVE MP DEMANDS ACTION AGAINST CHRISTIANIA Copenhagen I3FRLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 22 Feb 82 p 2 [Article by Bent Bak Andersen] [Text] Against the background of statements made by Minister of Justice Ole Espersen at the meeting of Nordic ministers of justice and ministers of social affairs held at Stockholm, to the effect that "t+11 traffic in, and abuse of, hashish at Christiania must be stopped," Annelise Gotfredsen (Conservative MP) now wants to take the initiative for the setting up of a fast-wor�king committee which must work out a complete set of solutions to the drug problems in Denmark. "It is rlo ~se for us to keep dealin~ with the problems as individual cases. A politi;;al decision must be made which provides a broader solution to the problems. We have to get together across party lines and make the ma.ximum and minimum penalties the same as in other Nordic countries so that it is not 'cheaper~ to trade or possess narcotics in Denmark. We have to register narcotics addicts so tha.t it will be possi~le �to provide medical aid to them under a coordinated system, involving compulsory treatment where needed. In addition, the instruction . in schools.must be expanded so that children will come to realize the danger of drug abuse," Annelise Gotfredsen said. ~ On the possibilities of the police to put a stop to the traffic in, and use of~ hashish in Christiania, Deputy Commissioner of the Copenhagen Police Ole Nmrgaard says: "We lrnow that practically all of the traffic in hashish in Copenha~en is taking place via the pubs in Christiania. They are centers for the illegal traffic in hashish, and we may legally close all of the pubs in Christiania, but the next day they will be open again~ and the traffic in hashish will continue to the same extent as hitherto." One of the reasons why it is possible legally to close the pubs in Christiania = is that none of them has a license to deal in liquor or foodstuffs. _ The Co~.enhagen licensing authorities now seek to convince the 'owners' of the pubs that ths absence of such a license is necessary for operating a pub in Den- mark. "It does not make sense that there is an enclave of pubs in Copenhagen which are able to serve their customers over the counter..without havin~ to make the same payments to the state as others. Unfortunately, they have not beeri approved by the food control authorities and do not possess licenses," Tage Klausen of the licerising authorities states. 7262 ' cso: 5300/2201 80 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040044-4 . DENMARK CUSTOM,S, POLICE TO TIGHTEN BORDER CONTROLS AGAINST DRIIGS Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 22 Feb 82 p 3 [Article by Bent Bak Andersen~ [Text] The border controls against the steadily increasing flow of drugs entering Denmark illegally will now be tightened in a cooperation between the police,and. the customs authorities. "We have for many years endeavored to limit the amounts of drugs en~ering Denmaxk via the airports and especially via Kastrup. But the experience from our southern neighbors shows that naxcotics are being smuggled into the country to an ever in- creasing degree via highways and across the borders. That is why we are now en- deavoring--to the extent it is legally possible--to stop the smuggling into the country of drugs concealed in vehicles9'~ says Bent Hansen, detective superintendent of the Copenhagen Narcotics Police Department. Longer Waiting Time at Border The tightsned border controls--especially at the borders to the south--are already in force, and people traveling on highways will have to put up with longer waiting periods at the border crossings. The controls ~ill mainly concern the borders from West and East Germany. "We have been informed, for example from West Germany, that a steadily increasing number of vehicles have been seized! especially with heroin. And we the feeling tha.t nearly all heroin and other drugs produced or processed in the Middle East are smuggled into the country via the hi~hways,~~ says Bent Hansen. The control will be undertaken by the local police in close cooperation with the customs authorities and their well-trained dogs for sniffing out caches of narcot- ics,. 7262 cso: 5300/2201 81 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 DENMARK BRIEFS CHRISTII~NIA DRUG SEIZURE STATISTICS--Defense Minister Poul Smgaard does not find it particularly alarming that 1 million kroner worth of hashish is being traded every day at Christiania. In a reply to Agnete Lausten of the Conservative Party, Poul Smgaard says that the traffic in hashish in the free city does not at all come up to the quantities of harder drugs traded in other parts of Copenhagen. According to the latest report from the police, which was presented to the Folke- ting by Poul Smgaard himself during the question time of the Folketing yesterday, the foll,owing quantities were, seized in Christiania last year: 45.5 kgs. of hashish, 1.8 grams of heroin, 7.7 grams of opium, 3 kgs. of marijuana, and 7.3 grams of amphetamines. Poul S~~aard says that these figures give no reason to focus specially on the drug traffic in Christiania. Several non-socialist politi- cians are extremely dissatisfied with that position. Agnete Lausten, Consernative Party, thus calls the minister of defense arrogant and accuses him of playing down the problems in Chx~istiania. In March, the Folketing will have its big discussion on the future of the free city. Several non-socialist members referred to it as'a ' mere charm offensive'in that the inhabitants of Cktristiania yesterday paid an especially large amount to the state for electricity and water. CText~ CCopenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 18 Feb 82 p 1] 7262 Cso: 5300/2201 82 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440044-4 ITALY HEROIN LABORATORY IN PALERMO SHUT DOWN Palermo GIORNALE DI SICILIA in Italian 12 Feb 82 pp 1, 2, 7 [Article by Franoesco La Licata] [Text] Palermo--On Messina Marine Road, before the unseeing eyes of thousands of persons who, every day, travel on this major Palermo highway, could be found the biggest laboratory for heroin production ever seen in Sicily and perhaps even in Italy. It was camouflaged inside a villa under wnstruction. As of yesterday morning, it is no longer in operation: federal police of the Palermo Group took steps to put a stop to the production cycle, involving hun- dreds of Kilograms of drugs. A lucky stroke? The result of oomplicated and thorough investigation? The answer is not known. In ac~y case, it is certain that the police has struck another serious blow to the mafia criminals who, for some time, had transformed Palermo into the biggest center for the production and export of her oin. An initial estimate of the laboratory's production capacity--a nonofficial estimate not made by experts--based on the stills found at the Messina Marine Road "den," indicates that quintals of heroin were leaving the premises. Hawever, to have a more realistic picture of the magnitude of this operation, it will be necessary to await the arrival of the GIS (Scientific Investigation Group) experts fran Rcme. The investigators did not want to release any official statement to members of the press prematurely and, in addition,the press has been kept away from the labaratory. Not until evening was a short visit permitted, limited to the roans where the police had found equipment for distilling the heroin, hundreds of kilograms of morphine-base material and a plastic bag containing a white crystalline sub- stance which could be the drug already refined. The.bag contained more than 30 kg: if it should prove to be heroin, the econcmic loss suffered by the mob would reach a figure to make one dizzy. Not to mention the "damage" the raid will cause as a result of the investigatia~ itself, there is a whole series of confirmations and connections the investigators will get from the suspects. 83 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504040044-4 , a 0 ~ ro ~ ~ s , : c ~ j ~ ;.~,t~ s ~a y;t y:~s 'a . [ J R'Y 1 Y i ~y' .'S y. .X' ' Y'y~ r r ~~S ~ ' w u ~ . , T +f.qH. ~ . M ~ ~ s~ 3~ ~ � ' h~~ ~ ~ ~ Y Jk+'~t~ . . i b~' X r,~~ }o~l u a ..~i: ~ ~ :3i~a, ~a'f~/~ib~~l,~~~qi'~S J ~ } Q ~ y~, ..,q^l!' / % ~ . '~?~k~ r ~i` ~1'~` ~ n~ . . . i s "''~l~+ f ~ �ijr�~~ ~ ~ fi/ ~fr ~ ~ ~3,Xfr.( a~;./f ~ 01 ~r z sl ~ c iI a 3 RS 3i'~~~'~' � x ~ s` " /`'s~~'`~~.~'~"{ ' ~ ' ; s ~ ~ , X N Y ~ ~ ~'~~'l ~ ' ~ H f . . f ~j,~f ~~~2s~f~i/fi ~I sc ~ 't"~ ' ro �~l~"~ P ~ a ~~'t~,. # t S ~'y 9,~�!~ C ~~Jy~`r`F`ty, x i c 2,~~~~3 4-1 ~ k > ,~.~1 ~~~7'~a ~ ys,~ ~ Y f %x~ ~ F-; ZY O ~ ~ ' ~ Tj~ 4-1 i ,s' ..l,r a ~ - ~i. > ~.'wY . y~iM'~~ n s '`f. s~`'~s C y~ ,s a~~~ E r,g,~~' ' % ; , > W s. ~ s`a~y y ~ ~ �,-1 . y.~' W $~fl~ `F; ~.~3 . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F Z ~M ~ ~ ~ b ~k . ' ~ ~ w �~s'k~ f ~ , ~!~"t; ~ y ` ' ~ S ro '~s~>.swx;t% a . yx~y � .:~F'i . . ' . 84 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040044-4 In fact, it is not perchance that all the investigators have for some been con- cerned with the mafia and drugs on Messina Marine ~ad, at Sperone: agents of the criminal police, mobile units and the federal narootics squad. And it is not perchance that the magistrates who directed the investigation are Assistant Prosecutors Alberto di Pisa and Giusto Sciacchitano, two experts on the subject of the international drug traffic. An initial evaluation of the results of the police operation can be summed up as follows: about a quintal of morphine in an advanced stage of processing anc3 the bag of "white substance," both con- fiscated. Also oonfiscated were pieoes of labar atory equipment: stills, furnaoes, large pressure ~rontainers and distilling equipment; and acids and soda, required for the converting process. With regard to those arrested and held for questioning, there is still confusion due to the absolute "silence" of the investigators; however, it appears that twn persons will end up in prison. One of these is the owner of the villa, Nicola di Salvo, a dealer ir? detergents, already being investigated as a relative of Giargio Aglieri, the man indicated by the mobile squad as the "cashier" of the Corso dei Mille mob. At the time of the "Villagrazia blitz" (when the police interrupted a mafia summit meeting) at his hcme on Sacco and Vanzetti Street, about 600 million [lire] in cash was found. . ~ : ~ ..V.......,.__..................M,..,:~.... ~ s~`.%~~ .~'s. s~`ii ~x�,av.;;~ ~'::~x;aav .,>..w.+~,o~,:.