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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR UFF[CIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/ 10991 16 March 1982 USSR Report CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (F0U0 4/82) . F13IS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044437-2 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primaril,y from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. PrGCessing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information waa processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiiiar names renclered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or namep preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentbAses were not clear in the original bu: have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unaticributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within 3.tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION " OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500040037-2 FOR OFF'1CIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10391 16 March 1982 _ USSR REdPORT CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (Fauo 4/s2) CONTENTS xaRnwaE Data Control Medium Modules for Automation of Pl~ysical Optics Research 1 - Bas3.c Applications of Bubble Memory for Microcomputers 8 ~ Flat Magnetic Damia3n Memory Modules With Advanced Level of Integration .o 18 Interfacing of Digital Stra3n Gage Bridges With 'EYektronika-60' Microcomputer 26 Signal Panel -for Automated Control System 29 , Alphanuneric Carnbined Keyboaxd Por Readout of Characters in 16-Bit Position Code 30 8.;~. - Miniature Vibrationproof Multipoint Electrical Connector 33 Automation of Testing and Adjustment of Aybrid . Integrated Circui.t Resistors With Computer Control 35 Accessory Modvle t~or Tnput of Initiative Signals 40 System for Tnput of Analog Signals Into M-6000 Computer 42 Shch68400 and Shch68000K Printers 45 Graphic Data Input Unit 48 Data Display Unit With Dynamic Indication 50 - a- [ITI - USSR - 21C S&T FOUO] FOR OFF[CIaL tJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 j ~ ONL fC GR.APHIC DISPLAY UNITS 'GraYit' Graphic Display 52 Character-Graphic Information Display .......o 58 Miniature Information Displey Unit Utilizing IMG-1 Display 61 Color Character-Graphic Display 63 - SOFTWARE ~ Abstracts From Journal �PROGRAMMING', November-December 1981 65 Introduction to Theory of Ana],ysis and Parallel Operation of Computer Programs During Translation 69 Using Parallel Calculations Model To Investigate Structure oi Oriented Graphs 73 Programming PL/1 Computer System $p - Sof"tware of Type M5000 Computer Complex and Description of Its Elements �.....86 System Approach to AutomaterL Design of Micreprocessor Computers 92 Automation of Development oP Programs for Data Recorders 94 APPLICATIONS - Application of Modern Mti.croprocassor Technology in , Problem-Oriented Systems 98 Automation of Information Processes in Integrated Automated Industrial.Management Systems 112 ORGANIZATIONS AND PERSONALITIES ~ ~ Moscow University's Computer Center 129 Fiftieth airthday of Kamil' Akhmetovich Valiyev 136 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY HARDWARE UDr, 681.327.8 - DATA CONTROZ MEDTUM MQAULES PQR AUTOMATMN 07 RHX`SxCAL OPxICS IiFSEARCH Moscow PRTBORY T STSTE'MX' UPRAV'LENTX`A fin Russian No 10, Oct 81 pp 9-11 [Article by V.G. Tsyv3,n$kiy, candtdate of technical sciences, and G.G. Bondarovich and N.A. Sokolova, engineers] [Text] The job of creating automated syetems for scientific reseaxch is one of the most important. The experience of developing aystems for automating technolo- - gical processes has pointed out the need of developing general-purpose complexes based on cligital control and computing equipment making tt possible by means of configuration to construct various automation systems. Existing automation com- plexes of the ASVT-M [modulsr computer hardware system], KAMAK [CAMAC] and KTS LIUS [lccal data control system hardware complex] types reflect in their atructure the ideology�of a third-generation computer, which involves the concentration of the "intellect" and tnformation in a single center--a proceseor with an on-line memory., The development of microprocessor engineering has provided an opportunity for a new approach to solving automation problems, by dispersing the "in*ellect" over the system and by bringing it as close as posRible tothe points of the pickup and output of information. One possible solution is the creation of data control media (IUS's), which must lend themselves easily tc, configuratlon; adjustment of , the medium for a specific object (the apparatus)�can be called "loading" the test bed into the IUS. Interaction of the experimenter with the apparatus and medium is accomplished by means of an experimenter's automated work place (console) furnished with a screen type o� display and an external memory. It is possible to design control systems based on IUS's by placing certain limita- tions on their structure. For example, the structure of an TUS can be in the form of a"tree." I,et us note that the~majority of experimental appaxatus has the same structure: It contains a basic subsystem (the top o� the tree) connected with the output for the main "pxoduct" of the Apparatus, and a number of support subsystems interconnected hi.eacarchica7,7,y. An 1;'US with a tree structure can. ~n a certain in- . formati~ sense dupl~,ca,te the stxucture of fihe appaxatus, whexeby eubsystems of the ' IUS interact w3:th xespective su6s}rsterqa of the dDject, perfosming the,pickup of experimental data and subsysrem�contxol (fig x). 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 NuK ur'N'tt;lAl. U5E ONLY 1) 3x an 2 Muepa ~e~uMQ K f6iaecmo~u~ewy ~ 3SM Aamipa SIPOINM Rvtuaa . 1 i AvtuKO AveuNa 1 J ~ ` a s s ~ e s 1~==q_nc Figure 1.. Stxucture of Data Control Medium Kep: ' 1. Screen 5. Su6system 1 . 2. Microcomputer 6. Object 3. Experimenter's console 7. Ce11 1 4. ~ To superiox 1eve1 8. Data control medium (IUS) Thus, each subsystem is able to be connected to one superior subsystem and several inferior subayatems can be connected to it. Obviously, with this IUS structure each superior branch point of the tree can act as a redundant facility for any inferior one. *Below is considered a variant with redundancy of a level of one. This makes it possible easily to ahare resources between two neighboring levels and at the same time to ensure a aufficiently high degree of reliability (atability). It is possible to demonstrate that the probability of failure of the system depends on the mean branching ratio of the tree, the total number of subsystems.and the total number of IUS "clugters," Q,.whereby this probability is less the higher number Q is. Even for the minimum value of Q(Q ~ 3) tte probability of failure is reduced five- to sixfold, and for Q- 50 , by more than 1.5 orders. Structurally a subsystem.consists of a plug-in module (system of buses, connectors and inatall.ation points) wliich can include a microprocesmor (MP), memory units (an on-line semipermanent memory (PPZU)"and RO'M), an adapter for connection between the processor and an uppex 1eve1 and modules for 3nterfacing with the object, and in.which points axe pxovided for the connection of adaptexs fox connection betweea . the processor and Infexior subsystems (ffg 2) . A1,1 campbnents of a subsystem are - unified an the basis vk a single para11e1 intexface. . A subsystem muet swap data with tRe object (appaxatue) tYtxough a stqal,l (maxitauni of 10) number of tnformation channels and accoxdi;ngly the numDer of object Interface modules ts not greAt. This is an tmportant fact the f1exibi13ty of the system. Ltsts o# and af rautines in subsystems are thexeby easi-ly 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY vieible, they axe aimple to put togethar and eetay to changa. xhe ptyai:cally die- pereed nature of xhe q.oftwaxe deteriainiag ehz aystem'a "intellect'~ thus tmpxavea not on1y the axabilit}r but also the tnetastaDi.lity- of th.e ayetem. , K B�~resmo~u~ed ' 2)I o~au 3)11 MuKponpoqeccop 110Neme t,:=* -'41oDya~ cA~au E t of6exmoM 6)b � x � MoBynb c8nau t o6eeKmoM 7 .n,, , r-~ Key: numctmeIIu4ur nodcucmeo Figuxe 2. Subsystem (Cell) of Aata Control Medium 1. To superior subsystem 2. Processox interface adaptex (separator) 3. Microprocessor 4. Memory 5. Object interface module 6. To object 7. Plug-in board 8. IMS1 interface 9. From inferior'subsystems A subsystBm! serves as ;a buildfng block fcr a combination of any configuration of the tree type. When a direct link is required between subsystems (without access to superior subsystems) it can be organized by meana of duplex registers connected to individual subsystems (in f3g 1 such a link is shown between subaqstems 5 and 8). Thus, a atructure of the oriented graph type can be organized. However, it is impossible to organize redundancy by means of duplex regiaters; therefore, with respect to redundanc, .1 the structure represents a tree. Let us discuss the redundancy of the "intG].lectua7." (microproceseox) modul.e in _ grea*_er detail. Firat, xedundancy makes ob7,igatory dssigning of the interface accordtng to the paxallel pxinctp7,e (an interface of the TMS-1 type, "Coimaon Line"). Second, the mi;cxopxocesaox interface adapCer muet taake poss:ib1e connection (and according7,y disconnecttqn from) w-Ith the supexiax subsystem of lfike lines of the redundant suboyetem's intexface. 7.'iiexeby a sl.ngle "transpaxent" tnterface is - foxmed undex the carttxol of the miaroprocessor modu7,e of the aupex3,ox subsystem. The execution of xoutines is slowed eonewhat (the operation of subsyatems becomes serial), but 3t is not halted. Obvi,ouslyr, tAe addreas fie7.ds of the on-1ine memory and of oBjec:t interface saodules of subsystems a;djacent vertical7.y, in order ta avoid lack of urtiqueness, must not meet, but must be dtvided among levels 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY adjacezt verti,cally. The control routines. of a aubsystesp muat be allacated ra the ROM, which is. paxt of the micxoprocessox madu],e. With thts nolution these routi.nes Udenttcal fox each subsystena) can accupy, the saqs abso7.ute xegion Qf the memory, i. e.,they axe not taken into -account in divtding memQxy xesouxces among subsyafiema. Unlike coatputtng medta, in dafia control, media the xedtstxibution of tasks among subsystems i:n the aQerating pxocess does not take place; such.a redistribution is - observed only wlten changing fihe structuxe of tfie automated object (the apparatus) and also when a ce7,I (subsysfiem) is made redundant. Data control media can be used to automate experfinents of varfious classes. Fur- thermore, the structuxe o.E object intertace modules can be changtd. Tn particular, for the purpose of automating physical optics studtes a set of object interface modules has been devel.oped whicfi is destgned for working wtthin the structure of TUS subsystems designed on the basis of a type 580 TK 80 microprocessor with an output to an TMS-1 interface. The following basic principlea were observed in designing a set of modules for these purposes.- - The program exchange algoritlun is the most imporfiaat algorithm for interaction between modules and the microprocessor. - For modules triggered by the research object e3ther the exchange of information in the memory direct access (PDP) mode is provided, or the output of data to a RAM of the magazine type (OZUm)' connected directly to the module's output. In the program exchange mode the IIP assigns the operating mode for these modules (number of ineasurenents, size of inemory array allotted). Disruption of the normal operating mode results in an interrupt enabling signal's ~ (ZPR) being sent to the module. In units in which a ZPR can'be caused for more - than one reason, the output of a state word determining the reason for the inter- rupt or its place, to the interface*in the program exchange mode, is provided far. Tlne proposed set includes the followiug modules. ' 1. Module ATsPl, consisting oi' a multiplexer, a level fixer (FU) and a digital- balance analog-digital converter (ATsP) which are electrically not interconnected, -which makes it possib7.e to put fiogetliex various stxuctures from them. Upon the "Output" instruction the module pexceives the output data as the address of the multiplexer's channel, and upon tfie "Receive" instruction outputs the measurement = result to the intexface. Also provided in the module is the sexial intexxogation of channels wtkh afrequen- _ cy detexmined by the Axsf*a convexston ttnae ox by an extexnal osci:.l7.ator. In this mode information i,s output fxont tlte Ax&Fts output similaxy to program exchange upon the AW's initiative without oufiputing the addxess of the infortnation reeeiver's unit (in the magazi:ne-tyge RAM). 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The parameters of the modu7,e are as i'o17.oars�:- number of chattnel.s.-16 with the possfbility- of expainding to 33; number of ATaP Dirs-8; intaxrngqt;[an k3ma Cot - a single channal-10 ps:; inpuC valtage �xant 4 to +5 Y, exxvx--0.5 pexcent. - 2. The voltage switching (KT~) module is stmilar tQ the ATsP1 taulfiiplexex and can be used iadepertdent7.y ox togethex wtth tYe' qTsP1 module for constxucting a 256- (512-) channel mu7,ttp7,exem with 2-s-taga switching. 3. An OZUm [magazine-type RAM] module designed fox tfie serial input, storage and serial oufiput of a data arra}*. Thts module has an output ta the interPace and an independent input tor the wxite-in of 3.nformatfon fxoat periphexal units (e.g., ' ATsPl). Interaction with the multiprocessor 3,a carried out in the program exchange mode. When the memory is filled the-module stops recetving and aends an interrupt enabling signal to the tnterface. Service requests from a peripheral unit and the MP are attended to in order of Arrtvsl. Parameters: capacity--512 bytes (with possiLility of expansion to 1024); write-3n time--1.5 us. 4. A clock (GVT) designed for forming a sequence of clock pulses arriving with a specific frequency. This module represents a controlled frequancy divider (fre- quency of a.n internal or external oscillator). The division factor is set by means of the interface in the program exchange mode in the form of a 2-byte pulse: The basic division factdr in binary code and the additional (c:etermining additional division of the frequency by 10, 100 or 1000) ia a 3 bit para11e1 unit-counting cade. Parameters: basic division factor--1 to 100 with intervals of 1; additional--10, 100 or 1000; frequency of internal oscillator--10 MIIiz + 10 percent with instability not greater than 0.01 percent. The set described above is supplemented by the following modules: 5. An interface controller module enabling step-by-step representation of the control routine with an indication of the state of interface lines. This module is 3esigned for connection to any connector af the fnterface and for reproduction from the control console of all sig*ials put out by the micropracessor (duplicates the microprocessor). . 6. Module ATsP2--an 8-bit analog-digital converter of the conveyex type with a conversion time of 1'�s� 7,'he ATsP is started through an external aignal. Tn- , formation� is output to the ma.gazfi,ne-type ItAM or 'to the 3,nterface 3n the memory direct access mode, 7. A caltbxation eignal souxce module which l:orms thxougli extexnal instxuctions two cal.ibrat3,on potezittals (app7Coxia1$fie7.y zexo and appxoximately the upper :Limit of the dynamic xange) and a fies�t signa1 which increases stepwise at a xate deter- mined b}r an extexna7, gxequency. TRe' test signal has foux slope values Whi,ch axe also chosen tlirougfi external signals. 5 FOR OFFICIIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8. A normalizing ampl.tgi,ex module cpn8i8ti ' rtg of Roux d. c. amp7.i;fi-exs w3,th vari- _ able gain (10, IQO and 1000) eand the abilitp to opexttte in the curxeszt-to- voltage conversion (P7.'N) mode. 7,'he oparatiag mode (gain ox f'TN) i;s set via the intertace in the gxogxam exchange mode. 9. A muitipoint ana.log mewory module CAZU?*-a 32-potnt ana7.og memoxy designed se a deviation-contr,olled slave syetem wtth the-correctfon of exxors Iatxoduced by the stray capaaitance of sWfitching elements. The rate of awi,tcaing of inemory ele- ments to the input (outpufi) oi' a moduie determino-d by an extexnal fxequency and the number of readings stoxed is determined b}* the number oi' clock pulses arriving. 10. A control module--a spectal-purpose unit for controlling the subsystem for the investigation of rapidly occurring proceases (BU). Two possible structures for designing a data control medium (IUS) eell are scggested on thp basis of the modules described (fig 3). 1 ~ ROaClfCmemu ~ 2) Rxo81 4)po~ S)a3, npo 10) aapec /lodcucmr,va ! Bxua 18 Figure 3. Structure of Data ControlMedium Subsystems for Automatian df Physical Op}ics Tnvestigations Key: 1. Subsystem 2 9. AnA7.og inputa 2. Tnput 1 10. Addxaaa 3. AZU 1 11. Miexopxocessox interface 4. Pxogxam 12. ATsP input, F[1 outpu;,FtJ input, 5. Address KM output, ATsRI 6. Start, stvp 13. Tnterface/mag,aztne-type RAM 7. BU 14. Measuxement result 8. NumTiex of channel 15. C1ock 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'ihe first is designed Rox pxograu i,~nterxogat,toA. . Qf 256 sen$oxs vtth xe7,ative7,y slowly changin$ signa7,s. TRe noxmal.izing amp],ttteps axe not ShoRn in Xhe figure. - Tn this structuxe identica7, addxesses $xe a$Si.gned fio cormutatoxs and ana7.og- digital convexters. Tfie four lcraex-oxdex btts xead out in data 7.ineS are the channel addresa 3,n multi;plexexs, of tiie fixat stage (th.e KM mQdule) aad the four higher-order bits in the second stage (the'AW7.'caultiplexer). An individual sensor is cannected Co the ATsPrs input according to the address read out, of the required channel in data lines, accoiapanied b}* the "Output" instxuction. The analog-digita1 canvexter ts staxted by meaus of internal efi.rcufits. Upon the termi- nation of conversion data are read out�from its output upon the "Receive" instruc- tion. The second structure is designed fox measuring the tnstantaneous values of voltage pulses arriving simultaneously through 128 channels. The requtred number of read- - ings (instantaneous values) in the input signal is stored by means of analog mem- ories (AZU's). Stored values are read out by the aaalog-digital converter (ATsP) at the conversion pace. Data are read out from the ATsP to the magazine-type RAM for subsequent program readout by the microprocessor. Control of the system is accomplished by means of a contro:l module which is assigned its operating mode by the mulitprocessor (number of channels to be interrogated, pace and number of required readings). Calibration of the measuring section is provided for in the cell. Both structures can be united in a single data control medium cell. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory.i sistemy upravleiliya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 . 7 FOR OFFI!'IAL LiSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UAC 681.327.6.004.122 BASIC APPLTCATIONS QF BUBBLE MEMORY FOR MICROCOMPUTERS Moscow PRTBORY T STSTE'MX' TJPRA9LENTY'A fin Russian No 10, Oct 81 pp 11-14 [Article by B.N. Naumav, USSR Academryr of Sciences corresponding member,'V.Y.. Rayev, candidate of technical sciences, and G.I. Markarov,. engineer] [Text] Bubble memories from the moment of their origin-were intended to replace external electromechanical memories, primarily magnetic disks. One of the main obstacles for this replacement is the relatively high cost of bubhle memories. Nevertheless,such important advantages of a bubble memory as independence of power and low power consumption, high information density and speed of response, the lack of rotating mechanical parts and the ability to increase the capacity of the memory block by block, make profitable the use of bubble memories in many general-purpose and apecial-purpose units. Of special interest is the use of a bubble memory in units based on microprocessor sets and in microcomputers, where requirements for memory capacity are often limited to figures on the order of ~ 10 Mbits. i A number of foreign firms have already begun the series production af'bubble in- tegrated microassemblies (DIM's) and memories based on them, designed as a rule . for use as the external memory (VP) of a microcomputer. The key parameters of series bIM's suitable for use together with large-scale integrated circuit micro- processor sets are presented in table l. Three mains trends are known in the use of bubble memories for microcomputers [ZJ: for constxucting an external memory, fcr expanding an on-line memory (OP) and for designing a control memory (UP). The use of a bubble memory controlled by a micro- processor 3s promising for organizing dynataic redistribution and associative search in relative data bases, ordexing fi,nforsaation, editing texts, etc. - The goal of this article is a pxeltminaryanalyets of the effectiveness of using bubble meatoxies fox micxoccrmputars i;n the thxee txends listed. Floppy disk memoxies (NGNDIs) and casset~e memoxtes (=Vs) axe u.s.ed as external memories in the majaxt t}* of micxocomputers�. - Tha key charactexistics o# modern NM`s., KNrL's, dubble memories a,nd cAaxge-coupled memories are pxesented in table 2[2], from which it can be concluded tltat bubble memories considerably suxpass in a11 their techn3;ca1 data electromeehanical f7.appy disic and cassette memories, 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY w � u, ~n ~n o o,~ ~ o ,-I , -i � o, rn rn � o, o. 4 DC , ~ ~ cti N ~ q >C >C ~C 5C O u1 u1 try yC O 54 5 00 00 00 00 00 N N O . - {a y A c+'1 M M c'r1 ' M ' N x N ~y N x PC DC ~~t DC DQ x H N Q ri p J4 DC DC 94 O M M M i > O 00 1-1 rl rl c'''1 cn 0 ' ~ - ~ rJ 5-I I cn cn M c*1 c*1 I cn cn cn c*1 cn .t .t ( c 1 � N a-1 00 ' w ~n c~ O ~ i~+ N e~ N ei N td .a v ~ � ~ v ~7 00 ~7 -t 00 %C %O 00 00 O O O N -1 a0 _ r--I r--1 N N N r-I I ~--f -i r-I r-I N N N r e4 . ~ r-i ~ I ~ -I J r G Ft Q ~ Cd O N N N N C~ ~ n t1 u1 %O � � %O N � . N ~ a . n ~ ~i . � . . o o r-+ � o 1 � o 0 0 0 0 0 o i � _ v a w ~ c~U U ~ cn %O C-' N u1 ~t i~ d -W 0I v,V-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N o ~ N rl C! w 0, -H y ro J N uli U) o o a P, in Ln ~ . . . co a H ~ . . . aooo 0 . . 00 . . 00 000 0 o ~ ~ ~ tO N N O N " 0 N N' O ''tli O � RT C.' N tll u1 e-I O %O O � 1 O u -I N ~t 1- 00 I- N O r-1 rl N U H O~ ~--I N N Ln N rl r a I- u'1 ON Lf1 N '7 00 1, e+1 m ON N v N'i 1�4 O ~t ~-(00?C 00 00 00 O rl 00 ~t O ;j td 41 ~ N 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7.tN p %0 C Ln 00 00 t Cn %D t 0 tr1 U1 %0 M ~ tj N ti-I : ~t N 1, I, rl N N N N/~' N U1 N u'1 � r"I N N' N � ~1 41cd ON w -1 w w w n,T V3 tA VS CA V) O ~ w VS i~ w w U] V3 w . fn f!~ c!] C/) ~ ~ ./P' b0 C7 ~ c/? F{ O I I w014 aaa`~ I I P+P+ 1 1 aa I I WP4W 1 I aa m N . F+ - ~H GJ H W d A t+ w 0 c^rn ooo ooLnoo %cr-+ %cr-i Lno caoca N MNU'1C u'1r1 NN Nr-IM ~t O N ~t ~O ~ PCl f~ m PQ Pq HHHHH ~q pq Z 'n H P4Q4 Z y O 'O 4 ~ to r ~ ~ 1"r .r M 0 P m 41 ~ P i (1) 4) ~ M 0 F+ ~ ~ ri E w 1. 3 ~ 1 W p N c~ 41 i.i RI ~ d Q ' O U M-I ~ O 41 l ~ r ~ d ~  t~ f~ N e-1 00 E3 Gl C7 O 1 U ' M rl a .n I~ ?C mr a,' � cQJ t1 O a. ~ +1 U d -n W ~ i. H~ U ~ W H W q , ' H W U E H A  p P4 H 4� ? fn 'b r'~ 9 + l , r i 4 t r~ 7 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY A chaxge-coupled mentaxy i:s bettex in tems- Qg ap*ed 4g xea-Panaa cliaxactexistics , than a bubble me,nqar}*, but such an intpartant�,divArkt a,ge. Qt 4. chaxge-Cqupl,ed _ memory as its pqwex depe.ndence- vAltaR i.t pxact;, lwwsuited fax constxucti:ng an extexna.l memoxy,. Because o� the, to i,ncxease tAe's cztpacity, B1qck tay block, character- istic of bubble memoxies, their unit cost almos-t does not depend on 3,nfoxmation capacity. The appxoxivACe relationaRip b.etween unit eas�t and information capacity for bubble memories, floppy* dislc Taen4ori;es and cassette memor3:es (curves 1, 2 and 3, respectivel}r) ta presented in fi:g 1. Although tRe unfi,t cost characterizes memories only in the static mode (storag@ mode), even wfi th respect to this indica- tor, as is obvious from fig 1, a Dubble memor}r wfitli a capactCy of 3 to 4 Mbj.ts surpasses a floppy disk memory. Table 2. Memory charac- Type of memory teristics Bubble Charge-coupled Cassette Floppy disk Access time 4-10 ms* 100 us 40 s 300 ms Data transfer rate 800K bits/ 2 Mbits/s 1GK bits/s 250K bits/s S Frequency of occurrence oP -12 10 10 10 -7 io -8 10 errors Mean time between' failures in hours 40,000 7000 3000 4500 Unit power re- quirement in uW/bit ~ Unit cost in cents/bit Power indepen- dence . *Reduction of this accessing [10] and of a bubble chip. 10 15 8 35 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.25 0.07 0.15 Yes No Yes Yes time to 0.1 to 1 ms in the future involves the use of current the empl.oyment of a 2-stage hiexarchy in the storage structure Memori:es are chaxactexized mom gu7,ly by, the px3,ce, of pxpductt,Ytfi}*, taktng into account spe.ed of xeEtpansa paxameters. 13]. Fox exzex+ntal me,mQxtee de.94ned fox use in a specific sys.Cem it i.s detetq.i;ned as. fQ7,7,ows: k' ;R C(T + N /v) , where C i.s the uniC cost, x~, is~~ tl~e t~;me., Nb isythe ~'~,z~'. of a~, txansfexred bYock of data and ~r ~s th@ data txansfer rate. xlinimizat:ton of the pxice of productivity can sexv~s~. ~uE~~@yi~,on ;*selecting the type of external memory. From the conditioa PV ~ . Pv it is possi;Ale to obtatn tfie xegion of 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY external memory capacitiea in iaiZich bubDle. ,me3eories $xe zoxe .e,~gi,cient than flopp}* diak mentoxtes., With the values af speed of xespanse, Gttaxactexhatics: pre- sented in table 2And dependence6 af untt- coit on in#ormaCion capacitr pxesentad in fig 1, the uppex Umit af t$is regian ta about 20 T'Ihtts-. qenm/6um 0,2 1~ � .2 ~ / O,, -3 , 2) 0 ] 2 J 4 5 61 8 Mdum Key: Figure 1. Dependence of Unit Cost on Tnformatton Capacity for Bubble, F7.appy Disk and Cassette Memories 1. Cents/bit 2. Mbits _ Since an external memory capacity of not greater than 10 Mbits is basically needed - for modern microcomputers, bubble memories are more effective in this application - than are floppy disk. Approximately the same results are gotten when comparing bubble memories with cassette memories, whereby the use of the latter is quite limited because of their relatively alow speed of response and low reliability. Thus, at t'ne oresent time it is wisest to design a micxocomputer external memory - based on a bubble memory. A considerable advantage of a bubble memory is the ability to place the external memory on the same circuit board with the micropro- cessor and at the same time to create a microcomputer on a single board. A criterion of no small importance in selecting an external memory is the simpli- city of the controller. Bubble memory and floppy disk controllers are identical for the most part, which is due chiefly to the similarity of the control functions performed by them. The main principle for the implementation of a programmable controller for a floppy disk memory by Rockwell International (USA) designed for use in a microcomputer [4] consists in the use of an "external data block" placed in the microcotnputer's on-line memory and deslgned for cvntxolling the organiza- tion of the wxite--in farmat and far foxmiag.tag codes. 7.'his appxoach not only makes possihle suff3:cient flexi;bi7,tty in controlling the format but also makes it possible to reduce tha numbex of aontxoll,ex xegt,stera needed fox this and at the same time to mini.mi;ze the structuxe Qf the floppy df,sk memory controller. . - The use of a bubbl.e mentory, in contradicCton to the use of afloppr disk memory makes possible the para11e1 (b}rte by b}rte) access to infozmation, whtch eliminates the need to imp7,ement in tfie controller funct3ons. o# parallel-sexia1 conversion when writing informaCion in and sexial-para11e1 when re$ding it out. In additivn, a bubble memory eastly makes possible a start-stop opexating mode. x'his, first, makes it possible to real~ze the write-In and readout of'fnformation at a variable 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FUIt UFFICIAL USE ONLY speed, which in the majoxity of cases e1,istnates buffextng af data, Second, it assumes rapi.d xeSponse Qf the. sys�fiem and conse,quently makes poss.i,ble addressing without th@ use ot tag codes.. 1'fie latfiex facz considexa6ly, si,aqp.l.ifies and some- times even complete7.y e7.imi:nates fxcrm tlie'contxa7.l.ex''tt atxucture a#ormut control block and an addreae anci data compaxieon block and simplifies the inetruction decoding and contxol bl.ock. On the who].e, the cantrollex of a bubble memory can become approxiaafiely twofo7.d thaa a floppy disk metaoxy controller in terms of hardware input. The bubble memory contro].1ex mde by Texas IYistruments (USA), whose stcuctural diagram is shown in fig 2, is a general-purpose programmable controller designed for use in a microcomputer [5]; 3t stores inforniatfon on tAe instantaneous posi- tion of data in storage registers, makes possible a start-stop operating mode and generates signals for controlling the functions of a bubble memory. Universal- ity is achieved by means of software loadtng in the internal registers of the controller of individual parameters determining the structure of the chip and of the entire bubble memory and the size of a data block-which can be transferred. Thereby an on-line change in the contents of internal registers makes it possible for the controller to work witii a bubble memory consisting of chips of various structures and capacities and to accomplish the transfer of information in blocks of various lengths and in several blocks in succession. Through instructions arriving from the microprocessor the controller organizes the execution of the functional operations required for accessing one or more blocks af data from the bubble memory. . - ~ ~ 3~ yn/rQBfi.4MiqCC OJ 2) a u ~opMUpo9amene ynpaln~row~x odnou ~Pnuu y"P : 1 cut~~onoA ~~r^A ; 1 . ~ ~ a CvCmvuK ~ 56 p R od q dannnia BeiAodq � 7) ' ~ tmpei Czu 11 69~~P ynpa8nenuc pa~Mepow, Aapctnae dunnma 2 tmpm~uq wuna q 9~ o&ne- 7onmoBe~c 13~ cuznonnr urzucrnp 4np, B - ~iucQlynn 14~e~oa a4t�lyix aannbiX obixo8 oannw.t nnrou4uc y~n~iu ' 16) wun e~ 15) Key: Figure 2. Structural Aiagram vP Bubble Memoxy Contxoller 1. Contro]. ROM and contxol signal. 8. CohrfiQl.11me5 16. Data output forniex 9, Contxol og functi.enip� 2. Output bugfex registex 10. Regtst@xs 3. Control, signa].s 11, Data bufge7r 4. Countex 12. Page size control 5. Data line 13. ximtng signals 6. Input/output buffer 14. Aata input 7. Address line. 15. Data xegister 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The possibil,ity, of the los:s of infoxmtion wil.en the pawex i;s cut off, when this _ information is in an tntexfa,ce regis.tex, ie, charactextst:Lc of the ri.txuctuxe of a hubbl,e wemory ch.ip with paral1el-,seria7, arganization of the data axxay and a closed infiertace xegister. Howevex, in-the cixcuit of tlie ccantxo7,ler presented in fig 2 the automatic return of information to storage xegisters and setting of the hubble memoxy to the init:La7. ("zaxo") addrass upon a signal wa.rning of the cutoff of power are pxovided tox. Tkus, comparison of floppy disk and bubble memory controllers demonstxates tlie conatdexable simplicity of a bubble memory controller, although at the same time great uaivexeality, and the abi7,ity to perfo::ln more varied control functtons are chaxacteristic of it. It is possible to organize in a bubble memory information and a sequence for accessing it by analogy w3,th their fimplementation by saeans of a floppy disk memory. This, in fact, imitation makes it possible in the majoritp of inatances to use already existing floppy disk memory confirollers for controlling bubble memortes. With this, of course, the ability to utilize such important advantages of a bubble memory as the para11e1 transfer of data, the start-stop mode, etc., ts eliminated. On the other hand, a microcomputer uaer is able without special difficulty, at the first stage of using bubble memories (before the development or acquisition of a bubble memory controller) fio successfully replace a floppy disk memory with a less expensive, faster, more reliable and more cqmpact bubble memory because of the utilization of available controllexs. , Slight modification of a floppy disk memory controller makes it possible to use it - for controlling a bubble memory without imitating in the bubble memory the informa- tion structure of a floppy disk memory. With this approach the advantages of a bubble memory are utilized more completely. However, modification of the controller involves the introduction of changes in wiring and is impossible if the controller has been implemented as a large-scale integrated circuit. Standard microprocessors can act as controllers of an external bubble memory and for floppy disk memories. = This application, as a rule, is justified when great universality and fle.xibility _ in controlling a memory are required. Expansion of Microcomputer On-Line Memories M3crocomputers are usually used in the single-program mode, when for the purpose of increasing the effective capacity of the on-line memory in combination with high- speed semiconductor memories with random access (ZUPV's) it is possible to use less-high-speed memories. Let us discuss the feasibility of.using as these devices bubble memories, which are distinguished by relatively low cost and relative sim- plicity of matching with a microprocessor. No less isttportant is the fact that thereby the greatex paxt of the microcomputer's on--l3ne memory becomes independent of power. The exchange of infoxmation hetween 7.evel,s of such a 2--7,eve1 on-line memoxy is accomplis:hed tltxough a stngle woxd. Thts considexably simp].i.fies the stxucture of the buhbl.e memox'y controllex. As an examp7.e, in fi.g 3 is preaented a structural diagram of a simp3.e contxaller zqade by, Rockwell Tnternational (USA) [6], whtch makes possible fihe exchange of information with a bubbl.e memoxy in a singl.e byte in the start-stop mode, as we11 as woxking with seVexal bubble memory* blocks. It is not difficult to see that the controller whose structural diagram is shown 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FGR OFFiC1AL USE ONLY in fig 3{'s much s.impS,ex than xtte uni,vexaal bubble t4etAO1;y�contxo7.lex ~lluatxated tn Eig 2. BeI6op 6noKa 11 9) I( apy:oMy 6n +S & HJ r-i a ' Iillll 9 = 1111I1 1 10) 6>n S J'JnoU 3) e o "'r ~ 14k ~ O 18)f i ynpaBnenue 15) Cotmo~rnue Figure 3. Structuxa7. Ai.agxam of Bubble Memory Controller with Byte by-Byte Exchange of Tnformation: CC, 'B, A, > --f13p-flop inputs; Q, Q-- f7.ip-flop outputs Key: - 1. Accessing of block 11. Synchronizing signal ' 2. To other block 12. Control 3. Accesa 13. Start � 4. Readout 14. F.eady . 5. Write-in 15. State 6. Erase ' 16. Operate 7. G*_azt-stop 17. From ather block - 8. Bubble memory block 18. Data input 9. Step 19. Data output _10. End signal The effectiveness of using a bubble memory for expanding an on-line memory can also be evaluated according to the criterion of mintmizing the price of productivity, determined in Chis case as fol:lows: P= C T , where C is the unit cost of the ~n-ltne memory and To is the access fiMe. � When using a bubhle memory togethex with a xandom-access memoxy, the expanded on- line memory xepxesents atwc-lave1 hiexarchy whose mean access tiiae is determined by tlie expxeast.on i;n [7]: x' ~h * h)x , whexe T. and x� are the access tiaaea fxaat the xandrna�acce.allumemox}* ana'bubh7.e meanof}*, xespe,Hively, and h is the "pexceantage of succea~ses;," xapxeaii_~nting the xe7,ative aAaxe of accessing events satis#ted by the fixsx-leve1 atewory, and depending basically on its capacity. With this tfie mean unit cost of tRe on-line memory can De computed by~ ttte equation: Co s(CZNZ + CtaNts)I(N z + Nts)., where C? , Cta' NZ and Nt$ axe xespaCtively 14 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ the unit cQSts and infoxmat;kon capacittes,ag t'Yte xandom_AccPas memoxy, and bubb7,e memory,. Thug., the pxicQ af the pxaducti;vity, of the, expanded on,line, memoxr wi;7.l equal: po - [ CCZNZ + GtsN~~~ /(IlZ + rtts) ] [xZ * Cx , h?xtsl . m Tt is possibl,e to f3;nd the optimum capacity of the xandotu-access m@mory from the condition of ensuxing a minimuta fox quant3,ty, P(max3mum eTficieacy of the on- line memoxy), takit~g into account tRe dependenc�e of index Ti on the tnformation capacity,.NZ , and the constancy of the capactty, of the on--ltne mamory, NZ + Nta . Tt is obvious'that in many, cases tt can turn out tliat expansion of the on-line memory of a micrccomputer by ustng a bubtile memory wfi11 make tt'possfble to increase considerably the memor}*'s capacit}r with the same cost or to lower the cost with the _ same capacity while maintainfing an acceptable overall speed of response. Microcomputer Control Memory The use of ROM's with the one-t3me write-in of information as control memories for microcomputers to a great extent defiermines their narrow 'specistlization for the - so.lution of a single specific problein. On the other hand, evr,.r more often it has become effective to enlist microcomputers to solve not a single problem but some set of problems. In connection with this, devices which permit the repeated write- in of information, so-called reprogrammable devices [8], are aeeded as control memories. Random-access memories permitting the rapid write-in and readout of information and semipermanent memories wtth the erasure o� information by means of ultraviolet light or by the electrical method [8] serve as reprogrammable memories suitable for operation as contiral memories for microcomputers. Bubble memories, distinguished by ].ow unit cost, high information.density and high reliability [1], can be used for the same purpose. As stated, the main disadvantage of a bubble memory in this application is the serial accessing of information and, as a result of this, the long random-access time. However, random access, characteristic of random-access memoriea, is not a typical requirement for control memories: More- over, usually special software or hardware is used, e.g., an instruction address counter, which essentially makes possible the simulation of sertal accessing, since _ the program is written into serial cells of the control memory. Thus, serial accessing can prove to be not so important a disadvantage of a bubble memory playing the role of a control memory. � . The price of the�productivity of the control memory of a microcomputer designed for running a certain set o� pxograms can be determi,ned as follows: P= C T , where Cu is the unifi cost ot the contxo7, snemory, xu ~,s the access t~`me for a single instxuctton, avexaged iay taking into account th.e pxogram rep].acement ttme, and computed upon condition af the tdentipy 4f the pxogramss a� the set by the equation: T m T' + T lkm , whexe V, ts the avexage tnstxucttan access time for a progxam, xu isuthe hme, fax xe.plac~ng one, pxogxam wl;th anotliex, kia the numbex of repetitioRs af e.ach pxogxam aaz! mis the nusqpex of instructions in a program. Minimization of the pxice of groductivity, can serve as ttte c7riterion tox sel.ecting the type of control memory. The conditton for gxeatex efficienc}* of a contxol 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL L'SL ONLY memory constxucted by uatng a 4DMe mewff a,s� crnqpaxed wWh a xandam-access memoxy, for example, w;U1 tae P ap . Quantltiets T' and x$ when a zUP~1 [ xandow^acces-a mesagxy~] can be deteraine~d as fo~.Yows i T*r' T and x a T m, and ig a but~pl,e. memory is uaed a~ f07,7.ows: T' a (1 fiB)t~ and TS d m7v , whexe 'A is a parameter chaTatcteriztng tltaudegxee of Qxanching of programstand equa7, to the pxoduct ot the pexcentage og contxol transgex instruc- tions and the mean diffexence betweea a control txansfex Instxuction address and j ump address (f ox tFke $nstxucti;on to which the j umg i,s taade) , and Yts is the rate of txansfex Qf dAta fx4m the bubble inemor}r. Taking into account the expresstons presented, the condition for the greater effi- ciency of a Buhtale memoxy as compared w:Lth a random-aecess meaioxy is written as follows: (C ts/vts) (I + 1/k -h 8) ~ CZT Z (1 + 1/k) . From this inequality it is posstble to determfine the region of parameters charac- terizing the degrPe o� repeatabtlity, k, and branching,,B , of programs of the set in which the use of a bubble mer,ory as a control memory is more efficient than of a random-access memory. Th3s region ts determined by the equation: B< [(C ZTZ - c ts/vts)/(Cts/vts)l L1 + 1/k] . Reprogrammable memories of other tppes can be compared with bubble memories and regions of the parameters of the set of programs in which the.use of bubble memo- ries is more efficient can be.found similarly. It is of no minor importance that bubble memories can be used simultaneously as control memories and on-line memories for microcomputers [1, 9]. Furthermore, the use of a special instruction set can make it possible to interpret a bubble memory as a set of processor registers which results in considerable reduction of the size of programs and simplification of programm3ng a micrqcomputer. In addition, the existence of this number of processor registers considerably simplifies the structure of the processor. The studies presented in this article demoastrate that the state of the art of the development of bubble memories has occasioned the need to make a serious study of ways of more effec*ively using bubble memories in microcomputers. Furthermore, bubble memories designed. on the basis of chips with serial and parallel-serial organization of the datd array can find an application. Tt can be suggested that for designing micxocomputer extexnal memoxies large-capacity chipa (a megabit and greater) w3,th a parallel-serial structure axe prefexable. Furthermore, it can prove advtsab7.e to use low--capacity chips with P serial stxucture for expanding the on-line memoxy and espect,a7.1y fox constxucting the contxol memory. Bubble memoxtes constxucted on the basts of existing bubble integxated mtexo- assemblies i,n the majority of cases. cover In terms-of capaci;ty.xequixemestts fox use in microcomputexs. In this. connectfon, the ma,jox di;rection fox impxovement of bubble memories-oxiented toward use in microcomputex& Wi.1,7, liecov3e, in oux opini:an, not increasing the capacity ot chips, but increasing the speed of xesponse of 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500040037-2 EOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY devices. Fuxtherntore, wkexeaa� at tAe pxesent sta$e og deve.7,qpment of bubble devices physical and technQlogica7. 7,iVUaxions axe to a gxe~ac: extent hampe-xi,ng pxogxeas in impxoving the clock rattes of ctxtpa, An the. futuxe pxobleaas og f inding new. archi-- tectural so7,utiona and tnfoxmatiaa exchange a7.goxtthuns conducive ta :[aapxoving the vixtual speed og xesponse of DuAA1e atemortes'can come to the foxefxont. Bib7.iograpliy 1. Naumov, B.N., RAyev, V.K. and Markarov, G.T. "Pxoblem& in Using aBubble Memory in a Mtcrocomputer" in "Ma,z~nitnyee e7.ementy avtomat3,ki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki: XV'T V'sesoyuznaye sovesfichaniye; Tezi,sy dokladov" [Magnetic Elements , of AutomatioM and Computer Technology: 16th A11. Unton ConferencA, Theses of _ Papers], Moscow, Nauka, 1979. 2. Juliussen, J.E. COMPUTER DE5TGN, Vol 15, No 10, 1976. 3. Fomina, T.M. "On the Question of Loea1 Economic Criteria for Rating the Quality of 8ubble Memories" in "Trudy TNEUM, vpp. 69" [Works of the Institute of Gontrol Computers, No 691, 1Koscow, 1978. 4. Peatman, J.B. "Microcomputer-Based Design," New York: MeGraw-Hill, 1977. - 5. Lee, D.M. "IEEE COMPCON, Spring 77, Digest of Papers," New York: IEEE Press, 1977. 6. Norton, R.R. "IEEE COMPCQN, Spring 77, Digest of Papers," New York: IEEE Press, 1977. 7. Anacker, W. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol MAG-7, No 3, 1971. 8. Prangishvili, I.V. "Mikxoprotsessory i mikro-EVM" [Microprocessors and Micro- computers], Moscow, Energiqa, 1979. 9. Naumov, -3.N., Rayev, V.K. and Markarov, G.I. "Bubble Memories for Microcom- puters" in "Fizicheskiye svoystva i primeneniye tsilindricheskikh magnitnykh domenov v priborostroyenii" [Physical. Properties and Application of Magnetic Bubbles in Instrument Making], Moscow, TsNTTTET priborostroyenii [Central Scientific Research Tnstitute of Tnformation and Technical and Economic Research on Instrument Making for Autamation Equipment and Control Systems], 1979. 10. Bobeck, A.H., B7.ank, S.L., Butherus, A.D., Ciak, F.J. and Strauss, W. BELL SYSTEM xECHINICAL JOURNAI,, Vo7. 58, No 6, 1979. COPXRTGHT; lzdaxells,tvo "Maahinastxoyeniye". t'Pxibaxy i sistemy upxavleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UAC 681.327.66 . . - FLAT MAGNFTTC DOMATN ME'MQRX MOA=St WTTR ADVANCED LEVEL OF INTEGRATION Moscow PR,IBORX T STSxEbIX' UPRA'Vr,FaNi"X'A, in itussian No 10, Oct 81 pp 23-24 [Article by A.N. Tshchenko, engineer] [Texf] A trend in magnetic engineering tnvolving the use of mobile magnetic do- maina as information media has received strong development tn recent years here at home and abroad. The storage medium for devices oi :his class is a thin magnetic film with uniaxial magnetic anisotrnpy. ltao dffferent types of domain memories (DZU's) are distinguished depending on the orientation of the anisotropy vector: based on flat magnetic domains (PrID's) and cylindrical magnetic domains (Ts1rID's) L1, 61� In the first kind of device the storage medium is-a thin polycrystalline ferromag- netic film with an axis of easy magnettzation (OLN) lying in the plane of the film, and in the second thin films and wafers of Perromagnetic single crystals with an OLN perpendicular to the plane of the fi1m. Characteristic to an equal degree of both kinds of devices are the properties of - power independence and high reliability, caused by the absence of a moving mechani- - cal medium;. relatively low cost; and sufficiently high speed of response; which ' in many cases make their use extremely effective. 'Areas of application of DZU's include numerical program control equipment, equipment based on microprocessors, microperipherals, industrial robots, etc. Tt�e creation and use of DZU's will make it possible to fill the gap with regard to apeed of response between a fast on-line - memory and external storages for varioua kinds of computing systems, which in turn will increase to a great extent the execution rate�of computer hardware. However, in addition to these general features, flat magnetic domain memories have a number of tmportant advantages aver bubb7.e mewories: a simpler iategrated tech- nology, the absence of expensive.xaw materials, better speed oP xesporse-owing to the ability*to distxibute several xeadout data transm3,ttexs ovex the memory plane and to organize paxallel write-in and xeadout of information, xhe aAl-1ity to func- tion ovex an expAnded temperature xange, and cost wYt3ch ta more than an order of magnirude lowex. Al1 this make,s-it possible to xecommerid the' exteneive uae of flat magne.tic domain memories fox Iastxuments and automation equ3;pment whexe the cost of equipment im low and zhe'amount of ouCput is considerable. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Operating Pxinctple of Plat I%$netf.c DanKin ARYtaeS' A thi.n palycxyaxa7.].ine fi;],m vith induced aniaotropy of alaaut 30 Oe a.nd an OLN in the filmFs p7.atne is used as the'etoxa$e medfum it1 vh1ch flat mgnetic dontains are snaintained and move. xAese- ft1ms axe- produced by vaeuum deposition og a permal,ioy, ~.n a canstanC magr~~tt.c fteld:, onto a higR--qualit}* g7.ass substrate consist;.ng of torosl.lica,te. glass 0.2 t0 0.3 '~maa thick. For the pv~:pose of res-txicting the movement aP PMp'*a in a contfinuous fi1m, special channels are formed which are surxounded by a maes having high coercivity. gor the purpose of foxming the stxuctuxe of the atorage medium it is possible to employ - methods of diffusing a norinagnetic waterial into magrletic films, chemtcal etching _ of the surface of films, the creation of irregulaxities on the surface of the sub- strate before deposi.tion, deposition onto the substrate of a layer of nonmagnetic material, as well as a hard-magitetic fi1m oato a soft-magnetic, etc. Methods which have '�)een developed at the present time for controlliag the movement of flat magnetic domains in storage media can be divided irato two classes: 1) me- thods base3 on the movement of unstabilized domains; and 2) methods based on.the movemer.t of doatains stabilized by means of local magnetic fields. - Mathods of the first class are characterized by the fact t;-at the width of flat magnetic domains is predetermined by the width of the movement channel.s, and their length by the dimensions and spacing of control lines. The growth and interaction of domains are caused by the influence of pulses of the magnetic fields of the con- trol lines. The unneeded part a#' a domain is erased by means of pulses of an eras- ing field, which nullify domains oAl reverse magnetization over the entire surface of -:he film, with the exception of just those sections profiected by the effect of local confining fields which compensate the effect of erasure fields. In devices of this class the preservation of flat magnetic domains is made possible _ in the absence of control fields only by the existenc.e of coercivitq on the part of the magnetic film storage medium. The minimum dimensions of stable flat magnetic domains are inversely proportignal to the coercivity and for typical parameters of _ the medium (thickness of 1000 A, magnetization of 1000 Gs, anisotropy field of 30 Oe and coercivity of 3 to 4*0e) equal a width of 5 to 7 u and a length of 30 to 40 u, which with the required stability margin corresponds to an information allo- cation den� �ity of about 104 bits/cm2. Methods of the second class axe chaxactexized by the fact that the retention and movement of f1at tcagnetic doiqatna are,shed by a combtnation of vaxiable r~.--trol :fields and stattonaxy 7.oca1, stabi7,izaxton .flelds. Studies [2, 31 have demoi,strated the possibtl,ity of the extstence af stab7.e inagnetic doinafins in - external stabi:lizing fie1,ds with dimensians sanallex th$n tfiose occasioned only by the coexeivity og the msdiuiq (fox Sextain domAii models and matexials used the length of a dotnain is at least 10 wtltch coxresponds fio an Infoxmatlon allocation denstC}r of aBout 0.25 X 106 bits/`cMI $nd matcea it poseib7,e to cxeate memory modules with a capacity gxeatex than I 1rlbit'on a subs�txate measurtng 30 X 48 mm). The operattng pxinciple of devices ot tRis class� is explained by fig 1. Static stabilization fields induced"by a special method along the channe7. (curve 1) and 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFiC1AL USE ONLY the control fi.e7,d (cuxve 2) $re ahown in !ig 19. At the stax'ting moment, in the absence at a contxo7, fie7,d, the doutain, undex the iagl,uence of the ing fie7,d, is at pasttioa I (fig 7:D), and theiz' undex Clie tnf7.uence of the total control and staht7.tzaCion field grows to fttaenetons, detex�mtned bythe cond;Ltion H> H (posttiart IT), whexe R ts tRe dosnain pxopagatto~ fi-eXd, wtktch depends on Che of the tvagnet~c mtextal of the medtum and the. geotneCr3.ca7. para-- meters o� the sy-stem. Then witR reduction of tfie contxal field to zexo the domain, under the influence of Stabilizatian fie].ds, is- sp1it inta two dosaatns (fig 1.c) , and under the influence of a control tield of oppostte polarityr tRe xight domain collapses and the 7.eft accotnpl:tsfies-furtner propagatton thxottgh the structure of the channel (fig 7.d). 1 10 2 ~ 0 10 90 fD 80 1 120 X,MKM -10 2 ) w 0 O EO BD lOO 120 X,MNM -10 -TO no:.u no~. 13) ti c f-- ! �r V ~ HX,3 rt a b) np,~ ~MUiun 4 10 o 20 -10 40 60 8D 10 120 X,u M -20 t- . - 20 .10 0 -10 -10 d) Figuxe 7,, Ke}r: . 1� H , Oe 2, uX - 3. Posttton 1 4. k'xopagation cha,nnel 20 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY Fesults of Tnvestigation of Local StaAt7,iz:%;:kon Fte7.ds Thexe axe sevext.1 pxacttcal mefihods whieR iaalte it possib7,e tq fox~ . lQCal sxabt7.iza- tion f telds: by, meana of curxent -�liYt@s., Ay, means of Aaxd*-mAgnetig ovex7,ays aad by tYte creatton of pxopagat;Lon channel,s with a spec3,al conf iguxation [2, 51. The fixst oP theae methods does not make poastb7.e powex indepextdence of a memory and is not descxtded in this axtic7.e. Ftg 2t1Zustrates the idea of us~ng stabiliza- tion fax+med by the se.cond (a) And tfiitd (b) methods. . . . ~ . on fr 2) 1) � ~--L----- 3 a M i ) Y nMil' ~ ~ IM--- M a~ npoJBumenu� b) Key: Figuxe 2, 1. Overlays 4. 2. Axis of easy snagneti.zation 5. 3. F1at magnetic domains Mass Propagat3on channel Let us riiscuss the second method. A periodic structure of hard-magnetic strips (overlays) magnetized opposite to the magnetization of the storage medium is placed at a certain distance from the storage plane. The strength of the stabilization field created by the overlays depends on the geometrical parameters of tlie system and the magnetic properties of the overlay material. The results of a theoretical study by the author of-the magnetic fields of overlays for various distances, d, from the overlay plane to the storage medium are presented in fig 3: The'parameters of the overlays are as follows: thickness--d = 500 X, width--b = 35 u, magnetiza- tion--M = 1432 Gs, coercivit}r--H = 150 Oe. Tn analyz3ng the distribution of the field if was assumed that the magnetization is distributed trapezoidally over the width of the averlay, which made tt possible to reveal magnetic field inhomogenei- ties associated with the influence of the width of the edge zone. Also, by means of cQmputex methgda, an ana7.ys:ka ws made of the 4stxtbutlon ot the magnetic fie1.d Inkuced b}* a channe], 09 specta]; epnftguxation withaut the use of hard-magnettc avex7,aya. The xeau3.ts qf ca7.cul,ativn og tile zaagnE:tic stabil.tzation fie1.d fox a ma,gneti,~ film wtth tPxe paxameters N S A 850 Gs, K~ ~ 400e and d a = 1200 wlxexe xtRe cooxd~;nate of _Re cfianne~.ts ~rkdth, axe pxesented in f ig 4. A comparison og x$ese tFro metiiods, of fox9mlng s�tabi7,izing fields makes. tt passibl,e to 1 rate their advantages� and d;ksadyanta$es. 7.'F1e advantage of the second method is� the simpler technological, pracess� whexeDr the configuxatioa i;s forned 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY simul,taneousl,r with the cxeati;on of a Ii~gR-cQe~rc~~r~;t}* masa, and t[s dt.sadvantage as compared with. the 9ix~-t me.tlxod iS� fihe' SeAxex' tAhomQgeneity og thp- stabilization ,�ie].d over the wl;dth of the chanrkel, vblch neee.satfi$tes addi-ttqna7, ccns:[dexation of the properttes o~ f lat magnetic dawaIits In tuRaiqogeneous f ields. I"J 1) 72 . H~~ib03 10 i�b'MMM 8 a MKM 6 72 we� L -1C MMM k . 2~ z 0 20 Vo 60 AO x,wKA -2 -4 -6 -8 ' -10 -i2 Figure 3. Key: l. HX , Oe 2. u ~ 1 ~......o w,...... _Hx'~ 5) Ms,asorc 3) T ~7OMhM ' A a ~'j MI1M R . 17 MKM Lo-) Figure 4. Key: 1. Mass 2. Channel. 3. 850 Gs 4. 14 5. 0e Resuxts of InVeati8a,ti.on of Plemente ag Closed Reg3:stexs The designs of magzsettc domAin nesqoxy. matxixes wM. 7,ocal atWUzatton fie7.ds which have been imp7,emented at tAe pxesent time axe chaxacfiextzed br the pxesence - of unclosed xegafiexs xepxesentirtg a s".fiem of straight.-1ine low-coercivity channel,s in which the numbex o� xeadout data txansmtttexa equal$ the nutabex of registexs and - the cop}rtng of infoxmation is perforqed B}r means- of electront,c xegenexation circuits [2]. However, in a number of applicafiions it is moxe effective te use long closed 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY registers, wliich tnakes i.t posaibIe to xeduce 6onstdefiab7,y the nut4bex og texKntna7.s in a matrix, to S~mp7.tfy` the ctxcutt and to - 7.oWet the cp.%C 99 the meutoxr contxol unit. Tn this connectfi,on 3,n designing f 1at magnetic domatn memoxy matx+ixes of gxeat im- portance is the considexatiQn og structuxal elecnents tmplementing tuxning of a 1ow-coerc3,vtty channel and of tRe ,nta,gnetic f te1ds assvctated with the geometry of these elements.. Taking into account fifie.7.eakage f ie1ds cxeated by'filte edges of the high-coercivity maa-s mAkes� dtt, possib1e, to sfimu].ate pxopexl:}* the passing of a flat magnetic domain tRrough a s�txuctural "turn" element and to detaxmine the para-- meters of the structuxe requtred for ohtaining a su�ficiently bxoad range of stable operation. An analysi:s was made af a numAer of element conflgurations in the re-- search process. As a xesul.t fi,t was� estaBlisTied that the configuration illustrated in Pig 5, wfiexe the distribution of the atagnetic leakage field in this element is given, 3s characterized by the gxeatest tnhomogene3ty of leakage fields. The para- meters of the magnetic film medium correspond to the example oi' calculating stabili- zation Pields in a channel of special configuration. The field in the "turn" is a brake field and therefoxe at the moment the flat magnetic domain passes through the turn an addit3onal compensating field is required, created by the control lfne in the direction of the axis of easy magnettzation. A firagment of the topology in- cluding the key elements of a shiPt reg3ster---tfie.shifting element and the turn with control lines--is i1lustrated in fig 6. Figure 5. Ke}r: a npoBodnuK unpnnury npoao,%aenqn noBopoma 1. Conductoxs ;Eox passa:ng thxough 3, Channel tuxn 2. Contxol conductor Conclustort The theorettcal and expex:tmental atudtes caxx3,ed out ma,ke i-t possiAle xo deternine the required geometxical dtmens-lons and tRe' re7,at3,onshiQs between the ba~-ic e1e- ments of flat magnetic domafin saemor}r matrixes and 7.ocal stabil.izing fie1da Por 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY speci�tc uiagnet;Cc Qaxametsxa 4g tRe ataxage inedbun~ ae we7.7, aal br taking into account the powex xejatio~gh;~?& abtatne.d it - I31', xo o~tUdze thesq and Gxeate matxi.xes wdLth an advanced leve7, o~ *Atagxattoa. Y,MKM so 40 20 ~ U ?U 4D 60 BO l0Di~MNM Nx,3 2) 60 l'0 Y =3O MKM I0 uY=1B MKM 0 27 90 60 80 100 X,MxM 1lzi 3 GJ 1+0 Y=12 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 J(~MnM Hx,3 60 �yp � Y=0 20 ~ ' ' -XJ--- 0 20 40 60 RD 100'MtM Key: Figure 6. 1. u 2. Oe Bibliography 1. Boyarchenkov, M.A., Vasil'yeva, N.P. and Rozental', Yu.D. "Log3cheskiye magn;Ltnykfi sredakh s upxavlyayemym dv3zheniyem domenov" [Logic Devices Employing Magnetic Media w3,th Controlled 1Kotion of Domains], Moscow, Energiya, 1978. 2. Battarel. C.P., Maxi7.le, R.- and Noxi, J.P. TEEE TRANS. MAGN., Vol MAG-13, - 1977, PP 1302-1304. 3. Vasillyeva, N.P. and $e,;4enov, Y.S. "StaUUty, o~ Flat Wagnettc Aomains," AVxOMATTKA ~ xET.k~KWTKA, 'No 8, 1980, . 4. Sukhu, R. "Magnitnyye tonlti}*e plenkl" L1'fiin Magnet3,c K1ms1, MoacoFr, M3,x, 1967. _ 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. Patent No 2406284 Uxance). 6, "PxosQects fox the App1,tcatton of MAgnette Fil,us wt-th Contxo7,led Moxton of Aamai,ns I,it Computex Teciui4l,agy - Devi cea; a Themattc $t7.ectton, it PRIRORX' . I STSTEMX' UPiiAYLFNIYA, No 6, 1973, COPYRTGHT: Tzdatel,'stvn "Masfiinostxoyr@ntye"'. "Pribory I state.m}* upxavlent,ya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 25 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3:531.78.2 TNTER7?ACTNG 0F DWITAT, STRAIN GAGE RR1pGFS W= t~T~EKTRONIKA-6Q~ MICROCOMPUTER Moscow PRTSORX' 1 SISTM iJPRAYT.F.NIY'A, in Rusaian No 10, Oct 81 p 32 [Article by V.D. Uspe.nsk.fip and M.G. Engov$tov, eng3neers, and A.E. Kharlap, candi- date of physical and mathematical sciencea] [Text]. For repeated measurements of static stzains and stresses or3.ginating in mechanical elementa and atructures extens#ve use is mdde of digital atrain gage bridges of the TsTM-3 and TaTM-5 type with recording of the results on a pr3nter or punch. The further proeessing of ineasurement reaulta is performed on keyboard - or general-purpose computers. At Giprouglemash [State Planning and Design and Experimental Institute of Coal Machine Building] (Moscow) a unit has been developed for interfacing digital strain gage bridges with an "Elektronika-60" microcomputer for.the purpose of combining the processes of recording and processing experimental data. The interface (US) (fig 1) includes matching switches (SK's) required for trans- forming the levels of the signals of digital strain gage bridges (TsTM's) to standard form; lenel converters (PrU's) which convert negative logic into TTL logic; a code converter (PrR) which converts binarq-decimal code into binary according to an algorithm for d3vid3,ng the binary-decimal number by two with carryover of the lower-order bit to the corresponding bit of the binary nwnber; and a control circuit ' (SkhUpr) which staxts TsTM bridges, controls the PrK converter and swaps service - signals with the computer. The interface is linked with the "Elektronika-60" computer by means of an 11 parallel exchange board. ' When the computer is turned on and the pxogram ia started the processor generates a"Reset B" sigaal. which sets f13.p-!'lops T1 and T2 in the control circuit to the initial state *(fig 2). . Before each measuxe.ment cyc7,e the computex fox'm an."Dutput Bf' instxuction whicIt triggers faxnaex 75. The ],ertgtR of the :tn the lattex ts oatput 19-deterptined by the time for the opexatt-on of a7,ectxomagraaCic xelay, R,'whoae contacts coatxol the channel awltcR (PK) (cf. #ig 1)and start tha xeTM bridge. At tRe end of the measuxement time the xs7.'M bxidge ias�ues an "gnd C anversion" signal (Or) to triggex former F7., by means of tts pu],se #],ip--flop x.L Is set' fio the state and the pause forraer, P2, is. triggered. alYtR this ttie appeaxance of a signatl fox enabling 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044437-2 _ IFOR OFFIC:AL USE ONLY the operation af the ccde convextex (Rl'r) fxo+n the "I" arn ot Wg^f7.op xI enables the operation af convertex'PxK (Af. ft$ � 7.). The duxation pf the "Pause" pulse ts detarmi,nQd hastcal7.y Ay~ the tim 14g .Qf the xelar untt og the Ts7,'M bridge, as well as by the time delay fox tlie opexAtion ot cqnverter PxIC and equd7.s 50 to 60 ma. Figure 1. B1ock Diagxam of Autermated Strain Gage System: OT-~test object Key: 1. Test object 2. Channel switch 3. Digital strain bridges 4. Matching switclies 5. Level converters 6. Code converter ;np Fl 11) ~ nIP/10E8" 7) ~ CSiIOC R n 9) . eaoa s" -iw �&1roa s" _ Figure 2.. Cixcui,t Atagxam fox Contxol of Digital Stxain Gage Rx~dges and _ Input of Infoxmaxton Into the Computer Key: . 1. "End Conversion" signal 5. Tp digital stxain _ 2. us gage axtdge 3. + 5 y 6. ms. 4. Code convertex operation 7. "Flag 8ft enabling s3.gnA1 8. "Reset B" 27 7. Computer 8. Tnterface 9. Control circuits +se qN FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9. "],4iput B" 1.0. "Output B" 11.. Re7.ay APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 N'UR UN'NI(;IAL U5E ONLY At the txai:ltng edge of the l'ftusel' pulse� tarnaex F3 lks txiggexed, aettl;ng Rlip- flop x2 to the' gifiate, :tnfoxming tRe'. computex that xhe pleasuxe.ment cycle has heen crnapletetl. Wtth the appeaxance of the "P1ag B" signal tRe* computex foxms the "l'.iput II" in- _ struction, aritR which xeadout of the measuxement xesult takes place �and former F4 is triggexed and fiip-flops x1 and T2 axe reset bp the 7.atter to the inttial state, after which the measuxe.ment cpcle is repeated. The intexface control circuit has been executed with aexie% R176 mtcxncixcutts. TAe data Accumulated are pro-- cessed Br meane og an appxopxIate �progrant witR the. output of pxocesatng res-ults to a computex pri'nter. The interface is deatgned as a, completed &fixuctuxe on wfiiooe fxame axe instal.7.ed connectors of the RXPM1,82288GX'e0.364.209 TIT type. Connections axe iastalled by - the twist-on method. , No ciianges havQ been introduced into the circuit diagram of the digital strain gage bridge, which makes it possible to use the instrument independently. COPYRIGHT: Tzdatel'stvo "Mashinosfiroyeniye". "Priborp fi sistemy upravleniya'o', 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -1- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE 014LY UDC (53.085. 3:65�-52) .004.1 STGNAI. PANri, FOR AUTQMTED CONxRQI. SX'STEM Moscow PRTBORY' x SISxEMX` i1pRAVLENTX'A, tn Rusa#an No 10, Oct 81 pp 32-33 [Article bp A.M. Frtd, eng3.neer] [Excerpts] Tn an ASU [automated control system] it is necessary to present person- nel with on-line information regarding the state of the controlled aystem. In.the case of binary information it is a good id'ea to use a 2-position signal panel for its representation. At TsNIITU [Central Scientific Research and Design and Technology Institute of Control Organization and Equipment) (Minsk) a aignal.panel has been developed for the Minsk Tractor Plant's production ASU.* Tt tias been iagxal7.ed ax the pl$nt controller's stat3,on and aerves the purpose of xepxeseanting the' 8-tate of the pxo- cess stock of completfon ttems along the tnterahop part taanufacturtng production process route and on a shop's aesemblp ltne. The panel ia connected to the in- formation source (a YeS-1030 computer) by means of an RI-8901 remote data acquisi- tion unit. With the failure of this communication channel the input of inessages to the panel is performed from an RT-7501 data recorder situated at the assembly shop controller's statien. The panel can be connected to series YeS and SM computers. via modi#ications of equipment of the APD-21S type, designed for operating with these computing complexes. For connection of the unit to APD [data transmission equipment] of anothex type or directly to a computer it is sufficient to replace 3n it the APD interface.- The panel's field consists of unift,ed removable mosaic elements measu'ring 40 X 40 mm produced by the Zhitomir PromavtomatilcA P1ant. Technical Data oR Pane7. Numhex of aignal cella � 127. . Maximum dis-tanae betwaen gAnel and tnfortnaxtcn giouxce, km 10 Rate of xece.pxtqn ctR data Jn cAatActe.xit. pex' aecand . 100 Ai,sxance fox re1,Uble-xeadlng of dtspl,ay, za 8 . Size o~ fte.ld, qu4 1200 X 1200 *Velesko, Ye.I. and Dudkin, G.Ye., "Automation 'of Intershop Oa-Line Real-Time Control," PRIBORY I'SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 6, June 1979. COPYRIGIiT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostropenipg'!. "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UAC 681. 14 s 681.616. 065 ALPHANU=rC COMStNED MBOARA FOR WADal1x. QF CNWC=S IN 16-BIT k'OSTTTON CODE Moscow PRIBORY 1 STSxE'MX' UPRAVTaENxX`A. ixi Rusetan No 10, Oct 81 pp 33-34 [Article by V.N,-Borovskikh, D.N. Pospelov, Z.V. Pikalevekip, A.T. Martynenko and N.Kh. Sivets, engineexs] [Text] At NTI UV'M [8ctenti#ic Research 'Tnstttute of Control Ccmtputers] (Severo.- donetsk) a set of keyboards has been developed for inputing information into a computing complex, designed for use as part of the work site of an industrial en- - gineer operator. They dtffer in character 8et, structure and purpose. The prin- _ ciple of coding characters is common to all tfieae keyboarda. A description of one keyboard of the set is g3nen be1c:;. The key area of the keyboard, containing 128 keys, is.divided into groups of 16 keys each �(groups can be incomplete) according to the principle illustrated in fig l. The keyboard is designed with keys withoutholding. A given circuit accesses one group of keys, vhi'ch makes 3t possible to determine the state of keys of only the pol�led group (OG). From the processor a word arrives.containing the number of the OG in binarp code, which is stored in a buffer register and is decoded by means of a 4=bit decoder. A low-level signal appears in the input line of the OG and if thereupon a key has been pressed a low-level signal is formed in the correspond- ing bit of the word arriving in the processor. Thus, information obtained from the processor regarding accessing of the group and information transferred to the pro- cessor regarding the bit relating to the key pressed make it possible for the micro- program to code the trans#erred character by means of an appropriate code, e.g., KOI-7, KOI-8 and DKOT [EBCDT] code, using code expansion facilities in keeping with CEMA Standard ST SEV 360-76. In the exchanSe of infoxuation a zero stgnal must be tn only oae bit of the trans- ferred word. The appearance Qf two or mpre*sigria7,s meana two ar� mare keyrs. have been pressed (i. e. , an apexAtor errox),-ts xecogntzed by the pxocessflx as nn error and accordingly, is not code.d. This organizattpn of the. keyboard wAke%j tt pos-st-bje ta tncreaae. the. numbp~r oR polled gxoups, - te 16 and accoxdingly, the nwqAex of 1Cey~ to 256, and when neces�sary hrtth an increase in the word 7,eagth of tRe'bu#fex xegteter and decoder, to an}r required number'. Tx is pos�s�iD1e to connect aeveral key~boa,xde to a ei,~ngl,e cQntrol circuit. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1) ~ $ ~ ~ : Figuxe 1. ~1'..-� ~ ~l 41 7) ` ~ m 8) Re}r: _ 1. Fxom procea$ox 5. 6econd gxoup 2. K1551p3 6. Etghth gxoup 3. K155rN4 7. Ke" 4. First gxoup 8. To processox Because of the absence of keys with mechanic$7, ho7.ding, for mode and control keys a light signa1tng system has been added. The swi:tching c�f thts system on and off is prog,�ram contxol].ed and tYte pxessing or release state is atoxed tn the keyboard's flip-f.lop memory. Tti.e 1ig&t signaling spstem control cixcuit is presented in fig 2. 'rJhen inPormat3,on is obtained on the pressing or release of mode or control keys, in the processor a binary code ts formed for tuxning'on the appropriate lamp element; the number o� lamp elemente also can be tncreased by increasing the control elements. IY155 M. 3 2} A' /M2�! S)K/r 61)// ~ 8 e = M 10 Fi.guxe 2, Key � � 1. From proces�$.or 2. K155T,A3 `I" I 1 W F K1357M?-16 �3B D rI K/5S9A/J� :i ~ T ^ff 3. I.l�^^On 4. 1101.1--roff I A'nadua a 7) y npoaepNo uNeu,raw^ . . 5. K155PA13-1 7, "Check Aispl$y" 6. + 5 y keyr 31 FOR OFF'[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 N'Ult UA'H1ClAL USE ONLY For the puxpose ot tndicating ta the operatwx woxktng.wixh the keybaaxd apecif ic actions, an e],ectxod}nRmic' loudspeakei' te pxovUad tn tfi, vWk-ch ~.s p?cogxanq con- trolled (cf, vi;xcutt ~.n ftg 3) . ' ~ntexfaetng and fihe e,xchan$e of .i;nfox'uAtian between the keybpard and pxoeessox axe pexfox`mad'Ay-rtteano� *of aiptAndaxd x'fJS inter- faae (objecfi i;ntexface. unit). ' A'ISS/M? 1) S r/ 2, 9155AA1J N...~,~ g R , u~cco~o p Q R 3) :,se Figuxe 3. Key: 1. Frau pxqeesso7r 3, + 5 V 2.. K155PA13 Figure 4. the keyl~Qard consi;.s,ts� Q9 $ keyboaxd unit ;tn the foxm af a desktop or built-in uniX cont$ining a kay $xea, 7.amp elemeats� and an e7.ectrod}rnamtc loudspeaker, and of a connect:kng cable. AasetqHly, And contxo7, untt connected to the pxQCessor. The _ general apOeaxance qg tfie keyboatxd tastown Irt ffg 4. The sma7.1 numbex of equipment units, utilizing ui;cxoci.xcu3;ts-, and the's�itaplicityr of the keyb4axd unit have made possible Aigh perfpraAnce chAractexiatics and rellability for the keyboard. ~ COPYRIGHT: Tzdate7.''s.tva "MashInas-txoyeniye". "~ribQt7 i sisxemy, upxavlentya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UAC 621.316.541 MTNTATURE VTBRATIONFRQOF W'~TUQMT BTECTRIGAT+ CONNEGTOR* Moscow PRIBORX' x SISTE'N(Y' UPRA'VLENXX'A. #i Russian No 10, Oct 81 p 36 [Article by G.V. Sm;Lrnav, engtneer] [Text] Because o� the extensive use of pxinted ctxauitxy.:kn e].ectricaj 14eik4uxing equipment there has been zt dra,etic lncxeAae tn the need fox connectoxe,Which inte.x- connect funetional units executed on a s-ingle printed circuit*boaxd. At the special design bureau for tegting and control equipment at the Krasno}rarskiy ZZP [Measuring Instxument P1ant] P1ant a design, which is simple in,teaCms of labor intensiveness (all parts are tabxicated on automatic machines), of an intraunit connector has been developed and fa being used successfully in high-precision elec- trical measuring instruments. A connector in the position of the connection of the current-carrying tracks-of a printed circuit board with it (a) is shown in fig 1 and the positions of the dis- connection (b) and connectton (c) of the printed circuit board with the connector are shown in cross secL:'.os1. . ~ a~) A Figure 1. *USSR Ratent No 538440. , ~ - ~ g ' 8 1 2 l il 4 7 S . 3 b}. 33 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The e],ectxica.l conaectcx, 10, ;knclude.. a caae; 1, made og. a molded inaulaztn& ma^ texial of the AA5.,220 type. 1~rt tt on the s4de.6f the Gon,necti.OA 0f the xectprocal ha1f there ta a, ccnvu4on s7,ot frosu .whicli. ce7.7.%,.: 9, xun xo ane aide aRer the entire depth. Ih each of tliem ts plAced' a atiff contact: 3, Mde tn t11p- forat of a cuxxent- conducting piece. 94ste.ned in A slot #n th~''Mae oR the case, 1, The contact, 3, adJoins on ane $ide the wa7.l of the' ce7,l, 2, and on the afil,zer the outside diametex, of acoi.led spxing, 4. Ends. 5 and 6 af tRe'cQtled apxtng, Qf end turn$ 7 and 8, axe fastened xo contact 3,'fex whWx tn ttxe corktact thexe alee notches made at the aame time the contact weks~ punctied' out, - and the axis af the spxing is paxa.l1e1 to the p].ane of tlle corktact, . The recipxoca7, half, 9, Qf the conqectox #s an element og the boaxdls general cix" cuitry. It is uk1de ot a sheet of glass-,c7.atri-base, Iaminaxe oaC paper-base laminate with cuxxe.nt -,Cpnducting txac1Cs� 2 im wide wtt$'a spRCi,'ng ot 3.75 tmq. _ Pri,or to connectton o� the.reciprocal half to Cfie eonnector, e$clt Qf the tuxns of the coiled spxi,ng ia in the free state and ts si;tuated pexpendiculAx to the plane of the contact and uAkes xe.1.iab1e contact with it wtth izs outaide stde suxface. Between the side wa7,7, of the al(,t opposite the conta,ct a.nd the, coiled sQxing a gap, 11, is foxmed, into which the xecipxocal ha1,g ot the conne.ctax ts inae7Cted, and tts width is always soA7.lex than the tRicitness. of the xecipxoca7, ha7.f. When the 1.atter is.connected to .the connector the distance berween the cuxxent-conducting txacks of the reciprocal half $nd the contact plane of the conta,ct becotqes 7,e$s than the out-- side diametex vf the spring. Tn tRis:case each tuxn of the s.px~ng ts'foxced to occupy an ob7.ique position re1,at#ve to its inttial posittqn and becatt8e qf its elastic properties and tendency to return to its initt,al posizton ensures a reliable electrical contAct by means of its outstde sur#aces. The number of turns can be made rathex great (n - 15 to 20 without any increase in overall dimensions) and tfius-it is possible to fox'm a hi$h7.y xeliab7.e el,ectrtcal contact with minimum variation in contact resistance. For example, on the basis of a coiled spring with an outside diameter of 2.8 mm, a bronze wire diameter of 0.2 mm, a number of turns equal to 10, thickness of the flat contact equal t0 0.3 mm,  thickness of the reciprocal half equal to 1.5 mm and a working gap 0.5 mn wide, static variation of contact resistance equal to 0.5 MSZ and dynamic o� 1 MSZ are made possible, as well as high reliability of contact over a long time, including under conditions of jolting and vibration. The introduction of this design has made it possible to gain a savings qf 1.444677 million rubles at the Krasnodarskiy ZIP Production Association and to improve considerably the reliability of instru- ments. COPYRIGHT: Izdate].'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Priborq i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' UAC 658,562.6:002.56 AUTOMATTON OF TESTING AND ADJUSTMENT OF HYBRID INUEGRATED CIRCUIT RESISTORS WITH COMPUTEit CONTROL Moscow PRTBORX T SISTEMX' iJPRAYLENTXA, in Ruseian No 10, Oct 81 pp 39-,41 [Article by S.Y. Ka,xa'vayk3,n, V.S. Puakevich, O.N. Selyut;tn and V.P. Ummov, engineers] [Text] The most important and labor-intensive operations in the production of hybrid integrated circutts are the tesfiing and rejection of microcircuits on a substrate and the adjustment of passive elements in each microcircuit. At the present time the trend has.been observed of developing combined technological equipment making it possible to'combine tliese operations'. At the Penza branch of VNTITIpribor [A11-Union Scientific Research Technological Institute of Tnstrument Making] an automated unit of the A'MTs 0637 type has been created for testing and adjusting reaistors with control by a programmablp, key- board computer (PEKV'M) of the "Tskra-125" type. In the unit is used themethod of adjustment based on removal of a part of the resistive layer by means of a laser beam, because of which the resistor's resistance is increased. The accuracy and efficiency of adjustment depend not only on the equipment used, but also on the configuration of the section removed [1]. Therefore, software is provided in the unit for making cuts of three types: L, Y and U( to lc, respectively). An L-cut is used in cases when it is necessary to have high effi- ciency and an energetically optimum configuration of the resistor after adjustment with relatively 1ow precision (0.5 percent); a Y-cut makes possible high adjustment precision (not worse than 0.05 percent) and the ab3lity to adjust resistors whose layer is intersected by a contacttng probe; a U-cut is used when the topological dimensions of the nti:crocircuit deviate frrnn the nominal by more than 0.05 mm. The amount of cross cutting, ti , is contputed from the equa,tion - . ti bi ~ 1_,q + B.RX 1+ C' where bi is� the width. pf the- re.s.�i.atox to be adjusted ox og the additional adjustment section; C is.. the, p7ogrc'4M amvunt of eoxxection, taking into account 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 the zone ot reces.sion gxom the contact $reas of.Che re.4istpx and the Gongi.guration of the cut (the va7,ue of quantity C is neg~Lt3;ve f ox I._ and U-,cutp. and - popitive fox a Y--cut); I1, is the re7,at;kve. the resisto7C$s xes$.stance gxotR the nomimal va1,uJog gn ~ i and n"~dob ja~d~ior~a,7,~~"'n~q ~~~r~ the ca~~ culated va7,ue qf th~ xes~s~tance.of the paxt o e. res~..~te to be ,~u~ted). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r- - i ~ _ ~ I doQ ~ ~--s r Key: Figuxe 1. Canfi.guration of T,- (a), X`^ (b) and U-Cuts (c). 1. Rdob 2. Pxobe In adjusting non-compound xecfiangular resistors equation (1) is simplifiecl, n= and assumes the form: ti = b1 dRX -h C. A structural diagram of the unit is presented in fig 2. (2) The "Iskra-125" computer is intended tp control the operation og the system artd the measuring and actuating units included in it, fox enabling the exchange ot intortqa-- - tion between funcfiional b7.ocks and units of the system, and for pxocessing informa- tion arriving from functional blocks and units. In order to.increase the capacity o,f the on-line memory, equal to IK bytes, the "Iskra-125" PEKV'M has been given an additional cassefite m@mqry with a capacity of _ 80K bytes. The interface unit sexves the puxpose of 2 way convexaion of informa,tipn ing.between the "Iskra-125" PEK'V'M and functtona1 blocks and unifis of the apparatus, = which has specia7, puxpose sets of information and contro7. 1.ines, $s well as. for executing certai-n 7.og3;c and coatrol opexations directed tawsxd ~ncxeastng the unit 's speed of response. The most impoxfiant paxt of the unit detexKaining its metrol,ogtcal ch.axactexistics is the type AMxs. 1442 anal,yzex. The analy~zex cQnsists of a b7,octc of standaxd xests-tors (BOR) which upon instructions fxvi4 extexnal un3;ts forms naminal va7.ues of the 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY reaistance of the xea-isWxa to be. Ad,ju%,ted :kA 'tYLe xaAga.Qf ~az to 0 St= and Ag a, testing (SIC) and pxpGe.saing (10) unit, 7) 2) na,v E 3 6y ~ . 10). 4 n 5 YmN 6 ,rc r ~i 601 ~ 1 1 I ~ 6K i13) i ~ i ~ I i I .I ~ � --6ov 114) i, Figure 2. Sxxuctural ptagxam of Vni.t: KNMC,--cassette memoxy; RU,^unit #or motoxs of cooxdinate tAbl,e and laser; L-7.aser; Uk'N-- focusiyng And obaex'ving unfit; US-interface _ Key: . 1. KNML 9. Switch 2. Manual contro7, panel 10. Multiprobe air-floated head 3. BU 11. Hybrid integrated circuit substrate 4. L 12. Processing unit (BO) 5. UFN 13. Testing unit (BK) 6. Coordinate table 14. Standard resistor block.(BOR) - 7. "Iskra-125" 15. Analyzer 8. US The BK unit includes tw key e7.ements: a campaxator (K) and a resistance-deviation- to-time-intexval convertex (POSV). The comparator is interlded to rest the resistance ot a resistox in the adjustment - mode. Tts measuring circuit i,s in the forzn of a balanced bxidge. twta artns oP which are. formed by a code-contrQl,7.ed dividex which specifi;es the pexcentage deviation from the nominal value o� the resistor to be adjusfied and the othex twa axe standard resistors a,nd the xes:istQr to b@ adjus�ted, Tlie. -moment of equiltbxi;um 0f fihe bxidge ensues with equa7,ityof the va7,ue of the resis:tqx being a,djus�ted to the nomina7. ' value with the specitke.d pe,xcent$ge devia,tion. This moment is recoxded b}r means. of a comparison unit whQSe. autput aiSnal ts averaged tax the puxpose of elitaina,ting the 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY influence of impu7,se nQi,(ie. The totA7, ec,mpAxisan time is ttpt 7,pngex than 100 14s. ' The compaxison e,xxox ta nat gxp-atex tYAin � 2 pexeent. The resisCance-devi,attqn^to-time-interval convertex mAkea poastble qgeration of the analyrzer in the precise adjustment and measurewent mode And i;o i;n the form of an integrating pexcentage-,deviation-tq-tiKne-interval conve.xtex based on the unit de- scribed in [2]. _ The total measurement fiime in the..measuri-ng and precise adjustment z4odes is aot greater than 55 ms. Tlie xe7.ative conversion error in tYte 7.03 to 7.05 $Z range is not greater than + 0.05 percent and in the 7.Oa to 103 and 105'to 106 St ranges not greater than + 0.1 pexcent. The power dissipated in the resistor adJusted is not greater than 5� 10-3 W. The BO unit represents a unit which forms pulse trains with the frequencies required for the functioning of the comparator and POSV circuits, as we11 as for processing the POSV's output signal and indicating the measurement result in digital form. The analyzer's inputs are connected to the resistor being tested via a switch (KM) and a multiprobe air-floated head (MPG). The latter is not rigidly fastened to the coordinate table;-therefore, adjustment can be performed on substrates with any number of microcircuits. Because of this characteristic of the head it is possible rapidly to readjust the unit for a microcircuit of another type by changing boards with probes. The coordinate table (KS) is moved along axes X, Y and Z by means o� motors con- trolled by unit BU. A circuit of 'amplifiers with electronic boosting of the phase current of the stepper motors is used in this unit, which made it possible to lower the electric power required by the apparatus. The apparatus operates in the following manner. The operator places on the stage the hybrid integrated circuit substrate which is to be tested and by means of a manual control console (PRU) places the first microcircuit at the initial adjustment point, checking the correctness of this placement by means of the cross-hairs of the optical system. With this the preparatory operations are concluded and the operator by pressing the SPr (Program Calculation) key on the "Iskra-125" PEKVM's console switches the apparatus to the automatic operating mode. The unit's software makes it possible to program the ad3ustment starting points and to select automatically the optimum by-path for hybrid 3ntegrated circuit _ resistors when adjusting according to the results of tolerance testing. Technical Data of Apparatus Error in adjustment of resistors, pexcentage . (o.1, to 0.05) Resistance xange of res:istoxs which can be adjus-ted, SZ 7.t 7.0z to 7.�iOfi - Maximum numbex of xeaistqrs' wh.ich can be adjusted an a single microcircuit, uni,ts, not gxeater than 30 Comparison time im t4s, not greate7; Clt$ap Rough 0.2 Precise 60 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE OMLY Maxiuium size ot akreA.og $Qagd. on which i;t iS. poaaible tQ adjust resisfi4r$# pqq, not gre.ate.x thAn Interva,ls in whicA'substrate ~ntoved; P. Rate o# movement of subs-txate, troa/a Trave7, of s�~age A~,ortg axe.s� X and X',., mm, not greAtex tRan Number of f ixed past;tona af atage Axts, Z Monochracaatic xadiation saurce Width of cut, 14, not gxeatex fihan Program medium Continuous opexatiort titte, ti, not; ntoxe tYiait Supply voltage, V Power requiresqent, kW, not gxeater than Overall dtmensions, utm Weight, kg Bibliography 60 X 48 5+ 2 O,Q4 tp 8 0 3 LGI-21 7,asex 30 M[t-60 cas$ette wi;th mAgnettc tape 8 380 + 10 percent 1.5 2500 X 750 X 1270 300 l. Selyutin, O.N. and Umnov, V.P. "Analysis of Methodical Errors in Ad3ustment of Film Resistors of Microcircuits" in "Tekhnologicheskiy kontrol' v priboro- stroyenii" [Technological Testimg in Tnstrument Making], Moscow, VNTTIpribor, 1977. 2. Frolov, V.M. and Andreyev,.A.B. "Integrating Voltage-to-Time-Interval Con- verter," PRIBORY I TEKfINIKA EKSPERTMENTA, No 4, 1979. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pxibory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/43 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 r'uK ur'hlt;iAi. USE ONLY UDC 681.327 ACCESSORY MODULE gOR INPUT OF INITIATIVE SIGNALS Moscow PRIBORY I SiSTEMY UPRAVLENTYA in Ruasian No 12, Dec 81 pp 8-9 [Article by I.I. Popov and G.S. Pyatlina, engineera] [Excerpts] The digital data input modules (MVvDZ's) and initiative signal input modules (MVvTS's) widely uaed in the structure of M-4000 and 1K-7000 pro- cess control computers do not always weet the demands of uaers. The absence :Cn the inputs of these modulea of inemory elementa and of blocking of the entry of new data while modules are being polled limits their application in the input of pulse data. Therefore, with a high frequency of the entrq of input signals, wfien each pulse carries information, a losa of tnformation takes place while data transmitters are betng polled'and this restricts the range of application of these modules. An initiative signal input module which is without these disadvantages has been developed at the Karelian Scientific Research Institute of the Foresty Tnduetry (Petrozavodak) for the purpose of the acquisition of data from pulsed data trans- mitters entering a process control computer for processing. The MVvIS propoeed is designed to receive, normalize, store aad input into a process control computer a parallel 8-bit binary code. The module can be pol,led both by program and upon the module's initiative. Main Specifications of Module Number of input channels Level of input signals Possibility of input fram contact pickups Number of modif ications of module depending on type of input signals Maximum frequency of input signals in kHz Capacity of ineatory for each tnput in bits Formation of interrupt signal Interface rank Supply voltage in volts Current requirement in mA, not more tfian 40 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 8 Corresponds to lev- els of signals of A622-4 standard mo- dule Yes 14 200 1 When any register location is filled 2K 5 + 0.25 400 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY '1'he use of an accesaory MVvIS makea it pvasible to improve the specificationa and to expand the functional capabilit3:es of procesa control computers designed on the basis of M-6000 and M-7000 processors. COpYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniyg"i 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.337 SYSTEM FOR INPUT OF ANALOG SIGNALS xN'.f0 M-6000 COMPUTER Moscow PRTBORY T SiSTEMY' UPRAVLENTYA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 9-10 [Article by A.N. Konotopov and V.S. Niku1'shin, engineers] [Excerpts] Tn the creation on the basis of the hardware of the M-6000 ASVT [modular computer hardware systeID] of ASUTP's [automated sqstems for controlling technological processes] for systems with a htgh 1eve1 0# electrical noise, e.g., electric arc units, special difficulties meaeuring low~level signals tiransmitted over distances greater than 15 m. The output signal of sensors such as thermocouples (types KhK, KhA and VR5/20), resfstance thermometers, etc., undes working conditions is not greater than 25 to 35 W. Experience has demonstrated that the electrical interference of a noise nature in ltnes for the electrical connection of primary transducers with the input of a contputex can reach 0.5 V. The ratio of the amplitude of noise ta the range of the input signal is 15 to 200, which exceeds the permissible value of � 10 for the A613-6 filter module [1]. Tn addition, high operating currents of automated systems are dangerous with regard to the appearance of an additional difference in potential (10 to 20 V) between the grounds of untts and the ground of the computer. This difference in potential causes additional longitudinal ' noise, which 3n a number of cases can become the reason for computer unita' fail- ing, since there is no galvanic input-output iaolation in the M-6000 computer. An attempt to use the commonly known means for suppressing noise and interference in such an unfavorable ca8e has not resulted in success [2]. Such a method of solving the problem as installing in the direct vicinity of each primary trans- ducer an amplifier-normalizer with galvanic input-output isolation, e.g., of the NP-5-B1 type, with a large amount of data to be picked up becomes quite expensive and requires additional space. For purposes of reducing the expense of creating an ASUTP we have proposed that a single amplifier be used for ampl3fying a gxoup of identical signals. In this case the layout of the system for the input of analog signals (the SVAS) into an M-6000 computer has been changed. Its structural diagram is pxesented in fig 1. Normalizing converters of the NP-S-Bl type w3th appropriate calibration are used as amplifiers in the system, which have galvanic inpufi-output tsolatton and multistage filter discrimination. The converters selected can each operate with 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a group of sunaot s of Clie aesipe Cypa itumAe+rifl$ up tU 64. '1'ha Citua for NP-5-81 converters to reach their rating from the momenfi of the end of the switching of input circutts is not gceater than 80 ms [3]; tfierefore, the rettl awitching time for a single pofnt is close to 100 to 120 ms. The BWr--1 time delay unit was reset in order ta make possible thts_ delearin the switch contx'ol modtile [4]. 5 Key: Figure 1. 1. Switch control module 2. Cross bay 3. Additional line 4. Amplifier 5. Switch 6. Switch control expander 7. Normalizing unit 8. Line 1 9. Sensor It is also feasible to input medium-level signals via switches of the �irst switching stage, taken out to the sutomation system. The SVAS described makes it possible to reduce the number of amplifiers required (10- to 16-fold) and the number of lines for electrical connection of the automa- tion system to an M-6000 computer. An ASUTP which has been developed and introduced for an electric arc unit with the SVAS described in its structure makes it poasible to gather and process informa- tion from 17 frequency signal pickups and 146 analog signal converters, whereby 84 of these converters have low-level signals in their output. A total of eight amplifiers is used in the low-level SVAS. Since only medium-level signals are supplied to the inputs of the second switching stage, it was poseible to implement group polling with a polling time for all 146 primary analog aignal converters of not greater than 2 s. The use of this SVAS as part of the structure of an ASU7.'P for an electric arc unit over the course of a year deiaonstrated its high rellabillty and sufficient noise immunity. The noise immunity 1eve1 of the system described 3:s witnessed by the fact that the noise level in the 3nput oP the second awttching stage of the M-6000 computer is not greater ttan 50 W. 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The layout proposed for the SV'AS is especiall}r advantageous in the creation of ASUTP's,for systems characterized by a great numBer of contro7,led parameters and which are at distancea of greater tflan 15 mfrom the computer. Bibliography 1. "Komponovka sistemy woda analogovykh signalov M-6000: Instrtiktsiya" [Layout of System for Input of Analog Sfgnala for the M-6000: Instructions]. 2. Ott, G. "Metody podavlentya shumov i pomekh v elektronnykh sistemakh" [Methods of Suppressing Noise and Tnterference in Electronic Syatema], translated from English, edited by M.V. Gal'perin, Moscow, Mir, 1979. 3. "Preobrazovateli izmeritel'nyye bystrodeystvuqushchiye NP-5-B1, NP-5-B2, NP-5-B3: Tekhnicheskoye opisantye i instruktsiyn po ekspluatatsii OYaa.140.504T0, 1975" [NP-5-B1, NP-5-B2 and NP-5-B3 High-Speed Measuring Con- verters; Technical Descriptton and Tnstructions on Use, OYaa.140.504T0, 1975]. 4. "Modul' upravleniya kommutatorami A612-1: Rukovodatvo po ekspluatatsii 2.320.002RE,2.320.002RE2" [A612-1 Switch Control Module; Uae Manual 2.320.002RE,2.320.002RE2]. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 44 � FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 53.087.62:681.32 Shch68400 AND Shch68000K PRTNTERS Moscow PRIBORY I STSTEMY UPRAPLENTYA 3n Ruaeian No 12, Dec 81 pp 27-28 [Article by O.V.*Kaeparova and T.G. Provorova, engineers] [Text] The Shch68400 unit ia designed �or the automatic recording on paper tape of information entering from digital measuring instrumenta and other information saurces. Specifications of ShcR68400 Unit Printing speed in lines per second Number of: Digits . Printed characters Spacing in mm: Between digtts . Between lines Field of printed characters in mm: Height � Width Discrepancy in height of charactere in a line, in mm, not greater than Overall dimensions in mm Weight in kg Supply voltage in V Power requirement in V�A Tentative price in rubles *0 to 9, _ , - , -F , space, ? and ~ . 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 40 16 16* 2:54 + 0.5 4.23 � 0.5 2 to 2.5 1.3 to 1.6 + 0.5 175 R 380 X X 490 20 ' 220 +10, =15 percent (50 Hz + 1 percent) 190 3000 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The unit contains an infierchangeAble iAfiexfAce, tlas sewia,uXomatt.c se.tup of paper tape and maltes possiit7,e tAe disp7,ay and prtntout of recoxding ttve. The external appearance of tfie inatrument is sRowa in ftg 1. Ftgure l. The Shch68000K unit (fig 2) is designed for the autatqatic recording on paper tape of information arriving in 1-2-4-8 para11e1 binary-coded decimal code from digital measuring instruments and other information sources. Figure 2. The unit is produced in k.eeping wiF$ TU [Spec3;fications] 25-,04-3018-75 and contains a printing mechanism and a transcxi5er. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY The print3ng mechani$sq consis�ts 09. a cliaVAeter Kheel unit, Code e].eGtxomagnets, a paper transgort, ekn i;nlttng uni;t, a'n ejectric mbtox tlnd an Induction-type synchronfzing generator. The transcriber includes stabilized powex suppltes, prtnttng electromagnet drive and paper transport amplifiers, an electric motor operattng mode control unit, a buffer storage fnr a single line of printed tnformation and matching units. Printing is accomplished by means of the impact of printing strf.kers on the paper with the character drum constantly rorating. The operating princigle of the unit consista in synchronized control of the code electromagnets as a function of the content of the-tnformation to be recorded and the position of the constantly rota.ting character drum. Infortaation for printing a single line is received in 1-2-4-8 parallel binary-coded decimal code through 64 channels. The unit operates with the information source tn the request-response mode. Each code pulse from the source must be accompanied by a"Request" signal and information can be recorded in the buffer storage only with the presence of a"Readiness" signal from the unit. The possibility of an independent check of the unit's working ability is provided for in it in the "Test" mode. Specifications of Shch68000K Unit Maximum printing speed in lines per second Number of: Digits in a line Printed characters Printed characters Size of printed characters in tma Width of paper tape in mm Parameters of coded input atgnals: Level of logical "0" of positive and negative polarity in V, not greater than Level of logical "1" of positive and negative polarity in V Supply voltage in V Rower requirement in W Overall dimensions in mm Weight in kg 30 16 16 0 to 9, + , point, - , X , space, * 2.1 X 1.4 45 0.6 3+ 0.6, 6+ 1.2, 12+ � 2.4, 24 + 2.4 ^ 220 +10, -15 percent (50 Hz � 1 percent) 130 130 X 480 X 485 18 Orders for the unit can be sent to the following address: 172218, Moscow, ul. Krzhizhanovskogo, 16,.Telex 112906. Information can be obtained from the �ollowing address: 357036, Nevinnomyssk, 6, Stavropol'skogo kraya, ul. Gagarfna, 217, Nevtnnomysskiy zavod'elektroizmeritel'- nykh priborov [Nevinnomyssk Electronic Measuring Tnstrument P1ant]. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyenlpe". "Priboryr i sistem}r upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 rUx UrriLiwL ubL ucvLY UDC 681.325.21 GRAPSIC DATA TNPUT UNxT Moscow PRTBORY T STSTEMY UPRAVLENTYA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 7-8 .[Article by A.D. Bekh, V.V. Chernetskiy and A.P. Ganin, engineers] [Excerpts] Characteriatic of the state of the art of the development of graphic _ data input untts is the enormoua diversity of design prtnciples and engineering solutions. Unique models of inechanical, acoustic, piezoelectric, optical, elec- trical and electromagnettc unfts have Been created. However; in connection with the noted extenaive introductton of microprocessors into the national economy, . quite urgent is the task of creating iaput units which will not be inferior to. microproceasor equipment tn terms of availabilitp and technical and'economic para- meters. This problem has been solved at-the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Cpbernetics (Kiev) by studying the possibilities.of uaing the physical and tech- nological base of nticroelectronics for designing.these units.. An array of discrete coding elements based on strip tranaformers fabricated by the photocliemical print- ing method is used as the working field of the plotting board and standard logic microcircuits are used as the electronics for controlling the plotting board's working field. The coordinate mapper has single-turn coils also produced by the printed method on a flexible foil-covered insulator. The graphic data input wiit developed differs advantageouslp from the best foreign models in terms of overall afze, we3ght arid power requirement with a smaller'digi- ttzation interval of the working field (cf. comparative specifications in table 1). Table 1. Characteristic Unit developed 320 X 320 256 X 256 0.4 Ouest Automation Working field of plotting board in mm Number of coordinate lines, units Maximum thickness of data medium in mm [Continued on f0l1,owing page] 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY firm's unit 1290 X 914 256 X 182 0.4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y Rate of output oE coordinates in Hz 2 to 2000 0.6 Power requirement frrnu network in V�A 35 360 - Overall dimensions in mm 640 X 540 X 60 2286 X 177 X 1826 Weight in kg 8 226 . The 320 X 320 mm wor'king field contains 256 single coordinate lines located in directions x and y and 1.25 mm apart from one another. Tt is produced by the method of photochemical etching of a foil-covered insulator, usually used in - multilayer printed circuitry. The 2-stage current switch is constxucted from series K155 elements. The amplitude of the current pulse in coordinate lines is 40 mA with a duration of 100 ns and they are formed by type K155LA7 microcircuits. The presence of zones of sensitivity on the working field of cne plotting board makes it possible to output sound signals to the operator wnen the coordinate mapper is set between coordinate lines and at the same tim,e to eliminate errors in coding digital'data. On the other hand, the zones of sensitivity prevent the use of the working field as a unit for determining the coordinates of random points. The parameters of a measuring unit wlth a resolution of 1.25 mm axe xea].ized by lowering the triggering level of the threshold element by the amount b~ which the . zones of sensitivity of neighboring coordinate lines overlap. The unit is powered from an a.c. line by means of a built-in transformerlesa sta- bilized d.c. source. The specificationa of the unit developed and of the widely used digital coder from the English Quest Automation firm are presented in table 1. The small overall size and low weight and power requirement make it possible to use the unit afi the ordinarp work place of a designer. COPYRIGHT: Tzdatel'stvo."Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UAC 621.398:654.94 DATA DTSPLAY UNTT WXTH DXNAMIC INDxCATTON Moscow PRTBORY T STSTEMY UPitA'V'LENTYA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 25-26 [Article by A.M. Gladkov and N.V. Nagayets, engineers, and V.A. Teslenko, candidate of technical sciences] [Excerpts] The-trend toward improving the accuracy and resolution of digital measuring instrumenfis has resulted in an ever increasing number of digits to be indicated on a readout unit. Taking into account indication of additional informa- tion on the sign, units of tlie quantity measured and the power, the number of digits to be indicated in modern high-precision measuring instruments can equal 10 or more. A display has been proposed for microprocessor inatruments which consista (fig 1) of a pulse generator, G; a binary pulse counter, ST; anode and cathode decoders, DA and DK,.respective].y; a RAM; a code switching circuit, SPK; and a gas-discharge element dtsplay panel, IP. Indication is accomplished in the following manner. Pulses from the generator's output enter the binary pulse counter,-from which a. code is sent to the anode decoder which successively switches the anodes to the anode voltage source. The counter's output code through the code switching circuit also enters the address input nf the RAM, where the information to be displayed is recorded. From the output of the RAM the information is aent to the cathode decoder, which converts the binary-coded decimal code into 7-segment.code. 6110K uNOuxouuu - 1 r CN ' I ~ 4) Q Rey . } 5) Nn 1. Display unix I ~ 2. Pu1se genexatox ~ 7) 6) . QK 3. couater 4. Anode decodex , 5, Display panel 6. Cathode decodex 7. Code switch3ng cfircuit . 8. RAM Figure 1. 9. Mfcroprocessor 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At a specific moment of time anode vol.tage is established at one of fihe anodes oP the display pane7,. The infoxmati;on fox the 7.awp (digi;t) in questfion is read out from the F~AM. WY:th the arrival of a new-pulse fTam the generator the code in the pulse counter is changed and the next digifi of the display panel is connected, and information of the next line is read out from the RAM. Changing of informa- tion in the RAM is accomplis'ned as followa. The code of the RAM line (d.igit) in which information is to be changed in.the code switching circuit enters from the address output of the microprocessor. Upon the "Wrtte" instruction from the micro- processor this circuit cuts off tfie address inputs of the RAM #rom the pulse count- er and connects them to the address outputs of the microprocessor. Data from the information output of.the microprocessor are entered into the RAM according to this address. The entxy of inPormation into the following line takes place simi- larly. When necessary, specific d.igits of the display panel are cleared by entering a forbidden code into the RAM. Gas-discharge display p.anels of the GTP 11 or IGP-17 type and a RAM of the K155RU2 t}rpe are used in the display. The maximum number of digits which can be displayed is 16. . The flowchart of the program for controlling the proposed display by means of a K5801K80 microprocessor is presented in fig 2, and a program in the ASSEMBLER language can be obtained at Kiev Polytechnical Tnstitute, where this unit was developed. 1) CmGpm omrMw 2) Aurnw. 3) .,vyne~iiaiN~ � Paemu47oc,nao / ~F ) xuiwe p Ncm A /~MMOMq0E0NAC~0 7J ~utna OR~:'~CNU~ 4f/C R 4U"0 8 C~ ~ T-0 tlnrnaveNUc O.r1u1[obi/azo 1Q) . nnpvOKo rMtrdr.nHUC noeoeeMU~ 11~ rmop,~ed ~wavnrun7 u+~VN rro u~ Wrnamerou eueaa 112) A/p.'IOJ~CMOtO WK/Q kump ra u~~rortwp 13) eoeeaom Figure 2. Key: l., Staxt 2. C].eax dtsplay 3. Write "zero integers" 4. Mode decoder 5. No 6. Qutput of normalized number 7. x@3 8. Determination of number of digits to be rewritten 9. Unpacking and output of cotnplete 8-digit normalized number 10. Exclusion of negative power 11. Determination-of position of highest-order digit on display 12. Unpacking and output of re- qutxed number of digits to display 13. Return COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY GRAPHIC DISPLAY UNITS UDC 681.3 'GRAFTT' GRAPHIC DT3PLAY - Moscow PRTBORY T SfiSTEMX' UPRA'VLENIYA fn Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 21-22 [Article by L.M. Arsent'yev, V.A. Krupnova, A.P. Fedoseyev and V.M. Khmyachin, engineers] [Text] Automated design systems have been based to an ever greater degree on automated work site (ARM) complexea [1, 2]. However, know how gatned from using them has demonstrated that the tecYinical characteristics of the graphic displays included 3n ARM-R and ARM M ecrmplexes are unsatfisfactorp for solving specfific design problems. Therefore at the present time work is under wap on improving and modernizing them. ' In this article the resulta are given of work relating to the creation of the "Grafit" graphic display designed to replace displaps-in the ARM-R (EPG-400) and ARM M'(UPGT A) complexes. � - ' It is obvious from table 1 that the "Grafit" considerably surpasses EPG-400 and UPGY-A displaya in the size of the Woxking field of the acreen, the nuanber of addressable points and the information capacity of the screen and its functional capabilities have also bezn expanded in the area of 'the structural organization 'of graphic information, input/output and the-organization of graphic programming. Table 1. Comparative Characterization of EPG-400, UPGI-A and "Grafit" Displays Characteristic EPG-400 UPGI A "Grafit" Image elements Vector, Vector, Vector, point, charac- formed character character, arc, ter, arc, circle circle Structural organi- - Element, unit, Element, unit, array, zation of graphic array .staridard element, information subroutine Input . Keyboard, com- Photoelectxic Photoelectric reader, puter reader, computer, computer, keyboard, keyboard, "Conaul" coding plotting board, typeGrriter "Consul" typewriter [Continued on following page] 52 - FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Output Camputer "Conltu7,FF fiype- "Consu7." typewxiter, writer, punch, punch, caaputer camputer Image transforma- - Shift, rotation, scaling, symmetry, tion change of tppee of lines, editing of text Identification Indtcation by means of light pen Indicatian by means -of light pen and by name from functional icey- boar.d Information capa- city r,f screen: Time for 3rawing 30 25 25 a vector 240 mm long, in us Number of cir- - 160 180 - cles . Number of charac- 2000 800 2000 ters Size of working 200 X 200 297 X 210 420 X 340 field in mm Number of ad- 1024 X 1024 1024 X 1024 2048 X 2048 dressable points Size of plotting 460 X 380 board in mm . The external appearance of the "Gxefit" di:splay is shown in fig 1. Its structure and software are discussed below. . The display is designed according to the principle of a multilevel hierarchical structure (fig 2). Each 1eve1 ia an element functionally and atructurally com- plete in keeping with the hierarchy.- The bottom Tevel is a set of function genera- tors (vectors, circles, characters) and a light pen module. The function genera- tors are designed to convert the digital codes of graphic elements into control voltages of the CRT's deflectfoa ayatem. The next level is the display controller level. The display controller is a special-purpose high-speed processor wtth a clock rate of 8 Miz. It performs the functions of an electronic switch for display�file formats betwean function gene- rators, contro7.s the restoration'of tRe display file, and also processes signals arriving from the light pen module. - 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 1. External Appearance of "Grafit" Display The display file is formed at the leve1 0f 3nterpretat3.on of the input language. T-his level includes an "Elektronika-60" microcaarputer, a 16K-byte basic subroutine RAM (ROM), a coding plotting board and a keyboard. The last level--the graphic programming level--is designed for the compilation of graphic programs and #or offering users opporfiunities to orient the display to problems of specific classes. Tn terms of hardware the graph3.c programming level consists of an "E1ekCronika-60" microcomputer with a 24K-byte RAM, punched tape input/output units and a"Consul" typewri+ter. Coupling betwieen levels is accom- plished according to the "common line" standard. Interfacing of the "Grafit" display with the ARM cent'ral proceasor is provided for in keeping with the same standard. The display's software, just as the hardware, is constructed according to the multilevel htexarchical pxinciple. Each level is defined by ita own lan- guage and functtons. 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ~ 039 24K ~ ~ .G~wI�. ~no wrpo-3/M fl1+4~' ~1~+~*~ ~/~'~1 in% 1 N~ � ~~yj XH U . Wuw Muiy�JOM (~Mk rr~ew~yuu MeMn awQ ql(13 Q~ K KCW rlww Am..wiroe~ riwr+~N 17)~ re rc Mcn . � ~ u~o~r ( J M Figure 2. Structure of "Grafit" Graphic Display: PK--coding plotting board; K1--keyboard; KS--interface syatem; MS--interface module; GK-- display controller; Dg--display fi1e; KSSh--line interface sys- tem; GO--circle generator; GV--vector generator; GS--character generator; M3P--ltght pen module; T--dtaplay Key: 1. "Elektronika-60" 13. DK 2. 24K RAM 14. 8K RAM, DF . 3. Photoelectric reader 15. KSSh 4. Punch 16. Disp.lay controller line 5. "Consul" typewriter 17� GO . .6. Microcomputer line (graphic 18.-GV programmi;ng level) 19. GS . 7. 16K RAM (ROM) 20. M3P . . 8. PK 21. I 9. KI 22. Display line (bottom level) 10. Microcomputer KS ' 11. Computer interface module (MS) 12. Microcomputer line (input � language interpretation level) The highest level is represented by the graphic programming language. A compiler for this language accomplishes its compilation into the "Graftt's" input language. The input language ie converted into the tormats and array of the display file at the input language'tnterpretation 1eve1. The display file, in turn, is trans- lated by means of microprograms-of the display into the formats of function generators. Let ue briefly describe individual groups of tnput language statements. ' 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mode Statements These statements load tfie softwaxe from punched tape, diagnose the state and set the operattng mode of tfle dtsplay. The "Grafit" can operate tn four modes: automatic, "KeyBoard," "Computer" and "Edit3ng." Tn the autonatic mode the dis- play functions according to a program wTitten previ:ously at the graphic programm- ing 1.eve1. Operation with a functton keyboard, light pen and coding plotting board magnetic pen is accomplished in the "Keyboard" mode. Setting of the "Computer" mode converts the "Grafit" into a computer terminal and it operates through channel instructions supplied from the computer to which the display is connected. Only keys for editing textual information are active in the "Editing" mode, i.e., keys for the replacement, insertion and removal of characters and for indicating the sequence for printtng out lines of text. Tn the "Editing" mode the tag can be moved along lines of text fram character to character by means of.appropriate statements. Graphic statements together with a group of "Attributes" statements are designed for forming the elements of a sketch, such as points, segments, ares and charac- ters with the required types of lines and orientation and height of characters. Structural Organization Statements These determine the structural units of graphic information, i.e., units and standard elements. The latter represent combinations of elements of the sketch named which have been entered into a library of standard elements, from which they can be called for review or for placement at required points on the screen. Units represent the next structural unit of the dis~lay's input language. They include standard elements and sketch elements (grap ic statements). Units can be formed from graphic elements or from units'formed earlier. Shift, rotation, syuanetry, vector division, measuring and erasure statements form the group of transform3tion statements. The arguments of transformation state- ments are structural units of the input language labeled by means of the group of identification statements: graphic elements or units of the entire array of graphic information stored in the display's memory. . _ Input/Output Statements . These accomplish the input/output onto punched tape and a typewriter of graphic and textual inforiaation. Several formafis are provided for the representation of information on media: dtspla}* fi1es, symbolic repreaentat3,on of graphic informa- tion, textual, etc. Service Statements This group includes statements which perform auxiliary functions. 'x'hey include initial setting and change of keyboaxd statements and an "Axithmetic" 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY statement by means. ot whiclt it i.s� pos$tble to cot4pute axithmetic expressions and elementaxy functions.. Ribliography 1. Presnukhin, V.V. and Y'elsRin, Yu.M. "Autotaated Work Site for a Developer of Radio Electxonic Equipment," OBMEN OPYTOM V RADTOPROMX'SHLMOSTI, No 12, - 1976. . 2. Nazarov, V.V. and Fedoseyev, A.P. "Hardware Complex and Software oP an Automated Work Site for a Developer of Machine Building Products," PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 1, 1979. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.327 CHARACTER-GRAPHIC IN'FORMATTON DISPLAY Moscow PRTBORY T STSTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 23-24 [Article by A.N. Shesterkin, A.M. Smolyarov, B.T. Levkoyev, candidates of techni- cal sciencee, and V.N. Sharov and G.T. Tyulenev, engineers] [Excerpts] Information dtsplays make possible the efficient interaction between a human betng and automatic equipment. The use in them of gas-dtscharge display panels (GTP's) muakes it poesible to construct in a number of cases quite ideal displays [1, 2]. Units i'or the reproductfon of graphic [3-5] and character [6-7] information GTP's are We11 kiiown. Character-graphic displays are the most efficient. The design principles of these units are well known, but information on their development ts practically absent tn the published data. The results of designing and studying a character-graphic dteplay executed wtth an alternating-current GIP are discussed in thi8 arttcle. The structural diagram of a character-graphic display developed at the Ayazan' Radio Engineering Institute is ehown in fig 1. 2). =C 3). KQy: Figure 1. 1. Tnput black 2. Tnput information block 6. Contxol b7.ock . 3. Program block 7. 'IX'" swi;tch . 4. Conditional,l}r constant in- 8. Ga"ischaxge diaplay panel formation reproductton block 9. Contxol voltage generator 5. Dynamic intormation reproduction 10. "X" awttch 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044437-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE aNLY Figuxe 2. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 3. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFiCiAL USE ONLY The sustaining voltage titqe ia. 20 14a. A 14^fold xepsfiition of contxql pulses is employed for the pux'gose vf ilmgTOvtng the xe7,ta,bility of the 7.ighting and ex- tinction of ceils. The lengtli of a single cycle for wrfiting (erasing) information on the panel is 300 14s. The circuit diagram of the executed with sexies 133, 134 and 556 in- tegrated elements. The second etages of tfie "X" and "Y" ewttches are constructed with 1NT251 and 2TS622 transiators and 2D906 diodes without using transformers, and the sustaining voltage generator with 2T809 and 2T630 tranststors and T1I5-3 transformers. The control block (fig 2) Tias a low powex requirement (less than or equal to 30 W) and guarantees the sustaining and lighting (extinetion) of any ce1Z of the panel with a variation in supply voltage over the range of -F 3 percent and of the ambient temperature from -40 to +70 �C. Tndiviciual frames of images produced by neans of the unit developed are shown in fig 3. The display has been designed by using-a panel with a number of cells of 128 X 128. The use of panels with a greater number of cells will make it possible to improve considerably the accuracy and quality of the display of information. Bibliography 1. Kashnikov, N.G., Pokryvaylo, A.B. and Yablonskiy, F.M. "Gas-Discharge Display Panels, a New Class of Instruments for Displaying Data," ELEKTRONNAYA TEKHNIKA. SER. 4. 'ELEKTROVAKUU'NINYYE I GAZORAZRYADNYYE PANELT, No 8, 1976. 2. Yablonskiy, F.M. "Gazorazryadnyye pribory dlya otobrazheniya informatsii" [Gas-Discharge Devices for Displaying Information], Moscow, Energiya, 1979. 3. USSR Patent No 636644. 4. Smolyarov, A.M., Borzykh, V.Ye., Voskresenskiy, A.V. et al. "Graph Aisplay Employing a Gas-Discharge Array Panel," PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 7, 1977. . 5. Berkutov, A.M. and Proshin, Ye.M. nMatrix Display Panels in Digital Oscillo- graphy," ELEKTRONNAYA TEKANIKA. SER. 4. ELEKTROVAKUUMNYYE I GAZORAZRYADNYYE PANELt, No 8, 1976. 6. Lavrent'yev, S.I., Sviyazov, A.A. and Smolyarov, A.M. "Unit for Displaying Character Information on Gas-Discharge Display Panels," PRIBORY T STSTEMY - UPRAVLENIYA, No 12, 1979. 7. Danilov, V.G. and Melikhov, G.I. "Reproduction of Character Information on a Flat Screen of the Plasma Type," ELEKTRONNAYA TEKHNTKA. SER. 3. GAZORAZ- RYADNYYE PRIBORY, No 2, 1970. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MINIATURE INFORMATiON DISPTAY UNTT UTTLTZTNG IMG-1 DISPLAY UDC �21.327.12 Moscow PRTBORY T STSTEMY UPRAirLENTY'A tn Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 24-25 [Article by S.T.�Lavrent'yev, V.K. Kalmykov, engineera, and A.M. Smolyarov, candidate of technical sciencea] [Excerpts] Units employing direct-current gas-diacharge display panels (GIP's) come under the heading of promising information diaplays for iadividual use. In this article is discussed a character information display employing an TMG-1 matrix-type gas-discharge display developed at the Ryazan' Radio Engineering In- stitute [1] and distinguished by the familiar one in [2] by a simpler control circuit and smaller size and lower weight. Characters are formed by means of a 5% 7-cell microraster, which makes it possible to obtain the usual representation. Characters of the Russian and Roman alphabets, Arabic numerals and apecial characters are formed in the unit. Information can be input into.the unit'from an input console, 'a "Consul" electric typewriter or from the output of a computer. The write mode has priority over the display mode, i.e., when information is.entered the display stops until writing is ftnished. Series K133, K565 and K505 integrated microcircuits serve as the element base of the unit. The hardware cost �or the display of a siagle character with this elemeat base is comparable to the cost �or 1amps of the YN type.and is considerably lower than with light-emitting diode displays of this size. �It should be mentioned that 70 percent of the cost of purchased items is due to the IMG-1 display, whose cost has a tendency to drop. The power supply is designed with a d.c. voltage trans- former, which makes it possible to operate both from a 220 VAC (50 Hz) source and from a+24 VDC source. The external appearance of the unit is shown in fig 2. Specifications of Unit Number of character positions Height of character in mm _ Color of light 2 Brightness in cd/ima Operating tempezature range in �C Power requirement in V'A Overall dimensions in nm . Weight in kg 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 160 7 Orange-red' 50 Prom -10 to +45 25 145 X 160 X 180 2.5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Ftgure 2. This unit can #ind an applicatton tn automated control, tesCtng and communications aystems, as we11 as as a character informatton displap in control computers and other equipment. Bfbliographp - 1. Glubokov, G.G. and Loban, V.I. "Matrix Gas Discharge Display Utilizing 104 Displap Elements, Controlled by Bipolar Microcircuits," ELERTRONNAYA TEKHNIKA. SER. 4. ELERTROVAKUUMNYYE I GAZORAZRYADNYYE PRIBORY, No 8, 1976. 2. Lavrent'yev, S.I., Sviyazov, A.A. and Smolyarov, A.M. "Unit for Display of Character Information Employing Gas-Discharge Display Panels," PRIBORY I STSTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 12, 1979. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 62 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY UDC 681.327 COLOR CHARACTER-GRAPHxC DTSPTAY Moscow PRIBORY T STSTEMY UPRAVLENTYA in Russian No 12, Dec 81 p 25 [Article by T.T. Zhokhov, engineer] . [Text] This display is designed for use under laboratory conditions and for displaying information in the form of graphs, histograms or an alphanumeric text on the screen of a color video monitor (VKU). The input information is code arriving frrnn digital measuring equipment or a computer. The display makes possible editing of the information displayed, automatic color tolerance testing, the output of:information to a punch for purposes of documentation, the formation of information in steps of 10 relative units of the reference scale, and optional numbering (according to the operator's wish) of any ordinate of one of six.graphs or histograms. The video monitor's screen measures 300 X 266 mm. Colors for the display of . graphic information are red, purple, blue, green, yellow and light blue, and for textual.information, green. The maximum number of graphs which can be dis- played simultaneously is six and of histograms one, of graphic information ab- scissas 64 and of ordinates + 127,, and of lines of text 12 of 32 characters each: Russian and 7 Roman charactars, digits and special characters in keeping with GOST [All-Union State Standard] 13052-74. Key Specifications . Supply voltage in V 220 + 100 -15 percent (50 Hz)' Power requirement in V�A 650 Overall dimensions in mm 850 X 1000 X 1300 Weight in kg . 200 The levels of the display's input and output signals are consistent with series 155 TTL logic. . Tnterfacing of fihe displa}r with extexnal informafiion sources is accomplished accordtng to OST [Industry Staadard] 25.190-73, "GSP [State System of Industrial Instruments and Autaatation Equipment]. Modular Complexes of Znstruments and , Automation Equipment. X'eT1 interface.F" 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The display is connected to informAtion souxces-having intexfaces different from the one indicated vta addttional peripfieral devices not pxoduced by the plant. The external appearance of the displ.ay is shown in fig 1. Figure 1. The N712 display is produced in two modifications: with a video monitor and without one. Infoxmation can be gotten by writing to the following address: 357036, Nevinnomyssk-6, Stavropol'skogo kraya, ul. Gagarina, 217, Nevinnomysskiy zavod elektroizmeritel'nykh priborov [Nevinnomyssk Electronic Measuring Instrument Plant]. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SaFTFIARE ABSTRACTS FROM JOURNAL 'PROGRAMNIING', NOVEMBER-DECENSER 1981 Moscoco PROGRAMMIROVANIYE in Russian No 6, Nov-Dec 81 pp 94-96 UDC 518.74: 007: 57 LOGIC AND ALGORITHMIC FORMALISM FOR PROBLEM OF WRITING CORRECT PROGRAMS [Abstract of article by Nepeyvoda, N.N.] [Text] Formalization of proof ar.d semantics in the logic of predicates oriented to the problem of writing programs i5 considered. Logic synthesis is illustrated through examples. UDC 681.3.519 PARSING ALGORITHM FOR CONTEXT-DEPEN!)ENT GRAMMARS [Abstract of article by Vol'dman, G.Sh.] [Text] A parsing algorithm is suggested for noridegraded grammars; it is a general- ization of the Early algoxithm. The correctness of the algorithm is proved. The operation of the algori.thm is illustrated using the example of a disseminated grammar. UDC 681.3.06 METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING LR-ANALYZERS _ [Abstract of article by gurkova, L.V.] ' [Text] A class of R.SA-grammars is introduced whose determination is based on break-down of the KS-grammar alphabet into nonintersecting position classes. A' ' method is described fnr constructing the determinate LR-analyzer for the languages J of this class. 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044437-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3.06.51 ' MODEL APPROACH TO WRITING FAMILIES OF APPLIED PROGRAM PACKA^ES CAbstract of article by Parasyuk, I.N. and Sergiyenko, I.V.] [Text] An approach based on a developed principle of modularity is proposed for writingfamilies of applied program packages. Basic program components realizing this approach are examined. UDC 681.3.06 NOTATION FOR CONVENTIONAL EXPRESSIONS FOR STRUCTURAL PRESENTATION OF DATA AND PROCIDURES [Abstract of article by Kulaichev, A.P.] [Text] In this article a linear-continuous notation is suggested �or conventional expressions as g unified means for brief description of data structures and procedure structures; the expressions do not use the concept of labels or transfer operator. UDC.681.3.068 APPLICATION OF PREPROCESSOR FACILITIES IN FORTRAN AND ALGOL [Abstract of article,by Bezborodov, Yu.M. and,Lavrent'yeva, T.G.] [Text] Questions of using preprocessor facilities of PL/1 in the operating system of the YeS computer when programming problems in FORTRAN and ALGOL are considered. A standard procedure is described for writing programs in these languages. UDC 681.3.06: 800.92 RELATIONAL LANGUAGE IN PROGRAMMING AND PRINCIPLF.S FOR REALIZING IT ON A SERIAL COMPUTER [Abstract of article by Kleshchev, A.S.] [Text] (Relyap) parallel programming language is based on a relational computing model. Its syntax and contextual conditions guarantee correctness of computations. The possibilities of double determination of computations are discussed. UDC 681.3.06 LIST PROCESSING IN THE YeS COMPUTER [Abstract of article by Khmel'nik, S.I.] [Text] A LISP system is described; it is realized on a YeS computer and is distinguished by its additional possibilities for describing and processing list structures, simplification of certain language constructions, and the methods for realization of the interpreter. 66 FO: : FFZCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3.06.51 ALGORITHM LANGUAGES FOR SPECIALIZED MIDTICOMPUTERS AND MICROPROCESSORS [Abstract of article by Serebrovskiy, L.A. and Lipayev, V.V.] [TextJ An analysis is made of .the requirements made of software for small specialized ~ computers. A system is proposed for languages mutually linked in regard to structure and display facilities used for programming at various levels. The need is formulated for language systems for selecting the high level language reference. UDC 681.142.1 A METHOD FOR RATIONAL GROUPING OF OPERATIONS - [Abstract of article by Novikov, Ye.S.] [Text] The problem of breaking down software for a computing system into linked groups of operations is considered with respect to the criterion for minimum time spent on comprehensive debugging of programs. A method is described for selecting rational characteristics for these groups of operations. A constructive algorithm is shown for grouping of operations. UDC 518.74: 007: 57 DIDUCTIVE SEMANTICS FOR THE 'EXECUTE' OPERATOR IN COBOL [Abstract of article by.Kasatkina, I.V. and Petrushin, V.A.] [Text] Semantics of the EXECUTE operator in COBOL are described axiomatically. Output rules are sr~own for operator formats realizing call procedures and formation of cyclic structures. Using as an example the proof for the correctness of COBOL programs, the application of the proposed axiomatics is shown for verification programs for data processing. UDC 681.3 REALIZATION OF PROGRAM TNTERFACE FOR THE MIR-1 and YeS COMPUTERS [Abstract of ar-ticle-by Vaganov, S.A. and Kolyakin, Yu.D.] [Text] Characteristics are shown for a MIR-FORTRAN IV (YeS) converter system which is a system for translating programs in ALMIR-65 for the MIR-1 computer into programs in FORTRAN IV for the YeS computer disk operating system. 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY UDC 681.3.001 COMBINED FORMAT FOR OUTPUTTING NUMERICAL DATA FOA DESIGN DOCIJMENTS [Abstract of article by Motyl', D.N., Sokolinskiy, Yu.A. and Farber, K.S.] [Text] A combined format is described for presentation of numerical data that makes it possible to output nwnbers with a given relative error. The format - described is realized in a PL/1 function procedure in the operating system of the YeS operating system. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Programmirovaniye", 1981 9642 CSO: 1863f76 68 � FOR OFF[C'IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INTRODUCTION TO THEORY OF ANALYSIS AND PARALLEL OPERATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS DURING TRANSLATION Moscow VVEDENIYE V TEORIYU ANALIZA I RASPARALLELIVANIYA PROGRAM4I EVM V PROTSESSE TRANSLYATSII in Russian 1981 (aigned to preas 9 Jul 81) pp 2-4, 254-255 � ' [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book."Introduction to Theory of Analysis and Parallel Operation of Computer Programa During Translation", by Eduard Anatol'yevich Trakhtengerts, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 3250 copiea, 256 pages] [Text] Annotation This book isdevoted to �yntacfic &ialysi� of input texta and parallel programming methods for the computational process. The book examines properties of - various grammars which generate programming languages, sequential and parallel syntactic analysis algorithme based on these properties and methods for optimizing them. Methoda for parallel programming an� algorithms for parallel calculation of arithmetic expressions and systems of equations are examined. The book is intended for acientific and engineering-technical workers in the area of programming and software. � Foreword Regardless of the fact that intensive work on programming theory is underway, there are many areas of programming in which no theoretical results have been _ obCained which allow the problem of program construction to be formalized and to use that formalization as.the basis for developing and substantiating solution methods. One of the areas in which theoretical results.have been used extensively in practice is the development of translation systems. One of the first problems - to be solved in translation theory was that of sequexitial syntactic analysis. Based on the methods of formal description of programming languages, it was not only possible to create a mathematical theory of sequential syntactic analysis, but to use it in practice as well. As a result, the amount of work _ involved in developing syntactic analyzers has been reduce� by factors of ten. Methods based on the theory of sequential syntactic analysis have already become traditional in programming practice. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY In connection with the intensive:-!development of multiprocessor computing syatems, programmers have relatively recently been faced with the problem of parallel programming which, in turn, hae imposed requirements of its own on the construction of ltranslators. It has been necessary to develop parallel translation processes, as well as parallel operation of programs obtained as the result of translation. In this connection, theoretical research has recently been done on parallel translation; this research has provided the basis for creating methods of parallel syntactic analysis which are a natural development of traditional sequential methods. Active work on parallel computing theory has begun. As a result, methods have been developed for parallel output progratmning during thetxanslation process, algorithms'have been created for parallel computation of some types of arithmetic expressions and syetems of equations and aome estimate of parallel programming efficiency have been obtained. However, methods based on results from the theory of parallel comgutation are still underutilized in practice. This monograph is devoted to two problems in translation theory: syntactic analysis and organization of parallel computation during the translation process. The book consists of two parts, with the first investigating sequential syntactic analysis method and the aecond examining parallel syntactic analysis and parallel programming during the translation process. The book presents the theory of the matter, and where possible also presents algorithms which have been practice. Table of Contents Foreword 1 I . SEQUENTIAL SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS Chapter 1 Some Concepts and Definitions 5 � 1.1. Sets 5 � 1.2. Formal grammars and languages 7 � 1.3. Problems in syntactic analyais 15 Chapter 2 Precedence Relationship Grammars 20 � 2.1. Informal introduction 20 4 2.2. Context-sensitive relationship and precedence function grammars 27 � 2.3. Equivalent transformation of context-sensitive grammara to precedence grammars 36 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500040037-2 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY Chapter 3 _ LR(k)- and LL(k)-Grammars S 3.1. Informal introduction � 3.2. Some definitions and algorithma - � 3.3. Optimization of control table � 3.4. De 8emer's algorithm � 3.5.. LL(k)-grammara Chapter 4 Expansion of LR(k)-Gramnars � 4.1. G(k)-grammars � 4.2. ELR(k)-grammars - II ANALYSIS AND PARALLEL PROGRAMMING IN MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTING SYSTEMS Chapter 5 Efficiency Estimates of Parallel Computation � 5.1. Some definitions � 5.2. Systems with single instruction stream. Mainline - data processing . � 5.3. Systems with single and multiple instruction stream. Parallel data processing Chapter 6 Parallel Syntactic Analysis � 6.1. Parallel-sequential analyais algorithm using matrices and precedence functions � 6.2. Equivalent transfor6iation of context-sensitive grammars to grammars with four precedence reiationehips � 6.3. Equivalent transformation of context-aensitive grammars to form having precedence functions � 6.4. Tao-way analysis algorithm based on inverse-recursive parametric grammars. Chapter 7 . Analysis of Programa for Automatic ParalTel Progrananing � 7.1. Possible stages of parallel programming - � 7.2. Partitioning programs into wesicly-connected sections � 7.3. Finding parallelism between operators within linear sections 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 46 46 61 69 88 90 99 99 109 117 117 1?0 123 130 130 149 159 170 174 174 176 184 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 8 Transformation of Arithmetic Expressiona and Equations for Parallel Computation 188 � 8.1. Transformation of arithmetic expression of general type 188 S 8.2. Polynomial transformation 195 � 8.3. Transformation of linear recursive expression 200 � 8.4. Transforiaation of general linear recursive system of n equations 205 Chapter 9 Parallel Programming of Cycles During Translation Process 218 S 9.1. Parallel programming of cycles using hyperplane method 218 S 9.2. Parallel programming of cycles using coordinate method 241 Bibliography COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 6900 CSO: 1863/57 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 250 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFTCUIL USE ONLY WC 681.3:519.14 USING PARALLEL CALCULATIONS MODEL TO INVESTIGATE STRUCTURE OF ORIENTED GRAPHS Moscow Vol 100, No 41 Jul-Aug 81 (manuscript received 21 Jan 80) pp 302-307~ [ Ya. A. Grundspen'kis, Riga Polytechnical Institute] [Text] Graph theory, being a simple and descriptive tool for solving a. number of digital mathmmatics problems, has recently found ever-wider application in various fields of science and technology. The use of inethods and algorithms of graph the- ory has made it passible to foxmalize a number af problems of diagnostics [1], structural analysis of complex systems and determination of typical structural configurations in unit systems [2I and has also made it possible in principle to solve such difficult problems as, for example, identification of qraph structures and the "travelling salesman pmblem." Main attention ie dewted in all t2iese problems to investigating the structure of a real system, i.e., to determination of the direct and indirect relationships between the vesctices of the corresponding graph. All the varieties of the qeneral problem of investigatinq the structureof graphs--finding the set of shortest p aths between any pair of vertices, determin- ing the sct of all paths or orientect cycles (orcyc].es), determination of stmnqly related components and so on--are laborious and require large expenditures of ma- chine time and conputer memory. Therefore, the efforts of developers of the me- thods and algorithms used in practice, in which sequential calculation procedures are employed, are directed toward theoretical substantiation of the.possibility of finding algorithms, the number of operations of which would be linearly dependent on the nwnber of vertices and ares of the graph. . The purpose of the given paper is to consider and evaluate the prospects of util- izinq the parallel calculations model to investigate the connectedness of oriented graphs (orgraphs). . Following [3] and the terminology of [4], let us consider parallel calculations in graph theory in two aspects: 1) when the investiqator has at his clisposal an in- finito number of identical parallel processors (the so-called unlimited case) and 2) when the nianber of processors is limited. It is assumed in this case that each processor can perform bi.siary arithmetic and comparison operations per unit time (during one working step)i the input data are entered in the memory prior to the beginni,ng of calc,.'.. P)ns, each processar takes operands from the memory and 73 FOR OFb'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY enters the result in the memory after each step and only one processor can change the oontents of any section of inemory at each step. Some deficiencies of this model will be shown below but tiret let us consider the algorithm for determining all the nonrepeating orcycles using parallel calculations. The algozithm for finding orcycles that actually utilizes the idea of parallel calculations is presented in [5]. The structure of this algorithm clearly shows that the "wide se,arch" pmcedure is realized in it; i.e., all the ares emerging from it are considered simultaneously upon emergence to eaah new vertex. Since only one processor was used in the given case, a shift of some set of paths in the set siready found was required so as to write new paths in the computer memory. This undaubtedly reduced the advantages of the developed algorithm but its practi- cal application showed that it was slightly inferior to algorithms known at that tine that realized the "deep search" procedure [6, 71, thus seemingly confirminq the potential capabilities of parallel calculatians. 3(3) 4(3I 5!d) Z(2) !(2) 1l31 y(3) Jl3) 3121 6(2I Z(J) 1(d) _ 3R)j 3~'~ \ 11(4) y(Z) 11(3) 2(4) 3(f) Figure 1. Parallel Calculations in Orgraph. The numbers denote the order of passage through ares and the numbers of procesaors are in- dicated in parentheses . Let us consider a diagram of parallel calculations for the orgraph presented in Figure l. It is obvious that each process builds only a partial list (the n-ratio in the graph) which contains "new" (untraversed) ares and all the found partial lists must be combined at the end of calculations. The following conclusions follow from the example. 1) An algorithm constructed on the considered principle is more effective, the . more the orgraph is "�illed," i.e., the higher the ratio a4/n (where n is the num- ber of vertices and m is the number of ares). We note that a similar coriclusion is made in [3] with respect to this algorithm that only with an adequately "filled" graph are soae parallel prxedures close to optimum in the sense that the time ex- penditures for them require S/K + E steps (where S is the number of steps of the best algorithm that utilizes the "deep search" procedure-and e is a small value). However, additional experimental and theoreticnl confirniations are required for theae concluaions. 2) If a limited number of processors participates in the parallel procedure, then main attention should be devoted to the "load" of processors, i.e., all pracessors should be involved in the search for new ares. If they are not (the case of rare graphs), the processors must be set in agreement to the vertices and thus one must 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044437-2 F'OR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY consider several vertices simultaneously, which is not provided in the model of [3]. 3) Unlike the "wide search" procedure [6], where the concept of a graph in the form of a list is more advantageaus for computer entry, the input data for paral- lel calculations can be represented by a matrix of contiguities, since there is na need to expend extra steps in this case to establish the fact that a specific arc exists. Moreover, parallel calculations increase the capability of those al- gorithms which are based on the use of sequential raising of the matrix of con- tiguities to a power [7]. To estimate the algorithms based on parallel calculations, one must at least ap- proximately find the lower and upper bounds of the number of required steps. The theoren of [7] may be used to estimate the lower bound in the case when the graph is represented by a matrix of contiguities. Let there be required R> 1 binary arithmetic operations to'calculate the unit value of R used. The shortest K-calculation of R then occupies at least {[(r + 1.) - _ _21092K]/K} +(log2K) steps if r> 21092K, and 11092 (r + 1) ] steps in the opposite case. In both cases the lower bound is equal to 0(1092n) steps, where 0[f(n)], ac- - cording to [3], denotes a set of all values g(n) for which there exist the posi- tive constants c and no that the inequality g(n) > c�f(n) is fulfilled for all values of n> np. If the orgraph is represented by a matrix of contiguities, then the upper bound of the complexity of the algorithm has the estimate that at least 0(log2 n) steps must be the case of a3 processors. . In cases when only a limited nimiber of K parallel processors is available to the i.nvestigator, one can use several procedures. For example, each time when an arc leading to a new vertex is found in the algorithm of [8], the search continues from the "new" vertex and the procedure does not return ta the "old" vertex until all the ares of the "new" vertex have been considercd. We shall compare this se- quential pracedure below to the possible versions of procedures based on parallel calculations. Let us assume that the investigator has at his disposal K processors which must be _ used to find a set of all the nonrepc3ating orcycles for the qraph presented in the form of a list. To analyze the procedures of sequential and parallel calculation, let us assume that each "visit" to the vertex is an active operation and that the _ procedures are compared only with respect to active operations. When a vertex is selected for a search, each processor checks one emerging arc and establishes whether a given arc is included in a new vertex. A partial list of all the new vertices found is then formulated. These partial lists are subsequently combined and added to the list of new vertices and the addition-operatlons are also re- garded as active. It is shown in [3] that if onlv_ activ-e operations are taken inta.a~cnunt, then the upper bound for any sequential search operation comprises s~~ y- (p,+1) steps, where pi is the local power of the emerging ares of the i-vertex. it fol- lows from these concepts that the optimum algorithm in which K parallel processors. is used requires S1/K steps. ~ 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Three different procedures [31 are uaed tor unoriented grsphe which onn he uueA in - somewhat modified form to find all the nonrepeating orcycles in the orgraph. The first of the procedures can be called a"K-deep search," bearing the following in mind; when the vertex is selected, K ares emerging from this vertex are analyzed simultaneously, thus ensuring that all the processes are loaded. One of the just- found vertices is then selected and the search is aontinued from this vertex. A deep search is conducted but it is performed to the K-width at each step. Let us consider this procedure on the example presented in Figure 2. Figure 2. "K-Deep Search" Procedure at K= 2. The numbers denote the order of passage through the ares It is obvious that the number of steps in this procedure determines the total num- ber of "visits" of all vertices i= 1, n, where the ntunber of "visits" to the vertex is calculated by the expression (Pi + 1)/n and the number that indicates the number of steps required to connect new vertices is (log2K) + 1. Expressions are given in [3] to determine the number of steps in the sequential procedure and the "K-deep search" procedure and it is concluded that the advan- tages of the latter appear if the inequality 2m/n > (1092K) + 17 is fulfilled and increases with an increase of the ratio 2m/n. In the second procedure, when selecting the vertex, one muat cansider all the ares emerging from it and only then turn to a new vertex (the procedure can be condi- tionally called a"wide and deep search" procedure), as follows from Figure 3. This procedure is more effective than the sequential procedure when the inequality 2m/n > (1092K) + 7 is fulfilled. Finally, the third procedure envisions the following: when the vertex is selected, _ all the processors are engaged in a search for the ares emerging from it. In this case the vertex located at distance 1 from the initial vertex xp is always consid- ered before the vertex located at distance 1+ 1 from xp (Figure 4). The proce- dure is more effective than the sequential procedure if the inequality 2m/n > > (log2K) + 5 is valid. Analysis of the procedures using the parallel calculations model to which rather rigid restrictions are applied, indicates an increase of the effectiveness of parallel procedures as the complexity of the problem increases, i.e., as the com- plexity of the structure of the orgraph being analyzed increases. Let us note in this regard the more complex problem of analyzing the connectedness of a so-called 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 op APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Figure 3. "Wide and Deep Search" Procedure at K= 2 diffuse qraph [9], which is a complete weighted orgraph to whose ares are given weights in the range [0, 11. 7Che use of parallel calculations in this problem is the only poasibility of finding the result since sequential procedures essentially cannot be realized even with a comparatively small (8-10) number of vertices. The advantages of parallel procedures are more clearly marked here since, first, the orgraph is completely "filled," i.e., it has all possible ares, and seoond, one must operate with the weights of ares (compare and calculate the minimum and maxi- mun weights of different paths and so on), which causes considerable additional expenditures of nachine tixnc. - One should point out problems which probably cannot be solved in principle by us- ing the described procedures: graph numbering problems, i.e., operational con- - struction and identification of all topoloqically different structures of orgraphs [10]. It seems prdbable that even the most indirect methods of parallel calcula- tions and the use of a large number of parallel procesgors will help one to solve this probelm within a practically acceptable time for those complex systems which niunber several thousand components (vertices of an orgraph). Figure 4. "Wide Search" ProCedure at K= 2 Thus, thexe is an enormous class of important prcblems based on orgraphs which are ineffectively solved or generally nat solved if ane uses sequential procedures. These prablems should primarily include problems of identification of orgraphs and investigation of the connectedness of both orqrapha (determination of the set of unrepeated paths and orcycles, finding connected camponents, determining the short- est paths between any pair of vert3ces and so on) and of nonorgraphs and also find- ing externally and internally stable sets of vertices, determination of the nucle- us of a graph, calculation of radius and diameter, performing differenl- operations on graphs and a nunber of others. Considerable success can be achfeved in solving 77 FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY all these problems only if one uaes effective mQthode of parallel calculationa, bli!- to do this, investigatora should hava at theix diapoaal not onl.y the oorreaponding algorithms but suitable computer equipment as well. Of course, the increase in the speed and voltme of the memory af computer systems and also the use of new config- - uration of the latter, for example, multiprocessor computer systems, may expand to a significant degree the class of problems based on orgraphs which can be solved with practically acceptable expenditures of resources, but it is more probable that the capabilities of computer systems constructed on the basis of microelectronics are still limited. The fact is that parallel calculations in investigation of the structure of or- graphs generate a large number of comparatively short and noninvariant branches, the number and length of which vary as a function af the specific problem. Multi- processor calculating systems for a load consisting of a large number of small parallel problems do not ensure the required increase of effectiveness and more- over, have a number of other disadvantages (complex systems programming, difficul- ties in program correction, the occurrence of conflicts of processors during simul- taneous access to the same resource and so on). This circumstance is related to the fact that more significant advantages of parallel calculations can be achieved with parallel operation when an essentially unlimited processor resource and a very large memory capacity are acceptable in which the contents of several sec- tions can be varied simultaneously, while the current results are stored but not entered in the memory after each step, as in the madel of parallel calculations considered above. This does not actually mean that there must be the capability of seemingly simultaneous generatian af the structure of parallel calculations as a whole or in other words, that thP idea of the isamorphism of the structure of the calculating system and the facilities analyzed by using it should be realized. Optoelectronic computer systems, we feel, more fully correspond to these require- ments since optical processing of infarmation promises fundamental solution of the problem of developing internal storage devices of far greater capacity and gigan- tic archive memories with rapid access and also input-output devices with large carrying capacity I111. Moreover, the optoelectronic medivm itself permits one to construct those computer systems which realize the idea of invariant contribution of the model of the facility being analyzed to the computer system [121. These systems not only have high productivity but the logic (functional) capabilities in them also increase significantly due to parallelling of the basic calculating pro- gram to parallel ]?ranches. Matrix (parallel) synthesis of the required parallel structures of calculations of large dimensionality, operational restructuring of them and generation of a chain of signals (multiple echo) in response to a single input signal [12] are possible, which is very promising to investigate the struc- ture of orgraphs since it permits one to reproduce all the information recorded previously. Thus, the procedures that search the vertices for the "laad" of processors are simplified. Optoelectronic computer systems obviously permit one to realize more simply so-called "pattern logic" operations [13], i.e., operations with entire informatian files in parallel without sequential scanning. This means that the work to investigate complete graphs represented by a matrix of contigu- ities is considerably simplified. The given concepts with respect to optoelectronic computer systems permit one to state that one can expect fundamental solution of timely problems of graph theorx, 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY among which the probiem of inveatigating the structure of orgraphs occupies a cen- tral positic;n, only after development and introductlon of these systems. BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Grundspen'kis, Ya. A., Z. P. Markovich and Ya. Ya. Osis, KIBERNETIKA I DIAG- NOSTIKA, No 5, Riga, Zinatne, 1972. 2. Buslenka, N. P., V. V. Kalashnikov and I. N. Kovalenko, "Lektsii po teorii slozhnykh sistem" [Lectures on the Theory of Complex Systems], Moscow, Sovet- skoye Radio, 1973. 3. Arjomandi, E. and D. G. Corneil, SIAM JOURNAL OF COMPUTING, Vol 7, No 2, 1978. 4. Harari, F., "Teoriya grafof" [Grapr, Theory], Moscow, Mir, 1973. 5. Grundspen'kis, Ya. A., KIBERNETIKA I DIAGNOSTIKA, No 5, Riga, Zinatne, 1972. 6. Acho, A., J. Hopcroft and G. Ullman, "Postroyeniye i analiz vychislitel'nykh _ algorithmov" [Construction and Analysis of Calculating Algorithms], Moscaw, Mir, 1979. 7. Prabhaker, M. and N. Deo, SIAM JOURNAL OF COMPUTING, Vol 5, No 1,.1976. 8. Tarjan, R. E., SIAM JOURNAL OF COMPUTING, Vol 2, No 2, 1973. 9. Takeda, E., "Voprosy analiza i protsedury prinyatiya resheniy" [Problems of Analysis and Decision-Making Procedures], Moscow, Mir, 1976. 10. Arutyunov, P. A., "Topoloqical Analysis of Chains Using Random Nunber Struc- - tures," MIKROELEKTRONIKA, Vol 4, No 6, 1976. 11. svidzinskiy, K. K. and V. P. Lavrishchev, "Problems of Constructing Optoelec- tronic Information Processing Systems," MIIQtOELEKTRONIKA, Vol 2, No 1, 1973. 12. Dykhovskiy, V. K., PROBLEMY GOLOGRAFII, No 2, Moscow, MIREA, 1973. 13. Edel'shteyn,- L. A., ZARUBEZHNAYA RADIOELEKTRONIKA, Vol 5, 1974. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Mikroelektronika", 1981 6521 CSO: 1863/54 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROGRANIMING PL/1 COMPUTER SYSTEM Moscow PROGRAMIROVANIYE NA PL/1 OS,YES in Russian 1979 (signed to press 29 Oct 79) pp 3-4, 266-269 [Foreword and table:.of contents from book "Progreaming in PL/1 OS YES", by M. I. Auguston, R. P. Balodis, Ya. M. Barzdin', E. A. Ikauniyeks and A. A. Kalnin'sh, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 60,000 copies, 271 pages] [mext] The algorithmic language PL/l (Programing Language/One) was produced during the 1963-1966 period by a coffinittee of computer users a.nd IBM representar tives. PL/l belongs to the generation of languages'which followed ALGOL-60; FORTRAN and COBOL. It not c>nly unites the possibilities of these languages, but it also gives the programmer a nwnber of additional possibilities. The language version for the OS YFS (PL/1 OS YES) operational system is fairly rich, and the compiler is sufficiently perfected and maintains an optimizing mode which produces operating programs slightly inferior in its qualities to the program composed in ASSEMBLER language. Nevertheless, PL/l language has one important shortcoming--it is very complex. Complete documentation for PL/1 OS YES fills over 2,000 pages. This significantly complicates the wide use of this language. At the same time, by no means are all the facilities of the language, as a rule, used for progrsmming separate classes of tasks. One of the most important cl*ss@s of�tasks, Where the PL/Z application can be the most effective, are the data processing tasks. A sub-mass of PL/1 OS YES, orientated in particular towards this class of tas3cs, is descrined in this book. We hope that it will be sufficient for practical programming. We included also in the book informa.tion about OS YES which is necess ary for operations with PL/1 OS YES (for an expanded summary of OS YES see bibliographic references 2, k and 5). One of the reasons for the compaQxity of expounding the PL/l la.nguage is that there is no simple model upon which it would be possible to explain the semantic of the language. One such model, the so-called idealized computer ("PL/1 Computer"), is proposed in this book for a selected sub-mass of the language. In our view, this significantly Pacilitates expounding the material, maintaining mathematical accuracy. Sp FOR OFFICIAL USE ONJjY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This book was rrritten as a practical manual a.nd is intended for progremmers becoming acquainted with PL/1 OS YES for the first time. We endeavored to explain the elements of the language'and of the operational system encountered in it in such a way that it would be sufficient for practical programming. When compoeing programs, we recommend avoiding cases in the book which say "result uncertain" or "result not explained in more detail". A subject index and a list of PL/1 (supplement 6) facilities used are cited at the end of the book for convenience. Operational documentation of the YES computer was used during the writing of the book. Vague constructions and examples were checked on the 4.0 OS YES version. From other manuals on PL/1 one can mention bibliographic references 1, 69 7, 8, and 9. A The exposition plan and coordination of final editing of the book were carried out in the main by Ya. M. Barzdin' with the participation of A. A. Kalnin'sh. General input-output and organization of data collection were written in the main by ~ R. P. Ba.lodis. In other respects, all the authors bear equal responsibility for the contents of the book. The authors are grateful to the reviewer of �he book Professor V. N. Lebedev for the valuable criticisms, and also to K. M. Podnieks, Yu. V. Borzov, and other members of the Computer Center of Latvian State University imeni P. Stuchka, the advice of whom helped substantially to improve the account. For eword Chapter I. Introduction to PL/1 Page 3 5 1. Program Elements. Recording the Program on a Form 5 2. The Language Alphabet 8 3. Identifiers 8 4. Idealized Model of a Computer 9 5. Metadesignations 11 Chapter II. Data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12 Numbers and Lines. C.onstants 12 Jariables. Types of Variables 14 Decima]. Data With Fixed Point DECIMAI, FIXED 15 Binary Data With Fixed Point BINARY FIXED . 16 Decimal Data With Floating Point DECIMAL FLOAT 17 Binary Data With Floating Point BINARX FLOAT18 Line of Symbols Type Data CHARACTER 19 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8. Litie ut' Bi t;; lYpe Data BIT 19 9. Line of Variable Length Symbols Type Data CHARACTER VARYING 20 10. Line of Variable Length Bit Type Data BIT VARYING 20 11. Pattern PICTURE 21 12. Variable Controls of Program POINTER and LABEL 24 13. Mas s es 24 14. Structures and Masses of Structures 27 15. Methods of Abbreviating Opera.tor Recording DECLARE 30 16. Attributes Assigned by Silence 31 Chapter III. Operations With Variables and Appropriation Operator 33 1. Comprehending Exceptional Situations 33 2. Simplest Case of Appropriation Operator 33 3. Operations. Arithmetic Operations 38 4. Compaxison Operations 41 5. Logic Operations 42 6. Coupling Operations 43 7. Expressions 43 8. Common Case of Appropriation Operator for Problem Vaxiables 47 9. Appropriation Operator for Aggregates of Vaxiables 47 10. Attribute INITIAL 48 Chapter IV. Built-In Functions 51 l. Carnprehending Built-In Functions 51 2. Arithmetic Built-In Funetions 52 3. Mathematical Built-In Functions 54 4. Built-In Funetions fo-r Line Processing 55 5. Built-In Functions for Mass Processing � 56 6. Special Built-In Functions 57 7, Pseudovariables 57 Chapter V. Operators of Program Control 1 59 1. Execution Order of' Operators. Indices. Operator GO TO 59 2. Ope.rator IF 60 3. Operator DO 62 4. Operators END and STOP 65 Chapter VI. Program Structure. Procedures. Memory Control 66 - 1. General View of Program 66 2. Procedures Call. Main Procedure 67 3. Program-Procedure Call 69 4. Function-Procedure Call 73 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 77 5. r,x71TtMni., var:tavlou 76 6. Progrem Execution 76 7. Execution of Sub-Progra.m-Procedure and Function-Procedure 77 8. Transmitting Parameters oP Variable Length 79 9. Transmitting Parameters of Other Kinds 80 10. Conversion to Standard Programs 81 11. Internal Proced.ures 82 12. Program Examples 84 13. Base Variables and Memory Control 85 Chapter VII. Means of Exceptional Control 1. Comprehending Exceptional Control 2. ON Operator 3. Situations Associated With Computer Operations. Situation ERROR 4. Means of Exceptional Control for Program Deferral Chapter VIII. Files 1. Basic Concepts 2. Types of Files 3. Work Modes With Files 4. File Declaration in a Program. Standard Files SYSIN and SYSPRINT 5. Opening and Closing a File Chapter IX. Input-Output by Flow l. General Informa.tion. Input-Output in the LIST N1pde 2. Input-Output in the IDIT Mode 3. General Format of Operators of Input-Output by Flow 4. Operators GET STRING and PUT STRING Chapter X. Input-Ouuput by Recording. Exceptional Situationa Associated With Input-Output 1. General Information on Inpv.t-Output by Recording 2. Input-Output af CONSECI]TII;E Files 3. Sequential D ata Input-Output from INDEXED Files 4. Direct Access by Recordin,3 for INDEXED Files 5. Working with REGIONAI, (1) Files 6. Exceptional Situations Associated With Input-Output 7. Cammunication With the Computer Operator During Program Execution in PL/1 83 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 90 90 91 94 96 100 100 101 107 lU 8 109 112 112 115 121 122 124 124 126 12; 131 133 134 138 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 1'Vl\ Vl'1'lli1HL VJJ:J VWjL1 Chapter XI. OS YES Operational System and Task Control Langusge 140 l. Introduction to OS YES Operational System 140 2. Task Contral Language. Cataloguing Procedures 142 3. Syntax of Operators of Task Control Language 147 4. Input and Output Flow 148 5. Peculiarities of Executing Tasks in the PCP, MFT and MVT Modes 149 6. JOB Operator 151 7. EXEC Operator 153 Chapter XII. Data Set-Ups and DD Operators 156 1. External Carriers of Information 156 2. Brief Review of DD Operator Parameters 158 3. Data Input From Punched Cards 163 4. Data Output on Punched Cards 165 5. Data Printing 166 6. Data Set-Ups on Magnetic Tape 167 7. Developing Data Set Ups on Magnetic Tape. Addition of Data at the End of a Data. Set-Up 170 8. Reading Data From a Data Set-Up on Magnetic Tape 172 9. Structure of Magnetic Disks 172 10. Developing a Sequential D ata Set-Up on Magnetic Disk. Addition of Data at the End of a Data Set-Up 175 11. Developing a REGIONAI, (1) Data Set-Up 177 12. 'Structure of Sequentiel-Index Data Set Ups 178 13. Developing a Sequential-Index Data Set-Up. Addition by Recording at the End of a Data Set Up 180 14. Reading Data, Addition a.nd Correction by Recording Por All Kinds of Data Set-Ups on a Disk 182 15. Data Set-Ups on Punched Tapes 182 16. Data. Input From Punched Tapea 183 17. Data Output on Puuched 2'ape 184 18. Library Data Set-Ups 185 19. Developing Libraries and Adding Sections to the Library 186 - 20. Data Input From a Library Section 188 21. Additional Poasibilities of the DD Operator 188 22. Brief Swnmary of Other Possibilities of the Task Control Language 197 Chapter XIII. PL/1 Compiler 198 1. Data Set-Ups Used by a Compiler 198 2. Transmitting Parameters to the Compiler 200 3. Parameters of the Compiling Mode 201 4. Compiling Listing 202 5. Pack Compiling 207 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i Chapter XIV. Communication Editor and Loader 209 l. General Information. Simple Use of the Communication Editor 209 2. Operating Schema of the Cammunication Editor 210 3. Transmitting Paxameters to the Communication Editor 212 4. Data Set Ups of :the Communication. Editor 213 5. Formation of Structures With Overlap 218 6. Examples of Using the Communication Editor During Operations With Libraries 222 7. The Loader 224 Chapter XV. Program Execution in PL/1 228 1. Program Execution by Means of Cata].oguing Procedures 228 2. Execution of the Loading Module From the Library of Loading Modules . 231 3. Optimization of Execution Time 233 4. Optimization of Memory. Capacity Necessary for Program Execution 235 Supplements: Supplemen� 1. Table of Codes DKOI and KPK-12 , . 237 Supplement 2. Table of Codes DKOI and KOI-7 238 Supplement 3. Example of Program Execution on the Computer 239 Supplement 4. Utilized Key Words of PL/1 (Permissible Abbreviations are Indicated in Parentheses) 245 Supplement 5. Utilized Key Words of OS YF;S� (Permiasib le Abbreviations are Indicated in Parentheses) 247 Supplement 6. Utilized Facilitiea of PL/1 250 Supplement 7. Brief Review of tY.e Possibilities of Complete PL/1 Not . Included in the Described Sub-Mass 258 Litera+.ure 261 Subject Index 262 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 1979 9889 CSO : 1863J75 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.3.06 SOPTWARE 0F TY,PE M5000 COMJ'UTER COWLEX ANA DTSCRIPTION 0F ITS ELF'MENTS Moscow PRTBORX' I SISTEMX' TJPRAVLENXX`A. 3,n Russ3an No 12, Dec 81 pp 1-3 [Article by V.N. Popkova, engineex] [Text] Facil.ities for Automating - The M5000 DOS [disk operating syatem] places at the diepoeal of a programmer a large set of facilities making it possible to automate the entire process of solving a problem on a computer. - The programs of the M5000 DOS operating system are organized into libraries (with the exceptian of the initial loading program and the supervisory program part) and are placed on a magnetic data medium. The library structure of the M5000 DOS makes it open-ended. The operating structure of the M5000 DOS offers the programmer programming languages oriented toward various claeses of problems: the machine- oriented ASSEMBLER language, tne procedure-oriented COBOL language and the problem- oriented RPG [repoxt pxogram. genexator] language. ASSE'MBLER is the most flexible and univexsal .factlity for writfng pxograms.and its capabilities are expanded by macrolanguage facilities. In the ASSEMBT,ER language the.posaibility is provided of implementing auxiltary functions which help the programmer to check and document programs, to contr4l the distribution of addresses, to allocate data and labels, . and to generate and control translation o# the program itself. Condttional compila- tion and the macrolanguage represent the ASSEMBLER language portion of the M5000 DOS. The macrolanguage makes it possible l:or the programmer to input his own statement-- a macroinstruction--whtch can be used in the program if it has first been repre- sented in the form of a specific sequence of ASSMIBLER language statements. Thus, the macrolanguage simplifies the coding of prograsas, maktng possible the use of a statdard sequence of statements. Conditional conipilation facilities aqake i:t posstb7.e #ox xhe pxogxamtner to wxite in ASSEMBI,ER language state.ments comp:tled as a�unction of campil.ation conditions com- puted at the mowent and can be used botfi wfithin macxadeginitions and outside of them, i.e., without using pacrolanguage factlt,ttea. The COBOL language is oxiented to"xd descriptiona of a7.goxithms for pxocess�ing business and economtc infoxmation. gorming its basis are the xecnmmendattons of 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the American Standaxds AasoCt.avton and the xacesntqendutona of the gxoup gox al.- goxithmi,c 7.angutiges for pxaGea~miiig econoiaic ingorvatUn af CkM cauntxi;es. xhe COflOL of the MSOQO AOS apexating, syatetn -coaststs. of a coxe and 10 anadules (pxo- cessing of; sequentl-a7., xe};atlve and.1ndexed inputCoutput; soxting-mergtng; report genexAtox; qegnentation; libxary; deDugging; pxogram intexRaces)*. All modules. axe oR the aecond 7,eve7,. 7,'he ],angu.age utilizes utoxe than 400 key or extra words. The RPG language is deaigned fax Frrittng a7.goxithms fox solving problems relating to the creation and pxtntout af vaxioue xepoxttng forms, auch as sumwaries, lists, records, etc. A dtafiinct;tve fsature of proDlents- solved by using the RPG system is the fact that in the pxocess of sol.viag tRem the main share of machine time is due to the processing of large input fi1es and the formation of corresponding out- put files. Here the calculation part occupies a relatfively small place in the total number oP problems and the solution results must usually be output tn the form of printed documents. The problem-oriented language of the TBM/360 system is used as the basis of the RPG language in the M5000 DOS operating system. It is permissible to write programs in all languages by using both the Russian and English variants of the language. The presence of several programmfi,ng languages and the step-by-step nature of the preparation of programs used tn the M5000 DOS make it possible for the programmer _ to divide his task infio parts--modules--and to select for each module the most appropriate programming language. The M5000 DOS operating system makes possible the independent translation of each source module. A program written in any of the programming languages tndicated is translated 3.nto a relocatable module which is obtained in a format which is coIInaon to all translator routines of the system. The specific properties of the source language are lost after translation. Relocatable modules are processed by an interface editor and they become available to run a program--absolute modules.(phases). '.t'he unification of relocatable modules into phases takes place regardless of when and from which programming language a specific module has been translated. The interrelationship of phases of a program at the moment of running is.determined for each task. A program can either be of.simple structure, when it ie called in its entirety to the main memory to be run, or have overlapping, when for purposes of reducing the capacity of the main memory used by the program while it is run the program is � divided into segments which overlap one another in the main memory when the program is run. Program segments can be independently wxitten and txanslated into relocat- able modules. Tn tuxn, availab7,e subroutines individually pxepared in the form of relocatable modu7,es can Ae used within segments. Preparation o,f a Pxogxam fox Runnin$ In the M5000 AQS a7.l pxograms, dependtng on whtch stage of pxepaxation they are in (source module, xe7,ocatah7,e module, pRase), can be s�tored in a coxresponding module library: source libxaries (T8's) Frtfih pxogxam modul,es, wxitten in the saurce pro- grauuning languages; relocatab7.e ],tbraxfies (PR's) w-Ith xe7.ocafiable modules in the interface editox program language, representing the xesult of the firanslation of 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 h'UK UH'N'l(;IAL UbiE UNLY source modules; and abao7.ute itAra7ries -wtth pxograw phases tn machine language availab7.e ta xun. A disk at4xage servea ae th.e atorage fox a17, l.ibxariea. The stzes of MSOQQ AQS libxaries dxe sel.ected by the snanufactuxex as afunction ot the numhex atnd aize of elements which atre to- be'put 3.nto the Ubxaxr. The pxesence of an absoluts libxaxr is obligatoxy, fQx the functioning af the M5000 DOS operatin$ sy%tem, atnce in tt in the fQrm of phase,s are contaiiZed such com- ponents of the AOS aa nonxeaident supexvisox;.and executive xout~nes, translators, service routinea�, and a7.sq usex' pxogxams avattlable to xun. Any pxogxam is loaded into the main memoxy to be xun oni}* frosa the absolute 1i&xary. Each libxary the farm of alibrary file consisting of two parts-the body and the heading of the ].i;bxary--and is designed for stoxing elements of the library (body) and information on these elesaents. A set of programs uader the general name of the librar:Lan, which crnae undex tfie heading of service pxograms and perform the functions of correction and copytng and service functions, fias been destgned for working with 1iDxaries. Under the heading of service programs also comes the interface editor, designed for processing the results of translation for purposes of obtaining programs available to run. Its functions are as follows: the assembly of a program from a number of relocatable modules; adjustment of the text of an assembled program for working in a specific region of the ntain memory; and placement of an edited program into the . absolute library. In the formation of each phase the editor does the following: Puts together the text of a phase from relocatable modules and individual nrogram sections of relocatable modules, wRere6y the set of these and their relative posi- tion are indicated by the programmer. Automatically includea in the text of a phase modules from the PB, if the need for this arises. Adjusts the text of a phase according to the loading address specified by the pro- grammer. Introduces changes into the text of a relocatable module through correcting cards. Forms links between modules when they are joined into a phase. Forms the address for input inCo each phase. The phase formed is placed by* the interface editor program into the body of the absolute library and in�ormation on it :Cnto the absolute 1ibxaxy's heading. The program obtained as the reault of editing has an absolute format and ~n the simplest case consists of a sJngle phAae. Progxaws of 7.axge size usually tnc7.ude several phases which can xepl,ace one anothex :tn the tqain memoxy. ' Control Progx'am The following are the characxexiattc txai.ta af opexating systems; enabltng the continuous pextormance of woxk; pxepax'ation of taskS for execution; reacting to 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY software and haxdwaxe exxox attuationa; enaDling the aimul.taneous of various input/output unita and of the pxocessox tagetlte.x tttem; 21nd the pxesence of a seC of factli;ti.e8 fox the automation of pxogxamating and of program debugging factlittes. These sama-txafi,ts axe chaxacteriatie of the M5000 AOS, in wiiich the greatex poxtion of rliese functtons is implemented by contxol pxograms, i.e., the ini;ttal loading pxogxam, the supexviaox, and the input/output control systen. Before starting to woxk with the computer, the computex itse7.f and the operating system must he brought into a state of readiness. The initial loading program per�orms the initial pxepaxatian of the sysfiem for opexation. Tt clears the main memory, receives infoxtnation on the posfition of the system, pexforsns several auxili- ary functions and then enters the core of the supervisory program into the main memory. The supervisory program is the central control program, in the form of a set of routines put into action by means of interrupts originating on the request of service routines or as the result of a situation formed in the process of the com- plex's operation. It controls the entire computing process in the computer and implements the following functions: the processing of software and processor errors; the performance of input/output operations at the request of a program; organization of the simultaneous operation of the processor and an input/output unit; processing of input/output unit errors; organization of communication with the operator; and the performance of act3ons by request of the program (a super- visory program macroinstruction). The supervisory section--the core--implementing the functions most often used is permanently in the main memory. Ttie other section of the supervisory program is organized in the form of transit phases stored in the absolute library and called to the main memory as needed. The M5000 DOS executive routine prepares the system for performing each individual task and organizes the package processing of tasks. Tt accompl3shes adjustment of the system for the needs of a specif ic program, loading of this progra,m from the abolute library i�.ito the main memory, and the transfer of cbntrol to the program loaded. The exef-,utive routine receives the instruction for the performance of these operations by means of control instructions. The executive routine constantly reads and executes these instructions once it is started. This organization of the work of the M5000 DOS executive routine makes it possible to accomplish the package processing mode. . For the purpose of performing input/output operations it is necessary not only to program direct accessing of peripheral devices itself, but also to provide for cases of error and unusual situations even in cases when their oxigin is of low probability. Tn the M5000 AOS thexe is a strict distxihution of.duties between - the control program attending to input/output (the supexvisory pxogram) and the programmer. The contro7, prvgxam (the core of the supex'vi.soxy Qxogxam) takes upon itself the implementation of such input/output functions as detextqinatj.on of the state and the assignment of instructions to units, checking the qua7.ity oP input/ output opexations pexformed, organizati,on of the simultaneous operation of input/ output units, the start~ng of tnQutfautput opexations, and the processing of input/output i:nterxupts:, inc7.udi:ng intexxupts caused by the exrors of units. And 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the progxammex has the duty of prepart ' ng the pxagxam tox the xequired i;nput/ ou*_put opexation (p1.aci,n~ ft7.e entxtes on extexaaT, medi:a, descx:Wng input/output vpexations) and of fi.nforaing the'. contxvl. progxam of the need to xun It. This saethod of input/output pxogxamating makes. possth7.a flextlit7,tt}r in woxking with pexipheral devtces hut has tTie djsadvantage that it foxcea the progxamaner to know in detail the opexatton of these devices. Thexefore, th,e MSUUQ DOS in addition oPEers the program@7c a highex leve1 of Input/output pxogxanaaing--a logic system for controlling inpufi(output, in the foxm,o# a set of standaxd pxocedures for realizing a7.1 input/output functtens., which saakes It poesi,b7.e for tlie programmer not to go tnto tTie details of input/output; Dut to concentxate his attention en- tirely on the 1ogtc functtons of the system Ifiself. The logic system #ox controlling Input/output processes filee ot data, pexforming the uniPication of entries into a block and their separat3;on fxom a b7,ock; re- addressirig of the input/output regton tf the file uses two input/output xegions; organization of the,simultaneous operatfion of input/output units wtth the operation of the processox; processing of the "End of Ffi1e" state; and the checking and recording of in#oraation on fi1es. The logical content of the data, their format and the organization of datta into files are important #or it. There are three methods of accessing in the M5000 DOS: sequential, direct and indexed sequential. Sequential access is applicable to files in all units (mag- netic tape and disk, punched tape, punched cards, printout) and indexed sequential and direct access only to disk f31es. Standard Facilities The M5000 DOS operating system has a number of special facilities and programs which facilitate the work both of the programmer and operator: PODPA, designed for preparing magnetic disks and tapes for work, checking the state of these media and labeling them. KOPIrID, for creating copies of disk packs and checking the agreement of copies with - the original. PEChNmL, for printing out the contents of a region of a magnetic disk and the zone of a magnetic tape. ZANlNID, for replacing the contents of one sector of a magnetic disk. SRML, for two fi7,es 7.ocated on di,ffexent tape xee7.s and fox establ:Cshing - their identity. The general-puxpoae RX05, fax capytng ingoxmatton on the pY~ystcal level fxom some media onta qthexs. PPASP, for printing aufi Che labe7,a a~ fl7.~a lacated in packs in one or wore d;Lsk storages. 9o FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xARL, fox copy;:ng a ki1,e fxrna punchad cards ontv magnet:tc tape. PEChPK, fox outputtng a punched aAxd ft1.e to an Alphanumexic pxtatex. KOM, fox copAng the contente.of snagnettc diek- packs onto magnatic tape and vice-versa. Tn the M5000 AOS Chexe axe, a numbex of faciliCtes pxovided fox ordering files of records, i.e., fox Axxaagi,'ng Cheat tn xelatiort to t$e va,7:ues of some of the quanti- ties comprising them, so-ca11ed control fields, viz., a sorttrtg-merging program generator. It consists vf two grvups of prograsns: 1:) a set of modules in the relocatable library fxom wl'tic$ by means of the interface editor program 3t is , possible to construct tndependent sorting or merging programs of various structures; and 2) sorting and merging subroutines in the absolute library, which are accessed via sorting and merging macroinstructions. For the purpose of forming an operating system with the propertiea most suited to both the configuration of the complex and the requirements placed on the user, system generation facilities are employed which make it poasible to replan the size and distribution of system files in the complex's external storage, as well as the size and contents of libraries; and to plan a supervisorq program with assigned functions by assigning to the statements of the supervisory program's generation macroinstructions values which differ from tlie standard. _ Copying programs available in the M5000 DOS make it possible to copy sequentially organized files from some data media onto others. By running copying programs it is possible to copy, rearrange; rebluck, supplement (only for disks) and display (printout only). Thus, the M5000 DOS, representing a combination of control programs (supervisory _ program and executive, initial losding program and input/output control system) and service programs (translators, interface editor, librarian, sorting-merging program generator, DOS generation system and copy programs and special programs), makes it possible to automate the process of solving a problem on a computer and to orient the system toward solving specific problems and satisfiea the needs of a wide range of users. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY UAC 681.325.5 SX'STE'ki APPR4ACFT x0 AUTt?MTM) AZ$'TGNN CF =RQPROCESSQR CQMWUTERS Moscow� PRTBORX' T USTkMX' tJPRA'VLMIX'A in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 3-4 [Article by V.A. Vishn}rakov, candidate of technical ectences] [Excerpts] The creation of probleRa programs for realizing the goals stated, i.e., cross software, makes it possfble to reduce considerably within a given period the time for developir..g and introducting microprocessor systems. ' Relatively recently the development of design system software was based on the creation of packages of applied programs; however, the experience of developing these systems in the USSR and abroad demonstrated that this form for designing software does not provide the required universality. The difficulty of working with individual applied programs, the lack of dialogue facilities for debugging the software of microprocessor systems, the complexity of interacting with the data base in creating microprocessor systems, questions of reliability, and tHe organization of multitask operation in the design process require a comprehensive approach to designing microprocessor systems, i.e., the creation of an integrated SAPR [antomated design system]. Such an SAPR should satisfy the requirements of universality and adaptability and have control over the design process, a developed data base, facilities for organizing multiprogram operation, and automatic and dialogue modes. , ~ 9M .4M: ~ C964 I- r~}---~}--~} i0 T NT 9 Ey 0 nn IiIi L12 J . ~ IMG . 9C ON ~C'mf OxM,C p I~ C9Pl! 15 ~ Figure 1,.. [Key on f0l1,owi,,ng pa$eJ 92 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: 1. Control executive routine 11. Tnformation system 2. Dialogue eacecutive routine 12. Source data description and coding 3. Control system system 4. Data base control, system 13. Source data file; information fi].d; 5. Compiler working file; archive file 6. Translator 14. Reference file; structure file; 7. Processing system service file; dialogue file 8. Microtranslator 15. Design results formation system 9. ROM programmer 10. Applied programs - The structure of an SAPR for microprocessor computers has been developed by taking , these requirements into account (fig 1). This system solves problems in designing hardware and software for computers of - average capacity. Further designing, including the design and testing of proto- types, preparation of the'coding system, checking the logic of the software and the equipment, is performed on a microcomputer autamated design unit. The control and information sections of the SAPR have been developed at the Fresent time and there are also problem routines for automating several stages in the development of microprocessor systems. System modules have been.implemented in the PL/1 and ASSEMBLER a.anguages. COPYRIGHT: Izdate"1'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.326 AUTOMATTON QP DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAMS FOR DATA RECORDER.S Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENTYA 3n Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 4-5 [Article by A.M. Longin, T.A. Masalfskaya, T.A. Yepikhina and M.I. Abezgauz, - engineers] [Text] Data recorders of the RI-7501 and RI-7502 *types, representing programmable self-contained units designed for gathering, arithmetic processing and recording of information, are widespread in ASU's [automated control systems]. The functions of recorders are as follows: the input of informrition from digital and alphanume- ric keyboards, a data card; punch badge and conditionallp constant control charac- ter unit; the output of information for printouts (documents), onto punched tape and into communication channels;.arithmetic processing of input information (addi- tion, subtraction and multiplication operations); the storage of data in registers of the recorder's memory for the.duration of the.'running of a program; and the reception of information from a communication channel and the recording of it on a printer (for the RT.-7501).. Tnformation recorders make it possible ta control input information in terms of format, by the modulo-l0 double input method. The memory of data recorders consfsts of three registers with a capacity of 128 bytes each. The operating program for RT-7501 and RI-7502 data recorders is the sequence of operations which the recorder must perform for the purpose of forming a document, forming a message on punched tape and transferring it to the communication channel, and also for receiving a message fram the communication channel. The programming system of data rscorders represents a set of eight inatructions, two of which have modifications. The sequence of program instructions is entered on a program punched tape (or on two punched cards if the length of the program exceeds 80 bytes) 3n a special code. Certain difficulties in the process of "manual" programming of the work of data recorders originate when taking into account the features of *_he.operation of the input and data processing unit and the 2-register memory, as well as in writing programs which economically utilize a small dmount (128 bytes) of the etorage register designed for storing the program. When an RI-7501 works with a computer through a communtcation channel, an RT-8901 group data recorder is used as the switch, imposing additional restrictions on the sfiructure of the message which can be relayed through the communication channel. grom what has bee:i said it can be concluded that it is advtsable to develop a method of automated programming for 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY the purpoee of making poeeible the machine proceseing of primary documents of various forms. A method suggested by the authors, called the "Program Generator for Data Record- ers" (GPRI), which unites in itself tb.e "manual" preparation of formaiized source data with the automatic (in the computer) generation of an operating program for the data recorder, is described in this article. A diagram of the technological _ process of automated programming for a data reGOrder is shown in fig 1. The text of the program to be xead by a human being is recorded in the output of the alpha- numeric printer, 10, and codes to be read by the machine in the output of the punched card-output unit, 9. The job of the designer, 4, is as follows: a) to create a form, 5, for formalized source data based on the printed-document's form, 2, and a message format, 1, tak3ng into account the instructions, 3; and b) to analyze errors discovered in 'the program generated and to correct the formalized source data or to order the correction of punching errors (can be lacking). s o . B 6 7 k37 9 II 10 p' Figure 1. Diagram of Technological Process of Automated Programming for _ Data Recorderss 6--unit for preparation of data on punched cards; 7--computer (procesaor); 8--disk storage; 11--data recorder; (the remaining designations are given in.the text) The form with the formalized source data is a printed form containing three tables containing indicators identifying the program, as well as information on the ope- rating modes o� the data recorder and the kinds of check employed, and the charac- teristics of the particulars of the message to be formed. The form with the source data is at the same time the form for punching. The GPRI per se is a program for any YeS [Unified Series] computer having a PL/1 compiler. The GPRI program consists of 20 phases, which makes it possible to run it on a computer with a RAM capacity of a total of 64K bytes. In the course of generation of the GPRT program for a data recorder the source data are reviewed repeatedly. The program generated is also checked several times for the object of reducing its size by eliminating redundant instructions the first stage of generation. The generator of programs for data recording reali'zes all the capa- bilities of the RT-7501 and RT-7502 programming system. The GPRI program makes poasible the performance on of.a logical check of source data for purposes of revealing the most widespread errors (more than 20 types) committed both in filling in source data forms and in punching data on cards. When an error is detected, a hardcopy log containing the following informa- tion is printed on the alphanumeric printer: description and place of error, re- port of the violation of apriori known condttions and recommendations on the method of correcting the error. Tn the GPRT is provided the tunetion of correcting errors of certain types, a report on this is output to the alphanumertc printer and the 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY program generation process then continues. Tf the designer does not agree Uith _ the corrections introduced by the GPRT, tfien he can correct the source data. The result of the GPRI's work iK the data reccrder operation program, output in the form of a table on the alphanumeric printer, 10, and one (two) program punched card which is output to the computer punched card output unit, 9. .In addition to the generation program the GPRI includes a standard diek-to-card copy program. The necessity of using it involves the fact that this pLogram makes it possible to output data onto punched cards not only in DKOI [EBCDI] code, but also in any other code. At the same time programs for RT-7501 and RI-7502 data recorders are entered onto punched cards in a special code. The GPRI discussed - records the program for the recorder in the required form in the working file in the disk storage, and program punched cards are output by means of the copy pro- gram in keeping with the informafiioa recorded in the disk storage. The GPRI is now at the experimental utilization stage at TsNIITU 'LCentral Scienti- fic Itesearch and Planning and Technology Institure of Organization and Control Equipment] (Minsk). Data recorder operating programs for more than 10 ASUP [autamated system fcr controlling an enterprise]'projects have been created by its means. Inputs of time in programming the work of type RI-i501 and RT-7502 dats recorders, determined on the basis of analyzing the traditional "manual" method ' of programming and the experience of using the GPRT, are presented below. Tab1e 1. "Manual" Programming Thorough study of prograBnning and features of the work of _ data recordera, in months 1 Writing and debugging a single program of ave:rage complexity, in hours 16 Programming by Means of the GPRT ' Study of fundamentals of programming and instructions for filling in a source data form, in months 1 1 Producing a program of average complexity, in hoiirs 1�27 Including: Filling in the formalized source data form, fi~ houra 0.5 Punching source data, taking into account control by the,veri- fication method, in hours 0.25 Generation of a program on the Y'eS-1022 computer, in huurs 0.02 Analysis of program produced, correction of source data and _ repeated generation of the program when necessary, in hours 0.5 Since in creation of the GPRI all the aspects of recorders are provided for in it, including the source data check function, the programs generated do not contain logic errors, inevitable in "manual" programming. The program punclxed . cards obtained from the computer do not have punching errors (within the limits of the reliability of the operation of the crrmputer card output un{t). 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At the present time the GPRT is be3ng interfaced with a program debugging terminal system developed at TsNTITU. Witfi this the designer has gained an opportunity, - omitting the step of punching source data, of inputing source data directly from - a video terminal. Operation of the GPRI by means of a program debugging terminal system makes it possible to shorten the development cycle for programs for data registers because of elimination of the task interrupt time in the "waiting" phase of the job waiting line in the computer, which ia inevitable when working in the package mode. . COPYRIGHT: Tzdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribary i siatemy upravleniya", 1981 8831 CSO: 1863/80 i ' A 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPLICATIONS UDC 681.325.5:621.9-52 APPLICATION OF MODERN MICROPRIOCESSOR TECiiNOLOGY IN PROBLEM-ORIENTED SYSTEMS Kiev ELEKTRONNOYE MODELiRaVANIYE in Russian No 4, Jvl-Auq 81 (manuscript received , 9 Dec 80) pp 45-52 [Article by V. B. Smclov, D. V. Puzaakov and G. A. Petrov] (Text] Designation and main characteristics of microprocesaor equipment. Duriag the past decade, the capabilities of using computer technoloqy (VT) in all. 'fields of science and technology was expanded considerably with reqard to the intensive developmeat and great achieveaients in the field of microelectronic technologyo development of new princi.plea of orqanizing iiiformation processing systems and development of software. The developers of different systems can use a qamut of computer equtpmeat, beginning with powerful gorieral-purpose computers and mini- conputers to microprocessor sets and microconputere. The appearance of micraprocessors (MP) as new meaas of computer technology that are a class of large inteqrated circuita (HiS) was determined on the one hand by,the advances of aadern microelectronics, which amkes it possible to locate up to 106 components of s sinqle crystal, arid on the other htNzd by a desire ta intelliqenti~ combine the advantages of universal and specializpii3 computer equipmant. It is known that specia.i.ized computer equipment can provide bettar operational and en- gineerinq charactsristics (high speed, reliability, cost, mass-size paranuters, consumed power and so on) than uniwsrsal equipment when solvinq many pmblems of mathenatical proce;:sing of inforsation. However, development of specialized BIS is in most cases practiaally unfeasible due to the long periods and high cost of developing them when converting to solid-state equipment. 3'he development of mi- croprocessor complexes (MPK) as a nPw component base of computer equipment elimin- ated to a eigriiffcant� degree the contradiction between universal and spaciaAized information processinq devices. The micropmcessor is a functionally conplete universal prograia-cantr.)lled devioe for logic aad arithmetic processing of digital inforcnatioa. A class of micropst'- cesaor computer equipment, to which microprocessor complexee of BiS, microcomputers of various Sesignation and multimicroprocesaor computer systems are related, have been developed during the pastdecade oa the basis of.microprocessor BIS. - The hiqh rel'iability, universality, small size and other alvantaqes cf micropro- cessor devices provide the capability of buildinq them into objects, bringing the onmputer equipment as close as possible to an inforaiation sensor ar receiver. 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 x d ~ ~ U n ~ ~ ~ U W 04 i~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ w 0 N V ~ 4J m Mi t t ~ b 4.) �A ko H U OOCOODODepr-Itl'r-IN o ro U FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ ~ $4 O d o w~ a ~ 00 s�~ I w m ~iu~i ~ a ~ m co 1000000000 0000 oo0DO0 ri r-1 r-1 ~-I rl ~-1 ~-i t0 r-I 6 ~ ~ ~ �a R[ E~ H H H H H H H H H tOOriMd' 101- OD01 ~ o c+1 OD Cfl GO GD 00 OD 00 GO ~-s+ 1 1 NN ~aab~i U HH Hrn . � H f~ Ul W *rl O N ~oDUl~aorn~ehC~ ~ z o N Cl tQOrlMel'10t~GQ0~ z tni t 11 N HNmvmwnaom za a~ ~ ~-o . 43 ~~v+ OOOO.OOOUI0 ~ 31 O~OOit~�OONp~1 % ~ ~ r1 r' r-I w ~ ~ oovoo~noa~ ~i, o N O -1~� CV O N N O E 1 0 zo ~ 99 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY However, MPK can be used eftactively to develop not only microcomputsrs but large computera as well. , The characteristics of th3 main Saviet MPK, oriented toward various applications, are qiven in Table 1. As follows from the table, some MPK are the base for con- struction of microcomputers produced in our country. However, in many cases their characteristics do not meet the requirements of specific applications; therefore, it becomes develop microcomputers based on MPK that are adapted to the maximum to the suggested applications with minimum required set of hardware without any redundancy in calculatinq capacity, overall dimensions, mass and other charac- teristics. The main effect of MFK on design of problem-oriented information, com- puter and control microprocessor systems (MPS) also consists in this. Characteristic features of designing microprocessor systems. Not only the compon- ent base but the approach to design of computer equipment changed with the appear- ance of microprocessors [1]. Analysis of the experie nce of developing systems based on MPK made it pqssible to detexmine the following main characteristics of MPS design. 1. Microprocessors are algorithmically universal modules whose functional orienta- tion is determined by development of the approgriate software. In this case the interface of the given modules is organized from adequately developed recomnaenda- tions and the periods for developing the hardware part of the system are consider- ably reduced. The.use of microprxessors is a jwnp from small- and medium-integra- tion circeiits with a"rigid" structure in the field of programming to structural circuits of the processor-meawry-commutatar level. _ 2. The fun.ctional orientation of the system requires large expenditures of time aand funds to develop applied and systems programs for each specific field. This is aggravated by the fact that micmprocesaor $ystems have begun to be used widely in different fields where computer equipment was previously not used due to the im- possibility of using it or due to economic infeasibility. The practice of develop- inq MPS shows that the fraction of economic expenditures on development of software is increasing continuously with respect to expendituree on development of hardware. For example, the cost of developing software comprises an average of 60 to 80 per- cent of tha total cost of MPS developments. 3. The trend directed toward realization of software functions by hardware ap- peared. Arr example of this is develepment of BIS oxiented toward cantrol of per- ipheral devices such as disks, displays, printers and interrupt processing BIS and also development of BIS for mathematical calculations having a special set of in- structions. The given BIS permit one to expand the field of MPS application and to increase their productivity. Thus, the INTEL Company has developed the micro- processar mAduie 8087 oriented toward rapid arithmetic operations with floating points up to 64 digits and calculation of trigonometric functions. The distin- guishing feature of auxiliary BIS is their proqrammability and aleo the fact that their complexity corresponds to or is hiqher than that of microproceasors. For example, the MP-8080 contains 5,000 tranaietors, the 8257 direct memory access con- troller contains 4,000 transistore while the BIS 8275 for connecting displays with raster scanning to the MP-8080 contains 15,000 transistors. This contributed ta the developntient of systems design with expanders. 100 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' NOVMO CutmeMeau a~onua (Z) . oa Mnt ycW (3) . adaoo MnK (4) 5) ~~c.: ~..,;,�o - �an;,,:,,' ; t:~~A` Pa~oo6omho 0 vsina6anxo [OEd[mD (1.3 6) � [ur~;t.~or,o��wn~~ Pa~OaDCmxo onto- pum.+oepecawo� 11 omnaBAu u ~uuull/)t (7~ uNunaOCuMOJY~O npourctc0� uu 00)po OaM0lA00� 18\ / NHa~PPP~fuCN/!C 12) . (9) aitomo ntNUt u amnoBno onnopw� OXIiC D Nera [pr tm mttpawui u qomM~ u MNar ne~im0 (14 (15) a ot~u9eN/~aw , . pt�ruMe yeNiru xopanmepuc~u (16) KoNeu (17) . Key: . 1. Beqianing . 2. 'Systems analysis 3. Selection of MPS configuration . � 4. Selection of MPK . � 5. Developsnent of hardware 6. Memory system 7. Microproceasor module 8. MPS interface 9. Manufacture and debugging of MPS hardware 10. Development of software 11. Development af algorithms for realizatian af MPS funetions 12. Development of programs and debugging of them on cross-devicea 13. Developsnent of debugging devices 14. Inteqration of hardware and software 15. Debugqing of MPS in resident mode � 16. Analysis of characteristics . 17. End � specific difficulties since the microprogram developer must select the microin- structions format, thoroughly study the mechanisms of fosmulatihg subsequent mic- roinstructions addresses, code transmission channels and possible inteqration dur- ing transmissions and must take into account delays.and uioreover there are frequentiy no microprogram writinq, editing and debugging devices. 101 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY 4. The use of microproceasors in systems design changes the procesg of debugginq them with transfer of the center of gravity to debugging the software devices. This requires the presence of such basic software as a translator from Assembler language or a hiqh-level language and editing, modelling and load programs. 5. The criteria of systems planning changed with the appearance of micraprocessor sets of modules, the most important of which are: the modular criterion that includes organization of MPS with minimum possible number of types of different componeats; - the contact structure between modules should be relatively regular while the ~ number of contacts should be minimum, which reduces the requirements on the nianber of leads of the BIS modulej requirements of systems "support," testing and diagnosis of which becomes - ever more difficult and important. _ Designing the hardware and software of microprocessor systems. The main phases of - designing microprocessor systems are presented in Figure 1. One of the m4st im- portant phases is systems analysis, the purpose of which is to determi,ne the re- quirements on the system bei,ng designed: ta determine the set of functions which should be performed by the system, the required productivity, the cost boundaries in the development, manufacture and servicing phases of the system, and aYso to refine the critical functions accarding to the criteria of the system being devel- oped, the analyze the composition of peripheral devices and their operating modes, to establish the nature of the preceding relationships of individual functions (subproblems) of the system, for example, series, parallel-series and intermittent contact and to determine the structure and "origin" of data and also the require- _ ments on output data and the need to store it. . The requirements on the configuration of the system are determined and the prablem of realizing the allocated functions by the software or hardware method are first resolved during the second stage according to analysis. The difficulty of solving -the given problem frequently cansists in the fact that there ie a set of new ap- - plications of microprocessors which require investigations prior to decision- making. Moreaver, it fxequently becomes encessary to investigate problems of module syn- thesis to implement functions by the hardware method due to the absence of the corresponding BIS in microprocessor complexes to realize the required functions. The next phase of design is selection of the MPK; which must be accomplished on the basis of three main aspecte. 1. Such mi.croprocessor characteristics as the set of instructions and methods of addressing, digit capacity, number of qeneral-purpose registers used, the presence , and type of stack memory, the capability of processing interruptions and sa on - must be analyzed from the viewpoint of software development. The set of instruc- - tions must be selected and microproqrams for realizing them must be developed if - required for sectional microprocessors with microprogram level, which is related ~ 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 - FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY 2. On the basis of syetems design, the wmpleteness of the complex, which should contain, besides the microprocessor, PZU [External storage] and OZU [Internal stor- age], BIS modules for organiza4ion of the interface with peripheral devices, con- trollers for interrupt processing, control of direct access to the memory, bus shapers, buffer registers, on-off generator and systems contmller, must be analyzed. 3. Such programs as a translator from symbolic language to a binary (entity) code, editing program and a modelling program without which the time and cost of MPS development increase considerably, is required from the viewpoint of software development and debugging. Z'he qiven programs ar.e usually developed for other computers and are called cress-devices for software development of the MPS being designed. Moreover, one must have a manitor, which permits one to control starting and stopping of the MPS from a terminal, to load the memory, far example, from papertape, to print the contents of the memory and registers of the microprocessors, to edit the contents of the memory cells and registers and to perform certain other functions, to debug programs in the so-called resident mode in the computer being designed. In this case part of the monitor functions can be used not onl.y in de- bugging but in operating the svstem for operational "interference" of man, for ex- ample, in the control process: changing the parameters ot the process, display of some variables or in cther words for interactive operation of man and the control system. The need -to include the resident debugging phase is determined by the following factors: IN the difficult of modellin time-cle Y g pendent and asynchronous events on cross- devices; the speed of peripheral devices in a general-purpose computer is fixed and known and the intensities of the input flows are frequently unknoxan inasystems for real-time applications, the moments of their arrival are detennined by the control- led process and so on; there is usually complex interaction of programs in reai-time systems when using mul.tiprogramming modes to process parallel processes and interruptionsf the increased requirement on systems reliabilitp does not permit error cor- rection during functioning. us consider in detail the phase of software development of MPS, which is car�- ried out in pQrallei. to the phase of development and debugging of MPS hardware. The software anci hardware are integrated end joint debugqing of the MPS in the resident mode is accompTished after their completion. Development of function realization algorithms. After determinatian of the func- tions which must be fulfilled in the MPS being designed,.the individual function realization algarithms are developed. This requires organization interface to exchange information between individual software modules. The process of func- ' tional decomposition has several iterations existing up to the moment until the functions are written in terms of the algnrithm, i.e., in the form a sequence of 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 ~a FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY deternined aad resultant effecta, while infosznation (input and output) for indi- vidual procedures is represented by a apecific etructure of aata used in allocated function realization procedures. 6oftware module development. The given phase includes encoding specific functions in some languaqe selected from the accessible languages: Agsembler or a high-level ~ languaqe, the use of which has advantages and disadvantages. Unlike a high-level languaqe, the number of lines of the initial program in Assembler is usually con- sid8rably greater--a single high-level language operator of the initial program genezates an average of 5-10 machine instructions. Donsequently, less time is re- - quired to write programs in this language and the programs are better docwnented and less complicated, but the volume of pragrams usually exceeds that in the number af instructions written in Assembler and this means that a larger memory and longer time are required to realize them. Proqram translation. The translator translates the program into an entity code. In this case a syntactical and semantic check af the input program is made and diagnostic measages and listinqs of input and enti.ty proqrazns are printed out. The translator is a complex program. For example, the cross-assembler proqram of the serifia K-580 microprecessor larqvage on the YeS-1033, developed at LETI [Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute] imeni V. I. Ul'yanov (Lenin) comprises approximately 1,700 operators of PL/1 language, while the required computer storaqe capacity to store the cross-assembler compriaes 70 IdDytes. . Proqram modelling. The program is desiqned to debuq entity pmgrams of the micro- processor system. It coincides in its designation to the resident debuqger, but may sometimes offer the user qreater capabilities, for example: output to the terminal of the aomplete route of executed instructionst . printing the time'required to realize individual 3ect3ons or the entire programt . . . stopping the program at checkpoints to retrieve diaqnoatic infermation= printout of the contents of the microprocessor and mamory-registers, words of state of the program and so on. Thus the proqram developed f.or the series K-580 micro&ocessor simulates one on-off operating cycle of the micraprocessor aystem during 10 ms on the YeS-10331 the re- quired storaqe capacity comprises approximately 77 Ibytes and the valume of the rodelling program oompriaes on the order of 800 operators of ALGOL language. The entity code must be retrieved for gubeequent loadinq and debuqging in the zes- ident mode in the MPS after modelling of the entity program has been completed.. Use of microprocessor devices to solve some control and modelling prablems. Analy- sis of control and modelling pr_oblems shows that the typical functions required for solving them are the following: data gathering from analog and digital signal sen- sors, conversian of analoq signals to digital signals and vice versa, information 1A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF'LCIAL USE ONLY processing usually in real time, signal generation by the required law, reproduc- tion of special functions, display and printaut of results and so on. Table 2. Computer Parameters Name of Parameter _ Length of words to be processed - Volume of addressable field of inemory Nwnber of addressable input-output devices Ntiunber of instructions Volume of stack Number of storage registers Number of index registers Niunber of inemory addressing modes Size of inemory pages Time required to fulfill instructions (with cxcle of 2 s) : addition with memory multiplication (mean value) division transfer Design versian of processor Power consumed by processor (at maximum clock frequency Number of integrated circuits in proceasor Mean cycles bstween failure for processor (with- out regard to power supply sources) Value 16 digits 64KX16 256 90 64 K words 2 3 12 256 words 2-3 us 28 us 30 us 2-3 us 155 X 225 imn card 8 W 26 Approximately 16,000 hr Investigations oanducted at LETI imeni V. I. U1'yanov (Lenin) since 1972 showed that the eniunerated functions are typical for many information, contml and com- puter systems, specifically production process, monitoring and measuring, scientif- ic experiment automation and communications control systems [2-8]. Approaches to realizing the indicated typical functions are also considered briefly on examples of the development. Measuring information gathering and processing. A block diagram of the systein is - presented in Figure 2. The basis of the system is a 16-digit microcomputer based on a series K-584 MPK [3]. Input infornation is entered inta the micmoomputer from 1,024 analog sensors and it is first normalized and converted to digital form by the analog-digital converter (ATsP) of the data qathering bloaks (BSD). The results of processing are fed to recorders, a qraph plotter and alphanuneric printer (ATsPU). The blocks are synchx+onized in the system by means of a control block (BU). The parameters of tkie mizrocomputer are presented in Table 2. The software of the microcomputer consists of service programs used in development and debugging and applied programs. Symbolic codinq language, cross-assembler, cross-interpreter and loader are related to the service software. The crass-de- vices are oriented taward the use of the YeS EVM IUnified computer systeni]. 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 LY rOUnnro oKanoroewl iamvuRae ~ (2) f~ � ~ i rrc,'m uo:~uat. 61Y1 ~ ,noP rx:otn;~: Au~ 16 mou L'!Q - t!J!J MuKpo- ~ r.j 3BM ($BAOby AU/1J ~pcu~tna ~ Key: ' . 1. Groups of analoq sensors S. Microcomputer 2. Nonnalizers 6. Interrupt inputs 3. Fmerqency recorder 7. Garaph plotter 4. Operational recorder S. Console Analog-digital infornation conversion. A blxk diaqram of integrating an 10-digit ATsP based on alternate (dual) inteqration of the transformed and reference voltage from the IK-80 K-580 microprocessor is presented in Figure 3[5]. The circuit op- erates in the "atandby loop" mode, which envisions cyclic interrogation of ATsP readiness, which plays the role of a peripheral device, and code transmission. Two multimode buffer registers BRl and BR2 with three-stable IR-12 K-589 outputs are � used as the interface nadules. Ttae reqisters are selected by the microprocessor according to addresses Ad2 &.d Ad3 transmitted from the microproceseor through the addreas bus (5hA) at the moment when the data buses (ShD) of the microprocessor are tuned to receive infosznation from the peripheral devices. The ATsP is triqgered and information is collected after it is ready by msans of a aignal fed to the "Start" input of the ATsP arid by analyzinq the values of the "Readiness" signal - from the output. Solution of a system of differential equstions. The structure of a.parallel pro- cessor (PP) designed to solve systems of ordinary nonlinear differential equatians having complex riqht side with larqe nwaber of arbitrary functions of a single and qreater nuaber of variables is presented in Figure 4. The processor is oriented to operate in real time within the camplex constructed on the basis of the SM-4 computer. The oarallel processor is constructed on the mainline-modular principle. it in- cludes a parallel processor coaitroller (ICPP) and calculating modulea organized on synchronous anc'(/or asynchronous priaciples. The number of modules and their types - are determined by th$ structure of the realized alqorithm. A synchronous module is used for the sequential arid stronqly bound parts of the algorithm and asynchronous modules are wsed for parallel weakly bound parts. This structure of the processor ensures vy the*step-by-step nature of fulfilling proqrams and the problem orienta- tion of the processor. io6 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: 1. Multiplexer2. Block for selection and storage of analag signals 3. Comparator 4. Readiness 5. Synchronizer and digital time interval meter 6. Output 7. Synchronization 8. Systems controller 9. Input The synchronous calculating module- (Figure 5) includes an interface module (IM), instruction processor (KP) that includes an instructions memory (PK), microprog'ram control device (UMU) and microprogram memory (MPP),.a set of arithmetic-logic re- corder type devices (RALU) with supplementary register storage (SOZU), matrix.mul- tiplier block (nUM) and multiblock data memory (PD) with its own contraller (KPD). Hybrid type integrators*(GI) can also be included in the�composition af the module if there is a need to accelerate execution of integration operations. Data communication between the devices of the module is provided by two parallel- operating data buses ShDl and ShD2. Control is exercised by control buses ShU and signal of state buses ShS. The synchronous module has the follawing characteris- tics in the considered composition: digit capacity of 16-bit word, data memory capacity of 64K words, instruction storage capabity of 1K words, 4 RALU, capacity 107. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504040037-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY I 6a3o6av 38M I CM-4 0~% i lin i ~ I Knn i ~ I ~ ~ [uNapONNOiti ~ ~ MaayAb ~ ~ ~ d AtuMxpoNHau ~ 1(3) ~ troDyno/ ~ j I ~ I A[uNxponNau ~ tirodyae7 I ' KeY = (Di 1. SM-4 baseline computer 3. KPP bus 2. Synchronous module 4. Asynchronous module of register meanory in one RALII is 11 registers, capacity of SOZU in one RALU is 64 words, digit capacity of data buses is 16 bits, width of micrainstruction is 128 bits, cffipacity of microprogram memosy is 2K microinstructions, length of a cycle is 250 ns, structure is a section based on 25 cards measuring 210.X 170 mm, consumed - power is 300 W and productivity is approximately'100 million equivalent brief oper- ations of the baseline SM4 computer. . The productivity of the module is evaluated by-the stsnc7ard problem af modellinq a flying vehicle with 6 degrees of freedom (system of .,onlinear differential equa- tions of 32nd order) with an upper problem frequency of 4 Hx and accuracy of solu- tion not less than 0.01 percent. Productivity is increased 4-6-fold if an addi- tional 30 hybrid integrators (two integrators each on a single standard card) are introduced into the module. The problem arientation of the structure and instruction system, parallel realiza- tion of mathematical operations and control, the use of high-speed bipolar micro- processor sections, matrix multipliers based on BIS and a high-speed aemiconductor memory perniit a siqnificant increase of the PP speed compared to the baseline SM-4 computer. Siqnal generation. A block ciiaqram of the generator of controlled sequences of voltage pulses with built-in microprocessor is presented in Figure 6. Part of the generator that praduces the output siqnals is called the generator device. The microprocessor tunes the generator device and controls its starting and stopping. The main funetion of the microprocessor is to process the data and instruction flow which come from the keyboard with local control or from the communications 10. FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY r _ W!! 1 i s � ~ !UC v N y PA/ly PAAy PA/luM _ y C03y C03~I C03y ury t lUQ2 I � t ~ t -i ' 111 r J 1 rnQ ~liq . j /'u j II~ I 1' L i . I I i ~ Key : 1. KPP bus or SM-4 comman bus channel with remote control. The numerical values of the parameters available in - the data flow should be stored, conv$rted and sent in the fonn of words*of state to the different blocks of the generator. The microprocessor alsa controls the the dynamic mode and realizes the exchanqe protocol according to the requirements of'the interface. ~ nsy ' dbc~vqua+~nata , eNe~mop- euxcd � ynpa0ndrw y~pp~cvAc Mn ~ Knae,rA,A,~a , ifc~~mloirra,Go (5) 039 ' ' , � � � IGey : l. Remote control channel C. Keyboard 2. Generator device 5. Display device 3. Output � � The number of services offered to the operator increases when a microprocessor is used. Because of special subrouti.nes, it becomes possible to oheck the input val- ues of parameters for permissible values or for conformity of the value of other 109 FOR OFF[CUL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFF7ClAL USE ONLY parameters with indication of the type of error on an illuminated display board and in emergency situstions with the device switched off. Let us note in conclusion that the microprocessor equipment has a considerable ef- fect on the methods of constructing information, control and calculatinq systems and the properties of the microprocessor devices pesmit them to be used effectively for the followinq purposea: to automate processes with the simplest algorithms and the use of micropro- cessor controllers based on the pmduced MPK provides the highest efficiency in this cases to automate control processes with adequate cacnplexity of the algoi-ithms for which small computers were previously usedj the use of microcomputers or computer systems is effective in these casesj to siqnificantly raise the intellectual propertiea of different monitoring and measuring and control devices by building the microprocessor and microcomputer inta the hardwaref to create decentralized infos-mation processing systems with structural com- bination of data processing and gathering devices, whic�h increases the degree of parallelism of the calculating processj to construct new hiqhly efficient connputers-and systems of different class. 7.'he main dieadvantages that make mass use of microprocessors difficult are the following: inadequate development of software problems and a laq of investiqations to develop debugging devices for the softwaret the practical absence of microperipheral devicess a lag of research in the field of developing problem-oriented microprocessor modules and their softwarel the absence of sufficient contact between developers of microproaessors and _ deve?opers of systems; inadequate training oi personnel to develop microprocessor systems. BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Balashov, Ye. P. and G. A. Petrov, "Microprocessors--a New Casaponent Base of . Electroaics," IZtIESTIYA WZOV, RADIOELEKTRONIKA, Vol 21, Na 11, 1978. 2. Balashov, Ye. P., V. B. Snalov, G. A. Petrov and D. V. Puzankov, "Mnogofunk- tsional'nyye regulyarnyye vychislitel'nyye struktury" [Regular Multifunctional Calculating Sti:ructures], Nbscow, Sovetakaye radio, 1978. 110 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 3. Helous, A. I., M. Yu. Klyashtornyy and S. T. Khvoshch, "Opyt razrabotki spetsi- alizirovannykh mikro-EVM na osnove mikroprotsessora K584 iKl" [Experience of Developinq Specialized Microcomputers Based on the IKl K-584 Microprocessor], Leningrad, LDNTP, 1980. 4. Balashov, Ye. P., V. B. Smolov, D. V. Puza:;kov et al, "Principles of Designing Numerical Proqram Control Syatems Based an Regular Microprocessor Structures," PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 110 1978 5. Gerasimov, I. V. and S. V. 1Zodionov, "Integration of Aaalog-Digital Convertac and the IK80 K-580 Microprocessor," PRIBORY I SISTIIR3t UPRAVLENIYA, No 10, 1980. 6. salashov, Ye. P., V. Ye. Itochetkov and D. V. Puzankov, "Microprocessor Realiza- = tian of External Storaqe Ooatrol Devices," PRIBORY i SiSTEMY UPRAVLENIYA, No 12, 1978. 7. Mazilkin, I. G., G. A. Petrov and G. Pulkkis, "About the implementation of Numerical Control of Machine Tools by Multimicroprocessor Systema," HELSiNKI _ UNIVERSITY CF TDCHNOLOGY, SERIES B# No 7, 1979. 8. Gordonov, A. Yu., G. A. Petrov, V. S. Stepanov et al, "Specialized Processors in Comununications Equipment," VOPROSY RADIOELEKTRONIKI. SERiYA TPS, No 5, 1975. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka",Elektronnoye modelircvantye, 1981 6521 CSO: 1863/55 111 FOR OFFTC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 FGR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 658.012.01136:681.518 AUTOMATION OF INFORMATION PROCESSES IN INTEGRATED AUTOMATED INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Moscow AVTOMATIZATSIYA INFORMATSIONKYKH PROTESSOV V INTEGRIROVANNYKH ASU PROMYSHLENNYMI PREDPRIY6TIYAMI ia Russian 1981 (sfgned to press 21 Jul 81) pp 2-3, 105-117, 123-124r 132-133, 141 ' [Annotation, foreword, sections 7,8,9 (excerpts) and table of cont:~nta from book "Automation of Information Processes in Integrated Automated 7ndustrial Management Systems" by Tofik Mamedovich Aliyev, Rafik AzizQvich Aliyev and Zinoviy Veniaminovich Khaldey, Energozidat, 6500 copies, 142 ,pages] [Excerpts] Annotation This book examines questiona of automating information processea in integrated management information syatems ueed in industrial enterprises involved in continuous production, as well as the construction of information models, development of, aelection of complement of hard- ware and methods of investigating information flows. Special attention ie devoted to experience gained in designing and introducing various information systems within industry. The book ie intended for engineering-technical workers at scientific-research and design organizations involved in developing sutomated information processing and management systems, as well as students in senior courses at higher educational institutions. ' Foreword Increasing attention has recently been devoted to improving mailagement proceases, including thoae used in industrial enterprises. ' The achievementa of-science and technology make it*possible to improve existing management information systems (MIS), and to raiae:'the technical and scientific level of newly created M][S. The greatest development of induetrial MIS is reftected in systems winieh are qualitatively new, namely integrated management information systems. The objective conditiona for the creation of such systems , consisted of the domestic production of third-generation computera and widely varying types of peripheral devices. In addition, technological procesaes involved in data acquisition, processing and output have become much more complicated. 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY One of the most important stages in creating a management information system is the actual technological data processing process. Experience has shown that new management technology is formed on the basis of accumulated experience, and _ makes extensive use of that experience. The present book disseminates experience in developing information systems in the petroleum processing industry, and devotes attention to the organization of work in the pre-design stage, methods of information research and problema of proceasing data in integrated management information systems used in petroleum processing - enterprises. Practical results associated with these matters obtained at various facilities within the branch are described. Sections 7, 8, 9 [excerpts] - The use of the Small Computer System (SCS) makes possible a rational combination of centralization and decentralization of technological process monitoring . functions, and creates the foundation for using direct digital control and gradually eliminating the use of specialized automation systems and cumbersome instrument panels at the bottom level of automated process control systems [70]. The SM-1 and SM-2 control computer complexes are designed for uae in autqmated equipment, process and production control systems. These complexes are configured at the customer's specifications on the ba&is of the SM-1P and SM-2P processors using SCS modular assemblies. These can use peripheral devices in the M-6000, ' M-7000 ASVT-M nomenclature, and are fully compatible with the latter with respect to input-output interface. Interfacing is also supported with the Unified Computer System, KTS LIUS, local information-controlsystem hardware and ' other systems [71]. The SM-1 and SM-2 control computers can provide the basis for configuring local as well as territorially distributed multi-machine computing complexes. In order to use the SM-1 and SM-2 control computer-complexes in an automated _ process control syatem, the users are proirided with a set of applications programs which can be used to realize data acquisition, analysis and primary processing functions. The scope of primary processing for analog transducers includes calculation of real values, linearization, smoothing, and introducing temperature and pressure corrections [72]. This hardware makes it possible to synthesize sutomatic process control system hardware which implements centralized and decentralized structures allow�ing for the functions which are executed. Figure 15 shows automatic process control system hardware wh ich includes KM2101 and KM2103 local information-control system hardware which can be used to implement a central.ized structure in which the KM2103 complex executes the functions of a terminal device for the control computer complex. Figure 16 shows automated procesa control syatem hardware built on the basis of SCS which implement a decentralized atructure. 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FOR OFF'ICiAL USE ONLY (1)1 CM9BM ( 1) I 98K M-6000 KM NOJ r_---~KM 2101 I(2 ~ nonoauvecKaA I cmonoBKa (2) 1 yco (3) I (4) TeznonoeuvecKqx i ycmanoOKa I Figure 15. Centralized automated Figure 16. 'Decentralized automated - process control aystem hardware process control system hardware atructure structure Key: 1. M-6000 control computer Key: 1. SCS complex 2. tommunication device 2. technological device 3. transducers , 4. technological device The solution of technical anO economic probleme involved in managing an enterprise as a whole (MIS :~asks) is distinguiahed by the lack of the sutomatic measurement proceLures executed within the group of sutomated - process control system tasks. T!he other aforementioned functions (recording, convereion, acquisition, transmiaeion, procesaing, displayin3, accumulating and outputting resutta) also have distinguishing charaCteristics: information recording consists of entering infarmation in basic documenta having an established form and content; data conversion consista of transferring to- some medium for computer input; data acquisition, tranemission and procesaing includea atoring the source data transenitted from remote facilitiea to magnetic tapes or diacs, manipulating the data during the problem aolving process, correcting and fonaing a seriea of data files; the output of reeulta includea - outputting calculation results for usera in hard-copy or video dieplay form. Data recording and conversion functions are implemented in MIS by meana of data preparation devices. The procedure involved in preparing source docwnents and machine media includes filling out atandard blanks manually and then traneferring the contents of the source document to machine data media uaing data preparation devices. Since the process of transferring data to machine media is labor- intensive and involves the possibility of error, a great deal of attention is devoted to improving computer data input techniques. This improvement is moving 114 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in two basic directions: creating automatic readers in which the source document - is used for data input; and combining the preparation of the source document and the input of data to the computer in a single process. Automatic readers and machine-readable documents are not yet being used in the petroleum processing industry .integrated MIS; their use is a matter for the future. Implementation of the second direction i.nvolves the use of devices which belong to the nomenclature of data teleprocessing system hardware. The use of these devices for the purposes indicated above involves executing the following operations: preparing data for computer input by entering iti via keyboard; recording the entered data; editing the data; inputting the data to the computer. . Data teleprocessing equipment includes three groups of devices: data transmission multiplexers, communications devices and subscriber terminals. Data transmission multiplexers are used to interface data transmission equipment to Unified System computera. There are four types of multiplexers in the Unified Computer System: the MPD-lA, which allows 15 different eubscriber terminals to operate independently over � _ communication channels at the same time (the MPD-1 is aupplied in two modifications: the basic number of cocmnunications channels wtirch can be connected is 32, and can be increased to 64); the MPD-2 provides the capability of connecting between 16 and 176 channels in increments of 8 channels; the fourth multiplexer is the four- channel MPD-3. The communications hardware which comprisea the data tranamission equipment includes modems, signal converters and error protection devices which are designed to operate over various types of channels. The following types of modems have been developed: modems for operation over telephone and wideband channels at rates of 200-4800 and 48,000 bps, and modems designed to operate - over telegraph channela at rates of 50, 100 and 200 bps. The signal converters are designed to operate over physical links at ratea c,~f up to 9600 bps. These are produced in several modifications (low-level, telegrsph type). Error - protection devices are supplied in versions which support half-duplex and duplex working. Various types of subscriber terminals are used in data processing systems based on the Unified Computer System. The AP-1, AP-2, AP-3 and AP-4 terminals are uaed for data acquisition. The AP-61, AP-62 and Ag-63 display-based terminals are efficient for inquiries and datn processing for inputting and outputting large data files, as well as interactive data proceasing; the AP-70 and I>P-11 are designed for remote data proceasing. The information from the subscriber terminal is processed by the computer and the results returned to r.lne subscriber terminal [68]. Figure 17 shows a general diagram oi .:ata teleprocessing using Unified Computer Syatem facilities for a single communications channel. 115 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040037-2 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r ~ M Hdu _ /I~nenmcauu nynkin . EC 3RM /(oaan Ccn+a Kanan y( 9) I . 3BM MIf MRQ A 'CDAJU c0A9u CGA~a !!/1 y!I y(101 ~ (2) (3) (4) (5") (6) (5) (4) s ..J Ndqioproeuuonnoiu i~ynKm . ( 11) NI1C Figure 17. General diagram of data teleprocessing for a single comunications channel. Key: 1. integrated 7. Unified Computer Syatem subecriber 2. computer (multiplexed channel) termin,al 3. data transmission multiplexer 8. contrcller 4. daCa transmission equipment 9. data input device 5. communications channel 10. data output device 6. communications network The nomenclature of equipment in the SCS allowa them to be used to build data acquisition and transmission systems. The data transmission devices in the SCS include all of the basic modules inherent in large-computer teleprocessing syatems: data multiplexers, data transmission devices, modems, aignal con- verters, concentraters and sutomatic signaling devices. In addition, the data transmisaion devicea include a number of modules which are aimed especially at SCS use: data transmission adaptors, automatic aignaling adapters, programmable error protection devices, simplified modems, aignal converters with bi-impulse coding, and modems with eimple accuracy enhancement. The uae of apecial-purpose modules as part of the data transmission equipment makes it possible to co-4ocate SCS with the controlled entity, to use SCS as satellites for large computers, to crnnbine aeveral territorially separated small computers into a multi-machine complex, to aimplify procedures for exchanging data with ter,minal devices and to use a synchronous data transmisaion [68]. The use of typewriters in Unified Computer System teleprocesaing aystems makes it possible to combine data input and hard-copy production. However, using type- writers to input data involves a number of ahortcomings, which include low input speed, imposaibility of editing information prior to input a�d poor typewriter reliability. In order to eliminate theae shortcominga, displays can be used for data input. _ However, most hard-copy information is now being input to integrated management information aystems by transferring it to machine media centrally within the integrated computer center using appropriate input devices. The following are 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' provided for Unified System computera:.a 1500 cps punch-card reader and a 1000-1500 cps paper tape reader. The information procesaing functions are borne by computers in solvir.g management information syetem problema. The techn.ical system complex in the integrated management information system of the petroleum processing industry uaes computers in the Unified System and ASV'T series, specifically the YeS-1022 from the Unified System series and the M-4030 from the ASVT series. Most of the output data resulting from solving management information problems is presented in hard-copy form; therefore, alphanumeric printers are used for data output. The alphanumeric printers used in the Unified Computer System have a printing rate of 650-900 cps. Data files are output to peripheral devices magnetic tapes, discs and, much less often, paper tape and punch cards. Combined functioning of management information systems and automated process control systems based on using the same basic data poses the problem of creating multi-machine complexes with a broad network of peripheral hardware interconnected via communicatiqna channels. � (1) npoweccvp f (4) (3) yy rrny A9(5) ~~(6) ~ 2 ) /laoueccon 2 rrn.v( 4 ) yy (3) I Ay(5)I 917(6)1 MX CKI CK2 CI(2 Clfl P1K {7) 8) 9) (9) 8). 7 Figure 18. Multi-comD!tter organization at direct control channel level Key: 1. processor 1 6. main memory 2. processor 2 7. multiplex channel 3. controller . 8. selector channel 1 4. direct control channels 9. aelector channel 2 5. [probably arithmetic unit] A multi-machine complex is formed both by combining high-speed computers used to solve management information problems with the control computer complexes ~ making up the automatic process control system hardware, as well as by combining 117 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE OtiLY two or more computers designed to solve management information problems in cases in which the computing capabilities of a single computer are insufficient. The requirement that two computers be used to solve management information problema may also be dictated by reliability considerationa. However, it ahould bekept in mind that the uae of two computers to increase productivity results in a modz of distribution of problems between the interconnected computers which is complicated in terms of its organization. It ia simpler to organize the functioning of a single powerful ccmputer. . Multi-computer organization can thus occur at the computer level as well as the control computer-computer level in the integrated management information system hardware used in the petroleum processing induatry. ' Multi-computex organization can be done at four levels [68]: the direct-control channel level, main memory level, computer channel level and peripheral device level. Multi-computer organization at the direct-control channel level (Figure 18) establishes a connection between the central controllers of the computera and provides highly efficient data exchange between the computers. Multi-computer organization at the main memory level (Figure 19) allows several processors to use a common memory, which provides expanded memory for each processor. ~ ( i ) npoqeccop 1 4) 1( 3 ) yy Knsr 2 ) /Ipnweccop 2 . K119(4) yy (3) on(6) 10(5) I lqy(5)1 0n(6)1 MKM CKl CK? (8 (9 CtY ?1CK, MK '(9) (8 7 Figure 19. Multi-computer organization at main memory level Key: 1. processor 1 6. main memory 2. procesaor 2 7. multiplex channel 3. controller 8. selector channel 1 4. direct control channels 9. selector channel 2 5. [probably arithmetic unit] When multi-computer operation is organized at the channel level (Figure 20), a connection is eatabliahed between the computer selector channel, which allows the main memoriea in tYce computers to exchange data in a mode in which one of 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the computers acts as a peripheral device with reapect Eo another computer. For the Unified Computer System, multi-computer organization at the channel level is done with the help of a"channel-channel adapter". Multi-computer organization at the peripheral device level is done by connecting several computers to the same peripheral device. (1) /lpoueccvp / (2) /lpo4'eccap 2 'J.SI (3) K17y(4) (4)Kny 'Jy (3) Ay(5) 0'7(6 0/7(6) Ay(5) rrK cKI cK2 9) ( 9) cK2 cKI, Mx(7) ~ ~ AKK $ ~ �(l0) Figure 20. Multi-computer organization at computer channel level Key: 1. processor 1 6. main memory 2. processor 2 7. multiplex channel 3. controller 8. selector channel 1 4. direct control channels 9. selector channel 2 - 5. [probably arithmetic unit] 10. channel-channel adapter The availability of two inputa to the peripheral devices and Unified System multiplexers makes multi-computer organization at this level possible (Figure 21). Multi-computer organization at the peripheral device level makes it possible to connect two computers to the same data transmission multiplexer, which provides uninterrupted operation over communications channels when one of the computers malfunctions. Unified System computers and M-6000 control computers can be combined to create multi-machine complexes which are not separated by long distances by using channels or an external memory field. The machines are connected by means of an input-output interface matcher and extra program modules which are added to the standard operating system [691. The matcher can be connected to either a program channel or to the M-6000 direct memory access channel (Figure 22). When connected to a Unified System computer, the is connected to the selector channel as a high-speed peripheral device. Two interface cards are used to connect the matcher: a control interface card and data interface card. Figure 23 shows methods used for remote interfacing of Small System computer complexes with Unifie.d System co:nputer. llg FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FON OFF'ICIAL USE 01VLY ~ 1) .7por{cccop 1 (3) .y9 Kny (4) 9y(5) �fl(6) MK~ 7~ cK~ zK2 (9 ) ( 2 ) npoiltccop 2 (4 ) Kny srsr (3) on(6) Ay(5 jffC/(1.r MK( 7 Myqemum7earcop Myneinu17neKCVp (10) nepedavu nepedavu (10) . aanaaia aonneix ' � (11) ' ' KaMrtymamcp . If nunu.qM c4xicc ~ (12)� . Figure 21. Multi-computer organization at peripheral de'vice level (communications link). Key: 1. procesaor 1 , 7. multiplex channel 2. processor 2 8. selector channel 1 ' 3. controller 9. aelector channel 2 . 4. direct control channels 10. data transmisaion multiplexer 5. [probably arithmetic unit] 11. switch 6. main memory 12. to comnunications links The fi:st two configurations correspond to the interfacing version in which the Small System processors are co-located with the Unified System complex. Inthis case the Small System computers act as a communications processor which controls the data transmiasian channels and does preliminary processing of the data passing over them. . The third configuration corresponds to the version in which remote complexes of Small System computers are connected over data t.ransmisaion channels [73]. The large variety of functional capabilities of broad nomenclature of computer devices make it possible to use Small System computers as measurement- information elements in a meas.urement-information aystem. As part of a complex management informationsystem, Small System computers have devices for gathering and processing initial data from different sources; the small computers can also act as a data source for a higher-level computer. Figuire 24 showa a structure 120 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (1) (2) (1) (2) EC IM-60GG (3) 3eM (4) Cc17camop- /lpozparr- Kun neni MNORL Oti A'U/iUQ /fQNQ/! QB (6) i (7) (8) . ~ a) . (5) fC 9eM (3) (4) in-gooo L npn� CeneKmop- /lpozparr' lfanan~pe Boc nerti � M~IbIII r1oau Ju~ ' llMJlql HQ/1Q/I Kanan i~u 4naMAm ' (7) a i (6) (8) . b) Figure 22. Connecting Unified System computer to M-6000 computer. a-- with matcher connected to M-6000 program channel;b with matcher connected to M-6000 direct memory access channel Key: 1. Unified Sqstem computer 5. direct memory access channel 2. M-6000 ~ 6. data interface card 3. se.lector channel 7, control interface card 4. program channel 8, matcher in which a Small System computer acts as a communications processor working together with a Unified System main processor. Small System multiglexers and _ adapters are used to interface the processar with the communications channels [741. 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY _ (1) Namemcuc � (2) EC 38M (3 ) A~12A/OU! (8) ( ].1 )M/1.Q �C 38M . Om 2n c2,cl . (LF~ CM-J, CM-4 ~9) CM-l, CM-2. K 6) l(C ' ' 0a ~K ' CZ,Ci (5) nqcAlcl (10) Aac.-s (12) Aac-~lc c2, c~ (15) c2 (15) _ oru (2K1 (b) rc (6) Kc (13) cM.qeM czcl (15) c2(15) om~2K) . (7) r (7) r 14) A,uc -Ac . . . c2,c, (15) � � - (6) Kc cZ,c1 (15) . ('1) r . Figure 23. Methods of Small Systems computer interaction with Unified System computers. . . Key: 1. interface 9. SM-1, SM-2 2. Unified System computer 10. asynchronous-synchronous data 3. 2A/OSh rarik cotinaunications transmiasion adapter adapter 11. Unified System multiplexer 4. SM-3, SM-4 12. asynchronous/synchronous data 5. asynchronous (synchronous) transmiasion adapter ysteta computer data transmission adapter 13. Small S' 6. communications channel 14. asynchronous-synchronous data 7. terminal tranaffiiasion adapter 8. 2A/2K rank communications 15. standard interfaces adapter 122 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040037-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY EC 3BM 2A '(2) Ra ' ' OUI (3) CM 3BM I O/U (4)1 MynamunneKCOp (S)IMI IMI IM (5) M M M Cp C2 C2 (2) Ha (2) NQ A!! OU/ AA NQ AQ AA ZR (3) CM 3BM CM 38M , CM 38M OU/ 2K (6) yC0 9C0 . yC0 (7) A Figure 24. Geographically distributed atructure of hardware in technological data acquisition information system Key: 1. Unified System computer 5. [probably modem] 2. [probably adapter] 6. computer-measured object communications 3. Small System computer device 4. multiplexer 7, transducer 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTER 3 EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNING AND IN�rRODUCING INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8. Automation of Information Processea in Integrated Management Information System at Aiovo-Bakinskiy Petro�leuin Processing P1$nt imeni Vladimir'I1'ich The Novo-Bakinskiy-Order of October Revclution Petroleum Processing Plant imeni Vladimir I1'ich is one of the moat modern petroleum processing enterprises in this country. It =ncludes over 20 installations such as the combined high- capacity ELOU-AVT 6[expansion not given], counterflow-stage catalytic cracking installation, sulfuric-acid alkylation installation, retarded coking installations and others. In order to improve the level of organization of management of the enterprise, the NBNZ imeni Vladimir I1'ich began using acierttifically founded mathematical methods to automate management processes at all levels of management of the enterprise [76]. The'system was put into full-acale operation in 1975. Effective management of an enterprise as large as the NBNZ required the uae of a systems approach to designing the managemenf information system and, consequently, considering it as a multi-level hierarchical organization. The structure of the-management information system for the NBNZ was investigated, . and its algorithmic, organizational and functional hierarchies developed. The NBNZ MIS is constructed as a full-level hierarchical system: I-- optimal planning, accounting and analysis of production and management activity; II optimal ' operational control and operational production accounting; III optimization of technological inetallation modes; IV regulation of process and equipment parameters. At level I, problems are solved on the basis of the directive indicators from the Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry of the Azerbaydzhan SSR and forecasts of material and production resources. Optimal ahort-term and annual plans are drawn up. Real time monitoring of the course of product output is done at this level. The execution of optimal plans ia taken care of at level II.. Based on predictions of the arrival of raw materials, shipment of finished product and the status of technological equipment, models of operational planning and control and operational accounting data for the preceding time period are used to calculate ahort-term operational production assignmenta (for a period of 1 day). Level II is connected to the optimal planning level through a dynamic operational planning model which pronides the basis for detailing the production program. Operational control and operational planning are interrelated by the formation of a two-module model of operational production management, where the first module is a model of the plan for the current operating period, and the second module is a model for the remaining intervals of the current operational planning stage. 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Level III provides optimal coordination between equipment and processes in complex technological syatems; it also ensures optimization of the modes of processes and equipment based on the accepted quality criterion, mathematical taodels of the processes and systems, operational assignments developed at level II, and current analysis of disturbances. Equipment parameters are monitored and regulated at level IV. Problems of optimal current and annual planning, optimal planning for technical installation repair schedules, operational control of~production, automated accounting of petroleum and petroleum product movement, reserves ac.counting, dispatcher monitoring and control of technological installations within the � plant, optimal control of catalytic cracking processes, and optimal control of the sulfuric acid alkylation instal.lation are now being solved as part of the MIS; other tasks which are being handled include integrated automation ' (monitoring and regulatian) of all technological installations.'in the plant using high-performance sutomatic regulation systems implemented on the basis of invariance theory and variable-structure system theory; the cost of goods _ production, material and technical aupply planning, technological reaource accounting, movement and'realization of finished product accounting, calculations of actual cost and payroll, supplier accounting, daily plant reporting and statistical reporting, as well as a number of other problems. A brief characterization of some of the main taska of the NBNZ management information system is given below. The functions of business and operational accounting'are implemented by the same devices in accounting for commodity production. The operati-onal accaunting system for commodity production at NBNZ imeni Vladimir I1'ich is part of the automated system which accounts for petroleum and petroleum product movement. The operational accounting information-computing system for commodity production is a group acquisition and proceasing system for primary measurement information, and has a two-stage hierarchical structure (Figure 25). The first stage of this system ia implemented using a"Radius" information- measurement system [77].- The second stage includes an M-6000 control computer system, which bears the fupctions of computational'operations as well as centralized selection of the ap.propriate firat-stage information-measurement system. The first-stage information-measurement syatem includea the monitored facilities., which are reservoirs in which slit transducers are.installed along with equipment for piezometric measurement of the hydrostatic presaure of the produce within a group of reservoirs. 125 FOR OFF[CIAL USE Ol'dLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 (1) 7),f . . . Pn ' ~ 1 ~ � Pl ~ PZ' . . . Pn' (3) � HC nep ec'r cmynene ~ 2 NNC aauyc " �PQOuyc " (4) BmopaA cmynens, yQK M-6000 (5) Figure 25. Information-computing system'for oper4.tional commodity production accounting Key: 1. reservoirs 2. "Radius" information- * measurement system 3. firat stage 4. aecond stage 5. M-6000 control computer syatem 9. Operational Information Syetem for Petroleum Processing Enterprise Complex The information syatem within the -sutomatic management system of the enterprises of the Ministry of the Petroleum and L"nemical Induetry of the Azerbaydzhan SSR, which operates as part of the unified management information syetem of that Ministry, is deaigned to reflect in a timely manner the execution of the production program of the group of petroleum prosesaing plants and enterprises which makea up the Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry of the Azerbaydzhan SSR. 126 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The technical base of the system is the junction computer center, which includes a YeS-1020 computer and data transmission facilities located at Ministry enterprises. The tasks carried out by the information system include the "Daily Report of the Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry on the course of execution of the production program", "Operational Report on Functioning of Enterprises of Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industries" and "Report on Operation of Petroleum Processing Plant Group and Enterprises of Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industries" (monthly cross-section). The daily report presents a picture of the execution of the plan by enterprises belonging to the Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry for the current day and since the beginning of the month. The operational report on functioning of-Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry enterprises is formed on the basis of data obtained by'solving the problem of compiling the daily report, and reflects the course of plan fulfillment. for the reporting week and from the beginning of the month. The report on the work of the petroleum processing plant group and enterprises of the Azerbaydzhan SSR Ministry of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry includes summary data on the results of operation in terms of the entire nomenclature of petroleum products produced during the past month. The function of this information system is thus to obtain reliably timely information by means o.f automated data processing. Table of Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1. DESIGNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES WITH CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION 10 2. Problems of Management and Data Processing at Enterprises with Continuous Production 10 2. Planning Set*of Problems in Petroleum Processing Industry Integrated Management Information System 15 3. Information Investigation of Enterprise in Order to Create Integrated Management Information System 28 4. Investigation of Information-Logical Interconnection Beeween Tasks Involved in Managing Enterprises with Continuous Production . 42 Chapter 2. AUTOMATION OF DATA PROCESSING 5. Acquisition, Processing and Representation of Data in Petroleum Processing Industry Integrated Management Information System 69 127 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 6. Data Base in Integrated Management Information System of Enterpriees with Continuous Production 78 7. Technical Equipment for Automating Information Processes 97 Chapter 3. EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNING AND INTRODUCING INFORMATION SYSTEMS . 115 8. Automation of Information Processes in Integrated Management Information System at Nivo-Bakinskiy Petroleum Procesaing Plant imeni Vladimir I1'ich 115 9. Operational Information Processing System for Petroleum . ~ Proceasing Enterprise Complex 132 Bibliography 136 COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, 1981 6900 CSO': 1863/58 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ORGANIZATIONS AND PERSONALITIES UDC 518.1 NDSCOW UNIVERSITY'S COMPUTER CENTER N!oscow VESTNIK MOSKOVSKOGO UNIVEABITMA, SERIYA 15: VYCHISLITEL'NAYA MATEMATIKA I KIBERNETIKA in Russian No 4, Oct-Dec 81 (manuscript received 6 Jul 81) pp 3-8 _ [Article by Ye. A. Grebenikov and V. I. Dmitriyev: "On the Development oP - Scientific Trends in Moscow Univeraity's Computer Center"] [Text] The Scientific-Research Computer Center (NIVTs) was founded at Moscow University i n 1955 in�the Division of Mechanics and Mathematics. Scientific manage- ment of the computer center's work was conducted by the Department of Computational Mathematics. The scientific wark of the center and of thia department were closely ' connected. Theoretical imrestigations were performed on numerical methods of solv- ing mathematical problems and solutions were found to diverse problems originating in the departments of MGU (Moscaw State University) anri non-univer$ity organiza- tions. The Computer Center was equipped with the first Soviet computer "Strela" and had a relatively smaS_1 niunber of workers. - The development of computational m$thematics and computer technology, the growing demands of the subdivisions of Moscow University for the use of computers for . scientific investigations and in the instruetional proceas and the necessity for increasing the number of trained specialista in applied mathematics stimulated the development of the Computer Center. In 1958, academician A. N. Tikhonov became head of the Department of Computational Mathematics and the scientific director of the Computer Center. Under his influence and with his dir.ect participation, the major scientific trends to be follawed by the Computer Center took form and the Center quickly grew into a substantial scientific establishment, equipped with contemporary computer technology and employing a large number of highly qualified specialists. In 19729 -the Computer Center was reorganized into the Scientific- Researeki Computer Center of. MGU, a part of the Division of Cmputational Mathe- matics and Cybernetics. The breadth of its range and the proflundity of, the funder mental and applied investigations it has conducted, meke it possible to include the NIVTs in the ranks of the leading inatitutes in our nation in the field of computational mathematics. 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The major tasks of the NIVTs at the present time are: - the development of theoretical problems and applied questions in contempo- rgry computational matheffiatics which are important for the development of science and the econompr; � - participation in tra3ning and retraining of scientific cadres in the axea of computer utilization, provision of computer management of the instructional process and orga.nization of practical tra3ning Por students; - provision of-a3d in the incorporation and organization of computer utilizat tion for scientific investigations performed by subdivisions of MGU. The scientific investigations performed at the NIVTs gradually began to center around two leading problems. The first is associated with the developanent of methods of mathematical modeling,.numerical analysis and automated processing of the results of observations. Releve,nt to the second problem, investigations and development of software and hardware devices are conducted in order to facilitate the effective use of the computer in automated scientific investigations, the instructional process and administration. Within the Pramework of these two prob- lems, developments are being conducted in accordance with me,ry acientific trencls. The establishment and further development of the majority of these scientific - trends is closely associated with the name of A. N. Tikhonov. Of the seven doctoral dissertations defended by workera of the NIVTs, six were defended by A. N. Tikhonov's students. A. N. Tikhonovts work is characterized by the juxta- position of basic mathematical problems and work on actusl natural science topics. This has put a distinctive stamp on the work of th e NIVTs as well, where, along with basic research on computation.92 mathematics, work is conducted, elong a broad front, on the construction of mathematical models and the ntmmerical analysis of themfor many important econami.c tasks. In the Scientific-Research Cmputer Center, in cooperation with the Department of Computational Mathematics of the MGU Division, they are currentl,y conducting wide scale investigations to develop principles and methods of ms.thematical modeling of the phenomena and processes involved in va.rious natural sciences and to produce complex engineering designs. The goal of this work is an increase in the efficacy of the use of computers ;n automated scientific-investigations,the development of methods of automated processing and interpretation of experimental data snd the creation of systems to search for optimal designs in the solution of scientific engineering problems. Within the framework of this problem, they are conducting research to create mathematical models of electrodyna,mics, geophysics, plesma physics and aeromechanics. They are also developing numerical methods for solving problems in mathemstical physics and standard problems in numerical analysis. A large cycle of work is related to the creation of inethods for solving imrerae prob- lems and, tiased on this, the development of systems of procesaing and interpretar- tion of experimental data. Let us briefl}r consider the development of these scientific t2ends. 130 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Computational eleczrodyna.mics began to develop in the NIVTs starting in 1958, when, in response to an initiative by A. N. Tikhonov, a sma11 scientific group was created. In this group they developed numerical methods for the solution of boundary-value problems in electrodynamics, applied to problems in geoelectricity, - diffraction of electromagnetic waves and the theory of irregular waveguides. Research in this direction developed very rapidly and was widely acknowledged in our nation, as well as abroad. At the same time, work was performed on the adop- ticn of computers in the axea of construction of antenna feeder devices, synthesis of new types of antenna and the quantitative description of propagation of radio waves in non-homogeneous media. Principles were developed for a new approach to tasks in design of complex radia- ting systems, based on the general theory of regularization of solutions to poorly defined problems in mathematical physics. As a result of the research performed, a methoa of solution was developed for the task of symthesizing antenna systPmG with given requirements for the radiation direction diagram, taking account of actual constraints on the arrangement of sources of excitation, such as arise in practical problems of antenna design. The adoption of the methods developed in the practice of design of antenna devices made it possible to improve sustani-ially the parameters involved in the construction of radiating systems for vaxious purposes. For this cycle of work., aca,demician A. N. Tikhonov and professors V. I. Dmitriyev, A. S. I1'inskiy and A: G. Sveshnikov were granted'the title of winners of the USSR State Prize. Effective methods for performing calculations in solving problems related to the theory of regular waveguides were developed, based on the general ideas of the Bubnov-Galerkin method, which reduced problemsin the propagation of electro- magnetic waves in waveguides to the solution of boundary value problems for a finite system of ordinary differential equations; normal waves in corrugated wave- guides and open micro-planar transmission lines were also studied and a method for - calculating the continuous propagation of these waves was developed. On the basis of the realization of the algorithms developed, research was performed on specific directing systems. Very important work was performed on the creation of numerical metk:-,ls for solving probl ans in diffraction by a local non homogeneous body and the development of methods of numerical analysis of periodic antenna grids. Also important is work investigating problems of diffraction by ideally conductive screens. This cycle of work has great significance for the creation of modern antenna systems since it makes it possible to create matheffiatical models of radi ating systems with various structures. Within the fra.mework of the develoFenent of numerical methods in electrodynamics, work was started on geoelectricity. Here, under the direction of A. N. Tikhonov, research was performedon n:athematical modeis for problems arising in the theory and interpretation of geophysical methods of prospecting for commercial minerals. 131 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500440037-2 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY These methods are based on the use of artificially and naturally created electro- dynamic fields. Later, this work trend split off to become an independent effort and was expanded significantly. The major goal of all geophysical research is the solution of inverse problems, i,e., determination of the structure of a medium form measurements of the char- acteristies of.a field. An electromagnetic field, measured at the surface of the Earth, carries information about the electrical structure of the Earth. To isolate this inform.ation, one must solve an inverse problem. This can be done on the basis of the repeated solution of the direct problem for a selected class of models of the atructure of the medium. For this reas.on, the creation of numerical methods for solving direct problems involving electromagnetic soundings of the _ medium, in many respects, determines whether it is possible to introduce vaxious geophysical methods into the actual seaxch for commErcial minerals. Thus, A. N. Tikhonov's method for calculating the electromegnetic characteriatics of fields in stratified madia made it possible to begin adopting the method of fre- quency in the econoay. This facilitated the technical re-equipmient of electro-prospecting for cammercial minerals. A. N. Tikhonov proposed a method of magnetoterrestrial sounding of the Eaxth's crust a.nd upper mantle based on study of simultaneous measurements at the Earth's surface of the tangential components�of the natural magnetic field. A cycle of work was performed at the NIVTs involving numerical modeling of the magnetoterrestrial sounding of the Earth's crust and upper mantle, based on the study of simultaneously measured t angential components of the natural magnetic field at the Earth's surPace and of non-haanogeneous media. Methoda, ::�:e developea for solving imrerse problems related to magnetoterrestrial souading,based on the regularization method. � . A cycle of work was performed at the NIVTs on methods of electroprospecting for ore. Methods were developed, which were based on numerical celculation of models of local conductive inclusions in a stratified medium, for the intesrpretation of data Pram electro-prospecting Por ore. Important work was performed on mathe- matic al modeling of-the tasks of electrical well logging. Methods were also developed here which ma;ke it possible to solve problems of axiosymnetrical distri- bution of electrical conductivity, when parametera of the medium change as a fune- tion of depth, as well as radius. This makes it poasible to numericall}r study mathematical models which adequately :represent_ gctual geological situatiorys. A library of programs "Electromegnetic fields in geophysics" was created containiiig programs for solving direct and inverse problems related to electrn- magnetic sounding. The m.ost effective and general method of approximate solu- tion of differential equations is the method of finite differences. At the end of the 50's, A. N. Tikhonov and A. A. Samarskiy performed some Pine-grained investigations of a broad class of difference diagrams for the solution.of 132 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY boundary value probleans for differential equations with smooth and discontinl.wus coefficients (homogeneous difference diagrams). Applying th eoretical-f~a.nctional methods to the study of difference diagrams, they obtained import ant results on the convergence a.nd stability of.difference diagrams for the class of equatione with discontinuous coefficients. In the Camputer Center, a group was created which, under the leadership of Acaderaician A. A. Semarskiy, began work on the theory of difference diagrams and its applications. In the pest few years, this scientific trend has expanded strongly and has encompassed research in the development of net approximations of boundary value a,nd ini.tial boundary value problems for elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic equations, the study of stabil- ity and comrergence of difference diagrems and the development oP methods for solving net equations. Work was conducted in the application of.the methods developed to problems in plasma physics and the theory of elasticitjr. A cycle of work was performed in the NIVTs on the study of difference diagrams used in the search for visual solutions to differential equs.tions. A class of diagrams was i dentified for equations of thermal conductivity, which were most suited to the solution of problems with discontinuous initial conditions. The precision of difference diagrams wa.s studied for second orc3er elliptical equations in the presence of a first order discontinuity in the Dirichlet b oundary condi- tions. The convergence of difference diagrams was studied for Laplace equations at the angles and modified diagrams with more rapid convergence were constructed. The feature, of difference diagrams were studied as applied to the crack problem, the aperture problem and a number of other problems. Effective methods for solving net equations were developed including: a) an iterative method involving variable directions of a high level of accuracy for solving Poisson equations and the third boundary value problem for elliptical equations in a rectangle; b) a modified variable-triangular method which permitted effective solution of elliptical equations with strong],y varying coefficients; c) a method using hypothetical unknawns for solving Dirichlet problems for the case of a Poisson equation in an irregular region. A substantial coritribution was made to the development of the general theory of iterative methods; in paxticulax, the stability of a two layer Chebyshev iterativ,e method was studied and algorithms for selecting an iterative parameter were proposed. These methods and algorithms formed the basis for the development of a series of effective programs. A set of was created to solve linear and quasilinear equations of thermal conductivity, problems of the Stefan type and equations from the theory of ela.sticity. The development of a set of programa to solve boundary value problems for elliptical equations has been completed. The methods developed are used actively in the study of various nonlinear problems in plasma physics. Research is being conducted on the processes of shaping, focussing and transport- ing intense electron and ion beems, their interaction with plasma and also on the study of questions related to the stability of a plasma, column. Numerical methods for studying processes of plasma flow in a magneto-plasma compressor are being developed. 133 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500040437-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A cycle of research is being conducted to develop numerical methods for solving applied problema in aeroanechanics. This scientific trend was organized in th e NIVTs by Academician G. I. Petrov. Under his direction fundamental investigations were caxried out on the solution of applied problems in aerodynamics. Methods for numerical calculation of Plaw in wind tunnels were developed. These provided the basis for analyzing spatial flows in supersonic wind tunnels, studying the influence on the structure of flaw of spatial effects arising as a result of irregularities of the stream when it enters the wind tunnel or of disruption of the symnetry of the wa11s of the wind tunnel. The streamline flow around sharp, multistage cones was studied numerically, as was streamline Plow of arx ideal gas and streem of stable a3r around the spherical surYace of blunted cones and blunted wedges. A significant cycle of work was performed in calculating the Plows of a viscous thermal conducting gas on the basis of complete Navier-Stokes equations. A detailed numerica.l study was performed of the structure of a viscous shock layer during super and hypersonic laminar flow around blunted bodies. A package of applied grograms for scientiPic investige.tions in the field of a,erodynamics has been created. Another scientific trend in the NIVTs involves the development of inethods for solv- ing incorrect],y stated problems and for automa,ted processing and interpretation of observations. The establishment and development of this scientific trend became possible in the early 60's, after A. N. Tikhonov developed the theory of regulari- zation of incorrectly stated problems. On the basis of a single methodology using a regulaxizing algorithm for solving imrerse problems in mathematical physics, effective numerical methods for processing and interpreting the results of various experiments in natural science were developed. The theoretical results were incorporated in the form of a specialized library of programs for the processing and interpretation of the results of various spectrometric experiments, struc- tural analysis, Mdssb auer spectroscopy, and for the solution of inverse problems in geophysics. Under the direction of A. N. Tikhonov, work was performed to create a theory for complete mathematic al processing of the results of observations and multipurpose systems for these problems. Algorithms for solving various inverse problems dur- ing the interpretation stage were created. These were stable with respect to disturbances in experimental information. Vaxious stochastic mathematical models were developed in experimental investigations. Met,hods for statistical processing and interpretation of experimental results were created and implemented. This trend was made possible by the fact that the subdivisions of MGU had adopted computer technology and modern methods of information processing for use in scientific research. The theory and application of mathematical modeling in pro- cessing and interpreting e.xperimental data is being developed in cooperation with many laboratories of NIIYaF (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics), a riumber of departments of the Division of Physics a.nd also w:ith certain subdivisions of the Divisions of Chemistry and Geology of Moscow University. The creation of the necessary software components and the implementation of a number of automated 134 F0R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY systems of data processing and interpretation have made it possible to utilize computer processing of experimental results in the work of the subdivisions of the university. Research was done on the construction of mathematical models of Mossbauer spectra and methods of processing them. Direct and inverse problems involving calculation of spectra of hyperfine combined interactions were posed and solved. Algorithms for figuring out the influence of appar atus factors on exper- imental spectra were developed. A cycle of work was performed aimed at construct- ing mathematical models of physics experiments involving the study of the composi- tion of substances and the structure of crystals and molecules using methods of diffractive Roentgen, electronic and neutron analyses. Systems for processing data from photonuclear interactions were created. Based on the work described, it was possible to create a system for automating scientific investigations with the goal of increasing their efficiency and speed- ing up the processing of experimental data. In recent years at.Moscow University, the automation of scientific reseaxch has invo]_ved a broad range of activities-- - f`rom the construction of state-of-the-art mathema,tical models of natural sciences and of inethods of optimal design, control and processing of the results of obser- vations, to the realization of specific measurement-computational units and the creation of problem oriented software. All this necessitated the creation of.a collective computer use system to facilitate user access to computer capacities and increas e the efficiency of use of computer technology. The creation of a system of collective computer use for MGU was important not only for automation of scientific research. It was also essential for improvement of the instructional process and adma.nistration of Moscow University. At the begin- ning of the 70's, at the initiative of A. N. Tikhonov, work was begun at NIVTs to create an info_^mation system for administration of MGU and also to develop and adopt ccmputer and software aids to permit effective use of the computer in the process of instruction. A system of specialized saftwax e was created which made it possible to increase the level of use of the compucer in a computer practicum. The development of automated information systems for various purposes was begun. Work toward raising the level of camputer services offered to users was intensified. A library of programs on numerical analysis was developed and the possibilities for terminal access to the computer were expanded. All this work formed the basis for creation of a collective use computer system for.MGU in the 10th Five-Year Plan. This work was focussed on the leading problem of the creation of a central computer _ complex for MGU based on the NIVTs computer and of developments in automated s.cien- tific research, use of the computer in the instructional process and administra- tion of MGU, the creation of multimachine complexes and a broad terminal net. The conducting of research and developnent toward the creation of a Computer Center with a system of collective computer use will facilitate broader adoption of com- puters and an increase in efficiency of their use in subdivisions of Moscow University. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, "Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta", 1981 9285 cso: i863/71 135 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040037-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FIFTIETH BIRTFIDAY OF KAMIL' AICFIIKETOVICH VALIYEV Moscow MIIQtOELEKTRONIKA in Russian.VOl 10, No 4, Jul-Aug 81 p 291 [Editarial: "On the 50th Birthday of K. A. Valiyev] ~ [Text] Corresponding membe-; of the USSR Academy of Sciences Kamil"Akhmetovich _ Valiyev has celebrated his 50th birthday. K. A. Valiysv was born in Verkhniy Shander village, Takanyshskiy Rayon, Tatarskaya ASSR in a collective farm worker's family. After qraduating from secondary school, he studied at the Physicomathematical Faculty, Kazan' State iJniveraity imeni V. I. Lenin, qraduated from the university with excellent marks and was taken into post- gradu,ate study in the speciality "theoretical physics." Upon completing his grad- uate study, he was assigned to work at Kazan' Institute, where he werked from 1957 through 1964 in the position of head of the chair of physics. During this period K. A. Valiyev carried out an extensive cycle of theoretical re- search on Brownian rotation of molecules ia liquids and magnetic phenanena in cry- stals and liquids using methods of nuclear and electron magnetic resonance, infra- red spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results achieved by VaZiyev are widely known to specialists and are now being developed actively in the scientific school which he founded at Kazan'. During the past few years Valiyev's name has been closely related to development of microelectronics technology and development of inteqrated circuits in our countxy. He now heads a sector of the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences ~ imeni P. N. Lebedev. His rringe of scientific insterests includes scientific prob- lems of cathode-ray, ion beam and X-ray methods of lithoqraphy and high-speed microelectronic components. K. A. Valiyev is a doctor of physicamathematical sciences (since 1963), a profes- sor (since 1966) and a corresponding nmnber of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1972 in the specialty "engineering physics"). He was awarded the Lenin Prize in _ 1974 in the field of science and technology and was awarded the State Prize, Azer= baijan sSR in 1976. K. A. Valiyev, a professor at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, a member of the plenum and council on electronics, USSR high degree commarission, 136 - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540040037-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY office of the qeneral physics and astronomy department, USSR Academy of Sciences, a number of scient3fic councils and the editorial board of MIIQtOELEKTRONIKA, USSR Academy of Sciences, carries out active scientific orgrs,izet�onal and pedagogical work, has trained more than 30 candidates and doctors of sciences and works in the scientific personnel certification system. K. A. Valiyev is the authcr of more than 150 scientific papers, inventions and several manographs. K. A. Valiyev, a member of the CPSU since 1954, participates actively in social life. He has repeatedly been elected a deputy to the regional council of workinq people's deputies, a mesaber of the Plenum of the CPSU Raykom and the institute's party committee. K. A. Valiyev's services have been noted by high state aNards--two Orders of the - Red Banner of Labor and medals. We wish Kamil Akhmetovich on his 50th birthday strong health and great new succeas - in his fruitful scientific and scientific organizing activity. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Mikroelektronika", 1981 6521 CSO: 1863/54 _ END _ 137 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040037-2