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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044024-6
JPRS L/ 10378
10 March 1982
World~~ide Re ort
? C~FOUO 12/82)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040024-6
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040024-6
JPRS publications contain information primarily f~om foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from forei;n-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are tx�anscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
H~adiines, e~itorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
arE supplied by JPRS. Processing indieatnrs such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or fol~owing the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original inforwation was
~ proc~ssed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was sum~nrtzed or extracted.
Unfamiliar names i~endered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the
original but have been supplied as appropriate in context.
Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
item originate with the source. Ti.mes within 3.tems are as
given by source.
The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Gdvernment.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040024-6
JPRS L/1037~i
10 March 1982
~i~ouo 12/82)
Australian Officials Aid ~ais in Arrest, Trial of Suspects
(Garry Sturgess; THE AGE, 2, 5 Jan 82) 1
Drug Case Alert
Violation of Law Qzarge
Drug Tests in Accidents 3
Police `Bungling' 3
Heroin Smuggling � 3
Deportation for Drug Dealers 4
Bangladesh Becoming Major Transit Point for Opium
(Saleem Samad; ~iE NEW NATION, 6 Feb 82) 5
Record Heroin Base Haul From Singapore-Registered Ship
Hidden in Air Comp ressors
Two Local Residents Charged
Holiday Traffic Covers Heroin Smuggling From Chiaa
(Tommy Lewis; SOU~i CHINA MOHI~IING P06T,. 8 Feb 82) R
Singapore Vessel Crew on Charges of Smuggling Opium
- a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO]
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Campaign To Curb Drug Abuse Among Youth Inauguratnd
Opium Smuggler Sentenced 11
Ttao Pakistanis Jailed 11
Heroin Ring Smashed 11
Majority of Narcotics Offenses Oc~nnected With Marihuana
(KOMPAS, 11 Jan 82, PELITA, 15 Jan 82} 13
Marihuana Grawing Increasea
- Marihuana Confiscated
Scattered Cannabis Plots Eluding Police Detect3on
(Editorial; THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 19 Jan 82) 16
Need To Control ' Deadly Trade' Underlined
- (VIEWPOINT, 4 Feb 82) 17
Interpol Men Complete Heroin Smuggling Investigation
(MORNING NEWS, 9 Feb 82) 19
Accused Gives Details of Smuggling Operation
- (JAN G, 28 Dec 81) 20
- Opium Seized in Peshawar 21
Moscow Claims PRC Supports Drug Traffic in Burma
(Nlps cow Radio, 30 Jan 82) 22
Irbre Questions Rai.sed on Motives for Ban Hin Taek Rai3
Editorial Comment, Editorial
' Further Comment
- b -
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Brip fa ~
_ Drug Addiction in Vo~wdina 2g
Police at Norman'a Cay in New Effort To flalt Drug Trade
- (~E TRIBUNE, 9 Jaa 82) 29
No New Patienta for Drug Clinic; Study To~Be Lauaiched
(7SE ROYAL GAZETZI:, 20 Jaa 82) 30
New Nar~:e~tica Law To Caatrnl Coca Purchaaea
~L06 TI$1~OS, 18 Jan 82) 31
Peaaanta Tb flelp in Coca Leaf ('antrnl
(Radio Illimaai NeLwork, 2b Feb 82) 32
Antidrug Effort Lacking Necesaary Equipment '
. (HOY, 14 Jan 82)......,. 33
Coca Crnp Replacement Coat 34
Chapare Traffickers Continu~e IIadeterred 34
~ Bxiefa
Marihuaaa Seized . 35
B rie fa
Woman an Cocaine Qiarge ' 36
Cocaine, Currencq Seizure 36
- January Antidrug Campaign Resulta Reported for Zone 06
(EL $OL DE SINALOA, 8 Fl~b 82) 37
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Drug Addiction Level, Drug Seizure--Reported
(EL COI~RQO, 30 Jan 82) 38
Drug Addiction Level
Drug Seizure
Largeat Opium Haul Ever 40
Drug Conviction Sentencea 41
Anti-Smuggling Plana Tighter Border Cantrols
(KEYHAN, 17 Jan 82) 42
Search on for Pushera 45
Debate Over Nationwide Drug Crf.mea Regiater Aired
(Editorial; BERLINGSKE TI~ND~, 2 Feb 82) 46
Nordic Conference on flaahiah Demands Action on (hriatiania
(Jetan; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 17 Feb 82) 48
Folketing Backs Miniater in Driv~e Against Narcotica Accomplicea
~ - d -
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I Briefs
Aaylum Denied Drugs Smuggler 50
- Maximum Sentence for Haahiah Smuggling 50
Authorities Aak for New Meaau~ee Zb Oombat Dr_tiga Crimea
(UUSI SUOI~II, 29 Jan 82) 51
Phane-Tapping Perniiaaion Requeated
Priaon Officiala Want Blood Checks
- Tatal 1981 Drug Seizu~ea 54
PCI Cal1a for Parliamentary Action on Antidrug Iaw Reform
(Gianfranco Tagliabue; RINASCITA, 15 Jan 82) 55
Cuatoma Service Getting New Patrol Boata To Stop Druga
(Zhorleif Andreasaen; AFTENPOSTEN, 12 Feb 82) ~8
~ Off~cial Reporta Regional Diatribution of Drug Deatha
(Tormod Haugstad; DAGBLADET, 15 Jan 82) 60
Haghish Use in Greater Stockholm 'Increasing Dramatically'
(Gert Tryman; D~AGENS NYHETER, 13 l~eb 82) 63
Official Figurea on Prisan Druga Queationed by Exp~rt
(DA~TS NYHETER, 13 Feb 82)....~ 65
- e -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040024-6
' Druq Case Alert
Melbourne TI~ AGE in English.2 Jan 82~.pp 1, 3
[Article by Garry Sturgess]
;Text] At~stralian officials ananged now dEsbanded Federal Narcotics Mr Dum~ gave the court two
the anest of thcee Auatralians Buresu .tp ~Vtr Dav3s, xl?e ~ar� detaiied record~ of interview with
in Thailand in circumstances cotic.v Ilaison ofl9cxr in Bengkok,+ Edwin Wlilfam Smith, complled
which could have 1ed to the said New: South Waks police in= irom �live �invesNgatbns of Smith
execut{on of the th~ree without t~rmatioa revealed . that , F~pows in Sydtky. Mr Smlth was apr )n-
and Hayward "wo61d lmport, a, cipal aource ot New South Waia
tn81� . ~ large atnount .of ~arco'tk~s police informatbn a5out the nar-
The thc~ee, William Sinclair. pasyib~y herojn or cocaine - con- 6~8 Slnctair waa alleged
Warren Fellows atM Paul' Hay- ~aled Jn sott-aldt~d suit rasrs". to t~ave. headcd. He is otten. re-
ward, wera arrested on drug . . ierred to in the Thv ~idgment
charges in Occober 1979. Tf~ey It gave datea, flig4~t !nd pass- ~~~~i~
were In iail for nearly two Pon numbers o! the , two and ~~t ~y the couK,
months befon ths Thais decided ~+ked ' the� 'inforniation be n Smlth waa fo~u~d by a
thak a section ot their constitu- ~d on .to IQeai authorlties. ~y D~~ ~urt ~udge ~n
tion allowing summary exccution Th~ tellz~ atempel 'Narcotics . Auguat Isat yeer to be ae "un-
. reiaa to the seizure
would used. They are now ,o{~
p g~ k os ~ of heroin in cotton =eliable vdMe~". In a case
serving long jail terms. ~ aguinst Arthur Stanky Smith and
The officer in'char~e of xheir B�0~ ~'h~ ~e114~ra wa~t aileged ~d John Refleher. Ju~9ge Muir
case, Colonel Term. Snidwongse, to have WEd tto `smuggle from �~id of Edaln Smith� "He admits
Thailand earBer; that year.
had recommended the use of ' befiore this court and before the
ATticle 27 to the 1'hhi � Pr'1me The' e~d � finY that he has deliberatelq given
Minister., rather than allow,ing hemper ~oc~l tnquirles if.Fellows f~
the men to siand 'tiial. Three ~'~'as to ~ be~ ~msted for the at- , , Edv~rh~ Smith Is serving a IO-
Hong Kona Chinese had already tcrnpted ~rtation whlch � took ' y~r ae~rtence ~ after pleadinq
been summarily executed under ~P~ace jn Fa~r~arY."� Ruilty to � poseesston of heroin.
~e ~ttb~, Hayaraed'~nd Fellows were ar- Of the people he ne~qed a.+ being
Wtren Sinclair, Fellows and in Octabee� 29T9.' ttker be- put ot the Sincleir geng in Aus-
Hayward went to t�rial Australian ~^g found' in possession of 8554 trali~, he is~tf~e on1Y one in pri-
oflicials played a big part in gain- 8~~~ �f ~roin. Both aaid ti~et son.
in their convictions. The svi- Sinclait 'was. the~ Mencier of the Fonr peopk chet8ed by the
6 urchase; ' aiid . he' wes a~rrested NSW police aiter the Th~i arrests
dence they gschered an� pre- . : � ; , . ~ , b~ve been diecharged - two by
sented has � been thrown out o! In court, "they dented tliat ~the ~ a, SqdnsY a~giatrate ~vho said
Australian courts. ~ confesslons wen genutne.' they hed r.a ce.+e to answer and
Documents held by 'The ~?Se ~ t~ uy i~~~~ Court iudge
show that it was Austra{ian at- Mr P'rank Davks was preeent ~o directed the, iur~+ to acquit.
Rcials who alerted the Thai police at ths qn~ss~tiantns of the ~pair. ~y~n Smith. under ex,mins-
~ to the poaaibility tfiat Feilows and T1~s Thai Jud~enant currvcitin6 tion in' the Diatrlet court. said
Hayward would vlsit Thailand toc, ~ayi th~t Atut=ali~n po11c~~ thet he hNd ;iven tslee evldence
the purposz ot amuggling nar- ~ n wlw fiad hdped M~fie ~p~ the police hed promised ~
cotics. . ~t "Ynads a alp t� Ba�~w1C fi;m a pardon~ and at other timea
And when theY ardved ~ in ln Decemba~ 1 to ~nterro~aU = a~~~ing o! hia aentence. ~
Bangkok, an Australian EmbassY the tbres T~1e His evidence glven to the Thet
oPRcial, Mr Frank Davies~ acting o~cdrs weee headed by Mr Bai'rY ~urt by Mr Dimn waa not cross-
on intormatton. ' identifled them Dunn ot th~� ~ie~v S~ou~h Waks ~m~n~ g~ the ~ourt refers
to the potice and gave their crZtne squ~d. Mr Din aed Mr to ~fQ~~~~~ by ~ith to
whereabouts. F~ 'ti�~~ ~�~y Mr Dunn as g" ot such an
A confldential telex from the tietore the ThaI couR. ~~t~~
_ ~
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A transcrfpt of Edwin Smith's cotlca Bureau, which had been
evidence before an Australtan pald for by the Auatraitan Go-
~ court. in whtch he admitted M vernment.
d to~the Thainco~'i~R
by Wii- cro
nd ~
ab~nt~ ~vlt
fiam Sincla9Cs ~on. Mr Greg Sin- nesses. ~o Interpreter setvice and
clair. It ans a copy of magis- acapted hearsay and s6n~ar
t~ate's court proceedings fn NSW. evMence not aflawoble in Aua-
stamped by a~lotary PubNc and tralian courts.
the That Consul in Melbourne. The~Poreign Atlsirs DepartnkeC
- The Z1fai Criminal Court had 1s investigating tlie eircc~n.
this to aaq about the evidence: sfances sunoundtrig tbe convfc-
"if~e court fcels that not oaiy tion ot Sinclair, 68, who a?es
was it in nverse of what was iailed for 33 years tor tonsptracy
stated, it was faulty aa 1t did to smuggle heroin. The investiita- ~
not possesa a certiNcetlon from tion comes after reports in "The
- the co~rt to show that it wes a Aae'thts week aboat the Sinclair
true document of what v~ns stat- ~s~�
ed by the witness." Fellows and Hayward were
Australian co-operation with found ~tuiity by the Thai court
Thai police is referred to fn- ot possession oi heroin with in-
quently in the 52-page Thai Judg. tention to smuRqle iG Fellows was
ment. Evidence aRairtst the ac- sentencM to 33 years 8 months,
cused included information from Hayward to 20 years.
an informent of the FederAl Nar-
Violation of Law Charge
rielbourne THE AGE in English 5 Jan 82 p 4
[Article by Garry Sturgess]
Australia's involvement in the to smuggle hcroin. He was arres- Azt:cle 14 is embudied in Aus-
artest and tria) of Wi{liam Sin- ted in Octaber 1878 but was not tre!ia'e Human Rights Canmis-
clair for Thai drug offences convi~ted and sentenced until sion Act.
was probably in breach of Aubust last y~ar. For nearly lwo Mg Triggs said , that Australi~
international la~v, a legal . ex months after his arrest he possitr htd a legal obligation to maint~in
pert said, yesterday. ~Y could have ~an e~cecuted with� ;he acandards of Article I4 intcr-
Ms Gill~an Triggs, a lecturer in ~uReprorts in The Age' last week nat~onally; secondly, it had in
in!ernacional law at Melbourne obligation to mamtain them
i,~iiiv~:rsit said "it is likel that detailed the close involvement oP domestically. sl~e said.
~ Y ,~u~tralian ofticials with Thai She ~ai~ the wordiag of th~
ti~e FeGera~ 6overnment was also authorities in the arrest and trial
in breach of its legal~ obliaation of Sinclair. Evidence presented by Human Riaht~ Commission Act
to one uf its citizens' over tha pustralians to the Thai court was could weFl raeen that Au:trtlia
Sinclair case., was obliged ~W uphold the mini�
7'he possible breaches stem not accepted by Australi~ri courts. ~m ~~r trial rights of its citi-
from Auatralia's ratification of a '~'here was no cross�examination y~ns whetever they were.
ot crucisl evidence and Sinclair
Uni[ed Nations agreement on hu- had to provide his own inter~re- 1~4s Tsiggs said it could be
man .rights and trom recent leg~s- ter. ,rgued in the ceae o[ Sinclair
~a~ion setting up a human rights Article l4 of the UN Interr,?a- that the Ftderal Government had
commission m Austral3a. The tional Covenant on Civil Political tonr.iv~d with another Govern-
arreement and legislation, estab. �Rights, whiCh � has been . ittifled ment ~to avoid the oblieitions ot
li:h minimum rights to fair ~trial. ~y. Anstrslia;'~e~tabli~hes +Yiinimdm A~rticle 14. �
~Ns Triggs said that even with- gtandards of `criminal justice. The~ The F.or,eign Af~aira Dep~TtmenL
out the Australian legislation, standaM~ of fair trial roclude th~ ,~11 looking into the issues raised
tliere was a rule that weli�estab- right to be Vied without del~y: by Ms Triggs. A~spokesman said
lished internationai law auta to examine, or have examined, Yesterday that com}11ex inter-
maticall,y became local law. witnesses; to have the frel help national, 1egs1 and consular ques-
Sinclair is serving a 33-year jail of an interpreter. ' . tions wtre involved and an im-
~ term in Thailand for conspiracy meditte response was not poa- �
sible". .
CSO: 5300/7529 .
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DRUG TESTS IN ACCIDF,NTS--Tests for tr~ces of marijuana should be carried out on
all drivers and pedestrians inwlved in motor accidents, a Melbourne psychiatrist
said yesterday. Dr. William Orchard, liaison psychiatrist at Prince Henry's Hos-
pital, said~he su~ported the view of an American research report that marijuana use
could be a"significant factor" in road accidents. This view was also backed up by
the director of accident and emergency ~services at the F~ornsby and Ku-ring-qai Hos-
pital in Sydney, Dr 7.bny Harrison. He said 23 per cent of car drivers and motorcy- .
cle riders taken to the hospital after being involved in accidents over the past
six months had cannabis or breakc~own products in their urine. Dr Harrison said he
' decided to investigate the association of marijuaaa in road accidents because he
was curious as to what was involved in the 50 per cent of accidents not associated
wii:h alcohol. "I Could n~ot believe the other 50 per cent of people were all plain
stupid or bad drivers, or the roads were that bad," Y~e said. [Canberra TI~ AUS-
TRALIAN in Englis~ 22 Dec 81 p 3] .
POLICE 'BUNGLING'--Drug dealers were profiting from the administrative bungling
and low morale in the Federal Police force, a Labor Senator said yesterday. The
Federal Opposition spokesman on administrative services, Senator Arthur Gietzelt,
said new guides for the Federal Police announced last month were "nothing more than
window dressing". The merging of the Ooamionwealth and ACT police forces two years
ago had been a"false and clwnsy amalgamation" that had caused chaos and dissatis-
faction. [Canberra TI~ AUSTRALIAN in English 23 Dec 81 p 2]
F~ROIN SMUGGLING--A married couple will appear in Z~aeed Heads Court today ch~rged
with having imported heroin worth $5,500,000 from South-East Asia. On Manday,
police said Rabert Frederick Eyre, 37, and his wife, Leslie Anne Eyre, 32, of
Terranora, a*~d Jill Maree Fraser, 31, af ~aeed Heads, had conspired to import 6.5
kg of hemin into Australia between 1976 and 1977 and aqain in 1980. The Eyres
were remanded in custody. The three enter~d no plea and Mrs Fraser was released
on $50,000 bail on the condition that she report daily to the police. Police said
the thxee had been arrested in early morning raids at Tweed Heads at the weekend
following a year-lonq investigation by New South Wales and Federal police. The
~ prosecutor, Det. Sqt John Burke, told the court a large quantity of heroin hidden .
in a hollowed shoe had been imported from South-East Asia. [Brisbane TI~ COURIER-
MAIL ii? English 23 Dec 81 p 10]
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DEPORTATION FOR DRUG DEALERS--The immigration minister, Mr MacPhee, has told
federal parliament that two drug offenders he has ordered deported are linked with
the disappearance and murder of Donald Mac~:ay, the new South Wales anti-drug
- campaigner. Mr MacPhee said he ordered that Luigi Pichi of Canberra and Vincenzo
Barbaro of Adelaide be sent back to Italy despite a recommendation by the adminis-
trative appeal tribunal. The minister said a fedE~al government inquiry into drug
trafficking had named both men as members of a secret Calabrian criminal organiza-
tion which was respansible for Mr MacKay's deat~i. He said the inquiry had reported
after the tribunal had reveiwed his initial deportation order. The opposition
spokesman on immigration, Mr Young, said both men had served sentences for their
crimes and their deportation amounted to double jeopardy. Mr Young said a coroner's
inquiry into Mr MacKay's death had only just opened and the deportation should
be delayed in case the men were needed as witnesses. [Text] [Melbourne Overseas
Service in English 0830 GMT 24 Feb 82 BK] The high court has granted a temporary
znjunction to restrain the immigration department from deporting a drug offender.
The chief justice, Sir Harry Gibbs, said the order sought by Mr Luigi Pochi, 43,
af Canberra would remain in force till 8 March. Mr Pochi's counsel told the
court he planned to lodge an application with it for a restraining order for an
indefinite period. [Melbourne Overseas Service in English 0830 GMT 25 Feb 82 BK]
CSO: 5300/5655
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Dacca 1'HE NEW NATION in English 6 Feb 82 pp 1, 8
~Article by Saleem Samad~
Banqlsdcsh i~ fast turning otBcial admitted. ~ Burope. countryr'~ intelli~euce
into a majo~ traosit point of tha �
- opium-basad ea~cotic d~u�s ia 7'be UN Comminion un Nar aQeecie: ~eid.
abaence nf vigitaocc. ~ w~~c Drugs Is ~eported to have IoteroatIon~7 agenciea Bene~-
Country'e airport . sod ~ea ~aepted the importaoce ot nei~h� ~~~y do aot celY on dita of ~eiz-
ports are oow opan for the ille- ~bou~ioa eount~y india an0 Turkoy urq to estim~te t6e.actuel tra~c.
a~ tcadit~nnal opium exportiaa
Qal trade of opium fo~ tbe Wes� cuuntrie~ aod alw aske3 othe~ .'I'bis ia becauu. wlth tbe bal
tero aorld, iotelii~eixe wurce etiocla,' snti�oucotip aQenciet
said. . producio` countrla to re~train a~~ (~~ieved. to catch betweea
- their output.
Maaowhile. the agencia con- ~e o~ce of Coetrolier of 2 to 13 pot cent ooly of the
ceroed io a bid co stop tho Jrug Nercotice sod Liquor recently total lrafBc. T6e actual trd5c is
- tral~ckicg furmsd ~ National dekc~ed ~mua~liag of `marijusn~ of no body~ `uess-DO[COt~CI O~.
'Co-~niination Cummitt-e io the cials ~t6ted.
?aat week uf ]aouary. The ot6.a (~nja) and bashich ~cbe~e~1 io ~
of Controiler of N~rcotic~ end Mymeosingh, Chit~aQong sod tbe Ot6er than the for~~lioo
Liquur hvs or~aoieed a ahort ~~~trict~ of northera 8~a~l~dab. ot tha aation~l cao~dination
training c~.~~se for the ot6cers ~JNTEItPOL'~ latest con6� ~mmittee~ to plu` the loop6o-
of Customs, Police~ . Nsrcotice dential Drug~ Iotelligeaae bulle- la the Cioveroroeot may intro�
and Narcc�tics 1ntelliQena Bureau. lio, a main wurce ~f iotelli`aoee duce new anti�natcolics law.
Ilangladesh Eandwitched bet. o0 oarcotip amugalio~ s~id At praeot there ~re practi-
wom ~wo gigantie eaurccs o[ that ic is b:lleved by cally no obak fo~ the patsen-
- illc~al opium�ba~rd drug;-the maoy that eon~ide~able amouot~ Qers in trenait to and from Katb-
Oolden Triaagle (Burma, Tha i- of Indi,~oJPatciitani haroia, th~o� ~~pdu. From We~t Europe aod
. u~b Nopal. sre reacbinQ Au~tra�
tand and Laos) and tho dolden Soalh�Eaat A~i~. T6e Narcotip
Crevunt 1Paki~tao. AfKh~+ni~t~n ~~a aod Nop Ze~leoa. �
and Ican) i~ no loo~er c~oai- Tha . dru~ ~rou4alec~ ere IntelliQence Hureau or t6e
dcred eo. be Immune to illicit bridQiag Asiso ~aurce c~untriai o~ee o[ Cootrollor ot
narcotic druFs tralfl:i~in~ an I[tD sod t6e end o[ the plpoHoe lo Nercotip ie oot oquipped +~od
Nort6 America and Weitero und'r-m,ooed with uotraioed
CSO: 5300/7019
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Hidden in Air Compressors
Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 6 Feb 82 p 5
A false company with a false addresa has resultad in the subeoquent raids on both aida of the Larbour.
- largest heroin base uizure w far in Hongkong. They hav.e baa detained to assist in investigations.
Customs oFficero found 73 kg of hemin base on Wednes- Cuatoau and Excise Service's deputy regional commander
day in thra air compressors brought into Hongkong by a. oF New TerriWtid. Suparinteodent5and~+ Sanders. yesterday
Singapore-registered container vessel. ~o1d a prw conferena that tho hunt ~s atill on for other
The mastermind behind the smugg~mg, a Singaponan ~pembera of the ryndicate and the local manufacturing ring.
national agaf about 40, tled the CoTony only a day after p routine check at the Kwai Chuag oontainer temunal on
- customs men atarted their investigation into the racket. . January 29 on inbound cargo:hi~ped in br World Lion from
The man fled his Ysumati hotel last Saturday and is Singa~pore staRed the wak-long mvatigauon.
believed to be in Singapore. Authorities in the islan~ state are � The vasal operata on a tao-wak round-trip ~chedule
helping to track him down. between 3uigapore, T6ailand and Hongkong.
The ra;ord seizure is only 10 kg less than t6e total haul of W6en workers from a handling s~ent went to claim the
heroin base by both Customs ufficers andpolia last year. three air oompreseon at the terminal, customs officers
If converted to more than 210 kg of No 3 heroin, it would' attachod W t6e Kwai Chuag Container Cargo Examination
have a retail value of S27 million. ' Division fquad the consignmeat was the first for a new
Two local men, believed to be,members of the Singapora company. '
based international drug syndicate, were arrated dunng
Alerted b~r two ra;ent cases Cuatoms ofticen led by A~ the compartments wcre 8nd Investigation, Assistant
of drugs being oonoealed in- .Mr Sanden and Aasisunt opened, a total of 1.10 packs Superintendent David Tong,
side�campartments of various Superintendent S.W. Ho de- of heroin base, some wrapped the drug waa shipped to the
engines, the officen made an cided to get profesaionel ad- in wax papec to fool the dogs, Coiony from Singapore via
- attempt to contact the recipi- vice �at the Kwai Chung were found. ~ the Golden Trianglb.
ent of the cargo bnt found terminal on the thra au . The, drugs were wrapped He saic~ the shjpment was
both the address and compa- compressors aFter dogs had in l lb to 316e packages. for local consum~t~on rather
ny name were fictitious. failed W detect drugs. The head of the Cuatoms ~n for distribution overseas.
Last Saturday when work- Inidally, enginara found Invqtigatipn Bureau, Senior 'I'6~refore, he believed
ers tried to claim the cargo, the drums of the eompresaors Superintendent. K. S. Toeg, other membera of the syndi-
customs offiars took the were not empty when they aaid the haul would probably ~~e ace still at large in Hons~-
cargo to the address o~ the ban cd on them. have sc+me ~ffxt on the drug ~ng because they would be
- invoice - a residential prem- '~Yhey then pumped~sir into price, wliich has declined be- res nsible for distribution.
ise in Nonh Point - and the oompressorA and found cause of the bumper harvest ~~~r retail or wholesale, to
arrested a man. ' the mach~nes started to yidd in the Golden Triangle. ~~umers.
Subsequent inquiries led at a Pressure of 30 Iba per recent trend ia to L;ast year, Customa offi-
to the arrwt of another man cubic ~nch. smuQgle in large shipments ats and polia seized a total
at a commercial premises at Normally, sir comprawn rather than by amall amounts of 300 ~ of dtugs, including
- Tai Kok Tsui. begin to yield at 13S lbs to by qrrier~. 83 of eroin base.
A~cting on information 4501bs per cublc inc6. �~~mfore, mat of thae ~e previoua 6ighest sin-
cupplied by the two men, Cuatoms officxrs then took ~srge, shi menb are conRCCt- gle eeizure of heroin bese was
aged 38 and 41. ofticers rush- the compruson to a Govern- ~g a~~~tes~" he made by the Narootics Bu-
ed to a botel room at Yau- ment workshop on Wednea- reau on August 25 when
mati but found �the day to cut open We compart-
Sin porean-mastermind had menb. Aocordin~g w the Diviiion- detectives seiud 25 kb from
n~ al Commander of Intelligena ~e boot of a car at North
_ 6
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Police'remove some of the packages conteining heroin base from an air compressor at a
Government wortcshop. � , -Picrure by C.Y. Yau.
Two Local Residents Charged
_ Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 7 Feb 82 p 7
- [ Tex t) Two men appeared io mlllton at atreet prices, f-om a
Western Magistracy yester- contaiaer ship from Singapore
dry c6arged with consQincy on Wednesda
to trrtfic in dangerouv goods. it fa allegeyd tlut they con-
Cban Tin-c6oot (41) and apired ~ith each otber to im-
Chen~ Kwaa-nun (38~ botb port 6eroin into Hongkon~. ,
raident9 of Hongkong, were No plea ~as taken ~nd '
charged in connection rvith they rrere rem~nded In cuvto- I
Hon~kong's largest seizure of dy undl Wednesday. '
herom base so far. wort6 S27
- CSO: 5320/9119
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Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 8 Feb 82 p 12
[Article ~compiled by Tommy Lewis]
[ Text ] Drug traffickers used into C6ina were at least .30 arratcd w6en l~ kg'of No 3
t h e"h u m a n waves" re� pa cent ufer than bringin,q heroin. .worth f 00.000. was
turning frors~: China over ~srootia into Hongkoag di- fwnd in her p~a~auon. T6e
the Lu,~ar New .Year as a ~ fran &ngkok. drugs are ~bel
eved to hsve
screen to bring heroin into 0n0e d^'gs are Lbma� baa ~uggled inw Macau
Hon kon . arrangema~ts are made ~ to frcm China via Tda~arid.
g g have the oonaigaments smug- In the paat. racketars
'Over the holiday period' gled into Hongkong and ~ve smuggled naroolia into
customs of~ars at Shum- Macau wetland and by fuh- Macau [or � consumption
_ chun were unable to conduct ing junka, wuroa s,id. t6ere. but there is evidenex
their usual stringent srarcha, A:ked whether it was now that some of th~e drugs
sources said. poas
ible that consignments that enter the Portugude
' They said a substantial h8d been brought into Hong territory are deatined for ~
quantity of heroin is believed kong by couriera over the new Hongkon~. a veteran customs
to have been smuggled . into ya r. 2he head of the Customs offiar sa~d.
Noqgkong by couricrs re- investigation Buresu, Senior "We have alread~:nepped
cruited before Lunar New Superintendent K.S. 'fong, ~~r aC, Lowu.
Yesr. said there is a possibility be- w~arva of ferria and hydro-
� And because of the sub- p~ ~toms ofGcers oould foila from Macau os well at
stanual supplia in the terri- not search aU the luggage at Aig6ts from C6ina.
tory, heroin prica bave con- the. 6aght of the influx at
tinued to drop steadily since "Our_ofiicecs are now vet-
last year. . I'OM~' . tia6 P~Sa! ~ving ftom
The retail price for a kilo ~bsd to prork as fast Macau and CWna." he ~a~~.
of No 3 heroin is now u P~ ~ b~1P.~. C}una hu reeently'[dmit-
5120.000, com red, .with ~~s ~ it.u possible
pa ted that drup are being~
that oa~rias 6ad eaca imuggled through C6ine~~.
5200.000 a year ago - a d~~~: ~~id.
drop of about 40 per cent. � temto~ ftom the Csolden -
_ The price is eapected to ' He uid thete htd ban. Trisa
e/ to Hoaglcoag.
drop still further, adding fuel reports o'ver the put few Reports from Peking early
to narootia oi'fcials' ,belief montht tlut i number of ~t awnlh Alio aled eeveral
' that "substantial consign- luge oauignmentt of ,drugs ~ oi drug :mu~ling laat
ments are still being smug- batnd. fa C6ina lud bari �
gled into Hongkong." intacepted� ~t B~ngkok air- Y~~ iu Yuaan provmcx along
7'he drop is also attributod po~, the Hwmae border.
to hmrders m Thailsnd sell- y~ ~ one Hongkong It was the'fint admi:sion
the Chinese autborities
in~ their atocks at cheaper raident was involved. �~t its territqry~~w~s being
pric~s be~use of ~a bumper ~Fro~ intuaptions. used for drug tnfTckiag.
harvest in the Golden Trian- sppesn the ncketan are
gle last yesr. ' ~ In Augu:t Guangdong
Vast stocks at cheaper ~*Y~ B to maka use of Cluna p~blic Sccurit Burau oR-
- a non-drug suspect ooun- ~ ynd'ecate
prices have attracted buyers vy _ u a ite ng sto~e for 'cer: smas a s
from Hongk~g and elso- ~mu lin Su Ton ~mu~1mg drup frotro the
wherc. souroa said. u~d~ 6' ~ g Golden 1`~iangle to Hongkong
And� racketars. both here ' via Gnton.
and in Thailand, have ban He ~tid hia offwers had F~rtan people. including
taking sdvantage of the rela- not yet reiud any dru~s oom- a man Gom Hongkong. were
tive ~neuperiena of customs i~ direct from China e~ther. i~~~ ~ GnWn following
officers in China to smuggle br train. fwria or. it t6e ~q~ ~QVatigatiom. '
� large consignmenu from a~rport, but that hu men had the arratt wete
Ban4kok to Canton. which ban put on tde alert to guard ~de, Peking aathoritia~ 6ad
are Imked diroctly by air. against ~t happening. ' dp~~ ~t C6ina was
- Source: est~matcd the ~t month~ a housewifc bpng used .by drug~ racko-
c6anca of smueBling drugs ~urning from Macau wa~ �
CSO.: 5320/9119
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Hong Kong SOUTH~CHINA MORNING POST in English 9 Feb 82 p 14 ~
[Textl �'I'he master and eight 'Tbe Lu C6ian~~called at
membera of the crew of a Thailand, t6en a~led on to
_ Singapore vesael � appeartd Hongkang~ arriving oa Febru-
in the Hig6 Court yeater- ary 17. and wu immediately ~
- day charged with conspira- boarded by customa otticer:.
cy to smu$g1e pre red T6�Y ~ bard
' opium worth S 10 mi~llion the wbole time the vwel wu
into Hongkong. in tbe harbour and the opium
oould not be unladad.'
They werc. Fung Siu-:un, ~ Meaaw6ile, wme of the �
Yik Taz-wai. C6an Keong~ Or ~ crew had gone uhore in ~
Chua-fai, C~ong Keng-seng, Hoagkong and were attempt-
~ Hui Msn-wai (master of the ~ iag W negotiate a pria and a
_ ahiP), Wong Ping-lcwong, purc6aser for the op~um.
, Ka~-ming and Lam Tuns- But aa it could not be
kong. unloaded, the Lu C6iang
T6ey were charged with . carried it on to Korea. '
wnspiracy to traffic in a dan-. The �hip relurned to
~ geroua drug between Fobru� HonBlcong oa the evening of
ary.l and Apn1 S laat year. Apnf 3 and moored in the
Fung. Yik, Chong and watern Anefwnge. .
Lam pteaded guilty. The opiwn was removed '
The Crat two were aen� from its hiding placx t6e fol-
. tencxd to five yars' imprison- lowing aight.
ment a4cb by Mr Jiutice Fun~ Siu-sun and �Yik
Additon while Chong reaiv Tu�wat took 82,67 kiloa on'
. ed four yean, board a motorboat to talce tt'
L,am will be aentenced at �bO~�
the end of Rhe trial. 'p'hey were not awarc that
Fung. Yik and C6ong will snd excise ~ ofticen
give evidena ~or the prosetu- 6ad 'the ahip. under :urveil-~
uon. lana and that crew members .
Senior Crown couiuel ' ~~lxingfollowed. ~
Colin White said t6e oonspir� 'The motorbat with the ~
dr ug:: on board haded ' to- .
acy begaa on boud tbe motor . wardi the Yaumati typhoon
vessel Lu Cbiang at t6e shelta. but was interaptcd
beginning of Febrwry lut by a cuatoma launch. '
yesr when t6e aptain and 6is Fung snd Yik jumped inW
officen wero di~cuuing ways t1~e ~a, but c~utoms offi~ers
of increasing their inoome. immediately jum~ m aRer '
Tbe Crorm aUe~ed tlut them and arrated them. .
wbile the slup ~ws ~n Sia~a- Tbey were brought back to
_ pore~ the oon,~pinton obtain- cwtrnw headquarten and the .
ed s quantiyo uf prepared o'um was razed.
opium and put mat ot it in ~A team of customs invati-
tbe ap~rc paton in the eagine ptors, thea boarded the Lu
l��m' .C6iang aud the other accused
_ Some of the opium that ~N~ ~Rp~, � .
was left over was:tared in the The trial continua taday.
top of the p~ntry aupboard in
' the galley.
CSO: 5320/9119
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~ ~ H01NG KONG
- Hong Kong SOUTFi CHINA MORNING POST in English 2 Feb 82 p 8
[Excerpts ] w~ a 32 per cent tion.'Mr Stumpf said. ~ c~mpaign � is to dissuade oui
incresse in the number of He ~aid. however. that raidenta~ . cspecially the`
youngpeople desling with ~~Q~O~ �~'a ~e ir,- youunger ones. from ever eac-
drugs last yesr .Wmpared' flua of � am~rn8rants' iato perimenting wi{h drugs and
with 1980. HO~6~~ b0 ~ optimi:itic to encaurage them to taKe
that the number of young part in healthy and meaning-.
The. factors leading to the peopk dealie~ with drugi will ful activities." .
increase include the intlux~of ~~,~~:a~a~~~, A sum of 5180,000 has~
immigtants and the rootless- The d~strici officer been budgetted for the anti-
ness of young peopte when (Shadn). Dr Patrick aIsse, narootics campaign to be hel'd
moying into new areas. who alb attendcd the p~ess in Shatin from Sunday to
Md to help local addicts, ~~d t6e rootlesa- Febroary 28. '
a two-staaa experimental neu of young people when The budget was described
treatment vnth a new drag - ~~r;g into naw, areat ~such ss a"record" figure for this
bupcenorpt~ine = will start ~n MW .~W~ has also son of cam~aign lfy the act-
. April in Shek Kwu Chau. � u~~ youngaters� to ing Comm~ssioner for Nar-
The chairman .of, the ,turn to druga. ' cot~a; Mr C.M. Leung. '
Preventive Education and "Young people who move He adde~ that the'ACAN
Publicity Sub-oommitta of into the new towns and , are had provided S I 50,000 to-
Action Committa Agaimt. nnacquainted with the envi-' wards campaign, expenses
Narootica, Mr Karl Stumpf. ronment will fai'roodess_and Wb~~~ the Shat~n district
said yaterday thar the num- ~~(p ~ attracted to y~~'and local residents.bad '
ber of young people invoived , drug abuse." he ~aid. dunated a funher 530,000. '
' with drugs has not increased . Md such problew oouid �
ao much in number but in arise in t6e fiiture..Dr Haae More than 100,000 resi-
denta in tha district ate, ez-
nta e
~Speaking at s presa con- ~~~Un u� a fast-develop~ P~~~, to faka p~K in ' the
ference on� the three-wak ing aew town attracting a ~Pa~Sn. t}!e fourth in the
anti-narootiacampaigneobe ~a~ge~g~tion of urban NewTerrifona.'~ ~ ~
held at Sfwtin, Mr Stumpf dwellen to .the disuict; : he Meanwhile; an expenmen-
said last year saw an increaae ~~d, ta1 treatment of local addicts
of 32 per cent in the number Among ~hae newcomere, with a new diug - buprenot-�
of young people . under 2S ibert are those unfortunate pliine - wilt start in April for.
yan of age involved in drug ~~ybp the pacx of life six menttu. Mr Leung sa~d.
abuse over 1980. and problema too much so Two group~ of 40 drug'
'fbe number of hewly ra ~at some of them may turn addicta each vnll take part in
ported casa of young poople ~ d~~~ he wid. tha experimenf, he said.
~nvolved with drugs was 463 H~ ~n~ ~t that the One group will be treated
in the swond half of 1980 and ~~nt 150~000 young resi- with bu~renorphine and~ the
the number had rixn to 613 denb~ ag~d betwan 10 and other�wttb methadone to iee
in the fint half of last year. a 2s~ in Shatin will rise to which u moro effective.
~pokamae for the Nercotia 230,000 by tbe end of thii A medical epocialist haa ' � ~
Divuinn wid. ~ ~ reooinmendad the we of bu-
_ And the influx of immi- y~~It is important w kap prenorphine b&:ause it can be
granu had a bearing on drug, the young poople sr..are of the disoootinued abruptly ' vrith
8b~� ' problem_ and to iiceep Shatin few; if a~y. withdrawal psins
When these immigrants ~ drug-free as poas~ble, Ae wherartdtmdden ttoppage
cannot get a, job. they aro ~~d, � of ' met6adone �treatment� .
easily pushed mto drug addic- ~~The objcctive of thie means ~evare disoumfort.
CSO: 5320/9117
10 .
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OPIUM SMUGGLER SENTENCED--A fo ~ner cook alleged to be the No 3 man in a massive
drugs syndicate responsible for smugglinc~ enornwus quantities of raw opium into
Hongkonq in the 1960s and 1970s was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by Mr Jus-
tice Hooper in the High Court. Cheng Ah-kai (53) was convicted by a jury,on Mon-
day of conspiracy to traffic in dnngerous~drugs and to deal in danqerous drugs.
Cheng was due to stand trial for drug trafficking with Ha~gkonq businessmen, Ma
Sik-yu and Ma Sik-chun, but in July 1978 he jtanped bail and absconded to Thailand.
In June 1979 he was arrested in Bangkok and charqed with smuqgling heroin w~orth
$1.5 million inta Hongkong. He was kept in custody in Thailand until last manth
when the T'hai authorities deported him. He was put on a plane bound for Taiwan,
which touched dawn for refu~lling in Hongkonq. Officers of the Honqkong Narcotics
- Bureau, who had been tipped-off, boarded the plane at Kai Tak and arrested him.
During his trial a numb~er of elderly'fisheraien testified that Cheng had been re-
spansible for organisincr a fleet of I~ongkong and Macau f3shing junks to pick up
enormous loads of raw opium from Thai trawlers. [Text] [Hong Kang SOUTH CHiNA
IKORNING POST in Ehglish 24 Jan 82 p 1~]
TWO PAKISTANIS JAILID--~vo Pakistanis were sent to prison by Mr Justice Barnes in
the High Court yesterday for danqerous drugs offences. Mc~~ammed Tufail (55) was
sentenced to two years while Moham~ned Hanif (30) received 2-1/2 years. Tufail was
found guilty by a jury of possessinq 3.661 kilos of opium tar the purpose of un-
- lawful trafficking, while Hanif was convicted of conspiracy to traffic in opiian.
- The prosecution's case was that Tufail and another Pakistani, Malik Abdul Guyyam,
arrived from Pakistan on November 8 last year. At the airport, they were searched
by customs officers and a quantity of opium was found in a suitcase. Inquiries
revealed that Hanif, who was living in Hongkong, was to introduce them to someone
who would help dispose.of the drug. Guyyam (32) had pleaded guilty before andther
judge last October to possessing the opium for unlawful trafficking and conspiracy
ta traffic in opium, and was sentenced to four years' imprisonment. [Excerpt]
[Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNiNG POST in English 23 Jan 82 p 6]
HEROIN RiNG SMASI~D--Police bel~eve they have smashed a heroin distribution centre
after sQizing 1.2 kiloqrams of number 3 heroin in a Tsimshatsui flat. The heroin
is worth about $250,000 at street prices. A green-card holder, aged 27, was ar-
rested in the raid and~will appear in ,auth K~owloon Court today charged with pas-
sessing dangeruus drugs for unlawful trafficking. The drugs were seized after a
week-long investigation into a retailing and distribution centre in Wanchai by
members of the Wanchaf division of the drugs squad. The raid, led by Inspector
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Andrew Palmer, began shortly after 9.30 am at 41A Granville R,oad, llth fla.~r. Two
packets of suspected heroin, weighing 0.9 kg, and 17 small packets of suspected
heroin, weighing 0.3 kg, were seized. Equipment associated with heroin packaging
was also seized. [Text] [Hong IGong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in E~glish 1 Feb 82
p 1]
CSO: 5320/9117
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Marihuana Growing Increases
Jakarta KOMPAS in Indonesian 11 Jan 82 p 3
[Text] The commander uf the Main Unit for Narcotics Investigation at Police Head-
quarters, Police Brigadier General Soeharjono, revealed Saturday that from 1980 to
1981 the number of narcotics cases had declined by 35.66 percent, but that evidence .
seized in the form of dried marihuana leaves had increased by almost 70 percent.
Accompanied by the district head of information, Brigadier General Darmawan Soedar-
sono, M.A., Soeharjono said in a press conference at Police Headquarters that mari-
huana has now became a serious problem requiring speCial public attention. He
stated that the plant was spread all over the country, and that in fact Indonesia
was known abroad as a producer of marihuana. He added that man3~ packages of mari-
huana were sent out of the country.
In Soeharjono's opinion, marihuana offenses will continue to be a problem in years
to come. Marihuana, which has always grown wild on mountain sides and in the woods
in Aceh and North.Sumatra, is very difficult to control.
Since 1979 many residents of those areas have been growing marihuana and cultivation ~
has now reached eight police jurisdictions: Region I Aceh--Blangke3eren, Blangjeu-
- nip and Kotacane; Region II North Sumatra--Tanah Karo and Simalungun.
Region III West Sumatra--Payakumbuh; Region IV Riau--Bengkalis; Region VI South
Sumatra--Rejanglebond and NoYth Lampung; Region VIII West Java--Garut, Cian~ur,
Sukabumi, Majalengka and Tasikmalaya; Region IX Central Java--Banyumas and Region X
East Java--Banyuwangi and Malang.
All the marihuana in those areas is illegally transported to and sold in Jakarta,
Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and even as far away as Denpasar. ~
Two Factors
Two factors are believed to be involved in the increase in the planting and distri-
bution of marihuana. The first is the large profit which tempts people who don't
think about the dangerous consequences to the younger generation.
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Prices which in the place of origin are thousands of rupiahs per kilogram become
hundreds of thousands at the place of sale. In fact, some suspects in the Bagan
Siapi-api area af Riau said that dried marihuana leaves bring in Rp. 800,000 pex Kg
~ when sold abroad.
The second factor is the scarcity of opium derivatives such as morphine and heroin,
which now all come from abroad. For the time being marihuana is being sold as a
Arrests of suspects in narcotics cases have decreased. 814 suspects were booked in
1980 and only 489 in 1981. The number of cases handled, the r.umber of suspects
arrested and the amount of evidence seized or destroyed can be seen from the figures
in the following table:
. Year Cases Suspects . Evidence
1979 300 501 795.963 Kg of marihuana
� leaves and 7,883 plants
1980 461 814 1,328.872 Kg of leaves,
8,050 plants and
~ 528.15 grams pf seeds
1981 260 489 2,243.424 Kg of leaves,
2,621 plants and
12.3 grams of seeds
Soeharjono said that some but not many of the suspects were foreigners, 46 foreign
suspects were booked in 1980 and 30 in 1981, usually tourists who took the oppor-
tunity to smoke marihuana in Indonesia. Most were arrested in tourist areas such
- as Yogyakarta and Bali. They were not members of a marihuana-smuggling organization.
According to the Commander of the Main Unit for Narcotics Investigation, the inter-
national narcotics syndicate no longer routes traffic tlirough Indonesia but instead
through Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia and then to Europe and America.
Marihuana Confiscated
Jakarta PELITA in Indonesian 15 Jan 82 pp 1, 7 ~
[Text] The Commander of the Main Unit for Narcotics Investigation at Police Head-
quarters, Brigadier General Soehard,jono, M.A., explained to the press last Saturday
that between 1980 and 1981 the number of narcotics cases in Indonesia had decreased
while the amount of marihuana seized in evidence had increased by 168.82 percent.
In 1980 there were 645 narcotics cases and in 1981 409 cases. Marihuana seized in
1980 amounted to 1,328.872 kg and in 1981 to 2,243.424 kg.
In 1980 113.34 grams of opium, 127.730 grams of morphine, 6.025 grams of heroin and
3.5 grams of hashish were seized. In 1981 56.004 grams of opium, 116.518 grams of
morphine, 11.55 grams of heroin and 520.25 grams of hashish were seiied. There
were 8,050 marihuana plants destroyed i~t 1980 and 2,621 plants destroyed in 1981.
14 �
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Soehardjono said that in 1981 fewer people were arrested in Indonesia for narcotics
offenses than the previous year, with 679 Indonesians and 30 foreigners arrested
in 198i and 1,031 Indonesians and 46 foreigners arrested in 1980. In 1981 '182 users
and in 1980 380 users were detained.
Three Australians, two Japanese, 15 Chinese, two Englishmen, four Americans, one
German, two Frenchmen and one Canadian involved in narcotics offenses were arrested
in 1981.
_ In answer to a question, Soehardjono admitted that the police still face many ab-
stacles in their attempts to respond to these narcotics offenses--the lack of facil-
ities and staff to handle the narcotics problem, and the failure of the public at
large to report such cases.
Formerly marihuana was only found in Aceh and in North Sumatra, but recently people
in West and East Java have been planting it. In these new areas the planters gen-
erally do not know that it is forbidden, Soehardjono explained; they are the victims
of businessmen who tell them to plant it.
In answer to another question, Soehard3ono said that up to now the police had not
found any evidence of subversive elements in the narcotics trade in Indonesia. The
purpose of the narcotics business is purely to make a huge profit. It also cannot
be said these activities take the form of an international syndicate; nevertheless,
they are quite well organized.
CSO: 5300/8318
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Auckland TI~ NEW ZEALAND HERALD in English 19 Jan 82 p 6
[Editorial: "Weeding Out Cannabis Plots"j
(Text] A scarcity of "bard" drugs, harvest as much as $~00 in street ~
ideal growing conditions and a sales from each plant.
tendency for some users t~ gro�-it- In this pitting of ~rits. the
alone spell an upsurge this year Poiice ackno~vledae tliat they rely
rery mi~ch on information from
in;the use of marijuana. For the the .public - from people who
police, the task of de'tecting tbe might stum'r;;e upon a marijuana
sourees o~ L~~s so-called "soft" drug Aatch or overhear a loose a~ord
is becoming increasingly difficult. a~u~ its-location. There should be
. Plots of cannabis sativa plants no need for communitv-funded
~ helicopter swoops like the air
_ are becoming smaller, more sca~- search Nhich uncovered 10 hlant=
tered and more remote as gro~vers ations in 1980. Such operations
aeek to out~cit police crho, ~only s ahould be financed from tases.
vear ago, ~cere finding plantatians \Tonetheless, public ~rillingness
containing more than 1000 plants: to report iilicit plots is vital if
By growing perhaps 20 plants in mounting use of cannabis is to be ~
earh plot and using nets to prevent checked. Reports from around the
aerial spotting, the suppliers country ahow that cultiration i~
'belie~e they can limit the ri3k of too widespread for the police force
detection -~r�hile continuing to to tackle the job alone.
CSO: 5320/9118
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Lahdre VIEWPOINT in Enqlish 4 Feb a2 p 7
[1~,rticle by "Linesman": "The Deadly Trade"]
[Text] Parallel with the increased productian of opium and heroin in parts of
Pakistan,~and a phenomenal rise in the deadly trade, drug abuse within the country
is spreading at a frightening pace.
According to reliably-inv~estigated reports, the Golden Triangle, wedged in the bor-
derlands of T'nainand and Burma, has gradually been replace,d by the Golden Crescent,
lying alonq the Pak-Afghan frontiers, as the main supplfer of hard drugs to the
w~orld. A number of heroin-manufacturing plants, some of them mabile, are said to
have~been set up in or near Pakistan's tribal belts and despite efforts by the
~uthorities to cut down on poppy cunltivation, these units flourish and seem ta
have no difiiculty in getting all the raw material they need. This grim estimate
is substantiated by the fact that the seizure of drugs sought to be smugqled �rom
Pakisan has risen steadily in recent years, and the traffic, once limitec? to opium
and hashish now includes larqe quant3ties of hesbin. There are qood reasons to
believe that this multi-million-dollar business has grown as a result of local col-
laboration witYi Western druq syndicates who are said to provide the incentive,
finance and technical know how to expand the heinaus trad~a.
Addic'tion Grows ~
Inevitably, the in the production and export of all varieties
of such drugs has encouraged dr~.~g addiction among large sections of our peoples..
According to a panel of doctors assembled in Swat recently, not only has addiction ~
of traditional drugs spread, but the deadliest of all habit-forndsig drugs, heroin,
is now becoming readily available and increasinqly popular. It is said that at
least 150 cases of heroin-addiction were registered during 1981 in the ten rehabil-
itation and detoxification centres functioning in the country. 1'n the bigger towns,
the dangerous addiction is spreadinq among students, and from Sind indi-
cates that it is not unknown in the rural areas. A report ~resented to the Swat
symposium gives the alarming estimate that victims of various types of drugs in
Pakistan range between 4.5 r3nd 8 lakhs. It is also admitted by the experts and
these estimates are incomplete because a large nwnber of drug addicts, particularly
in the remote areas, have not been brought under any count. A more comprehensive
nation-wide survey is to be undertaken with West Gernian assistance, and when
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com}~lpted it will underline the qrave threat to national health presented by the
menace of drug-addiction. .
Main Tasks
Z'he first tz~k obviously is to check the cultivation of poppy and the production of
opium and heroin. Here, some effort has been made, but the claim that it has been
successful is belied by other evidence. The narcatics seized during 1980 ~nd 1981
equal the quantity seized 1973 anc7 1979. If it is correctly believed that
only one-tenth of the quantity smuggled is seized, production is clearly booming.
Apart from the variety of indigenaus drugs, imported drugs available at any chemist,
and sold often without a pr~scription, add to the damage~.
A new Ordinance is said to be under preparation to allow for mAre effective steps
agai.~st the illegal sale and smu~qling of hard drugs, such as heroin, opium, hash-
- ish, etc. It must be kept in mind that the simple bureaucratic remedy of inerely
enhancing sentences for violation of the relevant laws will not suffice to curb the
menace. The profits availak~le in this trade are so high that the operators' agents
are willing to take the risk of paying large fines and even undergoing imprisonment.
Apart from imposing truly deterrent punishment, it is essential that the machinery
for dealing with the trade is mad~ more efficient, so that the law-enforcers can
keep ahead of the methods used by the traffickers in drugs. So far, these agencies
seem to be vigilant only at certain known points, such as the main airports for
~ foreign fl~ights and the points of entzy into the Punjab from the NWFP which remains
the main area for supplies. This is plainly not enough. The Narcotics Board must
be persuaded to estai:tisr a wider :net so that the sale and export of drugs does not
remain such an easy operation. It is also necessary that proper efforts should be
made to detect and apprehend the big bosses, who are responsible for the planning
which has expanded the clrug business to such an extent with such frightening speed.
Along with preventive az:d penal measures tha+: are said to be in offing, doctors and
students of psychology shc;uld investigate why the demand for opiates has received
such a spurt in recent years, and suggest rer.?edies that can save our people from
the deleterious effect of destructive drugs.
CSO: 5300/5654 ~
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Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 9 Feb 82 p 5
[T2Xt ] Inveatigatia~s have been cad~i thrce days a~o. Taqav~
completed by~a hirh le~�el tcam who mastermindcd Uic op~ra-
uf Wcst Ccrmau Interpol to tion disappeared lrom tl~e
cullccl evidcucc and links of airport wlien Mi~s Erica and
Mroin smu~~lin~ casc foiled Mobasharfard werc arrec:ed �
by Pakistan Cus:oms sta(i at He ~vas. arrested from Lahore
Iiarachi'�airport in Octooer airport four days later ~~hen
� lant .year involving a German he tried to fly out to New
girl and a numbcr o! lraniaua Delhi, His accomplice in Ka-
li~�ing ui \Vest Germany.' rachi Abidtada ~~�~s alsu arres-
The ofHcials o[ lnterpol ~~�ho ted.
left here ycsterday for Frank. During intcrro~;a:ion, '1'aqa~�i
furt told PPI in an iutcr~:icw confessed he earlicr scut one
betore leaving that durina Hasan Aqa with heroin to VVesl
their aix-day stay Uiey rccor- Germany. This inlormation ~~~aa
- ded statements of Dii,s Josc.te conveyed to West Ccrman ln� ~
Erica, the Gcrman :irl, and terpol cvho arresled Hasai~ :~qa
three Iraniar.s-Mol~ammac~ irom his 8at in Bcrlin, aloug
Ra~a Tlqavi. Nlohanunad Ita~.~ Wi1h one Sabir Shahidi.
Mobasl~arfard aud Ghulam Miss Erica who cariier dr.-
Husyain Abidzada. nied any involvement in tlie
"~Ve have no~v cnough c.~i- case, later coniessed in rot~rt
dence ot thosc iucol~�ed in ti~e to h~r c: ime and W as fined Rs.
intemational gang o[ hcroin one lakh which was paid by '
ymugglers [rom Pal:is:an to her father who flew in liere
1Vest Gcrmany and ~r�c h~~~c to from VDeat Cermany. Moba-
arrest the remaining accused ~hartard also plcaded guilty
in our country soon tlic;� and was 1~ned Rs, o?~e lakh and
said.. one year in jail. Teqavi wae
- ' . IL may bc rai~~lled thal on however relcased on bait.
Oct. 2T, 19tt1 Miss Et:ca aiid The Interrwl o117cials thwnked
riobasharfa?�d ~vcrc arrested the Pakistan Customs steR in-
trom Karachi air~~ort Flyortly cludinR Mr Musht:iq Kazml
_ be[m�e U~cy ~crc to lca~�c on and Mr Abdul Waheed Khan,
, ' ~ an Air France Ilight by the Deputy Colleclor Customs. Ka-
Cu:~toms st;+ti and 4.SR kilo~ oL rachi airporl, fon c~lping thcm
hcroin ~vas recovcred l'rorn in their investi~ations and also
iheir suitcases, fer foiling ihc attempt of hcrein �
7'lie t~~~o had ari�i~~ed in Ka- ~mugglinQ to thcir counlry-�
CSO: 5300/5651
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- Karachi JANG in Urdu 28 Dec 81 pp 2, 15
[Article: "I Used To Supply Tons of Charas in~Karachi; Confession of Aman Allah
Accused of Smuggling and Murder of a Police Officer; Police Laoking for Aman
Allah and His Five Companions"] ~
[TextJ Karachi, 27 December--Aman Allah, accused of killing a police officer in
Site area, told the police during an investigation that he was the leading sup-
plier of drugs~in the country, particularly in Karachi. Site police had arrested
Aman Allah and his three companions after a struggle. The police learned about
his activities in that area and arrested him when he went to sell drugs in Site.
The superintendent of Nazimabad police and assistant superintendent of Site
police arranged for a plain-clothe~ officer to buy drugs from Aman Allah. Aman
Allah arrived in a car with license number 16452 accompanied by his three com-
panions in Valeeka.Chowrungee at the appointed time. He was surrounded by the
police under the leadership of deputy inspector Ayaz Khan. When Ama.n Allah tried
- to escape, police constable Zabur Khan tried to hold him. Aman Allah shot Zabur
Khan in the head, killing him instantly. Aman Allah hid in a godown nearby
while his companions tried to escape. The police arrested his three companions,
Kashmir, Kadir and Abdul Waheed, as well as Aman Allah. The police recovered
about 5 and 1/2 maunds [approximately 450 pounds] of charas from the car. Aman
Allah admitted that he.had been making charas in the tribal area for the ]:ast 10
years and selling it to dealers in Rarachi area. He added that he brought 160 tq
1,600 pounds of charas to Karachi every 2 months. He said that he paid 2,000
rupees to the truck drivers for each maund 4f charas. He further said that he
did not check the identity of his customers. Anyone who was willing to pay the
right amount got as much as he desired. I~e further said that the persons he
supplied to have become millionaires and are living in fancy houses. He used to
stay with a friend in P.I.B. colony in Karachi and stored his charas in Bara
situated on the superhighway. He would stay there and sell charas until tl:e
supplies lasted. Then he would return to the tribal areas for additional supply
of charas. According to the police, Aman Allah used to kidnap people from
Karachi and take them to the tribal areas. Various groups used Aman Allah's
services to have their opponents kidnapped and later released on payment of ran-
som. Aman Allah's companions, Kashmir and Abdul Qt3ir, were also involved in
drug traffic. His other assistant, Abdul Waheed, acted as a driver for a known
criminal until Aman Allah employed him fulltime. The police are looking for five
other members of.his gang.
CSO: 5300/4589
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OPIUM SEIZID IN PESHAWAR--Peshawar, 24 Feb--In the third consecutive raid in 6 days,
the Peshawar customs seized 433 kilograms of opium and 315 kilograms of charas
from a truck near Naushera on the grand trunk road today. The narcotics were bound
_ for Karachi en route Europe. The value of the contraband items was said to be
about rs 3 crore in foreign market. [GF271314 Karachi DAWN in English 25 Feb 82
P 1~ . .
- CSO: 5300/5656
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~ r . .
BK311215 Moscow Radio in Burmese to Burma 1030 GrfT 30 .Taa 82
[Text~ There have been reports on military operations being waged by companies of Burmese
and Thai armed forces agaiast the armed gangs engaged in the illicit opium trade in the golden
triang:e area. The name of the opium king, Khun Sa, alias Chang Si-fu a Chinese national
is well known. He has been engaging in this highly profitable venture for 20 years. He
set up opium refineries in forested and mountainous areas and devised a smooth system of
transporting narcotics through jungle routes. He owns a private army with a force of 3,000 '
men. Khun.Sa has not been arrested despite a cash award announced for his arrest. .
An Italiaa weekly magazir.E, (PANORAMA), once suggested that to get avay with notoriety in
- such a blatant manner, I~un Sa must have more capital than the gor.ernment organizations in
charge of ant~i-narcotics operations. Other than this factor, the failure to arrest him and ~
his expanding underground operation can be attributed to Beijiag's encouragement.' It has
been proven that has contacts with the Mafia gang which controla production and
_ trafficking in narcotics. It is'kno~m thae Beijing's agents established contacts with .
(Santos Trofigante), leader of an underground gang ~+hich controls the illicit drug traffic
- in the United States.
The opium trade ia the golden triangle grows with each passing day. According to figures
released by the Uaited Nations, 800,000 kgs of opium or 60,000 kgs of heroin are produced
�in the region every year. Laboratories set up clandestinely in caves and tunnels in
inaccessible mountainous areas refine opium into heroin. When opium is refined into heroin,
the volume is less but the value multiplies many times over. Calculaticig on the basis of
$500,000 per kilogram of heroin on the illegal market in the United States, we can guesa
at the extent'of huge profits made by drug traffickers and dealers. The following figures
released by the United States also reveal the profits of those in this illicit trade: In
1980 drug sales totaled $6.4 billion in the I3nited States, and sales jumped to S10 billion
last year.
Beijing's interference in the internal affairs of Burma is usua.lly mentioned in relation to
the exteat of its involvement in the opium trade in Burma. Beijing, which i.s using rebels
of all stripes as its followers, offers arms and ammunition in exchange for opium.
Consequently, insurgency and drug trafficking have become inseparable because opium serves
the cause of war. With the upsurge in insurgency~ the prospects for trafficking in
the deadly white powder becomes greater.
The Burmese Army has constantly fought insurgency as well as drug trafficking by insurgents.
Yoppy plantations are destroyed b~? planes. Aircraft of the Burmese Air Force have
frequently bombed rebel camps, routes along which the rebels move, as well as areas believed the sites of the laboratories and drug storage dumps. Despite this, insurgents
continue to survive, This is because, if necessary, they can take refuge in Chinese .
territory. There are bases and training camps for the rebels in Chinese territory.
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- Routes leading into Burma from the north fr,:~ an intricate network through which Chinese
- goods and arms are delivered to the rebels by mules. This was mentioned in (U Thein Pe
Atyint`s) travelogue of the northeastern region. The Chinese returning from Burma take back
teak, all sorts of timber, ivory and precious gems from Burma. Opium is also transported
illegally through these mountainous routes. These routes are also the source ~f the black
matket in Bursa, Thakin Chit Maung, a well-known Burmese leader, wrote in his book: The
- blow to the Burmese economy comes from the fact that the circulation of goods and money
~ take place on the black'market and not where it should. He said~ This must be considered
as a.z attempt not only to sabotage the economic syatem of the revolution in Burma, but
~ also as an attempt to topple the state and destroy existing social relations.
In additior. to their blackmarketeering, Chinese natfonals are infiltrating Burma. They
mingle with Burmese-born Chinese nationals and disappear. On orders from Beijing, they try .
to establish themselves in Kokang, Mong Hsat and in other areas of Burma which China
claims to be its territories even to this�ciay. The extent of Chinese infiltration was
revealed in a series of military campaigns launched by the Burmese Army. The gradual
infiltration into Burma is aimed at settfng up liberated areas. In other words, the
scheme is to slice up a piece of Burmese territory. China's gradually increasing opium
trade is to implement these airss. This scheme is inseparable from the general strategy
of the Chinese leaders to bring Southeast Asia ~mder their influence.
CSO: 5300/2195
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~ Editorial. Comment
Bangkok SIAM RAT SAPPADA WICHAN in Thai 31 Jan 82 p 2
[Editorial.: "Foreign Armed Forces In Thail.and"]
(Text] Last week, border patro]. sent forces to wipe out the armed forces
of Khun Sa, or Chang Si Fu, who has been ca].l.ed the marcotics kingpin of
the worl.d, at Ban Hin Taek in Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province. This
operation commenced on 21 January.
Genera]. Prachuap Suntharangkun; the deputy prime minister, and Po].ice General.
Suraphon Chunlaphram, the director-general. of the Po].ice Department, together
with severa]. other high-ranking officers, together to].d reporters
about why the government had tocarry out L-his operation to wipe out the
forces of Khun Sa at Ban Hin Taek. They said that this was necessary because
these forces threaten Thai].and's sovereignty and they are engaged in producing
_ and se] narcotics, which is destroying the stabi].ity and security of
_ the nation. In addition, they affirmed that this suppression drive was not
re].ated to the visit to mhail.and by members of the United States House of ~
Representatives or that they had been pressured or encouraged by the United
States. .
Concerning the foreign armed forces that have entered Thai].and,
in the area bordering Burma, in real.ity there are severa]. qroups because
the border between Thail.and and Burma is approximatel.y 2,000 kil.ometers and there are more than 70 crossing points. In addition, the compl.ex
jungl.e and mountain terrain has made it easier for the minority groups in
Burma to secretel.y enter the country and form armed forces. However, of .
these various foreign armed.forces, it can be said that onl.y two have great
infl.uence or forces and weapons. These are the Shan national. ].iberation
group of Khun Sa and the KMT forces of the 93rd Division.
Both of these groups, or armed forces, are engaged in the same business,
that is, producing, and transporting opium. Thus, the members of
, both groups have cl.aimed the northern area of ThaiJ.and as their home since
it is near a~major opium producing area of the worl.d in the Shan and Kokan
- states in the Gol.den Triangl.e. And since they are both engaged in the same
business, sometimes they cl.ash. The on].y thing is that the status of the
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two groups is not the same. That is, the Chinese KMT so].diers have been
granted the status of refugees by the government and some became Tha.i
citizens during the time when General. Kriangsak Chamanan headed the government.
They have extabl.ished homes at Doi Mae Sa].ong and Doi Pha Tang. As for the
Shan group of Khun Sa, they have sett].ed down at Ban Hin Taek, which has
the status of a vi].l.age. This vil.].age has a vil.].age headman who was e].ected
by the vil.l.agers and appointed by the government official..:s who monitor their
affairs. Since the real. forces of Khun Sa do not ].ive at Ban Hin Taek, it ~
is probab].y just the home of the Shan fami].ies or a temporary rest point
for the Shan armed forces. There is a sma7.]. force of border patro]. po].ice
stationed there and administrative officia].s make periodic visits to inspect
things. '
Concerning this attack on Ban Hin Taek, it is worth noting that Khun Sa
was not captured, or good information was not gathered ahead of time. The
onJ.y things found were weapons and war material.s. No opium or~other narcotics
were found. Thus, the expectation that this suppression drive woul.d reduce
opium production was wrong.
We fee7. that suppression drives to wipe out foreign armed forces that have
estab].ished homes in Thai].and are l.egal. operations that shou].d be supported,
regardl.ess of whether these forces pose a direct or indirect threat to the
security of the country. But at the same time, simi].ar action shoul.d be
taken against al.l. the foreign armed forces: Otherwise, some peopl.e~may mistakenl.y
think that the govprnment, or some powerful. peopl.e, are invo].ved with some
of the armed groups and do not want to suppress them.
Further Comment
Bangkok SIAM RAT SAPPADA WICHAN in Thai 31 Jan 82 p 48
( Last Page co].umn ]
[Text) "I don't know why a suppression drive was not carried on before.
We want them to l.eave the country," answered General. Prem Tinsul.anon, the
prime ministter, when a reported asked him "why have we tried to suppress
Khun Sa just now when he has ].ived here for a].ong time?""He knows what
we want. If he wants to ].iberate a country, him do so outside our country... him do so somewhere," added the prime minister when a reporter
asked whether or not we woul.d "ask for cooperation from Burma."
- The question of why we r:ave carried on a siippression drive at this
time is a question that is in the minds of the peop].e too. There were reports
that the government was trying to suppress Khun Sa, or Chang Si Fu, and ~
there was a c].ash. Sixteen border patrol. official.s were kil.l.ed and
45 wounded in the cl.ash. As for Khun Sa's side, at l.east 32 are known to
have been kil.l.ed. Khun Sa himsel.f managed to escape, which~ i's normal. for
the "big shots."
Yes. Why was the suppress.ion drive carried on just now? Why wasn't this done
before? Is there something behind this? These are the questions of the peopJ.e,
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incl.uding myse].f, who do not have detal.ied know].edge about
gUt it is not rig~t to b].ame the government for not knowing what is happening
because it wou].d be terribl.e if [the government) was not aware of the fact
that l.arge forces equipped with ].arqe numbers of modern weapons are in our
counrtry. The evidence that shows that the government is aware of this is. �
that the Narctoics Control. Board has stated that Khun Sa is an important
f'igure in the production of heroin and that he is an internationa]. trafficker,
in addition to his other crimes.
As stated, their main occupation is heroin trafficking. The cl.aim tha~ they
are engaged in [a war ofJ national. l.iberation is not reasonabl.e. Even if
they were engaged in national. l.iberation, why do they have to station forces .
in our country? If they want to ].iberate something, ].et them do it el.sewhere,
as the prime minister correctl.y pointed out.
This is probl.abl.y not just a matter of (Shan) nationa]. liberation or narcotics
trafficking a].one.' There was unquestionabl.y a matter of po].itics invo].ved
a].so and it is the government that knows about this. Otherwise, suppression
wou].d have been comp].eted a time ago. "Khun Sa had great foresight. ~
He adapted himse].f to the situation and joined the Shans in order to re].y ,
on these forces to make profits for himsel.f. At Ban Hin Taek, if our official.s ~
want to go there, they must first hand over their weapons. This is a great
vio].ation of our sovereignty. Thus, it is fitting that the government has
a resol.ute suppression po].icy this time," stated .Po].ice Co].onel. Thongun
Charoensom, the commander of the Reqion 6 Border Patrol. ~
Anot~ier question is'why previous governments did not have a suppressin pol.icy
and why they ignored matters to the point where Khun Sa's forces were abl.e
to grow very ].arge and form an intricate network. They have bol.dl.y announced
that they wil.]. immediatel.y oppose the present government when suppression
drives are mounted. And they attacked the Mae Sai po].ice station at the
Mae Sai District market in Chiang Rai Province. One po].iceman and five innocent
bystanders were kil.l.ed. Since his forces f].ed in the wake of the suppression
campaign, how bol.d wil.l. Khun Sa be now? .
If he was just an ordinary heroin trafficker and did not have such a broad
network, one that reaches throughout the wor].d, his bo].dness woul.d not have ~
redched the point of becoming news l.ike this. Ordinary heroin traffickers
do not want to cJ.ash with suppression forces, or the government's forces.
The onl.y thing they try to do is escape so that they can continue to carry
~ on their il.l.egal. activities.
As for whether there was anythincj evi]. about this matter, it must~be admitted
that this was not an ordinary matter and that there.must have been something
in back of this for a time. There must have been national. or international. .
interests in back of this. That is, po].itics was certain].y invol.ved in this.
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As for the reward for the capture of Khun Sa, or Chang Si Fu, a Haw Chinese
of Burmese origin, the Thai government has set the reward at 500,000 baht.
But to raise forces to carry on this reso].ute suppression drive, the government
had to spend mil.].ions of baht and sacrifice the ].ives of officia].s ~
and the of the nation. It does not seem ].ike it was worth the cost
to send so many forces and weapons to carry on this suppression drive. It
was l.ike riding an e].ephant to suppress a grasshopper.
- In reaJ.ity, if comp].ex pol.itical. matters were not invol.ved arid it was desired
to sett].e things with Khun Sa, there is a sure way to dispose of him
- Everything wou].d then be fine. I do not know how the suppression official.s
think. It is probabl.y possib].e to use a method ].ike in the movies, that ' ~
is, by sending in an expert to dispose of him quiet].y.
Wel.l.-informed persons have confirmed that this is possib].e because Khun
Sa does not J.ive just at the border or at Ban Hin Taek. He trave].s to many
pl.aces and there have been news reports that he has a house in Chiang Mai
and even one in Bangkok. It shoul.d'be within our government's capabi].ities
to dispose of him by infil.trating an agent or estab].sihing an investigative
network. .
As said, this is a very comp].ex matter, and i fee]. that it is a national.
matter, a national. pol.itica]. matter. The important peopl.e in the country
certain].y know the fac~s and what is behind this. The only things is whether
or not they wi.7.]. te].l. us.
It is difficu].t to suppress the heroin traffickers. Lao Su, for examp].e,
was once captured and put in prison but he stil.l. managed to escape. What
more can be done?
The best thing at present woul.d be for the government to answer the peopl.e's ~
question of "why has a suppression drive been mounted just now." The vil.J.agers
woul.d 7.ike to know.
Because, everything in this country is mysterious and compl.ex. It is sad
and strange that the government has had to spend so much money and sacrifire
so many ].ives to suppress these peop].e. ~
CSO: 5300/5641 �
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DRUG ADDICTION IN VOJVODINA--Increased drug addiction has not bypassed Vojvodina,
where over 250 young drug addicts have sought medical help up to now. Although the
exact number of drug addicts is not~known, there are at least~150 to 200. The
number of addicts in the Province of Vojvodina has increased abruptly, especially
in Novi Sad and Subotica; 8 young people have died in the last few years in Novi
Sad from drug use. In a su~rvey of 14,000 goung people in the province, it was
found that 122 are regular drug users and that users are younger in age now (between
14 and 15 years old) than before. Dr Damjan Savic, who has been dealing with this
_ problem for a number of years at the Novi Sad neuro-psychiatric clinic, said that
addicts in Vojvodina used Macedonian opium up to a year ago, but now marijuana and
h~ptanon are being used increasingly. /Excerpt% /Belgrade BORBP, in Serbo-Croatian
14 Feb 82 p 4%
CSO: 5300/3007
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Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 9 Jan 82 pp l, 13
[Text] POLICE and De[ence Force ~~ng through on the outside not, they would' be coming on
officers are now stationed of the Bahamas east of the the west side near" Cay Sal
round the clock at Norman's Bahamas chain, or coming up bank. If they go out on the
Cay and Cay Sal in an effort to the channei between Ragged east side, then they would be
curb drug running through the Island and Cuba and then going o u t s i d e t he B aha m ia n
Bahamas, Prime Minister up bn the west side and so on." territorial waters and there is
Lynden Pindling has disclosed. Also, there has been � an nothing we could d'o about
The Government, Mr improvement in the lisison that anyway. And if they go
Pindling said, took a oonscious with the United States Coast around us in order to get tn
decision to apply more funds G~, he said. There has been Florida, well there is nothing
to this very vexing problem.
a gnater and freer flow of we could do about that.
We had to expend much information~ which has enabled Another means of drug
more than we had planned to ~e Bahamas Defence Force to running is' by air. Aircraft
by keeping constant patrol of get some advance information ranged from single engine
sea in the northwestern an movements from South aircraft to four engine DC7s,
Bahamas and the western 'America or wherever the point and in Inagua, Cat Ialand
Bahamas," Mr Pindling said, of origin is. The Bahamas Eleuthera~ Andros~ Abaco and
"Those were the main traffic I~efence Force he said has Grand Bahama planes carrying
lanes." been able to make some drugs have been confiscated
The western Bahamas would interesting arnsts at sea. anJ the peraons responsible
be that passage leading up on Overall, Mr �Pin~dling said arrested.
the east of Cay Sal. The that 1981 � was rha s the
northwestern Bahamas is that ~ p "The end result of all this,
~nost successful year for the the agencies tell me, is that
area between Bimini and north Bahamas in terms of combating there has been a considerable
Andros. drug running. reduction in the flow of drugs
"We have had to maintain a ..~~gy ~d large," he said~ "it through the Bahamas," Mr
contingent of inen living round meant a virtual I wouldn't Pindling said. The Defence
the clock on Cay Sal~ he said. y p y,,,, ,Force maintains a party at Cay
"We have had to post men full ~ shut down com letel
time at Norrnan's Cay. We had but it has meant a great Sal; the police force maintains
to beef up men on the ground reduction in the traftic through a party at Norman s Cay.
at north Andros. We had to do B~mini, through north Andros, Mr Pimdling said that
regular shifts of inen in Bimini. through Inagua. They were the discussions have led him to
main points of concern: believe tnat material assistance
We have had to increase ~~~ye hardly now find boats equipment, advance training
' our aerial patrols evory day comin u throu h the -'will in all
several times a day in order to g p g probability be
detect what traffic ' may be Bafiamas. If they are coming forth~oming from the United
through now, more often than States suthorities.
CSO: 5300/7527
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Hamilton TH~. ROYAL GAZETTE in English 20 Jan 82 p 3
[Te:ct] (;~vernment's metha- dicts. Former Health Min-
done pingramme for her- ister Dr. ~ Clarence .Jamea
oin addicts is not likely to pmmised to sErengthen the
accept a~ny new patients Pm~ramme and next finan-
until the summer. The c~al year's budget' will in-
promised expansion of the clude funds for e full-time
often-criticised pro- nursetoassiat.
amme has been held u 'I'he hospitel has tempo-
~ P rarily switched a male nuree
as St. Arendan's Hospital to full-time dv2ies with the
is still trying to bring its drug proqratnme. Aut while
m e d i c a 1 s t a f f u p t o � one nurse ~s' thought to be
strength. capable of handling eight ad- :
: A new doctor is set to ar- dicts the ahortage of doctora
rive from Canada in April still remains the atumbling
. but that will still leave hos- block.
pital ~ne short of its full ~ In addition, Government
complement of four psy- haa commissioned a study of
chiatr~sts. Applicationa for � the acope of Aermuda's drug
the f~urth post will be con- pmblem and an expanaion~ of
sidered next month but it the methadone ciinic may
may be another six montha well depend on its 6ndinga.
bef~re the new doctor ia Despite the delays Dr. Rad-
br~uRht in. ford believea that servicea for
Meanwhile, St. Arendan's druR addicts are being gred-
medical director Dr. Michael uelly improved. The addi-
Redf~rd is reluctant to ex- ti~n of the extra nurse will be
tend the methadone clinic a!~'eat help, .he aaid.
with~ut a sychiatrist in ~ Well as edministering
P methadone the nurse will as-
lonR term control. He said: sist Mr. Aryant Richerde
"In the past we have juet , wh~ is co-ordinator of the
handed out methadone with- ` over-all d~ug pro$ramme.
out nfferinR much else in the The new paych~atnst who is
way of sup~rt. That ia the expected to atart work et St.
worRt way to hand out meth- Arendan's in April ia Dr.
adone and may actually do .lames HaiR, from Albetta.
m~re harm than qood." He jc~ins Dr: Radford and Dr.
The clinic stopped taking R~land Robinaon who was
new admissi~ns last .July and ~recruited from Scotland in
is now treatinq only four ad- Octnber.
CSO: 5300/7527
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040024-6
Cochabamba LOS TIENII'OS in Spanish 18 Jan 82 p 5
[Text] In accordance with the Narcotics Law, mining, agroindustrial and other firms
whose workers chew coca must acquire the coca leaves directly from the Office of
Supervision and Sales Control in their respective districts by submitting lists of
the workers with their identification card number, sign~ature or fingerprint.
~ Until recently the mining, agricultural, cooperative and other firms purchased coca
through intermediaries and delivered it to the workers without any type of control.
In the future they will have to ~supervise deliverq and 3ustify the purchase, accord-.
ing to Article 31 of Decree Law No 18714, which states: "State or private mining
firms, as well as agroindustrial, agricultural and livestock and forestrq businesses
which employ workers who chew coca, must distribute it through general stores accord-
ing to their needs. For this purpose they will purchase the quantities required di-
rectly from collection and sales centers operated by the National Council for the
Campaign against the Narcotics Traffic, paying in cash.
"The firms must keep a register of users, with their identification card number and/or
The aforementioned law also states that the firms must make their requirements known
at least 3 months in advance.
New Identification Cards
Regarding retail sales, the law provides that within the next 30 days, retailers'
identification cards will be given to proprietors of shops, stores and other places
which pay their taxes.
Article 32 of the decree-law in question states that all identification cards pre-
viously issued are null and void for the sale of the coca leaves, ~and that others
will be issued shortly which will permit the retail sale of coca to.peasants ar,~~l
_ users. .
8735 ~
CSO: 5300/2152
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PY261740 La Paz Radio Illimani NE~work in Spanish 1100 GMT 26 F,~b 82
[Excerpts] The National Council. for the Struggle Against Drug Traffic has decided
to include peasants in running the storage centers for coca leaves and in the
council's mobil units for t~e production control and sale of this product.
This decision was made to prevent hostile actions in the future against the council
officials in charge of the control and sale of coca leaves. This information was
given during a press conference held yesterday. The decision to include peasants
is aimed at stopping the actions unleashed by drug traffickers against officials.
The council off:Lcials reported during the pre~s conference that the spreadi~ig of
rumors and comments contrary to the struggle against drug traffic created a con-
- frontation be~ween officials and peasants a few days ago. The peasants urg~~d by
the drug trafFickers tried to stop the legal actions of the council. As a result
of the confrontation two peasants were kil.led and four were wounded.
[Words indistinct] with peasants took place in the Ivirganzama Valley in Chapare, a
site where agricultural producers from Ivirza and (Siruata) got together. Council
officials said that the participation of peasants will prevent the production of
coca leaves from being diverted to the production of cocaine. '
During the press conference, council off icials also presented four of six criminal~
who were converting gas bottles. into containers for transporting coca. Those ~
arrested by the police are: (Raul Ugarte Mamani); (Moises Piste Guarite); (Justo
~ Antonio Quise); (Delfin Choque Gabriel); (Osvaldo Callata Maricoyo); (Gregorio Goya
Ramos); and (Joaquin Piste Cuarica). They have all confessed, therefor~ they will
be put at the disposal of regular courts after the police conclude their invest~ga-
Interior Minister Romulo Mercado Garnica said that there is complete tranquility in
the peasant sector of Cochabamba, where a confrontation between narcotics officials
and some peasants took place. He indicated that this situatian has been overcome
due to the tYmely intervention of the minister of agriculture and campesino affairs
_ and the Cochabamba prefect. He also said that the situation in the country is
normal and that +he carnival celebrations were held without any incidents which
- could 1-~ave obst~_.~cted the peace and tranquility of the population.
_ CSO: 5300/2206
32 ; .
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La Paz HOY in Spanish 14 Jan 82 p 7
_ [Text] Cochabamba, 13 Jan----By order of court officials, 56.72 kgs of cocaine sul-
_ fate were burned yesterday after the conclusion of the trials of several narcotics
The order fr:~m the third criminal court came after the usual narcotics analysis which
was done in the presence of the president of the Superior Justice Court, the district
attorney, a representative of the University of San Simon and other authorities.
The 56.72 kgs were part of several ope~ations carried out during the recent campaign,
in which the direct and indirect perpetrators, whose cases were tried, were captured
as they hid in the woode~ area of San Sebastian.
It was reported that last year a similar procedure was followed, in the presence of
officials and newsmen, with a like quantity which had been seized in operations car-
ried out by agents of the regional office of control of dangerous sub$tances.
According to the international press, it is believed t:~at 1 kg of cocaine sulfate is
worth $1 million in Miami, United States, so the value of the drugs burned here yes-
terday in Sucre Square was $56 million.
The aforementioned quantity of the drug was placed in safes in the Central Bank, in
the court and in the district attorney's office.
i The interim departmental director of the office of control of dangerous substances
. said that in order to confront the task of suppression [of the drug trade] with great-
er responsibility and efficiency, he has asked for more personnel and vehicles, a
request which so far has not been given th~ attention it merits.
. Luis Avalos said that there is a shortag;e of vehicles to get to the villages in E1
Chapare, w~iere the illegal activity of cocaine manufacture and coca sales abounds.
He expressed his optimism that the hi~he~~ authorities of the National Narcotics Di-
rectorate would comply with ~ochabam~-a's requests and send the items needed to cio
the task properly. �
CSO: 5300/2152
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500040024-6
BRIEFS ~ . .
COCA CROP REPLACEMENT CO~T--Villa Tunari, 16 Jan--The plan to replace coca cultiva-
tion in the Chapare-Chimore region will involve the treatment of 150,000 hectares of
land, according to the Executive Directorate of the National Council of the Campaign
against the Narcotics Traffic. The amount needed for the various programs has been
- estimated at $15 million. Colonel Rene Ocampo said in La Paz.that "at first glance
and by simple calculation that figure might appear unattainable, and even more so
- when we consider that during the 10-year period it will have to be increased." He
emphasized that the~plan calls for the incorporation of modern agroindustrial tech-
niques and the sale of what will be produced by approximately 30,000 settlers in E1
Chapare and~Los Yungas. Leaders of the Chapare Special Federation of Farm Workers
said that those plans have not yet entered their initial p:iase. According to that
information it is estimated that the surplus coca production in E1 Chapare and Los
Yungas will be 10,000 tons annually at a cost of 575 million Bolivian pesos, or about
$30 million per year. He explained that "while the results of a systematic policy
of coca-replacement are being consolidated, we will have to purchase and burn coca
leaves aC that price." These and other problems affecting the settlers will be ana-
lyzed by delegates to the Seventh Farm Workers Congress, which will be attended by
representatives of CORDECO [Development Corporation of Cochabamba], MACA [expansion
~unknown] and PRODES [Chapare-Yungas Development Program]. They will report on the
progress of plans to replace the.coca plantations. [Text] [Cochabamba LOS TIENIPOS
_ in Spanish 18 Jan 82 p 4] 8735 ~
CHAPARE TRAFFICKERS CONTINUE UNDETERRED--In spite of repeated announcements about.
control of the coca trade, peasants from the Chapare area continue to bring coca on
foot to the Santa Cruz district, using paths and rivers which lead to the Yapacani
area, according to persons who have visited the tropical region recently'. They said
that in view of vigilance by.narcotics agents at the Villa Tunari, Paracti, Colomi ~
and Sacaba stations, some Chapare producers have decided to take the coca to Santa
_ Cruz by a route which takes 3 days one way, carrying on their backs large shipments
of coca consisting of two drums, which they later sell for 30,000 Bolivian pesos. It
was learned that the peasants who make this journey return here by bus from Santa
Cruz and then go by truck to E1 Chapare. Officials of.the Office of Supervision and
Control of Coca Sales indicated to the press on an earlier occasion that "they do not
- dare to enter that region for fear of the narcotics traffickers," who have automatic
weapons and other items. They also said there are many routes which lead to Santa
Cruz and that it is difficult to supervise them all with the small number of people
the division has. Meanwhile, supervision of coca coming into this city is strict,
peasants have told their leaders, and the combined Military-Peasant Pact and the
agents concern themselves with seizing coca by the pound and are afraid to enter the
Saj.ta a�rea which leads to Santa Cruz to take it from the traffickers who are trans-
porting large volumes of coca. [Text] [Cochabamba LOS TIEMPOS in Spanish 16 Jan 82
p 7] 8735
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MARIHUANA SEIZED--The National Police seized y~esterday 500 pounds of marihuana and
17 pounds of seed, tntalling more than 130 thousand colons, capturing those
responsible for the cultivation and sale of the drug. Those arrested in this case
are the following: Simeon Antonio Martinez, Tomasa Deleon Baires, Pedro de
Jesus Baires, JL!an Deleon Baires, Julio Cesar Cueila Reyes. The plants were dis-
covered in the Mizata region, on the highway between La Libertad and Acayutla,
on land belonging to Emilio Deleon Baires, who is being held im the city of
Sonsonate. The capture of the five people ment ioned _ took place in
the Amaya area on the outskirts of the Guatemala " area
- of the capital in the Santa Emilia apartments. They were selling the marihuana
at 250 colons a pound, and a pound of marihuana seed for 300 colons, according to
police authorities, after having received declarations from the accused. The cap-
ture is one of the most sensational made by the National Police in 1981 in which
drug trafficking is involved, according to that body. [Text] [San Salvador LA
_ PRENSA GRAFICA in Spanish 29 Dec 81 pp 2, 17J 96~8
- CSO: 5300/2165
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WOMAN ON COCAINE CHARGE--Gail Griff iths a 25-year-old Englishwoman who is charged
with nossession of 31b 3ozs. of cocaine valued at over U.S.$3 million appeared
in the Home Circuit Court on Thursday and was remanded in custody by Mr. Justice
Theobalds to return on February 3 for trial date to be settled. Griffiths was
arrested on November 20 last year at the Norman Manley International Airport
after he she came in on a flight from South America. [as published] The case
should have been tried yesterday but an ad3ournment was granted after attorney
Mrs. Kay Sherman informed the court that Mr. Fr~nk Phipps, Q.C., who represents
Griffiths was engaged in the St. Catherine Circuit Court. She said Miss Narcisse
Hamilton who also represents Griff iths was ill and said that Mr. Phipps had
received the certificate from the Government Analyst only on Wednesday. Mr.
Lennox Campbell, Crown Counsel, represented the Crown. [Text] [Ringston THE
DAILY GLEANER in English 30 Jan 82 p 16]
COCAINE, CURRENCY SEIZURE--GLEANER Western Bureau---Louis King, operator of King
Aquarius Club, Church Street, Montego Bay, has been arrested by the Montego Bay
CIB and charged with possession of ganja and cocaine and hoarding foreign cur-
rency. Three women were arrested and charged ~ointly with Ring with possession
of the drugs but police have withheld their names pending further investigations.
The charges were laid after police raided King's residence at Coral Gardens early
Thursday morning. Ganja and cocaine said to be valued at thousands of dollars
and about US$2,500 were seized, police said. [Text] [Kingston THE DAILY GLEADiER
in English 1 Feb 82 p 2]
CSO: 5300/7527
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Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 8 Feb 82 p 8
[Text] The action taken against the drug traffic by the Office of the Attorney
General of the Republic, through the Zone 06 coordinating unit established in this
state, has been relentless, and during January 64 individuals were remanded for
various crimes against health.
A total of 30 kilograms and 571 grams of marihuana were seized from those persons,
as were 2 kilograms of seed of the in~urious grass, and 1 kilogram and 380 grams of
heroin. Henc~ this action on the part of the Federal Judicial Police, in addition
to having precluded the distribution of those drugs, has also mad~e it possible to
prevent the health of many people from being damaged.
After making the foregoing statement, Hector Aviles Castillo, the Zone 06 coordinator,
said that, furthermore, 90 grams of opium gum had been seized, and that three long-
barreled and seven short-barreled weapons, as well as 1,027 cartridges, were confis-
cated from those under suspicion.
_ In discussing the fumigation activities, Aviles Castillo stated that 1,466 poppy
plantations were destroyed over an.area of 465,040 square meters, while 22 marihuana
plantations were razed on an area of 4,870 square meters; and only one mixed planta-
tion was found covering an area of 100 square meters.
Aviles Castillo said that the action taken by the Mexican Army which is combatting
the drug traffic was also in evidence manually, because 637 poppy plantations were
destroyed in that manner, over an area of 223,986 square meters, as were only 13
marihuana plantations situated on i9,710 square meters; while six mixed plantations
were found on an area of 1,100 square meters.
Also, the members of the Operation Condor task force destroyed a poppy seedbed over
an area of 125 square meters, thus culminating the activities for January in the
battle against the drug traffic in the state, as described by Aviles Castillo.
CSO: 5330/66
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Drug Addiction Level
Lima EL COMERCIO ir. Spanish 30 Jan 82 p A-12
, [Text] Peru is mainly a cocaine base producer rather than a market for direct
~ consumption of the drug. The drug addiction rates in the official statistics do
not show levels that could be called alarming.
According to the International Drug Control Council based in Vienna, drug production
has increased notoriously. The organization mentioned Peru as one of the countries
which contribute the most to the world flow of cocaine and cannabis (marihuana).
The specialists reported that drug cansumption in the country is relative, because
of our incipient development and industrialization. Drug addiction and drug traf-
fic occur most in highly industrialized countries, according to council statistics.
The Peruvian market does not have much attraction for drug traffickers, because of
the small quantity consumed as well as because of the lack of buying power of ~
potential users. On the other hand it is an attractive production market, and
therefore, according to police statistics, many foreigners are always coming to the
country to make contact with the centers of production and take away.drugs.
.It is believed that only 10 to 20 percent of the drug traffickers are detected by
the police, and of them, only a small number are arrested and sentenced.
Centers of Production
The whole Huallage valley as well as other parts of the departments of San Martin,
Amazonas,~and Huani~co, are production centers for raw materials for drugs.
In addition, large production centers were discovered in the La Convencion (Cuzco)
valley and in Sandia (Puno). Naturally all these production centers are sec:ret and .
. their boundariea are closely guarded against anyone approaching. Many cr.imes have
been committed in those places among drug traffickers, and moreover the police
have found it impossible to penetrate the centers.
As is known, the police recently conducted a stubborn campaign against the coca and
poppy crops in the Tingo Maria District.
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In spite of that assault, only a small part of the production centers were affected,
and besides they are once again planting and producing.there today, according to
reports from our correspondents.
The police do not have the resources or the tools (weapons, vehicles, and so forth)
necessary to wage a decisive fight against that degrading tide.
While the police go about in cars or trucks, the drug traffickers use private planes
and have informants scattered everywhere to keep track of police movements.
Relative Consumption
Marihuana is the drug which has become most entrenched among the nation's youth,
whereas heroin, a derivative of cocaine, is consumed on a smaller scale among the
more well-to-do sectors in the capital. Dx~ug prices are gen~erally high, which
eliminates consumption among the poorer cl~sses.
Nevertheless, drug traffickers are always on the alert. They infest high schools
and universities, feeling that young people are much easier to initiate into drug
A use than adults. ~
The police forces need modern equipment and more troops to carry out an extensive
campaign against drug addition and drug traffickers in the schools. At the present
- time little is done in that area.
_ Drug Seizure
Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 30 Jan 82 p A-14
[Text] The Huanuco Department Headquarters of the Peruvian Investigative Police
arrested three [sic] drug traffickers, identified as Roger Reyna Grandez, 27 years
old; Roberto Rengifo Nunez, 26; Eliseo Ayala Cabrera, 24; and Lucinda Cabrera Leon,
24. In their house in the hamlet of Angashoco, buried under the floor, police
found 34 kg of cocaine base worth about 100 million sols. '
CSO: 5300/2186
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- LARGEST OPiUM HAUI; EVER--Islamabad, 20 Jan--Afqhan police seized more than two
tonnes (2,122 kiloqrammes) of opium in Kabul last Sunday, Radio Kabul, monitored
here, said Tuesday. The pol;ce had arrested eight people in connection with what
the radio described as the biggest opium haul in Afghanistan. The opiiun, in 46
bags, was found in the Afghan capital's Saadat Market, the radio said. [Rangoon
THE WORKING PDOPLE'S DAILY in English 21 Jan 82 p 5]
CSO: 5300/4922
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DRUG CONVICTION SENTENCES--Cairo, 14 Feb (AFP)--A member of parliament was
sentenced to 15 years in prison yesterday for smuggling 5.5 tons of hashish into
Egypt last April, newspapers reported here this morning. He is Mahmud Sulayman
'Uthman, of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP). A brother was also
sentenced to 15 years. The I~'s father and another brother were sentenced to
10 years. The prosecutor had aslced that all four be enec~~ted. [Text] [NC142317
Paris AFP in English 2303 GMT 14 Feb 82]
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' IRAN ~
~ Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 17 Jan 82 p 5
: [Interview with governor-general of Sistan-Baluchestan~
I ~Excerpts~ On the whole the point must be made that the Province of
Sistan-Baluchestan has consistently been one of the major bases of
~ trafficing and dealing in smuggled goods in Iran. Hence, a ma~or
' portion of anti-smuggling activities can be centered in this province .
; Dr Mohammadi, the governor-general of Sistan-Baluchestan, said about
the problem of smuggling in this province: "The British colonialist
policies followed by the U.S. imperialist policies of Mohammad Reza
and his son [as published in the region of Sistan-Baluchestan were
the essential factors con~ributing to the growth of smuggling.
The basis of the policies of the previous regime in the Province of
, Sistan-Baluchestan was always that which would deprive the brave,
combative people of this province of education and the ability to
, engage in honest and honorable professions. Therefore, until the .
revolution, not only was smuggling not fought in the province,. but
' influential smugglers were even encouraged. It must be pointe d out
that the head of the influential smugglers, especially in the area of
~ narcotics, was the Pahlavi family itself, the main factor contribu-
ting to ~the expansion of smuggling in Iran. The special geographic
. situation of this province, which has long land and sea borders, also
helped the imp].ementation of this sinister and treacherous plan. One
of the greatest problems of the government after the revolution was
that of smuggling. In the Province of Sistan-Baluchestan, on the one
~ hand, we faced people who know no other trade but smuggling, and on
~ the other, the government was determined to fig~t this illegal and
' wronp action. In the beginning, the government implemented a plan to
redirect the smuggling issue in a way that they (small dealers) could
import goods needed by the society, such as foodstuff and.agricultural
machinery, through border exchanges during the economic embargo.. In
; the meantime, with the implementation of developmental plans, proper
employment would gradually have been provided for them. Presently,
this plan has been suspended as of eight months ago and the serious
. fight against smuggling continues."
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The Stratification of the Smugp;lers
In the opinion of the governor-gerieral of Sistan-Baluchestan: The
smugglers are divided into two different groups, one consisting of
_ large capitalists who do not personally enter the smuggling business
but malce large profits through their agents. Obviously, neither can
they gain such profits through legitimate means nor are they ~prepared
to simply accept the fight against smuggling. The second group
consists of smugglers~ who are the agents attd small dealers endangering
their lives to make money for large smugglers. This~group makes up
a large portion of the deprived~class. Once we are able to provi de
useful and legitimate employment for the second group, our fight will
be serious. In any case, we are presently fighting smuggling and you
can see for yourselves that not even one percent of the smuggled
goods which could be seen on the streets previously exist now. The
self-sacrifice and efforts of the gendarmerie officials and the self-
sacrificing brothers in the Guards Corps have stopped the import of
any kind of smuggled goods. Of course, our big problem in this regard
is the iack of cooperation on the part of neighboring countries who,
unfortunately, allow the passage of goods through their territories.
After the serious fight against the smuggling of luxury items, the
dealers have be~un to smuggle narcotics, especially the de adly
powder, heroine. Since there are long borders in this region and
also because of the ease with which this item can be transported,
fightinp, against it~~s more complicated. Presently, new plans have
been prepared for the control of the borders, which will be implemen-
ted soon. With the implementation of these plans, we c an hope that
the entry of these deadly items (narcotics) to the country is.
prevented. But, it is certain that until neighboring countries
cooperate in putting an end to the smuggling of narcotics, we will
h ave these problems. We hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
will contact neighboring countries and make mutual arrangements to
ensure the success of this battle. I must say that until some time
a~o, most luxury items, such as video and television sets and other
items used by the comfortable classes of the society, were smuggle d
into the country.
Narcotics Smuggling in Sistan-Baluchestan
The political deputy of the governor-general of Sistan-Baluchestan.
added~in continuing his statements on narcotics: "The smugglin~ o~
narcotics is widespread in the Province of Sistan-Baluchestan.
~lbout 2 months ago, 300 kg of.pure heroine was discovered by ~, which proves th at narcotics enter this province in signi-
ficant amounts. Most of these items pass through Sistari and Balu-
chestan a.nd reach different centers in other provinces. In any case,
I must a.dd that this province is situated on the path of narcotic s
smugp;lin~. Wecan see its effects on this province itself as well.
Concernin~; the fight against narcotics, I must say that with the
present border controls, and notin~ the efforts of the brothers in
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in the Guards Corps, gendarmerie, and police on the borders and in
the cities, the numbers of narcotic s discoveries is rising every day
and the distributors of these items are being identii:'ied. We hope
that with the plans we have for the control of the borders, we will
b~ able to prevent narcotics smuggling. It is reported to us that
- the counterrevolutionaries intend to spread narcotics throughout the
count.ry in order to fip,ht the revolution and Islamic culture . The
counterrevolutionaries have even equipped factories to produce
narcotics across the borders and send the products of these factories
into the country as soon as possible. The counterrevolutionaries
intend to dampen the enthusiasm and activity of the young generation
by bringing more of this Satanic product into the country to make
them miserable.
"In my opinion, more serious steps must be taken in this regard
throug;hout the cc~~ntry and in those countries which allow conspira-
cies on their land to take place against Iran should be given
warning. To fight the smuggling of narcotics and addiction, we need
an essential military, security, and political movement. In this
re~ard, we can spread propaganda through the media and religious
propagators to stop the smuggling of and addiction to narcotics. We
hope that the ~overnment, after the war ends, will begin a more
serious fi~ht against smuggling."
The political deputy of the Governor-General's Office of Sistan-
Baluchestan said, concerning the relationship between smuggling and
the conspiracies ~f world oppressors: "World oppressors use smug-
gling as a means to destroy the spirit of dynamism and activity in
the regimP of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Th at is, when the world
devourers see that the country needs savings, they begin to take
currency out of the country through their agents and when the world
oppressors realize that credit reserves are very important to us,
under such conditions, gold smuggling across the borders increases
tremendously. In any case, considerin~ the long borders of this
region, the shortage of forces and sufficient military personnel to
prevent smuggling, and the war, the borders of the cowntry cannot be
- controlled 100 percent. Therefore, we have had many examples of
~old and currency being ta~cen out of the country or even of counter-
revolutionaries esc aping."
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SEARCH ON FOR P'USHERS--Two illegal sellers of an addictive drug, "Lupin," were
arrested by police at Moyale township with dozens of the tablets yesterday. The
alleged drug pushers included an elderlq man and a young man whose names police
did not disclose. However, police confirmed that an intensive search has been
mounted to net more drug pedlars and their clients. Contacted by K.N.A., the
Moyale District Hospital Medical Officer of Health, Dr L. Ingotsi, said the drugs
could not be identified as there were no such types in the hospital's pharmacy.
He added that samples of the drugs had been sent to the government chemist for
analysis. ~Text~ ~Nairobi THE STANDARD in English 12 Feb 82 p 5~
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Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 2 Feb 82 p.6
[Editorial] ,
[Text] The statements made by leading politicians on the proposed registration
of drug addicts indicate that this question will remain unanswered this time
around too or that at best it will have a v~ry difficult passage through the
In the lively debate that has been conducted in BERLINGSKE TIDENDE forceful
terms have been used to character~.ze the ability of politicians to understand
the scope of a no vote on registration. Ignorance is one of the words used.
The former head of the Cancer Register, Dr Johannes Clemmesen, has read "with
feelings of great alarm" the arguments of politicians against registration.
Dr Cle~esen says in response to Radical Liberal Bernhard Baunsgaard's speech
on "the gaps found in the existing public registers" that no mistakes or drawbacks
have been demonstrated in medical registers and that "no disadvantages have
- been r.ited that in any way .offset the great benef its society gains from such
registration." He asks if the politicians are aware that in the long run the
only way to prove the harmful effects is through accurate registration. He
would assign the responsibility for the continued development of drug addiction
as the social misfortune it is to the politicians.
Hagen Hagensen (K [Conservative]) opposes registration with reference to the
uncertainty involved in setting the dividing linc~ between abuse and dependency
"and what will be the next group in society to be registered--alcoholics, per-
This involves a central argument that has led to a great deal of confusion in
attitudes toward the issue of registration of drug addicts. It is quite legal
in this country to buy, enjoy or abuse wine and other alcoholic beverages. No
matter how tragic dependency on alcohol may be for an individual no person or
state body has the right to interfere with the abus.e. Drug addiction, on the
4ther hand, is inextricably tied to criminality. It is based on substances
that are illegal to import, possess or sell. Hagen Hagensen must be well aware
that one cannot equate drug addicts and alcoholics. As a jurist he can be ia
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no doubt whatever that the legal prosecution of narcotics dealers loses its
full weight as long as there is no supervision of the customers of these crimi-
nals and as long as their problems are not dealt with firmly.
For both individual and social reasons it is justifiable to take precautions
concerning drug addicts who constitute an enclave within society. It is now �
necessary to demonstrate this need in a factual and undramatic way. Ideolo-
gically-based ideas about registration as a sign of loss of freedom are a result
of faulty thinking. The apprensions about using the means that might help have
a high price tag--a~ng other things the deaths of perhaps 400 young people
this year.
CSO: 5300/2162
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Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 17 Feb 82 p 2 .
[Article by Jeton]
_ [Text] According to a resolution adopted yesterday by the first Nordic anti-
hashish conference held at Malm~, there is a turnover of approximately 1 million
Danish kroner worth of hashish in Christiania every 24 hours. The conference .
was arranged by anti-hashish nation-wide movements in Sweden and Norway.
In the resolution, the Danish people and the Danish government are requested to
put a stop to all drug tr.affic at Christiania, and, at the same time, the govern-
ments of Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden are requested to influence the DarLish
gonernment to pursue a new anti-narcotics policy.
Denmark is a transit country for a large part of the drug traffic in all of the
Nordic countries, and the policy pursued by the Danish government with regard to
hashish constitutes a perfectly clear breach of a number of conventions on drugs,
and the conference at Ma1mm finds that hashish traffic has become practically
legalized in many places in Denmark, the resolution states. .
The consu:ltant on alcohol and drugs of the Da,nish Ministry of Ed.ucation, Peter
Schi~ler, was invited to attend the conference but declined to attend the conference,
which he describes as priv~te and biassed.
- "I do not want to participate in the meetings of a private orga.niza.Lion at which
Denmark is being showered with abuse for sabotaging interna.tional agreements on
drugs. Nor do I find that the Swedes are justified in clairaing that hashish
purchased at Christiania is the cause of Swedish drug abuse," Peter Schisler says.
The resolution adopted at Malm~, moreover, finds it strange that Finn J~rgensen, Danish
physician--the only physician wanting t.o legalize hashish--appears in information
films for schools of the Mini.stry of Education.
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Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 4 Feb 82 p 7
[Text] Justice Minister Ole Espersen will have full or very widespread support
in Folketing for his proposed law on penalties for "those profiting from narco-
tics crimes." The object is to get at some people behind the scenes who may
not import and sell hard drugs themselves but who make Gash profits in connec-
tion with violations of the narcotics laws. The proposal also includes people
who store or transport drugs or who help to transfer profits from narcotics
Al1 party spokesmen supported the proposal in principle during.its first discus-
sion in Folketing yesterday. Several members regretted that such a law had to
be passed but they did not doubt that it is needed. "It is quite shocking that
there are people behind the scenes who earn money off the misfortunes of
others," said Hagen Hagensen (K [Conservative~).
According to the proposed law those guilty of profiting from narcotics viola-
tions could be sentenced to ~up to 6 years in jail. Some speakers thought the
maximum penalty should be increased to 10 years, as it is for importers of nar-
cotics, for example. To this the justice minister replied that if one can get
- hold of the real backers and prove that this is what they are it is possible
under existing law to sentence them to as much as 10 years but if there is in-
sufficient proof for that all they can be charged with is profiting'from a
crime. With the new law it would be.possible to get at some people it might be
. impossible to prove are the real backers. ~
Some skepticism was expressed by Ebba Strange (SF [Socialist People's Party])
who would support the proposed law if it led to the seizure of the real backers--
and by Preben Wilhjelm (VS [Socialist Left]) who felt some questions needed
clarification and said the proposal was perhaps more suited to scooping up some
of the "" who helped out with transport and the like.
The proposal will be discussed further by the Folketing Justice Committee.
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ASYLUM DENIED DRUGS SMUGGLER--The Human Rights Commission has refused to take
up an appeal from the imprisoned Pakistani, Atlaf Eiussain. He is serving his
fourth year in jail for a large sale of morphine pills. And yesterday the Jus-
tic~~ Ministry rejected an application for asylum. Hussain will now be expelled
fronl the country when he is released on 25 February. Barrister Jorgen Jacobsen,
the Pakistani's lawyer, had appealed to the Human Rights Commission because it
was alleged that in Hussain's trial methods were used to obtain proof against
him that violate the law on the administration of justice. Among other things
it was charged that the police had promised special treatment for the main wit-
ness with a similar sentence. The witness was promised work and residence per-
mits if he would speak out on the case. [Excerpt] [Copenhagen BERLINGSKE
TIDENDE in Danish 5 Feb 82 p 5] 6578
MAXIMUM SENTENCE FOR HASHISH SMUGGLING--The judge and lay assessor of Copenhagen
Municipal Court's Fourteenth Division yesterday issued the toughest sentence per-
mitted under the law for smuggling and trafficking of hashish--six years imprison-
ment. The person sentenced is the 31-year o1~3 Niels-Jor.gen Jensen, Illegal '
earnings of 1.4 million Danish kroner, found in Swiss currency in a summer cottage
in north Sjaelland, were confiscated at the same time. Niels-Jorgen Jensen was
- sentenced for having smuggled in all from 700 to 800 kilograms of hashish, of which
500 kilograms figured in an earlier sentence. In issuing the sentence, the court
took into consideration partly the large quantity and partly the fact that the
person convicted lived entirely off the trafficking of hashish. Until his arrest,
he drove around in a Mercedes, which the court also found justification for seizing,
since it was purchased with funds from the illegal activity. /Text/ (Copenhagen
BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Dansih 27 Feb 82 p 5/
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. F~
� Phone-Tapping Permission Requested
Aelsinki WSI SUOMI in Finnish 29 Jan 82 p 8 ~
[Article: "Phone-Tapping Shou~d be Allowed''] ~
[Text~ According to Assistant Chief Matti Tenhunen as well as Narcotics Section
Chief Inspector Olli Wecl~?an of the Central Criminal Police drug-related crime in
Finland~is pretty much under control by the officials.
However, in order to k,eep the problem under control in the future new procedures
as well as addi~ional investigative power are needed. According to Tenhunen the
adoption of a clause to permit phone-tapping in the narcotics and alcohol abuse.
law, a clause ~to permit observation, and strict regulations regarding ~ommunication
between prisoners anu outsiders axe needed as necessary measures to prevent drug-
related crimes. ~
According to~Inspector Olli Weckmana chief of the Narcotics Section of the Central
Criminal Police, there can no longer be ~ust a discussion of the drug problem in
central Helsinki at this time. Drug-related crimes have ~pread throughout the whole
country. ~The most recent examples of this are the more than 30 cases of drug smug-
g13ng and selling as well as nearly'100 incidents of drug.use that were disclosed
during a drug investigation conducted in Northern Finland.
"Five years ago 85--90.percent of drug-related crimes were committed in flelsinki. �
Now less than SO percent is committed in Helsinki, the remainder throughout the
rest of the coun~ry," states Weclanau. ~
He states that if the statistics from Finland and other Nordic countries are com-;
pared, we do not have a drug problem. . ~
Statute on Foreigners Has Helped a Lot
"Hawever, the drug~problem is becoming worse everywhere and it has also come to
stay with us. There are i.ndications that hard drugs are also available on the mar-
ket,"~points out Weckman and adds.that sooner or later hard drugs wi11 also make
their way to Finland. . ' .
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Assistant Chief Tenhunen states.that.the drug traffic in Euxope is largely in the .
hands of foreigners. Finland has been helped the statute on foreigners,
which provides officials with an opportunity to observe the move~ents of forei~ners.
"In the goverinnent's proposal crime preventive measures are not given sufficietlt
attention in the statute on foreigners," emphasizes Tenhunen. .
According to him we should allow phone-tapping as in other Nordic countries and
several European countries in the investigation of f lagrant drug-related crimes
in order to f acilititate and make the work of officials more effective.
Tenhunen points out that the Central Criminal Police has proposed to the Interior
Mfnistry that the drug and alcohol abuse law include a security-confiscation clause
in order to seize illegally obtained substances and prevent the continution of cri-
minal activities.
Communication Is Too Easy .
Tenhunen also sees strict regulations of the kind they have in other Nordic coun-
tries for controllinp, coumaunication between prisoners and outsiders as a positive
measure for promoting the struggle against drugs.
"Communication from within prison to the outside and vice versa is nearly without
any restrictions in Finland, " he states and points out an incident in which an
individual called the Nordic drug king directed the operations of two drug labora-
tories from within the prison and even went out on inspection tours of the labora-
tories while serving a sentence.
"We have a serious problem with pills in priso~s. For example, in Sweden it is
very clear that those visiting prisoners can, if required, be inspected. We do
not have this kind of authority since there is no mention of it in prison regu].a-
tions," he notes. ~
~ Prison Officials Want Blood Checks
Helsinki UUSI SUOMI in Finnish 29 Jan 82 p 32
[Article: ':Blood ~ests for Those Suspected of Using Drugs"] .
[Text] In investigating disturbances caused by prisoners breathelizer tests should
be administered in a1Z penal institutions. Blood- and urine samples could also
be taken from prisoners if they are suapected of being under the influence of drugs.
Undressing a prisoner, anal douching, and X-rays, the purpose of which would be
to find illicit objects and drugs, would involve coercive measures.
This is the opinion of the Justice Ministry's prison division work group, whose
~ task was to consider methods for improving the investigation of disturbances in
The f act is that the work group's proposed measures do not contain anything essent-
ially new since they are already generally in use. Rather, the purpose of the
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report was to compile present norms and standards so that prisons could make their
procedures uniform. Also the~purpose is to compile a standard handbook on the ba-
sis of the guidelines presented in the report.
In the report it is emphasized that blood or urine samples can only be taken with
~ the written permission of the prisoner. Only a trained nurse can take blood sam-
ples or give enemas. The work group states that X-rays are permissable under the
condition that it is prescribed a doctor.
Une method that has been tried for preventing the smuggling of drugs is to isolate
a prisoner returning from the outside into a special cell until any possible illi-
cit objects are eliminated from the body by natural means. However, the work group
warns that this procedure should not be applied to all prisonPrs returning from
the outside, but only to those suspected of smuggling.
The work group is not completely satisfied with investigative procedures which ex-
clusively emphasize the seeking out of guilty parties. In order that the investi-
gation serve as a measure to prevent disturbances, *_he causes and consequences of
a disturbance should be thoroughly clarified, thinks the work group. �
Even though an investigation of serious disturbances belongs ~o the nolice, the
prison should also conduct its own investigation. There should be no delays in
the hearings and the transfer of information from guards to officials should be
made more efficient.
The chief of the guards should also conduct an investigation of a disturbance, but
the conduct and supervision of an invest3gation should be turned over to an assis-
tant director or director.
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TOTAL 1981 DRUG SEIZURES--Last year, slightly over 8 kgs of cannabis was seized;
almost 5.3 kgs of hashish and almost 2.8 kgs.of mar~3uana. The estimated sale
value of these drugs is slightly over 1.3 million kroner. The estimated sale
value of hashish in the lteykjavik market is then 200 kroner per gram and 70 kroner
per gram of marijuana. Some cocaine was seized and slightly over 50 grams of am-
phetamines. The Reykjavik Narcotics Squad dealt with 338 individuals last year
and a total of 710 investigations. The Narcotics Squad had dealt with 187 of
these individuals before, but 151 were new cases. "This is a considerably greater
amount than during the last 2 years. In 1980, 822 grams of mari3uana were seized
and 2.8 kilograms last year. The biggest difference is the 2 kgs that the Ke-
_ flavik police seized at one time. Then the amount of hashish that was seized in-
creased from slightly over 2.8 kgs in 1980 to 5.2 kgs last year, and of this
slightly over 730 grams were seized in Keflavik. It is clear that it can be as-
sumed that the drug abusers in Iceland are in the thousands," said Gisli B~orns-
son, police representative, in an interview with MORGUNBLADID. [Text] [Reyk~a-
vik MORGUNBLADID in Icelandic 27 Jan 82 p 32] 9583
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Rome RINASCITA in Italian 15 Jan 82 p 14 ~ ~
[Article by Gianfranco Tagliabue: '"Law Also Must Be Changed"]
[Text] IL CONTIIKPORANEO dedicated itself entirely to "how to organize the re-
sponse against the use of drugs, the scourge of our time." The collection of~
articles and evidence constitutes a signif icant conformation of the need to in-
spire a severe and rigorous public willingness to "attack" the "drug phenome-
non," and social conditions that create a fertile territory for its spread.
This fact of a political, social, cultural and ideological order, that goes to
the heart of the drug problem, is not always understood by certain members of
' the press and by certain movements. This is also true of a large part of the
democratic political forces themselves.
The fight against drugs and a supportive attitude toward those with a drug de-
pendency is eff ective. It can plag a role in developing a broad united move- �
ment if it is placed "within" the working plans of each of our organizations,
small and large, with adequate room for development and not relegated or dele-
gated to "specialis~s," so that it is not sectorialized, or worse, "sanitized."
On the other hand, this was the spirit that,guided the development of draft
legislation presented by the PCI in August 1980.
How far has it gone on the parliamentary road? The process of debate and con-
frontation is too slow. It was started by the Chamber Health Committee last
spring on proposals preseztted by all parliamentary groups, except for the MSI
[Italian Social Movement] and the PSDI [Italian Social Democratic Party], to
change Law 685 r.egarding psychotropic substances. The slowdown followed an
initial phase of tension.and commitment in that committee. ~As cpmmunists, we
often urge the conclusion of the committee's work and "bring" into the Chamber
either a unified text or a text representative of the various positions. It
is urgent to escape the limbo of good intentions and formal declarations that
many majority parliamentary groups do not fail to advance every time the dra-
matic drug plague is referred to. Obviously, we do not believe the new law
would work miracles. However, it is important to overcome certain present
regulations and make the means adequate to the quality of the fight against
drugs and substances that are harmful to health. That is the exact opposite .
of trying to codify once and for all a law governing the "miracle prescrip-
tions." Rather, in order that society may direct its work and commitment
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against drugs, the law must express three directives, none of which can be sep-
arated from the other: .
(a) Contain and destroy the drug market, str.ike at the organizers, the large
traff ickers, and the shippers, clean out situations where there is connivance
and camouflaging of interests--w~aich are ndt only economic--that the maf ia has
in the f ield of production and traf f ic; .
(b) Develop an active, concrete solidarity of the people, of institutions, of
volunteer associations and develop experience in care, assistance, and recovery
of drug victims through a human, personalized and trained human relationship;
(c) To make necessary prevent~on, information and knowledge eff ective in order
to bring more forcefully to light the recondite ob~ectives that the dominating
classes hide behind drugs.
There is no doubt that the delays in changes to Law 685 constitute an inadmis-
sible "obstructionism" against the urging that comes from many quarters. It
also contributes to feeding and shifting the debate, study and confrontation
onto a teriain that is not useful. It is neither exaggerated, nor propagandis-
tic, nor contrived, to affirm that the inertia was for the purpose of leading
people to think in terms of a"void" in legislative ref erence, while the gov-
ernment had and has the duty to implement the fundamental points of existing
law. It has been operational, not in terms of commitment and experimentation,
of the search for trained assistants, but in terms of the emergence of orienta-
tions that could not be shared in regard to the complex relatfonship with drug
users. ~
Therefore, it is obvious that the boom must be lowered also on the legislative
plane. This objective is possible today if a1Z political forces function with
an open and lay spirit, anchored to factual information. The restr3cted com-
mittee, named at one time to examine draft legislation, concluded its work sev-
eral months ago "approving" for the Public Health Committee a text that improves
and changes Law 685, bringing it into line with health reform.
The text of the draft legislation, approved by the restricted committee of the
Chamber Health Committee, contains improvements of considerable importance be-
ginning with Article 1 in which it is affirmed that "the state promotes aware-
- ness and initiatives to counterbalance the damage to physical and mental health
deriving from the abuse of psychotropic drugs, from the use of opium derivatives,
and other toxic drugs, as well as alcbholism and addiction to tobacco products."
Additional points are:
(a) The task of the public health minister, upon the advice of the National
Health Council, to establish procedures to permit local and regional health
units to establish, according to homogeneous criteria, the progress of drug ad-
diction, of alcbholism, and of tobacco addiction; establishment by the regions
of annual operational plans for prevention, cure and rehabilitation, and for the
training of specialists in the f ield;
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(b) Prohibition of any kind of publicity for beverages with a high alcoholic
content and of cigarettes, with the obligation to indicate the degree of harm
for each substance and f ixing new and heavier f ines f.or violations of these
(c) The extension of punishment also for those who drive in a state of intoxi-
cation by the drugs referred to in the new lists;
(d) New and faster regulations to help and care for imprisoned drug users and
to establish suitable measures to combat the spread of drugs in prisons;
(e) Regulations concerning socio-sanitary education and information in the
schools and in barracks should be carried out through annual programs estab-
lished by regional administrations and by health units;
(f) Specif ication of tasks carried out by health units for prevention and care
and rehabilitation of habitual drug users with the absolute prohibition of any
form of record for drug users, or coercive treatment; maintenance of voluntary
groups and associations;
(g) A broader and more precise commitment to provide aid and information for
drug users abroad;
(h) Annual appropriation of adequate funds in their respective budgets by var-
ious ministries involved in direct aid and aid to the regions.
These are only some of the points that improve Law 685. Other matters remain
open: (a) A diff erent reformulation of schedules and then removing cannabis.
and its derivatives from the list of substances for which there is a penalty;
(b) Better specification of the concept of "moderate quantity;" (c) Increase
of penalties for organizers, large distributors and traff ickers compared with
the small distributor and small seller-consumer; (d) Increased penalties for
those who distribute mixed substances, including homicide in the first degree
for anyone distributing "cut" substances thereby causing the death of the re-
ceiver; (e) Alternative punishment for small seller-users; (f) Possible re-
duction of penalties for those who collaborate with the police for the purposes
of identifying and bringing large traff ickers to justice; (g) Possible experi-
mentation with the contolled administration in public institutions of opium-
like substances, or their substitutes, for a period of 1 year and, in some ac-
tual cases, as a means of establishing a rapport and beginning a personalized
project of emergence from the drug habit by drug users who appeal to public
institutions, this being done without any kind of "record."
This is a matter of questions that are not secondary, but upon which--if a11
the political parliamentary forces show the necessary effort and will--it is
possible to achieve positive results and the work of the communist deputies
will continue in this spirit.
CSO: 5300/2151
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Oslo AFTENPOSTEN in Norwegian 12 Feb 82 p 8
[Article by Thorleif Andreassen]
[Text] ~ao new rapid patrol boats for inner Oslo Fjord. Nordic mobile tele-
phones in patrol cars along the Swedish border and in the train from~Sweden to
Norway. These are some of the measures aimed at improving the efficiency of ,
the custo~s service's efforts to combat narcotics smuggling. "The equipment is
_ a welcome addition to the limited resources of r,he customs service," Vidar
Vestreng, deputy assistant with the Customs and Tax Directoiate, told AFTEN-
POSTEN. The new equipment will cost 2 million kroner, appropriated last year
by Storting.
The patrol boats are 25 feet long and have a top speed of 30 knots. They will
be stationed in the Fredrikstad and Drobak/Tonsberg areas.
"Aren't the boats too small and slow to operate effectively? For instance, can
they catch rapid, fleeing vessels in a high sea, deputy assistant Vestreng?"
"Such pursuits of smugglers are rare. For special assignments in poor weather
and far out at sea we can use pilot boats or navy vessels. But obviously we do
not have the resources to carry out an effective surveillance ~~long the entire
coast as they do in Sweden. That would be too expensive."
Vidar Vestreng did not hide the fact that the customs service faces enormous
- . problems. A great deal of narcotics smuggling goes on in the entire Oslo Fjord
area. With their limited resources they are unable to provide the desirable
supervision of the pleasure boat armada invading our coasts in the summertime.
"We must continue to base our efforts on spot checks," Vestreng pointed out,
"and we depend on good communications with otlzer countries to tell us when boats
are arriving that should be investigated. This report service is very important
in our work."
Vidar Vestreng said Nordic cooperation between police forces and customs people '
functions ~very well. "And that," he said, "is quite vital for our ability to
make the maximum use of our resources."
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And communication is a key word in the increased efforts of the authorities to
combat narcotics smuggling more effectively. Nordic mobile telephones in cars,
boats and trains are important aids in this work. For instance, such telephones
- will be used on the train from Goteborg to Oslo, a known smuggling route. It
would be an obvious advantage and necessity for customs people on the train to
be able to get in touch with colleagues in Oslo when something is going on.
Today this kind, of communication does not exist on the trains. .
CSO: 5300/2192
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� Oslo DAGBLADET in Norwegian 15 Jan 82 p 8
[Article by Tormod Haugstad: "Drug Deaths 1982; 17 Drug Deaths and More Confisca-
tions"] ~
[Text] Last year 17 drug-related deaths were registered in Oslo; 8 fewer than ir..
1980. At the same time, confiscation of narcotics increased, especially of can-
nabis drugs such as hashish and marijuana. Most disturbing is the increased ~
confiscation or amphetamines. On the other hand, there was a reduction in con-
fiscation of heroin and morphine.
The worsening situation in the narcotics sector is particularly warrisome in
Oslo. The number of addicts is increasing. "This applies in particular to young-
er people. Drug use has become much more coumnon among 12 and 13-year-olds; this
.seems to be connected with it becoming more socially acceptable to use cannabis
drugs in certain circles, especially outside the more coffinon.drug locales in down-
town Oslo," said police inspector Arne Huuse at a press conference at the police
statian on Thursday.
More Foreigners '
A total of 1,285 confiscations were made last year. While in 1980 about 36 kilo-
grams of cannabis were confiscated, close to 81 kilograms were seized last year.
~ The increase was greatest in amphetamines, from 284 grams to 1,076 grams, an in-
crease of 279 percent.
On the other hand, only 250 grams of heroin were seized last year as compared to
' 3.5 kilograms in 1980. In addition to drugs, the section confiscated close to
2.3 million kroner in cash. It should also be noted that the number of f~oreign-
ers involved in drug crimes according to the so-called "paragraph" (162) of the
criminal code, has increased from 3 to 13. In total, 43 foreigners were ~ailed
in connection with narcotics cases.
Better Contacts �
Today the narcotics section has 80 employees. An important part of their task
, is that of aiding other police departments in solving drug crimes. The main
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reason why the section made more confiscations last year was that the interna-
tional contact network has been strengthened.
Rbgaland: nao Deaths
Stavanger: There were two drug deaths in Rogaland last year. The Stavanger
Police and the Rogaland Police, Sandnes, each had one case.
"It is only by chance that drug deaths have been found in postmortems included
in the statistics. There may have been other deaths, with another cause of
death given," says Police Officer Adolf Endreplass of the Stavanger Police to
Bergen: 30 Drug Deaths
Bergen: Bergen health authorities estimate that a total of 30 deaths resulted
from drug addiction in 1981. The off icial list af drug deaths counts three
youths as dead last year, but this figure includes only those who~died as a di-
rect result of overdoses.
Health authorities in Bergen have included on their lists youths who after long
periods of drug addiction have worn down the~r health and who, for example, die
of pneumonia or other diseases. It is estimated that at the present time about
_ 50 youths are in the danger zone in Bergen.
~ Gro Lie, leader of the Vagrancy Section in Bergen, says she is not surprised at
the high death figures. At the same time, she stresses that all gtatistics on
drug deaths are based on unreliable data. At the present time the Vagrancy Sec-
tion is working with its own statistics.
Northern Norway: Four Deaths
- Tromso: Last year drug addiction claimed four lives in Northern Norway: one in
Finnmark and three in Nordland, but in Troms no deaths were registered despite
the fact that here, with Tromsa as the center, the greatest drug abuse in the
north is found. However, the statistics of the police are somewhat diffused in
this area, and hardly give a complete picture of the situation in northern Nor-
way, where drug addiction is increasing.
- Sorlandet: Nine Drug Deaths
Kristiansand: Nine deaths connected with drugs were registered in the Agder
provinces last year: three in Mandal, two in Arendal, two in Kristiansand, and
two in Flekkefjord. Hard drugs are increasingly used in Sorlandet. Hashish is
dominant, but the police have also had a number of heroin cases.
The number of drug cases is increasing considerably in all police departments.
In Mandal, which only a few years ago was free of drugs, the police last year
solved close to 60 cases.
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C~~nrr.,il Norway: No Drug Deaths
Trondheim: Central Norway did not show up in statistics on drug deaths last year.
Police authorities from Molde to Ma.ndal encountered no such cases last year. In
1980, one death from drugs was registered in Outer Trondelag.
_ Deaths with drugs as a contributing cause of death have occurred. But none of
these cases are of such nature that they were included in criminal police statis-
tics of drug deaths.
Chief Constable Per Christiansen of the Trondheim police states, however, that
there has been a dangerous increase in the use of amphetamines and LSD in Trond-
CSO: 5300/2142
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Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 13 Feb 82 p 30
- [Article by Gert Tryman: "Situation Soon Untenabl~e: Hashish Use Increasing
Dramatically"] '
[Text] The abuse of hashish is growing into the largest
drug problem in Stockholm. Last year the number of hashish �
abusers who came in contact with Maria Youth Unit increased
dramatically. Compared with the year before the increase was
120 percent. ~
Several days ago the Schools Administration released the results of interviews
which showed that sct~ool children between 12 and 15 are using drugs le'ss.
But the picture is much darker for youths over 15 and adults.
- This is contained in a report which the Social Services Administration released
"The report shows that hashish abuse is much greater than we suspected," said Mats ~
Hulth, social services commissioner.
The report was sup~orted by investigations made by such organizations as Maria
Youth Unit, Contact Central, and the social services centers.
- It also shows that it can be more difficult to treat hashish abuse than heroin
abuse--contrary to what was previously believed.
"The reason is that hashish is relatively easy to obtain, and it has a lingering
effect which takes time to detect," said Lennart Alm, social inspector at Maria
Youth Unit. ~
Hashish Smokers Have Psychoses
"Hashish abusers are now the largest group at Maria, and when they come here they
often have serious psychoses which are diff icult to treat."
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Mats Hulth said that perhaps it is time to start a"Maria 2" because of the drastic
increase in the number of patients. ,
'~If the present Youth Unit load can not be reduced by starting a second unit, the
situation is going to be untenable," said Lennart Alm.
The Social Services Administration and the county council are now discussing the
question of starting a"Maria 2."
"The most serious aspect of increasing hashish abuse is that it obviously can be
connected with youth unemployment," said Mats Hulth, and he quoted an employment
officer who said that it is more often the exception than the rule when unemployed
youths do not use drugs.
Spread Through All Greater Stockholm
Hashish abuse is now spread through all of greater Stockholm, even though it is
still most common in the southern and western suburbs.
Due to the efforts of the police during recent years, the sale of narcotics has
changed character. Street sales have almost entirely disappeared, and instead the
users have contacts with sellers who sit in apartments out in the suburbs.
- "Something which is also of concern is that more and more socially well-established
adults are beginning to smoke hashish instead of drinking spirits. That shows
that the misconception that hashish is not dangerous is still prevalent," said Mats
Hulth. ~
That also shows that our information is not getting out, and we must do something
about that.
"But mainly what we can do is learn from our successful efforts, and that we are
doing," said Mats i:ulth.
"Take for example the area around Maria Square where different authorities have
worked together and have almost entirely eliminated drugs. We must have more of
such actions."
CSO: 5300/2193
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Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 13 Feb 82 p 5
[Article from Swedish Central News Agency, Norrkoping: "Researcher Claims Stat3.s-
tics on Narcotics in Prisons Are Fa1se"]
[TextJ It is wrong to allege that the number of drug abusers
in prison has grown. More accurately it has remained rather
constant over the years. ~
This was said by Norman Bishop, chief of research and development of the National
Correctional Service. He has critically scrutinized the statistics on narcotics
abusers in the country's prisons.
According to those statistics the number of drug abusers since 1969 has remained
at about 1,000-1,200 yearly.
The numbers for the last 5 years are 1,188, 1,166, 1,084, 962 and 1,168.
~ But these figures have always been seen in relation to the total number of inmates.
This has easily led to misinterpretation and faulty conclusions.
"If tomorrow we suddenly had half as many inmates in prison, seen that way it
would mean that we would then have twice as many abusers."
Norman Bishop denies, however, that drug abuse in the prisons is not a serious
problem. On the contrary, he believes that the problem is so serious that it re-
quires better collection of information about the social backgrounds of the abusers
and what can be done for them during the time they are incarcerated.
_ CSO: 5300/2193 END
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