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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10364 4 March 1982 Translation ROTOR VIBRATION GYROSCOPES IN NAVIGATION SYSTEMS By Yu.B. Vlasov and O.M. Filonov _ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040010-1 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with thP original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorzal reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt) in the first lir_e of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropri.ate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE QiNLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10364 4 March 1982 ROTOR VIBRATION GYROSCOPES IN NAVIGATION SYSTEMS Leningrad ROT4RNYYE VIBRATSIONNYYE GIROSKOPY V SISTEMAKH NAVIGATSII in Russian 1980 (signed to press 22 Aug 80) pp 1-221 [Book "Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes in Navigation Systems", by Yuriy Borisovich Vlasov and Oleg Mikhaylovich Filonov, Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1,200 copies, 221 pages] ~ COhTENTS Annotation 1 Foreword 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 1. Classification and Mathematical Nbdel of Rc>tor Vibration Gyroscopes........................................................ 6 1.1. Equations of Mbtion of a Generalized Rotor Vibration Gyroscope Model 6 1.2. Classificatioa of Layouts of Rotor Vib ration Gyroscopes 12 1.3. Fquations of Motion of Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes 15 1.4. Signal Readin g and Information Processing Syatems 28 1.5. Methods for Solving Jifferential Equations With Periodic _ Coefficients 33 1.6. ]lynamic Characteristics of Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes 40 A Chapter 2. Defects in Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes 59 : 2.1. Reaction of Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes to Harmonic Vibrations of the Base at a Frequency Equal to the Doubled Frequency of _ Rotation of a Rotor.................................................. - a - [I - USSR - G FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040010-1 hux ur'FIc:1AL U5E ONLY 2.2. Reaction of Rotor Vibratfon Gyroscopes to Disturbing Moments......... 67 2.3. Operating Errors in Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes . 74 . 2.4. Errors in a Single-Rotor Modulation Gyroscope . 78 . Chapter 3. Composite Rotor Vibration Gyroacopes 92 3.1. Principles of the Construction of Composite Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.2. Dyiiamic Characteristics and Basic Errors in Composite Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes 98 3.3. Synthesizing the Parameters of an Output Filter for Composite Rntor Vibration Gyroscopes 106 Chapter 4. Stabilization Syatems Utilizing Rotor Vibrations Gyroscopes as the Basic Sensitive Elements ill 4.1. Stabilization System Equatians of Irbtion, Structural Diagrams and Transfer Functions 111 4.2. Static (1laracteristics of Stabilization Systems 119 4.3. QZOOSing the Structure and Parameters of a Uniaxial Stabilization System 123 4.4. Dynamic Errors in a Uniaxi al Stabilization System 128 4.5. Effect of Non-Steady-State Feedback on the Operation of a Uniaxial Stabilization System........................................ 134 4.6. Multidimensional Stabilization Systems Using Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes 139 4.7. Effect of Transient Feedback on the Operation of a Multi- dimensional Stabilization System 147 Chapter 5. Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes in the Deflection Correction - Circuit of a Gyroscopic Stabilization System 156 5.1. Des crip tion o f S tabilization Sys temg With a De flec tion Correction Circuit 156 5.2. Static Characteristics of Gyroacopic Stabilization Systems With ~ a Deflection Correction Circuit 162 5.3. Selecting the Structure and Parameters of aDeflection Correction Circuit for a Uniaxial Gyroscopic Stabilizer 166 Conclusion 178 . Bibliography 179 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ [Text] ANNOTATION The authors present materials concerning the investigation of the characteristics of rotor vibration gyroscopes and methods for balancing them, in addition to foxmulat- irig requirements for information extraction and processing devices. They also pre- sent techniques for synthesizing a regulator for stabilization and correction cir- cuits for the purpose of obtaining the required characteristics. ' FOREWuRD In recent years, rotor vibration gyroscopes (RVG) have been used more and more fre- quently in navigation systems. Since they are small in size and low in weight, they make it possible to miniaturize the sensitive elements of navigation systems and ob- tain characteristics with a level of accuracy that is no worse than that of gyro- scopic devices constrocted according to the classical method. , In order to obtain the best characteristics of such systems, it is important to de- scribe correctly not only the static, but also the dynamic characteristics of RVG's as components of an automatic controZ system. In turn, when planning RVG's it is _ necessary to take the special features of their operation into consideration in the composition of the specific control system. All of this requires a detailed inves- tigation of the theory of RVG's aDd gyroscopic systems in which they are used. This book consists of five chapters. In the first two we discuss thE generalized model on which most existing RVG systems are based. The analysis of the equations of motion is carried out with the utilization vf well-developed operator methods. The special features of RVG's as two-dimensional measuring uriits make it possible to use a special apparatus that was developed foz two-dimensional automatic control systems [16,17]. Such an approach to the analysis of the operation of RVG's makes it possible to perfozm operations ii:ectly with their transfer functions. For the simplest RVG system:s, the transfer functions--as approximated in the area of the es- sential frequencies--are described by simple analytical expressions. For complex 1 FOR CoFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 ruK urri(A,aL uSr: l)NLY systems, the analogous frequency characteristics can be constructed quite easily with the help of a computer. A knowledge of the frequency characteristics makes it possible tn select the instrument's basic parameters in such a manner as to provide it with the required dynamic characteristics. 'i'his is especially important for RVG's operating in automatic regt:lation and control systems. For the analysis of RVG's having rotors with different angular velocities, we propose tio use the spec- tral methods of (Khil's) generalized theory of equations [10,16,27,34]. In the second chapter we discuss the most cammon errors in RVG's with a single drive motor. The basic attention is devoted to errors related to angular vibrations of the motor's shaft at a frequency equal to twice its frequency of rotation and to static disbalance of the rotors. In the third chapter we present one of the most promising (from the authors' view- point) layouts for composite RVG's. In an example of this layout we investigate the basic errors in this type of instrument, as well as methods of reducing them. The fourth and fifth chapters are devoted to an investigation of the special fea- tures of tne operation of gyroscopically sta.bilized platforms (GSP) based on RVG's. The in-:estigation is based on the frequency methods of analyzing and synthesizing automa*_ic control systems that are widely used in engineering ca:culations. Here tnere is a detailed discussion of the technique for selecting the stabilization cnannels' basic parameters. There is an analysis of the effect of the non-steady- state component of an RVG's output signal on the operation of a GSP. Multi- dimensional stabilization systems are discussed from the viewpoint of the effect on their operation of the specific cross-couplings between the stabi).ization channels. This book lays no claims to being a complete explication of the theory of RVG's and systems that utilize them. In it we do not discuss questions of the optimum synthe- sis of systems with RVG's, the effect of basic nonlinearities on the operation of such systems, the theory of systems using composite RVG's that are self-orienting in the plane of the hor9.zon and the meridian, and others. The investigation of these questions is necessary for the creation of RVG-based gyroscopic systems operating effectively in various navigation complexes. _ The book is intended for engineers and scientific workers specializing in the field of the development and use of new gyroscopic instruments. . The authors are deeply grateful to Professor Ye.L. Smirnov, doctor of techn:ical sci- ences, for his valuable advice and the comments he made during the preparation of the manuscript for publication. i',+TRODL'rT ION t�todern navigation systems are constnucted on the basis of the most recent achieve- ments of computer technology and, for all practical purposes, carry out completely tnose operations that were previously performed by man. Desoite the presence of modern information processing facilities, the accuracy of navigation systems is determined primarily by the accuracy of the instrume^ts that - tney utilize as sources of primary infozznation. A special group among these instru- ments is composed of gyroscopic instruments and systems. They are used as the basis 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 FdR OFFICIAL USE ONLI' - for the construction of inertial navigation (ISN) and orientation (ISO) systems that insure the independent determination of an object's location and its spatial orien- tation, regardless of the presence of external reference points. In order to create an ISN, it is necessary to have on board information about the object's orientation relative to a reference system of coordinates and the instanta- neous absolute velocities or accelerations dicplacing its centPr of mass. When de- signing platformless inertial systems (BIS), the sources of such information are qyroscopic sensors of absolute angular velocities and accelerometers or gyroscopic - linear acceleration integrators (GILU). In other ISN design variants, the reference system of coordinates is created directly on board the object with the help of GSP's. In this case the accPlerometers or GILU's are installed either on the GSP or in the object itself. Kost cf the gyroscepic instruments now in use are designed according to the classic method of a precession gyroscope in a cardan suspension. The basic element of these instruments is a massive, rapidly spinning rotor, in which an additional one or two degrees of freedom is provided because of the suspension's framework. An improve- ment in the accuracy of such gyroscopes is achieved by increasing the rotor's kinet- ic moment and reducing the disturbing moments. Judging by voli:minous data that are avaiiable, the possibilities for improving gyroscopes built according to the classic method have been exhausted to a considerable degree, and further progress in this direction would require significnnt expenditures. The high degree of saturation of modern transportation facilities with on-hoard instrumeilt-type equipment makes a matter of concern the question of the miniaturiza- tion of separate elements of u^,is equipment, with particular emphasis on electro- mechanical devices, among which are included gyroscopic instruments and systems. At the same time, a reduction in the size and weight of gyroscopic instruments des:gned according to the classical method entails considerable design and technolcgical dif- ficulties, as well as a reduction in the kinetic moment, which leads to a lowering of their accur3cy. All of this has forced the developers of ISO's and ISN's to look for new ways to create gyroscopic instruments that, along with high accuracy, wou13 he snall in size and cost comparatively little. At the present time we have seen several fundamentally new trends in the creation of - gyroscopic instruments capable of competing successfully with gyroscopes constructed according to the classic method [19]. One of the most highly developed directions is the construction of rotor vibration gyroscopes. The term "vibration gyroscope" (VG) is understood to mean a device containing special elenents that, gi.ven absolute _ angular velocities of *_he gyroscope's base, perform induced oscillations. It can be said that any vibration gyroscope can modulate a constant inpLt angular velocity by transforming it into an amplitude-modulated gyroscopic moment. If the frequency of - the cnange in the gyroscopic moment coincides with the natural frequency of the me- chanical system transforming this moment into angular deflectiors of the sensitive elements, resonance occurs in the instrument that makes it possible to increase its transmission factor by several orders of magnitude. In connection with this the value of the kinetic moment still doas not play an eseenti3l rolE, which means that - hi.qh sensitivity can be achieved along with miniaturization of the instrumerit. The suspension of a VG's sensitive elements is usually made of elastic elements, which eliminates such an important source of errors as the "dry" friction that - 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440010-1 ruec vrrit,1P. uJE VIVLY occurs in the ball-bearing supports of gyroscopes constructed according to the clas- - sic method. The presence of an amplitude-modulated output signal makes it possible, with the help of well-develoPed radio engineering methods, to avoid the effects of a number of sources of random interference in the information extraction and process- ing system. The first serious attempts to create vibration gy_oscopes resulted in the realiza- tion of designs of so-called oscillator VG's, among which the tuning-fork gyrosopce [3,4] is included. Oscillator VG's lack rotating masses, and in order to create Coriolis acceleration in the presence of absolute angular velocities of the base, forced vibrations of special elastic elements (tuning fork blads, strings, rods and - so forth) are used. The Coriolis forces' amplitude-modulated moment acts on an elastic suspension that is tuned to resonance on a carrier frequency in order to in- crease the instrument's transmission factor. Oscillator VG's have a whole series of advantages: small size and low energy con- sumption, high reliability with a fundamentally achievable high sensitivity to abso- lute angular velocities of the base, and so on. However, the tran,mission factor of oscillator VG's is very sensitive to even insignificant changes in the instrument's parameters. The high sensitivity of oscillator VG's ia achieved by tuning the elas- tic system's natural oscillations into resonance, with the minimum possible damping factor. Keeping this performance sta.ble �reguires that the frequency of the elastic system's natural oscillations and the frequency of the forced vibrations be kept constant during operation, which is zardly achievable at the present time without the use of complicated and cumbersome special equipment. The result of the effect of these facts is that instruments built according to the plan of oscillator VG's are in extremely limited practical use. Dynamically tiined RVG's are, to a considerable degree, free of the basic flaw ir.her- ent in oscillator VG's. In them, the amplitude-modulated gyroscopic moment is cre- ated ~)ecause of one or several rotating bodies. In connection with this, the posi- tional moments, which try to bring the system into a position of equilibrium, are determined not only by static rigidi*_y, but also by dynamic rigidity (nr the so- called centrifugal-pendulu~-n rigidit-y). An RVG's parameters are usuallv selected so that in the resonance operating mode, the static rigidity is much less than the dy- namic. In connection witn this, a change in the elastic system's characteristics changes only the static rigidity and has an insignificant effect on the system's to- _ tal rigidity. However, a change in tne drive motor's frequency of rotation, which causes a change in the frequency of the gyroscopic moment acting on the elastic sys- tem, results in a corresponding change in the dynamic rigidity, which means a change in the elastic system's total rigidity. Detuning from resoance obviously has a con- siderably smaller effect in this case than under analogous co:iditions for oscillator VG's, the rigidity of the elastic suspension of which does not depend on the fre- quency of the inducing force. Therefore, the most recent developments and successes in the field of the creation of VG's are basically related to the realization of - various plans for dynamically tuned RVG's [15). `I'he theoretical principles of the operation of RVG's have been created primarily through the efforts of Soviet and American scientists. Among the numerous investi- gations, the basic ones are the works of Ye.L. Smirnov and L.I. Brozgul' [3,4] and A.I. Sukov, (Dzh. N'yuton), E. Howe, R. Craig and P. Savet [20,33,42,46]. These �aorks (wzth the excention of [42]) are devoted to the theory of single- an3 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY double-rotor R4G's, which are the easiest to realize. However, the systems dis- _ cussed in them do not give a complete picture of the potential capabilities of RVG's. The existence of basic KVG 3efects, which are related to angular vibrations in the supports of the drive motor's shaft at a frequency twice that of the frequency of rotation, as well as static disbalance of the rotors under conditions of linear ac- celeration of the base, forces us to look for ways of reducing these defects. Tightening of the tolerances in the production process for the separate elements and assemblies of an instrument leads to the same problems encountered by the devel- opers of gyroscopes built according to the traditional method. ~i'herefore, some in- vestigators are looking into the possibility of improving RVG accuracy by creating multirotor VG's [42] and VG's having different angular velocities of the rotors. A great deal of interest is being shown in systems of composite RVG's, which make it possible to combine a two-component measurer of absolute angular velocities and lin- ear accelerations of the base in a single instrument (43,48]. The theory of multi- rotor VG's, allowing for the possibility of imparting differEnt angular velocities _ to tne rotors, as well as composite RVG's, is not yet sufficiently developed. - Previously, ths development and use of RVG's was held back by technological problems tnat were difficult to solve. The present state of the technology is such that we can speak as boldly about RVG's as about today's gyroscopes. Their widespread use will make it possible to create a new generation of gyroscopic instrumants and sys- tems distinguished by high accuracy, sma11 size and relatively low cost. 5 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 rvn vrr1%_1Ai. uJG VtVLY .M CHAPTER 1. CLASSIFICATION AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF ROTOR VIBRATIGN GYROSCOPES 1.1. Equations of Motion of a Genera?ized Rotor Vibration Gyroscope Model 1!0,12 In accordance with the data in the intro- � duction, in the general case we will under- stand an RVG to be a system consisting of n material bodies that are connected to each other sequentially and have different mo- 3P1 ments of inertia relative to their main ax- (2 es, which are rotating around a common axis .yp' at different rates of speed. Relative to ~Z each other., these bodies must have degrees ' of freedom of angular displacement around (1 a axes lying in a plane that is perpendicular ` s to the axis of rotation. The system must also contain units that measure the bodies' angular rotations relative to each other or p~ to the housing. A functional diagram of such a generalized RVG model is depicted in =p%' ~ Figure 1, while the system of coordinates is shown in Figure 2. Let us derive the equations of motion of the generalized RVG model, and introduce the concept of a stage of the generalized model. We will understand a stage of the generalized model to mean the drive motor's rotor PDi, which has axial moment of iner- tia JW and equatorial moment of inertia 'o JeW and rotates at a relative velocity of Figure 1. Layout of generalized RVG Oi; inner rotor VRi, which is attached to model. it, has moments of inertia J~~ , J~~ and Key: 1. VR, 2. NR ~i~ JZN (sic] and rotates at an angle ~i rela- 3. PD, tive to an axis that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of rotor PD�; outer rotor NRi, which is attached to inner W rotor VRi, has moments of inertia JXN), JY N and JZN) and rotates at rn angle 9i re lative to an axis that is perpendicular to the plane in which the axis of rotation of rotor PDi and the axis of rc;tation of VRi 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~N , ~ zN; n.,) N H It ` ~ ~ \ ~I \ Vlt) ' ' z,~ n Figure 2. Systems of coordinates. M ,fU y(t) N�'II relative to rotor PDi are located. Subscript "i" indicates that the structural ele- - ments and their par.ameters belong to the i-th stage. Thus, the proposed generalized . RVG model can be regarded as a set of elementary stages in which the stator (PD) of the preceding stage is coupled rigidly with the NR of the following one. We will _ stipulate that tne numbering of tne stages begins with the stage that is farthest from the In formulating the equations of motion, let us introduce the following basic assump- tion: we will assume the angles of rotation of NRi and VRi relative to the base to be quite small. This, naturally,, means that the relative angles ~2 and 6i are also required to be snall. Considering the diversity of inethods for taking readings from an RVG, wel will formulate the generalized model's equations of motion in the i.ner- tial system of coordinates OiXYZ. In order to do this in accordance with Figure 2, we will introduce angles ai, si, Yi of rotation of NR� in the i.nertial system of reference, having related system of coardi.nates 0(l)XH1)YHl)ZHl) to NRi and system 0(`-)X~1)YBi)ZB1) to VRi. In order to determine the characteristic features of mo- ticn of motion of the RVG elements a,zd obtain visible results, we will limit our- selves to a discussion of linearized equations of motion only and take into consid- eration only tezzns of the first order of smallness when the PD is in a steady-state operating mode. The equations of motion of the generalized model's first stage were derived in [8]. Using these equations, and allowing ior the presence of the gyroscopic moments gen- erated by rotor PD in the subsequent stages' equations of motion, we write the equa- cions of motion of the ger.eralized RVG model in the following form: 1Cj Sln rl = cos , - =1c, (a, ~in 2 u cos _ u8t'6, sin -4- .llC' cos .698'sin ,bfzl) ; _os 2�l; - x,sin 2�?;), COS 2'l , ~lfl 2~~1 ~l = n ' � _ - -Ri i sin Yi _ - 602 T _ ,q~ a[ ('l= - rDi) - 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040010-1 ruK urriLtAL uSE UNLY a (cc, cc5 2y; - di sin `_',ti) ('l2 - d),) - uCsin ; uBAcos yi - .til~ ) sin ~l, = :V1g ~ cos y, ~.NR;1'~r,�.,-Mit,y1 (~2sin 2-1 -x.,cos��1,): ;li ~ a, sin ,lj - cos ~11 ('rz - ml) 1~1 -r- - ~:cos (Y= - (D,) - a�., sin (�l2 - (D,); a, cos 1171 - c, sin - (7z - (DI) 9, - - 02 sin (,,1: - (D,) - a., cos (y_ - (D;); {Ic") I Ca COS 2'1,R~ nn - sin 2'1rt h'n - HR_I ~n = _ c~R`rt1 ~.n CO$ tQ(:' ~niil) - ~ ^ - 21(cfll) (CLn Slil 2'jz - ~R COS 2yn) (il0 ~.1C ~~rt l".OS'jn - inl ' ug 8R sin .:-!'C' cos .;tB' sin Vf2 ) - Rln ynF":-l R(In) , ((DypCOS 2yn (OZp sin L'j, [fC(" COS 2`,.a] ~n - I~' sIfl `~`T~sxa - H.a-t an = sifly.1WJ . n~ 'x;Gk) - IR) _ ?1 Cn (an CaS 2;'n - ~a sin s lTl = uB 8., cos -.~f sin y� =.14a' c:os y;, - ~i) i.zl ' In~ � M1. A - Ri 'f n2n_~ (lil y, Sifl 2`~rt - WZ~ COS 2'~ rt1~ Ocn Sitl Y,a - I~n l'OS Yn - wuTn + (1),,o cos (1)~ - wz,) sin 4;n Ccn COS Yn + K SI(1 Yn + IJoAn -I- u,Y, sin w�t 1- wZO cos wnere l(n) i,ii trit (11) c11-1>\. C I~ZN ~}'u'f- IZM + f~. Jr (n) ( f (nl (n) ~1 (n) � ~Cn 1~'Le l(n) ~i- ~Zn~~ 1~~) ~ ( (n) l(n) (n)1. ~~I - 2 ~~.Ya - Yu - J'LeJ+ R(a) _ Ilnl + /(n). ' .\u Lu+ (]..i) J(n-1) = equatorial moment of inertia of rotor PD of the (n - 1)-th stage; H = e J(n-1)Y-1 - kinetic moment of rotor FD of the (n - 1)-th stage; u~n) , u Bn~ 1 = mo- n ments of viscous friction alang the axes of suspension of the n-th stage; M~n), a M(n) = moments acting on NRn in the inertial system of c:oordinates, MCn) MBn) - moments acting on the axes of suspension of the n-th stage. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY _ It is obvious that in the first part of equations (1.1) there must be tenns allowing _ fox the disturbing moments, the elastic moments in the suspension axes and the reac- tion moments superimposed from the (n - 1)-th stage onto the n-th stage. In the - simplest case, the moments of the eiastic forces are described by the expressions tn Cc CB 0� p (1.2) where C`n), CBn~ - torsional rigidity of the elastic moments along the axes of sus- pension of the n-th stage. The reaction moments on the n-th stage are composed of the inertial and gyroscopic _ moments generated by the (n - 1)-th stage's VR, as well as the moments of the elas-- - tic �orces and forces of viscous friction along the suspension axes of the (a - 1)-tn stage. Using Euler's method, let us derive the expressions for the reac- ,:ion moments, which have the following forr,i when the equations are written in the ir.ertial system of coordinates: (n-II� (n-I) _L /(n-I) Irt-I)\ I 21~'~n = - ~n p'i-I - ~~.Ce i 4'u - ~Zn 1 Yn-lun-I - CUJ n - ~Zn ~ i-&tn-I l'OS2'Yn_j - lift _1 SI(1 2}'rt-I)- - CUS , ~(n -I) I_ 'n-I COS}1n-I -I_ } u ri-I ~r~-I --E 1J ~ ~ + n-I)Sl(l~~~i_~ ~~Cy COS (n-Il ( (n-I) -11\ � 2CC 1})~~_~ J111 l~Xn ' ~Zn 1 -I~),~_1 CUS ~y y I~ 1j~tl Il - ~Z~ It';i l ~ ~~I1~n) -I \1~t1 ~Ye (17.n-, CU$ Zy,i._, Slil (n-I) (n-~1 frt-I) - Xy ~}�y - /Zn ~ Y11-I(C1R_I SI[l 2yn -1 -f- rt - I COS 2Y,i-~~ - Z/i'u ) Slll Yn-~ - (it-I)' (n ~ue U�_, sin y,l-l - ~E~ccos yn-I - stn}~ d n-~ ,i-, - ( In-I1 In-I) - l1Xa - ~Zn ~ ~~n-I~)~~_~ SI(1 ~~l~-1 � ) Thus, when e:cpressions (1.2) and (1.3) are taken inta consideration, equations (1.1.) are a linearized, gene.ralized mathematical model of the RVG represented by the func- tional diagram in Figure 1. Equations (1.1) contain the absolute coordinates of rotation of the rotors in iner- tial space and the relative coordinates of their rotation in the suspension axes. Let us eliminate tne relative coordinates from the equations of motion. In order to ' do this, we will determine the solution of the three kinematic equations for each stage. The first equation has the obvious solution ~I~rt-l -I i)n-1 'n, (1.4) - where ~n = initial phase of rotation of tne NR. In ordzr to solve the two remaining equations, let us write them in complex form: i7n-lx1i�l = - Xn-le tt xn(1.5) 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FOR ONFICIAL USE ONLY where an_1 = en-1 + l~n-1' Xn-1 ~n_1 + ian_1, while angle ~n is assumed to be zero. It is obvious that the solution of equation (1.5) has the form i vn ~n..l = ~n-le ' Yr~-lt - 7(n_lC-fYn-tr Xnt, -1~ (1.6) where an_1 = A~~1 + i~n_1 = vector of the initial angles of rotation in the suspen- - sion of the (n - 1) -th stage. Henceforth, in order to shorten and simplify the computations we will make use of the complex coordinates we have introduced in order to write the equations of motion of tne generalized RVG model. First, let us write in compiex form the expressions - for the moments of the elastic forces acting along the suspension axes and the reac- tion moments of the (n - 1)-th stage on the n-th stage. Considering (1.2) and (1.6), the vector of the moment of the elastic .forces is deterntined by the expres- sion --l~~(n) = - CjJ 'f- CnXit + a,O�L~CnE~~YnI - xitACae'~nt - (1.7) -i4ynt - Cn;(fj 1-1 + ACnXn+le ~ where C(n) + C(n) C(n) - C(fj) A'IIn) _ (n) ~ ~ . C B C d d -r 11u ~ C, n = 2 , ACn = 2 1 while the vector of the reactive moment is ;I~~n - I fn-~>- ~�-I) ' - 2 ~1'" xn ya Yn-I ~ (ii-I) ' ' , f~ yn-~ - ~1ft~--~~;(n - aC,,-,) X,I e~.v,~-1` -i- (i � L 1 RI }~r~-I r -L ~n-i ) xn-I -r ' L~ ( \~)1~-2 -r I"Y11-1 +Cn-1) xn-I + (11-I)' + ~1/~~ Yn-1 + DEAn-I) Xn-1 _f' i- yll-i AC�-i) Xn-iie`2y"-'1 - b _i (i/Y~ ~~y�-~ in-i) � - - (R, Y,l -I - iyn-I �n-1 . /`u 1) !~~~'-i t/~,1-i> � -o� - Z r (Yn Yn-t - A�ij-I ) in-I / (n-I)' 1 U. lRl ACn-I) ~n-1I ei2yn_1! ~ Let us write, in system (1.1), the equations of motion of each stage in complex form and, considering expressions (1.7) and (1.8), in operator form we will obtain + 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~'~I(v) X' A r,' t ziecsv,r = A1~� - ;'erl'v~~ i ~P- + 11%';" (P)X,-}-1V(p-i2yi);tlei''"+ I - I Znei:V~i~ - IV~i (P) 1v, (P i2 - Yn) - . = ~it~i~ - �`~rta'ri ~ T (P - i2y,i-5 xne -f W~ (P) W. (P - i2Yn) Xn~.le'.yni + Bn- ti ~_I + (p) Xn-I i- Vnf f l~~,'(rt) l~~~uuY I~n (~J - l`~Yn-I) X'-,Rg!2 yn-t + T ~ = r ~ ~ot-o \p " (p) l c + 1 + ( i (-R!,")1~n_ Y~(nn -~),Yn -f- f/rt-I) + ELn + !in-I I l- -I p -f- ~Ri`i)YR +R~n-1)Yr i_I _ - i (finYn + tin-I + Crt +Cn-1 AWn ~P) - ICnP2 ~`~lcri Yn AN�) f~ + (RIn)Yn - lL1~LnYn + AL'n); ~ i I(n 1)p2-;-(il(;, 1)y,.-i (P) + AEtn-i) P- c1W�_~ (n-1l ' ? -(f~~ Yn-I-- i4.-, Y11-1 - ACa-1)+ WR (P) = iRi,~-~ Y�-I -i- �11-1 + ~ (n_i) . . -i- p (R~ -'r-Crs-1); (P) _ - (iR;") Y,,-i -f' L\F1-- o)0)2 i c1 �i ((p l + ow) - AC i ] . Let us first turn to the equations of motion of layouts with single modulation of *he signal. There are two varieties of such layouts, namely when the modulation is provided by the second stage's drive motor PU2 and when it is provided by the first stage's drive motor PD1. Let us er.amine these two cases in sequence. Tn the first case, in equations (1.15) it is necessary to set ;1 = 0, I(2) = Ie2) = 0. In connection with this, the first and second stages' suspension axes are ar- bitrarily oriented relative to each other in the plane of rotation. In order to al- low for this orientation, we will introduce angle ~12, which characterizes the rota- tion of the first stage's suspension axis relative to the second, from an initial position where the suspension axes of the corresponding rotors in each stage coin- cide, in the direction of rotatiqn at velocity wo. In equations (1.15), it is then necessary to set, additionally, 'Dlt =~12. 'I'hus, the equations of motion of a four- rotor VG with singlE modulation realized by the rotation of PD2 have the form: ~ - I ~i~,-i�1r.t e i_w,r = Wi ~P) xI Jll%i (p -f i2w,) - AiVI - fl,X;'e-`2Nj I e-`�~W.~ w ;"(P) X�i - -i':~ue- i"-wrt (f7 l?(il,) x�e ~ i u 1 I ' (D) x- AW1 (p i?w,) ~(_e - t -i_wi~ -i"-w,r IV, (P i z(.,U) - A.?~� - .~�.3~1'e-''~'e (P) w o u� -1^.~Di~e-i?w.[ + i~"u~) W�~'_;_W-' + Ql~l -I L f W 2 (n)x t~ 2` w)xj�e-i:t{'ie -f- t . e-`2w�1 + ~til" (1.16) Three-, two- anC single-rotor MRG's are special cases of this layout. In order to obtain the equations of motion for a three-rotor MRG in which each subsequent rotor has only cne degree of freedom relative to the preceding one, it is sufficient to set I~B) = I~B) = IZB) = 0 and CB2) in equations (1.16). If the suspension of the third (counting from the instrument's base) rotor has two degrees of freedom in the plane o� rotation relative to the second rotor, in equations (1.16) we should set IXB) = IYB) = IZB~ = 0. If the second rotor has two degrees of freedom relative 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 rOx uFN7c'IAL u5E ONLY to the first, we should set 1(2) = I(2) = I(2) = 0, and if the first rotor has two XB YB ZB - degrees of freedom relative to the PD's shaft, we should set XB YB ZB A two-rotor MRG with one degree of freedom of the suspension of each rotor is well - known [3] and is a setup that has already been realized in practice. Its equation corresponds to the first equation in (1.16), for X2 = w and ~12 = 0: ~ xi - ~ xle-`~~,�` _~~~i - A i~~'E,_'_W.' - W i (P) A lL"; (p i?u),) (1.17) + W i~(P) W-}-' ll'/ i(P -r i2wo) w`e-izm,e + h1") TV1;,0e-tW .r~ where ~'~I(P) = Mp -f- (iRli)~~ l~i~ P h'i11,hi fti~u Ci; 11t"' _ ]caN2 + (i21c..u~o Diii)P Ri~)u~o ic~fti~ ~1Ci; ,i (P) A , = R;"wu i�,wo + C,; Ai = R,1~�~ i~1-- AC1; 2 Wi (P) il~i,~~ui fii -f_ p (Rii)~ + i�io~, C,); . ~ (/ZiI)ut; - icl�iwu --,~Ci)� The equation of motion of the most widely used type of twQ-rotor MRG--the so-called iKhaui) gyroscope--is obtained by substituting into formula (1.17) the equalities I(1) = I(1), I(1) = I(1), C= C, u= u . ZB JB ZH JH B C B C r^inally, the equation of motion of a single-rotor VG, which is sometimes called a (Seyvet) gyroscope, allowing for the flexural as well as the torsional rigidity of - che torsion bars, is obtained by substituting the equality I(1) = IM = IM = p into (1.17). ZB XB YB Tne equations of motion of a four-rotor VG with single modulation realized with PD1 are obtained from (1.15) by substituting tne equalities wo = 0, ~21 = 0, and has the form I _ I 1 W'i (P)X, ,11Y'i (N -t''2'Di) Xie W ~ _;:,~D t ,F (P) X 2 W +1 (P - I~ ~24)1) -I- W7: (P)X" X (P) (p i2cD1) L:11 - A_~.��,~ W:~ (P) w lY/~ (P) -f- ~ F (P) Xi -L W _ (P -f-- i2(~,) x ie_ i_,t1'1 -f- Iyl'=') F N~;;". 18 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY (1.18) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FOR ONF'I('IAI. US[: ONI.Y If the f~~~' t sta e has a single rotor, in equations (1.18 it is necessary to set i(l) = I = I( = 0. If, in connection with this, C(2~ = C(2) = 0, from (1.18) XB YB ZB B C we will obtain the equations of motion of an OMG with NP, or a so-called precession- vibration astatic gyroscope (PVAG) [16], allowing for the finite rigidity of the shaft of the gyroscope's rotor. The equations of motion of a gyrotachometer with a rotor having unequal equatorial moments of inertia also follow from e~uations (1.18) [45J. In order to derive these equations it is sufficient to set IXH IYH, = I (2) = 2 (1) = I (1) = I (1) = I (l) = I (2) = 0. ZH hB YB ZB e It is interesting to note that equations (1.18) also describe the motion of a bi- axial gyrostabilized platform when its suspension axes are in a position that is close to orthogonal and the sensitive elements are two- or one-rotor (IXB) = I,~B) _ IZB) = 0) RVG's with single modulation. In connection with this, the relationship CB2) = C~2) = 0 must be fulfilled. The equations of motion of an RVG with single modulation realized by PD2 are non- stataonary and have periodically changing coefficients. The nonstationary nature of the equations for this type of gyroscope is caused by the choice of the inertial reading system when describing their motion, and can be eliminated with the help of the metnod proposed in [16]. Actually, let us examine equations (1.16). They con- tain four unknowns: Xl, X2, Xle-2wot, X2e-2wOt, To each of these equations we will apply operator e"'12c~ot, and then the operation of complex conjugation to the left and right sides of the ensuing equations. As a result, we obtain two equations:  ~i e_ e+'2w11 _ A,,�~_r:,w.r _ W i(P i 20),) ~W i(P) X i t i ~ ie t^w.. + W; ' (p i2w~,) x~e-tz~,r + + W I � (p) ei21Di. ~ IV~~I ~'C-~?cJD! + IV1~I'eilDue-i4J.1' I -~e_;2W.r l - ei='ro,. - - lG'., (P + i2wo) x OWz (P) xn AWi (V) x: _ -I- = ~l "2w 11 - .-~.~,lz I~/1 ~ (p I2c,~) w-e-i + * (P) ~ + -I- - � -r:~, r �-o� -;sw r (P 1 2~v) X i e � !3 i ~ i e � (P) X ~er.~~v� rYl (2) 'e-'""d M;,' )*e-'w�l, (1.19) which, together with equations (1.16), form a system of four algebraic equations relative to the four indicated unknowns. Having solved system of equations (1.16) and (1.19) for X1 and x2, we obtain stationary equations of motion for a four-rotor VG with single modulation from PD2, in the form - I (P) '4 iWii (P) - Aie`'-'v~I Wia (P) + QtWi:.~(P) + Bie,.(vis Wii (P)] tii ~ 1,+_W1. (P) - - (P)) ~z -I- (-~,eIVII (P) + A i IY/ 13 (P) + Bie-~~z~v~ ~ W il (P) + 8 iW w (P) ~ �.e-r:~,,,r 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 rqJK urrlk-iwL u,r. U1vLY . . . . . . . . . -i- A.,W,�_ (P) A.',W ia (P) J ~i -I- [Wl (P) Wil (P) + . -i- (P)~ w + IWz (P i2u)o) W (P) -I- + Wi ~ (P i2wo) W1a (P) I w~e-tr.,r +Wit (P) + -I- W13(P) M~ n ~ -FV(P-{-t2(IP, -}-wu))x_,-}-iV (P-}-i2(4P, -f � -r21~~tW.l~ (1.26) + wo)) 'X,e - Ws (P + i2tA,) - A.*, io�e-rl(,~,+Wo)t - A�;1~�e-`~'~'` + LO(P + i2(61 + + wo)) (f~ -'t- i2 (4)i w,,)) ii -f- IK/; ' (P -f- i? (4), + wu)) w~e-+ W 1 (P -F- i2(~,) C.)e-`~'~'~ + Iy~(--') .e--~- ~11~2)'e-`(_~1v,+W.) t -f- M~ (P + i2 (~ -I- w f~ ~P) -t- L L -F N (P) 1" ~ (n + i2 (n), + ~,~~i) 1 ~~~�e-r~~~u,.W.~~ + . N(P 12 (,~j -t- W,,)) ~ 1 1.' (P -f� i2wo) iu� I AW'i (P -f' i?o),) N� (p i2w�) I e + (P -f- i2uj,) (P i2wu) N' (P i2wu) -I- [W.+ , (A) + 0." '(P) I W + c11~(P -I- i2o)~) A/* (P i2wu) J [W ; ~P l2co~~ (P -f- i2wu) 1 . + + JWz (P -L i2wu) tP i2mu1 ~ ~ ~-it~,~ 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FUR OH'FICIAL USE ONLY + N ~P) W.# (p i2tD) We_~2~v,~ N' (P -f- t2 (~i -F ~u)) -f-' N (P) (P + i2 (m, + w�)) ~�~_r.~~~~,+~.~r Njt~~� (1.27) N' (P i2 ((Ui wu)) I I + TIT� (P + i2coo) N' (P + i2cu~) M~2~�~-~~~~f + + . N (P) ~,~(~=1�~_~~('1'~+u~o)f ' * 1~~~~~C'i~4t N (P i2 (iDt cou)) n 1 +~1W1 ~P -f- i2wu) N' (P i?w~) Mn:)� ~,-~~�t + -f' N(p) , Mn(_^1'e-~=(~irwu)t + - N' (P 4- i2 ((Di -f- wu)) r~1~1(N) f- N (P) W (n + r2 ((u1 + (10) 7V1"' L N' (P i'? (Ril -1- wu)) ] Ir(P) + N (P) ~N~ (P i2 (iD, -I- wn)) ~~,~~~~�~_;.s~,ti~~~.)t + I hl� (P -f- i?,o�) n,~c~�~-t:wof ` ' (P J i2 (,DL + i2w,,) N' (P d- i2wu) , I .11' (p + i?~~o) 1~~) eM� (p i2 ((Dl wo}) ~i~ ~AIG.', (P + i2uo�) N' (P + i2w ) ~t' M (P) N(P) I n e rt � . N' (P -1- i2 (111, -F w.)) 1)�~,-iob~+w,l -4- M (P) + N (P) `11 - (P -I- i2 ((liI -I- 4.?) ~til~ ,~.cp+i2cm,+~a� I M, (P 4' i?I),) M* (p + lL(,) (P -'t- i2c~o) N(P -f- i2(0) e � -f- i2w n n + D IY'~ (P u) N' (P i2t~,) where I l l (DI-~ (P) = N (P) - W_ (p) AW' (P -I- i?w,) N' (P + i2wo) ~ N' (v + i2 (,n, + we)) . - - N (p) , N� (P + i2 ((Dl -F- w,,)) (P) _ I N' (P -F- i2(d�) . AMY/_ (P i2co,) N* (P -4- 2wu) ' 1 N ~i'�r�: (p) (p) _ � dWi (P r2(1)1) +V' (P r i2 l(I)i 1- ~u)) Thus, in order to solve system (1.15) it is necessary to solve equation (1.27) with hannonic coefficients that change with frequency 2$1 and then substitute the solu- tion tnat has been found with respect to X2 into equation (1.24) and integrate the derived stationarf equation with respect to X1� 1.4. Signal Reading and Information Processing Systems One of the most important components of an RVG, and one that has much to do with de- termining its accuracy and sensitivity, is the system for reading the angle of 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY rotation of the RVG's rotors relative to the base: or each other and t1i'-n processing the obtained infonnation. Depending on the reading method that is usEd, tne useful infornation about the angular velocities of the base's rotation re'Lative to the in- strument's axes of sensicivity consists either of constant angular deflections of _ the rotors in a system of cooz3inates that is coupled with the base or of amplitude- modulated oscillations of the rotors at frequencies that are equal to or multiples - of the PD's frequencies of rotation or are composite frequencies. For any signal reading method, however, the range of working angles for the unit that measures a rotor's angle of rotation should range from approximately 0.01 to tens of angular - seconds. The measurement of such small angular movements is a quite complicated technical problem. In principle it can be solved with the help of anale measurers of different types [38]. Zn connection with this, the general requirements for them are. 1) nigh static accuracy; that is, the absence at the angle measurer's output of a zero signal that is synchronous with the useful signal and exceeds a given level; 2) high dynamic accuracy, wnich means that signal formation must take place with msnimum distortions within the limits of the instrument's band of operating frequen- cies; 3) high sensitivity and a low sensitivity threshold; 4) minimum reactive effect on the RVG's rotors; 5) sufficiently high output signal power; 6) niy-h reliability and resistance to interference when operating under conditions determined by the tactical and technical requirements. - Angle measurers can be divided, according to their operating principle, into: - 1) passive measurers, requiring an external power source; 2) active measurers, which generate a signal proportional to the value being meas- ured. Passive measurers include those of the capacitive and inductive types, while active ones include those of the induction and piezoelectric types. In order to eliminate the erfect of linear oscillations of the rotors on the instrument's operation and - provide L.rlC waximum possible sensitivity, all of these measurers are built with dif- ferential circuitry. Let us examine several features of passive angle measurers. Their operating princi- ple is based on the measurement of the change in the reactance of the gap between a sensitive element and the sensor's eiements. In the case of a capacitive measurer, tne sensitive element is one of the capacitor's plates. A secon,~ ~apacitor plate is mounted on the housing or rotating part of the instrument. When the rotor is de- flected tne size of the gap in the capacitor changes and, consequenbly, there is a change in its capacitance. For an inductive measurer, the rotor acts as an armature chat completes the magnetic current of the sensitive coil. A comparative analysis of capacitive and inductive measurers showed that, all other conditions being equal, the sharpness of a capacitive measurer's signal is 50-100 times higher than that of an inductive measurer. Some comparative characteristics of these sensors are given in Table 1. From the table it follows that witn respect to all the basic parameters, a capacitive sensor is considerably better than an in- ductive one. r^igure 4 is a diagram of a capacitive measurer. Rotor P is located between four plates 0, ahich--depending on the choice of the measuring system of coordinates--are 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 FUIt UFF'i(.'IAL USE ONLY Table 1. I 71M AJT411KJ yrne (2) KTCI I Mi7NK11 eMicocruu~t( 3) I NMJ{YKTIIBIILI'(A~ Y Kpyr113Ha, B/rpen (5) I-10 10'2-10'3 Yponeab wytita, nIB (6) 0.5-4 5 fa6apnT, o. e. (7) I 3 Macca, o. c. I 1 4 Key : 1. Characteristics 2. Type of angle sensor 3. Capacitive 4. Inductive 5. Transconductance, V/deg 6. Noise level, mV 7. Size, rel. units 8. Weight, rel. units attached to the base, or rotate together with the PD's shaft, or are mounted on another of the RVG's rotors. The rotor, together with the plates, forms four capa- . citances C1, C2, C3 and C4. When the rotor turns through angle a, capacitances C1 and C3 will be reduced, while C2 and C4 will increase, and vice versa. Capacitances C1, C2, C3 and Cq are connected in parallel, in Figure 4. Diagram of capacitive angle pairs, and can be connected to the arms of sensor. a bridge (Figure 5). If plates C1-C4 are mounted on the rotating part of an instru- ment, an inductive or capacitive cor.unutator is used to transmir the signal to the base. Tr.e former consists of a transforner, one of the windings L1, L2 (which is mounted on the PD's shaft) and another winding L3 that is on the instrument's hous- ing (Figure Sb). A capacitive commutator consists of two pairs of concentric rings, Q) b) c, ~y cs ~1 La u3, 5 p6u us.a Figure 5. Electrical connection diagrams far capacitive angle sensors. one of which in each pair is mounted on the rotating part, while the other is mount- ?d on the nousing. These =ings forn capacitances CS and C6 (Figure 5a). Since the commutator's capacitances are connect2d in series with the capacitances that are 30 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 FOR OFFI('IAL USE ONLY changing with angle a, in order to obtain nigh reading system sensitivity it is ne- cessary that C5 " C1 + C3 and C6 � C2 + C4. Variable power voltage upoW is fed into one of the bridge's dia5onals. In accordance with the recommendations fr~r this type of ineasurer, the power frequency is chosen in the 0.1-1 MHz band. Signal volt- age usi9 is read from the bridge's cther diagonal. The signal voltage can be calcu- lated w.tth the formula 28rup~u (1.28) u- 6b' - u=r' a' 8 = 4rt1L f =eeOS, where L= inductance of the measuring bridge's choke coils (L = L1 = L2); f= fre- quency of the power voltage; eE0 =absolute permittivity of the air gap; S= area of the capacitors' plates' L16 = U - U,r LIO ~ YtuS . Cu ' do = initial size of the gap betcaeen the capacitors' plates when the rotor is in the equilibrium position; Co = initial capacitance of the capacitors. rrom fo r�nula (1.28) it follows that the dependence of usig on angle a is, in the general case, of a nonlinear nature. Therefore, it is extremely important to take into consideration the required range of ineasured frequencies and the allowable non- linearity of the instrument's static characteristic wnen selecting the initial value of the gap between the sensitive element and the capacitors' plates. In order to create an instrument with a linear static characteristic, it is possible to use a transforner-type bridge connection circuit. Such a circuit corresponds to tne one depicted in r^igure 5b if upow is fed into winding L3 and the signal is read from the bridge's other diagonal. ^uisre gardir.g the bridge's reactance, the output signal's dependence on angle a then zas the fornt rupo;, (1.29) j`~ ~X. ' u However, such a circuit has a nigh ^oise level and a high sensitivity threshold. -rP It is feasible to use a piezoelectric sen- HM(1) sor [8] only when the amplitude of the RVG's sensitive elements' oscillations that ~ 2~ is being measured is of a sufficiently high T f""' "~7 yD frequency. The connection diagram of such 77 t--- a sensor is shown in Figure 6. It provides ,~y ~ for tne measurement of angular vibrations, P with self-compensation for linear vibra- tions, with accuracy up to that of the Figure 6. Connection diagram of identity of the piezocrystals' (PK) parame- piezoelectric sensor. ters. The transcDnductance of a piezo- Key: 1. IK electric sensor is computed with the for;nu- 2. PK la Jr~ J!lllrr ~ a, (1.30) u'. J C,; -f-C, 31 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 rvrc UPFII lAL t�r, uIVLY where d33 = piezomodule of the crystal; mIN = inertial mass (IM); Ck = capacitance _ of the piezocrystal; Co = input capacitance of the signal processing unit. The signal voltage's dependence on angular acceleration a is linear. Consequently, _ the dependence of usig on the base's angular veloity will also be linear. The shortcomings of a piezoelectric sensor .include the effect of the processinq cir- cuit's capacitance and the cable's capacitance on the output signal's value, as well _ as the necessity of deriving the signal from the rotating part of t;.e RVG. . r- -0A (4 I u ~m a Ny u5i� ~ u y I CC1 , ro (1 2 ic5j i ~ (Lun CC`5 2 ~2 `wau r ~ - r cev ~9) L - - ~ ~ I~oni IWI LU__Ej_H T w0 ~ ~ u tUN2 Y2 'T 2 I (7) 1 L~I$ll I 1-11.0 1 ~ L ---J Figure 7. Functional diagram of information process'_ng system. Key. 1. Ili 6. G 2. D 7. GOI. 3. U 8. U. 4� FD 9. SVO 5. SS. 10. T. when the useful signal is read in the tor.n of amplitude-modulated oscillations, the processiny system solves the problen of obtaining two direct-current signals that are proportional to the angular v2locities of the base's motion relative to the in-- strur.lent's axes of sensitivity. Figure 7 is a functional diagram of such a system. Tha signal arriving from the bridge of the :neasurer of anqular rotor displacements (Ili) consists of oscillations with the frequency of the change in the power voltage and balance-modulated oscillations with the usefiil signal's frequency. The ampii- `,.de and phase of the latter contain the information about the base's angular velo- cities. _ ':he first stage of the signal's processing is its demodulation on frequency fPoW. In order for this to take place, the signal usig from the bridge enters demodulator D, into ahich a signal from generator G(which generates the bridge's power voltage) is sent as a reference signal. Oscillations with an amplitude proportional to the RvG rotcr's angle of rotation are obtained at D's output. This part of the circuit is abser.t in active measurers. After preliminar1 amplification by amplifier U, the signal uD from D's output is sent into prase-sensitive demoduiator FD. Thz reference signal for FA is generated 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY with the help of reference pulse generators GOI. A GOI consists of a rnagnet that is - press��fitted into the rotating part of the instrument and a coil mounted on the _ housing. When the magnet passes by the coil, an EDS [electromotive force] in the form cf a short pulse is induced in it. The magnets in the rotating part are situ- - ated at an angle of 180� to each other, while the two coils in the housing are at ari angla of 90� to each other. When reading on intermediate frequencies, the magnets and coils can be situated on the appropriate ro.*_ating parts. After amplification cvith the help of amplifiers iJl and U2, the pulses from the GOI's enter reference - signal processing circuit SVO. When necessary, this circuit can contain a frequency conversion circuit. On receiving signals from GOI1 and G0I2, triggers Tl and T2, ' which are operating in a waiting mode, generate rectangular reference voltage pulses - that are shifted 901 relative to each other. - T:e piiase-sensitive demodulator is a comparison circuit (SS1 and SS2). The refer- eace viltages from the triggers and the amplified signal from the demodulator enter it and constant voltages ul and u21 which are proportional to the base's angular ve- , locities, are obtained at its output. The extremely simple circuits ror reading and processing information from an RVG are not the only ones possible. Inductive angle sensors can be used successfully in in- struments of tnis type. In order to increase tneir sensitivity, capacitive or in- ductive sensors can be built into the driving crystal oscillator's resonant circuit. Preliminary processing of the useful signal, by placing electronic units directly on the rotating part of an instrument, is used quite frequently. Conversion from amp- litude modulation to frequency modulation or to amplitude modulation on some inter- mediate frequency is another practice that is used. This brief analysis of RVG inrormation reading and proces5ing systems snows that, in _ contrast to gyroscooes constructed according to the traditional plan, RVG's are a symbiosis of inechanical an3 electrical parts, with the latter having a substantial effect on the design and basic characteristics of these instruMents. This fact com- pels us to develop a new approach to the process of designing such gyroscopes that - involves a more nearly complete consideration of the demands made oii the mechanical part by the information rzading and processing system. 1.5, yethods for Solving Differential Equations With Periodic Coefficients _ Az was shawn in Section 1.3, in the general case RVG's are described by linear dif- ferential equations with harmonically changing coefficients. In connection with tnis--and regardless of tne information reading and processing method--a character- istic of all RVG's is tne presence in the output signal of a harmonic component that changes witn the doubled frequency of rotation of the instrument's rotor, while for RVG's with multiole modulation it also changes with mt:ltiples of this frequency and composite frequencies. Therefore, when there is inadequate filtration of the output signal ar.d a broad transmission band, systems containing RVG's will (in the general bl described by differential equations with periodically changing coeffi- cieats. Accord'_ng to Lyapunov's funda.-iental theorem [11), any differential equation with periodic coef�icients can be reduced to an equivalent linenr differential equation with constant coefficients. At the oresent time, however, no universal algorithm for this reduction has yet been found. Therefore, the analysis of the properties of 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440010-1 rUK UFN7C'IAi. USE ONLY solutions of equations with periodic coefficient usually involves considerable dif- ficulties. The development in recent years of electronic computer technology makes it possible to use the methods of numerical integration of differential equations to analy2e equations of m.)tion. When these methods are used, however, the presenc2 in an RVG's output signal of a slowly changing comgonent and a harmonic component having a rath- er high frequency should be taken into consideration. The requirement that both components be allowed for means that the amount of machine time needed to integrate the equations of motions is increased sharply. At the same time, the necessity of solving the synthesis problems that are related to the numerous possible structures of systems and their parameters, as well as the parameters of the RVG's themselves, stipulates the use of analytical methods to investigate the properties of the dif- ferential equations with harmonic coefficients that describe the operation of RVG's and systems containing them. For the investigation of periodically nonstationary systems, the most fruitful ideas proved to be those related to the use of a Laplace transform [14]. The com- plete theory of such linear systems, as presented in [281, makes it possible to de- rive the narametric transfer functions and the pulse-frequency characteristics of a nonstationary system. However, the use of these characteristics in engineering cal- culations is considerably more complicated than the use of normal transfer functions and the frequency characteristics corresponding to them. 'I'he spectral theory of dirferential equations with periodic coefficients is explained in the works of V.A. Taft [34,35] and modified in [16] for the case of two-dimensional systems with amp- litude modulation. There the result of the solution is presented in the form of an infinite sequence of determinants, for the formation of which it is required to know the specific parameters of a system already, which narrows the possibilities of us- ing this approach. For the purpose of developing the spectral theory, in [27] the author proposes an algorithm of a rather simple method that is free from the defects enumerated above and, in principle, makes it possible to obtain stationary transfer functions of two-dimensional linear systems with periodically changing parameters. Let us discuss the features of the use of this algorithm in the investigation of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients and the possibility of writing their solution analytically (10]. It is not difficult to demonstrate that any linear differential equation with mono- harmonic coefficients can be represented, with the help of Euler's formula, in the iorm .r -F Iv., (P) Xer(6r -f-'f'j (p) xe-rWr _ R (P) u, (1.31) wnere P2(p), 'A3(p), R(p) = operators representing rational functions of differentia- i.ion operator p and having complex coefficients (in the general case); W= frequency of change of the coefficients of the nonstationary part of equation (1.31). Ns tne first step in the solution (n = 1), let us perform the following operations. To the lert and right sides of equation (1.31) we will first apply operator elwt and then operator e-lwt. As a result, we obtain two equations from which the values of ;`iwt and xe-lwt can be found. Substituting these values into equation (1.31), we _ obt:ain tne first-step equation , 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11 _ 'n_ (P) (pa (P - iw) - (I)i (P) (D.: (P + i w) J .r - - (Dz (P) (P - iw) xe+'"(0r - cps (P) ( Ds (P -I- iW) xe-`_'we = (1.32) = R (P) � - q)s (P) R (p - iw) tce�t _ cp3 (P) R (P + iw) ue-rwr, which is equivalent to the original equation (1.31). Let us redesignate the operators in equation (1.32): (U(,') (P) = I - (D;., (P) (Dj (P - io)) - tU;s (P)'U�~ (P + i(A); and as our second step and e-12Wt to equation xei2wt and xe-i2wt tha step equation (p (P) _ (D2 (P) (D~_ (p - iw); 'ps') (P) = (Da(n3 (P + iW). (n = 2) apply--analogously to the first step--operators el2Wt (1.32). As a result of the substitution of the values of t we have found into equation (1.32), we obtain the second- ~ U" (P) mk 1) (P - i2w) m~' I (n) (D;" (n + i2w) (p) - - iD~i i (p - i2w) ^ 1111 " (p -k i2w) , x - _ (I);1) 0~=~' (P - i?~) x~tawr _ n(i) (v~~ ~ (P -f- i2w) xe-ra~,r _ (P)~~i , (p i2w) ~ 3 (P) 01 (p + i2w) = R (P) � = R(p - iw) [~As(P) + (A2" (P) (n'�~P i22~;)] rier~ar _ - R~P+ iW) ['I) 3 (P) (p3i)(A) 'p~,(P --i2w) , ue r~r + (1.33) cpt (P + i2w) -f- R (P - i2w) iL~" (p) ~ uer�:We + R (P + i~~) (P) tte-~~:Wr (DS~ (p - i..a,) (L, (P + i2w) Q~0" (P) R)s (P - i2w) - R (p - i3w) (Vi" (P -!2w) - R (P -4- i3w) iDS' ' (P) 'pa (P -I- i2w) (Di (P + i2w) If the har,nonic coefficients change with frequency w in the original equation, in the first-step equation they change only with frequency 2w, and in the second-step equation with frequency 4w. After n steps we obtain an equation, equivalent to the original one, in which the.harmonic coefficients change with frequency 2nw. In con- nection with this, the recurrent relationships for determining the operators in the left side of the equation are detezznined by the following expressions: /I-t) ,n-~) (11 (P) 't~(u-U (p + 11n-lW) . in~ (P) _ ~[i ~P) - (I)(,�-i) i211-iW) Ipin-ii (P -f- (1.34) �n-I_I ~Uln) t/~~ n-I) rp _ ~,~n_~w~ - n' 1I)t (P -'~k~) t (P -i2"-1w) n-~ �1-1 ~ (1.35) n( il)(11)(p - i2J( l-I- 2k)W) r=il k_u I 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440010-1 ruK urrtLtAL USE UNLY - 2n-~-~ �-1) - n my (P -j- i2k~) IP) _ ~3"-u (P) ~3n-i) (P l2 ~ k-0 ~in-I) ~P i2"-1n-i �t"-!-!_1 � (1.36) tl [n m,"(P + i2`(1 + 2k)W)~ 1=1 k=0 _ The right side of the n-th step's equation can be derived in the following manner. _ It is obvious that at the (n - 1)-th step, the right side of the equation has the form 2n-1_, E [Ak"-')(P) t k=0 In the n-th step, the right side will lAo (P) -f- Bo (P)I k-1 terkWr + Bkn-t> (P) cie ikwe (1.37) then be found from the expression c,1-1) (p) (P) - Bc,I-~~ ~ (p`' ~ (U~n-I) (P -!`n-1(~1 \ yn-Ik ~ - ~(n-U ~n-I j kw! ' (P) _ i_ w) Ue - ~,(,~-i, (P _ i~,,~-i(,) lAu ~P -I- (p~" -1) B, (P - t2"-1w)j ties :sn-lwr _ ~ (P) A("-~i ,V1ln-1) /P - IZn-1(u) 'n_k (p ~ - !2`1W)llei(:"-lrk)wt + I Qln-I1 (p)- (ns( n - 1) (P) alrt-U k ~~n-') (1) i?,i-1w) /c (P + (1.38) 1 ~3"-i~ (P) / !~~�-I(U) J ll2-ikwl rP'{' t2rt-IW) Bk~-I ~ lP ~ 1 ~ tDIn-~) !2n-I(U) lIt''i2`-lwl - (DI~-I) (P t2n-I.~ Bk1_~~ _ + i2t, -i(1)) Ue-r(2^-I +k) wr I . Using expressions (1.37) and (1.38), for any n it is possible to obtain the values of the operators standing before each disturbance harmonic in the right side of the equation. Let us present the expressions for the operators on the first three har- monics: Aini (P) ~R (P - iu)) I1I),: (P) Ai (P - iu) 11 -1 k 'p,(i1-1) (P _i2'w) - I )k~(U(k) (N) ~ r m(11) (P _ i21w) i 8~,~ ~P) R (p -f- i(o) ~cn ~P) - q>, cP + ~ ~iRR~2*)~; (2.27) - R3i~ 2 Rii, (R}uWJ .)C(l 1) (21.27) :nto dy^a.-aic, cond'_tion (1.62) , we obtain an exrression t.:e r=_qttired relaticnsai: between the rigidities of the second and 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 FOR OFFICCAL USE ONLY tnird rings' suspensions: (qRii~ ~(,93_iU3~+C~')(2(R1i) -~2Rii) )cil;;~C~~~ ~ Cc ~ ~`~Ri~~ -L ,~R3~~ R32)) W~1 + lRJl-)~J + CC)) [ R~nR3')c~a 2C( ' (R3" -T- Rs'' Ca' R~~' ~,o I R; Z R~' (i)~ -r )Jf ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ (2.28) i, -'r Rsu) Wo -f- 2Cc') Cc ) (Rs" -~R1i)) Wo + -}-R~')~,o-2Cc))]-}-R32) (R3l)~o+ CCP )C`i)~CB(1) ; - + R1 1 ~ ~R~u W~)2 [ �,4~ "Ra2'Wo ~c ~ ~R3'' 4I~i ) W~ = 0. _ ne observance between the TMG's parameters of the relationships satisfying condi- aons (2.27) an@ (2.28) makes it possible, during ooeration in the resonance tuning mode, to practically eli--ninate the error caused 'ay angular vibfation of the base. . The ar,alogous conditions for the case where ~12 = 7/2 have the form R(Ii) (R(3i)(A) ~ ~ ?~8~~ ~R~2)6'~ 2~c)) T' CB) (R3i) + R3:>) CO)C8) CIR31) R3'=) . (2.29) ? R~u (Rju~,J+,~dB9) -R~ii ~~i ~ (,,R~n (R3:) WO -~--'-C c')+l ; R33"~o+~~S"+R3~')C~'ICc'}Ce+ 12 _ + R3>>W0 l3R~u (R~')~~ ~ )~C~~) - R~')Rs2)~o ~1) ~ r ci~ ^ (2.30) - ~ R3 2 IZa` ).C~c ~ C(e1) ~(Ra~~~ w~i)"�~ ~Ra' c�~Ri wo ~ (2Rj') + R3P) CC! _ 0. T_f the realization of the dynamic tuning mode is achieved by fulfillment of rela- tionsnips (1.131) and (1.132) among the instrument's parameters, an additional con- ditior. that makes it possible to achieve a substantial raduction in the effect on its accuracy of angular vibrations at frequency 2wo is R31, _ R31> (2.31) Fulfillment of this condition entails some structural complications, but in princi- o1e it is possible. Thus, for modulation RVG's having two oz more rotors, when the signal is read in a - nonrotating system o� coordinates on the zero carrier frequency, it is possible to select the parameters such that in t:-e resonance tuning mode, a significant reduc- *_ion ot the instrument's sensitivity to angular vibrations of the base with a fre- _ quen cv oi 2wo is insured. r^or an :�L4G witn signal reading en a frequency equal to the doubied frequency of ro- *_ation oL the rotor 2wo, angular vibrations of the base in the iastrument's plane of - sensitivity on this same frequency a1--'. result in a signal t.zat is equivalent *_o a signal caused, by the base's constant angular velocity. Actually, supoose that the base's a:.qular vibrations are described by expression (2.1). 'I'her;, ailowing for the de:aodulator, the slowly changing component of the signal at the i:.strument's outlet has the fonn 65 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY W (P - i2w,) - (p - i2~,) (W~ (P - i2~u) W 1_ (P - 2iwu) -t- It~ _ -F- lY/; (P - i_m~~) 1~i4 (P - i2o),,)1 (2.32) (P - i 2wu) IV (p - ,?wa) G)A' . In connection with this, signal (2.1) from the base's angular vibrations will be to- tally identical to the signal from some slowly changing angular velocity Zye, which is determined by the expression W (p - i:w,) - (P - i2wa) (W t (p - i:wu) lV,: (P - i2w�) -I- w� + Wt (P-i2wo) IV� (P -i2wu)) W (2.33) (p - i2~u) I~~~ ~P) W ~P - ~~o) W i ~ ~P) W i~ ~P - ~~~~)I ~ _ In order for there to be no error it is.necessary that in the instrument there be _ realized that relationship among the basic parameters so that the right side of (2.33) becomes zezo. As an example, let us examine in some detail several specific setups of MRG's witn signal reading on frequency 2wo. P,n OMG's error when there are angular vibrations of the base is~found from the relationship -YY)vc+(~ -xZ)v'B - ~ + "Y)"c-F-xz)vsO)A. (2.34) This error can be reduced only by reducing the values of 1-:4y and 1- itZ. The closer to each other the values along the suspension axes are, the greater the ad- ' duced instrument error, which is e:cplained by the zeduction in their transfer factor wi th respect to the useful signal. �or a DMG, the suspension of each of the rings of which has only one degree of free- dom in the plane of rotation, the expression determining the equivalent velocity we ,,,hen there are angular vibrations of the base at frequency 2wp has the fonn 2 R~ (vg -I xY) ; v~~l-~cy) ve~l-xZn) ZR -.a� (2.35) ry ~Zn ~vd-I-x}�~--v~+xY) -vB+'xZn) _ In contrast to a DMG with sic,nal reading on the zero frequency, in this case the er- ror does r.o t depend on the angle ~�12 between the suspension axes in the plane of ro- ta*_ion. A joint exami.nation of the condition of low instrtunent sensitivity with re- _ snect to the base's constant angular vibrations (2.1) (ge ti 0) and dynamic tuning ccndition (1.66) shows that the simultaneous fulfillment of these conditions is pos- ;i'-:1e only when a nonelastic suspensi.on is realized for one of the rings (CB = 0 or C.- = 0). - ~~:en the signal is read in a rotating system of coordinates on frequency,wo, two cases are possible, depending on the type of reference function used in the demvdu- 3tor. In one of them, where the reference function has the form e-lWot, the ex- =r?ssion for the instrument error for angular vibrations of the base on frequency _ 2~jo coincides with expression (2.3). In the second case, where the reference func- =:on ei'Ot is used, che instn:ment error will be deterstined by expression (2,33). Startin5 wi*_h the generalized mathematical model of an RVG, in a manner analogous to _ the oreviousll discussed cases it is easy to derive expressions for the computation - 66 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of modulation RVG errors caused by angular vibrations of the base at frequency 2wo when the signal is read from the intermediate suspension rings in any measuring sys- tem of coordinates. 2.2. Reaction of Rotor Vibration Gyroscopes to Disturbing Moments No actually existing instrument can be :aanufactured with ideal accuracy. During the building of instrument assemblies and the assembly and regulation of the instrument as a whole, some deviations from the given rated parameters are usually allowed. Sucn deviations also apoear when the instrument is used. One of the consequences of this can be the aopearance of disturbing moments that affect a gyroscope and result in additional errors. _ Let us investigate the errors caused in modulation RVG's by the effect on them of _ the mechanical part of disturbing moments. From the generalized mathematical model of ari RVG (1.20) it follows that when disturbing moments are acting on a gyroscope, the motion in inertial space of the first stage's (for example) rotor is described by tht~ e:cpression + W13(P) ,Yl~~>�e-~=~.t+e~~v~,,1f;,~~~e-rW.r~+ (2.36) - i W 1: (P) N) + iV1 ~21'e-iw~l) /l4 ~;~�~12)~g'i2wo[ + (2)~g'iwll)] From (2.36) it is obvious that the creation ot an MRG that is totally invariant when acted upon by disturbing moments is impossible in principle, since the requirement that all the terms in the nuraerator on the right side of the equation equal zero automatically results in a requirement that its denominator also equals zero. Let us discuss, in sequence, the errors caused in different types of MRG setups by the effect of different types of disturbing moments. Let the first-stage rotor be subjected to the e=fect of a constant or slowly changing moment M(1). The reason for the appearance of this moment can be displacement of tre rotor's center of mass, relative to the suspension axes, along the axis of :otation and the presence of con- stant or slowly changing linear accelerations of the base, the vector of which lies in a plane perpendicular to the rotor's axis of rotation. In this case, in the non- rotating system of coordinates the rotor can be deflected through some angle and gerror.n oscillations with a=requency of 2wo around this angle. '+Jhen the signal is read in the nonrotating system o� coordinates on the zero frequency, the instru- :nent's error will be 3eter,nined by the expression IrL , ru1 (2.37) It is obvioLS :.nat in this case, as i.r, the case when angular vibrations of the base act on an instrunent, it is convenient to represent the MRG's error in the fo r.n oi an equiv.slent angular velocity, the signal. from which is completely identical to the signal irom an acting disturbing moment: PWtl (P) ~ ~ W(P)-(W.~(P)x~':(P) ~-(P)Wi.;P)IP (...38) For an OMG witc a single degree of freedom in the ?lane of rotation, the eYaression for the equivalent angular veiocity in the resonance tuning mode nas the fo rn 07 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 H'UR Ub'H'IC:IAL USE ONLY -i We f Y + XY) 0)0 M (2.39) The larger the rotor's moment of inertia relative to the axis of the torsion bars and the higher the rotor's frequency of rotation, the smaller this error will be. In the case of two deqrees of freedom in the OMG, its error when affected by moment g(l) will be found from the expression [-L,2 y e- [(I -x~,)--iEgJ -}-IZ ~ v~-(I -xZ) -}-i;~ WC iti1 - - ~y/ Z (i 2 ~l xy) v~ i 2 ~I yZ) v"g - (2.40) -i(1-;c`) 2 ~Y (1 -~xy,) -~"'~z)u Thus, the OMG error caused by disturbing moment MM cannot be eliminated. It can be reduced by the proper selection of the instrument's parameters and by reducing the disturbing moment itself. The error in a DMG in which the suspension of each of the rings has one degree of treedam is described by the expression ' t v8-}- ~Y"N vC-- 2 Rf' -~l -xy) (I +COS~~{'1�:~ v' (I Tzzit)+ vC+ xY) +Va !zn + (2.41) R~ (S~Cy-3) - D_ R'lYiRt (1 -xzn) In order to build an instrument that is not sensitive to mvment M(1) it is necessary that its parameters have values for which expression (2.41) becomes zero. The con- = dition of equality of the numerator of (2.41) to zero is fulfilled for the following relationship between the rigidities of the rings' suspension: Cc = (f2e ; ki) Lh; - C2. (2.42) It is not difficult to see that equality (2.42) is satisfied for the rigidity values dete rnined from expressions (2.10), and in coruiection with this the denominator of (2.41) also becomes zero; that is, the instrument operates in a pseudoresonance mode. In order to find the error in this case, we should take into consideration the viscous friction acting on the suspension axes. The expression for equivalent angular velocity we then takes on the form e ~ v�*a Zn-r we 7rH1z�W0 R (2.43) ~y ( I - %~Ili 3 IZn > Thus, wnen operating in aoseudoresonance mode, a DMG realized according to the dia- gram snown in rigure 12, with a rotor that is acted upon by constant disturbing mo- ment K(1) nas an error determined by expression (2.43). Zf the vR's suspension has two degrees of freedom (C~2) m) and ?12 = 0, the condi- tion cf nonsensitivity of t.he instrument to disturbing moment M( 1 has the form FOR OFFIML USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040010-1 NOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CB" I? (R3 + RI) WJ T LC~ ~ Ca)~ 2RI~o (2R3(Jp CC (2.44) +c'B' (2r3W~+c'') -o. - It is also fulfilled when conditions (2.16) and (2.19) are observed, since they make ' it possible to reduce the instrument's sensitivity to angular vibrations with a fre- quency of 2wo. If the VR's suspension from the PD's shaft has two degrees of free- dome and ~12 = 0, the nontrivial conditions for DMG invariance to the effect of mo- _ ment H(1~ in t.he resonance tuning mode is written in the following form: . C~) _ �Ce1) (2Ri -f- Ra) � R, , / -R,c) ~CBI (2.45) 2Ric~~ CB R,W~~~ ) 1- (R, R,) c~;~'B ) ! c(2)c(2) 2R ~'R CB2 c a~' ~ o ~ ~ (2.46) (R3 + 4Ri) + 2 (C~ ) CB')~ . These conditions turn out to be incompatible with the conditions of low sensitivity to angular vibrations of the base with a::requency of 2w0. Therefore, and depending on the instruments' ooerating conditions, their parameters must satisfy either rela- tionships (2.21) and (2.22) or relationships (2.45) and (2.46). For a DMG in which each rotor has two deqrees of freedom,� the condition for the ab- sence of error caused by disturbing :noment M(1) is determined by the expression h'3wo (Cc ~Ce' CC')C'~~')) -r 2R,t~~ (CiC�, - ACi AC2 cos (Pi:) -I- 4Riwo (CIC2; + C~ )C'~') ~Ra~~ R~W~ (Ci -f- e~.) ~ (2. 47) -r- C2C''Ca' C,C~''C'' = 0. When each of the rotars has a unifornly rigid suspension, this condition is ful- filled when the condition of dynamic tuning of the instrument is. Let us examine a TMG in which the suspension of each of the rotors has only one de- gree of freedom. The condition for nonsensitivity of sucn an instnunent to constant disturbing moment M(1) has the form ~(R311 ~ R~1,) wo -L Ci) + Rii~ Cos 2(Qi�:)) 40 2 + L~ Ci - ~C~ Cos 2cpiz CB'~l _ 2 ((RiI )a,o AC.)- (2.48) 1 -f- 2 (R(I "Uiul -r- ACi) (-RiucL1o -f- CI) cos 2(Pr: + (-Riuwo -f- Ci)21 = 0. Fron (2.48) it is possible to derive the dependence of the rigidity of the first ro- r.or's suspension to the PD's snaft on the rigidities of the suspensions of the other two rotor;, which--when the suspension axes axe orthogonal--is de5cribed by the fol- lawing expressions: LOr ~12 - 0, ( Ri") CiI 2 Rj(2) +2RI 1))+C8 .,Ri1)~,=-Cii~ : ) - _ -2 i o e ~ (2.49) Ce (R.sI , + R1, 1 W+s ; C I FOR OFFIML USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 ruK urrILIwL uSE UNLY for ~12 - 7/2' [(R3'+ R~l))c~o-F'C i) ( 2 R32)(+~J'~Cc1)) - 2 C~) z (2.50) Ce (R31 1) + Ri(,)i; + Ci The joint realization of relationships (2.49) or (2.50) and (1.62) makes it possible to build an instnmment that is not sensitive to disturbing moment M(1) when operat- ing in the dynam.ic tuning mode. For the simultaneous fulfillment of the condition for Iow sensitivity to angular vibrations of the base on frequency 2wo, relationship (2.26) or (2.28) must be considered jointly with these expressions. In this case we have a system of three nonlinear equations relative to the three rigidities of the the RVG's rotors' suspensions. The selection of the optimum instnunent parameters, with due consideration for the mentioned conditions, can be done with the help of a digital computer. Let us discuss the MRG errors caused by a constant disturbing moment M(1) when the useful signal is read on frequency 2wo in a system of coordinates. A1- lowing for the signal demodulator at the instrument's outlet, in this case it will have the form ul = I~1:, (v - i2wu) ~~1~1)', (2. 51} Ir' (P - i2wu) wnile the equivalent angular velocity is deterntined by the expression - C _ _ t1",:~ (r - i?wn ) ~t1 ~ i ~ � . (2.52) Cr (P) W i~ (p - i2o>u) l lG't' (P) Wi, (P -i A)u) =oIr a DMG with a single degree of freedom, in the resonance tuning mode this expres- - si.on talces on the form � ` (2.53) -F- x} rVt ~z - I~� (1 'T^.zis relationship coincides with expression (2.39); that is, the method used to read the use=ui signal has no effect on the error of an OMG with a single degree of free- aome that is caused by moment M(1). The error in a DMG in which the suspension of each rotor has a sinqle degree of freedom can be found from the relationship 2 I R1 + i v, ( _ < >n Cc1S wnt - - 2lzr.~~n sin w�l + 2(17r 1.rr - I I.(,) c1),w7,) SIn (i),l - - 2(Izc 'r, - I}-r) W�c,) ti �COS cnd (ntP.ux.t - ntPi(lxi) 1 v y A cos ro�! + frrplaxi) Iz -oIn w�t: - 17Cixn -i" f~Cfln -1' [(1 Xl: - IyC) (nn + Cc 2Cn I GLn lznfZr + + Itn6C -f- W.Yn - l1'n) ~~n -r- Ciipi aC = -217.n67.uCOSO)nl - - 2IZ,,6)1�nSlil (,),I + 2 (17.n -t /Xn cu~co~,51n (di~l - 2 (lz,, l.rn - II n) (j)�coti-o COS o001 (nrP2clr,. nrpi(l,rf) ; jy Cos Wnl + (ntP:Rxa -I-- ntr, iaXt) 1z s Ift where lzr. _ �zx -I- 17i . 1Iti~x /}�i . ~ ir, = l , 2 ~ /.rs /xf xc = 2 + 2 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (3.21) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE QyLY ~.rn = f 'r" ~ _ Ct -f- Ct. . 2 2 Figure 23. Structural diagram of a composite RVG with common sus- pension of the rotors. On the basis of equations (3.21) and allowing for the presence of a phase-sensitive demodulator at the instrument's outlet, the structural diagram for the signals' en- velopes has the form presented in Figure 23. Tn connection with this, we introduce the following definitions: Kii - 2 (Izc + lxc - It�c) wn: K21 " 2 (lZn + IXn - lYrt),,)n; � K221 - nt.zaxz -F- m,ia.ei; K,Z = mpzaxz - mplaxl; W, i (P) _ JzcP7 + ItCp + [(I.rC - jj-C) wn Cc 2C. 1; W ~t ~P)'=- 117iz ~P) Iz.P2 ~F �.P [(IXn - IY'n) ~o Cnp]; Wz: (P) _ IzcP2 -f- ftcP + f (I,ec - l rr,) G)n + CC l; (3.22) _ Wo (P) _ {lzcP2 + F(cP + ( (Ixc - lrc) Wo + CcII 117cP2-}- ltcP -F- [(Ixc - lrC) 0)2 0 CC 2Gn ~ ~ - - ~ I7.nP2 4' �nP + I (I.Cn - IYn) (,)n C"p 1f 2. In accordance with the structural diagram, the signals at the instrument's outlet are described by the following expressions: - ac - ~ 11 Wo (G Kii117ii (p f- K21W12 (n w-- J - i~do) [ K12Wii (P i(0n) -t' I`,i_Ibtz(p - iwn) (3.23) 4I K::W:z (P - icn,,) Ki:Wxi 1-I- a" - Wo (P I tu,o) +(h:iW:z (P - iu,o) -I- k 1tW:i (I) - iwn)I @1� Equations (3.22) and (3.23) make it possible to derive quite easily the expressions for equivaient angular velocity and linear acceleration when there is an input value 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 ~~n = F''- 2 }tC�P - CZ 2 Cl. IVn = ' 2 /}~1 , IZn - ~72 ~ ~ ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040010-1 in the other measuring channel: Ki:Wii (n - ia,o) Kx_Wi, (P - r,uo) Ktilt''11 (p - iwn) -1- K21W1: (P -i(')o) KsiWxx (P - ioj + KtIWsi (P - ic)�) I (J. KxzWs: (p - i(0o) -I- x1:Wz] (P - iwo) ~ (3.24) - Assuming, as before, that the instrument's parameters can differ from the nominal ones--which are identical for botiz interrelated oscillatory systems--by only small amounts that are determined by the variations in these parameters, for the area of essential frequencies we obtain the following expressions for we and je in the first _ approximation: X p - i ( I - ~ _ X Omr 2 1 w; ( mp x+ v' + Cn 2 VI-92 , coo ~w� y~ x-{- Vx Cn 1 /zw,~ X na,r ~,Z ` ~ 2 r/ e�~ nu.r ait.r Z a ~ / ) + cu, L l m - ~ r ~ ax tt ~ - i ( Llmr~' ~ r ~iZ 1 1 p + Ov. - (I x) ~7 -L ~ z (3.25) ' mm Ac nr x+ V2 C', r x ~ : ~ 17Wj ~ ( InP ~y Rr ) C'~ Cn c1� 2 2 ,1nr i' rn~, f n .r where v= (C + CTr)/YZwO is _he ratio of the frequency of one rotor's natural oscil- - lation^ to angular velocity wo when w0 = 0 and the second rotor has lost a degree of freedom relative to the torsion bars' axis; p C" l~ I - 5= I tno -i- ~mu \ ~Z(JJ ~ 7C -1- V1 - v n /Zw,l ;i 2 ) r= - < < ~ (AX + (2 + ~ r~ ) P A x I - x L. V' - c"1, 1 f C~X (I x) e/, ~ + i, ~ ~ ) + vl. AC _ l~'l c~x E- (I L x~ :117 C Cn I t / Z (3.26) From expressions (3.25) and (3.26) it follows that, as was the case for the first setup, the greatest influence on the level of the cross-couplings between the meas- uring channels is exerted by the nonidentical natural of the rotors with respect to parameter 'A. In contrast to the first setup, howeve�r, the level of the cross- couplings depends on which of the measuring channels is used to realize resonance tuning. If resonance tuning takes place along the angular velocity measurement 104 FOR Or-FICIAL USE ONLY m aX /Z (I x) X I /7. 0 + K) mnax (02 1) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040010-1 FOR OFF1C1A1. USE ONLY c::annel, tne cross-coupling `rom the first channel to the second 'nas a high 1eve1, and vice versa. The level of the cross-coupling from the channel not having reso- nance tt:ning to the other is detenniaed by the magnitude of this channel's detuning from resonance, which is regulated by the intermediate torsion bar's rigidity Ci. Thus, by selecting the appropriate value of Ci, it is nossible to change the chan- nels' dynamic characteristics, their measurement range and the level of the cross- couplings. From the expressions for the transfer functions of an OMG (1.86) and a KOMG it fol- lows that during the creation of a highly sensitive instrument (when resonance tun- ing is realized and the relative damaing factor C is extremely small), its time con- stant Tg can be quite large. P,s a result of this, in a KOMG there can arise large errors in the detezznination of angular velocities and linear accelerations. These errors are especially large when the instrument is operating in an open system (for example, the acceleration measurement cnar:nel's dynamic errors for an inertial navi- gation system and so on). Taking (1.81) into consideration, the expression for the acceleration measurement channel's d,mar.iic error can be written, with a sufficient degree of accuracy, in the form X,L-' l~ Ts ~ - ~ ) I , (3.27) ~l~r P-`~l where ~rn,a.r 11~ = i , , V 17s-1 ( Two I) L-1 = operator of an inverse Laplace transform. Suppose that the 1aw governing the change in acceleration can be approximated by the first n terms of the exponential series j = an + Q,t t...- an1rt. The expression for the dynamic error then taices on the for*.n (3.2i3) 7'2 Q,~p" i QiP"-' _4 nl an 1 ;~d(n) _ -tt; T~ -i +t= p� c3.29~ By breaking the right side of (3.29) dourn into elementary fractions and applying *he inverse Laplare transform to both sides, we obtain an expression for an instrument,s dynamic error siqnal when acceleration (3.28) is acting on it: ! ud(t) - - K, D,T e r' Sin 7~, �T (3.30) + B. sln r_ cos T: The unknown coefficients Ai and Bi can 5e found from the following equalities: pRP BZ ~ P" Re B, -r 1 + (P""' Re A, -i-P`2 Re ._4~ . . . + (it - I Re .a,, 1 , r P` + P 2 + I \ _ ~ T r= ~ ! 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 ruK urriLIwL UNE UNLY (T:P -f- �z) E P" ` R e a, E. p""' I m a; J; i,0 , =J p"`1 I m.32 T P" 1 m B, + -f- [P""I I m A, + p"-I I m A~ + . (n - I I m A� ) x ( p- 2 p L+F`- T T; ~ n n _(T:l~ !tx) u Pn-i Im a; p,~-' Re a ; J) ~ i=0 (3.31) By equating in (3.31) the coefficients for identical powers of p in the left and - right sides, we obtain a system of 2(n + 2) linear algebraic equations in order to -find the 2( n+ 2) unknowns ReAi, IatAi, Regi and Imgi, A7hen the instrument is acted upon by a discontinuous disturbance and the measuring _ channel is tuned into the resonance mode, the dynamic error will be described by the expression r u(1) irnpa.r 2~ a� (Cos 2t T i sin 25 T-.. ~ e T J 1 ~ ~ - T � (3.32) -intraX 2y a�r~ q. _M Mus, the iarger the value of Tg, the qreater the instrument's dynam?c erzor. At the same time, as was shown in Section 1.6, the higher the instrument's sensitivity (the smaller y is), the greater the value of Tg, Therefore, the realization of an i.zstrument that has both high sensitivity and small dynamic errors is fundamentallp impossible within the framework of the layout we are discussing. In addition to the specific errors we have discussed, a KOMG also has all the errors that are typical of an OMG (see Section 2.4). In this case the errors related to 3.*igular motion of the instrument's base and synchronous interference are doubled in _ the velecity measurement channel. In the accelezation measurement channel they are _ 4 eter.nined ~y the nonidentity of the oscillatory systems' parameters. 'rhus, the iinear acceleration measurement channel's errors are much smaller than those of the a.n,ular acceleration measurement channel. Thanks to *_his, the instrument's second channel's sensitivity threshold is lower and the cross-couplinqs from the seco:.d =hannel to the first can be reduced. The second channel's dynamic errors can be re- iuced by introducing detuning from the resonance mode. 3�3� Synthesizing the Parameters of an Output Filter for Composite Rotor Vibrata.on Gyroscopes =n 3ection 3.2 it was shown that composite :4RG's have significan t dynamic errors that cannot be reduced without lowering the instrument's sensitivity. These errors zave the greatest effect on the instrument's functioning in the linear acceleration measurament channel if the signals from the channel are used for an inertial naviga- _ ~ion system. Integration of these signals results in inadmissibly larqe errors in velocity and the path that has been covered. Into the channel's input *_here also enter disturbances related to angular and linear oscillations of the 106 FOR OFFICIAJ � USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 - FOR OFb'IC'IAI. USH: ONLY base, which are a source of additional errors. Besides this, both the instrument itself and the signal extraction and processing devices have internal noise, on which the instrument's sensitivity threshold depends to a considerable extent. Thus, there arises the Problem of optimum signal processing at the linear accelera- tion measurement channel's outlet for the purpose of obtaining the most reliable in- formation about the linear accelerations acting on the object, with due considera- tion for the factors listed above. Sucn processing can be carried out with the help of a special filter installed at the instrument's output. Let us deternune the pa- rameters of this filter. fn (t) Ifn (t) J Xj Figure 24. Diagram of formation of composite RVG errors. r^igure 24 is a structural diagram of the formation of instrument errors in the ac- celeration measurement channel. Let us introduce the following definitions: fT(t) = the disturbance caused by angular and linear oscil.lations of the base, re- duced to an equivalent linear acceleration; fn(t) = the instrument's internal noises, as heard at its outlet; Up) = transfer function of the filter at the in- strument's outlet. Disturbance T,(t) is of a random nature and depends on the char- acteristics of the specific object in which the instrument is installed, as well as the conditions of its motion. Therefore, we will ignore this disturbance in our further discussion. An instrument's noises are also of a random nature and are usually approximated by "wnite noise." we will also assume fn(t) to be "white noise" with the same power B2 at both channel outputs. We will deternune transfer function 4(p) on the basis of the minimum mean-square er- ror in the measurement of 'the linear acceleration's absolute value and the given limitation on the dispersion of the r.oise at the instrument's outlet. This means that it is necessary to bring to a minimum the functional ~ . - ~ = J J�d(r)JZ dt ~ k2Du (1). (3.33) u where k= an indeter.ninate Lagrange multiplier; D-u-(t) = dispersion of the modulus of the linear acceleration measurement charlnel`s output signal. An instrt:ment has the greatest dynamic errors when operating in the resonance tuning mode. in connection with this, the cross-coupli.Zgs between the channels can be ig- nored with a sufficient degree of accurac1, while the instrument's transfer function is -written in the form of (1.86). Ia this case the problem reduces to the synthesis o. a filter that is optimum, in the sense of criterion (3.33), for each linear ac- celeration measurement channel. We will use the method of syn thesis in a frecuenc1 area, the :nasic ideas of which are e:crlained in [41]. According to (Parseval"s) theore.n, in the area of images the expression for functional (3.33) can be wri`ten-- allowing fcr the asst:.-nptions we have made--in the following forn: 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040010-1 rurc urHUAi, USE UNLY r~ [41~,~(1~) u � 2ni J d (-P) kz&(n (P) (1) (-P)I dp, -r w (3.34) where ud(p) = error signal at one of the linear acceleration measurement channel's outputs. Using the structural diaqram presented in Figure 24 and introducing error factars Ci (23], we will rewrite expressions (3.34) ; substituting the dynamic error's value in terms of the acting disturbances and the instnunent's parameters: 1= 2i j I Tk3 Tkl ~ Tk2� In connection with this it can be assumed that the amplification factor increases by a factor of Tti3/Tk4 while the open system's LA1Cz's cutoff frequency remains unchanged. The required value of the open system's ampli- _ =ication factor also determines the relationship between the time constants Tk3 and Tk4. Time constant Tk3 should be selected in such a fasnion that relationsnip Tk3 Tkl is satisfied. In this case the tec;uiique for selecting time constants 'Ik1 and Tk2 and allowing for the effect of the stabilizing engine's time constant TP is analogous to the one described above. Let us mention, however, that the given system will nave two sta.bility reserves with respect to amplitude; tnat is, it is provisionally stable. As follows from an analysis of the equations of motion, the dynamic characteristics of a DMG differ substantially from the characteristics of an OMG. Let us discuss an OSP based on the use of one of the most highly developed types of RVG: a DMG with single modulation by motor PD2 and signal readiag in a nonrotating system of coord- inates on the zero trequency (a iCnaui gyroscope). we wi11 make use of its transfer functions, as approximated in the band of essential frequencies by expressions (1.109). An oscillatory component witn time constant Tn describes the p=ecession motion and deter,nines the gyroscope's deflection in inertial space. In connection with the discussion of a system's stability, this oscillatory component and the com- ponent witn the introduction of a derivative in the area of its frequencl cutoff can be aporoximated by the expression (T-/T2)/(1/p). An oscillatory component with time constan t Tfi describes the gyroscope's nutational oscillations and affects the sys- tem's dynamic characteristics. One of the simplest correcting circuits in a stabilization circuit, which ;nakes it possible to increase the regulator's amplification factor K., is a norunini:nal-Fnase, series-connected circuit with a trans�er functicn in the form I l T,,:n = I -r~~0 - I I wo) or less (wH