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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540030063-4
JPRS L/ 10354
26 February 1982
- ~ranslation
Fanya Bentsionovna Bakaleyshchik
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030063-4
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
JPRS L/10354
26 February 1982
- STANTSIY in Russian 1980 (signed to press 5 Mar 1980) pp 1-208
(Bcok "Pl~nning and Design of Automatic Long-Distance Telephone Ex-
cl-~anges", by Fanya Bentsionovna Bakaleyshchik, Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz'",
10, 000 copies]
_ 1
An:~otat ion
F'oreward ~ 2
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Au~omated Telephone Service System o~ the Country 6
1.1. General Remarks 6
1.2. National Automatically Switched Telephone Network 6
1.3. Structure of the Automated Long-Distance Telephone Network 7
1.4. Structure of Intrazonal Telephone Networks 9
1.5. Structsre of City and Rural Telephone Networks
1.6. Communications with Departmental Telephone Offices and Mobile Units 14
1.7. Long-Distance Idumbering 14
1.8. Communication with International Offices 17
~ 1.9. Types of Office and Center Equipment 19
1,10. Methods of Trai~smitting Line and Control Signals 19
ChaptPr 2. Planning and Design Procedure~ Compo~i,tion and Content of
Design Ma.terials 21 ~
2.1. Re'~earch
2,2. k'easibility Studies 22
2,3. Composition~and Content of the Design 23
2.4. Lists ar.d Estimates 24
Chapter 3. Design Principles of AMTS and UAK Channels and E~uipment 26
- 3.1, General Remarks 26
3.2. Procedure for ~alculating the Number of Long�-Distance Telepn,one
Network Cfiannels 2C
- a - [I - USSR - G FOUO]
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3.3. Initial Principles of Calculating the Number of 2SL and S1.M of
the Intrazonal Network 3i~
3.4. ProspECtive and Installed Capacity of AMTS and UAK 32
3.5. Service Quality Indices 33
- ~.6. General Principles of Calculating the Volume of AMTS and UAK
Equipment 35
Chapter 4. Brief Information About the Design of A~fTS-1~ AMTS-2 and
AMTS-3 Automatic Long-Distance Telephone Offices 37
4,1. General Remarks 3~
4.2, A~`ITS-1M Office 37
4,3, APfTS-2 Office 39
4. 4. AMTS-3 Of f ice ~41
Chapter S. Design of the AMTS~4 and AMTS-4 Type UAK 57
5.1. General Remarks 57
5.2. Operating Capabilities of the Off i~e 57
5.3. Structural Diagram of the AMTS-4 and UAK 59
5.4. Setting up Calls 62
5.5. Description of Basic Types of Office Equipment 66
5.6. Calculating the Volume of AMTS-4 Equipment 91
5.7. Purpose and Operating Capabilities of the UAI~ 111
5.8. Structural Diagram of the UAK and Operation of the
_ Devices During the Process of Setting up Calls 112
5.9. Calculation of UAK Equipment 114
5.10. Structural Features of AMTS-4 and UAK Equipment.
Placement Principles , 114
5.11. Electric Power Supply for the AMTS-4 and UAK 116
Chapter 6. ARM-20 Type AMTS Design 117
6.1. General Information 117
- 6.2. O~erating Capabilities of the Office 117
6.3. Structural Diagram 118
6.4 Setting Up Calls lZ2
6. S. Paired Operation of 'Itao Offices 124
6.6. Brief Description of Office Equipment 125
6.7. Calculating the Volume of Office Equipmer.t 148
6.8. Structural Features of the Equipment and Its Placement ~7i
6.9. Electric Power Supply for the Office 180
Chaptez 7. Designing AMTS KE (Rvarts) Quasielectronic Automatic
~ Long-Mstance Telephone Offices 181
7.1. General Remarks 181
7.2. Operating Capabilities of the Office 181
7.3. Structural M agram and Composition of the Office Equipment 183
- , 7.4. Setting Up Calls 186
7.5. Brief Description of Switching System 188
7.6. OKS Co~on Channel~ Signal System 191
7.7. Lan g-Distance Call Charge Computing ~ 191
7.8. Telephone Load Computing and Service Quality Control System 193
- b -
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7.9. Orde,r-Circuit ATS 193
7.10. Monitoring and Testing Equipment KIA 194
7.11. Initial Princi ples for Calculating AMTS RE Equipment ~ 196
7.12. Structural Design of AMTS KE Equipment and Its Arrangement 197
7.13. Electri.c Power Supply for the AMTS KE 199
Chapter 8. Rt~q uirements on AMTS and UAK Buildin~s and Facilities 200
8.1. General ltemarks 200
8.2. Initial Dsta for Desigciing AMTS and UAK Buildings 200
8.3. Climatic Parameters in ~he Technical Facilities 202
8.4. Number of Service Personnel 203
Chapter 9. Cable Connections at the AMTS and UAK 205
= Appendix 1 207
Appendix 2 210
- Appendix 3 213
Bibliography 213
- c -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540030063-4
The des ign principles of automat ic long-distance telephone ~.~cchanges us in~;
AMTS-3, AMTS-4, ARM-~20, AMTS KE equipment and automatic switching centers are
The book is designed for engineering and technical workers engaged a.n the plan-
r~ing, design, ope~ation and maintenance of automatic long-distance telephone
offices .
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APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030063-4
13uilding a nat~onal automatically~ switched telephnne network is connected with build-
ing aut~matic long~-distance telephone off ices (AMTS~ and automatic switching centers
(UAK). During the development of modern automatic switching hardware, it has
reached higher and higher qua~.ity levels,and telephone offices are being built witti
new capabilities and new switching and control principles,
The proposed book is the f irst attempt at a systematic discussion of che design
_ principles of AMTS jautomatic long--distance telephone offices] and UAK jautomatic
switching centers] of diff erent t}rpes considering their interaction in the network.
_ In the future, as the lastest equipment is developed and assimilated, appropriate
supplements and improvements in the design procedure can he introduced.
The book is designed for specialists in the design organizations,~the engineering
and technical personnel operati:ng the automatic lonQ--distance telephone off ices and
also students in the advanced courses at the communications institutes and technical
high schools. ~
The current instructions, design standards, and procedural developments of the
"Giprosvyazr" Institute and publications listed in the tai,bliography appended to this
book were used when preparing the manuscript~
The author expresses his sincere appreciation to the reviewers= I. I. Vasil'yeva,
R. A. Avakov, N. B. Pokrovskiy and V. I. Isayev for valuable suggestions to improve
the contents of the book.
All suggestions with respect to the book should be addressed to: 101000, Moscow,
Chistoprudnyy bul~var, 2, izdatel~stvo ''Svyaz',~'
The Author
. 2
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Intense development of the national econom}r of ~he Soviet Union, the growth of
science, culture and standard of lieing of the Soviet people are accompanied by a
significant increase in the volume of tr3nsmitted information. New types of infor-
mation sources are There are higher requirements on speed and validity
of information transmission. The uni�ied automated communications system of the
country (YeASS) is chargQd with unifying all information transmission means tfl
improve the efficiency with which they are us?d. One of the component parts of the
YeASS is the national automatically ~witched telephone network which will be built
- on the basis ofunified ~ngineering and opersting principles and must provide high-
quality telephone service throughout the entire country and provide for the trans-
mission of digital data, phototelegraph and facimile traffic. This network will be
based on continuously improved automatic switching hardware.
~ During the years of Soviet power, the telephone switching hardware, ~ust as the
communications branch as a whole, has come a long way in its development.
In prerevolutionary Russia there was no standard switching equipmeat for iong-
distance communications service. It was only in 1912, considering the peculiari-
ties of servicin~ the zemskiyl telephone networks, that the L. M. Erikson plant in
= Petersburg began to produce individual switchboards of the MB system with drop
signaling, the so-called "zemskiy type." These were the only standard switch
boards which were used for a long time even after the revolution not only for small
- long distance telephone offices, but also offices in large cities.
During the first years after the October revolution, the switching equipment was
worn out with completely exliausted capacities. The spare parts were exhausted,
because foreign companies did not deliver them any more. The first Soviet long-
distance switching centers were built in 1923 for reconstruction of the Petrograd
MTS [long-distance telephone office]. In 1928 individual long distance switch
boards of two types appeared: the TsB and MB systems. In the 1930's equipment
_ was developed for the small�-capacity type M-3 component off ices and the medium-
capacity type B and V offices. The indicated switchboards and offices were
designed for the delay-basis service system. However, the development the long-
distance telephone network made it possible to begin the transition to a no-
delay service system. The development of the composite system oL�f ices was inter-
rupted by the war, and it continued later in the postwar years when the industry
~From zemstyo (elective distri.ct council in pre~revolutionary Russia).
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began to produce the 12Q.-channel r(ItII type o�~ices and the 240~channel OU offices
and also the M~49 in.div~dual switcFi~oaL3s~
At the beginning of the 1950~s, a gradual transition began from manual switchin~; to
automatic. Industry began to build equipment for semi,automatic longrdistance ser-
vice with a two--frequency signaling system for the long--lir.e service and simplified
single-freq_uency equipment for semiautomatic telephone service of the AMSO-60-U
type for the oblast-wide networks. After this, the first automatic long-distance
telephone offices providing for the organizatior of outgoing automatic long-distance
service on indivia~ial routings (Ar1TS~1) were developed and put into production.
These offices were built on the basis of the two-frequency semiautomatic communi-
cations equipment using selectors of che ten-step systen: ~~s the sw~tching devices.
Subsequen*_ly the AMTS~1 offices were modified and bacame widespread on the long-
distance network of the country. .
Further development of switching equipment for the long-distance telephone service
led to the creation of new, improved hfgh--capacity A.*4TS, the AI~ITS-2, and medium
capacity AMTS-�3 and also application of the ARM--20 type AP1TS equipment (of SwediGh-
Yugoslavian production) manufactured in accordance with the operating requirements
of the USSR Communications Ministry. Multiple crossbar connectors are used as the
switching equipment in the AMTS-2, AMTS-3 and ARM-20 offices and relay markers are
used as the contr~~l units.
In recent years the automatic switching equipment has undergone significant quali-
tative changes whicr have been accompanied by the introduction of electronic and
magnetic elements and also computers as the control units. In the 1970's a new
AMTS-4 mechanoelectronic system off ice was developed, and the production of the
' Ai~ITS KE quasielectronic system was assimilated. Equipment has been developed for
electronic type junctions and offices to create an integrated communir_ations net-
Along with the development of switching equipment, the design engineering of long-
distance telephone offices has also developed, The designs for the first large
automatic iong~distance telephone offices were developed in the Soviet Union under
the directior~ of talented specialists M. A. Bednyakov and A. N. Verkhovskiy.
Specialists of tli~� TsNIIS [Central Scientif ic Research Institute of Communications]
made s~ignificant contributio~i ta the development of the procedural design prin-
' The expansion and reequipment of the existing long-distance telephone network on a
new technical hase require a significant volume of design work~ A characteristic
�eature of this work is that the process of reconstructing the network under the
conditions of the broad territorial expanses of our country will take place over
a very long period of time while the network will be an inhomogeneous organism
with different levels of development of individual component parts. Therefore
wtien designing thE offices of new systems it is necessary to tak.e into account that
they must be compatible with existing systems.
~ A modern automatic long^distance telephone office and automatic switching center
are large c^:ununications enterprises equipped with a complex system of equipment.
As a rule~ special hu~ldings axe planned to he huilt fox the AMTS ot UAK,
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The ArTTS includes the f ollowing shops: automation and semiautomation; switching;
tecl-?nical servicing of the switching equipment; line equipment shops for,local,
long-distance and zone service; electric power supply and equipment and also input
devices to the outside plant; auxiliary-production and administrative and general.
The composition of the shops and services of the UAK is analogous to that of the
AA1TS except that the UAK does not have local service switching and line equipment
- shops. The problems of designing thP line equipment shops, ~he electric power
supply shop, the outside plant input devices are not considered in this book.
The buildings designed for the AA1TS and UAK must correspond to special requirements
and contain all forms of sanitary engineering and other devices insuring reliable
operation of the equipment and normal working conditi~~ns for the service personnel.
~dhen designing the AMTS and the UAK it is necessary to be guided by the official
normative documents in effect while the design work is being done.
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1,1. General Remarks
The telephone system is one of the most complex component part~s of the XeASS. The
telephone service hardware is undexgoing intensive development~ Quasielectronic
and electronic s}rstems with programmed control are coming to replace the crossbar
systems with register~marker control. Programmed control using specialized compu-
ters expands the operating capabilities of the off ices and centers signif icantly.
Along with intense development of telephony, digital data transmission systems and
networks and also systems and networks for facsimile and phototelegraph transmis-
sion service are being developed.
Under these conditions the formation of the automated telephone service system of ~
thz country must be in accordance with ~tr.ifipd principles providing for efficient
use of. th-a switching systems and high quality of tele~hone service to the nationa~
economy and population of the country. These principles must be taken into account
when designing the telephDne communications faci.liti,es~
1.2. National Automatically Switcfied Telephnne Network
The national automatically switched telephone network Uuilt within the country in--
cludes automatic telephone offices, automatic switching centers, telephone channels,
- interoffice trunks and sets. The purpose of the network is primarily to
transmit telephone conversations, and on replacement o� the telephone sets hy
special terminals, to transmit digital data with an average speed of up to 1200
baud, facsimile and phototel~graphic service.
The national automatically switched telephone network permits calls to be
set up between any two suhscribers in the country~ including from hospital
telephones, PfiX jagency telephone exchanges] and al~o some coin telephones. These
calls must, as a rule, be set up ~aiitomatically. Connections giving the
suhscribers various servi,ces (information calls to obtain the telephone number of
the called subscriher, leaving a message, calling the subscri.her to a public call
off ice, collect calls, and so on) will be set up semiautomatically.
The structure of the automatically switched telephone network and i,ts structural �
princi.ples are closely related to the unified numbering system. The zone number-
ing pri,nci,ple has been adopted in the USSR~ Urrder this ~sy~tem ~ t}ie
entire territory of the country is divided into seven�-digit numbering zones~
Within the seven�-digit numhering zone are the followi.nk:
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Local (city and rural~ telephone net^-.'ks;
Automatic long-distance teleplzone office servicing all subscribers in the zone with
both intrazonal and long distance service (with subscribers from other zones);
Intrazonal network connecting the local networks in the zone to the AMTS,
For long-distazce service each zone is assigned its own number the long-distance~
zone jarea] code. Beginning with the defined numher of zones~ the long~distance
zone code contains three digits. Thus, the longrdis.tance number of a subscriber
~ will consist of 10 digits (the three-~digi.t zone code and seven-digit subscriber
number within the zone), and considering the pref ix for entering the long-distance
network, the number is made up of 11 digits. (The numbering system and plan are
considered in detail in g 1.7.)
The zone tel~phone network is part of the national automatically switched telephone
network and is a system nf intrazonal and local telephone networks located within
- the numbering zone. The intrazonal telephone network is a system of zone telephone
centers and channel groups connecting them to each other and to the local telephone
networks located within the AMTS numbering zone.
All of the AMTS located within the territori~s of the zonal networks will in the
future be terminal offices ef the long-distance telephone network. For tandem
connections on the network, automatic switching centers are created which are not
used for terminal connections. Thus, the longr-distance telephone network is de-
signed for service between the AMTS of different zones and includes the system of
AMTS, UAK and channel groups connecting individual AMTS ta each other, AMTS to the
AUK and the UAK to each other.
In order to insure high quality of the speaking channel, the natiunal automaticaZly
switched telephDne network must be constructed in such a way that calls between
two subscxibers located at any points in this network will pass through no more
than ten tandem switching stations as illustrateii in Figure 1.1; This requirement
imposes defined restrictions on the structure of both the long-distance and local
networks. As is obvious from the diagram in Figure 1.1, on the long~distance net-
work a call can pass through no more than four UAK, and a local rural network
must have only a two--link structure (terminal station OS junction center US and
central off ice TsS) or single~link structure (OS TsS) i.f a zone telephone center
is organized in the zone network.
Let us consider the structural principles of the long--distance~ intrazonal and
local networks in more detail.
1.3. Structure o~ the Automated Long~Distance Telephone Netutqxk.
The cost of the automated long--distance telephone netwoxk faciJ.ities xequixes
that the design ot these facil.ities be hased on principles permf,tt~ng achievement
of their highest use with high service qual~ty wifh minfmum possible expenditures.
The structural diagram o� the long~~iistance telephone network is selected beginning
with the statistical properties of the telephone tra�~ic~ and the power of the
commL:iication channel groups is calculated as a funetion of the call demand. The
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(a) saNOdaa ~d~'m~ a o,voAap
_ . ~b)~MecmHQA 1~~''[c) .�e~rduza~a~Han (e) C~);jh�m - M~mNvA _.~b)
~ ~ ~ ;
~ ~ ~
I ' ~ '
' (f ) Ao ' . ~ ~~--'{}~~~it~U u ~ ~~1,~~~ ~ ~"a3
u ;
r., r i ~ ~ ,
o~cer~e) OC' ~ 1~1~1C A,N~ q~'-AK�C .~Alf�; :AR�! 9Al!-?~ ,~,1JT' ;~C 9~ CC
'(h) (r~podc,ra.4 ~~e) ~c~~r^ Nc o (r ) t S) yBC ~a;
~ ~c
i~ Y~,~y ~e.~a : ~ly) PC ( ? ~Ty ~P ~ ,7'4' :!G 9C
Figur.e 1~1~ Diagram of long-distance automatic
telephone subscriber service with a maximum number
of switching sections.
Key: a. zone g.(rural network) 1. US r. UAK-...
b. local h. (city network) m. RATS s. UVS
- c. intrazonal i. (zone network n. TsS
d. networks S,zith ZTin o. UIS
e. long-distance j. OS p. ZTU
f. Ab = subscriber k. PS q� ~TTS
statistical structure of the traff ic i:s such that high use of the lines is inversely
~ proportional t~ high service qual~,ty~, that i,s, the higher the line load in a group,
the greater the losses of calls as a result of a shortage of availahle lines.
In order to obtain a well-used network and insure high service quality at the same
time it turned out to he expedient to construct networks with organization of di-
rect and~bypass or alternative routiz~gs.The direct high-use chantiel groups are orga-
nized between the AMTS which have sufPicient uniform gravitation, that is, the
total incoming and outgoing traffic on tfie channel groups is no less than 8-10.
- Erlangs. In the general case these channel groups service from 70 to 90% of all
traffic. The "excess" tra~fic not serviced by the direct groups (10-30%) is routed
to the called off ice over alternative paths through the automatically switched tan-
dem centers. As a rule, it is uneconomical to organize direct channel groups be-
tween AMTS with small uniform gravitation, that is, with a total load of less than
8 Erlangs, and calls between such AMTS are set up only through the UAK.
Two classes of tandem centers are organized; UAK-I and UAK~II. The main centers
are UAK~I which are connected to each other by the "each to each" principle by
channel groups of sufficient capacity (ao less than 36-48 channels) on each routing.
- Each UAK-I is connected to several UAK-II, and the latter, to the AMTS.
Figure 1~2 illustrates the structural principle of an automati.c long distance net~
work with dixect and bypass paths. The shorte~t (d~rect~ path Ak' is the hasic
path when setting up calls betr,~zeen two AMTS (A and F)~ All the remaining
paths AEF, ABEP, ABDEF, ABCDEF are bypass routings to which the excess traffic
not serviced by the di_rect path goes. In addition to the basic path up to 4 alter-
nate paths are provided. The longestalternative is the last-choice path (ARCDEF),
because it is the last choice if the basic path and aJ_1 the shorter bypass ~outings
(with a smaller number of tandem connections) are busy~ Cails can be set
up through no more than two centers of one class on the ~lternative trunking.
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yAK-1 yAw�1
C o o D
y~K~l ~ o yAK-I
B i E
. ,
~a~y,sh~D � ~
~ � ~AK~D
P.M~C fMTC ~b~
Figure 1.2, Structural principle of the long~
distance telephone network.
Key; a. UAK-.., b. AMTS
All the channel groups, except the last~choice path, can be calculated for large
- losses (P = 0.1 to Q.3) in order to insure high use of these channels. However,
this is not felt in the quality of servicing the subscribers because all of the
calls not set up over the high-use paths will be set up on Lt~e iast
choice paths which are designed for small losses (P = 0.01). Consequently, with
this structure of the network~high carrying capacity (as a result of the high-use
_ paths) and high service quality (as a result of the last-choice paths) are insured.
- From Figure 1.2 it is obvious that on the long-distance n~etwork a call is
Set up through no more than four centers, that is, it goes through no more
than five switching sections~ This solution ari~es from the general requirement
that in the entire switched network of the country a call not consist of more
than 11 switching sections (see Figure 1.1),
During the initial period of creating the national automatically switched telephone
network, the UAK have still not been built, their functions are left to the AMTS
which will be the terminal--tandem offices.
1~4~ Structure of Intrazonal Telephone Networks
Local (city and rural) telephone networks and automatic long~distance telephone
offices servicing all subscribers of the zone with intrazone, long~distance and
also international service are located within the territory o� a sevenTdigit number-
ing zone. The sizes of the zone territories are selected calculating that the
long-distance subscriber numbering will remain unchanged for a sufficiently long
tiine in the future on the order of SO years, Thus, the total capacity of the
local telephone networl~s within the territory of a zone should not exceed the
possibilities of the seven~digit numbering by ~he end of the given period.
~ Beginning with this f act, tbe maximum prospective capacity of the local zone net-
works is 8 million riumbers (two million out of 10 possitailities are dropped from
~ this capacity as a result of the fact that the first two digits, namely 8 and 0,
_ of the local number are taken as prefixes to enter the long distance network and
for special s~~rvices) .
When _defining the zone boundaries, an e~fort to decrease expenditures required
to organize the zone net~zork was also considered. In this respect it is economi-
. cally expedient that a signi�icant part of the traffic in the network be com-
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pleted with'in the zone houndaries~ Accordingly, in the majority of cases the zone
boundaries match with the administrat~ve oblast, kray and republic (without oblast
division) bound~,ries where the predominate part of the traffic is communications
between administrative center and the rayon organizations subordinate to it. In
- some oblasts, krays and republics, beginning with the prospective telephone
capacity and also considering geographic and other features of the territory, two
zones are organized in each (in individual cases, three).
One or several AMTS are established within the territory of each zone. The f irst
AMTS is located in the administrative center. The expediency of the presence of
- several AMTS in the zone each servicing its own group of local networks is deter-
mined on the basis of ~ feasibility studies ~ of versions of the struct-
ure of the zone network with one or several AMTS. The points at which the AMTS are
located (except one in the administrative center) can be cities having significant
uniform gravitation to other zones.
In the presence of large cities or rayon centers within the territory of a zone
which are independent centers of uniform gravitation of a group of rayons, zone
telephone centers (ZTU) can be organized at these points. The given cenCers con-
nect the local networks of the zone gravitating to each other and provide for con-
nection of them to the A1~STS~ The organization of zone telephone centers is econo-
_ mically expedient only if a signif icant portion of the traffic (no less than 50%) 15
completed within a given group, which insures significant reduction of the number of
lines directed toward the AMTS. Long-distance service is provided through the zone
centers and AMTS of the zone. The local telephone networks of the rural type in-
cluded in the zane center must have single-stage structure of the OS-TsS type,
which is necessary to satisfy the norm with respect to number of switching sections
in a channel of the long-distance telephone subscriber service, Potentially, each
zone center can be converted to a zone AMTS by connecting long--distance channels
to it and expanding its capacity to the required degree.
The lines (channels) of the intrazone network from local networks to the AMTS are
called recording trunks (ZSL), and in the opposite direction~ long--distance trunks
(SLM), Each local rural telephone network is connected by these trunks through the
- TsS to the nearest (base) AMTS or ZTU. All forms of service are provided
over the ZSL and SLM; intrazonal, long-distance and also communications with AMTS
services. The structural principle oF an automatically switched network within the
territory of a zone is illustrated in Figure 1.3 when there is one AMTS and one
- ZTU in the zone.
In the presence of several AMTS in a zone, communications between them are realized
hy the `''each--to~each~' principle~ Each TsS (or ZTU) is connected to its hase AMTS,
and in the presence of uni~orm gravitations, to other AMTS and ZTU o� the zone.
From tlie point of view of constructing the long--distance network, all the AMTS
= located within a zone are equivalent and are joined to other 9MTS in accordance with
the structural principles of the long-distance telephone network~ Here it is con-
sidered that only one AMTS of the zone participates in an outgoing long-distance
call ~ The structural principle of the automatically switched telephone net~
work within a zone is illustrated in Figure 1.4 where there are several AMTS in the
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IIpAMb/~ A'QHQJ1b1
K AMTC dpytux 30H
/ C~~. K ~JAK \
. / (b~ ,
I ~ pArc ~ yBCM ~
f (.d) n
( PA~C~ !?f1C (h)
~ y~~~. ~ , l .
~ ~
. !Ty (j) '
\ ~ cnM ~
\uO (s'c x u~ )
OC /
\ OC y~ Ol a'
OC (1)
Figure 1.3. Struc.tural principle of a zone network
wi,th one AMTS and one ZT.UI long~distance net~
work channels; r..r.~ the same, intrazonal telephone
network; GTS boundary; the same, intrazonal
network; ehe same, zonal network.
Key~ a, direct chann~ls to the AMTS of other zones
b. to the UAK
i c. WSM h. AMTS
i d. RATS i. ZSL
' e. SLM j~ ZTU
' f. UISM k~ TsS
; g. GTs 1. OS
I (a) K yAH ~d~
_i ~ ~yT'
I Cb AMIC 00~2UX
, 3CM
' ~ o
~ u~ p AM7C
u~ ~
~C) My O p q~
~ AMrc
~ uc � o uc
Figure 1~4. Structural principle of a zone network
, with several AMTS.
Key; a. to the UAK d~ to the AMTS of other
b. AMTS zones
c. TsS
The central offices of local rural telephone networks are located, as a rule,
in the rayon centers where the long~-distance offices providing the subscrihers of
the rayon with long-distance telephone service are located. The transition to the
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automatic (zone) service ineans, that ATS subscri.bers i,z~ the ra~~on will be able to
be connected over the ZSL and SLii directly tfirough the A,TS isS and the AP~S, by-
- passing the rayon center r1TS by dialing the long--distance number. Accordingly, as
the automatic (zone) communications develop, tfie functions and, consequently, the
~ volume of indicated MTS will be reduced to a minimum required for servicing only
the types of calls which cannot be set up automatically.
During the initial period of development of zone telephone networks, the local net-
work automation level will be different in different rayons of one zone. On the
fully automated local networks the ATS subscribers are ahle to have outgoing and
incoming service (long-distance and intrazonal) automatically via TsS and AMTS
over the ZSL and the SLi~i. On partially automated local networks where in addition
= to the ATS, there are still manual telephone offices RTS, the ATS subscribers
obtain service automatically, and the RTS subscribers enter the long-distance net-
work by the outgoing semi-automatic service channels through the MTS equipment of
the rayon center. The subscribers of unautomated rural network.s receive long-
distance service over the semiautomatic and manual service channels via the switch-
ing equipment of the rayon center MTS.
Automatic outgoing intrazonal and long~distance service are realized via rhe ICT
subscriber patch cord of the local telephone offices over the ZSL, obtaining ~
dial tone after dialing the prefix to enter the AMTS. For incoming service, t;~e
long-distance patch instruments of the local ATS and SLM are used.
For intrazonal, long-distance and international automatic service, the number and
category of the calling subscriber a~~e determined automatically. The local networks
must be equipped with equipment for automatic determination of the number and
category of the calling subscriber AON. The organization of automatic service -
_ by the method.where the subscriber placing the call dials his own number is per-
mitted temporarily. On rural networks only a single method of determining the
number of th~ calling subscriber should be used both for t'ne TsS stibscribers and
for the OS and US subscribers of the given rural network~
Considering that the transition to automatic service in the zone is taking place
gradually, provision is made for the possibility of entry to the AMT.S by
the telephone operators of the rayon center MTS both over the common ZSL group with
thc~ subscribers and over a separate long~distance channel group. .
Provision is made for links between operators between all the AMTS and UAK of the
long-distance network and also between the AMTS and ZTU of the zone. For this pur--
pose, order-circuit ATS have been installed at all the AMTS, UAK and ZTU. The
connection between the order-circuit ATS entering into the AMTS of different zones
will be realized over ordinary long-distance channels without al~.ocation of special
lines. The subscribers of the order-circuit ATS are the maintenance and engineer--
ing-technical personnel. No provision is made for communications between the public
network subscribers and the order-circuit ATS subscribers.
1.5. Structure of City and Rural Telephone Networks
City telephone networks, depending on their capacity, are divided into the follow�-
ing types:
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1. Nonregionalized telephone netGrorks. These include networks having only one
ATS. The rated capacity of sucfi netw~orks does not exceed 8000 numbers; the sub-
- scriber numbering is four--digit.
2. Regionalized telephone networks without junction forma.tion. On these networks
there are several rayen ATS, the total rated capacity of which does not exceed
80,000 numbers. Ce~ls are ~et up between thE~se ATS by the "each-to-each"
principle. The subscriber numbering is five--digit.
_ 3. The regionalized telephone networks with incoming traffic junctions. T:~ase
networks consist of several :,::~:~red~thousand junction districts, with a rated ca-
pacity of no more than 80,OGJ nuu:bers each. 2~~ connections between offices
within the junction district are nade by the "each~-*o-each" principle or through a
center, and connections wi*iz off3~es of other junction districts, through the in-
coming service centers WS. `Ihe total rated capacity of the network does not
exceed 800,000 numbers. Subscriber numbering is six-digit.
4. The regionalized telephone networks with incoming and outgoiang service centers
are being built on the basis of 100-thousand junction districts which are combined
into million groups. The connections between the offices of the different junction
districts of the network are made via the outgoing service center UIS, selecting
the million group, and via the incoming service center, selecting the corresponding
hundred-thousand subscriber groiip. The total rated capacity of the network does
not exceed 8 million numbers. The subscriber numbering is seven^digit.
For outgoing long-distance service, each rayon ATS of the city telephone network is
connected to AMTS vi,a the ZSL. Depending on the total capacity o� the city~ network
and the territorial location of the rayon ATS, the ZSL can be routed to the AMTS
either by a direct group or via a long-distance outgoing service center UISM. In
the case of direct serv~ce, network centers (UZSL) with or without mixing selectors
jhunting switches] can be organized. The choice of the version of organizing the
ZSL is substantiated by engineering economic calculations when desi,gning the net-
works. The incoming long~distance service to city network subscribers is provided
over the SLM via the incoming long distance service centers WSM~
The primary method of coupling the ATS to the AMTS over the ZSL is coupling without
intermEdiate senders. The latter are used only for coupling to the AMTS~2 and
AMTS-3 off ices.
The telephone networks of nearby suburbs are part of the city networks, The re-
mote suburb networks are also heing graduall}r included in the city telephone net-
works by the principle of rayon or agency networks. For service to remote suburbs
included in the city telephone network, a rural~suburban outgoing and incoming
service center has been organized in the network.
On rural telephone networks (STS) either the radial structure is used by which the
rural termi.nal telephone off ices (OS) are coupled directly to the rayon center
telephone office (TsS) ~r radial~~unction structure by which the OS are coupled to .
the junction centers which,in turn, are connected to the TsS of the rayon cen-
ter. The central office of the STS lo~ated, as a rulep in the rayon center, is
simultaneously a city telephone office of the rayon center. Depending on the
structure of the STS, the TsS equipment includes trunks ~rom the US or from the
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The junction centers US are located in the populated areas of the rural district
which are centers of uniform gravitation of the nearby offices. The US equipment
includes *_runks from several OS joined b}r tfiis center, and a common SL group to
the TsS.
The terminal off ices OS are located in all of the rest of the populated areas in
the rural district. The trunks from the OS, depending on the structure of the
STS network are routed either to the US or to the TsS.
The necessity for organizing junction centers in the STS is substantiated by
feasibility studies when designing the STS. In the STS which are included
in the zone telephone junctions, the structure of the STS can only be single-step
The interoffice trunks of the STS are common to _ local and long-distance service.
Both outgoing and incoming long-distance calls are made over these li.nes. All of
- the long-distance calls of STS subscribers are made via the TsS independently
of the method of setting up the long~distance call (automatic, semiautoma�-
tic or manual). In the case of automatic long~distance and intrazonal service,
the corresponding matching systems for connection to the AMTS are installed at the
rayon center TsS. The type of system, is determined by the type of line and the
signaling system.
1.6. Communications with Departmental Telephone Off ices and Mobile Units
Departmental telephone offices located within cities and rayons are connected to
t:i~ local telephone networks by the agency"s telephone service system. The sub-
scr=bers of the departmental telephone offices having the authority to enter the
public network, are granted long-distanc~ and intrazonal telephone service just ~~s
ordinary local network subscribers under the condition of installing AON equipm~nt
at these departmental offices. If necessary, some number of departmental office
subscribers can be given priority, that is, priority service on the long-distance
and zonal networks in the case of overloads or other unfavorable situations on the
Departmental telephone net~�rorks can be connected to the AMTS with zone privileges
aiid assignment of the long-distance code ABC or with hundred-thousand center
privileges and assignment� of the intrazone code ab. Calls are set up over
the long-distance channels or over the ZSL and SLM.
Communications with mobile units passengers on trains, river and ocean--going
vessels, interurban buses, aircraft, motor vehicles and vazious moving machinery
used in the national economy is organized by various radio telephone and switch~ng
equipment Radio telephone service between mobile units and also between mobile
units and public network subscribers is provided using the ARS subscriber radios
and central radios TsRS with switching and radio equipment systems. For individual
mobile service systems, mnbile service switching centers UKPS are organized through
which the zonal ~nd long~distance networks are accessed.
1.7. Long--Distance Numbering
In accordance with the numbering ~�t~les adopted in the l:aSR, the entire country
~ is divided into seven-digit numbering zones. Trlhen setting up calls within
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a zone the subscriher must dial a sev2n.-digit number of the abxxxxx type. In this
number the first two digits (ah~ are the intrazonal code which is assigned to the
rural network of the rayon or city network with less than 100,000 subscribers or the
100-thousand rayon of laroer city telephone networks. The remaining five digits are
the local number of the rural or city network or the 100-thousand rayon of the city
network. Only eight digits out of the p~ssible ten cau ba used as the first digit
of the seven-digit number (a): "0" and "8" cannot be used for subscriber numbers
because the special services numbers (O1, 02, 03, and so on) begin with "0," and
"8" has been selected as the prefix for connection tQ the~AMTS. Consequently, the
number of subscribers in the zone cannc.t exceed 8 million numbers.
For long-distance service each zone is assigned a three-digit long~distance area
cod~ of the ABC type. The long-distance number of a subscriber will therefore con- ten numbers: ABCabxxxxx, and considering the prefix for connection to the AM1'S
"8," it contains 11 digits, For service within the zone instead of the ABC code,
the pref ix "2" is used, Thus, when setting up a call to a subscriber in
another zone, the subscriber must dial a number of the type 8ABCabxxxxx, and for
service with a subscriber in his awn zone, a number of the type 82abxxxxx. In this
case, after dialing the prefix "8," the subscriber will hear a buzzing dial tone.
When calling the subscribers of a city telephone network (GTS) of an oblast center
where there are no AMTS, it is temporarily permissible to supplement the local
subscriber number with zeros to make it a seven-digit nsmber. For example, when
calling the subscriber with a five~digit number, the number ABCOOxxxxx is dialed.
The subscriber is connected to the long~distance service telephone operators of the
AMTS in the case of manual and semiautomatic s~rvice after dialing the Lollowing
digits: 811,,.818, where 11...18 are the two-digit codes for long distance ser-
Subscribers of mobile units connected directly to the AMTS are called 'oy dialing
- the following nL.mberst in the case of long-distance service 8ABCabxxxxx, and in
= the case of intrazonal service, 82abxxxxx where the special code "90" is allocated
as the ab. This code denotes access to the mobile service networks.
In the case of service traffic between the AMTS and UAIC, the subscribers of the
order-circuit ATS dial a number of the type 8ABCOx x~c where ABC is the [areaJ code
of the zone within which the called order~circuit lATS is located; xl is the ord'er-
circuit ATS code; xxx is the number of tfie order-circuit AT; subscriFer, For
communications with order-circuit ATS subscribers inside the zone, a"1" is
- dialed instead of ABC.
In order to obtain a~atomatic international service, the subscriber must dial "810"
and the international subscriber number of the called country. The subscrioers are
- connected to the service telephon~~ operators of an international office with manual
or semiautomatic service after dialing 819x, where 1~ is the prefix accessin6 the
international service, and x is the prefix accessing a defined language group or
other services. The ABC codes have been assigned to all international offices for
accessing the international offices of a country over the long-distance channel.s
of the national network, ,
~ Special three-digit ABC codes 441-444, 440 have been allocated for connection to
various type:.: of monitoring and testing devices included in the AMTS and UAK.
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Ttie unified numbering system developed for tfie entire country imposes defined
requirements on the local telephone network numbering system. Closed numbering of
public telephones must be used in the GTS. The number of digits of the subscriber
numbers wi:.l in this case depend on the network capacity, that is, the number of
telephones included in the given network. The GTS capacity is determined by the
number of FBX ATS subscribers (having the privilege of connection to the
- GTS) and the suburban ATS. The city telephone networks must have large reserves
of numbering capacity because of unavaidable losses in the numbering. The use co-
efficient ot the r.umber capacity wili be approximately.60 to 70%.
In individual cases the number of the city network is selected not only beginning
with the network capacity, but also considering the specific conditions connected
with the network configuration. In such cases the choice of the number of digits
in the number is substantiated by engineering-economic calculations.
In the GTS, each rayon ATS joins a 10-thousand group of subscribers. The subscriber
number is formed from the intraoffice four-digit number and the rayon ATS code.
The local subscriber number is part of the seven--digit zone number abxxxxx. In the
case of seven-digit local numbering, the local and zone numbers coincide, and the
rayon ATS code will_ in this case consist of three digits abx. According to the
long~distance numbering plan, each GTS i~ allocated as many intrazonal codes ab as
full or incomplete 100-thousand groups in the GTS considering its 50-year develop-
~ In cities with regionalized telephone networic which are simultaneously rayon centers
of rural rayons, rural~suburban GTS centers are organized which also perform the
functions of the rural network TsS. The numbering of the rural subscribers is
included in the GTS numbering. For access to the AMTS, the rural network subscriber
dials the TsS access prefix; then after receiving the dial tone he dials an "8" for
access to the AMTS.
y On the rural telephone networks the numbering must be constructed in such a way that
any connections from tfie rural ray~on TsS to the subscribers of other offices of
their rayon are realized on the basis of information about five digits of the
interoffice number of the called subscriber. This is needed to match the rural
- numbering with the zone and long~distance numbering. Any rural network subscriber
must be given the possibility of connection to the special services of the rayon
center and accessing the AMTS over the ZSL. The closed f ive-digit numbering can
be used on networks equipped with ATS K~100/2000 type rural off ices having five-
digit subscriber senders On the remaining rural networks open numbering can be
used in which the intraoffice number depends on the capacity of the ATS and can
contain from two to f ive digits. Interoffice service is realized in this case by
dialing f.ive-digit numbers which are formed by adding the ATS code to the intra-
office number. In all cases the TsS subscribers call any network subscriber by
dialing a five-digit number. The AMTS are accessed by dialing the prefix "8."
Each rural network is assigned an intrazonal code ab which, together with the five-
digit number of the rural network subscriber fo_ms a seven~-digit zone number.
To implement the numbering system, a long-distance plan for zone
networks within the territory of the USSR has been adopted~ The plan defines the
values of the ABC codes for all zones. The distributioti of the ABC codes is made
- considering the network development over a 50-year period. Inasmuch as changes in
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administrative division~ telephone gravi.tat~on di.stribution, network capacity, and
' so on can occur over this period, suff~cient reserves fiave been left in the ABC
code numbering. Within the territory of certain administrative units (oblasts,
krays and republics~here the proposed network capacity will exceed the possibilities
� of one zone (or there are other specific conditions), the plan calls f~r creation
of a second zone in the future, and in individual cases, a third zone, for which
the corresponding ABC codes are reserved.
The long-distance numbering plan is presented in appendix 1.
1,8. Communication with International Offi,ces
~ The entire territory of the world has been divided into several switching zones
_ "telephone continents." At the load center cf a"telephone continent," an ST-1
type international telephone office has been installed which is a f irst category
office and must be provided with all forms of international intercontinental ser-
vice. The range of this international office is the ST-1 switching zone.
In the switching zone, in addition to the f irst category offices there are second
- (ST-2) and third (ST~3) category~ international offices, In contrast to the ST-1,
the ST--2 and ST~3 offices can not have intercontinental types of communications.
The range of the ST--2 can be limited to the territory of one country. In countries
with a very large territory there can be several ST-2 zones, and sometimes the
ST-2 zone joins several countries. As a rule, the range of the ST-3 is Iimited to
the territory of one country~
The ST-1 international offices are joined to each other by ttie "each~to-each"
principle. For coupling the ST-1 to the ST-2 and also the ST--2 to all the ST-3 of
its switching zone, the number of channels must insure high service quality, that
is, be designed for low loss level. The number o� channels for coupling the ST-1
to the ST-2 of another switching zone must be designed for high use of them.
The boundaries of the switching zones on putting the new international telephone
offices ST-1, ST-2 and ST-3 into operation can vary depending on the nature of the
international exchange traffic distribution.
The International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (MKKTT) has de-
veloped a world numbering system for a global automatically switched telephone
network, This system takes into account the characteristic features of the long-
distance telephone networks of the various countries and, at the samP time, corre-
sponds to the general structural principles of the world network. In order to
assign the various countries an international code, the territory of the world has
been divided into numbering zones. Each of these zones is assigned a single-digit
code: "1" .lorth and Central America (without Cuba); "2" Africa; "3" and "4"
Europe; "5" South America and Cuba; "6" Asia Minor, Australia, Oceania;
"7" the USSR; "8" Central Asia and the Far East; "9" India and the Near
- East.
In each of the indicated zones the countries are assigned one, two and three-digit
codes, the first digit of which is a single-digit zone jareaJ code. Here the num-
ber of digits in the international number must not exceed 11 (in the future, 12).
In accordance with this principle the countries or regions with ten-~digit
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long-distance subscriber number are assigned single~digit codes (the USSR "7";
USA, Canada, Mexico "'1'``) , the countries arith ninerdigit number are assigned t~ac-
digit codes (for example, the majority of countries in Europe), and the countries
with eight-,digi,t nu~bers, threerdi.git codes,
For outgoing a~stomati~ international service the subscriher must dial the AMTS
access prefix '`8" and, receiving a dial tone from the AMTS equipment, the prefix
for accessing the automatic inrernational network "10," and then the complete in-
ternational number of the called sul~scriber. When calling subscribers on the long-
distance network of the USSR, the subscribers of other countries must dial a number
of the type 7ABCabxxxxx.
One ST-1 international telephone office, which is the centerof the telephone conti-
ne~i~ of Eastern Europe, is installed in Moscow, In addition, in the future the
installation of several ST-2 international offices is possible within the national
network of the USSR,
The ST-1 international office will be connected by direct paths to all of the TS-1
ofFices of other telephene continents and all the ST--2 offices of our country and
other countries entering into the teleptione continent of ~astern Europe. The ST-2
offices will be connected with the international ST--1 of other telephone continents
and with the ST~2 offices of their own and other telephone continents, to which
there is suff iciently great uniform gravitation, The installatioz of international
- offices ST-3 within the territory of the USSR is not planned,
The territory of the Soviet Union is divided intu operating zones of the inrerna-
tional office. In each such zone an international office ST-1 or ST-2 is installed
which is the base office for accessing the international network. In order to in-
- sure the required service quality, the number of switchable sections in the inter-
national connection channel to the base international office must not exceed six.
It is proposed that the outgoing AMTS be coupled to the base international office
over direct paths or via automatic switching centers. In this case each interna-
tional office is assigned an international ABC code by the numbering plan.
Information about an international connection (the internati~nal number of the
called subscriber and the national number of the calling subscriber 22 digits)
w~11 be recorded in the international register of the outgoing AMTS. For analysis
of the long distance code of an international office, the plan calls for using r.he
register-decoding equipment of the A1~iTS and UAK for connection with the base inter-
national off ice. The international number on the national network will be trans-
mitted to the international office without analysis after settinR i~p the �
cnll It is proposed that the rate will be set for calls at the outgoing long-
distance ofEice.
The international traffic goes through the international channel network
to the international offices ST-1 and ST-2 of the USSR. For incoming automatic. and
semiautomatic international service the information about the number of the called
subscriber (the national number of the USSR subscriber consists of ten digits -
ABCabxxxxx) is transmitted to the incoming international sender of the ST-1 or ST-2
office. The international office sender together with the decoder, analyzing one,
two, three or five of the first digits of the national number of the called sub-
scriber determines the path over which the call will be routed through the terri-
tory of the country. If the incoming international call has reached the base
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internutional office, it is routed to the incoming AMTS over direct paths or via
automatic switching centers. I� the incom~ng international call has not reached
= the base international office, then it is routed to it over the international
- channel network and then to the incoming AMTS.
- Special auxiliary equipment will be installed at the AMTS for communicating with
the international off ices.
1.9. Types of Office and Center Equipment
The equipment of the off ices and centers in the national automatically switched
telephone network must correspond with respect to its basic operating and technical
capabilities to the basic requirements of the system of this network. In particu-
lar, in the offices and centers of both long--distance and local networks switch-
ing of the telephone channels must be provided not only for transmission of tele-
phone calls, but also digital data, facimile and phototelegraphic service. Long-
distance telephone calls must be set up with priority for subscribers of individual
categories. If the direct service paths are busy, pr~vision must be made for the
possibility of automatic switching of the call to byFass routings. The methods of
transmitting line and ccntrol signals and also the switching and control unit sys-
tents of the off ices and centers must take into account high quality of the talk
channel and minimum call setup time.
- These and other system requirements are satisf ied in the equipment of the following
types: AMTS-4 and UAK of the mechanoelectronic system; ARM-20 type AI~TS of the
crossbar system; AMTS KE and UAK of the quasielectronic system.
The AMTS-2 and AMTS-3 type offices of the crossbar system are also in operation on
the long-distance network. Although they do not correspond to all the requirements
of the national automatically switched network, they provide for automation of the
long-distance service in its first stages. The initial phase of organization of
automatic long-distance telephone service on individual routings is realized using
the AMTS-1M eq~.iipment of the ten-step system which will be replaced later.
~11 of the indicated types of AMTS and UAK (except the AMTS-1M) will operate on the
- network jointly for a long time.
The development of local telephone offices in the near f uture will take place on
_ the basis of crossbar equipment improved ATS KU for the city networks and the
K-100/2000 ATS for the rural networks. A significant numher of ten~step ATS are
in operation. The quasielectronic ATS is a prospective syatem.
1.10. Methods of Transmitting Line and Control Signals
The following procedures are recommended on the long-distance telephone network
for transmitting line signals~
single-frequency on a frequency of 2600 hertz (AMTS--4 and ARM-20);
a common signaling channel OKS (AMTS KE);
_ two-frequency on frequencies of 1200 and 1600 hertz (AN~TS~1M), AMTS~2, AMTS~3,
semiautomatic service equipment).
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The following methods o~ transmi,tting l~ne si.gnals axe used on the intrazonal net-
battery (over physical three and �our ~vire lines);
frequency on a 260~ hertz frequency~;
frequency on 3800 hertz over the allocated signal channel;
over a common signaling channel (ATS E).
The following procedures are recommended for transmitting control signals in the
long-distance and zonal networks:
multifrequency on frequencies of 70~, 900, 1100, 130Q, 1500 and 1700 hertz (AMTS-4,
aver a common signaling channel (AMTS Ke);
ten-step method (for communications with the AMTS~2 and AMTS-3 and for operation
with the ten-step ATS~.
- Sound signals are transmitted in the form of buzzer signals and recorded voices.
The signal systems are discussed i.n more detail in j4].
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2.1. Research
The construction of the AMTS (UAK) facilities requires significant capital ir~vest-
ments; therefore the design of the system must be based on feasibility ~
studies " confirming the necessity and economic expediency of building a new
AriTS for a given city. Tfie purpose of the feasibility studies
- (TEO) is also the deveZopment of technical designs insuring high quality of service
and the greatest cost benefit from building the office considering the maximum
possible use of existing facilities.
For development of the TEO, research work is done at the construction site for the
proposed ~S. The purpose of this research is preparation of initial data re-
quired to design the AMTS. A composite group of specialists in dif�erent areas
(switching equipment, transmission systems, power supply and electric power, line,
civil constructi~n, and so on), each of which studies and prepares material in his
area, is sent to research the proposed construction site. In particular, the
civil construction specialist studies the problem of the Fa.cilities for the future
AMTS the possibility of using available facilities or the necessity for building
a new building. In the latter case, the investigator solves the problem of selec-
ting the site for the building and other problems connected with it together with
the local organizations.
- When selecting the building site, the primary criterion must he minimum expenditures
on constructing service line~. The best version from this point of view is a site
directly adjacent *_o the existing MTS building. In this case, technical solutions
using existing equipment for joint operation with the new office become the most
economical also.
The investigation with respect to the switching - shop has the purpose of prepar-
ing initial materials for calculating the AMTS equipment for the future period and
also for solving the problems of organizing the coupling of the elesigned office to
the local telephone networks and other facilities within its city and zone for the
same period. In addition, duxing the investigation it is necessary tv study and .
prepare data for determining the capacity and structure of the designed AMTS for
the period of its introduction into operation considering provision for switching
channels and conversion to the new service system without interfering with existing
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The initial mater%als ~oz calculati,ng the of~i,ce e~uipment or the indices character-
izing the long~distance telepfiDne traff~,c of the given city. The basic statistical
data on the annual traff ic on eacfi routirig tfie concentration factor, the
average call length, the average number of attempts to set up one call are initially
used when calculatin~ the long--distance traf�ic during development of the master
plans for development of long distance and intrazonal networks. For calculating
the APTTS equipment these data must be supplemented by analysis of the uniform gravi-
tation distribution, that is, the percentage ratio of the traffic flows from differ-
ent sources to different groups of outgoing routings.
The following traff ic flows are created at the AMTS:
1) from the GATS subscribers of its city to the STS subscribers of its zone and
_ other zones;
2) from the STS subscribers (through the TsS) of the rayon of its zone to the sub-
scribers of other rayons of its zone, the GATS and other zones;
3) from the subscribers of other zones to the GATS subscribers, STS subscribers and
- subscribers of other zones (tandem calls).
The traffic coming from each of these three source groups is provisionally taken as
100%. On the basis of analyz~ng statistical data, the proportion of the traffic
falling in each group of outgoing routings is discovered.
In order to develop design solutions with respect to organizing the startup system
of the designed AMTS, the investigation materials must include a list of all rout-
ings of the long-line (long-distance) and intraoblast (intrazonal) service included
- in the existing MTS, with indicaLion of the number of channels on each routing and
the method of servicing them and also indication of the a~iount of immediate develop-
ment for the period before starting up the AMTS. Data on the composition and state
of existing equipment, the system for organizing communications with local telephone
oFfices and other f acilities are needed for the same purpose.
All the documents included in the survey materials are compiled by defined united
forms, and they are checked bv responsible workers of the investigated long-distance
office. The detailed composition of the materials, the forms f or the documents and
instructions for filling them out are contained in the effective instructions for
performing the investigations and surveys developed by the "Giprosvyaz Institute.
The survey materials are put together in a separate volume which is stored in the
design organization archive.
2.2, Feasibility Studies
After studying the survey materials and the calculated data of the master plans for
development of the long--distance and intrazonal networks defining the prospective
and installed capacity of the AMTS, the possible versions are investigated with
respect to types of construction: expansion of the office in the exi~sting build-
- ing, construction of an annex to the existing bL.ilding or constructioi: of a new
building for the AMTS. In order to select the optimal version, a comparative
analysis is made of the technical solutions with respect to these versions con-
sidering the prospects for development and also a comparison is made between their
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~ indices, By the compari.son results the opt~znal versi,on is selected and substan-
tiated which insures the F~est quality~o~ techn~,cal solutions and the most effective
economic indices.
With respect to the switching shop, the type of equipment for the designed AMTS is
selected and substantiated on the basis of data on the installed and prospective
capacities of the AMTS. In order to make feasibility comparison of the versions,
preliminary consolidated calculations of the office equipment for installed and
prospective capacity are performed, the list and sizes of the engineering and
- production facilities of the switching shop are determined. In order to determine
the total capacity and sizes of the areas for electric power plants, a preliminary
calculation of the current intake to power the office equipment is made.
In the TEO [feasibility study] stage, a study is also made of the expediency and
possible versions of using the equipment of the existing MTS either for joint
operation with the new AMTS or for inclusion of the existing equipment (completely
or partially) in the new AMTS. Simultaneously the possible versions of organizing
~ communications with local telephone networks and other facilities are considered.
As a result of the f easibility comparison of the investigated versions, the optimal
structure of the designed AMTS is selected.
After approval of the TEO materials and conclusions by the USSR Ministry of Communi-
cations, they become the initial documents for developing the AMTS design. The
design process can take place either in one phase (contract-detail desi~n) or in
two phases (contract design and detail drawings), depending on the size and complex~
ity of the facility. The staging of the design development is established by the
design assignment.
2.3. Composition and Content of the Desi~n
The purpose of the design is a concise discussion and suhstanti.ation of the techni-
cal solutions with respect to creating the AMTS (UAK) facilities, def inition of
the composition and the quantity of all types of equipment and materials for
ordering from industry, determination of the cost of the facilities and their cast
benefit, development of different diagrams, tables, drawings and other materials
required to perform the construction and installation operations.
The explanatory note to the design includes the following:
the decisions made are briefly formulated with regard to selection of the type of
~fTS, its prospective capacity, for which the size of the building and installed
capacity are calculated (with a table of the number of channels and traffic on the
routings of the long-distance and intrazonal networks appended), with respect to
the structure of the office, organization of its communications with local city and
rural telephone networks and other facilities (with a structural diagram of the
office and service organizational schematics appended), and with respect to method
of using the equipment of the existing MTS;
resu.lts are presented from the complete and precise calculations of the office
_ equipment (the calculation itself can be not appended to the design but stored in
the design organization archive);
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brie~ explanation~ are pres~ented vn tfiE pecul~,ax~,tie$ o~ the arrangement of the
equipment cons.idering prospects ~or tfie development o~ tl~e off~,ce (wfth equipment
placement plans appended);
solutions are formulated with respect to organizing the construction of the startup
system providing for putting the new AMTS ~.nto operation without interfering with
existing service (with the switching- diagrams and plans appended);
results are presented from a precise calculation of the current consumption to run
the equipment (on each routing) required to design the electric power plant and
also for calculating the current distribution network of the office;
recommendations are made with respect to organizing the technical maintenance, and
results are presented for calculating the number of technical personnel.
In order to determine the office cable consumption required to install the office
equipment, cable connection tables are com~iled on the basis of equipment functional
and wiring diagrams. These tables indicate the laid sections of cables, their
lengths and the locations where the ends are connected. Simultaneously with the
cable tables, circuit diagrans are developed for the cables to equipmene of all
types. The arrangment of the cables included in the intermediate distributing
frames IDF, is depicted on the front view drawings of these panels~
~ A detailed list of design materials and the procedure for filling them out are
regulated by the effective standards developed by the "Giprosvyaz Institute.
When compiling the design materials it is necessary to consider the following fact.
The process of intensive development of switching equipment occuring at the present
time is accompanied by a significant number of new concepts and terras. In order to
avoid different interpretations of the same concepts, special all--union state
. standards have been developed for terms and definitions jl, 2]. The technical
terms used when compilin~ the text and grapi~ic materials of the design must corre--
spond strictly to these all-union state standards. In naming the diagrams it is
necessary to adhere to the classification indicated in All-Union State Standard
- 2.701-68. In this document it is recommended, for example, that the term "struc-
tural diagram" be used in place of the previously used "block diagram."
Another recommended term "fu~ic~ional diagram" corresponds to the type of diagrani on
wliich def ined processes occurring in individiial functional cizcuits are illustrated
(for example, the relay rersponse circuit connecting two devices together), The
term "general diagram" is used for a simplified representation of the component
parts of the system jojned together at the operating location.
2.4. Lists and Estimates
A necessary part of a design is the documents for ordering equipment and the esti-
mates de.fining the cost of acquiring and installing this equipment. The indicated
documents are filled out in two forms:
the order specifications designed for placing orders for equipment, ttie manufacture
of which will take a long time;
lists compiled by the consolidated nomenclature for the equipment, includ-
ing general office, imported and nonstandardized devices, fittings, cable and othF:r
products in mass and series production~
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The order speci,�icati,ons and l~,sts. are camp~led on the basi,s of calculating the
equipment and cables, and tfie}r conta:L~i a complete, deta~,led list of all elements
of the equipment and cables required to put togetfier and install the office. In
the~e lists and specifications the complete nomenclature of products, the manu-
facturer, the plant or catalog number of the product, the number of units, and so
on are indicated,
The cost of equipment and insta~lation operations are determined using estimates
, compiled on the basis of off icial documents effective at the time of designing the
office: price lists, special orders of the USSR Communications Ministry, and so
on. The equipment estimate includes all of the equipment elements listed in the
order specif ications and lists, and the installation estimate, a complete list of
the installation operations, operations o� adjustment and breakin of installed
equipment and also fdr service switching _ and introduction of the office as
a whole into operation. When compiling the equipment estimates, mark-ups are
added for packaging, transport expenses, procurement and warehousing expenses and
so on. When compiling the installation estimates, the corresponding mark-ups are
_ The order specifications, lists and estimates are compiled on defined -standard forms
which are presented in the standards for AMTS design.
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3,1. General Remarks
Teletraffic theory which forms the basi.s for calculating the number of channels
and switching equipment has been discussed quite completely in numezous. published
sources j5, 6, 7, 8]. In this chapter only~ a brief discussion is presented of the
_ engineering methods of calculat~ng the number of channels for the long-distance
and intrazonal networks, the service quality characteristics and the general prin- ~
ciples of calculating the volume of AMTS and UAK equipment.
3.2. Procedure for Calculating the Number of Long-Distance Telephone Network
_ The calculation of the number of long~dista.nce telephone network channels is based
on predicting the load f or the investigated.future. When predicting the load, the
inf luence of various .factoxs such as the development of the national economy,
population growth, increased telephone density (number~oftelephones per 100 resi-
dents) and the development and improvement of the long--distance telephone service
means on the growth of long-distance traff ic is taken into account.
The number of channels on a routing is determined as a function of the traffic on ~
this routin g, the quality norms, service discipline and a number of other factors.
~ The load on a group of channels on a routing depends, in turn, on the expected
number of long~distance calls un the given routing reali2ed during the peak load
- hour (PLH) and the average time the channel is busy for one call.
In order to calculate the number of long-distance calls during the PLH, the annual
long-distance telephone traffic is first determined, that is, the expected number
of long distance calls for the last year of the designed period aprospective' The
- existing long-distance traffic on the given routing (hy statistical data for the
last preceding year) 4exist is taken as the initial value for the calculation.
For consideration of all factors influencing the prospective increase in traffic
corapared to the existing traffic, the corresponding coeff icients are introduced:
kn~ the development of the national economy (growth of national income); kPoP
the increase in population; ktd the increase in telephone density; kqual
the improvement of long~distance service quality (conversion to a high.speed or
_ direct service system),
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- The values o� the caef~i,cients k and k axe determined hy the materi,als from
nc. pop
local planning agencies ohtained during tfie survey~s and the coefficient ktd, by
the effective telephone density norms for the investigated future. The coefficient
kqual is taken as 1.5 on conversion from the delay~-basis to the no-delay service
system, and on conversion from the delay~basis system to high-speed service the
coeff icient is 1.5�1.5 = 2.25.
Thus, the amount of prospective annual long-distance traffic is determined from the
k k k k calls/year.
expression QProspective - Qexist nc pop td qual
In order to find the amount of traffic in the PLH, the annual traffic is recalcu�-
lated to the average diurnal traffic. Here nonuniform traffic distribution by
seasons of the year is taken into account, for which Q is divided not by
365 days but provisionally by 300 days. Then the average diurnal traffic is recal-
culated by the concentration f actor 1cPLH to get the PLH traffic. The value of the
concentration factor is determined by statistical materials in the survey process.
In the majority of cases 1cPLH = 0.1.
When determining the average time the long~distance channel is busy for one call
TP, it is necessary to consider the presence of repeated calls, for they increase
the load on the network. The appearance of repeated calls is explained by the fact
that in any phase of setting up a call (ATSout^~Sour-UAK-AMTSin-ATSin) it can be
lost either as a result of the absence of fre~ connecting paths in the initial and
intermediate links of the system or as a result of the called subscriber's being
~ busy or not answering in the last link, The lost call in the majority of cases
will lead to repeated calls which increases the total time the long-distance channel
is busy to complete one call.
The influence of repeated calls depends tp a signifi,cant degree on the size of the
- losscs a5sumed in the :.u~.CL11aL1.0I1. Consid;.rins that Lilc numbtX of chann?i~ _~n rhe
last choice path must provide for (by the standards) a loss prohability of no more
than 0.01, the influence of repeated calls will be correspondingly small in the
first links of the long-distance c:all channel. However, in the last phase
the ATS on the incoming end where the call losses as a result of the called sub-
scriber's being busy or not answering or for any other reason cannot be regulated
and are purely random the number of repeated calls can turn out to be signifi-
cant. The time spent on each repeated call is equal to the time of setting up a
ca11 on the corresponding network links~
Thus, when determining the total busy time of the long-distance channel for one call
it is necessary, in addition to the duration of the call itself, to consider ttie
Cotal time spent on all repeated calls preceding the completed call.
If we designate the average talk time of a call T~, the call setup time T and
the average number of calls (attempts) for one completed call 1I, the average busy
time of the long distance channel per call Tp = T1I + T~.
As the statistical data of lon~-range observations indicate, the average talk
time ~f ~ long-distance call with automatic hook-up will be T= 4 minutes, and
the number of attempts per call completed will be on the average~Il = 2~5. The
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call setup time which i.s insured hy~ ttie autor4at%c systems used on the
long distance netu~ork is on the average equal to T= 4,5 minute~ Beginning with
this fact, tfie average 6usy~ time of the longrdi.~tance channel per call with auto-
matic connection is defined as; Tp~a = 4.0 + 0,5~2.5 = 5.25 minutes.
The load during the PLH is calculated by the formula, F.rlangs:
YPLH - Qprospective~LHTp/300�60), (3.1)
The number of long--distance channels, depending on the load, is determined consi-
dering the organization of direct and bypass paths in accordance with the structural
principles of the automatically switched long-distance tel~phone network. As was
pointed out earlier, the direct channel groups are organized only between the AMTS
where the amount of traffic in the forward and return directions is no less than 8
to 10 erlangs. The direct char.nel groups are designed for high use, and the un-
serviced load with respect to che direct channels i., routed over the bypass paths
via the UAK. On routings with small amount of traffic requiring less than six
long-distance channels, it is uneconomical to organize direct groups; therefore the
load on these routings is routed directly to the UAK. The number of channels on
the UAK routing is calculated for high service quality, that is, small losses (P =
The number of channels routed to the UAK for servicing the excess load and the load
of the lightly loaded routings not having direct channels is calculated by the
"equivalent substituC.ion" method which takes into account the increased fluctuation
(dispersion) of the excess load by comparison with the simplest.
On the whole, the method of calculating the number of channels on the direct and
bypass routings consists in the followi:ng. For each routing, formula (3.1) is used
_ to calculate the magnitude of the incoming load YPLH. The number of channels n in .
~�t direct group of each routing is determined as a function of the load Y and the
distance to the opposing AMTS (by arguments of economic expediency). In order to
_ select the capacity of the direct group considering its extent, the "Giprosvyaz
Institute tables are ~ased, one of which is presented in appendix 2. As is obvious
from the table, the number of channels in the direct group of the outgoing routing
is a multiple of six, which permits the use of whole 12�-channel groups of high
frequency transmission equipment for both directions (outgoing and incoming) of the
direct. group.
The average values of the excess load R are indicated in the same table for each in-
coming group of direct channels. '~The value of R is equal to the product of the
. incoming load Y times the magnitude of the losses En(Y) defined by the first Erlang
formula for systems with explicit losses;
n, ,
l}') _ � Y ~ n ~ ~ R = f'En lY) �
~ ~3~2~
~ o
The values of E(Y) for any n axe availahle in the loss probability tables for the
fully accessihle group of lines o~ G~ P~ Sashaxi.n j9],
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In addit~on to the avexage excess load, the excess tra~~ic is characterized by
load dispersion, that is, the measure oP f~ts dev~ation ~rom the average value.
The load dispersion D is calculated by~ the formula
D=R(1 -R ; Y,'(n-}- 1 -1-R-Y)). (3.3)
Figure 3.1a shows c routings with nl, n2, n~ direct channels per
routing. The load Y. (the simplest flow) goes on the ith routing serviced by n.
- channels. The excess load from this routing with the parameters Ri and Di toge~her
with the excess load from other routings goes to N cha.nnels of the bypass routing
which is common to all c direct routings.
The total number c of routings includes the routings on which direct groups are or-
ganized and also a small number of lightly loaded routings on which use of direct
groups is uneconomical. The channels of the lightly loaded routings service the
load of only the simplest flow having comparatively insignificant fluctuations
which can be neglected. Therefore the load dispersion on these routings is taken
equal to zero.
Y~ Y V~ V~ A
l ~ ; ~ 1
R, n. n~ S
R,,D,~ R1,Dzi �~,D~I ~ R~,Dc~ jR~,D
t m�3�w
R=� F; D= ~ l'~ .
~.r ~�r
~ Y~bm ~ Ynom
~ ~ ~ _ a~ ,
Figure 3,1. Calculation principle of the number
of long--distance channels by the ~'equivalent
- substitution'' method.
Keyt 1� Yloss
= After determining the excess load and the dispersion for each routing, the total
excess load is calculated (together with the load of the lightly loaded routings)
coming to N channels of the bypass routing, and the total dispersion is also cal-
c c
R= ~ Rt ; D=~ Dt . (3.4)
~=i a=i
- 29
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The total load paxametex ~t an the cfiannel group o~ the hypass routing is the
- probability~ o~ losses wfii;ch. can lie expressed hy~ tlie ratio of the lost traffic
Yloss to the totall
Pbypass - Yloss~R~
Let us provisionally r eplace the sum of the direct channels hy one fully available
group containing S channels for which an excess load with the parameters R and D is
fo~med on arrival of the equivalent load A.
Kn4wi;ng R and D~ it is possible to find the values of A and S hy the curves in Fig-
ure 3.2. Then the sum of the direct channels depictad in Figure 3.1 is replaced
by one fully available group of S+ N outgoing lines to which.the e~,uivalent load
A comes (see Figure 3.1b). The excess load of the given fictitious group, the
parameter of which is Yloss' is approximately equal to the desired excess load with
the parameter Yloss of the diagram depicted in Figure 3.1a.
~ Using the curves in k'igure 3.2r the total number of channels S+ N= m is determined
by the values found f oz the equi,valent load A and Ylosa' The number of channels on
hy~ass routing will be defined as N= m~ S~
The niagnitude of the lost traPfic YloS$ on N lines of the bypass routing is calcu-
lated by the formula Y loss - pb ass~ Where the loss probability norm Pbypass ~�O1.
The long-distance telephone channels connecting the designed office at the other
AMTS and UAK of the ~ong-distance network of the country are a component part of
the given network, and therefore the number of them cannot be determined in isola-
tion. The number of long-distance channels for the entire network as a whole (in
accordance with the general principles of network construction) is calculated during
the process of development of the masterplans for development of the long-distance
- telephone network of the country f or each five~year period. From the general re-
sults of the calculations, data are selected on the number of channels on the
routings included in the designed office.
3.3. Initial Principles of Calculatino the Number of ZSL and SLM of the Intrazonal
For the int azonal network the number of channels ZSL and SLM between the
- A1~fTS and the TsS of their z~ne is calculated beginning with the prospective traffic
created by the subscr ibers on the local zone networks.
1Jhen calculat~ng the ZSL, the average number of long-distance calls per day for one
subscriber to the local telephone network (c ) and the total number of subscribers
of this network ~Nsub~ ~alculated Por the las~byear~of the designed period (by the
- telephone density norms) are taken as the initial values.
Considering that the value of c ub is most influenced by the servicing quality,
that is, the transition to an ~mproved operating system, the proapective value of
is determined from the expression
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40 O,l O,S 1 1 3 4 S 67By i0 l2 !a ~s~e~~~?~~ 2�JG 4S SJ~~
~s I ~ ' I i i 4' w 5
~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ i~. ~ ~ e- JU . a
? i i ~ I ~ ~ 5~(~,~
i ~ I i~ i ~ ~
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i I ~ , , ,
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a~~ . ~ i ' ~ o , ~ ~ ~1~'; ;
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~ s ~ ~ i r I ~ ~ ~ ; e
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i~5 1 ,p~ ~ ; ~ ti r ~,s ~C~
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~ , i ~ ' ~
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0 ' ~ ~ ' i ~ ! ~
0/J,! QS ! 2,~ v 5 6 i d S/r7 i7 14 !6 ld2'J2? 26 JO ,i5 :0 ~S ~
~b~ llocmf~aroaran nazpy3,ra, 9p~
Figure 3.2. Wilkinson curves; dispersion;
number of channels.
Key: a. excess load, erlangs
b. incoming load, erlangs
c. excess load, %
~s.ub~prospect~Ve ~ ~SUb~existkqual'
'lhe r~iean diurnal prospective traffic between the ra}ron subscriber serviced by the
TsS is
4prospective Nsub.prospective~sub,prospective'
The traffic on the ZSL in tH~ PLH in erlangs is determined considering the average
busy time of the ZSL for one long--distance call (t minutes);
- P
YZSL - 4prospective~LHtp~60.
The average time that the intrazonal network ZSL is hus}* for one long-distance call
is determined (analogously to the channels of the long�,distance network) considering
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- the pre~ence of repeated call~~ Tfie avexage numher o~ xepeated attempts per com-
pleted call ~s 2.5 attemptsa and tfie call setup time is on the average ~.5 minutes.
As for the average net call time, accordi,ng to t~e observation statistical data
with intrazonal service this time is 3 minutes. Tfius, the average busy time of an
outgoing channel for intrazonal service (SLM) per call T S~~~~ = 2.5�0.5 + 3.0 =
4.25 min. For the ZSL the given time is increased by ap~~ox3fr~ately 20% as a re-
sult of the waiting time and the call setup time at the input of the system (this
percentage fluctuates depending on the type of AMTS in the presence of AON).
Therefore the average busy time of the ZSL of an intrazonal netwark per long-
distance call TP~ZSL) 4.25�1.2 = 5.1 minutes.
The numher of ZSL from each TsS to the AMTS is def.ined as a function of the load
YZSL for a service quality norm P= 0.01. For calculation of the number of ZSL,
the methods and calculation tables pertaining to the type of ATS equipment which
is installed at the given TsS are used.
The number of SLM from the AMTS to the TsS is calculated beginning with the size of
the load coming to the subscribers of a given rayon from other AMTS over the in-
coming long--distance channels and also from the local network subscribers of their
zone through the TsS. In accordance with the seven-digit numbering ~ystem in the
zone, as a rule one 100-thousand group of numbers was set aside f.or each r.ayon
serviced by one TsS. In individual rayons or isolate~d cities of the zone with
prospective capacity greater than 100,000, several 100-thousand groups are allocated
respectively. A separate SLM group, tl:~ number of channels in which is calculated
as a function oP the traffic on a given routing with service norm P= 0.01 is
routed from the AMTS to every 100-thousand group of numbers of the city and rural
telephone networks.
The results of calculating the number of ZSL and SLM are used when developing tne
master plans for development of the intrazonal network for the selection of the
optimal version of construction of the primary and switched networks of the zone.
Depending on the selective structure of the switched network (purely radial or with
the organization of zone telephone junctions) the ZSL and SLM groups are produced
which are included in ti~e AMTS.
The calculated data for the number of channels and size of loads on each routing
for long-distance and intrazonal service for the designed off ice are written in
- the form of a table, the results of which determine the total capacity of the
AMTS and total of f ice traf f ic at PLH.
3.4. Prospective and Installed Capacity of AMTS and Ut1K
By the capacity of the AMTS we mean the total number of channels of the long-
distance telephone network, ZSL and SLM of the intrazonal network, the ZSL and
SL~1 for coupling to the GATS, the interoff ice lines and long-distance channels of
the intrazonal routings with manual and semiautomatic means of setting up calls.
The capacity of the UAI~ is the total number of incoming and outgoing long.-distance
channels included in the switching eq~iipment for tandem connections.
When designing new buildings for the AMTS wit`~ UAK, the prospective capacity of the
office and the installed capacity of the equipment are calculated. The Prospective
capacity of the office determines the volume of the designed building and it is
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calculated for a develo~ment ~exiod o~ lSc2a y'eaxs a~teX putti,ng the office into
operation~ The magn~tude o~ the prospect~ve capac~,ty~of the office can he deter-
mined ~aeginning with tlle maxitnum tecfinical capacfty~ o~ the selected type of equip-
ment or consolidated, from calculat~ng the total expected increase in number of
channels of the long�,distance and intrazonal networks for the design period. The
installed office,capacity determines the volume of equipment designed for in-
stallation considering the development of tfie off ice (without installation of
additional equipment) for five years after putting it into operation. The neces-
~ity for creating this equipment rec;erve arises from the fact that the structure
of the AMTS does not ~ermit frequent changes in the number of instruments. The
principle that the installed capacity of the AMTS must correspond to the number of
channels of the long~distance and intrazonal networks which is planned by the
- master plans for the last year of the f ive~year operating period is f ixed in the
production design norms [3].
In addition to the prospective and installed capacities when designing the AMTS,
- the office capacity for the startup period must be determined. The calculation of
the startup capacity is specific for each specif ic office and must consider a num-
ber of factors such as the existing number of channels on each routing and methods
of servicing them, specific plans for development of service in the near future at
the time of startup, the state and degree of automation of local telephone networks
and other factors characterizing the startup period. Determination of ttie startup
capacity of the office permits provision for the composition and amount of equip-
ment which are required for smooth transition from the existing off ice to the new
AMTS without interrupting service.
3.5. Service Quality Indices
Optimal quality index norms for the operation of the instruments are established for
every type of AMTS on the basis of data on the instrument service system. The
general quality of servicing of the off ice depends on the service quality indices
in the individual stages of setting up the call.
~ There are basically two service systems:.
l. The system with losses c:haracterized by the fact that the calls coming to
~ the switching system at a time when~there are no free paths on the required
~ routing are lost, and the subscriber receives a"tbusy'' signal. The servicing
i quality in the systems with losses is characteristized by probability of a reject
~ as a result of busy instruments or lines.
1 2. ~ system with waiting is characterized by the fact that the calls coming when
- there are no free connecting devices are placed in a queue for waiting and are
serviced on release of one of the connecting devices. The busy time of the devices
for setting up a call is made up of the constant value the time
directly spent on performing the operating and the variable determined by the
waiting for release of the next instruments (internal waiting). The busy time of
an instrument can be considered constant if the busy time for all calis is the
same and if the instrument need not wa~.t for release of other of the system instru-
The total time spent on one call i.s made up o~ three components~ external waiting,
the actual serv~cing t:tzne and intez'nal wait:Lng~
- 33
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External waiti;mg i.s the time wfi~,ch the call ~,s ~oxced to wait before it is
received hy~ the system, tfiat ~,s, tlle ataiting tiTne he~ore arri.ving at the system.
The waiting time eud.s at the beg~nning of servicing.
The actual servicing time is a constant component equal to the minimum call setup
time and there is no waiting.
The internal waiting is the total waiting time for release of subsequent instruments
- in the call setup channel. ~
The basic service quality indices in systems with waiting are the waiting probabil-
ity p(y ? Q), the ~zaiting time distribution function P(Y > t) and the average wait-
ing time. The lower the probability of losses and the average waiting time, the
higher the service quality. However, extraordinary reduction in the quality in-
di.ces implies a signif icant increase in tfie amount of office and line equipment and
excess expenditures, respectively. In addition, the minimum losses and waiting time
must be insured only f or the peak load hour, and for the rest of the time the actual
service quality will be higher.
When determining the admissihle norms for the quality indices, the following argu-
ments are considered: �
for a system with losses the loss norm must be such that the subscr~bers do not
get the impression of unsatisfactory operation of the office and t:iat with load
fluctuations the subscriber service quality~ will not drop he~ow the admissible limit;
for a system with waiting~ the average waiting time on thE AMTS instruments must
be such that uncertainty of correct operation of the office ?s not generated in the
subscribers and uncertainty of correctness of the action taken by the subscriber
himself is not generated (for example, doubt as to whether the called subscriber
has been fully dialed). The internal waiting must not lead to a noticeable reduc-
tion in carrying capacity of the instrument,
_ In the connecting channel the general service quality is de~ermined by the loss
probability when setting up a call between the calling and called subscribers.
It consists of individual quality indices in various sections of thE switching
eqaipment system. The overall losses are approximately equal to the total losses
of the successive sections of the connection channel. The optimal distribution
of the total losses with respect to sections of the system presupposes that the
greater part of the losses can be pez�nitted on devices which require the highest
espenditures. Since the cost of the line facilities (especially long distance) is
generally higher than the cost of the office equipment, it is more economical to
provide relatively low service quality (that is, higher losses) on the line facili-
ties. Beginning with this fact, the following service quality indices for calcula-
ting the number of lines in the channels and instruments are recommended for dif-
ferene: sections of the automated network of the countryt
1) on the zone network for outgoing calls over the ZSL the total losses from a
subscriberinthe rity in which the AMTS is located to t~e AMTS should not exceed 0.01,
including the section from IGI to the AMTS, 0.0~5. For incoming calls over the SLM,
the total losses should not exceed O.O~Sa including the section from the AMTS to
the WS or froni the AMTS to the ATS, ~.002~ The numher oP ZSLZ and SLMZ hetween
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the AI~TS and the TsS o~ the rural neturork and also bet~teen the AMTS and the tele-
phone network o~ Aelected ~it~es in w~i~,cfi there are no AMTS is calculated with
lpsses of 0.01; �
2) on the long-distance network the service quality is determined by the service
quality indices on the last-choice path. The number of channels for one section of
the last choice path is calculated for a loss probability of 0.01;
~ 3) at the AMTS and UAK the calls are serviced on certain instruments with losses and
on others with waiting.
For the AMTS-4 and the UAK of the AMTSP4 type with automatic long-distance serv-
ice the loss probability norm in the switching system is 0.003. The average wait-
ing time for connection of a marker for any call should not exceed 30 milliseconds.
Beginning with this fact, the carrying capacity of the marker is determined
70,000 calls with a load of no more than 0.6 to 0.65 Erlangs. It is recommended
that the number of registers be determined for P(Y > 0) < 0.01.
In the ARM-20 type offices the loss probability norm for calculating the switching
system and senders is taken as 0.002,and for calculation of the code receivers
and code transmitters, 0.001. At the AMTS KE for calculating group receivers and
transmitters the loss probability norm of 0.001 is used.
3.6. General Principles of Calculating the Volume of AMTS and UAK Equipment
The number of devices of each type is determined as a function of the load in the
PLH subject to servicing by a group of instruments when observing the quality in-
dex norms for operation of the office. The instruments of the connecting and con-
trol units receive and service all calls coming to the off ice independently of
whether the calls are completed or not. Only one group of instruments the
, equipment for automatic calculation of chargeg-- services only the completed calls.
The number of completed calls in the PLH (C) is found when calculating the channels
and can be expressed by the ratio C= Y/TP, where Y is the load of the channels of
the long-distance or intrazonal network in the PLH, and TP is the average busy time
of the corresponding channel for one call (considering repeated attempts).
The number of calls coming to an office includes, in addition to the primary calls,
also all repeated attempts occurring as a result of loss of the primary call. In
accordance with the operating indices adopted when calculating the channels, the
average number of attempts per completed call is about 2.5. Beginning with this
fact, the number of attempted calls (B) can be def ined from the expression B= 2.5C.
The total call flows reaching the AMTS from different sources, depending on the
- address information are distributed with respect to different groups of outgoing
routings. The percentage distribution of the call flows depends on the distribution
of the telephone gravitations and is determined for each specific city on the basis
of statistical observations during the process of survey work~
Using the data on the percentage call flow distribution, the loads created by these
flows on the dif�erent routings are determined. For each type of i,nstrument the
load is determined by the number of attempted calls subj.ect to sexvicing by the
given group of i.nstruments and the average busy time of an instrument for servicing
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one atternpted call, The ~usy~ ti~e. o� an ~,`nstxuzqent ~or servi:ci~ng one call depends
on the type o~ o~f~:ce equi:pment and tfie s~v~.c~g sy~stem ,o~ tfie girren group of
The number of AMTS instruments is calculated on the basis of teletraffic theory.
The calculation methods depend on the type of office equipment and must take inta
account all the basic characteristics of the systen~a the structure of the office,
the type of swii.ching devices, the types of switching systems and the route forma-
tion, the type of control units, and so on. With respect ta structure the AMTS
are basically divided into two groups:
1) offices which consist of several switching stages (AMTS~l, AMTS~2, AMTS-3).;
2) offices containing one switching system AMTS�-4a ARM~20, AMTS KE).
In the first group of offices the switching stages are separated with respect to
functions as follows:
the incoming group hunting stage (VGI or IIGI) receives the calls from the local
telephone network subscribers and distributes them on the outgoing routings;
the long-distance connection stage (MS or MGI) sets up the outgoing, incoming and
tandem long-distance connection.s;
the outgoing communications stage ~zith local telephone networks (GIM) receives the
incoming lang-distance and intrazonal calls and directs them to the local network
subscribers of the given city and zone.
- At the AMTS-2, in addition to these stages there is another RVK stage for call dis-
tribution b}r cordless type switchboards. The problems of designing equipment for
any type of office reduce to the .fact that the number of instruments of all types
correspond strictly to their carrying capacity, insuring satisfaction of the qual-=
ity index norms. For example, when determining the number of switching modules
and control units it is necessary to begin not only with the number of lines sub-
ject to connection at the input of the system, but also the number of calls which
this system must service considering the carrying capacity of the control units.
Tha designs of equipment for various types of offices are discussed in more detail
in subsequent chapt~rs.
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4.1. General Remarks
At the present time AMTS--1M equipment is l~eing widely used on the long-distance
telephone network of the country. As new AMTS aze builtt it will be reduced corre-
spondingly. However, in the near future in certain parts of the country the instal-
lation of this equipment for temporary use is still required.
Considering that the design of the AMTS-1M ha.s been simplified signif icantly as a
result of sectional assembly of the equipment by the plant and also the fact that
sufficient experience in its applicat~on locally has been accumulated, a brief de-
- scription of the equipment and general design recommendations are presented in this
- chapter. The equipment and its design are desCr~bed in more detail in j10].
The AMTS-2 type off ices are installed in several cities of the country. However,
further production of this equipment has been curtailed and will be limited only
to the necessary equipment to expand the existing offices. Therefore only brief
information will be given in this chapter on this off ice, and some general recom-
mendations will be made for designing the expansion of it.
At the present time AMTS-3 type offices are being used for installation in the
medium oblast centers of the country. The use of this equipment will be continued
until mass output of a new type office has been tooled up for. Inasmuch as the
. problems of designing AMTS-3 offices have been quite fully discussed in j10], only
brief information will be presented here on this off ice and its design,
- 4.2. AMTS-1M Office
The AMTS-1M office contains ten-step equipment. It is conStzucted on the basis of
the semiautomatic long~distance telephone serv:Lce equipment of the two~frequency
- signal system and it is supplemented by equipment provfding the possibility~of
setting up outgoing long--distance calls automatically.
Additional equipment is used to record the long-,distance numher of the called sub--
scriber and control the operation of the MGI stages and also for automatic calcula-
tion of the charges for the calls. The maximum capaci;ty of the AMTS~IM is 180 to
200 long-distance channels (for automatically setup outgoing calls). Tfie maximum
number of routings for the automatic outgoing long-,distance telephone service is 40.
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The talk channel in the AMTS--1M is two.-wire~ The outgoing automatic service from
ATS subscribers is realized over the ZSL~ After dialing the long-distance number
_ of the called subscriber the subscriber must dial his own number (to pay for the
call). The is used to see that-the subscriber has dialed his own
s number corre~tly.
The structural diagram of the au:ciliary equipment for the AMTS-1M automatic service
is presented in Figure 4.1.
~a) Cb) (c~ . Cd1 ~e) Cf )
~3. nx rrN I 3cn ~ QrN n3y A4
I ~ h,y,y c' nm (1)
I s+K~ m C rnm
AK~ ~HH ,~TiVIM ~f~ CAM I ~A� 1 MfM (?J Il MtN (!I (n)
. ~(r) ~Il9r ~
I I on c
rATC ADKI~ ~P~ (q)
(s) �
AMrc - ~M
Fi~ure 4.1. Structural diagram of the AMTS~IM.
Key: a. subscriber g. ACh m. IMGI(3) s. GATS
b. PI h. RKM n. IIMGI(3) t. LIM
c. IGI i. S o. RSLA-MIR u. IVGIM
d. ZSL j. PF p. IRKSh v. IIIGIM
e. ITGI k~ UI:P q. AMTS-1M w. IIGIM
f. PECh 1~ TRF r. I/IGIM x. SLM
In order to setup an outgoing call automatically, the calling subscriber must dial
a def ined two-digit number in which the first digit ("8") holds the ZSL to the AMTS,
- and the second digit (as a rule, a"9") hooks the IIGI of the A?~ITS to a free output
to the RSLA~MIR system.
Tl~e RSLA-MIR realizes exchange of signals between the GATS and AMTS, it performs
the functions of an outgoing sender for automatic long-distance service and the
device for primary recording of the data needed for automatic calculation of the
charge for the calls. Inasmuch as the R5LA-MIR system is held for the interseries
- time, transmission of a dial rone that it is ready to receive the long-distance
number is not required.
After dialing the first two digits, the long-distance number of the called sub-
scriber is dialed. It consists of a three-digit code of the required city and the
seven-digit subscriber number. If the called subscriber number contains less than
seven digits, then zeros are dialed in place of the missing digits before the num-
ber. This ten-digit number is recorded at the RSLA-MIR. After completion of dial-
ing of the ten-digit long-distance number the calling subscriber, also without hear-
ing a further dial tone, dials his own number wh.ich is recorded in the RSLA-MIR.
The calling subscriber's own number which.he has dialed is simultaneously trans-
= mitted to the instruments of the long-distance patch cord of the GATS (GIM-LIM).
When the subscriber is finished dialing his own number, the connection of the
- 38
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subscriber line to the RSLAr1`'ITR is set up over two pathss the ZSL via the IGI and
IIGI and the SLM via the GIM~LIM.
The correctness of the number of the calling subscriber is checked by the office
checking circuit OPU which is connected to the RSLA~MIR through the connector C
when the calling subscriber has finished dialing his own number. The OPU checks
for the presence of a closed circuit througfi the instruments of the local (ZSL)
and long distance cords (SLM) of the ATS by transmitting an audio frequency current.
The outgoing register IRKSh receives three digits of the longc-distance code from
the RSLA-MIR and then transmits them to thE decoder P. From the code the decoder
determines the information the digits then transmitted via the IRKSh in the
- MGI stage to hold a free channel on the required routing. After the subscriber
answers,the reckoning of the length of the call begins, and on completion of the
call all of the information needed for sending bills to the subscribers is recorded
on a punchcard by means of the automatic equipment for calculating the charges.
The structure of the AMTS-1M equipment pr.ovides for assembly of it in sections, in-
cluding all f orms of individual and group equipment for the number of long-distance
channels which corresponds to 90 RSLA~MIR systems~ Three sections of equipment are
provided for maximum capacity of the office.
The calculation of the amount of AMTS~IM equipment basically reduces to determining
the number of RSLA-MIR systems, ZSL and the channel equipment beginning with the
designed number of long-distance outgoing channels and the;r loads. Depending on
the number of RSLA-MIR systems, the number of equi,pment sections is determined.
In the majority of cases the AMTS--1M equipment is placed in an existing facility
of the semiautomatic communications junction which perniits most efficient use of
general office and auxiliary equipment.
4.3. AMTS~2 Office
The ArITS-2 equipment provides for connection of up to 300A to 4000 long-distance
- channels. With respect to ~ype the office is an electromechanical sys.tem. Mul-
tiple crossbar connectors MKS are used as the switehing devices, and relay markers
are used as the control units. Cordless type switchboards are provided to set up
calls semiautomatically and manually at the office. In addition, the office con-
tains devices for setting up calls on the zone network with automatic service. The
- talk channel at the office is four~wire.
The structural diagram of the AMTS~2 offi,ce is shqwn izi Fi,gure 4~2~ From the figure
it is obvious that the office conta~ns. several swi;tch~ng stages; IIGIt N~S, RVK and
GIM, each of which performs its designed functions. All of the switching sta~es
are assembled from MKS modules and form two types of switching systems: two-link
(GI and GIM) and four~link (MS and RVK). In the two-link systems 80-120-400
capacity modules are used. Each module is controlled by its own marker. The
four-link stages are assembled from symmetrically arranged two--element modules 20~~
200-200, 200-Z00-300 or 400-400-400 capacit}r, and they are controlled by a common
group of markers (MNS, MRVK).
Crossbar register finding stages RI are used which are assembled ~rom 100-500-40
capacity modules.
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(2~ J~NM(3) 8 lb
~ o~, vaK 3K uca
~(i) 0 taoo a~ A c
(4)~ ~1.
. ~19) _ ~ o ` re ' ~
ICzayvdoaaM opyzux (16Y~2 Mrrr,rc q6 ~ y M
yx 0~ 24~/,~ NC h K
~ 21 ~ll A9C~ MK 7C
MKA?C C r K~x~ ~d~ ~2~~
xlCA AA .~C1 86 ~ Nf.1p/b[MOAsI~
.3C/1 KA~ irr
~ ve n ,
O~ M r M Pd H MH(' P~ 7
i( MearoyNaP. ~wv~ ~ Mn.. ~~3 x aK (42)
cmuNy~u ~g (3 c ) 41.) e
_ (34) rK ,(43)
(3 ~
Fi~ure 4.2. ~tructural diagram of the AMTS-2.
Key: 1. SL 20. IKZSL
2. RSLG 21. IIGI
3. IGII~ 22. AUSR
4. from another rITS 23. PtKI_.i1S
of the city 2~j. MIKZS
5. VKZSL 25. SK
6. RSLR 26, VKTN
7, VB 2~7, long-distance
8. RVK cha.nnels and
~ 9. DB interfacility SL
10. ZK, TsSK 28. MGL
11. Sh 29. VKK
12, RI 30. ZSL
13. S 31. RSSL
14. RR 32. RSLAZ
15. MRVK 33. RSLAM
16. KOR 3.4, to the inter-
17. RV national office
l~. MS 35. RI
19. to services of other 36. IMRAZ
MTS of the cit}r 3~7. IMRAM
3$. TR
3@. IRKK
" ~0. KOR
41. PK
4~. VR
4 3. VRKK
The equipment ~or automatic calculation o� the call charges AUSR interacts with the
equipment for automatic determination oi.' the numher of the calling subscriber, and
in the absence of AOPI it calculates the charges by having the subscriber dial his
own number.
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The AMTS-2 includes a set of automatic monitoring and testing equipment, switching
equipment of the cordless type and all--ofPice equipment for various purposes.
The design of the expansion of the AMTS~2 office reduces to determining the required
number of auxiliary devices of all types in accordance with the number of long~
distance channels for which the office capacity must be increased. Determination
of the number of line systems of all types presents no diff iculties if the addi-
tional number of long-distance channels, tfie intrazonal network lines and the lines
for connection to the GATS are known.
Calculation of the crossbar stages of the IIGI and IGIM is made considering the
additional load going to these stages. Depending on the volume of the expansion,
the number of lines in the direction of the IIGI bank can either be recalculated to
obtain the total, larger groups of lines,or for additional niodules, independent
groups of lines can be organized. The calculation of the equipment for the four-
~ link long-distance connection stage (MS) presents some diff iculty. Beginning with
the carrying capacity of the markers in this stage, it is necessary to make a care-
ful calculation of the load on the group of markers and pexform a careful analysis
~f the possi,bili,ty of using one common group of markers~ The maximum number of
markers in the group is 10. In the case where the total load (considering the
additional load) exceeds the carrying capacity of one group of markers, it is
necessary to provide a second group of markers. Here the incoming modules are
divided into two groups, respectively, each of which is serviced by its own group
of markers, and the outgoing modules form a common group, and any marker can ser-
vice a call to any outgoing channel.
- The equipment provided for expansion of the office must be placed in the same build-
ing with the existing AMTS-2 so that when installing this equipment and switching
services the normal operation of the existing equipment will not be inter-
fered with.
4.4. AMTS-3 Office
. Brief Description of the Office
. Tr~e AMTS-3 medium-capacity automatic long~distance telephone office is a set of
automatic switching devices and sGtitching equipment of the MRU type. The maximum
capacity of the automatic switching devices does not exceed 1400 incoming and out-
going lon~-distance channels.
The office is designed for servicing basic terminal traffic and is used for instal-
lation in small oblast centers and cities of oblast and republic subordination
which are not locations of tandem junctions. The layout of the office provides
for establishment of tandem connections if necessary.
The office equipment includes devices for automation of the intraoblast service
by the zone principle. The channels of the intrazonal network (ZSL and SLM) are
included in finder stages separate from the long distance ones, and the number of
them is in practice not limited by the layout of the office.
Setting up calls semiautomatically with channels included in the AMTS-3
equipment takes place via MRU type switchboards connected to the AMTS-3 by match-
ing circuits and located in a common building.
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_ _ . ~i~ ~ i~rc{ ~3> ~Hx ~~iwa)
rr !(C IATG
~2~ ~ ~ a, //I /NM ~
(16) (17) (18) i ~ i J~+ AII.� ~
nr~v~ nv~ ~4) SiN nx~~�i ( )
.vni~ ~nv~ qrnM . ~ ;
ynn ~ L-----~ ; 3)
(19 (21) x.~~, yi~ i
~ ru l ~r?M 15 ) vc~ cK (
i I
/(!/R ~ pCAA'7/1 - I
~24~ I
erN~23) ~22~ r~rn yna~ 1M~j~ ~ AH~N J
~25~ ~ M71A 9/!m1 r- -
Om /.41l.~ AJGAI f~ _ n r HA' 1 H
�l .YA( HI ~ 1J ~ P~ v
RIA 4/1 ~ i-- 3 1', Iy0lUM7p0Ab
Om yc~~ 34 ~ ~ I xek uc.~nJ
~ 2 6~ ~ Z9 ~ NIIVAM ~~M~ NhIPA~ 3 3) I' I AONOAbI obn e
+.wdq MTf MB/N ~ I ~ n/a c/Alu
(4 6~o t6oed J di G 3 2~ rUK - ev
6) MM/N I MMlN ) (4 5
r~~~~N~rou S K,~.,~K~ ? BPKU! G ! M!N(6J ~ I ~rr (6)
(54~'"~ e~xer~ ~ 'R1AA 4/7 2) ~3 NOA'f!l c (40) J l_~ _ ~ HKrn
~ x~e~, aKUaK a ( an nul RrKiu g ( 60 )
(5 ax (3~~ k 3v Mrc
~.----___1 (53) ~rnrn � om
Cny.Kder MIC ,va ~~i Morucmpanex~e r RK BK~ dpyrur M 1C
dp. OdbCmm~X ,yeMa NopadMOO .od NaNOeb o6nl 3
( 5 6) ~ C~~
N4UU ~ u CeAIU ~ Bh 7N ~1 ~ ~'1NN9L0 f0 D~0
58 _ ( 61
Figure 4.3, Structural diagxam of the AMTS-3.
Key; l. to the GATS 23. VGI 45. long-line outgoing
2. to the TsS 24. RZSL3 UPF channels for auto-
3. GATS I/II GIM 25. from the GATS matic and semiauto-
4. DGIM 26. from the TsS matic service
5. order-~circuit ATS 27. VKZSLG 2/4 46. MTS service at
6. GI 28. VKZSLG 4/4 its office
7, LI 29. VTA 4/4 47. ZK or MK
special 30. RSLAM UPF 48. MVGI
8� M~ 31. RI 49. VKZSLK 4/2
9. MRU 32. S 50. VKZSLSh
10. RSL 33. MRI 51. TsZLK 4/2
11. VSK 34. PM 52. TsKZLK 4/2
12. ISK 35. IMR~ 53. TsKZSLK 4/4
13. RUK 54. ZK
1.4. RSLK 2/4 36. RUK-VRKIII 55. ML:
15. RSLSL 4/2 37. VRKIII 56. MTS service at
16. PRF 38. VK-VRKIII other facilities
39. VKTN 57~ to the interna-
17. ACh 40. I MGI(5)
_ 18. PR;F 41. II MGT(6) tional offi,ce
19. UKP 42~ NKTI 58, long-line incoming
20. TRF 43. IK Sh automatic and
21. UKp 44. ~.Sh semiautomatic ser-
22~ DUx vice channels
59. ~GI
60, to another irITS
61, from other MT5 of
42 a given city
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With respect to type, the AMTS--3 equipment is an electromechanical crossbar system
- with finder stage control. MKS combined into modules are used as the switching de-
vices, and relay markers are used as the control units. The switching stages are
constructed from standard two--link P~iKS modules. Each module is controll.ed by its
own marker. This structure of the switching devices permits organization of joint
operati~n if necessary (at one office) with the two-frequency semiautomatic service
equipment based on ten-step selectors. In this case some corrections are introduced
into the diagrams of the IKTN and VKTN systems of the semiautomatic service channels.
The A,~ITS-3 equipment includes the equipment for automatic calculation of the
- charges for calls for outgoing automatic long distance and intrazonal service. The
euipment is designed to operate by the method of automatic determination of the
number and category of the calling subscriber under the condition that the AON
equipment is installed in each rayon ATS of its city and the TsS of the zone. In
the absence of AON equipment, the layout of the office provides for automatic reckon-
ing of the charges for calls when operating by the procedure where the calling
subscriber dials his own number. The number information is transmitted from the
ATS to the AMTS-3 by intermediate senders PR which must be installed at each rayon
ATS of its city and the TsS of the zone. Here the PR can operate both jointly witti
the AON equipment and in the absence of AON equipment.
f Z d 4 J 2 10
~ io- o- o- o- ~ oo..
- !0~ !0 Jp ;90
o- o-o-o- 00 o
B~ Br gs By N,n /9l 000 Be~ra~aB
~~,~ao-o-o- 00 0
IG ~CO~ o- o- o. ?0 ~o ~oa
?0 O O O
A, ~1 '~i AS ~v eo 100
~o ,ob 6 b 0
~0 sb b b
~s s b
ab 6 A60
1 1 J ~
Figure 4.4. Diagram of the group formation of a
_ two-link module 60--80-20~ (VGI, MGI, GIM stages).
Key: a. 200 outputs
In the presence of other MTS in the city, the AMTS-3 equipment permits organization
of joint operation with them, f or which the office has matching line sets.
'ihe [ll~ITS-3 equipment, the channels incJ.uded in it and the trunks are checked and
tested using a set of automatic and manual monitoring and testing equipment.
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For urganization of automatic order circuits, the ten~step order circuit ATS is
used which is made up of the equipment for two--frequency semiautomatic service.
_ A structural diagram of the AMTS-3 is presented in Figure 4.3. The switching stages
of the VGI, MGI and GIM are made up of two-link MKS modules of 60-80-200 type, each
of which is controlled by its own marker. The diagram of group formation of the
modules is illustrated in Figure 4.4. Tfie capacity of the line bank of the modules
permits organization of a group of lines with availability of 20, 40 and 60. The
number of routings can be var~ed within the limits of 200 outputs from the bank
depending on the selected availability.
The MGI and GIM stage m~dules for connecting the marker contain six RGI senders
- each of which is attached to ten inputs of the modulet
The VGI stage distributes the calls coming over the ZSL from the ATS subscribers of
its city (GATS) and from the TsS of its zone, with respect to the required routings:
_ to the long-distance channels for automatic access to other zones, to the subscribers
of other ATS of its zone, to the switching services, and so on. The line bank of
the VGI stage includes the following systems: RSL~and RSLA for the outgoing
automatic long-distance and intrazonal service; VKZ K 4/2 for access to the switch-
boards of its off ice: IKZLK 4/2, IKZSLK 4/4 for access when necessary to the
switchboards of other offices of its city, at which the corresponding incoming
systems are installed and also (in the future) systems for access to the interna-
tional office.
The RSLAr~ and RSLA~ systems combined with the primary recording device UPF and the
IMRA_, IMRA senders receive and record the number information coming from the
subscribersZwhen setting up automatic calls and transmitted;to the subsequent instru-
ments of the intraoff ice connecting path and to the equipment for automatic calcu-
lation of charges AUS.
The IMRA s~~lders are connected to the RSLA and the RSLA-UPF to the instruments
for calcu~ating the charges UKP via zhe register finding stages, The RI stage con-
sists of two~link MKS modules with a capacity of 100~50~30, and it is serviced by
two markers. The group formation system o� the RI stage is shown in Figure 4.5.
With respect to carrying capacity of the markers this RI stage can contain no more
than three modules. In this case when it is necessary to transmit a larger load,
several RI stages have been designed, each of which Frovides for access to thirty
The long-distance ca11~ junction of the MGI, beginning with the capaci,ty of
the MKS modules, as a rule, is made up of two stages; IMGI and III~GT, each of
which is controlled by its own markers. Both stages provide for set*_ing up out-
going, incoming and tandem calls with automatic and semiautomatic long-~distance
service. The following systems are connected to the inputs of the II~GI: the RSLAr1
for outgoing automatic long-distance service, the relay--repeater RUK from the MK
- MItU for outgoing semiautomatic service, incoming long-distance channels VKTN and,
when necessary, incoming line systems for interoffice service VKSh from other MTS
of its city. Trunks to the GATS and the TsS of its zone and also lines to the
- modules of the IIMGI stage~ for access to the long~-distance channels are connected
to the line bank of the IMGI,
- 44
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~ ?345
1 o p fA -600~04 ~o ~
O 0 -0-0-0-0~0
1~ -0-0-0-04
~ -0-00-0~0
~ 3A -0-00-0-0
4A -O~0-0-04
- ~a~ Bl gp -0~oo-o
~o go 10~ 5A -0-o~-0 ~o
-o~o-0o ~o
ioo 50 ,~p b b b b b ~
1B pb4b6b~b~06 ?
b bbbb J
b bb bb 4
bbbbb 5
~B 1babsb8b~ob 6
Figure 4~5~ Group ~ormation sy~stem ~ar the two~link
module 1Q0-50~3Q (RI stage)~
Key; a. 100 inputs ~
The III~GI modules are divided ~.nto groups~ each o~ which is connected on the input
side to one of the routi:ngs of the II~GT hank~ When joint operation w~th the two-
frequency semiautomatic service equipment is required, provision is made for coti-
nection of the outputs of the crossbar stage of the IMGI to the inputs of the ten-
step stage of the IIMGI(6) and also connection of the outputs of the IMGI(6) to the
inputs of the crossbar stage of the ITMGI.
Outgoing long~distance channels for automatic and semiautomatic service (IKTN) are
connected to the line bank of the IIMGI, and if necessary, outgoing line systems
for interoff ice service IKSh for cou~ling to other MTS of its city. The groups of
lorig-distance channels on the direct and bypass routings are included, as a rule,
in ~different groups of IIMGI modules.
The outgoing service stage wa,th the local telephone network subscribers (GIM) pro-
vides access to the GATS subscribers of its own city, to the subscribers of the
rural networks of its own zone via the TsS and also access to the order-circuit
- ATS. Eeginning with the adopted numbering system and capacity of the standard MKS
modules, the GIM stage is usually made up of two stages: IGIM and DGIM. The seven-
digit subscriber number is realized as follows: the IGIM stage is selected by the
digit a of the million group, and the DGIM by the digit b of the 100-thousand group
of numbers which corresponds to the junction rayon of the 100-thousand formation
for the GATS, and the administrative ra}mn service by one TsS for rural networks.
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jdhen necessary~ the IGIM or DGIM stages can set up calls hy t~ro digits of the zone
- number (ab).
The lines from the following are connected to the inputs of the IGIM stage: the
RSLA systems for the intrazonal service, tfie IMGI hank for the incominb long-
distance service, the RSLK 2/4 systems for access from the long~distance switch-
boards to the GAT and the TsS of the zone. Trunk groups to the groups of DGIM
modules and trunks to the order-circuit ATS via the RSLs1 4/2 matching systems
are connected to the lina bank of the IGIM stage.
The SLM line systems to the incoming message junctions WSM of the 100-thousand
groups of GATS and to the TsS of the rayons of its zone are connected to the line
bank of the DGIM.
The line systems connected at the input of the VGI stage and the output of the DGTM
stage are provided for three versions of the lines:
VKZSLG 2/4, RSLG 4/2 for the physical GATS lines;
VKZSLGU 4/4, IRSLGU 4/4 for the GATS lines organized over the transmission system
- channels with isolated signal channel;
the VKZSLT 4/4, IRSLT 4/4 for the intrazonal network lines organiLed over the
transmission system channels with signaling in the talk frequency band (the VTA 4/4
and ITM 4/4 systems were used temporarily for this purpose).
When installing the individual converter bays with isolated signal chan~lel SIP-VSK
for the intrazonal network lines, the VKZSLvU 4/4 and IRSLGU 4/4 systems can be
The control signals (digits of the number dialed by the subscriber) are transmitted
over the ZSL by~ the multifrequency method~ Each digit is defined by a combination
of two frequencies out of six (700, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1700 hertz). The digi-
tal data on the required connection on the automatic long-distance or intradesignal
- service routings goes to the multifrequency code receivers PM and then is recorded
by the IMRA~i or the IMRAZ registers. For this purpose the PM receivers are con-
nected through the connecting system (SK) to the markers of the VGI stage (MVGI)
and also the IMRAr1 and IMRAZ registers.
The line interaction signals are transmitted over the long-distance channels by the
two-frequency system using 1200 and 1600 hertz frequency combinations. The equip-
ment includes the generators of these frequencies common to the off ice GTN and
individual for each receiver channel PTN combined with the outgoing and incoming
channel systems.
The digits of the number are transmitted over the long--distance channels and SLM
from the AMTS to the GATS and the TsS of the zone using decade pulses.
For incoming or tandem service and also for service from the switchboards, the
information about the zone (area) code is received by the ~,ncoming code register
VRKSh connected to incoming systems (VKTN; RUK) thxough the relay connectors VK~
_ VRKSh~ RUK~VRKSh. The connectors VKcVRKSh have a capacity of 100 inputs, 20 inter-
mediate lines and 15 outputs~ When necessary~ the number o~ inputs can be increased
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- to 300 using the attachment for 200 inputs. Each intermediate line services from
5 to 15 inputs. The diagram of the ~1K~VRKSh connector is shown in Figure 4.6.
The RUK-VRKSh connectors have a capacity of 50 inputs, 25 intermediate lines and
6 outputs.
� ^ ~b) B~~y (c) BPKlG'
,-4 ~a r ~ � s z ~
~aY�A~ i
~ ,
I ",yL'C.77QBKp I
~ ~e)
(d~p-,a 2pL
Figure 4.6. Diagram of the VK-VRKSh 100(300)--20-15
Key: a, first group (pl)
_ b. VKTN
c. VRKSh
d. attachment
e. 20th group
The PSh decodex selects the routing according to the informat~on recorded in the
IMRF~,~ and the VRKSh registers. The decoder is connected to the registers via the
RK-PSh connector.
The intrazonal service is realized via VGI and GIM stages directly, bypassing the
MGI stage without participation of the decoder.
When developing the design of a sp~cif ic office, the structural diagram musr re-
flect the design solutions (having the corresponding equipment) regarding organi-
zation of all forms of external communications for the given off ice, in particular,
joint operation with the semiautomatic service equipment, organization of communi-
cations with existing MTS in another building, and so on.
Initial Principles for Equipment Design
One of the most important initial principles for equipment design is the instrument
service system and determination of the norms for the quality indices of their
operation. Let us consider the basic off ice junctions from this point of view.
VGI Stage. The VGI marker is a one-line servi.ce system to which the simplest flow
of calls passing through the module inputs comes~ jdhen the incoming system is
busy, a request to connect a marker occurs. If the markex' is busy the call waits
until it is free.
In order to f ind a free line on the required routing the marker makes one, two or
three tries depending on availability~ (20~ 40 or 60)~ The busy time of the
marker setting up a call with a single tr}r is 0.9 second, a double try 1~0 second,
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and triple, 1~1 seconds. fiave. sfiDwn tfiat in ti~e sizlgle~line group with
discrete distribution of tfie se:'vice time~ when it can asstune three values quite
close to each other, the waiting time distribution function ~lmost coincides with
the distribution function with constant service time. Thus, from the point of
view of Estimating the service quality, the marker busy time can be considered con-
The quality norms for operation of the marker are the waiting probability P(Y > 2")<
U.O1 and the avera~e waiting time y= 0.2 second.
? er.
i I
e o~.
, ~ ~ 'o~ I
~ I
7,01 ~ ~~i i ~ i
E i
4 ~ I ~ ~
7 (
D,OOt ' I ~ f ~ i
4 I �r i
~ o 'o e o
O,lnl71 � ~ l
0 ! ? 4 5' 6 l B 9 f0 1f 11 ~3 >4
Figure 4.7~ Burke curves f or determining the proba-
bility P(y > t) for single-line systems.
In order to determine what load on the marker this norm corresponds ta, the Burke
cur.ves are used for single~line systems (Figure 4.7) and the curves are used for
determinino the average waiting time with constant busy time (Figure 4.8). As is
obvious from these curves, the average load on the marker for indicated quality is
0.28 Erlang.
Tl~e number of calls corresponding to the given load is determined beginning with the
average busy time of the VGI marker for setting up one call. For the majority of
cases it is possible to assume that 40% of the calls will be set up on a single try,
40% on a double tr}r and 20% on a triple try. Then the average busy time of the
marker f or one call will be: 0.4�0.9 + 0.4�1,0 + 0,2�1,1 a 1.0 sec.
Thus, the average number of calls which one marker can service with given quality
Br1 = YM'3600/TM = 0,28�3600/1,0 = 1000,
The number of lines included in the switching taank of the ~GI modules. ~or each
routing depends on the size of the i.ncoming load and the average load for one input
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oi tlie VGI stage. For calculati,on oP the magnitudes of the loads on different types
of systems with respect to servicing incoming calls it is necessary first of all
to determine the average busy time oP the systems for one call.
~ 1
d ~
1 4
p9 i ~ 6
4 ~
6 9
S a
j 3
1 ~ ~ 6
0,01~ ~
J ,
0 O,Of 0,1 0,1 0,~ 0,4 0,5 0,6 7, 3~(b~
; Figure 4,8. Curves for determining the average waiting
time with constant busy time.
Key; a. Ywait
b. a, Erlangs
' For the RSL~ and RSLA systems we begin with the average busy time of an outgoing
channel for ong-distance or intrazonal service for one call: TB.M = TP.a/]I. As
was stated in section 3.2, the average talk time TP a= 5.25 minutes, and the num-
ber of attempted calls for one completed call, II =~.5. Consequently, TB.M = 5.25/
- 2.5 = 2.1 minutes.
During the process of setting up a call the RSLA~ system is busied before the out-
going channel; therefore its busy time per call is somec~hat greater than the
channel, by approximately 10%. Thus, the average husy time of the RSL~ ~ystem
for servicing one call TRS~M = Ts~~~l.l = 2.31 minutes, The load on t e RSL~,I
systems is determined by the total number of calls sent to the outgoing long~
distance channels �or automatic serv~ce ~rom the subscribers of the GATS and the
zone TsS.
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For intrazonal serVi,ce the average fiusy~ ti'nte o~ the outgoing channel (SLl~ ) for one
call TB.Z = T Z/II = 4.25/2t5 ~ 1.7 m~`nutest The average husy tizne of the RSLAL
system TRS~ = T$.Z~1.1 ~ 1~87 minutes. The load on the RSLAZ systems is deter-
mined by the total number of calls sent from the subscrihers of the GATS to the
zone TsS and from the subscribers of the TsS to the GATS and other TsS of its zone.
For calculation of the load on the VKZSLK equipment we begin with the fact that
these systems service calls going to the long-distance switch board operator for
semiautomatic connection from the GATS and the zone TsS~ Here it is considered that
- in accordance with the operating process only requests are received over the ZSL.
Therefore the average bus.y time of the VKZS"LK equipment corresponds to the request
reception time, that is, TZSL - 1,0 minute.
- k
The magnitude of the average load for one input of the VGI stage (a) is determined
beginning with the total load which must pass through the stage and the calculated
number of modules of the VGI (g):
a = (YRST ~ _ + YRSLA + YVKZSLK) / (60g) �
- ~1 z
The choice of accessibility in the switching bank. of the VGI depends on the magni-
tude of the route load. For lines to the RSLAM and the RSLA it is expedient to ~
select the maximum accessibility b0 inasmuch as these routings will service
all of the increasing load, and in the routing to the VKZSLK, in which the load is
small and decreases with time, the accessibility can be selected minimal, that is,
20. In cases where in addition to the indicated routings other routings (for
example, to :,ther MTS of the city) must be connected to the VGI switching bank,
- when selecting the magnitudes of the it is necessary to consider
that their sum must not exceed 200, that is, the number of outputs in the switching
bank of the VGI modules.
On the routings of the VGI bank, both fully accessible and incompletely accessible
line groups can be formed. For completely accessible connection, the number of
lines in the group is less than the accessibility or equal tu it, that is, the load
on the given routing is such that it can be serviced by the connecting units
accessible to each input. For the incompletely accessible inclusion, the number of
lines in the group exceeds its accessibility, that is, the load on the given rout-
ing is such that more connecting units are required than there are individual out-
puts on the routing for each module.
On the routings to the RS~ and RSLA as a rule the load is so large that it re-
quires incompletely accessible connec~ion of the lines; on the routings to the
VFCZSLK and the IKZSLK, completely accessible groups can be organized.
The number of lines on the routings of the VGI bank depends on the loss norm P and
the number of loading groups g in addition to the routing load Y, the average load
on the input a and the accessibility D, By the given parameters it is possible to
determine the number of lines on each routing of the VGI hank jl~]~ Here it is
necessary to cons~.der the following fact. The number of lines on the routing with
high load can reach significant values, sometimes exceeding 1~00. Inclusion of
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. such a laxge nutnhex of lines ~n the.f,'orm o~ one common group ~rom all of the VGI
modules presents s~gnificant d~,f~iculties when and execut~ng cross-
connections. Therefore when calculating tfie number of lines on a routing with
heavy load it is necessary to break down the load and the VGI modules, respectively,
into several groups that are as equal as possible calculating that in each group
the number of lines will be quite large (in order to insure high use oz the group),
but not exceed 200. The number of lines is determined separately for each group of
modules; then the results with respect to all groups are summed, and the total
number of lines to the corresponding systems is determined.
RI Stages. RSLA and UPF systems are connected to the inputs of the RI stages, and
IMRA and UKP registers, to the outputs~ The RI stage can contain several modules
having common outpu~s to the registers~ The number of RI modules in the group de-
pends on the load, but it cannot exceed three for a total number of outputs of 30.
The group of RI modules having common outputs is serviced by two markers which
operate in the modP with blocking, that is~ each of them can be connected to any
module of the given group, but both markers cannot service one module simultaneously.
When the module input is busy, a request arises to connect the marker; if both
markers are busy, the calls are placed on hold.
The total time by a call for servicing is made up of the f ollowing~ Y--
the waiting time by the module to which the call has come for connection of the
marker; ybl - the waiting time by the call for servicing in the module; y g--
the waiting time as a result of blocking in the two~link system and absence of
free registers. T~e average total waiting time is equal to the sum of the indi-
cated average values.
- As the norms for the quality indices of operation of the RI stage it is assumed that
the average waiting time by a call for servicing must not exceed 0.19 second and
P(y > 2") < 0.006. In order to satisfy these norms and also for arguments of
operating reliability of the markers, the admissible use of a marker is 0.35
Erlang, which for Tp~= 0.7 second corresponding to 1800 ca11s serviced by one marker.
- A total of no more ~han 2�1800 = 3600 calls should come to a group of RI modules.
Calculation of the RI stage consists in determining the number of RI modules, the
numl~er of MRI markers and the total number of registers subject to connection at
the stage output.
The number of RI modules is first determined beginning with the number of sets
_ connected to the inputs of the stage and the capacity of'one module (100 inputs).
The obtained number of RI modules is divided into groups, each of wh ich is serviced
by two markers. If the number of calls for one RI group, that is, for two MRI
markers, exceeds 3600 calls, the number of groups and also the number of RI modules
and MRI markers must be increased correspandingly.
The RrI~, IMRAZ registers and the UKP systems are connected to the outputs of the
RI stage fully accessihly, and in groups of no more than 30 instruments each (in
accordance the number of outputs of the RI stage), The number of I~ and
IMRA ~'egisters, and also the UKP systems i.s calculated consi.deri,ng the magnitude
of t~ie load on these devices under the condit~on of sati,s~}*ing the quality index
norms for their operation.
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The load on the II~RA~ and I~Z xeg~,sters ~,s determi.ned begi..z~ning with the number
of calls subject to servicing by~ these ~nstruments; and their average busy time one call. For ttie IMItt~,~ t~ie average busy time for servicing one call is
18 seconds considering tfie tandem connections on the network. For the IMRA for
intrazonal service this time is 9.5 seconds. The norm for the operating quality
indices of the registers is P~Yreg ~ 0) < ~�005.
The load on the UKP systems is determined beginning with the total number of com-
pleted calls serviced ~y these instruments and the average busy time of the UKP
servicing one call which is 10 seconds~ The operating quality norm of the UKP
P (y > 2`' ) < 0 . 05 .
Multifrequency Code Receivers~ The IMRAr,1, IMRA registers and the markers of ~he
~ VGI stage are connected to the multifrequency receivers thxough a connector. The
connector is fully accessible, its capacity~ is 3~ inputs and 8 outputs to the PM.
The servicing quality norm for the receivers is; P(~ > 0.35") < ~.002~ The average
busy time of the PM servicing one call will. be; 0~6 second from the MVGI, 2 sec-
onds from the IMR~,~, and 1.8 seconds from the IMRAZ.
The number of connectors and receivers, respectively, required to include and ser-
vice the i~NGI, IMRA~~ and IM12Az is found by calculation. When determining the num-
ber of markers and registers which can be connected to the input of the connector,
it is necessary to consider the following. The busy time of the PM when servicing
the MVGI and the registers diff er sigiiificantly. In the case of joint connection
of the MVGI and registers to one connector, the waiting characteristics approach
the waiting characteristics for exponential service time distribution (the proba-
bility of waiting more than a given time and the average waiting time by comparison
with conditions of constant service time increased). By these arguments i.t is
desirable to connect the MVGI and the registers to the inputs of different connec-
_ For satisf action of the service quality norms it is possihle to connect either 25
MVGI or 30 registers to the input of one connector. Eight PM are connected to the
outputs in both cases.
During assembly af the connector inputs it can become necessary to have a common
connector for connecting the registers and markers to the ei.ght PM. In this case
the service quality norm is satisf ied with a ratio of a maximum of up to 5 MVGI,
12 IPiRE~i and 10 IMRAZ .
VRI~Sh Registers and Connectors to Them. The load from the long-distance incoming
channels come to the VRKSh registers through relay connectors for automatic and
semiautomatic service and also from the long-distance switchboards for outgoing
semiautomatic service~ The average busy time of the VRKSh servicing one call de-
pends on the type of call~ and it is expressed in the following values,
for incoming automatic calls (~eception of ~n~ormation
from the register) 1~1
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for incoming semi.autoi?lat:~c calls .(recept~,on o~ ial~or.-
mation �rom tfie number d~aler~ � 3.0
~or tandem calls 9.5
for semiautomatic calls 11.0
As a result of significant differences in the busy time of the VRKSh for different
types of cal4s~ two types of connectors are provided; VK-VRKSh and RUK-VRKSh.
Primarily the sets of incoming long-distance channels VKTN are connected to the
inputs of the VK-VRKSh connector. Tn the case where joint operation with another
MTS in the given city has been planned for, the incoming sets of lines for inter-
office tandem connection VKSh are connected to the connector input. The service
quality norm of the VK VRKSh connector is the value P(y > 2") < 0.08.
The register busy time is 1.1 seconds for incoming automatic terminal calls;
for incoming semiautomatic terminal calls it is 3 second; for tandem calls ,
- 9 seconds. The average busy time of the VRKSh (T ) is def ined as the rated mean
value as a function of the ratio of the types of a~calls The values of the
admissible load on the interm2diate line Y~nter and the connector VK VRKSh for
three values of Tave are presented in Tabl~-"4.1.
When it is necessary to service a load exceeding the admissible load by one
call,several connectors are def ined with their own groups of VRKSh registers.
The RUK systems used for outgoing semiautomatic service are connected to the inputs
of the RUK-VRKSh connector. The service qualit}r norm is assumed to be P(Y > 2") <
_ 0.05. For satisfaction of this norm the load on the connector should not exceed
1.5 Erlangs.
Table 4,1
~ - ~
Tave'sec Yinter' YVK.-VRKSh N~Shr o
Erlan s
l,l 0,35 7,~ 15
2,U 0,182 3,64 10
3,0 0,142 2,34 9
_ MGI Stages. Information is received over the routing to the MGI by six RGI regis-
ters, each of which is attached to ten inputs of the module., The input to the mod-
ules of stage IMGI are busy independently o� the presence of free and accessible
c~GI; therefore for busy RGI the call must wait for its release.
Tlie operating quality norm of the RGI is the value of P(y > 1") < 0.002. The average
- busy time of the RGI for one call is 1.0 second~ In order to satisfy the service
quality norm the load on one register must not exceed O.Q56 Erlang. Considering
that one RGI services ten inputs of a stage, tfie admissihle number of calls per in-
put will be B1 inp ~ Y1 reg'3600/(TR~I~10~ ~ 0,056�3600/(1~10) = 20,
The magnitude of the average long~distance load for one i,nput of the IMGI stage is
determined beginning with the admissible number of calls (20) and the average busy
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time of the long--distance channel per call T~~M = 5.25/2.5 = 2.1 minutes:Yl inp MGI
B1 inpTB.M/60 = 20�2.1/60 = 0~7 Erlang.
_ Thus, the average load per input ~f the IMGI must not excQed 0.7 Erlang not only
from the arguments of opti_mal carrying capacity of the modules, but also as a re-
sult of the necessity for observing the c~uality norm for the RGI.
When calculating the number of lines on the routings of the IMGI bank usually the
following accessibil~ties are selected~ to the IGIM stage where the heavy load is
directed, D= 60, and on the routings to the groups of modules IIMGI,D = 20. Here,
within the limits of the capacity of the line bank of IMGI modules (200 outputs)
a n~aximum of up to seven routings can he organized to the ~roups of IIMGI modules.
The loss norm on the lines in the directions from the bank of the IMGI to the IGIM
and IIMGI is P= 0.002.
The number of lines in each routing of the IMGI bank is determined (analogously to
the VGI stage) as a funct~.on of the load titne on the given routing Y, the average
load on the stage input a, accessibilit}r D, loss norm P and number of load groups
g. However, in the process of this calculation, some peculiarities of the follow-
ing (after the IMGI) f inder stages must b~ taken into account. In particular,
when determining the number of lines on the routing to the IGIM, it is necessary to
consider the following: each IGIM module is serviced by one marker, and for
- reception of information about the _ call routing it contains RGI, each of
which services ten inputs. The circuit diagram for connecting the marker and
registers to the inputs are the same as in the MGI stages., The difference is that
the inputs in the group are busy only when the register servicing this group is
free. If the register is busy, then the free inputs of the group serviced by it
are blocked from busying them on the part of the preceding finder stage. In order
to satisfy the service quality norm and compensate for blocking, the number of
lines from the preceding f inder stage, that is, from IMGI must be increased corre-
spondingly (by about 5%).
tdhen calculating the number of lines on the routings from the line bank of IMGI to
the groups of IIMGI modules, it is necessary to consider that the outputs of the
~ IIMGI have the outgoing long~distance channels to other AMTS connected to them.
Here the groups of long--distance channels are organized in two versions: 1) on
the direct routings to other offices and 2) via the UAK or the AMTS performing the
functions of the UAK. As the loss norms for the long-distance channels, P= 0.01
is adopted. For group finding in a two-link module the total losses consist of
two parts: the losses on the lines PR and the losses to blocking as a result of
the fact that the intermediate paths are busy Pbl, that is, P= PQ + Pbl' For
direct channels PQ = 0, for in the absence of free channels on the direct routing
the decoder directs the call to alternative trunks. Therefore in the modules which
include the direct routing channels, it is ~ossible to permit losses to blocking
of 0.01. For the bypass routings the losses in the channels and to blocking
must be a total of 0.01.
In connection with the fact that the layout of the AMTS--3 provides for controlling
- the setting up of a call by the finder stage modules, when the intermediate paths
in the stage IIMGI are busy, it is impossible to transmit a call to another group
of IIMGI modules. As a result, significant losses arise from internal blockings.
In order to reduce these losses it is necessary artificially to increase the
collectedness parameters and the expansion coefficient in the IIMGI stage. In
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order to douhle the connectedness, each outgoing channel is connected to two points
of the IIMGI bank, and in order to increase the expansion coeff icient, the admis-
sible ma.gnitude of the average load to one input of the IIMGI modules is reduced.
The necessity of busying two points of the line bank for each channel creates def i-
nite restrictions on the capacity of the AMTS--3. No more than 200/2 = 100
channels can be connected to each of the seven groups of IIMGI modules, and the
maximum number of outgoing channels cannot exceed 7�100 = 700. Hence, the total
capacity of the office will be 700 outgoing + 700 incoming = 1400 long-distance
For different groups of channels with respect to capacity, the values of the avail-
able average magnitude of the load reaching the input of the IIMGI module are dif-
ferer.t. For modules which include high-use direct groups, the values of this load
are presented in Table 4.2.
The high-use direct groups are connected to individual groups of IIMG modules, that
is, to individual routings from the IIMGI hank. Here it is necessary to strive to
have identical or similar groups with respect to capacity connected to each group
of modules.
Table 4.2. ~
Number of channels 6 12 18 24 30
in the group
Load, Erlangs Q.26 0.31 0,34 0.35 0,4
On the bypass routings the channel groups are connected to individual groups of the
IIMGI modules. For these modules the load on the entrance is not rigidly limited.
The maximum capacity~ of su~h a group connected to one group of mo~ules will be 30
channels (for maximum accessibility of 60). If there are more than 30 channels on
the bypass routin.g, the channels of this routing are divided into 30~channel
groups which are connected to different groups of modules. All the channels of
the direct and bypass routings are included in the IIMGI bank fully accessibly.
IGIM and DGIM Stages. The operating conditions of the GIM stage are such that the
calls through it must be set up during the interseries time of 0.5 second.
Therefore for proper setting up of a call it is necessary that the busy time of the
marker T be sufficiently small, and the waiting time by the register for the marker
not exceed TWait 0.5-0.06-0.1--TM. Here 0.06 second is the time of lengthening
of the last pulse in the series as a result of operation of the VKTN corrector;
0.1 second is the release time of the series relay in the register.
The improved diagram of the marker of the GIM stage (GIM--3), in contrast to the
ir_itial I/IIGIM layout permits a call to be set up not only ~vith a single
try, but also with double and triple trials. The busy time of the marker for a
single trial is 0.145 second, for. double trial it is Q.16 second, and for triple,
0.18 second. Here the waitii~g time must not exceed 0.195, 0.18, and 0.16 second
respectively. On the average the marker busy time is equal to its busy time for
a double trial. The admissible servicing quality for the IGIM marker is determined
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by the value o~ P(Y ~ Q~18t') ~ Q~~Ql. Ttle average load per input of the module
must not exceed 0,6 Erlang. With.this load, B~G~ ~ Y~P~60~60/TB = 0.6�60�60/2.1=
1000 calls come to the marker of the IGTM module. The load on the marker is YMGIM
1000�0.16/3600 = 0.0445 Erlang.
All of these arguments also pertain to markers of the DGIM stage. The inputs to
the DGIM stage are husied under tt~ condition of the presence of free RGI of the
DGIM stage.
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~ 5.1. General Remarks
The AMTS~4 type AMTS and UAK equipment has been developed fully in accordance with
- the requirements of the national system for automated telephone communications of
the country, and it is basically designed for terminal offices, but it can be used
as a terminal-tandem office before putting the corresponding UAK into operation.
5.2. Operating Capabilities of the Office
The AMTS-4 and UAK equipment is a meclianoelectronic offi,ce in which the switching
of the talk channel is realized on crosshar connections, and the control units, of
the electronic type.
In addition to the automatic method of communications the AMTS-4 off ice offers the
possibility of semiautamatic servicing of long-distance calls which can be
made usi,ng switchhoards of both the cordless and cord types.
The electric parameters of the equipment are designed for the possibility of using
channels switched to the AMTS~4 and UAK. not only for telephone communications, but
also for transmitting facsimile, phototelegraphic messages and digital data at
speeds of 600 and 1200 baud,
The structure of the AMTS-4 and UAK is a united four-link swizching system which is
made up of symmetrically arranged two~link MKS modules, All types of channels and
lines are connected to the line banks of these modules~ the incoming and outgoing
long-distance channels are connected to the UAK, and in the AMTS-4, in addition,
there are communication lines with local city and rural networks and also when
necessary, interfacility lines for connection to other city MTS.
Setting up calls in the switching system is accomplished hy a single�-line system
making use of a common electronic marker and decoder interacting with the register
equipment. For matching the operation bf the high-speed electronic marker with
the cross bar connectors, the memories ZU of the modules are used, where each
module is serviced by individual ZU. The structural connection of the marker to
the registers imposes restrictions on the total number of registers which must be
no more than 900.
Basically the 400~400~400 type modules (400 points of a line hank, 4Q0 intermediate
lines and 400 intermodule lines) and partially 200~200~200 are used in switching
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systems. The maximum n�.unber of modules of an of�ice is 15 incoming and 15 outgoing,
that is, the numher of points of the line bank can he up to 6000 incoming and 6000
outgoing. The minimum number of modules must be no less than two incoming and two
outgoing which is necessary for uninterrupted operation of the off ice.
The capacity of the AMTS~4 is limited by the carrying capacity of the control units.
Calculations perf ormed using computer simulation demonstrated that under the condi-
tion of satisfying the norms of tlie quality indices, the marker can service no more
than 70,000 calls in the PLH. Beginning with this fact, the total admissible load
to the office which in practice permits us to obtain an office capacity of no more
than 4000 incoming and 4000 outgoing channels and lines is determined.
- The research performed by the TSNIIS established that fulf illment of the last norms
for internal blocking (P = 0.002 to 0.003) is insured with an average load on one
switching bank point of no more than 0.6 Erlang, that is, with a load on the 400-
400-400 module of no more than 240 Erlangs, and for the 200--200-200 module of no
more than 120 Erlangs.
In contrast to the AMTS~2 and AMTS~3, the equipment of the AMTS~4 decoder permits
analysis not only of the three digits of the long-distance code ABC, but also
two digits of the intrazonal numbers ab(ABCab), which is necessary for access
to the zone where several AMTS are located~ The layout of the decoder permits con-
nection of up to 240 outgoing routings to the office. Here automatic setting up of
a call on a direct routing is possible, and when it is busy, over one of the four
~ bypass paths.
The distinguishing f eature of the AMTS~4 hy comparison with the AMTS-2 and AMTS-3
is also the possibility of predominant servicing (priority) of calls coming from
subscribers of individual categories. The "priority" subscribers are serviced by
the system with limited waiting with outgoing, incoming and tandem calls. The re-
maining subscribers are serviced with incoming and outgoing calls by the system
with rejects, and only for tandem calls, with limited waiting. Priority is possible
only for subscribers of the ATS at which the AON equipment is installed. Provision
is made for the possibility of se~regated priority servicing of up to 120 lines
of direct subscribers connected to the cord type direct subscriber switchboard.
The central instruments of an office marker, decoder, waiting equipment are
The AMTS-4 and UAK equipment is designed for technical servicing by the monitor-
correcting method. In order to maintain a given operating quality of the equipment,
provision is being made for automatic monitoring and testing equipment KIA at the
office which provides for the followingi
continuous monitoring of the condition of the control units;
statistical monitoring of the entire set of office equipment;
- checking the group (registers) and individual (line systems) equipment on the hasis
of the results of statistical monitoring;
checking the control units using special KIA pxograms based on the continuous moni-
taring results;
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self--monitoring o~ the KTA.and segregated register adapters.
The results of the monitoring and testing are printed out at the KIA work place.
The causes of failure messages are determined and eliminated from the results of
analyzing the messages.
The automatic equipment for calculating the load AUN and the equipment for monitor-
ing service quality AIQZ is part of the AMTS~4 and UAK permit data to be ob-
tained for opti.mal prospective planning of the development of long-distance and
intrazonal networks. Using the AUN, the number of calls distributed by the ABC
and ABCab codes is determined in order to establish the uniform gravitations from
the given office, and the number of busies and channel, line and station instrument
loads are deterrained to check the correspondence of the number of line systems,group
ar.d general office instruments installed at it by the calculated data and monitor
their performance during operation. The AKK equipment continuously monitors the
percentage of rejects as a result of busy channels and waiting equipment AO on
each routing of the last-choice path. In addition, the AKK periodically monitors
the percentage of calls separately from prjor.ity and nonpriority subscribers wait-
ing for the release of AO more than a fixed time. On the basis of this con-
tinuous with respect to each last choice path PPV, two states of viola-
tion of the service quality norm are noted:
1) the service quality norms for priori,ty and nonpriority calls are violated;
2) the service quality norms are violated;only for nonpriority calls.
Signals of the occurrence and expiration of these states are transmitted to the
zone monitoring station PKZ and the main dispatcher monitoring station of the
country GDPI: for making decisions to maintain a given service quality.
For organization of intraoff i~ce and interoff ice order~circuit service at the AM7'S-
4 and UAK provision is made for an order~circuit crossbar ATS of the ATS K-100/2000
type. The maximum capacity of the order~circuit ATS is 90~ numbers. The order- .
circuit ATS subscribers supervisory and duty technical personnel have access
through the switching system of the AMTS (UAK) to the long~distance telephone net-
= work channels. The intraoffice service between order~circuit ATS subscribers is
realized appart from the switching system of the AMTS (UAK).
- 5.3. Structural Diagram of the AMTS~4 and UAK .
In the diagram in Figure 5.1, the boldface lines indicate the off ice elements which
are common to the AMTS~4 and UAK, the fine lines depict the elements belonging only
to the AMTS-4. As is obvious from the diagram, the UAK includes the following de--
the line systems of the long-distance channels with single~frequency (VKTS, ITKS)
and two-frequency (VKTNA, IKTNS) signal systems and also the incoming systems from
the order-circuit ATS (VKS);
the switchino system KS consisting of the incoming AV and outgoing SD modules;
the storage elements of the AU~AV and the ZU-SD modules;
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the marker M;
decoder Y;
waiting equipment A0;
registers; tandem TR, inc~ming matching VSR, order circuit SR, outgoing matching
the register f inding stage RI;
connecting sets of registers RSP.
The AMTS-4 off ice contains the folloaring devices in addition to the equipment stan-
dardized with the UAIC:
- the ZSL and SLM line equipment for communications with.the GATS and TsS of its zone;
the trunk equipment for connection to other MTS of the city (if necessary);
the line equipment of the trunks for connection with the cord type switchhoard
equipment located in the same building (RUSK, IKZM) or another building (VKMS, IRKUK);
the cordless type switching equipment;
registers: outgoing IR, matching semiau~omatic service PSR, RI stage and connecting
systems RSP;
charge calculating equipment AUS;
device for data request and reception from the AON (UZPI).
Each version of the registers performs its own basic functions. The tandem register
TR services the tandem and terminal incoming calls and is connected to tfie incoming
systems of the long-distance channels with single-frequency signal system VKTS.
_ Analogous f unctions are performed by the incoming matching register VSK, but with
respect to the two-frequency system channels, and it is connected to the incoming
systems of the VKTNS. The incoming matching register ISK is connected to the out-
going IKTIIS systems of the long-distance channels with two-frequency signaling
The outgoing regi,ster I,R servi.ces the outgo~7ng terminal calls; it is connected
- to the ZSL equipment and connected to the AUS and the UZ~I.~ In contxast to the
AMTS-2 and the AMTS~3, the outgoing automat~c ~all ~s se.tup without using
intermediate registers at the ATS. The number information is sent from the ATS
instruments directly to the AMTS register~ Accordingly, the receiving part of
th~ AON equipment the UZPI system is installed at the AMTS.
The matching semiautomatic service register PSK services ca lls s e t up
semiautomati,cally. These registers are connected to the incoming RUKS and VKMS
sy~stems of the long~distance cord type switchboards or the switchboard positions
UFiM of the cordless switchboards.
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(13'1 - - - _.5.2.~L__ -
~1~ c~ t K~-~------ - y cna-2
3C~ vm ~r3c~ � NKCna-4 CnM ( 6)
~ K CA� y A B C D HKCnM - K yDCM ~ATC
u uc
~ 2 ) 1 ~ 3y-AB 3Sl-CD
Bxo~. ex~c NK~C Ncxoa.
MI' KaH. { BK~HC 5 � ylrlHC Mt KaN.
/]UNUU Om RMO NIfMO /l~INUU !f (8~
dp MTC ~ ~M AO /1 g NKMC } dp. MTC Popoaa
z~pada (1 )
KMC 9 HIf3M /1 MKru/m ~~3~
m 3/f
CK 4 HI(3K i/1 ~
Om cny,w. Bkc NKMK ~3~ v Z MK
~~A~ ( 0 pr,i rX 2 KnMr (35)
~ AuHuu o~rudoHUAA (11) 9
cnym. ATG ,y ~ 3~ K c~ym. ATC No!ll(
(12) MTC ~/m B
( 6 yy r dp 3d0/lUU
~ AyC E N TP ~ e v 3)( nca ca �5a
y3n c vcn vcn c NCP )
Figure 5.1, Structural diagram of the AMTS-4 and UAK. ~
Key; 1. ZSL from GATS and TsS 17. VKMS 38. AUS
2. input MG channel 18~ RUSK 2/4 39. UZPI
3. lines frora other MTS 19. VKS 40, IR
of the city 20. MKb/T 41. RSL
4. from the order-circuit 21. SK 42. TR
ATS 22. SL 43. VSR
5. to the AK of the order 23. RM 44~ PSR
circuit ATS 24. IKSLM^..~ 45. SR
6. SI.PI to the UVSM of the 25. IKTS 46. RI
GATS and TsS 26, IKTNS
- 7, outgoing MG channel 27~ IKMO
8. lines to other MTS of 28. IKMS
the city 29, IKZM 4/2
9. IRUK 30~ IKZK 4/2
10, rTTS in another building 31. IKrIIC 4/4
~ 11. waiting lines AO 32. KLMG
12, to the order-circuit ATS 33~ MK b/t '
13. VKZSL-.,. 34. ZL
14. VKTS 35~ $SL
15. VKTN.S 36~ ZK
16. VKP10 37. ISR
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The memories ZU~AE and ZU~-CD are each attached to one module and just as the
modules, the}r axe connected to escti otfier by~ the "each~to-,each`~ principle. They
are used to match.the operation of the MKS of the module with the
electronic marker.
The marker M, decoder P and waiting equipment AO connected to it make up the basic
- control units of the off ice.
The lines to the order-circuit ATS, the waiting lines AO and the recorded voice
equipment KPMG are connected without line switches to the switching bank of the
link D of the outgoing module.
When using cordless switchboards, the lines are connected directly from the univer-
sal connecting equipment USK of the switchboards to the switching bank of the in-
coming modules.
5.4.' Setting up Calls
Outgoing Automatic Calls on the Long~Distance Channels. For establishment of
alitomatic service with a subscriber of another zone, the subscriber A of the ATS
equipped with AON equipment dials the prefix for access to the AMTS "8" and the
ten-digit long-distance number of the called subscriber B~ After dialing "8" the
subscriber line is connected to the outgoing equipment of the ZSL, from which the
busy signal is sent in the direction of the VKZSL at the AMTS by the battery or
frequency method depending on the type of ZSL.
If the VKZSL is b~isy, a free outgoing register IR i.s connected to it via the RI
stage. A special.notice of the presence of AON equipment at the ATS is sent from
the set to the register electrically. The outgoing register busies the UZPI, re-
ceives the resistance AON interrogation signal, from it and relays it to the VKZSL.
The ~esistance signal requesting information from the AON is converted by the
VKZSL line equipment in accordance with the method of transmitting line signals of
the given type of ZSL, and it is transmitted to the ATS~
The IR register connects the lines bet~:~en the VKZSL and the UZPIt over which a
frequency information request signal is transmitted from the UZPI to the AON.
Receiving this signal, the AUN dispatches infor.mation on the category and number
of the calling subscriber A by the multifrequency method by the "2 out 6'' code
using the "no-interval packet" method. In the IR register this information is
received from the UZPI by the resistance method by the "2 out of 5" code. A buzzing
signal that the AMTS equipment is ready to receive information about the number
of the called subscriber B is sent to subscriber A from the register. The regis~
ter IP. receives information about the number of subscriber B, After completion
- of recording of the long--distance number (ten digits) the IR busies the automatic
charge computing equipment AUS. The information about the numbers of subscribers
A and ~ is output by the register IR to the AUS in four steps. After dispatching
information to the AUS, the IR register is disconnected from the AUS and calls
the decoder.
On the basis o� this call the marker M selects the calling register IR which by
a signal from 1~ is connected through the RSP to the decoder~ The IR register
outputs the required information to the decoder (f ive digits of the long-distance
number) which determines the outgoing routing (direct or bypass) and it outputs a
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notice to the free incoming equipment of tfie selected routing. The marker M
sele~ts one of the fr=e paths from the VKZSL to a free outgoing routing and
transmits information about the selected path to the module memory~ After selec-
tion of *_he path the decoder transmits information about its method of operation
in the f urther phase of completing the call to the IR based on the "path selected"
signal received from the marker, Then the decoder and marker are released.
- ;lnder the control of the ~J-AB and the ZU-CD, the MKS of the A, B, C and D links of
the switching modules connect the path from the VKZSL to tne ~utgoing equipment of
the required routing. The latter is busied and sends a busy signal over the long-
uistance channel to the next A2iTS or UAK. The IR register receives the frequency
request signal from the register of the next office and transmits information about
t~:e category of the call and the number of subscriber B to it by the multifrequency
p~ocedure "2 out of 6" code by the "pulse packet" method, After reception of the
sibnal of correctness of reception of all of the transmitted information from the
re~ister of the next office, the IR is released.
In the absence of AUid at the ATS, notice of absence of the AON is transmitted to
the register after busying the VKZSL and connection of the register from the system
� to it. A buzzing signal that the AMTS instruments are ready to receive information
is sent to subscriber A from the register. After receiving and recArding the in-
formation about the numbers of subscribers A and B, the register IR is connected to
the decoder and transmits the information required to set up the long-distance call
to it, and a signal to check correctness of the number dialed when the subscriber
A is dialing his own number to the subscriber A. In the case of positive results
from checking~ his~IR busies the AUS equipment and transmits information to it about
the numbers of subscribers A and B. After completion of the interacti4n with the
AUS, the decoder is ag3in busied, and infurmation is transmitted to it to set up
the call to subscriber B.
In the absence of free paths from the VKZSL to the free outgoing equipment, a
special signal is fed to the IR from the decoder, by which the register reieases the
decoder and marker, and after some time (about 100 milliseconds) again connects to
- the decoder for a repeated try at setting up the call. In case of rejection as a
result of absence of a free signal in the required direction, for priority calls
the decoder transmits a signal to the IR to set up the call for waiting and busies
the waiting system (via the switching system). The IR register connects the "please
wait" recorded message to the line of subscriber A. For nonpriority calls the
decoder transmits the "busy" signal to the register, on which the IR must be re-
leased. In the waiting equipment AO which is constantly connected to the decoder,
the required information is present about the waiting calls (the routings on which
the waiting calls are being held and the categories of the waiting calls).
When the channel becomes free on the routing of the AO waiting, the signal is trans-
mitted via the waiting line and switching system to the waiting register IR that it
must again call the decoder. If several registers are waiting for the given routing
to become free, service priority is given to registers with priority calls. The
IR register, receiving a signal, again calls the decoder, breaks the connection via
the switching system to the waiting line and is connected to the decoder.
At the time of connection of the waiting IR to the decoder (using the marker M and
the register switch RSP) further completion of the call is realized analogously to
the normal call via an off ice (without waiting).
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On arrival of the "subscriber B answers" or "busy~' from the channel during
the setting up of a ca11 and a?so ~.fter completion of the call on arrival of the
"ring-off" signal, the VKZSL system transmits a signal to this effect to the AUS
For service over the channels with AMTS-2 and AMTS-3 operating by the two-
- frequency system, the AMTS-4 has outgoing matching registers ISR which receive in-
formation from the IR by the multifrequency method and transmit it to the AMTS-2
- or AMTS-3 by the decade method in two steps by the "transmit code" and "transmit
number" signals.
After receiving the ring-off signal, processing of all the information and determi-
nation of the charge for the call begin. A11 the accumulated data, including the
length of the call are transmitted to the AUS recorders.
Incoming Long-Distance Calls.~ Automatic and semiautomatic incoming calls
depending on the type of office where they origi_nate, are set up through dif-
ferent incoming systems and registers. The ralls - from l~ke offices (AMTS-4 or
ARM-20) are set up through the VKTS systems operating by the single-frequency signal
system. Here, a tandem register TR is connected to the VKTS equipment, and its
interaction with the iecoder and marker of the switching system takes place just as
in the case of the outgoing service with the IR.
The calls ~ from AMTS-2 and AMTS-3 ovpr the long-d.istance channels are set up
via the VKTNS equipment with the participation of the incoming matching registers
VSR which receive information from these cff ices by the decade mettiod in two steps
by the "transmit code" and "transmit number" signals. Tnformation is transmitted
from these registers by one of three methods depending on where the call is
going: the decade, multifrequency by tne "pulse packet" method or multifrequency
by the "pulse shuttle" method.
In the absence of free trunks to the ATS of its zone, the setup for waiting is done
only for calls of the priority category.
Automatic Intrazonal Connection. For setting up an automatic call within his zone,
subscriber A dials "8" for access to the AMTS, "2" (the intrazonal service prefix)
and the seven-digit number of subscriber B. In the absence of AON,subscriber A
- di.als his own number. Further setting up of the call takes place just as with
automatic long-distance service.
Semiautomatic Long-Distance Calls. This form of call is set up from long-distance
switchboards of the no-delay system MKNS and the cordless long-distance switchboards for
delay-basis outgoing calls MKIZS. At each switchboard position there are six
- universal connecting systems USK. The ar.swering sides of the USK are connected to
the line bank of the incoming and outgoing modules of the switching system. The
calling sides of the liSK a~~~ connected only to the incoming points of the line bank.
Calls from subscribers goto the answering side of the USK. For connection to the MICNS,
subscriber A dials the prefix "8" and the two-digit code of the MKNS. At the
_ AMTS, the VKZSL and IR are busied. The register is connected to the decoder and
transmits information to it about the category of suhscriber, the MKNS code and
"end of dialing."
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In the case where there is a ready switchboard position, the call is setup from
the VKZSL to the selected USK; if there are no free switchboard positions, the call
is put on hold, and a light indicating the presence of waiting calls lights on the
rSKNS.To make a switchboard position ready ~ it is necessary to throw the "an
swer " and "ready to receive call GPV'~ switches provides for markingthe free
point of the bank in the ZU-SD and sending the notice to the transmitter of the
presence of ready switchboard positions on the routing. The switchboard posi-
tions of the NII~TS are divided into two groups: one group services subscriber~ of
the priority category, and the other group, the remaining subscribers.
After busying the USK, the information request signal is sent from the switchboard
position of the URD4 to the IR. The register receiving the request transmits the
category and number of subscriber A to the USK by the "pulse packet" method. In
the case of absence of AON, the IR register sends information about the provisional
category and provisional number of the subscriber. After receiving this informa-
tion a signal confirming reception is sent to the IR. The telephone operator,
answering the subscriber, proceeds with setting up the call. Throwing the "dial
B" switch feeds the request to the RI to connect the semiautomatic servicP register
PSR. After connecting the PSR the dial light on the call side of the LNV lights
up at the switchboard position. The telephone operator dials the code and number
~ of subscriber B. The notice of the call priority is transmitted to the register
automatically when it is busied.
The PSR register connects the decoder which ma.rks the routing. If there are no
free outgoing channels the priority MKNS are connected to the waiting system, and
nonpriority ones receive a"busy" signal. The talk channel in the USK is connected
to dispatch the dial digits from the PSR to the register of the next off ice. After
receiving the signal confirming correct reception, the register is disconnected from
the URM. The ring-off light OLV lights up on the switcfiboard.
On connection to a free subscriber line the telephone operator hears the call send-
_ ins monitor~ng signal. If the subscriber line is busy with a local call, the OLV
light blinks and the call can be heard; if the line is busy with a long-distance
call, the OLV light blinks and a"busy~' buzzing signal is heard. After the sub-
scriber B answers, the OLV light goes off, and it lights again on ring-off.
ti call is set up with subscriber A on the MKNS and MKIZS over the SLM trunk via ~he
answering side analogously to setting up a call on the long--distance channel.
Communications with Order-Circuit ATS. An outgoing call from a given AMTS-4
office to subscribers of the order--circuit ATS of other TMTS and UAK is set up via
the VKS system and the switching system of the AMTS using the SR register over
ordinary long-distance channels. The interaction of the instruments of the switch-
ing system, the RI stage and the line switches takes place just as when setting
up ordinary long-distance calls, but without connection to the charge com-
puting equipment.
The incoming calls from other AMTS and UAK to subscriuers of the order-
circuit ATS of the given office pass through the switching system and the special
RSLV equipment which forms part of the order-circui.t ATS which is connected to the
switching system of the AMTS-4.
- 65
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Call_s to the controlled KIA (KIA-2) are set up via the order-circuit ATS with
remote measurements and testing of the long--distance cha.nnels and line equipment.
For this purpose, the order-circuit ATS has a special switching sta~e GI-KIA, the
outputs of which are connected to the KIA-2 systems.
Communications with the services of the switchboard shop and other AMTS services
and also with the GTS information service are organized with the order-circuit ATS
via a special stage Glinformation'
Servicing Direct Subscribers. For servicing segregated direct subscribers it is
proposed that the existing sets of direct subscriber lines connected to the cord
type switchboard equipment be used. For incoming calls the direct subscriber lines
are connected to the order-circuit ATS. For outgoing service the direct subscriber
lines are connected to the cord type switchboard equipment entering into the AMTS-4.
Special jacks for the priority systems RUSK are allocated on the cord switchboards
A if the cord switchboard is in the same building with the AMTS, or IRUK sets if the
cord switchboard is in another building. The RUSK and VI~IS equipment must send
notice of a priority call to the PSR and VSR registers.
- The direct subscriber cord switchboards are located in the AMTS building.
5.5. Description of Basic Types of Office Equipment
Line Equipment
The line equipment of the ZSL and SLM provided for communications with local tele-
phone networks are in four versions used depending on the type of lines:
VKZSL-2, IKSLM-2 for physical thr~e--wire lines;
VKZSL-4, IKSLM-4 for physical four-wire lines; '
VKZSL-U, IKSLM-U for transmission system channels wit'n segregated signal channel;
- VKZSL-T, IKSLM-T for transmi.ssion system channels without segregated signal channel.
Al:l the ZSL equipment interacts with the registers via the RI stage and also with
the AUS and AUN equipment.
The interfacility line systems VI~IO and IKMO are used for communications with the
AMTS-4 or ARM-20 in the given city over the physical four-wire lines. The interac-
tion signals are transmitted via the midpoints of the transformer over a single-
frequency signal system.
- Us~ng the VKMS and IKMS systems, communications arP organized with the AMTS-2 or
AMTS-3 of the given city. The interaction signals are transmitted over a two-
frequency signal system. The indicated systems can be used both for tandem
- calls between facilities and for outgoing semiautomatic service from the cord type
'~1T S .
The relay-repeater matching equipment RUSK is designed to organize
semiautomatic service via the AMTS-4 from the long-distance switchboards of the
cord type MTS of the MRU installed in the same building with the AMTS-4. In this
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' case a key pulser must be installed on the long-distance switchboard MK. The
RUSK system interacts with the PSR. Information is output to the register by the
multifrequency method using a key pulser on the MK. The RUSK input is connected to
the bank of the switchboard of the cord MTS of the MRU over the two-wire talk channel
system, and the output, to the incoming point of the line bank of the switching
modules by the four-wire system.
The outgoing relay-repeater equipment IRUK is designed to organize semiautomatic
service from the cord type MK installed in another building. On the incoming end
the interfacility line is connected to the VKMS system of the AMTS-4. The inter-
action signals are transmitted by direct current. The number information is dis-
patched by the multifrequency method using the key pulser on the long-distance
switchboard. The si_x-frequency oscillator systems are placed in common frames with
the IRUK systems.
The outgoing sets of interfacility recordin~ tr~nks IiCZK 4/4 provide ser-
vice with the cord type MK installed in anather building. On the incoming end of
the ZSL, VKZSLSh4/2 must be installed. For reliable operation, the resistance of
each wire of the interfacility ZSL must not exceed 1000 ohms; the insulation resis-
tance between the wires with respect to ground must be no less than 150 kilohms.
The potential diff erence on the interfacility ZSL is 8 volts. The interaction sig-
nals are transmitted over the midpoints of the transformers b;~ signal code adopted
for the AMTS-4 offices.
The outgoing sets of interfacility recording trunks IKZK 4/2 ar~e designed
for coupling the AMTS-4 over physical two-wire lines with the delay-basis switch-
boards of the cord type MTS located in another building. On the incoming end of
the recording trunk an VKZLSh 2/2 must be installed. The four-wire input of the
IKZK 4/2 is connected to the outgoing point of the line bank, the two-wire output
to the physical interfacility recording trunk with the parameters: the resistance
of each wire of the physical line,no more than 1000 ohms; insulation resistance
with respect to ground and between each other, no less than 150 kilohms; potential
difference with respect to ground is 8 volts.
The outgoing IKZM 4/2 systems are designed fqr coupling the AMTS-4 to the long-
distance switchboards of the cord type MTS located in the same building with the
AMTS-4. The four-wire input of the IKZM 4/2 is connected to the outgoing point
of the line bank, and the two-wire output, to the MI: bank. The IKZM 4/2 system
transmits and receives interaction signals from the MK by direct current. The
system permits tandem calls to be set up with manual service channels
connected to the cord type MK.
Switching Modules
In the AMTS-4 and UAK two types of switching modules are used: 400-400-400 and
200-200-200. This provides for economical assembly of offices of various capaci-
The group formation diagram o� the module is presented in Figure 5.2. A three-
position crossbar connector NIICS 10 X 20 x 6 providing for four~wire switching of
the talk channel is used as the switching element. The basic element of the link
is the switchboard consisting of two MKS. Within one link the switchboards are
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A ~ C D A B C D
400 400 i00 400 400 ?00 100 700 100 ?00 -
1 f0 1f ?0 J 10
r Q---?q ~---o -0 ----o ~ Q---~ -0
~ ~ i i i A(0) i 100 i i ~ A(D)
?Od---~ Eo-=---0 -o---~ >0 b,.---b -0 ~
~ ~ b b--- b �
~ ~ I ~
ro b-- b b-- - b 8~~~ ~0 b b B(c)
� e ~ ~ ~ ~r e ~
~ ~ i ~ , ~
~o b ---b b---b 10 ~ b
> >o � ~ i ~o
~ Q~ b~
Figure 5.2. Group formation diagrams of switching modules of the AMTS-4
and UAK: a) module 400-400-400 (f = 1); b) module 200-200-200 (f = 2).
not connected to each other; only switchboards of different links are connected to
each other.
The 400-400-400 module is singly connected, that is, there is only one interm~diate
line betwee.n the.first-link switchboard and one switch.board of the second link.
The 200-200-200 module is doubly connected, that is, one switchboard of the first
link is connected to one switchboard of the second link by two intermedtate lines.
The two-line module AB (CD) of the 400-400-400 type is arranged in eight frames
(four frames of link A and fourfr.ames of link B); the two-link 200-200-200 module ~is
placed in four frames (two frames of, link A and twoframes of link B) .
Up to ten MKS forming five switchboards (two MKS each) are installed in. each �rame.
Each switchboard has 20 verticals and 20 bank lines. Thus, 100 verticals and 100
bank lines are formed on one ~rame Beginning with this fact, the number of frames
of the MKS is determined for each link of the module.
Figure 5.3 shows a structural diagram of the switching system. Al1 of the calls are
set up via four links. The following participate in a connection between the input
and output: the intermediate line betweeri Iinks A and B, the intermodule line be-
- tween modules AB and CD, the intermediate line C and D. The incoming lines and
channels are connected fully accessibly to the switching modules AB; the incoming
li.nes and long distance channels of direct and bypass routings are connected fully
accessibly to the switching m~dules CD. The outgoing and incoming channels of one
routing must be distributed uniformly over all the outgoing and incoming modules,
respectively. The sazne thing pertains to the ZSL groups from each ATS and the SLM
groups to the incoming message junctions of the GATS (WSM) and the TsS of its zone
and also to other lines connected to the switching bank.
During the process of servicing a call coming to the input of the switching system,
the corresponding incoming and outgoing points o� the bank are marked to which the
the free lines or channels of the required routing are connected. Then an attempt
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
A B t D (4)
~1~ � yK
Blf NA' .
2) ~g~ K
3!l-AQ ~-CD
' ~l B C D
~ (6
Figure 5.3. Structural diagram of the switching
system of the AMTS-4 and UAK.
Key: 1. VK 4. IK
2. ZU AB 5. Marker
3. ZU--CD 6. P
is made to set up the call via the ~xee intermediate Iines between links to all
free lines of the required routing.
- The selection of free intermediate li,nes hetween links is made by the marker. The
losses occurring in cases where free incoming lines are theoreticaily available for
the call coming into the input, but at the given time it is impossible to busy them
inasmuch as there are no free intermediate paths to these lines or losses as a result
of internal blockings. The probability of these losses depends on the average
amount of traffic coming to the bank point and the size of the group of intermediate
(intermodule) lines. The probability of losses to internal blocking increases with
an increase in traffic to the bank point.
The load must be distributed uniformly between all the incoming modules AB, the
modules CD and also between the switchboards of links A and D,. In this case if the
calculated value of the average load to one line turns out to be greater than 0.6
Erlang, not all points of the bank should be taken, which is achieved by increas-
ing the number of modules. Here the untaken points of the bank are distributed
uniformly among all modules.
Each module AB is connected to each module CD by intermediate (intermodule) lines.
Independently of the number of modules and size of the load on the intermediate
line all the lines in the intermodule group must be active, Here the intermodule
lines must be distributed by modules in such a way tha.t the number of lines will be
a multiple of five in the group between each pair of modules.
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'J 1J n
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The method of distributing the intermodule lines by groups of verticals of links
B and C has a significant influence on the probability of losses as a result of
internal blockings. The most expedient distribution of the intermodule lines for
off ices of different capacities is illustrated in Table 5.1. An example of the
intermodular connections for an office containing seven AB modules and seven CD
modules is illustrated in Table 5.2.
Module Memories
Each module has its own memory ZU-~,B and ZUrCD corresponding to i~.
The ZU-AB memory controls operation ot the MKS of links A and B of the incoming
module AB. From module AB information is transmitted to the marker about availability
of intermediate lines which can be used at the given time to set up a call. The
results of marker selection are entered in the ZU-AB. On obtaining i.nformation
from the jointly operating ZU-CD that the call paths have been def ined, the ZU-AB
connects the MKS.
- The ZU-CD memory controls connectors C and D of the outgoing module CD. Informa-
tion is transmitted from the CD module to the marker about intermediate lines which
can be used at the given time to set up a call. The result of marker selection is
entered in the ZU-CD. After determining the paths of the call information is trans-
mitted about this to the jointly operating ZU-AB and the MKS is connected.
After checking the connection of the channel the ZU AB and ZU-CD are released. The
busy time of the ZU setting up one call is 90--95 milliseconds; of this 30 milli-
seconds go for joint operation with the marker and decoder; 50 milliseconds go for
connecting the switching channel; 10-15 milliseconds are the relief time and opera-
tion of the monitoring circuits.
The incoming module AB can be connected to the marker only if the ZU [memory] of
this module is free, that is, the fact that the ZU AB is busy can increase the
marker call waiting somewhat. As for the ZU of the outgoing modules, for the
indicated relation of the busy times of the marker and the ZU, the incoming call
can encounter one, two or three simultaneously busy ZU-CD, that is blocking of the
switching modules CD by the memories is possible. If free channels are found only
in the outgoing modules which are blocked by the ZU, the marker waits fo.r release
of one of these modules.
Two ZU-AB or two ZU-CD are placed in one frame.
Switching System Marker
The marker performs two functions: 1) selection and determination of the register
which must be connected to the decoder; 2) selection of the connecting path between
the incoming and one of the marked outgoing points of the bank.
The marker chooses the register and the connecting path in one busy (in 30 milli-
seconds). The busy time of the marker setting up the call to the AO is 60 milli-
seconds. The marker permits selection and determination of one of 900 registers
which are separated into 30 groups of 30 registers each. According to the opera-
tion of the selection system the marker determines one of the intermediate lines
in interaction with the module ZU.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
In order to insure uninterru~ted operati.on o� the equipment at the office two
markers are provided which operate alternately. Botfi markers are in the same
The setting up of the call is controlled by the marker over a one-line circuit.
The marker can be connected to any incoming or outgoing module of the switching
system and it is possible to set up calls from any incoming system to any ou~going
system. If the call comes at a tiuie when the marker is busy, it waits for release
of the marker. The register receiving a call when the marker is busy is put on
hold. This form of waiting is external waiting for the marker.
In the next phase of setting up the call the marker is connected to the modules
_ AB and CD, the memories af which must be free. If tfie free outgoing lines of the
required routing are available only in the modules, the ZU of which are busy (that
is, the modules are hlocked by the ZU), the marker waits for release of one of
these ZU-CD. This form of waiting is internal waiting for the marker.
According to the results of simulation and calculations performed by the TsNIIS,
the probability of blocking of ttie CD modules by the ZU is about 4%. The waiting
time by the marker for release of an outgoing module blocked by the ZU can assume
discrete values: 5, 35, 65 milliseconds (95 milliseconds for the ZU).
The average busy time of the ma.rker for servicing any call is made up of the
operating time setting up connections in the switching system and the waiting time
for servicing connections to the modules blocked by the ZU:
t~ = ty (1- P,~) to Pa~
where P is the probability of waiting by the marker for release of a module blocked
by a ZUm t' is the busy time of the marker for setting up the call when ser-
vicing cal~s to modules not blocked by ZU; t~ is the husy time of the marker when
servicing calls to modules blocked by ZU.
In order to determine the value of tM~ it ia~ necessary to consider the service system
adupted at the AMTS--4 with the possitiility o� J_imited waiting on channels. The
average busy time of the marker for calls which are serviced without waiting on
channels is equal to 30 milliseconds, and for calls which are serviced with waiting
on channels (when setting up the call to the AO), about 60 milliseconds. With a
probability of setting up a call for waiting P$, the marker busy time for modules
not blocked by ZU is
t~ = 30 (1-Pe) 60 Pa.
The average busy time of a marker for calls waiting for connection to modules
blocked Uy ZU is
to - tw 1'0,
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504030063-4
where y0 is the waiting time for a waiti,ng call.
Substuting the values of PM = 0.04, PB = 0.01, y~ = 5, 35, 65 milliseconds in the
above-indicated expressions, we obtain the average busy time of the marker equa]. to
tM = 31.6 milliseconds (for = 65 milliseconds).
The calculation of the marker reduces to determining the maximum number of calls
which the marker system can service witlz an admissible waiting time. Since at the
AMTS-4 the m::rker systam is one marker, the waiting time in it is determined just
as in a systei~ with waiting consisting af one instrument. The calls are s~lected
from the queue for servicing in random order.
The average waiting time for connection of the marker for all calls depends on the
load on the marker and can be defined tay the formula for a single queue system with
constant service time:
YM - r M ~Y/f2 (1-Y�)) �
The value of y= 30 milliseconds is taken as the norm for the.admissible average
marker waitingMtime. Beginning with this �act, with an average marker busy time for
_ one call ti,,1 = 31.6 milliseconds the load on the marker Y~ must be within the limits
of 0.6 to U.65 Erlang. Here the number of calls whicfi the marker can service will
BM - 0,6 � 3600 � 1000/31,6 = 70 000.
The decoder is designed for selecting the routing and marking the line equipment of
= the selectecl routing on the basis of information received from the register in
parallel code (for each digit there are six wires, the digit is transmitted in a
"2 out 6" code by direct current). After ana.lysis of the received information about
the number of subscriber B or the service (to five digits) the decoder determines
the group of routings, it selects the routing in the order of the established queue
in which the free channel is available, and it marks the selected routing. After
reception of the signal from the marker that the path has been selected, the de-
coder transmits the necessary iuformation to the register and disconnects.
The decoder consists of a central part, the routing number modules and the outgoing
routing modules. The central part is constructed from electronic circuits. The
central parts of two decoders are placed on dne frame. For the routing number
modules and the outgoing routing modules, composite frames are used. On each com-
posite f~ame there are 120 routing number modules and 80 outgoing routing modules
or 240 routing number modules. A maximum of 840 routing numbers and 240 outgoing
routings can be connected to an office.
A routing number is the number by which the routing to the UAK, AMTS or the network
of its zone is defined - AB, ABC, ABCab and 2ab. The number of routing numbers
~ at the AMTS is determined by the sum of the following: the number of long-distance
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service routings (to the UAK) determined hy the decoder by analyzing two digits
of the long-distance code AB wh~ch can reach 15;
the number of three-digit ABC codes (to tlze AMTS) dialed by the subscriber or
_ telephone operator which can reach 300;
the number of routings to zones in which several AMTS are installed determined by
the decoder by analyzing five digits ABCab;
the number of routings of the zone telephone network including the routings to the
UVSM GATS, within the territory of which the designed AMTS is located.
Each routing number corresponds to a block of routing numbers 3R. Each outgoing
routing corresponds to a block of outgoing routings 4R. Each 3R block can be con-
nected to five 4R blocks, that is, to five different routings (one direct and four
For connection of the maximum number of hlocks, that is, 840 3R and 240 4R blocks,
five composite frames are required. The makeup of the decoder frames is illustrated
in Figure 5.4. The composite decoder frames are redundant.
' qeNmp~a~
~~o~~ 9R 3A 3R 8R 3A
anv~vuKa A
qeNmp (
4R 4R 4q 3R 3R
aan~+tixa 6
Qexnrpdnekeiu ~ ? 3 4 5
. (d) ~'oHduHUp
a~m~usaquu ~ e )
B,i -v
JA 9A ,4R 9R 3A
n~. ~
-n nn yq 4R 4R 9A 9A
C~ ' nn f
c- ~ na.
adonmepn9(h) (i) G~JCflBNMQ KOMlTUNUp C/IlO~1)UBbI
l1 u AO
Figure 5.4. Makeup of decoder frames.
Key: a. central part of the decoder A
b. central part of the decoder B
c. central frame
d. composite frames
- e. specialization board
f. VA-R
g. VA-P board
h. adaptor frame P and AO
i. redundant composite frames
j. VAR-P board
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Waiting Equipment AO
The waiting equipment is designed to insure the possibility of servicing calls
with limited waiting for the release of channels, trunks and switchboard positions.
Only priority subscriber calls are set up for waiting at the AMTS with outgoing
terminal connections if all channels and trunks are busy. Subscribers of other
cate~ories, having no priority, are rejected if all the channels and lines of the
routing are husy. Tandem calls are serviced with limiting waiting for subscribers
of all categories priority and nonpriori.ty. However, for calls from priority
subscribers privileges have been been provided for in the AO equipment reserving
of a waiting place and priority servicing of waiting calls from priority subscribers.
The maximum number of waiting lines is 40. These lines are connected fully acces-
sibl} to the outgoing modules of the switching system. The ratio of the number of
waiting lines for calls can be as follows: for channels and SLM 20, 30, 40; for
switchboards 20, 10, 0.
The waiting equipment makes it possible to limit the number of nonpriority calls
waiting for the release of channels. Restricting the waiting with respect to time
is divided in three gradations: 15-30, 30-60, 45-90 milliseconds. On expiration
of the control waiting time the call is taken off hold.
On connecting the waiting equipment, information about the routing number (two,
three or f ive digits of the long-distance numher; AB, ABC, ABCab and 2AB) and
- category oL- the waiting call is transmitted to it from the decoder. Each routing
numb~er corresponds to a block of routing numbers 3C. Each outgoing routing corre-
sponds to a block of outgoing routings 4C. It is possible to connect to two 4C
blocks to each 3C block for the call can be set up for waiting on two routings.
Constant monitoring of the business of the channels on the routings eonnected to the
AO and blocking of released channels for waiting calls are provided by connecting
the outgoing routing blocks 4C in the AO to the corresponding blocks 4R in the de-
The AO eq.uipment is placed in cenrral and composite frames. The following are in-
stalled in the central frame: the waiting line systems, memory of the AO and the
routing number analysis circuit. This frame is connected to the switching modules
and the register distributor. The composite frames contain the routing number blocks
3C and outgoing routing blocks 4C. One composite frame has 90 4C blocks and 125
3C blocks or 250 3C blocks. The central frame and composite frames are redundant.
The makeup of the AO equipment is shown in Figure 5.5.
Register, Decoder and Waiting Equipment Adaptors
The adapters VA-RT VA-P and VAR-P are located on a separate frame.
The segregated adapter of the VA-R registers operates jointly with the test adapter
of the registers on the monitoring and testing equipment KIA frame and is connected
at the time of testing to wires between the tested register and the decoder.
The isolated adapter of the decoder VA-P is designed to tes�;. the decoder and waiting
_ equipment automatically (using the KIA) and manually.
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o,wudoNUA 4C 3C
~ C.M
~ 2~ llansr,m AO
u ye~ 3C 3C
~ 3 ~ !(~Nmpanave~d
r.namu4 (4) KaMbuNUp urwmuBa
CM 4C 3C
_ G2 ~ lhMame AO
u qenu 3C 3C
EbepBNUd 4eHm-
pwaNa~J cmomu9 ( i) Pestp9Neie ,ruedur~p cmamriDW
Figure 5.5. M,a.keup o~ the waiti,ng equipment frames.
Key: 1. waiting place of the SM
2. memory of the AO and analysis circuit
3. central f~,:ame
4. composite frames
5. SM
6. redundant centxal ~rame
7. redundant compc~site frames
The isolated recording adapter o� the vAR~P decader is designed to record errors
wtiich occur during operation of the decoder or waiting equipment or during joint
operation of this equipment with other equipment.
Register Equipment
Different types of registers are used co~respondingly~ to service different types
of calls.
The autgoing register IR is connected to the VKZSL equipment of all varieties and
services the outgoing automatic calls over the channels of the l~ng distance and
- intrazonal networks, the outgoing automatic and semiautomatic calls for interna-
tional service and also calls for the services of the switchboard shop of
- the A.*TTS. It receives information about the number of subscriber B, about the
category and number of subscriber A and dispatches this information by the corre-
- sponding means to the instruments of its AMTS, to the long-distance channels, over
- the trunks to the ATS instruments of its zone and to the charge computing equipment
~ In order to receive information about the category and number of subscriber A
connPCted to the ATS with the AON equipment, the receiving part of the AON
information requ~st and reception unit UZPI which is connected to the R through the
connector S-- is installed at the AMTS. In the UZPI information about the
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category and number of the subscriber A comes from the transmitting part of the AON
installed at the ATS.
International calls are set up by using a special international service attachment
PMS which is connected through the connector S~o the IR when the subscriber diale
"10" the code f or access to the international network. The connector S has 30
inputs and 4 outputs. The IR are connected to the inputs, and four UZPI or four
' PMS are connected to the outputs. The PMS attachment receives and records the last
four digits of the international number, determines the end of dialing of the inter-
national number and is essentially an auxiliary memory of the outgoing register.
_ The connector and the attachment are arranged on the S-PMS frame which is install.ed
jointly with the IR and the IR/K frames.
The tandem register TR is connected to the VKTS Systems and services the incoming
terminal and tandem calls over the single-frequency signal system channels. The
register receives and records information about the category of the call and the
long-distance number of the subscriber B and outputs information to the control
units on the category of the call and the f irst f ive digits of the long-distance
number of subscriber B. Output of inf ormation to the control units begins after the
register receives f ive digits of the long-distance number. The rema;ning five
digits are received si.multaneously with information output. The inforn~,3tion output
procedure is determined by a signal from the decoder depending on the routing of the
The incoming r~atching register VSR is connected to the 1'KTNS systems and services
i incoming and tandem calls arriving over the long-distance channels of the two- signal system. Tan;iem connections of these channels (when necessary) can
be made with the channels of both the two-frequency and the single-frequency signal
The r~egister VSR receives and records the long-distance number of subscriber A from
- the register of the preceding office during automatic service or from the number
dialer oF the telephone operator in the case of semiautomatic service, it transmits
information on the category of call and the f irst f ive digits of the long-distance
_ number to the decoder and outputs the complete long-distance number (or part of it)
to the next register. The information output procedure is determined by a signal
from the decoder.
The outooing matching register ISR is connected to the IKTNS systems and services
the outgoing long-distance automatic and semiautomatic calls over the two-frequency
- signal system channel;. It receives the long-distance number of subscriber B from
the registers connected to the incoming line equipment and records it. The informa-
tion output to the channel begins on completion of reception of all digits of the
- number by the decade method in two steps (code and number).
Tlie ISR register operates without a decodEr. The channel busy signal is trans~nitted
by the line equipment after connection of the register to it.
The semiautomatic service register PSR is connected to the RUSK, VKMS equipment and
to the switchboard positions of the long-distance switchboards, it services semi-
automatic calls over the long-distance channels, over the intrazonal networlc lines
and communications with the services of the AMTS.
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- The PSR regis.ter receives the long--distance or intrazonal number of subscriber B,
the long-distance or local number of the order-circuit ATS subscriber and also the
international service number or long--distance code of the base international office
from the key pulser of the switchboard position or from the terminal line equipment.
After receiving and recording all of the information the PSR is connected to the
decoder and transmits the information needed to set up the call to the decoder.
By the signals from the decoder, the recorded information is output in the corre-
sponding way to the registers of its or another AMTS or ttte local network.
The PSR register can make a repeated attempt to set up the call if the first attempt
is unsuccessful in the case of busy intermediate paths in the switching system or
~ reception of the "infarmation received incorrectly" signal from the register of the
opposing office. The PRS register provides for transmission and reception of the
required signals for setting up the call for waiting and also for taking it off
hold if the control time expires or a free channel appears on the required routing.
The order circuit register SR is connected to the VKS equipment and services the
calls between subscribers of different order-circuit ATS within t'ne li.mits
of one zone and different zones. It receives the long-distance order-circuit num-�
ber from the order-circuit ATS, records it, transmits information to the decoder
consistina of the first five digits of the full long distance number of the order-
circuit ATS subscriber and the category of the call ''automatic nonpriority" (the
register creates the call category itself), and it outputs the long-distance order-
circuit number to the control units of the office.
Information comes to the AMTS registers by the following methods: the long-
- distance number of the subscriber B by the decade method (IR, VSR, SR) or multi-
frequency ('TR, ISR, PSR); the call category, multifrequency !TR, SR), by the resis-
tance meth.od from the decoder (I~:, PSR), or it is formed in the register itself
(VSR, SR);
the category and number of subscriber A by the resistance method ("2 out of 5" code)
from the UZPI when working with the ATS containing AON equipment or by the decade
method from the number dialer of the subscriber when working with the A'PS without
AON (in this case the IR itself creates the provisional category of th~ subscriber).
A nultifrequency receiver is provided as part of the registers for receiving infor-
mation by multifrequency code. The recorder of the received informa.tion is con-
structed on the basis of a hercon relay.
Information is fed to the decoder by means of the electronic circuit by parallel
code. The information from the decoder required fur further operation of the
register (for exanple, the subscri.ber number output method itom which the digits
begin to be output, and so on) is received by the register also in parallel code.
The information can be output from the registers as follows:
t~y multifrequency "2 out of 6" code by the "pulse packet" method (VSR, TR, SR, IR,
by the decade method (VSR, ISR, TR, SR, IR, PSR);
by multifrequency "2 out of 6" code by the "pulse shuttle" method (VSR; TR, SR, IR,
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030063-4
The RI stage serves to connect the terminal line equipment to the registers. In
this stage two-link modules with concentration are used. Internal blockings are
possible i:z the modules. With respect to capacity, RI modules of three types can
be used: 120-100-30; 160-100-20; 200-100-10. Group formation circuits of the RI
modules are shown in Figure 5.6.
~ ~0 J p J 4 S 6 ~ t0 3 4
P P ^ P P a o 0 0 0 o I P v p P o 0 0 0
P9 QQ o 0000o JO~C,~Ol~ ?PP Po 0000
P 7 P p o 0 0 0 0 o movGf j p, P p p o 0 0 0 '0 uc.fad
P P p p o 0 0 0 0 o A' PCt4C/11~M 4 P P 4 O o 0 0 0 'nOVPK
P P----- p p o 0 0 0 0 0 /A~ � 4 P P V o 0 0 o NpCZUC?1pOM
~ ~B~
f o a-----o o ~ a o----
poo 00 110B,~Od ?oo 00
, joo 0 o maveK 30~ o0
160 B.~od. r~ ~
N qUN. Od a o' moveK K erh~'
5 0 0 0 0 ~ 5 0 0 0 0
s�~-----~ 0 6 0 o c
Q) 70o ao
~ l0 1 p 4 0 0---'--o 0
I PV qP p p (p~
Y Po \L
J o P Q P , 0 /0 uc.~od. maveK C�
k P V P P o o K OCWG7JA7M '
5 PP p p o 0
/ � o-----o 0
I � � o 0
ioo ,o ~F~
g o o a; 100 C,~od mcuex
S o 0 0 0 /tuN. Oc~ppyd,
700 00
900 00
goo 00
100 0--~-~-o 0
bJ -
Figure 5.6. Group formation circuits of the RI stage
modules: a) RI 120/20; b) RI 200/10; c) RI 160/20.
- Key: A. 30 outgoing points to the registers
B. 20 outgoing points to the registers
C. 120 incoming points to the line equipment
D. 160 incoming points to the line equipment
E. 10 outgoing points to the registers
F. 200 incoming points to the line equipment
_ The RI stage module contains 10 MICS (10-12-12), to the vertical., of which terminal
line equipment is connected, and to the outputs of the switchin~t bank, registers.
The registers TR, VSR, ISR, PSR and TR can be connected to the outputs of the group
of RI modules both by a fully accessible group and incompletely accessible group.
The number of RI modules entering into a group is selected as a function of the
rna~nitude of the incoming traf.fic, but must be no mcre than two. The number of
. registers in the group must not exceed the number of lines at the output of the
used type of RI module. The IR registers considering the requirements of the AUS
equipment can be included at the outputs of only one RI module.
Each RI module is serviced by two markers operating alternately. The marker of the
~ RI stage is universal for a11 versions of modules.
The line equipment connected to one RI module i5 divided into 20 groups of six,
eight or ten lines in a group. When the input is busy, the request to connect the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540030063-4
RI marker The marker selects the group~ then the set in the group, from
which the call has come. On the hasis of i.nformation about free registers and
free intermediate lines in the module tne marker selects one register, controls
the connection of the MICS RI, monitors connect~on of the bank and disconnects.
The operating time of the marker and the connection time of the RI module is
approximately 130 milliseconds.
The marker is connected only if there is an available free register. If all the
registers are busy or there are free registers but they are inaccessible as a result
of blockings in the two-link system, the incoming call is placed on hold. A ser-
vice system with limited waiting is used in the RI stage.
The choice of the type of module in the RI stage is made on the basis of a compari-
son with respect to number of registers required to service the correspond~ng
traffic from the group of RI modules. The calculations demonstrated that IR, VSR,
ISR and SR are most economically connected to the outputs of the 120-100-30 modules;
TR and PSR are most economically connected to the 160-100-20 modules. The 200-100-
lU inodules are used primarily for connecting the TR to the UAI:.
The register equipment is located in frames o� two types: "normal" and composite.
Only registers are installed on the "noru~al" frames, and in addition to the regis-
- ters, the connecting systems of the RSP registers or multifrequency oscillators
MG are located in the composite frames. By using one RSP system it is possible to
- connect up to 10 registers to the marker and the decoder.
The makeup of the frames with the registers is presented in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3.
- No. of registers No. of frames for a Additional equip-
Type of on a frame �roup of 20 registers ment of the com-
regis- o~al composite norrnal composite total posite frame
t er
TR 3 2 6 1 7 Two RSP systems
VSR 3 2 6 1 7 The same
ISR 4 4 3 2 5 One MG
SR 4 3 4 1 5 Two RSP systems
IR 2 1 9 2 11 The same
YSR 4 3 4 1 5 The same
As is obvious from the table, for all types of registers except the ISR, two RSP
systems are placed on one composite frame which can service a group of up to 20
registers. One multifrequency oscillation which can service up to 30-35 circuits
is installed on the composite frame of the ISR. However, for uninterrupted operation
of the equipment the ISR r.egisters must be serviced by a group of two osc~.llators
wliich requires installation of two composite frames.
Ttie ringer oscillator GTV is designed to obtain audiofrequency currents required
to transmit line and control signals over the long--distance telephone channels for
automatic and semiautomatic service. The two-frequency oscillator is tuned to
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frequencies of 12QQ and 16aQ hertz; the single~frequency oscillator, to a frequency
of 2600 hertz.
A group of two oscillators operates in the hot reserve mode. Under normal condi-
tions the oscillators operate each on its own group of channeis and provide si.mul-
taneous sending of a signal frequency over 20 cha.nnels. Under emergency condi-
tions, one oscillator can provide for the possibility of simultaneous sending of
a signal frequency over 40 telephone channels.
The multifrequency oscillator MChG is designed to obtain signals of six frequencies
(700, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1700 hertz) required ta transmit control signals in -
"2 out of 6" code. The group of two oscillators operates in the hot reserve mode.
Under normal conditions oscillators operate each on its own group of registers and
must provide simultaneous sending of signals to ten registers. Under emergency
conditions an oscillator can provide the possibility of similtaneous sending of
signals to 20 registers.
The multifrequency oscillators are placed in combined regi.ster frames on RSP plates.
Twa multifrequency oscillators are installed on one RSP plate.
Automatic Charge Computing Equipment AUS
= The AUS equipmeut is installed in the AMTS to record outgoing data required to com-
pute the charge for calls and other types of information transmission for long-
distance and intrazonal automatic service. Further processing of these data for
_ reckoning payments and settlaments with subscribers i.s done by computers which can
service one ~~r several AMTS.
The AUS equipment is constructed by the group principle using ferrite, semiconduc-
tor elements ar~d RES-14 type relays; one AUS module services 120 VKZSL. The
module includes the following basic modules:
the ferrite memory FZU for recording information from 120 VKZSL (a maximum of 150
bits per one VKZSL);
the register for recording numbers RZN which records information about the subscri-
ber numbers, the category and numer of the IR for subsequent recording in the FZU;
the register for recording the time RZV ~to record information about the ti~ne the
subscriber B answers and subsequent~y enter it in the FZU;
the register for reading numbers RSN to record the number information read from
the FZU and subsequently tra~smit it tothe buffer memory BP via the connector RS-BP;
The register tor reading the time RSV to record the time the subscriber B answers
read from the FZU and also information about the VKZSL number received from the
W/F~.-FZU connec.tor. All of the information recorded in the RSV must be transmitted
_ fi~rther through the RS-BP connector to the BP;
the control unit UU of the FZU for controlling the operations of erasing an eiitry
and reading in the FZU;
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the recognition unit OP-~'K ~or selecting one o~ several VKZSL calling the AUS in a
group of 120 systems;
the W-FZU connector for connecting the corresponding verticals of the FZU to the
erasure, recording or read circuits in the US/FZU and also for transmitting Che
VKZSL number to the RSV;
the automatic clock ACh for receiving one-second pulses from the primary clock to
accumulate information about the time of day in the VU or the R'L~' and also trans-
mission of the day pulse to the automatic calendar;
the subtraction circuit VU for determining the length of the call;
the blocking relay iR for blocking a group of 120 VKZSL in case of f~ilure of the
AUS module or transmission of a signal to the IR on operation without the AUS;
the through connecting circuit PU for connecting the lines marking a completed or
incompleted call from the VKZSL to the RSV.
Every two AUS modules contain the following common modules;
the buffer memory BM for storing all of the information reflected on the punch card
and subsequent transmission of information to the punch;
the connector between the read register and the buffer memory RS-BP for connecting
_ lines from the RSP1, RSV and VU to the BP;
the recagnition unit OP-RS for controlling the operation of the connector RS-BP;
the recognition unit of the buffered memory OP-BP for connecting the BP to ordinary
or hospital output units;
- the automa:.ic calendar AIC for storing information about the day and month and subse-
quent transmission of this information to the BP.
Recorded Voice Connection Sy~tems KPMG
'Tl~e "recorded voice" machine is designed to output the messages "incorrectly
dialed number," "call the operator," "wait" and so on. This machine is connected
through the KPMG equipment to the outgoing switching modules of the office.
Switct~ing Equipment
Switching equipment of the following types is provided in the AMTS to set up
calls by the semiautomatic method and give out information:
;iKNS long-distance switchboard of the no-delay service syst~em;
Mi:IZS lon~-distance switchboard for the outgoing delay-basis calls;
TsSK central inf ormation switchboard;
RSK rayon infortuation switchboard;
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KNS shif t chief switchhoard.
For operating convenience the cordless type switchboards with remote relay section
are used. The switchboards only have switches, buttons and lights necessary to
- control the setting up of a call.
The recorder and display for recording the category and number of subscriber A
consisting of eight digital lights are installed in the NII~NS. A multifrequency
receiver is available at the switchboard position to receive the digits of the num-
ber and the category transmitted by the multifrequency method.
The MKNS switchboards are divided into two groups: the priority and nonpriority
switchboard positions. The arrival of a call at one group or another is determined
by the category of the subscriber. On connection of a register from the switch-
_ board positions of each group, the corresponding priority mark is transmitted to the
register. The number is dialed on the MK by the key pulser.
The riKIZS switchboard can transmit a mark to the register both for priority and non-
priority calls by examining the operation or according to design. The transmission
of the priority mark to the register is provided by installing the corresponding
jumper on the ~:ircuit board of the universal switchboard position URM.
The switchboard MK is made up of two switchboard positions. Each position has one
URM system and six universal connection systems US~. The connection systems have
answering~and calling sides. The answering side of the MKNS awitchboard is connec-
ted to the incoming and outgoing line banks of the switching stage, and the calling
side, only to the incoming line bank.
There is a possibility of installing a special brigade leader's system in any MK
to organize a brigade leader`s switchboard position.
_ The TsSK switchboard is designed to give out simple items of inform:tion and trans-
fer the call to obtain complex information to the RSK. The RSK number is dialed
via the order-circuit ATS. The TsSK switchboard is built as a cordless type switch-
board with remote relay section, and it has 15 connecting systems.
Tlie RSIC switchboard is designed to ;ive out complex information. It is made as a
cordless switchboard and has 12 connecting systems.
, The KiJS switchboard is cordless with two switchboard positious. The switchboard has
individual indicators to indicate the presence of an operator at the position,
lights showing readiness to receive calls, buttons for connecting the moni-
tored position to the operator's headset. The riit, TsSK and RSK switchboard positions
are divided into Pour groups for monitoring. The K,vS can monitor one position in
each group simultaneously. '
The switchboard equipment has no special production monitoring switchboard KPK. The
K:vS can be used for this purpose. For recording the operation of the monitored
workplace it is proposed that tape recorders be used which can be located in the
switctiboard drawers. Each switchboard position of the KNS has a set of equipment
connected to the line bank of the AMTS for connection to long-distance channels.
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For orcier-~circuit calls the MK, RSK and IuJS switchboard positions are equipped with
a two-way communication line with tne order-circuit ATS. The TsSK switchboard
positions are equipped with an incoming line from the order-circuit ATS. The
- switchboard positions of the brigade leaders, Ki1S and RSI: equipped with a two-
way line with the GATS. The lu1S switchboard position is equipped with direct com-
munication lizes with the brigade leaders~ switchboard positions and the operative
services of the office. The order-circuit lines are equipped with the universal
connecting line USL systems located in a separate frame.
For organizing order,circuitsbetween operative services the desk type orde~ circuit
service switchboards used in tiie AMTS-2 can be used. The switchboards, in contrast
to the AMTS-2, are fed from the frame corresponding to eacn switchboard position.
This version excludes the necessity for a special power distribution frame with
respect to the RPi: switchboards.
For servicing direct subscribers it is proposed ttiat the MRU type switchboards with
direct subscriber PA line systems connected to the order-circuit AT be used. In
this case the corresponding corrections must be made in the PA equipment.
Automatic Traffic Calculating Equipment AUN and Quality Control Equipment Ai:K
The AUt1 equipment provides for ~.ccounting for the number of busies and the load
of individual types of off ice devices and consideration of the load distribution
with respect to routings. The equipment contains devices for calculating the num-
ber of busies and the traff ic of the UZN and devices for calculating the call ~istri-
bution by the ABCab codes of the URV. The number of calls with respect to each
A13Cab code is recorded in the corresponling electronic counters of the URV, from
whic~i after defined time intervals it is output on the PL-80 tape punch. The call
distribution can be calculated simultaneously with respect to no more than 40 pre-
vi.4lisly given codes. The information about the number of busies and the load is
also recorded on the electronic counters and the electronic e~lang metar and after
clef ined intervals it is output on the PL-8U tape puncli�
The AKK equipment provides for accumulation of statistical data on the operating
quality of individual types of equipment and the number of calls and rejects in
clefined time intervals. The ~quipment contains the following: the VU input devica
and four electronic quality recorders. Every electroni.c quality recorder has an
eiectronic counter with counting capacity to 100, an electronic counter with count-
ing capacity to 30 and a decoder. The information is recorded in the electronic
counters and is picked up o,^ the punch tape after defined time intervals.
Tl~e input unit VU is used to match the AKK equipment to the office instruments:
tii~ decoder, waiting equipment, and relay systems for different purposes.
The AUN and AI'�iC equipment is placed Ln universal frames on which the following are
installed: four quality meters, two erlang meters, 40 URV counters and ten UZN
Monitoring and Testing Equipnient I:IA
The au~omatic monitoring and testing equipment of l~.MTS-4 is a set of equipment which
includes three basic assemblies: KIA-l, hIA-2, KIA-3. The switching, control and
line equipment of the off ices are tested using the KIA-l. For control of the tests
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and measurements programs written on punchtape are used which are input to the cen-
tral part of the KIA. The tested equipment is connected to the central part of the
KIA via the first and second type connecting units (PU--1 and PU-2).
The test results are recorded by the recording module operating by its own program
transmitted by command from the central part of the KIA.
The KIA-2 assembly is used for testing and measurements of the long-distance channels
jointly with the KIA-1. The operation of the KIA-2 located at the incoming end of
the channel is controlled by a program recorded in the KIA-1 at the outgoing end.
The control instructions for the KIA-2 are transmitted from the KIA-1 over the
measured channel or any other channel. Connection to the switched channel (together
with the line equipment) is realized on the outgoing. end via the PU-1
which is connected directly to the outgoing system. Connection to a channel with-
out line equipment is realized using the PU--2.
rhe KIA-3 equipment is installed at the ATS and designed for testing and measuring
the ZSL and SLM. The operation of the KIA-3 is controlled by the program written
in the KIA-1.
The number of kIA-1 and I:IA-2 sets at the AMTS-4 is determined by calculation and
can reach a total of ten.
The KIE1 includes the following: sets of ineasuring devices, test units (adapters),
automatic isolated adapters VA and also the workplaces of the channel equipment
bench STh and the duty engineer's bench SDI.
The structural diagram of the KIA interconnected with the AMTS-4 and ATS equipment
is shown in Figure 5.7. The incoming and outgoing systems of long-distance channels
are provisionally des:ignzted as VK and I?C, respectively, and the registers of all
varieties (except IR), by R.
The first type connecting units PU-1 are designed to couple the ingoing and outgoing
line equipment also registers and adapters with test equipment. The connecti.on is
provided over two paths:
_ tiie first path for connecting the incoming line equipment, registers and test and
recorcling adapters to the test equipment;
ttie second path for conn~cting the outgoing line equipment to the test equipm~znt.
_ Figure 5.8 shows a structural diagram of the first type connecting unit. As is
abviou;; from the diagram, each connecting path consists of several stages of
switclies. The number of stages depends on the total number of tested syst~~s anci
devices and also the accessibility of each stage. !-r
The first stage switch 1P is part of the switch r~~:lci~ol unit KUP. The switches of
the last stage SP are placed in the same frames as the connected devices. The 'LP,
3P and so on swit~h stages are connected between the 1P and SP. These switch stages
are placed in the sidewalls o~ the frame rows. If it is necessary to install
several KIA systems (a maximum of up to ten), the combining switch SDP is used which
is placed on a separate SP frame.
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- - ~y.... i AH 20~
~ ;
31 ~ r~ ~ ~
~ i
_ 1 ~J n + dD AMIC I
Dc ~ AM7 , n~ i3`~ unu 5'AM 2 2~ ~
u~u YAK ~~1 '
i I 24 ~ ~ A'HA S
� iG~Cir AIi ~ I X _ -
H -
�i L i i-~ ~~r6,~ nAH r)
~ (
~ 1. ~ p AO i I N Ry~ I N$)l!N pI)
~ o
AY~ 1,~ ~h '
_ J S i
e ~ ( 3 0 rHi~
cr(ry~r) ~ ~
~l`S} ~ArC L~
(15 i - - - - -
~J !
~KNA�1J1 I
_ ~
I ` I
XNA ~ , r~ ti
~ I
' _J
~;K _ _
Fibure 5.7. Structurai diagram of the KIA of the
Key: 1. from the other AM'1S or UAK 16. KIA-... 31. to the other
3. PU-2 18. PU-III
4. VK 19. GI
5. KS 20. AI
7 , I~; 22 . RSLV
8. order-circuit ATS 23. AON
g, ~I 24. ATS K
10. RI 25. RSLA
11. ZR 26. II GIM
12. AUS 27. LIM
13. R 28. IGI
14. P AO 29. PI
15. SP (PU-1) 30. ATS DSh
The number of f-rame switches SP for the VK, IK and registers is determined b~the
number of the corresponding frames (one SP per frame). The number of grour~ switches
S3P is determined beginning ~aith the fact that it is possible to connect ten SP to
tfie outputs of one such switch. The number of S2P is determined analogously
beoinning with the fact that ir is possible to connect S3P to the outputs of one
Ttie se~;regated test and recording adapters (VA and RA) are connected to the outputs of
the S3P. The AMTS-4 equipment includes the following types of adapters:
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HK 1) (12) BX Q (10)
c~ (2~ cn cn
~ (11)
c~n ~3~ c,rn
4 c,~n 8)
xH,t1 cQns/r (5) 3.~
. rrynd (6) �ynf ~7~
Fisure 5.8. Structural diagram of connecting units.
Key: 1. IK 7. KUP I
2. SP 8. VA
3. S3P 9. S2P
4. KIZ-2 10. R
5. SDP 5/2 11. SP
6. KUP II 12. VK .
recording for the marker M(VAR-M) placed on a separate VAR-M frame;
test for the marker M(VA-M) placed on the narker M frame;
se;regated for the registers (VA-R) placed on a separate adapter frame which is part
of the decoder P equipment and the waiting equipment A0;
segregated for testing the decoder (VA-P) placed on the frame of the adapters P and
- recording for the decoder (VAR-P) placed on the frame of the adapters P and A0;
segregated for the RI stage (VAR-RI) plaed on the RI-1 frame.
The adapters of all types (except the VAR-RI) are designed the same for the office.
The number of adapters VAR-RI is determined calculating one adapter for the ~I
module, that is, the number of VAR-RI adapters is equal to the total number of RI
modules. It is possible to connect 20 adapters to the outputs of S3P.
For the second connecting path the number of group switches S3P is determined cal-
culating the possibility of connecting five SP to one S3P. The number of combining
switches of r_lie SDP is determined beginning with the possibility of connecting ten
S3P to the outputs of one SDP.
Order-Circuit ATS
As the order-circuit ATS for an AMTS-4 and UAK, the crossbar equipment of the ATS
K-100/2000 type is used. 'Che maxiznum capacity of the order~circuit ATS is 900
numbers. When designing the order-circuit ATS, the office capacity must be taken as
a multiple of 100 numbers.
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The structutal diag~a.~n o~ the orderrcircuit ATS is stwwn in k'igure 5.9. The ATS
K-100/2000 off ice contains the following stages: suhscriber finding AI, group
finding GI and register finding RI. The processes of setting up the calls are
controlled using the registers and markers. The markers are attached to the
switching modules of the finding stages. Each module of the AI, GI, RI stage has
an individual marker setting up the connection only within the limits of the given
AN ( 2)~, CA(f1X~~NQA ATC AM7C
A B ~4 ~ ~12~
S ~H' ~
M B~ 6noK AP
~3 ~N-KHA ! (15) (13)
a~AB (14 )
6~ (1~ N I Cny,w3a~ Ah7C (16 )
o u cnqaB tn b?i tTt
~(7 ~ 20) ucK8)
( a . . i ~ 6no~r cD
~ (19)
Figure 5.9. Structural diagram of an order-circiiit ATS
for AMTS~4.
Key: 1. subscriber 9. ShKS 16. AMTS services
2. AI 10. GI-KIA and information
3. Shk 11. GI service of the
4. order-circuit ATS 12. AMTSf GTS
6. RSLV 13. AB module 18. CDKmodule
7. RI 14. KIA-2 19. SK
15. VKS
8. RS-3
The order-circuit ATS is designed to organize order-circuit service both inside the
_ gi_ven off ice and with other AMTS and UAK over the long-distance channels. Accord-
inoly, the order-circuit ATS includes special RSLV equipment for coupling to the
switching system of the AMTS (Ur1K).
The inputs of the AI stage include the operative subscriber lines (supervisory and
duty technical personnel), the one-way lines from the direct subscribers of the
AMTS, the one-way lines from different services of the switching shop and from the
MK, two-way lines from different AMTS services.
The RSLV systems designed for incoming long-distance order-circuit service are con-
nected to the inputs of the GI and RI stdges. The outputs of the VI stage are con-
nected to the intraoffice ~roups of lines forming routings to the hundreds modules
_ of tlie AI stage, the outgoing lines to the AMTS for the long-distance order-circuit
service, lines to the KIt1-2 test units of the AMTS via the special GI-KIA module
connected in place of tl~e hundreds module of the AI and also lines to the switch-
L~~ard shop services, other services of rhe t~MTS and to the GTS information service
via the special module GIinf connected to the GI bank instead of the hundreds
module of the AI.
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Lines from the information sezvi.ce of the AMTS are connected via the ShKS systems
to the inputs of the Glinf ~odule. The ShI:S systems are connected in turn to the
inputs of the RI stage. The three-digit registers RS--3 are connected to the out-
puts of the RI stage.
5.6. Calculating the Volume of AMTS-4 Equipment
Initial Data
The following materia].s are used as the initial data f or calculating the office
the data on the number and mode of the channels and lines corresponding to the in-
stalled capacity of the office;
data on the flow distribution of the incoming traffic with respect to the outgoing
the percentage ratio of the crossbar and ten-step ATS;
design solutions regarding the interaction of the AMTS-4 with other long-distance
communication fac~lities in the same city;
quality index norms of the operation of the AMTS-4 instruments and lines;
the operating indices of the office;
data on the average busy time ci the AMTS-4 instruments for setting up calls.
The outgoing materials with respect to number of channels, lines and their load are
compiled on the basis of the given master plans for development of the long-distance,
intrazonal and city networks for the city in which the construction of the AMTS-4
is planned. These data reduce to the table compiled like Table 5.4 which is pre-
sented as an example for designing the office. The number of channels N and the
load Y for each group (version) of incoming and outgoing long-distance channels,
ZSL and SLM and also for communications lines with the long-distance switchboards,
with the order-circuit ATS, to the recorded voice unit and waiting lines are in-
dicated in the table.
T'.ie lines from the long-distance switchboards connected to the bank of incoming
modules of the F:S serv ~_ce two traf f ic f lows :
to the outgoing long distance channels with the semiautomatic method o� setting up
to ttie SL~t for connecting to ATS subscribers of its city and zone with long-distance
semiautomatic calling available to them.
The lines to the long-distan~e switchboards connected to the switching bank of the
outgoing modules service the load sent to the long-distance switchboards MTS of
� ~ the cord type located in the building with the AMTS-4 (basically for t~nde~n. connec-
tions witli tlie manual service cliannels connected to the cord-type MiC) .
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Table 5.4,
Types of channels and lines Line No of Load Y,
equipment channels erlangs
identifi- N
cation code
Incoming channels and lines
Long-distance channels with signal system:
single-frequency VKTS S00 400
two-frequency VRTiJS 500 40U
ZSL frout the GAT5:
physicai three-wire Vf:ZSL-2 400 200
physical four-wire VI n
= 1200 ; 1200 + 857 = 3257.
Key: 1. order; 2. in. order; 3. MK order
11. The number of calls coming from the GATS and the TsS to the recorded voice
equipment MG:
To the "incorrectly dialed number" information channel
' Btiici~- �~ch'~~ i = 2~702 �0,1 = 2570 ;
Key: 1. MG1; 2. ZSL
To the "call the operator" information channel
B ~1~= BtZ~ 0,05 = 1285.
n~?r_ acn'
Key: 1. MG2; 2. ZSL
The total number of calls in the PLH which the switching system must service
BKC~ BEUR�T�Y + BFUF�2T�Y 1' tBFIR�T�Y - Bxpart
"I' ~BF1R�Yl.y - Br~2~~) ~~~,~o/A B~ala +
Key: 1. KS; 2. tandem; 3. ZSLSe~; 4. z; 5. SLM3e~; 6. MK order; 7. MG1;
8, MG2
Calculating the Number of Office Equipment Units
Switching System. The number of switching modules depends on the number of
channels and lines to be connected to the switching banks and the magnitude of
the load which these modules must service when fulfilling the qualifiy index norms.
Considering the carrying capacity of the switching system of one office, the
- average load for one point of the switching bank must not exceed 0.65 erlang.
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The type of switching modules, that is, their capacity on the intermodular line
side is determined on the basis of calculating the number of intermodular lines
required to service the designed load. The required nwnber of switching units is
m~ore precisely determined by the calculated number of intermodular lines.
Initially the number of switching modules is determined by the number of included
lines and channels and the cap acity of the switching bank of one module:
- nGI-Nin/200; nGi1-Nout~200.
The number of intermodular lines is calculated beginning with the magnitude of
the load on the group of lines between each pair of modules and the average equiv-
alent load on the switching bank point. The magnitude of the equivalent load is
determined as a function of the average loads individually for the point of the
incoming and outgoing banks which are equal to the following: for the incoming
modules a=Y~n/(n~I�200); for the outgoing modules d=Yout~~n~U '200). Here Yin
and Yout are the total loads of the incoming and outgoing switching bank.
d(~~ . !
08 - - - ~ ~ a'-~'S~
o~ ~ ~
- --o -
O, i - - , o " i
Q 6 I ' i ~ o.rJ, , ,
, ,.s.,
0,5 0
0, 4 0 _
�~r -
0,3 0~ � - - -
o - -
' ~ p ~ - - -
- ' :
O~ ~ _ ~ _ : 1.. - ' -
0 0,1 0,' Q1 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7a,Jpn (2)
Figure 6.12. Curves for calculating the equivalent load on
a bank point
1. d, erlangs
= 2. a, erlands
If a=d, then the equivalent load a1=a=d. If a~d, then the equivalent load al is
determined by the curves in Figure 6.12.
The load on a group of intermodular lines is determined beginning with the fact
that when coupling each in~oming module to each outgoing module the load is
distrib uted equally among all modules:
A = J /~nGt nGU~'
Key: 1. out
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'1'he number of lines in the intermodular group is determined depending on the
values of A and al for a loss norm P=0.002 by the curves in Figure 6.13. Since
the capacitance of the group must be a multiple of 5(by the requirements of the
circuitry), the number found by the curves is rounded correspondingly to the
next highest number.
Beginning with this number of intermodular lines (200, 300 or 400), the type of
modules is determined. If the number exceeds 400, the ntnnber of modules must be
- The number of MKS racks is determined in accordance with the makeup of the modules
and racks. One rack is made up of ten MKS (100 vertical). For link A consisting
of 200 verticals, two of the MKS racks are required, and for link B consisting
of 200, 300 or 400 verticals two, three or four racks are required, respectively.
Let us determine the number of racks of the switching system of the office for
our eaample.
The number of incoming modules (preliminary) is equal to 16 (3105/200), and out-
gping modules, 13 (2586/200). The average load on the bank point for the incoming
module a=1993/(16.200)=0.62 erlang; for the outgoing module d=1993/(13�200)=0.76
erlang. The eq uivalent load on the field point (by the curves in Figure 6.12)
for a=0.62 erlang, d=0.76 erlang is equal to a1=0.68 erlang.
43p~ (1)
- 011
d,o ,
ew . ~ ~ ~ ~
Q~ l0 15 P0 . IS
0 3po 1(~j 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1f 11 ~ 14 ~f 16 17 18 /9 70 t1171~ 1~ ?f7611 ?d y,~l,
~ ~
06d ~ ~ ' 6 , 10 ~ 7S
D,66 ~p
0,64 , 45 ' 30
_ ~40 4
1!! 111113 741516 T! Td 19 ,~0 J! 31,~3 34 d5 36 d7 d/ J9 40 kf 41 43 44 03 46 41 48 y
~.3oe N ~1)
~b~ i i;
~bi ~ i ~ jf j
o~0 65 70 7 SO a~
db;~ ' . ' ~0
�40 ~1 4? 4J 4a af a6 4l ad ~9 5D SI 57 Q 54 55 S6 ,fl ~e y, 3pr~ y
Figure 6.13. Curves for calculating the number of intermodular lines:
admissible losses P=0.002; Y-- load on the group of intermodular
lines; a-- equivalent load on the bank point; N-- number of
intermodular lines
1. erlang
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The load on the group of intermodular lines A=1993/(16.13)=9.58 erlangs. The
number of lines in the intermodular group (by the curves in Figure 6.13) for
A=9.58 erlangs, a=0.68 erlang and P=0.002 is 30. The number of intermodular
lines per module is as follows: outgoing 30�16=480, incoming 30�13=390.
Since the number of intermodular lines for one outgoing module exceeds the maximtmm
capacity of the module (400 lines), the number of these modules is increased from
13 to 16. Then the load on the group of intermodular lines A=1993/16�16=7.8
erlangs. There will be 25 lines in the intermodular group for A=7.8 erlangs,
a1=0.62 erlang and P=0.002. The total nwmber of intermodular lines per module:
; outgoing 25�16=400, incoming 25�16=400.
Thus, the type 200-200-400 modules are provided for the installation, each of
which consists of two MKS racks of link A and four MKS racks of link B.
The total number of racks is as follows: link A(16+16)2=64; link B(16+16)4=128.
Register Equipment. The number of registers, code receivers and transmitters is
calculated in combination with the register finders and connectors considering
the peculiarities of their grouping.
For calculation of the load on these devices, the r~sults of calculating the
number of calls to be serviced by each type of device and also the data on the
average busy time of the devices for one call are used.
- The H/N register services calls from subscribers:
GATS and Ts~ of its zone to the outgoing long-distance channels with automatic
GATS and TsS of its zone to the long-distance switchboards for semi-automatic
- service;
Order-circuit ATS to the outgoing long-distance channels;
Local networks of its zone for intrazonal service.
The load on the registers is determined beginning with the total number of ser-
viced calls:
YH/N_BH/N tH/N/3600.
The number of H/N registers is determined~depending on the group formation of
adjacent units of the station connected with them. The automatic charge computing
equipment TT has direct coupling to the H/N registers. The TT equipment is
made up calculatin g the division of the ZSL into groups (no more than 600 lines
each). A ZSL group is serviced by its own registers. The number of line equip-
ment units in the ZSL groups must be identical insofar as possible.
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The line equipment units are connected to the registers via an RS-20 stage. For
each ZSL group, the number of MKS of the register finding stage RS is determined:
N~=2NFIR~15. Then the total number of MKS of the stage RS and the total number
of racks RS for all groups are determined.
The number of markers RSM 64/20/20 is equal to the number of racks RS-20 inas much
as one marker designed *_o service eight MKS for RS-20 is placed on the same rack.
The load on each register group is determined in accordance with which line equip-
ment units and with what load the given group of registers is serviced. For
determination of the number of registers in the group it is necessary to calculate
the average load on the intermediate line to the register (on the RS-H/I~ vertical):
~ N \
S - Y~P~Per.H/N~C 2 ' 10i .
Key: 1. gr.reg.H/N
- S= 0,10,150,f 0
N ~ i
d0 ~ i i _�_f
, ~ ! j I I
i ' i ; i f.
70 i i ~ I ;
60 ~ ' ~ ~ ~
i I
5~ ~ , ~ i ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~
40 ' ~ I ~ ~ ' I ~
' ~ ` i ; I
. ' I I i ~ i i I
i I ~ I( ~ ~
L~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~0 ~ I ~ ' ~ I i ~ i,
- ' ~ ~ I I i ~ i ~
I i ~ i
0 !0 10 TD 4D 50 f0 y, Jpn ~ 1~
Figure 6.14. Curves for calculating the number of registers:
losses P=0.002; accessibility mq=20; s-- average load on the
vertical RS
1. erlangs
- The number of registers for P=0.002 is determined by the curves in Figure 6.14.
On the same figure the curves are calculated for a maximum of up to 90 registers.
In the case where the magnitude of the load requires a large number of registers,
the calculation is performed by the formula of the TsNIIS Institute:
N(1) 5+85Y/Yoa~
Key : l. reg
~ 158
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where Y90 is the load which 90 registers can service for a given average load
The number of EMA units, code receivers KNf-D and systems for coupling to the
_ automatic charge computing equipment ATT is equal to the number of H/I3 registers.
The number of AN-S analyzers is determined calculating one for 20 H/N registers.
The RECy-H/N rack has four sets of registers and one AN-S set.
~ The device for requesting and receiving information UZPI is connected to the code
_ receivers KM-D via the register finding stage RS-10. The load on the UZPI depends
- on the numb er of calls coming from the subscribers of the GATS and TsS equipped
with AON equipment, Ba and the average busy time of the UZPI for servicing one
call equal to TUZpI=2.~ seconds:
Yy~q~ _ (
2 j Tx~~H/3600)
Key: l. UZPI; 2. subscriber
where Q is the coefficient indicating which part of the city ATS and zone TsS is
equipped with AON. The average load on the intex~mediate line to the UZPI is
: determined from the expression
_ S Yy~).H/~NRS' 10), ~2)NRS - N~ 0/15.
Key: UZPI; 2. where
The number of UZPI sets, depending on the magnitudes of YUZPI and s, is determined
by the curves in Figure 6.14.
In the RS-10 stage the number of racks is determined beginning with their makeup
(eight MKS and two markers on a rack).
The registers 2T are connected to the incoming FIR-2T-Y of the lang-distance
channels with two-frequency signalling system, and they are designed to service
the in comin g automatic and semi-automatic calls comin g over these channels.
The load on the registers 2T is determined as a function of the total number of
calls routed to the GATS and the TsS subscribers, the orrler-circuit ATS sub-
scribers and the outgoing long-distance channels (in the case of tandem connec-
tion) .
As a result of symmetric structure of the office with respect to the control
imits, the FIR-2T-Y are divided into two groups, each of which is serviced by its
own register group. The line equipment is connected to the registers via the
RS-20 stage. The number of MKS in the RS stage is determined individually for
each group by the formula
NRS = 2~VFIR�.~T.Y/15.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540030063-4
Then the total ninnber of MKS i~n the RS stage is determined for both groups af
line equipment. The numb~r of markers RSM 64/20/20 is dete~.ined by the number
of racks RS.
The load on each group of registers 2T is Y r~T
Y /2. Tl:e average load on ~
an intermediate line to the registers is det~rmzned2~y the formula �
s = Y(p ~T �
~NRS~2) � 10
Key: 1. gr
By the curves in Figure 6.14, the number of registers in one group is determined
and then the n~ber of registers for both groups. The ntanber of EMA devices and
code receivers Kl~f-D is equal to the number of registers 2T. The ntnnber of analzyers
AN-S is equal to N2T/20.
The Y/0 registers are connected to the incoming FIR-T-Y of the long-distance
channels with single-frequency signalling system and also to the FIR-L-O equipment
of the lines from the long-distance switchboards, and they are designe3 to service
calls coming:
Over the incoming long-distance channels with single-frequency signalling system
with automatic coupling to the GATS and the TsS subscriber;
The same, to the order-circuit ATS subscriber;
The same, to the outgoing channels~ through connection) ;
Over the incoming long-distance channels with. single-frequency signalling system
with semi-automatic service;
From the lon~-distance switchboards to the outgoing channels with semi-automatic
The same, to the SLM fcr the ou~~oing semi-automatic service;
The same, to the order-circuit ATS.
The load on the Y/0 registers depends on the total number of these calls. The
number of Y/0 registers is calculated analogously to the calculation of the
registers 2T.
The code receivers K1~-V are connected to the Y/0 registers for reception of.
infoYr.-~ation by the multi-frequency method by the "2 out of 6" code. The code
receiver contains four types of systems:
The MVA is the matching part of the code receiver for interaction with the Y/0
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= t;
at' , , Q` ~ s 9 .
~ 5 .10 !5 ?0 15 /f, 3pl1( j~
p~ ~
0,2 = I a ~aa o, mQ=fO
01 W=
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 /0 1/ y, 3p~ (1)
QI , , , ~ ~
i ~ o.
0,2 : , ~ w mq=10
~ ; ~ ~
0,1 ,
~ ~
; 0 5 f0 15 i?0 lf, 3p~ (1)
S .
a3 .
Qi~ N=~ `r 'b 'a~ 'S s f~ //l(1�~0
0 S f0 1S PD ?5 ~0 y, 3p~ (1)
s . .
0,~ �
. ~2 N. ' ~ ~
0 5 /D 15 ?0 y, 3pn
S . . mq= 40
t; Z , ~ ~ o
?0 ?5 30 J5 4~ y, M 1)
14 /6 19
Figure 6.15. Curves for calculating the number of code receivers
and transmitters for small loads:
Y-- load on the receivers or transmitters; N-- number of
- receivers or transmitters; s-- average load on the input SS;
SS 16/40; losses P=0.001; availability mq=10, 20. 30, 40.
1. erlangs
The KMT is designed to receive information by the multi-frequency method by a
"2 out of 6" code and for conversion of the frequency signals to positive "2 out
of 6" pulses;
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The MVS is used to check ttie received information for the presence of two
out of six pulses and transtr,ission of the number digits to the plus feed register
over two out of five wires, and the category digit over two out of six wires;
The r1TS is designed for interaction with the register connector SS.
The MVA is rigidly connected to th2 register, and the number of these systems is
taken equal to the number of Y/0 registers. The MVA are mounted on individual
- rNA racks, 18 sets on a rack. ihe rest of the code receiver equipment (KMT, MVS,
MTS) is connected to the MVA via the register connector SS.
mq 1Q 10
S v J 0? D~ 0 04 p 0701 ~
I ~ ~ i ~
- 140 , - ,
~ ~
130 , I
1T0 '
i I ~
110 ' ' ~ '
~ i
_ ~
, i I
90 - - _
~ ~ : ~
6D - ' I
- 3Q - ~1--
40 ' o
o�a o
0 0-o q ~P-c
~D - 'o o "o'mq=10
,~'G �
~ ~o mq=70
?p a-o -o
10 ! ~ ~
D f0 ?D d0 40 5C 60 70 BO ,4C y, 3P~
Figure 6.16. Curves for calculating the number of code receivers
and transmitters for large loads :
Y-- load on the receivers or trans mitters;
N-- number of receivers or transmitters;
s-- average load on�the input ss;
ss 16/40; losses P=0.001; accessibility mq=10, 20
1. erlangs
The code receiver s service the same number of calls as the Y/0 registers;
thererore the lo ad on the receivers KM-V is determined from the following
- expression:
YKM v- B~~,~ t~ ~/3600.
The number of mndule~ of the register connector SS is determined by dividing the
n~unber of registers 't/0 by the number of inputs of the SS stage:
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Nss = NY/o/l6.
- The average load on the SS module input
S - YKM-Y%~NSS' 16).
By the curves in Figure 6.15, the required number of receivers KN~V is determined
for P=0.001, mq=40 and the corresponding value of s. The code receivers KM-V
- (KMT, MVS and MTS) are put together 18 sets on a rack.
The code receivers KS-D, KS-K, KS-V are connected to the registers 2T, Y/0, H/N
via the connectors SS. The capacity of the SS module is 16 inputs and 40 outpu;.s.
The number of code transmitters is calculated in the following sequence:
- The load is determined for each type of transmitter depending on the number of
- calls subject to servicing by them and the average busy time of the transmitter
for servicing one call;
The number of SS mpdules is determined depending on the total number of registers
at the input and cap acity of a module;
Beginning with the total load on all the transmitters and the number of SS modules,
the average load s on one intermediate line to the transmitter is determined;
Depending on the load on each type of transmitter and the value of s, using curves
in Figure 6.15 or 6.16, the number of transmitters KS-D, KS-K and KS-V is
- determined.
The load on the code transmitters KS-D is created by the ordinazy and monitor
calls, on arrival of which it is necess ary to output information to the ten-step
ATS and over the outgoing long-distance ch annels with two-freq uency signalling
YKS.D � ~Bu+ B~~m~ tKS.~/3600,
Key: 1. monitor
where BD is the n~nber of ordiiYary calls which the KS-D transmitters must service;
Bmonitor is th e number of monitor calls; m is the coefficient which indicates
the fraction of ten-step ATS in the total number of ATS.
The magnitude of B~ is made up of the incoming calls routed over the SLM to the
ten-step TsS and GATS (BSLM m~ ~and the calls over the outgoing lang-distance
channels with two-frequency signalling system (BFUR-2T-Y~~
8~ = B~~N m-;- B FUR�2T�Y �
Key: 1. SLM
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The number of monitor calls is made up of the outgoing calls routed over the
automatic service long-distance channels and the SLM to the zone TsS coming from
the subscribers of the ATS not having AON equipment:
B,~o1~= ~~~(1 - l),
Key: 1. monitor; 2. out
where Q is the coefficient indicating which part of the city ATS and zone TsS is
equipped with AON equipment.
The load on the code transmitters KS-K is created by ordinary and monitor calls
on arrival of which it is necessary to output information to the crossbar ATS
~ YKS-K ~Bx'f' a'xofi rKg-K!3600.
Key: l. monitor
The value of Bk is made up of calls routed over the SLM to the crossbar TsS and
GATS ~BSLM~l-m)] and calls routed to the order- circuit crossbar ATS from the
long-distance switchboar~ds and the incoming automatic service long-distance
- channels ~Border ATS~ ~
(1) ' , (Z)
BN BCJiM (1 - m~ ~ Bc:~ ATC'
Key: 1. SLM; 2. order ATS
The load on the code transmitters KS-V is created by calls, on arrival of which
it is necessaYy to output information to the outgoing long-distance channels with
single-frequency signalling system:
YKS-V - B!'~;R�T�Y tKS�Y~'3600.
When determining the number of SS modules (with a capacity of 16 inputs, 40 out-
puts) for connecting registers to three types of code transmitters let us se].ect
the version of connection of tt~e outputs with breakdown into three routings with
an availability of 20, 10 and 10 (see Figure 6.5 d). The routing with avail-
- ability of 20 calls is used to connect the type of transmitter which trans mits
the highest load. The number of SS modules
,VSS = (NH/v ~ T.p NY/O) 16.
The average load on an intermediate line to the transmitters
` _ (YKS-p YKS�K Yxs-~,.) i (~VSS � 16).
The number of code transmitters KS-D, KS-K and KS-V is determined by the curves
in Figure 6.15 or 5.16 depending on the magnitude of the load of each typ e of
transmitter, the selected availability and the value of s. In the case where
- 164
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the load for any type of transmitter is such that the number KS exceeds 150 (the
maximum ninnber of them indicated in Figure 6.16), KS is calculated by the
f ormul a
NKS = l50 (YKg - Ylsu)/a ~
where Y150 is the load which 150 KS can transmit for the given value of s; �
- a=~Y/~NKS is the average load on one KS in the sectim from 140 to 150 KS.
On the KS-D rack there are seven sets of code transmitters,; and on the KS-K and
KS-V racks, five each.
- Let us calculate the register equipment for our example.
H/N Registers and RS Stage. The total number of line equipment sets (ZSL and
lines from the ordex~circuit ATS) serviced by the H/N registers according to the
above-presented data is
600 FIR�ZL-H 400 FIR-ZT�H 650 FIR�ZT�N 49 FIR-SE = 1699.
This number of sets is divided into approximately equal groups, in each of which
there can be no more than 600 (in accordance with the makeup of the automatic
charge computing equipment directly connected to the ZSL and the H/N registers);
we obtain three such group;~.
The line equipment is distributed by groups as follows:
Group 1(2) : 200FIR�ZL-H+150FIR�ZT-H-}-220FIR-ZT'-N;
Group 3: 200FIR-ZL�H�{-]OOFIR-ZT�H-f-210FIR-ZT-N-F49FIR�SE.
Let us determine the n~ber of MKS for the RS-20 stage for group 1(2)
NF~R -2(200/15-}-150/L5-i-
~RS-~o - 2 15
For group 3
, NRS�2o = 2(200/ 15 100/15 210/ 15 49/15~j =
' -2(14-f-7-}~-14-~-4)-78.
The total number of MK5 for three groups NRe=3�78=234. The number of racks RS-20
- (eight MKS on a rack)
Nc ~~20 - 2 (28/8 20/8 -f- 30/8) 28/8 14/8
28/8 8~8 = 33.
Key: 1. rack RS-20
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~zn~o ~sn zd~i3~o ~o.~
The number of calls subject to servicing by the H/N registers
(1~ ~(z) (3)
BH/h - 83CJ1 BxCZ C11(FUR�r�Y Becz CJI) (FUR�2T-Y) `
= 25702 1460 1460 = 28622.
Key: 1. ZSL; 2. out SL(FUR-T-Y); 3. out SL (FUR-2T-Y)
The load on the H/N registers
YH~N = BH~h TH~/3600 - 28 622 �29/3600 = 231, 5 9pn.(1)
Key: 1. erlangs
The load on the group of ZSL systems connected to the 1(2) group of H/N registers
= 300 �200/600 200 � 150/400 325 �220/650 = 285 3pn.~11
Key: 1. erlangs
The load on the ZSL group connected to group 3 of H/N registers,
YFtR3 = 300 �200/6001- 200 � 100/400 -I- 325 �210/650
34 = 289 3pn.(1)
= Key : 1. erlangs
The total load on the ZSL equipment
Y3Cn~= 285 285 289 = 859 3pn.(2)
Key: 1. ZSL; 2. erlangs
The load on group 1(2) of H/N registers
YH/ri~ r2~ =YxM~Y~ cz)~vscn~~cn~ �
~ = 231, 5(285/859) = 77 3pn.( 3)
Key: 1. 1(2) gr ZSL; 2. ZSL; 3. ~rlangs
The load on group 3 of H/N registers
- YHM9~231,5-2�77-77,53pn. (1)
Key: 1. erlangs
A'IPIO ~Sfl 'I~'IJI~30 2103
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The average load on the intermediate line to the H/N register for each group
YH/N 111) ~7 = p,2053pn ;
~ Sl � (NR$/2)l0 (78/2) 10 ~1~
S' `(78/2) 10 - ~'2083pn.
Key: 1. erlang
The n umber of H/N registers in ~ach group in the given case will be determined by
the formulae considering the increased load on the registers by comparison with
the curves in Figure 6.14:
NHM i ca) = 5~- 85 YH/N 1(:)/Yoa = 5-F 85�77/49 =
- 139 : NxMa = 5-{- 85�7�',5/49 = 140.
The total number of registers NH~N-2�139+Z40=418. The number of H/N racks:
Nrack H/N-418/4=105 (four registers on a rack).
UZPI Equipment and RS Stage. The load on the UZPI is determined by the formula
- (1) ~2)
YY3fIH - ~83CA TY3RH~~~) l =
-(25 702 �2, 6/3600) 0, 75 = 13, 9 3pn( 3)
Key: 1. UZPI; 2. ZSL; 3. erlangs
The number of MKS on the RS-10 stage: Ng~=N~.D/15=418/15=28. The number of
RS-10 racks: Nrack RS-28~8=4. The average load on the intermediate line to the
s= Y~~'nH/(NRS � 10) = 13, 9/(28� 10) = 0,05 3pn.~1)
Key: 1. UZPI; 2. erlang.
~ The number of UZPI (according to the curves in Figure 6.14) is 27. The numb er
of UZPI racks (two sets on a rack) Nrack U2PI-2~~2-14.
2T Registers and RS Stage. The number of line systems serviced by the registers
2T is equal to 500 FIR-2T-Y. The equipment is divided into two groups of 250
each. Each group is serviced by its group of registers. The number of MKS in
the RS-20 stage for nne group N r ~-2NFIR ~2T-Y~1S=2�250/15=34. For two groups
N~=34�2=68. The number of rac~s RS-20: Nrack RS�34/8+34/8=10.
The number of calls subject to servicing by the registers 2T, B2T=B~ 2T_Y=12047.
The ]_oad on the registels 2T
Y2T - BFUR�2T.yTgTI~~ _ ~2047�20/3600 = 71,353pa.(1)
Key : 1. erlangs
16 7
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The load on each of the two groups of registers
Y~p aT = 71,35/2 = 35,68 3pn.~2)
Key: l. gr 2T; 2. erlangs
The load on the intermediate line to the register
Y~p ZT _ 35,68 _ ~~213p.r?. (2)
S ~NRS(2)10 (34/2)10
Key: 1. gr 2T; 2. erlang,
The number of registers in a group (according to the curves in Figure 6.1~+) is 68.
The total number of registers in the two groups N2T 2�68=136. The number of
racks Nrack 2T-136/4=34.
Y/0 Registers and RS Stage. The number of line systems serviced by the Y/0
registers is 500 FIR-T-Y and 406 FIR-L-O. L'et us divide the equipment into two
groups, each of which eonsists of 250 FIR-T-Y and 203 FIR-L-O and is serviced by
its group of registers. The number of MKS in the RS-20 stage for one group
N ~ = 2 (250 / 15 -I- 203 / 15) = 2 (17 -4- 14) = 62.
The total number of MKS for the two groups NRg=2�62=124.
The number of racks RS-20
- Nc(RS-2o = 34;'8 28/8-}- 34/8 + 28/8 - 18.
Key: 1. Nrack RS-2~
The number of calls subject to servicing by the Y/0 registers is
By~p - BFIR�T�Y ~ BF1R�L�O - 12 843 6689 = 19 532.
- The load on the Y/0 registers is
Yv/o = BYio Ty/o!3600 = 19532 � 18/3600 = 97,6 3pn. (1)
Key: 1. erlangs
The load on each of the two groups of registers
Y~p Y~O = 97,6/2 - 48,83pn.(2)
Key: 1. gr Y/0; 2. erlangs
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The average load on the intermediate line to the register
S (Nrp/2)]0 (62 2) ]0-~~1573pn.(2~
Key: 1. gr Y/0; 2. erlang
The number of registers in each group (by the curves in Figure 6.14) is 83, an d
in two groups NY~~ 2�8~-166. The number of racks Y/0: Nrack Y/0-166/4=42.
AN-S Analyzers, Additianal Storage Elements EMA and Decade Receivers KM-D.
The number of analyzers AN-S is determined beginning with the fact that one
analyzer services 20 registers of~each type:
NAN.S = NH~N/26 N2T/20 -I- ~'Y/0j20 -
= 418; 20 136/20 166/20 = 21 7~- 9= 37.
The analyzers are located on the register racks.
Additional storage elements EMA are provided in a numb er equal to the number of
NeMa - NHM -'f' Nsr Ny/o = 418 1?6 166 = 720.
On one rack there are 20 EMA systems for one version of the registers.
The total n~nber of EMA registers
Nc ~ E~A - 4 ] 8 /20 136 /20 166 /20 = 37.
Key: 1. rack EMA
The decade code receivers KM-D service the H/N registers and the 2T registers and
are rigidly connected to these registers. The nwnber of receivers KI~-D is as
follaws: N~D=Ng~N+N2T=418+136=554. On one rack there are 15 receivers
connected to one type of register. The n~ber of racks KM-D: Nrack km-D-
KM-V Code Receivers and SS Connectors. The load on the I~V receivers
YKM-V - BY/O TKM�v/3600 = (12 843
6689) 4/3600 = 21, 74 9pn. (1)
Key: 1. erlangs
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The number of modules SS:NSS=NY~~/16=166/16=11. The average load on the module
s= YKM_~,~(Nsg � 16) = 21, 74 /(11 � 16) = 0,123 3pa{1)
Key: 1. erlang
- The ninnber of code receivers KM-V (according to the curves in Figure 6.157 for
P=0.001, mq=40 and s=0.123 is N~ ~37. On one KI~V rack there are 18 receivers.
The number of racks Nrack RI~-~37~18=2.1, that is, 3.
Code Transmitters KS-D, KS-K, KS-V. The number of ordinary calls serviced by the
KS-D transmitters is
BA BC11M m+ BFUR�2T�Y - 30 288 � 0, 7-{- 12 047 = 33 247.
Key: 1. SLM
The total number of monitor calls
a'KO~=~x~ ~1 -1) _ ~~xc~a(FUR-T�Y) Bnc=.a(FUR-:T�Y) t
Bs) (1 - l) _ (1500 7500 9144) 0,2~ = 6036.
~ . Key: l. manitor; 2. out; 3. out.a
The load on the transmitters KS-D
yxs-o = (B~ B~
H~''z) TKS-p/3600 =
-(33247 6036 � 0, 7) 8/ 3600 = 83 , 3 9pn ,(1)
Key: l. monitor; 2. erlangs
where the coefficient ~0.7 determines the portian of ordinary and monitor calls
from a ten-step ATS.
The number of ordinary calls serviced by the KS-K transudtters is
_ BK = B~nM (1 - m) B~~ 30288 � 0, 3-r- 3257 - 12 343.
Key: l. SLM; 2. order
The number of monitor calls B~nitor 6036. The load on the transmitters KS-K
}'KS_K = IBK ~-~1~(~1 - m)j TKS�K/3600 =
I 2 343 6036 � 0, 3) 5/3600 = 19 , 3 3 pn. (1)
- Key: 1. monitor; 2 erlangs
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- The load on the transmitters KS-V
YKS-V - BFUR�T�Y TKS�V ~00 = 12' ~l �S/36U0 = 17,2 3pn. (1)
Key: l. erlangs
The nimmber of SS m~dules
NSS -~'vH/N + T2T "F' ~Vyr p~ I L 6=~~ I S I 36 -T I66~ / I6 = 45.
The a~verage load on the intermediate line to the transmitters is
s - ~YKS�~ ~ YKS-K ~ Yhs�v~i (Nss' t6) _
=(83,3-}-19,3~-17,2);(46�!6)=0,1633pn. (1)
Key: 1. erlang
~ The ntmnber of transmitters (according to the curves in Figure 6.16) for P=0.001,
s=0.163 erlang is, respectively: NKS-D-136 (for mq=20); NKS_~44 (for mq=1~);
NKS=K-51 (for mq=10).
The number of racks is, respectively: Nrack KS-D 1~~7-20' Nrack KS-K 51/5=11;
Nrack KS-V~44/5=9.
General Control Units. The markers M and the route ma.rkers VM service calls both
when setting up ordinary calls to subscriber B and when setting up monitor calls
to subscriber A if subscriber A is connected to an ATS not equipped with AON
The number of calls reaching the mark~rs M and VM,
BM = BH/ti + 82T -I- BY~~O'~ ~8~~~~~ Qa~ ~l - ~
Key : l. out. a; 2. z
where BK~N' B2T' By /p are the numbers of calls serviced by the corresponding
registers; Bout.a~ BZ are the numbers of calls reaching the outgoing long-distance
channels with automatic service and on the SLM to the zone TsS from the ATS
subscribers; (1-Q) is the coefficient indicating which part of the GATS and TsS
is not equipped with AON equipment.
The number of markers M and VM is determined depending on the number of serviced
calls and RM groups by the curves presented in Figure 6.17. The group contains
two RM connectors. The figure shows two families of curves. The family of
curves 1 pertains to half of the office (the numb er of calls to 35000, M to 10,
- VM to 20 and RM groups to four). The of curves 2 is designed to determine
the additional number of control units M, VM and RM groups which must be added
to the basic system (defined for 70000 calls per hour) for joint operation of
two offices. The table in Appendix 3 can be used to calcula~e M and VM.
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Beginning with the fact that each RM group can connect up to 100 registers to a
group of route markers, the ninnber of groups RM as a functian of the nim?ber of
registers is
NRM = GvHIN "I" ~V+T ; .NY~O), LO(1.
The obtain~d ntunber of RM groups must be corrected by the curves presented in
Figure 6.17 in accordance with the number of calls.
The equipment of the marker M, ~ust as the equipment of the route marker VM occu-
pies a whole rack. One RM relay connector rack can connect 50 reg~sters to five
route markers.
. ( 2 ) CeMrutm4n ra~6N~ N?
~p ~ noewttm n t nn
; i I 1 I ~y
, ~ ; , I I y.3
6 iC~HeucmBa x er,r N 1 I ~ ~
I~~ ~ I I ~ I ~
p I . I' i I I I I ~ ~ .yi~ ~ '
i, ~ i ~ I I ; ~ n'~nwecmOn err~v6w~r r n Rr,
~4Q~K! ~ I I I i'~t ~ ~ 4
~ ,
$ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ , ~ ~ Na~unttmdOdceo~xu~avent n
o i ~ t I ~ I i
~,~,~NO�:uw.:*,k' ' 1~ t i,~,- j I J I
VM ~ . ' f :S _..~iT~ f- ~ ~ �-y ' -L-
e; i ~ 16 ~ T~;~ t~~r
E ~ ~ 6 ; ; ~ ~ . ~ ' I
~.1~ `
: ~ v i.r I ~ I ~ I! i, I ~ i
a� p t 3 fC~ S~ f0! 5 1l'f 6 1C1 `5r~,.~,,,%Qf,,,r~~.a~.i~irr ~ !D ~
(11) Ka+uvr:n6rMi i I ~ rn~he~ uR
~e~ t,s~rHe~ .c~.H ~
i ,
^RC liM 171/~'~1~6! ,4M (~faunna~ RX 4rpu~na~ rtl~~ 17pUR,7C .4.M ii�i0N1116/ ~?M ~1 nna RM 4tD r
7 8 9 10
Figure 6.17. Curves for calculating the general control units
~ M, VM and RM
1. No of calls per hour 9. 4 RM groups + 3 RM groups
2. Family of curves N2 10. 4 RP4 groups + 4 RM groups
3. Total number of Rri groups 11. No of M
4. No of b asic RM groups 12. 1 RM group
5. No of auxiliary RM groups l:i. 2 RM groups
6. Auxiliary number of M 14. 3 RM groups
7. 4 RM groups + 1 RM group 15. 4 RM groups
- 8. 4 RM groups + 2 RM groups 16. No of VM
17. Family of curves N1
In our example the number of ordinary and monitor calls serviced by the markers
will be
. B� = BH~ B:r BY~o BH~H Z 28 622
12 Q47 -F 19 532 6036 - 66 237.
Key: 1. monitor
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In accordance with the curves in Figure 6.17 and the table in Appendix 3 the
following are taken for the setup: markers M=10�2=20; M racks 20; VM route
markers 16�2=32; VM racks 32; RM groups 4.2=8; FA1=8�2=16; RM racks lb.
With respect to the number of registers the number of RM groups: Ngr ~(418+136+
The MGI and MGU module connector racks are designed in the number satisfying the
following layout possibilities: the MGI rack can service a ma~dmum of five
incoming modules; the MGU rack can service up to ten outgoing modules; each MGI
and MGU rack can be connected to all markers of one of the groups of markers M
(see the structural diagram in Figure 6.8). The maximum number of MGI racks and
also MGU racks is four.
The quanti~ative interrelatian of the switching modules, the MG racks and markers
M for our example is expressed as follows.
The calculated number of incoming modules, that is, 16, is divided into four
groups of four GI in a group. Each of these groups is serviced by one MGI rack,
that is, four MGI racks are provided. Of them the firs t and second MGI racks are
connected to ten M of the first group of markers, and the third and fourth MGI
_ racks, to ten M of the second group of markers.
For the outgoing modules, the calculated number 16 is divided into two groups of
eight GU in each group, Each of these groups is serviced by two MGU racks, that
is, two groupsX2=4 MGU racks are provided. Of them, the first MGU rack connects
the first to the eighth GU to ten M of the first ~roup of markers, the second MGU
rack connects the first to the ~ighth GU to ten M of the second group of markers,
the third MGU rack connects the ninth to sixteenth GU to ten M of the first group
of markers, and the fourth MGU rack connects the ninth to the sixteenth GU to
ten M of the second group of markers.
The test blocks TB and ITB are designed beginning with the following data:
It is possible to connect 120 outgoing lines to one test block TB for a TB use
coefficient of 0.8; consequently, NTB=Nout~120;
It is possible to connect 600 outgoing line systems FUR to one main rack of an
individual test b lock ITB. The offi ce can have a maximum of four main racks.
When necessary, an additional ITB rack for 4�400 lines is installed which together
with the main ITB racks provides for connecting a maximum of outgoing lines
N~=600�4+4�400=4000 to these racks.
In our example the number of test b locks is NTB=2586/120=22, there are 22 TB
racks. The number of ITB racks for 2586 outgoin g lines is 4�600+1�400=5.
The sets of nonb usy relays for a routing VL signal the presence of at least one
free line in that part of the routing which is serviced by the given set.
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The outgoing lines of one routing are divided into three parts, each of which is
eq uipped with its set of re lays indicating nonbusy of the routing. The signal of
nonbusy of a routing is sent to all route markers.
The number of sets of VL depends on the total number of routing markers at the
office and the number of lines connected to each of the routings (Table 6.3).
Table 6. 3
No of VL systems on a routing for
No of lines on a N~; 20 N~20
routing, no more than
90 1 2
180 2 4
2 70 3 6
360 4 8
450 5 10
On the VL rack there can be up to 60 relay sets. In our example it is assuiaed
that the n~ber of lines in each of the 120 routings does not exceed 90. Conse-
quently, for N~=32(>20), 2�120=240 sets are provi ded. The number of VL racks
is 240/60=4.
Priority Eq uipment. The device for servicing calls with priority insures priority
of calls of the subs cribers granted the right of priority by comparison wi~h calls
from other subscribers in the case of overloading on the req_uired routing. This
_ is realized by blocking the given routing for some ti~e for aIl calls except
priority calls. Here, the FBR of the device for priority calls must receive in-
formation about granting a connection fir~t to the priority subscribers. The
device for priority calls interacts with the relay systems in the markers M and
If a priority call is reje cted on the blocked routing, the register again calls
the route marker which tries to set up the call. The effort to make a call and
set it up is repeated every S seconds until 90 seconds of monitored time expire,
after which the register disconnects.
The priority equipment is located on the V1~VB racks, a1d if necessary VB racks
are added. The number of these racks depends on the number of basic sets of VB-4
and VM-B making up the priority equipment.
The VB-4 system is designed for blocking routings with connection through four
switching links. One VB-4 system contains relays for one routing and ten route
markers. If the number of route markers is less than or equal to 20 at the office,
then two VB-4 systems are required for each routing; if the number of route
markers is more than 20, four VB-4 are required for each routing.
The VM-B are auxiliary equipment for the route markers when setting up a call via
four switching links. One VM-B is designad to service five route markers VM.
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Consequently, the number of VM-B will be N~g=N~/5. It is possible to put four
VI~B on one VM-VB rack. Beginning with this fact, .the number of racks at the
office will be N~~=N~B/4. ~'here are 20 VB-4 on one VM-VB rack. The total
ninnber of sets which is placed on the VN~VB rack will be N'~_4=20N~Vg. The
remaining VB-4 (N~_4-1~'~_4) are placed on the VB racks, each of which is
designed to install 28 VB-4. The ntnnber of VB racks will be Nrack VB ~NVB-4
In our example the ninnber of VB-4 routing blocking systems is determined calcu-
lating four systems for each routing, for the number of route markers at an office
is 32 (>20): NVB_4=4�120=480. The number of sets of auxiliary equipn,ent VM-B
is determined calculating one VM-B for five route.marr~;ers, that is, N~g=7.
The numb er of VN~VB racks i~ equal to two (N~B/4). Qn two VM-VB racks it is
_ possible to install 20�2=40 VB-4. The remaining VB--4 (480-40=440) are located
on the VB racks, the number of which is determined calculating installation of
28 VB-4 on one rack: Nrack VB 440/28=16.
Number of Line Equipment Systems. The number of line systems of all versions is
determined by the number of lines connected to the line bank of the switching
system. The number of racks with line equipment is determined beginning with the
fact that either 30 or 20 systems are placed on one rack depending on the type.
Thirty systems each are placed on the FIR-T-Y, FIR-ZL-H, FIR-L-O, FIR-SE,
FUR-L-H, FUR-T-H, FUR-L-O, FUR-S racks. Ttaenty systems are installed on the
The number of receivers of the single-frequency signal system TM-T is determined
by the number of line systems of the incoming and outgoing channels of the single-
frequency signalling system and also ZSL and SLM organized with respect t~ the
transmission system channels with signalling in the talk band. On the TM-T rack
there are 100 receivers.
The number of receivers of the two-frequency signalling system TM-2T is determined
by the number of line systems of the incoming and outgoing channels of the two-
frequency system. On the TM-2T rack there are 30 receivers.
In our example the number of racks with receivers of the single-frequency system
will be Nrack TM-T-~500+500+650+676)/100=24, and with the receivers of the two-
- frequen cy system, Nrack TN~ 2T-~500+500)/30=34.
Automatic Call Charge Computing Equipment TT. The call eharge computing equipment
is made up considering the division of the ZSL into equal groups, in each of
which there can be a maximum of 600 lines. Each such group is serviced by its
gro up of H/N registers. Beginning with this factor, the number of devices of all
versions entering into the TT equipment is determined separately for each ZSL
The TT equipment consists of racks Nos 1, 2, 4, 5 and TOR on which a11 elements
of this equipment are placed. The number of racks No 1, 2, 4 is taken reckoning
one rack for 100 ZSL systems. On rack No 5 the RTT connecting relay panels and
the LM-BM connector panel are located. There are two rypes of No 5 racks:
- 175
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al Racks on which six RTT and four LM-BM arc: located;
b) Racks on which ten RTT are placed.
Each RTT serves to connect ten H/N registers to the SMS recording registers of
two TT equipment sets. For each ZSL group, the following number of RTT are
- required:
;vR.n = n~H~y . ~~~,-r .
10 2
For 100 Z~L systems, two L1~BM are required to connect the read registers to two
b uffered storages. For each ZSL group, a number of LM-BM sets equal to 2NTT is
requirec~ .
The following number of first-type No 5 racks (NSa) are required for each ZSL
N~1~ = Nt,nt�sn1~4 = 2 rVTT!4.
= Key: 1. rack 5a
Tt~e number of RTT sets which are placed on racks of this type for the ZSL group
= will be determined from calculating
NRTT l(t Sa) - 6(`'VL~K�s~K~ 4) g(2N.t..r/4) = 3 JVTT.
Key: l. rack 5 a
For the remaining RTT, the second type racks (N5b) are used,the number o� which is
NC 163 =(~V RTT - 3 NTT) / 1 O.
Key: 1. rack 5b
Then the total number of rack5 for both types of TT equipment for all ZSL groups
is determined.
The TOR racks are common to the office; their n~ber is reckoned calculating one
rack for 1500 ZSL systems.
The number of all remaining elements of TT equipment (identifiers, recorders,
and so on) is determined in accordance with the makeup of the No 1, 2, 4, 5 and
TOR racks.
Ler us r_alculate the TT equipment for our example.
The total ninnber of ZSL systems is 650+600+400=1650.
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Let us divide this number of ZSL into three groups of 1650:3=550 ZSL each.
The number of No 1, 2, 4 racks (reckoning one rack for 100 ZSL systems will be:
No 1 racks 6�3=18; No 2 racks, 18; No 4 racks, 18.
The number of RTT sets for connecting the H/N registers is determined from the
following calculation:
1) For the first (second) group of H/N registers
~YR7T - .NH~N ,VTT _ 139 6 = 14 �3 - 42 ;
iU 2 10 2
2) For the third group of H/N registers
140 6
- NRTT - 10 2= l4 � 3= 42.
It is necessary to have a total of 42�3= 126 RTT for the three grou~s.
The number of LM-BM for each group of H/N registers (two sets for 100 ZSL)
NLM-BNT-2' 6=12.
The number of No 5a racks for one ZSL group Nra k NSa 12/4=3. The number of RTT
which can be placed on three No 5a racks , NRTT=~' 6=18.
The number of No 5b rack.s for the remaining systems for each ZSL group Nrack NSb-
, (42-18) /10=3.
The t~ta1 number of No 5a racks is 3.3=9; the total number of No Sb racks is
3� 3=9.
The number of TOR racks (calculating one rack for .1500 ZSL) Nrack TOR-NZSL~1500=
6.8. Structural Features of the Equipment and Its Placement
A distinguishing feature of the office rack equipment is the f act that on all the
racks the internal wiring is coupled out to service boxes. In the office there
are two types of racks: BDD and BDH.
The BDD ractcs are equipped with all-rack service devices by means of which the
wires from these racks are connected to the wires of the office cables. The
service units are placed in the upper part of the rack on a vertical superstruc-
ture 500 mm high. The MKS of the incoming and outgoing switching modules and
also the multiwinding relays for the RPT, MGI and MGU connectors are located on
the BDD racks. The BDD rack is 670 mm wide and 280 mm deep. All the remaining
types of equipment are placed on the BDH racks.
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The BDH racks contain individual service units on each relay panel. The circle
design of the BDH racks permits installation of them with the wired sides tight
against each other. The BDH rack is 961 ~ wide, the depth of a doub le row of
these racks is 425 mm. The height of the BDD and BDH racks is 2900 mm.
All of the racks, with small exception, contain monitoring and testing panels on
which fuses, signal lights, test jacks, and so on are mounted at the same height
from the floor.
Some of the circuit elements located inside the relay panels such as the electronic
circuits on printed circuit boards are individual special-design relays are cut
- in using independent service boxes inside tFie panel.
The racks are arranged in the switch room either in solid b ays with lateral
passages or oayson both sides of the central passage depending on the configura-
tion and size of the room. The spacing between bays must be no less than 700
- The width of the central and lateral passages must be 1500 to 2000 mm depending
on the total width of the room.
The grouping of the racks in b ays is decided beginning with arguments of economical
use of the office cable and convenience of servicing. Thus, for example, in
_ the same or adjacent bays it is desirable Co install the following:
Line eq uipment and the register finding stages RS connected with it;
Common control units M, VM, TB and so on;
. Different types of registers, code transmitters and connectors to them (REG, KS,
MG module connectors and RM connectors for connecting the registers to the route
markers .
In order to save cable it is desirable to locate the IDF [intermediate distribut-
ing frames ] at locations af concentration of the largest nurr~er of cables
connected to the IDF, for exa~le, betweer~ the b ays of racks with line equipment
- and thebays of racks of switching modules.
In addition to the ARM-20 type equipment, certain types of Soviet-made equipm~nt,
in particular, the alarm systems and, systems for testi~g long-distance two-
- frequency system chanr.els (PTN, SGTN, APKA), the AON (UZPI, GD, MG) equipment,
~ the equipment for checking the connecti.? lines of the APS', and the PI-f30-U
_ punches are also installed in the of.fice switch rooms. The PTN (TM-2T) receivers
are installed on the frames of the ARNE20 racks which it is desirable to locate
closer to the racks with the line equipment of the long-distance channels of
the two-frequency signalling system.
The monitoring and testing equipment of the APKA and APSL is located in one b ay
and as close as possible to the racks with the line equipment of the long-distance
channels and the trtmks.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
QEG-V/0 RH ~
~ N
f �NN R~~
RE - y N RM
- ~
Rf6 - N/N
K3R 3
- _3 f
c_ ~s~= =~3
=~RS~= ~ _~ii ~flR 0 Rf = _
_ =~it~= ~s~=~=F,~r~=~={~~=
. A! . ,1f RS
~n~=~=~~~=3=3n3 =
=.~ni =
-~n-n~~-Fra _ rr-~x�
i`"j T~
u a n
n~� f�r
r~r ~ r ~j m�r~ �i �
" a.�ii�� n
Zq'S S= t~ii N
RR�t(.~ r1N MIIr
I/I !!Mf /7M !fp /M// ~
!/f ~`Q
61r Fli � M6! ro
! ~ ~
t A ~
6 f
- i
p ~ o )
=L~'' j. ~
- ~ ~ _r
rs~P3~i_ ~:t`z~~3=' _ '1~~~3':~
Figure 6.1$. Fragment of a layout plan for the ARM-20 type
AMTS equipment ~
~ 1. hertz
The UZPI racks and the GD group sensor rack having a height of 2650 tmn are
arranged in a row with the KM-D rack. The rack of multi-frequency oscillators
for the key pulsers is installed in the rack switchboard room as close as
possible to the cable exit to the switchboards.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540030063-4
The pimches and the technical monitoring equipment (CDK, DK, TK) are i.nstalled
in indiv~idual facilities adjacent to the switch room.
A fragmt~nt of the equipment layou~ plan for the ARM-20 type AMTS switch room ia
shawn i~n Figure 6.18.
6.9. Electric Power Supply for the Office
The ARNi-20 type AMTS equipment is designed to take pawer from -48, -24, -60 volt
dc powe:r supplies and also from the ac mimicipal electric pawer network. The
office equipment has stabilizers that convert the -48 V voltage to stabiJ.ized
+6, -12, -18 v~lt voltages which are used to power the electronic devices of the
_ equipme~nt.
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7.1. General Remarks
- The qu~.sielectronic AMTS office is qualitatively a new type of equipment in which
both the switching elements and the control units differ from those which were
used previously. Therefore in order to prepare for designing such offices it is
necessary to become familiar with electronic switching equipment and also with
the prit.ciples of the computer equipment used as specialized control units.
Published sources are recotmmended for this purpose [12, 13, 14, 15].
7.2. Operating Capabilities of the Office
The quasielectronic AMTS equipment develoned in the Soviet Union is characterized
by the fact that sealed magnetically controlled contacts are used to switch the
talk channel, and a specialized computer operating by a written progran is used
a~ the control un~t. The maximum capacity of the AMTS KE office is about 8000
incoming and 8000 outgoing channels and lines. The output capacity of the computer
permits up to 160,000 calls to be serviced in the PLH [peak load hour].
The basic operating characteristics of the office are analogous to those which
are provided by the APiTS-4 and ARM-20 offices: namely, the possibility of trans-
mission of facsimile and pholtotelegr~phic messages and digital data in addition
to the long-distance telephone calls, automatic switching from the direct to by-
pass paths, priority servicing of subscribers of individual categories, the use
of cord or cordless type switching equipment for semi-automatic service, and so
on. Program control, however, permits expansion of the operating capabilities
of the office. In particular, subscribers of the ATS connected to the AMTS KE
can set up automatic calls over the channels of the long distance and zone net-
works by dialing an abbreviated number for the called subscriber. This possi-
b ility will be used both by the quasielectronic ATS subscribers and the cross-
bar and ten-step ATS subscribers. On cannection to the quasielectronic ATS, the
abbreviat:d number is received and recalculated to the complete number at the
ATS, Eand on connection to the crossbar or ten-step ATS the recalculation is done
the AMTS KE.
~ .
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A characteristic feature of the AMTS KE equipment is introduction of line and
control signal transmission systems for interaction with other AMTS KE over a
co~non signal channel (OKS). In individual cases where this system is uneconomi-
cal, provision is made for the application of the single-f requency method of
_ t'ransmitting line signals on a frequency of 2600 hertz and the multi-frequency
method of transmitting control signals by the "2 aut of 6" code. The same signal
system is provided also for interaction of the Ar^.TS KE with the AMTS-4 and ARN~20
offices. For couplir~g to the AMTS-2 and AMTS-3 offices existing on the network,
the AMTS KE equipment contains the devices required for the two-frequency line
signal transmission system with decade transmission of the dialing pulses.
The AMTS KE equipment provides for interaction with the quasielectronic, crossbar
and ten-step ATS. The trunks and recording trunks organized either on physical
lines or by transmission system channels are used for coupling to the ATS, de-
pending on the AT'S-AMTS distances.
The signalling system used on the ZSL and SLM depends on the type of ATS. On
interaction with the ATS KE as a rule provision is made for the organi~ation of
a common signalling channel (OKS). In individual cases when this system is un-
economical., the line signals will be transmitted depending on the type of line:
over physical lines by direct current, over transmission system channels with
segregated signal channel, on a frequency of 38G0 hertz, on transmission system
channels without segregated signal channel on a frequency of 2600 hertz. The
method of transmitting the control signals over the ZSL is determined by the type
of ATS or the local network junction: namely,
ATSKE are coupled to the AMTS KE with storage of the category and number of
subscriber A at the ATS and subsequent output of all of the information to the
AMTS KE by the multi-frequency "pulse packet" method; subscriber .4 can dial the
number using a dial or key pulser;
The crossbar and ten-step ATS are coupled to the AMTS KE without storing the
_ categ~ry and ntnn~er of subscriber A at the ATS as follows: after subscriber A
dials the prefix "8" connection is made to the AMTS; on the request signal coming
to the AON from the AMTS, the ATS transmits the category and number of the calling
subscriber by the multi-frequency "no-interval packet" method, and then after
recei ving the "AMTS answer" signal, the dialing p ulses are transmitted by the
decade method. On the physical lines the decade pulses are transmitted by direct
current, on the transmission system chaznels with segregated signal channel,
- on 3800 hertz, and on the transmission system channels without segregated signal
_ channel, on 2600 hertz.
For transmission of control signals over the SLM when coup ling the AMTS KE to
the quasielectronic and crossbar ATS, the multi-frequency "pulse shuttle" method
is used, and for coupling to the ten-step ATS, the decade method.
In addition to cflntrolling the process of setting up calls, the speciat control
computer also perforros the functions of automatic long-distance call char~e
computing and gathering of statistical data.
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It is proposed that the equipment of the agency [PBX] quasielectronic ATS 'ae
used as the order-circuit ATS in the AMTS KE.
7.3. Structural Diagram and Composition of the Office Equipment
The office contains the following basic junctions and devices (Figure 7.1):
Line equipment which, in addition to the already knaan equipment includes new
versions of outgoing and incoming IVK operating with the use of a common signal
channel OKS-IVK for transmission system channels and IVK-2, IVK-4 for physical
~ lines;
The switching system KS consisting of the BVL incoming line modules and the BIL
outgoing line modules;
Switching system control units UUKS;
Group devices of the switching system (single-frequency and multi-frequency
receivers and oscillators, acoustic signal sets, receiving and transmitting imits,
and recorded voice unit);
Identifiers (scanners) and distrib utors connected to the line eq uipment;
Central address unit TsAU;
Central distributor TsRU;
Peripheral processor PPr;
" Central control unit TsUU consisting of two specialized control computers SUVM-1
and SUVM-2 operating synchronously and external input-output devices;
Monitoring and testing equipment KIA and the office service panel;
Signalling equipment over the common chann~l OKS;
Order- circuit ATS;
Cord or cordless switching equipment.
In order to provide uninterrupted operation of the offi ce not only the central
- control units are redundant, b ut also peripheral units: PPr, TsAU, TsRU, UUKS,
and so on.
The switching banks of the BVL and BIL modules are connected to all types of
incoming and outgoing channels, ZSL and SLM, and al~o the group devices for
receiving and transmitting line signals and control si gnals. Each BVL is
connected to each BIL ~odule by intermodular lines.
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,r3Ce-7 68~ 6 ?
~ 1~ K _ XA'L'AM-9 CAM
3C/1 om HXCnM K tATC ( 26 )
,'ATC u B u f{C
UC K. K~
NQK- 4 Ndl(- ~l
HBX- !l HQX � 9
na Hcxod (27>
He~rrav K N ~ae,xdytap.
XONOAb~ s ~Q~a~ec
(23~ NI(JM M~~/~ANI~ ~28~
~ 3~ �A' sr~,~ e a~M
(~j .MNd~~ yC~ NKMK llaMw ~29~
~24~ x c.~yx ATC ( 30)
Om ,~K u~/m H ( 25 ~ NKC
9,cbivw AN K MR ~/m 41/qa~M
B MC NHMI( )gp,wq~ ~ 31~
( 59m Nff ~;m
~6 ~m tey.w A C 16
~pyn ~o9air ~Qyn~oeek
;~m'~�Ba ~'mp-~o
~ Oynsm ( 32 )
~ntpomoOo ( ~
/fNA t
~ pacnpe e,~umt~ I 94H ( 36 ) Onp~ enum~ae
Yl~1XCMHY.1?~I'tl!/M~iC,rn il~d, ~o~r~a~iii (34)
~37~ Ay UAy 38~ oy o!/t (5~~ .
' (39) ~ nn ? ~ ? R ~
~40~ l.~B,N-I 4~~2~ (42 U CSIB ' fH0
~ 5~ yC3y (43) (43 9c3y o 45 ~48)
- ~46~ 9CBy yCBy 46)
~ 4 7` 9MClUNU~ BNCI!/Mfl~
1 m -l~v - m �ev (47)
Figure 7.1. Simplified structural diagram of an AMTS KE
[see key on p 185]
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[Key to Fig 7.1] :
1. ZSL from the GATS and TsS 26, SLM to the GATS and TsS
2, Incaming long-distance channels 27. Outgoing lang-distance channels
3. From the MK d/T 28. To the MK sh/t in the AMTS build-
4. From the MK sh/t in the AMTS building ing
S. Frcm the MK sh/t of another building 29. To the ZK sh/t in another build-
6. From the order-circuit ATS ing
7. KIA operator panel 30. To the order-circuit ATS
8. VKZSL- 31. To the MK sh/t in another build-
9. IVK ing
10. VKTS 32. OKS
11. VKTNS 33. Distributor
12. RM 34. First halfset/2nd halfset
13. USK 35. UUKS
14. RUSK 36. Identifier
15. VKMS 37. TsAUl
16. VKS 38. TsAU 2
17. Group units 39. PPr
lg, B~, 40. SUVM-1
19. BIL 41. SUV1~2
20. KS 42. TsPr
21. IKSLM 43. USZU
22. IKTS 44. PZU
23. IKZM 45. OZU
24, IKMK 46. USW
25. IKS 47. Peripheral devices
4 8. SMO
49 . IKTNS
50. TbRU
- The line equipment provides for interaction with all types of AMTS and ATS. The
logical operations of processing the signals are performed by the control computer
- which has made it possib le significantly to reduce the number of relays in the
line equipment.
Each of the two SUVM includes the central processor, PPr, the permanent and ready-
- access memories PZU and OZU and also the channel equipment for coupling to tne
peripheral devices. The Feripheral devices W are used for connecting the
operator to the SUVM and also for data storage. The peripheral devices include
_ the punch tape input-output units, typewriter, various types of information stor-
age elements a-~d other devices.
For interaction of the Ts W with the switching system, the line equipment and
other of the peripheral devices there are peripheral processors PPr, central
address and distrib uting devices TsAU and TsRU and also distributors and identi-
fiers. Each SUVM is connected to each of two peripheral processors.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544434463-4
An important component part of the computers is the software SMO which is in
the form of a set of interconnected programs and data determining the sequence
of operations performe~i by the SUVM in one situation or another during the process
of setting up a call. Each SUVM has an output to the KIA and service panel of
the PO office. In addition, the TsW has a set of test instruments KIP and spare
parts ZIP.
The control imits of the switching system UUKS set up calls directly in the
switching system based nn information received from the SUVM. Each UUKS is
attached to one BVL or BIL and is made up of two identical mutually redundant
halfsets which, independently of each other, can set up calls in different switch-
_ ing groups.
The identifiers serve for periodic inspection of the condition of the incoming
line systems and relaying of all changes occurring in the channels and lines to
the peripheral processor.
The distributor performs the functions of servorelays of the line and group sys-
tems operating on instruction from the control computer.
7.4. S~tting Up Calls
The process of setting up calls takes place imder the control of the SUVM by the
recorded program. Each type of automatic and semi-automatic connection over
different types of channels and lines is made by the corresponding priorities for
setting up calls. By priority we mean exact prescription of the order for per-
forming the individual operations when setting up a call.
The algorithms for setting up various types o:~ calls are translated into machine
language, progra~aned and stored in the computer memory. Each algorithm for
setting up one type of call or another is broken down into phases. With this
structure of the algorithms and software, standardization of individual phases
of the various types of calls is achieved. Consequently, defined phases in set*_ing
up the calls will have the same programs, whi~h will permit economy of the most
- expensive part of the control com~urer the memory.
The following set of programs is stored in the SUVM memory:
_ Technological, providing for setting up various types of calls, including addi-
tional services;
Monitorin g, providing for correctness of the operation of the eq uipment, correct-
ness of transmission and reception of control signals;
Auxiliary, providing for the process of controlling t~te inclusion of the tech-
nological programs, the monitoring and diagnostic programs, and the data input-
output programs;
Diagnostic, pro viding for determinin g the location of a failure in the various
devices of th e office.
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Various types of inemories are provided to store the programs in the AMrS KE
The process of setting up calls in general form takes place as follows. The
calls comin g from the city ATS, zone networks or long-distance offices are
received by the office line equipment. Hawever, there is no processing of the
calls in the line equipment. If these are dc signals, they are relayed to the
common office devices identifiers; if these are ac signals, they go to the
corresponding frequency receivers for conversion to direct current. The group
identifiers constantly test all the line equipment with a 10 millisecond cycle
and relay all changes occurring in the lines and channels to the peripheral pro-
cessor. The identifiers are passive devices that perform the functions of signal
relays .
The mission of the peripheral processor is to record changes occurring in the
lines. However, the peripheral processor does not determine the type of signal.
Its purpose is establishment of the end of the signal or beginning of a new signal
and trans mission of data on changes to the SUVM.
The data about all lines and channels connected to the office are storea in the
SUVM memory. On receiving information about changes from the peripheral pro-
cessor, the SUVM determines the type of call, provldes a searc;.'~ for a free inter-
mediate line in the switching system to connect the required group unit. The
control commands from the SUVM are transmitted via the peripheral processor, the
central distributor, distributor or switching system control unit. The informa-
tion about all calls in the office is stored in the SUVM. For example, after out.-
� put by the SUVM of instructions to connect the office answer buzzer, the next step
in setting up the call is reception of the number from the subscriber. Since
th ree types of lines are entered in the SUVM memory, when obtaining the changes
from the peripheral processor, the SUVM clearly outputs an instruction to connect
the defined receiver. Here in the time of sending the office response signal, it
determines the free receiver and free intermediate paths in the switching system
for connecting the receiver so that reception of the number is provided for.
After reception of the number the SUVM determines the routing code and provides
a search for free intermediate lines for connecting the long-distance channel.
Inasmuch as data is stored in the SUVM memory on all routings and types of channels,
' the signalling system, the composition of the signal and the required devices for
transmission and reception of the dialing signals and line signals are uniquely
defined at the same time. Therefore by the given program the SUVM outputs
instructions for transmission of a busy signal to the channel, receiving conf.irma-
tion signals, output of the number dialing signals, receiving the subscriber
answer signal and connecting the switching channel for two subscribers to talk.
All of the commands, just as before, are relayed via the peripheral processor,
TsAU, TsRiJ, distributors and identifiers of the UUKS. On receiving the "sub-
scriber answer" signal, according to the program the SUVM begins to reckon the
time for determining the length of call to compute the charges.
During the call the identifiers test the busy sets. If subscriber B hangs up his
receiver, the ring-off signal arrives which is relayed by the identifier, and
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the peripheral processor provides information to the SUVM aoout the change that
has occurred. On this instruction the SUVM stops the charge computing and starts
the program which discannects the subscribers.
If the SUVM does not find a free inter~diate line, group device, channel or
trunk during the search, on two or three unsuccessful attempts the subscriber is
sent a"busy" signal. When searching for a free channel on the routing and
in the absence of the latter an effort is made to find it on by-pass routings.
If there are no free channels on the by-pass routings, then any call is put on
hold if it is a tandem office or a call with priority is put on hold, and for an
ordinary call a"busy" signal is sent to the subscriber if the office is an out-
going office.
When setting up calls cases of failures of the instruments, failures of individual
- office assemblies are possible. In the SUVM the so-called "timer" program is
- always operating. It regularly outputs time marks after defined intervals. In-
asmuch as the SUVM operates ir~ real time, all the nrogra~ (technological, moni-
toring, auxiliary and others) follow the call setting up process when processing
calls by time marks. If for any reason the signal lasts longer than it is set to
or a new signal to request a program does not arrive for a defined time or a con-
firmation signal is not received, in all of these cases the SWM with the help of
the monitoring program ar.d the technological programs, enters the inforniation
about these events in the computer memory (first in the ready-access memory and
- th~n on the magnetic tape NML) .
In all cases of failure to set up a call, as a rule, the subscriber is sent a
"busy" signal or an effort is made to set up a new call. The monitor programs
have a defined level of priority in the office and call the KIA for transmission of
data on stored failures. Then by a defined algorithm the KIA jointly with the
SUVM begins to check out the failed assemblies .
The charge computing and load data are stoned on magnetic tape and are then trans-
mitted to the computer center for processing. The transmission to the computer
center can be accomplished by transporting the magnetic tape or it can take place
over the data transmission channels.
7.5. Brief Description of Switching System
As was stated above, for talk channel switching, sealed magnetically controlled
contacts, so-called reed relays are used. In general form the reed relay is
an electromagnetic coil (solenoid), inside which there are several soldered glass
tubes with metallic magn2tically controlled contact plates made of magnetically
soft material. These glass tubes with metal contacts are called sealed contacts
or hercnns for short [12]. For creation of a closed magnetic circuit in the
relay, a matal yoke is provided.
- The operating principle of the reed relay consists in the following. On trans-
~ mission of a direct current through the relay winding, a magnetic field with a
defined magnetic fl wt is created. The mzin part of the mat;netic flux is closed
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through the contact plates and the yoke. Part of the flux is dissipated. Under
the effect of the magnetic flux the plates are attracted to each other, and the
cont act is closed.
- The contact surfaces of the hercons are closed by noble metal gold, silver and
rhodium. This insures high reliability and long service life. The location of
the metal contact in a sealed glass bulb creates reliable protection of the
contacts from the influence of the external environment dust and corrosion
wh~ch are a b asic source of damage to the relays and MKS with tmsealed contaots.
On the whole, the reed relay is distinguished by hig~~ reliability, small, stable
contact resistance, long service life with small loads, short response and
release time, low control power and simple structural design.
At the present time various types of hercons are being produced. Hercons that
operate on clos ure (type A), on opening (type B) and switching (type C) are
known. Hercons can be both inside the coil and outside it.
The "ferride" type hercons are used for AMTS KE. A ferride is a reed relay in
which the magnetic circuit made of magnetic (ferrite) material with rectangular
hysteresis loop is introduced. The ferride is distinguished from an ordinary
reed relay by the presence of magnetic blocking and a short inclusion pulse dura-
tion (microseconds). On transmission of a dc pulse of sufficient magnitude
_ through the winding, the contact plates are closed, and after the end of the
pulse, they remain in this state as a result of residual magnetization of the
core. In order to open the plate, a current pulse of opposite polarity is passed
' through the winding so as to remove the residual magnetization.
For the construction of a switching circuit, the ferrides are placed on a mount-
ing board in horizontal and vertical ruws, forming a rectangular matrix called
the switcfiing circuit. The contacts are joined so as to form a coordinate grid.
The ferride is installed at the point of possible cantact (intersection) of a
horizontal and vertical; therefore it is provisionally called the intersection
point or switching point.
In a switching circuit, in contrast to a finder, both the horizontal and vertical
can be both input and output; therefore the names "input" and "output" in the
given case are of a purely provisional nature. In add~tion, in contrast to the
MKS, in the switching circuit the horizontal and vertical are equivaler..t, for the
response of only one relay at the switching point is sufficient to connect the
corresponding vertical to one of the horizontals.
The relay at the switching points of a switching ci rcuit is connected by a con-
trol unit. For inclusion of the ferrjde, the inclusion current pulse is sent.
Inasmuch as a ferride has magnetic blocking, no current is required to maintain
it in the operating state. Each ferride contains two windings forming a differ-
ential system. On transmission of a current through both windings the ferride
responds, and on transmission of a current pulse through one winding the ferride
does not respond, and if it was in the working state, it is switched off.
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t~tlen constructing the s~aitching circuit the first windings of the ferrides form-
ing the horizontal are connected in series. Analo;ously9 t~oo windings of the
ferrides forming verticals are connected in series. In order to include ttie
ferride at the switching point, the current is fed to one horizontal and one
vertical. In this case the which is at the switching point resPonds. At
the same time the current passes through one of. the two windings of all ferrides
located in the same horizontals and verticals and s~aitches off the indicated
ferrides if they were on. Thus, there is no necessity for completing a connec-
tion to release the switching point. Tlie opening of the connection is automatic
as soon as the connection is set up at any point in the same row.
The four-wire 8x8 inp ut/output m,atrix is selected as the basic switching unit.
The switdiing broup KG (Figure 7.2), on the basis of which the group formation
circuits are constru^_ted, consi~ts of eight matrices of link A, and eight matrices
of. link B, that is, it has a capacity of 64x64 input/outputs. The matrices of
link A are connected to Lhe matrices of link B by intermediate lines. The two-
~in~c switching block is made up of 16 switching groups ~Zd, consequently, has a
c:apacity of 1024%~1024 inpur/outputs. At the initial point in time when there are
- no other cal].s, any input is accessible to any output, and the circuit is fully
- accessible. If calls h ave been set up in the block, then it can turn out that
there are no f ree intermediate lines for setting up calls from a defined busy input
to a defined free outp ut, that is, internal blocking occurs. Consequently, the
two-link block is a circuit with internal b locking. In or~er to decrease the
internal blocking, four-link blocks are used.
- A B
~ 1 d 1 ---B
i 1
18 9 ~
I ~
~ ~ \ ~ i
I I I ~
~ '-'-a i
~ ~ ~
B d
5 '
Figure 7.2. Group for*nation circuit of a switching module wirr
a capacity of 64x2 input/outputs
The four-link block is formed by connecting two-ljnk blocks to each other by tl~e
"each to each" principle. The group for:nation diagram oF the indicated block is
illustrated in Figure 7.3.
E1s is known, the structure ot the switching system must provide for servicing a
gi.ven load with required quality with a minimum number of switching points. l~.s
a result of calculation and analysis of various versions of the group formation
systems for the AMTS KE, two types of syste ms were selected depending on the
capacity of th2 of.fice: six-li:.'~c for offices with a capacity to 4000x2 channels
and lines and eight-link for offices with a capacity of more than 4000x2 channels
and l.ines.
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� ~ e t n
~ f--�d ~ ~ f. A
~ � ~
~ ~ i ~ ~ i
j . \ 1 Rf
' ! ;
~ i ~ ~l�'�--~~ /~--�Q ~ ~
i B ' n I
, s e ;
, ~
~ ,'�--e ~ � ~
i r~, i ~ '
, e' i
~ : ~ ~ ~ ; 16Kf
;6f~ ; ~ ~
;-._c' / ,t_..~~f�-�! ~ ~
~ e
Q e
Figure 7.3. Group formation diagram ~f a four-link module a capacity of 1024x2 input/outputs
In the case of the six-link diagram of the switching system the outgoing line
module R?L is selected four-link, and the incoming line module BVL, two-link:
for *_he eight-link diagram BIL and BVL are four-link. Each BVL is connected to
each BIL by intermodule lines.
7.6. OKS Common Channel Signal System
The OKS signal system is characterized by the fact that line and control signals
are transmitted over the signal channel camnoon to some number of talk channels
_ (aiidio signals are transmitted over talk channe~s).
The OKS signal system can operate in two modes: connected and unconnected. In
the connected operating mode the signals are transmitted between t;~o of fices
which are terminal stations for the group of talk channels and for the OKS. In
the unconnected operating ~rv de the signals are trans mitted over two or more series-
connected OKS, the transmission routes of which differ from the transmission route
of the serviced talk channels. Here the signals are processed an.d transmitted
through one or several intermediate offices. The connected method of operation
is economically justified f.or large groups of channels and trunks (more than �60).
_ The common signal channel can be organized on the basis of standard voice-frequency
channels. The OKS telephone signals are transmitted by the method of series data
transmission by sections where the tran~mission of the signals from one section
to the next is realized only after processing of them.
The information transmitted over the channel is divided into information modules
of 69 bits each. The data transmicsion rate in the channel is 1200 and 2400 beud.
7.7. Long-Distance Call Charge Computing
In the ATPiS KE using specialized control computers SUVM for control, the ftm ctions
of automatic long-distance call charge computing are left to the SUVM. Per-
formance of the charge computing function by a recorded program ins ures relative
freedom of alteration of the charge computing algorithm in case of providing the
subscribers with additional forms of servl_ces or changing the conditions and
the process for reckoning the charges and sending out bills at the computer cen-
- ter VTs.
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The set of programs used for the SUVrt to perform the operations of gathering,
primary processing and transmission of the charge data to the computer center and
- also the equipment entering into the At1TS KE and performing the data gathering
function and transmission of the data to the computer center make uP the d~arge
computing subsystem PUS.
The following information must be gathered and transrnitted to the computer center
= to send the subscriber a bill for the AMTS KE:
The category of the calling subscriber;
The number of the calling and called subscribers;
Len gth o f cal l;
Time and date of completion of call.
For determination of current time and also the date of the call a time- calendar
sensor DVK has been programmed in the ready-access memory OZU of the SUVM. Inas-
much as data files are created as a rule for transmission to the co~uter center,
the time and date of completion of the call do not accompany every call, but a
file oF calls. When forming the file we begin with the fact that it is expedient
to include data on 30 to 90 calls in one file.
The charge computing data is transmitted from the AMT~ KE to the computer center
automatically via the data transmission equipment APD. Magnetic tape stcra~e
~ elements N:~IL are used as the buffered storage. Their fimction includes s:noothing
of the peaks of the output data in the PLH and storage of data in the periods when
data transmission to the computer center cannot be accom{~lished for some reason.
Th us, the primary document for settlements with the subscribers is a magnetic tape,
- and it must be stored for some time for possible analysis of subscriber claims.
The transmission of data to the computer cPnter vl.a the AI'D is expedient for sig-
nificant distances between the AMTS KE and the computer center. If the computer
~.enter is J.ocated near the AMTS KE (possibly in the same U uilding), it is more
efficient to transport the magr~etic tape to the computer center with subsequent
direct input of the data from the tape to the computer center computers.
Data transmission via the APD to the computer center is realized over a physical
pair or over an attached tele~hone channel with a speed of 2400 baud.
For i.mmediate notification of hospital administrations about the cost of long-
- distance telephone calls from telephones installed in the hospital, the following
` method of processing the call data is used. With respect to the hospital sub-
scriber category the call data are output to a special zone of the ready-access
memory where a hospital call file is formed. This file is not output on mag;netic
tape, but is transi,dtted directly to the computer center via the APD.
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7,8. Telephone Load Computing and ~ervice ~uality Control System
The telephone load computing and service quality control system at the !~I`1TS kE is
- designed for constant monitoring and display of the service quality at the office
and on the zone network, for periodic calculation of the data on the basis of
which optimal development and future planning of the telephone network, redistribu-
tion of the maintainecl commiinication means at the expense of availahle reserves
- and also statistical monitoring of the eq ui~?ment are realized.
The accotmting and control system has software and hardware. The software and the
designed for gathering, primary processing and output of th e initial data,
hardware, for ready display, intermediate s torage of the data and transmission of
1 it to the com~uter center for processing.
Al1 of the indices are divided into se o oeerative anddstatisticaladan~~dthesloadhe
service quality indices are divided int p
indices are categorized as statistical. The initial data for tticaths,
operative and statistical load indices (percentage losses on the conne~:ting p
percentage blocking of devices and lines, the number of attea~heredrinntheaSl~the
average b usy time of the devices and lines, and so on) are g
whPre primary processing takes place, and then they are transn?itted to the COera-
The results of the primary processing of the op
puter center for processing. the h ardware. The oper~ative i.ndices are
tive data are displayed and recorded by
recorded to obtain statistical data Wco h,lteracenteraand a~ain proces~tednby aal,
after which it is transmitted to tne P results are printed out in convenient
special program. The secondary processing
for for direct reading. In addition, for each change in quality of s?rvicing
calls on the last- choice paths, the monitor information is transmitted in coded
form to the control stations for display.
The initial data for determining the statistical se:rvice quality and load indices
~ are considered periodically on request of the operator. The statistical data is
of the SWM �n utersaorWitei.sntransmitted
program copied from the external memory
convenient for ,'irect input to the computer center comp
to ttie computer c~�~ter by means of the APD.
7,g, Order-Circuit ATS
The order-circuit ATS is designed to organized intraoffice and interoffice ser-
- vice:
Between operative ~ubscribers of the long-distance telephone offices of the USSR;
Telephone operators of the M~S w citiesformation services of the GTS an.d talk
stations of their own and other ~
Teleph one operators of the MTA with segregated direct subscriber lines;
Workers in the various APiTS (NITS) services.
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The order-circuit ATS provides for the possibility of four-wire connection of
remote control units of ttie voice-frequency channel ~uality control equipment.
7.10. Monitoring and Testing Equipment KIA
The presence of a control computer permits automation of the monitoring of the
opera*_ion of the office equipment with the application of progran�ned monitoring
devices. The servicing of each call is participated itt by a large number of
devices o~ different stages of the AMTS KE. Failure can occur in any of them
or in the coupling (the buss equipment, repeating and receiving systems, and so on).
The search for the failed eq uipment in a large volume of suspected equipment is
complicated and lengthy. Therefore in the AMTS KI: the monitoring system is set
up in su~h a way that each equipment stage has its own closed, quite complete
monitoring system. When detecting a failure in cm e stage, the devices of other
- stages are not suspected.
~'rom the point of view of the monitaring sy~tem, the office equipment is divided
into three stages:
1) The set of specialized control computers, including central and peripheral
pro~essors, storage units, external input-output Lmits;
2) Centralized and jimction units which include the central address and dis-
trib ution tm its, the switching system control units, distributcrs, identifiers
and also buss equipment connecting the enumerated devices;
- 3) The switching system, group ~ievices and individual line systems.
For detection of failures in the central and peripheral control units basical].y
conti_nuous monitoring by built-in eq uipment is used. The presence of redundant
control units makes it po5~ib le to switch to units in good working order after
detecting a failure, and to dete nnine the location of the failure with consider-
able accuracy.
The system for monicoring the central and 3im ction equipment is made up of special
hard~aare and software which Provide for determination of the location of the
- failure and switching of the ccrresponding tmit to reserve.
- Failures in group and individual devices, channe~.s and lines of the AMTS KE are
discovered by the special set of organizational measures and hardware. The basic
hardware of the group and individual equiproent monitoring system includes the
A segregated set of monitorin~ and testing equipment at the office KIA located
in the switching shop;
The set of equipment for automated testing of the standard channels AISK located
in the line equipment shop LATs.
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In addition to the basic hardware at the AMTS KE the following hardware is also
On each line and group equipment rack there is one special program control unit
for the sw;tching relays each for connection of individual devices and KIA (the
UP connection unit) on com�nand from the eentral control unit;
On each line equipment rack (or group of racks) there is a level matching system
(low-frequency amplifier);
On each r.ack (or group ot racks) of the incoming line systems there is one out-
going line system designed to operate via the ZSL, SLM or the long-clis tance
channel with given form of incoming systems;
_ On each rack (or group of racks) of the outgoing line systems there is one in-
coming line system each designed to operate via the ZSL, SLM or lon g-distance
channel with given type of line equipment;
In each line system the special program-controlled relays for connecting the
- line stde of the equipment via the swi~ching relay system to the inputs and out-
puts of the KIA;
On each rack (er group of racks) of line equipment special monitor frequ~ency
generators (1800 i~ertz) and a receiver of this frequency to check the correctness
of setting up a call through the switching system;
_ In each line system (outgoing and incoming) a special additional wire for sending
the signal characterizing the state of the system, to the LATs and also the block-
ing signals of the system from the LATs.
~ The basic operating conditi�~ns of the KIA system are automatic on instruction
from the TsUU.
- For diagnostic and preventive checks of equipment taken from the work places the
KIA operates in a semi-automatic mode, and in some cases, in the manual control
mode. Manual and semi-automatic control is realized from the KIA diagnostic
stand panel.
- The basic operating conditions of the AISK equipment designed for monitoring and
che ckin g the standard voice frequency channels and trunks are semi-automatic, by
request. The request for a check, meac~rement or repair of channels can come
from the AMTS KE operator, from ~he operators of adjacent AMPS, UAK, ZTU and the
dispatchers of the control system for the primary network of voice-frequency
channels, by user request. The reception of a request to ch eck, measure and
repair the channeis and ~ines, document recording of the contents of the request
and control of the monitoring and measuring equipment AISK are all realized at
the channel engineer work places the panels of the channel engineer bench STK.
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7.11. Initial Principles for Calculating AMTS KE Equipment
- The number of channels and lines subject to connection to the switching system of
the AMTS KE is determined from materials corresponding to the master plans for
the development of the long-dictance, intrazonal and city telephone networks
- (analog~usly to other AMTS).
The number of group systems and transceiving ~mits is calculated beginning with
the nu~ er of calls which these devices must service and the average time they
are busy servicing when called. The number of calls is calculated by the same
procedure as for the AMTS-4 and the ARM-20. Preliminary data on the average b usy
time of the group devices (in seconds) are presented below:
Audio signal system KAS:
call sending monitor tCSi~9
recorded voice trec.voice-l5
PPU-1 transceiving equipment:
information reception from the AON tAON-~'8
pulse packet information reception from the single-
frequency signal system channEl tpulse packet-l.4
PPU-2 transceivers:
pulse packet inforinatian transmissian to the single- t~ulse packet-1.4
frequency signal system channel
- information transmission ~ver the SLM to the crossbar
ATS by the "pulse shur~le" method tpulse stiuttle-3� ~
- Single-frequency signa].~ transmitter for operating in the
mode with dialing of one's own numbsr POS:
monitor frequency transmissian tmoni~or frequencyy2
' decade number transmission over the SLl~f tdec-
Receiver PU:
monitor f.requency reception trec.m. f-2
By the magnitude of the load on each type of indicated devices the number of
devices i.s deterrnined using the erlang tables with loss norm of P=0.001.
The eight-link switching system with a capaci.ty of 1024X2 channels and lines
~ cocnbined with the BVL and BIL control units and two intermediate panel sections
is a module by means of which the office capacity is ~uilt up. The channels and
lines and also the group devices are distrib uted uniformly among all the office
modules. This permits correspcnding determination of the number of modules.
The load on a 1024 channel and line switching unit should not exceed 512 erlangs.
This must be considered when distri_outing the channels and lines b;~ blocks. An
example of line and load distribution for :he blocks of one module is presented
in Tab le 7.1.
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- Table 7.1
Name of No of Load,
block Name of lines and svstems lines erlangs
BVL Channels and lines 750 441
Group systems and transceivers 40 27
Test lines 32 10
Res~ rve 20 2 34
Total 1024 512
BIL Channels and lines 655 439
Group systems and transceivers 41 30
Test lines 32 10
Reserve 296 33
~ Total 1024 512 ~
7.12. Structural Design of AMTS KE Equipment and Its Arrangement
The structural characteristics of the AMTS KE equipment consists in the fact that
it is made up of individual structural elements, which are assemb led at the
installatiou location. The prlmary structural element is the standard replacement
element TEZ equipped with 88 spring plugs. The standazd replacement element is
a line sys tem or any other element of the office equipment.
The TEZ elements are fastened in the horizontal connection frames CRS which are
also standard structural assemblies. 'itie horizontal frames with TEZ are assembled
- into sections (~racks) of standardized prefabricated design. The connections
. between the different GRS and sections are made by cable jumpers with 88-contact
spring p lugs .
The alarm panels (PS) are installed in the central part of the racks.
The perip h eral control units are connected to the central units by means of busses
made of T PV type cables. For distribution of the busses by routings, the ~sRU
central distributor is used.
The suppo rting structure is made up of vertical 5upporting frames which are
- fastened togeth er at the top and bottom. Each of these frames conta~ns guides
for nine GRS which are installed with 304 mm spacing vertically. Above the
frames is a cab le chute connecting the supporting frames and b ay sof sections
(racks) to each other. The cable chute has main spans between every two sections
whic'~ permit branching of the cables to the required section.
For the construction of the electronic devices of the computer, the modular design
_ is used with breakdown into five basic structural elements:
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Integrated circuitry IC containing the simplest logical e:lementsy
~ A card TEZ (standard replacement element) including 2'+ integrated circuits;
- The panel on which the 40 standard replacemen~ elements are placed;
The frame on which six panels are installed;
A bay containing three frames.
The logical elements have a plastic case with pin type terminals. A two-way
printed circuit board is used for the TE7, on which there are 48 contact plugs
for connection to the panel. Forty plugs are installen on the panel fox TEZ and
eight plugs for external connections.
The structural base of a frame is a welded structural frame made of special alum-
inum section. Cooling fans are installed for each frame.
The interpanel wiring is done basically by twisted wire MGDO 2x0.2 and MGDPO
and also coaxial cables of type IKI~-2 and RK-50. The plug board type plugs are
also installed on the frames.
The standard bay contains three frames, of which the middle is stationary an~i the
two edge ones turn. The structural base of the standard bay is a metal welded
- frame on which panels are moimted on the ends and doors that open are insta~led
on the sides.
~ ~~oa ~ean 1100 ~ o
- ; ~
~ i ~ ; ~ ~
~ ~ i~ i I
~ j, H ,h I ~
I~ ' ~ ~ ~
~ ,
i ;'i ~ j i ~ b ~
N~ Q ~ ~
I ;rl Ili i~ ! ,,I~ _
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;~j ~ ~h ~u~~, ~ ;
~I~ i ;Ir~ ~ ~ ~ ~.'r I L r-
I~ , ~ ~ I I ` ,
. ~ ' ~ I I~~
:M, _ ~
6000 6000
1 1 ~
Figure 7.4. Diagram of the arrangement of the equipment
b aysin the AMTS KE switch room
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nc ~~Qm ynn ~ ~ ~
~1) ~2)
' xor~nama ~ NMn ~C
vp~aparrnrucinos ynpaBnArou~uu noMnne~rc(8)
_ ~ ~ cye yeM (9 )
o~,epvmoaaD a~, c
~ ~
(4) /iyeem
x 3> Z /IC ~Trpam. ~
6 7)
Figure 7.5. Diagram of the placement of the equipment rows
in the A,~1TS KE machine raom
l. Programmers and operators room 7. UPP
2, NML = magnetic tape storage 8. Control unit
3. UUNML = magnetic tape controllers 9. SUVM
4. AtsPU ,
- 5. PS
6. Operator panel
When compiling the layout for the equipment it is necessary to consider that the
peripheral processors are installed jointly with the SUVM equipment. The central
address ~?it can be removed from the peripheral processor by no m~re than 150 to
~00 meters. The operator room, the SUVM room and the room for the input-~utput
devices UW must be located territorially side-by-side. A passage has to be
provided between the operator room and the UW room.
J In the swit.^.h rooms the equipment is arranged by modules. Each module contains
one BVL and one BIL, the calculated number of line equipment racks and group units.
The equipment module is placed in ad~acent bays .
The diagrams of the arrangement of the equipment b ays in the switch room are pre-
sented in Figure 7.4, and in the machine room, in Figure 7.5.
The add~ess and inforn~ation busses must be arranged in separ~te packets (from the
remaining cables) in special shielded chutes or in a space protected from induc-
The structural design of the cordless type switchboard equipment is analogous to
that used in the AMTS-4.
7.13. Electric Power Supply for the AMTS KE
Guaranteed -60 and -24 volt direct current, guaranteed three-phase ac industrial
frequency 380/220 volt current, unguaranteed three-phase 380/220 volt ac current
a and unguaranteed single-phase 220 volt industrial-frequency ac current are
required to power the AMTS KE equipment.
The different ac voltages (except -24 volts) required to operate the electronic
devices are obtained by conversion of the -60 volt voltage by special converters.
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8.1. General Remarks
- As is obvious from the preceding chapters, modern AMTS and UAK are complex sets of
equipment consisting of a significant number of different high-sensitivity and
high-precisian elements. In order to guarantee reliable operation of this equip-
ment with the required service quality and also to insure the required conditions
for normal activity of the service personnel, the buildings and facilities in
which the AMTS and UAK are located must satisfy defined req uirements both with
respect to size and structural specifications and with respect ta climatic param-
eter.s of the facilities: A brief discussion is Fresented of the basic initial
principles which must be followed when designing AMrS and UAK buildings, reco~nend-
at~ons for determining the initial data for designing these b~.ldings and certain
other requirements on them. A detailed list of all the structural requirements,
ventilation and other parameters is included in the Technological Design NornB,
[3, 16].
8.2. Initial Data for Designing AMTS and UAK B uildings
Buildings desig,ned for ANtTS and UAK must be calculated for a high degree of fire-
proofness (no less than second degree), and in areas with increased seismicity,
for the corresponding earthquake proofness.
The volume of the b uilding, its dimensions and the'number of stories are deter-
mined depending on the type and q~,iantity of process equipment which must be
installed in the b uilding and aZso the configuration and sizes of the site for
building the building.
The dim~nsions of the switch rooms and, correspondingly, the remaining shops and
services are designed for the possibility of 15 to 20 years of development of the
office from the time it is put into operation, that is, for the praspective size
of the office. Exact dimensions of these areas can be determined only after
calculating the amount of equipment and developing the layout plans for it. How-
ever, considering that the volume of the designed building is calculated for a
significant development reserve, the sizes of the areas can be determined in
consolidate~ manner, beginning with previously calculated average values of the
areas of the switch and switchboard rooms per unit capacity of offices of var.ious
types. For AMrS-4 and ARN~20 the area of the switch room is determined rec'~coning
0.2 m2 fox one point of the switching bank. For AMTS KE the switch room areas
can be determined approximately reckoning 0.05 m2 for one point of the switching
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b~nk. Here the office control units must be located in a separate room about
- LUO m2 in area. Zn addition, for various auxiliary technical services a number
of facilities w ith a total area of 300 to 400 m2 are required.
Multistory levels under the machine rooms must be designed for a loa~ of 1000 kR/m2.
The nomenclature of the facilities and services of the AMTS and UAK and their
characteristics are indicated in the corresponding technological 3esign norms
[3, 16]. For AMTS KE, however, in view of novelty, the list of technical facili-
ties and services is presented hexe. The list includes the following: the
special computer equipment service SUVM, including the input-output devices;
The switch room facility (switching system, with control tmits, line and group
systems, address and distributing devices);
The operating and maintenance service (KIA) ;
The data preparation service (pimches and other equipment);
The paper storage and facilities for cutting paper;
Magnetic and paper tape archives;
Technical doc~ents archives;
Facility for storing ZIP;
Programmers' room;
Operators' room; .
Measurement and repair workshop (the basic operations include determining failed
TEZ, replacement of the TEZ with operating TEZ, auromatic determination of the
location of a failure);
Mechanical workshop; .
Electric power supply room;
Office chief's room;
Technical personnel room;
The equip~~ent in the switch rooms must be arranged calculating that the free
- area for subsequent expans~on of the office can be temporarily isolated and u.sed
by the maintenance service of the office as it sees fit.
i'he mutual arrangement of the technical facilities must provide for minimum
length of the office cab le, convenience of technical servicing of the eq uipment
2Q1 ~
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and also minimum requirements on movement of large numbers of people between
floors. Beginning with this fact, th~ switchboard rooms are usually placed no
higher up than second floor, the line and equipment shops with their services on
the third floar, and the switch rooffi with their services higher up. The KIA,
technical monitoring and servicing rooms must be placed beside the switch roams
(or in direct proximity to them) for the possibility of providing constant moni-
toring of the operation of the eq uipment.
8.3. Climatic. Parameters in the Technical Facilities
The eq uipment with which the switching shops of the AMTS and UAK are eq uipped
contains complex automatic devices for the electromechanical, electronic and
o~her systeus. For normal operation of these devices with sufficient operating
reliability in the facilities where the equipment is installed, defined r_limatic
conditions must be created. These conditions are determined by the temperature,
relative humidity and atmospheric pressure parameters which must be kept constant
within the follawing limits:
Temperature from +18 to +28�C (for the AMTS KE from +19 to +21�C);
Relati~;e humidity from 50 to 70% (for AMTS KE 40-60);
Atmaspheric pressure from 720 to 780 mm Hg.
" The indicated parameters must be used in the calculation when designing the
heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
For reliable operation of the office equipment, insulation from outsi e
air, that is, protection against dust penetration, blowing, direct stmlight, and
so on are required. Beginning with this fact, the window openings in the switch
rooms must be kept to a minimum in ntunber and size necessary only to maintain the
:Zealth of the service personnel. Special measures must be taken to prevent dust
penetration exclusion of opening of the windows and doors, finishing the
facilities in materials that exclude dust generation or accumulation, and so on.
In :~e switchboard rooms and the punch rooms of the A1~fTS provision must be made
far sound-absorbing covering ot the walls and ceilings to reduce the noise level
as much as possible (in accordance with the norms).
~ Only incomb ustible materials that do not release sulfur, ch lorine or fluorine
c.~mpound vapor should be used to finish the facilities of the switch rooms and
oth~r technical services.
In the facilities where a sigr.ificant number of ~e.rvice personnel work constantly
(switchboard rooms, outfitting and adjustment worksY!ops, and so on), natural
lighting must be provided. In the switch rooms where the technical personnel
spend only brief amounts of time (only when eliminating failures), artificial
lighting is provided insuring the required level of illumination.
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When designing buildings for the AMTS KE, increased requirements are imposed
on both the climatic conditions and the fireproofing in the technical facilities.
These requirements ar~ listed in the technological design norms [3, 16].
In order to bring in the line cables from the entrance chamber and power cables
from the power supply station to the process facilities on the upper floor~ of
the bui.lding it is necessary to provide vertical shafts separated from the remain-
ing facilities by a fireproof bulkhead and equipped with fireproof doors. The
construction ~f the floor in the switchboard room and other technical facilities
must be such that it provides for the possibility of installing channels under
the floor for laying cables to the equipment.
When designing b uildings for AMrS and UAK, analogous requirements on the LATs
facilities and also specific requirements on the electric paurer supply station
facilities are taken into account. For determination of the sizes of the
facilities required tc install the electric power sunply station equipment, the
total cons umption of intake electric power to feed the office equipment is first
In the AMTS and the UAK buildings, in addition to the technical services, facili-
ties must be provided for the auxiliary production and administrative and general
services. A detailed list of these facilities and thc floor space required for
them are indicated in the corresponding norms [3, 16].
8.4. Number of Service Personnel
For calculation of the volume of sanitary engineering facilities and general
services of the designed AMTS and UAK b uildings it is first necessary to deter-
mine the total number of personnel servicing the office and also the number of
the producti~n staff for the maximum and adjacent shift. In addition, the number
of service persoznel must be knawn with distributian with respect to qualifica-
- tions also to calculate the operating expenditures when determining the cost
effectiveness of the office.
The number of technical personnel of tlie AMTS and UAK switching shops depends to
a significant degree on the system of technical maintenance of the eq~~ipment.
Until recently the preventive technical maintenance system predominated at the
long-distance telephon~ offices. As automatic switching equipment developed, the
_ possibility arose for using automatic monitoring and testing equipment to convert
to the more advanced statistical monitoring (or monitoring and correcting) method
for wh ich a significantly smaller number of service personnel are required. The
essence of this method is that two types of monitoring are performed at thc AMTS:
1) continuous (using the office alarm system) and 2) as necessary (using the
monitorin g and test'_ng equipment). The continuous monitcring imits send signals
out when the eq uipment has gone beyond the limits of the established norms. The
monitoring and testing equipmer_t provides for monitoring t:_.. operating quality
of the office~and testing the office equipment for correspondence to the estab-
lished requirements.
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~ The statistical monitoring method completely replaces preventive maintenance only
in the new types of. offices mechanoelectronic a~id quasielectronic. For cross-
~ bar offices, in particular, AMTS-2 and APfTS-3, it can only be partially used, for
these offices do not have the necessary monitoring-recording and other devices
available to them. ~r the same ti~,ne the presence in these offices of a signifi-
cant amount of automatic monitoring and testing equipment significantly facili.-
tates the work of the technical pe.rsonnel with respect to servicing the office,
which leads to a relative decreas~ in the number of personnel.
For calculation of the number of service personnel of the AMTS and UAK switching
shops, the Giprosvyaz' Institute has developed temporarv calculation r~ormatives
that determine the consolidated average number of basic technical personnel, ttie
: engineering and technical supervisory personnel and telephone operators for the
different types of AMTS.
The normatives for the number of technical personnel are reckoned per tmit capac-
ity of the office. As a unit capacity the fo llowin g are taken:
One zone service line or channel for the AMTS-2 and AMTS-3;
One switching bank point for the ARM-20, Ar1TS-4, AMTS KE;
One long-distance channel (semi-automatic or manual service) connected to the
cord type switchboard equipment;
- One semi-automatic service channel for cordless type switchboards .
Wtien developing the average number of technical personnel, basically data were
used on the expenditures of time to service a unit of equipment in a month (in
man-hours). Racks of all varieties and the switchboard position were taken as
eq uipment units. The conversion of the total expenditures of tinue on servicing
each unit of equipment (man-hours per month) to the number of personnel was made
calculating a 7-hour working day, which corresponds to 174 hours per month per
The number of telephone operators is determined by the output norms established
by the Communications Ministz}~. The maximum shift is 50%, and the adjacent shift,
60% of the total n~.unber of technical personnel. The number of telephone opera-
tors in the ma~:imum shift is equal to the number of switchboard positions.
For determination of the volume of sanitary engineering equipment and general
services of the AMTS (UAK) which depend on the number of personnel, the calcula-
tions must be p erformed for the future capacity of the office for which the size
- of the building is designed. Here the total number of personnel and also the
size of the maximum and adjacent shifts are determined.
For the performance of specific calculations of the number of service personnel
- for the designed AMTS (UAK) it is necessary to refer to the Giprosvyaz' Institute
normative data.
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All the office equipment elements are connected to each other by office cables
that provide for the layout of the office. Depending on the ftmctions performed
by the individual devices, the office wiring is also divided up by functions:
line, power supply, signals, fre~uency, and so on. The types of cables used are
determined by the corresponding Al1-Union State Standards in effect when the
office is designed.
- In recent years basically office cables in polyvinylchloride sheathing type TSV
with the follawing cap acity gradations are used for line wiring: Sx3, 10 x2,
lOx3, 20x2, 20x3. For power supply wiring aluminum busses ASh 20X5 and 15X3,
power cables and wires with aluminum cores and r~:bber insulation ANRG 1x6,
1x10, 1x25, 1x35, 1x50, 1X70, 2x70; APR lx4a 1X6, 1x10, 1x16, 1x25; AVRG lx6
are used. For the signal wiring, the :~EDShL 1X0.2. and 1x0.5 wiring is used,
and for frequency wiring, shielded cables RVShE lX2 and 5X2. For cross connec-
ti.ons on the intermediate parrels, the PKSV 2x0.5 and 3x0.5 cross-connection
wire is used.
For individual types of equipment, consider~ng the specific nature of the opera-
tion of the system, special requirem,ents are imposed on the wiring. Thus, for
example., in the AMTS-2 and AMTS-3 the wires connecting the electromagnets of the
punches to the UKP racks must be shielded, copper, 0.5-0.75 mm~ in cross section,
and the resistance, no more than 1.0 ohm.
The cables are laid in the switch rooms in overhead boxing. In the punch facili-
ties, the technical service rooms and other facilities are laid in ducts under
the floor. It is expedient to feed the cable from the rack equipment to the
switchboard bays through openings in the floor under the entrance chambers of the
switchboard bays.
The cable connections betw~en the different elements of the AMTS (UAK) aq_uipment
are made on the basis of the theoretical and f un ctional dia~rams of the office
- eq uipment which determine the purpose and number of the wires connecting each
equipment element to mll others within the office.
In each segment of the office diagram the total number of connectinQ wires is
determined, which then are grouped into standard-capacity cables: This operation
is usually performed by putting together cable circu3t diagrams separately fo.r
each type of equipment or for a functional assembly. The compilation of such
diagrams for the entire office is complicated and inconvenient as a resulr of the
' large ninnber of varieties of AMTS equipment.
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The cable circuit diagrams contain the following information:
T.he address of the connection (the name of the equipment on both ends);
The purpose and number of connecting wires;
The number of cables, their type and capacity.
For calculating a large number of cables of each variety a cab le table is
compiled in whi ch the total list of laid cables is presented with indication of
the laying sections, the points at which both ends are connected and the lengths
of each piece of cable (or the average lengths of the pieces of cable in a group
of like eq uipment).
- Simultaneously with compiling the cable circuit diagrams and the cable tables,
cable circuit diagrau~s are developed for the input terminals of the equipment and
the frames of the switching panels. These diagrams permit selection of the most
economical types of cable for each laying section.
During installation of the offices, first the cable table is used, on the basis
of which the pieces of cable of the corresponding length are cut, and they are
laid in all sections of the station. Then, using the cable circuit diagrams,
the ends of the cables are fanned out, and the ends of the cable cores are
connected to the corresponding terminals of the frames on the racks, switchboards
or switching panels.
For compilation of the cable tab les and.the circuit diagrams for connecting the
cables to the equipment, it is necessary to use standard materials develoned by
the Giprosvyaz' Institute for eacli type of AMTS.
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Long-Distance Area Codes for the Zone Telephone Networks
within the USSR
Republic, kray, oblast, city Code Republic, kray, ob last, city Code
Abkhazskaya 881 Kalmykskaya [Kalmyk] 847
Adzharskaya 882 Kaluzhskaya [Kalu~a] 084
Adygeyskaya 877 Kamchatskaya (Kamchatka] 415
Azerbaydzhanskaya [Azerbaydzhan] 892 Karagandinskaya [Karaganda] 321
Aktyubinskaya [Aktyuba] 313 Karakalpakskaya [Karakalpa 361
Alma-Atinskaya [Alma-Ata] 327 Karachayevo-Cherkesskaya 8~8
- Altayskaya [Altay] 385 Karel'skaya [Kare1_ian] 814
_ Amurskaya [Amur] 416 Kashka-Dar'inskaya ~Kashka-Dar'ya] 375
Andizh anskaya [Andizhan] 374 Kzyl-Ordinskaya [Kzyl-Orda] 324
Arnryanskaya [Armenian] ] 885,886 Kemerovskaya [Kemerovo] 328
Arkhangel'skaya [Arkhangel'sk] 818,819 Kievskaya [Kiev] 044
Astrakhanskaya [Astrakhan] 851 Kirovogradskaya [Kirovograd] 052
Ashkhabadskaya [Ashkhabad] 363 Kirovskaya [Kirov] 833
Bashkirskaya [Bashkiria] 347,348 Kislovodsk 868
Belgorodskaya [Belgorod] 072 Kokchetavskaya 316
Brestskaya [Brest] 016 Kokand 434
- Bryanskaya [Bryansk] 083 Komi 821
Buryatskaya [Buryat] 301 Kostromskaya [Kosi:roma] 094
Bukharskay a[Bukhara] 365 Krasnovodskaya [Krasnavod] 432
Vinnitskaya [Vinnitsa] 043 Krasnodarskaya [Krasnodar] 861
Vitebskaya [Vitebsk] 021 krasnoyarskaya [Krasnoyarsk] 391
Vladimirskaya [Vladimir] 092 Krymskaya [Crime an~ 065
Volgogradskaya [Volgograd] 844 Kuybyshevskaya [Kuybyshev] 846
Vologodskaya [Vologda:] 817 KulyaF~skaya [Kulyab ] 431
Volynskaya [Volynka] 033 Kurgar.skaya [Kurgan] 352
Voronezhskaya [Voronezh] 073 Kurgar?-Tyube 433
Voroshilovgradskaya [Voroshilov- 064 Kurskaya [Kursk] 071
Vostochko-Kazakhstanskaya 323 Kustanayskaya [Kustanay] 314
[Eastern Kazakhstan]
Gomel'skaya [Gomel`] 023 Latvinskaya [Latvian] 013
Gorno-Badakhshanskaya 364 Leninabadskaya Leninabad] 379
[Borno-Badakhshan] 812
Gorno-Altayskaya (Gorno-AltayJ 388 Leningradskaya [Leningrad] 074
Gor'kovskaya [Gor'kiy] �331 Lipetskaya [Lipetsk]
Grodnenskaya [Grodno] 015 Litovskaya [Lith uanian] 012
- Gruzinskaya [Georgian] 883 L'vovskaya [L'vov] 032
Gur'yevskaya [Gur'yev] 312 Magadanskaya [Ma~adan] 413,414
Dagestanskaya [Dagestan] 872 Mangyshlakskaya [Mangyshlak] 329
- Dzhambulskaya [Dzhambul] 326 Mariyskaya [Mari] 836
Dzhezkazganskaya [Dzhezkazgan] 310 Maryyskaya [Mari] 370
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030063-4
Repub lic, kray, ob Iast, citv Code Repub lic, kray, oblast, city Code
372 Minskaya [Minsk] 017
Dzhizakskaya [Dzhizak] ~22
Dnepropetrovskaya [Dnepropetrevsk] 056 Mogilevskaya [Mogilev] 042
Donetskaya (Donetsk] 062 Moldavskaya [Moldavian]
377 Mordovskaya [Mordovian] 834
Dushanbinskaya [Dushanbe] 095
Yevreyskaya [Yevra] 426 Moskva jMoscow]
041 Moskovskaya [Moscow] 096
Zhitomirskaya [Zhitomir] 815
Zakarpatskaya [Trans Carpathian] 031 Murmanskaya [24urmansk] 393
Zaporozhskaya [Zaporozh'ye] 061 Nagorno-Karabakhskaya
- 093 Namanganskaya 369
Ivanovskaya [Ivanovo] 335
_ Ivano-Frankovskaya ~34 Narynskaya [Naxyn]
[?vano-Frankovsk] 891
Irkutskaya [Irkutsk] 395 Nakhichevanskaya [Nakhichevan] 051
I~syk-Kul'skaya [Issyk-Kul'] 319 Nikolayevskaya [Nikolayev] gl6
Kabardino-Balkarskaya 866 Novgorodskaya [Novgorod]
[Kabardino-Balkar] 383
Kaliningradskaya [Kaliningrad] O11 Novosibirskaya [Novosibirsk]
Kalininskaya [Kalinin] 082 Novokuznetskaya [Novokuznetsk] 386
- Odesskaya [Odessa] 048 Ternopol'skaya [Ternopol' ] 035
Omskaya [Omsk] 381 Tomskaya [Tomsk] 382
353 Tuvinskaya [Tuva] 394
Orenburgskaya [Orenburg]
Orlovskaya [Orlovskiy] v36 Tul'skaya [Tula] ~g~
332 Turgayskaya [Turgay] 330
Oshskaya [Osh] 345
Pavlodarskaya [Pavlodar] 318 Tyumenskaya [Tyumen']
841 Udmurtskaya [Udmurt] 341
Penzenskaya [Penza] , g42
Permskaya [Perm'] 342 Ul'yanovskaya [Ul yanovsk]
Poltavskaya [Poltava] 053 Ural'skaya [Ural'sk] 373
- Primorskaya [Primorskoye 423 Ferganskaya (Fergana]
811 Frunzenskaya [Frunze] 331
Pskov~kaya [Pskov] 421
Pyatigorsk 879 Khabarovskaya [Khabarovsk]
> Rovenskaya 036 Khakasskaya 390
863,864 Khar kovskaya [Khar'kov] 057
Rostovskaya [Rostov] 055
Ryazanskaya [Ryazan' ] 091 Khersonskaya [Kherson]
366 Khmel'nitskaya 038
Samarkandskaya [Samarkand] 362
Saratovskaya [Saratov] 845 Khorezmskaya 317
Sakhalinskaya [Sa~halin] 424 Tselinogradskaya [Tselinograd]
343,344 Chardzhousk aya [Chardzhou] 3~8
Sverdlovskaya [Sverdlovsk] 351
Severo-Kazakhstanskaya 315 Chelyabinskaya [Chelyabinsk]
[Northern Kazakhstan] 046
Severo-Osetinskaya 867 Chernigovskaya(Cherni~ov]
Semipalatinskaya [Semipalatinsk] 322 Cherkasskaya [Cherkassy] 037
Smolenskaya [Smolensk] 081 Chernovitskaya
- 862 Chechenko-Ingushakaya 8~1
865 Chimkentskaya [Chimkent] 325
Stavropol'skaya [Stavropol'] 302
Sumskaya 054 Chitinskaya jChita] 835
Surkhan-Dar'inskaya . 376 Chuvashskaya [Chuvash]
[S urkhan-Dar'y a]
20 8
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, [Appendix 1, continued]
Republic, kray, oblast, citv Code Republic, kray, oblast, city Code
Syr-Dar'inskaya (Syr-Dar'ya] 367 Es~.onskaya [Lstonian] 884
Taldy-Kurganskaya 328 Yugo-Osetinskaya
[Taldy-Kurgan] 411,412
Tambovskaya [Tambov] 075 Yakutskaya jYakut]
Tatarskaya [Tatarsk] 843 Yalta 060
Tashauzskaya [Tashauz] 360 Yaroslavskaya [Yaroslavl' ] 085
Tashkentskaya [Tashkent] 371
Long-distance offices 020, 030, 050, 070, 080,
090, 097, 820, 830, 850,
860, 880, 320, 350, 430,
380, 420
For connection to the KIA 441-444, 440
Departmental networks 451-450
For che cking equipment
Automatic charge computing AUS 000
For access to the main dispatch
monitoring station of the TsKU
For access to the message switching
centers TsKS 401-400; 491-490
Code resorve used as the network is further developed.
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Table of the number of segregated direct channels between
AMTS ~s a functian of the magnitude of the outgoing load
between these AMTS with indication of the magnitude of excess
loads and limiting distances to which it is expedient to
segregate n direct channels. Distance between AMTS
L1im~500 km, excess load passes through one Candem junctfon
HcxoAAmaR 4ecno H366ITOy- NCXOAAl1~8A ~Ixcno H36s'roa-
NEC~}'3K2J/. fIF1AMdX- HHfl H8fPY3' f,n H8tP~3N8fJ, T1ppMNJf xaA xarpys- Lnp
3pn K8H3JIOB, n R_~E~~y~ p dpn Kaxanos, n R_y n~d~
1 I � I 3 I 4 II I I 2 I 3 ~ 4
- 1,4 0 I 11,0 I ':2 1,75
6 - 100 18 U,16 51
1,5 0 11,5 IS 0,23 -
6 - 150 12,0 18 0,29 -
1,6 0 12,5 18 0,42 -
6 - 250 13,0 18 0,55 -
.1,7 0 I3.5 18 0,7 -
6 - 350 14,0 18 0,88 -
.1,8 6 - - 14,5 18 1,14 -
1,9 6 - - 15,0 18 1,29 -
2,0 6 O,Q3 - 15,5 IS 1,53 -
2,1 6 0,04 - 16,0 18 1,8 -
2,3 6 0,05 - 16,5 18 2,06 ~
2,4 6 0,(16 - 24 0,31 100
2,5 6 0,07 - 17,0 24 0,~ -
2,6 6 0,08 - 17,5 44 0,51 -
2,7 6 0,? - 18,0 24 0,63 -
2,8 6 O,i2 - 18,5 24 0,78 -
2,9 6 0,14 - 19,0 24 0,84 -
3,0 6 0,16 - 19,5 24 1,12 -
3,1 6 0,18 - 20,0 24 1,32 -
3,2 6 0,2 - 20,5 24 1,54 -
3,3 6 0,23 - 21,0 24 1,78 >
3,4 6 0,26 - 30 0,22 250
3,5 6 0,29 - 21,5 24 2,03 ~
3,6 6 0,32 - ~ 30 0,36 ]00
3,7 6 0,35 - 22,0 30 0,45 -
3,S 6 0,39 - 22,5 30 0,56 -
3,9 6 0,43 23,0 30 0,68 -
4,0 6 0,47 - 23,5 30 0,86 -
4,5 6 0,7 - 24,0 30 0,96 -
5,0 6 0,96 - 24,5 30 1,13 -
5,5 6 1,26 - 25,0 30 1,32 -
6,0 6 1,52 > 25,5 30 1,52 -
12 0,07 250 26,0 30 1,71 -
6,5 12 0,12 - 26,5 30 1,96 >
~,0 12 0,13 - 36 0,39 230
7,5 12 0,28 - 27,0 30 2,21
8,0 12 0,41 - i 36 0,47 -
8,5 12 0,56 - 27,5 36 0~58 -
9,0 12 0,75 - 28,0 36 0,69 -
~ 9,5 12 0,96 - 28,5 36 0,82 -
10,U 12 1,2 - 29,Q 36 0,96 -
10,5 12 1,46 - 29,b 36 1,11 -
- Key : -
1. Outgoing load y, erlangs
2, No of direct channels, n
3. Excess load R=yEn(y)
, 4. Llim
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500430063-4
_ [Appendix 2, continued~
? I 3 I ; II t I 2 I 3 I '
3p . 0 36 1, 29 - II 53 , 0 fi0 2 I >
30~5 36 1,53 - 66 0,66 300
31,0 ~5 1,67 - 53,~ 60 2,32 >
31,5 36 1,86 - ' 66 0,75 180
32,0 3b ?.11 ~ I 54,0 60 2,75 >
a2 0,55 150 ; 66 0,85 100
32,5 36 2.34 > ' ~4,5 66 0,97 -
42 0,48 l00 i~ ~~,0 6E; 1,07 -
33,0 42 0.69 - 55 5 66 1,18 -
33,5 42 0,82 - 56,0 66 1,29 -
34,0 42 0,94 - ~ i6,5 66 1,47 -
34,5 4? 1,09 - i 57,0 66 1,57 -
35,0 42 1,23 - ~I ~7,5 66 1,81 -
35,5 -12 (,42 - ~8,0 66 1,97 >
5 72 0.64 500
36,5 4~ 1,79 - I J8'~ 72 0,72 300
37,5 42 2,2 - ~ 59,0 66 3,36 >
38,0 42 2,43 > 72 0.8 150
48 O,tiB ~ l0U ~ 59~~ 66 2.53 >
38,5 48 ' 0.~ - I 72 0,77 120
39,0 48 0,91 - i h~,~ 66 2,7 >
39,~ 48 1.05 - 72 0,97 100
40,0 48 1,23 - 6U,~ 72 1,11 -
40,5 48 1,33 h~,0 72 1,2ki -
41,0 48 1,52 - b~~� 72 ?,4 -
�41,5 48 1,7 - i hl,~ 72 1,55 -
42,0 48 1,89 - ' 62,~ 72 1,68 -
I 63,0 7~ ~,gg -
42,5 ~8 ~;p8 200 ~ 63,~ 72 1,99 -
33,0 43 2,32 > 64,0 72 2,18 >
54 0,66 130 i ti~,j 78 0,72 300
43,5 48 2,58 > ~ 7~ 2,39
~ 54 0,77 100 i 78 0,83 200
- 44,0 54 0,88 - i 2.e >
44,5 ~4 l,Ol - ' i8 0.95 l40
45,0 54 1,14 - ~ 72 2,87 ~
45,5 ~4 1,29 - ' 78 1,08 80
46,0 54 1,4~ - ' b6,0 7g 1,2 -
46,5 ~4 1,~8 - i ss~p i8 1,32 _
47,0 ~4 1.79 ~ - 78 1,45
47,5 54 2,0 i i 67,5 78 1,58 -
h0 0,~~ 300 I 68,0 78 l,7 -
48,0 ~4 2,21 ~ 58,~ i8 1,88 -
' GO 0,~9 200 69~~ i8 2,07 >
48,~ 54 2,43 > &4 0,71 400
60 0.~~ ~`'0 j 69~5 78 2,25 >
49,0 ti0 0,8~ - ~ 84 0,81 300
~ 49,5 60 0,~ - ~ 8~ p,g5 0
50,0 60 1.09 70,5
50,5 60 1,23 - ~ 78 2~64 >
51,0 60 1,37 - ~ 71~0 84 ~,01 150
51,5 60 I.ti2 - i 78 2,89 ~
52,0 60 1,69 - ~ ~ 84 l.ll 90
~ 52,5 60 1,89 - i 84 1,21 -
1. Outgoing load y, erlangs
2. No of direct channels, n
3. Excess load R=yEn(y)
4. Llim
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[Appendix 2, continued]
- 1 I I 3 ~ 4 II 1 ~ 4 I 3 I 4 ~
- 72~~ 84 ~~3~ - 102 1,01 220
- 72,5 84 1,4r' - 87,G 96 2,7 >
73,0 84 1,63 - 102 1,1 170
73,5 84 1,78 - 87,5 90 2,89 >
74,0 84 1,92 - 102 1,19 100
- 74,5 84 2,32 > l02 1,29 -
30 0,76 400 88,0 102 1,43 -
88,5 102 1,58 -
?5,0 84 2,32 ~
9p 0,84 260 89,0 102 1,73 -
75,5 84 2,48 > 89,5 ]02 2,03 -
90 0,92 190 90,0 102 2,08 -
76,0 84 2,66 > 90,5 102 2,18 -
90 0,99 100 91,0 102 2,33 >
76,5 84 2,85 > 91,5 108 0,92 350
90 1,13 80 102 2,49 >
?7,0 90 1,26 - 92.0 108 0,99 240
77,5 90 1,4 - 102 2,69 >
78,0 90 1,53 - 92,5 108 1,13 200
78,5 90 1,67 - 102 2,88 >
79,0 90 1,81 - 93,0 , 108 1,24 !40
79,5 90 1,93 - 102 3,08 >
80,0 90 2~00 - 93,5 108 1,36 100
lp8 1,48 -
~~5 96 0,86 3~50 94,0 108 1,61 -
81,0 90 2,51 > ~4,5 108 1,74 -
96 0,97 200 95,0 108 1,86 -
81,5 90 2,61 ~ 95,5 108 1,99
96 1,08 150 96,0 I08 2,17 -
82,0 90 2,87 ) 96,5 108 2,33 -
96 1,19 120 97,0 108 2,5~ -
82,5 96 1,3 97,5 108 2,74 >
83,0 96 1,42 - 98,0 114 1,36 400
83,5 96 1,54 - 108 2,9 ~
84,0 96 1,65 - 98,5 114 1,48 330
84,5 96 1,74 - 108 3,07 >
85,0 96 1,96 - 99,0 114 1,59 260
85,5 96 2,17 - 108 3,28 >
86,0 96 2,3 > 99,5 114 1~71 180
102 0,92 480 108 3,5 ~
86,5 96 2,53 > 100~0 114 1.83 102
1. Outgoing load y, erlangs
- 2. No of direct channels, n
3. Excess load R=yEn(y)
4. Llim
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Table f~r calculating the numbers of M and VM as a
function of the number of calls for half of the office
(3) (1) ~3)
h C K~~q~'CT~ ~ v C [(OJIHqlCTBO
~ T ((0llflqt:.780 BL130B08 T~` K011H9lCTSO BN30808
(1, o~~ ~2~4HH M I V,~ ~ o o~ (2\ s 4HH M I VM
_ x�mc ~ Y�~ ~
1 3~00-4 000 1 2 II l7 100-18 200 6 6
4 000-6 400 2 ~ 2 18 200-19 900 5 9
6 400-7 300 2 3 ~ ! 9 900-22 500 6 9
7 300-8 700 3 3' 22 500-23 800 7 9
- 8 700-9 600 3 4 ~ 23 800-24 500 8 9
9 500-10 500 4 4 24 500-25 500 7 12
10 500-1 t 200 4 5 25 500-27 300 8 12
11 200- l 1 800 5 5 27 300-28 400 9 12
2 4 200-6 700 2 2 28 400-29 000 10 12
6 700-8 400 2 4 29 000-29 600 9 15
8 400-10 700 3 4~ 29 600-30 800 10 15
10 700-12 100 4 4~ 4 4 800-8 200 2 4
12 100-12 500 3 6~ 8 200-1 l 000 3 4
12 500-14 600 4 6 ~ 11 000-13 500 4 4
14 600- ~ 5 700 5 6~ 13 500- l 3 800 3 8
15 700- l 6 400 6 6 I 13 800- l 7 700 4 8
16 400-16 800 5 8 17 700-20 200 5 8
2 16 800-18 600 6 8 20 200-22 100 6 8
18 600-! 8 800 7 8 22 100-23 400 7 8
18 800-19 300 8 8 23 400-24 300 8 8
19 300-20 I 00 7 10 24 300-25 000 6 l2
20 100-20 800 8 10 25 000-28 000 7 12
20 800-21 000 9 10 28 000-30 000 8 12
21 000-21 100 10 10 30 000-31 100 9 12
3 4 5U0-T 800 2 3 31 100-31 S00 10 l2
7 800-10 200 3 3 31 800-32 800 9 16
10 200-15 000 3 6 32 800-34 ?00 10 16
15 000-15 500 4 6 34 700-35 600 10 20
- 15 500-17 100 5 6
~y :
l. No of RM groups
2. No of calls in the peak load hour (PLH)
3. Number
[Al1-Union State Standard 19472-74. Automation of Telephone Service.
Tern~s and Definitions.].
OPREDELENIYA [All-Union State Standard 196962-74. Switching Systems and
Devices for Communications. Terms and Definitions].
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030063-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540030063-4
Media. Long-Di.stance Telephone Offices. Departmental Technological Design
Norms], Moscow, Svyaz', 1979.
Long-Distance and Rural Telephone Service], edited by Ye. A. Zayonchkovskiy,
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COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz"', 1980
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