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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500030056-2 H'Ult ()N'H7('IAL USN: (1NLY ~JPRS L/ 10347 23~ February 1982~ _ USSR R~ ort p - MILI~ARY AFFAIRS ~(FOUO 3/~82) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST iNFORM~TION SERVICE FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periedicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language ~ources are trans~ribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and mateiial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, ~r following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transli~erated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enr.losed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as _ given by source. The contents of this publication ',n no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MA'TERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFI'ICIAL USE OYLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500030056-2 JPRS L/10347 23 February 1982 USSR REPORT MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 3/82) CONTENTS PERCEPTIODIS, VIETrJS, CONI~'fENTS Book Excerpts; Hisotiography of the Great Patriotic War ~ _ (ISTORIOGRAFIYA VELIKOY UTECHESTVENNOY VOYNY SBORNIK STATEY, 1980) 1 Book Describes Military Psychology and Education Science (A. V. Barabanshchikov, N. F. FPdenko; OSNOVY VOYENNOY P5IKHOL(k~II I PEDAGOGIKI, 1~cS1) 50 - a - [III - USSR - 4 FOUO] ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 YERCEPTIONS, VIEWS, COIvAIENTS BOOK EXCERPTS: HISTORIOGRAPHY OF TETE GREAT PATRIO'TIC WAR Moscow ISTORIOGRAFIYA VELIKOY OTEG'HESTVENNOY VOYNY SBOR~~iIK. STATEY in Russian 148~J (signed to press lU Jan 80) pp 3-!?, 283-285, 5-36, 162-177, 277-282 [Table of contents, Foreword, Zh:~lin article, Rzheshevskiy article, Conclusian, and Appendix of books edited by Academician M. P. Kim, A. I. Babin, L. S. Gaponenko, C. A. Kumanev, N. I. Makarov, A� V. Mitrofanova, V. P. Naumov, and Yu. V. Plotnikov] [Excerpts] Title Page: Titl.e: ISTORIOGRAFIYA VELIKOY OTECI~STVENNOY VOYNY SBORNIK STA1'rY (Historiograph~~ of the Great Patriotic War Collection of Articles) - Publisher: Voyenizdat Place and year of pubJ_ication: ~toscow, 1.980 Signed to Press Date: 10 Ja~nuary 1980 Number of Copies Published: 6,U00 Number of Pages: 285 Tabl.e of ContF�nts Page Foreword (Academician M. P. Kim) 5 P. A. Zhilin. Currer?t Problems of. Investigatio~.i of the Great Patriotic War 9 ~he CPSU T.nspiratior~al Force and Organizer ot the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War B. S. Tel'pukhovsk~~y. Soviet Historical Literature on the Leadership Role _ of the CPSU in the CrEat Patriotic War (!SriEf Survey ot the Literature, _ 1965-.1977) 37 A. F. Yudenkov. The Cormnunist Party Organizer and Leader ot the Partisan Movement (Historiography of This Topic) 52 V. P. Seregin. The Communist Party Organizer of the Nation's War . Economy (His'~oriography of the Problem) 58 - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500030056-2 FOR OFFICIAi. USE ONI_Y T. B. Toman. Party Direction of Socialist Competition During the Years of the Creat Patriotic War (Survey of the Literature) 68 M, S. Dergach and M. N. Yevlanova. Historiography of garty Supervision of Governmental and Public Organizations 75 G. A. Kovalev. Party Ideological-Political Work on the Soviet Home Front (Historiographic Survey) 81 M. I. Likhomanov. Party Economic Policy in the Village During the Years of the Great Patriotic War (Historiography of the Topic) 88 N. I. Ks~ndakova. The Communist Party Organizer of Rebuilding of the Economy and Cultural LiEe in Liberated Areas of the USSR (Historio- graphic Survey) 94 Armed Struggle of the Soviet People Against the German-Fascist Invaders A. I. Babin. Soviet Historical Literature on the Armed Struggle With the German-Fascist Invaders 102 Yu. V. Plotnikov. Historiography of the Battles and Major Operations of the Great Patriotic War 117 V. S. Shumikhin. Contemporary Histariography on the Heroism of Soviet Fighting Men in the Great Patriotic War 127 Yu. K. Strizhkov. Brief Survey of the Literature on Combat Exploits of Soviet Border Guards During the Years of the Great Patriozic War 134 ~ N. F. Azyasskiy and A. S. Knyaz'kov. The Armed Struggle of Soviet Patriots on Occupied Soviet Territory in the Years of the Great Patriotic War (Historiographic Survey) 142 - V. M. Gridnev. Historiography of the Struggle of the Soviet Peasantry Against the German-Fascist Invaders un Temporarily Occupied Soviet Territory, 1941-1944 153 - 0. A. Rzheshevskiy. Bourgeois Historiography of the Armed Struggle on the Front (Analysis of Contemporary Trends) 162 The SovieC Home Front in the Great Patriotic War A. Kumanev and A. V. Mitrofanova. Literature of the 1970's on History of the Soviet Home Front During the Period of the Great Patriotic War 178 A. P. Vasil'yev. Principal Trends in Investigation of the Hisrory ot Industry, Transportation and the Worker Class During the War Years at the Contemporary Stage 195 _ M. K. Kozybayev. Socialist Competition During the Years of the Great Patriotic ~lar in Soviet Historical Literature 205 ' 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~( APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 , r M. S. linich. Sovtet Eiistoricgraphy on Technological Advance in Inductry During thc War Yeai�s 'L15 Yu. L. D'yakov. SovieL Historical Literature on Wart~me Capital Construc- tion in Rear Areas of the USSR 221 V. '1. Aniskov. Status of Scholarly Tnvestigation of History oF Agricul- ture and the Peasantry in th~~ War Years 229 P. G. Agaryshev and M. F. Molodtsova. Contribution of the Urals to the Victary C~ver Fascism (Hisroriographic Survey of the Literature of the 1970's) 240 A. D. Kolesnik. Historiograptiy of. the Home Guard During the Period of the Great Yatriotic War 246 V. A. Yezhov. Some Aspects of Historiograpi~y of- Rebuilding of the Gconomy nuring the Years of the Great Patriotic War 252 L. V. Maksakova. Soviet Culture of the War Years in Historical Litera- ture of the 1950's--1970's 257 E. I. Grakina. Histc~rical Liter.ature c~f ttie :1id-1960's-1970's on the ContribuLion of Saviet S~ience to the Vict+~ry Over Fascism 26G Conr_lusion ,..........o 277 Appendix 2bU FOREWORD Morc tlian chre~ decacles liave pa:~:>ed since the terribie events of 47orld War II, of which tlte Gz~eat Patriotic War of the Soviet people against German fascism and Japanese militarism was the main component pa;:t. This war went ctown in hi.story ~s a grea~ confli.ct between socialism and the sti~~ck Eorces of impei�ialisn? and - world reaction. "The of the Soviet Union ir. the Great Patriotic War," states the Z9 Januar.y 1975 CPSU Central C~~nmittee Decree entitl~d "Un the 30th Anniversary of the Victory of- the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic W~r of 1941-1945," "persuasively demonstrated the viability and invincibility oL the world's first socialist state. It constituted the triumph of a new societal and governmental = system engender~d by the October Revolution, of the socialist .~conomy, the ideology - ot Marxism-Leninism, the moral-political unity of the Soviet society, and the indissoluble frienciship of tlle peoples of the USSR."1 - The road leading to this Victory was increadibly diS:fi.culC, af unparalleled hardships and intensity. The Soviet people bore measureless suffering, calamities and losses during L-he lang days and nights of the battle with fascism. The struggle with the invaders claimed the lives of ?.0 million sons ar.d d~.ughl-ers of the Soviet peopl~z. 3 FOI2 OFF'ICIAL U~E 4NI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500030056-2 FOR OFFICir~L USE ONLti' Aucl the F~~rtl~e?- ttie events ol the Creat Patriotic War reccde inCo ttie past, th~ ~~utstnnclinZ; contribution made by the Soviet Union to the deFeat of Hitlerite Cermany an~l mili~arist Japan appears i~icreasingiy more multitaceted and stands in increasing- ly higlier relief. Time is powerless ta weaken in ttie hearts and minds of genera- C1011S ttie memory of the unprecedented exploit of tlie peoples of the USSR which, unde~ ~tle leadership of ~he Communist Party, smashed the mightiest imperialist pred- ator ~zn~l carri.ed out t},eir international duty with honor, saving mankind from the threat of iVazi enslav~ment. One of the most important focal areas of our historical science is comprehensive illumination of the events of the past war, the mass heroisn and courage of Soviet ci~izens, and the leadership role of the CPSU in organizing defeat of. the German- invaders and Japanese militarists. In the more than 30 years which have passed since the war came to an end, many of - its aspects have become the focus of serious scientific investigation, as a result of which an extensive, diversified historical lite:rature has been established, totaling more than 16,000 titles. ~ The trutht:ul and harsh history of the Great PaCr-iotic War. offers a clear answer to Che questi.on why, in spite of the desperate situation in the firsl months of the war, the Soviet people were able to stand up, and not only to stand up but, halting the advance oF the shock Forces of world imperialism, to gain a world-historic victory over ttiem. - Turning to the exciting pages of history, one can easily see the main sources of the valor and fearlessness of those who strode through the flaming battle fronts with weapon in hand, and those who forged the weapons oF victory on the home front. They- include fervent love of the multinational socialist homeland and total dedica-- tion to our native J.and, our great and just Communist cause. United by the will ' of the Communist Party, Soviet fighting mez and workers on the home front defended the ir~dependence of their homeland, at the cost of enormous efforts and sacrifices and brc,ught liberation to many peoples oE the world. _ In addirion to great scientiEic-cognitive value, hisrorical ].iterature on the Great Patriotic War is also important for military-~patriotic indoctrination of t~.e masses Lor the purpose of affirming "i;. rhe consciousness of working people; and - particularly the younger generation, of the ideas of Soviet patriotism aad socialist internationalism, pride in the Soviet Union, in our homeland, and rPadiness and willingness to stand to the defense of the achievements of socialism."2 In spite of t}Ze vast li_terature on the history of the Gr.;:at Patr~otic War of the Soviet Union, many aspects of this heroic epic have :~ot yet been investigated, and as regards some topics, including basic ones, ce~tain puhiications lack requisite preciseness and rigorous objectivity of inte~pretation. An all-union scientific conFerence e.r,~illed "Historiography ot the Creat Patriolic War" was d~voted to summarizing t~?e results and achievements of historiography of the C;reat- Patriotic War and d.:.termination of unaccomplished tasks and the most significantproblems which require further elaboration. FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 ~ This a11-union conference was organized by the USSR Academy ot Sciences Institute oF History of the USSR .jointly with tt~e CPSU Central Committee Institute of htarxism-Leninism, ttic USS1Z hiinistry of. DeCense Institute of Military History, tl~e - Scientific Council on Eiistory of Building Socialisni and Comm~zism in the USSR, atid tt?e Scientific Council Eor Coordination of Research in the Rrea of Military Histury. Holding tl~is conference was an important factor in development of research on im- ~ purtant probl.ems of the past war. Approximately 200 Soviet reseax'cli scholars tc~ok active part in this couference. , During the two days of Ctte conference the conferees heard more than 50 scholarl.,~ papers and reporCs on tiie most important aspects of Soviet historiograptiy of the Great Patriotic ~Jar. All presentations emphas~ized that Lhe res;ilts. of research ' conducted in this area are rather impressive iu ~ quantit~.tive respect and ~~n the - whole are on a high scho.larly level. At thz same time a number. of problems of his- tory oF the past war have not been discussed, while many iiave beer. analyzed far fro~ adequatel.y. riuch also remains to be done for a synthe~is of the most effective forms and modes aF combating bourgeois falsifiers of hi_~=c-or.y. 7'he all-union scientific conference helped iiot only summarize the status ot treat- ment of mauy current-importance pr.ablems dealing with defense o( thc socialist home- land but also helped delineate paths of Eurtt~er profound investi~;ation and study of one of the most heroic periods in the history of our homeland. = This voliame is based o~i the materials of the plenary session and the three con- fc~rence sections, ~eworked by the authors i.nto the form of. scholarly articles and summaries. Th~ first item is a substantial introductory article by a prominecit Soviet mil_~tary historian, Lt Gen P. A. 'L'nilin, correspondin~; member ~f the USSR - Acad~my of 5ciences -~nc1 liead of the USSK rti~iistry c~t Deferse Iiistitute of htilitary Eii.,;tory. 'ihis article traces in detail the birth and devzl.optnent of Soviet his- toringraphy of the past. war and presents a genera7. piccure of the development status el this important area of Soviet historical science. ' Ttie first section of tti:is volume ("Tiie CFSU Inspir.arioi?al r"orce and 'Ur.~;anizer of the Victory of the People in t!:e Cireat Patriolic War") conta:ins articles and summaries which anal.yze the principal works de~iling with the diversified activities of the Communist Party pertaining to directing the strug~le of. the people against the Cerman-fascist invaders. 'I'he second section ("~~rmed Struggle of the Soviet People Che Invaders i.n the Years of the Great Patriotic War.") contains articles examining tiie status of scientific Creatment i.n Soviet histor.iography of various aspects of: the ~rmecl struggle against Lhe enemy on ttie batt]_e fr.otits and bc>i?ind tt?e Hitlerite .lin~s. Ttic final sectinn ("'1'he Soviet Hume Fr.ont in the Great Yatriotic War") deals with analysis of the literature which discusses military-economic pr.oblems, aspects of the labor exploits oE the Soviet people and thei.r selfless efforts to gain an economii: victory over the fascist bloc. Ttiis volume, wtiile esse.ntially the first sumraary historiographic work on tlie Great Yatrioti.c War, of course does not claim exhaustive treatment of all the questions examinel. Academician M. P. Kim 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030056-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500034456-2 FOR OFFIC'IA1. USE nNLl ~ ~t x Technica.l preparation of the manuscript for publication was performed by scientific ~ersonnel from the US5R history in the period of the Great Patriotic War sector of the Institute of History of ttie USSR of the USSR Academy of Sciences: L. M. Tsymbal (coordinator), N. N. Yefimova, Ye. rt. Kozlova, and E. N. Revuk. Appended to this - volume is a lisr of tupics recommenrled by the conference and the indicated scientif- ic councils for investigation. The editors would like to expre;:~ their profound grut.itude to twice Hero of the Soviet Union Mar SU A, h[. Vasilevskiy [deceased], Doctor oE Sciences _ Professor A. F. Smirnov, Doctor of Historical Sciences N. M. Aleshchenko, all groups and individuals who contributed comments and suggestions during the prepara- tion of this volurne. FOOTNOTES 1. "'Tri~itsatilet:iye Yobedy sovetskogo naroda v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne. Dok. i n?ater." [3Uth Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Creat Patriotic Wa�r. Documents and rtaterials], rtoscow, 1975, page 4. 2. T.. I. Brezhr.ev, "Otchet 'i'sentral'nogo KomiL-eta KPSS i ocherednyye zadachi partii v ob:Lasti vrtutrenney i vneshney politiki. Doklad XXV s"yezdu KPSS 24 fevralya 1976 g." [~l'SU Central Committee Keport and Current Party Tasks in the Area of Domestic and Foreign Folicy. Report to the 25th CPSU Congress of 24 I'ebruary 1976], Mosc:ow, 1976, page 91. - P. A. 'Lhilin. CUFtRENT PKOBLE`iS OF INVES'TIGATION OF THE GREAT PATRTOTIC WAR . `Che historic r.esolutions of ttie 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union are increasingly strongly influencing all aspects of societa~ affairs both the practic:al, prnduction activities of Soviet citizens, and scholarly-scientific activities. The congress documents and materials, and particularly the CPSU Central - Committee Report presented by CPSU Central Committee General Secretary L. I. Brezhnev, substantiated and validated the party's general policy line continued building of communism in the USSR, a consistent campaign for peace, and firm, reliable defense of the productive labor of the Soviet people. - Ttie pea.ce-seekin~ foreign policy of tt~e Soviet Union and its readiness at all times to off~ar a rebuff to an aggressor. comprise the essence of the political and military = dc,tr.i_ne of the Communist Party. As early as October 1918, during thp period of emergence of the Soviet State, V. 1. Lenin said: "No revolution is worCh anything unler;s it is able to defend itsel�."1 Guided by Leninist teaching on defense of the socialist homeland, the CPSU and the Armed Forces succeeded in deLending ~he ach'~evements of the Creat October Socialist Revolution in two bloody wars the civil war and ttie Great Patriotic War. These outst