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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10286 28 January 1982 ~ World~ri~e Re ort p r NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 5/82) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATIC~N SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 NOTE �iP~tS publicati.ons cQntain information primarily from foreign _ newspa~pers, periodicals and books, but also from new~� agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources transla;.~ed; those from English-language sources _ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or n~.mes preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were nut clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publicatior~ in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAb~S REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE I'tESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 JPRS L/10286 28 January 1982 WORLDWIDE REPORT iVARCQTICS AND DA~.SEROUS DRUGS (~ouo 5/s21 CONTENTS ASIA AI~.S TRALIA Testimony Continues in Trial of Police on Mari~uana Charge (TEiE WEST AUSTRALIAN, 7 Nov 81) 1 Briefs J2i1 for Heroin Smugglers 2 Amphetamine Traf~icking 2 ~3 URMA BCP Reportedly Plunges Into Opium Business (Manat Ruamrudi; NATION REVIEW, 14 Jan 82) 3 B rie fs Opium Sales to PRC 6 MALAYS IA - Cabinet Committee Studying Control of Drug Abuse (N~W STRAITS TIMES, 10 Dec 81) 7 ll.ub Arre~~ts for November 1981 I2eported (NEW S1'ltA1TS TII~II~:S, 16 Dec 8i) . . . . . . . . . 8 Opium Processing Laboratory in Johore State (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 23 Nov 81) 9 Rohypr.ol Used as Heroin Subs titute (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 11 No-v 81) 10 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 , LV1\ VPPlliltlL UJL' V1VL1 NE PAL Briefs - Hashish Proces.sing Factory Raided 11 PAK IS TAN Narco tics Board To Keep Be tter Records (DAWN, 30 Dec 81) 12 Briefs Heroin Seized in Lahore 13 SINGAPORE Call for Preventive De tention of Drug Offenders (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 9 Dec 81) . . 14 THAILAND - RTG Contral of KMT Narcotics Army Noted (MATI(~ON, 8-14 Nov 81) 15 - ONCB Proposes Tougher Narcotics Laws (DAO SIAM, 19 Nov 81) 23 Northern Rehabilitation Unit Treats 111ais, Tribesmen (SIAM RAT, 24 Nov 81) 24 EAST EUROPE CZECHOSLOUAKIA Briefs - Pharmacy Burglary Reported 26 LATIN AMGRICA 13 E RMU llA _ Canadiun To Develop Anti-Drug Program (THE dOYAL GA7.L'TTE, 8 Dec 81) 27 Methadone Treatment Clinic at Hospital To Be Upgraded (TH~ ROYAL GAZ~TTE, 10 Dec 81) 28 - b - FOR OI~'FICI:~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 BOLIVIA Clandestine Coca Route Described (Daniel Guerra Mercado; LOS TIEMPOS, 4 Dec 81) 29 Cocaine Missing From Bank Vault Reportedly Burned (EL MtJNDO, 29 Nov 81) 31 Briefs Reduction of Coca Cultivation Announced 32 Cocaine Seized 32 Coca Leaves Seized 32 - Cocaine Burned 32 BRAZIL Reportage on South American Dxug Conference Procaedings (0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 22, 21 Nov 8I, ~ORREIO BRAZILIENSE, 15 Nov 81) .....................o~................ 34 Traffic, Consumption on Increase Brazilian Efforta Concluaion of Conference Provigil Smuggled From Paraguay Prov~es Fatal (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 8 Nov 81) 36 ~ree Youths Arrested With Druga, Arms, Grenades in Rio (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 10 Nov 81) 38 First Big Marihuana Grop Foimd in Federal Diatrict Seized (CORREIO BRAZILIENSE, 11 Nov 81) 40 Briefs Rondonia Trafficking Route 43 Re duction in Border Trafficking 43 ~iusicians Arrested Witfi Hashiah 43 Police Discharged for Complicity 44 Mato Gros:,�o do Sul Busts 44 COIAMBIA Zhirty-Eight Tons of Mar.ihuana Seized (EL TIEMPO, 14 Nov 81) 45 Presumed Trafficker Seiaed With Cash, Cocaine Seized (EL ESPECTAilOR, 11 Nov 81) 4G - r - I~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500020055-4 - HOR OI~FI('IA1, lltiH: ONI.Y I~ XI CO - Reports on International Pill Trafficking Activity (EL DIAiLI:O DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 1, 3 Uec 81, EL BRAVO, 2 DPC ~?j 47 Pills Seized, Laboratory Disc~-�~red German Rir.gleader Sought " Neuropsychiatrists Implicated Reports on Iatin As~erican Drug Contro? Seminar (Various sources, 2, 8 Dec 81) 50 ~ Health Secretary's Opening Statement Ten-Nation Agreement Sinaloa Antidrug Results Praised - Members of Marihuana Traificking Ring Sentenced (EL DIARIO DE NL1EV0 LAREDO, 4 Dec 81) 52 PERU Briefs Former General Gets Prisaci S~ntence 53 S T KI TTS -NE VIS Briefs , Marihuana Farm Raid 54 ~ NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN Government Now Using Confiscated Narcotics (ETTELA`AT, 9 Jan 82) 55 Briefs Shiraz Opium Discovery 57 Shiraz Heroin Seizure 57 - Kho rasan Drug Haul. 5 7 Opium Seized in Birjan .57 Heroin Seized in Mashhad 57 Khorasan Opium Haul 57 Big Tehran Heroin Find 58 - d - :~OR OFFICIAL i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420055-4 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA IVORY COAST Briefs Drugs Crackdown 59 , MAURITIUS B rie fs Five Packages of Opium 6~ zIMBABWE Young Drinkers More Prone to Drug AbuBe, Says Report (M~ke Overntieyer; THE HERALD, 8 Jan 82) 61 WEST EUROPE GREECE _ Briefs Narco tics Discovered 63 NORWAY Justice Minister Yledges 'Narcotics-Free' Prisons (Thorleif Andreassen; AFTENPOSTEN, 31 Dec 81) 64 Briefs Drugs Smuggled Into Prison 66 1981 Customs Drug Seizures 66 Official Fears 'Narcotics Flood' 66 Bod� Drug Cases Increase 66 SW I TZE RLAN D - B rie fs ~ Arrest of Hashish Smugglers 67 7.1T RKEY Briefs Poppy. Cul tiva tion Reques t 68 Hashish, Heroin Seized 68 I~orphine Base Seizure 68 - e - - FOR OI~FICIAI, l1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020055-4 AUSTRALIA TEST'IMONY CONTINUES IN TRIAL OF I'OLICE ON MARIJUANA CHARGE Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in F.nglish 7 Nov 81 p 4 [Text] A witness told the District Court yesterday that he was to have been paid $16,000 to "give a hand" in a canna- bis operation involving a big crop at a farm at Jarrahdale. . Con Papas (35),' motor north oi Perth, last belieJad the trial would mechantc. of Padbury, January. last at least another eatd under crosa-exami� papas told the court iour weeka. natlon tPiat a ma)~ called' y~es terday that he had ~ aias iar longer Charlie Ndreu had talked Sound Miss Pelham to ~han anyone had expect� to him about the canna� 'buy the cannabis. He ed when previous bail ap- bis ~ a Gou p]e oi months 'had alab arranged for a , plications were made and betore last Christmas, ~truck and a man to drive ~rejected. ~the cannabie irom Jar- papas, who: hes been ratidale .to' Green Head. He satd most o! the lay granted immunity fror?i witnesses who might prosecutior~, said he had� He named elght people have�been seen a's "being gone to the farm every who knew about the can- oi a sensitive nature" two or three days when nabis at ~reen Head be� had now been .called.. If it was hot to look alter fore the drug squad rafd. there had been any fear - watering of the plants. papas said ihat at the that any oi the accused - Papas wae ~1v1n evt� time o1 the raid he and might have been tempted dence at the trial o~ iour three others had shfited to� make an approach to ' detectlves and Aloma La irora the shed where the ~anyone, that was now :Donna Pelham (3v, of 'cannabis ha8 been dry jlargely gone. Stirling Street, Hi~h- ing into the nearby I Mr P. Olivier, who is re- gate, who are charged shack. They were� strip- ' resentin Aloma La with conspiring to ob- ping' cannabfe plants ~jonna Pelham said he _ tain cqnnabls with in� .when,the police arrlved. believed it was optimistic tent to sell or supply. He admitted that 1t was ~to say tlie case would The detectlves are Det- posslble that anyone ilnish in another lour Sgt Kerry Tangney could hav~B taken 'the weeks. i36), ot Karrlnyup, Det- cannabis irom the ehed He eald Miss Pelham Sgt Lau'rence Butler and that 1t could have Was a sin le arent antl ~ t31), oi Wanperoo, De- disappeared � beiore the g p tectlve FLobert Stephen- ;polir. arrived~ , . durlng the trial was s~n (32), of Greenwood; shed had riot' b'een ~being held at Bandyup. n~id Detectlve Dcan Lew� , locke~ and there were no It wns unthinkable that ltzka (34), of . Scarbor� i guards on it before the she should be held at the ough . r^fd, lie said. East Perth lock�up for The detecUves a~e also R,enewed appllcations the six or seven weeks of cl~ar ed wfth cons iri ~er ball for the five de� the trial but to� get tu g p~ lendants were refused Perth lrom Bandyup she t~~ pervert the course of had to be up very,early ju:~tice and to supply in the D1atr1M Court every morning. Cannqbis to Miss Pelham. yeste!rday. . - Mr I. Temby, QC, (ior $Y 'the time she got ~"he charges result ~t�Sgt Kerry Tangney) back to Bandyup s~t night 4ram a drug aquad raid told th~ court alter the P~ace was shut up. on a 2ishing sttac;c at jury in the trlal oi Tang� Hcr lather ha~d been Green . Head, _,.300km ney and Sour other giving her something to people }iad been dis� eat-a salad or a sand- missed yeaterday that he wlch-on the way back. ~;SU: 5300~7521 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020055-4 AUSTRALIA BRI~FS JAIL FOR HEROIN SMUGGLERS--A husband and wife were each sentence3 to 13 years' jail by a county court judge yesterday for conspiring to import heroin worth $250,000. Judge Spence ordered Gary Stuart Carson, 29, and his wife, Lynda Marie Horbatowska, 31, both of Avondale Road, Armadale, to serve a~?inimum of 10 ycars be~ore parole. (:arson had pleaded not guilty and Horbatowska guilty - to conspirin~; to i.mpcrt tl~e l~eroin into Australia between 1 March and 6 July 198O. 7'he Crown h~id alle~;c,~d tliat the couple, both originally from ~ngland, were. memhers of- a drug ring whict? was broken after a member became a police in- - former and taped conversations between them and David Joseph Vincent of East St Kilda, who was ttie alleged syndicate head. Mr Vincent was a defendant along with the couple at a committal hearing in November last year b~it he failed to appear on the last day of tt~e hearing. Two other members of the drug ring were arrested in Thailand and are awaiting trial in Bangkok. In a plea, Mr Tom Danos, for Gary Carson, told Jucige Spence that his client had n?arried Horbatowska in iail and that they now had a child. He said they had been used as pawns in the operation and had gone along with the plan because they were afraid. Judge Spence said it had been a"most serious conspiracy" involving the importation of about 1-1/2 pounds of heroin. "You were fairly confident it would succeed and it nearly did," he said. [Text] [Melbourne THE AGF in English 7 Nov 81 p 4J 'AMPHETAMINE TRAFFICKING--A man who was alleged to have been producing ampheta- mines with a street value of about $400,000 in a Narre Warren house last year appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday. Wayne Adrian Lamport, 28, a wc].der, of Leonard Avenue, Noble Park, appeared before Mr Kevin 0'Connor, SM charged wttli haviii~; cunsPired to tratfic amphetamines and having manufactured, possessed and sol.d ~1mpl~etamines. Senior lletective Steven Berriman, of the Rus- scll Strect clrug squad to:l.d the court that large amount of chemicals and equip- ment usc~d in tlie pruductt~n of amphetamines liad been discovered at Mr Lamport's Lormcr address in Summerlc~i Road, Narre Warren, during a raid on 7 November last - ycar. A1r fierriman tiatd iL was alleged that drugs were made at the premises and ~ s~nt to South Mr Lamport was released on bail on his own undertaking ` wltl~ a surety of. $~iO,000 and was remanded to appear again on 20 June next yPar. Hc was c~rdered t~ rc~l~or.t to Springvalue police three times a week and was told not to a~~ply for n~~ass~~or.t. Mr Lamport said lie would plead not guilty to the cluzr~;es. [Text] ( 'i'HE AGC in ~nglish 7 Nov 81 p 6] CSO: 5300/75'L1 2 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020055-4 Buxr~ BCP REPORTEDLY PLUNGES INTO OPIUM BUSINESS BK140347 Bangkok NATION REVIEW in English 14 Jan 82 p 4 [By Manat Ruamrudi] [Text] The Burmese Communist Party [BCP], having suffered from curtailment of ~ssistance from China, has plunged head-long into the opium business in the "golden - Criangle" in support of its own guerrilla warfare against the Burmese Government, according to diplomatic sources monitoring the opium trade in the region. '1'he statement coincides with a recent interview purported to have been given by a close aide af "Khun Sa" alias Chang Si-fu, who carries a 500,000 baht on his head [as published] for being a heroin kingpin. The aide was quoted by MATICHON DAILY ~s claiming that the BCP had managed to persuade Muser, Shan and some left-leaning Karen Hill tribesmen to cultivate poppy fields on a large-scale in areas north of Kok River in Doi Lang on the Burmese side of t:le border, opposite Thailand's Amphoe Mae Ai and Amphoe Fang. Whether Khun Sa's version of the BCP's activity in this regard was valid or not, Western antinarcotics agents have confirmed that the Communist Party of Burma had actually been involved heavily in the opium trade although Khun Sa's Shan United Army (SUA) might have been given more publicity in this regard. - According to the statement given by Khun Sa's aide, the Burmese Communists appear to be moving towards expanding their influence in areas now considered under Sua's contr.ol. The aide reportedly said the Burmese Communists' major narc~tic trade routes are now clearly divided into two: '1'he first route was once controlled by the 1Q~I7' [Kuo Min Tang] remnants in Doi Lang _ While the other is along `Congyi-chiang Tung down to the Thai border at Amphoe Mae Sai of Chiang itai Provlnce. 'Ihat mountain trek was once dominated by another minority ~;roup known as "'l'ai Independent Army" (TIA), allegedly led by M. R. Pariwat 1 Kasemsi. 'I'he group w