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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 b'OR OF FI('IAL US~ UNLY JPRS L/ 10285 27 Ja~nuary 1982 Near E~$t North Af rica Re~ort r ~FOUO 4/82) ~ FB1~? FOREIGN BF~~'ADCAST INI~ORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020054-5 NOTE JPRS publications contain informa*~on primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but alsa from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language _ sources are translated; those from English-language sources - are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material encZosed in brackets [J are supplie~i by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate b.ow the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summiarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion n~rk and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the _ original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Timea wtthin 3.tema are as _ given by source. T'he contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND R~GUI,ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIAI,S REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE R~STRICT~D FOR OFFI~IAL US~ ONLX. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500020054-5 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY , JPRS L/10285 ' 27 Januar.y 1982 _j f , NEAR EAST/NORTH AFRICA REPORT ~ (FOUO 4/82) CONTENTS t INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS { _ Broad Range of Tunisia, Kuwr~it Cooperation Noted - (MARCHES TROPICAUX ET MI,DITF.RRANFENS, 18 Dec 81) 1 A.LGRRIA I Mara Outlines Drought Emergency ~lan - (MARCHES TROPICAUX ET MEDITERRANEENS, 18 De: 81) 4 EGYPT Defect~ of Regime's Economic, Social Foundations Reviewed (Amir Iskandar; AL-WATAN AL~-'ARABI, 6-12 I3ov 81) 6 IRAQ ~ Recent P,aids on Iranian Oil CPnters 1liscussed (AL-WATAN AL-'ARABI, 30 Oct-5 Nov f?1) 1'1 'AL-THAWRAH'General Manager Discusses Paper's Progress ~ (Hani Wahib Interview; AL-WATAN AL-'ARABI, 30 Oct-5 Nov !31) 13 ~ ~ LIBYA ~ "J ~ Prospects of Cooperation With USSR Reviewed ~ (FOREIGN TRADE, Dec 81) 16 ~ Effect o� Oil Production Drop on Economy Underlined (AL-WATAN AL-'ARABI, 30 Oct-5 Nov 81) 21 ' MOROCCO ' Results in Mining Exploration Field Published (MARCHES TROPICAUX ,?T MEDITERRANF,F.NS, 18 Dec 81) 23 ; . - a [III - NE & A - 121 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020054-5 FOR OFFI~ [AI. USE ONLY SYRIA Conflict Between Communist Party, Regime Analyzed ~ (AL-WATAN AL-'AR~'sB~, 27 Nov-3 Dec 81) 26 Communist Party Declaration Condemns Regime's Oppressive Measures (AL-WATAN AL-'AR~?B1, 27 Nov-3 Dec 81) 34 = WESTERN SAHARA Befector Says POLISARIO Has Lost Its Legitimacy - (Sidahmed Larosi Interview; POUR~IUOI PAS?, 10 D2c 81) 37 - b - FOR OFFICIA? USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020054-5 INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS BROAD RANGE OF TUNISIA, KUWAIT COOPERAT.ION NOTED Paris MARCHES TROPICAUX ET MEDITERRA.uEENS in Fr?nch No 1884, 13 Dec 81 pp 3357-3358 [Text] Improved exploitation of phosphates is on2 of the areas in which Tunisi.a and Kuwait cooperate most closely, and as we have mentior_ed, their cooperation extends into a broad range of areas (no*e in particular MTTi of 6 March 1981, p 608; 3 April 1981, p 935; 7 August 198i, p 2043; and 6 November 1981, p 2812). - Ear1.y last month, the president and general manager ef the Kuwaiti Petrochemical Industries Company, Mr Abdelbaki Enn~uri, came to Tunisia accompanied by a delegatic~n~to look at possibilities for cooperating in industrial investments. - During his audience 4 November with President Bourguiba--also attemded by Mr Abdelaziz Lasram, the Tunisian minister of national economic affairs, and Mr Mondher Ben Abdallah, the president and general manager of the Gafsa Phosphates Company--the most important project discussed cqncerned mining the ph~sFhate _ deposit at Sra Ouertane, locat2d some 20 kilometer~ from the town of Kef. _ The first phase of the pr~ject-~the economic studies which have reached an advanced st3ge--wi?] consist of the establishment of a production u.zit that can handle 700,000 tons per year and the installation of a washing plant to process ~ all the production, and the phosphate will be exported via the port of Goulette. At that stage, the number of new jobs created will be 6,000. The second phase will raise producticn up ~o around 2 million tons. By the year 2000, claims Tunis Afriqae Pr~sse, a goveinment agency, there will be a production capacity of 10 million marketable tons, with the creatior~ of a new deep-water port at Cap-Negro, in the northwest, and the installation c.~f a rail link. To grasp the importance of these figures, the press agency says, it ~!s - enc~ugh to know that the Gafsa Phosphates Company's tc~al cuxrent production is - scarcely more than 6.4 million tons. Known reserves at the Sra Ouertane deposit are estimated at some 2 billion tons, more than half of which can be mined in surface pits. While the ~,re does not tiave a high percentage c,f ~hosphate, what is obtained can be enriched by a Tunisian "flotation" technique (processing in the washing plant) to yield a - good quality product (65 to 70 percent). Geological surveys and enrichment research are important progra~s. Over the next S years, an estimated 3 million dinars (in constant 1980 currency) ~vill 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420054-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY be spent on them. These activities wili be carried out by th~~ Cafsa Phosphates Cornpany, by subcontracting for the geological research and increasing the capa- - bilities of the rFSearch center. Let us also point out that the reonening of the Sra Ouertane mine had been announced by Mr Mohamed Mzali during his visit to Kef in February. Already, a joint Tunisian-Kuwaiti company has been establisi~ed, w~th 4 million dinars in capital assets, to carry out the operations. Ttle Official Gazette of 6 No- vember published a statutory order authorizing the Tunisian Government to sub- scribe for 1 million dinars of the capital of ttie Tunisian-Kuwaiti Company , To I'.esearch the Sra Ouertane Project. Importance of Arab Investments ~11so, in a meeting which took p13ce on 5 November between the Kuwaiti __lega- tion and ~ir Abdelaziz Lasram, variaus proposals for Tunisian-Kuwaiti cooperation in the chemical fertilizer industries sector. The establishment of a company to prodiice fertilizer composed partly of phosphoric acid produced in Tunisia and ammonia produced in Kuwait was also examined. The Tunisian minister for national economic affairs discussed with the Kuwaiti delegation the possibility of expanding the activities of the Gabes fertili.zer company. Kuwait also agreed to subscribe tc an increase in that company's capital. Tn ar~ interview given to the Tunisian daily L'ACTION last October, Mr Ali Boukhris, president and general manager of the Tunisian-Kuwaiti Development Bank (BTKD) noted the importance the contribution made by the bank, only a few months after its establishment, to the realization of new economic projects. After noting that the board of directors of BTKD, which is capitalizec~ at 100 million dinars, ' first met in January 1981 and gave its approval for the tinancing of 12 projects, requiring an investment on the order of 23 million dinars, Mr Boukhris said: "At the present time, six industrial projects financed by BTKD are under way. Among these, in the first instance, is Gafsa Chemical Industri-.s (ICG), costing 55 milli.on dinars. ICG will use phosphates to produce 400,000 tons of fertilizers destined for export. BTY.D contributed 10 million dinars, or 20 percent of the totai cost of the investment, toward the creation of these industries, which ~aill start producing in 1984." Ttie problem of financing Tunisian projects ~y foreign capital was once again discussEd in the house of dzputies, in its meeting of 27 November. The members of parliament were considering a statutory order ratifying the convention pra- viding for the Kuwaiti Petrochemical Company to own shares in the Gafsa Chemical indiistries Company. One deputy asked why the Tunisian Government would allow a for.eign partner ro own more of a joint venture than the Tunisian side. In response, Mr Abdelaziz Lasram s~id that the important thing in ventures of _ this kind was to be able to pursue the national effort in the field ~f heavy industry, Fereign financing, he added, does not constitute a threat, especially ~ in cases like ICM of Gafsa, where Tunisians have full control of tha technical ' and commercial side of the enterprise. The minister o� national economic af- - fairs also touched on the positive developments in Tunisian-Kuwaiti cooperation in the field oF fertilizers, saying among other things that the two sides have _ a~reed to a joint venture in Turkey and to establish a phosphoric acid ~,lant in Kuwait. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420054-5 *ir rtarisour Moalla, tlie minister of planning and finance, also took the floor to respond to the deputy's remarks. Moalla said that the favorable terms seme Arab investors received on various ventures were designed ultimately to e:~courage them to finance projects in Tunisia. The minister then explained the importance th~t Arab-backed investr~ents will have in the financing of the 6th De~~elopment _ Plan coverin~ 1982-86, saying ~that the latter called for some S billion dii~ars in foreign participation, half of which should come from the Arab world. "Cooperation with our Arab brothers goes beyond the scope of the 6th plan and is, in fact, an integral part of Ara~ economic interdependence," Mr Moalla - added, noting that Tunisia, in that regard, had already begun to establish joint ventures in the fields of in~iustry, banking, service and agriculture. The statutory order was finally adopted by unanimous vote. COPYRIGHT: Rene Moreux et Cie Paris 198?. y5i6 - CSO: 4519/77 1 ~ 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020054-5 - ALGERIA - MARA OUTLINES DROUGHT EMERGENCY PLAN - Paris MARCHES TROPICAUX ET MEDITERRANEENS in French No 1884, 18 Dec 81 pp 3356-3357 [Text] In view of the gravity of the prolonged drought which has been ravaging - Algeria, particularly in the western region and or.. the high plateaus, the Council of Ministers in a meet~ng 12 December with President Chadli Bendjedid decreed a set of ineasures in the form of a complete plan for action tc feed, water and protect the health of the livestock, as well as safeguard agricultural produc- - tion. The emergency plan, about which we said a few words last week (MTM of 11 December, p 3295) a.nd which was prepared by the appropriaCe agencies within MARA (Ministry of Agricultura and Agrarian Revolution} and local organs, is designed to respond rapidly to the disturbing situation, which is being most keenly felt in Che sheep-raising sector, as close to 7 million head of breedable sheep are presently undernourished. The emergency plan, according to Algerie Presse Service, calls for the amassing and distributing of large quantities of barley, straw, bran and feed, so as to _ cover the essential needs of the livestock through the ..smmer of 1982. It also - calls for a program of vaccination and veterinary care for the livestock. The Algerian Government, to carry out this operation to save the livestock, has decided to import (through MARA) 52,000 tons of barley each~month up to 31 May 19 82 . If importation itself is not a particular problem, the situation is quite dif- ferent with respect to transporting and distributing the quantities of barley required to meet the emergency needs, particularly in the governorates where the condition of the livestock is critical. To that end, MARA, in association with several subordinate bodi~s and entities outside the agricultural sector, has taker_ steps to organize the unloading of the imported goods at the eigi;t principal ports of the country as well as further shipment by truck ~nd in somc cases rail of these cereals to the livestock rai.sing regions. Ttie ~.mdernourished livestock need some 2,OOQ tons of grain per day, which will require daily deliveriec to be made by 2 fleet of 400 trucks adapted for grain transport, for a period of S months starting in January. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020054-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020054-5 _ FOR (I~FI(;lAL USF ONLY All the necessary steps have been taken, according to r1ARA for the livestock producers to get provisioned through CAPS (Service Cooperatives), the exclusive aoe~~t of OAIC (Interoccupational Algerian Grains Office), working with local - autnorities in such a way as to accurate?y assess the needs of each producer. Accordicig to MARA's estimates, the existing capabilities of the ministerial denartmer.e make it impossible to provide a ration of more than 250 grams per ile~lc~ t)t'_1 dSV. ~~1~~11S ration," WC' WeTE tOld~ ~~15 inten~ed above 311 t.0 assure the survival of the livestoclc and saLeguarl the breeding stock which is a capital asset worth an estimated 700 billion centimes, unkil conditions are more favor- ab]_z. Tliis action will only ir~volve a sugpl~~mental expenditure of 26 billion centimes for imports." The move is ~f added importance because it protects rhe incomes of some 150,000 - livestock breeders; thus more than a million peopl.e earn their living solely from sheen production. A simil