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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500024003-1
JPF~S L/ 10234
4 January 1982
- USSR ~e ort
(F~?UO 1 /82)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024003-1
_ JPRS L/10234
4 January 1982
(FOUO 1/82)
Economics of Electric Power System Formation
(I. M. Vol~kenau; et al.; EKONOMIKA FO~IIROVANIYA
Recent, Ftiiture Searches for Tataria Oil, G;~S Described
_ (Ye. D. Voytovich; GEOIAGIYA NEFTI 1 GAZA, No 9, 1981) 9
- a - [III - USSR - 37 FAU.O]
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- Russian 1981 (signed to press 20 Nov 81) pp 1-8, 320-321
- /Annotation and introduction by I. M. Vol'kerau, A. N. ~:eyliger an~'
L. D. Khabachev from book "Economics of Forming Electric Power Sys-~
tems", edited by A. A. Troitskiy, Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", 3,500
copies, 320 pages/
/Text7 This book outlines ~he technical and economic aspects
of forming and developing elec:.*-~c power systems. Primary at-
tention is devoted to the technology, methods and mathematical
models of the technical-economic justification of sfllutions
for developing electric power systems during the designing
stage. The Sook also reviews questidr.a having to do with the
economics of forming and developing the USSR's Unified Electric
Power System.
The book is intended for specialiats engaged in planning and
designing the development of electric power systeme; it may
also be useful for students in insti~.utions of higher learn-
ing who are specializing in electric power.
The concentration of the production of electric power at poweriul re-
gional electric power stations and the centralization of the supply
of electricity from the overall high-voltage network of the electric
power systems (EES) are the detErmining principle for the development
af the USSR's p~wer induatry. Thia principle was first uutlined in
the GOELRO plan.
The basic factors whic:i determine th~ efficiency of t'riis trend in the
develcpment of electric power are:
-the conserving of capital investments in the power industry by in-
creasing the capacity ef power units and electric power stations and
by making rational usP of the capacity of hydroelectric p~wer stations,
and by decreasing the needed reserve and reducing the combined maxi-
mum o~i the power load as compared with the total ~aaximum loads of in-
dividual systems, ar.d by lowerinR the ccst of conatruction;
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-the conserving of operating outlays by reducing the relativz expend-
~ itures of fuel and the number of personnel required for operation dur-
ing the introduction of large, highly~efficient power units, and also
by optimizing the use of different kinds of electric power statione
within the electric power systems;
-the conserving of labor resources in operation and construction;
-increasing the reliability of the electric power supply by coopera-
tion of the power systems in the event of various unfavorable events
_ in the individual systems.
At different stages in the formation of the EES some of th~ above fac-
tors come into play, but all of them, to a varying degree, are con-
~ stantly at work during the development of the EES.
- The creation of the EES and their mutual joining together in accordance
with this principle is the basic dire~tion in the development of the
- Soviet Union's electric power industry. As a result at the present
time more than 97 percent of the USSR's electric power production is
accomplished at large electYic power stations, which are joined toge-
ther into 93 regional electric power systems (RES), the networks of
which cover nearlq 80 percent of the populated territory of the Soviet
Union. Most of the RES's (more than 85 percent uy capacity of the
electric power stations) functian within the 11 unified EES's (OES),
nine of which are in turn joined tog~ther into the National Unified
, Electric Power System (YeES). The joint work of the power generating
and power consuming units within the electric power systems, whicY~ is
characterized by the generality of the process of production and con-
sumption of power and its synchroniam and continuity, is subject to
- known physical laws, which determine aeveral technical limitations in
the modes of using the electric power stations and electric networks.
The observation of these limitations during each moment of time is
necessary to ensure the qualitative and uninterrupted supply of elec-
tricity to consumers and the reliable operation of the EES.
This feature of the electric power industry as a technical system
substantially complicates the management of the development of the
- sector, requiring that the conditions for the development and func-
tioning of facilities in the EES both during the planning of the de-
velopment of individual facilities and the designing of individual
facilities be taken into consideration. The need to execute this re-
quirement has led to the apportionment within the structure of the ma-
nagement of the development of the electric power industry of a very
important independent link, which has come to be.called the designing
of the development of electric power systems, the task of which ia to
justify the solutions which determine the composition, basic parame-
ters and sequence of the development of elQCtric power s*ations and
electric networks and the meana for their operation and management
based upon the conditions of the optimal development of the electric
~ power system on the whole. Theae solutions serve as the baais f~r
both the planning of the sector's development and ttie designing of
individual facilities.
~ 2
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Ln accordance with the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Coun,cil of Mini-
- sters decree of 12 July 1979, which concerns "improving the planning
- and strengthening the influence of the economic mechanism upon increas-
ing the efficiency of production and the quality of work", in present
day conditions the drawing up of a set of ineasures aimed at ensuring
- the efficient use of capital investments in developing the se~tors of
the national economy and achieving high final national economic re-
~ sults becomes especially important. This applies fully to the elec-
tric power industry, wt~ere one of the ways to realize these require-
ments is to improve the methods and technology of designing the devel-
- opment of electric power systems, while considering the specific fea-
~ tures of the power industry.
In the 1930's and 194U's V. I. Veyta, S. A. Kukel'-Krayevskiy, V. V.
Bolotov, Ye. A. Russakovskiy and other Soviet scientists began the de-
_ signing of the development of the EES's. Theae scientists were the
first ever to do researcii on the principles and methods for justifying
the development and joining together of electric power systems. They
also laid the groundwork for tre future development of the YeES. At
this same time the foundationa of the modern organization and technolo-
gy of designing EES's were laid and the first drafts of the formation
of power systems were dr3wn up.
The further development of inethods for designing EES's came in the
1960's, when, on the one hand, the process of creating in the Soviet
Uniou large power associations and the forffiation of the YeES was un-
dertaken on an intensive basis. On the other hand, there was also an
- opportunity to make use of mathematical models and computers at this
time. As a result the scientific collectives headed by D. A. Arzamas-
tsev, A. A. Beschinskiy, V. A. Venikov, V. M. Gornshteyn, I. M. Mar-
kovich, L. A. Melent'yev, S. S. Rokotyan, L. V. Taukernik, 0. V.
Shcherbachev ai~~ other scientista have in the past 10 to 15 years
drawn up methods, algorithms and pr4grams which make it poasible with
a high degree of accurac,y to conduct a technical analysis and economic
. evaluation of variants~ and in several inatances to also accomplish a
comprehensive optimization of the development and functioning of the
- During this same period, L. A. Melent'yev and his achool developed the
basic concepta of the theory of large power systems, which can serve
as the scientific basis for improving the cverall methodology of de-
signing E:.S's. They ensure the correct poaing of the task of design-
ing a system on the whole and the saund division of the task into a
hierarchical seriea of sub-tasks, the selection of optimal methods
for their solution and the rational organization of the entire process
of designing EES's.
During the designing of the development of lArge power asscciations
and the YeES the results of the listed scientific resesrch were devel-
oped and firmly established. As a result it became poasible to create �
common methodological bases for the formation and designing of the de-
velopment of electric power systema ~a an independent field of power
science and engineering practice.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020003-1
FUFt. Ur U5~ ULVLY �
This book represents an attemonattheytechnicalleconomicnbases~forethe
abovementioned initial positi ower s stems.
formation and designing of the development of electric p Y
The book can be broken down into three basic sections.
uestions of de-
Chapters I and 2~eafirsthchaptermcitesethedcharacteristic of an EES
signing EES's: th
as one of the large power industry syatems which are incorporated into
- a general power system (a fuel-ener~nal~siseof theaprocessaoflmanaging
the first chapter al~o provides aoWer industry and its role in this
the development of the electric p The first chapter al-
process of designing the development of EES's.
so researches the hierarchical 8nolotical~diagramafor theirssolution
EES's and examines a common tech g
in conditions of initial inf~ionsldealing with~theauaeyduring thetdep
to date. This includes ques
signing stage of mathematical models anrovidesrantoutline~ofaseveral
- designing system� The second chapteof tecMical-economic justifica-
questions regarding the methodology ractice of designing EES's,
tions, which are very important for the p uatel understood
but which have not been standardized or arueStions are the methods
in special literature. Included in such q stem and the
for considering the dynamics of the developmen~: of the sy
ambiguity of the intial information and reliability in conjunction
- with the technical-economic j
review the basic power and technical-economic
- Chapters 3 through 6,_ determining the system's need for generat-
tasks of designing EES s ower stations
ing capacity, justifying the developmentOWe~ ~odesrof the EESs' ope~a-
and the basic networks, analyzing the p
tion. Along with the sequential outline of modern methods ~oadoewith
these tasks, including questions having these
nology for solving uters,
the use for this purpose of mathematical models and comp
chapters also list general recommendations on rational tr~hesuse~.ofe
_ dzvelopment of electric power stations within the EES~B'for optimal
which makes it possible to ligit the field op aearchingecific OES's.
solutions during the designin of the develo ment of sp
that the technical-economic questiona on aelecting
When considering her,
circuits and parameters of ele~oblemseconnected withVthearhformatio~
- juat as the purel~ technical p the basic conten
and functioning, are adequately covered elsewhere ~ art from the analysis
of the chapter devoted to electric networks in this book, ap
- of the overall diagram of the management �eStionseonlthee~ustificationcofetherks,
consists of a review of certain specific qu
development of electric networks, which are c~necT~18iincludesequestionston
system on the whole to a greate~r exten .
ower modes of loading networks, consider-
determining the estimated p � their carrying capacity and
ing the syatem reliability when selecting
configuration and several others.
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Chapter 7 sheds light or. the technical-economic questions that deal
with the formation of the YeES. These questions augment, illustrate
and make more specific tr.e material in the preceding aections.
All of these questiona are examined in the book as they apply to ~he
level of future designing, on which the basic criterion for making;de-
cisions is to achieve a minimum of national economic expenditures.
This does not include a r~view of the economic-organizational aspecte
of management, the organizational structurea and cost accounting in-
terconnections between the individual enterprisea and associations.
The material of the book is based upon a generalization of the many
years of experience that the authors have had in designing and per-
forming scientific research in the Energoset'proyekt /electric power
system network designin~/ institute. The book also cites the results
of research which the authors conducted to~ether with their institute
co-workers: Ye. A. Volkova (paragraphs 4.4, 5.2), 0. N. Ku:.netsova
(paragraph 5.3), P. A. Malkin (paragraphs 3.4, 3.5, 6.2), V. S. Shary-
~ gin (paragrapha 4.4, 5.2, 5.4) and V. D. Sh?.imovich (paragraph 2.3).
In outlining thecommonmethodological questions on designing EES's
a~nd the principles and metho3s of uaing a system of mathematicxl mo-
dels for this purpos~, reaearch results were used, which were execut-
ed in cooperation with A. S. Makarova, L. S. Belyayev, V. A. Khanayev
(from the Siberian Power Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
and A. I. Lazebnik (from the Power Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanov-
- skiy).
The authors are indebted to candidate for the degree of floctor of
Technical sciences A. S. Makarova for theircareful review of the manu-
script and their coraments which were taken into considerati~n during
- the preparation of the manuacript for publication.
The introduction and Chapter 1(except for paragraph 1.4) and para-
grapt~s 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 3.5, 5.1, 5.3 and 6.2 were writtea by A. N.
Zeyliger, chapter 4 and paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 by L. D.
Khabachev, paragraphs 1.4, 2.1, 2�2, 5.2, 5.4, 6.1 were written by
A. N. Zeyliger and L. Q. Khabachev~ and chapter 7 by I. M. Vol'kenau.
All comments and requests regarding the book, which the authors will
accept with gratitude, should be sent to the following address:
113114, Moscow~ M-114, Shlyuzovaya Naberezhnaya, 10~ Izdatel'stvo
. 5
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1: Bases for the organization and technology of de-
signing the development of electric power syatems 9
1.1 The general characteristic of electric power systems and
organization of the management of their development 9
1.2 Hierarchical and oLganizational atructure of designing
electric power systems
1.3 Technological diagram of designing the development of
electric power systems 34
1.4 General principles of constxucting a systeffi of mathemati-
cal models for solving tasks connected with designing electri~
power systems
Chapter 2: Methods for the technical-economic justificaCioa~ of
solutions during the optimization of the development of electric
power systems 48
2.1 Criteria of optimalization of the development of electr�ic
power systems 48
- 2.2 Principles and methods of forming and comparing variants
, in the development of electric power systema 59
2.3 Principles and methods of considering the reliability
during the technical-economic justifi~ation process on the
development of electric power systema
- 2.4 Meth~ds of technical-economic justification of solutions
when initial data is ambiguous
Chapter 3: Technical-economic bases for determining the need
of electric power systems for the introduction of generating
capacity 100
3.~ petermining the future levels of consumption of electric
and thermal power
3.2 Determining the electric power consumption modes and the
maximum loads of electric power syatems ����~em8'::....�.��...~ 12~
3.3 Capaci.ty balances of Qlectric power sys
3.4 Determining the economically aound reserve of capacity in
a concentrated electric power sy~tem 126
3.5 Determining the reserves in Unified Electric Power Systems 138
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Chapter 4: Methods of estimating the work modes of electric
power stations during the designing of the development of
electric power systems 1
4.1 Types of electric power stations and their operating char-
- acteristics 145
4.2 Basic postulations or estimating the work modes of electric
_ power stations during the designing of electric power syatems 166
4.3 Methods and mathematica',~ models of optimizing the 24-hour
work modes of electric power ,etations 174
4.4 Optimizing the annual woric modes of electric power stations
and compiling the energy balances of the electric power systems 187
Chapter 5: Justification of the development of electric power
stations in electric power systems l96
5.1 Technological diagram of the justi.fication of the develop-
ment of electric power stations in electric power systems 196
- 5.2 Analysis of the comparative efficiency of equipping various
kinds of electric power stations 206
5.3 Economics of concentrating thP capacity of electric power
stations and their basic equipment 215
5.4 Mathematical c~odels for optimizing the structure of generat-
in~ capacities of electric power systems 229
Chapter 6: Justification of the development of the basic elec-
tric networks of electric power systems 241
6.1 Determining the estimated power modes for selecting the
carrying capar_ity of the basic electric networks of electric
pAwer systems 24~
6.2 Technology and methods of justifying the development of the
basic electric networks of electric power systems 254
Chapter 7: Bases of formation and development of the National
- Unified Electric Power S~atem (YeES SSSR) 270
7.1 Stages in the formation af the YeES SSSR and the basic di-
rections i.n its de�velopment 270
7.2 Structure of the generating capacities of the YeES SSSR 283
7.3 Arrangement and concentration of the caFacity of condensate
- electric power stations within the YeES SSSR 294
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7.4 Formation of the basic electric networks of the YeES SSSR 301
Bibliography 315
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", 1981 ~
CSO: 1822/27
_ 8
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UDC 553.982:55U.812(470.41)
' Moscow GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 9, 1981 pp 1-7
[Article by Ye. D. Vuytovich (Tatneftegazrazvedka [Trust for Gas and Oil_Explora-
tion in the Tatar ASSRJ): "Results and Trends in Geological Exploration for Oil in
[Text1 During the last five-year plan Tataria's oil explorers carried out; the main
technical and economic indicators for deep drillin~ and core drilling. In all,
445,000 meters of prospecting and exploratory hole and 1.2 million meters of cored
- hole were drilled, that is, 102.3 and 107.2 percent, respectively, of the plan
task. The construction of 289 prospecting and exploratory holes was completed
under a plan for 260. During this period 10 oilfields and 51 deposits were dis-
covered. One hundred highs (109 percent of the plan) in Lower Fermian sediments
were prepared for core drilling.
During the lOth Five-Year Plan Tc~tneftegazrazvedka Trust continued to prospect and
explore for oil in Devonian and Carb~niferous rocks in the main promising areas of
the east of Tataria--the westei,i slope of the South Tataria. arch and the eastern
side of the Melekess depression. This is where 63 and 30 percent, respectively,of
the total meterage was drilled during the five-year plan. In other areas, i.nclud-
icig the suutheastern and northeastern slopes of the South Tataria arch, 2U,148 and
5,585 meters were drilled. In the Udmurtskaya ASSR, there were 1U,543 meters of
exploratory drilling.
In explorational areas, 81 highs were introduced to deep prospecting drilling, and
58 oi' these were prepared by core drilling in the Lower Permian sediments and 'L3 by
seismic exploration, using reflecting horizon V(the Lower Carboniferous). Suc-
- cesses in pruspecting at Permian struci;ures r�eached 96 percent, 78 percent based on
seismic prospecting. New fields and deposits were discov.^.red, as a rule, with the
!'irst prospccting hc~le. Th:is testifies to the reliable preparation of the higY~s by
cure-drilling and seismic-exploration methods. Despite the high degree of study of
the land, the general conversiun to the rnapping of areas with util2zation o#' a den-
ser network of' core holes and of' seismic logs indicates that the number of local
hi~hs observed increases as their dimensions decrease. So it can be presumed that
Lhe promising areas of East Tataria possess a definite reserve for the finding of
new anticlinal traps.
Thanks to the use of more moder~n standard practices for prospecting, the pace of
preparatic~n of highs and the effectiveness of deep drilling were raised during the
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lOth l~ive-Year Plan. In comparison with the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the success ra~e
for prospecting increased from 70 to 91 percent, and the percentage of productive
holes rose from 58 to 74, which includes a rise from 54 to 89 percent for pros-
pe.ting holes. ~
Important geological results and substantial increases in oil reserves were ob-
tained on the western slope of the South Tataria ardh and on the eastern side of
the Melekess depression, thanks to a concentration of operations in promising
areas which are situated in the side zones of the Kama-Kinel' system of troughs.
Small but sharply expressed high-amplitude reefogenic-type highs were distribute d
In racticall all of them~}~ ozl deposits
widely here :i.n Garboniferous sediments. P y
were confined in carbonaceous and terr~genaus~sediments_oft`.~werr.and Maddle (taz~b en-
iferuus complex.s. A high degree of correspondence of :.:~e Lower Permian and the
Carboniferous s,.ructural plans favored the finding of oil-bearing traps core
drilling. Highs that weresubmerged and sharply flattened upward in the cross-
section were prospected successfully with seismological exploration by the OGT
[common depth point] method. During prospecting for anticlinal traps, data about
- the propagation of Previsean and Vereya erosion breaches were considered. Of espe-
cially great signif'iance for oil prospecting is the discovery and tracing of Previ-
sean breaches, since the development of high-capacity sandy collectors is assoc iat-
ed with them. Areas of intersection of the breaches and local highs are primary
targets for siting prospecting drilling. Experience in prospecting and exploration
at the Arkhangel'sk, Vishnevo~Polyanskoye, Stepnoozerskoye and other fields ind i-
c;ates that oil accumulation zones can be associated with such areas. Even the
terrigenous Devonian sediments in the region being examined, especially its eas tern
part, are promising. But here, apparently, minor deposits basical].y of the litho-
logic and lithological-structure types have developed. The consistent confinement
of most of the oil deposits to structurally uplifted elements of ancient Devoni an
_ terraces that are encircled along the strike by graben-shaped troughs is noted.
On the wes{:ern slope of the South Tataria arch, 278,000 meters were driven, includ-
ing prospecting drilling equal to 125,000 meters (45 percent), during the lUth
Five-Year Plan. The construction of 180 holes was completed, and oil was obtained
at 130. The success rate for deep drilling reached 72 percent. Under exploration
- were 48 highs, ^t2 of them in the Lower Permian, and 6 had been prepared by use of
refJ.ecting horizon V in seismic exploration. Positive results were obtained at
46 highs. Prospecting and exploral:ory drilling was performed at the U1'yanovskoye,
- Yamashi, Urat'minskoye, Shegurchinskoye and Cheremshan areas, which are located
within the zoi~e of distribution of good-quality crude.
'fhe Arkhangel'sk field is the most significant of those fields at which explo ratory
drilling has been conduci,ed. It consis~;s of several like-type oil-bearing loc al
highs oi' common strike which form a single swell-shaped zone in Carboniferous sed-
i.ments. Thc field intersects a deep Previsean erosion breach that has been filled
up w.ith Tula horizon sandstone of increased thickness. Petroliferousness has been
established in the Turna, Tula, Aleksin, Bashkir and V~reya sediments. In al 1, 2'2~
deposits were discovered. More than half of the industrial reserves of oil we re
concentrated in Tula horizon sandstone. The oil is of comparatively good quality,
with a viscosity of 'LO-50 centistokes.
At the Krasnooktyabr' field, 22 holes were completed by drilling, 6 of which were
prospeci:ing holes. In the Carboniferous and Permian sediments, the structural plan
of the field is presented in the form of a swell-shaped zone of northwest strike,
which includes six isolated highs. In the center of it is the large Poselennoye
- 10
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- }~igh, with an ampl?_tude of 30-5U meters. The terrigenous Devonian layers have
basically a gently sloping monoclinal deposition. An area of the Poselennoye high
has been complicated along the Devonian complex by a small structural terrace. The
presence of Previsean and Vereya erosional breaches has been established by drill-
ing data. Industrial deposits of oil have been found in the Pashiysku;ra and Kynov-
skiy horizons of the Devonian, in carbonate collectors of the Turna and Bashkir
stages and Aleksin, Vereya and Kashira horizons, and in sandstones of the Bobriki
and Tula horizons. Abundant oil shows have been recorded in the carbonate rocks of
the Kashira and Pod~l'sk horizons. A highly productive deposit has been observed
at a Poselennoye high in the Pashiyskaya horizon, which is confined to a sandy
formation of increased thickness. As a result of short-term testing of it, an oil
gusher with a flow of 100 tons per day, using a 9-millimeter flow bean, was ob-
tained. 3ubsequent exploration showed that this deposit is small and belongs to
the lithologic type.
The Dachnoye field includes a group of local carboniferous highs, to which deposits
' in the Turna, Bobriki, Bashkir and Vereya sediments have been confined. Oil shows
have been noted also at domelike-structure areas in the Kashira horizon. A de-
posit in the Kynovskiy horizon has been found at the Kuternskiy high, which is weak-
ly reflected in Devonian rocks. Oil has been discovered here that'^f]ows from,a
sandy I'ormation at the rate uf 35 ~ons per day, with the use of a 7-millime~ex~
f'1 ow bean .
The multiple-formation Iskra field consists of three isolated highs, which were ~
prepared durin~ the prospecting stage by OGT-method exploration, using reflecting
horizon V. In all, 11 holes have been drilled in the area and the presence of a .
sculptured high along Carboniferous sediments has been confirmed. In the Pashiy-
skaya horizon two formations of oil-bearing sandstone that total. 7 meters in thick-
~ ness have been discovered. When they were tested jointly, a gusher of high-quality
oil with a flow of more than 100 tons per day on an 8-millimeter flow bean was ob-
tained. The dep~sit was of the arched, bedded type. In the Bobril~i horizon of the
Car:oniferous, a second formation of oil-bearing standstones 10.8 meters thick was
I discovered. As the result of a test, a gushing flow of oil vaas obtained. Indus-
, trial oil-bearing objects have been found~also in the Turna and Vereya-Bashkir sed-
~ iments. The occurrence of a basement at a depth of 496 meters was discovered by
well 663. An analysis of the geological data enables the following conclusions to
be drawn: the structural position of the well at the basement corresponds to tre
i axial zone of the graben-shaped Bagan trough: the basement rocks are characterized
by strong fracturing, but fluid-liberating permeable intervals are lacking among
~ them; no oi1 or gas shows have been obtainedin visual observationsor the gas log.
At the Yamashi area, prospecting and exploration have been performed at the Tyuge-
ycvskoye and Onbiyskoye fields. The multiple-formation Tyugeyevskoye field com-
bines seven local highs with proved petroliferousness. Productive formations have
been found in the Kynovskiy horizon, ~he Turna stage, the Bobriki and Tula hori-
zons and the Vereya-Bashkir sediments. The main object of development is a high-
ly productive deposit in Bobriki sandstone. The field has been put into industri-
al uperation.
At the Onbiyskuye field the construction of 'L3 holes has been completed. The f'ield
has a complicated structure and includes 9 local Carboniferous highs with proved
petroliferousness of' the Turna, Tula-Bobriki and Vereya-Bashkir sediments. In the
northern part of the field, in the hynovskiy and Pashiyskaya horizons lithologic
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type deposits have been found. Minor lithologic-type deposits which are complicat-
ed in structure and limited in reserves have been dispersed in the extensive Ni=
zhneurat'minskoye structural terrace. Oil-bearing formations have been found also .
in the Turna and Bashkir stages and the Bobriki, Tula and Vereya horizons of the
Carboniferous. Industrial reserves of oil are localized witnin Carboniferous
`7 highs. As a result of prospecting and exploration, the Bu~kamanskoye and Mel'nin-
skoye fields and 10 deposits were discovered.
On the whole, the degree of promise of the Urat'minskoye area, especially its nor-
thern part, have proved to be lower than what had been presumed. The development
of highs,small in dimensions and extremely flattened, which form low-capacity traps
with restricted oil reserves, turned out to be negative.
At the Shegurchinskoye area, as a result of the work don~, two fields with highly
- productive deposits in carbonaceous collectors of the Turna stage and the Aleksin
horizon at the Novotroiskoye high were discovered. The indusi;rial petroliferous-
ness of the new fields is linked with Carboniferous sediments. Of them, the mor.e
significant Krasnogorskoye field includes six like-type highs, which are grouped
ini:o one structural "knot." Oil-bearing formations have been confined to the Turna
stage, the Tula and E3obrik horizons and the Verey-Bashkir sediments. The field has
= been preparc:d completely for development work.
At the Cheremshan area, prospecting and exploration drilling have been performed in ~
small amounts. The work was concentrated in the Amal'chinskoye field region. A
new oil deposit in the Bobriki horizon wus discovered when a Sheshma Lower Permian
high was introduced to drilling. To the south of the area, 16 local highs have
been mapped. The presence of a stock of prepared structures will permit the amount
of prospecting drilling in this definitely promising region to be sharply increased.
' A zone of heavy and viscous crudes (Carboriiferous aeposits) are confined to the
eastern side of the Melekess depression. During the lOth Five-Year Plan, 130,000
meters were drilled through. The construction of 91 wells was completed, oil has
been obtained from 75 of them, and the success rate of deep drilling reached 83
percent. Work has been done at the Stepnoozerskoye and Kutushsko-Kadeyevskoye
At the Stepnoozerskoye area, prospecting and exploration drilling has been oriented
to Carbon.iferous sediments, but the first prospecting wells, which were located in
Lhe arches of highs, extended down to the crystalline basement. As drilling has
proved, the terrigenous sediments of the Devonian are devoid of industrial aecumu-
~ lations of oil. A wide stratigraphic spectrum of oil shows has been established
- in rocks of the Lower and Middle Carboniferous, and eight productive horizons have
been found. The deposits are confined to distinct local highs. A substantial por-
tion of the oil-bearing targets, which are represented by carbonaceous rocks, are
characterized by low productivity, which reduces the recovery potential of the
fields. During the five-year plan, 25 highs at the Stepnoozerskoye area were in-
troduced to deep drilling, of which 13 had been prepared by using horizon V seis-
mic exploration. Positive results were obtained at 24 structu~es. As a re-
sult, 2 new oilfields (the Kamyshlina and Brodovskoye) and 15 deposits were
1mp~rl.ant r�evisions have been introduced into notions about the petroliferousness
oi' Carboniferous deposits. The presence of productive formations in the Kashira
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and Podol'sk horizons,at arch sections flf the structures,has been proved. High
promise has been established for the Vishnevo-Polyanskoye and Akanskoye structural
zones, where a favorable combination of local highs and Previsean breaches, which
are filled with thick sandy formations, were noted. Along with prospecting for oil,
a large amount of exploration drilling has been done at the Vishnevo-Polyanskoye,
Zyuzeyevskoye, Kamyshla, Akanskoye, Gorsk, Stepnoozerskoye, Krivoozerinskoye,
Pioner and Brodovskoye fields, wi1:h a view to preparing them for development. The
flow rates of wells at the Stepnoozerskoye area are low, and the oil's viscosity is
high. Because of th~s, prospecting and exploration in the area has been curtailed.
At the Kutushsko-Kadeyevskoye area, the construction of five wells, w~iich recorded
a distinct high in Carboniferous sediments, has been completed. Oil-bearing forma-
tions were found in the Turna stage and the Tula and Vereya horizons.
On the southeastern slope of the South Tataria arch, a limited amount of work has
been done on the Azevo-Salaushskoye swell and at the Bakeyevskay~ structural ter-
race. In all, 20,148 meters were drilled, the construction of il wells was com-
pleted, and oil was obtained from 6 of them. Two Lower Permian highs--the hrzamas
and Urazayevskoye--were introduced to deep drilling. At the first the presence of a
- high-amplitude high of the reefogenic type was established for the Carboniferous
rocks. The main oil deposit of large-scale type was associated with Carboniferous
sediments of the Bashkir-Serpukhov series, and the petroliferous story is equal to
50 meters. For the Lower Carboniferous beds, the amplitude of the high reaches 8U-
130 meters, but the trap is devoid of industrial accumulations of crude. In the
terrigenous Devonian sediments, a positive closed structure is lacking. The Arzamas
high has an analogous structure, but the productivity of the deposits in the Middle
Carboniferous is more limited.
Within the northeastern slope of the.South Tataria arch (the Menzelinsk-Aktanysh
area), the Karachevskoye, Severo-Baylyarskoye and Miyashevskoye highs, which had
been prepared by seismic exploration, were introduced to deep drilling. In all,
the construction of one well was drilled to 5,585 meters and completed. At the
Karachevskoye high, the drilling of deep well 20005 with a designed depth of 4,500
meters continues, the goal of which includes a study of the Paleozoic and the more
ancient Eocambrium.reef sedimentary formations. On 1 August 1981 the face of the
well reached a depth of 3,794 meters. According to geophysical data a formation
of oil-saturated sandstone is singled out at the Tula horizon of the Carbonifer-
ous. Reef sediments were found at a depth of 1,890 meters. The upper part of the
log was complicated by an 8U0-meter series of variegated-color sandstones and
- aleui�olites, and then followed a clayey-sandy member 600 meters thick, which con-
verts lower down to quartzitic sandstones. At a depth of 3,463 meters the hole en-
tered a dike of' crystalline r~ocks, which were represented by Congo diabases.
Simuli;aneously with the prospecting for oil, exploration was conducted to study
bitumen-bearing Permian sediments. lluring the five-year plan, 417 special holes
were drilled, 30 bitumen deposits were found, 9 deposits were explored in detail,
and 10 deposits were prepared for the estimation of resources of categories CZ
and D. The new data confirms the high promise of Ufa's bitumen-bearing complex on
the western slope of the South Tataria arch. The degree of promise of the Kazan'
_ bitumen-bearing complex has proved to be much lower than presumed by the apprais-
als, because of the complex lithological facies structure of the formation's
- 13
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An analysis of geological results for 1976-1980 permits the following conclusions
of basic importance to be drawn:
1. Yositive results of oil prospecting were achieved ~t all exploratory areas as a
whole. The main discoveries were associated with fields and deposits in Lower Car-
bonif'erous sediments, which are of comparatively small size and contain heavy, vis-
cous crudes. The flows of the crud~; from the wells have low flow rates.
2. An essential difference between modern methods of prospecting ard exploring new
fields and those applied in the past consists in the necessity to prospect for oil
deposits that are small in area and in reserves and that require substantial
amounts of drilling to prepare them for~ development. Prospecting and exploration
were conducted more successfully in those areas where deep drilling was performed
not a~: solitary highs but at several of them that were associated with Previsean
br~aches, which control the spacing of the higher capacity sandy collectors.
3. Highly productive deposits in nonanticlinal traps were discovered, along with
the well-known traps of anticlinal type in the Devonian terrigenous complex. Traps
~f combined type were found in the Lower~ Carboniferous complex in zones of distri-
bution of' the Previsean erosional breaches.
4, Abundant oil shows that were established in a broad stratigraphic barid--from
the Kashira to the Myashkovo horizons of the Middle Carboniferous inclusively--in
the Ste~noozerskoye, U1'yanovskoye, and Shegurchi~nskoye areas--m~rit attention.
'fhe recovery potential of the deposits in these sediments and types of traps re-
quire further study.
- 5, In recent years seismic exploration has increased effectiveness in the prepa-
ration of highs for Carboniferous sediments. The experience of geophysicalpppyrag
tions at the Yenoruskoye, Kutushskoye and other fields indicated that, in a 1 in
the OGT method, problems of exploring in detail oil deposits of complicated struc-
ture and oi' preparing them for development also can be solved successfully.
In accordance with the i?ite~rated plan for perForming geological exploration during
the ilth i~ive-Year Plan in the main areas, where more than 80 percent of all deep
drilling will be concentrated, there remain the western and southeas~ern slopes of
the 5outh Tataria arch and t;he eastern side of the Melekess depression, which is
resi~r:icted by a zone of dist.ribution of relatively light crudes in Carboniferous
sediments. The followin~ are recommended for other directions of operations: the
northcrn and northeastern slopes of South Tataria and the southeastern slopes of
Nori:h 'l'ai;~irid drehes. Pruspecting for oil should be performed in Devonian and
Carboniferous sediments, but the main promise for increasing oil reserves is linked
with the Luwcr to Middle Carbonif'ero~:s comple.x. Based upon an analysis of geologi-
cal ar~d geophysical dat;a, prospecting and deep drilling on the southeastern
slope of' a North '1'ai:aria arch and in the Menzelinsk-Aktanysh region will require
a considcrablc change, by way of an increase. In all, it is planned that during
Lt~c 11 th 1~ Plan 1'atneft' Association will drill 600,000 meters of prospec-
ting and exploratic~n holes, 500,000 meters of it by Tatneftegazrazvedka.
A furi;he:r~ increase in prospecting eff'ectiveness is being linked with the integra-
tion oi' corc drillir~~; and seismic exploration and with improvement of the quality
c~f preparation of highs in llevonian sediments by the OGT method. A skillful com-
binin~; of' thcse methods will enable their potential for further increasing the
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inventory of structures to be t~ken into account more completely, the tasks of de-
tailed exploration and preparation of oilfields of complicated structure for devel-
_ opment to be.solved, the zones of distribution of higher-capacity sandy collect~r~
to be forecast, and the arsenal of favorable geological prerequisites that are
used for increasing deep-drilling effectiveness to be greatly expanded.
At the oil-prospectin~ stage, a most important measure for providing for an in-
- crease in the pace of new reserves should be a systematic expansion of
- the front of prospecting drilling and an increase in its volume to 70-80 percent.
The main task of oil prospecting is to find deposits in anticlinal traps in all '
exploration regions of Tataria where there are prepared highs. Substantial amounts
of prospecting and exploratory drilling must be concentrated on those promising
areas where a combining of several favorable geological prerequisites is presumed:
the grouping of local highs and reefogenic-tyge structures, the presence of Previsean
' breaches and buried protrusions of basements, and so on. Such promising objects
~ include the.Yuzhno-U1'yanovskaya, Mel'nikovskaya and Yuzhno-Cheremshan groups of
local highs. In planning operations at objects with known reserves ur.der categor-
-i ies C2 and D, the de~ree of their "activeness" after transfer to industrial cate-
' gories, that is, the possibility of rapid involvement in development, should also
~ be considered.
~ Because of small sizes and limited reserves, it is recommended that lithologic
~ traps in terrigenous sediments of the Devonian be explored, incidental to drilling
; at local highs. Combined-type traps, which are characteristic for side areas of
; the Previsean breaches, will be prospected for and mapped jointly with the main
~ arch-type deposits in Carboniferous formations. A further concentration of pros-
j pecting and exploration at targets of complicated structure that are distinguished
by small amplitudes of the highs and a predominance of traps of the nonanticlinal
j and combined types, is related to the development of new standard procedures.
j Decisive significance is attached here to seismic exploration.
I~ At the detailed-e~cploration stage, the task of the accelerated preparation of a
j large number of minor oilfields (25 fields are planned for the llth Five-Year Plan)
~ for development should be solved by means of development and producer wells and the
enlistment of a small amount of exploratory drilling.
~ In order to clarify fundamental questions of the deep structure, which will deter-
I mine the prospects for further progress in prospecting work, a large set of studies
is to be performed.
I In ~hc arc;a of,' study of' the I~:ocambrium reef formations at the Menzelinsk-Aktanysh
, area, thc drilling oi' well No 20005 is to be completed, the hastily prepared geo-
physical description of the cross-section and the stratigraphic tie-in of the re-
f'lecting horizons is to be refined; and area seismic exploration by the MOV [re -
_ flected-wave method] and OCT method are to be restored with a view to obtaining a
reliable gcophysical 1'oundation for putting down a second deep well, No 20002, in
the zone of maximum thickness of Prepaleozoic rocks. At the edges of the lensing-
out of ancient sediments it is recommended that the designed well No 18~, which
is confined to the Suranchan seismic high, be deepened to the basement. The indi-
cated wells will be situated on the line of a profile that is oriented transversely
i:o the strike of Lhe monoclinal slope; this will provide maximum information on the
- area being studied. The data obtained should create the necessary base for fur-
ther detailing work.
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In order to study the crystalline basement, it is planned to place solitary pros-
pecting wells on local highs and ledges and cn places of presumed cleavage of
rocks. The purpose of drilling these holes is to clarify the possibility of the
accumulation and migration of UV's [hydrocarbons] into crystalline rocks from the ,
sedimentary complex. Drilling into the basement is combined with prospecting for
oil in Paleozoic sediments. The depth of uncovering of the Precambrium basement is
50U-700 meters.
Fulfillment of the tasks posed for the llth I'ive-Year Plan should provide for a
further rise in the effectiveness and quality of geological exploration of
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", "Geologiya nefti i gaza" 1981
11409 ~ND '
, CSO: 1822/46
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020003-1