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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10184 14 December 1981 Worldwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 57/81) Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400084038-8 _ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. .?~.aterials from'foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt) in the first line of each item, or follow~ng the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a~ues- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in~the origiual but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of ihe U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF Me~?TERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10184 14 December 19~1 WORLDWIDE REPORT yARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 57/81) CONTENTS ASIA PAKIS TAN Association of Pakistani Social Workers Surveys Drug Abuse (JANG, 2 Nov 81) Briefs Drug Haul in Peshawar 4 CANADA Briefs Z~ao Jailed in Drug Case S Drug Arrest Warrants 5 LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIA Plan for Coi^+nercial Use of Coca Under Study (EL DIARIO, 23 Oct 81) 6 Increased Illegal Transport of Coca to Santa Cruz Reported (EL DIARIO, 29 Oct 81) 8 Relation Between Farm Policies, Coca Pro duction Established (Luis Antezana Ergueta; PRE~~NCIA, 29 Oct 81) 10 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1~LY Drug Ring Busted, 100 kg of Cocaine Seized (Illimani Netw~,rk, 27 Nov 81) 12 New Iaw on Narcotics Approved (TEIAM, 28 Nov 81) 14 Briefa Antidrug Council Official 15 Antidrug International Campaign 15 Coca Plantations Curtailed 15 B RAZIL Extent of Drug Trafficking, Control Probleme Discussed (Renato Lombardi; 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 25 Oct 81)........... 16 Traffickers Arreat in Rio With Drugs Valued at 500,000 Cruzeiros - (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 27 Oct 81) 20 German Charged With Trafficking Nine lbns of Marihuana Arrested (0 GLOBO, 27 Oct 81) 21 Brie fs Reaction to Trafficker's Escape 23 Gang Rivalry in Urubu 23 Cocaine Trafficker Arrested in Naples 24 'Provigil' Traffickers Arrested 24 (~I ILE ' Peruvian Cocaine Traffickers Arrested in Arica i (Roberto I.ira Osorio; EL MERCURIO, 1 Nov 81) 25 History of Arrests, Drug Seizures in Arica Detailed (Roberto Lira Osorio; EL MERCURIO, 24 Oct 81) 27 Santiago Drug Market Confiscation Details Given (EL MERCURIO, 24 Oct 81) 29 Briefs Police Conference on Drugs, Juvenilea 31 COLOMF3I A Traffickers Killed in Vendetta, Cienaga Militarized (Rafael Sarmiento; EL ESP~CTADOR. 29 Oct 81) 32 Briefs Cocaine Laborato ry in Tolima 34 Drugs, Other Contraband Seized 34 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400080038-8 FUR OFFI('IAI. USE ONLY ECUADOR Arrested Cocaine Traffickers Implicate Peruv~ans, Colombian (EL OOMERCIO, 7 Nov 81) ~5 MEXICO Traffickers, Car Thieves Arrested (Alfredo Jimenez, Luis Segura; ER(~ISIOR, 14 Nov 81)........... 31 PE RU B rie fs Drug Trafficker Arrested 39 NEAR EAST AND NOR'rfi aF'RIC~I EGYPT Briefa Four Tons of Hashish 40 IRAN Briefs Khorasan Opium Haul 41 Khorasan Drug Arrests 41 Drug Seizures 41 Opium Seizures 41 ' Torbat Opium Diacovery 41 Drug Hauls 42 Contraband Carpets, Opium Seizure 42 IS RAEL Briefs Rusaian Emigre Sentenced 43 Gaza Anti-Narcotics Campaign 43 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA IVORY COAST International Drug Traffickers Arrested in Abidjan (Diaby Salif; FRATERNITE~ MATIN, 12 Nov 81)...........~......... 44 - c - FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MAURITIUS B rie fs Opium Seized 46 WEST EUROPE SWEDEN Armenian Terrorist Group Tied to Seized Heroin (SVIIdSKA DAGBLADET, 28 Oct 81) 47 ~olice Catch Heroin Gang, by Claes von Hofaten Extensive Overtime Work, by Hakan Bergstrom Minister of Justice Comments, by Sune 0lofson Customs Service Strengthened, by Elisabeth Crona UNITED KINGDOM eourt Decisions in Cannabia Smuggling Caae (~iE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 28 Hov 81) 54 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 PAKISTAN t1SSOCIATIQN OF PAICISTANL SOCIAL WORKERS SURVEYS DRJG ABUS~ Karachi JANG in Urdu 2 Nov 81 p 3 [Article: "Drug Abuse--A Survey"] ~ [Text] The Social Workers Association of Pakistan conducted a survey in August 1981 to .3ssess the drug abuse by children below the age of 18 and compiled the Eollowing figures. 'I'eams composed of five members surveyed several urban and rural areas. This 3-month survey brought to tight the discouraging findings that among the children between the ages of 5 and 18, 46.6 percent in cities and 59.3 percent in rural areas are addicted to one or other kind of drug (combined percentage for both areas is 53 percentl. Areas Surveyed: Urban--Karachi, Hyderabad, Mir Purkhas, Lahore, Rawalpindi, .lhelum, Hazara, Kohat, Peshawar, Quetta. Rural--Hyderabad Division, Khairpur Division, Thar Parkar District, Bahalalpur Division, Multan Division, Lahore I Division, Hazara District, Swat, Hangu, Chakali, Pishin, and Nushki. ' Kind of Drugs: Cigarette (inferior and superior Q.ualit~~), betel leaf with tobacco, "ball" (a fine mixture of lime stone powder, catechu, and tobacco), diazepam tablets, "rocket" capsules, charas, country liquor, methyl spirits, water pipe, snuff, mandrake tablets, hemp, opium. Results of survey: 'Phe subjects were divided into three categories. a) between the aRes of 5 and 12 year5; b) between the ages of 13 and 15; and c) between the a~;es of 15 and 18. Accordin~ to this survey in the f irst la) category 26 percent rural and 18 percent urban cbildren are using drugs. In b category, 70 percent rural and 52 percent urban children are addicted. In c category, 81 percent rural and 72 percent urban children are using drugs. [n terms of the occupation of sub3ects, the following table shows further break- down of these findings. 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400480038-8 Urban Suburban (X) i. In schools 11 7 ii. Employed 18 12 iii. Private business 15.6 21 iv, Unemployed 20 3.3 v. Agricultural labor 16 Reasons for using drugs: Most of the surveyed children refrained from answering the question as to why they used drugs. The following are based on the reasons of those who did answer: , 1. "Our peers and elders also use these things (especially cigarettes)." . 2. Delinquency. 3. To relieve the tension and tiredness from hard work. 4. For fun. 5. Influence of friends. How contraband drugs are obtained: Illegal drugs such as charas, hemp, opium, country liquor, "rocket," and mandrake tablets, can be procured from various - secret supply places in rural and urban areas. When the survey~ing team tried to - use one of these supply stations, they learned that it was protected by the law- enforcement authorities of that area. Some medical stores also supply sleep-inducing and other tablets to the young people. Harmful effPCts of drug abuse: Some children declared that they were suffering from several ill effects but were unable to stop using drugs: a. sleeplessness e. constipation b. feeling of sluggishness f. dehydration c. irritation g. muscular tension - d. mental laziness Extreme seriousness: Some young men in Karachi, Lahore, and Pindi areas informed the team that mandrake and diazepam tablets were slowly becoming very popular among female students. A iarge number of these female students are using these drugs on a regular basis. Students and economicall;~ dependent children use tuition money to buy drugs. Some children resort to theft and other criminal acts on a regular basis to si~~port the habit. 5ome of them use as many as 10 diazepam tablets at a time. The national committee of the Social Workers Association of Pakistan would like to bring this sorry situation to the attention of the public and request that steps be taken to save - these children who are aur country's future. It requests that a cooperative effort at national level be aimed against drug abuse. The Association appeals to the parents not to neglect their children. 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 Percent of Age-Group Use Urban Rural 5-12 12-15 15-18 5-12 12-15 15-18 Dr~u years ey ars '~�-"ars e~ars ,~'e__a_.r_S e~ ars Cigarette (superior) 2 3 4 ' 2 3 Cigarette (inferior) - 5 11 8 22 28 Tobacco/betel 2 2 $ - - "ball" (a fine mixture - 2 2 - ' ' of lime stone, catechu Karachi and tobacco) only Diazepam tabl~ts - 5 6 - � - Rocket Caps 3 3 5 - 3 5 Charas 2 8 7 6 2 6 Country liquor - - 2 ' ~ 4 Methyl Spirits - - 1 - 2 2 Water pipe - - - 7 8 13 ' Snuf f 3 $ 8 3 ~ 6 ~ "Gul"-dry snuff 3 4 3 2 2 3 Mandrake 4 9 7 - 3 4 Hemp 2 3 8 - 3 4 Opium - - - - 2 4 � �1 - 7997 C;O: 5300/4550 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 PAKISTAN BRIEFS DRUG :;AUL IN PESHAWAR--A truck carrying 10 million rupees' worth in hashish was seized on the Charsadda-Peshawar road by local police on 26 November. Truckdriver - Wali Mohammad was arrestes. [GF021920 Lahore JANG in Urdu 27 Nov 81 supplement p B] CSO: 5300/4567 ~ - 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 CANADA BRIEFS TWO JAILED IN DRUG CASE--Toronto--Zfao men who were among a group of 25 arrested in Toronto and Vancouver last October on charges of conspiracy and trafficking in heroin and cocaine have been given prison terms of 10 and seven years by an Ontario Supreme Court judge. Giulio Loccisano, 31, of Giosa, Italy, received 10 years and Gioncondo Napoli of North York, seven years after pleading guilty earlier this year to trafficking ir. heroin. The two men were charged with selling tcao pounds of heroin to an undercover Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer. The deal, which took place in a Toronto hotel room, was f ilmed by police. The film was shown to Mr. Justice William Parker during the two men's trial. [Text] [Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 7 Oct 81 p 5] DRU~ ARREST WARRANTS--A major police drug roundup started at 6 a.m. today with warrants issued for the arrest of 38 persons involved in 59 charges. The arrests followed a five-month undercover nperation carried out by a RC1~ memter working within the city of Vancouver. RC1~ S.Sgt. Ted Gangdal said today the investiga- tion was aimed at the street level trafficker. He said 70 purchases were made of heroin, methadone, morphine, dilaudid and percodan. He said evidence was obtained against 40 persons. lfao of those have since died--one of a drug overdose and the other as the result of a fire. The undercover operator posed as a heroin user, said Gangdal. Purchases were made on Granville and Hastings Streets. [Text] [Vancouver THE VANCOWER SUN in English 13 Nov 81 p A15] CSO: 5320/12 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 BOLIVIA PLAN FOR COMMERCIAL USE OF COCA UNDER STUDY La Paz EL DIARIO in Spanish 23 Oct 81 p 5 ~TextJ In a press conference, the chairman of the National Council Against Narcotics Trafficking, Cola~el Rene Ocampo, has announced that the council is s~tudying a plan for industrializing coca production which may bring about the manufacturing of medicinal products (vitamins and proteins) or af chewing gum. The council chairman gave a detailed account of what is being done to wage more effec- tively the fight against the narcotics traffic. Despite the limited extent of its funds, the council has made arrangements to utilize its personnel on a round-the- clock basis throughout our national territory. Specifics At the outset of his meeting with the press, Colonel Ocampo annainced that last wednesday a Bolivian citizen named Marcelo Ibanez appeared voluntarily before the council to reveal thereto that he had decic~ed to travel to Miami and present himself to U.S. legal authorities and answer their questions regarding the narcotics traffic. As he had done in an earlier case, Colonel Ocampo stated that Eolivia's judicial authorities have no charges pending against Ibanez and that the matter of the latter's connection with the narcotics traffic will be handled in a special manner by the legal authorities of the United States, a country that has asked him to appear. Replying to questions the newsmen put to him regarding the number c_ persons linked to ~lnpe traffic or cases involving that traffic, Ocampo stated that after the Armed i'~~rces decided to engage in combating it, scme 500 cases have been prosecuted. As a result of the investigations made and in keeping with the culprits' degree of guilt, several were brought before the regular courts, others still remain in prison, and an indeterminate number have been given back their freed~m. In another part of his statement, the director of the National Council Against Nar- cotics Trafficking reported that in recent days approximately 20 kg of cocaine have been confiscated in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. "This fact," he added, "shows that the government will continue its relentless struggle against that offense." 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 Budget Upon being questioned about the funds for the council's w~rk and whether they are enough for an effective campaign against the narcotics traffic, Colonel Ocampo said that although the council's budget is not large, no effort is spared to take care of all needs and priorities. He added that "at present we are operating with our resources, without seeking any kind of help or cooperation, let alone fran international organizations or foreign ~ountries.. However, if any institution or governmental agency wants to aid us, we will welcome such help." Smuggling Referring to illegal sales of coca, he indicated that they are still going on, albeit on a smaller scale than formerly, and added that the Chapare area, for example, is a highly troublesome one because, as a result of various factors, the contraband prQ- duced there cannot be controlled completely. He mentioned that the smuggled coca is sold on the black market and commands very profitable prices. He stated that the coca leaves can naw be purchased at the col- lections points controlled by an office established for that purpose. There the retailers can, with the proper authorization, purchase the pr oduct in limited quan- tities, and this has eliminated the middlemen or wholesalers." 9870 CSO: 5300/2054 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 BOLIVI A INCREASED ILLEGAL TRANSPORT OF COCA TO SANTA CRUZ REPORTED La Paz EL GIARIO in Spanish 29 Oct 81 p 5 [Text] During the past few days the National Bureau for Control of Hazardous Sub- stances has detected a considerable amount of smuggling of coca produced in Chapare province and is being sent to Santa Cruz department in order to make cocaine. Word of this was given to EL DIARIO by the Bureau's head, Canmander Javier Guerrero, when he reported the presence of narcotics dealers who have been operating in the Chapare and have used paths which were opened up by other persons who had engaged in such operations on a large scale but whose factories were destroyed. He pointed out that its topography makes control measures in that area very difficult and, besides, that the required means and personnel are lacking, because of financial limitations that make it necessary to operate with only the means currently available and without being able to count on any type of support. Commander Guerrero reiterated that at present the Chapare area is the one posing the greatest problems, since, aside from the smuggling of coca, it has various groups of narcotics dealers who process small quantities of cocaine in workshops that are maved about. He added that at various places the dealers use ditches and other installations that had been destroyed previously when the Armed Fozces unc wered en ormous cocaine factories. He said that "The terrain is too rough, and this makes it impossible for our personnel to exercise a stricter control. Despite the financial limitations ~inder which we labor, we are making every possible effort." Perpetrators The head of the Bureau for Control of Hazardous Substances mentioned that the perpe- trators are continuing to carry on intensively their operations throughout the coan~ry, particularly in the districts comprising La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, which are Legarded as the most problematical ones because of the existence of small f actories that still operate widely. He announced that within the past few days 58 kilos of cocaine have been burned in the city of Cochabamba, as well as 300 marihuana plants in Santa Cruz, and also 15 drums of confiscated coca, sulfuric acid, sodium carbonate, and other items used in manufacturing the drug. 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404080038-8 Upon being asked about the confiscation of 1,000 kilos of cocaine from February to now, C ommander Javier Guerrero stated that that is the amount confiscated in all of Bolivia and tnat most of it has been burned, there remaining in the bureau's ware- houses only a minimal quantity. Commander Guerrero pointed out further that the bureau which he heads plans to con- tinue fighting the narcotics trade and that to do so it has ordered use of -its staff on an around-the-clock basis throughout our nation's territory. Collection Center The National Council for Combating the Narcotics Trade has initiated efforts to have the Banco del Estado set up an office in Coripata, which lies in Nor Yungas Province, as a means of facilitating installation of a Coca Leaf Collection Center there, a location regarded as one of the main places of production within the La Paz department. An important passage in the letter the council has written to the Manager of the Banco del Estado states the follawing: "It is hereby requested that you consider, as an extremely urgent matter, establishing at Corx~pata, in the province of Nor Yungas, a branch office of the Banco del Estado, an action that we regard as absolutely essential for us to be able to set up a Collection Subcenter." 9870 CSO: 5300/2054 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404080038-8 BULIVIA KELATION BETWEEN FARM POLICIES, COCA PR~UCTION ESTABLISHED La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish 29 Oct 81 p 3 [Article by Luis Antezana Ergueta: "Official Agrarian Policy and the Production of Coca" ) [Text) On prior occasions we have referred to various agrarian policies of the administrations that have been in pawer during approximately the past 50 years and we have confirmed that, unfortunately, as a result of antiprotectionist and free- trade tendencies, the import of agricultural goa3s which impinges upon national pro- duction has grown apace to such an extent that our country finds it necessar~ to import greens, potatoes, and potato starch, fruits, and, of late, even peppers. On the other hand, we have pointed out that owing to those policies, which are now in _ effect more than ever before, the value of our foodstuffs imports has risen to wer 200 million d ollars and in the next 10 years that am ount will double, thereby plunging Bolivia into still greater dependence, with the further complication that mining will n o longer be able to provide foreign exchange to the importers as it has unf ailingly done hitherto. Nowadays even our production of beer is based on raw materials fran Chile, Germany, Peru and other countries, and it dces not contribute any foreign exchange for our government's coffers. Coca Production The agricultural policy of bringing in products and selling them on the national market at low prices has resulted in our country's f armers no longer supplying the market, c~wing to a simple fact: they no longer derive any benefit from selling their products at prices that entail losses, inasmuch as the imported products are much cheaper than those grown in our country, not because production vosts in themselves are lawer but because production is protected and subsidized by the countries f rom where those imported foodstuffs cane. Thus our country's farmers have becane canpletely discouraged and, since they cannot produce f oodstuffs profitably, they have to produce other items which will in fact bring them sane gains. This is what has brought into the picture the praluction of coca in the Yungas. In other words, by means of certain policies it has adopted, the government itself indirectly encourages the production of coca. We do not say that this prob~lem is a new one, inasmuch as it has been going on f or quite scme time. 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 If one visits the Yungas region, one can readily see that the farmers are not the least bit interested in grawing greens, potatoes or even fruit, because those crops are no longer profitable. The situation has reached a point wherein the Yunga farmers have been thrown into a grave crisis, with that richly endawed region in a state of decay. Inasmuch as the farmers must earn enough on which to live, what they have done, in view of the agricultural policies of various administrations, is to devote themselves to producing coca, which is the only thing that enables them to carry cn and brings returns for the Yung as region, an area that ultimately will have derived its livelih ood frcm coca. It thus turns out that it is 'the government itself that promotes the production of coca in the warm valleys of La Paz and Cochabamba, because the farmers lack any other means to earn livelihood. Since foodstuffs continue to be brought in fran abroad, - coca production will continue increasing despite the good intentions of the authorities. Unavailing Curbs The ad option of certain measures to curb coca proc3uction has been decided upon, but evidently th ose measures are not giving positive results. Quite the contrary, the plantings will increase and undoubtedly clandestine production of coca will take place, due to the difficulties involved in exercising control c~ver so wide a territory as that of the Yung as. Moreover, if an attempt were made to limit the planting of "domesticated" coca, it might ca~se an inerease in the planting of "wTld" coea, whieh is the kind that cocaine producers prefer. In addition, the wild coca, given its char- acteristics, will grow in the fashion that grass does and will not only thrive in areas where it will grow naturally but will spread to other parts of the country and even to foreign land. Solutions The only way to control coca production effectively is to provide econ anic and financial _ incentives to farmers located in the warm valleys. Besides, there must be agricul- tural policies that will do away with the "minifundios" or small farmsteads, iridi- vidual production and primitive growing methods, and will, in addition, promote national production by means o� subsidies that will constrain importation. Once the farmers obtain worthwhile earnings from other crops, they autanatically wiil stop growing coca. Moreaver, the farmers of the warm valleys will themselves becane the opponents of production of that leaf. However, as long as the country's ag ricultural policies are not changed and the methods that have ruined the country's farm production subsist, coca production will continue to increase, with the natural consequences. The problem's solution lies therefore in the g overnment ref raininq fro~n promoting coca production through the mistaken policies it is follcxaing. 9870 CSO: 5300/2054 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400480038-8 BOLIVIA DRUC RING BUSTED, 100 KG OF COCAINE SEIZED PY271438 La Paz Radio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 27 Nov 81 (Text] 'Che National Antidrug Council carried out an operation which resulted in the seizure of approximately 100 kg of cocaine on Wednesday night. This information was disclosed by Council Chairman Col Rene Ocampo. Colonel Ocampo released this information to the press adding that today he will meet with President 7'orrelio Villa whom he will brief on the results of the meeting which he, Ocamp o, attended in Brazil. The chairman of the Antidrug Council reported that his organization is constantly carrying out operations related to its specific functions. He added that one such op eration was carried out on Wednesday night. [Begin Ocampo recording] A great quantity of drugs. We believe that there were more than 100 kg of cocaine. We hope to be able to unravel the ties among these drug traffickers and to arrest every memher of the ring. [End recording] He also said that the names of the persons arrested cannot be disclosed because the investigations are continuing and raids and arrests are taking place. [Begin Ocampo recording] .Iudging by the amounts of drugs f ound to be in their possession, I would say that these people are p art of a foreign drug ring. [ 1?nd re cord ing ] c~campo indicated that Bolivians, as well as foreign citizens, are involved in Cl~e uncovered drug ring. Asked if the amount of drugs seized during the latest operation was the largest so far, Ocamq~o said: [Begin Ocampo recording] Well, there have been operations where more drugs were seized [p assage indistinct]. [End recording] '1'he recent operation was carried out by officials of the Antidrug Council alone. Colonel Ocampo said that during yet another operation carried out in Santa Cruz a drug factory was raided. [Begin Ocampo recording] A very large factory located in an inaccessible place which we managed to reach. There we had some problems because the drug traffickers caught some of our agents and beat them up. I have visited them in the hospital 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 and they are in a pretty bad shape, very bruised. [Passage indistinct] According to the information supplied by these agents the drug traff ickers were heavily - armed. There, we did not arrest an,ybody but we did find a very large factory. [End recording] The chairman of the Antidrug Council also reported that in view of all these developments the president of the nation has i ssued instructions to military units to cooperate with the council in the attai~ent of its objectives. [Begin Ocampo recording] His excellency has issued orders that any military unit, anywhere in Bc~ivia, should cooperate with us whenever we need it. [Words indistinct] [End recording] Colonel Ocampo was also asked about the actions which his council is undertaking to arrest drug traffickers who are wanted by the courts. [Begin Ocampo recordingJ As you know two persons have already gone to the United States to answer to the courts there. [Words indistinct] [End recording] He also explained the progress of the coca farmers census underway in Bolivia: [Begin Ocampo recording] The census is developing normally and we expect that it will end on the schedu led date. [End recording] cs~: 5300/2081 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 BOLIVIli NEW LAW ON NARCOTICS APPROVED PY030053 Buenos Aires TELAM in Spaniah 2210 GMT 28 Nov 81 ~'I'ext ~ I,a I':~�r., 28 Nov ('I'EI.Mf) '1'he liol Lvian Government has approved a new law on n;~rc~iics whi~h establi5hrs strict rules for che marketing and production of dangerous drug~>, ucknuwlydges forcibn cuurts and aUolishes local 1c~unitiea. The new law also ~sCablistie:: a sta[e mo~i~~poly for buying and selling coca leaves. As for fur~ign cuurts, thc law escnbllahes that any govermnent which finds that its laws _ }iave bc~en violated will bc entitled co request [he extradition from Bolivia of the criminals wtio h~ve been sentenced Uy t}ie country's own courts. By abolishing local immunities, the law establishes that any official whose behavior falls under the terms of the ncw law will be put at the disposal of the judicial branch as an ordinary criminal. In tliis way, those officers who become publicly involved with cocaine _ taffickLng wiiile perf.orming governmental duties will be handed over to the courts. The new 1aw also empowers tite BolLvian Government to assume control, to inspect and to reFulate the sowing, growing, marketing and storing carried out for the purpose of manuEacturing or pr.odu~~ing dangerous drugs. "'h~~ l:~w providc~ for an~l punishes the illegal manufacturing and marketing, storing, use ~~r c~~nvumpt i~m ~,f dan~;~~rous ~rugs; and it concentrates the production of coca leavea in the d~~p.~rtm~�ncti of Coch:ih.~mba and J,1 P~z, declaring as illegal all coca plantations outside lh~~~c~ ~I~~~~:irtmc~nts. 'rhi~ law rst.iblishes prlr:un t~~rm5 runging from 5 to 15 yeara and fines quoted in dollars nnd raug(n}; frum $4,000 cc~ $60,OOU, nccording to each case. I~ shouls he noted that Rulivia is the world's largest producer of coca leaves, of basic c~~~�.~in~~ ~~:~scc~ and o[ c~~c:~ine hysrochloride. This furnishes the Bolivian Government with v~~:iriv inc~~mr ~~f ah~~u~ 31 billiun, W}l~l('. $2 billion more are lost because of smuggling. A~~~ur~lin�.~, tu S~ucllrs wl~i~�I, wc~rc mndc during 1981 and which have been publiahed by U.S. mn~;r~�>;, U~~~sc $2 htlli~~n bring :~buut $30 billion on the U.S. illegal market. CSO: 5300/2087 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 BOLIVIA BRIEFS ANTIDRUG COUNCIL OFFICIAL--Col Rene Ocam~o, director of the National Antidrug Council, yesterday left for Washington where he will meet with State Dep artment and DEA officials to discuss projects related to the diversification of crops designed to replace coca plantations. [PY021247 La Paz Radio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 1 Dec 81] AN'TII)RUG INTERNATIONAT. CAMPAIGN--Bolivia has made a wholehearted appeal to the international community to promote a worldwide campaign to fight the production _ and traffic of dru~s, evils against which the Bolivian Gover~ent has declared an all-out war. The appeal was made by Bolivian Ambassador Fernando Ortiz Sanz at the 36th UN General Assembly session which was held recently in New York. [Begin Ortiz Sanz recordingJ It must be understood, Mr President, that we have not come here to ask for help to solve a domestic problem but to pramote aware- ness about a serious worldwide problem by making known what is happening in our country and to propose to the United Nations a worldwide c which may be instrumental in saving the unfortunate drug victims, in reducing the chances of becoming addicted and in helping all governments to fight drug addiction, not in rehabilitation clinics--tlie final stage, in which the human being has already been destroyed--but at its origin, that is, the coca and poppy plantations and related crops. [End recording] [Excerpts] [PY011720 La Paz Radio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 1 Dec 81] COCA PLANTATIONS CURTAILED--The National Antidrug Council has issued a warning to all Bolivian coca farmers. The council has issued an official communique pointing out that any expansion of their traditional coca plantations will be considered ille~al and punished drastically. The official communique stated that - in keeping with tlic~ new law on drug control and antidrug struggle any expansion of coca plantationti from their size at the time of the last census of coca farmers wh ich is being currently analy zed, will be viewed as a crime. It further added that ~~ny expansion of traditional coca plantations will be drastically punished, with those responsible liable to prison sentences of 5 to 10 years and fines ranRing from 100,000 to 1,000,000 Balivian pesos; and that the state does not forfeit its right to confiscate the land of the farmer-- 5t~ould it belong to him--and assign it to the National Agrarian Reform Board For Curttier allocltion. The communique reminded that transport of dangerous dru~;s and coca leaves in quantities greater than those officially registered for marketing and personal use by the receiving stations in La Paz and Coci~abamba, is totally forbidden. The owners and drivers of vehicles involved in this kind of transport who violate this law will be sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 to 8 years, their vehicies will be confiscated and they will Pay fines ranging from 20,000 to 500,000 Bolivian pesos. [Text] [PY241315 La Paz Rad io Illimani Network in Spanish 0100 GMT 24 Nov 81] CSO: 5300/2078 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400480038-8 BRAZIL EXTENT OF DRUG TRAFFICKING, CONTROL PRQBL~MS DISCUSSED Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 25 Oct 81 p 136 [Article by Renato Lombardi] [Texr_] On the corner of Rua Peixoto Gomide and Parque Trianon, in the area of the Gardens in Sao Paulo, a young man, well dressed, briefcase in right hand, waits impatiently, constantly consulting his watch. It is about 0900 hours. In the movement of cars and pedestrians, a pellow Mercedes Benz sports car approaches, with a brunette at the wheel. Two taps on the horn and the young man moves in the direction of the car, enters and places the briefcase on the floor of the car. After a few turns, the car stops a few meters from a traditional high school. As the young man opens the briefcase, four armed men arrive. They are police officers. In the false bottom of the briefcase they find almost 1/2 kilogram of cocaine, brought in from Bolivia for distribution to a group of inen and women who frequent . certain nightclubs in the capital. i In another part of the city, Sao Miguel Paulista, a poor working-class neighborhood, three young men are talking together by a pool table in s small bar, when a young ~ boy, barely more than 12 years old, approaches and offers to sell them marihuana. "How much do you want? It's real cheap, and good stuff." Drugs are available on nearly every street corne.r, except for cocaine, which is "very expensive and used only by the upper classes, not by working people," said a trafficker being held in the DEFC [State Department of Criminal Investigation]. How to combat the traffickers? A recent study released by the Federal Police revealed that from 800 kilograms to a ton of cocaine enters Brazil every year, for clomestic consumptic~n. With each passing day the drug rings are better organized, usi;~g planes and clandestine .landing fields to transport the drugs. While the drug dealers are findinK ways to pass the drugs, the police are continuing to have prob- lems combating this type of crime.~ In Sao Paulo, 8-year-old boys are using marihuana and sniffing glue, and under the influence of drugs they are committing robberies and even murder. The Narcotics Division is powerless to prevent the action of the traffi.ckers. The Civil Police have only 60 men in their specialized drug control section to conduct investigations in the capital and in Greater Sao Paulo. High officials of the Civil Police claim that the officers of the 50 districts in the capital and the 36 police precincts in Greater Sao Paulo, as well as the Military Police, also conduct 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 investigations into the traffic and use of narcotics, but these officers do this type of work only when called upon or when they receive complaints, because their time is taken up with another crime that is causing public concern: assault and armed robbery in the streets, homes, offices and industries. In the first half of this year, the DEIC Narcotics Division seized 2.5 kg of cocaine, 636 kg of marihuana, 28 microdots of LSD and 475 spray bottles of ether; they arrested i 57 people iii ti~e act and booked 6 individuals for investigation. ~ The Dru~ Divison of the Federal Police in Sao Paulo arrest some traffickers, but the feds are more concerned with what they call the "headmen," the exchange between Sao Paulo and other states, the routes used to transport large quantitites of cocaine and marihuana. Ideally, Sao Paulo shou]d have a Narcotrics Department with all means of combat available to it: new cars, funds for investigators to pursue their work and better means of communication. Today organized gangs can monitor all police movements with electronic gear bought in any specialty store. Most arrests occur on the - fringes: small traffickers of marihuana or psychotropic drug�addicts. Cocaine addicts--individuals with a secure income, frequenters of fashionable clubs and show business people--are difficult to arrest. The police claim it is impossible to cover certain clubs and parties because they do not even dinner money, a little over 100 cruzeiros, when they work outside regular hours. An investigator who worked for some time with the DEIC Narcotics Division said there are large numbers of cocaine addicts and dealers in Sao Paulo (although fewer than in Rio de Janeiro), but is is difficult to catch them. "If you simply compare the two cities, it would appear that every~hing is fine in Sao Paulo, no problems, whereas in Rio there are artists, doctors, businessmen, prominent people involved in cocaine traffic or abuse. But it is not true that Sao Paulo has "no problems." The problem is the same. The police know where the traff ickers and addicts are, but it is difficult to go there, to get in. A police off icer is recognized a mile away. There is no organization for this type of investigation." Who is to blame for this lack of support? The men in charge of this type of investigation say they do what they can, but *_hey have problems. The police, complain, among other things, that their cars break down and they are forced to work with black and white vehicles. "The traffickers see us coming. We might as well turn on the siren," said an investigator. About 10 percent of the primary and secQndary school students in the city of Sao Paulo are addicts or have already tried drugs, according to Maj Edson Ferrarini, of the Sao Pau14 Military Police. He puts volatile intoxicants (which includes shoemaker's glue) and marihuana first on the list, because they are easily pur- chased at prices within reach. A marihuana cigarette purchased near a school costs from 200 to 300 cruzeiros. As a result of the Large number of addicts, school officials have been receiving ~;uidelines from polic2 experts and many of them attend classes on drug prevention at the Civil Police Academy. Teachers now observe their students and basically follow these insCructions: a) Eefore [aking any position, teachers must be certain of the symptoms and causes to make a proper diagnosis of drug cases in the school; b) do not confuse 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400080038-8 these symptoms with those of some illness or even the chracteristics of the age group; c) if a drug abuse case is positively identif ied, ascertain, if possible, if the student is an experimenter, a social user or a dependent; d) do not discuss it with a student if he is under the influence of drugs, avoid emotional appeals and do not expel the student unless he has been given every possible opportunity, including recourse to clinical treatment; e) talk with the student's group or friends to get as much helptul information as possible; f) maintain discretion is a case occurs in the school, because the news will spread quickly and will sometimes be distorted; g) if a teacher is questioned in class after a possible encounter with a drugged student, he should say it is a medical problem, and if he is asked ques- tions about drugs, he should respond ~f he is sure of the symptoms, causes and type of drug. Delinquent minors, interned in the units of the State Institution for Child Welfare [FEBEM] in Sao Paulo for assault and murder, admit to being drug addicts, and most of them are on drugs when they commit crimes. N.A., aged 12, has killed four people, two of them during robbery attempts, and says he cannot survive with- out smoking marihuana every day. "Now I am here in FEBEM," he explains. "I ask for a cigarette, but there are days when my mouth is dry. I begin to shake and I smoke one cigarette after another to try to solve the problem." In the House of Dententiun in Sao Paulo the situation is different from that in the FEBEM units. Despite supervision, marihuana comes into the prison and recently there were several f.atalities when two gangs fought over drug sales to the almost 7,000 inmates. According to a police chief in Rio de Janeiro, not even the deaths discourage drug trafficking and abuse. Several people have died at gatherings where there was cocaine. The most recent case was millionairess Denise Martins dos Santos, aged 21, victim of an overdose of cocaine taken by vein. Other drug victims: Ana Lidia, aged 8, in Brasilia; Aracelli, aged 10, in Vitoria; and Vera Lucia Cardia, in Curitiba. According to the police, the greatest number of drug-related deaths in the country and in Latin America occur in Rio de Janeiro. Claudia Lessin Rodrigues was killed during a"cocaine session" in July 1977. Her killer, Michel Frank, is still at large in Switzerland, where he fled. Youug people who have died as a result of a cocaine overdose include Claudia Maria, in Petropolis; Maria de Lourdes Portela, in Jacarepagua; Maria lsabel Gomes, in Nite=oi; and Gisela Faber, in the Hotel Jomar in Botafogo. M.illionairess Gladir Maria Cata-Preta, mentioned in the society columns in Rio de .Ianeiro, died in her apartment with a hypodermic syringe in her thigh, injecting cocaine. According to the police findi.ngs, Felipe Aguiar de Oliveira, aged 20, a 5urfer, 3umped from the apartment of millionairess Denis Muniz Tagher after self- administering a dose of cocaine. In the last 2 months, traffickers were arrested in Rio de Janeiro and the police seized checks and note books with the addr~esses