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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
J~'RS L/ 10145
30 November 1981
West E u ro e Re o~t
~ p
(FOUO 15/$1)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
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_ ,
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400070060-4
JPRS L/10145
30 November 1981
(FOUO 15/81)
Mercedps-Benz 'Auto 2000' Project: Statua Report
Phase T~ao of Volkswagen 'Auto 2000' Project Complete
ATR 42 Conditional Ordere 22
French Gear for CN 235 22
Funding for MDF 100 23
' - a- (IIZ - WE - 151 S&T FOUO]
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070060-4
_ Stuttgart ATZ AUTOMOBILTECHNISCHE ZEITSCHRIF'r i.n German Sep 81 pp 395-~96,
[Text] Within the framework of the "Research ~ar" praject which is beiu~, apon-
~ sored by the Ministry of Research and Technology (Gl~ff'T) DAimler Benz Inc. is
developing a touring car with vario~~ns kinds of drive. In thi~ report the mnst
~ important construction groupa are described in texms of the present status of
the work . *
_ D3imler- Benz AG are developing two research vehicles which will to a certain
extent be sponsored by the German Federal Department of Research gnd T~chnology.
Qne of the cars will be driven by a two-shaft gas turbine (Fig. 1), the other
one will b e driven by a turbocharged Diesel engine (Fig. 3).
Development activities concerning the body aim at low aerodyaiamic drag, low
weigt~t, and high safety standarde, especially during front collisions ~ahich
frequently occur in an offset manner (Fig. 5), side collisions, and durtng
accidents wit,h pedestrians.
- Great att ention is paid to the development of eiectronics. Besides t~e well-
known anti-lock braking system, a drive control device will be installed for the
first time. A radar controlled distance-monitoring system is shown. The driver
can choos e fuel saving dxiving programs. The output of various calculators,
i.e., a monitoring computer, a trip computer, a route computer are shcwn on an
LCD-monitor (Fig. 9) .
When this report was written the Dieael research car (Fi~. 10) was ~ust be~ng
a~ssembled. Though no driving test$ could yet be performed Daimler-Benz are
- sure to fulfill the stringent requirements for fuel cc~ns~amption, exhaust and
noise emissione, and the safetq required by the speci~ic:ation list.
*The author expres3es his thanks to his many colleague~ who supgort~ed ~i.m in
writing this report.
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l. Introduction
The BMFT is supporting the construction of German research cars with the goal
of improving, through the application of new tiechnologies, vehicle character-
istics which are in the public interest, such as energy consumption, environ-
mental compatibility, safety and economic value.i
In contrast to earlier pro3ects, which had a one-sided emphasis on the
tion of_ the greatest possible passenger safety or a hi~h degree of economy, in
this instance compromises must be made between the vaxious contradictory demands.
Daimler-Benz Inc. is involved in this pro~ect with the development of an autom~~-
bile in the upper space and weigtit class, Fig. 1. The spectrum of use with em-
phasis on extended trips for busineas, vacation or pleasure with high degrees
of occupancy, requires good comfort for long trips in respect to space, air
- conditioning, driving and noise. Thia 3ournal carxied a report on the design
of the vehicle in 1980.2 There have been no changes in it since then, except
= for a few details which are to be given special consideration in this report.
~,.wr,+~+~r.+...~r...r. r.......~..+~r ' . r+.a~+.J. .Y~,. _ ~a_. .
Figure 1. View o� the Research ~ar From Daimler-Benz
2. Drive Units
Since the b~ginning of the pro~ect the plan called for utilizing a gas turbine,
which is being developed at Daimler-Benzs to drive the research car. As aii
alternative to that, two V-8 engines, a gasoline and a diesel engine, were to
drive the other research cars. As a result of funding cuts by the BMFT, support
for developmental studies on the gasoline engtne were given up. The second re-
search car will be driven by a diesel engine which was altered in respect to the
original planning.
- 2.1 Gas Turbine ~
= In order to acliieve comparable fuel consumption with gasoline and die~el engines
~ tt~~ process temperatures of the gas turbine must be as high as possible. With
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- the new developments which are supported by the German ceramics program of the
GMFT, temperatures of 1,600 K appear attainable. They alone make develc,pment
of a vehicle gas turbine feasible.
_ The Mercedes-Benz research gas turbine was designed along the lines of the two-
shaft type of construction. In Fig. 2, the gas producer with the impeller com-
pressor and the compressor turbine can be seen at the left (in the direction of
travel, in the front). The gas producer rotor drives the auxiliary equipment,
which is necessary for the car and the turbine, via the gears underneath.
- o 0
Figure 2. Schematic Longitudinal Crosa-Sectiun of the Mercedes-Benz Two-Shaft
The combustion chamber which in thia schematic drawing is tilted into the plane
of the picture is inclined to the left side of the vehicl~a by 57�. Its con-
- struction permits premixing and prevaporization of the fuel which are essential
- for low emission of pollutants, Fig. 3.
Primary air
Dilutin air
Air used ~ ~
for ~ � ~
~ ~
atom~zin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;v J~_ ~ _
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- - .
~ - ~ -
~ \ ; ,
Fue ~ ~
' ^ ~ . .
\ , _
FiR. J Schcmauc cross�scction of combustion chamher
Fig. Installation assembl~� of the supercharged V-G Diese! engine in
- the ~lercrdes�Henz research car
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To the right in Fig. 2, the load zurbine rator with its turbine wheel and the
= gears are arranged in a common housing part which reduces the maximum rotational
speed to 6,500 1/min, the customary value for cars. Cannected to this is an
automatic variable speed transmission. In front of the load turbine there is
_ an ad~ustable guide baffle which can be used to slow the car down.
The turbine wheels are made of hot-pressed silicon nitride; the stationary parts
which are loaded with hot gas were produced in part from ceramics, in part from
high heat resistant special metal alloys.
- The turbine inlet spiral made of ailicon carbide is shown in the middle of
Fig. 2 and is currently being examined on a test stand for components.
The heat exchanger disc of aluminum silicate rotates around a vertical axle. It
is driven by the gas producer.
The turbine housing which consists of alloyed spheroidz.l graphite cast iron was
thermally insulated inside with a ceramic fibrous material.
Proof of the efficiency of ceramic integral turbine wheels represented the mast
important task in an experimental program which has been in progress for several
years. Ceramic turbine wheels were tested for 140 hours in stationary and non-
stationary test runs with maximum temperatures of 1,523 K and speeds up to 60,000
The ga~ producer part was put into operation at the end of last year. The first
run of a full power unit took placa in May 1981. An effective power of 94 kW
with a combustion chamber outlet temperature of 1,523 K is expected to resuli..
Additional data are contained in [2].
2.2 Diesel Engine
A diesel engine is scheduled as an alternative drive for the research car.
Its design was substantially modified in respect to the initial plans.~ The
4.4-1 V-8 suction engine was replaced by a supercharged 3.3-1 V-6 engine, also
having a rated output of 110 kW, primarily with a wiew toward a further lowering
of fuel consumption, more favorable conditions of installation and lower weight.
The light metal engine block with a 90�V-angle has dry gray cast iron bushings.
The cylinder heads are also tuade of light metal. Ceramic port liners are sup-
~ posed to reduce the heat of the cooling water and contribute to better utiliza-
tion of the exhaust gas energy. The valves are controlled by an overhead cam
shaft per row of cylindera and cup tappets with automatic valve clearance com-
- pensation. The precombustion chamber process is utilized because of its low
~ noise level and the smoke behavior, which is s~tisfactory in all states of ope- .
ration, with good f uel consumption. An effort is being made to favorably influ-
ence particle emission by changing details in the precombustion chamber.
The series in~ection pump is located between the cylinder heads. It is ~ointly
driven with the cam shafts by a double roller chain.
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The arrangement of the two exhaust gas-turbo-superchargers with a 60� incline
is new, Fig. 4. They are driven by a multiple switch system in such a way
that under 2,400 i/min only one rotor operates, above that, both. From this
arrangement we can anticipate both better torque characteristics with low
rotational speeds and a better time response.
All auxiliary systems are driven by a polyvinyl belt with an automatic belt
tenser. The crankshaft belt di3c has a two-gear planetary gearing system which
in the case of low engine speeds malces possible aufficiently high speeds for
- the auxiliary units.
Engine and gears are enclosed ta meet the specified noise requirements.
2.3 Driv~ng Programs
- In actual driving operation fuel can be saved if the driver voluntarily does
- not use part of the engine output. As an aid in driving three driving programs
- are to be offered for the driver to choose from for this purpose:
~ Economy--by ad~usting the in3ection pump and gears, output and maximwn speed are
City--low shift speeds in the automatic tranamission keep fuel consumption and
- emissi~ns low.
Fast--makes it possible to utilize full engine power.
The automatic transmission is electronic-hydraulically controlled in such a
way that in all the driving programs the most consumption-favorable gear is
chosen as needed.
3. Rody
In addition to high level riding quality for four to five people with sufficient
luggage, the goal of the development work on the body is low drag, lowering the
weight, testing new air conditioning equipment and increased eafety for passen-
gers and for people outside the car who are involved in an accident.
3.1 Aerodynamics and Weight
- The area of drag surface c� A, which is decisive for air r~sistance, is to be
lowered to 0.6 m2 which means--compared with the S-class limousines which today
are already favorable--a 20-percent improvement. Since in spite of a slight
lowering of the roof because of the requisite interior space and the essential
_ protection against side collisions the front area could be reduced only insig-
nificantly to 2.09 m2 this requirement means a drag coefficient under 0.3.
- Changes in respect to today's vehicles were done primarily in the rear. The
flow affecta the entire length of the "Kamm"-like roof. It was possible to
achieve substantial cp value improvements by enclosing the underfloor, elevating
- 5
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the spare wheel well along the back edge, and by spoilers in front of the rear
wlieels. Additional decreases in drag resulted from optimizing the front and
grille, by carefully directed cool air ducts and by flush side windows.
Fig. S shows the clay model which was built for the wind tunnel experiments;
it has an original underfloor and an original undercarriage. The ver; favor-
able measurement results are to be ch~cked with car bodies as soon as these
are available.
- - ~ i ~ b
~ . . .
J :te ~4...~
. '4
I i
. ~
Fig. 5. Wind channel model of the Mercedes�Benz research car '
~y DC:�'~
Fi~;. 6. Experimental base after crash upon stage barrier
The two-sheet doors were made of sheet aluminum. Their windows are plastered
over with the light metal frames except for small communication windows in the
front doors.
For the front mud guard, bumpers and the soft nose glass-reinforced polyure-
_ thane was used, in part with an energy-absorbing foamed plastic support.
By these measures, in spite of the extra weight rpquired elsewhere for safety
measures, the weight of the body could be lowered by 5 percent as compared with
the S-class which was used as the basis.
3.2 Heat and Air. Conditioning
With the Daimler-Benz research car for the first time an effort is being made
Co utilize the technique of heat pipes, which is familiar from the cooling of
electronic components, for ~;emfort control in the interior. On the one hand
the light and compact heat:la heat exchanger can transfer engine heat from the
cooling water to the heating air and, on the other hand, release air heat to
the coolant of the air condi.tioning system. Thus, th~re is no need for a
separate air conditioning hE.~t exchanger.
Since heat pipes can alsa hc~ designed as sheetlike heaters, it is obviotis to
use them to heat the interi~r 'vedy surfaces. Such units are also being tested
in the doors of the researc.;ti car.
~ 6
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3.3 Safety
Measures to impove passive safety r~fer primarily to prc*ecting the passengers
i~1 the even~t of front an.d side collisions and to protecting pedestrians.
3.3.1 Front Collisions
Statistics from Daimler-Benz and Peugeot-Renault show that front co113.sions
involving AIS 3~injured passengers (badly or fatally injured) take place 50
percent of the time staggered to the left hand eide. In contrast to the cen-
ter collision which occurs in only 29 percent of the cases, the driver is thus
especially in danger since only the left-hand area of the front, rather than
the entire front section, is available to absorb the energy of the collision.
Moreover, the driver is limited in his deceleration space by the steering
column and pedals. Also the frequency at which seats are occupied (driver's
seat: front seat passe~nger:back seat = 4:2:1) calls for additional protection
for the driver. In the research car, therefore,.the following safety compone~nts
are being realized:
--reinforced front and passenger seat atructure on the left
--engine hood which is buffered and stressed on the left
--improved coupling of the right front structure via fender holders and engine
--disengaging, by means of aramide corrugated tubing, the steering gear-steering
wheel connection in the event of a collision.
In Fig. 6 a vehicle is depicted after collision with a staggered barrier.
The following provisions are being mad~ for all passengers:
--improved active restraining aytem with three seathelt anchor points on t'he
seat, Fig. 7
--passive support of the belt system by an ai~rbag in the steering whe~l and
belt tighteners on all seats
--exchangeable child's seat in the back with a deflecting table, Fig. 8
--integrated head rests on tl:e �ront aeats, head rests in the back seat which
can be put into position if the seat is occupied.
_ 3.~.2 Side Collisions
In this case there is no significant difference in the frequency of accidents
between the left and right side of the car. Thus, on the right and lef t the
following safety measures are being tested:
_ --clawing of the doors with the longitudinal members and the bases of the B-
columns in case of a collision
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~ ~
~ \ ~
r ~'a
Figure 7. Front seats with integrated Figure 8. Rear seat with exchange-
head rests and three-point able children's safety seat and
belt system automatic head rests
--increased cross-bracing for the paasenger seat
_ --large surface hip impact zones
--side windows of impact resist~nt acrylic glass.
3.3.3 Pedestrian Protection
The worst in3uries to pedestrians come from contact with the vehicle front.
Thus, among other things, th~ following injury-ameliorating measures are to be
tested on the research car:
--soft bumper having the area of contact with the lower leg placed low
--1ow course of the fr9nt contour w~th soft nose and impact-yielding diffusion
- --elastic niud guards and A-column coverings.
Fig. 9~ives an idea of the rounded front contour.
4. Chassis
The chassis basically corresponds to that of the S-class cars with hydropneu-
matic springing available on special order. Changes are to save weight. Thus,
for example~ wheel rims of light metal are used. In place of the usual spare
wheel a light emergency wheel is available.
Parts of the hydropne~unatic springir~g are made of light metal, the frant torsion
bar lias a pipe section. The cardan shaft is produced as one piece from carbon-
fiber-reinforced plasr.ic.
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_ ~1~
~ .
Fig. 9. Front area of the research car
5. Electronics
- To a greater degreQ than to date the use of electronic components to increase
safety and to process infoTmation for the driver is to be tested.
5.1 Control of Fonaard Traction
In addition to the familiar brack slipping control (ABS) a control for forward
traction in this car will control the frictional connection between tire and
5.2 Distance Warning Device
A radar distance warning device, which has been under development for several
years,3'`` is to be demonstrated in the research car.
5.3 Multiplexing Cabling
The large aumber of electrical consumers in the car and the necessary expensive
and heavy cable trunk demand modern solutions for the electrical equipment.
_ The research car, therefore, is to be equipped with electronically controlled
multiplex cablireg whose advantages lie in low weight, simple diagnosis capa-
, bility and in the flexibility of the vehicle equipment.
5.4 Driver Information System
A new driver information system in the car is to represent the late$t develop-
mPnts in the area of electronic infoxmation production and reproduction in the
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5.4.1 Control Units
The contrcl units consist of liquid crystal monitors. Information in the form
o~ text, numbers or symbols can be displayed. The to date familiar instrumertte
are no lc~nger present as "hardware," but are stored as "software" in the compu-
ter. They appear on the monitor ~,~hen the driver wishes, or when the condition
of a unit is critical. In order not to distract the driver constantly, the
volume of information is normally restricted to the esse~ntials: driving speed,
fuel level, time and mileage, Fig. 10. Individual desires for information can
be met. The instrument computer generates those instruments which can support
the driver in specific situations: speed revolu~ion counter, oil pressure gauge
ar coolant temperature gauge.
' r'
. ~
Fig. 10. Control unit of the research car
_ _
5.4.2 Monitoring Computer
The monitoring computer stores data about machinery condition and the condition
of components which are important for safety. It reports these values to the
driver as soon as they exceed a critical threshold. Indications from the moni-
toring computers can only be canceled by eliminating the cause of the problem.
5.4.3 Maintenance Computer
From the monitoring computer data the need for service is cal~ulated from driv-
ing distance, fuel consumption, brake lining wear and filter condition.
Variable maintenance intervals are thus possible.
5.4.4 Trip Computer
By measuring fuel use and the route the trip computer ascertains ~uel consump-
tion and makes the influence of the driver clear. Other values such as average
consumntion values and range can be derived.
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5.4.5 Route Computer
The route computer is an electronic atlas whose data at present cover the FRG
gutobahn system. After input of starting point and destination it develops the
- shortest routing and indicates the successive ~unCtions with directional hints.
The planning of roundabout routes is possible. In today's stage of improvement,
the route computer is autonomous to the vehicle.
By coupling witih existing traffic radio or tracking facilities the automatic
indication of detours is also possible. Experiments with the Institute for
Radio Technology in Munich are underway.
5.4.6 Communication System
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _
A driver communication system is being developed with which calls using the
public telephone system can be made, emergency calls can also be made and traf-
fic information can be received. Along main roads this system works with send-
ing and receiving devices, which are built in and are permanent, and with
antenna. The goal of this developmer~t is to clearly reduce the instrument cost
for the car owner.
The real problem in using many computers rests in their maintenance and in the
organization of the data �low which a central information computer contrals.
Lialing and ad~usting the cQmputers and the radio, the air conditioning system
and the communication system is done with a few keys on the middle console and
a keyboard on the steering wheel which controls the devices in a menu technology
familiar from EDP.
6. Coop~ration
As in the development of any new car countless people are also involved in a
research car without whose cooperation the developmental goal in this short
time could not have been achieved. Thanks is expressed here to these people
without mentioning individual names.
7. .,Status of the Work
At the time of writin~ this report the first of the two planned research cars
- is being outfitted, I~ew ideas and technologies are to be tested with them
which if they prove themselvea could help out in the future in overcoming the
increasing demands on the car. Thus far no measures could be effected on the
car. Yet it is anticipated that the epecificatioris required in the bid concern-
ing consumption, emisaion and safety will be able to be met.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070060-4
1. J. Bandel, "The Re~earch Car." ATZ, Vol 82, No 2, 1980, pp 59-62. ;
2. B. Stracker~an, "Basic Conditions for Automobile Construction in the
Future and Their Effect on the Mercedes-Benz Research Car," ATZ, Vol 82,
No 2, 1980, pp 69-74.
3. S. Rein:!ger, "Driving Tests in Street Traffic Using Radar--Controllea Dis-
tance Warning DevicES. Lines of Development in Vehicle Technology and
- Road Traffic 1980," Cologne! pp 204-213. ,
4. G. Neininger, "Measurementa Witt~ FM/CW Radar in the Context of the Test
Program for Self-Sufficient Distance Warning Systems. Lines of Develop-
ment in Vehicle Technology and Road Traffic 1980," Cologne, pp 214-222.
Author's address: '
Dr Bernd Stracker~an, Engineer
Erikastrass 32, 7000 Stuttgart 60
- COPYRIGHT: 1981, Franchkh'sche 4erlagshandlung, W. Keller & Co., Stuttgart
CSO: 3102/25
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Stuttgart ATZ AUTOMOBILTECHNISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT in German Sep 81 pp 407-410
[Text] Abstract
VW-Vehicle 2000 is an abbreviation of the pro~ect officia~ly entitled: "Demon-
stration of Automotive Research Results of Integrated Concepts of Experimental
Passenger Cars," which is sp~neored 5fl percent by the German Federal Ministry
of Research and Technology. This pro~ect was started as an exemplary pro~ect
for the German automobile and the supplying industry. Six contractors devel-
oped the specifications for the cars in phase 1. Phase 2, currently in pro-
gress is being carried out by with the aim of building the
prototypes to these specificati~ns. The program ends in 1982 with phase 3,
the prototype testing.
This article describes VW's contributions to this pro~ect emphasizing a vehicle
in the size middle class of the Vo1k;sT~Tagen Golf.
From Volkswagen's poin;. of view the goal was to offer as balanced a compromise.
_ as possible between the various anticipated futur.e requirements. On the one
hand, these requirements stem from the future international market situation,
on th~ other hand, from the pressures to protect limited resources and the en-
vironment, to increase safety and social and political demands.
In order to clarify these complex relationships and to develop criteria for
evaluating technical solutions to the questions of the 1990's, the general con-
text of the automobile of the 1990's has been described in a broadly based
scenario. Parallel with that numerous technical design studies were carried
out, for exa~rple, reducing vehicle weight, decreasing air resistance, improv-
ing the drive, the use of electronica, the use of alternative materials, and
the like, and were evaluated with the help of the scenario and an extensive
analysis of econnmic value. In the proceas strict attention was paid to the
- fact that it must be possible to realize the technical solutions in mass produc-
tion in the time frame to be canaidered.
The design of the r.esearch car developed at Volkswagen stands out because of
its great flexibility which is very important from our point of view since the
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Table 1. Technical Data of the VW Auto 2000
DimPnsions (mm)
Exterior Interior
Length 4,105 Finished space 1,825 ~
Width 1,670 Elbow width front/back 1,455/1,426
Maximum height (empty) 1,353 Headroom front/back 956/913 ,
Wheel base 2,450 Trunk space (VDA Quader)(1) 320 .
Wheel track front/back 1,410/1,358 Seating area (m2) 2.66
Road clearance (empty) 150 Clear door opening width 1,147
Turn radius (m) 10.5 Clesr door opening height 902
Drag coefficient 0.26 Weight empty (kg) 780
Cross-sectional area (m2) 1.86 Load (kg) 400
Operating range (km} = 1,400(diesel) Rim size (inc:hes) 13
based on ECE cycle = 800 (gasoYine) Tire size 155/70
Drive Dieael Engine Gasoline Engine
Nou~inal rating (hp/kW) 45/33 75/55
Displacement (1) 1.2 1.05
. Rated speed (1/min) 4,000 5,800
~ Torque (Nm) 98 106
Speed at M~aX (1/min) 2,50~ 4,000
~ Supercharging 0.6 0.5
Ignition Identifying field
controlled HTZ
[high output transistor
ignition system]
- Number of cylinders 3 R 4 R
~ ~ompression 20 8�3
Mixture formation In~ection In~ection
_ Engine construction Light construction Light construction
in vehicle enclosure in vehicle enclosure
Transmission Gear shift 4+E Automatic
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470060-4
- development af the energy situation isassociated with too many unc~rtainties. .
Tt~e suggested design provides for the car of tk..e ].990's to hav~ the basi.c con-
ditions for less consumption because of less drag and less vehic~e w�eight, yet,
on the other hand, thr~ugh appropriate motorization to permit reaction to an
intensified energy situation by means of extremely economical motorization a.nd
a very efficient version.
_ Design Description
This research car from Volkswagen is designed as a i.wu-door fastback car. As
a four-seater it will permit over 400 kg additional load. The luggage compart-
ment in the rear can accommodate a large number of transport tasks by mpans of
various combinations with the back seats. The ov~rall design provides for t~ao
differently outfitte3 variants, the normal version with a diesel engine as an
extremely economical vehicle with today's road performance and a luxury version
with a gasoline engine. The average useful life will exceed 10 years and will
be equal to a road life of at least 140,000 km. Table 1 gives a short descrip-
- tion of the car using technical data.
Wfiat special features distinguish this car? For the first ~ime a new strategy
was tested in shaping the body. Thus, the primary consideration was the require-
ment of a minimal drag coefficient. On the basis of the first form studies in
the wind tunnel, which recorded extreme proportions for the car body, our design
= center, with consideration of the typical VW conception, developed a form which
we consider to be a successful synthesis of aerodynamics, technology and form
aesthe~ics. This was accomplished by constant interaction on the part of aero-
dynamic engineers, stylists and designers, Figures 1 through 4.
~ L. ~
Fig. l. Distinct side view of the VW-Auto 2000 Fig. 2. Front view of
- with extremely low c-value(0.26), with both, the VW-Vehicle 2000
33kW (42 HP), 1.2-li~re-Diesel engine and 55kW with twin headlamps
(75 HP), 1.05-litre gasoline engine with front-
wheel drive
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~ .
Fig. 3 and 4. Other views of the VW-Auto 2000, with Kamm-rear end made of
plastic material and clear styling all-around
The demands of aerodynamics resulted in a number of new design principles,
for example, windows which close with the exterior covering, smooth under-
_ floor, the shape of the wheel discs. Even the cooling air duct for ttie entire
area was chosen in such a way that flow-thrnugh losses could be minimized. The
air enters in the front of the car in the lower baggage area and exits in the
- front part of the engine hood. This in turn required completely new ducting
for intertor. ventilation. Fresh air enters in the area of the front mud guards
and exits in the rear roof columns.
Body Development and Design
Today's mass-produced bodies consist of a large niimber of shaped sheet metal
parts which are welded together. In each case, an essential component of this
shell is the support system or the structural design which serves to receive
and transmit the forces which a,ffect the car. This structural design takes on
special importance in respect to vehicle safety, that is, in respect to deforma-
tion in t}ie event the car collides with an obstacle. The production and process-
ing of these many parts requires a costly manufacturing operation.
- In order to reduce this cost, to optimize the use of the material, to improve
corrision protection even more and to further humanize working conditions dur-
ing production, a radically altered body design was developed. In this, the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
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unfinished body is manufactured of sheet steel parts, which are by and large
not interconnected, and the mounted parts are produced to an incrEasing degree
of plastic. The shell consists of orly three conetruction groups which can be
fully automatically produced: floor group, side parts and the cross-connectiocls
with the roof in the roof area.
The fo1..Zowing mounted parts are also made of plastic: forward part o� the
front, rear section, rear door, back part of the mud guard in front wi~h the
wheel house and integrated wheel bead and the lower side part in the bac;: which
likewise is supplied with wheel house shell and integrated wheel bead. T?~ese
parts are put together. in the final assembly phase.
' This body design can be characterized as a hybrid method of construction because
essential components are manufactured from ather materials and bolted together.
Of course, this method of construction has become possible only in connection
with a very refined support system design which permits identical kinds of
rigidity of the body with torsion and bending.
Car Interior
The fur_ct-ional area, the dashboard with the instrument panel, the immediately
visi.ble digital controls, even the inner assembly which is not visible, embody
a new design. In this assembly all the components which normally have to be
mounted individually in the front interior space are :integrated.
_ As the base for th~s assembly, the backbone so to speak, there is a flexu~rally
rigid support which 3uring final assembly is mounted with the complete dash-
- board between the hinge columns.
The numerous individual elements which are integrated in this assembly are the knee cushion wtth tray, ad~ustable steering column with support,
accelerator, electronically controlled heating and ventilation system, glove
compartment and glasses case, ash tray with cigar lighter, movable interior
li;;}its, car door electric contact switch, stereo system with cassette deck
and full electronic controls, the front stereo high-output speaker and, so to
speak, as the electronic heart, the central digital controls in the attach-
ment on the steering colwnn which moves along with the height adjustment.
Thus, these controls are not obacured by the steering wheel rim.
As a subsystem, this attachment to the steering column contains the central
electric units, the fuses, an audio response unit and the central controls al-
ready mentioned. This is done in liquid crystal technology and divided into rou
roughly three equal fields: the fields to the right and left serve to indicate
operation and trip information while the middle display is used for ALI, the
driver's guidance and info naation syatem. The indicators for car speed and
engine speed in the left and right hand sections are very distinct in digital
numbers. Above these large numbers there is, as the case may be, a row of dis-
plays for warning indicators, for example, for legally prescribed controls
(turn indicators, bright lights). Other control functions are indicated only
via a general warning display, however, at the same time they are specially
described by the synthetic audio response unit.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
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As a numerical display, the lower side displays serve mul*_ifunctional tasks
and can show various kinds of information upon request from the driver via
keys, for example, fuel level, route, average speed, time, date, and so on.
In the design of this central control unit special attention was paid to keep
from transporting the driver into the world of an airplane cockpit and f.eel-
ing overtaxed. This becomes clearer if the three-way division of information
is considered:
--Necessary information which is constantly indicated as for example, speed.
--Warning functions which call attention optically and/or acoustically only if
something happens.
--On-demand information which is di~played at the driver's request.
_ New directious were taken with the front seats, too. The external shape dif-
fers from the familiar series-produced seats. Except for a few individual
parts these seats are made completely of plastic and are to be manufactured on
a mass-production scale as injection-molded parts. The upholstered cushions
rest in a shell into which they are clipped. Thus, they can easily be cleaned
or exchanged. After detailed computer computations it was possible with this
plastic seat, to present the mass-produced VW design of the safety belt ele-
ment integrated into the seat in such a way that a11 the safety experts' de-
mands for strength are met.
Like the front seats the back seats also have integrated head supports. The
trunk can be altered for numerous transport tasks by lowering the seat back or
parts of the back and the seat proper.
- The side parts have been designed by the stylists in a way that is visually
pleasing and functional. They make a very substantial contribution to the
overall luxury impression of the interior.
Chassis Design
The chassis of the front drive Auto 2000 was designed following the high stan-
dards which apply to VW-Audi products. Several individual units are worth spe-
cial mention. Tl~e rear axle was made of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic. This
extreme use of plastic demonstrates the limits of this alternative material in
reference to costs and weight savings. In addition to a number of improvements
in details, the installed automatic antilock device (ABV) is particularly im-
portant. This was to be an attempt to maintain the steerability of a car while
braking using a three-channel system. The results achieved suggest the possi-
hility of a solution, at the cost of a high grade car radio.
With the car wheels of plastic, tires especially low in friction were used.
Overall, optimizing of materials was achieved in body work and chassis by using
CAD/FEM (computer aided design/finite element method). In addition to optimal
design, production costs and recycling were solved as special tasks.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
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llrive Designs
Diesel Engine
The particulzrly economical design solution is represented by a water-cooled
three-cylinder direct injection diesel engine. This research design has an
electronically controlled injection pump and an exhaust gas superchargex. The
crankcase, which is made of molded aluminum alloy, has ~ylinders with a Nikasil
coating. This light construction helps reduce weight.
The amount injected and the beginning of injection are controlled by an elec-
tronic system in the injection pump by interrogating the stored identifying
field. For this microprocessor technology is put to use. In contrast to the
traditional practices the turbosupercharger in this engine serves to produce a
good torque at low speeds.
Tl~i_s three-cylinder engine is designed in such a way that now special measures
to balance the mass became necessary, as �or example, a differential shaft. The
characteristic vibrational behavior is accommodated in a motor mount that is
coordinated with it.
Gas Engine
The somewhat larger-scale motorization, which was mentioned at the outset, is
presented as the so-called luxury version with a water--cooled four~cylinder
light metal gasoline engine in series construction with 55 kW.
In order to achieve the driving performance required in the specifications of
phase 1, as a suction engine a displacement of ca. 1.6 liters would be required.
This design concept, nevertheless, was realtzed as a supercharged 1.05-1 engine.
Compared with the suction engine with larger displacement there are comparable
kinds of elasticity, acceleration and speed reserves, yet this engine in normal
city operation achieves lower fuel consumption as a res~l[ of the smaller
_ For supercharging, exhaust gas superchargers or compressors driven by the
crankshaft must, of course, be considered. On account of the more favorable
- toruqe curve when using a compressor, which produces better elasticity at low
engine speeds, a Roots compressor driven by the crankshaft was used. A belt
drive tal:es care of exact adaptation of the compressor to the air requirements
of the engine; its speed ratio is automatically changed as a function of the
- engine speed; thus, the compressor runs faster at lower en~ine speeds and in
this way takes care of a constant boost presaure. When running with a partial
load t}ie comp~essor can be separated from the drive via an electromagnetic
coupling. T~::n the engine runs on suction engine operation in a consumption-
optimal way. Only if need be, for example, when accelerating, is the compres-
sor switched in. With th e compressor switched in t:~e boost pressure is adj usted
depeYiding on the position of the accelerator.
Because of the relatively high specific loading, compressor engines tend to
knock. In order to guarantee optimal engine operation, provisions must be
_ made in respect to the ignition period in order to avoid knocking combustion.
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With the "adaptive" knock-limit control which was developed by VW research the
ignition angle identifying field which is stored in the contro,l computer--a
high output-transist~~r-ignition system controlled by the identifying field is
used--is individually ad~usted in accordance with the knock-limit of the engine~
This adaptation is effective over a long term and reacts only to significant
changes in the operating condition of the engine (new start, oil temperature,
and the like).
When idling the engine speed is kept constant with digital idle stabilization.
This measure is necessary since t.o minimize consumption and pollution the
_ engine operates at id].e with a low speed (750 1/min).
To set the mixture, gasoline in~ection is used; each cylinder is supplied with
fuel through a separate injection nozzle. The proportioning is accomplished
by an electronic control device which specifies the necessary injection amount
- for every operating point according to the engine speed and air flow. The prepa-
ration of the air-fuel mixture is guaranteed by means of electromagr.etic in~ec-
- tion valves.
- Gear Technology
~ With the diesel engine the gears are an integrated component of an engine-gear
control system which in our company is taken to be an automatic momentum utiliza-
tion unit. In this system the engine flywheel is separated from the crankshaft
by an automatically activated additional coupling. This separation always takes
place if the engine does not have to exert any forward motion, that is, thrust
phases while moving and when the car is standing still (for example at a red
light). At the same time the starting coupling also opens by itself so that
the flywheel continues to run freely with a high speed while the engine stops
immediately if the fuel supply is shut off. As soon as the driver steps on
the gas again, the engine is immediately cranked by the starting clutch. Only
carefully coordinated electronic controls provide satisfactory interaction of
this function cycle.
i'or the gasoline engine a special three-gear automatic transmission will be
With a definite decrease in the c value to 0.26, a consumption-favorable die-
_ sel motorization by means of a supercharged three-cylinder engine, a refined
engine-gear control system in the form of an automatic momentum utilization
unit, and in combination with weight-reducing components and tires which are
low in running resistance, it was possible to achieve low consumptions accord-
ing to DIN 70030.
ECG City: 4.2 1/100 km
90 km/h constant: 3.3 1/100 km
120 km/h constant: 4.9 1/10!0 km
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Even motorizing with automatic transmission will surely achieve its
specifications with a consumption of 7.5 1/100 km (50 percent city, 45 percent
at 90 and 120 km/h). However, it presumably cannot be installed and tested in
the VW research car until the end of 1981.
Design Example: S~fety
From what has been described so far it can be seen that with a number of tech-
nical developments special designs were followed by VW research in this project,
as for example, with the aerodynamic design, the drive train, engine control
system or the suggested assembly design. This enumeration can be expai~ded by
the enerby design, the en~ironmental, material and customer designs, which,
however, cannot all be adequately described in this publication. This will be
done in later articles.
Nonetheless, because of the special importance something will be briefly stated
about the concept of safety. It is obvious that the pre~ent level of technology
in automobile development, designed to meet U.S. requirements, was taken into
' consideration. In this, an essential. component of the structure is a general
concept which, vis-a-vis our series designs, was further modified and in re-
spect to front, rear and side collisions, represents a high safety standard.
Especially for pedestrian safety several measures were implemented in the area
of the front of the car for the purpose of softening accidents, as for example,
a lowered bumper. In addition to these measures, which serve so-called passive
safety, mention must be made here of a system which serves to improve active
safety: the "automatic antilock device" (ABV) as was previously described in
the section on chassis design.
With a number of partial designs, a car in the middle class was presented which,
as an integral overall concept in the view of VW research, represents future
trends in car development. With the priorities of low energy conswmption, high
safety standards, low outside noise, technically and economically justifiable
exhaust gas emission, ~ust to mention a few, it was shown which technologies
will find increased use in the future in car building.
In addition to the commmitted involvement of our own staff inembers, the coope-
ration of numerous companies which are involved in this pro3ect should also be
mentioned. All participants are hereby thanked for their help.
Author's address:
Dr Ulrich Seiffert, Engineer
.lalinskamp 22, 3300 Braunschweig
COPYRIGHT: 1981, Franckh'sche Verlagahandlung, W. Keller & Co., Stuttgart
CSO: 3102/26
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
ATR 42 CONDITIONAL ORDERS--At the meeting of the NBAA [National Busineas Aircraft
Association], Wright Airlines, a regional Am~rican company based at the Burke Lake-
front Airport of Cleveland (Ohio), annaunced it had placed a conditiona~ order aad
deposited a binder sum on four ATR k2 planes deliverable by year-end 1985 or the
beginning of 1986 at a purchase price of $5 million (1980 value) each. Mr Gi:~bert
_ Singerman, president of the company, stated that these pianes will replace the
Convair 600's that Wright Airlines uses on its network linking Cleveland with the
large cities in the region. The ATR 42 co~peted for this order against the SAAB-
Fairchil.d 340, the CAC 100, the Dash 7 and Dash 8, and the F 28. Mr Sin~erman
added that the confirmation of the order would be communicated to the builders as
soon as AERUSPATIALE [National Industrial Aerospace Company] and AERITALIA have
made known, by the end of October, their decision to definitely launch the ATR 42
pr~gram. AEROSPATIALE and AERITALIA have thus far refused to reveal any informa-
tion regarding conditional orders in hand for the ATR 42, but it is known that a
significant number of airlines have already shown their very positive interest in
this plane--an interest backed by letters of intent and cash binders. It appears
that commitments under these condit~ons have already been made by some 10 airlines,
including Wright, for 40-50 planes. The decision by AEROSPATIA?~E and AERITALIA
to definitely launch the ATR 42 grogrgm is expected to be made known by them by the
end of next month. [Text] [Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 19 Sep 81 p 9]
[COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1980] 9399
FRENCH GEAR FOR CN 235--The CASA [Aeronautical Conetruction, Inc.-Spain] and Nurtanio
companies which have formed a~oint company to develop and produce the future CN 235
commuter biturbo~et, have selected, through their ~oint subsidiary AIRTEC [expansion
unknown), a landing gear designed by Measier-Hiapano-Bugatti. The French firm is for this program a specific landing gear characterized by: simplicity of
design: mono-wheel forward landing gear, and main landing gear with tandem wheels,
each equipped with Iever suspensions suited for emergency-strip landings; easy
maintenance; suitability for use under extreme hot or cold climatic conditions; and
extended operational life. It is recalled that the first CN 235 deliveries are
scheduled for 1984. More than 70 nrdera have been received to date. [Text] [Paris
AIR & COSMOS in French 19 Sep 80 p 15] [COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1980]
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070060-4
I'UNDING I'OR MDF 100--The Netherlands government has announced that it is prepared
to furnish 1.7 billion florins toward the funding of the Fokker and McDonnell
Douglas MDF 100 project. This sum more than doubles the amount of aid initially
planned (800 n?illion florins). Mr Gijs van Aardenne, the outgoii~g minister of
economic affairs of the Netherlands, submitted a statement in this regard, prior
to his leaving office, to the Parliamentary Permanent Committee on Economic
Affairs, in which he indicated that this governmental aid consists of credits in
- the amount of 800 million florins and reimbursable loans in the amount of 900 mil-
lion florins backed by state guarantees. The funds will be made available to
Fokker beginning the end of this year. As of now, however, 53 million florins
have been furnished to Fokker for related design studies. Mr van Aardenne re-
vealed that a division of effort had been made between F~okker and McDonnell
- Douglas, the Dutch builder having been designated prime contractor for the design
and the supply of components for the MDF 100, while McDonnell Douglas is prime
cor~tractor for the marketing operation. For the moment, the plan calls for a
- s~.ngle source of prinzary components but two assembly plants--one in the United
States and one in Europe. The two builders expect to receive a reply by the end
ot this year to the off'er c~f cooperation they have extended to Japanese builders.
~'1'ext~ ~Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 19 Sep 81 p 8~ ~COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1980~
CSO: 3102/13 E~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070060-4