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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 - FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10104 - 9 November 1981 - U SSR Re ~rt ` p CCaNSTRUCTION AND EQ~JiPMENT CFOUO 5/81) Fg~$ FOREIGN ~ROADCAS~ INFORM~TION S~RVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400074419-0 - NOTE JPRS publicatians contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from new~ agency transmission,; and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in bra~kets are supplied by JPRS. Processing ind~cators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informaticn was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unramiiiar names render.ed phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parenthes~s were not clear in the original but hav2 been supplied as appropriate in con.text. Other unattributed parenthetical nc~tes with in the body of an item ariginate with the source. Times within items are as given by s~~urce . The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of L-he U.S. Government. ~ COPYRIGEiT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUI,F,E THAT DISSEMINATION OF TI~IS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTEII FnR UFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 - FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY JPRS L/10104 9 November 1981 USSR REPORT CONTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT - (FOUO 5/81) CONTENTS METALWORKING EQUIPMENT Development of Machine Building Industry I}iscussed (S. Kheynman; VOPROSY EKONOMIKI, Aug 81) 1 Arstracts From ~VESTNIK MASHINOSTROYENIYE MAGAZINE~ (VESTNII~ MASHINOSTROYENIYA, .Aug $1) 13 - a - (III - USSR - 36a FOU07 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USF, ONLY METALWDRKING EQUIPMENT DEYII~OPMII~IT OF MACHINE BUILDING INDU3TRY DISCU33~ Mosco~? YOPRC~Y EKCAIOMIKI in Russian No 8~ Aug 81 (si~ed to preas 11 Aug 81) pp 24-34 [Article by S.Kh~ynman.~ "Problems3 of 1~'l~chine Building De~elopment"] - ~Text~ The ~6~th party congresa, having stressed ~he exception~l impoi~tance of machine building in the development of the nationa~ econoa~y, formulated the baaic _ problems that are faced by this induatrial sector in the eighties. The reequip- ment and systematic improvement of the production apparatus of all sectors of the national economy, including the production apparatus of aachine building itself, imply the production on ~ sufficient scale of nodern~ constantly renexable (at rates corresponding to the ratea of acientific-technological p~ogress) means of labor and equipment for nonproductive purposes, including household and other equipment _ for personal use. The tiigher technical level of tha means of production is an faportant condition for the intensification of the latter an increase in the yield and a reduction in the cost of unit porrer~ a reduction in the coet~ use of material and aian-hours per job for the product,and the reduction in the length of the production c~rcle. The ~ole of machine building in completing the transfer of the econo~? to an inten- sive of development also expreaees itself by providing the following: technologieal conditions for the output of high quality produots. wide p~oduction of equipment for the preservation of the final and intermediate products and the mini- mization of their loaseai dynamic correspondence betxeen the tachnologieal and dimensional parametera of the equipment to similar parametera of parte and proceases xhich ar~ procesaed and - executed. on it; the possibilities at ~he design atage of its aubsequent economic and flexible - modernization and of sNitching over to making nex p~rxiucts; economic, trouble-free and efficient operatian of the equipment, guaranteed ser- - vicing and ropairs. Among the basic problems of the economic ard aocia~ developaient of the country in ~he eighties, the 26th party congress outlined broad tranerormations in the most 1 / FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY importan+. sphere in the life of ths people in labor~ "...Improve and lighten xorking conditions, provide xide poss~.bilities for highly productive and creative work, erase considerably essential dif�erences between mental and ptiysical labor~ and transform. agricultural Zi.bor into a form of industrial labor.~' This system is inseparably related to the radical probiem of ecomomic development a stable groxth in the productivity of social labor. Cottditions~ the coritent and nature of labor which are adequate for the demands and posaibillties of mcdern man~ are the basic premises for increasing the productivity of labor and beconing one of life's benefits ~hich depend primarily upun the means of xurk and the rola played by the social-econon.ic criteria in the production of machinea, their desi~n and manufacture. The demographic situation,in the eighties gnd the problems of social-economic trans- _ f'ormations in the sphere of labor pose several problema in machine building. Firat, it is necessary to provide a sufficient output of modern equipment (the means for large and small-scale mechanization) of high quality for the systematic reduction of the number of manual Workers xhose ratio is half of all the xorkers in a number of industrial sectors. Also required is the accelerated development of production autoaoation, including its highest fora~ss equipment with numerical prograaed control, automatic lines~ auto- _ mat3c manipulators (industrial robota) etc. The 26th party congress outlined a broad program in this area. Wide introduction of automated means of proauction is one of the ~st important premises for autoa~ating material F,roduction in indu.s- - trial sectors. The equipment xhich~ at the start of tha eighties, is at the design stage on the draxing boa~ds of the des.ign bureaus, determine the nature of labor in the eighties and nineties. Therefore~ their utilization and L~heir asaociated technologies must create conditions that xill meet the requirements of a worker at the end of the 20th century and the start of the 21st. Deaigners~ tachnologists and workers of NII [Scientific Research Institute]~ KB [Design Bureau] and enterprises that embody - technical and tQChnological solutiona in metal must provide the folloxing in their developments~ mechaniZation of heavy and unskilled manual labori observe (in equipment and technology) all human engineering premises for the total safety and cumfortable working conditions xith syetematic elimination of the monotonous elements of labor; the transformation of agricultural labor into a f~rm of industrial labor. The material basis for raising prcxinct quslity ia created primarily by m~chine building. The technical characteristics of the means of production and~ of courae, of technology must provide the production of high quality products by the given - equipment. The 26th party congress pose~d the problem~ "...Improve and atrengthen the 'upper stories' of the reapective industrial sectora~ the eo-called fourth con- version in metallurgy~ the finiahing work in constructi~n and final production in light industry. They determine~ to a great extent, the quality arid sometimes aiso the quantity of the products." This applies equally to the production of drying ~ a nd impregnating equipment for xood-xorking, to the creation of rolling mil~s that provide a high technical standard of aurface and strength properties of ma~nufacturr~d r olling stock, especially in equipping machine building itself xith finishing equip- ~ ment and~ generally, in the quality of machine building products. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ques~.ions of social development and the raising of the people's xelfare still pose - a number of problems for machine buildin~. In particular~ it xas notec3 at the 26th party congress that it is necessary to improve coneiderably equipffient in food and light industries enterprises~ develog sectors for the production of technically - pexfect products for]ong-term use such as household articles~ atrengthen the .ma- terial equipment base of $tate attd coog~rative commerce~ raiso the industriali~.ation gtandax~d of public nutrition, take measures to accelarate and introduc~ kidely scientific-technological achievements in medicine, increaae the proviaion of public health establishments xith instruments, medical equipnent, transport and communica- tions facilities, xith a rride introduction of modern equipment in schools and edu- cational enterprises. _ The production of a new in principle c7.ass of technical facili~ies medical, instructive and other equipment so far has not been aufficiently asaimilated by domestic machine buildi~g and it is supp~eaented by imports. As a reault~ the standard of equipment of all industrial sectors 3n this area do not fu11y meet modern requirements. Ths development of a long-range program of machine building development and bring- ing its structure and organ~zation into correapondence xith the problems it faces, ar xell as the completion of the tranafer of thia complex to the road of intensive development assume an analysis of the presant state of maehine building and a deter- mination of the most important directions of its further development. USSR machine building (including me~al xorking) is distinguished by a capacity of high resourcess about 40qb of all. xorkers and half the engineers, technicians and employeea in the industry~ 23.33b of the fixed production capital and 27.9~ of its gross output. Obviously~ machine building ia characteri~ed b~ a hiRher man-houra per 3ob standard and a relatively ~oxer capital-labor ratio. Thia is~atteated to by the fact that intensified progress in machine building praiuction itself is acutely needed and~ at the sxme time~ it represents an easential factor in tranaferri~ag its entire induatrial production to the road of intensive davelopment. We xill consiQer the resources at the diaposal of the dome~tic machine building ~:?dustry as xell as the special features and the demands for its products. In this case, in our opinion, a national economic approach is necnssary to character- ize social labor resourr_es xhose expenditures ara related to the development of machine bu~lding~ i.e., it is necessary to take into account the labor and material resources related to the prnduction of the equipment, as xell as to ite mafntenance at the users ~or~ to put it differently~ resources spent on "mach~ne production" _ and "machine servicing." The machine building complex and the areas associated With it absorb a conaiderable share of the national economic resources. At the same time~ h~ving a~t its disposal huge ~~bor and material resources. and cantinuously increasing them, machine build- ing is not able to solve many important natfonal economic pr~blema it facea at the present time. As a re3ult, it frequently becomes a factor that limits the posssi- bility ~f solving a numbar of radical production development problema. - In the eighties to nineties, it is planned to maintain accelerated ratee of machine bui~ding development. Thus, in 1981-i985, for an increaso in the nationa~ income _ 3 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400070019-0 _ h'OR OFFICIAI. USE ONI.Y of 18 to 20~ and industria~. produc~ion of 26 to 289~, it is planned to increaae machine building uutput by 1.4 �imss. Over 4096 of the sn~ire increase in indus- trial output xill be provided by increasing the output of mach~ne building products. At present,there are actually three machine building camplexes in the country. The first one the machine building plants of ~a,chine building induatries. "rea,l" machine bui2ding guided at all levels by m;ichine builders~ organically related. to a syste~ of machine building NII and KB. It contains less than half the machine building equipment pool. The second complex is machine building plants of nonmachine building miniatries and depaxtinents. They contain several million korkers and have at their disposal a considerable equipment pool. These enterprises are outside the aphere of influence of machine building NII. Min- istries in ~hicn theae enterpriaes are included are technical "ataffs" of inetallur- - gical, te:stile and othc~r production customers and not ~quipment producers. The quality and effici.ancy of any technological equipment are determined not only by the knowledge of technologies and the directions of the technical progreas in industrial sectors users of the equipment, but~ to a.greater sxtent, depend on the technical standard and technology of the machine building pro3uction itself. It is precisely these propertieg that~ by its very nature~ the "second machine building complex" does not have. ~1n analysis xe carried uut for 29 sector$ of ma- i chine building ~ndicated tha,t at plants Within the machirie building industries, the level of labor productivity and the output-capital ratio ar~ higher by 20 to 2_59~ r,:spectively than in plants Within the aectors equipment users. Proposals are frequently made in publications on transferring machine building plants and associations to ministries that use the given equipment. This position is substantiated by the insufficient orienta.tion of equipment producing induatries _ toward satisfying the demands of users and the frequent violation of the fulfillment of orders~ and schedules of delivery of the corresponding equipment. However, the ~ policy of orientation toward the user~ outlined in the last pe4rty congxesses~ cannot be achieved by converting a uaex into a producer. This could also lead to the fur- ther expansion of the natural ~in situ~ facilities in machine building which was already decisively censure3 by the 2,5th party congresa. The transfer of coal ma- - chine building to the USSR Ministry of the C~aI Induatry did not justify itself. :iuch a practice leads only to lowering the quality of the product and the effi- ciency of machine building. Finally, the third system of machine building machine and mact~ine ahops and subdivisions, xithin nonmachine building eiiterprisea. They contain 45~ of the t~tal pool of the metal working equipment in the country and, it is estimated~ no - less than 5 to 6 million xorkers. This may be called "in pure form" the natural sector of machine building. The pool of inetal-cutting machind toola and forging- press equipment in the USSR is greater than itt the United States~ Japan and the FRC together. The high reoourca capacity of the machine building complex is due grimarily, in our o~inion~ to a trend (and, moreover, a etrengthening one) of the development of the ~ - FOIt ~FFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY facilities in machine building itself, as xell aa in "machine-using" induatrial sectors. The effect of this trend has a dual nature. First, in machine building itself, there prevail historically formed comprehensive enterprisea having, as a rule, casting, forging~ tool (frequently also machine tools at plants that do not produce machine tools) and auxiliary shops up to saxmills and xoodxorking facilities at the largest machine tool planta (for the manufacture of packing for the machine tools). Hoxever, about a third of the machine tool pool of the macl:ine building plants themselves is eutside the basic production in their auxtliary shops. I,oading these shops with the ma.nufacture of aingle products unavoidably reduces the produc- tivity of labor and the yield per unit of equipment. Auxiliary workers (in auxiliary and basic shops) a~ake up about ha,lf of all the xorkers in ~achine building. ~ 5econdly, machine building (this !s also related to the nature and structure of its products) is forced to serve the natural facilities Khich are developing ~n other sectors of the econom;~. For example, it is necessary to manufacture and renovate wood frames in mini-saxmills~ garage equipment in mini-g~ages etc. Repair and machine shops that captivated enterprises of all ministries and departments req~uire un~versal machine toola and casting, forging-press and xelding equipaent of all types. - To supplement and partially renovate this pool of equipment, machine building capacities axe loaded xith the manufacture of a huge quantity of ordinary (and which =p therefore, do not require high technical characteristics~ "convenient" for produc- tion) equipment. In this case, the ordinary manufactured equipment itaelf, in its - turn is very little utilisec! by the user. It is not by chance tha~ in the US3R, for a smaller volume of production and a generation of elACtric poxer, almoat half that of the United States, that there are produced and operatad several times more electric motors as drives for various equipment (xith poxers of 0.75 kk and greater). Loading machine building with the productian of ordinary equipment, including metal- working equipment, and saturating seCtors of the national economy ~ith it ~rhere it is utilized far from fully determines, to a considerable extent, the present state of machine building~ the nature of the demand for its productg, the trend of its development, its resource capacity and efficiency aWnd~ by the xay, also to a great extent~ the so-called "deficit" of machine tool operatora. In our opinion~ the xay out of this aituation is to create new ca~pacities and build enterpr�iaes oriented toxard specialized production. At the same time, it is neces- ' sary to increase the specializat3on level of existing production facilitfes and capacities. For this purpose, it is neceasary to make the cooperation mechanism more rigld~ strengthen penalties for nonfulfillment of deliveries on cooperative contracts and change prices (and corresponding paymenta for funds and other re- source~) for the products of their "oxn" natural facilities. Such measuree Will make it possible to eliminate the artificially created high profitability of the - latter. It is advfsable to limit deliveries of nex equipment to natural facilities~ or~.enting them toxard purchasing equipment freed by the ba.sic machine building plaxits . The status and prospeets of developing the machine building production meehanism are inseparably relatad to the progress of machine tool building. while materiali- zation of scientific-technical progress depends on machine building~ the technical and economic possibilitiAS of machine building itaelf depend on machine tool building. 5 - F4R O~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In its turn~ ma,chine t~ol building depends on ita complementing sectors the electrotechnical, electronic and instrument building industries. It mus~ ~e stressed that the technical standard of the metal-xorking equipment producsd and its efficient functioning depend, to a great degree, specifically on these seotara (electric drivee and high torque motors~ electronics, controlling~ monit oring and recording dev~ces etc.). All this equipment determines the standarcZ and possibilities of the machin~ tools, presses etc., but are prod.uced by domestic industry in insuf- ficient quantities and ars not al~rays of high quality. Specialized production of tools and technologlcal fixtures lags noticeably behind _ the scales of machine tool building and the machine tool pool. Stanciardisation and specialization in the prod.uction of intermediate products, funetional units and pa.rts of machine tools, and technological fix~ures are insufficiently developed. An = increase in the scale of such pxoduction facilities xould make it posaible to reduce the load on machine tool plants and provide for the production of special and spe- cialized equipment for the needs of various production facilities and of the NII. Attention should be given to the poaitive experience in this area, accumulated~ in particular, in machine tool building. Thus, several kinds of machine tools of the "processing center" type are being designed and made on the progressive basis of standardized units Hhose manufactur9 is asaigned to specialized enterprises a2ready at the stage of creating prot~types. For example~ one of the machine building planta produces steel guides and a seriea of linear motion drives for actuators. Another devices for the automatic change of processed parts. A third plant mechanisms for the automatic chan~e of tocls etc. In thia case, the time betxeen overhauls xas increased by 60~ and for inactive tools of the same size, but different arrangements~ it was increased by 90~. Similar possibilitiea also exist in other subsectors of !nachine tool building. The complex of problems of repairs, moderniza,tion and the output of spare parts for the equipment is related to the renovation of the pool. Dcisting repair practices~ as a rule, do not provide for the proper quality and life of the repaired equipment, _ thereby increasing the idle time of the equipment. (~-eators of many types of equip- - ment do not ~raiuce the necessary set of replaceable and repair units and parts for _ it. 'rherefore, most of the units and parts for repairs axe manufactured in their "own" machine repair shops. We t!~ink that the time has come to include in the prnduction standards for each given equipment ~he conditlons for manufacturing (by the equipment malcer) a suffi- cient set of replaceable and repair unite and parta, aa well as the order for guaxanteed reFairs and servicing of the equipment. These atandarfls muat be observed strictly and would require~ on the one hand~ a corresponding system of material in- c entives and, on the other hand~ the introduction of penalt3es. As noted previously, the available machine buildin~ aapacitie~ cannot provide the necessary rates of renovation and replacement of the equipment poal. At the aame time, with the presence of a poxerful production appa.ratus and with high ratea of technical progress~ the problem of pool renovation cannot be soZved only by re- placin~ it with neN equipment. For countries that have euch capacities as are at th~ disposal of the USSR and the United ~,tates~ a full replacement of the pool of equipment would absorb not less than a 20-year output of machino tool building. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400074419-0 - 6UR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY Therefore, the modernization of equipment bec~mea very urgent. At present~ the modernization proces~ is achieved, a.s a rule, by enterpriaea operating the equip- ment xhich, not be~ng machine building enterpriaes, cannot modernize ta a high technical standard. For modernisation to be efficient in r~ova~,ing the equipmeut~ ita tech~nical bases must be provided by the efforta of machine building itaelf. - ~uipment producers alxeady incorporate moderni~ation possibilities at the design stage creating, sa to apeak, f'genetic premisea" for moderni~ation in order that the main xorking parts can be .~eplaced., continuing the operation of the basic ~.uzits using the most metal. By manufacturing nex, more productive models, the plants would provide the needed quanttty of units for the moderni~ation of the operated equip~!ent thereby. It is advisable to accompany capital repairs of the equipmsnt with modernizat~on. '"hus~ production and continuoua provision of the users xitl: a set of replacement and repair units and parts aufficient for opsration, repairs and moderniza,tion of the equipment~ must become an integral chara~teriatic of moder.n machine buildir~g. I'. should also be noted that tha volume of inatallation and dismantling equipment is insufficient in the machine building output. Therefore, making rapairs increases - the numbar of manual rrorkers considerably. According to the US,SR TsSU [Central Statisti~al Administration], about une quarter (239b) of the menual workers (not less - than 3.2 mil.lion people) are occupied xith repairs. Ba~ed cn the abuve described problem of the further development of machine building~ we xill consider the h:aic directions of a comprehensive program for developing and - improving its structure and organization ovar a long-range period. The program should, first of all~ outline the atructure of the equipment produced. ~i a con- solidated plan there could be the folloxing~ technological equipaent xith a full - set of finishing and auxiliary equipment~ a required ~et of units and parts for re- - pairing and modernizing the equipm9nt in all sectors of the production of material= sufficiently flexible capacities for the production of scientific-experimental equip~nent and de~ices for equipping the nonprodu~tive servicing sphere, including ~ educational institutions, health safaty, the leiaure industry and rest and recreation; household equipment for personal use; environmental protection equipment. In manufacturin~ all these types of equipment it is neceasary to take into account their social-economic effectivenesa, providing optimal ~+orking conditiona~ as rrell ~ as observing all ecological criteria at the very bases of the equipment and tech- - nology. = In the ar.ea of atructural materials, technology and material consumption in machine building~ the required ~ffect may be achieved by changing over to metal-saving de- ~ sign~, the reorientation of desi~s (wherever this ie expedient) from caeting~ to rolled stock, from merchant shapes to sheets~ tr,in sheets~ stampi~ngs and xelded designs; a systematic reorientation of technological aolutiona toKax~d plastic de- ' formation,stamping and Welding methods on the basis of prospects for increasing the share of sheeta in uaing metali change the production apparatus of machine building and ma.chine tool building to correspond xith above-cited metal-saving orientation in machina building as a~hole. Among the especially important problems of machine building development, it is necessary to consider ~he huge problems in organi~iag me~chine building production. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Thls concerns, first of all, the ~pecialization level and its necessary ~ases - standardiza,tion and normalization of equipment units and parta. During the last several five-year plan periods~ in spite of a number of solutiona b~r directive or- gans, the progress af speciail.zation in machine building in all its directions ora~ very little. The level of product specialization is lox. Thus~ 22 plants of the Mintyazhmar~h [Ministry of Heavy and Transport Machine Building] manufactureonly 1796 of the m~,te- rial handling equipment. The remainder (8396) is manufa~tured at 4+00 plants of ~5 ministries and departments. A similar situation exiats in road-building and munici- pal engineering equipment. A considerable ahare of inetal-xorking equip~nent (espe- cially metal-cutting machine tools) is manufactured outside the enterprises of the Mintstry of the Tool and Ma.chine Tool Industry. The ~Ministry of Chemi-- cal and Petroleum Machine Building] manufacturea heat exchange apparatus at 14 plar?ts. The manufacture of many types of'lhousehold equi~pment ia also very acattered. ~ssential shortcomings are also found in the development of technological and par+,a speci$lization. The centralized specialized productian of castings and forgings makes up 3~ of the entire volume of these intermediate productB and of castings, in particular, 4.596. There are practically no ~pecia3lsed planta t:~at manufacture forgings and stampings.* We have no specialized sector for the production of inetal coatinga. fastenings, threaded pa.rts etc. 3peciallzed production of machine units and part$ is not being sufficiently developed.** The path of high specializa,tion and cooperation for ~aachine ~111ding on such a huge scale as it is in the USSR is the anly efficient one. Th.'.s course ~?as laid out in the diractives of the 26th party cong_reas~ "Continue tha special:.zation of machine - building production, create new enterpriaes and develop existing apecialised ones, and large shops that make egstings, forgings, parts~ units and assembliee for in- dustrial and interindustrial purposea." ri~nctional specialization is ar. important and promising direction for machine build- _ ir~~;. This direction becomes especially urgent in connection xith the cour$e taken to create a syatem of machines for the comprehensive mechanization and automation of entire industrial sectors and production facilities. Fl.~nctional specialization is one of the moat important conditiona for ra,iaing the flPxibility of machine building, the flexibility of the produced equipment and the _ for rapid adaptation to nex situations. This orientatiion, xhose time has come, poses an acute alternative. A machine eys~em for any .~odern industrial *In the United 5tates in~erindustry enterpriaes satisfy 70~ of the total require- ments in forgings~ 70~ of ferrous metal forgings~ and about 50q6 of their require- ments in forgings and hot stamping:s. Since 1972~ a census is taken in ~ special - sector --the production of automobile stampinge. In 197?? it counted 579 enter- prises, 132,000 workers and product salee of 9.7 billion dollaxa. **In 1976, in the United 5tates. automobile plants had 274,000 Korkere xith a con- ' dltional net output of 15.8 billion dollara~ r?hile in plants malting automobile unita and paxts 340,000 xorkers and ~3.7 billion dollara respectively. 8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070019-0 FOYt OFFICIf~I. USE ONLY sector~ as a rule, consists of a xide spectrus of technical deviaea~ differsnt in functions and technology, as Kell ae msaufacturing sethoda. Therefore~ a carre- sponding as~ociation or enterprise muat either aanufacture thia entire spectru, ~t- tielf or a"base" muat be created con$iating of eciterprises, specialising in the prvduction of functional units that say be used in asaufacturing the aost vari~d , - tyges of units. Precisely this path xaa uaed in the production of bearings. They xere atandardised. Qnly a bearing catalog containing their..sises and other technical parameters ia needed in the deaign proceae, and the desigaer selects the required _ bearing from it. A network of functionally specialized enterpriaes and associations xill it pos~ible to assemble (on th~ modular principle) a considerable part of the machine system from finished functional units. This path of nachine building deyelopment is determined by the high rates of acientific techn~logical progress and the more and more frequent renova~�on of the equipment aad the ~anufactured products. It xas noted at the 26th party congresa that in creating neW a~chinea, nquipment. apparatus and devices, it is.necessary to use the aodular principle xidely~ utilis- ing standard units, producing multifunctional adchiaes and equip~ent that can be read~usted xhen technological processes and types of produced products change. The introduction of such equipment rrill ratae the efflciency of machine building pro~uction considerably. The realisation o� thig direction should be specified in the plans of the ministries for the lith Five-Year Plan period. An urgent and~ at the sam~ time, an extremely complex probleA is t'~e change in the ~ituation r?ith regard to apecialization. Che of the xeak linka in the economic mechanism ia the lack of reliabie penalties for sup~liers and almost a total ab- sence of the possibility for users to select equipment. The formation of a means of production reserves~ including reservea of production capacitiea, specified by the decree on improving the economic mechanism~ createa premises for solvirtg the " given problems. However, this xill require a long time by virtue of ob~ective reasons. It is our opinion that fairly importRr?t and realistic steps in the develogment of apeciali- ~ zation may be, and must be~ taken within the fraa~ework of atnistries~ aa xell as large machine building centers. An expedient epecialiaation of intermediate prod-- uct,tool and other plant shops, close in nature to the producta, may have and doea have a considerable effect. This ia attested to by the practice of enterprises of. a number of large machine building ce~ters (in particular, by the Leninskiy and Rostovskiy), as xell as entergrisee of the Minael"khosnaeh ~1+Iinistry of Agricul- tural l~achinery] and the Minelektrotekhprom [Miniatry of Plectrical ~uipment Industry~. In the Minel.ektrotekhprom~ for example, each large exiterprise had. iiadependent pro- duction facilities for such producta of interinduatrial uae as castin~a, xelded metal sti~uctures, forgings, hot s~ampings and fasteninga. All plants had their plating shops or sections and manufactured for themselvea techaological equipment and tools~ having accumulated considerable reservea of both. In accordance xith the decision of the board of the mini$try, industrial territorial couricils of directora rrere formed. Ck? the initiative of the northxestern council of directors, combined production facilities xere created ?rhich could estiafy�the demands of all electric equipment enterprises ~f this economic region for such products, xhich 9 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ made it possible to increase the output-capital ratio and the groductivity of la,bor. The Minsel'khvza~ash experience also merita attention. The tool shopa of ~ts plants specialize in the production of one or another type of tool. It is expedient to form such production facilities xithin the minietries that accept and execute in- dividual orders for apecial equipment. - .acisting industrial ma,chi~e bLi~ding specialization, tihe preaence of certain monop- olistic elements in the production of equipment and the inability~ to a conaiderable degrea~of the user to aelect equipment,create trenda that lead to a certain break bet~?een producer and user. The first doea not gtudy the epecial features of the requirements of the sacond sufficiently, freq,uently sacrificing the posaibility.of y greater series production. As a result, according to available data, technical pa.rameters of many machine tools greatly exceed the dimenaional characteristica of the castings, forgings and parts they machine. In the,dynamic process~~machine tool para.meters (as xell ae parameters of other types of equipme~nt~ increaae ~freg,uently - ~ithou~ taking into account changes in the dimensions of the part$ machined on them. Overeatimated parametera of equigment as compared to actual requirements leads not only to the increased size and weight of the equip~aent, but also to greater msn- hours per job, uses greater amounts of inetal axid haa a greater capital-output ratio. - In its turn, this increases the load on metallurgy, increases capital coats and re- duces the output-capital ratio of the given equipment at the user. This situation is related to another laxger general economic problem. The produc- tion of a required series of equipment si~es, making it possible for the user to select equipment with the parameters he needs must ba accoapar~ied by a aufficient level of quality of this equipment. Otherxiee the user aeleeta the n~ost reliable mach?ne tool although it may have greater capacity xith respec~ to dimensional _ parameters. An example of this ia the scr$x-cutting lathe.. The product of the Moscow "Krasnyy Proletariy" Maehine Tool Building Plant acquitted itaelf xell over products of plants producing smaller si~e ma,chine tools. Meanxhile~ the ministry as well as local territorial organs~ under existing planning praeticea~ strive to maintain planta that produce poorer machine tools and help them to "come out" xith hatter indicators and thus "not apoil" the indicators of the ministry. Another atill unsolved problem from the complex of organisational machine building probl.ems is related to the production of special, nonstandard types of equipment, ti~e requirements for which increasea constantly with the development of produetion and tha accel.eration of scientific technological progresa. At preaent~ there are practically no ma,chine building plants and aasociations i~hat accept orders for such equipment from enterprises and NII, although it is naeded. .r~idely.-- from small fittings to complicated experimental inatallations. As a result, equipment users must make these nonstandard products thea~aelves devel~ping corresponding' machine building capacities. Practically~ handicraft production and repaire of the special equipment, and making raplacement and repair units~and parts for it`-- are already chaxacterized as being above the "third"machitae building compYex. It _ should be noted that according to estima,ted ds,ta, the leval of equipment utilisai,- tion in such a complex is considerably loxer tha.n one shift. Orientation toxard the final results as applied to machine bui3.ding meana that i�~s functiona cannot be completed by 3ust producing equipment alone. Machine building ~ 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is called upon to play a leading role in the inveatment process. This also means ~ a certa~n responsi~ility of machine building for the assimilation and effirient functioning of thE equ~pment at the user~ providing the optimally possible li�e~ as well as the actual life of this equipmei~t. These pxoblems were raised in full at the 26th party congress. N, A. Tikhonov gtre~sed that machine building is called, upon not only to produce modern equipment, but also to cooperate actively with the user in its efficient operation. Thia requires the wide participation of machine building enterprises in the installation of complex equipment in the proc- ess of construction, as well as implementing measures on radical improvement in servicing equipment~ and centralized ~lant repairs. Apparently, the time has nox come for a gra.dual changeover everyi+here ta a system - of guaranteed servicing and repairs of the equipment, and developing a machine servicing department. ~uipment producers xho create the eq'~uipment and a scien- tifically substantiated mode of its operation must participa~te ir~ the development of technological equipment and~ xhere necessary~ (for exampl~~~ machine tools with numerical programed control) in the programa, conditions~ prilnciples, order and technology of repa.irs. In our opinion~ the life of the equipment must be one of _ guaranteed parameters but, of ~ourse, only xhen the user foll.oxs the apecifications - for using the equipment. This will provide a feedback from the user and will facil- itate raising the quality of the produced equipment. We are not touching upon the important complex of problems on i.mproving the organi- zation of production at the machine building enterprises thenuielves. There are many urgent and unsolved problema in this area xhose importar.~ce grows with the ~rogress of the automation of production. It is important for the wide develop- ment of automation not only to orgasnize the mass production of the meana for automation~ but also to improve systematf.cally the organi~atio;n of production by using automatic machines and devicea. In planning long-range machine building~ extensive trends to a certain ex- tent to increase unit capacities ~nd the volume of production, expazid the prod- uct list and increase the out~ut of nex, more modern Equip~ent. As ahotrn by report - data. the situation does not change essentially inasn~uch as the scarcity of equip- ment remains; the dema.nds of equipment uaers are far f~om being fully satisfied= its export does not increase~ xhile its import is incroasing, i�iachine building~ as before, does not play a sufficiently active role in introduci;ng nex equipment, in its assimilation and utilization~ limiting itself to the.basi~: production of ~ equipment~ not creating even material, not even to speak of orgar.ti~ational premiaes for its effective utilization, such as the level of standardizati.on, o~tput of spare parts, plant repa.irs~ machine servicg etc. It follows from this that to continue to maintain accelerated rat~3s in the growth of machine building, preserve its priority in the? distribution of capital invest- ~ents. it is advisable to change over to planning improvement in n~achine building, devote more attention to its organization~ as xell as to the all-around satisfac- tion of the demands of the equipment users. For this~ the folloxii~g ia necessary~ step-by-step expansion of specialization product. p~art~ technolc?gical and~ especially~ functional; the development of the theory and p~actice of funetional- cost analysis; 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY expansion of the dimenaiona,l range of the produced equipment poxer, technological, transport (for an equal leval of equipment quality) that Would make it posaible to reduce excessive technical parameters shargly and improve equipment utili~ation= an increase in all sectors of machine building of the share of finishing equipment which ia the technical basis for a sha.rp increase in quality and life of the equip- , ment; an increase in the orientation of the produced equipment toxard the realization of the social-economic criteria of ita effectivenessi a.n increase ~n the flexibility of the produced equipment and the technology and organization of machine building production itself'; wide development of standaxdized and apecialised, production of highly progressive functional equipment units. Nia,ny demands are made on machine building and ~ustified complaints are made about the lagging behind the growing demands of social production. HoKever~ it is also necessaxy to evaluate those requi2~ements that machine building can and muat present to other industrial sectors and, firat of all, to the eq,uipment users. Besides tlae investments needed for accelerated development in mach~ne building~, careful preservation and operation of the equi~raent ia also required. For example, on the average. about 80% of the tra,ctors, combines and trucks supplied to agriculture is used to cover the replacement of xritten-off equipment ~ithout increasing the pool of equipment. Machine building progress is unthinkable ?+ithout a considerable increase in the = volume of production and an incrmase in eupplies of elactrical equipment and elec- tronic components to all sectora of machine building and, prima,rily, to machine tool building. The decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers on strengthening the work of saving material resources and utilizing them effi- czently outlined how to improve radically all t~he xork on saving~ and the efficient utilization of raw materials, materials, fuel and power in all links~of the national economy. The comprehensive ~.~tilization of raK materials, fuel-power~ construction and other materials; the introduction of lox-xaste and no-xaste technologies; a sharp reduction in losses in areas of production, distribution and consumption; step-by-step reduction in the n~terial used in machines and equipment all these are complex and important problems and may be eo~ved only on the basia of proper equipment and progressive machine systeme. COPYRIGHT~ Izd,atel'atvo "Pravda"~"Voprosy ekonomiki" 1981 2291 cso, 1821/007 12 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 - FOR OFFIC'IAL USE ONLY METALTdORKING EQUIPMENT ABSTRACTS FROM~VESTNIK MASHINOSTROYENIYE MAGAZINE~ Moscow ~1FSTNTK MASHIN~STROYENIYA in Russian No 8, Aug 81 (signed to press 31 Jul 81) PP 76-77 UDC 621:658.516.007.52 PROBLLMS OF UNIFICATION AND STANDARDIZATION IN INDUSTRIAL ROBOT TECHNOLOGY [Abstract of article by Yurevich, Ye. I.] [Text] One of the pressing problems in robot technology is examined--working out and totally implementing the unification and standardization of industrial robots, manipulators and their components and also typical robotized technological complexes. The primary advantages that the use of standardized robot modules give are formu- lated. An exemplary list of standardized robot modules and manipulators is given. - 'I~ao illustrations. 'I~ao bibliography references. UDC 62-82./83.007.52 PROBLEMS IN DESIGNING 1NDUSTRIAL ROBOTS WITH TELESCOPING COMPONENTS [Abstract of article by A~eykov, L. Petrosyan, A. 0. and Chelyshev, V. A.] [Text] Problems in reducing the mass of the operating device, lowering the power consumption and in~creasing the resources of industrial robots are examined. A scheme for arranging the telescoping component and a scheme for adapting the industrial robot to a mass of structures is given. Ttiree illustrations. Two bibliography references. UDC 62-82./83.007.52 METHODS OF IMPROVING THE DYNAMIC AND STATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTROHYDRAULIC ' DRIVE GF.ARS IN INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS [Abstract of article by Alekseyev, A. P., Zhitkov, V. B. and Chelyshev, V.A.J [Text] Problems are examined in improving the static and dynamic characteristics of high-speed electrohydraulic drive gears in industrial rubots with the aid of 13 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 FOR OFFICIAI, IJSE ONLY non-line~r adjusting devicest a three channel pseudelinear and a relay device. Use of the sugges~ed adjusting devices makes it possible to expand the transmission band for the drive gear by more than a factor of two and ensures static ~ccuracy to one minute of an angle. One table. Five illustrations. Five b3.bliography ref~YenCeA. UDC 621.007.52 PROBLEMS WITH REMOTE CONTROLLED INDUSTRIAL DEi1ICES [Abstract of article by Lakota, N. A.] [Text] The special features of using remote controlled industrial robots in techno- logical processes are examined. Their sphere of use, the primary problems that arise during the design of such robots and also possible efficient ways of solving them are analyzed. Three illustrations. Six bibliography references. UDC 621.007.52 THE ENF.RGETICS OF GAS (PNEUMATIC) BOOSTERS IN INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS - [Abstract of article by Ivanov, V. I.] [Text] The energetic characteristics of pneumatic distributors that are operating " under relay (ShIM) [pulse-width modulation] and continuous control conditions are examined. Analytical graph relations are derived by which the power loss can be determined for the distributor under vartous operating conditions. It is shown that the relay cont�rol condition is more advantageous from the point of view of power loss in comparison with continuous contro:. conditions. Three illustrations. , Three bibliography references. - UDC 62-531.9.007.52 SEVERAL PROBLEMS IN OPTIMIZING THE POWER OF THE OPERATING MEMBER OF A ROBOT-MANIPULATOR [Abstract of article by Petrov, L. N.J [Text] A method is examined for improving the energetic characteristics of the oper- ating members of robot-manipulato~s on the basis of introducing overcompensation for the weight of the moving components into the system for balancing the static loads. A method is suggested for selecting the optimum coefficient of overcompensation by calculating to obtain the minimum amount of electrical rigging for the operating _ member of the robot manipulator. UDC 621.98:007.52:658.382.2 PROBLEMS OF ENSURING THAT THE EQUIPMENT OF ROBOTIZED TECHNOLOGICAL COMPLEXES FOR - COLD SHEET PUNCHING OPERATE SAFELY [Abstract of article by Kryuchkov, M. A. and Mal'tsevskiy, V. V.] [Text] Tt~e experience in developing a system for controlling the design of a techno- logical process and for interlocking the primary and auxiliary equipment of a technical robot complex for a sheet puncher is examined. One illustration. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL'Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400070019-0 NOR OFF'I('IAI, USE ONLY UDC 621.192.001.4 CONCERNING THE ACCURACY OF FORECASTING T'rIE PERFORMANCE R~SOURCE OF STRUCTURES BASED ON THE RESULTS OF ACCELERATED TESTS [Abstract of article by Pankratov, N. M.] [Text] The results of research on the accuracy of forecasting the performance resource are reported. Recommendations are given for forecasting typical situations that arise during accelerated tests. One table. TYao illustrations. Four biblio- graphy references. UDC 621.822.5 CALCULATING THE SLIYPING OF PLASTIC BUSiiINGS ACCORDING TO TH~ SPECIFIC PRESSURE [Abstract of article by Istomin, S. N.] - [TextJ In formulating the problem of being flush in the theory of elasticity the problems of calculating the specific pressures in the slipping of plastic bushings by considering the setting clearances and the real arc of contact of the shaft's pin the bushing's sleeve under a varying radial load are examined in the article. Three illustrations. Five bibliography references. UDC 621.822.004 PERFECTING THE METHODS OF CONTROLLING THE POSITION OF ROLLING BEA1tINGS DURING OPERATION [Abstract of article by Zakharov, S. A., Abramov, I..Y., Sychev, A. A., and Martynov, V. M.] : ~ [Text] A context is suggested for accepting decisions when researching the process of the vibrational control of the position of rolling bearings ~tnat are operating under conditions of limited external vibrational and sound influences and a new method is suggested for controlling the position of rolling bushings during operation. Three illustrations. Five bibliography references, UDC 621.855 ~ THE SYNTHESIS OF A R~GULATING MECHANISM FROM NON-CIRCULAR COGGED WHEELS FOR CHAIN - DRIVE GEARS [Abstract of article by Ututov, N. L.] ~ [Textj A method is described for regulating the spe~d of the chain with the aid of specially synthesized non-circular cogged wheels. A method is described for deter- ~ mining the primary geametric parameters of non-circular regulating cogged wheels depending on the parameters of the chain di~ive gear. Trao illustrations. ~tao biblio- graphy references. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400070019-0 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE O~VLY UDC 629.11.012.52 ~ THE RADIAL RIGIllITY OF ELASTIC METAL WHEELS WITH THE JOINTS OF THE ELASTIC ELEMENTS 5TRENGTHENFD [Abstract of article by Samarin, A. I.] [Text) Results are given of experimental and theoretical research into the radial rigidity of a model o~ an elastic metal wheel that is intended for use in special means of transportation under super low temperature conditions and in a vacuum; the - calcul3ted relations for determfning the radial rigidity of elastic metal wheels ~re obtained with the hypothesis that the displacements are small and give results that are sufficiently close to the experimental ones for the deformations that occur in practice. Three illustrations. Two bibliography refeiences. UDC 678.072:539.4 THE LONG TERM STABILITY OF REACTIVE LAYERS WITH FIBROUS FILLERS HAVING VARYING CHARACTERISTICS [Abstract of article by Yartsev, V. P.] [TextJ The effect of unoriented fibrous fillers that have varying characteristics and dimensions on the physical constants of the reactive layers that define their res~istance to mechanical destruction is investigated from the kinetic concept posi- tion. It was established that the introduction of fiberglass leads to a substantial increase in the maximum energy needed for activating the destruction of the composi- tion. One table. Three illustrations. Eight bibliography references. UDC 621.867.42.001.24 THE TECHNICAI~ REAMING OF SCREW SURFACES [Al~stract of article by Molchanov, V. I.] ['1'ext] Calculations for reaming straight and skewed screw surfaces when manufacturing augers are set fortti. Six illustrations. UDC 621.774-462:621.941.004.18 DETERI~IINING THE SIZES OF PIPES USED AS BLANKS WHEN MANUFACTURING CYLINDRICAL ARTICLES BY MACHINING [Abstractof article by Sokurenko, V. P., Gorovenka, G. A., Tertyshnik, I. M., and ~ubar', E. I.] - [TextJ Recommendations are w~rked out on the basis of a probability approach for ~ determining the sizes of pipes used as blanks when manufacturing cylindrical articles by machining. A well-faun.ded selection of pipe sizes for blanks ensu~es, with a given reliability, a minimum amount of waste metal when machining pipes. 16 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 - FOR OFFICIAL USE Ot~LY UDC 62i.941.1 OPTIMIZING THE TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETF'.RS OF MACHINING PIECES ON A LATHE WITH UNFIXED CiJTTING [Abstract of article by Kytin, A. A.] [Text] A method of optimizing parameters is worked out on the basis of research into the irregularity of changes in the indicators for the process of machining parts under unfixed cutting conditions. Use of the suggested method and optimizing program is expedient mainly for lathe machine tools with ChPU [Computer progra~ed control]. Calculations have shown that in this case the technological cost of machining is reduced by 20 percent in comparison with the norm. Two tables. Three illustrations. Five bibliagraphy references. UDC 621.9.01:62~.9.025.7 RESEARCH INTO THE BREAKDOWN OF THE CUTTING PORTION OF THE HARD ALLOY TOOL DURING MILLING _ [Abstract of article by Kabaldin, Yu. G.] [Text] A method is set forth for investigating the thermal condition of the cutting tool under milling conditions. It was established that the formation of longitudinal - cracks in the cutting portion of the hard alloy tool is due to fatigue and the chipping of the edge is due to its brittle nature. Ways are suggested of reducing the tendency of th~ hard alloys to form cracks under milling conditions. Five illustrations. Five bibliography references. , UDC 621-923:669.14.018.2~ THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOZh [lubricating-cooling liquid] WHEN BURNISHING STEEL FOR TOOLS [Abstract of article by Fedoseyev~ 0. B. and Kravchenko, Yu. G.] [TextJ The results of experiments of burnishing using w2ter emulsions, miner~i oils - and without SOZh under conditions that limit the quality and g?-ecision of machining _ are given. Recommendations are given for designating burnishing methods. Three tables. Two - bibliography references. ~ UDC 621.73.043:519.47 ~ SELECTING THE OPTIMUM VARIATION FOR THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF VOLUME DIE STAI~ING a [Abstract of article by Aksenov, L. B. and Aksenova, 0. A.] [Text] A multicriteria approach to evaluating the technological pra:esses of volume ~ die stamping is set forth. It is suggested that the selection of the optimum process be done according to overall criteria for the technical level of the forged pieces, ~ 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY the technical level of the technological process and also the am~unt of expenditures by using multipurpose optimization methods. One table. Three illustrations. Seven - bibliography references. UDC 621.833.15:621.979.134 - CONCERNING SEVERAL FEATURES OF COGGED REDUCING GEARS IN THE DRIVE GEAR OF CRANK MACHINES [Abstract of article by Tytyanov, V. N.] [Text] Diagrams are examined of cogged reducing gears used in the drive gear of various types of crank machines for machining by compression; several features in ~ arranging and loading reducing gears are shown, their classification formulas are given and the possibility of making a comparative evaluation of the reducing gears with the aid of these form>ilas when selecting a specific crank machine is noted. Three tables. Five bibliography references. UDC 621. CONCERNING THE ACCURACY OF CALCULATIONS FOR THE ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS OF NEW TECHNOLOGY [Abstract of article by Gilula, M. D. and Gi~.ula, M. M.] [Text] A method is examined for evaluating ~he accuracy of calculations for the economic effectiver~ess of new technology. It makes it possible to establish the allowable error in determining the current individual component expenditures and capital investments based on the accuracy and reliability required for the calcula- tions of the economic effect. Two specific examplES for construction machines are given. One table. Four bibliography references. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyenie", "Vestnik mashinostroyeniye", 1981 9495 CSO: 1821/1'~2 END ~ � 18 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070019-0