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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
_ JPRS L/ 10086
2 November 198 ~
Jc~ an Re ort
p ~
CFOUO 63/81)
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400070001-9
JPRS publications contain inforcnztion primarily from foreign
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Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
JPRS L/10086
2 November 1981
~ ,
~ (FOUO 63/81)
_ Foreign Firms Cooperate in Developing Iluclear Reactor
~ CANDU Reactor
West German Reactor
. Iv'ew Developments in Biotechnolo ~r Industry Noted
(Variou~ sources; various dates~
Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratory �
Biotechnnlo~v Research Association
Kubota Ltd
Takeda, Sumitomo Chemical .
Toray, I~yowa Hakko Kogyo
New Technologies Developed in Automobile Industry Noted
(SHUKAN ORU TOSHI, 2 Jul 81) 9
Machinery, Information Industries '81 Programs Outlined
(KIKAI SHINKO, Feb ~1) 21
- Industrial Technology, Computers
~ References for Article
- a - [III - ASIA - 111 FOJO~
FnR (1RFiri e i r rCF (1Ni .V
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CANDU Reactor
- Tokyo NIHON KOGYO SHIMEUN in Japanese 4 Aug 81 p 11
[Text] The Electric Power Development Co Ltd (president, Yoshihiko Morozumi.)
announced on the 3d that it will enter into a comprehensive technological sur-
vey on the introduction of the CANDU reacte:~^ starting the next fiscal year.
This comprehensive technological survey will be continue~l for 2 years, and
the company has requested a 1.5-billion-yen allotment from the nuclear power
- development survey funds to cover next year's fiscal needs, by which means it
expects to conduct a safety demons*_ration of the fuel exchanger sent by the
AECL (Canadian Nuclear Power Company) as one of its projects. The move on the
part of this company to bypass the execution of the basic design necessary to
- the saf ety inspection and conduct a"comprehensive technological survey extend-
ing over 2 years" is thought to reL~resent a switch a:~ay from the early intro-
duction of tnis reactor to a long-term acquisition strategy. It appears that
the construction problems associated with tre new converter reactor (ATR)
- are causing some strange effects.
The Elec'-~~ic Power Development Company started its efforts to introduce the
_ CANDU reac~~~~ in February 1976 and h~s concluded that "there are no technologi-
cal problems," but the Atomic Energy Co~nission in its decision of August 1979
said that "if there is an improvement in the economic situation and it becomes
necessary to reasse~s this country's nuclear power development program, another
look will be taken at this reactor at that stage," thereby putting a stop to
its introduction far the time being.
Since then, the Electric Power Development Company, reacting to the Three Mile
Island nuclear power plant incident in the Jnited States (March 1979), has
apprehensivel~ conducted (1) earthquake-reaistant tests on imported samples of
pressure tubes and control devices at Hitachi Limited and (2) a safety analy-
sis of .~.ECL taking into accaunt a coolant loss incident. There has been no
"change in the economic situation" that could trigger an overturn of the Atomic
Energy Conunission's decision, and the company has decided for the time being to
- discontinue execution of the basic design, wh~ch is the premise to tntroductiQn.
In this regard, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry stated: "A
comprehensive evaluation should be made on the safety of the CAPdDU reactar as
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a system in the event this reactor is introduced into Japan within the frame-
work of the technological surveys conducted to date" (Nuclear Power Developmer.t
D~partment, Resources and Energy Agency). As long as there is no "pressure for
- introduction" on the paxt of Canada, the CANDU reactor introduction problem
will most like~y fall into a"change in compartm~nt" state.
COPYRIGHT: Nihon Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981
- West German Reactor
Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIl~'BUN in Japaneae 7 Aug 81 p 1
~'['ext] Three Japanese nuclear power plant makers--Hitachi Limited, Toshiba
Corporation, and Fuji Electric--and the West German nuclear reactor maker
Krautwerke Union (KWU, fully owned subsidi.ary of Siemens) have entered into
a technology agreement by which it was basic~lly agreed that the Japanese
companies will engage in "domestic" davelopment of the KWU type PWR (pressur-
ized light water reactor), and der.ails are now being ironed out. Toshiba and
Hitachi are large-volimme makers of the model SWR (boiling water reactor) which
follows the lines of the General Electric (GEj light water reactor, but because
of the worldwide favorable evaluation of the KwU type PWR, they decided to
introduce the: :T~~R technology of KWli and enter into the development of a safer
and more :'Qliable Japanese type light water reactor. The Ministry ~f rnter-
national Trade and Industry and the electric power companies consider this
new move to be a farward looking one in line with this country's ]~ong-range
policy of handling multiple types of r~actors, but�Japan's nuclear power
industry, which has been overwhelmingly tied in with the United States, cor_-
siders that ripples from thisunusual development, both domestic and inter-
national, cannot be av~ided.
Disengagement From Completely American Associatians
KW[1 not only is almost the sole supplier of nuclear reactors within West Ger-
many but is the largest West European nuclear reactor maker with an abundant
export record~ In 19b9, AEG Telefunken which was a BWR maker and Siemens
which was a PWR and heavy water reactor maker ~oined f~rces, and each con-
tributed half of the capital to form KW[J, but in 1977 AEG withdrew from the
field completely, so this is now a 100-percent Siemena organization.
KW[J handles both BWR and PWR, making it a very unique member of the n~iclear
reactor industry, with the P operating in the line of the American Westing-
house (WH) and the B in the line of GE.
Now the technological atmosphere inherent in West Germany has crept in, and
both P and B have strayed from their parents to the extent that this company
is now developing a strictly KWU type reactor which is highly evaluated through-
out the world, and KWU has been r~aking great strides, especially as a PWR maker,
ever since the AEG withdrawal.
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On the other har_d, ~oth Toshiba and Hitachi have been involved in the line of
GE, and they recently worked together with GE in ~oint development of an A-BWR
(advanced BWR) which outperforms the present BWR, and this is indicative of
their very close relationship with GE.
- At the outset of this international joint development of the A-BWR, GE, Hita-
chi, and Toshiha invited KWL1 to ~oin them in this project, but they were not
successful. This was because both the B and P of KWU incorporated ~he tech-
nology of very high reliability intrinsic in the Germans, and KWU had become
a maker which none of the world's nuclear reactor makers could overlook.
In another direction, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry con-
_ sidered that maintaining this completely American connection might,.in the
long run, become a minus factor in aesuring this country's international eco-
- nomic safety, and set about gradually diversifying its associations. At the
same time, the power companies began to react to the line of thought they had
been following, and there was a shift in thinking to approach KWL1, which re-
sulted in the recent agreement with KWU.
_ Fuji El~~txic w~s the maker of the gas reactor (GCR) which was thi.s country's
first nuclear power reactor directed at power prod+iction built for Japan
Atomic Power aL- Tokai, hut it was unable r.o come forth with an effective policy
during the BWR. boom which followed, as a result of which it was downgraded in
its position in Japan's nuclear reactor industry. On the other hand, in this
present series of activitiesn Fu~itsu was a~ked to participate in this ~oint
research on the strength of its deep ties with Siemens (capital cooperative
- relationship).
There is another ma3or current in the Japanese light watPr reactor picture.
This is the line of the PWR of Mitsubishi Heavy IndustXies and Mitsubishi
Electric, which have close ties with WH. The diverg~:nces concerning BWR
championed by GE, 'Toshiba, and Hitachi and this reactor have split this
country's nuclear power industry. There is even an attempt to follow along
the lines of the A-BWR devel~pment to come up with an A-PWR development, and
the B versus P conflict which besets Japan's nuclear power ind~~stry is becom-
ir~g more and more fierce.
It is certain that raising the fla~ for this new PWR is going to create some
waves in the Japanese nuclear reactor market. At the same time, these move-
ments will probably have various effects on the export protlems of the domes-
tically produced light water reactor which is expected to be developed.
COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981
CSO: 4105/237
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- Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratory
Tokyo NIKI:EIN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 5 Aug 81 p 6
[Text] Okayama--Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratory (Shimo Ishii, Okayama-shi;
president, Ken Hayashibara; telephone, 0862--24--4311 plans to double its pr.oduction
of interferon (IF) from 300 billion units per year to 600 billion units with the use
of hamsters, and for this purpose it plans to invest about 1 billion yen in Y~asz three
of. its program to r.einforce its Fu~izak::. Laboratory (Fujizaki, Okayama-shi), wh'ich
should be ready by the summer of next yegr at the latest. The a~cumulation of the
various types of analytical equipment is taking place in an orderly man~ner, and it
is expected to start on phase two construction within the year.
Last summer, the compan~~ initiated the construction of the Fu~izaki Laboratory with
an overall expenditure of 700 million yen for research and production of IF, and it
started production on the scale of 300 billion units per year. The Phase two
construction will expand these production facilities. ~n addition to the production
of IF, the separation and purification of various physiologically active materials
(linihokain [phonetic]) are pe~f~xmed, and it is expected that this will be expanded
in its phase three research and production facility. The construction and internal
_ equipment for this is said to require 1 billion yen.
This company had previously entered into a cooperative agreement with the two
~ pharmaceutical companies, Mochida and Otsuka, by which mPans its development tempo
went into orbit, ar?d it is conducting "preclinical tests" at the request of the
Ministry of Health and Welfare as part of the preliminary tests necessary to the
- initiation of c:lincial tests. These tests will im~olve the use of animals in acute,
- subacute, and chronic toxicity tests and will check all phases of safety, and it is
expected to that the results of these studies will be a~ounced by the end of the
The increased production of IF through the phase two construction will increase
production to 600 billion units per year, which will be the largest scale production
in the world, and thi~ will be accomplished without having to increase the number of
hamsters by means of: 1) expanding proliferating cells (kobu Ipossibly a lump,
swelling, knot]), 2) improving dissection technology, 3) raising inrluction efficiency
and 4) eliminating purification losses. By these means a doubling of capacity should
be readily feasible, and these practices are expected within a few years to enable
_ production to reach a fivefold or higher level, according to this company's estimates.
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Almost all of the IF presently produced will be used in the "preclinical tests,"
and they cannot all be carried out at the same time, but as the result of increased
production and of the clinical tests, by next year it may be possible to e�fect wider
distribution: "We have finally c:ome to see the possibility of ineeting the wishes
of gatier.ts, physicians, and researchers to whAm this agent has thus far been den3.ed."
(Managing Director Yasu Hayashibara, head of the business office)
COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsl~a 1981
Biotechnology Research Association
Tokyo MAINICHI SHIl~UN in Japanese 12 Aug 81 p 3
[Text] Fourteen chemical and food industries, such as Mitsubishi Chemical Industry,
formed the "Biotechnology Development Technology Research Association" (director,
Eiji Suzuki, president of Mitsubishi Chemical Industry) on the llth to pramote
biotechnolagy, which has come to the forefront as a leading technology. Starting in
September, this association will take over joint research and development centered
on basic technology as well as participating in biotechnology research for the next-
generation industrial basic technology development system under the 10-year plan
initiated this year by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in order to
make every effort to close the gap between Japan and the Western nations which are
several years ahead of this country in biotechnological matters.
Biotechn.ology is the technology by which gene combinations are altered, and fusion
of differing cells is utilized to ex~loit life functions of living matter in the
industrial area. Microorganisms and enzymes are cultured in large volume in order
to decompose organic compounds such as petroleum and to develop new plants high in
protein. The areas of application are countless, and the subject of the present
research under way in Japan ranges from interferon typ~ medical agents to agents in
the agricultural, energy, and chemical areas, with several hundred companies involved
in research and development programs.
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry has incorporated biotechnology
research as one of the pillars in its next-generation ind~xstrial bas~c technology
development system and plano to fund 26 billion yen over the next 10 years in research
contracted to private industry.
The association applied for participation in this next-generation system program
on the above date to seek government aid in biotechnology research in three basic
areas--"gene manipulation" to create new microorganisms to be used by the 14 memher
chemical and food pr~duct companies, "bioreactor" (microorganism reaction vessel)
dev~lopment for energy conservation and highly efficient chemical processes, and
"large volume cell culture" to enable more efficient production of certain medical
products--and thereby to realize early practical application of biotechnology.
Biotechnology research in .Japan is way behind the level of the Western countries,
where research was started early in the 1970's, and of the 24 Japanese pater?ts made
known thus far on gene manipulation, 19 have been the work of Western industries.
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The industries participating in this research association other than Mitsubishi
Chemical Industry include Sumitomo Chemical Industry, Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals,
Mitsubishi Chemical and Life Science Laboratory, Kao Soap, Daicel Chemical Industry,
Electro Chemical Industrial, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Mitsubishi Gas and
Chemicals, Asahi Chemical Industxy, A3inomoto, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo, Takeda Chemical
Industries, and Toyo Jozo.
COPYRIGHT: Mainichi Shimbunsha 19~1
Kubota Ltd
Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 18 Aug 81 p 1
[Text] Kubota Ltd (president, Taro Hiroyasu) will initiate full-scale research on
biotechnology (life engineering) to look into utilization of new microorganisms and
new technology on natural and animal products use. This company proposes to branch
out from its original function as a maker of agricultural equipment and environmental
equipment to pursue the possibilities of gene maniupulation and cell fusion and is
soon expected to set up a"biotechnological research co~ittee", using its environ-
mental equipment research department as the parent unit. This is an indication that
the approach to biotechnology, which thus far has been the realm of chemical and
food product industries, has now spread to the machine makers, and the results obtained ~
by this group will be awaited with great interest.
Kub4ta Ltd is the top industry in the area of agricultural machinery which has deep
ties with biotechnology. It is a large maker of engines and environmental equipment, ~
and~. it is adequately equipped for the various conditions and needs of biotechnology.
Furthermore, its 90 years of history are replete with expansion and developmenr of
industries tied in with "water."
The ::~~vironmental Eq~iipment Laboratory (about 50 staff inembers) of its Envirornnent
Plant Industry Department has more than 10 microbiological specialists who have
already been engaging in biotechnological research. The application of biotechnology
to environmental equipment involves, first of all, the creatior~ of "new species"
of microorganisms--ones which can operate even with a small volume of air on a
large volume of sludge and spaedily "chew up" the sludge to develop a new activated
sludge treatment facility are a possibility which comes to mind. This company has
already formed a project team with these microbiological research staff inembers
which has started ~n specifi~ research and development.
The next research objective will be the area of food. It may be said that this
c~mpany has accumulated technology which comes close to biotechnology in the matter
of develoging new seeds, new fermentation technology, and cell fusion.
COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981
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Takeda, Sumitomo Chemical
Tokyo TOKYO SH7I~LBUN in Japanese 24 Aug 81 p 2
[Text] Osaka--Takeda Chemical Industries will conduct clinical tests with interferon
(IF) produced by gene manipulation of colon bacilli at about 10 facllities throughout
- thE country, such as Osaka University, starting at the end of September. This is a
joint project with the world's largest pharmaceutical producer, floffmann-La Roche
(Switzerland), and this wi~l be the first time in Japan that a medical agent producec?
' by gene manipulation will be used in the human body.
Sumitomo Chemical Industry is expec~ed soon to enter into clinical studies on the
growth hormone for very small children which was ~ointly developed by the Swedish
Kabi Drug and American industry, in addition to ~rhich it is prnmoting the marketing
of Yuei Drugs and Midori Juji producta, and gene engineering will see it~ practical
use begin in the area of inedical products.
What Takeda will use in its clinical studies is the alpha type IF jointly developed
by Hoffmann-La Roche and the American gene industry f irm Genentech Company. Clinical
tests were begun in the middle of January in the United States. Clinical tests will
be initiated in Japan under the direction of the Sp~cial IF Research Section of.
the Ministry of Health and Welfare, in which Takeda and the National Institute of
Health will use the same IF on animals to establish its safety.
According to Takeda, specific clinical plans such as the dose and number of subjects
will be decided by the middle of September, and 10 throughout the country
centered on Osaka University will study the applica~ion of this agent on stomach cancer,
skin cancer, and malignant brain tumore,
Along with thesp clinical tests, Takeda is colle~ting facilities for a production
system and expects to initiate independent production about the beginning of next
year. Director Einosuke Omura (director of the central laboratory) said: "Once
production is initiatied, we will be able to supply 1.2 trillion units a year of
98 percent purity" (an ordinary dose requires some 3-10 million units).
In another direction, Sumitomo Chemical Industry is also planned clinical tests at
the Tokyo Women's Medical College and Osaka University, and it will use the results
of the clinical studies being conducted in S~aeden by the Kabi company to initiate
growth studies using hormone produced by colon bacilli as early as the end of October.
Gene manipulation is the rechnology ~thich involves the artificial removal or
synthesis of a portion of the genes, which are the storehouses of information of
living cells, to be incorporated into the genes of easily cultured microorganisms.
By this approach it is possible to produce hormones and IF, which heretofore had
to be extracted from humans or animals in their natural state in trace amounts at
high costs, thrcugh the use of microorganisms in l~rge volume at low cost.
This is why the government has clasaed this study as a national p:-o~ect and is
supporting development through the Science and Technology Agency. Along with the
start of the application of this new medication to humans, the Ministry of Health
and Welfare is setting ep new manufacturing permit inspection standards which are
expected to promote the practical application of bioengineering.
COPYRIGHT: Chu-Nichi Shimbunsha Tokyo Honsha 1.9$.l
= 7
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Toray, Kyowa Hakko Kogyo
Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 25 Aug 81 p 1
[Text] Toray (president, Masatoshi Ito) and Kyowa Hakko Kogyo (pre~sident, Shukuro
Kinoshita) announced on the 24th that they will engage in industrial production of
"inte.rferon" and will produce "inteferon by the recombination of DN~A (deoxy nucleic
acid)" by the method developed by the Cancer Research Institute's Cancer Laboratory
(director, :Iaruo Sugano}, for which a license has been obtain~ed. Interferon production
technology by recombinant DNA technology had p~eviously been d~eveioped by the
- Genentech Company of the United States and Biogene Company of Switzerland, and the
Swiss drug f irm of Hoffmann-La Roche has been promoting its industrialization, as
a result of which they have a wide lead over Japan. This recent industrialization
announcement by these two Japanese companies is an effort to bite into one corner
of this lead, and this represents the first attempt in Japan~ [o use domestically
= produced technology to this end. Furthermore, the interferon which these companies
propose to industrialize is the so-called "B type" whi~h is, considered highly effec-
tive against chronic tumors praduced by ffbrocytes and is a Froduct that is solely
= Japanese. Its production by recombinant DNA technology is the first of its kind
in the world.
Interferon is sometimes called a virus suppression factor. It is a substance produced
= by animal cells when they are infected with a vi~us. It is not only effective in
treating viral diseases but also serves to auppress propagation and has sometimes
been dubbed the "dream medicine." Research has p~coce~d~ed to the stage that three
types of interferon have been discovered: t~e A type,, produced by mature leucocytes
and lumph cells; the Y type, produced by T lyznph cells; and the B typz, produced by
fibrocytes. Research and development on the industrial production of all three
types is under w~y.
The A type is being produced from mature leucocytes by Midori Juji, while product:ion
from cancerous lymph cells is being developed by Sumitomo Chemical Industry and
Midori Juji. In addition, Hayashibara Biachemical Laboratory is conducting research
on producing A type with the use of mice.
Toray is conducting research on the production of the A type from fibrocytes, and
the interferon produced by Midori Juji, Toray, and Sumitomo Chemical Industry is
already at the clinical testing stage. These meth~d suffer from the need to propa-
gate cells and form cancerous materials which require considerable time, and
there are limitations to mass production. So the use of recombinant DPIA technology
to overcome these difficulties has been under study. The technalogy to produce
the A type has already been well established in the Western countries.
The interferon which Toray and Kyowa Hakko Kogyo hope to handle in this new ventur~
is the "B t3~pe" which the Cancer Institute developed, and its technique is to extract
messenger RNA produced by interferon in fibroc;~tes, use this messenger RNA to
synthesize DNA, which is then incorporated into the plasmids (extra-nuclear genes)
of colon bacteria, and thereby produce produce interferon in large quantity exploiting
the high propagation rate of colon bacilli.
The industrializatien of this technology has made Japan a participant in the world's
competitive efforts to develop methods of producing recombinant DNA for the enauing
productian of interf.eron, and the resulta of this venture are being eagerly awaited.
COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha
CSO: 4105/228 8
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Tokyo SHUKAN ORU TOSHI in Japanese No ~+9,2 Jul 81 pp 12-21
[Text] Car Electronics: New Weapon in World Automobile War
The introduction of electronic technologq into automobiles is progressing rapdily.
Car electronics is being emphasized as a selling point for new models.
At present electronic partsy including audio equipment, make up about 6 percent of
the manufacturing cost of passenger cars, but this will expand to 15 percent by the
~ la~ter half of the 1980's. There are studies which indicate that the automobile
j industry is already investing some 30 million yen yearly in IC's (integrated circuits)
and LSI's (large-scale integrated circuits). T'his is twice the amount irivested by
~ the watch or NC (numerically controlled machine tool) industries and is the greatest
i expenditure of any industry except computers and other electronics.
, Automobiles are a mamoth industry of nearly 6 billion yen per year. Although
I electronic parts make up a small part af tfie cost, they are of great value, and
~j automobiles are considered a huge market for the electronics industry.
Dominant Factor in Small Car War
; It is well known that since the first oil crisis in 1973, the Japanese automobile
industry, to the displeasure of groaning U.S. and European manufacturers, I1as st~adily
' increased its share of the world market. In 1980 tfie Japanese industry produced
11.04 million vehi~cles, compared with America's 8.01 million. Japan has actually
I replaced the United States as automobile kiag, by a~margin of some 3.03 million
- vehicles.
It is not easy to say, however, how long this Japanese automobile superiority will
continue. Last year's takeover was almost a fluke--a matter of striking the soft
spot of American auto makers, who had fallen behind in their small car. strategy. As
the leaders of Gri and the others keep saying, their true worth will be seen in the
clash between Japan and the United States brought on by small cars.
One pointdetermining the uutcome of the Japanese-U.S. small car war electronics.
At present America has the lead in car electronics. America's proportion of micro-
computer ~ars is far greater than Japan's, as seen in GM's intentian to equip all
models. While America furiously invested in electronic technology in order to improve
the fuel efficiency of large cars, Japan put its effort into small cars which were
- already fuel-efficient and didn't worry about elec~ronic technology. But now both
countries are in the small car arena, and the vfctory will go to car electronics.
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Car electronics developed in the United States because of growing social and economic
demands for improved fuel efficiency, based on the neot U.S. energy bill and emission
control regulatians represented in the Muskie Act. 'I'he search for safety and comfort
is another peint which cannot be overlooked. The "roots" of American car electronics
�or the purpose of improving fuel effici~ency lie in the electronic fuel injection (EFI)
device using vacuum tubes developed by Bendix in 1959. The following year Chrysler
decided to make this EFI an option in its 1960 models.
The EFI developed by Bendix was just a start, and was followed by the diode alternator,
transistorized ignition, the mixed IC regulator and other ele~tronic devices ior
the engine,
There is, incidentally, a trsde-off between the emission control and the i.mproved
fuel efficiency being asked of auto makers. Although theoretically there are a number
of ways to simultaneously solve these mutually contradictory tasks (such as adoption
of diesel engines), it was generally concluded that use of electronics was the proper
solution. That is, electronic controls could optimize engine ignition timing and
the air-fuel mixture (AF ratio), increasing fuel efficiency, and more complPte
combustion wc~uld result in clean~r exhaust. TEii.s idea was given practical application
- in an electronic fuel injection device using semiconductors (mixed IC) jointly developed
in 1967 by West Germany's Bosch and VW.
Entering the Era of Microcomputers
The demand for cleaner exhaust applied equally to Japanese cars. Most manufacturers
cleared regulations by changing engine types and adopting catalytic corrverters, but
aiter 1970 more and more Japanese auto makers joined the United States by adopting
EFI was first adopted by Isuzu's Isuzu 117 coupe in 1970. The following year it was
_ adopted by Nissan's Bluebird U and Toyota's Mark II. About 10 percent of Japanese
cars are said to use EFI at present.
The primary reason that EFI (which N3..ssan c alls EGI--electronic gasoline injection)
is not used in most Japanese cars is the cost. The average cost of EFI is 60,000
or 70,000 yen, and it sometimes excFeds 100,000 yen. The truth is that the switchover
has not been made because of the desire to keep Che unit cost of cars down.
The cost-performance problem is always present, but the issue of car electronics
itself has already entered the era of tfie personal computer.
Circuit integration is progressing--from IC to LSI to super-LSl--at an ever-3.ncreasing
rate. Prices are dropping rapidly and capabilities are increasing 3n b~ometric
progression, Super-LSI's are not used in automobiles at present, but the micro-
computer capacity is already too great to use ;just for engine controls, and efforts
are being made to systematize devices and parts which have previously worked
A single microcomputer can now control everything from EFI, an electronic carburetor,
and ignition control device and EGR (exhaus t gas recycling device) that deal with
the engine, to safety and drive elements like an antiskid device, a malfuction diagnosis
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device (OK monitor), an automatic speed control, and electronic locking seatbelts.
And even such comfort items as fully automatic air-conditioning and drive computers
can now be included.
Sensors Hold the Key
A complete computer car has not yet come into being. So-called "computer cars"
are bein~ sold by Nissan, Mitsubishi Motors, Toyota and Isuzu, but although they
have added secondary systems like drive computers, basically they have all just
concentrated engine controls. They do n.~t have total system controls with sensors
on each cylinder, and are well behind in terms of electronification of the power chain.
The bottleneck is sensors. Al1 the auto makers are now struggling to develop sensors
= that can sense changes in the external environment and elicit flexible responses
from engine and other contro].s.
~ The equipment within the passenger compartment, on the other hand, is becoming more
and more electronic. Instrument panels have meters that spell out their readings.
These are developed around light emitting diodes (LED) and other electronic displays.
There are differences from manufacturer to manfacturer and from model to model, but
al~ have electronic speedometers, fuel gauges, watex temperature gauges and tachometers.
Spe~::?ometers have digital displays with Arabic numerals, and many of the others have
j zone displays (changes shown against colored zones) or segment displays (which
~ light when a certain level is reached.
This equipment is limited to specialty cars or luxury cars, but it is only the cost
that prevents their spread to popular mo~iels.
Of course, the "mission" of car electronics is to improve fuel consumption, safety,
- comfort and convenience. Work will be done to introduce safety measures such as
radar to prevent collisions, optimum control of suspension and levelling, and traffic
information/route guidance. Development of these systems cannot be overlooked as
elem~nts of investment in social capital from the perspective of development of
traffic systems, but the use of inregrated circuits, which have progressed from LSI
to super-LSI, is indispensable, and tie-ups between auto makers and semiconductor
manufacturers can be expected to become closer.
New Materials: Meeting the Challenge To Reduce Weighr and Fuel Use
~ The worldwide war to develop cars which use less fuel--this will require emphasis
; on development and use of new materials as well as on car electronics. Reduction
of fuel use will depend on development of both more efficient engines and lighter
chas;:is; it is hoped that new materials will be effective in the development of both.
But while electronics concentrat~s mostly on improving engin~ efficiency, the value
of new materials will be felt more in the area of weigfit reduction.
Increasing Importance of High-Tensible Steel
The flow of innovations in automobile materiala has been from ordinary steel to
speciality steels to light metals to nonmetallic materials. But o.f course cost has
been a factor in this flow, and such difficult prob].ems as how to bring down the �
high prices of aluminum and organic materials and whether stable procurement is
~ posslble are involved. The shift to new materials has been slow.
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_ Within this flow, the changeover from ordinary steel to high-tensible steel has
been most rapid. Steel makes up 50 to 60 percent of the w~ight of an automobile,
but most of that is the cold-rolled steel aheet of the body. If this is reptaced
by high-tensile steel, the thickness of the sheet can be reduced 0.8 mm to 0.7 mm
with no loss of strength. Fo~rmerly, high-tensile steel was hard to work with in
such things as presses, but that drawback has been overcome by the large steel makers
- lately. At present, high-tensile steel makes up about 20 percent of the total steel
in those models which use it most, but this proportion can be expected to increase
to 40 or 50 percent.
Moreover, technology has been developed for dual-phase steel, which is soft while
being formed, then hardened afterward; this will be introduced on a large scale in
- the near future. This steel is also stronger than ordinary steel, and serves to
reduce weight.
What about making the body out of light metals like aluminum? Procurement of materials
is no problem, but auto makers are not interested because the cost of electricity in
Japan makes aluminum expensive. Instead, they dream of fiber-reinforced plastics
- (FRP) and carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP). The so-called "plastic car" is
on the scene.
There are, however, many difficulties in making thia practical. First of all, the
cost is high. CFRP is nearly 100 times the cost of steel. Moreover, it takes time I
to form, and productivity must be slower than for steel formed in presses. Thus
for the i:ear future, reduction of body weight will depend l.argely on improved steels. I
In the case of engines, on the other hand, there has been steady progress in reduction ~
of weight. Many engines today are cast iron, but moves to use aluminum alloys or
thinner castings are seen everywhere. For example, tfie method of reducing thickness
by inserting a liner (or sleeve) is being considered. Z'Eie partial use of aluminum
alloys in the transmission is also going forward. In other words, it appears that
a].uminum alloys, rather than plastics, will be used in drive machinery wb.ich requires
Trimming in Every Area
Thus raeight reduction is an accumulation of weight saved on small parts. Interior
- and exterior trim has all been made lighter. The bumpers are an example. The weight
was reduced about 20 percent by using uretfiane, but that has disadvantages in that
it weakens at high temperatures, and it absorbs water so a surface treatment is needed.
Judging from present technology, it is only a matter of tilne before the absorption
and heat-resistance probiems are overcome.
- The only way to make wtndow glass lighter is to make it thinner; research to i..mprove
it is being carried out. There is a trend toward headlights of a di.fferent sY?ape
which are actually heavier; the possibility of replacing the glass witfi plastic is
being studied. In the case of tires, weight could be saved by getting along without
a spare, and plastic tires which do not go flat are wanted, Plastics are also being
used for meters, interior paneling and various tanks. Smaller bearings with the
strength to withstand weight are needed, and finding stronger bearing steel is
another task for materials manufacturers. There has also been progress toward
refinements like replacing camshaft chains with rubber belts and making plastic
cooling fans.
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Plastics for automobiles include vinyl chloride, polyurethane, ABS resins and
polypropylene, and also such "engineering plastics" as nylon and polyester. Japanese
manufactueres have fallen behind European and American chemical campanies in the
development of the materials known as automotive polymers. It is estimated in some
quarters the development gap is nearly 5 years.
The chemical companies have, however, taken a very active stance in regard to
development. There would be great advantages in terms of total supply if automobile
and parts manufacturers would join in developing materials. In practice, there have
come to be makers who supply materials secretly, without seeking patents. In these
cases traditional ties like financial ~roupings are almost meaningless, and trans-
actions are strictly on the basis of product develogment.
That is, almost all new materials are 3eveloped through technology belonging to the
materials manufacturers; the technology is seldom that of the auto makers. In this
regard, the basic technology of Japanese auto makers lags far behind that of GM.
It was to overcome this lag that Toyota Motors decided this January to introduce
resin-forming technology from GE.
Structural Changes
Development of new materials is one way to make cars lighter, but design and structural
streamlining must also be mentioned.
~ This aspect is greatly influenced by design technolo~y in respect to the strength of
steel sheet for the auto body. Computers have long been used in America in aircraft
design. In Japan., though, this idea got a late start, and has just reached the top
- levels. The result is structures which have strength in themselves rather than
relying on the strength of the fram~work. (The principle is that whicfi makes an
- eggshell hard to crush.) In these designs, streng~h is affected by the accuracy of
welds; this requires the development of accurate welding robots and steels with
_ strength which does not change after welding.
As a part of structural streamlining, the FF method (front engine, front wheel drive)
is well suited to the present demand for ].ighter cars. The FF method hrings together
the engine and the transmission, of course, and also the differential and the drive-
= shaft. And because the left and right rear axles are independent, it is possible to
put the gas tank and spare tire beneath the rear seat and trunk, making the car lighter
and giving more room inside. No propeller shaft is needed to drive the rear wheels;
in sddition to eliminating the weight of the shaft, this will making the outside
dimensions more compact without reducing passenger camfort.
This FF method has not been accompanied by too much in the way of new materials
development. There have been technological improvements in the rubber parts of equal
- speed ball joints, and improvements have been made in power steering in connection
with the front wheels bearing the load. And as the car becomes lighter, it will
be possible to replace the rear leaf springs with lighter coil springs. Weight
reduction will be all the greater if carbon fiber can be used in springs. The
technology has already been developed; the problem is bringing the cost down to make
it practical.
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Carbon fibers may well bE more useful for structural materials of this sort than in
body parts.
Full Use of Ceramics
New materials are making great strides in improvement of engine efficiency. There
has been a particularly sharp rise in the use of ceramics to improve the cooling
The heat efficiency of the present reciprocating engines is low--30 percent--and if
losses from friction are included it is less zhan 20 percent. This is because water
is used to cool the cylinders. If new, high-temperature cer~?nics are used for the
cylinders, pistons, valves and pre-chamber, there is no need for coolant and heat
efficiency can be raised above 30 percent.
T:~e new ceramics are compounds of silicon with nitrogen, carbon, aluminum oxide or
other materials. Their strength is competitive with that of the superalloys.
The new ceramics are almost ready for practical application, and they will l~e put to
use surprisingly quickly, once the remaining pr~bl~ms of volume production and
workability are solved.
In practice, the parts subjected to high temperatures of 1000�C or above will be
replaced first, and in this process the radiator and other parts of the cooling system
will be reduced in size. Once the replacement with ceramics is complete the cooling
system will become unnecessary, and the dream of a"ceramic engine" will~have becoffie
- a reality.
Because reduced friction is another characteristic of ceramics, th~re ~rill be other
great advantages in that lubricating oil will become unnecessary.
~f course the study of ceramic engines is not restricted to gasoline engines. The
_ possibility of using ceramics for the increasingly popular diesel eng~nes is another
challenge to be met.
Diesels are superior in terms of fuel economy. The fuel efficiency of reciprocating
engines can be improved by increasing the compression, but this also ~ncreases the
harmful oxidation products of nitrogen (NOx) and tends to produce knocking, so of
course there are limits on increases of compression. But in a diesel engine the
compression ratio can be raised to three times that of a gasoline engine. Tllis
improves fuei efficiency: fuel consumption is improved by nearly 30 percent.
The explosive power of diesels are excessive for passenger cars, though; the problems
of engine weight 3nd vibration could not ~e elminated. The solution came in 1951 when
VW developed a small, 1500 cc engine. New technology such as valve-type fuel in~ection
- pumps and forced coolant piatons was developed and mounted on a golf cart.
- As in the case of the gasoline engine, there is the danger that oxidation and wear of
metal paxts will be hastened in metallic diesel engines. As in the reciprocating engine,
cooling is necessary, and there are moves to use ceranics in diesel engines to
eliminate that necessity.
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The plan is to make the engine's combuation chamber of ceramics able to withstand
its high temperatures. And thers is research on switching other high-temperature
parts, now made of high-grade alloys, to ~eramics.
The. gas turbine engine cai~ be mentioned as the latest attempt to use ceramics in new
engines. Because combustion is continuous, this engine can develop 5 to 10 times the
power of a reciprocating engine of equal weight. Actual use will be delayed because
of poor fuel consumption at present, but fuel consumption can l~e improved by raising
the turbine's intake temper'ature. This will require making the turbine chamber of
ceramics rather than heat-reysistant alloys.
Technology has been able to increase the turbine chamber intake temperature ro 1,400�C,
so now the pressing task is the development of materials whicfi can withstand such
temperatures for long periods. Research is going forward under the guidance of the
Ministry of International Trade arid Industry and the Agency for Industrial Science
and Technology, and this research focuses on the development of new ceramics. It
appears that this research will bear fruit in the 1990's.
- Car Technology: Study of the Companies Involved
Toshiba Corp
, Tpshiba entered the car electronics field in 1971 in cooperation with America's Ford.
Its first product, the EEC I(Electronic engine control), was used on Ford's 1978
models. The latest version, the EEC IV, is used on 1981~models. The s~miconductors
~ used in these EEC modules are 12-bit NMOS LSI's.
In Japan, EEC modules are used by Tayota Motors for its car computer, and they are
' supplied directly or indirer_tly to al~ auto makers. Car computer sales through March
~I 1981 came to 25 billion yen. Sales to Ford were down, but annual growth was still
20 percent. In addition to computer chips, Toshiba holds a full 50 percent of the
% world market for electrflnic rectifier elements. In 1979 a separate automotive semi-
~ conductor technology department was established within the semiconductor department
~ to make full-scale development possible.
j Toshiba's "car electronics" strategy is limited to the EEC series of engine control
computer chips. Unlike Hitachi, it does not deal with automotive equipment or sensors.
Hitachi, Ltd
Hitachi, which is tops in the electric appliance field, is deeply involved with
Nissan Motors and is thus a major producer of electrical equipment for automobiles.
- Sales of automotive equipment reached 160 billion yen in 1980. Growth has continued
at an annual rate of 15 to 16 percent for the last few years.
The first "car electronics" device sold by Hitachi was a 1963 electron~.c ignition
which introduced IC's. Although electronic equipment makes up only a small part of
total sales of electrical automotive equigment, Hitachi has a positive policy of
making it strong and long lasting. It takes a broad approach to car electronics,
encompassing such things as LED instrumentation and sensors that measure temperature,
fuel mixture, pressure, etc. Like Toshiba, it has naturally put the greatest effort
. into the engine control sector, with the goal�of building a total system around that.
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Production facilities are being built up steadily. An electronics plant to produce
IC's and LSI's was completed at the Sawa automotive equipment plant in 1980. At
the same time, the software firm Hitachi Automotive Engineering separated and becam~
- independent. Hitachi is now ready to go forward on both the hardware and software
Nippon Denso Co
As a general automotive parts m~nufacturer for the Toyota group, Nippon Denso is a
leader in car electronics strategy. As a start, it set up the world's first IC
laboratory in 1968. It also brought out EFI and such things as OK monitors, autodrive,
. the cruise computer and TCCS (Toyota computer control system). The company has not
- revealed the details, but sales of car electronics are over 5 percent the largest in
Last December it set up an "electronics headquarters" of some 1,200 persons. This
is an integrated organization which goes from development through production. It
is unique in the automobile industry in that it produces its own IC's and LSI's
(computer chips). Almost all its products are used within the Toyota group, but
- there will be future sales to overseas auta makers and to non-Toyota companies like
Nissan Motors. Competition with existing semiconductor manufacturers will be a
problem, but Nippon Denso's strength is its "thorough knowledge of automob~les."
Its accumulation of knowhow and data cannot be matched by mere semiconductor manu-
facturuers. Nippon Denso's name for car electronics is '4notoronics"; the fact that
- it has this different name is an indication of its self-confidence.
- Diesel Kiki Co
' Diesel Kiki has investment and technical ties with a worldwide auto.motive parts
maker, Robert Bosch oF West Germany, and can be said to hold the key to electronifi-
cation of diesel cars. It is the major producer of injection pumps, which are the
. heart of diesel cars, and its stockholders include Isuzu (22 percent) and Nissan
(9.7 percent), as well as Bosch (12 percent).
Under the fuel economy trend of recent years, diesel engines have come to be used in
passenger cars as well as trucks, and sales of DiESe1 Kiki's small VE injection pump
(for passenger cars) have expanded markedly. The company has strengthened ties with
Bosch--including the exchange of executives--for the purpos~ of acquiring electronic
technology. Promoting electronic control of fuel injection devices should further
enhance the fuel economy of diesel engines.
Last year the electronic development department of the research and development
- headquarters was divided into two specialized departments: fuel in~ection devices
(Department 1) and car air-conditioning (Department 2). This was done in order to
- respond to the demand of auto makers for electronic diesel engines, and to create
= an independent real_m like that of domestic semiconductor manufacturers.
Mitsubishi Electric Corp
Mitshubishi Electric is capitalized by sources such as Mitaubishi Motors and deals
- in such parts as electrical equipment for er~gines, polluti.on control devices and
chassis control devices (for a steady ride). In addition to Mitsubishi, customers
include ~uto makers like Toyo Kogyo Co.
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The core of Mitsubishi Electri.c's car electronics strategy is the engine control
module. At present its microprocessors are made by Nippon Denso, but it inaugurated
its Automobile Electronics Development Group in July 1978, and has now begun to
develop its own microcomputers. In response to Mitsubishi Motors' avid desire for
- an "electronic car," Mitsubishi Electric began volume production of such t~iings as
trip computers and electronic fuel injection devices in April 1980.
Stanley Electric Co
This company is the largest manufacturer of lamps for automobiles, but recently
it has pursued the theme of "fusion of light and semiconductors." It has put its
efforL into bright light emitting diodes and colored liquid cry~tal diodes as electronic
~ parts suited for microcomputer cars.
Particular attention should be paid to the two-way colored liquid crystal displays,
for which the company has developed its own techncil~y. They share the LED charac-
teristics of i) near-permanence,not out like light bulbs; 2) not producing
heat; 3) glowing with rapid pulses; and 4) saving energy by drawing little current.
But their greatest characteristic is the ~harp clean image and wide angle of visibility
in comparison with the standard color liquid crystal displays. They are mast highly
- rated for brightness. They can be expected to be used in a broad range of applica-
tions, including automation equ~pment, measuring devices, audio equipment and
automotive instrumentation. Red, green, yellow and orange are already commercially
available. The company is now working to develop blue, and plans to have a lineup
of seven colors.
Stanley Electric has built up LED sales of 500 million yei? per month; semiconductors
and related quipraent make up ZO percent of its total sales now.
Kanto Seiki Co
Advances in automotive electronics are being made in the engine compartment, but ev~n
more so on the inctrument panel. It is in this field that Kanto Seiki is a key
supplier to Nissan Motors.
- For example, the TCU (time control unit) adopted for Nissan's Cedric and Gloria models
use Hitachi microprocessors, but assembly is by Kanto Seiki. The TG'U provides pulses
regulated by a quartz oscillator to control the drive computer, intermittent wind-
shield wipers, turn si~nals and so on. Of course, it can be used to control audio
- equipment, the speedometer and odometer, and Kanto Seiki will put further effort
into this field. The company has already succeeded in creating an automoative
central warning device, ~nd its next big task is a counnercially viable liquid crystal
c!isplay panel for automobiles.
Nissan Motors considers the company a valuable memher of its group, saying: "Kanto
Seiki ~ill be ranked as a strategic company in the Nissan group, along with companies
~ like Nippon Denshi Kiki (fuel injection pumps), Nippon Autamatic Transmissions, and
Ikeda Bussan (seats)."
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~ Other Suppliers
Jidosha Denki Co of the Nissan group supplie~ speed controllers. The Toyota group's
Aisan Industries has developed an electronic carburetor which is less expensive than
EFI. Yushin Seiki, which wants to unif;~ m~chanical and elecrrical components, is
_ eagerly working on an electronically controlled automatic transmission.
It can thus be seen that there is a crowded field of participants in the car
e~ectronics revolution.
Table 1
Total Car Electronics
- Driving Environment:
Automatic air-conditioning (temperature, humidity,
' air cleaner, acidity control)
Automata.c control of seat position (front/back, up/down,
memory, cushion)
Exhaust Gas Recyclying--EGE (catalyst temperatures warning,
_ ignition timing, OZ sensor)
Displays: , '
Trip computer (fuel consi.~ption volumn rate, arrival time �
and remaining time and distance, cruising range, tempera- I
ture, air pressure, processing and display of
- Digit~.l instrumentation
_ Total engine control system (drivabiliry, optimization controls)
Automatic idle and choke controls
Ignition timing (knock prevention)
Air-to-fuel ratio control (electronic carburetor)
Electronic ignition (all IC--no contact points)
- Semiconductor rectifier and voltage regulator
Safety: '
Seatbelts (alarm, centrols)
- Light controls (automatic headlights, high/low beam control,
open circuit monitor)
- Inte~ittent windshield wipers
Defroster itimer, automatic)
Miz�ror control (field of vision, antifogging)
Automatic door Zocks (when in motion)
Power windows
Road condition warming (ice sensor, external temperature)
Collision (radar controlled brakes)
Antilocking (antislip when braking)
Tire pressure warning and automatic control (sensors)
Monitors and warning (iights, etc)
Speed warning and control
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Suspension and levelling (vehicle attitude control)
Lock-up type automatic transmission (fuel control)
Transmission shift (optimum gear ratio control)
Cruise (set s~eed) control fuel and brakes)
Power train (total system of engine and drive mechanism)
Electronic horn
- Theft alarm and prevention (doors, ignition switch, steering)
" Rain guidance and traffic guidance (d step toward automatic
Table 2
Electronics Suppliers to Major Manufactuers
Toyota Motors: microprocessor engine control system, electronic fuel injection,
solid state ignition, IC regulator, ea~ission controls, cruise computer,
~ autodrive device, antiskid control, electronic automatic transmission,
power windows, automatic door locks, central warning device--Nippon
Denso; tachometer--Nippon Denso and Yazaki. Corp; intermittent wipers--
Nippon Denso and Fu~itsu Ten; liquid crystal car clocks--Jeco Co;
car audio--Fu~itsu Ten, Matsushita Electric and others.
Nissan Motors: engine central contrql syst~n, electronic fuel injection--Nippon Denshi
Kiki; electronic carburetor--Nlppon Denshi Kiki and Hitachi; ignition
device without points, alternator with IC regulator, emission controls--
Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric; drive computer, tachometer, central
warning device--Kant.o Se~lci; auto speed control, power windows, auto-
matic door locks--Jidosha Denki; antiskid control, electronic
= transmission--Hitachl; intermittent wipers- Mitsuba Electric, Jidosha
Denki and Niles Parts Co; car air-conditioning--Nippon Radiators,
Diesel Kiki and Hitachi; liquid crystal car clocks--Ka.nto Seiki and
Niles parts; car audio--Clarion, Matsushita Electric and others.
- Mitsubishi Motors: Electronic fuel injection, ignitioil device without points, alternator
~ with IC regulator, emission controls, drive computer, warning system--
Mitsubishi Electric; tachometer--Yazaki Corp and Nippon Denso;
Intermittent wipers--Niles Parts and Nippon Denso; car .air-conditioning--
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; liquid crystal car clocks--Jeco Co,
Yazaki Corp, Nippon Denso, Mitsubishi ~lectzic and Niles Parts; car
audio--Mitsubishi Electric, Clarion, Matsushita and others.
Toyo Kogyo: electronic fuel infection--Nippon Den:so; ignition device without points,
alternator with IC regulator, emission controls--Mitsubishi Electric;
- tachometer, central warning device--1'ushin Seiki; intermittent wipers--
Asumo; car air-conditioning--Nippon Denso, Diesel Kiki and Hitachi;
liquid crystal car clock--Jeco and Copa1 Co; car audio--Clarion,
' Matsushita, Pioneer, Veltik, Fujitsu Ten and others.
Honda Motors: electronic fuel in~ectioii for motorcycles, ignition without points,
car air-conditioning--Nippon Denso; tachometer--Nippon Se~ki;
intermittent wipers--Mitsuba Electric; liquid crystal car clocks--
Jeco; central warning device--Stanley; car audio--Matsushita, Fujitsu
Ten, Pioneer, Albion and others.
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Isuzu Motors: electronic fuel injection--Nippon Denehi Kiki; emission controls--
Nippon Denso; tachometer--Yazaki; intermitten~ wipers- Mitsuba
Electric and Jidosha Denki; car air-conditioning--Diesel Kiki; liquid
crystal car clock--Yazaki, Jeco; car audio--Clarion, Fujitsu Ten and
Table 3
Weight in American Four-Passenger. Cars (in pounds)
1977 1980's 1990's
Steel 1,000 to 1,170 925 to 1,100 875 to 1,075
- High-tensile steel 40 to 180 50 to 2Q0 75 to 250
Cast iror. 190 to 210 70 to 200 70 to 175
Cast aluminum 55 to 85 80 to i2S 75 to 115
Other aluminum 0 to 30 25 to 65 15 to 25
Copper and brass 10 to 25 15 to 25 20 to 30
Lead 15 to 20 15 to 20 15 to 20
Zinc S to 10 1 to 5 0 to 5~
Rubber 40 to 80 35 to 45 35 to 45
Polymers 90 to 125 100 to 125 125 to 250
Pasteboard 15 to 25 15 to 25 15 to 25
- Glass 55 to 65 25 to 50 15 to 45
- Tires 60 50 ~ 45
Other 100 ~to 150 65 to 240 30 to 120
Total 1,700 to 2,150 1,800 to 1,950 1,500 to 1,9U0
(Arthur D. Little, Inc estimates. Underline shows peak use.
~ Table 4
Earnings of Automotive Electronics Suppliers (million yen) and yen
`Current Net Earnings
Compan Date Sales Profit Profit per share Dividend
Toshiba Mar 81 1,547,611 82,816 44,238 19.9 7
Mar 82 1,740,000 90,000 44,000 19.6 7
Hitachi Mar 81 1,947,029 117,738 61,846 23�2 ~
Mar 82 2,200,000 135,000 ' 72,000 26.9 7
Denso Dec 80 517,360 48,681 24,599 85.2 11
Dec 81 540,000 49,000 25,000 78�7 11
Kiki Oct 80 139,792 8,566 3,173 19.5 5
Oct 81 138,000 8,000 3,400 17.4 5
Stanley Mar 81 73,772 5,045 2,535 28�5 ~
Mar 82 79,000 5,000 2,500 2$�1 ~
COPYRIGHT: Shukan Oru Toshi 1981
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Industrial Technology, Computers
Tokyo KIKAI SHINKO in Japanese No 2, Feb 81 pp 14-31
[Article by the General Affairs Division of the Machinery and Information In-
~ dustries Bureau of the International Trade and Industry Ministry: "Measures
To Be Taken on Priarity Basis by Machinery and Information Industries Bureau
- in Fiscal 1981"]
[Text] Foreword
The machinery and information industries are given a position as typical knowl-
Pdge-intensive industries, whose products have great ~.dded value, and whose
technology spreads rapidly to other industries. Also, they ar.e energy-saving
industries with high energy-consumption efficiency. We must establish an ad-
vanced industrial structure, if we want to build an affluent economic society,
in spite of the restrictions imposed on us by limited resources and energy sup-
ply. For the establistunent of such an industrial structure, very big expecta-
tions are placed on the machinery and information industries.
With such a vision, the Machinery and Information Industries Bureau is endeavor-
ing to accelerate the positive development of technology and secure t~chnologi-
cal independence for the machinery and information industries, so that these
itidustries can truly lead the development of technology in industrial circles.
Also, it has been taking various measures to give these industrie~ a solid
foundation in accordance with the social requirements.
From such a basic point of view, this Bureau will vigorously push the following
measures in fiscal 1981, as heretofore.
- I. Fostering of Up-to-Date Industrial Technology
1. Promotion of electronic computer industry.
(A) Acceleration of the development of basic technology for next-generation
- electronic computers.
The electronic computer industry is destined to play an important role in the
processes of informationalization hereafter, to meet the increasingly diversi-
fied and advanced needs among the people under the growing restrictions, such
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as the shortage of resources and energy supply. Moreover, it occupies a posi-
tion as a strategic industry to play a key role in the establishment of an
advanced industrial structure in Japan.
MITI, therefore, holds that it is one of the important problems for its poli-
cies to build an independent, stabilized elec*ronic computer industry, and has
been taking various measures in this direction. As a result of the efforts
made by MITI and by the manufacturers at home as well, Japan's electronic
computer industry is no~a gaining independence as an industry. For instance,
the l~beralization of hard-ware imports was carried out in December, 1975, and
that.of soft-ware~imports in April, 1976. Nevertheless, the share of indigen-
aus products on ,the home market remains at a level slightly higher than 5Q
p~.rcent, owing to the success in such efforts as the development of those
kinds of machinery which can rival foreign products.
However, IBM, which ho13s a share of about 60 percent in the world's electronic
_ computer markets, announced its completion of a big electronic computer of a
new type (3081), whose cost performance far excels those of the conventicnal
computers, in November last year. As a result, the development of electronic
computers, entered upon a new era (4th period). It is expected that this
period will see the introduction of new, epoch making technology
hard- and sof t-ware, to be accompanied by a drastic improvement in cost per-
formance, a beginning of new functions and a sudden increase in the range of
the use of computers. In such a situation, the urgent necessity of developing
a new system of electronic computers for the next generation is growing steadily
in Japan, as well as in other countries.
A very large-scale integrated circuit, which is more advdnced and speedier than
the present large-scal~ integrated circuit (LSI), is to play a leading tech-
nological role in the de~~elopment of the hard-ware for the next-generation
electronic computer. This kind of LSI must be developed earlier than soft-ware
technology. With a subsidiary from the Government, its development was stepped
up smoothly from fiscal 1976 under a 4-year plan. The plan was carried out, as
scheduled, by the end of fiscal 1979.
For the development of a new system of electronic computers for the next
generation, however, new and extremely epoch-~aking functions are demanded of
not only har~.-ware but also soft-ware and peripheral and terminal apparatuses.
It has been said that the gap in scft-ware technology between Japan and other
nations is even wider than that in the case of hard-ware technology. So, it
- is indispensable for Japan to develop advanced technology in such fields as con-
trol programs and super-high-level language processors. In regard to per.ipheral
and tzrminal apparatuses, it is strongly hoped tnat the technology for process-
ing in Japanese will be developed in place of the present processing technology
centered on English, so that the processing facilities will become easier for
the Japanese to handle. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate, by all
means, the development of such advanced technological devices as the Japanese-
language input-output device, a super-big storage capacity and external storage.
In view of this necessity, MITt decide~i to develop technology for the basic
soft-ware, or Operating System (OS), which constitutes the core of soft-ware
technology, and the new peripheral and terminal apparatuses the technological
renewal of which is remarkable, under a unified study system covering all
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manufacturers (a union for the study of basic electronic computer technology),
and with funds totaling ~47 billion, according to a 5-year plan for the period
from fiscal 1979 through fiscal 1983. It will grant a subsidy equal to 50
percent of the total expenses for development. In fiscal 1981, which is the
third year of this S-year plan, it will push efforts for development even
more vigorously than before.
(1) Items for study and development.
(i) Basic soft-ware (OS).
(a) Basic technology (such as control of large-scale memory, RASTS, etc.).
(b) Network control technology (such as diversification of functions and that
of load) .
(c) Data base control technology (technology for high-efficiency control of
data base, such as control of data base machine and mass storing and checking
of infor~ation).
(d) Virtual machine technology (technology for strengthening the diversity
of systems).
(e) ~uper-high-level language processor te~hnology (progra~m language tech-
nology which is extremely convenient and usable in character).
(f) Japanese-language data-processor technology.
(ii) New peripheral and terminal apparatus technology.
(a) Kana and kanji conversion input apparatus technoZogy.
(b) Japanese pronunciation input apparatus t~chnology.
(c) Japanese-language OCR technologye
(d) Japanese-language printer tectinology.
(e) Big-capacity magnetic disk apparatus technology.
(f) Big-capacity magnetic bubble apparatus technology.
(2) Expenses for study and development.
Subsidy--~�23,500 million.
- Subsidies from the General Account:
Subsidy for the promotion of the development of basic technology for electronic
- computers--~�6,200 million (~�5,785 million).
Subsidy for the promotion of the development of basic soft-ware technology--
~5,150 million (~�4,910 million).
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- Subsidy for the promotion of the development of new peripheral and terminal
apparatus technology--~�1,050 million ('~875 million).
(B) Research and study concerning the development of basic technology for
electronic computers (research and study for the development of 5th-genera-
tion computers) .
It is expe~ted that the environment around computers will undergo an even
greater change than before in 10 years to come, with the progress of informa-
tionaliz3tion. Also, it can be thought that the range of the use of computers
will expand drastically, to lead to development in such a field as office
automation, which is a combination between communications and data processing,
- the progress of informationalization of education, and the emergence of a dis-
~ tribution system and data bank enterprises.
The computers, which presently are in use, are computers of the so-called
Neimmann type. It cannot necessarily be said that they repYesent the best kind
of computers. It is said that a new kind of computer based on a new theory
and technology, or what is called the 5th-generation computer, will make its
debut at the beginning of the 1990's. In foreign countries, efforts have
already been started for study and development of a computer of a new type.
' As a nation to live by technology, Japan muat give top importance to computer-
related technology, and develop new technology ahead of other nations.
Additional remark
The following can be cited as instances of the conceivable functions of the
5th-generation computers:
(i) Functions as a computer with such advantages as everyday-language input
and output, conversation-type processing, and direct processing of figures,
images and sentences.
(i~) Functions to be discharged in place of man, including the making of
- decisions.
y (iii) Function of combining together the computers, which are used for differ-
ent purposes, into a uniried system.
(iv) Programming as a function of the camputer itself.
- (v) Further development of high-speed computers.
(vi) Self-repairing functi~n to minimize the effects to be produced by an
accident to the computer.
The following can be cited as instances of the technological problems for the
5th-generation computers:
(i) Device technology: the technology for designing, manufacturing and test-
ing new elements, which technology is best fit for the theories of the Sth-
generation computer, and especially, the design automation technology, which
can automatically design the circuit for elements.
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(ii) Hard-ware and architectural technology: the technology concerning the
- architecture of the non-Neumann type, which architecture can make the fullest
use of the functions of hard-ware by parallel calculation, as compared with
the present formula of successive processing, the function-diversifying sys-
tem architecture, which can build a syste~ for the diversification of ~'e
~ittest functions of a plural number of processors, the architecture for
advanced man-machine communications, the associative memory and reasoning
- and learning apparatuses, * which will. make it possible to make advanced use
~ of computers as ~rtificial brains, and automatic detection and repair of a
part out of order.
(iii) Soft-ware technulogy: the technology of making programs automatically
to answer the inquiries made in everyday language (natural language) or com-
piler langu.age, the multi-function data base technology which can handle
figures, images and photos as well, and the data base control technology.
- * Association--The function to take out the related information already
memorized, on the basis of one piece of information.
Reasoning--The f unction to produce a conclusion on a given piece of informa-
tion by inferring an unknown problem from information already memorize3.
Learning--The f unczion to memorize the r_ontents of the measures to meet a new
, problem in a highly usable form.
In view of such a situation, fundamental research will be conducted on the
- problems concerning the development of technology for the 5th-generation com-
puters, and the schedule and sy~tems for study and development of these com-
' puters.
I Subsidy to be granted from the General Account to help the study and research
concerning the development of basic technology for electronic computers (study
~ and research for the development of 5th-generation computers)--~�15,044,000
; (~0) .
(C) Strengthening of the sales structure.
Electronic computers have entered a new generation (~Sth generation), with IBM's .
announcement of its completion of a new kind of computer. It is expected that
the hard-ware price will fall drastically in this generation. It is unavoid-
able, therefore, that sales competition will become fiercer than ever.
In the recent multilateral trade negotiations (Tokyo Round), an agreement was
- reached on a drastic reductipn in the tariff rate for electronic computers.
So, it is expected that the market environment will become even severer than
- before for the Japanese manufacturexs, whose sales structure is vulnerable.
To secure a foundation for the lasting development of Japan's electronic compu-
_ ter industry under such a situation, t.he advancement of Development Bank loans
bearing the most favorable int.erest rate to Japan Electronic Computer Company
(JECC), which is a joint leasing enterprise, will be continued. At the same
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time, the specified period for the maintenance of the system of reserve funds
to cover the losses incurred by the repurchase of electronic computers, which
_ system was established against the losses due to the returning of rented elec-
tronic computers, will be extend ed. The advancement of Development Bank
loans to the manufacturers of ele ctronic computers, too, will be continued,
_ for the improvement of the indus trial structure~
Government investments: investments in the enterprises for the promotion of
home production of elec~.ronic computers (including JECC and enterprises for
structural improvement)--~�46 billion (~�48 billion) .
~ Tax system: extension by 2 years, of the period for the maintenance of the
_ system of reserve funds to cover the losses incurred by the repurchase of
electronic computers.
(Note)--JECC's leasing system.
JECC leases a syster~ of compute rs, which the user has decided to hire, as its
own asset, at the request and on behalf of the manufacturer of this system.
The f ollowing is a sununary o f the leasing procedures :
(i) The user selects, jointly with the manufacturer, the kind of computer to
hize,.determines the composition of the syste~, and exchanges with JECC written
contracts concerning necessary matters, such as rent, the scheduled date for
the cqmpletion of the delivery and the site for installation.
(ii) On the basis of these written contracts, JECC concludes a leasing con-
tract with the user in accordanc e with the ~tipulations concerned.
- (iii) The manufacturer delivers the system to the user on the basis of the
written contracts, and JECC purchases it from the manufacturer.
(iv) The manufacturer delivers the system to the user, after necessary ad~ust-
ments for its use by the user. The ownership of the system is transferred
from the manufacturer to JECC on the day of delivery.
(v) The user pays rent to JECC by the specified day of every month.
(vi) JECC will maintain the system in a way to keep it in normal operation,
and provide fundamental systems engineering (SE) and educational and program
services. All such efforts will be made by the manufacturer at the request
of JECC.
(vii) When the user wants to re turn the system to JECC, he shall notify JECC
of his intention by taking procedures in accordance with the stipulations con-
cerned. The ownership ~f the system will be transferred back to the manufac-
turer from JECC on the day afte r the cancellation of the leasing contract, and
the manufacturer thereupon will remove the syatem.
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(D) Promotion of the development of and transactions in general-purpose
sof t-ware .
The period for the maintenance of the system of program reserve funds, which
system aims at stepping up the efforts of the Japanese information industries
for the development of general-purpose soft-ware, putting this kind of soft-
ware on a paying basis and establishing a practical standard for soft-ware
trade, will be extended.
Tax system: The period for the maintenance of the system of program reserve
funds will be extended by 2 years~(The rate of accumulation, presently fixed
at 50 percent, will be reduced to 40 percent).
(Note)--Outline of the system of program reserve funds: It has become certain
_ that computers will enter a 4th-generation period. On e of the important char-
acteristics of the new period is expected to be a sudden increase in the weight
of soft-ware, which increase will follow the decline of the cost of hard-ware
due to renewal of technology. Furthermore, hard-ware (especially the main
body and the peripheral equipment and terminal unit) and soft-ware will be
segarated from and become interchangeable with each other. Consequently, it
wi,l become indispensable for the manufacturers of computers and the data-
processing enterprises to make soft-ware marketable as a co~odity. It is no
exaggeration to say that the destiny of the computer enterprises in the 4th-
generation period depends on the success or failure in making soft-ware with
_ a high ratio of efficiency to the cost on a paying basis and marketing it as
a commodity.
Those enterprises, which have superior soft-ware technology and are in a super-
ior position in the market, can meet the requirements of the new era by the
complete transformation of soft-ware into a commodi~y. For the Japanese com-
puter manufacturers and data-processing enterprises, however, it is difficult
to make soft-ware on a paying basis and market it as a commodity, because they
are technologically backward and because they have maintained a sales policy ~
treating soft ware as an "addition."
To improve such a situation and make it possible for the Japanese information
industries to make soft-ware on a paying basis and market it as a commodity,
soft-ware of ~ood vuality. especially general-purpose soft-ware of high pro-
ductivity, must be developed as early as possible.
In view of this necessity, a system of reserve funds for the development of
general-purpose soft-ware was established as a part of tax reform in fiscal
- 1979. This system, whereby the limit on the accumulation of funds is calcu-
lated in connection with the income accruing from the transactions in soft-
ware, aims at offering an effective incentive to the efforts for two purposes,
that is, strengthening of the ability of Japanese information industries to
- develop general-purpose soft-ware and establi~hment of practical standards
for making and marketing soft-ware as a commodity. The outline of this system
is 3s follows:
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a. Objects of the system: individuals and corporations engaged in soft-ware
business (including those daing it as a side business).
b. Programs covered by the system: programs developed at home and registered
with IPA as general-purpose programs, the dissemination of which is considered
c. Limit on accumulation: 40 percent of the income accruing from the trans-
actions in programs and accompanying technological services.
d. Method of using accumulated funds: annual use of an equal amount for 4
years, after 4 years of deferment.
- 2. Promotion of aircraft and aircraft engine industries.
The aircraft industry and the aircraft engine industry are typical knowledge-
intensive industries, whose products have great added value, and whose technol-
_ ogy is mast advanced and has extremely big effects on that of other industries.
It is ex~ected, therefore, that they will play an important role in the efforts
to be made by Japan, as a nation to live by technology, for the establishment
of a knowledge-intensive industrial structure in a creative way. In reality,
- however, Japan's aircraft industry is far behind those of the United States and
Europe. Moreover, it is extremely dependent on defense demand. So, it is ur-
gently necessary to endeavor to promote study and development in the field of
civilian aircraft production, above all. To this end, the following measures
will be taken:
(i) Promotion of the development of the next mainstay civilian transport (YX):
For the development of the aircraft industry, efforts will be made to promote
smoothly the development of the next mainstay civilian transport ('YX), which is
expected to be in big demand in the civilian aircraft market hereafter.
The YX project aims at developing a 200-seat wide-body passenger plane, the 767
(twin-engined), as a joint enterprise of Japan, the United States and Italy, in
accordance with the expected trends of the market in the 1980's. This project
has been progressing smoothly, since the trial production of the glane was
~ L_ ..,.,.t. F ~ln~;olnninv ~~lOllt
started in October, 1978. To .Tapan is assigneu ~~l= ~a~~ r---~
15 percent of the plane as a whole, and this share of work is centered on the
fuselage. Besides, Japan is taking part in the work in the general technologi-
cal field.
- In fiscal 19~1, the Government will continue to subsidize such efforts for de-
- velopment as trial production of the YX and the manufacturing of a strength-
testing plane, as in the preceding fiscal year.
The parts developed in Japan will be sent to Boeing of the United States, which
is scheduled to start trial flights in September, 1981. It is expected that a
certificate concerning the type of the new plane will be obtained in the summer
of 1982.
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J The subsidy will be paid back to the National Treasury, if a profit accrues
from this pro~ect.
Subsidy to be released from the General Account for the development of civilian
transport (YX)--~�2,043,040,000 (~�6,943,040,000).
(ii) Conducting of research concerning the development of post-YX civilian
transport (YXX).
For further development of Japan's aircraft industry, it is necessary to push
development of the post YX civilian transport (YXX) in a positive way. From
such a point of view, the Policy Subco~ittee of the Aircraft Industry Depart-
ment of the Aircraft and Machinery Industry Deliberation Council proposed, in
its second interim report presented in August, 1980, positive efforts to
develop, jointly with other nations, a civilian transport af the 130-seat
class or a little larger by the middle of the 1980's, in accordance with the
future trends of the market.
Since last year, European and U.S. aircraft manufac~urers, too, have proposed
to Japan joint development of this kind of civilian transport, or joint research
in the form of exchange of information on a noncommittal basis, as a step pre-
, ceding joint development.
The Government has decided to start such efforts as preliminary designing and
testing of designs in fiscal 1981, and grant a part of the necessary expenses
' for these undertakings, in view of the necessity of establishing Japan's own
view on the aircraft to be developed, prior to the starting of joint develop-
ment with other nations.
I Subsidy to be raleased from the General Account for research on the develop--
~ ment of civilian transport (YXX)--~�352,973,OC0 (~�0).
Ji (iii) Promotion of the development of jet engines for civilian transports
I (XJB) .
~ In view of the trends of the market, it can be expected that strong demand will
! arise, in the middle of the 1980's, for new-type engines with a thrust of the
o_r~� rlacc_ ~hi~h pneines will be used for civilian planes of the 130-seat
class or a little larger (including the replacement of the engin~s of the ~
existing planes). So, efforts will be made to push the ~oint project of
_ Japan and Britain for the development of jet engines for civilian aircraft
(XJB Development Project), on the basis of the results produced by the study
= and development of ~et engines for aircraft under the big industrial technol-
ogy research and development system. The XJB Project is to develop, according
to an 8-year plan from fiscal 1980 through fiscal 1987, a h:~gh bypass jet
engine, which is character~zed by less noise, less fuel expense and less pollu-
tion than other jet engines and which is expected to be in grea* demand here-
= after. It is an international pro~ect to be carried out jointly with Rolls
Royce of Britain, on the basis of equal shares.
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The contr~ct concerning the execution of this ~oint project was concluded in
December, 1979, and went into force in late January, 1980. In fiscal 1980,
basic designing and tests were carried out, and the designing of particulars
and the manufacturing of the tools for the engine, which will be made on an
_ experimental basis, were started.
In fiscal 1981, designing of the particulars of the engines for trial pro-
duction, tests of various kinds and the manufacturing of the tools for the
engine for trial production will be continued. At the same time, the trial
production of the engine will be started.
This project is the first project started by Japan for the development of a
civilian aircraft jet engine for practical use. It is to be carried out by
Japan and Britain jointly, on the basis of equal shares. Moreover, the devel-
opment of engines requires extremely advanced technology, huge funds and a
~ long period of time, and involves big risks, because the funds used for such
a project must be recovered over a long time. The Government, therefore,
will grant a subsidy to help the Japanese pay the expenses for this
The subsidy will be paid back to the National Treasury, if a profit accrues
f rom this pro~ect in the future.
Subsidy to be released from the General Account for the development of jet
engines for civilian aircraft--~�4,722,157,000 (~�1,787,157,000).
Limit on the obligation to be borne by the National Treasury (in fiscal 1982)--
3. Promotion of data-processing industry. ~
(i} Strengthening of the enterprises ~f the Data-Processing Promotion
Enterprises Association.
The demand for the promotion of informationalization has become stronger than
ever, at this time when the nation must switch to a knowledge-intensive indus-
trial structure. Also, the development of the data-processing industry, which
.,..t ~h~~+lrlnr rt,p hiirclPn of ~ushinst informationalization, has become an impor-
tant policy~problem for the Government, because the tect?nological gap between
Japan and the United States in this industrial field remains to be eliminated.
In view of such a situation, the Government will endeavor to expand and
strengthen the activities of the Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises Asso-
- ciation, which was founded in 1970 for the purpose of pushing informationali-
zation and fostering the data-processing industry in Japan, with major
emphasis on the enterprises to be mentioned below.
Subsidy to be released from the General Account to meet the operational
expenses of the enterprises of the Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises Asso-
ciation (including the expenses for special co~issioning of the development
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of soft-ware production technology and of soft-ware maintenance technology,
and the expenses for the promotion of the development of advanced data-
_ processing technology)--=2,658,OQ0,000 (~2,781,000,000).
_ (Note)--The Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises Association: This Associa--
tion is the only national organization for the promotion of soft-ware. It
was founded in 1970 on the baais of the "Law Concerning the Data-Processing
Promotion Enterprises Association, Etc" (Law No 90, 1970), as an organization
- to promote the development and utilization of programs and foster data-process-
ing service enterprises. It is dependent on investments by the Government and
- private circles, donations from private circles and Gov~�rnment subsidies, for
the operation of its enterprises.
(ii) Promotion of the plan for the development of soft-ware producti~n
The modernization or rationalization of the soft-ware production method, which
at present is labor-intensive in character, is an extremely important problem
which inust be tackled in improving the productivity and reliability of indi-
genous soft-ware drastically. Especially, it has come to be demanded strongly,
with the growth of such trends as an increase in the soft-ware cost in recent
_ With consideration for such a situation, this project aims at improving the
technology-developing ability and production structure of Japan's soft-ware
industry drastically to reach the American level, t~y switchover from the
traditional hand-operated soft-ware production formula to a formula of auto-
matic production with the use of electronic computers. It is expected to
groduce various effects, including (a) the improvement of productivity and
(b) an increase in the reliability of the program.
This p.roject is a long-term project which was started in fiscal 1976. It
will be brought to a successtul conclusion in fiscal 1981, which is its
scheduled last year.
The sum to be earmarked for special commissioning of the development of soft-
ware production technology, out of th~ subsidy to be released from the General
- Account to meet the operational expenses of the enterprises of the Data-
Processing Promotion Enterprises Assocation--~97U,UUU,UUU (~l,b%L~UUU~I~UUj.
- (iii) Promotion of the plan for the development of soft-ware maintenance
Soft-ware, in its nature, requires ma~ntenance work, to meet the changes in
the environment for processing, such as the operating system, and the demands
o� the users. The maintenance cost accounts for about 70 percent of the total
cost of soft-ware. On the other hand, the maintenance work is a?most totally
hand-operated, and accordingly, is not very productive or reliable. It is a
- principal factor for the rise in the soft-ware cost.
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A 5-year plan will be started in fiscal 1981 for the development of a compre-
hensive system, which will overcome such a situation and increase the produc-
tivity and reliability of maintenance work by rationalization and automatiza-
tion (at a total cost of about ~�5 billion).
- The sum to be earmarked for special commissioning of the development of soft-
- ware maintenance technology, out of the subsidy to be released from the General
Account to meet the operatior,al expenses of the enterprises of the Data-
Processing Promotion Enterprises Association--~�140,000,000 (~�0).
(iv) Promotion of the development of advanced data-processing technology.
To secure the progress of informationalization in Japan hereafter, it is neces-
- sary and indispensable to develop an advar.~~ed, complex data-processing technol-
egy by the fusion of soft-ware technology with other kinds of technology, in
accordance with the progress of data processing. It has become difficult,
however, for the existing development organizations to carry out such a devel-
opment project. So, it is indispensable for the State to promote the develop-
ment of ~echnology.
- For the development of such an advanced, complex data-processing technology,
it is necessary to make a comprehensive survey of the elemental technology of
diversified kinds. The technicians, who are well versed in elemental technol-
ogy in their respective fields, belong to different ~rgans or organizations.
For the c~~evelopment of these kinds of technology, therefore, excellent Lechni-
cians wi:Ll be secured from various organs and organization~, such as data-
processi~ng enterprises, computer-manufacturing enterprises, compt~ter-using
enterprises and research institutes, to organize them into an ad hoc project
` team fot~ ~he development of technology. Because the technicians, who are to
take part in this project team, have their respective social foundations, it
becomes necessary for a public organ to coordinate and guide the operations
of the team. To meet this necessity, a soft-ware technology center (tentative
title), which is to serve as a theater of activity, will be established within
the Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises Association, which is the anly public
organization for the ~romotion of data processing.
The sum to be earmarked for the promotion of the development of advanced data~
, _ _ _ ~ r....... ~t,~ rnnoral
processing technology, out of the subsidy to be relCd~cu LL~u~
Account to meet the operational expenses of the enterprises of the Data-
Processing Promotion Enterprises Association--~�395,434,000 ('~31,912,000).
' (v) De~;elopment of specific programs on a greater scale.
For the advanced use of computers and the promotion of the distribution of pro-
grams, the Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises Association has entrusted the
development of those advanced, general-purpose programs, which it is difficiilt
for this Association to develop by its own efforts, to other organizations
concerned, and has been endeavoring for the dissemination of the programs
developed by these organizations. In fiscal 1981, it will step up its efforts
to have package programs developed by other~organizations on commission, with
a view to promoting the distribution of soft-ware.
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The sum to be earmarked for the development and purchase of programs, out of
- the subsidy to be released from the General Account to meet the operational
expenses of th:.- enterprises of the Data-Processing Promotir~n Enterprises Asso-
ciation--~�1,3~0,838,000 (~�1,200,838,000), of which ~�300,000,000 (~�150,000,000)
- is reserved for package programs.
(vi) Strengthening of the financial foundation of the data-processing industry.
The data-processing industry is given a position as a strategic industry which
is to play an important role in the improvement of the people's livelihood and
the est~blishment of a knowledge-intensive industrial structure. In reality,
however, its tectinological power and production capacity are still small. The
scale of enterprises in this industrial field, too, is smaller tllan those in
ttie United States and Europe. So, it is considered necessary for the Govern-
ment to take eff ective measures to bolster this industry. Especially, it is
difficult for the data-processin~ industry to secure smoothly the amount of
funds it needs under favorable terms from private banking institutions, because
it is only a short time since this industry came into existence, and because
this industry cannot provide enough security on which to borrow loans.
In ~~iew of such a situation, the Government began to guarantee the debt~ owed by
the Data-Processing Promotion Enterprises ,~ssociation in 1970. It has also
taken "financial measures for the promotion of data processing," in the form
of advancement of loans from three long-te~m credit banks on the basis of
acceptance of b ank debentures by the Trust Fund Bureau. These measures have
been playing an important role in the development c~f data processing in Japan.
In fiscal 1981, too, the Trust Fund Bureau will accept bank debentures, to make
' it possible to supply the necessary funds for the enforcement of these measures,
which have proved effective.
The Government will also make facilities investments necessary for the devel-
opment of sof t-ware and education and training of data-processing tectinicians
by computer manufacturers and soft-ware enterprises and those necessary for
the on-line data-processing syster.? to be established bq the data-processing
service enterprises and others by the advancement of Development Bank loans.
..L_ a_ .,a... .,..+i.. o.. {,+.~l~iatr~~ nf n>>}~1i~ nati~ra ha-
PLLLI..LICLllIV1C~ ~.uC ua~a-~ivi.coo+.ub o~...~..~�.. ~.....~..~~J t._____
cause it handles data concerning local public entities and others. In view of
such a characte r, the Government will continue efforts to guarantee the safety
of the e]ectronic computer system of the data-processing service industry, for
the prevention of such accidents as stoppage of the operation of this system
and the damaging or leakage of data. It will. also record and clarify to the
public the state of implementation of the safety measures in this industrial
Subsidy to be released from the General Account for the promotion of safety
measures for the data-processing service industry--~�2,438,000 (~�2,438,000).
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Government investments for the enforcement of financial measures for the promo-
tion of data processing (acceptance of bank dPbentures)--~�5 billion (~5 billion).
Government investments in facilities for the development of soft-ware (Develop-
ment Bank loans)--to be disbursed within the fr.amework of ~�46 billion (~�48 bil-
lion) for the developmer~t of electronic computers.
Government investments for the promotion of the establishment of data-processing
systems (Development Bank loans)--to be disbursed within the frame~aork of
- ~�46 billion (~�48 billion) for the development of electronic computers.
4. Promotion'of atomic energy apparatus industry.
(i) Acceleration of the jntroduction of atomic energy apparatuses.
The atomic energy apparatus industry is to play an important role in the estab-
_ lishment of an advanced, knowledge-intensive industrial structure in Japan, and
in the development of atomic power generation, which is ex~ected to become the
prin~ipal source of energy supply to take the place of oil in the future. Th~
Government wants to increase the technological power of this industry by help-
ing the manufacturers of these apparatuses accumulate constructive experiences.
To this end, it will increase the amount of funds for advancement to this
Government investments in atomic power generation apparatuses (Development Bank
_ loans)--to be disbursed within the framework of ~�145 billion (~�115 billion) for
the atomic energy industry.
(ii) Improvement of the safety and reliability of atomic power generation
To remove the uneasy feeling harbored by the people about the safety of atomic
reactors and push the construction of atomic power plants smoothly, greater
efforts must be made to improve the safety and reliability of atomic power
generation apparatuses. Also, it is necessary to endeavor to secure the under-
standing of the people about the safety and reliability of these apparatuses.
- ~---s _ t F..r.. ~m..rnna~
N~OT thiS purpose, LRe Iorlnuia ivi LIIC aTwiy~i~ v~ ao~~...y r r-.-.-_,
and demonstrative tests will be conducted on the aseismatic structure of re-
actors, the nature of fuel and the efficiency of valves, steam generators
and pumps. The results of these tests will be conducted also for the develop-
- ment of a light-water reactor of the Japanese type, on the basis of the results
- produced by th e first and second rounds of improvement and standardization.
Furthermore, it must be made easier to control the operations and facilities
at the atomic power plants, so that the people's trust in atomic power genera-
tion will become complete. Efforts in this direction will be made in such
ways as follows: (a) to discover, as early as possible, any abnortnality
which may lead to trouble; (b) to make it easier for the operator to recog-
nize the existence of such an abnormality and take proper cope
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with it; and (c) to ease the burdens of the operator and inspectors in their
~veryday control of operations and facilities and regular inspections, and
help private enterprises develop a support system conducive to the reduction
of even those minor defects, which are still discovered at present, by grant-
ing a subsidy amounting to two-thirds of the expenses necessary for these
Subsidy to be released from the Electric Power Resources Development Special
Account for commissioning of the demonstrative tests on the reliabilitq of
the atomic power generation facilities--~�7,780 million (~�7,176 million), of
which ~�1,241 million (~�521 million) will be earmarked for tests on the relia-
bility of p:unps, and ~�730 million (~642 million) for tests on the reliability
of valves.
Subsidy to be released from the General Account for study and research concern-
xng the standard system for atomic power generati.on apparatuses---~�420,000
(~�420,000) .
- Subsidy to be released from the Electric Power Resources Diversification Sec-
tion of the Electric Power Resources Development Promotion Measures Special
Account for the development of an atomic power generation support system--
~1,104,078,000 (~�850,580,000).
- (Note)--Contents of the development of an atomic power generation support
The atomic power generation support system aims at easing the burdens of the
operators, examiners and inspectors and decreasing the damage to be caused by
accidents or trouble. For this purpose, the development of the (a) instruction
system, and that of the (b) automatic inspection system inside the container,
~ will be undertaken.
(a) Instruction system: This is a system to grasp comprehensively, with the
~ aid of an electronic computer, the information concerning the state of the
apparatuses, which constitute an atomic power plant, and their operations,
~ acquaint tho~e in charge of the operations of these apparatuses with the nor-
~ mality of the apparatuses and their operations correctly, and give them proper
instructions concerning operations.
(b) Autamatic inspection system inside container: This is a system to inspect
the state of the various apparatusES inside the container by moving a detector
- on a rail or on the floor, under intense radiation.
5. Promotion of space industry.
The growing shortage of resources and energy supply has become an extremely
big problem for Japan,which is a small country, as far as indigenous resources
are concerned.
On th~ other hand, foundations have already been consolidated for the utiliza-
_ tion of space, and it has become necessary to make active use of space for
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experimental, observational and other purposes. With consideration for such a
situation, we must endeavor to implement Japan's resources and energy policy
in a positive way, and at the same time, study and develop the technology
- for exploring for oil and other resources with the aid of resources satellitesy
with a view to improving the technology connected with space development.
For this purpose, the system and technology for processing the data to be
obtained from such apparatuses as ~he synthetic aperture radar, which will
be carried by a resources satellite, will be studied and developed. Also,
. the most suitable total system will be studied.
Subsidy to~be released from the General Account budget of the Resources and
Energy Agency for the development of technology for exploration with the use
of resources s3tellites--~`53,305,000 (~�0).
809,000 was given the Agency of Indus-
- (Note)--In fiscal 1980, a budget of '~55,
' trial Science and Technology for the st+idy of artificial ~atellites to be used
for the exploration of resources.
Subsidy to be released from the Coal, Oil and Substitute~Energy Measures Spe-
cial Account ~or the development of technology for remote detection of oil
resources--~�1,016,931,000 (~�0).
Additional remark: Significance of fostering space industry.
(1) Foundation for space utilization.
(a) The utilization of space already has close bearing on the people's live-
lihood, as can be seen from transmission via satellite in TV broadcasts, the
use of ineteorological satellites for meteorological observation and that of
LANDSAT satellites for earth observation.
(b) It is expected that the role of space utilization will become extremely
big in economic life hereafter, with the expansion of these fields for space
utilization and the opening of auch new fields as construction of space plants.
(c) Th~ionaof snacetin these wayss~rltttherefore isCtosc nstitutef thetbasis
utiliza p
for space utilization.
(d) For the development of the utilization of space in the f~herlevel of the
necessary to improve, both qualitatively and quantitatively,
space industry, wnich holds a key to the materialization of this purpose.
(2) Effects of spread of technology.
(a) The technology for the utilization of space is a large-scale system tech-
nology, which requires the fruit borne by diversified technological efforts.
Especially for the apparatuses to be used in such a special environment as
space, it is necessary to meet such requirements as foil~ows: (i) adaptation
to environment; (ii) reduction of the scale and weight; and (iii) high re-
liability. This means that high quality is demanded of these apparatuses.
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Consequently, it becomes necessary to improve the quality and extreme charac-
ter of these apparatuses, and an extremely high technological level will be
- needed for ~their production.
(b) T?~e space industry is an up-to-date industry which makes free use of such
advanced technology. This industry, therefore, is expected to play the role
of motive power for the improvement of the technological level of Japanese
(3) Industry of the next generation.
(a) The space industry is typical of the creative, knowledge-intensive indus-
tries which represent the concentration of advanced technologies, as is poin~ted
out in the Vision for the Trade and Industrial Policies in the 1980's.
(b) It c~n be expected that the demand for the activities of this industry
will increase throughout the world hereafter, with the development of the use
of space. Also, it is expected that the space industry will serve as a nu-
cleus for the development of Japan as a nation dependent on technalogy.
6. Promotion of engineering induatry.
The engineering industry is an industry which tal:es charge of all the pro-
cesses from the planning and construction to the delivery and operation of
plants. Characteristically, this industry has an "integrating function,"
a soft function whereby many industries necessary for the construction of
plants are organized systematically, as its sales point. In character, there-
fore, the engineering industry is largely Rn industry to provide services of
advanced nature. It is a typical knowlEdge-intensive industry which requires
comprehensive technology covering all kinds of science, includino civil engi-
neering, chemistry, mechanical engineering, metal engineering ~nd environmental
- Also, the engineering industry has been developing since the 1960's, with the
construction of petro-chemical, oil-refining and other plants in accordance
with the policy of expanding heavy and chemical industries. It has been mak-
ing a contribution to the development of Japan's basic material industries.
At present, it is making positive efforts for overseas development by means
of plant exports. It is helping Japanese enterprises start activicy au~~~u,
and at the same time, is making a contribution to the industrial development
of the developing nations.
As can be seen from this, the enginesxing induetry is an important industry,
which holds a key to the development and utilization of the social systems
necessary for the establishment of an advanced welfare society through the
- integration and concentration of human wisdom in diversified fields, and the
harmonious development of external economic relations through economic and
technological cooperation on the private level. Japan's enginearing industry,
- �however, has only a short history, and there is a big gap with those of Europe
- and the United States in regard to the technology-developing capacity and the
- foundations of enterprises. Therefore, efforts will be continued, as in fis-
cal 1980, for the establishment of the measures necessary for the development
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of the engineering industry, such as the colleczion and compilation of infor-
mation concerning this industry, establishment of common standards for engi-
neering, including those for the conclusion of contracts and the calculation
- of prices, and the formulation of the measures for the training of pro~ect
- managers.
Sum to be earmarked for research on the engineering industry, out of the
General Account budget for research on the trends for the development of
technology of the machinery industry~--~�3,095,000 (~�3,439,000).
7. Promotion of robot industry
The robot industry is an industry requiring up-to-date technol~gy, which com-
- bines in itself machinery, electronics and information. Al 1 nations are mak-
ing positive efforts for the technological development of this industry as an
important strategic industry in the future.
Industrial robots will make it possible to automatize the production of diver-
sif ied kinds of goods in small quantities, and make a contribution to the dras-
tic improvement of productivity. Besides, they will produce big economic and
social effects, such aa prevention of vocationa]. diaease, mechanization of
hazardous work and other kinds of work to be doiie under unfavorable conditions,
and the establishment of ineasures to meet the increasing ratio of old people
to the total population and the rise in the educational level of the people.
Because of the importance of the robot industry, conczrted efforts of the
Government and people have been made, in a pusitive way, in Japan as well, to
develop and strengthen this industry. As a result, Japan's robot industry
has reached one of the highest standards in the world. I t has become an urgent
problem to promote the spread of industrial robots hereaf ter, and establish an
advanced system for the supply of these ~obots. Because of such circumstances,
the follawing measures will be taken to promote the spread of robots in a
positive way:
Framework for Government investments (Development Bank lo ans) for the expan~
sion of the leasing business of the companies engaged in the leasing of robots
f~r private use--~�30,500 million (~�43,000 million).
Robotization of hazardous work and work under unfavorable environment will be
pushed, wi*_h the~fuindustrial5workers~andhthedimprovementf ofpsanitaryafacilities.
the protection
Framework for tt~e advancement of loaas by the Medium and Small Enterprises
Finance Corporation for the protection of worker.s and the prevention of environ-
mental pollution--~�88,000 million (~�84,40U million).
Framework for the advancement of loans by the People's Finance Corporation �or
the protection of workers and the prevention of environmental pollution---
~�14,000 million (~`12,500 million).
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8. Promotion of technological development.
(1) Promotion of the study and development of large-scale industrial tech-
nology, etc.
Efforts for the development of "jet engines for aircraft," a"compound produc-
tion system using laser of ultra-high efficiency" and a"meter control system
using light" will be continued under the system for the study and development
- of large-scale industrial technology. Also, efforts will be started for the
- development of a"high-speed calculating system for scientific and technologi-
cal use." Besides, the development of "magnetohydrodynamic (NIIiD) power genera-
tion" and "high-efficiency gas turbines" will be continued under the system
for the study and development of energy-saving technology (Moonlight Project).
~ Out of the General Account budget for the Agency of Industrial Science and
Technology, appropriations will be made for the following projects:
= Development of a high-speed calculating system for scientific and technolog~cal
use (big project)--~�30 million (~�0) .
Development of jet engines for aircraft (big project)--~�1,901,156,000
(~�2,062,795,000): The operation of an engine, made on an experimental basis,
will be studied, with major emphasis on the long endurance test, high-altitude
, landing tests conducted in Britain and tests for comprehensive valuation.
Development of a complex production system using laser of ultra-high efficiency
(big project)--~�2,745,154,000 (~�2,825,047,000): An earnest study will be made
of technology f or such elements as materials and optical machine parts, as in
~ the previous fiscal year. Also, the designing and construction of experimental
plants will be s*~;idied.
Meter control system using light (big praject)--~�2,418,648,000 (~�926,873,000):
A full-scale study will be made of light element technology, and of the total
i system and subsystems of different functions.
Magnetohydrodynamic (I~iD) power generation (Moonlight Pro~ect)--~�623,844,000
(~�1,321,871,000): IYII~D power generation, which is characterized by a high
generating efficiency and the direct burning of coal, will be studied and
MHD power generation is a method of generating electric power by passing combus-
tion gas of high temperature (2,700 C.), which can be obtained by burning such
kinds of fuel as heavy oil, natural gas and coal, through an intense magnetic
field at high speed. The gas will be used to drive thermal power generation
~ turbines, for the generation of electric power. In this way, electric power
can be generated by the combination of MHD and steam power. This method makes
thermal efficiency higher than that in the case of conventional thermal power
generation. If thermal efficiency is raised from 40 percent to 50 percent,
fuel can be saved by 20 percent, and exY~aust gas can be decreased by 33 per-
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Development of high-efficiency gas turbines (Moonlight Project)--~�5,919,818,000,
including ~�4,949,460,000 from the Electric Power Resources Development Promo-
tion Measures Special Account (~�4,280,829,000, including ~3,503,875,000 from
the Electric Power Resources Development Promotion Measures Special Account):
~ To increase the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine, a com-
plex power-generating system will be built, with the combination of a high-
temperature, high-pressure steam turbine using the high-temperature exhaust
gas of the gas turbine, with a high-efficiency, r::heated gas turbine with a
high entrance temperature. This system will increase thermal efficiency from
40 percent to 50 percent, and, if combined with central heating and cooling
apparatuses, will make community power generation possible. If thermal effi-
ciency is increased from 40 percent to 55 percent, fuel consumption can be
cut about 27 percent.
Outline of the study and development of the high-speed calculating system for
scientific and *echnological use.
In the field of science and technology, ultra-high-speed calculation is strongly
desired for such purposes as high-speed processing of the images sent from
space satellites, simulation of nuclear fusion reactors and meteorological
analysis. To do this kind of calculation which i.s beyond the capacity of the
conventional electronic computers, it is necessary to have a computer with the
efficiency of more than 10 BFLOPS (Billion Floating Operation Per Second).
Such a computer will make it possible to widen the horizon of the various
branches of science.
I~i`reality, ho~~ever, there are bounds established by elements and architecture,
and it is impossible to meet the aforementioned requirements with conventional
technology. To break this deadlock, the following are necessary: (i) such
elements as Josephson junction (JJ), HEMT and GaAaFET: and (ii) an architec-
ture like the formula of parallel processing, with the use of many basic pro-
cessors. In carrying out this pro3ect, these items will be studied and
developed, for the materialization of a high-speed calculating systeub for
scientif ic and technological use.
(2) Promotion of the development of heavy machinery and trial production of
new kinds of machinery on co~nercial basis.
For the promotion af the establishment of an advanced industrial structure in
Japan, it is necessary to improve the technological level of industries, with
major emphasis on heavy industries, especially heavy machinery production.
_ So, efforts will be made for the effective operation of the system for promo-
tion of the development of heavy machinery (created in 1964), whereby loans
are advanced to provide equipment funds for those enterprises which purchase
new kinds of heavy machines turned out in Japan, for the first time, with the
use of new technology and design developed at home, and the system for trial
production of new kinds of machinery on a commercial basis (created in 1968),
whereby loans are advanced to provide the funds (equipment funds, etc) needed
by the enterprises which undertake trial production of inechanical equipment
to be turned out in Japan on a commercial basis, for the f irst time, with the
use of new technology and design developed at home.
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Framework for Government investments (Development Bank loans) for trial pro-
duction of new kinds of machinery on a commercial basis and developmen.t of ~
indigenous technology--~�44 billion (~�47 billion). ~
Outline of the system.
(a) Development of heavy machinery.
This is a system for the advancement of loans to provide equipment funds
needed by those enterprises, which purchase heavy machinery turned out in
Japan for the first time, with the use of new technology developed at home.
While the machinery industry developed rapidly after the War's end, the pro-
duction of new kinds of machines, which have been developed by new technology,
on a commercial basis has not yet made satisfactory progress, in spite of the
strong desire for the development and spread of such machines, for the follow-
ing reasons: (i) Trial production cannot be repeated easily, because the cost
of production per machine is too high; (ii) a large amount of �unds must be
tied up for a long period, for trial production of a heavy machine which has
not been known at all; and (iii) users, too, feel uneasy and become reluctant
to issue an order for such an unknown machine.
In view of such a situation, MITI iti fiscal 1964 established a~ystem for the
advancement of long-term, low-interest-bearing loans to provide fo~ users
the necessary funds for the purchase of heavy machines turned out for the first
time in Japan with the use of new technology developed at home, for the promo-
tion of the development and spread of heavy machinery.
(b) Trial production of new kinds of m3chinery on basis.
- To put the production of those multi-purpose machines, which are to be sold on
the market, on a commercial basis, it is necessary to make a considerable ntmm-
ber of machines on an experimental basis in advance, and examine and improve
them from the standpoint of technology and design. In practice, this requi~:es
huge f unds. So, the manufa.cturers cannot afford to undertake production on an
experimental basis sufficiently.
MITI, therefore, established in fiscal 1968 a system for the advancement of
long-term, low-interest-be~ring loans to help those enterprises, which under-
take trial production of those new machines to be turned out in Japan for the
first time, with the use of new technology developed at home, meet the expenses
necessary for the procurement of machines turned out on an experimental basis,
and other items which are to become their own equipment, for the promotion of
the development and sprea~ of such machines.
(3) Promotion of the development of basic technology for the establishment of
next-generation industries.
For the development of technology 4s the foundation for Japan's survival as a
nation, it is necessary to improve the level of basic industrial technology,
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which level in Japan is lower than those of the iJnited States and Europe.
The spread of basic industrial technology produces extremely big effects, and
is LJ serve as a pillar for the renewal of technology for a long time to come.
On the other hand, it is �vpected that various risks will have to be met in
putting the basic industrial technology of revolutionary character to prac-
tical use. So, it is necessary to push its study and development by the com-
bined strength of industrial and academic circies and the Gov~rnment. In
view of this necessity, a system for the study and development of basic tech-
nology for next-generation industries will be created, as a step to strengthen
- drastically the basic technology indispens3ble for the establishment of the
next-generation industries, which are expected to come into bloom in the 1990's.
- Under this system, study and development will be pushed vigorously by combin-
ing together the following: (i) the vitality and potential of private circles;
(ii) large funds; and (iii) an effective formula for development on a planned
basis. As themes to be studied, problems concerning the development of basic
technology in such fields as new materials and new functional elements will
be selected, and private enterprises will be asked to develop this kind of
- technology. .
Sum to be earmarked for the study and development of basic technology for next-
generation industries, out of the General Account budget for the Agency of
Industrial Science and Technology--~�2,714,437,000 (~0); of this sum,
~1,356,442,000 (~�0) will be used for the development of new materials, and
~�673,250,000 (~0) for the development of new functional elements.
II. Development of Social System, Etc.
(1) Development of health care network system.
In Japan, many problems have arisen in the field of inedical service, such as
the imperfect system of inedical treatmenty a regional gap in medical services,
the incomplete system of first-aid treat~nent and the increasing medical expenses
of the people as a whole. The develc~pment of a medical information system,
which makes use of computer technology and medical instrtmment technolcby, will
provide an effective solution for these problems.
Efforts have been made, therefore, since 1918, under a 6-year p1an, for the
development of a"health care network system," whereby the medical institu-
tions, such as hospitals, clinics and health-screening and medical inspection
centers, will be connected together, for ~oint use of advanced medical informa-
tion and advanced medical materials and unified use of health control data, and
for the establishment of advanced, rational regional medical systems. In
fiscal 1981, the development of a basic network and an application program will
be continued, as in fiscal 1980.
Sum to be earmarked for the development of a health care network system, out
of the General Account budget--'~221,849,000 ('~221,849,000).
In Japan, there are various problems in the field of inedical service, such as
the regional gap in medical services, an incomplete syatem for first-aid
treatment, and the necessity for patients to wait for 3 hours to receive a
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3-minute medical examination or treatment. For the solution of these medical
problems and curbing of the rise in medical expenses, it is indispensable to
develop and introduce a medical information system consisting of computers and
new medical instrimnents. In Europe and the United States, a large amount of
funds has been poured into the enterprises for this purpose. From this point
of v~ew, efforts have been made to develop a heaZth care network system by
combining to~ether such medical institutions as hospitals and health-screening
and medical inspection centers, with a view to making possible the joint use
of advanced medical information and materials and the unified use of health
control data, and making a contribution to the establishment of advanced,
ratinnal me3ical systems in the respection regions.
Functions of the health care network system: (a) use of health control data;
(b) joint use of advanced medical instruments ard materials; (c) improvement
of the data-processing precision of hospitals and clinics; and (d) use of
- advanced medical informat~on.
(2) Research and study of a community energy system using substitute energy.
Energy-saving efforts must be pushed in the cities as well. For this, the
city as a whole must be treated as an integrated system covering the whole
process from production to consumption in the field of energy, for reduction
of the total energy consumption.
From this point of view, the feasibility of the "energy-saving urban mechani-
; cal system," which will be constituted by three subsystems--~regional energy
; center (CEC), urban-system integrated circuit (IUC) and terminal for domestic
use, was studied in fiscal 1978 and fiscal 1979, in connection with the pres-
; ent project. In fiscal 19~0, a"community energy system using substitute
energy," which system will use coal as the primary energy source., was studied
on the basis of the results of the study in the preceding years, for switch-
, over to the use of substitute energy. Also, the selection of model communi-
ties and basic research were carried out. In fiscal 1981, precise studies
~ and basic plans will be made to put this system on a paying basis.
i Sum to be earmarked for the study of the plan for the development of a commun-
i ity energy system using substitute energy, out of the Coal, Oil and Substitute
~ Energy Measures Special Account--~�45,292,000 (~�42,167,000).
~ (Note)--In fiscal 1978 and in fiscal 1979, however, "research and study for
I the development of an energy-saving mechanical system" were made with an
appropriation from the General Account budget.
The community energy system, which uses substitute energy, can increase energy
efficiency drastically without the use of oil. Furthermore, it makes it pos-
sible to cut the cost of construction and the expenses for control and ma:zage-
ment drastically, by the effective and compreh~nsive use and reuse of water
and various kinds of energy on a community scal~e, and by the establishment of
a unified, concentrated channel for the delivery of information concerning
water and energy.
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(3) Promotion of the implementation of a new automobile running system.
The progress of motorization has been accompanied by the growth of such prob-
lems as frequent occurrence of acci.dents due to traffic congestion, environ-
mental pollution and a decline in the running efficiency of automobiles. As
an effective means of solving these problems, it has become urgently necessary
to implement a new automobile running syetem, which will give a simultaneous
solution to these problems, by the use of ter_hnology for comprehensive auto-
~ mobile control, which technology has been developed by a big pro~ect system.
For the smooth implementation of such a system, it is indispensable to study
not only measures for the dissemination of the comprehensive automobile c~n-
trol system, but also how to coordinate this system with other systems (such
as the existing road traffic information system and signal control system) and
secure the proper functions of the apparatuses to be carried by automobiles
~ for coordination, in order to establish a comprehensive vision. Question-
naires will be sent to experts on automobiles and electronic information tec~-
nology, to seek their opinions on a new autori~bile ru~ing system. At the same
time, a committee will be formed with persons of learning and experience,
officials of ministries and agencies concerned and representatives of organi-
zations concerned as members, to study such a system.
Sum to be earmarked for the promotion of the implementation of a new automo-
bile running system, out of the General Account budget for the study and pro-
motion of pollution-free automobiles--~�2,819,000 (~�2,819,000).
~ III. Positive Measures To Meet Social Requirements.
l. Promotion of energy- and resources-saving measures.
_ (a) Creation of new tax system for the promotion of investments in energy
A tax system forthe promotion of investments in energy measures will be
- created, to establish the energy foundations of industries by the accelera-
tion of investments in the energy-saving pro~ects and enterprises for the
introduction of substitute energy, and overcome the rigid restrictions imposed
on Japan by the energy problem.
Outl:ine of the new tax system.
(i) The taxpayer will be asked to choose between the d~duction of 7 percent
of the cost of acquisition from taxation and the refunding of 30 percent of
this cost as an extraordinary step in the first year.
- (ii) One-year carry-over will be permitted in regard to tax deduction and
extraordinary refunding.
(iii) The period for the application of theae measures is 3 years.
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(b) Promotion of. energy-saving and substitute-energy-developing measures
for such industries as casting and forging.
The casting and forging industries are unique in character, because they
must use a large quantity of energy to melt metal into a sand mold or heat
and plasticize metal for processing. To meet in a positive way the social
requirement of saving energy and developing substitute energy hereafter, it
is necessary to promote the introduction of energy-saving equipment, such
as industrial reactors of the energy-saving type, automatic burning control
apparatuses, cupolas of the divided blast formula, heat exchangers and mold-
ing equipment of the energy-saving type, and that of substitute-energy-using
~ equipment, such as industrial reactors using substitute energy. To meet this
necessity, financial and tax measures will be taken.
The Government will make investments in the form of the following loans:
j Development Bank loans within the framework of ~�31 billion (~�23 billion) for
I resources- and energy-saving measures.
I Medium and Small Enterprises Finance Corporation loans with{.n th~ framework
~ of ~�93.7 billion (~�75 bi~lion) for other purposes.
. People's Finance Corporation loans within the framesaork of ~�146.5 billion
(~�137.5 billion) for r,ther purposes.
The period for the application of the exceptional measures concerning the
! standard for the levying of the fixed asseta tax on the energy-saving equip-
; ment, such as industrial reactors af the energy-saving type and cold box
, molding machines, will be extended.
~ (c) Promotion of the resources-saving measures for domestic electric
The reproduction of domestic electric appliances has important significance
for the effective use of resources and the smooth disposal of large-scale
refuse. Necessdry research, therefore, will be continued in fiacal 1981, for
the reproduction of dom2stic electric appliances.
Also, the reality of after-service for broken domestic electric appliances
and the state of repaired domestic electric appliances in use will be surveyed.
Sum to be eaxmarked for the reproduction of domestic electric appliances out
of the General Account budget--~�3,544,000 (~�3,544,000).
(d) Promotion of the energy-saving measures for electron~c and electric
~ To make energy-saving electronic and electric appliances, efforts have been
made for the acceleration of the improvement of the efficiency of energy con-
swnption, in accordance with what is called the "Energy-Saving Law." For
further reduction of energy consumption, technology of decreasing refrigera-
tors' ener$y consumption will be studied and developed under the system for
the study and development of energy-saving technology (Moonlight Pro~ect).
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Sum to be earmarked for the study and development of energy-saving refrigera-
tors out of the appropriation made by the General Account budget of the Agency
of Industrial Science and Technology for subsidizing trial production of
- energy-saving machines and equipment for civilian use (Moonlight Project)--
~�75 million (includzd in the framework of ~�108,000,000).
(e) Promotion of the energy-saving measures for automobiles.
'To save automobiles' energy consumption, such measures as the establishment of
guidelines for f~iel expenses have been taken on the basis of the "Law Concern-
ing tre Rationalization of Energy Constm?ption." The automobile manufacturers
are tu step up their efforts for the reduction of fuel expenses in accordance
with these measures. The medium- and long-term energy supply situation, how-
ever, is becominb more and more stringent, as can be seen from the establ,ish-
ment ~f a maximum limit- for oil imports at the Tokyo Summit. In view of such
a situation, it is requested of the automobile industry to start long-range
efforts for the development of epoch-making automobiles of energy-saving or
post-oil character beyond the framework of conventional technology. In fiscal
1981, therefore, the value of such new-type engines as pure alcohol engines,
hydrogen engines and Sterling engines and that of technology concerning auto-
- mobile materials and for the prevention of wear and tear will be assessed from
an overail point of view covering such technological problems as reliability,
safety, freedom from pollution and fitness for driving and such economic
problems as the possibility of supply of substitute fuel, with consideration
for the trends of study at home and abroad, for the establishment of guidelines
for the development of energy-saving automobiles and decreasing of the depen-
dence on oil.
Sum to be earmarked for entrusting the study of energy-saving automobiles to
- private organizations, out of the appropriatl.on made by the General Account
budget for the study and development of pollution-free automobiles, etc.--
~�3,602,000 (~�3,602,000) .
(f) Promotion of ineasures for the disposal of scrapped cars.
As of the end of fiscal 1979, there were 36,390,000 automobiles in use in the
country. The number had increased by 3.3 times in ten years. It is expected
to continue increasing hereafter.
Parallel with such an increase in the number of automobiles in use, the number
- of scrapped cars, too, has been increasing, year by year (In fiscal 1979,
3,137,000 cars were scrapped). As a resul*_, it has become necessary t~ esta-
_ blish rational systems for such purposes as follows: (i) dTOP�~~acollection
scra~ped cars abandoned on roads or vacant 1.and; and (ii) p~
of scrapped cars for the pYevention of pollution accompanying the growth of
the scrapped car disposal i~dustry. So, the study of ineasures necessary for
the establishment of a comprehensive plan for the disposal of scrapped cars
will be continued.
Also, the advancement of Development Bank loans to the scranped car disposal
enterpri~es will be continued, as in the previous fiscal year.
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- Sum to be earmarked for the promotion of scrapped car disposal measures, out
of the appropriation made by the General Account budget for the measures to
be taken to guarantee the safety of automobiles and prevent pollution--
~�2,394,000 (~�2,394,000) .
Government investments (Development Bank loans) in scrapped car disposal fa-
cilities will be ~:ade within the framew~rk of ~�31 billion (~�19 billion) to
_ be used for resources- and energy-saving measures.
2. Promotion of safety measures.
(a) Promotion of the safety of vending machines, etc.
Automatic vending machines have spread rapidly in recent years, and have be-
come indispensable for smooth consumer activities. Most of these machines,
however, are controlled by petty retail enterprises. As a result, the knowl-
edge necessary for the maintenance of the safety of the machines has not per-
meated among the public, and such accidents as tipping over have occurred.
Such a situation has made it a big problem to take necessary measures for the
safety of automatic vending machines.
So, the month of October every year will be designated "month for the promo-
tion of the safety of vending machines," with a view to spreading knowledge
concerning the safety of these machines.
Sum to be earmarked for the promoticn of the safety of vending machines, out
of the General Account budget--~�2,989,000 (~�2,989,Oa0).
(b) Study of the measures for the development and spread of machinery for
the pratection of the safety of industrial labor.
Efforts will be made to prevent casualties and pollution from occurring in
industrial fields due to the structure of machinery, in such ways as to sur-
vey the reality of the machinery for the protection of the safety of indus-
~ trial labor and establish the goals to be attained by the efforts for safety.
I Also, a survey will be conducted over the cases of accidents caused by machin-
ery, criteria for safety and safety apparatuses, to establish common principles
- for the protection of safety in all fields of machinery production. On the
basis of the results of such a survey, eff~rts will be made to extract the
danger in the respective fields, study measures for the prevention of danger
and confirm the safety by tests, for the establishment of JIS safety rules in
- the respective fields.
Sum to be earmarked out of the General Account budget for the development and
spread of machinery for the protection of industrial labor--~1,909,000
5um to be earmarked for the research and study necessary for the standardiza-
tion of agricultural machinery, out of the General Account budget for the
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology--~�20,645,000 (~�20,460,000).
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(c) Promotion of safety measures for casting and forging industries.
About 6,000 cases of labor casualties occur every year in the field of produc-
tion of pressed metal goods. So, it is necessary to promote the spread of the
pressing machines having safety apparatuses for the protection of th~ safety
of labor in this field. Measures have been taken for the advancement of loans
for this purpose through the Medium and Small Enterprises Finance Corporation
and the People's Finance Corporation (in Okinawa Prefecture, the Okinawa
Development Finance Corporation).
Of the pig-iron casting processes, the finishing process consists almost solely
of handwork, and therefore, involves the danger of workers contracting
Raynaud's disease. So, efforts will be continued, as in fiscal 1980, to
develop an automatic finishing process for the casting industry.
Furthermore, the spread of autamatic forging apparatuses, which have been de-
veloped by the use of computers for the automatization of the work of heating
materials and that of exchanging models, must be accelerated, far the preven-
tion of casualties accompanying work under high temperature, handling of mater-
ials and the work of exchanging models in the manufacturing of hot forged pro-
ducts. So, tax measures will be taken, as in fiscal 1980, to keep these
apparatuses as objects of the special refunding system for important complex
Sum to be earmar.ked for the study and dev~lopment of the system for the auto-
matization of the finishing casting process, out of the General Account budget
for the Medium and Small Enterprises Agency (Medium and Small Enterprises Pro-
motion ~orporation's expenses for special study and development)--~�72,657,000
Government investments for the acquisition and installation of the pressing
machines conta.ining safety apparatuses:
Loans will be advanced by the Medium and Small Enterprises Finance Corporation
within the framework of ~�88 billion (~�84.4 billion) eaxmarked for the advance-
ment of loans for the protection of safety and the prevention of pollution.
Loans will be advanced by the People's Finance Corporat~.on within the frame-
work of ~�14 billion (~�12.5 billion) earmarked for the advancement of loans
for the protectior~ of safety and the prevention of pollution.
~ (d) Promotion of ineasures for the consumers of domestic�electric appliances.
With the rapid spread of domestic electric appliances, the importance of the
measures to be taken for consumers is increasing steadily. So, various mea-
sures have been taken for consumers, including guidance about the period for
the maintenance of parts. For further promotion of these measures, the num-
ber of the items to be covered by the system of reserve funds for guarantee-
ing the quality of products will be increased.
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Tax reform: VTR and the electronic cooking range w311 be added to the list
of the items to be covered by the system of reserve funds for guaranteeing
the quality of products.
, 3. Promotion of environmental protection measures.
(a) Promotion of the spread of electric automobiles.
With the rapid spread of automobiles, automobile pollution has be~ome a big
social problem. From the energy-saving point of view, too, it has come to
be requested that the way of automobile traffic should be reexamined.
To provide a fundamental solution for these problems,the study and develop-
_ ment of electric automobiles have been pushed under a big pro~ect system.
As a result, a technological foundation has been virtually established for
the improvement of the efficiency of electric automobiles. However, the tech-~
- nological problems, which must be solved for the use of the results
of the studies made until now, still remain unsolv~d. The conditions neces-
sary for the spread of electric automobiles, too, have not yet been estab-
lished. Research will be continued, therefore, for the promoti.on of the spread
of electric automobiles, and the measures for this purpose, too, will be
- Sinn to be earmarked for entrusting research on the promotion of the use of
pollution-free automobi~es and that on the conditions for the spread of elec-
tric automobiles to private organizatione, out of the appropriation made by
the General. Account budget for research on the promotion of the elimination
of automobile pollution, etc.--~�16,040,000 (~�16,040,000).
(Note)--Under the system for the development of technology for big industries,
a sum of about ~�5.7 billion was spent on research and development in the 6-
year period from fiscal 1971 through fiscal 1976, mainly for the development
of electric automobiles to be used in the cities by concerted efforts of pri-
vate organizations, academic circles and the Government.
(b) Promotion of environmental protection measures in the field of casting
and forging industries.
- The casting and forging industries are bound by their special character as
industries to turn out goods on order. They must meet the problems arising
- from this character, and supply materials of high quality on a stabilized
basis, under a production structure free from pollution. So, a"comprehen-
sive committee on the problem of materials" will be set up as a theater for
the study of such problems as environmental pollution, demand and supply and
labor force, and the measures to meet these problems. Furthermore, financial
and tax measures will be taken to encourage the establishment of facilities
and equipment for the prevention of pollution.
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for guiding the efforts
to be made by casting and forging industries for ths prevention of environ-
mental pollution, etc.--~5,300,000 (~�5,300,000).
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Government investments in the facilities and equipment for the prevention of
environmental pollution ldationffordthe preventiondof~vibrationuandiequipment
as molding machines, foun
for the disposal of waste foundry sand).
Development Bank ichnwi111bebused~bySMITliandnotherfministriesf s8we111forn
(~�82 billion) , wh
the prevention of environmental pollution.
Medium and Small Enterillion (~�84n4ebillion)tearmarked forlthe protectioniofin
the framework of ~�88 b
workers and the prevention of pollution.
_ People's Finance Corpllion nea~rmarkedlforethelprote tioninofhworkersWand the
~�14 billion (~�12.5 bi )
prevention of pollution.
Tax system.
Equipment for the disposal of waste foundry sand will be added to the list of
items covered by the special ref unding system for the facilitieseriodeofiP
ment for the prevention of environmental pollution. Also, the p
application of this system will be extended in regard to such items as the
hanging foundation.
(c) Promotion of ineasures for the elimination of PCB from electric machines.
The PCB Elimination Measures Committee will study measures for the removal and
elimination of PCB contained in such electric machines as transformers and
condensers. MITI nas been supervising and guiding, through the Regional
International Trade and Industry Bureauss the private enterprises handling
electric machines containing PCB, so that these machines will be used and
maintained properly. It will continue to strengthen such efforts.
Sum to be earmarkon of~PCBhfromnelectric~machineset~11r874e000U(~11f874a000)s
for the eliminati
(d) Promotion of environmental measurement administration.
Examinations will be given by the State to the applicants for the status of
licensed environmental measurer. For the establishment of a proper system
for environmental measurement, such efforts as the establishment of standards
for the inspection of low-density air pollution meters, study and development
of standard gas of low density and the study of the measures for the ration-
alization of the system for the examination of clinical thermometers, all of
which efforts are to be made by private organizations on comanission, and on-
the-spet inspection of the plants making environmental meters, will be con-
tinued, as in the previous fiscal year.
- Furthermore, training materials (standard gas and chemical reagent), which
are used by the m~asandrelectronchemicalimetersn willnbelimproved~ environ-
mental measuremen ,
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Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for state examinations
on the applicants for the status of licensed measurer--~�21,099,000
(~21,099,000) .
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for environmental mea-
~ surement administration and measures to guarantee the safety of ineasurement--
~�28,137,000 (~�20,065,000) ; of this amount, ~�3,321,000 (~�3,460,000) will be
used for entrusting the establishment of standards for environmental inspec-
tion, such as environmental pollution meters, to private enterprises, ~�8,438,000
(~�8,43E,C00) for entrusting the development of standard gas of low density to
private enterprises, and ~�4,171,G00 (~�4,172,000) for ent~~usting the study of
the measures for the rationalization of the system for the examination of
Sum to be earm~arked from the General Account budget for the measurers' train-
ing institute--~28,370,000~(~�27,902,000); of this amount, ~�21,264,000
(~�20,976,000) will be used for instruction on environmental measurement, etc.
4. Promotion of regional development measures.
(a) Development of a mechanical system for settled habitation zones.
It has come to be desired that regional communities, which have ser~enity and
vitality, will be �ormed in accordance with the idea of settled habitation
zones. There has been a serious delay, however, in the extension of the
sewer system for the improvement of living environment and in the creation of
, opportunities to secure attractive positions in the provinces. How to over-
' come this delay has become an important problem.
'i In view of such a situation, a"small, mechanical.system for w,iste water dis-
~ posal," w
hic h can be bu i l t at a cost of about two-�thirds of that of the exist-
j ing sewerage, and which can also be operated and maintained at smaller
expen~e, will be developed, to improve living environm~nt in the provinces
(under a 5-year plan covering the period from fiscal 1980 through fiscal
i 1984, with funds totaling ~�1.8 billion).
-I~ Furthermore, a"system for production and processing of food" will be developed
- as a new, mechanical system necessary for the combination of agriculture,
- forestry and livestock production, which are the major local industries, with
the food-processing industry, with a view to creating opportunities for local
- residents to secure attractive poaitions in their districts.
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for the development of
a mechanical system for settled habitation zones--'~30,023,000 (~�20,517,000).
(b) Promotion of the spread of welfare-related equipment.
The Government will endeavor to improve the system for the advancement of loans
to the enterprises engaged in the leasing of welfare-rel~ated equipment, with a
view to encouraging the use of the equipment necessary for medical treatment,
nursing and social comeback of the physically- or mentally-handicapped persons
and victims of serious diseases, and at the same time, impr.oving the regional
systems for medical treatment.
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Equipment for the welfare of handicapped persons consists of extremely multi-
farious items, and their functions, too, are diversified. Furthermore, its
manufacturers consist mainly of inedium and small enterprises which can give
publicity to their products only within a certain quantitative limit and in
limited areas. Under thE present situation, therefore, it cannot be said
that equipment of excellent efficiency and quality is in circulation to meet
the elaborate needs of the users. To meet such a situation, and with con-
~ sideration f or the designation of the year 1981 as the International Year for
Handicapped Persons, the Governmer~t will commend the excellent items to be
used for the welfare of the handicapped persens, so that these items will be
- known and used widely among these persons. It will also endeavor to help the
manufacturers` efforts for the development of technology and the improvement
- of the quality and efficiency of their products.
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for the commendation of
excellent equipment for the welfare of physically-handicapped persons--
~2,008,000 (~�0) .
Framework f or Goverrunent investments (Development Bank loans) in the enter-
prises leasing welfare-related equipment, etc.--~�30.5 billior. (~�43 billion).
IV. Promotion of Strengthening of Foundati~ns.
~a) Improvement and strengthening of materials industry.
Measures will be taken to secure the stabilized, lasting supply of materials,
make the quality of materials reliable, step up energy-saving efforts and
secure manpower. At the same time, such problems as demand and supply, sav-
ing of ener~y and labor will be taken up far discussion at the "committee on
the problem of materials in general," with a view to establishing immediate
and medium-range measures to meet business fluctuations and external factors,
for the improvement and strengthening of the materials industry.
The Goverrunent will also continue to strengthen its guidance for the preven-
� tion of pollution and the maintenance of security.
- An appropriation will be made from the General Account budget for the pre-
vention of environmental pollution in the field of casting and forging in-
(b) Promotion of ineasurement administration.
The system for measurement, like the coinage system, is one of the most fun-
damental systems in social life. The establishment of a uniform, reasonable
system for measurement is indispensable for the development of social economy.
The Measurement Law aims at establishing standards for measurement and carry-
_ ing out proper measurement. It contains provisions calling for such steps as
unification of the measuring units, securing of the supply of proper measur-
~ ing apparatuses, maintenance of proper standards for the weight of commodities
= 52
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and the promotion of controls ov~r measurement. On the basis of this Law,
the Government will give tests to the candidates for licensed measurer and
make efforts for such purposes as dissemination of the idea of correct
With the development of advanced industrial technology, there are increasing
cases whic~z require standards to be relied upon for high-precision measure-
ment. So, a system for designation of the organs to provide measuring stan-
dards will be established in fiscal 1981, to improve the system for tracing
_ the standards within enterprises to na~ional standards. Under the new s~stem,
hardness and other quantitative elements of materials will be added t~ the
list of objects ~f ineasurement. At the same time, the organs to provide
intermediate measuring standards will be examined.
Furthermore, such events as an exhibition on the history of ineasurement will
be held in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the
Measurement Law, which anniversary falls on 7 June 1981.
- Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for measurement adminis-
tration in general--~�26,333,000 (~�26,333,000).
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for environmental measure-
ment administration and the measures for securing the safety of ineasurement--
~�28,137,000 (~�20,065,000); of this sum, ~�2,752,000 (~�2,280,000) will be used
for the improvement of the system of industrial measurement standards, and
i ~�5,289,000 (~�0) will be used for the events to be held by private organiza-
~ tions, at the request of the Government, in commemoration of the 30th anni-
versary of thE promulgation of the Measurement Law.
' Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget for the measurers' train-
li in institutes--~�28 370 000 (~�27,902,000) .
g > >
' (c) Expansion of Machinery Credit Insurance Special Account.
To secure the smooth operation of the machinery credit insurance system which
- is to play an important role in the modernization of the equipment of inedium
and small enterprises, the funds, which are necessary for keeping the special
account for this insurance system on a sound basis, will be increased. Also,
the maximum limit for insurance contracts (provided for in the general rules
' concerning budgets) will be raised, to meet the increase in the amount of
Machinery Credit Insurance Special Account
Revenues and expenses--~�9,404,583,000 (~�7,308,117,000)
Amount of insurance money paid--~�2,599,061,000 (~1,860,459,000)
Limit for insurance contracts--~�570 billion (~�430 billion)
Limit for tempr~rary borrowing--~�1 billion (~1 billion)
Amount of capital--~2,170 million (~1,67C million)
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V. Positive Measures To Meet Internationalization.
(a) Promotion of heavy machinery technology consulting business.
With the increase in the weight of Japan in world trade, it has become neces-
sary to build an advanced export structure on the basis of international co-
operation. Plant exports, which are system exports representing the concen-
- tration of technology and knowledge in a wide range of f ields, can meet ~his
necessity.~ They can also serve as a kind of economic cooperation with the
developing nations. So, it is necessary to continue efforts tor the sound
development of plant exports.
At present, however, Japan's plant exports are in a state of stagnation,
partly because of the violent fluctuations on the foreign exchanqe market.
As a result, plant exports now need even more multilateral assistance than
before. Especially, the strengthening of activity in the field of consult-
ing business, where Japan is left far behind Europe and the United States in
spite of the importance of this business as a forerunner of plant exports,
- is strongly requested.
In view of such a situation, the Government will continue heavy machinery
technology consulting business, such as to provide consulting service for the
developing nations and invite foreign leaders concerned to Japan, through the
Japan Plant Association, as in the preceding f iscal year.
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget as a subsidy to heavy
machinery technology consulting business--~�36,402,000 (~�3~,402,000).
(b) Promotion of ineasures for the ad~ustment of machinery exports.
Machinery today accounts for more than 60 percent of Japan's total exports.
So, the adjustment of machinery exports, or more concretely, the sound de-
velopment of plant exports and the prevention of trade friction over the
respective export items, has become an important problem for trade and indus-
trial policies.
The environment for plant exports has changed greatly, as can be seen from
the problems related to the international competitive power of Japanese indus-
tries, which problems have been caused by the drastic fluctuations on the
foreign exchang e market, the problem of accumulation of aebts in the develop-
ing countries, which problem has now come to the fore, stagnation of the de-
- mand for plants due to political unrest and the measures taken to meet the
request for cooperation among the advanced nations.
To secure the sound development o� plant exports under these circumstances,
ttie Government will survey and grasp correctly the reality of the problems
confronting Japan's plant exports, and at the same time, set up a co~nittee
of experts representing various circles, to study these problems from an over-
all, multilateral point of view and establish a guidepost to be relied upon in
- guiding industrial circles. Besides, it will establish a structure for guiding
industrial circles on national and local levels combined, in order to expand
plant exports of inedium and small enterprises.
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Furthermore, ehe export of such simple items as domestic electric appliances
and automobiles has led to the occurrence of what is called trade friction,
- as in the case of sudden expansion of exports to the advanced countries. To
prevent the occurrence of this kind of trouble, efforts will be made to
grasp the trends of exports correctly, and necessary measures will be taken
to promote orderly marketing.
Sum to be earmarked from the General Account budget--~�5,SQ3,000 (~�6,114,000).
(c) Promotion of the internaLionalization of ineasurement administration.
In May, 1980, an "agreement on the technical obstacles to trade" (Standards
Code) went into effect. As a result, it became obligato~y on Japan to "accept
foreign inspection data," as is provided for in this Code.
For the acceptance of foreign inspection data, a committee will be established
to conduct research on the measurement systems, inspectinn systems and the
capabilities of inspection organs in foreign countries, with a view to
stepping up the internationalization of ineasurement administration.
Sum to be earmarked for the promotion of internationalization of ineasurement
administration, out of the appropriation made by the General Account budget
for environmental measurement administration and measures to guarantee the
_ safety of ineasurement--~�3,309,000 (~�0).
COPYRIGHT: (Zai) Kikai Shinko Kyakai 1981
~so: ~+129/181.8-F .
References for Article
- Tokyo KIKAI SHINKO in Japanese No 2, Feb 81 pp 32-56
[Text] (Refe~ence 111)
Computers are the "central nervous system of the economic world" which play a
key role in an advanced and diversified society.
Some e~amples of the wide range of computer use:
Functions: Fields in which employed:
Business: *Production control, inventory control, sales management,
y personnel mar.agement, salary tabulation, accounting pro-
*On-line system of banks, reservation system for trains
and airplanes.
*Drivers' license and election monitoring.
*Horse racing and boat racing.
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Scientific and *Designing of machizery and atomic reactors, airplanes,
Technological buildings and roads. City planning, ocean development,
~ Calculations: designing and launching of satellites.
Management Science: Management analysis, management planning, demand fore-
cast, ecanomic forecast, operations�research.
Information Service: *Information on stock market, buildings and land, labor
and occupation, used cars, opinion polls.
- Information Search: *Searches information on patent, court cases and
General Information *System for traffic control, weather forecast, pol,lution
System� information, medical information, home screen image
~ information system.
ControlT *Automation of manufacturing machinery (number control),
~ manufacturing process contral, automated operation.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(Reference ~62)
Liberalization of hardware in December, 1975 and of soft-ware in A.pril, 1976
completed liberalization of electronics calculator field.
- _ - - -
- - ( ~S~ 2 ) A E#~ T ~ ~t o~ #f~
A � ~ Bso ~ % ~~A1~~~4r ~~r~J~~~4e
1 ~ 2 ~ ~ 50~12A248 d
~ a49~ 8 A 4 B 50~12A 1 B
'~t f~~*~~ ~~t~~ � ~0~c ~E ~ 5~12A24E3
~ ~~'1,L:1S'{-v~4>0~~; ~~ka-9~ ~~Jta~9~ 47~ 2}~ 19 49~7J~ 16
~ 6 ~ IC~~t) IC~t) 5~~12A248
7/ 7 h~i e49~12A 1 B 51~4 A 1 8 49~7~7 1 B
g~~-s-~SC 9 100~~~#~o~ h46~ 8 A 4 Ei 49~12A 1 6 ~ 5~� 9A 19 k
� 10 200~i~~~~ (�r's-3~ (~its-9~ 98'~ 4A198 43~6A 1 B
~ 11 200L'~(~~ b~ I C~C ) I C~r~fC ) 49~12AZSB
?:~J~~i�"~~. t~~i~~. ~t~~Jr~~~~
History of Liberalizatio,i:
- A. Item B. Liberalization of capital
C. Import liberalization D. Liberalization of technology imports
1. Computer 6. Parts
2. Main frame 7. Soft-ware
- 3. Peripheral equipment 8. Integr.ated circuit
4. Memory and terminal equipment 9. Number of elements-- 1-99
5. Others* 10. --100-199
11. --over 200
a. 4 August 1974 (includes IC for computers)
b. 1 December 1975 (includes IC for computers)
24 December 1975
24 December 1975
1 February 1972
24 December 1975
d� 1 July 1974
e. 1 December 1974
- f. 1 April 1976
- g, 1 July 1974
h. 4 August 1971 (Excludes IC for computers)
i. 1 December 1974 (Excludes IC for computers)
j. 1 September 1970
19 April 1973
25 December 1974
k. 1 June 1978
* Input, output and transmission control devices
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(Reference 4~3)
Computers, in response to technological advancement of el~ents used, go
through a wide range of model changes every 5 to 6 years. This time span
of S to 6 years is called a"generation." Generation changes have been led by
IBM. And for the domestic manufacturers, the central tactical issue has been
to develop a new system in step with generations changes.
The next generation system will see the super LSI in the center of hardware,
equipped with epoch-making basic soft-ware (OS: operating system) aiming at a
drastic improvement in cost performance as well as the dramatic increase in
number of functions.
History of the revolution in semi-conductor technolugy:
Basic hardware: Vacuum tube Transistor IC LSI Super Human
(computer lst 2nd 3rd 3.Sth LSI brains
generation) 4th
Time period: 1906- 1960- 1965- 1970- 1980-
(Nimmber of 1 1 30-50 1,000- several
elements) 10,000 million
several 10
(In terms of under 1 under 1 10 bits 4,000 million bbitSOn
- memory) bit bit bits bits
Impact: radio transis- satellite micro- FS
tor radio com- computer
- How many can fit
- into lOcm3 cube: 4-5 - 150 5 100 several several 10
(No of parts) million million 10 billion billions
IBM model: 701 7,090 360 370 FS (Future
303 X System)
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(Reference 4~4)
Development of a very large-scale integrated circuit (Super LSI), which is to
be the core of the hardware technology of next-generation computers, was car-
ried out for 4 years between 1976 and 1979 with a government subsidy of about
29 billion yen.
System for Super LSI Development
1 :6~#~~~i:?�~3f~~'r
- 3�~ L S I ~'~.~c bTF i~ ~[l 51. 3) p
4~ n ~ ~ ~h
~ VO~J ~ l'n'
~ ~
- 5 q'~~-~'BfnPfr 6 7',~-~8fi'~�,.Ph o~
t5o. t2~ec 1975 ~49~ 3~Mar 1974 ~f
('�n{fit~-fl~:-_T ) ~ e'~-`f-~ ~ -
; Key:
1. General Institute for Electronics Technology: a) Guidance
2. Nippon ~elegraph and Telephone Public Corporation: b) Cooperation
i 3. Super LSI technology resear~h group
~ 4. Joint research institute
- S. Group lab~(Fujitsu-Hitachi-Mitsubishi)
~ 6. Group lab (Nippon Electric-Toshiba)
What is Super LSI? Electronics computers are made of 10 thousand to 100
million transistors and resistors. If those many parts were used separately
' and in their original form for construction, the finishad product would be
~ so Iarge it would be impossible to put to use.
_ It i~as been possible to make small computers owing to integrated circuits
(IC: l~J-30 transistors integrated) and large-scale integrated circuits (LSI:
1 to several thousand integrated). At present, computers can be built using
10 to 20 thou~and LSIs.
Furthermore, a super LSI for future system (FS) use has tens of thousands
to several hundred thousand transistors (tens to hundreds tim~s more than
LSI) making the density 100 times more than at present. It will take only
several hundred SLSIs to build a present day computer, thus minimizing the
size and accelerating the speed even more.
- 59
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Capacity: Pr~sent situation: Suger LSI:
Memory� 4,000 bits several million bits
several 10 thousand
Logic circuit: 100 circuits circuits
Speed: 8/10 million second 2/10 million second
Size and Weight: size of a locker size of a desk-top
Price: 1 yen/bit 0.05 yen/bit
- Reliability� malfunction rate 1/1000
(Reference 4~5)
Generation: Processing Method: Soft-ware (Operating System):
lst Through access Loader (read commands in computer language and
. Assembler progra~ing system (symbolize computer
- co~ands and translate a language).
FORTRAN programming system (translation of scien-
tific language and execution management).
2nd Local, batch Continuous processing of ~obs.
processing ALGOL crnnpiler (translation of scientific language).
COBOL compiler (translation of business computer
_ language).
IOCS (input-output control).
3rd Multi-program~ing Multiple processing of ~obs (parallel processing
_ processing of ~obs).
Time-sharing processing (time-sharing language
PL/1 compiler (translation of general-purpose
3.5th On-line processing On-line management (control of various terminals).
Virtual memory control (technology which makes execu-
tion of programs larger than actual memory possible).
4th Multiple distrib- Virtual machine function (virtula computer function).
uted processing Network control (transaction of large data among
for end users many systems).
Data base c~~ntrol (centralized c4ntrol of large data).
Processing of characters, patterns, image and
Japanese language (from "data" processing to
"information" processing).
Super-high-level language processing technology
(anyone can use high-level computers).
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400074001-9
(Reference 4~6)
- New ~omputer Development Abroad: Present stag~ of virtual processors, data
base machines and parallel proceseing machines abroad.
Developer: System: Type of machine:
Bell Research Institute XDMS Data-base machine
University of Toronto RAP Data-base machine
University of Florida CASSM Data-base machine
_ Univac DBP Data-base machine
IBM DBC Data-base machine
Goody~ar STAR.AN Association processor
CMU C.mmP, Cm* Para11e1 processing machine
- Bell Research Institute PEPE Parallel processing machine
Seimens SMS Parallel processing machine
Purdue University PM4 Parallel processing machine
Data-flow proce~sors abroad:
Developer: Stage of development:
Touluuse University (France) experimental stage
TI (U.S.A.) experimental stage
University of Manchester (U.K.) planning stage
MIT (U.S.A.) (Dennis) preliminary disc_ussidn stage
University of New Castle (U.K.) preliminary discussion stage
University of California (U.S.A.) pr~liminary discussion stage
MIT (U.S.~'+.) (Abington) preliminary discussion stage
University of UtaY~
(U.S.A.) (Davis) experimental stage
University of Utah (U.S.A.) (Keller) preliminary discussion stage
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~ H ~ tCA ~~A" ~ O) ~rl ~0
U N ~ C~ 3-+ b0 W GO q~ Gj '~1
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aa~' ~ ~
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(Reference 1~8)
Tariff rate: Japan has continuously lowered tariff.
Tariff record for computer related equipment: (percent)
A ~ r~ ~ C '~~dt~~4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~
ii~ n~R $~~f~
1 t3b ~ ~ ~ 15 25 15
2 g 3~ ~'c 4f.4/' 7213.5 15 22.5 25 12 15
3 f-;~ Fi~i t~l l, ~i I F~~' J 53�3 8 105 15 17.5 25 12 15
4 r:3~�-7~t~~~ ~a.~ 9
5 ~~~~~i I.~ ~t 55.1 10.5 ]3.7 17.5 22.6 * 12~< 13.7
_ 6 f t~1 ~ a~ ~ i~ J~St ~ 55.4/ 9.8 13.7 16.1 22.6 10.1 13.7 �
( 56.1 1 9.1 12.5 14.6 20.3 ] 0.1 12.3
(59.] 8.4 112 13.2 17.9 9.1 11.0
7 ~ ~ g7 t~' (58.1~ 7.7 10.0 11.8 15.5 8.1 9.6
1/8 i~t i1~c ) (D9.1 7.0 8.7 10.3 13.1 7.1 8.3
(60.1f8 #~3~ 7.4 10.8 ~'c~ 6.9
(di.l) ~ 6.2 ~ 8.4 ~ ~ 5.6
8 �~,I ~?f ~3 62.1 7 4.9 4.9 6.0 6.0
9 ) 51~~~i~c~~ 62.1 / 3.9 3.9 42
10 " (EC) G2.1 4.9 4.9 17.0
A. Item a. working rate
B. Date b. conventional tariff
C. Computer main frame
D. Peripheral equipment
- 1. Cr~nventional tariff 6. Revis:ton of customs tariff law
2. U.S.-Japan negotiated rate 7. Step-by-step reduction of tariff
_ 3. Across the board reduction in (at the rate of 1/8th each year
. tariff 8. Results of above reductions
4. Signing of "Geneva Agreement" 9. Results of above reductions in U.S.
5. Raising of conventional tariff 10. Results of above reductions,in E.C.
~ *f ront loading
- (Reference) 1. At the time of Tokyo round talka on tariff reduction, par-
ticipating countries decided to gradually reduce atarting in 1980, from the
GATT rates. On 1 January 1987 the new reduced rate will be effective.
2. Aside from the above decision, Japan has also decided to reduce volun-
tarily its working tariff rate.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400070001-9
(Reference 4~9)
Shares of Computers Installed in Major Countries:
(cas~ base)
~ �
West rmany : j
- ~ F
i ,
Fra ce
77~~ ~
- U.S.A.
( 5. 6 ,�0 1 ~c !~1
En 1 d~ll~ ~ ( 4 5. 4,�o )
( 5. 8 4i )
y ~ ti~~c
ther West Euro-
(10.~ % ) .S.S R.
pea countr es. y
b'cU~~3c {~{~b
(6.8%) i7.8~ ) .
Eastern Others
Total cost of computers
Eu an Surveyed by:
installed� 92,723 million Countries. International Data
' (;~iI~~D~b 92, 723 ~Ti F~~, 1977 ff 12 f~ ~ Co .
dollars as of the end of Dece~m~ier;"~'g~17.a~ Co. ~ IDC):~d^
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400070001-9
(Reference 4110)
Share of Different Computer Manufactures by Countries:
I (based on cost)
- Jap t�~t~
~ t5.696) other U. .
~ - {~�j~`f make
Euro an - - -
~~11 i5.6~ ~
t_~_ (1,,.6~5)
~6.O:~er ~ ~ U.S
~ / p ak rs
( ot er U.S.
I ~ 4tw,v~~~t -fi-
( I0. 8 95 ~ ~ fi
installed make i ~
outside of s~. / / s ~
~ U.S.A. ~ / ` sh e z. ~
S~ i// ~ I B M i s~ 82.8 ~ E~
(5~3.645i ~ ~26.6j+31.8 ~58.4%) C45.4%)
/ installed
/ ~ inside U.S.A.
i ~ /
Total cost: 82,189 millian llars
! ~s of the end of December, 197 .
i ~
(Reference 4~11)
' Com arison of U.S. and Japanese Plans (unit: 10 million yen)
Japanese maker (reference)
' Item IBM (1979) (A) A. :~u~itsu (B)/(A) IBM Japan
' (1979) (B) (percent) (1979)
capital 8,722 370 4.2 750
sales 50,177 5,010 10.0 3,242
- profit before tax 12,187 334 2.7 730
profit rate 2G.3% 6.7Y 22.5%
debt/equity ratio 61.0% 25.6% 62.6%
research & development 2,985 475 15.9
The above figures include all sectiona of the companies. When limited to
computer department, differences become ~reater.
Debt/equity ratio = capital/total assets x 100
219.47 yen to a dollar was u~ed as an exchange rate which was the 1979 average.
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(Reference ~~12)
JECC's performance on rentals:
The JECC system runs on the following two wheels; 1) government financial
funds drawn in through the Development Bank and 2) unified rental contracts
bas~d on a registered price decided by a basic agreement with stockholder
manufacturers. This is a very unique system in the computer rental field.
As the rental system diversified, as mentioned earlier, each manufacturer
set up a similar subsidiary for rental purposes. However, JECC is the only
company with the above-operational characteristics, which played a major role
in the development of indigenous models. The figure shows the rental perfor-
mance o f JECC .
Purchases and Renta]. Income of JECC: hundred million yen
~ JECC~[A7EYtfift~4lFA
) 1.3411.3C2
f..l~ R7~~ ~l I.Z64
~~l1~ B 121/ L131
K~y : t.o?e i.~o~
A. Purchases ~ooo ,tt '�0~ ~
B. Rental income tl1 ~
w ~bt
C. Period of the lowest prime rate p n, ~
D. Period of the rate ~ C
E. Termination of small model `~,i, ~
involvement ~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ D
Ioo ~ u m ~t E
a ~0 / sa ( ry~UC)
1962 65 70 75 78
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(Reference ~t13)
Development of YX--breakdown:
_ - - - 6 ~
, ~G~ ~i~]A~ 7
A~o # ~1~ 3~'!y ~
B~ BOE I N(353~ 5~~g~~
C 0 ~ 9 ~1 ~ ~~I~1# / ~
e ~ s
2 o ~ ~ \ . ~
~ ~~o o
1 r � @~ ~k~~i 9
(y ~ hC'~,~~~'ry~!I;,(ys.~ 4 37~~~
:~-9 '~~~~ffl ~ ~ ~~~-9 ~~~f~~
~~~~t~~ it~a~ at~a~
� ~
~ ~
~~x '
6 ' ~f~~h~9ie%~ 9
~ , ~t T 4
Target for development
l. Plant 1. Plant
2. Measuring 2. Measuring
3. Computer to supervise plant 3. Computer to supervise plant
capabilities capabilities
4. Control panel/display operating 4. Control panel
machine 5. Data display
5. Data display 6. Instruction system
6 Operator 7. Operational data
7. Operation 8. Operator
_ 9. Operation
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(Reference ~~26)
Self-Inspection System Inside the Co ntainer:
~Y~u~ ~!7~l~r...~~'
- J !(Si.~'rP~t ~ii~ \
0 ~
I '
1 ~l-7/L
~~9lsH ~ ~Ae D
~ ~t~~!?~1~~
= t� ~ 9 E
_ ~ � � � ~ ~
c~~~n~~~~ F
A. Atomic reactor pressure vessel
B. Inspection vehicle (runs up and down)
C. Main safety valve to let steam out
D . Cable winder
- E. Manipula tor fo~ mounting inspection vehicle
F. Mobile inspection vehicle (runs on the ground)
G. Main steam segregation valve
H. Air conditioning system
I. Recycling pump
J. Reactor container
K. Operation room
- 80
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400074001-9
(Reference ~~27)
Utilization ~f Satellite Data:
1 ~7 il 7~ ~~%~t 2 ~
i GjC ~i~ G ti - 9r
3 x-.7 F~~~~ 4 5L4#~it~
5~~ ~ l?R 5~ ~ 6 31h ~~th ~ t-~ ~
711~Zrt~''w~t � .'~~I~3 5i ~~C~ � ~1Ri1
~ 8 ~i ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ a~ ~ ~
- Key~
I 1. Visible near--infra-red sensor 6. Ground surfact--topography data
i Synthetic aperture radar 7. Geological formation--rock iden-
3. Spector data tification and classification
4. Three dimensional image 8. Prediction of areas of undiscovered
~ 5. Rock classification resources
Utilizati~n of Space in Universe and Its Effects:
i Area used in: Communication--Cou~unication among fixed ground stations.
Method: First, orbit geostationary communication satellite equipped with a
~ repeater. ~nrough the satellite, eff ective communication and broadcasting
~ using microwave and quasi milliwave among ground stations throughout a wide
area is possible.
Effect: It is more effective, in ter~s of long distance communication and net-
work communication, than building undersea coumuunication cable or ground micro system.
Area used in: Communication--Communication among mobile stations.
Method: Conduct effective co~nunication among ship, plane and automobile
using milliwave and quasi milliwave through geostationar~ communication
satellite equipped with many repeaters.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(Reference 4~27) (continued]
E~fect: It can investigate the state of land use in urban and other wide
areas. It G,ill also make effective crop survey of agricultural products.
The system can supervise the state of environmental protection of land,
areas of water i:iland and the sea around Japan.
Area used in: Eartil observation---Observation of the ocean surface.
Method: Observation satellite, at a low to mid altitude with various radars
and VNIR capable of observing ocean surface movements such as waves and cur-
rent, will observe the area and send ~ack information through an image data.
Effect; Information on ocean current and the ocean wind will enable ships to
choose the most effective route in terms of time and fuel. Data will be also
- available on the movement of the schools of fish which will prove beneficial
to marine product affairs.
Area used in: Earth observation--Land observation.
Method: Land observation satellite will be observed simultaneously from vari-
ous points on the ground using waves and laser. This enables the precise
me~~suring of the distance change between two points arid the topographicaJ.
change in certain areas.
Effect: It will increase the scientific knowledge of earth and contribute to
the forecasL of earthquakes.
Area used in: Scientific observation.
Method: By using satellites with observation equipment such as optic and
w;.ve telescope and others, astronomical observation can be conducted. Also
- probe ship will investigate planets far from the earth.
Effect: It will increase scientific knowledge of space.
Area used in: Space plant.
Method: Satellite with equipment such as solar reactor and culture equipment
manufacture special material in high alti*_ude vacuum and no gravity.
- Effect: Through this syst~m, manufacturing and processing of material, utili-
zation of .resources hard to get on earth becomes possible.
Area used in: Space power generation.
Method: Solar power generation using power generation satellite. The satel-
lite has a large frame filled with solar batteries.
Effect: Extremely large amount of regenerative energy can become available.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(_Reference ~127) [continued]
Effect: It is possible to communicate with any mobile stations on the ground
surface at any time. Also it enlarges the transmission capacity of the line,
upgrading the quality of communication.
Area used in: Communication--Navigation method if airplanes and ship.
Method: Marine and air satellite with a repedter or a transmitter can offer,
to ships and planes, information needed to insure safe operation and compute
the most appropriate route.
Effect: Airplanes and ships can have access to navigational information at
any time, ensuring safe journeq and energy conservation.
Area used in: Broadcasting.
Method: Make available to people spread in a wide area, high quality broad-
casting through geostationary broadcasting satellite equipped with a high-
power repeater.
' Eff ect: Higher quality reception is available regardless of location or
topography of the area.
Area use3 in: Weather forecast.
Method: Weather satellite, equipped with a spector sensor which captures ground
phenomena, observes the weather of a designated area and sends information t~
the ground as image data. In addition, it repeats weather data collected by
~ ground equipment or ~ransmits a weather map to users.
~ Effect: Quality of daily forecast will become higher. At the same time, it
~ will contribute to disaster preven~ion and minimization of damage by predict-
' ing typhoons, heavy rain and others.
'I Area used in: Earth observation--Resource probe.
Method: Resource probing satellite equipped with SAR, VNTR and others capable
of investigating geological characteristics is orbited to low and mid altitude.
It will observe the area and will send back information by image data.
Effect: It promotes effective resource probe by sorting out the areas of
possible mineral deposits.
Area used in: Earth obszrvation--Ground surface observati.~n.
Method: Observation satellite, located at low to ~aid altitude eqiiipped with
optical sensor capable of detecting plants on the ground surface, wiil
the area and send back information through an image data.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470001-9
(Reference ~~27) [continued]
Area used in: Space medicine.
- Method: A patient is transferred from earth to space under low gravity and
is treated in no gravity atmosphere.
Effect: This is convenient for the treatment of the circulat~ry or skeletal
system ailments.
Area used in: Utilization of ore resources in space.
Method: Send to the moon surface the resource excavating equipment in order
to find useful elements and minerals. Bring small planets with the reserve
~in useful resources close to the earth for excavation.
Effect: Resources needed for space development can be obtained in space. It
can also provide the earth with resources needed.
Area used in: Space tourism.
Method: Transport tourists to spacP.
Effect: Demand for transportation to and u:i.lization of the space in uni-
verse can be accomplished.
Area used in: Processing of waste material using spac~e.
Method: Pollution causing waste material difficult to process on earth is
disc.arded into space.
Effect: Better environmental protection is attained on earth.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070041-9
(Reference ~~28)
The Present State of Development of Computers for Scientific and Technological
, ~
P '
per second.
Name o f T C B C A~ I B C B p
manufacturers. ~ D Ar R f C Rr D~
hr hr
$ I C s o I a~i L s o C ~
Model . ~ ~ I T r~ L R D B Y
S -A ~^L A AY A S 2B ~0
C N I U~ P P 3R ~H
Year of ~ 1972 1973 1973 1976 1977 1979 1980 1980 1978
A. F~ijttsu B. Hitactii C. General-purpose type.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400074001-9
(keference ~~29)
High-Speed Calculating System for Scientific and Technological Use:
Illustration of its concept. (When Josephson 3unction element is used.)
A ~u~3c`~l~.~r.~ B ie~7/Y~@a'~~~r~6~trot~l~~4~ ~
\ �
~ ~
~ ~ ~
�OOi1 AA
I J X- O]
1 OOOn
C 'r4t~,#~~h.
A. Extremely low temnerat~sre control system.
B. Main frame computer using Josephson ~unction element.
C. Freezer system.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470001-9
(Reference 1630)
The Status of Technological Development in Japan and the Trend in the United
- States and Europe.
1. Today's industry and technology.
Efforts in technological development in Ja~an, compared with Europe and the
United States, have so far produced less in quantity and in quality as well
since Japan has concentrated its efforts on improving on existing technology
rather than developing epochmaking ones.
Unless this trend is corrected, Japan will always have to submit itself to
following the paths of those countr3es.
Innovativeness of research and development in Uni.ted Kingdom, United States
and Japan:
! Epochmaking (number)
I 64
~ 25 ~ *'1 ~ ~t45~) U.K. (tota]. 45)
~ /
, ; 2., �
/ 10 t is \
I , i ,
e ~ �t2F~) Japan (total 26)
_ / _ ~ J ^ 72 �
~ U.S.A. (total 234)
j ~a 7~ ~1 ~ ~t23a (4~)
~ Improvement--- ~
I ~~t~h~~~ Substantial change
Based on the report by Gelman polling firm. (Coimnissioneu by the NSF in 1976.)
Note: 500 developments of new technology which resulted in manufactured
products between 1953 and 1973 were sorted according to the coun-
tries and the degree of innovativeness.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400074001-9
(Reference 4~30) [continued]
The percentage of money used for basic research in Japanese industries is de-
creasing every year.
9.1 9.3 9.1
6 6�7 6.3
52 5.0 4.? 4.6
~ .
v 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
(Reference ~~31)
Comparison of Amounts Spent on Research and Development Among Countries:
For total R&D, Japan spends a little less than ~ne-third the amount the United
States spends. Japan's ratio of money spent on R&D against GNP is lower than
- West Germany and France.
- - -
_ I
R & D cost ~
(::rillion) 8
Dt1 6
~ ~ ~ ~
~ F ~
q i
~ ~ �i ~
Ratio of R& D cost ~a~ 1.7 2.4 2.0 ].6
against GNP (1~78) (1978) (1978) (1977)
Tatal research cost 35,700 99.556 31,556 18,308
( t~ F13 )
Japan U.S.A. West France
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400070001-9
(Reference 4131) [continued]
Of the total R&D cost, the percentage of government subsidy is dramatically
lower in Japan than other developed nations.
~ - -
Total ~
research cost a~
in industries $50
~ 35.3
~ 309
18.9 ~
fff Government
~ subsidy
10 ~
_ 1.4
p � T ~f ~ ~
f h ~
iJ %
~ ~ ~ ~
1978 1978 1975 1978 977
Total 2.29~BP~ ; pp~GRl 0.88~k~] 2.02~K,f~ t.09~~1~1
- research cos t
in industries. Japan U.S.A. U.K. West France
Germany (trillion ~en)
From: Kagaku Gi~utsu Yoran (Scientific technology handbook.)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400470001-9
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070041-9
(Reference 4~33)
Illustration of Community Energy System Using Substitute Energy:
a. ~1k~~~T4 -
b. ~+~i.~ i~ T a. ,~~k~~~
F~lchL~~i~Ta b. ~~k (~1~Jk) ~:tP~E;:=:
d. i1;t~~vxT~. c. if~b~E~
e. '~.~7~~� � T L d. @3~ ' ~~~5
f. ~~n~%~TG. e. F1}~;u~{~
g. � i~TL f. ~~~$R
h. i~ir~s'~ T a r'3-9 it~34~o~~~ S� ~o"'~il~~
~ . ~fi$fE i ~ T to n. ~~~~t'~~3~~~~"s
j. ~~~~~%.~T4 1 i. s~~lr$~-~i~~Tiu'*c~~
~ ~
h ~
` I
�~O~ ~ _ ~i ' ~
~ :8 b
~ a ~ 4 ~ ~t6~~ :
2 ~ .
~i~ ~r
, ~
% f
}~~Q e , ' ~
; d _1_ 5 ~if;~i~T4~'e~~ ~
~ 3 fi~l~cs ~ � t ~ y - ----y 6 ~~~s~
1. Total control by computers. 4. Household terminals
2. Data on gas, electricity and water 5. Urban system integrated circutt,
supplies 6. Group of terminal equipment
3. Local energy center
a. Water supply system a. Water supply terminal equipment
~ b. Atultipurpose water system b. Multipurpose water terminal
c. Sewer processing system equipment
d. Gas provision system c. Gas equipment
e. Power provision and generation d. Lighting and household equ~ipment
system e. Sewer system
f. Local heating and cooling system f. Air conditioning equipment
g. Solar system g. Power provision
h. Garbage transport and process- h. Ever~day life image data terminal
ing sysiem equipment
i. Flow system i. Energy control terminal equipment
Data control system
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404070041-9
(Reference 4634)
_ Exhaust Gas Comparison:
Passenger Cars that meet ~10 mode) Electric
cars: 1975 regulations 1976 regulations 1979 regulations car
CO 2.1g/Km Same 5ame 0
HC 1.25g/Km Same Same 0
NOx 1.2g/Km 0.6 0.25 ~
Comparisan of noise on acceleration: dB (A) Unit : dB (A)
Present Plans for Electric
regulation future* car
Truck :Over 3.5 tons ~
:Over 200 horsepower ' 86 83 70-75
Bus 'Over 3.5 tons �
'Under 200 horse ower
:Under 3.5 tons
Passenger car . 81 78 60-65
*Proposal made by Central Commission on Pollution in May, 1976.
Electric car and energy conservation:
A 1'~ h~yq~ A. Total oil consumption (kl/10 years)
~ 11 1 . B. Comparison of total oil resource
~ ~p cansumption (10 years)
i~i s 1 ~
,Fy 8~ a 1. Small passenger car
~ ~ 2. Small truck
iii ~
6 I ~~t~~~r b
a. Car manufacturing period
5 ~ ~ b. Material manufact.uring period
10 4 ~ ~
~ c. Operation period
~ ~E tt~ &Y ~ d. Internal combustion engine
~ ~ ~ ~ e. Electric car
1 ~ ~j ~ !!i
o~ ~t~ ~ fi ~
B~~r~~~il~i~r~t~t~ (!~t~~A~n9~3 ~o~�~~f ~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9
(Reference 4~35)
Specification and Performance of Cars Developed on an Experimental Basis in
a Large-Scale Project:
A~. ~ ~~~f~ b~J~~~ltl ~14fdfi~1 dl~~r~~
g ~ ~c ~l~th~ ~ F ~ 4 F ~ ~ e $~1~~~
1 ~ $c (,a) ~ 3,1 6 5 3. 4 l 0 3, 1 4 0 4, 6 9 0 9, 3 8 0
2 $ Im 1,420 1.500 1,355 1,695 2,490
_ 3 ,g, (mn) 1,430 1.480 1,605 1,860 3,060
4 ~~j~~i~j (fp> 1.427 1.467 1,538 3,595 14,045
~ 70
5 ~~~g (~j 4 ~ 4 30U 1.000
6 ~(Rm/h) ~ : 0 1 8 3 7 8 9 0 6 1. 2
7-~�~~~~~ 259 455 205 ~ 496 186.6
Q+m) (40Rm/h~) ,
$ 0 40 /h 6. 0 3. 6 8. ] 4. 9 (6. 9)
0 4 0 L;l~ 104 0 y;l~. ~4 0 L;l~ ~ 4 0 L:l~ (2 9. 5)
9 c 7 ~a~7l~~
Key: A. Model
B. Specifications
c. Subcompact electric truck
a. Subcompact electric car d. Compact truck
b. Compact electric car e. Mase-transit electric bus
1. Length (mm) 6. Maximum speed (lan/h)
2. Width (mm) 7. Mileage (km) on one charge
3. Height (mm) (at 40 lan/h)
4. Weight (kg) 8. Acceleration capab ility (sec)
5. Maximum numbex of passengers (0-40 km/h)
(persons) 9. Capability to go uphill (km/h)
Maximum capacity (kg) (7 percent slope)
10. Over 40 lan/h
*A revised model from the first developmental pro,ject. Acceleration capabil-
ity is based on 0-30 lan/h and the capability to go uphill was measured on a
6� slope.
COPYRIGHT: (Zai) Kikai Shinko Kyokai 1981
CSO: 8129/1818 ~D
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400070001-9