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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400060057-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10080 2II October i 981 I Re ort West E~aro e p p (FOUO 55/81 ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORM~ITION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060057-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400060057-9 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primaril.y from foreign newspapers, periodi~als and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources _ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. ''Jnfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names precedc:d by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- zies, views or attitudes o.f the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS ~ND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICAiION BE REST~2ICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060057-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460057-9 ~ JPRS I,/10080 - 28 October 1981 WEST EUROPE REPORT (FOUO 55/81) CONTENTS POLITICAL ~ FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY FDP's Verheugen Denies Coalition Breakup I~�ninent (STEKt~, 3 Sep 81) 1 FRANCE Pre-Election Poll Analysis: Attitudes, Events, Candidates (Olivier Duhamel, Jean-Luc Parodi; POWOIRS, No 18, 1981) 4 ITALY Andreotti, Formigoni on DC, Catholic Movements (Giulio Andreotti, Roberto Formigoni Interview; PANORAMA, 14 Sep 81) 19 - PSI's Mancini Criticizes Craxi's Policiea � (Giacomo Mancini Intervie~a; EUROP�E0, 28 Sep 81) 28 SPAIN _ NATO Entry, Allegedly Supported by Vast Majority, Advocated (Editorial, Juan Tomae de Salas; CAMBIO 16, 7 Sep 81) 32 Defense Minister Defends NATO Entry (Alberto Oliart Interview; CAMBIO 16, 14 Sep 81) 34 ECONOMIC ITALY Area Study of Underground Labor Force (Rruna Bellonzi; IL MONDO, 18 Sep 81) 37 - a - [III - WE - 150 FOUOJ r. no n~crr~ . ~ r rc~ nwrt v , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060057-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400060057-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Participation in Construction of USSR's Gas Pipeline (Enrico Nassi; IL MONDO, 25 Sep 81) 41 Sugar Production Affected by EEC Ruling - (Cesare Peruzzi; IL MONDO, 28 Sep S1) 44 MILITARY ~ FRANCE Mediterranean Coast Radar Network'e Dutiea Described (Robert Moltea; ARMEES D'AUJOURII'HUI, Sep 81) 50 GENERAI. FRANCE Briefs - New Intelligence Director 55 SDECE Recruiting Plane 55 ITALY Secret Meetings Between PCI, Intellig~nce Servicea (Antonio Carlucci, Corrado Incerti; PANORAMA, 14 Sep 81) 56 ~ Profiles of New PSI Secretaries Martelli, Spini (Enrico Nassi; IL MONDO, 25 Sep 81) 60 Prafile of Emerging Local PRI Leader Corona (Paolo Passarini; IL MONDO, 25 Sep 81) 64 - - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060057-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400060057-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POLITICAL FIDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY FDP'S VERHEUGEN DENIES COALITION BREAKUP IMMINENT Hamburg STERN in German 3 Sep pp 128-30 [Article: "The CDU Is Mired in a Bog of Intellectural Sloth"] [Text] FDP secretary Guenter Verheugen tells in an interview with STERN why the Social-Liberal coalition will continue to gov~ern in Bonn despite disagreement on the 1982 budget and other differences of opinion. STERN: Herr Verheugen, the tug of war over the 1982 budget has poisoned the _ coalition atmosphere. Is the SPb/FDP alliance breaking up? Verheugen: I am of a totally different opinion on that point. Never before in the history of the Federal Republic have so many economies been affected at one time as in this round of_ budget cuts. Nonetl.:less Z would have to say with some self- criticism that the coaliation has not been able to pre~tent this as a success. Instead, it has managed to talk to death an achievement that it ':sd brought about by joint effort. STER~i: During the budget conferences between the Free and the Social Democrats, basic differences of opinion emerged clearly. Are the coalition parties about to split apart? Verheugen: I am convinced that the problems that lie ahead af us cannot be solved by any better coalition than the Social-Liberal one. STERN: Which problems are y~u thinking of? Verheugen: For example, the problem of creating a new visian of the future for our younger generation. STERN: B~it the common grounds of interest are growing fewer. Verheugen: Well, of course these common ~rounds will be eroded when y~u put together an administration program and then achieve it step by step. But it's up to us to continue to replenish these common grounds. And I spe in the new economy package, for example, a new round of mutual interests. STERN: Isn't more than just a few random mutual interests on policy matters r~ecessary to m~intain a coalition? 1 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060057-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400060057-9 FOR OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY Verheugen: It'G my opinion that thetwo great tasks of the Social-Liberal co~lition--a policy of peace abroad and reform at home--have not yet been concluded. STERN: But precisely that peace policy, which until now had been th~a strongest bond betweea the FDP and the SPD, seems at this moment not to have a very high priority with your_ party chairman, Foreign Minister Genscher; even in social and economic policy the FDP appears to be growing closer to the union. Verheugera: We can hardly gr.o~� closer to a vacuum. The CDU is mired in a bog of intellectual sloth and has been for years now. This party no longer has the capacity to take a position on such difficult questions as budgec or peace policy. Their motto is: don't rock the boat and do hope that by some miracle the keys t~ � power will suddenly fall into their hands. STERN; Perhaps this is what will happen. a Verheugen: That can and will never happen. STERN: Then how do you explain to us what you and the FDP leadership have been - doing ovzr the past few weeks? Opinion surveys were circulated according to which a change to coalition with the Union was seen as a possibility without endangering its existence. The coalition was strained to the breaking point by FDP demands. Was all this just tactics? Verheugen: The operations of the FDP have been misunderstood by many people as maneuvers directed against the SPD. In fact it was we who demanded and pushed through the necessary change of course toward greater economy. That was to create the fiscal. basis for any further joint action. As far as this affected the voters, it was directed instead at the Union, becau~e in that way we became the standard bearers of hope for the liberal fraction of t:he CDU voters. The breach that had been made into the CDU voter potential ar the BundEStag elections of 1980 is what we wanted to make permanent. What is at stake f_or the FDP is whether it reverts to a woebegone p