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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10048 - 14 October 1981 Translation BIOMEDICAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL PROBLEMS OF SPACE FLIGHT: AN INDEX OF SUVIET AND FOREIGN LITERATURE 1966-1970 Ed. by O.G. Gazenko, et al. FgI$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, oeriodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and = cther characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclose3 in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] = or [Excerpt] in the first line of ea:.h item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an ~ item originate with the source. Times wirhin items are as given by source. _ The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- _ ciPS, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING 04NERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN KEQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE 0iNLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 -A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS i,/10048 14 October 1981 BIOMEDICAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL PROBLEMS OF SPACE FLIGHT: _ AN INDEX OF SOVIET AidD FOREIGN LITERATURE 1966-1970 Moscow MEDIKO-BIOIOGICHESKTYE I SOTSIAL'NO-PSIKHOLOG2CHESKIYE PROBLEP4Y KOSMICHESKIKH POLETOV. UKAZA'1'EL' OTECHESTVENNOY I ZARUBEZHNDY LITERAI'URY. 1966-1970 GG. in Russian 1978 (signed to press 9 Mar 78) pp 4, 8-10, 13-16, 20-23, 27, 32-34, 36, 37-38, 63-65, 136-142, _ 145-149, 185-205, 2-79-328, 428-437, 471-518 [Excerpts from book edited by O.G. Gazenko (Chairman), Ye. Ik. Koltun, E.F. Panchenkova, I?.M. Rudnyl, N.M. Sikorskiy, D.V. Ter-Avaiiesyan, and N.A. Yakunin, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1,000 copies, 519 pages, UDC 016.613.6931 CONTENTS Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 From the compilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. General problems of space biology and medicine 1.3. Role of space research in development of biolog,y, medicine, psychology and technological sciences and in solving � social and economic problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.5. Personnei in space biology and medicine and their training . 19 i.6. Congresses, conferences, and symposia - 1.6.5. CoriEerences on space biology and medicine in the USSR . . 20 1.7. Organization of the information and bibliographical service for space biology and medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.9. Manuals, textbooks, reference books . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3. Effects of space flight factors on orcTanisms 3.2. Effects of energy in outer soace 3.2.3. Visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Cosmonaut vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 _ 3.3.3,. Weightlessness and hypogravitation General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Imitation and siniulation of weightlessness affects in the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lonq-term weigt;tlessness and hypogravitation . 48 - a - [I - USSR - C FOUO] - FOR OFFICIAL USE 1)NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.3.7. Nbtion sickness. Optokinetic effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.3.8. Vibratioa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 - 3.3.9. Noise. Cosmonaut auditory function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3.5. Combined effects of space flight factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4. Psychophysiological problems 4.1. General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . 125 _ 4.2. Sensory deprivation. Social isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 4.4. Biological and physiological rhythms (including sleep) . . . . . . . . 144 4.5. Group psychology. Sociology of small groups. Psy^.hological and biological compatibility. Speech com�nunication. Radio communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 4.6. Cosmonaut activity. Performance. Hw-aan engineering . . . . . . . . . 161 5. Methods of physiological research in space biology and medicine _ 5.1. General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 5.2. Research techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 5.3. Apparatus and sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 5.4. Biotelemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 5.5. Cybernetics and systems engineering in space medicine. Bionics 210 5.6. Analysis and processing of physiological data . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 7. Cosmonaut selection and training 7.1. General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 7.2. Selection and aerospace medical examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 7.3. Training 7.3.1. General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 225 7.3.2. Trainers and simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243  ' - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ANNOTA?ION This bibliography is a collection of Russian and foreign literature published in 1966-1970 on the entire complex of biomedical and psychosocial problems asso�- ciated with man's conquest of space. This index is broken down into the following sections: General problems; space flights and the prospects of the conquest of space; effects of space flight factors on organisms; psychophysiological problems; the methods of physiological research; life support; cosm4naut training and selec- tion; exobiology. This index is intended for biologists, physicians, psychologists, economists, ~ soci ologists, designer-engineers, and representatives of various associated spec ialties. CONTENTS Page Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 From the compilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 l. General problems of space biology and medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.2 History of space medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.3 Role of space research in development of biology, medicine, psychology and technological sciences and in solving social and economic problems. . . 20 1.4 Organization of scientific research (including international cooperation and some legal problems ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 24 1.5 Personnel in space biology and medicine and their training . 27 1.6 Congresses, conferences and symposia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.6.1 Congresses of the International Astronautical Federation . 27 1.6.2 Annual COSPAR (Committee for Outer Space Research) Symposia . 30 1.6.3 International congresses of aviation and space medicine . 30 1.6.4 Other international conferences and symposia . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1.6.5 Conferences oa space biology and medicine in the USSR . 32 1.6.6 Conferences on space biology and medicine in the USA and other foreign countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Annual scientific meetings of the Aerospace Medical Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Other national conferences in foreign countries . 35 1.7 Organization of the information and bibliographical service for space biol.ogy ar;d medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 1.8 Bibliogr,aphical guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1 - FOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FGR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1.9 Manuals, textbooks, reference books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1.10 Main serial and periodical publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2. Space flights and the prospects for the conquest of space 39 2.1 Space flights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.1.1 General refere.ices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 - 2.1.2 Manned space flights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Soviet manned spaceships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 American manned spaceships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Flights aboard aerospace vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.1.3 Flight experiments with animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.1.4 Flight experiments with oL-her biological objects (nucroorganisms, - plants, cell and tissue cultures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 ~ 2.2 The prospects for conquering space, changing the planet's ecosphere and transforming man's environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2.2.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.2.2/2.2.4 Problems in development of the moon, creation of orbital stations, and interplanetary and interstellar flights . 51 3. Effects of space flight factors on orgarfisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.1 General aspects. General problems of space physiology 58 3.1.1 Space genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.2 Effects of energy in outer space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.2.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.2.2 Radio frequences and mi.crowaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.2.3. Visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Cosmonaut vision 63 3.2.4 Ionizing radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.2.5 Magnetic and electric �ields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 " 3.3 Effects of dynamic flight factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.3.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.3.2 Accelera:.-ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 � General references. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Linear and radial accelerations (including centxifuge experiments) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Impact acceleration' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Angular velocity. Angular acceleration. Coriolis acceleration. General problems of vestibular physiology 109 Biological effect ox incrEased gravitation . . . . . . . . . 127 Acceleration tolerance; possibility of adaptation to acceleration; factors influencing tolerance; protection of the body from its effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 _ 3.3.3 Weightlessness and hypogravitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Imi.tation and simulation of we,.ghtlessness effects in the laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Short-term (transient) weightlessness . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Long-term weightlessness and hypogravitation . . . . . . . . 145 Tolerance of weightlessaess and protection of the body from its effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 3.3.4 Muscular activity. Hypokinesia. Hypodynamia. Hyperkinesia 153 3.3.5 Body position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 2 FOR OFFICiAL USE O1VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 3.3.6 Biodynamics in different gravitational conditions (including conditions of weightlessness and in a support-free environment). Physiolagical problems of extravehicular activity. Orientation in space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.7 Motion sickness. Optokinetic effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.8 Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.9 Noise. Cosmonaut auditory function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.10 Shock wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Effects of the cabin microclimate of spaceships and space stations 3.4.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Barometric pressure, altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disbarisni. Explosive decompressian. Pressure differentials . 3.4.3 Oxygen partial pressure � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hypoxi.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Breathing pure oxygen. Hypoxia. Pressure breathing 3.4.4 Nitrogen and i::ert gases . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.5 Carbon dioxids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 4. 6 Zbxicology of cabin air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.7 Temperature, humidity and ionization of air. Thertnoregulation 3.5 Combined effects of space flight factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Psychophysiological problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Sensory deprivaticn. Social iso"lation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Psychological stress. Prevention of inental disturbances . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Biological and physiological rhythms (including sleep) . . . . . . . 4.5 Grc+up psychology. Sociology of small groups. Psychological and bio- logical compatibility. Speech communication. Radio comnunication 4.6 Cosmonaut activity. Performance. Human engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Activity and training of'ground-based operators o� space and planetary vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. Methods of physiological research in space biology and medicine 5.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Research techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Apparatus and sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Biatelemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Cybernetics and systems engineering in space medicine. Bionic-s 5.6 Analysis and processing of physiological data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Life support in spar_,ecraft and in extravehicular condItions 6.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Long-term integratee, experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Artificial atmosphere. A;r regeneration and conditioning . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Determination of toxic substances and their elimination 5.3 Nutrition and water supply. Space qastroenterology. Cosmonaut metabolisi,: 6.4 Waste disposal. MinerEzlization of hum-:n waste products . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 R3diation safety. Effectiveness, forecasting, dosimetry . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Thermal protection and its effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7 Microbial control in the spacec*:aft cabin and in the cosmonaut body. Prohlems of space vehicle sterilization. Quarantine. Space mxcrobiology an3 immunology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 FOR OFFTCIAL USE OI+ILY 180 195 191 197 205 206 206 207 207 ' 214 219 219 219 248 263 268 273 274 2 79 287 287 289 294 295 300 302 313 314 314 315 318 322 324 326 329 329 333 336 336 341 344 354 357 367 370 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060025-4 FOR OFFiCIAL lJSE ON.Y 6.8 Cosmonaut ner.sonal hygiene. hygierie. Work-rest schedule . 379 6.9 Individual life-support systems. Pressure suits. Antigravizy suits . 382 6.10 Lii'-e-support methods and system-c depending on flight duration . . 389 6t10.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 6.10.2 Plants and microorganisms in spacecraft life-support systems . 6.10.3 Artificial reduction of cosmonaut metabolic intensity. Problems of anabiosis and hypothermia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 6.11 Ensuring safety and supporting cosmonaut activity whPn returning to earth, during extravehicular activity, and when lan3ing on other planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 _ 6.11.1 3eneral references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 6.11.2 Returning to Earth. Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 . 6.11.3 Extravehir.ular activity in outer space and o:z other planets . 407 6.12 Cosmonaut life and health suF.port in emergency situations . 414 6.12.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 6.12.3 Cabin decomprf.ssion. Meteorite aanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 6.12.3 Danger of fire and explosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41$ 6.13 riedical care of cosmonauts. Occupational.patholoyy. Problems of prophylaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 - 6.13.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 6.13.2 P?-eflight and postflight medical examination. In-fliqht medical. monitoriny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 6.13.3 Pharmacologic methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 6.13.4 Occupational pathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 7. Cosmonaut Selection and Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 7.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 7.2 Selection and aerospace medical examin3tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 7.3 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 7.3.1 General references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 7.3.2 Trainers and simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 _ 8. Exobiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 List of collections of papers (Soviet and foreign) used in this bibliography . 446 List of serial and periodical publications (Soviet and foreign) used in this bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Name index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400064025-4 _ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY FROM THE CONPILERS Deeper research on the laws governing development of nature and society and stronger mtitual ties between the social, natural and technical sciences were named among the main tasks of Soviet science in the "Basic Directions for Development of the USSR National Economy in 1976-1980", approved by the 25th CPSU Congress. JA The stady and conquest of outer space and expansion of research on the use of _ cosmic resources to study the earth's natural resources, in meteorology, oceanology, navigation and communication, and for otYier needs of the national economy are stated among the most important directions of scientific research.* CPSU Central Coman.ittee General Secretary Comrade L. I. Brezhnev emphasized in the Accountability Report to the Congress that integrated programs .for development of the countzy's national economy must account for continuous progress not only in Soviet but also in world science and technology, and for the possibiJ.ities of economi.c cooperation with other statPS. Describing the aspects of foreign economic ties, L. I. Brezhnev noted the urgency of glabal problems such as the conquest of space, and he emphasized that this problem will have an increasingly more notice- able influence upon the life of each nation and upon the entire system of in-;.er- national relations in the future.** In this connection, scientists and specialists about the Soviet and foreign literature on the most important problems o� science and technology, parti- cularly on the biomedical, psychological and sncial aspects of space flight, acquires special significance. This index was compiled by colleagues of the USSR State Library imeni V. I. Lenin, the State Central Scientific Mecical Library and the USSR Academy of Sciences Library. It contains information on the Soviet and foreign literature (books,. articles in journals and collectians, dissertation abstracts, technical reports, patents), published in 1966-1970. Thus this bibliography is a direct continuation *"Basic Directions for Development of the USSR National Economy in 1976-198011, in "Materialy XXV.s"yezda KPSS" [Proceedings of the 25th CPSU Congress], Nbscow, Politizdat, 1976, pp 213, 215. **Brezhnev, L. I. "Report of the CPSU Centra1 Committee and the Party's Current Tasks in Domestic and Foreign Policy", in "Materialy XXV s"yezda KPSS", Nbscow, Politizdat, 1976, pp 42, 56. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y of the index published in 1972, which embraced the liter.ature of 1961-1965.* In addition to works published in 1966-1970, the present publication also cites some studies conducted in earlier years that for one reason or another had not been in- cluded in the previous erlition. The next edition of the index is to include information on the Russian anci foreign literature published in 1971-1975. This bibliography is intended for a broad range of scientists interested in space research: medical specialists, biologists, psychologists, economists, sociologists, lawyers, specialists in physical education and sports, design engineers, librarians and employees of information services. The compilers do not claim this index to be Exhaustive; however, they did attempt to fill in the gaps contained in abstract journals by reviewing a number, of periodicals and collections in their entirety, which is especially significant in connection with the absence of special sources provxding current bibliographical information and abstracts in this subject area. Selscting the literature, the compilers laid their greatest emphasis on research conducted in the course of space mi.ssions or during preparations for them; somewhat lower emphasis was laid ori papers not directly associated with space research but coritainir.g information on terrestrial experiments on the biological action of ex- treme f_actors in common with space flight factors (hypoxia, hypokinesia, noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, etc.). The principles of selecting material for this bi.bliography were partialll� recon- siderea. This was elicited by the appearance, in the second five-year plan of the space age, of research devoted to new aspects of research on outer space, and by the increase in the number of publications on individual issues in this area. In this connection some cranges were also made in 'che list of classification headings of this index. A numbc�r of sections have been given new titles. For example: 1.3. Role of Space Research in Development of Biology, Medicine, Psychology and Technological Sciences and in 5olving Social and Economic Problems. 2.2. The Prospects for Conquering Space, Changing the Planet's Ecosphere and Trans- Man's Environment. 4.5. Group Psychology. Sociology of Small Groups. Psychological and Biological Compatibility. Speech Communication. Radio Communication. 6.5. Radiation Safety. Effectiveness, Forecas ting, Dosimetry. 6.6. The:-nal Protection and Its Effectiveness. Because new disciplines have formed, some lite rature is now grouped separately in special sections. Literature on space genetics i.s contained in section 3.3.1; *Gyurdzhian, A. A. (Editor in Chief), "Mediko-biologicheskiye problemy kosmicheskikh = poletov. iAcazatel' otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy literatury" [Biomedical Problems - of Space FliQht. Index of Soviet and Foreign Literature]; Compilers: Ye. A. Akhutin, Ye. A. Koltun, M. L. Shvarts, M. E. Eicshteyn; Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1972, 303 pp. 6 FOR Ok'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY section 6.3. "Nutrition and Water Supply..." also includes research on the general problems of space gastroenterology; section 6.7- "Microbial Control..." includes research on the general problems of space microbiology and imnunology; subsection 3.2.3. "Visible Light, Ultraviolet, and Infrared Radiation..." contains references on cosmonaut visual functions; subsection 3.3.9. "Noise..." contains references on cosmonaut hearing functions; paragraph "Angular Velocity..." deals with the general problems of vestibular physiology. Exobiology was also placed in a special chapter; however, far from all references dealing with this subject were collected together here. In particular, the compilers avoided inclusion of papers dealing with hypothetical areas. The compilers included absolutely no infoz-mation on research conducted in those directions of space biology that deal with the in- fluence of space factors upon the earth's biosphere, since this literature is only indirectly connected with the biome3ical aspects of space flight. The index reflects literature in all languages using the Cyrillic and Latin alpha- bet; references in Japanese are treated as in the abstract puYLications of the A11- Union Institute of Scientific and Technical IiLformation. Books, articles from journals and collections, dissertation abstracts, technical reports and patents falling within the bounds of the adopted subject matter were included. Popular scientific wor_ks and short notes conta.ined in journals were 'selected only when scientific publications on the given question were absent. The compilers were highly selective in their inclusion of patents and technical reports, and in contrast with the previous edition, the latter are contained in the appro- priate sections, rather than being appended as a separate list. The material of this part of the index is classified into eight chapters: 1. General Problems of Space Biology and Medicine. 2. Space Flights and the Prospects for t'he Conquest of Space. 3. Effects of Space Flight Factors on Organisms. 4. Psycho- physiological Problems. 5. Methods of Physioloqical Research in Space Biology and Medicine. 6. Life Support in Spacecraft and in Extravehicular Conditions. 7. Cosmonaut Selection and Training. 8. Exobiology. Each of these eight chapters in the bi.bliography consist of sections, subsections, and paragraphs. Their subordination is designated hy a system of numerical indices. The literaturL was classified in accordance with the list of classification headings created by scientific consultant A. A. Gyurdzhian and by the authors of this index-- Ye. A. Akhutin and Ye. A. ICpltun, and approved by the Comnittee for Bioastronautics of the International Astronautical Federation . The list of classification headings and system of indices used in this publication are not iiitended as a substitution for the principles followed in commonly accepted classification systems (Lfiiversal Decimal Classification, BBK etc.) to locate and index materials in the appropriate sections;they are, rather, tools adopted exclu- sively for the convenience of arranging literature consisting predominantly of references dealing with numerous aspects of the subject matter. References contained in the classification divisions are described in alphabetical order of authors or titles, irrespective of the form of the publication. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 - FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Each alphabetical series begins with works published in Russian or in languages of the peoples of the USSR, irrespective of whether they are in their original form or translated; these are followed by works published in foreign languages, including studies by Soviet scientists. The only exceptions are in section 1.1. "General References", 1.6. "Congresses, _ Conferences and Symposia", paragraphs "Soviet and American Manned _ Spaceships" and subsections 2.2.2./2.2.4. "Problems in Development of the Moon, Creation cf Orbital Stations, and Interplanetaxy and Interstellar Flights". Works having philosophical and methodological nature are presented in section 1.1. apart from the general alphabetical listing. The material in section 1.6. is arranged by titles of indivi.dual congresses, symposia, conferences, sessions and plenary meetings in the order of their siqnificance, and un3er each title they are or9ered in chronological sequence; in this case the references begin with works and materials, then report theses and abstracts, and finally reports, reviews, and commentaries. References concerning specific conferences are grouped together into sections separated by asterisks. In paragraphs the material is also grouped in. chronological order of flights by Soviet and American spaceships. Subsection 2.2.2./2.2.4. is subdivided into three logical units corresponding to the title of this subsection. Each unit is separated from the ot-~hers by asterisks. The bibliographic references contained in this edition are given in the lar.guage of the original in accordance with the "Unified Rules for Describing Printed WorY.s in Bibliographies and Information Publications" (Moscow, "Kniga", 1970) and the existing GOST [All-Union State Standard].* The compilers also guided themselves by the "Proofreader's and Editor's Reference Book" (Moscow, "Kniga", 1974) in describing the references. Abbreviations used in the bibliographic entries follow GOST recommendations.** Insignificant deviations from these standards are necessitated by the spPCific features of the material. This index is parLially annotated. References published in Russian are annotated only when it is unclear from the titles that their content corresponds to the subject matter of this index or of a given section. The titles of foreign works are trans- lated into Russian, or they are accompanied by short annotations, though once again only when the tit?es are insufficiently informative or when justification as to why the given work was placed in the particular section is required. A large part of the publications contained in this index were examined directly by the compilers. If for some reason works were not examined directly, their descrip- tions (marked by an asterisk) are not standardized, and they are written out basically in the same format encountered in abstract publications and bibliographies. Entries do not appear more than once in this index; therefore it makes extensive use of a system of cross-references between sections having similar subject matter as well as betweei. individual works. Information on works having content fitting in two or *"Description of Printed Works for Bibliographies and Information Publications", GOST 7.1-69, Moscow, 1969. **"Abbreviations of Russian Words and Phrases in Catalog and Bi.bliographical References", GOST 7.12-70, Moscow, 1970; "Abbreviations of Words and Phrases in Foreign European Languages in Catalog and Bibliographical References", GOST 7.11-70, Nbscow, 1972. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y several sections is located in one of the sections, in which references to other sections can be found. These references are located at the start of classification divisions, following their titles. An appendix to this inde:c provides auxiliary materials--"List of Collections of Papers (Soviet and Foreign) Used in This Bibliography", "List of Serial and Periodi- _ cal Publications (Soviet and Foreign) Used in This Bibliography" and "Name Index". In addition to complete titles, the list of periodicals also indicates the abbre- ~ viations of journals and serial publications adopted for this index; only the full names are given in the list of collections. This effort was completed under the guidance and editorship of USSR State Library imeni V. I. Lenin senior scientist Ye. A. Koltun. - Scientific consultation was provided by International Astronautical Academy. active member A. A. Gyurdzhian. - The material was selected for this publication by, in addition to the compilers, USSR Academy of Sciences Library colleague L. N. Korobova. In addition to the authors, USSR State Library i;neni V. I. Lenin senior scientist N. N. Mikhaylova took part in creating the reference system and preparinq the manuscript for publication. - The compilers were assisted in preparing this bibliography for publication by - M. V. Bt.yeva, N. M. Ryzhikova, Ye. D. Abrikosova, A. A. Guseva, E. A. Molodtsova, E. A. Panova and L. Yu. Ivanova. Ye. A. Koltun 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL i1SE ONY.Y 1. General Problems of Space Biology and Medi.cine 1.3. F.ole of Space Research in Development of Biology, Medicine, Psychology aild Technological Sciences and in Solving Social anci Economic Problems See also No 699, 5773, 5828, 5909, 6056, 7060, 7144. , 77. Volkov, Yu. N., "Application of the Methods of Space Cardiology in the Clinic, and Some Problems Associated With Clinical-Physiological Evaluation of The Results o.f Flight Expcriments in Space,'.' in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems - of Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 102-103. 78. Letyagina, G. V., "Breathing Helium-Oxygen Mixtures in the Presence of an _ Obstructed Respiratory Tract," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the 3d Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] (Institute of Biomedical Problems Nbscow, 1969, pp 87-88. Experiments on therapeutic use of helium-oxygen mi.xtures developed for breathing in space missions. 79. Letyagina, G. V., and Tyurina, R. T., "Breathing a Mixture of Helium and Oxygen in the Presence of F.ncumbered Pulmonary Air Exchange," in "Vsesoyuznyy simpozium - 'Gory i sistema krovi [Al1-Union Symposium "Mountains and the Blood System"], Frunze, 1969, pp 70-72. Experimental justifir_ation of the therapeutic use of helium- oxygen mixtures. 80. Letyagina, G. V., "Effectiveness of Breathing Helium-Oxygen Mixtures in the Presence of an Obstructed Respiratory Tract," abstract of dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, Moscow, 1970, 16 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliography: p 16 (3 references). Use of gas mixtures developed for breathing in space missions to treat some diseases of the respiratory tract. (Experimental - justification). 81. Manoylov, V. Ye., "Use of the Instruments of Aerospace Medicine at a Health Resort," in "Ispol'zovaniye metodov i priborov aviatsionnoy meditsiny v usloviyakh kurorta" [Application of the Methods and Instruments of Aviation Medicine at a _ Health Resort], Groznyy, 1968, p 3-12. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONY.Y 82. Parin, V. V., "Space and Mankind," PRIRODA, No 11, 1967, pp 29-32. ~ Influence of space research on development of biology and medicine. 83. Parin, V. V., "Use of Quantitative Methods in Medicine and Physiology," in _ "Matematicheskiye metody analiza serdechnogo ritma" [Mathematical Methods of Cardiac Rhythm Analysis), Nbscow, 1968, pp 3-8. ~ - Significance of space medicine to development of quantitative methods. 84. Parin, V. V., and Smirnov, K. V., and Gurovskiy, N. N., "Soviet Public Health ancl Space Medicine," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collectcion 2, Moscow, 1968, pp 3-8. _ 85. "Aiding Medical Research," FLIGHT INTERN, Vol 92, No 3054, 1967, p 507. Influence of NASA's research on space medicine on the deveiopment of clinical medicine. - �86. "Another Space Research Bonus. External Monitor Checks Heart Functions," SPACE WORLD, Vol G-6-78, 1970, p 45. A possibility for clinical application of an instrument developed by NASA for monitoring cardiac activity. 87. "The Anti-G Suit as a Therapeutic Device," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 8, 1970, p 943-945. Bi.bliogr.: p 945 (9 ref.). Aut.: R. Pelligra, H. W. Trueblood, R. Mason, A. Chambers, H. C. Vykukal, R. P. Gallant. Application of anti-G suit for therapeutic purposes. 88. "The Application of the Impedance Pneumograph to C'hest Roentgenography. A Useful Med. By-Product of the Space Program," AMER. J. ROENTGENOL., RADIUM THERAPY AND NUCL. MED., Vol 98, No 2, 1966, p 487-491. Bibliogr.: p 491 (12 ref.). Aut.: E. N. Sargent, T. L. Robertson, E. V. Wagoner, B. J. 0'Loughlin. Application of an impedence pnetimograph, developed for research in space medicine, to clinical chest roentgenography. 89. Avakian, A. S., "Space Techr.ology in Medicine," N.Y. STATE J. MED., Vol 68, No 17, 1969, pp 2319-2323. Application of the achievem-ants of space technology in medicine. 90. Benjamin, W. Z., Intaglietta, M., and Slomich, S. J., "The Utilization of Space Technology in the Fight Against Cardiovascular Disease," AIAA PAPER, No 66-951, 1966, pp 1-3. The possibility for applying highly sensitive space apparatus, in- tended to measure low-intensity energy, to research on capillary circulation. , 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 91. Bondurant, S., "The Impact of the Space Program on Medical Research and Practice," in "Impact of Space Explorat-ion on Society," Tarzana, 1966, p 161-177. Effect of the space research program an3 development of space - technalogy on medical science and practice. 92. Borchers, K. FI., Lightfoot, C. S., and Hovey, R. W., "The Translation and - Application of Aerospace tQanagement Technology to Socio-Economic Problems," AIAA PAPERS, No 67-834, 1967, pp 1-18. Bibliogr.: pp 17-18 (36 ref.). Application of aerospace technology to solution of socioeconomic and medical problems. 93. Bowers, G. E., "Experiments in Non-Military Application of the Systems Approach," AZAA PAPER, No 67-858, 1967, pp 1-3. Experiments on peaceful application of the systems approach developa_d by aerospace industry, particularly to the planning of a medical center in Canada. 94. *Braun, FI. C. W., von., "Ergebnisse der Weltraumfahrt fur Medizin und Gesundheit," UNIVERSITAS, Vol 25, No 5, 1970, pp 465-470. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA [REFERATZVPIYY ZFiURNAL. BIOLOGY], - 1970, 12 F916. Application of the achievements of space missions to develop- ment of inedicine and public health. 95. *Braun, w., van., "Die Raumfahrt und ihre Auswirkungen auf Forschung und Zivilisation," UNI'JLRSlt'AS, Vol 21, No 6, 1966, pp 599-603. - Ref.: RZH. TSSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA [REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL. RESEARCH ON OUTER SPACE], 1966, _ 1.62.4. Cosmonautics and it's influence on science (including medicine) and culture. 96. Braun, w., von, "Science Reaches Through Space to Bring Abundance From Earth," TEX. MED., Vol 63, No 12, 1967, pp 109-111. The role played by scientific research in outer space to - create abundance on earth. 97. Burkhalter, Th. S., and White, Sh. S., "New 7.bols for the Inquisitive Mind-- the Industrial Research Laboratory in Space," in "Commercial Utilization of Space," Washington, 1968, pp 211-219. Bibliogr.: p 219 (14 ref.). Possibilities for using outer space for scientiiic research, particularly in medicine and psychology. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR AFFICIAL USE dNLY 98. "Cancer and Space Research," SPACEFLIGHT, Vol 12, No 9, 1970, p 353. Significance of research on the effects o.f cosmic radiation on living cells to stuc:ying the mechanism of arisal and development of cancer in the human body. 99. "'t'he Centrifuge as a Therapeutic Device," in "Recent Advances in Aerospace Medicine," Dordrecht, 1970, pp 158-168. Bibliogr.: p 168 (4 ref.). Aut.: R. Pelligra, S. Stein, J. Markham, P. LipFe, J. Noyes, J. Dickson, K. Skrettingland. Application of the idea of creating artificial gravity, proposed as a means for protection against weightlessness, to clinical - medicine. Treatment of the neurosurgical patient by centrifugatinn. 100. "Centrifuge as a Therapeutic Device," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 4, 1970, pp 451-455. Bibliogr.: p 455 (4 ref.). Rut.: R. Pelligra, S. Stein, J. Markham, P. Lippe, J. Noyes, J. Dickson, K. Skrettingland. Application of centrifugation to clinical medicine. 101. "Clinical Application of Space Technology," POSTGRADUATE MED., Vol 46, No 4, 1969, pp 225-226. Clinical application of inedical apparatus developed for - space research. 102. Crouch, Th. H., "Medicine in the Space Age," SPACEFLIGHT, Vol 9, No 10, 1967, pp 336-341. Eibliogr.: p 341 (6 ref.). _ Medi.cine in the space age. Application of the achievements - of space medicine to clinical and public health practic2. 103. David, H. M., "Hospital to Benefit From Space Work," MISSTLES AND ROCKETS, Vol 18, Ido 9, 1966, pp 26, 29. _ Hospital equipment (particularly an electronic system to monitor physiological functions) 3esigned by the Spacelabs Company on the basis of apparatus used in space research. 104. *Demange, J., "Les applications medicales du materiel aeronautique: Exemple de 1'utilization therapeutique de la centrifugeuse," REV. CORPS SANTE.ARMEES, TERRE, MER, AIR, Vol 10, No 4, 1969, pp 465-476. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 51, No 9, 1970, 46967. Use of the centrifuge for therapeutic purposes. 105. Doesschate, J. ten, Hoppenbrouwers, R., and Lansberg, M. P., "Selective G-Force Application in the Treatment of Retinal.Detachment," in "Recent Advances in Aeruspace Medicine," Dordrecht, 1970, pp 169-173. Bibliogr.: p 173 (4 ref.). Salective centrifugation in the treatment of retinal detachment. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL US1E ONY.Y 106. Ehricke,. K. A., and Newsom, B. D., "Utilization of Space Environment for TYierapeutic Purposes," in "Practical Space Applications," Washington, 1967, pp 331-360. Bibliogr.: p 360 (2 ref.). - Possibility for using cuter space for therapeutic purposes. 'I'he idea of creating an orbital hospital.  107. *Galubinslca, K., "Osiagniecia astronautyki a postep na ziemi," WOJSKOWY PRZEGL. LOTN., Vol 23, No 6, 1969, pp 47-56. Ref.: MEI. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 1969, 12.62.3 ~ E=fect of successes iri the conquest of outer space on development of various branches of science, to include medicine and psychology. 108. *Galubinska, 1:., "Wplyw osiagniec astronautyki na postep w biologii i medycynie," WSZECHSWIAT, No 12, 1969, pp 300-303. Effect of the achievements of cosmonautics on progress in biology and medicine. 109. Gatts, J. D., "The Use or Space as a Research Tool," in "Commercial Utiliza- ~ tion of Space," Washington, 1968, p 244. Use of space to study the physiology of man and his mutual relationship with his environment. 110. Gazenko, o. G., "Space Research and Biological Science" Presented by the - Gov. of the USSR. Nloscow, 1968, 33 pp (United Nations Conf, on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [Viennu, 1968, Rep 4]). V.A. 3. Bibliogr.: p 33 (10 ref. ) . Reprir.',-.. Space research and biological sciences. 111. *Ger, R., Condrea, H., arid Steichen, F. M., "Traumatic Intrapelvic Retro- _ peritoneal Iiemorrage," J. SURG. RES., Vol 9, No 1, 1969, pp 31-34. Fef.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 50, No 11, 1969, 57784. The anti-G suit as one of the means for treating retroperitoneal hemorrhage. - 112. Germeraad. D. P., "Aerospace Applications to Ocean Systems Technology," _ AIAA PAPER, No 68-470, 1968, pp 1-7. Bibliogr.: p 6(4 ref.). The .role of space research in planning life-support and rescue systems for the submarine fleet having problems in common with space medicine. 113. Gregory, W. Ii., "Waste Unit Uses Space Techniques," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPAGE TECHNOL., Vol 91, No 24, 1969, pp 49-50. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Use of the components of space life-support systems in the waste disposal equipment of recreational vehicles proposed _ by the Grummen Company. 114. Hartwig, Q. L., "Communication of Aerospace Technology to Biology and Medicine," AIAA PAPER, No 66-952, 1966, pp 1-4. Application of space technology to biology and medicine. 115. Hastings, F. W., "The Role of Aerospace in the Artificial Heart Program," AIAA PAPER, No 66-954, 1966, pp 1-3. Significance of space research to the program for crea.ting an artificial heart. 116. *Heidelbaugh, N. D., "Space Flight Feeding Systems. Characteristics, Concepts for Improvement, and Public Health Implications. Sci. Proc. of the 103rd Ann. Meet. of the Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., Louisville, Ky, 10-14 Jul. 1966," J. AMER . VET. MED. - ASSOC., Vol 149, No 12, 1966, pp 1662-1671. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 48, No 18, 1967, 89076. Space flight feeding systems. Characteristics, ways of im- provement and possibilities for application in public health. 117. Horowitz, N. H., "The Biological Signifi-a:anaeof the Search for Extraterrestrial Life," in "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life," Washi.ngton, 1967, pp 3-13. Significance of the search for extraterrestrial life to biological sciences. 118. Jones, D. J., and Newsom, B. D., "The Orbital Research Hospital," AIAA PAPER, No 67-833, 1967, pp 1-14. Bibliogr.: pp 13-14 (13 ref.). , A plan for an orbital hospital intended to utilize zero and . reduced gravity for therapeutic purposes. 119. Konecci, E. B., "World Health Maintenance," in "Comnercial Utilizatian of Space," Washington, 1968, p 241. Use of communication satellites for control of epidemic diseases by international pubZic health centers. The idea of creating orbital hospitals to treat some diseases. 120. Lederberg, J., "Planetary Exploration and Biological Research," in "Impact of Space Exploration on Soc.iety," Tarzana, 1966, pp 155-160. Significance of planetary research to development of biological science. 15 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONY.Y 121. Lee, Ph. R., "Space Age Frontiers in Health, AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 5, 1969, pp 539-542. Bibliocrr.: p 542 (2 ref.). Influence of space research on public health. 122. Lesher, R. L., and Howick, G. J., "Aerospace Technology Utilization--Bridges to the Future," ASTRONAIIT. AND AERONAUT., Vol 4, No 11, 1966, pp 118-122. _ The NASA progra.m for applying scientific-technical achievements in space researcli to development of other areas of science, technology and medicine. 123. Loncak, O., "Proc je dobre byt na Mesici," LETECTVI A KOSMONAUT, No 9, 1970, pP 25-27. Signific�nce of space research, particularly lunar missions, to different branches of science and tecbnology, including medicine and world public health. _ 124. "Looking for Ways to Make the 'Firelcad' Lighter," MOD. HOSP., Vol 114, No 5, 1970, pp 97-99, 150. . Application of materials developed by NASA for space missions to hospital practice. - 125. "Medical and Biological Application of Space Telemetry" Prep. under contract for NASA by: Biosciences and Technology Space and Life Systems Dep., Hamilton Standard Div., United Aircraft Corp., Windsor Locks, Calif. Washington, 1965, 66 pp. (NASA SP-5023). Bibliogr.: pp 61-66 (184 ref.). Applir.atioi; ;,f the achievements of space telemetry to medicine ~ and biology. 126. "Medical Benefi-ts From Space Research," Washington, Gov. print. off., 1968, _ 16 pp. (NASA). - Application of technology creaL-e3 for space research to medicine. 127. Moutzithropoulos, C., "Some Aspects of the Therapy of Cardiac Insufficiency in the State of Subgravity or Weightlessness," in "Life in Space Craft," Paris et al., 1966, pp 223-228. Bibliogr.: p 228 (13 ref.). Some ideas about the possibility for treating cardiac in- sufficiency in the conditions of hypogravitation or weight- i--ssness. 128. Myers, G. H., "New Techniques for Biological Energy Generators," AIAA PAPER, No 66-1010, 1966, pp 1-5. Bibliogr.: p 5(5 ref.). Biological energy generators (electrostimulators) developed for - space research and enjoying application in different areas of medicine. 16 FOR OFFICIAL LJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400064025-4 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY ~ 129. Newell, H. E., and Jaffe, L., "Impact of Space Research on Science and , Technology," SCIENCE, Vol 157, No 3784, 1967, pp 29-39. .Bibliogr.: p 39 (3 ref.). Effect of space research on development of other sciences (particularly biology) and technology. _ 130. *Paine, 'I'h. 0., "Recherche spatiale et amolieration de. 1'environnement ter.restre," IMPACT, Vol 19, No 2, 1969, pp 135-148. The role of space research in improving living conditions , on earth. 131. Parin, V. V., "Progress in Human Physiology Due to Space Research," presented by the Gov. of the USSR. Moscow, 1968, 53 pp. (United Nations. Conf. on the Ex- ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space). Effect of successes in the conquest of outer space on development of physiology. 132. Proctor, L. D., "Com�nercial Utilization of Our Space Program in Its Applica- tion of Space Medical Research," in "Commercial Utilization of Space," Washington, 1968, pp 246-247. ~ Comnercial utilization of the USA's space program, particularly of the achievements of space.medicine. 133. Reeves, J. A., "The Application of Aerospace Bioinstxumentation Technology _ to Clinical Me dicine," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 293-298. Application of apparatus and techniques developed in aerospace medicine to medicine. 134. Rolan, R. G., "Must We Choose Between Men in Space and Mankind on Earth?," - BIOSCIENCE, Vol 20, No 14, 1970, pp 797-806. Bibliogr.: p 806 (40 ref.). Significance of biomedical research in outer space to - satisfying mankind's terrestrial needs. 135. Schwichtenberg, A. H., "Applications of Aerospace Sciences and Technological Advances to the Delivery of Rural and Remote Area Health Care," in "Space Technology and Earth Problems," Tarzana, 1970, pp 29-37. Application of the achievements of space science ar.d technology to providing medical care to the population of rural and remote areas. 136. Schwichtenberg, A. H., "Clinical Application of Space Medicine Technology," J. AMER. NED. ASSOC., Vol 201, No 4, 1967, pp 247-250. Clinical application of the methods of space ,nedicine. 17 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 137. Singer, S. F., "WYiere Science Fits in Space," ASTRONAUT. AND AERONAUT., Vol 8, tJo 5, 1970, pp 22, 72. Significance of space research to science, and man's role in the conquest of space. - 138. Slomich, S. J., "Needed: National Purpose for Applying the High Technology of Space," ASTRONAUT. AND AERONATU., Vol 5, No 12, 1967, pp 54-58. Bibliogr.: p 58 (3 ref. ) . Application of modern space technology to different areas - of science, parti.cularly medicine. 139. "Space Engineering 't-chniques Aid Medicine," TECHNOL. WEEK, Vol 19, No 21, 1966, p 30. Medical application of the methods and apparatus developed for use in auter spdce. P.eport on the 19th Annual Conference on Me dicine and Biology. San Francisco, November 1966. 140. "Space Explor�tion. Its Application to Everyday Needs," SPACEFLIGHT, Vol 12, rro 1, 1970, pp 17-18. Practical utilization of space research, including to create new medi cal apparatus. 141. Steadman, J. M., "TM Military and the Advancement of Space Knowledge," AIAA PAPER, No 68-919, 1968, pp 1-4. The contribution of space knowledge to military affairs and gener:-.J nrogress. 142. *Stratjel, F., "Die Auswirkung der Weltraumforschung," AUSTRO-FLUG, Vol 19, - No 7, 1969, pp 12-13. Ref.: kZH.ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRA.NSTVA, 1969, 12.61.1. Influence of cosmonautics on development of inedicine and - other sciences. 143. Thomas, S., "Full Non-Space Utilization of Space Capability," AIAA PAPER, - No 67-830, 1967, pp 1-6. Real and potential possibilities for applying the achievements cosmonautics to other areas of science and technology, particularl.y medicine. 144. *Vance, R. W., "Space and Biomedical Applications," INFORM. CIRC. BUR. MINES US. DEP. INTERIOR, No 8417, 1969, pp 156-159. Significance of space research to development of_ biology and medicine. 18 .1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLII APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 145. Violet*e, P. F., "Space Medicine and Your Health, ROY. SOC. HEALTH J., Vo1 89, No 4, 1969, pp 162-165, 184. Utilization of the achievements of space in different areas of public healttt. 146. Wiltshire, D. A., "Space Ifechnology 'Spinoff' Benefits to Mankind," AERONAUT J., VO1 74, No 715, 1970, pp 533-538. - CTtili.zation of the achievements of space technology for the = benefit of mankind. 147. Wiltshire, D. A., "Spin-o�f From SpaCer" SPACEFLIGHT, VOl 11, No ,10, 1969, pp 360-363. Use of space technology in medicine and industry: 148. Wood, C., "SpaCe HppliCations �or Men," SPACEFLIGHT, Vol 9, No 3, 1967, pp 74-76. Significance of space research to solving "terrestrial" technical and medical problems. 'i'he NASA program for utilizing the results of this research. 149. *Zweifach, B. W., Intalietta, M., and Slomich, S. J., "Space Technology and _ Microcirculation Research," YAI.E SCI. MAG., Vol 41, Nov 1366, pp 20-21. Ref.: AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 6, 1967, p 291. ' Utilization of the methods and apparatus developed for research ' in space medicine in the study of microcirculation and vascular - diseases. 1.5. Personnel in Space Biology and Medicine and Z'heir Training See also No 169, 178, 358, 7926, 7937, 7969, 8012. 215. "Experience o� Biomedical kesearch in the OrEnburg School of�Young Cosmonauts," - in "XXV nauchnaya sessiya instituta...(Orenb. med. in-t)" [25th Scientific Session of the Institute...(Orenburg Medical Institute)], Orenburg, 1970, pp 129-130. Aut.: G. L. Turovets, L. A. Kolomiygts, N. N. Kagan, L. L. Bogomolov, V. V. Rychkov. _ 216. Dal Fabbro, G., "Abbozzo di profxlo di un medico aerospaziale," MINERVA MED., Vol 61, No 74, 1970 (MINERVA AEROSPAZ., Vol 2, No 2, 1970), pp 3966-3968. . An essay on the of C. A. Berry, NASA's director _ of inedical research and operations. e 217. Konecci, E. B., "Integration of Basic Sciences Into the Teaching of Biology in Connection With Bioastronautics," in "Astronautics and Education," Paris et al., 1966, pp 57-62. BibliQgr.: p 62 (4 ref.). ~ 19 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The place of cybernetics, systems engineering and general biological disciplines in the training program for specialists in bioastronautics. - 1.6. Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia 1.6.5. Conferences on 5pace Biology and Medicine in the USSR 300. "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina. Trudy III Vsesoyuz. konf. po aviats.i kosm. meditsine. Kaluga, 10-13 iyunya 1969 g." [Aerospace Medicine. Proceedings of the Third All--Union Conference on Aerospace Medicine. Kaluga, 10-13 June 1969]; editorial board: V. V. Parin (editor in chief) et al.; Vol 1-2, Moscow, _ 1969 (All-Union Physiological Society of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow Fhysiological Society. Institute of Biomedical Problems. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics). 301. "Aviatsionnaya i kosmiclieskaya meditsina. Trudy III Vsesoyuz. konf. po aviats.i kosm, meditsine. Kaluga, 20-23 maya 1969 g." [Aerospace Medicine. Proceedings of the Third All-Union Conference on Aerospace Medicine. Kaluga, 20-23 May 19691, editorial board: V. V. Parin (editor in chief) et al.; Vol 3, Moscow, 1969, 43 pp (All-Union Physiological Society of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - Moscow P}iysiological Society. Institute of Biomedical Problems. State Museum of the History of Cosmnautics). 302. Psshkov, B. A., Zolotukhin, A. N., and Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Psychophysiology and Engineering Psychology as Aspects of Aerospace Medicine (From the Proceedings of the Third All-Union Conference on Aerospace Medicine, [Kaluga, 10-13 June 1969]), VOPR. PSIKHOLOGII, No l, 1970, pp 179-185. Report. 303. Komendantov, G. L., "'1'hird-All-Union Conference on Aerospace Medicine [Y.aluga, 10-13 June 19691," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 5, 1969, p 93. Repor t . * * * _ 304. "Materialy konferentsii po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine (Moskva], 10-12 noyabrya 1964 g." [Proceedings of a Conference on Space Biology and Medicine. _ [Mascow], 10-12 November 1964], edited by A. V. Lebedinskiy et al., Moscow, 1966, - 150 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). ' * * * 305. "Prob].emy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. Materialy konf. [Nbskva], 24-27 Maya - 1966 g." (Problems of Space Medicine. Conference Proceedings ft"bscowl, 24-27 MaY - 19661, editor in chief V. V. Parin, Moscow, 1966, 414 pp. (Institute of Biomedical Problems.. Moscow Physiological Society). 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY,Y 306. Khazen, I. M., and Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Conference on Aerospace MediGine ([Moscow], 24-27 May I966)," VOYEN.-MED. ZEiURN., No 12, 1966, pp 80-82. . Report. * * * 307. "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh. ([Nbskva], 8-10 dek. 1967 g.)" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists ([Moscow], 8-10 December 1967)], editor in chief V. V. Parin, Nbscow, 1967, 224 pp (Institute of Biome3ical Problems). * * * 308. "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov. ([Moskvaj, 1969 g.)," [Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists ([Moscow], 1969)]; editorial board: Yu. G. Grigor'yev et al., Moscow, 1969, 222 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). * * * 309. "Trudy Vtorykh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Kaluga, 16-18 sent. 1967 g. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i biologii" [Proceedings of the Second Readings Devotpcl to Development of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Kaluga, 16-18 September 1967. Section [2]. Problems of Space Medicine and Biology]. Editor in chief V. V. Parin, et al., Nbscow, 1968, 79 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Commissic.i for Development of the Scientific Legacy of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics). Reprint. 310. Dushkov, B. A., "Problems of Space Biology and Medicine at the Second Readings in Memory of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. [Kaluga, 16-18 September 19671," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 1, 1968, pp 85-86. * * * 311. "Trudy Tret'ikh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo , naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsioikovskogo. Kaluga, 17-19 sent. 1968 g. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i biologii" [Proceedings of the 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ON.Y Third Readings Devoted to Development of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Kaluga, 17-19 September 1968. 5ection [2]. Problems of Space Medicine and Biology]. Editor in chief V. V. Parin, et al., Nbscow, 1969, 79 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Commission for Devzlopment of the 5cientific T,egacy of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics). Reprint. * * * 312. "Trudy Vtorykh i Tret'ikh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Kaluga, 1967, 1968 gg. Sektsiya [1]. Problemy raketnoy i kosm. tekhniki" [Proceedings - of the Second and Third Readings Devoted to Development af the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Kaluga, 1967, 1968. Section [1]. Problems of Rocket and Space Technology], editor in chief Yu. A. Pobedonostsev, et al., Moscow, 1970, 163 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Comunission for Development of the Scientific Legacy of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. State Museum of History of Cosmonautics). Reprint. * * * 313. "Trudy Chetvertykh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauehnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Kaluga, 17-19 sent. 1969 g. Sektsiya [1]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i biologii" [Works of the Fourth Readings Devoted to Development of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Kaluga, 17--19 September 1969. Section [1]. Problems of Space Medicine and Biology], editor in chief V. V. Parin, Et al., Moscow, 1970, 78 pp (USSR Acadamy of Sciences Connission for Development of the Scientific Legacy of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics). Reprint. . G ~ 22 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONY,Y * * * 314. "F,ksperimental'nyye i.ssledovaniya gipokinezii, izmenennoy gaz�ovoy sredy, uskoreniy, peregruzok i drugikh faktorov. Trudy konf. [Nbskva], noyabr', 1968 g." [Experimental Research on Hypokinesia, an Altered Gas Environment, Accelerations, G-Forces and Other Factors. Conference Proceedings [Nbscow], November 19681, edited by V. V. Parin et al., Moscow, 1968, 132 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). * * * 315. "Upravlyaemyy biosintez" [Controlled Biosynthesis], edi.tors in chief N. D. Iyerusalimskiy and B. G. Kovrov, Nbscow, "Nauka", 1966, 370 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Siberian Branch. Institute of Physics). Reports from the First Sec tion of the All-Union Canference on Controlled Biosynthesis and Population Biophys:ics. Krasnoyarsk, 26 June - 6 July 1965. A series of reports devoted to the use of algae in closed ecosystems. 316. "Problemy sozdaniya zamknutykh ekologicheskikh sistem" [Problems in Creation - of Closed Ecosystems] , editors in chief A. A. Nichiporovich and G. M. Lisovskiy, Moscow, "Nauka", 1967, 259 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences). Section report at the All-Union Conference on Controlled Bio- synthesis and Population Biophysics. Krasnoyar:.k, 26 June - 6 July 1965. * * * 317. "Upravlyaemyy biosintez i biofizika populyatsiy. II Vsesoyuz. soveshchaniye. - [Krasnoyarsk], 26 iyunya - 7 iyulya 1969 g." [Controlleii Biosynthesis and Population _ Biophysics. Second All-iJnion Conference. [Krasnoyarsk], 26 June - 7 July 19691 Edito rial board: I. A. Terskov (editor in chief) et al. Krasnoyarsk, 1969, 451 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Siberian Branch. USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics. Scientific Council on Biophysics. Scientific Council on Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms. Combined Scientific Council on Human and Animal Physiology. All-Union Microbiological Society). A series of reports devoted to different aspects of the use of algae in closed ecosystems. * * * 318. "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna i perekhodnykh sostoyaniy cheloveka pritnenitel'no k zadacham i usloviyam kosmicheskogo poleta. [Moskva], , 22-24 yanv. 1968 g." [Proceedings of a Symposium on Resea.rch on the Features of Human Sleep and Transitory States in Applicatior. to the Tasks and Conditions of Space Flight. [Moscow], 22-24 January 1968]; edited by V. V. Parin et al., Nbscow, - 1968, 115 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Combined Scientific Council "Human and Animal Physiology". Institute of Biomedical Problems). 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OIFFICIAL USE ONLY 319. Krupina, T. N., and Mysnikov, V. I., "Z'he Problems of Sleep in the Space _ Flight Environment," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, 1Vo 4, 1968, pp 91-93. Revieca of r.epcrtsat the All-Union Symposium on Research on the Features of Human Sleep and Transitory States in Application to the Tasks _ and Condirions oP Space Flight held in Moscow oYi 22-24 January 1968. 320. Krupina, T. N., and Myasnikov, V. I., "Human Sleep and Transitory States in the Space Flight IIivironment. (Symposium in MQSCOw [22-24 January] 1968)," VESTN. AN SSSR, No 4, 1968, pp 104-106. Report. * * * 321. "Materialy V.rabochego soveshchaniya po voprosu krugovorota veshchestv v zamknutoy sisteme na osnove zhiznedeyatel'nosti nizshikh-organizmov" [Proceedings of the Fifth Working ConferencE on the Recycling of Matter in a Closed System, Based on the Vital Activities of Lower Organisms], Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1968, 199 pp (Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Microbiology and Virology). Reprint. * * 322. "Materialy VI rabocliego soveshchaniya po voprosu krugovorota veshchestv v zamknutoy sisteme na osnove zhiznedeyatel'nosti nizshilch organizm4v" [Proceedings of the Sixth Working Conference on the Recycling of Matter in a Closed System, Basect on the Vital Activities of Lower Organisms], Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1969, 158 pp (Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mierobiology and Virology). Reprint. * * * 323. Onufrash, A. I., "Symposium on Motion Sic}cness. L1"oscow 16-18 April 19681," VESTN. OTORINOLARIDIGOL., No 3, 1969, pp 121-122. Report on a symposium organized by the Department of Aviation Medicine of the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. 324. Onufrash, A. I., "Symposium on Motion Sickness [Convened by the Department of Aviation Medicine of the Cent.ral Institute for thz Advanced Training of Physicians. Nbscow, 16-18 11pri1 19681 KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vcl 2, No 6, 1968, p 86. * * * 325. "Materialy simpoziuma 'Biologicheskiye ritmy i voprosy razrabotki rezhimov truda i otdykha'. (NkoskvaJ, 20-21 iyunya 1967 g." [Proceedings of the Symposium "Biological Rhythms and Problems in Development of Work-Rest Schedules". [Nbscow], 20-21 June 19671; editorial board: B. S. Alyakrinskiy et al., Nbscow, 1967, 75 pp (USSR Ministry of Public Health). 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY * * * 326. "Raising the Body's Resistance to the Action of Extreme Factors Through ACClimatization to a High-Altitude Climate. (Symposium.. [Nal'chik, July 1966J)#" UCF .1. ZAP. KABARD.-BALK. UN-TA. SF.R. MED., No 33, (1966) 1967, pp 145-220. * * * 327. Davydov, G. A., "Plenary Meeting of the Aerospace.Medicine Section of the Nbscow Physiological Society, Dedicated to the SOth Anniversary of October. fMoscow, 20 October 19671," KOSM BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 2, 1968, pp 90-93. Report. 1.7. Organization of the Information and Bibliographical Service for Space Biology and Medicine 359. *Consbruch, C. von., "Erfahrungen in einer Literaturauskunftsstelle," NACHR. DOKUM., Vol 18, No 2, 1967, pp 43-49. Ref.: RZH. NAUQ-I. I TEKHN. INFORMATSIYA, 1967, 67.10.270 Work experience, in aviation and cosmonautics, of the Bibliographic Reference Bureau of the FRG Society of Aviation Sciences Center for Scientific-Technical Information on Aviation and Aeronavigation. 360. *Day, M. S., "Application of Basic Principles in the Design and Operation of - a Large Information System," in "Toward a National Inforniation System," London- Washington, 1965, pp 123-133. Ref.: RZH. NAUCH. I TEKHN. INFORMATSIYA, 1967, 67.1.310. ' The NASA information system and different forms of its practical utilization. 361. *Day, M. S. ,"Information Processing in NASP;'s -Library," WILSON LIBR. BULL., Vol 41, No 4, 1966, pp 396-400, 438. Ref.: RZH. NAUCH. I TEKHN. INFORMATSIYA, 1966, 66.7.237. The information and bibliographical service program developed for NASA. 362. *Raitt, D. I., "The European Space Documentati.on Service," LIBR. ASSOC. REC., Vol 72, No 3, 1970, pp 97-99. Ref.: RZH. INFORMATIKA, 1970, 70.7.175. _ The European information service for space research. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USC ONLY 1.9. Manuals, Textbooks, Reference Books See also No 21, 1230, 1231. 376. Vudson, U., and Konover, D., "Spravochnik po inzhenernoy psikhologii dlya inzhenerov i khudozhnikov-konstruktorov" [Handbook of Engineering Psychology for Engineers and Designers], translated from Engl-ish, edited by V. D. Vende, Moscow, "Mir", 1968, 518 pp. Spaceship ejection systems, p 210. The ccsmonaut's chair, p 211. Respiration, pp 294-297. Vibration, pp 297-299. G-forces, pp 299-301. Weightlessness, pp 302-304, 498-499. 377. "Kosmonavtika. Malen'kaya entsiklopediya" [Cosmonautics. The Small Encyclo- ~ pedia], editor in chief V. P. Glushko; 2d edition, supplemented, Nbscow, "Sov. EntsikloE>eaia," 1970, 592 pp (Scientific Editorial Council of the "Sov. Entsiklo- pediya" �ub?_ishing ot:se. Small encyclopedias: History, Science, Technology, Culture, Life). Bibliogr.: pp 556-579 (about 900 ref.). The lst edition was published in Nbscow in 1968. A large quantity of terms pertaining to space biology and medicine, and especially to life support, are presented. 378. "I:ratkiy spravochnik po kosmi.cheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Short Handbook on Space Biology and Medicine], Editorial board: B. A. Adamovich et al., Moscow, "Meditsina",.1967, 368 pp. ~ 379. Parin, V. V., Kosmolinskiy, F. P., and Dushkov, B. A., "Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina" [Spac,e Diology and Medicine], edited by V. V. Parin, Moscow, "Prosveshcheniye", 1970, 223 pp (teacher's manua,l). 380. "5pravochnik po kosimonavtike" [Handbook of Cosmonautics], editors in chief N. Ya. Kondrat'yev and V. A. Odintsov, Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1966, 328 pp. Chapter 7. Man in Space Flight, pp 208-225. 381. "Biology. Space Resources for Teachers," includes suggestions for classroom activities and la.b experiments. A curriculum project prep. by the Univ. of Cali- fornia, Lawrence Hall of Sci., Berkeley, Calir". Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1969, 236 pp (NA5A). Space biology. Teacher's manual. 382. "Handbook of Soviet Space Science Research," written by the staff and consul- tants of Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus Lab., edited by G. E. Wukelic. New York et al., Gordon and Breach, 1968, 505 pp. Bibliogr. at end of article. Soviet scientific research in outer space. Handbook. Part 3. Soviet biomedical space research. 26 IFOR OFFICIAL USE OIdLV APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 383. *Hart, W., "Astronautica e astrobiologia. (Cursio de extensao universitaria)" Rio de Janeiro, Escola engenharia, 1967, 216 pp. Astronautics and astrobiology. University course. 384. *Hyman, C. J., "German-English, English-Germaiz Astronautics Dictionary," New York, Consult. bur., 1968, 237 pp. German-English, English-German cosmonautics dictionary. 385. *Mielke, H., "Lexikon Raumfahrt," Berlin, Verl. Verkehrswes. VEB, 1970, 367 pp. (Transpress Lexikon). Cosmonautics dictionary. 386. Muller, B., "Die gesamte Luftfahrt- und Raumflugmedizin," Dusseldorf, Droste, 1967. 467 pp (Min. fur Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Verkehr des Landes Nbrdrhein- Westfalen. Verkehnviss. Veroff. No 54). Bibliogr.: pp 443-450 (196 ref.). General problems in aerospace medicine. Manua3. .387.. *Roth, E. M., "Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace E7ivironment," Washington, 1968, 166 pp.(NASA CR-1205). Human responses to the aerospace enviroament. Handbook. Tables of physiological and indicators. 388. Tabusse, L., and Pannier, R., "Physiopathologie et pathologie aeronaiitiques et cosmonautiques," Paris, "Doin-Dere", 1969, 399 pp. Manual on aerospace pathophysiology and pathology.;:` 389. "U.S. Naval Flight Surgeon's Manual," Prep. by Biotechnology Inc. under contract Nonr-4613 (00) with Physiol. Psychology Branch, Psychol. Sciences Div., Office of Naval Research, under the auspices of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Dep. of the Navy. Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1968, 871 pp. Manual for flight surgeons of the U.S. Navy Service of Aerospace Medicine. 390. Wunder, Ch. C., "Life Into Space. An Introduction to Space Biology," Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Co., 1965, 324 pp. Life in space. An introduction to space biology. Manual for graduates and undergraduates. 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONY.Y - 3, Lffects of Space Flight Factors of Organisms 3.2. Effects of Energy in Outer Space 3.2.3. Visible Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared Radiation. Cosmonaut Vision. See also No 793, 794, 940, 903, 973, 1010, 1015, 1092, 1131, 1232, 1265, 1404, 1405, 1419, 1420, 1533, 1538, 1539, 1543, 15'71, 1638, 1657, 1666, 1667, 1682, 1709, 1782, 1794, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1858-1860, 1869f 1875, 1876, 1910, 1916, 1935, 1967, 1971, 1982; 1985, 1988, 2025, 2028, 2030, 2036, 2056, 2113, 2116, 2208, 2261, 2399-2401, 2403, 2404, 2690, 2983, 3045, 3059, 3099, 3113, 3123-3125, 3146, 3153, 3231, 3312, 3379, 3431, 3439, 3442, 3545, 3694, 3701, 3739, 3782, 3840, 4388, 4400, 4401, 4426, ~ 4427, 4441, 4452, 4612, 4682, 4750, 4753, 4762, 4763, 4773, 4969, 5039, 5111, 5134- 5136, 5243, 5290, 5305, 5310, 5326, 541.6, 5421, 5434, 5466-5468, 5530, 5531, 5533, 5539, 5540, 5542, 5552-5554, 5557, 5585, 5599, 5622, 5648, 5649, 5674, 5678, 5692, 5699, 5798, 6319, 6951, 6959, 6960, 6965, 6969, 6975, 7301, 7356, 7368, 7378, 7389, 7847, 7894, 7901, 8038, 8065, 8138. 859. Belik, Ya. Ya., "Simulation of Visual Di.stance Perception During Vertical Take-Off and Landing of a Spacecraft," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 3, 1969, pp 66-70. 33ibliogr.: p 70 (2 ref.). 860. Val'dshteyn, E. A., and Seregina, T. B., "The Two Stages of Splitting Off Pyramidal nase Dimez�s F'rom DNA, and Phenotypic Separation of Strains Sensitive to UV-Irradiation," in "iKaterialy nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta.tsitologii AN SSSR" (Proceedings of a Scientific Conference of the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of CytologyJ, Leningrad, 1970, pp 15-16. 861. Varvarin, V., "Ultraviolet Rays and Conditioning the Body [of a Cosmonaut]," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 5, 1966, pp 69-70. 862. Gorodinskiy, S., and Skachkov, Yu., "Protection of Vision From Solar Racliation." nVIATSIYA 1 K05MiuNHV'ti::A, IN'd iyti i, pp 88-90. 563. Dedenko, I. I., Gnoyevaya, N. K., and Ivanov, V. S., "The Limi.ts of Human Zblerance of Local Exposure to Infrared Radiation," KOSM. BIOL. I NIED., Vol 2, No3, 1968, pp 73-733. Bibliogr.: p 77 (5 ref.). 864. Zhestyanilcov, V. D., "Damage and Repair of Cell Division in Escher2chia eoZi B in Response to W-, Y- and a-Irradiation," in "Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta tsitologii AN SS5R," Leningrad, 1970, p 29. 865. Zhukova, A. L., anci Kozlova, V. Kh., "Resistance of Some Strains of Micro- organisms ta the Action of Ultraviolet Rays," MIKROBIOLOGIYA, Vol 35, No 2, 1966, pp 302-306. Bibliogr.: p 306 (7 ref.). Selection of soecies appropriate to experiments in a simulated Martian environment. ' ;3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400060025-4 - FOR OFF[C1AL USE ONLY 866. Zaar, E. I., "Influence of Ultraviolet Radiatiott and Visible Light on Repro- duction of Parameciwn caudatton in Different Temperature Gonditions in Ccnnection With Some Tasks of Exobiology," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences, Nbscow, 1970, 23 pp (Moscow Universityt Soil Biology Faculty). Bibliogr.: pp 21-23 (19 ref.). _ 867. Zaar, E. I., "Lenhy Periodic Irradiation of ParUmecium eaudatwn by Ultra- violet Radiation (2537 ) in a Varying Temperature Environment," in "Reaktsiya kletok i ikh belkovykh komponentov na ekstremal'nyye vozdeystviya" [REaction of Cells and Their Protein Components to Extreme Effects], Moscow-Leningrad, 1966, pp 116-130. - Bibliogr.: pp 126-129 (94 ref.). 'I'he exobiological aspect. 868. Zaar, E. 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M., "Adaptation of the Human Visual Analyzer to the Light Environ- ment of a Small Enclosed Space," in "Fiziologicheskiye i gigiyenicheskiye voprosy rezhimov truda i otdykha v promyshlennosti" [Physiological and Hygienic Problems of Work and Rest Schedules in Industry], Moscow-Ivanovo, 1970, pp 124-125. 372. P. A., "Eifect of Short-Term Intense Exposure to Colored Light on Dark Adaptation and Visual Acuity," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space], Moscow, 1966, pp 221-222. 873. Levin, V. L., "Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on Embryonic Development of Drosophil a,"in "Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta Tsitologii AN SSSR," Leningrad, 1970, pp 51-52. 874. Mel'nikov, L. N., "Color as a Factor Regulating Human Psychophysiulogical ?unctions," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii" [PY'oblems of Sensory Isolation], ~bscow, 1970, pp 126-129. Bibliogr. : p 129 (6 ref. Mozzhulchin, A. S., IGorzun, P. A., and Sho'stak, V. I. ,"Unique Features of -.e Mechanisms of Dark Adaptation Following Intense Light Stimulation," in "Aviatsi- -:-:naya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Vol 2, Nbscowi 1969, pp 81-84. -5. Popov, V., and Voyko, N., "Vision in Space Flight," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, 3, 1967, pp 73-76. 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONY.Y 877. Popovich, P. R., "Earth From Orbit," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 8, 1966, pp 26-28. The tmique features o� human vision during space flight, according to observations of Soviet and American cosmonauts. _ 878. "Productivity of Protococcal Algae Depending on Solar Radiation Quantity," in "Materialy V rabo^hego soveshchaniya po voprosu krugovorota veshchetv v zamknutoy sisteme..." [Proceedings of the Fifth Working Conference on the Gycling of Matter in a Closed System...], Kiev, 1968, pp 106-107. Aut.: A. A. Mikhaylov, I. V. Akulova, N. N. Verzilin, N. P. Dvurechenskaya, Ye. P. Kol'tsova, V. V. Pinevich, G. N. Ukharskaya. 879. Samoylova, K. A., "Deystviye ul'trafioletovoy radiatsii na kletku" [Action of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Cell], editor in chief L. K. Lozina-Lozinskiy, Leningrad, "Nauka", 1967, 145 pp (USFR Academy of Sciences Institute of Cytology), Bibliogr.: pp 129-144 (612 ref.) The introduction states the significance of this paper to space biology. 880. 5amoylova, K. A., "Dependence Between the Lethal Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on Unicellular Organisms and the Culture Growth Phase," in "Reaktsiya kletok i ikh belkovykh komponentov na ekstremal'nyye vozdeystviya," Moscow-Leningrad, 1966, pp 139-146. Bibliogr. : pp 1_44-146 (46 re�. 881. Semenova, Ye. G., "Postradiation Degradation and Stimulated Synthesxs of DNA in HeLa Cells Damaged by Ultraviolet and FQentgen Rays," in "Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR," Leningrad, 1970, pp 80-81. 882. Ustinova, A. T., "Functional changes in the Cortical Division of the Visual Analyzer in Response to the Influence of Light," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 368-369. 883. Chaynova, L. D., "Some Ways for Studying Selectivity of Visual Perception," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii" [Problems of Sensory Isolation], Nbscow, 1970, pp 143-147. 884. Shostak, V. I., "The Mechanisms of Action of Intense Light Stimuli on the Visual Analyzer," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 3, 1968, pp 70-73. Bibliogr.: p 73 (10 ref.). 885. Shostak, V. I., "The Mutual Relationship Between the Center and Periphery of the Retina Exposed to Short-Term Intense Light Flashes on the Baekground of Zbtal Darkness Adaptation," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 390-391. 886. Shostak, V. 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Clarification of the nature of light flashes observed by the crews of Apollo 11, 12 and 13, and their danger to cosmonauts--one of the tasks of the Apollo 14 program. 889. "Apollo 14 Will Probe Light Flashes," SPACE TECANOL. INTERN., Vol 13, No 3, 1970, pp 49-50. - Clarification of the nature of light flashes observed by . cosmonauts aboard Apollo ll, 12 and 13, and their danger to man as one of the tasks of the Apollo 14 program. 890. Bietti, G. B., "Problemi oftalmologici nel volo aerospaziele," BOLL. OCULIST, Vol 49, No 2, 1970, pp 91-101. Ophthalmological problems of aerospace missions. Effect of flight factors on vision. 891. *Bietti, G. B., "Problemi oftalmologici nel volo aerospaziale.," MINERVA MED., Vol 61, No 28, 1970, pp 1383-1388. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, S P857, 1970. Ophthalmclogical problems of aerospace missions. 892. "Experiment S-8/D-13, Visual Acuity and Astronaut Visibility," in "Gemini Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 329-345. , Aut.: S. Q. Duntley, R. W. Austin, J. H. Taylor, J. L. Harris. Experiment S-8/D-13 aboard Gemini 5 and Gemini 7 space- crafts. Compirison of visual acuity of cosmonauts measured in the laboratory with their capability for distizguishing sma11 terrestrial objects while in flight. 893. "Experiments on Visual Acuity and the Visibility of Markings on the Ground in Long-Duration Earth-Orbital Space Flight," Prep. under contract No NAS 9-5095 by Univ. of Calif., San Diego, Calif., for Manned Spacecraft Center. Washington, 1968. Pag. var. (NASA CR-1134). Aut.: S. Q. Duntley, R. W. Austin, J. L. Harris, J. H. Taylor. Experiments studying visual acuity of cosmonauts and their discrimination of terrestrial objects during lengthy orbital flight aboard Gemini 7. 31 - FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE aNLY 894. *Fazio, G. G., Je11ey, J. V., and Charman, W. N., "Generation of C'herenkov Light Flashed by Cosmic Radiation Within the Eyes of the Apollo Astronauts," NATURE, Vol 228, lw 5268, 1970, pp 260-264. Bibliogr.: 13 ref. Ref.: RZH. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 4.62.337, 1971. Possibilit,Y For explaining, by the Chernekov effeet of the light flasn phencmenon observed by cosmonauts aboard Apollo craft. 895. Fisher, H. T., "Ftr-ent.zy Vehicle Crew Visibility Considerations," AIAA PAPER, N 70-262, 1970, pp 1-12. Bibliogr.: p 5(6 ref.). Cosmonaut visual perception during re-entry into the - dense layers of earth atmosphere. 896. [-iaines, R. F., "Chanyes in Perceived Size of High Luminance Targets," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 7, 1969, pp 754-758. Bibliogr.: p 758 (24 ref.). Apparent change in size of high luminance tarqets. 897. Howe, J. A. M., and Gregory, R. L., "Visual Perception in Simulated Space Conditions," J. BRIT. INTERPLANET. SOC., Vol 21, No 3, 1968, pp 209-221. Bibliogr.: p 221 (5 ref.). Visual perception during simulation of some space flight factors. 898. Jones, W. L., Allen, W. H., and Parker, J. F., "Advanced Vision Research for Extended Space rlight," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 5, 1967, pp 475-478. Bibliogr.: p 478 (9 r.ef.). Advanced research on cosnwnaut vision for Apollo program missions. 899. Jones, W. L., "Visual Problems of Extended Space Flight," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 39-48. Bibliogr.: pp 47-48 (13 ref.). Psychophysiological problems of vision, and protecting the eyes of a cosmonaut during extended space flight. 900. Logan, J. W., "Visual Acuity During Space Flights;" OPT. J. AND REV. OPTOM., Vol 105, No 16, 1968, pp 31-41. Bibliogr.: p 40 (20 ref.). LiEect of different soace flight factors on visual acui.ty. 901. Lo.renz, P. P.., Orlob, G. B., and Hemenway, C. L., "Survival of Micro-Organisms in Space. Comparison of Survival Data Obtained in Fifteen Baloon-, Rocket- and Satellite-Borne Exposure Experiments With Incident Solar Photons," 5PACE LIFE SCI., Vol 1, No 4, 1969, pp 491-500. Bibliogr.: pp 499-500 (22 ref.). 32 FOR OFFIC[AL i(JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FE Survival of microorganisms in space. Comparison of data, obtained in fifteen baloon, rocket, and satellite flights, on the influence of solar photons on microorganisms. - 902. *Luria, S. M., and Kinney, J. A. S., "Visual Acuity Undex Water Without a Face riask," US NAVAL SUBMARINE MED. CENTER REP., No 581, 1969, pp i-6. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 51, No 4, 1970, 17803. Comparicon of the visual acuity of test subjects under water without a face mask and cosmona:ats during extravehicular activity. 903. Rahn, R. O., Shulman, R. G., and Longworth, J. W., "Ultraviolet-Induced Excited States in DeoxXribonucleic Acid," in "Space Radiation Biology," New York- London, 1967, pp 139-146. Bibliogr.: p 146 (6 ref.). Excited state of deoxyribonucleic acid induced by ultra- radiation. 904. *Raynaud, G., "A propos de la vision de 1'homme satellise," BULL. DOCUM. USAGE :MED. AIR, No 13, 1966, pp 17-20. Ref.: REV. NIED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 5, No 19, 1966, p 40. Human vision in orbital space flight. 905. Reynolcis, H. N., "Visual Perception Beyond the Atmosphere," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 6, 1969, pp 615-621. Bibliogr.: p 621 (28 ref.). Visual perceptions in conditions simulating outer space. 906. Rvcco, R. M., "Effects of Solar Radiation on Mean Facial Skin Temperature," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 161-163. Bibliogr.: p 163 (4 ref.). Effect of solar radiation on mean facial skin temperature of an individual wearing a pressure suit helmet. 907. Silverman, S. M., and Lloyd, J. W. F., "Optical Envi.ronment in Gemini Space Flights," SCIENCE, Vol 157, No 3791, 1967, pp 917-919. Bibliogr.: p 918 (10 ref.). Psychological significance of the optical situation to a cosmonaut during extended space the Gemini program. 908. Steen, H. B., and Brustad, T., "Inactivation and Trapped Radicals in Dry Trypsin Exposed to Ultraviolet Light," in "Space Radiation Biology," New York-London, 19G7, pp 116-127. Bibliogr.: pp 126-127 (19 ref.). , Inactivation and trapped radicals in dry trypsin exposed to ultraviolet light. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 909. *'I'aylor, J. H., "Ogen op de maan. Zichtproblemen voor maanreizigers," NATWR EN TECHNI QC, Vol 35, No 3, 1967, pp 73-77. Ref.: RZH. ISSLET)C)VANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 9.62.432., 1967. Cosmonaut_ vision and the problems of visibility on the moon. 910. Taylor, J. H., "Visual Performance on the Nbon," ir, "Proceedings of the Second Lunar International Laboratory (LIL) Symposium," Oxford, 1967, pp 75-82. Bibliogr.: p 82 (3 ref.). The visual environment and the possibilities for man's presence un the moon. 911. wever, R., "Autoname ci-rcadianP Periodik des Menschen unter dem Einflub verschiedener Beleuchtungs-Bedingungen," rLUMRS ARCH., Vol 306, No 1, 1969, pp 71-91. Bibliogr.: pp 90-91 (28 ref.). Circadian rhythms in man i,nder the influence of different light environments. 912. Wever, R., "Z;uti Einflub der Dammerung auf die circadiane Periodik," Z. VERGL. PHYSIOL., Vol 55, No 3, 1967, pp 255-277. Bibliogr. p 277 (12 ref.). Influence of twilight on the circadian rhythm in man. 3.3.3. Weightlessness and Hypogravitation General Refex�ences See also No 61, 1.13, 127, 583, 706, 1120, 1219, 1230, 1689, 1800, 1952, 2127, 2205, ' 2952, 2957, 5096, 5189, 5196, 5796, 5797, 5827, 6392, 6987, 6995, 7756. 2279. Vasil'yev, P. V., Kas'yan, I. I., and Pestov, I. D., "Some Problems of - Weightlessness in Space Medicine. (A Review)f" IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 3, 1969, ~ pp 323-333. Bib'liogr. : pp 3?1-332 (92 ref.. 2280. Gazenko, 0. G., and Gyurdzhian, A. A., "Physiological Effects of Gravitation [Weightlessness]," in "Problemy k.osmicheskoy biologii" [Problems of Space Biology], Vol 6, Nbscow, 1967, pp 22-42. Bibliogr.: pp 40-42 (60 ref.). 2281. Ditleyn, L., "Problems of Space Flight Physiology.. Weightlessness," in "Pilotiruyemyye kosm.icheskiye korabli" [Manned Spacecraft], Moscow, 1968, pp 161-172. Bibliogr.: p 172 (5 ref.). 2282. Kas'yan, I. I., Kopanev, V. I., and TJganov, Ye. M., "Motor Reactions in Weightless [Extended and Short-Term] Conditions," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomnsti" [Biomedical kesearch on Weightlessness], Moscow, 1968, pp 371-:383. Bibliogr.: pp 382-383 (46 ref.). A review of published information a:id experimental research results. ' 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 'IAL USE ONLY 2283. Kas'yan, I. I., Kopanev, V. I., and Yazdovskiy, V. i., "Circulation in a Weightless Environment," i:z "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomostij" Pbscow, 1968, pp 245-259. Bibliogr.: p 259 (31 ref.). Research conducted on animals and people during,.before = and after Keplerian parabolic, suborbital and orbital _ flights. 2284. Kas'yan, I. I., Kopanev, V. I., and Yazdovskiy, V. I., "Weightlessness," in "Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina" [Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 158-198. Bibliogr.: pp 195-198 (140 ref.). 2285. Kas'yan, I. I., and Kopanev, V. I., "Some Physiological Mechanisms of the Influence of Weightlessness Upon the Human Body," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow, 1968, pp 77-83. Bibliogr.: pp 82-83 (44 ref.) . 2286. Kas'yan, I. I., and Kopanev, V. I., "Physiological Aspects of the Weightless- ness Problem," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 4, 1967, pp 489-501. Bibliogr.: pp 499-501 (72 ref.). Review of literature published in 1964-1965. 2287. Kas'yan, I. I., and Kopanev, V. I., "Physiological Aspects of the Weightless- ness Problem," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 94-110. Bibliogr.: pp 108-110 (90 ref.). Review of literature published in 1964-1965. . 2288. *Korzhuyev, P. A., "Homeostasis and Weightlessness," REV. ROUM. BIOL. SER. ZOOL., Vol 13, No 4, 1968, pp 263-265. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1 P870. 1969. - 2289. Korzhuyev, P. A., "Physiological and Aspects of the Weightless- ness Problem," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow, 1968, pp 89-93. Bibliogr.: p 93 (4 ref.). 2290. "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti" [Biomedical Research on Weightlessness], edited by V. V. Parin and I. I. Kas'yan, Moscow, "Meditsina", 1968, 464 pp. 2291. Stasevich, R. A., "Some Physicotechnical Problems of Weightlessness," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow, 1968, pp 7-22. - 2292. Chkhaidze, L. V., "Concerning Differential Equations Describing Movements - of Human Limbs in a Weightless Environment and in the Presence of C-Forces," in "Bioelektricheskoye upravleniye" [Bioelectric Control], Nbscow, 1970, pp 259-264. Bibliogr.: p 263 (5 ref.). 35 . . FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FaR OFF'ICIAL USE Or1LY 2293. Yazdovskiy, V. I., Kas'yan, I. I., and Kopanev, V. I., "Basic Problems in Research on Weightlessness," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 34-51. Bibliogr.: pp 48-51 (109 ref,). 2294. *Ballinger, J. C., wZd Wood, G. B., "Low-Gravity Capbilities of Life Support System Components and Processes," SAE PREPRINTS, s.a., N680742, pp 1-15. ReF.: RZFi. TSS.LEDOVANI`lE KOSD1. PROSTRANSTVA, 8.62.318, 1969. Possibilities for utilizing the components and processes of life-suppor.t sysLems in low gravity. 2295. Borstel, R. C. von, and lcondo, S., "2nstability of Cell in Weightless State," in "Conunittee on Space Research, Thirteenth Plenary Meet....LLeningrad, 19701," p 210. Irstability of cells in a weightl.ess environment. A cyto- genetic approach. 2296. Briegleb, w., "Is 'Phere a Ccmrron Geotropic Dependency in Organisms?," in "Life in Spacecraf'r_," Oxford-[6daxsaw], 1968, pp 87-90. Bib].iogr.: p 90 (13 ref.). Weightlessness exper.imer.ts as indirect evidence of the significance of geotropism to living organisms. 2297. Chatelier, Ge, and Gibert, A. P., "La 'non-pesanteur'. Ses effets physio- pzthologiques," REV. CORPS SANTE ARMEES TERRE, MER. AIR, Vol 10, No 6, 1969, pp 761-781. Bibliogr.: pp 779-781 (24 ref.). Pathophysiological aspe::ts of the action of weightlessness. 2298. *Conrad, H. M., "'I'he Effect of Weightlessness on Plant Growth," J. ENVIRON. SCI., Vol 11, No 'l, 1968, pp 17-24.- Ref.: R'LH. ISS?,EllUVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVR, 1.52.316, 1969. Effect of wAightlessness oii plant growth. 2299. *Coulomb, :l., "Les recherches spatiales francaises," NUCLEUS, Vol 7, No 1, 1966, pp 16-28. ~ Ref.: R'LH. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 10.62.38, 1966. F'rench space researcn. Study of the influence of weightless- ness on the mammaJ.ian central nervous system. 2300. Hattner, R. S., and McNlillan, D. E., "Influence of Weightlessness Upon the Skeleton: A Review," AEROSPACE MEll., Vol 39, No 8, 1968, pp 849-855. Bibliogr.: 854-855 (88 ref.). - Effect of weightlessness on the skeleton. A literature - review. - 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONY.Y ~ 2301. *Kane, T. R., and Seher, M. P., "Human Self-rotation by Means of Limb Move- ments," J. BIOMECH., Vol 3, No 1, 1970, pp 39-49. - Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 51, No 11, 1970, 58604. Possibilities for cosm4naut rotation in a weightless environment. 2302. Muir, D. C. F., "Aerosol Deposition in the Lungs of Space Travelers," NATURE, Vol 209, No 5026, 1966, p 921. Aerosol deposition in the lungs during space flight (in a weightless environment and in the presence of hypogravitation). 2303. Muir, D. C. F., "Influence of the Gravitational Changes on the Deposition of Aerosols in the Lungs of Man," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 159-161. Bibliogr.: p 161 (10 ref.). Distribution of aerosols (including bacterial) in the lungs in a weightless environment and in the presence of hypogravitation. Theoretical considerations. 2304. Stubbs, D., "Skeletal Function and Weightlessness: A Mechanism for Hypo- gravic Skeletal Atrophy," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 10, 1970, pp 1126-1128. = Bibliogr. : p 1128 (10 ref. ) . Skeletal function and weightlessness: A mechanism for hypo- gravitational skeletal atrophy. _ 2305. *Wood, C., "Weightlessness. Its Implications for the Human Fetus," J. OBSTET. AND GYNAECOL. BRIT. COMMONW., Vol 77, No 4, 1970, pp 333-336. Bibliogr.: 25 ref. kef.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 10 N89, 1970. Effect of weightlessness on the human fetus. 2306. Wortz, E. C., "Work in Reduced-Gravity Environments," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 11, No 5, 1969, pp 433-439. Bibliogr.: pp 438-439 (24 ref.). Work efficiency in reduced-gravity environment. Imi.tation and Simulation of Weightiessness Effects in the Laboratory See also 3.3.4 and No 369, 2122, 2257, 2531, 2532, 2537, 2553, 2554, 2558, 2560, � 2561, 2578, 2585, 304, 3111, 3167, 3197, 3198, 3200, 3201, 3443, 3444, 3456, 6439, 6529, 7191, 8004, 8005, 8007, 8008, 8023, 8028, 8042, 8050, 8062, 8072, 8075, 8076, 8095. 37 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 2307. Antoshchenko, A., "The Aquatic Environment in Cosmonaut Training," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 12, 1969, pp 31-33. 2308. Antoshchenko, A., and Chekirda, I., " Water, Then in Space," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 10, 1968, pp 75-77. UndeYwater simulation of the motor activity of cosmonauts inside and outside a spacecratt. 2309. Ashcheulova, Ye. N., and Yakhnovich, G. G., "Effect of Water Immersion on - the Blood's Acid-Based Equilibrium and Oxygen Metabolism in the Body," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 35-38. - Subjects spend 5 days immobilized in an aquatic environment. 2310. Bogdanov, V. A., Gurfinkel', V. S., and Panfilov, V. Ye., "Changes in the Posture of an Individual Standing in Reduced Gravity," BIOFIZIKA, Vol 15, No 1, 1970, - pp 179-183. Bibliogr.: p 183 (23 ref.). 2311. Vanyushina, Yu. V., and Panferova, N. Ye., "Effect of Extended Presence in a State of 'Average Phsyiological Rest' [Produced by Water Immersion] on Rdapt- = ability to Vertical Body Position," PATOL. FIZIOL. I EKSPERIM. TERAPIYA, Vol 11, No 2, 1967, pp 21-26. Bibliogr.: pp 25-26 (16 ref.). 2312. Vanyushina, Yu. V., Gerd, M. A., and Panferova, N. Ye., "Change in Some Indi cators of Eody Functional State During Man's Extended Presence in a Posture of ' Average hys:iological Ftest' [Generated by Water Immersion or by Immobilization in a SgQcially D~!signed Chair]," 4-n "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space M&Iicine], 1%v.)scow, 1966, pp 88-89. - 2313. Genin, A. M., and Sorokin, P. A., "Extended Limitation of Mobility as a - b'Iodel of the Influence of weic;htlessness on the Human Body," in "Dlitel'noye ogranicheniye podvizhnosti i yego vliyaniye na organizm cheloveka" [Extended Limitation of Mobility and Its Influence on the Human Body], Nbscow, 1969, pp 9-16. Bibliogr. : p 16 (12 ref. ) . 2314. Kas'yan, I. I., and Chekhonadskiy, N. A., "Sxmulating Cardiovascular Regu- - latory Functions in weightlessness, in �Mediku-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti "[Biomedical Research in Weightless Environment], Moscow, 1968, pp 280-286. Bibliogr.: p 286 (9 ref.). 2315. Kas'yan, I. I:., and Chekhonadskiy, N. A., "Simulating Cardiovascular Regula- tory Funcf-ions in a Weightless Environment," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii" [Problems in Space Biology], Vol 6, Nbscow, 1967, pp 132-140. Bibliogr.: p 140 (9 ref. ) . 2316. Korobova, A. A., and Goryunova, T. I., "Human Motor Function in Simulated and Real Weightlessness," in "Fiziologicheskiye problemy detrenirovannosti" [Physiological Problems of Loss of Conditioning], Moscow, 1970, pp 20-32. Bibliogr. : pp 30-32 (81 ref. ) . Literature review. 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 2317. Korol'kov, V. I., "Effect of Hypo- and Hypervolemia on Orthostatic Stability," PATOL. FIZIOL. I EKSPERIM. TERAPIYA, Vol 14, No 2, 1970, pp 88-91. Bibliogr.: p 91 (16 ref.). Addresses the effect of weightlessness on the body. Terrestrial experiments on dogs. 2318. LLUiev, I. Ya., and Dotsenko, M. A., "Effect of Hypovolemia on Urthostatic Stability," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical ProblemsJ, Moscow, 1969, pp 205-206. 2319. "Maximum Oxygen Consumption and the Functional State of Circulation in Simulated Weightlessness," in "Kislorodnyy rezhim organizma i yego regulirovaniye" [Z'he Body's Oxygen Metabolism and Its Regulation], Kiev, 1966, pp 225-229. Aut.: V. S. Georgiyevskiy, L. I. Kakurin, B. S. Katkovskiy, Yu. A. Senkevich. 2320. "Simulation of Human IYbvements in Weightlessness and in an Aquatic Environment From a Biomechanical Standpoint," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 3, 1969, pp 334-338. Bibliogr.: p 338 (23 ref.). Aut.: N. F. Chekirda, L. V. Cr,khai dze, I. A. Kolosov, G. F. Khlebnikov, A. V. Yeremin, V. I. Lebedev. 2321. Parin, V. V., and Krutina, T. N., "Experimental Hypokinesia as an Approximate _ Model of Weightlessness," in "Adaptatsiya k myshechnoy deyatel'nosti i gipokinezii" [Adaptation to Muscular Activity and Hypokinesia), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 134-136. 2322. Pestov, I. D., "Some Mechanisms for Reducing Orthostatic Stability in Experi- ments Simulating Weightlessness," in "Bioastronautics," Oxford-[Warsaw], 1970, pp 81-89. Bibliogr.: p 89 (7 ref.). = 2323. Pestov, I. D., "Experimental Approaches to Studying Regulation of the - Body's Internal Environment in Weightlessness," in Trudy Tret'ikh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i biologii" (Proceedings of the Z'hird Readings Devoted to Development of the Scientifi.c Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovsk.iy. Section (2). Problems of Sr,ace Medicine and BiologyJ, Nbscow, 1969, pp 42-49. Bibliogr.: pp 48-49 (11 ref.). Simulation of the effects of weightlessness in the laboratory. . 2324. Sokolkov, V. I., "Some Features of External Respiration and Er:ergy Expendi- tures in Orthostatic Tests Before and After 18 Hours in an Immersion Environment," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 4, 1970, pp 52-58. Bibliogr.: p 58 (20 ref.). 2325. Chekhonadskiy, N. A., "Mathematical Nbdeling of the Functions of the Vestibular Apparatus in Weightlessness," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii," Vol 6, Nloscow, 1967, pp 188-198. Bibliogr.: p 198 (14 ref.). 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON]LY 2326. Yuganov, Ye. M., "Unique Features in the Function and Interaction of the Otolith and Cupular Apparatus of the Human Vestibular Analyzer ifl~-Altered Gravity [On the Ground and in Airborne Platforms]," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 318-330. Bibliogr.: pp 329-330 (22 ref.). 2327. Yuganov, Ye. M., and Gorshkov, A. I., "Unique Features of the Functional State of the Otolith Apparatus in A].tered Gravity," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyarnogo analizatora" (Physiology of the Vestibular Analyzer), Moscow, 1968, pp 89-93. Bibliogr.: pp 92-93 (8 ref.). Description of laboratory experiments conducted during parabolic flight. 2328. Adams, C. R., and Bulk, G. K., "Zero Buoyancy: Simulation of Weightlessness to Evaluate Psychophysiological and Anthropomorphic Parameters that Affect Space Station Design," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 5, 1967, pp 518-522. Bibliogr.: p 522 (3 ref.). Procedure for simulating weightlessness involving water immersion, and its use in determining psychophysiological - and anthropamorphic parameters that must be considered in space station design. 2329. "Astronauts' Space Work Studied Under water," SPACE WORLD, Vol E-1-49, 1968, p 31. - Simulation of weightlessness under water to study cosmonaut work efficiency in space. 2330. Beeckmans, j. M., "Alveolar Deposition of Aerosols on the N14on and in Outer Space," NATURE, Vol 211, No 5045, 1966, p 208. Bibliogr.: p 208 (3 ref.). Depositions or aerosol particles in alveoli of the lungs in the presence of lunar hypogravitation and weightless- ness in open space. Computer calculations. 2331. Bruchey, w. J., Loats, H. L., and Mattingly, C. S., "A Technique of Simula- tion of the Operational and Human Factors Decign of the Apollo Airlock Module and the Gemini IX-XII EVA Missions," AIAA PAPER, No 67-773, 1967, pp 1-6. A technique for simulating operational and psychophysio- logical factors encountered in the Apollo airlock and casmonaut extravehicular activity in the Gemini 9-12 missions. ~he possibilities for using the immersion method to simulate - weightlessness. 2332. Carlson, L. D., "Cardiovascular Studies During and Following Simulation and Weightlessness," in "Life Sciences and Space Research," Vol 5, Amsterdam, 1967, pp 51-54. Bibliogr.: p 54 (6 ref.). 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Study of the cardiov?scular system during and following simulated weightlessness, and comparison of the results with flight data. 2333. Cavagna, G. A., "Human Locomotion at Reduced Gravity," J. BRIT. INTER- PLANET. SOC., Vol 21, No 2, 1968, pp 166-170. Bibliogr.: p 170 (5 ref.). Human Locomotion in Reduced Gravity. Experimental Data. 2334. "Circulatory Effects of Water Immersion Upon Human Subjects," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 6, 1968, pp 579-584. Bibliogr.: pp 583-584 (35 ref.). Aut.: W. B. Hood, R. H. Murray, Ch. W. Urschel, J. A. Bowers, J. K. Goldman. Effect of water immersion on human circulation. 2335. *Clausen, G., and Ersland, A., "Blood 02 and Aeid-Base Changes in the Beaver During Submersion," RESPIRAT. PHYSIOL., Vol 11, No 1, 1970-1971, pp 104-112. Change in blood oxygen content and acid-based balance in beavers during experimental water immersion. 2336. Craig, A. B., Valsalva Maneuver: Possible Use in Space Flight as a Test - of Cardiovascular F~uiction," AEROSPACE NED., Vol 37, No 7, 1966, pp 687-690. _ Bibliogr.: p 690 (12 ref.). The value of the valsalva experiment as a functional test to study the cardiovascular system in weightlessness _ simulated by water immersion. 2337. David, H. M., "Douglas Cites Test Results of Simulated Zero-G Study," MISSILES AND ROCKETS, Vol 18, No 20, 1966, pp 40-41, 43. Results of research on simulated action of weightlessness - conducted by the Douglas Company. 2338. Dedolph, R. R., Gordon, S. A., and Oemick, D. A., "Geotropism in Simulated Low-Gravity Environments," AMER. J. BOT., Vol 53, No 7, 1966, pp 530-533. - Bibliogr.: pp 532-533 (15 ref.). Geotropism in plants in simulated low gravity. 2339. Dedolph, R. R., "The Influence of Simulated Low-Gravity Environments on Growth, Development and Metabolism of Plants," in "Life Sciences and Space Re- search," Vol 5, Amsterdam, 1967, pp 217-228. Bibliogr.: p 228 (5 ref.). Effect of simulated low-qravity environment on growth, development and metabalism of plants. 2340. *Dickinson, C. J., A Digital Computer Nbdel of the Effects of Gravitational - Stress Upon the Heart and Venous System," NED. AND BIOL. ENG., Vol 7, No 3, 1969, - AP 267-275. 41 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 3 N34. Computer simulation of the effect of gravitational fields (reduced and increased) on the heart and venous system. 2341. "The Effect of Water Immersion on Perception of the Oculogravic Illusion .in Normal and Labyrinthine-Defective Subjects," ACTA OTOLARNGOL., Vol 65, No 6, 168, pp 599-610. Bibliogr.: p 610 (11 ref.). Aut.: A. Graybiel, E. F. Miller, B. D. Newsom, R. S. Kennedy. Effect of water immersion on perception of the oculogravic illusion in healthy people and in persons with labyrinthine defects. Research conducted with a special centrifuge. 2342. "Effects of Simulated Weightlessness Upon the Cardiovascular System," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 6, 1967, pp 551-563. Bibliogr.: p 563 (36 ref.). Aut.: P. Howard, J. Ernsting, D. M. Denison, D. I. Fryer, D. H. Glaister, G. H. Byford. Action of weightlessness, simulated by immersion into sea water, on the cardiovascular system. 2343. "Fluid Metabolism and Circulation During and After Simulated Weightlessness," - in "Proceedings of the Second Znternational Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 212-221. Bibliogr.: p 230 (15 ref.). Aut.: 0. H. Gauer, P. Eckert, U. Kaiser, H. J. Linkenbach. Abstracts in French and Russian. Fluid metabolism and circulation during weightlessness simulated by water immersion, and after it. 2344. Goldstein, S. E., and Alvarado, U. R., "Hi�gh-Fidelity UndeYwater Simulation of Manned Space Activities," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 5, No 5, 1968, pp 595-599. Bibliogr.: p 559 (5 ref.). Simulation of cosmonaut activity in underwater conditions similar to those of activity in weightlessness. 2345. Goldstein, S. E., and Alvarado, U. R., "A Method for Obtaining High Fidelity Underwater Simulation of Manned Space Activities," AIAA PAPER, N 67-925, 1967, PP 1-9. Underwater experiments for possibly greater fidelity of simulation of human activity in space in zero and reduced gravity. 2346. *Gooden, B. A., and Le-Messurier, D. H., "Effect of Exercise Produced by Partial Immersion on the Incidence of Dysbarism in Rats After 'Free Ascent'," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 6, 1970, pp 597-601. Effect of exercise produced by partial immersion on the incidence of dysbarism in rats aFtex� "free ascent". 42 FOR AFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2347. Hanavan, E. P., "A Personalized Mathematical Mbdel of the Human Body," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 3, No 3, 1966, pp 446,448. Bibliogr.: p 448 (6 ref.). A personalized mathematical model of the human body intended for research on its machanical properties in weightlessness. 2348. Hazard, A. V., "Results of Preliminary Physiological Testing Under Simulated Lunar and Martian Gravity Conditions," in "Life in Space Craft," Paris et al., 1966, pp 39-50. Results of preliminary physiological testing urider simulated lunar and Martian gravity conditions. 2349. Hoshizaki, T., Adey, W. R., and Hamner, K. C., "Growth Response of Barley Seedling to Simulated Weightlessness Induced by Two-Axis Rntation," PLANTS, Vol 69, No 3, 1966, pp 218-229. Bibliogr.: p 229 (11 ref.). Changes in growth of barley seedlings in response to weightlessness simulated by two-axis rotation. . 2350. *Hunt, L. M., "A Real-Time Hybrid Solution of Human Body Dynamics Used to Simulate Zero=G Activity," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 6, No 6, 1969, pp 752-755. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 3 P959, - A real-time hybrid system used to simulate human bodl _ dynamics in a weightless environment. 2351. Hunt, N. C., "Immersion Diuresis," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 176-180. Bibliogr.: p 180 (35 ref.). Diuresis in water immersion experiments. 2352. Kesselman, R. H., "Gravitational Effects of Blood Distribution," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 2, 1968, pp 162-165. Bibliogr.: p 165 (15 ref.). Mathematical modeling of blood distribution during transition - from weightlessness to earth gravity. 2353. Leaders, F. E., and Norton, S., "Interruption of Proprioceptive Sensory Input: Mechanism for Induction of 'Cardiovascular Deconditioning'," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 117-123. Bibliogr.: pp 122-123 (25 ref.). Experimental evidence supporting a hypothesis on the. role of interruption of proprioceptive impulses in the arisal of deconditioning of the cardiovascular system observed in weightlessness. Experiments on rats in- ' volving reduction of thPir mobility and severance of the spinal cord. 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 2354. Letko, W., Spady, A. A., and Hewes, D. E., "Problems of Man's Adaptation to the Lunar Envirorunent," in "Second Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 25-32. Bibliogr.: p 31 (9 ref.). The problem of man's adaptation to the lunar environment. Experiments in a low-gravity simulator. 2355. Letko, W., and Spady, A. A., "Walking in Simulated Lunar Gravity," in "Fourth Symposium on the RQle of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 347-351. Bibliogr.: p 351 (4 ref.). Walking in simulated lunar gravity. 2356. "*Mechanics of Respir.ation During Submersion in Water," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 27, No 4, 1969, pp 535-538. Aut.: S. K. Hong, P. Cerretelli, J. C. Cruz, H. Rahn. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 6 N658. Mechanics of respiration during seated submersion in water up to the neck. 2357. Miller, E. S., Norman, D. G., and Miller, G., "Human Engineering Studies for Maintenance and Repair," AIAA PAPER, No 67-653, 1967, pp 1-14. Experimental human engineering studies on man's capacity for performing technical maintenance and repair in outer space in weightlessness simulated by water immersion. 2358. Myers, J. w.., and Godley, J. A., "Cardiovascular and Renal Function During Zbtal Body Water Immersion of Dogs," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vo?. 22, No 3, 1967, pp 573-579. Bibliour.: pp 578-579 (39 ref.). Cardiovascular and renal function during total water immersion of dogs. 2359. "NASA 'Astronauts' Take a Dive," SPACE WORLD, Vol Cr10-82, 1970, pp 4-6. Cosmonauts train under water in simulated weightlessness. 2360. Nelson, J. G., "Effect of Water Immersion and Body position Upon Perception of the Gravitational Vertical," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 8, 1968, pp 806-811. Bibliogr.: pp 810-811 (26 ref.). Effect of water imnersion at different body positions upon perception of the gravitational vertical. 2361. Nonnan, D. G., "Force Application in Simulated Zero Gravity," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 11, No 5, 1969, pp 489-505. Bibliogr.: p 505 (6 ref.). Study of humaii physical effort in weightlessness simulated _ by water immersion. 44 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; 2362. *Ukai, O., and Oshima, M., "Body Sway From the Standpoint of Subgravity," in "Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Space Technology and - Science," Zbkyo, 1968, pp 839-842. Oscillatory motions of the vertical body in reduced _ gravity created Ly water immersion. - 2363. Ushima, M., and Okai, O., "A Study on the Subgravity From the Standpoint of EMG," in "Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Space Technology and Science," 'Ibkyo, 1966, pp 799-802. Effect of reduced gravity (simulated by water immersion) on muscles. Electromyographic research. 2364. Prescott, E. J., and Wortz, E, C., "Metabolic t;osts of Upper Z+orso Exercises vs Zbrque Maneuvers Under Reduced-Gravity Conditions," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37,. No 10, 1966, pp 1046-1049. Bibliogr.: p 1049 (8 ref.). - Metabolic changes in response to movements of the upper torso and torque maneuvers in 3imulated weightlessness arid reduced gravity. 2365. *Raskin, J., "Space Tests Go Underwater for Weightless Conditions," PROD. _ ENG., Vol 37, No 18, 1966, pp 66-69. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1967, 1.41.199. Use of undexwater tests to simulate weightlessness. 2366. Robertson, W. G., and Wortz, E. C., "Effect of Lunar Gravity on Metabolic Rates," AEROSPACE NED., Vol 39, No 8, 1968, pp 799-805. Bibliogr.: p 805 (16 ref.). Effect of lunar gravi.ty on metabolism while working in lunar pressure suits. Simulator experiments. 2367. Sanborn, W. G., and wortz, E. C., "Metabolic Rates During Lunar Gravity Simulation," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 4, 1967, pp 380-382. Biblioqr.: p 382 - (6 ref.). Human metabolic rate in simulated lunar gravity. 2368. Schmitt, G. H., "Vasopressin-aldosterone interrelationships in diuresis and antidiuresis relevance to space travel," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 8, 1967, pp 838-842. Bibliogr.: pp 841-842 (23 ref.). - Action of vasopressin and aldosterone on diuresis in simulated weightlessness. 2369. *Seeman, J. S., Smith, F. H., and Mueller, D. D., "A Technique to Investigate Space Maintenance Tasks," U.S. AIR FORCE. TECHN. DOC. REP., 1966, 11 pp (AMRL-TR-66-32). 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1dLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1VLY Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 48, 1967, N 1, 378. A technique to investigate working efficiency in weight- lessness. Comparison of data obtained in terrestrial simulation and in parabolic aircraft flights. 2370. Streimer, I., Turner, D. P. W., and Volkmer, K. "An Investigation of the Effect of Total Simulation System Mass on Certain Human Force Outputs in Traction- less Environments," J. ASTRONAUT. SCI,, Vol 13, No 3, 1966, pp 106-109. Bibliogr.: p 109 (24 ref.). An investigation of the effect of total simulation of a mass system on certain characteristics of human muscular activity in tractionless environments. Considers the problem of weightlessness simulation. 371. "A Study of Astronaut's Exi:ravehicular Work Capabilities in Weightless Conditions," prepared under contract No NAS 1-7571 by Garrett Corp., Los Angeles, Calif., for Langley Research Center. Washington, 1969, 233 pp (NASA CR-1334). Aut.: E. C. Wortz, W. Schreck, W. Robertson, G. Lamb, L. Browne). A study of the extravehicular work efficiency of cosmonauts in simulated weightlessness. 2372. `i'hompson, L. J., and McCally, M., "Role of Transpharyngeal Pressure Gradients in Determining Intrapulmonary Pressure During Immersion," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 9, 1967, pp 931-935. Bibliogr.: p 935 (10 ref.). The role of transpharyngeal pressure gradients in determining intrapulmone-.ry pressure during water immersion. 2373. Torphy, D. E., "Effects of Immersion, Recumbency and Activity on Orthostatic Z+olerance," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 2, 1966, pp 119-124. Eibliogr.: p 124 (20 ref.). . Effects of water immersion on human orthostatic tolerance; comparison of the similar action of bed rest and normal activity. 2374. Torphy, D. E., "Effects of Short-Term Bed Rest and Water Imersion on Plasma Volume and Catecholamine Response to Tilting," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 4, 1966, Sect. 1, pp 383-387. Bibliogr.: p 387 (26 ref.). Effect of short-term bed rest or water imme.rsion on change in plasma volume and catecholamine level elicited by subsequent tilting of the body 44�. 2375. Trout, 0. F., "Investigation of Man's Extravehicular Capability in Space by Ttiater Immersion Simulation Techniques," AIAA PAPER, N 66-903, 1966, pp 1-7. Investigation of man's extravehicular work efficiency and biodynamics in weightlessness simulated by water iimnersion. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2376. Trout, 0. F., "Water Inamrsion Reduced-Gravity Simulation," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 11, No 5, 1969, pp 473-487. Bibliogr.: pp 486-487 (17 ref.). Simulation of reduced gravity by water immersion with the _ purpose of studying cosmonaut extravehicular work efficiency. 2377. Trout, O. F., "Water Immersion Simulation of Extravehicular Activa.ties by Astronauts," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 4, No 6, 1967, pp 806-808. Bibliogr.: p 808 (6 ref.). Simulation of weightlessness by water immersion to study astronaut extravehicular activity. Pressure suits for underwater experiments. 2378. Tyler, A., "A Nbdel Illustrating Possible Instability of Cellular Structure _ Under Conditions of Weightlessness," J. THEOR. BIOL., Vol 11, No 1, 1966, pp 59-62. Bibliogr.: p 62 (6 ref.). Simulation of possible instability of cellular structure in weightlessness. 2379. Vogt, F. B., "Plasma Volume and Tilt Table Response to Water Immersion Experiments Using Extremity Guffs," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 5, 1967, pp 460-464. Bibliogr.: p 464 (8 ref.). Change in blood plasma volume and the tilt table response to water immersion experiments using extremity pressure cuffs. 2380. Vogt, F. B., "Tilt Table and Plasma Volume Changes With Short Term Decondi- tioning Experiments," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 6, 1967, pp 564-568. Bibliogr.: p 568 (10 ref.). Tilt table and plasma volume changes following short-tenn water iirnnersion experiments, bed rest and other conditions simulating space flight. 2381. Vose, G. P., and Smith, A. W., "Effect of a Water Displacement System for Gravity Counteraction Upon Skeletal Status in the Dog," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 3, 1968, pp 266-270. Bibliogr.: p 270 (9 ref.). Change in the dog skeleton following presence in a device intended for weightlessness simulation (water immersion in special containers). 2382. Walawski, J., "Psychophysiological Reaction in the State of Weightlessness," in "P sikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose" [Psychological Problems of Man in Space], Moscow, 1966, pp 64-65. Animal psychophysiological reactions to weightlessness simulated by water immersion. 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 - A FOR aFFICIAL USE ON]LY 2383. Walawski, J., ancl Kaleta, Z., "Vascular Reactivity to Neurohormones in Subqravity Simulated by Immersion Method," in "Proceedings of the Second Inter- _ national Sympo:-ium on Ba~ic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 222-228. ?lbstracts in French and Russian. Reactions of the vascular system to neurohormones in subgravity simulated by the immersion method. 2384. WAlker, J. L. C., "Plasma 17 Hydroxycorticosteroids in Healthy Subjects _ After Water Immersion of Twelvz Hours' Duration, " AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 5, 1967, p 459. Bibliogr.: p 459 (8 ref.). The concentration of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in the blood plasma of h.ealthy people after water immersion of 12 hours' duratior.. 2385. "Weighting a Man in Space, Where He is Weightless," PROD. ENG., Vol 38, No 25, 1967, pp 31-32. A description of a device created by Lockheed to determine tne coeight of comonauts in conditions simulating weighlessness. - ri`,edical self-observation in flight. 2386. "Wet' Versus 'Dry' Suit Approaches to Water Immersion Protective Clothing," AEROSPPCE Mr,D., Vul 37, No 5, 1966, pp 485-487. Bibliogr.: p 487 (13 ref.). Aut.: R. F. Goldman, J. R. Breckenridge, E. Reeves, E. L. Beckman. Comparative study of water-permeable and watertight protective suits used in research involving water immersion. 2387. Wortz, E. C., "Effect of Reduced Gravity Environments on Human Performance," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 9, 1968, Sect. 1, pp 963-965. Bibliogr.: p 965 (20 ref.). Effect of reduced gravity on human performance. Experiments in a lunar gravity simulator. 2388. Wortz, E. C., and Prescott, E. J., "Effects of Subgravity Traction Simula- tion on the Energy Costs of Walking," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 12, 1966, pp 1217-1222. Bibliogr.: p 1222 (7 ref.). Energy costs of walking in lunar gravity simulated with a counteYweight device. Long-Term Weightlessness and Hypogravitation 5ee also No 546, 557, 568, 608, 1172, 1320, 2173, 2316, 2369, 2397, 2558, 2570, _ 2608, 2676, 2983, 3008, 3084, 3145, 3166, 5118, 5150, 5194, 5197, 5210, 5440, 5774, 6453, 6860, 7621, 7837, 8057, 8087. 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIeILY _ 2455. Akulinichev, I. T., Yemel'yanov, M. D., and, D. G., "Cosmonaut Oculomotor Activity During Orbital Missions," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye - issledovaniya v nevesomosti" [Biomedical Research in.Weightlessness], Moscaw, - 1968, pp 367-370. Bibliogr.: p 370 (9 ref.). Effect of weightlessness on the bodies of cosmonauts completing their first and second group missions. 2456. "Bayevskiy, R. M., and Gazenko, 0. G., "Human and Animal Cardiovascular Reaction to Weightlessness," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevaso- mosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 234-244. Bibliogr.: p 244 (14 ref.). Research conducted aboard the second through fifth spaceship- - satellites and aboard Vostok spacecraft. 2457. Biryukov, Ye. N., "Change in Bone Tissue Nlineral Saturation and Calcium - Balance in Response to Experimental Hypokinesia and Space Flight (Aboard the Space- ship-Satellite Kosmos 1101 abstrac t of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, Nbscow, 1968, 15 pp.(Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr. p 15 (4 ref.). - 2458. Biryukov, Ye. N., and Krasnykh, I. G., "Change in Optical Density of Bone Tissue and Calcium Metabolism in Cosmonauts A. G. Nikolayev and V. I. Sevast'yanov," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 6, 1970, pp 42-46. Bibliogr.: p 45 (15 ref.). 2459. Biryukov, Ye. N., and Kozyrevskaya, G. I., "Study of Calcium Metabolism in Dogs Flown Aboard the Kosmos.110 Satellite," in "Materialy 2-y naachnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proaeedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, p 35. 2460. Biryukov, Ye. N., "Assessment of Bone Tissue Mineral Saturation," in _ "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical = Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 34. Effect of weightlessness on bone mineralization in dogs completing a 22-day flight aboard Kosmos.110. 2461. Vestihular Reactions of Cosmonauts Flying Aboard the Voskhod Spacecraft," in Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 311-317. Bibliogr.: p 317 (8 ref.). Aut.: Ye. M. Yuganov, A. I. Gorshkov, I. I. Kas'yan, I. I. Bryanov, I. A. ICQlosov, V. I. ICppanev, V. I. Lebedev, N. I. Popov, F. A. Solodovnik. - Effect of weightlessness during preparatory training flights and in space flight conditions. 2462. Effect of Space Flight Conaitions [Weightlessness and Radiation] Aboard the Spaceship-Satellite Kosmos 110 on Some Higher Plant Seeds," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 1, 1968, pp 126-129. Bibliogr.: pp 128-129 (8 ref.). Aut.: H. L. Delone, Ye. M. Nbrozova, A. V. Antipov, G. P. Parfenov, A. S. Trusova, Z. I. Ukstina. 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL LJSE OTJY.Y ' 2463. Delone, N. L., "Weightlessness and Cell Division in TradescantiCZ paZudosa ~ Microspores," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii" [Problems of Space Biology], _ Vol 6, Mcyscow, 1967, pp 328-337. Bibliogr.: p 337 (4 ref.). - Experiments a.board Vostok and Voskhod. -y 2464. Yegorov, A. D., and Kakurin, L. I., "The Mechanism of Changes in Physiological Reactioiis in Space Flight," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsiiia" [Aviation and Space Medicine], V'ol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 216-220. Effects of weightlessness and Emotional stress during orbital missions flcwn by Soviet and American cosmonauts. _ 2465. Yegorov, B. B., and Samarin, G. I., "Possible Change in Paired Work of the Vestibular Apparatus in [Extended; Weightyessness," KGStd. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 2, 1970, pp 85-86. Bibliogr.: p 86 (10 ref.). 2466. Ivanov, Ye. A., Popov, V. A., and Khachatur'yants, L. S., "Cosmonaut Work in Weightlessness and Support-Free Space," iri "Medi.ko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Moscow, 1968, pp 410-439, Bibliogr.: pp 438-439 (30 ref.). Results of observations on cosmonauts aboard Voskhod and Voskhod 2. 2467. "Human Work Efficiency in [Extended] Reduced Gravity," in "Mediko-biologi- cheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nb scow, 1968, pp 405-409. Bibliogr.: p 409 (12 ref. Aut. : A. V. Yeremin, I. I. Kas'yan, I. A. Kolosov, V. I. Kopanev, V. I. Lebedev. ur ; 2468. Kakurin, L. I., and Biryukov, Ye. N., "The Problem of Decalcification in Human Hypodynamia iii Arplication to the Cond&tions of Extended Space Flight," in - "Problemy kosmicreskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966; pp 187-188. 2469. ICakurin, L. I., and KatkovsY.iy, B. S., "Some Physiological Aspects cf Extended Weightlessness," in "Fiziologiya cheloveka i zhivotnykh" [Human and Animal Physioloc3Y," Nloscow, 1964, 1966, pp 6-34. Bibliogr.: 29-34 (153 ref.). Literature review. 2470. Kakurin, L. I., Pervushin, V. I., and Cherepakhin, M. A., "The State of t:he Neuramuscular Apparatus of Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 Spacecraft Crewmembers [in Weigiat- lessness and Ilypodynamial," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 5, 1970, pp 64-67. Bibliogr.: p 67 (8 ref.). 2471. Kise.Iev, A. A., "Gravitat.ional Aspects of Circulation. (Expe.rimental - Research)," abstract of s dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of doctor of inedical scienc?s, Moscow, 1969, 32 pp. (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: pp 31-32 (20 ref.). Effect of extended weightlessness, orthostatic effects and transverse accelerations upon the cardiovascular system. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE� ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 2472. Kiselev, A. A., and Kotova, I. N., and Popov, N. N., "Gravitational Aspects of Circulation," place of publication not given, 1970, 13 sheets. Reprint. - Cardiovascular reactions to extended weightlessness, orthostatic effects and transverse accelerations. 2473. Kiselev, A. A., Chizhov, G. K., and Senkevich, Yu. A., "Investigation of the Orthostatic Tolerance of Dogs Folloraing an Extended Period of Weightlessness [Aboard the Biosatellite Kosmos 1101 in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems] , Nbscow, 1967, pp 87-88. 2474. Kiselev, A. A., and Nikolayev, S. O., "General Laws Governing Human and Animal (Dog) Cardiovascular Function in Relation to Prolonged Exposure to Space rlight Factors," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii melodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 85-86. Effect of extended weightlessness during flight aboard the Kosmos 110 biosatellite. 2475. "Some Aspects of the Influence of Altered Gravity on Circulation," in - "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 3, Moscow, 1969, pp 15-19. Aut.: A. A. Kiselev, I. N. Kotova, S. O. Nikolayev, N. N. Popov. Data obtained from experiments conducted aboard the bio- satellite Kosmos 110 (presence in weightless conditions) - and the results of laboratory studies performed in the presence of transverse G-forces. 2476. "Some Reactions of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems of Cosmonauts in Orbital Flight F.aoard tc,c~ Spaceship Voskhod 2," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 1, 1967, pp 104-115. Aut.: I. I. Kas'yan, P. V. Vasil'yev, D. G. Maksimov, I. T. Akulinichev, A. Ye. Uglov, A. Ye. Baykov, N. A. Chekhonadskiy. Effects of extended weightl.essness. 2477. Nikolayev, A. G., and Sevast'yanov, V. I., "Four Hundred-Zwenty Hours in Weightlessness [Aboard Soyuz 9]," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 8, 1970, pp 36-37, No 9, pP 26-28. 2478. Nikolayev, S. 0., "A Modification of the Polycardiographic Method to Study the Dynamics of Heart Beat in Dogs Subjected to Extended Weightlessness," in - "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykl2," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 142-143. Experiments aboard the biosatellite K osmos-110. 2479. "Reactions of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems of Cosmonauts in Orbital Flight Aboard the Spaceship Voskhod," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledo- vaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow, 1968, pp 260-267. Bibliogr.: p 267 (12 ref.). Aut.: P. V. Vasil'yev, A. D. Voskresenskiy, I. I. Kas'yan, D. G. Maksimov, I. D. Pestov, N. A. Chekhonadskiy. 51 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFF[CCAL USiE ONA.Y Effect of different flight factors, and mainly weightlessness. 2480. "Results of Biological Experiments Conducted During Flight Aboard Vostok Spacecraft With the Participation of Cosmonauts A. G. Nikolayev, P. R. Popovich and V. F. Bykovskiy," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow, 1968, pp 445-453. Bibliogr.: p 453 (7 ref.). Aut.: V. V. Antipov, N. L. Delone, _ G. P. Parfenov, V. G. Vysotskiy. Study of DrosophiZa reproduction in weightless conditions, and research on the action of weightlessness and radiation on the genetic machinery of Tradeseartt2a. 2481. Cherepakhin, M. A., and Pervushin, V. I., "Effect of Space Flight Upon the Neuromuscular Apparatus of Cosmonauts," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 6, 1970, pp 46-49. Bibliogr.: p 49 (7 ref.). Examination of the crewmembers of the spacecraft Soyuz 9 prior to the mission and following exposure to extended weightlessness. 2482. Ades, H. 6V., and Engst.rom, H., "Needs, Plans, and Identification of the Pathologic Effects of Prolo.zged E:xposure to Weightlessness on the Vestibular Organs," in "Second Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 257-262. The demand for information and for planning experiments to study the pathological action of extended weightlessness upon vestibular organs. 2483. "Applicability of Certain Biochemical Techniques to Calcium Management in Space Systems: An Experimental Study of Blood Serum Calcium," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 7, 1967, pp 690-694. Bibliogr.: pp 693-694 (24 ref.). Aut.: L. K. Wynston, U. L. Perkins, I. Streimer, S. P. Johnson. Applicability of certain biochemical techniques for regulation of body calcium during space missions. An experimental study oi the influence of parotin on blood serum calcium. 2484. "~5-205 Experiment to Define Zero-G Effects on Middle Ear," TECHNOL. WEEK, IIol 19, No 15, 1966, p 41. The plan of an experiment aboard the Apollo spacecraft to study the influence of weiyhtlessness on vestibular organs. 2485. Berry, Ch. A., "Man's Response to a New Environment Including Weightlessness: Gemini Biomedical Results," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 9-23. Man's response *o a new environment including weightlessness inside the spacecraft and during extravetxicular activity. Analysis of the results of Gemini missions. 52 F012 OFFyCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060025-4 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 2486. Boque, M. N., "Fisiopatologia del estado de ingravidez," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 3-7. The pathophysiology of weightlessness. Analysis of physiological indicators recorded from Soviet and American cosmonauts. 2487. Broderson, A. B., and Lange, K. 0., "An Investigation of the Suitabiiity of White Rats for Suborbital Studies of Behavior in a Gravity Field," prepar2d under gran t No NsG-456 by Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., for NASA. Washington, 1968. 94 pp (NASA CR-1255). Bibliogr.: pp 87-94 (87 ref.). Investigation of the suitability of using white rats to study behavior in a gravity field during suborbital flights. 2488. Camus, J. P., and Guillien, P., "Le squelette descosmonautes," PRESSE MED., Vol 77, No 45, 1969, pp 1593-1594. Bibliogr.: p 1594 (5 ref.). Effect of extended weightlessness on the cosmonaut skeleton. 2489. Conrad, H. M., "Biochemical Changes in the Developing Wheat Seedling in the Weightless State," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 645-652. Bibliogr.: p 652 (10 ref.). Biochemical changes in developing wheat seedlings subjected to weightlessness aboard Biosatellite 2. 2490. Czerny, M., "Herrscht strenge Schwerelosigkeit in einem Satelliten?," MATH. UND NATURWISS. UNTERR., Vol 19, No 1/2, 1966, pp 17-18. Regarding the existence of total weightlessness aboard satellites. 2491. Dick, J. M., "Objective Determinations of Bone Calcium Levels," AEROSPACE MED., Vo1 37, No 2, 1966, pp 136-139. Bibliogr.: p 139 (14 ref.). A method for determining calcium in human bones following. exposure to extended weightlessness. 2492. Douglas, W. R., "The Calcium Metabolism Problem in Space Medical Science," SPACE LIFE SCI., Vol 2, No 2, 1970, pp 151-157. Bibliogr.: pp 156-157 (24 ref.). The calcium meiabolism problem in space medicine. Bone decalcification in 5 and 7 crewmembers._ 2493. Duomarco, J. L., and Rimini, R., "Venous Pressure of Man in Space," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 2, 1970, pp 175-178. Bibliogr.: p 178 (23 ref.). Theoretical consideration regarding venous pressure in the presence of prolonged weightlessness. 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONi.Y 2494. "'~'he Effects of Weightlessness on the Amoeba PoZorrtyxa ecrnoZinensZ4. 1. Methods and Materials," BIOSCIENGE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 615-617. 'Phe effects of weightlessness on the amoeba PoZomyxCl caroZinensis during flights aboard Biosatellite 2. Communication 1. Research methods and materials. 2495. "The Effects of Weightlessness on PoZomyxu. 2. Nuclear and Cellular Division," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 617-622. Bibliogr.: p 622 (3 ref.). Aut.: D. R. Ekberg, E. C. Silver,J. L. Bushay, E. W. Daniels. Effects of weightlessness on the amoeba PoZotmyxa during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. Coimnunicakion 2. Nuclear and cellular division. 2496. "Experiment M-6, Bone Demineralization," in " Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 407-415. Bibliogr.: p 415 (9 ref.). Aut.: P. B. Mack, G. P. Vose, F. B. Vost, P. A. Lachance. Experiment M-6 aboard Gemini 7. Study of cosmonaut bone demineralization during flight. - 2497. "Experiment M-7, Calcium and Nitrogen Balance," in "Gemini Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 417-421. Aut.: G. D. Whedon, L. Lutwak, W. F. Neuman, P. A. Lachance. Experiment M-7 aboard Gemini 7. Study of the calcium and nitrogen balance in the costnonaut body. 2498. "Frogs Pioneer Long-Duration Space Flight," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 93, No 22, 1970; n 63. Experiment with two frogs kept in earth orbit for 6 days_ (OFO). Study of the effect of weightlessness on otoliths. 2499. "Gemini 7 Crew Finds Zero-G No Problem," SPACE TECFINOL. INTERN., Vol 6, No 1, 1966, pp 16-19. - The Gemini 7 crew reports absence of problems associated with weightlessness in flight. 2500. *Grandpierre, R., and Lemaire, R., "La demineralisation chez les cosmonautes," - MED. HYG., Vol 25, No 196, 1967, pp 1057-1058. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1968, 7 P874. Bone dimineralization in cosmonauts. 2501. Gray, S. W., anc. Edwards, B. F., "The Effect of Weightlessness on Wheat Seedling Morphogenesis and Histochemistry," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 638-645. Bibliogr.: p 645 (9 ref.). 54 J FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[C1AL USE ONLY The effect of weightlessness on wheat seedling r,orpho- qenesis and histochemistry duririg orbital flight aboard Biosatellite 2. 2502. Gualtierotti, T., "Orbital Otolith Experiment T(S)4: A Space Flight Experi- ment to Investigate the Effect of Weightlessness on Activity of Single Vestibular Unit," J. PHYSIOL., Vol 192, No 7, 1967, pp 2P-3P. Registration of the activity of individual fibers of the frog vestibular nerve during orbital flight. The action of extended weighlessness on otoliths. 2503. *Howard, P., "Man in Weightlessness," J. ROY. COLL. PHYS. LONDON, Vol 3, No 4, 1969, pp 323-328. Effect of weightlessness on the cosmonaut body during space flights and following touch-down. The missions of Vostok 2, Apollo 8 and 9 and Gemin?. 5. 2504. Johnson,'S. J., "Biochemical Changes in the Endosrerm of Wheat Seedling in the Weightless State," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 652-655. Biblioqr.: p 655 (2 ref.). Biochemical changes of the endosperm of wheat seedlings in weightlessness during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. 2505. Johnson, S. P., and Tibbetts, T. W., "The Liminal Angle of a Plagiogeotropic Organ Under Weightlessness," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 655-661. Bibliogr.: 661 (5 ref.). The liminal angle of the plagiogeotropic organ of pepper in weighless conditions during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. 2506. *Judica-Cordiglia, A., "Ali:erazioni fisiologiche secondaire ad accelerazione dopo prolungato stato di imponderabilita. Nota pren.," MINERVA MED., Vol 60, No 100, 1969, pp 5123-5125. Secondary physiological changes arising in response to accelerations witti a"head-legs" orientation, following extended presence in weightless conditions. Examination of astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin during lunar descents in the lunar module, during their presence on the moon, and during separation of the module from the lunar surfdce. 2507. *Lagerwerff, J. M., "Prolonged Weightlessness Exposure and Its Expected Effects on Man," in "Institute of Environmental Science. Ann. Techn. Meet. Proc. Washington, 1967. Mt. Prospect, 1967, pp 585-590. Prolonged weightlessness and its expected effects on man. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y ~ 2508. *Mack, P. B., and Lachance, P. L., "Effects of Recumbency and Space Flight on Bone Density," AL1ER. J. CLIN. NUTR., Vol 20, No 1., 1967, pp 1194-1205. Bibliogr.: p 1205 (16 ref.). Ref.: 11EROSPACE rED., Vol 39, No 5, 1968, p 222. Changes in human bone density in response to prolonged recumbency and during space flight in the Gemini program. 2509. Miller, E., "Experiment M-9, f:uman Otolith Function," in "Gemini Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 431-436. Bibliogr.: p 436 (7 ref.)� Experiment M-9 aboard Gemini 7 and 7. Investigation of the functions of human otoliths during prolonged weight- lessness. 2510. "The Orbiting Frog Otolith," SPACE WORLD, Vol G-11-83, 1970, pp 31-37. OE'0 experiments conducted in flight to study the reaction of frog otalil:hs to zero and partial gravity, using micro- electrodes implanted in the inner ear. 2511. Oster, I. I., "Effects of Weightlessness on Radiation-Induced Somatic Damage in Drosophila Larvae," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 576-582. Bibliogr.: pp 580-582 (26 ref.). Effects of weightlessness on radiation-induced somatic damage in DrosotAiZa larvae. Experiments aboard Biosatellite 2. 2512. "Otolith Ftu-iction No`c Markedly Affected by Weightlessness," MISSILES AND ROCKETS, Vol 18, No 3, 1966, p 39. Absence of noticeable action of weightlessness upon otolit-h Lunction. The results of experiments conducted aboard Gemini 5. 2513. Popovic, V. P., Horecky, ;I., and Popovic, P., "A Miniaturized Pump Oxygenator for Evaluation of Peripheral Circulatory Changes Induced by Long-Term Weigtitlessness in Pats," SPACE TaIFE SCI., Vol 2, No 1, 1970, pp 113-115. Bibliogr.: p 115 (4 ref.). A miniaturized pump oxygenator for evaluation of peripheral circulatory changes induced by long-term weightlessness in rats. 2514. Price, R. W., and Abel, J. H., "The Effects of Weightlessness on PoZormyxa. 3. Digestion, Growth and Locomotion," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 622-632. Bibliogr.: pp 631-632 (20 ref.). 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY The effects of weiqhtlessness on the amoeba PoZomyxa during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. Communication 3. - Digestion, growth, and locomotion. - 2515. "Progress in Development of Methods in Bone Densitometry. A Conf. Held in Washington, Mar. 25-27, 1965, and Spons. by NASA...," Washington, Gov. Print. Off., 1966, VI, 204 pp. Progress in development of inethods in bone densitometry. Proceedings of a conference organized by NASA, the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases and the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Washington, 25-27 March 1965. The principal topics of the reports were: Roentgenological and other methods of bone densitometxy used to deter- mine reduction of bone density in response to prolonged weightlessness and hypokinesia. 2516. Salisbury, F. B., "Expected Biological Responses to Weightlessness," BIOSCTENCE, Vol 19, No 5, 1969, pp 407-410. IIibliogr.: p 410 (16 ref.). Expected biological reactions to prolonged weightlessness. 2517. *De Serres, F. J., "Induction of Recessive Lethal Mutations Under Weightless- ness in the Neurospora Experiment on the Biosatellite II Mission," RADIAT. RES., Vol 43, Alo 2, 1970, pp 452-459. Induction of recessive lethal mutations in Neurospora in weightless conditions aboard Biosatellite 2. 2518. Stricklund, Z., "30-Day Mission Set for Nbnkey," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 90, No 18, 1969, pp 70, 75, 77. A program of physiological research on the influence of weightlessness on the monkey bady during a 30-day mission aboard Biosatellite. ' 2519. Trombka, J. I., Teem, J. M., and Smith, H. R., "The Study of Basic Physical/Biological Phenomena Under Zero-G Conditions in Earth Orbital Spacecraft," _ in "Scientific Experiments for Manned Orbital Flight," North Hollywood, 1965, pp 261-271. Bibliogr.: p 271 (5 ref.). The objectives of research on the basic physical and biological effects of weiglitlessness in orbital flight aboard Apollo spacecraft. 2520. Vallbona, C., Dietlein, L. F., and Judy, W. V., "Effect of Orbital Flight on the Duration of the Cardiac Cycle and of Its Phases," AERUSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 5, 1970, pp 529-537. Bibliogr.: p 537 (26 ref.). Effect of weightlessness during orbital flight on the duration of the cardiac cycle and its phases. Analysis of the EKG's and phonocardiograms recorded from crews. 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2521. "Vestibular Experiments in Gemini Flights V and VII," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 4, 1967, pp 360-370. Bibliogr.: pp 369-370 (33 ref.). Aut.: A. Graybiel, E. F. Miller, J. Billingham, R. Waite, Ch. A. Berry, L. F. Dietlein. _ Effect of weightlessness on the vestibular organs of Gemini 5 and Gemini 7 crewmembers. 2522. "Vestibular Reactions of Cosmonauts During the Flight in the 'Voskhod' - Space Ship," AEROSFACE MED., Vol 37, No 6, 1966, pp 691-694. Bibliogr.: p 694 (8 ref.). Aut.: E. M. Yuganov, A. I. Gorshkov, I. I. Kasyan, I. I. Bryanov, I. A. Kolosov, V. I. Lebedev, N. I. Popov, F. A. Solodovik. Vestibular reactions of cosmonauts during flight aboard the Voskhod space ship. Effect of weightlessness and the significance of preflight training. 2523. Webb, P., "Weight Loss in rlen in Space," SCIENCE, Vol 155, No 3762, 1967, _ pp 558-560. Bibliogr.: pp 559-560 (19 ref.). Weight loss in men following exposure to weightlessness. - Suznmary of information on Soviet and American cosmonauts. 2524. "Weightlessness Found Causing Mutation," AVIAT. WEIIC AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 88, No 8, 1968, p 21. More-frequent mutations in biological objects following prolonged exposure to weightlessness. A treatment of materials obtained from the Biosatellite 2 mission. 2525. Young, R. S., and Tremor, J. W., "The Effect of Weightlessness on the Dividing Egg of Rwna p2piens," sIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 609-615. Bibliogr.: p 615 (13 ref.). The effect of weightlessness on division of frog eggs ~during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. 3.3.7. Motion Sickness. Optokinetic Effects*. See also No 323, 324, 1225, 1226, 1705, 1795, 1796, 1800, 1808, 1839, 1909, 1910, 2213, 2241, 2408, 2446, 2447, 2534, 2535, 3156, 5802, 7938. 3214. "Analysis of Electric Reactions of Cerebellar Neurons in the Cat in Response to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs [Elicited by Vertical Rocking on a Special Staiid With Accelerations of 0.8-1.2 G]," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 4, 1969, pp J?5-559. BibJ.iogr.: p 559 (36 ref.). Aut.: M. D. Venttsel', O. G. Gazenko, R. A. Gri,gor'yan, Ye. M. Kristi. *The works in this section are grouped together irrespective of the forms of dynamic factors affecting the body. 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 - FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONY.Y 3215. Barnatskiy, V. N., and Kuznetsov, A. G., "Interaction of Analyzers and the Autonomic Component of Motion Sickness," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" _ [Problems in Space Mc:dicine), rbscow, 1966, p 56. - 3215. Barnatskiy, V. N., and Kuznetsov, A. G., "Autonomic Phenomena in Mation Sickness," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 1, 1968, pp 49-53. Bibliogr.: p 53 (18 ref.). 3217. Bokhov, B. B., "The Mechanism of the Nbtion Sickness Syndrome," in "Materialy konferentsii po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Proceedings of a Conference on Space Biology and Medicine], Nbscow, 1966, pp 146-147. Bibliogr.: p 147 (5 ref.). 3218. Burko, Ye. V., "The Peripheral Mechanisms of the Motor Reaction of the Ileum to the Effect of [Radial] Accelerations [and the Genesis of Motion Sickness]" in "Materialy III s"yezda Be].orusskogo fiziologicheskoqo obshchestva..." [Procee dings of the Third Congress of the Belorussian Physiological Society...], Minsk, 1970, pp 46-47. 3219. Val'dman, A. V., Buxyak, M. A., and Spalva, Ye. A., "Effect of Aminazine, Methyldiazil and Pentaphene on Some Vestibular Reactions," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 86-87. Research conducted on cats with thP purpose of selecting preparations to prevent the motion sickness syndrome. 3220. "The Rotation Test as a Method for Revealing Latent Forms of Motion Sickness in [Short-Term] Weightless Conditions," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 214-215. Aut.: I. A. Kolosov, I. F. Chekirda, V. I. Lebedev, G. F. Khlebnikov, I. I. Kas'yan. 3221. "Hemodynamics in the Presence of Vestibular Disturbances," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 11, 1966, pp 45-50. Bibliogr.: p 50 (17 ref.). Aut.: I. I. Bryanov, V. A. Degtyarev, N. A. Lapshina, N. D. Kalmykova, S. R. Raskatova. Addresses the pathogenesis of motion sickness. 3222. Gorgiladze, G. I., and Yegorov, B. B., "Otolith Reactions of Animals Given an Intravenous Injection of Sodium Bicarbonate," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 5, 1970, pp 77-78. Bibliogr.: p 78 (16 ref.). Experiments to reveal the nature of sodium bicarbonate's favorable influence upon motion sickness tolerance. 3223. "Further Development of the Otolith 'I'heory of Motion Sickness," in "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 216-217. Aut.: G. L. Komendantov, V. S. Kompanets, V. I. Kopanev, S. I. Poleshchuk, N. A. Razsolov, N. D. Chirkin. 3224. Dmitriyev, A. S., "The Chain Neurohumoral Mechanism of the Motor Reaction of the Small Intestine to Acceleration," in "XI s"yezd Vsesoyuznogo fiziologicheskogo obshchestva..." [llth Congress of the All-Union Physiological Society...], Vol 2, Leningrad, 1970, p 416. Addresses the pathogenesis of motion sickness. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY,Y 3225. Yesipov, I. A., "Subjective Sensations and the Time of Their Action After Rolling, Before and After Ingestion of Some Medicinal Complexes," in "Trudy IV Voyenno-nauchnoy konfere:itsii vrachey Leningradskogo voyennogo okruga" [Proceedings of the Fourth Military-Scientific Conference of Physicians of the Leningrad Military District], Vol 1, Leningrad, 1970, pp 411-415. 3226. Zharkaya, A. S., "Effect of Prolonged Rolling on the Animal Electrocardiogram," in "Voprosy medikobiologicheskikh issledovaniy" [Problems in Biomedical Research], - rloscow, 1970, pp 81-83. 3227. Zhernovkov, V. F., and Udalov, Yu. F., "Experimental Disturbances of Vestibulo- motor Stability and Their Pathogenetic Therapy," PATOL. FIZIOL. I EKSPERIM. TERAPIYA, Vol 14, No 4, 1970, pp 55-59. Bibliogr.: p 59 (25 ref.). 3228. Zabutyy, M. B., "Questions of Expert Examination in the Motion Sickness Problem," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, Riqa, 1970, 29 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Biblioqr.: pP 28--29 (11 ref. ) - 3229. Kekhayov, A. N., Aleksiyev, R. D., and Bochvarov, N. K., "Investigation of Optokinetic Nystagmus With an Optokinetic Television Camera," VESTN. OTORINOL- ARINGOL., No 6, 1969, pp 74-75. _ 3230. Kirilenko, Yu. I., Filosofov, V. K., and Fomin, V. S., "Effect of Optokinetic and Vestibular Effects [Angular Accelerations] on the Reliability of the Human Operator in Airborne Platform Control Systems," KOSM. ISSLEDOVANIYA, Vol 8, No 3, 1970, pp 476-478. Bibliogr.: p 478 (6 ref.). 3231. Kislyakov, V. A., and Neverov, V. P., "Reaktsiya glazodvigatel'noy sistemy na dvizheniye ob"yektov v pole zreniya. Ontokineticheskiy nistagm" [Reaction of the Oculomotor Systeni to Movement of Objects Within the Visual Field. Optokinetic Nystagmus], edited by V. N. Chernigovskiy, Nbsocw-Leningrad, "Nauka", 1966, 52 pp - (USSR Academy of Sciences. Combined Scientific Counc;il "Human and Animal F'hysiology") Bibliogr.: pp 47-52 (120 ref.). 3232. "Clinical-Physiological Research on the Effect of Minor Accelerations on Man," in "ZI s"yezd Vsesoyuznoqo fiziologicheskogo obshchestva...," Vol 2, Moscow, 1970, p 417. Aut.: M. D. Yemel'yanov, V. V. Usachev, L. M. Belova, T. Ya. Roznatovskaya, I. P. Shinkarevskaya. The symptoms of motion sickness and resistance to it. 3233. "Clinical-Physiological Research on Long-Term (Up to 3 Days) Action of Minor Accelerations Upon the Human Body," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 286-288. Aut.: L. A. Kitayev-Smyk, R. R. Galle, A. M. Klochkov, L. M. Gavrilova, B. V. Ustyushin, E. I. Khelemskiy, V. A. Biryukov, V. Kh. Mukhin, Yu. I. Frolova, M. L. Kharitonov, V. A. Korsakov. Addresscs the pathogenesis of the motion sickness syndrome. 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL tJSE ONT.Y = 3234. Kozhukhar, M. P., "Effect of Nbtion Sickness on the Potential of the Dog Stomach Before and After Delabyrir.thation," FIZIOL. ZHURN., Vol 14, No 1, 1968, pp 109-113. Bibliogr.: p 113 (12 ref.). 3235. Kozhukhar', N. P., "The Influence of Nbtion Sickness on the Secretory Function of the Stomach and Pancreas, and Bile Secretion. (Experimental Research)," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences. Dnepropetrovsk, 1970, 16 pp (Dnepropetrovsk University). Bibliogr.: p 16 (5 ref.). 3236. Komendantov, G. L., and Kopanev, V. I., "Motion Sickness as a Problem in Space Medicine," in "Mediko-biologicheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti," Nbscow,. 1968, pp 331-338. Bibliogr.: pp 337-338 (73 ref.). 3237. Kompanets, V. S., "Influence of Pressure on the Statokinetic Stability of Flight Crews," in "Vonrosy morfologii, mikrobiologii, fiziologii*i aviatsionnoy meditsiny" [Problems of Morphology, Microbiology, Physiology, and Aviation Medicine], Nbscow, 1968, pp 121-122. Experiments in a Barani chair and in an altitude chamber. 3238. Kompanets, V. S., "The Role of the Pressure Factor in the Genesis of Stato- kinetic Disorders," in "Avi.atsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, Pp 292-295. , Effect of repeated two-directional changes in barometric pressure upon the human body, and "altitude sickness" elicited by them. ~ 3239. Kopanev, V. I., Popukhin, V. Ya., and Strelets, V. G., "Raising Man's Statokinetic Stability," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 3, 1968, pp 58-61. 3240. Kopanev, V. I., "The Problem of Man's Statokinetic Stability in Application to Flight Aboard Modern Airborne Platforms," in "XI s"yezd Vsesoyuznogo Fiziologi.cheskogo obshchestva...," Vol 2, Nbscow, 1970, p 417. 3241. Kopanev, V. I., "A Latent Form of Motion Sickness," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 10, 1970, pp 62-64. Bibliogr.: p 64 (7 ref.). 3242. Kopanev, V. I., "The Statokinetic Stability of Young Men and Women 15-20 Years Old," in "Novyye issledovaniya v psikhologii i vozrastnoy fiziologii" [New Research in Psychology and Developmental Physiology], No 2, Moscow, 1970, pp 157-162. Effect of Coriolis accelerations experienced during rotation in a Barani chair. 3243. Kopanev, M., "Prevention of Nbtion Sickness," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 11, 1969, pp 40-41. 3244. Kostrov, N. I., and Nakapkin, O. A., "Effect of Motion Sickness on the Functional State of the Hypophyseo-Adrenocortical System," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyarnogo analizatora" [Physiology of the Vestibular Analyzer], Moscow, 1968, pp 182-185. IIibliogr.: pp 184-185 (11 ref.). 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE OTVY.Y 3245. Kristi, Ye. M., and Grigor'yan, R. A., "Microelectrode Analysis of Excitable Structures in the Cerebellum in the Presence of Nbtion Sickness," in "Simpozium 'Problemy upravleniya funktsiyami organizma cheloveka i zhivotnykh [Symposium "Problems in Controlling the Bc3y Functions of Man and Animals"], Moscow, 1970, p 12. 3246. Kristi, Ye. M., "Reactions of Neurons of the Fastigial and Dentate Nuclei of the Cat Cerebellum in Response to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Nbscow, 1969, pp 5-6. Vertical shifting of animals on a special stand with an acceleration of 0.8-1.2 G. 3247. Kristi, Ye. M., "Electric Reactions of Cortical and Nuclear Neurons of the Cat Cerebellum to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs by Rpcking," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, Nbscow, 1970, 22 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: pp 21-22 (6 ref.). 3248. K.uznetsov, A. G., and Barnatskiy, V. N., "Motion Sickness in Dogs Before and After Inzravenous Injection of Sodium Hydrocarbonate," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyar- nogo analizatora," Nbscow, 1968, pp 185-188. Bibliogr.: p 188 (4 ref.). 3249. Kupryashkin, Ye. A., "A Technique for Studying Optokinetic Reactions in Athletes," in "Problemy fizicheskogo vospitaniya" [Problems of Physical Education], 4th edition, Chelyabinsk, 1970, pp 43-45. Study of reactions arising in response to optokinetic stimuli in untrained people and in persons with trained vestibular organs. 3250. Kupryashltin, Ye. A., "Electronystagmography in Optokinetic Research," in "Materialy k nauchnoy konferentsii, [Chelyab. med. in-t]" [Contributions to a Scientific Conference. (Chelabinsk Medical Institutel, Chelabinsk, 1969, pp 234-237, 3251. Kutateladze, M. G., Merabishvili, N. V., and Venttsel', M. D., "Application of Correlation Analysis to Research on the Reactions of Single Nerve Elements of the Cat Brain to Stimulation of Vestibular Organs by Motion Sickness," in "Problemy - kosmicheskoy biologii," Vol 6, Nbscow, 1967, pp 199-204. 3252. Kutateladze, M. G., "Reaction of Single Neurons in Different Regions of the Cerebral Cortex to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs by Motion Sickness," zZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 4, 1967. pp 631-633. Bibliogr.: p 633 (17 ref.). 3253. Kutateladze, M. G., "Reaction of Single Neurons in the Visual Region of the Cat Cerebral Cortex to Stimulation of Vestibular Organs [by Nbtion Sickness]," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No l, 1967, pp 49-52. Bibliogr.: -p 52 (13 ref.). 3254. Kutateldze, M. G., "Reaction of Single Neurons in the Auditory Region of the Cat Cerebral Cortex to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs [by Motion Sickness]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii Vol 6, Nbscow, 1967, pp 204-208. Bibliogr.: p 208 (13 ref.). 62 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONi.Y 3255. Lapayev, E. V., "Assessment of Motion Sickness on the Basis of Some Hemo- dynamic Indicators," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 7, 1970, pp 57-60. 3256. Lapayev, E. V., "Hemodynamic In:.'-'iz~taas-a!r Criteria for Assessing Nbtion Sickness," ZHURN. USHN., NOS. I GORL. BOLEZNEY, No 6, 1968, pp 15-19. Bibliogr.: p 18 (8 ref.). 3257. Malikova, S. N., "Effect of Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs on the Electric Activity of Neurons in the Vasculomotor Center," in "Materialy III _ nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 73-74. Experiments on cats subjected to vertical oscillations. 3258. rialikova, S. N., "Research on the Reactions of Individual Neurons in the Vasculomotor Center to Adequate Stimulation of Vestibular Organs," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 55-56. � Effect of vertical oscillatians with an acceleration of 0.8-1.2 G. Experiments performed on animals on a special stand. 3259. Merabishvili, N. V., "Research on the Activity of Individual Neurons in the Reticular Formation of the Medulla Oblongata (N. Gigantocellularis) in Cats Sub- jected to Motion Sickness," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii," Vol 6, Moscow, 1967, pp 208-215. Bibliogr.: pp 214-215 (26 ref.). 3260. Min'kovskiy, A. Kh., "Motion Sickness," in "Materialy k nauchnoy konferentsii instituta" [Contributions to a Scientific Conference of the Institute] [Chelyabinsk Medical Institute], Chelyabinsk, 1966, pp 308-310. 3261. Nikol'skaya, M. I., "A Search for Drugs Against Motion Sickness," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the arademic degree of candidate of inedical sciencPS, Leningrad, 1966, 17 pp (Leningrad Medical Institute No 1). 3262. Nikol'zkaya, M. I., "Comparison of the Effectivenzss of Some Drugs Against Motion Sickness," ZHURN. USHN., NOS. I GORL. BOLEZNEY, No 1, 1966, pp 43-46. ~ Bibliogr.: p 46 (16 ref.). . 3263. "New Information on the Motion Sickness Problem," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol l, Moscow, 1969, pp 289-291. Aut.: G. L. Komendantov, M. B. 7abutyy, V. S. Kompanets, V. I. Kopanev, A. I. Onufrash, L. A. Pomogaylo, N. A. Razsolov, M. D. Chi.rkin. The initials in the name of one of the authors were rendered wrong before the title as: Komendantov, L. G. 3264. "The Effectiveness of the Discontinuous Coriolis Acceleration Accumulation Test in Integrated Examination of Persons Suffering Airsickness," in "Sborn.ik nauchnykh trudov vrachey Okruzhnogo voyennogo gospitalya SKVO" [Collection of Scien- tific Works by Physicians of the District Military Hospital of the North Caucasus Military District], Rostov-on-Don, 1970, pp 25-29. Aut.: I. L. Litmanov, P. A. Kirillov, L. A. Tsvetyar.skiy, L. A. Ulitskiy. 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 3265. Pestov, I. I)., "1lccumulation of Stimuli in Nbtion Sickness," in "Problemy ;cosmicheskoy bioloqii," Vol G, Nbscow, 1967, pp 181-187. Bibliogr.: p 187 (14 ref.). 3266. Petrov, A. N., "Effect of Central Cholinolytics and Man's Resistance to Motion 5ickness," in "Farmakologi-ya tsentral'nykh kholinolitikov i drugikh - neyrotropnykh sredstv "[Pharmacology of Central Cholinolytics and Other Neurotropic - Drugs], Leningrad, 1969, pp 81-82. 3267. Petrov, A. N., "Numan Complex Sensomotor Reaction Time in the Presence of _ Experinusntally Induced Motion Sickness," in "Trudy Mezhoblastnoy nauchnoy konferentsii vrachey-otorinolaringologov..." [proceedings of the Interoblast Scienti..fic Conference of Physician-Otorhinolaryngologists...], Leningrad, 1966, pp 216-219. _ Experiments with a swing designed by K. L. Khilov. 3268. Petrov, A. N., "Revealing Latent F'orms of Motion Sickness," in "Fiziologiya - vestibulyarnogo analizatora," Moscow, 1968, pp 158-162. Bibliogr.: p 162 (4 ref.). ~ 3269. Piqulevskiy, D. A., and Nikol'skaya, M. I., "The Mutual Correlation Eetween _ Functio.ial Tolerance of the VestiAUlar Analyzer and Arterial Prpssure in the Presence of Motion Sickness," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyarnogo analizaiora," Moscow, 1963, _ pp 162-167. Bibliogr.: pp 166-167 (15 ref.). 3270. Polyakov, B. I., and Matveyev, A. D., "The Relationship of Some Postrotation Reactions and Man's Resistance to Motion Sickness," in "XI s"yezd Vsesoyuznogo fiziologicheskogo obshchestva...," Vol 2, 11oscow, 1370, p 423. 3271. Pushkarchuk, A. A., and Dmitriyevr A. S., "Effect of Linear Acceleration on the EEG of Young and Old Rabbits," in "Obmen i funktsa.i stareyushchego organizma" [Metabolism and Functions of the Aging Organism], Minsk, 1969, pp 160-169. Bibliogr.: pp 168-169 (23 ref.). Experiments on four-pole swings. 3272. Razsolov, N. A., and Kalashchenko, N. V., "Hemodyna,-nics in the Presence of Nbtion Sickness. Communicati.on 2," in "Voprosy aviatsionnoy meditsiny grazhdanskoy aviatsii" [Problems of Aviation Niedicine in Civil Aviation], Yerevan, 1970, pp 361-364. 3273. Razsolov, N. A., and Kalashchenko, N. V., "Changes in the Phasal Structure of the Cardiac Cycle in Response to Motion Sickness. Communication 1," in "Voprosy aviatsionnoy meditsiny grazhdanskoy aviatsii," Yerevan, 1970, pg 357-360. Z'he initials in the name of one of the authors were rendered wror~g before the title as: A. V. 'Kalnshchenko. - 3274. Razsalov, N. A., "Results of Experimental Research on Airsickness," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 319-321. 64 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3275. Razsolov, N. A., "'nie State of Higher N?rvous Activity in the Presence of Motion Sickness," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 177-180. 3276. Semenov, L. A., "Analysis of Gravity Factors by the Vestibular Analyzer," in "rlaterialy soveshchaniya po fiziologii vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti" [Proceedings of a Conference on the Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity], L'vov, 1969, pp 65-66. Experiments with parallel swings and a centrifuge. ' 3277. Semenov, L. A., and Dolotovskiy, A. N., "Influence of the Semicircular Canals on Otolith Reflexes," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 61, No 11, 1970, pp 1546- 1553. Bibliogr.: p 1553 (17 ref.). Action of linear accelerations on a swing. - 3278. Sya.bro, P. I., "Effect of Complex Preparations to Prevent Motion Sickness on Reflex Activity," in "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 360-361. 3279. Syabro, P. I., "Principles of Preventing and Treating Motion Sickness," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 239-243. 3280. Syabro, P. I., "Comparative Characteristics of Antiemetic Drugs. (Prevention of Motion Sickness)," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace MedicineJ, collection l, Moscow, 1967, pp 84-88. 3281. Tazetdinov, I. G., "Results of a Proyram of Medical Research on the Motion _ Sickness (Seasickness) Syndrome," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists) [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 188-190. 3282. Fomina-Kosolapova, V. P., "The Role of the Adaptive Function of Sympathetic Innervation in Motion Sickness Prevention," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyarnogo anali- zatora," Moscow, 1968, pp 167-173. Bibliogr.: p 173 (15 ref.). Tests on the effect sympathomimetic drugs on excitability - of vestibular organs. 3283. Khazen, I. M., "Extralabyrinthine Symptor:s of Motion Sickness in Space Flight," xosri. BIOL. i riED., vol 1, No 4, 1967, pp 11-18. Bibliogr.: pp 17-18 (56 ref.). 3284. Khilov, K. L., "Fwiktsiya organa ravnovesiya i bolezn' peredvizheniya" - [The Function of the Orqan of Equilibrium and Motion Sickness], Leningrad, "Meditsina", 1969, 279 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 274-278 (194 ref.). Physiology of the peripheral vestibular analyzer; active and passive training of the vestibular analyzer; preparations correcting disturbances of vestibuZo-autonomic reflexes, 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3285. Shiiikarevskaya, I. P., "The Problem of Revealing Latent Forms of Motion Sickness," in "Nlaterialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 77-78. 3286. *Bizzi, E., Schiller, P. H., "Single Unit Activity in the Frontal Eye Fields of Unanesthetized Monkeys During Eye and Head Movement," EXP. BRAIN RES., Vol 10, No 2, 1970, pp 151-158. Bibliogr.: 21 ref. - Ref.: RLH. BIOI,OGIYA, 8 P283. Activity of single cells in the frontal visual fields of monkeys during horizontal rotation in a chair. A study of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus. 3287. Brand, J. J., "A Comparison of the Effect of -Hyoscine and Amylobarbitone Sodium on Measuremerits of Postrotaiional Turning Sensation and Nystagmus," ACTA QTO- - LARYNGOL., Vol 68, No 5, 1969, pp 427-434. Bibliogr.: pp 433-434 (14 ref.). _ A comparison of the effect of drugs used against motion sickness--(-)-hyoscine and amylobarbitone sodium--on - measurementsof postrotational turning sensation anR _ nystagmus. 3288. Brand, J. J., and Perry, W. L. M., "Drugs Used in Nbtion Sickness. A Critical Rev. of the Method.s Available for the Study of Drugs of Potential Value in Its Treatment and of tne Inform. Which Has Been Derived by These Methods," PHARMACOL. REV., Vol 18, No 1, 1966, part 2, pp 895-924. Bibliogr.: pp 921-924 (115 ref.). Drugs used in motion sickness. A critical review of inethods for the study of drugs, of their potential value, and of information which has been derived by these methods. - 3289. *Braun, J. J., and Gault, F. P., "Monocular and Binocular Control of Horizontal Optokinetic Nystagmus in Cats and Rabbits," J. CONLD. AND PHYSIOL. PSYCHOL., Vol 69, No 1, 1969, pp 12-16. Bibliogr.: 9 Y�ef. Ref.: RZf-LBIOLOGIYA, 1970, 4 P120. Monocular and bznocular control of horizontal optokinetic nystagmus in cats and rabbits. 3290. Caporale, R., "I1 mal d'aria: frequenza, patogenezi, prevenzione alla luce delle attuali conoscenze," MINERVA MED., Vol 61, No 77, 1970, pp 4208-4214. Aotion sickness. Frequency, pathogenesis and prevention _ in iight of modern concepts. 3291. Caporale, R., "I1 mal d'aria: frequenza, patogenezi, prevenzione alla luce delle attuali conoscenze," RIV. NIED. AERONAUT. E SPAZ., Vol 33, No 1, 1970, pp 40-56. Motion sickness. Frequency, pathogenesis and prevention in light of modern data. 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFF1CIa1. USE ONi.Y 3292. Caporale, R., and Mazza, G., "Ric;erca elettronistagmografica durante il fenomeno di Purkinje," RIV. MED. AERONAUT. E SPAZ., Vol 30, No 4, 1967, pp 663- 680. Bibliogr.: p 680 (11 ref.). Electronystagmographic research on the Purkinje phenomenon. 3293. Collewijn, H., "Dysmetria of Fast Phase of Optokinetic Nystagmus in Cerebellectomized Rabbits," EXP. NEUROL., Vol 28, No 1, 1970, pp 144-154. Bibliogr.: p 154 (14 ref.). Change in the parameters of the fast phase of optokinetic nystagmus in cerebellectomized rabbits. 3294. Collewijn, H., "The Normal Range of Horizontal Eye Movements in the Rabbit," EXP. NEUROL., Vol 28, No 1, 1970, pp 132-143. Bibliogr.: p 143 (8 ref.). The normal range of horizontal eye movement in the rabbit during rotation in a drum designed to reveal optokinetic nystagmus. 3295. Conraux, C., Picart, P., and Greiner G.-F., "Le seuil nystagmogene par la - metode ro'.atoire pendulaire," REV. LARYNGOL., OTOL., RHINOL., Vol 91, Nov 1970, - supple., pp 821-827. The nystagmus threshold in the rotating swing test. _ 3296. Deane, F. R., Wood, Ch. D., and Graybiel, A., "Effect of Drugs in Altering Susceptibility to Motion Sickness in Aerobatics and the Slow Rotation Room," AERQSPACE MED.,Vol 38, No 8, 1967, pp 842-845. Bibliogr.: p 845 (12 ref.). Effect of some drugs on the arisal of motion sickness - symptoms in aerobatics and in the slow rotation room. 3297. "Diagnostic Criteria for Grading the Severity of Acute Motion Sickness," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, NQ 5, 1968, pp 453-455. Bibliogr.: p 455 !8 ref.). Aut.: A. Graybiel, Ch. D. h'ood, E. F. Miller, D. B. Cramer. Diagnostic criteria for grading the severity of acute motion sickness. 3298. EviatarQ A., and Goodhill, V., "Comparative Sequential Studies of Effects of Drug on Vestibular System of Laboratoxy Animals," Uppsala,'1968. 28 pp (ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL. Supple. 237). Bibliogr.: p 28 (24 ref.). Comparative study of the effects of drugs on the vestibular system of laboratory animals (including drugs used against motion sickness). 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3299. "Experimental Studies on Optokinetic Nystagmus. 2. Normal Humans," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 65, No 5, 1968, pp 441-448. Bibliogr.: p 448 (15 ref.). Aut.: V. Honrubia, W. L. Downey, D. P. Mitchell, P. H. Ward. Experimental studies on optokinetic nystagmus. Communicdtion 2. Optokinetic nystagmus in healthy people. 3300. Frenzel, H., "Die C',eschcrindigkeit der Primarphase des optikinetischen - Nystagmus. Beobachtunge an einem Optokinoskop," ACTA OTO-LARYNOL., Vol 63, No 2, 1967, pp 222-228. Bbiliogr.: p 227 (10 ref.). - The rate of the initial phase of optokinetic nystagmus. Observations with an optokinescope. 3301. Galban, P., Gouars, M., and Guillermin, M., "Efficacite et effets secondaires observes a 1'occasion de missions aeriennes de quelques medicaments utilises dans le traitement du mal de 1'air," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 8, No 31, _ 1969, pp 111-114. Effectiveness and side-effects of some drugs against motion sickness. - 3302. Godbey, A. L., "Bethanechol Chloride in the Treatment of Motion Sickness: Negative Results," AEROSPACE MED., Vvl 40, No 4, 1969, pp 432-433 (3 ref.). Negative results of clinical tests on bethanechol chloride in the treatment of motion sickness. 3303. Graybiel, A., Kennedy, R. S., and Kellogg, R. S., "Motion Sickness Pre- cipitated in the Weigiitless Phase of Parabolic Flight by Coriolis Accelerations," AEROSPACE NED., Vol 40, No 8, 1969, pp 819-822. Bibliogr.: p 822 (13 ref.). Premature arisal of motion sickness in response to Coriolis acceleration in the weightless phase of parabolic flight in an airp?.ane. 3304. Graybiel, A., and Miller, E. F., "The Otolith Organs as a Primary Etiological Factor in Motion Sickness: With a Note on 'Off-Vertical' Rotation," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 53-66. 'I'he role of otolith organs as a primary etiological factor in arisaZ of motion sickness; research conducted with the assistance of a set-up for off-vertical rotation. 3305. Graybiel, A., "Prevention of Moticn Sickness in the Slow Rotation Room by Incremental Increases in Strength of Stimulus," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestbiular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 109-116. Bibliogr.: p 115 (23 ref.). 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Prevention of motion sickness in experiments in a slow rotation room by incremental increases in strength of stimuli. 3306. Graybiel, A., Dean, R., and Colehour, J. K., "Prevention of Overt Motiori Sickness by Incremental Exposure to Othexwise Highly Stressful Coriolis Accelera- tions," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 2, 1969, pp 142-148. Bibliogr.: pp 147-148 (18 ref.). Prevention of overt symptoms of motion sickness by gradual growth in Coriolis accelerations to magnitudes eliciting motion sickness on their own. 3307. Graybiel, A., "Structural Elements in the Concept of Motion Sickness," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 4, 1969, pp 351-367. Bibliogr.: pp 366-367 (50 ref.). A structural approach to the present concept of motion sickness. 3308. Graybiel, A., "Susceptibility to Acute Nbtion Sickness in Blind Persons," _ AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 6, 1970, pp 650-653. Bibliogr.: p 653 (14 ref.). Heightened susceptib ility to acute motion sickness in = blind persons. 3309. Graybiel, A., "Vestibular Mechanisms in Human Behavior," ANN. OTOL. RHINOL. - AND LARYNGOL., Vol 77, No 4, 1968, pp 772-786. Bibliogr.: pp 784-786 (33 ref.). The role of vestibular mechanisms in human behavior and, in particular, in the etiology of motion sickness. 3310. Guedry, F. E., "Conflicting Sensory Orintation Cues as a Factor in Nbtion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space -Explora- tion," Washington, 1970, pp 45-51. Bibliogr.: p 51 (25 ref.). Conflicting sensory orientation cues as an etiological factor of motion sickness. 3311. *Hayes, W. N., and Ireland, L. C., "Optokinetic Response of the Guinea Pig," J. COMP. AND PHYSIOL. PSYCHOL., Vol 68, No 2, 1969, part 1, pp 199-202. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 5 P607. Optokinetic response of the guinea pig. _ 3312. Hood, J. D., "Observations Upon the Neurological Mechanism of Optokinetic = Nystagmus With Special Referen ce to the Contribution of Peripheral Vision," ACTA = OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 63, No 2-3, 1967, pp 208-215. Bibliogr.: pp 214-215 (7 ref.). ~ The nervous mechanism of optokinetic nystagmus and the role playEd in it by peripheral vision. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 Hox oH�FIcIAi, USE ONLY 3313. "Horizontal Nystagmus af Rhesiis Monkey," ACTA OTO-i.ARYNGOL., Vol 67, No 5, 1969, pp 535-551. Bibliogr.: pp 549-551 (42 ref.). Aut.: A. Komatsuzaki, H. E. Harris, J. Alpert, B. Cohen. Horizontal optokinetic nystagmus, caloric nystagmus and alcoholic positional nystagmus in the Rhesus monkey. 3314. Honrubia, V., Scott, B. J., and Ward, P. N., "Experimental Studies~on Opto- kinetic Nystagmus. 1. Normal Cats," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL, Vol 64, No 5, 1967, pp 388-402. Bibliogr.: p 402 (22 ref.). Experimental studies on optokinetic nystagmus. Communication 1. Optokinetic nystagmus in normal cats. 3315. Johnson, W. H., "Secondary Etiological Factors in the Causation of Motion Sickness," in "F'ourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Explora- tion," Washington, 1970, pp 83-87. Bibliogr.: p 87 (24 ref.). Secondary etiological factors in the causation of motion sickness. 3316. Jones, G. M., "Interactions Between Optokinetic and Vestibulo-ocular Responses During Head Rotation in Various Planes," AEF.OSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 2, 1966, pp 172-177. Bibliogr.: p 177 (9 ref.). Interactions between optokinetic and vestibulo-ocular responses during head rotation in various planes. 3317. Kitahara, M., "Effecr of the Otolith System on Nystagmus. Experimental Observations on Optokiiietic Nystagmus in Respect of the Statocy'sts in the Crab," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 63, No 6, 1967, pp 579-586. Bibliogr.: pp 585-586 (21 ref.). Effect of the otolith system on nystagmus. Experimental studies on optokinetic nystagmus associated with statocysts in the crab. - 3318. Larmande, A., "La notion du seuil a-t-elle de 1'interet dans 1'etude du nystagmus optocinetique?," REV. LARYNGOL., OTO., RY:INOL., Vol 91, Nov 1970, suppl., pp 779-791. Bibliogr.: p 791 (6 ref.). - The threshold concept on research on optokinetic nystagmus _ and its suggested significance. 3319. Miller, E. F., and Graybiel., A., "Motion Sickness Produced by Head Movement as a FuncL'on of Itotational Velocity," REROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 10, 1970, pp 1180-1184. Bibliogr.: p 1184 (8 ref.). Motion sickness produced by head movement as a function of rotational velocity. 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 3320. Miller, E: F., and Graybiel, A., "A Provocative Test for Grading Suscept- ibility to Motion Sickness Yeilding a Single Numerical Score," Uppsala, 1970, 22 pp (ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL. Supple. 274). Bibliogr.: pp 15-16 (19 ref.). A provocative tes-LI for grading susce.ptibility to motion sickness employing a numerical scale. 3321. Miller, E. F., and Graybiel, A., "The Semicircular Canals as a Primary Etiological Factor in Motion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 69-82. Bibliogr.: p 82 (32 ref. ) . Changes in semicircular canals as a primary etiological factor in the arisal of motion sickness. 3322. *Miller, E. F., and Graybiel, A., "A Standardized Laboratory Means of` Determining Suspectibility to Coriolis (Motion) Sickness" in "U.S. Naval Aerospace Medicine Institute" (NAMI, Pensacola), 1969, N 1058, pp 1-18. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 51, No 12, 1970, 64454. A standard method of determining man's susceptibility to motion sickness elicited by Coriolis acceleration. 3323. rbney, K. E., and Wood, J. D., "Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Symptom- atology of Motion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 35-44. Bibliogr.: pp 42-44 (51 ref.). Neural mechanisms underlying the symptomatology of motion sickness. 3324. "Motion Sickness in USAF Flying Personnel," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 6, 1970, pp 672-677. Bibliogr.: p 677 (8 ref.). Aut.: R. S. Ryback, R. E. Rudd, G. J. Matz, C. L. Jennings. Motion sickness in USAF flying personnel. 3325. " Motion Sickness Susceptibility Under 4JeigY:tless and Hypergravity Conditions Generated by Parabolic Flight," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 8, 1969, pp 862-868. Bibliogr.: pp 867-868 (30 ref.). Aut.: E. F. Miller, A. Graybiel, R. S. Kellogg, R. D. 0' Donnell. Predisposition to motion sickness in weightlessness and hypergravity phases during parabolic flight in an airplane. 3326. Newson, B. D., Brady, J. F., and O'Laughlin, T. W., "Optokinetic Reflex Responses to Cross-Coupled Gyroscopic Stimuli," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 5, 1969, pp 509-517. Bibliogr.: p 517 (21 ref.). 'I'he optokinetic reflex as a response to cross-coupled gyroscopic stimuli. The problem of a spacecraft's presence in artificial gravity. 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3327. Pannier, R., and Leguay, G., "Hypoglycemie et mal de 1'air," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 9, No 33, 1970, pp 9-10. Bibliogr.: p 9(7 ref.). Z'he correlation between hypoglycemia and motion sickness. - 3328. Reason, J. T., and Graybiel, A., "Changes in Subjective Estimates of Well- Being During tne Onset and Remission of Nbtion Sickness Symptomatology in the Slow Rotation Room," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 2, 1970, pp 166-171. Bibliogr.: p 171 (7 ref.). Changes in subjective estimates of well-being during the onset and remission of motion sickness symptoms in the slow rotation room. 3329. Reason, J. T., "Nb tion Sickness--Some Theoretical Considerations," INTERN. J. MAN-MACH. STUD., Vol l, No l, 1969, pp 21-38. Bibliogr.: p 38 (35 ref.). Motion sickness. Some theoretical considerations. 3330. Reason, J. T., "Motion Sickness--a Special Case of Sensory Rearrangement," ADV. SCI., Vol 26, No 130, 1970, pp 386-393. Bibliogr.: pp 392-393 (13 ref.). Motior: sickness-a special case of sensory rearrangement. 3331. Reason, J. T., "Relation Between Motion Sickness Susceptibility, the Spiral Aftei-Effect and Loudness Estimation," BRIT. J. PSYCHOL., Vol 59, No 4, 1968, pp 385-393. Bibliogr.: p 393 (15 ref.). Relation between motion sickness susceptibility, a strong reaction to the spiral after-effect test and heigr.i:ened sensitivity to noise. a 3332. Reason, J. T., "Sickness in Space," NEW SCI., Vol 44, No 669, 1969, pp 28-31. The causes and prevention of motion sickness during extended _ space missions. 3333. "Side Effects of Some Antimotion Sickness Drugs as Measured by Psychomotor Test and Questionnaires," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 4, Sect. 1, 1966, pp 408-411. - Bibliogr.: p 411 (11 ref.). Aut.: R. E. Kennedy, Ch. D. Wood, A. Graybiel, R. B. McIkonough. Side.effects of some antimotion sickness drugs as measured by psychomotor tests and questionnaires. 3334. Sjo!:~erg, A., "Ea:perimental and Clinical Experiences and Comments on Ultra- sonic Treatment of Meniere's Disease," in "Fourth 5ymposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 271-283. Bibliogr.: pp 282-283 (20 ref.). Experimental and clinical studies on ultrasonic treatment of Meniere's disease in connection with the problems of motion sickness. 72 _ FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 3335. Sjoberg, A., "Lxperimental Studies of the Eliciting Mechanism of Nbtion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Explora- tion," Washington, 1970, pp 7-28. Bibliogr.: p 27 (30 ref.). Experimental studies on the mechanisms eliciting motion sickness. 3336. "Some Characteristics of Optokinetic Eye-Movement Patterns: A Comparative Study," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 11, 1970, pp 1251-1262. Bibliogr.: p 1262 (34 ref Aut.: W. E. Collins, D. J. Schroeder, N. Rice, R. A. Mertens, G. Kranz. Some characteristics of optokinetic nystagmus. A compara- � tive study. 3337. Steele, J. E., "The Symptomatology of Nbtion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 89-98. Bibliogr.: pp 95-96 (29 ref.). Symptomatology of motion si.ckness. 3338. Tibbling, L., "Observations on Central Mechanisms Common to Vestibular and - � Optokinetic Nystagmus," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 69, No 6, 1970, pp 434-442. Bibliogr.: p 442 (19 ref.). Study of central mechani.sms common to vestibular and opto- kinetic nystagmus. 33.39. "Transfer of Habituation of Motion Sickness on Change in Body Position Between Vertical and Horizontal in a Rotating Environment," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, - No 9, 1968, Sect. 1, 1968, pp 950-962. Bibliogr.: pp 961-962 (26 ref.). Aut.: A. Graybiel, A. B. Thompson, R. Deane, A. R. Fregly, J. K. Colehour, E. L. Ricks. Transfer of adaptation to motion sickness to the capability for changing body position from vertical to horizontal ir, a rotation room. 3340. Wendt, G. R., "Experiences With Research on Motion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 29-32. Bibliogr.: p 32 (37 ref.). Experiences with research on motion sickness. 3341. *Wolfe, J. W., "Mesodinecephalic and Cerebellar Influences on Optokinetic and Vestibular Nystagmus," EXP. NEUROL., Vol 25, No 1, 1969, pp 24-34. _ Effect of the mesencephalon and cerebellum on optokinetic and - vestibiilar nystagmus. 3342. Wood, Ch. D., Graybiel, A., and Kennedy, R. S., "Comparison of Effectiveness ' of Some 1lntimotion Sickness Drugs Using Recommended and Larger Than Recomended - Doses as Tested in the Slow Rotation Room," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 2, 1966, pp 259-262. Bibliogr.: p 262 (13 ref.). 7J ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Comparison of effectiveness of some antimotion sickness drugs using recommended and larger doses, as tested in the slow rotation room. 3343. Wood, Ch. D., and Graybiel, A., "Evaluation of Antimotion Sickness Drugs: A New Effective Remedy Revealed," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 8, 1970, pp 932-933. Bibliogr.: p 933 (7 ref.). New effective antimotion sickness drugs. 3344. Wood, Ch. D., and Graybiel, A., "Evaluation of Sixteen Antimotion Sickness Drugs Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 12, 1968, pp 1341-1344. Biblioqr.: p 1344 (27 ref.). Evaluation of 16 anitmotion sickness drugs under controlled laboratory conditions. - 3345. Wood, Ch. D., "Selection of an Antimotion Sickness Drug.," J. LA ST. MED. - SUC., Vol 122, No 4, 1970, pp 95-98. Bibliogr.: p 98 (6 ref.). - Selection of effe.:tive antimotion sickness drugs in the U.S. Navy Aerospace Medical Institute in Pensacola. 3346. Wood, Ch. D., "Use of Drugs in the Prevention of Motion Sickness," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 101-107. Bibliogr.: p 106 (12 ref.). Medicinal prevention of motion sickness. 3.3.8. Vibration See also No 560, 609, 1218, 1219, 1301, 1302, 1349, 1935, 3074, 3478, 3486, 3557, 3562, 3586, 3621, 3622, 3767, 4649, 5063, 5064, 5068, 5070, 5074, 5079, 5080, 5095, 5097-5104, 5119, 5122, 5123, 5132, 5133, 5142, 5143, 5146, 5150, 5151, 5154, 5157, 5164, 5168, 5169, 5173, 5174, 5178, 5179, 5181, 5185-5188, 5196, 5198, 5199, 6556, 7155, 7894. 3347. "Analysis of Correlations Between the Electric Activity and Respiratory Function of the Brain During Adaptation to Vibration," in "Fiziologicheskiye mekhanizmy individual'nykh adaptatsiy" [Physiological Mechanisms of Individual Adaptations], Novosibirsk, 1967, pp 78-82. Aut.: L. D. Luk'yanova� A. V. Kol'tsova, Ye. S. Meyzero V. P. Kazanskaya. 3348. Bondarev, G. I., and Mikhel'son, D. A., "Effect of Vibration on Some Aspects of Human and Animal Metabolism," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 8, 1969, pp 61-68. - Bibliogr.: pp 67-68 (68 ref.). A J_iterature review. 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 3349. Volkov, A. M., Skaballapovich, N. S., and Tsysar', A. I., "Hygienic Standard- ization of Vibration and Its Theoretical Grounds," in "Materialy itogovoy (1967 g.) nauchnoy sessii [VNII zh.-d. gigiyeny]" [Proceedings of the Final (1967) Scientific Session [of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Hygiene]], Moscow, 1969, pp 12-15. 3350. "Hypothalamic Neurosecretion and the Condition of the Adrenal Glands of Dogs Subjected to Vibration," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABO:LEVANIYA, No 2, 1970, pp 14-17. Bibiliogr.: p 17 (15 ref.). Aut.: V. I. Kiselev, E. S. Gul'yants, Yu. G. Elanskiy, T. M. Gavrilova. 3351. Donskaya, L. V., and Yakubovich, T. G., "Zbpography and Cholinesterase Activity of the Stomach in Whole-Body Vertical Vibration," in "Issledovaniya po fiziologii truda i NOT v professiyakh, svyazannykh s perenapryazheniyem nervno- myshechnoy sistemy" [Studies in Labor Physiology and Scientific Organization of Labor in Occupations Involving Neuromuscular Stresses],Leningrad, 1969, pp 126-135. Bibliogr.: pp 134-135 (15 ref.). 3352. Zotin, A. I., and Danyukov, Yu. G., "Effect of Vibration on Development of _ Amphibian and Fish Embryos," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 6, 1967, pp 879-883. _ Bibliogr.: p 883 (5 ref.). The significance of t}iis pro'-)lem to space biology is indicated. 3353. Ioseliani, K. K., "Effect of 'librations and Noise on Man's Mental Efficiency When Working Against the Clock," KOSrI. BIOL. I MED., Vol l, No 2, 1967, pp 79-82. Bibliogr.: p 82 (5 ref.). 3354. "Study of the Mutual Correlation Between the Brain's Functional Activity and Its Oxidative Metabolism in the Presence of a Vibration Stimulus," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Nbscow, 1966, pp 266-268. Aut.: L. D. Luk'yanova, Ye. P. Kazanskaya, A. V. Kol'tsova, Ye. S. Meyzerov. 3355. "Study of the Interdependence of the Brain's Oxidative Metabolism, Its Electric Activity and the Conditioned Reflex Activity of Animals After Vibration," i.n "Vliyaniye .faktorov kosmicheskogo poleta na funktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy" [Effect of Space Flight Factors on Functions of the Central Nervous System], Nbscow, 1966, pp 105-124. Aut.: L. D. Luk'yanova, A. V. ICo1'tsova, Ye, S. Meyzerov, Ye. P. Kazanskaya. 3356. "Effect of Wtiole-Body Vertical Vibration and Noise on a Number of Indicators of Protein, Lipid, and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Homeothermic Animals," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 10, 1968, pp 58-59. Aut.: G. I. Bondarev, Ye. N. Aronova, D. A. Mikhel'son, L. Ya. Skuratov. 3357. Kadyskina, Ye. N., "The Effect of Some Parameters of Low-Fraquency Vibration on the Body," in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov...[Leningr. san.-gigiyen, med. in-t]" [Proceedings of the 27th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students and Clinical Resident Physicians...[of the Leningrad Medical Institute of 5anitation Hygiene]], t,eningrad, 1967, pp 92-93. 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 FOR OFF(C1AL USE ONY,Y 3358. Kadyskina, Ye. N., "Effect of Low-Frequency Sinusoidal Vibration on Auto- no:nic Functions," in "Materialy Vtoroy konferentsii molodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov" [Proceedings of the Second Conference of Young Scientists] [Leningrad Scientific Research Institu_e of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases], Leningrad, 1968, pp 10-13. _ 3359. Kadyskina, Ye. N., "The Dynamics of Human Performance in the Presence of Some Vibration Parameters," in "Materialy Vtoroy konferentsii molodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov," [Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occu- pational Diseases], Leningrad, 1968, pp 13-15. 3360. Kazanskaya, Ye. P., and Luk'yanova, L. D., "Respiratory Change Accompanying Vibration," i. ""Vliyaniye faktorov kosmicheskogo poleta na funktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy," hloscow, 1966, pp 125-128. 3361. "Kesemanly, r1. V., "Effect of Vibration on Swelling and Oxidative Phos- phorylation of Mitochondria," in "Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii Instituta tsitologii AN S5SR" [Proceedings of a Scientific Conference of the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Cytology], Leningrad, 1970, p 40. 3362. Kesamanly, N. V., "Change in Muscle Creatine Phosphate and Lactic Acid Concentration in Response to.Vibration," TSITOLOGIYA, Vol 10, No 7, 1968, pp 905-908. Bibliogr.: p 908 (9 ref.). 3363. Kiro, M. B., "Influence of Vertical Vibration on Rotiferan Life Span and Fertility," TSITOLOGIYA, Vol 9, No 3, 1967, pp 339-345. Bibliogr.: p 345 (32 ref.). The significance of further research to space medicine is indicated. 3364. Kiro, M. B., "Effect of Low Frequency Vibration on Rotiferan Fertility," TSITOLOGIYA, Vol 12, No 7, 1970, pp 9271-929. 3365. Koreshkov, A. A., "Influence of Vibrations on the Human Body," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, p 220. 3366. Koreshkov, A. A., "Concerning the Influence of General Vibrations on the Human - Body, " in "Avi akosmi.cheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collection l, Nbscow, 1967, pp 350-353. 3367. Kuznetsova, M. A., "Influence of Recurrent Vibration on the Functional State of the Spinal Reflex Arc,'� 4.n "Vliyaniye faktorov kosmicheskogo poleta na _ fwiJctsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy," Moscow, 1966, pp 45-67. 3368. Lebedev, A. F. ,"Change in Muscle Electric Activity in Response to Vibration - and Noise," GIGIYENA I SANITARIXA, No :i, 1968, pp 25-30. Bibliogr.: p 30 (4 ref.). ~ 3369. Livshits, N. N., and Meyzerov, Ye. S., "Influence of Vertical Vibration and Noise on Conditioned Reflexes in Rats," ir. "Vliyan--ye faki:orov kosmicheskogo poleta na fur.ktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy," Moscow, 1966, pp 68-80. 76 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 3370. Luk'yanova L. D., and Ambrosova, S. M., "Influence of Vibration Stimuli on Cnrebral Oxidative Metabolism in Animals With Partially Disconnected Auditory and Vestibular Organs," in "Vliyaniye faktorov kosmicheskogo poleta na funktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy," Nbscow 1966, pp 95-104. 3371. Luk'yanova L. D., and Kazanskaya, Ye. P., "Study of the Mutual Relationship Between Brain Bioelectric Activity and Oxygen Consumption in the Presence of Vibra- tion," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 53, No 5, 1967, pp 563-570. Bibliogr.: p 570 (12 ref.). 3372. Ltik'yanova, L. D., and Kazanskaya, Ye. P., "Functional Significance of Changes in Bioelectric Activity of the Brain and Its Oxidative Capacity During vibration," in "Vliyaniye f.aktorov kosmicheskogo poleta na funktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy," bbscow, 1966, pp 81-94. 3373. Luk'yar.ova, L. D., and Klimovitskiy, V. Ya., "The Functional Relationshi;o Between Oxidative Metabolism, Volumetric Circulation Rate and Brain Temperature in the Presence of Vibrations," in "Nekotoryye voprosy kosmicheskoy neyrofiziologii" [Some Problems of Space Neurophysiology], Nbscow, 1967, pp 145-153. 3374. L'vova, T. S., "Effect of Vibration on the Course and Jutcome of Radiation Sickness in Animals," in "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 268-269. 3375. Mashanskiy, V. F., Mirkin, A. S., and Vinnichenko, L. N., "Influence of Vibration Stimuli on the Ultrastr.ucture of a Mechanoreceptor--the Pac.inian Corpuscle," TSITOLOGIYA, Vol 11, No 12, 1969, pp 1572-1575. Bibliogr.: p 1575 (14 ref.). 3376. Meliya, A. S.,,"Influence of Longitudinal Vibrations of Different Parameters on Muscle Receptors," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 56, No 4, 1970, pp 589-596. Bibliogr.: p 596 (11 ref.). 3377. Men'shov, A. A., "'Physiological Quick Tests' to Access the Influence of Vibration on the Human Body," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmi.cheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Mbscow, 1969, pp 72-75. 3378. Mikhel'son, D. M., and Bondarev, G. I., "Influence of Whole-Body Vertical Vibrations of Different Parameters on a Number of Metabolic Indicators in Animals," TRUDY NII GIGIYENY VODN. TRANSPORTA, No 1, 1968, pp 207-211. Bibliogr.: pp 210-211 _ (15 ref.). 3379. "Morfclogiya vnutrennikh organov pri nekotorykh ekstremal'nykh vozdeystviyakh" - [Morphology of Internal Organs Affected by Some Extreme Factors], editor in chief, ' K. T. Tadzhiyev, Dushanbe, "Donish", 1970, 181 pp (Tajik Medical Institute. Works. Vol 101). Bibliogr.: Ya. A. Ftakhimov, L. Ye. Etingen, V. Sh. Belkin, A. Kh. Osipov. Action of vibrations, transverse accelerations and ultraciolet radi_ation. 77 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ON(,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 3380. Onopko, B. N., "Pathomrpl:ological Changes in Some Organs and Systems of ~ White Ftats in Response to Vi.bration, iioise and Dust," in "Gigiyena truda" [Labor Hygiene], Issue 6, Kiev, 1970, pp 61-65. _ 3381. Razumov, I. K. ,"Baaic `I'Yieoretical IssuesAssociated. With the Influence of Vibration on the Human Body," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 3, 1967, PP 3-8. 3382. Rappoport, M. B., and Pasternak, G. A., "Pathomorphological Changes in Different Divisions of the Central Nervous System and in the Endocrine Organs in Response to Jerky Vibrations," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 6, 1968, �p 55-57. Bibliogr.: p 57 (3 ref.). - 3383. Rakhimov, Ya. A., and Belkin, V. Sh., "Nbrphology of Vessels in Some Endocrine Glands of Dogs Exposed to Whole-Body Vertical Vibration," ARKHIV ANAT., GISTOL. I ENID RIOL., Vol 'i9, No 11, 1970, pp 43-49. Bibliogr.: p 48-49 (20 ref.). 3384. Romanov, S. N., and Artsishevskaya, R. A., "Dependence of the Effect Produced by the Biological Action of Vibration on Frequency and Acceleration," B30FIZIKA, Vol 13, I10 6, 1968, pp 1054-1057. Bibliogr.: p 1057 (11 ref.). - 3385. Romanov, S. N., "The Nature of the Biological Action of Vibration," BIOFIZIKA, Vol 12, No 1, 1967, pp 120-123. Bibliogr.: p 122 (11 ref.). 3386. Ruzybakiyev, R. M., "Dependence of the Duration of the Trace Reaction in the Proprioceptive Reflex Arc on the Time of Exposure to Vibration," in "Materialy XXVIII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordi, :torov" [Proceedings of the 28th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduates and Resident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1968, p 125. 3387. Ruzybakiyev, R. M., "Reflex Influences on the Course of Muscle Reflexes - in the Presence of Vibration," in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov" [Proceedings of the 29th Regular Scientific Conference of_ Graduates and Resident Physicians] [Leningrad Medical Institute of Sani- tation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 176-177. 3388. Ruzybakiyev, R. M., "Ele;tromyographic Analysis of Muscle Reflexes in Response to Vibration With Different Receptors of the Nbtor Apparatus Disconnected," - in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," [LeningY�ad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 177-178. 3389. Ruzybakiyev, R. M., "Electromyographic Study of Trace Processes in Response to Prolon5.,l Vibrational Stimulation of Proprioceptors," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SS5R, Vol 56, No 8, 1970, pp 1125-1129. Bibliogr.: p 1129 (12 ref.). 3390. Rumyantsev, G. I., and Russkikh, V. V., "Pathogenesis of Vibration Pathology CausEd by Whole-Body Vibration," in "Shum, vibratsiya, ul'trazvuk" [Noise, Vibra- tion, Ultrasound], Nbscow, 1968, pp 4-13. 3391. Rumyantsev, G. I., and Tambovtseva, A. M., "Exp2rimental Study of the Action of Whole-Body Vibration on Some Metabolic Processes of the Body," in "Shum, vibratsiya, ul'trazvuk," Moscow, 1968, pp 49-52. 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 NOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3392. Rybakov, N. L., and Kozlov, V. A., "Influence of Vibration, as a Factor Connected 43ith Space Flight, on a Lysogenic E. coZ2 K-12 (a) Culture," BYUL. EKSPERIM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 61, No 5, 1966, pp 64-67. Bibliogr.: p 66 (2 ref.). An eaperiment performed aboard Vostok 5 and 6. 3393. Sinitsina, A. D., "Effect of lihole-Body Vertical Vibration on Conditioned Reflex Activity of White F2ats," TRUllY NII GIGIYENY VODN. TRAN5PORTA, Vol 1, 1968, pp 199-203. Bibliogr.: p 203 (9 ref.). _ 3394. Soroko, S. I., "F.eproduction and Transformation of the Rhythm of a Vibrating Stimulus by Cerebrocorcical Neuro*is, " in "Materialy XXTX otchetnoy nauchnoy _ konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov" [Proaeedings of the 29th Reyular Scientific Conference of Graduates and Fesident Physicians] [Leningrad Medical Institute of Sani'_-ation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 192-198. 3395. "Growt;i Stimulation in Some Biological Objects by Vert.ic:al Vibration," KOSM. ISSLEDOVANIYA, Vol 6, No 5, 1968, pp 788-792. Bibliogr.: p 792 (11 ref.). Aut.: N. L. Delone, V. V. Antipov, Ye. M. bb rozova, P. P. Saksonov, A. S. Trusova. 3396. Stoma, M. r^., "Functional Changes in the Central Nervous System in Response ' to Vibratiori on the Background of Different Levels of Muscle Static Tension," in "Issledovaniya po fiziologii truda i NOT v professiyakh, svyazannykh s perenaprya- zheniyem nervnomyshechnoy sistemy," Leningrad, 1968, pp 84-96. Bibliogr.: pp 95-96 _ (39 ref.). 3397. Tambovtseva, A. M., "Study of the Influence of Vibration and Noise on the Body in Hygienic Research,".abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of biological s,iences, Nb scow, 1969, 19 pp (Moscow Medical Institute No 1). Bibliogr.: pp 18-19 (11 ref.). 3398. Tatarenko, L. I., "The Study of the Influence of Vibrations or. the Human Body," in "Ispoi'zovaniye metodov i priborov aviatsionnoy meditsiny v usloviyakh kurorta" [Application of the Methods and Influence of Aviation Medicine to the Health Resort], Groznyy, 1968, pp 106-112. Bibliogr.: pp 111-112 (21 ref.). 3399. "Tezisy dokladov Respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii po voprosam profilaktiki vibratsionnoy bolezni. 23-25 dek. 1970 g." [Theses of Reports at the Republic Scientific--Practical Conference on Prevention of Vibration Disease. 23-25 December 1970], edited by Ye. Ts. Andreyeva-Galanina and N. I. Karpova, Leningrad, 1970, 89 pp (Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation IIygiene). A number of the reports contain info rmation on the effect of vibration on the body. 3400. Shubchinskiy, V. D., "Muscle Vibration Reception and the Influence of - Vibror_eptive Impulses on thQ Functional State of the Spinal Cord," ~)stract of - a dissertation in pursuit of the acader.iic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, L;onetE~k, 1967, 22 pp (Donetsk Medical Institute) Bibliogr.: p 22 (9 ref. 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3401. Shubchinskiy, V. D., "Cumulative Bioelectric Responses of Muscle Mechano- receptors to Vibrations of Different Parameters," BYUL, EKSPERIM, BIOL. I NIED., - No 2, 1967, pp 3-7. 3402. Yakubovich, T. G., and Getsel', Kh. A., "Autoradiographic Studies of the _ Liver of White Rats Subjected to Whole-Body Vibration," GIGiYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLLvANIYA, No 11, 1969, pp 58-60. Bibliogr.: p 60 (7 ref.). 3403. Yakubovich, T. G., and Zhukova, N. M., "Influence of Whole-Body Vertical Vibratinn on the Gastric Mucosa of LJhite Rats," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 12, 1970, - ?p 98-1U0. 3404. Yakubovich, T. G., "Change in Animal Liver Glycogen in Response to Who..e- Body Vertical Vibration," ARKi-IIV ANAT., GISTOL. I EMBRIOL., Vol 53, No 12, 1967, pp 55-58. Bibliogr.: p 58 (14 ref.). 3405. Yakubovich, T. G., and Zhukova, N. M., "Reactivity of the Rat Gastric Mucosa in the Presence of Vibration," in "IX Mezhdunarodnyy kongress anatomov" [Ninth International Congress of Anatomists], Moscow, 1970, p 193. 3406. *Barnes, C. D., and Pompeiano, O., "Effects of Muscle Vibration on the Pre- and Postsynaptic Components of the Extensornbnosynaptic Reflex," BRAIN RESEARCH, Vol 18, No 2, 1970, pp 384-387. Bibliogr.: 14 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, i P184. Effect of sinusoidal longitudinal vibration on the extensor- monosynaptic reflex. 3407. *Berthoz, h., "Etude biomecanique des vibrations de basses frequences subies par 1'homme. These," Yaris, 1966, 93 pp. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOG.IYA, 1968, 9 P743. Study of the biomechanics of low frequency v:.brations actir_g on man. 3408. Billewics-Stankiewicz, J., Golabek, W., and Tyburczyk, W., "Wplyw drgan poziomych o malej czestotliwosci na zawartosc amin kate,.-holowych i ich katabolitow w tkaiice mozgowej," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON., Vol 20, No 4, 1969, pp 546-552. Bibliogr.: p 552 (24 ref.). Influence of low frequency horizonLal vibration on the concentration of catecholamines and their catabolites in t'rie rat brain. = 3409., J. B., Hayes, J. R., and Goldman, D. E., "Injury Mechanism of Internal Organs af Animals Exposed to Sinusoidal Vibration," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 1, 1966, pp 22-28. Bibliogr.: p 28 (7 ref.). - Injury meclianism of internal organs of animals exposed to vertical vibration. 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE O"iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON,Y 3410. Borsukowski, W., and Kwarecki, K., "Obraz morfologiczny gruczo'owej czesci prysadki mozgowej po dzialaniu wibracji," PATQL. POL., Vol 21, No 2, 1970, pp 99-103. Bibliogr.: p 103 (17 ref.). Morphology of the glandular portion of the guinea pig hypophysis following exposure to vibration. 3411. "Cardiopulmonary Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Man," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 21, No 6, 1966, pp 1725-1731. Bibliogr.: p 1731 (31 ref.). Aut.: W. B. Hood, R. H. Murray, Ch. W. Urschel, J. A. Bowers, J. G. Clark. Effect of vibration of the whole human body on the cardiovascular system. 3412. "Contribution a 1'etude des effets genetiques des vibrations mecaniques sur Drosoph2Za meZanogaster," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 6, No 22, 1967, pp 21-23. Bibliogr.: p 23 (4 ref.). Aut.: A. M. Pfister, J. P. Bregliano, G. Deltour, R. Kaiser. Research on the genetic action of inechanical vibration upon DrosophiZa meZanogaster. 3413. Dean, R. D., Farrell, R. J., and Hitt, J. D., "Effect of Vibration on the Operation of Decimal Input Devices," HUM. FACTORS, Vol ll, No 3, 1969, pp 257-272. Bibliogr.: pp 270-271 (14 ref.). Effect of full-body vibration on the performance of an input device operator. 3414. "Effect of Environmental Pressure on Biological Stress from Vibration," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 8, 1970, pp 885-890. Bibliogr.: p 890 (11 ref.). Aut.: R. C. Armstrong, J. P. McCann, D. W. Vorbeck, L. L. Short, C. H. Purdy. Effect of atmospheric pressure on biological stress arising as a result of vibration. 3415. Garbe, J., "Vibration und Wirkung auf den Menschen im Flugbetrieb," in "Stress und Fliegen sowie aktuelle Probleme der Flugmedizin," Darmstadt, 1968, ' pp 27-32. Vibration and its action upon man in air and space craft. 3416. Gordon, S. A., and Shen-Miller, J., "On the Thresholds of Gravitatic,nal Force Perception by Plants," in "Life Science and Space Research," Vol 4, Washington-London, 1966, pp 22-34. Bibliogr.: pp 33-34 (I2 ref:). Germi.nation, on a vibrating stand, of plants exposed for long periods of time to different gravitational forces. 'I'he effect threshold. 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONY.Y 3417. Groynot, P., Loubiere, R., and Pfister, A., "Un probleme original en biologie aerospatiale: 1'action des vibrations mecaniques au niveau cellulaire," in "Praceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 229-233. Bibliogr.: p 233 (5 ref.). Abstracts in Russian and English. Action of inechanical vibration upon cell division as a problem of aerospace medicine. Experiments performed on cell cultures. 3418. *Guignard, J. C., "Response to Low-Frequency Vibration," CHARTERED MECH. ENG., Vol 15, No 9, 1968, pp 399-401. Bibliogr.: 16 ref. Fzef.: RZH. RAKETOSTRUYENIYE, 1969, 7.41.285. _ Sensitivity o.f the human body to low frequency vibrations. 3419. *Harris, Ch. S., and Shoenberger, R. W., "Effects of Frequency of Vibration on Human Performance," J. ENG. PSYCHOL., Voi 5, No 1, 1966, pp 1-15. Influence of the frequency of whole-body vibration on human performance. 3420. Hasan, J., "Biomedical Aspects of Low-Frequency Vibration. A Selective Review," WORK-ENVIRON.-HEALTH, Vol 6, No 1, 1970, pp 19-45. Bibliogr.: pp 40-45 (216 ref.). Biomedical aspects of low-frequency vibration. A literature review. 3421. Hawell, W., "Untersuchung zur Wirkung vertikalen Schwingens auf die Stimmung von Versuchspersonen," ?BL. VERK.-MED., VERtC.-PSYQiOL., Vol 15, No 2, 1969, pp 83-86. Bibliogr.: pp 85-86 (18 ref.). Study of the action of vertical vibration on the emotional state of subjects. 3422. Henzel, J. H., Clarke, N. P., and Nbhr, G. C., "Effect of Anterior Inter- costal Nerve Block on the Threshold of Thoracic Pain Associated With GZ and GX Vibration," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 7, 1966, pp 682-687. Bibliogr.: p 687 (18 ref.). Effect of anterior intercostal nerve block on the threshold of thoracic pain associated with DZ and DX vibration. 3423. Holiand, C. I,., "Performance Effects of Long Term R3ndom Vertical Vibration," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 2, 1967, pp 93-104. Bibliogr.: p 104 (10 ref.). Effect of long-term random vertical vibration on the performance of tracking tasks. 82 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3424. Hornick, R. J., and Lefritz, N. M., "A Study and Review of Human Response to Prolonged Random Vibration," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, lJo 6, 1966, pp 481-492. Bibliogr.: pp 491-492 (12 ref.). Research on human response to prolonged random whole-body vibration (when flying in a high-altitude airplane at low altitude). 3425. Huddleston, H. F., "Vertical Sinusoidal Vibration as a Psychological Stress," _ NATURE, Vol 211, No 5046, 1966, pp 324-325. Bibliogr.: p 325 (8 ref.). Psychological stress in response to vertical sinusoidal vibration. 3426. Jurczak, M. r., "Wplyw wibracji na przemiane 35S-metioniny w osrodkowym ukladzie nerwowym," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON., Vol 19, No 5, 1968, pp 329-335. Bibliogr.: p 335 (8 ref.). ' Effect of vibration on methionine-S35 metabolism in the central nervous system. 3427. Knepton, J. C., "Influence of Vibrations on Chromosomes," AEROSPACE MF:D., Vol 37, No 6, 1966, pp 608-612. Bibliogr.: p 612 (10 ref.). Influence of vibrat~' �ns on chromosomes of different biological objects. Experimer~ s in a simulator. - 3428. Kwarecki, K., "wplyw wibracji na stan czynnosciowy kory nadnercza," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON, Vol 19, No 6, 1968. pp 907-917. Bibliogr.: pp 916-917 (22 ref.). Influence of vibration on the functional state of L-he adrenal cortex. 3429. Lamb, T. W., and Tenney, S. M., "Nature of Vibration Hyperventilation," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 21, No 2, 1966, pp 404-410. Bibliogr.: pp 409-410 (18 ref.). Nature of hyperventilation arising in response to whole-body vibration. 3430. Lange, K. O., and Edwards, R. G., "Force Input and Thoraco-Abdominal Strain Resulting From Sinusoidal Motion Imposed on the Human Body," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, : No 5, 1970, pp 538-543. Bibliogr.: p 543 (16 ref.). Force impulses and thoraco-�=_!bdominal strain resulting from sinusoidal motion imposed o~, the human body. - 3431. *Lee, R. A., and King, A. I., "Visual Vibration Response," PAP. AMER. SOC. rEcx . LNG., rro sxF-16, 1970, pp 1-8. Visual reactions to vibration. 83 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y � 3432. Liedtke, A. J., and Schmid, Ph. G., "Effect of Vibration on Total Vascular Resistance in the rorelimb of the Ibg," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 26, No 1, 1969, : pp 95-100. Bibliogr.: pp 99-100 (18 ref.). Effect of vibration of the whole body on total vascular resistance in distal portions of dog limbs. 3433. Louda, L., ".Perception and Effect of the Mixture of 7.tao Vertical Sinusoidal Vibrations on Sitting blen," WORK-ENVIRON.-HEALTH, Vol 7, No l, 1970, pp 62-66. Bibliogr.: p 66 (2 ref.). Perception and effect of simultaneous vibrations occurring in two directions--sinusoidal and vertical--on man. 3434. *Miwa, T., "Evaluation Methods for Vibration Effects. P. 1. Measurements of Threshold and Equal Sensation Contours of Whole Body for Vertical and Horizontal Vibrations," IND. HEALTH, Vol 5, No 3-4, 1967, pp 183-205. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1969, 4 N37. � Evaluation methods for vibration effects. Part 1. Measurements of threshold vibration and of vertical and horizontal vibration of the whale body eliciting equal sensations.3435. *Miwa, T., "Evaluation Methods for Vibration Effects. P. 2. Measurement of Equal Sensation Level for Whole Body Between Vertical and Horizontal Sinusoidal Vibrations," IND. HEALTH., Vol 5, No 3-4, 1967. pp 206-212. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1969, 4 N38. Evaluation methods for vibration effects. Part 2. Measurement of the levels of vertical and horizontal whole-body sinusoidal vibrations eliciting equal sensations. _ 3436. *Miwa, T., "Evaluation Methods for Vibration Effect. P. 3. Measurements of Threshold and Equal Sensation Contours on Hand Vertical and horizontal Sinusoidal Vibrations," IND. HEALTH, Vol S, No 3-4, 1967, pp 213-220. Ref.: RZH. E3IOLOGIYA, 1969, 4 N39. Evaluation methods for vibration effects. Part 3. Measurements of threshold vibrations and hand horizontal and vertical sinu- soidal vibration eliciting equal sensations. - 3437. Nerem, R. M., "Fluid Mechanical Aspects of Blood Flow," in "Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Space Technology and Science," Tokyo, 1969, pp 1201-1216. Bibliogr.: pp 1212-1214 (34 ref.). Fluid mechanical aspects of blood flow and the influence of vibration on blood flow of animals in space flight. 84 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FUR OFFICIAY. USE ON.Y 3438. Nicholson, A. N., and Guignard, J. C., "Electrocorticogram During Whole Body Vibration," ELECTROENCEPHALOGR. AND CLIN. NEUROPHYSIOL., Vol 20, No 5, 1966, pp 494-505. Bibliogr.: p 505 (11 ref.). Electrocorticogram during whole-body vibration. Experiments - on monkeys. 3439. 0'Briant, C. R., and Ohlbaum, M. K., "Visual Acuity Decrements Associated With Whole-Body �GZ Vibration Stress," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 1, 1970, pp 79-82. Bibliogr.: p 82 (10 ref.). Visual acuity decrements associated with whole-body �GZ vibration stress. 3440. Piechocinski, R., "Wplyw wibracji na morfologiczny obraz gruczo ow dokrewnych," PATOL. POL., Vol 17, No 4, 1966, pp 561-563. Bibliogr.: p 563 (6 ref.). influence of vibrations on the morphological picture of endocrine glands in white mice. 3441. *"Presynaptic Inhibition of the Monosynaptic Reflex by Vibration," J. PHYSIOL., _ Vol 205, No 2, 1969, pp 329-339. Aut.: J. D. Gillies, J. W. Lance, P. D. Neilson, C. A. Tassinari. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 4 N53. Presynaptic inhibition of the monosynaptic reflex of cats _ subjected to vibration. 3442. *Rushton, W. A. H., "Effect of Humming on Vision," NATURE, Vol 216, No 5121, 1967, pp 1173-1175. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1968, 6 P843. Effect of vibration on visual perception. - 3443. Sass, D. J., "A Discussion of the Problems of Restraint in Experimental Investigations of Acceleration Injury. A Lucite Water Immersion Restraint for a Vibration Injury Study With the Cat," J. BIOMECH., Vol 2, No 2, 1969, pp,157-162. - Bibliogr.: p 162 (14 ref.). Protection ,.gainst vibration injury by water immersion. Experi- ments on cats. _ 3444. *Sass, D. J., "Mechanisms of Injury Due to Intense �GZ Vibration in Water- Immersed Cats," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 26, No 6, pp 819-826. Bibliogr.: pp 825-826. biechanisms of injury due to intense �GZ vibration in water- immersed cats. 85 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONf.Y 3445. Sass, D. J. ,"A Method for Recording Myocardial ECG in Animals During Intense Vibration," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 28, No 3, 1970, pp 361-362. Bibliogr.: p 362 (6 ref.). A method for recording animal electrocardiograms during intense vibration. 3446. *Sawicka, A., "Histopatologiczne i histochemiczne badania miesni szczurow poddawanych dzialariiu dragan mechanicznych," PRACE CENTR. INST. C1CHR. PRACY, Vol 19, No 62, 1969, pp 223-232. Histopathological and histochemical study of white rats exposed to mechanical vibration. 3447. Seris, H. J., "Les vibrations mecaniques: action sur 1'homme, prevention," REV. CORPS SANTE ARbiEES TERRE, MER, AIR, Vol 10, No 1, 1969, pp 63-81. Bibliogr.: pp 78-81 (43 ref.). Action of inechanical vibration on the human body and prevention of vibration injLry. 3448. Schoenberger, R. W., "Effects of Vibration on Complex Psychomotor Performance," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 12, 1967, pp 1264-1269. Bibliogr.: p 1269 (9 ref.). Effects of vibration on psychomotor performance in complex problem solution. 3449. Short, L. L., Newsom, B. D., and Brady, J. F., "X-Radiation Effects on Vibra- tion Tolerance of Rats," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 140-144. Bibliogr.: pp 143-144 (45 ref.). Effect of prior roentgen irradiation on vibration tolerance of rats. 3450. "Solomon, J. I., "A 5cale for the Degrees of Vibration Perceptibility and Annoyance," ERGONOMICS, Vol 11, No 2, 1968, pp 101-122. Bibliogr.: 61 ref. Ref.: AEFtOSPACE MED., Vol 49, No 1, 1969, p 37. A scale for the thresholds of vibration perception and - habituation. 3451. *Szewczyk, A., "Wplyw wibracji na przechodzenie erytrocytow znakowanych Crsl przez bariere losyska krolika," ROCZN. AKAD. MED., BIALYMSTOKU, No 14, 1969, PP 223-228. Influence of vibration on penetration of Cr51-labeled erythrocytes through the placental barrier in rabbits. 86 ' FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY,Y 3452. Tarnawski, A., "Wplyw wibracji na czynnosc kory nadnerczy," PATOL. POI.., Vol 21, No 2, 1970, pp 193-195. Bibliogr.: p 195 (8 ref.). Influence of vibration on guinea pig adrenocortical function. 3453. Tarnawski, A., "Wplyw wibracji na przemiane weglowodanowa," PATOL. POL., Vol 17, No 4, 1966, pp 565-569. Bibliogr.: p 569 (4 ref.). Influence of vibration on carbohydrate metabolism in white rats. 3454. *Tyburczyk, W., and Borkowska, J., "Wplyw drgan mechanicznych na matabolizm kwasu glutaminowego w tkane moxgowej szczura," MED. PRACY, Vol 21, No 6, 1970, _ pp 582-587. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1971, 6 P 61. Influence of inechanical vibration on glutami.c acid metabolism in the rat brain. 3455. Vettes, B., and Demange, J., "Reactions circulatoires humaines declenchees par de vibrations mecaniques de basse frequence," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., -Vol 9, No 36, 1970, pp 175-178. Bibliogr.: p 178 (7 ref.). Circulatory reactions of an individual exposed to low-frequency vibrations. 3456. Wright, E., Browr., L. R., and Tischer, R. G., "Effect of SpacPcraft Level Vibrations and Gravities on PZectOnema b02'yartum," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 12, Sect. 1, 1969, pp 1341-1345. Bibliogr.: pp 1344-1345 (14 ref.). Effect of vibration and gravitation level on the bluegreen alga PZectonema boryanum in conditions simulating spacecraft flight. 3457. Zechman, F. W., and Peck, D., "Error in Measurement of Pulmonary Vent.ilation During Sinusoidal Vibration and a Method of Correction," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 1, 1966, pp 32-34. Bibliogr.: pp 33-34 (5 ref.). Error in measurement of pulmonary ventilation during sinu- soidal vibration and a method of its correction. 3.3.9. Noise. Cosmonaut Auditory Function See a.l_so;Io 778, 1196, 1424, 1437, 1777, 1784, 1830, 1831, 1911, 1928, 1939, 2687, 2873, 2926, 3093, 3331, 3353, 3356, 3368--3370, 3380, 3397, 3645, 3664, 3689, 3838, 4469, 4812, 4841, 4969, 5003, 5070, 5079, 5080, 5097-5110, 5140, 5149, 5154, 5156- 5158, 5179, 5185-5187, 5305, 5311, 5376, 5539, 5649, 5700, 6332, 7893, 7951. 3458. Alekseyev, S. V., "Action of Octave Noise Bands on Some Physiological Functions of the Body," in "Shum i vibratsiya na proizvodstve" [Noise and Vibration in Production], _ r-lu rmansk, 1967, pp 16-17. 87 FOR OF'F[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 E'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3459. Alekseyev, S. V., and Suvorov, G. A., "Higher Nervous Activity in the Presence of Noise," in "Shum i vibratsiya na proizvodstve," Murmansk, 1967, pp 12-13. 3460. Alekseyev, S. V., and Getsel', Kh. A., "Permeability of the Hematoencephalic Barrier to P31 and Ptiospllorus Metabolism in Brain Structures of the White Rat in the Presence of Noise," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennoy shume i ul'trazvuke..."' [Proceedings of a Scientific Session on the Problem "The Present State of the `Peaching on Production Noise and Ultrasound..."], Leningrad, 1968, pp 5-6. 3461. Alekseyev, S. V., "Experimental Study of the Effect of Noise on Vitamin Metabolism," in "Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...," Leningrad, 1968, pp 3-4. 3462. Andreyeva-Galanina, Ye. Ts., Suvorov, G. A., and Likhnitskiy, A. M., "Hygienic Assessment of Impulse Noisc," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 8, 1968, pp 24-29. Bibliogr.: p 29 (3 ref.). 3463. Andreyeva-Galanina, Ye. Ts., Alekseyev, S. V., and Kadyskin, A. V., "Using EYperimental Models to Study the Effect of Noise on the Body," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 7, 1970, pp 4-7. Bibliogr.: 7 p(22 ref.). 3464. Andreyeva-Galinina, Ye. Ts., Alekseyev, S. V., and Kadyskin, A. V., "The Mechanism of Noise Pathology," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, N,, 11, 1968, pp 3-7. Bibliogr.: p 7(32 ref.). 3465. Andreyeva-Galanina, Ye. Ts., and Suvorov, G. A., "Physiological-Hygienic Assessment of Impulse Noise," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 9, 1969, pp 8-12. Bibliogr.: p 11 (8 ref.). 3466. Andreyeva-Galanina, Ye. Ts., Alekseyev, S. V., and Kadys'cin, A. V., "Standard- Id ization of Physiological Methods of Studying the Action of Noise on the Human Body," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 10, 1967, pp 14-17. Bibliogr.: p 17 (28 ref.). 3467. Andreyeva-Galanina, Ye. Ts., "The Problem of 5tudying the Action of Noise on the HLUr:n Sody," in "Shum i vibratsiya na proizvodstve," Mirmansk, 1967, pp 4-5. 3468. Andreyeva-Galinina, Ye. Ts., and Suvorov, G. A., "Physiological-Hygienic Assessment of Impiilse Noise," in "Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvod- stvennom shume i ul'trazvuice...," Leningrad, 1968, pp 16-17. 3469. Arkad'yevskiy, A. A., and Maksimova, L. 2., "Influence of Impulse Noise on the Human Body," GIGIYENA ISANITF.RIYA, No 5, 1966, pp 29-33. Bibliogr.: p 33 (7 ref.). 3470. Arkad'yevskiy, A. A., "The Action of Stable Noise of Various Levels," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 1, 1966, pp 47-49. i3ibliogr.: p 49 (8 ref. ) . 88 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY 3471. Bauman, G., and Bauman, R., "Influence of Nbnotonous Acoustic Stimuli on _ Brain Signaling Activity," in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovistseral'nyye narusheniya" [Acoustic Stress and Cerebrovisceral Disorders], Moscow, 1969, pp 47-59. Bibliogr.: pp 58-59 (47 ref.). 'I'he authdrs are given in the table of contents as Baumann, H., and Baumann, R.. 3472. Bezborodov, V. A., Makarychev, V. A., and Snyakin, P. G., "Influence of the Noise Factor on Human Cutaneous Thermoreception," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Mecicine), Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 53-57. 3473. "Biological Action of Wideband Loud Noise on the Animal Body," in "Rabochaya _ deyatel'nost', voFrosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya" [Work, Questions of Habit- ability and], Moscow, 1967, pp 331-334. Bibliogr.: p 334 (7 ref.). Aut.: V. I. Ponomar'kov, A. Yu. Tysik, V. I. Kudryavtseva, A. S. Barer, V. K. Kostin, V. Ye. Leshchenko, R. M. Morozova, L. V. Nosokin, A. N. Frolov. 3474. Bryanov, I., "Pressure Function of the Ear," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 10, 1966, pp 62-63. 3475. i3utukhanov, V. V., "Influence of Continuous Noise on Muscle Bioelectric Activity," in "Materialy XXIX otchetno1 nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klini- cheskikh ordinatorov" [Proceedings of the 29th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students and Resident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanita-_ion Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, p 35. 3476. "Influence of Sound on Adrenocortical and Thyroid Function and Higher Nervous Activity in White Rats," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," 14oscow, 1967, pp 334-342. Bibliogr.: pp 341-342 (18 ref.). Aut.: T. S. Barutkina, T. T. Zarl~baylo, M. I. M;.tyushov, A. N. Panov, V. V. Rakitskaya, Ye. V. Sokolova. 3477. Vozhzhova, A. I., "Significance of the Principal Nervous Processes to the Functions of the Auditory Analyzer in the Presence of Noise," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 28-29. 3478. Volkov, A. M., "Gigiyenicheskoye normirovaniye shuma i vibratsii podvizhnogo ~ sostava zheleznodorozhnogo transporta" [Hygienic Standardization of the Noise and Vibration of Railroad Rolling Stock], Nbscow,"Meditsina", 1970, 251 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 243-249 (230 ref.). Chapter 3. Laboratory meLhods for studying the influence of noise and vibration on the body, pp 48-65. 3479. Vorontsov, V. N., "Influence of Wideband Continuous Noise on Cerebral Tissue Respiration in White Rats," in "Materialy XXVIII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov" [Proceedings of the 28th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students and Ftesident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Med-,cal Institute of Sanitati.on Hygiene], Leningrad, 1968, p 30. 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CiAL USE ON1`i.Y 3480. Vorontsov, v. N., "Changes in Cyiochrome Oxidase and Succinic Dehydrogenase Activity of the Rat Brain Under the Infl.uence of Continuous Noise," in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantoa i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," _ [of the Leningrad Medica2_ Institute of Sanitatioii Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 45-46. 3481.. Vorontsov, V. N., "Changes in Brain Tissue Respiration Under the Infli_,ence of Wideband Con;inuous Noise," ahstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences, Leningrad, 1969, 13 pp (Leningrad Medicai Institute of Sanitation Hygiene). Bibliogr.: p 13 (8 ref.). 3482. *Vorontsov, V. N., and Mar.a}cush3cin, L. A. ,"Comparative Assessment of the Action of ImpulsE and Continuuus Noises on Erain Tissue Respiration," in "Materialy XII nauchno-praktictieskoy konferentsii molodykh gigiyenistov i sanitarnykh vrachey" [Proceedinga of the 12th Scientific-Practical Confererice of Young Hygienists and Sanitary Physicians] [of the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene], Nbscow, 1969, pp 137-139. 3483. Vorontsav, V. N., "Dynamics of Brain Tissue Respiration in thc PYesence of Wide Band Continuous Noise," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovre- mennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvQnnom mume i ul'trazvuke...Ieningrad, 1968, pp 29-31. 3484. Vorontsov, V. N., "'rissue Respiration in Different Divisions of the Brain in Response to Prolonged Exposure to Continuous Noise," in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," [of the Leningrad Medical lnstitute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 46-47. 34$5. Gekht, K., Treptov, K., and Gekht, T., "Change in Pharmacological Effect of Centrally-Actin(.- Drugs Depending on Intensity of Different Noise Stimuli," in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebro-vistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 78-92. Bibliogr.: pp 91-92 (51 ref.). The authors are given in the tabl.e of contents as Hecht, K., Treptow, K., and Hecht, T. 3486. Gordiyenko, S. M., "Reaction of the Auditory-Vestibular Analyzer and Other Functional Systems of the Body to Intense Noise and VibratiL z in Experimental Conditions," rIED. ZHURN. UZBEKISTANA, No 3, 1969, pp 48-49. 3487. "Prolonged Action of Noise of Maderate Loudness on the Functional State of the Body," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 4, 1967, pp 527-536. Bibliogr.: p 535 (41 ref.). Aut.: Q. P. Kozerenko, E. I. Matsnev, V. I. Myasnikov, I. Ya. Yakovleva. Experiments on healthy people subjected to simulated noise encountered in the orbital phase of space flight. 3488. Yevdokimova, I. B., Razumov, I. K., and Shkarinov, L. N., on Brain Blood Supi71y," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme sostyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvenr.ot�~ shume i ul'trazvuke...'," pp 44-46. 90 FOR (1FF[ClAL USE ONLY "Effect of Noise 'Sovremennoye Leningrad, 1968, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440060025-4 FOR (?rFICIAI, JSE ONLY _ 3489. Yenin, I. U., "Concentration and Distribution of DNA and RNA in Structural - FormaLicns of the Cochlea in the Presence of Noise," in "Voprosy klinicheskoy i teoreticheskoy oterinolaringologii" [Problems of Clinical and Theoretical Otorhinolaryngology], Stavropol', 1969, pp 152-158. 3490. Yerenskiy, A. V., "Influence of Noise on Adrenalectomized Animals," in "N!atcrialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konfere.itsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh = ordinatorov" [Proceedings of the 27th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students ar.d Resident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanita- tion Hygiene], Leningrad, 1967, p 73. 3491. Yero}:iiin, V. N., "Localization and Activity of Acetylcholinesterase in Vestibular Organs of Experimental Animals Exposed to Continuous Wideband Noise," in "riaterialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 49-51. 3492. Ivanov, N. I., "Effect of Loud Impulse Noise on the Animal Hearing Organ," s - VOYEN.-N1ED. ZHURN., No 7, 1970, pp 24-27. 3493. "Changes in the Adrenal Glands in Response to Noise," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, i:o 10, 1969, pp 119-122. Bibliogr.: p 122 (8 ref.). Aut.: V. P. Osintseva, N. N. Pushkina, T. I. Bonashevskaya, V. F. Kaverina. 3494. "Study of the Influence of Noise on the Body," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 5, 1969, pp 70-75. Aut.: Ye. Ts. Andreyeva-Galanina, S. V. Alekseyev, Yu. M. I1'yashchuk, A. V. Kadyskin. 3495. "Electrophysiological and Biochemical Studies of the Brain Exposed to Noise of Different Parameters in Experimental Conditions," GIGIYENA TRC;DA I PROF. ZABOL- EVANIYA, No 7, 1970, pp 39-42. Bibliogr.: p 42 (8 ref.). Aut.: Ye. Ts. Andreyeva- Galanina, S.V., Alekseyev, A. V. Kadyskin, A. V. Vorontsov. 3496. "Ttie Problem of the Mechanism of Action of Noise on the Body," VESTN. AK11D. P'IED. NAUK SSSR, No 3, 1969, pp 11-18. Bibliogr. : p 18 (28 .ref. Aut. : Ye. Ts. Andreyeva-Galanina, S. V. Alekseyev, G. A. Suvorov, A. V. Kadyskin. 3497. Kadyskin, A. V., "Change in Functional State of the Central Nervous System in Response to Noise of Different Parameters," in "Shum i vibratsiya na proizvodstve," Murmansk, 1967, pp 13-14. 3498. Kadyskin, A. V. ,"Infliience of Loud Noise ori Some Brain Chemoreactive Systems," in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii asp=rantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," (of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Iiygiene], Leningrad, 1967, pp 89-91. 3499. hadyskin, A. V., "Neuropharmacological Analysis of the Influence of Noise on the Body," in "Materialy nau:.hnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye - ucheniya o proizvodstvennoy shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Lening.rad, 1967, pp 60-51. 3500. Kadyskin, A. V., "Influence of Some Noise Parameters on the Functional State of Cardiac Niuscle in Experimental Animals," in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy naucYinoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh oY3inatorov," [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], LPninrjrad, 1967, pp 91-92. 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONi,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONY.Y 3501. Kozin, V. M., "Action of an Intense Acoustic Stimulus on Auditory Tone and Speech Perception by Flying Personnel in Civil Aviation," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine] , Moscow, 1966, p 212. 3502. "The Adrenal Cortex and Reactior.s of the Nervous System ta Stressful In- fluen~es [Sound, Cold, Pain]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 56-57. Aut.: T. S. Barutkina, T. T. Zarubaylo, M. N. Mityushov, A. D. Nozdrachev, A. N. Panov, L. D. Fedorova, V. G. Shalyapina. 3503. Korshunova, V. I., and Strakhov, A. B., "Cortical-Subcortical Interrelation- ships in the Presence of Intense Noise," in "Dvadtsat' pervoye soveshchaniye po problemam vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti" [Ztaenty-First Conference on Problems of Higher Nervous Activity], Moscow-Leningrad, 1966, p 158. 3504. Krasnov, Ye. A., Yevdokimova, N. B., and Perepelov, V. N., "Spectral Analysis of Background Electric Activity of the Human Brain and Its Significance to Evaluating Effects af the Noise Factor," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pi? 67-68. 3505. "Kirvitskaya, G. N., "Histomorphological Study of Cortical and Subcortical Structures of the Rat Brain Following Exposure to Noise," in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Alcusticheskiy stress i tserebro-vistseral'nyye narusheniya," Nbscow, 1969, pp 131-209. 3506. Krivitskaya, G. N., and Nichkov, S., "Significance of Research on the Patho- - genic Action of Sound on the Body in Experimental and Clinical Pathology," in Nichkov, S., Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 210-223. Bibliogr.: pp 216-223 (305 ref.). The author is given in the table of contents as Nitschkoff, S. 3507. Krylov, Yu. V., "Diurnal Periodicity of Hearing in Man During Prolonged Noise Exposure," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 170-173. 3508. Kuznetsov, V. P., "The Spectrums of Loud Noises," AKUST. ZHURN., Vol 16, No l, 1970, pp 155-156. Bibliogr.: p 156 (3 ref.). 3509. Kuznetsov, V. S., "Some Unique Features of the Orientation Reaction in the Presence of Acoust.ic Pressure Pulses,"in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 364-368. 3510. Kuznetsov, V. S., "Some Unique Features of the Body's Reactions to Acoustic Pressure Pulses," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 239-240. 3511. Levanov, V. Ya., "Some Problems in Studying Noises in Small Sealed Ftooms," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 115. 92 FnR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 F'OR OF'FICIAL USE ON.Y 3512. Maydanova, N. V. ,"Transketolase Activity of the Rat Liver and Erythrocytes in the Presence of Noise," BYliL,. EKSPERIM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 69, No 2; 1970, pp 47-49. Bibliogr.: p 48 (5 ref.). 3513. Maksimova, L. I., "Influence of Impulse Noise on Some Physiologica.l Functibns of tne Body," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ' ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 7 7-78. - 3514. Maksimova, L. I., "Action of Impulse Noise With Different Pulse Repe tition Frequencies on the Human Body," in "Shum, vibratsiya, ul'trazvuk" [Noise, Vibra- tion, Ultrasound], Moscow, 1968, pp 124-132. 3515. Malyshev, E. N., Pronin, A. P., and S':orodumov, G. Ye., "Influence o f Low- Frequency Noises on the Human Body," in ""Materialy nauchnoy sessii po prob leme - 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o-nroizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke._ Leningrad, 1968, pp 79-80. 3516. Marakushkin, L. A., "Influence of Impulse Noise on the Activity of Respira- tory Enzymcs in th._ White Rat Brain," in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy onfereiitsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," [of the Leningrad Medi cal Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, p 141. 3517. Marakush};in, L. A., "Influence of Pulsating Noise on Some Brain Tiss ue Respiratory Systems," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...Leningrad, 1968, p 81. 3518. Marakushkin, L. A., "Influence of Impulse Noise on Oxygen Consumpti on by - Different Divisions of the White Rat Brain," in "Materialy XXVIII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," [of the Leni ngrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1968, p 89. 3519. Marakushkin, L. A., "Tissue Respiration in the White Rat Brain in Re sponse - to Prolonged Exposures to Impulse Noise," in "Materialy XXIX otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov," [of the Leningrad Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1969, pp 142-143. - 3520. "t;entributions to Physiological-Hygienic Substantiation of Permissible Levels of Impulse Noises (Sonic Booms)," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 396-397. Aut.: Ye. M. Yuganov, B. M. Mirzoyev, Yu. V. Krylov, V. S. Kuznetsov. 3521. Mirzoyev, B. M., Pdilcv, Yu. I., and Virovets, 0. A., "Influence of a Sonic Boom on Some Humoral and Endocrine Functions of the Human Body," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 279-280. 3522. Mirzoyev, B. M., "Influence of a Sonic Boom Created by a Supersonic Airplane _ on the Human Blood Corticosteroid Level," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 354-355. 93 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y 3523. Mirzoyev, B. M., "Influence of a 5onic Soom Created by Modern Airplanes on the Human Body," in "Voprosy aviatsionnoy Meditsiny grazhdanskoy aviatsii" [Problems of Aviation Medicine in Civil Aviation], Moscow, 1967, pp 105-109. Experimental studies on the ground. 3524. Mikhaylova, L. V., and Byshevskiy, A. Sh., "Influeiice of Prolonged Exposure - to Sound on the State of the Blood Coagulation System in Experimental Conditions," GIGIYENA TRUDA IN PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 10, 1969, pp 55-56. 3525. Mikhaylova, L. V., and Byshevskiy, A. Sh., "Inhibition of the Physiological AnticoagL.lation System by Prolonged Exposure to Sound," BIOL. EKSPERIM. BIOL. I MED., No 2, 1970, pp 28-32. Bibliogr.: p 31 (6 ref,). 3526. Mikllel'son, D. A., and Sinitsina, A. D., "Influence of Around-the-Clock Exposure to Medium-Frequercy Noise. (Experimental Research on Animals)," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 88-89. 3527. Morozov, V. N., Yakimets, I. M., and Istlent'yev, V. M., "Biological Action of Impulse Noises. (Literature Review)," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 8, 1969, pp 53-58. Bibliogr.: p 58 (11 ref.). 3528. Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovi- stseral'nyye narushniya. (Morfo-Fiziol. issledovaniya)" [Acoustic St.ress and Cerebralvisceral Disorders. (Morphological-Physiological Research)] [Collection of Articles]. Translated from German. Foreword by R. Bauman and S. A. Sarkisov. Moscow, "Meditsina", 1969, 230 pp. Bibliographies appear at the ends of the articles. _ 3529. Nichkov, S., and Kirvitskaya, .n Nichkov, S., and f:irvitskaya, G. vistseral'nyye narusheni}a," Moscow, The author is given in the table of G. N., "Influence of Noise on Rat Behavior," N., "Rlcusticheskiy stress i tserebro- 1969, pp 112-122. Bibliogr.: p 122 (14 ref.). contents as Nitschkoff, S. 3530. Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Research Methods [for Studying Clinical Manifestations and Pathomorphological Changes in the Central Nervous System in Response to the Action of Noise on the Body]" in Nichkov, S., and Kirivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 107-112. The author is given in the table of contents as Nitschkoff, S. 3531. Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "1:ction of Acoustic Stimuli on the Body. [Literature Review]," in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 22-47. Bibliogr>: pp 42-47 (25p ref.). The author is given in the table of contents as Nitschkoff, S. 3532. Nichkov, S., and Gnyukhtel', U., "Neuro-Autonomic Disorders in Rats Following Exposure to Noise," in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebrovistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 122-13. Bibliogr.: p 131 (24 ref.). The authors are given in the table of contents as Nitschkoff, S., Gnuchtel, U. 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONf.Y 3533. Nicl.kov, S., "Basic Physical and Phsyiological Concepts [On Sound as a Pathological Stimulus in Experimental Conditions and in the Clinic]" in Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebro-vistseral'nyye narusheniya," Moscow, 1969, pp 9-13. Bibliogr.: pp 12-13 (15 ref.). The author is given in the table of contents as, S. 3534. Orlovskaya, E. P., "Uniqtie Features in the Action of Intermittent (Impulse) Noise of Various Intensity Arising on a Noise Background," in "Gigiyena truda" [Labor HygienE] [Vol 41, Kiev, 1967, pp 171-176. 3535. Osintseva, V. P., Sonashevskaya, T. I., and Svadkovskaya, N. F., "patho- morphological Changes in the Organs of White Rats Exposed to the Prolonged Action of Noise," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 5, 1967, pp 23-27. Bibliogr.: p 27 (29 ref.). 3536. "Unique Features of Human Sleep During Intermittent Prolonged Exposure to Wideband Noise of hbderate Intensity," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No l, 1968, pp 89-98. Bibliogr.: pp 97-98 (16 ref.). Aut.: V. I. Myasnikov, O. P. Kozerenko, I. Ya. Yakovleva, E. I. Matsnev, I. P. Lebedeva, V. N. Nesterenko, Ye. Z. Tambiyev. 3537. Pa1'gov, V. I., "Physiological Evaluation of the Nature of Noise Norm , Curves," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 102-103. 3538. Paran'ko, N. M., and Vyshchipan, V. F., "Hygienic Standardization of Medium- i and High-Frequency Noise. (Experimental Research)," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PRUF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 6, 1968, pp 48-50. Bibliogr.: p 50 (11 ref.). - 3539. Pushkina, N. N., Svadkovskaya, N. F., and Konstantinova, I. N., "Blood Serum Protein Fractions in Animals During Prolonged Exposure to Noise," VRACHEB. DELO, No 9, 1968, pp 98-100. Biblioqr.: p 99 (4 ref.). _ 3540. "The Role of Sleep in Normalizing Functions of the Auditory Analyzer _ Following Prolonged Exposure to Moderate-Intensity Wideband Noise," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobannostey sna..." [Proceedings of the Symposium on _ Research on the Unique I'eatures of Sleep...], Moscow, 1968, pp 70-73. Aut.: V. I. Myasnikov, O. P. Koze.renko, I. P. Lebedeva, E. I. Matsnev, V. N. Nesterenko, I. Ya. Yakovleva. 3541. Svad'covskaya, N. F., Komova, A. D., and Anokhin, V. L., "P32 Uptake by Internal Organs During Exposure to Low-Intensity Intermittent Noise," VRAQiEB. DELO, No 2, 1969, pp 105-107. . 3542. Svadkovskaya, N. F., Komova, A. longed Noise on Oridative Processes in No 7, 1967, pp 19-23. Bibliogr.: p 23 D., and Sobolev, V. S., "Influence of Pro- the White Rat Brain," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, (3 ref. ) . 3543. Strakhov, A. B., Korshunova, V. I., and Antakhova, N. V., "Morphological Changes in Central Structures of the Auditory Analyzer in Response to Prolonged [voise," BY[J.i_,. EKSPERIM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 69, No 6, 1970, pp 95-97. Bibliogr.: p 97 (11 ref.). _ 95 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3544. Strakhov, A. B., "Some Problems in the Mechanics of the Action of Noise on the Body," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 353-355. 3545. Strakhov, A. B., "The Dynamics of Cortical Electric Human Responses to Light Stimulation in the Presence of Intense Noise," ZHURN. VYSSH. NERV. DEYATEL'N., Vol 18, No 5, 1968, pp 873-879. Bibliogr.: pp 878-879 (16 ref.). 3546. Strakhov, A. B., "Physiological Mechanism in the Action of Noise Stimuli on Animals and Man," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of doctor of inedical sciences. Gor'kiy, 1968, 26 pp (Gor'kiy Medical Institute). Bibliogr.: pp 24-26 (6 ref.). 3547. Strakhov, A. B., "Use of Electroencephalography to Study the Action a: Noise on Man," in "XI s"yezd Vsesoyuznogo fiziologicheskogo obshchestva...." [Eleventh Congress of the All-ifiion Physiological Society...], Vol 2, Moscow, 1970, p 161. 3548. Suvorov, G. A., "Influence of Impulse Noise on the Body Depending on the Magnitude of Background Noise," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 7, 1970, pp 52-53. Bibliogr.: p 53 (3 ref.), 3549. Suvorov, G. A., and Marakushkin, L. A., "Influence of Impulse Noise on Tissue Respiration in the Cerebral Cortex," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 7, 1970, pp 105-106. Bibliogr.: p 106 (3 ref.). 3550. Suvorov, G. A., "Dependence of the Action of Impulse Noise Upon tne Body o:: the Impulse Transient Period," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 12, 1969, pp 23-27. Bibliogr.: p?6 (6 ref.). ~ 3551. Suvorov, G. A., "Dependence of the Action�of Impulse Noise Upon the Body - on Pulse Repetii:ic,n Frequency and Length," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 9, 1969, pp 4-8. Bibliogr.: p 7(3 ref.). 3552. Tomanek, R., "Short-Term Changes in Auditory Thresholds Following Stimula- tion by Noise, and Autonomic Equilibrium," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 6, 1968, pp 14-18. Bibliogr.: p 18 (19 ref.). 3553. Treptov, K., Gekht, K., and Bauman, R., "Cerebrovisceral Disorders in Blood Sugar Regulation Caused by Noise," 4-n Nichkov, S., and Krivitskaya, G. N., "Akusticheskiy stress i tserebro-vistseral'nyye narusheniya," Nbscow, 1969, pp 59-77. Bibliogr.: pp 76-77 (94 ref.). The authors are given in the table of contents as Treptow, K., Hecht, K., Baumann, R. 3554. Frenkel', S. R., and Gun'ko, M. V., "Integrated Research on Disturbances in Functio;ial Units Involved in Brain Metabolism in Response to the Action of Intense Hiyh-Frequency Noise on the Body," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sosteyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i - ul'trazvuke...'," Leningrad, 1968, pp 126-127. ~ 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 3555. "Characteristics os Adrenocortical and Thyroid Activity aiid Higher Nervous Activity in the Presence of the Prolonged Action of Sound," in "Problemy - kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, p 58. Aut.: T. S. Barutkina, T. T. Zarubaylo, M. I. Mityushov, A. N. Panov, V. V. Rakitskaya, Ye. V. Sokolova. 3556. Shemyakin, 0. S., "Action of Superintense Impulse Noises on Some Divisions of the Cent ral and Peripheral Nervous System," GfGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, . No 11, 1970, pp 19-23. Bibliogr.: p 22 (9 ref.). 3557. "Shum, vibratsiya, ul'trazvuk" [Noise, Vibration, Ultrasound] editor in chief A. P. Shitskova. Nbscow, 1968, 206 pp (Scientific Notes of the Nbscow Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene). 3558. Yuganov, Ye. M., Krylov, Yu. V., and Kuznetsov, V. S., "Establishing Norms for High-Intensity Noises," KO5M. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 1, 1970, pp 3$-41. Bibliogr.: p 41 (19 ref.). 3559. Yuganov, Ye. M., Krylov, Yu. V., and Kuznetsov, V. S., "Establishing Standards fo r Noise in the Cabins of Spacecraft on Lengt-hy Missions," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Nbscow, 1967, pp 319-327. Bibliogr. : p 327 (20 ref. ) . 3560. Yuganov, Ye. M., Krylov, Yu. V., and Kuznetsov, V. S., "Establishing Standards on Noises in the Cabins of Spacecraft on Lengthy Missions," in "Life in Space Craft," Paris et al., 1966, pp 105-113. Bibliogr.: p 113 (20 ref.). 3561. Yuganov, Ye. M., Krylov, Yu. V., and Kuznetsov, V. S., "Some Problems of Forming an Optimum Acoustic E7ivironment in Spacecraft Cabins," IZV. AN SSSR. - SER. BIOL., No 1, 1966, pp 14-20. Bibliogr.: pp 19-20 (20 ref.). 3562. *Betov, A., Dimitrova, M., "The Vestibular Analyzer and Vascular Tone in the Presence of Noise and Vibration;" KHIGIYENA I ZDRAVEOPAZVANE, No 6, 1969, pp 533-537. Bibliogr.: p 537 (13 ref.). ~ 3563. Ades, H. W., Stockwell, Ch. W., and Poche, L. B., "Patter.ns of Cochlear _ Hair-Cell Loss in Guinea Pigs After Intense Stimulation by Sinusoidal Sound," in "Fourth Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1970, pp 285-298. Bibliogr.: p 297 (21 ref.). ' _ De generation of cochlear hair cells in the guinea pig - fo llowing intense stimulation by sinusoidal sound. 3564. *Ari zono, H., Nakayuki, M., and Sari, M., "Adrenal Ascorbic Acid Response to Noise, " BULL. YAMAGiJCIII MED. SCH00L, Vol 16, No 1, 1969, pp 1-4. Bibliogr. : 10 re f . _ Change in ascorbic acid concentration in rat adrenal glands in responsE to noise. 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON]LY 3565 *Atherley, G. R., Hempstock, T. I., and Noble, W. G., "Study of Tinnitus Induced Temporarily by Noise," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 44, No 6, 1968, pp 1503- 1506. Bibliogr.: p 1506 (9 ref.). Study of tinnitus following short-term exposure tc+ noise. 3566. Baumann, H., and Baumann, R., "Zum Problem der Signalverarbeitung des Gehirns unter dem Einfluss monotoner akustischer Reize," in Nitschkoff S., Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, akustischer Reiz und neurovegetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 46-60. Bibliogr.: pp 58-60 (38 ref.). Influence of monotonous acoustic stimuli on brain activity. 3567. Beranek, L. L. "Criteria for Evaluating Your Noise Problem," PAP. ANIER. SOC. NIECH. ENG., NDE-40, 1969, pp 1-8. Criteria for evaluating the noise problem. 3568. Boggs, D. H., and Simon, J. R., "Differential Effect of tVoise on Tasks of Varying Complexity," J. APPL. PSYQiOL., Vol 52, No 2, 1968, pp 148-153. Bibliogr.: pp 152-153 (25 ref.). Differential effect of noise on tasks of varying complexity. 3569. *, J. H., "Using Sound Levels to Gauge Human Response to Noise," SOUND AND VIBR., Vol 3, No'10, 1969, pp 15-28. Using sound levels to gauge human responses to noise. 3570. *Boutelier, C., "Reactions animales an bang sonique," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 9, No 34, 1970, pp 79-81. Reaction of animals to the sound of an explosion. 3571. Bragg, V. C., "Pure-tone Air Conduction Audiogram," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 41, No 3, 1970, pp 264-268. Pure-tone air conduction audioaram. 3572. Brillouin, Ul., "Le point de vue de 1'expert sur les criteres de gene et les exces de bruit reprehensibles," REV. ACOUST., Vol 1, No 2, 1968, pp 73-76. , The point of view of experts on the criteria of distractive noise. 3573. Burns, W., "Noise and Man," Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., Vol 10, 1969, 336 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 313-328 (322 ref.). Effect of noise on the human body. 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 ,1 FnR nF'FI('IAL USF: ONLY 3574. *Calvet, J., and Laredo, C., "Methodes actuelles d'evaluation des bruits," ANN. OTOLARYNGOL � Vol 86, No 3, 1969, pp 113-126. Bibliog=.: pp 125-126 (31 ref.). Modern methods for evaluating noises and their influence on the body. 3575. *"Changes in Plasma Corticosteroid Concentration of Rats Following Exposure to Noise," BULL..YAMAGUCHI MED. SCHOOL., Vol 18, No l, 1969, pp 5-9. Put.: H. Arizono, M. Nakayuki, M. Murakami, S. Fujibayashi. Changes in blood plasma corticosteroid concentration of rats following exposure to noise. ' 3576. *Chocholle, R., "Sluh i buka," ARCH. HIG. RADA I TOKSIKOL., Vol 20, No 1, _ 1969, pp 45-54. Influence of noise on hearing. 3577. Cohen, A., "Ncise Effects on Health,Productivity, and Well-Being," TRANS. N.Y. ACAL. SCI., Vol 30, No 7, 1968, pp 910-918. Bibliogr.: pp 917-918 (52 ref.). Influence of noise on the hea'th, productivity and well-being of the individual. 3578. Cohen, A., and Jackson, E., "Threshold S3hift in Hearing as a Function of Bandwidth and Mode of Noise Presentation," J. AUDIT FiES., Vol 8, No 4, 1968, pp 401- 414. Threshold shift in hearing as a function of the spectrum and mode of noise presentation. Experimental research. 3579. Lelcambre, J., "Le point de vue de 1'ingenieur sur les criteres de bruyance et le choix des niveaux sonores adminissibles," REV. ACOliST., Vol 1, No 2, 1968, PP 77-81. The point of view of engineers concerning the criteria for selecting permissible noise levels. 3580. "Effect of Noise on Psychological State," J. AMER. SOC. SAF. ENG., Vol 14, No 4, 1969, pp 11-15. Bihliogr.: pp 14-15 (29 ref.). Effect of noise, aviation noise in particular, on different measurements reflecting human psychological state (sensory perception, performance, sleep). 3581. *"Experimentelle Horermudung und ibre Ruckbildung unter Ruhe- und Larmbedingungen," MONATSSCHR. OHRENHEILK. UND LARYNGO-RHINOL., Vol 104, No 4, 1970, pp 162-167. Bibliogr.: pp 166-167 (16 ref.). Aut.: F. Schwetz, R. Donner, G. Langer, M. Haider. Experimental tiring of hearing and its restoration at rest in the gresence of continuing noise. 99 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 rOR (iFfICLAL USt? ONt.1' 3582. Fletcher, J. L., Roberson, G. D., and Loeb, M., "Effects of Iiigh Intensity Impulsc No.isc and I:apid Clia.nges in Pressure Upon Stapedectomized Monkeys," ACTA UTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 63, No 1-2, 1969, Pp 6-13. Effects of high intensity impulse and rapid cha.zges in atmospheric. pressure unon stapedectomized monl:eys. 3583. Prench, R. U., "Appraisal of Apollo Launch Noise," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 7, 1967, pp 719-722. Biblioyr.: pp 721-722 (14 r.ef.). r~ppraisal of the action of Apollo launch noise on the crew. - 3584. Gonzalez, C., 14iller, N., and Istxc, C. ,"Influence of Rocket Noisa Up_)n Hearinq in Guinea Pigs," AEROSPAC:E 14ED., Vol 41, No 1, 1970, pp 21-25. Bibliogr,: pP 24-25 (18 ref.). Influence of rockc:t noise upon hearirig in guinea pigs. 3385. *Greenwood, D. D., und Coldberg, J. M., "Response of Neurons in the Cochlear rauc:lci to Variations in Ploise Bandwidth and to Tcne-Noise Combinations," J. ACCOUST. _ SOC. nri1;F.., Vol 47, No 4, ilai�t 2, 1970, pp 1021-1040. Bibliogr.: 21 ref. ~ Fef.: RZIi. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 10 P145. P.espoc7ses of neurons in the cochlear nuclei to variations in noise bandwidth and to tone-noise cc:nbinations. Experiments on cats. 3586. Guignal:d, J. C., �Iiuman Response to Intense Low-Frequency Noise and Vibra- tion," PROC. T.NST. III,;CI-1. ENG., Vol 182, No 3, Part 1, 1967-1968, pp 55-59. Discuss., pp 78-88. Human reskionse to low-f.requency and vibration. 3587. Hecht, K., Trcptow, K., ar.d Iiecht, T., "Der Eintluss von verschieden Gerauschpegeln auf den Effekt zentralangreifender Fharmaka" in Nitschkoff S., and = Y.riwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung akustischer Reiz und neuroveqetative Stox'ungen," Leip zig, 1968, pp 85-103. B:ibliogr. : pp 101-103 (55 ref. Change in the pharmacological effect of centrally acting cirugs depending un the intensity of different noise s t;_ muli . 3588. Eieclit, Y. , Treptc;w, K., and Hecht, T. ,"Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Gerauschpcyal und bedingt-reflektorischem Leistungsvermogen," ACTA BIOL. ET MED. GER., Vo1 23, No l, 1969, pp 133-143. Bibliogr.: pp 141-142 (30 ref.). Mutual ccrr.elati_ons between noise level and the conditione3 reflex per.formance of rats. 100 = FOR OFF[CfAL USE ONI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3589. *Hermann, E. R., "Ear Anatomy and Effects of Noise on Man," NAT. SAFETY NEwS., Vol 99, I3o 2, 1969, pp 64-73. Bibliogr.: p 73 (18 ref.). Ear anatomy and effects of noise on man. 3590. *Hermann, E. R., "Environmental Noise, Hearing Acuity and Acceptance Criteria," ARCH. ENVIRON. HEALTH, Vol 18, No 5, 1969, pp 784-791. Bibliogr.: p 791 (9 ref.). Environmental noise, r,earing aauity and the criteria for permissible noise for persons in different occupations. ~ 3591. *Herrmann, H., "Zur Frage der Einwirkung von beruflicher Larmbelastung auf den Ruheblutdruck," STADTEHYGIENE, Vol 19, No 4, 1968, pp 78-79. - Influence of occupational noise on resting blood pressura. 3592. *Hockey, G. R. J., "Effect of Loud Noise on Attentional Selectivity," QUART. J. EXP. PSYCHOL., Vol 22, No 1, 1970, pp 28-36. - Effect of noise loudness on selective distribution of attention. - 3593. *Hollien, H., and Brand, J. F., "Effect of Air Bubbles in the External Auditory Meatus on Underwater Hearing Thresholds," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 46, No 2, 1969, pp 384-387. - Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 51, No 3, 1970, 11985. , Effect of air bubbles in the external auditory meatus on undexwater hearing thresholds in man. A comparison with measurements of the functions of the auditory analyzer in outer space. 3594. "Hustin, A., and Ganc't J. B. 3e., "Le bruit. Rapport presente au congr. de la Soc. belge d'otorhino-laryngologie, juin 1970," ACTA OTO-RHINOLARYNGOL. BELG., Vol 24, No 2, 1970, pp 219-316. Biblioqr.: pp �15-316 (55 ref.). Noise. Report given to a congress of the 3elgian . Otorhinolaryngological Society, June 1970. Data on the pathophysiology of the action of noise upon the body are presented. 3595. *Joachimsthaler, J., Chaloupkova, E., and Chaloupka, Z., "Vliv relativniho hluku na tepovou frekvenci," CS. HYG., Vol 13, No 5, 1968, pp 282-287. Bibliogr.: PP 286-287 (18 ref.). Effect of relative noise on pulse frequency. 3596. *Knig;it, J. J., "T'he Harmful Effects of Noise on Man," TRANS. INST. CHEM. ENG., Vol 47, No 3, 1969; THE CHEM. ENG., No 227, pp 108-112. The harmful effects of noise on the human body. 101 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FdR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 3597. *Konig J. G., "Vegetative Reaktionen bei Rechentest und Belarmung," Inaug. Diss. Bonn, 1968, 80 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 74-80. Action of noise and of performance of arithmetic tests on the autonomic nervous system. 3598. Kriwizkaja, G. N., "Histomorphologische Untersuchungen kortikaler und subkortikaler Hirnstrukturen bei der Ratte untcr Larmbelastung," in Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, akustiseher, Reiz und nerovegetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 156-266. Bibliogr.: pp 256-266 (220 ref.). Histomorphological study of cortical and subcortical structures of the rat brain following a noise load. 3599. Kriwizkaja, G. N., and Nitschkoff, S., "Schlusbemerkungen," in Nitschkoff, S. and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, atcustiseher Reiz und neuroveqetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 267-274. - Significance of research on the pathogenic action of noise on - the body in experimental and clinical pathology. 3600. *Kryter, K. D., "Evaluation of Exposures to Impulse Noise," ARCH. ENVIRON. HEALTH, Vol 20, No 5, 1970, pp 624-635. Bi.bliogr.: 21 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 2P126. Evaluation of the influence of different times of exposure to impulse noise. - 3601. Lehmann, R., "Contribution a la determination de la gene due aux bruits," REV. ACOUST., Vol 2, No 5, 1969, pp 37-46. Bibliogr.: p 46 (11 ref.). Research on the intensities of interfering noise. 3602. *Little, I. W., and Marby, I. E., "Sound Duration and Its Effect on Judged Annoyance," J. SOUND AND VIBR., Vol 9, No 2, 1969, pp 247-262. Bibliogr.: pp 262 (12 ref.). Research on the influence of sound duration on conclusions as to the unpleasantness of its perception. 3603. Iohmann, M., and Enright, J. T., "The Influence of Mechanical Noise on the Activity Rhythms of Finches," CONP. BIOCIiEM. PHYSIOL., Vol 22, No 1, 1967, pp 289- 296. Bibliogr.: pp 295-296 (13 ref.). Influence of inechanical noise on the biological rhythms of - birds in the laboratory. - ioa FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3604. .*Lorenz, W. ,"Die Allgemeinwirkungen des Lazzns," DTSCH. GESUNDHEITSWESEN, Vol 23, No 50, 1968, pp 2379-2383. The general action of noise. 3605. *Lubcke, E., "On the Effect of Noise of Fluctuating Levels," PHIL, TRANS. ROY. SOC. LONDON SER. A., Vol 263, No 1142, 1968, pp 299-306. The action of noise of fluctuating intensity. 3606. *McFadden, D., "Lateralization and Detection of a Zbnal Signal in Noise," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 45, No 6, 1969, pp 1505-1509. Bibliogr.: p 1509 (4 ref.). Detection and lateralization of a tonal signal in the presence of noise. 3607. *Maj, J., Wawrzynian, M., an3 Borzecki, Z., "Badana.a histochemiczne osrodkowego ukladu nerwowego u szezurow pozostajacych pod dzial niem halasu," MED. PRACY, Vol 19, No 4, 1968, pp 355-360. Histochemical research on the rat cer.tral nervous system in the presence of noise. ~ 3608. *Matschat, K., Muller, E. A., and Oberaieier, F., "Orn the Assessment of the Annoyance of a Series of Sonic Boom Exposures," ACOiTSTICA, Vol 23, No 1, 1970, pp 49-50. Bibliogr.: p 50 (7 ref.). Establishment of the degree of discomfort caused by series of different noises. 3609. *Meyers, A. K., "Effects of Continuous Loud Noise During Instrumental Shock- Escape, " J. COMP. AI3D PHYS IOL . PSY(HOL., Vol 68, I3o 4, 1969, pp 614-622. Action of continuous loud noise during instrumental shock- escape conditioning. 3610. Niaussat, M. M., and Lehmann, A., "Otites et declenchement de crises audio- genes par une stimulation precoce chez des souris de ligree resistante," CONPT. REND. SOC. BIOL., Vol 164, No 1, 1970, pp 57-59. Otites and audiogenic oonvulsions elicited by preliminary acoustic stimuli in mice from a noise-resistant line. 3611. Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, akustischer Reiz und neurovegetative Storungen. Eine morpho-physiol. Studie," Leipzig, VEB G. 7.'hieme Verl., 1968, 231 pp. Acoustic stress and cerebmvisceral disorders. A mDrpho- physiological study. Co;.lection of articles. 103 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3612. Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Methodik," in Nitchkoff, S., and Kr:wizkaja, G., "Larmbelastunq, akustischer Reiz und neurovegetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 127-130. ~ A technique for studying clinical rrianifestations and patho- morphological alterations in the centralnezvous system in response to the action of noise upon the body. 3613. Nitschkoff, S., "Physiologisch-physikalische Grundlage," in Nitschkoff, S., _ and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larnobelastunq, akustischer Reiz und neure'vegetative Storungen," Leipziq, 1968, pp 3-7. Biblioqr.: p 7(13 ref.). Basic physical and physiological concepts associated with sound used as a pathogenic stimulus in experimental and clinical oonditions. ' 3614. Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "tber das Verhalten der.Ratten unter _ Larmbelastung," in Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastuag, akustischer Reiz - und nerovegetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, gp 131-143. Bibliogr. pp 142-143 (46 ref.). E�fect of noise on rat behavior. 3615. Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "TJber die Wirkunq akustischer Reize auf den Organismus," in Nitschkoff, S., and ICriwizkaja, (i., "Larmbelastung, akustische,r, _ Reiz und neurovege*_ative Storunqen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 20-45. Biblioqr.: pp 39-45 (180 ref.). The action of acoustic stimuli on the body. 3616. Nittschkoff, S. , and Gnuchtel, U. ,"Iber neuroveget:ative Requ].ationsstorungen bei der Ratte nach Applikation akustischer Reize," in Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, akusticher Reiz und neurovegeative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, 144-155. Bibliogr.: p 155 (24 ref.). Neuro-autonomic disorders in rats following exposure to noise. 3617. Parker, D. E., Giexke, H. E. von, and Reschkem M., "Studies of AvousticaZ Stimulation of the Vestibular System," AEROSPACE MEll., Vol 39, No 12, 1968, pp 1321-1325. Bibliogr.: p 1325 (17 ref.). Research on acoustic stimulation of taie vestibular organs. 3618. "Peculiarities of Responses of the Ac;iustic Analyzer of Man Expose3 to Prolonged Noise Effects Durinq a Year-Long Medicb-~gineering Experiment," in "Recent Advances in Aerospace Medicine," Dordrecht,.1970, pp 44-47. Bibliogr.: p 47 (6 ref.). Aut.: T. N. Krupina,, E. I. Matsner,, I. Ya., Yakovleva, M: A. Vytchikova, V. Ya. Levanov. Peculiarities of responses of the acoustic analyzer of man exposed to prolonged noise effects during a year-long medico- engineering experiment (presence in a spacecraft cabin simulator).. 104 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3619. *Pinter, J., Molnar, B., and Branyiczky, L., "Zaj hatasa az alap,amyogcsere," ORV. HETILAP, Vol 109, No 25, 1968, pp 1371-1373. Influence nf noise on basal metabolism. 3620. *Poche, L. B., Stockwell, C. W., and Ades, A. W., "Cochlear Haircel.l Damage in Guinea Pigs .After Exposure to Impulse Noise," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 46, No 4, Part 2, 1969, pp 947-951. Bibliogr.: p 951 (10 ref.). Cochlear haircell damage in guinea piqs after exposure ta impulse noise. 3621. "Reports of the 6th International Congress on Acous+t.ics", 'lbkyo, '1968, edited by Y. Kohasi. [Vol] 1GP. ,."Opening Lecture and Gen. Progress Papers. A. Physiol. and Psychol. Acoustics," Zbkyo, Maruzen Oo.; Amsterdam et al., Elsevier Publ. Co.., 1968, 89, 135 pp. Acoustics. Contributions to the 6th Internatianal Cbngress, (Zbkyo, 1968). A series of reports devoted to the physiological and psychological aspects of the effect of noise ancl ui.bration upon the body. 3622. "Reports of the 6th International Congress on Aeoustics", Zbkyo, 1968, edited by Y. Kohas. [Vol] 4F. "Noise Incl. Aeroacoustics. G. Mech. Vibration," Tokyo, Maruzen Co.; Amsterdam et al., Elsevier Publ. Co., 1968, 212, 124 pp.. Acoustics. Contributions to the 6th International Congress, (7.bkyo, 1968). A series of reports devoted to different aspects of the influence of noise and vibration on the body. 3623. "Resultats experi.mentaux concernant 1'etude electrophysiologique de 1'appareil vestibulaire au cours de'agressions acoustiques et cinetiques chez 1'animal: leur incidences aeronautiques et aerospatiales," REV. CORPS ANTE ARMEES TERR, MER, AIR, Vol 7, No 5, 1966, pp 707-734. Aut.: M. Burgeat, A. P. Gibert, G. Freyss, P. Fontelle. Results of experimental electrophysiological research on the vestibular organs of animals subjected to noi:se and gravita- - tional stress, and the siqnificance of these data to space - missions. - 3624. *Semotan, J., ana Sem4tanova, M., "Startle and Other Human Responses to Noise," J. SOUND AND VIBRA., Vol 10, No 3, 1969, pp 480-488. Bibliogr.: 31 ref_. Startle and other human resporise to rioisp. _ 3625. Smith, P. E., "A Test for Susceptibility to Noise Induced Hearing Loss," - AMER. IND. HYGIENE ASSOC. J., Vol 30, No 3, 1969, pp 245-250. A test for determining susceptibility to the pathogenic _ action of noise on hearing. 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3626. *Swisher, L. P., L'udley, J. G., and Doehrinq, D. G., "Influence of Contra- _ lateral Noise on Auditory Intensity Discrimination," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 45, No 6, 1969, pp 1532-1536. Bi.bliogr.: p 1536 (9 ref.). Influence of contralateral noise on auditory intensity discrimination. 3627. *Taccola, A., Straneo, G., and Bobbio, G. C., "Modificazioni della dinamica cardiaca indotte dal rumore," NOISE AND SMOG NEWS, Vol 17, No 1-4, 1969, pp 47-50. Changes in the dynamics of the cardiac cycle in response to noises. 3628. Treptow, K., Hecht, K., and Baumann, R., "Zerebro-viszerale Storungen der glykamischen Regulation durch Larmbelastung," in Nitschkoff, S., and Kriwizkaja, G., "Larmbelastung, akustischer Reiz und nerovegetative Storungen," Leipzig, 1968, pp 61-84. Bibiiogr.: pp 82-84 (100 ref.). Cerebrovisceral disorders in blood sugar regulatxon in response to noise. 3629. Vinnikov, Y. A., and IGoichev, K., "Sodium Localization in the Spiral Organ During Relative Quiet and After Exposure to Sound," NATURE, Vol 223, No 5206, 1969, pp 641-643. Sodium localization in the spiral organ in the absence of a stimulus and following exposure to noise. 3630. *Walker, J. G., "Temporary Threshold Shift From Impulse Noise," ANN. OCCUP. _ HYG., Vol 13, No 1, 1970, pp 51-58. Bibliogr.: pp 57=58 (15 ref.). Temporary auditory threshold shift caused by impulse noise. 3631. Warner, H. D., "Effects of Intermittent Noise on Human Target Detection," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 11, No 3, 1969, pp 245-249. Bibliogr.: pp 248-249 (9 ref.). = Effect of intermittent noise on human target detection. 3632. Wilhold, G. A., "Aerospace Noise," ASTRONAUT. ANll AERONNUT, Vol 5, No 5, 1967, pp 64-69. Bibliogr.: p 69 (7 ref.). The problem of noise in aircraft and spacecraft. 3633. ;aoodhead, M. M., "An Effect of Noise on the Distribution of Attention," J. APPL. PSYCHOL., Vol SU, No 4, 1966, pp 296-299. Bib liogr.: p 299 (6 ref.). The influence of noise on distribution of.attention. 3634. *Yeowart, N. S., Bryan, M. E., and Tempest, W., "Low Frequency Noise Thresholds J. SOUND ANB VIBR., Vol 9, No 3, 1969, pp 447-453. Bibliogr.: pp 452-453 (12 ref.). Low frequency noise thresholds. 106 FOR OFFICIAY. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3635. *Young, I. M., "Effects of Pure-2bne Masking on Low-Pass- and High-Pass- Filtered Noise," J. ACOUST. SOC. AMER., Vol 45, No 5, 1969, pp 1206=1209. Bibliogr.: 9 ref. Effects of pure-tone masking on perception of low-frequency and high-frequency noise. 3636. "Zum Einfluss von Larm auf die Herzfrequenz und den 02-Verbrauch bei mittel- schwerer physischer Belasturfg," INTERN. Z. ANGEW. Ph'YSIOL.,'Vol 27, No 3, 1969, pp 230-238. Bibilogr.: pp 237-238 (26 ref.). Aut.: M. Quaas, M. Lohs, W. Geiler, U. Platsbecker. Influence of noise on cardiag contraction frequency and oxygen consumption in the presence of a moderate physical load. 3.5. Combined Effects of Space Fliqht Factors See also 6.1.1. and No 850, 8069. 5060. Abdurakhmanova, R. R., "7ne Vestibular Reflex te B1ood,the Presence of General Irradiation," in "3lQOrnik+nau(~h. trudov Samark. med. ;Ln-ta" [Collection of Scientific Works of the Samarkand Medical Institute], Vol 37, 1967, pp 369-373. The combined action of radiation and stimulation of the vestibular analyzer. Chronic experiments on dogs. - 5061. Azhayev, A. N., "Influence o.f the Simultaneous Action of Hypoxic Hypoxia and High Environmental Tempzrature on Human Heat Exchange," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 1, 1969, pp 104-106. Bibliogr.: p 106 (5 ref.). 5062. Akopyan, S. A., Baklavadzhyan, 0. T., and Grigoryan, S. S., "Bioelectric Activity of Different Structures of the Rabbit Brain in Response to the Combined,.. ~ Action of Radial Accelerations and Irradiation," BItiL. ZHURN. ARMEDTII, Vol 23, No 10, 1970, pp 3-12., Bibliogr.: pp 11-12 (29 ref.). 5063. Alekseyeva, I. S., and Soboleva, T. I., "Influence of the Combined Action of Vi.bration and Low Environmental Temperature," in "Nauchnaya sessiya..." [Scientific Session..'.] [of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Labor Hyqiene and Occupational Diseases], Leningrad, 1970, pp 15-17. 5064. Alekseyeva, I. S., and Soboleva, T. I., "Physiolagical Reactions to the Joint Action of Vibrations and Subnormal Temperature," in "Tezisy dokladov Respubli- kanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii po voprosam profilaktiki vibratsionnoy bolezni" [Abstracts of Reports Given at the RepubLic Scientific-Practical Conference on Vibratioai Disease Prevention], Leningrad, 1970, pp 13-14. 5065. Andrianova, L. A., "The State of Neurosecretory Nuclei of the Anterior Hypo- thalamus Following the Combined Action [of Transversely Oriented] Acceleration and - Radiation," in "Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya qipokinezii, izmenennoy gazovoy sredy, uskoreniy, peregruzok i drugikh faktorov" [Experimental Research on Hypok'inesia, 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - an Altered Gas Environment, Accelerations, G-Forces and Other Factors], Moscow, 1968, pp 64-66. Bibliogr.: p 66 (5 ref.). $066. Antipov, V. V., and Kul'kin, V. M., "Tiae Influence Exerted by the Nervoua System in Response to thp Combined Action of Radiat3.on and G-Fbxces [Jpon the Body, " in "IX Meandunarodnyy kongrass anatonav" [Ninth International Congreas of Anatomists], Moscow, 1970, p 227. Action of irradiation and C-forces on the pQripheral nervous system in the presence and i.n the abserkce of radiation protectfon. 5067. Apanasenko, Z. I., "Influence of Preliminary Centrifugation on the Radiation Reactions of the Vestibular Analyzer," in "Nekotozyye noprosy kosmicheskoy neyrotizio- logii" [Somtee Problems of Space Neurophysiology], Moscow, 1967, pp 184-202. - The joint action of accelerations with a"ehest-back" nrientation and acute gamma-irradiation. 5068. Apanasenko, Z. I., "Integrated Action of Do+able Vibration and Prolonged _ Irradiation on the Etiinctional State of the Vestibular Organs," in "Vliyaniye faktorov kosmi.cheskogo poleta na funktsiyu tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy" [Influence of Space Flight Factors on the Function of the Central Nervous System], Nbscow,' 1966, pp 218-235. 5069. Benevolenskiy, V. N., Vasil'yev, I. S., and Petrovni.n, M. G., "Use of Simulating Systems to Acquire Information cn the Combined Action of Radiation and Other [Dynamic] Space Flight Factors," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmieheskaya meditsina'�' [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 57-60. 5070. Bondarev, G. I., Sinitsina, A. D., and Yefimov, I. N., "The Joint Influence of Low-Frequency Vibration and Noise on the State of the Hypophyseo=Adrena7 System," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 5, 1970, pp 106-108. 5071. Bubnov, V. D., and Vorob'yev, V. I., "Reactivity of White Mice to the Combined Action of Acute Hypoxia and High Temperature," in "Materialy IV mezhvuzovskoy _ nauchnoy konferPntsii fiziologov i morfologov pedagogiaheskikh institutov..." [Proceedings of the Fourth Inter-WZ Scientific Oonference of Physioloqists and Morphologists of Pedagogical Institutes...], Yaroslavl', 1970, pp 31-32. 5072. Vitollo, A. S., "Influence of Protein Deficiency on the Concen- tration of the Rat Brain and Heart in the Presence of Hypokinesia arid Gr-Fbrces," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedinqs of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 23-24. Influence of hypokinesia and the combined action of hypokinesia and linear accelerations. 5073. Vitollo, A. S., and Ushakov, A. S., "Influence of Hypokinesia and of Hypo- k2nesia Combined With [One-Time Transversely Oriented] Accelerations on the Concen-' tration of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the Cerebral and Cardiac Tissues of 108 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Experimental Animals," in "Fiziologicheskiye problemy detrenirovarnQSti" [Physio- Problems of Deconditioning], Moscow, 1970, pp 141-146. 5074. "Methionine-S35 Uptake by Protein in Digestive Orqans of Young Rabbits Subjected to [Combined] Action of Acceleration, Vibration and Irradiatiaai," in "Tezisy dokladov 42-y itogovoy nauchnoy konferentsii'_" [Abstracts of Reports at the _ 42d Concluding Scientific Conference] [Alma-Ata Medical Institute], Alma-Ata,.1970, pp 69-70. Aut.: A. V. Kirillicheva, R. I. Yuy, V. I. Denisov, L. S. Prikhod'ko. 5075. "Influence of Inteqrated 2-Month Exposure to Hypokinesia and [Transversely - Oziented] Accelerations on the Cardiovascular Sy$tem;" KOSM. BIOL..I MED., Vol 1, No. 5, 1967, pp 57-61. Bibliogr.: p 60 (14 ref.). Aut.: G. P. Mikhaylovskiy, _ T. V. Benevolenskaya, T. A. Petrova, I. Ya. YakovYeva, O. I. Boykova, M. P. Kuz'min, A. A. Savilov, S. N. Solov'yeva. 5076. "Influence of Some Extreme Factors on the Functional State of the Stomach," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 2, 1967, pp 71-74. Bibliogr.: p 74 (6 ref.). Aut.: P. I. Yegorov, K. V. Smirnov, M. M. Korotayev, M. V..Lu]�asheva. Study of the joint action of accelerations in a centrifuge and prolonged hypokinesia. 5077. "Influence of 62-Day Hypokinesia and Transversely Oriented Accelerations on the Cardiovascular System," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina.'.' [Aerospace Medicine], Collection 2, Nbscow, 1968, pp 28-31. Aut.: O. I. Baykova, M. P. Kuz'min, A. A. _ Savilov, S. N. Solov'yeva. Combination of the influence of hypokinesia and accelerations. 5078. Volkova, A. S., "Condition of Paravasal Nerves on the Wall of the Rat.Aorta in the Presence of the Experimental Effects of P'hysical Factors," in "Eksperimental'naya mDrfologiya i voprosy individual'noy izmenchiVosti or.ganov i si:sten� JExperimenta7. Morphology and Prohlems in Individual 4ariability of Organs and 'Systems Izhevsk, 1970, pp 48-51. Combined action of a magnetic field and subsequent rotation of animals in a centrifuge. 5079. Vyshchipan, V. F., "The Combined Action of Noise and '.Local' Vibration on the Human Body," in "Materialy nauchnoy sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennoy shume i ul'trazvuke..."' E Proceedings of a Scientific Session on the Problem "The Present State af the Teaching on Production Noise and Ultrasound..."], Leningrad, 1968, pp 31-32. - 5080. *Vyshchipan, V. F., "Corrbined Action of Local Vibration and No;se on the - Human Body," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candi- - date of inedical sciences. Lnepropetrovsk, 1970, 16 pp (Anepropetrovsk Medical Institute . ~ w - 109 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5081. Gaydamakin, N. A., Sutulov, L. S., and Sutulov, Yu. L., "Histoioqical Analysis of the Influence of Some Extreme Factors on Postradiational ehanges ia the Tissues of Experimental Animals," in "IX Mezhdunaro@nyy kongress anatomev," Mbscow, 1970, p 229. - Combined and separate action of radiation and transverse , acceleration. _ 5082. Gaydamakin, N. A., Petrukhin, V. G., and Atztipov, V. V., "pathomorpholoqical Changes in Mouse Hemopoietic Orqans in Response to the Combined Action of Some Forms of.Ionizinq Radiation and Dynamic Flight Factmrs," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 3, 196E+, pp 346-354. Bibliogr.: p 354 (20 ref.). - 5083. Gertsuskiy, D. F,, Petrovnin, M. G., and Alekseyenko, L. V., "Combined Action of Space Flight Factors Aboard the Earth Satellite Kosmos 110 on Plants," R0.SM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 6, 1968, pp 17-21. Bibliogr.: p 21 (27 ref.). 5084. Goland, L. G., "Enzyme Secreting Function of the Pancreas Exposed to Some Space Flight Factors. (Model Studies)," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of - the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences. Moscow, 1970, 21 pp. (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: p 21 (4 ref.). A diet of canned and freeze-dried law-calorie foodstuffs, transversely oriented accelerations, hypoksnesia and th6ir " combined action. 5085. Golev, V. P., and Chepelenko, G. V., "Alteration of the Intramural Nexvous Systems of the Rat Pharynx and Esophagus in Response to the fbmbined Action of a Constant Maqnetic Field and [Radial] Acceleration," in "Voprosy morfogeneza.:.i regeneratsii" [Problems of Morphoqenesis and Regeneration], Izhevsk, 1969, pp 22-23. 5086. Golev, V. P., and Chepelenko, G. V., "Change in the Nervous Systems of Mous.e Organs in Response to the Combined Action of a Constant Magnetic Field and [RadialJ T-:eleration," in "IX Mezhdunarodnyy kongress anatomov," Moscow, 1970, p 228. 5087. Golev, V. P., and Volkova, N. V., "Yariability of Intramuscular Nerves of Somatic Muscles in Experimental Animals Subjected to the Combined Action of a Constant Magnetic Field and Radial Acceleration," in "Voprosy morfoqeneza i regener- atsii," Izhevsk, 1969, pp 13-16. 5088. Golev, V. P., and Chepelenko, G. V., "Evaluation of Observed Synaptic Changes in Response to the Combined Action of a Constant Magnetic Field and Radial Accelera- tion," in "Eksperimental'naya morfologiya i voprosy individual'noy izmenchivosti orqanov i sistem," Izhevsk, 1970, pp 39-42. 5089. Gorbatenkova, N. V., "Combined Action of Barometric Pressure Differences and Air Temperature on the Body," TRUDY TSELINOGR. MED. IN-TA, Vol 3, 1969, pp 99-101. 5090. Gotlober, I. V., and Krichevskaya, A. A., "Nitrogen Metabolism in the Rat 8rain in Response to the Combined and Separate Action of High Oxygen Pressure and - Cold," in "Vliyaniye povyshennogo davleniya kisloroda na organizm" [Influence of�. High Oxygen Pressure on the Body], Rostovron-Don, 1969, pp 23-24. 110 FAR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE UN1i.Y 5091. Grigoryan, S. S., Baklavadzhyan, O. G., and Akopyan, S. A., "Influence (of the Combined Action] of Radial Acceleration and Irradiation on the Bioelectric _ Activity of Different Brain Structures," in "XI s'�yezd Vsesoyuznogo fiziologicheskoqo obshchestva..." [llth Congress of the All-Union Physiological 3ociety...], Vol Z, Moscow, 1970, p 415. 5092. Grigoryan, S. S., Akopyan, S. A., and Baklavadzhyan, G. G., "The Theta- Activity of Subcortical Structures of the Brain and Some Autc:nomic Flinctions of the Rabbit in Response to the Combined'Action of Accelaration and Irracliation," tKHEN. ZAP. YERAVANSKOGO UN-TA. YESTESZV. NAUKI, No 3(115), 1970, pp 88-96. Bibliogr.: pp 95-96 (20 ref.). - 5093. Gyurdzhian, A. A., "Influence of Longitudinal Accelerations on Gas Exchange and Resistance to Hypoxia in Rats," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, - pp 81-84. Bi.bliogr.: p 84 (3 ref.). Experiments on a test stand for studying gas exchange mounted on a centrifuge. Combined action of accelerations and hypoxia. 5094. "Eurther Research on the Integrated Action of Ionizing Radiation and [Radial] Accelerations on the Body in Connection With Space Flights," in "Life in Spacecraft," - Oxford-[Warsaw], 1968, pp 49-57. Bibliogr.: pp 56-57 (15 ref.). Aut.: V. V. Antipov, V. I. Davydov, E. F. Panchenkova, P. P. Saksonov. 5095. "Action of Some Space Flight Factors on the Central Nervous System," USPEKHI SOVREM. BIOL., Vol 67, No 2, 1969, pp 256-272. Bibliogr.: pp 271-272 (38 ref.). Aut.: N. N. Livshits, Z. I. Apanesenko, V. Ya. Klimovitskiy, A. P. Korolevskiy, M. A. Kuznetsova, L. D. Luk'yanova, Ye. S. Meyzerov. A review of Soviet literature on the combined action of ' ionizing radiation and vi.bration upon the body. 5096. Yegorov, B. B., Sergeyev, V. A., and IGorol'kov, V. I., "The Possibilities for Using an Altered Gas Ehvironment as a Nonspecific Protective Resource in Space Missions," in "Adaptatsiya k myshechnoy deyatel'nosti i gipokinezii" [Adaptation to Muscle Activity and Hypokinesia], Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 68-69. The effectiveness of hypoxia in weightlessness and hypokinesia and in the presence of their combined action. 5097. Yenin, I. P., "Dynamics of Cholinesterase Activity in the Cochlea in Response to the Combined Influence of Whole-Body, High-Parameter Vibration and Noise," in "Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prakticheskoy meditsiny" [Problems in Theoretical and Practical I4edicine], Stavropol', 1969, pp 498-500. 5098. Yenin, I. P., "P4thogenesis of Cochleo-Vestibular Disorders Resu].ting From the Combined Action of Vibration and Noise," in "Tezisy dokladov Respublikanskoy - nauchnoy prakticheskoy konferentsii po voprosam profilaktiki vibratsion.zoy bolezii" [Abstracts of Reports at the Republic Scientific Practical Conference on Problems in Vibration Disease Prevention], Moscow, 1970, pp 31-32, 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5099. Yenin, I. P. ,"Acid and Alkaline Phosphataae in Cochlear Structural Formations in Response to the [Joint] Action of Whole-Body, Hiqh-Parameter Vibration and Noise," in "Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prakticheskoy meditsiny," 5tavropol�, 1969, pp 500-503. 5100. Yenin, I. P., "Conce.ltration and Distributiozl of Glycogen in the Cochlea _ in Response to the [Combined] Action of Whole-Body, High-Parameter Vibration and Noise," in "Voprosy teoreticheskoy i prakticheskoy meditsiny," Stavropol', 1969, pp 496-497. 5101. Yenin, I. P., "Concentration and Distribution of DNA and RNA in Cochlear - Structural Formations in Response to the Combined .Action of Whole-Body, High- - Parameter Vibration and Noise, in "Voprosy klinicheskoy i teoreticheskoy otorino- - laringologii" [Problems in Clinical and Theoretical Otorhinolaryngology], Stav.ropol', 1969, pp 158-163. 5102. Yerokhin, V. N., "Changes in Vestibular Organ Receptor Cells in Response to the Combined Action of Noise and Vibration,� in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspa.rantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov..." [Proceedings of the 27th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students and Resident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1967, pp 73-74. 5103. Yerokhin, V. N., "Combined Action of Wideband Noise and Whole-Body Vi.bration on the Vestibular System and Hearing Organs. (Experimental Research)," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences. Leningrad, 1968, 20 pp. (Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene), Bibliogr.: p 20 (4 ref.). 5104. Yerokhin, V. N., "Morphological Changes in the Organ of Corti in Response to ' the Combined Action of VibratiQn and Noise," in "Materialy XXVIII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskhikh ordinatorov..." [Proceedings of the 28th Regular Scientific Conference of Graduate Students and Resident Physicians] [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1968, p 53. - 5105. Zeygel'shefer, B. D., "The Combined Action of Noise and Carbon Monoxide in - Experiment," in "Materialy mezhkafedral'nykh nauchnkh konferentsii gigiyenicheskikh kafedr Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta..." [Proceedings of Interdepartmental Scientific Conferences of the Hygiene Departments of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene...], [Issue 11, Leningrad, 1968, pp 8-10. 5106. Zeygel'shefer, B. D., "The Technique for Studying the Combined Action of Noise and Carbon Monoxide on the Animal Body in Experiments," in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov...," - [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1967, pp 80-81. 5107. Zeygel'shefer, B. D., "Combined Action oE Stable High-Intensity :loise and Carbon Mc>noxide on the Ani.mal Body in Experiments," in "Materialy XXVII otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheskikh ordinatorov...," [of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1967, pp 81-82. - 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440060025-4 ~ F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5108. Zexgel'shefer, B. D., "Combined Action.of.Noise and Carbon Monoxide 3n Experiment (Conununication 2) " in "Materialy IIXVIII.otche�tnoy'nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i klinicheski3ch orclinatorov... "[of the'Leningrad Medica3. Institute of Saftitation Hygiene], Leningrad, 1968, pp 56-57. 5109. Zeygel'shefer, B. D., "Some Data on the Influence of Noise and Carbon Monoxide Acting Zbgether on the Body," in "Materialy nauchnoy-sessii po probleme 'Sovremennoye sostoyaniye ucheniya o proizvodstvennom shume i ul'trazvuke...'," Leninqrad, 1968, PA 54-57. 5110. Zeygel'shefer, B. D., "Combined Action of 5table Noise With Different Para- - meters and Carbon on the Body," abstract of a dissextation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical scierices. Leningrad, 1968, 13 pp (Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation Hygiene). Bibliogr.: p 13 (5 ref.). 5111. Zolotukhin, A. N., "The Combined Action of Small Carbon Nbnoxide Concentra- tions and Hypoxia on the Visual Analyzer," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 4, 1968,pp 60-64. 5112. Ivanava, S. M., "Influence of Dietary Protein Deficiency and Some Extreme Factors on Carbohydrate-Phosphorus Metabolism in Rats," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences. Moscow, 1970, 23 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: p 23 (6,ref.). Joint action of protein deficienay and hypoki.nesia on one hand and "back-chest" oriented centrifugation.on the other. 5113. Ivanova, S. M., "Influence of Protein Deficiency and Some Space Flight Factors on Oxidative Phosphorylatian Intensity in the Rat Liver, Heart and Skeletal Muscles," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceed- ings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 110-111. Combined action of a dietary protein deficiency, hypokinesia and transverse accelerations. 5114. Ivanova, S. M., and Ushakov, A. S., "Influence of Aypokinesia and of Hypo- kinesia Combined With Acceleration ("Chest-Back" Oriented) on Oxidative Phosphoryla- tion in the Mitochondria of Some Rat Organs," in "Fiziologicheskiye problemy detrenirovannosti," Nbscow, 1970, pp 118-121. Bibliogr.: p 121 (7 ref.). 5115. "Change in Eunctions of the Nervous System and Some Analyzers in Response to the Integrated Action of Hypokinesia and Radial Accelerations," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, I3o 5, 1967, pp 61-66. Bibliogr.: p 66 (17 ref.). Aut.: T. N. Krupina, A. Ya. Tizul, N. M. Boglevskaya, V. P. Baranova, E. I. Matsnev, Ye. A. Chertovskikh. 5116. Ilyushko, N. A., "Calcium and Chloride Excretion With Urine in Rats Sub- jected to Prolonged Hypokinesia and Radiation Effects," in "materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov "[of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 141-142. Combined action of 100-day hypokinesia and fractional irradiafiaon. ' 113 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY `Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICiAL USE UNLY ~ 5117. "The Combined Action of Space Flight Factors on. Plants," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii mlodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of t_he 3eoond Scientific Cor.'Lerence of Young Scientists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Prob.lenis], Moscow, 2.967, pp 12-14. Aut.: L. V. Alekseyenko, I. S. 3ku3cina, D. F. Gertsuskiy, M. G. Petrotmin. Research conducted aboard the earth satellite Iiosmos-110 during a 22-day mission. 5118. "Change in tne Radiation Effect Exhibited by Plants i.n Response to Space Flight Factars," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 5, 1968, pp 12-14. Bibliogr.: p 14 (10 ref.). Aut.: D. F. Gertsuskiy, I. V.. Nikitina, L. V..Alekseyenko, I. S. Skukina. Combined action of ionizing radiation an:d weightlessness - on onion plants aboard the satellite K,osmos.110. _ 5119. "K voprosu reaktivnosti organizma pri ekstremal'nykh vozdeystviyakh" [Body Reactivity in the Presence of Extreme Effects], Moscow, 1968,.16 pp. Aut.: - V. V. Antipov, B. I. Davydov, M. D. Nikitin, E. P. Panchenkova, P. P. Saksonov. - IntegYated action of ionizing radiation, vi.brations and - trarisversely uriented accelerations. 5120. Kitayev-Smyk, L. A., "Visual Illusions in People in Weightlessness and in i-esponse to the Combined Action of Weightlessness and Anqular and Coriolis Acclerations," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', wprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya" [Work, Questions of Habitability and Bio-Enqineering], Nbscow, 1967, pp 180-188. - Experiments pexformed in the cabin of an airplane flying a parabolic trajectory. 51?1. Kozar', M. I., and Tsyganova, N. I., "Coapbined Action of Transversely o.Lented Accelerations and Hypokinesia on the Blood Serum Bactericidal System of an Individual Eating a Reduced-Calorie Ration (1,800 kcal)" in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 2, Moscow, 1968, pp 88-94. Bibliogr.: p 94 (14 ref.). 5122. "Combined Action of Vibration and Ionizing Radiation on Metabolism and Functions of the Central Nervous System," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 257-25$. Aut.: N. N. Livshits, Z. I. Apanasenko, M. A., Kuznetsova, L. D. Luk'yanova, Ye. S. Meyzerov. 5123. "Combined Action of Accelerations, Vibration and Radiation on Bone Marrow Cell Division," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 39-40. Aut.: M. A. Arsen'yeva, V. V. Antipov, L. A. Belyayeva, A. V. Golovkina. 5124. "Combi.ned Action of [Dynamic] Space Flight Factors [and Radiation] on Some Body Functions," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 5, 1966, pp 625-643. Biblioqr.: pp 640-642 (43 ref.). Aut.: G. M. Frank, N. N. Livshits, M. A. Arsen'yeva, Z. I. Apanasenko, L. A. Belyayeva, A. V. Golovkina, V. Ya. Kliinovitskiy, M. A. Kuznetsova, L. D. Luk'yanova, Ye. S. Meyzerov. 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5125. "Combined Action of [Dynamic] Space Flight Factors [and Radiation] on Some Body Functions,"-in "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic _ Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Vienna-New York, 1967, pp 91-I40. Aut.: - G. M. Frank, N. N. Livashits, M. A. Arsen'yeva, Z. 1. Apanasenko, L. A. BelyayeVat _ A. V. Golovkina, V. Ya. Klimovitskiy, M. A. Kuznetsova, L. D. Luk'yanova, Ye. S. Meyzerov. 5126. "Integrated Action of Some Forms of Ionizing Radiation and Dynamic Flight Factors on Mouse Hemopoietic Organs. (Pathamorphological Studies)," i.n "Prohlemy kosmicheskoy biologii" [Problems of Space Biology], Vol 6, Moscow, 1967, pp 355-367. Bibliogr.: pp 366-367 (15 ref.). Aut.: N. A. Gaydamakin, V. G. Petrukhin, , V. V. Antipov, P. P. Saksonov, V. S. Shashkov. 5127. "Integrated Action of Accelerations ICreated by Rotation in a'CentrifugP] _ andIonizing Radiation on Rat Conditioned Reflexes," in "Nekotoryye voprosy kosmiche- skoy neyro�iziologii" [Some Problems of Space Neurophysiology], Moscow, 1967, pp 169-183. Aut.: N. N. Livshits, Ye. S. Meyzerov, R. M. Zakirova, V. A. Tikhaya. 5128. Konnova, N. I., "Combined Action of Acceleration and Ionizing Radiation on the Animal Body," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, p 218. Experiments with a centrifuge. 5129. Konstantinova, I. V., and Zemskov, V. M., "Immunological Properties of Protein Affected by Ionizing Radiation Combined With Other [Dynamic] Space Flight Factors," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 303-307. 5130. Korneyeva, N. V., and Ushakov, A. S., "Acetylcholine Metabolism in the Presence of Hypokinesia and the Integrated Action of Hypokinesia and [Linear] G-Forces," in "Fiziologicheskiye problemy detrenirovannosti," Moscow, 1970, pp 127- 132. Bibliogr.: pp 131-132 (41 ref.). 5131. Korneyeva, N. V., "The Acetylcholine-Cholinesterase System of Tissues of the Brain and Some Other Organs of Rats Exposed to Different Extreme Factors," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academi.c degree of candidate of bio- logical sciences. Moscow, 1970, 26 pp. (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: pp 24-26 (10 ref.). Experiments with the action of transversely oriented accelerations, ionizing radiation and limited mobility, as well as in the presence of the combined action of some of these factors. 5132. Kuznetsova, M. A., "Influence of the Integrated Action of R,ecurrent Vibration and Fractional Irradiation on the State of the Cerebrospinal Reflex Arc," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 246-247. 5133. Kuznetsova, M. A., "Integrated Action of Tenfold Vibration and Fractional Gam�na-Irradiation on the State of Guinea Pig �Ceacebrospinal Reflex Activity," in "Nekotoryye voprosy kosmicheskoy neyrofiziologii," Moscow, 1967, pp 125-144. 115 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5134. Kuz`min, M. P., anci Proni?la, L. A., "Change in Vessels of the and Intra-Ocular Pressure in Response to the Integrated Action of Hypokinesia and [Transverse] Accelerations," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spctsialistov," [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 71-73. 5135. Kuz'min, M. P., "Isolated and Integrated Influenee of Clinostatic Hypokinesia and [Trasversely Oriented] Accelerations on the Vascular System of the Human Retina and on Intra-Ocular Pressure," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degrpe of candidate of inedical sciences. Moscow, 1970, 19 pp (Institute of Bio- medical Problems). Bibliogr.: p 19 (6 ref.). 5136. Kuz'min, M. P., "Combined Accelerations on Circulation in konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," _ Nbscow, 1967, pp 110-111. Influence of 2-Month Hypokinesia and Transverse the Human Retina," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], 5137. Kurashvili, A. Ye., and Babiyak, V. I., "The Functional Relationship Between the Semicircular Canal and the Otolith System," in "Fiziologiya vestibulyarnogo analizatora" [Physiology of the Vestibular Analyzer], Nbscow, 1968, pp 119-123. _ Bibliogr.: p 123 (8 ref.). Effect of angular acceleration and of the combined action of - angular and centrifugal accelerations on the human and animal body. Experiments with a ratating chair-centrifuge. 5138. Lazar', A. F., "Change in Vessel Permeability, Blood Sugar and Catecholamines in Rabbits Subjected to the [Integrated and Isolated] Action of Roentgen Rays and - Radial Accelerations," MED. RADIOL., Vol 13, No 2, 1968, pp 84-86. 5139. Lazar', A. F., "Combined and Separate Influence of Ionizing Radiation and Radial Acceleration on the Animal Body," in "Trudy IV s"yezda rentgenologov i radio- logov Ukrainskiy SSR" [Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of Roentgenologists and Radiologists of the Ukrainian SSR], Kiev, 1967, pp 362-364. 5140. Lebedinskiy, A. V., Levinskiy, S. V., and Nefedov, Yu. G., "General Laws Governing Reactions of the Human Body to the Integrated Action of Environmental Factors Atypical of Spacecraft," in "Materialy konferentsii po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Proceedings of a Conference on Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 3-10. Influence of a number of factors, and mai.nly ionizing radiation, high temperature an3 noise. 5141. Livshits, N. N., Apanasenko, Z. I., and Meyzerov, Ye. S., "Combined Action of [Transverse] Accelerations and Ionizing Radiation on Higher Nervous Activity and on the Functional State of the Vestibular Analyzer," RADIOBIOLOGIYA, Vol 9, No 1, 1969, pp 46-51. Bibliogr.: p 51 (19 ref.). 5142. Livshits, N. N., and Meyzerov, Ye. S., "Integrated Action of Vibration and Ionizing Radiation on Rat Conditioned Reflexes," in "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy - meditsiny," Mbscow, 1966, pp 259-260. 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5143. Livshits, N. N., and.Meyzerov, Ye. S., "Integrated.Action of Vibration and Ionizing Radiation on Rat Oonditioned Re�lexes;" in "Frliyaniye faktorov kosmi- cheskogo poleta na funktsii tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemp," Moscow, 1966,'pp 236- 251. 5144. Loshak, A. Ya., "Biological Action of Combined FRoentgen and Microwave - Irradiation," in "Problemy kosmicheskog meditsi.ny," Moscow, 1966, pp 262-263. 5145. L'vova, S. P., "Dynamics of Some Carbohydrate-Phosphorus Metabolites in the Suslik Brain and Blood in Response to the soint Action of Hypothermia and Hyperoxia," in "Voprosy fiziologii, biokhimi.i, zoologii i parazitologii" [Problems of Physiology, Biochemistry, Zoology and Parasitology], Makhachkala, 1968, pp 116-120. Biblioqr.: pp 119-120 (31 rsf.). 5146. L'vova, T. S., "Integrated Influence of Ionizing Radiation and Vi.bration on the Animal Body," IZV, AN SSS R. SER. BIOL., No 3, 1966, pp 355-361. Biblioqr.: pp 360-361 (20 ref.). 5147. Makarova, E. A., and Tishler, V. A., "The Oxyhe.mographic Method for Assess- ment of the Influence of the Conditions of an Enclosed Space on the Hiunan Body," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmi.cheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 53-55. Combined action of space flight factors: hypodynamia, isolation, artificial atmosphere and an unaccustomed work- rest schedule. 5148. Makartsev, V. I., "Influence of Hyperoxia Combined With Intense Muscle Exer- tion on the Condition of the Cardiovascular System," GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIyA, No 8, 1970, pp 29-32. Bibliogr.: p 32 (18 ref.). _ 5149. Matsnev, E. I., "Influence of Hy,pokinesia and the Integrated Action of Hy,po- kinesia and [Longitudinal] Acceleration on the Human Acoustic Analyzer," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Hbscow, 1969, pp 74-75. 5150. "Some Results a,.1 Prospects of Reseaxch on the Biological Action of cosmic Fediation and Dynamic Flight Factors Usinq Microbioloqicat and C ytological 1+todels,"s_ in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," lrbscow, 1966, pp 172-173. Aut.: N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, I. N. Mayskiy, G. P. Tribulev, N. I. Rybakov, I. I. Podoplelov, N. N. Dobrov, V. V. Antipov, V. A. Kozlov, P. P. Saksonov, G. P. Parfenov, N. I. Sharyy. Integrated action of space flight factors, particularly vibration, weightlessness and radiation. Results of research conducted aboard the spacecraft Vostok and Voskhod. 5151. "New Information on Change in Body Reactivity in Response to 5ome Space _ 'Flight Factors [Vibration, Acceleration, Ionizing Radiation and ~'heir Combinations];' in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Mbscow, 1966, pp 30-31. Aut.: V. V. Antipov, V. A. ICozlov, V. I. Davydov, N. N. Dobrov, B. L. Razgnvomv, P. P. Sa]csonay. 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5152. Nuzhdin, N. I., and Dozortseva, R. L., "Biological Effect of the Combined Action of Y-Irradiation and Space Fliqht Faetors on Barley Seeds," ZHURN. OBSHCH. BIOL., Vol 28, No 4, 1967, pp 397-412. Biblioqr.: pp 411-412 (38 ref.). Experiments performed during the Voskhod-1 mission with pre- viously irradiated seeds. 5153. Nuzhdin, N. I., and Dozortseva, R. L., "Influence of the Cbtnbined Action of Gamma-Irradiation and Space Flight Factors on Barley Seeds in Different Physio- logical States," in "Eksperimental'nyye raboty po vliyaniyu ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na organizm" [Experimental Studies of the Influence of Ionizing Raoliation on the Body," Mosoow, 1967, pp 3-29. Bibliogr.: pp 27-29 (47 ref.). Experiments aboarO Voskhod-l. 5154. Onopko, B. N., "Study of the Combined Action of Noise and Vibration on the Animal Body," in "Materialy itogovoy nauchnoy konferentsii po vopmsam gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy" [Proceedings of the Concluding Scientific Conference on Problems in Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases], Karaganda, 1969, pp 235-237. - 5155. "Remote Reac.tions of Hemopoietic Tissues to Proton and X-Ray Irradiation _ Combined With Gravitational Loads [Accelerations}," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 2, 1967, pp 290-296. Bibliogr.: pp 295-296 (18 ref.). Aut.: Ye. I. Zharova, S. A. Khrustalev, T. G. Protasova, B. I. Davydov, V. V. Antipov, P. P. Saksonov, M. O. Raushenbakh. 5156. Paran'ko, N. M., and Vy.shchipan, V. F., "Standardir.ation o� Vibration and Noise in Their Combined Action on the Human Body," VRACHEB. DELO, No 8, 1969, pjp 102-105. Bibliogr.: p 105 (10 ref.). 5157. Paran'ko, N. M., "Local Vascular Reactions to Separate and Joint Action of Vibration and Noise," GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, No 11, 1968, pp 19-24. Bibliogr.: pp 23-24 (14 ref.). 5158. "Pathomorphological Changes in Mouse Heabpoietic Organs in Response to the - Combined Action of Some Forms of Ionizing Radiation and Dynamic Space Flight Factors," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 3, 1966, pp 346-354. Bibliogr.: pp 353- 354 (19 ref.). Aut.: N. A. Gaydamakin, V. G. Petrukhin, V. V. Antipov, P. P. Saksonov, V. S. Shashkov. 5159. Potemkina, L. S., "The State of Gastric Secretory Function-in Response to the Action of Some Extreme FactorsiJpon the Body (Glinical-Experimental Study)," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of biological sciences. Moscow, 1968, 12 pp (Institute of Biomedical Problems). Bibliogr.: p 12 (6 ref.). Influence of a diet of canned and freeze-dried products, 20-day starvation, transversely oriented�G-forces, hypokinesia and their combined action. 5160. Prokhorov, V. Ya., and Borman, Ye. A., "Influence of Some Space Fliqht Factors on the Course of Experimental Staphylococcal Infection," in "MaterialX YII nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], ' Moscow, 1969, pp 17-18. 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Influence of G-forces c:reated Dy a centri.fuge and hypokinesia, as well as of their combined action, on animal resistance to staphylococcal infection. 5151. Prokhorov, V. Ya., Shilov.,_.V. M., and Borman, Ye. A., "2'he-Course of Experi- mental Staphyloooccal Infection .uz White Mice Under the Influence of Some Factors Operating in Space Flight," ZHUI2N. MIKROBIOL., EPIDEM30L. I IMMUNOBIOL., No 11, 1970, pp 82-86. Bibliogr.: p 85 (9 ref.). Combined action of hypodynamia and accelerations. 5162: Rayevskaya, S. A., and Grigor'yev, Yu. G., "Combined Action of Ionizing Radiation and a Number of Physical [Extreme] Factors Inherent to Space Flight," in "Biologicheskoye deystviye protonov vysokikh energii" [Biological Action of High-Energy Protons], Moscow, 1967, pp 71-91. Authors are given in the table of contents. 5163. Romashkin-Timanov, V. I., and Peskov, N. N.,"Combined Influence of Hypo- dynanua and Some Extreme Factors on the Functional State of the Central Nervous and Cardiovascular Systems of the Human Body," in "Materialy simpoziuma 'Biologicheskiye ritmy... [Proceedings of a 5yaposium "Biological Mythms..."], Moscow, 1967, pp 58-59. 5164. Rybakov, N. I., and Kozlov, V. A., "Influence of Vibration, as a Factor Associated With Space Flight, on a Lysogenic E. coZi K-12 (71) Cul.ture," BYIIL. EKSPERIM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 61, No 5, 1966, pp 64-67. Bibliogr.: p 66 (2 ref.). Combined action of vibration and irradiation. Comparison of the results of ground experiuents and data acquired in the Vostok 3 and 6-missions. 5165. Sakharova, I. N., "The Role of the Initial State of the Hypophyseo-Adrenal System in the Body's Reaction to Combined Stresses," in "Materialy IV mezhvuzovskoy nauchnoy konferentsii fiziologov i morfologrov pedagogicheskikh institutov...," Yaroslavl', 1970, pp 339-340. Influence of imtrobilization and subsequent irradiation. 5166. Seraya, v. M., and Abakumova, I. A., "Change in the Rat Hemopoietic System iri Response to the Combined Action of Prolonged Hypokinesia and Repeated Radiation Exposure," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 144-145. 5167. Sergiyenko,' A. V., "Integrated Influence of Acute Hypoxia and High Environ- mental Temperature on the Animal Body," KOSM. BIOL. I NED., Vol 4, No 3, 1970, pp 13-18. Bibliogr.: pp 17-18 (11 ref.). 5168. Sinitsina, A. D., and Bondarev, G. I., "Tventy-Four-Hour Joi.nt Influence of Low-Frequency Vibration and Noise on the Functional State of the Hypophyseo-Adreno- cortical System," GIGIYENA TRiJLIA I PROF. ZABOLEVANIYA, No 7, 1970, pp 42-44. Bibliogr. p 44 (5 ref.). � 119 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 5169. Skobeyev, Ye. M., "Integrated Action af Vi.bration and Roentgen Irradiation on Development and Persistence of the Maze Habit in Rats," RADIOBIOLOGIYA, Vo1 10, No 5, 1970, pp 715-719. Bibliogr.: p 719 (8 ref.). 5170. Skotnikova, G. S., and Zadorin, N. N., "Morphological and Physiological _ Changes in a ChZoreZZa culture in extreme environmental conditions," in "Upravlya- yemyy biosintez i biofizika populyatsiy" [Controlled Biosynthesis and Population Biophysics], Krasnoyarsk, 1969, pp 57-58. Effect of high temperature and radiation, as well as of their joint action. 5171. Smi.rnov, K. V., and Goland, L. G., "The Exocrine Function of the Pancreas in Response to Some Extreme Factors," in "Aviakosmi.cheskaya meditsina," Collection 2, Moscow, 1968, pp 185-193. Bibliogr.: p 193 (27 ref.). Effect of transversely oriented accelerations, hypokinesia and different dietary regimens, and of their combined action. - 5172. Smirnov, K. V., and Khazen, I. M., "T'he Gastrointestinal Tract in Response to Space Flight Factors," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 217-219. Influence of radial accelerations, hypokinesia and a diet of freeze-dried products, and the combined action of these factors. 5173. "Body Reactivity in the Presence of the Integrated Influence of Some Space Flight Factors [Radiation, Vi.bration and Radial Accelerations]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii," Vol 6, Moscow, 1967, pp 367-381. Bibliogr.: pp 380-381 - (16 ref.). Aut.: V. V. Antipov, B. I. Davydov, E. F. Panchenkova,. P. P. Saksonov, G. A. Chernov. . . 174. "Body Reactivity in the Presence of the Integrated Influence of Some Space Flight Factors," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1966, pp 145-161. Bi.bliogr.: p 161 (16 ref.). Aut.: V. V. Antipov, B. I. Davydov, E. F. Panchenkova, P. P. Saksonov, G. A. Chernov. Effect of ionizing radiation, accelerations ir:: a centrifuge and vibration. 5175. Usakova, N. A., "Chanqes in Some Blood Biochemical Measurements in Response - to Development of Tissue Hypoxia," in "Vsesoyuznyy simpozium 'Gory i sistema krovi l" [All-Union Symposium "Mbuntains and the Blood System"], Frunze, 1969, pp 113-115. Combined action of hypoxia and toxic substances in . enclosed spaces. 5176. Usachev, V. V., "Acceleration Zblerance Under Unusual Conditions," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 97-99. 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Combined action of accelerations ar:d breathinq an oxygen- ' poor gas mixture, and of aecelerations combiried'with breathing ' oxygen at excess pressure. Experiments in a centrifuqe and � ' in flight. 5177. Ushakov, A. S., and Ivanova, S. bl., "Influence of Some Factors (Protein De- ficiency, Hypokinesia and Their Combined Action] on Oxidat.ive Phosphrylation In- tensity in the Liver, Heart and Skeletal Muscles," iri "Predboleznl" [Premorbid Statesj, Part 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 256-258. 5178. "Cytochrome Oxi.dase and Succinate Dehydrogenase i.n.Digestive Organs of Young Rabbits in Response to the Combined Influence of Accelerations, Vibration and Irradiation," in "Tezisy dokladov 42-y itogovog nauchnoy konferentsii" [Abstracts of Reports of the 42d Concluding Scientific Conference] [of the Alma-Ata Medical - Institute], Alma-Ata, 197Q, pp 70-72. Aut.: A. V. Kirillicheva, R. I. Yuy, V. I. Denisov, G. M. Belovodskaya. ' 5179. Tsysar', A. I. ,"Vibration 'Sensitivity of Different Parts o.f the Hunnan Body in Response to Separate and Joint Action of Noise and Vibration," in "Materialy itogovoy (1967 goda) nauchnoy sesii Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo i.nstituta zheleznodorozhnoy gigiyeny" [Proceedings of the Concluding (1967) Scientific Session of the All-tAiion Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Hygiene], Moscow, 1969, pp 34-38. . 5180. Emirbekov, E. Z., "The Brain 'Ammonium--Glutamine--Glutamic Acid--Y-Amino- butyric Acid' System of the Hybernatinq Animal in Response to the Joint Action of = Hypothermia and Hyperoxia," in "Voprosy fiziologii, biokhimi.i, zoologii i parazit- _ ologii," Makhachkala, 1968, pp 233-237. Bibliogr:: p 237 (14 ref.). 5181. Yuy, R. I., "Investigation of Carbohydrate and Protein Metabolism in Rat Dxgestive Organs in Response to the Combined Action of Vibration, Acceleration and `Irradiation," in IX Mezhdunarodnyy konqress anatomov," Nbsoow, 1970, p 231. 5182.. Andjus, R. K., Matic, O., and Savkovic, N., "Tolerance to.the Combined Effects of Hypothermia, Anoxia, ar_d Ionizing Radiation," in "Proceedings of the ' Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problemg of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 159-169. Tolerance to the combined effects of hypothermi.a, anoxia and ionizing radiation. 5183. *Barr, P. 'O. , Brismar, J., and Imsenhamer, G,. ,"Pulmonary E'mction and C-Stress During Inhalation of 100$ Oxygen," ACTA PHYSIOL.�SCAND., Vol 77, No 1-2, 1969, _ pp 7-16. Bi.bliogr. : 20 ref. � Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 5 N822. Pulmonary function during inhalation of pure oxygen and the simultaneous influence of accelerations in a centrifuge. 121 - ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5184. Benson, A. J.,. and Bodin,M. p., "Interaction of Linear and Anqular Acceler- ations on Vesti.bular Receptors in Man," AERpgpACE yED., Vol 37, No .2, 1966, pp 144-154. Bibliogr.: pp 153-154 (35 ref.). Simultaneous action of linear and angular aecelerations on vestibu lar receptors in man. 5185. Brzezinska, Z., "Przebieg usterowania zmian stezenia acEtylocholiny wywolanych jednorazowa, 2-godzinna ekspozycja na dzialanie drgan mechanicznych," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON., Vol 19, No 5, 1968, pp 695-702. Bibliogr.: p 702 (5 ref.). Changes in acetylcholine concentration in rat brain tissue in response to the combined and separate influence of inechanical vibration and noise. 5186. Brzezinska, Z., "Zmi.any stezenia acetylocholiny w tkance mozgowej szczurow pod wplywem wielokrotnej ekspozycji na dzialanie drgan mechanicznych," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON., Vol 19, No 6, 1968; pp 919-926. Bibliogr.: p 926 (7 ref.). Changes in acetylcholine concentration in rat brain tissue under the influence of multiple exposure to mechanical vibrations (vibration simultaneously with noise, or noise alone). 5187. Brzezinska, Z., "7.miany stezenia acetylocholiny w tkance mozgowej szczurow powstajace pod wplywem jednorazowej ekspozycji na dzialanie drqan mechanicynych," ACTA PHYSIOL. POLON,, Vol 19, No 5, 1968, pp 683-693. Bibliogr.: p 693 (23 ref.). acetylcholine ooncentration in rat brain tissue under the influence of the combined or separate action of vibration and noise. 5188. *Calcaterra, P. C., and Scliubert, D. W., "Acute Vibration Isolation of f' man Subjects From Severe Dynamic Environments," PAP. AMEg. SOC. MECH. ENG., No 65, 1969, pp 1-16. Bibliogr.: 47 ref. Active isolation af man from vibrations in an environment producing dynamic influences (combined action of sinusoidal vibrations atid constant accelera- tion) . 5189. Gazenko, 0.* G., and Gyurclzhian, A. A., "Physiological Effects of Gravitation," - in "Life Sciences and Space Research," Vol 4, Washington-London, 1966, pp 1-21. Bibliogr.: pp 18-21 (58 ref.). Physiological effects of acceleration, weightlessness and their combination with other space flight factors. The results of biomedical research performed aboard Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft. 122 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONL:' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL -USE ONLY 5190. Gerben, M. J., "Interaction of Hypoxia and Food Deprivation on Patterns of - Locomotor Behavior in.Rats," PERCEPT. AtdD MOT. SKILLS, Vol 26, No 2,.1968, pp 571-575. Simultaneous action of hypoxia and starvation on rat motor activity. 5191. "Influence of Chronic Acceleratimn on the Effects of Whole-Body Irxadiation in Rats," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 5, 1967, pp 451-457. Bibliogr.: pp 456-457 _ (17 ref. Aut. : H. W. Casey, D. R. Oordy, M. Goldman, -A. H. Smith. Oombined action of prolonged rotation in a centrifuge and acute whole-body irradiation of rats. 5192. Kaulbersz, J., Barylak, A., and Radecki, T., "Gastric Secretion in Cats After Intensive Irxadiation Connected With Previous and Simultaneous Hypoxia," in "Life . in Spacecraft Oxford-[Warsaw], 1968, pp 71-73. Gastric sPcretion in cats after intensive irradiation connected with previous and simultaneous hypoxia. 5193. Der Kombinierte Einflub von korper],icher Belastung und Sauerstoffmanqelatmung auf den Pulmanalarteriendruck," Z. KREISLAUFFORSCH., Vol 59, 130 11, 1970, pp 1017- 1028. Bibliogr.: p 1028 (24 ref.). Aut.: H. Roskam, J. Petersen, H. Weidemann, G. BTumchen, F. Landry, H. Reindell. . Combined action of physical exertion and breathing an oxygen- - poor atmosphere on pressure in the pulmonary artery. 5194. Mattoni, R. H. T., "Space Flight Effects and Gaimna Radiation Interaction on Growt12~and Induction of Lysogenic Bacteria. A Prelim. Rep.," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 602-608. Bibliogr.: p 608 (10 ref.). Influence of weightlessness and the combined action of weight- - lessness and radiation on growth and induction of lysogenic bacteria during flight of Biosatellite 2. Preliminary report... 5195. Pepelko, W. E., "Effects of Hypoxia and Hypercapnia, Singly and Combined, on Growing Rats," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 28, No 5, 1970, pp 646-651. Bi.bliogr.: p 651 (25 ref. ) . Effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia, and the combined influence - of bath factors on rat growth and development. 5196. Sadoff, M., and Dolkas, C. B., "Acceleration Stress Effects on Pilot Perform- - ance and Dynamic Response," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 2, 1967,.pp 1013-112. Bibliogr.: p 112 (14 ref.). Influence of linear accelerations of different intensitiea (from weightlessness to high G-forces) and their combination with vibration, on pilot performance and dynamic response. 1?3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USF, ONLY - 5197. Serres, F. J. de, and Webbez, B. B., "Z'he Combined Effect of.Weightlesiness and Radiation on Inactivation and Mutatioa-Induction ia Neurvsporci CraBSa During the Biosatellite II Mission," BIOSCIENCE, Vol 18, No 6, 1968, pp 590-595. Bibliogr.: p 395 (17 ref.). The combined effect of weightlessness and radiation on inactiva- tion and mutation-induction in Nettrospo2u eru8sa during flight aboard Biosatellite 2. 5198. Vykukal, H. C., "Dynamic Response of the Human Body to Vibration When Com- ~ bined With Various Magnitudes of Linear Acceleration," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 11, 1968, pp 1163-1166. Bibliogr.: p 1166 (4 ref.). Dynamic response of the human body to the combined action of vibration and linear accelerations of various intensities. -5199. Vykukal, H. C., and Dolkas, C. B., "Effects of Combined Linear and Vibratory Accelerations on Human Body Dynamics and Pilot Performance Capabilities," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 107-116. Bibliogr.: p 116 (7 ref.). Combined effect of linear accelerations and vibration on cosmonaut body biodynamics and performance. 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064425-4 -~FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY ' 4. Psychophysiological Problems 4.1. General References . See also No 4-6, 50, 288, 289, 302, 503, 564, 634, 675, 709, 777, 802, 803, 859, 874, 883, 896, 8990 907, 1017, 1172, 1612, 1673, 1687, 1774, 17780 1946, 1958, 1968, 1969, 1992, 2100, 2243, 2272-2275, 2328, 2382, 2389, 2391, 2392,..2409, 2434, 2439, - 2440, 2453, 2487, 2542, 2543, 2609, 2671, 2702, 2790, 2816, 2856, 2873, 2936, 2965, 3043, 3065, 3135, 3151, 3152, 3169, 3187, 3309, 3330, 3421, 3433-3436, 3450, 3529, 3580,.3592, 3602, 3614, 3621, 3659, 3747, 3968, 4029, 4030, 4328, 4356, 4376, 4397, 4429, 4473, 4572, 4639, 4728, 4848, 5251, 5257, 5259, 5272, 5274, 52780 5287, 5290, 5294, 5298, 5307, 5325, 5327, 5376, 5439, 5451, 5470, 5472, 5495, 5568, 5644, 5660,. 5675, 5696, 5734, 5821, 5984, 5985, 6083, 6084, 6086, 6087, 6094, 6104, 6427,, 6948, 6959, 6960, 6966, 7055, 7520, 7529, 7550, 7734, 7846, 7932, 7934, 7952, - 7954, 7962, 7964, 7966, 7974, 7979. 5200. Akulinichev, I. T., "Pilot and Cosannaut Intelligence," AVIATSIYA I KOSMO- NAVTIKA, No 10, 1969, p 36; No 11, pp 36-37. 5201. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Some Aspects of the Theory of Flight.Capability. As a Z+opic for Discussion)," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace'Medicine], _ Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 221-225. . 5202. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Psychological Features of Lengthy Cosmonaut Missions," in "Trudy Pervykh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo" [proceedings of the First Readings Devoted to , Development of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy], Moscow, 1967, pp 108-116. 5203. Alyakri.nskiy, B. S., "7Che Paths of Space Psychnlogy's Developznent," KOSM. BIOL. I MEDr, Vol 1, No 2, 1967, pp 14-21. Bibliogr.: p 21 (41 ref.). 5204. Gagarin, Yu. A., and Lebedev, V. I., "Psikhologiya i kosmos" [Psychology and Space], t+bscaw, "Nblodaya gvardiya", 1968, 206 pp. 5205. Gellexshteyn, S. G., "The Problem of Anticipation in Space Psychology," in - "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose" [Psycholoqical Problems of Man ia Space], Mbscaw, 1966, pp 105-111. 125 FOR OFFICIAL 'bSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5206. Gell ershteyn, S. G. ,"The Paths of Experimental on Anticipation Reactions," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems.o� Space Medicine], Nbscow, 1966, pp 113-114. Understanding the psychophysiological nature of pilot and cosmonaut actions. 5207. Gorbov, F. D., "Space Psychology," in "Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina" [Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 392-400. Bibliogr.: p.400 (10 ref.). 5208. Gorbov, F. D., and Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "From Aviation Psychology to Space Psychology," VOPR. PSIIQHOLOGII, No 6, 1967, pp 46-58. 5209. Gorbov, F. D., and Parin, V. V., "Psychological Studies Performed During Cosmonaut Training and in Space Flight," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii" (Problems of General Psychology], Moscow, 1966, pp 462-463. � 5210. Zolotukhin, A. N., and Komshalyuk, S. Ye., "Psychophysiological Changes in - Extreme Conditions," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Mcscow, 1969, pp 241-244. Studies performed against the clock, in the presence of excess external afferentation or its reduced flow, and in the presence of relative isolation and hypodynamia. 5211. Korobeynikov, L. M., "Time $erception in Space Flight," in "Materialy 2-y - nauchnoy konFerentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Con- ference of Yotang Scientists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 99-100. � 5212. Kosmolinski.l, F. and Mvasni.kov, B. I., "Some Problams of 6yac~- Fcciogical Psychophysiology," in "Trudy Tret'ikh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo na:.lediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. l:iologii i meditsiny" [Proceedings of tite Third Readings Dewted to Developmerit of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Section [2]. Problems of Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1969, pp 33-41. Bibliogr.: pp 39-41 (15 ref.). 5213. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "brotions and Neuro-Enclocrine ReguYation of Body Functions in Fliqht," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection l, Moscow, 1967, pp 187-189. 5214. Kuznetsov, O. N., and Myasnikov, V. I., "Significance of Sleep to Appraisal of Individual Psychological Features of the Personality," in "Materialy aimpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...",[Proceedings of a Symposiwa on the Study of the Unique Features of Sleep...], Moscow, 1968, pp 40-43. Occupational selection and prediction of -zosmonaut adaptabil.fty to unusual livinq conditions. 5215. Kuznetsov, O. N., "The Coriception of 'Personality and Habitat' in Experimental Spar.e Psychoneurology," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 3, 1968, pp 62-70-. Bibliogr.: pp 69-70 (24 ref.). 126 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY A justification of special requiremeats on selection and traininq of cosmonauts in relation to their.nerv+ous and mental stability. 5216. Lebedeva, I. P., "The Dynamics of the Galvanocutaneous Response in the Procesg of Awakening," in "Materialy 2-y nauehnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 114. 5217. Lebedeva, I. P., " as an Objective,Criterion for Evaluating the Quality of Drug-Ynduced Sleep," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konfezentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the 7hird Scientific Conference of Younq Specialists] [of the Institute of Bianedical Problems], MQSCOw, 1969, pp 30-31. 5218. Parin, V. V., and Gorbov, F. D., "Experimental Research in Space Psycho- physiology," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No l, 1967, pp 7-12. Bibliogr.: p 12 (20 ref.). 5219. Sorokhtin, G. N., "Insufficient Arousal and Stimulation," in "Problemy - kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 350-352. ' Some problems of space physiology. 5220. "Applications of Behavioral Research on Undersea Habitats to Manned Space Flight," AIAA PAPER, N 69-1120, 1969, pp 1-8. Bibliogr.: p 8 (6 ief.). Aut.: N. Zill, J. Deutsch, E. J. McLaughlin, E. S. Burcher. Application of research on human behavior in an undezwater environment to manned space flight. 5221. Barnard, G. W., "Psychophysiology of Aerospace Medicine," INTERN. PSYCHIATRY CLIN., Vol 4, No l, 1967, pp 3-22. Bibliogr.: pp 20-21 (23 ref.). Psychophysiological aspects of aerospace medicine. 5222. Chambers, R. M., "The Psychology of Space Flight and Centrifuqe Training," J. BRIT. INTERPLANET. SOC., Vol 21, No 3, 1968, pp 232-273. Bibliogr.: pp 269-273 (60 ref.). The psychology of space flight and the training of oosmonauts in a centrifuge. 5223. Chiles, W. D., "Methodological Problems of Assessing the PsychologicaT Status of the On-Orbit Astronaut," in "Problemy obschhey psikhologii," Moscow, 1966, pp 465-566. Methodological problems of assessing the psychological status of the on-orbit astronaut. 5224. Chiles, W. D., "Methodological Problems of Assessing the Psychological Status of the On-Orbit Astronaut," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," . Irbscow, 1966, pp 99-104. Methodological problems of assessing the psychological status - of the onrorbit astronaut. 127 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5225. *Frazier, Th.'W., "Avoidance Conditioning of Heart Rates in Hwnans," _ PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, Vol 3, [No 101,1966, pp 188 20Z.. Bibliogr.: 13 ref. Regulation of man's heart rate through development of an avoidance conditioned reflex. 5226. Fruchter, B., "Analysis of Ittter and Intra-Individual Differences in Manned Space Flight," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii," Moscow, 1966, p 466. Analysis of flight data on individual differences in cosmonauts. 5227. Fruchter, B., "Analysis of Inter-and Intra-Individual Differences in Manned Space Fliqht," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," Moscow, 1966, p 124. Analysis of flight data on individual differences in cosmonauts. 5228. *Galubinska, K., "Udzial roznych dziedzin psycholoqii w realizacji problemow kosmicznych," WOJSKOWY PRZEGL. LOTN., Vol 23, No 10, 1969, pp 37-51. � Ref.: RZH, ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 1970, 3.62.457. Significance of different branches of psychology to implementa- tion of space programs. 5229. Grandpierre, R., "Recherches sur le comportement psychomoteur dana les conditions de vols spatiaux," SCI. ET IND. SPAT., Vol. 4, No 78, 1968, pp 17-23. = Research on animal psychomotor reactions during flight aboard rockets. 5230. Gregory, R. L., "Lunar PsychoYogy," SCI, J., Vol 5, No 5, 1969, pp 78-81. Cosmonaut psychology in lunar conditions. 5231. Huddleston, H. F., "Psychophysiological Aspects of Man in Space", SPACEFLIGHT, - Vol 8, No 8, 1966, pp 268-274. . Psychophysiological aspects of man's space flights. A review of information obtained in Vostok and Gemini 8 missions. 5232. ,7udica-Cordiglia, A., "Dati sulle condizioni psicofisioloqiche dei piloti spaziali desumibili dalle commtunicazioni radio verbali spazio-terra e terraspazio," REV. MED. AERIJNAUT. E SPAZ., Vol 29, No 4, Suppl. al, 1966, pp 176-182. Psychophysiological characteristics of cosmonauts according to "Kosmos-ground" and "ground-IGosmos" radio conversations. 5233. Parin, W. W., Chasen, J. M., and Kosmolinski, F. P., "psychologische und physiologische Reaktionen des Menschen fm Weltrauta," Z. GESAM'1'ETECH9� Vol 112, No 6, 1970, pp 359-360. 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Psychological and physiological reactions of man in outer space. 5234. Schaefer, H. H., "Problems Concerning a Balanced Enclosed Life Space for Humans," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii," Nbscow, 1966, p 469. Psychological problems associated with man's inclusion in ~en,- _ closed ecosystems. 5235. Schaefer, H. H., "Problems Concerning a Balanced Enclosed Life Space for Humans," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," Moscow, 1966, pp 35-51. Psychological problems associated with man's inclusion in an enclosed ecosystem. 5236. Stewart, w. K., "Some Problems of Behaviour Relating to Space Flight," in "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 80-89. Bibliogr.: pp 88-89 (19 ref.). Abstracts in Fxench and Russian. Some psychophysiological problems of space missions. 5237. *Trichet, J. C., "Avec 'Tektite Ii:', 62 ingenieurs et scientifiques apprennent a travailler dans la mer.," AIR ET COSMOS, Vol 8, No 351, 1970, p 31. Ref.: RZH. Raketostroyeniye, 1970, 11.41.277. Psychological tests of aquanauts aboard the American submarine station Tektite II, and use of these data to create future space stations. 4.2. Sensory Deprivation. Social Isolation. , See also 3.3.4; 6.1.1. and No 3, 36-7, 3143, 3693, 4714, 4997, 5210, 5337, 5338, 5340, 5343, 5344, 5406, 5456, 5458, 5463, 5470, 5476, 5482, 5492, 5501, 5505, 5506, 5512, 5579, 5734, 6796, 6946, 6952-6955, 6958, 6961, 6968, 6974, 6976, 6979, 7888, 7889, 7972. ' 5238. Banshchikov, V. M., and Stolyarov, G. V., "Sensory Isolation," ZHURN. NEVROPATOL. I PSIKHIATRII, Vol 66, No 9, 1966, pp 1428-1440. Bibliogr.: pp 1439-1440 (129 ref.). A review of foreign literature. 5239. Boriskin, V. V., "A Characterization of Sleep and the F'unctional State of the Human Central Nervous System During Prolonged Deprivation," in "Materialy simpoziwna po izucheniyu osobennostey sna..." [Proceeclings of a Symposium on the Study of the Unique Features of Sleep...], Nbscow, 1968, pp 13-15. 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 5240. Bundzen, P. V., Katinas, V. Ya., and Ur'yash, V. V., "Influence of Short-Term Sensory Deprivation on the Effects of Stimulation of the Median Nucleus of the Optic Thalamus," in "Materialy k konferentsii 'Akklimatizatsiya cheloveka v usloviyakh polyarnykh raynov l" [Contributions to the Conferenee "Human Acclimation in Arctic Regions"], Leningrad, 1969, pp 32-33. 5241. Gorbov, F. D., and Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "5ome Problems in the Psychophysiology of Isolation in Application to Prolonged Space Flight," in "Materialy konferentsii po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Proceedings of a Conference on Space Biology and Medicinei, Moscow, 1966, pp 120-125. B ibliogr.: p 125 (4 ref.). 5242. Gorbov, F. D., and Myasnikov, V. I., "Trace Reactions in the.Human EEG and Their Significance to Appraisal of the Functional State of the Body [During Lengthy Isolation]," in "Problemi- kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 127-129. 5243. Dushkov, B. A., Zolotukhin, A. N., and Nesterenko, M. T., "Some Objective Methods of Studying the Tiring of the Visual and Motor Analyzers During Sensory Isolation," in "Problemy sensornoy izolya�,sii" [Problems of Sensory Isolation], Moscow, 1970, pp 148-185. Bibliogr,: p 185 (18 ref.). 5244. I1'in, Ye. A., "Psychophysiological Research and Observations of an Individual During a Year of isolation, Hypokinesia and Hypoxia," in "Materiali k konferentsii 'Akklirnatizatsiya cheloveka v usloviyakh polyarnykh rayonov'," Leningrad, 1969, pp 39-40. 5245. "Research on Electrophysiological and Psychophysiological Indicators During Partial Isolation and Hypodyna mia," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 16-18. Aut.: I. T. Akulinichev, A. Ye. Baykov, E. V. Bondarev, G. I. Gurvich, V. A. Yegorov, K. P. Zazykin, G. P. Lysenko, V. V. Rassvetov, I. I. Shcherbachev. 5246. Kozerenko, 0. P., "Dynamics of Physiological Indicators During a Prolonged Standing Test Conducted to Evaluate the Functional State of the Body Following Long- Term Testing Unit Experiments," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 210-211. Effect of 7 days of isolation and 3 days in a small enclosed room in a forced posture. 5247. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Sensory deprivation in space medicine," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 4, 1967, pp 3-11. Bibliogr.: pp 10-11 (49 ref.). - 5248. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., and Shcherbina, Z. D., "Sensory Deprivation in Space Flight," in "Ocherki psikhofiziologii truda kosmonavtov" [Notes on Cosmonaut Labor Psychophysiology], Nbscow, 1967, pp 39-58. Bibliogr.: pp 57-58 (54 ref.). 5249. Krutova, Ye. M., "Change in Mental Performance During Relative Sensory Isolation," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii," Nbscow, 1970, pp 73-79. Bibliogr.: p 79 (12 ref. ) . 130 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5250. KuzlletsOV, O. N., Lebedev, V. I., dlld LitBflV, A. N., "The MEthOd Of ' AppliC3- tion' of Strict Sensory Deprivation in Long-Term Anechoic Chamber.Tests," i:n "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 244-245, 5251. Kuznetsov, O. N., "Anechoic Chamber Tests.of Nervous and Mental Resistance to Prolonged Isolation as a Method of StudyingIndividual Psyehological Features of the Personality," in "Psikhologicheskiye metody issledovaniya v klixiike" [Psycho- loqical Research Methods in the Clinic], Leningrad, 1967, pp 247-250. 5252. Kuznetsov, O. H., "Claustroxenoscopophobia as a Model of Formation of the Obsessive States Syndrome (Developing in Response to Lengthy Presence in an Anechoic Chuaber]," ZHURN. NEVROPATOL. I PSIIQiIATRII, Vol 70, No 4, 1970, pp 551-556. . Bibliogr.: p 556 (33 ref.). 5253. Kuznetsov, O. N., "Clinical Pattern and Phenomenology of the Behavior of a Healthy Individual Undergoing Long-Term Anechoic Chamber Trials in Isolation. (An Experiment Justifying the Principles of Nervous and Psychiatric Expert Examination of Operators in Ecologically Closed Airborne Platform Systems)," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate ot medical sciences, Leningrad, 1969, 20 pp (Military Medical Academy). 5254. Kuznetsov, O. N., and Lebedev, V. I., "Simulation of Syndromes [Arising in Response to Long-Term Tests in .an Anechoic Chamber] by the Methods of Space Psychology," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 4, 1967, pp 7-81. Bibiiogr.: p 81 (11 ref.). 5255. Kuznetsov, O. N., "The Observations of an Experimenter as One of the Factors in Anechoi.c Chamber Tests," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 6, 1967, pp 79-82. Bibliogr.: p 82 (18 ref.). 5256. Kuznetsov, O. N., "Unexpected Information as a Factor of Psychological,In- fluence Upon the Activity of an Operator in Isolation," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., V4 4, - No 2, 1970, pp 74-78. Bibliogr.: p 78 (10 ref.). 5257. Kuznetsov, O. N., and Lebedev, V. I., "Exteriorization of Reactions Occurring - During Long-Term Isolation, and Their Significance to Our Understanding of the Mechanisms of the Split Personality," VOPR. PSIKiOLOGII, No l, 1968, pp 31-41. Bi.bliogr.: pp 40-41 (26 ref.). 5258. Kuznetsov, O. N., and Lebedev, V. I., "Postisolation Hypomaniacal Syndrome Following Long-Term Tests in an Anechoic Chamber," ZHURN. NEVROPATOL. I PSIKiIATR2I, Vol 68, No 4, 1968, pp 549-554. Bi.bliogr.: pp 553-554 (13 ref.). 5259. Kuznetsov, O. N., "Anechoic Chamber Tests as a Method of Studying Individual Psychological Features of the Personality," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 241-242. 5260. Litsov, A. N., "Daily Dynamics of Some Physiological Functians and Human Per- formance in Isolation," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 4, 1968, pp 83-86. Bibliogr.: ~ 86 (13 ref.). . 131 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5261. Maslov, I. A., "Influence of Isolation [and Hypokinesia] on Mental State," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii," Moscow, 1970,.pp 38-43. Bibliogr.: pp 42-43 (19 ref.).. . Presera.ce in a small room for 15 to 120 days. 5262. Maslova, A. F., "Participation of the sympatho-adrenal system in formation of a compensatory reaction in rabbits in response to altered envi.ronmental condi- tions," in "Problemy kosmi.cheskoy meditsiny," Mbscow, 1966, pp 273-274. Presence of animals in isolation. 5263. Murav'yev, M. N., "The Influence of the Removal of Afferent Signals on the Tonic Function of Skeletal Muscle," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 4, 1967, pp 61-65. Bibliogr.: p 65 (26 ref.). 5264. Myasnikov, V. I., "7'he Diurnal Rhythm of Man's Physiological Eunctions in Isolation," in "Aviakosmi.cheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collection l, Mosoow, 1967, pp 128-133. 5265. Myasnikov, V. I., and Uskov, F. N., "Simulation-of the Alienation Syndrome in Isolation," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii," Nbscow, 1970, pp 44-46. 5266. Neyman, B. A., "The Relativism of the Concept 'Sensory Isolation'," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii," Moscow, 1970, pp 47-49. Bibliogr.: pp 48-49 (6 ref. ) . . 5267. "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii" [Problems of Sensory.Isolation], editor in chief A. A. Smirnova.., Moscow, 1970, 204 pp (USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences' . Institute of Psychology. USSR Academy of Sciences. Coun,cil on inteqrated Research on Man. USSR Society of Psychologists). 5268. "Performance and Tiring in Response to Relative Sensory Isolation," in sPnsornoy izolyatsii," Moscow, 1970, pp 50-56. Aut.: G. V. Arkhanqel'skiy, R. A. Dushkov, A. N. Zolotukhin, F. P. Kosmolinskiy, B. F. Lomov. 5269. Shvab, L:, and Gross, Ya., "Effect of Isolation and Sensory Deprivation on = the Body. A Review," KOSM. BIOL. 2 MED., Vol 2, No 1, 1968, pp 58-62. Bi.bliogr.: p 62 (18 ref.). - 5270. *Angiboust, R., "L'isolement en astronautique," MED. ET HYG., Vol 25, No 796, 1967, pp 1058-1059. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOG:IYA, 1968, 3 P889. Isolation in space flight. - 5271. *Angi.boust, R., and Chaput, M., "L'isolement sensoriel et le controle des _ facteurs d'environnement appliques aux etudes et recherches medico-physioloqfques,". REV. 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K. Basu, M. Schilling. Comparison af physiological reactions to stress elicited by sensory the social isolation. 5278. Cross, H. A., and Harlow, H. F., "Prolonged and Progressive Effects of Partial isolation on the Behavior of Macaque Monkeys," J. EXP. RES. PERSON., Vol 1, No 1, 1965,.pp 39-49. Bibliogr.: p 49 (12 ref.). . Effect of partial isolation on the behavior of macaque monkeys. 133 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 5279. Curtis, G. C., and Zuckerman, M., "A Psychopathological Reaction Precipitated by Sensory Deprivation," AMER. J. PSYQiIAT., Vol 125, No 2, 1968, pp.255-260. Bi.blaogr.: pp 259-260 (15 ref.). - Long-term psychQpathological reaction of the healthy individual to sensory deprivation. 5280. Dyer, R. ,"Isolation, Mrui and Space," SPACEFLI(~iT, Vol 9, No 6, 1967, pp 214-216. Bibliogr.: p 216 (31 ref.). I Problems of individual and group isolation during space missions. 5281. "Effect of Isolation in a Constant Fnvironment on Periodicity of Physiological Functians and Performance Levels," AEFaOSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 10, 1967, pp 1002-1018. Bibliogr.: pp 1017-1018 (13 ref.). Aut.: K. E. Schaefer, B. R. Clegg, Cn. R. Carey, J. H. Dougherty, B. B. Weybrew. Effect of isolation in a constant environment on the periodicity of physiological functions and performance. 5282. "The Effects of Sensory Deprivation on Sensory, Perceptual, Nbtor, Cognitive anii Physiological Flinction," prepared under grant No NsG-489 by Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y., for NASA. Washington, 1967, 87 pp. (NASA CR-727). Bibliogr.: pp 84-87 (48 ref.). Aut.: S. Weinstein, M. Richlin, M. Weisinger, L. Fisher. The effects of sensory deprivation on sensory, perceptual, motor, cognitive and physiological functions. 5283. "Experimental and Subject Factors Determi.ning Responses to Sensory Deprivation, Social Isolation, and Confinement," ABNORM. PSYQiOL., Vol 73, No 3, 1968, pp 183-194. Bibliogr.: p 194 (30 ref.). Aut.: M. Zuckerman, H. Persky, K. E. Link, G. K. Basu. Experimental and subjective factors determining human responses to sensory deprivation and social isolation. 5284. "Fraser, T. M., "Confinement and Free-Volume Requirements," SPACE LIFE SCI., Vol 1, No 2/3, 1968, pp 428-466. Bibliogr.: pp 463-466 (90 ref.). Confinement and free-volume requirements. 5285. Fraser, T. M., "The Effects of Confine.ment as a Factor in Manned Space Flight," prepared under contract No NASr-115 by Lovelac:e Found. for Med. Education and Research, Albuquergue, N. Mex., for NASA. Washington, 1966. 176 pp. Annot. bibliogr.: pp 110-176 (104 ref.). Physiological and psychological effects in isolation as a factor acting on man in space flight. 5286. *Ftiierst, K., and Zi:bek, J. 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The effect of high-altitude isolation on the pilot's psychological funcL-ions. 5289. Galubinska, K., "The Effect of Isolation on Human Mental Functions.," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii" [Problems of General Psychology], Moscow, 1966, p 465. The effect of isalation on pilot mental functions. 5290. *Gross, J., Burchard, J. M., and Kempe, P., "Sensorische Deprivation. Eine spezielle Form der Verhaltensforschung," PSYCHAT.,. DiEURpL., NEUROCHIR., Vol 73, No 3, 1970, pp 189-199. Bibliogr.: 15 ref. Ref.: RZH. BILOGIYA, 1970, 12 P412. Sensory deprivation. Special methods of studying the behavior - of subjects standing 2 hours in a chamber in total darkness. 5291. Gross, J., and Svab, L., "Social Isolation in Sensoxy Deprivation: Method and General Rasults," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," Moscow, 1966, pp 26-31. The role of social isolation in phenomena elicited by sensory = deprivation. Research procedures and general results. ~ 5292. Gross, J., and Svab, L., "Social Isolation in Sensory Deprivation: 1. Method and General Results," in "Problem obshchey psikhologii," Moscow, 1966, pp 464-465. The role of social isolation in phenomena.elicited by sensory deprivation. Cou�nunication l. Research methods _ and general results. 5293. Haythorn, W. W., Altman, I: , and Myers, Th. I. ,'.'Emotional Symptomatology and Subjective Stress in Isolated Pairs of Men," J. EXP. RES. PERSON., Vol 1, No 4, 1966, pp 290-305. Bibliogr.: p 305 (22 ref.). ~ Emotional symptomatoZogy and subjective stress in isolated pairs of inen. 135 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5294. Houlihan, R. T., and Delaney, R. C., "Effect of Isolation on B1ood Pressure, Behavior and Response to Epinephrine in the Rat," AERpSPACE MED;., Vo1 40,.No 5, 1969, pp 491-495. Bibliogr.: p 495 (10 ref.). Effect of isoiation on blood pressure, behavior and response ~ to epinephrine in the rat. 5295. Ilyin, E. A., and Egorov, V. V., "Psychophysiological Aspects of Extended - Exposure of Man to an Environment With Sensory Deprivation," AEROSppCE MED., Vol 41, _ No 9, 1970, pp 1022-1024. Bibliogr.: p 1024 (11 ref.). _ Psychophysiological aspects of extended exposure of man to an environment with sensory deprivation. 5296. Kosmolinsky, F'., and Dushcov, B., "SFecific Features of Adaptation o� a Human Organism to Prolonged Stay in Sealed Chambers," AERpSPACE MEIt.-, Vol 39, No 5, 1968, pp 508-511. Bibliogr.: p 511 (8 ref.). Specific fearures of adaptation of a human organism to prolonged stay in an isolated chamber. 5297. *Latane, B., Cappell, H., and Jay, V., "Social Deprivation, Housing Density, and Gregariousness in Rats," J. COMP. AND PHYSIOL. PSYCHOL., Vol 70, No 2, Part l, 1970, PP 221-227. Social isolatien, overpopulation and qreqariousness in rats. 5298. Leff, J. 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Speech perception during social isolation and confinement. 136 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5302. *The.Psychodynamic Implications of Physiological Studies on Sensory Depriva- tion," edited by L. Madow and L. H. Snow. Springfield, Ill., 7homas, 1970, 113 pp. The psychodynamic aspects of psychological studies on sensory deprivation. 5303. "Psycho-gidocrine Effects of Perceptual and Social Isolation," AR(H. GED1. _ PSYQiIAT.,.Vo1 15, No 5, 1966, pp 499-505. Bi.bliogr.: p 505 (15 ref.). Aut.: , H. Persky, M. Zuckerman, G. K. Basu, D. Zhornton. Mental and endocrine changes in healthy young people followincj perceptual and social isolation. 5304. "Responses to Confinement: An Investigation of Sensory Deprivation, Social - Isolation, Restriction of tbvement and Set Factors," PERCEPT. AND MpT. SKILI.S, Vol 27, No l, 1968, pp 319-334. Bibliogr.: pp 333-334 (27 ref.). Aut.: M. Zuckerman, H. Persky, K. E. Link, G. K. Basu. Reactions to isolation. Research on the effects of sensory - deprivation, social isolation, restriction of movements and immobi].ity factors. 5305. Rhodes, L. E., and Fleming, D. E., "Sensory Restriction in the Albino Rat; Photically Evoked After-Discharge Correlates," EY,ECTROENCEPHAI,OGR. AND CLIN. NEURp- PHYSIOL., Vol 29, iJo 5, 1970, pp 488-495. Bibliogr.: p 495 (12 ref.). Cerebrocortical responses to a light flash in albino rats trained in the presence of visual and auditory sensory restrictions. - 5306. Aomanov, A., "Septante jours dans un espace clos.,"~AVIA.,ET ASTRONAqT., Vol 8, No 2, 1968, p 47. Effect of isolation on the mental and physical state of cosmonauts i.n a spacecraft simulator for a long period of time (up to 70 days). � 5307. Rossi, A. M., Furhman, A., and Solomon, Ph., "Arousal Levels and Thought . Processes During Sensory Deprivation," J. ABNORM. 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The Effect of Visual Depri- vation on Canine Gastric Secretion," PSYCHOSOMAT. MED., Vol 32, No 4; 1970, pp 379-396. Bibliogr.: pp 393-396 (56 ref.). Aut.: H. Schapiro, L. D..Wruble, L. G. Britt, T. A. Bell. Sensory deprivation and visceral activity. Communication 1. Effect of visual deprivation on gastric secretion in dogs. 5311. "Sensory Deprivation on Visceral Activity. 2. The Effect of Auditory and Vesti.bular Deprivation on Canine Gastric Secretion," PSYCfiOSOM. MED., Vol 32, No 5, 1970, pp 515-521. Bibliogr.: p 521 (8 ref.). Aut.: H. Schapiro, C. W. Gross, T. Nakamura, L. D. Wruble, L. G. Britt. Sensory deprivation and visceral activity. Comunication 2. The effect of auditory and vestibular deprivation on gastric secretion in dogs. - 5312. *Smith, S., and Myers, Th. I., "Time-Shared Qercaptual-Motor Skills _ During Seven Days of Isolation," PSYCEiONOM. SCI., Vol 9, Sept. 1967, pp 99-100: Time-shared perceptual-motor skills during 7 days of isolation. � 5313. *Spectre thermique (rythmes de la temperature rectale) d'une femme adulte avant, pendant et apres son isolement souterrain de trois mois," COMPT. MND. ACAD. SCI., Vol D262, No 7, 1966, pp 782-785. Aut.: A. Reinberq, F. Halberq, J. Ghata, M. S--ffre. . The thermal spectrum (rectal temperature rhythms) ef the adult woman before, during and after 3 months of bsolation in an underground room. 5314. "Stimulation Seeking After Days of Perceptual Deprivation," PERCEPT. AND MOT. SKILLS, Vol 26, No 2, 1968, pp 547-550. Biblioqr.: p 550 (7 ref.). Aut.: P. E. Gendreau, N. Freedman, G. J. S. Wilde, G. D. Scott. (hoice of the form of stimulation by man followinq 7 days . of sensary deprivation. 5315. Strumza, M. V., "Biologie cosmonautique. Problemes lies au confinement," PRESSE MED., Vol 77, No 3, 1969, pp 108-111. Problems of isolation in space medicine.. 138 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5316. Suedfeld, P., "Isolation, Confiriement and Sensory Deprivation," J. BRIT. INTERPLANET. Stx;., Vol 21, I3o 3, 1968, pp 222-231. Biblioqr.: gp 230-231 (25 ref.). Isolation, oonfinement and sensozy deprivation. 5317. Suqimoto, S., Kida,.M., and Teranishi, T., "Frequency Changes of Alpha Brain Waves Durinq 3 Days of Sensory Deprivation," in "Annual Report of the Reaearch Insti- tute of F.tzvironmental Medicine Nagoya University," [Vol.] 17. Nagoya, 1970, pp 73-78. Bi.bliogr. : p 78 (11 ref. ) . (hanges in brain alpha-wave frequency durinq 3 days of sensory deprivation. 5318., S., "Sleep Cycles in EEG During Sensary Deprivation," in "Annua.l Report of the Fesearch Institute of Fnvironmental Medicine Nagoya ihziversity," [Vol.] 15, Nagoya, 1967, pp 53-59. Bi.bliogr.: pp 58-59 (8 ref.). The electroencephalogram sleep in persons subjected to sensory deprivation. 5319. Thach, J. S., "A bigeminus Pattern in Social Behavior," in "Circadian Mythms' in Nonhuman Primates," Basel et al., 1959, pp 52-53. Bibliogr.: pp 61-63 (30 ref.). Tvo daily peaks of social activity in baboons. Comparison of the monkey's behavior in liberty aind in social isolation. 5320. iingerer, A., "Effet de la duree de 1'isolement social sur' 1'acquisition d'un apprentissage instnunental chez la souris," OONP. REND. ACAD. SCI. SER. D., Vol 271, No 3, 1970, pp 350-352. Effect of long-term isolation from vommunication on development of conditioned habits in mice. 5321. Vergenes, M., and Karli, P., "Effets de 1'ablation des bulbes olfactifs et de 1'isolement sur le development de 1'aqressivite interspecifique du rat.," COMPT.. _ ItEND. SOC. BIOL., Vol 163, No 12, 1969 (1970), pp 2704-2706. Effect of removing the olfactory lobes and.individual isolation on development of interspecific aggressiveness in rats. 5322. Weinstein, S., "Sensory and Physiological Changes After Sensory Depriva- tion," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii," Moscow, 1966, pp 473-474. Sensory and physiological changes elicited by sensory deprivation. 5323. Weinstein, S., "Sensory and Phsyiological Chan.ges After Sensory Deprivation," _ in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," Moscow, 1966, pp 82-88: Sensory and physiological changes elicited by sensory deprivation. 139 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5324. Welch. B. L., and Welch, A. S., "Social Environment and Neuroendocrine Adaptation," in "Tsentral'nyye anekhanizmy fiziologicheskoy adaptatsii" [Central Mechanisms of Physioloqical Adaptation], Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 113-117. Bibliogr.: pp 115-116 (23 ref.). Abstract in Russian. The "social" environment and neuroendocrine adaptation. Comparison of isolated mice with mice living in a qroup. 5325. Weltman, A. S., Sachler, A. M., and Sparber, S. B., "Endocrine, Metabolic and Behavioral Aspeets of Isolation Stress of Female Albino Mice," AERDSpACE MED., Vol 37, No 8, 1966, pp 804-810. Bibliogr.: pp 809-810 (47 ref.). Endocrine, metabolic and behavioral changes in female albino rats experiencing stress caused by isolation. 5326.. Wever, R., "Zur Zeitgeber-Starke eines Licht-Dunkel-Wechsels fur die� circadiane Periodik des Menschen," PFI,UGERS AR(H., Vol 321, No 2, 1970, pp 133-142. bibliogr.: pp 141-142 (23 ref.). Significance of the alternation of light and darkness as a time cue for the circadian rhythm in man in strict isolation. - 5327. Wulfften Palthe, P. M. van, "Time Sense in Isolation," PSYCHIAT., NEUFapL., NETJROCHRURG., Vol 71, No 3, 1968, pp 221-241. Bibliogr.: p 241 (10 ref.). Time sense in prolonged isolation. 5328. Ziski.ld, E.; and Auqsburg, T., "Hallucinations in Sensory Deprivation. ' (Method or Madness?)," DIS. NERV. SYST., Vol 28, No 11, 1967, pp 721-726. Biblioqx.: p 726 (14 ref. ) . Hallucinations in sensory deprivation as a normal phenomenon - and not as a symptom of inental disorder. 5329. *Zubek, J. P., "Sensory Deprivation. Fifteen years of Research," New York, Appleton-Century-Crafts, 1969. 526 pp. (Century Psychology Ser.). Sensory deprivation. The results of 15-years of research. 5330. Zuckerman, M., and Persky, H., "Duration and Controls in Sensory Deprivation Experiments: A Psychoendocrine Study," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii," Moscow, 1966, p 473. Psychological and enclocrine changes elicited by aeasory deprivation. Experimental studies. 5331. Zuckerman, M., and Persky, H., "Duration and Controls in Sensory Deprivation Experiments: A Psychoendocrine Study," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose," Moscow, 1966, pp 89-98. Psychological and end,ocrine changes elicited by serisory deprivation. Experimental studies. - 140 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5332. Zuckerman, M., "Field Dependency as a Predictor of Responses to Sensory and - Social Isolation, PERCEPT. AND MQT. SKILLS, Vol 27, No 3, Part l, 1968, pp 757- 758. Bibliogr.: p 758 (4 ref.). Dependence on the environment as the basis for predicting reactions to sensory and social isolation. 5333. *Zuckerman, M., Marvin, P. H., and Link, K. E., "The Influence of Set and Diurnal Factors on Autonomic Responses to Sensory Deprivation," PSYQiOPHYSIOLOGY, Vol 5, No 6, 1969, pp 612-624. Bibliogr.: 23 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOIAGIYA, 1970, 8 P855. The influence of psychological set and diurnal factors on autonomic responses to sensory aeprivation. 4.3. Psychological Stress. ^revention of Mental Disturbances. See also No 48, 1245, 2464, 2962, 3353, 3425, 4562, 4865, 5256, 5275, 5277, 5293, 5444, 5477, 5478, 5480, 5493, 5500, 5806, 5885, 6963, 7486-7488, 7497, 7638, 7797, 7948, 7956, 7968. 5334. "Biochemical Indicators of Pilot Responses to Complex Flying Conditions [Elicited by Failure of the Automatic Pilot System]," KOSM. BIOL�. I MED., Vol 2, No 2, 1968, pp 83-87. Bibliogr.: p 87 (11 ref.). Aut.: I. G. Dluskaya, T. A. Orlova, V. A. Ponomarenko, I. S. Balakhovskiy. 5335. Buyanov, P. V., K,omshalyuk, S. Ye., and K,osmolinskiy, F. P., "Postflight - Changes in Cardiac Electropotentials of Flight Crews Elicited by High Nervous and Emotional Tension," in "Aviakosmi.cheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Med9.cine], Collection 1, Nbscow, 1967, pp 201-203. 5336. Buyano,.r, P. V., and Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Nervous and Emotional Stress in Pilot Occupational Activity," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 2, Nbscow, 1968, pp 32-41. Biblioqr.: p 41 (10 ref.). 5337. Gorbov, F. D., KosLaolinskiy, F. P., and Myasnikov, V. I., "Influence of Heightened and Reduced Afferentation on the Human Body in the Aspect of Space Psychophysiology," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 1, Nbscow, 1967, pp 134-135. 5338. Gorbov, F. D., Kosmolinskiy, F. P., and Myasnikov, V. I., "Some Unique Features of the Action of Heightened and Reduced Afferentation on the Human Body in the Aspect of Space Psychophysiology," VOPR. PSIKHOLOGII, No 5, 1966, pp 67-71. Bibliogr.: p 70 (15 ref.). 5339. "Study of a Pilot-Operator's Emotional Stress With the Assistance of an Experimental Model of a Stressful Situation," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya medi- tsina" [Aviation and Space Mediciriel, Vol 1; Moscow, 1969, pp 204-209: Aut.: B. A. Dushkov, A. N. Zolotukhin, F. P. ICpsmolinskiy, B. F. Lomov, V. D. Nebylitsyn. Experiments on a trainer in a small sealed chamber. 141 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY 5340. "Study of Operator Emotional Stress in the Presence of Moderate Hypokinesia and Relative Sensory Isolation," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii" [Problems of Sensory Isolation], Nbacow, 1970, pp 10-38. Bibliogr:: B. A. Dushkov, A. N. Zolotukhin, N. I. Logunov, B. F., I,omov, P. P. Kosmolinskiy, V. D. Nebylitsyn A. A. Palenov. 5341. "The Problem of Emotional Stress," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii mlodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 98-99. Aut.: O. P. Kozerenko, S. N. Makarov, V. N. Polyakova, A. V. Titkov. 5342. Klimenko, L. L., "The Problem of Enotional Stress," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [of the Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, Pp 90-92. 5343. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Influence of Altered [Heightened and Reduced] Afferen- tation on the Human Body," in "Ocherki psikhofiziologii truda kosmonavtov" [Notes on Cosmonaut Labor Psychophysiology], Moscow, 1967, pp 59-68. Bibliogr.: pp 67-68 (23 ref.). 5344. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Influence of Changes in Sensory Loads Uuring Flight," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, p 226. Effect of heightened or reduced afferentation on the human body. 5345. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "Emotional Stress in Space Flight," in "Trudy Vtroykh - chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i bio].ogii" [Proceedings of the Second Readings Devoted to Development of the Scientific Legacy arid Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Section [2]. Problems of Space Medicine and Biology], Moscow, 1968, pp 59-64. Bibliogr.: p 64 (6 ref.). 5346. "Some Unique Features of Pilot Physiological Reactions in Stressful Condi- tions [Elicited by Failure of Individual Control Systems]," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina," Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 237-238. Aut.: L. A. Kitayev-Smyk, I. P. Neumyvakiiz, V. A. Ponomarenko, R. I. Utyamyshev. 5347. Nozdrachev, A. D., "Effect of Steroid Hormones on the Nature of the Electric Activity of the Autonomous Nervous System in Stressful Conditions," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 291-292. 5346. Plakhtiyenko, V. A., Marishchuk, V. L., and Khilova, G. N., "Persistence of Motor Habits in Extreme Conditions [Psychogenic Stress Factors and Hypodynamia]," in "Aviatsionaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 142-145. 5349e "Problems of Situational Insornnia in Space Flight," kosmi.cheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 10-12. - 0. P. Kozerenko,V. I. Myasnikov, F. N. Uskov. 142 FOR OFF[CIAL USIE ONLY in "Aviatsionaya i Aut.: T. N. Krupina, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 5350. Sukharebskiy, L. M., and Pushkarskiy, V. G., "Evaluation of Operator Per- formance in a Critical Situation,'� in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2 Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 235-237. 5351. Broadbent, D. E., "On the Dangers of Overarousal," in "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 389-398. Bibliogr.: pp 297-298 (34 ref.). On the dangers of inental overarousal. 5352. Demos, D., "Psychological Implications of Manned Spaceflight: Stress - Performance Problems," in "Problemy obshchey psikhologii" [Problems of General Psychology], Nbscow, 1966, pp 469-470. , Psychological problems of maiuied space flight: influence of stress on pilot performance. 5353. Demos, D., "Psychological Implications of Manned Spacefliglht: Stress Perform- ance Problems," in "Psikhologicheskiye problemy cheloveka v kosmose"', '[Psychologic$1. Problems of Man in Space], Nbscow, 1966, pp 52-63. Psychological problems associated with manned space flight. Stress performance problems. 5354. Ducros, H., "Validite des excretions d'uropepsine comme test objectif de la fatigue en medicine aerospatiale," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 7, No 2, 1968, pp 5-9. Bibliogr.: p 9(24 ref.). - Significance of uropepsin excretion as a test of tiring in aerospace medicine. 5355.' 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Significance of the ratio of excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids to excretion of creatinine in man as an indicator of stress developing in flights aboard airplanes and spacecraft. 143 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5358. Wherry, R. J., "Nbdel for the Study of Psychological Stress," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 5, 1966, pp 495-500. Bibliogr.: pp 499-500 (13 ref.). Model for the study of psychological stress. 4.4. Biological and Physiolo See also 6.8 and No 261, 319, 2034, 2604, 2605, 2743, 2800, 3540, 3580, 3603, 3909, 4072, 5326, 5333, 5349, 5581, 5719, 7236- 7353, 7876. gical Rhythms (Including Sleep) 320, 325, 568, 780, 785, 911, 912, 1204-1206, 1792, 2825, 2832, 2954, 3041, 3059, 3070, 3120, 3507, 3536, 4890, 5214, 5217, 5239, 5260, 5264, 5281, 5313, 5319, 5780, 5849, 5910, 5963, 6086, 6087, 6091. 7192, 7234- 5359. Agadzhanvan. N. A., "Biological Rhythms. (A Literature Review)," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN No 1, 1967, pp 29-34. Bi.bliogr.: g 34 (14 ref.). 5360. Agadzhanyan, N. A., and Rafikov, A. :n., "Some Physiological Mechanisms Re- sponsible for Change in Body Resistance to Hypoxia at Different Times of the Day," in "Biologicheskiye ritmy" [Biological Rhythms], Gor'kiy, 1970, p 10. 5361. Agadzhanyan, N. A., and Rafikov, A. M., "Diurnal Fluctuations in Body Alti- _ tude Resistance and the Role of the Adrenocortical Function," in "Materialy simpoziuma 'Biologicheskiye ritmy... " [Proceedings of the Symposium "Biological Rhythms..."], Nbscow, 1967, pp 8-9. 5362. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Biological Rhythms in Space," in "Trudy Vtorykh chteniy, posvyashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo naslediya i razvitiyu idey K. E. Tsiolkovskogo. Sektsiya [2]. Problemy kosm. meditsiny i biologii" [Proceedings of the Second Readings Devoted to Development of the Scientific Legacy and Ideas of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy. Section [2]. Problems of Space Medicine and Biology], N1oscow, 1968, pp 49-58. Bibliogr.: pp 57-58 (8 ref.). 5363. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Principles and Paths of Research on the Problem of the Space Day," in "Ocherki psikhofizioloaii truda kosraonavtov" [Notes on Cosmonaut Labor Psychophysiology], Nbscow, 1967, pp 68-76. Bibliogr.: pp 75-76 (14 ref.). 5364. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "The Problem of Desynchronosis in Space Flight," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 11-16. 5365. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Paths and Principles of Development of the Science of Biological Rhythms, and Its RQle in Organizing Space Flight," in "Materialy sim- poziuma 'Biologicheskiye ritmy...'," Moscow, 1961, pp 3-7. 5366. Bayevskiy, R. M., Krupina, T. N., and Mikhaylovskiy, G. P., "Biological Rhythms and Hypokinesia," in "Adaptatsiya k myshechnoy deyatel'nosti i gipokinezii" [Adaptation to Mqscle Activity and Hypokinesia], Novosi.birsk, 1970, pp 19-20. 144 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5367. "Biocybernetics: Cyclic Processes in the Living Organism," in "Obshchiye voprosy fiziologicheskikh mekhanizmov" [General Problems of Physiological Mechanisms], Moscow, 1970, pp 182-185. Bibliogr.: p 185 (7 ref.). Aut.: R. M. Bayevskiy, Ye. S. Geller, I. G., Nidekker, G. A. Nikulina, T. D. Semenova. 5368. Boriskin, V. V., "Diurnal Rhythm of the Basic Physiological Functions of Polar Explorers in the Antarctic," in "Materialy simpoziuma 'BioZogicheskiye ritmy... Moscow, 1967, pp 18-19. 5369. nykovskiy, V., and Lebedev, V., "The Cosmonaut Flight Watch," AVIATSIYA I KASMONAVTIKA, No 6, 1967, pp 70-73. Diurnal rhythms in space flight. 5370. Vatsek, A., Potkovska, A. D., and Rakova, A., "The Diurnal Rhythm in Accumu- lation of Radioactive Iron by Hemopoietic Tissue in Mice," in "Materialy simpoziuma po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Proceedings of a Symposium on Space Biology and Medicine], Budapest, 1970, pp 99-105. Bibliogr.: p].OS (12 ref.). 5371. Veyn,. A. M., "Clinical and Physiological Analysis of Disturbances in Sleep and Wakefulness," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna..." [Proceedings of a Symposium on the Study of the Unique Features of Sleep...], Moscow, 1968,.pp 15-16. 5372. Golavanov, L. V., "Significance of Space Biorhythm Science," in "Solntse, elektrichestvo, zhizn' "[Sun, Electricity, Life], [Vol 1], Moscow, 1969, pp 4-8. 5373. Gorbov, F. D., "Sleep and the Twin Syndrome," in "Materialy simFoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Moscow, 1968, pp 16-17. 5374. Danilov, I. V., Katinas, V. Ya., and Popova, L. 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I., "Simulation of Sleep and Sleep-Like States in Man and Animals," in"Materialy simpoziwna po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Moscow, 1968, pp 26-28. Bibliogr.: pp 27-28 (4 ref.). u 145 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5378. "An Engineering Approach to Research on Short-Term Rhythms in Human Metabolism," in "Obshchiye voprosy fiziologicheskikh mekhaniZmov" '[General Problems of Physiological MechanismsJ, Moscow, 1970, pp 229-245. Biblioqr.: pp 237-238 (20 ref.). Aut.: 0. Lindan, R. M. Grinvey, Dzh. B. Resvik, G. P. Eppli, U. R. Beker, P. G. King. 5379. Iseyev, L. R., "Seasonal Changes in the Level of Gas Metabolism," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 74-75. 5380. 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Leni.ngrad, 1966, 16 pp. (USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Experimental Medicine). Bibliogr.: p 16 (4 ref.). 5398. Porodin, M. S., "The Diurnal Rhythm of Bone Marrow Cell Mitotic Activity and Temperature in August Rats," in "Biologiya laboratornykh zhivotnykh" [Biology of Laboratory Animals], Issue 2, Nbscow, 1970, pp 67-68. 5399. Pudovkin, A. I., "Dynamics of Amplitudinal Cnanges in the Human Electro- encephalogram During Development of Drowsiness and Light Sleep (Data From Graphical Treatment of the EEG)," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna..:," �Nbscow, 1968, pp 79-81. Bibliogr.: p 81 (6 ref.). 147 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 5400. Reutova, M. 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Ruttenburq, S. 0., "Unique Features o1: the Circadian Rhythm of Physiological = Functions in Man During Different Forms of Physical and Mental Labor," in "Adaptatsiya k myshechnoy deyatel'nosti i gipokinezii" [Adaptation to Muscle _ Activity and Hypokinesia], Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 145-146. 5404. Semenova, T. D., "Circadian Organization of the Mineral Excretion Function of Salivary Glands and Its Significance to Evaluating the Body's Adaptive Possibilities," "Simpozium 'Problemy upravleniya funktsiyami organizma cheloveka i zhivotnykh l" (Symposium "Problems of Controlling the Body Functions of Man and Animals"), Moscow, 1970, p 9. 5405. Seraya, V. M., "Mitotic Activity of Mouse Bone Marrow Cells at Different Times of the Day," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 209-210. ~ 5406. "Sleep as an Indicator of Man's Adaptation to Prolonged Isolation in the _ Presence of Altered Daily Schedules," in "Materialy simpoziume po izucheniyu osobennostAy sna...," Moscow, 1968, pp 43-46. Bibiliogro: p 46 (10 ref.). Aut.: O. N. Kuznetsov, V. I. Lebedev, A. N. Litsov, G. F. Khlebnikov. _ 5407. Stepanova, S. I., "Some ways for Regulating Human Diurnal Rhythms in Space Flight," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pP 27.8-231. 5408. "Diuz-nal Rhythm of Autonomic Functions in Space Flight," in "Mediko-biologi- cheskiye issledovaniya v nevesomosti" [Biomedical Research in Weightlessness], Moscow, 1968, pp 201-205. Bibliogr.: p 205 (10 ref.). Aut.: G. V. Altukhov, P. V. �Vasil'yev, V. Ye. Belay, A. D. Yegorov. 5409. Tizul, A. Ya., "The Nature of Disorders in Sleep and Wakefulness Associated with Some 'Specific' Forms of Diencephalic Pathology," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Moscow, 1968, pp 94-96. 5410. Timofeyev, N. N., and Kondrashenko, V. T., "Tiring, Asthenia and Artificial Sleep," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Moscow, 1968, PP 96-97. 148 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 5411. Tonkikh, A. V., "The Autonomic Nervous System--an Important Link in the Physiological Mechanisms of Sleep," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Nbscew, 1968, pp 98-106. Bibliogr,: p 106 (10 ref.). . 5412. Chapek, A. V., "The Problem of the Diurnal Rhythm of Physioloqical Body Functions of Flight Personnel," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 2, 1969, pp 30-35. Bibliogr. : p 34 (12 ref. ) . 5413. Shepoval'nikov, A. N., "Methods for Quantitative Appraisal of the Depth of human Sleep on the Basis of Electropolyqrams," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna...," Irbscow, 1968, pp 110-112. ' - 5414. "Aute Reversal of the Sleeg-waking Gycle in Man," ARCH. NEUROL., Vol 22, No 6, 1970, pp 483-489. Bib"liogr.: pp 488-489 (45 ref.). Aut.: E. D. Weitzman, D. F. - Kripke, D. Goldmacher, P. McGregor, Ch. Nogeire. Acute reversal of the "sleep-,vakefulness" cycle in man. 5415. Aschoff, J. C., Giedke, G., and Poppel, E., "Circadian Periodicity of Reaction- Times," in "Recent Advances in Aerospace Medicine," Dordrecht, 1970, pp 343-347. Circadian of reaction time in man. 5416. Aschoff, J., Poppel, E., and Wever, R., "Circa3iane Periodik des Menschen unter ciem Einfinb von Licht-Dunkel-Wechseln unterschiedliciier Periode," PE'LUGERS ARQi., Vol 306, No l, 1.969, pp 58-70. Bibliogr.: pp 69-70 (22 ref.). Circadian rhythms in man under the influenae of the alternation of light and darkness in varied cycles. 5417. Aschoff, J., "Desynchronization and Resynchronization of Human Circadian Rhythms," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 8, 1969, pp 844-849. Bibliogr.: p 849 (24 ref.). Desynchronization and resynchronization of circadian rhythms in man. 5418. *Aschoff, J., Gerecke, U., and Wever, R., "Desynchronization of Human - Circadian Rhythms," JAP. J. PHYSIOL., Vol 17, No 5, 1967, pp 450-457. Desynchronization of circadian rhythms in man. 5419. Aschoff, J. ,"Humail Circadian Rhythms in Activity, Bodg Temperature and. Other Functions," in "Life Sciences and Space Research," Vol 5, Amsterdam, 1967, pp 159-173. Bibliogr.: pp 172-173 (30 ref.). Circadian rhythms of activity, body temperature and other physiological functions in man. 5420. *Aschoff, J., "Physiologie bielogischer Mythmen," ARZTL. PRAX., Vol 18, 1966-, pp 1569-1573. a Physiology of biological rhythms. 149 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5421. Besch, E. L., "Activity Responses to Altered Photoperiods," AERpSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 10, 1969, pp 1111-1114. Bibliogr.: pp 1113-1114 (12 ref.). Activity responses to altered photoperiods. 5422. Birzele, K., "Sonnenaktivitat und Biorhythmus des raenschen. Neuer in typolo- gischen Experimenten erzielter Parallelitatsnachweis," Wi.en, F. Deuticke, 1966, 245 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 240-245 (180 ref.). Solar activity and human biological rhythms. 5423. "The Cellular Aspects of Biorhythms. Symposium on Rhythmic Research Spons. by the 8th Intern. Congr. of Anatomy. Wiesbaden, 8-14 Aug., 1965," Ed. by H. von Mayersbach. Berlin et al., Springer, Vol 8, 1967, 198 pp. Cytological aspects of biorhythms. Symposium at the Eighth International Congress of Anatomists. Wiesbaden, 8-14 August 1965. Proceedings. 5424. *Chemin, Ph., "Aspects physiologiques de 1'acclimatement de 1'homme a des _ conditions de vie extra-terrestres," ARCFI. MAI,AD. PROF., Vol 31, No 7-8, 1970, pp 375-380. Bibliogr.: 21 ref. Ref-: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 12 P915. _ Physiological aspects of human acclimation to extraterrestrial _ conditions. Adaptation of cosmonauts aboard Gemini 5 and Gemini 7 to the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. Proposals concerning desynchronization of sleep in space flight.5425. *Chemin, Ph., "Problemes biologiques poses par 11 astronautique. Effets des perturbations des rythmes biologiques," BIOL. NiED., Vol 59, No 1, 1970, pp 18-28. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGII, 1970, 7 P853. Problems associated with disturbance of biological rhythms during space mi.ssions. Tests in an anechoic chamber. - 5426. *Chemin, Ph., "Problemes physiologiques et physiopathologiques poses par 1'evolution circadienne de la temperature. Role des facteurs d'ambiance," BORDEAUX MED., vol 3, No 9, 1970, pp 2055,2057-2058, 2061-2064. Bibliogr.: 35 ref. Physiological and pathophysiological problems associated with diurnal rhythms in body temperature. The role o� environmental factors. 5427. Chemin, Ph., "Problemes poses par le rythme veille--sommeil au cours des vols cosmonautiques," REV. CORPS SANT ARMEES TERR, N1ER, AIR., Vol 10, No 5, 1969, pp 575-584. 150 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Problems associated with the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness during space flight. 5428, *Chemin, Ph., "Role des facteurs d'ambianoe dans les rythmes biologiques. Application a la vosmonautique," PRESSE THERM. ET CL:CMAT., Vol 107, No 1, 1970, _ pp 58-62. Bibliogr.: 20 ref. Ref.: RZH. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 1970, 8.62.429. Disturbance of biological rhythms by environmental factors. Change in the "wakefulness-sleep" cycle in space flight. 5429. *Chemin, Ph., "Les rythmes biologiques au cours des vols cosmonautiques," RECH. SPAT., Vol 8, No 8-9, 1969, pp 16-22. Bibliogr.: 15 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 5 P981. Biological rhythms during space missions. 5430. Chemin, Ph., "Le somneil des cosmonautes. Problemes neurophysiologiques poses par 1'astronautique. Influence des rythmes biologiques," PRESSE MED., Vol 78, No 2, _ 1970, pp 81-84. Bibliogr.: p 84 (3 ref.). Cosmonaut sleep. Neurophysiological problems posed by cosmo- nautics. Significance of biological rhythms. 5431. Chemin, Ph., "Les troubles des rythmes biologiques en aviation et en cosmo- nautiques," FORCES AERIENNES FRANC, Vol 24, No 262, 1969, pp 329-344. Disturbances in biological rhythms during air and space flight. 5432. Cohn, C., Web � L. V., and Joseph, D., "Diurnal Rhythms in Urinary Electrolyte Excretions by the Rat: Influence of Feecling Habits," LIFE SCI., Vol 9, Part 1, No 14, 1970, pp 803-809. Diurnal rhythms in urinary electrolyte excretions by the rat: Influence of feeding habits. 5433. "Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Reversal of Diurnal Activity on Protein Meta- bolism of Young Men," AMER. J. CLIN. NUTR., Vol 19, No 5, 1966, pp 313-319. Bibliogr.: pp 318-319 (18 ref.). Aut.: N. S. Scrimshaw, J. P. Habicht, M. L. Piche, B. Cholakos. Effects of sleep deprivation and disturbance of the diurnal rhythm of vital activities on protein metabolism of young people. _ 5434. Farrer, D. N., and Ternes, J. W., "Illumination Intensity and Behavioral Cir- c3dian Rhythms," in "Circadian Mythms in Nonhuman Primates," Basel et al., 1969, pp 1-7. Bibliogr.: p 7(7 ref.). Illumination intensity and behavioral circadian rhythms. 151 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5435. Frazier, Th. W., Rummel, J. A., and Lipseomb, H. S., "Circadian Variability in Vigilance Performance," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 4, 1958, pp 383-395. Bibliogr.: p 395 (8 ref. ) . Circadian variabi'lity in performance connected with active attention. 5436. Halberg, F., "Circarciian Rhythms in Nonhuman Primates. Summ. of a Symposium in 1968 and of Some Early Work," in "Circadian Rhythms in Nonhumarz Primates," Basel et al., - 1969, pp 106-127. Bibliogr.: pp 125-127 (30 ref.). Analysis of reports given at a symposium on circadian rhythms in nonhuman primates (Atlanta, Georgia, 2 July 1968) and some earlier works. 5437. Halberg, F,, and Reinberg, A., "Rhythmes circadiens et rythmes de basse fre- ' quences en physiologie humaine," J. PHYSIOL., Vol 59, No 1, 1967, pp 117-200. Bibliogr.: pp 191-200 (236 ref.). Circadian (diurnal) rhythms and low-frequency rhythms: Their role in human physiology. 5438. Hale, H. B., Ellis, J. P., and Williams, E. W., "Urinary Creatinine-Based Ratios in Relation to Season," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 10, 1968, pp 1048-1051. Bibliogr.: p 1051 (18 ref.). Changes in the concentration of creatinine in relation to other urine components depending on season of the year. 5439. Hauty, G. 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Bibliogr.: p 456 (22 ref.). _ Researc;h on the diurnal rhythm of oxygen consumption in albino - rats. 152 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY 5442. Kayser, Ch., "Variations circadiennes de la eonsoA�aation d'oxygene et de la temperature du colon chez 1e rat.blanc (Wistar)," COMPT. ItEND: SOC. BIOL., Vol 164, No 3, 1970, pp 641-644. Diurnal changes in oxygen consumption and colon temperatuze in albino rats. 5443. Kelloway, P., "Experiment M-S in Flight Sleep Analysis," in "Gemini Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 423-429. Experiment M-S. Research on cosmonaut sleep during flight aboard Gemini 7. 5444. Klein, K. E., Wegmann, H. M., and Bruner, H., "Circadian Mythm in Indices of Human Performance, Physical Fitness and Stress Resistance," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 5, 1968, pp 512-518. Bibliogr.: pp 517-518 (42 ref.). Circadian rhythm of human performance, physical state, and stress resistance indicators. 5445. *Lin3berg, R. G., "Development of instrumentation and Flight Hardware to Study Circadian Periodicity in Space," in "Digest. of the Seventh International Con- ference on Medical and Biological Engineering," Stockholm, 1967, p 89. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 50, No 24, 1969, 129734. Development of instrumentation and hardware to study circadian rhythms in space. 5446. Mills, J. N., "Human.Circadian Rhythms," PHYSIOL. REV., Vol 46, No l, 1966, pp 128-171. Bibliogr.: pp 165-171 (253 ref.). Human circadian rhythms. 5447. Nbrali-Daninos, A.., and Cerf, F., "Aspects physiologiques des rythmes circadiens," REV. MED. AERONAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 7, No 26, 1968, pp 124-126. Physiological aspects of circadian rhythms. 5448. Parmeggiani, P. L., Rabini, C., and Cattalani, M., "Sleep Phases at Low Environmental Temperature," ARCH. SCI. BIOL., Vol 53, No 4, 1969, pp 277-290. Bibliogr.: pp 289-290 (29 ref.). Phases of sleep and wakefulness in cats at low environmental temperature. - 5449. Pittendrigh, C. S., "Circadian Rhythms, Space Research and Manned Space Flight," in "Life Sciences and Space Research," Vol 5, Amsterdazn, 1967, pp 122-134. a Circadian rhythms in animals and the siqnificance of their study to the physiology of man in space.flight. 153 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5450. Poppel, E., "Desynchronisationen circadianer Rhythmen innerhalb einer isolier- ten Gruppe," PFLUGERS AR(:Ei., Vol 229, No 4, 1968, pp 364-370. Bibliogr.: p 370 (11 ref.). Desynchronization of circadian rhythms in an isolated gro up of people. 5451. "Psychological, Psychophysiological and Biochemical Correlates of prolonged Sleep Deprivation," AMER. J. pgyCHIAT., Vol 126, No 4, 1969, pp 488-497. Bibliogr.: pp 496-497 (30 ref. Aut. : E. J. Kollar, R. O. Pasnau, R. T. Rubin, P. Naiton, G. G. Slater, A. Kales. Psychological, psychophysiological and biochemical changes accompanying prolonged sleep deprivation. 5452. Reinberg, A., "Biorythmes et chronobiologie," PRESSE MED., Vol 77, No 24, 1969, PP 877-878. Bibliogr.: p 878 (15 ref.). Biological rhythms and chronobiology. 5453. Reinberg, A., "Rythmes biologiques (rappel de quelques donnees recentes)," REV. MED. AERONAUT, ET SPAT., Vol 7k No 26, 1968, pp 127-130. Bibliogr.: pp 128-130 (59 ref. ) . Biological rhythms. A review of new data. 5454. "Relations entre le rythme de'activite et le rythme de la temperature rectale en libre cours," REV. MED. AERpNAUT. ET SPAT., Vol 7, No 26, 1968, pp 115-120. Bibliogr.: p 120 (7 ref.). Aut.: J. Colin, J. Timbal, Ch. Boutelier, Y. Houdas, M. Siffre. Relationship between activity rhythm and rectal temperature rhythm in the absence of synchronization. 5455. *Rensing, L., "Genetische Untersuchun gen uber den DzlosophiZa," ZOOL. ANZ., Vol 32, Supple., 1969, pp 298-307. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 4 T329. A genetic study of the circadian rhythm of oxygen consumption in DrosophiZa. - 5456. Rieger, P., "Die Verteilung des motorischen Aktivitat in der circadianen Periode des Menschen," INTERN. Z. ANGEW. PHYSIOL., Vol 28, No 4, 1970, pp 332-343. Bibliogr. : p 343 (16 ref. ) . Study of the circadian rhythms of the locomotor activity of 26 volunteers in subterranean isolated rooms for 23 days. 5457. Riumnel, J., Sallin, E., and Lipscomb, H., "Circadian Rhythms in Simulated and Manned Orbital Space Flight," RASS. NEUROL. VEGET., Vol 21, No 1-2, 1967, pp 41-56. Bibliogr.: p 56 (11 ref.). 154 FOR OFFIC[AL iJSE 1 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Circadian rhythms in cosmonauts participating in the Gemini program, andc3uring simulation of space flight. . 545$. "Le rythme de la temperature rectale en.libre cours," REV. MED. AERONAU'i'� ET ~ SPAT., Vol 7, No 26, 1968, pp 107-114. Aibliogr.: p 114 (39 ref.). Aut.: J. Timbal, J. Colin, Ch. Boutelier, Y. Iioudas, M. Siffre. Rectal temperature rhythm in the absence of synchronization. Afs experiment conducted on an individual remaining in a cave for 2 m4nths. 5459. "Rythmes circadiens desynchronises du cycle social (17-hydroxycortico- steroides, temperature rectale, veille--sommeil) chez deux sujets adultes sain," ANN. ENDORCINOL., Vol 30, No 2, 1969, pp 245-260. Bibliogr.: pp 259-260.(30 ref.). Aut.: J. Ghata, F. Halberg, A. Reinberq, M. Siffre. Socially desynchronized circadian rhythms in two healthy adults. (C:hanges in excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, periods of sleep and wakefulness and rectal temperature)� - 5460. *Rythmes circadiens du pouls, de la pression arterielle, des excretions urinaires en 17-hydroxycorticosteroides, catecholamines et potassium chez 1'homme adulte sain,.actif ou au repos," ANN. ENDOCRINOL., Vol 31, No 2, 1970, pp 277-287. Bibliogr.: 43 ref. Aut.: A. Reinberg, J. Chata, F. Halberg, P. Gervais, G1i. Abulker, J. Duponi, C1. Gaudeau. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1970, 11 N23. Circadian rhythms of pulse, arterial pressure and excretion of 17-hydroxycortioosteroids, cateaholaiai.nes.and potassium with urine by healthy people engaged in ordinary activity and during 36-hour recumbency. 5461. *Sigdestad, C. P., and Lesher, S., "Further Studies on the Circadian Rhythm in the Proliferative Activity of Nbuse Intestinal Epithelium," EXPERIENTIA, Vol 26, No 12, 1970, pp 1321-1322. Bibliogr.: 12 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1971, 5 N896. Further studies on the circadian rhythm in the proliferative activity of mouse intestinal epithelium. 5462. Simpson, H. W., and Lobban, M. C., "Effect of a 21-Hour Day on the Human Circadian Excretory Rhythms of 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids and Electrolytes," AERDSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 12, 1967, pp 1205-1213. Bibliogr.: p 1213 (11 ref.). Effect of a 21-hour "day" on the circadian rhythm of 17-hy3roxy- corticosteroid and electrolyte excretion. Research conducted on people during their stay on Spitzbergen. 155 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5463. Smith, R. E. , and Wekstain, D. R. ,"Circadian Variations of Physiological Variables in Isolated and Non-Isolated Macaea nemestrZna," in "Circadian Rhythms in Nonhuman Primates," Basel et al., 1969, pp 74-90. Bibliogr.: pp 89-90 (23 ref.). Difference in cir_cadian rhythms of physiological functions in the pig-tailed macaque in unrestrained conditions and in an anechoic chamber. 5464. Van Zoeren, M., Pannekoek, L., and Thijssen, T. H. H., "Circadian Rhythm and Performance," in "Recent Advances in Aerospace Medicine," Dordrecht, 1970, pp 348-352. Circadian rhythm and performance. 5465. Winget, C. M., Card, D. H., and Hetherington, N. W., "Circadian Oscillations of Deep-Body Temperature and Heart Rate in a Primate (Cebus albafrons)," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 4, 1968, pp 350-353. Bibliogr.: p 353 (14 ref.). Circadian oscillations of deep-body temperature and heart rate in the primate. 5466. Winget, C. M., Card, D. H., and Pope, J. M., "Circadian Oscillations of Three Parameters of Defined Light Intensities and Color," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 24, No 3, 1968, pp 401-406. Bibliogr.: p 406 (18 ref.). Circadian oscillations of body temperature, pulse and motor activity in chicks illuminated by light of different intensity and color. 5467. Winget, C. M., and Card, D. H., "Daily Rhythm Changes Association With Vari- ations in Light Intensity and Color," in "Life Sciences and Space Research," Vol 5, Amsterdam, 1967, pp 148-158. Bibliogr.: pp 157-158 (16 ref.). Daily rhythm changes associated with variations in light intensity and color. � 5468. Winget, C. M., Rahimann, D. F., and Pace, N., "Phase Relationships Between Circadian Rhythms and Photoperiodicism in the Nbnkey," in "Circadian Rhythms in Nonhuman Primates," Basel et al., 1969, pp 64-74. Bibliogr.: pp 73-74 (12 ref.). Phasal correspondence between circadian rhythms and photo- periodicity in monkeys. 5469. Wolfe, J. W., and Brown, J. H., "Effects of Sleep Deprivation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 9, Sect. 1, pp 947-949. Bibliogr.: p 949 (17 ref.). Effect of sleep deprivation on the vistibulo-ocular reflex. 156 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4.5. Group Psychology. Sociology of Small Groups. Psychological and Biological Compatibility. Speech Communications. Radio Communication. See also No 2414, 3139, 3145, 3501, 4022, 4799, 4810, 4820, 4824, 4831, 4'835, 48390 4841, 4851, 4853, 4854, 5232, 5280, 5293, 5301, 5324, 5376, 5450, 5593, 5626, 5818, 6083, 6084, 6777, 7132, 7737, 7934, 7955. 5470. "Adaptation of Groups Functioning in Extreme Conditions [of Isolation and Time Deficit]," in "Obshchiye voprosy fiziologii adaptatsiy" [General Problems of Adaptation Physiology], Novosibirsk, 1967, pp 118-122. Aut.: F. D. Gorbov, A. A. Gerasimovich, M. A. Kareva, V. I. Myasnikov, M. A. Novikov. 5471. Azarov, I. K., ac-Ld Gerasimovich, A. A., "Change in Blood Cholinesterase Activity in Mutually Dependent Group Activity," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konfer- entsii m4lodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 6. 5472. "Analysis of the Intonational Characteristics of Speech as an Indicator of Human Emotional State During Space Flight," ZHURN. VYSSH. NERV. DEYATEL'N., Vol 16, No 6, 1966, pp 974-983. Bibliogr.: p 983 (11 ref.). Aut.: V. A. Popov, P. V. Simonov, A. G. Tishchenko, V. M. Frolov, L. S. Khachatur'yants. Experimental development of the analysis technique and analysis of cosmonaut Leonov's speech in fliaht. 5473. Antipina, G. S., "Izucheniye malykh grupp v sotsiologii i sotsial'noy psikhologii. Ucheb. posobiye po otd-niyu sotsiologii i sots.psikhalogii" [Study of Small Groups in Sociology and Social Psychology. Textbook on Sociology and Social Psychology], editor in chief B. D. Parygin. Leningrad, 1967, 57 pp (University of Marxism-Leninism of the Leningrad CPSU City Com�nittee. Department of Philosophy). Bibliogr.: pp 56-57 (19 ref.). Reprint.. Contains information on the work of small groups in extreme conditions. 5474. Bokhov, B. B., and Frolova, M. M., "Influence of the Vertical Writing Test on Postrotational Nystagmus," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Nbscow, 1966, pp 72-73. _ 5475. Bundzen, P. V., "Psychological and Social Status of a Microcollective in Extreme Antarctic Conditaons," INFORM. BYUL. SOV. ANTARKT. EKSPEDITSII, No 74, 1969, pp 21-28. Bibliogr.: p 28 (6 ref.). 5476. Bystritskaya, A. F., "Influence of Isolation Conditions on the Effectiveness of Group Activity," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii mo3.odykh spetsialistov" [F'roceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] :tInstitute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 118-119. 5477. Bystritskaya, A. F., "Unique Features in the Dynamics of Nervous and Erotional Stress [in Group Activity] in Extreme Conflict Situations Experienced by Some Ocu-.. pational Groups (Flight Crews and Technicians)," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konfer- entsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 40-41. 157 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY 5478. Bystritskaya, A. F., and Novikov, M. A., "Experimental Study of the Dynamics of Conflict [Occurring in Group Mutually Exchangeable Activity]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 83-85. - 5479. vasil'yev, V. K., "Simulation of Individual Behavior in Group Activity," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 41-43. 5480. Vasil'yev, V. K., and Novikov, M. A., "Techniques for Creating Conflict Stress in Group Activity Using a Homeostatic Method," in "Issledovaniye lichnosti v klinike i v ekstremal'nykh usloviyakh" [Study of the Personality in the Clinic and in Extreme Conditions], Leningrad, 1969, pp 118-128. Bibliogr.: p 128 (5 ref.). 5481. Vydrin, I,, "The Nuances of Behavior," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 9, 1970, pp 42-43. Psychological incompatibility in flying. 5482. Gavrikov, Ye. I., "Psychological Preparation of Small Groups for Work. Psychological States Associated With Long-Term Isolation," in "Isslednvaniye lichnosti v klinike i v ekstremal'nykh usloviyakh," Leningrad, 1969, pp 118-128. Bibliogr.: p 128 (5 ref.). 5483. Ger_-asimovich, A. A., "Psychological States in Group Activity," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], :loscow, 1969, pp 119-120. 5484. Gerasimovich, A. A., "Psychophysiology of Pharmacological Effects Occurring in Group Activity," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Insti.tute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 50-51. 5485. Golubeva, N. V., "Experience in Studying Small Groups [From the Point of View of the Psychosocial Factor)," VOPR. PSIKHOLOGZI, No 3, 1969, pp 144-149. Bib"liogr.: p 149 (17 ref.). 5486. Golubeva, N. V., and Ivanyuk, M. I., "The Work Effectiveness of Small GrQups," in "Problemy psikhicheskogo razvitiya i sotsial'noy psikhologii" [Problems of Mental Development and Social Psychology], Moscow, 1966, pp 383-384. 5487. "The Homeostatic Principle of Simulating Group Activity," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 129-130. Aut.: F. D. Gorbov, M. A. Pk3vikov, A. F. Bystr itskaya, A. A. Gerasimovich, M. A. Kareva. 5488. Gorbov, F. D., "Group Psychology," in "III simpozium.po probleme 'Chelovek- mashina [Third Symposium on the "Man-Machine" Problem], Moscow, 1968, pp 3-7. 5489. Gorbov, F. D., "Group Psychology and the 'Ego--Alter-Ego' System," in "Materialy Obshchestva psikhologov SSSR" [Proceedings of the USSR Society of Psycholo- gists], Moscow, 1969, pp 35-36 (first pagination); 42-43 (second pagination). 5490. Gorbov, F. D., "The Individual F3ctor in Group Activity and the Group Factor - in Individual Activity in Experimental and Clinical Aspects," in "Problemy psikhicheskogo razvitiya i sotsial'noy psikhologii," Nbscow, 1966, pp 380-382. 158 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Experimental creation of continually mutually associated activity in the presence of a time limit, coupled with objective stage-by- stage and continuous recording of both the results of each member in the group and the results of the group as a whole. 5491. Gorbov, F. D., "Experimental Group Psychology," in "Problemy inzhenernoy psikhologii" [Problems in Engineering Psychology], Issue 4, Leningrad, 1966, pp 252-260. Bibliogr.: pp 259-260 (7 ref.). Interaction among group members during group activity, and psychophysiological compati.bility during long-term group total and incomplete isolation. 5492. "Group Activity in Stressful Conditions (During Long-Term Group Isolation)," in "Materialy simpoziuma 'Biologicheskiye ritmy..."' [Proceedings of the Symposium "Biological Rhythms..."], Moscow, 1967, pp 24-26. Aut.: F. D. Gorbov, M. A. Novikov, A. A. Gerasimovich, M. A. Kareva. 5493. "Research on the Possibilities for Creating a Conflict Situation in Group ' Mutually Dependent Activity of Operators by the Method of Mathematical Modeling," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 94-95. Aut.: V. K. Vasil'yev, F. D. Gorbov, M. A. Novikov, A. B. Sawin, Ye. Z. Tambiyev. 5494. Kareva, M. A., "Simulation of Critical Conditions in Verbal Associative Activity," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 78-79. 5495. Kareva, M. A., and Novikov, M. A., "Unique Features of Vocal Associative Activity in a Time Deficit and in the Presence of Interference Similar in Content to a Useful Signal," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Meacow, 1966, pp 195-196. 5496. Kosmolinskiy, F. P., "General Laws Governing Adaptation of the Hwman Body to Long-Term [Individual or Group] Confinement," in "III simpozium po probleme 'Chelovek-mashina'," Moscow, 1968, pp 18-20. 5497. Makarov, Yu. A., and Khmelevskiy, V. I., "Sociological Methods in Research on the 'Man-Machine' Problem [in Small Collectives]," in "III simpozium po probleme 'Chelovek-mashina'," Moscow, 1968, pp 24-26. 5498. Novikov, M. A., "Communication Structure and Effectiveness oE*Operator Group Activity," VOPR. PSIKHOLOGII, No 4, 1970, pp 132-135. Bibliogr.: p 135 (5 ref.). 5499. Novikov, M. A., "Psychnphysiology of Group Athletic Activity," in "Psikhologi- cheskaya podgotovka sportsmenov razlichnykh vidov sporta k sorevnovaniyam [Psycho- logical Preparation of Sportsmen for Different Forms of Competitive Sports], [Issue 61, Nbscow, 1968, pp 105-123. 5500. Ovchinnikova, O. V., and Nayenko, N. I., "Behavior of the Individual in the Collective, and the Problem of Emotional Stress," in "III simpozium po probleme 'Chelovek-mashina'," Nbscow, 1968, pp 8-12. 159 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5501. Polikarpova, M. V., "Study of Intragroup Information Processes Duriny 1~4)ng- Term Isolation," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 152-153. 5502. Rachkov, N. M., "Physiology of Written Speech," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collection 1, Nbscow, 1967, pp 244-257. 5503. Rachkov, N. M., "Physiological Mechanisms of Written Speech," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 327-329. 5504. Sopikov, A. P., "Influence of the Group on the Behavior of the Members of This Group," in "Problemy psikhicheskogo razvitiya i sotsial'noy psikhologii," Nbscow, 1966, pp 390-391. 5505. Starygin, A. G., "Some Data on Adrenocortical Function in Animals in a Group an3 in Isolation," in "Tsentral'nyye mekhanizmy fiziologicheskoy adaptatsii" [Central Mechanisms of Physiological Adaptation], Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 109-110. 5506. Tishchenko, A. G., "Dynami.cs of the Formant in the Spectrum of Audible Speech as an Objective Indicator for Discriminating Between Positive and Negative Emotions," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 2, No 5, 1968, pp 46-51. Bibliogr.: p 51 (16 re:i.) 5507. "III simpozium po probleme 'Chelovek-mashina'. (Gruppovaya deyatel'nost' cheloveka v malykh kollektivakh). Tezisy dokl" (Third Symposium on the "Man-Machine" Problem. (Human Group Activity in Small Collectives). Report Abstracts], editor in chief B. F. Lomov et al., Moscow, 196E3, 26 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences). Scientific Council on Cybernetics..., Central and Azerbaijan Board of the Scientific-Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communication). Reprint. 5508. "The 'Gomeostat' Device to Study Unique Features of Higher Nervous Activity in Group Mutually Dependent Activity," in "Materialy Pervoy vsesoyuznoy konferentsii po elektronnoy apparature dlya issledovaniy v oblasti vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti i neyrofiziologii" [Proceedings of the First All-Union Conference on Electronic Apparatus for Research on Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology], Nbscow- Ivanovo, 1966, pp 43-46. Aut.: F. D. Gorbov, A. A. Gerasimovich, N. Ye. Dmitriyev, M. I. Klevtsov, M. A. Novikov, V. I. Ushakov, L. S. Chesalin. 5509. Angiboust, R., "Psycho-Sociological Problems of Small, Isolated Groups working Under Extreme Conditions," in "Proceedings of the Second Lunar International Laboratory (LIL) Symposium," Oxford et al., 1967, pp 11-20. Bibliogr.: p 20 (10 ref.). Psycho-sociological problems in small, isolated groups working under extreme conditions, including in a lunar laboratory. 5510. Sells, S. B., "A Model for the Social System for the Multiman Extended Duration Spaceship," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 11, 1966, pp 1130-1135. Bibliogr.: p 1135 (8 ref.). A social system mcdel for the crew of a spacecraft.on an extended flight. 5511. Sergeant, R. L., "Voice Communication Problems in Spacecraft and Underwater Operations," ANN. N.Y. ACAD. SCI., Vol 155, Art 1, 1968, pp 342-350. Bibliogr.: pp 349-350 (26 ref.). 160 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Problems in voice communication between cosmonauts and between cosmonauts and ground operators during flight. Similar problems in undexwater operations. 5512. "Social Stresses in a Flight to Mars," SPACE WORLD, Vol G-8-80, 1970, pp 41-42. Social stress in a manned flight to mars. Psychological aspects of the mutual relationships and cohabitation of crewmembers in the complex conditions of prolonged group isolation and in confinement. 5513. *"Speech in Artificial Atmosphere (44% Oxygen-56% Helium)," U.S. Air Force Techn. Doc. Rep., 1966, 22 pp (AMRL-TDR-66-165). Aut.: Ch. W. Nixon, F. Trimboli, W. E. Mabson, J. E. Endicott, B. E. Welch. Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 48, No 24, 1967, 120111. Speech in an artificial atmosphere consisting of 44 percent oxygen and 56 percent helium. 5514. "U.S. Weighs Astronaut Quarantine," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 92, No 26, 1970, pp 49-50. Disagreements in the viewpoints of NASA and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences concerning the need for preflight astronaut quarantine. Biological compatibility of the crew an space missions lasting several years. 4.6. Cosmonaut Activity. Performance. Human Engineering. See also 3.3.4; 4.5; 6.8.; 6.11.1; 6.112.; 6.11.3. and No 302, 376, 433, 456, 458, 462, 475, 479, 491, 494, 496-498, 681, 683, 685, 746, 747, 892-895, 1253, 1280, 1349, 1385, 1471, 1491, 1565, 1583, 1589, 1814, 1875, 1916, 1991, 2017, 2025, 2031, 2252, 2306, 2329, 2344, 2345, 2357, 2369, 2387, 2466, 2467, 2542, 2543, 2556, 2568, 2569, 2572, 2682, 2696, 2720, 2891, 2943, 3133, 3139, 3180, 3190, 3230, 3353, 3359, 3413, 3419, 3423, 3448, 3568, 3577, 3580, 3588, 3631, 3632, 3748, 3759, 3777, 3869, 3966, 4194, 4260, 4341, 4342, 4370, 4397, 4457, 4549, 4639, 4663, 4732, 4850, 4880, 4886, 4908, 5004, 5013, 5039, 5054, 5196, 5199, 5206, 5249, 5256, 5260, 5268, 5281, 5286, 5309, 5312, 5336, 5350, 5352, 5353, 5403, 5435, 5439, 5444, 5464, 5733, 5765, 8540, 5979, 6079, 6082, 6086-6088, 6090-6093, 6101, 6103, 6107, 6110, 6112, 6127, 6315, 7010, 7021, 7025, 7095, 7191, 7639, 7808, 7847, 7880, 7884, 7935, 7945, 7960, 7971, 7983, 7995, 8011, 8016, 8029, 8038, 8043, 8048, 8066, 8080, 8082, 8095. 5515. Abayev, D. V., Davydov, V. V., and Fedorov, N. A., "Psychophysiological Assessment of Some Mistakes by Flight Crews Flying on Instruments," in "Aktual'nyye voprasy fiziologii uskorenii i gipokinezii" [Important Problems in the Physiology of Accelerations and Hypokinesia], Nbscow, 1968, pp 9-15. Bibliogr.: p 15 (10 ref.). Research conducted aboard a laboratory aircraft and on the ground. �5516. Besko, R., Bauershmidt, D., and Mak-E1'veyn, K., "Investigation of Manual Regulation of the Position of an Object in Space. Influence of the Shape of a 161 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY Spacecraft," in "Inzhenernaya psikhologiya za rubezhom" [Human Engineering Abroad], Moscow, 1967, pp 371-383. Bibliogr.: p 383 (3 ref.). - 5517. Bogina, I. D., "Comparative Ftdtes and Variability of Movemen'.:s of Human Fingers," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i bio-tekhnol.ogiya" [Work and Questions of Habitability and Biotechnology], Moscow, pp 107-124. Bibliogr.: p 124 (8 ref.). DevelopmEnt of a test for evaluating the effectiveness of operator activilLy. _ 5518. "Voyennaya inzhenernaya psikhologiya" [Military Human Factors Engineering], editor in chief V. F. Lomova et al. Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1970, 398 pp. Aut.: V. M. Akhutin, L. N. A1'perin, A. A. Vasil'yev, I. P. Volkov, R. I. Vinogradov, A. I. Gubinskiy, L. I. Gumenik, G. M. Zarakovskiy, A. M. Kozhin, V. P. Klevtsov, B. F. Lomov, V. N. Lutskov, V. I. Medvedev, V. L. Marinuk, A. T. Men'shov, M. R. Miroshni- chenkov, A. I. Nazarov, V. I. Nikolayev, V. V. Ofitserov, K. K. Platonov, Yu. A. = Petrov, A. I. Prokhorov, A. M. Stolyarenko, A. K. Skopintsev, Yu. G. Fokin, B. M. Yankelevich. Contains some materials from cosmonautics. 5519. Volkov, A. M., and Popov, A. K., "Biological Principles of Building Models of Human Operator Sensomotor Activity," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 3, 1969, pp 61- 65. Bibliogr.: p 65 (3 ref.). 5520. Gagarin, Yu. A., "The Cosmonaut's Occupational Activity," AVIATSIYA I KOSMO- NAVTIKA, No 4, 1969, pp 9-11. Fteport prepared by Yu, A. Gagarin for the U. N. Conference on the L�.xploration and Pc aceful Uses of Outer Space. 5521. Gagarin, Yu. A., and Lebedev, V. I., "Instrument Orientation in Space," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 12, 1967, pp 38-42. 5522. Galaktionov, A. I., Panasenko, I. M., an d Fatkin, L. V., "Algorithms and Activity Patterns of an Operator of an SAKiU [Automatic Nbnitoring and Control System]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Mascow, 1966, pp 109-110. 5523. Gorbunova, I. M., and Rokotova, N. A., "Human Control Activity and Performance _ Time Recording," in "Ra.bochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Nloscow, 1967, pp 124-145. Bibliogr.: p 145 (15 ref.). With the participation of Z. P. Pavlova. 5524. Gurovskiy, N. N., "Some Unique Features of Cosmonaut Labor Flight," in "Ocherki psikhofiziologii truda kosmonavtov" [Notes on Psychopiiysiology], Nbscow, 1967, pp 5-13. 162 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY in Extended Space Cosmonaut Labor APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5525. Dem'yanenko, Yu. K., "Changes in Performance of Automatic and Nonautomatic _ Movement During Simultaneous Processing of Sensory Infornation," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 147-148. 5526. Dem' yanenko, Yu. K., Inzhuvatkin, B. V. , and Kulakov, V. P. ,"Comparision of Tracking Assignment Results for People With Di�fering Occupational Training," in "Aviatsioiinaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 182-184. 5527. Denisov, V. G., Onishchenko, V. F., and Yazdovskiy, V. I., "Cosmonaut Psycho- physiological Capabilities for Controlling the Craft and Its Systems (Human Factors Engineering)," in "Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina" [Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 401-444 (42 ref.). 5528. Zavalova, N. D., and Ponomarenko, V. A., "Some Problems Connected With the Dependability of an Operator of an Automated Control System Reacting to Automatic = System Failures," VOPR. PSIKHOLOGII, No 4, 1968, pp 49-56. Bibliogr.: pp 55-56 (11 ref.). 5529. Zavalova, N. D., and Ponomarenko, V. A., "Psychophysiological Features of Human Activity in Automated Control Systems," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 173-174. 5530. Zalkind, S. M., "Investigation of the Possibilities of the Visual Analyzer of an Operator Performing an Astrocorrection Maneuver," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmi- cheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 239-240. 5531. Zalkind, S. M., "Selection of Optimum Photometric Characteristics of Markings on the Optical Sights of Astroviewing Devices," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konfer- entsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 174-175. 5532. Zonabend, F. M., and Chaynova, L. D., "Investigation of the Perception of Cartographic Information," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 244-246. 5533. Ivanov, Ye. A., Popov, V. A., and Khachatur'yants, L. S., "Investigation of Visual Performance in Space r'light," in "Life in Spacecraft," Oxford-[Warsaw], 1968, pp 179-186. _ 5534. "Study of Resemblance as a Means for Displayinq Image Outlines," in "Aviatsi- onnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 209-212. Aut.: V. S. Dyundina, V. A. Makhonin, Ye. I. Narbutis, V. G. Stepanov. Speed an@ accuracy of an operator-cosmonaut's identification of _ external objects during spacecraft docking and landing. 5535. Iordanis, K. A., "Psychophysiological Simulation of Some Aspects of Operator Activity," in "AviatGionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Voi 1, Moscow, 1969, pp - 262-264. 163 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5536. Isakov, P. K., Popov, V. A., and Khachatur'yants, L. S., "Evaluation of Cosmonaut Performance. (Based on Materials From Missions of Voskhod 1 and 2)," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1966, pp 309-315. Bibliogr.: p 315 (8 ref.). 5537. T_sakov, P. K., Popov, V. A., and Sil'vestrov, M. M., "Problems of Human Re- liability in Spacecraft Control Systems," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1967, pp 5-11. Bibliogr.: p 11 (4 ref.). 5538. Isakov, P. K., Popou, V. A., and Sil'vestrov; M. M., "Human Reliability in Spacecraft Control Systems," in "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 361-373. 5539. "Functional Interaction of Analyzers (Visual, Auditory and Tactile) in Flight _ Crews During Lengthy Flights," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 70-71. Aut.: E. V. Bondarev, G. I. Gurvich, T. T. Dzhamgarov, V. A. Yegorov, V. L. Marishchuk, V. V. Rassvetayev, V. A. Shkurdoda. - Effect of changes in analyzer functional state on the rate of information processing and on pertormance quality. 5540. Kalinina, A. N., Stapanov, V. G., and Shugam, Ye. I., "Visual Recognition of _ Images and Deternunation of Their Similarity," i.n "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 188-189. 5541. Katkovskiy, B. S., "Hypoxia Conditioning as a Method for Preserving Efficiency During Lengthy Space Flight," UCHEN. ZAP. KABARD.-BALK. UN-TA. SER. MED., Vol 33, 1966 (1967), pp 203-204. 5542. Kozyr'kova, M. G., "Investigation of the Dynami.c Acuity of Vision in Applica- tion to Flying," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences. Moscow, 1968, 14 pp (USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology). Bibliogr.: p 14 (7 ref.). 5543. Kolesov, B,, "The Craft is Controlled by Hand," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 2, 1970, pp 24-25. Manual control of Soyuz 6, Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 spacecraft. 5544. "Quantitative Assessment of Changes in the Latent Period of Conditioned - N',otor Depending on the Number of Stimuli Presented and the Intervals - Between Them," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 25-26. Aut.: G. V. Altukhov, A. D. Yegorov, A. P. Polyakova, I. B. Svistunov, S. A. Skuratova. 5545. "A,n Integrated Method for Making Programmed Measurements With Which to Evaluate Performance, General Well-Being and Some Psychophysiological Characteristics of an Operator," in "Fiziologiya truda" [Labor Physiology], Nbscow, 1967, pp 34-35. Aut.: R. M. Bayevskiy, G. A. Berezina, I. G. Tazetdinov, S. A. Chernyayeva. 5546. Kosilov, S. A., and Dushkov, B. A., "Physiological Grounds for Adapting Man to Specific Conditions of Activity," in "Ocherki psikhofiziologii truda kosmonavtov," Nbscow, 1967, pp 14-32. Bibliogr.: pp 31-32 (39 ref.). 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5547. Kudryavtseva, V. I., "Interaction of a Human Operator's Sensory Systems in Connection With the Problem of Improving His Performance," in "Problemy sensornoy izolyatsii" [Problems of Sensory Isolation], Nbscow, 1970, pp 57-61. Bibliogr.: p 61 (7 ref.). 5548. Kudryavtseva, V. I., "Ways for Raising Operator Reliability in Space Flight," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Moscow, 1369, pp 17-20. 5549. Kyunel, Kh., "The Work of a Spacecraft Crew in Flight," in "Pilotiruemyye ' kosmicheskiye korabli" [Manned Spacecraft], Moscow, 1968, pp 439-444. 5550. Lomov, B. F., "The Sensomotor Components of Tracking," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Nbscow, 1969, pp 48-49. 5551. Luk'yanov, A. N., and Frolov, M. V., "Signaly sostoyaniya chelovekaroperatora" [Signals Indicating the State of a Human Operator], editor in chief P. V. Simonov. Moscow, "Nauka", 1969, 245 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology). Bibliogr.: pp 236-244 (207 ref.). 5552. Mit'kin, A. A., "The Influence of the Structure of an Information Field on Organization of an Operator-Observer's Visual Activity," abstract of a dissertation in pursuit of the academic degree of candidate of inedical sciences. Nbscow, 1967, 20 pp. (Leningrad University). Bibliogr.: reverse side of p 3(6 ref.). 5553. "Some Problems in Sensory System Acfiivity in Application to the Tasks of Space Physiology," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1967, pp 11-27. Aut.: V. D. Glezer, V. A. Kislyakov, V. A. Kozhevnikov, V. N. Chernigovskiy, L. A. Chistovich, Study of problems connected with information acquisition and processing and with recognition of visual images and voice communication. 5554. "Some Problems in Sensory System ?lctivity in Application to the Tasks of Space Physiology," in "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien-New York, 1967, pp 335-360. Aut.: V. D. Glezer, V. A. Kislyakov, V. A. Kozhevnikov, V. N. Chernigovskiy, L. A. Chistovich. Study of problems connected with information acquisition and _ processing and with recognition of visual images and voice communication. 5555. "Some Dynamic Characteristics of Operators Performing Tracking Functions During Space Flight Aboard Voskhod*2," KOSM. ISSLEDOVAXIYA, Vol 4, No 1, 1966, pp 137-143. Bibliogr.: p 143 (12 ref.). Aut.: P. I. Belyayev, A. A. Leonov, V. A. Popov, L. S. Khachatur'yants, V. K. Filosofov. 5556. Nefedov, Yu. G., Popov, A. K., and Salmanov, L. P., "A General Approach to �Analyzing Spacecraft Control Activity," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 330-334. 165 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5557. Nurdygin, F. Ya., "Znvestigation of the Psychophysiological Possibilities uf the Visual Analyzer for Discriminating Signals by Peripheral Vision," in "Aviakosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aerospace Medicine], Collection 1, Moscow, 1967, pp 318-324. Features of the visual analyzer in application to operator activity in control systems. 5558. Ovchinnikov, V. G., "Psychophysiological Assessment of the Dynamics and Quality of Perception of Aviation Instruments Viewed for a Short Time," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 295-296. 5559. "Ocherki psikhofiziologii truda kosmonavtov" [Notes on Cosmonaut Labor Psychophysiology], edited by N. N. Gurovskiy, Moscow, Meditsina, 1967, 168 pp. 5560. Petrushevskiy, I. I., "Raising Operator Reliability Through Directed Physical Training," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 308-309. 5561. Petrushevskiy, I. I., "Raising Operator Reliability Through Physical Training," VOPR. PSIKHOLOGII, No 2, 1966, pp 57-67. 5562. "Reception and Processing [by an Operator] of Complete and Condensed Measages," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 120-121. Aut.: Ye. L. Ginzburg, V. A. Pestova, V. G. Stepanov, V. N. Shcherbakova. 5563. "Psychophysiological Features of the Activity of a Pilot Flying on Instruments Following an Interruption in Flying Lasting 1.5-2 Months," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, p 342. Aut.: V. A. Sergeyev, D. V. Abayev, L. P. Vokhmyanin, V. V. Davydov, I. G. Dlusskaya, I. A. Kamyshev, S. Ye. Komshalyuk, A. A. Makagonova, N. A. Fedorov. 5564. "Psychophysiological Characteristics of Successive Nbvements in Man [an Oper.ator]," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 68-69. Aut.: I. D. Boina, I. M. Gorbunova, Ye. S. Rogovenko, N. A. Rokotova. 5565. "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya" [Work and Questions of Habitability and Biotechnology], edited by V. N. Chernigovskiy, Moscow, "Nauka," 1967, 551 pp (USSR Academy of Sciences. "Problems of Space Biology," Vol 7). 5566. Rogovenko, Ye. S., "Organization of the System of Actions to be Followed in Response to a Random Sequence of Signals," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1968, pp 86-96. Bibliogr.: p 96 (11 ref.). 5567. Rogovenko, Ye. S., "Organization of a System of Actions to be Followed in Response to a Random Sequence of Signals and in the Search for and Selection of Actions," in "Ra.bochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1967, pp 96-107. Bibliogr.: p 107 (5 ref.). 5568. Rokotova, N. A., "Nervous Control of the Rate of Human Movements and Possible Methods of Time Representation in the Nervous System," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1967, pp 75-86. Bibliogr.: pp 85-86 (11 ref.). 166 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5569. Rokotova, N. A., and Gorbunova, I. M., "Some Traits of Programming a Sequence of Human Actions," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Nbscow, 1967, pp 61-74. Bibliogr.: p 74 (7 ref.). 5570. Rokotova, N. A., "Psychophysiological Characteristics of Man's Performance of Nbtor Tasks," in "Rabochaya deyatel'nost', voprosy obitayemosti i biotekhnologiya," Moscow, 1967, pp 27-61. Bibliogr.: pp 60-61-04 ref.). 5571. Sukharev, O. A., and Avayev, A. L., "One Principle of Combining Man and a System," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol 2, Nbscow, 1969, pp 238- 239. 5572. Titov, G. S., "Man in Space," AVIATSSYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 10, 1969, pp 4-5. Man's role in spacecraft control. 5573. Khlyustikov, G. V., and Khoruzhaya, S. D., "Some 1Keasurements of the Activity of an Operator Performing Tracking Functions," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsirtg," Nbscow, 1966, pp 377-378. 5574. Shatalov, V. A., "Docking in Orbit," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 6, 1969, PP 26-28. _ Actions of cosmonauts during manual docking of Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5. 5575. Shtengel', R. S., "Manual Control of a Lunar Nbdule's Angular Position," RAKETNAYA TEIQHNIKA I KOSMONAVTIKA, Vol 8, No 8, 1970, pp 167-177. Bibliogr.: p 177 (15 ref.). � ~ 5576. "Agena-Powered Climb to 750 m Included in Gemini 11 Flight Plan," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 85, No 7, 1966, pp 27-28. The program for the Gemini 11 mission and cosmonaut activity. 5577. "Allen, R. W., and Hershberger, M. L., "Telescope Field of View Requirements for Star Recognition," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, No 1, 1966, pp 41-47. Telescope field of view requirements for star recognition by a pilot and cosmonaut. 5578. Alluisi, E. A., and Mbrgan, B. B., "Effects of Practice and Work Load on the Performance of a Code Transformation Task (COTRAN)," Prep. under grant No NGR-18-002-008 by Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. Washington, 1968, XI, 64 pp. (NASA CR-1261). Bibliogr.: pp 43-44 (23 ref.). Effects of practice and work load on the performance of an operator doing a code transformation task. � 5579. Alluisi, E. A., "Methodology in the Use of Synthetic Task to Assess Complex � Performance," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 4, 1967, pp 375-384. Bibliogr.: p 384 (13 ref.). 167 FOR OFFICIAL *JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Methodology in the use of synthetic tasks to assess the complex performance of a crew subjected to isolation and.a special work- rest schedule. 5580. Alluisi, E. A., "Pilot Perfornr.ance: Research on the Assessment of Complex Human Performance," in "Applications of Research on Human Decisionmaking," Washington, 1970, pp 13-30. Bibliogr.: pp 29-30 (18 ref.). Investigation of pilot and cosmonaut performance from the standpoint of assessing complex human performance. 5581. Alluisi, E. A., and Chiles, W. D., "Sustained Performance, Work-Rest Scheduling, and Diurnal Rhythms in Man," ACTA. PSYCHOL., Vol 27, 1967, pp 436-442. Bibliogr.: p 442 (9 ref.). Sustained performance, work-rest scheduling and diurnal rhythms in man. 5582. Altman, S. P., "Manual Guidance for Interplanetary Flight," in "Post Apollo Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 897-929. Bibiliogr.: pp 925-926 (19 ref.). Manual guidance in manned interplanetary flight. 5583. Amorelli, D., Celentano,. J. T., and Peters, B. G., "Reliability and the Man Subsystem," in "Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Space Technology and Science;" Zbkyo, 1964, pp 931-942. Bibliogr.: p 938 (7 ref.). Reliability of the "man subsystem." Man's role in supporting _ normal operation of all spacecraft systems. 5584. Angel, E. S., and Bekey, G. A., "Adaptive Finite-State Models of Manual Control Systems," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYSTEM., Vol MMS-9, No 1, 1968, pp 15-20. Bibliogr.: p 20 (14 ref.). Adaptive finite-state models of manual control systems, 5585. "Apollo 8 Opens New Space Era," SPACE TECHNOL. INTER., Vol 12, No 2, 1969, pp 10-11. Visual observations and description of the structure of the lunar surface by the Apollo 8 crew. _ 5586. "Applications of Research on Human Decisionmaking. A Symposium Held at NASA Ames Research Center and Spons. by the Human Performance Branch of the Bio- technology Div. Jan. 31-Febr. 2, 1968," edited by R. M. Patton et al., Washington, 1970, 195 pp (NASA SP-209). _ Applications of decision making theory to control problems. - Proceedings of a NASA symposium. Ames Research Center, Nbffet Field, California, 31 January - 2 February 1968. 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5587. "The Assessment of Human Performance for the Analysis of Space Missions," VEHAV. SCI., Vol 12, No 6, 1967, pp 490-497. Aut.: Th. Marton, C. E. IieTm, B. Green, M. Martin. Development of a program for computer assessment of human performance in application to analysis of cosmanaut activity. 5588. Baron, Sh., and Kleinman, D. L., "The Human as an Optimal Controller and Information Processor," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SiiST., Vol NMS-10, No l, 1969, pp 9-17. Bibliogr.: p 17 (10 ref.). The human as an optimum controller and information processor. 5589. Baty, D. L., "Effects of Display Gain on Human Operator Information Processing Rate in a Rate Control Tracking Task,"IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYST., Vol NIIr1.S-10, No 4, Part 1, 1969, pp 123-131. Bibliogr.: p 131 (4 ref.). Effects of display gain on human operator information processing - rate in a rate control tracking task. - 5590. Bazhinov, I. K., "A Method of Autonomous Navigation for Spaceships Orbiting Near Planets," in "Post Apollo Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 1109-1124. A method of autonomous navigation of Voskhod and.Voskhod 2 manned spacecraft orbiting near planets. 5591. Beischer, D. E., and Thach, J. S., "Long-Term Performance of Squirrel Monkeys ~ Under Space Simulation Conditions," in "Second Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular - Organs in Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 273-282. Study of squirrel monkey gerformance during long-term space flight simulation. - 5592. *Bergeron, H. P., "Pilot Response in Combined Control Tasks," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 10, No 2, 1968, pp 277-282. Ref.: AEROSPACE MED., Vol 42, No l, 1969, p 18. _ Pilot response in oombined control tasks aboard a Mercury program trainer. 5593. Bielkowicz, P., Horrigan, R. C., and Walsh, R. C., "Manual Onboard Methods of Orbit Determination," AIAA PAPER, No 70-159, 1970, pp 1-9. Bibliogr.: p 9(5 ref.). ,a Manual onboard navigation methods as a safety in the event of a break in communication with earth. 5594. Bier, R. J., and Brol].y, S. D., "Developmeat of a Computer-Based Onboard Checkout System Simulator Utilizing an Alpha-Numeric Display," AIAA PAPER, No 67-951, 1967, pp 1-10. ' 169 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY = Development of a computer-based onboard checkout system simulator utilizing an alphanumeric display. "Man-machine" mutual relation- ships in spacecraft control. 5595. Bradley, J. V., "Control-Display Association Preferences for Concentric _ Controls," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, No 6, 1966, pp 539-543. An operator's preferred associations between displays and concentric control panel knobs. 5596. Bulban, E. J., "Gemini 11 Demonstrates Pilot Capabilities," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 85, No 12, 1966, pp 27-30. Anaiysis of cosmonaut performance during manual control, docking and extravehicular activity in the Genuni 11 mission. 5597. Cagle, T. M., "Scientific/Technical Experiment Analysis for Deriving Re- quirements for Astronaut Functions," in "Exploitation of Space for Experimental Research," Washington, 1968, pp 13-51. Analysis of scientific-technical experiments to determine require- ments on cosmonaut activity. 5598. Cahill, H. E., and Luce, R. S., "Effectiveness of Side-Looking Radar in - Simulated Orbit as a Function of Reference Data Support," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 3, 1967, pp 239-250. Bibliogr.: p 250 (7 ref.). hssessment of man's capability for recngnizing ground targets with side-looking radar from simulated space orbit. 5599. Carbonell, J. R., Ward, J. L., and Sanders, J. W., "A Queueing Model of Visual Sampling: Experimental Validation," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYST., Vol NIIMS-9, No 3, 1968, pp 82-87. Bibliogr.: p 87 (4 ref.). A queueing model of visual sampling (experimental assessment). 5600. *Carpenter, R. B., "Vehicle Maintenance Time Constraints for Space Missions," in "Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of Reliability," New York, 1968, pp 338-349. Bibliogr.: 7 ref. Ref.: R7,H. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 2.41.128. Spacecraft onboard system maintenance and repair during " interplanetary flight. 5601. Cato, G. A., "Manned Meteorology Experiments," AIAA PAPER, N 66-885, 1966, pp 1-5. , Meteorological observations made by a cosmonaut from an orbiting spacecraft. Suggested comonaut working conditions. 170 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY 5602. "Chekout After Apollo," SPACE/AEIaONAUT., Vol 53, No 4, 1970, pp 34-41. Improvements to be made in the control systems of manned spacecraft following Apollo. Mutual relationships between ground and onboard flight control methods, with a consider- ation for psychological factors. 5603. "Chimpanzee Performance: Computer Analysis of Electroencephalograms," NATURE, Vol 220, No 5170, 1968, pp 879-881. Bibliogr.: p 881 (13 ref.). Aut.: J. Hanley, D. 0. Walter, J. M. giodes, W. R. Adey. Study of chimpanzee performance. Computer analysis of electro- encephalograms. 5604. Christensen, J. M., "Performance Gapabilities of Man on .Earth and in Space: . A.Study in Continuity," in "Post Apo11o Space Exploration," Washington, 1966, pp 37-56. Bibiligr.: pp 53-56 (44 ref.). Human performance on earth and in space. 5605. Christensen, J. M., and Mills, R. G., "What Does the Operator do in Complex Systems," HUM. FACTORS, Vo1 9, No 4, 1967, pp 329-340. Bibliogr.: pp 339-340 (21 ref.). Study of human operator activity in complex systems (including space systems). 5606. Clark, H. J., "Control of a Remote Maneuvering Unit During Satellite In- spection," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, No 6, 1966, pp 5.73-582. Bibliogr.: p 582 (3 ref.). Operator performance during control of a remote maneuvering unit during observation of other objects in orbit. 5607. Clark, H. J., "Optimum Angular Accelerations for Control of a Remote Maneuvering Unit," HUM. FACTORS, Vol S, No 3, 1966, pp 217-223. Bibliogr.: p 223 (8 ref.). optimum angular acceleration for control of a remote maneuvering unit. _ 5608. Cornell, Ch. E., "Minimizing Human Errors," SPACE/AERpNAUT., Vol 49, No 3, 1968, PP 72-84. Minimizing human operator errors in aerospace systems. 5609. "A Descriptive Nbdel for Determining Optimal Human Performance in Systems," Prep. under contract No. NAS 2-2955 by Serendipity Assoc., Chatsworth, Calif. for Ames Research Center, Vol 1-4, Washington, 1968. (NASA CR-876/879). Vol. 1. P.A. Wulff, J. J., and Leonard, J. N., "A Simple Nbdel of a Man-Machine Development C7icle," P.B. Wulff, J. J., Pixley, A. F., Leonard, J. N., "A Simple Calculus for Discrete Systems," 159 pp. Bibliogr.: p 159 (7 ref.). 171 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Vol. 2. P.A. "Systems Development Activities Concerned With Putting Man in a Aero- space System," P.B. "Development of a Man-Machine System: Some Concepts and Guide- lines," 367 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 357-367 (125 ref.). Vol. 3. Price, H. E., and Tabachnik, B. J., "An Approach for Determining the Opti- mal Role of Man and Allocation of Functions in an Aerospace System (incl. techn. data appendices)," 1093 pp. Vol 4. "Final Summary Report," 197 pp. Bibliogr.: p 173 (18 ref.). A descriptive model for determining human performance in "man- machine" systems, particularly in cosmonautics. Volumes 1-4. 5610. Dugge, P. M., and Callihan, J. C., "Rendezvous Navigation for the Apollo VII Mission," AIAA PAPER, N 68-1007, 1968, pp 1-14. Bibliogr.: pp 13-14 (18 ref.). The role of manual control in the Apolla rendevous and docking stage. 5611. Duncan, R. C., "Display Requirements for Advanced Manned Spacecraft," SPACEFLIGHT, Vol 11, No 3, 1969, pp 95-101. Display requirements for manned spacecraft intsnded for prolonged flight. 5612. Dutzmann, R., "Apollo 11. Die Nbndlanding," FLUG.-REV. + FLUGWELT INTEIZN., Vol 9, 1969, pp 30-37. Apollo 11. Crew activities during flight and lunar landing. 5613. Evans, W. B., and Czarnik, M. R,, "Summary of Rendezvous Operations," in "Gemini Sununary Conference," Washington, 1967*, pp 7-19. Results of the Gemini crew's rendezvous and docking operations in orbit. 5614. Fraser, T. M., "Philosophy of Simulation in a Man-Machine Space Mission System," Washington, 1.966, 197 pp (NASA SP-102. Sci. and Techn. Inform. Div.). Bibliogr.: pp 101-107 (76 ref.). Theoxy of simulating "man-machine" systems intended for space explorations: 5615. Frohlich, H., and Stopfkuchen, K., "Regelungstekhnik in der Raumfahrt. - Bericht vom 2. IFAC-Symposium in Wien, 4-8 Sept. 1967," LUFTFAHRTTECHNIK- RAUMFAHRTTECHNIK, Vol 14, No 3, 1968, pp 77-79. Report on the Second Symposium of the International Federation of Automatic Control (Vienna, 4-8 September 1968) on the topic: "Methods of Control and Space Flight," and particularly on reports dealing with the issue "The Man-Machine System in Manned Space Flight." 172 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5616. Frost, R. T., and Narodny, L., "Manned Space Astronomy," SPACE/AERONAUT, Vol 45, No 3, 1966, pp 74-80. Astronomic studies in space, and the role played in them by man. 5617. "Gagarin, Yu. A., "On Professional Activities of Cosmonauts," presented by - the Gov. of the USSR. Moscow, 1968, 27 pp. (United Nations Conf. on the Explora- tion and Peaceful Uses o.f Outer Space. [Vienna, 1968. Rep. 3]. V. B. 5). Reprint. On professional activities of cosmonauts. A report prepared for the U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. 5618. Grodsky, M. A., Moore, H. G., and Flaherty, Th. M., "Crew Reliability During - Simulated Space Flight," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 3, No 6, 1966, pp 810-817. Bibliogr.: p 817 (9 ref.). Crew reliability during simulated space flight. 5619. Grodsky, M. A., "The Use of Full Scale Mission Simulation for the Assessment of Complex Opezator Performance," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 4, 1967, pp 341-348. Bibliogr.: p 348 (5 ref.). - Simulation of space flight conditions with high reproduction precision for assessment of operator performance. 5620. *Grose, V. L., "Man as a Control Element in Space Systems," in "Annals of Reliability and Maintainability," Vol 6, New York, 1967, pp 510-515. Ref.: RZH. RAICETOSTROYENIYE, 1969, 3.41.222. Man as a control element in space systems. 5621. Grounds, H. K., and Schweisthal, R. J. ,"Ba].anced-irr-Fliqht Testing for = Manned Spacecraft," AIAA PAPER; N 67-949, 1967, pp 1-8. Flight tests of a manned spacecraft. "Man-machine" mutual re- lationship, and computer and cosmonaut back-ups for collection of information on the work of onboard systems. 5622. Heinisch, R. P:, Joliffe, C. L., and Schmidt, R. N., "An Experimental and Analytical Study of Visual Detection in a Spacecraft Environment," Prep. under _ cor.tract No NAS 2-5015 by Honeywell, 5t. Paul, Minn., for Ames Research Center, Washington, 1970. Pag. var. (NASA CR-1561). Bibliogr.: pp A6-A7 (5 ref.). An er.perimental and analytical stLdy of the possibility for vislial astronomie observations from aboarci -spacecraft. ~ 5623. Henry, R. ,"'I`he Astronaut as aWeather Observer, ASTR(JNAUT. AND FiERONAUT., - Vol 8, No 5, 1970, p 22. 173 FOR OFFICIAL, USE ONL!I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The role of the cosmonaut in meteoroloqical observations in connection with development of the plan for a large orbiting space station. 5624. Hershberger, M. L., "An Experimental Study of Image Nbtion Compensation Tracking for Earth Reconnaissance From Space," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 2, 1967, pp 105-118. Bibliogr.: p 118 (3 ref.). An experimental study of compensatory tracking of image motion in application to earth reconnaissance from space. 5625. Herzog, J. H., "Manual Control Using the Matched Manipulator Control Technique," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYST., Vol MMS-9, No 3, 1968, pp 56-60. Bibliogr.: p 60 (7 ref.). Manual control using the matched manipulation technique. 5626. Hornseth, J. P., and Davis, J. H., "Individual and 'ltao-Man Team Target Finding - Performance," HUM. FACTOFZS, Vol 9, No l, 1967, pp 39-43. Bibliogr.: p 43 (4 ref.). Analysis of the effectiveness of target search by an individual and by a group of two persons. _ 5627. "Human Performance Prediction in Man-Machine Systems," Vol 1. "A Techn. Rev." Prep. under contract No NAS 2-5038 by the Bunker-Ramo Corp. Defense Systems Div., Canoga Park, Calif., for Ames Research Center, Washington, 1970, 215 pp. (NASA CR-1614). Aut.: D. L. Finley, R. W. Obermayer, C. M. Bertone, D. Meister, F. A. Muckler. Human performance prediction in "man-machine" systems, including in the conditions of an orbiting space laboratory. Volume 1. "A Technical Review." ~ 5628. "Human i`racking Performance in Uncoupled and Coupled 7.tao-Axis Systems," , Prep. under contract No NAS 1-4419 by TRw Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif., Washington, _ 1966, 172 pp. (NASA CR-532). Bibliogr.: p 172 (12 ref.). Aut.: E. P. Todosiev, R. E. Rose, G. A. Bekey, H. L. Williams. _ Human tracking performance in uncoupled and coupled two-axis = control systems. _ 5629. "An Introduction to the Assurance of Human Performance in Space Systezns," Y written under contract at the Baltimore Div. of the Martin Marietta Corp. for the RFliability and Quality Assurance Office NASA Headquarcers. Washington, 1968, 42 pp. - (NASA SP-6506). Bibliogr.: pp 41-42 (30 ref.). ~ Assurance of human pe J ~ 5630. ,7ex, H. R., NcIbnnell, - for manual control research," - 1966, pp 138-145. Bibliogr.: rformance in space systems. J. D., and Phatak, A. V., "A 'critical' tracking task IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-7, No 4, p 145 (21 ref.). 174 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A"critical" tracking task for manual control research. 5631. Jones, G. M., "Man-Machine Integration: A Long Term Look," AERONAUT. J., Vol 72, No 694, 1968, pp 831-846. Bibliogr.: p 846 (55 ref.). The "man-machine" system. A look into the future. 5632. Jurkevich, I., "Should Astronomical Observations be Made From Manned Inter- planetary Spacecraft?," ASTRONAUT. AND AERONAUT., Vol 8, No 6, 1970, pp 72-73. The possibility of astronomic observations a manned interplanetary spacecraft. 5633. Knowles, W. B., "Aerospace Simulation and Human Performance Research," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 2, 1967, pp 149-159. Bibliogr.: p 159 (31 ref.). Simulation of space flight conditions and selection of the - correct technique for assessing a cosmonaut's performance and his potentials. 5634. Kraft, J. A., "Industry's Utilization of Human Factors and Bioengineering," in "Bioengineering and Cabin Ecology," Tarzana, 1969, pp 19-36. Use of the achievements of human factors science and engineering biology in space industry, particular to create simulators. 5635. Kristofferson, A. B., "Further Experiments on Successiveness Discrimination," Prep. under contract No NAS 2-2486 by Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., for Ames Research Center. Washington, 1966, 65 pp. (NASA CR-454). Bibliogr.: p 65 - (7 ref.). Further experiments on successive signal discrimination. 5636. Kristofferson, A. B., "A Quantal Interpretation of Sensory Channel Uncertainty - and Reaction Time and the Psychological Time Quantum and the Discrimination of Succession," Prep. under contract No NAS 2-2486 by Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., for Ames Research Center. Washington, 1966, 35 pp. (NASA CR-455). A quantal interpretation of sensory channel uncertainty and reaction time; the psychological time quantum and successive signal discrimination. 5637. Kubokawa, Ch. C., "Instant Modular 3-D Mockup for Configuring Control and Display Equipment," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYST., Vol NMS-9, No 3, 1968, pp 72-81. Bibliogr.: p 81 (18 ref.). A mockup of a modular three-dimensional display to be used in developing control and display equipment. _ 5638. LeBon, R. T., and Faga, Th. L., "The Role of System Safety in Saftware," AIAA PAPER, N 69-962, 1969, pp 1-5. - 175 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Reliability of the software of ground and onboard manned space- craft automatic control systems, and the relationship between decisions made by a computer and a cosmQnaut. 5639. Levison, W. H., Baron, Sh., and Kleinman, D. L, "A Model for Human Con- troller Remnant," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH, SYST., Vol MMS-10, No 4, Part 1, 1969, pp 101-108. Bibliogr.: p 108 (15 ref.). A model of a control unit intended for human participation. 5640. Levison, W. H., and Elkind, J. I., "25ao-Dimensional Manual Control Systems With Separated Displays," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 3, 1967, pp 202-209. Bibliogr.: p 209 (18 ref.). Ztao-dimensional manual control systems with separated displays. 5641. *Loats, H. L., and Bruchey, W. J., "A Study of the Performance of an Astro- naut During Ingress and Egress Maneuvers Through Airlocks and Passageways," Washing- ton, 1968, 151 pp. (NASA CR-911). Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 49, No 16, 1968, pp 81572. A study of the performance of a cosmonaut wearing a pressure suit during ingress and egress through a spacecraft airlock. 5642. May, C. B., and Holmes, A. E., "An Evaluation of Mari's Capability to Perform Support Functions in Space," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 193-204. Bibliogr.: pp 203-204 (13 ref.). An evaluation of man's capability to perform repair, assembly and other opera.tions in space. 5643. *Meziere, D., and Raoult, J. C., "On the Coupling of Man-Machine on the Piloting of a Craft Whose Dynamics Do Not Present a Damping Factor," in "Automatic Control in Space," S. 1., s.a., pp 3-4. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1971, 1.41.183. "Man-machine" interaction in a manned spacecraft whose dynamics do not contain a damping factor. 5644. NLilkie, R. W., "Time--a Critical Factor of In-Flight Maintenance," AIAA PAPER, N 67-950, 1967, pp 1-5. Bibliogr.: p 5(11 ref.). - The need for strictly accounting for the time factor in "man- machine" interaction in all onboard operations in a manned space mission. 5645. Miller, D. C., and Elkind, J. I., "The Adaptive Response of the Human Con- troller to Sudden Chanqes in Controlled Process Dynamics," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 3, 1967, pp 218-223. Bibliogr.: p 223 (9 ref.). 176 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The adaptive response of an operator to sudden changes in the - dynamics of controlled processes. 564G. Miller, J. E., and Leats, A., "Apollo Guidance and Control System Flight Experience," AIAA PAPER, N 69-891, 1969, pp 1-I2. Bibliogr.: pp 11-12 (8 ref.). Flight tests of Anollo guidance and control systems; the role of the ;osmonaut-operator. - 5647. Mil.ler, J. E. , and Laats, A. ,"Apollo Guidance and Coritrol System Flight Experience," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROQrETS, Vol 7, No 5, 1970, pp 551-557. Bibliogr.: p 557 (7 ref.). Flight tests of the guidance and control systems of the Apollo command and lunar modules; the role of the cosmonaut-operator. 5648. *MiZUS3wd, K., "DiStdriCe JUdgm@rits iri Space," SPIE J., VO1 8, NO 6, 1970, pp 237-239. Bibliogr.: 10 ref. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1971, 3.41.258. Problems in visu:al determination of distance in space during , manual spacecraft control. y 5649. "Muscle Action Potential and Hand Switch Disjunctive Reaction Times to Visual, Auditory and Combined Visual-Auditory Displays," ZEEE T:RANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 3, 1967, pp 223-226. Bibliogr.: p 226 (9 ref.). Aut.: M. J. Wargo, Ch. R. Kelly, D. J. Prosin, M. B. Mitchell. Muscle action potential and hand switch disjunctive reaction times to visual, auditory and combined visual-auditory displays. - 5650. *Nevins, J. L., "Man-Machine Design for the Guidance and Control System Revisited," in "Automatic Control in Space," S. 1_, s.a., pp 1-8. % Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1971, 1.41.181. The "man-machine" problem in Apollo space craft guidance and control systems. 5651. Nevins, J. L., Woodin, E. A., and Metzinger, R. W., "Man-Machine Simulations for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance and Control System," AIAA PAPER, N 67-242, 1967, pp 1-17. Bibliogr.: pp 14-17 (16 ref.). Simulation of "man-machine" interaction in the Apollo navigation, guidance and control system. 5652. Normyle, W. J., "Crew Adaptability Chief Yield of Gemini 9," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE '!'ECHNOL., Vol 84, No 24, 1966, pp 31-34. Cosmonaut performance in complex assignments during the Gemini 9A mission. 177 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5653. Normyle, W. J., "Lunar Nbdule Passes Moon Test," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE y TECHNOL., Vol 90, No 21, 1969, pp 16-17. Activities of cosmonauts aboard Apollo 10 in near-earth orbit with the purpose of practicing lunar landing maneuvers. 5654. Pagan, F., "Piccole storie di 'errori spaziali'," RIV. AIERNAUT., Vol 45, No 7/8, 1969, pp 1381-1382. A descr=_ption of some malfunctions in manned space flights and efforts by cosmonauts to correct them. 5655. Parker, J. F., "The Identification of Performance Dimensions Through Factor Analysis," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 9, No 4, 1967, pp 367-373. Bibliogr.: pp 372-373 (16 ref.). Determination of the performance of a cosmonaut in orbit by factor analysis. - 5656. Parsons, S. 0., and Lebach, J. L., "The Standardization of Human Factors Data," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 12, No 1, 1970, pp 55-62. Standardization of the terminology for individual human factors, and the means of accounting for them used by engineering corpora- . tions participating in deveiopment of the Apollo program. 5657. Parten, R. P., and Mayer, J. P., "Development of the Gemini Operational Rendezvous Plan," AIAA PAPER, N 68-45, 1968, pp 1-8, Dei-relopment of the plan for Gemini's rendezvous with the Agena rocket stage. The possibility for manual back-up of individual operations of the ground and automatic control systems by the crew. 5658. Patton, R. M., and Rauk, J. A., "Decision Making in Manned Space Flight," in "Applications of Research on Human Decision Making," Washington, 1970, pp 153-155. Bibliogr.: pp 157-158. Decision making by the crew of manned spacecraft. 5559. Pew, R. W., "performance of Human Factors in a Three-State Relay Control System With "elocity-Augmented Displays," IEEE TRANS. 'AUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-7, No 2, 1966, pp 77-83. Human operator performance in a three-state r.elay control system with velocity-augmented displays. _ 5660. Phatak, A. V., and Bekey, G. A., "Model of the Adaptive Ber.avior of the Human Operator in Response to a Sudden Change in the Control Situation," IEEE TRANS. MAN-MACH. SYST., Vol MMS-10, No 3, 1969, pp 72-80. Bibliogr.: p 80 (18 ref.). 178 FOP C'-""rC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY Model of the adaptive behavior of the human operator in response to sudden changes in the control situation. 5661. Pierson, W. R., and Rich, G. Q., "Energy Expenditure anO Fatigue During Simple Repetitive Tasks," HUM. FACTORS., Vol 9, No 6, 1967, pp 563-565. Bibliogr.: p 565 (12 ref.). Energy expenditure and fatigue during simple repetitive tasks. _ 5662. Poduska, J. W., "Man-Computer Systems: A Status Report," AIAA PAPER, N 70-1292, 1970, pp 1-5. Bibliogr.: p 5(15 ref.). "Man-computer" systems and their role in control and in scientific research in future manned space missions. 5663. *Polnauer, F., "Die Bedeutung der Gesamtkorperfunction in der sensomotorischen Prazisionsleitung. Eine Studie uber Bewegungsgestaltung," IND. ORGANIZ., Vol 36, No 12, 1967, pp 542-561. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1968, 8 P315. Significance of whole-body functions to prer..ise sensomotor tasks. 5664. "Procedural Error Cited as Cause in Report on Apollo 10 Gyrations," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 91, No 3, 1969, p 20. Analysis of possible true errors in the piloting of Apollo 10. , 5665. Pyron, E. E., "Hybrid Simulation Used for Developing Gemini Rendezvous Procedures and for Flight Crew Indoctrination," AIAA PAPER, N 67-250, 1967, pp 1-10. - Bibliogr.: p 7 (4 ref.). A combined simulation system used for developing Gemini rendezvous, approach and docking operations and for crew training. 5666. Rathert, G. A., "Decision Making in the Manual Control of Aerospace Vehicles," in "Applications of Research on Human Decision Making," Washington, 1970, pp 1-12. Bibliogr.: p 12 (12 ref.) Decision making in manual control of aerospace vehicles. 5667. Ricci, B., "Physiological Basis of Human Performance," London, H. Kimpton, 1967, 293 pp. The physiological basis of human performance in different environments, particularly in the presence of dynamic space flight factors. 5668. Robertson, J. M., "Apol].o Command and Service Modules Simulation," AIAA PAPER, N 67-231, 1967, pp 1-24. 179 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The rrogram for mathematical simulation of Apollo command and lunar module systems from the aspect of "man-machine" interaction. 5669. RQSCOe, S. N., Hasler, S. G., and Dougherty, D. J., "Flight by Periscope: Making Takeoffs and Landings; the Influence of Image Magnification, Practice and Various Conditions of Flight," HUM~ FACTORS, Vol 8, No 1, 1966, pp 13-40. Bibliogr.: p 40 (2 ref.). The use of a periscope in flight, particularly during airplane take-off and landing, as well as to design spacecraft consoles; influence of image magnification, pilot experience and various conditions of flight. 5670. Schaik, P. N. van, "An Assessment of the Practicality of Orbital Maintenance," AIAA PAPER, N 67-652, 1967, pp 1-6. Bibliogr.: p 6(5 ref.), An assessment of the effectiveness of spacecraft and space station technical maintenance and repair in orbit (including cosmonaut extravehicular activity) during long missions. 5671. *Schirra, W., "The Pilot'S OWri ACCOUrit Of ReI1deZVOUS," TECHN. ENG. NENTS., Vol 50, No 1, 1968, pp 57-58. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1968, 7.41.247. Impressions of American astronauts of Gemini 7 and 8 rendezvous and docking. 5672. Schneider, A. r:., Prussing, J. E., and Timin, M. E., "A Manual Method for Space Rendezvous Navigation and Guidance," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, Vol 6, No 9, 1969, pp 998-1006. Bibliogr.: p 1006 (12 ref.). Manual control in navigation and guidance tasks during spacecraft docking. 5673. Schwichtenberg, A. N., "The Man-Machine-Environmental Interface," in "Commercial Utilization of Space," Washijlgton, 1968, p 64.' The "man-machine-environment" problem in long space missions. 5674. Seeley, H. F., and Bliss, J. C., "Compensatory Tracking With Visual and Tactile Displays," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS. ELECTRON., Vol HFE-7, No 2, 1968, pp 84-90. Bibliogr.: p 90 (8 ref.). Compensatory tracking with visual and tactile displays. 5675. Seminara, J. L., and Shavelson, R. J., "Effectiveness of Space Crew Per- formance Subsequent to Sudden Sleep Arousal," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 7, 1969, pp 723-727. Bibliogr.: p 727 (8 ref.). Cosmonaut performance following sudden awakening. ~1 180 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FOR OFFICIwL USE ONLY 5676. Senders, J. W., "A Re-Analysis of the Pilot Eye-Nbvement Data," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-7, No l, 1966, pp�103'-106. Bibliogr.: p 106 (10 ref.). .c A re-analysis of data on pilot eye-movement during signal tracking. 5677. Sevantorough, G., "L'homme, instrument indisgensable de la conquete spatiele," AVIAT. ET ASTRONAUT., Vol 9, No 12, 1969, p 47. Advantages of manned over unmanned spacecraft. Cosmonaut inter- vention in craft control (with the Apollo 12 mission as an example). ~ 5678. Shea, R. A., and Sumners, L. G., "Visual Deteation of Point Source Targets," Prep. under contract No NAS 2-2742 by TFdrT Systems, Redondo Beach, Calif., for Ames Research Center, Washington, 1966, 65 pp (NASA CR-563). Bibliogr.: p 47 (11 ref.). Visual detection of point source targets (in application to the tasks of spacecraft docking). 5679. "Sh.ort-Circuit Cuts Gemini 8 Flight," FLI QiT INTERN., Vol 89, No 2976, 1966, pp 491-493. Oi:bital maneuvers performed by cosmonauts aboard Gemini S. 5680. *Siegel, A. I., and Lanterman, R. S., "A Portable Test Battery for Compara- - tively Evaluating Operator Performance in Full-Pressure Suit Assemblies," U.S. AIR FORCE. TECHN. DOC. REP., 1966, 75 pp (AM12I,-TDR-ML-TDR-68-74). Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 50, No 11, 1969, 56655. A battery of tests for comparative assessment of operator performance and mobility in a pressure suit. 568"L. Simpson, R. W., and Smith, H. E., "Apollo Rendezvous With Command Module Active," AIAA PAPER, N 67-562, 1967, pp 1-32. Apollo rendezvous and docking with the comanand module, with the crew playing an active role. 5682. Singer, S. F., "The Research Potential of Manned Earth Orbiting Spacecraft = in the Field of Meteorology," in "Manned Laboratories in Space," Dordrecht, 1969, pp 33-45. Bibliogr.: p 45 (4 ref.). The role of the human experimenter in meteorological studies performed aboard a spacecraft in near-earth orbit. 5683. Singer, S. F., "The Research Potential of Manned Earth Orbiting 5pacecraft in the Field of Meteorology," in "Meteorological and Communication Satellites," Paris et al., 1966, pp 47-51. 181 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The role of man in meteorological studies performed aboard a spacecraft orbiting near earth. 5684. Slayton, D. K., "Crew Functions and Training," AIAA PAPER, N 68-1009, 1968, pp 1-6. Cosmonaut activities, their selection and training. 5685. Slayton, D. K., North, W. J., and Woodling, C. H., "Flight Crew Procedures and Training," in "Gemini Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 201-211. Activities of Gemini cosmonauts and their training. 5686. Smallwood, R. D., "Internal Models and the Human Instrument Nbnitor," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 3, 1967, pp 181-187. Bibliogr.: p 187 (8 ref.). The "internal" model of the environment created by the operator, and his actions with an instrument. 5687. Smith, D. W., "The Hand-Held Sextant: Results From Gemini XII and Flight Simulator Experiments," AIAA PAPER, N 67-775, 1967, pp 1-12. Bibliogr.: p 12 (13 ref.). , The results of performing navigation tasks with a hand-held sextant during the Gemini 12 mission and during simulated flight. 5688. Smith, D. W., "Hand-Held Sextant: Results From Gemini XII and Flight Simulator Experiments," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS," Vol 5, No 6, 1968, pp 655-662. Bi.bliogr.: pp 661-662 (11 ref.). Cosmonaut performance in navigation tasks using a hand-held _ sextant during the Gemini 12 mission and simulated flight. 5689. Stafford, Th. P., Schirra, W. M., and Grimm, D. F., "Rendezvous of Gemini VII and Gemini VI-A," in "Gem?ni Midprogram Conference Including Experiment Results," Washington, 1966, pp 283-297. ' Activity of cosmonauts during rerdezvous and docking of Gemini 7 and Gemini 6A. 5690. Stengel, R. F., "Manual Attitude Control of the Lunar Nbdule," AIAA PAPER, N 69-892, 1969, pp 1-17. Bibliogr.: pp 16-17 (16 ref.), Manual attitude control of the lunar module in the Apollo program. _ 5691. Streimer, I., Turner, D. P. W., and Volkmer, K., "Experimental Study of Performance Characteristics in a Zero Potential Energy Manual Task," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 7, 1967, pp 804-807. Bibliogr.: p 807 (27 ref.). 182 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Experimental study of performance in a zero potential energy , manual task. 5692. Summers, L. G., Shea, R. A., and Ziedman, K., "Unaided Visual Detection of Target Satellites," J. SPACECRAFT AND ROGKETS, Vol 3, No l, 1966, pp 76-79. Bibliogr.: p 79 (8 ref.). Visual (unaided) dete ction of a target satellite from another satellite. 5693. Szafran, J., "Limitations and Reliability ot the Human Operator of Control Systems to Process Iniormation," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 3, 1966, pp 239-242. Bibliogr.: p 242 (35 ref.). - Limitations and reliability of the human operator of control systems during use of information. 'i'heoretical considerations and their application to the problems of space medicine. 5694. Teichner, W. H., and Olson, D., "Predicting Human Performance in Space Environments," Prep. under contract No NGR 22-007-070 by Guggenheim. Center for Aerospace Health and Safety, Harvard Univ., School of Public Health, Boston, Mass., for NASA. Washington, 1969. 175 pp. (NASA CR-1370). Bibliogr.: pp 171-175 (70 ref.). Predicting human performance in space flight con3itions. 5695. Thomas, B. K., "Apollo 8 Proves Value of Onboard Control," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 90, No 3, 1.969, pp 40-41, 43-44, 46. Combination of manual and automated operations during Apollo 8's presence in near-earth orbit. - 5696. Thompson, E. B., and Burcher, E. S., "Space and Undersea Comparision: Prelude to Tektite 1," in "Bioengineering and Cabin Ecology," Tarzana, 1969, pp 117-Z38. Comparative study of human behavior and performance in space and unde naater conditions. The Tektite 1 undersea research program. 5697. 'Podosiev, E. P., "Human Performance in a Cross-Coupled Tracking System," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS. ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8, No 3, 1967, pp 210-217. Bibliogr.: p 217 (8 ref.). Human performance in cross-coupled tracking systems. 5698. Todosiev, E. P. , Rose, R. E., and Summers, L. G. ,"Human Perfor.nance in Single and Ztao-Axis Tracking Systems," IEEE TRANS. HUM. FACTORS ELECTRON., Vol HFE-8c. No 2, 1967, pp 125-129. Bibliogr.: p 129 (6 ref.) , Human performance in single and two-axis tracking systems. 5699. Vallerie, L. L., "Displays for Seeing Without Looking," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, No 6, 1966, pp 507-513. Bib liogr.: pp 512-513 (21 *-ef.). 183 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Displays (indicator systems) F?rmitting the operator to utilize lateral vision, and their use in the landing of high-speed airplanes and in the docking of spacecraft. 5700. Wempe, Th. E., and Baty, D. L., "Human Information Processing Rates During Certain Multiaxis Tracking Tasks With a Concurrent Auditory Task," IEEE TRANS. MAN- - MACH. SYST., Vol MMS-9, No 4, 1968, pp 120-138. Bibliogr.: p 138 (7 ref.). Human information processing rates during certain multiaxis tracking tasks with a concurrent auditory task. 5701. Wie naille, w. W., and Gagne, G. A., "Nonlinear and Time-Varying Dynamical Models of Human Operators in Manual Control Systems," HUM. FACTORS, Vol 8, No 2, 1966, pp 97-120. Bibliogr.: p 120 (5 ref.). Nonlinear and time-varying dynamic models of the human operator in manual control systems. 5702. Wilks, W. E., "Effort Focuses on Man's Judgment Utility in Space Systems," TECHNOL. WEEK, Vol 19, No 22, 1966, pp 64-66, 69-70. Problems associated with human reliability in space systems, presently being studied by the Ames Research Center. 5703. Wingrove, R. C., and Edwards, F. G., "Measurement of Pilot Describing Functions From Flight Test Data With an Example From Gemini 10,". IEEE TRANS. MAN- P-IACH. SYST., Vol MMS-9, No 3, 1968, pp 49-55. Bibliogr.: p 55 (11 ref.). Assessment of a pilot's capability for describing observations, using flight test data, particularly from Gemini 10. 4.7. Activity and Training of Ground-Based Operators of Space and Planetary Vehicles See also No 5511, 5602 5704. Agadzhanov, P., and Bol'shoy, A., "The KIK [13ommand-and-Measuring Complex]-- the Caring Hand of Earth," AVIATSIYA I KOSMONAVTIKA, No 11, 1970, pp 36-38. The work of ground spacecraft flight control services. 5705. *Davis, B. P., and Cordoni, C. N., "People Subsystem Measurement for Total Reliability," in "Proceedings of the Arnual Symposium of Reliability," New York, 1970, pp 394-403. Bibliogr.: 6 ref. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1971, 1.41.140. Assessment of the influence of service personnel on the overall reliability of the rocket and space complex at Cape Kennedy. 5706. Edwards, W., "Controller Decisions in Space Flight," in "Applications of Re- search on Human Decision Making," Washington, 1970, pp 93-106. 184 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 'A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Decisions made by ground controllers during manned space flight. 5707. Foreman, P. F., "On Fitting Mari Into the Control System of Certain Guided Weapons," AERONAUT. J., Vol 72, No 688, 1968, pp 361-367. The possibility for using man in the control systems of certain guided missiles. The psychophysiological aspect of manual guidance operator performance and training. 5708. Gilchrist, J. D., and Soland, D. E., "A Manual Optimal Guidance Scheme Using a Predictive Model," AIAA PAPER, N 67-593, 1967, pp 1-10. Bibliogr.: p 10 (11 ref.). An optimum manual control (guidance) scheme using a predictive model when delivering a missile carrier to orbit. - 5709. Hardy, G. H., "Man's Role in Launch Vehicle Guidance and Control," AIAA.PAPER, N 69-876, 1969, pp 1-16. Bibliogr.: pp 11-12 (22 ref.). A study of man's role in manual control of the launching of large missile carriers. NASA's results in the launching of Saturn rockets. 5710. Hoyt, W. G., "Computerized Operational Training for Aerospace Systems: Automated Programmed Instruction.(API)," AIAA PAPER, N 69-956, 1969, pp 1-5. Using comptiter programs to teach ground operators to control space systems. 5711. Kranz, E. F., and Covington, J. 0., "Plight Control in the Apollo Program," ASTRONAUT. AND AERONAUT., Vol 8, No 3, 1970, pp 64-71. Training, practice and functions of personnel at the Apollp ground Flight Control Center. 5712. Miller, H. G., "Simulation Training for Flight Control Decision Making," in "Applications of Research on Human Decision Making," Washington, 1970, pp 83-91. Simulation training in decision making for ground personnel involved in the control of manned space flight. 5713. Tindall, H. W., "Techniques of Controlling the Trajectory," ASTRONAUT. AND AERONAUT., Vol 8, No 3, 1970, pp 76-82. Techniques used by ground operators to control the trajectory of Apollo. 185 FOR OFFiCIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. Methods of Physiological Research in Space Biology and Medicine See also 6.13.2. 5.1. General References See alsa 6.13.2. and No 77, 136, 139, 733, 781, 1784, 1797, 2819, 3495, 5245, 5401, 7796. 5714. Akulinichev, I. T., Degtyarev, V. A., and Maksimov, D. G., "The Present Status and Prospects of Research on the Human Cardiovascular System During Space I'light," in "Life in Spacecraft," Oxford-[Warsaw], 1968, pp 171-178. Bibliogr.: pp 176-177 (19 ref.). 5715. Bayevskiy, R. M., and Yazdovskiy, V. I., "The Methods of Biomedical Research in Space Flight," in "Kosmicheskaya biologiya i meditsina" [Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 260-284. Bibliogr.: pp 283-284 (31 ref.). 5716. Bayevskiy, R. M., "Fiziologicheskiye izmereniya v kosmose i problema ikh avtomatizatsii" [Physiologic Measurements in Space and the Problem of Their Automa- tion], editors in chief V. V. Parin and 0. G. Gazenko. Nbscow, "Nauka", 1970, - 255 pp. (USSR Academy of Sciences. Scientific Council on the Integrated Problem "Cybernetics"). Bibliogr.: pp 244-253 (364 ref.). 5717. Vos~resenskiy, A. D., "Complex Measurements Characterizing the Heart Rhythm - of a Healthy Person," in "Ritm serdtsa v norme i patologii" [Heart Rhythm in Normal _ Conditions and in Pathology], Vilnius, 1970, pp 185-191. Bibliogr.: pp 190-191 (13 ref.). . 5718. Kobelyatskiy, V. F., Tambiyev, Ye. Z., and Ayzikov, G. S., "Research on the Activity of Spinal-Level Systems," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 92-93. 5719. "Integrated Research on Man's State Durirg Night Sleep," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu osobennostey sna..." [Prcceedings of the Symposium on ' the Study of the Unique Features of Sleep...], Moscow, 1968, pp 73-74. Aut.: Yu. G. Nefedov, L. R. Iseyev, A. N. Kartsev, S. U. Levinskiy. 186 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 5720. Miroshnikov, Yu. S., and U1'yanov, V. F., "Methods and:Instruments Used to Study Human Physiological Functions in Centrifuge Experiments," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Spac.e Medicine], Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 76--80. 5721. "Some Problems in the Planniny an3 Analysis of Flying Physiologiaal Experi- ments," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Probleras uf Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 160-161. Aut.: B. B. Yegorov, A. B. Yagorov, A. A. Kiselav, I. S. Shadrintsev. A critical analysis of physiological information obtained during the flights of space vehicles carrying animals and man. Physiological and mathematical methods used in the planning of future computerized experiments. 5722. Parin, V. V., Yegorov, B. B., and Bayevskiy, R. M., "Physiological Measure- ments in Space. Principles and Methods," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al., 1967, pp 25-37. Bibliogr.: p 37 (10 ref.). 5723. Polonskiy, N. M., and Strel'tsov, V. M., "Application of Physiological and Psychological Research to Flight Trainers," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 311-312. 5724. Sushkov, Yu. N., "The Criterion Method for Research in Biology and Medicine," - in "Materialy konferentsii po kosmicheskoy biologii i meditsine" [Proceedings of - a Conference on Space Biology and Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 126-140. 5725. Tambiyev, Ye. Z., Kobelyatskiy, V. F., and Ayzikov, G. S., "Methods of Analyzing the Activity of Final-Level Systems," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 190-191. 5726. "Biomedical Monitoring During Dynami:. Stress Testing. 1. Instrwnentation and Normal Values," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 9, 1966, pp 911-922. Bibliogr.: p 922 (6 ref.). Aut.: F. W. Fascenelli, Ch. Cordova, D. G. Simons, J. Johnson, L. Pratt, L. E. Lamb. Recording physiological data during dynamic stress tests. Communication 1. Instrumentation and normal values of - physiological functions. 5727. *Fraser, Th. M., "Revi.ew of Physiological Measurement Techniques for Applicabi?ity to Space Flight Conditions," Prep. under contract No NASr-115 by Dep. of Aerospace Med. and Bioastronautics Lovelace Found., Albuquerque, N. i;ex. Washington, 1969, 245 pp. (NASA CR-1277). Ref.: BIOL. ABSTR., Vol 50, No 23, 1969, 124023. Review of physiological measurement techniques for applicability to space flight conditions. 187 FOR OFF[C!AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~a 5728. *Lamb, G. A., "Recording of Physiological Data in Space," in "Proceedings of the 1.3th ISA Aerospace Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 227-244. i3ibliogr.: 11 ref. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 3.41.253. Recording of physiological data in space flight. 5729. "NASA Contributions to Bioinstrumentation Systems. A Survey," Washington, 1968, 97 pp. (NASA SP-5054). Bibliogr.: pp 89-91 (55 ref.), Aut.: G. Weltman, - M. Klagsbrun, D. Ukkestad, B. Ettelson. NASA's contribution to development of bioinstrumentation systems. A survey. Development of systems for physiological research and medical monitoring in the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions. 5730. Nevison, Th. 0., "Physiologic and Environmental Monitoring of Manned Space Flights," PLASTIC AND RECONSTR. SURG., Vol 39, No 3, 1967, pp 301-306. Bibliogr.: - pp 305-306 (20 ref.). Monitoring the physiological functions of cosmonauts and the _ environment of spacecraft cabins. 5.2. Research Techniques See also No 1301, 1326, 1561, 1571, 1704, 1709, 1793, 1794, 1910, 1914, 1980, 1987, 2066, 2068, 2407, 2435, 2714, 2751, 2924, 2933, 3060, 3063, 3220, 3226, 3388, 3389, 3788, 3790, 3984, 4007, _ 4361, 4380, 4653, 4677, 5022, 5147, 6274, 6336, = 7469, 7848, 7931, 7933, 83,.149, 795, 801, 804 1376, 1395, 1404, 1443 1621, 1624, 1625, 1627 1722, 1724, 1725, 1745, 1799, 1832, 1837, 1838, 1925, 1926, 1930, 1933, 1993, 1999, 2000, 2021, 2074, 2082, 2088, 2101, 2478, 2491, 2510, 2515, 2838, 3849, 2852-2854, 2976, ?.989, 2995, 3015, 3075, 3089, 3095, 3108, 3245, 3249, 3250, 3255, 3402, 3434-3436, 3438, 3798, 3826, 3843, 3850, 4032, 4051, 4052, 4085, 4381, 4393, 4397, 4417, 4681, 4690, 4712, 4713, 5242, 5243, 5318, 5357, 6526, 6534, 6586, 6587, 7880, 7892, 7906, 7907, 7938-7944, 7946, 7947, , 939, 970, 1023, 1200, 1214, 1216, 1227, 1244, 1282, , 1455-1457, 1466-1469, 1510, 1529, 1538, 1558, 1560, , 1634, 1635, 1638, 1666, 1667, 1682, 1698, 1699, 1762, 1766, 1770, 1775, 1776, 1780, 1785, 1788, 1842, 1857, 1860, 1862-1860, 1875, 1876, 1884, 1934, 1937, 1941, 1942, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1975, 2034, 2038, 2050-2052, 2054, 2055, 2062, 2064, 2152, 2221, 2235, 2241, 2244, 2330, 2336, 2363, 2520, 2546-2548, 2640, 2654, 2689, 2704, 2713, 2861, 2862, 2868, 2874, 2876, 2889, 2890, 2917, 3017, 3027, 3037, 3044, 3046, 3052, 3054, 3055, 3109, 3111, 3112, 3116, 3119, 3140, 3151, 3173, 3256, 3264, 3271, 3292, 3322, 3331, 3333, 3377, 3445, 3457, 3466, 3478, 3504, 3547, 3625, 3638, 3856, 3872, 3877, 3891, 3903, 3933, 3934, 3938, 4086, 4094, 4144, 4170, 4171, 4180, 4322, 4337, 4427, 4428, 4433, 4472, 4558, 4579, 4592, 4608, 4736, 4848, 4915, 4947, 4961, 4976, 5000, 5001, 5385, 5391, 5392, 5413, 5878, 5806, 6092, 6104, 6622, 6654, 6781, 6943, 6971, 7033, 7413, 7464, 7912, 7915, 7917, 7920, 7921, 7927, 7928, 7930, 7949-7951, 7953, 8057. - 5731. Arbu�r.ov, N. S., "Carbon, Hydrogen and Nix:rogen Determination in Biological Tests," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings _ of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], rbscow, 1969, pp 153-154. 188 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404060025-4 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY Techniques for determining these elements in biological samples used for research connected with development of life-support _ systems. 5732. Bayevskiy, R. M., and Funtova, I. I., "A Contactless Technique for Recorcling Cardiovascular and Resl,iratory Measurements," I:OSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 4, 1969, pp 76-78. Bibliogr.: p 78 (6 ref.). 5733. Bayevskiy, R. M., and Semenova, T. D., "The Problem of Assessing the Body's Internal Environment [Following Exposure to a Number of Extreme Factors, Changes in the Work-Rest Schedule and Prolonged Work at a Console] on the Basis of Saliva Analysis," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Nbscow, 1969, pp 46-48. 5734. Bayevskiy, R. M., Berezina, G. A., and Zhukov, K. I., "Application of a Technique for Recording the Motor Acts of Writing as z Means for Raising the Ob- jectivity of Psychological Tests and Studying Nbvement Coordination [in the Condi- tions of Hypoxia, Fatigue, Isolation and Alteration of the Diurnal Rhythm]," in "Kiberneticheskiye aspekty v izuchenii raboty mozga" [Cybernetic Aspects in the Study of the Work of the Brain], Moscow, 1970, pp 171-187. Bibliogr.: p 187 (5 ref. ) . 5735. Bayevskiy, R. M., "Application of Seismocardiography in Space Medicine," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems in Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 48-49. 5736. Boldov, V. A., "Application of Seismocardiography," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Irbscow, 1969, pp 39-40. 5737. Breslav, I. S., Volkov, B. N., and Mityushov, V. M., "Registration of Human Breathing in a Pressure Chamber Exl3eriment," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 56, No 5, 1970, pp 805-807. , 5738. Voloshin, V. G., Degtyarev, V. A., and Kozlov, A. N., "A No-Search Method of Ultrasonic Doppler-Cardiography," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 3, 1970, pp 73-75. Bibliogr.: p 75 (4 ref.). 5739. Gazenko, 0. G., Gurfinkal', V. S., and Malkin, V. B., "Electroencephalographic Studies ir_ Space Medicine," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii" [Problems of Space Biology], Vol 6, Moscow, 1967, pp 83-92. 5740. Grigor'yev, A. I., and Larionova, G. F., "Isotope Renography on Lying Sub- - jects," in "Materialy III nauchnoy kanferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 83-84. Investigation of kidney function in healthy subjects in a state of recumbency for a long period of time. 5741. Zhuravleva, Ye. N., ard Nazin, A. N., "Change in Some Peripheral Blood Measurements During Long-Term Implantation of Vascular Catheters," in "Materialy III nauchncy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], . Moscow, 1969, pp 42-44. 189 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5742. "A Technique for Automatically Nbnitoring Heart Rate and Some EKG Indicators," in "Ritm serdtsa v norme i patologii" [Heart Rhythm in Normal Conditions and in Pathology], Vilnius, 1970, pp 37-44. Bibliogr.: p 44 (2 ref.). Aut.: I. T. Akulinichev, Yu. M. Dovzhenko, I. M. Gekhman, L. A. Larionova, D. G. Maksimov. 5743. "A Technique for C".,ironic Probing of tne Arterial Vascular Channel," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Nbscow, 1966, pp 284-285. Aut.: A. N. Nazin, O. D. Anashkin, Ye. N. Zhuravleva, V. K. Podymov, N. A. Maslova. 5744. Kirsanov, A. M., "Investigation of the Frequency-Amplitude Characteristics of Heart Tones by the Resources of Nbdern Acoustic Technology," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 200-201. 5745. "Clinical-Laboratory Tests for Early Complications Elicited by Chronic Aortal Catheterization," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Secuzd Scientific Conference of Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 64-65. Aut.: Ye. N. Zhuravleva, A. N. Nazin, A. I. Grigor'yev, Yu. I. Ryumin, 5746. Kovalenko, Ye. A., "Some Results and Prospects of Studying Oxygen Tension in Body Tissues by the Polarographic Method," in "Polyarograficheskoye opredeleniye kisloroda v biologicheskikh ob"yektakh" [Polarographic Determination of Oxygen in Biological Objects], Kiev, 1968, pp 207-212. The significance of this method to aviation and space medicine is pointed out. 5747. Kreydich,Yu. V., "A Technique for Recording Electrocardiograms from Dogs in a Chronic Experiment [P,board a Kosmos 110 Satellite]," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nb3cow, 1967, p 107. 5748. Machinskiy, G. V., "A Technique for Determining Human Physical Performance," in "blaterialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Bio- medical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 127-128. 5749, "A Method of Direct Measurement of Arterial Pressure in Animals in a Pressure Chamber," MED. TEKHNIKA, No 5, 1969, pp 26-27. Bibliogr.: p 27 (4 ref.). Aut.: I. P. Bereziii, V. A. Pigarev, E. N. Lerner, Yu. V. Daiaqo. _ 5750. "11 Technique for Analyzing Gas Metabolism in Mzn in a Rarefied Atrnosphere by Gas Chromatography." KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 4, 1970, pp 79-82.. Bibliogr.: p 82 (3 ref.). Aut.: V. I. Chadov, Ye. Ye. Sotnikov, Ye. I. Kuznets, G. A. Gaziyev. 5751. Mironenko, N. P., "Change in Heart Rate and the Electromyagram of the _ Pulmonary Artery in Persons Taking the Valsalva Test," in "Matezi3ly III na-chnoy - konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," L-Institute of Biomedical Prct)lemsj, Moscow, 1969, pp 50-52. 5752. Mukhametov, L. M., "Analysis of the Sigma-Rhythm in the Mammd.~an EEG (the Sleep Spindle Rhythm)," in "Materialy simpoziuma po izucheniyu orobennostey sna..." [Proceedings of the Symposium on the Study of the Unique Features of Sleep...], hbscow, 1968, pp 65-67. 190 FOR O'FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY 5753. Nazin, A. N., and Zhuravleva, Ye. N., "Significance of the Method of Chronic Catheterization of Animals to the Study of Hemodynamics in Real Space Flight Condi- tions," in "biaterialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 133-134. 5754. Nazin, A. N., Lhuravleva, Ye. N., and Podymov, V. K., "A Technique for Sampling Blood from Small Laboratory Animals in a Long-Term Experiment," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molody,.n uchenykh, "[Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 131. - 5755. Nazin, A. N., and Kreydich, Yu. V., "A Technique for Recording Blood Pressure in Animals in a Chronic Experiment," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, p 132. 5756. Nazin, A. N., and Zhuravleva, Ye. N., "A Technique for Chronic Catheterization - of Main Vessels in the Rabbit," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 54-56. 5757. Nazin, A. N., Zhuravleva, Ye. N., and Buadze, 0. P., "Methods of Extra-Organic Fixation of Vascular Catheters in a Chronic Experiment," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 53-54. 5758. Novak, L., "Objective Appraisal of Body Re activity," KOSM. BIOL. I NIED., Vol 1, No 2, 1967, pp 35-38. Bibliogr.: p 38 (4 ref.). A description of a new technique making it possible to analyze metabolic processes during space flight. 5759. "Determination of the Arterial-Venous Difference in 02 and C02 by the Re- current Respiration Method (Fick's Indirect Method)," in "Gory i sistema krovi" [All-Union Symposium "Mauntains and the Blood Sys tem"], Frunze, 1969, pp 57-58. Aut.: B. S. Katkovskiy, Yu. D. Pometov, G. V. Maehinskiy, L. A. Rustam'yan. 2'he name of one of the authors is given wrong on the .title page as Yu. D. Pometova. 5760. Savin, B. M., "Determination of Oxygen Tension in Brain Tissues by the Polarographic Method," in "Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya gipokinezil, izmenennoy gazovoy sredy, uskoreniy, peregruzok i drugikh faktorov" [Experimental Studies on Hypokinesia, an Altered Gas Environmeat, Accelerations, CrForces and Other Factors], Moscow, 1968, pp 127-129. Bibliogr.: p 129 (11 ref.). 5761. Skuratova, S. A., and Oganov, V. S., "A Technique for Chronic Recording of Bioelectric Activity in the Anterior and Posterio r Roots of the Dog Spinal Chord [to Record the work of the Bearing-Locomotor Apparatus in Hypokinesia, Accelerations and Weightlessness]," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 6, 1969, pp 71-73. Bibliogr.: ~ p 73 (10 ref.). 5762. Usakova, N. A., "A Technique for Counting Reticulocytes and Thrombocytes and Determining the Blood Formula in a Single Smear," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konfer- entsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 195-196. 191 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFIc:IAL USE ONLY 5763. Khelemskiy, E. I., "Application of ments on Rotating Devices," in "Materialy uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Probli 5764. Chernyakov, I. N., "Measurement of Polarographic Method," BIOFIZIKA, Vol 11, p 191 (4 ref. ) . the Polycardiographic Method in Experi- 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh '-ms] , Moscow, 1967, pp 199-200. Linear Blood Flow Rate in Dogs by the No 1, 1966, pp 188-191. Bibliogr.: A technique used in studies in space medicine. 5765. Shamrov, P. G., "Study, Assessment and Prediction of Human Performance According to Electroencephalographic Data," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii r.~olodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, pp 205-206. 5766. "Determination of Inflight Biochemical Response IItilizing the Parotid Fluid Collection Technic," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 8, 1966, pp 796-799. Bibliogr.: p 799 (21 ref.). Aut.: B. H. Warren, R. W. Ware, I. L. Shannon, S. D. Leverett. Analysis of human biochemical reactions during flight aboard jet airplanes utilizing the collection of fluid from the parotid salivary gland. = 5767. "Development and Evaluation of an Impedance Cardiac Output System," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 12, 1966, pp 1208-1212. Bibliogr.: p 1212 (S ref.). Aut.: - W. G. Kubicek, J. N. Karnegis, R. P. Patterson, D. A. Witsoe, R. H. Mattson. Development and evaluation of a system for measuring cardiac output by the method of impedance plethysmography. 5768. Fascenelli, F. W., and Lamb, L. E., "Biomedicai Monitoring During Dynamic Stress Testing. 2. The Levy Hypoxia Test," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 9, 1966, pp 923-927. Registration of physiological data during dynamic stress testing. Communication 2. The Levy hypoxia test. _ 5769. Fascenelli, F. w'., and La;ab, L. E., "Biomedical Monitoring During Dynamic Stress Testing. 3. Nlaximum Exercise Tolerance, Ergometer, " AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, - No 9, 1' i, pp 928-935. Bibliogr.: p 935 (3 ref.). Registration of physicai data during dynamic stress testing. Communication 3. Maximum exercise tolerance on an ergometer. 5770. Fascenelli, F. W., and Lamb, L. E., "Biomedical Nbnitoring During Dynamic Stress Testing. 4. Flack Test," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 9, 1966, pp 935-939. Bibliogr.: p 939 (2 ref.). Registration of physiological data during dynamic stress testing. Communication 4. Flack test (breath holding at maximum exhalat?fln). 192 F09t OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5771. Fascene?li, F. W., and Lamb, L. E., "Biomedical Nbnitoring During Dynamic Stress Testing. S. Tilt Table Orthostatic Tolerance- Test," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 9, 1966, pp 939-942. Bibliogr.: p 942 (6 ref.). Registration of physiologic3.1 data during dynamic stress testing. Cormnunication 5. Tilt table orthostatic tolerance test. 5772. Haaland, J. E., "Use of Simple Physiological. Measurements in Obtaining Relative Energy 3xpenditure and Workloads During a Simulated Lunar Surface Mission," AERQSPACE NED., Vol 39, No 2, 1968, pp 153-158. BibZiogr.: pp 157-158 (18 ref.). A physiological analysis technique applied to measurements of relative energy expenditures and work loads during a simulated lunar surface mission. 5773. Jones, J., and Simpson, W. C., "NASA C7ontributions to Cardiovasculax Moni- toring," Washington, 1966, 43 pp. (NASA SP-5041. Technol. Survey). Bibliogr.: p 43 (16 ref. ) . Development of inethods for monitoring physiological functions of the cardiovascular system in NASA laboratories, and the significance of these methods to clinical medicine. 5774. "New Methods of Skeletal Status '-Evaluation in Space Flight," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 10, 1969, pp 1119-1122. Bibliogr.: p 1123 (17 ref.). Aut.: J. R. Cameron, J. M. Jurist, J. A. Sorenson, R. B. Mazess. New methods of skeletal status evaluation in space flight. 5775. "Numerical Indices of Cardiovascular Status," in "Proceedings of the Second International Sympositun on Basic Environmental Problems of Man in Space," Wien- New York, 1967, pp 447-452. Aut.: P. Howard, G. H. Byford, J. Stoddart, M. J. Allwood. . Numerical indices of cardiovasCUlar status. 5776. Pansini, M., and Padovan, I:, "Three Derivation in Electronystagmography," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 67, fasc. 2-3, 1969, pp 303-309. Bibliogr.: p 308 (5 ref.). Three indicators_in electronystagmography. 5777. Shane, W. P., and Slinde, K. E., "Qontinuous ECG Recording During Free-Fall Parachuting," AEROSPACE MED:, Vol 39, No 6, 1968, pp 597-605. Bibliogx.: p 605 (7 ref.). Continuous ECG recording during free-fall parachuting. 5778. Smith, J. E., "Ultra-Low Frequency Displacement Ballistocardiogram. Normal Standards and Clinical Observ.," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 11, 1967, pp 1120-1129. . Bibliogr.: p 1129 (23 ref.). 193 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Ultra-low frequency blood displacement ballistocardiography; normal standards and clinical observations. 5779. Spodick, D. H., and Kumar, S., "Atraumatic Measu-rement of the Isometric Relaxation Period of the I,Qft Ventricle," AEROSPAGE MED., Vol 39, No 9, 1968, Sect. 1, pp 968-969. Bibliogr.: p 969 (14 ref.). Atraumatic methods (not requiring cardiac catheterization) for measuring the isometric relaxation period of the left ventricle. 5780. Tepas, D. I., "EvokEd Brain Response as a Measure of Human Sleep and Wakeful- ness," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 2, 1967, pp 148-153. Bibliogr.: p 153 (15 ref.). An objective method for recording the states of sleep and wakefulness in man (electroencephalographic recording of evoked responses to acoustic stimuli), used in long-term space missions. 5781. Tepas, D. I., and Vianello, M. A. B., "Method of Recording Body Temperature - for Prolonged Time," AEROSPA.CE MED., Vol 37, Nc, 5, 1966, pp 488-491. Bibliogr.: p 491 (14 ref.). Method of and recording body temperature over a long period of time. 5.3. Apparatus and Sensors See also No 81, 86, 88, 101, 103, 128, 133, 139, 149, 551, 1231, 1863, 1998, 2385, 2513, 2869, 3121, 3189, 3229, 3300, 3304, 4824, 5445, 5508, 5577, 5720, 5726, 5873, 5874, 7270, 7308, 7379, 8032. 5782. Amirov, N. Kh., "An Attachment for Recording the Human Electroencephalogram During Rotation [in a Barani chair]," in "Sovremennyye metody issledovaniya v klinike i eksperimer,te" [Modern Research Methods in Clinical and Experimental Conditions], Kazan', 1969, pp 460-462. 5783. Bogdanov, R. S., "A Device for Recording Changing Rotation Rates Dtxring Research on the Vestibular Apparatus," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 56, No 10, 1970, pp 1500-1502. 5784. Breslav, I. S., Volkov, B. N., and Mityushov, V. M., "A Set-Up for Studying the Influence of Gas Mixtures on Human Breathing," FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, Vol 55, No 1, pp 104-108. 5785. Buylov, B. G., "An Electric Thermometer to Measure Human Temperature in Flight," in "Sovremennyye pribory i tekhnika fiziologicheskogo eksperimenta" [Nbdern Instru- ments and Equipment for Physiological Experimentation], Moscow, 1969, pp 78-80. 5786. Gandel'sman, A. B., and Verkhalo, Yu. N., "A Complex of Instruments Used to Obtain an Analytical Characteristic of Changes in Motor Activity in Hypoxia and in the Presence of Occupational Loads," in "Seminar 'Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy v biologii i meditsine [Seminar 194 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "Development of Physiological Instrument Making for Scientific Research in Biology 3 and Medicine"J, Moscow, 1966, pp 60-61. 5787. Gorgiladze, G. I., and Rodin, Yu. M., "A Labyrinth Caloric Stimulation Technique," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya medi:tsina" [Aviation and Space Medicine], Vol 1, Moscow, 1969, pp 147-150. A description of an instrument for caloric stimulation of the - labyrinths, and recommendations on its use, particularly in occupational selection of special contingents. 5788. Gorshkov, S. I., Antropov, G. A., and Kc:lesnikova, A. V., "Study of the Latent Time of Vestibulonotor Reactions as an Adequate Measure of the State of the Vestibular Analyzer,"in "Fiziologiya truda" [Labor Physiology], Moscow, 1967, J pp 83-84. A description of special instruir.ents intended for rotation of man and animals. - 5789. Gorshkov, S. I., "A System of ReflexomeEers to Study the Latent Time of Reflex Responses [to Rotation]," in "Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issl2dovaniy v biologii i medi.tsine," Nbscow, 1966, pp 63-65. 5790. Gyulling, E. V., Proshak, K. P., and Panin, A. I., "A Vestibulometric Set-Up Suited to a Broad Range of Negative Angular Accelerations," ZHURN. USHN., NOS. I GORL. BOLEZNEY, No 3, 1968, pp 118-119. Bibliogr.: p 119 (8 ref.). 5791. Gyul'azizov, S. B., and Turchaninova, V. F., "Nonalcoholic Resources fer Cleaning Skin at the Places of Application of Electrocardiographic Electrodes," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of , the Third Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 41-42. 5792. Dzhupiy, D. I., Mikhaylov, L. A., and Talavrinov, V. A., "Evaluation of Resistance to Interference When Using Electrocardiographic Electrodes," ir, "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [.institute of }3io- medical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 169-170. Possibilities for obtaining a high quality EKG durinq high motor activity and electrodes affected by clothing or special gear. 5793. Dmitriyev, Yu. I., and Manoylov, V. Ye., "The Size of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signal in a Plane Sensor of 4 Blood Flowmeter," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsina," Vol l, Nbscow, 1969, pp 195-199. 5794. Yegorov, A. V., "Some Problems Associated With Operation of Acceletrons (Mechanically Controlled Electronic Tubes) in Propulsion System Technology and the Prospects of Using 2'hem in Medicine," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii" [Problems of Space Biology], Vol 6, Moscow, 1967, pp 520-528. Bibliogr.: p 528 (4 ref.). 195 FOR OFF[CIAi. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Use of acceletrons in aviation and space biology and medicine. 5795. Zaar, E. I., "Combined Thermostats for Physiological Research," in "Reaktsiya kletok i ikh belkovykh komponentov na ekstremal'nyye vozdeystviya" [Reaction of Cells and Their Protein Components to Extreme Influences], Moscow-Leningrad, 1966, pp 174-182. Bibliogr.: p 182 (7 ref.). The structure of programmed thermostats creating temperature conditions simulating an extraterrestrial environment. 5796. "Issledovaniye svoystv pribora dlya izmereniya massy tela kosmonavta v usloviyakh nevosomosti" [Investigation of the Properties af an Instrument for Measuring Cosmonaut Body Mass in Weightless Conditions], Moscow, 1969, 46 pp. (USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Applied Mathematics). Bibliogr.: p 45 (3 ref.). Aut.: V. A. Sarychev, I. S. Balakhovskiy, V. A. Zlatoustov, = V. Ya. Yeremeyev,' K. V. Lukanin. Reprint. 579;. Kalandadze,'A. N., "An Instrument for Closed Calorization of the Ear [Used in - Weightlessness]. Class 30a, 4/09 MPK A 61B No 187217 (814928/31-16, 22 January 1963). Subordinate to Author's Certificate No 105504," IZOBRETENIYA. PROM. OBRAZTSY. TOVARNYYE ZNAKI, No 20, 1966, p 97, 5798. Kolosova, S. A., "Investigation of the Depth Estimation lFunction and the Standard Indicators of Its Assessment," in "Material III nauchnoy kcnferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biom,edical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 69-70. Creation of a new instrument used to assess the state of spatial orientation functi.b*:s in special conditions. " 5799. Kopanev, S. I., "The Electric R;otating C'hair," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN. No 10, 1970, pp 64--65. Structure of a device for functional investigation of the vestibular apparatus. 5800. Kreydich, Yu. V., "An Automatic Device for Sampling Blood and Injecting Pharmacological Substances Into the Animal Vascular Channel in Chronic Experiments [Aboard the Kosmos-110 Satellite]," in "Materialy- 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh ' uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of Young Scientists], [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, p 108. - 5801. Kredich, Yu. V., "Development of an Animal Restraint System in a Spacecraft Cabin for a Long-Term Experiment [Aboard the Satellite Kosmos-1101," in "Materialy = 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problers], rbscow, 1967, p 105. ~ 5802. Kupryashkin, Ye. A., and Mutovkin, Ye. P., "An Instrument for Studying = Optokinetic Nystagmus," ZHURN. USHN., NOS. I GORL. BOLEZNEY, No 5, 1969, pp 114-116. ~ 5803. Maklennon, M., "Biological Instruments and the Display Problem," in "Chelovek pod vodoy i v kosmose" [Man Under Water and in Space], Mos.:ow, 1967, pp 254-264. 196 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Prompt acquisition of accurate information on physiologic:al changes in man during space flight. 5804. Nlarkaryan, S. S., "Modern Vestibulometric Chairs and Test Stands Used for Objective Study and Training of Vestibular Analyzer Functions," IZV. AN SSSR. SEF.. BIOL., No 5, 1970, pp 643-659. Bibliogr.: p 658 (25 ref.). 5805. Markaryan, S. S., Matveyev, A. A., and Pavlov, I. V., "The General-Purpose Vestibulometric Chair (UVK)," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 1, No 6, 1967, pp 83-85. Biblicgr.: p 85 (19 ref.). - 5806. MershcYiikov, A. G., Alesrin, I. A., and Chanysheva, R. B., "Changes in the - Structure of the Systolic Part of the Phono- and Ballistocardiogram in Response to to Change in Breathing Resistance," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Moscow, 1966, pp 278-279. Possible use of breathing instruments by cosmonauts in a state of stress. 5807. "New Devices for Studying the Vestibular Analyzer," in "Fiziologiya vestibu- _ lyarnogo analizatora" [Physiology of the Vestibular Analyzer], Mbscow, 1968, pp 209-211. Bibliogr.: p 211 (8 ref.). Aut.: V. N. B-arnatskiy, A. G. Kuznetsov, G. F. Nikola;hin, Yu. N. Sushkov. 5808. Popov, N. N., "Significance of Vein Zbne to Regulation of Cardiac Output," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute�of Biomedical ProblemsJ., bbscow, 1967, pp 155-157. Acute experiments on dogs using the AIK artificial circulation apparatus. 5809. Popov, N. N., and Chizhov, G. K., "Use of the Artificial Circulation Appar.atus (AIK) in Acute Experiments to Study Circulation Dynamics," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy ?conferentsii molodykh uchenykh.," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Nbscow, 1967, pp 155-156. 5810. Ragozin, V. N., "Measurement of Some. Ph.ysiological Indicators With Chemotron Sensors [Also Used During Space Missions]," in "Ispol'zovaniye metodov i priborov aviatsionnoy meditsiny v usloviyakh kurorta" [ApPlication of the Methods and Instru- ments of Aviation :7edicine to the Health Resort;, Groznyy, 1968, pp 79-85. 5811. Spiridonov, Yu. A., and Deputatov, V. P., "A Pressure Chamber for Animals," in "Gipoksiya i nekotoryye voprosy reaktivnosti v zdorovom i bol'nom organizme" [Hypoxia and Some Problems of Reactivity in the Healthy and Sick Organism], Ivanovo, 1969, pp 95-97. 5812. Spiridonov, Yu. A., "The Bicycle Ergometer for Pressure Chamber Studies," in "Gipoksiya i nekotoryye voprosy reaktivnosti v zdorovom i bol'nom organizme," Ivanovo, 1969, pp 88-90. 197 FOR OFF[t'IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5813. Spiridonov, Yu. A., and Deputatov, V. P., "Modernization of the Electronic Radio Equipment of a Stationary Pressure Chamber," in "Gipoksiya i nekotoryye voprosy - reaktivnosti v zdorovom i bol'nom organizme," Ivanovo, 1969, pp 91-94. 5814. Sushko, N. N., "A Device for Tao-Way Communication in Pressure Chamber Tests," in "Voprosy aviatsionnoy meditsiny grazhdanskoy aviatsii" [Problems of Aviation Medicine in Civil Aviation], Nbscow, 1967, pp 283-285. 5815. Talavrinov, V. A., Turchaninova, V. F., and Savel'yEVa, V. G., "Securing Electrocardiographic Electrodes With Glue Campounds," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii inolodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 64-65. a A technique used in physiological research and in medical control of the conditions of an individual in extreme conditions. 5816. "A Tensometer for Recording Isometric Contractior.s of Skeletal Muscles," KOSri. BIOL. I NiED., Vol 4, No 5, 1970, pp 81-83. Aut.: Yu. M. Bazzhil,, V. S. Oganov, A. N. Potapov, A. A. Tsyvin. 5817. Tivas, A. A., Kalashnikov, I. M., and Doronin, V. D., "Outfitting an SPK-48m [Stationary Pressure Chamber] With a System for Recording the Basic Physiological Parameters," VOYEN.-MED. ZHURN., No 8, 1967, pp 57-61. 5818. "A SEt-Up for Studying Group Mutually Dependent Activity (of From Ztao to Eight Operators;," in "Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny," Moscow, 1966, pp 384-385. Aut.: L. S. Chesalin, N. Ye. Dmitriyev, F. D. Gorbov, M. A. Novikov, V. I. Ushakov. 5819. Utyamyshev, R. I., Neumyvakin, I. P., and Shovkoplyas, A. M., "A Complex of Small Devices to Study External Breathing Functions," in "Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo - priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy v biologii i meditsine," Moscow, 1966, pp 68-69. 5820. Funtova, I. I., "A Contactless Technique for Recording Breathing," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov," [Institute of Bio- medical Problems], Nbscow, 1969, pp 186-187. Development of a small instrument suited for use in lengthy space missions. 5821. Chevychalov, G. I., "Some Changes in Time Perception and Estimation in the Presence of Disturbances of the Vestibular Analyzer," in "Problemy fizicheskogo vospitaniya" [Problems of Physical Education] (Issue 3), Chelyabinsk, 1968, pp 90-92. Description of an electronically controlled chair used to create Coriolis accelerations. 5822. Shapiro, M. G., and Stakhov, A. A., "Determination of Gas Exchange at Reduced Pressure," in "Novyye pribory gazovogo analiza v sovremennoy meditsine i fiziologii" [New Gas Analysis Instruitents in Nbdern Medicine and Physiology], Kazan', 1967, pp 47-50. 198 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAi, USE ONLY An instrument for analyzing air in sealed cabins and pressure chambers. 5823. Shcherbakov, K. K., "An Instrument for Analyzing Human External Respiratory Functions in Flight and in Testing Unit Experiments (the PFVD)," in "Seminar 'Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy v biologii i meditsine [Seminar "Development of Physiological Instrument Making for Scientific Research in Biology and Medicine"], Nbscow, 1966, pp 69. 5824. Shcherbakov, K. K., "An Instrument for Analyzing Human External Respiratory - Functions in Flight and in Testing Unit Experiments," in "Sovremennyye pribory i tekhnika fiziologicheskogo eksperimenta," Moscow, 1969, pp 132-136. 5825. Yaremenko, B. R., "A Dog Mount Limiting Mbtor Activity," PATOL. FIZIOL. I EKSPERIM. TERAPIYA, Vol 14, rIo 3, 1970, pp 75-76. 5826. "Air Force, NASA Developing 'Space Scales'," TE(HNOL. WEEK, Vol 20, No 8, 1967, p 18. ' Development of devices to accurately measure the weight of space objects by the U.S. Air Force and NASA. Proposals on using these devices to monitor cosmonaut body weight on a long mission. 5827. *Allison, R. D., and Bagnos, S., "A Self Balancing Impedance Plethysmograph for Studies During Weightlessness," in "Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Engineering Medicine and Biology," Vol 9, New York, 1967, p 13/4. A self-balancing impedance plethysmograph for studies during weightlessness. 5828. "Astronaut Nbnitoring Devices Groomed for Civilian Markets," TECHNOL. WEEK, Vol 20, No 16, 1967, p 22. Devices for monitoring cosmonaut physiological functions and their use in clinical medicine. 5829. Bergstedt, M., Tunemalm, L., and Ohman, J., "Programming Unit for Automatic Control of the Stille-LKB Rfltating Chair, "ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 70, No 1, 1970, pp 10-15. Bibliogr.: pp 14-15 (19 ref.). Programming unit for automatic control of the Stille-LIB rotating chair. 5830. *Bordeaux, Y., "Ergometer.ror Apollo," in "Proceedings of the 13th ISA Aero- space Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 251-258. - Ref.: R7H. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 2.41.259. Bicycle ergometer for Apollo. 199 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5831. Breeze, R. K., and Campbell, G. W., "The Design, Fabrication and Feasibility Testing of a Prototype Airborne Respiration Analyzer," Prep. under contract lvo NAS 4-966 by North Amer. Aviation, Los Angeles, Calif., for Flight Research Center, Washington, 1967, 102 pp, (NASA CR-741). Z'he design, fabrication and feasibility testing of 4Li experimental model of an exhaled gas analyzer for pilots and cosmonauts. 5832. Brigden, W. H., and Roman, J., "Flight Research Program. 4. A Small Gas Analyzer for Aerospace," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 10, 1966, pp 1037-1040. Space flight physiological research program. Communication 4. A portable gas analyzer. 5833. Br.iscoe, F. J., "Gas Sensors for Aerospace," in "AProspace Life Support," _ New York, 19-6, pp 63-69. Sensors measuring the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the spacecraft cabin atmosphere. , 5834. *Briscoe, F. J., "Partial Pressure Sensor for a Ztao Gas Atmosphere," in "Proceedings of the 13th ISA Aerospace Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 199-210. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 2.41.154. Partial pressure sensor for a two gas atmosphere. 5835. *Brubaker, W. M., "Mass Spectrometer Breath Analyzer," in "Proceedings of the 23d Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology," Vol 12, New York, 1970, pp 114. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1971, 7 P814. Miniature mass spectrometer for cosmonauts, intended to record the concentration of exhaled gases. 5836. *Burns, F. P., and Friederichs, J. E., "Biomedic:al Radiati%n Detecting Probe (J. E. Webb)," U.S. Patent C1. 250-83 (G Olt), No 3427454, submitted 23 December y 1965, published 11 February 1969. Ref.: RZH. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA 1970, 4.62,367. Biomedical radiation detecting probe. A semiconductor device developed on contract with NASA. 5837. *Campbell, G. W., and Breeze, R. K., "Method and System for Respiration Analysis (J. E. Webb, Administrator of the NASA)," U.S. Patent C1. 73-23 (G Oln 7/02), No 3507146, submitted 9 February 1968, published 21 April 1970. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1971, 1.41.256P. 200 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400060025-4 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY Apparatus for experimental determination of the expenditure of oxygen breathed by a cosmonaut. 5838. Celentano, J. T., Barker, P. R., and Wright, L. N., "Vi.brocardiographic sygtem Study," Prep. under contract No NAS 4-930 by North Amer. Aviation, E1 Segundo, Calif. for Flight Research Center. Washington, 1966, 73 pp (NASA CR-504). A study of the laynut and use of a vi.brocardiographic system suitecl for physiological in space fligh.t. 5839. *Eatan, H. G., Huebner, V. R., and Mittelman; L. A., "A Metabolic Rate Analyzer for the Apollo Spacecraft," J. GAS CHROMATOGR., Vol 6, No 8, 1958, pp 441-945. Ref.: RZH. BIOIAGIYA, 1969, 5 P811. An instrument for determining metak>olism of cosmonauts aboard Apollo. 5840. *French, R. S., "RAJER and LOGIT--a New Approach t.o Crew Performance Assess- " ment," in "Proceedings of the 13th ISA Aerospace 3nstrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 263-278. Bibliogr.: 15 ref. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 3.41.256-257. New instruments for assessing crew performance in conditions typical of space flight and undersea naviqation. 5841. Gibbons, L. W., "Body Temperature Monitoring in the External Auditory Meatas," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 7, 1967, pp 671-675. Bibliogr.: p 675 (9 ref.). Cosmonaut body temperature monitoring using a sensor secured to the external auditory meatus. 5842. Hamilton, R. W.,-Zangley, T. D., and Darr, V. A., "Safe Instrumentation for Physiological Research in the Hyperbaric Environmental," TRANS. N.Y. ACAD. SCI., Vol 32, No 4, 1970, pp 458-470. ~ Safe instrumentation for physiological research in the hyperbaric - environment. 5843. f:ibben, R. D., "Scanner to Examine Chroaosome Changes," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 85, No 3, 1966, pp 95, 97, 99, 101. . The Perkin-Elmer scanner--an instrumen.t intended for study of ~ chromosome changes in response to spaee flight factors. Photographs. 5844. *Hixson, W. C., Niven,, J. I., and Lowery, Ch. A., "A Head Restraint Device for Vestibular Studies," U.S. Ndva1 Aerospace Medicine Institute (NAMI, Pensacola), No 992, 1967. PP 1-6. Ref.: BIOL ABS'TR., Vol 48, No 15, 1967, 73395. A head restraint device for vestibular studies. 201 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY 5845. "Indoor Oxygen Squirter Anchors Spaceman to Work Station," MAQi. DESIGN, Vol 40, No 13, 1968, p 37. A spacecraft stabilizing chair for the cosmonaut--a backpack device with consoles for controlling body position in space during weightleasneE�;. 5846. Kado, R. T., and Adey, W. R., "Electrode Problems in Central Nervous Monitoring in Performing Subjects," ANN. N.Y. ACAD. SCI., Vol 148, Art 1, 1968, PP 263-278. Bibliogr.: p 278 (9 ref.). Electrodes for recording electroencephalograms and other physiological data from freely moving animals, particularly from monkeys partici- pating in Biosatellite Missions. 5847. Kissen, A. T., McGuire D. W., and Hovey,, W. J., "Hypoxia Warning--a New Technique," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 2, 1969, pp 168-173. Bibliogr.: p 173 (5 ref.). A system of sensors built into an oxygen mask to detect the initial - signs_ of hypoxia. 5848. Kissen, A. T., and McGhire, D. W., "New Approach fcr On-Line, Continuous Determination of Oxygen Consumption in Human Subjects," AF,ROSAPCE MED., Vol 38, No 7, 1967, pp 686-689. Bibliogr.: p 689 (7 ref.). A new electronic instxvment for long-term determination of oxygen consumption by the human body. 5849. Ko, W., Lindan, 0., and Reswick, J. B., "Implant Transducers and Biological _ Rhythms--on Earth and in Space," in "Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System," Washington, 1965, pp 289-310. Use of implanted transducers to study biological rhythms on the ground and in space. 5850. Kober, C. L., "Spacecraft Sensor Trends in the 70's," AIAA PAPER, N 70-1291, 1970, pp 1-10. Bibliogr.: p 1(3 ref.). Trends in development of sensors (including biomedical) for 1970 space missions in connection with the plans for orbiting space stations. 5851. Konikoff, J. J., "An Implantable Bioinstrumentation System," in "Bioastro- nautics. Oxford-[Warsaw], 1970, pp 171-180. Bibliogr.: pp 179-180 (9 ref.). Implantable biological sensors for telemetric transmission of EKG indicators. 5852. *Konikoff, J. J., "An Implantable Bioinstrumentation System," IAF PAPER, N B 36, 1968, pp 1-5. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1969, 5.41,257. Implantable biological sensors for the telemetric transmission of EKG indicators. 202 FOR OF'FIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5853. Konikoff, J. J., "In Vivo Experiments With the Bioelectric Potentia].s," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 8, 1966, pp 824-828. Bibliogr.: p 828 (5 ref.). Development of implantable electrodes to transmit physiological data and use biocurrents as an energy source. ' 5854. Montes, L. F., Day, J. L., and Kennedy, L., "The Response of Eiuman Skin to Long-Term Space Flight Electrodes," J. INVEST. DERMATOL., Vol 49, No 1,.1967, pp 100-102. Bibliogr.: p 102 (6 ref.). The response of hwnan skin to electrodes secured to the skin durir,g long space flights. 5855. "NASA-Developed Cardiac Sensor in Use," AVIAT. WEEK AND SPACE TEQiNOL., Vol 88, No 2, 1968, p 22. A subcutaneously implantable sensor to study the human heart in flight, developed by NASA. 5856. "New Cine Recording Ophthalmoscope With Televisinn Mbnitoring Capability for _ Use in Aerospace Research," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 12, Sect. 1, 1969, pp 1312- 1316. Bibliogr.: pp 1315-1316 (14 ref.). Aut.: R. J. Chzek, S. D. Leverett, J. Fitzgerald, G. R. Holden, P. F. Bailey. Cine recording ophthalmoscope equipped with a television device for aerospace research. 5857. Pieper, H. P., "Catheter-Tip Manometer for Measuring Blood Pressure During G Changes," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 22, No Z, 1967; pp 352-353. Bibliogr.: p 353 - (6 ref.). A mariometer built into a cardiac catheter for measuring blood pressure in the presence of accelerations in a centrifuge. 5858. Quattrone, P. D., and Staley, R. W., "Exposure System for Small Animals at _ Atmospheric and Reduced Pressure," J. APPL. PFiYSIOL., Vol 21, No 2, 1966, pp 741-744. Apparatus for studying the action of atmospheric pressure and the various gas mixtures on small laboratory animals. 5859. Richardson, Ph. C., Coombs, F. K., and Adams, R. M., "Some New Electrode Techniques for Long-Term Physiologic Monitaring," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 7, 1968, pp 745-750. Bibliogr.: p 750 (17 ref.). New types of electrodes for obtaining physiological data during space flight. 5860. Roman, J., "'r''light Research Program. 3. High Impedance Technique," AEROSPACE NED., Vol 37, No 8, 1966, pp 790-795. Bibliogr.: p 795 (3 ref.). � ' Space flight physiological research program. Coimnunication 3. Use of high-impedance electrodes. 203 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONL1' 5861. Roman, J., and Brigden, W. H., "Flight Research Program. 5. Mass Spectro- _ meter in Med. Monitoring," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 37, No 12, 1966, pp 1213-1217. Bibliogr.: p 1217 (3 ref.). Space flight physiological research program. Communication 5. Use of a mass spectrometer in automatic medical monitoring. 5862. Roman, J., and Sato, R. N., "A Useful Modification of the Wright Spirometer," - Washington, 1967, 11 pp (NASA TN D-4234). A portable modification of the Wright spirometer. 5863. *Ross, B., "New Horizons in Biomedical Instrumentatioii," in "Proceedings of the 13th ISA Aerospace Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 489-502. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 3.41.256-257. - New instruments intended for biomedical research during space missions. 5864. Rost, G. A., "Recent Improvements in Hypoxia Warning Systems," AEROSPACE MED., Vo1 41, No 8, 1970, pp 865-869. Bibliogr.: p 869 (7 ref.). Modern hypoxia warning instnunents (sensors and miniature electronic systems). 5865. Ryu, J. H., and McCabe, B. F., "Description of the SD-1 High-Speed Axial RQtation Device," ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL., Vol 66, fasc. 1-2, 1968, pp 72-80. Bibliogr.: p 80 (5 ref. ) . Description of the SD-1 high-speed device far vestibular studies involving rotation about several axes. 5866. Schafer, M., "Die Entwicklung eines neuen Spulhandgriffes zur calorischen Prufung des Vestibularapparates," Inaug. Diss. Marburg, 1968, 62 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 57-62 (50 ref.). _ Development of a new type of rotating grip to be used in research on vestibular organ function. 5867. Verghese, C. A., and Nair, C. S., "New Criferia in Indirect Blood Pressure Recording," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 40, No 12, Sect. 1, 1969, pp 1377-1380. Bibliogr.: p 1380 (6 ref.). Description of a new system for indirect blood pressure measurements and the methods of its use. 5868. *Whitmore, H. B., "Pressure Transducer," U.S. Patent C1. 73-398, No 8373613, submitted 26 July 1966, published 19 March 1968. Ref.: RZH. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSM. PROSTRANSTVA, 1969, 8.62.317. 204 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460025-4 FOF OFFICIAL USE ONLY A sensor for telemetric recording af the blaod pressure and pulse of a cosmonaut wearing a pressure suit. - 5.4. Biotelemetry See also No 125, 682, 5851, 5853, 5927, 5967, 7086, 8051, 8249. 5869. Akulinichev, I. T., Zhdanov, A. M., and Popov, I. I., "Problems of Biotele- metry in Long Space Missions," in "Life in Spacecraft," Paris et al.; 1967, pp 237-244. 5870. Bagmanov, V. M., "Telepulsography and Telenystagirography," in "Problemy labirintologii" [Problems of Labgrinthology], Chelyabi.nsk, 1966, pp 4-6. 5871. Kozharinov, V. I., Magedov, V. S., and Shadrintsev, I. S., "!Che Problem o� Multiplexing Physiological Information," in "Problemy kosmicneskoy meditsiny" [Problems of Space Medicine], Nbscow, 1966, pp 209-210. 5872. Kozlov, A. N., "Use of Ultrasonic Cardiolocation in Dynamic Bio-Radiotelemetry," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 4, No 2, 1970, pp 87-90. Bibliogr.: p 90 (7 ref.). 5873. Makarov, S. N., Nikitin, A. M., and Titkov, A. V., "Use of Telemetric Apparatus [During Special Training of Test Subjects]," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the Z'hird Scientific Conference of Young Specialists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 183-184. 5874. Manoylov, V. Ye., and Syromyatnikova, I. N., "Possibilities for Utilizing Energy from Biological Objects to Power Telemetric Biological Information Devices," in "Pribory professional'nogo otbora, sredy i prostranstva" [Instruments for Occu- pational Selection, the Environment and Space], Leningrad, 1966, pp 5-11. Bibliogr.: p 11 (9 ref.). A review of foreign works. 5875. Polezhentsev, S. D., and Sheremet'yev-Samusyuk, A. A., "Problems of Biological Telemetry," in "Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditsirta" [AViation and Space Medicine], Vol 2, Moscow, 1969, pp 153-156. Biotelemetry in deep-water dives and its significance to space medicine. 5876. Popov, I. I., "Measurement of Bioelectric Signals Aboard Airborne Platforms, - in "Seminar 'Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy v biologii i meditsine l" [Seminar "Development of Physiological Instrument Making for Scientific Research in Biology and Medicine"], Moscow, 1966, p 74. 5877. Popov, I. I., "Measurement of Bioelectric Signals Aboard Airborne Platforms," in "Sovremennyye pribory i tekhnika fiziologicheskogo eksperimenta" [Nbdern Instru- ments and Technology of Physiological Experimentation), Moscow, 1969; pp 101-103. 205 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5878. "A Rheocardiotelemetric System for Nbnitoring the Dynamics and Effectiveness of Cardiac Contraction," in "Materialy simpoziuma po kosmicheskoy biologii i medi- tsine" [Proceedings of a Symposium on Space Biology and Medicine], Budapest, 1970, pp 223-229. Aut.: G. Benetato, R. Vrynchanu, V. Ionesku, A. Adamake, S. Keneneu. 5879. Rozenblat, V. V., "Radiotelemetricheskiye issledovaniya v sportivnoy medi- tsne" [Radiotelemetiic Studies in Sports Medicine], Moscow, "Meditsina", 1967, 208 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 197-208 (280 ref.). Pages 5-15: Development of space biotelemetry. ~ 5880. Rozenblat, V. V., "Third [All-Union] Symposium on Bio-Radiotelemetry [Sverdlovsk, 8-10 April 1968]," KOSM. BIOL. I MED., Vol 3, No 4, 1969, pp 87-90. - A review of the reports. _ 5881. Fedotov, V. A., and Geller, Ye. S., "Biological Telemetry. Classification Problems," IZV. AN SSSR. SER. BIOL., No 4, 1967, pp 583-594. Bibliogr.: pp 593-594 (34 ref.). 5882. Shadrintsev, I. S., Magedov, V. S., and Kozharinov, V. I., "Multiplexing of Physiological Information in Telemetric Communication Channe].s," in "Seminar 'Razvitiye fiziologicheskogo priborostroyeniya dlya nauchnykh issledovaniy v biologii i meditsine'," Nbscow, 1966, pp 5-7. Biomedical research and medical monitoring of the condition of the crew of spacecraft and high-speed airplanes. 5883. Shadrintsev, :L. S., Magedov, V. S., and Kozharinov, V. I., "Multiplexing Physiological Information in Telemetric Comiminication Channels," in "Sovremennyye pribory i tekhnika fiziologicheskogo eksperimenta," Nbscow, 1969, pp 178-182. Biomedical research and medical monitoring of the condition of the crew of spacecraft and high-speed airplanes. 5884. Sliestakova, T. N., Krupenko, V. N., and Barabashkina, G. N., "Tele-Electro- cardiography as a Method for Reco-rding Biological Information on the Active organism," in "Avtomatizatsiya poiska i obrabotki dannykh v meditsine i tekhnike" [Automatioii of Data Retrievai and Processing in Medicine and Technology], Minsk, - 1970, pp 88-92. Bibliogr.: p 92 (13 ref.). The significance of this problem to space medicine is indicated. 5885. Amendt, R. 0., "Die Bedeutung der Telemetrie fur die Erfassung von Stress- Situationen," in "Stress und Fligen Sowie aktuelle Piobleme der Flugmedizin," Darmstadt, 1968, pp 41-53. Bibliogr.: p 53 (10 ref.). Significance of telemetry to research on stressful situations. 206 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5886. Benetato, G., Vrinceanu, R., and Ionescu, V., "Bioradiotelemet-ric Equipment for Cardiovascular Studies in Various Conditions," in "Bioastronautics," Oxford- [Warsaw], 1970, pp 181-191. Bioradiotelemetric equipment for cardiovascular studies in - various conditions. 5887. *Buet, A., "Bio-telemesures," ELECTRON. MED., No 49, 1969, pp 3-7. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGIYA, 1969, 9 N18. Biotelemetry. Its use in aviation and cosmonautics. 5888. Saseres, S. A., and Cooper, J. K., "Telemetry in Medicine and Biology," in "Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics," Vol 1, New York, 1968, pp 279-316. Bibliogr.: pp 313-316 (53 ref.). Telemetry in medicine and biology. Chagter 4. Useage in space, pp 289-293. 5889. "Code Signal Slowed Armstrong Lunar Activity," AVIAT. WEF:K AND SPACE TECHNOL., Vol 91, No 4, 1969, p 35. Telemetric observations of cardiac activity and respiration of astronaut Armstrong during vollection of lunar material. - 5890. Franklin, D. L., and Van Citters, R. L., "Blood Flow i.n Mesenteric Artery of Chimpanzee, Nbnitored Via Radio Telemetry," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 38, No 9, 1967, pp 926-931. Bibliogr.: pp 930-931 (22 ref.). Measurement of blood flow in the mesenteric artery of the chimpanzee by radiotelemetry. 5891. Fryer, Th. B., "Ii,plantabli Biotelemetry Systems. A Rep.," Washington, - 1970, 113 pp. (NASA SP-5094). Bibliogr.: pp 95-113.(426 ref.). Implantable biotelemetry systems. 5892. Fryer, Th. B., Deboo, G. J., and Winget, C. M., "Miniature Long-Life Temperature Telemetry System," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 21, No 1, 1966, pp 295-298. Miniature sensor for teleaetric monitoring of the body temperature of small animals. 5893. Fryer, Th. B., 3andler, H., and Datnow, B., "A Multichannel Implantable Telemetry System," MED. RES. ENG., Vol 8, Na 2, 1969, pp 9-15. Bibliogr.: p 15 (14 ref. ) . A multichannel implantable telemetry system for animals. 207 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5894. *Hanish, H. M., "System Considerations for Biotelemetry From Hostile Environments," in "Proceedings of the 13th ISA. Aerospace Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 259-261. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 2.41.130. Planning a space biotelemetry system. The systems approach. 5895. HitchCOCk, D. R., "What is Biotelemetry?," SPACE AGE NEWS, VOl 10, No 8, 1967, pp 38-40. _ Biotelemetry and its role in clinical and space medicine. 5896. *Jira, F., "Die Biotelemetrie in der Flugmedizin," WIEN. MED. WOQiENSCHR., Vol 119, No 48, 1969, pp 825-828. Bibliogr.: 9 ref. Ref.: RZH. BIOLOGYA, 1970, 4 P990. Biotelemetry in aviation mdicine. Results of research conducted aboard airplanes, helicopters and rockets by Austrian, German, English and American scientists. _ 5897. Judica-Cordiglia, A., "Aggiornamenti di medicina spaziele. Nota 1: la bio- - telemetria," CARDIOL. PRAT., Vol 18, No 1, 1967, pp 45-50. Bibliogr.: p 50 (8 ref.). Advances in space medicine. Communication 1. 5iotelemetry. 5898. Judica-Cordiglia, A., "Aggiornamenti di medicina spaziale. Nota 2: appli- cazioni della biotelemetria alle ricerche aerospaziali," CARDIOL. PRAT., Vol 18 � No 2, pp 61-65. Bibliogr.: p 65.(9 ref.). Advances in space medicine. Comnunication 2. Application of biotelemetry to aerospace research. 5899. Judica-Cordiglia, A., "Breve considerazioni sul recente impiego della bio- telemetria in clinica e nella medicina spaziale," MINERVA MED., Vol 60, No 78, 1969, pp 3705-3708. Brief information on biotelemetry application in the clinic and in space medicine today. 5900. Judica-Cordiglia, A., "La teletrasmissione dei dati fisiologici nel volo aerospaziale. Principi-tecniche-resultati," RIV. N1ED. AERONALIT. E SPAZ., Vol 31, No 2, 1968, pp 203-240. Bibliogr.: p 233-240 (123 ref.). Remote transmission of physiological data during space flight. Principles, techniques, results. A literature review. 5901. *Kirchhoff, H. W., "Telemetrie in der Luft-und Raumfahrtmedizin," MED. TECHN., Vol 90, No 8, 1970, pp 247-250. Telemetry in aviation and space medicine. A review. 208 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400060025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 5902. Mackay, R. S., "Biomedical Telemetry. Sensing ar.d Transmitting Biol. Inform. From Anir.ials and Man," New York et al., J. Wiley and Sons, 1968, 386 pp. Bibliogr.: pp 380-381 (145 ref.). Biomedical telemetry. Sensing and transmitting biological information (particularly on tYAe action of some space flight factors) from animals and man, 5903. *Meehan, J. P., and Rader, R. D., "Applications of Miniature Biotelemstry Systems to Space Medicine," xn "Praceedings ef the 13th ISA Aerospace Instrument Symposium," Pittsburgh, s.a., pp 245-250. Ref.: RZH. RAKETOSTROYENIYE, 1970, 3.41.252 Miniaturized in space 5904. Nelson, B. D., "Information Management for a Biomedical Research Laboratory in Space," DIS. QiEST, Vol 51, No 4, 1967, pp 392-394. Problems of trar:smitting and processing biomedical research intormation from a laboratory in space. 5905. "A New, Miniaturized, Multichatuiel: Personal Radiotelemetry System," J. APPL. PHYSIOL., Vol 24, No 4, 1968, pF 588-592. Bibliogr.: p 592 (8 ref.). Aut.: R. H. Murray, A. Marko, A. T. ICpssen, D. W. McGuire. New miniaturized multiehannel radiotelemetry system for personal use. 5906. Osterhammel, P., and Peitersen, E., "Telemetry System for Nystagmus Recording," ACTA OTOLARYNGOL., Vol 65, No 5, 1968, pp 527-532. Bi.bliogr.: pp 531-532 (13 ref.). Telemetry system for nystagmus recording. 5907. Personal FM/FM Biotelemetry System," AEROSPACE MED., Vol 39, No 5, 1968, pp 488-492. Bibliogr.: p492 (7 ref.). Aut.: G. E. Bergey, W. C. Sipple, W. A. _ Hamilton, R. D. Squires. Personal biotelemetry system employing frequency modulatifln in reception and transmission. 5908. Sipple, W. C., Oleynik, R. J., and Squires, R. D., "Biotelemetry in Medical Nbnitoring," AR(H. PHYS. MED. ANB REF�ABZLITATION, Vo1 48, No 9, 1967, pp 451-455. A biotelemetry system for automatic medical monitoririg in space fiight. 5909. "Transmission de donnees electrophysio].ogiques par satellite pour analyse en - temps reel," AEIipNAUT ET. ASTRONAUT, No 10, 1969, pp 32-36. Aut.: C. Gaudeau, - ' F. Neel, J. Z'houvenot, A. Martin. 209 "I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060025-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064025-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Transmission of physiological data via communication satellite for re al-time computer analysis. 5910. Winget, C. M., and Fryer, Th. B,, "Telemetry System for the Acquisition of Circadian Rhythm Data," AEROSPACE NED., Vol 37, No 8, 1966, pp 800-803. Bibliogr.: p 803 (19 ref. ) . Telemetry system for the acquisition of data on the circadian biological rhythms of anima,,Ls. 5.5. Cybernetics and Systems Engineering in Space Medicine. Bionics. See also No 7, 8, 217, 785, 1771, 1885, 1924, 1936, 2039, 2063, 2065, 2104, 2259, 2277, 2278, 2314, 2315, 2325, 2340, 2347, 2352, 2630, 2631, 2956, 3122, 3131, 3194, 3212, 3213, 3281, 3320, 3855, 3859, 3954, 3955, 5069, 5367, 5386-5388, 5395, 5396, 5545, 5569, 5603, 5638, 5662, 5668, 5701, 5716, 5721, 5950, 5951, 5956, 5960, 5962, 5964, 5966, 5972, 5974, 5976-5980, 5994, 5995, 6002-6004, 6020, 6022, 6023, 6028, - 6029, 6062, 6153, 6261, 6281, 6282, 6292, 6486, 6573, 6662, 6684, 6721, 6760, 6816, 6890, 6898, 6930, 6972, 7269, 7373, 7424, 7456, 7537, 7727, 7908, 8086. - 5911. Aganin, Yu. I., "The Quality of Cybernetic Models," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh" [Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference o.f Young Scientists] [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 4. _ 5912. Aganin, Yu. I., "Determination of Some Structural Claracteristics of - Dynamic Systems on the Basis of Experimental Data," in "Materialy III nauchnoy konferentsii molcdykh spetsialistov" [Proceedings of the 'I'hird Scientific Conference - of Young SpecialistsJ [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1969, pp 150-151. 5913. Aganin, Yu. I., " Determination of the Characteristics of Optimum Linear Models," in "Materialy 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh," [Institute of Biomedical Problems], Moscow, 1967, p 5. 5914. Akulov, V. I., and Kosmolinskiy, F,. P., "Experience in Developing the Theory of Optimization of Sensory Information Processes," in "Froblemy sensornay izolyatsii" [Problems of Sensory Isolation], Nbscow, 1970, pp 132-142. Bibliogr.: p 142 (9 ref.). 5915. Akhutin, V. M., "Principles of Developing Cor