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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10044 9 October 1981 South and E ast Asia Re ort p ~~~uo 5is, ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVIC~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400060021-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and br.oadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. He~dlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was , processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGiJLATIONS GOVERNING OWDTERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE OD1LY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10044 9 October 1981 SOUTH AND EAST ASIA REPORT (FOLO 5/81) CONTENTS KAMPUCHEA Informa.tion on PHK and SRV Military Units 1 LAOS Information on Lao Military Units o - a - [III - ASI~ - 107 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064421-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY KAMPUCHEA INFORMATION ON PRK AND SRV MILITARY UNITS [The following information has been extracted from Phnom Penh Domestic Service i broadcasts at 1200 GMT, unless otherwise noted, on the dates indicated or from Vietnamese press materials as indicated. Unit designator.s and locations are as given. The remarks include a brief sutmnary of the information available in the source.] Unit Remarks Fourth Battalion in Kampot Unit built 15 houses, cut hair for 153 ct:ildren, Province gave treatment to patients, helped plant trees. Battalion commander (Sok Sarun) talkecl about good relationship between anned forces and _ peo~3le. (28 May 81) Battalion P-5 Built six barracks, four mess halls, many latrines. In cooperation with VCP troops, _ they built a 16 X 7 meter political school and repaired school buildings destroyed by Pol Pot. (6 Jun 81) 479th Gp Located in Kampuchea. Unit members returning to SRV on leave must pass through Station 230,A located in Thu Duc. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN . 7 Jun 81 p 2) ' Entertainment Troupe, 7th MR Entertained SRV troop units serving in Svey Rieng, Prey Veng, Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom Province, Kampuchea. (Ho Chi Minh City SAIGOV GIAI PHONG 11 Jun 81 p].) 479th Regt Presently serving in Kampuchea. (Ha Chi Minh City StiIGON GIAI PHONG 22 Jun 81.p 1) 4th Battalion, defending border Model fighter. was outstanding in uperation in western region against Pol Pot troops in Cardamoni Mountains: one enemy killed, two wounded, scores of weapons seized. (11 Jul 81) 1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE aJNI.Y Unit Reznarks Battalion "Chor," Phnom Perih (Koy Sam On), chaizman of ttie unit, helped people during struggle ~gainst Pol Pot regime and how he solved various problems facing the battalion. (14 Jul 81) 2d Battalion of Pursat provincial (Prum Hean), deputy commander is outstar.ding forces in combat and in encouraging his men to be goo~' combatants in observing discipline, taking care of equipment and producing crops, raising animals for own need. (21 Jul 81) . 5th Regt Serving in the northwestern border area of Kampuchea.(QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 27 Jul 81 p 2) 980th [Air Def ense?J Gp Serving in Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 30 Jul 81 p 1) ~ Sth Bn, M.O1 Navy Gp Deputy Battalion commander: Nguyen Van Hai [NGUYEENX VAWN HAIR]. Locateed on a Kampuchean islat.l. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 3 Aug 81 p 3) 231st Bn, 230th Transportation Gp Serving in Kampuchea or Laos. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Aug 81 p 3) ~ B.79 Gp Lccated in Laos or Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Aug 81 p 1) 93d Regt, 2d Gp Served in Kampuchea during past three dry seasons .(QUAN DOI NHr1N DAN ].4 Aug 81 ~ 3 j Battambang provincial military Outstanding performancs of unity which is command, 93d Battalion protecting security in a remote area on Thai border. Also describes how unit members - observe discipline and maintain vigilance against Pol Pot infiltrators. (18 Aug E1) 95th. Regt, B.47 Gp Headquarters is located 4 hours of hard driving - from an unidentified locality in Choam Khsan - District in northwestern Kampuchea. (QUAN DOI _ NHAN DAN 20 Aug 81 p 2) Battalion 20 of Siem Reap-Oddar Fought with Pol Pot remnants trying to loot Meanchey Province people's property during which they captured 52 of them, killed 20 others and seized 38 weapons. (20 Aug 81) 2 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Kratie Province 21st Battalion Held two political courses for its cadres and combatants. The�~ planted 6 ha of rice, 50 ha of corn, 50 banana trees and raised 5 hogs and a pair of buffaloes. (12 Sep 81) 91st Battalion Article on a new recruit tells of his courage and dedication despite his advanced [words indistinct]. (17 Sep 81) 91st Battalion, Koh Kong Province Outstanding performanr_e in border defense duty, (19 Sep $1) 16th Battalion, Svay Rieng Province Report on brilliant performance in political orientation work for ranks and files. (23 Sep 81) _ lst Battalion of Pursat Sowed 21 ha of rice. (24 Sep 81) Battalion 16-A, Chheuteal Hamlet, Cadres and combatants plant rice late in Svay Rieng District August. Tells of dedication o~ unit in - helping people increase production. Presents impression by an inhabitant on people's affection for unit. (24 Sep 81) 21st Battalion, Kratie Province Companies stationed in Chambak commune of Prek Prasap District helped inhabitants grasp political line, distinguish friends from foes. (29 Sep 81) CSO: 4212/1 3 FOR OFFICIAi, iJSF, ONi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460021-8 - MOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAOS INFOR~IATION ON LAO MILITARY UNITS ~ ~The following information has been extracted from Vientiane Domestic Service broadcasts at 0400 GMT unless otherwise note,d on the dates indicated, or from Lao press materials as indicated. Unit designators and locations are as given. The remarks include a brief summary of the informat3on available im the source.] Unit Remarks ~ 13th Co, 71sr Brigade, 4th Corps "Cnce the unit was assigned the mission of assisting [Laos or Kampuchea] by building Route "X" and had to live in the jungle covered mountains. Living conditions and morale was poor. Most of the cadre and personnel in the unit had malaria and for a time three-fourths of the unit was sick - in quarters." (Ho Ch3 Minh City QUAN DOAN 4, 5Feb81p4) - T.4 Gp, Truong Son Corps bridges in Laos on Ro.ute 9 from [Binh Doan] the SRV border to a village in Sepone District, N.09 Regt Savannakhet Province, Laos. (NEiAN DAN 1.9rsayaip4) N.30 Engineer Gp Has served in Laos for several years. (QUAN DOI NH~1N UAN 19 r:ay 81 p 2) Eth Co, N.15 Regt, Truong Son Working on Route 9 aka Vietnam-Laos Friendship Corps (Binh Doan] Road. (NHAN DAN 26 May 81 p 2) B.15 C=p Serving outside Vietnam. (Danang QUAN KHU 5 First Issue Jan 81 p 1) Battalien "C" in Vientiane Scored outstanding achievements in planting crops, transport ing various supplies and helping pe~ple build bases between FPbrua.ry and April. (31 May 81) 4 FOR O~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460021-8 ~ FOR OMFICIAI. USI; ONI.ti' Unit Remarks Infantry Battalion "P" in northern Enthusiastically studied politics and military region subjects while carrying out other tasks during past 5 months. (31 May 81) B.600 Gp A Capital Construct{on unit. Has been working in Laos for more than 12 years. Has construct- ed three district and village administrative off ices, one day care center, a middle level school, worked on irrigation systems, cleared mines and cleared land for fax~ning for local people. In 1980 harvested 81.342 metric tons of grain in rice equivalent or 62 kilograms/ capita and 205.229 metric tons of vegetables - or 158 kilograms/capita [NOTE: these figures ~ indicate a unit strength of 1,300 men]. (TAP CHI QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Jun 81 pp 43-47) Battalion "NG" in Vientiane Studied arcny rules and regulations February- Region April. They also helped local people repair houses and do other tasks during same period. (1 Jun 81) Battalions "A" and "B" attached Held rank promotion ceremonies for officers to military command of Sayaboury and men in late April. (6 Jun 81) Province Battalion "A" in Paksan Organized to implement army rules and regulations in their daily tasks. (6 Jun 81) Primary Scl-~oo1 of Army Political Ceremony held ot? 11 June to mark end of Department 1980-1981 academic year. Speech by Lt Col Sisouphan Huangsisianghai, chief of training ar.d propaganda office attached to Army Political Department. (14 Jun 81) Army food processing training Preparing to open training cc�urse for second school group of army men from various units in Vient3ane and other provinces. (27 Jun 81) Army Battalion No 1 in Vientiane Studied political doctunents 15-20 June. (27 Jun 81) Russian language training school Held cer~mony 27 June to mark closing of train- of army ing course for third group and end of first semester for fourth group of students. Brig Gen Inkong Mahavong, deputy chief of Army Political Departm~ent, attended. (30 Jun 81) Combatants of transport Trans.ported more than 3,000 tons of goods to - Battalion 5 in Vientiane var~ous provinces in first half of 1981. (1 Jul 81) 5 FOit OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks - Battalion E of infantry corps Attended meeting of review experience on in southern region political and ideological work in June. (1 Jul 81) - Hospital 106 in southern region Held meeting to study documents or. women's role and duties. (1 Ju~ 81) LPLA Armored car battalion "A" Com~leted build3ng more than 20 living in Vientiane quarters 1 month ahead of schedule. (3 Jul 81) Battalion "B" in Vientiane During past 6 months trans~lanted seedling _ rice on 35 hectares, grew various vegetables, raised a number of animals ~h ile studyi~g politics and military subjects. (4 Jul ~'31) Army pharmacy Produced more than 20 new types of herbal medicine dur:Ing first half of this year. (4 Jul 81) Hospital attached to construction Fulfilled plan for first 5 months of 1981; unit No 923 comniand in central achievements in curing, patien~s and publiciz- region ing hygienic principles cited. G6 Jul 81) Battalion "CH" in Vientiane Completed transplar.ting seedling rice ou - 7 hectares. (6 Jul 81) Traditional herbal medicine Cured 1,791 patients, produced six t~pes of branch of Hospital 106 in herbal medicine and fulfilled other specialized southern region tasks during past 3 years. (6 3u1 81) - Party commit*ee of Infantry Held meeting 29 June to revie~r past work and Battalion "A" in Vientiane lay out new plan to be fulfi~led in July. (6 Jul 81) Signal company and artillery unit Dur:~ng past 6 months studied political documents attached to Battalion "CH" in and ~rmy rules and reguYations as part of their southern region task to consolidate organizational system� (6 Jul 81) Public security forces command Held ceremony to close political training for of Phammouane Province cadres in e.arly July. (7 Jul 81) Battalion "B" in Songkhon Listrict, Scored outstanding achievements in specialized Savannakhet Province work in first ha3.f of 1981. (7 Jul 81) Basic army officers school in On 9.7uly held ceremony to confer ranks on Vientiane officers and men. Present were B~ig Gen Ri Thoummala, deputy chief of army political de- partment; Brig Gen Ai Soulignaseng, representa- - tive of Army Logistics Department, Lt ~ol Sommai, head of the afficers school and representatives of local administration. (11 Jul 81) 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 MOR OFFICIAI. USE UNLI~' Unit Remarks Army Battalion "E" in Vientiane Held ceremony 8 July to open training on intelligence and information work for cadres. (12 Jul 81) Battalion "E" in Vientiane Studied many political documents in first half of 1981. (17 Jul 81) Cultu.ral school in Xieng Khouang Launched campaign to score achievements in Region first half of 1981. They repair~d old houses, carried out patrol duty and engaged in agricultural production. (17 Jul 81) Southern region command military Item on use of herbal medicine in past 3 years. h~spital No 106 (21 Jul 81) Arr~~y signal school in ~lientiane On 6-11 July reviewed political studies of military region students and cadres. (22 Jul 81) Battalion "E" in Vientiane Accomp?ished political study program in f irst Military Region half of 1981. (22 Jul 81) Battalion "B" of armed forces in Continue to speedily consolidate and build Phong Saly Province organization. (22 Jul 81) Infantry Battalion "E" in Engaged in rice farming on 1 hectare. (23 Jul 81) Vientiane . - lst Infantry Battalion in Studied military tactics and strategy since Vientiane early July. (24 Jul 81) Company "B"of Battalion F of regional Has stepped up border defense work in face ~f forces of Phong Saly Province threat of Chinese reactionaries. (1 Aug 81) Provincial Battalion "J" of Held military training course on 4 May. Phong Saly Province (3 Aug 81) &egional forces in Saravane Command completed conferring of ranks on junior Province officera in various loc.alities by 18 July. (9 Aug 81) Logistics office of military Held meeting on salary system in late July. command of Saravane Province (9 Aug 81) - Aviation uzit attached to Transplanting seedling rice on more than southern region command 3 hectares of farmland. (14 Aug 81) 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE: ONLY Unit R~narks Autb-trar.sportation battalion "A" Fulfill~d transportation plan for first h~1JE in southern region of 1981; their achievements in repair~ng vehic~es and carrying out other specializ~e~d tasks also cited. (14 Aug 81) Battalion "F" attached to Champassak Organized politica'l, military training couraes military command for cadres and combatants during first half of this year. (14 Aug 81) Air Defense Battal ion "M" of Stepped up reorganization of units 3~ ,~uly southern region for effective performance. (15 Aug 81~ Armored Battalion "J" in Vientiane Completed study of ei~ht reso~.ution of ~art3~ Central Committee. (15 Aug 8T~ J Engineering Battalion "A" Scored outstanding successes in $o~.~tical in Vientiane study and technical train3ng in fi~st 5 months of 1981. (16 Aug 81) ~ ~ Artillery Battalion "A" in Stepped up improvement of their units. Vientiane Physical exercises and mil3tary training sessions regularly held, They also repaired barracks and warehouses. (17 Aug 81) Eight districts in Oudomsai Youths volunteered to serve country. More than Province 200 youths joined ranks of LPLA and offices in first half of 1981. (la Aug 81) Battalion "M" of northern region Held ceremon,y 15 August to mark conclusion of s3.gna1 training course for group of officers and men. (29 Aug 81) Company "L" in Battalion "E" Youth union consolidated its work in late July. in Vientiane (30 Aug 81) - Infantrymen and guerrillas of Intercented bandits on 42 occasions while helping (Ko) Canton in Songkhon District, local people fulfill various tasks during past Savannakhet Province 9 months. (4 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion "A" in Carried out rice farming on 8 hectares, raised Vientiane 150 chickens, dug 100 meter..s of drainage ditch and fulfilled other tasks during f irst half of 1981. (4 Sep 81) Battalion "M" in northern region On 15 August completed their signa7. training course. (4 Sep 81) 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060021-8 NOR OFFICIAL USE CNLY Unit Remarks Battalion "C" in Vientiane Youth union opened conference on youth work in late August. (5 Sep 81) Battalion "A" of re~ional forces Politicel training course organized on in Houa Phan Provir~ce 23 July. (5 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion "A" party Held meeting in August to review past work and committee in Vientiane lay out new plan for future implementation; _ plan on rice farming and livestock breeding cited, (7 Sep 81) Battalion "E" in Vientiane Youth union members have taken model role in boosting production and in engaging in labor to fulfill tasks since late July. (7 Sep 81) . Battalion "E" in Vientiane Completed studying documents on youths' work in mid-August. (8 Sep 81) ' Battalion "A" in Vientiane Successfully practiced shooting in early t~ugust. (8 Sep 81) Signal Battalion "A" in soutiiern Received or sent total number of 28,496 official region messages while fulfilling other tasks including rice farming and livestock breeding during past year. (10 Sep 81) Infantry Battaliun "C" of Stepped up consolidation of forces and organi- combat zone 1-A command zation since late last year. (11 Sep 81) Xieng Khouang provincial military On 7 Segtember opened teachers training course command for army school, Emulation campaign launched by students. (12 Sep 81) Staff office of Sayaboury provincial Off icers and men attended three military courses military command and many political courses, vaccinated 540 people, cured seven patients, built~and :.epaired five houses, raised more than 20 animals in first half of 1981. (1.2 Sep 81) Battalion 3 in southern region Medical cadres attentively took good care of _ officers and men in first half of 1981, They - cured 135 patients and examined many people during period, (12 Sep 81) Battalion E in Vientiane Studied political documents in first half of 1981. (~2 Sep 81; Infantry Battalion "E" in Studied army traditions and schemes of Be~jing southern region reactionaries and U.S, imperialists against Indoch ina. (12 Sep 81) 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Military command of Sisattanak Held meeting on 11 September to admit some District, Vientiane Province youths who volunteered to join local public secur3.ty force. (13 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion F in southern Newly recruited combatants attended military region training session. (13 Sep 81) Army cultural training school in Rank promoti.on ceremony was held for police Viangsai officers and men on 24 August; attending were Lt CoI (Mai Singvisa~, party committee secretary of school, and other police, military officers. (14 Sep 81) Battalion "E" in southern region Amateur art troupes have regularly prar_ticed performing shows while serving variou5 units. (14 Sep 81) Army signal training school in Held ceremony 12 September to mark conclusion Vientiane of training course for seventh group of students. (15 Sep 81) Armored Battal ion "E" of Held military practice between late June and Savannakhet Province late August. (15 Sep 81) Ground Artillery Battalion "A" Completed political training course 12 September. in Savannaichet Province (15 Sep 81) Military hospital of Completed carrying out specialized and produc- Savannakhet Province tion tasks. Their achievements in curing patients, giving medical checkups to people, tending rice plants and breeding animals cited. (15 Sep 81) Army Transport Battalion F Transported goods to various units on several routes, noCed determination of officers and men to fulfill their tasks and serve country. (16 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion B in Company implemented army regulations and Vientiane procedures. (16 Sep 81) Battalion A in Vientian e Youth conference;opened on 20 July; participants discussed past work and studied experience on building of model youths. (16 Sep 81) Artillery Battalion A in Raised a n~nber of cattle, pigs and goats and Savannakhat Province actively engaged in rice cultivation. (16 Sep 81) = 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460021-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unit Remarks Armored Battalion A in Effectively carried out task of combat Savannakhet Province readiness. (16 Sep 81) Battalion "C" in Vientiane Visited people in several villages in Sikhottabong District. (18 Sep 81) Battalion "F" in south~ern region New recruits engaged in military training. 15 Augus t. (19 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion "E" in southern Officers and men engaged in political training region on 22 August. (19 Sep 81) - Infantry Battalion A in Vientiane On 13 August opened cultural training course for officers and meii. (20 Sep 81) Cooperative units attached to Sold milk, sugar and other consumer goods to southern region logistics off ice l~~cal officers and men in first half of 1981. (20 Sep 81) Xieng Khouang Military Region On 22 August opened conference to review cultural and educational tasks. Conference attended by 51 delegates from various units in the region. (20 Sep 81) Ban Donmo in Siang Ngeun District, Some youths volunteered to join LPLA as soldiers Luang Prabang Province early September. (20 Sep 81) Armored Battalion E in Military training course closed late August. Savannakhet Province (20 Sep 81) Battalion E in southern region Amateur art unit composed many poems and songs. (20 Sep 81) Battalion "A" in Vientiane Military training course held on 15 August to practice shooting targets, describing accurate - shooting by off icers and men and their patience ~ and endurance while receiving training which continued for 3 days, citing ach ievements scored by individuals and units. (20 Sep 81) Battalion "C" in Vientiane In late August organized to publicize line and policies of LPRP to people. (23 Sep 81) Infantry Battalion "F" of southern New combatants engaged in military training region 15 August to 15 September. (25 Sep 81) Autotransport unit of Viangsai On 27 April to 30 June accomplished rice trans- - military sector plant assignments b-y 60 percent of projected . targets. (25 Sep 811 - 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060021-8 ~ FOR OFFtCIAI. USE ONLY 5 Unit Remarks ~ Oudomsai Province In July 1981, 250 youths volunteered to serve in the ranks of the armed forces. (NOUM LAO 1-15 Sep 81 p 2) Sisatthanak District, Vientiane More than 100 youths from various cantons City-Province volunteered for service in the armed forces ' recently, (NOUM LAO 1-15 Sep 81) . Sam Neua District, Houa Phan Thirty-five youths from village in Yong Canton Province volunteered for the armed forces. (NOUM LAO . 1-15 Sep 81) CSO: 4206/1 END ~ 12 FOR OFFIC[AL iJSF, nNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060021-8