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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10040 8 October 1981 Ja ar~ Re ort p p (FOUO 5~/81) _ FBIS F~REIGN BRO~~DCAST INFORMATION SEiRVICE FOR OT'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 - NOTE JPRS publications contain information pri~narily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language ~ sources are translated; those from English-language sourcfs - are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [j are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- ~ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA.TIONS GOVERNING OW~IERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060017-3 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10040 8 October 1981 JAPa(V REPORT (FOUO 58/81) CONTENTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOI~OGY Pressures for Defense Buildup Increases (THE JAPAN ECONCJMIC JOURNAZ, 8 Sep 81) .............e.......... 1 Among Business Leaders, by Naoaki Okabe Defense Agency Budget Increase, by Ichiyo Hino Business Wants Priorities ~ Gakuji Moriya Interview; Observation Analysis Center To Be Established for Resources Satellite Use ~ (THF JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 8 Sep 81) 6 Plant Buil~iers Ask Iraq for War Damages of 3~1~0-50 Billion (THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 8 Sep $1) 7 _ Mitsubishi, Westinghouse To Collaborate in High Technologies - (THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAI,, 8 Sep 81) 8 Tripartite F~:~ture Computers Project With U.S.-Europe (THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAI,, 8 Sep 81) 9 Domestic Computer Makers Unable To Return Subsidies (THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNA~, 8 Sep 81) 10 Future of Trade Relationship Between Japan, USSR Overviewed (Masahiro Arakawa Interview; NIHON KEIZAI SHIl~IlBUN, 31 Aug~81).. 11 Electromagnetic Propul~ion Methods Described (Katsuo Nishiyama; DENSHI GIJUTSU SOGO KENKYUSHO IHO, No 6, - 1977) 15 - a - [III - ASIA - 111 FOUO] ~llp ,II~Ci!`~ ~ * ~ TCF l1Ni V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , PRESSURES FOR DEFENSE BUILDUP INCREASES - Among Busiriess Leaders ~ Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English No 971, 8 Sep 81 Fo 1, 15 ~Article by Naoaki Okabe, correspondent, NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBL~N] [Text] ~ Debates among top bi~siness Bunichiro Tanabe, chairman consists of defense equinment leaders on the defense issue are of Mitsubishi Curporation, said, makers, suggested that the be~oming more heated lately. "It is about time the GovQrn- defense issue be discussed at The Japan Federation of Eco- ment lifted the ban on expurt of the policy discussion meeting. - nomic Organizations (Keidan- arms to foreign countries." Keidanren and its defense ren) plans to discuss the matter Hirokichi Yos~iyama, chair- production committee, headed at its top po!icy research com- man of Hitachi, Ltd., stressed by Gakuji Moriya, former mittee, while the defense the nee~ to improve research- chairman of Mitsubishi Heavy production committee of the development systems, such as , Industries, Ltd., have� been j business organization will work. for precise guided munition urging the Defense Agency and I out details about proposed ex- ~PGM~� other organizations concerned chartge of defense technology Shinpei Omoto, an advisor to to increase the ratio of capital ~ with the United States and Mitsui Mining & Smelting spending to total defense ex- businessmen's requests with Co., Ltd., said, "We must at- penditures to 30 per cent like ~ regard to the nation's mediun- tach great importance to the that of other industrial coun- term defense buildup program. backup system, such as r~ tries for fiscal 1982, com- (See feature stories on Page serves of vital metals to be pared with 25.7 per cent for , 11 ~ ~sed for arms production." fiscal 1981. The capital spend- ~ Business leaders showed Keidanren hopes to take up ing is to be used for purchase i strong interest in the defense these subjects and further dis- of military equipment, issue at the forum organized by cuss them at the policy dis- research and development, Keidanren in Karuizawa last cussion meeting, headed by and maintenance of the defense 'I month. Masamichi Inoki, Yoshihiro Inayama, chairman facilities. ' director of Research Institute of Keidanr~n, and participated They also insist that the re- for Peace and Security, by top b~siness leaders, in- search and development cost - stressed the need to strengthen cluding Haruo Suzuki, chair- shotild account for at least 2 per = Japan's defense capabilities man of " Showa Denko K.K., cent of the total defense ex- and reorganize the defense set- Ryoichi Kawai, president of penditures, compared with 1.04 up to meet a possible emer- Komatsu Ltd., and Takashi per cent oi tt?e fiscal 1981. gency. Most of the par- Ishihara, president of Nissan The defense production com- ticipating businessmen made a Motor Co., Ltd. mittee will also discuss major positive resoonse to Inoki's roduco~n Vcommit ee,d which at Uenewly-establ shed d~sub rema rks. P 1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY committees with main focts on defense plan. The committee budget should not be restricted Japan-U.S. technology ex- will emphasize increasing by the government polizy to change in the military field, defense spending W itnprove . keep it within 1 per c~t of and make recommendations to the quality of defense efforts as GNF. the GovernmEnt. to equi~nent and research ~e business leaders are With regard to the military development while trying to in- showing such a great interest in technology exchange between crease the quantity of defense ~e defense issue from the be~ Japan and the U.S., the finan- expenditures itself. ~ lief that Japan sl~ould strength- cial circles are ready to con- Some of the Liberal Demo- ~ its defense capabilities es a _ sider it actively as is shown in cratic Party Dietmen suggest W~tern ally in order to main- the remark made by Moriya: that the outline for the defense ~~n military superiority of the "It is very ~.iatural for Jap~n p1an, which is the basis for the W~t over the East. _ and the U.S. to cooperate with intermediate defense estimate, ppd yet, some business lead- each other as allied r,ountries be reviewed so that the defense Q~ take a rafher cautious view for development of tech- budget wi;l be increased ~ ' on the stepped-up talk on the nology." account tor more than tt?e detense issue. Shojiro Kikuchi, _ Some people also pointed out Present ceiling of 1 per cent of chairman of Nippon Ytisen that it is important to imprnve G~� Kaisha, showed some skepti- military technology indisectly 'I7~~'e is a widespread view cism about the recent anti- through a joint developmenl amon~ the financial circles that ~Net hardline policy of the effort not only in the field of even if the defense spendin~ U.S. administration of Presi- purely military technology but reaches 2 per cent of the denl Ronald Reagan. also in the field of high tech- nation's GNP, it is still very low Many of them fear that nology, such ~as very larg~ by international compacison. scale integrated circuit and mounting defense expenditures next-generation computers. Tfie defense spending is like-- may lead to a military-depen- Mother issue to be disc~sed ~y L0 So over 1~~er cent of GNP de;.t ecpnomy despite tg fact when the outline for defense that Ja an's economic rowth at the defense production com- p?$n is realized. And the finan- was achieved due to a relativ~ = mittee is the 1981 intermediate cial circles are likely to step up ly small defense burden ~in the estimate for the fiscal 1y83-1987 ~eir voice that the defensE past. Defense Agency Budget Increase Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 10 [Article by Ichiyo Hino] [Text] ~ pefense pgency last week submitted talks last May, working-level defense con- to the Ministry of Finance a request for sultations in Hawaii end the tallcs between ~ 2,580 billion as its budget for fisca11982 - a Japan's Defense Ageacy chief Joji Omura fig~se 7.5 per cent up from the current fiscal and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in year's actual budget. WashiAgton in July. 'Il~e U.S. demand was This increase was the maxim~an granted that Japan should eahance its preparedness exceptionaHy to defec~se budget when other for emergency by modernizi~ its equipment budget requests were held to a"zero in- very~ .quickly, thereby streagthening the crease." capability oE . Self-Defe~zse Forces and the it manifests the strong intent of the De- U.S.-Japau Security Tteaty -"two pillars of fense Agency W establish fhe basis for Japenese defense" - and share a greater achieving its 1976 defense outline by fiscal ~ defense burden as a member of the Western 1987. camp. The most noteworthy point in its request is Specifically, the U.S. demand called for: 1) that the Agency tried the utmost to mset U.S. modernizing military equipment to improve demands for ~ea!er defense efforts, ex- air detense and anti-submarine warfare; 2) pressed repeatedly in the U.S.-Japan summit strengtheninB its preparedness Eor an en~er- 2 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY gency; 3) expanding the hoiding capacity; 4) for the U.S. forces to come to rescue in case strengthening command, control and com- of large-scale invasions." But until recently m~mications; and 5) shouldering a gredter it is a fact that the self-defense forces have burden to pay up the cost of stationing U.S. not placed much emphasis on expanding forces in Japan: The budget requests of the combat capability in its modernization pro- Defense Agency seemed to accept those gram and could hardly cope even with , specif'ic U.S. demands to. a considerable ex- the "sm311-scale and limited invasions" they tent. For example, the Agency asked for themselves imagine. Thus, a:iless som~ budgeting 43 F15 interceptors, all of the rest ~hing is done atmut correcting the present of the planned 100, and also 17 anti-sub- situation, it is apparent that two pillars of marine patrol planes out of the remaining Japanese defense - the SDF and the secur- 2? of the planned 45. As regazds enhancing ity treaty - will collapse in case of emer- preparedness, the Agency is planning to gency. In this sense, the Agency's budget re- bring up the quota sufficiency ratio of the quests should be evaluated highly from the frontline Forces in Hakkaido closer to 100 per standpoint Lhat it is trying to achieve the cent by raising the ratio of the entire Ground targets of the 1976 defense ouUine. Self-Defense Forces by 0.7 per cent, and also But the problem is a straiu caused by ~ increase reserve officer~ of the GSDF. meeting the U.S. demaad for Japan's "faster in an attempt lo expar.d the hoiding capac- and larger" defense buildup. Especially since ity, the Agency placed heavy emphasis on the Agency asked for earlier-than-scheduled expanc~ng ammunition reserves - by 34.5 budgeting of F15s, P3Cs, ammunitions and per cent for the GSDF, 110 per cent for the constructions of warships, the financial maritime and 130 per cent for the air forces. burden to be shouldered in later years has Also to enhance the aic defense of previously totaled a massive ~ 2,260 billion which can- vulnerable bases and troops, the Agencu is not be ign~red. From a long-range stand- asking for budgeting for a total of 100 short- point, it is unavoidable that Japan has to range surface-to-air guidance missiles and take a gteater defense burden in an attempt portable surface-to-air guidance missiles. to placate U.S. criticisms for Japan's "free- The fundamental cuncept ~f Japanese de- ride" and maintain the stable bilateral rela- fense is to "expel small-scale acid limited in- tions, but it is necessary to put priorities on vasions with its self~efense forces, but wait budgeted items, thereby improving the de- fense capability more efficiently t~~an before. ~ Business Wants Priorities Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 11 [Text] Defense industry leaders be- ance to th~ U~uted States in +he board of directors of the lieve that Japan should place such fields as communications Defense Production Committee top priority on a~taining the and electronic equipment, how- of Y.eidanren (Federation of defense equipment level cited ever, most defense industry Economic Organizations). in the Principles of the Defense leaders are for complying with Buildup Program of 1976 rather the Americans' requests. They Quality of equipment than on meeting the defense are dissatisfied with the Japa- President Mankichi Tateno of buildup demands now being nese Government's present Japan Steel Works spoke for made by the United States. arms export poiicy and believe man~ when he answered that They also believe that, in order that the existing three negative Japan should first of all tackle to ~itain such a goal, Ja~an principles on arms exports the realization of the Principles siruld not worry too much should be slackened. of the Defense Buildup about iefense-rel~ted expenses These and many other inter- Pro~am of 1976 by swiftly overshooting the 1 per cent esting fac:s have been un- modernizing its defense equip- fr~amework of its GNP. covered by a survey recently ment and then - only then - � As to technoloQical assist- conducled by the Nihon Keizai sh:~uld try to comply with the Shimbun of the 18 defense in- Americans' demands. This dustry lea:iers who comprise view is virtually identical to 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY thst of the present Suzuki what we should do about our up technological exchanges in Cabinet. Many pollees believed defense," Chairnian Sadakazu communications equipment that extra emphasis should be Shindo of Mitsubishi Electric and electronic machinery, be placed on quality as well as on Corp. stated. "The pcoblem of they of a military natute or not. quantity of defense equipment expenses comes only after we "Joint research a~nd develop- in the future buildup program. h3ve made a decision on this ment will be highly effective;" Ct?airman Yoshio Yagi of sll-important probl~ms." . conctured Pres:dent Kazuo Shin Meiwa Industry stated Although some, like F"resi- Maeda of Mitsui Engineerine dc that the Government shouid dent Tsunesaburo N9shimura of Shipb~ulding, "for the advance- speed up the completion date of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, mPnt of Japan's own tech- the Principles of the Defense stated that some ceiling was nological standards." Buildup Program from the necessary for defense expendi- ~ presently-agreed fiscal 1987. tures if the one-per~cent~of- Export controls While President Masao Kino- GNP framework was removed, As to the existing three shita of Hitachi Shipbuilding & most, like Cheirtnan Yagi of oegative principles on arms Engineering stated that Japan Shin Meiwa Industry, were of exports, President Shoichi Saba should build up its defense the belief that there was no of Toshiba Corp. stated that capability step by step, and not passibility of defense outlays rules were too exacting as they overnight, no one accepted the expanding uncontrollably even cover such non-direct idea that the defense program in the sbsence oi pre~s~ limita- "weapons" as radar. might be delayed because of tions. "If export controls are considerations for restoration slackened vis-a-vis free world of Government finances and Technaiegy exchange rnuntries," President Kicwshita welfare measures. This shows As to technolo~ical assist- of Hitachi Shipbuilding & that, while Japanese defense ance sought by ths Americans, Engineering ~stated, "we would industry, leaders are not many defense industry leaders be able to make a considerable ' exactly agreed on revamping ~lared themselves in favor contribution to the overall the Principles of the Defense romplying with the requests. . strengthening of the free Buildup Program as demanded "~1s long es a great majority world's defense. Exports also ~ by the Americans, they share a of our military technology ~(1 help reduce production consensus that defense buiidup originally came from the costs and improve tech- measures should continue to United States," annotmced nological standazds." enjoy top priority among ~hairman Zenji Umeda of Defense industry leaders' various Government measures. Kawasaki Hesyy Industries, attitude toward exports has A majority also agreed that "We should comply with the apparently become more posi- defense-related expenses migh� .~~~cans' requests." Many tive now that at the beginning ~ very well exceed one per cent ~'e more of less the same of the current yeaz when ex- of GNP in the course of the opinion as Umeda; they are for of gun barrels to the buildup program. "GNP itselE repaying the favors accorded. Republic of Korea by a special is variable," President Ryo- ~~~an Taiyu Kobayashi steel manufacturer touched off ichi Kawai of Komatsu Ltd. af Fujitsu, on the other hand, a great controversy. At that - stated. "We should not take maintained that, if Japan time,. defense industry leaders GI~TP as something absolute. It remained only at the receiving maintained a very !ow profile. should be considered only as end of technotogical exchanges Some, like President Tateno one of the yardsticks in for- with the Americans, it would of Japan Steel Works, however, mulating necessary defense sooner or later be cut off from was very cautious about urging policies." All the pollees main- the exchange list. the Government to change the tained that we should not be President Takashi Ishihara existing three principles at the concerned about holding down of Hissan Motor thought that present time, maintaining that defens~related expenses to one Japan should go along with the exports af arms are only of per cent of GNP. Americans' requests in the secondary importance in the "The most important thing is belief that it was to the mutual nation's defense industry good ci the two nations to steF policy. 4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; Gaku~i Moriya Interview ' Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOUFrNAL in English No ?71, 8 Sep 81 p 11 ~ [Interview with Gaku~i Moriya, cha~rman of Keidanren's Defense Production Com- mittee, date and place nct given] ~ [Text] Talks about Japan's really cogent or not, or gies anil defense capability have whelher Japan can or non - mili- been going on heatedly Ever cannot follow Washington's lary tech- since Washington called on demareds it it really wants n o 1 o g i e s Tokyo to upgrade its defense to. has never power, and many people be- Some talk aboul limiting been quite lieve that lhe Japanese de(ense-related expenses to clcar, I defense industry is now in certain percentages of GNP. b e 1 i e v e an excellent positiocs to take is their Lheory really right? that ~ tech- full advantage o[ the Does lhe theory hold up in nology ex- nation's increasing aware- lhe iace of the stark reality changes between private ' ness o[ the clefense problem. in the United Slates, the corporations on both sides ot AL this imporlant juncture, Soviet Union and EC? ~ lhe Pacific should more be lhe (Vihon Keizai Shimbun What is the reaiity in activated. had an opportunity to talk Switzerland, the very Q; The problem is the wit~~ Gakuji Moriya, chair- symbol of peacetul nations Government's three basic ri~an .~f Keidanren's Defense in the world, and Sweden, princlples on arms exporta, Production Committee and lhe country known tor its isn't it? concurrenlly advisor to considerate weliare Moriya: We can under- Mitsubishi tleavy indus- measures? If the ratios ot stand the Government's lries, on a variety of defense . defense-related expenses in s~nd when it says not to matters. Excerpt of the , such nations are far higher make arms shipmenta to the interview [ollows. than thase of Japan against ~mmunist countries, the ~ @: What are your GNP, something must be , countries specified by the - opinions of lhe Americans' wrong with ~Japan s policy. United Nations and the call for Japan lo bolster Its Q: The United States fs cuuntries engaged in inter- defense capabilily and ot lhe now seekir~g Japan's . national disputes. The _ ~ Japanese Government's militsry technology in such trouble, however, is that il is response to Washington? fields as communications ~t aiways clear what rnn- Moriya: You have to and electr~nics and is stitutes military equipment make a clear disltnction be- hoping ' for joint research �~d What doe~ not. We have lween the Government's and developmenk Do you to ask the Government de[ense policy and detense think that Japan should Whenever we iace the siight- production itseli in talking comply wilh Washington's~ ~t doubts. about any de[ense problems. wishes? � R; What action is the ~ What Japan should do about Moriya: Prime Minister De[ens~ Production Com- its defense is, in the fir~al Suzuki confirmed when he mittee going .to take from _ analysis, up to the Govern- mel with President Reagan ment. Every Japanes~:, how- that relations between ~W on? � ever, has a right to ~dlscugs ' Tokyo end Washington con- Morlya: For current fis- the problem anc! mafce his stitute a full-bodied alliance. cal year, we wfll place contribution lo the Govern- It is only natural for allies to extra emphasia on our ment's final de;.ision. You cooperate with each olher demand to Increase the should fully discuss whether for promotlon ot science and share ot ~equipment in the lhe Americans' dem~mds on lechnology. Although the Ilne nation's enlire defense- ,lapan's defense power are between militsry technolo- releted outlays. COPYFcIGHT: 1981 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. CSO: 4120/1 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OBSERVATION ANA~YSIS CENTER TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR RESOURCES SATELLITE US'E Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English Vol 19, No 971, 8 Sept 81 p 13 [Text] About 30' leading industrial The 16 others are Mitsui Min- center of Japan's own as ~quick- corporations and banks are ing Co. (coal mining), Tashiba ly as possible. scheduled to set up a joint Corp., "Mitsubishi Electric ~e proposed center is to research foundation in Tokyo ~rp., Nippon Electric Co�~ start iks research activities by the end of this month to Hitachi, Ltd., Fujitsu Ltd., and first by undertakirr$ a job of analyze all sorts of information NAC Inc., all electric~lectronic developin,g Japan's own ~ia- concerning earth resources to m~nufacturers, and nine big satellite semot~ resources be obtained from the remot~ city-based major commercial sensing techc~vbgy~ from the ~ sensing American Landsat Ministry of Int.ernational Trade ' series of satellite ar~d Japan's Ja ~~s been entirely de- dc Lndustry undee a~ 1 billion first equivalent to be orbited by ~ndent on three U.S. Landsat national budgetary appropria= 1987 or 1988. satellites orbited since 1972 for tion the latter is seeking for The proposed Resources Observation Analysis Center W~tever information it wants fisca11982. will be founded shortly after o~ ~~en underground and ges~des gathering all avail- the September 15 meeting of ~~ersea natural resources in able technical knowledge cAn- and around its territory as well ~~ng acaalyxing of the Land- the 11 sponsors - five oil ex- ~ g~logical conditions and sat-provided information,. the ploration-de~~elopment and 6 changes detectable only center ~il! alsa develop a new metal mining-sme3ting com- through remote sensing from analytical method to match panies. So far, 27 companies space. the information to be sent down have expressed intention to join ~ the project to set up and operate All such information comes from Japan s own resources the center on a semi-permanent from the satellites in photo- sa'tellite being planned by MITI basis. graphic images digitized into S g cte~~Deve o ment NAte c~ The five oil exploration-de values requiring F~ p g y computerized analysis �nd W~th a synthetic open-mouth velopment companies are Sm~~~ type of radar to obtain images Japan Petroleum Exploration of eartt~ resources through Co., Teikoku Oil Co., Idemitsu Though having a few radar beams and their reflec- Kosan Co., Indonesia Petro- specialiaed cornputer systenns tions. leum Ltd., and Arabian Oil Co� to do such jobs, includir~g 'that Such a radar probing system The six metal mini~g-smelt- of Japan Petroisum Exp4ora- is said to rovide much clearer, ing companies are Nippon Min� tion Co., Japan is still ~vay be- ~tter images that the Land- ing Co., Mitsui Mining & hind America in such analyzmg sat's special cameras. Smelting Co., Mitsubishi Metal ~~~ology. Corp., Sumitomo Metal Mining The 11 sponsoring companies The joint research foundation Co., Nittetsu Mimng Co., and at the end of July thus decided is expected to pave tl~e way for - nowa Mining Co. to creat~ ~uch an industrial ~~Temote sec~sing technology. COPYRIGHT: 1981 The Nih~n Keizai Sh.imbu~, Inc. CSO: 4120/1 6 - FdR OFF[i.~AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~ PLANT BUILDERS ASK IRAQ FOR WAR DAMAGES OF ~F40-50 BILLION Tokyo JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English Vol 19, No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 8 [Text] ~apan's tive industrial plant Japanese industrial plant builders builders have Ciled v?~tt? the calling for Iraq to pay war damages Iraqi Government demands Contrect Contract Cmsiruction seeking payment of damages Pianf Conirectors t~me value site (or losses they suffered tollow- �+fe~~a�~ N~l~aubeni) ~rfn9 Flb. 197V ~s u~u~or+ in the outbreak of the Iran- g Csment K~wssakf HI (MaruDe~i) ADril ~R45 billipn Hit Iraq War and ensuing suspen- c.m~�r KewaSaki HI (Nbrubenfl June ~R40 billi0n NIt SIOTI OI COIIStrUCt10I1 WOTIC. CemMt Ksw~fski HI (Nlarubeni) July ~RSO billipn A6Tamim LPG MiKubishi MI (Mltsubishi) Sept. iR28 billion Kirkuk The five are Chiyoda Chemi- ~,r~, Mitsubishi HI (Mifsubis~i) Sept. ~R19 billion Klrkuk = cal Engineering & Construction srara+ (,'Q,, Kawasaki Heavy ~f~ILS' ~PG snd NGL Toyo En9inee~inp (Mitsui) Ott. ~R15 billion KOhr AI�Jubail OII rNininp ChlyoOa CE6C (Mltwbbhi) Oc~. �R65 billio~ Bei~i ~ ~I'125,, Mitsubishi HP.~1V}' N6L Chiyoda tEiC (Mitsubishi) Dec. ~7] billion Norih Rumaila Industries, Ltd., TOyO Eil- Note: Comwnrcs ~n varenn;eses are ~mermeo~ary traders. ' gineering Corp. and Niigata Engineering Co. the Gulf War broke out, forc- their home countries, interest They have asked Iraq to ing the builders W cease to rate burden, and losses caused Wo~ by delayed construction and re- compensate them for damages ~ Apr~~ ~is year, the Japa- s~~Wing of initial plant start- amounting to ~ 40-~ 50 billion, nese constractors resumed con- up as well as natural increases or 15 to 2o per cent of the origi- S~ction, but they encountered in personnel expenses and nal order values. ~other hurdle - inability to materials procuring costs. ~ _ The five engineering firms ~e g~ra Port and the cost in- Thus, ChiYoda . CE&C and have applied war clauses ~,~5~ resulting from the Kawasaki HI, which hold or- or/and force-majeure clauses ~~ge of the routes to trans- ders worth about ~E100 billion, in contracts to their overall ~rt supplies and equipment, want Iraq to pay ~ 15-~ 20 bil- demands for compensations, ~d an accompanying spiral in ' lion in damages, iespectively, including those ior many losses ~~nnel expenses. and Mitsubishi FII, ~ 7.5-~ 10 expected to arise until plants ~~e resuming construction, i billion in damages against its are completed. ~ 50 billion oontracts. The cases involved are nine Kawasaki HI and some othes ~.a ~5 reaction to these Japa- contracts concluded from Feb- companies calculated their nese demands, however, will be ruary through December, 1979 monchly losses and requested S~pW ~cause the Iraqi channels to construct oil refining, ce- ~'aq to indemnify them for the dama es. (Kawasaki HI, for of bargaining are split into three ment-making and other indus- example, demanded for ~ 6 bil� -~nstruction Industry Corp. trial piants on a full turnkey of the Iraq Industry Ministry, basis. cSee table attached.) lion in compensations for losses State Organization for Oil Pro- Their combined value it suffered until last June.) amounts to ~ 26o billion. 'It~e demands of the five ~~ts (SCOP), and Iraq Nation- al Oil Co. (INOC). Construction of those plants firms are not the same as the lt will be not until a few had been r~oving smoothly prop,ress of !heir jobs di[fers. months hence that full-fledged until Seplember, 1980, when However, they cite such factors ~m ~sation talks will be as higher costs for equipment heldpAlso, it seems that it will maintenance, ship demurrages, ~ke a long time before all of temporary return of workers to the disputes are settled. COPYRIGHT: 1981 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. CSO: 4120/1 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MITSUBISHI, WESTINGHOUSE TO COLLABORATE IN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES Tokyo JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURIYAL in English Vol 19, No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 1 [ Text ] Milsubishi Electric Corp. and inFelligent robots jointly with equal parQner o[ 'll~esksrtgh~usc Mitsubishi Heavy induslries, the American partner. ~ in the tr~ . sense of the word, Ud. will tighter~ their present 'It~e two Grms also will though it ~n ~la~ has keroded lo - lechnical cooperalion relations promote joir+t studies or. very depend or~ 'the Arneeican Grm's with Westinghouse Electric large-scale integrated circuits advanced techniqu~s. = Corp. of the U.S. and jointiy (VI,SI). They already have Mitsub~shi Heavy In~iustries engage in de~aelopment o[ high inaugurated a project team [or and Weslin~nwse hdve agreed technologies with it. They launching a pint ~ SI manu- join~ly to deve?op an advanced - recently came to agrEement on facturing venturA, pressurize~i waler reactor ~ such an arrangement. In the [ield of new energy tAPWR) hawing a power output industrial robots, semi- sources, Mitsubishi Electric capacity o'G around 1.3 million conductors and new energy and Westinghouse will shortly kilowatt~, a little larger than sources will be lhe major stsct a joint study on e[fective ~~e conventional PWR. themes of the joint research utilization ot solar energles as Westye~ghause also has and development project be- weli as on new type atomic agreed to help MHI develop a tween Mitsubishi Electric and power reactors. They also are East breecler reactor (FBR> by Westin~;house. Mitsubishi expected to exchange technical o'[f~ring engineering data. ln Electric, which already has informalion on nuclear fusion. the future, lhe two firms will been markeling welding robots,, These joint R&D projects will jointly develop commercial- wilf tackle development of make Milsubishi Electric an scale FBRs. COPYRIGHT: 1981 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. CSQ: 4120/1 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064017-3 FOR O~'FICIAL USE ONI.Y - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRIPARTITE FUTURE COMPUTER.S PROJECT WITH U.S.-EUROPE ~ Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English Vol 19, No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 9 [Text] A Japan-U.S.-Europe tri- IBM's participation will give utilization of such studies will partite project to jointly ~ significance to the planned accelerate development of develop the so~called "fifth- project as the world's largest next-generation computers. generation computers" will be computer builder already has Other major overseas par- inaugurated next year as 15 made several breakthroughs in ticipants in the experts' leading American and Euro- techniques to produce next- meeting are Honeywell-CII of pean companies already have generation computers. , France, Nixdorf of West Ger- notified their intention to The Japanese Government many, Dearborn Canada Com- - participate in the Japanese has called for international puter of Canada and Computer Government-proposed meeting cooperation to develop such Maintenance of India. of computer experts in Tokyo high-performance computers About 50 top-ra~e scholars scheduled for late October. as well as cooperation among ~d technicians of Japan, the The experts' meeting is ~ the government, industry and U.S., Britain, France and West exd.~ected to lay the ground for scholars. Major reasons that ~many also will attend the the planned 10-year inter- has led the Japanese Govem- meeting and disclose their national project, starting next ment to propose the tripartite recent achievements. April. project are: Sources close to the Japanese A fifth-generation computer, -DevJopment costs will be- ~y~stry of International Trade an aduanced version of the come too huge for a single com- & Industr.y hip}t1v rated IBM's present fourth-generation one, pany or a single c.buntry to p~~cipation in the meeting es is a high-performance unit meet. it so far has been developing capable of "learning," "infer- -A joint tripartite project techniques on its own. ence" ~nd other functions that will prevent possible frictions Optimism is unwarranted, conventional computers cannot over high technologies from ~Wever. There are many do. developing among them. problems to clear before fifth- - Among the 15 participants --Basic studies on compa generation computers are - are International Business nents for the fifth-generation pract;calized, such as possible Machines Corp., Sperry.-Uni- rnmputers have progress2d to ~Sputes over patents and vac, Honeywell, NCR, Texas a considerable extent at know-how on the fruits of the - Instruments and Siemens, governmental institutions in joint deve3opment project. industrialized nations, and joint COPYRIGHT: 1981 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. CSO: 4120/1 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DOMESTIC CGMPUTER MAKERS UNABLE TO RETURN SUBSIDIES Tokyo THE JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English Vol 19, No 971, 8 Sep 81 p 9 [Text) profitability of Japanese quired to repay the subsidies computer makers is so low that when they earn profits .from they now find it difficult to re- sales of computers that they pay before the March 31, 1982 have developed on the sub- deadline the subsidies they sidizeil projects. No repayment received from the Government indicates that they are still an- in the early 1970s. profitable. This sharply con- Fujitsu Limited, Hitachi, trasts their recent remarkable ~ Ltd., Nippon Electric Co., To- achievements in computer shiba Corp., Mitsubishi Electric hardware technology and Corp. and Oki Electric Industry Fujitsu's outranking of ~ IBM Co. have received a total of Japan Ltd. in sales to become - ~ 57,470 million worth of sut~ the nation's largest computer sidies for five years sirice fiscal maker. ~ 1972 for development of super 'itie low profitability of Japa- high-performance computers. nese computer makers is Since around 1974,they have ascribed to their excessive developed such medium- and ~ price-cutting ~ marketing com- large-size general=purpose petition and huge research and computers as the M Series (the development costs. According Fujitsu-Hitachi group), the Yo a s~vey of the Ministry of ACOS Series (NEC-Toshiba) International T~ade & Industry, and the MELCOM/COSMO the computer industry-spends Series (Mitsubishi). Oki with- an average of 9.$ per cent of drew from the general-purpose sales for RdrD, far higher than" _ computer field. that of other industries. lt was learned recently that It will take some more time none of the six Japanese oom- before the Japanese computer puter builders has paid back industry becomes profitable, a the subsidies. They are re- MITI official said. COPYRIGHT: 1981 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. - CSO: 4120/1 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNQL~GY FUTURE OF TRADE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JAPAN, USSR OVERVIEWED Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese 31 Aug 81 p 3 [Interview with Piasahiro Arakawa, Former Chief, USSR Office, Mitusbishi Corp- oration] [Text~ Startin~ with negotiations on equipment for the 13 billion dollar Yamburg natural gas pro~ect, trade relations between Japan, Western Europe ' and the United States and the USSR have reacfied a turning point. The U.S. has.urged Japan and Western Europe to restrain East-West trade relations _ within the limits of the West's security. I asked Masahiro Arakawa, former I chief, USSR Office, Mitsubishi Corporation (presently with the machinery de- partment, Mitsubishi Corporation) what will happen with Japan-Soviet trade relations. (The reporter is Hideo Tamura, economics dspartment, Tokyo main office) . ' Course of East-West Trade Relations - [Question~ The Reagan administration is trying to regulate East-West trade i relations from the standpoint of security, isn't it? i Logic of Strength in the Background ~ . ; ~ [Answer~ Certainly the Reagan administration is assuming a stron~ posture, but I think that is a strong principle but we should no~ necessarily be pessimistic about the actual flow of the economy. The former Carter administration sought ; to clamp down on exports to the Soviets on the grounds of human rights, but - with rhe Reagan administration`s methods, it is easier for the USSR to re- spond to negotiations. The USSR has traditionally believed that might makes right and if their opponent shows strength, the USSR will understand and ask for. negotiations. The logic of strength is even behind the removal of the U.S. embargo on grain exports. It is a mistake to be under the simplistic impression that both heads and tails are the same thing. If ~t~e USSR is prepared to make some kind of concessions, the U.S. will also comi,romise. A good example of that is the authorization for the Caterpillar , �'..'ompany tc~ export to the USSR pipe lay~ng equi.pment for the Yamburg natural g:~s ~,roj ect. So long as the U.S. makes a principle of tying trade with the 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Soviets to s.ecur~ty~ it w~,ll stxongly o~pose hay~ng ~Iest Gexx~ny and others depend on the USSR ~or 15~30 pexcent Q� the~x natuzal gas sup~lies~ Tiowever, the U.S, fias approved the p~pe laying equipment under the preteact tfiat it is unrelated to Yambur~. No one can guarantee that the pipe laying equipment which can be freely moved will not be nsed at Yambur~. [Question] Can the Western allied nations avoid the unbending principle of - the U.S.? - [Answer] The U.S. is requesting West Germany's reconsideration of the intro- duction of natural gas from Yamburg into West German.y, using substitute energy supplies as the condition, but West Germany is holding firm. Ruhr Gas, the - gas company, counterargues that even if tfie USSR applies the political pres- _ sure of completely cutting off natural gas supplies, the national interest will not be harmed. It has considered countermeasures with such means as changing raw materials or using on-hand supplies so that even in an emergency situation there will be no problem for large consumera. West Germany even depends on Libya for 4 percent of its total energy. It is - argued which is more dangerous, Libya or the USSR, and as long as the U.S. does not propose a better alternative, I do not think West Germany will give up the introduction of gas from the USSR. Because the Yamburg project is such a large scale pro3ect, the plan is apt to be delayed; ne~otiations will move ahead in installmei:ts. [Quest:Lon] The U.S. is pressing Japan and Western Europe to tighten controls on exports of high level technology. What about that effect? Western Unity Impossible on "Technology" [Answer] In the case of my company and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., as a result of economic sanctions against the USSR following its invasion of Afghanistan we could not export second recovery equipment for oil fields to the USSR and so~France finally did. Since the basic technology was intro- duced from the U.S., we cannot export without authorization from the U.S. government. The U.S. holds much of the high technology, and the U.S. where those with the technology move freely has historically been compised of people of European descent, and so there are limits to how much the outflow of tech- - nology to Europe can be held in check. However, U.S. technology will not be introduced into Japan unless we make the customary contract for technology introduction. On that point, France has been successful. Western unity is impossible, isn't it? It has recently become diff~cult to export items that until now had been ap- proved for export to the USSR even though they were on the COCOM embargo list. Three-dimensional machine tools are an example. We are having a difficult - time changing our methods and the like in order to get approval. - ~Questionl Isn't the Soviet government quite dissatisfied with Japan's trade policies towards the USSR? ~ 12 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Answer) Haying been asked many ti.mes last yeax to meet with Soviet of~icials of th,e Ministry of Foreign Trade. I went to Moscow. At that, one of the dirPCtors said: "we used to think Japan was the Soviet Union's numtier one partner, but haven''t you been outstripped by West Germany, France and England2" _ I explained to liim that Japan~s exports to tfie U.S. account for more than _ one-fourth of all exports, and the Soviet director smiled when I presented him with a U.S. publication's special edition on trade friction with Japan. The foundation of USSR trade policies is drivin~ hard bargains to purchase products from the West cheaply. To do this, it is necessary to set Japan, the East, against Western Europe. Even in�the Yamburg talks, the Soviet Union brouQht Japan a deal of 3 billion dollars, but with the exception of Daikei Kokan Company, most of the other materails can be suff iciently sup- lied bv Europe. Clearly there are items which would�not have to be purchased from Japan. Likewise, with Yamburg as the bait, its aim is to ~et financing from the Export-Import Bank of Japan. I understand that the amaunt of orders Japanese enterprises can receive in the Yamburg negotiations is 1.4-1.5 billion dollars. [Questionl Talks on plants other than Yambur~ have made ti?emse~ves scarce, haven't they? [Answer] That't right. This is not because the political situation or the economic sanctions against the USSB are obstacles; the ana.ior reason is that the building of the Soviet economy has a.rrived at a turning point. Until now it has purchased steel, fertilizer and chemical plants. The Soviets have don~a their best, but there are plants here and tt~ere which are still not in operation. A film plant which Mitsubishi contractea for in cooperation - with Konishiroku Photo Industry Co., Ltd. has remained unopened for more than a year. In order to imporve the operating efficiency of these plants, the USSR put major emphasis.on providing campletely such basics as transportation and parts supplies. Therefore, talks with the USSR on plants have a11 grown ~ smaller. Only energy related plants are the exception: the USSR has to export enerRy resources in order to gain foreign currency. L1hen inflation is taken into consideration in Japan's exports to the USSR, they remain al- most at the same level as last year. - [Question) It is said that one of the USSR's economic weaknesses is its foreign currency situation. Gra.Cn ahortage Cannot Be Solved ~Answerl The Soviet Union's trade revenues with OECD countries were in the r,:~a:~:c by 80U million dollars. Conversely, the USSR'~ trade with the West was constantly in the red. The cost of grain imports due to larRe amounts of - comparatively expensive Argentine wheat because o.f the U.S. grain embar~o an a b.?.~ harve.s* is supposed to be ~in additional 2-3 billion dollars, but I - t~a�~:..~'t liearri that they have launchec'_ inLO selli~~~ their reserves because of ii. t, r,;a.jor reason is ~,:hat for~ig.1 curreac; incor~e has 3ncreased with the ste~~o -;~ise i.n energy prices~. RatHer, isntt the shortage of funds in the 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ountry the question confronting them? Even though the USSR's financial crisis is not as great as Japan~s, b.udgetary def icits are conspicuous with the delay in plant operations. Soviet a~riculture is limited to agriculture in the north and dry Central Asia. A good or bad harvest clearly depends on tfie amount of rainfall. No matter _ how much they try, the grain shortage will not tie solved~ The pattern of ex- _ porting energy resources and purchasing grain and industrial products from the West will still continue. There are reasons for pointing out that if ~ the U.S, places a total embargo on ultra-modern ener~y teciznology, the USSR ' will be iimnediately driven into a corner and would plan to advance into the Middle EasC; and even the Reagan administration cannot completely stop exports of oil exploration technology to the Soviet Union. ~ Comment Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, Japan's exports to the USSR have levelled off. With the economic sanctions against the USSR since January 1980, plant exports have been curbed, and last fall electroma~- netic steel sY:eet plants and the like were snatched away by France. Japan which started late in the Yambur~; talks is playing second fiddle to Europe. Naturally, dissatisfaction is exvressed in industrial circles. However, Mr. , ~ Arakawa who was in the forefront of Soviet business until this past Au~ust is quite unperturbed. He thinks that the"Reagan administration's stron~ ' posture toward the USSR aims at gainin~ concessions politically" and he sees the possibility of a thaw in U.S.-Soviet trade relations. He says that ~he _ progress of talks between the Japanese ~overnment and the USSR "should not be hurried and will be meanint~less unless there is a clear purpose." The experience of a businessman seems to be extremely different than that of government officials. COPYRIGHT: Nihon KeiLai Shimbunsha 1981 9400 CSO:� 4105/239 1Lt FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONVY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLO~Y . ~ ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPULSION METHODS DESCRIBED T~kyo DENSHI GIJUTSU SOGO KENKYUSHO IHO in Japanese Vol 41 No 6,~1977 pp 67-76 - [Article by Katsuo Nishiyama, Masaomi Kimura, Energy Dept., Energy Conversion Research Room; and Takuma Homma Energy Dept., Energy Conversion Research Room, Chief, Ph.D. in Engineering. Article received 21 April 1977] [Text~ 1. Preface As the development of ocean progresses, it is believed that the use of marine vehicles operating at great depths would be inevitable. Tf so, the application of conventional propulsion method to such vessels would create several problems ' including the maintenance of airtightness in the transmission section, cavita- tion created around the propellers, noise from power transmission devices and propellers, the decline in the propulsion efficiency, etc. For this reason, ' since around 1960, when [the study of] electromagnetic hydromechanics was [3ust] beginning to emerge, there began a research in the electromagnetic propulsion ' method which, based on the observation that seawater conducts electricity, would i crea~e propulsion by adding electromagnetic forces to the water. The ma~or fea- - ture of this method was the elimination of solid movable parts unavoidable in the propeller method; its advantages include the ability to maintain [better] ~ airtight conditions, easier handling, and low noise level. The electromagnetic , propulsion methods proposed to date can be classified by categories of working ' fluids as shown in Table 1. Based on this table, we shall discuss the princi- ples involved in each method and the performance of each as a source of propul- sion, in particular, the method using the liquid metals. 2. Seawater Method 2.1 Induction-type Propulsion In 1962, Phillips of the United States proposed an induction-type electro- magnetic jet propulsion method shown in Figures 1 and 2, and published a de- - tailed analysis of its characteristics.l Figure 1 shows how symmetrically movin~ ma~netic field is created along the external walls of a vessel; seawater i~ jerted oat by the reciprocal action of induction current created by the mov- in~ r+agnet~c field and the field itself. Figure 2 shows how seawater can be jeLted out t'r,rough the ducts by creating concentric cylindrical shells outside 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OF'F`IC[AL USE ONLY Table 1. Classification of Electretnagnetic Propulsion Methods ~ Channel method Working fluid and yes or no - Working fluid thrust method of experiment Sources Seawater Induction method Internal, no 1) - External, no 1; Electric conduc- Internal, yes 2)3)7)8) ' tion method External, no 4) - 6) Liquid metal Induction method Internal, no 9) - 11) Electric conduc- Internal, yes 13) tion method ~ Solid-liquid Magnetic suction Internal, no 14) 2-phase flow method 16 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ( a ) ~ . , i ~ ~i, { ~ ~ ~~i;~~~ / ' % , . ~ r i, i,, i ~ ~ � . ~a~ . . . ~ . ~b) _ / � /i i ~,,,iii' ,.~,%j/~/i ~�i.~:, '~"%'~~'i /i / , n~ 1 / (bJ - Figure l. Distribution of Lines of Figure 2. Structure of Induction- Magnetic Forces of the Induction-type type Electromagnetic Jet Propulsion External Magnetic Field Electromagnetic Syste*n and Flux Distribution. There Jet Propulsion System Proposed by is a~/4 cycle phase difference Phillips between (a) and (b) (Source: Bibliography 1) (Sourr_e: Bibliography 1) ' the vessel, and by forming magne;:ic circuits using coils on both the body of the vessel and the external shells so as to provide for a concentration of magnetic flux. Concerning these methods, Phillips has concluded that the maximinn value of efficiency is 8 to 10 percent. 2.2 Electrical Conduction-type Propulsion In 1963, Dora~h announced a pump ,jet method using superconducting magnets as shown in Figure 3.3 Figure 4 shows the relationship between speed and effi- - ciency of a vessel with a dispJ.acement of 2,000 t, channel length of 15.24m, channel area of 6.98m2, ratio of channel area to seawater input area (diffu= sion ratio) 1.02, and ratio of [wave area?] to seawater output area (~et ratio) 1.49. tilso, Way proposed a structure which enlarges the range of elec- tromagnetic action as shown in Figure 5.4-6 The sides of a vessel are wired with superconductors through which currents of opposite direction flow alter- :~aCe?_y and eler_trodes are attached ro the outside of wiring. Those with two _~l.ectrodes are called two poles, thosP ;oith four ele~~trodes, four poles. The !wo-pole type is more efficient, but ix~ order to mini~ize the effect of magne- tic fie:d inside tl~e vessel, niore than six poles is ideal. The distribution of the lines of electric forces and lines of magnetic forces for ^ two-pole type 17 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . h~~i~*_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~"sY T J7'ls ~ h~.~c.?~ ~ ''!"t:*1V i ,j~`� ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ � / [ 's ;~T= ~s#~aT2 ~ ts) . ~ ~l~.1]-300�K ' ~ r~J--t,�K �fAi~~ ic 3 ~ ~ . Figure 3. General Diagram of MHD Pump Jet (Source: Bibliography 3) Key: . (1) Pump ~et channel (7) External Dewar (2) Electrode (8) Surrounding pressure--300�K (3) Magnetic shelter (9) Magnetic pressure--4�K (4) Magnetic field (10) Vacuum (5) Coil (11) Conditions for assuming the (6) Internal Dewar supportive structure too 1 o-~L'1t,tt~i~D~ . . . _ � 90 -fz.~~z~F ci:�ic: 15.c'ti3m ~ : � i~i.'L"1~ 6.9Am= ..Si:s 1.05 ~~~~o , 6 ~1-,r~c ~.a9 ; xw^~~ 60 ~o,,:,,'.: ~ � _ . � t 5�:.~~ ~ ~ � � \ ~ ' , ~ QO - ' . 30 � ~ '~`~''i;,~ ~ ~ , o ~ . ' - s ~'H~R~~ ~ ~ 40 .,0 6,~ 7~ 8:1 9~ 70~ ~ - 0 1U ` � ~8~ ;cE3 0~}1.,' (1.,~ ) Figure ~4. Relationship Between Ship Speed and Efficiency Based on Flux Density as Parameter (Source: B ibliography 3) Key: (1) Electric efficiency (5) Diffusion ratio (2) Comprehensive efficiency (6) Jet ratio (3) Channel length (7) Efficiency (percent) (4) Channel area (8) Speed of submarine (knots) 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400060017-3 - FUR OFFICIAI. USF ONLY r y ~Z (1) � Superconductiag coil . ~ 1 ~ -f ~i2, (2) Electrode ' y ys~~1~~ '(3) (3) 2K=number of poles . o j e ~~y qQ 2k_K3t . > E; +/2k Bo ~ 2 . Figure S. Electric Conducting External Magnetic Field-type Six Poles of (K=3) of Electromagnetic Jet Propulsion System for a Large Submarine Tanker Proposed by Way (Source: Bibliography 6) _ _ _ _ ~ (1) / g~f~ Gtiri~ ~~Z) o - ~ s ~f5~~i (3) .c . _ (4) ~ I C~1%ih~7~1'v ~ 2~ F.:;.~ i7 t~. 1 ( ' _ ~ ~ ~k~~ - (5) ' Figure 6. Distribution of Lines of Magnetic and Electric Forces in the Case of Two Poles (Source: Bibliography 5) . . Key: (1) Lines of electric force (4) Excitation coil , (2) Lines of magnetic force (5) Ship hull ' (3) Electromagnetic surface are shown in Figure 6. Table 2 shows the results of calculation on the propul- sion characteristics of a submarine tanker with a displacement of 2,500 tons, total length of 151.2(~r), body radius of 8.64(m), total submerged area of 6,840(in2), drag coefficient of O.C~156, and length of electrode, 75.6(m). When various problems cancerning superconducting magnets (e.g., cable support meChod, compact pole low temperature system, etc) are solved from these re- sults, we can expect tlie realization of an electromagnetic ~et propulsion vessel. In 1966, in order to confirm the propulsion principle shown in Figure 5, Way and others built and tested an experimental electromagnetic propulsion ship of - the size shown in Figure 7. As a r.esult, it was reported that the ship traveled at a speed af ~bout 25 (cu~/sec; wh~n z~te e::citing current was at 140 (Atnp) and the curr.ent 5etween electrocie~ ac ).Zt; (Amp) . Furthennore, Kimura and others built their ~wn experimental four-pole type with an external magnetic field and a two-pole type with an internal channel; they are.studying the propulsion 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY Ttihle 2. PropulHion ChAractc~rt.eticA of a 25~000 Ton Tanker Speed u(m/s) 5 10 15 Thrust F x 10-3 (N) i3.10 520.1 1,172 Effective output PT (kw) 650 5,2U1 17,600 - Number of poles 4 6 4 6 4 6 Electric efficiency ne 0.928 0.920 0.868 0.852 0.813 0.793 Input Pg (kw) 700 707 5,990 6,110 21,650 22,200 Voltage between electrodes(V) I43 105 305 227 490 366 Electrode current 21 (A) 2,445 2,244 9,810 8,975 22,100 20,220 Note: Bcr = 7.6Wb/m2 for 4 poles Bcr = 7Wb/m2 for 6 poles {Source: Bibliography 6) - ~K ~5 ~ v O 0.61 ' 1.22 ' � 1.22 3.05 ~ Figure 7. A Model for a 2-Pole Electromagnetic Submarine Uesigned by Way Key: (1) Water surface performances efficiency using strong magnetic fields, Minakawa and Miyake built and tested a pump ~et propulsion ship equipped with a mechanism to cool saddle-shaped copper coils to liquid nitrogen temperatures.8 Table 3 compares the results of experiments between Minakawa's model and others. 3. Liquid Metal System From above it is apparent that the use of superconducting magnet is indispens- able in order to realize the method which uses seawater. In such a case, how- ever, the [propulsion] system must be of large scale, which is inappropriate for smaller submarine research vessels with displacements of less than 10 tons. For this reason, a conceivable alternative would be to use a medium with higher electric conductivity, such as liquid metals, as a working fluid to replace seawater; ti~is will reduce the size of the propulsion mechanism. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060017-3 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY Table 3. Comparisons of Characteristics of Electromagnetic Propulsion Systems 1967 1970 1971 University Kobe University of Electrotechnical of Mercantile Item California Laboratory Marine Method External mag- Internal magnetic Low temperature netic type type internal magne- tic type Total length of ship 3.Om 1.24m 1.lOm Diameter of ship 0.45(2b)m 0.42/0.22(=d)m 0.38/0.11(=d)m Number of coils 402 300 1,000 Voltage 30V (=2Ve) 45V 48V Exciting current 140A 47A 29A Pole current 120A 172A 110A Speed 0.27m/sec 0.08m/sec 0.04m/sec Underwater Tank Underwater Magnetic field 0.015wb/m2 0.012wb/m2 0.18wb/m2 Efficiency 1 x 10-`` 4.7 x 10-5 1.6 x 10-5 3.1. Induction-�type Propulsion Vessel Neuringer and his group have proposed a cylindrical compressor shown in Figure 8 and have been conducting theoretical studies o~ its electromagnetic action. To explain the functional principle [of this compressor], we refer to Figure 9. As the Figure shows, when N-S magnet moves in the direction of Z at a speed U, current (density) ~e crUBr runs through the coil placed in the magnetic field. 1~ this case, however, the magnetic field, in relation to the axial, has only the axial directional component Bz and radius directional com- ponent Br. At this point, the electromagnetic force arising in the coil can be expressed frcm ~_~x~ to ~_~UBr2~ -~UBrBzr per unit volume. In other words, we see that the coil always receives a positive force in the direction of the axial, but a force which varies depending on the code of the magnetic field in the direction of the radius. Now, if the coil is replaced by the c~nd~ictive fluid (working f1Lid) as ~hot.m ir Figure 8, the force produced wirhin the worl.:ing fluid will transform the surface of the membrane, since the fluid is enclosed in the diapl~agm;aMch is composed of flexible membrane. - 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL US~; ONLY ~i)Y.~.1~. ~t77~�(2~ / F r~� : `f' ~L~~~T- ~ ' ~ II Ii / ^ ~~'1LLL ~r~ . ~ ~3~-'--�- ' 4, .c,'~ ` .;~�,~V ~4) Figure 8. General Diagram of a Cylindrical Induction Compressor (Source: Bibliography 9) Key: (1) Coil (3) Transport fluid (2) Flexible diaphragm (4) Conducting fluid r N .U ~1~ 7Q1'~ ^ , _ ~a L _ I I . ~c3.7~,2~2~ Figure 9. General Diagram of Electromagnetic Induction Produced Within a Statianary Circular Coil by Magnetic Field of Symmetrical Axis of Activated N-S Magnet (Source: Bibliography 9) Key : (1) Coil (2) ~.ines of magnetic force If, at this point, the magnetic field is a moving magnetic field as shown in Figure 10, the transformation of the flexible membrane will take the form of a progressing sine curve and the f luid between rl and r2 will be pushed toward the direction of Z by td~e action of the membrane. As a result, a continuous pumping will take place. If we let the diaphragm in Fi~ure 8 to be a cylinder with an outer diameter of 2 rp and an inner diameter of 2 rl and then seek the electromagnetic force Fz per unit vo'lume produced wi~hin the working Fluid, the force, in the case of Krl � 1, based on the following assumptions.--- 1) the average speed of the working fluid in the direction of Z is zero (U=0), 2) the transp:rt fluid is nonmagnetic and of low conductivity, and 3) the pressure incline produced within the transport fluid is equal to the electromagnetic force (F2) calculated when Che diaphragm is at its position of equalibrium (r=r1)---it will be expressed as below: 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064417-3 t~OR OFFICIAL USI~: ONLY ~j N / ~ - ~ ~ ~/I'~~\\//~ 1\\/// N S N ~ Figure 10. Distribution of Moving Magnetic Field Within a Cylindrical Induc- tion Compressor � ~ I r' 1 - Fj~,,4C l ) C''tCRm~ ~I~~~ ~c ro (r=ri)C~~K~~~ 1:h)~* ~Iih Ilm eap{-~/~(2+2(Itm~-F1)~,}} - - = Rmi ~ {.`.~z-~a(x�~'+1)}~}+1} ~~Z+z(rt,n~+i)~ Here, K represents the number of moving waves with K= w/U (w: angular frequency); . NI, ampere turns per unit length; rp, outer radius of the compressor; h, thick- ness of the tube section containing the working fluid, with h= rp- rl; Rm, magnetic Reynolds number, witY~ Rm = up~w/K2; up, Permeability of free space; o, conductivity of working fluid. From the FZ equation, we see that electro- magnetic force is proportionate to G1; therefore, at Rm and Kh, where G1 reaches the maximum value, FZ becomes the greatest. When we seek Rm and Kh, Rm = 4.120 and Kh = 0.309; thus, Glmax = 0.0553. Figure 11 shows the relationship between G1 and Rin, with Kh as the parameter. Based on these results, Neuring~r and others have be~n studying the performance of this compressor as a marine pro- pulsion equipment. According to their results, when the ratio of the length to the diameter of the ship is 10:1, when the drag coefficiency based on submerged area is 0.003, when the length of the compressor is 1/2 the total ship length, and when the thickness of the tube section of the working fluid and that of. the tube section of the fluid which is being transported are equal, ships with total length of 114.6m and 5.33m would have a 90 percent ~et.coefficiency (2/1 +(ul/u); ul,~speed of jetted fluid; u, speed of ship) and travel at 30 knots under the following conditions. Figure 12 shows the relationship between the speed of the ship (u) and spee~ of the moving wave (U), with depth (d) from the sea surface to the ship as a parameter. However, this is based on the calculation that the critical tolerance pressure level of the cavitation at the entrance of the com- pressor is 0(kg/cm~). From this figure, we see that when a ship is traveling at a speed of 30 knots at the depth of 305m, the speed at which magnetic field can travel without producing cavitation must be below 80m/sec. Figure 13 shows ~he relationship between the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) and the moving wave frequency (r~) needed to obtain a minimum of magnetic field. Under the condition found in the iigure, it can be seen zhat rp is below 100 Hz and that it is in inverse proportion to the dimensions of the shi~S. Also, the relationship between 23 FOR ~FF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ o.~ - 1~ . i~s~ 0 0~ - -1-~ kA:1.0 ~ nn-~ ~ kn.ctu khoo~ - oo~~ - - - I-- . I - . ~ OOUJi - O.I 1.0 t0 10J 1G:0 tO~J~~ . . RT Figure 11. Relationship Between Dimensionless Axis Directional Force and . Magnetic Reynolds Nu~ber (Source: Bibliography 10) Key: (1) Envelope - - - - . ~zo ~ ~1~ ,oo ~ ' ~ ~3mg ~ f30 - . - - . ~ I _ 60 - ~ I / / i I ~ G~ =~.5 , yn / I / 20 / ? / ~0 20 40 60 b0 10~ ' u (F;~~~J~~?n/sec)(2) - 0 5~ ' t00 t50 2~J u(knots) Figure 12. Relationship Between Ship's Speed and the Speed of Moving Magnetic Field With the Depth of the Sea Below the Ship ae Parameter (Source: Bibliography 10) Key: _ (1) U(Speed of moving magnetic field, m/sec) (2) u (Speed of ship, m/sec) 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 ~ NUR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY - ~-~-~--~�n. - ~1~ ~ C�3;, m �~~s'F:,533m ,o - ~ -r ~ - r d�3Q5�~~ / ~f d�0 - ~ f 0 �--L- ~ - =r~_�~1146m a~ ~2~1y o~ . ~ O 1 1 0 10 t 00 7 p~ 1 ~000 Rm Figure 13. Relationship Between Magnetic Reynolds Number Satisfying the Condi- tions Which Minimize the Magnetic Field and Frequency of Moving ~Magnetic Field, Based on the Total Length and Depth of Sea Below , the Ship as Parameters (Source: Bibliography 10) I Key. I (1) vp (Frequency of moving magnetic field C/sec) . ~ (2) Total length of ship -I , ~(1j ~,.o_ _ - - I i I I ~t03~ . - -1- - - ~ I 1G~ ~ I lO '~~V" 1 1 Illlr L~~~y~~ I Q ~ ' ~ V, ~Q ~L1~:0 ~WJJ RT . I Figure 14. Relationship of Magnetic Reynolds and Minimum Magnetic Field When the Ship Is Traveling on Surface (Source: Bibliography 10) Key : ~l~ Bmin ~minimum magnetic field, gauss) Rm and minimum magnetic flux lensity Bmin, is as shown in Figure 14; when Rm = 4.120, Bmi must be 0.144 (Wb/m~). It is con~ectured that Bmin should be about 0.1 (Wb/m~) throughout a considerably wide range of Rm. The relationship between Rm and electric conductivity of the working fluid is as shown in Figure 15. We can see that by using lithium for smaller ships with total length of 5.33 (m), Rm will approach 4.120. Figure 16 shows the relationship between electrical coefficienc (~1e) and dimensionless value r; r is expressed as r= kh [2+2 (Rm2 + 1)~~~; when Rm = 4.120, kh = 0.309, then r= 1. From above, it is assumed that a ship with a total length of 5.33m, magnetic flux densi.ty of approximately O.1Wb/m2, moving wave frequency of 50Hz, and lithium as working 25 ~ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFFICIAI. U5E ONLY . . . _ _ . . - _ _ ~1~~EtU~ . . ~ .;.~`.I S~.Sr+I , : ~ ~c4> ~i:~ . . ^ ~ - ,o ~ - - ' o;` ~3~ ' i � _ , ,.~4) . b i c - - i Vc~ j i I I 0 f 7 0 � ;J !UO ~~..;i . . - Figure 15. Relationship Between Conductivity of Working Fluid and Magnetic Reynolds Number, Which Satisfies the Conditions Minimizing the Magnetic Field, With the Total Length of the Ship as Parameter (Source: Bibliography 10) Key: (1) (Conductivity of working fluid ZT/m) (3) Bismuth (2) Lithium (4) Total length of ship - 0.5 - 0,~' i ~ ~1~ ~r o - I- . ~J I 0.2 kJ I U.t I GO 1 2 3 4 5 r Figure 16. Relationship Between Electricial Efficiency and Dimensionless Y (Source: Bibliography 10) Key: (1) Electrical efficiency ne fluid, will have a 33 percent efficiency and travel at 30 knots. Hiwever, since the melting point of lithium is 179�C, there are problems with respect to energy sources for liquifying lithium anil membrane mgterials. For this reason, mercury may be substituted; but, although the problems of energy source ard membrane may be solved, this will reduce the electrical conductivity by 10-fold ~nd thrust will drop by 2.6 times and the speed will fall below 30 knots. Therefore, in order to iise mercury as a working fluid and maintain the speed of 30 knots, we must increase the frequency by 10 times or magnetic flux density by 1.6 times. Moreover, the calculation in the above study is done on the supposition that the entire peristaltic motion energy of the membrane is converted to the motion energy of the fluid being transported. Therefore, let us briefly examine the character- istics of the peristaltic pump. Shapiro and others have been conducting a study 26 . FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400060017-3 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY of peristaltic pump with long wavelength at low Reynolds numbers.12 According to their study, the relationship between pressure and flux based on the assumed two-dimensional plane model and the pump efficiency (E) aire as follows: _ - - Q~ ~P,= 3 � .(3`?+~~0 J jrCi ~(1-�:~y � E ~ C~/~o)(1=~/~0)) ~ po= 3� ~ (1+2 ~0 2 . � ~ Here, flp, represents pressure per unit wavelength; 6= Q/bC; Q, average flux per cycle; C, speed of peristaltic motion; b, amplitude; a, the position of membrane from the central axis when b= 0; a, wavelength, u, coefficient of _ viscosity; b/a. In addition, in the case of axial symmetry model, the re- lationship between pressure and flux as well as pump efficiency are as follows: a` - .4~~~ep,=* ,s�=~i-1G4'~-~�~~--~ ~~i+~Q'~ / 7 ~ r'~= Ce/e0~ l ~ ~ CO/o0~ . ' E AC�) - CplUo) ~ . but, ~ 4+6�' ' ACS~) _ ~16-�')'* *(4+4(1-�')~+10�'+7�'+ Z�`) � C~ + A,,:-y:F-3~:. Oz 1 'aTCr2,f l~,'1 \ / Figure 17 shows the relationship between dimensionless flux and pump efficiency. From the figure we can assume that, despite the relatively narrow range, effi- ciency can be raised considerably by expanding the amplitude. Shapiro and others have compared the results of their analysis with Latham's experimental results. Figure 18 is a simple diagram of Latham's experimental apparatus. The test tube is of 1.3 (mm) thick transparent vinyl chloride; at an average position, it is in the shape of a rectangle, 63.5 x 7.6 (mn). The fundamental wave multiplied by integers, approaching the sine curve, is produced by ad~usting 32 pairs of - fingerG Zttached to the rotary ring. F~gure 19 shows the test results in the case of 4-fol.d high waves at 1/3; tre v~rtical axis shows the measured pres- sure ~a1ue (~p~l, mad~ dimensionless by the pressure added at the time of zero = flux. From this figure, we observe that when the Reynolds numbers are within the range of R< 0.2, theoretical and experimental results agree well; howe~~~er, 27 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~.o 0.8 _ ":ir;r d'Ob ~1~OG ! ~ 'r 0.4 "f ~ ~ ~ .;Z ~~i~ ~�,p.g ~ 0.2 - 1--~-~ ~ - - : ~p ~ ~2 C�:^ U6 ~tf t.0 B/B,and �/go Figure 17. Relationship Between Efficiency and Flux With Amplitude Ratio as Parameter (Source: Bibliography 12) Key: (1) Efficiency (3) Cylinder model (2) Two-dimensional plane model ~ - - - ~,~cz~(1) ~ ~ e=~N~ . ~~Is;~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~g~ � , a a ' i~~ ~'~.Yt . Q~ t- . . (4) (6~ . . . ~i~)ilt%F 32 ~71J1T- ~K s~(1) ~ ~ ~ . ~Q~ ~8 yn (4)~~ov~~i ;p ~J (5P . (4) ~ ~t n ~ r~ = i~ � (b) Figure 18. General Diagram of Testing Device (a) plane; (b) details of cross section A-A (Source: Bibliography 12) Key: (5) Rotary ring (1) Tank (6) 32 pairs of fingers (2) Control valve (7) Vinyl tube (3) Fluxmeter (8) Finger (4) Flexible band (9) Teflon slider 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~.z o~_p . ~ -,i R= ~ � a =~.~~m o o.o~ _ ~.o a~~--- o =0.38an o O.OS- ~ e b =0.13cm v 02 �~1/3 ~Q4 ~ 0.9, ~ ~ o Oo=0.473 � 0.8 - ~ y, p � 1.5 ~ ~ ~ �39 .I:~' O.Fi -v- ~----r-----~--.~. ~ p � o I l - a ti~ ~ - � a.�~ I ~ V C`r --e~. ~ . I oh ( ' ~1 ^ /~~C~;~ I ' _ 0.2 1 ~_.�i a'"~~-~J O �~1~~'.1:]~J 0 OJ 0.2 0.3 0.~~ 0.5 0.5 B= ~~bc Figure 19. Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Values (Source: Bibliography 12) Key: (1) Theoretical within the range of R> 0.2, the two do not agree and the performance of the I pump declines. Also, when R= 38, we assume that the performance of the pump ~ will decline radically due to effects of inertia. Before Neuringer's induc- ! tion-type electromagnetic compressor can be used as a propulsion mechanism, it is necessary to study the abave-mentioned characteristics of the peristaltic I motion pump and th~ problems attached to the working fluid. i 3.2 Conduction-type Propulsion ~ ~ I Homma and Nishiyama have proposed a method using the action of working fluid - within the U-shape tube and tir~e res~..ance phenomenon of impresse~' ?lectromag- ~ netic force as illustrated in Figure 20.13 This is an electric conduction system which requires magnets and electrodes, and its pump principle is same as that of dual alternating pump. Namely, as the figure shows, the electromagnetic force ; flows clockwise and, when the liquid column moves in the same direction by the ' same force, the pressure at val~res 3 and 4 increases, allowing one directional valve 4 to open and seawater to flow out in the direction shown in the figure. Also, the pressures at valves 1 and 2 will decrease, allowing valve 1 to open and seawater to flow in. When the liquid column fully rises along one of the two sides of the U-shape tuhe and current from the battery is reversed by a DC-AC inverter, the reverse action will take place; i.e., the seawat~r will flow in and out through the valves 2 and 3, and continuous pumping action can take place. The action equation of the working fluid in this method is expressed as follows: 2 ~ a + 2 p~sX + vf = ~-~r dt~ 29 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' . ~2). ~ ~~I I: ' t~~u, ,.r _ . ~4}~ ~_t:~,ny~; ~ a~(5 ~ JC~) ~J~ ~ cc-~.ct ;~~-s(9) Figure 20. General Diagram of Electric Conducting Propulsion System Using the Action of the Fluid Column Within the U-shape Tube and the Resonance Phenomenon of Electromagnetic Force (Source: Bibliography 13) Key: (5) Seawater (1) Valve 1 (6) Valve 4 (2) Valve 2 (7) Valve 3 (3) Magnet (8) Battery (4) Mercury . (9) DC-AC inverter In the above equation, the first member of the left side of the equation repre- sents inertia; the second, restoring force; the third, loss in flow. The first member of the right side represents input magnetic force; the second, thrust force. In order to examine the qualitative characteristics of thrust force of this method, let us suppose that pf = ~ dx~ T_ K dx~ p=~~E-B ~)BV, E= Ep dt dt dt sin wt. But E will stand for electric field; B, magnetic flux density; S, tube cross section area; V, volwne of impressed electromagnetic force; cs, conductivity; pg, specific gravity. Based on the above supposition, our attempt to solve the action equation and find the output ratio (r) against maximum output and its efficiency (n) would be as follows: k 1+ o`CV _ T=a~oH=l:� (1+-'~ .+_C \ ~ oli'V o1~3'Yl r,~1/(l~C/'.')(1+k;oR=~'}C/oli'V) : and k/oB2V where efficiency becomea maximum would be k/oID'L'=~~al~V\l+olGl'/ � ~ 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In addition, the ratio of maximum output-- m~x--each at C to the maximtmm output at C= 0, or t~a~, will be (1 + C/QB2V)-1; max will move to . C Ci~~ ~~oinr wl~e~e u13~V ~ l+l;/oB2V. Figur~ 21 ~howe efficiency rate and the rc1~~ tionship between output and load, uaing the coefficiency of loas in flaw as the parameter. The following is assumed from the diagram: a) Efficiency and output decrease gradually after passing their respective maximum poiuts; b) the point of maximum efficiency is on the side of low load rather than on the maximum out- put point, but with the increase in the loss of flow, both points approach one another; c) the maximum output point exists where the load is greater than the electromagnetic force created by reverse electric force; d) the loss in flow greatly decreases efficiency and output. Figure 22 shows the experimental re- sults of a simple electromagnetic pimmp system. (The length of electrodes is longer than that of magnetic poles, and no consideration is given to decrease the loss in flow.) From the figure, we see that the efficiency reaches its - maximum when output is relatively small and that it decreases with the increase in output. Also, it is acknowledged that the point of maximum efficiency moves toward the direction of larger outputs as the speed of the alternating action of the mercury column increases. From the above qualitative analysis and ex- periment, further studies must be made of 1) quantitative indication method for each member of the action equation of the liquid column and 2) the most appro- priate shape for the cross section of the driving portion based on the results of the quantitative analysis. When this is done we believe it is possible to build a propulsion mechanism with 10 percent efficiency based on this method. _ _ X'-(-~~,:~,1~5;C~ 1~ ~.o ~ -~.._t ~ i _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~%'0.5 J _ n~. . 08~~~~ Go7J~,omv I ~ ~ ~~0. I 08 c I � ~9 ? r 7 oa�i '~.os f s8 i`0 o~ _ ~ -~---1 ~ oB~~G ~ 7-~v:~i)')�': ~1) o.a ~ , / _ i i ~o ~ - ~ T~i oz - _ ~3~ � ~ zs `I'---' I , ~-,p cdr/ ~ 0.5 c5'~? T9~~~ ~v~= (1~ ; ~ 0 0~ , s.s 2 2~-` 3 c-~t- ~a��v ' Figure 21. Relationships Between Efficiency Output and Load With Flow Loss as Parameter Key: (1) Curve 31 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFIC[A~ USE ONLY ,1 ~ (lj z~.~~~=T~~-m - G 2_ f~~ �-.5(~ /se.) o--s 6.%(u"~sec~ ~ c.-c.10 (c~n~ sac ) ~0.~8 ~ W~1.~(~/SEC~ 7 ~ . ' % (2~ o.,a ~ ~ e� cn~~,.~ . r O.t00 OJ 0.2. 03 . P~;{:'l) , Figure 22. Relationship Between Efficiency and Output, With the Speed of Column of Mercury as Parameter (Source: Bibliography 13) _ Key: (1) Speed of columa~ of inercury (2) (Gauss) (1) ~ ~x ) ~y (4) ~~b~:~~~ (3) b~~ ~5~ ~13-;`~]~ ~1�~i~1~ . ~2 3 ~ ~5 . . � L ~ ~~~'4 ' J ~ 1 ~ y~ 23 ~ o Figure 23. General Diagraffi of Water Jet Method Using Magnetic Sucking Force (Source: Bibliography 14) Key: (1) Water current (4) Magnet (2) Entrance diffuser (5) Discharge nozzle (3) Particle in~ection opening 4. Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow Method ~ McGowan and others have proposed a hydromagnetic waterjet, seen in Figure 23, based on the principle that when micron size iron particles, mixed into the ~ - seawater within the channel of a propulsion mechanism, are accelerated from the magnetic field, the seawater rece3vea force due to viscous action.l4 In the figure, the seawater flows in from sect3on 0-0 and slurry-state solid particles are injected at section 2-2; the water is then acted upon by the magnetic field in the channel bettaeen aections 3-3 and 4-4 and ~etted out from section 6-6. The iron particles move in the direction of the channel - walls under the influence of magnetic field induced radius directional force within the solenoidal magnet; they are then recovered by a movable belt-like mechanism at section C-C. McGowan and others have calculated the propulsion 32 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY characteristics of this system, based on the values indicated in Table 4 and on the following suppositions: 1) The speed distribution of the fluid at the entrance of the flow is parabolic; 2) particles are evenly in~ected at the in- ~ection section; and 3) the total loss of waterhead from section C-C to sec- ' tion 6-6 can be ignored. Figure 24 shows the relationship between thrust force and particle density based on particle diameter and magnetic flux den- sity as parameters. From the figure we see that the thrust increases as the diameter of a particle and flux density increase. Also, Figure 25 indicates the relationship between thrust per mass flux of the particle and the speed of the seawater at the entrance with flux density as parameter; it is acknowledged that when the speed at the entrance exceeds 100 (cm/sec), the thrust will de- crease radically. The relationship between thruat per unit weight of the pro- pulsion mechanism and concentration of the particles is as shown in Figure 26; it is obvious that only low thrust is obtained for the weights. For this rea- son, it is assumed that this method has application only within the range of ~ control propulsion devices for ma,jor propulsion systems. Table 4. Values Used in Calculating Propulsion Performances ~ Flsid's inflow speed on the center line, Uin (cm/sec) 10-5000 Radius of coil, rs (cm) 1 Lengtl~ of coil (cm) 10 Distance between magnetic surface and section 3-3 10 Maximum magnetic flux density, B~X (kilo gauss) 50--500 Diameter of particle, dp (u) 1-30 Particle density at entrance (number of particle/cm3) ,,1 x 104- 1 x 106 ~ 22 - - ~ 30:90~(2) , . , 2,2 - . . , . Y ~ t~, i~~ i ~ f ~ ^(1) _ c\ _ . ~toc~a. � ~ ~p~5;'~~(~L . 0.22 I. _ i's= icm . . ~3~ U;~ =100cm/sec. ---flmu =200~Ot1'l:L 0.022 -~M~~ =100�i~~~7~ � 1x10' 1x;d6 1r.10~ 1r.1Cl9(3) ~3'ZSt~(~I=3~~/cm') (4) Figure 24. Relationship of Propulsion Syetem's Thrust Against Particle Density and Particle Diameter (Source: Bibliography 14) Key: (1) Thrust (kg) ~ (3) Kilo gauss (2) Micron (4) Particle density (number of particle/cm3) 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3.25x10~ C :q-:n ~ 3.0 - ~s~': ~Titm' 2 ~ o~ 25 9ir. ex = 500 i--- ~1~ ~UIJ'~~ ~ C~ 2.0 ~ z; _ ~ ~~5 I ~ 1.0 200TCOlfr~:. - ~ 0.5x10` - ~ ~oo~ar~~ .,,Ili ~ o , , ~o ~oo toa~ ~~.o~o U;~ (cm/sec) Figure 25. Relationship of Thrust Per Particle Mass and Flux Against Magnetic Flux Tiensitq and Fluid Entrance Speed (Source: Bibliography 14) - Key: (1) Thrust/particle mass and flux (1/hour) (3) Kilogauss (2) Number of particle/cm3 o i - ,1~ 4~i - ~2) ` ~0~;~,z � . ~170K = ZOO N ~ " ~ ~ ~2, ~ SOTOlf~l~, ~ i i!7 YS =1G-.1 - I dp :10 : ~ O('?3, O.OUt "I 1atU' 1x10� ..1r"r ~1~':il`-F(7M'n3rc7;/~m') (4) Figure 26. Relationship of Thrust Per Weight of Propulsion System Against ~ Magnetic Flux Density and Particle Denaity (Source: Bibliography 14) Key: (1) Thrust/weight of propulsion system (3) Micron (2) Kilogauss (4) Particle density (number of particle/cm3) 5. Conclusion We have studied the various electromagnetic propulsion methods whic have advan- tages under submerged conditions (especially, in extremely deep waters) over conventional propeller methods; we have categorized each system by working fluids, studied the principles involved, propulsion performances, and some problematic areas. As a result, it became clear that the method using sea- water has lower propulsion efficiency due to poor conductivity of seawater, and that higher efficiency must await the development of superconducting magnets. Thereupon, a method using liquid metals as a small-scale propulsion mechanism 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060017-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404060017-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY which uses a low magnetic field of several thousand gauss was conceived. As a result of our study of the propulsion performances, we can be hopeful that, with further improvements, a propulsion system with efficiency for greater than 10 percent can be realized. In addition, we have discovered that the solid-liquid two-phase flow system that mixes iron particles with seawater ~ can be used only for something like the control propulsion device for ma3or propulsion systems because its thrust per propulsion weight, even if iron par- ticles can be recovered efficiently, is small. 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