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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF: ONLY - JPRS L/ 10026 5 October 1981 USSR ~Re ort p TRANSPORTATION CFOUO 6/81) ~BIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATIC~N SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064003-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from fore~gn-language sources are translated; those fr~m English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with tha original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are.supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the fir~t line of each item, or following th~. last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Wor3s or names preceded by a qses- _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the orig~nal but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSIiIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064003-8 JPRS L/1002F, 5 October 1981 USSP, REPORT TRANSPORTA7ION (FOUO 6/81) ~ CONTENTS AIR French Press: The New Soviet Helicopter MI-26 ~AIR & COSMOS, 13 Jun 81) 1 MISCELLANEOUS Pilot Pneumatic Container Transport System Outlined - (A. M. ~!leksandrov, Yu. A. Tsimbler; PROMYSHLENNYY TRANSPORT, Mar 81} 8 - a - [III - USSR - 38d FOUO] FOR OFFTi('iAi. 11SE nNi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AIR FRENCH PRESS: THE NFW SUVIET HELICOPTER MI-26 Paris AIR & COSMOS in French No 864, 13 Jun 81 pp 67-68 [Article by J.M.: "The Mi-26, New Giant Soviet Helicopter"] [Text] AIR FT COSMOS was able to examine in detail the Mi-26, .a new giant Soviet helicopter, one of the great new productions in this 34th Exhibition. In 1975, presence of the huge twin-engine Mi-12 made a sensation, both because of the impressive dimens~ions of the aircraft and because of its weight, its payload and its installed power (26,000 horsepower). But that mastodon did not go beyond the prototype stage, in spite of the possibili- ties that it offered for transporting heavy unit loads. That double Mi-6 must not have been easy to operate, especially in a turbulent atmosphere. After its presen- tation at Le Bourget, no more mention was heard of it. The Mi-6 (presented for the first time at Le Bourget in 1967) and its derivatives--Mi-10 and Mi-lOK, on the other hand--were niass produced (70Q units, according to:~reliable sources). But~a ma- chine that is now ancient is involved and the appearance of a successor is normal, ' but a definitely heavier and more powerful successor, a bit more modern also, al- though its inspection, certainly too rapid, was at times somewhat deceptive from the point of view of modernness and an examination of performance. Composite MatErials on the Main Blades - The rotor has eight traditionally constructed blades. Each blade consists of a metal spar to which segmented boxes made of composite materials are attached (this is something new, at least on a Soviet helicopter). These blades are completely - conii~cted on a traditional, but compact, rotor head, having, nevertheless, the good - feature of taking eight blades. The main transmission box is power cooled by a front blower clearly visible on the photographs. The two turboshaft engines are Soloviev D-136, directly derived from the D-36 dual- flow turboshaft engine, which equips the Yak-42 tri-~et and the Anton2v-72 twin-jet. The D-36 is a three-shaft engine, as is the D-136 also, but with a different arch- tecture. The front blower and its low-pressure turbine are gone to the benefit of a free turbine responsible for recovering power. 1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11,40G HorsepoHer per Engine At maximum takeoff speed (8,300 rpm), power increases to 11,400 horsepower in a srandard atmosphere (Z = 0, t= 15�C). At ISA [International Standard Atmosphere] + 15, that is to say at 30�C, it is still 11,000 horsepower. The corresponding fuel consumption is slightly less than 200 grams per horsepower/hour or 7_20 grams at half-power. On the Mi-26, the two D-126 engines, placed forward of the BTP [main rotor shaft], - equipped with deicing ring-shaped intakes preventing snow from entering. In fact, the Mi-26 is presented as an all-weather machine. ~e anticouple rotor (7.61 meters in diameter!) is als~ deiced. Its horizontal tail stru~ture has variable pitch. The tricycle landing gear has a moderate apparent travel. - Access to the fuselage is had both by means of side doors (front and rear) and by means of a a rear axial ramp, making it possible to load ].arge vehicles, tanks, trucks, and so on). The dimensions of the cabin, impressive because of its height, are quite larger ~than for the Mi-6 (2.50 X 2.65 X 12 mete~~:; or 80 cubic meters), but they were not given. A very large hatch is provided in the floor in the center, under the BTP, making it possible to pass the sling (in case of a load hung under the fuselage) an3 the cable of a rescue winch. In addition, two electric winches slide on inside rails. They facilitate handling loads in the cabin. The control rods for the piloting system and pitch, as well as the transmission shaft to the anticouple rotor. zun on the ceiling. Forward, a ladder a~id a hatchway make easy access possible, on the outside, to the engines. Like On a Ship Becau~e of its dimensions and its large almost vertical windows, the flight deck makes one think of the bridge of a ship. Provision is made for a crew of four or five persons: two pilots, a flight engineer (on the right), a mechanical engineer (on the left), then, in the center, a fifth member of the flight crew. Instrumen- tation is very traditional, but it is reminiscent of the cockpit of an aircraft (or of a helicupter) in the 1960's. The announced performance LLOCR. not exceed a reasonable average. The machine brought to Le Bourget is a prototype. The degree of vibration is said to be very satis- factory, ow:._ig to the 8-bladed rotor. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 0 ~ ~ N N ~-i0 0000~'tU100 I I I N~ r-IN ~/10000~u1~10 I I ri C~l ' w w w N N CO ~ ~ DCo00~~D 00 ~t N~'U1NN N - O O u1 00 O O O N N O u1 O ^ O O O O O O O O ~-~I N O N~O 000 ~D~tu100 1 >C O~ >C � G I I N N ~~fl ~ I �~-1 I~ O?~C I n u'1 00 I ~''1 ul I u'1 r-1 N M G.," Q~ O~'~1 Cr1 c+l ~t r-I N ~.t O N rJ " x �o a�o a� o o�o U O c~~'1''~0 `n ~ M~~ O I I~ I N~ I 1~ O~ N~O ~C ~t 00 rl cr1 r-1 , .F.. ~ N M '-1 ~ N x ~ a, o c�n ~o�o�o�o�ooo�oo�o i ~ ~ M~~~~tl1M0 w00`O~ONO 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N f~'1 ~t r-I ~ ~ rl N C9 W O O ~ O O O O O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ Q 0 0 ~ � U I M~~1~~;u1Nv1u'1000NU'1~O~t ~ ~ ~ ~ M~ xN ~~tri~ ~7 COr--I ~ N N~ O ~ 4~ U1 N C~j O a ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ y ~J ~ JJ U ~ri ~y ~ tA U 1J ~ f~ E: 3-~ ~ 4a ~ ri ~ c~d ~ fA O.I: N 1a �r1 F+ bD ~ .t'.. ~ ~ tp tA y~,~ Ol b0 O t0 \ tA 'b CJ F+ H O/1 r~l i-I GO 3-~ ~/1 ~ ~ ~.~i N G! N N.aG ~ r~l ~ Cl Sa ~~.J S-~ i~-~ ~ ~ rl 41 ~ ~ �rl ~ Ul 00 ~ ~ ~5 a ~ q o 3 ~ ~ a~ ~ o on o~ a~ v a~ a~ ~ o.~ o.c oo ~n ~u p v u..~ ~ oo ~ oo v v~ ao r� ~ � ~ aNi ~ .x 3 3 0~+0 ~ i v v ~ ~.�1+ r-oi :~c ~ o cr ~7 ~ v s~ m cd ao cv 3 o m~o a~ a~ ~ o rl C'.. o'~. r~l cd ri N N'-i ~.~L w ,n a~ ~?.a a+~ cn .C a~ a�~ o ~ a~ ~ o~o ~ o a+~ o,x ~u a m v~-+ o0 00 ~ o a~ ~ a~i 3 ~n e0 ~ x ~ c~d ~ GJ cd 00 N ~-1 F~ 'C 5 G G1 ~ o~+ 1-~ 3~+ R1 ~.-i ~~--I a ctl 1.l ~�rl U ri N Gl ~ N~-I N td .C R1 ~ O.L` ~ tA �rl N'J+ D+ 'J ~ a a v ~ oo ~ oo ~ oo ~d o ~ 3~ a�~ ~~a~i o k cc ~ai c~v ~ a~i ~ a~ x a~nzwA~-+~z~a3~~mo~ w ~x 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400060003-8 1~ OJt OFFICTAL US1~: ON1.Y r~~r" - _ - - ~~~~.~~,.~s~-' / ` r r~~~l r ~ / / ; ~ ~~7.~-~=+j+"_~__~ ~L""'__~ i ~l; ~ 1_ _ ~ - 1951' ~ - ]T:7 , T` ' ~ I �I i'. / / ~ i . I. - - - 1 r~'~ ~ \ ~ ~ r ~ , \ ~ ~ . ~ / � _ ~ , Above, primary 2-dimensional plan of the new helicopter; below, t.he pilot~s cabin offers remarkable visibility, thanks to its large vertical windows. ~t ( b 1M'! ,yt.....: . ,t C?'TM`d10~~%- } ~ ~ .i~~ . . . P r~`/ ' , F`' . Y~~ ; . . . ~ . ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ .~r ~ +f ~ :Yti; + ~L~ ' 3 r ~d ~ r FN - I~ , F:: ~ ~~,rv+~� f q ,.t~iei~.~'r.1. . ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ' 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400460003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - . _ 1..,~ ~ I , _ t ~ ~ , A~' ~ ~ V ~ :i r m'^. A c . ~ . ~ ~ ; ~ ;~n~ . ' . ~ Y ~ ~ s,, ~ . 4~ --r~'",~s ~ ~ _ , ~ ~ y~a ~ ~ _ ~ , ,,,~r~ _ ,r. ~ w.~a~~ ~ The ^1i-26 prototype photographed at Le Bourget. There it unloaded a housetrailer, used day and night. . ` ' 1 : 1 . r , ~ v � . Detail of the system of variable pitch of the anticouple rotors. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ � , Y `.-r.~- . - - ~ , - ~ , r' ~ i a . ` ~ : ~ ~ ~ ;,,i. ~ ~ U U a _ . ~ 1 A ~ ~ ~~r~ U ~ - ; . r"~. . . N _ f'M . � ~ � i '~~~;44r'~ ~E` F, ~ . ~ ; ~ o ar ~ ~ y-~ ~ ~ .i ~ + ~ v ; ~'-.`1~~~~~~ y..~ ' _'-=-~x ~ i ~~.1~:_~ v o _ ~n ~ ~,,;.a ~ ~ ~ ~D N - _ ~ N 'C1 ~ �rl cd ~'~..~p._~~' . , ~a. "~~'-~-.1a . . � r~"..~ rl '~"t . J~..1 ~ " - ~F-1 . , ~ ~ ~ i ~~'r~1'~' >f ` 'd r-~ Q . . ~ . 0 .i: ~ ro V v ~ 4-i O '~i u~ , ~ .,a ~ ~ ~ - a~ ~4~_ . A . 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400064003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ t ~1 , ~ ,i ~ -r. : ~ ? r\ ~ At~~ve the fuselage: inspection of the main rotor shaft and the engine installation. COPYRIGHT: A.& C., 1980 ~ 10, 042 CSO: 3100/ 823 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400060003-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1~' MISI;ELLANEOUS PILOT PNEUMATIC CONTAINER TAANSPORT SYSTEM OUTLINID Moscow PROMYS4iLENNYY TRANSPORT in Russian No 3, Mar 81 p 14 [Article by A. M. Aleksandrov and Yu. A. Tsimbler ("Transprogr%ess" S,pe~ial Design Bureau, Moscow): "The 'Lilo-2' In Action"] � [Text] We have already written in our magazine (I~o 9, 19~~) . of scientific research and experimental design work in tfie field of pneumatic pipe container transport (KPT~ cartied out by the "Transprogress" SKB [Special Design Bure~u} in the lOth Five-Year Plan. Since then tests have been con.w ducted at test sites and on stands which have made ~K pos- sible to finalize the design and basic technolvgical solu- _ tions of elements of the first generation pf pneumatic container transport systems for carrying bul.k treight through pipelines 1,220 millimeters in diametc:r. The theoretical hasis for gas dynamic computation of the new tran$port systems and methods to be employed 1~ave been verified. _ ~ao types of experimental pneumatic container transport (KPT7 installations have~ been developed over the last few years: One is 600 mm in diameter and is meant to be used to transport parts and other freight packa.ged in containers capable of carrying 400 kilograms each and of being handled in trains of several units; The other system IBS a cross section of 200 X 400 ~ and is intended for deliver- ing books,,documents, small parts, tools, metal items, samples, and so on, in con- tainers with a capacity of up to 25 kg. Currently two n?ach~ne-building plants are operating 600-mm pneumatic container systems designed by the "~ansprogress" special design bureau. The KPT28 system went into operat~on in Tul'skaya Oblast in 1979. The first sec- tion of the KPT2 ("Lilo-2") system went into operation in tha Georgian SSR at the end of 1980. It is the world's largest dual-pipe pneumatic container transport system. Its pipes are 1,220 millimeters in diameter, and they are used to haul ~ravel over a distance of 17.5 kilometers from a quarry in Shulaveri settlement to _ 8 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400064403-8 FOR OFFlCIAL ~JSE ONLI~' a pJ.ant which manufactures reinforced concrete structural elements in the town of Ma.rneuli. There are three trains running on the line, each made up of eight con- tainers and two pneumatic locomotives. The number of trains will be gradually increased to 12. The loaded trains are driven to Marneuli by two air impeller stations, and the empty trains are returned back to the quarry by one station. The statiors are equipped with TV175-1.6 air impellers built by the "Uzbekkhimmash" plant in Chirchik. Each station has five 250-kilowatt units. Distance between the trains is regulated by means of bypass devices built into the pipeline. Maintenance and repairs of the rolling stock are ~arried out at a technical main- tenance section at the loading st.ation, equipped with special ducts to position the trains for repairs and wlth pipe sections to house them when not in operation. New techniques and methods of cleaning trash, dirt and scale from inside the pipes were successful~.y employed ir_ the first section of the pipeline. When the second section goes into operation the system's handling capacity will increase to 2 million tons, with 1.8 millian tons of gravel being hauled over a distance of 37.7 kilometers to Tbilisi, and 0.22 million tons going to the Marneuli plants. The project, which was developed jointly with the "Gruzgiprovodkhoz" institute, provides for a third section ~f the system, which will incorporate a new quarry at Imiri settlement. The total length of the "Lilo-2" will reach 41.3 kilometers. It will eventually have 26 trains in operation (one train delivering - 30 tons of gravel to the unloading station every 6.4 minutes). The pneumatic container transport system will yield an economic effect of 3.5 million rubles per year, and it will free 265 dump~trucks for other purposes. _ Haulage costs will be 1.05 rubles per ton (as compared with 3.3 ~ubles per ton by motor transport). The system will operate in an automatic mode at a11 stages. Processes are moni- tored and controlled by a special telemechanical system developed by the ~ "Promavtomatika" Scientific Production Association in Groznyy. - Extensive intreduction of pneumatic container transport systems in the economy continues tu be a difficult problem. Costs and construction time have been pushed up considerably by the persistent practice of contracting nonspecialized machine- building plants and construction and installation organizations to carrq out the necessary work. The experience acquired in setting up the KPT 28 and "Li14-2" - systems alsd confirms this. The "Transprogress" Special Design Bureau is expandin~ its operations as a specialized design and development agency. As such it is already engaging, albeit on a small scale, in building and installing specialized equipment for pneumatic container transport systems. In the future it is planned to set up a building, installation and starting-up administration under the auspices of the Special Design Bureau. It would have local sections a~ wsll as a central repair depot and a production training center. This will~ma'ke it possible to accelerate the intro- duction of pneumatic container transport systems. 9 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~L1' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400460003-8 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY ~'i . . `'~,--~r ~ ,.i i~ n R ~ 1 ~ .L .L., ` ~ ~ 1 ~ f0 9 I' ~ J 4 i ~ . B 7 6 1 . ~ l r - 1 9vepedo ~ 1 ~ - !1 uvppedo 2 . _ - - - 1~ o~peve ~3 ~ 3 Schematic Diagram of the "Lilo-2" Pneumatic Container Transport System. 1. Air im~eller station. 2. Unloading station in Tbilisi. 3. Unloading station at Ma.rneuli plant. 4. Pipeline for empty trains. 5. Bypass devices. 6. Sliding _ gates. 7. Shunting points. 8. Pipeline for loaded trains. 9.Loading station at Shulaveri quarry. 10, Moveab~e ducts. 11. Pipe sections for parking trains. 12. Repair ducts. 13. Loading station at Imiri quarry. Key: 1. First section 2. Second section 3. Third Section COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Transport," "Promyshlennyy transport," 1981 9681 CSO: 18~9/337 END 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400060003-8