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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/Q2/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
JPRS L/10022
30 September 1981
Woridwide Re ort
CFOUO 45/81)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
JPRS publications contain information primarily frum foreign
ne.:,papers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text)
- or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original in�orcaa.tion was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentY~eses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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~ Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400050072-3
JPRS Z/10022
30 Sep~ember 1981
' (FOUO 45/81)
Rangoon Paper on Success in An tinarcotics Drive
(Editorial; LOKTEiA PYEITHU NEZIN, 14 Aug 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . 1
Opium an Mail Trian 2
Opium Arrest an Train 2
Black Opium in Mergui 2
. Heroin Seizure on Ship 2
Maymyo Opium Arrest 2
- He roin Seizure in Mogaung 3
Drug Traffickers' Diversion en Rot~te to Hong ~ong
( ~iE WOIr[CING PEOPLE' S DAI,LY, 25 Aug 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Police Report Drug Seizures, Arrests for First Half of :~98~
(NEW STRAITS Z'IMES, 8 Jul 81) 5
, Seven Kg of Opium, Murphine Seized Near Port Klang
- (NEW SZ'RAITS TIMES, 8 Jul 81) 6
Crackdown on Smugglers, Pushers in Sabah
(BORNEO BULLETIN, 18 Jul 81) 7
' Large Addict Population in Johore Baru
' (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 29 Jtm 81) 8
_ a _ [IIS - WW - 133 FOUO]
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Drug Trade Said i3nder Control, Inquiry Unnecessary
(EVEN1NG POST, 7 Aug E1) 9
Drug Abuse in Military 10
Sramen's Drug Canvictions 10
Ships Carrying Drugs to Europe ~-1
Massive Drugs Haul
Marihuana Plantations in Benguet, Nueva Vizcaya Raided
Plants Destroyed, Arrests Made
' Cultivator K311ed
NPA Marihuana Field Raided ,
(BULI.ETIN TODAY, 15 Aug 81) 14
Police Seize Heroin, Arrest Seven Men
(BULLETI~T TOLIAY, 16 Aug 81) 15
Hexoin Seized 17
Suspected Drug Factory 18
Nation A.dopts New Plan To Wipe Out Opium
~ (NATION REVIEW, 4 Aug 81) 19
ONCB Qzief Backs Substitution Plan; Conflic~s Noted
(Vithoon Pungprasert; THE NATION REVIEW, 1 Aug 81) 21
Center of Drug Addiction in Bangkok Noted
_ ~7.YE NATION REVIEW, 5 Aug 81) 23
Irb re Hilltribesmen Cultivute Opium
- (Manas Ruamrsdee; THE NATION RE~'IEW, 5 Au~ 81) 24
UN Team Hi*_s Guaranteed Income P3an for Opium Grawers
(THE NATION REVIEW, 10 Aug 81) 26
~ b -
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Qiietig Mai Villages Targeted for Crackdown
(BANG~OK POST, 20 Aug 81) 27
~ao Held With Lao Opium
(THE NATION REVIEW, 30 Aug $1) 28
Negative Effects of Poppy Cultivation Reviewed
' (Editorial; THE NATION REVI~d, 7 Aug 81) 29
Morphine Smugglers Arrested in Hat Yai
(BANQCOK POST, 30 Aug 81) 31
Akh a Tribesmen Arrested With Heroin
- (BANQCaK POST, 29 Aug 81) 32
Briefs �
Opium Processing Plant 33
Heroin Smuggled in Cor~tainerE Called Problem by Customs Officers
- 25 Aug 81) 34
B rie fs
` Drug Offenses Increase 36
LSD Arrests 36
- Bail Forfeitures Leave Police With Huge Drug Stores
(Dilette 1llompson; 1iiE TRIB~iF:, 17 Aug 81) 37
Marihuana Confiscated 39
Technology Used To Coimter Drugs Described
(EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGkAS, 19 Aug 81)..........~....��������� ~
_ Officials Gfiar~ed With Escape of Inmates Releaised
- c -
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_ ~
Traffickers Involved in Escape Fmm Detention Center
(EL MANANA, 24 Aug 81) 44
Op3um Traffickers Apprehended in Several Locations
Opium Trafficker Arrested 47
Antidrug Coordination 47
Traffickers' Land Reassigned 47
Ministry Reports Antinarcotics, Police Accomplishments
(KEYHAN, 9 Sep 81) 49
Police Find Morphine Tablets 51
� Study on Motivation of Youth To Begin Taking Drugs
_ (DER SPIEGEL, 14 Sep 81) 52
Hug~ Hashish Seizure on Ship in Bari ~
27 Aug 8?) 55
Inadequate Drug Laws Decried, by Dionisio Ciccarese
Suspicious Ship Searched
Six Foreigners Arrested for Hemin Smtiggling
_ (HU:tRIYET, 9 Sep 81, ~UNAYDIIv, 9 Sep 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
~HURRIYE`T' Comment
~Cocaine Smuggler Jailed 61
- d -
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BK211505 Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHLT NEZIN in.Burmese 14 Aug 81 p 4
[Editorial: "Accelerating Success in Ar?tinarcotics Drive"]
[SiIInmary] The success in the antinarcotic drive--which has been launched as a
national campaign under the guidance of the Burma Socialist Program Party [BSPP]--
is accelerating.
The narcotic drugs law was passed in the country in 1974 to eradicat~ narcotic
drugs. Under the law, sentences ranging from 5 years imprisonment to the death
penalty can be given for various drug offenses.
"In accordance with this law, action has been taken against persons using narcotic
drugs and persons engaged in the narcotic drugs trade. During 1980, there were
2,495 durg cases. These included 835 opium cases; 536 heroin cases; 292 marijuana
cases; and other 832 cases which included failurP to register and gossession of a
syringe. Narcoti~ drug~ cases declined in 1980 compared to 1979 in which 4,363
narcotics cases were reported."
In addition to legal action, antinarcotic drugs control work in the fields of pre-
vention, treatment, rehabilitation and drug education among students was carried
out folloiomg the formation of the central narcotics control board.
The national. antinarcotic drugs control campaign is being carried out jointly by
the army, the people's police force, p~blic aervants and the local people. "The
narcotic drugs suppression work was carried out like a military operation. Be-
tween the 1974-75 opium cultivation season and the I980-81 season, a total of
37,677 acres of opium fields were destroyed. Bet*aeen 1975 and 6 February 19t31,
_ Z20,000 mari~uana plants were 'destroyed:"
- The effective antinarcotics drive can be attributed to the leadership and guidance
of the BSPP and cooperation among the members of the armed forces, the people's
police force, members of the local par~y, council, mass and class organizations
and the people.
~ CSO: 5300/4655
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OPIUM ON MAIL TRAIN--Mohnyin, 8 on.information, police personnel and
people's coun~illors of Kachin State's Hopin yesterday searched the Mandalay-
Myitkyina special mail train and found about 3 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds]
of c~oked opium on Daw Hkazn Htwan of No 9 ward in Namtu--five packe~s in her~bag
and one packet in her bedroll--and found 1 viss of cooked opium on Ma Mya Aye,
- alias Ma Hla Hla Aye, of No 2 ward in Namtu--one packet in her bedroll and another
in lier ur~3erwear. Action has been taken against the two women. [Text] [BK211412
Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 17 Sep 81 p 4]
OPITJM ARREST ON TRAIN--Hsipaw, 14 Aug--On 10 August morning, railway police Corpor-
al U Sein Maung and Corporal U Than Win searched a masket carried by passenger Daw
~ Nwe of No 5 ward in Lashio, who was travelling in coach No 2, when the Lashio-
Mandalay train No 132 reached Hsipaw station. They found 1.5 viss [1 viss equals
3.6 pounds] af raw opium hidden in two hollowed-out pineapples in the basket.
[Text] [BK211412 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 22 Aug 81 p 4]
- B?~ACK OPIUM IN MERGUI--On 10 August, Maung Tun of Tavoysu Ward in Mergui was
summoned to the township police station for questioning. Ten small packets of
black opium were found hidden in a hat he was wearing. Maung Tun was arrested and
charges have been filed against him under sections 6.B and 14.D of the narcotic
drugs law. [BK211412 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmesc~ 23 August 81 p 6]
EEROIN SEIZURF. ON SHIP---A search team composed of police and por~ authorities of
Bhamo on 22 July conducted a search on Bhamo-Mandalay passenger ship "Pyadapyan."
Ma Yi Yi Sein of Wetlu Village in Katha Township and Ma Khin San Myint of Theingi
ward in Katha were found to b~e carrying .50 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds]~of
opium in their hand lugga~e. Charges have b~en filed against the two women under.
sections 6.B and 7.B of the narcotic drugs law~. [BK211412 Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU
NEZIN in Burmese 10 Aug 81 p 2]
MAYMYO OPIUM ARREST--Maymyo, 5 Sep--Acting en information, Maymyo Township Police
Commander U Sein Lwin, city police station Officer U Thein Tun and some councillors
from No 3 ward raided the residence of a Sino-Shan, Ma Air Pu, at 0600 on 4 Sep-
tember and seized two ba11s of raw opium weighing 3.26 kilograms and wortn 5,600
kyat. The Maymyo people's police station has filed charges iinder sections 6.B,
10.B and 14.A of the narcetic drugs law against Ma Air Pu, 30, the houseowner; and
Maung Aik Sein, 24, the opium carrier of No 8 ward in Kyaukme. [Text] [BK211412
Rangoon I`'nA~ ~IN in Burmese 15 Sep 81 p 4]
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HEROIN SEIZURE IiV MOGAUNG--The ward council and the anti-insurgent team of Mogaung
on 3 August arre~ted Htay Win, alias Kyaw Htay Win, of Shwenyaung with 1 pound, 13
- ounces of pure heroin valued at 50,000 kyats in Aung Thukha ward, Zegon Quarter.
Htay Win was arrested while delivering the heroin hidden in a speaker to the house
of Sai Aik La and Ma Cherry. The seized opium reportedly belonged to Z'in Myint,
alias Sai San Tun, oi ~aunggyi. Charges have been filed agianst the courier, the
awner of the heroin and the owners of the house. [BK211412 Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU
NEZIN in Burmese 14 Aug 81 p 4]
CSG: 5300/4655
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Ran~oon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY~in English 25 Aug 81 p 7
[Text] HONG HONG, s3 Au~For the Srst time~
Hoag Hong's qati-narcotics agents havd
found t}utt drug tra.~ekers have been usiag
- Chins ss a diversioa to sell to Hong Hong.
'The agents were drug syndicates, traffic- .
awakened to the diversioa kers have given up s!~ip-
when the Canton autho- ping drugs to Hong Kong
rities recently seized by junks and changed to
' ' kilogramm~ of the "diversion' tactic,
apium and arrested i4 he said.
suspects, one of whom is pithough China has
said to be a buyec for a b~en classifieu as a"clean
Hong Kong syndicate. gince no ~~-ugs had
ThrPe m~n . and six come out of it, anti-
~ women amoag the arrest- narcoric agents have not
ed had come W Canton relaxed their vigilance
' from the border of south for fear of shrewd traffic-
Chiaa's 'Yunna.n Province. kers making use of the
A spokesman for the 1OOPhole~ he said.
Anu-NarcoticsBureau here A recent crackdr,wn by
- told the Press Saturday Canton authorities on
- that so far there has been traf~'ickers revealed how
no large-scale syndicate they carried drugs
using Cantan as a"transit through south China's
base" to channel drugs Yunnan Province to
into Hong Kong. Canton where they made
Since i974 when Hong contacts with Hong Kong
Kong smashed several t~ckers, the spokesman
C~O: 53Q0/4966
j 4
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r~aY s i~
Kuala Lumpur NEIJ STRAITS 'TL~1ES in English 8 Jul 81 p 3
KUALA LUM�UR, 'i`ues� - Police have
_ [Text] dealt a severe blow to the drug trade with
the seizure of over 500,000 grammes of
various types of drugs and the arre~t oi ,
4,052 people, including 3"l foreigners, dur-
ing the first half of the year.
The biggest single success was in Alor Star
last month when police detained a That national
and seized 22 pounds oi morphine worth mil-
lions of dollars.
During the first hslf o[ pore, 14 from Thailand
last year, police seized and one trom Paktstan.
only about 61,OQ0 Dur(ng last month
grammes ot drugs and g~one police arrested 636
arrested 3,630 people, in- people tor drug offences.
ciuding 17 toreig~ners. They seized 6,021.55
In reviewing the Hrst gramme~ ot prepared
= half af 1981, CID ~irector o p 1 u m, 3 0, 0 0 8. Q 0 8
Datuk Abdul Rahim Is� ~8mme9 0[ morphine,
mail satd yesterday the 3,146.94 g: ammes of hero-
success In the sei�ures ~n and 1,224.6i grammes
and arrests were due to o~ ganja.
aooperation from the Commenting on the
public. maior c�3ses last month.
- He said tlll Juno this Datuk Abdul Rahman
year poltce had seized safd on June 10, ot[icers
65,12s grammr.s ot pre- f r o m S u k i t A m a n
pared opium, 20,333 ~~opped a� car In Alor
grammes ot raw opium, Star.
?2.000 grammes of On examining it, they
m o r p h t n e, 2 3, 3 6 9 tound n travelling bng
grammes ot heroin and containing [ive blocks ot
= 380,775 grammes ot, gan� morphine and arrested
jA� the driver, a Tha3 cltizen.
- O[ the 4.052 people ~r� On June 28, an Ameri-
rested, ~101 will be canwasstop?edbypolice
charged tor drug peddl- olticer, along Jalan $atu
1ng while 61 for tratfick� Ferringhi in Penang
tng - which carries the shortly after midnight.
death sentence or lite im� The man ~vas carrying
prisonment. a plastic bag containing 3
So tar i5 peoplc have powder tin and a shavi:~o
been sentenced to death foam can.
for trafficking, lour e` On checking, thc ~t-
whom have since bcen ficers fouad nine packets
cxecuted. ot heroin hidden in the
On the foreigners, Ua�. two tins.
tuk Abdul Rahman said ln Kuala Lumpur on
lhose arrested included June 15, officers stopped
two irom ihe United a man in Jalan Che~as.
States, two trnm Brunei, N e w a s c a r r y i n; a
tw�o trom Denmark, two cigarette box which ccn- .
trom E~ong Kong, three tained some heroin.
- [rom Indonesia, one [rom
New Zealand, two from
Italy, onc trom Singa-
- CSO: 5300!83~3 5
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:~f T ~y S In
I:uala Lumpur t1E(~I STRAITS TI:tES in English 8 Jul S1 p 1
PORT I~LANG, Wed. - Customs gether with three narcotics doga, detained six people, includ- raided a house several hundred
ing a 16-year�91d s~hoolgirl, and yards from the scene of ambush,
seized nea,rly $1 million worth of later in the night.
morphine and opium in two sepa- On searching the house, the oP-
_ rat~ opera~ions near here yester- ficers s~ized a pot of prepared
da opium weighing 5.~4kg. They also
- Acting on a tip-off, a Customs arrested three occupants of the
party led by SuFt. Ali bin Baba, laid house, including a 16-year-old
an ambush on a cax at Jalan Telok schoolgirl.
Gadong at 4 p.m. Tne Custqms party also seized
They stopped a car vciith three sPVeral docurnents including twa
p~~ple including a woman. It wa,s 1 It rns
tb laeved sPhet drugs were
- hea.ding tc~wards the port.
On searching, the Customs of- meant fox th~ international market.
ficers found a block of morphine The spokesman said the Custorns
weighing 1.65kg hidden under the th s bs~nd;cate i for hthectpaste s x
back seat. ~
A Gustoms spokesman said here months.
_ today all three occupan~s of the cax Customs officials from three
were detained and upon question- Sta~es took part in the operation.
ing: the same Customs party; to-
CSO: 5300/8353
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
Kuala Belait BOR.'~EO BULLETIV in English 13 Ju1 81 p p 1, 2
' [�XCerp ts ] ' KOTA KI\'~?BALC,'.- During che raids iast
- Police and customs offi- Saturday when 30 people,
" 'cers in Sabah haDe 1o- including a 32-year-old
� ~ c!eared war on drug house�.vife and a~~�year-
sm~gglers and drug push- old Chinese siaseh (me-
- en, the police by form- dicine man), were derain-
ing an anti-narco~ic: police fouud o ium
team and the Customs and heroia v~lue~ at
Department by obtaining. $300,Q00.
a hiahsoeed launch. T'he 10 people, w~:o in-
This fo}1o~vs the arrest cluded Sabaha~ and Pe-
cE 10 neo~lr in raidi im m~sular I~talaysian~ aged
crowded Gaya Street in between 22 and 54 are �
~~~ta Kinabal:t and ac ~ought to be the ~ain
~ Kamoung Air on the ~y~buton for a syndi-
. , out!kirts of the stat~ ca- ~~e trying co spread it~
' pital. operations throughout the
Palice are aazious to Kota Kinabalu area.
get on top of the drug � � ~
~ problem brioce it geu A favourite drug smug-
. out of hand and organised giing method is far un-
' czime syndicates get a suspecting travellers paca-
firsi grip on tho state ~ng chrough Subang ~n-
and iu addicts. ternational airporc :n
Sabah has nothing like Pcains~rlar '.~falayeia to
the serious dtug problem ~ Bi~~n lu3Sage or
Eaced by Sarawak and boxa for friends in Sa-
Peninsular ~fala}nia, but Eah.
- police fear heroin and yfuch of tnis :~appens
- opiusn are finding their on night flights to Sabah
way onto the streeu, When ucurity and cus-
mainly smuggled in from tams checla are les~ etnn-
the mai~land bv sea or gent, although palice in
by am:upecting air pas� the state capica( have
sengers carrying other refused to either confirm
traveller's luggage. or deny chis i~ one me-
thod of bringing in illi-
cic gaods.
CSO: ~300/~3~3
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Kuaia Lumpur `1E~~1 STR:~ITS TI~?ES in English 29 Jun 81 n 16
[TeXt ] J O H O R E B a r u only the vlsible tetl� bein~ addfcted, I �ant In most cases, tal-
w~thout the dadah ad� tale sfRns. The needle 1o kick the habit but I klnR to the addicts is
dlcts fs not Johore has been piercing his can'i do it alone. 11ke talkinR to a~ stone
Baru. Addtcts are part buttocks too because ~~I even surrendered H,a~~, ~hey cannot
- and parcel ot the town. the veins on his arms rnyself to the ho~pital hear, neitfier do they
The addicts cannot J~s~ will not surface to be cured and was Want to hear. ,
be missed. Thev are ~nymore. sent to Tampoi hospi� There is no other
everywhere. w'ashln~ He Y~tid he. went on (or two weeks.Then State that can beat
cars tor money to buy druRs abuut a year they released me just ~ohore where the
whatever amount ot back. His excuse, a Itke that: I w~as not re� number of crimes
heroin they c~n get or broken hoine - the habllit:~ted. They told committed by addicts
- rummaging rubbish reason put torward by me that the rehabUita- is concerned. Bob-
- cans (or waste food. manv addicts. tion centre wss (uli b e r i e s, h o u s e-
It ls a pUilul si~ht He ly one ot the and lhere w�as no more n r e a k f n g s, s n at c h
buc It !s also something many ja~;a kereta boys place. thelts and other minor
which has became han~in~ around Jalan ~~I went back to the crimes are rnmpant.
part of Johure Saru ~h Foo~:, near the Tun slreels. I had no job, I Sex for drugs and
ilfe. The si~ht does noi Abdul Razak Com� needed tood and m~ druRs toc sex are aiso
shock anyone any� P~er~ earn[ng money addlct Iriends were nothing unusual.
mure. by washing cars and there to sh~re what lit� T h e n u m b c r o t
The addicts come "?ooklnR atter" cars. tle tood they h1d with temale addlcts (s also
irom all over the State. At the central mar� me. The others, the yuite ~larmfng. The
trom Pontian, ~[uar, ket, there is another educated ones, theY ratio, accordinK to a
Kiuang, Kota Tinggi, youth, obvfously algo shunned me. Some ot yource, is somethinK
Aiasal, Benut, Iiengit an uddict, a bialay by them knew ~ne but ~~ke one temale to eve-
and even [rom other ~he name ot 1lustaphs they just avoided me. ry (ive male addicts.
States. or "'.1tus" to his ac� "So 1'm teft with the Girl~ are beinQ
Sume were alre.idy quafntances, who goes addicts and being w~ith druRRed tor ses, as
addicts when they from one trult staU to lhem, I am Ilke them.l Mentri Besar Tan Sri
came to Johore Saru another asking tor would like very much Hajl Othman Saat said
whlle others came, tuil (ruits. to lay ott "fit' (herofn) recently, and thcre arc
ot innocence, tor the � He ~ets one pineap� II only I could. R~~~s who scll tl~eir
brt~ht city lights, tiut P~~ trom one siall und "The trouble with bodies !or druRs.
succumbeA lo the �cul� s~ coconut trom anoth� e~�erybody Is thut they The ,1[entri liesar
ture sho~k" oi lhe so� ~ w' h e n h e h xs arr e~�er read ~ lo con� describ~d lhe~e };trls
phistlcated town lile. enouRh, he w91.1 piuc~e demn druR abuae but S~y ~;Lnak ahu's" (~vi~d
Son~e started �ith his frufts in front o( the lhey don't do anythin}; underaRed Rirl~).
Rsnja (marijuanu) ~n:trket and sell them. lo help people like The dadah problem
- whlle olhers went "1 know, ub:~n~, that me." In the Stxte is loo n~al.
� atraiqht to heroin to ~+'h~t I do is liko beh� One ot tiiustapha~ s Somew~here, some�
impress "friends." K~nR but I don't beg for (riends said rltlier ar� one is cryinR for h~~ip
S. Talib fs just 18. He ~noney. At least, I'm roRantly that as na� but not much. it see~ns,
uyes the syrlnR~. The not stealinR, robbinR body taught hi~n to ~et can be do~e to help
marks on hfs arms are or committin~ olher hooked on dadah, it h~~~~,
evtdent. But these are torrtiw o( crimes and was only Ioqical that
� vices. I can't help nobody should tell him
lq 41AP.
CSO~ 5300/3353
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Wellington EVENING POST in English 7 Aug 81 p 3
The drug scene in New "For, ahat you are~ tind- ~ The Government was
Zealand at ~resent xs ing in New Zealand at the ~naintaining a hard line on
being contatned~ Par- moment, and I make this ,~o~bis, and on all illiclt
llament was told last night claim from a careEul study ~g$ .
in the bud et debate. of th~ aituation at the mo- . It did not believe an jo-
g ment, fs that t6e drug scene ~ quuy Would add anything to
The Government MP far in New Zealand is bein~ coa- ~t it already knew.
tained. It is not explodmg, it
Horow6eoua, Mr Geoif � There was no parallel,.
Thompson, said the 11~' ior .is nOt getting out of control, which Mr. Prebble was
Auckland Central, Mr Rictr iE is not changing significant- ~g ~ ~.A ~e
ard Prebble, was calling ~y io ~ra~t~r," the Horo- Australlan �situation, where
a6enua MP told the 6ouse.
again for an inquiry into po~j~ ~~~eat . it had beeo abown some coN .
~di''~~� rt tor t6e ended ~P~oo might exist in E6e po-
The Goverment's re- ~~~h s6ow~
ath t, with ~ i0~' ' ~
~ No tu~6 claims 6ad ever :
sponse to the scourge of . the eiception oi ceaaabia oi-
6g fences, �offeaces tor . drug b~o n'?ade in New Zealand. !
dru " 6ad been,a constant a, ~ .
monitbr[n g~ by ~ government i~~~ ~d reduced by 17 ' TEe Governmect, Mr ;
oificlals tht'w~Bb the.miause ~~~o~ � Thompaon said, was. not
of drugs commlttee~ and t6e ~ aware of any evidence to
drugs advisory.committee, ''Effor.t Suggest the Mr Asia eyndj-
to ensure t6e country was r.~.. . cate 6ad any remalNng ia- ,
keepinB uP to.. date wit6 Its The � reason ~ for ~ the in~ . te~est �6ere.. ~ , , . , ~�Y ~
enforcement,. Zreatmeat and xreaee .in canaabia otieoces~ ::;/?n inquiry could not elidt
: educatioa requirements. ~e.. aaid," atecnrtied . irom .,a ' as ; much informatlon�' be=
~ �in addi~. ~ ~ 'greater,rpollce,~etiort.~ ~~e of :limita~on:evidence;
- the law to combat 'che evils ~sei:urxa had� ~ b~en of �a '.~ncr~mination~ ~ucveillaace
the, drug trade 6ad been iamaller nature, and deteo- ;~pnd,the: BatherlnB~of:~prooi
made when nece~aary bY the .~tion had: been 'h~ore efiec- . by:eitiorceicient:s~gteacles~~aa
Government. . tlve. . . ~ ~ . . ,the conc'ta could,. S:i J, ' xl; ~ h
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DRUG ABUSE IN MILITARY--Wellington (PA)--There have been 28 drug-related convic-
tions of defence forces personnel in the last 12 months, the Minister of Defence
(Mr Thomson) has told Parliament. Most were for offences related to drug
experimentation, he said. Mx~ Thomson was asked by Mr P.I. Wilkinson (Nat. Kaipara)
if he had any plan to try to stamp out drug abuse at New Zealand armed personnel
establishments in New Zealand and abroad. "I hope that there is no implication
in this questi~n that there is widespread drug abuse in the New Zealand Armed
Forces," Mr Thomson said. "We have almost 13,000 servicemen and servicewomen
and,in the last 12 months there have been 28 drug-related convictions." These
had been dealt with by both the civil and military authorities, he said. Measures
introduced to combat drug abuse included an education programme to teach service
people about the dangers and penalties, and the production of notes to help
commanding officers and medical officers recognise and handle drug cases. Mili-
tary police had the responsibility to make checks and could use detection dogs
if necessary, Mr Thomson said. ~Text~ ~Christchurch THE PRESS in English 25 Jul 81
p 11~
SF,AMEN'S DRUG CONVICTIONS--More than three-quarters of the seamen suspended from
the seamen's register as a result of Section 40A of the Shipping and Seamen Act,
- 1952, have been convicted of drug-related offences. This information was given
in Parliament by the Associate Minister of Transport (Mr Malcolm) in reply to a
question by the member for East Coast Bays (Mr G. T. Knapp). The section under
which the suspensions were was an amendment to the original act, passe3 in
1971 and which came into force in 1972. Under the amendment, seamen may be sus-
pended on several grounds, including bad conduct, offences against discipline,
desertion, endangering life or vessel, and conviction under the Narcotics Act
and the Customs Act. Mr Malcolm said that since the provision came into force,
223 suspensions had been made, of which 180 had been drug-related. Mpst of these
had related to the possession of drugs, seven were for the illegal importation of
drugs, and 30 for supplying drugs. The section, which had the backing of the
Seamen's Union, was "doing a great deal of good in cleaning up some sections of
the industry " Mr Malcolm said. ~Text] ~Christchurch THE PRESS in English
6 Aug 81 p 4~
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SHIPS CARRYING DRUGS TO EUROPE--Norrkoping (TT)--According to a Pakistani ship's
captain there is no Pakistani ship sailing in European waters that does not have
narcotics onboaid. The captain told customs agents in Stavanger that he recently
threw 150 kg of hashish in the ocean off the English coast. The captain said he
threw the drugs overboard on orders from the shipping company which had been
tipped off that there was hashish onboard the ship. On Tuesday customs agents in
Norrkoping found 3.7 kg of hashish and 1.2 kg of cannabis oil onboard another Paki-
stani ship. The confiscated drugs represented a value of 425,000 Swedish kronor
(627,000 Danish kroner). According to Lars Widholm, Norrkoping customs chief,
it was suspected that the crew had thrown hashish into the ocean before the shi~.~
arrived in Sweden. Lars Widholm suspected the crew had traded hashish in West
Germany for expensive goods. "Since crews on the Pakistani ships are poorly paid
it is customary for them to earn extra income through trading hashish," said Lars
Widholm. [Text] [Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 27 Aug 81 p 4] � 6578
- MASSIVE ~RUGS HAUL--Karachi excise department and criminal investigation agency
officials seized 10 maunds of hashish and opium and arrested 5 persons who are re-
ported to have links with an intErnational drug trafficker's gang. One of those
arrested was a bus driver who had 5 kg of hashish in his possession and later con-
fessed to the cache of drugs in his house in North Nazimabad District from where
the drugs were recovered. [GF211303 Karachi JASARAT in Urdu 14 Sep 81 p 6]
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Plants Destroyed, Arrests Made
Manila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English S Sep 81 P 2
[Text) NBI agents raided last week a five-hectare marijuana plantation in barangay
Ampusangan, Kibungan, Benguet and uprooted some 7,050 full-grown marijuana plants
worth P10 million.
NBI Directc~r Jolly R. Buqarin said the raid was conducted after the arrest of two
suspected marijuana suppliers in Sta. Mesa.
Confiscated from the two--Francis Rilloraza.and Delfin Andiso, both Baguio City
were three kilos of dried marijuana leaves.
- Their arrest led NBI agents rush to the marijuana plantation alleqedly owned by
Robert Baniaga, 35, of La Trinidad, Benguet.
Baniaga is now being hunted together with two of his caretakerso one Murphy and one
Balangue, both of Benguet.
In another development, NBI operatives in Naqa City arrested a marijuana supplier
in sitio Compra, barangay Tinalmod, Pasacao, Camarines Sur and seized 11 kilos of
dried high-grade marijuana leaves worth P33,000.
Arrested was Orlando D. D~nes a resident of Pasacao. The NBI said the raid on
Dones house followed a two-mon~h long surveillance on suspected marijuana planta-
tions and pushers, in some of the coastal barangays of Pa3acao.
The NBI learned that most marijuana leaves distributed and peddled in Pasacao came
from marijuana supplier residing in barangay, Tinalmod.
Accinq on this information, NBI agents laid an entrapment for the arrest of Dones.
On Sept. 3, an undercover agent posinq as a buyer contacted Dones and offered to
buy dried marijuana at P3,000 a kilo.
When Dones produced some samples of the marijuana leaves, operatives pounced on
, him. Eleven kilos of the stuff contained in three sacks were found in Dones'
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r'ultivator Kil]..ed
Manila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in Enqlish 8 Sep 81 p 2
[Text] Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Sept. 7--Government operatives killeu early
_ yesterday morning one ~erson and arrested *,hree others found cultivating marijuana
= plants in barangay Bitnong, Du~ak del Norte, this province.
The xaiding team, led by lst Lt. Fortunato M. Bundalian, uprooted 2,000 fuTly-grown
10-foot-tall marijuana plants and a sackful of dry leaves worth P500,000.
The plantation is situated in a wooden area 30 kms. away from the national hz,ghway
and can be reached by six hours of hiking.
Bundalian identified the slain cultivator as Malado Pal-a, 21, of Sablan, Benguet.
Pal-a, armed with a 10-inch Igorot knife, was shot dead when he resisted arrest by
strangling one Sgt. Rufino Guinid, whoqn he took as hostage.
Arrested were Mendoza Limpayos-Guac, 30; Elmer Supla, 22f and Daniel Alsado Lim-
payos, cousins and natives of Benguet now residing at Dupak del Norte.
Also taken from them was a 12-gauge shot~un.
Maj. Miguel Coronel, Nueva Vizcaya provincial commander, disclosed that at least .
15 persons have been arrested and several million pesos worth of marijuana plants
have been uprooted and killed since he launched an intensive drive against the cul-
tivation of marijuana five months ago.
_ CSO: 5300/4965
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Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 15 Aug 81 p 36
[Text] Naga City, Aug. 14--The Camarines Sur Constabulary command raided the
other day a suspected New People's A~my's (NPA) marijuana plantation in
Barangays Biglaye and Tinalmod, municipality of Pasacao.
The raiding team uprooted more than 1,0~0 full-grown marijuana plants with an
estimated value of P300,000.
Three suspected NPA weed cultivators were arrested by the PC team led by
Col. Wilfredo P. Villanueva, PC/INP provincial commander. They were identified
as Delfin Villarbar, 29, Pando Benitez and Antonio Paganusan, 30. ~
During the interview with the BULLETIN, the three suspects admitted that they
planted the marijuana in the area near their respective houses. They claimed
that the marijuana seeds were given to them by Cwo NPA commanders who controlled
the area, whom they identified only as "Kumander Sino" and "Kumander Moris."
The suspects added that Sino and Moris, together with their heavily armed
band numbering around 20, threatened to liquidate them if they will not plant
the marijuana seeds. They also said that the armed group continue to visit them
after they planted the seeds up to the time the plants are matured and ready
for harvest.
Col. Villanueva said that marijuana planting is fast becoming a very lucrative
- source of income for the NPA in the province. The income, he said, that the
NPA derives out of the illegal planting of weeds is used to sustain the finar,c ial
needs of the subversive groups in th e province.
The suspects are presently detained at the PC headquarters in this city. Villanueva
also ordered an dll-out province-wide campaign against marijuana planting. (Roy
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Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 16 Aug $1 pp 1, 8
[Text] Police arrested Friday night seven members of a gang allegedly engaged in ~
selling heroine. They seized a plasCic bag containing heroine worth about
Pl million.
Three of those arrested by Makati police operatives led by Lt. Col Ramon Lauzon
were Americans. The rest were Filipinos.
As of last night, the police was looking into the international connections of
the group, according to Brig Gen Ruben P. Escarcha, superintendent of the ~outhern
police district.
Also seized were syringes and P7,000 in cash, which was believed to be part of the
group's income from drug transactions.
Detectives Roland M. Garcia an.d Antonio Mangabat, officers-on-case, identified
those arrested as Glenn K. Koenig, 20, single of 1525 F. Agoncillo St; Ermita,~
Manila; Thomas Robert Doherty, 28, married, of room 305, TYadewinds Hotel, South
superhighway, Makati; and Andrew Steven Parco, 30, of Manilad St, Mandaue city.
The three were said to be salesmen.
The Filipinos were identified as Cesar D. Banares. 23, married, a combo player,
of 8976-B Aranga St, San Antonio village, Makati; Lito Lagunsad, alsc of San
Antonio village; Javi P. Rubio, of Urdaneta v311age, Makati; and Roberto Cervantes,
of Alabang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila.
The Americans were arrested inside the Tradewinds and Manila Garden hotels while
the Filipinos were picked up one after the other in various hideouts by Sgts V.
Alcaraz and F. Arevalo; Pfc:. A. Marqueta, Patrolmen Roland, Felizardo Ellano,
and C. Fuentes.
The suspects were confined at th e Makati police jail.
Capt. Manuel L. Cahanding, chief of the theft and robbery section, said sc~me of the
suspects were earlier seen holding up a couple in a taxi at about 7 p.m, in front
of Tradewinds Hotel.
15 '
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A security guard of the hotel called the Makati police who followed the s~ispects
to Room 305 of rhe hotel. There they found Doherty, Koenig and Banares, with
i the pYastic bag of heroine, syringes and P7,000 cash.
- Police later proceeded to Manila Garden Hotel in Makati where they spotted
Farco selling P2,000 worth of heroin to a police informer at the hotel lobby.
Makati police operatives were dispatched to various parts of Metro Manila where
they arrested the other suspects--Lagunsad, Rubio and Cervantes. .
[Photo Caption] Capt. Rodolfo Campos, chief of the suspe~ted cargoes and anti-
narcatics (SCAN) team at the airport, and customs chief appraiser Ale~c Arvisu
inspect Mogadon tab lets, estimated at 30,000 found with other prohibited drugs
in two boxes which arrived from Hong Kong, declared as machinery parts. Airport
Collector Romeo Malig ordered the drugs seized. (Louie Perez)
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HEROIN SEIZED--Some four million pe~cos worth of heroin was sei~ed by elements of
- the Cebu Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) last night in a house at St~. Nino
Village, this city. This, so far, is believed the biggest catch by the authorities
in the campaign against dangerous drugs in terms of the kind of iirug and its market
value. Sketchy reports received by the Herald said that eiemen'ts of the CANU
swooped down early last night on a house rented by a certain ~met?-cal national,
T'homas Robert Doherty, and confiscated an undetermined number of bags of pure grade
heroin. Doherty, one of the three .Americans arrested last Friday at the Trade
Winds Hotel in Makati for possession of heroin, is the alleged mastermind of a
Hongkong-Cebu-Bangkok syndicate that uses a shellcraft store in Mandaue City as a
front for drug traffiking operations. [Text] [Cebu City VISAYAN HERALD in ~'.~'*sglish
20 Aug 81 p 8)
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SUSPECTED DRUG FACTORY--Taichung--The officers probing an international syndicate
of drug trafficking between Japan and the Republic of China said recently that
they suspected there was an underqround factory manufacturing Pentazocine in Tai-
chung. Besides supplying Amphetamins to the druq syndicate i~n Japan, the officers
said that the illicit factory may also manufacture Pentazocine for local consump-
tion. At present, the authorities are collecting information about the activitiEs
of the syndicate. The Procurator's Office of Taichung District Court is now keep-
ing an eye on three men who had earlier been rel~ased on bail for further investi-
gation. It is understood that when the Japanese authorities have supplied enough
evidence, local authorities will take further action.
' CSO: 5300/4966
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BK040~I3 Bangkok NATIAN REVIEW in English 4 Aug 81 p 1
[Text] Admitting past failures in its substitute crop plan to wipe out cultiva-
tion among hilltribes in the north, the office of the Narcotics Control Board [NCB]
has adopted a new "coordinated " plan with operations concentrated in the basins of
eight rivers in the north where opium cultivation has been rampant.
The new 5-year comprehensive plan, to be put into effect in the new f iscal year
beginning Oct 1, 1981, blames past failures on the fact that most projects w~re
on a small-scale basis, which did not stop the hilltribes from moving ttieir
opium fields to nearby sites. Past mistakes were also blamed on the lack of
coordination among government agencies concerned. ~
Under the new 5-year plan, according to informed sources in the NCB, development
plans to replace opium cultivation will be based in the basins of the following
main rivers� Mai Chaem; Mae Kok; Mae Taeng; Mae Ngat; Mae Chan; Nan;Lum Nam Pai and
Lum Nam Yoi,Mae Ping.
"Unity, consistency and feasibility" wil.l be the main thrust of the neRa opium
substitute plan, which will also call for participation by the private sector to
promote substitute crop cultivation.
The plan will be launched in the wake of a bumper opium crop this year--a trend
which has raised concern among anti-narcotics officials. It has been estimated
that about 600 t~n~ of opium may be produced from the "Golden Triangle" this year
due to f avourable climate in the area.
The new plan will also attempt to promote productivity of substitute crops and to
stress agricultural system compatible to the hilltribes' lifestyle such as agro-
"Th e governme:nt will take steps to encourage the hilltribes to be loyal, both
legally and practically, towards Thailand. They will be given both rights and
responsibilities as Thai citizens," according to the plan.
- The new plan will also try to avoid "duplication of work, confusion and budgetary
~ waste" in the various projects by conducting research work, coordination and
programme planning as well as evaluation of the development plan in earnest.
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The plaii will place the 5ub-committee on substitute crop cultivatiotl and addictive
crop control as th~ body with the authority to resolve all problems related to
this development scheme, with other related government agencies serving as its
ccordination points or field units.
The new plan will also provide alternative income sources for ~he hilltribes
~ who has traditionally been relying on opium as their main economic crop. These
substitute schemes would include the cultivat ion of vegetables and other substitute
crop~ which offer high income; handicraft work; planting of coffee and pears
as well as tourism.
Wh~le primary education and public health services would be offered with greater
efficiency by the government, the plan will also improve the marketing side of
the products from the hilltribes.
CSO: 5300/4657
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Bangkok THE NATION REVIEW in English 1 Aug 81 p 5
[Article by Vithoon Pungprasert]
[Text] Secretary General of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (NCB),
Police Maj Gen Pow Sarasin, has defended th e substitute crop programme in the
northern hills to phase out opium cultivation as a reasonably successful project.
He said in an interview with THE NATION that the United Nations had onl.y recently
extended the agreement to help in the scheme, adding 40 more villages into the
programme, "because the UN sees that th e programme is heading towards the right
Pow said that a Germ3n assistance programme for hilltribers will also commence
- "Compared to ten years ago, the amount of opium cultivation now is very small
indeed. Ten years ago, the production was abo ut 100 to 150 tons. Now, it has
gone down to about 48.57 tons. This shows a drop of more than 50 per cent," he said.
Pow also reported that at Doi Sammuen, Chiang Mai, the income of a hilltriber
had gone up from 40,000 baht to 60,000 baht th is year from substitute crop. "We
expect the average income to go up to 90,000 b aht per year for the hilltriber,"
he added.
The NCB secretary general contended that the problems arising from duplication of
work among f;overnment agencies "could be overcome."
"We have, for example, set up a special task force in the North to suppress opium
cultivation with provincial governors acting as the main coordinators of the
project," he said.
A meeting of the task force recently agreed to seri~usly wipe out opium cultivation
in ten areas in Chiang Mae alone.
"We have picked the areas where the hilltribers have already managed to earn suffi-
cient income f rom substitute crops," Pow~said.
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Informed sources said that the NCB and the Office of the National Economic and
Social Development Board (NESDB) have been locked in a debate over the substitute
CYop programme.
During a recent meeting between representatives from the NCB and the NESDB, the
proposal by the NCB to launch anti-opium operations in the basins of eight
rivers in the North wher e opium had been rampant was discussed.
The NESDB wants the main thrust of the development plan in the next five years
to concentrate on absolutely poor areas, arguing that opium cultivation is only
- one of the numerous social problems of the people in the remote and poor area.
The NESDB representatives also argued that the NCB's proposed projects on eight
river basins would not be practical. The NESDB asked the NCB to propose the anti-
opium campaign on a prov ince-by-province basis to fit in with the NESDB's develop-
- ment plan.
Sources said that the NCB representatives in the meeting counter-proposed that
the anti-opium campaign could be reduced to concentrate on three river basins--
Mae Cham, Pai and Nan for which foreign aid agreements had been signed.
"We will map out the substitute crop plans on a provincial basis for Mai,
Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, Nan and covering one tambon of Lampang as well," the
sources said.
CSO: 5300/4656
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Bangkok THE NATION REVIEW in English 5 Aug 81 p 3
[Text] YHRAKANONC has.been listed as one of�
the city's areas with the highest number of drug.
addicts, a senior officisl in the Bangkok Metro-�
politan Administratidn (BMA) sa~d yesterday, :
Chief of the BMA's Addlction PrevenUon �
and Rehabilitation Division, Dr Kachit Choo-:
panya, said the areas with the seoond and third
Iargest numbers of addicts were Yannawa and
He said the statuUc was collected from 14
BMA's rehabilitation centres in the city sina
the beginning,of this year during which 15 ~80
peo le were g~ven treatment for drug addidioh.
~use recetving treatment in.Bangkok repn-
s~nted half of tfie entire number throughout
the country ~listed at abodt 30~00, he said
Dr Kach~t aaid most of the drug addids
were 25 29 yeazt old and men outwmbered
women. . . . . : , .
He added that the number of women who
asked for-tleatment from the government had
been increasin$ sir?ce 1978: � .
. The ~BMA wall ut up anothei rehebilitation
~ centre in Phrakanong next week to cope with
tNe increasing number of, drug addicts in the
, area, he said. ' � �
CSO: 5300/4656
- .
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Bangkok THE NATION REVIEW in English 5 Aug 81 p 4
[Article by Manas Ruamrudee]
- [Text] -
As the Office of the Narcotics Con-
trol Board prepares to embark un a
new five year plan to replace opium
cultivation in the northem .hills, some
~serious setbacks in the past have been .
discovered and dissected. '
~ ~ Today, The Nation presents the .
first of a- two-part series on the pro- .
blems and propo~sed solutions as cun-
tained in the new plan - and whether
~ the cures wo u1d prove effective in the
: end. ~
HER~ ~?RE ~ opium growing ven- ` scattered in 87 dis- .veloped over~the'cen-
T worrisome s~~ns ~ns, '1'lii~ ~is s wor- tricts of 22 provin- tury~ even before theY .
up there in the in- ~ =ym s~gn, ces in the Northern and eirugrated into Thw-
famou~ "Golden Tri- '~e tnnd of the some Central provin- land. ~well '
angle: ' Not only is a ~nsfer o f technical , ces. ~ � ; ~ ~ ~ , ~
bumper opii~m cmp . s know-how of opium ; ~�,,~t ,.Moat of them, Y
-threatening to nentra- ; ~~ltiv~tion =irom one..~ ~oweyer, tive oa ~ the ~ ]y st lev~e~e � above
;lize aU previoua ~o. . ' �trib~ 'to another: `b ~ '~:basins.. of eight: dveia : 3,000 feet or higher. ;
.;~1~1'the'No~th on which , G�. ~e ~~lmont trlben .
vernment efforb to reading tast in ano-~~ E
,pee~uade hilltribas to ~~ec directlon " noted 'opium growa wild and ~ are e.biggaf o~ium~
sluft from opium to . an internal ducumrnt , ~b~~~t~Y~;~~'`~"'~`~'~ ~ gro~'?'er~ sccardrng to
other crops, the trane- ~ i' ~ the OfC~ce of Nsr- About 80per cent .the I~CB'e report
fer of opium~gowing ' cotica Control ~ Board ' o! ~ the hilltribers lie- ~ which .adds that esch I
know~ow. from one ; which has rmppcd out ~ bng to aix triba Hmong lamily worka
tnbe to. a~wther~ has ~ i new 5ve- ear ~ 1an n8mely We. ~~Hmong~ average ~ of ~bout .
also st?own eome stri- y p ~ Yao, Lisaw ~ Muaer ; 6.7 ~ rsl ~of opium
to yet sga~n try to ' I or snd IC~aren~ al~ � t fieW..The Yao famlly'
lcing resul'ts. make the long trou- ~ ' o~ ~,}iom ~ known has ari average, of
The Kareaa~ for , ble~plagued progran~ - to be nlsted to opium ' '
one, used to kap a .~e pick up momen- ~ltivatlon In one way
distana from opium p~ ona egaln. . or the other. .The
cultivation, lnitial sur- latest :urny Hmong~ Yeo and
veyf had ahown that ~~ys ~at there an L~saw are known. ~to
they werc only hired ~ aow a total of 360,- be particularly well-
labour on the opium ; ppp hilltribesmen ~~e .
- $~Id working mostly ~ pf op~~ cultivation, ~
foa t~e Hmungg. ~.which h d been �~de- ~ ~
�~But ~ , the ~~latest . . . .
��trend iadlcates . that .
i large � nu~nb er of
K3ren hilltribesmen
huyg started their own
~ 24
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400450072-3
6.13 rai H�hile tlie "In nearly every Whaf has the go-
Li~aw recurds abou~ hilltribe village where vernment done abuu't
~4.74 rai per fa~nilY� opium is planted, it~,i.h~ roblem n
Haws are seen to
'The Karens have the ~ ~ .
]owest ratio of 2.28 be the capitaJists pm� perhaps, at there are
rai per family: viding the fmancial too many ~overnment
If these fi res resources for opium agencies mvolved in
cultivation and get helping the hilltribers
were accurate~ the e~ back in opiu~" ' to shift from o ium
overall hilltribe fami� P P.
- ~y would work on the official ceport to other alternatrv~
4.59 rai of opiwr~ adds, cro s, .
With s total of about 0p ium~ in other ~p there in the
45 U00 . families of words, ic THE econo- northern hills, various
hilltribers, Thailand's mic crap which de- � governments units, all
total op~um-planted cides all utl~er fac- a ointed by.separate
area would be estima- tors of life, including ~~~net dec~stons, had
ted at 206 t550 rai, the choice of land set up their own pro-
to aettle down the '
Thete ~s nothing � jects. . .
ver~ secretive about aize of families etc... �`Some of the pro-
op~um cultivation Whatever basic dif- jects mey have iden-
among the ~ hilltribers ~ ferences there may be tical objectives but
ahhough the 7'hai , among the djiferent adopting d~ffercnt.ap-
Covernment . has out- ~ribea, c~ne basic proaches. This is be-
, lawed such activity. ' theme runs �through: cause of a lack of a
~ The techniques arc ' ppium. n their main principal master plan
from one tribe to ano- ' source of� income and or a clear~ut national
ther, They also obtain : wiping opium out policy which results
financial support ~ for m dama in results.
frum the northern 8 B
the lucrative agricul- hill, is a mammoth The' outcome is that
tural ~ activity from ~ v~- ~~e trou- project't
both internal and ex- blaplagued govern- resolve, all the .~ro-
ternal sourcxs~ in the ment ~ efforts eo far .blems in the opiwrE
form of both d'uect have shown. . g~owing hilla. Besides~
h theY set their ovm
financial support and ICanns mi t J~titlons, nurowing
the provision of seeds, h~ve undergone eoc~ne ~~ces of achie-
oor hilltri
r~nen'te~ ~ b~~ changes in their ~ the goals;' the
p ~ lifestyle amce they o~cial,ctport saya.
money from e forced downhill ~~A ~he .pffia .
richer hilltribers or when the government . , of The Narcotics Con-
~ from the Chinese jn 1949 enacted a law go~ ~t dovm
Haws who get repaid to ban elaah~andburn
in opium at the rate cultivation. � recently to rmp out
of 2,000 baht per a new five year plan,
joi,,, according to the . njng to rice farnung it some
offici~! report. on the plains, begen ; ver}' severe aetbacks
pp;um is consu= ~ to develop, contacta Which had hampered
med for different pur- with oubide com~ the project all along.
poses befure it is sold munitia ~nd the de- ' "B~~da+ ~q go-
for e profit. The re- i mand for cash�� ;to, ~~*~pt ~ not,. vi- .
port 4e~otea ~ s'survey p~~ ~;.t r~ famiing~ ~ goroualy pursued, ~the
~ that � 12 ; basic ol~c ~ for , the T
~ t~,hich ...saye ~ tools.was~acquiced td P Y:~..
'per ant of the o ium boost -r roductiyity; . ~ 1?i11tn'ben and , that
~ consumed w.~ithin ~:within~f-mted~areas,~ ; f: is to offer them the .
the family wh~7e ~11 ~ :The change led~to a' = ri~~ ~d. ~Ponsbi- ~
. other- er cxnt m' wed t' - � lit~es as Thai citiuns .
p , new occupation ~.tor �~~uding domic~7e ro-
to repay loans and 10 ~ the Karene. They be- ~~tion � of ~heir
other per cent is used ; came hired Iabour on and the 'issu- '
to barter for other the farm. � ~ u~a of identification
- kinds of goods. The � t But it was also � the report
remaining b7 per cent noted that some : ai ~ .~,a
i~ marketed in general. ~:tt~e farmers � on . the ~ � TO?~iORROW: ' Ro-
'I'here is little : ~lains has begun to . ~blem~,' 'Probkmr, ~Pro-
doubt that the hill- 'climb" back up ~ to ' blem~. �
tribers come urider a ~ the hills to plant
great measiu~e of in- : opium because o[ its
fluence of the Chinese higher de~ee of pro-
Haws (remnant~ of ! ~tability.. � ~ �
the former KMT sol- '
: dieca (93rd Division)
who fled here ,after
. the Communists took
over Ci~ina . in .1949):
CSO: 5300/465b
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
- Bangkok THE NATION REVIEW in English 10 Aug 81 p 3
i AN IIVDEPENDENT evaluatan team com- The mi~sion arguet that 1t the ptopored alution
~ miasioned 6y tl~e United Natan~ ha~ atronglY wa~ to be ~doptcd, wme obviow con~equenai would
~ opposed a piopoaal that opium�g~rowing h~ltrr be t1~o following:
bets who agree to take up subst~~t~ ~~rnp cultt � Thee would }wve to be a Wge Irdectbn of
vation should be teed an income equi- ovenw aid in the form of money to p~y the farmeri
. not to grow opium. Udas the government of Thai~
vslent 4o what t ey now derive from opium, ;~d wu repared to widawrite thi~ ever�increa~~
production. requirement for tonign ~id for yaar~ shead. ihould ~
concept envisages the opium cultivation fo:eign aid be t�minated fo: any reaaa now unfom
to te wiped out from the northern part of Thal- txn~ then ody ditaatet cquld reailt aad opium pro~
land wifhin seven to ten years - or perhaps dutbn would L1ce1y rwwne on a very la:ge ~cala; '
even quicker, according to the report. � There would be an hnmedi~te requiremeut for i
The ~pecial- report, eatiUed: "Report of An Iado- m~stve iry'ection of sWtable nphament crops aad
pendent Evaluation Tram Regudiug the Sts~te of the ~t pn~er?t ue not ivailabJe; . '
[Jnited Nations/ftui PioBamme for Drug Abuse � Such s icheme could oaly pmtper if acoompa=
Control, wa~ made availahle W 7'heNQtiv~+t thi~ wedc. ~ br mlct law enforcemant on ~ considerable ~cale. ~
Diacu~ing the new propo~al, the report saya: "In The ' pollce" requlred to supavi~e wch a tcheme are
our opinion, to proaed by ammarily rtopping opIum' mt avWable', ,
Producticn in :hb way is frsught wrth ernvn ~Ipnve.e. The dsager that wch ~ yttem would opea
1'he lesson from th~ anfortunato experiena in Tu:key =~-nues for widespceru wr.~uptbn canuot be ~nored;
of peying people to ttop growuig opium ahould be oplum psoduction L ~toppea or phaseQ
kept in mind." out, it ia not eanply a mattar of eredicating opium cul-
The mission sayt that the propoia] had beea pro- , tivation The way of llfe of the opium farmen and
posod by ��an ovenea~ victim oountry^ whi~h had rug� their famIIia ia chaaged. Thb can ohly be a~adual
gested that o~1um cultivation the "Gol- ~ able~of assim~7atiohnby~eimple people
wpth a mirwnum
den Triazigld ~hould be wiped out at a futes speed , Q~ , ~
The aurvey team ~ay~ ln the report: "If it is dwired
;~o proaed by introdudngr scheme to pay people not,
to grow ~ opium in more or leu a:wnnury fashion, thtn
~ ae would tugo mor? ~tronaly t}ut wcb a plaa ihould
~ be ~ubjected to the mo~t ~earching examinatiun ~nd
~crutiny bdore ~ny actbA L taken at grouad IeveL" ~
The report add~: "In our opinion. to ttlove in a
precipitate or impatieat manaer would be to oourt .
di~aster, and dieattor not only for the tcheme in itult,
but for the undetirablo ropescus~iocu it would have for
Thailand aad the intemational ooaununlty a~
whola ' - ~ . . . . . .
CSO: 5300/4656
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050072-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400050072-3
Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 20 Aug 81 p 3
[Text ] � T~ OFPICE of the ~*�~Y ~w~~ ~e of-
Nuooda Control Board