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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400450069-7
JPRS L/ 10019
29 September 1981
Worldwide Re ort
~ CFOUO 14/8 ~ )
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050069-7
JPRS publications contain information prim~rily from foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, witfi the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
Headlines, edit~~rial reports, and material enclosed in bracYets
[J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
- mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the
original but have been supplied as appropr.iate in context.
Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
item originate with the source. Times within items are as
given by source.
- The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
_ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050069-7
JPRS L/10019
29 September 1981
_ , (FOUO 14/81)
'MTI,~ 'ANA' Bilateral Agreement ~
Japan, UK Telecommunications Talks 1
Brief s 2
Contract for Coastal Line
_ Brief s
~FR.ATERNITE MATIN' Via Facsimile 3
~ . USSR
Developmental Trends of Municipal Telephone Networks 4
_ (Yuriy Ivanovich Yemel'yanov; EZEKTROSVYAZ', Jul Sl)
International 'Svyaz'-81' Exhibition 17
_ a _ [III - WW - 140 FOUO)
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. WURLI)Wl~li AF1~AlK5
'MTI,' 'ANA' ~ILATERAL AGREEN:ENT--Budapest, 29 Aug (PL)--The news agencies of
Hungary, MTI, and of the Peop].e's Democratic Republic of Yemen, ANA, today
signed an agreement for bilateral cooperation. The ~ocument was signed by ANA
~ director general (Nageeb Mohammed Ibrahim) and MTI first deputy
Erno Lakatos following several. days of talks and exchang,~ of opinions. During
a his stay in Hungary the ANA dir.ector general met with Imre Gyori [as received;
bureau files list Miklos Ovarij, chairman of the agitation and political
= propaganda committee of the Hun;arian Socialist Workers' Party; and with
Robert Garai, Hungarian deputy ~:minister of foreign affairs. [Text]
[PA021345 Havana PRELA in Spanish 1935 GMT 29 Aug 81]
Britain Thursday agreed to hold regular meetings to explore ways of promoting
cooperation in the field of telecommunications. The accord came when Posts and
T elecommunications Minister Ichiro Yamanouchi conferred here with former British
�industry minister Keith Joseph, who was transferred to the post of education and
- science minister in Monday's reshuffle of the cabinet of Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher. They decided to call the first meeting in London in the
- middle of next year an~ continue to hold such sessions alternately in Tokyo and
, London to discuss telecommunications policies, technology and systeT.~s. It was
also agreed that the governmental Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corp. (NTT)
and Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co. (KDD), Japan's international communications monopoly,
will exchange views with British Telecommunications (BT) on technological develop-
ment. [Text] [OW171545 Tokyo JIJI in English 1415 GMT 17 Sep 81]
CSO: 5500/2313
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CONTRACT FOR COASTAL LINE--The British company, Brush Power Equipment, a subsidiary
of Hawker Siddeley Company, is going to provide telecommunications equipment to Libya
for 4 million pounds sterling ($8 r.iillion). This equipment, according to the British
company, is destined for the telecommunications line which is to be built along the
Libyan coast over a distiance of about 2,000 km. [Text] [Paris MARCHES TROPICAUX ET
MEDITERRANEENS in French No 1864, 31 Jul 81 p 1990] [COPYRIGHT: Rene Moreux et Cie
Paris 1981] 9516
CSO: 5500/4728
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'FRATERNITE MATIN'VIA FACSIMILE--At the conclusion of an insert on facs~~ile trans-
mission/printing of newspapers within a special section "Telecon 1981," JEUNE
AFRIQUE notes that "facsimile may soon be adopted in Africa by the Ivory ~~ast
FRATERNITE MATIN as a way of printing its Bouake edition." [Editorial report]
[Paris JEUNE AFRIQUE in French Nos. 1076-1077, 19 and 26 Aug 81 p 75] [COPYRIGHT:
Jeune Afrique GRUPJIA 198?]
CSO: 5500j5070
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UDC 621.395.74
Moscow ELEKTROSVYAZ' in Russian No 7, Jul 81 (manuscript r.eceived 29 Dec 80) pp 1-7
[Article by Yuriy Ivanovich Yemel'yanov, Deputy Director of the Main Administration
for Telephone Networks of the USSR Ministry of Communications]
[Text] The deputy director of the Main Administration of
Telephone Networks of the USSR Ministry of Communications,
Yuriy Ivanovich Yemel'yanov, discusses the urgent problems
confronting municipal telephone network specialists in
light of the resolutions of the 26th CPSU Congress and which
are related to a fast path of development, the necessity of
improving the subsector profitability, a growth in labor
productivity as well as the quality of service to clients.
Questions of centr~.lization and automation of the servicing
of GTS [municipal telephone network] equipment, the monitor-
ing and control of the network, the implementation of signal-
ing system ~'o. 7, handling subscriber accounts and optimizing
network planning are treated in other articles of this topical
- selection.
Our nation has well developed electrical communications networks: municipal, rural,
intrazonal, long distance, international and institutional telephone networks;
telegraph networks including facsimile cotrnnunications and data transmission facili-�
ties; satellite communications, television and broadcasting systems as well as
radio networks; a postal network which does not age and with the introduction of
"electronic mail" will enjoy a second birth, as well as a widescale printed
material dissemination network.
The telephone was and will remain for the f.oreseeable future the most popular, acces-
sible and rapid means of communication by people over distances. Tne nation's
populace, organizations, enterprises and institutions are interested in the expan-
sinn of local, especially municipal telephone service. This i~ responsible for the
constant attention siven to municipal telephone networks, wtiich is manifest by
party, management and planning organs.
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Ttie 1976 decree of the USSR Council of Ministers concerning the acceleration of.
the development of the nation's teleph~ne service was a program document For til~.
activity of all communications workers of municipal telephone networks. This decree
became the basis for the resolution of many questions in the expansion of GTS's: the
construction of ATS [automatic telephone exchange] buildings, the financing of the
installation of the production process equipment, the development and introduction
of new GTS hardware, the development of equipment fer the time metering of the cost
of local telephone conversations and its introduction on the networks, as well as
~ the sale of telephones through the connnercial network and a number of other ques- .
The plan assignments for the development of the GTS in the lOth Five-Year Plan have
been overfulfilled. Automatic telephone excYianges with an overall capacity amount-
' ing to ~bout half of what was done over the preceding nine five-year plans have
been placed in service; the installed capacity of crossbar ATS's has morP than
doubled, the number of telephanes people have has aln~ost doubled and the number of
pay phones has increased by a factor of 1.3, something which is especially import-
ant given the rapid growth of residential construction. Simultaneously with the
expansion ef the network, work has gotten underway on its automation, which has
reached 9y.Y percent over these years.
The tasks of the 26th CPSU ~ongress of increasing the ntianber of telephones by a
factor of 1.3, including those installed for the populace by a factor of 1.4 times,
require a significant increase in the volumes of planning, installation and con-
struction, start-up and alignment work as well as the production and delivery of
a large volume of GTS equipment.
The main tasks of the subsector remain: the mastery of new GTS equipment, boosting
its operational efficiency, improving operation and improving the quality of
service [1, 2].
Modern GTS's are complex technical engineering complexes, which include: civilian
facilities (ATS buildings and junction centers); sanitary engineering facilities
which provide for the requisite temperature and humidity conditions (air condi-
tioners, refrigerators, ventilation equipment, etc.); ATS switching equipment and
the switching equipment of junction centers; the equipment for intercenter and ~
interexchange service, including physical and multiplex communications links and
channels; line equipment shops witti the transmission system equipment; alternating
and direct current electrical power supplies; line and cable facilities, repair
and restoration services and a number of auxiliary services.
At least three conditions must be met in order to support the operation of all of
this complex equipment in interacting together and make good quality service
available: reliable units and equipment; skilled servicing personnel with staffing
in accordance with servicing norms; technical standards and instruction materials
on the operation of the units and equipment.
New kinds of equipment, cables, instruments, etc. have arrived over the yeara of
the lOth Five-Year Plan for municipal te~ephone networks. Primarily crossbar and
ten-step ATS's are being used as the switching equipment on municipal telephone
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networks. Crossbar and ten-step systems are used to build both the ATS's directly
and the incoming, outgoing and long distance traffic centers, as we11 as the
reference-information and special services centers.
The main switching equipment is an aTSK [c.rossbar automati~ telephon~e exchange] of
_ domestic design, which is produced by plants in the U~SR, GDR and CSSR. During
the years of the lOth Five-Year Plan, work was done ~:o improve the ATSK equipment.
In 1980, series produ~tion of the ATSK-U was started: an improved type of crossbar
- The improvements involved approximately 65 percent of the ATSK equipment and new
kinds of instruments and control panels appeared in the equipmer~t complement, which
were designed to improve the operation of telephone exchanges [3]. The moderniza-
tion was expressed in the refinement of the subscriber set (AK.), the coder equip-
ment, the information transmitting and receiving devices, as wel~ as check and
test equipment, power supply circuitry and electronac equipment appeared in the
equipment complement of exchanges. The improvement~ were directed towards increas-
ing the reiiability, reducing the requirements for productior~ ~rocess areas and
curtailing the installation and operational costs. On the uahale, the space require-
ments of the automatic s~aitch room of a 10,000 number ATS with seven-place numeration
were reduced by 15 percent through the elimination of 50 ~ubscriber set racks and
15 dial-pulse coder equipment racks.
The second major type of GTS switching equipment contimues to ~e the ten-step
system ATS's: the ATS-54A. The third type, which has appeared recently, is a
crossbar of the ATS "Pentakonta-1000S" system, which is produced in Polish Peoples
Republic under French license [4, S] and which is adapted for operation on the
municipal telephone iiEtworks of the USSR.
Moreover, there are ATS's of other systems in various amount.s on municipal tele~
phone networks: mechanical, different variants of ten~-step and crossbar type
ATSK-100/2000 (rural type) offices. Of course, it would be better to have the same
type of equipment on the net~�T~rks. This is mor~ advantageous from the viewpoint
of production, installation, o~eration, spare parts as w~e11 as personnel training.
However, the pace of municipal telephone network development is such that there is
_ not enough equipment of t.he same type and it is necessary to use different kinds.
The introduction of new switching systems will begin in the llth Five-Year Plan on
_ local networks. It will be necessary at ti~e same time to introduce systems of dif-
ferent types: the quasi-electronic ATS's -"Kvar~s" (municipal telephone network),
"Kvant" and "Isto::" (rural and possible municipal telephone exchanges), as well as
the electronic off~ces - MT-25 and. DKh-100 (municipal telephone exchanges). Pri-
marily crossbar equipment (ATSK-U) will be used, as before, as rhe switching cen-
ters for municipal telephone networks, while ten-step equipment will be uGed in ~
small amounts. Moreover, it i-s possible that other types of ATS's will appear on
the networks in limited amoun�5, in particular, the crossbar KMK-20T (Finland), the
mechanical-electronic ARE-11 EYugoslavia) and other ATS's.
Sucl~ a motley picture creat~s ~c~onsiderable difficulties, in particular, in setting
up the interaction of exch3nges in a network, in providing them ~vith spare parts
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and in training personnel. A fixed condition for the introduction of imported
ATS's is their adaptability to the existing network: it is necessary to retro�it
an exchange, but not to supplement the existing network with too much equipment
and to introduce supplemental intermediate equipment which enciunbers it. It is
obligatory that the strategy of bringing the indicated ATS's on line be changed,
accomplishing this by means of creating regions of equipment of the same type.
Type NFT-25 municipal electronic ATS's will be produced in the USSR under license
of the "Tompson" company (France); DKh-100 exchanges should be delivered by the
"Telefenno" company (Finland); quasi-e].ectronic "Kvarts" ATS's are a development
of the Leningrad "Krasnaya Zarya" scientific production association. The indicated
- ATS's are exchanges ~oith control based on a recorded program. Either electronic
or reed switc:~ (quasi-electronic) matrices are used as the switching fields in �
them. Concentration switches (subexchanges) are provided as part of the ATS's,
where these can be brought out at points remote from the reference ATS where there
is a sharp demand for telephone. A savings in communications links and channels
is achieved in this wa~. True, transmission system har~3ware appears an the indi-
cated routes (line channel, terminal equipment), which requires servicing, even if
a minimal amount, but the main thing is that rooms are needed for the concentration
switches (subexchanges), electrical power supplies for them and the transmission
system. This must be kept in mind when planning branch offices and in the overall
engineering and economic substantiation for exchange construction.
The municipal telephone networks in our nation were among the first in the world
which started to use circuit multiplexing. At the start of the 1960's, the KRR
transmission system appeared on GTS's, which was modernized and introduced as the
KRR-M. After that, KAMA equipment arrived at the network: a transistorized variant
of the KRR-M. This analog equipment makes it possible to obtain 30 telephone
channels via a physical pair in a high frequency MKSG cable.
In recent years, the widescale introduction of IKM-30 digital transmission systems
[6] has started on interexchange links, where these systems use pulse-code modula-
tion at a rate of 2.048 Mbit/sec, which makes it possible to set up 30 telephone
channels via tw~ pairs of conventional low frequency cable using at least one
additional physical pair for remote signaling and monitoring.
The IKM-30 transmission system is an equipment complex which includes the matching
devices and the line channel with the unattended repeater stations, spaced 1.2 to
1.7 km apart. And the system can be put in service only by providing for the
complete delivery of both the main and the intermediate equipment.
The IKM-30 is electronic equipment which is technologically suited to manufacture;
it is anticipated that in the near future i~ will he produced in rather large
volumes, as a result of which, it will become possible to curtail the use of KAMA
equipment which employs scarce trunk communications MKSG cable. THE IKM-30 equip-
ment will find widescale applications on municipal telephone networks given the
~ condition that it will be modernized and the plant will assure high quality of its
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The secondary IKM-120 system [7] has been designed around the IKM-~0 for zonal
network. Following its testing under GTS conditions, it will poss:ibly appear where
high capacity bundles of junction lines are needed.
One of the important components of GTS's is the line and cat~l~a fa~ilities-. These
include the following: the telephone ductwork, its inspection devaces, rammutators,
cable and open wire lines (including, inter-otfice, inter-center, trunk and sub-
scriber lines), cable pressurizing equipment, cable entrance l~ous~es as well as
. cable terminal and subscriber sets.
- Telephone conduits have undergone slighz changes with time: asbes[~s cement pipes
are layed instead of concrete blocks, and the inspectfon devic~s la~ave become large
in volume. Polyethylene pipes have not as yet found widescale appli~ation on the
The increase in the volume of inspection points is dictated batxl by the creation of
more comfortable conditions for working in them and '~q tk~e a~pearance of
new types of cables with an increased~:bend radius: type 'TPP' polyethylene jacketed
cable and TSShp corrugated steel cable.
- The major type of GTS trunk cables is TPP cable of var.ious capacities of up t.o
1,200 pairs a current conducting core having diameters of 0.4 and 0.5 mm.
Recently, TPP type cable has appeared on the network, wl~ich has a core of 0.32 mm
with the same pair capacity. Its deliveries amount up to 10 percent of the overall
volume of cable deliveries and will increase in the future. The same TPP cable,
but with up to 2,400 pairs, is undergoing trial op~ration and is being prepared
for series production.
The lead jacketed TG cable, as before, remains the most reliable, i.e., is the
- least subject to faulting, but is used primari~y for inter-center (MUS) and inter-
office (MSS) communications. Type TPP cable is likewise finding application here
where a backup route is available, which has been set up for TG cable. With the
introduction of the IKI~i-30 transmission systems,TG cable has come to be widety use.d
to multiplex the indicated systems. For rNS and MSS municipal telephone networks,
type MKS high frequency cable is also used, which is run where it is necessary to
set up channels based on the KAMA (or KRR-M) analog transmission system.
Imported cables are used in small amounts on the networks, and their parameters
are either close or identical to the parameters of domestic cables.
Experimental fiber optic communications lines have been created on a ntunber of
GTS's. The introduction of factory models of optical cable is anticipated i.n the
llth Five-Year Plan, which as part.of a complex ~vith digital. transmission systems
will provide for the organization of high fidelity communir_ations channels. It iG
necessary to determine those secti.ons of r.he Uni`ied Automari~ C~m~nunications
Svstem h_~sed on a techaica?. and aconomic ana.lysis where it i:, m;_^t ;idvar~~~ar;eot~s
tC~ t1St? il~)*~?" (~F?t1C COTilIt1~1ri71Cc1t7.OriS SyStF_'t?lS, C8~C7.i~�? 1Y1~0 :1C~:~!!~!~ '_,'C COgt Of tlle
lines, the multichannel capacity and the distance of the excllange spacings.
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FoR o~~F~~c~~~. ~~s~~: o~i.~~
The pressurization of a cable is of great importance for preserving the cable,
and consequently, for cammunications reliability; this is accomplished by type
K' �M compressor and signaling installations for 30 and 60 cable. A KDV-10 unit
has been designed, which is intended for the connection of 100 cables. Its intro-
duction will assist i.n reducing the technological arPas reqiiired for the housing
of compressor installations and provide a constant air pressure for a greater
number of cables from a single installation.
It should be noted that with the overall considerable technvcal progress in
municipal telephone netwo?-ks, such important network components as the terminal
units (distributing frames, boxes, and to a certain extent, distribution boxes)
have remained practically the same as they were at the dawn of the development of
communications: cumbersome, requiring a large metal consumption and with a tradi-
tional"screwed down" connection. The demand of the sector for the development of
modern compact and highly reliable cable terminal devices has not yet been satis-
fied over a period of several years now. .
The starting and te rn?inal component of a municipal telephone network, just as for
the entire Unified Automated Communications System, is the telephone set. In
becoming the property of a subscriber, it has remained an important component of
the telephone network, having an impact in many respects on the quality of service.
~or this reason, the observation of the regulations for its operation and good
maintenance are important now as never before.
~ Various types of telephones are used in the terminal subscriber units, including sets
produced by CEMA member nations. Telephones of an improrved design and with better
electrical acoustic parameters are being developed ("Gamma", "Gaysma", TAN-80,etc.).
The ATM-69/2 pay telephone has been designed and a table-top pay phone is being
Telephones with push button dialers, using both battery and frequency transmiss~on
methods, telephone accessories of various types ("Viza-32", "Trel'-1", "Trel-2",
with built-in calculators, electronic clocks, timers, etc.), which are intended
for automating numUer di.aling and increasing the subscriber to equipment ratio in
the institutional sector, will find widescale applications in the future.
As far as the civilian facilities of municipal telephone net~aorks are concerned,
they are built in accordance with standard project plans. The construction of
ATS buildings of a municipal construction style with a large glass covered area
has finally passed, something which has a negative impact ~n equipment operation.
Modern stand ard ATS buildings (automatic switch rooms) have the minimum requisite
illumination via narrow window openings.
The introduction of quasi-electronic and electronic switching systems on the
network requires additional study of the design principles of municipal telephone
- n~tworks. This question needs to be thoroughly worked through by scientific and
planning organizations, but a general trend can be seen which has developed during
the process of network expansion.
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Following the ten-step ATS's, crossbar type ATS's begin to appear on the telephone
networks, which had a number of advantages (a high speed multifrequency code,
remote control of a connection, the existence of a pressure contact in the elec-
trical circuit, etc.). In order to preserve them, crossbar ATS's were introduced
so that an ATSK subscriber was connected to the subscriber of another ATSK through
a purely "crossbar" telephone line, while the subscribers of ten-step ATS's were
connected through a"ten-step" line. Only one transition is permitted when con-
- necting a crossbar ATS subscriber to a ten-step subscriber: at the point where a
transition is provided by means of supplemental equipment from one type of signal-
ing to another.
Such a network construction is dictated by the design of the incoming and outgoing
- traFfic centers of the different types: the ten-step and crossbar. Considering
the fact that they are tied together and to the ATS's by different trunk groups
of junction lines, it can be said that the crossbar ATS's were introduced and are
being introduced by means of creating a parallel network ("segregated",
From the viewpoint of network design, the introduction of quasi-electronic ATS's
should not cause any difficulties, since the signalling system and its capabili-
ti~s are similar to the system of crossbar ATS's and the signal switching takes
place in analog form, i.e., quasi-electronic ATS's can be inserted in the exist-
ing crossbar centers without additional equ~pment. A quasi-electronic center
variant design is possible where crossbar ATS's can be tied i~ito them. The
governing factor here is a specific project plan and the requisite volumes of
the various types of equipment.
Signal switching is accomplished in digital form in electronic ATS's. The con-
version of the signal from analog to digital form is an expensive operation. It
is necessary to make an effort to see that there is a minimum number of such
transitions on a network, and even better, th ere is only one (similar to the
situation with battery and frequency codes in the case of inechanical ATS). For
this reason, the possibility of creating a"superimposed" electronic communica-
tions network is b eing examined, in which both the ATS's and the centers as well
as.the transmission system (a PCM system) operate with a signal in digital form
and the transition to the analog network is made only once.
Considerable work has been done over the years of the lOth Pive-Year Plan to
improve the operational level of GTS facilities and improve the service quality.
Eltctronic automatic number identification equipment, electronic pulse pairs,
electronic dial-pulse registers and matching devices are being installed in
municipal ATS's; new types of connector relays are being introduced (RSLP, RSLU-M
- and RSLI-G). The networks are being outfitted with new monitor and test equip-
ment: the PRSL-2, AL, UNE, POV, PKU, PKNP-AON and others, as well as the INIR,
IIV and PKP-4 and other meters. All of the indicated equipment and instrimients
have been desi~aed for one purpose: to improve ttie operation and increase the
labor pr.oducrivity of servicin~ personnel.
A great of work has been done to improve the quality of service on AMTS--GTS--
--UATS [automatic long distance component exchanges--municipal telephone
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exchanges--agency automatic telephone exchanges] sections. The fact is ttiat by
using long distance automation and in this case, occupying the expensive facili-
ties of through-working centers and channels, a subscriber in some cases is not
able to "break_through" to the subscribers of agency telephone exchanges because
of the lack of junction lines on the section between the reference automatic
telephone exchange and the agency ATS. Work has been organized to bring the
number of junction lines into an agency ATS up to standards. However, not
everywhere. There are objective reasons for this, for example, the lack of the
requisite equipment on the part of departments. In this case, it is necessary to
limit the capacity of the agency ATS which has an output to the municipal tele-
phone network. But there are still networks whose workers have not realized the
importance of the ~~ork to be done and it has not been organized as the situation
There are so-called hard to dial numbers (in the case of long distance service)
on some networks. In this case, the municipal networks are obligated to work with
the subscribers and ascertain the necessity for installing additional telephones
for them, which are to be used for incoming traffic. This will also promote an
improvement in the quality of long distance service.
Very special attention is now being devoted to the area of toll order junction
lines and the junction lines between automa~ic long distance exchanges and munici-
- pal telephone exchanges. It has remained practically without any good monitor
and test equipment. The measures, which were planned in conjunction with the
specialists of long distance telephone exchanges, local networks and designers,
will make it possible to solve this problem in the immediate future. Quality
control of the equipment being produced has been set up at the supply firms by
specialists of the USSR Ministry of CoMmunications. The analysis of exchange
operation has been organized with the presentation of annual reports on equipment
defects to the manufacturing plants and foriegn companies, for the purpose of
improving production technology.
The existence of a complex set of equipment on a network requires a high degree
of professionalism and a constant increase in skill levels. Courses have been
_ set up on an annual basis for municipal telephone network workers: for the training
of brigade workers of the adjusting brigades for ten-step system ATS's; for the
study of crossbar ATS's, the "Pentokonta" system, automatic number identification
equipment, new types of cables and their pressurization, new equipment on the line
facilities of municipal telephone networks as well as new methods of operating
_ them; for improving the skills of engineering and technical workers and engineers
separately in production electrical measurements laboratories as well as the study
of new equipment and improving the skills of directors and chief engineers of
municipal telephone networks. Thus, by taking a break from production work, the
skills of about 3,000 engineering and technical workers of municipal telephone
networks are being improved annually.
~onstant attention is being devoted to the study, dissemination and introduction
of advanced methods of labor by means of publishing descriptions in journals, in
express-information as well as publishing special placards and making films.
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Individual advanced methods of labor for municipal telephone networks were dis-
cussed at a staff ineeting of the USSR Ministry of Conanunications: the work experi-
ence of subscriber line shop brigades; cable worker and splicer brigades as well
as the brigades for servicing pay telephones.
The brigade method of servicing the facilities of municipal networks has been
introduced on an experimental basis in the Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Kiev and a
number of other municipal telephone networks.
Motion picture films are being made on the following topics: servicing pay tele-
phones; checking the operation of pay telephones from monitor consoles (SKTA);
servicing the IKM-30 equipment; cable facilities; and a cartoon "Take Care of the
Pay Telephone". These films are sent out for motion picture release in each
republic, oblast and kray center.
All-union conferences of municipal telephone network workers are held regularly
once every three to four years to Pxchange experience with the operation of
municipal telephone network facilities. The last conference was held in October
of 1980 in Tashkent (see ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1981, No. 4).
Comprehensive communications quality control systems (KSUKS) are being introduced.
To instruct the municipal telephone network workers in the introduction of KSUK's,
a brochure has been prepared as well as procedural instructions on this pro'~lem [8].
'I'he operational efficiency of municipal telephone networks depends in many
- respects on the operational organization of the entire camplex municipal tel~phone
network equipment. Designs are still encountered where operational questions are
either given a secondary role or they are completely forgotten about. In this
case, new equipment appears which has not been provided with monitor and test
or specialized measurement equipment. And without it, or without it being imple-
mented based on computers with program software, correct and proper operation is
impossible, and consequently, a high service quality cannot be guaranteed.
It is planned that future ATS's will be equipped with diagnostic and faulty unit
localization instruments, and the servicing of ATS's will practically consist of
replacing the damaged functional modules, and their restoration (repair) will be
accomplished at special repair centers, which are yet to be created, or if agreed
upon, at the manufacturing plants. A consequence of this should be a sharp reduc-
tion in the staff of. operating personnel in the automatic switch room, but it will
also become necessary to have highly skilled specialists for the se~vicing of the
- SUVK's [expansion unknown], who possessthe requisite amount of knowledge of math-
ematics, programming, electronics and communications. Work is underway now on
_ the specialization of students in the final courses as well as the creation of a
new specialty in the higher educational institutes and communications technical
Until recently, the major method of oper.atin~ the exc}iaii~e fac ~_ics of tlte
municipal. lelephone networks taas preventive mai~lten~rice. ~ssence of tlle
method consists in planned inspections and monitoring of equipment operability
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and the elimination of the defects which were found. Naturally, with this tech-
niqse, labor expenditures for operation are high. Given the conditi~~ns of a
shortf all of labor resources and the necessity of improving the eff iciency of
telephone networlc operation, the question has come up concerning the implementa-
tion of new, more progressive servicing methods.
The first such attempt was the method of curtailed preventive maintenance. How-
ever., with a certain real reduction in labor expenditures, the danger of degrad-
ation of cammunications quality arose, since faults, especially in mechanical
ATS's, will as before continue to occu~:, but they will not be detected and elim-
inated in an operationally timely manner.
The most promising servicing system ~s the monit.or and correct method of opera-
tion (KKM) [9]. The essence of it consists, first of all,.in setting norms for
the communications quality indicator�s, i.e., establishing their threshold values,
and secondly, having servicing personnel interfere in exchange operation only when
these values are exceded.
A preparatory period should precede the transition to the monitor and correct
method of servicing telephone exc}ianges and centers. This period is different
in different networks and exchanges and is determined by the amount of time
needed for the following: the pe.rformance of a complete one-time preventive
check of the equipment; making t}iose corrections which have not yet been made
in the switching equipment itselE as well as the monitor and t:_~st equipment for
the purpose of expanding its diagnostic capabilities, and the remote fire alarm
" signaling devices in an exchange: and checking their operability in a facility
which is attended around the clc~ck; and finally, to study the instructions on
KKM and train soecialists in wo~rking using the indicated technique.
An ever greater number of networks is operating every year using the monitor
and correct method operation. It is true that its introduction is complicated
by the lack of automated equipraent to monitor the quality of the servicing (for
example, to monitor the threshold values of failures to make connections).
However, the method has been adopted for widescale implementa~ion, since even in
the case of manual monitoring of communications quality indicators (call servic-
~ ing), a perceptible reduction is acliieved in labor expenditures. Instructions
~ave been worked out for the :Lmplemntation of KKM in servicing crossbar systems
and the same instructions are being prepared for ten-step ATS's.
The widescale implementation of the monitor and correct~:method is opening up
prospects for the centralization of network operation. If constant servicing of
an exchange or center is not provided, the skilled operating personnel of se~reral
ATS's can be concentrated ei1_her at one of tlie ATS's or at a center, and since
interference in the operation of an exchange will take place only in cases where
the communications quality indicators fall below the threshold values, the number
of servicing personnel can be significantly reduced.
Centralization of the staff of servicing personnel, equipping the staff with
the technical hardware for ubserving communications quality, for data display
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and intervening in ATS operation will make it possible to create highly organized
technical operation centers (TsTE). Prior to the development and deliveries of
the new technical hardware, the existing equipment must be used for the technical
operation centers, as has been done on the Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent municipal
telephone networks, as well as a n~ber of other networks, where technical opera-
tion centers are right now being created. An invariable condition for the intro-
duction of technical operation centers should be the actual reduction of staffs;
it is impermissible that in the rush to follow the style of the day (the utiliza-
tion of computers, computer centers, etc.) instead of each installer which is
eliminated it would be necessary to have to add a highly skilled engineer to the
staff to service the computers and specialized complexes. The further development
and refinement of the centralization of technical operations will be seen in the
creation of automateci control systems for municipal telephone networks.
Automated centralized operation should be the basis for the autamated control
system for municipal telephone networks (ASU-GTS), and become its major techno-
logical subsystem along with the other governmental plan subsystems.
The correct operational organization of municipal telephone network facilities
depends in many respects on the implementation of instructions and production
process schedules for operational servicing of all kinds of GTS facilities, which
are being developed, published and sent out to the sites on a regular basis.
The listing of the main documents which the municipal telephone networks are
obligated to utilize in municipal telephone network operation are: instructions
and production process charts for servicing ten-step ATS's (of the ATS-47/'S4 type);
instructions for the operation of municipal crossbar ATS's of tl~e ATSK type
(ATSK-U); for the set-up and operational acceptance of municipal type ATS's; for
the installation and alignment of automatic number identification equipment; for
the operation of automatic number identification equipment; f or servicing elec-
trical power supplies; for the construction of the line facilities of municipal
telephone networks; for laying cable in permafrost regions; for installing type
TPF, TPPZ and other cables; for the aligrnnent and operation of KAMA equipment;
temporary standards for the consinnption of spare parts and materials for the
current maintenance and repair of li~e and exchange facilities of municipal tele-
phone networks; temporary instructions for the measurements and operation of
IK1~1-30 equipment; the following olbigations apply to management: those for ~
establishing data sheets for line facilities of municipal telephone networks; for
the electrical measurements of line installations; for the design and corrosion
protection of underground metal communications structures; written instructions
for servicing compressor and signa:ling installations as well as an entire series
of other management materials.
The communications ministries of the union republics and the production and
engineering administra~ions for communications should get these docwnents to the
network caorkers.
In conclusion, one can formulate certain problems which confront mur~icipal tele-
phone networks specialists during the llth Five-Year Plan in light of the overall
task of increasing production efficiency:
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--The fastest possible mastery of new municipal telephone network equipment: its
study, introduction and utilization at maximum possible capacity for the purpose
of bringing the percentage of installed municipal.telephone network capacity in
service up to 92 to 93 percent, as well as accelerating the recovery of funds
extended for construction;
_ --Selecting optimal, thoroughly worked out project plan solutions, which take ~
into account future equipment; it could be that under conditions of large
- electronic ATS's (up to 50,000 - 60,000 numbers) using high capacity trunk
groups of junction lines, optical cables and digital transmission systems, it
will prove expedient to dispense with traditional junction center formation;
this and other questions of the design of the networks of the future require
serious engineering and economic substantiation work;
--The development of the network of junction lines to agency ATS's, something
which will allow for not only high quality service with long distance automa-
tion, b ut also improve the quality of local service for enterprises and organ-
izations having agency ATS's;
--Improving the operation of municipal telephone networks by means of further
automating them while simultaneously or subsequently centralizing the networks;
correctly utilizing the monitor and test equiFment; all possible support of the
initiatives of specialists for the design of new automation equipment;
--For the purpose of reducing the load on municipal telephone networks, install
time metering equipment for the cost of local conversations, APUS, with a uniform
system of rendering subscriber accounts.
The work of specialists and managers of municipal telephone network enterprises
in the indicated directions will make it possible to improve the quality of tele-
phone service for the populace and boost labor productivity in the subsector.
~ l. Shamshin V.A., "Start odinnadtsatoy pyatiletki" ["Start of the llth Five-Year
2. "Novyye gorizonty" ["N~w Horizons"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1981, No 3.
3. Vasil'yev a L.S., Movshovich I.Kh., "Usovershenstvovaniye koordinatnoy ATS tipa
ATSK" ["An Improvement of the Crossbar Automatic Telephone Exchange: The Type
ATSK"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1980, No. 7.
4. Yemel'yanov Yu.I., "Ispol'zovaniye ATS sistemy 'Pentakonta' na GTS SSSR"
["Using Automatic Telephone Exchanges of the 'Pentakonta' System on USSR
Municipal Telephone Ne~tworks"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1980, No. 1.
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5. Kvrivishvili R.K., Sharashenidze A.I., "Osobennosti koordinatnykc? ATS sistemy
'Pentakonta ["Special Features of 'Pentakonta' System Crossbar Automatic
Telephone Exchanges"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1981, No. 3.
6. Lopushnyan Yu.G., et al., "Apparatura IKM-30 cllya u~lotneniya gorodskikh
telefonnykh kabeley" ["The IKM-30 Equipment for Multiplexing Municipal Telephone
Cables"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1977, No.2.
i. Lopushnyan,Yu.G., et al., "Apparatt~ra vtorichnoy tsifrovoy sistemy peredachi
IKM-120" ["The IKM-120 Secondary Digital Transmission System Equipment"],
ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1977, No. 12.
8. Yemel'yanov Yu.I., Marimont L.B., Novozhilova E.V., "Opyt kompleksnogo ~
upravleniya kachestvam produktsii na gorodskikh telefonnykh setyakh" ["Experience
with Comprehensive Quality Control on Municipal Telephone Networks"], Moscow,
Svyaz' Publishers, 1979.
9. Vasil'yeva L.S., Zavelev V.L., Kucheryavyy A.Ye. "Sovershenstvovaniye kontrolya
funktsionirovaniya oborudovaniya ATSK" ("Refining the Functional Honitoring
of Automatic Crossbar Telephone Exchange Equipment"], ELEKTROSVYAZ', 1978,
No. 12.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz"', "Elektrosvyaz 1981
CSO: 5500/21
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Moscow ELEKTROSVYAZ' in Russian No 7, Jul 81 pp 52-53
[Article in the "Information" section: "The International 'Communications 81'
[Text] The International Specialized Exhibition "Communications Equipment and
Systems -'Svyaz'-81 will take place in Moscow under the slogan "Communications
Equipment in the Service of Man and Society" in the Sokol'niki Park of Culture I
and Relaxation. For the third time, our nation will make exhibition spaces
available to the companies of more than 20 nations, which produce communications
gear: such an exhibition was held for the first time in Moscow in 1975.
The P4i:?istry cf the C~mmunications Equipmer.t Industry designated the organization
responsible for the preparation and conduct of the exhibit; the USSR Ministry of
Co~unications is one of the major participants in the exhibition. Moreover, ,
their number includes the Ministry of the Electronics Industry, the Ministry of the
Radio Industry, Ministry of Instruments, Ministry of the Electrical Equipment
Industry, the Central Committee of the Voluntary Society for Cooperation with the
Armed Forces, the USSR Academy of Sciences and other ministries and departments.
The exhibition is being organized with cooperation of the USSR Chamber of Commerce
and Industry and the USSR Exhibition of National Economic Achievements.
The total exhibition display area will be more than 20,000 square meters.
The subject areas of the exhibi*ion displays are: satellite communications; radio
communications; terminal co~nunications equipment; co~nunications networks and
channels, television and radio broadcasting; measurement equipment, including cam-
puters for communications network control; radioelectronic components and materials
for communications equipment; postal communications; amateur radio; philately;
scientific and engineering literature; home entertainment radioelectronics equip-
The Soviet exhibit will occupy 6,000 square meters of pavilion floor space and
2,000 square meters of the open areas. Exhibitions of more than 3,000 designations
will be d isplayed.
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Equipment both for the overall state communications network of the nation and for
various departmental networks will be demonstrated. The exhibits will make it
possible to gain a rather clear-cut understanding of the work of Soviet scientists,
engineers and workers, as well as to estimate the ever increasing importance of
communications equipment in the life of society and trace its developmental tr~~nds,
especially, the trends in the use of integrated circuits, lasers, computers and
other achievements oF science and engineering, as well as the increase in reliabi-
lity and longevity of cotmnunications systems, the rise in the carrying capacity of
comanunications channels, the speed of various switchin.g devices, the reduction in
electrical power consumption, etc.
The exposition should also reflect the contribution of domestic scientists to the
development of worldwide communications engineering, for which it is planned that
the materials of the Central Communications Museum imeni A.S. Popov and the Poly-
technical Museinn will be used.
Various forms of international cooperation and developmental efforts in conjunction
with socialist nations in the field of switching equipment, radio communications,
terminal equipment and acoustical equipment will be reflected.
Audio-visual demonstration slide shows, television monitors, etc. will be widely
- used in the exposition. ,
The Soviet exposition will open up with a section which will acquaint visitors to
the exhibition with the development of communications technology in the Soviet
Union. A panel will be presented which is devoted to cooperation within the frame-
work of the "Intersputnik" system, as well as models of communications satellites
and samples of the equipment being used. A panel is being prepared which reflects
the network of transceiving stations in the "Orbita-2" satellite communications
system; the receiving station of the "Moskva" satellite communications system will
be demonstrated as well as the "Orbita-RV" equipment and the "Ekran-ChM" direct
TV broadcasting complex.
A slide film is being prepared which is devoted to the nation's Unified Automated
Communication5 Network.
Considerable space is being set aside in the exposition for television and radio
broadcasting equipment. Communications gear designed and built for the purpose of
broadcasting the events of the 22nd Olympic Games will be shown. Also intended
for display are transceivers, studio equi{~ment and monitor and measurment instru-
ments. The following will be shown: an electronic video and audio TV signal
switcher; the "Magnoliya" mobile color TV station; the PVS-4 mobile video recorder;
the "ASL-Tsifra" set of equipment for cable color TV junction lines; the standard-
ized unattended "Rutan-1" repeater; tolerance monitoring equipment; the FTU-A
te].evision motion picture equipment for recording black and white pictures; the
"Parallaks-1" stereotelevision set; equipment for monitoring and measuring the
parameters of T~l channels, etc.
Ttie largest section of the Soviet exhibit is Terminal. T:~.{u~~mcnt, Communications
Channels and Networks". The main hardware with which the Unified Automated Co~nun-
ications Network is constructed will be shown here: the switching equipment - the
1 ~3
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"Kvant" quasi-electronic telephone exchange; electronic eqnipment for subscriber
number identification - the AON; units for testing quasi-electronic ATS's [auto-
matic telephone exchanges]; analog and digital transmission systems - the K-3600,
K~1920P, K-1020R, K-10205, IKM-1920, IKM-480, IKM-120, IKM-30S, the "Zona-120",
the "Elektronika-Svyaz'-11Ts" radio relay equipment, the "Elektronika-Svyaz'-2",
- etc.; the equipment of fiber optics communications lines for various purposes;
a digital test set for locating faults and aligning the TSIKLO'~ digital signal
processing equipment; a technical operating cent~r of a municipal telephone network
for 300,000 to 500,000 numbers; equipment for the centralized monitoring of pay
telephones on municipal net~aorks; the "Otel equipment of the system for metering
telephone conversations from hotels; the APUS time metering equipment for conversa-
tion costs; the ASV time service equipment;~the D-AZU time multiplexed equipment
with delta modulation for the subscriber lines of municipal telephone networks;
- the "Fonemofon" speech synthesizer; various telephone sets, including an electronic
one; telephone concentrator switches; automatic dialing accessories; long distance
pay telephones.
~ Telegraph and facsimile communications as well as data transmission equipment will
be widely regresented; the following are planned to be exhibited: the DUMKA duplex
all-purpose multichannel channel generating set; the KIT pulse-code telegraphy
set; various models; the OTsKST operator's work position of the terminal station
of a traffic switching center; the PTTs-TsKS-100 telegraph circular transmission
console; display type telegraph terminals; the RTA-80 five-element code, electronic
automated telegraph page printer; the "Izotop" and TsFTA-Ts (digital) color facsi-
mile sets; the "Interval" equipment for the automatic processing and correction of
the quality of telegraph messages, etc.
The following equipment will be den~onstrated: trunk and low level radio communica-
- tions hardware; antennas; instrumentation complexes; monitoring meters for various
purposes; electrical power supplies; generators and amplifiers; cable products.
A symposium *aill be held during the working period of the "Svyaz'-81" exhibition
on urgent issues of communications development.
A special postage stamp and envelope are being prepared which are devoted to the
exhibition and there will be a special cancellation for the stamp.
The "Svyaz'-81" international exhibition will certainly make abundant information
available to specialists, enrich them with new technical ideas and also promote
the strEngthening of business contacts.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz"', "Elektrosvyaz 1981.
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