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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9920 ~ 19 August 1981 USSR Re ort p CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND - AUTQMATION TECNNOLOGY _ (FOUO 19/81) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMAT[ON SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign a newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news �:;ency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and . other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt) in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is ~iven, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an ~ item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. - CUPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE Oi~ILY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400444432-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1' JPRS L/9920 19 August 1981 USSR REPORT CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 19/81) CONTENTS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Analog and Digital Int~,grated C~_rcuits 1 Terminology in Micruelectronics and Classification of Inteorated Circuits 9 Emitter-Connected Transistor Logic Circuits 22 Providing Reliability of Integrated Circuits in Their Production and in Assembly of Apparatuses 52 SM-3 AND SM-1~ Small Computer Haxdware for Creation of Developed Complexes......... 91~ Software of the Znternational Sm~11 Comp~iter System 1~.5 Design o~ Control Computer Complexes ~77 Problem-Oriented Complexes Based on the International Small Computer System .................o............................... 203 - a- [III - USSR - 21.C S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS UDC 621.396 ANALOG AND DIGITAL INTEGRATID CIRCUITS Moscow ANALOGOVYYE I TSIF'fiDVYYE INTEGRAL'NYYE SKHF~I7C in Russian 1979 (signed. to press 5 Apr 79) PP 2-5~ 331-335� [Annotation, forecvord, concliision and table of contents from book "Analop and nieital Inteprated Circuits", hy S er~ey Viktorovich Ya:cubovskiy, Nikolay Arser.'yevich !~arl:anov, P,oris Petrnvich 1:udryashov, Lev Ionovich Dlissel'son, ?~tikhail P'ikif.orovich 'I'opeslikin and i.yuhov' Petrovna ('hebotareva, Tzdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 68,000 copies, 336 PaFes) [Textj Annotation Analog and digital integrated, circuits. S. V. Yakubovskiy, N. A. Baxkanov, B. P. Kudryashov. Ddited by S. V. Yakubovskiy. Moscow. Sovetskoye Radio, i979, 336 pages, illustrations (Design of ra.dio-electronic apparatus with integrated circuits). This is a survey of ~he basic series of analog and digital integrated circuits pro- duced by thQ electronics industry. Cited axe; raethals . for their manufacture . param- eters and chaxacteristics, and the operating principles of the basic components. Trends axe shown in the development of logic circuits. Da.ta is given on micro- processors and the special fea.tures of their application. Factors tha.t affect the integrated circuit reliability axe covered; special fea,tures in using integrated ~ circuits in designing apparatus are described.; and recommendations axe given on preventing integrat ed circuit failures for vaxious external effects and technological operations. This book should be useful to engineers working in the design of radio-electronic - appaxatus and interested. in problems of sele~ting integrated circuit components and in the special fea.tures of their application, as well as to students of respective specialties. The book contains 73 tables, 186 illustrations and 6~I~items in the bibliography. Foreword The basic directions for the development of the national econoir~y for 1976-1980~ de- termined by the 25th party congress, stated that among the main w~.ys to increa,se the efFiciency of prod.uction was the problen~ of "improving decisi.~~ely the qua,lii~y 1 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 POR OFFIC'IA1. USF: O1`JI.Y of all types of manufactured products; expandir.g the assortment of goals; and in- creasing the production of new types of products tha,t meet modern requirements"[1]. Its solution is impossible without furthex development of electronics that provides not only for the creation of complex automated systems for the control of produc- tion processes, but also for the development of new in principle products for mass consumption. The expa,nsion of the area of application of electronic devices is ~ne of the special features of scientific technical progress at the modern stage. Starting with the sixties, the development of electronics began with the.appearance and rapid develo.pment of integrated circuits (IC). Integrated circuits make it possible to create modern compl~.x electronic devices of acceptable sizes and weights, and guaxantee their high reliability. The widest applicati.on of IC was in the de- sign of digital devices. - To a c~nstantly greater degree, the properties and chaxacteristics of IC determine the technical characteristics of computers. Modern digital integrated circuits axe complex products that �realize the functions of entire blocks and units of com- puters. It is this that was respunsible for the appeaxance of an entirely new direction in electronics the creation of microprocessors. While simple digital IC were the basis for designing third generation computers, the assimilation in production of microprocessors tha.t have IC with a higher functional complexity and universality made it possible to organize the processing of digital signals in a new way and, therefore~ to hope for a wide introduction of digital methods of proc- essing data into various axeas of technolo (even those where previously the use of electronics produced no essential effect~. Fourth generation computers are being created on the basis of microprocessor sets (4~ to 5 individual housings). Three stages may be conditionally singled out in the development of technology and circuitry. The first stage was the development of basic integrated circuits that perform simple logic functions (AND-NCJr, QR-NUr, AND-QR-N~ etc.~ with each _ series, as a rule, containing triggers). At this stage, IC with 10 to 50 elements were created. The second state was the development of-more complicated functionally completed units (counters, registers, decoders, half-addors etc.) with from 50 to 500 elements. Because of such new circuits, the functional composition of the previously developed. series was constantly expanded. The third stage was the development of complex funetional devices with an integration level of from 500 to 10,000 elements on one chip. This stage arrived at the begin- ning of the lOth Five-Yeax Plan period.. The third stage circuit~ were used to create pocket engineering calculators with wide ca?culation possibilities on the basis of pr?li mtnary programing of the problem being solved. In the process of developing digital integrated circuit electronics, along with bipolar circuits~ there were developed and widely applied unipolax MOlS ~metal oxide semiconductors]t of the p and n types, complementaxy MC6 [KM(aP~~ MQS with nitride insulation (MN4P) and several others. It is the digital circuits with MLXS transis- tors that made it possible to increase the number of elements in a chip to 10,000 and design such complex circuits as ma,in memories (OZU) with a large da,ta volume, memories with random access and perman~nt memories. , 2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 ~ The experience of using the entire variety of inethods to manufacture the IC ob- tained during the pastl0 yeaxs confirmed the convenience of applying the high technical characteristics of bipolax type TTL [Transistor Transistor logic] and F3~L ~Emitter'connec~ed logic] circuits, as well as MC6 type circuit elements. The ingle System of Electronic Computers (YeS EVM) were created by the combined e~'forts of CMEA member countries~ as well as was a broad family of sma,ll computers and calculators (from the simplest schoo~ calculators with four axithmetic operations to universal calculators with programing which ma,y be used in scientific rec~axch. The past 10-yeax period also gave apparatus developers a new basis for an analog - component~ a lax~e assortment of universal operational amplifiers, compaxators, analog-digital and digital-analog converters~ voltage stabilizers, swizches, as well as a set of low~ intermediate and high frequency amplifiers. The use of analog IC ma,de it possible t.o simplify the a.djustmer.t of devices, increase their reliabil- ity and accuracy and, in many cases~ eliminate necessaxy servicing. In recent yeaxs, the creation of apparatus on the basis of IC without housings with the common sealing-in of units became an independent direction. This method it possible to obtain high wiring density and reduce the size and weight of special appaxatus. The domestic electronics industry manufactures a great number of mod.ern digital - and analog microcircuits that become the component basis of modern radio-electronic appasatus (REA~ for industrial purposes. The pledge of high reliability of (REA) is the correct application of the micro- circuits and the observance of their operating; violation of these conditions, ~ however, because of insufficient Imowledge of their technical properties, electrical paxameters and opexating modes, results in fa~.lures most frequently. The purpose of this book is to provide the basic technical chaxacteristics of di~i- tal and analog microcircuits, describe methods for their manufacture and the func- tional composition of the series~ as well as to draw attention to the spzcial features of using IC in developing radio electronic apparatus and to rFCOmmend the reliable manufac.ture of microclrcuits and the installa,tio~t o~ the appara- tus. The material cited in the book is based on the results of correlating the experi- ence in developing and using integrated microcircuits. The authors express their deep gratitude to professor B. F. Vysotskiy, doctor of technical sciences, B. N. F~.yzulayev, candidate of physical-ma.thematical sciences~ Ye. I. Ga,l'perin, G. A. Pod.ol'skiy, V. I. Kotikov and V. L. Shilo, candidates of technical sciences, who participa,ted actively in discussing the content and struc- ture of the book~ and who made valuable comments on the material content and its arrangement. The authors are also grateful to V. N. Bulanova and V. A. Ushibyshev for theix help in the preparation and I?~akeup of the manuscript. The authors requestthat remarks and suggestions on improving the book be directed toi Moscow, 101000, Main Postoffice, box 693~ IZdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye Radio". The Authors 3 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Conclusion Microelectronics is developing very rapidly. In 1977-1978, new technological directions were assimilated, new microcircuit memories and microprocessors using M~ transistors of the p and n types, bipolax iri J'ection circuits (I2L) and transistor-transistor logic circuits using Schot~Eky diodes were developed. A number of permanent memories using MalS transistors and a number of microproces- sor sets were developed during the prepaxation and piiblication of this book. Of interest is a new memory the IC 556~~� This is a 1024 bit permanent memory with the possibility of single-stage programing by the user. Ma,de with TTL com- ponents with Schottky diodes it makes it possible to abtain an addxess access ' time of 90 nanoseconds using 0.5 milliwatt~bit. IC K535RYe1 and K505 RYe3 4096 bit memories wer~ developesl using p type MOS transistors. Thsse memories can be by~ order caxds. The Ic x535RY~i has a 1.7 microsecond access time and uses 0.12 milliwatts~bit. The IC K505RXe3 has an access time of 1.5 I??i.croseconds and uses 0.25 milliwatts~bit. The cir- cuit input interfaces with a TTL circuit through a i33~i~ circuit, while the out- put interfaces directly with a TTL circuit. The IC K568RYei, with full address decoding output amplifiers and an"IC access" control circuit was created using ML~6 transistors. The IC program is also imple- mented by order caxds. The circuit has a large capacity (as compared to pr~~iuusiy ma,ss-produced permanent memory units). It has 16,384 bits (20~8x8), uses . 0.021 _ milliwatts~bit~ its da,ta readout time is 0.8 microseconds and the circuit output interfaces with TTL circuits. Of great interest axe IC memories K573~11-K5731~R14 with data erasing by means of ultraviolet rays tha,t provides for long dat~a starage when the power source is dis- connected. The microcircuit has a data capa,city of 4-096 bits with vaxious memory organizationss two K573~11 and K573~12 circuits have a memory organizatlon of 512x~ bits and differ in functional purposes of leadouts, x573~i3 and x573~i4 have a memory organiza,tion of i024x4 and differ in functional purposes. It has 10 reprcg raming cycles and the da.ta storing time is 10,000 hours. Microprocessor sets series K581, K536~ K584, K582 and K588 were also developed and introduced in recent yeaxs. The x536 series of the ;~iicroprocessor set is ma,de with p type M06 and consists of 13 ~.crocircuits that provide the following functionsi arithmetic-logic devices (K5361k1 and K5362x9); microprogram devices (K5361K2 and K536~{8); input-output control devices (K5361K3~ K536IIC4 and x536ztt5)~ voltage to code converter (K5361K6); _ channel selector control device (x536zx7). Moreover, the sets include two power amplifier circuits (K536UI1 and K536UI2) and a cyclo pulse oscillator circuit (K536GP1). The series K581 microprocessor set is made of n type MC6 and consists of five micro- circuits implementing the following functionsi arithmetic-logic devices (K581IK1, K~81IK1A)*; ircu ~i w3~'i"in~c ex A has a cycle time 7 600 nanoseconds without the index ~ 0 nanoseconds. 4 FOR OFFIC[AI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 operation control (K,581IK2, K581Il{2A) ; microprogram mem~xy units (K581I~IJ1, K581RU1A); ir..~truction storage units (K~81RU2, K581RU2A), as well as a program memory unit 'o implement operations of expanded arithmetic and operations with a "floating" ciecima.l point (K~81RU3 and K581RU3A). - Series K582 and K584- microcircuits axe used to bui~d four-stage parallel micro- processors frith injection logic (IZL). The 588IX1 microprocessor program control device xas cleveloped with complementaxy MOS. , Recently, new analog microcircuits were also developed. They includes the K157UD1A,B nedium power operational amplifiers with a maximum output current of up to j00 milliamperes; the quick-acting K574UD1 operational amplifier with a speed of voltage rise of up to 50 volts~microsecond; and the K551UiD1A,B precision opera- tional amplifiers. The number of compaxators increased by the fo~.lok*ing microcirouits: 5975Ai operating on ESL logic and 597SAZ compa,tible with TTL logic. The type 14~OUD13 preamplifier was developed with an input impedance of not less than 50 megohms. The microcircuit series intended. for TV ar.d radio reception was supplemented by the K174UN8 pow?x amplifier with a two-watt output power, anrl the K17~UN9 power ~ amplifier with a power output of up to seven watts. The following TV devices were developed and assimilated in series production: the K174UP1 brightness signal amplifier; the K17~UR3 amplifier-limiter; the K174KhA3 noise suppressor in sound data channels; the K174KhA1 detector of the red-blue color signal dis- criminator. The set of semiconductor a.nalog-digital conver-ters [ATsP~ expanded further. Thus, the following devices have been developed~ a ten-stage ATsP with M06 transistors type 572PA1 with a multiplier, compa,tible with TTL circuits, and a 12-stage ATsP with MOS transistors type 594PA1 compa,tible with TTL circuits. A switching series was supplemented by 16-channel M06 switches with types 590KN1 and 591KN1 decoders, ~ compatible with TTL logic and~ finally, power sources for integrated circuits are being developed further. Integrated, voltage stabilizers~ types 1~2YeN3 and 142YeN4, were developed with an external voltage divider and an output current of up to one ampere. The development rates of domestic microelectronics axe such that in several yeaxs, the integrated circuits considered in this book, logic, as well as analog, will change considerably and a part of the reference material will lose its value. However, the basic conclusions of the authors tliat the high potential reliability of integrated circuits, built-in in their development and production, must be pre- served in the development, production and operation of radio-electronic appaxatus, and wi'l1 remain unchar.ged. If the authors are able to impress this conception on the reader, they will consider their problem solved. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 F'OR OFFI('fAl, l1SH: ONLY Table of Contents ~ Foreword Chapter 1 Page Terminology in mi.croelectronics and classification of integrated circuits 6 i.i. Introduction ( 1.2. Terminology in microelectronics 7 1.2.1 Integrated circuits, elements of cornponents (7). 1.2.2 F~lements of de3ign (7). 1.2.3. Simple and complex IC (9). 1.2.4. Microassemblies and microunits (10~. 1.~. IC classification 11 1. . System for conventional designations of IC 12 Chapt er 2 Integrated circuit manufacturing methods 1$ 2.1. Film and hybrid technology i$ 2.1.1. Materials for hybrid IC (19)� 2.1.2. Manufacturing of hybrid IC elements (22). 2.1.3. iiiring of electrical connections in hybrid IC (24). 2.2. aemiconductor techn~logy 24 2.2.1. Ma.terials for elements of semiconductor IC and their manufacture (36). 2.2.2. Manufacture of integrated circuits (29). 2.2.3. Division of wafers into chips, wiring of IC (35). 2.2.4. Sealing IC chips (36). � 2.2.5. Manufacture of IC housings (37)� - 2�3. Special features of high degree of integration of IC technology 40 Chapter 3 Digital integrated circuits y.( 3.1. Purpose and application l~( 3.2. Logic functions obtained by digital I~ 46 3�3� Classification of digital IC and their basic electr:ical - paxameters 51 3.4. ~ansistor-transistor l~gic circuits 56 3.4.1. Basic electrical paxameters of type TTL IC (70). 3�~�2. ~nctional composition of TTL series (72). 3�~�3� _ Some f~atures of using TTL type IC 78) 3�5. Emitter-connected transistor logic FSTL] 83 3~5�i. Ftznctional composition of the ESTY, series (80). _ 3~5�2� Ba.sic electrical parameters and typical ch~'acteristics of type FySTL IC (99)� 3~5�3� Some features of applying type - ESTL ~C (,103~. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR ()FFI('IA1. U~E ONLY 3.6. Digital IC made of M~6 ip9 3.6.1. Principle of IC operation with p-channel ML~ transistors (iii). 3.6.2. Static circl.its with p-channel M06 transistors (113). 3.6.3.' Quasistatic and dynamic circuits (116). 3.6.4. Principle of IC operation with complementary MD6 transistors (119). 3~6�5� Basic IC series with M06 transistors (123). 3�7. Integrated circuits of inemory units 130 3~7�1. Memory elements with bipolax transistors (131). 3~7.,2. Memory elements with MC5 transistors (134). ~ 3�7�3� Memory elements with complementary M+(~ transistors (135)� 3�7�~� Memory elements xith MNDP transistors (136). 3�7.5� Memory elements with "silicon on sapphire (138). 3.7.6. Memory elements using new ma,terials (138~ 3�7�7� Basic IC meiaory units and their functional composition (141). 3.8. Perspectives of digital IC development 142 3�8.1. Integrated injection logic (143~. 3.8.2. M06 circuits with n-channels (14~4). 3�9. Microcalculators 146 3.10 Microprocessors i49 3.10.1. Microprocessor chaxacteristics (150) 3.10.2. Medium speed microprocessor set (153)� _ 3�10.3. High speed microprocessor set (159)� Ghaptpr 4 Analog integrated circuits 200 ~.i. Purpose and application 200 4.2. Operational ampllfiers 200 4~.2.1. Operational amplifier with a two-stage circuit (207). 4.2.2. Amplifiers with field transistors at the input (214). _ 4.2.3. Amplifiers with super-beta transistors (215). 4.2.4. High current operational amplifier of the 153UD5 - type (219). ~.2.5� Quick-acting operational amplifiers (221). 4.2.6. Micropower operational amplifiers {223). 4.3. Tntegrated compaxators 227 4.4. Integrated. analog multipliers . 231 4.5. Analog IC for radio receivers 241 4.5.1. Differential amplifiers (243). 4.5~,2. Low frequency amplifiers (UNCh) (244). 4.5.3. Specialized IC (24-8). 4.5.4. IC for designing selective devices (255)� 4.6. IC for mutual conversion of digital and analog data 257 4~.7. Analog switccies 273 4.8. Integrated. voltage stabilizers 278 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 FOR OFFI('IAI. U5E ONLY Chapter 5 Page Providing IC reliability when they are manufactured and installed in apparatus 293 ~.1. Design-technological principles for high IC reliability 293 5�2. ~Perational monitoring z95 5�3. Rejection tests 295 5.4. Effect of external factors in apparatus manufacture 305 5~5� Forming and trimming leads 307 5.6. Tinning and soldering 3i3 5.7. Mounting IC on circuit boaxds 320 5.8. Protecting IC from electrical effects 323 5�9� Dismantling ~ 3~9 Conclusion 331 COPYRIGHTs Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", i979 ' 2291 CS~: 1863/209 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 N'OR OF'I~1('IA1. US4~: ONI.Y i1DC 621.396 'CI.?P;',IPi~~Lf1GY IP' 'fICROP.T,F:CTrf?NICS APIn Ci,AGSI.FT.CATI~N OF INTFGR~TED CIRCUITS Moscow ANALOGOVYYE I TSIFROVYYE INT~7GRAL'NYYE SKHENIY in Russian 1979 (signed to press 5 Apr 79) pp 6-17 [~llapter 1 from hool: "~nalod and Pir,ital Integrated Circuits", hy Sergey Viktorovich Yakuhovs~:iv, `Iikolay ~rsen'yevich ~iarlcanov, Aoris Petrovich 1~'udrvasnov, Lev Ionovich ':issel'son, "'i};hai]."?ikiforovich Topeshkin and Lyuhav' Petrovna Chebotareva, I::datel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 68,~Q0 copies, 336 pa~es] [Text] Chapter i _ Terminology in microelectronics and classification of integrated ^ircuits ~ i.l. Introduction Microelectxonics is a developing field of electronics Basically, it is the creation of an integrated element base used to develop appaxatus. The term integrated elec- tronics combines the "element~" as well as the "appaxatus" microelectronics. .Many concepts in the field have still not established themselves fixmly; therefore, questions of terminology in Russian, as well as fn many forei~ languages axe fairly complex. In 1969~ the International Electrotechnical Commission (MII{~ issued the second supplement to publication 147-0 (1966) [2] in which, for the first time, terminology was presented in the field of integrated circuits. The supplement included the definition of sevaral of the most common terms such as microelectronics, microcircuit, integrated microcircuit etc. In our country~ the first attempts to regulaxize terms and definitions were attempted in i967 when a norm "Integrated microcircuits. Terminology" was issued. The lack of status of this document made it impossible to recommend it as compulsory. In connection with the considerable expansion of the use of integrated circu;ts~ the necessity arose of a government standard on terminological questions in the field of microelectronics xhich was developed on the basis of the above-mentioned. norm and the MII{ publication and, in 197i~ it was approved by the USSR Gosstandart [3~. G05T 17021-71 included 16 terms and along with general terms such as integrated - microcircuit, semiconductorintergrated microcircuit, there were also given single- valued definitions for parts of integrated circuits (for example, substrate, hous- ing) . 9 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY T~~ms whose definitions were given in the above-mentioned GC6T were widely used in technical documents. However, the development of microelectronic means, the _ increase in the wiring density and in the number of elements on one chip had al- ready ~.ed~ in ~1973, to the necessity of reworking this G~T for the purpose of correcting it and introd.ucin new terms. In 1975~ this work wae completed by the approval of G~6T 17021-75 Below axe given the terms as per GC6T 17021-75, their definitions and the synony.�ns of these terms which axe widely used in production and in technical literature. 1.2.1. Integrated Microcircuits, IIements, Components An integrated circuit (IC) is a microelectronic article that fulfills a certain - function of converting and processin signals and has a high packing density of the electrically connected elements ~or elements and. cumponents) and chips. This . article is considered a single whole ~om the standpoint of the requirements of tests, acceptance~ delivery and operation. In abbreviated form, integrated microcircuits axe called IMS. The synonym of an integrated microcircuit is the term integrated circuit or, still simpler, micro- circuit. Of all the indicated terms, integrated circuit (IC) is the most fre- quently us~d. It has two subordinate terms, whose description is given by the above-mentioned G~6T. These are concepts of an element of an integrated circuit (or simply element) and component of an integrated circuit (or simply camponent). - An element of an integrated circuit means the part of the IC that rea,lizes the function of some simple electroradio element (for example, transistor, diod.e, resistor, capa.citor). This par~t is insepaxable from the IC chip (or its substrate). The element cannot be separated from the IC as an independent article; therefore, it cannot be tested, packed and operated. bcamples of integrated elemen~ts axe: a film resistor in a hybrid IC and an integrated transistor in an IC semiconductor. An integrated circuit component also means a part of an IC that realizes the function of some electroradio element. However, before assembly this part was an independent article in special packing (complementing article). In principle, a component ma,y be sepaxated from a manufactured IC. F~camples of integrated compo- nents are~ a tra.nsistor without a housing or a ceramic capacitor in a hybrid IC. - 1.2.2. Design E`lements - In developing technical documentation for IC or in prepaxing descriptions of IC designs~ writers of the indicated documents must 1reg.uently use such terms as housing, substrate, board, wafer, chip, as well as some special terms that deter- mine special features of the internal structure of the IC. The IC housing is the part of the IC structure intended to protect it from exter- nal effects and to connect it to external electrical circuits by lead.outs (IC are packed in the housing). The types and sizes of the housings are also subject to government standardiza.tion (see G06T 17~67-79 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400040032-8 FOR OFFI('lA[. USE ONLY The IC substrate is an intermediate product intended for elements of hybrid and - film IC~ interelement and (or) intercomponent connections, as well as contact pads to be applied to it. The IC board is part of the substrate (or the entire substrate) of the hybrid (or - frequently film) integrated circuit~ to whose surface the film elements of the IC, the interelement and intercomponent connections and contact pads axe applied. The semiconductor wafer is an intermediate product of semiconductor ma.terial - (usua'ly it is a r~und thin disk) used to make IC semiconduct~rs. .It should be - noted that in IC production this ter~: is used not only for the initial inter- mediate product~ but also for a plate with elements of semiconductor microcircuits for:~ed on it (therefore, this term is used during the entire technological process from its beginning to the cutting of the group axticle into individua.l chips~. IC chips are the paxts of the wa~er obtained. after it is cut (usually they form a network in the shape of equa,l rectangles), in the volume and on the surface of which axe formed elements of the semiconductor microcircuit, interelement connec- - i ions and contact pads. ~ contact pad, present in axiy IC, no ma.tter what its technological or functional - features axe, is a metallized pad on the plate or on :he chip intended to connect contact leadouts and integrated circuits, as well as to monitor its electrical paxameters and modes. An integrated circuit without a housing is a term recently acquired great importance because such circuits are used widely in microassemblies and microcir- cuits. While in the usual IC the housing serves to protect against external ef- fects, the IC without a housing has no such ~rotection of its own (at least, from mechanical effects). Fbr connection to external electrical circuits, an IC with- out a housing must have its own leadouts and its full protec-tion is provided by the housing of the device in which this IC is installeri. The leadout of an IC without a housing is a conductor connected electrically to the contact pad of the chip and mechanically to its surface. The main purpose of the leadout is to provide an electrical contact to one of the circuits of the IC without a housing when it is connected to external electrical circuits. Lea,d- outs of the IC without a housing carry a considerable part of the heat. Leadouts of IC without a housing ma,y be haxd (round, columnax or bea.m-shaped.) . Haxd lea.douts may be used for mechanical fastening of an IC without a housing, without pasting it. 1.2.3� Simple and Complex IC Until recently there was no decisive concept of the complexity of integrated cir- cuits in literature, either abroad or domestically. When defining the term "laxge-scale integrated circuits" (BIS), an attempt was made to use, as the basis, ~he quantitative factor as well as tha factor of the functional complexity of the microcircuit. In the first case, suggestions were made to define the BIS as a circuit containing 50, 100 or 10,000 circuit elements. For example, to define 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 ~ N�~u ~rN~i~~ini. ~isH; ONLY a"laxge digital circuit" an attempt was made to use an elementary digital switch as a counting unit. In this case, it was considered that a"laxge" cir- cuit must have no less than 100 digital switches. Concepts of "small," "medium" and "laxge" scale integration began to penetrate domestic leterature from abroad. - However, deprived of numerical definitions, these concepts in each individual case, expressed only the ~ubjective concepts of the author. Tn the seventies, following this tra,d.ition, in scientific literature~ the terms "very laxge in- tegrated circuit," "superlaxge integrated circuit" and even "colossal integrated circuit" appeax. Supporters of defining BIS,depending upon its functional complexity, proposed dividing the circuits into four integration levels: elemen+ary~ circuit, subsys- tem level and finally, system level. The study of all the proposals led. to the idea that a quantitative factor must be used as a basis for a definition that defines precisely the quantity of the elements in the microcircuit chip or housing. G06T 17021-75 defined the term, "degree of integration of the integrated. circuit," as an indicator of the degree of complexity of the IC, chaxacterized. by the number of elements and components. The degree of integration is defined here by formula K=1gN, where K is the coef- ficient defining the degree of automa,tion, rounded. to the neaxest laxgest integer, while N is the number of elements and components in the IC. In accordance with this formula, an integrated circuit of the first degree of integration is called ~,n IC coiitaining up to 10 elements and components inclusive. An IC of the second degree af integration contains from Si to 100 elements and components inclusive correspondingly, IC with 101 to 1000 elements and components inclusive should be called IC of the third degree of integration. Similaxly IC with elements from 1001 to 10,000 or from 10,001 to 100,000 axe IC of the fouxth and fifth degrees of integration. When desi in electronic a gn g pparatus and selecting the elements, the so-called. _ packirig density of the elements in the integrated circuit is of great importance. By packing density is meant the ratio ~f the number of elements and components of the integrated circuit to its volume (without taking into account the volume of the leadouts). 1.2.4~. Microassemblies and Microunits - G~.ST 1?021-75~ besides using terms with a direct relation to integrated circuits gives, in the form of reference material, a whole series of terms related to the field of application of IC. Such terms belong to the concept of microelectronics. Here it is defined as the field of electronics tha,t spans the problems of reseaxch, design, ma,nufacturing and the use of microelectronic products with a microelectron- ic product meaning an electronic device with a high degree of integration. The term "microassembly" has several synonyms used. in technical literature and documentation, but the definition of this term was not always given clearly. Thus, for example, before i975 "~croassembly" meant a microc~rcuit consisting of various elements and integrated. circuits. The synonymsfor n~icroassembly ma.y be the terms used. in literature such as~ hybrid, integrated functional unit GIFU , large integrated functional unit (BIFV), a laxge hybrid integrated. circuit BGIS~ and a hybrid large integrated circuit (GBIS~. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 ~ G~6T 17 02L-75 defined the microassembly term as a m3.croelectronic arti~le that fulfills a certain function and consists of elements, components and integrated circuits (with and without housings), as well as other electroradio elements, in various combinations, developed and manufactured by developers of concrete radio- electronic appaxatus for improving its miriiaturization indicators. The G1~T does not define a microassembly as an article with or without a housing, i.e., a micro- assembly may or ma,y not have its own housing. Thus,a miczoassembly is not classi- fied by the G~6T by its complexity. - A microunit is a microelectronic article which~ be,ides micro- assemblies, ma.y contain integrated circuits and components. Finally, the miniaturization level term of a microelectronic article chaxacterizes the quanti- tative measure of the effect of using the totality of technical solutions, directed to the full utiliza,tion of the advantages obtained.from the reduction in volume, weight and power used by the apparatus. Indicators of the REA [Ra.dio-electronic appaxatus~ miniaturization level arei HEA meeting the modern technical standaxd of microelectronic articles; other articles used in REA meeting the modern level of miniaturiza.tion; efficiency of ' comprehensive miniatuxization of appaxatus; technical compatibility of �'noninte- grated" articles of electronic equipment, and electric equipment with integrated circuits. - 1.3� IC Classification Depending upon the manufacturing technology, integrated circuits ma,y be semi�- conductor, film or hybrid. GCBT i7 021-75 gives the following definitions for these three vasieties of IC. A semiconductor integrated circuit is called an IC al1 of whose elements and inter- element connections axe the volume and on the surface af the semiconductor. The semiconductor integrated circuit ma.y also be called a semiconductor micro- circuit. Sometimes the semiconductor integrated circuit is called a"solid" (or solid-body) circuit. This term found its way into domestic literature due to unqualified translations from the ~glish*~. G~6T 17021-75 defines this term as inadmissible. A film integrated circuit (or film circuit) whose elements and interelement con- ~ections are made in the form of films is called an IC. This film and thick film IC are vaxiations of technical designs. The difference between thin film and thick film IC may be quantitative and quali- tative. Integrated. circuits with a film thickness of up to 1 micron belong to - thin film IC conditional~y while integrated circuits with film thicImess greater than i micrometer belong to thick film IC. Qualitative differences ase determined *Solid state electronics (IIiglish) semiconductor electronics. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY by the manufacturing technology of the filma. Elements of thin film IC axe applied to the substrate, as a rule, by thermal-vacuum precipitation and cathode spraying, while elements of thick film IC are made primaxily by silk screening with subsequent burning in. Finally, hybrid integrated circuits (equivalent term hybrid microcircuits) axe IC containing, besides elements, simple and complax components (for exa,m le, chips of semiconductor IC). A particulax case of hybrid IC is a multichip IC ~a total- ity of several IC without housings on one substrate). Depending upon their functional purpose, integrated circuits are divided into two basic categories analog and digital. _ Analog integrated. circuits (analog microcircuits) axe IC intended to convert and process signals that change in accordance with the continuous funetion law. A particular case of analog IC is an IC with a lineax characteristic (lineax micro- circuit~. Digital integrated circuits(digital microcir~uits) are IC used. to convert and - process signals expressed in a binaxy or other digital code. A variation of the digital microcircuit definition is the term logic microcircuit (operations with a binaxy code axe described by logic algebra). As a rule, analog and digital IC axe developed and manufactured by manufacturing enterprises in the form of a series. Each series is characterized by the degree of completeness. A series containa several IC of distinctive types which, in their ~ turn~ may be divided into rateKi types. Accor~iing to G~sT i7o21-?5~ a series of integrated circuits contains a totality of IC which can implement vaxious funetions, but have a single design-technological form and axe intended. to be used in combination. As a rule, the composition of a promising series is being expanded. with time. IC that have concrete functional purposes and their conditional designations are called rated types of integrated circuits. By a type of integrated circuit is meant a totality of rated types of IC tha.t have concrete funetional purposes and their conditional designations. 1.4. System of Conditional IC Designations The entire diversity of manufactured integrated circuits according to the adopted conditional designation system is divided into three groups~ semiconductor, hybrid and others. Film IC~ which axe preaently manufacturad in a limited quanti- ty, as well as vacuum IC and ceramic IC, axe frequently referred to as the last group. The groups indicated above are assigned the following digits~ 1, ,5, 7-- semiconductor IC (designation 7 is assigned to semiconductor IC without housings}; 2, 4, 6, 8-- hybrid IC; 3-- other IC. According to the nature of the functions implemented in radioelectronic appaxatus, IC axe subdivided into st~bgroups (for exa,mple~ oscillators, mod.ulators, triggers, 14 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 1I1l~~llft~l'S~ nnd ty~~d:3 (t'ur dxample, frequency, phase, duration, voltage converters~. The classification of integrated circuits in accordance with their functional pur- poise is shown in Table 1.1. ' According to the adopted syatam of designationa, an IC must consi~t ~f 4 c~lc~mutits. The first element a digit corresponding to the design-technological group. The second element two-three digits assigned to a given IG series as the ordinal ~ number of the development. Thus~ in the first two elements axe three-four digits that determine the total number of the IC ser.ies. - The third element two letters, corresponding to the subgroup and the IC type (see Table 1.1~. The fourth element the ordinal number of the IC development in a given series in which there ma.y be several equal in the functional criterion of the IC. It may con- sist of one digit, as well as several digits. G06T 18682-73 does not limit this number. Below is shown an example of a conditional designation of an integrated semiconductor - operational amplifier with an ordinal of the series development 4-0, the ordinal - number of the development of the given circuit in the series according to the func- tional criterion 11. ~.:~H(1) ~2~ ~ yQ ~3) !t-~.;~a~had~,~ yaMep ' /~;r~:~;.5~;n,.~�~ ,y:/A;DOCXCMb/ /70 I I ~1~/tin�'GV~1~9GN0.'1~ q,0!l3HdKy I ~ ,s~:~Hr,~~i cepuu ~ Bud (no ~i,;~:.a;,�,~~~�r.-r��.~ ~~y~ ~~~.~~i4~veHUro) i i - I r6~ !/aJzvynna _ I ~ ~~f yiu Nonep pd3,~~6~inku l~(IHHO~ cep,r~ I.�__-- , ~7~ .7.'�.. ':~;�'+',^,~lYNO-/lIEXNO/!U~!!4'BCKUM~,;:t; l . l. Series 5. Subgroup 2. UD 6. C~dinal number of given series 3. Qrdinal number of a microcircuit 7, Group (according to the design- development according to funetional teehological makeup~. criterion in the given series ~ 4~. Type (according to functional purpose~ 1~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC'IAI. USE ONLY i Table 1.1 Functional classification of IC Subgroup Lette~ - T~ Designation Name Letter Name Letter of the rated Designa- Designation ~ tion 4scillators G Haxmonic signals S GS Rectangular signals G GG (including self-excited multivibrators~ blocking oscillators etc.) I,inearly changing signals L GL Special shape signals F GF Noise M GM ,Others P GP Detectors D Amplitude A ~ Pulse I DI Frequency s ~ ~ Phase F DF Qthers Switches and K Current T KT keys Voltage N ~ (lthers P KP Logic elements L II.ement AND-NDI' A LA Element aR-NOT Ye LYe IIerent AND I LI IIement DR L LL IIement NCIr N ~ IIement AND-OR S LS Element AND-NOT~OR-NUr B LB IIement AND-OR-N+Cl~ R LR El.ement AND-OR-NCI!'~AND-()R K LK Element OR-NC1r~QR M LM ~panders D LD ' Others P LP Multifunctional Kh Analog A ~ circuits Digital L KhL Combined K KhK Other P ~ Modulators M Amplitude A ~ Frequency S MS 16 FOR OFFICIAL U'iE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y Table 1.1 continued. , F~uzctional Classification of IC Sub~roup T.ype Lett~r Designa- tion of Name Letter Name Letter the rated Designa- Designation ~ tion Modulators Fi Amplitude A ~ F~equency S MS Pha.s e F MF Pulse I MI Others P M~' Sets of N D ND elements ~ansistors T ND Resistors R NR Capacitors Ye NYe Combined K ~ Others P Np Converters P S PS ~ Phase F PF Duration D ~ Voltage N ~ Power M PM Level U ~ Code-analog A PA Analog-code B PA Code-code R PR Others P PP Circuits for Ye Rectifiers V YeV secondary power Converters M YeM _ sources Voltage stabilizers N Y~N Current stabilizers T YeT Others P YeP Delay circuits B Passive M BM Active R BR Others P BP Selecting and S Amplitude (signal level) A SA compaxing cir- Time V sv cuits FY~eq,uency S 5S Phase F SF 4thers P sP 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY Table i.i continued Flinctional Classification of IC 3ubgroup Type Lettex ' Design~,- Name Letter Name Letter tion of ~ DESigna- Designation the rated t i cn t.ype Triggers T Type JK V TV Type RS R TR TyPe D M TM Type T T TT Dynamic D TD Schmidt L TL Combined (types DT~RST etc) K TK llthers P TP - Amp~ifiers U High frequency~ V UV Intermed.iate frequency~ R UR Low frequency-~ N UN pulse signals~ I UI Repeaters Ye UYe Rea.d-out and retrieval L UL Indication M UM DG`~ T UT ~perational and differential* D UD athers P UP *Voltage and power amplifiers (including low-noise Filters F Upper frequencies V FV Lower frequencies N FN Band Ye FYe Rejector R FR ~Qthers P F'P Shapers A Rectangulax pulses G AG (biased. multivibrators, blocking oscillators, etc. Special shape pulses F AF Address currents (shapers A A1~, of volta~es or currents) Dischaxge currents R AR (sha,pers of voltages or currents) Others P AP 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 FOR OFFIClAL USE ONI.Y Table i.i continued F~uictional Classification of IC Subgroup ~r.ype Letter = Desig- Name ~etter Name Letter nation of the rated Designa- Desi~nation t,ype tion Memoxy matrices~ R Storage elements Main memories (OZU) M RM Permanent memories (PZU) V RV OZU with control circuits U RU PZU with control circuits Ye RYe PZU with control circuits T RT and one-time programfng PZU with control circuita R RR and multiple programing Analog memory (AZ[1) with A RA control circuits Others p _ ~l.ements of I Registers R ~ axithmetic and Adders M IM discrete devices Ha,lf-adders L IL Counters Ye IYe Coders y I~ Combined K ~ Others P IP A lett~r is sometimes added to the end of the conditiona.l designation that de- finestF~e technological s~read of the electrical paxameters of the given rated type. The concrete value of the electrical paxameters and the difference between the rated types is given in the tachnical documentation (for example, IC133LA1A differs f.rom IC133~11B) . 19 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In some series (this is also stipulated in the technical documentation), the let- ter at the end of the conditional designation of the IC defines the type of the housing used for the given rated type. For example, the letter P designates a plastic housing, while the letter M-- a ceramic housing. For microcircuits utilized in widely used devices, the letter K is at the beginning of the conditional designation. The designation then appears as K1~OUD11. If, after the letter K, there is also shown the letter M ahea.d of the series number, this indicates that all the given series is manufactured with a ceramic housing (for examgle, xNti55LAi). - A series made for export(with a pitcn of housing leadouts of 2.54 mm) is especially . J stipulated with the letter E before the letter K in the conditional designation, (for example, IIC561LS2), while the series in the vaxiation without housing, without leadouts being connected to the chip of the microcircuit is stipulated by the letter B ahead of the series designation (for example, KB524RPiA-4). For IC without housings, in the shortened designation, a digit is introduced after a hyphen to characterize a corresponding design modification (for example, 703LB1-2)~ with fleJVible leadouts-i*; with ribbon leadouts, including those made with polyamide film-2; with hard leadouts-3; on a common plate (undivided)-4; sepaxated without loss of orientation (for example, pasted on the film~-5; with contact pa.ds without leadouts (chip)-6. It should be noted that before the introduction of GC6T 18682-73 [6] (i.e.~ before - 1973)~ the assignment c,f conditional designations was made in accordance with the existing technical-norm documentation. After 1973~ most IC received new condi- tional designations. However~ for a certain number of IC for which no new techni- cal documentation was issued., old eonditional designations were continued. The old and new conditional designations differ by the letter designations of sub-- gr_oups and types (the latter is due to an increase in the number of types in C~ST 18682-73 as compared to the previously existing docun~entation. A.~ example of the old designation of an IC type iLB331 is shown on the next pa,ge. ~Modification "i" is applied to microcircuits with a number of lea.douts no greater than 16. 2.0 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 ~ CeP~A ~1~ ` . Ifo~AdKOBa~u HoMep pa3pa- - bomKU (no ~ykKyuoHan6-_ 1 ~6 33 ~ NOMIf /ipG3NOX(f B dOHHOU cepuu) - ilbp~dkoBa~u NoMep paapQbomku aayr+ou cepuu /i/IQ U BUa ~n0 ~yHKI{UON[UIbHOM!/ Ha3H~4EHU/0) novzpy - fpyn,n (no KoHCmpyKmuBNO-mexHnnv2uyecxoMy ucnnnHeHUwI 1. Series 4. Subgroup and type (accord- ing to functional purpose) 2. Drdinal number of development 5. Group (according to design- (accorciing to functional criterion in technological makeup) the given series) 3. (~dinal number of development of the given series BIBLZOGRAPHY 1. Basic directions of national econoir~y development for 1976-1980. Moscow, Polit~zda,t, 1976. Second supplement to publication M~{-147-0 (1966). Basic pa,rameters and chaxacteristics of semiCOnductor devices and general princi~les cf ineasure- men-~s. General informa.tion and terminology. 3. GC75T 17021-71. Microcircuit~i Terms and definitions. - 4. GcsT 1702i-75� ~tegrated micro~ircuitsi Terms and definitions 5. GosT 17467-79. Integrated. microcircuitsi Ba.sic sizes. 6. GC6T 18682-73. Integratsd microcircuits~ Classifications and systems of con- ditional designations. CQPYRIGI-Qi Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye ~adio"~ i979 - 2291 CSO: 1863/209 21 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400444432-8 FOR OFFICIAI. U~E ONI.Y L'DC 621.346 ' ??1~iTTFR-C~'+~I~IFCTED TPA`ISISTOR LOGIC CIRCL~ITS - Moscow ANAL+OGOVYYE I ~SIFROVYYE INTDGRAI,'NYYE SKHENIY in Russian 1979 (signed to press 5 tipr 79) PP 83-109 [Sr_ction 3.5 of chapter 3 f.rom hook "Analo~ an~l Dirital Inte~rated Cir.cuits", by Sergey Viktorovich Yaki~bovskiy, Piikolay Arsen'yevich Barlcanov, Boris Petrc~vich _ Y.tidryashov, ],ev Ionovich 1lissel'son, *1ikhail Plikiforovich Topeshkin and T,yubov' Petrovna ('hehot~reva, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 68,000 cories, 33G nar.,es ] [Text~ Chapter 3 3~5 Em3.tter-connected Transistor Logic Circuits Digital IC emitter-connected transistor logic circuits (ESTL) axe transistor switching circuits with connected emitters and, compaxed to other digital keys, ha,ve the highest speed of operation and a high power consumption. High speed. of operation (or to put it another way,a small average +.ime of propagation delay~ of - ESTL is due to the fact that transistors in these keys operate in an unsaturated (lineax) mode. F~nitter repeaters tha,t accelerate the process of chaxging the - capacitance of the load are used. at the circuit output. A reduction in the prapagation delay time is also achieved due to the limitation of the output volt- age gradient which, however, leads to a reduction in the interference rejection of the ESTL circuits. Of the digital IC ~STL developed in recent years, the most widely used are series 100 and K500 that are similax to a widely kn~wn MS10,000 series abroad (original developer the Motorola Co.). We will cons3der the principle of designing the ESTL switch on an example of a basic series 100 logic element that implements simultaneously functions QR-N ~ and L1R (Fig. 3.21). The circuit consists of a differential a,mplifier assembled with VT1 and VT4 and VT5 transistors. When the signal gradient is applied to the input of thi~ amplifier, current I~ may flow either through transistor VT5 to whose base is constantly applied reference U~ =-2.9 volts (during this time a negative blocking voltage is present at inputs Xi-X~), or through transis- tors yTl-VT4~ when a voltage grea,ter than U~n is applied to ~heir bases. ' 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 _ ~ Output emitter repea.ters (transistors VT7 and VT8 are connected to the bia.~ leve7. source U~My =-2 volts + 5~ through external load resistors RH1 and R~ with rated resistances of ~1 ohms. The low output impedance of tha circuits provides for the ma.tching of the output and input levels of the logic elements when they - operating together and the possibility of feeding signals into a cable with 50 ohm wave impedance. The F~TL circuit is connected to a negative voltage power source Uw~=5.2 volts + 5~. The collector circuits axe grounded. Such a connec- tion provides a lower dependence of the output voltage Qn inductions from the feed. circuit and a better interference rejection. The value of the logic gradient for the FSTL is 0.69 millivolts, while the interference rejection reserve is ~125 ~-1- livolts. Negative and logic levels of the ESTL circuits (U~b~x =0.96 volts, Uab,X =-1.65 volts~ low in value, m~ke it impossible to interface them directly with the TTL [Transistor-transistor logic~ series circuits. The joint operation of TTL and F~TL circuits is implemented by special circuits of mutual level con- - verters, entering the composition of all the above-indicated ESTL series. utuu > R! N? R10 06uluu Z VT7 !rz Bbixod N/lill I^~ ~ ~ t ~r vre ~31 v~~ BO/XOd N/1H-NE V// VT? VIS l'~ l'I:i VDf VD2 Rs 1, 1 F'6 R9 Rnt R~z 43 K4 i 1, .I` , Xs A.4 -L~xn ~cn9~J/ \ Fig. 3�21. Basic logic element OR-N+(7I'~QR of the F~TL series 1. Common i � UN n 2. OR output 3. OR-N~ output 5� Ucrt y All inputs to the base logic element through leakage resistors R3...R6~ with a resistance of about 50 kohms, axe connected to power source UNn =-5.2 volts + 5~. This connection makes it possible to leave the unused inputs in the appaxatus unconnected. To eliminate the effect on the logic part of the circuit of pulse interferences originating in the collector circuits of the emitter repea.ter at 23 FO~R OFF[CI~.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC'fAl. USE ONI.Y the moment of switching the circuit when operating with a low imp eda.nce load, two "ground" buses axe usedi one for output emitter repea,ters and the other for the internal logic paxt of the circuit. _ Reference voltage UU17 ='2�09 volts is produced by a special temperature-compensated _ circuit (transistor VT6, diodes VDi, VD2, as well as resistors R8, R9, R10) and is selected so that it would be lower than minimum voltage 1. We will consider the principle of operation of the ba.sic logic element (Fig. 3.21). If a low voltage level, corresponding to 0(Uax =-1.85 volts~, is applied to all inputs X1...X~, transistors VT1-VT4 axe cut-off (only leakage currents axe flowing) be- cause their emitters have the following voltage appliedi U~ = Uun UG~ V'1'S = - ~,29 ~).8~~~ _ - VOZf.S The level of current I3 is determined by voltage U3 and the rating of resistor - R7. Current I3 flows through open transistor VT5 to whose base is applied refer- ence voltage Uo~ , as well as resistors R7 and R2. A voltage drop U~=-0.98 volts is produced across resistor R2. The voltage at the OR output at this moment corresponds to level 0(Uab,x =-1.65 volts), while at the output of OR-NC~, the - voltage corresponds to 1(U Qti~x =-0.96 volts~ (voltage Ud9 of transistor VT7 should be added to the voltage drop acroas resistor R2). When a high voltage level, i.e., 1(UdX =-0.81 volts), is supplied. to one of the inputs (or to all inputs Xi...X~), the input transistor ogens because the refer- ence voltage selected was more negative than the minimal voltage i. Transistor VT5 closes by the formed voltage gradient and all of current I~ will flow through the opened input transistor (one of the VTi-VT4 row) and resistors R1 arid R7. The negative voltage on the joined collectors of the input transistors will increase to level -.97 volts and a level, corresponding to 0, will be established at the output of the emitter repeater VT8, while 1 will be established. at the output of emitter repeater VT7. Thus, the circuit produces logic function QR at the output of transistor VT7 and logic function OR-NUr at the output of transistor VT8. Thus, _ jumps in the input signal cause switching of currentI~ which, depending upon the value of the i.nput signal, flows either through transistor VT5 or through tran- sistors VT1-VT4. Because of this, the circuit with joined emitters is frequently called a current key. The paraphase outputs of the basic F~STL switch shorten the propaga.tion path of the signals in digital devices. The presence of emitter re- peaters that have low output impedance at the circuit outputs, provides a consid- erable load capacity of the ESTL circuits (KpQ3 > 15~� To provide a still higher load capacity the F~TL digital series include special circuits with a high branch- ing coefficient (K ~,3= 50...100 at CH ~ 100 picofarads~. 21~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400040032-8 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY An increase in the joining coefficient with respect to inputs ma,y be achieved by connecting a logic expander to the basic circuit; however, this causes a consider- able reduction in the speed of operation of the circuit due to parasitic capaci- tances; therefore, expander circuits are not included in the F~TL series [3]. We will now consider ESTL circuits in greater detail. 3~5.1. F~nctional Composition of the ESTL Series In recent years technological successes it possible to increase the functional possibilities of the FSTL series considerably. Along with logic elements and D triggers, decoding and multiplex circuits, memories and axithmetic device units were introduced into these series. This provides for their wide use~ in high speed = computers. The functional composition of the FSTL digital series, developed. in recent years, and their analogs axe shown in Table 3.13� We will consider in greater detail the purpose and special features of operation of several IC of series 100. IC types 100LMi0i, 100LM102, 100LM105, 100LM109 and 100LYe106 (and corresponding IC of series K500) implement functions OR-NUr and dsstgned with the basic logic element. IC types 100LP115~ 10oLP116 are receivers from the line and may be used in two modesi as receivers of a paxaphase signal from a two-wire communications line (in this case, the built-in lea,d.s in the housing of reference voltage source axe not used) and as logic elements with constant voltages 0 or i at the output (with an external connection of the leadout from the reference voltage source with certain input leadouts. The use of both simultaneously for elements oontained in the same IC housing is permitted. IC type NR400 is a ma.trix of loa,d resistors (four resistors rated at 500 ohms and four resistors rated at 800 ohms) which, with proper switching, axe used as a load on the nonmatching inputs of the logic circuits of the series. ~ IC type 100TM130 (Fig. 3.22 ~ axe two D triggers "latches," equipped with setting (S), resetting (R), synchronizing (C~ inputs and a general synchroniza,tion input (C). D~.ta is received. from input D during the time when C=O; CE=O. In this case~ any change in the data at input D is transmitted to the trigger output. The _ data is stored at the moment tha,t the signal at input C changes from state 0 to state 1. For CE 1, the trigger is suppressed. at input C. A forced setting of the trigger into state 1(input S) and resetting (input R) is done when C=CE=1; in this case~ the signal at input D does not affect the trigger. When the trigger is controlled by the R and S inputs, the setting and resetting pulses should not overlap in time. IC type 100TM134 ~Fig. 3.22b), unlike IC type 100 TM130, has two data inputs~ D1 and D2 and an additional selector input S. When 1 is applied to input S, the data is reaorded only by input D1; when 0 is applied to input S, the data is recorded only by input D2. 25 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONI.Y _ . t EE ; ; i ~ ; ~ t~nr ~at i0;, i ,-t- ~ "i' t k, ~ I - ~ ' ~I I ~ s _ ; _ , - i t _ o I~ ' o, I - , t t~~cc I , - --;-c- ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' i t ' i _r~o}yCC _ ~;_,,,i 7675 taApP i . i ~ G,' ~i - - ~ , r l ~ cf - ~ - - ~ . . . _ 01 ---1 ti~ ~ f . ~ - ' ' i I ~ ' _ _ _ . - - - - __y ~Z ~ - i ~ i - _ _ S - - ---T-----j----_- ' ~ t ~t ~ ~ i ~ tII o _ _ . t~~~~.s ~ I ~1D I I ~ r 0 ` Gt. ti,5 tNI.S t . i ---~7'~-- ia~ ~ i I t.C ~ ~ ~0,7 f0 ._._.,,.t~-' t_~= "'1''" yi i'~}d ~L ~ oyADS t)A PS tac ec ~ Fig. 3.22. Time diagrams of D trigger operation for IC type 100TM13~ ~a) and type 100TM134 (b~. ~ '0tl1"'~� ,aanM,os~2~ s (1~ ~ 01 4 v 2 C.'< C~----- l �r ~ 5 ' ~ t 4rm... ; o R _ c ycir ..0 ~ t CI - C/: - t L f4 ~ C al 6J . Fig� 3.23� F~eQuency divider for IC type 100TMi3i (a) and its time diagram (b). 1. Zero setting 2. 100LM105 26 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ c*i m~ ~ ~y ~ N C`1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a N 4i f-~ n1 N ~ ~ N N N P ~ V~] c''1 c'1 M c~l c'1 c''1 ~ H a ~ z~ ~ a~ ~ ~n ~ ~ p r~ll N ni ~ ~O N ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~d O o O O O ~ ~ ~ ti` L~~- ~ ~ N ~ ~ L` ~ Y-I ~ ~ ~ ~r-I ~ ~ . O O ~ O c~1 ~l ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ r~l o ~r~-t ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ +-I ~ U H ~ ~ ~ N N ~ uH'1 O O l~- ~ O~ ~ O O 4-i ~ ~ ~~..1 ~ N N .~-i ~ O r-1 rl ~ a. �o ~ ~ ~ ~ aa aa~ a~ tn a a aa a a ~a aa aa a 0 0 0 ~ m~ o� �o 00 0�o 00 00 00 00 ~ m x x xx ~ x x~ x~ ~x ~ ~ m r' cv o 0 0�~ r' ~ W ~ ~ a ~ � a a~ ~ a o a � � - H r+ e-+ ~ ~ ~ I �i ~ ~ ~ I\ I .C O N ~o ~~d mz ~ o as~ mZi ~z m~ ~ p O rl U O,-UI N T1 ~ N (~2 ld ~('rl I E3 TI ~ 1 ~I r~ cd rl (~l 40 m\ U N\ U Pr,~ N 40 '~r V ~ V~ m 4D vJ \ O tA cd ~ H ~rl VJ ri N �r-1 r-1 -~i O VJ I rl ~ ~-1 O N U+~ rl -F~ m o h0 ~ m R 40 C~l N rl P~ 0 u1 ~ ~ M O~ v] ,-1 m r-~ ~ Z ~ i+ z ~ '~i t+ O O m'zi N N U I rl m N O! rl U] U I ~ m r-1 7] rl t~ a ~ G i m~ z~-+ s~,-i m m o o~ ~ o~~ a ~�'xd~a, ~ aoad om ao~d o~ho~d' o o~ r+p~ o o ~ m o ~ md ~ m.~ ~ _ U ~ fS, m N H m Q rl N ~ m'~..~ e-i c~1 E-~ ~ rl ~ H m m H~ 1l1~ H~.~C ,-1 ~ 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r r ~~r y r w ~ N N y r�w ~ m m o ~ ~ o i~ m .~i' � ?~U. o o ~ t ~ ~~oq o i aq w o ~ ~w o ~ 1~-~ N t 7 t~ n C ~ n i- ~ f A t y ~~j1 I-~ c D c~i- id F~ C~ ~o(D c+ a N ~ 04 O I d4 F-' 1-~~ Z O I-'~ ~ ~ ~7(D I~-+~ d (D y~n ~g aNn ~ c~p ~(~j ~ c~D N W~ OUqq N Z m W Z ~ ~ I~-~ 1~ I~ m ~ l~ 1-~ c+ d I~--~ hi m c�t- N ci- e~ . W c+ fi c+ ~ FK-" Z N~, c~i m ~'S ?~i ~~-i w W ~ w ~ k \ c~+ < ~~p U4 c~+ u~i ~ w W U1 W U! ~ Fi ~ fp (p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F~+ F-+ F+ H F+ F+ F-? I-~ F+ F-~ O O O O O O ~ Q p p ~ . .~-.~q. ~ ~ y c~n v~i r r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N N N W F-? t+ O ln ~ F-+ ~O aD V O~ lh _ ~y , ti rl I~ I`i Il lI_`i ~i r1 r~f 1/_`i r~Y r~ 1^i 1^i 1^i ~i 1^i 1/_`i 11~_`I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ V 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V l v { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q 0 Q ~ ~ ~ ~M ~ Q ~r ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Q ~ ~ `--1 ~ ~j.j ~ ~ N ~"r F"a ~ ~ ~ ~ N f4~ ~ N r i-+ f-? r+ N N N N iV N W W ir ~..a N ~...a F.,a t+ F,p H~ H ~ H ~ ~ ~ y ~ y~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ CA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O O I O O O O iv !v fv W i-~? r~? i-~+ i-~+ i-�+ O f~...~ ln ~ ~0 OD ~7 O~ ln F+ O O O H W v' ~ N ~ ~7 v ~7 V ~1 ~7 V ~7 ~7 ~7 c~f- ~ m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p~~''~ - ~ ~ x ~ cn rri~ ~ ~ ~d "rd ?~r'e i c~i- pi w f-? ~ f+ f+ t+ f+ n~ N N w F-+ i o 0 0 ~.,n ~ F+ i-+ ~p OD N ~7 O~ ln r~ N N N N N iv N 1v N t-~+ ai ~ c~+ N ~ ~ _ ~ _ i1+ W W W W W W W W W W ~ CA ?r~ iv iV N N N N I N N tv N ~ b w O ~ - V Q~ ln ~ W N r-~? O ~ ( D ( D O N ~ ~ ~ 28 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400440032-8 I~()R (1l~NI('IA1. I1tiH: nN1.Y a~ ~ ~ ~ ~-I S 00 Q~ O N c"'1 ~ ~ ~ L` 0p ~ O r-I N [T, ,uj N r+ N N cV cV N ~ cV c~2 N N c~l c~l c"1 ~ a c~1 N N N N cV cV N N N C~t N c~t c~t N N O~ c'l c''1 c'~l c'1 rl Cl c"1 c"1 ~''1 rl c~l c~1 rl c~l c"~ N O ~ ' z ~ o N cV N N ~ N c~t N c ~2 N N ti ~ ~ ~ .~"1-~ y~ ~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H H H H I I I 1 H i-Aj A A F-j H z v ~ cp O O o O O ~ O O O O O O O~ O O O O O 0 O O O O O O ~,O L~ C` L~ L` ~ C` L` L` L` L~ ~ ~ c'~ '1 m ~ ~ .n _ RJ H . O N'~ ~O L` r+ CO O N ~ O O O c'l c�'1 c'1 ~ (�1 (rl 3 ~J' ~ ~O ~O ~ L` c0 ~ O r1 .-1 r-~ .-1 ~ r+ .-i .-1 ri O O O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O O O ~ ,'~r^ rf e-1 r-i H ri r-I ~ e-1 r-I ~-1 r-1 rl ri v-1 ~-1 ~--1 ~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O o cH'1 c~`l ~ c~''1 c''l ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ H H E-+ ao 00 `o r+ cv rn rn o 0 0 r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ c~ c~i r~ ~ ~o ~ c` c~ ao co 0 ~ ,a r+ ~ ~ ~ m ' .-i ~ G~ ~ ~ ,-i .-i .-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ A A A p,~p,~ a U] E-~ H H E-~ E-~ H E+ E-~ H H H PG ~i H H H H H H 'zi N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �-1 O O O O O O 00 p O O 00 O O O O O 00 00 O FI ul ul u1 u1 Ul ul ul ul ~+l u'1 Ul Ul Ul Vl irl V1 ul ul u1 Vl ul vl ul ~ ~ x x x ~ X ~ ~ ~C ~ ~ ~ S~C ~C ~ x ~ ~C ~ ~ x ~ � a H ~ o c''1 C'~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ O O p ~ .-r ~-i .-1 r-1 N ,-i .-i r-i ~~p-~i o~0 ~ H C~-~ H H ~ ~ ~ A A A H H ~ O O O O O ~ C ^ O O O O O p O O O O ~ ~-1 rl ~-i rl ' r-1 ~ ~-1 ~ ~ ~~-1 rO-1 ~~-1 r~i ~ -I~ ~j ~ m b ~ u7 ~ O U ~N i~ Ry 'd r~l ~ ~ +i ~ U m 'd m}~ ~ ~ ~ .L' U U m i~l .~C ~ rl 4S N ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ � m > a o w ~ ~ v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aHi ~ N m f~l m ..~1 m .C ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ 4.,-to 40 40 ~ 40 .a 'd ~Q +-1 cd ~ ~ 4~D ~ rl rl ri 3 ~ r~l .i"., ri ~ ~ O ~ ~ f~ f~ ~ i-~ cd cd cd ~ f~ ' r 1 ~ -i~ A A ~ A m ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~d c~d ~ ~d a5 ~ ~ o > > a ~ ~ .a ~ ~ -N 0 0 ~ o i oo ~n o a a.o m ~ [-~i E-~~ w� ~ ~ ~ ~ v1 ~ c%~ c%~ oo ~ ~ ~ a ~ 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 1~()R UFFI('IA1. USE: ()NI.Y n H ~ ~ ~ ~~d ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ orH a ~in O ~ h'' f'' O Q~ O(D i-~ O(D O(D F" N(D H" ~ f'' a o o oa o H w tv ~i c+ y p y K ~ ~n ~ ~ c+ ~ ~ ao ~ o ~ o ~rno w ~o ~ o ~ ~s o O m?d ~ uPi' r~ ~~i,' r~ ~s o o oq m ~]d ?d dd ~ o~ ~ ~ o~~ m~ w o~ w Fd � i o ~i m m ~ r~ o w~+ P~ o rn ~ m ~t oa z ~ ~ m ~ ~s ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ i - ~ 4 ~ o m o r~ u, o~- F-� o~- N� o a~ W a. fy H H O4 w~ w~ ~ vNm o c~+ ~ m o o t~ o o ~ N t~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ o ~ m o ~ ~i ?j tv . o g ~ c+ m oq c+ m oq o a' tv o ~Y tv ~ c~- ~n ~i tu ~ m ~ o n r~ ? d N ~ w ~ o w o o ? ~ w o 0 0~- rn a~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~(D hA C~ (D c+ W c+ ~ O ~'i O O F-" O c+ g c+ ~ cF ~7' Or' c+ F+ Q' n N c+- w ~ rn m ~ a o H (p ~ m W ?i r~ ~ m ~ c~' F-' ~ N ~ O W c+ W c+ O a' c+ F-~ F-" ~d ~d N c+ N< F-' O W A U~ 1-' F-~ U1 c+ ~ c+ H F~." c~+ N ~ ~ ~ ~ c+ ;7' ~ fA O c~+, N� t3' ~ c~+ N ~ N ~j N~' W ''i tn O 0~ 0~ cl' (A Fj ".s' v ~ H ~ N ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � ~ ~ ~ O~ aD N OD ln O ?y O i-+ N t-+ H N ti N ~S x~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x~ ~ O O O O O ~ I ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ y ~ N i-~+ O ~ t-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N o O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ i~v F-~? O ~ O o ~ W (U p r~ p O O O c~+ Q~ ~ I I 1 1 ' .r~-'~ P~ ~ ~ ~ !d U' N ~ N fv N N W F+ I--~ ~ O w cp N � O W W W W W W W N F~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ cf N N N N N N iV c+ ~ ~ OWO ~7 ~ ln ~ W ~d Q9 ~ ~IU 1 I So FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 'IAI. l ItiH: ONI.V O O~ o Fr'~ F-r~ y O~ ~ O ~ f~A ~ ~ N N < ~ (D ~ c~+ ~ ~ ~j n FA Q4 ~ I~-~ F+ (~D l~A ~ iS ~ ~R O ~ l'j ~ F~ N ~ ~ ~ ln I-~ � O iv c+~ Fy c+ ~ c+ ~ ?d iv I~-+ H C F~-~ m ~ 'G F~-~ I-~M 04 N O~ fA ~ ~'S F~-" ~ n 1~-'~ ~ Fi ~ � N O fD O Q~ N~ ~ F~'~ N F~-~ ~ F~'~ ~ O~~ F+ fA DG' cf' F'S c+ c+ ln iv Oh F-? ~n tn ;s' ~ OD ~ O F~'~ I~-~ N � c+ c+ - ~ O~ lA ~ `3' ~-?N~ c'' rn- ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~w 0� o 0 0 0 0 0 o I'y o 0 0 0 0 0 0� w � o r r a{p~�m v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >i N I~ ~O r Oo Q~ O W ~ . N I~ N N '~ri ~ ~ O F+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O N . ~Qp P(~p+~ c+ ~-ro+ N~ fi iS !~A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F~~~~ H~ O ~ N p~ c+ w w ~ x N I'~i ~N O O c+ F-'~ F+ ;S' N ~ � (D 0~ I F+ F+ rn~pCO ~ o o .j. ~ C o' ~ i o ~ m w . ~ v w ~ r~n p' ~ o [A ~ W ~ f,~ c?- A aq m ~y ~ ~o~ ~ ~~m b~o ~ Nm ~~~'fi F" ~ ~ c+ Oq I ~ - 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IC type 100TM1 (Fig. 3.23) is two double D triggers of the ms type with sepa,rate inputs for setting S, resetting R, synchronizing CE and with common synchroniza- tion input C. The data is received on the ma.ster trigger from input D at C=0 and CE 0. During this time, the slave trigger stores the data receivpd by the , trigger in the previous cycle.The data storing occurs when the signal changes at input C from state 0 to state i. In this case, trigger m changes to the storage mocle, while trigger s changes to the receiving mode. Previously recorded data in the m trigger is transferred to the output of the circuit. At CE 1, the trigger is blocked. at input C. To achieve the calculating mode it is ngce~�saxy to co ect output Q to input D and feed counting pulses to input C or CE ~Fig. 3.23b~. Compulsory setting (5) and resetting (R) axe achieved at any moment of time, independently of the state of other trigger inputs (Fig. 3.24). , __-__y _ ^ , t ~ v - - - - ~ - t _ - - . _ t ~ ~ ~ ,_~_~~r- . ~ ~ t~D tonD ty0 t j t Q -C~1 l, . : ~:a uc ~in pc i' ~ ! Qf ~ t~q p5 tjp p R Fig. 3.24~. Time diagram of a D trigger type 100TM13~ operation in the calculation mode. IC type 100TNa33 is four D triggers with strobing elements at the trigger inputs. Strobing elements axe divided with respect to trigger pa,irs by strobing outputs (G1, G2), synchronization input CE and common synchronization input C. The da,ta is received from input D at C= 1 and CE =1, in this case direct data transmission from the input to the output of the system may be blocked by signal 1 at the input of the strobing element. Da.ta storir_g occurs when the signals change at inputs G1 and G2 from state 1 to state 0. When all triggers axe synchranized with respect to the common input C, 0 must be set at the inputs of separate synchroni- zation or they must remain switched off. With separate synchronization of trig- ger pairs with respect to C~ inputs, the common syn~~ronizatic~ input C must remain switched off , or si al 0 must be fed to it ~Fig. 3�25J� 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON , . ~ ~ t CE t A t t~D t~D t0 i C to D t P t 10 tqA D~[ ~ t1A pD tbA~VC . t~A DC t~A PCI t~Q~pD~ FYg� 3�25. Time diagram of D trigger type 100TM133� To provide proper operation of the trigger circuits,it is necessaxy to take into account a number of additional paxameters shown in the above-cited time diagramst l;�;,,1;~5 minimum allowable delay time of the signal front or cut-off at in- puts D or S with respect to the positive synchronization pulse frontf ~o~S Dr loh�s minima.l allowable time for advance of the front and cut-off of signals at in- puts D or S with respect to the positive front of the swith respect~to theeD inhe valuES of these paxameters must be as followsi to~,o put not less than 2.S nanoseconds; to~s with respect to the S input not less than 3.5 nanoseconds, ~iD with respect to the D input not less than 1.5 nanoseconds and ~~S with respect to the S input not less than 1.5 nanoseconds. IC type 200ID164 is an 8-channel multiplexer with an inhibition input W made of - basic logic elements. The presence of the inhibition input ma.kes it possible to organize high level decoding circuits and implement an "QR wiring" operation of circuits for multiplexing (combining) over eight channels. IC type 100IYe160 (12-input paxity check circuit) is a combination of nine logic elements that im- plement the "OR lockin " to function. The circuit is designed to determine a pa,rity of words up to ~2 bits long. The output voltage corresponds to level 1 if an odd number of digit "units" is present at the circuit inputs. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY " IC type 100IP179 is a high-speed carry unit and is designed for combined use with IC types 100IP180 or 1002P181 in high-speed acting arithmetic and logic devices, operating with long words. The circuit consists of ten OR-NG~-OR logic c~lements in which the collectors of the input transistors are combined in an "OR wiring" circuit. IC type 100IP181 are high-speed universal arithmetic-logic devices (ALU), designed to im~lement 16 logic functions and 16 arithmetic opera- tions with two four-bit numbers. A~...A3 and B~...B3 are data inputs. Input vaxiables A and B in the positive logic circuits ase fed in the complementaxy code and output function Y, in this case, is also formed in the complementaxy code. The direct code of vaxiables A, B and of output funcetion Y is used in the operation of the ALU in the negative logic function (0 corresponds to the upper level and 1-- to the lower level). Inputs SD...S are used to assign the code of the function being implemented. Depending upon the signal at output M, the device implements logic or arithmetic operations. ~11 internal carry circuits are built-in in the ALU circuit. Input C is the caxry input from the previous stages. The caxry signal into the following stage is formed at output X2. The combined utilization of IC types 100IP 181 and 100IP179 makes it possible to almost halve the arithmetic operation time for 32-bit words. Two complementary group carry signals (outputs X1 and X3) prod.uced in the ALU are used in the accel- erated carry operating mode. The implementation of logic transformations of in- put vaxiables A and B is done when signal 1 is fed to input M which blocks the internal carry circuits. The value of the typical parameters of the ALU in inplementing axithmetic opera- tions with words from 4 to 64 bits long, using accelerated caxry circuits in 100IP179, are shown in Table 3.14. For the combined operation of series 100 and IC series 133 and 155 circuits, IC type 100PU124 is used. It consists of four 2-input level converters for transferring from TTL to IC of the F~TL type, as well as type 100PU125, which consists of four 2-input level converters for transferring from ~TL to IC type TTL. We will consider the operation of level converters in greater detail. Fig. 3.26a shows one of four level converters included in IC type 100PU124. It consists of input diodes VDl-VD4, an input emitter repeater (transistor VTl~~ a differential amplifier (transistors VT5 and VT7), operating in a current switching mode~ emit- ter repeaters(transistors VT4 and VT8~, as well as a source of reference voltages (transistors VT9 and VT10). TTL feed voltage (5.0 volts is fed to leadout 9 and the FSTL feed voltage (-5.2 volts � 5~) is applied to leadout 8. Leadout ~6 (common) is grounded and - the load is connected to paxaphase outputs 4~ and 2. For strobing all four elemen- tary converters located in this IC~ second inputs of each converter are combined at leadout 6. 34 FOR OFFIC'IAL USE ONL1' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 3.14 Typical paxametersof the ALU type 100IP181 when operating with accelerated carry circuit type 100IP179 Worci Adding time Number of IC length~ nanoseconds bits With series With accel~rated. type 100~P181 type 100~179 carr~r carrtr in ALII in ALU circuit with accelerated carry ~ 7 ~ - 1 - 8 11 - 2 - 12 14 13 3 ~ 16 17 16 4 1 32 30 18 8 2 48 43 zo i2 3 64 56 22 16 4 The reference voltage source forms the bias voltage for tne current oscillator (transistor VT6). This voltage is ~aken off the emitter of transistor VT10. Two reference voltages axe also crea.ted, Uon~=- 1.8 volts and Uon2 =-0.7 volts. Volt- age Uo~~ from emitter of transistor VT9 is fed. to one input of the differential amplifier (base of transistor VT7), the voltage from resistor R12 enters the base of still another current oscillator (transistor VT2). When a 2.4 volt signal is applied to the input, a voltage of about 0.05 volts originates at the base of transistor VT3 and the volta,ge on the of transistor VT5 will, in this case, be approximately equal to 0.8 volts which corresponds to level 1 in the ESTL cir- cuits. Tra.nsistor VT5 is found to be open, level 0 is established at output 4 and level 1-- at output2, To suppress interference pulses originating at the moment of switching in the feed circuits of the TTL circuits, diodes VD1 and VD2 axe in- stalled at the level converter input. Fig. 3.26b shows a circuit of one of the four level converters in IC type 100PU125. The circuit consists of a current key (transistors VT3, VI'S and VT10)~ equipped with a stable current oscillator in the emitter circuit (transistor VT6 and re- sistor R9) and an output stage (similar to the inverter in the TTL circuits~, operating in the saturation mode (transistors VT4, VT7,...VT9�)� Feed foltage 5.0 volts � 5,~ is applied to lea.dout 9 and feed voltage -5.2 volts + 5~ is applied to lea.dout 8. Leadout 16 (common~ is grounded. A bias is applied to the stable current oscillator from the internal source of reference voltages (elements VT1, VT2, VD1...VD4~, R1...R4) and two reference voltages axe also usede Uo~~ =-2.8 volts, taken off the collector of transistor VT2 and Uo~2 =1.29 volts, entering from the emitter of transistor VT1. Reference voltage U is used to fix the output voltage of 0 when the circuit inputs axe con- nected to the -5.2 volt voltage source or are free. 35 FOR OFF'IC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 I~OR OFI~1('IA1. UfiF: ONI.Y 9 af vD5 ~D7 u 2 >6 RZ R3 R6 RB R1p A12 6 VD3 VT3 VT9 VD4 VTf ~T4 VTB 5 VT10 vo> vD6 VD2 ~TZ VTS VT7 VD8 ~ ~ VD9 VT6 R4 RS R7 R9 ~P1f ,913 B 4/ . f6 9 -o VT> RZ VT3 VT5 VT1p R8 R10 ~Pf3 R5 Vl8 7 V r4 VT7 : C> q3 vD7 i/9~ k . - RJ1 q11 %T1 VT6 _ ~D3 ~DS ~T9 ~04 VD6 o~ . A1 ~'4 p7 ~G9 Rl4 _ 8 2 3 d/ Fig. 3.26 Level converter for transferring from the TTL to the ESTL (IC type 100P'U124 ~a) and for transferring from the ESTL (IC type 100PU125) (b). When using the circuit as a one-input level converter, the reference voltage U ; (le~.dout 1) is fed to leadouts 2 or 3 depending on whether the circuit must pro- duce an inverted or noninverted conversion. Thus, in case U~n2 is connected to input 3 and 1 is present at input 2, transistor VT3 is open, while transistor VT10 is closed. The voltage of the VT3 transistor collector is about 1 volt which is enough to block transistor VT8 reliably. The current through open transistorVT7 enters the base of transistor VT9, insuring its saturation,as a.result of wlzich 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 voltage U�~bfz < 0.5 volts is established at output 4, corresponding to level 0 of the TTL circuits. When logic 0 is fed to input 2~ transistorVT10 opens and VT3 closes. The voltage on the base of transistor VT9 reduced to the level of 1 volt which leads to the closing of transistor VT9� The voltage on the collector of transistor VT3 increases~ which leads to the opening of transistor VT8. As a result a voltage is est3blished at output 4 which corresponds to level 1 of TTL circuits (U~=2.4 volts). ~ When all four elements of circuit 100PU125 are used, reference voltage ~arom leadout 1 is fed to corresponding inputs of all four elements. In designing functional un~ts using level converter circuits, it should be taken into account that the zero level U�~,X ` 0.5 volts is somewha,t higher than the zero level of TTL circuits (U� < 0.4 volts) which reduces the noise resistance of the latter Bolti \ by 100 millivolts. The branchin~ coefficient of level conterters when operating at inputs of IC series 123, 155 is no greater than 8, and at inputs of IC series 130 no grea,ter than 6. IC type 100RU401 is a superoperative memory with nondestructive readout and con- sists of a matrix of trigger memory elements organized as 16 one-bit words. The matrix is equipped with a circuit for address and bit control. The electrical functional circuit of such a memory (F'ig. 3.27a) consists of 16 triggers (elements for storing data) organized into a two-dimensional (along X and Y~ 4x4 matrix (VTl-1...VT4-4), 8 address formers (F), xead-in amplifiers( 3t1 0,311 1) and two read-out amplifiers (Cq O,C~i 1). The circuit operates in three modesi data storing, read-out and read-in. Addressing (sslection when reading out and reading in) is done by simultaneously feeding level 1 into selected. address buses (X,Y). Zero level must be maintained at all address buses not selected. When there are no signals at read-in amplifier inputs (UBX ~~o =0, U~X 3n~ =0) the signal from the selected cell of data storage is fed over the read-out buses to the input of the read-out amplifier 0 or 1. Depending upon whether 0 ax 1 were read-in in the selected cell, level 1 is formed at the output of the corresponding ~,mplifier. The interrogated cell stores its data. Switching the trigger to the new state will occur only when new data is received. To read-in 0 or l~it is necessaxy to supply level 1 simultaneously to the selected buses x~ y and to one of the read-in buses (3n o or,3(1 1 respectively~ . The data storage element (Fig. 3.27b) is an unsaturated trigger with direct coup- - ling made with two three-emitter transistors VT1 and VT2, and three resistors. In the storage mode~ the trigger has emitters E2...E5 operating while the circuits of emitters II, E6 axe disconnected. Jn the read-out and read-in modes, tha trig- ger has emitters E1, E6 operating, while circuits of emitters F2...T5 axe discon- nected. Read-out and read-in is done over the P1 and P2 buses. IC type 100RU402 is an associative memory device. The associative memory device (AZU) is designed for operation with 2-bit words. Besides storage functions, the 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 1'Vn Vfl'1l.~ML UJG VIrLi '~j , : Y3 (1} f � f D r~� ~ r~' J r f~ 4 i c r2,: r~.~ �:.3 rz~:, ~26`) , .1~~ ~ JOI.f 44M~~ TS~; r,y T3r;, D 1 _ . _ I ro, ~ , ~--i ' . ~ ra,, ~ ~ J ~ ~ Bax Cv�0" i~ D D a~ R3 ~3~ ' rri ~rz . F.~:p.udvua ~u.vd 3f ~6 - PI ~73 30 3s PZ r ~ 6i - :io. j.2^. ~'.ectrical functional circuit of a superoperative memory (a) and a data storage element (b). 1. 8x 3n! input read-in 1 3, bit bus 2. Sb~x 3n l output read-out 1. ~ZU cioes axithmetic operations on the stored numbers. At the basis of the AZU desi~-:z is a system of access by a tag the access to the needed word and its ~elec~ion is made by a ~ag contained in the desired word itself. Associative select'_or. (seaxch mods) in microcircuit 100i~U402 ma,y be made under conditions of "maskino" ~he interrogated data. The retrieval is over two buses for each address. Comb'_nations 1-0 and 0-1 are used respectively for the retrieval of the 1 ar~d the 0 sta�es. Combinations 1-1 correspond to the "mask," i.e,, in this case, the re- _ action at the "word compa.rison" output cc~responds to :~oncoincidence of the inter- ~ c~~. ~ ed data and any data st ored wider any address . 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 3.5�2� Basic Electrical Parameters and Typical Chaxacteristics of IC type ESTL Digital type ESTL IC, besides the usual list of electrical paxameters typical for other digital IC also ha,ve special static paxametersi input and output threshold voltages. ~1, C/e~,C -!,6 -1,4 -f,0 -0,8 -0,5 /g,,r~A~~` - ~ ~ -UB , 6l ~ QI ~ I - -1,C I ~ I / ~ I ~ - -1,2 .,0 ~ 5~ I . ~ ~ j Uoa Uer,~ ~ - -1, 4 ~tlmx,~vA / ~H / / - -!6 i .,U.. ~ ../'_--y. � - --1, 8 ~un i Uduix, B i I I ~ 9LY~ B UDx UAx nop U~x nap ~Q.r 3~ ~2~ �1 el Fig. 3.28. Chaxacteristics of basic logic element of the ESTL series; a-- transfer ( QR-Pd(7I' output, solid line; OR output, broken line) b-- input, c-- output, with respect to current. 1. U~X , volts input voltage 3. U~iX volts output 2~ Ugx naP t~eshold input voltage voltage 1~. Isx , mi.lliamps input , current ~ 5� Uo~ reference voltage. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 3.28a shows the typical transfer characteristics o~ a basic logic element of _ series 100, K500 with direct and inverse outputs. By means of these curves, it = is possible to gi~re the following parametor definitions for FSTL circuitsi Uex nop ~ Uo ~m~ Onput threshold voltages; igbi~ nop UB~~xR:,P output threshold voltages; UpX ~ U~x input voltages; Ueb,x Uab,x- output voltages of unity - and zero. These paxameters ma,y be used to calculate the following~ voltages of static noise resiitance ~Un M' U~b/x nnP -Ul and U~ - U~ 'U~ br,~ n~p , logic 6x nop IroM dx neP _ 1 0 gradient U~ -UBbi~ -U~~X as well as the zone of switching G1 U - Uax noP- U' BX R OP Taking into account the low values of output logic and the unavoidable technologi- cal spread of rated elements (therefore, also of the electrical parameters of the keys), maximum and minimum paxameter valuea were established for the ESTL circuits - that determine the transfer characteristic (Table 3.~5). These paxameters cor- respond to the allowable values of static interferences (for -10 t~ 75�C~ Ulncry ~ 125 ~.llivolts, U~oM > 155 ~11~vo1ts; to deviation of output lovels of 1 and 0(for t= 25�C), d, U~ i 690 millivolts; switching zone (for t= 25� C~ ab~x ~ U~ 37~ mi-llimeters. We will now consider the input chaxacteristic of the basic logic element L1R-NOT~ OR of the ~STL series (Fig. 3.21). The ir.put chaxacteristic of this circuit ' (Fig. 3.28b) has four zones. In zone 1 the input transistors are blocked and the input current is low (equal _ to the leakage current between the collector and the base). F3ztire current I3 flows through the emitter circuit of transistor VTS. In zone II, as the voltage increases on one of the input transistor VT1-VT4, it gradually becomes conducting. The input current increases which increases collector current Ikl due to the cor- responding reduction in collector current IK2 of transistor VTS. At a certain value of voltage UeX ~ collector current I~ is reduced to a value considerably lower than I~ . In this case, the current through resistor R7 rema,ins practically consta,nt. In zone III, as voltage UQX increases further, current I~ and voltage UR7 will increase as a result of which the differential input impedance of the circuit will rise shaxply. In zone IV, the transistor becomes fully conducting and picks up all of current IK1 .N I3 = const. _In the cut-off state of the circuit, at voltage 1 on output 2, its working point is located on zone I of the input chaxacteristic, while in the conducting state in zone III. Zone II is a transition zone. In this state the input impedance is minima,l, while in zones I and III for U~equal to voltages 0 or 1 the input imped- ance is high. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ a�~ ~i r�~ N 00 CO 00 ~ I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I r'-I i I r'-I N I 'b ~ rl ~ r~-I N ~ ~~ti ' V~ r-I m 1 I I - 1 I I I I 1 ~ N ~ 000 ~ ~ c''l U N r-I ~ o ul Vl O O O O - P ~ x cd 4-i O m � H O+~ ~ i{ ' ~ il r'1 r'i r~l r'I r'1 ~VI N ul U1 ~l ul ul ul O O O �rl ~ rl r~-I ~ rl ~ O a0 00 ~ N cd ~ m ' � � � U ~ ~ r{ r~ 1 ~ i ~ i r ~ I O O O ~ _ ~ ~ U O ~O ~ ~ ~ ~O ~ 4-i ~ ~ . O i I r'i cd ~ ~ ~ O ~ N O ~ ~ O~ O~ a0 N ~ O O ~ ~ ~ td -N ~ c� t�n a~ ~ o~ ~o ~o ~ ~ - ~ ~ � i i ~a ~ ~ m ~ - m a�o ~ a ~ ~ rn rn ~ ~ O O ~ ~ cd N � � . a m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ H O 00 ~ ~ O O ~ tn O � ~ ri r-1 ~ ~ 1{ 1 I ~ 0 N ro Q ~ 'b t x t~ ~cd ~ p~ r~!] cd O m] c~d > ~ > ~ ~ _ ~ r-~ O - ~ O ~ U ~ ~ ~ )lt ~ -1~ ~ ~ cd U] ~ r1 m ~ cd V~ ~ O~ ~ a~i a ~ a ~ ~ ~ a ~ - '~w a ~ > ~ r-i ~ > > ~ o 41 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 3.16 Electrical paxameters of IC series of F~TL Parameter Values Ambient temperaturei minimal maximal to, C Input current 0, I~X , microamp . 0.5 - ~ 25 Input current 1, IeX , microamp. - 265 25 Output threshold voltage -.92 - 75 1, Ul$b~f ~oP , volts - 1.04 - -~0 Output threshold voltage - -1.605 ?5 o, u~b,.~ �o~, , volts - -1.650 -~o Output voltage 1, Uae,x ~ -0 ~ 9 -~�72 75 volts -1.02 -0,86 '-l0 Output voltage 0, U ab~x ,volts -1.88 -1.67 -10 Current us ed I ~o r~. ma - 25 75 Time of propagation delay when - 2�9 25 - connected, t Rp~, nanoseconds Time of propagation delay when - 2.9 25 disconnected t ~p ~ nanoseconds Output branching coefficient ~5 75 -ZO Power consumed PRoT , - 35 25 milliwatts ~per logic element OR-N CIr~ OR ) The output characteristics of the key at the transistor VT8 output (see Fig. 3.21~ are shown in Fig. 3.28c. Depending upon the value of the given voltage at the output, current IBe,z will flow into or out of the circuit. At each circuit state, the reduction in U~b;,~ at the VTS transistor output leads to this transistor being mo~e conductive~ and an increase in outflowing output current Igb,x . An increase in U makes this transistor less conducting and iilcreases the inflowing output BhI.K current I~~;~ . A further increase in U~~xmay make the emitter repeater fully nonconducting, after which the current will be determined by the loa.d impedance which will determine the slope of characteristic Ieb~~ (Ueb~x The low output impedance of the emitter provides a high loading capacity of the FBTL circuits on DC. However, the actual loading capacity in the dynamic mode~ due to the input capacitance of the circuit and the capacitance of the wiring is re- duced to x~Q3 = 15� !~2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 We will now consider the dynamic paxameters of the ESTL elrcuits. The basic param- eter that determines the dynamic properties of the circuit is the propagation delay time when connecting and disconnecting (t1~0, t0,1~~ ~TL circuits axe the quick- 3R. P 3,~1' _ est digital IC. At normal conditions and load impedance RH 51 ohms, their typical propa,gation delay time is 7 nanoseconds. The delay time is measured at the level of 50~ from the full gradient of the logic level when the circuit is switched. - It may be seen from the chaxacteristics shown in Fig. 3.29 that the greatest effect on the propagation delay is produced. by a change in the feed voltage, the voltage bias level and by an increase in the capacitive loading. FSTL series 100, K500 axe considered to have identical electrical parameters and differ only in functional composition, the type of housing and the operating con- ditions. Table 3.16 shows the values of the operating electrical paxameters of the basic logic element of series 100 and K500 in a temperature range. The limiting allowable modes of operation for the ~5TL series is shown belowt Maximum feed voltage, UN~ ~ volts -7 for 5 millisec; -6 constantly Maximum input voltage Uax max ~ volts 0 Minimum input voltage U8~ m~n , volts -5�5 Maximum output current Iab,x max, milliamp 40 3�5�3� Certain Special Features in the Use of IC type ESTL We will consider the special features of using IC type ESTL on an example of the series 100. As already mentioned above, ESTL circuits have a negative feed voltage source of -5.2 volts t 5yb and, because of this, negative voltages of logic levels. Moreover, ESTL circuits logic levels axe low in absolute value~UBb~x 1 volt and U~�X ~-1.65 volts). All this does not allow direct connection to inputs and outputs of IC type FSTL to IC type TTL or the use of MCS structures. For the mutual interfacing of logics, special circuits of converter 100PU124 and 100PU125 must be used. Ir. wiring appaxatus of IC series 100 (besides IC types 100LP115~ 100LP116 and 100LP124) all unused inputs and outputs axe left free. Un~sed inputs of IC types 100LP11~ and 100LP116 must be connected to a reference = voltage source (leadout 9 of IC type 100LP115 and leadout 11 of IC type 100LP116) or to feed voltage source UN~ _-5.2 volts + 5qb. Unused inputs of IC type 100PU124 are connected to feed source U~,,, = 5.0 volts + 5~ through a resistor rated at 1 kohm. No more than 20 unused inputs ma,y be connected to one resistor. If it is necessaxy to feed a constant signal 0 to inputs of several IC, it may be obtained from any logic IC series 100 that forms si~a1 0 with the connected inputs. The number of loads which may be connected to the output of such an element should not e~xceed 24. 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 1~()It OFH'1('IAI, lJ5E ON1,Y o> >o 1 tbA p~~ p~ NC 1/ ' tj/1 D' t}A hC � t~~ . Of Z- ~ P t3a P - 3 JO f 1,0 ~ tfA A 4 p Z 50 150 150 R~~ UN~,6 -5,6 -5,2 -4,8 -4,4 al o,f fo of fp , tbap,tbAP,NC t}AP~tiap,yC 4 tb4D t~'~ bA F 3 0~ 3 1 t~A P l'3A P 2 ~ 1 0 40 BO CM,~~3J~ny,B -1.6 -1,2 -1,8 -1,4 - 61 d~ t qiP. taq P. HC Q~ t~~ p 5 ~a 4 faa a ~ ~ ~ -10 0 ZO 40~ 60 BO T, �C e _ Fig. 3.29. Relationships betxeen dynamic ~,rameters andt resistive load (a~, - load capacitance (b); voltage feed source (c); bias voltage (d~; and temperature (e). 1. nanoseconds 3. picofarads 2. ohms The ESTL microcircuits considered above allow a combination of direct and inverse outputs into a"wired OR" and a"wired AND" with a combination coefficient Kod ~ ~ 4, as well as a combination of a direct output with an inverse one (Fig. 3.30). The latter combination method makes it possible to receive and transmit signals from several elements over one common communications line (Fig. 3.31a~. 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 X~ n' rs X. ~ n~ X' ~ y x' ~ & o ~ r~ ~ ~i X3 XJ X3 D= D2 D2 x~ ~ Y~ f ~ Xt ~ ~2 ~X - t Y 3 XJ '~S X3 - a) . Fig. 3.30. Combination of IC type F~TL outputs into a"wired OR" (a) into a "wired AND' (b)~a combination of direct and inverse outputs (c). It should be remembered tha,t as the number of combined outputs is increased, the levels of output voltage change~ which leads to a reduction in the noise resistance of the IC. Moreover, in the "wired L~R" operating mode when even one IC is switched from state 1 to state 0, a negative interference appears at the output of the com- bined circuits (Fig. 3.31b) which ma,y cause a false operation of the load element. The amplitude and duration of the interference depends on the length of the com- munications line that connects the elements in the "wired UR." Taking the above into account, it is recommended to combine outputs within one board and, if possi- ble, outputs of IC which axe beside each other. Taking the output from the boaxd of an IC that does not have an output combination is recommended. ;s `l~ ; - - . _ _ - ~ --y , X~ ~:1~ , ~ ~ t ~ ? ~ ~ ~ r- - _ . - , . ~ ~7 ~ I I.-y I - rf 1 ~~r~ r ny . , i f. -_',y _ ~2~- ~ ~ (~i r ~'Mi ` r f'~ ~ ~aM l3) 6~ Fig. 3.31. Circuit for signal transmission f~om several IC type ESTL over one common communications line (a) and a time diagram (b~ l. UriX~ input voltage 3� Uebix-- ou~tput voltage 2. U~vM interference voltage 4. 2'noM interference time ~5 FOI~ OFFiC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 1~OR OFFI('IAI. USE ONLY As already mentioned above, ESTL circuits have a fairly high load capacity (K~,U~ ~ 10) which is due to the low input impedance of the emitter repeaters with which the keys are equipped and the low values of the input current (less than 265 microamperes~. Within one board, the load capacity increases to K pA~ = 20 and for microcircuits 100LL110 and IOOLYelll, designed to operate simul- taneously on three transmission lines, the load capacity is still higher ( KPQ~ = 30). It is recommended that the output of trigger circuits be loaded no more tha.n with 6 inputs of IC loads. It is recommended to connect inputs of no more than 16 key- loads to the output of circuits, combined in a"wired OR." In this case, the re- duced level of the output voltage and an increase in the propa.gation delay time - should be taken into account. When the logic element operat~s with a load resistor rated at 51 ohms (at UcM J- -2 volts) the delay increase when connecting one inpu~ of the IC load is 0.1 nano- seconds, wnile the change in the duration of the output signal front for an in- crease in the load from 1 to 10 inputs does not exceed 0.5 nanoseconds. In all cases, when determining the allowable number of inputs that ma,y be connected to the IC output, it is necessaxy to take into account the combination of several in- puts within these IC. With the direct operation of elements with one another (over short lines of communications), resistors of vaxious ratings connected to voltage sources UNn =-5�2 volts or to U~,~y =-2.0 volts may be used in the emitter circuits of the output repeaters. The presence in the above-considered F~STL series triggers and logic elements of various types ma.kes it easy to design typical functional computer units and dis- crete automatic system devices. Fig. 3.32 shows a 4-stage shift register circuit. The output part of the circuit is made up of 100TM131 triggers, the parallel data input circuit is made up of IC type 100L5119, while the output part is a decoder with two inputs and four outputs ma,de of IC type 100LM105. To increase the number of register stages~ data is fed to input D_1 from the output of the previous stage - a.nd to input Dn_4 from the output of the following stage. Depending on the type of signal, operations, enumerated in Table 3.17~ axe implemented at inputs Sl and S2 by the circuit. Synchronous binaxy pulse counter (Fig. 3�33) is of IC types 100TM131 (D5, D6, D8.1), 100LS118 (D1...D'+) and 100LM105 (D~). Input Qn_1 implements the caxry from the previous stage and output Qn~ the caxry to the following stage. The counter operation is controlled at input 5 of IC100LM105. With 1 at the S input, the circuit implements the function of a counter. With 0 at the S input, the circuit operates as four triggers and receives data in inputs DD...D3. The combined utilization of ~STL and TTL circuits (Fig. 3.34) ma.kes it possible to design special purpose units. F`i.g. 3.34a shows an indication circuit, designed with IC type 100PU125 (D1) (series ESTL) and IC type 1.33r~7 (D2) (series TTL~ using the NSM 6,3-20 incandescent lamp as an indicator. 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 . , ~ i~, o ~m ^ O u ~ I o~ ~ a ~ "n~7h~0 n~ w N w~.w O 4 ~ ~ q~ ~ ywW ~~,i ~ ~ a _ h'o~.a ~'~Q~' DO . qc H fJ n ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ . . MJh~ t~p~~ w ~ w T~ � . q` A ~ - - ~ ~ ' H O O ri N H ~ - - N ~ 4D ~-1 . f~l ~ 4i O ~ I m ? G t~ ~ O + q io ~ ~ ~ N ~ w M Q h w w w w w f�~ r.~ h F~ ~ ~ hl~'' 4ca vhlc`~'nR f~l~ - b ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4i N ~ ~ VI A ^ ~ ~ rn s~n cw a ~ ~ ~ 40 O~ f~ ~ r'~ a" j~ a ~ o 0 . c~ ~ U ; 4-i H N rn b ~ ~ h ~ O~ O Q ^ ~ ~ ~ V o h~.~ ~ ~ w ~-I 1~ . v A ~ N ~O ^ ~ ~ `V q M J h v1 }a. : ~ y ~ L. ---0~, 40 ~ 47 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNI.Y , Table 3. 17 Operations implemented by the four-stage shift register, depending on signals S1 and S2 Inputs Implemented operation Sl 52 0 0 Blocking 1 0 Shift right 0 1 Shift left 1 1 Da,ta received in inputs D(the cir- cuit operates as four triggers with separate inputs and outputs) Table 3.18 Rated resistance resistors R1 and R2 with parallel ma.tching P, ohms R1, ohms R2, ohms 50 81 130 75 lzl . 195 10o i62 z6o 150 243 390 Taking into account the high-speed action of the ESTL circuits, special attention should be given to the arrangment of the communications lines between individual IC, as well as to boards and units. Circuits types 100LP115 and 100LP116 which are paraphase signal receivers from a two-wire communications line, were considered previously. However~ data transfer between individual circuit boards may be im- plemented by single-phase signals (Fig. 3.34b). When a single-phase signal is fed from the output of IC series 100 (D1...D3) to one of the inputs of the IC type, looLP115 (DS...D7~ or 100LP116, a reference voltage must be fed to the second input, produced in IC type 100LP115 (leadout 9) or 100 LP116 (leadout 11) located in the board from which the signal is transmitted Fig. 3.34b). ~e reference voltage source on the transmitting board (DrJ~~ may be loaded in the receiving boaxd with no more than 10 inputs. ~,ch IC type 100LP115 or 100LP116 may be used as a reference voltage source (D4) when transmitting be- yond the limits of the board and as a signal receiver from the communications line (DS...D7). The reference voltage transmission line must be decoupled at the transmitting and receiving ends by no less than 1000 picofarad capacitors. Three basic communications methods axe recommended within the limits of one board. The series method is used for a communications line not over 200 millimeters 48 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 OR-~ c D3 � x ~ 3 ' $ D5 s' s r p~ � 1 p 6 - 2 =�5~~~ 6 ~ y ~ . _ : y ~ 3 ~.i; ty 1,~ C T 0~~~ , 1 12 g /,5' i-- Ir jL � 15 1I Jf ~I ~ f2 ~ ~ J4 DB.1 . ~ 5 S T Ona4 I L~r ' 14 y E 2 4 D R C 3 ~ /1? D4 L S D~ ~ 2 - 1,5 3 f & 5 S 7 t, 2 6�~ ? On�: 5 1 . 4 p 9 f Iv bl 6~ 9~ S 10 ~ L f1 ~ , 4 9 17 C t,y s f2 ~ f4 ll " I ~ ' & /5 � r~ ~4 13 ~5 � ' 15 1i ~ R i1 1 l I 1 t 1~ ~ ~ - ~ , , - - , ~ t . y,~ j~'~U- ~1-1-Ll-LS-1-f-Ll-' t ' " I - t , � - r'.rj ( J t v.v~ ~ . t ~ _ 4Rii � - t bl Fig. 3�33� Synchronous binary pulse counter from 0 to 15 (a) and time diagram of counter operation (b). 1~9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 I~()N ()1~1~1?tG; corrosions, presence of drops of glue, tin on the flangeoof the housing on the side of the cover~, as well as defects in assembly (chip on board glued too high, boaxd bent~ that origina~~e in inaccurate assembling of IC. After annealing to stabilize, parameters and sea,ling, IC are subjected~ in turn, to the effects of the~ high and low values of ambient temperatures to detect a misma,tch between thermal expansion coefficients of individual IC parts. After these tests, the IC must preserve their external appearance and the electrical parameters. The mechanical integrity of the design is checked by testing on a centrifuge. The microcircuits are attached to the housing in a special device and are subjected to the effect of linear loads which produce forces along the vertical IC axis corre- sponding to accelerations of 10,000 g for hybrid, and 20,000 g for semiconductor microcircircuits. These forces axe usua.lly sufficient to det.ect defects of welded connections of internal leadouts and poorly attached chips. In testing IC, devices with improper seals axe re,jected.The widest failure mechanism - in such IC is due to the moist air penetrating the housing and water vapor con- densing causing corrosion of the metal coating. F1~rther electrical tests are _ in which IC not corresponding to technical norm documentation (INTD~ are rejected. After that, IC which are to meet higher reliability requirements are subjected to special electrical thermal tests which are tested until they fail. This type of - testing shows defects not detected in visual inspection very effectively. Typical defects which may be overlooked in visual inspection (but may be detected in ther- mal current tests) are scratches on the metal coating, thinner metal coating on the oxidation treads and microholes in the oxide under the metal-coated tracks. These defects may also include poor electrical contacts and surface contaminations that cause instability of IC parameters The final type of test is an all-around investigation of basic IC electricl param- eters under normal climatic conditions~ as well as at the upper and lower t~alues of the temperature in the specification. Electricaltests axe also at a com- bination of electrical modes (input signals, loads, feed voltages~ which are the worst for the given type of test within the limits of specifications. Rejection tests axe completed by checking commercial type IC~ with special attention being given to inspecting the quality of welded and soldered joints, glass in the metal joints, the labeling and integrity of the coatings of the leadouts and the housings. By analyzing typical experimetal data that chaxacterize the effectiveness of rejec- tion tests in the process of production (Table 5.5), it is possible to conclude that the complex of rejection tests makes it possible to detect a considerable num- ber (including 4~i.2~ of the number tested) of potentially unreliable IC and thus raise considerably the quality of IC lots supplied for use in the REA. 61 FOR OFFICIAL L1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 5�5 Effectiveness of rejection tests Type of test Shaxe of Basic types of defects and their defective IC shaxe~ ~ Visual inspection of 5 Absence (unwelded) c~onnection 26.4 quality of connecting Repeated thermocompr~ssion 17.0 leadouts Shift of leadout beyond area of contact pa,d 13.6 Pinched leadout 10.6 Shift of welded joints on the crosspieces 8.0 Others 24.4 Visual inspection of 3.7 Splits 10.7 chips Photolithography defects 10.7 fJthers 29 Annealing for stabilizing paxameters~ before sealing 0.0 - after sealing 0.0 - Cyclic effect 0.0 - of temperature Linear loads 0.0 - Leak tests~ sma,ll leaks 7.0 Not in accordance with norm medium and large 1.9 same - leaks Monitoring electrical 7.4 - parameters at norma,l conditions IIectrical thermal 0.7 - aging II.ectrical testst check of static paxam- 0.6 - eters at higher temper- ature Check of static param- 4.7 _ eters at lower tempera- - tures Check of dynamic 1.6 - paxameters 10.6 Splits and cracks in housing ~.4 Inspection of exterior Twisted leadouts 16.0 of IC Labeling defects 9.4 Damaged coa.tings 20.2 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 � FOR OFFICIAL U'~E ONLY _ h se ~ o . a . . ~ 40 ~ o ~ ~ ;V . _ V ~ ~ _ ~ ~ SO ' � > 1 . 3 6 ~5) _ A B A B A B /liiamoi 6narru /1pu60pa~ 6 (7) ~ (8) Fig. 5.2. Distribution of IC failures in production and testing of apparatusi l. failures of printed boaxds B. stage when product is released to quality control department 2. failures in units 3. failures in devices 5. f of total number of failures 4. total number of failures A. shop test stage 6. circuit boards 7. units 8. devices S Inasmuch as rejection tests using above-cited methods axe compulsory for all manufccturing plants, the IC quality of vaxious suppliers is equa,lized to a consid- erable extent. Now IC that have passed through one and the same "rejection bar- rier" at various plants have a similar quality level. 5.4 Effect of bcternal Factors on Appasatus Prod.uction A typical technological process of apparatus manufacture using sma.ll-scale mecha- nization tools is shown in Fig. 5�3� 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 FOR OETICIAI. USE ONI..Y z - F z . ~ z ~a t ~z>~ . ~ 4,~ 5,6,~ L 5 I 1>,5 95.16 J i 1 9 ,i 1 10 Z 8 Z 12,1 >4 - ~ 5 19.5 5 5, 6, 7 >6, 20, 2>, 22 L ; >3 ~4 24 s~ 7.7 >4~ 30 14~ 34 35 >6, 23 L_ 25,16~ ~28,1 � J 3>, 25, 1819 31, 33, 2Z ' ~ � al . . . 1 9 1 3 1 8 1 12 >4 11 5 4,5 5,6,7 5 >8,70,2f,Z2 ' 14 36,1 14 74 14 27 14 30 14 34 35 75,16,13 25,16 18 29 3~ ZS 1819 ' 32;33,1Z ' 61 ~ ~ Fig. 5.3. Technological route of passage of IC circuit in manufacturing appaxatus in housings types 1 and 3(a) and housings type 4(b)i 1. IC 1~9. die forming and trimming to size 2. technological packing 20. spatula _ 3. f'orming and trimmin.g leadouts 21. device for gluing 4~. die for forming and trimming the 22. thermostat size . 5. magnetic vacuum or optic tweezers 23. semiautomatic soldering device 6. crucible with thermal regulator 2~. cleaning flux from boax3s 7. device for tinning 25. brush 8. tinning leadouts 26. vat 27. regul~tion 9. ma,king up sets 28. control panels~ devices 10. trimming inactive leadouts 29. hot-cold chamber 11. die with keying device 30. protection against moisture 12. installation 31. paint and varnish 13. soldering 32. centrifuge 14~. board 33. pulverizer 6~. FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 Key to Fig. 5.3. continued ~ 15. device for soldering IC without 34. functioning and control check gluing 16. electric soldering device single-core 35. assembly unit 17, gluing 36, fluxing 18. injector The sequence of operations and transfers indicated in the technolqgical routes of circuits may change depending on the special design features of the assembly units and the specifics of production. In passing over these routes~ the IC axe subjected to the effects of various external factorst mechanical, temperature, chemical and electrical (Table 5.6). Mechanical forces axe applied to IC in assembly operations, forming and trimming leadouts~ and mounting and gluing the IC to the printed. circuit boaxd. Forces acting on leadouts and their insulation may the sealing of the housing. Temperature effects axe related to the operations of tinning, soldering and dis- mantling. In these operations, heat pa,sses through the leadouts to the chip or substrate and produces heating of the structural elements of the IC. Chemicals affect the plating material of the housings and the IC labeling when fluxing, cleaning the flwc off the printed circuit boaxds, applyir.g moisture protection and dismantling. And, finally, electrical effects axe rela,ted to discharges of static electricity through the IC. This effect also takes place at all technological operations if no special measures axe taken to reduce and remove static electricity charges from production areas. As may be seen from Table 5.6, IC are subjected many times~ although to a different degree, to effects of external factors in the environment. The most dangerous of them axe thP actions of the operator because they depend to the greatest degree on the individual prepaxation of the operator and they axe the most difiic~lt to con- trol. In the process of appaxatus production, if the modes and equipment quality do not correspond to the problem of producing highly reliable apparatus, vaxious kinds of IC defects and failutes ma.y originate (Table 5.7). 5.~ Forming and Trimming Leadouts One basic requirement that the IC housing must satisfy is the preservation within it of comparatively dry air during its entire service life. The gresence within the housing of moisture, chemically active and electrically incompa,tible with semi- conductor~ substances facilitate the origination of sudden, as well as gradual, failures. They happen due to the corrosion of inetals and their alloys and inter- contact connections, and the deterioration of electrical characteristics caused by changes in the surface and volumetric conductivities and ionic contamination. - Under norma.l conditions, any surface of a substance is covered by a thin moisture of from 0.01 to 0.001 micrometers. Due to the sma,ll values of a molecule of 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 5.6 _ EScternal factors acting on ZC in the grocess of apparatus assembly Source of action Assembly Forming antl Fluxing and Mounting Fluxing trimming tinning ~d gluing and leadouts wires I~ on cir- Solderin~ cuit board Dperator E, M E E E~M E Material covers of E - - E E working positions and rooms Packing E,M E,M E,M E.M - Assembly tools E,M E~M E,M,T E,M E,M~T Technological - M,E E M - ~uipment Flux - - Kh - ~ Solder - - T - T Washing liquid - - _ _ _ Varnish solvent - - _ _ _ II~uipment and materials for moisture protection - - _ _ _ Cleaning Regula- Moisture F~Znction- Disassembly off flux tion protection in~ test CJperat or E E E ~ E, M Material covers of - - _ _ E working positions a.nd roams = Packing - - - - ~ M ~ Assembly tools - - - - E,M,T _ Technological M,E E E E - eq uipment Fl ux _ _ _ _ ~ Solder _ _ _ _ T 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 )NLY Table 5.6 continued EScternal factors acting on IC in the process of apparatus assembly ~ource of action Cleaning Regula- Moisture FLinction- Disassemblv off flux tion Protection in~ test Washing liquid Kh - - - _ Varnish solvent - - _ _ ~ D~uipment and materials for moisture protection - E,M - - Notei designations of actions~ E-- electrical; Kh chemical; T-- temperature; - M mechanical. 2.7x10-10 meters and the low viscosity of water~ moisture is able to penetrate even the intermolecular spaces of complex inorganic compounris. In this case, mechanical destr.uction of materials occurs, along with a change in the electrical properties of the surfaces, corrosion of inetals and their alloys. To avoid this, the sealing of microcircuit housings is usually done in an atmosphere of dxy nitrogen in which the xater content does not exceed 10 parts per million. Metals, glass and ceramics uaed in manufacturing IC housings axe practically im- - penetrable to gas and moisture. Most plastics axe hygroscopic to some degree. To preserve a dry inert atmosphere within the housing, the seams between unlike metals should be ma.ximally sealed. According to the adopted norms, a good soldered seal passes not over 1 cm3 of gaseous helium at a pressure difference of 1 atmosphere in 30 years (practically, t~is means absolt~te air impenetrability). Metals axe joined to metals by soldering with soft or brazing solders, hot or cold welding or their combination. Soldering of glass to glass or ceramics is done by melting them at high te~peratures, or gluing with low-melting glass. Sealing a metal-gJ.ass sea.m which insulates the leadouts electrically from the IC housing is a complex technical problem. This is because most of the common glass has low coefficients of linear expansion and heat conductivity, while most metals conduct heat well and have high linear expansion coefficient. The differerlce in the speeds of the heating and cooling of glass and metal parts og soldered joints, and the difference in the lineax expansion coefficients lea.ds to mechanical stresses and to the joints. As fax as IC operatng conditions are concerned, glas~ and metal axe considered compatible if the difference in their lineax expansion coeffi- cients do not exceed 4xlOr7 pex centigrade degrees ~4~. _ Usually, in sealing IC leadouts where they.come out from the housing, crystalliza- ble glass solders (for example, of the "Piroceram" type) axe used. The technology of obtaining such a sealed joint by soldering is based on the formation of a glass- ceramic joint with the crystallization of boron lead-zinc glass. In this method! 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY - the glass is melted by the heat and spreads thuroughly, wetting the joi.ned sur- faces of the ceranics, glass and metals like the metallic soldex wets and joins metal paxts in co;nmon soldering~. When the soldered glass is heated further "devi~rificaticn" occurs and centers and crystallization of the seam material are produced. The sizes of the crystals formed are proportional t~ the time and temperature o.f the process. The s~rength of such a sealing seam is determined by its crystalline structure and is twice that of a seam from amorphous glass. Moreover, at mechanical loads, microscopic cracks are formed in joints with noncrystallized glass which create paths for mois- ture penetration into the housing through the glass. In crystallizable glass, how- - ever, the microscopic cracks end at the crystals and do not pa,ss through the joint. By regulating the content of the crystalline phase of the seam material, it is pos- sible to chax~ge its temperature linear expansion coefficient (TKR) from 40x10-7 _ to 120x10-7 per degree centigrade which agrees well with the TKR values for a great number of glass, ceramics and meta,ls used to make housing parts. The Kovar alloy (iroi~, nickel, and cobalt) or the Si.lmet alloy (iron, nickel and chromium) are most frequently used for IC leadouts. These alloys have low TICR ~ values that agree well in the working and technological temperature range with the expansion coefficients of most glass (the TKR for Kovar is 47x10-7 per degree cPntigrade and for glass 46x10-7 per degree centigrade). An essential special feature of most types of IC housings is that part of the lead- out le~gth is under the cover of glass (or ceramics~. This cover should not be - dama.ged in forming the leadouts. - Contradictory demands axe made on the IC housing. Thus, the housing must be suffi- ciently strong mecl:anically to withstand loads originating in the appaxatus pro- duction and opsration and, at the same time~ it must be as small as possible with a shape permitting the grea+.est der~sity of REA assembly. This contradiction must be taken into account, providing a romplex of technical mea,sures for pxeserving the reliability of the microcircuits in designing and producing the appara- tus . .Ln implementing the technological operations on prepaxing the IC for assembling on the printed circuit boaxd (straightening, f'orming a.~d t..rimming leadouts~~ the lead- - outs are subjected to stretching, bending and compression. In this case, the - stretching force P1 is applied to the most sensitive mechaniral forces zone of the housing the seal . inlet (Fig. 5,4). If the stretching fores is excessive, - cracks may originate in the glass or cera~r~ics of the housing where the leadouts pass - the housin~ leading to an immediate, or what is worse, a subsequent loss of housing seal. The die design for forming and trimming leadouts (~'ig. 5.5~ must insure the produc- tian of independent and sequential forces for clamping P2~ forming P3 and trimming P~. 'Dlie values of these forces selected so that they insure the integrity of leaduut plating, apply the minimal stretching force along the leadout axis and obtain a given configuration. In forming and trimm;.ng the IC leadout~, it is 68 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 Table 5.7 Possible types of IC failures under various effects Oject of Technological Effect factor Type of possible vio].ation effec~ operation paxameter and failures Mechanical IC leadouts Straighten, Pulling force Insulator cracking, causing = formin~ a.nd Clamping force loss of. housing seal; leadout trimming deformation (pinching, twisting, breakage) Insulator, Mounting Static Insulator cracking, causing ~ housing base, and gluing IC force of los~ of housing seal. Deforma,- flexible con- to the board, clamping tion of housing bottom causing _ nections, chip dismantling housing to cracking and separation of chip, or substrate board substrate and breakage of flex- ible conductors. Destruction of riousing Tempera,ture Leadout coating Input control Force of Dents and scratches on leadouts straightening, clamping lead- leading to corrosion forming and out trimming Leadout insula- Tinning~ sol- Overheating Insulation cracking, causing tor, chip, sug- dering, dis- the leadout loss of housing seal. Peeling strate, active mantling, or solder ~ of substrate or chip ( in case elemsnts and drying they axe glued) from the mount- _ flexible lead- in~ surface of the housing, outs causing breakage of leadouts Increased Thpxmal deforma,tion of protective operating coatings of chips, causing temperature breakage of flexible leadouts Chemical Coating and Fluxing, Chemical Corrosior~ of coating or basic labeling cleaning, activity material of leadouts and hous- moisture-proof- ing, and destruction of labeling ing, disman- designations and paint-varnish ' tling coa,tings 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 FOR OFF(C'[AL USN: ONI.Y Table 5.7 contintaed Possible types of IC failures under vaxious effects - Object of Technological Effect factor Typ~ of possible violation and effect operation paxameter failures Electrical Passive and All tech- Electrical Puncture of oxide, degra.da.tion active IC nological chaxge of IC paxameters due to punc- elements, metal operations (number of ture in the semiconductor co.ating, p-n effects, structure _ junctions, capacitance protective oxide and resist- ance in the - discharge circuit~voltage difference) permitted to leave tool traces (prints) on the IC leadouts, tha,t do not damage the plating on the leadouts. Table 5.8 shows allowable values of clamping and forming forces at which of plating does not lead to corrosion. Depending upon the cross section of the IC leadouts, the value of stretching force P1 should not ex- ceed the values st~own in Table 5~9� Table 5.8 Allowable forces of forming and clamping S~~ uence of force Cross section of Clampin~ Formin~ actions housing leadouts, N microPa N MicroPa mm Weak traces of working O.1x0.3 1~.7 30.~ 18.6 29.4 parts of the die on the 0.15x0.45 19.6 30,4 27.4 29,4~ surface of leadouts in the form of compacting the coating Maximum allowable traces O.1x0.3 17.6 39.2 2~.5 39�2 of die parts on leadout 0.15x0.45 27.4~ 39�2 37�2 39.2 coating Impermissible of 0,1 x 0.3 21.6 48,0 31,3 4g,p leadout coating 0.15x0.4~ 32.3 48.0 46.0 49.0 in the form of dents 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 - The die design should profice rigid fastening of each IC leadout outside the glass or cerma.ics buildup. A leadout section of 1 mm from the body of the housing should not be subjected to bending or twisting deforma,tions. Allowable bending radii should be ma.intained in forming. Forming IC leadouts of a rectangular cross section should be done with a bend radius of not less than two leadout thicIrnesses, while leadouts with a round cross section with a radius not less than two diameters. Table 5.9 Maximum values of stretching forces Leadout cross section, mm 5tretching force per one leadout~ Ne~on Up t o O l 0. 24~5 _ Above 0.1 to 0.2 0.49 Above 0.2 to 0.5 9�$ Above 05 to 2.0 19.6 The IC leadouts inside the housing or leadouts not used in the circuit of its ap- plication and not affecting the working capacity of the IC, may be trimmed 1.0 mm from the housing body; however~ it should be taken into account that a considerable paxt of the heat is removed over IC lea,douts (especially of small sizes~. In a typically improper design of a technological device, the forma,tion of lead- outs of type 4 housings (Fig. 5.6b), a gap (not less than 0.5 mm from the body of the housing), necessaxy to preserve the integrity of the ceramics was not left. A die of such design may da,mage the housing seal of the IC. Fig. 5.7 shows another typica]_ assembly error. We will assume that the forming of IC leadouts, intended for installation on a multilayer printed circuit boaxd with open contact pads, was done at the depth of the second-third layer (Fig. 5.7a~. Actually, however, it was necessasy to solder them to other layers. In assembly, the leadouts were bent manua.lly at the inlet of the seal (the bend angle in the vertical plane may reach + 60~~. Straightening the leadouts made without rigid fastening of the leadout zone on a section 1 mm from the body of the housing (i.e., without using the technological device) ma.y lead to of the lea.dout a,t the housing. With such a method of assembly, the IC may ].ose itfi seal during the con- sequent a~gchanical forces when operating the apparatus because the deformed lead- outs axe in a stressed condition (Fig. 5.7b~. 5.6 Tinning and Soldering In the production of radio electronic apparatus, group methods axe widely used to implement individual technological operations, for example, tinning IC leadouts by "dipping into melted solder" or soldering by means of a"wave of solder." These modes of operations (temperature of the melted solder, contact time between the solder and the housing leadouts, axea. of the contact zone of the leadout with the solder), selected without taking into account the heat transfer chaxacteristics of concrete types of IC housings ma.y lead to a destructive effect of heat shocks on _ IC. 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 1~()R ()l~1~1('1;11. lltil~: ()N1,1' ~l) ~ P~~rQfN \ ~ \ ~ ~ O, Smax'" -?ir - Fig. 5.4~. Direction of stretching force in forming and trimming lea.douts 1. P1 N 0.1 Newton ~ ~l~ ~ l~ / P~ ~-T _ ' - ~ ~ i - - - ~ ifs r~~ % � .i . - - --i-- t~;, ~ a, ~ . .I~..~~_-~'_~;~ ~ j. , ~i ti t': ;i ~,,~'.i--- 2 3 , 4 5 l, yN l�lnn 5 T,G t-2c ~ f~a � 7U0 - -1 � ~i Z 80 3 ~ . _ p . ~ ~ ~ a~~ ~ : 7~ 60 ~ /.~i~~'' :2 ~ 2 SO - ~ _ 3-- ' ~ --S '40 _ 3 JO - 2 3~ 4 5 6 t, c 1 2 3 4 5 l, yn 6') . .1-1nM 3 ~ t-1c ' ' ~ �C T � ~ ~ . . 900 - 100 ' ~ ' �f o o 2' � ~ P1 r x^x - -3 . ~ , L~~~~J � � 1 00 ooa 4 90 ~ ~ 4 eo - - . 3~ . 2 b0 - 60 ~~~~~'~l/ _ ~ o 0 0~ 3 1 ~ 40 - ~a3' 4 90 q . i ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 3 4 s 6 t,c 1 2 3 9 s l~ha ~ Fig. 5.10. also continued on the next sheet 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r,�~ T�~ o,t-~5) . >ZO ' r j- frYrY 2 t r 2C "+t"~G ~ '0~ oox ~~0 ' ~ ~ o o ~ , 80 ~ % x 8~ / ~ ~~x x . ' ' 6~ - x s ~'0 ~ 6~ ~ 2 a ~ s 6 t,c d~ 2 ~ 6 G,~~1 . Fig. 5.10. (continued from previous sheet) Relationship between temperature of IC elements in the process of tinning and tinning time (t) and the - distance (1) between the level of solder for housings series 217 (a), 106 (b), 218 (c) and 122 (d). The numbers on the curves correspond to the points of the IC elements at which the measurement is ma,de; solder temperature is 260 + SoC. 5. t= 2 seconds 6. t, seconds In tinning, the solder should not touch the seal inlets of the housing. The sol- der should not fall on glass or ceramic parts of the IC housing. The boundaxy of solder flowing on leadouts should be no closer than 1 mm to the body of the hous- ing (Fig. 5._lla); however, some nonuniformity of tinning along the length of the leadout is allowed. The minimum length of the tinning section along the leadout length from its end must be no less than 0.65m~ (jig. s.llb), but "icicles" on the ends of IC leadouts are permitted (Fig. .llc . It is necessary to make sure that connections axe not formed between the leadouts and the soldering surface should be continuous without cracks, pores and untinned sections (Fig. 5.lld). D~uipment used for tinning must insure the setting and measuring of the tempera- ture with an error no greater than t SoC. The quality of soldered connections should be determined by the following criteria~ the soldered surface should have a light or mat finish without daxk spots and foreign inclusions. The shape of the soldered connections must have concave fil- lets of solder along the seam (without an excess of solder~. The contours of ~he leadouts should come through the solder. In soldering IC housings with planar leadouts the following is permitted~ a flooding form of soldering in which con- - tours of individual IC leadouts axe fully hidden under the solder on the soldered side of a connection (Fig. 5.lle, f), partially coveri~g the surface of the con- tact pad with solder along the soldering perimeter, but in no more than two places, 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 ~ not exceeding 15f of the total area (Fig. 5.llg), solder bi~s of conical shape (Fig. 5.llh) and rounded shaF~ (Fig. 5.lli) where the soldering tool is removed, a small shift of the lea.dout within the contact pa,d (Fig. 5.llj~ and the sprea.d of solder (only within the boundaxies of the leadout length~ suitable for wiring). ~ ~ ~ n 2 Z T ~ ~ / N . ~ ` ~ ^ In~ 6~Kd ~ ~7) Nen~nyareHN6ia , _ yvacmaK a1 , 6l c~ ~d~ . 1 ~ ~ 5 5 5 3 /3 , 3 q 4 f e) . ~ . ~ � 'S � ~ %5 3 . 3 y ~ h i J~ . Fig. 5.11. bcamples of tinning and soldering leadouts of a planax housingr a-- zone of solder fZow; b-- allowable nonuniformity of tinning; ~ c-- presence of "icicles'.'; d-- nonuniform tinning and false connec- tions; e, f-- flooding form of soldering; g-- pa,rtial tinning of con- tact pa,d; h, i-- conical shape solder beads; j-- sma.ll shift of lea.douts; 1-- leadout; 2-- housing; 3-- contact pad; 4--printed circuit board; 5-- solder; 6-- connection; 7-- untinned section " When soldering IC leadouts into metal-coated holes, the soldered connections must be to the sketches shown in Fig. 5.12a-d. The solder on the side of the housings should not spread beyond the boundaxies of the contact pads. The leadout end may be untinned. The metal-coated wiring holes must be filled with solder to a height of not less than 2~3 of the thicImess of the board. The correction of defective connections from the side of the IC mounting on the board is not per- mitted. 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 1~OR (11~1~1('L~I, IItiIC f)NI.Y - 1 2 3 , , ~ ~ ~ I I ' ~ y'~ i~4 b! C~ ~ T~y d~ ~ a, ~ ~ J ; , Y " / i . 4 1 3 4 1 3 g~ e) f) Fib, 5,12. Examples of soldering housings with plug-coupler leadoutst a, b, c, d-- soldering in metal-coated holes; e, f, g-- soldering in nonmetal-coated holes; 1-- leadout; 2-- metal-coated hole; 3-- printed circuit boaxd; 4-- solder; 5-- cavity in solder; 6-- contact pad; 7-- end not tinned. When soldering IC leadouts to contact pa.ds of printed circuit boaxds with holes not coated with metal~ the soldered connection must be according to the sketch (Fig. 5.12e-g). The spreading of the solder along the IC leadouts should not re- duce the minimum distance from the nousing to the soldering point, i.e., it should - be within the zone suitable for the wiring shown in the specification. There need be no solder at the ends of the leadouts. _ The equipment and fixtures used in soldering must provide the following; automatic ma.intenance and con+rol of the melted solder temperature with an accuracy of � 5�C - when implementing the "soldering wave" operation; ma.intenance and periodic control (every 1 to 2 hours) of the temperature of the soldering bit with an accuracy of ~ 5�C in the individual method of soldering> control of the time the IC leadouts are in contact with the soldering bit or with the molten solder in group soldering; _ also control of the distance from the housing body to the boundary of the solder :~lon~; the leng-th of the leadout. The soldering bit must be gounded (the gr.ound re- .,ist;3,nce should be no greater than 5 ohms). Table 5.10 shows the recommended modes - of TC soldering using single-bit and group raethod.s. 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400044432-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Table 5.10 Recommended IC soldering mode Paxameter Soldering IC with Soldering .IC with planax leadouts ~lu~-coupler leadouts 1-bit group method 1-bit group method method method Max. temperature of solder- 265 - 280 - r ing iron core, ~C Max. contact time 3�~ - 3.0 - _ of each leadout, sec- onds Min. time interval 3.0 - 3.0 - between soldering of adjacent leadouts~ seconds Ma,x. temperature of molten - 265 - 265 solder, ~C Max. contact time - 2.0 - 3.0 of each leadout with solder Min. distance from 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 _ housing to solder along leadout, mm Min. time between 5.0 ~.0 5�Q 5�Q two repeated sc~derings of same leadouts, min. 5.~. IC Assembly on Printed Circuit Boards The folloxing axe the design features of IC housingso the presence of seal inlets and sealing seams, and a relatively "thin" housing base (0.1..00.2 thick), to which are fastened the substrates or the chip, determine a whole number of specific re- _ quirements which must be implemented in assembling IC on printed circuit boaxds. All precautionary measures, in this ca,se~ axe reduced to protecting th~ IC housing from impermissible deformations. 81 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 I~Oit OF'F((7A1. USE ONI.Y On one hand, the assembly method must provide mechanical strength that would guar- antee resistance to mechanical loads expected in operation but, on the other hand, "rigid" attachment of the housing is impermissible t+ecause the deforma,tion of the printed circuit board (if its deflecti.on is even several tenths of a millimeter~ ma,y result either in the cracking of the sealing joints of the housing, or in the deformation of the bottom and the rupture of the substrate or chip. In most cases of IC application~ mechanical stability is insured only by sol3ering all leadouts to contact pads. The necessity and methods for additional fastening of the IC to the board are determined by the rigidity of the operating conditions of the apparatus, as well as the weight and size of the IC nousings. Tfie design of the appaxatus must insure efficient removal of heat by air convect~.on and heat-removing metal buses. The convection is nrovided by using housings with the ma.ximum permissible gaps betweEn the plane of the boaxd a,nd the bottom of the hous- ing. The housing arrangement on the printed circuit boaxd must provide the possi- ~ bility of coating it with moisture-protective varnish without having it fall into places that should not be coated, and have free access for dismantling any IC. Taking into account the necessity of przserving the integrity of the housing and to pz�ovide for heat removal, recommendations axe given below for using vaxious types of IC. ~ /lpa,rnadti~ a~ ai ~O`~ . ~ /1pQn,~adKa ~1~ d~ b e f ) ~ig. 5,13, Variations of mounting vaxious housings on the print circuit board with metal-coated holess _ a,b housings with plug-coupler pins without additional fastening; _ c,d housing with plug-coupler pins with additional gastening; e-- plastic housing; f-- ~ylindxical housing without additional fastening; g-- cylindrical housing with an electric insulation spacer 1. Space r 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 ~ I~'ig. ~.13u~b ~tiow5 variations of mounting housings with plug-coupler pin leadouts (housings 151.15-4 and 151.15-6). These housings axe mounted in metal-coated holes. The IC do not have leadouts. The gap, equal to 1- 0.5 mm, is chosen to insure IC stability in the entire range of inechanical loads and the preservation of the integrity of the housing (at sma,ller gaps, it is possible to damage the seal inlet of inetal-glass housings due to the therma.l effect of soldering~. IC in housings 151.15-2, 151.~5-3 (~g. 5.13~) and "Aktsiya" (Fig. 5.13d) require additional fastenings. IC in housings 151.15-2 and 151.15-3 axe glued ta insula- tion spacers, for example, made of D6V-2-R-2M (GC6T 17~78-72) or AG-4- tG06T 10087-62). The spacers must be fastened rigidly to the printeci circuit boaxd. In choosing the dimensions of the insulation spa,cers, it is necessaxy that they be as close as possi- ble to the area of the IC housing base and that the integrity of the seal inlet = be preserved. The IC in the "Aktsiya" housing (Fig. 5.13d~ is mounted against an - LN cement, placed along the perimeter. Cover should be provided with a two-sided arrangement of conductors in the board under the electric insulation of the IC housings. IC in housings 201.14-1 are mounted on boaxds with a single-side or a two-sided arrangement of printed conductors into metal-coated holes with a gap insured by the design of the leadout (Fig. 5.13e). Fir. 5.13f,g shows variations of mounting IC with housings 301.8-1~ 30?.8-2 and 301.12-1 with formed leadouts. They axe _ mounted with a gap of 3+ ~.5 ~(Fig. 5.13f~. If the appaxatus is subjected to _ higher mechanical forces in operation, rigid spacers of electrical insulation mate- rial must be used. The spa.cer should be glued to the boaxd and the base (to the bottom) of the IC (Fig. 5.13g). The design of the spa,cer must also insure the integrity of the seal inlets of the microcircuit. IC with cylindrical housings without leadouts are mounted onto metal-coated holes with a 1-~0.5 mm gap. _ ~T~ " Ur 61 C~ Fig. 5.14. Variations of mounting planax housings~ a-- against the printed board; b-- with gap; c-- against a spa,cer IC in housings 401.14-1 and 401.14-2 with shaped lea,douts may be mounted on the boaxds with a single-eide or a two-sided arrangement of printed conductors by the following methodss against the printed board or on a spa.cer (Fig. 15.14a,c~ or with a gap of up to 0.3 mm(Fig.15.14b). In this case, the additional fastening is provided by coating with varnish. The gap ma.y be increased to 0.7 mm~ but then - the IC housing must be fastened additionally to the boaxd by glue. Planar housings must be glued to the entire plane of the housing base. The thick- ' ness of the seam is determined by the chosen vaxiation of forming the leadouts (the distance from the plane of the IC base to the boaxd~~ but the gaps between the IC a.nd the boaxd must all be filled with glue. ilhen IC axe mounted on planax 83 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OF'FI('lAl, l1SE (1NLY ~l1/.J yN-131 !2~ ' ~~fr,, t r r,n,.,. : T 171 ~IN 9P-ZJ> ~ ,P�~^j~ 6~ - _ Fig. 5.15. bcample ~f proper (a) and improper (b) mounting of a planar housing on a printed circuit l. IN 2. UR-231 housings a shift of the free ends of the leadouts in the horizontal plane is per- mitted within t 0.2 mm for ma.tching with the contact pa,d,s. F~ee ends of leadouts - ma.y be shifted within + 0.4 mm in the vertical plane from the leadout position af- ter forming. The use of glues VK-9(ShehI0.026.400TU) or AK-20 (TU 6-lc)-1293-72), as well as cement LN (TU MKP. 3052-55) to glue IC to printed boards is recommended. The dry- ing temperature of materials used for factening IC to the boaxd should not exceed the permissible temperature for opera~in~ IC. The recommended drying temperature is 65 � S~C. In gluing IC to the printed board, the squeezing force should not exceed 0.08 microPa. It is not permissible to glue IC with glue or cement applied at individual points on bases or at the ends of the housings. Fig. 15b shows an impermissible variation of IC mounting which is glued to the end of' the housing (thia may be done for simpZifying the disma,ntling of IC~. In this method, the gap between the bottom of the IC and the boaxd is partially filled with cement. In implementing the moisture protection operation, UR-231 varnish may get into the gap which~ by polymerization, may be able to cause the deformation of the bottom of the housing (0.1...0.15 mm thick), the ungluing of the chip or break- age of the internal connections of the IC. In all cases of installation of IC on printed circuit boards, no force should be applied that leads to the deforma.tion of the housing of the IC. 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFI('IAI. USE ONLY 5�8. tC protection Against Electrical ~:ffects The degree of integration of the IC (i.e., the density of the grouping of elements on one wafer) is increasing with time because of the development of a technology that ma.kes it possible to reduce the dimensions of the elements, as well as those axeas by means of which the elements are electrically insulated from each other on the IC wafer. Such an increase in the density of the elements on the surface of the wafer makes it possible to improve the electrical and functional parameters of the IC~ but is accompanied by a reduction in allowable electrical loads, and in- creases the sensitivity of the microcircults to static electricity dischaxges. Table 5.11 shows comparative typical characteristics of transistors manufactured by different technological processes. Table 5.11 Some paxameters of various designs of transistors Technical characteristics Planar epitaxial "Izoplanar-1" "Izoplanax3I" technolo~y technolo~y technolo~.y Dimensions of emitter 25x38 jx25 2.~x12.5 axea, micrometer Breakdown voltage 23 7 5 emitter-collector, volts Breakdown voltage 55 22 14 collector-base, volts Actually, an analysis of IC that failed in the process of production indicates that the cause of failures of up to 40 to 50f of such IC is electrical overload. Tn dama,ged IC there is detected a deterioration of the steepness of the volt-ampere slope or a complete breakdown of the p-n junction although there are no changes in the metal coating visible under a microscope. ~3nitter junctions are dama.ged more frequently than others. F~cternally the defect is manifested in that the value of = the reverse current increases by several orders of magnitude, while the current amplification coefficient decreases essentially (by 70qb). In this case, the elec- trical overloads cause irreversible changes in the p-n junction structures leading to the deterioration of the efficiency of the emitter. A typical volt-ampere chax- acteristic of the junction for a reverse bias is shoWn in Fig. 5.1'6. The emitter current (curve 2) is almost linear which may be due ~ the appeaxance of an ohmic shunt on the surface, or in the volume of the p-ri junction. A partial or complete burn-out of the metal coating and the forma,tion of jumpers _ between adjacent tracks may occur, along with highly visible traces of p-n junctions breakdowns on the surface or under the pa.ssivating layer. 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 1~()R ()I~I~1('IAI. Iltil~: ()NI,Y ~36a.nK~S) 4 ~ 3 Q~ O,OPf 2 1 ~ ~ z a,,B (6) Fig. 5.16. Volt-ampere chaxactsristics of emitter junctions of two transistors without housingsi 1,2 transistors in working order; 3,4 transistors after a 600-volt di~chaxge through the emitter junction in the reverse direction; 5 microamperes; 6 volts IC that failed due to electrical overloads are characterized by the meltin~; and spattering of aluminum (when boiling) and the formation of short-circuited adjacent sections of the metal coating. The burn-outs occur most frequently at the "weak- est" points of the current-carrying tracks that have local thinning (at the "steps" of the oxide~. One cause of IC failures of the above-indicated +.ypes ma.y be the effect of dis- charges of static electricity originating during various technological aperations due to the wide use, under production conditions, of strongly electrifiable syn- thetic and other insulation ma.terials. Moreover, due to poor grounding of device housings and technological tools, considerable network noise inductions ma.y occur. The origination of static charges is due to several generating mechanisms and the value of these charges depends on many factors. The values of static voltages (U~) on the surface of the dielectric, independently of the mechanism of their generation are always proportional to the specific surface resistance of the (PS This can easily be seen by analyzing the experimental data on the value of static voltages originating on the surface of several ma,terials at a relative humidity of 50% (Table 5.12)~ 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 Fig. 5.17 shows the relationship between the static voltages and the relative air humidity of two types of ma,terial used widely for the special working clothes of production personnel Lavsan and cotton cloth. The rela,tive humidity of the air is used as the parameter when measuring the voltages. In analyzing these relation- ships, it should be noted that static potentials at low relative humidity of the air (40 to 50~) rzach 3 to 10 kilovolts. The static voltage on La.vsan is higher than on cotton cloth and depends strongly on the relative himidity of the air (at 65~ humidity the voltage on cotton is zero, while on Lavsan, it exceeds 3 kil- volts). In developing measures to protect IC from the effect of static electricity dis- charges, it i_s necessary to take into account also the ability of insulating mate- rials to retain charges accumulated on their surfaces for a cextain time. As the chaxge retention time is assumed the time ('C y) during which the accumulated static voltage reduces to a half or a third. 2'y ma.y be measured as follows~ the surface of the tested material is chaxged (for example, by rubbing) to a certain volta~e and a flat metallic contact electrod.e is applied to the surface of the material. The electrode is connected to a type 5-95 static voltmeter and then the time it takes for the voltage to drop to half or a third is recorded. The charge retention time is proportional to the specific sur- face resistance of the materials exactly the same as the values of the static volt- ages. Table 5.12. Static voltages and surface resistance of various ma.~;erials Material U~,Kvolts ohms Polyvinyl chloride 1.3 - 2.8 1x101~ Wood 0.7 1.4x1413 Glass 0.6 - 0.8 9.6x1012 Getinaks 0.45 4.3x1012 Table 5.13 Charge retention time on various surfaces Material ~,y i seconds ohms Papar 25 ~3�3 -91~)1011 Varnished wood 1200 1.4x10 Polyvinyl chloride 7800 l.Ox101~' Glass 9000 2.2x1o15 Synthetic linoleum 12000 4.Ox101~' 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : a~T.~~- ~ ~~.T. ~ - , . _ _ o ~ >oooo . . . . ,,s,~,~ ( ) . I ~ ~ . ~n,.~; o � 1000 x � - . ` . _ . ~ I: . ~ o . . , l.~ _ � x . .100 ' - 1 Z 'G n1 . 50 7Q 90 , O~ca+a~a~a~s, 96 . � ; , , 0 5�7-7� Rela,tionship between the value of static o and relative humtdity of air for cotton cloth (1) and Lavsan cloth (2) ~ ~ 3. volts 4. ftumidity , 9 ~ 5~ ,Sf~ ' ~2~ Bna.wNOCmo c~adyxa, % ~6� 5�1R� Relationahip between specific surface re- sistance ( Ps ) of poly- vinyl chloride and the level of the relative humidity of the ai.r , 1. Qhms 2. Air Hu- miditY-, ~ ~ Table 5.13 shows experimental data on charge retention tim~ at the relative humidi- ty of the air of 6596. The time retention titae on the aurface of synthetic linoleum was measured at a lower humidity (60y6). It may be concluded from Fig. 5.18 that an increase in humidity from ~0 to 83~ re- duces the specific surface reaistance of polyvinyl chlaride by five orders of ma,g- - nitude. In organizin.g apparatus production using IC~ it must be remembered tha,t considerable atatic voltages, from hundreds to several thousands of volts, are produced on the hands of the workera ~rhen doing various technological operations. The value and polaxity of these voltages depend on mariy vaxious factors, including the humidity 88 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY of the air in the room, the material of the clothing worn~ the materials used to cover the table and cha,irs~ the technological and teat equipment and the degree of insulation of the worker from the "ground" (ma.terials of shoes and floor) Fig. 5.19). An analysis of the data in Fig. 5.19 shows that with working shoes with rubber soles (curves 2), the static voltage on the hands of the workers is 2 to 2.5 times higher than when working in leather ahoes (curves 1). This is due to the fact that the leakage resistance of ahoes with rubber and leather soles differs ~ay a1= most two orders of magnitude (leakage resistance of shoes with rubber soles is 1.Sx108-2.8x109 ohms~ while on leather soles it is 5.6x106 to 1.9x107). It should also be noted that high values of static voltages on the workera` hands correspond to the case where dielectrica xith high specific surface resistance axe used at the working position. a`~,e ~3) a~,e u~,o ~~T.e o , ~ ' ~an o , ~ ~ ~ x ~ % ' ~ ~ ~Z ~ ~ . ~oo x >c~ x x z ~ - 2 ' x ~ 1 f0 ~ >0 A7 Jjl 7Q 90 d0 30 70 ~ SO 70 90 50 70 , 9!7 ~ d~ % 61 C~ B/1G',MIVQGYJI6 ~ % . Fig. 5.19. Ralationship between the static voltage originating on the workers' hands when rubbing diffarent materials and the relative level of the humidity of the air for the table sirface bein of polyvinyl chloride (a)i varnished wood (b), te.xtolite (c), covered with �lasa ~d). Workers' shoes with leather (1) and rubber soles (2). 3. Volts 4. ftumidity~ 9~ When the workers walk on a floar covered with synthetic linoleum~ char~es are also ac~cumulated on them (Fig. 5.20). The prevention of atatic electricity charges in tha production process should proceed in two directionsi first reduction of the possibility of static elaetri~ity charge generation axid, secondly, insurance of the removal of accumulated charges from the production and technological equipment and warkers. 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In organizing appaxatus production sections where IC axe used the use of finishing materials with high specific surface resistance is not recommended. The use of finiahing materials for production furniture, floars testing and technological' equipment materials with low not over (1 to 5)10~ ohms,insures the necessaxy oonditions for the rapid draining of the static electricity charges. u~,a ~3). ~ , , _ o , . ~ _ . . ~x.~ , . 2Q7 . x >00 % ~ . ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ f0 SO ~ yp ~p . O~r,Mx~ocsa~e, Fig. 5.20. Relationship between static voltage on the worker at various values of the relative humidity a,nd degree of insulation from the floor, if the workers' shoes have leather (1) or rubber (2) soles. 3. Volts 4. Humidity, 96 Table 5.14 Relative cha,racteristics of two types of linoleum Type of synthetic P5, ohms Py , 'Z'y, seconds linoleum Common 4x1o14 5,9x101? 12000 Antistatic 5x109 2.4x109 0,5 A special antis+,atic linoleum is recommended to cover surfaces. The compa,rative electrical paxameters specific surface (~6 ) and volumetric ) resistances - and the time of charge retention (`t~ ) of common and antistatic linoleums are shown in Table 5.14. The u,ge of antistatic linoleum eliminates the possibility of charge accumulation on the worker~ a contact by the worker's hand with a surface coverec by the anti- _ :tatic linoleum befare doing the next technological operation insures draining of the cr~arge in 1 second. Synthetic cover-P-2-E-S-S has tl~e best antistatic proper- tiesi specific surface resistance of the material is lOd ohros. The use of such ma,terial insures the complete destruction of the static chaxges because the drain- ing time of a chaxge from a person is only 2ac10'4' Seconds. ~ 90 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040032-8 ~ -"~g~~ , ~ . . ~ + . ~ . . . ` . . ~~4 ' ? ~J � � . . . f0~2 - � . ' y ~p ~ ' ~tt . j ~Z ~ ~~t 9 _ E5) - ~p9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i 1 T 3 4 5 7 f0 t,a~u Fig. 5.21. Relationship between specif ~c surface resiatance ( PS ) of various materials and time before ~ ~ and after ( ' ) their treatment by "Charodeyka" ~;~aste~ ~ ~ 1. synthetic linoleum 3. cardboard - 2. textolite 4. ohms 5. days ~ Qie of the methods recommended to reduce the apecific surface resistance of covers is to use surface-active substancea (PAV~~ for example, "Chaxodeyka" paste (TU-6-15-604-71), which is appl3ed. in a thin layer on the working dielectric sur- ~ faces oi" tables, test and technological equipment, packing for storing IC and assembly units, and is used to mop floars and wash paper covers far production furniture. The antistatic properties of the paste with respect to time are chax- acterized by experimental data (Fig. 5.21). The increase in aurface resistance with time of the processed eurface is due to the natural drying and aging of tha paste and also to its being rubbed off in opera- tion. The resiatance increases by an order of magnitude in 10 to 15 days; there- fore, the interval between applying the paste should be determined on the basis _ of concrete productions. In the Case of using antistatic linoleum, a$ Kell as 91 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFI~I('IAI. USE ONLY - in using PAV to drain chaxges, it is necessaxy to insure good electrical contact of one-two points of the processed surface (contact area not less than 1 cm2~ with the "ground." To reduce the surface resistance of covers at working positions, it is recommended to insure the maximum relative humidity in the groduction axeas (a satisfactory re- sult ma.y be achieved at 65 to 70qb humidity) . Materials with surface resistances of 106 and 108 ohms are recommended for inter- operation packing. The packing material may be coated with aluminum current- conducting paint. The paint layer does not prevent charge draiaing because it has a low P$ . The continuous oontact between the worker and the "ground" should be provided by a special antistatic bracelet, connected through a high-voltage resistor (for example, the KLV type 10 kilovolt resistor). However, it should be taken into account that the use of an antistatic bracelet i� effective onlf when the working position, gacking and fixtures axe made of materials with low surface resistances that prevent the accumulation of static electricity chaxges. Otherwise the possi- bility of IC is high. Actua.lly, charges of static electricity on a high resistance surface, for example, on interoperation packing, ma.y produce a voltage of up to several thousand volts on the packing itself~ as well as on the IC in it. At the moment of contact between the worker and the IC: when there is a current circuit "IC-worker-ground" the pulse of the dischaxge current may cause the failure of the IC ~2~. The workers' clothes should be made of cotton cloth, be laundered with antistatic ''Cnarodeyka" pa.ste or other surface-active substance. The workers should wear leather or semiconducting rubber soles. 5 � 9 � Dismaxitling In manufacturing apparatus, it frequently becomes necessaxy to dismantle IC. The following axe recommended for this operation. If IC with planax leadouts are to be disassembled, it is necessaxy toi. remove the varnish at points of leadout solder- ing (if needed); unsolder the IC lea,douts using a mode tha.t does not exceed the soldering mode specified in the IC certificate; lift the ends of the leadouts from where they weze fixed in the seal inlet; remove the IC from the boaxds thermome~ chanically by means of a special device. (This device is heated to a temperature that prevents the IC housing from overheating above the temperature indicated in the certificate. The heating time should be sufficient to remove the IC and not permit cracks, chipping and to the housing). When removing an IC with pin leadouts, it is necessary to~ remove varnish at the points of soldering of the lea.douts; unsolder the leadouts with a special soldering tool (the solder should be dxawn off according to a mode not exceeding the solder- ing mode, specified in the IC certificate, until all IC leadouts axe freed from - connection with the metal-coated printed circuit board); remove IC from the board (not permitting cracks, chipping of glass or deforming of the housing and the lead- outs). In this case also~if necessaxy~ it is permitted (if the housing is fastened 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 to the boaxd with varnish or glue) to use a thermomecha.nical method to remove the IC that preventa overheating of the housing, ar chemical solvents that have no effect on the coating, labeling and material of the housing. BIBLIOGRAPAY 1. Integrated Circuits. Principles of Design and Production. Translated. from the II~glish. Ddited by A. A. Kolosov. Moscow. Sovetskoye radio, 1967. 2. Ka,verznev~ V. A.; Zaytsev, A. A.; Ovechkin, Yu. A. "Static IIectricity in the Semiconductor Industry." Moscow. Fhergiya, 1975� CC~YRIGHPs Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1979 2291 cs o~ 1863/209 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SM-3 AND SM-4 SMP,LL COMPUTER HARDWARE FOR CREATION OF DEVELOPED (:OMPLEXES Moscow MALYYE EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE in Russian 1980 (signed to press 14 Aug 80) pp 95-141 - [Chapter 3 from the book "Small Computers and Their Application", edited by B. N. Naumov, Izdatel'stvo "Statistika", 34,000 copies, 232 pages. Additional sections of this publication appeared in the USSR REPORT: CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTO- MATION TECHNOLOGY, JPRS L/9G75, 21 April 1981] ['l~ext] The main purpose of the first step in realizing the program for development of small camputer hardware (and software) included development, testing a;~d indus- - trial adoption of single-machine single-processor complexes of differen~ designa- tion. Further development of small computers along with improvement of single- machine complexes envisions the development of hardware and software oriented toward design of multiprocessor and multimacnine complexes. Development of the functional capabilities of single-~rocessor small computer com- plexes is primarily related to the need to remove the restrictions on the number of devices connected to the complexes ar.d on their configuration and to creation of conditions that permit more complete utilization of available resources of central processors and achieving the maximum functional return from the complexes. This problem is partially solved by mearis of the interface expander (RIF SM). No less imFortant is the problem of maintaining a sufficiently high level of con~- plex productivity when using a large number of high-speed direct-access devices in it. It can be solved by using an interface segmenter (SGI SM) in the complex whose main function is relieving the "Common bus" (OSh) mainline of the most frequently repeated direct-access exchange operations. The possibility of parallel connection of interface expanders and interface seg- menters to the common busses of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes permits development of multiple, but highly productive small computer complexes and systems of different designation. A programming timer (TMRP SM) has been designed to relieve the central processor of constant routine operations in real-time formation by programs. Its use is es- pecially effective in SM-3 (SM-4) complexes that control complex facilities and processes in real time. ~ ~4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The productivity, reliability and other characteristics of single-machine single- processor UVK (Control computer complexes] or of campute_ systems do not always meet the requirements of ASU [Automated control systems]. In these cases an al- ternative solution of the problem may be the use of multimachine or multiprocessor _ complexes and systems. The small camputer hardware that permits development of both con~entrated and decentralized multiprocessor and multimachine complexes and systems of different desig*_zation is related to AMS SM [Intercomputer communications apparatus], PSh SM [expansion unknown), USVM [expansion unknown] devices anfl so on. 3.1. The Interface Expander The desire to utiliz~ more fully the configuration capabilities and productivity of central processors in developing efficient control computer complexes or systems leads to an increase of the number of devices connected to the communications main- line (MS) of the systems input-output interface (IW). However, the number of de- vices in the system cannot be increased infinitely due to the limitation on the load capacity of the mainline amplifiers (components of signal sources). Moreover, the problem of designing the complexes with at least a small number of devices but whose disposition requires an increase of the physical length of the interface communications mainline frequently arises to meet the requirement of op- timum configuration. Rigid restrictions are placed on the length of the communica- tions mainlines in any computer systems. The restrictions of physical length and load cap~city of interface mainlines actu- ally existing in many cumplexes and computers can be eliminated by using additional devices. One of these devices is the interface expander (RIF). All the peripheral devices in traditional computer systems with three-bus communi- cations structure are distributed by their own buses and therefore requirements on load capacity are placed only on the communications program channel in which the number of devices (in complex systems) may exceed the ca~abilities of the mainline amplifiers. All the devices in complexes with single-bus structure (SM~3 and SM-4) are ~onnected to a single interface communications mainline and therefore its cap- _ abilities are considerably limited in length and load. The load capacity and physical length of communications mainlines are important systems parameters that largely determine the functional and technical capabilities ~ of designing complex systems based an small computer complexes. Since the produc- tivity of the central processors (TsP) of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes and the carrying capacity of communications mainlines are adequate to service a large number of peripheral devices, these characteristics of the complexes become important and largely determine the capability of developing complex, but effective systems based on small computer hardware. The communications mainline in SM-3 and S~I-4 complexes pe~-mits connection of up to - 20 devices to it provided that each device loads it only with a single load unit with a total length of the mainline up to 15.0 meters (with regard to all possible - branches). If ~ach corinect2d device laads the communications mainline with more than one load unit, the maximum possible number of devices in the complex is re- duced sharply. 95 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400044032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Uneconomical consumption of load capacity (some devices from the small computer hardware nomenclature load the communications ma~.nline with more than one load unit) and the length of the mainline (nonoptimum laying of communications mainline wires in BKI [expansion unknown] type uni ts and the need to leave more than one meter allowances of con�non bus cable to move complete units or BRS [expansion un- known] uni ts from the bay) lead to the fact that these indicators are considerably limited in standard configurati~ns of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes and the capabilities _ of the communications mainline may be insufficient for users developing ASU based on standard small computer complexes (TK) having a reserve langth and reserve load capacity of the communications mainline. The geometric length of the communica- tions mainline must be taken into account when selecting the configuration of any complex. It is obvious that a reserve length facilitates configuration of the de- vices in bays and in the area of the computer center or ASU and brings it .close to the optimum. The resources of tlie complex usually remain unutilized in the use of load capacity or length. The SM-4101 interface expander (RIF SM) permits elimination of all the noted restrictions. The SM-4101 interface expander is designed for complexes and systems that utilize the "Common bus" interface as the systems interface. The device is r2quired to design multiple complexes with number of peripheral de- vices that exceeds the capability of the main segment of the interface mainline. The interface expander t~as the following specifications and designation factors: The interface for connection of the device at the input ~central segment of the communications mair~lin^_) and at the outp~it (the peripheral segment of the commun- ications mainline) is the common bus of the small computer. The method of connec- tion is series, parallel and combination (parallel-series and so on). The load capacity through the output is 19 load units. The natural load on the input--output interface is 1/1 load units. The geometric length of the interface mainlines after the expander is not more than 15.0 meters. The additior.~al delay of the exchange cycle upon access to the 6evice, established after the expander, is not more than 0.35 microsecond when executing the READ oper- j ation and not more than 0.25 microsecond when executing the WRITE operation. The component base is TTL-IS and SIS. The electronics capacity (in arbitrary hous- ings of integrated circuits) is 80. The design version is the small computer plug- i n unit and the n umb e r o f printed-circuit cards (two-digit electronics un i t) is Z and the number of types of cards is 1. The mass of the device is n~ more than - 3.0 kg. The power supply voltage is �h5 + 0.25 V. The consumed power is no more than 9.0 W. ,6 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The operating conditions are group 3b according to GOST [State Standard] 20397-74. The version ~s ordinary according to GOST 21552-76.* The eff~ciency checking deviaes are the ir.._erface expander tester and thg test pro- grams for it and tests of the device~ connected after the interface expaniier. Identifiers of the device on the common bus are not required. The interface expander increases the functional capabilities of small computer com- ' plexes by expanding the systems characteristics of the input-output interface with a slight reduction of productivity. It permits the mainline of the complex to be extended to 15 meters and permits control of an additional 19 load units. A fur- ther increase of the interface capabilities is provided by series or parallel con- nection of the expanders. No software is required in the complexes to control the operation of the interface expander. B 6 1 A 300 _ 100 Bb~x. otu cM(n) 400 =200 ~ X. OjU Ciy(n) 4 a~ 63 9402 Boix. 0!U CM 3' 63 9402 Bx. 0[U C~~1(L() Z' 1 ~ Bx. ot~ c~f(q1 - BbIX. ~PN4~Z 3 4 BX. B6iX. o~r cM (n) S 6 ~ - - - - - - - - Bc~ r om ,r,ti/o) - 30uI C.y 4 bl _ 6,3 9402 30[U CM 3 6.3 9401 Bx. OU/ CM(L(J 2 . ~ om cM~ul our cM(n~ BX. 1 PN~ 4 Bb/X. 30111 .30W~ Figure 3.1. Configuration and Possible Layouts of Connecting the Interf.ace Expander to thz Common Bus Key: ~ 1. Output 2. Input *The operating conditions and the version correspond to the indicated normative documents for a small computer hardware. 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE Ol~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The interface expander is a structurally independent unit (plug-in paCkage unit--BK) designed for installation in units of type AKB, BAM or BRS* of SM-3 and SM-4 com- plexes. The following devices: the interface expander. tester TRIF SM (BE9401), the status designator of the small computer common bus ISOSh SM (BE284 is illed in place of the TRIF SM if necessary), common bus plugs (ZOSh 5M) and common bus cables or jumpers (POSh). Possible diagrams of the body configurations of interface expanders are shown in Figure 3.1. The parallel method of using interface expanders also increases the number of di- rections of increase of the common bus mainline, which significantly simplifies the configuration of the complexes (Figure 3.2). The interface expander tester and common bus status designator (included in the nomenclature af small computer devices used in complexes of automated designer job sites ARM (SM-3-M-400 ARM))can be connected by the expander body both on the central and on the peripheral segments of the communications mainline. Parallel, series and combination principles of increasing the peripheral devices (PU) in the complexes are possible when using int~iface expanders (see Figure 3.2). The function not only of signal translation fr~m one (central--Ts) segment of the common bus to another (peripheral--P), but also the function of restoring the time relationships between common bus signals is entrusted to the expander oper- ation in the complex, as a result of which series connection of an unlimited number of interface expanders and achievement of a mainline of infinite length is possible. The function of restoration includes an additional delay in the exchange cycle be- tween devices located on different common bus segments< The delay introduced by the expanders is added with series use of tnem, which reduces the total rate of exchange with the devices located behind the expanders. The length of the exchange cycle between devices is calculated according to the for.mula Ttso - TO(1 + Tr'n), where Ttso is the time of the exchange cycle, nanoseconds, To is the time of the exchange cycle between devices of the sanie bus segment, nanoseconds, Tr is the average delay introduced by the expander, nanoseconds, and n is the number of expanders used in the complex. Thus, the para].iel r�_inciple of ._::nnecting the expanders may b~ used in which there is no increase of the delay introduced by the expanders with an increase of their number in the complex. In this case the maximum delay introduced by the expanders is achieved upon participation cf two different peripheral segments of the common *AKB--self-contained complete unit, BAM--self-contained installation .unit and ' BRS--systems ~expansion unit. q~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY bus in the exchange of the devices and comprises 2Tr + To. If the devices are located on the central and peripheral segments, the exchange cycle Ttso Will always be equal to Tr + To. If the number of peripheral devices used in the system exceeds the capabilities of the expanders connected in parallel to the central segment or if devices separated by 30-50 meters from the bay must be connecteci by using the common bus mainline, the parallel-series pr.inciple of connecting the expanders may be used. a] . . ' i n j � - 30[!/ On 30lU 30[!/ . L J� 30lI/ 3011/ 30lU ~ ~ o~u cM(u1 PN~ ~om cM(n,)I pN~ Our cM~nz1 ~ ~ 2 2 _ ~P !!b /ISl /ly /7y /7y ny � b1 _ . 30lU On ~ 30m O!U CM~UI ~ 1 2 l7P- !ly PNm~ ny PH~P2 . ' � 30lU 0!U . ny ny ' . ~ ry - r-- ~ ` - i on r ~ � - - . L_J~ ' v ' ~ . o !ly o ny . 30LU 30[ll C~ 3 4 . JOCU On � 30ly o~ cM/ul ' ~ ,-l I 2 na ny Ptic~, ny PHCOz 3or~ om cr?~n,l 30 3 y on ny 3o~c ny ' . au~ cM(n2) 3or~ s s on ns~ ny . Figure 3.2. Principles of Build-Up of Common Bus Mainline Using an Interface Expander 99 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY An additional delay of the exchange cycle through the common bus, which occurs due to the use of the expander (for devices connected after the interface expander), plays no significant role since it is short 350 nanoseconds). On the other hand, program-control devices which are very slow with respect to the processor and mem- ory speeds, may be connected behind the expanders and the overall reduction of the productivity of the complex will be insiqnificant. High-speed devices having short (critical) service waiting time, such as NNID [Magnetic disk carrier), computer com- munications devices (USVM) and so on, should be connected before the expander~ on the main common bus s~gment. Inclusion of interface expanders in small computer complexes permits more complete stilization of the capabilities of the SM-3P and SM-4P central processors in serv- - icing a large number of peripheral devices and makes it possible to develop complex, but economica~. control systems for different facilities and processes. The Interface Expander Tester (TRIF SM) The interface expander tester is used as the service equipment of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes and is designated for a complete check of the efficiency of the interface e:cpander without using peripheral devices. A minimum of one device would have to be connected to each of the interrupt levels (ZPD, ZP7-ZP4) to check the interface expander by means of peripheral devices. The tester also permits one to check the common bus exchange with the central processor and the internal memory devices and to organize interrupt modes at all four program levels and the direct-access level and makes it possible to check the interaction of all common bus signals. The specifications of the interface expander tester are as follows. The interface connecting device is the small computer common bus. The natural load on the interface is one load unit. The main modes of exchange of the devices with the tester are the executor, inter- rupt servicing and direct access. The tester forms the following types of interruptions: program generation of re- quests at any of the ZP7-ZP4 levels and apparatus generation of requests at ~he direct-access level with period of approximately 1 microsecond. The component base of the device is TTL-IS artd SIS. The device is structurally made in the =orm of a two-plug t~nit of BE9401 components. The power supply volt- ~ age is +5+0.25 V. The consa~med power is no more than %.5 W. The device is installed in the interface expander body or by means of an attenuator in the cable compartment of the common bus in the plug-in package unit of other de- vices. The mass of the device is no moxe than 0.6 kg. The tester has a 16-digit storage consisting of 16 registers with access time of no more than 250 nanoseconds. 7'he addresses of the registers are 767700-767736. ~~ith program use of the file of these registers, the tester can ~e serviced by the executor in communications sessions through the common bus controlled by any device of the system. . . ~ y 1~0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 i ~E ONLY � The level of interruption should be given to organize the interrupt mode. The four lowest orders of the interrupt request register (RZP), ha~~ing address 767740, are used to store the number of the level of interruption. A"1" is entered by program or from the console in one of these RZP digits, corresponding to the selected level. - The outputs of digits 3-0 form the ZP7-ZP4 signals on the common bus. - After the interrupt authorization signal (according to RP7-RP4) has been rec~ived from 'che central processor, the tester generates a sequence of signals through the ~ common bus according to the algorithm for processing the interrupt procedure (see 2.6). The address of the interrupt vector issued by the tester on the common bus . is first entered in the zero register of the tester storage device. The type of operation (read or write) and the type af access from the tester (only to the memory cell or to the keyboard register), besides the direct-access request itself, are gi.ven (by program or from the console) to organize the direct-access mode. These data are stored in the three digits of the RZP: a"1" in digit 4 de- notes "write" and a"0" denotes "read": a"1" in digit 5 denotes a series of ZPD signals; a"1" in digit 6 denotes access to t'he internal storage cell and a"0" ~ denotes access to the internal storage cell and to the keyboard register (the ad- dress of the internal storage cell is 000214 and the address of the keyboard regis- ter is 777562). A one recorded in digit 5 of the interrupt request register induces the tester to emit a series of ZPD signals. Having received authorization from rhe processor (RPD), the tes*e~ generates a series of exchange signals according to the direct- access algorithm (see 2.6). � When writinq in the direct-access mode, the data are selected from register 6(when writing in the internal storage cell) or from register 9(when writing in the key- board register) of the test register block. The tester generates a sequence of executor signals (the executor mode) during the communications cycle thro~xgh the common bus by the corresponding algorithm (see 2.6) with access to it through the address of any of the 16 registers of the tester (767700-767736) or the interrupt request register (767740). Thus, the necessary information can be entered in any register of the tester or the contents of the register can be read (only writing is possible during access to the interrupt re- quest register). Test programs are used to check the exchange througti the common bus by means of the interface expander tester. Diagnosis of malfunctions when the tests are stopped is given in commentaries to the halt instructions. 3.2. The Interface Segmenter The devices in complex with single-bus structure of the systems interface cannot carry out para11E1 exchange of information due to the need for time sharing of the single data transmission mainline. 101 - FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Since all information flows travel over only one path, the time delays in this system may be longer than in other systems containing a larger number of informa- tion transmission mainlines. In a system with a comanon mainline when one source transmits data to a receiver, the third source (and the others) waits for clearing of the mainline. Although aonflicts between devices for the right to utilize the common bus are automatically resolved and present no serious problem, they still occur and delay the ovE~all operation of the complex. The productivity of the sys- tem is thus dependent on the speed of the communications mainline (on its exchange cycle). The use of a large number of devices in a complex with single-bus commun- ications structure may lead ta an impermissibly long waiting time for of "remote" devices (from the central processor arbitrator) as the compositifln is ex- panded, especially with frequent exchange of data files (at the level of direct- ac~ess requests). The interface segmenter permits a reduction af the effect of the single-bus struc- ture on the overall productivity of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes. only two devices, one of which is a controller and the other of which is an execu- tor, participate in each data exchange cycle through the common bus mainline in the SM-3 and SM-4 control computer complexes. Other devices which the mainline also requires for exchange wait for completion of the current exchange cycle. During exchange of information between the controller and executor, only that part of the mainline is required which connects these two devices (althoug~ the mainline con- nects all the devices of the complex in series). During this time the remaining parts of the mainline, except relay of electrical signals, carry no functional load o f ariy kind . The use of an interface segmenter device in SM-3 and SM-4 complexes permits one to increase their productivity by reiieving the common bus mainline of the most fre- quently repeated direct-access exchange operations. Relief is accompZished by dividing the interface mainline by means of the segmenter into individual address sections (peripheral segments of the common bus) to which devices that perform a more intensive exchange with each other are connected. Independent operation of the devices within sections and parallel operation of sections with each r~zner and with respect to the central segment of the common bus are possible. The integrity of the system (and of the interface) is retained in this case, i.e., the interface segmenter device maintains the capability of information exchange betwesn devices of different segments if the need f~r this volume occurs. Control of isolated devices by means of a processor and self-contained operation of devices on the peripheral segments of the common bus are provided by the corresponding ad- justment of the segmenter address selectors to the address zones (segments). These address zones may be the register addresses of the devices or the address zo:~es of the internal storage devices. When the interface segmenter is used in the complex, besides its main �~-_lction, it performs the functions of an interface expander that permits lengty~ening of the interface mainline by the same length and control of the same additional number of loads as in the main comanon bus mainline. 102 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL l1SF ONtY The interface segmenter is structurally completely identical to the interface ex- pander device. The body configuration corresponds to Fig�,ire 3.1, except BE9403 instead of BE9402 components are used in place of the blocks. Therefnre, the main installation on the body is different than in the interface expander. The capa- bilities of installing other devices in the interface segmenter body completely correspond to the list presented in the interface expander (these are the interface expander tester, the comm~n bus status designator, the common bus plugs and so on). The diagrams for connecting the segmenters t~ the common bus of small computer com- plexes are similar to those for connecting the expanders (see Figure 3.1). Ttiie length of the exchange cycle between devices on both sides of the interface seg- meater is calculated by the same formula as for the interface expander. The use of the interface segmenter in SM-3 or SM-4 control computer complexes may yield a significant effect. For example, there is one each graphical display of the EPG type in SM-3 or SM-4 automated job sites which interact intensively with the internal storage, regenerating information files (which may have capacity of 4-8K words) at frequency of 50 Hz, as a result of which they take "for themselves" almost SO percent of the carrying capacity of the common bus ~nterface of each complex. Taking into account that there are also other devices (processor, NNID [Magnetic disk carrier], NML [Magnetic tape carrier] and others) interacting in- tensively with the memory, it is practically impossible to realize an econo~nic com- plex of an automated job site with a large number of EPG. When using segmenters, the ntunber of EPG SM displays connected to the complex through them may be rather large and will be c~etermined by the internal storage capacity rather than by the carrying capacity of the common bus. The structure of the computer complex based on *_he SM-4 control computer complex with three EPG SM connected through segmenters and with self-contained internal storage units is shown in Figure 3.3. The use of interface segmenters in combination with other devices permits one to develop original small computer complexes of increased productivity and provides expansion of the input-output interface functions by increasing the loaci capacity and physical length of the common bus mainline. 3.3. A Programmable Timer A circuit that generates interrupt signals at network frequency (50 + 1 Hz) is provided in the central processors to organize real-time service in SM-3 and SM-4 complexes. The processor, reading the interrupt signals from this network timer (TMR-S), measures the real time and if necessary the individual time intervals. The need f4r continuous execution of the time interval read programs and astonom- ical time after each interruption requires specific time expenditures of the cen- tral processor which could be used by it to perform more useful functions. The use of a programmable timer TMR-P SM in SM-3 and SM-4 complexes makes it pos- sible to do away with program accounting of time and to increase its useful return. The programmable timer provides self-contained processing of programmable time intervals with shaping of the interrupt signals, recordirig of astronomical time and other operations. It can also be used to check the efficiency of the complex. 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A further build-up of the interface capabilities (in load and length) is provided by series or parallel connection of the segmenters to the mainline of the complex - or system. Parallel connection of the segmenters is preferable. The use of seg- menters also significantly improves the configurations of the devices in the bays and outside them. _ Ar? interface segmenter may be used to design multiple complexes with a large number of high-speed devices with direct access to the memory that exceed the capabilities of a systems interface by its carrying capacity, load and (or) length. No special software is required to control the operation of the device in the complex. � The interface segmenter has the following specifications and designation. The interface is connected to the device by the small computer common bus at the input (the central segment of the communications mainline) and at the output (the peripheral segment of the communications mainline). The method of connecting the device is series or parallel. The method of indicat- ing the address zones on the peripheral sections of the common bus is rigi~ily pro- grammed prior to the beginning of use (by means of electrically programmed PPZU of the K556RE4 type). The dimensions of the possible address and word zones are from 2 to 124 K(with spacing of two or more). The arrangement of the address zones a.s arbitrary. The load capacity at the output comprises i9 load units. The natural load on the ' interface is one load unit through the input and output. The geometric length of the interface mainlines after the segmenter is no more than 15.0 meters. The additional delay of the exchange cycle upon access to the device installed after the segmenter is no more than 0.5 microsecond. The component base of the device is TTL-IS and SIS. The electronics capacity (in conditional integrated circuit bodies) is approximately 100. The device is made structurally in the fozm of a small computer plug~in unit and the configuration of the cards is identical to the interface expander). The number of printed-circuit cards (two-plug) is two and the number of types of cards is one. The mass af the device is not more than 3.0 kg. Power supply voltage is +5+0.25 V and consumed power is no more than 15.0 W. The means of efficiency checking is the interface expander tester and the test pro- grams for it. _ Note. A special "Programmer" device for automatic broaching of this microcircuit by means of the SM-3 (SM-4) control computer complex can be set up together with the interface expander device to program the K556RE4 semipermanent memory unit. 104 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400040032-8 ~ FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY ' HM,Q ny - 0lUCM~l13) , C~N3 !lp CM-Y ~k3y yB8 C~N~ ~~N2 - K Cno6 f~ ~ - (1) . . 6k cnoQ 16K~no8 . ~Q ~a Figure 3.3. Structure of Computer Complex Based on SM-4 Control Computer Complex With Three EPG SM Conn~cted Through Interface Segments Key: 1. Words . The use of a timer in the complexes that control facilities and processes in the real-time mode is especially effective. The specifications of the progra~nable timer are as follows. The interface connections of the device are the small computer common bus. The natural load on the interface comprises one load unit. The method of shaping the length of the time intervals and interruptions is apparatus. The device operates in the single interrupt and repeated (cyclic) interrupt modes and the external signal counting mode with interruptions and the astronomical time counting mode without interruptions. The rates of counting the time intervals with synchronization (for these modes) are 110 Hz from a crystal oscillator (witih timing accuracy of not less than 0.01 per- cent) and 50 Hz from .ietwork frequency with deviation frequency of the external analog signal. The component base is TTL-IS and SIS. The electronic:s capacity (in arbitrary in- l tegrated circuit housings) is 50. The device is made structurally in the form of a two-plug component uni t. The mass of the device is not more than 0.6 kg. The - power supply voltage is +5+0.25 V and consumed power is not more than 7.5 W. The means of testing the efficiency is the programmable timer test. The identi- fiers of the device based on the "common bus" are ZP6 for the interrupt level and 104 for the interrupt vector. The timer is included in the complex by installing its component uni t on any free adjustable point in the BSI or BKI units which are in turn included in the BAM or l05 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 NOR ONFICIAL USE ONLY BRS units, respectively. An auxiliary unit of BE9514 components installed in the BSI or BKI cable compartment is used to connect~the timer to the external signal sources or to signals with frequency of 50 Hz. This unit of components contains an optron isolator and matching resistors for reception of the external signal and a printed-card insert for connecting the external signal reception cables and the _ 50-Hz signal. The 50-Hz signal reception cable is included in the timer. The 50-Hz signal source is the connect-disconnect uni ts (BW) of the bay power supply of the complex. The operation of the davice is controlled by transmission of information (by means of the processor instructions) to its registers having the following addresses: 772540--instruction and state register (RKS), 772542--buffer register (RB) and 772544--counter register (RSCh). The distribution of the RKS digits and the functions connected to them are pre- sented in Table 3.1. The buffer register (16-digit) is designed to store the counting intervals. It provides automatic reloading of the counter in the periodic interrupt mode. The buffer register is useci only to write by the program and is reset by the PODG sig- nal and also upon overflow or antioverflow in the single interrupt mode. The counter register (16-digit) is a synchronous binary counter with the capability of counting in forward and reverse directions at one of four program-controlled rates. Information can be read during operation. In the direct counting mode, an interruption on the common bus is initiated with counter contents equal to 177777 (overflow). This mode is used to count external signals. An interrupt on the com- mon bus is initiated in all digits (antioverflow) of the counter at zero in the reverse counting mode used when working with a pr2viously set time interval. 3.4. Computer Integration Device An ASU may include several multimachine control computer complexes as a function of the complexity, territorial disposition of the control facility, the importance of the problems being solved and other factors. The functions in multimachine com- plexes are always distri.buted among machines (subcomplexes). In this case one of the machines coordinates the actions of all other machines to solve a common pro problem. Another type of organization of multimachine complexes is hierarchical construction of the system (the relationship between complexes is established by the seniority . principle). Fox example, one or several parallel-operatinq lower level complexes (peripheral machines) gathers information from the controlled facility, first processes it and transmits it t~ an upper level subcomplex (a central machine-- TsM) for a production process contzol system. 'I'he central machine carries out secondary processing of the entered information and makes economic calculations and issues information to the lower level subcomplexes to change the operating mode of the facility. Complexes with hierarchical structure may have two or more levels of hierarchy. Upper level subcomplexes usually perform more complex calculating functions and are constructed on processors of higher productivity than lower level subcomplexes. 106 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 3.1. Functi~nal Designation of RKS Digits of Programmable Timer DiQit Name Function 0 Operation The counter register is triggered when set to "1." It is reset upon antioverflow and over- flow of the counter in the single mode and also by the PODG signal in all remaining cases 1.2 Assignment of counting ProvidPS selection of one of four possible rate counting rates: Digits Rate 2 1 0 0 100 kHz 0 1 10 kHz 1 0 50 Hz 1 1 External signal Both digits are set by the program and are re- set by the PODG signal 3 Operating mode The operating mode is given with interruptions: periodic with "1" and single with "0." It is set by the program and reset by the PODG signal 4 Direct-reverse counting The operating mode of the counter register is given: direct counting with "1" and reverse counting with "0." It is set by the program and reset by the PODG signal 5 Single step A single time step of the counter is induced upon setting. Counting is under program control 6 Interruot authorization Setting of digit to "1" provides interrupt of � processor program if th? "Readiness" digit is also set to "1." Setting to "0" prohibits interruption. It is set by the program and re- set by the PODG signal 7 Readiness It is set only upon overfilling and antiover- filling of the counter. It is reset by program or by the PODG signal 8-14 Not used 15 Error It is set (with periodic operating mode) when tihe last (second) overfilling or antioverfill- - ing occurred prior to detection of the previous interrupt. It is reset either by program or by the PODG signal Territorially concentrated complexes, in which the distance between central proces- sors of subcomplexes does not exceed 30-50 meters, do not require data transmission apparatus for organization of communications. Data transmission apparatus is re- quired in dispersed control computer complexes to organize communications between processors. - The small computer hardware contains devices that permit creation of hierarchical complexes of these two classes. Specifically, the USVM A71118 computer integration 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY device helps to solve the problem of designing concentrated hierarchical compiexes and ASU based on them. The USVM A71118 device is designed to organize multimachine hierarchical systems based on models of the M-4030 and M-4030-1 control computer complex ~or any other computer of the YeS EVM series) as a central machine and one of the SM-3 or SM-4 , complexes as the peripheral machine (PM). The device is connected to the M-4030 (M-4030-1) model on one side and to the SM-3 (SM-4) control compute:- complex on the other side as a peripheral device. The specifications of the device are as follows. The interface is connected to a Ye5 EVM (with the possibility of connection to a multiplex MK or selector SK channels) on the side of the central machine and to the small computer common bus on the side of the peripheral machine. The algorithm of the YeS EVM is realized as schematic. The possibility of org-tnizing the beginning and end of an exchange session is ac- complished at the initiative of any of the machines (peripheral or central machines). The possible transmission modes on the side of computer integration device-central machine exchange when connected to the multiplex channel is monopole, multibyte (portions of eight bytes each) or multiplex (one byte each).* The possible modes of continuation of transmission on the side of the computer integration device- peripheral machine exchange is at the level of proqram control (upon interrogation of the readiness of the device), program interrupt or direct (extraprocessor) ac- cess to the internal storage. Th~ t~�pes of information exchange on the side of the peripheral machine are byte by byte in the program interrupt mode and word by word in the direct access mode. Data are exchanged with the internal storage of the peripheral machine in the ~ direct access mode under the control of only the program of the central machine and without any participation of the programs of the peripheral machine. The max- imum data transmission speed in the program interrupt mode is 40,000 bytes/s and in the direct access mode is 400,000 words/s. The device is program compatible with the A7119 computer integration device that pro~~ides communication of the M-4030 central machine with the M-400 control com- puter complex. The maximum 3istance between the integrated machines is up to 55 meters. The natural load on the common bus interface is two load units and the component base is TTL-IS. The composition of the device is a control device (made in the form of a UTK cab- inet of the modular computer equipment system), an interface u n i t(BI)(in the form of a complete small computer u n i t) is inserted in the bay of the SM-3 (SM-4) complex and a set of communications cable. * During one communications cycle. 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 The overall dimensions are (B X L X H) are 600 X 650 X 880 mm for the cabinet and 482.6 X 767 X 146 mm for the interface block. The power supply for the cabinet is from a three-phase AC network with neutral con- - ductor a* voltaqe of 380 V, 50 Hz and that for the interface uni tsis from a single- phase AC network with voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz separated in the bay (cabinet) of the SM-3 (SM-4) complexes. The mass of the cabinet is not more than 130 kg and that of the int~rface unit is not more than 20 kg. The devices for checking efficiency are by means of testing the computer integra- tion devices in the hierarchical system and by means of a built-in controJ. console (in the cabinet) that simulates the operating mode of the central machine interface (M-4630) and so on in the self-contained mode with a peripheral machine. The identifiers of the device on the common bus are ZPD and ZP5 for the interrupt level and the first vector 170 for the interrupt vectors; the second vector is 174. The computer integration device is selected and responds to the instructions of the central machine and the peripheral machine exactly the same as any controller of a peripheral device. However, it utilizes these instructions to establish com- munications between the channels of the central and peripheral machines and to synchronize their operation rather than for working with the peripheral device. The device consists of two parts: a cabinet (control device) and interface unit connected to each other by two cables. The distance between the cabinet and M-4030 device and between the cabinet and the interface unit is determined by the the lengths of the cables delivered with the device, which are equal to 16 and 5 meters, respectively. The receivers and transmitters used in the device permit the cabinet to be separ- ated up to 50 meters by means of an IKM-2 type cable. The design version of the device is shown in Figure 3.4. The structure of the hierarchical system based on the A71118 computer integration device is illustrated by Figure 3.5. rc i i~TO~,Kp CM 3Bh1 ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ rya6n ( 2 I ~~H; ep~euc~~oiu ta~ l~. . L~L~nak .J ' ,Yn�.i,):l j a.l.+:~l C3~.:`~ 1,.+'1~-1~ I / . i: .ah',~~) n~nvenu (5 ) ~r;\:~r.,~.~ Figure 3.4. M-4030 (M-4030-1 and YeS EVM) and SM-3 (SM-4) Computer Integration Device [Key on following page] 109 FOR OFF'ICI::L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Key continued from preceding page]: - 1. SM EVM oay 4. To M-4030 (M-4030-1 or YeS EVM) 2. cabinet channel - 3. Interface unit 5. Cables Interaction of the device with the peripheral machine is organized by means of four program-accessible registers: a data register RD (address 777500), instruction and state register (address 777502), address register (address 777504) and length of file register (address 777506). All the control information in the form of instructions and notations for commun- ic~tion of the computer integration device with the SM-3 (SM-4) is located in the instruction and state register. The functional designation of the digits of the instruction and state register is presented in Table 3.2. All the capabilities in- cluded in the instruction system of the GM-3 or SM-4 processors are used for working with these digits in the driver of the computer integration device from the direc- tion of the peripheral machine. The algorithms for interaction of the computer integration device with the central machine after program initiation of the exchange mode are realized by the apparatus method. The computer integration device is controlled by a special driver when working in the hierarchical control system (automated production control system and so on) from the direction of the peripheral machine and by means of a program that organizes the corresponding exchange modes when working from the direction of the central machine. The program driver for working with the computer integration device includes DOS-ARM [Disk operating system of automated job sites] of the SM-3 ~.nd the small computer FOBOS [Basic real-time background-operating system]. 3.5. The Common Bus Switch As noted, the required high productivity of the complex can be achieved both by the use of highly productive components and by designing the complex in the form of a multimachine or multiprocessor system. The reliability of the complexes is enhanced by using so-called "hot" redundancy of its individual components, which are automatically replaced by duplicate devices if they break down. Such problems as access of each of the processors to each of the external devices common to them and to internal storage uni ts, synchronization of the operation of processors with common data files and automatic reconfiguration of the complex if some of its components break down are solved when designing local multimachine complexes. These problems help to solve intrasystems communications devices existing in the nomenclature of small computer hardware, specifically, the SM-4501 common bus switch (PSh SM). 110 FOR OFF[CIAL USE O1VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC'IAL USE ONLY _ _ _ _ . , . . . . . - . . ~ . ~ - i i~,ou.. . n 03y 03y Ily ny ~y ~ I I i - - 06r~lop muHa � I i i yCBM ~ CM-3 (CM-4) i I i P,Q PMC PA PqM i ~ 3 6npk uNrepq~eucHa~u (6N) ~ . ~ . ~ . . . 4 _ 0 5 M : _ ^ . _t___. . . ~ ~ ycrvoucreo(5) ~ I ~ ynpoBneHUa . I L- - - - - - - Nyrepq~euc (6~ EC 3BM (d0 'S/SUM7 ~ M~ !ly /7;; . . . . /1'J /ly . � ~ ! ~poy eccop crr r. i I , CK2 , CK3 I I-. . . . ~y . . . ny . . M~40~.J Figure 3.5. Version of Structure of Hierarchical System Using the A71118 Computer Integration Device (RD--dat~ registerj RKS--instruc- tion and state register; RA--address register; RDM--length of file register; PU--peripheral device) Key: 1. Processor 4. Up to 5 meters 2. Common bus 5. Control device 3. Interface unit 6. YeS EVM interface (up to 15/50 meters) The common bus switch is designed to construct multimachine complexes of different configurations on the basis of SM-3P and SM4P processors: two-machine complexes with time-shared common devices, including the internal storage units, external magnetic dis k and magnetic tape storage devices, peripheral devices and systems of enhanced reliability due to the use of one of the complexes (or part of it) in "hot" reserve that is switched on automatically in place of one that is broken down. The common bus switch is an electronic device that permits connection of an addi- tional "Conunon bus" section to the common bus of one of two processors. Ang de- vices except the processor can be connected to the additional "common bus" section (DSh) (Figure 3.6). The additional common bus section fully meets the requirements of the Common Bus Interface Standard. 111 FOR OFFICfAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 3.2. Functional Designation of Digits of Instruction and State Register of Computer Integration Device Digits Name Func~ion 0-2 Instruction or notation Different instructions to the device from the direction of the peripheral machine program to continue or halt operation of data exchange - 3 Byte arrangement notation Indicates the order of byte arrangement of the central machine in the word issued to the mem- ory (or received from the memory) of the pe- ripheral machine at the extraprocessor level 4,5 Memory expansion Permits the device to utilize all 18 digits of the coma~?on bus address 6 Interrupt authorization Indicates whether the peripheral machine pro- gram authorizes work in the program interrupt mode Note. Digits 0-6 can be set only by the pe- - ripheral machine program 7 Data register request Used only during operation of the device in the SM-3 mode to indicate readiness for the next data transmission cycle 8 Instruction and state Used only during operation of the device in the register request SM-3 modej informs of the readiness to transfer any information of state to the peripheral ma- chine program Note. Digits 7 and 8 are set by apparatus and can only be read by the peripheral machine pro- gram for organization of work in the readiness interrogation mode 9 Execute Used only in the SM-3 mode when organizing work on readiness interrogation to indicate to the device completion of the next data transmission cycle by the peripheral machine program 10 SM-3 mode Indicates in which mode (SM-3 or M-400) the de- vice is. Writing a one in the given digit con- verts the device to the SM-3 mode 11 M-400 mode Writing a one in the given digit converts the davice to the M-400 mode in which complete pro- gram compatibility with the A7119 computer in- tegration device is provided Note. Digits 9 and 11 can be only written by the peripheral machine program and digit 10 can alss~ be read. 12 Parity error Indicates that information with incorrect par- ity was detected during data transmission from the central to the peripheral machines [Table continued on following page] 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 Table 3.2 [Continu~d from preceding pagel: Digits Name Function - 13, 14 Halt or reset Indicates the reason for completing the data exchange operation 15 Response delay (tin~e Indicates that the device turned to a nonexist- out) ent memory cell during data transmission at the extraprocessor level Note. Di,~its 12-15 are set by apparatus and can only be read by the perip2~era1 machine program OlUI ` (1) . - qonanHUrenoNb~u nA1 n~ ~ uvor.'TQK D~~(,q~rJ � /]P2 " G3y B~1 8y~ - OcU2 . - , _ Figure 3.6. Diagram for Connecting Additional Devices Through the Common Bus Switch: two processors (PR1 and PR2), internal storage device and external devices (W) Key : 1. Additional common bus section The common bus signals are relayed by the switch without distortion. Z'hus, if the common bus switch were connected to the additional common bus processor, the oper- ation of the processor with devices connected to the additional common bus is provided as if these devices were connected directly to the common bus. Exchange _ can be carried on with them both through the program channel and through the direct- - access channel. The delay of the signal transmission cycle through the common bus switch is no more than 500 nanoseconds. The common bus switch consists of two identical structural and electrical sections, each ~f which is connected to the common bus of the corresponding processor (see Figure 3.6). There is also internal communication between sections in the form of common signals. The load capacity of each section of the common bus switch is two load units at the input and 18 load units at the output. The control modes of the common bus switch are local manual, remote manual and program. _ The component base is series K131, K155, K559 and K599 microcircuits. The common bus switch is structurally formulated in the form of a self-contained complete un it built into the standard small computer bay. The overall dimensions of the common aus switch are 667 X 482 X 266 mm and the mass is not more than 30 kg. - 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC.IAL USE ONLY Power is su~~lied from a stabilized DC soi~rce of 5 voits. The consumed power is 0.5 kV�A. ' Each of the common bus switch sections identical in structural and electrical ver- sion is connected to the common bus of the corresponding processor. Each section contains its own swi tch which performs the functions of an electronic key and a common bus expander that regenerates and relays signals. The switch itself consists of an addressable monitoring a~nd state register (RKS), address selector, int~rrupt signal shaping uni t, signal shaping u ni t for commun- ications between two switch sections and a timer. _ TI-~e state of the swi tch is monitored and controlled by information reading and ~ writing to the corresponding digits of the monitoring and state register. The ad- dress of the monitor and state register and the vector interrupt address are con- ferred on each section of the common bus switch. The address of the monitor and state register is 17 7420. The range of addresses 177420-177436 is reserved to con- nect several common bus switches to their monitor and state register. The address of the interru~t vector is 540. If need be, the user can change the address of the interrupt vector to 544 by means of jumpers. The processor, referring to its own common bus switch section, displays the address of the monitor and s tate register on the address buses and enters the necessary information in the specific digits of the monitor and state register or reads them. The designation of the digits of the monitor and state register is given in Table 3.3. Each section of the common bus switch has its own timer that is started if the processor must be connected to the additional common bus section, which may be con- nected to the first or second processor or may be in a neutral position. If the additional common bus section is in the neutral position, the following qp- eratzng modes of the timer are possible: if the additional common bus section is connected to the requesting processor ~ for 10 milliseconds, the timer of the common bus switch section of t.his processor is reset; if the additional common bus section is not connected to the requesting pro- cessor for 10 milliseconds, the timer is reset during this time and digit 15 of the monitor and state register is set. If the additional common bus section is connected to one of the processors (A), digit 12 of the moni tor and state register is set, the signal for interruption of processor A is shaped and the timer is started upon request to the additional com- mon bus section of another processor (B) in the common bus switch section connected to processor A. Processor A, having completed the interruption, may disconnect the additional com- mon bus section by resetting digit 0 of the monitor and state register or may FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY Table 3.3. Functional Designation of Digits of Monitor and State Register Digits Name Ftulc~ion 1 2 3 0 Request Set by request of the processor to connect the - additional common bus section. If the addition- al common bus section is free, connection occurs immediately (no later than within 1 microseconcU. If the additional conmlon bus section is occupied by another processor, digit 12 of the monitor and state register in the section of this pro- cessor working with the additional common bus section is automatically set and the timers of both sections are switched on. If the processor working with the additional common bus section does not release it and does not reset digit 12 of the monitor and state register of its own section of the common bus switch during the timer cycle, digit 0 of this monitor and state � register is reset and emergency release of the additional common bus section occurs. If the processor releases the additional common bus section during the timer cycle of the section of the common bus switch of the requesting processor working with the additional common bus section, the additional common bus section is connected to the requesting processor 6 Interrupt authorization Set by the processor to authorize interrupt of the common bus switch in the following cases: upon connection of the additional common bus section, if the additional common bus section is active ~nd is requested by another processor and upon completion of the timer cycle. It is accessible to the processor for reading and writing 7 Connection Set for reporting to the processor that the ad- ditional common bus section is connected to it and for authorization for signals to pass from the common bus to the additional common bus section. It induces interruption together with .digit 0 if digit 6 is set. It is accessible for reading. It automatically sets digit 11 of the moni~or and state register of an adjacent section of the common bus switch. 9 Initial setting It is set to emit an initial setting pulse (RESET) to the additional common bus section if it is connected. It is automatically reset [Table continued on following page] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 3.3 [Continued from preceding page]: Digits 10 Interrupt authorization It is set by the processor to authorize inter- ruption of itself upon completion of the work of another processor with the additional common bus section - 11 The additional common bus It is set by the common bus switch by digit 7 section is coniiected to of the adjacent section of the monitor and another processor state register. The additional common bus sec- tion is occupied by another processor if bit 11 is set 12 Request from another It is set so as to inform the connected proces- processor sor of the request for the additional common bus section from another processor. It causes interruption jointly with digit 6. It switches on the timer. It is accessible to the processor for reading and reset ~ 13 Activity It is set to initiate occupation of the addi- tional common bus section. It is accessible to _ the processor for reading 14 Main power supply It is set upon the appearance of the main power emergency supply emergency signal on the additional com- mon bus section. It is accessible to the processor for reading 15 Timer overflow It is set if the additional common bus section was not connected by request during the timer cycle. It is accessible to the processor for reading Note. The remaining digits of the monitor and state register are not used. continue working with the additional common bus section, by resetting digit 12 of the monitor and state register. If digit 12 of the monitor and state register is not reset by processor A and the additional common bus section will not be released by it, this situation will be regarded within 10 milliseconds as breakdown of proc~ssor A and the additional com- mon bus section is automatically disconnected from it. Let us consider as examples some possible configurations of multimachine complexes that utilize common bus switches. The configuration of a two-machine complex with two time-shared processors PR1 and PR2 with external magnetic disk memory NMD3 and external magnetic tape memory NML3 is shown in Figure 3.7. The time-shared external memory units NMD3 and NMT,3 are connected to the common bus of grocessor PR1 and are accessible to it in the posi- tion of the common bus switch key (position "A"). During this time processor PR2 can perform operations that do not require exchange with NNID 3 and NML3. If pro- cessor PR2 needs to exchange information with these devices, several methods of 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 F( � na1 oay~~ HM,q~ r~ Duv NM,Q3 NM713 0 nur " 6 ,QononHU~enbHaA 0!U (1) O!U? ~ nP2 , 03y2' HMq7 IZ Figure 3.7. Configuration of Two-Machine Complex With ~ao Time-Shared Processors PR1 and PR2 with External Storage on NML3 and NMD3 (T1 and T2 are terminal devices) _ Key: 1. Additional common bus section satisfying it can be organized by means of the control and informing digits of the monitor and state register. ~ Method 1. Processor PR2 periodically sends requests to use the additional common bus. Each such request causes an interruption in the processor working with the additional common bus. But until the additionaZ common bus is required by this processor, it extinguishes digit 12 (no later than within 10 milliseconds) in the monitor and state register of its own section set during each request of PR2 for the additional common bus. When PR1 completes operations with the additional com- mon bus, it releases it and PR2 gains access to the devices connected to the addi- tional common bus. This method has the advantage that the working order of PR1 is determined simul- taneously with sharing the external devices connected to the common bus between two processors. If PR2 does not extinguish digit 12 within 10 milliseconds from the moment the request occurs on the additional common bus, this fact is identified as a breakdown of it and the additional common bus is automatically disconnected from it. The disadvantage of this method may be regarded as the additional time expen- ditures to organize periodic requests of PR2 for the additional common bus and to process interruptions from these requests in PR1. Method 2. Processor PR2, if there is a need for common devices, sends a request to the additional common bus. If the additionai common bus is free, it is immediately connected to PR2. If the additic~nal common bus is occupied by PR1 (digit 11 of the monitor and state register of the requesting processor is set to one), PR2 sets digit 10 of the monitor and state register of its own section to one and changes the tasks requested by the additional common bus to the interrupt wait mode until the additional common bus is free. Z~vo problems can be processed on the processor in this case. PR1 releases the additional common bus after the exchange with the shared (common) devices is completed. After the additional common bus is released, there is an automatic interruption in PR2 which may connect the additional common bus to itself and carry on exchange with common devices. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY J This method can be used only with distrib~.tion of common devices between proces- sors. Breakdown of a nrocessor working with the additional common bus cannot be established by this method (if only the processor working with the additional com- mon bus did not break down prior to the request of the other processor for the additional common bus). These two methods can be used in the system. For example, if one of the problems whose functions is following the efficiency of PR2 is being solved, method 1 is feasible when working with the common bus switch. Method 2 is used to solve the remaining problems which require an exchange with common devices. . ~ nP~ 03y1 NM~f 1 r~ Aun~l 0(U 1 U3.y.~ l7lU ~ OU/2 /1P2 D3y2 HM,Q? T2 Aq/ly2 Figure 3.8. Configuration of Ztao-Machine Complex With In`.ernal Storage Unit OZU3 Shared Between Processors PR1 and PR2 The configuration of a two-machine complex with internal memory unit OZU3 shared between processors PR1 and PR2 is shown in Figure 3,8. The logic of the processors working with shared internal memory unit OZU3 may be similar to that presented above. it is important for this scheme that the total capacity of the internal - storage, including the common internal storage with which each of the processors will work, not exceed the maximum memory capacity of the processor being addressed. The maximum capacity of the internal storage unit being addressed comprises 28K words for the SM-3 processor and 124K words for the SM-4P procQSSOr. Different examples of making the equipment redundant by using a common bus switch are illustrated by Figures 3.6, 3.9 and 3.10. The redundancy scheme that provides for maintenance of system efficiency upon failure of one of two processors is shown i~ Figure 3.8. However, devices connected to the additional common bus section are not redundant. ~ O(!/1 � � ~ n~u ~~v nPr .4u~ Q~ - 03.Y1 HM,Q1 yC0/ 03y2 HM~f2 yC02 Oul2 ~ ' nP2 Figure 3.9. Example of Redundancy of Common Bus Switch (USO--control facility integration device) ll~ FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL YJSE O1VLY Redundancy iipon failure of. any of the devices of the system,including the common bus switch itself, is presented in Figure 3.9. An example of redundancy with simul- taneous failure of several devices is illustrated by Figure 3.10. ~ OJI~ ' A[U r:u am nr~ n~r ~~r~~ ncu o,~~; hM~; ycn~ c~~z yco2 i1~_' ~~ll ~ Figure 3.10. Redundancy Scheme of Several Devices Systems having increased survivability can be designed by using a common bus switch in combination with an interprocessor communications adaptor (AMS) of the "window" type. An example of designing this system is given in Figure 3.11. npf o3yf HM,4~ Tr 'd[~~ nr~ - nm ac ..~tu ~1~ ,7P~ 03y2 HM,,Q? T2 ~"v~ l10f yco< mponent units (a selector and driver) and which meet the requirements for connection to SM-3P and SM-4P processors and dev~ces and controllers of external devices in the form of a plug-in unit and whic;, the requirements of the common bus interface to com- plexes of the international small computer system. Each systems interface unit permits connection of up to six W controllers. The W controller usually consists of two component units: a selector that determines the address of the connected external device and that performs interrupt and con- trol functions of the controller mode (it is installed in the plug and socket unit of zone C) and a driver that performs specific logic control functions of the VU mechanism (it is installed in the plug and socket unit of zone B) and also cables for connection of the external device (installed in the plug and socket unit of zone A) . The BSI has regular installation. The signals of the common bus interface enter the BSI through the common bus cable to the upper plug and socket unit of zone A (A6) and emerge from the BSI through the lower plug and socket unit of zone A(A1). zf there arE: two BSI in the BRS, they are connected to earh other by a cable in- stalled between plug and socket unit A6 of the lower BSI and unit A1 of the upper ssz. 182 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 If there are no other devices in the complex connected to the common bus inter,face in series after the BRS, a common bus blind panel from the makeup of the complex should be installed in plug and socket unit A1. The power supply unit permits connection of a load up to 20 A(but not less than 1 A) to the 5-volt bus. The configuration of the system for communicating with the facility (USO) occupies a special place in the structural configuration. This is determined by the com- _ plexity of design of similar systems and by the variety of possible configurations of complete USO. BKI-AV and BKI-DV units are arranged in the system expansion unit (BRS) installed in the processor bay. The systems for communicating with the facility can be configured from USO modules (see section 5.2) connected via the USS-OSh/2K integration matching device. The - USS-OSh/2K consists of a control unit (USS BU) and an interface unit (USS BI). Each of the units occupies 6U. The process of structural configuration consists of two steps: determination of the composition of structural components that permit arrangement of the selected composition of devices and the configuration of the complex. During the first step: the baseline complex of the international small computer system and the com- position of auxiliary external devices from the nomenclature of the international small computer system are selected; the number of free standard locations in the bays of the baseline computer complex is determined and the capability of arranging auxiliary devices in them (in the AKB) is checked. If there are insufficient free locations, an additional- ly o~dered bay is used. Configuration data of devices of the international small computer system are presented in Table 5.2; the number of free standard locations in the I3SI of processors and BRS is determined and is compared to the number of auxiliary external devices (of second type) required for arrangement of the controllers. Missing BRS are ordered additionally; the possibility of installing a'evice consisting of the available BRS in the plug-in unit is checked if these dev.;.,es exist among the auxiliary devices. If there is no BRS or if it is filled, an additional BRS is ordered. The diagram for configuration of the bays of the computer complex is developed dur- ing the second step on the basis of ergonomic and aesthetic requirements. Electrical Configuration 183 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The first step of electrical configuration includes finishing the structural- logic circuit for connecting the devices of the computer complex, i.e., connection of the interface units and controllers to the common bus and connection of devices ~o the controllers, expanders and so on according to the principles which are con- sidered below. Examples of structural-logic diagrams for the two baseline complexes are presented in Figures 5.4 and 5.5. CM-6i'0?,0~ CM.-~y02 ~A~UHiPGR.7E'P) (3) JV~' � D[, !U ~ 2~ i~' ULL' JO~ /7:/IlIAO . - ~ 4 ~oui ` - � .M :zcs ( - C - -,i.= np~uecCapa (5 ) C/ti-54cz (.v~~or;u~ens) (6 ) . ,z s , Y-, a ~^,Y , � } ~ n..i nn ~ ' ? ^ - _ _ :,~,.T ~ � n n ~7 - . r n ~r o.. ~ ~M,-6300 (n CM-3100 ~ un ~1~~ 36 (l Figure 5.4. Structural-Logic Diagram of SM-1301.03 Complex Key: 1. Controll~r 6. Storage device 2. Common bus input 7. Desk 3. Common bus output 8. Cable 4. Common bus blind panel 9. Controller S. Component unit of processor 10. Floor The following configuration characteristics of the SM-3 and SM-4 should be taken into account when interface units and controllers are connected: the common bus is physically realized in the form of main installation plug and socket units on a plug-in unit (section A) of individual devices of the 18l~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY nr� CN-6102.01 CM-5407OS (Kor,rponnep) 3 ~ xo ou/ ( 2 ) axa CM-2JQ4 E? ~Poue~~OPv CM-5402 OS jNcKOnurene) A"> C~�' N30T 1370 H12 � . _ _T.7`' ~TD~1.' iT`_~'n~~",' � ___L~.~~lli i !._r r~~w~,~n. ~.:.1:~ ~ _Ty1~' 1.i~ ( 4 ) - ~ _ _ ~ ~ : ~f- ~~;77 ?5 (N:ranu-en.ti) N�2 ~ N~Oi 1370 N 12 rrf-b.Da 01 - 6PC CM-~ 10f ' ;n' l33 (8) g . . ,',y', , `~o c.~tv ~�s r~ Figure 5.5. Structural-Logic Diagram of SM-1401.03 Complex Key: 1. Controller 6. Storage device 2. Common bus input 7. Cable 3. Common bus output 8. Floor 4. Desk 9. Common bus blind panel 5. Component unit of processor computer complex (the processor, IZOT 1370 storage controller, BRS and so on) and the common bus cable that connects these devices. The common bus of the devices has a beginning (common bus input) and end (comanon bus output). If several de- vices are connected through the common bus, the common bus input of the second device (for example, the storage controller) is connected by means of the common bus cable to tt~e common bus output of the previous device (for example, the proces- sor) and so on. The internal storage (OZU) is connected to the co~non bus input of the processor, to the common bus output plug and socket unit of the last device connected to the common bus and a cottmlon bus blind panel is installed; the length of the common bus should be no more than 15 meters; the load on the common bus of the complex should not be more than 20 load units; _ 185 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFb'IC'IAI. USE ONLY if the enumerated conditions are not fulfilled, an auxiliary device--inter- face expander OSh (RIF) in the form of a plug-in unit and installed in the BRS-- must be used. The RIF permits additional connection of 18 loads; an integration matching device (USS OSh/2K) must be ordered for use in the modules of external devices with 2K interface (from the M-6000, M-7000, SM-1 and SM-2 nomenclature). Structurally, the device is made in the form of 2 AKB--a con- tro~ unit (6U) and interface unit (6U) which are installed in the SM-3 and SM-4 bays and are connected to each other by two cables. The interface unit permits connection of up to 16 external devices to the 2K interface or up to 8 expanders of 15 external devices each. Physically, the USS OSh/2K does not exceed two load units. The set of conductors required for electrical connection of the complexes is se- lected during the second step for the configured devices. The third step includes checking the conformity of the output of the established power sspply source consumed by the devices and selection of additional power sources if necessary (see Table 5.2). The power supply of SM-3 and SM-4 complexes includes that of the bays and the power supply units of the AKB designed to supply power to the devices in these AKB. The total consumption of the auxiliaYr component uni~s or devices in the plug-in unit is determined during this step and the balance with the vower supFly sources availabin in a given AKB is established. If the plug-in units are installed in a separately ordered AKB, the power supply source conforming to the power consumed by thE component unit must be selected. 5.3. Devices for Communicating With the Facility Functional Capabilities and Composition of the Devices The devices for communicating with the facility (USO) provide: normalization of signals from resistance thermometers of all standard - gradations; temperature compensation of cold thermocouple junctions; entry and conversion of 1ow- and medium-level analog signals to binary codes; noise suppression of co~.nmon and normal types in the measuring channel of an alog signal input; ~ digital signal input; i.itiating signal input; number-pulsed signal input-output; - 186 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400440032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY digital sign~l output; analog signal output; autonomous retrieval of the initiating channel address; information exchange with SM-3 and SM-4 processors through the cammon bus interface. The devices for communicating with the facility contain a portable normalization unit (BNV), an analog signal input device (WA) and a digital signal input-output device (WD) . The portable nor.malization unit (BNV) is designed for: normalization of resistance thermometer signals (gradations according to - GOST 6651-78 and measurement range according to GOST 7164-71); automatic compensation of the thermoelectromotive force of the free ends of thermoelectric thermometers; _ positive bias of the entire range of output signals of thermoelectric thermometers; transfer from individual cables that carry signals from the thermoelectric thermometers and resistance thermometers to the common (group) cable. The BNV is designed for joint operation with the analog signal input device WA in the SM-3 and SM-4 control computer complex. The unit functions under operating conditions provided by GOST 20397-74 for arti- cles of group 3a; ambient air temperature of 5-:.:;'C, relative humidity up to 90� at 30�C and atmospheric pressure of 630-800 mm Hg. With respect to stability to mechanical effects, the BNV tolerates vibration at fre.;uency up to 25 Hz with amplitude of no more than 0.1 mm. The maximum number of sensors connected to one BNV is equal to 16. The communication line of the BNV to resistance thermometers is three-wire. The maximum cross-section of the strands led in by the cables is 2.5 mm2. The commun- ication line of the BNV with the thermoelectirc thermometers is two-wire. The range of the normalized output signal of the resistance thermometers is from 0 to , 35 mV. Power is supplied to the BNV from an AC system with voltage of 220 V and frequency of 50 Hz. The consumed power is not more than 50 V�A and the overall dimensions are 456 X 465 X 220 mm. The unit functions in the following manner. Signals from the thermoelectric ther- mometers are fed to the BNV, where the thermoelectromotive force of their free ends 187 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is compensated for (and the band is shifted if necessary). The compensating voltage is shaped by a bridge, to ane of whose arms a temperature-inedepent re- sistor is connected. This resistor and the free ends of the thermoelectric ther- mometer are in a space insulated from the surrounding air--a so-called passive thermostat. The remaining components of the bridge are located outside the ther-~ mometer in BE 361. The number of bridge components depends on the gradation of the thermoelectric thermometer. The number of BE 361 used in the BNV depends on the version. Signals from the resistance thermometers are fed to the unit and are connected to the bridge circuit by a three-wire scheme. In this case a matching resistor is placed in each conductor of the communication line with the resistance thermometer and the total resistor of the conductor and of the matching resistor should be equal to that indicated on the resistor label. The signals of the resistance thermometers are :io~malized by the bridge circuit. All bridge components are arranged in the BE 362. The number of bridge components is determined by the gradation and measurement range of the resistance thermomenter. The number of BE 362 used in a single BNV depends on the version of the BNV. The total number of BE 351 and BE 361 in the BNV is equal to 16 in any combination. The power supply to the bridge circuits is individual. Sixteen insulated circuits of a single-stage parametric DC stabilizer arranged in groups of four each on in- dividual printed-circuit cards (BE 389) is provided for this in the BP 121 power supply unit. The unit is made in the form df a special structure designed for suspended installa- tion and is enclosed in a housing in whose side walls are openings for the input and output cables. The openings in the rear wall of the housing are intended for sus- pended installation. The individual compensation wires from the thermoelectric thermometers are led in- to the BNV from below through the central opening in the housing. Type KPKS-11 receptacles are provided for attaching them. The analog signal inp ut device (WA) is designed for input and conversi~~~ of L~ voltages to a parallel 12-digit binary code from the facility sensors and a~so to - receive control signals from the common bus interface and to transmit the results of conversion to the common bus. Depending on the use of the apparatus for tying to the common bus (the presence of BKI-AV) and of controlling the WA measuring channel (the presence of BKU-AV) and also the use of contact (BKK1) or contactless (BKTC2) commutator, there is a numuer of versions of the analog signal input device of the international small computer system (Table 5.3). A block diagram of the device is presented in Figure 5.6. Signals are fed from the sensors in thE form of DC voltages to the inputs of the distributing frame panels based on two cards witl: metal-coated openings. Wires from the sensors and 1B8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 ~ :IAL USE ONLY Table 5.3. Nd. Versions of Item WA-0 WA-1 WA-2 WA-3 WA-4 WA-5 1 Plug-in interface unit (BKI-AV) 1 1 - - - - 2 Plug-in control unit (BKU-AV) 1 1 1 1 - - 3 Plug-in expansion unit (BI~t) 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Plug-ln relay switching unit 2 - 2 - 2 - (BKK-1) 5 Plug-in contactless switching - 2 - 2 - 2 unit (BKK-2) The number of input channels in each of the WA versions is 64. normalizing resistors of type 55-5 (1 watt, 1 kohm, + 0.05 percent) that convert current signals (ira. the range of -5-0 to +5 mA) to voltage signals (in the range of -5-0 to +5 V) a:ce soldered to the cards. The distributing frame panel prov;.des connection of 64 two-wire analog signal sources. Signals from the out~,ut of the distributing frame panel are fed to the inputs of two-plug switching rzits (BKK1 or BIQC2). The input signals are filtered to the - BKK by a symmetrica?. RC filters and two-wire two-stage switching of them is ac- complished on RES43 relays (BKKl) or contactless switches of series K190 (BKK2). The signal is fed from the BKK output to the input of the scaling amplifier made in the form of a plug-in expansion unit (BKR). The scaling amplifier amplifies the input analog signals and provides a standard signal at its output (i:i the range of -5-0 to +5 V) regardless of the range of inp+~t signals since its amplification factor is controlled by the program method by signals coming from the BKU-AV unit. Besides emission of control signals, the BKU-AV unit receives the format of the ~ control word from the BKI-AV, it decodes the numbers of the channel, group, unit and amplification factor of the amplifier and carries out analog-digital conversion of the DC voltages in the range oF 0-~5 V. The exchange of control signals, addresses and data with the processor through the common bus is carried out by the plug-in interface unit (BKI-AV). At the same time (see Figure 5.6), one BKI-AV unit provides the capability of working with sets of analog signal input devices in four directioas, thus permitting operation of a processor with 1,024 analog input channels. 189 FOR OFFIi IAL USE O1~fLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400044032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CM-3 ~ cM-an ; ui . /yB9 0 -7 ' , ~ ~ 6MN-AB / ~ ' , / / % ~ ~2~ 1 j 3 4 . / ynpaBneH:.-e / r - - - - - = / 6M.Y-AB (3' . I ' ' y9q-2~ k 6A'P-3 u 6h'P-4 6Ky-HB I� ~ I (~aH- ti ~ ~Ii - - . , ~ yeA-~ ~ I I 6KP-1 I I I 6h'P=2 , I I I II I ~ i i 6KP , ~ I I DMh~-1 I I I I 6n'M- I I I I 6Mn~-~ 2 FjKK-~ I I ~ i ~ I ~ 6^~M'~ 6kk-l ~ I' ~ I~ I ~ I ~ ' 37 3` ~ I ~ 32 3P � I ~anccn n~ naHenb ~ nocco os /7pHeqb I j koocca o� noHenb � I ~ ~ ~ I 4 II I ~ I . ~ ' oT oo I I ~ L=- aarvNK (5) 6~ I~~_ _Or aorvuKaB _ 64 J L~ Or dor~u~roB 64 _ - - - . - J Figure 5.6. Block Diagram of Analog Signal Input Device: _>--control circuits Key: - 1. Common bus 4. Distributing frame panel 2. Control 5. From sensors 3. To BIQ2-3 and BKR-4 The characteristic feature of the WA-1 compared to WA-0 is the use of contactless switches BKK2 instead of contact switches BKK1. Components to protect the MOP-keys based on stabilitrons are introduced into the contactless switch. The main structure of the analog signal input device is a self-contained complete unit havinn two modifications in height as a function of the equipment composition: 8U and 6U (U = 44.45 cm). Thus, the WA-0, WA-1, WA-2 and WA-3 have dimensions of 8U and the WA-4 and WA-5 have dimensions of 6U. These complete units have everything necessary for self-contained operation of the device, including power supply sources, blowers and distributing frame panel for connecting the wires from the sensors. Each self-contained complete unit contains (depending on the number of the modification) a set of.plug-in units, each of which is a complete functional assembly. 190 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 1 The analog signal input device has its own power supply system. The primary power supply is a single-phase AC system (220 V and 50 + 1.0 Hz with deviations from the nominal voltage by +10 percent and -15 percent). The power supply system of the analog signal input device contains two power supply units: a standardized power supply unit BP113 and power supply unit BP123. '1'h~ ~~owPr c:on5umea Lrom the system by each analog signal input device is no more than 150 V�A, including power to the plug-in interface block BKI-AV located in one of the processor bays. The digital signal input-output device (WD) is intended to receive signals from the digital sensors and to send digital and analog control actions to different mechanisms and the terminal devices. The WD has 12 modifications (Table 5.4). The digital input-output function and also the analog output functions are real- ized by a set of functional modules: a digital signal input module (MVD)~ an in- itiating signal input module (MVI), a pulse signal input-output module (MWI), a digital output module (MVD) and an analog output module (MAV). Each of these modules, when installed in the plug-in control unit (BKU), has an output to the intraunit interface of the WD which provides the efficiency of the modules in an arbitrary set in each BKU. Table 5.4. H~NMCHOBOHH2 H NOANyCCTBO ~YHKIIMOHaADH617I 6JIOKUO /'Z) ~ ~ ~ p CV l+l 7 h ~1) ~ m (7) MoaYBx,4Keuxo a a a a a a a -(6) ~ S ,,~pe, ~ T s. a `l 3)~ 4Y' 5~� w c~a m ~ m Y ~6 Y8~�0 I 1 I 4 - - - - - 1 1 YB1!-I 1 1 - 4 - - - - 1~ 1 YB'1�2 1 1 - - 4 - - - 1 1 YB;~�3 1 1 - - - 4 - - 1 l. YB;1�4 1 1 ~ - 1 1 YB11�5 l 1 [ 1 - l - 1 ~ 1 Ye~l-6 - 1 4 - - " _ 1 1 YB1-7 - 1 - 4 - - - - Y8~-8 - 1 - - 4 - - _ - 1 1 Y811-9 - 1 - - - 4 - - 1 1 YB11-10 - 1 - - - - 4. - 1 1 YB11� l t 1 l t - 1 - 1 . 1 1 - Key: 1. WD modification S. BKU-DV 2. Name and number of functic,nal 6. IQt units ~ � Bxi"1 3. BK-DV 8� ~ ~ 4. 9KR-DV 191 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 FOR OFFIC'IAI. USE: O~NI,Y The WD has the ::ollowing specifications. Through the digital signal input channels (MVD): the maximum number of digital input channels in one self-contained complete _ unit is 256; the input signal is a two-position type of positive or negative polarity; there is optron galvanic isolation through each channel; the input signal levels (logic "0"/logic "1") are, V: from 0 to 1.2/6 + 1.2, from 0 to 2.4/12 + 2.4, from 0 to 4.8/24 + 4.8 and from 0 to 9.6/48 + 9.6j the maximum noise of general type is 100 V. Through the initiating signal input channels (MVI): the maximum number of initiating signal input channels in one self-contained complete unit is 128; the type of input signal is a turo-position ini.tiating of positive or negative polarity (an interrupt signal is emitted with the sensor in a state from "0" to "1" or from "1" to "0")� ~ the search of the module address that caused interruption is autonomous; the maximum search time is 20 microseconds; there is galvanic optron isolation through each channel; the input signal levels are the same as through the digital signal input channels; the maximum noise of general type is 100 V. . _ Through the number-pulse signal input-output channels (MWI): the maxi.mum number of input-output channels in one self-contained complete unit is 16; the maximum frequency of the input pulses is 15 kHz; ~ the length of the input pulses is not less than 10 microseconds; the length of the output pulses is regulated in the range fr~m 50 microseconds to 1 second with one-off time ratio of 2; the maximum output voltage is 48 V~ the maximum load current is 0.2 A; ~ 192 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the capacitance of the counter is 16 digits (15 digits plus the sign); the input-output operating modes are controlled by special jumpers. _ Through the digital signal output channels (MDV): the maximum ritunber of digital output channels in one self-contained complete unit i~ 256= the maximum output v~oltage is 48 Vj the maximum load current is 0.2 A: Through the analog signal output channels (MAV): the maximum number of analog signal output channels in one self-contained complete unit is 16; ~ the range of the output signal is 0-5 V and 0-5 mA; the time required to establish an output signal with error of 0.1 percent is not more than 1 millisecondj - the nonlinearity error is not more than 0.2 percent. There is a number of BKU modifications with different composition of functional modules: BKU-DV-O--four functional digital signal input modules. It provides input of 64 parameters; BKU-DV-1--four functional initiating signal input modules. The total number of input channels is 32; BDK-DV-2--four functional pulse signal input-output modules. The total number of input-output channels is fourf BKU-DV-3--four functional digital signal output modules. The total number of output channels is 64j BKU-DV-4p-four functional analog signal output modules. The total number of output channels is fourt BKU-DV-5--two functional analog signal otitput modules and two functional pulse signal input-output modules. The WD also contains two plug-in units: BKI-DV and BKR-DV. The BKI-DV provides information exchange between the WD and the processor through the common bus and also automatic search of the initiating channel address (the channel that requires servicing); the BKR-DV realizes the capability of building up the digital input- output channels in the syst~m. 193 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONI,Y ~ Communications plug and socket units are installed in the BKR which can be used to - connect the expanding modification of the WD (WD-6--UVD-11) by means of a flat 1.5 meter communications cable located in the set of installation accessories of the WD. The input-output system is further expanded by connection to the second ' third of the WD device (in version WD-6 and WD-11) by a similar flat cable through the same communications plug and socket units. Besides two plug and socket units, there are four BIat-BKU communications plug and socket units for external communications in the BIQt by means of which the WD bus is isolated to the BK'~ units. The external cables of the user axe connected by soldering to the functional input- output modules through a distributing fram~e device aontained in the WD. Each circuit should be completed by means of a wound pa~.r of wires connected to the corresponding distributing frame co,~tacts. The distributing frame consists of four distributing-frame cards with the capability of connecting 64 input-output channels to each one. The cards have continuous marking of channels. Power is supplied to the device from a single-phase AC system with voltage of 220 V and frequency of 50 Hz. Ztao BP113 and BP123 power supply units are used in the device. Current consumption at the level of 5 V by all plug-in unit~ of the de- vice does not exceed 15 A for all versions of the device. The main structure of the WD is a self-contained complete unit (height of 9U) and a distributing frame panel (height of lU). The self-contained complete unit includes BP113 and BP123 power suppJ.y sources, blower units, a bus pack and network filter. The distributing frame panels are connected by flat cables to the BKU-DV units (each card has one BKU unit). A block diagram of the input-output system based on the UVD is presented in Figure 5.7. Software of the Device for Communicating With the Facility (USO) The software of the device for communicating with the facility (PO USO) is a set of programs to solve information gathering and processing problems from analog sensors and digital input-output signals, to check the efficiency and metrological char- acteristics of the analog signal input device (WA), to check the efficiency of the digital signal input-output devicas (WD) and to localize malfunctions of USO hard- ware in automated production process and scientific experiment control systems operating in the control computer complex. The programs for the PO USO are written in Assembler and operate under the control of the PLOS-RV operating system (except for the tests contained in the PO USO, which operate without an operating system), The software contains: 194 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 1~()R ()I~NIC'IA1. II~F: ()NI.Y cM-3n (1) cM-an 06ryaA uir, ~o seq-a=s~ ~ ~ ~ . 6/rN-QB ~ , ~ , l Z 3 4 . ' ~ . ~ I ~ 6KP -,qB ' yB,Q-6a11 i I r 6A'P-,QB yB,Q-6�1f~ ~ 1 I . 1 5~r~ -G8 J-- _ ~011 l 6Ky-Lte a=l ~ I i ' E^':�-:13 ~ aa~ll 6K.v-Q.4 -ool~ ~ I ;K�~ ,,~3 n a�I~ I 6Md-=:S - o� i~ ~ - h 2 Z ti ~ I I I - 6K~-tie oal~ ~ ~,,~y-,~le - ~ c, I I rJVlll r al I ~J ---------~L ---------ll - _ ~ yeq-6:1~ yB,q-6~i~ ya,q-s+� ~yeq-s-� . ~ (4) , r ~oaekiy Figure 5.7. Block Diagram of Input-Output System Based on Digital Signal Input-Output Device Key : 1. Common bus 3. To sensors and actuating members 2. Distributing frame 4. To facility the program "Metrology of the WA of the international small computer systemi" the program "Test VK1"--a test of the WD controllerj test of the WD modules~ user program LNMAS (linearization of nonlinear characteristics of sensors); user program USRED (averaging of parameters); user program USTAV (comparison of parameters to settings); auxiliary programs; WA driver; control problem of WA driver; WD driver; ~ 195 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY control problem of WD driver; standard user problem. The program "Metrology of WA of international small computer system" is designed to check the analog signal input devices for func~ioning after they are installed at the manufacturing plant, to check the efficiency and metrological characteris- tics, to localize malfunctions of the analog signal input systems acceptance- turnover and periodic trials and also for preventive che~ks during operation of the system. The program consists of four basic subroutines independent of each other which provide: input and storage of input data in the memory to execute the programs determination of the reliability of the measurement results with issue of the results of evaluationj determination of the main error of the WA measuring channel--(y~) with issue ~ of the results o~ analysiss determinatior~ of changes of the WA readings with variation of external fac- - tors (y) and temperature (Yt) with issue of the results of analysis. The program "Test VK1" checks the efficiency of the WD controllsr for all func- tions performed by it. The test of the UVL modules checks the efficiency of all varieties of functional modules of the WD. The set of software for the WA and WD is delivered to the user together with the equipment. Configuration of Devices for Communicating With the Facility The maximum possible composition of the apparatus of devices for communicating with the facility, serviced by a si.zgle digi*al input-output plug-in intsrface unit (BKI-DV) and a single plug-i^ analog input interface unit (BKI-AV), is shown in Figure 5.8. The BKI-AV and BKI-DV units are located in the ,taizdard complete installation unit having its own po~~er supply source of +5 V--BP113 and blowers and are installed in the processor b�y or in the bay designed to include the interface units of the peripheral device~ contained in the system. Each of the BKI is designed to service up to four directions (four bays) (see Figure 5.8). Since the WG-O--WD-S modifications include a BKI-DV unit, only one of these mod- ifications of the WD is required for the entire digital signal input-output sys- tem. In similar fashion, the U'cTA-0 and WA-1 contain a BKI-DV and therefore only one unit of these modifications is in the analog signal input sys~tem. 196 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400040032-8 - N'()R ()F'H'1('IA1. iltil~: ()Nl.ti' ~ f , .u ~ u. ~ ~ ~ ' , yH~ U-S , - . . y9/j-6-11 i' yBq-6-17 .YBQ-6-1! ' ~ ~ ~ L ~ , . ,4BA-6-l~ 9BQ-6-l1 ~ ,YBQ-6-J! i 9Bq-6-11 i L~7' ~i . yB,Q-6-11 , yBA-6-11 yB~f-6-11 9B~J-6-JJ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , . a tuUNO 3~ MQ62n K aQT4UMOH U!/CRDQ- ~ ~ _ HUTCqbtiO/.N' MCXO- jMN�,l~B 4 H(13MO.H fKN-AB . � , ~ 3 . , . . ~ . Pc~aw :.:.1~n ' . . ' ' , ~ \ ` � . ~ . ' L , o . m ~ , , 'JtlA-0:l ~ , ydB-1.J 'JBA-2~3 ~ .yBN-?t3 ~ . Q_r:.,"'I~ - ~ I~ ~ j yBn-4.3 yBN-~~S yBN-4:5 yBN-4;5 . ' yBN-4;5 'I~ ~ Jd/7-4~5 . ~ yBR-4,5 YBl1-4~5 i~ ' + I~ ~ 'JB~~~ yBH-4:3 � '?8~4-4:5 I '?BN-4;J' ~ � I , . ~ ~s A'0 206 1 , ~ 4 ~ r ,s 1 . ~ ~ ~ 6NB~ 6NB~5 (5) Ka6enu o~ darvuKO~ 3,QC u rOKa � i ' . -r---- ~ . ` OT repMO.,e~cnB conporuBneduu ~ . � ~ , u ~epr~onao ~ ' Figure 5.8. Design and Configuration of Devices for Communicating With Facility of SM-3 and SM-4 Control Computer Complex: logic communications; --analog or digital input signals Key: 1. Disi:ri.buting frame 4. Cable 1 2. Common bus 5. Cables from EN~ and current sensors 3. Cables to sensors and acutating 6. From resistance thermometers and mechanisms thermocouples Each additional analog input bay of the WA should contain either a WA-2 or WA-3 modification since these modules contain the analog-digital converter that services WA-4 and WA-5 modifications (containing only commutators and an amplifier). � The cables from the sensors approach from the pedestal and are attached along the lateral wall of the bays. The cable wires are then soldered to the distributing- frame cards. Normalizing resistors for the current signals, additional filter capacitors (for example, for additional smoothing of rattles of the contacts from the digital sen- sors),fuses for the analog and digital output and so on may be located on the - distributing frame cards. 197 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 FOR OFFI('IAI.. USH: ONI.Y :.i.nce ~~act? uVA and uVD modification is structurally and electrically independent, tYiey can be joined to each other in different combinations and can also be located in a single bay with any other peripheral devices. However, onE should strive to arrange the units that perform analog signal input functions and also digital sig- nal input-output functions close to each other. _ The signal normalization units of the resistance thermometers and thermoelectric thermometers should be located at points of concentration of sensors, but not fur- ther than 300 meters from the WA. Each BNV unit is designed to normalize signals from 16 sensors and consequently a maximum of four BNV may be connected to each WA unit. It sizould be noted that the bay does not contain any WA and WD modifications; therefore, any number of USO units is supplied in independent bays in specified SM-3 or SM-4 control computer complexes. USO Configuration Based on Devices Having Output to Junction 2K The presence of a common bus interface matching device and 2K-USS OSh/2K interface in the SM-3 and SM-4 nomenclature permits the use of the entire nomenclature of ASVT-M (M-400, M-6000 and M-7000) and SM-1 and SM-2 devices and modules having output to the 2K interface as devices for communicating with the facility. The nomenclature contains: low- and medium-level analog signal input devices (noise-protected WAS-2 and s high-speed WAS-1); digital signal input-output device (WVDS); relay output device (WR); high-speed analog signal input device (WB-100); a set of modules from the SM-1 and SM-2 nomenclature. The set of modules for the SM-1 and SM-2 includes analog-digital converter modules, commutators, sampling and storage circuit modules, normalization modules, filtra- tion and galvanic isolation modules, initiating and number-pulse signal input modules and digita.l and pulse-signal output modules. Systems for communicating with the facility, different by the number and type of channels, can be configu.r.ed from the USO modules connected through the USS-OSh/2K junction matching device. The interface unit (USS BI) provides installaLion in it of up to 16 USO modules and interface cards of external devices. Each location on the 2K junction in the USS-BI is equivalent to independent connection of the module to the common bus of the complex with servicing through the program channel and through the direct ac- cess channels to the memory of the complex. 198 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040032-8 1~()it ()I~I~I('IAI. Ittil~: (1NI.Y 't�ho nuuJ~r<