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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 - FOR OFFI("IAI. USF: ONI.Y JPRS L/9867 23 July 198 i arldwide Re ort W p f ~JARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 34/81) F~IS FOREICN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 NOTE , JPRS publications contain inform3tion primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials tro~a foreign-2anguage sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. , Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are stipplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400030048-2 FOR OFFiC1AL USE ONLY JPRS L/9867 . 23 July 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT . NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 34/81) CONTENTS ASIA AUSTRALIA State Premiere Poatpone Decieiane on Drug Legislation (THE AUSTRALIAN~ 22 Jun Q1) 1 International Police Operation Resulte in Heroin Seizure . (THE AUSTRALIAN~ 12 Jun 81, THE WEEIC~ND AUSTRALIAN, 13-14 JLn 81) 2 Sydney Arreet~ by David Hancock~ et al. Court Appearance Thr~ee Jailed for 3muggling Cannabia in Furniture (THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN~ 13-14 Jun 81) 4 Former Custome Officer Held on Heroin Charge (THE ACE~ 18 Jun 81) 5 Briefe Drug Force Succesees 6 M~arihuana Jail Terme 6 T~,io on Heroin Charge 6 Detectives on Drug Chargea 7 Heroin in Panty Girdle 7 BURMA Brief.s Twante Opium Seizure 8 Wuntho Opium Seizure 8 Mandalay Heroin Seizure 8 Myitkyina Heroin Seizure $ Thaton Opium Find 8 Nawnghkio Opium Seizure 9 Mergui Police Seize Opium 9 Rangoon Heroin Seizure 9 - a - [TII - WW - 138 FOUO] . r?nn i9:^iflfrf / i t frt~ MArT v APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 FUR OFFIC'IAI. USF. ONLti' HONG KONG Briefs Drug Storage Sentence 10 Morphine Trafficking Charges 10 Four Policemen Charged 10 Drug Syndicate Raided 11 Heroin Possession Sentence 11 NEPAL FRG Expert Surveye Drug Uae Increase (THE MOTHERLAND, 23 Jun 81) 12 - YAKISTAN Surprise Raid Nete Large Morphine Haul (Muhammad Afzal; THE M[JSLIM, 24 Jun 81) 13 Briefe Opium S~ized From Truck 14 Charas 3eized From Korea-Bound Vesael , 14 - Quantity of Opium, Heroin 14 15kg Opium Seized 14 Police Seize Drugs 15 Mirpurkhas Druga Haul 15 Heroin Seized 15 Haul of Opium, Heroin 15 Opium Seizecl 15 - PHILIPPINES Briefs Drug Trafficking 16 Marihuana Burned 16 THAILAND Briefs Ma~or Narcotics Haul 17 LATIN AMERICA BAHAMAS Roundup of Drug Arr.eqts Over Past 2 Months Given (TH~ TRIBUNE, 9, 10, 11 Jun 81) 18 Recor~' Weekend Haul, by Marcia Bethel Further Arrests Bail Denial for 11 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 FOR ()NMI('IAI. IItiH: UNI.ti' Marihuana Ftunr~ing, Arreats Reported (THE TRIBUNE, 25, 26 May 81) 21 Several Drug Arrests ~ Cuban-Amzricans Arrested BRAZIL Briefs Bolivian Officer Arrested in Brazil 23 JAMAICA Briefs Four in Cocaine Arrest 24 aar on Gan~a Smoking 2~+ Suspect Plane 24 ME}LICO Official Report on Mexican Efforte To Combat Druga (EL MANANA~ 22 Jun 81) 25 Ring of Youtha Smuggling Marihuana Captured (EL MANANA, 19 Jun $1) 26 Fugitive From U.S. Juatice Captured in Mexicali (LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA, 19 Jun 81) 28 Marihuana, Pills Seized From Traffickera (EL MANANA, 26 Jun 81) 29 Migration Card Forgers Caught With Pills (EL MANANA, 26 Jun 81) 30 Briefe Traffickers Fell Antidrug Plane 31 Traffickere Captured~ 'Itao Killed 31 Police Selling Druge Sentenced 32 - IVEAR F.AST AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN Briefa Opium Juice Seized 33 Fight Againat Druga 33 Narcotics Sentencea 33 Narcotica Seizure 33 Narcotice Diecovery 34 - c ~ FOR OFFICIAL USF. ON[.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400034048-2 rOR OFFICIAL USi. ONLY _ WEST EUROPE _ AUSTRIA Sriefs Heroin Dealers Arrested 35 DENMARK Police See International Gangs Targeting Cocaine to Yauth (Jena Olaf Jeraild; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 18 Jul 81) 36 - Briefs Heroin ~ang Broken Up 38 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 AUSTRALIA k STATE PREMIE&S POSTPONE DECISIONS ON DRUG LEGISLA3ZON ~ Canbe~ra THE AUSTRALIAN in Eaglish 22 Jun 81 p 3 [ Text ] TIi~ le~alisatiori ~of mari- the issue o+' ~aslisiaa the drug fore them to leq~llse mgri~ '~uana is furthar awsy 'thsn for any p~~ ,~oee. � ~ua~ formedic~l p~lrposes. ever follawin~ the Pre~6esa' Tlae can:ennee also deiierred Th1a fs bec~?uae cllnical teats Confereaoe ~t the weekead. consideratioa at~d deoi~lona oa arb rWll beinQ conducted lnto _ The coaferenae deferred s OLh~T YpQCb ot the Willlama the value of uaina the dru~ to decl~ion on ~ noomcneadutton R�~ v~ou~h about 300 oi mluieni~e nauae~ auffered by ot tne Comaaon~veaith Ro~al, i~P~'~~edp by 8t~atewand 1 deasa~i t~at~id a~i heother ~Qa. . Cor~un~aion into dru~s -~vera~tunts rir~ea beia~ tab- Oflklal aourcea aaid ttu known aa the Wllllaena R~port 1~ ~~h le~lUs6ion of m4r11usna ia aa - ttssE the laovs relattn~ to Other recomnneadstiona de- far sway aow iu it ever was. le~alisation oi maryuaaa be ferred inoluded acs~~ee~ to the The Oomaion~veslth C3overn- considered ia 1~A0. ~ ~i~ ~ i~,~~ ~nt ia responsible for leQia- The PKme Minlster; Mr of peop~e suspected of dru~ latioa nsardiag the import- Fraaer, aad moet ot his miaia- runnina betna Qiven ~o police. stioa oi the drug while State tera - partlculsrlyr the. Minis- Otficial souroea aald yeater- Qovernmeirts t?sve leplalatlve ter for ~duca~ion; Mr F,ife - dsy thst l~edersl halth au- poarass ngarding maAUfac- are extnauIy coaaervative on , thq;ttiee, hpd no proposala be- ture snd dtatribution. CSO: 5300/7566 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400030048-2 AUS TI2A,LIA INTERNATIONAL POLICE OPERATION RESULTS IN HEROIN SEIZURE Sydney Arrest Cariberra THE AUSTRALIAN in Englieh 12 Jun 81 p 1 - [Article by David Haacock, John l~rulcair aad David Rowley] [Excerpt] , tt TW4MONTH interriational police undercover operatior~ ended yesterday in a violQnt shoat-out and seizure of more than ~L million worih of heroin in Sydney's northern business centre.� . A mai~ armed witt~ a Luger pisWl was wounded by shattering� glass wheu police fired a shotgun through.the windscreen of a parked car in A2oant Street. 2; ~rth 8ydney: MoWrists ~nd shoppers ran tor cover as more than 15 heavily- armed police, some disguiaed as streat sweepers.~toqpe~. , _ , On. t~ ~tla:s~t~ dt tbt car. NBW~� 9qaad deteetlves~ found twa bl~~paper bsgs corn~ cainin~~ lkg bt` pun heroin, wich~ ~a �stree~� value oi more ` than ifm118on. Otifcere ff~otri the ellte 9pe- clal We4pons and Operations Sguad, . wearln~ �tfullet-proot veeta: were ai~o lnvolved in the operatlon. ' The seizur~ endCd A~ Lwo- month oper~tlon involvin~ A~tatrs!l~in'druQ aquad~. and Interpei. ~ . Laat Week. fn ~imu(t~neoua raide~ iix,Melboun?e ~nd�Byd-. ney, tw0`p~Pk wen arrfatsdj and ct~araed w4th poa~sston of heroirr. ' ' � In Melbourile, more than 51~0.000 worth of tne druQ was, setud. , Yesterday's secret aet2ure ~ operatlan was caretully� ptanned.. It. was .conducted 'by the I36W'Dru~ Squad in co~Junc- Eio`rr ~uith~ the~ Ylctorian 'anct Federa! Ppllce.;._ . . . � . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 Court Appearance Canberry THE WEEKEND ~USTRALIAN in English 13-14 Jun 81 p 3 [Ex~erpts] A man allegedly had two pistols and $270,000 worth of heroin in his car when he was arreated by armed police. Graham John Henry, 2g, a truck driver, of Dundas, an outer Sydney suburb, appeared in court with his right eye heavily bandaged. Henry was charged on two counts of supplying and one of possessfng heroin, at North Sydney, on Thursday. Pistol He was also charged on two counts of having an unlicensed pistol and with using a pistol to prevent arrest. CSO: 5300/7566 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400030048-2 AUSTRALIA THREE JAILED FOR SMUGGLING CANNABIS IN FURNITURE Canberra THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN in English 13-14 Jun 81 p 3 (Text] 'I'HREE men who were' on ~prft r' chis year arrested after cannabis Erlin and L,eroy were, valued at $3.5 milllon w2s convicted of consptring to import cannabis. tound hidden in furnitute while FerQuson was imported from Thalland found guilty oi possess- were sentenced to jail yes� ~'g ~'sb'~~ 1 Yesterday in the Syd terday in the Sydney District ney District' Criminai CriminBI CouTt. Court.� Judge Bell sen- The sentences ended one of' tenced Erlin Lo seven years jail for conspiring the most successful drug in-, to import cannabis and vestigations in- AuStraltatf six years tor pc~ssessing~ police history. the drug.~ The two sent= Federal and 8tate drug ences will be served police and customs offlcers concurrently with a non- combfned in a delicate oper~,-. , parole period set until tion_ which, on July 23 last July 23,19~i. year, led them to a house 1n'. Leroy was sentenced to 12ona Vale, a north Sydney six ye4re, aad wi11 not ba beach auburb. e1lQible for ~role until They arreeted . Arnerican- BepLembernexCyesr. , born Darrow (6esn1 Kleron Fer~ueoa ww sen- Erlin, 3S, and Dsvid Fer ueon, tenced to four yeara' ~tU. 32. and aetzed 333k~ o~ can- but wfll ba ell~ible for nabla in the form of That parole on January 23. setcks. Cuetom oftieere foun~! Two weeka later Cnlg Leroy, the csnnabla when s? 32, ot Newport, was arreated computer check ralsed and char~ed as an accompiice. doubta about a conaiQn- ment of aoft furniahlnQ. CSO: 5300/7566 _ ~t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400030048-2 AUSTRALIA FORMER CUSTOMS OFFICER SELD ON HEROIN CHARGE Melbourne TIiE AGE in Engliah 18 Jua 81 p 15 [Text] . . . , A toem~r cw~ee~r a!l9~eett~ ~M~r - wid potlcs bad' ano~th~s ~ ~day' ~r~i ~P~ r~b~~ ~e atL cecoanded 1n cu~body on ooo- a~ad' Mr to p~oplr ovsr~ cu eo ~�sht~r ls~d spol~e~ ot hia . actioau 1a th~w� racotditt~s. . ~~do~ts. ~oe1h Di b1e~0i4, . Mt ~d be~n involved 'I't~ two m~n an cl~tpd wit5 u~�~ fa tb~ a11e~d' Davio~~oero~d to.Lapoet Dr[oiR . ~~ib te+~t r~i~wlk to . and badeK cao~Piedd to Mb~ s ~M ~e+o~ ~1t~ Mr Middb-. Commo~w~ith ame~er. p~ . Lawe~et~ ~~a7 S~. - Mr O'~C,ae~at :d+s~d 15s mes m~mplo~d;, d~ SMtotd~ bail. H~ iaW tbr cbar~s wen; Se~fa+4. uda~~ood som~ c[ tb~ mort w~iaw Lo caa~e! Flipner. 301, . d 1~1Ne~ ~er~ aonet~ "Ia tMw- of tvt ~ wood. Gwaat, Ft~olMo~t. aP" ~rk,y d dM a~eoa dMn b.a8~ p.~a~.f~.~ 11r~~risa+r,~aMe. m.oapt+bi. rJ~ic."� ~[r accamor~ m ~ C~ourt. w te-l~, ~ wie+er~miadrd to n~aat' ~1m~a~~e .leao. a ~ . _.t... . . . b~~t IrMlboaea b~t~f 3~. . _ . . - Jaawe~r l~?7 ~od 14 1~7l;, 1~ ~pbmbtslD7~ ~nQ, 1~pd t~�b~v~ ~dt~b~lb~. ~ a~to~aiose~ea b~iw~ 1 ~~r ~ ar~ ~sd 1 � Jusi , D~' Slofae'� ; ~ton. af t6~~ d~e l ir ~ b~id ~ 4rp qu~pt!!1N o! LleoiR ia Ms aR~~~~id t~t ~~~TM~-~. .e eb.c u id1a. or beom ..lo.d~; ~ bN~ ~o! aWlor` do~Wa� ! - Ii~~ld~ 3.W~ h ~b~eo~e~ . lata Att~11~1~~~t~t ~ a 1 ~aRams ~st'1tt ~ ~d ~a.~ slll~ Ib1 ~dll , OOlyd 3 ~ f~f'00~1 ~~ttl/1W ~NO~ ~ . _ . . ~..n.t' CSO: 5300/7566 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 AUSTRALIA BRIEFS DRUG FORCE SUCCESSES--The joint federal-NSW task force on organised crime and drug trafficking h3s broken up five groups importing heroin and four groups supplying the drug. The Minister for Administrative Services, Mr Newman, said - yest~rday the task force had also arrested 66 people, broken a ring supplying morphine and seized 718.5g of heroin. Mr Philip Ruddock (Lib, NSW) had asked about the force's progress since it was set up after the Williams.and Woodward royal commiasion~ into drugs. Mr Newman said the Commonwealth had supplied $380,000 to the force this financial year as well as 15 federal police and three administrative officers. The group was investigating allegationa that the failed Nugan Hand banking company was involved in drug-trafficking. [Text~ [Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in English 11 Jun 81 p 4] MARIHUANA JAIL TERMS--Three men described as being among the biggest marihuana dealers in the Newcastle Hunter Valley area had "lost the gamble and the price must now be paid," a judge said in the Distr.ict Criminal Court yesterday. ~tao of rhe men were sentenced to eight years' jail each and the third to four years. Last month, in Muswellb rook, Gordon Robert Newton, 34, farmer, of Mitchells Flat, via Singleton; Thomas John Somerville, 30, ateel fabricator, of Third Avenue, Booragul; and Raymond William Lewis, 29, farmer, of Hickey Street, Cessnock, were found guilty of c~nspiring at Paynes Creek, between January 1, 1976, and June 29, 1977, to supply Indian hemp. Newton and Lewia were also found guilty of conapiring at Cooks Hill between May 18, 1975, and SeptPmber 15, 1978, to supply Indian hemp. They pleaded. guilty to conspiring at Glennies Creek, between April 1, 1978, and February 9, 1979, to supply hemp. The court had been told that in a raid on the Glenniea Creek property in 1979, 20,000 kilograms of marihuana were found. [Excerpts] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in English 12 Jun 81 p 13) '1W0 ON HEItOIN CHARGE--Ztao Sydney men were remanded in custody when they appeared in the Magistrates' Court yeaterday charged with having conspired to import heroin. Barry Lionel Wootten, 38, truck driver, and John Arthur Willard, 37, unemployed, both of the Great Western Highway, St Marys, were not to enter a plea to the chsrge when they appeared on a provisional warrant. The Crown Prosecutor, Mr J. A. Logan, said it would be alleged that Alan Henry Mitchell was arrested in Melbourne and charged with possession of heroin with an estimated street value of $700,000. Mr Logan said fu~ther inquiries had l~~d to the arrest of Wootten at Mudgeeraba on June 13. Willard voluntariiy 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 surrendered himself to Australian Federal Police yesterday morning before his court appearance. The police are expected to seek the two men's extra dition to Melbourne when they next appear in court on June 18. Mr Greenwood, Senior SM, remanded both men in custody. [Text] [Brisb ane THE COURIER-MAIL in En glish 16Jun81p11] DETECTIVES ON DRUG CHARGES--Committal proceedings involving four detectives and a woman facing conspiracy charges are due to begin in the East Perth C~ urt on Tuesday. The preliminary hearing, before Magistrate T. Syddall, is e xp ected to last a minimum of six days and about 30 witnesses could be called by th e prose- cution. The detectives are all charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and conspiracy to obtain drugs. The woman, 31-year-old Aloma 1 a Donna Pelham, of Stirling Street, Perth, is charged with conspiring to obtain cannabis. - The detectivea charged are Det-Sgt Kerry John Tangney (36), Det-Sgt Laurence Edward Butler (31), Detective Robert John Stephenson (32) and Detective Dean James Lewitzka. On Wednesday and yesterday four prosecution witnesses gave depositions to the East Perth Court on matters relating to th~ charges. Mr Syddall deacribed the proceedings as a preliminary hearing and said that, - under the Justices Act, what the four people said could not be reporte d. [ExcerptJ [Perth THE WEST AUSTRALIAN in English 19 Jun 81 p 13J HEROIN IN PANTY GIRDLE--A detective told the Central Court of Petty Sessions yesterday that a woman admitted to a large quantity of he.roin from Bangkok inside hex panty girdle. Detective Senior Constable Rodney Ha rvey, of the CIB, said the woman had been under surveillance by police after leaving an overseas flight at Sydney Airport. Before Mr B. Cook, SM, in the Central Court of Petty Sessions were: F"lorence June Knox, 38, pensioner, of Victoria RAad, Parramatta; Peter Fulcher, 41, labourer, of The Esplanade, Cronulla; Glen Richards, 24, carpenter, of Auckland, New Zealand; and Eric RQnald 0'Connor, 37, assistant manager, of Eden Place, Caringbah. They were all charged with conspiring witn each other and with other persons to import heroin at Sydney and at other places betwee~i September 1 and December 13, 1980. Fulcher, Kn ox and Richards are further. charged with supplying heroin at Rydalmere on Dec ember 12, 1980 and Knox is also charged with importing heroin into Australia on llecember 12, 1980. D~tective Hnrvey told the court that at 10.20 pm on December 12 police tiad been watching a hause in Victoria Road, Parramatta when a white Valian t car entered the driveway. He and other police had gone to the house. Ins i de, he told rhe defendant, Knox, ehe had been observed outside Ermington Hote1 whe re the defendant, Fulcher, liad obtained a large quantity of heroin from her. The hearing continues today. [Text] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in ~nglish 2 3 Jun 81 p lOJ CSO: 5300/7567 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 Buxr~ BRIEFS TWANTE OPIUM SEIZURE--On 2 June, a local police force led by T~aante Police Station Offri cer U~un Shwe raided the house of Ko Khin Maung on Mayangon-II Street, Zethit ward, Ztaante. The police team found 6 ticals [one tical equals .036 lb] of black liquid opium, equipment uaed for consuming and processing opium, and syringe and hypodezmic needles for black liquid opium. Action has been taken under Sections 6.B and 10.B of the Narcotics Drugs Law. [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 4 Jun 81 p 6 BK] , WUNTHO OPIUM SEIZURE--On 15 May, a search team from Shwewun Thida sub-region found 33 ticals [1 tical equals 0.36 lb] of opium at the railway.atation in Wuntho. [Excerpt] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 25 May 81 p 6 BK] MAI~IDALAY HEROIN SEIZURE--0n 18 May, police station officer U Khin Kyi and his team from the Mandalay No 9 Police Station searched the house of Daw Hla Y3n in Bitan quarter of Mandalay Southeast township. The search yielded seven packets of heroin--each worth 20 kyats. Daw Hla Yin was arrested under Sections 6.B and 10.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Text] [Rangoon BOTATAUNG _ ' in Burmese�25 May 81 p 5 BK] ~ MYITKYINA HEROIN SEIZUtiE--Myitkyins, 22 May--Under the gu3dance of the Myitkyina township people's council, people's police force personnel headed by No 2 Police _ Station Officer U Maung Maung and Subinspector U Aye Myint, together with people's council members who officiated as witnesses, yesterday raided the - reaidence of Daw Kyi at Aung Nan Yeiktha ward. Buried underground under the bed of Daw Kyi were about 25,000 kyat worth of heroin in a"~Iorlicks " bottle--15 ticals - [ab out .54 pounda] of heroin, 16 packets of heroin worth 10 kyat each, and 3 packages of neroin each valued at 100 Houseowner Daw Kyi and guests Maung San Hin and Maung Kyaw Myint of Namti were charged under Sections 14.D, 6.8, 10.I3 and 11 of the Narcotic Drugs Law by Police Station No 2. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN .in Burmese 29 May 81 p 6 BK] THATON OPIUM FINb--Thaton, 7 Jun--At 2200 on 5 June, acting on suspicion, a police squad led by Thaton Police Station Officer U Tin Aung, Subinspector U Tun U and Sgt U Ba Way atopped and searched a Mazda Familiar sedan proceeding to Moulmein from Rangoon. The aearch uncovered 3.25 vias [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds] of raw opium hidden under the rear seat of the sedan. ~our persons in the car--Zaw Min Than of Myopat road, 9th ward, Ralaw; Maung Thaung Tun of - Mya Yagon Street, Mingala-Taungnyunt, Rangoon; Maung Myint Thein of Kyaukmyaung ward, Rangoon, and Ma Omaia of Khine Mala Street, Phaungdaw-u, Pegu--were arrested. Charges were filed under Sectione 6.B, 7.B and 10.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. (Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmeae 15 Jun 81 p 6 BK] 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 NAWNGHKIO OPIUM SEIZURE--A police squad from Nawhkio Township in Northern Shan State raided the residence of Daw Hkam Mo n on 12 June. Raw opium weighing .85 viss [1 viss equals 3.6 pounds] and 95 small packets of cooked opium were found hidden under a pile o� firewood and in the chicken coop. Charges were f iled under Sections 6.B, 7.B and 10.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Rangoon - LOKTHA PYETTHU NEZIN in Burmese 23 Jun 81 p 7 BK] MERGUI POLICE SEIZE OpIUM--West Mergui Township police on 9 June searched the residence of U Aw Yone, 62, in Mergui's Myitnge ward and found two small packets of cooked opium and opium smoking paraphernalia. Charges were filed under Sections 6.B, 10.B and 14.D of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Bunnese 20 Jun 81 p 6 BK] RANGOON HEROIN SEIZURE--On 29 June, acting upon reports received, a police squad and members of No 9 ward peop:Le's council of Latha township waited at a passenger service terminal near the General Hospital and searched Shan Gale alias Moe Lwin of Zepaing ward, Taunggyi. The search yielded 20 grams of heroin in a cigarette can. Charges have been filed under Section 6.B of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [F.angoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 1 Jul 81 p 7 BK] CSO: 5300/4619 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400030048-2 HONG KONG BRIEFS DRUG STORAGE SENTENCE--A 28-year-old woman who helped store $6.6 million worth of dangerous drugs at her home and in a safe deposit box at a bank was yesterday sen- tenced to 12 years' imprisonment. Wong Yin-fung pleaded guilty before the Chief - Justice, 3ir Denys Roberts, in the Aigh Court to two counts of p'ossessing dangerous - drugs for unlawful trafficking. The total amount of drugs seized at her home and _ from her safe deposit box was almost 10 kilos of a mixture, including four kilos of heroin base. Senior Crown counsel Ian Polson told the court that on February 19, customs officers intercepted Wong as she was coming out of a building in Prat Ave- nue, Tsimshatsui. She led officers to a flat on the third floor of the building, and on being told �vhat the officers were after, she produced two plastic bags say- ing they contained heroin. The following day, she took trie officers to a bank in Granville Road and from a safe deposit box another lot of dangerous drugs was re- moved. [Excerptj [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 9 Jun 81 p 13] MORPHINE TRAFFICRING CHARGES--A renovation worker and a gift s:iop proprietor ap- peared at Causeway Ba}- Court yesterday charged with possessing dangerous drugs for unlawful trafficking. No pleas were taken from Liu Chung-ming (25), renovatton worker, and Ng Shusai (26), and Mr James Wilson ad3ourned the case for a week. The defendants were remanded in jail custody. ~t is alleged that on Monday, at _ Greig Crescent opposite Nam Fung Sun Chuen car park, Quarry Bay, and in a flat in Hillwood Court, Hillwood Road, Kowloon, Liu posseased abo~t 0.5 kg and 0.25 kg of salts of esters of morphirie respectively for unlewful trafficking. It is also alleged that in a flat at Nam Fung Sun Chuen, Ng had about three kg of salts of ester~ of morphine for unlawful trafficking. Ng is further alleged to have unlaw- fully manufactured aalte o~ esters of morphine at the Nam Fung Sun Chuen flat. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTTi CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 11 Jun 81 p 14] FOUR POLICEMEN CHARGED--A sergeant and three police constables were charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of ~uatice following the disappearance of three packete of heroin eeized during a raid, Victoria Dietrict Court was told yesterday. Judge Rhind waa told the sergeant faced two chargea and the conatables three. Lam Hon-ching (39), a salesman, was sent to prison for 3 1/2 years for posseasing dan- gerous drugs for unlawful trafficking. Crown counsel Ian Lloyd told the court that on January 1, two policemen waited in ambush at Shun Chi Court, Shun Lee es- tate. They kept watch on the car park and about 11.15 pm they saw Lam arrive and hand a brown paper packet to another man. When they arrested Lam and seized the packet, they found it contained 10 smaller packets of a mixture containing heroin. The street value of the drug was $15,000. During the course of the police investi- gation it was alleged r.hat three of the packets of drugs had disappeared. An io ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 Independent Commission Against Corruption investigation was carried out and three police officers were charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Lam had signified that he was willing to give evidence in the trial of the policemen and had co-operated fully with the ICAC, said counsel. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 11 Jun 81 p 14] DRUG SYNDICATE RAIDED--Narcotics Bureau officers yesterday arrested five men and a woman during raids on a drug syndicate. They also seized a kilo of suspected No 3 heroin, worth about $250,000, in the raids on premises in Mongkok and Sham- shuipo. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 13 Jun 81 p 8] HEROIN POSSESSION SENTENCE--When three accused appeared on ~ drugs charge at Vic- - toria District Court on Monday one of them gave evidence which caused the other ~ two to be acquitted of the charge. Yu Yiu-tong (26), Siu Sing-keung (29) and his common-law wife, Kam ?'oyin (25), were charged with possessing heroin with a street value of $30,0~~ for snlawful trafficking. Siu and his wife were acquitted after Yu had pleaded guilty and given evidence which cleared his co-defendants. Judge Ryan sentenced him to five years' imprisonment yesterday. [Excerpt] [Hong Kong ~ SUUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 17 Jun 81 p 22] CSO: 5320/9079 ~ 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 - NEPAL FRG EXPERT SURVEYS DRUG USE INCREASE Kathmandu THE MOTHERI~AND in English 23 Jun 81 pp 1, 4 [Excerpt] Drug problem showe an upward trend in Nepal and will assume serious proportions in course of time, says a German expert currently studying abuse of narcotic, drugs in Nepal and India. the journaliats detaile of his finding here yesterday, Berndt Georg Thamm said that~there are five to seven hundred addicts of hard druge in the capi- tal at preaent. Theae are youth of 18-26 age group. Until three yeara ago the number wae only 60, he added. The number of Nepali youth taking drugs will be much more when other urban areas are taken into coneideration. Likewise, there are about 60 foreigners, mostly from the west, living in Kathmandu who take drugs on a regular basis. These addicts take heroin and morphine which are 10 to 15 times stronger than those available in the west, Thaama said and pointed out that drugs are illegally imported to Nepal through air as well as land route. - CSO: 5300/4952 12 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 PAKISTAN SURPRISE RAID NETS LARGE MORPHINE HAUL Islamabad THE MUSLIM in English 24 Jun 81 p 3 [Article by Muhamcnad tifzal] [Text] Islamabad, Juae 23: In a eurprise raid conducted by a special team com- prising Pakiatan Narcotice Control Board (PNCB) and police officials, morphine worth about Rs. four million was recovered from the Afghan Hotel, Railway Road, here this evening, and the police have rounded up three persong; including a Brit- ish national, on the charge. According to details, Ch. Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, Director PNCB, was tipped that a bid to smuggle morphine outaide the country would be made and the persons involved were ataying at the Afghan Hotel. A raiding party was ccnetituted to foil thie attempt. They raided the hotel and arrested three persons--Abdul Qayyum, Abdul Hakim and a British national, Howar Rogers, and recovered the narcotic. A caee has been registered in the Cantt. Police Station and more arrests are ex- pected. One of th~ alleged amugglers, Abdul Hakim~ confessed that he brought the stuff from Shararoz Rhan of Bara. He aleo diecloeed that it was being smuggled to London. Further investigations are afoot to haul up more pereons involved in the racket. Police said the three accused would be preaented before the Ilaqa Magistrate, Mr. Tawana, tomorrow, for physical. remaad. The elleged amugglere were due to leave the country by a PIA flight for London. CSO: 5300/4617 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400034048-2 PAKISTAN BRIEFS OPIUM SEIZID FROM TRUCK--Rawalpindi, 5 Jul--About six maunds of opium worth over Rs fmur lakh was today intercepted by the Cuatoms Anti-Smuggling Mobile Unit from a ~ truck afCer 30 minutea hot chase of a smuggler party near Attock. Collector Customs Mumtaz Ali Khan had been tipped that a large quantity af opium will be brought from Afghanistan to smuggle out to India. The emuggler party when appeared at the road was asked to stop for checking by the Customs men. The speedy vehicle of the smugglers neglecte~. the Cuatoma pArty and sped away. The Customs men, however, arrested one Zarmat Khan and recovered a large quantity of opium after chasing the speedy vehicle. The truck driver made his escape. Further investigation is in progress. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 6 Jul 81 p 7] CHARAS SEIZID FROM KOREA-BOUND VESSEL--Yet another big haul of charas weighing nine . maunds was made by the Drug Enforcement Cell staff from a PNSC vessel anchored in the open sea near Baba Island, yesterday. The contraband 'charas' is valuad at about Rs 30.5 million in the international market. On a tip-off the customs men runnnaged the ship VM "Sutle3" now undergoing repairs at the mooring and found the contraband charas hidden in the hatch of the ship. The ship is scheduled to sail for Korea in a couple of days, according to customs. But what has stunned customs intelligence men is the fact as to why the hashish was concealed in this ship. They, however, strongly believe thalt the "smugglers" who failed to deliver the~r goods to American Flag ship "Black Wing," now said to be in the vicinity of Churna Island, chose to take the contraband by "Sutle~" for delivery at some other port to their 'contact' while on way to IGorea. This ie the third seizure of contraband charas within a fortnight, destined for the States. A case has been registered under the Customs Act and ef�rorts are afoot to locate the 'local links' as well as the 'suppliers.' [Text] [Ksrachi DAWN in English 6 Jul 81 p 8] QUANTITY OF OPIUM, HEROIN--Quetta, 28 Jun--Ra 21 crore worth o� heroin and opium were seized on Friday night by cuetoms authoritiea near Muslim Bagh in what is claimed to be the biggest haul of ita nature in the country. It was being carried in a truck, which wae abandoned by ita occupante when challenged by customs men. A.lthough it could not be ascertained as to where the truck wae comin g from yet it was suspected - that the vehicle carrying the huge quantity of heroin and opium liad come from Landikotal area. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 29 Jun 81 p 6J 15KG OP7UM SEIZID--The Excise Staff (South) aeized 15 kg opium from Karachi area and arrested a man. The ac:cused, identified ae Fazal Karim, according to Excise Staff, was trying to amuggle out opium through some ahip from the Karachi Harbour. The drug is valued Rs50 lakh in the European countries. The Excise Staff is interrogating the arreated man for hia linka. [[Karachi DAWN in Engliah 3 Jul 81 p 16] 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400030048-2 PULICE SEI?.E DRUGS--CIA [Criminal Investigation Agency] of Harialo raided a narcotics den and recovered three sackfuls of cannabis. One person was arrested. [GF111905 Karachi MASHRIQ in Urdu 9 Jul 81] MIRPURKHAS DRUGS HAUL--The local excise inspector has stated that during the past 6 months 64 kg of hsshish, 000 grams of opium and the equipment for brewing 10 ga].lons of indigenous wine were seized. [GF111905 Karachi MASHRIQ in Urdu 9 Ju1 81] HEROIN S~IZED--The excise officials in Karachi on 9 July seized 3 kg of heroin - at Mangopir near Karac'~i about to be shipped for Turkey. The seized heroin is valued at 10 million rspees. Two persons, Naik Mohammad ann Miandad, have been arrested in this connection. [GF121930 Karachi JANG in Urdu 10 Jul 81 p 2] HAUL OF OPIUM, HERO~N --Quetta, June 27: The cuetoms staff has hauled up the biggest quantity o~ contraband opium and heroine worth over Rs. 21 crore from a truck seized at Muelimbagh, about 85 miles from here last night. The contraband was hidden in epecially made cavities which were pr~perly painted and decorated to misguide the cuatoma hounda. The quantity recovered included 13.2 kilogram heroine and 71 kilograma of opium which would have fetched about Rs. 21 crore in the international market. He presumed that the truck loaded with the contraband _ was coming from Landikotal and was attempting to smuggle out the narcot~.cs. However, inquiry is in progrese and some revelations are expected to be made soon. -APP [Text] [Peahawar KHYBER MAIL in English 28 Jun 81 p 1] OPIUM SEIZED--An attempt to smuggle 230 kilograms of opium and 6,000 yards of for- eign cloth worth about Rs. 5Q lakh was foiled in an operation here on Saturday. A truck was seized on Warsak-Shabqadar road and the contraband goods were recovered from its secret cavities. Th~ opium and cloth were reportedly being smuggled to Karachi. [Text] [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in English 21 Jun 81 p 6] CSO: 5300/46~.7 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400034048-2 PHILIPPINES BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKING--PC-INP [Philippine Constabulary-Integrated National Police] chief Major-General Fidel Ramos, in a report to Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile yesterday, revealed that international syndicates engaged in drug trafficking continue to use the Pr,ilippines as a transshipment point of their contraband. This was shown by the recent arrest of several foreign drug smugglers. Ramos said that the smuggling of dangerous drugs by foreigners coming to the country as touriste appeared to have becoma rampant last month, The PC chief noted that the illegal entry of dangerous drugs was apparently undetected becaus~ of the relaxed inspection of tourists' luggage at the Manila International Airport. Ramos also ::~evealed that the Philippines is now a marijuana source country of Japan. He said this was shown by the arreats of several Japanese attempting to smuggle out ground marijuana. [Text] [HK150058 Manila FEBC in English 2330 GMT 14 Jul 81] - MARIHUANA BURNID--Camp E. Aguinaldo, Q.C., 23 Jun--Pelagio A. Cruz, commissioner of the Finance Minietry Intelligence Bureau (FMIB) ordered the burning of some 10,000 maruhuana planta which were seized a week ago at a mountain barangay in Nueva Eci~a. Believed to have a value of close to P1 million, the marihuana plants were uprooted by oper~ative o� the PC anti-narcotics~unit, Arnry, and the Civilian Home Defense Farce (CFIDF) following the discovery of a big marihuana plantation at Tabuyan creek, Delcay, in Pantabangan, Nueva Eci~a. Carlos FZores, FMIB region II director, told Cruz that the raiders found it very risky to haul the seized stuff, in big bundles, due to the treacherous terrain. Flores led local FMIB men in the surveil- lance of the prohibited farm prior to the raid. [Text] [Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 24 Jun 81 p 5] CSU: 5300/4953 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 THAILAND BRIEFS MA,TOR NARCOTICS HAUL--Bangkok, 18 June--Thai narcotics officiala have seized 95 kilos (209 lba) of raw opium, morphine bricke and heroin base in one of the big- gest raids in years, officials said today. Specialists said the haul would have been worth tens of millions of dollars on the streets of New York. The Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) said five people had been arrested yesterday when agents uncovered the druga in trucks at a gas station near Chiang Mai, 800 kilometres (480 milea) north of Bangkok. Officials said the auspects were trans- porting 50 kiloe of raw opium, 20.5 kilos of heroin base and 22 kilos of morphine. Thai narcotice officials are still hunting for one other suspect in connection with the seizure in Bangkok two monthe ago of about 58 kilos of. heroin base.--NAB/AFP [Text) [Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in Englieh 19 Jun 81 p 5] CSO: 5300/4952 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400034048-2 BA~IAMAS ROUNDUP OF DRUG ARRESTS OVER PAST 2 MONPSS GIVEN Record Weekead Haul Naseau THE TRIBUNE ia English 9 Jun $1 p 1 ~ (Article by Marcia Bathel: "Biggest Seaborne Drug Bust Made"~ [Text] WITH the Wged seabunte Sandy Point, Abaco~ a SO-foot Defence Force craft HMBS dru~ bwt in gah~t.~iap Ifirtory ~hip -~lw balieved to be a Abaco arrived in Sdndy Point ny~ o~ ~ dru~ mother ahip - ran on Monday and checked out s~3p m~lba vrort6 ot a~round tiwo milea off Sandy the boat. mscijuu~ - 290 to~ ia ail - .p~~~ ten Colombiana . On Thuraday April. 9~ the 96 pasons xnd 24 boats �have abO~' Defence Force vessal, HMBS r A c c o r d i n g t o t h e ~Inagua, �under tha commai?d of Gommi~ioner at Sandy Point, lieutenant Jackaoh Ritchie, vvit~s by nfeapb~t~ ot the ~ the ship Pbxie Four, was appnhended a mother ship and Bal~ums Deieeee Faca ~nn the brought into Sandy Point ten Colombiaas near Great paft tw~o~ montht. around 6 pm on Saturday Stirrup Cay, ttu Berry Islands. Since April 9 to June 9 nina afternooa. The en~ine-room of 600 bales of mar~juana, each sepuate arreats have been the ahip had been completely wei~ing. 200-250.pounds waa made by the Hshamas Detence destroyed by tire. ~ alao 'found on board the 100 Force , ia . watets otf New '~N~tltin~ rvaa found on the foot steel-hu1C car~o ~ vessel, - Ptovidence~ Andros, Ackllnt, ehip, except __the ten Cordobea. Bimini ~nd the Herry I~pd~ Cotombiuu, who an pre~ently On Monday April 13, 360 with. tbtM.1~?teai~~ at~Yt~. h~vly~~~ ~~Q~ ~~~d in Marsh bale~ oi marlluan~ and ten beerr mwd~~ otr ~'~~dR. }yt~w~~? Wd Commiaioner Colombian~ were arrested by . Acaordln~ ta .CID o1llaiilt w~wn Thompioe thit police off~cera atationed in � the HHSS M~rlln, updrr tbe m~~, ~~7'he ciptain of the Andro~. The arrat wai made commaed o! 1.i~ut~nRat Ama s~P ~ut~d that they wen on Llttle Stlrrup Cay the 8erry Rolle �pprohsnd~d a[rei~hter tryin~ to ~et co land. tbey Id~nd~, by S~t 383 ~inea, Corp bell~ved to bs a dru~ mother ~patt~d Sandy Polnt nnd oa 249 Joaey ~nd Corp 972 ship in w~t~n oft Chub Cay thelr way !n tan ~~round on a Farquharson and other in the 8erry Istands. Ten reei about two mlle: fron oificasa. Colombiaria ar~d oae Amerioan gindy Point. He claimed that On April 23, the HMBS were erre~ted alon~ with 825 somethin~ went wrong in .the Marlin~ uader the command of bales of what u alle~ed to be a~e ~ip ~~nQ ~Q fire." Lt Amos Rolle, dlacovered 250 mari~uana - the taraeat drua .~~~oaer ?hompaoa bales of mar~juana on Samana h4ul mada at aea thie year. said that the ship ia docked at Cay, northwest of Acklins And in�a eepuate incident at g~dy Poiak ~ad that the Isl~ad aluna with thne 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 Colombians. The 250 bales of near western Andros on persons and 230 bales of mar~juana were estimtated to Monday, May 4. marijuana were appnhended in weigh 25,000 pounds. On Thursday May 14, 122 two separate incidents by the Thirty-nine bales of bales of marijuana and two HMBS Inagua and Abaco, _ marijuana. weighing 250 Colombi~ns were arrested in under the command of pounds each, one Coiombian their'vessel Carbrerita II just Lieutenant Jackson Ritchie and two Americans, including a off Samana Cay. The arrest was and Lieutenant Rodger Rolle. female, were apprehended on made by the Defence Force [n one incident near the Bimini April 27 by the HMBS Abaco boat HMBS Mazlin, under the chain four boats were under the command of Lt command of Lt Amos Rolle.. apprehended and one boat was Rodger Rokle, in waters off On Saturday May 2, three apprehended in waters off Turtle Rocka. southeast of Cuban Americans and 24 bales Delaporte Point. g~m~, of maruutnt were apprehanded [n the arrest made on Tha HMBS InaQua, under �in water off Billy.s Cay by the Sunday, the custy iron freighter the cammand ot Lieutenant HMBS Exumr. under the "Rio Delta", the men and the Jackson Ritchl,e, epprehended command of Commander dru~s were brouQht into Nassau 1 SO .bqlae oP mu~uana, four Blatchette Lafleur. ~ latc Sunday afternoon. The Cuban Amaric4ns and two ~ And during the week-end of inen are expected to be Colombians off Billy's [sland, May 23~24 five boats, eleven charged in cnurt tomonow. ' [Photo caption] The Rio Delta arrested by Defence Force vessel Marlin on Sunday near Chub Cay with 10 Colombiana and one American on board. 825 bales of what is believed to be mari~uana were found on board--the biggest seaborne haul ever in Bahamian history. Further Arrests Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 10 Jun 81 p 1 [Text] EIGHTEEN Americazu' u~u Tvw exgensive Cigarettes aix boaw were arre~ted by Wa (valued at around SS0~000 Bohamu Defenc4 Fotce at apieoe) and two Scarab Sport~ Chub Cay on Suaday aad two (wlued at around 525.000 new "runabout" 27-foot apieca) w^.re brou~!?t ln by the Defenoe Force veael~ aaw Defenca Fora~ to~ther with actlon for the first time. two lar~e 40~48 tt cabin~cruLer No announc~aaent hse been Yachb. mtde nbout t1~ new DePeace Guna and about S35,OO0 la Force ve~els which have caeh wem found aboard one of. ~efaod the . Aeot aince the ~e ~~tte bosband guns and ~ si~ilcin~ ot the 103-foot smmuaidon were fouad on all: FLimin~o by Cub~n MiG tlre boa~. All tl~e per~ona~ ft~hters off ~'ay Sar?tv aboard the vea~els were . Doniin~o ort May 10 last year. ~t�d md' aera to be.: charged in Nasaau. The vessels are believed to . [n the past two monthg� have beea connected with the �~ence Fbrcea have netted- drug ahip Rio Delta arn:ted b~r over 5130 million worth of:, the Detenca Fores vepe~ ~j~na - Z90 tons in all M~rli~c oif Chub Gy SundaY 96 porsana aad 24 boata - all ~ wkh . 823 .ba1es of mar~w~?a a~ted ~a BaLamim watata in � aboard - haKin~ a aq~eetex~lun coanedtiea ~ wi;~~ dru~ �o1~ne~iy,�SSO'm~tid[. ' trafPl~cltih~.s. ~ . . ~ 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 / [Photo captions] ~ro scarab sports being escorted into Chub Cay harbour by ona of the new 'runabout' 27-foot Defence Force vessels in Sunday's arrest of six boats and 18 Americaas. The new Defence Force craft have ~oined the fleet without any announcement. - Arrested boats tied up by Defence Force marines at Chub Cay after being searched and a quantity of arms and ammunition was found. Boat at left, a twin diesel Cigarette,also had an estimated $35,000 in cash aboard. Arrested cigarette being escorted into Chub Cay harbour Sunday following a Defence Force check which netted six boats and 18 Americans arrested over having arms and an~munition aboard. The men and boats were brought to Nassau. Bail Denial for 11 Nasesu THE TRIBUNE in Engliah 11 Jun 81 p 1 - ; Excerpt] TEN Colombiaa~ aad ut An?~cm. ohar~ed with beia` - ia powe~loa of 825 ba~ oi masiJuama, weiih~i ~ a~timatsd 33,000 pouadr~ wera ntu~ed b~ii Yeoterday whea � ,~,e cb,arQed bsfom ~a~btrate gbi=iti Edtut. Tbey wese arroded oa Suadt7r. Jutu 7, ia wateis off Chub CsY ia the Ba~ry' Ielaad~. Char`ed are Pedro (~r~tophet. 28; Carla Beat~ 32; Gu~brs Gar~25; Joha Hl~faada~ 2S; Ol a Ta~rs~. 21; Odutdo Sanohez~ 33; pedro pmd~Ip~ 33; Luis Yr~ada. 44: JoN ~[~sti~i. 26; Thomas Fi~hback. 32 (pm~aan); ~nd a 1Sryear~ ~Colomblut, _ CSO: 5300/75~4 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 BAHAMAS MARIHUANA RUNNING, ARRESTS REPORTED Several Drug Arrests Nas~au THE TRIBUNE in Er_glish 25 May 81 p 1 [Text~ boaCa were apprehended, eleven persons urrested and 230 bales of a subetance believed to be marijuana were seized in two separate incidents by members of the Bahamas Defence Force over the weekend. On Friday afternoon; four boats were apprehended by Defence Force Patrol boat Inagua under the command of Lieutenant Jackson Richie in the Bimini chain in waters near Orange Cay and on Saturday afternoon a boat was apprehended in waters off Delaporte Point by the Defence Force boat Abaco. It was reported that the Inagua was on routine patrol in waters near Orange Cay when the officers spotted what appeared to be a drug exchange involving five boats. The Inagua managed to apprehend four of the boats, two 60-foot crafts, "Lucky Lady" and "7 Mares," a Cigarette boat "Carrera" and an unnamed vessel - with Florida registration FL 7346 AH. Another boat got away. It .is reported that ~0 bags of the substance believed to be mari~uana were found on the l~oat "7 Mares~' and nine men, believed to be Cuban-Americans, arrested. Some 20-3U bags of. the subatance were also found on the Cigarette boat: The meii and the drugs were br.ought to Naseau along the bOIICB. The men were being pr.ocesyed today. In the second incident two nahamians are reported to have been cruising in tti~ water~ just off Delaporte Point when they were threatened by two men on a boat. - Uefence For.ce boat Abaco, ucting on information, went to the area and appre- h~endPd a boat witt~ two Americans, a father and son. The Americans are also expected to be charged [his afternoon. 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 (:uban-Americ:ati~; Arreated Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 26 May 81 p 1 [Excerpts] Three Cuban Americans arrested by members of the Bahamas Defence Force on May 22, aboard the 60-foot vessel "Seven Mares," were given bail totalling $75,000 cash by Magistr.ate George van Sertima yesterday. The men were charged with being in possession of 253 bags of marijuana at Orange Cay, in the Bimini chain and also of possession with intent to supply. Charged were Rene Ferrer, 42, Ruben Perez, 42, and Emillio Buchellio, 49. Another six Cuban Americans, arrested aboard the "Lucky Lady," a 60-foot vessel by members of the Bahamas Defence Force, were released from custody when no charges were pr.eferred against them. CSO: 5300/7564 - 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 BRAZIL BRIEFS BOLIVIAN OFFICER ARRESTED IN BRAZIL--Rio Branco (0 GLOBO)--Federal police agents from Acre state dEtained in Rio Branco the night before last Bolivian army non- couunissioned offir_er Aleuandro Villanueva with 1 kg of cocaine estimated at 1.5 million cruzeiros. Villanueva lives and serves at the army garrison of Cobija, and was detained in front of the Hotel Chui when he had passed the drug to Brazilian Raimundo Nonato Ribeiro Maciel. According to Eliud Goncalves. federal poltce superintendent in Acre state, the arrest of the Bo1~Ivian officer cnnfirms that this state has become the alternative cocaine route since the officials tightened the contral on the region between the border of Bolivia and Mato Grosso state. ~PY100323 Rio De Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 4 Jul 81 p 6J CSO: 3001/206 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040400034048-2 JAMAICA BRIEFS FOUR IN COCAINE .4RREST--Four people, including an America, were arrested and a quantity of cocaine and over $8,200 counterfeit American currency seized in a raid carried out by the Montego Bay pollce at Montego Bay Club on Saturday, June 20, police r~ported. Arrested and charged with possession of cocaine were . Beverley Rodney, 26, of Tower H111; Millicent Whyte, 17, of Tucker; and Phyllis Brown, 18, of Austin Avenue, all in the parish of St. James. The American, Roy llixon, 38, of 52.5 N.W. 198th St., Miami, has been cliarged with possession of cocaine and forged currency. According to reports, the police, acting on a tipoff, swooped down on the hotel about 11.30 a.m. where the four were cornered in a room. A search was carried out and the cocaine and counterfeit currency in $100 bills recovered. They are remanded in custody to appear in the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate Court taday. [Text] [Kingston THE DAILY GLEANER in English 25 Jun 81 p 22] BAR ON GANJA SMOKING--The ambivalence of the law against gan~a-smoking, whereby smoking of weed "as a sacrament" or at a"peace concert" or at the funeral of a celebrity is tolerated, yet the individual who smokes a"spliff" or chillum pipe in his yard or in a public place is sentenced, has been critici2ed by the Council of the Jamaican Bar Association. The Council's view was expressed on ,tune 1.5 in a resolution it passed, and a copy of which has sent to the Minister of NFitio~nl Security and Ju~rice. In the reaolution the Council called on the Covernment and the Legislature "to lay down unequivocally and clearly by Acts of Parl.iament what exemptions to the llan~crous Drug~ Act (beyond those already defined therein) are, if any." [Excer~t] (Kingeton THF llAILY GLEANER in I:ng.1i~}~ 27 Jun iil p 1] SU51'I:CT PL,ANF.--A twLn en~;ine piper airplane of American reb.istry, believed to be on a gan.1~ mi.saion, crashed at the Reynolds .Iamaica Mines airstrip in Claremont on Mondt3y. A white man was seen running from the aircraft after it crashed and ci searcti ha~ been launched for him, the Police Information Centre said. Sixty rounds of .38 cartridges were found in the plane which had the markings N5581Y on it. [TextJ [Kingston 'THE DAILY GLEANER in English 1Ju1 81 p 9] CSO: 5300/7565 . z~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 MEXICO OFFICIAL REPORT ON MEXICAN EFFORTS TO COMBAT DRUGS Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 22 Jun 81 pp 1, 2 [Text] Mexico City, 21 Jun (Lemus)--The Mexican Government has assigned over 10,00U forcea from the Secretariat of Health and Asaiatance, the Mexican Center tor Studies on Drug Addiction and the Army and Air Force, as well as fram the Uffice of the Attorney General of the Republic, to the battle against drug produc- tion and trafficking. Thanks to this effort, there has been success in nearly eradicating the areas planted with marihuana, and in reducing to a minimum the trafficking of heroin to the United States from Mexico, according to the statistics and documents turned over by the Mexican congressmen to their American colleagues during the recently held intercongressional meeting. The document, which was read by Senator Mario Carballo Pazos (which was not made public and of which we obtained a copy), stated that desptte this permanent battlefront against the production and trafficking of drugs, there is an increas- ing battlefront which is even larger and more powerful, owing to its numbers and the economic resources at its disposal,to confront the elements combating them and to keep the flow of drug supply required for their illegal market with con- stantly heiRhtPned drama. 7'a demonetrate our government's determination to combat the drug trafEickers, and itg cooper~tiun with other countriee. particularly the United States, Senator Carba.llo Yazos citPd the precedents attesting to this: Eirst, the convention at The Hugue, in the Netherlands, in 1912, which eatabliahed cooperation Eor the regiatration of narcotics as a matter of international law, and the bases for their , tnternational control, limiting the producCion and commercial oystems f.or. narcotic drugs to those essential for medicinal uses; the Geneva convention of 1925, which required the participating governments to prepare annual statistics on the regis- tration of. narcotic dr�iga that are produced for medicinal purposes, for the PermAnent Central Office of Narcotica, which was created. Mexico signed this commitment at the 1931 convention, also held in Geneva. 29A9 CSO: 5330/31 . L~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 _ MEXICO RING OF YOi3THS SMUGGLING MARIHUANA CAPTURED Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 19 Jun 81 Sec B p 5 [TextJ Agents of the Federal Judicial Police under orders from Comdr Jose Siordia Jimenez and group chief Benito Estrada VilJ.agomez detected and broke up a ring of presumed drug tra~fickera who had been taking amall shipments of marihuana into the United States through an "ant" type operation. The individuala who admitted their illegal activities are Pedr~ Hernandez Garcia, - Antonio Montoya Sosa, Juan Francisco Gonzalez and Jesua Torres Perez, from whom two suitcases containing 20 kilograms of cannabis indica and another plastic bag filled with the same plant were seized. When questioned regarding his ties with the drug traffic, Pedro Hernandez confessed that he was responsiblP for forming his ring, and that he often made personal trips to Oaxaca, where he purchased moderate amounts of grass, taking it to this town, from which he exported it to the United States with the aid of his accomplices. As for the suitcases containing marihuana which were aeized, Hernandez Garcia admitted that he had bought the shipment in Oaxaca and carried it to this town. Also conEiscaked from those in custody was a 1967 Ford pickup t:uck with Texas licenae plates, as well as a 1972 Dodge car. ~ They stated that they had used these vehicles to export the marihuana, which they concealed in various compartments prepared in advance. 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430048-2 .~~t ~F ~ ' 4: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s , ~ ~ ` , , t., sY ~ K .i ~ ~A - . � ;s..'~ 4,. S%m;T N ~4 ~ d.~ ` r }J~ ~ ~ ~1~v., A~,~"d . . ~ ~ c ~ . ~j,x ~ ~ : rA'~~~Y'"~"'~'~ , yF. . r ' , i 1~ ~ ;~.Mt~Pu bl,~".~t~ ~ .�~S`-~ . ^ . : `:s , . . { � . . Despite their age, the youths Juan Francisco Gonzalez, Jesus Torrea Perez and Pedro Hernandez Garcia had joined together to purchase and export marihuana to the United Statea. The Federal Judicial Police seized two suitcases filled with cannabis indica from them. 2909 CSO: 5330/31 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030048-2 M~XICO FUGITIVE FROM U.S. JUSTICE CAPTURED IN MEXICALI Mexicali LA VO7. DE LA FRONTERA in Spanish 19 Jun 81 Sec B p 14 [Text] Mexicali--The agent for the Virreyes