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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404030025-7 N()R ()I~N'1('lAl, IJtiH: ()NI.Y JPRS L/9844 13 July 1981 ~ U SS R Re ort p EARTH SCIE~ICES ~FOUO 5/81) ~g.~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST iNFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from ne~~s agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as ~ given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERLALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 JPRS L/9844 13 July 1981 USSR Ft'~~ORT EARTH SCIENCES (FOUO 5/81) ~ I.ONTENTS METEOROLOGY Collection of Pap~ers on Cloud Physics and Artificial Mndification......... 1 Collection of Papers on Physics of Aerodisperse Systems and Instruments... 6 Articles on Active and Pasaive Radar in Meteorology 11 Papers on Computerized Processing of Meteorological Information........... 19 Artificial Modification of Clouds and Fogs 24 Automated Collection and Processing of Meteorological Data 31 OCEANOGRAPHY ~ Monograph on Tsunami Characteristics 34 Collection of Papers on Forecasting Hydrological Conditions 40 Geophysical Investigations of Northwest Pacific 42 Investigation of the Direction of Internal Waves of a Tidal Pericd in 'Polygon-70' 44 l'hysical Nature of 'Calm-Weather Inhomogeneities' in the Oceanic 'Pemperature P'ield 50 Monograph on Synoptic ~ddies in the Ocean ......................e.......... 61 Investigation of Some Physicochemical Characteristics of the Surface Microlayer 65 - a- (IIT - USSR - 2].K S&m FOUO] ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Table of Contents From 'MARINE HYDROPHYSICAL RESEARCH' No 2(89), 1980.. 71 Classification of Acoustic Conditions in the Ocean: Acoustic Environment, Weather and Climate 73 Invariant Spatial-Frequency Interfe.rence Structure of the Acoustic Field in a Layered Ocean 78 Variability of Verrical Structure of the Temperature Field in the Upper Layer of the Ocean 84 C.~llection of Articles on Marine Navigation and Communication 93 = Oceanographic Work in Polar Regions of the World Ocean 97 Hydrodynamics of Developed Cavitating Flows 100 Aerospace Methods Applied to Resource Explorat:ion......................... 103 Problems of Mathematical Modeling and in situ Studies of the Baltic Sea.. 105 TERRESTRIAL G~OPHYSICS Collection of Articles on Computerized Study and Analysis of Seismic Data 107 Collection of Papers on Geothermy 114 I'apers on Methods and Algorithms for Interpretation of Seismic Data...... 116 Measurements of Low-Frequency Accelerations 121 ~ Collection of Articlea on Seismic Instrwnents 127 PHYSICS OF ATMOSPH~R~ Theory of Multifrequency Laser Probing of the Atmosphere 139 - Characteristics of Ionospheric Propagation of Decameter Waves in the High Latitudes 141 - b - FOR OFFICIAt USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR U~MICIAL USE UNLY I~TEOROLOGY UDC 551.576+551.577+551.578+551.508+551.509+551.511 COLLECTION OF PAPERS ON CLOUD PHYSICS AND ARTIFICIAL MODIFICATION ' Mosr~ow TRUDY UKRAINSKOGO REGIONAL'NOGO NAUCI~10-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO INSTITUTA: FIZIKA OBLAKOV I AKTIVNYKH VOZDEYSTVIY in Russian No 178, 1980 (signed to press 15 Sep 80) pp 2-3, 155-161 [Annotation, table of contents and selected abstracts from collection of articles "Transactions of the Ukrainian Regional Scientific Research Institute: Cloud Phys- . ics and Artificial Modification", edited by R. A. Bakhanovoy and V. A. Dyachuk, candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, Moakovskoye otdeleniye Gidro- ~ meteoizdata, 350 copies, 161 pages] [Text] Annotation. Thi~ collection of articlea gives,the resulta of field experi- ments for the modification of clouds and also field investigations of the struc- ture of clouds and precipit3tion. The articles give the results of numerical mod- eling of clouds and fogs and laboratory investigations of reagents for the modif- ' ication of clouds and fogs. This collection of articles is intended for special- ists in the field of cloud physica and artificial modification, meteorologists and graduate students. ~ Contents , Buykov, M. V. and Rukhadze, I. I. ':Numerical Axially Symanetric Model of a Cumulus Cloud With a Parameterized Microstructure" 3 Pirnach, A. M. "Some Characteristics of Numerical Solution of Equa~ions De- , scribing the Condensation (Sublimation) Growth of Particles in a Mixed Cloud" 15 Bakhanov, V. P.and Kolezhuk, V. T. "Numerical Modeling of Fortnation of a, Cleared Zone in a Fog Using Modification by a Hygroscopic Reagent by the Aircraft Method" 26 Bakhanov, V. P. and Manzhara, A. A. "Modeling the Evolution of an Ice Aerosol Generated by a Carbon Dioxide Granule in the Turbulent Wake of a Goolant Granule" 41 Buykov, M. V. dnd Dorman, B. A. "Investigation of the Influence of the ~hape of Crystals on the Properties of Mixed Stratiform Clouds" 51 Khvorost'yanov, V. I. "Computation of Lon~-Wave Radiation Gains and Losses in Cloud Cover Situations Using Spectral Transmiseion Fun~:tions and Transfer Equations" 64 1 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR na'FIC'IA1. I~~M: (1N3.1' Khvorost'yanov, V. I. "Computation of the Scattering and Absorptioa Coefficients86 for Short-Wave Radiation in Clouds" Bodnarchuk, Yu. V. and Buykov, M. V. "Optimum Prediction of Y-Distributed Ran- gZ dom Values" Bakhanov, R. A., Kiselev~ V. I. and Oleynik, R. V. "Posaibilities of More Ef- fective Use o� AgI Aerosol During Active Modification of Clouds" 98 Bakhanov, R. A. "Eatimation of the Quantity of Free Silver Released in an Agi 102 Aerosol Particle During Irradiation by W Light" ~ ' Dyachuk, V. A. "Characteristics of Thawing and Corona Formation of Hailstones in an Electrfc Field" 107 Korniyenko, Ye. Ye. and Osolcina, I. A. "Relationship Between the Quantity of Shower Precipitation,and Atmospheric Moisture Content" 119 Kudryavtseva, S. K. "Some Quantitative Characteristics of Turbulence in a 124 Stratified Cloud Layer an~ Zones of Artificial Cryatallization" Dyachuk, V. A. and Zabolotakaya, T. N. "Exnerience in Measuring Z-I Relation- ships on Fronta" 138 Zabolotskaya, T. N. and Muzyka, A. I. "Invpstigation of the Altitude of the 142 Upper Boundary of Winter Fror.tal Clouds Ueing Radar Data" Volynets, L. M.and Zabolotskaya, T. N. "Computation of Attenuation of Centi- meter Radio Waves in Rains" 146 Abstracta NUMERICAL MODELING OF FORMATIO~i OF A CLEARED ZONE IN A FOG USING MODIFICATION BY - A HYGROSCOPIC REAGENT BY THE AIRCRAFT METHOD [Abstract of article by Bakhanov, V. P. and Manzhara, A. A.] [Text] A two-dimensional nonstationary model has been developed.for deacribing the ~ - formation a~d evolution of a cleared 2one in a fog under the influence of a hygro- scopic reagent. Numerica] computations were made on an "M-220" electronic computer for determination of evolution of the cleared zone forming in a warm fog with a thickness of 100 m with seeding by monodisperae carbamide along a line near the upper boundury of the fog. It is shown that in a fog with a small liquid-water content (0.05 g/m3), with a low value of the turbulence coefficient (1 m2/sec) un- der condi::ions close to a calm (wind shear 0.01 sec'1) it is possible to obtain a clear%d zone with seeding of a s3ngle line. If the problem is to obta{n it in 10-15 minutea, it is moak effective to use particles with a radius 30-40 ~.m with discharges 200-400 kg/km. Preliminary computations made for greater wind aheara (0.05 sec-~) and ~he turbulence coefficient (5-10 m2/sec) show that for dense fogs with a liquid-water content greater than 0.1 g/m3 a clearing could not be obtained _ 2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY by aeeding of a aingle line with pulverized carbamide at the rate of 200-400 kg/ km. Figures 4, tables 4, references 31. UDC 551.521:551.576 COMPUTATION OF LONG-WAVE RADIATION GAINS AND LOSSES IN CLOUD COVER SITUATIONS USING SPECTRAL TRANSMISSION FUNCTIONS AND TRANSFER EQUATIONS [Abstract of article by Khvorost'yanov, V. I.] [Text] Using the spectral transmission fun~tions for water vapor, carbon ~ ar.d water for three models qf the atmosphere containing low stratiform clouds the author has computed the spectral gains and losses of long-wave radiation and in- vestigated their spectral and vertical distributions. It is shown that about �Oy of the radiation cooling of a cloud and the effective radiation from the upper boundary is formed in the interval of the transparency window 1.84-12.5 ~-m. This circumstance, in combination with the exponential character of transmission in the window, makes it possible to propose a aimple method for computing radiation characteristics when constructing numerical models of low clouds and fogs whic'n is close to the K. Ya. Kondrat'yev schematized spectrum method ar.d which makes it possible to avoid integration in the entire troposphere in each time interval. For narrow droplet spectra at the upper cloud boundary (or in a fog) during cool- ing aL~^~ 600 cm2/g; at the lower boundary during heating oG Lk^-1000 cm2/g. It was noted that the averaging of the absorption coefficients (or sections) for the IR spectrum with a Planck function as the weight considerably exaggerates the ab- sorptivity of water. Analytical estimatea of receipts were made by integration of ; the transfer equations. The following effect was discovered: in the atmosphere there are levels (^~1-2 km) at which the "heat pocket" .formed by the cloud has a maacimum "depth," that is, the total radiation receipt for_ the layer is maximum. This effect is intensified with an increase in atmospheric moisture content. Fig- ures 7, tables 3, references 21. UDC 551:521:551.576 COr~UTATION OF THE SCATTERING AND ABSORPTION COEFFICIEN~S FOR SHORT-WAVE RADIATION IN CLOUDS [Ahstract of article by Khvorost'yanov, V. I.J [Text] Analytical expreasions are derived for the coefficients of attenuation, scattering and absorption of atmoapheric radiation by a polydisperse cloud medium in which the droplet spectrum is described by a gamma distribution. Use was made of the Van d~ Hulst formula for the attenuation effectiveness factor in the ap- proximation of "soft" particles and the K. S. Shifrin interpolation formula for the absorption effectiveness factor. This made iC possible to generalize fihe well- l:nown L. M. Levin formula for the attenuation coefficient for the case of presence , of absorption. It is shown that the derived expressions acquire an especially 3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FQR O~F1('IA1. li~h' (1NI.Y simple form for short-wave radiation. The scattering and absorption coefficients computed with their assistance in the wavelength range 0.4-4 ~.m differ by not more than 9% from the precise values computed when using the t4ie theory. The de- rived expressions can be particularly useful in constructing microphysical numer- ical models of clouds and fogs in ~zhich the droplet spectrum, as well as the con- sidered coefficients, vary significantly with time. Tables 2, references 9. UDC 551.50~:543.422:541.183 � POSSIBILITIES OF MORE EFFECTIVE USE OF AgI AEROSOL DURING ACTIVE MODIFICATION OF CLOUDS [Abstract of article by Bakhanov~ R. A., Kiselev, V. I. and Oleynik, R. V.] [Text] On the basis of data on radiation fluxee in clouds in the W spectral re- gion it was posaible to eatimate the times uf irradiation of an AgI aerosol dur- ing which the particles can receive an optimum irradiation dose for a maximum increase in their ice-forming activity. On the basis of an evaluation of the mean parameters of convective clouds (altitude of the lower boundary, altitude of the zero isotherm, mean velocities of the ascending fluxes) it was possible to com- pute the altitudes of the levels at which it is recommended that the aerosol be introduced in the modification effort. The authors give the temperature dependences for the specific yield of ice crys[als for aerosols obtained by the combustion of acetone solutions with different weight concentrations C: 1, 5, 20~. With a tem- perature increase the influence of irradi,ation decreases for all concentrations. With a decrease in the concentration of the solution the apecific yield of the ice crystals increases, which is probably asaociated with an increase in the numerical concentration of serosol particlea. Figures 1, tablea 3, references 7. UDC 551.509.616 SOME QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF TURBULENCE IN A STRATIFIED CLOUD LAYER AND - ZONES OF ARTIFICIAL CRYSTALLIZATION jAbstract of article by Kudryavtseva, S. K.] [Text] The author obtained the quantitative characterietics of turbulence in strat- iform clouds and zonea of artificial crystallization in experiments with the ar- tificial modification of aupercooled clouds. The effective velocities of vertical gusta ~Weffl in stratiform clouds did not exceed 3 msec'1, in zones of artificial crystallization 2 msec'1. Vertical guets with ~Weff~< 1 msec'1 in clouds were 95%, in crystallization zones 99%. The mean ~Weff~ values in clouds are 0.46 msec-1, in crystallization zones 0.40 msec'1. The maximum frequency of recurrence in clouds and zones is for vertical gusts measuring 60-90 m. The frequency of recur- rence of vertical gusta measuring more than 120 m in zones of artificial crystal- lization ie greater than for clouda. The mean dimension of vertical gusta for 4 FOR OF~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY clouds was 113 m, for the zones 131 m. The mean frequency of recurrence of ver- tical gusts per uait distance in clouds was 5.95 laa'1, in the zones 3.61 km'1. The modal probability density of the mean square effective velocities of vertical ~g~s ~d Weff~ in clouds and zones falls in the gr~adation 0.26-0.50 msec'1. i'he probability density ~ Weff > 0�75 msec'1 in clouds is greater than in zones of ar- tificial crystallization. The maximum frequency of recurrence of the turbulence co- efficient (K), characterizing the level of vertical turbulent exchange in the tur- bulent sectors of the cloud and zone, falls in the gradation 20.1-30.0 m2�sec 1. Values K< 40 m2�sec-1 in clouds were 86y, in zones 91�d. The mean value K in clouds was 27.7 m2�sec-1~ in zones 25.6 m2~sec-1 The maximum frequency of re- currence of values of the turbulence coefficient (K~`), characterizing the mean level of vertical turbulent exchange in clouds, falls in the gradation 10.1-20.0 m2�sec-1, in the zones 0-10.0 mZ�sec-1. Values K*< 40 m2�sec-1 in clouds were , 93%, in zones 96%. The mean K* value in clouds is 20.5 m2�sec 1, in the zones 15.0 m2�sec 1. The maximum frequency of recurrence of the turbulence intermit- tence coefficient (Kin) in clouds falls in the gradation 0.61-0.80, in the zones 0.41-0.60. The mean Kin value in clouda was 0.60, in the zones 0.44. The de- gree of attenuation ~f vertical turbulent exchange in the zonea of artificial crystallization is dependent on meteorological conditions and cloud parameters. In zones of total scattering of clouds in individual cases all the effective velocity ; values for vertical guats were less than 0.2 m�sec'1. Figures 5, tables 7, refer- ~ ences 15. UDC 551.501.81 COMPUTATION OF ATTENUATION OF CENTIMETER RADIO WAVES IN RAINS [Abstract of article by Volynets, L. M. and Zaholotskaya, T. N.J [Text] Data from the pluviometric network in the Experimental Meteorological Poly- gon of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute for July 1974 were used in computing the attenuation of radio waves in precipitation in the range 0.86-10 cm. Attenuation was determined in accordance with its mean month- ly duration. The influence of attenuation on the accuracy of radar measurement of the quantity of precipitation was evaluated. The distributions of errors in measur- ing the layer of precipitation during a rain caused by attenuation at wavelengths 3.2, 5.6 and 10 cm were obtained. The influence of attenuation on the accuracy of meagurement of the layer of precipitation during a month ia demonstrated. Figures 4, tables 4, references 10. COPYRIGHT: Ukrainskiy regional'niy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Goskomgidrometa, 1980 5303 - CSO: 1865/119 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 ~ FOR QFFICIAI. 115~: QN1.Y ~ i UDC 551.508+551.510.42 COLLECTION OF PAPERS ON PHYSICS OF AERODISPERSE SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTS Moscow TRUDY INSTITUTA EKSPERIMENTAL~NOY METEOROLOGII: FIZIKA AERODISPERSNYKH SISTEM I PRIBORY in Russian No 25(93), 1980 (signed to press 20 Aug 80) pp 2, 115-120 [Annotation, table of contents and selected abatracts from collection of articles "Transactions of the Institute of Experimental Meteorolo83?: Physica of Aerodis- perse Systems and Instruments", edited by S. P. Belyayev and N. I:. Nikiforova, ~ candidates of phyaical and mathematical sciences, Moskovskoye otdeleniye Gidro- meteoizdata, 390 copies, 120 pages] [Text] Annotation. The articles in Chis collection deal with some~problems of the aspiration of aerosol into different intakes and the influence ot hygroacopic particles on the structure of forining droplet fogs. The articles describe a number of instruments and methods for measuring the microphysical and integral character- istics of aerosol media. A number of articles arE devoted to an evaluation.of dif- ferent errors of laser photoelectric aerosol spectrometers which recently have come into increasingly broader use for meaeuring the microstructure of aerosols. The collection is intended for scientific apecialists, engineers and other professioa- als working in the field of the phyaice of clouds and the mechanics of aerosols. - Contents Smirnov, V. V. "Restructuring of the Microstructure of Fogs Under the Influ- ence of Hygroscopic Particlea" 3 Petrushin, A. G. and Smirnov, V. V. "Charp.cteristica of Laser Spectrometry of Aerosol Particles" 10 Zhulanov, Yu. V. "Reaolution of Laser Aerosol Spectrometers" 17 Nikiforova, N. K. "Some Characteristics of Laser Fnotoelectric Systems" 20 Kolomiyets, S. M. "Possibility of Reducing the Errors Associated With Non- uniformity of Illumtnation of the Working Volume in Photoelectric Laser Aero- 26 sol Sensors" Belyayev, S. I'., Goncharov, N. V. and Dubrovin, M. A. "Investigation of the Characteristics and Modernization of the AZ-5 Aerosol Particle Counter" 31 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL l ~SF. ONI,Y Nikiforova, N. K. "Influence of the Threshold of Response of a Photoelectric System on the Accuracy in Determining the Microstructural and Optical Char- acteristica of an Aerosol" 38 Aleksandrov, M. M., Kim, V. M. and Matveyev, V. N. "Laser Instrwnent for Meas= uring the Size of Aerosols" 43 Korovin, V. Ya. and Tolstikov, Yu. V. "Dark Field Method for the Illumination of Transparent Spherical Microparticles" 52 Belyayev, S. P. and Kim, N. S. "Measurement of the Siae of Artificial Ice- Forming Nuclei by Diffusion Cells" 57 Kim, V. M. and Matveyev, V. N. "Instrument for Measuring the Liquid-Moisture Content of Warm Fogs" . 63 Yepifanov, V. I., Zhukov, G. P., Korahunov, V. A., Pashkin, Yu. M. and Romanov, N. P. "Experimental Investigation of the Possibility of Determining an Oily , Fog by the Lidar Method" 79 Belyayev, S. P., Lukoyanov, N. F., Matveyev, Yu. N. and Yudin, K. B. "Some Results of Comparative Investigationa of Autonomous Aero~.ol Sample Intakes" 89 Lukoyanov, N. F.,and Matveyev, Yu. N. "Autonomous Aerosol Sample Intake Based on Venturi Tubes" ~ 95 Belyayev, S. P. and Kustov, V. T. "Sampling of Aerosols From a Fixed Medium" 102 Kim, V. M. and Matveyev, V. N. "Monitoring the Droplet Spectrum in the Ver- tical Wind Tunnel at the Institute of Experimental Meteorology" 109 Abatracts UDC 551.509.615:551.574.11 RESTRUCTUftING OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF FOGS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF HYGROSCOPIC PARTICLES [Abstract of article by Smirnov, V. V.] [Text] The article gives the results of experiments in a cloud chamber with a vol- ~ ume of 3200 m3 for the modification (by droplets of aqueous solutions of carba- mide) of fogs in the initial stages of their formation. In measuring the disperse cam~osition of the fog use was ~de of the "E1'tra" laser particle coui~ter (meas- urement range d N 0.3-30 � m in diameter, number of analysis channels 64). It is shown that with supersaturationa S> 0.01% and concentrattons of condensation nuc- lei active with S> 0.01%'of the order of 103 cm-~ the ~ntroduction of hygroscopic particles with a"dry" diameter of 1 � m does not result in an appreciable increase in the large-droplet part of the droplet size apectrum. With a concpntration of nuclei greater than 2�103 cm3 and a size of nuclei 0.2 N,m there is formation of stable small-droplet fogs. Figures 2, references 11. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 : FOR UFFICIAL USF: UNLY UDC 551.510.42:535.853 CHARACTERISTICS OF LASER SPECTROMETRY OF AEROSOL PARTICLES [Abstract of article by Petrushin, A. G. and Smirnov, V. V.] [Text] An analyais of the results of numerical modeling of the characteristics of laser photoelectric counters (LPEC) of serosol particles in a wide range of sizes (0.05-10� m) and the refractive indices shows that due to oscillations of the characteristics of known LPEC the errors in measuring sizes can attain SOX and the most satisfactory results are given by.LPEC with observation angl~s 90� and a re- ceiver aperture t30�. Figures 2~ references 11. UDC 621.383 ~ POSSIBILITY OF REDU~CING THE ERRORS ASSOCIATED WITEI NONUNIFORMITY OF ILLUMINATION OF THE W~RYING VOLUME IN PHOTOELECTRIC LASER AEROSOL SENSORS [Abstract of article by Kolomiyeta, S. M.] [Text] The article examines the problem of a sensor in which the working voltme is formed by a laser beam scanning in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion of the particles with a repetition period much less than the transit time of the particles through the working volume. It is shown that the errors as- - sociated with the nonuniforntity of illumination of the working volume in some cases can be decreased by an order of magnitude. References 7. UDC 551.508.91 INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS AND MODERNIZATION OF THE AZ-5 AEROSOL PARTICLE COUNTER [Abstract of article hy Belyayev, S. P., Goncharov, N. V. and Dubrovin, M. [Text] The paper gives the results of an investigation of the principal errors in measuring the aizes and concentration of aerosol particles in counters of the AZ type and describes measures for modernization of the instrument making it possible - to transform the AZ-5 counter-indicator into an automated ~ueasuring instrument with a measurement range and accuracy increased in comparison with the factory- produced instrument. Also described is a method for calibrating the instrument on the bagis of the size of the measured particles and determination of the ac- tual measurement errors, Figures i, references 6. 8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y UDC 551.508.91 INFLUENCE OF THE THRESHOLD OF RESPONS;~ vF A PHOTOELECTRIC SYSTEM ON THE ACCURACY IN D~TERMINING THE MICROSTRUCTURAL AND OP~ICAL CHAItACTERISTICS OF AN AEROSOL _ [Abstract of article by Nikiforova, N. K.] [Text] The influence of the threshold of response of a photoelectric aerosol counter (PEC) on the accuracy in determining the concentration and distribution moments for two approximations of the size distributions (ga~a and inverse power law) is discussed. It is demonstrated that in the comgutational determination of the radiation attenuation coefficient on the basis of PEC readings the errors caused by the influence of the responae threshold can be small when there are substantial errors in determining the concentration and mean square size. Figures 2, references 3. ~ UDC 551.574.13a535.8 DARK FIELD METHOD FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TRANSPARENT SPHERICAL MICROPARTICLES [Abstract of article by Korovin, V. Ya. and Tolstikov, Yu. V.J [TextJ A rather simple method is proposed for the illumination of transparent spherical microparticles for the purpose of ineasuring their size. The essence = of the method is the irradiation of a microparticle by two light beams with a slight divergence, directed from the direction of the registry system objective, and the measurement of the distance between the luminescent points in the form of which the microparticle image is regiatered. For the purpose of obtaining the min- imum measurement error the angle between the irradiating light beams and the op- tical axis of the registry. system axis is computed in advance from the known re- fractive index of microparticle matter. It is shown that the total measurement error, without allowance for the error associated with the inaccuracy in pointing the registry system ob~ective on the microparticle, is not more than 2-3%. Figures 1, ref erences 3. - UDC 551.575:621.396.96 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DETERMINING AN OILY FOG BY THE LIDAR METHOD � [Abstract of article by Yepifanov, V. I., Zhukov, G. P., Korshunov, V. A., Pashkin, Yu. M. and Romanov, N. P.] [Text] The article gives comparative measurements of the transparency of an oily fog by the lidar (wavelength 0.69y~-m) and base (wavelength 0.63 � m) methods in the range of optical thicknesses 0.1-4. The determined slope of the regression line, equal to 0.78, was caused by the difference in the co eff icients of attenua- tion at the wavelength of the lidar and base apparatus. The relative standard de- viation of optical thickneas for the lidar measurements is 0.15 and is caused both by errors in the lidar method and comparison errors. Figures 2, references 7. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ ~ FOI~ OFFICIAL li;;H: ONLY ~ UDC 551.508.92+551:501.776 , MONI~ORING THE DROPLET SPECTRUM IN THE ~'ERTICAL WIND TUNNEL AT THE INSTITUTE OF - EXPERIMENTAL METEOROLOGY [Abstract of article by Kim, V. M. and Matveyev, V. N.] [Text] A method is described for monitoring the droplet size spectrum in the core of the flow in the vertical wind tunnel at the Institute of Experimental Meteor- ology, based on simultaneous measurements of light attenuation and liquid-water content. It is shown that the size of the droplets making the greatest contribu- tion to the liquid-water content varies alightly with a change in the operating regime of the water spraying system and remains constant with a change in the liquid-water content of the fog from 0.3 to 4.0 g/m3. Figures 1, references 7. COPYRIGHT: Institut eksperimental'noy meteorologii, 1980 5303 CSO: 1865/130 10 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ; FUR OF~ICIAI. USH: ONLY , I UDC 551.521+551.501.81(061.6) ' ARTICLrS OI1 ACTIV~ AND PASSIVF RADAR IN MF.TEOROLOGY ~ Leningrad TRiIDY ORDENA TRUDOVOGO KRASNOGO ZNAMENI GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESKOY OBSERVATORII ; IMENI A. I. VOYEYKOVA: METODY AKTIVNOY I PASSIVNOY RADIOLOKATSII V METEOROLOGII in Russian Vol 430, 1979 (signed to press 10 Dec 79) pp 2, 165-175 [Annotation and abstracts from the callection of articles "Transactiions of the Red Banner of Labor Main Geophysical Observatory imeni A. I. Voyeykov: Methods of Ac- tive and Passive Radar in Meteorology~~~ edited by V. D. Stepanenko, doctor of tech- nical sciences, and G. G. Shchukin, candidate r~f physical and mathematical sciences, Gidrometeoizdat, 750 copies, 174 pages] jText] Annotation. These papers give the results of theoretical and experimental ~ investigations of the meteorological characteristics of clouds and dangerous weather phenomena associated with them by the active and passive radar methods. Methodolog- ical studies are presented which relate to improvement of inethods for making radar observations of hydrometeor formations in the network of ineteorological radars. ~ Problems involved in the construction of radiophysical apparatus are examined. The collection of articles is intended for scientific workers and engineers concerned with physics of the atmosphere, radio physics and radio engineering. It is also recommended f~r graduate students and students in the advanced courses in the cor- responding fields of specialization. Abstracts � UDC 551.501.81 JOINT DETECTION OF LIGHTNING USING RADARS OPERATING IN THE METER AND DECIMETER RADIO WAVE RANGES [Abstract of article by Stasenko, V. N., Gal'perin, S. M., Yerov, V. N. and Gon- char, A. F.] , [Text] The parameters of radioechoes of lightning, detectable in the long-wave part of the decimete�r radar range of radio waves,are discussed. This is followed by a comparison with the similar parameters of radioechoes of lightning registered with a radar of the P-12 type. Figures 2, references 1. - ii FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.501.81 MEASUREMENT OF ALTITUDES OF CLOUDS USING A PRV-10 RADIOALTIMETER [Abstract of article hy Alekseyev, V. A., Gal'perin, S. M., Stasenko, V. N. and Tryakhov, A. M.] [Text] Cases of the detection of thunderstorm clouds with Hup per~ 16-18 km by means of a radar are discussed. It is demonstrated theoretically that this effect is caus- , ed by the picking up of ineteorological targets with Z~Xy~104 mm6/m3 by the side lohes of the directional diagram of this station. Figures 2, tables 1, references 3. ' UDC 551.501.81 ERRORS IN DETERMINING THE BOUNDARIES OF CLOUDS BY THE RADAR METHOD [Ahstract of article by Brylev, G. B. and Ryzhkov, A. V.] ~ [Text] The influence exerted on the error in determining the upper boundary of clouds L1h in radar sounding at different distances from a meteorological radar by meteorological potential, width of the antenna ray, level of the side lobes and the vertical reflectivity near the upper cloud boundary is examined. A theoretical mod- el is constructed on the basis of which formulae are derived for determin3ng !1 h. The strongest effect on ~ h is exerted by the gradient of reflectivity at the upper cloud boundary. Tables and graphs of the dependence of L~h on distance of the cloud from the meteorological radar are given for different a~arameters of the radar and cloud cover. These can be used in practical operational work with a meteorological ~ radar. Figurea 4, tablea 1, references 3. . UDC 551.501.81 , CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIOTHERMAL RADIATION AND ABSORPTION BY THE CLOUDY ATMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by Bobylev, L. P., Tarabukin, I. A. and Shchukin, G. G.] [Text] Model computations were made of the statistical characteristics of radio- ~ thermal radiation for different types of cloud cover. As modele of the cloudy. at- mosphere use was made of empirical statistical models for stratiform clouds and a~et stationary model was used for Cu. The resulta are analyzed. The possible ranges of wavelengthe and zenith angles for solution of the problema involved in radiothermal sounding of the cloudy atmoaphere are evaluated. The required accur- .1cy for measuring the radiobrightness temperature from the point of view of solu- tion of the mentioned problems is also evaluated. Figures 6, tablea 3, references 19. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAI. lltih: ONLY ~ , UDC 551.501.81 FLUCTUATIONS OF SIGNAL LEVEL IN THE MILLIMETER AND SLTBMILLIMETER WAVELENGTH RANGES DURING PROPAGATION IN A TURBULENT ABSORBING ATMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by Izyumov, A. 0., Bobylev, L. P, and Shchukin, G. G.] ' [Text] In the first approximation of the emooth perturbations method a solution was ~ obtained for the problem of the propagation of a single-mode Gaussian wave beam in ; a turbulent atmosphere. A study was made of the influence of abGorption in atmo-~ spheric water vapor. It is shown that the presence of absorption can lead to a de- ~ crease in the mean square of signal level fluctuations in comparison with.propaga- ~ tion in an absolutely transparent medium. The influence of the geometrical dimen- sions of the wave beam on the magnitude of the fluctuations is examined and the conditions under which a minimum of fluctuations is observed are determined. Fig- ures 4, tables 1, references 12. _ UDC 551.501.81 POSSIBILITY OF DETERMINING THE INTENSITY OF PRECIPITATION BY THE PASSIVE-ACTIVE RADAR METHOD [Abstract of article by Popova, N. D. and Shchukin, G. G.] [Text] The profile of liquid-water content of a hydrometeor along the sounding line is described. Expressions are derived for the relationship between liquid-water con- tent and the intensity of precipitation for evaluating the instantaneous intensity of precipitation on the basis of the determined liquid-water content. The use of the method for the analysis of passive-active radar sounding of a cumulonimbus cloud with a shower is discussed. Figures 1, tables 2, references 9. UDC 551.509.6:551.501.81 COMPUTATION OF THE CH~tACTERISTICS OF CONVECTIVE CLOUDS USING STANDARD AEROLOGICAL INFORMATION AND THEIR COMPARISON WITH THE RESULTS OF RADAR OBSERVATIONS [Abstract of article by Brylev, G. B., Vorob'yev~ B. M. and Grachev, S. S.] [Text] The article describes computer modeling of the characteristics of cloud convection on the basis of standard aerological information obtained at a radar observation station. A total of 74 numerical experiments for studying the develop- ment of convective clouds during the period June-September 1976-1977 in the Lenin- grad region are discussed. The atatistical characteristics of the parameters of c:loud convection, snd equations for linear regression between model (computed) and measured (radar) characteristics and also between the maximum values of the model parameters, are both examined. Figures 3, tables 2, references 7. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 551.501.81 METHOD AND RESULTS OF OBSERVATIONS OF POINT RADIOECHOES USING AN AIRPORT RADAR [Abstract of article by Zavirukha, V. K. and Stepanenko, V. D.] [Text] Radar observations of point radioechoes are described. The source of these echoes was birds~ The repetition rates of the radioechoes, their altitudes, velo- cities of motion and EPR are given. The feasibiltty of using an airport radar in evaluating ornithological conditions in the neighborhood of an airport is demon- strated. Figures 1, tables 4, references 7. UDC 551.501.81 ANALYSIS OF THE VARIABILITY OF RADAR CHARACTERISTICS IN CLOUD FIELD TRANSFORMATION [Abstract of article by Ivanova, T. V. and Stepanenko, V. D.] ~Text] The article describes the spatial-temporal variability of characteristics of the field of radioechoes of convective clouds at a mesoscale, obtained using AAOM apparatus during aummer at Voyeykovo village. Figures 2, references 3. UDC 551.501.81 APPLICATION OF IMAGE RECOGNITION THEORY FOR ANALYSIS OF RADAR METEOROLOGICAL DATA - [Abstract of article by Solonin, A. S.] [Text] The mathematical aspecta of ayntheais of systems for the recognition of meteorological features, capable of functioning under conditions of a priori un- certainty relative to the type of distribution of radar characteristics, are dis- cussed. The author proposes additional~adaptation of the syatem to the peculiarit- ies of the structure of ~he teaching sample, related to the separability of class- es of ineteorc,logical features in criteria space. References 3. UDC 551.501.81 PRINCIPLF. FOR USING A SET OF ALGORITHMS IN AUTOMATING THE RECOGNITION OF RADIOECHOES OF TI3UNDERSTORMS AND PRECIPITATION [Abstract of article by Brylev, G. B., Zavdov'yev, A. V. and Linev, A. G.] [Text] This is an evaluation of the effectiveness of individual algorithms..for the recognition of thunderstorma and precipitation and the simultaneous use of several algorithms using data from the MLR-2-AAOM instrument complex. The adoption of a decision on the basis of a set of algorithms in order to obtain the overall reli- ability of the classification of 94-96% is discussed. The effectiveness of the principle for adoption of a decision on the basis of a set of algorithms and en- suring an increase in the probability of a correct classification by 15-20y, is demonstrated. Tables 3, references 4. 14 FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.501.81+551.508.85 INFLUENCE OF A TEACHING SAMPLE ON RECOGNITION OF RADIOECIiO~S Or THUNDERSTC[tM~ ANll SHOWERS [Abstract of article by Brylev, G. B., Sonechkin, D. M. and Shvedov, V. V.] [Text] A method for the recognition of thunderstorm and shower radioechoes with use of the technique of quadratic discriminant analyais for the main components is described. Use was made of 9,608 thunderstorm and 3,664 shower radar reflections relating t~ the observations made with eight MRK radar stat~ons during 1973-1976. The method ensures an extremely high quality of recognition. On the average recog- nition is unsuccesaful for 3.9% of the thunderstorms and 21.3y of the showers are erroneously identified as thunderstorms. Under the condition of equal probability c~f observation of thunderstorm and shower radioechoes the total recognition error - is 12.6Y, which is hetter by 7-S% than the routinely used method. Figures 2, tables 4, referencea 1. UDC 551.501.81 DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS OF MOVF,MENT OF RADIOECHOES OF CLOUDS AND PRECIPITATION ON THE BASIS OF CORRELATION ANALYSIS [Abstract of article by Brylev, G. B., Zavdov~yev, A. V. and Nizdoyminoga, G. L.] [Text] Using 16 tra3ectories of radioechoes (S < 500 km) a study was made of the pos- sibility of use of the space-time correlation method for determining the velocity and direction of movement. A scheme for computationa on an electronic computer is examined and a comparison with other traditional methods for determining V and d is presented. Figures 2, tables 3, references 7. UDC 551.501.81 SOME PECULIARITIES OF RADAR DETECTION OF RAINS IPl TIiE CUBA REGION [Abstract of article by Russis, 0. I1. and Stepanenko, V. D.] [Text] As a result of computations using experimental data on the relative proba- bility of falling of rains of different intensity for Cuba and Leningrad it was possible to obtain tlle radioclimatic probabilities of their detection Wr(R) by means of different meteorological radars. It is shown that for Cuba the Wr(R) val- ue at distances greater than 50-100 km is substantially greater than for Lenin- grad, which makes its use desirable in the organization of a network of ineteorolag- ical radars in Cuba. Figures 2, tablea 1, references 2. 15 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 FUR OMFIC'IA1. l1tiN: ONI,Y UDC 551.501.81 SOME RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE FOCI OF 12ADIOECHOES FROM CUMULONIMBUS CLOUDS AND THE DYNAMICS OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT [Adstract of article by Zhupakhin, K. Ivanova, T. V. and Kotov, N. F.] [Text] The article describes investigations of the structure of.foci of radioecho- es from cumulonimbus clouds and the dynamics of its development during the summer of 1971 using a meteorological radar and a unit for the processing of a multicon- tour isoecho, developed by K. S. Zhupakhin and V. S. Zhupakhin. Figures 2, refer- ences 5. � UDC 551.501.81 RADAR CHARACTERISTICS OF THUNDERSTORMS IN THE KIEV REGION - [Abstract of article by Brylev, G. B., Sergiyenko, Ye. P. and Shiryayeva, V. I.] [Text] The change in the maximum altitude of a radioecho H~X, radar reflectivity at the level of the zero isotherm (lg ZZ) and at the level of the isotherm -22�C (lg Z3), the radar criterion of thunderstorm danger Y and the area of the radio- echo ef thunderstorms, which were obtained ueing a meteorological radar in a ra- dius of 100 km from the airport at Kiev, are examined in dependence on the alti- tude of the isotherm -22�C~ the level of convection, tropopause and atmospheric stratification. The patterns of movement of thunderstorm radioechoes are consider- ed in dependence on the velocity and direction of movement�of the steering current. Figures l, tables 1, references 5. . UDC 551.501 USE OF INDUSTRIAL COP~UTERS FOR PROCESSING DATA AT A R~AL TIME SCALE IN SOLVING STORM WARNING PROBLEMS [Abstract of article by Gudyma, A. M., Zavdov'yev, A. V. and Linev, A. G.] [Text] Expressions relating processing time, acanning radius, space factor and the dimensiona of representati~n units for a selected procesaing algorithm are pre~ sented. Figures 1, tables 3, references 2. UDC 551.501.81 USE OF RADAR STATIONS IN CHECKING THE ACCURACY CHARACTERISTICS OF THUNDERSTORM DIRECTION AND RANGE FINDERS [Abstract of article by Gal'perin, S. M., Stasenko, V. N., Krokhin, N. N. and Plotnikov, V. D.] [Text] The authors give a method for checking the azimuth and range of lightning, de- termined using thunderstorm direction and range finders, on the basis of rea.dings of a P-12 radar station. Figures 1, ref erences 4. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404030025-7 FOR OFFIC'IA1. U~N: ON1.Y UDC 551.501.81 PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISPLAY EQUIPMENT FOR SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL RADARS , [Abstract of article by Litvak, B. N., MQ1'nik, Yu. A., Petrushevskiy, V. A., Serebrov, L. A., Filaretov, Yu. S., Shavela, G. F. and Shmulevich, V. L.] ~ [Text] The principal requirements on dieplay equipment are given for mobile and stationary meteorological radars. The implementation of requirements on the basis of color display of the television type, ensuring matching and "brightness" dis- play of signals of different types is discussed. The display of gradations of the intensity of hydrometeors by intermediate colora is described. The introduction of a device for the diacrimination of the contours of hydrometeors and the display of the "prehistory" of the meteorological conditions is outlined. Figures 3, ref- erences 6. UDC 551.501.81 INFORMATION CAPACITY OF A METEOROLOGICAL RADAR DISPLAY SCREEN [Abstract of article by Mikhaylov, V. K., Serebrov, L. A. and Shmulevich, V. L.] [Text] Expressions relating the information capacity of a display screen to the pip, characteristics of the screen and observation conditions are given. The in- formation capacity of the meteorological radar display screen of the station and the maximum information capacity of a display screen with a pip are discussed. Figures 1, tables 3, references 3. ~ UDC 551.501.81 ' APPARATUS FOR DISPLAY OF GENERALIZED METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION ON COLOR AND BLACK-AND-WHITE TELEVISION SCREENS [Abstract of article by Litvak, B. N., Mikhaylov, V. K., Novichev, E. A., Petru- shevskiy, V. A., Serebrov, L. A., Fedorov, A. A., Filaretov, Yu. S., Shevela, G. F. and Shmulevich, V. L.] ' [Text] The article describes the design of apparatus for display on color and black-and-white screens of the information arriving from a meteorological radar, thunderstorm direction finder and unit for automatic data processing. An analysis of ineteorological conditions and the transmission of the results of processing to users are presented. Figures 2, tables 1~ references 1. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' UDC 551.501.81 ~ USE t~F METHODS OF OPTIMUM STATISTICAL SOLUTIONS IN THE PROBLEM OF RADIOT~RMAL DETERMINATION OF THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE CLOUDY ATMOSPHERE ~ [Abszract of article by Bobylev, L. P. and Shchukin, G. G.] [Text] The authore present methods for optimum statistical evaluation for linear models in application to determination of the integral parameters of moisture content of the cloudy attaosphere by means of absolute radiothermal measurements of total absorption. The errors in these methods are eonsidered. The optimum combinations of wavelengths are determined for solution of two- and three-para- meter problems in cases when this solution is impoesible. Figures 3, tables 4, references 16. COPYRIGHT: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A. I. Voyeykova (GGO), 1979 5303 CSO: 1865/138 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ; FOR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY -i i ~ i ~ ~ ; UDC 681.142.37 ~ ; PAPERS ON COMPUTERIZED PROCESSING OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION ; Leningrad TRUDY ORDENA LENINA GIDROMETEOROLOGICHESKOGO NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO TSENTRA SSSR: AVTOMATIZATSIYA OPERATIVNOY OBRABOTKI METEOROLOGICIiESKCY INFORMATSII in Russian No 217, 1980 (signed to presa 25 Nov SO) pp 2, 104, 107, 109, 111 [Annotation, tahle of contents and abstracts from collection of articles "Transac- ~ tions of the USSR Order of Lenin ~Iydrometeoxological Scientific Research Center: Automation of Operational Processing of Meteorological Data", edited by K. A. Semend- ~ yayev, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, and 0. M. Kastin, candidate ; of physical and mathematical sciences, Gidrometeoizdat, 600 copies, 111 pages] _ [Text] Annotation. The manograph gives the results of invPsti~ations and a].so re- ; sults of development of an automated system for data processing at the USSR Hydro- ; meteorological Center: organization of system control, informational support of the special programs incorporated in the system, primary processing and checking of ~ the operational hydrometeorolo~ical information, algorithms for preparing synoptic ~ charts, and also the resuZts of other studies along these lines. This collection ~ of articles is intended for apecialiats concerned with computerized data processing. I Contents Kastin, 0. M. and Katayev, V. V. "Some Aspects of Development of an Automated i System for the ProcessinA ~f Operational Information on an Electronic ~ Computer (ASOOI)" , ~ 3 ~ Gleyzer, N. Yu. and Katayev, V. V. "ASOOI-6 Control System" 21 I A~tsypovich, V. A. and A1'tshuler, V. R. "System for Control of the ASOOI-6 Data Bank" 32 Kutayev, V. V., Antsypovich, V. A, and Gleyzer, N. Yu. "Reception of Iiydrometeor- ologica:l Information in the ASOOI-6" 48 Kastin, 0. M., A1'tshuler, V. R. and Gural~nik, Ye. M. "Primary Processing of Operational Information in the ASOOI-6" 54 Antsypovich, V. A. "Combined Monitoring of Geopotential and Temperature at . Standard Isobaric Surfaces" 67 Semendyayev, K. A. "Algorithm for Computing and Plotting Isolines on an Electronic Computer" 83 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 , , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ Ovcharov, V. I. and Vaknlenko, A. V. "Some Problems in Constructing a Digital Facsimile System for the Transmission of Meteorological Charts" 95 Katayev, V. V. Method for the Processing of Hydrometeorological Data on a Scientific Research Ship" 99 ~ A&stracts ' UDC 681.142.37:551.5 SOME ASP~CTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR THE PROCESSING UF OPERATIONAL INFORMATION ON AN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER (ASOOI) [Abstract of article by Kastin, 0. M. and Katayev, V. V.J [Text] The article gives some characteristics of the set of special programs in- volved in different linke of production of numerical forecasts. The suthors aet forth the principles for integration of programmed and informational support for operational prognostic problems and the principles of programmed control for the operational processing of data which served as a basis in creating an automated system for the processing of operational information on the basis of a BESM-6 electronic computer within the framework of the OS DISPAK (ASOOI-6) operational system. The structure of the first tGro variants of the system ASOOI-6.1 and ASOOI-6.2 is deacrihed. Figures. 4~ tables 2, references 12. UDC 681.142.37 ASOOI-6 CONTROL SYSTEM [Abstract of article by Gleyzer, N. Yu. and Katayev, V. V.] [Text] The control system for the a+stomated syetem of operational proceseing of inform3tion is described. It was developed on the basis of application of the capabilities of the DISPAK operational system and the "Dubna" monitoring system. Its internal logic and an operational algorithm are described. The makeup and structure, parameters and quantitative characteristics of the ASOOI-6 control eys- - tem are given. Figures 3. referencea 6~ appendices 1. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 681.142.37 SYSTEM FOR CONTROL OF THE ASOOI-6 DATA BANK [Abstract of article by Antsypovich, V. A. and A1'tshuler, V. R.] [Text] The problems involved in the organization of access of special modules to hydrometeorological information with assurance of the nondepen~ience of the mod- ules on structure of the data are examined. The developed algorithm for the sys- tem for the control of the data bank and the possibilities of ita use are discuss- ed. Figures 6, tables 1, references 4. UDC 681.142.37:551.5 RECEPTION OF HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION IN THE ASOOI-6 [Abstract of article by Katayev, V. A., Antsypovich, V. A. and Gleyzer, N. Yu.] [Text] The process of reception of hydrometeorological information in the second variant of the ASOOI-6 system is considered. The creation of mathematical support of the BESM-6 electronic computer for tie-in with the "Minsk-32" electronic com- puter is described under the conditions of the actually realized m~ans for the tie-in of equipment and tlie existing technology for the ogerational processing of data on the "Minsk-32" electronic computer. The possible prospects for the de- ' velopment of tie-ins among the electronic computers at the USSR Hydrometeorolog- ical Center are discussed. Figures 1, references 9. UDC 681.142.37:551.5 PRIMARY PROCESSING OF OPERATIONAL INFORMATION IN THE ASOOI-6 [Abstract of article by Kastin, 0. M., A1'tshuler, V. R. and Gural'nik, Ye. M.] [Text] The general organization of the system for the primary processing of oper- ational hydrometeorological information operating within the framework of. the ASOOI-6 is described. The characteristics of the programmed and information sup- port of the system are given. Also examined is an algorithm for the functioning of the operational part of the system for the processing of the initial data ar- riving from another electronic computer and the capabilities of service programs constitutin~ the nonoperational part of the system. Certain processed information obtained in tl~e course of system operation is given. Figures 1, tables 5, refe~ ences 16. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044400030025-7 NUR ()Fhl('IAI. lltiN: QNI,Y UDC 681.142.37:551.5 COMBINED MONITORING OF GEOPOTENTIAL AND TEMPERATURE AT STANDARD ISOBARIC SURFACES [Abstract of article tiy Antsypavich, V. A.]~ [Text] An algorithm for the combined monitoring of geopotential and temperature at standard isobaric surfaces; applied using a BESM-6 electronic cotaputer, is. describ- ed. Attention is given to the effectiveness of the algorithm, especially in select- ing the influencing stations and the reduction of the number of uncorrectable - errors. The algorithm is employed in the operational work of the USSR Hydrometeoro- logical Center. Figures 2, tables 1, referencea 7. UDC 681.142.37:551.5 ALGORITHM FOR COMPUTING AND PLOTTING ISOLINES ON AN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER [Abstract of article hy Semendyayev, K. A.] jText] The article describes an algorithm for computing the coordinates of points on field isolines stipulated at the po~.nts of intersection of a regular grid in a rectangle and for the plotting of isolines using a two-coordinate instrument. The algorithm was developed for a BESM-6 electronic computer in FORTRAN language. Fig- ures 5, references 3. UDC 551.5:681.142.37 SOME PROBLEMS IN CONSTRUCTING A DIGITAL FACSIMILE SYSTEM FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF METEOROLOGICAL CHARTS [Abstract of article by Ovcharov, V. I. and Vakulenko, A. V.] [TextJ The structure of the "Rastr" complex, which is being developed, is describ- ed. It is intended for generation of the image of ineteorological charts, their storage and transmission in digital form in a communication channel. Proposals are made on the use of the complexes in the network. The need for the considered studies is validated. Figures 1, references 2. UDC 551.5:681.142.57 METHOD FOR THE PROCESSING OF HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL DATA ON A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH SHIP jAbstract of article by Gleyzer, N. Yu. and Katayev, V. V.] [Text] A possible approach to the combining of programs for the processing of meteorological data into a packet of special programs for scientific research ships can the basis of integration of input and output data is discussed. Also 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404030025-7 MOR ONFI('lAl. (i`T. nN1.Y examined is the makeup, structure and fimctioning of a packet of special programs in the example of computation of the characteristi.cs. of inesoscale atmospheric processes. The advantage of thia approach for the teclinology of processing of data is demonstrated in comparison with the traditional single-program method. Figures 1, references 5. COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeorologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy tsentr SSSR ' (Gidromettsentr SSSR), 1980 5303 CSO: 1865/170 23 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440030025-7 ROR OFFICiAL USE ONLY UDC 551.509.616/617 - ARTIFICIAL MODIFIGATION OF CLOUDS AND FOGS Moscow TRUDY TSENTRAL'NOY AEROLOGICHESKOY OBSERVATORII: AKTIVNYYE VOZDEYSTVIYA NA OBLAKA I TUM~TY in Russian No 142, 1980 (signed to presa 21 Aug 80) pp 2, 129, 131- 136 [Annotation, ~able of contents and abstracts from collection of articles edited by , L. P. Zatsepina, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Moskovskoye otdeleniye Gidrometeoizdata, 390 copies, 130 pages] ~ [Text] Annotation. This collection of articles ie devoted to problems involved in the artificial modification of clouds and fogs. The articles give the results of - experiments for the modification of well-developed convective clouds by pulverized substances and ice-forming reagents. The effectiveness of the method for uanitor- ing th~ results of modification with the use of a polarization radar is discussed. A1so examined are problems related to the artifiaial regulation of p recipitation. A large part of the collection is devoted to the problems involved in laboratory experiments for studying the ice-forming activity of the new reagents and increas- ing the effectiveness of propane used in the sca~tering of clquds and fogs near 0�. The collection is intended for specialiets in the field of cloud phys ics and arti- ficial modification. CONTENTS Dinevich, V. A., Krasnovskaya, L. I., Khizhnyak, A. N., Shevaldina, T. I. "Some Results of Field Experiments for Artificial Modification of a Super- cooled Fog" 3 Dinevich, V.. A., Zatsepina, L. P., Zontov, L. B., Seregin, Yu. A. " Results of Ex- periments for M~odifying Cumulonimbus Clouds by Coarsely Dispersed Pulverized Matter" 12 Zatsepina, L. P., Zimin, B. I., Nazirov, Z. N. "Use of a Polarization RadaY for Monitoring Modification of Convective Clouda by Pulverized Reagents" 25 Zimin, B. I. "Evaluatior. of the Time Required for Intensifying Precipitation With the Seeding of Thunderatorm Cloude by Ice-Forming Aerosols" 30 Dinevich, L. A., Kondratova, A. V., Leonov, M. P., Pozdeyev, V. N., Seregin, Yu. A. "~valuation of Change in Precipitation Over an Area Protected Against Hail (Based on Observations in the Main Precipitation-Gaging Network of the Moldav- ian SSR)" 3~ 24 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Leonov, M. P., Trutko, T. V. "Experience in Synoptic-Climatological Character- ization of Territories Intended for the Artificial Augmentation of Precip- itation" 46 Dinevich, S. Ye., Medvedev, G. A., Naumenko, V. G. "Investigations of the Ef- fectiveness of Antihail Measures" 61 Aksenov, M. Ya., Plaude, N. 0. "Comparative Ice-Forming Activity of 1.5-Dihydroxy- naphthalene and Phloroglucinol" 68 Plaude, N. 0. "Investigation of the Activity of Some Soluble Sub- stances" 76 ~ Aksenov, M. Ya., Bromberg, A. V., Bychkov, Yu. V., Kordyukevich, N. G., Plaude, N. 0. "Investigation of Aerosols of Copper Acetylacetone of Different Dispersivity" 82 ' Kim, N. S. "Investigations of the Influence of Regimes of Generation of AgI Aerosols on Its Ice-Forming Activity" ' 89 . Parshutkina, I. P. "Simple Integral Photoelectric Counter of Condensation ~ Nuclei" 99 ~ Zharinova, Ye. S., Potapov, Ye. I. "Results of Measurements of the Concentra- ~ tion of Lead Ions in Artificial Water Bodies in the Territory of Moldaviya ' in the Zone of Antihail Work" 105 , Pokhmel'nykh, L. A. "Existence of Electrification of Water During Evaporation" 109 ~ Pokhmel'nykh, L. A. "Experimental Investigation of Electrification of Water and a 0.5 Normal Solution of NaCl During Evaporation" 121 ~ ABSTRACTS UDC 551.509.61 SOME RESULTS OF FIELD EXPERIMENTS FOR ARTIFICIAL MODIFICATION OF A SUPERCOOLED FOG [Abstract of article by Dinevich, V. A., Krasnovakaya, L. I., Khizhnyak, A. N. and Shevaldina, T. I.J [Text] The article examines the results of field experiments for artificia'i modi- fication of a supercooled fog using a model of a ground propane apparatus develop- ed by the artificial modification section of the Central Aerological Observatory. . The experiments were made with temperatures in the fog at the ground from 1.5 to -1.5�C. An 8-mm channel of the MRL-1 radar was used in observing the modification effect. Ttie use of the MRL-1 radar made it possible to determine the extent of the , zone of artificial modification at different distances from the source and esti- mate the velocity of vertical propagation of crystallization in the fag. It is shown that the maximum altitude of penetration of the artificial crystallization effect in the fog is dependent on temperature stratification. The authors make an 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ approximate estimate of the temperature threahold of the effective action of pro- pane under natural conditions. Tables 1, figures 7, references 8. UDC 551.509.616 RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS FOR MODIFYING CUMULONIMBUS CLOUDS BY COARSELY DISPERSED PULVER~ZED MATTER ' [Abstract of article by Dinevich, V. A., Zatsepina, L. P., Zontov, L. B. and , 5eregin, Yu. A.) [Text] The article presents the resulta of 74 experime~ats for the modification of cumulonimbus clouds by coarsely disperaed pulverized matter carried out during the summer of 1976/77 in Moldaviya. The experiments are part of a planned long-term randomized experiment (1976-1980) for the regulation of development of convective clouds with the use of high-altitude aircraf t. The checking of the results of m~d- ification was accomplished using surface 3-cm radar atations of the MRL type. In evaluating the dynamic activity of clouds use was made of a radar with an addi- tional device "turbulence indicator." The experiments indicated that in 80% of the cases modification leads to the destruction of clouds or a substantial de- cYease in their size. In a control series of experiments no effects were noted. Tables 4, figures 5, references 11. UDC 551.509.616/617 USE OF A POLARIZATION RADAR FOR MONITORING.MODIFICATION OF CONVECTIVE CLOUDS BY PULV~RIZED REAGENTS jAbstract of article by Zatsepina, L. P., Zimin, B. I. and Nazirov, Z. N.] [Text] The results of long-term field experiments indicated that the dynami.c effect of modification is essentially dependent on the site of introduction of the reagent into a cloud. For checking and evaluating the accuracy of entry of the reagent into a stipulated part of the cloud specialists have developed an experimental method with the use of a polarization radar and artificial reflectors. Using the station it was possible to accomplish selection of the artificial reflectors introduced into the cloud together with the reagent. Preliminary estimates were made of the velo- cities of movement of the artificial reflectora in the cloudless atmoaphere and in a cloud. Figures 2, references 5. UDC 551.509.616 EVALUATION OF THE TIME REQUIRED FOR INTENSIFYING PRECIPITATION WITH THE SEEDING OF THUNDERSTORM CLOUDS BY ICE-FORMING AEROSOLS [Abstract of article by Zimin, B. I.J [Text] In a number of experiments for the modification of thunderstorm cloude in r1oldaviya there was a brief intensification of rain, on the average 11 minutes after the introduction of the reagent into a cloud layer with a temperature less 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 FOR OFFI('IA1. IItiF; ON1,Y ~ j than -6�C. Lstimates were made of the time of growth and fallout of particles when there is artificial seeding of a model cloud and a specific thunderstorm. The computed time of intensification of precipitation in the pluviometric net- work agrees best with the actual time in the case of freezing of large cloud ~ droplets upon contact with lead iodide nuclei. Figures l, references 18. UDC 551.557.59 ; EVALUATION OF CHANGE IN PRECIPITATION OVER AN AREA PROTECTED AGAINST HAIL (BASED ON OBSERVATIONS IN THE MAIN PRECIPITATION-GAGING NETWORK OF THE MOLDAVIAN SSR ' [Abstract of article by Dinevich, L. A., Kondratova, A. V., Leonov, M. P., Poz- ' deyev, V. N. and Seregin~, Yu. A.J [Text] A preliminary evaluation of changes in the quanCity of investigated pre- cipitation is given for the territory in the Moldavian SSR protected against liail with the use of the mean areal suma of precipitation during the modification season (May-August) and the same precipitation sums for four control territories - on the basis of Y~istorical regression equations. The computations included data for the 17 years prior to modification and for 12 years with modification. The averaging of precipitation for a considerable number of stations (over.large , areas) for prolonged time intervals (four months) and the availability of long series of observations facilitated the elimination of their shart-period fluctu- ations and determination of the patterns of their spatial-temporal distribution. It is assumed that under the influence of hail protection an increase of precipi- , tation by 2-3% is probable, but this value is statistically unreliable. Tables 3, figures 2, references 14. UDC 551.589:551.576+551.589:551.577 EXPERIENCE IN SYNOPTIC-CLIMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TERRITORIES INTENDED FOR THE ARTIFICIAL AUGMENTATION OF PRECIPITATION - [Abstract of article by Leonov, M. P. and Trutko, T. V.] [Text] In this article ttie authors discuss the synoptic-climatological character- istics of definite regions in Algeria and Spain planned for an artificial augmen- tation of precipitation (International Project PUOWMO). ~mpliasis is on process- es of atmospheric circulation leading to rainy and "dry" periods and also analy- sis of precipitation and cloud cover in such periods. Tables, �igures 4, refer- ences 10. UDC 551.509.616/617 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIHAIL MEASURES [Abstract of article by Dinevich, S. Ye., Medvedev, G. A. and Naumenko, V. G.] [TextJ On the basis of statistical processing and analysis of the results of radar measurements of the characteristic~ of hail clouds the authors evaluate the ef- fectiveness'of carrying out of antihail protection work. The article defines the 27 " ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 FOIt ONMICIAI. litiH: ON1,Y conditions under which the best effectiveness of protection of agricultural crops against hailfalls is attained. The modification of hail clouds is model- ed and the effects of modification are evaluated on the basis of ineasurements of radar parameters. Figures 2, references 4. UDC 551.509.616/617 COMPARATIVE ICE-FORMING ACTIVITY OF 1.5-DIHYDROXYNAPHTHALENE AND PHLOROGLUCINOL [Abstract of article by Aksenov, M. Ya. and Plaude, N. 0.] [Text] In a series of parallel experiments the authors measured the yield of ac- tive ice-forming particles for aerosols of 1.5-dihydroxynaphthalene and phloro- glucinol generated under identical conditions. In order to obtain aerosols use was made of two types of laboratory thermal generators in which the condensation of vapors of substance occurs during the mixing of an escaping jet of hot steam with the surrounding air. The dispersivity of the forming aerosols was varied by a change in the velocity of the ~et and the concentrations of active substance in it. The spectrum of particle sizes was determined using an electron microscope. The resulting sets of temperature dependences for the yield for the two sub- stances indicate that 1.5-dihydroxynaphthalene, dispersed in ordinary thermal generators, has a substantially lesser ice-forming activity than phloroglucinol, especially in the temperature range above -10�C. In the electron microscope in- vestigation Qf the dispersivity of aerosols of organic substances there is a de- crease in the measured number of particles due to the partial evaporation of nuclei. The distortion of the spectrum of sizes and the number of particles in- creases for substances with a lower melting point. Tables 2, figures 4, refer- ences 9. UDC 551.509.6 INVESTIGATION OF THE ICE-FORMING ACTIVITY OF SOME SOLUBLE SUBSTANCES [Abstract of article by Plaude, N. 0.] [Text] A study was made of the ice-forming activity of calcium iodide and ammonium fluoride which with a high solubility have parameters of the crystal lattice close to the parameters of the lattice of lead and silver iodide. Due to the strong hygro- scopicity of the substances their aerosols were obtained in a flow of dry inert gas and were introduced from a generator directly into a supercooled fog without dilu- l-ion in an aerosol chamber. Measurement of Che yield of active particles indicated that with a decrease in temperature, when there is a decrease in the influence of solubility, the activity of the substances increases. In this case the activity of the calcium iodide attains an activity close in its parameters to the lattice of easily soluble lead iodide. The results confirm the decisive importance of the geometrical correspondence of the crystal lattice of ice for the manifestation of ice-forming activity by the substance. Tables 1, figures 1, references 10. 28 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.509.616/6I7 INVESTIGATION OF ICE-FORMING AEROSOLS OF COPPER ACETYLACETONE OF DIFFERENT , DISPERSIVITY ~ [Abstract of article by Aksenov, M. Ya., Brnmberg, A. V., Bychkov, N. V., Kordyuke- vich, N. G. and Plaude, N. 0.] [Text] Using laboratory generators of two types it was possible to obtain and in- vestigate aerosols of copper acetylacetone with mean cubic dimensions in the range 5�10'6-2�10'S cm. It is shown that the ice-forming activity of aerosols in the temperature range of a fog -10 --20�C is relatively weakly dependent on tem- perature and for the most part is determined by the supersaturation of water vapor ; in the zone of action of particles. Variation of aerosol dispersivity exerts no significant influence on the dependence of activity on supersaturation. The maxi- mum yield of active particles, measured for the most highly disperse aerosol, with , a computed supersaturation value ^~260y, was N1015 per gram. Tables 2, figures 4, references 7. UDC 551.509.616 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF REGIMES OF GENERATION OF AgI AEROSOLS ON ITS ICE-FORMING ACTIVITY ' [Abstract of article by l:im, N. S.J [Text] The author has formulated a mathematical model for describing a varia- tion of the process of formation of AgI aerosols in the operation of full-size generators. Analysis of the derived equations made it possible to ascertain the principal parameters determining the yield of active nuclei. These are: the ratio of the rate of movement of the generator to the velocity of escape of the gas ~et � from the generator nozzle; the initial concentration of molecules of vapor of the active substance in the hot 3et; the coefficient of turbulent diffusion of the air flow surrounding the generator. The results of the numerical solutions agree well qualitatively with the experimental results. On the basis of these investi- gations the author has formulated requirements on the methods for the testing of generators under model conditions for the purpose of obtaining ob3ective informa- tion on the effectiveness of operation of full-size generators. Figures 3, refer- ; ences 10. UDC 551.509.6 SIMPLE INTEGRAL 1'HOTOELECTRIC COUNTER OF CONDENSATION NUCLEI [Abstract of article by Parshutkina, I. P.] [Text] A photoelectric counter of condensation nuclei has been constructed for use in laboratory investigations of nuclei. The article gives a description of the counter and outlines the method for measuring the concentration of condensation nuclei using this instrument. A Shol'ts counter is used in calibrating the photo- electric counter. With the complete filling of the counter chamber with the inves- tigated aerosol it is possible to measure the concentration of condensation nuclei 29 FOR OFFICI.4L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 NOR OFFI('IA1. ll~l? AN1.1' in the range 103-104 nuclei/cm3. The proposed method of small-volwae samples makes it possible to broaden the measurement range in the direction of higher concentrations and makes it possible to take air samples from a limited volume. F'igures 2, references 4. ~ UDC 551.509.61, 551.510.42 RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS OF TEIE CONCENTRATION OF LEAD IONS IN ARTIFICIA�L WATER BODIES IN THE TERRITORY OF MOLDAVIYA IN THE ZONE OF ANTIHAIL WORK [Abstract of article by Zharinova, Ye. S. and Potapov, Ye. I.] [Text] The article gives the results of ineasurements made in September-December 1977. The "plumbon" method was used. There is an increased lead concentration, but . the maximum value, equal to 7.6~1g/liter, is considerably lower than the maximum admissible norms. Tables 2, figures 1, references 7. UDC 551.594.11 EXISTENCE OF ELECTRIFICATION OF WATER DURING EVAPORATION [Abstract of article by Pokhmel'nykh, L. A.) [Text] The status of the prob~em of electrification of water during evaporation is discussed. The author examines the possible consequences relating to atmoapheric electricity in good and disturbed weather which follow from the existence of the process of charge separation during the evaporation of water under natural condi- tions. It is demonstrated that it is possible to develop a noncontradictory for- mal theory of atmospheric electricity in which the process of charge separatian during evaporation plays the principal role. A quantitative and qualitative agree- ment between theory and existing experimental information can be attained in the case of the transfer of a positive charge by vapor in a specific quantity of about tenths esu/g. Figures 1, references 31. UDC 551.594.11 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF ELECTRIFICATION OF WATER AND A 0.5 NORMAL SOLUTION OF NaCl DURING EVAPORATION [Abstract of article by Pokhmel'nykh, L. A.] [Text] The article gives the results of an experimental investigation of the pro- cess of ~eparation of electric charges accompanying the evaporation of pure water and a 0.5 normal solution of NaCl under the conditions of the temperature of an evaporable f luid below 40�C. The registry of this separation was accomplished on the basis of the electric current in the fluid-ground circuit, and also on the basis of the drift of electric potential of the fluid. ~Jith a normal temperature of the fluid effects are observed which correspond to the leakage into the air of a positive charge in a specific quantity up to 4�10'1 esu/g. Figures 3, refer- ences 6. COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (TsAO), 1980 5 303 30 CS 0: 1865 /122 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 : ~ j . . FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY i ' ~ , . ' AUTOMATED COLLECTION AND PgOCESSING OF METEOROLOGICAL IaAATA ~ Obninsk OBZORNAYA INFORMATSIYA: SERIYA AVTOMl~TIZA~SIYA SBORA I OBRABOTKI ~ GIDROMETEOROLOGICHESKOY INFORMATSII. GIDROMETEOROLOGIYA: OBORUDOVArTIYE SAMOLETOV- METEOIABORATORIY I METODY OBRABOTKI IZMERITEL~NOY INFORMATSII in Ruasian No 1, 1981 pp 1-3, 41-42, 47 ~ ~Annotation, excerpts from introduction and conclusion, and table of contents from a collection that discuases the research of V.K. Babarukin, V.F. Frakovich, L.F. Grigor'ev, Yu. V. Kopulov and A.V. Litinetskiy~ Annotatioa ~ExcerptsJ This work acquaints the reader with problems iavolving automated ~ measurements from airplane meteorological laboratories. The technical level of ' equipment for measuring and registering meteorological parameters is given. The results of the authors' work on automating data collection, storage, and processiag of airborne experiments using ground and on-board computers is presented. The prospect of creating the technical means and program basis for automated systems to investigate the atmosphere by using airplane meteorological laboraties is shown. : Introduction The possibility of using airplanes for carrying out aerological observations has attracted the attention of physicists from the birth of aviation. The modern airplane is capable of carrying numerous meteorological and navigational devices to high altitudes and can combine these devices into an information system using on-board computers. The modern airplane can also provide the measuring process with program, energy, and taetrological services. An airplane outfitted in such a way ie called an airplane meteorological laboratory (S1~). The SNII. is used extenaively for studying both naturally occurring atmospheric processes as well as for monitoring the influences on the environment. An important function of the SI~ is its ability to accompany the atmospheric phenom- enon under observation for distances of thousands of kilometers, thereby following the evolution of its characteristics. 31 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 NOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' formation capability of the Sr~II. proves the effectiveaesabilityrofetheds The large in ations. For example, the information ~a~~eters is in meteorological investig low-frequency p on-board apparatus of the I1-18 SML for measuring h_frequency par~?eters at estimated at a magnitude of 10 bytes/sec aortion ofgthe iuformation flow is 10 bytes/sec. Even though a significant p rocesses, there is no redundant from the poinfo~ftheeautomatedadatas~ollection and processing of air- doubt of the necessity borne experiments. st~ created The systems for collecting and processing in-f light information, are described. by using Soviet methods of computer technology and registration, work that Results of the work .of the Flight SciCita~ion ofethe authora,`is~the basis of the was carried out with the direct parti p presented material. Concluaion createa the prerequisites Putting into effect the enumerated measures essentiallya etem (SAU) to automated rocessing Y using air- for the trancientific~investigation (ASNI)do ata?ospheric meteorology . systems of s plane meteorological laboratories. The reasons for creating ASNI are as follows: The i ossibility of effectively processing all the S1rII~ data wl.thout using 1) ~P automation. e existence of a collective need (groups of NIU research facilities of 2) Th related branches) for the SML information. on-board, in-flight testing of new meteorological devices and methods 3~ ~e ations. for atmospheric iavestig 4) Work for creating a neW generation of Soviet S1~II.'.s� n the basis of what was expounded in the review of the material, one can say ~ will comprise the technical components of the object~sub- that the following systems : meteorological parameters. 1) Complex of on-board devices for measuring r and television meane for obtaining the imagin8 of objects and results 2) Rada - of environmental monitoring. $ eneral and processing information using g and the 3) On-b oard system for collectingWhich, besides collection, compression, purpose digiCal computer (UTaVM), will resolve part of the problems of express processing of ineasured information, in-flight experimental control. 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ~ . 4) An automated data proceasing ground system which also secures the basic functions of the servicing subsyatems of the ASIJI. The ~acisting prototypes of the named components are examined in this review. The introduction of the ASNI will make it possible to significantly incr~ase the effectiveness and quality of ineteorological investigations for resolving econoanic tasks. Table of Contents Introduction l. ' 1. Peculiarities of ineteorological investigations with the SML 3 2. On-board information-measuring complex of the SML 6 3. Automated collection and processing of information in airplane meteorological laboratories 16 4. On-board system for data collection and regiatration 17 5. On-board system of oollection and proceseing information using digital computers 19 ' 6. Automa.ted ground processing of data of in-flight experiments 25 COACZIIS~OI1 �~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 4~. References ~FZ COP'YRIGHT: Informatsionnyy tsentr VNIIGMI-MTsD, 1981 CSO: 1865/161-P 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ ~ i 1 � FOR OFFICIAL l1SN: ONLY ~ i ~ OCEANOGRAPHY ! UDC 550.345 , MONOGRAPH ON TSUNAMI CHARACTERISTICS Vladivostok PARAMETRY OCHAGOV TSUNAMIGENNYKH ZI:MLETRYASENIY I OSOBENNOSTI TSUNAPff in Russian 1980 (signed to presa 8 Sep 80) pp 2-3, 60-63 [Annotation, table of contents and article from tiook "Parameters of Eoci of Tsunami- genic Earthquakes and Tsunami Characteristics", edited by A. A. Poplavskiy, candi- date of physical and mathematical sCiences, USSR Academy of Sciences, Dal'nevostoch- nyy nauchnyy tsentr, Sakhalinskiy kompleksnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, 400 copies, 68 pages] [Text] Annotation. The articles in this collPCtion are devoted to ttie theoret- ical and practical results of inves.tigations relating to tsunami focus problema. Also examined are the theoretical aspects of propagation of tsunami waves, the spectral problem, the direction of propagation; new data are given on the rela- tionship between tsunami waves and the parameters of the macroseismic source. This collection of articles is of interest not only for professional: geophysicists and hydrophysicists, but also for practical workers involved in the tsunami problem.~ Contents Foreword 4 Dorfman, A. A. and Poplavskiy, A. A. "Approximate Equations in the Theory of Long Waves" 6 Kaystrenko, V. M. "Investigation of the Direction of a Tsunami Source in Dependence on the Type of Initial Disturbance" 10 Korolev, Yu. P. "Surface Gravitational W~ves Excited by a Region With Variable Pressure Stipulated on the Bottom of a Basin" 17 Dorfman, A. A. and Poplavskiy, A..A. "On the Theory of a Wave Generator of Unsteady Long Waves" 26 Levin, B. V. "Influence of Symmetry of a Focus on the Formation of a Surface Disturbance at a Tsunami Source" 33 Kaystrenko, V. M. "Spectrum of Natural Oscillations of a Fluid in a Basin on a Rotating Spherical Earth" 40 Poplavskiy, L. N. "Parameters of a Macroseismic Source and the Intensity of a Tsunami Wave (In the Example of the Kurile-Kamchatka Epicentral Zone) 54 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY i ~ ' Zhigulina, N. D., Go Chan Nam and Shchetnikov~ N. A. '"Iturup Tsunami of 21 . January 1976" 58 I Basov, 3. I., Levin, B. V. and Narbutahekova, M. 2. "Wave Recorder With a Set of Coaxial Sensor~ in a Field Variant" 61 Nikiforov, I. V. and Tikhonov, I. N. "Automatic Detection and Evaluation of the Moments of Arrival of Body Waves of Near Earthquakes From the Records ~ of Kipapa Station" 65 WAVE R~CORDER WITH A SET OF COAXIAL SENSORS IN A FIELD VARIANT [Article by B. I. Basov, B. V. Levin and M. Z. NarbutabekovaJ In the investigation of waves in the water in a model water body it is desirable to employ instrument complexes making possible rapid assembly and disassembly of the measurement devices. The latter ehould be size and weight with an ade- quately high accuracy in measuring the amplitude and velocity of propagation of wave disturbances. ; Trans- 1 Rectif Galvan - fo rmer rid~e ier meter ~ : . . ~ Sensor . Fig. 1. Block diagram of wave recorder. The wave recorder developed at the Sakhalin Multidiscipline Scientific Research In- stitute for the registry of small changes in water level during the~passage of sur- face waves satisfies the mentioned requirements, to wit: is small in size, is com- pact and convenient to transport, simple to construct and ensures a relatively high accuracy in measuring a wuve with an amplitude up to 250 mm (.^~4Y). In addition to six string level sensors whose resistance is dependent on the depth of submergence into the water, and bridge circuits ~zith rectifiers and gglvanometers, the system mukes use af str~ndard-produced instruments: power transformer and N041U4.2 light-ray or~cillograph (Fig. 1). The level sensor (Fig. 2) consists of a conducting rod (1) with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 400 mm and four strings (2) stretched along it. These strings are made of thin silvered wire, attached by means of insulating plugs (3). The sensor 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 ~ FOR OFFI('IA1. IItiN: nN1.Y is cut into the arm of a bridge circuit, which makes it possible to discriminate the useful signal against tre background of the constant component. The sensor operates on a variable voltage because as a result of strong electrolysis if a d-c current was used its resistance would b.ecome unstable. , � ~ ohtns � 0 tAD � ~ - a1D SpQI V . ~ ' . . Rp on~ ~ ~ ~ . . . 1 a~ . ~ 4Gb . . � , 3q7 . . 2A7 . J ioo , .5 /0 !5 � . 20 ?5 /Y,cn Fig. 2. Level sensor: Fig. 3. Curves of the dependence of 1) rod, the senaor on: a) voltage, b) depth 2) string, of submergence 3) plug Prior to the beginning of the experiment remote calibration of all the sensors is accomplished simultaneously from the ahore due to bridge symmetry, which sharply reduces tlie influence of fluctuations of water resistance, simplifies the instru- ment circuit and reduces the time required for its preparation for operation. The bridge is fed a variable voltage of 45 V; the voltage across the sensor varies in the limits of the sector of fixed resistance from 18 to 27 V. Figure 3 shows curves of the depend~nce of aensor resistance on voltage and depth of submergence. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044400030025-7 FOR (1FM1C'1:11. l!~}~' (1Nl,Y In order to check the accuracy of wave recorder readings we carried out a labora- tory experiment with simultaneous registry of fluctuations of the level by tlie RFK motion picture camera. As a result of interpretation of the wave recorder records and frame-by-frame printing of the kinogram we constructed two pairs of time series with a duration of 12.8 and 25.6 sec (Fig. 4). A cross-spectral anal- ysis was carried out in order to compare the processes (in each pair of records). Computations of the spectral density indicated that with the distribution of ener- gy by frequencies in the low-frequency region there is a good coincidence of the spectra of both processes in each record. ~fn , . . u ~ � A ~ � Q� ~ ~ ' � . . � 1 I ~ ' . 1 ' ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ' ii i'; . ~ ; ' ~ I ~ ~ 1. ~ 1� \ a9 1 1 - i i ~v 1 1~ ss a~ i.r ~s s, a.~ s~ s frames . , ~ l~ 1 � ~s ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ~ ~ ,V . 9 ~ � . . . .L \ . � � ~ � _ . t6 , ~ , ~ n ~ II I' , 11~� I~ 1 i~ ~j~ 1 i'i 1 j j ~ ~ ~ I ~ 1 t i"!I 5, I I J? ~ ~ 1 i ~ lSS ~S~ d~ ~ . i 1. �,1 .I !d ~ 1 I ~ 1 PS) P7 ` dd .t7~ 4 f 4J ~ 47 49 df ~ ~ 6J 6,~ �.6 ~ '1 I~ 1 I 1~~ 1 ~ ~ I . ~ . ~ ` 1 �/y , ' 1Y � � ~ 1 1 ~ ~ y ~ . ~ . , . . ~ ~ . - Fig. 4. Records obtained from wave recorder (solid curve) and with printing of kino- gram (dashed curve): a) lst pair; b) 2d pair of records The coherence functions constructed for them indicated a very high coherence in the frequency range 0-1.5 Hz. At frequencies greater than 1.5 Hz some scatter of the curves can be caused by small differences in the metrological characteristics of the measurement instruments whose refinement is difficult to accomplish at the pres- ent time due to the absence of standard ins.truments. Figure 5 showa the 95% confidence intervals E' and of the computed evaluations of the power spectra laid off from zero; in this case, which is attributable to the lesser duration of the first record. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY d6 db ' d6 db ?D a ~ d0 Q � = 1 ` ~ ~ s~7: ~ . ' 1 y ~_~c `V~ ~ ~ ` ~~Hz~ y ~ 0 ! 2 ~k Hz Ry ~ d t 4s QS -ss,Y' -9sx o r~ ' o ' ~ . , ~ � Fig. 5. Spectral density (a, c) and paired coherence (b, d) of fluctuations of 1ev- el of lst and 2d pairs of records respectively: x-- RFK, y-- sensor. ACI~! ~ reference point p? 4' penep 1/ !S ~17 /9 21 3 , ~ 7 ~ ~ c ~4 . . Fig. 6. Processed record of sensor readings (solid curve) and motion picture camera (dashed curve). In order to de�:ermine the integral characteristics of correlation of the processes we computed the correlation coefficients using the formula . ~ cx >- ~ ~ ~ ~ wt~ere repreaents averaging for the set. For the first pair of records the cor- relation coefficient is equal to Z'~, = 0.839~ for the second Z"~, = 0.909. The coincidence of the spectral curves is evidence of the reliability of the data ob- tained using this wave recorder. Computations of the spectral characteristirs were made on an electronic computer using the fast Fourier transform method. 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY j Field tests of the wave recorder with a set of six sensors were made in a model ; water body with a depth of 0.6 m and a length up to 60 m on whose shore there were two motion picture cameras of the "Konvas" type. Their use gives a high de- ' gree of accuracy in measurements (relative error up to 10%). This is important in investigations of wave processes with a small change in the initial level. Fig- ~ ure 6 ts a sample of a processed wavegram. , This. laboratory analysis of the records of waves and polygonal tests of the wave recorder indicated that the developed measuring syatem with a set of string sen- ; sors corresponds to all the stipulated requirements. It is quite reliable in op- eration and enaures the necessary measurement accuracy. COPYRIGHT: DVNTs AN SSSR, 1980 5303 ; CSO: 1865/166 ' ~ ~ 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551(465.62+466+467) COLLECTION OF PAPERS ON EORECASTING HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Leningrad TRUDY ORDENA LENINA GIDROMETEOROLOGICHESKOGO NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO TSENTRA SSSR: RASCHET I PROGNOZ ELEMENTOV REZHIMA MORYA in Russian No 229, 1980 (signed to press 5 Nov 80) pp 2, 107 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Proceedings of the USSR Hydrometeoro- ~ logical Research Center: Calculating and Forecasting Elements of Sea Conditions", edited by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences P. S. Lineykin, Gidrometeo- izdat, 600 copies, 109+ pages] [Text] The collection contains articles on calculating and methods of forecasting elements of the hydrological state of the sea (currents, temperature, ice conditions, waves and so on). Results are also given from numerical experiments on modeling the circulation of the atmosphere and the active layer of the ocean; characteristics of thermal inter- action of the ocean and atmosphere are calculated. An examination is made of new approaches to interpreting data of observations in the ocean, and methods of pro- cessing these data are proposed. The book is intended for specializing o ceanologista, a wide class of geophysicists , and studnets of hydrometeorological institutea. Contents , page A. A. Kutalo, Ye. B. Chernyavskiy, "Medium-scale structures of hydrological fields of the southwestern part of the Sargasao Sea, and planetary waves" 3 M. I. Vil'danova,~"Experience in foreca sting sea currents by a numerical method" 10 Yu. D. Resnyanskiy, I. V. Trosnikov, "Parametrization of the active layer of the ocean in modeling zonal circulation of the atmosphere" 18 I. N. Goroshkova, Ye. S. Nesterov, "Calculation of heat exchange of the ocean and atmosphere in the North Atlant ic" 32 V. I. Kalatskiy, Ye. S. Nesterov, "Numerical forecasting of thern~al structure in the ocean with consideration of the influence of atmospheric processes of synoptic scale" 37 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 I FOR OFFICIAI, lltih; UNI.Y F. F. Grishakov, S. N. Ovsiyenko, "Concerning synchronization of temperature fields and thickness of quasihomogeneous layer in the ocean" 45 M. G. Glagoleva, L. I. Skriptunova, Ye. V. Bol'shakova, "Analytical repre- sentation of temperature fields of the water in the Pacif ic Ocean" 5~ M. G. Glagoleva, "Calculation of advective changes of water temperature" 57 L. I. Skriptunova, "Influence of thermal and dynamic factors on variation of ; water temperature in the ocean" ` 63 0. I. Sheremetevskaya, A. V. Puchkov, "Spatial correlation of periods of appearance of ice on seas of the European territory of the USSR" 69 , Z. K. Abuzyarov, "Calculating wind fields for predicting waves on seas ~ and oceans" 77 ; A. E. Pokhil, "Calculating wave fields in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean" 87 T. I. Chakirova, "Results of comparative analysis of information on clouds above the ocean obtained from artificial satellites and ship data" 93 N. N. Verenchikov, "Some recommendations on improving accuracy in fore- casting sea currer.ts by V. I. Kalatskiy's method" 98 N. N. Verenchikov, Yu. I. Kal'dyushevskiy, Yu. V. Pokrovskiy, "FeasibiZity of improving accuracy in forecasting waves of the sea by using two different ~ forecasting methods" 103 COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeorologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'sl~l.y tsentr SSSR (Gidromet- - tsentr SSSR), 1980 6610 C~~: 1865/174 41 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ? i ~ GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF NORTHWEST PACIFIC ~ Vladivostok STRUKTURA GEODINAMIKA LITOSFERY SEVERO-ZAPADA TIKHOGO OKEANA PO GEOFIZICHESKIM DANNYM in Russian 1978 (signed to press 25 Apr 78) pp 2, 106 ~ ~ [Annotation and table of contents from collection "Structure and Geodynamics j of the Lithosphere of the Northweat Pacific Ocean According to Geophyaical ; Data", DVNTs AN SSSR, 500 copies, 112 pages] ~ i [Text] Annotation. Materials from the geological-geophysical investigations ~ that were carried out by Soviet and Japanese scientists in the preceding five ~ years within the framework of the Iaternational Geodynamic Pro~ect are pre- sented in the collection. The original experimental material for the con- struction of the transition zone from the Asiatic continent to the Pacific ~ Ocean is presented along with the theoretical investigations. All the ; articles were reported at the III Soviet-Japanese sympoaium in South- I Sakhalinsk (1976). j This collection is of intereat for epecialists in geology and geophyeics. - Table of Contents Solov'yev S. L., Vasil'yev B. I., Krasnyy M. L., Mel'nikov 0. A., Pavlov Yu. A., Popov Ye. I., Snegovskoy S. 5.:, Tuyezov I. K. Geological Construction of the Bottom of the Southwest Part of the Sea of Okhotsk 3 Tuyezov I. K., Vasil'yev B. I., Krasnyy M. L., Pavlov Yu. A., Popov Ye. I. Geological Construction and Geological Natr~re of the Kurile Deepwater Plain in the Se~ of Okhotsk, According to Gealogical- Geophysical Data 14 Vasil'yev B. I., Krasnyy M. L., Pavlov Yu. A., Popov Ye. I., Solov'yev S. K., Suvorov A. A., Tuyezov I. K. Geological Construction of the Foot of the Southern Part of the Kurila Island Arc 26 - Siki Te., Mieava Ye., Konda I., Group of Daito Trenchea and Kyuahu-Palau Trench and Their Connection With the Tectonics of the Philippine Sea..... 40 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ Segava Dzh., Interpretation of the Gravitational and Magnetic Anomalies ~ and Their Interaction in the Japaneae Islands and the Ne3ghboring Regions 52 ~ Isedzaki N., Yasui M., Yueda S., Magnetic Field of Sea of Japaa, ; According to Soviet and Japanese Hydromagnetic Survey 58 Shevaldin Yu. V. Magnetic Field Anomaly and Several Peculiar3ties of th e Deep Construction of the Bottom of the Sea of Japan 65 ; Pavlov Yu. A., Kochergin, Ye. V. Regional Structu~e of the Gravitational ' and Magnetic Fie1d Anomalies of the Northwestern Sector of the Pacific Ocean Underwater Zone 71 Miyakoai Dzh., Structure of the Electrical Conductivity Under the Japanese Archipelago....... 76 , Van'yan L. L., Borets V. V., Lyapishev A. M., Mardepfel'd V. Ye., Rodionov A. V. Study of the Deep Electrical ConductiWity in the Transition Area From the Asiatic Continent to the Pacific Ocean............ 82 ' Ekhara S., Heat Flaw in the "Hokkaido-0khotsk" Region and Its Tectonic ; Interpretation 86 ; Veselov 0. V., Volkova N. A., Soinov V. V., Yeremin G. D. Geothermal Investigations of the Sakh KNII in the Northwestern Sector of the Pacific ' Ocean Underwater Zone..... 99 COPYRIGHT: DVNTs AN SSSR, 1978 CSO: 1865/162-P . ! I k3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044400030025-7 6'UR AMMICIAI. U~l: ONLV , ~ i , ! ; UDC 551.465 INVESTIGATION OF THE DIRECTION OF INTERNAL WAVES OF A TIDAL PERIOD IN 'POLYGOI~-70' ~ Moscow OKEANOLOGIYA in Russtan Vol 21, No 2, Mar-Apr 81(manuscript received ~ ~ ~ ! 26 Feb 80, after revision 1 Sep 80) pp 239-243 . ; ~ [Article by Ye. G. Morozov and S. V. Nikitin, Institute of Oceanology, USSR Acad- ~t emy of Sciences] ~ [Text] Atastract: The authors analyze the resulta ~ of temperature measurements in the thermo- , cline in Atlantic "Polygon-70." The network of buoy stationa is regarded as an array by means of which it wae posaible to study the ~ directional propertiea of internal waves of a semidturnal period. There was found to be a syatem of internal waves generated by dif- ferent sources. The stability of the direc- tiona of internal wavea is noted. , Investigations of recent years have indicated that internal gravitational waves with a semidiurnal period carry considerable energy [1, 3]. Obaervations in At- , lantic "Polygon-70" made it possible to detect the existence of quasistationary systems of internal gravitational waves with a tidal period [.2]. The purpose of our study was an investigation of the directional properties of these systeme of waves by means of evaluations of the spatial-temporal spectra at the correspond- ing scales. In the evaluation of the spatial-temporal spectra in our study we used the array method proposed by Barber j7] for determining the direction of surface waves with an arbitrary arrangement of the array detectors. Later Sabinin and Shulepov [6] used a similar method in inveatigating internal waves. On the basis of materiala from Atlantic "Polygon-70" we aelected the 10 variants of arrays listed in Table 1. Theae arrays coneisted of three-seven FT detectors placed at the 200-m horizon on eelf-contained buoy stations and making synchronous ~ - temperature measurements with a discreteness of 30 minutes. Al1 the apectral eval- uations were obtained from 12-day recorda. The numbering of the buoy station points corresponds to [1J. The computations of the spattal spectra for the frequency fp of the semidiurnal period were made using the formula n-1 n . ~ E~kx~ k~~ fo) = 2~ ~[PSI ~fo) cos 2n (kx zy -I- kv ytI) - ~sl /..t+l - ~ -Qr~ (fo) sin 2~ (kx xy -I- ky yr~)~, 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where 2+ k 2' k2 is the spatial frequency; the length of the wave is p~ and~ lcX y i i, j are the numbers of ti~iouseCarts~of thetcrossmspectrum ofatheci-th~and ~-th Qi~ are the real and fict _ X P x, yi _ xi _ y~ are the projections of detectors respectively; xij i- ~ and ~ the distances between the detectors on the horizontal axes X and Y. A preliminary determination of the wave hengerticaldvelocity w ofsinternalewaves numerical solution of the equation for t with zero boundary conditions at the surface and bottom. This equation has the form ~ 2~ ~Zw N' (z) dm N' (z) - u?' ~ita = ~s g ~ + ui' - f' c~J is wave where z is the vertical coordinate; g is the acceleration of gravity; � uenc � f is the Coriolis parameter. The vertical distributionicaltseriessrea freq Y~ of 34 h dro],og Brent frequency N(z) was obtained by the averaging Y corded at a multiday station. The lengths of ahefo~t~hea1Polygon 70~nregion were the first and second modes computed in this w y equal to 113 and 63 km respectively� takin aintoiaccount~thatPatilesserescalesre investigated in the range 30 160 km, S the wave length becomes less than thefd~heaWave length, whereasescalesa ~ 160 km biguity ariseexceedhoureestimatei(113 km) of the length of the first mode of an considerably eriod. internal gravitational wave of a tidal p 8,zpaB. degrees J60 ~ J ~ . , ,100 3 . `s` ' 1 ~ J 5 /BO ~ o 110 . 60 � ~ L, KM n ~ !00 ' JSG' 0 0 rig. 1. Characteristic pattern of spatial spectrwn for period of 12.4 ~~uPlane inut- ation variant 1). The spectral density isolines were drawn on the (L, ~rbitrary units. 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 , ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tab1e 1 Synchronous Measurements in Polygon Used in Making Computations (Length of Series 12 Days) - No of computed Onset of ineasurements No of buoy station points variant date time 1 2~r 70 p200 2, 3, 7, 15 2 6 Mar 0400 1, 2, 3, 10, 15 3 28 Mar 1300 5, 14, 17 4 17 Apr 1000 1, 2, 4, 5, 12 5 1 May 0200 3,~11, 14 6 29 May 0500 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 14 7 20 Jun 1300 3, 7, 10 8 17 Jul 0630 3, 6, 7, 10, 11 9 8 Aug 1700 3, 6, 11 10 21 Aug 2200 1, 6, 11, 15 A characteristic result of the computationa for the spatial spectrum for variant 1 is given in Fig. 1 in the form of isolines of spectral density on a plane (L,9), where L is the wave length; e is the direction of the wave in degrees, reckoned from north clockwise). Evaluations of spectral deneity are given in arbitrary units because they were obtained through the normalized correlation functions. The most significant "burst" corresponds to the first mode of the oscillations (wave length 105 km) for an internal wave directed in the azimuth 165�. Ztao less significant "bursts" are determined by second-mode waves (50 and 55 km), directed in the azimuths 260� and 170�. Table 2 Values of Angles at Which Energy Maxima in the Spatial Spectra Are Observed No of com- Wave length, km No of com- Wave length, km p utation 113 (mode 1) 63 (mode 2) putation 113 (mode 1) 63 (mode 2) variant Wave direction, dagrees variant W$ye direction, degrees 1 165 170, 260 6 260 270 2 170 170 7 190 180 3 290, 70 30, 180 8 200 180 4 60, 180 50, 180 9 200 200 - 5 240, 20 240, 20 10 250 260 Similar computations of evaluations of the spatial spectra, made for all variants, reveal the presence of one, less frequently two directed energy fluxes at the scale of the wave length of the second mpde with the mandatory presence of a di- - rected energy flux at the wave length scales of the first mode. As a rule, one of 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 i ; FOR ONFICIAL USE ONLY i the second-mode hursts coincides in direction with the first-mode bursC (Table ~ 2). However, the second-mode oscillations have a lesser energy than the first- ' mode oscillations (Fig. 1). This is also characteristic for other computation variants. ' Table 3 ~ Dependence of Evaluations of Spatial Spectrum on ; Influence of Individual Records ~ (Computation Variant 2) Buoy stations used in Direction (in degrees) i computations in which energy maxima are obaerved 1,2,3,10,15 170 ; -,2,3,10,15 160 1,-,3,10,15 170 ; 1,2,-,10,15 160 ' 1,2,3, ,15 170 1,2,3,10,- The predominance of the first mode of internal waves in "Polygon-70" coincides with the results in [2, 4], in which, on the basis of study of horizontal coherence and phase shift we detected patterns correaponding to predominance of one mode. The next stage in the investigation was a study of the dependence of the resulting spectral expansion on the influence of individual records. For this purpose we in ~ turn eliminated individual records fmm the computations and the computations ; were made wiChout them. Table 3 gives an example of such a nwnerical experiment ~ for variant 2. ~ ' The table shows that the absence or presence of any point with measurement~ does not introduce any fundamental change into the computations. Howev~r, the position of the maxima and their value can vary insignificantly as a result of elimination of one of the records. We made a comparison of the results of computations of the parameters of internal waves obtained from spatial spectra and the results of computations on the basis of phase expressions from [2] using these same data. In that study on the basis of phase relationships for series with high valuec~ of horizontal coherence it was � possible to ascertain the length and direction of waves on the basis of ineasure- ments at three points. These computations agree with the spatial spectrum in the - presence of a unidirectional wave syatem. In analyzing the results we should note two important circumstances. First, the semidiurn3l internal oscillations in the polygon are determined not by the passage of one system of waves, but several, generated in different regions. There is a predominance of directions to the south and west (Table 2) (a direction of 180� was also discovered earlier on the basis of phase relationships in [2]). The sec- ond significant fact is the stability of the directions of waves over the course of several measurement periods. A conclusion on the stability of directions was 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ also shown in [2] on the basis of computations using phase relationahips. A con- firmation of this result on the basis of computations of the spatial spectra for a large number of points and for a great number of ineasurements extending over a period of ttme, in our opinion, is extremely important. Proceeding on the basis of the Rattri model [5] of generation of internal waves of a tidal period on the coastal shelf and the Cox and Sandstrom model [8] of excita- tion of internal tides by a barotropic tide as a result of its interaction with bottom irregularities, it can be assumed that in the polygon there are internal waves of a tidal period of several systems generated in different places. For ex- ample, waves directed to the west could be excited near the Cape Verde Islands or on the coastal shelf of Africa. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge girdles the polygon in a semicircle with a radiua of about 600 miles on the west from north to south. Ac- cordingly, as a result of interaction between the barotropic tide and the mid- oceanic ridge there can be excitement of waves of different directions, including predominantly southerly. Evidently in some periods of time there is dominance of one system of waves, whereas in others there will be a different direction. It is impossible to analyze the reasons for the predominance of one system of waves over another due to the shortage of data. The principal conclusion of this study is that a large number of ineasurements re- vealed the presence of several systems of internal waves of a tidal period gener- - ated by different sources. The greater part of the energy is carried by waves of the lower modes. We also note the constancy of the directions of internal waves over the course of several months. As already noted earlier in [2], in principle there can be computations and prediction of internal waves of a tidal period, since their sources are stationary in space and quasistationary in time. The con- stancy of the direction of internal waves determined in this study confirms the possibility of prediction of internal waves of a semidiurnal period. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ATLANTICHESKIY GIDROFIZICHESKIY POLIGON-70 (Atlantic Hydrophysical Polygon- 70), Moscow, Nauka, 1974. 2. Ivanov, Yu. A. and Morozov, Ye. G., "Investigation of Temperature Fluctua- tions With Tidal and Inertial Periods," ATLANTICHESKIY GIDROFIZICHESKIY POLI- GON-70, Moscow, Nauka, pp 229-235, 1974. 3. Monin, A. S., Kamenkovich, V. M. and Kort~ V. G., IZMENCHIVOST' MIROVOGO OKEANA (Variability of the World Ocean), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974. 4. Morozov, Ye. G. and Filatova, L. P., "Aorizontal Coherence of Semidiurnal Temperature Fluctuations in Polygon-70," IZV. AN SSSR: FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA, Vol 14, No 3, pp 340-342, 1978. 5. Rattri, M.~ Development of Tides in the Coastal Zone," VNUTRENNIYE VOLNY (Internal Waves), Moscow, Mir, pp 79-94, 1964. 6. Sabinin, K. D. and Shulepov, V. A., "Some Results of Investigation of Tidal Internal Waves in the Tropical Atlantic," IZV. AN SSSR: FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA, Vol 4, No 2, pp 189-197, 1970. 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034025-7 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7. Barber, F., "The Directional Resolving Po~er of an Array of Wave Detec- tors," OCEAN WAVE SPECTRA, N. Y., Engelwood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, pp 137- 150, 1963. 8. Cox, C. S. and Sandstrom, H., "Coupling of Internal and Surface Waves in Water of Variable Depth," J. OCEANOGR. SOC. JAPAN, XX-th Anniversary Volume, ; pp 499-513, 1962. ; COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Okeanologiya", 1981 1865 CSO: 1865/167 , ~ i ~ ~ i ~ 49 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.465 PHYSICAL NATURE bF 'CALM~EATHER INHOMOGENEITIES' IN THE OCEANIC TEMPERATURE FIELD ~ Moscow OKEANOLOGIYA in Russian Vol 21, No 2, Mar-Apr 81 (manuscript received ~ 4 Apr 80) pp 203-210 [Article Uy K. N. Fedorov, A. I. Ginzburg and L. I. Piterbar.g, Institiute of Ocean- ology, USSR Academy of Sciences] [Text] Abstract: The article describes thermal inhomogen- eities registered in calm weather by a temperature sensor towed near the ocean surface. It is shown that internal waves are a universal mechanism of their formation in diff erent parts of the world ocean. Precipitation and the variability of salin- ity and also convection exert an influence on the formation and characteristics of these inhomogen- eities. It has been noted by a number of researchers [2, 3, 5] that with intensive solar heating in calm weather the temperature distribution near the ocean surface as- s wnes a com~lex spotty (sometimes quasiperiodic) character. The typical dimensions of the alternating cold and warm apots fall in the range 1-10 km, the temperature between the spots can differ by 1-2�C, and the temperature gradients at the boun- - daries of the spots can exceed 1-2�C�km 1 I2~� Until now the physical nature of calm-weather horizontal temperature inhomogeneit- ies has not been reliably established. In the literature there have been discus- sions of the possible local .regsons for heating or the loss of heat, which could lead to the formation of temperature inhomogeneities on~a kilometer scale [3]. How- ever, it has remained unclear whether these inhomogeneities are created due to local differences in the heat balance or whether their origin is associated with the nonuniform distribution of heat entering the upper layer of the ocean. The lack of information concerning the thickaess of the layer affected by inhom~;,an- eities and on th~ horizontal variability of the vertical thermal structure did not make it possible to draw any definite conclusion. There was also need of as- surance that the temperature fluctuations registered by the towed temperature sen- sors could not be a result of "yawing" of the sensor in depth in the near-surface layer with a high vertical temperature gradient. The major complex of ineasurements which we made in the Atlantic Ocean under condi- tions of calm and with weak winds during the time of the 27th voyage of the sci- entific research vessel "Akademik.Kurchatov" in 1978 gave, it seems to us, a key to understanding the reasons for the appearance of calm-iaeather inhomogeneities. [The principal measurement methods and inatrumentation were described in [1]]. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This article is devoted to their detailed description and a clarification of their physical nature. 1. Description of the phenomenon. Temperature inhomogeneities of a kilometer sCgle (Fig. 1) appear in the near-surface layer of the ocean in calm weather or when there are very weak winds (not more than 1 m�sec-1) at approximately 1000-1100 hours local solar time. As a rule they attain a maximum amplitude by 1400-1500 hours, that is, by the time of the maximum heating of the surface layer of the ocean. At th~ same time, the difference in temperature values between the level of registry with a towed sensor (z = 0.15 m) and a horizon of several meters at- tains a maximum value. When there is atrong heating already at about 1400 hours inhomogeneities of a kilometer scale are also registered at the horizons 3-4 m (Fig. l,a). The horizontal temperature differences at close points are traced at this time, as indicated by measurements with a floating-up nrobe ([6], a13o see be- low) to the horizon 8 m. o . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . ~ _ . _ Q . . o I ' ti ~ 2,5Kx ~ . o ~ ~ ~ I ~ . - - ~ H � ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o I a ~ ~ I h % i ~ ~ ~ . , , . ~ , , 14hJ0~' . l4~00~ . , Fig. 1. Simultaneous records of calm-weather thermal inhomogeneities while ship was proceeding on course. a) at level 3.8 m(using temperature sensor in ship's water intake); b) at level 0.15 m(using towed temperature sensor). The dashed ~ lines indicate a phase shift for one and the same disturbances due to inertia of the temperature sensor in the water intake. ` Up to 1400-1500 hours on the records near the surface (z = 0.15 m) it is easy to 5ee small-scr~le temperature fluctuations with an amplitude of several tenths of a degree and with a characteristic horizontal scale of about 100 m(Fig. l,b). As a rule they disappear between 1400 and 1500 hours LT. Only sometimes, under - conditione of extremely strong heating during an absolute calm, they persist to 51 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440030025-7 ~ ~ FOR OFM1f'IAi, l1SH: ON1.Y ~ n c~ ~o ~ o o ~ ' ~ u ~ o o ~o ~ o~ a~ a ~ a ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ H ~ N ~t 1~ ~O ~-I ~O C~ ,L'. 4~1 v ~ - ~ o o ' 3 s ~Cl O C 0 0 w~~�a C . ~ O O O O O O O v t' ~n b . d a ~ ~xO~ ~ ~ ~ �~'~~sd .�.c~ c�, ~o ^ o ~ c�~ va P c~i o`~o c~n ~ ~ ~n ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ' ae o~'o o ,-i o 0 0 0 : v ~ ' ~ ~ 'b b ~ ~ c~i � . ~ ~ A ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ rn o~ o~ o~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~3,~~ ~ ~ ~~v a`~ - aai o w N ~I G! ~ ~ y~,J ~j ~-I O � N ~ r; H u ~ ~ o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 3 0~ N a a~i - ~ ~c ~ ao ~ ~ ~ ~ � ^ ~ ~ U~ J.1 H k ~ O ~o N N N N cd N w U1 N N ~ ~ ~ ~ . . p~ ~ ~ M ~ n 00 ~t ~ ~ ~ . . � ' ^ Cl G ~ N E..~ o N N N N N N y~.~ 4~-1 ~ Gl C! t~ t~ O N O U y N u1 ~7 rl kp. Gregg [13] coiineuclndtheerange ofawaveinumbersckIl~k< h a ~ ~ b � O d~O C? ~t ~ ~ i~l ~-1 N ' N 11 ~ ~ ri I O H ~ ~ ~ . ~ R! N v ~ H ~ , ~ .O. .~7. ~ 8 ri ~1 ~r1 N i w a ~ 11 o" ~ . ~ ~ ~ h U fA rl G! ' Cl C~1 _ , ' O Ul . ~ W i.~ O nf . . ~ ~ A ~ ~7 O ~ wb v h x ~ h fsa O O (A . N ~ c~ O ' C7 � ~ ~ ~ q - tii ' O 'U ~ ~ ' w O , O Vl f3 N O ~ . ty v ~ w r-1 ' o cd CJ y H ~ ~ H ~ u ~ a~n ~o v ~o t~ ~o o, ~ cri a, 1~ ~ m o' O' O O" O tA ~ 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ~ 00 vl ' q~ ~ 4 ~ b ~ N H " fs~ W 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400404030025-7 FUR OFF1('IAL 1~5F: ONLY sounding to sounding for temperature inhomogeneities c~ith.scales of 12.5 and 25 m is sh~:wn in the inset in Fig. 3. For individual time shifts t= 8, 16,...,112 minutes) we determined pairs of soundings for which tlie differenee in spectral ' levels exceeds the limits of the confidence interval, that is, can be deemed sig- - nificant. This. analysis did not reveal a tendency to an increase in the difference { of spectral levels with an increase in the time tnterval between soundings. Figure 3 shows isolines of the coherence F(k, t) of the vertical Ts(z) profiles, ~ comnuted relative to sounding 1, which indicate a rather weak temporal variability of large-scale inhomogeneities (~,Z > 17 m). However, the F(k, t) values themselves in this range of scales are rather great and regularly decrease with an increase in the wave number. We note that the rather great dispersion of evaluations of coher- ence existing in computations with 25 degrees of freedom does not make it possible to consider the fluctuations. of the F(k, t) tsolines with small amplitudes to be significant. For inhomogeneities witfi scales less than 12-16 m there were coherence values exceeding the 95% zero level (Fp = 0.4) only ~t individual moments in time. This effect can be associated with deformation of the vertical structure of the T(z) profiles at scales ,(Z rST'~ 0.7, t~ = 24 min; P= 5.8% for 0.7>r6T~~ 0.6, t~ = 40 sin, P= 5.8q with 0.6 ~ rBT~~ 0.5 and t~ = 1 hour 44 minutes. The variability of the vertical profilea sT~~(z) can be characterized by the varia- bility of the mean weighted value sT~~, determined for each sounding j using the formula 90 - FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400030025-7 FUR ()MF'1('IA1. lltiM: ()NI.Y ' ,i 1 x ST� = D~ J ST, ~Z~ (1Z~ [H = in(itial); K = fin(al)] s3 , . g where z~~ and.zfin~ are the initial and final depths of the considered layer in the thermocline, D~ is. its thickness. The change in sT~(t) approximately agrees with the change in z~(t), which, as was noted above, can be associated with the passage of a relatively long-p~riod wave disturbance. In this case the passage of the trough of such an internal wave (zm < 0) led to a general decrease in the intensity of small- scale temperature fluctuations, whereas at the wave crest there was an appreciable increase in sT~. Such a pattern of variability of sT~(t) can be attributable to the fact that at the crest of the long-period wave, as a result of the development of hydrodynami~ instability, there is formation of short-period internal waves which also cause an increase in the intensity of small-scale fluctuations in the aT~(z) profiles. A definite confirmation of this is a,mutual analysis of the change in sT~~(t) and x T~~(t), where X T~~ = d~/D~ is the vertical coefficient of field in- termittence T', d~ is the sum of ttie thickneasea of individual interlayers in which the aT~ values exceed the doubled noise level sT~n = 3�10-4 �C. The mean sT~ value was equal to 4.1�10-3 �C, and XT+ = 0.69, with standard deviations ~ ST~ = 10-3 �C and ~jcT~ = 0.08. The cross-correlation coefficient between sT~ and X T? nad a rather high positive value, equal to 0.76. This means that an increase in sT~ is associated with an increase in the layering of the sT~(z) profiles due to the formation of new layers earlier homogeneous with respect to T'. The reason for the formation of such interl.ayers u?ay be the short-period internal waves arising on the crests of Iong waves, as was already noted, for example, in [17]. In conclusior., I express appreciation to R. V. Ozmidov for useful discussions and _ comments. Measurements on the voyage were made by specialists of the Special Design Bureau for Oceanological Thermometry at the USSR Institute of Oceanology under the direction of V. I. Fedonov. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Hayes, S. P., "Preliminary Measurements of the Time-Lagged Coherence of Ver- tical Temperature Profiles," J. GEOPHYS. RES., Vol 80, No 3, 1975. 2. Fedorov, K.. N., TONKAYA TERMOKHALINNAYA STRUKTURA VOD OKEANA (Fine Thermohaline Structure of Ocean Waters), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 3. Korchashkin, N. N., Lozovatskiy, I. D. and Ozmidov, R. V., "Variability of the rin~ Vertical Structure of the Temperature Field in the Western Part of the Pacific Oceun," UKEANOLOGIYA (Oceanology), Vol 19, No 2, 1979. 4. Ozmidov, R. V., "Nineteenth Voyage of the Scientific Research Ship 'Dmitriy Men- - deleyev'," OKEANOLOGIYA, Vol 18, No 3, 1978. 5. Lozovatskiy, I. D., "Spectrwn of Vertical Inhomogeneities of the Temperature Field in the Oceanic Thermocline," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO (News of the USSR Academy of Sciences: Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean), Vol 15, No 11, 1979. 6. Pustyl'nik, Ye. I., STATISTICHESKIYE METODY ANALIZA I OBRABOTKI NABLYUDENIY (Statistical Methods of Analysis and Processing of Observations), Moscow, Nauka, 1968. 91 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044400030025-7 FOR OFFICIA~ USF ONLY 7. Phillips, 0. M., "On Spectra Measured in an Undulating Layered Medium," J. PHYS. OCEANOGR., Vol 1, No l, pp 1-6, 1971. 8. Garrett, G. J. and Munk, W. H., "Internal Wave Spectra in the Presence of Fine Structure," J. PHYS. OCEANOGR., Vol 1, No 3, pp 196-202, 1971. 9. Lozovatskiy, I. D., Influence of Fine Structure of the Temperature Field on the Spectra of Internal Waves in the Sea," IZV. AN SSSR: FAO, Vol 14, No 1, pp 115-118, 1978. 10. McKean, R. S., "Interpretation of Internal Wave Measurements in the Presence of Fine Structure," J. PHYS. OCEANOGR., Vol 4, No 2, pp 200-218, 1974. 11. Panteleev, N. A., Bikbaeva, R. A. and Moiseev, G. A., "Slopes of Spectra and Parameters of Distribution Functions of a Fine Vertical Structure of Hydro- logical Fields in the Ocean," IAPSO PROGR. XVII GEN. ASSII~IB. IUGG, Canberra, 1979. 12. Garrett, G. J. and Munk, W. T., Space-Time Scales of Internal Waves: A Prog- ress Report," J. GEOPH'YS. RES., Vol 80, No 2, pp 291-297, 1975. 13. Gregg, M. C., "Variations in the Intensity of Small-Scale Mixing in the Main Thermocline," J: PHYS. OCEANOGR., Vol 7, No 3, 1977. 14. Garnich, N. G. and Miropol'skiy, Yu. Z., "Some Properties of the Fine Thermal Structure in the Ocean," OKEANOLOGIYA, Vol 14, No 4, 1974. 15. Lozovatskiy, I. D. and Ozmidov, R. V., "Relations~ip Between the Characteris- - tics of Small-Scale Turbulence and the Parameters of Water Stratification in the Ocean," OKEANOLOGIYA, Vol 19, No 6, 1979. 16. Lozovatskiy, I. D. and Ozmidov, R. V., "Statistical Characteristics of the , Local Structure of Well-Developed Turbulence in the Kuroshio Current," OKEAN- OLOGIYA, Vol 19, No 5, 1979. 17. Woods, J. D., "CAT Under Water," WEATHER, Vol 23, No 6, 1968. ' COPYRIGH2: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Izveatiya AN SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana", 1981 5303 ~ CSO: 1865/136 ~ - 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL l1SE ONLY COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON MARINE NAVIGATION AND COMMUNICATION Leningrad TRUDY TSEI~TRAL'NOGO NAUCHNOGO ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO INSTITUTA MORSKOGO FLOTA: SUDOVOZHDENIYE I SVYAZ' in Russian No 255, 1980 (signed to press 29 Apr 80) pp 107-110 [Table of contents and selected abstracts from the collection of articles "Transac- tions of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Merchant Marine: Naviga- tion and Communication", edited by Yu. I. Panin, Leningradskoye otdeleniye "Trans- port", 1672 copies, 111 pagesJ [Text] Contents Lentarev, A. A. "Principal Dependences Between Variable Parameters of Ship Traffic" 3 Zubarev, V. L. "Interaction of Ships in Ship Traffic" 10 Mitnik, V. M. "Use of Probabilistic Methods for Analysis and Prediction of Damage to Ships in the Transport Fleet" 17 Valdayev, M. "Approximate ~valuation of the Parameters of Ship Slowing" 22 Ignatovich, E. I. "Laser.Systems for Supporting the Tying-Up of Ships" 27 Podar~ev, F. I. and Shuvalov, V. P. "Characteristics of the Passage and Movement of Ships in Shallow Waters and in a Restr3.cted Channel" 31 Filin, V. M. "Ac~umulation of Deviations Caused by Errors in Shaping Correc- tion Signals~in Gyroscopic Course Indicators Operated Under Cond~tions of High-Latitude Ship Navigation" 43 Komissarov, G. F. "Synthesis of an Algorithm fo r Detection of a Packet of Fluctuating :il~;na:ts Af;aingt a liackground c~f Iloise" 57 _ Mikhaylov, S. N. "Fundamental Principles for Constructing Wide-liand Antenna _ Apparatus" 61 Vershkov, M. V. and Mirotvorskiy~ 0. B. "Generalized Test for Evaluating the ~ffectiveness of Operation of Shipboard Antenna Apparatus" 66 Vershkov, M. V. and Mikhaylov~ S. N. "Method fo r Decreasing the Size of Log- . Periodic Vibrator Antennas" 69 93 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Kostylev, 0. P. and Li Za Son Investigation of Mixers Based on Diodes With a Schottky Barrier'' 11 76 Arzumyan, Yu. V., Malakhov~ L. M., Naumov, A. S. and Sokolov, B. P. "Experi- mental Investigation of the Statistical Characteristics of Pulsed Noise" 84 Venskauskas, K. K. and Garbuzov, I. Z. "Noise It~unity of Reception of Wide- Band 5ignals in Automatic Suppression of Concentrated Noise" 89 Li Za Son "Transformation of the Multisignal Effect of the Totality of Noise on a Radio Receiver Into the Equivalent Effect of Elementary Signals" 95 Contents ~ UDC 629.12.053 LAS~R SYSTEMS FOR SUPPORTING THE TYING-UP OF SHIPS [Abstract of article by Ignatovich, E. I.] [Text] Concise information is given on systems for the support of tying-up of ships. The possib ilities of creating laser systems for the tying-up of ships are considered as being the most promising. Figures 3, references 3. UDC 629.12.053.13:550.330.84 ACCUMULATION OF DEVIATIONS CAUSED BY ERRORS IN SHAPING CORRECTION SIGNALS IN GYROSCOPIC COURSE INDICATORS OPERATED UNDER CONDITIONS OF HIGH-LATITUDE SHIP NAVIGATION [Abstract of article by Filin, V. M.] [Text] The article defines the errors in course indicators of the "Vega" type in - course correction and gyroazimuth regimes. The experimentallq measured course correction errors of the "Kurs-5" and "Vega" instruments are analyzed and compared when ships operate in latitudes 70...90�. The limiting latitudes for effective use . of each gyroscopic course indicator operating regime are determined. Figures 4, . tables 7, references 3. ' UDC 621.391.822 SYNTHESIS OF AN ALGORITHM FOR DETECTION OF A PACKET OF FLUCTUATING SIGNALS AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF NOISE FRO:i THE SEA ~ [Abstract ~f article by Komissarov, G. F.] [Text] Ar.. algorithm is given for the detection of fluctuating signals for a Gauss- ian-Markov model of noise which quite precisely takes into account the presence of the coherent component in echo signals from the sea surface. References 3. ' 94 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ~ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030025-7 i j FOR OFFIC.IAI. UtiE ONLY ~ ~ UDC 396.676:625 ~ FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES FOR CONSTRUCTING WIDE-BAND ANTENNA APPARATUS ~ [Abstract of article by Mikhaylov, S. N.] ~ [Text) Different methods for broadening an antenna operat:Lng regime are given. It is shown that they are interrelated. The good possibilities of constructing SW ~ wide-band antennas on the multivibrator principle are demonstrated. References 6. ; UDC 621.677:629.12 ' GENERALIZED TEST FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OPERATION OF SHIPBOARD ANTENNA APPARATUS [Abstract of article by Verahkov, M. V. and Mirotvorskiy, 0. B.] [Text] An approach to a generalized evaluation of the effectiveness of shipboard antenna apparatus is formulated. The concept of "efficiency fact~r" ia introduced. Examples of evaluation of the operation of shipboard medium- and ahort-wave an- tennas are given. UDC 621.396.674.3 METHOD FOR DECREASING THE SIZE OF LOG-PERIODIC VIBRATOR ANTENNAS ; [Ahstract of article hy Vershkov, M. V. and Mikhaylov, S. N.] ; [Text] The authors discuss the possibility of constructing log-periodic antennas I of reduced size when using loaded elements and the variable parameter 'G. Formulas were derived and graphs are presented which make it possible to determine the necessary ~C values for cases of capacitive and inductive-capacitive loads. A meth- od is proposed for computing the geometry of a log-periodic antenna with loaded ; elements. Figures 5, tables 1. UDC 621.372.837.621.382 INV~STIGATION OF MIXERS BASED ON DIODES WITH A SCHOTTKY BARRIER (Abstract of article by Kostylev, 0. P. and Li Za Son] [Text] The paper gives the results of experimental~investigations of different de- signs of annular mixers with Schottky diodea. Figures 7. 95 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOlt OFFICIAi. USE ONLY UDC 621.391.831 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE STATISTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PULSED NOISE ' _ [Abstract of article by Arzumyan, Yu. V., Malakhov~ L. M., Naumov, A. S. and ~ Sokolov, B. P.] [Text] Th~ statistical characteris.tice~ of pulsed noise in real commnunication chan- nels are given. The probability of error from the effect of pulsed noise in the reception of binary signals was determined. Figures 8~ references 4. UDG 621.391.837.019.4 NOISE IMMUNITY OF RECEPTION OF WIDE-BAND SIGNALS IN AUTOMATIC SUPPRESSION OF CONCENTRATED NOIS~ [Abstract of artlcle by Venskauskas, K. K. and Garbuzov, I. Z.] [Text] A brief description is given for a method for the automatic suppression of concentrated noise in wide-band communication systems and an analysis of the noise immunity of this method is presented. Curves of the probability of errors under the influence of concentrated noise of different intensity are given. Fig- ures 4, references 6. UDC 621.391.887 TRANSFORMATION OF THE MULTISIGNAL EFFECT OF THE TOTALITY OF NOISE ON A RADIO ~ RECEIVER INTO THE EQUIVALENT EFFECT OF ELEMENTARY SIGNALS [Abstract of article by Li Za Son] [TextJ Formulas are cited for computing intermodulation selectivity and adjacent- channel selectivity. Expressions are derived which make it possible to determine j the level of the components of cofssinusoidal~noise on theareceiver.nFigures 4, heterodynes under the influence tables 1, references 9. COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo flota (TsNIIMF), 1980 5303 CSO: 1865/159 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ~ ~ t~nc 5~..46 ~ OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK IN POLAR REGIONS OF THE WORLD OCEAN Leningrad U{EANOGRAFICHESKIYE RABOTY V POLYARNYKH RAYONAKH N~ROVOGO Q{EANA in Russian 1980 (signed to press 21 Oct S0~ pp 2, 23?-239 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Oceanographic Work in Polar Regions of the World Ocean" by Nikolay Ivanovich Blinov, Valentin,Valentinovich Dremlyug ' and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Roma,ntsov~ Leningx~d Gidrometeoizdat~ 1000 copiea~ ~ 240 pages~ [Text] Annotation The book deacribes methods of oceanographic work in the polax regions of the World , Ocean with the use of new technic~l equipment. The prospects of their improvement ~ are examined. Data are presented on estimating the precision of oceanographic measurements and the effectiveness of use of automated oceanographic complexes. Methods of the computer processing of the results of oceanographic measurements are presented. T he theoretical principles and practical methods of p].anning oceanographic inves- tigations are exa,mined. The book is intended for specialists in oceanology and pgrometeoroloedcal a,nd studies. It can be used as a textbook by students of hydr ~ maxine engineering institutes and universities. CONTENTS P~e ' Introduction 3 Oceanc~raphic Work From Ice in the Ar~tic Basin ' Chapter 1. Or~raniza.tional and Methodical Principles of Oceanographic Work ; F.rom Ice in the Arctic Basin ~ 1.1. Distinctive Features of the Arctic Basin as an Object of Research.~.. 1.2. General Characterization of the Method of Investigation 12 1.3. Large-sca,le Oceanographic Surveys 12 1.4. Oceanographic Work on Drifting Stations....~..~....��.�.����~~~~�~~~� 18 1.5. Roa,dstead oceanographic work 25 ~ 97 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Page 1.6. Automa,tic Drifting Stations.e 29 1.7. Expexience of Work From Ice Abroad 3~ Chapter 2. Procedure of Oceanographic Work From Drift Ice... 32 2.1. Specifics of the Work......~ 3Z 2.2. Composition of Ma,in Observations. Instruments and Requirements for Them 33 2.3. Pra,ctica.l Aspects of Observations 33 ~ 2.~. Proba,bility of Survival of Oceanographic Complexes on Ice............ 47 2.5. Assuring Safety of Work on Ice ~8 2.6. Survival of Personnel....~ 2.7. Programs of Observations of Ice on Foreign Expeditions............�.. 58 Cha.pter 3. Planning of Oceanographic Work Done on Drifting Ice With Use - of Aviation 60 3.1. Main Tasks of Planning...........~......~ 60 3.2. Method of Computing the Indicators of Aviation Use in Oceanographic and Transport Work.~...~ 64- Oceanographic Work From Vessels Cha.pter 4. Technical Equipment of Ma,rine Expeditions fi0 4.1. Expeditiona,ry Vessels......,..~......~ 70 4~.2. Navigation of an Expeditionary Vesael in Ice 74~ 4.3. Influence of the Wind, Waves and Current on Vessel Speed and Paths... 79 4.4. Distinctive Features of Expeditiona.ry Vessel Motion 83 4.5. Buoy Oceanographic Stations 86 Chapter 5. Optimum Planning and Organization of Ma.rine Expeditiona,ry Work... ~2 5.1. Expedition Planning and Organiza.tion With Consideration of the Vaxiability of Physical Fields in the Ocean 93 5.2. Duration of 1Keasurements on Oceanographic Stations as a Function of the Type of Instruments and Weather Condi~ions....~.........~.....�.� 97 5�3~ Determina,tion of,the Optimum Duration of Oceanographic Work...~...... 102 5.4~. Estima,tion of the Effectiveness of Equipment Used for Oceanographic Work 107 Cha.pter 6. The SR~{ Ma,rine Radar Oceanographic Complex 111 - 6.1. Theoretica,l Substantiation of Radar Measurements ot Oceanogra~ hic Elements 111 6.2. SROK Apparatus and Instruments..~....~...~.....~ 117 6.3. Procedure of Radar Ice Surveys~.~....~..~ 121 6.4. Use of Ma.rine Rada.r to Measure 5ta.tistical Cha,ra,cteristics of Waves.. 125 6.5. Rada,r Method of Determining Currents.~ 131 Automa,tion of the Obtaining of Oceanographic Information and Software for Computer Data Processing Cha.pter 7. The Ma,rine Informa.tion Hydrometeorological Automated System SIGMA-S 7.1. Purpose and General Principles of Construction of a System for Scientific Research Vessels...~..~~............~ 136 7.2. Composition, Structure of the System and Features of Its Functioning 14~2 7~3� Complex of Apparatus for Information Gathering and Processing........ 1~ 7.~. Software of the System...........~ 147 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400430025-7 Page Chapter 8. SIGMA-S Hardware for Information Gathering and Registration...... 150 8.1. On-boa,rd Information and Measuring Complexes 150 8.2. Heatable Buoy Station 184~ Chapter 9. Use of Computers to Process Results of Oceanographic Mea,surements 1~9 9.1. Flow Cha,rt for the Gathering, Computer Processin~~ Storage and Distribution of Information 189 9.2. Subsystem for Computer Data Processing 193 9~3~ Control of Data of Hydrometeorological Investigations in Conducting Full-scale Experiments (on the Example of Work in POLII{5-76)����~~~�~ 205 9.4. Applica.tion of Automated Systems and Computers in Oceanographic Work With an Ice Cover 212 Cha.pter 10. Prospects of Development of Methods of Oceanographic Investigations in Icy Regions of the World Ocea,n 216 10.1. General Considerations 216 10.2. Oceanographic Work in the Arctic ba,sin.~ 217 10.3. Oceanographic Work From Vessels 223 10.4. Prospects and Tasks in Improving the Maxine Automa,ted System of Observations 224 Bibliography....~ 229 COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeoiz~iat, 1980 2174~ CSO: i~~S/183 99 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL IiSM: QNI.Y LiDC 532.528 HYDRODYNAMICS OF DEVELOPED CAVITATING FLOWS Leningrad GIDRODINAMIKA RAZVITYKH KAVITATSIONNYKH TECHENIY in Rusaian 1980 (signed to press 28 May 80) pp 2, 235-237 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Hydrodynamics of Developed Cavitating ~ Flows", by Alekeandr Nikolayevich Ivanov, Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1000 cop= ies, 240 pages] [Text] An examination is made of particulars of the cavitation effect and arti- fic~al cavitating flows. An outline is given of theoretical principles of calcu- lation of developed cavitating flows in nonlinear and linear formulations of problems. Particular emphasis is given to numerical methods of calculating planar and axisymmetric developed cavitating flows of imponderable and ponderable fluids, and also to the uso of artificial cavitation for reducii~g hydrodynamic drag of ships. Zsa~or prs;;;:ical problems in the field of cavitation research are analyzed. The book is intended for specialists in sector-wide acientific research and design organizations dealing wit',i problems of cavitation, and may be of use to shipbuilding engineering students. Contents page Preface 3 Chapter I. PRINCIPAL FORMS OF CAVITATION 5 1. Cavitation core - 2. Arisal of cavitation upon flow around solids 7 3. Principal dimensionless numbers used in studying cavitation 8 4. Cavitating flow around solids without boundary layer separation 11 5. Cavitating flow around solids with local zones of boundary layer separation 17 6. Some particulars of cavitating flow around wing profiles 21 7. Cavitating flow around aolids with a developed zone of boundary layer separation 23 8. Cavitation in free vortices of a wing of finite apan 24 9. Bubble cavitation 25 10. Developed flow 27 11. Mixed form of cavitation 35 12. Artificial cavitation 37 Chapter II. PLANAR CAVITATING FLOWS OF IMPONDERABLE FLUID 39 - 13. Some information from the kinematics of planar flows of ideal fluid - 100 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY I ; 14. Formulation of the problem of planar cavitating flow around solids 42 15. Method of integral equations 51 16. Sh.ape of the boundary of a cavity close to its point of separation from a body 56 Chapter III. SOME PROBLEMS OF LINEARIZATION IN THE PLANE PROBLEM OF FLOW OF ~ AN IDEAL FLUID AROUND SOLIDS 61 ; 17. Flow around a wall in the presence of local deformation 62 18. Inverse problem 64 Chapter IV. CALCULATION OF PLANE CAVITATING FLOWS OF IMPONDERABLE FLUID 68 19. General remarks - 20. Symmetric cavitating flow of an infinite stream around solids (Zhukovskiy-Roshko and Ryabushinskiy schemes) 71 21. Symcnetric cavitating flow of an infinite stream around solids (generalized Ryabushinskiy scheme) 77 22. Symmetric cavitating flow around solids in a channel with walls of arbitrary shape . 86 ~ 23. Cavitating flow around wing profilea (scheme with central symmetry ' anc~ Zhukovskiy-Roshko scheme) 91 24. Cavitating flow around wing profiles (generalized Ryabushinskiy scheme) 94 25. Calculation of cavitating flow around wing profilea 98 ' 26. Cavitating flow around a cascade of foils and around a foil in a ~ channel with straight walls 112 , 27. Simplified methods of calculating plane cavitating flow around solids 114 , Chapter V. AXISYMNIETRIC CAVITATING FLOWS OF IMPONDERABLE FLUID 124 ! 28. Some information on kinematics of axisymmetric flows of ideal fluid 125 29. Integral equations of the axisytmaetric problem of flow of an ideal ' fluid around solids 126 30. Shape of the boundary of a cavity close to its point of separation from a body 129 ~ 31. Cavitating flow of an infinite atream around solids 130 32. Cavitating flow around solids in a circular pipe with arbitrary shape of its meridional section 136 Chapter VI. MODEL OF IDEAL CAVITATION AND DEVELOPID CAVITATING FLOWS UNDER REAL CONDITIONS 139 , 33. Influence of viscosity on flow in the vicinity of detachment of a cavity from a solid 141 34. Influence of capillarity on flow in the vicinity of points of detach- ment of a cavity from a solid 142 ' 35. Combined influence of capillarity and viscnsity on flow close to points of separation of a cavity from a solid 147 36. Conditions of existence of different forms of cavitation 155 Chapter VI1. SOME PROBLEMS OF THE LINEARIZED THEORY OF CAVITATING FLOWS OF HEAVY rLUID 161 ' 37. The planar problem of flow around a curved barrier on the lower side of a f lat horizontal plate 162 38. Results of ca?_culations of plane cavitating flow�around a straight- sided wedge on the lower side of an infinite plate 166 39. Calculations and experiment 170 40. The problem of plane flow around an infinite system of straight-sided wedges on the lower side of a flat plate 172 41. Effect that inhomogeneity of the incident flow has on an isolated , cavity on the lower side of a flat plate 177 101 I FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY 42. Flow around a gliding foil with a cavity on the lower aide 181 43. Flow around a wedge-shaped pylon that intersects the free surface of a liquid 184 44. Results of calculations 189 45. Calculations and experiment 195 Chapter VIII. SOME PROBLEMS OF HYDRODYNAMICS OF PLANAR FLOWS WITH FORMATION OF CAPILLARY AND GRAVITY WAVES ON THE FREE SURFACE OF A LIQUID 199 46. Integral equations of the problem of steady-etate flows with formation of gravity waves on the free surface of a liquid of infinite depth 206 ; 47. Waves of finite amplitude on the free surface of a liquid of inf inite depth 206 48. Flow of a heavy liquid over a bottom of arbitrary shape 2~7 i 49. Waves of finite amplitude above a flat horizontal bottom 213 50. Influence of capillarity 215 Appendix: Results of calculations of axisymmetric cavitating flow around solids in an infinite stream and in pipes 21~ References 230 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1980 6610 CSO: 1865/180 I02 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 ~ FoR oMFtc~nt. ti`r. otvt.v ~ UDC 528.7:330.15 AEROSPACE METHODS APPLIED TO RESOURCE EXPLORATION ~ Leningrad TRUDY GOSUDARSTVENNOGO NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO TSENTRA IZUCHENIYA , PRIRODNYKH RESURSOV: NEKOTORYYE REZUL'TATY ISSLEDOVANIYA PRIRODNYKH RESURSOV S POMOSHCH'YU SAMOLETNYKH I POLIGONNYKH SREDSTV in Russian No 10, 1980 (signed to press 23 Oct 80) pp 2, 107 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Proceedings of the State Scientific Research Center for the Investigation of Natural Resources: Some Results of In- vestigation of Natural Resources by Airborne and Proving Ground Facilities", ' edited by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N. K. Vinnichenko and Candidate of Technical Sciences A. P. Tishchenko, Gidrometeoizdat, 500 copies, 107 pages] ' [Text] The papers included in this collection deal with studies of the character- istics of natural ob3ects in research using flying laboratories and ground-based facilities. An examination is made of some kinds of airborne equipment (multizonal aerial cameras and scanning devices}, forms of primary processing and imaging of the materials of aerial photography. A considerable place in the collection is given to the results of combined analysis ; of proving ground and aerospace data in studying agricultural ob~ects by remote probing methods. The described results were obtained on the Kursk-Belgorod and ~ Ryazan Proving Grounds. Problems of computer analysis of aerospace images are ~ also discussed. The collection is intended for specialists who deal with problems of using aero- space facilities to study natural resources. Contents page N. K. Vinniciienko, A. D. Dobrozrakov, V. P. Yakovlev, "Airborne facilities for collecCing information on proving grounds" 3 A. N. Belinskiy, K. I. Shmel'kov, "Method of evaluating the resolution of television systems" 13 Yu. A. Dzhemard'yan, S. V. Komissarenko, V. G. Skrotskiy, "Accuracy of trans- mitting spectral contrasts in aerial photography as applied to pattern recognition problems" 20 103 ~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY V. A. Kharitonov~ V. V. Gorbachev, "Experience in determining the optical distortions of the image of landscape elements in infrared aerial photographs" 25 A. N. Belinskiy, I. M. Bokshteyn, "Experience in combining multizonal aerial photograph images" 34 G. G. Andreyev, N. N. Koptseva, "A computer method of leveling the average photototie over the field of aerial photograph imagea" 38 A. N. Belinskiy, "False-color imaging of multizonal aerial photographs using a three-channel detector" 42 N. K. Vinnichenko, "Using the spectral and physical geographic characteristics of natural formations in decoding multizonal satellite pictures" 45 N. V. Belyayeva, T. M. Vasyukhina, "Results of ground-based sub-satellite and sub-aircraft studies of the state of winter wheat on ~ test section of the Kursk Proving Grounds" 51 T. M. Vasyukhina, N. K. Vinnichenko, "Determining the species and condition of agricultural crops from materials of multizonal aerial photography" 64 N. V. Belyayeva, V. V. Golub, Ye. V. Tsvetayeva, "Evaluation of feasibility of using spectrozonal and multizonal aerial photographs for large-scale inspection of natural forage" 73 G. G. Andreyev, "Possibilities for automated classification of agricultural ob~ects in accordance with their aerospace images" 80 G. G. Andreyev, L. N. Chaban, "P'ractical use of the empty block method for computerized demarcation of the boundaries of agricultural ob~ects" 86 P. A. Nikitin, "Estimate of the influence that roughneas of sea ice has on its radiothermal emission" 93 Yu. G. Spiridonov, "Using a Monte Carlo method to solve the problem of trana- port of solar radiation above an inhomogeneous underlying surface" 98 CQPYRIGHT: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy tsentr izucheniya prirodnykh resursov (GosNITsIPR), 1980 6610 CSO: 1865/169 104 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 ~ FOR O~FICIAI, t1~E UNLY i , UDC 551.468 ' PROBLEMS OF MATHEI~SATICAL MODELING AND IN SITU STUDI~S OF THE BALTIC SEA Leningrad TRUDY GOSUDARSTVENNOGO OKEANOGRAFICHESKOGO INSTITUTA: VOPROSY MATEMATI- ~ CHESKOGO MODELIROVANIYA I NATURNYKH ISSLEDOVANIY BALTIYSKOGO MORYA in Russian No 152, 198A (aigned to preas 28 Oct 80) pp 2, 129 [Annotation and table of contents from b~ok."Proceedings of the State Ocanographic Institute: Problems of Mathematical Modeling and in Situ Studies of the Baltic Sea", edited by Doctor of Geographic Sciences I. N. Davidan, Gidrometeoizdat, 510 copies, 129 pagesJ [Text] The collection publishes the results of theoretical and in situ studies ' of hydrological processes that occur in the Baltic Sea. The articles contain new ' data on currents, fluctuations in level, wind-driven waves, water exchange with the North Sea, the influence of atmospheric processes on hydrological conditions, and the role of river runoff in formation of the salt balance. The collection is intended for oceanologists, biolcgists and other specialists involved in scientific or practical work with the Baltic Sea. Contents page ' Yu. V. Sustavov, Ye. S. Chernysheva, "Two-layer mathematical n~odel of dynamics beneath the Baltic Sea" 3 Yu. V. Sustavov, Ye. S. Chernyshenko, A. Ye. Mikhaylov, "Latent eddies of the Baltic Sea" � 17 G. A. Kruglyak, K. S. Pomeranets, R. V. Pyaskovskiy, "Forecasting value of hydrodynamic models of gale-swept fetches of the Baltic Sea" 3R A. Ye. Antonov, V. Ye. Putyrskiy, V. A. Razumov, V. A. Rozhkov, S. B. Utkin, "Effect of river runoff on salinity of coastal waters of the Baltic Sea ' (based on the example of the Gulf of Riga)" 45 V. M. A1'tshuler, "Water exchange through the straits of Denmark, and the problem of analyzing and calculating the water balance of the Baltic Sea" 67 105 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 FOR OFFlCiAL USE ONLY N. N. Lazarenko, A. N, Nekrasova, "Calculation of the average level and volu- metric increments of waters of the Baltic Sea for the period from July 1975 through December 1976" ~a t~. I. Smirnova, Ye. S. Yerofeyev, "Possibilities for long-range forecasting of weather conditions on thp Baltic Sea and straits of Denmark" 84 A. Ye. Antonov, "Statistical characteristics of large-scale variability of components of the Baltic Sea ecosystem" 97 V. M. A1'tshuler, I. V. Kostyuk, "Calculating the velocities of currents - of rare recurrence in some regions of the eastern shelf of the Baltic" 106 V. M. A1'tshuler, "Maximum tidal fluctuations of the Balti,c Sea" 110 I. N. Davidan, L. I. Lopatukhin, S. M. Mikulinskaya, V. A. Rozhkov, B. N. Shatov, "Joint distributions of wave elements and wind velocities" 113 COPYRIGHT: Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheskiy institut (GOIN), 1980 6610 CSO: 1865/173 106 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030025-7 ~ ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL,Y . i i ; TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS I UDC 550.341,550.31 ; COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON COMPUTERIZED STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC DATA _i Moscow TEORIYA I ANALIZ SEYSMOLOGICHESKIKH NABLYUDENIY: VYCHIS.LITEL~NAYA SEYSMOLOGII ' in Russian No 12, 1979 (signed to presa 30 Oct 79) pp 2, 189-191 ' [Annotation, table of contents and abstracts from collecti~n of articles "Theory ~ ' and Analysis of Seismolo~ical Observations: Computational Seismology", edited by ~ V. I. Keylis-Borok, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Izdatel'stvo ; "Nauka", 1550 copies, 192 pages] [Text] Annotation. This collection of articles is devoted to the application _ of modern mathematics and electronic computers in solution of problems in seismol- ogy and related disciplines. The articles describe the results of search for earth- ' quake precursors and experimental long-range forecasting in several regions. Work ~ has been continued on the application of recognition algorithms to th~e determina- ' tion of places where strong earthquakes may occur. A series of studies is devoted to a determination of the earth's structure on the basis of body and surface waves and corresponding problems in the computation of theoretical seismograms. Long- period seismographs of a new type are described. The collection is of great sci- entific interest for a wide range of specialists in the field of global and re- gional seismolo~y, geotectonics, automation of geophysical observations and seis- mic prospecting. ' Contents Gorshkov, A. I., Kaputo, M., Keylis-Borok, V. I., Ofitserova, Ye. IJ., Rantsman, Ye. Ya. and Rotvayn, I. P4. "Recognition of Sites of Possible Occurrence of Strong Earthquakes. IX. Italy. M~ 6.0" 3 Keylis-Borok, V. I. and Kotvayn, I. M. "Two Long-Range Precursors of Strong Earthquakes" 18 Prozorov, A. G. and Sidorenko, T. V. "Different Algorithms for Discriminating Anomalous Changes in Nonclosures of P Waves Before Strong Earthquakes" 2$ Vil'kovich, Ye. V. and Shnirman, M. G. "On One Algorithm for Detecting Migra- tions of Strong Earthquakea" 37 Aptekm:in, ?.h. Ya., ?helankina, T. S., Keylis-Borok, V. I., Pisarenko, V. F., Poplavskaya, L. N., Rudik, M. I. and Solov'yev, S. L. "Mass Determination of Mechanismg of Earthquake Foci on an Electronic Computer" 45 Markushevich, V. M. and Reznikov, Ye. L. "Application of the Fourier Method ' to the Equation for Standing Sli Waves in a Half-Spa~e" 59 107 FOR OFI~'[CIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FU~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Bukcliin, B. G. "Propagation of Love Waves Through a Vertical Contact of Two Quarter-Spaces" Bukchin, B. G. and Yanovskiy, A. K. "tlumerical Solution of Problems in ~1ave Diffraction in Some Types of Inhomogeneities" 80 ; Its, Ye. N. and Yanovskaya, T. B. "Reflection and Refraction of Surface Waves , _ With Slant Incidence on a Vertical Discontinuity" 86 Naymark, B. M. "Instability and Growth of Initial Perturbations in a System of Tfao Layers of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid in an Ideally Fluid . Half-Space" 93 , Belyayev, A. V. and Brodskiy, M. A. "Asymptotic Inversion of the Frequencies of the Earth's Natural Osc:illations" 105 Molchan, G. M. "Use of Reflected Waves Within the Framework of the ~-Method" 115 Kolesnikov, Yu. A. and Matsiyevskiy, S. A. "Noise of Vertical Long-Period Seismometers. Methods for Its Reduction" 125 Azbel', I. Ya., Gobarenko, V. S. and Yanovskaya, T. B. "Characteristics of the Ray Propagation of Waves in a Model of the Upper Mantle Containing a Zone ~f Plunging of the Lithosphere" 145 Bessonova, E. N., Reznikov, Ye. L., Sitnikova, G. A. and Fishman, V. M. "Computer Application of an Algorithm for Use in Constructing the Region of Admissible Velocity Sections by the ~G -Method" 151 Guberman, Sh. A. "D-Waves and Earthquakes" ~ 158 ABSTRACTS UDC 550.341 RECOGNITION OF SITES OF POSSIBL~ OCCURRENCE OF STRONG EARTHQUAKES. IX. ITALY. M> 6.0 [Abstract of article by Gorshkov, A. I., Kaputo, M., Keylis-Borok, V. I., Ofits- erova, Ye. N., Itantsman, Ye. Ya. and Rotvayn, I. M.] - [Text] A st~idy was mride of the possibility of predicting the site of earthquakes . witli M~ 6.0 in Italy on the basis oC a map of mor.phostructural regionalization :~nd a complex of geomorphological data uaing recognition algorithms. Figures 4, tables 7, references 16. 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 i FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY i UDC 550.341 i TWO LONG-RANGE PRECURSORS OF STRONG EARTHQUAKES [Abstract of article by Keylis-Borok, V. I. and Rotvayn, I. M.] ~ [Text] The authars investigated the possibility of predicting strong earthquakes using two precursors: swarms of weak earthquakes and calm-activation in opposite segments of a lineament. A retrospective prediction of earthquakes with M~j 7.2 ~ is given for the territory of Anatolia, the Armenian Plateau and the Aegean Sea ~ basin. Figures 7, tables 3, rcferences 13. ; ~ UDC 550.341 ~ DIFFERENT ALGORITHMS FOR DISCRIMINATING ANOMALOUS CHANGES IN NONCLOSURES OF P ~ WAVFS B~.FOR~ STRONG EARTHQUAKES ' [Abstract of article by Prozorov, A. G. and Sidorenko, T. V.J I ! [Text] Different variants of the choice of parameters for an algorithm for pre- j dicting the time of earthquakes are considered. The algorithms are based on the ~ discrimination of the time t a! the onset of a decrease in the velocity of P waves in the region of preparation of a f uture earthquake, that is, a systematic increase in nonclosures. Figures 3, tables 2, references 5. ~ - UDC 550.341 ~ ON ONE ALGORITHM FOR DETECTING MIGRATIONS OF STRONG EARTHQUAKES ~ , [Abstract of article by Vil'kovich, Ye. V. and Shnirman, M. G.] [TextJ The article describes an algorithm for detect3ng linear migration, that is, , the "movement" of the epicenters of earthquakes at a constant rate~. The'algorithm affords a method not only for finding the phenomenon, but also statistically val- idating the conclusion that the phenomenon is actually migration. References 3. ; UDC 550.341 MASS DETERMINATION OF MECHANISMS OF EARTHQUAKE FOCI ON AN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER [Abstract of article by Aptekman, Zh. Ya., Zhelankina, T. S., Keylis-Borok, V. I., . - Pisarenko, V. F., Poplavskaya, L. N., Rudik, M. I. and Solov'yev, S. L.] [Text] A determination of the focal mechanism for 147 earthquakes iM the Far East during the years 1974-1976 was made using an electronic computer. An evaluation of the reliability of determination of the focal mechanism is proposed in depend- ence on the configuration of the 85% confidence region in which the vector of dis- placement and the normal to the fracture plane lie. I~'igures 3, tables 2, refer- ences 6. ~ 109 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 NUIt AF'MIC'IA1. lltih: ()NI.Y UDC 550.310 APPLICATION OF TflE FOURIER METHOD TO THE EQUATION FOR STAIdDING SH WAVES IN A HALF-SPACE [Abstract of article by Markushevich, V. M. and Reznikov, Ye. L.J [Text] A study was made of the properties of steady harmonic torsional oscillations of a horiaontally homogeneous elastic half-space. The Schlomilch transform estab- lishes a mutually unambiguous correspondence between these oscillations and oscil- lations of an elastl.c membrane. Formulas are cited and the method for computing the oscillations is given. Re�erencea 8. UDC 550.341 PROPAGATION OF LOVE WAVES THROUGH A VERTICAL CONTACT OF TWO QUARTER-SPACES [Abstract of article by Bukchin, B. G.] [Text] A numerical method is given for computing the coefficiente of reflection and transmission of a Love wave incident normally on the vertical contact of two ~ horizontally homogeneous quarter-apaces. The field of displacements is represent- ed in the form of superposing of the eigenfunctions of a d3fferential operator and the problem is reduced to solution of an integral equation. Figurea 5, tables 1, references 7. � UDC 550.341 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS IN WAVE DIFFRACTION IN SOME TYPES OF INHOMOGENEITIES [Abstract of article by Bukchin, B. G. and Yanovskij?,.A. K.] [Text] The article describes a numerical method for solving problems related to the diffraction of acoustic waves in two-dimensional inhomogeneous media, the dis- continuities in which satisfy the "conditions of orthogonality": at each point of - the continuity the boundary is parallel to one of the coordinate axes. The method is based on a combination of expaneion of the field in eigenfunctions of the sec- tion ort}iogonal to one of the coordinate axes (that is, the Thomson-Haskell method) with the Sct~warz iteration mettiod in~a small region. The authors describe the re- sults of applicution of the method to solution of the problem of diffraction of a :~calar S-wave from a point source in an unbounded two-dimensional elastic medium for a dislocation of the "fractured layer" type. Figures 2, references 4. 110 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ; FOR OFFICIAI. Utih; ONI,Y UDC 550.341 , REFLECTION AND REFRACTION OF SURFACE WAVES WITH SLANT INCIDENCE ON A VERTICAL INHOMOGENEYTY [Abstract of article by Ita, Ye. N. and Yanovakaya, T. B.] [Text] Using an approximate method the authors derived formulas for the reflection and refraction coefficients for Rayleigh and Love surface waves in the case of - slant incidence on a vertical discAntinuity of inedia. Examined separately is the general case of contact of vertically inhomogeneous media and the contact of homo- geneous quarter-spaces. Theoretical ~:omputations of the dependence of the reflec- tion coefficient of a Rayleigh wave on the angle of incidence were compared with - the results of ultrasonic modeling. Figurea 1, references 4. _ UDC 550.311 INSTABILITY AND GROWTH OF INITIAL PERTURBATIONS IN A SYSTEM OF TWO LAYERS OF A . VISCOUS INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID IN AN IDEALLY FLUID HALF-SPACE [Abstract of article by Naymark, B. M.] [Text] Explicit formulas are derived for approximating the growth of initial per- turbations in a system of two layers of a viscous incompressible fluid in an ideal- ly fluid half-space. The wave lengths for which the instability is manifested to the maximum degree were determined. Computations were made giving an evaluation of the rate of growth of the initial perturbations in a system with a density inver- sion. The results of these computations are given. Figures 4, references 5. UDC 550.341 ASYMPTOTIC INVERSION OF THE FREQUENCIES OF THE EARTH'S NATURAL OSCILLATIONS - [Abstract of article by Belyayev, A. V. and Brodskiy, M. A.] [Text] Tlie article gives an algorithm for apprvximating monotonic curves by poly- nomials. This algorithm wr~s used in asymptotic solution of the inverse and direct problems related to the er~rth's natural oscillations. Figures 7, references 5. UDC 550.31 USE OF REFLECTED WAVES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE 'G -METHOD [Abstract of article by Molchan, G. M.] [Text] The inverse kinematic problem in seismology is examined for a horizontally }~omogeneous medium. The tau method is supplemented by the linear programming method for more complete use of the travel-time curves of reflected waves. Examples of computations are given. Figures 2, tables 2, references 10. ~ 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.34.012 NOISE OF VERTICAL LONCrPERIQ:'~ SEISMOMETERS. METHODS FOR ITS REDUCTION [Abstract of article by Kolesnikov, Yu. A. and Matsiyevskiy, S. A.] [Text] The origin of seismic noise on the records of long-period vertical seismo- graphs is examined. The authors descrihe the mechanism of appearance of noise of a vertical seismometer. An analysis of exi~ting meth~ds for suppressi~ng the noise of long-period vertical seismometers is.preaented. Figures 21, tables 1, refer~ ences 15. UDC 550.344 CHARACTERISTICS OF TEIE RAY PROPAGATION OF WAVES IN A MODEL OF THE UPPER MANTLE CONTAINING A ZONE OF PLUNGING OF THE LITHOSPHERE [Abstract of article by Azbel', I. Ya., Gobarenko, V. S. and Yanovakaya, T. B.] [TextJ Comp utations of rays in a three-dimensional model of the upper mantle are given. The model contains a zone of strong horizontal inhomogeneity in a region of plunging of a lithospheric plate. The wave velocity was assumed to be dependent on two coordinates. In azimuths close to the direction of the axis of structure ~ strike there is a strong horizontal refraction of rays, which can lead to the ap- pearance of a shadow zone in some interval of azimuths. Figures 3~ references 7. UDC 550. 31. COMPUTER APPLICATION OF AN ALGORITfIIrI FOR USE IN CONSTRUCTING THE REGION OF ADMISSIBLE VELOCITY SECTIONS BY THE 'G -METHOD [Abstract of article by Bessonova, E. N., Reznikov, Ye. L., 5itnikova, G. A. and Fishman, V. M.J [Text] An ALGOL program for a BESM-4 eleetronic computer, making use of an algo- rithm for solving the inverse problem in geometrical seismics by the ~-method, is rlescribed. The method for application of the program is illustrated in�a model ex- ample of deep seismic sounding. Figures 4~ tables 1, references 6. UDC 550.341 D-WAVES AND EARTHQUAKES [Abstract of article by GubeL-~aan, Sh. A.] ~ [Text] The article gives the hypothesis and corresponding data on the existence of perturbationa (D-waves) propagating along meridians with a constant velocity of 112 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 - FOR OFFICIAI, l1,Sk ON1.Y 0.15� per year and constituting the triggering mechanism for strong earthquakes. One of tfie corollaries of this hypothesis is the existence of a discrete grid of laCitudes: in wfiich there can fie gtrong earthquakes. Figures 20, tables 12, refer- ences 28. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979 5303 ~ CSO: 1865/145 ~ � 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034425-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COLLECTION OF PAPERS ON GEOTHERMY Makhachkala TRUDY VSESOYUZNOY KONFERENTSII "NARODNOKHOZYAYSTVENNYYE I METODICHESKIYE PROBLEMY GEOTERMII": TEPLOVOYE POLE ZF~MLI: METODY GEOTERMII in Russian Vol 2, 1979 (signed to press 24 Dec 79) pp 2, 134-135 [Annotation and tatile of contents from collection of articles "Transactions of the Conference 'National Economic and Methodological Problems in Geothermy': The Earth's Heat Field: Methods in Geothernry", edited by Ye. A. Lyubimova, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, et al., Dagestanskiy filial AN SSSR, Gosplan DASSR, 500 copiea, 136 pages] [Text] Annotation. `Ptiis callection of articles, prepr~red using materials and data from the conference "National Economic Probleme in Geothermy," includes articles devoted to such fundamental problems in geothermy as the thermophysical properties of rocks, prediction of deep temperaturea, the nature of geothermal anomalies and heat sources. Many of the papers are devoted to the use of the newest geothermal methods for the search for and exploration of minerals in three varianta: land, sea and remote, in different geological regions of the USSR. The collection of articles is intended for a wide range of specialists workiilg in the earth sciences. Contents Foreword 3 Lyubimova, Ye. A., Maslennikov, A. I. and Ganiyev, Yu. A. "Method for Predict- ing Deep Tempera~ures on the Basis of Dat~ on the Thermal Conductivity of Rocks at High Temperatures and Pressures Under Moiatening Conditions" 4 ~ Khutorskiy, M. D. "Thermal Reconnaissance of Deposits Under Conditions of Structural Geology Inhomogeneitiea" 12 Amirkhanov, Kh. I., Suyetov, V. V., Gairbekov~ Kh. A. and Kurbanov, A. A. "Influence of a rluid on the Thern~al Conductivity Coefficient of Rocks at Stratum Preasures and Temperatures" 21 Sardarov, S. S. (Jr.) and Suyetov, V. V. "Geothermal Evaluation of Reserves of Petroleum-Gas and Hydrothermal Depoaits" 25 Vishnevskiy, N. V., Vasserman, V. A., Bareyev, I. A., Glukhov, A. A., Gurevich, V. A. and Verbitskiy~ V. A. "Instrumental-Methodological Characteristics and Results of a Surface IR Survey in Reconnaiesance and Exploration" 30 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FUR OFMICIAI. US~: ONLY Lyal'ko, V. I., Mitnik, M. M. and Vul'fson, L. n. ~"Remote Geothermal Search for Minerals. and Sectors Promising for Underground Heat Exploitation" 36 Verkin, B. I., Andreyev, A. G., Bazaleyev~ N. I., Bysov~ V. L., Kandupa, Ye. G., Konovodchenko, V. A.~ Krupnik~ P. B., Mironov, V. N., Saltovets, A. A. and Kharchenko, I. F. "Use of a Remote IR Survey in Geological Mapping, Search - for Petroleum- and Gas-Bearing Structures, Ki,mberlite Bodies and Economic Evaluation of Prospects for Its.Uae" 53 Kutuzov, 0. N., Solov'yev~ Ye. A. and Shilov, Yu. S. "Search for and Explora- , tion of Structures by the Geothermal Method" 58 ~ Gairbekov, Kh. A. "Principles of Thermal Prospecting as a Method for the Search for and Exploration of�Geothermal Sources" 61 ' Sardarov, S. S. (Jr.) "Nature of Geothermal Anomalies of Petroleum and Gas Deposits" 67 Timofeyev, G. I., Belanchuk, Yu. I.,.Laktyushina, V. F. and Davydov, G. M. "Methodological Studies and Geological Results of Uae of Geothermal Methods in the Lower Volga Region" 82 Mekhtiyev, Sh. F., Aliyev, S. A., Lipsits, Yu. I. and Rutman, A. M. '"Thermal Fields of Petroleum- and Gas-Bearing Regions in the South Caspian Depression" 86 Parfenenko, N. V. "Allowance for Relief of the Earth's Surface in the Inter- pretation of Data From a Geothermal Survey" 92 Boykov, A. M. "Evaluation o.f Accuracy of a Method for Making Allowance for the Thermal Inhomogeneity of Bottom Sediments in the Interpretation of Data From Thermal Prospecting at Sea" 101 Dmitriyeva, T. A., Kulagin, V. N., Lakhtionov, M. 0., Lebedeva, I. V., Mas- lennikov, A. I., Semenov, V. G. and Devyatkin, D. N. "Geothermal Conditions and Possibilities of Thermal Prospecting for Finding Kimberlite Pipes in Yakutia" 108 � Lyubimova, Ye. A., Maslennikov, A. I., Smirnova, Ye. V. and Yurchak, R. P. "Study of the Thermophysical Properties of Rocks at Normal and Increased T and P" 112 '-`j Lakhtionov, M. 0., Popov, Yu. A., Fotogdinov, R. A., Korostelev, V. M., Skornyakov, S. M. and Gairbekov, Kh. A. "Field Radiometer for a Geothermal _ Survey and Some Results of Its Testing" 129 Dmitriyeva, T. A., Kulagin, V. N., Lakhtionov, M. 0. and Semenov, V. G. "Study of the Temperature Regime of Near-Surface Horizons" 131 COPYRIGHT: Not available 5303 CSO: 18G5/149 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.34 PAPERS ON METHODS AND ALGORITHIKS FOR INTERPRETATION OF SEISMIC DATA Moscow METODY I ALGORITMY INTERPRETATSII SEYSMOLOGICHESKIKIi DANNYKH: VYCHISLITEL'NAYA SEYSMOLOGIYA in Russian No 13, 1980 (signed to preas 12 Dec 80) pp 2, 191, 193-195 [Annotation, table of contents and selected abstracts from collection of articles "Methods and Algorithms for the Interpretation of Seismological Data: Computation- al Seismology'; edited by V. I. Keylis-Borok, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, and A. L. Levshin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Izdat- el'stvo "Nauka", 1150 copies, 196 pages] ['.l'ext] Annotution. Tlie urt~lcles describe algorithms and experience in predict- ing the site and time of very strong earthquakes in a number of seismically active regions of the world. The global and regional migration of the epicenters of strong . earthquakes was inveatigated. New methods for solution of direct and inver~e prob- lems in seismology, including at the boundaries of the continents, are examined. An improved statistical method for suppressing seismic noiae in multidfinensional observation systems is deacribed. The collection of arti~les is of interest to geologists, geophysicista and engineers concerned with problems involved in the prediction of earthquakes, seismic danger, study of the internal structure of the earth (theory and interpretation of data), and also statiatical methods for the suppression of noise. Contents Keylis-Borok, V. I., Knopov, L. and Rotvayn, I. M. "Long-Range Seismological Precursors of Strong Earthquakea in the Sierra Nevada in California, in New Zealand, Japan and Alaska" 3 Allen, K. R., Keylis-~orok, V. I. and Knopov, L. "Long-Range Precursors of Strong Earthquakes in the Himalayas in Tibet" 12 Vil'kovich, Ye. V. end Shnirman, M. G. "Migration of the Foci of Earthquakea Along Large Faults and Benioff Zones" 19 Guberman, Sh. A. "D-Waves and Earthquake Prediction" 24 Gvishiani, A. D., Zelevinskiy, A. V., Keylis-Borok, V. I. and Kosobokov, V. G. "Recognition of Sites of Occurrence o~ Very Strong Earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean Zone (M~ 8.2)" 30 Kosobokov, V. G. "Experience in Trans.fer of Tests of tiigh Seiamicity (M~ 8.2) From the Pacific Ocean Zone to the Alpine Zone" 44 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ' Cvlshiani, A. D. and Solov'yev, A. A. "Affinity o� the Epi.centers of Strong Earthquakea to the Inters.ections. of Morphostructural Lineaments in the Territory of South Amertca" 46 Bernshteyn, I. N. and Gerver, M. L. "Condition of Distingu,ishabtlity of Metrics Fram Travel-Tf-~P Curves" 50 - Bruk, M. G. "Uniqueness in Determining a Section From Dispersion Curves" 73 Markushevich, V. M. and Levshenko, V: T. "Determination of Velocity From a Travel-Time Curve in a Dispersive Medium With a Known Dispersion Law" 84 Molchan, G. M. "Uniqueneas of the Inverse Kinematic Problem for Dispersive Media" 90 Yanovskaya, T. B. "Method for Solving the Inverse Kinematic Problem of Seismics for a Horizontally Inhomogeneous Medium" 96 Levshin, A. L. "Correlation Between the Travel Times of P and S Waves, Phase Velocities of Higher Rayleigh Modes and Frequencies of Sgheroidal Oscilla- tions in a Radially Inhomogeneoua Earth" 101 Bukchin, B. G. "Effects of Reflection and Refraction of Love Wavea at the ~ Ocean-Continent Discontinuity (Computations)" 109 Azbel', I. Ya., Dmitriyeva, L. A. and Yanovskaya, T. B. "Method for Computing Geometrical Divergence in a Three-Dimensionally Inhomogeneous Medium" 113 Grinfel'd, M. A. "New System of Equations for Computing ~eometrical Divergence" 127 Levshin, A. L., Ratnikova, L. I. and Saks, M. V. "Dispersion and Abaorption of Elas tic Waves in Rocks" 134 ; Levshin, A. L. and Bertossen, K.-A. "Characteristics of Structure of the Earth's Crust in the Southern Part of the Barents Sea Shelf ~ased on Surface Wa~ve Data" 142 l:ushnir, A. F., Pisarenko, V. F. and Rukavishnikova, T. A. "Noise Compensation in hiultidimensional Geophyaical Observations. I. Theory and Method of Data Processing" 146 Diasamidze, G. N. and Pi~;arenko, V. F. "Digital Filtering With Additional Limitations" 152 Vitman, N. G. and Yanuvskaya, T. B. "Analyais of the Earth's Natural Oscilla- tions by the Maxim~nn Similarity Method" 156 Mikhaylova, N. G. "Use of Nonlinear Polarization Filters for Discriminating Exchange Waves From Distant Earthquakes" 167 117 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Matsiyevskiy, S. A. "Electronic Seismograph With Capacitive Converter" 173 Kolesnikov, Yu. A. "Computation of the Principal Parameters of a Magneto- electric Accelerograph From the Shape of the Magnificatton Curve" 185 Selected Abstracts UDC 550.341.2 RECOGNITION OF SITES OF OCCURRENCE OF VERY STRONG EARTHQUAKES IN THE PACIFIC 0 CEAN ZONE (M ~ 8. 2) [Abstract of artic'..e by Gvishiani, A. D., Zelevinskiy~ A. V., Keylis-Borok, V. I. and Kosobokov, V. G.] [TextJ The general indicators of the sites of occurrence of very strong,(My 8.2) earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean zone were detezmined. The indicators were select- ed in the eastern part of the zone by applying the teaching principle. Their reli- ability was checked by transfer to the western p art of the zone. The results of use of several different recognition algorithms v~rtually coincide. A total of 45% of the length of the Pacific Ocean zone is assigned to sectors with low seis- micity where earthquakes with M~ 8.2 are impossible. Figures 5, tables 2, refer- ences 20. UDC 550.341 ~ EFFECTS OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION OF LOVE WAVES AT THE OCEAN-CONTINENT DISCONTINUITY (COMPUTATIONS) [Abstract of article by Bukchin, S. G.] [Text] The paper describes the method used and the results of computatione of theoretical seismograms of displacements arising with the normal incidence of a nonstationary Love wave on the vertical discontinuity of two horizontally homo- geneous media. Figures 7, references 3. UDC 550.344 METHOD FOR COMPUTING G~QMFTRICAL DIVERGENCE IN A THREE-DIMENSIONALLY INHOMOGI:NEOUS Ml'sDIUM [Abstract of article by Azbel', I. Ya., Dmitriyeva, L. A. and Yanovskaya, T. B.] [TextJ The authors examine possihle methods for computing geometrical divergence in three-dimensionally inhomogeneous medta with curvilinear smooth discontinuities. As a result of computer testing of different methods it was possible to propose the most economical computation acheme for solution of a system of differential equations deacribing the ray and geometrical divergence. References 17. 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.34 NEW SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS FOR COMPUTING GEOMETRICAL DIVERGENCE [Abstract of article by Grinfel'd, M. A.] [Text] Using the formal approach of covariant time differentiation of tensors de- termined on a moving surface it was possible to derive a system of ordinary dif- ferential equations making possible the aimultaneous computation of the ray and geometrical divergence in a three-dimensional inhomogeneous medium. References 10 10. ~ ' UDC 550.341 DISPERSION AND ABSORPTION OF ELASTIC WAVES IN ROCKS [Abstract of article by Levshin, A. L., Ratnikova, L. I. and Saks, M. V.] ~ [Text] The authors examine the possibilities of applying the G. I. Gurevich theory in describing phenomena occurring during the propagation of seismic waves in ab- sorbing media. Computations of the velocities and decrements of absorption of longitudinal and transverse waves as functions of frequency were made for differ- ent rocks. The influence of absorption on the spectral characteristics of body waves registered at the free surface of unconsolidated ground is demonstrated. Figures 3, tables 3, references 16. ' UDC 550.341 CHARACTERISTICS.AF STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH'S CRUST IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE BARENTS SEA SHELF BASED ON SURFACE WAVE DATA [Ahstract of article by Levshin, A. L. and Bertosspn, K.-A.] [Text] A geophysical interpretation of observations of surface waves intersecting ~ the southern part of the Barents Sea was made. There was found to be an anomalous- - ly thick low-velocity stratum in the upper part of the earth's crust and a number of vertical discontinuities between iridividual crustal blocks. Figures 2, tables 1, references 18. - ~ UDC 519.2.550.341 NOISE COMPENSATION IN MULTIDIMENSIONAL GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATIONS. I. THEORY AND METHOD OF DATA PROCESSING [Abstract of article by Kushnir, A. F., Pisarenko, V. F. and Rukavishnikova, T. A.] [Text] A method for compensating additive noise in multidimensional geophysical ~ observations is examined. A recurrent procedure for computing the coefficients of an optimum predicting filter by means of which the compensation is accomplished is generalized for a multidimensional case. References 3. ~ 119 i ~ FOR OFF[CiAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY i t ~ ~ 1 ~ UDC 550.341 ; DIGITAL FILTERING WITH ADDITIONAL LIMITATIONS ~ - [Abstract of article ta}* Dtasan~idze, G. N. and Pisarenko, V. F. ] ~ ; [Text] The problem of digital filtering with additional limitations on the fre- quency characteristic of the filter is examined. The limitations ensure suppres- sion of the polynomial trend, the suppression of interfering harmonics and the nondistortion of the harmonics of interest. A method is described for computing the coefficients of the above-mentioned digital filters. References 4. I1DC 550.340 USE OF NONLINEAR POLARIZATION FILTERS FOR DIS~RIMINATING EXCHANGE WAVES FROM ~ DISTANT EARTHQUAKES [Abstract of article hy Mikhaylova, N. G.]~ [Text] The results of teating of nonlinear polaxization-energy filters for discrim- inating exchange waves with "Zemlya" seismic stations are discussed. The methods of polarization-energy filtering are based on the ~use of decision functions dependent on the direction of arrival and type of wave polarization. It is ahown that the use of polarization-energy filters makes possiFile the reliable discrimination of ex- change waves in subsequent arrivals on the records of distant earthquakes. Figures 4, references 12. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka"~ 1480 5303 CSO: 1865/146 ,~I 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tmc 550.34 MEASUREMENTS OF LOW-FREQUENCY ACCELERATIONS ' Moscow IZMEREr1IYA 1~1IZKOCHASTOTNYKH U5KORErTIY in Russian 1981 (signed to press 18 Dec 80) pp 2~ 4-7, 106-107 ~ [Annotation~ introduction and ta,ble of contents from book "Measurements of Low- Frequency Accelerations" by Vladimir Borisovich Dubovakoy, USSR Academy of Sciences~ Order of Lenin Institate of Geaphysica imeni 0. Yu. Sh~ai.dt~ Izdatel' atvo "Nauka" ~ 800 copies~ 108 pages . [Text] Annotation The monograph is devoted to the designing~ ~ertification and applica,tion of accel- erometers of low and ultrahigh frequencies. The ma,in sources of error and methods of eliminating them are discussed. New instruments are described.s the accelero- meter~ the electrolytic tiltmeter, the marine gravimetric complex, the marine gravi- meter and a prototype of a stationary gravimeter. ' The book is intended for specialists in the area of geophysics and measurement tech- _ nology. ~ Introduction In an overwhelming majority of cases the mea~urement of accelerations ca.n be reduced to measurement of a periodic process with a given length. During measurement of acceleration of the force of gravity by an instrument on a mobile base (an oceaiz vessel or aircraft), variations of vhe vector of the force of gravity are registered with periods dependent on the spatial distribution of anoma,lies of the force of gravity and the velocity of the mobile of the instrument. Instruments of gravity-inertial na,viga,tion record accelerations with a period of the order of ma~nitude of the time~ interval between reference points. The natural vibrations of the earth and tectonic mo~ion are registered in a wide range nf fre- quencies at fixed stations. In all the above-cited examples we encounter measurement of law-frequency and ultra- . high frequency accelerations~ or infra-accelerations. ~ Let us examine the most important areaa: requiring the use of highly sensitive sensors of inf~a,-accelerations. . iai ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r i t ~ The elastic reaction of the earth to an earthquake or explosion can be represented in the form of free oscillations with very law Ysarmonics,with a period of 53 ~ utes. Of great geopY~ysical interest is analysis of the residual fields of strains~ ~ displacements and inclinations caused by earthquakes, and also the dynamics of ~ those fields as a ma.nifestation of tectonic processes of strain accumulation. ~he ~ improvement of the apparatus registering the dynamics of those fields can make a ~ substantial contribution to the analysis of the mechanism of earthq,uakes~ to their ~ prediction and to the ana,lysis of volcanism and orogenic movements. ~ The seismology of in~a,frequencies presents very high requirements for apparatus ~ being designed.s determination of residua,l fields under the conditions of strong ~ disturbances of the source, elimination of the influence of temperature and atmo- i spheric pressure and high temporary stability during periods of several minutes to . several yea,rs. ~ Gravity anoma,liea over oceana can be obtained by satellite observations which char- , ~,cterize the gravitational ~"Seld of the earth in the form of an expansion in spher- ical flxnctions of up to the 12th order of magnitude. In studying the higher ha,r- monics of the gravita.tional field it is neceasary to dra,w in marine gravimetric surveys. Analysis of gravity anomalies is irreplaceable in estimating the thicknesses of any layers in the upper ma,ntle with anomalous density in those regions where the crust thickness and th~ velocities in the maxitle were determined preliminarily by seismic methods. T o solve that problem, at the present time the question axises of creating high-precision gravimetric a.pparatus with small dynamic errors and the derivatior~ of information directly on ma,chine carriera~ An important source of information about the internal structure of the earth is experimental data on variations of the ~orce of gravity caused by tidal forces~ that is, that information permitted selecting the best from all models of our planet obtained by seismic methods [1]. Pha,se lag of earthly tide~ permits making a~udgment of the rheologica,l properties of the body of the earth. Increase of the precision of registration of tidal vaxiations and concentration of the tidal station network increase the precision of determination of the b factor and give information about horizontal heterogeneities in the earth's mantle to con- siderable depths. � Anomalies in the recordings of earthly tides of both horizontal pendulums and gra- vimeters when the station precision and density are inadequate can serve as a key for interpretation of the bloc,k structure of the earth's crust. Toma,shek [10] connects those regional effecta with movement of tectonic blocks. Many interesting effects connect~d with irregulaxity of the rotation of the earth, described by N. N. Paxiyskiy [2], can be accompanied by noticeable variations of the force of gravity. Study of the seculax deceleration of the rotation rate leads to the conclusion tha,t the reasons for deceleration of rotation of the eaxth (lunar and solar tides) axe 122 ' ;IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 , ; FOR Ori~'TC T Al, 1151? (1NT~Y i il known and the reason for acceleration of the earth's rotation by 10-5 s~year is unknown. According to [2] it cannot be ca,used by known "external" ca.uses and is , connected rather with variation of the ~noment of inertia. On the assumption of ' compression of the earth without cha,nge of and distribution of density thie ; would lead to cha,nge of the planet's radius with a velocity of 0.4~5 mm~yeax and ' of the value of the force of gravity on the surface of 0.14~10'9 g~year. The rate of irregular changes of the rotation rate can reach values two ord.ers of ma;gnitude larger than the secular deceleration. On the ba.sis of Brawn's hypo- thesis [3~ N. N. Paxiyskiy examined [2] possible changes inside the earth which ca,n ca.use that phenomenon and made it clear which changes of the force of gravity on the surface of the planet will accompany tha,t. Without presenting tha,t analysis in detail~ we will present only its results. For spherica.lly symmetric strains the changes of the earth's radius amount to 43 to 12 cm for a variable layer of 0.99 to 0.55 earth radius, which cor~esponds to vaxiation of the force of gravity on ' the surface of 0.13 to 0.04~10-6 g. During strain distribution (according to a i second-order spherica,l fl.zn ction) for a thickness of the variable layer of 27 m with increasing density by 0.1 g~em3 at a depth of 380 km the earth radius ~hange is 0.8 m and the corresponding change of the force of gravity of 0.25~10- g. Conse- quently~ sma.ll variations at depths of the earth can be registered by high-sensi- tivity gravimeters. But if irregular rotation of the earth is caused by geologica.l ~ or tectonic features of the structuze of the earth's crust~ it is described by I spherica.l functions of a higher order and can lead to still greater variations of the force of gravity in time. ~ Another area of investigations in which the gravimetric method can be used as one of the most sensitive with a larggyield is study of the structure and contemporary ~ movements of the earth's crust, the amplitudes of which are fairly high and can be registered with modern instruments. The velocities of vertica,l movements fluctuate from 2-3 mm~year in quiet zones to 10-15 cm~year in the seismica,lly very active. For example, the rate of upthrust of Scandinavia according to levelling data amounts to 9-10, at Garm to 16-100 and at the Alma,-Ata polygon 50 mm~year. ' Darwin assumed tha.t with increase of the precision of tida,l and barometric observa- ~ tions it would be possible to estima.te the mean shear modulus of the upper part of ' the earth�s crust. According to his computations~ fluctuations of pressure of 50 mm Hg can incline the lithosphere sufrace by 0.012", which must be accompanied ; by cha,n~;e of the force of gravity of 1 to 2�10-9 g. Proofs of the role of active ~ faults in depressions of the earth's crust were obtained by Nishimura. In his in- ~ vesti~ations the indirect effects were so large in comparison with the direct tha,t the cha.racter of the reaction of the earth's crust to them gives interesting in- forma,tion about the microstructure of upper layers of the crust [4]. ~ Besides the registration of tides~ of extraordinary interest is interpreta~tion of the instrument drift curve~ obtained by Pertsev's method and providing informa,tion - about sagging of the soil under the effect of overloa.dings of water ma.sses; of still greater interest is the possibility of registering movement of inaccessible masses, for example~ during volcanic events. To measure strain field dynamics as a manifestation of tectonic processes of elas- tic energy accumulatio~ it is necessaxy to use continuous ~ravimeters, tiltmeters and deformographs, with sufficiently high sensitivity and, what is the ma,in thing, 123 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY extraordinary stability of zero. The same instruments can be a source of infor- ma.tion about residua.l s~rain fields. These two questions are extremely important in the analysis of orogenic movements of volcanism and the mechanism of earth- quakes~ which can help greatly in eaxthquake prognosis ~5~. Observations of the volcano Aso in Japan before and during eruptions show changes of up to 150�. Nishimura et al [6] registered vaxiations in ground inclinations simultaneously at stations hundreds of kilometers apart immediately before earth- quakes with an a,mplitude of 0.03"~ which ought to be accompanied by change of the force of gravity by a minimum of (2-3)�10-y g. For the registration of relatively slow tectonic vertical movements of 1 to 10 mm~year a fixed gravimeter ought to a sensitivity of (1-2) 10'10 g and a stability of not worse tha,n 3 10'9 g~year. , Much work is now being done, ma,inly in the readily accessible regions of the Soviet Union (the Crimea, the Russian platform~ etc~~ on the determination of relative variations of the force of gravity ~10~, but those measurements are $eing ma,de epi- sodically and without ad~rquate precision, in the best case (2-3)~10- g~ which in displacements amounts to 7-10 mm. It is necessary to develop apparatus of a higher class to solve extremely important questions rega.rding the connection between observed strains of the earth's crust and seismic phenomena and study of the mechan- ism of earthquakes and the nature of fault forma,tion~ Connected directly with gravimetry is a number of key questions of theoretica,l physics, in particular, one of the important questions of the general theory of relativity--~~rifica.t~~n of the stability of the gravitationa,l constant on the level of 10- to 10- ~year [17]. Verifica,tion apparently is impossible without condiserable improvement of the precision of registration of both tidal variations of the force of gra.vity and of the absolute value and without drawing in additional informa,tion on variations of the mean earth radius and effects ca,used by them. Thus, when resolution ha.s been increased and there is long-term stability of the zero point of static ~;ravimeters, possibilities are opened up for the study of phenomena both interesting in themselves and helpi~ig to solve questions connected with many areas of geophysics and physics. Refinement of the mod.el of the earth's internal structures study of the structure and rheolo~ical properties of the crust and upper ma,ntle; vertica.l displacements of the surface in the epicentral zone as precursors of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes; large-scale strains connected with crn vections in the mantle~ tran- sitions and variations of the earth ra.dius and its rotation rate; stability of the gravitational constant and an indisputably large number of practical problems-- this is an incomplete list of questions awaiting their solution by means of static gravimeters. Measurement of low-frequency a,cceleration is of great importance for the solution of many important practical problems, above all in the creation of inertial navi- _ gation systems. They are based on the connection, known from mechanics, between accelerations~ velocities and the~covrdinates of moving bodies~ consisting of the fact tha.t the velocity is an integral of the acceleration and the travelled path characterizing the coordina,tes of a body is an integra,l of the velocity. Thus by measuring the acceleration with which an object moves from the moment of start of 124 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 , . I j moi;ion, and making a double integration of the acceleration~ it is possible to find ! the travelled path in relation to the earth and~ consequently~ the coordinates of ' the object. i I The prospects of inertial navigation systems are determined. ma.inly by their com- ~ plete autonomy and an absence of crn nection with the external world in the deter- ; mination of current coordinates of the object. In those systems very ~igh require- ments are presented for linearity of the acceleration sensors and precision of ~ determination of the absolute values of their sensitivity. I . , A multiplan program of space research includes as an inseparable part of most ex- i periments the measurement of microa,ecelerations of orbital stations and sa,tellites. ; In a number of ca,ses a ma.ximum sensitivity of 10'12 to 10'll g must be achieved [8], i ' The solution of the technical and scientific p~roblems under consideration involves I both considerable improvement of the principal technica,l. characteristics of exist- ~ ing acceleration sensors and the development of inethod.s of providing them with a i methodology which represent an independent large area of research. i j CONTII~TS Page , ~ Foreword . 3 ~ i Introduction ~ ~ ~ Cha.pter 1. Methods of Infra-acceleration Measurement 8 1. Main Types of Acceleration Sensors......~ 8 2. Requirements Presented for Accelerometers 12 ' Chapter 2. Influence of Creep and Elastic Aftereffect on Accelerometer " ~ Readings 21 ~ i 1. Elastic Aftereffect 21 2. Study of the Topography of the Surface of Qua.rtz Threads by Means of an Electron Raster Microscope 28 3. Role of Surface Effects in the Presence of Incomplete Elasticit Y ' of Quartz Threads 31 4. Consideration of Eastic Aftereffect in the Determina,tion of Sca,le Coefficients of Ma.rine Quartz Gravimeters 35 5. Design Possibilities of Reducing Zero Shift of Quartz Gravimeters...... 37 6. Plasticity and Elastic Aftereffect in Crystalline Bodies 40 Chapter 3. Thermal Disturbances of Accelerometer Rea.dings 42 - 1. Methods of Reducing Temperature Disturba.nces 42 2. Methods of Temperature Measurement 43 3. Possibilities of DC Brid~e Methods of Measurements 45 4. Measurements of Limitin~ly Sma,ll Out-of-Ba.lance Voltages of DD Bridges. 48 Thermostat Designing 49 6. Precision Thermostatting of Acceleration Sensors 50 , 7. Thermostat Structural Rigidity 58 8. Conclusion 60 Chapter 4. Influence of Exciting Accelera,tions on Accelerometer Readings.... 61 Intr.oduction 61 1. Transfer Functions 61 i 125 j ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 rY~lt c)FrIC:1n~. uti~~; uM.Y Pa,ge 2. Quake-resistant Platforms 65 3. Examples of Quake-resistant Equipment and Protection Against Vibration 70 4. Dynamic Errors 74 5. Acceleration Sensors With Rigid Feedba,ek 76 6. Contactless Sensors of Mechanical Displacements 77 7. Dynamic Properties of Accelerometers With Rigid 81 Cha,pter 5. Design and Certifica,tion of Infra-acceleration Sensors......... 83 - 1. The Precision Accelerometer a3 . 2. Electrolytic Tiltmeters 89 3. The Ma.gnetoelectric Ma,rine Gravimeter 96 4~. The IFZ-201 and IFZ-201A Ma,rine Gravimetric Complex 97 5. T he GAG-3 G eodesic Gravimeter 99 6. The Tidal Monocrystalline Gravimeter 99 . 7. Certifica,tion of Infra-acceleration Sensors 101 Conclusion 103 Bibliography 104 COPYRIGI-Ir: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 2174 CSOs 1865/182 126 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 ~ FOR OFFIC1Al, l1SH: QNI.Y i ~ ~ i I ~ i i ~ ~ UDC 550.34 I ~ COLLECTION OF ARTICL~S ON S~ISMIC INSTRUMENTS ! Moscow INSTRUMENTAL'NYYE SR~DSTVA SEYSMICHESKIKH NABLYUDENIY: SEYSMICHESKIYE i PRIBORY in Russian No 13, 1980 (signed to prese 20 Oct 80) pp 2, 175-184 ~ [Annotation, table of contents and abstracts from collection of articles "Instru- ~ mental Means for Seismic Observations: Seismic Instruments", edited by Ye. S. ~ Borisevich, doctor of technical sciences, and D. P. Kirnos, doctor of physical ~ and mathematical sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 750 copies, 184 pages] [Text] Ann~t~ition. Tliis collec:tion includes articles devoted to a description . of new instruments for the registry and processing of seismic data. The problems ! involved in the methodology and implementation of observations are considered, as are the metrological requirements on registry systems. The collection of articles ' is intended for workers in the seismic services, seismologists, geophysicists and ~ specialists in the field of geophysical instrument making. i Contents Rykov, A. V. "Seismometric Contact Converter" 3 ~ Shnirman, G. L. "STKS Symmetric Three-Component Electrodynamic Seismometer" 7 Mysh, A. G. "Multichannel Seismographs With Galvanometric Registry" 13 ; Kuchinskiy, Yu. M., Sil'yanov, Yu. M. and Fridman, A. A. "N-052 Seismic ; Engineering Station" 20 Kvashin, Ye. V., Plotnikova, L. M. and Tilyavoldiyev, U. T. Automated 1:n~;ineerinK-Seismometric Service of the Ctiarvakskaya Dam" t1 34 n Dvoyeglazov, Yu. 13. and Sergeyev, V. M. Recorder of Seismic Shot Waves on a MaRnetic llrum'~ 42 Dvoyeglazov, Yu. Ii. and Sergeyev, V. M. "Some Uses of Wide-Band Multichannel Registry of Seismic Shot Waves on a Magnetic Drum" 49 Grebenchuk, G. S. "Digital-Analog Convertc~r Unit" 55 Grebenchuk, G. S. "Dynamic Storage System for Geophysical Instruments" 57 i , � 127 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFtCIAL USE ONLY Bodyagin, A. M., Karman, V. P., Karp, B. Ya., Smolin, V. Ye., Sudakov, A. V. and Chaptsov, R. P. "Unit for Conversion of Analog Records of Self-Contained Bottom Seismic Stations Into Digital Form With Registry by a Digital Magnetic Recorder in the YeS Electronic Computer Fox~at" 60 ~ Arakelyan, G. K., Lyakhovitskaya, V. A., Spitsyna, V. D. and Fremd, V. M. "Use of Materials on the Basis of Antimony Sulfoiodide in Piezoelectric Seismo- meters" 63 Kirnos, D. P., Davydov, V. I., Zabelin, M. V., Levin, A. I., Manokhin, A. Ye. and Potapov, S. M. "Methods and Some Results of Tests of SSRZ-M Accelero- graphs" 67 Begushin, G. K., Borisevicti~ Ye. S., Mosyagina, M. S. and Tsyganov, V. M. "Determination of the Possibility of Using Zinc Oxide Electrophotographic Papers (Type ~FP-1) in ~lectrographic Light-Ray Oscillographs With a Standby Operating Regime" 78 Dvoyeglazov, Yu. B. and Sergeyev, V. M. "Experimental Investigation and Com- putation of an Aerodynamic Support for a Magnetic Recorder of Seismic Shot Waves" 81 Gavrilov, V. A. "Choice of Parameters of Radiotelemetric Systems for Seiemo- metric Purposes" 85 Aranovich, Z. I., Melamud, A. Ya., Negrebetskiy, S. A., Trapeznikov, N. L. and Kushnir, G. S. "Analysis of Some Characteristics of Seismological Informa- tion and Metrological Requirements on Registry Systems" 89 Aranovich, Z. I., Melamud, A. Ya., Gomzyakova, E. S., Pleshinger, A. and Khoralek, I. "Method for Increasing the Reliability of Pulsed Calibration of Complexly Structured Seismometric Channels" 100 Fremd, V. M., A1'vares, L., Rubio, M., Serrano, M. and Chuy, T. "Optimum Network of Seismographs in an Investigation of Seismic Danger at the Site of an Atomic Power Station" 103 Aranovich, 7.. I. rind Trapeznikov, N. L. "Choice of Characteristica of Seismo- metric Ct~annels for the Registry of Remote Earthquakes" 108 Trapeznikov, N. L. "Simple High-Response Short-Period Electronic Velocigraph" 114 Aranovich, Z. I., Pashkevich, I. K., Rykov, A. V. and Sinel'nikova, A. G. "Analysis of Operation of the DS-BP Seismograph at Petropavlovsk Seismic Station" 116 t+egrebetskiy, S. A. and Turetskiy, I. M. "Unit for Providing a'Floating Point' Format in Digital Seismic Recording Systems" 122 128 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFI('IA1. USE ONLY ~ ~ ; ~ f Grebenchuk, G. S. "Digatal Magnetic Narrow-Band Frequency-2ianipulation and Summation (UChMIS) Registry of Strong ~arthquakea" 126 i Brulev, Yu. V., Krylov, G. G., Nersesov, I. L., Rayzman, V. I., Sychev, G. A. and Totmenin, V. F. "Apparatus for Regional Seiamic Investigations" 138 ; Arakelyan, G. K. and Uspenskiy, B. G. "Two Operating Regimes of a Piezoac- 154 celerometer" ! Rozenberg, I. M. "Electronic Time Mark for Light-Ray Oscillographs" 156 Aleksandrov, A. L., Volodin, A. A., Zelikman, E�. I. and Nevskiy, M. V. "Instrument for Studying Periodic Seismic Signals" 158 n Levshenko, V. T. and Sheyn, B. N. Theory and Design of a Six-Component Seis- ~ mic Stand" 165 Arakelyan, G. K. and Uspenskiy, B. G. Modernization of the APT Piezoac- celet.,~~eters" " 171 Fremd, V. M. "Simple Mechanical ~xpress-Seismograph for the Registry of . Strong Movements" 173 Abstracts UDC 550.34 SEISMOMETRIC CONTACT CONVERTER [Abstract of article by Rykov, A. V.] [Text] Among the parametric converters operating on displacement of a seismometer pendulum is a contact converter whose variable parameter is the conductivity of the contact of two conductors which changes in a~ump from 0 to One contact is connected to the pendulum and the other is connected to the seismometer base. By means of an electric circuit in which there are negative feedbacks for the dis- placement and velocity of movement of the pendultun, the latter is imparted auto- vibrations at a hi~h fr~quency and with a low amplitude during which there is an :~lternate closing and opening of the contacts and accordingly there is pulse-width mudulation of pendulum displacements. The converter circuit, in which there is no ~~lectronic ampllfication, gives a response for ground aacelerations in the range 0.1-10 W/g 4 in . the teleseismic zone. rigures 4, tables 1, references 9. UDC 550.34 SIMPLE HIGH-RESPONSE SHORT-PERIOD ELECTRONIC VELOCIGRAPH [Abstract of article ty Trapeznikov, N. L.] [Text] An electronic seismometric channel~ constructed on the basis of components standard-produced by industry, is described. It is intended for any registry sys- tems, but especially digital registry systems. The values of the parameters and elements of the channel are cited. Figures 2, references 2. UDC 550.34 ANALYSIS OF OPERATION OF THE DS-BP SEISMOGRAPH AT PETROPAVLOVSK SEISMIC STATION [Abstract of article by Aranovich, Z. I., Pashkevich, I. K., Rykov, A. V. and Sinel'nikova, A. G.] [Text] The article gives a comparative analysis of a series of dynamic parameters of seismic waves from strong earthquakes registered at the seismic station Petro- pavlovsk usin~ tlie DS-BP long-period seismograph and standard SKD and SD-1 seismo- - graptis. A tiistogram was constructed showing the periods and velocities of body and s urface waves and also the spectral characteristics of P waves. It is shown that the DS-IIP seismograph has additional possibilities for study of the dynamics of strong close eartt~quakes for the purpose of a further investigation of the tsunamigenic properties of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean zone. Fig- ures h, references 8. 135 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 - .r N'OR OFFICIAL USH: ONLY ~ UDC 550.34 UNIT FOR PROVIDING A�FLOATING POINT' FORMAT IN DIGITAL SEISMIC RECORDING SYSTEMS [Abstract of article }ay Negrebetskiy, S. A. and Turetskiy, I. M.] [TextJ A universal unit has been developed which ensures the registry of seismic information in a format with a"floating point." The unit converts input signals with amplitudes. in the range 120 db into the form of an analog mantissa of the number for its subsequent measurement by a 10-di~it ATsP and two binary digits of the order of this number. The instrument is assembled entirely from integrated microcircuits. The technical specifications of the unit make possible its use in different geoptiysical recording systems. Figures 3, references 6. UDC 550.34 ~ DIGITAL MAGNETIC NARROW-I3AND FREQUENCY-MANIPULATION AND SUI~tATION (UchMIS) REGISTRY OF STRONG EARTHQUAKES [Abstract of article by Grebenchuk, G. S.] [Text] This paper is devoted to a met-hod for digital magnetic registry of strong earthquakes by narrow-band frequency manipulation and summation of multibyte com- munications. The method makes it possible to form, in one track of a magnetic tape, frequency-separated digital registry-reproduction channels. Also examined are some theoretical problems involved in the choi.ce of digital registry parameters. The registry channel of strong earthquakes is described; this channel was constructed on the basis of the indicated method. A scheme for a digital delay line of the dy- namic type, ensuring a standby regime �or the registry of strong earthquakes, is presented. Figures 7, references 7. UDC 550.34 APPARATUS FOR RP:GIONAL S~ISMIC INVESTIGATIONS jAbstract of article by Brulev, Yu. V., Krylov, G. G., Nersesov, I. L., Rayzman, ~ V. I., Sychev, G. A. and 'Totmenin, V. F. ] [Text] Apparatus for regional seismic and seismological investigations is described. It contains a three-component short-period seismometer, apparatus with field mag- netic registry and apparatus with radiotelemetric transmission of seismic informa- tion. The teclinical specifications of the apparatus and its functional design are given. I'igures 12, ref.erences 2. 136 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FUR OFFI('IA1, l1tiH: ONI,Y i i i ~ ~ UDC 550.34 TWO OPERATING REGIMES OF A PIEZOACCELEROMETER ~ [Abstract of article by Arakelyan, G. K. and Uspenskiy, B. G.] I I [Text] The operation of a piezoaccelerometer in a no-load regime is examined. A formula is derived for the response of the piezoaccelerometer in a short-circuit- ing regime with integration. In addition reconanendations are given on the choice ' of the operating regime for a piezoaccelerometer in an industrial antiseismic pro- ~ tection system. Figures 3, references 6. ~ -I I UDC 550.34 i ; G;L~CTRONIC TIMI: MARK FOR LIGHT-RAY OSCILLOGRAPHS [Abstract of article Uy Rc~zenberg, I. M.] i i [Text] An electronic time mark, based on integrated microcircuits, is described. It ~ gives marks with a frequency of 10 and 1 Hz, using an a-c current network as a ~ reference frequency source. Figures 1, references 2. i UDC 550.34 INSTRUMENT FOR STUDYING PERIODIC SEISMIC SIGNALS [Abstract of article by Aleksandrov, A. L., Volodin, A. A., Zelikman, E. I. and Nevskiy, M. V.] , [Text] The article describes a device and the principal characteristics of a 15- channel digital synchronous commutator developed and used for discriminating per- iodic seismic signals from the Nurekskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. The instr~r ; ment can find extensive use in study of structure of the earth's crust. Figures 6, references 4. ; UDC 550.34 THI'sORY AND D~SIGN OF A SIX-COME'ONENT SEISMIC STAND [Abstract of article hy Levslienko, V. T. and Sheyn, B. N.] (Text] Possibi.lities of. creating a six-component seismic stand, a scheme of one of tt~e designs, and the mathematical approach making it possible to solve the problems of stipulation and measurement of oscillations on a six-component seismic stand are examined. Figures 2, references 4. 137 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FUR~ OFFICIAI. IItiN; ()NLY UDC 550.34 MOD~;RNIZATION OF THE APT PIEZOACCELEROMETERS [Abstract of ar�ticle by Arekelyan, G. K. and Uspenskiy, B. G.] [Text] The possibility of decreasing the lower frequency limit of the frequency characteristic of a piezoaccelerometer operating in a no-load regime is examined. A block diagram is given for a modernized piezoaccelerometer which is based on the use of t40S transistors and integrated operational amplifiers. The moderniza- tion of the APT accelerometer will appreciably improve the parameters of these instruments and will broaden the range of their applicability. Figures 2, refer- ences 1. UDC 550.34 SIMPLE MECHANICAL EXPRESS-SEISMOGRAPH FOR THE REGISTRY OF STRONG MOVEMENTS [Abstract of article by Fremd, V. M.] [Text) The design and operating mechanism of a simple seismograph with mechanical registry for observations in the epicentral zones of strong earthquakes are de- scribed. In the seismograph the inertial mass is a drum recording unit with a spring-activated ua tor. The writing element attached to the housing ensures reg- istry with a magnification equal to unity. A large increase can be obtained by em- ploying a lever-type writing element. Figures 1, references 3. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980 5303 CSO: 1865/120 138 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 ; FUR OFFICIAL USH; ONLY ~ i I i ~ PHYSICS OF A1~IOSPHERE i I ; ~ ~ ~ UDC 551.510.42+551.521.3 i THEORY OF MULTIFREQUENCY LASER PROBING OF THE ATMOSPHERE j Novosibirsk TEORIYA MNOGOCHASTOTNOGO LAZERNOGO ZONDIROVANIYA ATMOSFERY in Russian ~ 1980 (signed to press 16 Oct 80) pp 2, 156-157 ; [Annotation and table of contents from book "Theory of Multifrequency Probing of ; the Atmosphere", by Igor' Eduardovich Naats, Institute of Optics of the Atmosphere, I Siberian Department, USSR Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1350 copies, 159 pages] ~ [Text] The application of optical lidars to investigation of the space-time dynau?- ' ics of the atmosphere rQquires development of a theory of remote optical probing of dispersed media. The monograph deals with the problem of remote determination ; of the microstructure of aerosols by a method of multifrequency laser probing, ~ and with solution of the corresponding class of incorrect inverse problems. The ~ material is illustrated by examples of interpretation of data of multifrequency ~ probing of aerosols of both the lower troposphere and the stratosphere. ' The monograph is intended for specialists on atmospheric optics and computer tech- nology who are interested in optical methods of studying the atmosphere and prob- lems of automating optical data processiMg. Contents page Preface 3 Chapter 1. Some Aspects of the Theory of Optical Methods of Studying , Polydispersed Scattering Media 5 1.1. The inverse operator method in optical studies of aerosols 6 1.2. Linear integral equations of the theory of scattering by ' pol.ydispersed systems of particles 10 1.3. Integral equations of polydisperse scattering in the class oF discc~ntinuous distributions. Regular and irregular com- ponents of optical characteristics 19 1.4. Methods of solving integral equations of polydisperse - scattering in the form of a Stielt~es integral 23 ' 1.5. Inverse problems of the theory of light scattsring for polydispersed systems of aspherical particles 31 1.6. Methods of estimating the limits of distributions in ~ inverse problems of light scattering by polydispersed systems 39 139 i ' FOR O1~F[CIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Methods of Numerical Solution of Integral Equations of Polydisperse Scattering and Determination of the Microstructure of Aerosols From Optical Characteristics 44 2.1. The principle of quasisolutions and the method of model estimates of microstructural parameters of an aerosol 46 2.2. Algebraicization of integral equations of polydisperse scattering, and quadratures for polydisperse integrals 50 2.3. The method of histograms and the variational principle of constructing a resolving algorittun for numerical solution of equat9.ons of polydisperse scattering 56 2.4. Resolving algorithm for solving equations of polydisperse scattering in the class of doubly differentiable functions 62 2.5. Algorithms for solving equations of polydisperse scattering that use a priori information about the sought solution (the principle of weak predefinition) 64 2.6. Methods of estimating the regularization parameter in inver- sion of the spectral aerosol characteristics of light scattering 2.7. Some examples of determining the microstructure of an atmos- pheric aerosol from optical measurements 75 Chapter 3. Theory of the Method of Multifrequency Laser Probing of Dispersed Media 80 3.1. General theory of the method of multifrequency laser probing in the single scattering approximation 81 3.2. Laser probing as a dispersion method of studying aerosols. (The equation of lidar probing and iteration methods of solving it) 86 3.3. Qualitative methods of the theory of polydisperse scattering in the interpretation of lidar measurements (Angstrom's formula and estimation of spectral transmission) 91 3.4. Determination of the microstructure and index of refraction of an aerosol substance by the method of multifrequency laser probing 95 3.5. Other applications of multifrequency lidar involving the effect of aerosol light scattering 102 Chapter 4. Remote Determination of the Microstructure of Aerosols by Multifrequency Lidar 107 4.1. Methods of estimating the conditionality of incorrect inverse problems, and their application to the theory of remote probing of aerosols 108 4.2. Particulars of numerical construction of the operator W in the method of multifrequency iaser probing 116 _ 4.3. V~iriational. principle of constructing operators Kn, ICeX, W from experimental data. Monobistatic lidars 126 4.4. Optica.i experiments and some results of inversion of data on laser probing of a tropospheric aerosol 131 4.5. Examples of processing data of laser probing of aerosols of the lower stratosphere 138 4.6. Influence of a multiple scattering background on accuracy of lidar measurement inversion, and the problem of probing the microstructure of a cloud aerosol 144 References 150 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980. 6610 CSO: 1865/178 140 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 ~ MOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY i i ~ ; i i - UDC 624.371 ~ CHARACTF.RISTICS OF IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION OF DECAMETER WAVES IN THE HIGH LATITUDES i Leningrad OSOBENNOSTI IONOSFERNOGO RASPROSTRANENIYA DEKAMETROVYKH VOLN V VYSOKIKH ; SHIROTAKH in Russian 1980 (signed to press 6 Nov 80) pp 2-5, 97 ; ; [Annotation, introduction and t~ble of contents from monograph "Characteristics of ' Ionosplieric Pr.opap;ation of. Decameter Waves in the High Latitudes", by Nikolay A1- ekseyE~vich Gor.okhov, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Leningradskoye otdeleniye, 750 copies, I .100 pssges ] [Text] Annotation. This book describes the physical mechanisms of ionospheric prop- ; agation of decameter waves in the high latitudes. The author examines modern con- cepts concerning the structure of the high-latitude ionosphere and the course of ; geophysical processes leading to the appearance of ionospheric characteristics which exert a decisive influence on the operation of radioelectronic equipment. , ; Also considered are experimental methods for investigating radio wave propaga- i tion: slant sounding, signal path measurement methods and investigations of the statistical characteristics of a propagating signr~l. , The book is intended for specialists in the field of radio communications interest- ~ ed in the theory and practice of ionospheric propagation of radio waves. Refer- , ences 96, f igures 48, tables 4. ~ Introduction. According to current concepts, the general problem of.propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere must be regarded as two different but at the same time interrelated problems. The first of these involves investigations of the in- fluence of properties of the medium on the parameters of the propagating signal, for example, on the propagation path, the spectral properties of the signal, the statistical characteristics of amplitude and phase. In a rigorous mathematical for- , mulation this problem is reduced to finding solutions of the Maxwell equation (or i their asymptotic equivalents) with stipulated parameters of the medium in which the ~ propagation occurs. The second part of the overall problem includes investigation of properties of the medium on the basis of data on the parameters of the signal at one of the points in three-dimensional space. This is the problem of finding ~ ~olutions oE the integral equation, where the unknown functions are the electrody- namic parameters of the mediwn. Whereas the first part of the general problem is clealt witli for the most part in theoretical investigations, for the second part the decisive role is played by experimental investigations because it makes it pos- I sible (assuming a correct formulation and solution of the inverse problem) to ob- ' tain information on the ionosphere using different radiophysical methods. i ' 141 ~ ; ~ ; i FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR nFFI('L~1. l~~l~; ONl.l' In general form the problem of radio wave propagation in ionospheric plasma in- cludes a great diversity of problems of interest in both purely scientific and in practical respects. If these problems are examined applicable to the conditions existing in the high-latitude ionosphere, the most important directions seem to be the following. 1. Investigation of the paths of propagation of a radio signal in an inhomogeneous medium. Even the very formulation of the problem assumes the use of the ray approx- imation in seeking solutions of interest. In this case specific modeJ.s of the medium are selected and fo r these, using numerical methods in most cases, the prop- agation paths are found for different conditions of radiation and reception of a signal at the ends of the postulated radio path. In its practical aspects the prob- lem is of unquestionable interest because a knowledge of propagation paths is a necessary condition for the effective operation of many radioelectronic systems. 2. Investigation of the amplitude characteristics of the received signal. The sig- nal field level and its variations are important propagation conditions, by inves- tigating which it is possible to ascertain the mechanisms of interacCion between the medium and signal. Theoretically, by stipulating the specific type of inhomo- geneities in the medium, it is possible to obtain different spatial-temporal dis- tributions of the amplitude of the scattered signal fie~d. These include, for ex- ample, the spatial field distributions with the diffraction of a wave on a phase screen, temporal fluctuations with scattering on random inhomogeneities, described by the Rayleigh, Rice, Nakagami and other distributions. In this case it is also of interest to consider the possibility of solution of the inverse problem, and specifically, on the basis of the known characteristics of a signal at the recep- tion point to ascertain the structure and parameters of motion of inhomogeneities. From the practical point of view an investigation of amplitude statistical distrib- ution laws will make it possible to seek optimum methods for the transmission of information for different communication systems, that is, conditions when with a stipulated rate of transmission of information the probability of error will be minimum. The successful solution of a number of specific problemg within the framework of the considered directions will govern any increase in the reliability of many radioelectronic systems using ionospheric propagation of radio waves. A simple enumeration of the problems which are of Areat practical interest indicates how complex and varied is the formulated problem. A noteworthy feuture of ttie modern development of society is the intensive develop- ment of the Arctic and Antarctica. In addition to factors of an economic and pure- ly scientific nature the exploitation of these regions (especially the Arctic) is ciictated by exceptionally important considerations of a practical character. Unfor- tunately, short-wave apparatus, which has been most i.ntensively developed up to this time, including communication, direction finding and radar, has been extreme- 1y unreliable here due to disturbances caused by geophysical processes transpiring in the polar ionosphere. In particular, methods for determining the coordinates of a tracked or ranged ob~ect were unsatisfactory when used in high-latitude regions because they do not take into account many characteristics of structure of the polar ionosphere and the characteristics of radio wave propagation associated with them. Among these character3stics are the gradients of ionospheric p3.asma 142 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030025-7 I:t~R c)I~I~IC'1:~1. l~~t~: uNl.t in the auroral zone, small-scale plasma formations associated with the additional ionization of the atmosphere by injected fluxes of charged particles, and plasma inhomo~eneities elongated along the magnetic field. All these factors exert a sub- stantial influence on the conditions for signal propagation, and accordingly, a1g0 on its characteristics registered at ttie reception point. In an investigation of radio wave propagation in the high-latitude ionosphere in disturbed periods it is impossible to lose frora sight the following circumstance of more ttian a little importance. The fact is that the polar ionosphere consists of nonequilibrium magnetically active plasma in which there are fields, electric currents and beams of charged particles. In the nonequilibrium medium the pattern ~ of propagation of the radio signal differs considerably from ordinary conditions. ! Here such effects as the interaction of electromagnetic waves and directed corpus- ~_ular streams begin to exert an effect, which leads to the pumping of energy from tlie particles to the field and vice versa. A result of this can be an intensifica- tion or colltsionless dissipation of the signal, a distortion of its spectrum caus- ecl by the movement of plasma inhomo~;eneities. In order to realize such an approach to the problem it is necessary to begin to develop a new direction in investigation of the ionospheric propagation of radio waves, specifically an investigation of propagation in a nonequilibrium plasma medium. A logical consequence of such an approach is investigations of nonlinear interactions of electromagnetic oscillations and fields in the ionosphere both at the time of natural disturbances and with its artificial modification. The most important parameters subject to changes due to the above-mentioned factors are: the amplitude of the received signal and the statistical law of distribution of fluctuations of amplitude, the autocorrelation function of signal amplitude (the same also applies to the signal phase), group time for signal propagation and its variation. These characteristics determine the conditions for operation of the radioelectronic systems and the choice of the method for processing the signal ugainst a background of noise of natural origin. This monograpli, while making no pretense at the completeness of coverage of all tlie scientific problems wliicli relate to the mechanisms of physical processes transpiring in tlie liigh-latitude ionosphere, is devoted specifically to those of - them which can exert the greatest influence on the characteristics of a propagat- ing radio signal. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the principal laws of fortnation and dynamics of ionospt~eric layers under undisturbed conditions when the decisive - factor is solar UV radiation. One of the arguments ~ustifying the appearance of Chis monoKrapli is that most of the data on the influence of auroral disturbances c?n t}?e ctiaracteristics of radio wave propagation are scattered 3n individual ar- ticles. Emphasis in these articles is devoted to the study only of the parameters of propagation wittiout regard to the general geophysical conditions in the auroral zone existing at tfie time of observations. This circumstance determined the struc- Cure of the monograpli, ttie form and sequence of exposition of the material. It is ba5ed on p~iblis}~ed foreikn data and also some results of individual investigations c~arried out during tlle period from 1967 through 1978 at the Polar Geophysical In- stitute, ICola Affiliate USSR Academy of Sciences under the direction of and with 143 - , FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~he direct p~lrticip~~tion of the author and having as their purpose a study of the peculiarities of propagation of radio waves in the decameter range in the auroral zone ionosphere. The suthor expresses sincere appreciation to the specialists Ye. L. Boyaintsev, R. A. Pertsovskiy and B. V. Tkachenko, who made a considerable contribution to development of the problems examined in the monograph. G. A. Zazhirilo, T. N. Lip- nitskaya and 0. A. Patenchinkova gave invaluable assistance in preparing the manuscript for press. Contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Physical Processes in High-Latitude Ionosphere and its Spatial Structure 6 1.1. Modern concepts on the reasons for and mechanisms of geophysical dis- turbances and methods for their investigation 6 1.2. Characteristics of two types of high-latitude disturbances 14 1.3. Morphological characteristics of ionospheric layers 15 1.4. Large-scale ionospheric formations 19 Chapter 2. Apparatus and Methods �or Investigating the Characteristics of Propagation of Decameter Radio Waves 23 2.1. Cliaracteristics of ineasurement complex 23 2.2. Requirements on experimental radio path 28 Chapter 3. Influence of Auroral Disturbances on the Amplitude and Spectrum of ~ a Radio Signal 31 3.1. Propa~ation mechanism during periods of auroral disturbances........... 31 3.2. Variations of signal amplitude on auroral radio paths 33 3.3. Dynamics of ionospheric region responsible for forming a stron~ signal 39 3.4. Mechanisms of interaction between a signal and a stream of particles... 42 3.5. Ionospheric noise 43 3.6. Spectra of radio signal envelopes 45 3.7. P4echanisms of spectral distortions of signal 48 3.8. Nonlinear effects during periods of disturbances 52 Chapter 4. f�fliience of. Macroscale Ionospheric Inhomogeneities on the Propaga- tion Trajectory 57 4.7.. Varlations of angles of signal arrival in the vertical and horizontal ~).1.3Re3~~~��.�.~~~~��~��~~~��~~~~~~~~~��~~~~~~~~����~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�� 57 4.2. Correlation between anomalous trajectories and the position of high- latitude ionospheric depressions 65 4.3. Determinat:ton of parameters of the inhomogeneous ionosphere on the basis of tru~ectory data 67 Chapter S. Prediction of Propagation Conditions on High-Latitude Radio Paths.. 78 5.1. Frequency dependence of propagation conditions 78 5.2. Investigation of radio communication conditions with use of slant sounding stations 79 144 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030025-7 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Summary 90 - Bibliography .............e...................................................... 92 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980 53Q3 CSO: 1865/121 END ~ ~ 145 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030025-7