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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020026-7 FOR OFFtC[AL US~ ONLY JPRS L/9787 1~ June 1 J8 1 y I~SSR Re ort ~ _ TRANS~'ORTATION (~OUa 4/81 ~ - ~BIS FOREiGN BROADCASY OIN~~RMATIO~i SERVIC~ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404020026-7 , NOTE - JPRS publications contain infurmation primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources ar~ translated; those from English-lanoua~e sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] _ or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processe~. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phcnetically or transliterated are encl~sed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. _ Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The content~ of this publication in no way reoresent the poli- - c ie:~, views or att itu~les of the U. S. Governmer.t . ~ r ~ COPYRIGEiT LAWS ANil REGULATIQNS GOVERNING OW~IERSHIP OF :1ATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMIi~ATION ~ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRIC'TED FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR OFFI('IAL V~~. U1rLY _ JPRS L/~787 11 June 1981 USSR REPORT ~ TRANSPORTATI~M - (FOUO 4/81) CONTENTS RAILROAD Rolling Stock of Electrified Rai:troads (PODVIZHNOY SOSTAV ELERTRTFITSIROVANNYKH ZHELEZNYKH DOROG, = 1980) 1 Basic Indicators, Measures of Transportation Work (OSNOVNYYE POKAZATELI I IZMERITELI RABOTY TRANSPORTA. 1980)..... 5 Book Collection of Articles on BAM Construction Troops (SOLDATSKIYE REL`SY BAMA, 1980)...~ 8 ~ Bookler Discusses Heating for BAM Settlements ~ (Ya. D. Paker, et al.; BAM V POMOSHCH' STROITELYAM: ~ TEPLOSNaBZHENIYE POSELKOV, 1979) 9 , Price List for Railroad Construc~tion Work Characterized tPREYSKURANT NA STROITEL'STVO OB'E~:TOV ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA (Chast'V) ZDANIYE, SOORUZENIYA i USTROYCTVA SVYAZI I STsB, 1980) 12 Book on BAM and Develapment of the Region (BAM I OSVOYENIYE ZABAYKAI','YA, 1979) I4 Price List for Railroad Construction Work Characterized (PREYSKURANT NA STROITEL'STVO OB'EK'TOV ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO - TRANSPORTA (Chast'III) ISKUSSTVENNYYE SOaRUZHENIYA, 1980).... 16 a - [III - US.SR - 38d FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020026-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RAILROAD ROLLING STGCK Ur' r:LFCTnii i,r,~T'i, Ri~Ii,Rue'~t~iS Moscow PODVIZHNOY SOSTAV ELEKTRIFITSIROVANNYRH ZHELEZNYKH DOROG in Russian 1980 (signed to press 21 Oct 80) pp.2, 469-471 [Title page and table of coiitents of B. N. Tikhmenev and L. M. Trakhtman's book: "The Rolling Stock of the Electrffied Railroada"J _ [Text] [Title Page] The Theory of the oper~tion of the e.~.ectrical equipment. The Electrical Circuits and Apparatuses. A textbook for WZ's of ra;!lroad trans- ' port. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged--Moscow; TRANSPORT 1980 -�_471 pages. i - . . The book sets forth the theoretical princip].es of the opera*~oa of the electric ' equipment of the electric rolling stock; it examines the principlea of the con- ; ~trol of traction motore in the starting and electrical brak3ng eyatem9! it cites ' the principles underlying the setting up~of electrical circuit~ for electric = locomotives and electric traina and for noncontact control eyst~ms;. it provides ~ the elements of the theory aud examiaee ~he characteristics of the atructure of ; the traction electr.ic devicea. ! ~ I In comparison with the previous editioa, which was published in 1969, the book I adda a description of the preaent-day systeme of autamatic regulation and impulse ; control of tr~e E~S [electric rolling atock] and the various electronic devices. ; ~ The book was approved by the Main Admiaiatration of Educational Inatitutions of ~ the MPS [Miniatry or Railways] ae a textbook for atudents of the WZ'e of rail- ' road tranaport. It can be used ae an aid for the specialty of "Flectrical Trans- port" for studente of other VUL's and will also be useful for e^~.eatific aad engi- ' neer-'cechnical workera. ~ , N~ber of illustrations--48, tables--8, bibliography--41 items. Reviewsra N. N. Sidorov, A. V. Plaks and V. I. Nekrasov Table of ~ontente Page Foreword 3 From the authors 5 Introduction 6 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404020026-7 FOR UFFIC~AL USE ONLY - Page Chap. 1. The Principles of Control and the Characteristics of the BPS L4 2. The Control Systems 16 3. The Traction and Braking Cha'racteristics 23 4. The Effect of the Motor Parameters and the i'owex Circuit on the Formation of Static CraracteriBtics 26 - S. The Properties of the Rigid Characteristics and the Requirements for their Use 35 6. The Characteristics of the Mntors when there is Failure of Adhesion of the Wheels and the Rails 39 7. The Electrical Stability of the Circuits 41 8. The Tranaition Processes 47 Chap. 2. Conversion of Current and the Characteristics of the - ~.lternating Current in a~ EPS Traction System 9. ~ne Rectifier Circuits 52 10. The ~Characteristics of the Retifiers 60 11. The Mcthods of Increasing the Coefficient of Capacity of the Static Transformers 74 12. Conversion of Current in Noncommutator Motor Systems 76 Chap. 3. Regulation of the Speed of Electric Rolling Stock in a Traction System ' 13. The Traction MAtor Groups 8~ - 14. Meth.ods of Converting from Qne l~b tor Grouping to Another 8~ 15. Reostat Starting 92 16. The Reostat Starting Systems 9~ 17. Methods of Converting with the Stage Transformer Switched On 1~ 18. Stage Regulation in Low Voltage 1~~~ 19. Stage Regulation in High Vo].tage 1~ - 20. Planned Voltage Regulation 116 21._ Starting Diagrams and Regulating Characteristics 13U 22. Regulation of Excitation of Traction Motors ~ 5 Chap. 4. Electric Braking of Ele-~firic Rolling Stock 23. General Information 146 24. Reostat Braking in Series Mntor Excitation 147 25. Characteristics of Electric Braicing in Independent Excitation and Counterexcitation of Traction Machines 156 26. Reoatat Braking Systems with an Independent Power 3upply Source 161 27. Regenerative Braking with Co~unterexcitation via a - System with Stabilizing Resistors 169 28. Regenerative Braking with Caunterexcitdtion of the Exciter 1~2 29. Automatlc Regulation of Electric Braking via Thyratron Exciters 177 2 ~nv n^~rrTAT TTRF. OjdI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR ~)FFICIAL USE ONL~ Pa gc 30. Regenerative-Reostat Braking lg^ 31. Regenerative Braking of Alternating Current EPS ~gg = Chap. 5. Impulse Control of EPS Traction Motors 32. Characteriatics of Impulse Control and the Areas of ita Uae 2~2 33. La.titudinal Impulse Regulation of Tractor Mntor - Voltage in Starting 20~~ 34. Methods of Artificial Commutation of Thyratrons in Latitudinal Impulse Regulation 208 _ 35. Latitudinal Impulse Regulation of Voltage of Tra~tion M~otora in Regenerative Braking ~24 - 36. The Entry Filter and Multip[zaae Systems of Impulae Control 2~9 37. Frequency Impulse Control of Traction M~otors 238 38�_ ImpulBe Regulation of the Current for Excitation of Tractor Motors 244 39. Combined S~atems of Impulse Regulation 250 40. Impulae Reaiatance Regulation in Reostat Starting and _ Reostat Braking 254 Chap. 6. Diaruptions in the Operational Systems of El~ctric Equipment and Safegua.raing It 41. Safeguards in a Trac~~on System 258 42. Safeguarding Semiconductor Conv~rter.s 26~ 43. Safeguarda in Electrical Braki~i3 282 - 44. Safeguarding agaiast Boxing and Locking of Wheel Paira 287 Chap. 7. The Design Elements of Traction Electricsl Devices 45. Contacts 293 46. Arc Extinguishing and Arcextinguishing Devices 302 - 47. 8lectromagnetic Drive 312 48. Electropneumatic Drive 323 - 49. Cam Contactor Drives 326 Chap. 8. Traction Electric Appa.~tat~~es 50. General Information 336 51. Current 2eceivera 336 52. High-Speed and Mtiin S~aitch~e 34S 53. Aiechargers gnd Fuaes 355 - ~4. Co~utating Devices of Power Circuita 359 _ 55. Reaistors and Reactore 368 _ 56. Control Circuit Devices 37~ _ Chap. 9. Electric Rolling Stock Control Circuits 57. General Principles of Control Systems Structure 3$3 58. Control Systems with Cont~ct Elements 384 _ 59. The Elements of Noncontact Contkol Systems 401 60. The Control of Gontact Apparatu~es via Noncontact E lements 423 3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020026-7 - FOR C~FFICIAL USE ONLY Page bl. The Principles of Noncontact Automatic Regulation for EPS 423 62. The Systems of Noncontact Autamatic Regulation for - EPS with Thyratron Convertera 431 Chap. 10. ~uxiliary Circuits of Electric Rolling Stock 63. Types of Auxiliary Circuits and Machines 443 64. Circuit Diagrams for Auxili.ary I~achines and Heating 447 65. Schematics f'ar Fower Supply ControlT Lighting and - Signaling 454 06. Control of Auxiliary Circuits 459 Bibliograp~y 463 Alphabetic Subject Index 465 . ' COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stva "Transport", 1980 - 7962 CSO: Z829/218 4 Ff1p n*~`FT('.TAT~ i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020026-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' RAILROAD SASIC II~IDICATORS, riEASURES .OF TRANSPORTATION WORK = Mo3caw OSNOVNYYE POKAZATELI I IZMERITELI RABOTY TRANSPO'RT~1 in Russian 1980 (signed to press 21 Oct 80) pp 2, 215-216 ~ [Title page and table of contents of Ya. F. Gulev and P. K. Lebedinskiy's book ; "The Basic Indicators and Measures of Transportation Work."] [Text] [Title Page] Handbook--Mosco~w: TRADISEQRT, 1980--216 pa.ges. The handbook contains operational and economic indicat4rs for the operation of - railroad, maritime, river, motor vehicle, air and pipeline transport; it sets forth the technical and economic characteristics of the va--ious types of traas- port; it cites the technical an1 operational characteristi~.s of the locouwtives ' and cars, the maritime and river vessels, the motor vehicles, planes and other , technical facilities used in transport and it contains information on the cost and periods of their operations; it provides basic information on the transport of the CEMA countries; it cites and defines the terms employed in the various types of transport. ' The book is designed for economists and engineer-technicai workers who are con- cerned with the operation and development of transport, for workers of various sectors of industry engaged in the planning and organization of shipments of the products of their enterprises, and for students of the transport educational in- stitutions. Number of tables 88, Bibliography 39 items. Reviewers: Doctor of Economic Sciences A. P. Abramov, Candidate of Economic _ Sciences N. A. Subbotin, Engineer M. P. Antonov, Doctors of Technical Sciences N. B. Ostrovskiy and I. S. Golubev. Table of Contents [Page] Introduction 3 I. General Information 4 II. Railroad Transport 11 1. Passenger and Freight Transportation 11 2. Indicators for the Use of Passenger Gars ~S ' 3. Indicators for the Use of Freight Cars 16 4. Indicators for the Use of Locomotives 23 5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FC~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Page] - 5. The Material and Technical Base 26 6. Indicators for the Work of the Stations 3Z 7. Economic Indicators 52 III. Maritime Transport 57 1. Indicators for Shipments 58 2. The Material and T~chnical Base 60 - 3. Indicators for the Work ~.f the Transport Fleet 67 4. Indicators for the Work of rhe Maritime Ports 73 5. Economic Indicators 77 IV. River Transport 82 1. Indicators for Shipments 84 2. Th~ Ma.teY�ial and Technical Base 86 ~ 3. Indicators for the Use of the xiver FZeet Jessels 93 4. Indicators for the Work of the River Ports 100 - 5. Economic Indicators 103 V. Motor Vehic le Transport '108 1. Indicators for Passenger Transportation 112 2. Indicators for Freight Transport 113 3. The Material and Technical Base 114 4. Indicators for the ~dork 120 S. Indicators for the Use of Passenger Vehicles 123 6. Indicaturs for the Work of t3otor V~hicles and Taxis 126 7. Indicators for the Use of Tr.ucks 127 8. Economic Indicators 131 VI. Air Transportation 134 1. Indicators for Shipments 2. Tha Ma.terial ar~d Technical Base 140 3. Indicators for the Use of.the Plane and Helicop~ar Fleet~ 143 4. Economic Indicators ?44 - VII. Pipeline Transpor~ation 148 1. Indicators for Shipments 150 2. Indicators for Use 150 3. The Material and Te~haical Base for Pipeline Transportation 157, 4. Economic Indicators 154 VIII. Distribution of Freight Shipments according to Routes and Types of Transport 159 1. The Technical and Economic Characteristics of Comparison of the Variants of the Varic,us Types of Transport 159 2. Reducing the Operational Qitlays to Comparable Form 160 3. Calculation of the Value of the Freight in Transit and the Speed of Its Delivery 162 4e Computation of the Outlays and the Loading and - Unloading Expenditures in Common Monetary Units 163 - 6 - FnR nFFT~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [ Page 1 - S. Methods of L`etermining the Cost of Freight Sliipments on the Various Types of Transport 164 6. Cost of tlhe Loading and Unloading Work and Storage of the Freight 178 7. Determi~ing the Full Transpert Costs 180 _ 8. Criteria for Selection of the Type of Transport 181 9. Final Product Transport 183 IX. A Brief T.ook at the Transport of the CEMA Countries lE5 1. General Information X. The Basic Terms Used in Transport 198 1. Terms Co~on to All Types of Transport 198 , 2. Railroad ~~0 - 3. Water 201 _ Motor Vehicle 206 5. Air 206 Bibliography ~pg - Subject Index 210 Editor M. P. Koltunova Art Editor A. Ye. Smirnov Technical Editor M. V. Ponama.reva Proofreader T. K. Ma.ksimova IB No . 102 fi 7962 CSO: ].829/218 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020026-7 rOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY RAILRQA.D BOOK COLLE~TION OF ARTiCLES ON BAM CONSTRLICTION TROOPS + Moscow SOLDATSKIYE REL'SY BAMA in Russian 198U (signed to press 20 Jun 80) pp 2, - 142 -143 [Outline of anthology "The Soldier Rails of BAM [Bayk31-Amur Main Line]," compiled by A. M. Filimonov, illustrated by V. P. Vysotskiy, Moscow, Voyettizdat, 142 pp] [Excerpts] [Frontispiece] The book tells about the selfless labor of the soldiers of the railroad ~.roops in the construction of the eastern sector of the Baykal- - Amur Main Line. These are stirring narratives concerning the valor smd caurage of the soldiers and about the co~unists and Komsomol nnembers who are worthy repre- sentatives of the Soviet Armed Forces on the labor front. ~ The book is designed for a wide circle of readers. Table:o� Contents Pa ge Ya. Mayorov. The Road, which is Directed to tlne Future 3 V. Svetikov. Not orly on the Map of the Line 18 ~ V. Leonot?. The Bridges of Ma.jor Berezovskiy 31 V. Makarov. The Chief Direction 46 V. Filatov. The BAM Character 62 V. Ivanov-Leonovr. "The Strong in Spirit" 72 V. Vinogradov, Ye. Vas'kin "Their Dreamn is Only of Peace" 88 " L. Gerchikov. The Time o.f the AchieNement is Brief 94 V. Anikeyev. The Soldiers' Bread 115 COPYRIGHT: Voyenizdat, 1980 7962 . CSOt 1829/241 8 Fnu n~FT~TAT, i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400420026-7 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY ' RAILRQAD BOOKLET DISCUSSES HFATING FQR BAM SET~L�EMENTS Moscow BAM V POI~SHCH' STROITELYAM: TEPLOSNABZI~NIYE POSET~ICUV in Ruas~an 1979 (signed to press 11 Mar 79) pp 3-4, 48-49 [Ou:.line of booklet by Ya. D. Peker, M. U. Shimanovich and V. A. Kravchenko. - "Supplying Heat to the Settlements (BAM Helps the Conatruction Workera)," 1979, - 48 PP~ _ ~Excerpts] [Frontispiece] The book describes the cha.racteriatics of the climate on the Baykal-Amur Main Line and the needs for heating pr~tsction for the dweiling houses. It examines the heating sources and the possibiliXy of using electric and solar energy to heat the residencey; it focuses attention on the ta~k of in- creasing the effectiveness of the ventilating equipment. - The book is designed for the engineering-techaical worke~s who are eaga~ed in the planning, construction and operation of the heatiag equipment for the settlements on the BAM. Foreword.--Under the severe climatic and geological engineering conditions which _ attend the cohstruction of the Bayka.l-Amur Main Line throughout its length, the _ supplying of heat entails some ~;ery urgent problems. They have acquired especially great importance in light of the ever-increasin~ requirements for mobile heating sourcea an3 rapidly installed asaembly and disassembly engineering syetems, and - sometimea simply the lack of the necessary experience. On the basis of a generaZization of th~: work of the equipment and operation of the heating systems on the BAM conatruction vro~ect, the authore of the book~et auggest measures for increasing the effectiveness atid reliability of the heat aupply, the - heating and the venti'lation. They exa.~ine the possibil3ty of ueiag electric aad solar energy for heat~ng. They reco~;nd devices fflr heaC ineulatfon of the build- ings and for utilization of the heat from exhauat air. _ The booklet will be useful for the planning attd the cons~LSCtion workers. Manager of the Bamtranstekhmontazh [&AM Transport Equipment Inotallation Trust] A. N. Gudko~; 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 rOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY Literature Used 1. Anapol'skaya, L. Ye. and Gandin, L. S. "The *4eteorological Factors in the Heating System for Buildings." Leningrad, Gidrometeolzdat, 1971, pp 5-12 - 2. G~r~~~r*_-~PVbovich, A. A. "Climate Evaluation for Standard Planning of Build- , - ings." Leningrad, Gidrometeolzdat, I971, pp 5-i2 3. Zhirnov, N. I. und Livchak, I. F. "The Need to Improve the Quality of the - Heating Fuel �or Housing and Municipa.l Service F'acilities"--Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika [Water Sugply and Sanitary Engineering], 1971,I~o 7, pp 7-10 4. Kazantsev, I. A. and Liber, I. 5. "Heating Protection and Engineering Equip- ment for the Buildings in the North," Leningrad, Stroyizdat, 1975, 133 pp - 5. Karpis, Ye. Ye. "The Thermotechnical Effect of the Use ~if Ventilated Windaws."-- Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, 1976, No 9, pp 18-20 - 6. "The Climate of tre USSR;" Part I, II; III, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1966, 152 pp 7. "The Clima.tic Characteristics of the Operational Zone of the Bayka.l-Amur Main Line," Gidrometeoizdat, 1977, 132 pp 8. Livchak, I. F. "Tt~e Principal Ways of Economizing on Heat and Fuel in the Heat- - ing of Homes and Public Buildings."--Vodosnabzheniye i.Sanitarnaya Tekhnika., 1974, No 3, pp 5-8 9. Peker, Ya. D. "Increasing the Effectiveness of the Systems of Heating, Ventil- ation and Air Conditioning." In th~ book "Phe MQdern Methods of Designing Engi- neering Equipment." Kiev, 1973, pp 5-24 (works of Kiev, the ZNII EP [Zonal Scienti�ic Research Institute of Power Supply], Section 21 10. Peker, Ya. D. and Ma.rder, Ye. Ya. "Increasing the Effectiveness of Thermal Insulation of Buildings," Kiev, Budivel'nik, 1973, 147 pp 11. Seinova, Ye. 'J. Kaganovich, B. M. and Oshchenkova, T. B. "Investigation of the Reliability of Eva luation oF the Various Principles Governing the Building of - Tharmification Systems "--In the book "Methodological Problems in Investigation of the Reliability of Large Power Engineering Systema." SO AN [Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences] USSR. Irkutsk, 1975, Section 8, pp 127-140. 12. Takayshvili, M. K. and Khasilev, V. Ya. "The Bases of the Methods of Esti- mating the Reliability and Potential of Heating S~stems," Teploenergetika, 1972, No 4, pp 14-19 13. "The International Congress on Frigid Weather and The Work of Its Air-Con- ditioning Section"--Vodosnabzheniye i.Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, 1976, No 9, pp 33-34 10 F(1R n~'FT('.TAL i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020026-7 - FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 14. "rhe Sanitation and Equipment for Buildings." Reference Infornia- tion. Series 9. Domestic and Foreign Experience. 1975, No 1; 1976, No 5, 8, 9, 12; 1977 No 9 Table of Contents Fa~*e Foreword 3 - 1. Characteristics of the Climate on the BAM Route. Require- ments for Heat Protection of the Buildings 4 2. Sanitation and Hygiene Requirements for the Buildings 7 3. Sources of Heating 12 . 4. Ventilation of th~ Spaces and Utilization of the Exhaust Air Heat 27 5. The Heating Systems and the Reliability of the Heating 37 Literature Used 48 Reviewer V. A. Mel'nik - Editor M. P. Sazonova ~ Technical Editor G. P. Golovkina Proofreader V. A. Lutsenko Circulation 3,000 copies " COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Transport", 1979 7962 _ CSO: 1829/241 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR OFFICIE . RA ILRGEID PRICE LIST FOR RAILROAD C~NSTRUCTION WORK CHARACTERIZED Moscow PREYSKURANT NA STROITEL'STVO OB'EKTOV ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA (Chast' V) - ~ ZDANIYE, SOORUZHENIYA I USTROYCTVA SVYAZI I STsB in Russian 1980 (signed ~~o press 14 Aug 80) pp 2, 143 [Title page, facing page, and table of ~.ontents from the boolc "P.rice List for Con- struction of Rail,]:oad Transportation Installations"] [Text] [Title Page] Price List--B~,rt 5 Communications and STsB [expansion un- " known] Structures and Devices. Section 5. Approved by the Ministry of Railways [MPS] 7 Sep 79 No P-29821 Coordinated with Gosstroy USSR 5 Sep 79 No 4-1235 Price List for the Construction of Communication.a and STsB Structures and Devices. Issued by the Ministry of Railways--Mnscow Stroyizdat, 1980--143 pp. Prepared by the Gipropromtransstroy [State Planning Institute for Transportation Construction] Editors--Engineers A. D. Bobrov and V. V. Mazurovskaya (Gosstroy USSR) V. G. _ Yeremeyev (Gipropromtransstroy), N. G. Pyshkina (MPS) Table of Contents Page Technical Part 3 1. Electric Centralization Posts and Brick Walls 10 ' 2. Electric Centralization Posts and Frame-Panel Walls 58 3. Pneumatic Mail for Forwarding Freight Documents 63 Appendix 1. Corrections in the overall cost of ear~h worth when it differ~ from the work covered in the Price List 68 Appendix 2. Correction of the Qverall Cost when the stru~ture of ~ the.foundations is made up of materials d3.ffering from those in the Price List 69 Appendix 3. Correction of the overall cost when the foundations are laid to a depth which differs from that covered in the Price List. 71 _ 12 Ff1R nFrT~TA7, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020026-7 ' FOR C~FFICIAL USE ONLY Page - A ppendix 4. Correctiona in the overall coat when the construction of heat~d buildings is in with wi'nter rated temper- ature of the outside sir differing from that covered in the Price List 74 Appendix 5. Interest on the price li~t prices 75 Appendix 6. List of costs of equigment,~.installation of which is ~ cevered by the Price List Appendix 7. Liat of superfluous or insufficient bottom land which is to be recorded when compiling a balance sheet of earth work for the construction area ae a whole 138 . Appendix 8. Example of determination of estimate coet of con- _ struction of a building, using the regional prices in the Price Liat 138 COPYRIGHT: Stroyizdat, 1980 7 962 CSO: 1829/241 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020026-7 FOR OFFICIAL TJSE ONLY RA ILRQAD BOOK ON BAM AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BAYKAL REGION Novosibirsk &1M I OSVOYENIYE ZABAYKAL'YA in Russian 1979 (signed to press 3 Sep 79) pp 2 ~ 159 [Title page and table of contents of ~he book "BAM and the Dev.elopment of the Baykal Region" by A. A. Nedeshev, F. F. Bybin and A. M. Kotel'nikov, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1979, 158 pp] [Text] [Frontispiece] The work sets forthi~the content of the BAM [Bayka.l-Amur Main Line] national economic program a.nd out the strategy for development of the northern Baykal region--one of the prospective regions of the Baykal zone. It delineates the problems entailed in the development of production in the Udokanskiy industrial center, which came into being as a result of the construc- tion of the BAM. It describes ~he natural conditions and resources of the northern Chita region and its economy in its current stage. It analyzes the problems at- tending the development of the industries of the Udokanskiy industrial center and ' examines the impact of Che future main line on the developmeat of the economy of Chitinskaya Oblast. - The book is designed for workers of the scientific institutions and the planning, economic and design organizations which deal with problems of the economic develop- _ ment of the BAM zone. The monograph is of interest to teachers and graduate and undergraduate students who are studying the present-day problems of the territor- ial organization of the production of the eastern regions of the country. - Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 The Baykal-Amur Main Line 7 - From its History - Significance of the BAM , 20 The BAM Zone 27 - The Chita North 40 Study History - Natural Conditions 47 Natural Resources 58 - Population and Economy 73 14 FnR nFFr~iAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pa gc _ The tTdokanskiy J.ndustrial Center 90 :nduatrial Development of the Resources and Problems of TecY:nologv _ ~ Fuel and ~nergy Proviaions for the Center 101 Tranaport Links 106 Timber Industry 11( Protection of Natural Environment 11~ The BAM and the Eastern Transbaykal Region 122 The P~esent-Day Economy _ The BAM Support Bases in the Chitinska,ya Oblast Regions 140 The Pro~pecta for Develogment of the Procesaing Industry 145 Bibliography 153 Responsible Editor Vladimir Yasil'yevich Vorob'yev Approved for publication by the Institute of the Gaography of Siberia and the Far East, SO [Siberiaa Department] of the AN [Academy of Sciences] USSR ' Publication Editor T. B. Melkozerova Artiat A. I. Smirnov ' Art Editor V. I. Zhelnin , Technical Editor A. V. Semkova ' Proofreadere T. 0. Negodova and M. V. Spiridonova COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979 ~ 7 962 CSO: 1829 /241 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 FOR ~~FFICIAL USE ONLY RA ILRQAD PRICE I,IST FOR RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK CHARACTERIZED Moscow PREYSKURANT NA STROITEL'STVO OB'EKTOV ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA (Chast' IIT) ISKUSSTVENNYYE SOORUZHENIYA in Russian 1980 (aigned to press 7 Jul 80] title page, pp 2, 38 ' - [Title page, facing page, and table of contents for Price List for Construction _ of Railroad Transport Installations] [Text] [Title Pages] Price List--Part 3 Ma.n-Made Structures. Section 6. Ap- proved by the Ministry of Railways 22 Jun 1979 No A-21150 Coordinated with Gosstroy USSR 15 Jun 1979 No 4-82 Moscow STROYIZDAT 1980--37 pp [Frontispiece] Price List for Conatruction of Ra.ilroad Trauaport Installations Part 3 Section 6 Man-Made Structures. Ministry of Railways [MPS]--M~oscow: Stroyizdat, 1980--38 pp. Prepared by the Gipropromstransetroy [State Plaaning Institute for Transporta- tion Construction) For specialists engaged in the prepasation of estimate documentation and for engi- neer-technical workers of the construction organizations. Editore--Engineers A. D. Bobrov (GosaCroy USSR), R, P, Kartseva (MPS), V. K. Shkil' (Gipropromtransstroy, MrS USSR). Table of Con~ents Page Technical Part 3 Regional Prices Water conveying cylindrical pipe m;de of corrugated metal for - rail and motor roads (Standard Plaai 3.501-95 Inventory No 996) 8 Reinforced cement water conveying trays (Album-Inventory No 984) 17 16 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420026-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~'age Appendix 1. Distribution of the varieus parts of the USSR ac- cording to territorial regione which are covered by pr~ces of the current Price List. 27 _ Appendix 2. Correction factors for the regional gxrces for reinforced concrete rectangular pipe lg Appendix 3. Coefficients which record the invoice expenditures for construction work, planned accumulations, and limit- governed costs 30 Appendix 4. Coefficients for the overall value of thp regional prices for construction projects located in temperature zones _ whicn differ from those covered in the Price List 30 Appendix 5. Coefficients for the overall value of the regional prices and structures in localities which are exposed in the winter to a steady wind force of more than four 35 Appendix 6. An example of determination of the estimate cost of construction of reinforced concrete water-conveying trays . through the use of regional prices in the Price List 36 COPYRIGHT: Stroyizdat, 1980 7 962 CSO: 1829/241 END ~ 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020026-7