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APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9782 10 June 1981 West Euro e Re Qrt p ~ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - cFOUC 5is ~ ) F~IS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL US~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400020021-2 - NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapera, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other ch~racte~istics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the firs; line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was ~rocessed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- _ mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mar~c and enclosec? ir_ parentheses -~ere not clear in the origina.l but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetic2l notes with in the body of an item originate with ttie ~ource. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGEiT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSFIIP OF ~ MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION ~ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040440020021-2 JPRS L/9782 10 June 1981 , ' WE~T EUROPE REPORT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 5/81) CONTENTS SCIENCE POLICY = Covernment To Aid Automation of Small, Medium Industries (RoNo; A.IR & COSMOS, 4 Apr 81) 1 !'RANSPORTATION SFENA Develops Improved Avionics for A 310 (AIR & COSMOS, 28 Mar 81) 3 - Eastern Airlines Orders More Airbuses (AIR & COSMOS, 28 Mar 81) 6 First A-3~0 Wing Panel Leaves BAe Assembly Line (AIR & COSMOS, 11 Apr 81) 7 Airbus Industrie: Market Studies, Details on Future A-320 (AIR & COSMOS, 11 Apr 81) 9 - Four-Country Cooperation in Aeronautical R& D (AIR & COSMOS, 25 Apr 81) 12 Airbus: Sales Update, Status of A-310, A-320 - (AIR & COSMOS, 25 Apr 81) 14 New Material for A-300 Components (AIR & COSMOS, 2 May 81) 16 Briefs First Dornier Flight Tests 18 - a- [IIZ - WE - 151 S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ SCIENCE POLTCY GOVERNMENT TO AID AUTOMATION OF SMALL, MEDIUM INDUS'1'RIES Paris AIR COSMOS in French 4 Apr 81 p 11 [Article by RoNo: "Automation of Production: Financial Aid to PMEJ [Text] In a press conference organ3zed on 24 M.a.rch at Montrouge by the National Agency for the Development of Automated Productlon (ADEPA) Mr Pierre Gadonneix, director of the metallurgical, mechanical, and electrical sections in th~ Ministry of Industry explained the government's polic~ for 1981 in the area of production ' automation. His discussion was complemented by a general presentation about ADEPA, its goals, means, and activities since it~ creation in 1968, by Messrs Michel Barba and Christian Sauvaire, respectiveiy president and director of the agency. _ As a result of a Council of Ministers meeting which took place on 11 March, the government decided to take measures along two main lines: a priority effort to;aard automation, witn the indispensible educational effort; and a renewed effort in research and inn~vation. - The objective of this policy is twofold: to strengthen the competitive position of manufacturing industries in the area of mass production in terms of productivity , increase, product quality and reliability, and improvements in working conditions; to create a national robats and automatic machinery industry. The government has therefore taken a number of ineasures in this direction. These measures support the action previously undertak.en in this area and take into consideration three main factors: the obstacle created by the 30 to 50 percent excess cost of the equipment as r_;,W~arF~d to traditional equipment and the psychological reluctance of small and medium industries because of the upheaval created by the changeover to new production methods; the necessity to act not only _ on the demand but also on the supply in order to avoid a takeover of the market by imports; the very short turnaround time available to achieve this industrial and technological changeover due to the headstart in some foreign c~untries (Japan). The actions tak2n on the users' S~~P co~G;st of increasing the industries' awareness of the possibilities offered by automation; increasing the avail.ability of low interest loans for industry; and providing assistance for personnel training. As an example, we can point to the more than F60 million 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY budget for 1981 provided for the MECA procedure ~advanced machinery and equipment) managed by AD~PA. A1.1 these measures apply mainiy to small and medium manufacturing industries mass-producing products in small and medium quantities and also, in the aeronautics area, to equipment manufacturers and vendors. ADEPA is a non-profit organization (according to the 1901 law) created in 1968 by the administration. As a public works auxiliary its mission is to promote and . assist in the development of automation of production equipment and systems in the industrial areas of equipment production, manufacturing, and small and medium industries. GIFAS, SCFMO (French Association of Machine-Tool Manufacturers), and other~ are represented in the managing committee. ADEPA employs 70 workers at its headquarters, plus 15 in a regional technical assistance network, and its - technical support equipment includes three data processing centers, an automatic processes laboratory, six classrooms, and a numerical control machine--tool workshop. Through ADEPA, about 500 companies have already received the benefits of trie MECA [Advanced Design Machines and Equipment] process. ADEPA, B.P. 54, 13 a 17 rue Perier, 92123 Montrouge. Tel: (1) 657-12-70. COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981 6445 CSO: 3102/229 - 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY T ItAN S P ORTAT I ON SFENA DEVELOPS IMPROVED AVIONICS FOR A 310 Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 28 Mar 81 p 26 - [Article by G. C.] _ [Textj The attache~ table provides a comparison bE~tween the automatic fZight control avionics (CADV) of the present A.300 B2/B4 Airbus, and the upcoming A.310 and A.300-600. The comparison shows a signific~nt evolution in these avionics, - based on the massive contribution of computer technology and digital circuitry, materialized in the Arinc standards o~ the series 7Q0. Signii~icant improvements can _ be seen in the number of units (LRU = Line Replaceable Unit), ir the weight and = consequent volume, in electric consumption, and in reliability. A gain of four to five is estimated for the latter parameter. Equally notable is the systematic use of the :1TLAS test language for ground bench control of these avfonics. Another important evolution has been the intrc:iuction of an intelligent monitoring unit for the CADV. MTP or Maintenance Test Pan~l The A.310 and the A.300-600 will have unit for complete monitoring of the flight - control avionics, known as MTP or MainLenance Test PaneT. This unit is located on the lateral panel of the FFCC (Forward-Facing Crew Cockpit) pilot seat, because it is normally not used in flight. It is essentially used on the ground to prepare ' necessary maintenance actions. It makes it possible to: Supervise the entire CADV system during flight, and identify any failing unit; Test a new unit after replacement; Test the availability of the automatic LAND landing mode. The design constraints placed on this equipment are rather severe, since no more ~han 10 percent of the recorded data m~ist be unjus[ified, while th~ test confidence level in a replaced unit must be bette~ tnan 90 percent; the same is true for the _ LAND mode. (?n its front panel, the unit has an alphanumeric display window that can st~ow the defects and information devel.c~ped by the system. The window displays 32 characters in two lines, using liquid crystals. The MTP makes it possible to record 3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ Dbp1aY wk~dow: 2 x 16 ch~racbrs _ ~s~ I~~ ~ Fdlun ncord O O 0 ~ aroun0 CiMr NO a sesn a~pia~r e Front view of the MTP developed by SFENA for the A.310 NBR Weight Oigital N8R Weight KG units KG AP'FD Z Z6 ~ Long~tudinal ; AP'FD I 2 I 28 Flight I Lateral i ~ co~trol 2 ! 30 AP FD I 2 i 28 computer i Logic ' I 5 ~ I S.R.S. Yaw damper 2 18 Fiight - Trim computer 2 ~ 7 au9mentation 2 14 3 trim computer 2 10 computer Autothrotlle 1 7.5 Thrust CoMrol 1 I B ~ ~ ~ Nt limit 1 6 computer Test 2 19 None (bite? ~ Total ~R~ ~~~5 LiiU SZ Compar.ison of t}le CADV avionics of the present A.300 B2/B4 (on the left) and the A.310 (on the right). A three-folc' gain can be seen in the number of units and in wei~ht. ~ and srure in memory a maximum of 30 failures for the previous six flights. The ~ dialog keyboard below the window makes it possible to succes~~vely recall these - Failures. In case of ambiguity on the origin of the fa~~ure, the system can present its diaRnosis by classifying the presumed origins in order of decreasing probahility. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY And finally, ~t is possible to connect a printer to the unit by means of the connector on the front panel; the p*_-inter then makes it possible to retain a written record of failures, and to extract from th�~ system further information on the circumstances surrounding failures, their nature, and so on. The MTY, as well as the CADV installation of the A.310 and the A.300-6~0, was designed hy SFENA jFrencli ; Air-Navigation Equipment Co.J and will be~built cooperatively by the group SFENA/Smiths Industries/Bodenseew~rk. COPYRrGHT: A. & C. 1980 11, 023 , CSO: 3102/222 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TRANSPORTATION EASTERN AIRL:iNES ORDERS riORE AIRBUSES Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 28 Mar 81 p 9 ~ [ Uns igned art icle ] [Text] Fastern Airlines and Airbus Industrie announced at the beginning of this week that Eastern's options cn nine tiirbus A 300 B 4's have become firm orders, bringing to 34 the total number of firm orders from Eastern to Airbus Industrie for A 300 B 4's. Eastern's new order involves approximately 335 million dollars. Eastern is presently adding 19 Airbus planes to its fleet, including 17 B 4~fivednext Bears.and Six more A 300 B 4's wi~l be delivered to the company this }ear, Y ~ . four in 1983. The 34 Airbuses placed on firm order by Eastern will be equipped with CF 6-50 C 2 General Electric turbojets. In addition, Eastern has announced that it has taken options on 26 additional ~ A-300's, out of which five will be B 4 2Q0's and 21 will be B 4 600's. These will be equipped with General Electric CF 6 80 C 1 turbojets, and ready for delivery starting in 1984. Counting these options, Eastern's total order involves 60 Airbus planes. Commenting on this order, Frank Borman, general manager at~ East~rn, emphasized once agai.n the fuel consumption sa~eter than smallernaircraft,band whose operatingtcost 30 percent less per seat-kllo is about 20 percent below that of a large capacity three-engine jet aircraft. Ici addition, Frank Borman again indicated that his company is now awaiting builders' proposals for a 150 seat short haul craft, designed to service 700 to 90~-kilometer ro�tes: "We estimate our requirements to be about 100 aircraft, ready for delivery in about four to five years from now, and we hope that Airbus Industrie, Boeing, and = perhaps McDonnell Douglas will undertake aircraft design projects to fit these requirements. It should be remembered that for this category of aircraft, Airbus Indu~trie offers the A 320 and Boeing has the B 787. An announcement was expected at the end of this week, concerning an Airbus 310 ~rder placed by an important company from the North American ContinenL. ' COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1980 11,023 , CSO: 31(12/222 n FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020021-2 FOR OFFaCIAL USE ONLY 'CRANS POR'fAT ION }'I.RST A-310 WING PANEL LEAVES BAe ASSEMBLY LINE Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 11 Apr E1 p 16 [Article Uy J. M.: "First A-310 Wing Panel Comes Out of the British Aerospace Shop at Chester"] ['Text] A brief ceremony last Tuesday, 7 April, marked the unveiling of the , first Airbus A-310 wing panel at British Aerospace in Broughton, near Chester. The panel in question, weighing 5.25 tons, has a surface of 40.6 square meters and is 22 meters long. It is characterized, mainly near the socket by a highly complex exterior shape and a high thickness/chord ratio (15 percent). With a span about equal to that of the A-300 wings (44 meters compared with 45) the _ A-310 wings will have slightly less total surface, by 15 percent (219 square meters compared with 260), a geometric aspect ratio increased from 7.73 to 8.8, ttie same sweepback (28 degrees, at one quarter of the chord depth), a structural mass which is 17 percent lower, and available internal volume (full tanks) only 8 percent less. The improved aerodynamic characteristic~ ~f the new wing enable it to contribute considerably to the gain in fuel economy (about 'ZO percent) which the A-310 affords. The aerodynamic study of the A-310 wing, on the computer and in the , wind tunnel, was in fact particularly painstaking. As for fabrication, it was distinctly simplified: to such exten.t that at the steady production rate the wing panel will be on the assembly line only 4.5 weeks, compared with 7 for the ~ present A-300 wing. British Aerospace, responsible for the within the Airbus Industrie consortium, is striving to accelerate assembly operations by making use of subassemblies fabricated in the other plants of the group (Brough, , Chadderton, Filton, Hamble, Hatfield, and Hurn) and is benefiting from highly deve].oped preparation. nfter certain parts are added, and it is tested for being watertight, the ;aing ~~anel is sent to VFIn' at Bremen aboar~d the "Super Guppy" for installation of equipment, various circuits, and moving elements (flaps and slats). The fin- = wing :is then sent to Toulouse to be joined to the central fuselage upon _ the assembl.y line operated hy Aerosgatiale [Natio.~al Aerospace Manufacturing Companyj. 7 FOR OFFICdAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY In order to bring this first wing pa.nel, which will be assembled on the first A-310 to fly (airplane No 162 des~ined f.or Swissair), the workers and techni- ~ cidns of British Aerospace exerted great efforts in these last few months. _ The second panel half was to b~ unveiled this 8 April. Upon our visit we were able to observe that there was intense activity at Chester in the 8 double assembly bays used to assemble A-30Q wing panels: those for airplane No 170 (model E4, destined for Iberia) were under construction in bay No 8(compatible with the A-310 wing); bay No 9, from which the first A-310 wing panel has come, is now recei>>ing the panels destined for a static test wing; in bay No 10 were the wing panels for the A-310 No 172 (also destined for Swissair) and which will be the second A-310 to fly. Four other A-310 assemblies are planned (the third is already under construction). Therefore the Chester plant will have available a total of 14 double assembly bays: 8 for the A-~00 and 6 for the A-310. It will thus be in position later on to deliver up to 10 pairs of wings per month (A-300 + A-310). For this year - it is planned that this plant will deliv?r 43 A--300 wing sets and 4 A-310; in 1984 the rate of 8 will be attained. About 2,000 employees at British Aerospace are at present engaged in the Airbus program, of whom more than 500 are at Chester itself. Between 1978 and 1985 Lritisli Aerospace will have devoted from 200 to 250 million pounds sterling to tne A-310 pragram, expenditures which cover studies, development, fabrication, tooling, employee training, etc. - COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981 1].706 CSO: 3102/261 ~ 8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020021-2 FOR OFF9CIAL USE ONLY TRANSPORTATION AIRBUS INDUSTRIE: MARKET STUDIES, DETAILS ON FUTURE A-320 . - Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 11 Apr 81 p 18 [Article by J.M.: "Airbus Industrie: Market Studies and New Details on the Future A-320"] [Text] The very latest long term unrket studies made by Airbus Industrie and its associates in the field of new generation short and medium range trans- ports have provided the preliminary results si~own in the following tables. Number of Aircraft in servi_ce in the year 2000 . Category Present customers of Other Airbus Industrie customers Total A-320-100/200 768 1,573 2,341 A-310 347 1,263 1,610 A-300 360 344 704 TA-9 604 873 1,477 Totals 2,079 4,053 6,132 The studies are based upon the assumption of an average annual traffic growth of 5.5 to 6 percent, which corresponds to a level of traffic, in the year 2000, three times as great as the present ievel. ' Ta be noted: Ttie very great impact of the elongated version of the A-300--the TA-9 (more than 300 seats). The limitation of the A-300 to 360 tm its (316 airplanes sold to date, the A-300-600 includedj. But with the future TA-9 being directly derived from the A-300-600, one could just as well show 964 A-300 units, all versions included, ~ux1347 A-310 units. This is a tota~ of 1,300 Airbus medium-range wide body transports in service in the year 2U00. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The fact that Air~us Industrie is still manifesting its ambition, in practical terms, to caprura a third of the world market. The necessary observatiQn that Airbus Industrie's forecasts invo~ve solely those airlines already are customers of the Eurapean consortium--about 40 carriers. An intermediate forecast relating to the worldwide fleet of wide-body short and medium rang2 transports on the horizon of 1993 predicts that, of 2,600 airplanes in these categuries, Airbus Industrie can hope to sell 1,200 units of the A-300/ A-310. ~ - As far as the tuture A-320 is concerned, it was recently confirmed at Toulouse that studies have reached a highly advanced stage, as much for manufacture of the airplane as for its technical aspects. The "short" version (basic configura- tion 130 seats), or A-320-100, corresponds, of course, to the former SA-1 while the "long" version (A-320-200) corresponds to the former SA-2 (basic configuration 160 seats). One of the most interesting points is the adoption of a double lobe fuselage, which makes possible both greater width at the elbows (upper lobe reserved for passengers) as well as more space for the cabin baggage compartments (above the seats) and a cargo compartment (lower lobe) which is wider and capable of hold- ir~ sizeable containers (of LD-3 type, but not so high, nevertheless compatible with container-handling equipment for wide body aircraft). The cross section of the fuselage adopted will thus be 155.3 inches (3.94 meters) wide and 163 inches (4.14 meters) high. _ The use of a piloting and stabilization system compatible with very low margins of static stability enables the size of the horizontal stabilizer to be reduced. - Also underway are highly advanced studies of better integration of the engines into the airframe; the engines are to have thrust of about 25,000 pounds (11.5 tons) and to offer fuel economy. The engine candidates are: --SNECMA [National Aircraft Engine Study and Manufacturing Company]/General Electric CFM-56-X (see AIR & COSMOS, No 854); --Anglo-Nippon RJ-500; --a Pratt and Whitney engine of the new PW 2000 family; and --a possible new General Electric engine. The future A-320, which will of cour�se benefit from other advanced technologies (cockpit, avionics, composite materials), is being described by Airbus Industrie as, First of all, an airplane capable of replacing the B-727-200 and DC-9-80. It will enable Airbus Industrie to h~.ive complete credibility, the European con- sortium thus being able to offer a full range of short and medium range 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 ~ ~ 1CIAL USE ONL~~ transport aircraft. It will be available in 1985 with a decision to start production immediately. But the priority which must be assigned to it in rela- ti.on to the other Airbus Industrie projects (TA-9 and TA-11) depends exclu- sively upon market demand. - COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981 - 11706 CSO: 3102/261 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY TRANSPORTATION FOUR-COUNTRY COOPERATION IN AERONAUTICAL R& D Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 25 Apr 81 p 10 [Article: "Four-party Cooperation in Aeronautical Reseasch and Technology"] [Text] Last week the General Delegation for Armament announced that a formal agree- ment concerning cooperation in aeronautical research and technology among France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom became effective on 6 April 1981. Designated by the acronym GARTEUR (Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe), this cooperation had its beginnings in 1973 with sou~e exchanges of infor- mation among France, West Germany, and the Uiiited Kingdo~u. The Netherlands ~oined the GARTEUR in 1977. The fo~ur countries intend to go beyond exchanges of information and to ma~Ce official a framework for joint activitiPS involving research and manu- facturing establishments. This agreement will be made operative by an organization described in a chart attached to the agrPement. This organization consists of three elements: A council, composed of representatives of the member countries named by the govern- ments, which will establish procedures and make the major decisions; Groups with various responsibilities, organized according to the ma,jor aeronautical disciplines (aerodynamics, flight mechanics, structures and materials, helicopters) which will propose ~oint activities and supervise them; and Working groups which will undertake such activities, with well defined tasks to be executed within specified periods. At present the following working groups are active: ~ Aerodynamics Aerodynamics af the wing-to-fuselage attachment in the trans-sonic regime. This group is charged with perfecting the methods of calculating the aerodynamic flows around the wing-to-fuselage aCtachments of transport aircraft; and Methods of testing two-dimensional bodies in the Crans-sonic regime: these test methods, particularly important for defining supercritical profiles, will be the subject of especially close cooperation among research institutes of the four coun- tries. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY Structures and Materials Tolerance of damage due to impact of composite materials. - This study of the be~avior of composite ma.terials after sustaining damage due to impact (hail, accidental damage) is being undertaken by several laboratories in cooperation. Eval.uation of A.luminum Alloy 7010--This cooperation makes it possible to distribute, ~ among a greater number of laboraCories, the evaluation tests of this alloy and to compare the various methods employed, each one cooperating having ttee benefit of the results of all the tests. COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981 _ 11706 CSO: 3102/266 - 13 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFNI('JAL USF: ONI.Y TRANSPORTATION AIRBUS: SALES UPDATE, STATUS OF A-310, A-320 Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 25 Apr 81 p 14 [Article: "Airbus Industrie Passes the 40-Customer Mark"] [Text] In Lagos on Friday, 17 April J.A.B. Smit and George Warde, respectively director general of Nigeria Airways and sales manager of Airbus Industrie, signed a firm contr3ct for sale of four airplanes, model A-310, with an option for four more. The first two A-310 airplanes will be delivered in the autumn of 19iS3 and the other two in 1984. Fitted out to ~ransport 225 passengers, 24 of them in first class, _ these airplanes will be used principally in the inter3or regional network of the Nigerian ~irline, but the A-310 performance will also enable it to link Lagos with the principal European cities, including London. As a resua.t of this new contract Airbus Industrie now has 40 airline customers who have ordered 469 airplanes (315 firm sales and 154 options) divided between the A-300, 3'16 units (236 + 80) and the A-310, 153 unit~ (79 + 74). - 133 Airplanes Delivered = As for deliveries, 129 airplanes had been delivered by last 31 March, including four in March: the first two A-300 B4-100 airplanes to Iberia, the fourth A-300 B2-300 to SAS, the thi~d A-300 84-200 to Singapore Airlines, which is three airplanes equipped with Pratt and Whitney JT9I}-59A engines and one equipped with General Electric CF6-50C2 engines. On 20 April the number of airplanes reached 133 (for 24 customers) thanks to deliveries of an eighth one to Air Inter (A-300 B4j, a third A-300 B4-100 to Iberia, a fifth A-300 B4-200 to Pakistan Airlines, and a third A-300 B4-100 to Philippine Airlines. New Cargo Door The fourth SAS A-300 has a special feature: it is the first to be equipped with a ~ cargo door (forward compartment) 2.69 meters wide, or 0.26 meter more than the doors installed up to now. This wider door will be standard upon all the A-300 airplanes to be delivered starting next summer, therefore upon the A-300-600 to be delivered - starting in 1984 and upon the A-310; it offers the advantage of peruiitting the loading of 2.43 t,y 3.17 - meter pallets, whereas only 2.23 by 3.17 - meter pallets could, 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE (3NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020021-2 - F(ZR OFI~I('IAL USF~ ONI.Y up to now, be placed in that for~,~ard compartment (norma.lly use3 for cargo transport, ba~;gage being placed in the aft compartment). ~ Among ttie airplanes being completed at Toulouse and Hamburg, recent~y ncted were the - first A-300 airplanes of TAA, Varig, and Air Afrique, and the airplanes for Iberia (fourtti airplane), South African Ainaays {Na S), Alitali:a (Nos 5, 6 and 7), and Thai (tdu 9). On the assembly li~ie were the 19th and 20th airplanes for Malaysian Airline Systems, the 6th for Olympic Aizways, the lOth for Thai, the 3rd for Egyptair, th~ ' 2nd for TAA, and ~our destined for Eastern (Nos 20 to 23). A-310 While satisfactory flight tests aboard the A-300 of the digital autopilot developed - by SFENA in cooperation with Bodenseewerke and Smith Industries have been continuing since December (the fa.rst automated landings are now beginning>, British Aerospace, which has just completed the first set of wing panels for the A-310 (see AIR & COSMOS - No 855) has announced that 5 sets of these panels will come off the line this year, 11 sets in 1982, and 26 in 1983. A-320 '1'he studies of the future A-320 are continuing, with a two-fold objective, of course: to arrive at specifications for the airplane which best incorporate the requirements oE customers and to start the actual program before the end of this year. But in the meantime, and perhaps by the middle of 1981, a problem will have to be Yasolved: that of distribution of work among those cooperating in the future program. Such distribution, responsible officials of Airbus Industrie recently reminded us, has in no w~zy at all been settled. The ma.jor ones certainly cooperating will be German, British, Spanish, and French manufacturers and the solution adopted will have to be both the best possible from the economic standpoint and respond to the "wishes" of the manufacturers. Now the latter are very hesitant as far as the nature and level of their participation are concerned: the assevibly line, for example, could equally well be installed at Toulouse or Bristol, and even at Amsterdam, if the :Ietherlands and Folcker decide to participate in the program. Of course, in order ' to equalize work and responsibilities it is out or the question for the same country to be responsible for both the assembly line and fabrication of the wings. F3ut at Toulouse, as at Bristol, there is difference of opinion on this rnatter: is it, for example, more attractive for Aerospatiale to manage the A-320 assembly line (wliicli would ttius have the benefit of the experience already gained with the A-300 and A-310), or, on tiie contrary, to be responsibZe for the wings, which would not disi~lease the study bureau and woulo enable Aerospatiale to balance its activities - harmoniously throughout all its A-300, A-310 and A-320 programs? The same hesitation can be observed at Bristol. Finally, the Germans would like to see themselves en- _ trusted with mor~~ important tasks t?:an that of making the fuselage. At the same time the question also arises as to establishing in a similar environment--this is not ob]igatory--of an assembly line and flight :ests. Ztao or three activities and _ key responsibilities for four or five partners: this ~a ultimately the real problem . wtiicti mus~ first be resolved. COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981 - 11706 c;SO: 310Z/266 i5 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 N'UR OFF~CIAI. USI? ONLY TRANSPURTATION NEW MATERIA{. FOR A-300 CO~ONENTS Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 2 Ma.y 81 p 21 [Article: "'Supral' Adopted by Messier for Use on the A-300"] [Text] A cost reduction of nearly 50 perc~nt has been achieved in manufacture of protective guards for the servo-valves of the Airbus A-300 landing gear brake system by virtue of adopting stamped one-gizce superplastic alloy parts for these components. - Manufactured by Superform Metals of Worc2ster, England, from "Supral" superplastic aluminum, the new guards replace units consisting of several pieces of conventional type alloy mechanically welded. According to the company this innovation reduces production time while improving the precision of the guards. Messier-Hispano-Bugatti, which is manufacturing the Airbus landing gear, has chosen a stamped "Supral" part for this application. According to Superform Metals the stamping tooling, which is both simple and inex- pensive, while needing only a single working surface, has also made it possible to effect improvements in shape (optimization of fit) without high tooling cost. Two "Supral" guards are assembled upon each i: that is, one upon each of the two legs of the main landing gear; they protect the hydraulic control servo-valves o f ttie breaks agains t dus t and other p~~llutants . Let us remember that the "Supral" alloy utilized ~y Superform Metals was invented in the research laboratories of the TI Group (see AIR & COSMOS No 841). Although it is capable of being elongated to sevexal times its initial length by virtue of the stamping process perfected by Superform Metals, once it has been stat~ped, the company says, it has the advantages of conventional aluminuil alloys: high strength/weight ratio, and low electrical and thermal ~onductivity, as well as corrosion resistance. ~ 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020021-2 FOR OFF~CIA1. USE ONLY ] ~ ~ . , ~ \ ~~~k,/ ~ _ ~ ~ r