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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 . FOFt OFFIClA1. USE ONLY JPRS L/~758 = 28 May 1981 Ja an Re ort - p p CFOUC 33/81) ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extYacted. Unfamiliar names rendere~~ phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion ma.rk and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication i.1 no way reoresent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Govern;nent. COPYRIGEiT. LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNZNG OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSE~IINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAT~ USE O~TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY , JPRS L/9758 28 May 1981 JAPAN REPORT (FOUO 33/81) CON7ENTS rcc~NC~~~Tc lt,S, Firms Turn to Buying New Equipment From Japan (Hideo Tamura, JAPAN ECONOMIC JOIJRNAL, 5 May 81)......... 1 SCIENCI; AND TFCHNOLOGY Up~iate on Japan's Nuclear Power C:eneration Programs (Various sources, various dates) .......e 3 Fuel Rod Safety Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Ni~cle~r F~ision Research Programs Committee on Nuclear Plant Robota Editorial on Nuclear Plant Site Selection Measurement Development Fusion Rese~rch at Osaka University Tocien's Cleaning Technology Nuclear Plant Robot Industry Mult~.-Purpose High-Temperature Gas Reactor. Japanese To Start Negotiations With Soviets on Large Diameter Pi~e - (NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMIiUN, 22 Apr $1) 15 Pros, Cons of Participation in iamburg Project (NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, 25 Apr $1) 17 ~l~aky Soviet Yamburg Pipeline Project (Y~etaka Saito Interview; NIKKEI SANGYO SHIMBiJN, 19 Mar 81) . l9 Yamburg Project Negotiations To Begin at End of April (NIHON KOGYO SHIMBUN, 17 Apr 81) 22 - a - [III - ASIA - 111 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 i' I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sc,vic~t Yamb�rg Pipeline Project To Be Discussed in Tokyo Soon (NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, 22 May 81) 2-i New Material.s Revolutionizing Industry 2~ (NIKKEI BUSINESS, 26 Jan 81) Magretic Rvbble Memory Used for Data-Base N~achine ~3 (JAPAPI EC~~?()MIC JOIIRNAI,, 24 Mar 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - T1aI P~akes Nickel Alloy To Resist 1,000~' C Heat ~4 (JAPAN ECONOMIC J~URNAL, 24 Mar 81) Government Lab Develops Novel Innovative Voice Synthesizer ~5 (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOi7RNAL, 24 Mar 81) Solar Cell Calculators Proving Brisk Sales Item (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 24 Mar 81) 36 Residual Cracking Will Get Priority in MITI's Policy 37 (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, S May 81) NTT ('hooses Equipment for 'Open' Tender (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 24 Mar 81) 3R Customers Will Be Able To Use 'INFONET' (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 24 Mar 8I) ~Q - R~]_ls-Royce Suggests Joint Jet Engine Levelopment (3ElP~^?I FCOPdOPtIC JOLIRNAL, 24 Piar 81) 40 Machine Tool Builders Boom Slows (3APAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 24 Mar 81) . 4~ Nitachi Makes Super Cable With Aluminum Covering (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) 4~ ~:la~G Makers Stress Float Technique (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) 44 Toray To Set Up New Carbon Fiber Factory (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) 45 ~~~ny DeveloPs Video System Capable of Scanning 1,125 Lines Per Sec~nd (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) 4~ CTDC To Undertake International Plane Project 47 (JAPAPT ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) Constructio~l Machinery Builders Cut Ties With Western Partners ~R (JA1'AT' ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Machinery Production Predicted To Grow Steadily (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOtiRNAL, 5 May 81) 5~ TNOC Plans Uffshore Stocking of Crude Oil With Three Companies (JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 5 May 81) 51 Briefs " Robot Developed 52 Memory Chips Production SZ - c - F(lA (~FFT('T~T TiCF. f1NTY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 1~:C1)h`OA11 C U. S. I~ 1 R1~IS TLTRN TO BUYING NEW EQUIPMENT ~'ROM JAPAN 'l'okyo JAPAN L'CONOriIC JOURN~`~L in English Vol 19, No 9~3, 5 May 81 pp 1, 4 ~Art.icle l>y Hideo Tamura, NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN correspondent] I'1'ext 1 In an a!tempt to reconstruct is lrying in particular to ex- attempting to upgrade its Uu~,r ;~ilin~; business, An~e- pand its integrated circuit ima~;e and prestige. ~ rican ~~I~~ct ~�ic~. autn and oil com- department, which is trailing Mzanwhile, General Motc~rs ~~ae~c. ha~�~~ started lo purchase behind Japanese counterparts, Corp and Ford Motor Co. are r;ucxls, i~ictory c~quipmenl and and its defense department is planning to procure most of manufacturing technology new- expected to Ilourish under their factory equipment from ly dc~vel~~pe~d in Japan, generat- President Ronald Reagan's in~ unerpecicd ~ie~nand. "stron America" defense ~apanese makers. GM now has In the field of eleclric ma- g t50 industrial robots and would buildup programs. like to have 13,000 by 1990. chinery, Westinghnuse Eler,tric On the other hand, General 'Chus, Kawasaki Heavy Indus- Corp. h1s started talks with Electric Co. has recently con- ~ ' i~1 i~yubishi Eleclric Corp. on a cluded an agreement on overall tries, Ltd., Japan s leading ~,ssil~le joint venture to con- t~}~~~~ coo ration with robot maker, has started to titruct hi Vil roductivc lant ~ supply GM with newly-devel- B Y P P Toshiba Corp. and Hitachi, Ltd. oped welding robots through its [c~r tieavy electric machinery and made inquiries to both agent in the U.S., Unimation , equi~ped with Japanese tech- Japanese fi: ms concerning nolo~;y some~vhere in the possible cooperation in sell- ~?c. Sources said new invest- llui~ed Stales. The new plant in their products in third mentsof $76 billion will he need- will t,c designed and operated co ntrt~5. Sources said GE ~ to reconstruct America's , a?ling auto industry from 1980. - w~d~~r ~lit~~id,ishi's production would like to take over agents In the field of machine t~ols, n~an,~Kement method, j~~.~t like work~'iil' ~selling Japanese new orders are pouring into Pvtilsubi~tii plant in .lapan. heavy electric machinery in Japanese makers from the ~V,~,~ inghou~r will shoulder i.atin America where they have U.S. Mitsubishi Heavy Indus- ~u,~=t of ~�osts for conslructing better and stronger Sales net- tries, Ltd. has recenlly il~r ~~I:~nt, ru~d Mitsubishi w~ill wotks. received orders from GM and uft~~r it~ technical knou~-how on Sourees attributed the Ford to make high-speed prnducti~m rii~~na~;ement. reason for GE's inquiPies to machine tools. Nachi-Fujikoshi Wcstinghoi~se is planning to their judgement that the ~rp. received inquiries from make the new ~lant a"model" company rriight not be able to Ford concet'tung a~20 billion to tri~;Ker its campaign to meel forei~ deman~s onee conlract for machine tool lines revulutiunali~e assembly lines, U.S. domestic demand~ e?re ao- for autos. Y-Iitachi Shipbuilding full~~win~ the "kaniban" tivated ~as a result of its recon- & Engineering Co. has just ~ n~ctlnnl ~",just-in-time" for- struction drive. Japanese received an order from GM to n~ula ~~icveloped by Toyota makers also believe that it will construct twc~ large presses. Nlotor ('o. to increase produc- be easier to export their In addition, GM has recently tivit~~. ln introducing Japan's products iL 'they huld hands started to buy heavy volumes superi~>r production manage- with GE in Latin America of high-quality, high�technology - nieiit knrnc-huw, Westinghouse where President Reagan is Japanese goods. GM used to 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OMFICIAL LiSE ONLY _ I~tiv An~cri~�an guods, but rhang~~c1 lh~~~r mind recently. '1'hc .lu~anrtie be~ring industry ~~ill suppl~~ �aici Vippon ~tecl Corp., Swni- fon!~~ Rtetal Inrlustcies Ltd. and Ka~vusaki Steel Corp. are also concludin~; lcmg-term agree- in~~:it~ 1o supply pipes. C01'~'RICHT: 1981, The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. CSC): 412U/225 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFLCIAL USE ONLY SCIENCr AND TECHNOLOGY UPllATE ON JAPAN'S NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION PROGRAMS _ Fuel Rod Safety - 'Cc~lc~-u NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 22 Jan 81 p 5 - ['PextJ Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute [JAERI] (director, Tsuneo Fujinami) has decided to engage in international joint research on the safety of high burnup fu~l rods of over 30,000 megawatt/day/ton as a part of a study to improve the opera- tion efficiency of the li~ht water reactor, such as its load follow-up operation. It has already participated in the "Bechtel Project" sponsored by Bechtel Pacific Northwest Institute of the United States last November; in 1981, it will also partici- pate in the "Superlamp Project" sponsored by Studsvik Energiteknik A.B. of Sweden. - The development of high performance fuel rods and securing of their safety data ' are indispensalbe elements in improving the comprehensive operation efficiency of nuclear power generation, as in extending the replacement cycle of fuels and in load follow-up operations, both of which the [Japanese] electric power industry expects to realize by the mid 1980's. Inasmuch as MITI is promoting the development of a reactor which will make output adjustment operation possible within its Third Improvement Standardization nlan beginning in fiscal 1981, the JAERI's joint inter- national research is drawing much attention. Accompanying the expansion in sharing nuclear power generation, and in order to provide efticient operation of electric power sources in the future, the output adjust- ment of nuclear units during the night has become a big problem. In addition, in order to increase the operation efficiency of nuclear generation, the lengthening of the Cuel replacement cycle has also surfaced as one of the issues of the nuclear ~ncrgy industry. This, however, is impossible with the design of the present fuel ruds; it is necessary first to conduct tests on the behavior of fission products (FP) emerging from fuel pellets at high buring stages and on the reciprocal action of Eue:l and coating pipes; i.e., secure data the standpoint of safety. I.t is for this reason, that JAERI participated in the Bechtel Project and will partic.ipate in the Superlamp Project, both of which deal with high burnup fuel rods. All of this comes in addition to safety proving tests of normal burnup fuel rods ~ (Halclen, Demolamp, Interlamp, and Overlamp Projects) in which JAERI had been en~aged - as a part of its joint international research projects. JAERI plans to establish its own safety data on high burnup fuel rods by combining the data obtained by th is joint international research and by irradiation tests in the Japanese material testing react~~r (JM'CR) . . 3 - FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY f3echtel Project: This project studies the discharge of FP gas at the time of high burnup of uranium dioxide sintered pellet fuels and the reciprocal action of high burnup Fuel and zircaloy coated pipe. Already the U.S. group (Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Babcock and Wilcox Co., Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission, General Electric, Combustion Engineering and Westinghouse) and European group (Babcock-Brown Roveri Reaktorbau GmbH, Great Britain Nuclear Energy Public Corp., Argecitine Nuclear Power Commission, Kraftwerk Union AG, FRAMATOME S.A.) have begun the project since January 1980; the Japanese group (JAERI and Central Research Insti- tur.e of ~lectric Power Industry, etc.) began its project in November 1980. Since the partial maximum burnup level of actual fuel has, at the final stage of burning, reached as high as 50,000 megawatt/day/ton (collectively, an average of 28,U00 megawatt/day/ton), the JapanesP group is particularly interested in obtaining data on rP gas discharge `n the fuel rods and on the behavior of the rods themselves. - '1'he 13echtel Pr.oject will continue for 8 years~sic,7from 1980 to 1986; it will study i'uel rods which have been irradiated up to 20,000-50,000 megawatt/day/ton in commercial reactors, and rods which have been irradiated up to a maximum 60,000 megawatt/day/ton. For the time being, Japan plans to participate in the first 4-year plan. Superlamp Project: This project gathers the data for safety inspection, such as damage threshhold values of high burnup fuel rods. Countries participating in the project are Japan, Sweden, the United States, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and [~est Germany: the project will terminate at the end of December 1982. 'fhe project, using the R-2 reactor of Studsvik Energitekniic A.B., will conduct "output rapid climbing tests" of f-uel testing materials for pressure water reactors (PWR) and boiling water reactors (BWR) which have been irradiated in commercial reactors. ~1'hE research will be on the interaction (PCI) of fuel pellets and coated pipes, and on damap,e threshhold values of fuel rods over 30,000-40,000 megawatt/day/ton for PWR and those over 30,000 megawatt/day/ton for BWR. COPYRIGHT; Nikkan Kogyo Shimbunsha 1981 Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Tokyo NIICKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN in Japanese 22 Jan 81 p 5 ['1'extl According to informed sources revealed on the 22nd, six electric power c:umpanies using ~oiling water reactors (BWR), such as Tokyo, Chubu, and Chugoku (~~lectric power companiesJ, have reached a basic agreement on joint developm.Pnt of a nucluar reactor (AB~v'R), an improved version made possible by the U.S, General I?l.e~~ C r. i c, Hitactii, Ltd and Tokyo Shibaura Electric; an agreement will be si.gned next month. 'rlie ABWR will Ue a radically improved version of the conventional BjJR; it will be devel.oped for the purposes of increasing its safety and for greatly raising the o~eration rates; its is, in other words, the "ultimate in BWR." Research and develop- ment will start as of next fiscal year and its actual utilization is expected in 3-5 years after conducting proving tests for installation of the re-cycling pump withi~i the housing container; it is expected that Tokyo Electric Power Company and ~ oth~rs will employit in their newly built nuclear power plants. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry, on the other hand, has decided to adopt a policy _ ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010054-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of wholelienrtedly supporting this ABWR as development of a Japanese-made light water reactor,