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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL US~E ONLY JPRS L/9729 12 May 1981 ~ ~ U SSR Re ort ~ ~ ~NERGY ~FOVO sia1~ ~B~$ FOREIG~! BROADCAST INFORNiATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 NOTE .TPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from Fnglish-language sources - are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other. characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [j are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the - last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are _ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the _ original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAW~ AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNE&SHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9729 12 May 1981 - USSR REPORt ENERGY r (FOUO 6/81) CONTENTS ELECTRtC POWER Major Trenda in the Development of Power Engineering C'onstruction (P. P. Falaleyev; ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO, Dec 80) 1 Progress in the Hydroelectric Power Induatry ~ (V. L. Kuperman, L. P. Mikhaylov; ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO, Dec 80) 6 _ Central Asian, Soathern Kazskhatan Republics Electrical Power Grid Construction (S. Z. Kalanov; ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO, Dec 80) 13 High Quality Power Machin~ Bu.ilding Equipment (V, P. Plastov; ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYE, Oct 80) 19 -a- [III -USSR-37FOU.0] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ELRCTRIC POIJER ~ ~ - UDC 621.31.002.51 MAJOR TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION � Moscow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 12, Dec 80 pp 7-13 [Ar~icle by Deputy Minister of Power Engineering and Electrification of the USSR, P, P, Falaleyev] [Excerpt] However, for thp successful resolution of the tasks confronting power system builders over the next d~cade, a qualitatively diEferent approach to project planning, material and technical support, financing and the construction of power engineering facilities is required. - The structure of the power ;.apacities being brought on line by the end of the future decade will be characterized by the following specific features: --An increase in power capacities and consequently, in the electrical power output of nuclear electric power stations, heat and electric power stations as well as hydroel.ectric pawer stations, including GAES's [pumped storage electric power stations]; --The fraction of power capacities, and correspondingly, the electrical power output at condensation thermal electric power stations will decrease. It is planned that p~wer engineering construction in 1981-1990 wi11 develop in line with the following major trends: - --The advanced construction of nuclear electric power stations with capac3,.ties of 4 to 6 million KW eacti having power gen~ration sets with a~init capacity of , 1 to 1.5 million KW in the European ~egion of the nation and in the Urals; --The construction of thermal el~ctric power stations with a capacity of 4 to 6.4 mitlion KW each in using fuels which are not in sh~rt supply; primarily the flow-line construction of pulverized coal GRES's [state regional electric - power stations] with power sets having capacities of SCO and 800 MW each incorporated in rhe Ekibastuz and Konsko-Achinsk fuel and pcwer generating complexes, as well as the Surgutsk GRES's with byproduct gas power sets having _ - unit capacities of 800 and 1,200 MW; 1 � FOR OFFICIt~, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY --The construction of high power hydroelectric power stations and multiple - function~hydr.aulic developments in Siberia, Central Asia, in the Far East and in the Transcaucusus, as well as large GAES's in the nation's European area to cover the peak portion of the electric load schedule; � - --The further expansion of the heat supply to cities and industrial enterprises; --An increase in the volumes of electrical netwark construction, including the development of the 500 to 750 KV power transmission line network, the construc- tion of 1,150 KV alrernating current and 1,500 KV direct current transmission lines to transmit electrical power from Siberia and Kazakhstan to the Euro~:ean area of the nation. In line with the directions indicated above, it is planned that the accelEration of technical progress which is the basis for the completion of the set tasks, be assured through the development and introduction of: --New special structural designs, for AES's, including standard protective casings and antiseismic structures for reactor rooms; highly reliab?.e concrete boxes, which provide biological shielding; prefabricated ~tructures and produc- tion process~and structural assemblies fab~:icated in a plant; --Efficient designs for the major structures of GRES's having power sets with ~ capacities oE 800 and 1,200 MW as w~ll as GRES with small boilers, the integrated main structures of TES's, as well as the new strxctures of high facilities: smokestacks and cooling towers, including those erected with factory prefabricated _ components; --Progressive structural designs for hydroelectric power stations, high concrete and earth dams, con5tructed under difficult climatic, geological and seismic conditions, as well as those for GAES's'; thin-walled monolithic and composite tunnel linings ; --New structural design solutions for electrical power network construction using efficient steel sections, light reinforced concrete, as we11 as buildings which can be assembled rapidly and modular packaging devices; --New construction technology for power engineering facilit~es based on the design and mastery of special installation, construction and transport mechanisms: concrete pumps, manipulators, inventory decking, including sliding decks; non- ~ dismantlable arm~red sheathing panels and hollow ~locks, filled with poured concrer.e; systems oE machines for the comprehensive mechanization of electrical power network construction and special machinery for working in the extreme north and mountainous regions; --Long term comprehensive and specialized flows in the consruction of TES's, AES's and electrical power network facilities; --Measures directed towards the curtailing of the duration of the preparatory period in the construction of power engineering facilities, the utilization of 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY bases for construction projects which are winding dowr., the widescale introduc- tion of inventory readily assembled and taken down buildings, as well as con- tainer and mobile buildings and installations, pneumatic installations and automated concrete mixing facilities built up from the structural production ~ blocks which are fully factory prefabricated; --Highly mechanized complexes (including those with a continuous production process) for the construction and earth dams; ways of hqdraulically transporting soil, and a dixectional explosive method for the construction of rubble dams; the technology and equipment for driving large tunnels with a continuous long walled cross-section; --A fast flow-line method far the construction of electrical power network facilities through the use of progressive labor performance methods, boosting the level of inechat~ization support for the builders as well as designing new, efficient mechanisms. _ The following are planned in the ar.ea of improving the organization and control of power system construction; --Create all-union constructicn and installation associations in accordance = with the general management plan, in this case, elevating the level of techno- logical specialization from 67 percent un to 75 percent by setting moUile organ- - izations in these associations wtiich are called upon to perform the entire cycle - of construction work; . --Expand the scope of the application of electronic computer equipment, office ~ equipment, cornmunications gear and automated control systems for construction to increase planning and control efficiency of comprehensive targeted programs for the construction of nuclear electric po*~~er stations and large scale power - engineering complexes; - --Provide for the introduction of a system of putting Cogether complete _ component packages for power facilities under construction using the structural materials, products and structures, based on working drawings, technological - _ complexes and delivery schedules, worked out for each facility using computers; a comprehensive product quality control system based on the development and _ introduction of. more sophisticated standards, modern means and methods of oper- ational monitoring, as well as boosting the level of plant readiness uf the structures and products which are supplied. ~ The implementation of the indicated program is one of the major factors determining the possibility of curtailing the timeframes and boosting the quality of the construction of power engineering facilities. Along with the question of the development of equipment, technology and the organization of construction in the USSR M:tnistry, a set of organizational measures have been developed, the implementiation of which requires the partici- ` , pation of the pla~::~ing organs and 3ndustrial enterprises of other sectors. 3 _ FOR C~FFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY To implement the developmental program for power engineering construction, it is necessary to realize a number of large scale measures, which provide for rhe expansion and technical retrofitting of the construction indu5try enter~ ~ prises, as well as increasing the output of progressive structures and materials. The volumes of prefabricated steel reinforced concrete production and structural metal structures as well as nonmatallic materials wi11 increase in the llth Five-Year Plan. For this, it is planned that the utilization of the capaci- ties of existing enterprises will be improved, they will be technically retr~- fitted, rebuilt and expanded, and a number of new ones will be built. In order to improve the state of the art in construction, provide for industrial- ization of construction and the maximum transfer of work eperations from the construction site to plant conditions, it is planned that new production capaci- ' ties will be created for the fabrication of special structures for AES's, plastic pipes, fully prefabricated and ~uickly assemblable buildings for auxiiiary power geneXating and electrical Power network facilities, mobile container buildings, ventilation, sanitary engineering and electrical instal- lation srocks and products, inventory decking, as Weii as facilities for _ ~ galvanizing the metal structures of power transmission line supports, etc. To implement the measures planned by the min3stry for the development of the _ materlal and technical basE~ in the llth Five-Year Plan, capital investments are ~ needed which significantly exceed capital investments employed in the lOth I Five-Year Plan. In line with the requiremen~s for technical progress in capital construction, ' the construction and installation organizations should be re-equipped with high . performance construction equipment and motor vehicle transportati~n, assuring: that the requisite amount of single bu~ket excavator.s (including excavators with 2.5 m3 capacity buckets and more) are allocated to them in 1981-1985, as well as powerful bulldozers, installation. cranes (including pneumatic wheeled types ~ and those on ~necial chassis) with a load lifting capacity of 100 tons and more, : u~trahigh power log skidders and large capacity trucks with a high degree of mat;euverability. In order For the plants of the ministry to be able to ~ fabricate the special construction machines, it is necessary to allocate the basic machines, tractors and a~utomobiles, to them annually. I* is likewise necessary to improve material and technical supply. In - particular, the folZowing should be done for this: --Provide for matching the allocated material and technical resources Lo the calculated demand for them based on substantiated standards, worked out taking into account the achievements of science and engineering progress and the proposed areas of construction. _ --See that the enterprises execute the unionwide industrial plan for of material resources in accorda*?ce with the allocated funds, in this case ~4 - FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY provi~ing for advanced delivery of ralled metal in a volume of up to 90 percent of the annual demand by October lst of the supply year; --R:.~o?ve the question of increasing the production of efficieni: materials by un3on i.:~iustry enterprises (alloy and tempered steels, light weight rolled sections, high grade cements, plastic pipes, an incoff~bustible polymer hot top, effective shielding materials, etc.) in volumes necessary for the realization of ineasures directed towards the acceleration of scientific and engineering progress; --Impleme~it effective monitoring of the apportionment of the roling stock for shipments of construction structures, products and nonmetal materials to USSR Ministry of Energy facilities under construction in accordance with the computed demand for them. In order to provide for bringing the increasing volume of power generation capacitizs and power transmission lines into service, it is necessary to improve the system of deliveries for the ma~or and auxiliary production process equipment and electrical engineering products in a fundamental fashion, as well as to achieve balance, timeliness and cnmpleteness in the deliveries of equip- ment 6 to 12 months prior to its acceptance for service. The quality of the supplied equipment and piping is to be fundamentally improved, providing for the defect free fabrication and a high level of plant readiness, bringing the level of modularity of the delivered products for thermal and nuclear electric power stations up to 90 percent. Measures have been worked out in the USSR Ministry of Fnergy to improve the work with personnel. Most of important of them are the realization of the program for residential con,truction, social, cultural and everyday facilities - as well as a workers' supply for builders and installers, an improvement in the organization of labor and its wage system, and also the improvement of the system of monetary and nonmonetary incentives for the purpose of strengthening the labor f orce . The implementation of the measures enumerated above will make it possible to carry out ths assignments for bringing capacities on line as well as other planned indicators for construction output, providing in this case for a reduction in the cost of construction and a curtailing of labor expenditures and consumption of material resources. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya, Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1980 8225 cso: is22/los 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE 0~1I,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWBR ~ UDC 621.311.21 PROGRESS IN THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY MQSCOw ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 12, Dec 80 pp 3~-38 [Excerpt from article by candidates of the engineering sciences V.L. Kuperman - and L.~'. Mikhaylov] [Excerpt] Throughout the entire world in recent years, also including in our country, the construction of dams from local materials has expanded. Worldwide experience in dam construction shows that pratically any soils are suitable for the building of dams. It is only necessary to correctly ehoose the profile of the dam and the appropriate manner of arranging the soils with various propertie~ - with in this profile, as well as employ an efficient technology for laying and sealing the soils. - To b e included among the new scientific and engineering techniques used in the erection of earthen dams is the high productivity conveyor delivery of earth from remote pits, as well as the use of natural, crushed and fractional mixtures, the placement of the materials in the dams with a density which assures a reduc- tion in their settling down to insign3ficant values, etc. Initial experience has already been gained in the use of synthetic f 3im and asphalt concrete as an antifiltration material. Rock and earth darr~s 150 m to 300 m high and more have been and are being construc- ted in the Soviet Union in regions of high seismicity in accordance with the pro- ject plans Gidroproyekt [All-Union Planning, Surveying and Scientific Research Institute imeni S.Ya. Zhuk]. They include the Charvak dam with a height of 168 m, the Nurek 300 m high and the Rogun at 335 m. In speaking of the scientific and engineering progress in the design of dams using ear then materials, a number of questions should be indicated, which must be resol- ved for the purposes of radically improving the technical and economic indicators of such dams and expanding their applications areas. The most important of them are to be recognized as: sharply stepping up the pace and reducing the cost of ~ driving tunnels, the construction of which is essential in the construction of dam s of earth materials; the development of gate structures designed for a head of 150 to 250 m(the lack of which does not allow for the use of construction tunnels as operational ones without additional retrof itting); the design of reliable 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY structures for antifiltration diaphragms, readily producible when constructing dams in the nation's northern regions; the accumulation of experience with the donstruction of screens and diaphragms from asphalt-bitumen compositions, especially for the dykes of the water storage electric power stations operating where the daily fluctuations in the water 1eve1 are 10 to 15 m, including during the winter. Hydroelectric power stations have been and are being constructed in the ~ North and Far East to supply power to isolated industrial regions. The advantage of GES's [hydroelectric power stations] that the labor expenditures for their operation is 6 to 10 times less than for the operation of TES's [thermal electric power statians] has had a particular impact here. The accelerated constructian of pumped storage electric power stations has been = started recently in tt~e industrially developed nations b ecause of the trend towards the rise in demand for peak power. The overal.l capacity of the GAES's [pumped storage electric power stations] in service iti the world amounts to about 40 million KW. The capacity of GAES's in the U.S. reached 14 million KW by 19 80 . Only one GAES, the Kiev station, with a capacity of 225 MW has as yet been placed in service in the USSR. The construction of the Zagorskaya GAES wit'~ a capacity of 1,20a NW and the Kayshyadorskaya with a capacity of 1,600 MW has been started. The construction of a series of GAES's is also planned, including the Tsentral'naya, Leningradska,.Yuzhno-Ukrainskaya, Kanevskaya, Dnestrovskaya and Srednevolzhskaya. It is planned that the first series of GAES's will be erected in accordance with a standardized pro~ect plan with standard series _ hydroele.ctric power equipment for a unit capacity of a hydroelectric generator set of 200 MW at a pressure head of 100 m. The GAES buildings will be standard- ized, as well as the piping, water receivers and a number of the structural designs for the dykes of the water reservoir. The creation of standardized , project plans for GAES's requires scientific and project planning development work in depth, both as regards the equipment and the structural designs. The program f or such work has been prepared and its implementation has begun. Considerable attention has been devoted in recent years in the planning and construction uf hydroelectric facilities to ques~tions of increasing the labor productivity as well as reducing the labor expenditures and the number of workers. Thus, only through the introduction of comprehensive mechanization at a number of construction pro3ects was a significant reduction in labor expenditures achieved. For example, in the construction of the Toktogul'skaya Dam, a method of layer by layer pouring of concrete in large blocks using a special techno- logy was developed and successfully applied, where this t echnology made it possible to fully mechanize all of the processes and ther eby boost labor productivity up to 12 m3/man-day. Because of the utilization of 25-ton cable cranes for concrete delivery and the introduction of comprehensive mechanization, the same labor productivity was achieved in the construction of the Chirkeyskaya arched dam. 7 FOR QFFZCZAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY The u~e of heated scaffolding and tents, as well as the implementation of a number of other measure~, made it possible to execute the concrete work in the construc- tion of the Ust'-Ilimskaya and Zeyskaya Dams without redu~ing the rate of work ~ during the winter. The development of new methods of constructing dams from 1oca1 materials promoted the successful construction of hydraulic developments in the regions of the Far North to a considerable e,~ctent, someth3ng which made it pos= sible to work year-round on the erection of the ant3filt~ation elements of the Vilyuyskaya, Ust'-Khantayskaya and Serebryanskaya Dams. Questions of increasing construction efficiency are of f3.rst order importance in hydroelectric power construction, which is characterized by large one-time capital investments, large scale and amounts of materials, technical a.nd human resources which are drawn upon, as well as by long timeframes for the erection of the structures. Experience with the ~rganization of work production at the Nurek Dam shows that the erection of earthen dams more ~han 200 m high ny tradi- tional methods using motor vehicle transportation is not prof itable. The rate of fill for the rubble mound of the Nurek Dam achieved in 1976 (8.5 million m3/year) is practically the ultimate with this production process seheme. At the same time, the placement of 62.5 million m3 of earth is plaane~ at the Rogunskaya Dam (the construction of which has already started), and in this case, it is planned that 10 to 11 million m3 will be piled up annually. Far this reason, belt conveyors - are provided in the project plan for. this dam to deliver the bouldex-course gravel material for the support prisms (40 million m3) and the rock for securing the slope (15 million m3). A special experimental industrial test facility was created for the purpose of working out the production process operation for the delivery of rock b~� belt conveyors in the construction of the Nurek Dam. Operational experiencerwith this line ~~i11 be used in the construction of the Rogunskaya and other dams made of local earth materials. The technology of erecting dams from local earth materials by means of directed explosives is promising. T}ie A1ma-Atinsk flood protection dam and the Baypazinskaya Dam on the Vakhsha with heights of 150 and 50 m respectively and volumes of about 5.5 and 1. million m3 have already been built by this method and are in successful operation in the Soviet Union. The cost of the profiled rubble pile of the Alma-Atinsk Dam was 2 ruble/m3 and 1.3 ruble/m3 for the Baypazinskaya Dam. 5earches and plan development work are underway at the present time for the construction of the Kambaratinskiy hydraulic development on the Na.ryn b~ means of directional explosives (the height of the dam is 250 m and the profile volume is about 100 inillion m3). For the purpose of studying the nature of the - explosion, the degree of crushing and the density of rock laying in the built-up pile as we11 as the settling of the dam, filtration and other characteristics, an experimental dam 40 m high was erected using the directional explosion technique beforehand under similar tapological and geodesic conditions on the Burlykiya River. The experience with the construction, as we11 as more two years of obse~~�~ations of the condition of this dam attest to the rather good and I 8 FOR OFF~ZCIAL 'JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 F~OR dFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 1 practically uniform crushing of the rock, the reliable packing of the rock in the built-up pile and the absence of undermining. The data from these studies ` were taken into account in developing the projact plan for the Kambaratinskiy Dafi. The erection of the Kambaratinskiy Dam using the directional explosion technique provides f or a signif icant curtailment of the time required for the - const~uction and a sharp reduction in the labor expenditures and also eleminates the necessity of acquiring scarce constru~tion equipment (excavators with 8 m3 = capacity buckets, 40 ton dump trucks); the areas required for the construction base and the builders' settlement are also reduced, something which yields a substa.ntial economic impact in the final analysis. The fu:-ther refinement of the production technology for concrete operation and the development of ine~sures for their comprehensive meclianization will promote a significant increase in the construction efficiency of concrete dams. Thus, ~ in the construction of the Sa -:no-Shushenskaya GES, where 10.5 million m3 of concrete ~was poured for fihe first time in dam construction practice, a new erection technology is being introduced, which provides f or the utilization of high performance KBGS-1000 tower cranes with a load lifting capacity of 25 tons, _ with a boom length of 40 m. These cranes ar.e set up direc~ly on the structure and are lifted in step with the rise in the dam. The use of such a configura- - tion has made it possible to dispense with part of the subcrane and th.e concrete- delivery scaffolding, which would have to be arranged in several levels over the height of the structure. The use of high performance cranes and comprehensive - ' mechsnization of the worl~ within a unit provides for fast paced concrete pouring: more than 1.5 milliun m3/year, A scheme for erecting concrete structures by means of the new KBGS-500 KhL power cranes has been develoged for the Boguchanskaya GES, where these cranes were - specially made for northern conditions. These c.ranes will be lifted up to different marker levels on the structure (in step with its erection) without r.eassembly, something which will make it possible to dispense with the construc- tion of concrete del_ivery scaffolding. Such a scheme for the erection provides f or a reduction in metal consumption of 10,000 tons (as compared to the con- sumption at the Us:'-Ili.mskaya GES). _ Even more promising is the application of c~ntinuous methods of mixing, deliver- _ ing and pouring concrete in concrete structures. Widescale planning and scien- tif ic research work is underway at the present time on the introduction of _ continuous methods of pouring concrete (a project plan is being worked out for the erection of the large Bureyskaya dam in this fashion). For the first time in hydroelectric engineering construction practice, the plans for the Zagorskaya and Kayshyadorskaya GAES called for making pressure head - ~ reinforced concrete pipes more than ~500 m long with an internal diameter of 7.5 m, designed for a pressure head of up to 100 m. The water conduits will b.e construct- ed~~using full and comprehensive mechanization, which provides for the industrial fabrication of the steel rei~forced concrete seetions with lengths of 4.5 m each _ and their delivery to the installation site on special platforms which move on rails. Because of the use of industrial methods and year-round work operations, such a scheme (in contrast to others) will make it possible to r,omplete the 9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY laying of the p~pes with the leasti labor expenditvres and a reductian in the timeframe. The volumes o� the major work operations on the largest hydraulic installatidtte are given in the table. A considerable reduction in labor expenditures can be achieved in the erection of structures by means of improving the structural designs and work procedures, - simplify3ng the design of the structures attaching to the foundation and the other camponets of dams, GES buildings and locks. At the same time, practice shows that the major structures in terms of the volume of labor expenditures arefrequently not the dominating one~ at the ' present cime. The results of investigating a number of large construction projects attest to the fact that even in the peak years, a significant portion of the workers are engaged in the construction and operation of subsidary enterprises. Because of this, one of the ways of reducing lahor expenditures is the improvement of the industrial construction bases. The erection of production buildings from prefabricat~d and dismantlable structures fabricated in a plant has made it possible to reduce labor expenditures for their construc- tion. As experience with the construction and operation of these facilities shows, as a ru1e, they are also utilized after the campletion of the construction - work. For this reason, those bases which will also knowingly be operated after the completion of the construction work (these are primarily, mechanical, motor vehicle and warehousing f acilities), with the appropriate economic substantiation, - should be exe~uted as structures designed for longer term operation, while the bases which will be dismantled after the completion of the construction work, should be made as prefabricated, dismantlable structures. This principle was taken as the basis for the development of the pr~~~ect plan of the Boguehanskaya GES construction base, where modular production enterprises were developed for the purpose of reducing the occupied territory, the length of the er~gineering mains and underground services, as well as the roads within the construction site. This has made ii possible to place the major construction facilities, with the exception of the concrete mixing and gravel sorting plans, . in five combined triple span building;s (the bui~.dit~gs were made from prefabricated reinforced concrete with keramzit fi_1?ed prefabricated concrete panels covered ' with corrugated sheeting and with ~afficient thermal insulation) . The dimensions adopted for the buildings and the layout have made it possible to use them upon the completion of the construction work for the construction industry enterprises of the Boguchansk territorial production complex. One of the specif ic f eaturesof the organization of hydraulic installation construc- tion in the USSR is the series handling of the hydroelectric resources of the rivers. At the present time, the fully f inished series of hydroelectric power stations on the Dnepr are numbered among the existing ones in service. The con- struction of the Volzhsko-Kamskiy and the Chirchik series of hydroelectric power - stations is being completed and the construction of a series of large hydraulic installations is und~rway on the Angara, the Yenisey, the Vakhsha and the Naryn. ~ Series construction makes it possible to mosc fully utilize the experience which - has been acquired, eff ic3ently di~tri~ute human and material resources, reduce - 10 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table - Work Volumes - Capacity Hydroelectric Power Stati.on ~ Rock/Earth- Concrete, works, thousands - -millions m3 m3 Dneprovslcaya imeni V.I. Lenin: First stage 540 - Second state 650 5.4 1.100 Volzhskaya imeni V.I. Lenin 2,310 165.7 7,000 ~ Volzhskaya imeni 22nd CPSU Congress 2,563 149.1 5,474 Saratovskaya imeni Leninskiy Komsomol 1,360 110.4 3,090 Bratskaya iudeni SOth Anniversary of Great October 4,500 16.4 4,858 Ust'-Ilimskaya 4,320 10.4 4,220 Krasnoyarskaya imeni 50th Anniversarv of the USSR 6,000 20.5 5,714 Sayano-Shushenskaya 6,400 11.6 9,720 Zeyskaya 1,290 7.8 2,370 Ingurskaya (with the Perepadnyye) 1,640 14.5 5,246 Chirkeyskaya 1,000 2.9 1,760 Nurekskaya 2,700 65.6 1.613 Tuktogul'skaya 1,200 5.2 3,971 11 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i t/"1'7 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY exnenditures for the const:ruction of bases and settlements, as well as shorten the preparatory period an3 the duration of hydraulic installation construction . - as a whole. For example, the base created for the construction of the Toktogul'skiy hydraulic development was fully utilized in tiie construction of the Kurpsayskiy h~draulic development, something which made it possible to construct the large GES i.n one five-year plan. In the construction of large hydraulic developments with a high pressure head, - the introduction of hydroelectric power units in stages (inlcluding the ~irst units at an intermediate pressure head) is to be acknowledged as an extremely ef.f icient solution, since in this case, the eff iciency of the hydroelectric power construction is signficantly inereased. At the present time, the minimum nec- essary volumes of construction and installation work is done in the hydraulic development complexes going on line. The operational. start of the Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Charvak, Toktogul'skaya, Zeyskaya, Nurek, and Ingurskaya GES's was = accomplished in this way. The first unit of the Sayano-Shushenskaya GES was started up after only 3.8 million m3 of concrete in all was poured (of an overall volume of 9.7 million m3). The first units in the construction of Kolymskaya GES will be brought on line after less than half of all capital i.nvestments have ~ been used. . The experience with the operational start of GES's using a temporary configura- tion with the installation of changeable turbine rotors capable of operating at ~ 1ow pressure!heads (the Nurek and Sayano-Shushenskaya GES's), as well as the ~ utilization of diagonal turbines (the Zeyskaya and Kolymskaya GES's). Because of such a start-up procedure, the expenditures for the construction of the hydraulic development are fully recovered by the time the construction is completed (the Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Nurek GES's, etc.). Ways of further developing hydroelectric power engineering are rather clearly ~ def ined by the presence of hydroelectric power resources and the requirements of power systems. The construction of pumped storage electric power stations - will be expanded in the European territory of the USSR, primarily those which will be incorporated in the Northwest, Center and South power systems, uih~:ch are characterized by the greatest degree of nonuniformity in the daily electrical power consumption graph and a deeg drop in the loads at night. The continuation of the mastery of the hydroelectric power resources of the Cauc~sus is still ah~ad, predominantly in Georgia and ~n part, in Dagestan. The possibilities of the further mastery of the hyuroElectric power resources of the Yenisey Basin are enormous. The colossal hydroelectric power resources of the Lena Basin are also attracting attention. Hydroelectric power system construction will probably also c~ntinue in isolated power systems of the remote industrial northern and transpolar regions. COPYRIGHT: Izdat~l'stvo Energiya, Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1980 8225 CSO: 1822/103 12 F0~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER UDC 621.315.17 CENTRAL ASIAN, SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REPUBLICS ELECTRTCAi~ POWER GRID CONSTRUCTION Moscow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 12, Dec 80 pp 51-53 [Article by Engineer S. Z. KalanovJ [Text) Open wire electrical power transmission lines are the most widely used means of electrical power transmission at the present time. Questions of establishing the nation's energy balance, determining the prospects for the = development of individual regions and the utilization of raw materials recources, the selection of the capacity and location of electric power stations as well as the layout for large energy intensive enterprises and the integration of power systems cannot be resolved without taking into account the development of elec- trical power networks. The generating capacities brought on line in the 9th and 10the Five-Year Plans ~ at the largest thermal and hydroelectric power stations of central asia (the Nurekskaya and Toktogul'skaya GES's, the Tashkent, Syrdar'inskaya and Maryyskaya GRES's) also governed the direction of power grid construction development in the republics of Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan. Right up to 1963, power transmission lines were cons~ructed in this region of the nation by various nonspecialized construction and operational organizations, included in the complement of the USSR Ministry of Energy, USSR Ministry of Construction, USSR Ministry of Equipment :[nstallation and Special Construction as well as other ministries and departments. Taking into account the fact that a rapid build-up in power system capac3ties - and the efficient transmission of electrical power to consumers are the governing factors in the successful resolution of national economic problems as a whole, the specialized Sredazelektroset'stroy [Central As3an Elect~rical Power Grid Construction Trust] was created in 1963 as a part of the Glawostokelektroset'stroy [Main Eastern Electrical Power Grid Construction Administration] of the USSR Ministry of Energy at the base of the equipment i~nstallation administration of_ the Sredazgidroenergostroy [Central Asian Hydro- - � el.ectric Power Construction Trus~]. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table Substation and Power Substation Capacity, Transmission Line Power Transmission Line Length, Substation ~ ~ Capacity, 103 KVA - Vo..tage, KV - 500 576/607 1,002/2,067 - 220 1,585/981 1,904/1,398 110 1,545/2,337 867/389 35 1,313/284 365/28 Note: The data for the Ni.nth Five-Year Plan are given in the numerator and the data over the 4.5 years of the lOth Five-Year Plan are given in the denominator. The creation of a specialized trust for the construction of electrical power transmission lines and substations at voltages of 35 to 500 KV made it possible to significantly step up the pace of construction, sharply reduce the volume of construction work while simultaneously curtailing the production cost of con- struction and installation operati~ons as well as the labor expenditures for their performance. While the length of 35 KV and higher open wire power lines in the republics of Central Asia and Southern Kazakhstan~amounted to 600 km in 1962, and the overall capacity of transformer substations was 160,000 KVA, during the 9th and lOth ~ Five-Year Plans, more than 1,100 km of 35 to 500 KV power transmission lines and up to 800,000 KVA of transformer capacities at substations were brought on line annually through the efforts of the Sredazelektroset'stroy Trust (see the Tab1e). The volume of construction and installation work also rose sharply: from 6.7 million in 1962 up to 28 million rubles ~n 1979. Starting in 1971, the Sredazelektroset'stroy trust set about the ;.onstruction of 500 KV electrical power transmission lines. The first such power line between the Tashkent GRES and Chimkent with a length of 111 1~ was placed in service in 1972 (temporarily at a voltage of 220 KV). The first 500 KV power line in Uzbekistan - from the Tashkent GRES to the Syrdar'inskaya GRES with a length of 178 km went in service in 1973, which joined together the two largest electric power stations in Uzbekistan: the Tashkent and the Syrdar'inskaya GRES's. The S00 KV power line between Lhe Syrdar'inskaya GRES and the Leninsk substation in Andizhan with an overall length of 312 lan was placed in service in 1975. The Sredazelektroset'stroy trust completed the construction of the f irst 500 KV substa- tion in Central Asia a year earlier: the Leninsk substation in Andizhan with a transformer group of 501,000 KVA. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The construction of electrical power transm3ssian lines ~oining power systems made - it po~sible in 1975, the year of the greatest capac3ty shortfall for the Uzbek power system, to use the free capacities of adjacent power systems. buring 1974-1976, the Sredaxelektroset'stroy trust constructed the 500 KV Nureke- kaya GES--Regar power line (single circuit) with a length of 113 km, which fed power from the Nurekskaya GES and provided power to such power intensive consumers as the Tadzhik aluminum plant. The Regar to Guzar 500 KV power line 250 km line was placed in service in 1976; the volume of construction and installation work in the erection of this f ac3lity was - 12 million rubles. The second 500 KV substation, the Guzar, with a transformer group of 501,000 KVA in the Uzbek SSR was placed in service in 1977. It must be noted that the construction of the 500 KV Regar to Guzar power line and the Guzar substation made it possible to tie the Dushanbe-Vakhshskaya system and the southern regions of Uzbekistan into the integrated power system of Gentral Asia. In 1977, the trust started the constr~_ction of the500 KV Syrdar'inskaya GRES to Guzar power line, intended to feed the iGi~rek GES power to the Uzbek power system and feed the Dushanbe-Vakhshskaya system irom the Syrdar'inskaya GRES. The length of this power line is 342 km, where 44 km of the route passed through difficult - mountain terrain at markers of about 2,000 m above sea level and cross two passes _ (the Dzhiakskiy and Takhtakoracha) with sections exposed to unusual ice build-up. This complex and large scale power facility was placed in service in 1979. More than 7,000 m3 of prefabricated steel reinforced concrete structures were installed - during its construction, 10,000 tons of inetal supports were fabricated and set up, ' 6,000 tons of high strength aluminittn wire of different brands and cross-sections were strung as well as 630 tons of lightening protection cable and construction and installation work totaling 17 million rubles was accomplished. With the completion of the construction of the 500 KV Syrdar'inskaya GRES to Guzar power line, a11 of the major large electric power stations of the inte- grated power system (Tashkentskaya and Syrdar'inskaya GRES's, the Nurekskaya and Toktogul'skaya GES's) were interconnected at a voltage of 500 KV.~ The creation of such a power engineering "bridge" has made it possible to consideralby improve the reliability of the electrical power supply to the consumers in the republics of Eentral Asia and Kazakhstan, and has provided the possibility of flex3bility in power transmission from power centers with excess capacity to regions where there is a capactiy short fall by means of large power overcurrents. For example, up to 1.5 million Ktd of electrical power (the overall capacity of five Syrdar'inskaya GES units) was transmitted in a year from the Nurekskaya GES to the Uabek power system. A unified Central Asian ring at a voltage of 500 KV ~ will be formed after the Frunze--Lugovaya--Dzhambul--Chimket 500 KV power line � is placed in service. At the present time, the Sredazelektroset'stroy trust in conjunction with the ~ Spetsset'stroy trust is constructing a 500 KV power line between the Maryyskaya GRES and Karakul with an overall length of 368 km, which when placed in service in 1980 will also provide for feeding electrical power from the Maryyskaya GRES which operates on local natural gas to the Uzbek power system. i5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 ~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the not too distant future, the 500 KV Guzar--Karakul' power line will tie the Maryyskaya GRES into the integrated power systez?? of Central Asia and sotithern Kazakhstan at a voltage of 500 KV. In 1980, the trust is erecting a 35--110 KV electrical power transmission line for the construction of the Novoangrenskaya GRES, wh3ch wi11 operate in Uzbekistan using inexpensive local hydrogeneous coals of the Agrensk deposits. Over a number of years, the Sredazelektroset'stroy trust has done a great deal of work in the construction of 35--220 KV power lines in the Dzhambulskaya oblast of the Kazakh SSR. The successes which have been achieved by the trusts collective are pr~narily the result of the self-sacrificing and heroic labor of the power system builders. The construction of electrical power grid facilities in tY~e Central Asian and southern Kazakhstan region is accomplished under the most difficult natural condition~:.the roots of the power lines pass through high mountain areas with precipitate rock walls, deserts with roving barkhan forming sands, where even all terrait? vehicles do not always get through, as well as water saturated quicksands, in which a great deal of complicated work must be done to lower the wat~r. More- over, the work must be done during all seasons of the year, far from cultural centers and inhabited areas. And despite t~?e great difficulties, the electrical power transmission line builders work, giving it a11 they have. The honored power system workers of the Uzbek SSR are working conscientiously under difficult power network construction conditions: brigade leader of the electrical power lineman of inechanized column No. 71, R.A. Boltachev, brigade leader of the electrical lineman of inechanized column No. 48, R. Ablyazizov, driver of inechanized column No. 48, S. Amanov, honored builder of the Uzbek SSR, KPP fitter, A. Yakubov, honored transportation worker of the Uzbek SSR, mechanic of inechanized column No. 49, V.F. Zubanin, honored motor vehicle transportation worker of the Uzbek SSR, driver of inechanized column No. 49, 0. Akhmedov, partner of the "Emblem of Honor" order, power lineman of inechanized column No 47, Kh. Mallabayev, partner of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, power lineman of inechanized column No. 50, A.N. Barkov, partners of the Order of Labor Glory, Grade III, driver of inechanized column No. 50, A.D. Filimonov, electrical power lineman of inechanized column No. 71, Kh. Yerbayev, crane machinist of the Special Construction and Installation Administration, A. Abkelyamov, and many other3. Engineering progress and increasing the efficiency of construction and installa- tion work are the prerequisites for the successful development of any construc- tion sector, including electrical power grid construction. Considerable attent- ion is being devoted in the Sredazelktroset'stroy trust to the intcoduction of new methods of labor, progressive engineering solutions and modern technological structural designs. Thus, the method of press joining (connecting) wires using the energy of an explosion was universally used for the first time in our nation in 1976 on the 500 KV Regar--Guzar power line and the 220 KV Guzar--Karshi power line in the _ 16 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY installation of the lines in the loops of anchored corner support poles. More than 600 connections in all are made using this method on the indicated electrical power trarismission line, something which made it possible to cut in ha?f the Ci1ue fdr the connsction of the wires and most importan~ly, improve connectioi~ quality. The nethod of 3oining wires using the energy of an explosion was also successfully used in the installation of the line for tT~e 500 KV Sydar'inskaya GRES--Guzar power line. The introduction of this technique wil.l make it possible to disperisE with the use of pressing sets and increase the labor productivity in the connection of wires in guy wire and connection terminals. The progressive press joining method was given a high rating and the approval of the scientific and engineering couneil of the USSR Ministry of Energy. Samplea of connections made by this technique were successfully exhibited in the con- struction pavilion at the USSR Exhibition of National Economic Achievements. Bored out and packed foundations were successfully use~' for the first time 3n substation construction practice by the trust in the cc,nstruction of the Leninskaya and Guzar 500 KV substations, and subsequen�c1y, on the 500 KV power line section between the Syrdar'inskaya GRFS and Guzar. Economical corner anchored supports using UBM [not further definedJ type guys were installed on the 500 KV Regar--Guzar, Nurekskaya GES--Regar (single circuit) and Syrdar'inskaya GRES--Guzar power lines for the first time in the Soviet Union. The efficiency experts of the trust have made a ma~or contribution to the matter ~ of improving labor productivity, reducing labor expend3tures and the percentage of - manual labor. They have designed, fabricated and put in production self-unloading support pole transport vehicles, intended for the transportation of reinforced con- crete poles with a length of 22.2 m, as well as a modernized drilling rig for work- ing rock, a bicycle trolley for installing the struts separating the line phases, and also small mechanization devices: an attachment for cutting the threads in th~ anchor bolts of foundations, electrical nut wrenches, ~nd much more. During the years of the 9th and 10th Five-Year Plans, the economic impact of the introduction of the efficiency expert proposals by the workers of the trust amounted to about 8 million rubles. At the presenc time, a new high eff3.ciency techr~ique for secur- ing sand by means of a KMTs [carboxqmethylcellulose] preparate is being used on the 500 KV Maryyskaya GRES--Karakul' power line and the 110 KV Naip--Kirpchili - power line, which are under construction. - Incorporated in the Sredazelektroset'stroy trust are six mechanized columns, which are based in the cities of Tashkent, Dushanbe, Chimkent, Fergan and Samarkand, as well as a combine of auxiliary enterprises (KPP), located in Chirchik. The KPP fabricates metal structures for electrical power Cransmission lines and substations. Whi1e the KPP produced a total of 6,000 tons of inetal structures annually in the - first years after the creation of the trust, in subsequent years, its capacity has grown to 14,000 - 16,000 tons. At the present time, production bases have been created in mechanized columns No. 47 (Fergan), No. 49 (Chimkent), No. SO (Dushanbe) and No. 71 (Tashkent). 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The reconstruction of the KPP is planned, with an increase in its capacity up to - 22,000 tons of inetal structures annually and the construction of a new produc- tion base has been stt~x~ted in mechanized column No. 4g ;the settlement of Khishrau, Samarkand). ~ The collective of the Sredazelektroset'stroy trust is meeting the 60th - Anniversary of the GOEL"RO plan with the successful execution of the assumed socialist obligations to meet the 26th CPSU Congress and the 20th Uzbekistan Communist Party Congress in a worthy manner. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya, Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1980 8225 � CSO: 1822/1~8 _ 18 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400010025-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000400014425-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER HIGH ~UALITY PG W~F: i~iACI'.ItV~ :dUILLII~u ~~UIPI~I;T i~TOSCOw i;I;~:~G01~1ASHT?~1~5T:t0YE^;IY~; in :tussian P