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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS Li'9704 30 April 1981 Translation ' HANDBOOK ON THE ENGINEERING DESIGN OF SHIPYARDS, SHIPBUILDING SHOPS AND SHEDS By A.K. Syrkov I FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency tr.ansmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the o'riginal phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and mate�rial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicatorG such as [Text] - or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the - Iast line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been suppli.ed as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this nublication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at:titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 J.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L; 9 704 30 Apria, 1981 HANDBOOK ON THE ENGINEERING DESIGN OF SHIPYARDS, SHIPBUILDING SHOPS AND SHEDS Leningrad SPRAVOCHNIK PO TEKHNOLOGICHESKOMU PROYhKTIROVANIYU SUDO- STROITEL'NYKH VERFEY I TSEKH-O'0 in Russian (signed to press 28 Jan $0) pp 1-198 [Book by A.K. Syrkov, Izdatel'stvo Sudostroyeniye, 200 pages, 2,600 copies, UDC 621. CONTENTS ANNOTATION FOREWORD 1 2 PART ONE. PREDESIGN AND GENERAL DESIGN DEVELOPMENTS WITH RESPECT TO SHIP- YARDS, SHIPBUILDING SHEDS AND SHOPS 5 Chapter I. Basic Principles. Predesign Phase 5 U. General Principles 5 �2. Types and Classification of ShipBuilding Enterprises 10 U. Ma.ster Plan for Future Development of an Existing Shipyard and the Technical-Economic Substantiation of Planning, Design and Construction or Reconstruction of the Shipyards 13 �4, Planning and Design Assignment. Initial Planning and _ Design Data Chapter II. Design Phases. Preparation and Procedure for Developing the Engineering Part of the Design 27 �5. Content of the Contract-Detail and Contract Designs and Detailed Drawings 27 �6. Preparation of the Engineering Design 32 �7. Brief Content and Sequeuce of Execution of the Engineering Design 36 Chapter III. Methods and Organization of the Building of Ships Used When Developing the Designs for Building and Rebuilding Shipyards 40 �8. Methods of Building Ships 40 �9. Flow-Position and Flow-Brigade Methods of Organizing the Building of Ships 48 �10. Specialization and Cooperation 52 - a - [II - USSR - FOUO] [II:[ - USSR - 38d FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY Chapter IV. V,.alume, Labor Consumption and Duration of Ship Construction 55 Volume of Shipbuilding Operations in Terms of Weight of Parts and Products 55 Lrabor Consumption of the Building of Ships 59 �13., Constructi:,n Time of Ships. Graphs 63 Chapter V. Capacity, Proi,duction Output, Production Program, Organization and Control of a Shipyard 74 �14. Capacity, Production Output, Production Program and Characteristics of Shipyard Production Proj ects, Evaluation of Quality, Progressiveness and Substantiation of Efficiency 74 �15: Organization of Shipyard Production 78 �16. Example Diagram and lechnical Meane of Shipyard Control 80 - �17. Production Output Quality Contr.ol Measures 87 _ Chapter IV. Arrangement of Shops and Master Plans. Construction Phases and Complexes About To Be Started Up. Shipyard Construction Time and Mastering Designed Capacities 90 �18. Basic Principles of Laying Out Shops and Building (Modules) 90 g19. Master Plan Flow Diagrams 91 �20. Construction Phases and Complexes About To Be Started Up. Construction Time and Mastery of Designed Capacities 97 Chapter VII. Operating Conditions and Times Available. The'Layout and Brief Composition of the Process Part of the Contract-Detail (Contract) Design of a Shop, Shop Module and Shop Complex of a Shipyard 103 _ .�21. Jperating Conditions and Operating Time Available of Equipment and Workers �22. Brief Composition of the Process Part of the Contract- _ Detail (Contract) Design of a Shop, Shop Module or Shipyard Shop Complex 105 PART TWO. PLANN7NG AND DESIGN OF SHIPYARD SHOPS AND STRUCTURES 110 Chapter VIII. PuYpuse, Designed Program, Basic Principles of the Production - Process and Organization, Labor-Consumption and Personnel 110 �23. Purpose and Designed Program of the Shops 110 . �24. Basic Principles of the Organization of Production and Scientific Organizatior. of Labor 115 �25. Basic Principles of the Shop Production Processing 120 �26. Labor Consumpt4ion of the Shop Operations 142 �27. Composition and Calculation of Number of Personnel 152 - Chapter IX. Equipment and Work Places 158 �28. Equipment and Its Use 158 �29. Calculation of the Amount and Selection of the Process Equipment and Work P'Laces 161 �30. Approximate Composition and Engineering Characteristics of the Basic Process Equipmen~ of the Shigyard Shops 171 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OFFICIAL TUSE ONLY Chapter X. Materials-Handling Equipment. Process Characteristics of the Buildings and Substantiation of the Bay Dimensians �31. Calculation and Selection of Crane Equipment �32. Engineering Description of Buildings �33. Substantiation of the Dimensions of the Bays and tre Doorways. Floor Specifications Chapter XI. Shop Areas and Layouts �34. Characteristics and Determination of the Size of the Shop Area �35. Basic Principles of the Developmenr_ of Shop Layouts. Layouts of the Main Shipyard Shops 1 Chapter XII. Shipbuilding Ways and Launching Facilities �36. Shipbuilding Ways and Launching Facility Features as a,. Function of the Class of Shipyards �37. Modern Drydocks and Equipment of Them With Cranes- �38. Selection of the Optimal Number of Shipbuilding Ways, Launching Facilities and Berths on the Outfitting Quays �39. Determination of the Number and Capacity of the Cranes on the Shipbuilding Ways and D~?cks Chapter XIII. Mechanization and Automation of the Production Processes and, Technical Level of Production. Shop Production Control Hardware g40. Basic Principles of the Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes and Shipyard Shop Production Hardware �41. Determination of the Level of Mechanization and Automation of Production Proceases and the Technical Level of Production _1 Chapter XIV. Safety Engineer'ing, Labor and Environmental Protection. Shop Material Turnover �43. Basic Requirements on Safety Engineering. Environmental and Labor Protection �44. Distribution of Workers by Groups of Production Occupa>- tions as a Function of the Sanitary CharacLeristica of the Production Processes �45. Shop Materials Turnover Chapter XV. Power Engineering and Technical-Economic Indices of the Shops �46. Calculation and Approximate Indices for Determining Basic Forms of Energy - �47. Basic SpeGifications and Technical-Economic Indices. Analysis of the Basic Technical-Ecanomic Indices Chapter XVI. Heated, Covered Slip Ways. Winter Storage Areas for Ships and Outfitting Quays �48. Advantages of Heated, Covered Building Slips �49. Areas for Winter Storage of Ships �50. Outf itting Quays - c - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 191 191 193 197 206 206 214 253 253 266 271 272 276 276 279 301 301 318 :s:iS 325 325 327 340 340 342 343 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter XVII. Shipyard Shop Storage Areas 347 �51. Purpose, Organization and Siting of Storage Areas 347 �52. Workers, Equipment and Mechanization of the Materials Handling Operations 349 �53. Storage Areas and Methods of Defining Them. Power Engineering and Control Hardware 353 �54. Central Makeup Warehouse 356 (:hapter XVIII. Engineering Assignmentsvfor the Development of Adjacent� Parts of the Design 363 55. Assignments to Calculate the Co st of Production, the Financial Estimate Calculation for Equipment and Instal- lation Work. Master Plan and Internal Transportation of the Shipyard 363 � 56. Assignments for Construction Design and the Design of Hydroengineering Structures 364 57. Assignments for Power Supply Planning 366 58. Assignments for Designing Heat ing, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Inside and Outside Water Lines and Sewage, Purification Works and Environmental Protection 368 59. Assignments for Designing Automation, Process Control Devices and Means, Control Communicatione and Signaling Hardware and Also Launching and Transport Equipment 372 Bibliography 375 - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OFFIC.IAI. USE ONLY ANNOTATTON [Text] A discussion is presented af materials on the methodology ofdevelopments, in the engineering predesign and design of shipyards for builaing,,,metal-hulled stransport and factory ships. The basic initial data for designing shipyards, shipbuilding shops and sheds and information about the layout, content, volume and example sequence of execution of the engin.eering parts of the designs are presented. This book is intended for engineering and technical workers in the design, consult- ing and process engineering organizations and enterprises of the shipbuilding in- dustry. It can also be used by teachers and students of the shipbuilding schools for the study of the corresponding disciplines. ~14~ 1 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 , h'ON UH'FICIAL L!SE ONI.Y FOREWORD ' The scientific and technical revolution in the industry of our country, including shipbuilding, the growth of production and expansion of inter:-Uitional economic re- lations require systematic replacement of the fleet with ships that are improved in technical respects and that are ecnnomical to operate and maintain. . n the "Basic Directions oF Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976- 1980" approved b3� the 25th CPSU Congress, the instruction is given: replace , the fleet with highly efficient dry-cargo ships, tankers and combined ships with an overall deadweight of about 5 million tons. Increase the proportion of the spe- cialized dry-cargo fleet--lumber carriers, container ships, lighter carriers, trailer carrters, dry bulk cargo carriers, and so on." As a result of raising the technical level, increa,~ing the power and capacity of the ships under construction, _ systematic reequipme'nt~`is taking place, and new capacities of the shipbuilding in- dustry are being creaC~id with complicated building slip and launching structures, covered slipways, hull/platers shops, assembl:y and welding shops, assembly and fitting shops and mak e up shops equipped with varied and, to a significant degree, unique equipment allowing the most advanced methods to be used in building the ships. The technical progress of the rebuilt and new shipyards will find its fruition pri- marily in the designs. Design work must be based on maximum consideration of the lates,t achievements of science and engineering and the application of advanced pro ductio n processes so that the shipyards being built or rebuilt will be tech- nically advanced when put into operation and have high indices with respect to pro- ductivity of labor, cost and quality of production, and they will correspond to the modern requirements with respect to working conditions. The developed plans for building new shipyards and rebuilding those in operation must provide for building present-day and future ships which will be significantly improved technically, structurally complex, saturated with the latest instruments, electrical equipment and machinery. The desigri'of the shipyards is a very diff icult, creative process for a large col- lective of specialists who are called upon to solve a variety of technical prob- lems. The most important of these problems is definition of the initial data when deve3oping the engineering part of the design (that is, the methods and n.eans of building , ships, the basic production processes, volume, labor consumption and duratian of 2 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY N APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFlCIAL USF. 0NL1' - the oper.ations by phases, snd also the determination and the calculation of the : material resources and manpower required for production. One af the primary problems of shipyard design is substantiation of the initial data and engineering solutions adopted in the plans, including safety engineering and environmental protection measures. This book discusses these problems, giving consideration to the handbooks and standards presently in effect. When using the book, it is neressary to introduce the corresponding corrections in case of changes in the guidance materials and standards. This handbook must not be taken as a reference with exhaustive data on the develop- ment of all aspects of shipyard ;iesign. It only discusses the reference data on the methodology of developments in the engineering predesign and design phases, calculatians and substantiations of both shipyards as a whole and their individual shops and structures. The book will familiarize the reader with types of shipbuilding enterprises, with predesign developments with respect to shipyards, including the master plans for the prospective development of existing shipyards and the engineering-economic sub- stantiation of the design and construction or rebuilding of shipyards, design phases, the preparation, content and sequence of development of the engineer- ing design, the methods and organization of shipbuilding, specialization and coop- eration of shipyards. The determination of production volumes, labor consumption and time required for building ships is considered, general data are presented on planned shipyards and shops, and primary attention has been given to the groblems of the procedure and practice of designing shipyard sheds, shops and structures and their storage areas. . All of the problems of the engineering design of the shipyard slzops are discussed in general form with reflection of the characteristic features by individual shops. The design solutions by shops have been investigated as applied to the organization o.f the series construction of marine transport and factory ships. A distinguishing feature of such organization is division of the s hops into two specialized groups: the hull and assembly-fitting shops which are responsible f or machining the hull steel, assembly and welding the subassembly units and sections, the assembly-fit- ting operations on the modules and on the ships, including the acceptance trials; the makeup shops which turn over their production to the central makeup warehouse- or the assembly-fitting shnps and do not participate in installation op- erations on the ship itself. Examrle design solutions are presented in the book as applied to the provisional classification of shipyards and also considering the provisional annual design pro- grams and adopted example ships. The individual design factors presented give only an approximate representation of the initial data and characteristics of *.he designed production facilities, and they permit better understanding of the design grocedure. The equipment and - 3 FOR OFF[C[AL USE Oi+ILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 J;uet uFH'Ic'IAL [15E UNI.Y , planning of the shops and sheds are also considered only as examples. The shop planning basically reflents theoretical solutions, and in design practice it can be otherwise, degending on the adopted technology, thg organization oi production, equipment, mechanization means and systems. _ Various technical specif ications, standards, instructions and other guidance mate- rials on developing designs and estimates for industrial construction and also pub- lished sources and data from shipbuilding periodicals were used when working on the book. The discussed material corresponds quite fully to the instructions, design stand- ards and other- materials on engineering design of shipyards and shipbuilding sheds in effect at the present time. The author expresses his sincere appreciation to ali of his coworkers for valuable suggestions and advice aimed at supplementing, classification and more precise def- inition of the material presented in the book. 4 FOR OFF[C[AI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OGFCCIAi. USE ONLI' ~ PART ONE. PREDESIGN AND GENERAL DESIGN DEVII,OPMENTS WITH RESPECT TO SHIPYARDS, SHIPBUILDING SHEDS AND SHOPS Chapter I. Basic Principles. Predesign Phase �1. General Principles The development of shipbuilding is determined by tre long-range plans for the USSR national economy. Increased production of ships is being promoted by the existing shipyards by more intense use of capacity and the introduction of advanced production technology and organization, the rebuilding and expansion of existing shipbuilding facilities, and the construction of neti,.shipyards. The role of a new, rebuilt or expanded shipbuilding facility znd its capacity is determined by specially developed techni- cal-economic substantiation. The production capacity of the shipyard depends on the class of ships being built, their annual production volume and the layout - of the shipyard itself. ' The basic production means of the shipyard, including the buildings and production equipment,.,thz building slips and launching facilities, the cranes and other mate- rials-handling equipment are determined depending on the basic specif ications of the ships, the design program and the planned process flowchart. In socialist industry two basic principles guide the territorial organization of enterprises: � Location of industry as_close as possible to the raw material and the areas where the product is to be used; Location of new industrial sites considering the fastest rise of the economy in previously backward regions. The all-around development of industrial branches, including shipbuilding, is an important principle. By all-around development of the shipbuilding industry we mean the creatian of a set of enterprises which will provide the materials, machin- 'ery, equipment, fittings, castings, forgings, and so on needed fc'r ship construc- tion. The natural conditions of an area in which a shipbuilding facility is pro- posed for construction have no less significance. They must be suitable for erect- ing the primary structures of the shipyard, including the building slips, the 5 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL fJSE ONLY launching facilities, outfitting quays, the water area, protective structures (jet- ties and seawalls) and waterways. It is aiso necessary to consider the manpower available in the area. Capacity buildup is achieved by capital investments in the construction of new en- terprises and facilities or the rebuilding of existing ones. It is expedient to direct the capital investments at the construction of facilities that will accelerate scientific and technical progress and technical reequipment and rebuilding of existing enterprises. _ Capital construction is the set of construction installation work which provides for putting new or reconstructed fixed capital into operation. It is achieved in the following basic stegs: the conceptual, exploratory and scientific research work, development and approval of designs and estimates, preparatory operations on - the site, including an auxiliary construction base and accesses, construction and insr111ation operations, the introduction of new or rebuilt er.iterprises and �acili- t ic-s into operation. = L asign is a component part of capital construction. A desip is a set of technical documents with the basic technical solutions discussed in explanatory notes and mate- rials and providing for the construction or rebuilding of enterprises and individ- ual facilities. The cost estimate is an inseparable part of design. The basic element of planning and design work is the creation of a plan for an in- dustrial project which corresponds to the advanced level of Soviet and foreign technology. In c:eveloping construction or reconstruction plans for shipbuilding enterprises, the engineering designers must know not only advanced production technology, but also means of further improvement of it and the direction of future developments in shipbuilding. . When developing the plans it is necessary to consider the basic areas of scientific and technical progress in shipbuilding: the creation of qualitatively new tools of labor, new materials and improved pro- cesses, standardization of products, subassembly units and equipment; acceleration of the rates of renewal and replacement of obsolescent equiprnent; mechanization of labor-cunsuming operations considering the maximum possible re- - placement of manual labor with machines and also partial automation of the produc- t ion processes; broad introduction of automated control systems. In order that the enterprises under construction and being rebuiit have high tPCh- nical-economic indices and that they correspond to the modern reqvirements with re- _ spect to working conditions at the time they are put into operation, the following measures must find reflection in shipyard designs: 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONi..Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144467-4 FOR OrFICIAL USE ONLI' _ the application of advanced methods of building ships, including large-section and large-modular techniques with maximum saturation of the sections and modules, the installation of machinery and equipment in consolidated units, zonal modules, bloCks, and so on, which will permit a signi.ficant amount of the work to be taken out of the building slips and performed under shop conditions, and it will create the necessary conditions to implement all-around mechanization; the organization of flow-type mechanized production encompassing all of the basic operations with respect to the manufacture of certain parts, products and struc.- tural elements when building ships; _ maximum use of inechanized floor systems as the primary transport means in the s~ops; mechanization of the building slip and launching operations, including the applica- tion of highly eff icient welding and other equipment, low-mechanization means, mod- ern powerful cranes, transport-building and launching equipment; the improvement of the organization of production with the introduction of modern technical means of production control. The engineering part of the design must ensure the following basic technical-eco- nomic indices: effectiveness of capital investments expressed in return per ruble ~ of expenditures, output per ruble of fixed capital, and the magnitude of specific capital investments; profitability reduced to the f ixed productive capital; return time for the planned expenditures; level of productivity of labor reckoned in out- put (expressed in f inancial or natural terms) per participant in production. One of the most important problems of the designers is to provide for the growth of productivity of labor which is achieved: for production workers, by the introduction of advanced technological processes, high-output equipment, mechanization and automation of production processes and the technical level of production as a whole; for auxiliary workers, by high organization of production, mechanization of the loading-unloading, matErials-handling, warehousing and other operations; - for administrative labor, accounting and bookkeeping operations, by raising the ~ level of mechanization and automation of these operations. The technological process and the production equipment adopted in the plan must provide for both the appropriate quality of production output and high productivity of labor and the most complete.use of the initial material, in particular, metal, which accounts for 65-70 percent of the mass of the structural elements of ships being built at the shipyards. The primary goal of mechanization and automation of production is improvement of the productivity of labor and facilitation of it. The expediency of introducing one type of mechanization and autotaation or another must be confirmed by the corre- sponding calculations and substantiations. 7 FOR OFFICIAL LJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL CSF. OVLY When resolving the engineering parts of the design, in order to impxove the effec- tiveness of capital investments it is necessary to apply the maximum possible standardized bay di.mensions, column spacings, building heights, blocking of the buildings, reducing their overall perimeters and the covered area, and ensurance of the shortest path for intraplant movement of people and materials. The plan for the shipyard (shop) must provide the workers with suitabl.e working and living conditions both in the workplace and in domestir_ facilities, medical service and organization of Feeding. The layout and content, the order of development, the coordination and ap- proval of the designs and the estimates by which new industrial enterprises, build- ings and facilities will be built or existing ones will be expanded and rebuilt are defined by the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on Coi:struction by the corresponding instructions and construction norms and rules (planning and de- sign norms). 1'l:c: design organization producir.ig the engineering part of the design, as a-rule, is ,.he general designer; if necessary the design organization calls in specialized dasign and research organizations for development of individual parts of the de- signs or research under contract. In accordance with the rules approved by resolution of USSR Gosstroy [23], the general designer is responsible for all-around deveiopment of the plans and esti- mates and also the coordination c+f all parts of the design, including the parts de- veloped by organizations called in under contract. The general designer is obligated: to participate, playing the leading role, in the development of the technical-eco- nomic substantiation for the construction of large-scale, complex enterprises and facilities, the writing of the planning and design ass4gnments, the choice of the construction site, determination of the volumes, stages 3 � Figure 9. Diagram of the flow-position bui.lding of ships in dacks Nos 1 and 2 at - the shipyard,in Ariak of the "Hitati" Company. I--dock No 2; Il--dock No 1; A, B and C--positions of f orming the hulls of ships in dock No 2; D, E--positions of forming the hulls of the bow sections of the ships in dock No 1; 1--module of the stern section of the ship No 3; 2--stern section of the ship No 2; 3'-ship No 1; 4--module of the stern section of the ship No 4; 5--stern section of the ship No 3; 6--ship No 2; 7-- niodule of the stern section of the ship No 5; 8--stern section of ship No 4; 9--ship No 3; 10--bow section module of ship No 3; 11--bow section _ of ship No 2; 12--bow section module of ship No 4; 13--bow section of ship No 3. ~ 2 2 a C_U Ill ~ ; 4 Figure 10. Diagram of the f.low-position construction of ships in the dock at the shipyard at Tita of the "Isikavad2ima-Kharima Heavy Industries" Com- pany. I-III--positions of building large ships; 1--dock; 2--intermedi- ate lock; 3--caisson gate; 4--area for forming the module-sections and - the modules. At the shipyard in Ariak, the flow-position construction of large tankers has been provided for with simultaneous use of two drydocks (Figure 9). On the large dock No 2(620 x 85 x 14 meters) divided into two basins, the stern sections of the ships of more comp.lex configuration are assembleci, and the hulls of the finished ships are finally formed. In the smaller dock No 1(380 x 85 x 14 me- ters) which also can be divided into two basins, the bow sections of the liull are assembled, which make up up to 75 percent of the total length of the ship. The 49 s< FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FUR OFFICIAL USE OtiI.1' stern sections of the hulls weighing more than 20,000 tons from position A to posi- tions B and C are shifted without floating them using a special trp .,porter. At po- sition C the bow section of the hull built in dock No 1 is joj.ned to the sV-:rn sec- tion assembled in dock No 2. The adopted method permits simtltaneous construction = of 2.5 ships. On completion of the first ship, the degree of completion of the second ship is 70 percent, and the third 30 percent. On the dock at the shipyard in Tita of the "Isikavadzima-Kharima Heavy Industries" Company, a three-position shipbuilding procedure has been adopted (see Figure 10), for which it is divided into three ba5ins 80, 350 and 380 meters long. In the f irst (small) basin, the stern section of the ship is assembled, which is then moved by winches to the second basin where the hult of the ship is completely formed without the bow. This hull is then floated to the third basin where the bow is installed, and the outfitting operations are completed with respect to all parts of the ship. The ship is moved from the dock ready for sea trials. The completion oF ,.ne ship in the dock to the indicated technical readiness is the result of the act that the peninsula of Tita on which the shipyard is located is subject to fre- (,.ient typhoons. . The flow-position building of the ships can be organized by the system depicted in Figure 11 for which the operations of assembly and installation of the modules, joining of them and forming of the entire ship on the shipbuilding ways and also outf itting afloat and the trials are perforr.ed successively at specialized posi- tions. _ As is obvicus f rom the diagram, the assembly and installation of the modules are done at four positions; the shipbuilding operations at two, the afloat and trials, also at two. Z'his system grovides for completing the ship before launching it off the shipbuild- ing ways approximately 92-93 percent with respect to labor consumption of opera- tions in the shipyard shops and 95-96 percent with respect to empty weight of the ship. With this degree of completion of the ships, an insignificant volume of out- - fitting operations are performed afloat, and then the mooring and acceptance trials - are held. The flow-position method of building ships can also be organized with the arrange- ment of a number of positions afloat, for example, in cases where the ship is - launched off the shipbuilding waves about 70-percent complete, and the remaining operations are performed afloat. - The indicated system is also used when for expansion and rebuilding of the shipyard launching from the available shipbuilding ways is expedient with a low degree of completion of the ship because significant capital investments and time are re- quired in the rebuilding measures to provide for launching of the ship with a higher degree of completion. The same system can also be used ii, cases where it is necessary for the creation of uncovered shipbuilding ways tc spend signif icantly more capital investments and time than ox) building berths on the outf itting quay. SO FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OrFFCIAL USE ONI.V , Figure 11. The diagram of the flow-position building of ships by the modular method. 1--positions for assembly and installation of modules; 2--po- sitions for building ships on the shipbuilding ways; 3--positions for outf itting the ships afloat and trials. I-VII--posztion numbers. The final decision regarding the adoption of one system of floca-position building of ships or another when developing tr,e design is made after analyzing a set of factors, including the problems of the organization and practice, and also the technical-economic indices of building the ships. The flow-pos3tion method is more advuriced, but it requires careful planning of the operations and uninterrupted ma- terial-technical support of the building of the ships. For the f low-brigade method, all of the operations at the building location are di- vided into the production steps performed by specialized complex brigades. Here the ships remain stationary at the building berth, and tbc brigades move from one ship to another, successively performing the operations y production steps. A characteristic example of the application of the flow-brigade method of building large tankers at modern shipyards is the organization of the building of them in drydocks with two-way exit equipped with intermediate movable gates, which ensures the best intensif ication of use of the docks (Figure 12). This method is used when the movement of the ships or modules from position to position is realized com- plexly, for example, when building the ship on an inclined building s1ip. ~ 2 J - - A - - B K b) ~ K~ 2 4 --A - B 3 Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the building of large ships in a dock with two-way exit of them: a--location of the ships in the dock at the time of forming the stern section of the ship B and completion of thP ship A; the intermediate gate is in position K; b--location of the ships in the dock at the time of forming the stern section of the ship A and the ship B completely; the intermediate gate is in position K1. 1---cais- son gate No 1; 2--locations for installing the intermediate gates; 3-- movable gate; 4--caisson gate No 2. 51 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLI' The def iciencies oF the flow-brigade method must include some complexity of the clear delimitation between the completion of operations of one brigade and the be- ginning of operations of another, the absence of permanent workplaces for the bri-- gades, and so on. �10. Specialization and Cooperation The specialization of production in any branch of industry is planned specializa- t ion of Che production facility which produces the def ined product (or part of the f inished product) and is characterized by special technological processes. The expansion and the deepening of the specialization of production is one of the most important conditions of rapid development of sttipbuilding, the basis for which must Ue maximum standardization and unitization of parts, subassemblies and prod- ucts for building ships. Z he specialization of a newly designed, expanded or rebuilt shipyard or individual r rcuuction facil-Lties of it is determined by the design assignment. Three basic types of specialization are used in the shipbuilding industry: subject, realized by attachment of the construction of defined classes of vessels t o each shipbuilding enterprise; p arts, used at the enterprises manufacturing individual parts and subassemblies f or shipbuilding, for example, the ship''s fixtures, hull fittings, electrical equipment parts, and so on; p haseq occurring on separation and specialization of the individual phases building the ship and organization of independent enterprises for this purpose, f or example, the installation of the electrical equipment on the ships. In addi- t ion, broad interbranch and intrabranch cooperation are realized in the shipbuild- ing industry. Interbranch cooperation has as its purpose the provision of the ships under con- s truction with equipment, machinery and fixtures manuf actured by other branches of _ industry (for example, the principal machinery, electrical equipment, communica- t ions and observation equipment). The intrabranch (interplant) cooperation has as its purpose provision of the indi- v idual shipbuilding enterprises with products made at the plants of the shipbuild- ing industry (for example, c4stings, forgings, ship's fixtures, auxiliary machin- ery, and so on) . - BoCh forms of cooperation are realized considering the location of the shipbuild- ing enterprises in order to avoid excessive expenditures on transporting the prod- u cts and intermediate products. Along with the deliveries of marine equipment by cooperation, when building ships it is also eff icient to cooperate in the performance of various installation oper- ations. At the present time the specialized enterprises perform operations with 52 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLI' res*+e.^.t to the installation of electrical equipment, communications and observation equipment, thermal monitoring instruments, insulation for systems, pipes and com- partments, and so on. The preparation and preliminary assembly operations with respect to electric wir- ing, the installation of communications and observation equipment are gerformed by specialized enterprises located outside the shipyard; in a number of cases the sup- pliers of marine equipment direct the installation of the equipment delivered by them directly on the ships. The cooperatioiz of the enterprises when building ships can be expanded signifi- cantly, for example, with the help of the following specialized installation enter- prises: electrical equipment, communications and observation equipment; heat moni- toring instruments; marine units; marine systems and pipelines; main engines with _ service machinery; ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems and refrigera- tion units; equipment and furnishings for the compartments and wooden products; in- sulation, paint. The basic production facilities must provide their specialized installation enter- prises with the required products for performance of the installation operations on the ships to supplement that obtained in the established procedure by the inter- plant and interbranch cooperation; in addition, tfiey must have the necessary per- sonnel with the corresponding qualif ications at their disposal. Clear-cut specialization and broad cooperation are economically the most advanta- geous forms of production organization. The effectiveness of specialization is ensured by the fallowing: the achievement of the highest series nature of production; improvement of the technical level of production under the condition of optimal production output and utilization of production capacity; a high degree of inechanization and automation of the production processes and the _ ma teri als -handling operations and also the production control hardware, economi- cally justified and reducing the number of employees; the highest degree of organization of production and technical guidance of the en- terprise characteristic of specialized production; more careful development of the structural design for the parts, subassemblies and products from the point of view of their technological nature, economicalness and reliability; the performance of operations with respect to further unitization and standardiza- tion of the produced parts and subassemblies and reduction of the numLer of types and sizes. 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 h'UN UHF[CIA1. L1SF. ONLY In accordance with the nomenclature of external deliveries established by the de- sign assignment, when determining the volumes of operations of the sfiipyard shops in weight of products, the volume of deliveries is alsa expressed in the weight of ttit machinery, equipment, and so on. 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE OhTLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FUR OFFICIAL USE Otil.l' ~ Chapter IV. Volume, Labor Consumption and Duration of Ship Construction �11. Volume of Shipbuilding Operations in Terms of Weight of Parts and Products In the assignment to design a new shipyard or expand and rebuild an existing one, _ usually the annual calculated program is presented with respect to the number of ships of a defined class and design to be produced and the nomenclature of the de- - liveries by cooperative efforts from other enterprises. On the basis of this over- a11 calculated program the annual calculated program (load) of the individual shops is defined when developing the shipyard design. The most exact method is the method of determining the load of individual shops measured in natural terms--the length and thickness of the machined edges of the parts, the'length and cross section of welds, the length and thickness of joined edges, the length and diameter of the pipelines, and so on. The discovery of these meters requires the development of detailed flowcharts for the manu�acture of all parts and products and also a11 assembly and installation operations with respect to building the ship, for which, in turn, it is necessary to have the production forms and records with respect to the designed ship, including instructions for the performance of all operations. The development of the indicated flow diagrams re- quires significanC means and work time on the part of a large collective of engineering designers; therefore this work can be justified only for individual parts and products made in large series requiring unique, expensive equipment. Considering what has been discussed anci also the provisional nature of the designed ships of the program, in design practice the volumes of operations as a whole with respect to the shipyard and with respect to its individual shops are defined in terms of the mass of structural components, parts, subassemblies and products con- sidering cooperative deliveries. First the volumes of operations expressed in mass = with respect to the basic forms of opexations on one ship are found by the weight load items of the ship, and then the annual volume of operations for the entire shipyard as a whole and each o.f its shops is calculated in accordance with the cal- culated program. Consid'ering the prospectiveness of.the introduction of aluminum-magnesium alloys and synthetic materials into shipbuilding, when determining the volumes of opera- tions with respect to building the ships sometimes provision is made for the possi- bility of replacing the metal structural elements and pruducts by structural ele- ments and products made of the indicated materials. For example, for elimination - of the total volume of operations with respect to machining the parts and 55 FOR OFFICI.AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 - FOR OFFICIAL LJSE ONLY assembling`structural components made of aluminum-magnesium alloys provision is made for the possibility of manufacturing the plat ing and framing of the superstructures of the ship also from aluminum-magnesium alloys. Wlien &`ermining the volumes of operations with respect to machining the parts and assemt:Ling the structural components from synthetic materials it is also possible ' provisionally to assume that when building the ships, synthetic materials (sheets, nlates, pipes, spreaders, glue components, and so on) and intermediate products (panels for'light bulkheads and enclosures) arriving in finished form from special- ized enterprises will be used. The weight load of the ship with respect to basic forms of shipyard shop operations are distributed in the form of tabulated lis ts (see Table 2) in which data are pre- - sented on the weight load of the ship by items with indication of the total mass and the masses of outside deliveries, deliver ies from the machinebuilding part of the plant or siiipyard and also the consumption of materials by the set of shipyard shoPr,, separately. With respect to each basic type of shipyard shop operation, data are indicated, from which the production output of tixe shop,is developed, ex- .ressed in weight (the outside deliveries plus the deliveries of other shops, plus tiie consumption of materials). All of the mass data are presented in accordance with the weight load of the ship developed by the design office, without consider- ing waste. The weight loads,for example, of transport and factory ships are distributed with respect to the following basic forms of operations: preliminary dressing, cleaning and priming.of the steel; the machining of the.hull parts; assembly and welding of the subassemblies and panels; painting and drying the subassemblies and panels; machining and assembly of structural elements made of aluminum-magnesium alloys; the same, made of synthetic materials; hull-fitting P reParation operations; pipe fabrication and preparation operaticns; woodworking prepar.ation operations; painting preparation operations (preparation of paint materials, mastics, spackling and adhesives); rigging preparation operations; sail preparation operations; 56 FOR OFFCCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICiAL USF. OVLY work on electrical equipment, communications aiid control (operations of the spe- cialized electrical wiring enterprise); opeYations with respect to insulation; operations with respect to heat control instruments; manufacture of units and zonal modules; assembly and installation of modules (with the modular method of construction); building slip operations; outfitting afloat�and trials. - Table 2. Distribution of the Ship's Weight Load With Respect to Basic Types of Operations Wei ht, tons Weight Loan Items i b o o Basic types pf o erationp o E m 1-4 . ; ; c, Preliminary straightening, Machining the hull - 1-' ~ b ~ w ~ ~ ~ o cleani and rirm. of steel arts y�H p 9 x w un .G 4..) N 1.~ L+ tJ >~'r-q +j 0 UI N Y+ U t!I tA 14 U~ - O N ~ �,a G) W 4 0 R1 O ~ ~ -I ~ N ~ �H H O'-+ Ca O U�+ ~ U.~ L vn ro~ v~ 3a ~ g, c0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ H ~ i� N~ a0 ~ I ~ o a a) � 41 N. ob b~ ~ cn o w Metal hull Shell plating with framing and second bottom decking decks, platforms, and so on foundations and fastenings hull fixtures equipment of the living and service compartments, and so on. Note: Only two types of operations are indicated here. For distribution of the weight load of a ship with respect to the remaining types of operations the table must be continued correspnndingly. 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI_Y When determining the volume of operations, special attention must be given to the _ distribution of them among the building slip operations and the operations of out- fitting afl4at. Here it is necessary to consider primarily the comparative cost of the designed slipways or existing ones and the outf itting 4uay. When carrying out the preliminary design developments (and sometimes the contract- detail and contract designs) the volumes of shipbuilding expressed in terms of mass with respect to basic forms of operations are taken with respect to the percentage ratio of these volumes designed for the previously built analogous ships (Table 3). In Tab1e 3 when determining the volumes of operations, the degree o.f technical -completion of the ships with respect to mass of installed structural elements is taken for assembly and installation of modules at the Class II, III and IV ship- yards to 85 percent of the tatal mass of the structural components of the ships, and in the slipways of the shipyards of a11 classes, to 95 percent. ' TaUl.e 3. Approximate Volume of Basic Operations (exprlissed in mass) When Building Ships In Percentages of Total Mass of Structural Elements of Slip - Tanker, Dry Cargo, Trawler, Tugboat, Seiner, Qc = Qc = Qc = Qc = Qc = Types of Operations 14,000 t 6,200 t 2,500 t 660 t 90 t - Operations in the Shipyard Shops and Sheds Mold loft operations Freliminary dressing, clean- and priming of the steel 82.0 68.0 47.0 49.0 44.0 Machining the hu11 parts 70.0 60.0 42.0 43.0 . 38.0 Manufacture of subassemblies and sections of the hull 72.0 61.0 43.0 44.0 35.5 Manufacture of structural elements made of aluminum- magnesium alloys 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 0.95 Painting and drying of the sections 72.0 61.0 43.0 44.0 35.5 Manufacture of structural components made of synthetic materials 2.00 2.25 3,60 1.50 1,40 Manufacture of assemblies and zonal modules 10.0 11.0 12,8 12.8 12.6 Assembly and�installation of the ship's modules 85.0 85.0 85.0 Assembly and installation op- erations in the building slip 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 Outfitting afloat, trials and acceptance 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Manufacture of hull fittings and products 3,2 2.5 3,0 1.8 5.8 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 Table 3 (continued) Types'of Operations Manufacture of pipeline parts and subassemblies Chemical cleaning, hot galva- nizing and priming of the pipe Machining and nanufacture of parts and products from wood Galvanizing Preparation of paints, mas- tics, spackling and adhe- sives Rigging and sail peeparation FOR OFFICfAL I1SF. OvL1' In Percentages of Total Mass of Structural Elements of Slip Tank'er, Dry Cargo, Trawler, Tugboat, SeineY, 4c = Rc = Qc = Qc = Qc = 14,000 t 6,200 t 2,500 t 660 t 90 t 3.4 2.7 3.6 2.8 3.5 3.4 2.2 3.6 2.8 3.5 2.2 3.1 4.5 6.0 10.4 5.8 6.1 10.8 1.5 1.00 1.10 1.40 1.66 1.32 work 0.25 0.21 Odtside Enterprise Operations Electric wiring 1.1 1.1 0.16 0.57 0.30 2.6 3.0 1.3 Installation of heat-control instruments and automation - Insulation work: Manufacture of parts and subassemblies in the shop 0.94 1.20 3.30 Installation on the ships 1.4 1.8 4.1 �12. Labor Consumption of the Building of Ships When designing a shipyard, the most exact method is the method of determining the labor consumption of the building of ships as part of a calculated program by the circulating flow diagrams for the manufacture and installation of all parts and products of the ship. The development of these flow diagrams requires the par- ticipation of a large number of process specialists and also expenditures of sig- nif icant time and means. Inasmuch as when designing a shipyard, the calculated program, as a rule, is provi- sional, permitting determination of only the nature and volume of production, the type and sizes of structures required for building ships of the given dimensions and characteristics, the labor consumption of the operations are determined by con- solidated indices in the circulating flowcharts for the manufacture or installa- tion of the most characteristic parts or products of a given process group with subsequent extension of the obtained specific indices to the entire group. The process group includes parts and products for the manufacture of which uniform process operations are needed which have identical process circulation and also 59 FOR OFFICIAT, i'iJSE ONLY 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 f'OR OFF[C1AL USE ONI.I' iuentical indices with re;;pect to material, shape, overall dimensions and mass. - Summing up the labor consumption of the manufacture (o.r installation) of the parts or products of different process groups, the labor consumption is established with respect to basic forms of operations, and summing up the labor consumption with re- spect to basic forms of operations, the total labor consumption of the shipyard op- _ erations for the ship as a whole are calculated. When designing Che shipyards with calculated programs close to the plans previously executed, it is possible to def ine the labor consumption of the ship construction by the obtained indices per unit of natural measure (ton of weight of products, meter _ of weld, square meter of surface, and so on) both with respect to individual forms of operations and with respect to the entire construction of the ship. The correctness of determining the labor consumption of the construction of ships at a future shipyard is estimated by comparing it with the best indices already achieved by the shipbuilding enterprises when building analogous ships and also the daia from the design and process developments of specialized planning and engineer- iny, organizations with design normatives in effect in the branch. Here it is pro- -ised that the planned labor consumption will be reached with complete assimilation c" all of the production means and the process methods and organization of the con- struction of the ships are adopted in the design. The primary factors influencing the variation of the labor consumption are special- ization of the enterprise and the series nature of ship production, the level of - organization, mech,anization and automation of the production processes and the tech- nical level of production. ' The most acceptable tor analysis of the overall labor consumption of the construc- _ tion of ships at a given shipyard are the indices of labor consumption per ton of - weight of the ship's structural components: ! Ides -, where IaeS is the labor consumption per ton of weight of the structural elements for a ship of the ser ies adopted in the design as the calculated ship, man-hours/ton; IS is the labor consumption per ton of weight of the structural compo- nents of a ship of the series by other sources, man--hour/ton; Kl.s is the coeffi- cient taking into account the expenditure of labor as a function of the number of the ship in the series; Km.P is the coefficient taking into account the variation - of the labor consumption when bui.lding a ship as a function of the level of inecha-� nization and automation of t1:e production processes and the technical level of pro- duction at the shipyard; is the coefficient taking into account the.variation of the labor consumption of the building of the ship as a function of its struc- - tural elements considering the type of material. At the new shipyards, along with the mastery of the production capacity, as a rule, the construction of new series ships is also mastered. During the process of mas- tery of a new series, a signif icant reduction in labor consumpticn of building of each ship by comparison with the first one is observed appro::imately to outfitting the 12th or 14th ship (see Figure 13). 60 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OFFICi:1L USF. ONL1' a p .r4 o a ~ ~ ~ +J 44 w +1 - o o m ~ owu -0 ~ ~ ~ 04 ~ oucn~ .a N G a a u� .~n ivu 90 80 70 60 30 k0 JO 1 4 8 !2 1 6 ')fl 9 4 7 R 3 9 T R 4 A 4 4. 4 19 9 9 S R R n C c o o e o e o n e i, e e n, Order number of ship Figure 13. Reduction in labor consumption of building ships as the series is mas- tered. When developing the designs of shipyards for series construction of ships usually the ship with order number corresponding respect to value to two annual calcu- lated programs of the shipyard with respect to ship production is taken as the cal- culated ship in the series. i)I When performing the design work, the coefficient Kl.s'is defined by the graph of the reduction in labor consumption of building of ships as the s eries is mastered (see Figure 13). Beginning with the graph, the coefficient KI,S can be found by the formula ~i ~ . Kl.s � Id.p/Is,p, - where Id.P is the labor consumption per ton of structural components of the series . ship taken in the design as the calculated one,,percentage; IS.P is the same by other sources, percentage. For determination of the coefficient ICm,P it is possible to use the following ap- proximate values of the variation of the labor consumption of building the ships as a function of the technic;al level of production of the shipyard: Technical level of shipyard production 0.35 0.40 0,45 0.50 0,55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0,75 Varimtion of the labor con- sumption of building the ships 1.65 1,48 1.36 1.26 1.16 1.06 1.00 0,94 0.88 Beginning with these values, the coefficient ICm,p is calculated by the formula Km,p = Kdes/Ks, where ICdes is the labor consumption per ton of structural components of the ship _ corresponding to the designed technical level of production of the shipyard; KS is the labor consumption per ton of structural components of the ship corresponding to the technical level of the shipyard production by another source. 61 FOR OFF'iCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1' For example, for KdeS = 1.0 and KS = 1.48, the coeff icient l ICm,P = 1,0/1.48 = 0.67. The coefficient taking into account the variation in labor consumption of the building of the ship as a function of its structural design can be expressed as a function both of the mass of the ship components (of one class and type) and their complexity (different with respect to class and type). The approximate indices of these values as a function of the mass of the structural components of the ship are presented in Table 4, and depending on the complexity of the structural components of some different ships, in Tab1e 6. Beginning with the data presented in Tables 4 and S, the coefficient Kc.Sh can be def ined by the formula Kc.r,,: = Kd.1/Ks.1, _ iiere Kd,1 is the labor consumption per ton of structural components of the ship c.irrespondina to tYie ship of design; KS.l is the labor consumption per ton of structural components of the ship corresponding to the ship according to another source. A comparison of the labur consumption used in the design and the labor consumption by other sources is made in tabular form (see Table 5). If the application of large-scale mefal plates for the hulls of the designed ships is considered in the ship}rard design, it is also necessary to consider variation of labor consumption as a function of size and volume of the metal plates used. Thus, when using sheet metal 16,000 x 4,500 mm in the amount of 20 percent and sheet metal 16,000 x 3,200 mm in the amount of 30 percent of the total mass of metal per ship instead of sheet metal 12,000 x 3,000 mm at the Class I shipyards, the labor consumption of building the ship with respect to shipyard shop operations is reduced by about 2.6-2.9 percent, and at Class II shipyards, with the applica- tion of 16,000 x 4,500 mm sheets in the amount of 10 percent and 16,000 x 3,200 mm sheets in the amo�nt of 20 percent the indicated labor consumption is decreased by 1.5-1.7 percent. When comparing the designed labor consumption of construction of the ships with foreign data it is necessary to pay special attention to the reduction o= it to the identical conditions and, in particular, to consider that the published data on 1a- bor consumption of building ships at the foreign shipyards pertains to their ship- yard operations without considering the labor consumption of operations performed by contract enterprises, which at some shipyards reaches 40 to 50 percent of the total 1abor involved in building the ship. It is also expedient to check how the designed labor consum.ption of building the ships provides for planned future growth of productivity of laboi. ~eginning with Che designed labor consumption of building a ship, the productivity of labor is defined by the formula 62 fiOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OE'F[CIAL CISE ONLI' P = CshFavKpr/ASh, where P* is the annual production output per TPP worker, rubles/man; Csh is the co8t of a ship,. rubles; FaV is the average annual available time per worker, hours; Ash is the designed labor consumption of building a ship, man-hours; K,Fr is a coef- f icient which takes into account the ratio of the number of production workers Co the number of industrial production personnel (IPP) of the shipyard. Table 4. Approximate Values of the Variation of Labor Consumption of Building 1 Ton of Structural Components of a Ship as a Functi on of Their Weight for One Ship TaHKepa Cyxorpy9xrte Tpaynepw MopcKtte Ceaxe w p !i 1 ~YAe ~ y cxpw )u 6 x (6~ (6 ~ (6~ 6~ ~ ~ - =x 7L x s X SN y1 N; ~L L Y 6 y = - v S O 7 pl ~Ii~. v O y ~ - O T y ~ s1 a A a yb q IT Z>. x i L= O Sa a ~Si~. - Cy MaF d C~sM O' MsF O' MSIa- O'u lrysf 5 000 1,45 2000 1,42 500 1,62 300 1,12 90 1,00 10 000 1,18 3 000 1,25 1000 1,36 350 1,09 100 0,98 15 000 1,00 4 000 1,15 1500 1,22 400 1,07 110 0,96 20 000 0,90 5 000 1,06 2000 1,10 450 1,05 120 0,94 25 000 0,83 6 000 1,00 2500 1,00 50 1,03 130 0,92 30 000 0,80 7 000 0,94 3000 0,97 550 1,02 140 0,90 35 000 0,78 8 000 0,90 3500 0,93 600 1,01 150 0,89 40 000 0,77 9 000 0,88 4000 0,91 650 1,00 160 0,88 45 000 0,76 10000 0,86 4500 0,90 700 0,99 170 0,87 Key: Z. Tankers 4. Seago ing tugs 2. Dry cargo vessels 5. Seine rs 3. Trawlers 6. Varia tion of labor consumption The approximate specific values of the labor concumption of the basic operations in the shipyard shops in percentages of the total labor consumption of building the ships are p-resented in Table 7. Here when determining the labor consumption of the ' operations with z-espect to the assembly and installa;.ion of the modules and the as- sembly-installation operations in the building slip, we began with the condition of the performance of these operations in enclosed b.uildings and also advancement and - completion of fhe ships in accordar_ce with Tabl.e 8. �13. Construction Time of Ships. Graphs One of the important operating indices of a f uture shipyard is the t ime it takes to builci a ship in it. Therefore when designing shipyards the shipbuilding time is established as a function of the designed program, the methods, organization, pro- cess and volume of operations and also the series nature of the ship production. * When determining the pr-oductivity of labor by the net normative production P is the annual net normative production per IPP worker, rubles/man; C is the cost of net normative production of the shipyard for a ship, rubles. 63 - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 f'OR OFFICIAL [JSE ONI.I' Table 5. Comparison of the Designed Labor Consumption Per Ton of Mass of the Structural Components of a Ship With the Labor Consumption Obtained by Other Sources Initial Data and Indices Sources (17) ~ Iio sacroamemy npuexTy (8) MarepNaasl TexxaaarHVe- CHO{f Gpf8HN32IINN (9) i `,'Taep)cAexHUf# � npoexT cNxia (10) p~N,'patk`.HH6Ili npoexr . e I1i)l UrqerHbie Aaexbie nep4)x ~ a ~ sc F I (1) Y A F O m C r. c f p~SS YC m O ~ Y U Y ~ a ~dC' V + C SI O Q~ u s dd ~ O 2om = m a X G= f I (2) I (3) ~ (4) ~ h2y: l. Class of vessel 2. Mass of structural components of the ship, tons 3. Order number of the ship in the series 4. Technical level of production 5. Value of IS, man-hour/ton 6. Ides = IsK1.sKm. K sh, man-hours/ton 7. By the design itsO' Engineering organization materials 9. Approved ship design 10. Approved shipyard design 11. Shipyard accounting data . Reduction of Indices to Designed Conditions K ~ u N Y Kl.s ? I li ~ S X ~ (6) i I ~ I I I Table 6. Approximate Values bf the Variation of the Labor Consumption of Construc- tion Per Ton of weight of the Structural Components of a Ship as a Function of Theiz Complexity for Different Ships Class of Type and Weight of Structural Shipyard Elements of Ship, Qc I Tanker, Qc = 14,000 tons II Dry-carg o vessel, Qc = 6,200 tons III Trawler, Qc = 2,500 tons IV Seagoing tug, Qc = 660 tons V Seiner, Qc = 90 tons 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY S ,t L = S G ~ T co (5) Variation of Labor Consumntion 0.76 1.00 1.60 1.90 3.30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE OvLY Table 7. Approximate Specif ic Values of the Labor Consumption of the Basic Opera- tions in the Shipyard Sbops in Percentages of the Total Labor Consumption of Building a Ship Percentage of Total Labor Consumption of Build ing Ship Class of Shipyard and Example of Ship I II II,I IV . V Tanker, Dry Cargo, Trawler, Tugboat, Seiner, Qc = Qc = Qc � Qc = Qc = _ Basic Forms of Operations 14,000 t 6,200 t 2,500 t 660 t 90 t Shipyard Sho p Operations � Mold loft operations 0.20 0.18 0.23 0.40 0.60 ~ Preliminary dressing, clean- ing and priming of the steel 0.37 0.30 0.24 0.40 0,40 Machining the hu"11 parts 4.20 4.10 2.62 4.00 3.00 Manufacture of subassemblies and panels from steel 10.7 11.6 7.4 8.8 10.0 Manufacture of structural elements made of aluminum- magnesium alloys 2,70 2.80 1.85 2.35 0.90 Painting and drying of the panels 1.10 1.10 0.81 1.12 0.80 Manufacture of structural components made of synthetic = materials 1.70 2.00 3.10 1.25 0.80 Manufacture of assemblies and zonal modules 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 Assemb ly and installation of the niodules 19.5 20.2 21.0 Assembly and installation op- erations in the building slip 37.60 19.00 18.80 20.55 42.10 Outfitting af loat, trials and ; - . ` acceptance 9.00 9.00 6.15 4.40 4.40 Manufacture of hull fittings - and products 6.0 4.9 5.7 3.4 7.2 _ Manufacture of pipeline parrs and subassemblies 5.50 4.80 5,60 4.35 3.60 , Chemical cleaning, tiot galva- nizing and priming of the ' pipe 0.80 0.60 1.00 0.75 0.60 Machining and manufacture of , parts and products from wood 2.10 2.95 4.40 5.80 6.50 Galvanizing � 0.40 0.38 0.60 0.13 0.70 - ' Preparation of paints, mas- tics and spackling 0.40 0.39 0.40 0e75 0.60 Rigging and sail fabrication work 0.13 0.10 0.15 0.85 0.30 65 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLI' Table 7 (continued) I II III IV V Total 90.40 91.20 87.25 88.30 90.50 Operations by Outside Enterprises Electric wiring 4.25 4.05 8.00 9.55 5.00 _ Installation of h eat-control instruments and automation 1.05 1.02 0.55 0.65 0.65 Insulation work: 4.30 3.73 4.20 1.50 3.85 Manufacture of parts and subassemblies in the shop 0.95 0.90 1.60 0.37 0.93 Installation on the ships 3.35 2.83 2.60 1.13 2.92 Tou-1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~able 8. Advancement and Completion of Ships When Assembling and Installing Modules and the Assembly-Installation Operations at the Building Slip (without the operations of outside enterprises) Percentage of Total Labor Consumption of Operations at Shipyard ' Assembly and Instal- Assembly and Instal- latYOn Operations at Class of lation of Modules Building Slip Shipyard Class of Vessel Advancement Completion Advancement Completion I Tanker, Qc = 14,000 t 42 90 II Dr.y-cargo vessel, Qc = 6,200 t 21.2 69.3 20.7 90.0 III Trawler, Qc = 2,500 t 22.5 71.5 21.5 93.0 IV Tugboat, Qc = 660 t 23.5 72.0 23.0 95.0 V Seiner, Qc = 90 t 48 95 The shipbuilding time with respect to the basic process steps is determined most precisely by the developed process chart. - In order to make more effective use of the expensive locations (shops) for building modules, the covered slipways and launching facilities when developing the process charts for construction of ships (or for determining the shipbuilding time by nther methods) it is necessary to consider that the reduction in the time required to _ build the modules and the ship as a whole in the building berth is achieved as a function of the following basic factors: � the maximum poscible transfer of operations from the module-building shop and the building berths to the assembly-welding shop (here the capacity of the crane enttip- ment in the shop is fully used, including paired operation or the cranes); an in- crease in volume of automatic and semiautomatic welding in the module construction shop and in the building berths; expansion of tre installation of machinery and 66 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOtt OFFFCIAL LlSE ONI.Y equipment by subassemblies, zonal modules and block modules, and the sysCem pipe- lines--large units and panels; ensurance of a broad work front for the shipriggers and loading and installation of the units and individual mechanisms and machinery and also the systems and lines in the compartments fitted with them in the initial phase of construction of the modules or the slipway period (with the sectional method of building the ships), making the ship compartments available for installation work or part of them available by organizing purposeful work of the hull specialists; earliest possible preparation of the modules or the ship for the beginning of the electrical wiring operations, including laying the main cable, primarily in the most roomy electrical wiring areas (the control stations, engineroom, and so on); priority presentation of the compartments of the ship in which the cycle of opera-- tions has the longest process time for insulation and "building-in" operations; speciaiization of the worker brigades by types of operations. In design practice, consolidated indices are used to determine the shipbuilding time, beginning with the volume of operations and the number of workers required to perform the operations in one process phase or another with subsequent analysis of the results obtained. The shipbuilding time by basic phases can be defined in consolidated manner by the formula tph � Aph/FdayPmean) where tph is the duration of the phase, workdays; APh is the labor consumption of the operations in the given phase, man-hours; Fday is the average duration of the working day, hours/working day; pmean is the mean diurnal number of workers working on the ship, men. The calculation of the shipbuilding time by the basic phases is presented in Ta- ble 9. The calculation of the assembly time and installation time for the modules is shown by the average data. For ships in which the volume of operations with re- spect to installation and assembly of individual modules is different, the instal- lation and assembly times are calculated for each module separately. As an example, in Figures 14 and 15 we see the graphs of the construction of ships 'by modular and modular-sectional methods. Just as when determining the labor consumption, the planned building time for se- ries ships is taken for the series ship with order number corresponding with re- spect to its value to twice the calculated program of the shipyard with respect to ship production. A comparison of the required to build the ships found by calculation (see Table 9) with the best indices achieved by shipyards when building analogous ships and also with the normative data, the design and process develop- ments can be expressed by the formula tdes ' to.sKc.sKm.lKshi where tdeS is the designed time for building the ship or the time reduced to the design levels, working days or months; to.s is the time required to build the ;:hip 67 FOtR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY according to another source, working days or months; Kc.S is the coefficient which takes into account the variation in the time required to build the ship as a func- tion of its number in the series; Km.l is the coefficient taking into account the variation of the time required to build the ships as a function of the level of mechanization and automation of the production processes and the technical level of production; Ksh is the coefficient taking into account the shift index of the work- ers with respect to building the ships. Here Kc.S = ti/t2, where ti is the time required to build a ship-in this series, which is taken in Che design as the calculated ship (Figure 13 is used); t2 is the time required for building the ship of the series by the chart with respect to other sources; Km.l is found analogously to the determination of K,m.P; Ksh = K1/K2, wtiere K1 is the shift index of the workers according to another source; K2 is the desirned shift index of the workers. ,lien comparing the time required to build ships having significant structural dif- i2rences, it is also necessary to use the coefficient which takes into account the variation in the shipbuilding time as a function of the structural design, the technical means and mechanization of the ship Kc,m. 'A comparison of the designed construction time of ships with time by other sources is made in table form (see Table 10). Table 9. Calculation of the Construction Time of Ships by the Basic Phases of Op- erations Average Bas ic Phas es of Operations Number Daily Labor Con- of Daily Available sumption, Workers, Time of man-hours men Workers Sectional Method Building slip operations Outfitting afl.oat and tr ials Total Modular Method Assembly and installation of modules Building slip operations Outfitting afloat and trials Total 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Construction Time By Calcu- Taken in lation, Design, working days months APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FnR OFFICIAL USF. ONL1' ;1; (2. (3; (4; (5; (6; (7; (8; Cons.truction Phases, I ! lll IY Y YI YI .gf y Months of co nstruction e f ODerations ! lI ' II [y Y C C~0!fd 1 MOHTa'.W NOCOBOd 0 b/IOKQ' I 6o 'OK0 MONll7ddf NOCOBOLO mpEOMNOaa 5,7OKd' 60pv l! MONl7,T7,1Y K0,0M08020 I I mpvMaozo Lfnoxa CA'pIR7 !L MON/T7QaY KDpMO Ol0 6noKa c MKO ~ I CbLPKQ L! MOHTQ.lY ~ac7cm octku ~ CmblKO6dN[t8 ,vKO , I cmanenbaae aabolrw ~ ,QocmpotiKa Na /7170By u ucnaimaHCrA ~ ~ ona ve - nA c opkc[ 51YoKO8 (9) > > 3 J 5 S ~ - 1I - - - - cmBo Mecm AC Cm017e17e (10 - - Ha4fepewN0C7(1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - (12) Ycn06961e 0Lf0JHd4QHU9: 7 P0411Llp06ONLLB SnoK06; - cmanenaHale pabombl; ..,9 aoCmpoC[Ka Na nna8y, ctcn6rmaau A u cBaya Figure 14. Construction chart for a dry-cargo vessel by the modular method. Key: 1. Assembly and installation of the bow module 2. Assembly and installation of the forward hold module 3. Assembly and installation of the aft hold module 4. Assembly and installation of the aft module crith MKO _ 5. Assembly and installation of superstructure 6. Joining of modules, building slip operations 7. Outfitting afloat and trials 8. Number of places 9. For assembly of modules 10. In the building slip = 11. At the quay 12. Provisional notation: shaping of modules; building slip operations; outfitting afloat, trials and acceptance In the above-presented f.ormula and Table 10 comparison of the shipbuilding time is demonstrated under the condition of identical volume of operations performed after puCting up the modttles or ships on the building slips. In t'ne cases where comparison of the ship construction time is made with a signifi- cant difference in volume of unitization of the machinery and equipment performed , in sections or shops especially created for this purpose, this must be considered with the corresponding coefficient Kunit� 69 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Construction Phases I 11 !II N p Yl YI! m le.' %1 %ll glll Months of ('onstruction Name of Operations 1 1! ij 1Y ~ Cboprra � MoamQx Nocoaoro anoKa CbopKO u MoHma* xo MoEozo 6n0ka e MlfO CSO,ONQ U MONMQM' I ffnoKOB NadcmpoCirru I ~ Cma17en6N&e pa6om5i ocmporiKa Ha nnaBy [t uCntrimaHUA ~ onu ve - BJlA CGCpIf[1 6norro8 (7) 1 ~ J ~ 1 - - - - - - - cmBo Mecm �a cmznene (8) 1 1 HvbepearHOU ( 9 - - - - - - - - 1 7, - 1 1 (10) YcncBHbie o5o3NayeNtrA: V_ Q10pM[1~DO8QHl1C 6ffoKO8; - cmaneno~+ele pabombl ; -^9 docmpoltKa Ho nnaBy, ucnbrmvNCCA u cdcya Figure 15. Construction chart for a dry-cargo vessel by the modular-sectional method. Key: 1. Assembly and installation of the bow module 2. Assembly and installation of the stern module with MKO 3. Assembly c:id installation of superstructure module 4. Building slip operations 5. Outfitting afloat and trials 6. Number of places 7. For assembly of modules 8. In the building slip 9. At the quay 10. Provisional notation: shaping of modules; building slip operations; outf itting afloat, trials and acceptance In this case the formula for comparison of the shipbuilding time has the form _ tdes = to.sKc.sKm.lKshKunit� The coefficient taking into account the variation of the shipbuilding time as a function of the volume of unitization of the machinery and equipment (Kunit) can be defined by the formula Kunit = ls.a/Im.a, where IS.a is the labor consumption of building the ship after setting up the : modules or the ship as a whole on the building slip before acceptance as a func- tion of the total labor consumption of the shipyard operations for building the ship by plan, percent; Im,a is the labor consumption of building the ship after 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OF'FICIAL t!SE: OtiL1' setting up the modules or the ship as a whole on the building slip before accep- tance as a function of the total labor consumption of the shipyard operations with respect tk'i building the ship by another source, percent. Tab1e 10. Comparison of the Planned Building Time of Ships With the Data on the Building Time From Other Sources (8) (9) ~10~ (11> (12) Initi al Data and T,ndiceS T 6 c ~ SG osi4 . '~+a ~ Y7 �K YuS xc ~L cs 'tp R Sources ar~ _ ~ C F ~ C, , x ~ ~ OG2 u C~ x p~r FTC 0 y S Yu~ q 2 . G l ) TIo HacroAmeMy npoexry MaTepxanbt Teraonorx- 9eCK0A OPf 2HN3811HN OP4E?H61E A2HHHe eep- cpN A To xce, aepepH B N.'Taep>;neHab1ity, npoexr sepcpli_B (1) 1 (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) Key: 1. Class of, vessel 2. Mass of structural components of the ship, tons 3. Order number of the ship in the series 4. Technical level of production 5. Shift index of workers 6. Value of tday, months 7� tdes = tdayKc.sKm.lKshKc.m, months 8. By the actual design 9. Process organization materials 10. Accounting data for shipyard A 11. The same, shipyard B 12. Approved design of shipyard C Reduction of Indices to Designed Conditions x f u x G ~ ~ V =Y .s Ktn.l Ksh c.m ~ X Z (7) When comparing the designed shipbuilding time with foreign data it is necessary to reduce the initial data to identical conditions, and in individual cases also to consider such peculiarities as the length of the workweek, and so on. Beginning with a calculated program, the adopted method of construction and defined building time for the ships with respect to basic phases, an !Rxample building slip chart is put together for building the ships in the designed shipyard. Figure 16 shows an approximate building slip chart for construction of dry-cargo vessels by the modular method when producing 26 ships per year on 2 building slip lines for climatic conditions with an ice period of 4.8 months: The ships are launched from the building slip lines the year around. The chart shows that the trials and acceptance of the ships depend on the climatic conditions of the region in which the shipyard is located. Under southern condi- tions where there is no ice period, the trials and acceptance of the ships can be 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1' accomplished throughout the year. Under climatic conditions with an ice period, rhythmic trials and acceptance of ships during the entire year is highly compli- cated, and by the Ueg inning of navigation many ships have accumulated at the out- fitting quay. For example, in regions with an ice period of 4.8 months, up to 50 percent of the ships of the designed program accumulated, and in northern regions, if no special measures are taken, up to 60-65 p ercent. (9) Ycn.cBrrae uuanuycnuv. v yrv,v�uf...~u~..~ s C?1Q/lE/7bNb/P pQbOR7bl ; -�-,V docmpodKa Na nna8y, C(C/761m0NUA l! CdQ 4Q ; _ omcmod Ha nnaBy Figure 16. Example building slip chart for building dry-cargo vessels (26 ships built per year) under climatic cond i tions with 4.8 months of ice. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Blocks In building slip Af loat Ice period Navigation In the module shop In the building slip Af loat Provisional notation: shaping of modules; building slip operations; outfitting afloat, trials a.13 acceptance; delay af loat 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Building Time, m nths Months of Year Building Slip Lines 6noK ya Ha edc&xi nepund (4 HaBuaa4uA(5) ne aq U cmvnen nnoQy 1 I/ lll !P p Pl P17 P!/I J% g -v1 (1) (2) (3) First building slip line (2 positions) - ( ~ Second building v lip line 2,1 >,B 0,8 (2 os#ions) p umber of vessels B uexe 64OH08 6 S S 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 imultaneously NQ cmanene 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a Ha nnaB 8 6 8 10 1L' 10 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 umber of acce ted sli s _a_.. - r.. - - 7 6 2 Z J Z Z = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OPFICiAI. USE 0_JNLl' It is especially necessary to emphasize that the accumulation of a large number of ships at the outfitting quay during the ice period leads to the fact that at the beginning of navigation it is necessary to increase the number of acceptance in- _ strtictions, that is, sharply to violate the rhythmic operation of the shipyard. Therefore it is expedient on the building slip charts for the cflnstruction of ships at these shipyards to provide for the distribution of sea tria].s and acceptance of - ships over at least the first months of navigation. In addition, under such condi- tions it is very important to create devices at the shipyard which permit simula- tion of sea trials at the outfitting quay, and the presence of a nonfreezing body of water also has significance. 73 FOR UFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE OvLY - Chapter V. Capacity, Production Output, Production Program, Organization and Con- trol of a Shipyard �14. Capacity, Production Output, Production Program an3 Characteristics of Ship- yard Production Projects, Evaluation of Quality, Progressiveness and Substantiation - of Efficiency cie production capacity of a shipyard (shop) is the maximum possible production aitput in the established nomenclature and quantitative respects which can be rea1- ized by the shipyard (shop) in a defined time period for established operating con- ditions, with mastery of the production equipment by the personnel, complete use of equipment, areas and other production means, the application of advanced technology and the most modern organization of labor and production, the achievement of the advanced technical production and labor consumption norms established for the given period and also elimination of production bottlenecks [24]. The shipyard production as a whole is basically ships, and the product of its indi- vidual shops is the hull parts, panels, sections, ship modules, and so on. The designed capacity is the production capacity established in the design for building or rebu ilding the shipyard (shop). It can be achieved under the condition of provision with the production means, personnel and organization of production set ferth in the design. If it is discovered during the design process that the production output program established for the shipyard (shop) design defining its designed capacity does not sufficiently complete use of the shipbuilding ways, equipment and areas as a result of nonoptimalness of nomenclature and quantitative relation of the ships (products) or amount of output, the design organization must - introduce propos als to change the given program to bring the designed capacity to that amount which will ensure complete use of the planned production means. The optimal capacity of the shipyard is the capacity for which the greatest effec- tiveness of capital investments, the best use of production means in operation a..d the lowest production (ship) cost are achieved considering a number of other fac- tors such as the construction time and the time required to ass imilate the produc- _ tion process, ths conditions of siting the new shipyard, the amount of simultaneous capital investments, the times for beginning of production output and the return time on the expenditures on construction. Although with an increase in shipyard capacity conditions are created to improve the production efficiency, the influence of the remaining factors on the production 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 rOR OFF[CIAL USE ONI.1' - volume restricts unlimited increases. The optimalness of the program for a ship- yard under construction must be determined considering all of the influencing fac�- tors. Depending on the degree of readiness, shipyard production is divided into the fo1- lowing types: finished ships, intermediate products, incomplete production. The finislied ships are the ships that have gone,chrough all of the established phases of the technological process of construction and testing, completely outfit- ted, accepted by the technical control section of the shipyard and the client. The intermediate products are the production completed with respect to work to be done in one shop of the shipyard or another, but subject to further work or assem- bly in other shops. Incomplete production includes the objects of labor which are in the process of be- ing completed in the workplaces or awaiting processing in the workplaces. The production program is the list and.the number of products (ships) which must be made (built) by the shipyard (shop) in the established period (year, quarter, month). The calculated program of the designed or rebuilt shipyard is determined by the planning assignment, and it is presented in it, as a rule, in units of annual pro- duction of ships of each class with indication of displacement or carrying capacity or the design number. Sometimes this program is given for calculation of the total production volume of the shipyard. When determining i.ndividual types of equipment of the shops, the shipbuilding ways, the launching facilities, outfitting quays, the water areas and the watArways, pro- vision is made for the probability of building future ships considering the devel- opment of shipbuilding, the requirements of the national economy with respect to prospective plans, actual possibilities and economic expediency of building these ships at the designed shipyard and also the conditions of delivering the ships to the operating zones. In the developed shipyard plan, on the basis of the designed materials of the ships or their prototypes in the absence of designs, basic measurements and characteris- tics of the ships are presented which are required for making technical decisions and adopting the technical parameters of the designed objects of production (Ta- ble 11). In addition, the type of steel in the main hull, the maximum sizes of plates, the type of rolled section with indication of maximum lengtli and maximum web height are presented. . The possibility of manufacturing the outer skin and frame of the superstructure from aluminum-magnesium alloys and the possibility of applying synthetic materials (sheets, plates, pipes, and so on) and intermediate products (the panels of light bulkheads, enclosures, and so on) which arrive in finished form f rom specialized enterprises for making secondary bulkheads, enclosures, window f rames, guard rails, sma11 fixtures and parts, and the insulation and finishing subassemblies for the - compartments, soft furniture and the products to equip the facilities, pipe and 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340100067-4 FOR OFFICfAL USF. ONLY water system and ventilation components, vacuum and speaking tubes, decking, land- ings and ladders is also determined. Tab1e 11. Basic Characteristics of the Ships in the Calculated Program Basic Specifications Qverall length, m Extreme beam, m Midship hull height, m Overall height, m - . Light displacement, t Light draft, m Weight of inetal hull, t Basic hull material (type of steel) Main engine type - 'Aai-, engine power, HP Numbers of Ship Designs i-z the presence of several ship designs in the shipyard program in individual cases it can be replaced by a reduced progrzm. Here, the basic ships are taken as exam- ples, by which we mean the ships having the greatest proportion of the output pro- _ gram and the means planned for building them. Here provision is made for building all otrer ships of the calculated program. The recalculation of the calculated annual program for one type (design) of the ba- sic ships is done by the reduction coefficient by dividing the total labor consump- - tion for the annual calcu'_~'ated program with respect to labor consumption of build- ing the basic example ship. In accordance with the instructions for the development of plans and estimates for industri~.31 construction [5], along with the characteristics of the production out- _ put (sYtlps) in the design it is necessary to give an estimate of its quality, pro- gressiveness and effectiveness. The estimation of the quality, progressiveness and effectiveness of the ships in the caYculated program can be made, for example, by comparing the b3sic technical- operating characteristics and the technical-economic indices of the designed ships _ with the analogous data for ships of Soviet and foreign construction. The indicated comparison is made in tabular form (see Table 12, for transport _ ships). _ It is also necessary to consider the introduction of the systems for mechanization and automation of control of the machinery and the ship as a whole, satisfaction of - the requirements of the international conventions, the USSR Registry Rules, the _ agencies of the Gosgortekhnadzor, improvement of the living conditions of the crew, - and so on (level of inechanization of all forms of operations on the ship, measures to decrease the contamination of the wastewater, reliability of the fire safety systems, application of air conditioning, reduction of noise level, precision of the instruments and equipment, and so on). - 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONt.l' Table 12. Comparison of the Basic Technical-Operating Characteristics and Techni- cal-Economic Indices of the Designed Ship With the Specif ications for Analogous Ships Designed Analogous Ships _ Characteristics and Indices Ship__ _ - TecYinical-Operating Characteristics Overall length, m Extreme beam, m Midship hull height, m Maximum displacement, t Full drafr., m Tonnage, t Rated powtr., HP - Cruising speed, knots Technical-Economi.c Indices Construction cost, thousands of rubles Carrying capacity, thousards of tons Time to pay for itself, years Eff ectiveness of capital investments, % When developing the contract-detail or contract design for rebuilding a shipyard or individual shops and structures, their capacity and condition are indi- cated, and the basic characteristics are presented. _ The characteristycs of the following basic hydrQengineering structures are given in ~ more detail: building berths with indication of *_heir size and admissible specific loads (the possibility of building ships with maximum launching weight are indicated); eransporters for transporting the modules and entire ships with indication of size and - weight of the modules and ships; A snip-pulling rails and special transpcrt equipment f or moving the ships and modules; launching facilities with indication of size and load capacity; outfitting quay with indication of its length, the bottom level aL the cordon, equipment with cranes, and so on; _ the water area and access routes with indication of size and depth; ~ the locations for mooriag trials of the ships, and so on. A brief characteristic of the basic shops and structures of a shipyard (span dimen- sions, crane equipment, area) is prese:ited in tabular form. 77 FOR OFFIC[AL USE al\'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICGIL USE ONL1' _ The data on the production output volume, the labor consumption of the operations in the annual program, the composition of the workers, the equipment and the tech- nical-economic operating iDdices of the existing shops are indicated in the explan- atory notes on these shops along with the basic data and technical-economic indices and equipment specif ications. �15. Organi.zation of Shipyard Production -�s The system (method) of organizing production at a designed shipyard is selected as a function of the calculated program, the series nature and methods of constructing - the ships. . jdhen developing the plan for a shop complex of a future shzpyard design , for ex- ample, for an annual output of 15-20 dry-cargo (or other) vessels with a deadweight _ of. 10,000 to 20,000 tons, the following principles with respect to production orga- nization are recommended. i'Il, production shops of the shipyard can be divided into two groups: hull and as- emb1.y-installation shops; packaged unit shops. The liull and assembly-installation shops and sections include the hull platers and assembly-welding shops, the shop for making aluminum-magnesium structures, the shop for making structural components from synthetic materials, the section for painting and drying panels and sections of the ship, the section for manufacturing unitized units and zonal modules, the module-building shops, shipbuilding sheds and outfit- ting acceptance shop, the electric wiring shop (contractor) and contractors for in- stalling remote-control devices, automation and insulation. Along W1CY1 the assembly-installation operations on the ships in the shop itself, the assembly-installation shops do fitting and f inishing work as required during the installation process. The ma keup shops include the hull-fitting, pipe preparation, woodworking shops, the galvanizing shop, the paint preparation shop, the rigging and sail work- shop. The makeup shops turn over their production basically to the central m ake u p warehouse, and they do not perform assembly and installation operations on the ships under construction. - In addition to the production shops, the shipyard includes a central mak eup warehotise designed to accept incoming parts and prcducts from the makeu p shops, store and package the parts and products into process installation packages and ship them to the assembly and installation shops. - An example composition and diagram of the production links of the basic shipyard shops wlien building one class of series ships are illustrated in Figure 17. In cases where the calculated program provides for single ar small-series produc- tion of ships, in particular, if this is'a mixed program encompassing shipbuilding and ship repairs, w]ian developing the design for.the shipyard, somewhat different 78 EOR OFFICIAL USE Ol\'i'~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL C'SE ONLY composition of the shops and a diff-erent diagram of production links are used in which there is no clear scparation of the shops into hull, assembly-installation and m ake up shops, for a11 of the shops perform both intrashop operations and installation operations on the ships. This type of shipyard has the corresponding sections in the basic shops instead of specialized shops for assembly of modules, shipbuilding and outfitting-acceptance shops. (1) 1 BePo6 (2) .1 I G1ecapHO�KOpnycttait + uex I-' I I (3) 1 ~ I ue:c razbeaHNqecxux noKpb[TNii i-I uer KUHCT(?YHiiNFt N3 CFIHT0TN4eCKHX aiaTepHanoa L(E!C KONCTPYHqN}t N3 BJIFOMHHNe80- marHHeedx crtnaeoa I c4> ~ i I TPV60321'OTOBNTPJIbN6t}I i uex I- _(10) ~ _ y UeHTpBJIbNbIH CK.78,1 I HOMRlllATBqH H I ~epeeoo6pa6aTblsaio- uieii uex c nap}'cHOEi i_ M1t aCT2 P C KO{i I I M811APH0-38COT0BHTP..76- I_ awit uex I I ~ KanHTaHCxaR qacTb ~ I ~ C T2KfJIS?KHOjR r warrepcxoA j I I.- 3J12KT.P0M0HT83FCHbIFt U@X i ' i (19)I KoHSpareHra I 1 (11,) I K0pnyc006pa6aTb1- aaroiuNH uex co I CK.IBAOM CTdJIH 1 (12) C60p04x0-ceap0wHb111 uex co cxnaAOM KopnycHwx qeranerl 1 (13) YyacTOx oKpacxI+ i ~ ~ N CYWKFt CBKIZNII I I 1 (Z4) y I YYdCTOK H3i'OTOBJIeHH31 i I arperaTOS i N 30H8116H6[X 640KUB I ~ i (15) I ~ i ~I I.j2X f10CTpOFiHN 6110K08 I i co cx.1aA0M cexuxN ~ i ~ (16) * I Cy,20CTP0NT@.96H61{1 UEX I j i ~ (17) i I ,q0CTPOf4H0-C.j8T04HbIH i I i UfX C :tOCTp0e4NON j t H86fP@}}{HOH ~ I i t T Figure 17. Diagram of the production links of the basic shipyard shops when build- ing one class of series ship. Key: 1. Shipyard 5. Woodworking shop with sail work- 2. Hull-fitting shop shop 3. Galvanizing shop 6. Paint preparation shop 4. Pipe preparation shop 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FUR 0FF IC'Ir1L USE ON[.Y Key to Figure 17 (continued) 7. Captain's section and rigging workshop 8. Shop for building structural components from synthetic materials 9. Shop for making aluminum-magnesium alloy structural elements 10. Central packaged unit warehouse 11. Hull-platers shop with steel storage area 12. Assembly-welding shop with storage of hull parts 13. Section for painting and drying panels and sections of the ship 14. Ssction for making unitized units and zonal modules 15. Shop for building modules with section and panel storage area 16. Shipbuilding shed 17. Outfitting-acceptance shop with outfitting quay 18. Electric wiring shap 19. Contractors `�16. Esample Diagram ar_d Technical Means of Shipyard Control Lie structure of shipyard control must correspond to the selected optimum size of _ t.xe shipyard and its shops, the type of construction of the shops and the produc- tion sections and a proper relation between the basic and auxiliaYy shops and sec- t ions . In the case of design resolution of the problems of shipyard control it is neces- sary to consider that the degree of use of the production resources and, above all, the effectiveness indices of their use depend to a significant degree on the tech- nical-organizational level of production. The application of engineering has a defined influence on the effectiveness and ef - ficiency of the entire control system, in particular, the process of executing in- dividual operations and the organization of administrative labor. In the shipyard control system, as a rule, it is provided that a11 the departments and services are combined into groups that are related with respect to their pur- pose. These groups :.nclude the uepartments of technical training and technical servicing of production, control and planning, technical-economic planning and eco- nomics, the departments of supply, transportation, management problems, and person- nel. Each group of departments is headed by a deputy or assistant director. In cases where the assignment for designing the shipyard provides for the necessity of developing a plan for the automated production control system (ASUP), the orga- nizational structure of the shipyard administration must consider the peculiarities of administration tising the indicated system. 13efore making the decision fn.use the ASUP in the shipyard design; a technical-eco- nomic substantiation of the expediency of its application must be pxoduced. The automated shipyard control system is a set of organizational-economic methods and hardware which provide for gathering, storing and processing information for regular solution of the basic problems of controlling the production activity of the shipyard. 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OF'FIC'lAL USF. ONLI' I ~ ~ ~ e_~t~~ ~vtp N o _ cufnedauooH yaHmaxe vavcp N _ I xan yflx.douxedl ~ I~ � ~ NNHi11(qYND _f_ I O~0%.Hhllll!fdl�JNVV8Ndd1ClV LaV1Q _ N uel~yxeoz i0%JV@L'Y:) I 01 v i ~ '-I ioq~d zr~e I~ ~xnxeia ~ �91Cd1HIrJNh1'iH lIHIIEFHH4YiW f(iU1Q (-4 1~eNUh}OHHHfI1B~Y evxxeYan 010119e1tj cacip --N xxan aAxtxowad v ~ xxan dRH1H0Y(ad0lJdN6 ^ ~ I eaiuaidaus ojoxeevj ;raruo N 'xtaa �9tHaqgoojdaxg M 0 ^ Y A~ HodL'EM fIM9010:p011 InII10 ~ e x K 1-I -I-__ 60dCdM I(iV1Q I~ ?vx I I . N yANxae Gp.- xan yAaodoetr Ir-I i ~ I -LJIl tl60%�OHBNL@EIJHHIIWIiB L'i73o ICV v ~ v ^ odaq aOH32hH7NA0[ m I N ^v I I n i Y I S K ~ L I I ~ O q G q a..Y ~ I ~ y - I I q=~ I I~ ~ o 2 ~ R I < I ~ Y _ v I ^ I N %_11 ~ i N.00I0CIiDf49 NMNHYil IfJ71() I O ~ I .^v I-; II11IIBWd,4HfI NOM?dhllNxii INC.Lo M i ~ NNiIBEHU I ~ -�"doh N rumeentdecueta va7tp I v YiD flH9V�1H2fY \,1JN ~ 1 ^ , q - I O(Iq9 i0H]anXjOL'ONYii + 3Nd I~ I ~ -I -otedogev seuvvediua~I ~ c~rf i odap oov3dotx,(d.taito,y T_1 v ~ ~ Be1JVirdLNUd13 0.IOH9VB1NIlBN L'aV1Q I Ul ` v i ~ NWd,LHOR 9JOMJJhNH%il ;rd74Q p"4 I - : v - ~ I , I i-I ~iIfJ1HOd.1.~ LrJY1U iM 4LJ~h UHM7Nl1NI1�)( M tlNyadah ^ ~ �uuaxtt�oxItaaaroesxodu varlp I r-I xxnesaavuwox ve~~ Nflxvvedtxa~ N M ~ ~ ~ r-1 I rl -uxduv~~x i . g - O nrtio @AaoJHCrHm r-i _ c= t_ - - , ; ntavudee x att.Cdt 6acw ' M s ~ ylmasxnonoae�oeoxeiru varip 00 v H~dae xxa'n _ M ~ ~ q G ~ w ca +~1 a P. cd ,.C q 'L7 O O U ~ a p w ~ P+ 00 V~ U Li 'rl 4-1 N G G Ow4+ 'd �rl O- ri U 44 O p. �rl (n Q1 G (0 �rl O p 0 v �cd �N p wmaoae-+0 aa ~i H 11 O r-I N M~t U1 %.O t- G'+ r-I r-I r-I r-I rl r-I e-I r-I 0 V b ~ . ro a rn 9 e--1 00 p O ~ cn o ai a OD 'O ~ Sa C) ~ ~ba~ya) 4Ja~ ~ O U f-~ W Nrl cU ~ ~a) a~oo�d~a~ N O O U O Nro Ul 04 Vi 4-4 44 1 w p ~ rO �ri O O O O N.~'. 41 - U U U U G~J cG0 cWd c~d ~ ~ ~ ~ a a 3 ow~vvb -d ro ~ ~ ~~4-J E5 ~~~~~~~~o r 41 N 01 N N [A U cd Ato AAAA a ~ ~ ~ .i A b ~ w u~ + ) l 5 -I l 'U 0 4 r ?a ~ U O 41 N 4-1 O1 �r-1 n+ ( r M r -r ~ I ~ O ~ ~ i ~ 'd ' U ~ ''C J 3 ' ' N N O ~ ~ - -e-1 1 G a) G~ G! a � ~ a ~ � 4 a) m ~ � 8 a o ra u w~ a w v) q a 173 FOR OFFdCIAL U3E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX � � � � � �o o a � o o o o o o N DO c''1 M G u1 CY1 O ~ ~ 00 %p ~p 00 I'O n G Ln ~ O r-1 U ~ Ln %O I~ -t O O O r- rn X 00 u"1 O 00 X M p X I~ O N O x O O X X Q ~ O O O O O O N u'1 %O O M +-I ri O O r-1 1, I- r-1 m 00 00 r-I u1 --1 w X -.:j- X X m c"1 %O GJ O x ul O X X 41 .t~ x O N O .C .x N a o O N ~ ~ Lf) H t 0 N ~ (y r~ GO RS Q cA .C 0 q v) O O �rl �,-I +J i ~ v ~ ro ~ 0 czn ~ ~ ~ 11 o,~ o ~ Lr) ~ 3~ CLO ~ c G G un N 41 d r--I ri %O 4-1 r-I ,C 0 N 3 N N t ~ H 0 ~ H ~ ~ 0 4 a ~ C 1-i . l tA r N O 41 Q N Z$ ~ d4 p i-i p cd r-I O 0) U U10 N ~ O G p C '0 U r -I p u1 rl ti-I 1J d m ~7 ~-i R) b0 b0 ~ b0 p 'L7 L y H ~ 0 ~ '1" M"~ U ~ 4-1 � b "o b Ln 4 f"{ 1"'' � ri) ~ ~ ~ bo o ~ ~ ~ 3 3 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ' ~ cn .x ~ a i a i c i b ~ o co a) a) -H b 4.3 4J o 4-J a) r-i ~ w v 3 3 ~ w3 Xc n ~v i w ~ ai w ' ov 00 I ~ o � r-+ - o 10 b ~o ~ u) tn N N I ~ ~ i 0 a ~ n ~ q P ~n 00 a~ �ri ro +J -H a ' Q) ~ 1 b ~ 0 ~ ~ v a~ ~ ~ ~ r-~ a~ p +J u +1 .n oo u-+ o ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 m c d ~ ~ u i , -i ri � b 41 ~ ~ ~ ~ c N oU ~-i t~ v a i t~ cq ~ � ~ 3 ~ H 4 4 0 c n 176 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY u, N u1 - ON O O ~ ~ � � N O% L+'1 ~ p 0 0 %D Ln O O~ tn i-I M ~O I M rz Q O fn u'1 O tA ~-I v-i M ~-i ~r ~ l C l '~T L11 rl N ~ ~1 O r-I N 0 ~ ~ ~ + cd 1 ~ a ^ a x rn M p%c a%o a x C1. rl N ~H,n ~r, a x x ~O R c~, a c~ p~ ~ a rn x~o x x ~p u x x ao o x x :s x N O N c`"1 Vl rl p t0 ~+1 rl V1 Cn vi m C1 O r-I O tA N 0-7 CO O I'O Or- -4t ~-It O N ~.O Lf1 ~ M p m r-i 41 Lr1 p X 11 NM i-r rl N 14 d' P X X rl P rl Sa ~O ' U X 4) O U X X (1) X 10 X4! Xa) O O TJ X 11 X Q) X ron 3 o roLn p o 3 o a) u) p o 3 c~ co a) o G o 3 0 i~ O N F+~ O n l ~ N N 0 1- bp ~ o N'D orn o~ Hc ) aH ) 0 t- Hu a oo F*a r, u Ln ar-I M 'U r) p., cl) En a a ocro o 0 0~ Lnc~d ~ 00 .-,G u1 N r-I .~G CV N ~ �N �N 4J p, b C ~ ~ ~ b b 3 ~ N a , o o o � ~ O r--I N O N O O NF:3 O O O O'ti ~ ~ n ~ o 1 O O c'~ 4) NP 34 - (1) ~ 41 ~ G! u1 N (t) cd Q) 4.1 1J +J 1J 41 Ei 41 1-1 W c+1 r-I 1.1 1J P 1-1 U C a a 0 a1 O r-I l q a1 N N c~C ~ I g N d ~ H~ o� " o 9 N ~ - P -r-I ~ c . t ti-I I N o F+ ~rl -W t/1 L+'1 a �rl ~ H ~ ~w U~ (1 r1 U U 3-~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ 41 GO 'b 00 'b 00 't7 ~ ~ d0 p 00 p . q �r-1 N �r-I N 0 -rl N �rl 1-J -r-1 �rl N" �H 4-1 3-I M ro 3 a v 3 a b 3~ 3 a ~ 3 3 3�Z (1) r-q v U) r-i d Q) r-I (1) a) ~ v a) ~ ~b vb vb 10 co a) bb p a~b 4-1 3 a~ 3 o co 3 0 o G W-o o x g ooo G p 0. ~ p o s4 P ~ P ~4 Ln ro 4-1 v 41 �,-i 10 41 ~ .u u �d .u 4..+ ~ b 4-1 IT a) u b v u b a) u u c~ u u a~ u b 1 ~j (1) ~-I +1 Q) r-1 4 1 N 'a G) N 41 N a1 0 +-1 N Q) o (t -1 a) xa r-i a) co r-i r-, o cd r--l r-i Ln co r-i a) ~t xw~ x w3 x w~ a) u P4 ww -.T xwwr-~ ~ ~ u) c d ~ r, N rl I 3-+ N- ~ I ~ C7 - d cj Ln tt) N d ~ � ~ i tn4 O ~ ~ I G b0 r O l I r pr-I ~ cn 'C1 'C7 O �rl 0 O O a~ ~ a) G~Ln �rl U ~ a~ ro ~ F+ N~+ a~ co 3 -o a � a) v g p ao n) ~ . ~ u v - o ,-i ~ co H u u~ vr-~ cn ) 1 m u b~ ' ~rl ro ~..i '-I o a) v ~n - r:3~ a~ ro N U) cn 0 �H a ~ r-i Z o v ..C P N a a x +1 r-+ r-i 3 ~ s4 w o g q b o a v a) n o v o o I u-d :1 �H ~ .n o� u-H ~3 o a ur-~�rj u w.-i o ~ ro ~ o 4-4 ~ a ~ 4-4 ~n D, ~ 10 c~ tn ~ �~1 A ,.C N r-i ri ~ ts0 y aJ r-I 11 q~ rl r-I 1. c0 m 1-~ 1J ~4 �rl (D I ~4 w'v u ~-4~ a ~d G0 o u m a Cv Cd a) 1 a~ ~ co u 03 0 0 u v�r+ a q o u a) a ~ v ~n ~ ~n M ~ ro q 0 r-i �rj v o o,o 10 r-+ 41 :j o (n co co ori tn > 00 -H O O " r-I �n tn 41 i-+ w cU N0 v1 1.1 p bu SO t3. tJ (1) 41 a~ ro~ G'b �ri o co (1) I :1 cd b a. r o ~ p 3~v 4-+ y, m-H v Cn +J ,-a r:~ 3 H p cd ur-i on r-~ m p cd u u) ~4 o co * ~ .n m ~ o b a u ~ a v ~ �H i m w o. a) 1 u ao 4 a~ G a) a~ ~ �H � ~ a b~v a) 3 v 0 0o .9 a H o a) cr o A 3 - q o , , a: o ~ cn b o~ a) o~+ a~ b a o c~ p q a ~ ~ 6 ~ P. H d' R1 ~rl p., . d) 4-4 m:~ U) co p., J1 4-4 4J P. , v] 1-J 'CS �rl u1 177 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~O d' O O O O a% N Lr1 O tn O u'1 N ~O 00 +7' V1 N N ~.O u'1 c'n N r-I ~t cn cr1 C*4 r-I N ~ c"1 ~ c+1 Eg ~G fn ' -i O N cn l~ rq ' ' ~ ' rn ~ 1 r p ~-7 r '-1 ul ~ O J~ O C+ O A O 1 r'-~ u ~ a ' X y cd ~ p ~p N td 00 CL X cU O~U O P+ n - ,n M X X . X p ~ p q p, ~ X a O X U ~O V X~ X ~ Or-I O tA%D O N rllp tAp X L+'1 a) Or-I O tA0 (1) OH O X tq0 U1 O NO vl 00 O M r-1 r-I c- u1 O 00 r-i ~'i o~ o`r' a ~ ~ i p q 0 X 3 r a o o a a~ a a 0o u o 0 3~+ ~ n ~ G v ou , , ~ ca b W o a~ +J b ~ ~ G1 ~ T7 C t N ~ G rl O 44 41 cd aJ rl ~ U TJ p cv ~ (A N ~'C ~ ^i G 44 P+ ~ w 0 R1 G C F+ ~ $ U �rl �rl c~ rl � 1. r-i N R1 u1 N ~A rl � �rl ~ b o .~r ~ ,a a) >e u 0 a) v 3 ~ a) v a z � -I ~ Iv 4-1 A � ) - H 3 n Z cii v a H -I a) o t r a C a) a > r U) i v � a C: o o cd ~d S r >N , . , r 1 M q cn s~ cn 4-+ V v a 3 ~n x v u 3 H U 3 ~ cn 183 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104467-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY  Ull o 0 0 ~O c"1 r-i O N N --T N r-i ul O r-i p ~t c"1 ~ X ~ X g, ~ O O ~ u'1 t m r-i -I X X X tj O O U n O r~ O O ~O u1 ON N N ~ %D OC) u'1 V1 O N ~t . rl ~ O rl ~ ~rl cn S-+ N ~ \ tt El rl . d OR 41 ~ l.~ ~ O O ~ U V) U fn -~r r -1 W H o o o 0 . , ~ ~ b ~ p U) ~ N N p~ 41 GO -rl ri ti-I rl ,x U ~ M cd C ~ ~ U m ~ w 0 3 En c~ c~ r-I .,o ~ N to 4-3 r-i U) H cC 3 cti ~,C 44 cn a H w v oa 00 N � .~t ~ I~ r-1 -It O M ~O O tn 0 r-4 c rl r-i X 0 0 N 00 X p X X X Lr) O O O O O r~ c ~ ~ n C''l X X X X X O O O O O O r-i O r-i O m r-1 O t0 O O m O c`"1 '-1 I 14 Ir. G1 ~ N H ~ Sl re, E ~ F+ O ~ u1 O 41 ~ ~ O -It ~ M r ~ ~ ~ v o c o a i rn 10 10 Q) cn G 0 , r-i U 4 %0 r-1 ~r~l r -H ~ ~ rl N rl ~ ~ ~3: 'U rO ~ 14 tl .r-1 c O m N W r-i U �rl (p U~ ~ 11 41 co p ~ ~ ~ ~ r r-~ 1 11 i. 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O 1-~ 11 M O o0 1J M ,C -rl H - 3 v as 3 `n ~ ~ w b - c~d id a~i an ~ cd co ~ a) q ~ p m �rj -H -W q .-I �r+ -H -W o A u b v a~ -H �o b o v �H ~ � to ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ i ~ G w ri l ~ i H i~ ~ r; -I r l r GJ cA r-I rl U 00 r-i r--I N U ,f] ~ O M H ~ ~ W ~ 0 'U S F+ r~l f~ O a x o b V ~o b -W "v ~ a o ~ ~ +1 i a oo v i %o c n a a, �r+ aNi a ~i ~ ~ a a ~ i �`4 ~ G ~ a4 i ~ ~ G c o ~n cn ~ ~ U W ~ 0 C. 7 C7 PU 0 .7 C C9 U a, u, z in ~y %O N N CY1 r-i N r-I O cl1 - r--~ r-I r~ f+'1 b r- 1 ri n CYl C I N r-1 N N f'1 Cn N N Z C'O I 'O S-i 'l7 't7 -H 00 I a) -ri AO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ � a a a ~ , r-, c o . ~ � ~ a u ~ on ~ G ,-a u 1 -1 o ~ G 4+ ~ a~ 0 .0 o �ra 4 ao 0 u 0 ,-I �r4 o 41 oo ~ ~ b 3 b b ~ �rt P u) o 41 co o 4-J ~J o - `f' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 lv v i a) u a v ~ i cn a~ a ~ u cu ~ ~ .n 0 ,-4 u r-i co cv ~ 0 G ~ ~ ~ 3 a) .C 3 c r, ~ 3 ~ ~ I~ i - .n v .c +1 u ~ C1 .C ~ ~ ~ cd s4 4J k 0 0 ao u a u ca p 0 0 o oa u u m +1 H 0 > ~ 3 a~ b ~ a c~ g ~ ~ ~ t~0 u cn F. H ~ ~ 185 = FOR O FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~I u'1 ~ M N b ~ 0 u w M N ~ H u O O O O O O O O O cn ~ o00 ~ oO M p 0 ^ ~ ^ a~0 r-1 M 110 -zr M fn L!'1 ~ ~ O N ~ N 00 f- rl ri ~O m N O ~t ~ ri X X X X X X O X X O u'1 O O O N r-1 O O) O O ^ m O O O X O x N %.D U1 QO O t, N O It O a1 r-i r-i ri N r-i r-i t, r-I O X X X X X X X m X kO O O O O t0 O O X O X u'1 I~ r-i m N tt1 O O O O m u1 "A O 00 r-i %O M 1~ O rl N M i(1 00 f, %p CO %O 00 tf1 k~ O O ~ O O ~ Ln co ^ CO 0 %lo O~ rl f+1 N N r-I ~-I ~ N ' b ~ ~ 44 v i G m w o o ~ rA ~ ~D ~ ` � ~ ~ a ~ %b 4-4 ~ cn a i a i o ~ ' i I ~ O tA i ~e-I N ~ N U'1 N 7' . ~ U l ~ N ~ ~ ~ ^ ro ~ ^ ~ ~4 p ( �rl 00 N 'G e--, 'b ^ N ~ -,T 4J 4; O O N r-i n ~ ~ r-I 4J �ri Ln a i .c a) (1) a) o 0 ~ .C c'1 �rl O 1) a) 1.~ OJ ~ Ei -I N ' a) u cn v a o ,j v 0 co r-+ i ' a �r-i P. o H g cn ~.u �r-j �H i rn 4-4 G 43 .-a y ~n 'a v o0 a' � w a' ~ v c'~ ~ 'I a~ ai a a~ a a) a) a cn p w P a 4j al �ri s-+ ,a n. p, ^ �H a) w v u) ~ a a) P. a �H a G4-1 ~ o+.J P. +J cn m a) a, P. ~ a~ (L) cn �ri ~v m �v v q ~n Cn ~d I a, v r~ a 1 u~ u (1) m v u ~o o cn ~ 4..) m m ~ b a G cis ~ I a. o a I a o + r. . 0 +J ~ ! ct~+ o ::I -H (1) a) 1,0 u Q) oo u n) (L) v, a) U10 U fl1 �rq pq 10 Fq I~ ti Pq c'1 ~ W Pq W ~ O r l ~ N CJ) N F. N N cy') N r-1 E ~ I~ ~  a (ON ~ t~ ~ ~ N H H Iz PCI pq 7 C C 7 H C 7 , cn ao 00 H H v) U) cn cn H ~ G b ' � o g ~ w ~ + ~ w � x P. i r-4 a ~ ao ,.C ao ,.c 00 0o ao 4 r-i on ~ ob�r-i a~ L~4 G4J 4-J r. G ~41 o ~ o a ~ q 4-+ -H -H rq �ri p 4-1 o V 3 v 3 +1 10 b 3 4-J ~v a a ~ oo ai a a C i }1 ai o a ~i v (1) oo G~�r~ a c0 o v G q tU c) G+ .o a) ' i .G a c~ ,n C+ l Rf ~d ~ .a G 1 � V 1o G l �r-I rl u~~ ~ �r-I -rl 'J d: �r-1 �ri " a a -rl a o r ~ (A u] r a u ~ A r u 3 ~ a~ d uc w~x ' w ~ a w~ H a~ ~ . w ~ uu a E + E 186 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 'd ~ G O U 0~' c1 d ~ ~ Ln 0 0 0 0 ~ o 0 0 0 O O O M O n O N %O tr1 L/1 t~ M p 00 cn -t 00 ~t ~O ri M r-i O O W iD %O O1, r-1 O u'1 O u'1 u'1 ~ rl X X X ~7 X r-i -It X O O O u'1 O N X r-1 O GD O ^ X 00 X O X Lr1 u'1 N 00 O v'1 Ll1 O I- rl rl r-I N rl N N f~ X X X X -It X 00 r-4 %D O O O O X O X X X %D O 00 V-1 O O O O u'1 u'1 t- ir1 00 O O 00 -It rn' rl rl r-1 N %O N QN ON 00 tr1 Ltl M 00 u'1 � O r-1 O � N N ~ i U1 ~t N M cn 00 ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ C a) 0 4-1 ~ (A j N O d Lr1 't7 J. .D �r+ o v oo uli i in o~ P. cn r*l 0 0 -~t o ~ o ~n I c4 u~ n ~ 8 a a) co m .7 ~ P 41 R, 3a ~ a1 u1 I~ Q) GO ~rl rl a) ao F4 p a m r+ 8 0 w o "0 ~r, q ~a ~ � ~ r-i v w ~ ~wR a'co ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . u o + E cd b i a w a i " �o N w a ~ o ~ a. A ~ a~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ O b ~Ln ~ a) i G v v r R7 N N U 00 rl �rl N ~C A O 9 j ~ U ~ 'C ~ ~ 0 . t N p. ~ - r-1 a G 1 P. -rl v -ri , t-~ v Ki ~-I co cn ~ ~ ~ u~ w �H ~ o a~ v ~ ~ 3 ~ co a~ o b a ~ a a on a) ~ q a) 41 o o 4.4 w ~ v m ~ p 4-4 �rq Ql p SJ w O O a�1"~ .-'L G) 'Ly O 4-I O c''~ � ~ 'v~ c~o~ ~ u~ o ~ ~ " ' + ~ ~ on .-i v~ a) . cn a) u b o "Ln ~ � G ~ a~ u c~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (1) ~ c ~v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p m i p 0 i co ~a u r-i 4.1 ~ i v co i v .t a)�rq or--i ~,o o~~ co o~ oo ~u, s~v, 0 Z a w u u, c%, b~, ra 'o ~ x c) 0 r, c7 A Lr, C -,t En N ~ O N O O N Lr) tn I 1 ~ I i ~ ~ N p ~ Pa P-~ W co V1 ~ b0 N Sa F+ ?a 4J a) W ~4 fn C: G' i-~ N r-1 ~ tA N O~'Cy .f. 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USE ONLY b 41 r. 0 U 0~ cn ~ H ` ~n o O O N u'1 O O O O O O O M ~ %O Lf1 M O% V1 ~Y' ~O N Q~ ~ ~7 rn N H N ~ cd -W p N �rl Gl rl ' O,'~ O O O N 00 AO q0~-1 O r O ~O r10 ~ w ~ N ~ a~ ~--1 x ~f 10 cc1n a%c cu rn w c.~ ar-I . Co O x ~r, c c~ a N I. rn ~ p~n a x r+ a x +J c4 -:r a x Ln cn u x x~ x u x x ~ o x~~o G x x~ o Ln O al Or-I O tA N Q~ u'1 r-1 'r, tA O+ U1 tA t~ Q) O.4J u'1 U) N %.O r-1 Ei M O m r-I ~-:1 0 N u'1 rl O Ei 't UJ 01 %O X X rl F+ ri %O N i-+ -,r ia X Q) CO 1-+ rl p. N R! %O F+ X O O M X X d X 'L1 X X CJ O 'd X N X -H XH X N O o M vo ~o ~o (L) Ln ~o ~3ui H 030 ~o~-+0 3~ ~ w � rn �i � i w ~ o 3~ ~ ~a p wM ~ a ~r c�c c c. a a m tq CA N V) 624 0. ~ ~ h1 u1 OCd O O r'1 M,bd N M N~ ~ CL) ~ ~ . N Ol ~ H � ~1 11 ~ (L) ~ y u ~ �o a~ 3 id ~ ~ c~i ~ ~ o p p ~ ~b . N ~ri N ~ 40 1~ ~rl U rl b0 ~ 'C1 O O O'U r-I 1+ cU 00 �~1d 'b cd � W ~ 3 ri) ~n N~~ ~ Nb b a G 60 oo ~ 41 p (1) G 4-I v] ~ 'Ly Sa Gl � ~ r~ l i-+ 00 4a e M v Q) o a r-+ oC ~ ~ o ro q o ~n o ~ ~ t 1+ --4 C~l o H u ,H a 0 o s~ ~ cn co o .u ~ co c*) w a) �d (1) o (L) :3 " � u o 3 r-i r-I .c 4-J 4J 111 r-I C~ U r--I O N 11 W d~ 1 4 1 W~ e O ~ ~ n S ~ C Cz N 0 y 9 l 0Ln0 R1 � Cl 11 C: 00 ia G�rl w ia GO -ri -7 !4 G e-1 1 a) Gl a I.[ , p � cn O r r-I .t �rl +1 a~ ,H 3 0.~ -H a4-+ a) o~ q s4 N cn o i�o a) g F+ �n ~ rl N C! Q v a.+ o a) r--I .~r .-i F~ .c tn 0 11 e-I o v-I ;j u ~o U�r~ ~ I o 0 N N N~d 41 N d td O ~ g k cd O N 'Ci b U 3~~ 3~ ~ b o H cui q~ o N ~ G~ b b4-1 � bm Q) N r-1 �rl O%O tA ~ 11 U ~ N U'd I N~~+ d N 00 I m 'Li 11 M I p U U] 41 Cl N O 4J �n i-~ 5+ 41 cd O c: ri G 1 OC) O �n (1) -f4 w u ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ d ~H ~ww~ 3 a 4d ui� u i 3 N e-i I O `p n ~ '"I O ~ ~ CV) M j Q ~ 'd Ul ~ Ul R U O + ~ ~O ~ G1 P.i I 'd ri~ a ~ � r-I a a db ~ b ~ o ~ o a i ~ ro co ro ~ a4-4 p aa,~ 1 LH r-i o?E cn o~U ~n 3 m v v a) r-i �H u) w u a) al cv a~ ..a o u o aD on H a.[ i q~ro +1 a4 GP +1 3 ~ ~ r+ a) s~ c a) a H o v a) r+ r+ o Cd En o 0 $4 u1v m v u~~v o ~ s4 'v o o a) on a~ o ~ 3 ~ ~ t U ~ 4-4 ~ u ~ u u' bo N 3 ~ c~v ~ ~ Z a i ~ ~ ~ o o u ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ a i ~ a`~i a ~ o n ~ c ~ 4-1 00 , -i d + v o v b 41 v ~ P +1 24a R ~~'d a ao c 4, 1 u o p j ~ v ~ u a) cn o u) a ~ oo ~ cn o0 0 r 0 ca i � l a~ G 4- U] N o + ~ u"v , . ~ ~~--1 ~ v t-+ u~, r-i r-I D, r r cd ~ o 3 co n ~ ~ v u ~ m a~ a~ cd n +j ~ ~ ~ . co :3 ro �o ~ a) v :j u a ~ V u ~ oo ~ a�H r-+ u ~ v 60 �a ~ a~+ a ~ V o~ 3 r-t q ou v a H 0 ~ c~ ~ ~ N v 3~ ~ n + ~ ~ u m 3 ~ a 3 oo c o p i i ~n c c c d v i a v i 188 FOR OFCICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 'C3 ~ ~ 0 U ~ c+1 d r-i ~ H ` ~ M c~''1 O O ~ O ~ d' ~T ~O r-I N 00 r-1 ~p r-i r-i N t O L+'1 ~ O ~ O u1 p, c~ ~ r -I i O r. 0 ~ ~ N 0 0 +-1 rl r-I X X .n .T-+ a x x x x x o 0 x0o o %c o 0 0 0 0 ~ O rl %O rn -t ~1 N r-i irl k 00 $4 X X X X X X X � 4J X Q) O O O O O O O g ~ N ~ O ' O~' b O O N N U QN p4 ri N N N ~ ~ O 0 co ~t 04 e -I r-I GJ ~ tp q O N b0 .I.i M N q Q 'a ~ + u ~ m t!} c " d ~ i M~ 0 C~ N ~ O ~ ~ . 0 i~ u 0 1 O ~ u 1 ta) M H N N 0 X ~ ~ M ~ P. ~ 3 OD 1.i 9 r l ~1 ~ ~ a) W ~ a O 0 4-i � N h- N O 71 'd 1. ~ O Cl %C H - 44 N i-~ ' ' k ar-I a) an m p x (L) a~ o op 1+ri) ;j o ~ 0 a u 4 Ln -4T (1) ao +1 v~ a~ ;j u a) .c u .u -4t ~k� a~ ~d ~ a' o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a) c + u u .u ca x oo v J Y . U h-1 . CJ 0 rl Ch -rl -l � 'd p Gl p 41 ~ c ~ca N o0 H m cd -0 cd I cn , I "v .u o ~ op 0 � ~ a~ I. 1 0 a) p a) a w+1 a) a a a-+ a r-i 0 r-i (L) 0 �H o g ~ J 4 -H (L) p a) -H b0 41 a) a) b 3~~~ ~ 4 w a G~ 3 wa ~ a c~d~ o 'U fA 1 'U ~ N l - i � "d i l 1 fA N N ~ 4 0 r~ r r ~,sG ctl i G r ~C bA Rf cd LH F cn . y ~ ~ c 0 R1 'd ~H 0Fs O~O O-~ O � N O 0 O -rl Nr. N + O rl , cd x~C u (1) zr uoz u o x 3 3 x,.~ x rZ+ v a N ~ r-i ~ N M N cn = O tn I I I I v ~ co 0 u U ~ -H ~ v O a, 'd Z 1 aa t� ~ on 2 u. o ~ ~ ~ ~ N 3 .n ~ ~ eo ~ P w a i o ~n o G G wr-i w b (L) ocs O O N 4-I 00 U 11 Gl -e-I ' tA cd N U U � 4H -I 4-4 0 b L7 4-3 ri U Gl U N rl r 00 N O Ol rl O G) ..S". O TI C+ �rl �rl P�rl ~ GJ cA R) a) r o u q H cd G o0 M + o ~ u cv N 41 + p N cC 10 4 3 p q--I l H ~-I � .-a u�rI 1+ 01 g ~ � ~ ~ 4-1 ~ ~ rl ~ U g -r c3 'd 3 a (1) c: ~ u Gl - ,C u U 00 N r U 1~ ~ c a i 4 A a w ~ ~ ~ 41 ~ ~ w � w ~M ~ ~ ~ a 3 i c w m ~ o 189 FOR OFFICIAL US. ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY M. NI r-, ~ ~ C O U C~l cn r(U-1 1 I ~ 0 ~ I E-4 O O r-I N X O O u1 r-i x 0 O ~ ~o 0 O i~ ~ 14 , w ~ ~ ~ b N ~ a b a~ c~ ~ N Ln H rN-I H O W ~-I N O o aw w ~ �u c,uv 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-i ~ M ~ O ri ~ ~ ~ co O Ccy~ O 1-4 X %C N N r-1 X O r 4 X O O O ~ O N x X r"'I X X n o x Ln o ~ ~ � o tl c c r-i cn 41 c0 H v co N N u1 w � � . . O N N ~ Cy ~ 00 4 ~ 41 f:+ 41 u1 ~ 41 ~ -H N ~ ~ 0 s JJ 'r'1 , i ~ ~J ~ r-I ~~M ~ 41 ~ ~ o ~ o 41 ~ (1) ~ 13. 0 ~O (L) p+ vI7 N r-1 0 ~ a 00 ~ U + + O ~ H y M N N 41 N ?-I a) � N � ~ ~ + a i ~ , a ! ~n , 4, a~ a) a) o a~ (L) (n 41 41 � ~ o ~ m v i a, x ~.hd m ~ 'ri r~ ~ .C U 'U U U ~ o ~ ~ rl + 'U' U ~ }.I p q ~ a w M M (y r- tr) N Q~ N N 2 tn Z H H 0 ~ ~ ~ cd ri) 9: m 8~ bo ~ d G ~ N � co ~ v , ~ ~ ~ N rl N y.0., ~ C! Cl rl V! I~ J-J rl � ~ p C ~ ~ ~ A . , pq c n o c� c� � o ~1 u1 N p %D r-4 ~ O N ~ ~ O O ~ X *-I rl ~ X O O tr1 p ~ kO N %O ~ r-I X X X X X ~ o 0 0 O 0 1, u'1 N p ~ ri N to ~ 0 O 4 C I N c c +1 .x 1 w N ~ r'I N ~ +1 O ~ tA p 0 ~ P. ~ ^ N .I } a c d 10 w 0 u 41 u . G ~ ~ 41 C) O w M ~ 4-i m N q � cn r- ~ ~ N � a i N A ~ W ~ 41 ~ C U U H M ~ ~ ~ i f=+ A U 3 ch 0 Ln ~ 04 ~ M CV) d a M a u �o ~ ~ oo ~ (U ~ ~ ' ~ O O d -I r r- I oG a V u ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ o o q o b0 U c b ~ 4-4 00 N ~ 00 G ~ x U ~ � ao 41 to a) 00 u 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 tq 0 ~ 41 cn *9 W D P C A v w x . l q ~ r VJ 190 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FaR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTEF, X. MATERIALS-HANDLING EQIIIPINEEIVT. PROCESS CHARACTERISTICS 0F THE = BUILDINGS AND SUBSTANTIATION OF THE BAY DIMENSIONS 931. Calculation and Selection of Crane Equipment The crane equipment of a shipyard ia one of the pr-jlncipal fornis of materials- 'ianaling equipment of the shipyard. It is designed both to insure modern methods . f shipbuilding (large-section and modular) and for mechanization of the labor- consuming mat eri als -handling and loading and imloading operations in the shipyard production process. ; For movement of various structural components at the shipyards, bridge, gantry, - tower, portal and portable railraad, truck, pneumatic-tired, caterpillar and float- ing boom cranes are used. With respect to type of load grappling devices, primar- - ily hook cranes are used (for piece goods), with magnetic (for magnetic materials) and pneumatic vacuum grapples. The parameters of the cranes are taken in accordance with the catalog specifications, the certificates and standard designs of the manufacturing plants; the initial specifications are compiled for unique _ cranes when developing the shipyard designs or individual projects. As a rule, the building docks, uncovered shipbuilding ways, the covered-in berths, and some- times the shops for building modules and the assembly-welding shops are equipped - with the indicated cranes. The proper calculation and selection of cranes has great economic significance, - for in the assembly-installation shops assemb�ly-welding, the module building - shop, the shipbuilding shed, and also in the covered slipways, on the open build- - ing berths and building docks it is necessary to perform loading, erection and . installations operations with structural components, machinery and equipment that differs with respect to weight and eize. When defining the crane equipment at these - shcps all of the products are divided by weight into groups (for example, 321-500; 201-320; 126-200; 81-125; 51-80; 33-50; 21-32; 11-20; 6-10 and up to S tons) , then the required number of cranes are defined with respect to each group for the loads. _ The final decision regarding the number of cranes ncr corresponding to the drifting capacity is made as a function of their load coefficient and the composition of _ the shop buildings or the arrangement of the building slips, using the consolidated - method of calculation, ncr - nloadnshipncycletcr.o/~D crKcr' 191 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where nload ie the nimiber of loads per ship; n8hip is the number of ships in the annual design program; ncycle is the average�ntmmber- of cycles per unit load; tcr.o is the duration of the crane operation eycle, hours; 0 cr is the actual calculated annual time anailable of the crane, hours; Kcr is the use coefficient of the crane with respect to time. Z'he indicated calculation of the number of cranes in the shop is made in tabular form (Table 39). T.he duratian of the crane operation cycle tcr.o in the assembly-installation shops of the ahipyard is made up of the time for processing the load tload -and the time for participation in the installation and setup of the product tinst� Here tload = 2.5hlift/Vo 2(Zav/Vl+kcr/V2'" where hiift is the lift height (amotutt of lowering) of the load, m/min; vo is lift (lowering) speed, m/min; Rave is the average path of the trolley, hoist, carriage, boom on varying the bay, - meters; kcr is the average path of the crane, meters; is the average number of turns of the crane (boom) in acycle; Vl is the rate of displacement of the trolley, hoist, carriage, boom (on variation of the b ay), m/min; V2 is the speed of movement of the crane, m/min; Vg is the speed of rotation of the crane (boom) , rpm; top is 'the e~endituie of time on awdliary operaCion (slinging and unsli.nging of the loa.d, more precise determination of the approaches, and so on), minutes. The speeds are taken by the certificate of technical specifications of the cranes, and the time for participation when installing and setting up the product tinst taken beginning with an analysis of the operation of the crane performing analogous operations. The average data on the duration of the operating cycles of the cranes in the basic shipyard shops are presented in Table 40. The use factox of the crane with respect to time Kcr when performing ordinary crane operations for a magnetic crane are taken equal to 0:80-0.95; for a hook - crane it is 0.65-0.85, including for operation in hull p laters shop 0.75-0.85, the assembly-welding shop 0.7-0.8, the shop for assembling modules and the shipbuild- ing shed 0.65-0.75. When designing the shipyards, the presented calculations are pr�imarily performed - by shops (covered slipways, open bui lding slips, building docks) equipped with - unique crane eqiiipment, and with respect to the remaining shops, selectively. _ In the last-mentioned shops, on the basis of the data taken from the previou5ly performed calculations, the number of cranes is taken as a function of the length of the b ays and with consideration of the investigated floor-type transport units. _ The capacity of the cranes is established as a function of the weight of the load; in individual cases for- transporting a small number of heavy loads, paired opera- tion of the cranes is permitted. For example, at the present time in accordance with the effective norms provision is made for electric bridge cranes with a maximum capacity in the hull platers shops of class .1 and II shipyards of 30 tons, in the assemb ly-welding shops of 192 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY class I shipyards, 200/32 tone, in the assembly-welding shops, the shops.�or bui?.d- ing the modules and shipbuilding sheds'(covered slips) of the clasa II shipyards} 160/32 tons. . Table 39 _ Calculation of the Number of Cranes in the Shon xey: (2) ( 3~ ~ (4) s~(5) npuAOn*Kre b6 r cTb 10~ a a� 3 21 f~ 6 O f S aa T C Y A 4HKA8 l y Ta K.0' m p, p ~ a s T F C = HaHMexoaa� xxe rpyaor S a . ~ r ~ N OQ r 7 b ~ ~ a ~ 8~ I~ 7, a O i1 ~ Y i ~ 7 0 x Y n ~ Y Y t~j V e = S~ Y Y m ~ 10 s v Y ~ . ~V V a . Yj= 6L F9 ~ a O 7 aGq yY~ O~ Ue 1> + V n q e{ S6 ~ =N~ I Q u =Y Y i.u a y G ~ ~ F o�a s s xat S t ~O i.. m Y Y C 6 f~ A :ls 0 L. C q 7 S 40~ L aCxc e~ ex~ m ma qSFTL ~"'C t~.~ �'w C.u Y 1. Load designation 2. Weight of a unit load, tons 3. Number of loads per ship nload 4.. Nunber of ships in the calculated program nship 5. Number of cycles per_� unit of load, ncycle 6. Cycle time tcr.o, hours 7. When handling a load 8. When installing and setting up 9. Total 10. Annual time available, crane-hours 11. Annual calculated time available of crane Ocr, hr 12. Load factor of the crane with respect to time Kcr 13. Required number of cranes ncr = nloadnshipncycletcr.o/(DcrKcr The load capacity of the cranes is established as a function of the weight of the load and in individual cases, for transporting a small niuaber of heavy loadn, paired operation of the cranes is pexmitted. �32. Engineering Description.of Buil.dings The basic and auxiliary'production buildings are a`component part of the industrial production basie means of the. shipyard. The �priinarq component part of a building' is the bays [24, 271. The bay of a b uilding is the part of the building bounded by two adjacent rows of columns or longitudinal subdivision axes of the buildings. The bay of the build- ing is characterized by the principal dimensions: width, column spacing and height. 193 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 40 Approximate Average Data on the Operating Gycle Time of the Crane Equipment of the-Main Shipyard Shops Weight of Cycle tirime; 'fiours ' Loads a unit load, When process- During - tons ing a load setup and Total installa- . . . . ticin . . . . . . . . . Hu11 Platers Shap Sheets, section 21-32 0.17 - 0.17 and hull ports 11-20 0.16 - 0.16 6-10 0.15 - 0.15 to 5 0.14 - 0.14 Assembly-welding Shop Hull sections 201-320 1.2 - 1.2 126-200 1.0 - 1.0 81-125 0.8 3.0 3.8 51-80 0.5 2.5 3.0 - 33-50 0.25 2.0 2.25 Sections, subassemb lies and 21-32 0.1$ 1.5 1.68 parts of the hull 11-20 0.17 1.0 1.17 6-10 0.16 0.60 0.76 to S 0.15 0.3 0.45 Shops for Building Modules ar_3 Shipb uilding Sheds Hull sections, machinery and 321-500 1.4 6.5 7.9 unitized units 201-320 1,2 5.0 6.2 126-200 1.0 3.8 4.8 81-125 0.8 3.0 3.8 51- 80 0.5 2.5 3.0 33-50 0.25 2.0 2.25 Sections, hull subassemblies, 21-32 0.18 1.5 1.68 - machinery, unitized tmits, 11-20 0.17 1.0 1.17 various equipment and products 6-10 0.16 0.60 0.76 to 5 0.15 0.25 0.40 AuxLliary loads not entering into 11-20 0.16 0.5 0.66 the weight load of the ship 6-10 0.15 0.35 0.50 (staging sections, accessories, to 5 0.14 0.15 0.29 - portab le equipment, and so on) 194 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Table 41 Width and Height of the Bays o� the Hull Platers Shop nlll{IIYTlMM . OII~IfAfAIIbIq~M I r11lYf~lY IlrMfiM no s.ppx. (6) a b C d KAaft WO 111-7 IV I Purpr upwao.. r i Autnnnm wmaAAa I 1,0x2 11,0x2 0,8X2 0,8x4 I,OXR I,Ox4 o,ex i o.ex i WNCIINJI Cta 110 TC%IIPAMMt![IINY TP! ZC1,4 ~,I 6nnauaw ' YNN"4MrOYNNY! IIpOJIlTN (8) '10,0 , 30,0 yvacam ,a,.ma aaw (g ) a, 5..15 X4 53tiX4 b 0,8x2 O,8,x2 c 1,0V2 i.or.s Cl 0,8x9 O,Ak:I IIIIIpMNi IJ1 110 tt71111111q'NqtCKNM TP!� oacTs 27,4 ~O ~ : (w1BaNN~M C Y001pN4MQOMHNY! IIPQ7lThi `8, 30,0 30.0 Ymemox cmaaveoA rr6ar (npene) a 9.0 9,0 o~ 16.0 16.0 u3 4,6 4,6 b" 0,8X2 0,8X2 C I,OX 2 I,OX 2 d o,ex i o,ex i IUnpmta npo~ a o rr:xnrormiecKxw tpc� 3.1,9 33,9 i O~ Aonaux ~4 ( J'uNOluxpuoalwuc nponrTM (8) 3G,0 36,0 24.0 24.0 9,0X2 9,OX2 7,OX4 0,8X4 0,8X2 0,8X2 0,78X9 0,6X2 0,6X4 o,ax i o,ex i o,ax i 21,9 71.4 17,4 24.0 I I,Ox4 0,8xY o,;6x2 O,BX 3 21,5 V I (.7G) .7[MMY M YCJInnNYs 111~u'INati(y~NR M MIIY 18,0 a,bX4 :I,Ix1 0,8X 2 0,8X 2 0,5X2 0,6X2 0,&X.3 O,RX1 19,0 17,1 1 24.0 I 6,6 10,0 2,4 0,8X2 0,75X 2 o,ex i 23,1 21.0 18,0 6,0 5,5 8,0 6,0 2,0 1,6 0,8X2 O,BX2 O,bX2 O,bX2 o,ay i o,ex i 19.4 16,5 24.0 I 19,0 I I ~ Ii I 7'11'~I?'~.. 1 T' ]k' T'1 TL (12) o - pe'IMep 06nPYAOennxe (cpeA1141G); O1 - P113MlP AMIINN raanwA pcaKx (cprnnxp); O, -(171'IMCr CPCxT! MP1tBHMla1(NII NAiI MCCT O0cJIY7It111ii1 NNR; q~-P27M(P NI(IptOARN CIGBnUPOSiNN11 fnTOlid%AMLJICb; b- PlCCTO~IIp! OT If~IOMKp N(4111HIIY J~Q'.OEU~IY1lO11AlINN: -~IN'C70NIIHt OT fICX KOJIOIINN AO MQOMMN; Parx101111N! MlIKAy "YAOOSIINCM IIAH MItiTIMN 141� ~ GIJl11lNNIINA. Key : 1. Indices defining the bay dimensions 2. With respect to width 3. Class of shipyard 4. Sizes of the bays, meters 5. Drawings and provisional notation ;`or them . 6. Section for straightening sheet metal 7. Width of bay according to process specificatio~s 8. Standardized bays 9. Gas cutting section 10. Bay width with respect to the procesa requirements 11. Machine tool bending section (presses) 12. a equipment dimensians (average); al size of gas cutting lines (average); a size of inechanization means or service location; ai size of the area for storing the finished parts; b distance fram the edge of the cone to the equipment; c distance from the coluAm axis to the edge; d distance between the equipment or the service locations 195 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Table 41, continued] (1)_ uyoaeiol.. r . . . . ~ 3) S'wuvnun rnwNU-mmi tu6KU (In.ieqa) g 0,8 0,8 0.8 o,a o,s h 9,0 9,0 5.5 4,5 4,0 3 hl 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 ~ 3,~..--..,., 1,... . . h2 o,ar, 0.85 0,6 0.45 0,82 (4) iACCTfINI1Ne OT 110l1ii q0 IIIIM(Ilcf~ N UMNN 11c 1%Ill'fU 2,A ?,1 I,B I,0 -g uanKa rn6uvuux nani~que; r I k n.2 O,Y 0.2 Q2 p ,l 1'M6Rtl ANl'TOU Ilu1lyiNUUA 0611HItlNN ~18n11YL�OM S7W MM; r pacL~roawic ur xepMic{i NIIOMKII micTii nu wi�cucii 1 K(IOMKN 4L'pMW :'Villl:l; IfWI'OTb p- w11PrN11 IIiqIMp:lnwlinlU IC I.tB IW 11,115 11,~i5 11,75 h2- (lytt'TOAlllll'01' IIIIM(Ilcll 8(IUMNII IIK�plfA Kp:IIIU qu0TNC7'. 'fCXI11M111'114CfF11L1 1~1,'M~IIiII1111~M l~~ IIN IIOAxpawa11ilU Nl'JILI'A: . . 4 (1Jl'I.TUAIIII� OT IIIIA(1101 NiIUMNII 4M'I1MIA NjIHIId vU uCp1I- YuniliwtNpun1unnJe np�nft�ua (6) II'I6 II.45 8,15 8,15 - ~ ucif �poMuu npecce; i BWCOTA l,elmI.I IfP81171 ul' OTM/'TNN 14V1N~4111bdn1~1 ~~rJIL- ISucurT Ao un:fa uecyulNa h,mcrpyKiwt nu� 14,6.5 14.ti5 10.1i 8,75 7,82 h~~IfII1M ( 7~ k-- ~y:o0p ~~nY ~I"'P"1"A KPaur u IIUNlIIi'fNt'M; ~ h -tllJl'11T8 niApannNVecKOrt) upccc:i. _ Y~ni~~m~wpuunnwar upuncna (8) 14,4 14,4 I(),tl IU,F] 9,6 _ (7> 3,441CI114'KCIl14NUYNU(7 ru6au (nptrc) 'h� 8,11 8,0 7,11 7,0 7.0 �'h 3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 .1,12 0,85 0,85 0,8 0,45 0,82 j 3,2 3.2 2,4 2,1 1,0 - k 0,2 0.2 o,s 0,2 0,2 BWCUTA AO OTMI'TNN IIUJ(RPJII-dlu1'~ p~nLca no 9,25 9,25 8,0 7,85 - - Tl`xlluJlOlN4CCNNM TPCM1B311118~l 5) Yuu~xwq~nuwnn~c upnnrna ((j) O,vi 9,65 fl,lu 8.15 - - 14140rra nu uuci neryW�s xf.uerpy�iwli un� 12i65 I2,115 IO,Ii I0.15 9,42 xpt.lifil (7) _ Yun1'41IUI1I, i a~ ~ 10 b v, w ~ ~ b a, � ^ 14 -c ~ b a w ~ .ca u ~ u a) 3 Un o u c rn 41 1+ r-i op or-i ~I ( 1q ~ w C1 lj a l0 O fA i.~ co a t-1 Y~ m~ 1 ti aD cd +1 I N4)~ q F+ 3 a1 1-4 1 v 1$+ N$+ Cd DO 3~'+ Ql u'1 1-4 Cd 11 1-4 "i ' Cl 4Ul W O N V. a~ O~ U'O' ri W oo u, ~ i ~ ~ xCd ~ b q cu 10 H I"d ~-1 tA 01 d ~�~W Ol R1 ~~O O m H N I 1 R I tA p cd a0 Cl ia ~ Gl iLr1 iC 4j ~I OD I Gl m N r1 4. 0 O C+ cA w~C ~1 i~ co I~ p 0) IA ~I ~ d G) V 4-1 '1"~ xi M'~ ~ Ti N ~ P. ~ 1 N P .C 4+ m i.~ H co erf N H p~ � w p w N~rl H I N V ti-I Gl V~rl ~ I oJ a.+ N oo ,c a I ~ ~ co 1+ 1 u co H I 41 Ea q'~ 9 t,~ A~ 00 N W4%O D~ ta 1+ 00 1 N ~ rl r-1 p O O C: O I M Gl I 0I O T1 b0 I~ W P O O~~ 4-1 ~~N~ 1.~b ~ Uw i~+ rl0~ tA H J~ O r"~ m 41 ~ ~ Y'1 L~+ gw aJ -H QD C'r1 F+ ~~Y 1~ 1~ a erN ~ N U G4 1 b~r0 'l7 ~rl i d .a d v-I ta Cw l' U c! U~ �~.~1 . c^".. ~ 1 bo ~g ~ ~ ~ i-~ G!!~~) G) ~ rl ~--I d R I~ r--I ~c~y~t . L a I~". 3-~ ~ rl ~ ~ cx0 ~ ~ ~ t~J O~ ~ 00 A rl Fs � g 1 :N . U ~ G d-a ~ H i.~ ~ ri rl c'7. C." 1J 3-~ N %C 4! F.' O ~ G! R! Ic r r-1 I'O N rl 10 00 HA .7 O r-1 b0 v .C 41 I 00 0 OD a-I O I r-I b0 (r" N N c'0 q-ri tA c1 I co r1 .C ta N . 1-4 0 r-I rl P I t!1 11 rl a- :1 34 "O cd ~U 00 P. GJ rl sd 'U O 1a I0 t!1 c0 00 'O H O d i~+ ~ 1~-1 vl r~-I ~ 1.~ rl C.' U Cl 00 I Ocd ~ C'.. O H ~ d1 4J I W.0 1.J 'b N N ri 'b v N ~rl Dm W n1 ~d r-1 41 R1 p O-:r r-I N N t-1 N 41 P. o0 00 IT a) 4-1 co ri) k 41.., ~`r' i a00i a 4-4 i o~ ~ ob ~ i ~R i b"H a~+~+ ~+Ln~ i ~ :3 P ~ M o 1 > a) p -H b o Ln i i r-i H 41 (L) (n ~w 4-1 -H o c*4 a a v oo +1 i ,-4 H cC 41 cu ( o 0o N cv ~ w cn ~.n r-I 0 cd r-I :3 1-4 ~W I i-+ ~C7 ON I.n ~ r-I 1-1 H ta a0 %o x o~~ aa~ N'd 1 00 F+ rl O I NM c~ O N'r'4 r~-I m b ~ ~ ~y `I"~ F+ ~ ~ ~ t"' 5 i.~ ~V H N Q) V U~~O Y'I `H P. Cl ~V G) N 4.+ P ~C c-4 N r. N,H u N . b N r1 +J I F~ .o rl w cn ~ F-+ " I ,H M 4J 0 ~g a v~ a w~+ o 4, ~ ~n i u . m a~ o ao ao (1) 41 .N a) p a (L) ~ a) w o 0 .c " 41 cn o aq o~ a) w1v .n p m ,Hi -H u co :3 a) w o cd M r-i ,-4 a) a.+ i ir. a on 1-4 b a.+ q yg~ ~ ~ ri 'l7 r-1 n1 I 1 O 0 I O r-i u~ 00 U O~ r~ e--I �rl S~+ -rl I O~ co t".. a.~ ca i~ m 14 a) r-I o r- ~i 4-+ o p 4.+ g rt -H g: a ~ tr c) aJ a oo P it M cd w:J Ln p r+ ,o v r+ ~ i o i ~ o~ w i ~ co � f~-1 ~41 ti-~1 j U TJ I P O 4-4 ul a0 N i. U q ~~I 1 P. O~ ~ I w 43 co ~ n N cv c,1 q G~1 o I-i r-I ,0 ~ o0 .t ~ O O U1 E1 N ri O Gl rl N'J U Gl CJ u1 Ul U.('., � n r7 ~ b ~ "j 'f~ a~o~a~ oo l~,l b ca � ~ w ~nu vk r-iq�aiv~+ .H o,a qb a) Gv-4 +-J co 00 o ai a) i o 0 l: . w ,a ;l 0 'I4 0 a) ~1 44 S 1J co u a m oo 'v a-+ v,H v) P Cd ,-s a) ;j.x u~ cd 4..~ Z v a oo ao +J a) ~Ln i~+v~a~~+ ~~a) H u~+ r Grn~ u rnu o i~ a m 0 co co r-4 41 -H ca cy) G~T i o ao c,yd ~ o ,-i o Ei a cd ,~-i ~ H oo 44 fl r+ CJ 1 0 ,4 L) :3 +J w C ~ -ft q a~ ~ ~mq a I .~cu41 qo~qu~~ic~a~o~ .~n"'o +J � a �+�1 a u i u ~ix~a~'iuu~�~~ 4) `C ~i'~in ~ 0 cd a) W a � ft 0 v . ,H P. ca p 41 41 " co P. a w oo c~ P 10 r-i 1+ (1) w ur-i co I w iW +J u i:3 ,H u uv ib4J I I 1 rn o~c~ .tHr-i(1) aor-i I.c~dprit�4a~i f+ D d w.t .G r-I p cd R N +1 4) ~7 rn .7 -,t~.o L.-I Cs. P 242 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFE[CIAL USE ONLY b ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ H H N ~ r-I u ~ cd a 0 x cc 41 c~ cd a a~ a a~ a ~ a w 0 41 :j 0 cd y a o0 cd a ao 00 Mg N p b0 ,--4 'H O F*a W 0 O `L7 G N b0 4J a u 243 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 : NOR OFFICIAL USF. QIYLY - [Legend to Figure 4$1: I-- Procurement section; II pipe storage; III sorting area; IV de- mothballing area; V-- area for preparing pipe for welding; VI machining taps in the pipe; VII preliminary machining section; VIII area for gas cutting of pipe after bending; IX bending section; X transformer substation; XI marking and makeup section; XII hydraulic testing section; XIII final machining section; XIV welding section; XV assembly section; _ XVI foremen's room; XVII product welding; XVIII copper fitting section; XIX area for assembl~ng bellows; XX mechanical and power engineers' work- shop; XX.I materials storage; XXII bathroom and laundry; XXIII x-ray - laboratory; XXIV tool storage; XRV reinforcing storage. 1-- Christmas tree racks; 2-- gravity racks; 3-- roller conveyors; 4-- elec- tric furnace for annealing copper and copper-nickel tube; S, 6-- pipe cutting machinPS; 7-- gas pipe cutting machines; 8-- pipe bending machines; 9-- electromechanical breaking-boom crane; IO pipe bending machines with program - control; 11 cutoff machine with hacksaw; 12 pipe cutoff machine; 13 - hydraulic press; 14 machine tool for cutting holes in pipe; 15 device for preparing pipe for durite connections; 16 overhead conveyor with self- propelled trolleys and automatic addressing; 17 electric overhead crane, Q=5 tons, H=8.4 meters; 18 plate for hot bending of pipe; 19 mechanical sand filling machine with electric drive; 20 electric furnace; 21 pipe bending caps*an; 22 rotating table; 23 pipe turning machine; 24 flange turning machine; 25 machine tool with cones for flaring pipe along the flanges and tack-welding rings; 26 pneumatic portable vice for clamping _ machined pipe; 27 hydraulic pipe testing stand; 28 fitter's bench; 29 downcut shears; 30 jointing machine; 31 plate for working with copper tubing; 32 copper smithy's hearth; 33 grinding and sharpening _ machine; 34 press for making bellows; 35 sheet bending machine; 36 edging machine; 37 lever shears; 38 bench type drill; 39 screw cutting lathe; 40 vertical drill. - 244 FOR OFFIC[AL L35E ONLY AI APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR UrFIC1AL USE ONI.Y u:  ~ q ` 1 O II Ol i0.+ I~ ~1 O ctl ~ U1 4.� w a~a ~aa~i~a x m ~n :3 o 4 I Gl 44 .tJ 4-I '0 U ~ 1 H I ~ cG ~ 0 i. ul cn v1 D ~ t~'�u.~i 3+~~ a~io ~ H~ H I 0 1 cd af v1 ta 4-+ - C I ~ N N ~ ~ O ^ .n I.D P. N t~ O 'H w N .G 1 M 00 1 ti-I 1 V II 0 00 q C: I�^ 4.1 rl I.D O' p k ia QO U41 r-i ~ G'+ 01 -rl H N 41 01 14 Gl 1~ ~ 0 0 O i~~+ - 'Lr1 W fA I O ~H ~ p 0 bo p ato (U bo 'H Q) ~-W 11 . W a ~1 H ca --1 M'~ ~ u p 0 'H 1 b V 9 ~ -H H N 44 In 3~~+ .01 Cd W i-J DC ~O N N a r' ~4 cd ~ U0 aJ 4-1 ~C N lU 2 sf1 F � ~ o c oo ao (D i a a a) u w u ~ o m -H aor. -W = o DCY wx ~t -H i oo m oo p q-U-~i y~ v~ ~n o co ~ .l ~ cU H i-~ t ~rl c~ tA n N 0 N I NC j~ vD b0 0 H 4.oi co ~0~}~.~ N OD 14.~ 1 R) O O I- 1~ N ~ I 00 rl N 0) 00 i4 �rl 1J O~Or-~ ( 'C7 ~ ~rN l ~ ~'tl U~ N .C LL M R 1 c d H~1 r- I O r-I 1.~ G'+ ~ 1 ,SG q, p11 ' ~ a O i V U ~ ~ U 0 Iy ~ w -w co 'n w w ~ N ~ N ~ ~ U ~ 0 4-4 ~ ~ 1"'~ -1"~ ~ co V %O R1 .C t!1 P'I co Rf P"I OA tJ .J N H O w,p U rl a N r-I r-I ~ N rl 1XM V v~k~ , u ~ ~ c n 4' .c ~~o a+~~Ca~n .-I rl a1 -W cd rl w " ,4 iU 44 1 u cd v p c y ~d N ~ .o 'a ~U c .G1 O ~ ~u 1 u , ~ - � O E7 00 ,-1 00 , 4..~ C AV o~ t~f 1 ~ oo ~ a~i G~~.o ~ i q~c~ ~ N~ ro a) i ua~i c'~~ i~ i�~aa~a)a~~ I p~n ~ ~n q c~~ai ~o~oa~~ i�~~~~ ~ o H ~ I ~ 3 v i ~ a ~ ~ ~ u -ri a) ' C 4J o cV cd M cn rn q+J q~N DC p O QO m P a..i cd i.i 0 t1~ �1'q 0 L'i ' ~ a1 N~ i.~ fn w~ CJ ~ i " ,J a) a .o Cn .c oo ~ ,x i~--~{M i~~ n o 0o s~�+ o q~~ c~o Q, N�rq H P0 N Nt-I 4 y UV 4-I Ol b.1 CJ ~I I ,a .IJ W 1J r--I 4-~ cd U�~ U 00 N I r-~ ~IN 60 Uw r-i ~ }-i o a v~~b.z q~ H a~x G i ~ a~ ~ a o cboo a~ ~ i M0 ~ 4-4 u.H v co q , I N~i r-I r-I o+J ~ cv q G1 O O H 1~ O~ u't -1 i 1.~i ~ j 0H r-0 i r-~I ,C ~UH j ~ GJ ul z I Q �,x cn N r, I ~ U}a U a~o P. ~n o �H s~ w a, H ~ ~ G~., -rl 10 O H tn ctl O 11 M-rl rl O p 41 O~ ~(A rl 0 1~J H i-+ 41 a A M 4J~ 04a).[1 I cJ W ~ � a i vr-q a! 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A . . 0~4a.Q0 ~11l(l II II b ~ a~C~pr i � x I~~ ~i i i bo b v ~ H 4J ~ 1 U Gl ti-~1 O�~ U1 H~-ri I 41 I N'G O .C ~ ~ .a ~ b u H � ~ A.~ 1 C~ fA rl ~ ~ 41 v~ ~ E cn cf cd m ~ �H ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ a) ~u tn ~n o � ~ o o a o I ~ 'd -r1 v1 S-~ N.C P U .8 rl rl " U O 1-1 (1) CJ b0 fn ~ 44 4J (1) U H C)rl r-I tA C ~ I I Rf u 60 (1) H fA LL rl cd N iJ N~d ri I G1 co U1 H rl rl 00 ~J i m P o0 00 u cd if~ ao c,~ H 1 O b0 ~ p p'q cd 41 U ~41 N~-1 N-rl I H 41 ~ ~r-I -r-1 4-+ .C tn U O ~ ~ H~ tr-I C f.' N N cti b0 ~ ri ^9 .n 4-~ ~-1 N U H i-~ r-I tA O�r1 ~r-I '--I ~ cd � r-I F+ Gl cd H cd cd rl �rl 4, rl I~rl o ~ 1-~ -ri 1�n N Cl �r1 e"-I lJ i- I 7 Ua)'O m -W ,f'.. a~i a aui i' a~i G a~i i c v u c~O-, u 'L1 .W O .a 41 (n i4 ti-1 0. rn ~ ~rl r. 4 R1 (d I 10 O ~ 00 H � ^ ~-I N 44 p, L'. W O D ~ O 1 M dJ bA P ~ r--l a r. a) cd 1~1 �P'~ b ~ 3~~' co 0 �1 0 c o ui i on rn 41 ~ 0~o x+-~ ~ aca ~4+ oo i a a; u 1 u~ y ~ 4.+ I m M I i-4 cd c tl r l G:j , C tZ CI H u) 1 u) ~ .n I ~ ~ 4 R1 - ~ H -rl O O rl ~ R1 q I I H 00 ~ t~.~ C U-+ I ~'d m 1 t~ F+ b0 N cVd 8~ p~ ao aw v w r- ~ o roo 'dq ~r-I 4J ~ ri 41 41 H C) ,.C Spa, II 1 O tA c'1 cd ~~y~i1~ G(1l, I-H ~ cU r-I 13 x 0 ' b0 1 ^ H 0 10-C~ Gl CL -W fA -W r-i T7 ~ d H d I Cd H fA R1 ~ 60 ~ 41 G .W IE! I q PC U p cC N I.C O�rG"+ l U1 ~ N cd a) ai P I4J 4+ 0 3 a) 4J H'd 00 O N p �n 00 a tn ~ 4-Ni N~ i-i m p~ 4i 11 I~ ~l r~-l al cd I .tJ ~-r 1 �r1 ~ ~ H C~ . O O' ~ ~ H ~ 1.1 r-i p r-I 3-I r-1 r+ ~ o a a~ ~'d ~ v) o W oCd ~ c4 m v c,o (j ,A � . 41 o 4-J 4J a ~ � n ~-1 fA 'b W U D~"+ ~ 0 0 ~ :,7 rq J +J o. 0 0 r+ � u) a) P a) cd i cu �H ro~~~o cd o ai G~~ I Ei a~ 41p 3 t 1 u .H -H 4J A cc o r. 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H ~ ^El cb O H g f~ F+ ~ ftl b0 .rq ~ o ro ~ ~ ~b~ . . ~ ..r ~ r 1"~ ~ 9 ~ ~ N � 44 ::1 co 00 co � r-i p' oooc~ t~ r-4 H O p N ~ O I ~ tA (1) d U O ~ ~ H4.J '0 y r l ~4 H U p N �r l .q ~ ~rl ~ 1 .C 1- U R7 }-i ,.o U cti ~ ~ ~ r- O N I N Ln I ~ a a ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ i a ~ ~ n i a, , ca o ~ ~ 00 'J i-i O~ '1'~ ~r 1"l Fi Q) 0 F74 w r-i . n Q~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ m �r4 1-4 ao 1 N 'Ly .1.J tb O ~ ~ ~ 1 U ~ -I 'CJ n+ P. N U ~ 4-J - ca t>, N Vl rl 'J `rl ~ d ~ a ' A ~ 1 f 1 ~-1 dJ I ~'o � ~ v o q+- , i~ H N UI ~ ld rl LJ 247 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ h ~o ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ a ~ ~ ~ N A ( M ~ \1^ ~ B s Oo ~ N N ~ a~ I ~o ~ ~P ' b i ' I ~ I i ~ i I ~ D El. ~ I ~ o� 0 h + ~ cl, z O ~ O v = U S N  a y  L.J ~ w 0 ~ ~ O Q Q1NC ~ El I, N ~ i f.~i....J ` El I liftilia, L- D L ~ 1 LJ r, _ ~ q 4-1 ~tl CO ~ {-I ba 1I - 01 0 0 ^ ' ^ ~ n W m ~ ~ S�~ ( p o ~ G a �o ~ -zt co 6 4 Encd i~i�a N -(1)1 ~ l ,y M R1 ~t3 ~ ~ 1 r r u rn M ~r i 4 �rl tn H � ~ S4 I W 4j �rl H N O N ~ 1J -rl ~r- r. 9 O cq r.{ i,1 .L.~ ~ 'L7 -rl cd �rl F3 r'I 5 ~ U ~ ~ F' Q c~1 �rl ~ ~ ~ ^ 9 ~d N F-I I O c d U ~ N~ ~ a' o~ q ~ ~ � H I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I rn i-+ P. v 'v -,t u v i N p p H I cd cd ~d r-i .7 ~ I 0 � ~ R! R1 N U 'C1 1.~ ,C tA v t~ G1 H R1 U P ,.C ~ri � ~ co 00 H p N�~ ~ G co p H i I 5C a o "a1 g o a O ~v, [ o ~ . 41 cn , ~ s.+ � ~ c0 0 0 x ~d cO 41 r- o 00 g 1 cv -ri + + a �g � u ~ d c~ . . � c ~ a i~ Q) ~ ~ ~ ~4 3 � aP'i H m i co~ G~ -I 41 I Mb UQ, P. ~ r [ V ~ tl ~ '~d ~ t ~ c O~ ~ Ul -W -a~ o ~ i . a ~ ~ a) u ^ ~ o� a ~ m ~n ~ , i o a' � ~ c*) ao + ~ o 4-4N O O -w i�U ~rl 'L1 (A r-~ �ri P ~-1 ~ " i ~ 3 u N10 u :j i ao > ~ c0 H o ~ i x u 'L a . . ~ ~ P a ~ ~ . W o . o ~ N U$a ~ Cp c~ n y Ln C ~ U -w i- t9 �rl i I�^ O O W ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ . o . r~ ~ ~i ou'�~B o a -H 1 �g w C' (d 1 w ~ l � C I ~ N�~ ~ R! r i -ri U ~ 1 cd w 1 p I �rI cd ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~-+H , v , ~ x 248 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY r (p I~ ~ I ___T --7 I I/~. ~ ~ I I Il'l'~ i '-~I r--4-,~ t ~ I I b~~ ~ I ~ I ~ a III I FiF Q~ I J s~ I I ~ a ) I ~ Il~al ~ o 1, EiE3 b _ , C I GE ~I a I v i / I y~ L/ I ~ I' \ QI b- N w ~ I C a C a a R ; '�~I ~ 1 1C w b ~T 2I 5 IM~,II !o IJ N ~ i ~ i ~ et ~ 000 I � NO ~ 0 I O R, ~ a I I ~ I ~ I I ~ L _J n , i ~.a I f~ ~^a ~ ~ pOo I ~ 0 O o ~ ~ eL ~ ~ ; i ~�R Z ~ 0 ~yl~~ ~IV ( J ~ I N ~v 96-H~ a a~~ II j I I ~I I , ~ ~I I ~ ~ ~ T t~ 249 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY �d H ~ ~ ~ ~ N H H N ~ .-1 U co -W cd 0 ~ ~ .r., N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N 44 O U a o ~ a ~ 0 cni 4-1 tn w O bD u'1 W (D ~ d0 W p 0 w b ~ ~ ~ ~ a u APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Legend for Figure 53]: I-- Foreman's office; II section for repair and insulation of suspensions; ItS proximate analysis laboratory; IV cent�ral heating; V-- bathroom and laundry; VI acid storage; VII - alkali storage and preparation section; VIII grinding and polishing section; IX section for degreasing ?.n organic solvents; X-- electrolyte preparation section; XI ventilation chambers; XII refrigeration facilities; XIII priming section. 1-- demothballing bath; 2-- chemical degreasing bath; 3-- hot washing bath; 4-- cold washing bath; 5-- brightening bath; 6-- cold staged washing bath; 7-- chromic acid oxidation bath; 8-- diying bath; 9-- chromium recovery bath; 10 chrome platirig bath; 11 degreasing bath; 12 pickling hath; 13 carbon steel pickling bath; 14 neutralization bath; 15 galvaniz- ing bath; 16 parkerizing bath; 17 electric distillation unit; 1$ chemical bath for preparing electrolyte; 19 electrochemical bath for preparing electro- lyte; 20 copper pickling bath; 21 matte nickel plating bath; 22 acid copper plating b ath; 23 pyrophosphate copper plating bath; 24 bright nickel plating bath; 25 unit for decorative chrome p lating of small parts in loose form; 26"-- passivating bath; 27 electric drier; 28 electrochemical polish- ing bath; 29 sulfuric acid oxidation b ath; 30 adsorpti on coloring bath; 31 anodic f.ilm sealant b ath; 32 rotating charging section; 33 suspended electrochemical degreasing b ath; 34 bath for electrochemical degreasing in a drum; 35 suspended galvanizing bath; 36 drum galvanizing bath; 37 sus- pended cadmium plating bath; 38 drum cadmium plating bath; 39 chamber type drier; 40 alloy pickling bath; 41 tin-plating bath; 42 chamberless paint- ing unit; 43 drying chamber; 44 painting rhamber; 45 overhead elPCtric single-track, general-purpose crane, Q=3.2 tons; 46 single-track bridge crane with electric hoist and floor control, Q=3 tons, H=8.4 meters. Key: a. Mechanized zinc and cadmium plating line b. Tin-plating and allnyed pickling line c. Nickel, copper and chrotne plating line d. Anodizing line e. Galvani:,ing and parkerizing line f. Oxidation line g. Chrome plating line 250 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY w N ci ~ 0 w 0) C) 14 Or~l II 'U ~ 0, 0 cud r-01 p ~ a' ~ ~ ~ w cQ pp v.r{ U tA a~ ~ ao~~H ~ ~p ~ G! U W,.[ tJ cd .[H ov,H P. u ~ 41 ~ 44 C! I r-i U N O r I ~ ~ ~ 41 Cl al m 0~ CO N I I r-I H L'+ L/1 00 ~ N H ~--I e-i � w p -W rl ~ 41 J.1 N ( o ~ o cO ~ ~n a. u 0o a a~ u ~ EF) ~4~ ' v~a'M I r ~ ~ ~ H H u N ~ ~ v f--I o r~-I I . ~ cv ~ w a i v c w aI b ci4i ~ o i r. r. r-i H A a�D `~�Is ~ ai o ~ ~ 0 cood~o~onb P ~+-H ~4 r~ -W 41 o �r-+ a) ~ .rH n ~ y 0 ~'0 0o~~ Lf) 60 0 44 t)O b 1.4 ~ ~ p +1qop i 0 ~c a) +.J t ~oo~ ~n~ 44~ +j 0 o W � U U (L) N 41 t~d a! ~ 4 1 Q Q) r-I ~-~~1 ~ r-I C: O 4 W ai 3-i F+ u1 r{ r�{ . N II H ~ r-I ol 251 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICfAL USE ONLY 252 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 00 ~ ci ~ ~aN3 {Qd Ri oo rn w i o -H o ..,b ~ g4j 4+-H .m~ ~ o p'COOaUi u c4i 9 41 10 o ,H ,-i m ~ m wr-i O O O U ~ c'1 u 14 0 ~ ~ I w ~i ~ a ~ Ln u 00 �1 i ao`li ~ ~r+ 3 a i o > u� 9 v o 111, ~ 'J o 44 w ~ a) o0 o q c~u o ~i a~i -i ,~-i " P. oaH Hbcn~ 41 ~ i a4Ji 3 G o ~ H Cd 1.i H - ~ U ca bo t-wd O 0 H~ p Or-I~rl ~ cd q H (~Q 4UJ.., ct1 r~-I y U P Gl U W N .a ~A u � ~ i +1 ~p a~ 44 ~ cd '-i .o ~ w � 0 Nt o N U N�ri F+ 0 1 0o g ,-i H x 4 a, ~ ~ r. 1 .n o u ~ ~ w SR1-~ 'L7 ,41 p 'd ~ tA Q ~ v a~ a0 i b i w p ~O 'Cy N N N rl O ~ 4-1 c0 cif tw +J ~ Fa V ~ ~ ~-1 'Uw ''HU W I ~~r1 ^ N b'-I 3 N H ~ j44~ c~n 4H r-1 W~ N~ N ~ p~ P. td 60 T1 cd (A (A rl U rl 0 c0 N t-1 ri +J ~ ~ N G~ ~.C rZ O NM tA O H H U d0-W p Ej p+ U F4 H i-i W rl M O 00 b0 O N ~p 44 O Gl 'T1 [-i jj a- ~1 1~.~ ir1 N Vi U 00 m ot Pa O Ln H O f3. 4..~ ~ R1 ~ f~ t~ i.J 1 4H U Ow ,~~033~ NCo~ f74 U p ir1 O ~ R) W rI.N O ri I -W 14 4J-rl V 1 I~-W N cC m 'ri I H~-~1 H'b j P~-I a H H D'J .C e-I 'U In O APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTER XII. SHIPBUILDING WAYS AND LAUNCHING FACILITIES � 36. Shipbuilding Ways and Launching Fatility Features as a Function of the Class of Shipyards Inc7;.ned shipb uilding ways are considered to be old forms of shipbuilding and laLuiching facilities for building and launching medium and large ocean-going essels. The modern types of shipbuilding ways and launching facilities for building and lawiching the ships include the follawing structures: Dry docks, the bottom of which is below the level of the water area, thus permitting the b uilt ships to be launched from the dock into the water; Flooding docks with t,ottom above the water area with exd t of the ships from them th rough a flooding basin surrounded by walls or dams; - Horizontal shipbuilding ways at the level of the shipyard land in combination with devices for moving the ships and pulling and launching structures. _ Zn these horizontal sh3.pbuilding ways the launching structures can be flooding docks, floating transfer docks, adapted for accepting ships under construction from the shore; vertical ship lifts or inclined slips. The enumerated modern shipbuilding ways and launching facilities can be used both for building ships and for repairing them in the horizontal position. The shipbuilding ways and launching facilities are among the basic production means of a shipyard, and their technical level to a significant degree determines the technical leUel of the production means of the shipyard as a whole. Thus, the comQlex of shipbuilding ways and laiuLChing facilities, including the launching structure servicing several horizontal shipbuilding lines on which large- module construction of the ships is carried out by the flow-position method, is _ the most *nodern and advanced structure for all cases where the dimensions and weight o:: the modules and ships permit them to be transported from position to position and to the launching structure and when the sca]e of production provides for keeping the flow-assembly lines loaded. 253 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY At the shipyards,depending on their class, the characteristic.features of the land and water areas, as a rule, the following shipbuilding ways and launching structures are erected: Class of shipyard Shipbuilding docks and inclined shipbuilding ways - (Figures 56-59) Shipbuilding docks and inclined shipbuilding ways and also hori- zontal shipbuilding ways if the ships are launched through a flooding dock chamber or using a transverse two-level slip or.a floating transfer dock (Figures 59-64) Ho rizontal sh ipbuilding ways if the ships are launched through a f looding dock chamber or using a transverse two-Zevel slip, floating transfer dock or vertical ships lift (Figures 62-66) Horizontal shipbuilding ways if the ships are launched by a two- level slip, vertical ships lift or ordinary sideway launch f acility (Figures 63, 65, 66) I II III IV Horizontal shipbuilding ways (conveyor lines) if the ships are launched using a slip with longitudinal stand or a special crane type launching setup or floating crane (Figures 67, 68) V At the present tim2 when designing shipyards inclined slips are, as a rule, not planned as shipbuilding ways or launching facilities, for it is appreciably more complicated to form the hull from sections on them than on horizontal ways, in particular if the hull is formed from large sections, module-sections and modules. In addition, with inclined slipways it is more complicated to install and rig the machinery, equipment and large units and launch the sh ip. The large semidock type building slips with drainable section under the surrounding water level if placed in areas with large fluctuations of the water level (tides, floods), are similar to drydocks with respect to structural design and cost, b ut, in contrast to'the latter, they do not have reversibility, that is, they cannot be used for hauling ships for inspection and repair. In recer.t years, especially for the medium-weight shipbuilding, wide use of float- ing transfer docks has been made as hauling and launching f acilities servicing several horizontal shipbuilding ways. Under defined conditions they have a ninnber of advantages by comparison with other hauling and launching facilities (the possibility of servicing several nearby shipyards, use in the interim periods between latmches or rep air and inspection of ships, parallel conduct of construc- tion work at the shipyard and work on building a floating dock at specialized enterprises, and so on). In recent times the app lication of vertical lifts with a lift capacity exceeding 6000 tons has in.creased significantly at foreign shipyards j401. 254 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The primary elements of vertical ship lifts are the lift platform with keelblocks - and supports for the ship, the device for raising the platform with the ship and a guide which p rovides for horizontal positioning of the platform during hauling _ and laimching. The basic and most widespread type uf vertical ship lifts are the mechanical lifts with hydraulic Jack or with electromechanical winches. The vertical lifts synchrolifts which consist of a platform which is raised and lowered by electric winches installed on two lateral piers have received the most development. All of the synchrolift equipment is made of standardized elements, which insures easy replacement and repair of them in case of failure.' The structural elements of these lifts are relatively simple (two parallel piers) and they do not require large financial or labor expenditures. ~ For example, these structural elements take up a minimum of land and water area, nd they can be efficientl.y located within the sh3pyard tertitory; they are conven- , iant to operate, and the launching and hauling operations can be mechanized and automated insuring minimuta time spent on launching operations. They, just as the floating transfer docks, permit any required niunber of horizontal shipbuilding ways combined with the transport systems f.or longitudinal and transverse movement of the ships. A large volume of operations with respect to building the ship lift can be performed at specialized enterprises which has great significance when building shipyards in remote areas. One of the ch aracteristic features of the development of technical progress in shipbuildiag is the equipment of the new shipbuilding ways and building docks with the technically most advanced gantry and portal cranes. A rough description of cranes for equipping uncovered shipbuilding ways and dock.s _ of new shipyards is presented in T a hle 54, and example diagrams of their siting are presented in Figures 69-71. 255 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY Figure 57. Section of an uncovered building dock for building large ships with lateral platform f.or the asse.mbly of superstructural modules, consolidation of sections and unitizing of diesel engines. Key: 1-- superstructural module 256 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 Figure 56. Section of a covered slipway with construction dock for building large ships, with gantry and electric bridge r_ranes placed in the girders of the slip cover and moving perpendicularly to the movement of the gantry cranes. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 58. Section of an uncovered building dock for building large ; ships with end area for the assembly of superstructure modules, con- solidation of sections and unitization of diesel engines, with gantry ~ _ and portal cranes . 4111 _A Figure 59e Inclined liuilding berth 257 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I w Figure 60. Section of a covered-in berth with horizontal ship- building ways, with electric bridge cranes for longitudinal (with large lift capacity) and transverse (smaller lift - capacity) movement . Figure 61. Section of uncovered horizontal shipbuilding ways with gantry and pcrtal cranes 258 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Figure 62. Section, of a flooding docking basi:n ll 11 13 _ 07Y oY0 07 700 10 ~~i(1Zri ~~s ~ 1 1 ~ - 10 ~ ' . 4 ' � d 7 11 s~~ 3 . ~ r t~ 5 ' 4~" ~ - Figure 63. Plan of a transverse two-tier slip 1-- horizontal section; 2-- transporter; 3-- inclined section; 4-- anchor chain; 5-- mooring buoy; 6-- steel cable; 7-= capstan; 8-- double snatch block; 9-- guide roller; 10 single snatch block; 11 overhead crane; 12 winch; 13 device for leveliiig transporter misalignments. J I-- access of the shipbuilding lines; II bend line of the lower _ tracks ; III axes of the slip launching tcrscks 259 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ "R ~ Figure 64. Plan view of a launching facility with floating _ transfer dock. 1-- floating dock; 2-- single snatch block; 3-- steel cable for capstan; 4-- capstan; 5-- cable drum; 6-- telescapic shore on _ the dock; 7-- cantilever on the dock; 8-- dolphin; 9-- winch; 10 mooring bollard; 11 pit for submerging the floating dock; 12 guide trestle; 13 supports under the floating dock; - 14 rotating fen3ers on the side walls of the floating dock; 15 steel cable for the winch. I-IV ship: launching sequence. Key : a. Outfitting quay b. Axes of shipbuilding lines 260 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Dcu cmane.naE+eis f 2 ~t[a~i~1 (b ) - ' - (a) 11 ! 1 ! I~ I I !Tcu nymeu nonepevNOZO ' ' - nepeMeu~eHUS ~ TIT ~ I J Figure 65. Plan view of launching facility with vertical ships lift. 1--cradle for longitudinal displacement (self-propelled); 2--cradle for transverse displacement (nonself-propelled); 3-- hydraulic sliips lift; 4-- boll.ards; capstan and steel cable Key: a. Axes of transverse disrlacement tracks b. Axes of shipbuildi.zg lines 261 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 HOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , 2 Figure 66. Section of launching structure with vertical ships lift for launching and raising the ship. I-- hydraulic ships lift; 2-- nonself-propelled cradle for trans- verse displacement; 3 dolphin Key: a. calculated level I-1 Figure 67. Slip with longitudinalstand in the extreme upper position 262 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 68. Launching facility with two gantry cranes I-I Figure 69. Ldyout o� the crane equipment of a shipbuilding drydock _ for building large tankers by the modular-sectional method with a side platform for consolidation of the sections and unitized units. 1-- shipbuilding drydock; 2-- side glatform for consolidation of sections and unittzed units; 3-- gantYy crane; 4-- 250-ton portal crane; 5-- 80-ton portal crane 263 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Figure 70. Layout of the crane equipment of a shipbuilding drydock for building large ships by the modular-sectional method with end platform for consolidation of sections and unizized units ' 1-- shipbuilding drydock; 2-- gantry crane; 3--portal crane; 4-- end platf.orm af dock (a) llna8yau doK Figure 71. Layout of the cranes at an imcovered shipb uilding line for constructing ships by the modular-sectional method with lateral - platform for consolidation of sections and unitized units (launching the ships using a floating transfer dock). 1-- horizontal shipb uilding line; 2-- gantry crane; 3--portal crane; 4-- lateral platform for consolidation of sections and unitized imits Ket- . a. Floating dock r. - 264 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 ,7 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 54. Rough Description of Cranes for Equipping the Uncovered Shipbuilding Ways and Docks of New Shipyards (5) XapatcTeaxcTxKa Kpaaoeoro 06opyA0e8xHA Kiiacc BlP~N Tort rranenexax MCC7' N AOKOB THl1 Kpaea KO AN4t� creo, eA. I I ~3~ ~4~ rpy3o- nottbeN- IIponeT xnH B wcora noAbeMa. KorteR, M HOCTb, TC 861d2T, M M I (6) (7) (8) (9) K03.70soR ( 1) t 1500 140-160 70 - Koartoewe ( 1~ 2 I 800 I 140-160 1 70 I - Cyxok Aox c 6oxoeoN rtnoucaAxoA R rtA , cyAoe Ae,neeATOM 350 000 T x 60.aee nop�ranbxble - I 250/120 ~ I 241S0 ' 50 15,3-30,0 (10) (12) _ 040 I 35:10 I 50 15,3 i.80i-10 25r50 ~ 50 15,3 KosnosoA 1 1200 120-130 55-60 - I K~c~e~e 2 I 650 I -130 120 1 55-60 I - CysoA Rox c 60xoeoii rtnouiaAxoh pJta CYJ(OB I(er82ATOM J[0 300 000 T l I ' I (13) nopTanbHUe - 150, 100 ` 35/50 47 ~ 15,3 80i40 25/50 50 15,3 (12) ~ - I 60/40 30.'45 50 I 10,5 (10,0) Cyxoy Aox c ropuesoR npeptaoxoaog ' I Kosnoewe ~11) 2 ~ 320 69,5 I 45 - I nnouta,qxoH pnA cyAoB AeuaeATOM .qo IIopra,rrbHble; - ~ 80140 25,~50 50 15 3 ~ 300 000 T(14) (11) I i , I 1 Koxi os e I 2 I 480 I 100-I20 40 I I - r0PN30HT81IhHOP CTa(ip 1IbNOC N , QCTO (IIpH OTCY'CC'fBHH li2Xa ROC'I'pOAKH G10KOB)i l ! ~ ~UpT81IbH6(e - 80/$0 25i40 30 10,5((0,0) II (15) I (12) i 50i30 ~ 25,40 40. 10,5 (10,0) I - ( 50/30 I 22/35 40 ~ 10,5 (I4,0) rOpN30H?8JI6HOC CT8 dbH02 N2C1' I C]OpT2,7bHNE $0i50 ~5'Q0 $0 10,5 (jQ,Q) p j (IIpN H2JIN4 ~16C`X8 ROCT OF~KN 610K08 ~ l J = I i I 5013O `L235 I 40 10,5 (IQ,O) jll I ~ rOpH-~HT2JIbHOe rranenbxoe MECTO IZopranbxbie I 50%30 Z21'30 2$ 10,0(10,5) (JipH H3J1H42 ROCTpOAKN 6J10KOB) I ll/1 /i,l I 4.~ _ I 3012$ I 22'30 I I 28 IO,O (IO,J) Key: 1. Class of shipyard 13. DYydock with lateral platform 2. Type of shipbuilding ways and docks for 5hips with deadweight to 3. Type of crane 300,000 tons 4. Number, units 14. Drydock with end predock platform 5. Characteristic of crane equipment for ships with deadweight to 6. Lifting capacity, tons 300,000 tons 7. Span, meters 15. Horizontal shipbuilding ways (in 8. Lift height, meters the absence of a module building 9. Gauge, meters. shop) 1.0. Drydock with lateral platform for 16. Horizontal shipbuilding ways (in _ ships with a deadweight of 350,000 the presence of a inodule building tons or more shop 11. Gantry 17. Horizontal shipbuilding ways (in 12. Portal the presence of a module construc- tion shop) Note . When designing shipbuilding ways and docks the number of Portal cranes is t?ke n according to calculation. - 265 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 - FOR OHF'ICIAL USF. ONI.Y 937. Modern Drydocks and Equipment of Them with Cranes The most important element of technical progress in modern shipbuilding is the construction of drydocks equipped iqith 1500-ton gantry cranes at shipyards being rebuilt or new ones for building large ships 1401. The process of technical improvement af drydockb is continuously connected with systematic improvement of the methods of building large ships. ' Tnitially, in connection with an increase in the deadweight of the ships and the impossibility of building them on the operating inclined shipbuilding ways, dry - building docks were built providing for the sectional and large-sectional methods of building large ships. Then in connection with the introduction of the "tandem" = method of building large ships in Jap an drydocks were built with two-way exit of the ships (the shipyards in Tsu of the "Nippon Kokan Kabusiki Kaysya" Company and in Oppame of the "Sumitomo Shipbuilding and Machinery" Company) with T-layout of the main shops and docks of the shipyard. After the drydocks were built for flaw-position building of large ships which are distinguished from each other by structural design and dimensions permitting organization of different versions of the flow-position b uilding of ships. The indicated building drydocks include, for example, the docks at the Japanese shipyards in Tiba of the "Mitsui Shipbuilding and Engineering" Company, in Koyagi of the "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries" Company, in Ariake of the "Hitati Shipbuilding and Engineering" Company and in Tita of the "Isikavadzima-Kharima Heavy Industry" Company. The development and technical imnrovement of the building of drydocks for building large ships are determined by the follawing basic f actors: In the case of horizontal arrangement of the shipbuilding ways in the building dock, the formation of the hull from sections and, in particular, from large sec- tions and section-modules and also the installatim of the main macninery, units and other equipment are facilitated; The shipbuilding drydock can be used for the repair and inspection of ships; The expenditures connected with laimching of the ship are reduced to the minimum; In the countries of Northern Europe where there are no tides, a large inclined b uilding slip of the usual type actually approaches a building dock with respect to structural design. During the design work the dimensions of the building docks are determined consider- ing the methods of building ships in these docks assumed in the design. Thus, for the "tandem" method of building large ships the dock length msst provide f or construction of the simultaneously calculated ship of maximum length and the . hull part of the next ship, and for the flow-position method the dock length - must provide for location of the calculated number of positions with correspond- ing clearances between positions, clearance between the headgate and the staging near the ship, the clearance between the end wall of the dock and the stagings near the ship. Depending on the location of Installation of tPie shafting and 266 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY rudder in the corr.esponding clearances, provtsion must be made for the required distance allowing for performance of these operations. Tt is especially necessary to emphasize that when designing dry building docksi the most responsible operation is the choice of their width. This is explained by the fact that it is complicateci to increase the width of the dock during re- of it, for, in addition to expanding the docking basin and erecting another dock wall, it is necessary to reb uild the expensive gate and sill, and in a number ot cases it is necessary to reinforce the bottom structures of the dock. The building of ships in the dock during reconstruction of it is also complicated. As an example below a procedure is presented for calculating the dimensions of a - building drydock for single-position building of ships. The total length of the dock at the bottom LH, reckoning from the rear end wall to the headgate when building one ship is calculated by the formula: Lg = L~ + 2b Q+ ~,1 +~,1, where L c is the extreme length of the de5igned ship, meters; bR is the width of the stagings along the columns, meters; Ql is the clearance between the headgate and the stagings near the ship, meters; RZ is the clearance between the end wall of the dock and the stagings near the stern of the ship considering the installa- tion of shafting and rudder, meters. The useful width of the dock Buse is calculated by the formula Buse = Bc + 2bQ + 2kC9, , where Bc is the extreme beam of the calculated ship, meters; bQ is the width of - the stagings along the. course columns, meters; kcl is the clearance between the dock w all and fihe stagings considering possibility of recessing them, meters. The width of the opening of t'ne dock gates in the majority of cases is equal to the useful width of the dock basin at the bottom. The depth of the water in the dock is determined depending on the method of installing the ships. Under the con dition of building the ship at one location on permanent keelblocks and cribbings, the 3epth of the water in the dock hg can be calculated by the formula hB = To + hk + hBc + k4, where To is the extreme draft of the designed ship, meters; hk is the height of the keelblocks, meters; hBc is the clearance under the bottom of the ship for raisin g over the keelblocks, meters; 4 is the amount the lateral cribbings are over the keelbloclcs. When building ships by the flow position method ;f the ships or modules are moved from position to position, for example, on sliding ways, the depth of the 267 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY water in the docic can be found by the .formula hB = To + hb + hstandard + hBc, where hb is the total height of the transverse beams, wooden ties of the skids and runners, meters; hstandard is the height of the_ standard side blocks above the baseline of the ship, meters. The level of the top of the walls of a dry building dock is taken considering the level of fihe shipyard land. The running load on the bottom with respect to the central axis of the dock is detei-mined by the data on the design-ship. The time for draining the drydocks, for eaample, with 150,000 to 300,000 m3 is taken at 2.5-5 hours, and the time for them to fill with gravity feed is 1.5-2.5 hours. When equipping the shipbuilding ways with materials-handling units for constructing large ships, gantry cranes are widely used which, by comparison with the previously used portal cranes, have a ntnnber of advantages during transportation and installatian of large sections and modules; their lifting capacity is not limited by conditions of strength and maximum load on the wheel. The primary advantage of the gantry cranes by camparison with portal cranes is their greater capacity and simplicity in manufacture. They have broad possibilities for paired operation, they can provide not only end, but also lateral feed, they provide for maneuvering the sections suspended, they can cover the entire assembly area of the dock, and also the �platforms near it and service all parts of the ship under construction with constant lift cap acity. The building docks for building large ships are equipped with high-capacity gan- try cranes primarily in two configurations: two 200-600-ton gantry cranes and one 500-1500-ton gantry crane. The building docks of shipyards located in regions with a warmer climate (primarily the shipyards of Japan) are basically equipped with two gantry cranes consider- ing their use not only for transportation and installation at the dock, but also for ronsolidation of sections in the tm couered areas near the dock. At the shipyards in regions with most severe climate (for example, Western European countries) large sections and module-sections are assembled in covered assembly-welding shops serviced by their own materials-handling equipment, and _ therefore the primary functions of the dock gantry crane are transportation and installatiou of the sections and module-sections of maximum possible weight on the shipbuilding ways of the dock. Beginning with this fact, at the indicated shipy ards the building docks are, as a ru1e, equipped with one high-capacity gantry crane, considering that the cost per ton of lifting capacity when equipping the dock with two gantry cranes is appreciably higher than when equipping it with one gantry crane with a lifting capacity equal to that of the two indicated cranes. 268 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFF(CIAI. USE ONLY Along witti the high-capacity gantry cranes, for building large ships the - building docks are equipped with portal cranes f or loading and installing the lightweight parts and equipment on the ships being built. The lifting capacity of these cranes is primarily within the l3.mits of 15-120 tons. Brief descripti ons of some of the building drydocks and their gantry cranes of a number of modern shipyards i.n west.ern countries are presented in Table 55 [40]. A characteristic feature of modern shipyards for flaw-position building of large - ships is also equipment of them with portable intennediate gates providing for dividing the docking basin considering the shipbuilding positions and exlt of the ships from the last position into the water area and also constructian of them with inclined bottoms. The inclined dock bottoms are used in order to economize on capital investments, considering that large ships will be built by the flow-position method by which the :;hips at the positions have different degree of technical completian and the coLrespanding drafts (in the first position they have less draft, and in the last ,)osition, the maximum draft) . The last posiCion can be used also for dock repairs of large ships with simultaneous building of ships in the first positions. In addition, the constructed ship, as a rule, will have a trim when floating without ballast, and therefore with a horizontal bottom when Iifted there will be additional pressure on the bearing struct ures. The'presence of an incline permits avoidance or significant decrease in the indicated pressure. A sloping dock bottom also promotes accelerated drainage of the dock. A building dock for flaa-position of large ships at the shipyard in Koyagi owned by the "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries" Company has an extraordinary structural design: in the midsection there zs an additional lateral basin 1900 meters for forming the aft p art of the ship's hu11. The stern of the ship b uilt in this basin is moved transversely to the main dock where it is joined to the finished midships section assembled from large sections in the main dock. In Japan the building dock 6(rigure 72) which has two parts of different length and depth is pro vided for the new patented shipb uilding procedure [1]. Tlle length of the dock section 1 corresponds to the length of the afterpart 4 of the ship 7. The length of section 9 of the dock is determined by the length of the midships and forward sections 8 of the ship, and it is shallawer. The aft part of the ship with superstructure 5 is constructed on a pontoon 3, and then the section of the dock 1 is fil led with watez through the gates 2, the pontoon with the constructed stern of the ship floats and is put in the required position for joining the stern to the midships section of the ship b uilt in a shal lawer part of the dock. 269 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7 --L-- 2 8 - - 1 . > Figure 72. Building dock with two parts of different length and depth. Table 55. Brief Descriptions of Some of the Shipbuilding Drydocks of a Nwnber of Modem shipyards - in Foreign. Countries ' Drydocks Gantry _ 'Cranes Country City Company Dimerisions, 'm w 4,J w 41 U~ ~A -r~l J~J 'U ~ 0 d Nali rl U 00 N 1J a~i ~ c ~n g~ w a G ~ A.a U~~-+ r~-1 u~ Great Britain Belfast "Harland and Wolf" 556 92.9 8.4P 1 140 800 Denmark Copenhagen "Burmeister 240 38 7.25 2 - 300 and Wain�t Italy Monfalcone "Italcontieri" 350 56 8.5 2 - 300 Korea Ulson "Kh'yundey 600 80 - 2 140 450 Construction" France Saint "Chantier de 415 69.3 16.0 1 130 750 Nazer L'Atlantik" Sweden Malmo "Kokums Mekaniska 405 75 11.5 1 81.5 800 Werks tad" 174 1500 Japan Kuyagi "Mitsubishi Heavy 970 100 9.65-14.5 2 185 600 - Industries" - Nagasaki The same 375 56 14.0 2 - 300 Oppama "Sumitomo Ship- 560 80 12.6* 2 - 300 building and Machinery" Sakaido "Kawasaki Heavy 380 62 10.3 2 102 200 Industries" Sakai "Hitati Shipbuild- 400 56 12.5 2 - 200 ing and Engineer- ing" Tita " 810 92 14 2 - 350 ' Kharima Heavy Industries" Tsu "Nippon Kokan 500 75 11.8 2 140 200 = Kabusiki Kaysya" *Depth at sill. 270 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USF. O\LY 938. Selection of the Optimal Number of Shipbuilding Ways, Launching Facilities and Berths on the Outfitting Quay The capital investments with respect to individual shops and structures for the various functional layouts and priinary structures of the ship_yard (the module building shops, the transfer p aths and devices for transporting modules, the shipbuilding sheds with building ways, the devices for transporting the ships, launching facilities, outfitting quay and canstruction equipment)' fluctuate with- in significant dimensions. In addition to the volume of capital investments in the design of a shipyard it is neeessary also to consider the technical advantages of the structures them- selves (for example, the advantages of horizontal shipbuilding ways as compared to inclined ones for building ships), the effect of climatic conditions on the productivity of labor of the workers and also the expenditures on operation and maintenance of the structures. Under unfavorable climatic con ditions the presence of covered slipways, the working canditions in which dictate the expediency of the performance of the maxi.mwn possible installation and outfitting operations in them when building the ship, have a large inf luence on the distribution of the shipbuilding operations between the building slip and outfitting periods. - With an increase ;.n the number of building slips, the relative amount of capital in vestments for ~_he versions with independent launching facilities servicing them decreases as a result of intensification of the use of these structures. The capital investments decrease correspondingly by crnnparison with the versions in which launching facilities are provided whic;i combine the functions of ship- building ways and launching facilities (drydocks and inclined building slips). _ The usual drydocks are individual structures. In the case of adjacent location of several docks in an area scsme decrease in the average cost of one building slip is achieved only as a re'sult of constructing common crane tracks, the use of , group pumping stations, the construction of common coffer dams and common pit structures, more intense operation of common temporary structures during the building period, and so on. - The cost of the shipbuilding ways and launching facilities and, in particular, drydocks, is greatly inf luenced by local conditions, especially the geological _ conditions (on a rock foundation their cost is reduced significantly). When bui?.d- ing a ship a nunber of operations after the forming of its hull and acquisition of buuyancy by the slzip can be performed both on the shipbuilding ways and on the outfitting quay after the ship is launched. The space taken up by the ship on the outfitting quay equipped with cranes, power lines and access routes is a position equivalent to a shipb uilding way. [Jhen tlle ships are brought to the maximum possible technical completion on the shipbuilding ways, the operations cycle will have the longest duration, and the number of building slips will be maximal. The number of places on the outfitting quays and their extent for outfitting the ships afloat will be minimal in this case. 271 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 ~ F(?R 0!'F'f('IAL LISH: ONI.I' A comparison of tYie cost versions of shipbuilding ways and outfitting quays is made beginning with the cost of one running meter of the indicated structures. _ Example cost relations for shipbuilding ways and berths on the out=itting quay are presented below with respect to individual design developments: For class I shipyards the cost of one building slip at an uncovered drydo6: ; 12-14 times greater than the cost of one berth when the ship is placed alonoside the quay for outfitting it on the corresponding outfitting the quay with 30-ton portal cranes; Ttie cost of an uncovered inclined building slip with 75-ton portal cranes is two or three times higher than a berth on the outfitting quay with 30-*_on - cranes ; - For a class II shipyard the cost af a horizontal building slip (if it is taken as _ 100% of the cost of the berth on the outfitting quay with 15-ton _ traveling cranes) will L-e the following: imder an Uncovered trestle equipped with ~ 50-ton electric bridge cranes, 145%; on an uncovered platform serviced by 80-ton , P 1'j1Y30B, e,q. Kp8H8, Kp8H0�4 T ~ T~ Macca (4) 5) ~ x. oo a F. a, f a S = F I rPY3d , rPY32, r o ~ i f y~ ~ x T ~ u 9 o a = K" ~G Soa ox ?+x? a Zs or ouM To v Gx 7~ x r~ ' mT ~ ~y T ~q$ a~�, ~ m>~s m= ,o 2a q. , m . J C L. 0 U V CJ S Y L. S m O G Y = 7 ~ 4 ) 500KH HaAcrpcex, C2KliFiN } xopnyca, me:caHMMbI H arperMi 321-500 201--320 i 126-200 81-125 i 51-80 I (45) CeKllNN. Y34Ibf N AET8,1N KON- I i nyca, kexat+NSM� tt arperarbi, I 33-oO 21-32 II -Q0 IO33:1t14H0e 060pYAOB2NNC, N3,j2- 6-10 NA Ft qe~ranft ; (T6YgcnoatorarenbHbie rpysw, E{e i snewauiNe a eecoeyio Harpy3x} , 0,05-5 1 I-?0 6--i0 cyaiaJ (cexueu necos, ocHacTU, 0105-5 neperiocrioe o6opyaoeaH iie ii T. Z. ~ ~ (17) HTOro ~ ~ - 7150 i 28 597 I- I- I- i 300 I 0.11 1020 0,36 ~ 790 0,27 470 0;16 I 365 0.13 ~ 275 0.09 ~ 24.i 0,08 i 180 , 0,06 265 ~ 0.041 ' 10400 ~ 3.55 30 ~ 0.01 ! 45 ! 0.0!.; I 900 ~ 0,31 i i 15 315 I-~- 5,335 I Key: 1. Loads 11. Toral ~ 2. Load weight, tons 12. Time for the annual program, crane-hrs 3. No of loads, units 13. Calculated number o.f cranes, tmits 4. Per ship 14. Superstructure modules, hull sections, - 5. For the annual program machinery and unitized units 6. Crane operating cycle time, hours 15. Sections, subassemblies and parts of - 7. Average number of cycles pei the hu11, machinery and unitized - unit load units, various equipment, parts and 8. Operating time of the crane, prod;icts - crane-hours 16. Ai~xiliary loads, not entering into the 9. For handling a unit '.oad weight ioad of tre ship (staging ;-.:,c- 10. For participation in installatiori tions, accessories and portable equip- ment, and so on) _ 273 17. Total F0[2 C1FFIC[AL US E Uh'LY 10 i 40 1,4 1,2 ~ 1,7 6,5 8,2 39 j 156 1,2 1,3 1,56 5,0 6,56 38 ~ 152 1,0 1,4 I 1,4 3,8 5,2 28 I 112 0,8 1,5 1,2 3,0 4,2 28 112 0,5 1,5 ' 0,75 2,5 3,25 29I 117 0,25 1,5 0,37 2.0 2,37 35 ~ 140 0,18 1,5 0,26 1,5 1,76 36 144 0,17 1,5 0,25 1,0 1,25 76 304 0,16 1,5 0,24 0,6 0,84 6100 24 400 0,15 1,2 0,18 0,25 0,43 , 10 ~ 40 0,161 I,S ~ 0,20 0,5 0,70 ; '20 30 0,15 1 1,5 ~ 0,23 0,35 0,58 700 ~ 2800 I ~ 0,14, 1,2 i 0,17 0,15 0,32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICI:1L USF. ON[.Y The indicated ca].culation of the nunber of dock cranes by weight categories of the ship's elements is performed by the formula ncrane - �s.ens(tcnc+tinsd/0crKcr' where ns.e is the number of ship elements installed per ship on the dock, unit; ns is the number of ships in the calculated annual program, unit; tc is the cycle time of the crane operation for handling one ship component, hours; nc is the average number of work cycles of the crane for handling one ship component, unit; tinst is the average crane operating time for the installation of one ship's component, hours; Ocr is the actual (calculated) annual operating time available of the crane, hours: Kcr is the use coefficient of th e crane with respect to time. When perf orming the calculation it is assumed that 10% of the ship components - weigtiing 0.05-5 tons are installed when outfitting the tankers afloat; the annual operating tirne available of the cranes for two-shift operation is 3890 hours, and the use coefficient of rhe crane with respect to time is 0.75. The presented use coefricient number of building positions, materi als-handling operations With single-position building this coefficient is smaller, tions, it increases. of the crane with respect to time depends on the the practice and organization of the performance of when building ships an the shipbuilding ways. of the ships on the shipbuilding ways, the value of 3nd with an increase in the nwnb er of building posi- From the data presented in Table 56 it is obvious that the calculated number of cranes is distrib uted as follaws as a function of the weight of the ship - components: Weight of ship components, tons No of cranes ~ 321-500 0.11 201-320 0.36 81-200 0.43 33-80 0.22 11-32 0.15 0.05-10 3.965 _ Total required 5.235 Witti a different breakdown of the hulls into sections and a differeflt volume of unitization of the machinery, the nwnber of cranes can be different, but the presented data sufficiently accurately characterizes the distribution of the - installed loads when building the ships, and they permit a proper solution to be _ Found when selecting the lift capacity of the cranes for the dock and the pre- dock area. In addition, these calculations show th at the high-capacity cranes can be used in minimum number and only in accordance with the requirements of the planned production process and organization of the construction of the ships. If the operations with large ship components is small in volume, it is expedien4 to provide for paired operation of the cranes. 274 HOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY i~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 _ FOR OFFICIAI. t.1SF. 0N1.1" When equipping the building docks with cranes it is necessary to consider that the transfer of operations from the building slips of the dock to ehe predock or near-dock areas permits a significant increase in carrying capacity an d efficiency of use of the docks, that equipment of the docks with high-capacity g:3nl: ry cranes is expedient and economically advantageous, where the cost benef it will be the greatest with distribution of the shipbuilding opera- - tions b etween the dock (uncovered) and the outfitting quay considering the loads corresponding to the capacity of the cranes. 275 FOR OFFtCIAL. USE ONL.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFHICIAI. IISE: Otil,l' _ CHAP'TER XIII. MECHANIZATION AND AUTOMATION OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESSES AND _ TECHNICAL LEVEL OF PRODUCTION. SHOP PRODUCTION CONTRQL HARDWARE 940. Basic Principles of the Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes and Shipyard Sh op Production Hardware The mechanization of production is the process of replacing manual labor by machines. This is the process of systematic. improvement of the production tech- niques and equipment, beginning with the operations in which the technical and economic expediency of replacing manual labor by machines exists bef.ore encompass- ing the maximum possib le number of operations in the production process by mechan- - ical labor, retaining direct participation of man in the control of the machines and monitoring of their operation [8]. _ Automation of production is the mechanical production phase in which the produc- tion process control functions are-performed by various automated devices, and _ man does not participate directly in them. Automation of production is a continuous process running from partial automation to a11-around auromation, and then to comp lete automation. Partial automation is the phase of automation of production in which the individual basic and auxiliary operations of the process are performed automatically. All-around automation is the automation in which all of the b asic and auxiliary operations are pPrformed by automatic machines and devices with a common control system. Complete automatian is the phase of automation of production in which the system of automatic mac.hines performs all operations oi the praduction process, including the selection of the operatin g conditions insuring the best indices under the given conditions without direct participation of man. _ When resolving the problPms of the mechanization and automatian of production pro- cesses and the technical equipment of the shipyard .3hop production facilities as a whole, we are guided by the follawing basic prin ciples: The scale and level of inechanization and automation of the production processes and the technical level of production as a whole must correspond to the volume of production output and insure the requirement cost benefit; The level of technical equipment of production must insure a sigpificant increase in productivcity of labor, it must improve the quality of nrodu ction output, decrease the voliune of heavy physical operations in all phases of building the 276 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FUR Uh'6lCIA1. [1SF. ONLY ships, reduce the manual labor and operations harmful to human health to a minimum; The mechanization and automation of production processes and the technical equip- ment of the shop production as a whole are r-ealized on the basis of advanced technological processes and flow production, the organization of specialized prodLCtion facilities and maximum possible transfer of labor-consuming installa- tion at:d outfitting operations from the uncovered areas to the shops; Broad application of production control hardware on the flow lines; The application of partially unitized, nonstandardized equipment for mechaniza- tion of the materials-handling operations and use of unitized transport, joining and towing means for mechanization of the transport and moving operations of the large sections, modules and ships as a whole. Al-,-.g with mechanization and automation of the production operations which are uvided by the selected calculated production equipment, when developing the shipyard shop designs a great deal of attention is given to mechanizing the materials-handling operations. - Thus, in the hull platers shops, by one of the possible versions, the mechaniza- tion of materials-handling operations, in addition to electric bridge cranes, is - realized using various types of roller conveyors, loaders, stackers, transfers, and so on. The sheet steel and parts are moved by roller conveyors, sorters, - loaders and roller carriers, and the rolled section and parts, by roller conveyors, transfers and stackcrs. The measuring and marking machines and the gas and gas-electric cutting machines are equipped with special stands in the form of floor layout frames and trestles on cohich the indicated machines are moved. The section for mechanical cutting of sheet parts is equipped with drive roller conveyors and plates with roller bearings. The makeup of the sheet parts fed along the roller conveyor lines into packages and containers is accomplished by a special sorter-loader and electric bridge cranes, and the makeup of narts made of rolled section into multitier devices is also accomplished by special sorter-loaders. The containers and packages are transferred to the hu11 parts storage area by electric bridge cranes. ~ 'i'he level of inechanization and automation of the p.roduction processes in the assembly-welding shops, just as in the other shipyard shops is taken as a function _ oF their effectiveness for the given calculated program of the shop and the series nzture of building the ships. Along with the mechanization and automation of the prod�ction ope~ations provided Eur by the corresponding equipment selected in accordance with the calculation, :t great deal of attLntion is given to the mechanization of the materials-handling _ and assembly operations of the flow lines making the subassemblies and sections used for the optimal volume of production. ' 277 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FnR OFFICIAI.. LiSF' ONL1' For the indicated volume of production, the flow lines for making the subassemblies are equipped with assembly units, rotary tables, self-nropelled sheet stackers, various types of loaders, roller conveyors, self-propelled portal sheet stackers, units for the assembly and welding of panels and for automatic installation and tack welding of framing. An all-around mechanized flow line is used to manufacture the framing. The flow lines for manufacturing the seccions are equipped with mechanized stands and portable stand-frames, beds, aligning and fluxing beams, imits for stacking bent sheets, gantries for the welding equipment, special transport units, manipu- lators, and so on. Along with using cranes of different capacity, the creation of inechanized transport systems both for ].ongitudinal and transverse movement of the ships (modules) during flow-position construction of them has special significance in equipping the ship- yards with means of mechanizing the materials-handling operations. The mechanized transport means include, for example, self-propelled trains for longitudinal movement of the ships made up of rai 1 type building trolleys with a - capacity of 200 or 320 tons each and a total capacity of up to 20,000 tons or more, and for transverse movement of the ships, transporters with a capacity of up to 12,000 tons. In a self-propelled train the hydraulic jacks of the building dollies are connected by a united centralized system which offers the possibility of reducing - the calculated coefficient of nonuniformity of loading from 1.5-1.6 to 1.3 and the total weight of the train by 15-20% by comparison with the hydraulic jacks of - the train dollies having individual drive. kecently the indicated mechanized transport systems for longitudinal movement of the ships have been used when build- _ ing them not only on horizontal shipbuilding ways locared in the shipyard area, but also on large building docks. In mechanizing the materials-handling operations for building ships on the ship- building ways, equipment of them with small-capacity lifts, for example, elevators and portable cranes, has great significance. The cranes and the floor type materials-handling devices provided for in the shipyard design for mechanization of the materials-handling operations are not excltided, and they complement each other. On the modern level of development of shipbuilding when developing the designs the highest level of inechanization and automation of the production processes and technical level of production are assumed in the production operations such as, cleaning and priming the steel (65-80 and 0. 70-0. SS respectively), machining the hull parts (65-70 and 0.65-0.80), assembly and welding of sections and panels (60-70 and 0.70-0.80). In the assembly-installation and outfitting operations, .for example, for assembly and installation of modules and the build- ing slip operations, the level of inechanization and automation of the production processes and the technical level of production are lawer (45-55 and 0.60-0.70). I 278 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 rOR 0FFlCIAL USF. ONI.V �41. Determination of the Level of Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes and the Technical Level of Production _ The consolidated determination of the level of inechanization and automation of production processes in all branches of machine-building, including shipbuilding, are carried out by the united procedure of the State Comanittee on Automation and Machine-building jll], which permits determination of the parameters characterizing the level of inechanization of labor both for the designed, newly constructed or rebuilt and the operating shipyards, shops, sections and work places. The follaw- _ 3ng system of basic indices is adopted here: the degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized labor, the degree of inechanized labor in the overall - - labor expenditures, the level of inechanization and automation of production pro- cesses. When developing the designs f or shipyards, their shops and production sections considering the characteristic features of the shipbuilding operations, provision is iade for mechanized manual production, comr.ietely mechanized production and 111-around mechanized production. The init-kal data are the data from the calcula- tior.s for the shop or section on the amount of equipment, the number of production and auxiliary workers and also specialization of the production and materials- _ handling equipment and the list of manual, mechanized tools. The overall degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized labor C is defined as the s wn of the indices of the degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized labor Cmech and the d:gree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized manual labor, that is, C = Cmech + c' The degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized labor Cmech, is calculated by the ratio of the number of workers performing work by the mechanized method to the total number of workers Cmech - (Pmech/( = (Pmech/P)100, where Pmech is the number of workers performing work by the mechanized method; is the number of workers performing work using manual mechanized tools; Pman is the nwnber of workers performing manual labor; P- the total number of workers. The index Cmech quantitatively describes the mechaniz ation, but it does not reflect its qualitative aspect; therefore it must be considered together with other indices. The degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanized manual labor in percentages is determined by the ratio of the number of workers perf orming work with the application of manual mechanized tools to the total number of workers employed in the given section, - (P 279 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OF'FICIAL tiSF. OtiL1' The degree of inechanized labor in the overall labor expenditures Ymech is calculated by the total of the indices of the level of inerhanized labor _ Ymech.Y, and the level of inechanized-manual labor, that is, Ymech - Ymech.&� The degree of inechanized labor in the overall la bor expenditures Ymech.R in percentages ts found by the ratio of the time of inechanized labor to the total _ process time Ymech.Q - (Tmech.p/(Tmech.p+Tme, where Tmech.p is the mechanized labor time in the process; is the mechanized manual 7.abor time when using manual mechanized tools; Tman is the manual labor time in the process. For determination of Ymech.Q on the whole for th e shop or section, the follcwing approximate formula can be used: Ymech. Q- MaK/(Pme ch+Pme ch. manPman))100= (Pme chK/P )100 , where Pa is the nunber of workers ir, all shifts at the given work place employed in mechanized labor: Pmech-EPa is the number of workers in all shifts in the shop - (in the section) engaged in mechanical la bor; K is the mechanizatian coefficient. The degree of inechanized-manual labor in the overall labor expenditures is defined by the formula Ymech. man - (EPa manU/P)100, where Pa man is the number of workers in all shif ts in the given work place per- forming work by manual mechanized tools; U is the coefficient of simplest mechani- zation. The index gives a characterization of the direction of operations with respect to mech anization and automation of the pro duction processes. However, it does not include the productivity of the equipment or multimachine tool servicing; therefore its value is low. This is considered in the index of level of inechanization and automation of-pro- duction processes Yp which must be considered together with the first two indices C and Ymech� The total level of inechanization and automation of the production processes is found by the formula Y = Yp + YSimp, where Ysimp is the level of simplest mechanization. 280 FOR OFFtC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USF. OvLI' The value of Y is calcuiated by the ratio of the reduced expenditures of time of the machinePprocesses to the total reduced expenditures by the formula I PoKMII ~'n = 100. (1) jpoKMII +EPa ( l - K) +P m -f- Pc(3 ) Key: 1. p; 2. mech,man; 3. man Since ~3~ ~ P. (1 - K) Pr. p pp = P (1 _ ~'w. T \ ~1) (2) ~ ioo Key : 1. me ch . man ; 2. man; 3. me ch . Q then Fj PaKMII (2) (i) ~px~ ~,p /I _ yM.T \ 100- \ 100 ~ PQ!(MII s Pt 100 Key: 1. p; 2. mech.2 (p' is the provisional notation for the denominator of the formula). Here M is the service coefficient or the multimachine tool factor expressing the number of units of equipment serviced by one worker. When servicing the equipment by several workers it is less than one; II is the equipment output capacity coefficient. In addition to the quantitative ratio of inechanized and manual labor the index YP also reflects the qualitative aspect of inechanization giving rise to increased productivity of labor as a result of the application of improved machinery and multimac?iine tool servicing. The value of Ysimp is determined by the ratio of the reduced expenditures of time _ of inechar,ized-manual processes to the total reduced expenditures of time by the formula , ~2) ynP ~ apUII 100, PaK11SII + P (1 - 100 > Kty: 1, simp; 2. a man; 3, mech.Q - where P= P mech pman � 281 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 rOu oFFICIAt. I Isti: o`i.v Thus, the toral level of inechanization and automai:,ion of the production process can be expressed by the formula ~ poKMII E AaNun~ ;o~. y - Yn ynp - y l (1) (2) ~j PaK4iII 1 P (1 - IOU / Key: 1, p; 2. simp.; 3. a man; 4. mech.R - The discussed system-of three indices of level of inechanization and automation of production processes, that is, the degree to which the workers are encompassed by mechanical labor, the mechanization of labor in the overall labor expenditures, mechanization and automation of productian processes will permit the following: _ Estimation of the state of inechanization and automation of production and discovery of reserves to improve the productivity of labor; Comparison of the levels of inechanization (automation) used in the design with the level of mEChanization of advanced shipyards, shops and sections and also the branches as a whole; Comparison of the levels of inechanization of the corresponding facilities (or the versions developed in the design) by periods and determination of the variation in the state of inechanization and directian of further improvement of the produc- tion processes. When designing the shipyard shops the calculations of the indices of the level of - mechanization and automation of the production p rocesses are performed in two steps: first the initial data for the calculation are determined, and then the calculations themselves are made (Table 57, 58). T.he level of inechanization and automation of the production processes as a wliole for the shipy ard is also calculated in the table analogous to the table for calculating the level of inechanization with respect to the shop. Instead of sections, the shops are taken into account, and instead of the nature of opera- tions, the basic and auxiliary production facilities of the shop, the data on which are sumined for each shop. The coeificients presented in the formulas for calculating the indices of the level of inechanization and automation of the production processes are determined as follows. The coefficient of inechanization K expre:;ses the ratio of the time of inech anized labor to the total expenditures of time on the given equipment or the work place; it is always less than one or equal to one. The coefficient of output capacity of the equipment 1I characterizes the ratio of the lab or consumption of mnnufacture of the part on Universal equipment with the lo-,aest output capacity (taken as the base) to the labor cansumption of the manufacture of a part on the existing or designed equipment. The universal eqsip- ment with respect to all types of production is taken as the initial equipment having an output capacity provisionally taken as one. By comparison with the imiversal equipment, all forms of equipment have higher coefficients TI; the coeff icient II for the manual meehanized tools and the given simplest machinery is provisionally also taken equal to one. 282 r"OR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Q APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USF. OvL1' The approximate r,iean values of the coefficients K and II for certain forms of special equipment of the main shipyard shops are presented in Table 59. The coefficient of simplest mechanization U characterizes the proportion of the time of inechanized-manual labor in the overall work time of a worker using a manual mechanized tool. It is determined depending on the use time of the driven si.mplest machinery and manual mechanized tools per shift by the worker. Approximate Values of the Coefficient U Use time of tools When using driven simplest machinery and For manual weld- per shift, manual mechanized toQls ing and manual hours gas cutting 1 0.04 0.07 2 0.08 0.14 3 0.12 0.?1 4 0.16 0.28 5 0�22 0.35 6 0.26 0.42 7 0.3 0.5 The introduction of inechanizatiori anu automation into shipbuilding is one of the component parts of improving the technical level of production. Therefore, along with the presented definition of the level of inechanization and automation of - production processes in shipbuilding, the index of technical level of production is used, by which w-2 mean the aggregate index numerically charaoterizing the degree of improvement of the engineering and technology of performance of the production processes provided for by thF: design. For determination cf the technical level of production, five basic states of the technical level are assuned for all forms of production characterized by the following factors: 0.200 corresponds to the lowest degree of improvement of the equipment and practice at the present time; 0.400 and 0.600 corresponds to production faciliti2s in which the productivity of labor as a result of the application of improved engineering and technology will be approximately 120 and 160%, respectively, with respe ct tu the output capacity for the 0.200 level taken as 100%; 0.80 corresponds to all around mechanized production in which the productivity of labor is approximately 250% with respect to the output capacity for the 0.200 level; 1.00 corresponds to automated production. The actual values of the indices of technical level of Yroduction in the section, stiop or shipyard design process are determined on the basis of calculations 283 FUR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR ON FICIAL fISE Oti I,Y performed by the existing corresponding procedure and assumed in designing the _ production equipment and psocess. buring the design process, the technical level of production is c3lculated in the following sequence. The types of operations as the arithmetic mean of all of the estimates obtained with respect to individual determinants is found by the formula p _ Ai+.4,+...+qn i m ~ where Dj is the technical level of the j-th type of operation; Al, A2, An are the n~erical values of the estimates of the technical level with respect to each determinant of the j-th type of operation (by the existing procedure); m is the number of deteYminants of the j-th type of operations by which the estimates are made. The technical level of production of the shop or section (type of production facility) is calculated by the formula n yTi = 0,01 DiB, _ 0.01 (Di8i -f DzBs . . . -f- DnBn), ~st where YTi is the technical level of production of the shop or section (type of production facility) ; D1, D2, Dn are the nianerical values of the technical level of the types of operations calculated by the above-presented farmula; _ gl, g2, gn are the specific values of the types of operations in the o~ferall volume of shop or section operations (with respect to labor consumption), n is the number of types of operations in the shop or in the section. The technical level of the shipyard as a whole as the weighted mean value of the technical levels of production with respect to individual shops and sections is defined by the formula yr = 0,01 1: YtIP[. - where YT is the technical level of production of the shipyard; YTi is the techni- cal level of the production of individual shops or sections of the shipyard; Pi is the specific value of the production of individual shops ur sections in . the-overall volume of shipyard operations (with respect to lab or consumption), During the design work, the calculation of the technical level of the types of _ operations and production of the shop is performed in tabular form (Tabyes 60, 61). _ - 284 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIdL USF. O`1I.1' ~ ? N a GD ~ ~ O ~a ~ O r 1 N b LN 3~~+ coPL4 ~ o A ~ r-I co (1) -H c J-J JJ .r., H O a G .C O 11 �rl J-~ O ~ 0 4-1 O . � 41 cU 'U C N O +1 �r; Q co N r~ �cGd u, c U (1) cu cpv w H O ~ ON ~ v si �ajxri �dj = unand m 9I'aX9 I'di X�1'Q-i =LIWaI�d = ~ LI xanaaolt6~oqo ,D ~ pl~oxvrrualtoactodn s ~ c " ' o y~ ~sxpearx~tv~go ~ ~ L1 'di Xg .di _ /)aud 1 I �di X , �dj s,y �d r~ F n ANheE ~y d Lr) -NHYX40 damyaiaodu ~tV e NNDBENHBXiNi _ Y I l 'dd woV.(dt x wANh�Cd wrqe � X 3 ~ ~ -aMtbt xxx sx d V a x d a N d I wott.Sdi NRHh/Sd ~ q u - V S a o ~ ~d d nd I wd X 7 2 ~ I 1HiWAdJ.JHN ~ i. 0 dl9HM890dNEXH ~ m V 6 ~ ~ �EYaN IJONhItd a r-i N N o _ r v : ~ (nd) 'd AWEHPeX ~ ; ~ x I cv) -an x RHxmeK o v Y d aaa9 ~o I c7 - ~ AxawO admavogxex g I ~n w ov _ ~ = 0610anxvox I ~ o` ~ ~ a =i y p 00 u m I BHHCtlOHaWHC}~ ~ N z I Y r A 7 ! K iJ G ~ 41 ~ O ~ v U X 41 N tl1 � CJ' cA H wr-I r-i a) u 0 o w x ~ ~t -r! ~ S-+ � U -ri U ri r-I x r-I G x ~ r-I , O R1 u ao ri ca a ~ ~ x U O N N OD 3 ^ U U~ ri O O?a p 11 rl G i 3bb 0 ~ ~ U v~ ~ U W4 l 0 00 b0 4-4 r um o~ Q-H o mr+ q 0 w N m4H 4-4 cS1 cq td O O~'+ m a 0 H :D F'. O U aw0 0 aao z w cr1 ~7 tr1 ~O n a0 O~-I N c"1 .T tr1 r-1 r-1 r-i r--I r-i r-i e-1 N N N N N N El cc cd ,C Pa v ~ .r{ 0 ~ b PL4 U ~ a1 00 ~ ~ a a i a a o ~ ~ us �-1 ~ ~ 0 = �rl C q a ~ x ~ CL) ~ 0 b 0 O O O r l +J o~ 'R 3 ~ ~ m ~ a i c v a i �ri r-I ~ 0 r-I v r-i N rl n ~ a a a ) i Ga r-4~ ~ UC) ~4J J U:3 ' ~ ~ f0 1 r C U 4 cnz O'OH Fz O 0~ -1 i r-I cV r1 ~Y u1 ~D ~ rn O ri cv r-1 ~ r-I 285 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLI' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR 4FF[C'IAL USE ONI1.1' c~tl G O t~ cd N ~ u ~ ~ 4-I O r-I ? N ra 41 .C ~ w 0 m 4J U N �rl U 'C1 O }-I H W ,C O lJ �rl -W W U O ~ O �H a 41 ~ o U V] ~ cU W U O G ~ O ~ ~ ~ o H ~ Lf -d.t + SI -di - A 1 ao x I 7 F: ~ i'oaN -i)d+ I719x�d~ o ag m - ppl ! 114 V = 5 o m xa aas 7 a tlRdod m= m = L F vo 001 -e) a+uwx�a3 (a) _'a d = � ~q 001 a � � (q) uwx�a 3 ~ ~ y sn ~ So 06 7C ~ K C ~ uwx�a 3 e ~ 1~ N I LI'di -FOT'd1 = �A _ o o ~ ~ 6 X a oY 001 f -di = d 'n~ �a t e,. m a 9 ~q =a~ . 11 ~ c ~ T y ~ D 5 K ndrd 3 = I C+ K S S - ~c ,z, o o~ o moQ xll 6 d~ = 1 hA 6'di o ' I c~ > ~S ==r C. N ~ ~ 0,; ~06 :F R~ x�d S rn i ~ m0 N 1 I ! -di + q -di Z) I N ~ 9 a1 ~ 9 Q.I d� Ko -di ~ I X 2 s� S j, ~c.o T 'S m $ = Kg~ ~ a~ EWC x ~a ms m a I ms oa ~ i ~ p0I }'di E c N S sm ~ f = n n 0. n ~ = = x o I r- K ~ ~ d p :E N ~ I I ~ G, I PaiZvonexodu daiNQdeX N x ~ u m 7 I r- 0 N v u 14 U 7 a +J 'b O b 'G ~ v o c~ v ~ ~ -4 O V U ~ �,4 ~ N t~ y ~ la fC ~ ~ 7 0 u o ~ ro ~ ~ p G c a U cn O v ~4 ~ G cj o ro .0 10 \ ~ o 3 G o `o � p ~4 M. ~ �,-i m u r- o . ; Q1 II 1..1 U r-~ N N �rl II a ~ ro ro U ~ ,d } ,a itl X 4 v V� ~ � + 3 N v 0 v ^'I E ^ .z. . ~ ~ v) l � o ~ A(1) N d w s-+ N w v ^ ri q r t N N - . 0 O O u1 41 ~ ~ U 1 (n II ~ II ~-1 a) N cU O C N a1 U ro.. u oo u u ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 11 Q) ~ ~ ~ W v>+ a U 0. u'1 ~,D ^ 00 m Or""i N M r-I rl r--I rl r-i N N N N O O O O O d' O ~ r-i O ~ �N r-1 d' r-I r-I r-~ O -IT U p ri ~ r-I 0 U .i~ ri %O t~ U ri u o ~ d u + � .-i ~ Crl O O 0 9 V V 4 j a ~ r-i u + n 4-1 O O " m ~ ~ ~J1 0it 2 " G'i + V I ~ ~ ~ U U ~ 4..3 U 4-1 N N U O U) N U cU Ul RS a1 N~d (D 0 r:; f~ R' F~ II P-i r:l R~ 0 fl W Cn zP. UP-4 UUw >-4 W ti+~H G.: ~ ~ . . . � � � � � � � r- N M t~1 ~O I~ 00 01 O r-I N c~ 1t r-I r-i r-'1 r-1 r I 286 IFnR OFF[CIE#L USE Otv'LX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FUlt OFF[C'IAL f.1SF. ON[.1' - Table 59. Approximate Mean Values of the Coefficients K and II for Certain Types of.Special Equipment of the Main Shipyard-Shops Coefficient K Coefficient 'IT Equipment 1 ca o ai 0 ~ ~ ~ o ~ o o � ~ -i p c o , " ~ ~ + ~ Cd �H a o r+ ~ ~ r 0 -H a P -H . . . . . a~ . . ~ c~. ~ ~ 0 ~ u. co cd a~ ~ .0 ~ J . ~ ~ 0 ~ 1 N i c~ i 0 l N � 371 1~ 4-i tA o� ~1 N cd-r1 R1 a'~~ I tV rl �rl ~9 G t~ 4-1 V1 o� aNi - cd -rl Cd 1'' c~v~ r i a i "C O O ~ . - + . r( -r( i-1 ...3..,~.a: ti-I Cl ~..~.e~. O' N ~ M' ia 3~~+.a.� rl .~3* rl N 3 q 1 .2 . .3. 4 .5 s . 7 Drawing machine of the "Start" type with - 0.75 0.9 - 12.0 12.4 p ogrammied control for drawing the loftings nrawing machine of the "Vega" type with - 0.5 0.9 - 12.4 12.7 programmed control for mechanized preparation of copies of the drawings by the photographic meth.od for gas cutting machines Photoprojector type EDI-457 for making fult- 0.8 - - 2.5 - - - scale accessories ' Stationary shot blasting unit for - 0.6 - - 6.0 - cleaning steel Flow line for cleaning and priming steel - 0.8 0.9 - 12.0 12.0 ' Multiroll sheet straightening machines for straightening sheets with a thickness: from 4 to 14 mm 0.15 0.25 0.6 1.6 2.5 3.0 from 11 to 30 and 0.2 0.35 0.7 3.0 4.5 6.0 f.rom12to40mm from 18 to 50 mm 0.25 0.5 0.8 3.0 4.5 6.0 . Horizontal presses of the "Bul'dozer" 0.1 0.2 0.75 2.8 3.2 5.0 type for straightening rolled sectior. Unit for photoprojection marking 0.35 0.6 - 1.3 1.6 - - Measuring and marking machine with - - 0.7 - - 4.0 _ programmed control Eccentric ma.rking press 0.3 - - 2.5 - - Automated marking machine with pro- - - 0.7 - - 3.0 grammed control Stationary machine for thermal cutting 0.5 0.$ 0.9 2.0 3.0 4.5 - of sheet metal, "Kristall" type with - programmed control The same, three- porral "Baltika" type - 0.9 0.9 - 2.0 5.0 _ with programmed control 287 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR UFFICIAI.. LISF, UNI.1' [Table 59, contd.] 1 2 3 .4. 5 .6. .7. The same with photacopying servo system of the "Zenit" type: for machining a single sheet 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.4 2.5 - for machining two sheets - - 0.8 - - 4.5 = Gas cutting machines for cutting by a - 0.6 - - 1.4 - _ master copy types ASSh-1 and ASP- 1 N-633 type press-shears ~ 0.15 - - 1.3 - Guillotine shears type NB-475 0.2 0.50 - 2.0 4.0 - Press type PGA-200/250 with programmed - 0.8 - - 5.7 - _ control for cutting and marking section Press type PGA-400 with programmed - 0.7 - - 5.0 - - control for machining section Three-roll bending machine: Folding type 0.2 0.4 0.7 2,2 4.0 4.5 _ closed type � 0.2 0.4 0.65 2.2 3.8 4.5 Hydraulic, vertical, opea type presses with a force, tons: to 400 0.2 0.45 0.85 2.8 4.0 5.5 - from 400 to 800 0.2 0.5 0.8 2.5 3.8 5.0 - above 800 0.15 0.5 0.75 2.2 3.5 4.5 LGS-2 and LGS-3 sheet bending machines 0.3 0.45 0.7 2.5 3.0 3.5 Vertical guillotine type sheet bending 0.2 0.4 0.6 2.2 2.8 3.0 presses "Bul'dozer" type horizontal section 0.1 0.2 0.75 2.8 3.2 4.5 bending press Press for templatF-less bending with - 0.75 0.8 - 3.5 4.0 programmed control, type SPG-3 ADS-1000-4 and TS-17 MU automatic weld- ing for submerged arc welding of sub- assemblies and sections with sheet _ steel thickness, mm: from 4 to 12 0.4 0.5 - 4.5 5.0 - _ from 12 to 30 0.4 0.6 0.7 5.0 5.0 6.0 - More than 30 0.45 0.7 - 5.0 6.0 - Automatic welders for carbon dioxide 0,2 - - 3,0 - - shielded welding of steel subassemblies - and sections _ Automatic welders for butt submerged arc welding when building modules and form- ing the hulls o� ships on the ship- building ways, types ADS-1000-4, TS-17MU, ADS-500, ~.*ith sheet steel thickness, mm: to 30 0.3 0.5 - 4.5 5.0 - More than 30 0.4 0.55 - 5,0 7.0 - 288 FOR OFF'[C[AL USE O]\'LY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 ruK urMtllAL USh. 11NL1 [Tab le 59, contd ] 1 2. . J 4. 5 ..6 .7 The same, automatic welders for electro- slag welding of installation joints with steel thickness, mm: to 30 0.5 - - 4.0 - - More than 30 0.55 - - 7.0 - - The same, automatic weiders for vertical 0.2 - - 4.0 - - automatic welding with forced forming of th,2 weld in carbon dioxide Machine tool for machining ship founda- - 0.6 - - 2.5 - tion - Portable milling machines, types GF-30 0.5 - - 2.8 - - - and SPF-1 . Portab le drills with electromagnetic 0.5 - - 2.0 - - fastening, types SPS-32 and SPS-50 'ortable LR-203 boring machines for 0.6 - - 1.2 - - - boring the stem and stern posts Machine tool for cutting and trimming 0.4 0.6 - 3.0 3.5 - tubes with abrasive disc, type SRZT-lm _ Gas-electric pipe cutter for cutting - 0.6 0.7 - 3.5 4.0 _ pipe 40-377 mm in diameter Pipe cutting-off machine 0�5 - - 2�5 ' - HFC unit for annealing copper and - 0.6 0.7 1.5 1.8 , - copper-nickel pipe 14-820 mm in diameter I Mechanized sand filling unit with - 0�6 - ' 2�0 - electric vibrator for pipes of all ~ sizes ; Pipe b ending machines: STG-lm 0.2 0.3 - 1.2 1.6 - ~ STG-2s 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.1 1.6 2.0 STG- 3SA 0.2 0.4 - 1.2 2.6 - Pipe bending machine with programmed con t ro 1: STGP-2 - 0.6 - - 4.0 - STGP-3 - 0.6 - - 5.0 - - Pipe bending machine for bending pipe with HFC heating: - TGSV-]. 0.3 0.4 - 3.0 3.5 - TGSV-2 0.3 0.4 - 12 4.0 - Machine tool far cutting off and 0.4 0.5 - 1.2 1.5 - machining holes in pipe (diameter of the opened ho les 10-220 mm, machined pipe . diameter 45-510 mm) Hydraulic horizontal presses types PG-50 0.4 - - 3�0 - ' and P(Y-100 289 FOR OFFIC[AL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFlC[AL USE ONI.Y [Table 59, contd] 2 3 .4. 5... ...6.....7 Machine tool for beading pipe 0.4 0.5 - 2.5 3.0 - Machine tool for winding pipe with 0.4 - - 3.0 - - ~ asbestos cord for insulation of straight and bent pipe at an angle of 45�, to 125 imn in diameter ResistaaCe welding machine: roll 0.4 0.5 0.6 3.5 4.0 5.0 spot 0.25 0.35 0.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 Table 60. Determination of the Technical Level of Types of Shop Operations WHO N HBHMC� H0o8HH8 extW (i1~T ILK4)p N XBAMt� p0l8Ntlt onpeAo- t2w~# LlNClIlAHOB aNlqlNNt Tl7INHVtCKOJ'O ypoBa � A! TiHUIlHBd! 9q89tpHA TC7CBIf9lCKOI'O Yp06NA seAa pabor A1 ~-A! q (4) m m I I I _ I Key: 1. Code and name of type of operation 2. Code and nmae of determinant . 3. Numerical value uf the technical level with respect to the determinant A. 4. Numerical value of the technical level of type of opsrations 290 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFiC1A1. C1SF. ONl.1' Table 61. Determination of the Technical Level of Shop Production BxAd p860r cl~ IIIa4)P pe6ar (2) Tezexve� cKUllypo. sexs EY- ~ pabor c3y YReAbeoe saoveaee Ix,qa pKSor or Oat110f0 OlS'b!- ya pabor ueza aI . CpeAeessse� U!!flXlA 71G78� vaxa D~g~ (5) ~ `6) TCXHH9CCKNA n YP 3 Y= 0.01 ~ DiQ, o e ,qcTea ~sl uexa . I Key: 1. Types of aperatians 2. Operatians code 3. Technical level of type of operations Di 4. Specific value of type of operation in 'the total volume of shop operations gj, % 5. Weighted mean value of Di g. 6. Technical le.vel of shop pr~duction - Tabie 62. Approximate Level of Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes and-Technical Level of Production of the Basic Shipyard Shops Level of inechani- Technical - Class of zation and auto- level of - Shops shipyard mation of produc- produc- tion process, % tion 1 - .2 ..3 4 ~ Hull platers: r - Section for preliminary straighten- I-II 80 0.85 . ing, cleaning and priming of III 75 0.80 ' steel IV 70 0.75 V 65 0.70 Hull platers sections I-II 75 0.80 III 70 0.75 IV 65 0.?0 - V 60 0.65 291 FOR OFFMAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL [ISF: ONLI' [Table 62, contd] 2. 3 4.. 1 Welding-assembly shop: Sections for assembling and welding I-III 70 0.80 subassemblies and sections IV 65 0.75 V 60 0.70 Sections for priming and drying I-V 65 0.75 the ship sections Shop for making structural coiuponents I-II 70 0.75 from alwninum-magnesium alloys III 65 0.70 Shop for making structural components I-III 65 0.70 from synthetic materials Module-building shop II 45 O.EsO III 50 0.65 IV 55 0.70 Shipbuilding shed I-II 45 0.60 III 50 0.65 VI-V 55 0.70 Hull fi*_ting shop I-II 65 0.70 III 55 0.65 VI-V 50 0.60 Pipe preparation I-II 60 0.70 III 55 0.65 - IV 50 0.60 V 45 0.55 Woodworking I-III 60 0.70 IV 55 0.65 - V 50 0.60 The technical level of production for the shipyard as a whole is also calculated in a table analogous to the table for determining technical level of production with respect to the shop, in which instead of the type of operations in the "Numerical Values of the Technical Level of Type of Operations" coliunn, we use the values for _ the shop,and in the column "Specific Value of Type of Operations" we write the _ specific value of operations. T.he system of indices of the technical level of production permits comparison of the technical levels with respect to the developed design with the technical levels of individual types of operations: types of production facilities and advanced operating shipyards as a whole and the best design solutions; it permits estima- tion of variation in state of the technical level and planning of ineans of further 292 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 ruK Ufflc;lAL USF. OVI.V improvement of the production process. It also serves in planning the comparative estimates of the results of operating the shipbuilding enterprises. The approximate level of inechanization and automation of production processes gnd the technical level of production of the main shipyard shops are presented in Table 62. �42. Composition and Technical Data on tlle Means of Mechanizing Materials- Handling and Assembly Operations in the Main Shipyard Shops and Shop Production Control Hardware In addition to various crane-equipment, the shipyard shops are equipped with various means of inechanizing the materials-handling and assembly operations. In Table 63, as an example we have the composition of the technical data for the basic means of inechanizing materials handling and assembly operations in the hull plarers and assembly-welding shops at class I and II shipyards. + hardware complex is provided to support the operative monitoring and control oi the course of production in the design for the main shipyard shops in accordance with the volume and organization of production for the shipyard as a whole. Thus, under the conditions of the automated production control system the dispatch service of the shop, just as the central dispatch service of the shipyard, is equipped with the subscriber stations of the remote data processing system based on the united system of computers which are joined by communication channcls to the united system cemputers installed at the information compu*_er center, and they permit organization of man-machine dialog in real time. ~ The hardware for controlling the shop productian providing for receiving informa- - tion, also includes the operative telephone communications, search, signal system, call signal system, television for production purposes and, in individual cases, teletype and photote3egraphic communications. In addition, the shop services are equipped with telephones from the city telephone offices and administrative-manage- ment communications, and the shop management is connected by direct communications - with the director and chief engineer. Protection and fire systems, secondary electric clocks, and so on are also installed in the shop. Along with the general operating indices of a shop and the ASUP [automated produc- tion control system] sections, the shop production control hardware must also pro- vide for obtaining the following information: information ab our the presen ce of the required material reserves in the storage areas; availability of the complement of pr.oduction parts and products for acceptance an3 also the camplements of parts accepted by the shop; the practical times for beginning and ending operations of - the shop witYi respect to each process complement; the arrival of materials, parts and p.roducts at the flow lines; prwisiofl of the flow lines and work places with reports and other docinnents, accessories, tools and auxiliary materials; operation of the flow lines and the main, unique production equipment. 293 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL IJSE ONI.I' Table 63. Composition and Technical Data on the Basic Means of Mechanizing Materials-Handling and Assembly Opera tions in the Hull Platers and the Assembly-Welding Shops of Cl ass I and II Shipyards ~ Installed Mechanization Technical data imit Dimensioris Unit ~ means capacity., (kxbxh), mm) weight, . ..kilov~at ts kg i 2 3. . .4. . 5 c; ' � Hull Platers Shop Section for Preliminary Straightening, Cleaning and Priming of Steel - Roller conveyor Stationary, driven., for trans- 4.0 15400x4066x840 4570 fo"r horizontal porting sheets with maximinn movement of dimensidns of 16000X4500 mm. ' sheet steel Speed of moving the sheet 17.6 m/min = The same Stationary, driven, for trans- 4;0 15400x3450x840 4384 - porting sheets with maximum dimensions of 16000x3200 mm. Speed of moving a sheet = 17.6 m/min - Roller conveyor, Stationary, driven for trans- 7.5 9480x3245x840 7115 receiving- porting sheets with dimensions ' feeding to to 16000x4500 mm the ro 11 - machines r - The same Statiandry,' driven, for trans- 4.0 9480x2665x840 4889 porting sheets to 16000X3200 mm Loader SemipoT-tal With electromagnetic 69.4 18970x5480x5775 26125 ~ traverse for sheet and section to 16000 mm long, sheet width to _ 4500 mm, useful lift capacity 20 tons The same Bridge with electromagnetic tra- 69.4 18000X6580X5250 23460 verse for sheet and section to 16000 mm long, sheet width to 4500 mm, useful lift capacity 20 tons Entry transfer For transporting rolled section 8.0 16500X9670X840 9500 for transporting from 6000 to 16000 mm long and rolled section weighing to 1 ton ~ 294 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR 0FFE('IAL tISF, ON1.1' [Table 63, contd] 1 2 3 4 - 5 Hu11 Platers Sectio ns Marking stand Maximu,.~n dimensions of marked 4.0 16380x3400X840 11050 sheets 1.6000x3200 mm Roller conveyor Maximum sizes of firansported 4.0 15400x4066X840 4520 for horizontal siieet parts 16000x4500 mm. Speed movement of of moving the sheets sheet roetal 17 m/min Two-position Maximiun dimensions of machined 8.0 56000x4500x1550 28650 gas cutting sheet steel 16000X3200 mm mach.ine o u 44 a u ecalcu- ~ ~c ecalculation u cq .x 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ o [ 0 ~ ~ m � w k o ~ y . 10 ~ o~ lation o u~i~~ factors o r+ a a $4 d a ~ :-a a~ ~n � a) ~ o ~ i a 1dd ~c a~ ~ o G~+ A~+ ca ~ a tors o N a~-+ a~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ u o u arb o~+ b i , c �~I a � o~ r-1 p cv ~ ~ ~ b ~ 3 0�H ~ a a o o aaW o a a a Gqw c n ro c d .1.4 p a i v�d u o ~ ~ �H ~ �d cdb � ~ a G,J 0 q Z 0 ~ ~ U .�'r4 4' o a a � ~ a U � N ~ G a+~ o ~ a c'~n � a ~ 3~ o~+ t- v i c d a a~ ~ x a4 o x aG x x ~ By the'present design ~ By the norma- tives By an analo- gous de- s iQ?: By the ar_counting data of an exist- ing shop, and so on Ired Ip.siv m.prKc.Q, man-hrs/ton. pc - Pt.sKp.oKp.mKc.prKs.pKwp, tons/m . Table 80. Approxi mate values of the coef ficients KH and Kc ' Shops by classes K H I Kc of shipyards _ For producing products for 2 for 3 for 2 for 3 shi s shi s shi s shi s I, II, III 1.05-1.17 1.08-1.25 0.92-0.E8 0.0-0.8 IV, V 1.02-1.05 1.05-1.22 0.98-0.95 0.95-0.82 The technical-economic indices reduced to ident ical conditions are compared in table form (5ee Table 79). 337 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 Foic c�FFic;rnL UtiE 11N1,Y The presented analysis pertains to the conditi,ons, where the annual program of the individual shops is designed for production output by one design. In cases where the program is calculated for products for ships by several designs, when analyz- ing the shop indices it is necessary to take the corresponding coefficients. If we take the calculated ship of the series with an order number equal with respect to value to two annual shipyard ship production programs, the indicated coefficients can be def ined using the chart presented in Figure 13 by the following formulas: Kki (Ishlnl + Ishnnn)/nequipIsh' Kc 3 nequipish/ (Ishlnl + + Ishnnn)' where 1CH is a coeff icient taking into account the variation in labor consumption per ton of shop production as a function of the product output for ships of several designs; K is the coefficient taking into account the variation in production out- c put from 1 m2 of total shop area as a function of the product output for ships of several designs; Ishl' ishn are the labor consumptions by the chart for 1 ton _ of shop protection consisting of products f or ships of several designs; Ish is the labor consumption by the chart for 1 ton of shop production consisting of products - for ships of one design; nl, nn are the total number of ships by the individual designs for which the shop produces the products; nequip is the total number of ships for which the shop produces products. The approximate coefficients KH and Kc for the provisional annual shop rroduction outputs used in thi s baok are presented in Table 80. The choice of the coefticients presented in the Cable is defined by the ratio of - the ships built by different designs. Thus, for class I shops when determining the labor cansumption per ton of pro3uc- - tion output the largest values of the coefficients 1.17 and 1.25 cc,-respond to !:he annual shipyard pro gram (10 ships) consisting of equal proportions with respect to _ number of ships 5+ 5 for two or 4+ 3+ 3 for three designs of the calculated pro- gram; the smallest values of the coefficients 1.05 and 1.08, for the combination 9+] in ehe case of two or 8+ 1+ 1 in the case of three designs of the calculated ~ p rogram. Correspondingly, the values of the coefficients in determining the annual production _ output indices per square meter of area assume values in our example of 0.88 and 0.80 for a combination of 5+ 5 for two designs and 41- 3+ j for three designs or _ 0.92 and 0.90 for a combination of 9+ 1 for two designs and 8+ 1+ 1 for three designs in the calculated program. I'or other combinations of the number of ships of different designs in the program ~ the intermediate va lues of the coefficients are determined by interpolation. When analyzing the labor consumption indices per ton of shop production and produc- tion output from 1 m2 of total shop area the formulas for analyzing them for 338 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY several ships in the calculated pragram wi,ll have the form, respectively: ~ Ired Ip.os m.prKc.k; . pc pequip~`c p.m c.px s.p w~ In cases of considering tYie application of large scale sheet metal in the designs for the hulls of the designed ships, when comparing the shipyard shop indices it is necessary to introduce the corresponding coefficients into the above-presented f ormulas, considering, for example, th-at when rep lacing the steel sheets 12,000 x 3000 mm for the ships' hulls at clsss I shipyards with 16,000 x 4500 mm sheets which amount to 20% of the total weight of the hull steel for the ship and 16,000 x 3200 mm steel sheets which amount to 30% of the total weight of the hull steel,of the ship, the labor consumption of the preliminary straightening, cleaning and priming of the steel per ton of output is reduced by 8%, the manuf acture of hull parts, by 6%, the manuf acture of subassemblies and sections by 79 and building slip operations by 3.5%. At classroom II shipyards when usit.g 16,000 x 4500 mm sheets in the amount of 10% of the total weight of the hull steel per ship, the labor consumption of pre- liminary straightening, cleaning and priming of the steel per ton of output is re- duced by 5%, the manufacture of hull parts, by 3%, the manufacture of subassemblies and sections by 4% and mpdule construction, by 3%. The production output per square meter of total area of the shops performing the indicated operations is increased accordingly. 339 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t CHAPTER XVI. HEATED, COVERED SLIP WAYS. WINTER STORAGE AREAS FOR SHIPS AND OUTFITTING QUAY S � 48. Advantages of Heated, Covered Building Slips In solving the problem of the lucation of building slips in heated closed-in berths and in open areas it is necessary to consider the following basic In the heated, covered slip ways (considering the climate of the USSR) it is pos- sible to create the most favorable conditions completely corresponding to the technical and process requirements for building ships in slip ways (the quality of the welding and painting operations which can be performed under normal temperature conditions is improved; the wost efficient methods of lighting the work places, supplying electric pilwer, compressed air and other forms of power are provided for; the process equipment is used more efficiently, and so on) ; The conditions af labor are improved signif icantly, and the productivity of labor rises as a result of elim~;.nation of idle time caused by un.f avorable meteorological conditions; The closed covered slip ways are better layed out on a master,plan with other shipyard shops, which permits significant reduc*;.on in the work time losses for moving people and materials and products to the building slips, and the - entire shipbuilding process is more efficiently coordinated. The additional capital investments in constructing the heated, covered slip ways by comparison with open building are raid .for in minimal times 1 to 3.5 ~ years. _ By the calculations uf some ship-,-_-rds, the increase in labor consumption of opera- tions on r_he shipbuilding ways as a resiilt of auxiliary operations connected with - buil.dinr, the ships in the open air, prolonging the finishing and insulating cycle at low temperature, complications with loading and installing the panels, sections, mactinery and equipment in windy or freezing weather, the construction of various types of temnorary shel.ters on the ships for warmth and protection aSainst 'preci- pitation and wl-nd, amounts to abour 10%. F'oor atmospheric conditions can disturb nc.rmal production processes when working in the open air; for example, under the conditions of Leningrad during the year this interrelation is manifPSted as foll6ws [10, 12] : 340 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The welded edges to a width of 75 umt on both sides of the joint must be heated be- fore weldin$ to a temperature of no less than +20� C fox killed carbon steel and low-alloy steel with plate thicluiess of more than 20 mm and for killed carbon steel with plate thickness uf 12 mm or more if the welding is performed by ANO-4, ANO-6 and ANO-9 elecl-rodes; with an average number of days a pear with a temperature below -25� C, 1.2; for f orgings and cast{ngs of the ship's hull with an average number of days par year with temperature below -15� C in the amount of 11.4; for killed and rimmiitg steels, with an average number of days Fer year with a tempera- ture of about -10� C in the amount of 29.5; The average number of days per year with an air temper.ature below +5� C when it is impossible to paint (except fox special frost-resistant paints) is 189.9; The average number of d.ays per ye3r when it is also impossible to paint with preci- - pitation is 199, with snowstorms 24, and with fog 57. During the year the enumerated unfavorable conditions coincidP on cer tain days, but the total number of days per year when the normal prodnctir,n process is disturbed = is quite large. As a result, during the winter the pruductivity of labor when building ships in uncovereC ways turns out to be lower by approxi.mately 40% than in the heated covered-in berths, and on the average for the year it is about 10% lower. If we remember that up to 40% of all of the wotk of building the ships is done on the shipbuilding ways, then the incxease in labor consumption when building the ships on the unGOVered shipbuilding ways will be up to 4% of the total labor con- _ sumption. The cost henef it frnm constructing the covered, heated slip way:s at 'Che shipyards can be traced ny the data in Table 81. Three types of shipyards are presented in the ta'?le: Shipyard A medium shipbuilJing with 12 ships per year output and complex hull f ittings. Shipyard B small shipbuiiding with 32 ships per year output, with complex hull iittings; Shipyard C medium shipbuilding witn 12 ships per year output with simple hull ; fittings. From the presrnted aota it is obvious that the most e?:pensive are the open ship- ways with por ~a 1 cranes, f or the ma.nufacture of which up to 50 to 70% of the total cost of the ways is spent. The ogarating, expenses, heating, minor repairs and depreciation, protective shelters for the, wages for the uncovered shipbuilding ways with electric bridge cranes by comparison with heazed covered-in berths are as follows: for shipyard A 180%; for shipyard B 570% and f or shipyard C 180%. In addition, it must be considered fihat additional caFital investments 3re required for the boiler rooms to provide for h::,iting o_` the ships in the uncovered building ways. 341 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Table 81. R.elative cost of the shtphuilding ways in cavered-in - berths and in open areas for different shipyards, % Shipbuilding ways ; Shipyards B C In heated, overed-in berths j 100.0 100.0 100.0 In open a- a::: witi: trestle and electric bridge cranes 76.5 ~ 81.6 i 73.8 with portal. cranes 116.4 126,4 ~ 113.1 All of the additional expenditures on the heated covered-in berths are paid for in 3.5 years f or shipyard A, in 1 year for shipyard B, and 3.6 year s for shipyard C. � 49. Areas for Winter Storage of Ships Under the climatic conditions of the Soviet Union, the icy per io d of various bodies of water around the shipyards and water basins fluctuates significant limits. At tlie shipbuilding enterprises, predominately at the class IV and V shipyards (sometimes class III) located in areas with a significant ice period excluding launchir.g of ships, special areas are created for wl.nter storage of the ships. When designing class I, II and III shipyards, in order to provide for launching the ships during the ice period in some cases provision is made for such special meas- ures as heating the wet basins with hot water discharged f rom a thermoelectric power plant nearby, heating the sections of the wet dock chamber with steam, main- taining a lane in the ice in the vicinity of the launching facil ity by mixing the waCer with compressed air and, f inally, maintaining a lane in the vicinity oi the _ launching f acility by operating icebreaker type tugs. The number of places f or winter storage of ships is determined by the slip way ship- building schedule at the shipyard or by the following formula: nst ~ (D ice/tcycle ~ (D icenc/~ c' where nst is the required number of places for winter storage of the ships, units; (P ice is tlie Iength of the ice period when it is impossible to launch ships, months; _ tcycle `D c Inc is the stiip output cycle from the building ways; 4~ c is the annual time avaiiable of the building ways, months; nc is the annual cal culated program _ with respect to ship production, units. TYie-areas for winter storage oi the ships are designed in the form of individual _ groups of shipbuilding ways. The ships are moved to these locations on special c�,adles (for the launching facility in the form of a longitudinal slip, slip trol- leys are used). On the winter storage shipbuilding ways the ship s are transferred _ on special cribbings. For placing the ships on keel blocks or cr ibbings the 342 FOR OFFICIAL USR ONT,Y F APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100067-4 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONI,Y building bexths ar,e equa.pped with metal chairs; foundat3,ons are also provi.ded under tlie cribbings in the fornt of reinforced conczete slabs. In indi ,3ua1 cases the winter storage areas are equipped with a steam line for heati,io the ships and an electric network for loading them; the power consumption taken according to the ship design data. � 50. Outf itting Quays The outfitting quay of the shipyard is designed for mooring the ships while they are outf itted afloat and go through trials, and it must provide for the perf ormance of these operations i.n accordance with the annual calculated program of the shinyard. Depending on the 1oca1 conditions, in some cases piers are designed for outf itting ships af loat having the same total m o o r i n g s p a c e as the corresponding quay. The outfitting quay is connected d-Lrectly to the shipyard site and has one wall for mooring ships, and the pier juts out into the water basin of the shipyard and has two walls. In the overall shipyard master plan the outf itting quay is not isolated as an independent production unit. All of the outf itting and trials at the quay are performed by the outfitting and acceptance shop and the corresponding conCxac- tors. As a rule, it is managed by the captain's part of the shipyard and is ser- viced by its staff. s The length ot the quay is calculated beginning with the placement of the maximum number of ships moored simultaneously on it, in accordance with their building _ schedules. ' Thus, tte length of the outf itting quay of 424 meters is determined by the f ollow- ing expression: 190 x 2+ 24 x 1+ 10 x 2, wherP 190 is the maximum ship length, neters; 2 is the number of ships simultaneously lying along side the quay; 24 is the maximum breadth of ship, meters; 1 is the number of ships simultaneously lying bow to the quay; 10 is the clearance between the ships, meters; 2 is the number of clearances between ships. The