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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 , FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9651 , 8 April 1981 " Worldwide Re ort _ p - NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUC~S CFOUO 16/81) FB~$ FOREIGN BF~OADCAST INFOR.MATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 I NOTE JPRS punlications contain information primarily from foreign newspaper.s, periodicals and books, hut also from news agency transmissions and broadcas'::s. Materials from foreign-language - soerces are translatedi those from Engl~sh-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material encloseC in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first lir.e of each a.tem, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was _ processed. k'here no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the - original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. . Other unattributed parenthetical notes in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. - The contents of this p�iblication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes nf the U.S. Government. , . ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULtI'TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF _ MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 - F'OR OEFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9651 8 Apri1 1981 - WORLDWIDE REPORT ~ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 16/81) CONTENTS AS IA ~ - BURMA _ ;~rug Suppression Operation in~Mong Hsat Described - ~ (Ra.ngoon Domestic Service 23 Mar 81) 1 ~ ..o..........a......o HONG KONG Briefs _ Heroin Possession Sentence 3 Thai Nationa.l Arrested 3 ~ Heroi~ Syndicate Cracked 3 Drug Seizure Statistics 3 = Drug Possession Charge 4 ~ - Policemen on Drug Charges 4 - PEUPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA _ Opium, Deadly Harvest Expected To Stock World's Illicit Ma.rkets (Dennis Gray; THE SOUTH CHINA MORNING POSZ`, 15 Ma.r 81) ,o,.. 5 - S INC~PORE ` Briefs Fight Against Drug Menace ~ . LATIN AMERICA _ BERMUDA - Briefs _ Fourth on Heroin Charge $ ~ - a - [III - W'W - 138 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ CHILE ~ Authorities Concerned Qver Resumption of L~ri!Q Traffic = (I,RCILI,~, 18-24 Mar 81) ~~a~~.e~o~ooooo~o.o.~.oo....~o~..~.'~ 9 Briets ~ ' Drug Traffickers Axrested 11 Cocaine Factory Discovered 11 � COLOMBIA - AnL�idrug Ac*_ivity for 1980 Summarized by F-2 Official , (Leonardo Gallego Hernandez Interview; EL ESPECTADOR, _ 2 9 Jan V~> ~ Y O Y Y Y Y~ 4 Y Y Y O Y~ O O Y~ Y Y Y Y O Y~ Y O O p O 0 0 Y Y p O C~ Y~ O~ Y Y Y{) O _ Cocaine Seizure Investigation Tc~ Be Reopened - (EL ~SPECTADOR, 30 Jan 81) ~ooo,o.~.oo~o~..o~..o..~o.oo.~~0 15 , Coca Plantations I'ound in Cauca, Putumayo - _ (IsL ~SPECTADOR, 3 Feb 81) o.~.~,,..oo~o~oooo....o~o~ooo.~... 16 Group of ?'raffickers, Cocaine Seized - (LL ESPECTADOR, 6 Feb 81) oa...oo.o.~.~~ooo~o~..o~..o.o~o~o ~7 J~1MAI CA Government To Eradicate Illegal Airstrips (~C1jVL1 ~ 1'JLLT ~ p p p y Y P p Y D Q~ ~ O 0 D 0 V Y 0 O J O ~ O O Y D Y 0 Y O O O Y Y a O O O Y ~ L'LJl\ I CQ Heroin Laboratories Dismantled i.n Sina.loa, Chihuahua _ (LA V07. DE LA. FRONTERA, 19 Feb 81) ,,.,,o~,,,a~~~.~a.o.oo...~0 20 Three Ma.rihuana Traffickers Given Jai1 Sentences (~L DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, ?6 Feb 81) � 21 - Federal Judicial Police Report Ma.rihuana Seizure (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 2 Ma.r 81) ~,,,.~o~..o~o~o~o~.......oooo0 2L Tra:Eficker.s of Opium Gum From Guerrero Arrested (tiL SOL DE SI~LOA, 1 Ma.r 8?) oo~,o.oo~~~~.~.~.o.~..~~.o~.. 23 Confiscated Drugs Burned in Tijuana (L~1 VOZ DE LA I'RONTERA., 14 Feb 81) o.o~..~o..oo~~~a�o~,~~~a 24~ Mi~.k Dealer Arrested for Ma.rihuana Trafficking (~L BRAVO, 26 Feb 81) ......o....o.o.o....~.~.o..~~..~oo.o~ 25 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144414-2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Briefs Drug Sentence Data 26 Traffickers Escape 2( Marihuana 7:rafficker Sentenced 26 _ Heroin Traffickers Caught 27 Cccaine, Laboratory Seized 27 'Operation Condor' Agent Promoted 27 Pill Trafticking Guard 2$ PE RU Government Launches New Offensive Against Drug Traffickers ~ (EL COMERCIO, various dates) .oq,...o.o..a.o.,,o.~..,oo~..0 29 = Cocaine Plantations Destroyed - Tons of Drugs Incinerated PIP Seizes Cocaine Paste - TURKS AND CAICOS - Briefs 40-Ton Ma.rihuana Arrest 31 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA - IRAN Punitive Measures Devised To Eradicate Smuggling (Mohammad 'Abadzadeh Kermani; JAVANAN-E EMRUZ, ' 26 ~an 8J.) 32 ` _ Iran Ma.jor Transit Route for Drug Traffic ('L'HE WORKING PEOPLE`S DA?;LY, 14 Mar 81) .o~.o.oo,oo...o~.o0 41 Vehicles Carrying Narcotics To Be Confiscated (KEYHEIN, 24 Feb 81) ..........a.o.ooa............o...oa.o.. 42 9 Briefs _ Opium Discovered in Khorasan 43 Narcotics Recovered 43 - LEBANON ~ Briefs - Heroin Smugglers Arrested 44 Heroin Seized 44 L~{~anese Sniugglers, 1980 44 - - c - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - e Y~fEN ARAB REPUBLIC , State's Efforts To Levy Qat Cor.sumption Tax Detailed (llammud Qasim Barquq; AL-THAWRAH, 11 Feb 81) oo~ooa.o.~..� 45 _ SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA y LIBERIA Briefs Court for Traffickers Established 49 ~ WEST EUROPE - - AUS`l'RIA - Briefs Heroin Dealers Arrested 50 TRANCE - Narcotics Unit Police See Statistics as 'Disturbing' (J~an Paillardin; LE FIGARO, 20 Feb 81) o0oooooa�oo�~~~~~~ 51 _ UNITED KINGDOM _ Briefs ~ 34 Arrested on Drug Charges 53 - - d - ~ FJR OrFICIAZ USE ONLY . I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 - Bt~u~, ~ _ DRUG SUPPRESSION OPERATION IN MONG HSAT DESCRIBED BK231552 Rangoon Domestic Service in Burmese 1330 GMT 23 Mar 81 ~ - [Summary] "Deputy Minister of Information Col Aung Iitay, military attaches in Rangoon, the liaison officer of. the UN-Burma Program for Drug Abuse Control Phillip Zealey and foreign and local journalists today visited Mong Hsat tow~nship and stu4ied Operation 'Roar- ing Sky Phase Six' conducted in (Loi Lang-Taku) Region, Shan state's Mong Hsat township near the Thai-Burma border by the eastern military command " - - The guests, accompanied by Burmese officials and Director of People's Piilitia and Social Relations Col Sein Aung, f lew into Mong Hsat from Rangoon today. They were received _ at Piong Hsat Airport by Special Operation No 1 Co~nander Maj Gen Tun Yi, Commender of the 88th Light Infantry Division Col Than Shwe and other officials. "The guests led by Deputy Minist~r Col Aung Htay were briefed about Operation 'Roaring ` Sky Phase Six' at the Bayintnaung guesthouse of the 49th Infantry Regiment by Director _ of the Defense Services Intelligence Col Kan Nyunt. He said military attaches and foreign and local journalists were invited to this regica so that they could view the opium, opium refinery equipment and weapons seized during Operation 'Roar�~ng Sky Ph~~e Six' which was recently completed." He said Burma was endeavoring to eradicate the ~ narcotics threat with the cooperation of the people and in accordance with a resolution - passed at a People's Assembly meeting. Later, Director General of Police U Thein Aung explained Burma's endeavors to combat the drug threat and said that "in the current opium growin~ season, we have destroyed 6,4:7.83 , acres of poppy plantations and seized 55.35 kilograms of heroin and 725 kilograms of - opium. This quantity, tie said, does not include the heroin and opium sized OperaCion 'Roaring Sky Phase Six."' - "Next, Col Than Sl;we said the current operation was aimed at destroying opium refining camps and heroin and opium ref ining processes. Another operation connected with opium w~s 'T~ie Bloom of Hell' and that this operation was directed at destroying poppy planta- " tions. Six 'Roaring Sky' operations, inciuding Che current ene, have been launched in this region. The current 'Roar.~,ng Sky' operation was conceived through intelligence gathering by the eastern military command and the Chief of Staff's Office. Instructions were issued to destroy opium refinery camps in the (Loi Lang-Taku) region and their armed gangs as well as insurgents in the region. In accordance with the instructions, Operation 'Roaring Sky Phase Six' comprising one tactical operations command and three _ regiments under the close supervision of the 88th Light Infantry Divisian, was launched. "There were 7 clashes during the operation in which 30 enemy troops were killed, many others wounded and 1 wounded enemy soldier was taken prisaner. A total of 18 assorted - weapons, 3 communications sets, 2,000 baskets of paddy, 4 boats, a large quantity of - chemicals and opium refining paraphernalia, 23.2 kilograms of heroin, 6 kilograms of brown opium powder and 101.9 kilograms of black opium were seized. - - 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 "(~ur armv lust threc men who gave up their lives for the country. Fifteen men were wo~uided as a result- of mines planted by the Enemy." - The guests were later taken to the site of the battle in Bktu [dinko area ~ohere opium, _ _ opium refining paranhernalia and chemicals seized i�~ere displayed. Later, the guests returned to Rangoon via Mong Hsat. , ~ In addition to the heroin, brown opium powder and black opium seized during Operati~n 'Roaring Sky Phase Six,' the follawing seizures were also made: "120 bottles of ethyl _ - a]cohol, 24 bottles ~f chloroform, 4 viss [14,4 pounds] of lireestone, 4 bags of blea~hin~ powder, 14 packages of soda ash, 4 packets of wax, 17 packages of unidentified powder and 6.:ans of unidentified chemical salutions. Opium refining paraphernalia seized were 6 big - drums, 2 medium-size drums, 3 small drums, 22 other drums, 40 cans each with a capacity of - - 10 viss, 20 plastic square cans 16 (?flat cans), 6 plastic bowls, 3 alumint~m buckets, _ - 45�enamel basins, 3 enamel Funnels, 1(?lantern), 6 metal pails, 3 air pumps and 3 - weighing machines." CSO: 5300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 _ HONG KONG BRIErS IiEROIN POSS~SSION SENT~NC~--A 36-year-old man was yesterday sentenced to'4-1/2 ycars' imprisonment for possessing 17.32 grams of heroin for unlawful traffick- - ing. Wong Yui-wing Pleadeu' not guilty but was co~victed after trial by Judge Leathlean at Kowloon District Court. Wong had t}~reP previous coiivictions. The court was told that a police party, acting ~n, searched Wong's flat - in Fook On, Matauwei Road, on April 13 and found 69.84 grams of a mix- ture containing 17.32 grGms of heroin. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING , POST in English 18 Ftb 81 P 14] THAI NATION_AL ARRESTED--A Thai national who had been shadowed by Narcotics - Bureau officers since his arrival from Thailand on Monday, was arrested in an ambush in Kowloon yesterday and 1.5 kilograms of heroin base found in his pos- session. According to Superintendent Peter Pian, the seized drugs, whe*~ con- _ verted into No 3 heroin, would be worth $2 million on the retail market. Supt = Man believed that the 42-year-old Thai was on his way to deliver the drugs when detectives pounced on him. Detectives later escorted the man to his room in a hotel in Pak Hoi Street, Yaumati, where they seized two false-bottom suitcases which still carried traces of drugs. [Text] [Honn Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in I~nglish 20 Feb 81 p 1J HEROIN SYNI)ZCATT: CR~ICKED--Customs off.icers seized two kilograms of heroin base anci 10 kg of No 3 heroin worth $7.2 million on the retail market after a month- long investigation into a drug importing and 'istribution syndicate. The sei- zures were made during raids carried out yesterday and on Thursday. A 35-year- - olci man and a 28-year-old woman were arrested on Thursday night in connection with the seizures. [Text] (Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 21 Feb 81 p 1] . DRUG SEI7.URE STATISTICS--Police made 3,301 raids on illegal gambling establish- ments and vice ~iens last manth, a spokesman said yesterday. tinri-drug operations 7.ed to the rouncl-up of 462 people during 1,033 raids on premises and street searches. Drug seizure included 2.31 kilograms of opium, 617.4 grams of heroin, 158.7 grams of cannabis and 5.4 grams of morphine. [Excerpts] [Hong Kong SOUTH - CHINA MORNING POST in English 23 Feb 81 p 11] ' ~ 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 DRUG POSSESSION CHARGE--A 32-year-old man charged with possessing 461 grams of dangerous drugs was yPsterday refused bail and ordered to be held in jail - custody until March 12 when he will make his plea at Victoria District Court. Mr E. S. Yanne said at Western Court that he could not grant Ng Yuen-tung bail - because of~ the large amount of drugs involved. Ng is accused of possessing 461.24 grams of dangProus drugs containing 139.6 grams of salts of esters of morph;:ne at the Hongkong-Macau ferry wharf on February 14. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHiNA MORNING P~ST in English 25 Feb 81 p 14] - POLICLMEN 0~1 DRtIC CHARGES--~~o police sergeants and a constable were yesterday charged at Souti~ Kowloon Court with trafficking in dangerous drugs. No pleas � were taken from Sergeants Lau Chun-wah (28) and Sit Hoi-yuen (30) and Pc Chow Pak-lin (20). Mr Paul Corfe remanded them in the custody of the Independent Commission Against Corruption until Monday for further inqui,ies. Lau is - alleged to have trafficked in 0.18 gram of' a mixture containing 0.04 gram of salts of esters of morphine on January 5 in a car near Tung Tau estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon. Sit and Chow are accused of having unlawfully trafficked in 11.17 grams of a mixture containing 2.66 grams of salts of esters of morphine on January 7 in I.ion Rock Road, Kowloor City. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING PO~T in English 27 Feb 81 p 16] CSO: 5320 . ~ 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 1 - P~OPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA OPIUM, D~AULY HARVEST EXPECTED TO STOCK WORLD'S ILLICIT MARKETS Hong Kong THE SOCi1H CHINA MORNING POST in Er..glish 15 Mar 81 p 7 _ [Article by Denn:is Gray] [Text] HEROIN from Southeast _"The Chinese from Southeast Asia have Asia'S "Golden Triangle" is ex- ~n losing out over the past few ycars," says a senior western drugs expert. [t will be _ PCCt~C~ to stock the world'5,1~~ICli interesting to see if the Chinese and the Wcst markets over the next~ few months Asians start having shoot-outs in~ the streets following several lean years when of Amsterdam in the coming months." - West Asian traffiekers rea (I ille In ttie Triangle itself, the chief bentficiary ~ of the opium bonanza will bc Chang Chi-fu, big profits. . also known as Khun Sa, who begnn operating , Narcotics agents say opium is~now ~n the mid-1960s and nearly got wiped out in bein carried b orters fr~~m the big battles over the nar'cotics trade in that $ Y P decade. But today, Chang Chi-fu has emerg- BUrma's rugged Shan states to ihe cd as the opium king of thc Triangle. Thai-Burmese borders where His organisation, che Shan United Army elandestine jungle reCneries - large- (SUn), controls an estimatcd 70 per�cent of 1 controlled b a ruthless WaIIOid. the border narcotics trade, including at least Y y � seven of the largest refineries. called Chang Chi-fu - are prepared Tall and charismatic, Chang Chi-fu de- _ t0 ieflnC It int0 }1ei01n. scribes himself as a liberation fighter trying From there the deadly drug will spread out to bring autonomy from the Central Burmese by lorry, aircraft and seagoing vessels to other Government to his Shan ethnic group. But . Asian countries, the United States and Eu-, one western narcotics offcial, echoing the rope. opinion of most lawmen, labels him "a lousy � Chinese syndicates will handle the multi- crook, totally ruthless. He'll kill you just as million dollar ezchenges. ~malltimers will easily as sliakc hands with you if it sujts his . ~attcmpt to outwit 'the authorities in get-rich- purpose." . quick carries (heroin-stuffed condoms insert- The Thai Government issued a warrant for ed in the rectum is the latest smuggling trick, his arrcst on July 17, 1980, but he still agents say). reportedly flits in and out of his stronghold in - Last ye~r, lran, Af~hanistan and Pakistan the Thai village of Hin Taek in what to some produced the world's b~ggest opium crop. outsiders s::ems a travesty of justicc. US drug oFficials estimate that 1,000 to Despite improvements in reccnl years, 1,200 tons o( raw opium came from those some western nations rcmain sharPly critical cuuntries as compssred to a droughC-damaged of what they view as a half-hearted efforts by harvest of between 100 to t 50 tons in a tri- the Thai Government to crack down on border area oF I3urma,' Luos and Thailand traffickers like Chang Chi-fu and to lay down known as the "Goldcn Triangle." an effective blocking force to stop tlie heroin - But this ycar, Thai and western officials in dduge out of the 7'riangle. Chiang hlai -"Thailand's gateway to thc �'7'he Prime Minister (Gen Prem Tinsula- ' Triangle"-- say that Burrna may come up ~ nonda) is very serious atiout arresting Chang _ with 300 to 400 tons oF opium, Thailand with Chi-fu but he's got 2,000 armed men up e 30 to 50 tons and communist Laos with a not there. You can't send two policemen with an insignific:tnt, buistill unknown, quantity. arrest warrant," said the senior western ex- - This opium might yicld moro than 45 tons : _ oF. hcroin roughly valucd at U3S27 billion ~ This source, like other agents who work when sold on thestreets in the United States closely with the Thai enti-narcotics pro- or Western Europe. gramme, note that eliminating the opium � 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 warlords and syndicates simply tak~s a low impossible. 1'hese are located just inside the _ priority in Thailand, which is faced with an Burmese border in areas controlled by various tnternal communist insurgency, a hostile ribel groups. ' Vietnamcsc arrny in ncighbouring Cambodia The Thais and Burmese have failed so far - and other ills that bcset developing countries. to cooperete and the drug expert notes, "wha~ _ Hy~ contrast, the bordei with Burma is the Burmese army tries to move in, the jungl.; - relativcly peaccful aad the 'Thais are reluc- tom-toms warn of their coming three days in tant to stir up a hornet's nest and take advance. The traffickers just, pack up their ~ inevitable casualties if they movcd against the pots and pans.and vanish." ~ SUA, which can Celd between 2,500 and Another major worry for the drug fighters 4,000 well�a:med soldiors. is.the.involvement of communists. , . Corrupt officials also discourage serious Diplomats and 'Burmesc sources in Ran- anti-trafficking action. ~ goon ~ay there is indisputable evidence that _ _ ' In a hard-hitting recent speech, Thailand's ehe Burmese Communist Party has over thc ' National Security Council chief, Prasor:g past few years financed part of its fight Soonsiri; said: � � against lhe Central Government by allowing "Too often in the past our record has been the growing, harvesting and selling of opium marrcd by corruption. Given the vast profits in areas under its control. - in the narcotics business, narcotics traffckers Communist Laos has continued to allow - - are in a position .to oFfer police and other the growing of opium. Some of its is sold to _ _ Government officials vast surtis of money for legitimate pharmaceutical firms in Eastern their cooperation, protection, or simply to Europe and the Soviet Union but quantities of look the other way." heroin are smuggled into Thailand across thc With an estimated half a million addicts oF Mekong River boundary. its own, Thailand should not consider narcot- Tifere is controversy within drug enforce- ics just a"forei~n problem," Prasong warned. ment circlcs whcther the smuggling is done When crilicised, the Thais Point out that purely by individuals or whether the Govcrn- hitting the traffickers where it would hurt ment ~s getting a cut of the operation to hclp most "at the refineries"- is virtually stimulate the impoverishcd Laotian econAop y, ~ ~i CSO: 53~J0 ~ _ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 , ~ SINGAPORE BRIEFS FIGHT AGAINST DRUG I~NACE--Singapore, 14 March--World governments have been urged to step i~p national efforts to combat the mounting global drug menaceo The appeal _ came yesterday at the end of a five-day international drug conference here attended - by some 100 delegates from 14 c~untries, the United Nations and the Colombo P1an - Bureau. Delegates felt that it was urgent for their governments Co intensify the Fight agains~ drug abuse, particularly with the emergence of another lethal type of drug--the synthetics of "psychorropic" drugs. Developed countries were espe- cially urged to make efforts to check the flow of these psychotropic drugs to _ developing countries. The delegates felt special emphasis shouldbe placed on - setting up and implementing policies to reduce the dema.nd for and supply of illicit drugs. Penalties for drug offences should also have suFficient deterrent effects, " Delegates said that there were instances in some countries wh~re sentences handed ~ down by the courts did not reflect the gravity of the offence, NAB/AFp [Text~ ~Ra.ngoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 15 Ma.r 81 p 4~ CSO: 5300 - -1 - n 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 - BFRMUDA _ - BRIEFS _ FOURTH ON HEROIN CHARGE---A fourth man appeared in magistrates court yesterday in . _ connection with an a].leged conspiracy to imuort heroin into the Island. Keith - Burrows, of Verdmeilt Estate, Smith's is charged with exporting $35,000 U.S. cur- rency from Bermuda without permission. He is also accused of conspiring to import tieroin into Bermuda with Ali Killi, Alexander Seriki and Kurk Kennedy, who t~ave already appeared in court. Burrows is further charge~l with Kennedy and ~ Seriki of conspiring to import heroin into the Burrows was remanded in ~ustody for a week by acting Senior Magistrate the ~Jor. K. C. Nadarajah. [Text] [Hamilton THE ROYAL GAZETTE in English 17 Feb 81 p 3] CSO: 5300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 CHILE = AUTHORITIES CUNCERNED OVER RESUMPTION OF DRUG TP,AFFIC PY261509 Santiago ERCILLA in Spanish 18-24 Mar 81 p 10 [Excerpts] The b.reaking up of three important rings of drug traffickers during the past week is important evidence of poiice efficiency, but at the same = time it is a worrysome sign of the return of the ancient cocaine mafia to - resume the profitable business which made Chile famous in the - world a few years ago, The G'hilean authorities acknowledge a current increase of drug trafficking, Officer Raul Chenev:ier, chief of the Narcotics Investigation Department, pointed out: "We are aware that drug trafficking has increased, There is no doub t that there is greater activity in this sector." This concern is sliared by the state's defense council which, according to law, is an accusing party in any trial for drug trafficking within the ' country, Guillermo Ruiz Pulido, lawyer of the organization, pointed out: , The objective f act is that between 80 and 100 kg of drugs h ave been seized during the past 4 months, which proves a noticeable increase in drug traffic. - According to experts this phenomenon is due to the great demand in countries with a large market and high purchasing power, such as the United States and European countries. Lawyer Niicl~el Diban points oiit that ttie high prices paid in those areas make ~ - it worth the risk of having to set-ve sentences of up to 15 years imprison- - ment which drug traffickers run. The most important case of drug trafficking in past months involved a shipment of 1oca11y made ceramics to Colombia, In November the Colombian police seized 5 kg of. cocaine wt~ich had been placed in the false bottom of one of the trunks - containing the cer.amics. In Chile the investigations department carried out a lengthy and thorough investigation which led to the arrest of Mateo Guinart, a well-known big shot ~aho headed the group. The authorities managed to recover - 46 kg of 85-percent pure cocaine. . 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 This last f:igure i.s of great importance for the investigators of the countries _ for which tne drug is destined since ~-aith it they can figure the Fina.l _ quantities of the drug that will reach the consumers according to the decree a~ purity. To each gram of pure hydrochloride 15 gr of other ingredients are added. - Carabineros and civi.l police forces arres*_~d the members of three drug traffic rings during operations carri.ed out last week in Santiago and Valparaiso. These operations were the happy conclusion of an investigation which in February resulted in the dismantling of four laboratories installed in various towns of the fifth and metropolitan region, The press found very i_nteresting the arrest of former football player Sergio Ramirez, wtio was a member of one of the rings. However, it is even more important tha[ Filiberto Olmedo Rojas, alias "the king of cocaine," is - back in jail. He is interna*ionally known for his "skill" in manufacturing co caine. T.o des~rib~ him it is enoiigh to mention one item on his police record. In 1969 he was arrested for operating a laboratory where, according to his own _ statements, he praduced half a ton of cocaine. The amount of money he made selling his product was so enormous that he lost count of how much it amounted to . CSO: 5300 - 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 CHILE - ~ - BRIEFS llRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Santiago, Chile, 9 Mar (AFP)--The police have reported breaking up a ring of drug traffickers and seizing cocaine hydrochloride worth $1 million. The traffickers brought the cocaine base from Peru through Arica, Chile. The arrested persons are: Irma Victoria Makuc Pouliquen, Victor Alamiro Vargas O~ellana, Filiberto Olmedo Rojas, Ricardo Arnold Rocco Perez and Jose - Luciano Armijo Oyarzun, all Chileans. The polic~ have also arrested Luis Alberto Salgado Salazar and Ricardo Marchesserocco in Arica. [PY251539 Paris AFP in - Spanish 0138 GMT 10 Mar 81 EY] COCAINE FACTORY DISCOVERED--Santiago, Chile, 19 Mar (AFP)--The police have dis- covered a cocaine factory and seized 2 kilograms of cocaine in the Santiago area. The factory was run by Octavio Retamal Valenzuela, who got the cocaine base from - Bolivia. [PY251539 Paris AFP in Spanish 1521 GMT 19 Mar 81 PY] CSO: 5300 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 = COLOMBIA ANTIDRUG ACTIVITY FOR 1980 SUMMARI~ED BY F-2 OFFICI.AL _ Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 29 Jan 81 Sec A p 11 [Report on interview with Capt Leonardo Gallego Hernandez, chief of the National Police F-2 idarcotics Control Unit; date and place not given] [Text] Capt Leonardo Gallego Hernandez, chief of the National Police F-2 Narcotics Control Unit, disclosed that, although the efforts expended by the institution in the battle against the drug trafficking underworld have no* sufficed to eradicate its criminal acr.ivities, they have indeed caused it tremendous devastation, not only ~ because of the hundrsds cf captures made, but also because of the enormous and _ numerous seizures made both of drugs and vehicles used to transport them by these = organizations, for their clandestine shipments. - - Confiscations In an intervie.w with EL ESP~CTADOR, Capt Gallego Hernandez announced that, during the year that has just ended, the units under his orders carried out 75 operations against cocaine trafficking rings, seized 1,149 kilograms of the alkaloid, and locat- _ ed and destroyed 14 coca crops in areas belonging to the departments of Cundinamarca, _ Cauca, Valle and Narino, and others located in the eastern plains. _ As For the battle against marihuana traffickers during the same interval, Captain Gallego reported tllat it was carried out through 103 operations, in the course of - which 381,513 kil.ograms of the grass were seized, and a total of 74 plantations _ were discovered and destroyed. 594 Captured According to the r-2 official, the aforementioned police action served to about the capture of a total of 594 drug traffickers, 246 in cases involving cocaine, and 384 Eor marihuana trafficking. Added to these individuals are those - apprehended by other state entities, a considerable number of whom have been tried and sentenced. Aircraft and Ships Capt Gallego Hernandez commented: "As I said before, although our effort has not - been sufficient to completely check the serious socioeconomic problem of drug _ tratEicking, it hri5 servecl to ~tarkedlv reduce the activities of those engaged in - this criminal activity; because, in addition to the large number of. ca~~tures, during the same year of 1980 we managed to seize from the criminals 87 land vehicles, including campers, trucks, pickup trucks, automobiles and motorcycles, - 12 aircraft of various types, 13 vessels and a total of 150 firearms. 12 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300144414-2 ~ "These vehicles were placed in the service of thP various entities~~that take part in curbing the drug traffic in the country, in accordance with official rulings _ = which so permit." - Obstacles to Investigation Upan being questioned about the results of the investigations being carried out by _ _ the judges at whose disposal the accused are placed, the official remarked that, iinfortunately, in many instances they are not satisfactory, because, as a result of _ - a series oF measures adopted by the criminal organizations, the liability of those - - who are caught is lessened, and as a result very difficult to define. - ~ He said: "These or~;anizations usually devise various plans beforehand, so that tilhen any of their members fall into the hands of the authorities, they are perfectly prepared to face the judges and offer alibis aimed at benefiting the ringleaders. Thus, in the majority of cases the 'capos'~ of the underworld rings remain free from any charges, and the only ones to be jailed are the subordinates, who confess to being the only ones responsible for the drug trafficking, convinced that this posi- ' tion will serve to l~ave their chiefs help them from outside, by hiring lawyers and giving ttiem money ~o meet the needs of their families, while the trials are under - way, and a means is sought to obtain their release." - He added: "The foregoing situation causes a considerable percentage of those captured to be exempt from charges, since it is impossible for the investigators to submit evidence against them, precisely because one or more of those individuals admir to being the only ones to b7.ame, exonerating their comrades." ` Honest Judges - Capt Gallego tiernandez said that there have been a few instances wherein the crimi- nals have obtained a release thanks to the venality of the judges, but, fortunately, such cases are very few, and do not besmirch the effort that the other honest offi- - cials are expending. The ot-ficial added that the battle against the drug Crafficking organizations has become more difficult because of the increasing numbers of individuals who, lured - Uy L-lic big profits tliat they can accrue, try to join these rings, despite the danger that this criminal activity represents for them. - Attempts at Bribery ~ Tlle tremendous power of money is another factor which, according to Captain Gallego, , is used to advantage by the criminals to scoff the law, using all kinds of offers - and plots. He remarked: "rortunately, we have in our ranks men of great moral training, which makes them impervious to the attempts at bribery. , - "To prove this asserr_ion, we should recall that, after the discovery of a large ; laboratory in Natagaima, where nearly 600 kilograms of cocaine worth 540 million - pesos were found, the drug traffickers offered the F-2 agents that vast amount of drugs, in exchange for their release; an offer that was rejected, and that did not prevent those accused individuals from being captured and tried." ' ~ 13 i , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 - First f31ow of tl~e Year Tn l:C)I1CIllS1011~ he declared tiiat vast opgrations have been planned for this year against ttie specialized rings, and that`ttiese plans have already brought the first satisfactory results, with the discovery, on 15 January, of a laboratory on thp _ La Manguita farm, located in the rura:t section of Palmichal, in the jurisdiction of the Huila municipality of Tello, on.~the premises of �which were found 30 kilograms of cocaine, four drug traffickers were captured., and another was eliminated in the confrontation with the secret agents who made the raid. 2909 CSO: 5300 ~ 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 COLOMBIA ~ COCAINE SEIZURE INVESTIGATION TO BE REOPENED _ Bogota EL ~SPECTADOR in Spanish 30 Jan 81 Sec A p 27 - - [TehtJ The Superior Court of Bogota, with Magistrate Joselin Comez rledina officiat- in~; c~nd in the court of findings comprised of Drs Augusto Lozano Delgado and Panta- _ leon rtejia, conEirn?ed the indictment ordered by the 37th penal circuit judge against Fabio Garcia Villada, for the crime of drug trafficking, and also changed _ the prosecution orclered in the same decision for Oscar de .Jesus Arcila Osses to a temporary stay, for the purpose of reopening the investigation. Large Shipment The aforementioned individuals were captured on the night of 17 December 1979, when Ardila Osses was driving a van in the vicinity of the E1 Campin covered arena and nearly S00 kilograms of cocaine were found in the vehicle. Garcia Villada was driving behind the latter vehicle in a car in which the authorities also discovered a certain amount of the alkaloid. When the investigation began, Arcila Osses claimed that he was driving the van because Garcia Vil:.ada had offered it to him for sale, and he was testing it.. ~ The second accused, for his part, admitted to having received the vehicle with the cocaine in the town of F].orencia, from a third party whom he could not identify, and with whom, according to his story, he went to Bogota with the allcaloid. Reopening Although Garcia Villada's statement apparent].y exonerated Arcila Osses, the presid- ing judge called borh to trial for drug trafficking. It was then that Dr Hector Castillo Corredor, the attorney of the latter named individual, appealed the deci- - sion; and the court, while confirming the prosecution of Garcia, ordered a temporary stay for Arcil~, calling for his release, and ordered the investigation reopened. - 2909 CSO: 5300 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 COLOMBIA COCA PLANTATIONS FOUND IN CAUCA, PUTUMAYO - - Bogota EL ~SPECTADOR in Spanisn 3 Feb 81 Sec A p 25 - " [Text] Four individuals were captured by the authorities after the discovery of coca plantations in areas belonging to the department of Cauca and the governorship of Putumayo. _ The most important of these operations was carried out jointly by the DAS [Adminis- trative Department of Security], F-2 and members of the Assistant Prosecutor's " Office for the Judicial Police in the La Marcela rural section, magistracy of Gua- chicono, in the Cauca municipality of Bolivar, where a plantation containing 50,000 coca plants was located. The raid on the plantation was made in the early hours of last Friday morning, when no fewer than 30 persons were Engaged in collecting and packin~ the leaves of _ the plant which, as everyone knows, are the raw material for preparing cocaine. During the operation, those responsible for the cultivation, Emiro Zuniga, Reinaldo - Munoz and Nectario Zuniga (owner of the property) were taken into custody; while another individual identified as Nelson Zuniga managed to escape. Various items used for processing cocaine were sized, as were several firearms. As ' _ for th~ plantation, which had a capacity for producing raw material to prepare an enormous amount oF Lhe, it was destroyed. - The second blow at the drug traffic took place in a rural section of the municipality of Orito, in Putumayo, where a plantation containing 2,280 coca plants was discover- ed. Bernardo Ortega Erazo was captured there, while the owner of the property, Florindo Ortega, also succeeded in escaping. 2909 - CSO: 5300 16 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 COLOMBIA GROUP OF TRAFFICKERS, COCAINE SEIZED ' Bogota EL ~SPCCTADOR in Spanish 6 Feb 81 Sec A p 15 - - [Text] During the course of an operation which took place on Wednesday afternoon ' this week, members of ttie Attorney General's Office Antinarcotics Group discovered - a powerPul drug tr.afficking ring in Bogota, capturing five oF its members and - seizing over 3.5 k~ilograms of cocaine. _ The First Phase The new blow at the criminals specializing in this type of unlawful activity occur- _ red after a pursuit of the taxi with license plates SB-3935 made by officials from the Attorney General's Office. _ This vehicle was intercepted in front of house No 56-36 on 70-B Street, when three individuals were about to er.ter that buiiding. When the taxi was searched, the investigators found approximately 2,600 grams of the alkaloid cleverly concealed in some compartments of the vehicle. _ When the occupants of the vehicle, identified as Jairo Vallejo, an economist by ~ prafession; Lnrique Vega Cuesta, a biologist and civil engineer; and Jose David ~ - Rozo Rozo, driver of the tasi, had been captured, the officials from the Attorney - Gencral's Office searched the building in which the ring had its center of opera- tions, according to reports. rtore Cocaine In the house in question, Eloina Torres de Nino, owner of the property and identi- fied as the main di.stributor of the drugs, and Iedda Soibelman, a model of Brazilian nationality, who was found to have been in the country ~11egaZly for about 7 months, apparently acting as "mule" for the criminal organization, were captured. In the course of a detailed judicial inspection, the investigators from the Attorney General's Office discovered 900 paper containers, each with a gram of the alkaloid, hidden in the upholstery of a sofa and in the binding of the draperies of the room. Also found were several "dtim-dum" type bullets and feminine hygiene items which had apparently been used to conceal the cocaine by the women responsible for _ taking it abroad. A scale was also seized, as well as other items which are evidence o.E the activities that were being carried out in the residence. 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100014-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104414-2 Dealing Among the Youth ns the agents from t}Ze Attorney General's Office succeeded in establishing, each gram of cocaine was being sold by Eloina Torres de Nino for tlie sum of 1,300 pesos, and the dealing was being conducted primarily with young students residing in the _ nor~l~ern part of the city. _ The five captured iradividuals will be placed at the disposal af a judge of criminal proceedings, for purposes of in~~e~tigation. - It should be added that Jose David Rozo Rozo, the dri.ver of the taxi in which the first batch of cocaine was discovered, had been identified as an F-2 agent; but, _ when the identification papers that he showed were examined, it was found that tlley had expired. 'Chis individual had apparently been dismissed from the afore- _ mentioned police institution for bad conduct. _ r ka,�, p~ i _3~x~' . `aa } q ~~e"i~ ~ . . . . ' ,;;ffx"'. . ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ 1 . ~o~ � . ~ � 1 3 ~ C ~d ' / "K.,. ' . ~ y .~y~ . ~ , . � ~ ~ ~y ~ t , - E..: a' ~ .t ~ ~ . i~i~~/~^'~. Y ,.,n l. 2 . 0 . ruY~' ~x1w ~_