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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOI~ OFFIC[AL USE ONLY = JPRS L/9648 ~ 7 April 1981 USSR Re ort - , p ELECTRORIICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CFOUO 3/~81) = F~~i$ FOREIGN BROADC~IST INFORMATION SER~ICE � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 NOTE _ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language scurces are translated; those from English-language sources _ ar.e transcribed or reprinted, with the original'phrasing and - . other characterist;.cs retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets - - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) _ - or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line ~f a brief, indicate how the original information was _ - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are _ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enctosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in ~ontext. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item ~riginate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. ~ ' Ti1e contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIA"L USE O~~TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE 4NLY JPRS L/9648 ~ 7 Apri]. 1981 ~ - USSR REPORT - ELECTRONICS AN~ ELECTRI~~,L ENGZIVEERING (FOUO 3/81) CONTENTS ' .AN~.'LIFIERS - Microwave Transistorized Line~.r Amplifiers .......a.oooooooo.ooooo~~ooooo00 1 ANTEPTNAB Ship Antennas .............ooooooa.o....a..o..oo0 6 - CERTAIN ASPECTS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, MOTION PTCrURES AND TELEVISION On the (,'hoice of the Number of Sca.nning Lines of a T`,T Storage Camera During Transmission o~ Dot Ob~act~ 9 CERTAL~t ASPECTS OF RADIOASTRONOMY, SATELLITES AND SPACE VEHICLES - Ast~roorientation Methods and Instrumentat3on Examined .,,.o.a,oo.o.oo...o. 19 - COMMUNZCATIONS, COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENP, RECENERS AND TRANSMCTTERS, NE'I'WARKS, RADTO PHYSICS, DATA TRANSMISSION AND PROCESSING, INFORMATION THEORY - Operation and Organization of Radiotechnical Systems and Compl~xes - Described oa~~~~~~~~~~~~�.~~~~~aaoa�ao~~~~~~~~~au~o~oo~oouo~ooooaooouoaa 23 PHOTOELECTFIC PI~TOMENA AND DEVICES, ELECTROLUMINESCENG'E, ION DEVICES Anti-Stokes Luminescence and Its Possible Applications Describ~d 26 = PUB~I{,'i4TI0N5, IIVTCLUDING COLLECTIONS OF ABSTRACTS - Methods of Analyzing and Syni~hesizing Linear and Nonlinear - - Fil@C~iY'1C CilY'CUl~'iS �.�.~~~~~~~o.~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~aooao.ooooo~ou�.oo 29 = Monoelectronic Photosensors ..........................o.oooooo.oo.a.oooo. 33 - a- LIII - USSR - 21.E S&T FOUO] - r~/~a~ iYr~rr/+f � ~C~T! AwT~ V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . Municipal Telephone Cables; A Reference .................o................ 35 Problems of Electric Materials Science in the Production. - = and Operation of Electromechanical Devices 37 = Problems of the Effectiveness of Protective Measures - in Electric Facilities ...............................o................. ~+0 Tables of Generation Lines of Fax Infrared Sand Lasers With . Optical Pumping ~+2 � Use of Permanent Magnets in Electric Machines, Equipment and Instruments.. ~+k - RADARS, RADIONAVIGATION AIDS, DIRECTION FINDING, GYAOS Radio Brightness Contrasts of Ground Cover on Millimeter and Centimeter Waves ...............~.................................................o. 46 � = On tfle Spectrum of Radio Waves Back-Scatte~recl by a Sea Surface. 50 VARIOUS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, INCLUDING THEORIES ~ Innovations in Equipment for Destroy~ing Doc~ents 55 ~ b - _ - FOR OFFICIAT, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFI~'ICIAL USE ONLY AMPL~P~S~EH3 ~ UDC 621.375 - MICROWAVE TRANSISTORIZE~ LINEAR .AI~'LIFI~RS ~ Moscow LINEYNYYE TRANZISTORNIYYE USILITELI SVCH in Russian 1980 (signed�to - press 19 Mar 80) pp 2, 365-368 , [Annotation and table of contents from book 'Transistorized linear SHF Amplifiers", by Naum Zinov'yevich Shvarts, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 10, 000 cop ies ,~68 pages ] ['"ext] The book is devoted to the theory, design and principle"s of the = construction of transistorized linear microwave amplifiers. Qu~stions of _ modeling, stability and broadband matching of such amplifiers are treated, as well as methods of their design and realization. _ It is intended for radio specialiats involved in the development of transistors and amplif iers designed around transistors. ~ _ Table of Contents Foreword 3 - PART I. The Ma~or Questions in the Theory of Transistor~ and ~ ~ - Transistor~zed SAF Amplifiers 6 _ Chapter 1. TH.e Physical Principles of SHF Transistors ~nd The3r Mc~deling 6 l 1.1. Reasons for frequency limitations 6 - 1:.2. Models of SHF transisinrs 12 - 1.3. Transistor p~irameters ~ 30 = Chapter 2. Unstructured Models of SHF Transistors and the System~ of ~ Parameters Characterizing Them 37 _ - 2.1. General considerations 37 - 2.2. Systems of parameters for classical matrices. The conductance matrix 40 2.3. The system of S-parameters 43 ~ 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY - 2.4. The system of universal s' parameters. 46 - 2.5. The system of nonstandard s parameter�s 5~ ~ _ - Chapter 3. More Precise Specification of the Physical Model of a _ Micr~wave Transistor arxd its Analysis 5~ 3.1. The choics of the model and the tabulation of the s par.ameters 5~ - 3.2. A model with optimized parameter vaiues 63 3.3. The amalysis of the physical model 66 _ 3.4. A study of the invariant stability coefficient 71 Chapter 4. The Stability of Transistorized SHF Amplifiers 76 - 4.1. On coordinated approach~s to the study of stability 76 - 4.2. General criteria employed in the analysis oF the stability of transistorized SHF ,amplifiers 81 4.3. Criteria employed to study the stability of amplifiers in the case of variable and arbitrary loads. The unconditional and. potential stability 92 ~ = 4.4. On thP correctness of the model in the stability analysis 100 , 4.5. Towards a procedure for studying the stability of various - types of transistorized SHF amplifiers 107 - Chapter 5. The Noise Properties of Transistors and Transistorized _ SHF Amplifiers 113 _ 5.1. Noise in SHF transistors. Basi;, relationships 113 _ 5.2. An analvsis of the noise functions 121 5.3. The noise characteristics of multistagr~ amplifi.ers 123 5.4. The noise figure of an amplifier with dissipative equalizing networks 12~ - Chapter 6. Broadband Matching in Transistorized SHF .Amplifiers 129 , 6.1. The formulation of the problem. General relationships 129 - 6.2. Broadband matching to a generator of dual element complex loads by means of circuits having the structure c?f low pass _ filters 137 - 6.3. Broadband matching to a generator of dual element complex loads by means of bandpass networks 145 6.4. Broadband matching to a generator of camplex loads with - sever~+l reactive components 154 ` = 6~5. Matc:'u~ dual. element complex loads by means of very simple n~tworks wir~h lumped constants 159 6.6 Broadband matching of complex loads by means of circuits with . - di~tributed constants 163 ; 2 _ - F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; - PART II. Questions in the Theory and Design of Various Types of ' Transistorized SHF Amplif ier s 168 - Chapter 7. General Questions in the Construction and Design of ~ Transistorized Mi~crowave Amplifiers 168 7.1. Introduction 168 7.2. Design principles of transistoriz ed SHF amplifiers 170 7.3. Key questions in the analysis and synthesis of transistorized SHF amplifiers 174 7. Broadband mismatching in transistorized an?plifiers 177 Chapter 8. Broadband Transistorized SHF Amplifiers with Separate Matching 3nd Equalizing N.etworks 183 - 8.1. Dissipative equalizing networks of tran~istorized microwave amplifiers ~83 ~ 8.2. Amplifiers with dissipative equalizing networks 193 8.3. Amplifiers with reactive equaliz ing networks (~f/f~ < 0.3) 20U ~ 8.4. Ampli�iers with combined equalizing networks (1 < fup~Llower < 2) 203 . 8.5. On gain suppression outside the p assband of an amplifier 209 . Chapter 9. Broadband Amiplifiers with Eombined Matching and ~qualizing L3etworks 211 9.1. General considerations; the choice ol the initial approximations 211 - 9.2~ Amplifiers with reacti~e matching and equalizing networks 216 9.3. Amplifiers with dissipative nonresonant matching networks ' ~fup/flower ~ 1) 221 : 9.4. Amplifiers w3th dissipative resonant matching and equalizing " networks (~f/tp < 0.7) 224 9.5. Ghi the design of amplifiers with distributed pas~ive networks 226 ~ Chpater 10. Other Types of Broadband Transistorized SHF Amplifiers 232 ~ 10.1. Amplifiers with feedback 232 : 10.2. Amplifiers designed around trans istors in a common base circuit configuration 234 10.3.~Balanced amplifiers 235 - 10.4. Amplifiers using transistor pair s 23~ Chapter 11.Karrow band Transistorized SHF Amplifiers 243 11.1. Amplifiers with lumped selection filters 243 11.2. Amplifiers with reactive networks in the frequency range of K > 1 245 11.3. On the design of narrow-banc~amp lifier3 using grapical-analytical - methods 252 - 11.4. Amplifiers in the frequency range of K< 1 256 - 11.5. Amplifiers with neutralized f eedback 265 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ghapter 12. Cotaputex Methods of the Analysis and Synthesis of 2~4 - Transistorized. SHF Amplifiers _ 12.1. Methods of calculating the initi~l values of the parameters of _ matching and equalizing networks and the analysis of the 274 amplitude-frequency response on a camputer 12.2. Methods of optimizing the parameters of transistorized SHF 277 - amplifiers - 12.3. Examples of the machine synthesis and optimization of 281 transistorized amplifiers . Chpater 13. Methods of Measuring the Parameters of Transistors and 285 - _ Transistor.ized SHF Aa?plifiers 13.1. Methods of ineas~iring standard S-parameters 285 - 13.2. Methods of ineasuring nanstandard S-parameters 288 - 13.3: Methoda of ineasu�ring the main parameters of amplifiers 291 13.4. Experimental methods of studying stability 29~ 13.5. Experimental methods and techniques of realizing transistorized 298 - amplifie -s - Chapter 14. The Camparative Characteristics of Various Types of 301 - T~dnsistorized Amplifiers - 14.1. Areas of apu?ication 301 14.2. Circuit desigr solutions and electrical characteristics of 303 _ ~ broadband amplifiers 14.3. Circuit design solutions and electrical characteristics of 314 narrow band amplifiers (df/fp < 0.2) ' Appendix 1. Some parameters of low_power bipolar transistors 321 ~ Apper.dix 2. An example ~f the cal~.,lation of the power gain of a _ transistor in a caninori base circuit configuration, = neutr3lized by lo~sless netwark.s and matched at the input 325 and output = Append3.x 3. Design examples illustrating the methods of chapter 2 326 Appendix 4. Expressions characterizing the relationship between the 329 elements of various matrices~ df four-pole netw,s~,rks Append~ 5. The results of calculating standard S-parameters, the invariant stabilitq coefficient and the gain in a bilateral matching mode 332 _ Ap;endix 6. T~'-ulated vaZues of. S-parameters, the invariant stability coef~icient and the coefficient of. nonunidirectionality 334 ~521/S12~2 - Appendix 7. A system of ec.l�. ,,.~ions for the loop currents of the SHF 336 transistor model in Figure 3.2 _ 4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFFICIAd, USE QNLY ~ - Appenaix 8. The rest~?.ts af~ calculating the S-parameters for low f?-equencr and the regions adjoining this frequency range for 338 a transistor in a ca~mmon emitter configuration Appendix 9. Recurrent relations for the calculation of the camponents of 338 low frequency prototypes _ Appendix 10. The auxiliary quantities x and y needed for th~ _ calculation of the values of the camponents of low frequency ~ prototypes (for various values of the number n) or the compone.~~~ of the bandpass network for the Chebyshev and the 339 - m~imally flat approximations (Table P.12) Appendix 11. The derivation of the expression for the determination of the components and the transformation ratio of nonresiden~t 340 matching networks - - Appendix 12. The results of synthesizing a distrfbuted network of n 342 = line segements of equal length Appendix 13. The results of calculating ~the parameters of transistor pairs 345 Appendix 14. A procedure for designing the bias networks for two circuits 348 ~ Bibliography 350 ' Basic Symbols 360 Sub3ect Index 363 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 1980 - - [135-8225] 8225 - CSO: 1860 5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY " ANTEPTNAS ~ - UDC 621.396.676:b29.12. . SHIP ANTENNAS Leningrad SUDOVYYE ANTENNY in Russian 1979 (signed to press 10 Jul 79) pp 4, 270-272 [Annotation and table of contents from ?~ook "Ship AntennF~s", by Marat Vladimirovich - VershkotT, Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 4500 copies, 272 pages} - jText] The book generalizes and systema.tizes original m.~.terial on the methods of stuc~ying, constr~~cting, cal~ulating and designing ship antenna devices, ~.nd also on methods of m~ ;~~uring their ma~or para.meters . This work is based on the author's book "Ship Antennas'` published in 1972. The second edition includes additional material from research and development done over - the period from 1970 to 1977, which is of interest to specialists in the area of - marine electronicj and radio communicat~ons. ~ The book also gives information on suc'.i new types of ship antenna devices as top- l~aded vertical antennas, antennas with meander-line and inductive-capacitive load- _ ing, the wide-band multidipole antenna, the log-periodic directional shortwave . - an~enna, magnetic dipole reception antennas, UHF antenna devices and so oj:~,. _ The book is intended for readers dc~~-sainted with general antenna ~;heory. It is written mainly for scientists, tecrinicians and engineers working in development and - design of ship antennas and rad~r equipment. The book will also be of use to radio specialists in steamship lines, instructors, and students majoring in the corre- = sponding fields. - ~ Contents ~ Preface 5 Symbols and abbreviations 7 Chapter l. General Information on Ship Antennas 9 1.1. Classii~icati~n and types of ship antennas 1.2. Particulars c," marine radio communication 12 ~ 1.3� Particulars of ship antennas and major areas of development of ship antenna technology 13 - Chapter 2. Methods of Studyi..~ and Calculating Ship Antennas 15 ~ 2.1. Methods of theoretical investig-~.tion of ship antennas 2,2. Theory of the linear dipole and i+~ ma,jor characteristics 31 ~ 2.3� Ma~or technical parameters of transi~~itting and receiving antennas ~+3 2.4. Technique for calculating paxameters of linear ship antennas 55 - 6 - ~ FOR QFFICIAL USE ~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 ~ FOR OFFICI.AL USE ONLY = 2.5. Graphic-analytical method of calculating the static capacite,nce, - wavelength and normalized length of an antenna 66 2.6. Generalized criterion for evaluating efficiency of shiP antenna devices 70 2.7. Technique for determining the influence of inetallic structures on the - wor~ing efficiency of nearby antennas , 73 2.8. Technique for determining characteristics of a linear antenna mounted on a ped.estal 76 Chapter 3� Medium-Wave Ship Antennas 8i 3.1. Types of inedium-wave antennas - - 3.2. Top-loaded vertical ship antennas 85 , 3.3� Ccmbined top-loaded vertical ship antenna for medium and short waves 87 3.~. Top-loa~.ed vertical ship antenna with inductive-capacitive loadi:~g 91 3�5� ~eumatic antennas and prospects for using them on ships l0U 3.6. A method of improving efficiency of the antenna feeder channel of long--wave ` and medium-wave antennas 104 Chapter Shortwave Ship Antennas 110 - 4.1. Ba.sic requirements for shortwave ship antennas. Types of shortwave antennas ~+.2. Antennas with reduc~d wave impedance 116 ~+�3� Antennas with impedances connected in a break in the wire 120 4.~. Telescoping antennas 123 ~ ~+.5. Multiple-resonance antennas 1~5 _ ~+.6. Multidipole antennas 126 ~+.7. Ma~or requirements for directional shortwave ship antennas 132 ~+.8. Ways to reduce the dimensions of directional ship antennas 134 - 4.9. The log-periodic directional ship antenna 15~+ 4.10. Antennas with controllable radiation pattern 159 Chapt~r 5� UHF Ship Antennas 167 5.1. Ma,jor requirements for UHF ship antennas = 5.2. Types of UHF ship antennas 5.3. Outlook for using slot antennas on ships 17~ _ 5.4. Principal trends in solution of the problem of electromagnetic eompati- bili~y of marine UHF communications equipment 176 Chapter 6. Ship Reception Antenna SyGtem 183 = 6.1. Major trends in construction of the marine reception antenna system - 6.2. The wide-band ship reception antenna device 184 - 6.3. A device for operating several receivers from a single a:atenna 1.86 - 6.4. Reception antenna systems for combatting signal fading 189 Chapter 7. Outlook for Using Magnetic Dipole Antennas on Ships 195 7.1. Solution of thP problem of exciting a.finite magnetic core by a turn of wire � 7.2. Using hollow cores for magneti~ antennas 204 7.3. Medium-wave and shortwave magnetic ship antennas 207 7.4. Magnetic reception antenna for radio direction finding 211 _ 7.5. Traveling-wave magnetic reception antenna Chapter Designing and Using Ship Antennas 214 - 8.1. Problems of design 8.2. Ma~or laws of the influence of inetal structures on the parameters of ship antennas 8.3. Choosing the makeup of a ship antenna 2~~ 8.4. Choosing types and dimensions of ship antennas 226 8.5. Examples of calculation of ship antennas 228 8.6. Installing and using ship antennas 235 ~ 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 r vn ~r r l~~L u~r~ utVt,r . Chapter 9� Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurement of the _ Paramet ers of Ship Antennas 240 9.1. Principles and possibilities of modeling antennas _ , 9.2. Experimental model study of ship antennas 241 = _ 9.3. Measuring the input impedance of antennas 24~+ 9.~+. Relative method of ineasuring the gain, radiation pattern and radiation resistance of antennas 246 9.5� Ways of making dum~y ship antennas 250 = - Conclusion 25~+ Appendix. Insulators, antenna lead-ins, r-f cables, antenna switches 257 ~ References 267 COPYRIGHT: Izdat el'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1979 ~ [114-66io] ~ 6610 - cso: i86o 1 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 I ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ - CERTAIN ASPECTS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, MOTION PICTURES AND TELEVISION - " ~ UDC~621.397.331.001.57 ON THE CHOICE OF THE NiJI~ER OF SCANNING LINES OF A TV STORAGE ~~AMERA DURING TRANSMISSION OF Dd'T OB~TECTS - - M~scow TERHNIRA RINO I TELEVIDE1vIYA in Russian No 11, Nov 80 pp 46-50 _ [Article by V. P. Mandrazhi, L. L. Polosin, and A. Ya~. Ryf~in] [Text] Television systems using atoring tubes are being used widely not only in _ television broadcasting, but also in indnstry, spa~e studies, raedicine, nuclear technology, and astronomy. Television sy,~tems used in these areas not only repro- _ duce images, but also automatically determine the position, brightness, dimensiona, or the sha~es of individual details of the image. ror example, operation of the automatic raster matchina device in three-tube color TV cameras is based on the de- termination and comparison of the coordinates of reference marks of a special t~xt - in the red, green, and blue channels. 7~'V systems for astronomy not only expand the operational radius of a telescope, but also measure the coordinates and brightness of dot ob jects of stars . Aowever, during the reading of the charge pattern from of transmitting - storage tubes, the pulsation effect admptation of the reading beam is observed - [1, 2], which causes the shifting of the coordinates and distortion of the bright- _ ~ neas Qf small details of the image. These distortions, which, in principle, are - characteristic of light- signal converters using tubes, differ with respect to the field of vision of TV systems [6], depend on the dimensions, brightness, and the number of scanning lines, and until recently did not lend themselves to calcula- tions with the necessary accuracyo ~ The work [3] proposed a method of computer modeling of nonlinear processea of stor- _ ing, reading, and formatiQn of the signal current in transmitting storing tubes with preswitching amplification (secon, supersilicon) which are highly sensitive. This, _ _ in turn, made it poesible to create programs far mathematical computer simulation - of a TV storing camera from "light" to output signals and to select the parameters of a TV atoring camera during the transmission of dot objects. = The poseibilities of mathematical aimulation are shown by us below on an example of _ the optimization of the main parametera of the TV camera the number c` scanning = linea. Optimization was done by coordinate shifts in measuring the brightness., brightnesa distortions, and the value of the signal-naise ratio. However, this me- - thod, as is shnwn below, can be used without substantial changes for any TV images. - 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 , - FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ t/r ~ , 8 _ . 1 ' 6 , . 2 _ . 4 3 ~ 9 i 2 ~ X/~i ~ - . 3 -t -1 0 1 1 d Figure 1. Shapes of maximum-amplitude line video pulses for ITT = 2 B, ro a rl = 18 microns - . for various numbers of lines in the frame: ~ 1- z= 800 (qQ = 0,375); 2- z= 400 (ga = l,b); 8- z= 200 (gQ = 3); - z= 100 (ga = 6) ~ : ~o' ~1r - ~ _ i, ; ~ _ ~ ~ 's ~ - ~1~~4 _ _ ~~I - ~ r _ ,~t \ - -2 i f i ~ i p I t~,, +z m :r -z o ~ z a y%z~ . - Figure 2. Fnvelope of video pulses in the frame at z= 400 (g~,c ~ 1.5) , iJT ~ 2B, ro ~ rl ~ 18 microns. ~ - The results .,P m~*hematical simulation conducted in accordance with the method of [3] ensured good cc,~zcidence with the experimental data. Let us assume that we are - given the Gaussian distribution of tr,e electrons in the beam j(u,g) with a condi- tional radius.ri and full curr^nt of the beam I, as well as the Gauasian distribu- - tion of illumination in the i~uage of the 30~ object El(u,g) with a conditional ra- _ dius ro on the target of. the tube, As a aystem of coordinate~, let us take an or- thogonal normalized system u= x/rl, y/rl with the center coinciding with the beginning of the raster. 10 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY At a constant hei~ht of the target h, changes in the number of lines z lead to changes in the relative shifting of the lines gp ~ h/zrl ar.3 the band of the trans- mitted frequencies F~(z/zo)2Fo, where Fo is the optimal frEquency band for the ~ number of lines zo. The effectiveness of the accumula~ion of the potential on the target will be approximated by a function of the kind of CIC (U) s cos2 (agU), wh~re U-- potential accumulated on the target; aH `'1Z'/2Us,p coefficient inversely proportional to the potential of the signal plate U~~ . \ - We shalk approximate the secondary-emiseion characteristic of tlie target by a func- tion of the kind of Q(U)= 1-(1-0 )sin' " , U-ux.J " [ 2 Ux ~ where 6pq minimal value of the secondary emission coefficient: TJM potential of the target at which 6= 61,q; ITk cathode-taxget contact potential difference. _ The above approxima.tions correspond to the relations obtained experimentally for _ tubes with preswitching amplification [4] under the conditions that 0 1 U.~ (1.0 _ -1.2) iJM and 0< U G US,p which are practically always fulfilled. The method of calculating the video signal consists in the following. From the solutions of the - appropriate differential equations describing the processes of the storing and read- ing of the charge pattern, let us determine the stored potential in each frame and the postswitching potential after the reading by z-lines. This makes it possible to determine the poteutial of the target Un ~(u,g,z) in the m-th frame after read- ing the n-th line. The accumulated potent~al is the initial condition for the solu- tion of the differential equation of reading, and the postswitching potential is the initial condition for the solution of the differential equation of storing. By the _ obtained potential Un~m(u,g,z) with consideration for formula (2), it is possible - to determine the signal current at the output of the tube _ m. _ _ ~ ~l (u, q) [1- Q(~)1 ~g = _m - =(1-vx)~f J(u~8)sirt'~'~(Un~m(~N,~-UK]~X x dudg. . This formula was used to compute two-dimensional characteristics of the video signal for the following parametersl: storage ag ' 0.1, ro ~ 10-40 microns, Tg = 0.04 C, UT s 0.5-15 V, reading rl s 18.3 microns, g6 ~ 0.375-6 (z = 1600-100), tiM = 0,4, UM = 15 V, I~ 2 microamperes. Here, in accordance with [3], the following designa- tions are taken: tJT ~ E kEoTg/Co potential proportional to the maximum illumin- ation of the object; E-- integral sensitivity of the photocathode; k-- amplifi~ ~ cation factor of tlie target; Eo maximum illumination on the photocathode; Tg accun~ulation time (frame period); Co apecific capacitance of the target. = 1. The values of the parameters ag,r ,6m, I were selected in accordance with the ex- perimental data given in works [3~ and [4]. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 i FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Due to the large volume of computations, simulation was done on an YeS-1050 elec- ; tronic computer. It was done for one-inch supersilicons and secons and a square ahape of the working area of the target of 11 X 11 mm2. - Simulation showed that the shape of video pulses from fixed dot objects depends l~t- ~ _ ~ tle on the numbar of lines and is close to the Gaussian distribution (Figure 1). - When the number of lines decreases, Che trailing edge of the video pulse becomes somewhat flatter than the leading edge, and the video pulse shifts in the direction opposite to the direction of the movement of the beam. In Figure 1, the point x'/ _ - r1 = 0 corresponds to the position of tYi2 center of the dot object. At the illumination of the dot objects corresponding to the linear section of the light-aignal c:~aracteristic, the length of the video signal in the units of length adju~ted to the target does not change when the number of lines changes. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the amplitudes of video pulses over the frame lines m. Here, at m= 0, we took a line coinciding with the true position of the object, dashed lines are used to show the amplitudes of video pulses when the posi- tion of the lines shifts in relation to the center cf the object, and the dot-dash line shows the envelope of the video pulses in the frame. - a 6 ww ~7 6/f J !S 07J OJ.S! lS Q7S Q.Rf gd. ~P ~~J . ~ 1 ~p'~ I,0 = 1 _ 'S/Dy 1 I I I 3 J d _ .an. ~en t~cn ~ ~~w ~ ix~ ~a~ ~ ecn ~e'~ l Figure 3. The dependence of the amplitude of the video aignal (a) and the ratio (b) ~n the number of lines in the _ frame for ro = rl = 18 microns for different inten- - sities of illumir.ation of the dot object: 1-- U.r= 15 V; 2-- tJT ~ 2 V; 3-- iJT = ~1.5 V _ _ When the conditional radii of the sw~itching beam and the image of the object are equal (rl = ro a 18 microns), the length of the video signal both along and across the lines at a level of 0.5 its amplitude is 2.2-2.+ rl (Figures 1 and 2), For ~ one-inch secons and supersilicons this corr.esponds to 40-44 microns on the target or 65-70 microns on the photocathode of r_he tube. When the frame was broken into = 287 active linea, the experimentally measured length of the video pulse was 46 12 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE O1NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 _ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY - microns on the tar~et of the supersilicon diode tube, which coincides with the re- sults obtained through computations. - An increase in the number of lines (decrease of g6) leads, on the one hand, to a linear increase of the signal amplitude due to an increase in the rate of reading, _ = and,on the other, to a drop in the signal due to an incre~se in the preliminary read- _ - iug of the charges [1]. When the number of lines is changed in tu~es with preswitch- ing amplification, changes in the reading aftect greatly the value of the signal. _ Therefore, the amplitude of the video signal increases as the number of lines in- _ creasea (Figure 3, a). And when the frame is broken up into a small number of lines - z~ 260(g~ = 2.25), there is practically no preliminary reading and the amplitude - of the signal increases considerably as the number of lines increases. Further in- - in the number of lines i.s accompauied by an increase in the preliminary read- _ ing of charges which slows down the growth of the amplitude of the video signal, and _ in the range of z= 300-1600 lines it depends little on the number of lines. The obtained dependence of the amplitude of the video signal on the number of lines in the frame was confirmed experimentally for an one-inch supersilicon diode tube in _ the range of z= 200-800 lines. The greatest increase in the amplitude of the video. signal resulting from an increase in the number of lines is observed for images of � dot objects with lesser illumination and with smaller dimensions. For example, for iTT = 2 V, when the number of lines increases from z= 200 to z s 800 (g6 = 3-0.75) and the conditional radii of the image of the object are ro = 10 microns and ro = 40 _ microns, the amplitudes increase 7.2 and 2.9 times, respectively. The signal amplitude depends on the po~ition of the object in relation to the lines of the frame, i.e., on the microdisplacement G(Figure 4) displacement of the position of lines in relation to the center of the image. The fewer lines in the - frame, the stronger is this dependence. Let us evaluate the changes in the ampli- _ " tude of the video signal during the changing of the microdisplacement G by the coef- ficient of signal variation L a imax'lmin~imax Whose dependence on the number of lines is snown in Figure 5. A thirty-fold change in the illumination of the object leads to a change in the val- ue of L not more than by 10%. The value of the coefficient increases,sharply as the number of lines decreases, exceeding 50% at 180 scanning lines (g6 = 3.3) ar?d 70% at a 140-line scanning (g6 = 4.3). It follows from this that, when the video signal is quantized by the 0.5 imax level, the signal,may disappear at 2= 180, and when quan- - tized by the 0.3 imaX level, it may disappear at z= 140. This limits the possibil- ity of using the decomposition into z;C 200 lines when detecting the object by the amplitude of the video signal. - Changes in the number of lines in the frame leads to the shifting of the position of " the pulses of the video signal in relation to the center of the image of the dot object both along and across the lines [5]. The line and frame coordinate shifts of - the center of gravity of the video signal in fractions of the radius of the switch- ' ing beam were determined by the following formulas [6]: ~i k~mA ~ ~ mtmk u0 ~ ~ tmn ~ !:o = ~ t So, - mk m k m k 13 - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; where k-- r~ading number along the line in relation to the center of the of the object (Figure 1); m-- number of the line being switched (Figure 2); imk value of the k-th readir.g of the video aignal along the line on the m-th line. i i~~r , - ~ 8 : 2 F 6 , J y = = q 1 ~ _ ~ ; ' ~ OZS q5 0,7f 10 Fi~ure 4. The dependence of the amplitude of the video ~ , pulse on the position of the object in rela- - - tion to thc switching lines for iJT = 2 V, ro = rl = 18 microns for different number of ; lines in the frame: _ 1- z= 800 (go = 0,75); 2- z= 400 (go = 1,5); 8- z= 266 (ga = 2,25): 4- z= 200 (gQ = 3); 5- z= = 100 (ga = 6) - The,dependence of the line and frame coordinate shifts on the number of lines is ` given in Figure 6. As the number of lines increases, the frame coordinate shifts go increase due to the increase in r'e preliminary reading of the charges, while the line coordinate shifts, on thF c:~ntrary, decrease due to the decrease in the - stored charge after the reading by ;.he preceding lines. The values of the coordin- - ate shifts increase as the illumir..ation of the ob~ject increases [3] and may exceed _ 0.6 rl. For example, at U.r = 1~ J their values were uo(z = 100) =-0.83 and go(z = 1600) _ -0.62. In developing TV systems intended for measuring the coordinates of objects, incre- ments of coordinate shifts L~uo, Q go during changes in the light levels of dot _ objects are of primary interest because, unlike the absolute values of uo, go, they are difficult to compensate. When the number of lines increases, A.go increases and l1 uo decreases, and their values may exceed 0.5 rl when the light level of the _ object char~~s by 30 times (Figure 7). _ It is expedient to select the number of lines in the frame ar which the measurement - - errors of the coordinates do not exceed the prescribed value by the minimal values _ of increments of coordinate ~'._Fts Q uo = Q.go and the minimal total error = e = Vauo + ego . . _ ~ = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 ~'OR OFFICIAi, USE ONLY ~ 6 J LS 4:5 a~s _ ~d` - 60 ~ 40 10 Z >Q7 1Q7 9~t7 BQ7 t6A7 Figure 5. The dependence o~ th~~ signal variation coefficient on the number of lines in the frame at tTT a 2 V, ro = rl = 18 microns. 0 0 " ~ ~ ~ .acn ~ar fsca ~ ~ - �d ~ _ ~y ~ _ ' s _ .Q4 - f - 46� ~ - s -~s 9 ;s 4,is 497d - Figure 6. The dependence of the line (1, 2, 3) and frame (4, - 5, ~6) coordinate shifts on the number of lines in the frame for ro ~ rl ~ 18 microns at various light - levels of a dot ob3ect: ~ 1, 4--UT�O.SV; 2, S--U.r=2V; 3, 6--t1T a15B _ - Due to the exchange nature of the relations Q uo = f(z) and .Q go = f(z) , the number of lines by the first criterion should be determined from the condition A uo n Qgp which is fulfilled for rl = ro at g6 ~ 1.76 (Figure 7) . At rl = 18 microns, this corre sponds to the decomposition intq 330 active lines. In this case, - the values of the increments of the coordinate shifts do not exceed Q uo � ~ go � - 0.3 in the dynamic range uf the light levels of 30. - 15 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY n uo,aga - ~ ma aao aov scn iran P 01 - 1 > �44 J _ �ass 3 ,s o,~s a3~s Figure 7. The depzndence of the increments of the line Qiio - (1) and fr3me a go (2) coordfnate Fhifts, as well as o=j/' eua+ ego (3) on the number of lines - in the frame. - - The number of. 1Lnes by the second criterion should be found from the condition of _ the minimum of the value of d(curve 3, Figure 6) which is fulfilled at g6 = 2.2. Hawever, in the broad range g6 = 0.75-2.85, the value of 11 char.ges little and at _ g'~ = 1.76 it practically coincides with the value of A at gb = 2.2. Therefore, _ it is hardly practical to use the second criterion. L Let us examine the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the camera on the number of scanning lines. The noise of. transmitting cameras using a secon is determined by the noise of the input stage of the preamplifier. When the number of lines in the frame changes, the frame frequency is constant, and, conse- quently,.when the upper cutoff freqv-ncy F of the preamplifier changes, it is ex- pedient to change the resistance c+f the tube load Rg in inverse proportion to the - cutoff frequency F so that RgCinput ' a/F (a proportionality factor; ~in~ut spurious capacitance). In this case, the frequency characteristics of the input ~ circuit of the amplifier normalized to the cutoff frequency F will not change. When ~ Rg is changed, let us also maintain a constant transmission coefficient of the input - current preamplifier, for example, by changing the amplification of its output~stages. In this case, the effective noise voltage 6cu at the output of the preamplifier will change in proportion to and the signal amplitude in proportion to the output current of the transmitting tube i~. Let us determine how the signal-to-noiae ratio ~ ~ U~/6~ty will change at the - camera outF~~�r in relation to the signal-to-noise ratio 't~ o determined for the n number of lines and the prescribed light level U.p: $ (z) - - Uc . . Qm (z o~ ~ 1) _ 'ho - Uc ~Z~ ~ �m ' As has been ahown above, 0 16 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFF'ICI:~L USE ONLY _ �m (=ol _ . Fo , Fo _ r so l~ ~ om (z) F F ~ 1 _ _ , - _ (2) = Ua (z) (z) ' _ . U~ ~z~ - ~z~ . From the expression (1), with consideration for the relations (2), we shall obtain - ~ ic (Z).. .ZO ~3~ ~ ~o = (za � z ' - By using formula (3), given i~(zo) and zo (determined, for example, from Figure 3,a), - it is possible to find how the signal-to-noise ratio changes with changes in the num- _ ber of lines. The noise of a transmitting camera using a supersilicon:. tube in the absence of a light background is determined by the noise of the preamplifier. With the accuracy = - necessary for practical work, it is possible to assume that the noise of a super- - silicon tube, just as the shot noise of the first stages of the amplifier, have an even spectral composition. Therefore, formula (3) can also be used for cameras using _ the supersilicon-type tubes. _ Let us take the signal-to-noise ratio at z= 400 and iTT = 2 V as the initial value _ of ~ o. The dependence of the signal-to-noise rati4 t~ normalized to '1~10 on the number of lines for various light levels of a dot object are shown in Figures 3,b. The signal-to-noise ratio remains practically constant at gs ~ 2.5, and then de- - creases as the number of lines increases, which is due to the increase of r.oise to a greater degree than that of the video signal. For great light levels, the de- crease of 't~1 with an increase of the number of lines becomes sharper (Figure 3, b, curve 1). _ The above analysis makes it possible to select an optimal number of lines in the - frame not only on the basis of the ma.ximal signal-to-noise relation, but also by ~ the minimal increments of two-dimensional coordinate shifts appearing during the changes in the illumination of a dot object, but also by permissible fluctuations of the amplitudes of the video signal at various positions of the object in relation = to the lines. This is a line-by-line decomposition with a relative shift of lines : of g6 a 1.7-1.8, which, at rl = 18.3 microns, corresponds to the decomposition into 320-350 lines. In this case, the loss in the signal-to-noisE ratio at low light : levels of the ob~ect is 20% in comparis~n with the maximal attainable 'lY for the given light level (Figure 3, c, curve 3), and the change in the amplitude of the _ video signal due to a random position of the object in relation to the lines does not exceed 30%. It should be noted that the characteristica of the detection can be improved if the object is detected not by the mdximum signal, but by the sum of the values of the _ readings of the video signal ~~i~?k from all lines where the signal exceeds the ~ threshold level. The simulation has shown that, in this case, the coe~ficient of - 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE OT1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` the unevenness of the video signal L increases considerably less as the number of - lines decreases. When this detection algorithm is used, the relative shifting of the lines can be increased to g6 = 2.5-3 and a.gain can be obtained in the signal-to- noise relation witY~ an insignificant decrease in the accuracy of ineasurements of the coordinates along the line. - Conclusions 1. The mathematical simulation of the characteristics of a TV storag~ camera from - "light" to output signal~ makes it possible to give recommendations for selecting its basic parameters. _ 2. The increments of the coordinate shifts caused by changes in the light level of a dot object are minimal at distances between the lines of 1.7-1.8 of the radius of ` the switching beam, which corresponda to decomposition into 320-350 active ?ines for one-inch secons a~a~ supersilicons.. _ 3. The signal-to-noise ratio does not change when the number of scanning lines in- - creases to 200, and then begins to decrease. Bibliography . 1. Ryftin, Ya. A. "Televizionnaya sistema. Teoriya'! [Television System. Theory], Moscow, Sovetskoye radio, 1967 . ~ 2. Gershberg, A. Ye., and Mikhaylov-Teplov, N. N. "Calculation of Valuf~;, of Vidicon Signals with Arbitrary Ovexl3~ping of Lines", ELEKTRONNAYA TEKHNIKA [Electronic Engineering], Series 4. ~lectron Ray and Photoelectric Instruments, - No 3, 1967 = 3. Polosin, L. L., and Ryftin~, A. Ya. "Parameters of Video Signals from Moving Dot Objects in Transmitting Tubes wi*"~ ^reswitching Amplification", TEKHNIKA SREDSTV SVYAZI [Communications Enginee~in;], Series "Television Engineering", No 5, p 35, 1978 i 4. Venediktov, N. Ya. "Studies in the Formation Processes of a Signal in Transmit- ting Tubes with Secondary Electronic Conductivity and Development of Instruments ~ of This Class", Candidate`s Dissertation, Leningrad, Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. U1'yanov (Lenin), 1976 5. Ryftin, A. Ya. "Signal from a Point Source at the Output of an Ideal Storage _ Tube (a Case of Line-by-Line Scanning)", VOPROSY RADIO ELEKTROTTIKI [Problems of Co~nunica*.ions Electronics], Series "Television Engineering", No 4, p 49, 1973 _ 6. Gorelik, S. L., Mandrazhi, V. P.; and Ryftin, A. Ya. "Special Features of the Development of a Television 5ystem for Measuring Coordinates Using a Storage Tube", AVTOMETRIYA [Autometry], No 6, p 9, 1978 Al1-Union Scientific Research Institute of Television COP'YRIGHT: "Tekhnika kino i televideniy:y", 1980 , - Lios-~_o,2s::] 10,233 CSO: 1860 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 �t - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ CERTAIi~T ASPECTS OF ~DTOASTRON01`~!Y , SATELLI~I'ES AND SPACE VEHICLES UDC 629.7.054.07:629.78.058.53 . ASTROORIENTATION METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION EXAMINID - Moscow SISTEMY ASTRONOMICHESKOY ORIYENTATS II K06MICHESKIKH APPARATOV in Russ ian - 1980 (sigaed to press 24 Mar 80) pp 2-4, 144 ~ [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from boak "Space Vehicle Astroorientation _ Systems", by Valentin ivanovich Kochetkov, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 950 copies, 144 pages] [Text] This book presents the basic questions of the theory and princ iple of con- - structing space vehicle orientation-cantrol systems with the help of star-track ing sensors wrhich sight on single stars in the~star f ield. Equations are introduced which relate the orientation parameters to astronomical m2.asuremeats. Laws of reorientation control are synthesized which a re optimal � with respect to response time and energy expeaditure. Considerable attention is denoted to the desi~ and the statistical analysis and optimization of parameters of.aserosystems which are sub3ect to random perturbations. This book is intended for senior technical personnel engaged in the design of space - vehicle control sqstems. - Foreword A space vehic~e flight-control system ia designed to control the movement of the vehicle's center of mass and to control its orientation (its movemen t around the center of the mass). For the majoritq of space vehicles, orientation control is the basic mode of movement control and is carried out continuously or periodically during the operation of onboard scieatific apparatus requiring a specific attitude f or the space vehicle. - The accuracy of orientat3on control can vary and is determined bq the vehicle's purpose. For example, an accuracy of 10-20� [28] is sufficient for the orientation of solar oatteries and antennas with a wide aperture of directivity. The ma~ority of space vehi~les require an accuracy of orientation on the order of a few degrees or a little more. There are, however, a number of missions, such as the study of space and the trajectory correction f or interplanetary space vehicles, which - require an accuracy of o~ientation control no worse than a few degrees or even _ fractions of angular minutes [2, 28]. 19~ FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Various meaas can be employed for orieatation control. Optical means based on tbe Lse of solar, plaaetary and as~tral., senaors are the most widely used. At the present time, the accuracy of solar and planetary sensors is limited to tens of gngular minutes [15]. Star sensors (astrosensors) can, in essence, offer very high accuracy (up to a f ew angular seconds [28]), since atars are point-sources of light and their coordi- _ naXes 3n the celestial sphere are known with very great accuracy. 1fi is is explain- , ed by the fact that experts in recent yeare have devoted a great deal of attention to the prob2ema of constructing highlq accurate astronomical systems for space vehicle orientation control. ~ _ At the present time, various types of star sensors have been created which can - be successfully employed on space vehicles. A number of boeks and articles [5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 24, 30, eL� al.] ars devoted to questions of employing star sensors f or navigation on aircraf t and apace vehicles. - This book is an attempt to summarize and systematize certain data. Along with the theoretical aspects (the derivation of the basic equations relating celestial measuremeats to the parameters of orientation, the synthesis of laws of reorienta- tion control, ~~c.), data are presented on the selection of functional arrangements - for the various types of astroorientation systems. Examples of solutions to prob- lems of statistically optimizing their parameters are also cited. The book is logically structured in the following manner: - princ.;iples for the construction and c].assif ication of astroorientation systems are presented; data for celestial refe~ence points and the characteristics of prac- 'ticable instruments for their direction finding are cited (chapters 1 and 2); - basic astroorientation equations are derived and optimal laws for reorientation (turn) control of space vehicles ar_ synthesized (chapters 3 and - diff erent versions for the construction of fimctional arrangements realizing the astroorientation equations ~r~ proven to be valid; steps are proposed for the - statistical optimizatian of the parameters of the arrangement selected; the criter- ion of "max3mwn probab ility" and the method of "statistical points" are substan- tiated for this purpose (chapters 5 and 6). The application of astronomical devices which insure a high degree of accuracy to or i~nt space vehicles is expedient only on those segments of the orb it where high accuracy is necessary, for example, during the operation of the scientif ic apparatus. '"his is explained by the fact that highly accurate orientation demands a higher ti. i ljs~~a.l expp.nditure of energy (propellant) . For this reason, when a high degree of c~i.entation is not required, the space vehicle, as a rule, is oriented in an economical mode with reduced accuracy and the use of simpler methods and instrumenCs, without calling upon complicated computer equipmeni. A numb er of the astroorientation equations presented in the book belong to ene "accurac}~" stage of dual-mode space v~hicle angular movement control. With the aid of other equations (when using star .:P.nsors that sight on the star field), 20 FOR OFF IC IAL US E QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY one can determine the apace vehicle's attitude with great accuracy, even when it - - is grossly disoriented in spac~; that is, when its prior at~itude is not kno*.,in. After 3etermin~ng the attitude of such a space vehicle, it is necessary to reorient _ th~ craft in the required attitude by turning it about its ceuter of mass. ~ - The author expresses grgtitude toward his reviewer, Candidate of Physicomathemati- - cal Sciencea P. A. Barankov, for his valuable advice and notes which contributed to improving the book. Contents Page . _ Foreword . � � � � � � � ' ' ' 3 - Chapter 1. Principles�of.Construction and Classification of Space Veh~.cle - _ Astroorientatian Systems . . . . . . . � � � ~ � � � � � � 5 1.1. Problems of controlling the orien tation of space vehicles 5 . 1.2. Principlea of space vehicle astroorientat ion. Coordinate systems. . 6 , - 1.3. Clasaif ication of astroorientation systems . . � � � ~ � � � 8 Chapter 2. Celestial Reference Points and Instruments for Their Direction-finding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � � � 12 2.1. The celestial sphere and systems of celestial coordinates 12 2.2. Celestial reference poiats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 _ 2.3. Characteristics of star sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 _ Chapt~r 3. Determining the Attitude of Space Vehicles Using Celestial Reference Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. , 3.1. Determining the attitude of a space vehicle in an orbital system of - coordinates when utilizing incomplete data from two star sensors _ sighted an single celestial ref erence p oints . 38 3.2. Determining the attitude of a space vehicle in an orbital system of coordinates when utilizing complete data from two star sensors sighted on single celestial ref erence p oints . 43 3.3. Determining the attitude of a space vehicle in an inertial system of - - coordinatess using star sensors sighted on single celestial reference points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.4. Determining the attitude oi a space vehicle with the aid of a single source of radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 _ 3.5. Determining the attitude of a space vehicle using the star f ield 55 - 3.6. Evaluating the accuracy of astroorientation . . . . . . . . . 63 ~ - Chapter 4. Synthesis of Laws f or the Control of Space Vehicle Reorientation. 72 - 4.1. Problems and criteria of space vehicle r eorientation control 72 _ 4.2. Synthesia of a reorientation control law, optimized for speed of ' reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3. Synthesis of a reorientation control law, optimized f or energy expenditure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.4. Synthasis of a reorientation control law, optimized for energy expenditure during a f ixed period of time for the transition process = 4.5. Determining�the weight coefficient a. �Special control laws. 87 21 F OR OFF IC IAL US E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - F OR OFF IC IAL US E ONLY ~ - Chapter 5. Functional Arrangement af Space Vehicle Orientation Control 95 Systems Star Sensors. . . . . . . . � � � � � � � � � 5.1. Aatroorientation systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 5.2. Stellar monitoring sqstems. . . . . � � � � � � � � � � 96 5.3. Manually controlled astroorientation sys~ems. . . . . . . . . 101 5.4. Principlea of coastructing a single self-reacting space vehicle , navigation and orien~ation sqstem using star sensors 104 5.5. Star sensor aligament and celeati,al reference po3.nt search and _ acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Chapter 6. Statiatical Analysis and Optimization of Astroorientati~n _ Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . 6.1. Stating the problem . ' . . . . . . . . . . � � � � . . 111 6.2. Selectiag the method and criteria far statistical analysis of - astroorientation systems. Steps in the analysis. 112 6.3. Sta~istical analy sis of astroorientation sy stFms 114 , 6.4. Statistical optimization of the parameters of astroorientation sqstems . . . . . . 125 6.5. Apply inq the method of statiatical optimization~to�the problem of syuthesizing a semiautomatic digital space vehicle attitude coutrol sy:?tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 - APPPndix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Bibliagraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 COPYRIGIiT: Izdatel'atvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1980 [132-9512 ] ~ - 9512 - _ CS 0 : 1360 : - 22 ~ F OR QFF IC IA L US E Ol`1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ COMMUNICATIONS, COMMUNICATTON EQUIPMEIV7.', RECEIVERS AND TRANSMITTERS, - NETWORKS, RADIO PHYSI~S, DATA TRANSMISSION AND PROCESSING, INFORMATION THEORY ~ OPERATION AND ORGANIZATION OF RADIOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPLEXES DESCRIBED - Moacow ~SPLUATATSIYA RADIOTEKFII~IICHESKIKH SISTEM in Russian 1980 (signed to press = - 19 Mar 80) pp 2-3, 222-223 - [Annotation, introduction and table of contents from book "Operation of Radio- - - technical Systems", by Aleksey Yakovlevich Alekseyenko and Ivan Vladimirovich Aderikhin, Voyenizdat, 15,000 conies, 223 pages] [Text] This book examines the bases for safe operatian of r,adiotechnical systems and complexes and provides practical.recommendations for the organization of these operations among the troops, based on ergono~ic requirements. The material is _ illustrated wi:~h examples of radiotechaical systeIDS used in testing and ~ aircraf t. . This book is intended for military, specialists engaged in the operaeion of radio- technical systems and complexes and wil.l also be useful for students in higher educational institutians of the corresponding fields. . Introduction - The present-day development of the USSR Armed Forces is characterized by the con- tinuous improvement of their technical equipment. The scientific and tecr:~ical progress has brought about the emergence among the troops of new techn ical means _ of tr_ansmitting, processing, radiating and stor ing inf ormation. To these also _ belong complicated data and measurement radiotechnical systems and complexes (RT's = and RTR's). ~ In order to maintain the equipment in a high state of readiness, it is necessary not onlq to know and operate the equipment to perfection, but also to organ~ze . and carry out its operatian on scientific bases. Co~anders and engineers who - deal with questions of oper.ation must clearly present the conditions and factors upon which depend the successful executiou of the assigned mission. Ttaey must also be able to monitor changes in the ~~pet~ating conditions and the technical ; status. Only the strictly scieatif ic organization and perforIDance cf the ,entire _ - complex of ineasures associated with the operation of the equipment will make ~it possible to solve the problems of radiote~hnical systems and compiexes with a given~ - degree o� effectiveness. In this book, the reader is presented with a statement of the scientif ic bases for the organi2ation of operations, proc.eeding from co~on meChodical positions. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A1so presented are the methods of insuring a high degree of readiness for compli- cated radiotechnical systems and complexes among the troops. Standard measures _ ~saoc iated with preparing the equipment for use and with maintenance, repair and - storage are examined. Methods of evaluating the inf luence of various oper~tional c.hara~teristics are provided, as well as indic~Cors of the quality of operaticm, - based on ergonomic requirements. The basic regulations f or establishing the saf.e ~ = operation of radiotechnical systems and complexes are cited. The presentation is carried out with the use of computing equipment accessible to commanders and eng3neers operating complicated radiotechnical systems and complexes. ~ The book was written using information f rom open domestic and foreign literature, _ with consideration given to the requiren?ents of State Standards for equipment and terminology. ~ - Contents Page - Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1. The Scope of Military Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 _ 1.1. General nature of radiotechnical systems and complexes - 1.2. Princ~~les of organizing the operation of radiotechnical sy~r^..:.s among the troo~s . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ` 1.3. Stages of military operation and their scope 11 _ 2. An Account of the Ergonomic Factors During the Operation of = Radiotechnical Systems and Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.1. Basic aspects of ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2.2. Particularities of the operatc~r''s actions f rom the - standpoint of erg~nomics . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3. Professional selection and training of operators . . . . . 30 2.4. Forming collectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3. Operational and Technical Charac_eristics of Radiotechnical Systems. 38 3.1. Operational characteristi~.:; of radiotechnical systems and the - composition of the operational and technical characteristics - - 3.2. Classification of syst-n-ts and the nature of breakdowns . . . 46 3.3. Reliability indicators f or radiotechnical systems. 54 - - 3.4. Reliability :~ndicators for a"man-machine" system. . . . . 66 3.5. Reliab ility indicators f or back-up systems and complexes 72 - ' 4. Readiness of t~adiotechnical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 78 - 4.1. Basic aspects. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 4.2. Readiness indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.3. Rea 13.ness of radiotechnical systems, based on the dynamics of - ~pera*.ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.4. Basis fo; the commer~cement of preparation for the planned _ period . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 96 5. Readjness of Dual Radiott~hnical Systems. . . . . . . . . . 107 - 5.1. Readiness of dual radiotecimical systems with units with . various degrees of . . . . . . . . . . - 24 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY - . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ 5.2. Readiness of dual radiotechnical systems with limited control _ over ef f ic iency . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 112 5.3. Readiness of dual radiotechnical systems with additional equipment preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . 6. Readine~s~ of Radiotechnical Complexes. , . . . . . . . . . 117 6.1. Re~iability of radiotechnical complexes with a radial-~unction construction layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 6.2. Readiness of radiotechnxcal complexes based on the dynamics - of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 6.3. Basic methods ~f maintaining and increasing the readiness of - rac.iotechnical system~ and complexes . . . . . . . 136 7. Maintenance, Repair and Storage of Radiotechnical Systems 141 = 7.1. The scope of maintenance and principles of its organization . - _ 7.2. Maintenance planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 7.3. Maintenance quality indicators . . . . . . . . . . . 161 - 7.4. Monitoring the technical status of radiotechnical systems 163 7.5. Repair of radiotechnical systems . . . . . . . . . . 177. - 7.6. Stora~e of radiotechnical systems . . . . . . . . . . 182 , 7.7. Metrologir_al provi~ions for radiotechnical-systems operations. 188 8. Collection and Methods of Utilization of Reliab ility Data for - Radiotechnical Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 - 8.1. Requirements for statistical data on radiotechnical-systems reliability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8.2. Orgar~ization of collection and the sequence for process3ng - statistical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 - 8.3. Use of radiotechnical-systems re].iability data by operational services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 V 9. Protecting Service Personnel from the Effects of Microwave - Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 9.1. Eff ects of electromagnetic microwave f ields on humans - 9.2. Protection from electromagnetic microwave f ields 214 - List of LiteratLlre Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 - COPYRIGHT: Voyenizdat, 1980 ' [134-9512 ] . 9512 CSO: 1860 25 ~'OR OFFICIAY. USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 I ~ FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY PHOTOELECTRTC PHENOMEIQA AND DEYICES, ~ ELECTROLUMINESCENCE, ION DEVICES - . UDC 535.37 ANTI-STOKES LUMZNESCENCE AND ITS POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS DESCRIBED Moscow ANTISTOKSOVA LYUMINESTSENTSIYA I NOVYYE VOZMOZHNOSTI YEYE PRIMENENIYA - in Russ ian 1980 (s igned to press 4 Mar 80) pp 2-4, 193 ' - [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book "Anti-Stokes Luminescence and New Possibilities for Its Application", by Yuliya Petrovna Chukova, Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", 3000 copies, 193 pages] _ ' [Text] This book presents the current ideas in ghysics regarding�the mechanism , - of "upward frequency transformation" and summarizes the experimental data accumu- lated in recent years on the properties of a new class (anti-Stokes) of lumino- : phores which convert infrared (IR) radiation into visible.light. It examines the possibilities of their technical applica~tion for visually obaerving and recording _ ~ the infrared radiat�~on fields of lasers, for creating lasers and light diodes with ' different colors of luminescence and for constructing small-scale alphanumeric in- ' dicators. ~ ~ Designs and parameters are presented for domestic and foreign instruments based ; on anti-Stokes luminophores~ The ch~racteristics of these devi~es and those of some previously known devices of similar purpose are compared. The problem of optical cooling is axamined and th~~ thermodynamic limits of anti-Stokes processes are established. This book is intended for a br.oad circle of experts working in the areas of quantum and semiconductor electronics, lum3n escence, optics, illumination engineering and thermodynamics. ~ In recent years, quantum optics has undergone rapid growth associated with work on the gen~~'ation of induced radiation. No less interesting and very consequentiai - have been two ot.~er directions in this work--electron processes in stimulated crys- Cals and anti-Stokes luminescence with its increase in f requency (the f requency of luminescence quanta ~s several times higher than ~he frequency of the exciting _ - quanta). - The broad application of luminescence in the economy has at present become co~on- place. Its use in the home (fluorescen* lamps, televisions, portable calculators, etc.) causes no surprise. What is surprising, perhaps, is the speed with which - 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY scientific discoveries and the results of everyday research have been applied in practice. For example, the time taken to introduce anti-Stokes luminescence ~aith its frequency multiplication (to which this book is devoted) amounted to a li~ttle over two years. Debates among physicists regarding the mechanisms causing the ~`r~quency multiplication had only ~ust begun when a design was suggested for the - first~ device using this phenomenon for purposes of indication. - The debates among physicists over the mechanism of this phenomenon have still not = ended. This can be explained to a considerable degree by the fact that, in a num- ber of cases, an experiment does not make a well-def ined choice possible. The adoption of this or tha.t point of view is sometimes ~explained by the situation's - psst history. Adhering to the view of P. L. Kapitsa, who believed that "science . ends when doubts cease," the author in these cases (this particularly relates to chapters 2 and 4) does not express a personal point of . view, but rather describes the existing aituation while attempting not to gloss over the inconsistencies. This book attempts to systematically present a great deal of information regarding questions of theory, research and the te~hnical application of anti-Stokes lumi- nescence. ~ A brief presentation of the results obtained up to 1960 is given in the f irst chap- ter. 'I'he second chapter describes a new phenomenon--luminescence with a large anti-Stokes shift. It also examines the mechanisms of the physical processes and presents the basic characteristics of anti-Stokes luminophores. The third chapter is devoted to the application of i.ncreased frequency in devices for different functional purposes. The design and basic parameters of domestic and foreign instruments based on anti-Stokes luminophores are cited. A comparison is made between their characteristics and the characteristics of familiar deviees of similar purpose. Attempts to generate optical cooling on the basis of classical anti-Stokes lumi- nescence processes are presented in chapter 4. The fifth chapter examines the anti-Stokes processes and established the limits imposed by thermodynamics on the efficiency of anti-Stokes luminescence. This book is intended for readers of various professions. This can be explained to a considerable degree by the structure of the book and the nature of the infor- mation presented. The mathematical computations presented within are held to a minimum and the primary attention is devoted to the physical processes and the devices based upon them. - The reader for whom the statement of the problem in this book nevertheless proves to ~e complicated can familiarize himself with it through popular-scien~e articles by contributors from the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics in the peri- - odicals KHIMIYA I ZHIZN' [Chemistry and Life] (1974, No. 11) and PRIRODA [Nature] (1975, No. 1) as well as in the author's review published in the collection ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKAYA PROMYSHLENNOST'. SVETOTEKEINICHESKIYE IZvELIYA jElectrical Equipment Industry. Illumination Engineering Products] (1973, section 5(20)). It is recommended that the reader wishing to understand more deeply the quantum m~chanics aspects of the problem familiarize himself with the review of ~Ozel' (see [71] in the bibliography). 27 : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This book was written on the initiative of M. V. Fok, who, after reading through the.manuacript, made numerous observations which contribut~ed in many ways to im- proving the book. The author is obliged to thank him for the help he rendered. 1'he author likewise considers it his duty to express his gratitude to I. Ya. ~ ~ Lyam3.chev, who had a kind word for th{ s book when it � was f irst published. Contents Page Foreward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 1. From the History of Anti-Stokes Luminescence 5 _ Chapter 2. Photoluminescent Frequency Multiplication . . . . . . . . 15 2.1. Some information on the spectral properties of rare-earth ions. 16 2.2. Mechanisms for the txansformatian of long-wave radiation into short- - wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.3. Empirical characteristics of the anti-Stokes luminescence of trivalent ~ rare-earth ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.4. Anti-Stokes luminescence of semiconductors . . . . . . . . . 80 Chapter 3. Devlces Based on Anti-Stokes Luminescence 87 3.1. Light .?lodes with phosphor coatings . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3.2. Indicators and measuring instruments . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3.3. Visible IR radiation fields of lasers . . . . . . . . . . . 122 - 3.4. Lasers made from anti-Stokes luminophores. . . . . . . . . . 125 3.5. On the eff iciency of incandescent lamps with anti-Stokes coatings. . 128 3.6. IR radiation indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Chapter 4. Anti-Stokes Luminescence ds a Cooling Process 140 4.1. A general review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 - 4.2. Cooling cycle of gadolinium luminescence . . . . . . . . . . 142 - 4.3. Anti-~Stakes luminescence of ~uhies . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 [},C+. Ceoling cycle of tr~��r~? ~ :codymiwn . . . . . . . . . . '_48 Chapter 5. Thermodynamic Limits of Anti-Stokes Luminescence 153 5.1. Maximum eff iciency of e~~ctroluminescence during direct-current ex- . citation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 ~ _ 5.2. Effective temperature of light . . . . . . . . . . . . v 157 = ' 5.3. Maximum eff iciency of photoluminescence . . . . . . . . . . 161 5.4. Area of thermodynamic feasib ility of light efficiencies exceeding unity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 5.5. Thermodynamic examination of the feasibility of luminescent cooling - systems with trivalent ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 _ 5.6. efficiency of energy transformation in the process of fre- - quency multiplication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 B ib 1 iography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo ~~S ovetskoye radio", 1980 [133-9512] 9512 - CSO:~ 1860 28 - . FOR OFFICIAY. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICATIONS, INCLUDINP~ COLLECTIONS OF ABS~RACTS METHODS OF ANALYZING AND SYNTHESIZING LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ELECTRIC CIRCUITS - Moscaw TRUDY M06KOVSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA: METODY ANALIZA - I SINTEZA LINEYNYKH I NELINEYNYKH ELEKTRICHESKIKH TSEPEY in Russian No 432, 1979 (signed to press 29 Dec 79) pp 2, 141-144 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Works of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute: Methods of Analyzing and Synthesizing Linear and Nonlinear Electric Circuits", edited by M. Sh. Kulakhmetova, Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 6p0 copies, 150 pages] [Text] This collection presents research done by instructors and colleagues of - the departments of theoretical principles of electrical engineering and electro- _ physics and information measurement technology in 1977-1978. The papers included in the book deal with methods of analyzing and synthesizing electrical and electronic circuits, systems and devices that contain linear and non- ` linear elements. - Topics that are covered are methods of calculating electromagnetic circuits, prob- lems of studying and designing electrophysical devices and instruments, and also the use of computer facilities fo: calculating and modeling electrophysical processes in a vaxiety of inedia. ~ In addition to theoretical papers, theabook also cpntains works of applied sig- ificance. However, the content of all articles is tied up at base with the solu- _ ion of practical problems for automation, computers and information measurement ~ technology . The material of the collection may be of use to specialists working in the field of ' reseaxch and development of electrical and electronic circuits, electrophysical proeesses in various media and devices for measuring electrical and magnetic quan- = tities. The theoretical, procedural and applied aspects of the papers may be of use to upperclassmen ma~oring in automation and computer technology. ~ Contents V. N. Kudin, A. A. Sozykin, "Analysis of Extended Helical Sensors of an _ Electromagnetic Field in a Conductive Medium" 3 M. I. Demurishvili, I. P. Klimashevskiy, B. L. Kondrat'yev, V. M. Yurkevich, - "Distortion of an Electric Field in the Vicinity of a Probe Situated Close to .the Edge of the Field" 6 = . 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ V. N. Kudin, 0. V. Korobkov, "On Calculating Magnetic Fluxes and Field Poten- tials of a Horizontal Electric Dipole iri a Conductive Half-Space" 8 V. I. Gorshkov, B. L. Kondrat'yev, S. A. Chugunov, V. M. Yurkevich, "Investi- gation of the Influence that the System Comprising Sensor and Instrument has on the Electrostatic Field in the Vicinity of the Sensor" 11 _ V. S. Panov, T. A. Razevig, Solution of a Boundary Value Problem by the Liebm2*_?n Method" 1t 1~ N. M. Gordyu.khina, B. M. Fradkin, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by ~oaded _ Capacitive Diaphragms in a Rectangular Waveguide" 16 B. L. Kondrat'yev, V. M. Yurkevich, "Measurement in an Elec~ric Field with Ba.lancing of Potentials" 20 _ V. A. Kolganov, F. N. Shakirzyanov, "Resonant Magnetoresistance in Strong Magnetic F'ields" 23 ' V. A. Kolganov, F. N. Shakirzyanov, "Development of Constant emf in a Ferrite- Semiconduct^~ Laminar Structure Based on a Tangentially Unmagnetized Disk" 25 G. G. Shamayeva, V. I. Chekhlov, 0. L. Pertsev, A Dosimetric Attachment for the Fulsar-1000 Facility" 1t ~7 ` L. V. Alekseychik, V. M. Gevorkyan, N. A. Plokhikh, Yu. A. Kazantsev, On Cal- culating the Steady Sta.te of a Gunn ~)scillator" " 29 L. V. Alekseychik, V. M. Gevorkyan, N. A. Plokhikh, Yu. A. Kazantsev, "Analysis ' of Single-Tank Systems for Stabilizing Semiconductor Diode Oscillators with Consideration of the Equivalent Circuit of the Diode Holder" 33 _ V. N. Kudin, ~'An Algorithm for Solvizg the Problem of Configuration of Elec- ; trodes that Average the Potential of a Dipole ~.n a Homogeneous Conductive Hal f-Spac e" 37 - G. G. Gusev, V. V. Dubynin, V. V. Kurguzov, B. A, Mednikov, Yu. N. Nemov, V. G. Chumachenko, "Circuit Analysis with Variable Inductive Coupling in the Absence of Losses" 40 - " B. Ya. Zhukhovitskiy, B. M. Fradkin, Ye. M. Fedorova, "Stripline Load Matching" 44 Yu. P. Gubin, "Method of Regularization for Systems with a Fast Oscill~.ting External l~orc^" ~7 u N. K. Krug, Optimum Method of Planning Calculations of Complex Electric - Circuits" 54 Ye. I'. Zimin, G. A. Mirzoyan, Infralow-Frequency Impedance and Noise of an ~ Electrode System" 11 57 - V. A. Kuzovkir,, "Technique for Designing Electromagnetic Field Ser,sors for Conductive Media" 61 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' I. A. Voytovich, L. Ye. Smol'nikov, "Frequency-Controlled Voltage Inverters" 65 . V. N. Malinovskiy, V. L. Kotov, A. F. Pichugin, "Structural Methods of Improv- ing the Interference Immunity of Multichannel Measurement Systems" 68 V. N. Malinovskiy, A. V. Kaporskiy, "A Converter that Changes Resistance to a = Time Interval" 7~ Yu. N. Yevlanov, Pak ~han Rok, "Concerning the Interrelationship Between _ Resolution, Accuracy and Measurement Time of Digital Voltmeters with Balanced Integration" 77 V. I. Didenko, S. G. Dobreva, "A Circuit for Compensating the Input Currents of a Differential Voltage Amplifier" 83 V. A. Panfilov, P. K. Makarychev, "Automatic Controll~r of a Digital Voltmeter" 87 V. Yu. Konchalovskiy, P. F. Ivashchenl:o, I. I. Kilimnik, "On the Problem of Verifying Pulse-Code Digital Measuring Instruments" 9~ V. A. Zhukarev, "Selection of Digital-Analog Conversion Method for a Micro- processor Monitoring and Measurement Device" 9~ V. I. Didenko, V. M. Ka,pustin, Correcting the Amplitude-Frequency Response of Second-Generation Opamps by Advanc.e Signal Transmission" 9$ ~ - A. A. Shatokhin, Influence that Capacitor Absorption has on the Error of a Digit~.l Voltmeter with Balanced Integration" 102 n A. D. Dzhangozin, Measurement Transducers Based on Multiplier-Divider Devices" 107 ~ V. S. Popov, I. N. Zhelbakov, A. D. Dzhangozin, Active Low-Frequency Filters with Law Input Impedanc e" 1' 112 Yu. N. Yevlanov, N. A. Serov, A. A. Shatokhin, G. V. Petrov, A Battery- ' 116 Operated Digital Multimeter V. A. Panfilov, V. A. Novikov, N. V. Kulikov, Classification of Devices for - Automatic Selection of the Measurement Range of Digital Voltmeters" 120 V. D. Glushnev, "Influenc e that Flow Turbulence has on Accuracy of the Ultra- sonic Method of Measur ing Fluid Flowrate" 125 V. N. Kazakov, V. F. Nikiforov, B. S. Novikov, 0. V. Tolcheyev, Analysis of the Operation oF an Induction Measurement Transducer" r' 128 Ye. V. Bodunov, V. V. Pinayev, S. K. Shmelev, "A Facility for Measuring the Parameters of Complementary Integrated Circuits with Metal-Oxide- Semiconducto�r Structure" 131 V. A. Kulikov, A. I. Piro gov, N. A. Ukhin, Statistical Modeling of the Pro- _ cess of Failure of a Lo gic Device Based on Bipolar ICs in the Case of ; Intense Defect Pileup in the Crystals of the Microcircuits" 135 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY G. N. Bel'tsevich, Yu. P. Gubin, F. P. Zharkov, 0. V. Tolcheyev, V. P. Danilov, I "Calculating the Field of a Box-Shaped Shield" . 138 i_ i COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1979 ' [lio-66io] _ j- 66io : cso: 1860 . ; 32 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4" . UDC 621.383�29 , MONOELECTRONIC PHOTOSENSOR~ Moscow ODNOELEKTRONNYYE FOTOPRIYEMIJIKI in Russian 1979 pp 2, 188-189 - [Annotation and table of contents from book "Monoelectronic Photosensors , by S. S. Vetokhin, I. R. Gulakov, A. N. Pertsev and I. V. Reznikov, Atomizdat, 192 pages] - [Text] The book examines the noise and monoelectronic characteristics, selection criteria and methods of improving threshold sensitivity of monoelectronic photo- _ sensors. The optical properties of input windows are described, and also~the ef- fect that luminous and ionizing radiations have on the characteristics of multi- - plier phototubes. The authors discuss the part played by monoelectronic character- istics in selection and investigation of time-interval photocells. Data are given _ from comparison of inethods of registration of weak luminous fluxes and techniques - for realization of the monoelectronic method of ineasurement in the investigation of _ - unsteady luminous fluxes and detection of weakly luminescent ob~ects in metric problems. An appendix summarizes research on monoelectronic photomultipliers. - Figures llb, tables 26, references 462. Contents + Preface 3 Chapter l. Noise Characteristics and Selection of Monoelectronic Photocells 5 ~1. Analysis of noise sources 5 _ �2. Amplitude distributions of output signals 11 �3� Counting characteristics 14 �k. Selection with respect to parameter x 17 35� Selection with respect to parameter e 19 Chapter 2. Factors that Affect Amplitude Distribution of Monoelectronic Pu].ses 26 �l. The expenential branch of amplitude distribution 26 �2. Gas discharge processes 35 ~ 33� Transit phenomenon 42~ �4. Band characteristics ~a _ Chapter 3� Methods of Improving Threshold Sensitivity 52 �l. Preconditioning � 52 �2. Selecting working conditions 59 �3. Cooling. Influence of temperature 65 ~ �4. Electrostatic shield 72 �5. Influence of external magnetic field 74 �6. Effect of laser radiation 77 - 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX �7. Improvement of lignt collection (optical techniaues) 79 �8. Technological m~thods 82 �9. Modulation methocis Chapter 4. Role af Spectral Makeup of Measured Flux, and Optictzl Properties of - Input Windows 94 �1~ Light characteristics 9~ �2. Background illumination in the visible band 97 �3. Background illumination in the ultraviolet 101 �4. Background illuminatinn in the infrared 103 - �5. Optical properties ~f i.nput windows 106 Chapter 5. Multip'..i~r Phototubes in Radiation Fields 115 �1. Observable radiation effects ~~5 �2. Con;;ribution,of different parts of the photomultiplier to observed effects, and the nature of radia,tion phenomena 121 _ �3. General o~atline of behavior of a multiplier phototube in radiati~n fields 126 Chapter 6. Time-�Interval Photocells 128 �1. Description of the time properties of the multiplier phototube .128 - �2. Methods of studying time characteristics ' 132 �3. Time characteristics of the multiplier phototube 135 Chapter 7. Meth~ds of Recording Weak LigY~t Fluxe~ 139 �l. Measuring c~~rrent 139 g2. Measurine total noise 1~+1 ~ �3� Synchronous detection l~~ �4. Count method 1~7 �5. Monoelectronic detectors 152 �6. Comparison of different methods of recor~ding weak luminous fluxes 155 �7. Realization of the monoelec~ronic m~~hod of registration 160 Conclusion 162 Appendix 16~+ References 166 COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, 1979 (115-6610] 66~0 cso: 1860 ~ : 3~+ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - : - . UDC 621.315.2(03) ` MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE CABLES: A REF'ERENCE Moscow GORODSKIYE TELEFONNYYE KABELI: SPRAVOCHNIK in Russian 1979 Csigned to press 13 Jul 79) pp 2, 167-168 . [Annotation and table of contents from book "Municipal Telephone Cables: A Refer- ence , by Anatoliy Samoylovich Brisker, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Ruga and David Leonidovich Sharle, Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz'", 23,000 copies, 168 pages] - [Text] Basic information is given on municipal telephone cables produced in the USSR with paper/air and polyethylene insulation, and methods are presented for cal- culating the structural and electrical charact~ristics.of these cables. - The reference is intended for engineering and technical personnel employed in de- signing and producing municipal telephone cables, planning, constructing and using - local telephone networks, and also for instructors and students in colleges and _ vocational schools. Contents ' Preface 3 Arbitrary symbols ~ 5 - Chapter l. Classification and.Maxking of Municipal Telephone Cables Chapter 2. Structur~.l Elements of Municipal Telephone Cables _ 2.1. Current-carrying conductors 11 ~ 2.2. Conductor insulation l~ - 2.3. Groups 17 , 2 .1+ . Core 18 2.5. Filler 23 ~ 2.6. Strap insulation 24 2.7. Shield ~5 ~ 2.8. Sheath 25 ~ 2.9. Rope-lay bearer cable 31 _ 2.10. Protective jackets 32 Chapter 3. Structural Calculation of Municipal Telephone Cables _ 3.1. Calculation of diameters 36 3.2. Calculation of structural-technological coefficients ~+0 ~ 3�3� Calculating the ffiasses uf structural elements 46 Chapter 4. Electrical Calculation of Municipal Telephone Cables - 4.1. Transmission parameters ~9 - 4.2. Para.meters of mutual influence 62 ~+.3. Shielding parameters 65 - - 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 � FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Chapter 5� Cables with Air/Faper Insulation in a Le~.d Sheath - 5.1. General information. 76 - 5.2. Structural parametPrs of type T cables 85 _ Chapter 6. Polyethylene-Insulated Cables in a Plasti.c Sheath 6.1. General infornation 9~ . 6.2. Structural parameters of unarmored (TPP; TPPep) and armored (TPPB, , _ , TPPBG, TPPepBG, TPPepB and TPPBbShp) cables in a polyethylene sheath 103 ` 6.3. Structural paxameters of cables with rope-lay suspension (self- - - supporting) grade TPPt 103 6.4. Structural parameters of grade TPV and TFVBG cables in a PVC ~ she~,th i~5 - = 6~5� Structural parameters of cables with moisture-resistant filler, grades TPEPZ, TPPZFB and TPEZBP 128 Chapter 7. Cables with Polyethylene Insulation in a Metal S.ieath _ 7.1. TPStShp cables with polyethylene insulation in a corrugated steel sheath 132 - 7.2. STPA polyethylene-insklated cables in an aluminum s'ieath 135 Chapter 8. Packaging, Marking, Transporting Appendix l. GOST index [of State Standards] l~$ _ Appendix 2. Densities of basic materials 15~ - Appendix 3. Cos~'s of basic materials 151 ~lppendix 4. C4r~.c costs 153 Appendix 5. Zelations between different systems of uriits 155 Appendix 6. Glossary of municipal telephone cable terms 159 - - Apper~dix 7. Non-Soviet designations of structural elements and cables 166 COPYRIGHl: Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz'", 1.979 - ~ [ ~_09-6610 ] ~ - 6610 - cso: 1860 = 36 _ FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PROBLIIKS OF ELECTRIC M~TERIALS SCIEr?CE IN THE PRODUCTION AND OPERATION OF ELECTRO- MECHANICAL DEVICES - Moscow `1�I;uDY MOSKOVSIi0G0 ORDENA LENINA ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA: VOPROSY ELEKTRO-~ MATERIALOVEDENIYA V PROIZVODSTVE I EKSPLUATATSII ELEKTROMEKHANICHESKIKH USTROYSTV ' in Russian No 414, 1979 pp 2, 102-103 [Annotation and tabl~ of eontents from Uook "Works of the Moscow Power Engineexing - Inst~tute: Problems of Electric Materials Sciences in the Production and Operation J of Electromechanical Devices", Moskovskiy energeticheskiy insLitut, 103 pages] [Text] This collection gives the results of research and development on new elec- _ , trical engineering materials and structures based on them, solutions of problems .of labor protection in the production and tise of elements of electromechanical devices. The articles included here cover problems of optimization of electrical engineering . material for a number of specific fields of application such as low-temperature and - microwave technology, and optoelectronics. Some of the papers deal with problems _ of developin~ mathema.tical models of processes of producing and designing electro- - mechanica,l devices, machine methods for thermal and electrical calculations of the - - structural elements of semiconductor power devices and electrical insulation com- ponents. Results are given on development of technoloTical processes for producing ` electrical engineering materials, including materials for laser technology and film materials for microelectronics, ceramic matez�iais for optoelectronic equipment. A ~ number of papers are concerned with questions of human safety when working in the electric field of superhigh-voltage facilities, in direct contact with the live - sections of power facilities up to 1000 V, and an examination is also made of the - influence that electric lighting has on eye fatigue with consideration of the - brightness of the working su.rface. The materials of the collection are of prac~;i- ~ cal interest to in the electrical engineering industry, and also to ad- _ vanced students majoring in related fields. ~ _ The collection was prepared for publicati~n by Senior ~gineer V. V. Panina. Contents - A. S. Vorob'yev, K. A. Satarkulov, "Method of Calc uiating the Electrophysical _ Parameters of Two-Component Mixtures" 3 - S. Vorob'yev, K. A. Satarkulov, "On Calculating the Dielectric Constant of = a Mixture of Particles Characterized by Anisotropy" 8 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - - . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFP'ICIAL USE ONLY - A. P. Geppe, A. I. Beykin, V. V. Kostromin, Influence that Nonuniformity of . _ Batches of Electrical Insulation Materials has on the Parameters of r-f _ Cables" 13 = A. I. Beykin, A. P. Geppe, V. V. Kostromin, A Method of Studying the Dielec- tric Characteristics of E~lectrical Insulation Materials on Superhigh Frequencies at Temperatures of 4.2-8.0 K" 18 Yu. G. Yesikov, On Calculation of the Radial Field Strength of Hi~h-Voltage En~;rances" 21 M. I. Mantrov, "Method of Thermal Calculation of a Cylindrical Power Capacitor" 24 . - 0. I. Borisova, D. N. Dikerman, R. A. Lashchiver, I. B. Rya~,anov, Problems of . Rheology and Forming of Fluorocarbon-2M Plastic in Cable Production" 30 n L. I. Surogin, T. K. Kuzishchina, Calculating Bias Currents in Volume Re- sistors" 36 - V. P. Aleksandre,r, L. L. Kolmanov, V. L. Chernov, Yu. V. Zaytsev, N. N, Shirin- - skaya, "Resi_~tive Composite Heaters" ~9 ~ Yu. V. Zaytsev, I. A. Roshchina, Silicon Thermistors as Fuel Gas Concentration Sensors" 42 K. I. Martyushov, N. N. Shirinskaya, V. P. Aleksandrov, V. L. Chernov,~~Electric Properties of Variable Resistors Bas~:c: on Semiconductor Films of Stannic - Oxide" ~5 - G. I. Borovov, E. N. Voronkov, V. D. Gudym, A. I. Popov, N. N. Usov, V. A. Filikov, V. K. Shemetova, "Influence of External Factors on the Parameters ~ of Integrated P~Iemory Matrices Ba:~d on Vitreous Semicon ductors" ~+8 N. A. Zakharov, Ye. F. Kustov, S. A. t~linchikov, "Growing and Studying Crystals _ oF Ternary Tungstates of RarP-~'arth Elements of Composition LngW012" 53 - A. I. Tikhonov, V. A. Chagin, Machine Analysis of Periodic Modes in Nonlinear Systems" 58 A. I. Tikhonov, V. A. Chagin, Optimum Design of Radio Components According to a Thermal Criterion" " 62 G. P. Stepan~~v, A. F. Monakhov, Al~orithm of Calculation of the Topology of a Power TY~,, ~ istor" " 67 G. P. Stepanov, A. F. Monakhov, 0. Yu. Konanykina, K. Kh. Kyverik, "On Automat- ing the Technological Desi~:n of a High-Voltage Power Transistor Using a - ~ Ph,ysical-Analytical Model' 73 B. A. Knyazevskiy, N. S. Smekalova, M. n. Stolyarov, Investigation of the Prote~tive Characteris~ics of Extende4 Shields" " 80 38 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY L. V. Bokshitskiy, T. P. Marusova, M. V. Pil'shchikova, V. G. Filippova, G. N. Shatrova, "Concerning the Influence that the Brightness Level of Working Surfac~.~ has on Visual Capacity for Work with Transillumination" 85 Yu. N. Guse~v, P. A. Dolin, "On the Question of Setting Standards for Electric - = Field Strength on Industrial Frequency in Superhigh--Voltage Facilities" 89 ~ V. M. Belov, "On the Problem of Optzmizing Zero Phase-Sequence Current Trans- formers" 92 N. N. Kartasheva, "A Method of Measuring the Power Flux Density of Electromag- - netic Radiation in the Millimeter Wave Ba,nd" ~ 95 J. Becker, "Some Problems of Measuring Nonuniform ~'lectric Field Strength on Industrial Frequency" 98 COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1979 [1i2-6610] ~ _ 66io ~ - cso: 1860 . ~ _ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 ~+'UH U~'!~'1.(;.lAL U5~ U1VLY ~ i PROBLEMS OF IMPROVING THE EFFECTNENESS OF PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN ELECTRIC FACILITIES ' Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITiJTA: VOPROSY POVY- SHENIYA EFFEKTIVNOSTI ZASHCHITNYKH MER V II,IICTROUSTANOVKAKH in Russian No 444, 1980 (signed to press 19 Mar 80) pp 2, 67-68 . ~ [Annotation and table of contents from book "4]orks ~f the Moscow Power Engineering , Inst~~tute: Prot+lems of Improving the Effectiveness of Protective Measures in = Electric F;~,cilitiPs", edited by Mo Sh. Antipova, Moskavskiy energeticheskiy - institut, 30~ copies, 71 pages] - [Text] ~l'his collection presents the results af research by the department of labor protection of Moscow Power Engineering Institute. The papers cover measurement of - conductances of the phase insulation in power grids with isolated and dead-grounded neutral z�elative to earth, investigation of protective cutout devices, the hazards - of superhigh-voltage electromagnetic fields and the development of organizational ~ - and engineering steps for protection from such fields. Some articles deal with the - solu~tion of problems of technical-economic evaluation of the sector-wide standards _ of artificial lighting, and investigation of eye fatigue. The authors also discuss ' questions of firebreaks between con~..c~Lors, and calculation of the spreading re- sistance of complex grounding electr~des. The material of the collection iG of practical interest for workers in the electrical engineering industry and Gosenergonadzor, as well as for advanced students majoring - in fields of power engineering. Contents _ N. N. Kartashev, I. V. Kurtova, V. N. Larionov, N. V. Shipunov, "On the Problem - - of Determining Insulation Resistance and Capacitance of a Network up to 1000 V" 3 V. N. Larionov, N. Pi. Kartasheva, I. V. Kurtova, "An Instrument .f~r Continuous Monitoring of Insulati~n Based on the Rectifier Bridge Principle" 6 M. G. Bobylev, "State of the ~rt in Continuous Measurement of the Insulation~~~ ~ Resistance of Networks with Dead-Grounded Neutral" ~ $ - L. 0. Petri, M, G. Bobylev, Estimate of Error in Measurement of the Insulation ~ Resistance of a Network by the Pulse Method" 12 ~+0 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY T. D..Bodokiya, "Analysis of Zeroing Para.meters" 17 A. I. Revyakin, A. D. Shain, "Methods of Determining Insulation Resistance and the Capacitance of an Electric Circuit Relative to Ground" 21 R. D. Baykova, Yu. N. Gusev, P. A. L;~lin, "Normalizing the Electric Field Strength of Superhigh-Voltage Facilities for Safety of Induced Charges" 25 R. D. Ba.ykova,'Yu. N. Gusev, "Currents and Charges Induced on Objects Located in the Field of Overhead DC Transmission Lines" 28 J. Becker, L. 0. Petri, "Utilizing the Patterns of perturbation of the Electric Field of Overhead Transmission Lines for Protection from Elec- trocution" 31 A. I. Revyakin, "On Improving the Effectiveness of Automatic Electrobioprotec- tion Devices" 3~ ~ N. U. Yusupov, "Operation of Devices for Protective Cutout on Zero Phase- Sequence Current when a DC Component is Present in an AC Grid" 37 V. N. Gruzintsev, "Comprehensive E~raluation of Contact Voltages in the Vicinity of Grounded Devices" V. N. Gruzintsev, P. A. Dolin, N. V. Shipunov, "On Calculating the Spreading _ Resistances of Complex Horizontal Grounding Electrodes" ~6 T. P. Marusova, L. V. Bokshitskiy, V. G. Filippova, G. M. Shatrova, M. V. Pil'- - shchikova, "Technical-Economic Etiraluation of Sector-Wide Norms in Artificial Lighting" 50 - B. A. KnyaLevskiy, A. P. Ovchinnikov, G. N. Yagovkin, "New Methods and Means - of Evaluating Eye Fatigue by an Adequate Stimulus" 5~+ T. D. Bodokiya, "Problems of Electrical Safety in Construction" 58 B. A. Knyazevskiy, A. A. Aleksandrov, V. A. Pekhotikov, "Concerning the Problem of Firebreaks Between Wiring or Overhead Lines and Fire-Hazard " Areas in the New Edition of 'Rules for Construction of Electric Facilities'" 63 COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1980 [il1-6610} 66io ~ cso: 1860 k~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - h'Ult UFFICIAL US~: UNLY _ ' ~ . 1 TABLES OF GENERATION LINES OF FAR INFRARED BAND LASERS WITH OPTICAL PUMPING - Khar'kov TABLITSY LINIY GENERATSII LAZEROV DAL'NEGO INFRAKRASNOGO DIAPAZONA S OPTICHESKOY NAKACHKOY in Russian 1979 (signed to press 6 Dec 79) pp ~-4 ! [Introduction from Preprint No 137 of monograph "Tables of Generation Lines of Far Infrared Band Lasers with Optical Pumping", by S. F. Dyubko and L. D. Fesenko, - - Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, UkSSR Academy of Sciences, 180 copies, 56 pages ] [Text] Optica]1;-pumped lasers working on vibrational-rotational and rotational transitions or polyatoni~c molecules have made it, finally, possible to obtain mono- chromatic radiation with a power from a fe~� to hundreds of milliwatts on a large number of discrete frequencies in the far infrared band of electromagnetic waves which had been little studied perviously. Creation of such sources has opened up hroad possibilities for using waves of that band for scientific and applied purposes. The materials given here contain information on generation lines in the 20-400 micron - band and cover published sources from 1968 to March 1978. - The tables are compiled in the foil~~wing manner. The first column gives wavelensth of laser xadiation arranged in increasing order. The second column shows line fre- - quencies measured, as a rule, b~� '.lie heterodyne method accurate to 10'6 or better. The frequencies of the radiation lines obtained by calculations are given in pare~- - theses. Whenever the frequency of the same generation line was measured by differ- _ ent authors, the results of all measurements are given. The third column shows chemical fo~?ulas of substances; the fourth, fifth, and sixth columns give the - source, the line and wavelength of the pumping radiation, respectively. The desig- nation C02 means that the pumping was done by a C02 laser working on the transitions - 00�2 ~ ~ 1~�t , 02� 1~. ~ The seventh .;olur,-~ gives the distaace between the central frequencies of the pumping and absorption lines. Subsequent columns (8th, 9th, and lOth) provide information on the outpuC power of submillimeter radiation in the continuous mode, pulsed mode, r and the superluminosity mod~. Relative intensity of radiation is given in paren- _ ~ theses. As a rule,� it was evaluated by indications of a point-contact detector us- ing a pair InSb beryllium bronze. In the absence of informatian on the intensity of radiation, the symbol is used, wt~ich indicates the mode in which generation was obtained on a given wavelength. � i= i 42 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Column 11 gives the polarization of the output submillimeter radiation in relation ~ to the polarization of pumping radiation. The next two columns (12th and 13th) identify the pumping and radiation transitions. The remarks (14th column) give . _ information on the characteristics of working transitions. The following designa- tions are used: amplification factor of laser transition, - p( absorption factor of pumping transition, ~~P uniform width of line, _ Is saturation intensity of pumping transition. ~ The last column gives references to the original sources on whose basis these tables were compiled. The absence of reference to a source indicates that the results in- cluded in the tables were obtained directly by the authors. [131-10, 233 ] - 10,233 _ CSO: 1860 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USE OF PERMANENT MAGNETS IN ELECTRIC MACHINES, EQUIPMENT ANB INSTRUMENTS _ Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA: PRIMENENIYE POSTOYANNYKH MAGNITOV V ELEKTRICHESKIKH MASHINAKH, APPARATAKH I PRIBORAKH in Russian No 416, 1979 pp 2, 97 - [Annotation and table of contents from book "Works of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute: Use of Permanent Magnets in Electric Machines, Equipment and Instruments", Moskovskiy energ,ticheskiy institut, 97 pages] [Text] Z'his collection includes papers dealing with problems of developing and - using permanent magnets in electric energy converters. ' The book examines the current state and outlook in development of new materials for permanent magnets with high magnetic energy. The authors examine prospects of devel~pment of magnetoelectric generato~s with new permanent magnet materials, and their fields of application. The results of developments in automated design of these generators are given. - An examination is made of problems ~i developing an "electric shaft" based on ; magnetoelectric thyratron motors. ,'lie advantages of the newly developed "electro- a shaft" system are demonstrated. - Questions of the outlook for development of low-power magnetoelectric motors are = - considered. _ The theory of t'~e preferable method of controlling rotor magnetization is outlined. The possibilities for developing sealed-contact switches and fields of application _ are discussed. . Research results _:rc given on automated design of static systems. The book is intended for scientists, technicians and engineers. _ Contents B. G. Lifshits, A. S. Lileyev, "Current State a;~~ Outlook for Development of ' Permanen~ Magnet Materials." 3 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . V. A. Balagurov, A. A. Ketsaris, Magnetoelectric Generators for Self-Contained Power Supplies" " 15 - A. Ivobotenko, V. K. Lozenko, "Outlook for Using Magnetoelectric Thyratron Motors in a Multiple-Motor Electric Drive" 24 V. K. Lozenko, V. S. Pavlikhin, "Static Electromechanical Characteristics of a Magnetoelectric Thyratron Two-Motor Drive with Half-Wave Commutation" ~ 33 B. A. Delektorskiy, I. N. Orlov, V. N. Taraso~~, "Ma~or Areas of Development of the Hysteresis Electric Drive" 39 - B. A. Delektorskiy, "Characteristics of an Overdriven Hysteresis Motor" ~+7 - I. M. Besedin, N. Z. Mastyayev, V. A. Tregubov, "On the Problem of Developing - a Gea.rless Torque Electric Drive" 59 _ V. B. Kravchenko, A. I. Pirogov, A. S. Koporskiy, B. V. Krotkov, Ye. F. Zimin, V. I. Kudin, "Development of Hardware for Studying Electromagnetic Fields in Different Media (a Survey)" 66 ~ogen-Dalin, V. V., "Machine Design of Optimum Static Systems with Permanent _ . Magnets" 76 - Bul', B. K., Ragulin, I. A., Shibanov, V. K., Shoffa, V. N., "On Calculating the Field in a Magnetically Controlled Track Switch" 83 T. V. Lyadova, "Topography of the Magnetic Field in the Air Gaps of Magneto- electric Wind-Driven Generators" 92 _ COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1.979 - - [113-6610] - 66io cso: i86o ~5 . . _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RADARS, RADTONA'fTIGATION AIDS, DIRECTTON FINDING, GYROS UDC 538.56:519�25 :~ADIO BRIGHTNESS CO:VTRASTS OF GROUND COVER ON MILLIMETER AND CENTIMETER WAVES* Gor'kiy IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENIY: RADIOFIZIKA in Russian Vol 23, - No 10, 1980 pp 1266-1268 manuscript received 19 Jun 79, after revision 18 Jan 80 - [Article by G. A. Andreyev, L. F. Borodin and S. N. Rubtsov, Tnstitute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR Acade~y of Sciences] [Text] Measurements made with microwave equipment have a considerable advantage over measurement~ in the infrared and visible optical bands capability of oper- ations under cluud cover and at night. For some problems of wave propagation, or - for example getting radio images of the surface of the ground from flightcraft [Ref. - 1], and also for radiometeorology and studying natural resources it is important to know the spectral distribution of radio brightness contrasts of ground cover, and - their dependence on seasonal cunditions in the millimeter and cen+imeter wave bands. , ' Fig. 1 shows a section of terrain (including shores _ ~ a..: ~ covered by forest, a river and an island) and a line recording of its radio brightness temperature on a wavelength of a= 8�10'3 m. The experiments were done ~ with Sl''i2?'heterodyne radiometers on frequency channels Forest F'orest of l, 1.5, 3, 8.$, 13.3, 22.2 and 37.5 GHz operating Aec Aec ~ simult:~neously on board an aircraft [Fef. 2]. Aerial phot~~graphs Were taken during the flights to tie in Island ~ th~ resultant data with the corresponding sections of OcTVO~ the ground surface. The air and water temperatures were measured, and notes were taken on we~.ther con- = ditions and type of underlying surface. - In flight at an altitude of 100 m at a velocity of 100 m/s, the linear resolution of the equipment in the ~ 4la.ter direction of flight was 10 m on 37�5 GHz at T= 0.l s, - 'oaa i. e. two beamwidths. - Calibration was based on sequential reception of the - radiothermal signal from the forest and from the water _ Fig. 1 _�.zrface. The radiant emissivity of the forest Kf was _ calcul~.ted according to [Ref. 3] by the formula � ~The results of the research were repcrted at the Second All-Union Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, 15 September 1978. - 1+6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - K f = ~1 -~e-ah) ~ (1) where a is the linear absorption in the crown, and h is the height of the crown. The radiant emissivity of fresh water was calcula.ted for each emission frequericy by Debye formulas that satisfactorily describe its dielectric constant in the milli- meter and centimeter wave bands [Ref. 4]. The spectral dependences of radio brightness contrasts measured under identical weather conditions in 1977 and 1978 (Fig. 2 and 3) indicate that there is a tendency - '~T.K ~T,K 250 . ~f^ ~ . ^,~.~l 1 \tv /~.~1 200 1'~. % 200 \ ti ~ \ ~ V' 150 100 / 100 AZ 2L ~L~l.~~b~ 50 .9 ~',r` 4 50 ' ' S~ 4 - ~.R~(�5 y_~.~~~- ' ~ % ~ ~ ~ Q ~ _ t'. v r ~ . _ 3 . 8 13,5 22,5 34 100 200 ~1,nn S 13~ 22,5 100 ~,nn . ' Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 2. Spectral distribution of radio brightness contrasts at T= 295 K measured in the summer of 1977� Lines of the type show the upper and lower limits of the - ranges of observed contrasts between forest and: metals (1), concrete (2), sand (3), grass (4), field crops (5). Fig. 2. Spectral.distribution of radio brightness contrasts at T= 295 K measured in the summer of 1978� Notation the same as in Fig. 2. toward an increase in contrast for highly reflective surfaces such as metals in the millimeter section of the radio band. The metal surface was a covering on part of the airport runway. When precipitation fa.lls on the metal surface, its brightness temperature increases, which leads to a slight (5-10~) reduction in contrast. And vice versa, the presence of a water film on sections of the concrete surface reduces its brightness temperature and increases contrast. The influence of light precipi- tation on the contrasts of vegetative cover and sand is insignificant since the ~ movement of the moisture is from the surface downward, beyond the limits of the ef- fective radiating layer. The spectral dependences of contrasts have a maximum in the vicinity of the line a= 13.5�l~-3 m, reaching 15~ as compared with the contrasts on other sections of the spectrum. ~+7 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY The effective temperature Tef.c of ground cover is described by the expression ~ Tef.c = KTS + (1 - K)Tb.a~ ~2~ whe~'e TS is the thermodynamic temperature of the surface of the ground cover, is the brightness temperature of the atmosphere, K is the radiant emissivity of the ground cover depending on its dielectric characteristics, unevennesses of the inter- face between cover and air, and other physical properties. ` In the long-wave part of the millimeter band (a = 8�10-3 m) the radio emission of the layer of atmosphere in the direction toward the nadir is characterized by a bright- ness temperature TZ of about 15 K[Ref. 5~, which means that the secon.d term in (2) will not exceed a few kelvins for any but metallic underlying surfaces. - From the definition of radio brightness contrast in terms of effective temperatures ~T = Tef.f - Tef.c and expression (2) we get the relation = ~T=~Kf-K~)T_ ~3) - where Kf, K~ are the radiant emissivities of the forest and the cover to be com- pared, T_ = TS -'I~; is the dif~'erence between the temperature of the cover and the brightness tPmperature of the atmosphere. It was assumed that the thermoc~ynamic temperatures of covers and the ground layer _ of air were the same. At the nadir Tb,a = TZ. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that linear dependence of radio brightness contras~t on _ temperature difference T_ has been experimentally confirmed. The error of the radio measurements was no more than 5 K. As a result of in-flight measurements it has been estab- AT,K lished that-. ir. the frequency sector between 1 and 37 � 5 GHz there arP steac~y radio brightness contrasts of ground ~200 ~ covers tha~ change insignificantly in the case of light , rain (no ,~nore than 5 mm/hr). In the long wave part of the _ millimeter band, contrasts relative to forest are from 220 - " 150 to 260 kelvins for metallic bodies, of the order of b0 K a~ ' for concrete, 15 K for sand, from 10 to 15 K for grass, and _ 30-40 K for field crops. ~ 100 ~ - _ 'S0 0 = X__~---'' Fig. 4. Dependence of radio brightness contrasts 0 ~ GT on temperature difference T_ for channel 7~= 8�mm. ~ 200 250 T_,K For notation see Fig. 2. - = ~+8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFF[CiAL USE ONLY - REFERENCES l. M. Skolnik, ed., "Spravochnik po radiol~katsii" [Radar Handbook], Moscow, Bovetskoye radio, 1976. 2. L. F. Borodin, A. A. K~irskaya, A. M. Shutko, "Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya zemnykh resursov" [Space Studies of Earth Resources], Moscow, Nauka, 1976. - 3. L. F. Borodin, K. P. Kidryashev, Yu. P. Stakankin, A. A. Chukhlantsev, RADIO- _ TEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 21, No 9, 1975, p 19~+5� ` P. S. Ray, APPL. OPT., Vol 11, No 9, 1972, p 1836. 5. M. V. Gorenstein, R. A. Mu11er, G. F. Smoot, I. A. Tyson, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vol 19, No 4, 1978. - COPYRIGHT: "Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy", "Radiofizika", 1980 ~ io~+-6610 ] - 6610 cso: i86o . - ~+9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.371 = ~ ON THE SPECTRUM OF RADIO WAVES BACK-SCATTERED BY A SEA SURFACE - Moscow RADTOTEKHNIKA in Russian Vo1 35, No 11, 1980 pp 77.,g0 manuscript - received 4 Jan 80 jArticle by T.Ye. Ushakov and I.F. Shishkin] ~ [Text] Imporfiant characteristics of a radio emission scattered by a sea surface are the spectral_ width OF and the placement of its center frequency F relative ~ ~ to the fre~;uency of the irradiating field. Working from the hypothesis that the scattering of the waves occurs at a periodic structure, an expression was _ proposed in [1] for F, which explains the results of ineasurements in a radio = wavelength range of fran 3 cm to 200 m for various degrees of sea wave agitation. The values of ~1F obtained by means of calculations are in satisfactory agreement _ with experimental values only in the c~se of strong wave agitation [Y-4]. The prevailing factors in this case are those which are thEOretically taken into account such as the orbital motion of the ripples in a large wave [2] and the - pulsation of the velocity of the surface drift of the water [1]. In the case of - weak wave action, these phenamena are disregarded and the widening of the radio emission spectrum in the case of r.dar sounding of the saa surface is explained _ by the "gaometry" of the problerl: hy the fini~te dimensions of the scattering area _ of the sea, the warping of the incident wave front, etc. [5]. However, the calculated values of ~F obtaine~l in this case are less ~han the experimental values [3, 4]. An attempt is made below to ascertain the causes of the spectral widening of a radio emission scattered by a sea surface in the case of weak wave action. ~ An experimental study of the spec~ra of a radio emission back-scattered by a _ wind ripple was made in an open water reservoir with dimensions of 180 x 70 m2 and a depth of 4 m for a wind velocity of 4 to 6 m/sec. A coherent CW radar . - was mountec' on a platform, set up on piles in the center of the water reservoir _ at a heig.~ of 1.2 m. The radar characteristics were: the electromagnetic - transmission wav.�length was 3.2 c~.; vertical polarization; the transmitted power - was 20 mW; the antennas were horn types with a directional pattern (DN) width at the 3 dB 1ev~1 in both planes of 10�. The results of processing a large rumber of tests are shown in the Table. - Also inclurled in it are the results ef calculations based on the formulas giwen fn 50 - FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [1] and [5]. The satisfactory agreement between the measured and calculated _ values of F mentioned above is confirmed, as well as the explicit lack of agreement between the experimentall,y obtained and theort~cally calculated values of ~F. - TABLE . - I $YCIIlpNMttlT . . ' P~tYlY ~no 1.5~ ~ ~ M (6 - t� Experimental Calculated 1 ' ~ ~~e. r"' _ . r. ra .r. ra . r, rq '.r. r'~ r. ~ ra gz .30 16,1~-0.4 T,5-I-1,3 ~2~6 0.1 13;1 I;9 ~~7 � _ I I I I ( . ( ' ~ - ~ . . . 95 12~9-F-1.3 ( 10,1f1.2 I 10~4 ~ 0.3. ~j.~2 I. 2~6 .I ~~7 ' ; 60. 9,4~0;9 I 8,4-i-2,4 .7.9 . ~ 0~? , 8~9 3,1 8,0' ~ ~ I i I I I I ~ . . . - Key: 1. Calculated fram formulas (4) and (6). The back-scatterin~ of radio waves by a sea surface at grazing angles of Y' < 70� is of a selective nature. However, the back scattering does not occur for one "resonant" component of the sea wave agitation spectrum as was assumed in [1-4] as a simplification, but rather in an zntire section of this spectrum [6]. The width, ~p.5, at the 0.5 leyel of the resonar~ce characteristic of the back- : scattering of waves by a statistically rough surface is defined by the expression [~l: ~..~i,i~nro3 " The expression Z/A =(Z/~) oPt = 1/2~r cos'Y corresponds to the maxiunum of the - resonance curve. Thus, the Q of the resonance characteristic, Q-(Z/a)opt~~ = _ = 0.91, does not depend oz~ the grazing angle. _ - By expressing the spatial correlation. radius of small scale wave agitation, - ~ Z, in terms of the average wavelength A[ 8] , we obtain: ' _ ~ (1) ~i,oc - l~ ~ oos ~F. Tnis expression differs fram the well known condition for resonance scattering, 1l = a/2cosY' (see, ~or example, [1, 3, 5]) , in the fact that the random na.ture = and isotropic character ~f small waves are taken into account. - - The sliift in the center frequency of the spectrum of a radio emission scattered - by an agitat~d sea surface, following [1), can be defined using the formula: 2v~ ~op~~ F- ~ (2) ' _ - 51 ~ - FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY ; wher~ v~ (Aopt) is the phase.velocity of the surface wave, defined by the ~ expression: , _ v~r~pt _ BAoP~ + ~y ~ ~r~ = ) (3) ~ 2~ Paove ~ . . whic'n g is the free fall acceleration; y is the surface tension and p is - the density of the liquid [ 9]. Taking (1) and ( 3) into account: , f ormula ( 2) ~ assumes the form: _ r~~g cos Y~ + 8 ~'~n7 cos~ ~ ~4) _ \ P ' ) i _ . The functions computed from (4) for F= f(a) in the centimeter band (Figure 1) ~ agree in for~ with those given in [1], and as follows from the Table where the val~.~es a.r~ found for a= 3.2 cm, are in good agreement with the experi- mental da;.a. _ Taking a~countthe finite width of the resonance characteristic, the spectral width of a scattered emission is determined by the expression: - AF cos 9l l v~ (Aop~ -F Q/~I~ - v~ ~Aopr I~ -Q12J) I� ~ 5) The velocity difference in (5) is taken in terms o~ the absolute value, since = the function v~(A) is a decaying _unction in the region of capillary waves and = an increasing one in the r.egioi~ ~f gravitational waves [9]. - Af ter substituting Q= 0.91, t~.king (17 into account, expression (5) assumes - the form: 2g cos ~ 8r7 cos' g cos ~ l6. ~2~ co~' eF I ( n~ + PTi,-.~ - y'~.~ `_.':l . I ( 6 ) ~ ~ ~ ~l - The curves for ~F = f(a) calculated from (6) are shown in Figure 2. The reduction in the spectral width in a range of a= 2 cm is due to the fact that in '-~:?.s case, the "resonance" waves are surface waves located at the ~ boundary of cur~illary and, gtavitational waves, which have a minimal phase - velocity. The values of ~F when a= 3.2 cm are included in the Table. These ~ data are closerto the experimental values than those obtained in [1, 5], however, fihP calculated s~__tral width of a acattered radio emission is none- theless several times less than that ohtained under natural conditions. . ~2 ; - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 _ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ Fr~ v ao' eFry .I ~o~ - ~a ~ ao a Hz y3i � . ~y 46' . 30 6 ' .~so� ' ~ ar . f0 y I j . ~ ' - 10 - , t� . d ~ p 6� Q.i,w 0� 'B 4 ' 6 Q ,c,N Figure 1. Figure 2. To estimate the spectral widening due to orbital motion of an "resonance" ripple with the action of larger waves, measurements were made for the casc _ - of vertical irradiation (~Y = 90�) of the water surface. In this case, the spectral width which is determined practically solely by fluctuations of the reflecting surface with the action of a large ripple, proved to be 4.8 Hz. The resulb"s of a spectral width calculation for scattering by an agitated water _ surface are given in tne last column of the table, taking into account all of the factors causing spectral widening considered in this paper. These data are - - in agreement with the measurement results. _ ~ Thus, the mechanism cor.sidered here for the spectral widening of micr~wave _ ' radiation scattered by a wind ripple (the influence of the finite width of the resonance characteristic of the scattering and the orbital motion of the "resonance" ripple on larger waves) makes it possible to explain experimental ` results obtained in the case of weak wave action. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Rozenberg A.D., Ostrovskiy I.Ye., Kalmykov A.I., IZVESTIYA WZOV MVSSO SSSR, SERIYA RADIOFIZIKA [PR~CEEDINGS OF THE HIGHER EDUCATIOh'AL INSTITUTES OF THE ' ~ USSR MINISTRY OF HIGHER SECONDARY AND SPECIAL EDUCATION, RADIOPHYSICS SERIES], - 1966, Vol 9, No 2. ~ 2. Fuks I.M., "IZVESTIYA WZOV MVSSO SSSR, SERIYA RADIOFIZIKA, 1966, Vol 9, No 5. 3. Zel'dis V.I., Rozenberg A.D., Ruskevich V.G., AKUSTICHESKIY ZHURNAL [ACOUSTICS JOURN?.L~, 1974, Vol 20, No 3. _ 4. Fuks I.M. ~KUSTICHESKIY ZHURNAL, 1974, Vol 20, No 3. 53 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 5. Rozenberg A.D., Kalmykov A.I., Zel'dis V.I., IZVESTIYA WZOV MVSSO SSSR, SERIYA RADIOFIZIKA, 1967, Vol 10, No 6. 6. Lyapin K.K.,,Shishkin I.F., RADIOTEKHNIKA [?tADIO ENGINEERING], 1974, Vol Z9~ No 12. 7. Ushakov I.Ye., RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRdNIKA, 1979, Vol 25, No 9. - 8. Lysanov Yu.P., ~KEANOLOGIYA, 1975, Vol 15, No 3. 9. Smirnov G.N., OKEANOLOGIYA, Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola Publishers, 1974. COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhnika", 1980 - [123-8225] � ' I- 8225 . CSO: 1860 - i i 5~ - FOR OF~iC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 ~ FOR OFFIC.IAL USE ONLY VARIOUS MISCELLANEOUS TTE'MS, TNCLUDING THEORIES ' UDC 656.816.5:686.12.05 6 - INNOVATIONS IN EQUIPMENT ~OR DESTROYxNG DOCUMENTS* Moscow PRTBORX` T SISTII~tY UPRAVI,EN~~A in Russian No 12, 7.980 ~p ~+2~43 _ [Article by E.B. Gorbatyy, engineer, and A.L. Raykhtsaum, candidate o~ hi.sfiox3,ca~. _ . sciences] _ [Textj The state o~ the art of ma.nagement is characterized by an 3ncrease in the volume of documental infortnation recorded on paper media. Whereas at the beginning - of the decade for the implementation of the managerial work of institutions, enter- ~ prises and organ3zations in our country were created about 60 billion sheets of documents [1], by the end of the 70's this figure had already grown to 500 billion ' � sheets [2]. For the sake of information let us point out that according to the - data of American spec3alists in the USA in 1968 the quantit}r of documents reached 175 billion sheets per year, and no tendency toward a reduction in this amount was envisioned [3]. Furthermore, such an enormous array of documents is by no means intended for prolonged storage in various kinds of archives. Many documents are of an operating nature and are destroyed when there is no longer a need for them. Of . this we are convinced by management data according~to which a comparatively sma11 amount of documents is consi~ned to archival storage. In this connection questions relaCing to the recycling of unneeded paper documents begin to play an important _ role. _ It is possible to single out the following aspects of this recycling: prevention of restoration of the text of a processed document in order to avoid divulg3ng it s contents and the possibility of further use of the processed document, and the ob- servance of environmental protection regulations. ~ At the present time paper destroying machines are used for the purpose of recyc?ing documents while taking all these aspects into account. Here let us note the def i- nite inconsistency between the name of the machine and the functions it performs ' In this case it is a question not of destroying documents, but:�of processing, of recycling them. *From materials o~ a seminar organized by the USSR All--Union Chamber of Commerce and _ Tndustry and the Austrtan firm Otto und Heinz Korotin GmbH. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY - Being a component o~ the combinati,on o~ o~#fce systems e~uip~ent ~ox docum~nts, paper destxoy~ing machines axe equipment w~thout whieh not a single sub- - division of the adm~.nis~rative apparatus specializing in el~riea7, sexvices can = manage today. These machines serve the purpose not only of recy~elfng business papers in general, but also of mafntafning the secrecy oP the in~ormation con~A3.ned = in them. Grinutng paper tnto illegible pieces, shreds~ erc., these machines pro- vide an e~ficient solution to problems of getting r id of documents which have be- _ come unnecessary~ to a spe~:i~ic organization while theiT conten~ can be of interest - to other organizations. In this connection it can be mentioned that these machines completely solve the problem of destroying documents without inflicting damage on the environment. Relativelp recently the burning of archives was practiced for these purposes. However, this method should be omitted since it re sults in pollution of the air - basin (burnir~~ o~ thfs sort is prohibited in the ma~ority of countries of the world). Tn addition, it is practically impossible to have an incinerator in each - institution; therefore, documents not to be transmitted for use by other organiza- tions had to be delivered to central incineration p lants, as the result of which ` the danger of their being lost or of falling lnto the hands of undesirable people increased. The ~conomic side of the matter is also not to be forgotten. Grinding - _ paper up makes i*. possible to recycle it, which w3.11 promote to a definite degree the conservation of forest tracts. _ In designing paper destroying machines are observed a number of principles ensuring - - their high pe~formance. Taking into accou~nt the fact that these machines as a rule are found in off ice areas where administrative personnel of. quite diff erent levels are located (for example, in individual cases 3t is possible to rec ommend the installation o~ such a machine directly in the manager's office), required of them first of all is a , minimum of noise interference. They must also be transportable regardless of ~ whether the unit is a portable one c. is a high-output machine. Equipment for pre- - venting failures in overloading is r.ECessary in machines. For this purpose re- versing equipment is used, making it possible to withdraw material serving as the reason for overloading, as well a~ automatic equipment registering overloading. The servicing of these machines and their repair musC be performed in the shortest - time, since here undesirable access to the contents of machines is made possible. Foreign firms produce a number of paper destroying machines whose operating charac- teristics are of definite interest. The "~ordishrsd-Elektroshredder-Alpha" machine is very compact and can be used in any office 4:ea. it cuts paper at a speed of 10.5 m/min and can process in one operation five to ,~taht pages of paper with a density of 70 g/m3. The shredded paper is guided into a polyethylene bag, which ensures cleanliness and convenience in processing it ~urther. The design of the machine makes it possible to install it on anp work table. The "Fordishred-Elektroshredder--246" machine is designed f or equip~3,ng a manager's work place and is installed beside a desk. It has three different cutting widths: 56 . FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300104411-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' 2, 4 and 6 mm, depending on which in s sfngle operation are destxoyed s~.x to 16 . sheets of docu~tents ~ The "Fordishred--102~' machine sexies consists of four t~odels with a cutting width of 0.78 to 4.8 mm. The 0.78~mn machines shred documents eompletelp and are widely u~ed in forefign govemment instttutions, embassies, on submarines, etc. In case the power supply fails, these machines are furnished Frtth hand controls making it posaihle to shred document~ manually. � The "Fordishred-X9" model is quite promising. It not only cuts paper into prac- tically illegible strips 0.78 mm wide, but also chops them into pieces measuring 0.8 X 10 mm. This machine converts a sheet of A4-format paper int.o 7000 pieces in _ one second. Tt is furnished 4rith a special hasket for refuse and with a hand con- - trol for manual drive. , Special consideration is to be given to machines having fundamental d3fferences . _ from other mach'nes with a similar purpose, and primarily to a machine designed for recycling documents produced in the process of the functioning of computer equip- - ment. The wide distribution of computers has entailed an increase in the amount of printouts and other similar documents. ~h~ir ~ecyaling has become an urgent problem. The "Komp,~uters~tred-Elektroshredder-1600" machine can be used for this. - It cuts a printout and continuous tapes into strips 6.4 mm wide and in a single operating cycle shreds 25 sheets 21 cm thick. Mounted on the machine is a work table to accomm~date the material to be recycled. The "Husmann" machine, type EDV, used for the same purposes, has a productivity of 350 kg/h. The first paper destroying machine with electronic devices in the world is the "Fordishred-1800-Electronic." The electronics make it possible to stop a working ` machine without an operator and the machine shuts off automatically when reloading. " It can shred as much as 750 kg of paper per hour. More than 50 sheets are pro- cessed in a single warking cycle. It can shred cards, boxes, etc. Of certain interest are machines of the Gerhard Husmann firm furnished additionally presses for converting waste into bales. For examp~e, the HSM4 machine under a pressure of 8�105 Pa presses waste into plastic bales weighing 40 to 60 kg (six _ to eight bales per hour). These machines make it possible to recycle cardboard, large and small cardboard boxes, tin containers and the like. Their use is most advisable Frith the existence of considerable amounts of material to be processed. "Cancelling" model machines designed for invalidating~documents are also produced. In this case the document to be processed is not shredded, as in ordinary machines, but perforated. It retains its form and is suitable for visual recognition, but it loses its legal validity. Tn foreign practice foreign passports, checkbooks and savings passbooks, accounts, ete., are proeessed in this way. The processed documents can be used only for reference purposes. _ The machines for recycling documents talked about in this article considerably im- prove the standard, qualitp and e~ficiency of the work oP adminis~rative personnel. ~ 57 - FOR OFFICIAL "USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~~,b~~o~xaphy 1. Kokorev, and ~'okh~.ebaye~, V. '~dpyt vnedreniya standaxtnpkh ~~~@m i, organ~za,t$~onno--xas~pory~d~,tel~nykh dokumentov" [Experi~aent in - Standard Letters aad Qther Contro3. Documents], Moscow, Sovetakaya Ross~.ya, _ 1973. 2. "Dokumentats~,onnoye obespecheniye upravleniya i arkhiw: ~rospekt" [Administra~ ~ive Documentation Sugport and Archives, a Suuttnary], ~Ioscow, GAU SSSR, 1979. 3. "Nauchnyye osnovy uni~ikatsi3 dokumentov upravleniya" [Scientific of the Uni~ication of Administrative Documents], Moscow,, xzdatelfstvo Standartov, 1972. ~ - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Pribory i s~.stemy upxavleniya~', 1980 ' _ [144-8831] 8831 - ~ - CSO: 1860 ~ ~ 5$ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300100011-5