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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 ~PRS L/9588 5 March 1981 : . . . : ~ ~ : . . . ~ ~ USSR Re ~ ort p AGRICULTURE (FOUO 1 / 81) _ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, b~t also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language soueces are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. L'nfamiliar names rendered phonetically or translite:ated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGiTLATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSI~IIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOREIGN BROADC,~ST INFORMATION SERVICE P. O. Box 2604 Waehinqton, D. C. 20013 2G February 1981 NU'I'L' 1~R01~i 'I'HL' [IIRI.C;I'UR, f~BIS: Forty years a~;o, the U.S. Government inauKurated a new , _ service to monitor foreign public broadcasts. A few years later a similar group was established to exploit tl~e foreign press. Prom the merger of t}lese organizations evolved the present-day PBIS. Our constant g~al t}irougiiout ]las been to provide our readers witli rapid, accurate, and canpreliensive reporting from tlie public meclia warldwide. On bcl~alf o� all of us in FBIS I wish to express appreci~ition to our reaclers wl~o l~ave guided our efforts throughout the years. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9588 5 March 1981 USSR REPORT AGRICULTURE , (FOUO ~/e~) CONTENTS POST HARVEST CROP PROCESSING _ Progress, Problems in Processing of 1980 Sunflower Crop Reviewed (V.M. Korostelev; MASLO-ZHIROVAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', Oct 80)... 1 LIVESTOCK Pro~ected Accomplishments in Poultry Industry Outlined (V. Lisin; PTITSEVODSTVO, .Tan 81) 4 AGRO-ECONOMICS AND ORGANIZATION Estonian Farm Investment, Subsidy Policies, Agro-Industrial Aseociations Viewed (E. xi~yayai; VOPROSY EK~NOMIKI, Nov 80) 12 TILLING AND CROPPING TECHNOLOGY Status, Prospects for Developme::t of Sunflower Varieties (M.F. Bozhko, N.S. Yakimenko; MASLO-ZHIROVAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', Oct 80) 21 - a - [III - USSR - 7 FOUO] ...�...n. . r . roc nl?rr v APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POST HARVEST CROP PKOCESSING UDC 658.58.011.46:665.347.8.002.3 PROGRESS, PROBI.~MS IN PROCESSING OF 1980 SUNFLdWER CROP REVIEWED Moscow MASLO-ZHIROVAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' in Rusaian No 10, Oct 80 pp 4-6 ~Article by V.M. Korostelev, deputy chief of Uprraszhirn~aslo of the USSR Ministry of the Food Induatry and chief of the Productian-Economic Department: "Efficient Processing of the 19d0 Sunflower Crop"] ~Text] At the present time, the sunflower seed from the new crop is being procesaed at oil and fat enterprises representin& an overall capability of more than 21,500 tons daily. The majority of the enterprises coped with their capital repair work during the approved periods and made fine preparations for receiving and procesaing the seed of the new crop. But, at the same time, some enterprieea, for various reasona, were slow to commence operations again following the completion of capital repair work. Thus the Rostov Oi1 and Fat Combine, owing to the fact that its boiler room was not ready, was delayed by almost 10 days in starting up ita operations once again following capital repair work. There were also incidents of capital repair work schedules being extended at oil and fat enterprisas of the MPP [Ministry of the Food Industry] of the Ukrainian SSR and ather republics. During the period of capital repair work, 10 million rubles worth of imported and 3 million rubles worth of domeatic technological equipment were inatalled at the enterprisea. This included 45 husking drums, 54 aspir.ation seed machinea, 70 roller machines of the VS-5 ty~e, 40 acrew conveyer presses, 3 diatillation units, 12 toasters and other items of extraction equipment. During the period of mass sunflower seed harvesting operationa, which lasts for 10-15 days, the oil and fat enterprises must enaure continuous acceptance of the aeed directly from kolkhozes and sovkhozes located within the 50 kilometer raw material zone. This amounts to 70,000 tons oi aeed daily. In addition and in accordance with agreed upon schedules, sunflower seed ie supplied by grain receiving enterpriaes of the US~R Ministry of Procurement. For the timely acceptance and processing of oil-bearing raw materials from the 1980 crop, the following equipment was prepared and placed in operation: dryers representing an overall capability of 56,000 tons daily, elevators and mechanized storehouses having an overall capacity of approximately 1 million tons of aunflower _ seed. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 rUK Ur'i''1l:lAL U~r. UNLT This year the capabilities of the dryera are being increased by 6,000 tons daily, including 3,500 tona daily through the placing in operation of 11 new dryera and 2,500 tons daily as a reault of the modernization of existing dryers. At enterpriaea of RSFSR MPP, the plana call for the modernization of 31 dryers through the inatallation of attactunents to the drum dryera (2U units) and conver~ion over to the use of gas (11 units). At the sa~e time, the miniatries of the food industry for the Georgian SSR and the Kazakh SSR are not devoting proper a~tention to increasing the capabilitiea of the dryera and, as a result, the Ochamchira and Uet'-Kamenogorsk oil extraction planta still do not have dryers. The capabilities of the dryers at the Pologi Oil Extraction Plant and the Prikolotnoye Oil Plant are not being employed in a satiafactory manner. It beArs mentioning that the RSFSR MPP is not placing sufiicient emphasis on the con5truction of elevators and storehouaea for the atorage of oil-bearing aeed. ~ Thus, for the construction of a 14,000 ton elevator at the Millerovo Oil Extraction Plant, at an estimated cost of 2.84 millian rubles (including 2.2 million rubles for construction-installation work), only 1.13 million rubles (including 0.99 million rubles for construction-installation work) were utilized during the 1977- 1979 period and during the first 6 months of 1980, against a plan calling for 0.52 million rubles worth of construction-installation work, only 13,000 rubles worth of such work, or 2.5 percent, was carried out. A 10,U00 ton mechanized storehouse has been under construction for more than 4 years at the Selorechensk Oil Extraction Plant. However, the placing in operation of this project was not planned for 1980 and, as a reault, the castor oil planta are bein~ stored under unsatisfactory conditions. Organizational-technical measures are being implemented this year at enterprisea of the RSFSR MPP in the intereat of increasing the capabilities by 340 tons daily, including l0U at the Armavir Combine, 150 at the Krasnodar Combine, 50 at the Labinyk Plant and 40 tons daily at the Kropotkin Plant. At enterprises of the MPP for the Ukrainian SSR, as a reault of modernization and the implementation of organizational-technical measures, the capabilities are being increased by 250 tons daily, including 30 at the Vinnitsa Oil and Fat Combine~ 40 at the Odessa Combine, 20 at the Dnepropetrovsk Combine, 20 at the Slavyansk Combine, 20 at the Zaporozh'ye Combine and 40 tons daily at the Chernovtsy Combine. During the 4th quarter, the oil and fat enterprises must ensure unconditional fulfillment of the production plan for vegetable oil and, in addition to achieving observance of the approved norms for oil and solvent losses, they must also lower such losses. Everything is still not going well in this important work. Whereas enterprises of the RSFSR MPP, during the procesaing of their sunflower aeed, lowered somewhat their oil losses compared to 1979, the oil and .fat enterprises of the MPP for the Ukrainian SSR exceedad their normative oil loases by 1,219 tons during the first 6 months. The above-normative oil losses were especially high at ~ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY the Slavyansk (224 tons), Odessa (205 tone), Chernovtay (312 tons) and Kiro~ograd ` (148 tons) oil and fat combines and at the 3va[ovo l)il Extraction Plant (176 tona). This testifiea to the fact that the Ukrraszhirmasloprom is not pr.oviding sufficient direction for the work being performed by the oil and fat enterpriaea. The oil extraction and pressing plants must carry out their work ia a rhythmic and stable manner and utilize their capabilitias fully. Taking inCo account the shortcomings noted in 1979 and during 9 months of 1980, special attention should be given to utilizing fully the capabilitiAS of the Pologakiy Oil Extraction Plant and the two MEZ-350 extractian lines placed in operation at the Kirovograd 011 and Pat Combine. The leaders of associations must ensure the timely shipping of the vegetable oil and oil-seed meal and the continuoua supplying of the enterpri:es With raw materials, fuel and extraction benzine. Greater control should be exerciaed over observance of the t:echnological regimes for production, eapecially the production of goods which confurm to the standards. There have been cases of aunflower oil-seed meal being prAduced which did not meet the standard for protein content and this ie completely unacceptable. Each such incident must be investigated immediately and meaeurea developed for enauring the _ production of only standard products. In the proceasing of sunflower seed, the national economy realizea the greatest reaults when complex use is made of all of the products of surh procesaing,. Special - importance is attached to ensuring that the oil and fat enterprises carry out their - tasks cor~cerned with supplying cake and oil-aeed meal for the mixed feed induatry, sunflower hulls for enterprises of the Main Administration of the Microbiological Industry of the USSR Council of Ministere and phosphatide concentratea for enterprises of the USSIt Ministry of the Meat and Dairy Industry, for ths production of subatitute whole milk, and for enterprises of the confectionery industry. The country's kolknozes and sovkhozea engaged in the production of agricultural crops and also the enterprises which process the agricultural raw materigls launched an ex[ensive socialist competition aimed at making worthy preparationa for the 26th CPSU Congress. The socialist obligations undertaken by workera attached to oil and fat enterprises include measures directed towarda enauring the timely transporting, cleaning, drying, atoring and procesaing of sunflower aeed and with reduced lossea and high quality products obtained. COPY1tIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pishchevaya promyshlennoet Maslo-zhirovaye promyshlennost"', 1980 7026 CSO: 1824 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY LIVESTOCK PROJECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN POULTRY INDUSTRY OUTLIN;~ Moacow PTITSEVODSTVO in Russian No 1, Jaa 81 pp 2-4 LArticle by V. Lisin: "Toward New Goe1s" 1,Text,J The year 1980 has ended. The lOth Five-Year Plan hae been completed. Its final results are being reviewed. The Soviet people neve e, right to be proud of the results of their labor in all the spheres of the econo~~ ecience and cu1- ture. In hie apeech at the October (1980) Plenum oP the CPSU Central Committee Comrade L. I. Brezhnev on behelP of the perticipants in the plenum expreseed grat- itude and sincere thanke to e11 advanced collectives e,nd to all urban and rural workera, who did so much far the flouriahing of our country. In order to improve the well-being of the Soviet people, from the ne~tional in- come during th~ lOth Five-Year Plan 329 billion rubles more were apent then dur- ing the previous five-yee,r plen. Paymente e.nd benefita from public furids in- creased by 13k billion rublea. This capital was uaed Por free education, medi- cal services, workers' rest and financial security in old age. A total of 717 billion rubles' more worth of i~dustrial products and 50 billion rubles' more worth of agricultural products were produced than during the paet five-yeax plan. Our country's economic and defenae potentisl inereased signiPicantly during those years. A big forward step was taken in the development of agriculture. The average an- nual grain output exceeded 200 million tons for the firat time during the lOth Five-Year Plan. Ka.zakhstan's grain growerp made an important contribution to the solution of this problem. For 4 yeare the republic sold more than 1 billion poods of grain to the state. Grain growers in Krasnaderskiy Krey e,nd in Orenburg- skaya, I{uetanayskaye,end a number of other oble.ats worked with inepiration. Cot- ton sowing republics made new advances. All of them f~xlfilled the cotton picking assignments of the five-year plen. Animal husbandry workers also worked well. The population o~ a11 types of live- stock and poultry increased. Output rose. Firmly following the policy of the Mexch (1965) Plenum of the CPSU Central Co~nit- tee, our party did tremendous work and laid down the foundations for modern agri- culture, which we can and must have in order to fully meet the people's nPeds for food and the industry's needa for raw materials. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONI.Y However, e,s a result of the rise in the people's well-being and purchasing pow~er, the demand for livestock products, especial]y for meat and milk, is increQSing rapidly. For a numher of reasons during the lOth Five-Year Plan it was not pos- eible to achieve what was envisaged in the plens. This was connected primarily the Pact that only 1976 and 1978 were co~paratively favorable in terms of weat%ier conditions. The remaining 3 yeare were extreme~y difficult for agricul- ture in meny regions. This was reflected in the provision of farms with fodder and hempered mee,t and milk production. In euch a complex aituation livestock breeders and e11 rural workers had to meke heroic efforts to increase, not only to preaerve, the population of livestock and poultry and to avo3d a sliunp in the development of animal husbandry bra.nchea. The decisions of the July (1978) and October (19~) plenwns of the CPSU Central Committee and the draft of the CPSU Central C~anmittee for the 26th Congress of the Coganunist P~rty of the Soviet Union "Main Trends in the Economic and Socie.l Developmeni of the USSR for 1981-1985 anc? for the Period Until 1990" published for a nationwide discuesion ettvise,ge a set of ineasures for the further develop- ment of agriculture~ increase in its materiel and tec'.lnical equipment~ strengthen- ing of kolkhoz and sovkhoz econo~pr and a stable growth of output. The CPSU Central Committee considered it necessexy to develop a special food progrem. This progrem will cover and draw to~ether problems connected with an increase in agricultural output, measures for its better preserve,tion, as well as processing and transportation to the consumer, and problems concerning the development of the food industry and other industrial branches servicing agricul- ture. This agrarian and industrial food complex will be planned, fine~nced and managed as a aingle whole to ensure great finsl results. The draft "Me,in Trends in the Economic and Social Develop~ent of the USSR for 1981-1985 end for the Period Until 1990" during the 5-year period envisages an increase of 12 to 14 percent in the average annual agricultural output and a rise of 22 to 24 percent in labor productivity on public farma. The problem of an accelerated development of animal husbandry and the maximum possible increase in the production of ineat, milk~ eggs and other products ia of . f~uidaznentel importance in the improvement of food supply for the population. By ' 1985 the production of ineat ahould be increased to 17 or 17.5 million tons (in carcass weight), of milk, to 97 or 99 million tons e,nd of eggs, to no less than 72 billion. Measures to strengthen the material and technical equipment of fodder production and to establiah a reliable fodder base for animal husbandry have been envisaged. An increase in the production and improvement in the quelity of fodder is con- sidered one of the urgent te,sks of the e,ppropriate branches of the agrarian and industrial complex. Special attention is given to the solution of the problem of fodder protein~ primarily through an expe.nsion of sown axeas end a considerable increase in the production of pulse crops, that is~ peas, lucerne, clover, lup~n, rape~ soybeans and otY~ers, as well as an accelerated develop~ent of the produc- tion of fodder yeast. S FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY A further growth in the production of livestock products will be e~ttained through a rise in productivity with a eimulte~neous increase in the popule,tion of livestock and poultry. Breeding work on improving the ~edigree and praductive qualities of animals and on developing highly productive, new breeds, lines and hybrids of livestock and poultry suitable for raiaing under conditiona of large meche,nized f~zrms and sec- tions will have to be improved considerably. Veterinary services and the supply of various veterinary preparations, tcula and equipment for farms are improving. In machine building for animal husbandry and fodder produc~tion it will be neces- sary to ensure the manLfe,cture of highly efficient sets of ine,chinery and equip- - ment for advanced industrial processes of preparina snd atoring fodder and of keeping and raising livestock and poultry, to complete the development of produc- tion capacities for the output of self-propelled fodder harvesting ma,chines and facili+iea for the transportation of green mass and to master the output of silage and haylage loaders. In chemical machine building the output of flow lines for the production of pro- tein and vitamin concentrates, fodder yee,st~ furfurel and lysine will be increased and the output of complete flow lines for the production of fodder vitamins of group B end ~~rlite will be mastered. Measures for eri accelerated developmeat of the production of products of micro- biological aynthesis, increase in the production of co~odity fodder protein and lysine, a significant increase in the production of antibiotics for fodder and veterinery purposes, fodder vitamins, microbiological plant protection agents, enzyme preparations, premixes, bactexial fertilizers and other products are en- visaged in the microbiological industry. An increase of 13 to 15 percent in the production of mixed feed at state eriter- " prises and a twofold increase in the production of protein and vitemin additives _ are contemplated. More complex, new tasks have been set for poultry breeding workers during the llth Five-Yeax Plan. This branch now reste on a firm industrial basis and has great opportunities for a further inerease in the production of such highly val- uable food products as eggs and poultry m~sat. The fexms of the tiSSR Adminietra- tion of the Pou3try Breeding Industry have begun to he,ve a higher share in the volumes of production and, esPecially, procurement of these products. The party and the governnent allocated vast capital inveatments for the develop- ment of industrie,l poultry breeding. During the past 5-year period 3.5 billion rubles were epent on the construction and reconstruction of poultry breeding faxms forming part of the aystem of the USSR Administration of the Poultry Breeding In- dustry. However, thia s~ by no means reflects all the expenditures. Consider- able capital investments w~ere needed Por the manufacture of ce,ges and other indus- trial equipment for the production capacities of poultry end other specialized farms being built, expanded a.nd reconatructed, as well as for a si~ificant ex- pansion of the output of mixed feed and high-protein erid vitemin additives, 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y purchases of poultry abroe,d end ao forth. In the end during those yeexs the val- . ue of fixed productive capital of the faxms belonging to the syetem of the USSR ~ Administration of the Poultry Breeding Industry increased from 5.8 to 10 billion rubles, or 1.8-Pold. Gi' course~ this determined the positive shifta in the de- velopment of poultry breeding, to which the following ind3cators attest (table 1). Years 198~ in Indicatore percent 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980* of 1975 Egg production on all categories of farms (billion) 57�5 56.2 61.2 64.6 65.8 68.0 118 including on ferms of the USSR Administre,tion of the Poultry Breeding Induetry (billion ) 25�5 28.3 32.5 34.9 37.~ 39.4 155 Poultry meat production on a11 categories of farms (thousand tons) 1938 1'777 2135 2399 2573 2686 133 including on farms of the USSR Administration of the Poultry Breeding Industry (thousand tons) 676 751 929 1097 1219 1385 2.1-fold including broiler meat (thou- sand tons) 173 221 297 382 458 555 3.2-fold *Preliminary data. During the past five-yeax plan the production of eggs increased by 18 percent and of poulti^y meat, by 33 percent. The farms of the system of the USSR Adminis- tration of the Poultry Breeding Industry,on which during that time the production of eggs increased more than 1.5-Pold and of poultry meat, 2.1-fold, the productica of broiler meat increasing 3.2-fold, played the main role. With regard to the producti on of eggs end poultry meat on other ce~tegories cf faxms, that is, on ko]khozes and nonspecielized sovkhozes, as well as on the pop- ulation's private subeidiary farms, it not only did not increase, but even de- creased. Of course, such a situation cannot be considered normal. The party urges that everywhere conatent attention be given to the development of ani.mal husbandry on private farms. At this atage this is a vital need. We must not fail to take into account that, having lost their former ei~nificance in ste~e purchases, the population's private aubsidiary farms continue to have a big share in the total volwne oP production of livestock products. For example, they annu- s11y produce 20 t o 22 billion eggs, or one-third of the volume obtained on all categoriea of Parms . With the substanti al growth of egg and poultry meat production on specialized farms their extremely uneven developvnent in so~e oblasts, krays and republics is noteworthy. Five-year plans for the production of poultry products were not f~,il- filled in the Uzbek SSR, the Georgian SSR, the Azerbai~an SSR and the Armenian SSR, as well as in a number oP oblasts, kreys and autonamous republics of the Russian Federation. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY There were serious shortcomings in the flilfillment of the program for the devel- opment of poultry breeding for meat. The decree of the CPSU Central Co~nittee and the tT5SR Council of Ministera "On Measures To Increase Poultry Meat Produc- tion" envisaged increasing by 1980 the production of poultry meat on kolkhozee, at interfarm enterpriaes~ on sovkhozes end on other atate farms to 2,000~000 tons (in live weight), including broiler mea~ production to 89~+,000 tons. Of this amount the farm~ of the USSR Administration of the Poultry Breeding Industry were supposed to produce 1,546,000 tons of poultry meat, including 793,000 tons of broiler meat. ACCOT~uii.a to preliminary data, the assignments for the volumes of poultry meat production were underfulfilled. The unsatisfactory qual ity of mixed feed had a ~ negative effect on the course of f1alPillment of these assignments. In the last _ 3 years the provision of farms of ineat specielization with balanced fodder com- prised only 70 to 80 percent and mixed feed with a low content of protein and me- tabolized energy was delivered to them. Owing to the shortage of crude protein, as well as vit amin additives, the enterprises of the uSSR Ministry of Procurement Were forced to produce mi�ed feed Por poultry with considerable deviations from - the A11-Union State Standard and great assortment violations. As a reault of the use of unbalanced mixed feed in pou].try breeding for meat there was a consider- able overexpen diture of mixed feed per unit of ouput and the efficiency of this branch, especially of broiler production~ was lowered. The lag in the commissioning o`. pedigree faxms and reproducers hampered the de- velopment of p oultry breeding for meat. As a result, e, number of broiler factor- _ ies were short of l~ybrid foung stock. The construction of 289 poultry enterprises, including 199 poultry farms, with the co~issioning of capacities for 348 million head of ineat poultry, 30 pedigree farma for 658,000 pedigree chickens and 60 reproducers for 3,35~,~00 head of ped- igree poultry was envisaged in 1976-1980. In fact, however, 18 pedigree poultry breeding farms were built and capacities for 1,258,000 places for poultry were = commissioned. Thus, the assignment for the commissioning of production capaci- ties on pedigree farms was underfulfilled considerably. Whereas in the Belorussian SSR~ the Kazokh SSR, the Lithuanian SSR, the Latvie.n SSR~ the Ta,jik S~R end the Estonien SSR mee,t production was doubled or increase~. 2� 5-fold and the assignments set were f~].filled auccessf~z.lly, in the Uzbek SSR, the Georgian SSR, the ~Zrkmen SSR and some other republics~ krays and oblasts these indicators did not che,nge significantly. The decree of the CPSU Centrel Coffinittee and the USSR Council of Ministers en- visaged incre asing poultry meat production to 3,000,000 tons for 1985 and this means that dur ing the new five-year plan it will be necessary to increase its production volumes in the public sector by 1,330,000 tons, or 1.8-fold. This is not ezl easy task. i'he ma,in and most complex problem of the f~rther development of poultry breeding - for meat lies in providing this branch with the necessary amount of nutritively balanced mixed feed. The shortage of crude protein, primaxily of animal origin, as well as of syn~hetic emino acias, is felt most acutely. There is a shortage of a number of vitamins, trace elements ~nd other biological]y active substances vitally necessaxy for poultry. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR ONF'ICIA1. USF ONLY Many industrie,l enterprises for the production of prote3n and vitamin additives, whose construction was envisaged by the decrees of the CPSU Cen�,ral Committee and the USSR Council oi Ministers approved by the July (1978 ) Plenum of the CPSU Cen- trel Committee, will be put into opere,tion anly during the llth Five-Year Plen and will be able to increase o~itput considerab~jr on~y at the end of it. Therefore, it - is necessary to better uti lize all the internal resources for en increase in the production of crudz protein . As the experience of a number of oblasts shows, it is possible to make up for ito shortage th~�ough the utili2ation of animal husband- ry waste. There are meny resourceo at the poultry breeding enterprises themselves. How much protein meal can be made from slaughter house we,ste if every factory _ fu11y eviacerates carrasses i - In order to change ove~ to a full evisceration of poultry carcasses on all poul- try breeding farms a.nd. at poultry ~rocessing enterprises of the system ot' the USSR Ministry of Meat and Dairy Induatry, by the end of the llth Five-Year Plan the annual production of slaughter lines must be increased to 300, that is, the machine building capacity of enterprises manufacturing thie e;uipment mast be tripled. A considerable expansion of production capacitiea wlll also be needed at enterprises manufacturing horizontal vacuum boilers. , , With a general chengeover to a full ev~aceration of carcassee and the maximum use of waste obtained after slaugY~tering and during poul+.ry re.j.sing and egg incubation the resources of raw materials for the production of highly value.ble protein feed at the enterprises of the USSR Administration of the Poultry Breeding Industry can ~ be increased to 660,000 tons by 1985, that is, tripled~ The production of ineat and bone meal from these raw ;naterials will increase f'rom 54,000 to 165,000 tons. A corresponding increase in the production oP protein feed can also be e,ttained at the enterprises of the USSR Minis~ry of Meat ar:d Dairy Industry. The production of fou~line hybrids for generel. use on co~odity farms is a piv- otal task in the organization of efficient broiler production. However, in con- nection with the acute shortage of reproducer farms mar~y industriel enterprises fatten expensive line poultry for meat, which, as compared with t~ybrid poultry, gives lower increases in the live mass and consumes more feed per unit of output. That is wY~y the manifestation of local interests should not be tolerated in the construction of reproducer faxms. In every reyon, oblast end kray, regaxdless of the service zone for which repraducers are desi~ed, their cammissioning on the schedulec: dates should be considered a foremost matter. Special control must be established over the meximwm use of the available capaci- ties for an increase in the production of poultry me~,t primarily on the farms of the system of the USSR Adminiatration of the Foultry Breeding Industry. The state inveated vast funds in the strengthening oP the material and technical base of these farms. Therefore, the facts of an unsatisfactory use of their production capacities e,re totally intolerable. There are meny such f~ets. At the Vel'yami- nov Broiler Factory in Bryenskeya Oblast~ Inzhavino Factory in Tembovskaya Oblast and Kazan' Factory in the Tatarskaya ASSR only 60 to 70 percent of the production capacities have been used in the last few years . Capacities in the Tra.nscaucasian republics are being utilized in a very unsatisfactory manner. 9 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Poultry meat pro.iuction must be increased not only through broilers, but also through the mass breeding of young stock of ducks, turkeys and geese for meat. Unfortunately, turkeya exe bred on a small Rcale on~y in seven Uni~n republics. At the same time, in the Russian Federation, the Ukraine a.nd Uzbekistan the etock of this valuable poultrv~ negligible auywey, was reduced. The eituation wi~h the raising of geese is not better. There are goose breeding farms only in the Ukraine, Be~orussia~ Estonia e,nd some oblasts oP the Rusaian Federation. Industrial poultry breeding is based on the use of st ate mixed feed, whose deliv- eries and expenditure increase year af`ter year. With the very limited resources of grain alloc~ted for feed purposes the atate is doing everything to meet prim- arily the needs of poultry breeding Por mixed feed to a maxim~ degree. Often this is done even to the detriment of some other branches of animal husbandry. Under these conditions the responsibility of mane.gers, specialiets and workera on poultry breeding ferms for the most efficient utilization of every kilogram of . concentrates and for the maximtun possible reduction of feed expenditure per unit of output should be increased. More output with the aeme feed--thia is today's most importa.nt problem. In the system of the USSR Ac~ninistration of the Poultry Breeding Industry only 22 farms use less than 200 feed unita per 1,000 eggs. At most enterprises, however, this expenditure totals from 200 to 300 feed units and in marLy much more. The time has come to analyze the matter in each specific case. The insufficient responsibility of farm managers and apecialists for the part of work entruated to them is one of the main reasons for such a situation. The Ju~y (1978) Plenum of the CPSU Central Coum~ittee n~ted that, ba~ically, the problem of egg supply for the population was solved and that an increase in poul- try meat productzon we,s the me,in of the workers of this brench. However, this doea not mea.n at all that a reduction in the rates of development of poultry breeding oP egg specialization can now be allowed. Conversely~ the tasks are be- coming more complicated. First, elong with ensuring the outlined rates of in- crease in egg product{on~ it is necessary to atte,in atructural shifts so that in the next few years it woul.d be possible to a].most give up interobl~st and inter- republic tranaportation of this product. Second, the problem of a qualitative, new transPormation of farms of egg specialization has alreac'~y ai~isen. Experience hes ahown that with modern industrial tec~nology a high level of poul- try productivity and an economic efficiency of this branch can be atta~ned at all enterprises irrespective of the climatic zone in which they are. Therefore, to- day we ca.nnot reconcile ourselves to the fact that in a number of oblasts, krays and republics the indicators of chicken's egg production are still extremely low end the expenditures of feed, labor arid ftiinds in connection with this ere exces- eively high. The egg production of poultry in the Uzbek SSR, the Georgian SSR~ the TurlQnen SSR a,nd a nwnber of oble.sts, krays and autonomous republics of the Russian Federation is two-thirds and sometimea even one-half of the production, for example, in the 10 FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Baltic republics, Belorussia, ~azakhstan and Arkhangel'skeya, Vologodskaya, Lenin- gradskays, Vladimirskaya, Ivanovskayg, Kirovska.ya~ K~ybyshevakaye,, Orenburgskaya and Magadanskaya oble.sts, where 220 to 240 eggs per leying chicken are obtained exinually with expenditures of less than 2 feed units per 10. We can no longer tolerate the fact that despite the supply of feed from atate re- sources, the higher level of inechanization and automation of produccion processes as compared with other animal husbandry branches and extensive poesibilities for a quick replacement of unproductive poultry ~ number of poultry breeding enter- prises have operated unprofitably and incurred coneiderable losses for a long time. We must carefully stuc~y the possibilities of the farms belonging to the system of the USSR Administration of the Poultry Breeding I:idustry to help the population's private subsidiary ferms to increase meat production by raiaing broilers~ dt~cks, geese, turkeya end other types of ineat poultry. From the very beginning of the year it is necessary to meximally increase the vol~e of incubation of eggs of all types of ineat poultry at incubator and poultry breeding atations e.nd at incubator houses of poultry breeding fe.rms in order not only to meet the needs of poultry farms and kolkhoz and sovkhoz sectiotts for young atock~ but also to organize its regulax sale to the population. Animal husbandry farms are now undergoing the most crucial period--wintering. In the current year its successful execution is of exceptiona].~y great importe,nce for the f~lfillment of the plans of 1981 and of the 5-year period as a whole. The wcrk of collectivesy faxm managers and specialists and agr~:cultural bodies ahould be evaluated from this standpoint. All organizational a.nd me,ss political. work should be built in this direction. Prepaxing en appropriate welcome to the 26th CPSU Congress~ poultry breeding wor- kers, like all the Soviet people, hsve widely spread socialiat competition, are searching for and activating new resources for an increase in the production of eggs and poultry meat and axe making maximum efforts to hav~ e. good at art in the first year of the new five-year plan. ' COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo ~~Kolos"~ "Ptit sevodstvo", 1981 11,439 CSO: 1824 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 AGRO-ECONOMI~S A"ID ORGANIZATION ESTONIAN FARM INVESTMENT, SUBSIDY POLICIES, AGRO-INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS VIEWED Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI in Russian No 11, Nov 80 pp 86-93 ~Article by E. Khyayal, candidate of ~conomic sciences and member of USSR Finance Miniatry Collegium, Tallinn: "Problems of Improving Control Over Agriculture"] ~'~ext] The task of complex agricultural development based upon mechanization, the use of chemical processes, extensive land reclamation, raising the skills of workers and active utilization of scientific achievements was advanced as early as the March (1965) Plenum of the CC CPSU. These trends were further developed and defined more specifically in the decisions handed down during the July (1987 Plenum of the CC CPSU. Once again, emphasis was placed upon the fact that the rate of growth for the country's economic potential, the standarci of living for the population, the observance of the principal national economic proportions and also the status of the branch and state material and financial resources are all dependent to a considerable degree upon the level of agricultural development and the efficiency of agricultural production. Roughly 70 percent of the material wealth consumed by the population is in one way or another associated with agricultural production. As more economic development takea place, the interre.lationships between agricult~re on the one hand and industry and other branches on the other will - expand and become more intense. Recently, serious attention has been focuaed on these int.errelationships and also on the problems of interenterpzise cooperation and agro-industrial integration, as the foundation for the efficient functioning of the country's entire agro-industrial complex. In the process, special importance is being attached to improving the economic mechanism for controlling agriculture and the agro-industrial complex on the whole. Based upon fulfillment of the decisions handed down by the Communist Party, both agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex are being developed successfully in the Estonian SSR. In 1975, the gross output of the complex increased by a factor of 2.5 compared to 1965 and in 1980 it will increase by another 27 percent and reach 2.52 billion rubles. At the present time, there are less than 100,000 individuals or 7.1 percent of the republic's population carrying out work at highly mechanized and large-scale agricultural enterprises (sovkhozes and kolkh~zes). Each year the sovknozes and kolkhozes produce and sell to the state, for every agricultural worker, an average of 11 tons of milk, 2.3 tons of ineat, more than 12 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY 3,000 eggs, almost 13 tons of grain~ 12 tons of potatoes and 0.6 tons of vegetables. c The plans for 1980 called for the following products to be produced, per capita, in the Estonian SSR: 1 ton of grain, 1 ton of potatoes, 1 ton of milk, more than 200 kilograms of ineat and roughly 400 eggs. The Tenth Five-Year Plan called for an increase in the average annusl volume of agricultural output, compared to the previous five-year plan, of 17 percent~ milk 20.1, livestock and poultry 30.8 and eggs an increase of 20.2 percent. In 1975, the profitability of commodity production at sovkhozes was 42.6 percent and at kolkhozes 43.5 percent. In 1978, the efficiency of agricultural production decreased as a result of poor weather conrii+tions. In 1979, the profitability at sovkhozes fell to 21.5 percent and at kolkhozes to 21 percent. Growth in logistical resources, without which intense and efficient agricultural production is impossible, is achieved by means of systematic increases in investments in the particular sphere. More than 1 billion rubles, or 30 percent more than during the Eighth Five-Year Plan, were allocated for developing the - logistical base for agriculture during the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the Estonian SSR and the funds for this purpose will be increased by 10 percent during the Five-Year Plan. During 1979 and compared to the previous year, the value of the fixed production capital increased by 7 percent and the power engineering capabilities by 7.1 percent. In carrying out the production program during the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the increase in logistical resources was less than that for the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Thus, special attention was devoted to strengthening cost accounting and raising the responsibility of the farms for the utilization of the material and financial resources allocated to agriculture. Further improvements are taking place in the use of material resources in agriculture with each passing year and yet we are still encountering incidents wherein the farms are acquiring technical equipment which is in short supply, without sufficient justification, and they are using such equipment in an inefficient manner. Thus, during 1979, the output for one conventional tractor on farms throughout the republic fluctuated from 551 to 1,965 hectares (av erage output for the republic 1,222 hectares). Improvements in the intensity and efficiency of agricultural production are greatly dependent upon measures aimed et improving control over the economies of the agricultural enterprises and upon the skilful use of the economic ski~uli and levers cost accounting, profit, prices, bonuses, credit. In the process, special importance is attached to improving the system of price formation for agricultural output and for the industrial products consumed by agriculture and also to the services provided for agriculture. The measures undertaken for the purpose of improving and intensifyir~g control over agricultural economics (introduction c~~ monetary wages at kolkhozes commencing in 1960, the conversion of sovkhozes over to complete cost accounting in 1967, the introduction of new principles for issuing roaterigl incentives for agricultural labor from a single source material incentive fund commencing in 1971 and so forth) promoted an acceleration in the rates of growth for gross and commodity output and also for labor productivity in agriculture. However, during the past few years the production costs for agriculture have risen steadily and this is adversely affecting the economies of the farms. Periodic increases in the � 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 procurement prices (the last occurring on 1 January 1919) for individual products, with no improvements being carried out in price formation on the whole~ preclude the possibility of normal conditions existing on individusl farms for expanded reproduction. ~ Price formation must be based upon a systematic approach and promote the establishment of interrelationships and in t erdependencies between the procurement~ wholesale and wholesale factory prices for gnods and the rates for providing services for agriculture and it must corre c tly reflect the degree of participation of industry and other branches in raising the efficiency of agriculture and the A PK ~agro-industrial comnlexJ on the whole. Under the existing system of price formation, agriculture is a low profitabili ty brancri of material production. Thus, in 1979 the profitability of agricultural e nterprisea with regard to production capital in the republic was 5.6 percent an d with regard to production costs 21.5 percent; for 1978, the figures were 5.8 and 22.4 percent respectively. At the same time, the profitability of enterprises of the Ministry of the Meat and Dairy Industry and Goskomsel'khoztekhnika. with regard to the value of the fixed production capital, amounted to 4U and 12.8 percent r espectively. The great majority of kolkhozes and sovkho z ea (50-65 percent) operate under worse production conditions owing to insufficien t savings and they utiliZe their production potential to only a minor degre e. At the beginning of 1979, the republic's agricultural enterprises had a monetary surplus amounting to 63.7 million rubles and by the beginning of 1980 this s urplus had decreased to 51.5 million rubles and was to be found mainly on the accounts of highly profitable farms. At the same time, surplus indebtedneas in terme of Gosbank credit for production requirements amounted to 84.6 million rubl es (in 1979 47 million rubles) and for capital investments 159.0 million ruble s(in 1979 160 million rubles), that is, the indebtedness to Gosbank campared to the previous year had increased on the average by 18 percent and at economically weak farms by a factar of 1.5-3. Thus, the proportion of credit is gradually inc reasing in the production turnover of agricultural enterprises. We are of the o pinion that in order to strengthen cost accounting in capi[al investments for expanding production, the proportion of internal financing sourcea must be increas ed. However, during the Tenth Five-Year Plan, this proportion of investments fell to 74 percent compared to 81 percent during the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Budgetary appropriations for agriculture, for measures cerried out by non- agricultural enterprises (land reclamation, zoological and veterinary services and so forth) are increasing at a rapid rate. During the 1965-1977 period, investments for this purpose increased on the whole throughout the country by a factor of 3.�S (more than 10 percent of the overall tota 1 of financial resources used in agriculture). In the Estonian SSR, budge tary financing for land reclamation work alone amounted to more [han 450 million rubles during the 1966-1975 period and during 4 years of the Tenth Five-Year Flan almost 250 million rubles have already been expended for this purpose. As a res u lt, the proportion of reclaimed land from areas processed throughout the repub 1 ic exceeded 50 ~~ercent and this, coupled with improvements in the agricultural pra c tices, is providing comparatively high yields for the agricultural crops (the hi ghest grain crop yield 31 quintals per hectare was achieved in 1976; in 1979, it amounted to 24.6 quintals per hectare). However, the lands reclaimed at state exp ense are quite of ten utilized incorrectly 14 FOR OFFIC IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and inefficiently by ~IIY rZ1eiT. articipationdis r~quired in~theSfinancingtof~thehe agricultural enterprises, P land reclamation work. In the interest of creating favorable conditions for agricultural development~ the state uses budgetary funds for covering g portion of the expenses of sovkhozes and kolkhozes for acquiring indus[rially produced products. Machines, tractora, metal, fuel, mineral fertilizers, equipment and other production resources are sold to the agricultural ~enterprises a[ favorable prices. With further expansion and these intensification of agricultural production, the budgetary expenditures fo. purposes increase and this weakens the effectivenesa of cost accounting stimuli both in agriculture and in industry. We are of the opinion that in the future a gradual conversion must be carried out from direct budgetary financ=ogriate to more complete self-support by the agric~ltural enterprises, with the app p expenditures being included in the procurement price. In addition, the budget participates actively in the formation of the final product of the APK� Large sums in the form of the difference in prices for milk, meat and other agricultural products are paid out of the budget to the industrial intthsrcase which praces1etailggricestuaasubsidycis employedhhere8for~conaumptionsand not for of constant P production. ' In recent years, the state budgetary outlays for directly financing the development of production at agricultural enterprises throughout the republic have remained at the level of 30 million rubles annually. The existingwhichemrecludentheipossibility investments i~ fraught with a number of shortcomings, P of making complete use of the stimulating effect of the fin4ncing-ineortanizinnithe for raising the effectiveness of theserisesgtclear�andoeconomically sound g financing of state agricultural enterp , limitations between the individual sources for financing expanded reproduction are lacking. Thus the capital investment sources are determined not by the financial potential of the enterprises, but rather by deciding whether or not the objects of the investments are to be financed by means of the budget. For the construction of livestock husbandry complexes, dwellings and cultural-domestic installations, the budgetary appropriations are made available for the most part regardless of whether or not the farms have their own resources for the stated purposes or the amounts of such resources. This lowers the stimulating value of profic in the development of production, since the obtaining of budgetary funds is not associated with the internal financial resources of enterprises and is not dependent upon the results of their economic activity. Under difficult conditions, budgetary funds can be presented not only to low-profit but also to high-in~ome farms. � At the present time, budge[ary and credit financing of the planned volumes of capital investments~ in the presence of a deficit of internal funds for the staThis purposes, is not associated with the actual profitability of the enterprisea. leads to a situation wherein the centralized and irreversible budgetary funds for capital investments are often allocated to profitable enterprises and credita to low-profit or unprofitableenterrriaesShaveestillgnotdbrouRht aboutpanVequalization economies of agricultura P 15 FnR nFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 of ttie conditions for reproduction among them. In a computation for 100 hectares of agricultural land, economically strong farme employ capital investments in considerably greater amounts than enterpriaes having insufficient fixed capital and included on the list of low-profit enterprises. Th~s, whereas at the e~~d of 1979 ~the republic's agricultural enterpriaes poesessed on the ~~erage 21,700 rubles worth of fixed capital per 100 hectares of cultivated land, the economically strong farms (poultry and hog raising farms) 60,000 rubles worth, and economically backwar3 farms (mainly livestock raising and vegetable raising farms) from 11,300 to 14,000 rubles worth of fixed c8pital. At the same time, the c~ifferences between the agricultural enterprises in the level of development of the logistical base are not only continuing, but in fact they are gradually becoming greater. At the present ti?ne, the coefficient of variation in the equipping of the republic's farms with fixed production capital amounts to more than 40 percent, labor resources 44, profit per hectare of cultivated land 82 percent and so forth. In 1979, 10 percent of the sovkhozes operated at a loss or had zaro results, 70 percent had profitabilities of less than 25 percent and only 20 percent of the sovkhozes had profitabilities which exceeded 25 percent. Moreover, during the Ninth Five-Year Plan the coefficienta of variation increased by 8 percent for equipment availability, 5 percent for the availability of Iabor resovrcea and 14 perce~zt f.or profit, At the present time, differences are being observed in the conditions of manabement for the sovkhozes and kolkhozes. For example, the profit norcn per hectare of cultivated land at sovkhozes fluctuates from 13 to 1,045 rubles arid at kolkhozes from 43 to 506 rubles. In orrler to prevent greater differentiation in the economic status of enterprises _ and in the interest of smoothing out the conditions for agricultural production, we arP of the opinion that a conversion should ideally be made over to the normative methods for planning capital investments, methods which call for a definite level of equiprnent availability with the aid of the budget and beyond the budget using internal resources and bank credit. The normative indicator should be introduced into the long-range plans for farm development and the vulumes of capital investments should be distributed among the farma in conformity with it. At the pre,ent time, owing to irregularities in the system of intra-branch re- dist:ibution, a considerable portion of the financial resources of high-profit tarms (several tens of millions of rubles) is not being utilized. These funds are the reso~rces of Gosbank for issuing credit for the national economy. Experience has stiown that the more complicgted the conditions of management, the stron~;er the effect on these conditions of unfavorable weather factors. However, in the case of an excessive dispersion of capital investments, their effectiveness decreases even at economically strong farms. We are of the opinion that it is most - advisable to carry out investments at economically backward farms, since more unused reserves are available here for raising production efficiency. Since the procurernent prices are oriented towards average-zonal production conditions and ensure normal cost accounting stimuli for 20-30 percent of the farms in the Es[onian SSR, then the majority of those kolkhozes and sovkhozes which operate undEr objectively worse conditions are employing their production potential in a weak manner, owing to an insufficiency of internal resources and stimuli and 16 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY limited budgetary fi~ancing. This leads [o a slow-down i? the ratPS of development for the branch and insufficient support for the population in tenns of faod produc[s and for industry in raw materials. The procurement prices must ensure normal cost accounting stimuli for a majority of the farms and those economically strong enterprises which operate under object'_vely better conditions must, oA a normative basis, coltribute a portion of their additional profits to the budget in the form of payments. A source for covering the praduction costs o� those farms operating under worse conditions could be the net income created at all technological stages in the production and processing of agricultural products (in 1977, the total amount of net income from the production and processing of agricultural products amounted [0 61.1 billion rubles, including pro�it 20.9 billion rubles and turnover tax 40.2 billion rubles). An important reserve for accelerating the rates of growth for agricultural efficiency is that of improving the structure of investments in the key branches of the agro-industrial complex. The development of those branches of industry which supply agriculture with mechanization equipment should ideally be accelerated, - since agriculture throughout the republic is stil~ not being supplied adequately with the machines and mechanisms required for [he complex mechanization of all production processes and this is forcing the enterprises into producing the ' required machines and units themselves using primitive rnethods. Under the conditions imposed by agro-industrial integration, great importance is attached to achieving a combination of branch and territorisl principles for organizing and controlling the economic system. Duxing the 25th CPSU Congress, L.I. Brezhnev noted that in addition to complex mechanization, the use of chemical processes and land reclamation, the principal tasks associated with agricultural - development include further specialization and concentration of production based upon intensified interenterprise cooperation. The harmonioua development of the agro-industrial complex is dependent to a considerabl~ degree upon these tasks being solved. Those enterprises created on the basis of specialization, concentration and agro- industrial integration are producing high production reaults. Thus, at an - exp~rimental hng raising combine of the model-demonstration Sovkhoz Techt~ical School imeni Yu. Gagarin (a completed production cycle and a capability for 5,400 tons of pork annually), where the production processes are fully mechanized, the direct labor expenditures per quintal of weight increase in the hogs during 1979 amounted to 4.2 man-hours, whereas the average indicator for the republic, for. the same period of time, was greater by a factor of 2.1. Or, for example, the direct labor expenditures for the production of 1 quintal of milk in 1979 at a completely mechanized dairy farm (for 1,100 cows) of the Laatxe Sovkhoz in Valgaskiy Rayon am~unted to 2.2 man-hours (less by a factor of two than the average for kolkhozes and sovkhozes throughout the republic). The profitability for milk production at the large "Laatre" farm was 55 percent. This exceeded the uverage profitability for farms throughout the republic by a factor of more than two. In addition~ the development of industrial methods ensures a skable production rhythm. The extensive development of cooperation is opening up new opportunities for the concentration of resources and production and for raising the level of its collectivization. In the production associations formed on a cooperative basis, 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 the prerequisites are being created for the industrial reorganization of all agricultural branches and, even more important, it will be possible here to take into account the urgent requirements of the economic mechanism, to overcome the limitations placed upon the isolated cost accounting of kolkhozea and sovkhozes and to weaken the conflict between the centralization and decentralization of economic interests. An administrative rayon is a basic and common produc tion, social and administrative complex in which the agricultural and service enterp rises and party and soviet organs of control function in close contact wi[h one another as they solve common tasks: produce the final products with minimal expenditures~ ensure balanced economfc and social development for the given terri tory. The rayon agricultural administrations coordinate to a definite degree the work being carried out on their territories by agricultural enterprises, but not those enterprisea which provide servi.ces for agriculture or process its output. Many isolated agri.cultural enterprises and especially enterprises which provide services for agriculture are subordinate to otlier enterprises. The rayon agricu ltural administrations do not have [tieir o~on res~urces for exerting en economic influence on the reproduction processes and they bear no economic responsibility for their own actions; the meterial inr.erest of their workers in the final res ulta of their activity is conai.derably le3s than that of farm workers. Thus, their potential for exercising ;cientific� and planned control over the production, social and economic processes is limited. The existing systein of cost accounting in the prima ry echelon of control is concerned only with the expanded reproduction of in dividual sovkhozes and kolkhozes and does not call for the maintenance of proportionality or balance in the production, economic and social growth factors for a rayon or the republic as a whole. The development of production forces and technical-social contacts is stimulated more completely and purposefully only if the efforts and resources of individual f~rms are combined through the use of cost accounting for territorial- branch formations. In the RAPO's [ray~n agro-indus trial association] created in the Vii'yar~dinskiy and Pyarnuskty rayons of Estonia, these functions are being carri.ed out successfully by centralized funda, which simultaneously serve as ecanomic lavers �or influencing reproduction and social development. The differeritiation in the cnntributions being made by the farms to the centralized funds, based upon taking inta account the conditions of management, signifies to a definite degree a leveling off of these conditions. The centralization of financial resot~rces for carrying out production specialization and concentration and for improving the cultural-domestic conditions of assoc iation workers ia also important from thc standpoint of drawing the two forms of ownership closer together. Experience in the operation of the Vil'yandinskiy Rayon agro-industrial association reveals that this form of control over agriculture is effective. It promotes agricult~,ral development at an accelerated tempo, f t ensures production concentration and specialization and moderniZation of the logistical base and it pr~motes the rapid introduction of modern scientif ic achievements and leading experience and further development of the territorial and branch principle of control. Undc:r the conditions found in ouz republic, a state-cooperative, agro- industrial production association ensures e constan t intensification of production, the efficient use of state resources and successful solutions for the problems of social development in the rural areas. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY During the 1976-1979 period, the average annual production of grain in Vil'yandinskiy Rayon was 14,000 tons, potatoes 21,300 tons, milk 95,100 tons, meat 21,700 tons and eggs 10.5 million. Compared to the average annual production figures for the Ninth Five-Year Plan~ the figure for roilk was higher by 29 percent a~d that fot meat higher by 39 percent. There are 11,500 individuals engaged in agricultural production and 95,000 hectares of land are being cultivated. The indicators for the effectiveness of Vil'yandinskiy Rayon in terms of sgriculture surpass the average indicators for the republic as a whole. The Pyarnuskiy Rayon agro-industrial association, organized in 1919, hae also displayed advantagea in the carryi~~g out of the principal types of agricultural work (sowing, harveating, feed procurement and so forth). In 1980 and com>>ared to 1979, milk production increased by more than 10 percent, meat by 10 percent; these figures ~rere higher than the average rates of growth for the republic. Compared to a rayon agricultural edministration, a RAPO has great opportunities at its disposal for utilizing economic levers for developing production in the rayons. Four centralized funds provide the material base for this: production development fund, fund for social-cultural measures and housing construction, material incentives fund and mutual assistance fund. All of the kolkhozes and enterprises subordinate to an association participate itt the creation of the funda and the norms for contributions to the funds are differentiated based upon objective conditions of management. The volume of the funds~ the basis for their creation and also an ~ estimate of their use are approved by the associations council. In 1979, the centralized funds amounted to 5 percent of the farm profits. In the future, the centralization of funds will incre$se to 10-15 percent of the profits of all farms in the rayon. This ensures the financing of all common undertakinga. At the same time, sufficient funds will remain at the disposal of t4~e farms for developing production using their own :eso~:rces. The plans call for all rayons throughout the republic to convert over to this form of economic control. The territorial-branch principle of agricultural control, based upon cost accounting at the rayon level, must be organically combined with the branch and inter-branch principles of control and at the republic level. Thus, we are of the opinion that in the future and throughout the republic, in addition to rayon interenterprise cost accounting associations, work will also be performed by ministries, committees , and associations organized according to the branch principle (for example, Goskomsel'khoztekhnika, Estpishcheprom, Estkolkhozatroy and so forth). In the future, as the logistical foundation for improving economic relationships throughout the republic is created, the formation of a republic agro-induatrial association will become possible. It could include agricultural type ministries, industrial branches associated with the production of goods for agriculture, branches which process agricultural output and procurement, trade-marketing, supply, motor transport and other organizations which provide services for agriculture. The ministries and departments may fully retain their function as state branch organs of control and at the same time remain directly subordinate to the organ that controls the republic agro-industrial association. In view of the fact that great differences exist in the profitabilities of individual farms owing to the fact that the results of their activities are influenced by objective factors the payments into the budget by highly profitable 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 sovkhozes and kolkhozes which oparate under the best management conditions should ideally be increased~ while farms which operate under the worst of conditiona have profitabilities lower tlian the optimum level, that is, less than 30 percent ' of the production costs and 12 percent of the production funds should be released entirely from hgving to make payments into the budget. The existing economic mechanism engenders unjustified differences between the sovkhazes and kolkhozes in connection with the sources for establishing the funda for expanded reproduction, in the distribution of income, in the principles for ' es[ablishina production costs and the wage fund, in the forms for making paymenta into the budget and in social security and insurance for kolkhoz members. These differences confront the sovkhozes and kolkhozes with unequal socio-economic conditions and Chis lirnits the opportunities for the planned utilization of material and labor resources in agriculture. We are of the opinion that a graduel conversion should ideally be carried out over to a sinale economic mechanism for controlling the kolkhozes and sovkhozes. We believe that the system now in use at kolkhozes for making payments into the budget should be standardized and placed in use at sovkhozes. In the interest of brinbing the profit and net income distribution system at kolkhozes and sovkhozes _ closer to~ether, a systero of issuing bonuses to all workers from a single source - - cnaterial incentives fund should be introducec:, with money being added to this fund depending upon the increase in gross output volume compared to the level achieve~3 during the preceeding 3 yeara and upon the total amount of savings realized in produr_tion expenditures, computed per ruble of grosa outp�t. In order to place the farms and associations under equal conditions with regard to the logistical support for production programs, the state plans should ideally be developed based upon normatives, limits, indicators and norms for material and labor expenditures, as approved by USSR Gosplan. Moreover, one group of indicators established on a centralized basis defines what the farms and associaeions must place at the disposal of the national economy (grain, meat, milk, vegetables and so - forth) and the oth~r group wha[ the state must place at the disposal of the farm or association (credit, volume of fixed capital, raw materials limits and so forth). - The realization of a complex of ineasures aimed at improving control over agriculture will ensure improvements in our Soviet economy and it will make it possit~le to achieve new successes in communist construction. During the 25th party congress, L.I. Brezhnev emphasized that "The Central Committee opposea rash and hasty reorganizations of administrative structures or of existing methods of i~~anagement. Look before you leap, as the saying goes, and try something out eight or even ten times before finally putting it to use. But if you have already tried it out and if you are aware that the constantly developing national economy is restricted within the framework of the existing economic mechanism, then the latter ~nust be improved in a decisive manner. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pravda", "Voprosy Ekonomiki", 1980 - 7026 CSO: 1800 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TILLING AND CROPPING TECtINOLOGY UDC 631.52:665.347.8.002.3"313" STATUS, PROSP~CTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SUNFI.OWER VAKIETIBS Moscow MASLO-ZHIROVAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' in Rusaian No 10, Oct ti0 pp 6-10 ~Article by M.F. Bozhko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences at Khar'kov Branch of VNIIZh and N.S. Yakimenko, ~andidate of Agricultural Sciences with the State Committee for the Strain Testing of Agricultural Cropa of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture: "Status and Proapects for Strain Changing of Sunflowers"] ~Text] The principal oil-producing crop in our country is that of sunflowers, the result of improved economic effectivenass in the cultivation of thia crop. This became possible owing tn the fact that auch eminent Soviet plant breeders as V.S. Pus tovoyt, L.A. Zhdanov, V.I. Shcherbina, G.T. Romanyuk, N.I. Prokhorov, V.K. Morozov and others were the ffrat throughout the world to create and introduce into production operations selected varieties of aunflowera characterized by high yields and high oil content. The plan t breedera successfully employed an effective aelection method developed for sunf lowers by Academician V.S. Pustovoyt: masa individual selection, with an evaluation of succeeding plants and specialized open pollination of the bast types and aeed . For the very first time in world practice, a syatem was organized in the USSR for improved seed pr~duction and annual strain renovation for sunflowera, the plan for which was also developed by V.S. Pustovoyt. The introduction into production operations on a mass scale of new and highly productive selected varieties of sunflowers and improved seed production operations with annual strain renovation and improvements in the culture of farming generally and in the sunflower cultivation technology in particular have made it possible to raise by several times the cropping power of sunflowers and the oil yields being obtained . Thus the cropping power and groes oil percentage for processed sunflower seed, taking into account the actual moisture content and degree of contamination for the 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 r'UK UFFICiAL U5E UNLY USSR oa the whole, amounted in 194U to 7.4 quintals per hectare and 28.6 percent - respectively, in 1950 S.U and 30.4 and in 1956 8.7 quintals pe: hectare and 34.9 percent. Hence, in 1940 201 kilograms of oil were obtained per hectare, in 1950 152 and in 1956 272 kilograma. In 1968 and 1973 the cropping power for sunflo::ers, for tae country as a whole, reached 13.7 and 1~.5 quintals per hectare respectively and the gross oil content of the aeed 45.95 and 45.24 percent. Thus, 629 kilograms of oil were obtained from each hectare in 1968 and for 1973 701 kilograms. At state strain testing stations throughout the country, where the testing of agricultural crop varieties is carried out, the cropping power and oil content of sunflowers were considerably higher than at kolkhozes and sovkhozes: during the 1966-1970 period by 7.2 quintals per hectare and during 1971-1975 by 5.5 quintals per hectare, or by 54.5 and 41.6 percent reapectively. Throughout the last five-year period, the oil percentage of marketable sunflower seed, in a conversion for absolutely dry and clean raw material, remained at the 50.6-51.6 percent level, whereas it was 53-56 percent at individual strain testing stations. An analysis of sunflower strain changing data, according to the principal natural- climatic zones in which this crop is grown and covering the past 80 years, reveals the following. In 1913, sunflowers were grown in Russia on an area of 982,000 hectares. At this time, selected varieties were used for replacing popular varieties. Based upon local peasant sunflower varieties, selected varieties were created which were resiatant to the sunflower moth and the comraon stra in of broom rape A: 2elenka, Khar'kovskaya 76, Kubanskiy Kruglik 7-15-163 and Sa ratovskiy 169. During the initial years following the revolution, ~uch selected varieties of sunflowers as Fuksinka, V4ronezhskaya and Kruglik A-41 were created. These varieties were employed extensively at the time. However, in the late 1920's, all of the selected varieties of sunflowers under cultivation began to be infected in large quantities by a new strain of broom rape B. Towards the end of the 1920's and in the early 1930's, new selected varieties of sunflowers were created which were resistant to a complex of strains of broom rape A and B: Zhdanovskiy 6432 and 'Lhdanovakiy 8281, Fuksinka 61 and Fuksinka 62 (Veydelevskiy 61 and 62), Armavirskiy 762, Armavirskiy 768, Kruglik 1975 and Kruglik 1846. The productivity of these varieties was comparatively low: the cr~pping power at state strain testing stations was 10-17 quintals per hectare and [he oil percentage of the seed 28-35 percent. The huskness percentage of the seed was 40-53 percent. Moth and broom rape resistant varieties of sunflowers were regionalized during the 193U's and 1940's: in the central-chernozem oblasts Fuksinka 62, Zhdanovskiy 8281, Chernyanka 11; in the Volga region Saratovskiy 169, Zhdanovskiy 6432, Zhdanovskiy 8281; in the north Caucasus Zhdanovskiy 8281, VNIIMK [All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oil-Bearing Crops] 1646; in the forest-steppe zone of the Ukraine Zelenka 76 and Khar'kovskiy 2281; in the steppe zone of the 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ukraine and in Moldavfa ~hdanovskiy 8281~ Zhdanovskiy 6432, Saratovakiy 169r in the suuthern Urals, western Siberia and Kazakhstan Saratovskiy 169. Depending upon the zone in which theae varietiea were grown, the cropping power ranged from 10-27 quintals per hectare, the fat content in the aeed was 26-41 percent and the percent of husknesa of the seed 30-43 percent. During the 1950's and 1960's, b~oom rape reaistant and highly productive varieties were created and introduced into production operations on an extensive scale: Peredovik, Arniavirskiy 3497, VNIIMK 6540, VNIIhIIt 8883, VNIII~IIC 8931, Mayak; Zelenka 368 and Smena. Moreover, Peredovik, Arroavirskiy 3497 and VNIII~4C 6540 were regionalized in a number of oblasts in the central Chernozem, Volga and north Caucasus economic regions of the RSFSR and in the Ukrainian SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Moldavian SSR. A t state strain testing s tations, the cropping powe r of theae varieties was 15-30 quintals per hectare, the oil percentage 40-50 percent and the huskness percentage of the seed 21-26 percent. During the late 1950's and early 1960's, the majority of the selected varieties creP:ted during lhe 193U's and 194U's were removed f rom regionalization and replaced by new and highly productive varietiea considered to be more broom rape resistant. In addition to such widely used mid-season ripening varieties as Peredovik, VNIIMK 6540, Armavirskiy 3497, Zelenka 368, Mayak and Smena, a number of early and rapid- - ripening varieties were introduced into regionalization. In the northern regions of the central Chernozem oblasts, for example, the earlj~ and rapid-ripening varieties Voronezhskiy 109, Voronezhskiy 151, Voronezhskiy 154 and Chernyanka 66 were regionalized; in the Volga regian Yugo-vostochnyy and VNIIA4C 8883; in the southern Urals Yugo-vostochnyy and Armavirets; in western Siberia VNIIMK 8883 and Yenisey; in Kazakhstan VNIIIrIIt 8883, Chernyanka 66, Armavirets, Kustanayskiy 91. The proauctivity of sunflowers, similar tc any other agricultural crop, is dependent upo n the length of the growing season. Sunflower varieties having longer growing seasons usually have greater cropping powei and oil percentage. However, our Soviet plant breeders have succeeded in overcoming this barrier. to a certain degree. Early and rapid ripening varieties have been created which have compa~atively short growing seasons and which, in teruns of cropping power and the oil ~ercentage of the seed, are almost equal to the mid-season ripening varieties. The sys tematic use of the new and more effective me thod for improved seed production and strain renovation work has roade it possible to improve, in a more purposeful manner, the pedigree qualities of the seed during the course of seed production work. This made it possible, during the 1950's and 1960's, to improve those varietie3 employed more extensiveiy in reg~onalization. The oil percentage of regionalized varieties increased especially rapidly. In 1971, the principal sunfiower varieties Armavirskiy 3497, VNIIIrIIC 1646, VNIIMK 6540, VNIIMK 8883, VNIIMK 8931, Zelenka 368, Peredovik and Smena were recognized as having been improved (to the lEVel of new varieties). In many regions in which they were grown, the oil percentage of these varieties reached 51-53 percent. New and highly productive varieties were regionalized during the Ninth Five-Year r Plan: mid-season ripening Khar'kovskiy 100 and Armavirskty 14, early ripening Voskhod, Zarya and Zenit and the rapid ripening Salyut variety. 23 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 r~c~ vrrl~leu, u~G uivLi The following varieties wereregionalized during the tenth five-year period: the new early ripening varieties Voronezhskiy 272 and Khar'kovskiy 50; the mid--~ ~ason ripening and highly broom rape resistant varieties Progress, Odesskiy 63 and Start; the first high-oleic sunflower variety in the history of plant breeding Pervenets and the firs t strain-linear hybrid in domestic plant breeding Rassvet. The state testing of sunflower varieties is being car*ied out at 156 state strain testing stations in the principal zones of industrial cultivation of this crop. More than 70 varieties and hybrids of both domestic and foreign breeding are _ undergoing testing. In recent years, 30 varieties of sunflowers have been regionalized. The extent of high quality plantings of sunflowers in 1978 is revealed in the following table (thousands of hectares). ` ~ i I Ukrainian IKazakh Georgian Moldavian Variety ~ USSR i RSFSR I SSR j SSR SSR SSK _ _ - - - Tota1 amount of high ;4209681 2413592 1551674 ~ 93376 13745 137294 quality plantings ; I P dovik im roved i1073504 960194 82196 I 8452 - 22662 ere p Armavirskiy 3497 improved ~ 838486 24976 I 800631 i - 12879 - VNIIMK 88b3 improved ~ 586002 ~ 586002 - ~ - I - - VNIII~C 654U improved ' S10454 ~ 7796 502658 i - ~ - - - Zenit ; 159384 i 159384 - - ~ - ' - VNIIIrIlC 1646 improved ~ 151734 1854 37376 ~ - 866 111638 Smena improved i 140919 ~ 140919 - - ~ - ' - Yenisey ~ 94718 I 94778 - I - - - Salyut ~ 94649 ~ 74774 - 19875 - - Armavire ts i 11610 ~ - - i 4455 - - Mayak impzoveci ~ 69562 ~ 26532 43030 - - - Chakinskiy 269 i 69323 I 69323 i - ~ - I - ' Voskhod 59190 8144 10908 ; 40138 ~ - - Yugo-vostochnyy ~ 56410 ~ 56410 ~ - ; - ~ - - Ze lenka 36t~ improved ; 43fi 72 , 24704 19168 - ~ - - Voronezhskiy 154 ' 41574 I 41574 - - ~ - - ArmavLrskiy 14 ~ 40651 i 862 I 39789 I _ ~ _ _ VNIII~ 8931 improved ~ 4U310 ~ 40310 ~ i y ! 20456 I - I - 20456 ~ - - Odesskiy~ 63 ; 14635 ~ - ~ 11641 - ~ - 2994 Progres i, tilU9 ~ 8109 j - I - j - ' Luch ~ 7467 ~ 7467 - - - ' Sputnik ; 6545 i 6545 - ~ - - - - Voronezhskiy 272 ' 4126 I 4126 - ~ - - - Khar'kovskiy 100 ~ 3924 ~ - I 3924 ~ - - - Pervenets ~ 1174 1174 ' I I ' - Volgar' ' 480 ~ 480 - I - ~ - ~ - Khar'kovskiy 50 ~ 353 1 - 353 i - ~ - ' ~ , ~I ` . ~ ' ! ; 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The resulta of a study carried out during the 1976-1979 period on the economic- biological and physical-chemical prapertiea of regionalized, new and more promiaing varieties of sunflowers, by economic regions, krays and oblasta, reveals the following. ~ A t state strain testing stations throughout the country and depending upon the + natural-climatic zone in which groun and the strain peculiarities of the sunflower ; varieties tested, the cropping power was 15-43 quintals per hectare, the oil percentage of the seed 47-58 percent and the yield of oil 700-1700 kilograms per hectare. For example, at state strain testing stations in Belgorodskaya Oblast the average cropping power for the Zelenka 368 improved variety during the 1976-1978 period was 29.1 quintals per hectare, the oil percentage of the aeed 51.6 percent and the yield of oil 1322 kilograms per hectare; the growing season was 134 days in duration. In Volgogradskaya Oblast, the Peredovik improved variety furnishes on the average a seed yield of 20.3 quintals per hectare and an oil yield of 897 kilograms per h~ctare, with the growing season being 136 days in length; the oil percentage of the seed was 50.2 percent. In the Kalmyk ASSR, the average cropping power for the Pervenets variety during 1971-1978 was 31.8 quintals per hectare, the oil percentage of the seed 51.2 percent and the oil yield 1434 kilograms per hectare; the growing season was 122 days in length. A t state strain testing stations in Krasnodarskiy Kray, the average cropping power for the VNII1rIIC 8931 improved variety during the 1976-1978 period was 35.9 quintals per hectare and the oil yield 1578 kilograms per hectare. During this same period, at state strain testing stations in Altayskiy Kray, the Salyut variety produced an average of 19.4 quintals per hectare; the oil percentage of the seed was 50.8 percent and the oil yield 860 kilograms per hectare; the growing season was 106 days in length. In Cherkasskaya Oblast, according to the results of tests carried out over a period of 2 years (1977-1978), the Rassvet hybrid furnished a seed yield of 30.3 quintals - per hectare, with an oil percentage of 50.5 percent; the oil yield was 1347 kilograms per hectare and the growing season 115 days. In Dnepropetrovskaya Oblast, during tests carried out on the Trudovik variety in 1978, a yield of 29.9 quintals per hectare was obtained; the oil yield was 1500 kilograms per hectare, with a seed oil percentage of 55.5 percent. During the 1977-1978 period, at state strain testing stations in Vostochno- Kazakhstanskaya Oblast, the cropping power of the Zarya variety was 28.4 quintals per hectare, the seed oil percentage 52 percent, the oil yield 1320 kilograms per hectare and the growing season 113 days. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 ~ rux ur~r~lclEU. u~~ UNLY At the Krasnolimanskiy State Strain Testing Station in Donetskaya Oblast, during [ests carried out on the Khar'kovskiy 101 variety during the 1974-1978 period, a seed yield of 26.9 quintals per h~ctare was obtained, with the average oil _ percentage of the aeed being 57 percent. At the ltostov State Strain Testing Station, the oil yield for the Armavirskiy 3497 improved variety was 1705 kilograms per hectare and for Peredov ik improv ed 1708 kilograms per hectare. In 1977, at the Vysokopol'ye State Strain Testing Station in Khe rsonskaya Oblast, the oil yield for the VNIIIrIIt 6540 variety was 1784 kilagrams pe r hectare, Pervenets 1685, Progress 1682 and for the Rassvet hybrid 1566 k ilograms per hectare. As a result of the broeding and seed production work carried out with sunflowers, great changes took place in the physical-chemical and technological properties of the seed and in its various morphological parte. Over a period of 50 years, the oil percentage of the seed increased by twofold and the husknesa of the seed decreased by a factor of 2.5. The amount of cellulose in a husk decreased by a factor of almost 1.5; its lipid content (botanical oil percenta ge) increased from 0.5 to 3.5 percent and its content of nitrogen-conkaining substances in a conversion for protein from 3 to 7 percent. The physical-chemical properties of the seed of selected varieties of sunflowers fluctuate within broad limits depending upon the growing conditions. On the average, the seed of modern selected varieties of sunflowers is characterized by the following parameters: masa of 1000 units of abaolutely dry see d-- 50-70 grams, volumetric mass 360-440 grams per liter, specific mass 0.650-0.150 grams per cubic centimeter, huskness of seed 18-24 percent. The oil of modern sunflower varietiea, with the exception of the Pervenets variety, consists of 65-73 percent linoleic, 16-26 percent olei~, 4-5 pe rcent atearin and 5-7 percent palmitin fatty acids. The oil of the Pervenets variety contains 60-70 percent oleic acid and 20-3U percent linoleic acid. In recent years, all of the selected varieties of sunflowers hav e been subjected to infection by sclerotinosis (storage rot), grey mold and false mi ldew. Thus, in 1976, 1977 and 1978, in almost all zones in which sunflowers are grown, the ~ plantings were partially destroyed by these diseases. At the present time, there are some varieties and especially new hybrids which are partially immune (tolerant) to these dangerous diseases, for example the Progress variety and the Rassvet hybrid and also the rapid ripening Salyut, Armavirets and other varieties. ~ The following sunflower varieties a~d hybrids are planned for high qualtty regionalization during the Elev$nth Five-Year Plan. In oblasts of the Central-Chernozem region, the varieties Voskhod, Voronezhskiy 154, ~ and 272, Zelenka 363 improved, Peredovik improved, Salyut,and C hakinskiy 269 remain in regionalization (in Lipetskayg Oblast, the Chakinskiy 269 va riety is removed from regionalization) . The plans call for the following new early ripening varieties to be included in regionalization: Trudovik in 1981 and Voronezhskiy 436 - in 1982. 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300094410-8 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the oblasta and autonomous republics of the Volga regior., Che varietiea VNIIMK 8883 improved, Volgar', Yenisey, Zenit, Peredovik improved and Salyut remain in regionalization (in Penzenakaya Oblast, the Volgar' variety is removed from regionalization, in the Kalmyk ASSR thQ VNIII~ffC 8931 improved and Smena improved varieties). The Pervenets variety ia being included in regionalizat~.on in the Kalmyk ASSR. In 1982, the plans call for the Rannespelyy 38 variety to be included in regionalization and in 1984 a new hybrid which will have a growing season of approximately 80 days and produce oil at the:r~tte of 1000 kilograms per hectare. In the Severo-Kavkaaskiy Rayon, the Armavirak:ly 3497 improved, VNIIIrIIC 8883 improved, Peredovik improved and Salyut vari~ties remain in regionalization (Armavirskiy 14, VNIIMK 1646 improved, VNIIMK 654G improved, VNIIMK 8931 improved, Luch, Mayak improved, Smena improved and Sputnik are removed from regionalization and in Rostovskaya Oblast Armavirakiy 3497 improved). The areas to be uaed for the new regionalized varietiea Zenit, Progress and Pervenete are being expanded considesably. In 1981, the new varietiea Trudovik and Start will be included in regionalization and in 1983 the plans call for the regionalization of a new hybrid having a growing season of 90-100 days; it will furnish a seed yield of 34-38 quintals per hectare and have an oil percentage of 53-54 percent and an oil yield of 1500-1650 kilograms . per hectare. The Armavirets and Yugo-vostochnyy varietiea remain in regionalization in Orenburgskaya Oblast and the plans call for the regionalization of Rannespelyy 38 in 1982. In Altayskiy Kray, the Yenisey and Salyut varieties remain in regionalization. In the Ukrainian SSR (in Vinnitskaya and Cherkasskaya oblasts), Peredovik improved rema=ns in regionalization and the Rassvet hybrid is being included in - regionalization. In Donetsko-Pridneprovskiy Rayon, the varieties Armavirskiy 3497 improved, VNIII~IIC 6540 improved and Voskhod remain in regionalization (VNIIMK 1646 improved, Zelenka 368 improved and Khar'kovskiy 100 are being removed from regionalization in the northern oblasts. Khar'kovskiy S0, Khar'kovskiy 101, Trudovik and the Rassvet hybrid are being introduced into high quality regionalizati~n. Perveneta is being regionalized in Sumskaya Oblast. VNIII~C 6540 remains in regionalization in the southern region (Arn?avirskiy 3497 improved, Armavirskiy 14 and Peredovik improved are being removed from regionalization and in 1984 Mayak improved). The plans call for regionalization of the Odesskiy 63, Start, Rassvet and Trudovik varieties. In Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast in the Kazakh SSR, the Armavirets, Zarya and Coskhod varieties remain in regionalization, in Pavlogradskaya Oblast Salyut and in Semipalatinskaya Oblast Voskhod. In 1984, the plans call for the regionalization of a new and rapid ripening variety or hybrid, which will furnish an oil yield of 950 kilograms per hectare. Odesskiy 63 and Rassvet are being regionalized in the Moldavian SSR (in 1982, VNIIMK 6540 improved will be removed from regionalization and in 1985 Peredovik improved). COPYRIGHT� Izdatel'stvo "Pishchevaya promyahlennost"' "Maslo-zhirovaya promyshlennost"', 198U 7026 END CSO: 1824 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300090010-8