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JPRS L/9533
- 9 February 1981
- Translation
A.A. Sergeyev
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080016-3
JPRS publications contain information primarily ~rom foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, btit also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
arP transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
; other characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
[J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the fi.rst line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transli~erated are
_ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
_ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the
original but have been supplied as appropriate in context.
Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
item originate with the source. Times within items are as
given by source.
- The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
cies, v~ews or attitudes of the U.S. Government.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084416-3
JPRS L/9533
- 9 February 1981
I,iterature on Aviation~ Spa~e and High A1t.itude Bz.ology and Medicine)
in Russian 1980 signed ~o pr.ess 21 Jan 80 topics 6, 13, 22, 25, 41,
45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 6~
[Excerpts from book by AoA. Ssxgeyev, ~zdatel'stva Nauka, 900 copies,
156 pages]
(6) Biological Rhythms and Their Significance in the Work of the Pilot
and Cosmonaut 1
(13) Aviation Physical I:xnmination. Pilot and Cosmonaut Screening....... 7
(22) Hypoxia. Reactions of the Nervous System and Sense Organs.......... ].9
(25) Hypoxia. Reactions of the Excretory System 29
(41) Modeling of Some Processes..~ 30
(45) Operator and His Activity 44
(46) Orientation in Space 54
(47) Parachutism .................e........e.,............................ 55
(49) Psychology. Psychophysiology. Study of Flying Qualities........... 56
(52) Results of Examinations of Pilots and Cosmo~zauts 74
(57) Trainers 96
' _ a.- jI - USSR - C FOUO]
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rvn vr r v".~ v~.y~
(58) Training for Tolerance of Altitude 97
(59) Training of Sport Qualities Under High-Altitude Conditions.......... 98
(61) Fatigue. Labor Processes. Work and Rest Regime 103
(63) Physiology and Examination of Vision 107
(64) Physiology and Examination of Hearing 112
- -b-
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(6) Biological Rhythms and Their Significance in the Work of the
Pilot and Cosmonaut
11. Abc~yldabekov, T. K., and Imankulov, D. I., "Daily Hemoc~mamic Rhythms
in Permanent Higki-Mountain Dwellers," in the book "Fiziologiya Truda
i Klimat" LPhysiology of Labor and Climate/, Frunze, 1974, pp 130-J.33.
12. Abc~yldFibekov, T. K., and Turkmenov, T. T., "Da.i~}r Hemoc~ynamic Rhythm
in Permanent High-Mountain Dwellers," in the book "Tsirkadnyye Ritmy
Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh" LCircadian R1~Ythms in Man and Animal~,
Frunze, 1975, pp 8-11.
13. Abc~yldabekov, T. K., and Tuxkmenov, T. T., "Dai1,y Pulmonary Respira- -
tion Rhythm in Permanent Dwellers," in the book "Tsir-
kadr~yye Rit~y Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh," Frunze, 1975, PP 5-8�
14. .Abc~yldabekov, T. K., "DaiJ~Y Hemoc~iamic Rhythm in Permanent High-
- Mountain Dwellers," "Tez. 6-y Konf. Fiziologov Respublic Sredney
Azii i Kazakhstena" LAbstracts of the Sixth Conference of Physio-
logists of the Republics of Central Asia end Kazakhstan~, Tashkent,
1976, p 162.
63. Agadzhanyan, N. A., Druzhinin, Yu. I., Rodina, G. P., and Shevchenko,
Yu. V., "Daily Rt~ythms and the Effect of Hypoxic Hypoxia," in the
_ book "Tsirkadnyye Ritr~y C`heloveka i Zhiv~tnykh," Frunze, 1975, PP
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67. AgadZhatlyel7 ~ N. A. ~ 11Mar1 ~ Biospher'e aild CosmOS PRIRODA ~ i976 ~ NO
~ PP ~+-13 .
69. Agadzhenyan, N. A., "Chronobiology and the Problem of Adaptation
in the book "Lyudi, Prostranst~*o i Vre~ra" LPeople, Space and
Tim~, Mosco~r, 1976~ pp 18-30.
152� AkYlbekov, K. M., Soorbekov, Zh. S., Zaxechnova, N. N., Kalyuzht~yy,
S. , and Sac~ykova, Sh. ,"~ai~jr Rhythm of Mitotic Activity of the
_ Epithelia]_ Cells of Some Organs of Rats Under High-Altitude Con-
ditions~" "Tr. Kirg. Med. In-t."LWorks of the Kirgiz Medical In-
stitut~, Frunze, 1976, pp 137-141.
201. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Biological Rhythms Under Space Conditions,"
"Tr. 2-ye G`hteni~a Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch. Naslediya K. E.
Tsiolkovskogo" LWorks of the Second Reading Devoted to the Develop-
ment of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy's Scientific Heritag~, Moscow, 1968, pp
202. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Natural Experiment in Space Biorhythmology,"
"Tez. 4-y Konf. po Kosm. Biologii i Aviakosm. Meditsine" LAbstracts
of the Fourth Conference on Space Biolc+gy and Aviation Space Medi-
cine/, Moscow-Kaluga, 1972, Vol 2, pp 91-94.
- 203. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "The Problem of Latent Desynchronosis," KOSM.
BIOLOGIYA I MIDITSINA, 1972, Vol 6, No l, pp 32-37.
204. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Problems of Social Psychology in Space," KOSM.
BIOLOGIXA I N~DITSINA, 1973, Vol 7, No 4, pp 75-78.
205. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Osnovy Nauchnoy Organizatsii Truda i Otc~ykha
Kosmonavtov" LPrinciples of Scientific Organization of Cosmonauts'
Work ancl Rest/, Moscow, 1975�
206. Alyakrinskiy, B. S., "Adaptation Under Extreme Conditions in the As-
pect of Biorhythmology," "Tez. 5-y Konf. po Aviakosm. Meditsine"
, LAbstracts of the Fifth Conference on Aviation Space Medicin~,
Moscow-xalu$s, 1.975, vo~ 1., pp 64-67.
263. Artamonov, A. N., "Aviation Physician," VOYENNO-MID. ZHURN., 1972,
No 11, pp 7-9.
264. Artamonov, N. N., Beleda, R. V., Rayev, S. F., and Zakharova, S. I.,
"Changes in the Daily RY~ythm of Catecholamine Excretion Under the
Effect of Some Functional Load Tests Conducted During Various Hours
of the Day," "Tez. 5-y Konf. po Avie.kosm. Meditsine," Moscow-Kaluga,
1975, Vol 1, pp 68-79.
- 2
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316. Babchinskiy, F. V., and Tomarchenko, K. S., "Effect of Changes in
the Daily Rhythm on the Work Fitness of Flight Crewe," "Tez. 5-Y
Konf, po Aviekosm. Meditafne," Moscow-Kaluga, 1975, Vol 1, pp 74-
336. Bazhenov, Ye. L., "Change in the Ultrastructure of Gle.ndular Cells
of the Adenohypopi~ysis Under the Effect of Hypoxic H~oxia," M~.ter.
2-y Studench. Nauchn. Konf. 2-go Mosk. Med. In-t a'~1,Data of the Sec-
ond Student Scientific Conference of the Second Moscow Medical In-
stitut~, 1975, PP 3-4. -
361. Baranov, V. M., "Daily Changes in Gaseous Exchange in Man~" KOSM.
BIOLOGIYA I NIEDITSINA, 1972, Vol 6, No 1, pp 55-57�
~ 503. Bogatova, R. I., "Daily Dynemics of White and Red Blood in Experi-
ments With an Inverted Sleep-Wakefulness Rhythm a.nd a 16-Hour Day on
a Stendard an d Ordinary Dietary Regimen," "Gagarinskiye Chteniya"
LGagarin ReQdings/, Moscow, 1973, pp 206-210.
634. Vaysfel'd, I. L., and I1'icheva, R. F., "Daily Rhythm of the Content
- of Biogenic Amines (Histamine and Serotonin) in People's Blood in
Health and Under Restructured Working Conditions," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA
I NIEDITSINA, 1972, Vol 6, No 5, pp 56-62.
635� Vaysfel'd, I. L., and I1'icheva, R. F., "Che.nge in the Daily Rhythm
of Biogenic Amines in People's Blood in Health and Under Restruc-
tured Working Conditions," "Tr. 6-ye Chten~a Posvyashch. Ra2rabot-
ke Nauch. Naslediya K. E. Tsiolkovskogo" LWorks of the Sixth Read-
ing Devoted to the Development of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy's Scientific
Heritage/, Moscow-Kaluga, 1972, pp 83-95�
636. Vaysfel'd, I. L., Polyakov, B. I., and I1'icheva, R. F., "Change in
the Dai~}r Rhythm of Histamine and Serotonin Excha.nge in Ma,n During
Motion Sickness," "Chetvertyye Gagarinskiye G'hteniya" LFourth Gaga-
rin Readin~, Moscow, 197~.
637. Vaysfel'd, I. L., Il'icheva, R. F., and Kassil', G. N., "Daily
Rhythm of Biogenic Am.ines in Man in Health and During Hypoxia,"
FIZIOL. ZHURN. SSSR, 1974, Vol 60, No 10, pp 1540-1547. -
638. VaysPel'd, I. L., and I1'icheva, R. F.~ "Daily RY~y'thm of Metabolism
of Biogenic Amines in Man Under Extreme Effects," "Tr. 9-Ye Chte-
n~a Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch. Naslediya K. E. Tsiolkovskogo"
/Works of the Ninth Reading Devoted to the Dev~lopment of K. E.
Tsiolkovskiy's Scientific Heritage/, Moscow-Kaluga, 1976, pp 21-33.
799. Vykhodov, G. F., "Dynamics of Blood Protein in the Course of the Day -
During Altitude Hypoxia," in the book "Tsirkadnyye Ritmy G`heloveka
i Zhivotnykh," Frunze, 1975, pp 130-132.
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rvic vrrt~ltu. u~n uivLi
855. Garshenin, V. F., "On the Change in Daily Thermorhythmicity When
- Crossing Through Variou3 Time Zones," "Tez. 5-Y Konf. po Aviakosm.
Meditsine," Moscow-Keluga, 1975, Vol 1, pp 82-84.
1202. B~roshkevich, M. P., "The Problem of the Role of Geophysical Fe,c-
tors in the Develogment of Pathology in Pilots," in the book "Ak-
_ tusl'nyye Voprosy Patol~icheskoy Fiziologii" LUrgent Problems in
Pathological Physiolo~r , Kaunas, ~976~ PP 49-51. _
1214. Druzhinin, Yu. P., Vatsek, A., e.nd Malyutina, T. S., "Daily RhytYms
of Radiosensitivity of Memmels and Their Etiology,~~ "Tez. 1+-y
Konf. po Kosm. Biologii i Avlakosm. Meditsine," Moscow-Kaluga~
1972, Vol 2, pp 261-263. -
1215� Druzhinin, Yu. P., Grigor'yev, Yu. G., Podluzhnaya, G. N., and =
Pospeshil, M.~ Individual Radiosensitivity and Its Daily Varia- _
tions," in the book "F~nktsii Organizma i Faktory Kosmicheskogo -
- Poleta" 1,Functions of the Organism and Space Flight Factor~, Mos-
cow, 197~+, pP 125-131:
1216. Druzhinin, Yu. P., Romanov, Yu. A., en d Vatsek~ A., "Temporary Or- !
ganization of the Process of Cell Reproduction end Its Corniection
With the Rhythms of Radiosensitivity of the Orgenism," in the bool:
"Funktsii Organizma i Faktory Kosmicheskogo Poleta~" Moscow, 197~+,
pp 139-1~+8. -
_ 1217. Druzhinin, Yu. M., Ma~yutina, T. S., Sereya, V. M., Rodina, G. P., _
Vatsek, A., and RakovB, A~, "Daily Rliythms of Radiosen^itivity of
- Animals and Some Reasons for Their Determination," in the book
"Funktsii Organizma i Faktory Kosmicheskogo Poleta," Moscow, 1974,
pp 131-139� ~
1253. Yevtsikhevich, A. V., Sutochr~yye (Tsirkadnyye) Rit~y Fiziologi-
cheskikh Protsessov pri Pereletakh v Shirotnom Navpavlenii" LDaily
(Circadian) Rhythms of Physiological Processes During Flights in -
a Latitudinal Directio~, author's abstract of his dissertation,
Novosibirsk, 1970. -
125~+� Yevtsikhevich, A. V., Change in the Circadian Rhythm of Physio-
logical Processes in Man During Flights in a Latitudinal Direc-
tiotl~" "Tez. KoT1f. ~Adaptatsiys i Problemy Obshchey Patologii'"
LAbstracts of the Conference "Adaptation and Problems of General
~ Pathology"/, Novosibirsk, 1974, pp 141-144.
1449. I1'icheva, R. F., V~ysfel'd, I. L., and Polyakov, B. I., "Change
, in the Daily Rhythm of Hi3tamine end Serotonin Exchange in Man
During Motion Sickness," "Chetvertyye Gagarinskiye Chteniya,"
Moscow, 1974, pp 70-82.
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15i0� Keybyshev, M. S., The Problem of Variability of the Cardiac Rate
~c n
During the Day and Yeex, Tez. 4-y itonf. po Kosm. Biologii i
Aviakos~. Mzditsine,'~ Moscow-Ke.l.uga, 1972, Vol 2, pp 108-111.
1584. Kassil', G. N., Artamonov, N. N., Beleda, R. V., Zekharova, S. I.,
Rayev, S. V., and Ponc,marev, N. P., Daily Dynamics of. Reactivity
of Sympathoadrenal and Hy-pothalamo-HypopY~ysial-Adrenocortical Reg-
ulatory Systems," "Tez. k-y Konf. po Kosm. Biologii i Aviakosm.
Meditsine," Moscow-Kaluga, 1972, Vol 2, pp 53-55�
1698. Kozar', N. I., "Bactericidal Activity of the Integument in Man
During Different Times of the Day," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA,
1973, vo1. 7, No 1, pp 72-75.
1791. Koreshkov, A. A., "Dai~jr EEG Rhythms During 72-Hour Insomnia,"
KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I N~ITSINA, 1972, Vol 6, Nol 1, pp 58-61..
1792� Koreshkov, A. A., "Stuc~y of the Process of Man's Adaptation to a
- Changed Daily Regimen According to Electroencephalographic Data,"
"Chetvertyye Gagarinskiye Chteniya," Moscow, 197~+�
1793. Koreshkov, A. A., Analysis of the Daily Routine Onboerd the 'So-
yuz-9 Spaceship,'" "Tr. 8-ye Chteniya Pos~rrashch. Razrabotke Na-
uchnogo Naslediya K. E. Tsiolkovskogo" LWorks of the Eighth Ree,d-
ing Devoted to the Development of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy's Scientific
HeritageJ, Moscow-Kaluga, 197~+, pP 107-112.
1926. Kudryavtseva,, L. V., Change in the Daily Fluctuations in Acetyl-
cholinesterase Activity Under High-Altitude Conditions," in the
book "Tsirkadr~yye Rit~y G'heloveka i Zhivotnykh," Frunze, 1975, PP
1965. Kukolevskaya, Ye. V., Koreshkov, A. A., and Kosyekova, N. V.,
"Changes in the Bioelectric Activity of the Hur,ian Brain During a
Double Inversion of the Sleep-Wakefulness Rhythm," "Tez. 4-y Konf.
po Kcsm. Biologii i Aviakosm. Meditsine," Moscow-Kaluga, 1972,
Vol 2, pp 114-117.
2076. Litsov, A. N., "Experimental Stui~y of the Daily Periodicity of
Physiological Functions, Work Fitness and Sleep in Man Under
ChangPd Conc~itions With a Double Alternation ~f Sleep and Wake-
fulness," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA, 1973, Vol 7, No 5, PP
- 78-85 .
2101. Lugovoy, L. A., "Daily Periodicity of the Respiration Rate in Ex-
periments With an Inverted Work and Rest Regime," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA
I MEDITSINA, 1972, vol 6, No 2, pp 75-80.
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i�vw VEC1V1t1L u~i; ~irLa
2138. Makarov, V. I., "Daily Periodicity of the Cardiac Rate and Its
Fluctuation Under Conditions of Migrating Days," "Tez. 5-y Konf.
po Aviakosm. Meditsine," Moscow-Kaluga, 1975, Vol 1, pp 107-108.
2230. "Materialy Simpozi~a po Izucheniyu Osobennostey Sna i Perekhod-
_ nykh Sostoyaniy Cheloveka Primenitel'no k Zadacham i Usloviyam
Kosmicheskogo Poleta" l,Data of a Syatposium on the Stuc~y of the
Characteristics of Sleep and Transitional States in Man as Applied
to the Tasks e,nd Cond.itions of a Space Fligh~, Moscow, 1.968.
2232. Matyukhin, V. A., Demin, D. V.~ a.nd Yevtsikhevich, A. V., "Bio-
rhythmology of Shifts . Rhythms of Physiological Processes and
Repeated Latitude Fli~hts," in the book "Bioritmolog~a Pereme-
shcheniy Cheloveka" LBiorY~}rthmology of Shifts in ManJ, Novosibirsk,
1976, PP ~+2-81+.
2278. Meyerson, F. Z., "Mechanisms of Adaptation to Altitude Hypoxia," .
in the book "Fiziologiya Cheloveka i Zhivotz~ykh" LHiunan and Animal -
Physiolog,~, Moscow, 1974, Vol 1~+, pp 7-62.
2279. Meyerson, F. Z., Radziyevskiy, S. A., and Drozhdin, 0. A., "Effect
of Adaptation to Altitude Hypoxia on the Development and Indica-
tors of the Higher Nervous Activity of the Offspring of pdapted
Animals," DAr1 SsSR, 1975, Vol 221, pp 2~+7-250. -
2367. Moiseyeva, N. I.~ Simonov, M. Yu., and Tonkova, N. V., "Change in
Night Sleep in Connection With Flights Through Time Zones " in the -
- book "Son i Yego Narusheniya" LSleep end Its Disturbance~, Mos-
- cow, 1972, pp 60-62.
25~+4. Oran.skiy, I. Ye., Skryabin, V. V., Sako~rich, V. S., and N~yakota,
A. ,Ye. ,"LYynamics af Certain Inclicators of the Cardiac Function :
and Its Correlations With Systemic Blood Circulation During the =
No l, pp 77-80.
3205. Stepanova, S. I., "Study of the Possibilities of Man's Adaptation
to a Da,y of 16-Hour Duration," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA, 1972, ~
vol 6, No 1, pp 42-48.
3206. Stepanova, S. I., "Re~ul.ation of the Work Activity of the Operator-
Cosmonaut," "Tez. 4-y Konf. po Kosm. Biologii i Aviakosm. Meditsi-
ne," Moscow-Kaluga, 1972, Vol 2, pp 15~-152.
3207. Stepanova, S. I., "Adaptation of the Pulse Rate During a Change in
the Sleep-Wakefulness Rhythm," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA~ 1972,
vol 6, No 2, pp 81-85.
3208. Stepanova, S. I., "The Role of Social Synchronizers in Adaptation
to an Unusual Daily Routine," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA, 1973,
Vol 7, No 1, pp 65-72.
I 6
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3209. Stepanova, S. I., "Stuc~y of the Possibilities of Man's Adaptation
to a Day of 16-Hour Duration," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I MEDITSINA, 1973~
Vol 7, No 3, pp 68-76.
- 3210. Stepanova, S. I., Effect of Trensmeridien Flights on the Human
Organism," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I AVIAKOSri. NSEDITSINA, 197~+, vol 8,
No 1, pp 3-12.
3211. Stepanova, S. I., "Dynamics of Certain Phases in the Temperature
Rhythm in the ~rocess of Its Inversion," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I AVIA-
KOSM. NNIE)DITSINA, 1975, Vol 9, No l, pp 70-78.
3212. Stepanova, S. I., "Use of a Prolonged and Shortened Dey in Space-
pp 37-48.
3213. Stepanova~ S. I., "On the Biorhythmological Screen~~g of Cosmo-
pp 4o-k6.
3214. Stepanova, S. I., and Kukishev, S. P., "Reconstruction of Man's
Temperature Periodicity After Inversion of the Life Rhythm in Iso-
lation," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I AVIAKOSM. MEDITSINA, 1975, Vol 9, No 5,
PP 35-44.
3215. Stepanova, S. I., "Attempt at 'Loosening' the Daily Periodicity
of Potassium Excretion With Urine," KOSM. BIOLOGIYA I AVIAKOSM.
MIDITSINA, 1976, vol lo, No 1, pp 76-86.
3272. Syc~ykova, Sh., "Daily Rhythm of Mitotic Activity of Adrenal Cor-
tex Cells Under High-Altitude and Valley Conditions," in the book
"Vop,rosy Anatomii i Gistologii" LProblems of Anatoiqy and Histol- .
ogy/, Frunze, 1973, Vol 91, pp 200-202.
3389� Tuz'kmenov, M. T. , and Abc~yldabekov, T. K. ,"Daily Rhythms of Gas-
eous Exchange and Body Temperature in Permanent High-Mountain
Dwellers," in the book "Tsirkadnyye Rit~y Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh,"
Frunze, 1975, pp 5$-60.
3635� Chernyakova, V. N., "Encephalographic Investigations of the Proc-
ess of Man's Adaptation to a Changed Daily Rhythm,'~ KOSM. BIOLO-
GIYA I MEDITSINA, 1972, Vol 6, No 1, pp 38-~+1.
(13) Aviation Physical Examination. Pilot and Cosmonaut Sc.reening
127. Akimov, S. N., "Investigation of the Contraction Function of the
Myocardium and Hemodynamics in the Aspect of Aviation P'hysical
Examination," "Tr. 9-ye Chteniya Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch.
Naslediya K. E. Tsiolkovskogo," Moscow-Ka.luga, 1976, pp 223-233.
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rvcc vrrl~itu. uac ULVLY
160. Aleksandrova, M. P., and Pavlova, T. Ya., "Investigation of Eaxly
Forms of Vegetative-Vascular Dysfunctions During Cosmonaut Screen-
ing," "Tez. ~+-y Konf. po Kosm. Biologii i Aviakosn. Meditsine,"
Moscow-Kaluga, 1972, Vol 2, pp 5-7. _
170. Aleksentsevay L. N., "Test With Potassium Chloride in the E~ralua-
tion of Electrocardiograms During the Examination of Flying Person-
nel," VOYENNO-MED. ZHURN., 197~, No 5, pp 60-62. -
185� Alifanov, V. N. ,"'r~yye Funktsional'no-?~iagnosticheskiye
Issledovaniya Serdechno-Sosudistoy Sistem~y i I'ykhaniya vo Vracheb-
r~oy Ekspertize Letnogo Sostava Grazhdanskoy Aviatsi~" LSpecial
Functional-Diagnostic ~nvestigations of the Cardiovascular System .
and Respiration in the P2~.ysical Examination of Flying Civil Avi-
ation Personnel," author's abst~ act of bis dissertation, Moscow,
22~J. Anikin, I. L., Semiki_n, Ye. I., and Aronov, M. N., "Radioisotopic
Dia~osis in the Practice of Aviation Medical Examination," "Tez.
5-Y Konf. po Aviakosm. Meditsine," Moscow-Kg7.uga, 1975, Vol 2, pp
- 251. Apanasenko, Z. I., "Eff~ct of Short-Term Preliminary Centrif~zgation
and of Acute Gamma-Radiation on the State of the Vestibulotonic
_ Reflex During a Weekly Interval Between Effects," in the book ,
_ "Funktsii Tsentral'noy Nervnoy Sistemy pri Kombinirovannom Deystvii
StressFaktorov" LF~nctions of the Central Nervous Systeffi Under the
Combined Effect of Stress Factors/~ Moscow, 1973, pp 17-32. -
268. Arkhangel'skiy, G. V., "5ome Methods of Ob~ectivization of the Meni-
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2277. Meyerson, F. Z., Gomazkov, 0. A., Shimkovich, M. V., and Bol'sha-
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1622. Kirakosyan, E. V., and Arutyur~yan~ R. A.~ "Erythropoietic Activity
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(61) Fatigue. Labor Proc.esses. Work a,nd Rest Regime
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1571. K~.rpov, Ye., and Bodrov, V., "Work and Rest Regime of Cosmonauta,"
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2662. Pikovskiy, A. M., "Disturbances in the Pilot's Work Fitness," VO-
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3287. Tamarchenko, I. S.,"Use oP O~qrgen To Decrease Man's Fatigue During ~
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(63) Physiology and Examinetion of Vision
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Basis of the State of the Organ of Vision~" VOYF~iNO-NIED. ZHURN.9
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