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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 9486 14 January 1981 V~/oridv~rid~ R~ cart p NARCOTICS AND DANG~ROUS DRUGS (FOUO 2/81) F~~$ FOREI~N BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF~CIAL USE O1VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign news~apers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-langiiage sources are translated; those from English-language sourceG are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and maY.erial enclosed in brackets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in ~he first line af each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was = processeu. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- _ mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered ghonetically or transliterated are ~ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parantheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item ori..ginate with the source. Times within it~ms are as given by source. ' The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9486 14 January 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT - NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS - (FOUO 2/81) CONTENTS - ASIA AiTSTRALIA Briefs - Sydney Drug Seizure 1 BURMA Briefs Heroin Dealer, User Arrested 2 Poppy Substit�tion 2 INDONESIA - Narcotics Violations Up 76 Percent Over 1979 (SINAR HARAPAN, 31 Oct 80) 3 - 'VEW ZEALAND Former County Chairman Sentenced for Importing LSD (THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 6 Dec 80) 4 Austral~.a Seeks Extradition of Ztao or Drug Chargee (THE NE~d ZEALAND HERALD, 4 Dec 80) 6 Briefs Heroin Ir~porter Sentenced 7 Drug Charges Plea 7 Heroin Supply Charges 7 Drug Possession Charges 7 PAKISTAN Do-Gooder Turns Out To Be Smuggler (MORNING NEWS, 14 Dec 80) 8 - a - (zII - WW - 138 FOUOJ cno ns~n ~ r r rcF l1Ni V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 ~ cv.. . i~,irw uoi: V1VL1 Briefs + Charas, Opicm Seizure 9 Anti-Poppy Drive 9 Charas Seized 9 Opium Seized 9 Charas, Opium Seized 10 PHILIPPINES Drug Abusers Shift To Cough Syrup ~ (Tenny F. Soriano; DAILY EXPRESS, 15 Dec 80) 11 - LATIN AMERICA , ARGENTINA Briefs Traffickers Arrest 13 BOLIVIA Commission for Coca Control Created (Radio Illi.mani Network, 27 Dec 80) 14 Briefs Cocaine Haul 15 Successful Antidrug Jperation 15 Co~nercialization of Coca Prohibited 15 BRAZIL FUNAI Investments To Curtail Indian Coca Planting, Trade Viewed (VISAO, 24 tdov ~0) 16 Cocaine Trafficker Commits Suicide in Jail - (0 GLOBO, 25 Nov 80) 18 Briefs ~ Drug Council Installed 19 Drug Incineration 19 Soldier Arrested With Cocaine 20 Total Marihuana Seizure in Maranhao 20 Drugs, Arms Seized 20 - Sentencing of 'Traffickers 20 Drug Trafficker Arrested 21 CHILE Briefs Coc,:.ine Seized 22 grv~; Traffickers Captured 22 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ COLOMBIA Drugs Concealed in Handicrafts (EL ESPECTADOR, 22 Nov 80) 2~ Seizures in Barranquilla, Santa Marta Described (Jacquelin Donado, Walter Martinez P.; EL TIEMPO, 7 Nov 80) 24 Former Colonel Arrested as Drug Trafficker _ (EL TIEMPO, 19 Nov 80) 26 F-2 Agents A:rest Drug Traffickers (EL TIEMPO, 5 Nov 80) 27 Officials Arrested, Other Seizures Listed (Rafael Sarmiento, et al.; EL TIEMPO, 26 Nov 80) 28 Briefs Airport Administrator Seized 31 Marihuana Seized in Uraba 31 Cocaine Seized in Tolima 31 MEXICO Traffickers Escape Jail Through Tunnel, Official Suspected (EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 12, 15 Nov 80) 32 Flight Described - Fugitives Identified Clandestine Laboratories Seized, Eight Traffickers Captured (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 27 Nov 80) 34 ~ Briefs Helicopter Campaign Started 36 PER.U International Narcotics Ring Seized in Jungle (EXPRESO, 27 Nov 80) 37 Captured Drug Tra�fickers Represent Se~reral Nationalities ~ ~CORREO, 22 Nov 80) 39 Briefs Drug Traffickers 41 Cocaine Base Seized 41 - Drug Trafficker Arrested 41 _ Drug Ring Arrest 41 ~rug Tra~~icker Captured 41 _ Ring Dismantled 41 - c - FOR OF~FICIAL USE ONLY ! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 . v.~ . ,.~,iaw u.~L. VLVLL NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRI~A IRAN - New Law T~ Jail Unreformed Addicts ~Fakhr Interview; JAVANAN-E F.I~tUZ, 24 Nov 80) 42 = Supervisor To Head Narcotics Unit Appointed (Tehran Domestic Service, 24 Dec 80) 48 Briefs Antinarcotic Results 49 WEST EUROPE DENMARK Authorities Tighten Customs Control Against Druge (BEF:LINGSKE TIDENDE, 4 Nov 80) 50 Police Inspector Reports on Cooperation With Interpol (BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 4 Nov 80) 52 _ Po~ice Report LSD Again on Danish Market (Bent Bak Andersen; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 4 Nov 80) 53 Physician: Recent Drugs Seizures Have Affected Market (Henning Ziebe; BERLINGSKE TIDENDE, 4 Nov 80) 54 FRANCE Briefs Drug Overdose Deaths 56 _ ITALY , Briefs Heroin Seizure 57 _ - d - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 ~ ,I i AUSTRALIA i BRIEF S SYDNEY DRUG SEIZURE--In Sydney, three men and a woman appeared in court on _ charges relating to the seizure by police of heroin said to be worth about li.S. 1.7 million dollars. The seizure of 1 kilogram of top grade heroin was the biggest yet made in Austral.ia. It followed a car chase in western Sydney which er_ded with the police car ramming another car and a scuffle as the occupants were removed. Two policemen were slightly injured in thP incident. At the court hearing the prosecutor said the four were part of an international drug ring originally based in New Zealand. The prosecutor said the woman had arrived in Sydney.on a fli;ht from Thailand. After going thro~.igh customs she met two men and they 3eparted in a car. The nolice chase occurred shortly after. The third man was arrested several hours later. Police told the cocrt that if the accused wer~ giv~n bail their lives would be in danger. ~1'hey were remanded in custody until Tuesday. [Text', [OW160133 24elbourne Overseas Service in English 1230 GPiT ]3 Dec 80 OW] ! CSO: 5300 t 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 BvxrzA BRIEFS . HEROIN DEALER, USER ARRESTED--Acting on information, station officer U Kan Myint and a squad from Rar_goon Crime Prevention Division ~n 18 November arrested Maung Kyi Lwin Soe, 29 of Kyauk Myaung's Dammaseikta Road, and Kyaw Than, alias Nanu, 28, of 121st Street, Mingala Taungnyunt, together with %.5 grams of heroin and a hypo- - dermic syringe. Kyaw Than, the heroin seller, was charged under Sections 6.B, 10.B _ and 14.D [of the Narcotic Drugs Law] and Maung Kyi Lwin Soe, buyer of the heroin, was charged under Section 14.D. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 20 Nov 80 ' p 7 BK] POF'PY SUBSTITUTION--A ceremony was held on 1 November at Wan He village tract`s - state high school, Mong Nai township, to present fertili.zers, hoes and seed grains to 28 peasanzs who will be growing various cash crops to substitute poppy. [Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmese 21 Nnv 80 p 5 BK] CSO: 5300 L APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 INDONESIA ~ NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS ~i 76 PERCENT OVER 1979 . Jakarta SIPIAR HARAPAN in Indonesian 31 Oct 80 p 2 _ [Text] The narcotics violations are 76 percent higher in 1980 than in 1979. In October, 575 cases were already known by the Indonesiar. police whereas in 1979 there were 326 cases. This information was given to the press on Friday afternoon at MAB,AK, by Police Colonel Drs Suhard3 ono, commander of the Chief Special Drug Unit, MABAK, accompanied by Brigadier General Drs Darmawan, Indonesian Police Service Chief. The police have conf iscated 775 grams of opium, 1 25,376 grams of morphine, 6,016 - grams of heroin, 315 hashish (marijuana sap), 1,1 35,643 grams of marijuana leaves and 6,117 sticks of marijuana. As for 1979, the police confiscated 4,281 grams of opium, 652 grams of morphine, 2,041 grams of heroin, 3,170 grams of hashish, 795,956 grams of marijuana leaves, ; and 7,833 sticks of marijuana. I From 1971 until 1980, October, the In~onesian pol ice have confiscated 337,161 kg of opium, 3,181 kg of morphine, 8,525 kg of hero ine, 627 kg of cocaine, 8,251 kg hashish and 9,489,647 kg of marijuana leaves. If calculated according to the black market prices, this totals 3.6 billion rupiahs. ~ Suhardjono says that the black market price for drugs is 750,000 Rp per kilo of opium, 60 million Rp per kilo of heroin, SO mill ion Rp per kilo of moi�phine, 2.5 million per kilo of hashish and 135,000 per kilo of marijuana leaves. In answering the questions af the press, Suhardjono said they had not yet found the _ area in Eastern Indonesia where the marijuana is grown. In general, the marijuana that is distributed in Indonesia, comes from Suma.tra and Java, primarily from North Sumatra. _ Hmong those arrested for drug violations in 1980 there were 920 Indonesian citizens - and 42 foreigners, whereas in 1979, there were 6 53 Indonesian citizens and 29 foreigners. 9556 _ CSO: 8308 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 ?,~,w z~;,~~.:~t~ FORh1ER COUNTY CHAIRi~1AN SEiVT.EiICED EOR I~1POP,TI~1G LSD ~~uckland THE NEW 'LE~1La~1D FiEP~LD ~.n English 6 DeL 80 4 j"fe..t7 A tiorr~er. of L'r;~ W-iiheke Cuunty Council, ker~r}~ Alexander Greer, was sentenced r_o ei~;ht year.s' jail in the High CourC ~at Aur_kland yesterday for i;npo::t~ing LS7. in a case ~vhich had bceti Greer df~^lir.e~ ~hat ap�, 'I,SYS around AuN.~land, as- FIe had st~uiied ~.~�ith dis-~ - ~npprzssed untll yesterday, proach. sa:d ',[r i~arrison., sisted by somenne ~�ho had tinctinr~ ae ~'i~~~.~rirt Ciu~~ra�- ~;reer had admitted hein~ bu~ six :nuat:is later the) ~been ~?�anted immunity by~ sity and hacl h~~ei, so :ine a ; art ~f a syndicate ~ifiich s~~nd�,rate anprodcl~ed him the pobce on the undertaking sportsmar. that he I~ad ~jon~ iiad imported ?400,040 ��ortn a,;ain. It felt the price it. that evidence be given~ a swirimin.~ schniars'r~,p ~o! uf LSD tnto ~ew Zenland u~as payinH fcr L5D w�as too ~ 1~pinst Greer. t};e linited Slates. ' over a period ot time. nigh--an ~,usiraliun middle- ;(;ain ~1ul,hitig ~ For a~chile I;e li,:d be~.~nl He had pleadeC gutl~ In man wa, ~~oitis ~..ser3 and the i the ~o�mgest c~�e. countv~ ' lothing occurred tor six chairman in ~~e~:� 'Lealznd ~i~o ~uckland Distri~t Cpurt syndicate tvanted to deal lo ~mporting lys~~gicie, a,directly wi.h an American. or eight months, but Gr.eer` and, in four or fiee ;~e~rs as cl~ex-A dru and had 'oeen ' A iot had ha^;~enEd in rhel became involved in an ar�I a count}� counr,iilo~. he had, ~~ommilte+l o the H1gh Court ir.:er,~_~nin~ ai~: raonth,. ran~ernent to imoort L.SD; ,~piied himsel~ assid~;,,~~sivi Cor sentence. ~t~rough :tiit 14launganui. The ~o tne task. ;Drii ~ deal had failed and the police ' For the Cr:mn, `~Ir tt'iilkel The course was reminded ~ a rehended two of the foun-I lhat the ma~imum sentence ~ Greer's girifriend had left' pp said the maximum sentence dauon members of the syndi- � on the rhar[e was life irn� '~~um and he began to !-,ehave of tife imprt,r~nm~~r-,t ,arovid-, cate. prisnnment and, in passinq in irrational ~~ray. He ~,ir fiarrison said Greer ed by the la~~~ indicate _ f~ , r~ ~"r ' +~�d j 4 4 ~VMI x`Y'1'~ . ~ f . ~ ~ l 1~. ~ ~ Y'~^t'"~ }l1 5 ~ ~,t~., -L.~`j � C:.1Fh.~' Y K.~.~ 'h . . . ~4 _ Y ( ~x..;~ T` ~:s< ~~~~jp^S~ 4t ~Y~~'~i~t' _ '?~i'-' {t�~ - ~ ~f �~,q k ~,~i~v~ I ~ y, z ?:y,. ` ta N;~' F , ~ r 5 t ~ ~.r - 'r :a�y,,. - ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ . ~r w ~ ~ ~ ~ . YF w~f ~ ~~~i~~ ^ - ~ f N1 ~5:r. ~ ~ uk~l~ . ~ . . . _ . . . . 1'.: c ~�'i �y 5~~~ - II I . J r 1 , d ~ .MC/YC.~ ~h 4~ ~ t ~ ~t ~ - . 1' ~y l - .r.~y 1 trf?C' n,y Y,,y ..~:`Lt.,x F' t�i 4 f 4~ . y~i W~i .~fc'1~~ ~ ~,,fir ~ q.a. ;~F' ~ '~`~d,~ " ,~it ~ y r y i y~y ~ ~{~,yn y Md ~ i ~ y tr ~ ,~'rs"~~ ~T~? ~tJ' a ~ , . . . . , ~ ~ . . ~ +?i . ~E 8743 23 CSO: 5300 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 COLOMBIA SEIZURES IN BARRANQUILLA, SANTA MARTA DESCRIBED Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 7 Nov 80 p 5-E [Articlesby Jacquelin Donado and Walter Martinez P.] [Text] Barranquilla, 5 Nov--Military authorities have seized more than 80 million pesos worth of marihuana during the first few days of the month. In dealing the blows on the Guajira Peninsula, the authorities seized 218 bales of marihuana, 1.47 million jumbo tablets, a late-model Toyota camper without license plates and three modern radio transmitters, in addition to capturing three individuals involved in drug trafficking. The drug was divided into two "shipments." One part was located in Bahia Hondita, in the Uribia District, where most of the contraband was found aban- doned, including pills, radio transmission equipment, the car and 69 bales of the "grass." The second seizure took place near E1 Cerrejon, in the Barrancas District, where three individuals identified as Carlos Zarate Soto, Adelino Eusequi Fonseca and Pedro Parodi Salamanca were captured with 149 bales of marihuana in their possession. According to reports, the three men were in an open field waiting for a light plane to land. Other Seizures Santa Marta, 5 Nov--The army confiscated 127 bales of marihuana worth 20 million _ pesos in two operations in Santa Marta. Ninety-four bales of marihuana covered with canvass were found on Papare beach near the Simon Bolivar Airport; no arrests were made. The assumption is that the marihuana was ready for shipment at that point along the coast. Another military operation led to the discovery of 33 bales of grass at a h~use near the Plenomar vacation center, the tourist area of Pozos Colorados. Found in the house at the time and arrested were youths Alvaro Alarcon, Luis Alberto Manjares and Jorge Enrique Ramirez. 21~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 Light Plane During their regular patrols in the battle against drug trafficking, units of the Cordoba Battalion found abandoned a U.S.-registered light plane (N-6903), without any traces of its occupants; the assumption, therefore, is that it was coming to take on a shipment of marihuana, had to land there because of mechanical troubles, and its occupants abandoned it. The plane was found at a clandestine airstrip some 10 kilometers from Pivijay. ' This is the fourth plane that the army has discovered in this area of the country in the last 12 days, it was reported. 8743 CSO: 5300 . 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 COLOMBIA FORMER COLONEL ARRESTED AS DRUG TRAFFICKER Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 19 Nov 80 p 8-A [TextJ A retired police colonel and former commander of the Bolivar Division, Fausto Zambrano Blanco, was arrested in Since, department of Sucre, yesterday.,.and four trucks in which a sizable cargo of marihuana was being transported were seized. According to official sources, the fox~mer officer was traveling in one of the vehicles along with civilians armed with weapons issued exclusively to the armed forces. Dtie to the difficulties in communicating with the locality in which the arrest occurred, it was impossible to obtain further details. However, it was said, although this has not been officially confirmed, that the son of a person of high social rank in the city of Barranquilla was also arrested, but the name of the individual was not provided. Former colonel Zambrano was on active service until November of last year, after serving for 2 years in tl,~ Y~:ice commanu t!~e denartment ef Bolivar. F-2 units were dispatched to Since to launch an investigation into the facts. The former colonel, along with the other persons accompanying the cargo, will be transferred to Sincelejo within the next few hours. ~ ' 'z~~ . . , ~ , : z, : . , , ~ ~ f , ; ~ . ~ . z C G~`^~' . r .:.i~ ,h~a, a ....'y~. ' ~r~, ~;V~~rison for addicts. Dr Fakhr: The prisons to which addicts will be se~it are quite different from or- dinary prisons for criminals and condemned people. They have, or will have, various sectors for various kinds of work. Farm work, farm industries, other industries, and whatever is feasible will be undertaken in these prisons by organized shops, and ttie prisoners will be supervised by prison officiaLs. In the beginning, of course, since they are addicts, a period of time will have to be spent on them, and they will be put to work as quickly as possible. JAVANAN: Will these prisons be set up in special rireas or will each city have its own prison? Dr Fakhr: This program will be implemented througliout the country. The responsibil- ity Fur its implementation will go to prison administrations and judicial authorities. They will make thc decisions on these matters themselves, even if they create such pri.sons in several limited areas of the ,;ountry and assemble all the addicts at these few points for detention. JAVANAN: tJill there be training only in agriculture at the addict prisons or will there be training workshops of other kinds? Dr Fakhr: The train'_ng programs have been anticipated by prison administrations, - because there are now extensive work areas in the country`s prisons. Exactly the same program, wit}~ close supervision, will be set up for addicts. JAVANAN: Have you prepared statistics on the ages and types of addictions of cured addicts? If you have, can you make them available to us to publish for the people? 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 . Dr Fakhr: Daily statistics are given to us regularly from Tehran and the munici- palities. We have relatively strong organizations which are compiling all these _ statistics. With your permission, at the conclusion of the treatment program we will give you all these statistics in one grouping to publish for the people. We have tried to make these statistics such that scientific information can be ex- . tracted from them. There are now groups of university scientists studying and re- searching addiction, so that, God willing, as we said, these statistics will be pub- list~ed ici an accurate form in order to be scientifically useful. JAV~'iNAN: What decisions have been made regarding sick people who are in need of sedatives or their derivations, and what has been done to prevent the probable faking that will go along with this? Dr Fakhr: The use of inedical drugs is clearly regulated by law so that if someone is suffering from a pain that cannot be alleviated with ordinary sedatives, the necessary drugs may be obtained from the Narcotics Administration and administered on the orders of an attending physician and with verification by the necessary witnesses that the person is hospitalized with an illness. Such sedatives, like any other drug, are administered to the patient over a specified period of time under a doctor's order, for as long as the doctor considers it benefi- cial. Thus there is no possibility of faking. JAVANAN: What is being done about the very old people who have no hope of kicking their habit? Have you thought about them? - Dr Fakhr: It has been scienti�ically proven that opium is not a cure for anything. It is rather an extremely powerful sedative that quickly brings on a very strong addiction (opium and its derivatives). Therefore we cannot accept the idea that there are opium addicts who cannot quit opium. Of course, older people, whether opium users or not, are directly involved with the symptoms and difficulties of old age. If people find that these symptoms return after they quit opium, they should consult a i,nysician with the appropriate specialty - for treatment. M important matter concerning these people and opium obscures the appearance of symptoms for heart diseases and cancer, elderly opium ~~.sers are thus confronted, after quitting opium., with dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, and others, with no hope ~f a cure, while they would have felt the symptoms of the dis- ease rnuch sooner had they not been opium users, and could have gone to a physician and been cured. This is a warning to the people to stay far away from tendencies toward addiction, and for addicts also to make efforts to cure themselves. JAVANr'1N: What use will be made of treatment centers and hospitals? ~ 1)r Fakhr: These hospitals are centers for physical and psychiatric treatment. Only their addict wards will be closed. Other wards, such as the ~sychiatric ones, will continue with their work. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 JAVANAN: After 19 Azar [10 Dec] will the special treatment centers be allowed to continue operating or will they be closed? Dr Fakhr: The special treatment centers have gotten their drugs from us, and we wzll no longer be givin~ them drugs. We are leaving this matter aside for now un- til. we assess the situa:ion. If fraud and trickery take place in these hospitals and treatment centers their officials will be dealt with according to law. In the meantime they are obliga:ed to inform legal authorities of every addict they hospi- talize and treat. JAVANAN: Will there be no age exemptiens with addict arrests? Will elderly addicts also be arrested? Dr Fakhr: There are no special provisions for age. Everyone is the same hefore - the law. We will maintain strict control over those elderly persons who received coupons, however, because some of them were Che underpinnings and the basis for smuggling. They obtained opium from the Ministry of Health and both consumed it themselves and sold it, thereby turning a profit. This is why we exempt no one. ~ After 19 Azar [10 llecJ we wiil arrest them and send them to special prisons. JAVANAIv: LJhat must be done if an addict is cured once by the strike plan's free aldict treatment, but becomes addicted again? Dr Fakhr: In the past, before implemen*ation of the strike plan for addict treat- ment and tlie anti-narcotics and anti-smuggling campaigns, the results of addict treatment were just about nil. Addicts would be cured one day and become readdicted the next. Our statistics show people who went into the hospitals and treatment centers more than 10 times before the strike plan began. Since implementation of the strike plan, however, when the people learned that its free tr~atment would be available only one time, at which people could receive treatment either as hospitalized patients or outpatients without cost, and of course because repeat treatments are not allowed, identification papers had been stamped with a mark that indicates completed treatment. Al1 treatment centers recognize this m~rk and do not admit those who have it. It is possible that some people have made use of the free treatment and become readdicted, but this fact will make absolutely - no difference for our plan. The free treatment was to be and was administered once only. The important thing is that whoever has not made use of thi.s opportunity must quit drugs through his own efforts without medical treatment. If not, after 19 Azar [10 Dec] he will be afoul of the law and have to go to prison. Imprisonment will undoubtedly be unaccep table or intolerable for a great many addicts, for even while these people ar.e addicts they also have jobs and families from which they will be cut off for a period of three of the best years of their lives. Tu those who quit drugs and become readdicted, as well as those who have never quit, I recommend that they take steps not to waste this period of grace, for we will certainly carry out this plan in order to resCore the health of society and the soundness of the Islamic community. JAVANAN: If someone comes to you on 12 or 13 Azar [3 or 4 Dec] will he be accepted for treatment or not? 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 Dc. Fakhr: There is nothing to prevent this, but it would be to the detriment of the addicts themselves, because someone who has less than 10 days time to quit drugs cannot do so properly. We are telling them to come by 10 Azar [1 Dec] so they can be cured by 19 Azar [10 Dec]. If they come, however, after 10 Azar [1 Dec] their treattnent will be insufficient, and we will not be responsible in any way. JAVANAN: I,~as the 500 million tuman budget sufficiLnt for implementation of the - strike plan or not? Dr Fakhr: There is an adequate budget for the anti-addiction campaign. Whether the special budget for curing addiction is somewhat excessive, or assuming it fa11s somewhaC short, we will not leave this plan unfinished, because of the national im- portance of this issue. We are facing a calculated chemical war being waged against us by colonialist governments. After completion of the strike plan we will submit a Einancial tally and a report on our activities to the people. JAVANAN: What steps have you taken to assure that there will no longer be narcotics " in society and to control borders: We have proposed several times in the magazine ttiat trained dogs be used at the borders, which is quite effective. What is your view on this? Ur Fakhr: So far as possible, every means will be used to control the bor.ders. Certainly, we may make use of any sort of new development that occurs anywhere in the world in any area of life. In the matter of sealing and controlling the borders, all our techniques, means, and military resources will be used, because narcotics are only part of the reason for border control. 'ifi e use of trained dogs is one way of accomplishing such a task, but I understand ~ they tried this e~cperimentally once without success. If they are to do this in the future it will depend on action taken by the appropriate officials. JAVANAN: After completion of the strike plan, that is after 19 Azar [10 Dec], to wha t - extent are you assured that socie ty will be in good health? Dr Fakhr: We can be relativel.y or entirely assured in this matter to the same ex- - tent that we can feel the awar.eness, the alertness, and the nature of the nation's decisive steps in the matter. of addiction and narcotics. We must extend this day by day, for there is no end to the struggle. It is not only opium. There ar.e variations and divisi~ns. If one is not careful, or if the continuation of the struggle should be weak, it is possible for former addicts to return or for new addicts to appear. With this in mind it is clear that the anti-addiction campaign must be a strong and c~ntinuous program forever. JAVANAN: What interaction exists between yourself and training on narcotics and the treatment of narcotics and the pr.eparation of instructors for this effort? Is there - t~ be any cooperation at all in this area? Dr Fakhr: Since there has been a basis from the beginning of the program for ed- ucating people on ttie issues of addiction, we have been sensitive to teaching and traiciing activities. We iiave had and continue to have meetings about this, and the )~6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 Ministry of Education is also well aware of this and concerned about it. God willing, necessary and suff icient programs for attaining teaching and training goals in the area of the problems of addiction will be carried out. The details of these programs, tt~at is what steps, under what limitations, at what times, and in what way, will be taken at the schools so that young people and adole- - scents will have adequate knowledge of narcotics and n.ot be the unknowing victims of - attacks by narcotics smugglers, are within the province of education and training officials. Of course, to cut the roots of addiction, steps taken by the military, the police, doctors, and teachers are not enough. Total reforms must be made at all levels of society so that the environment of our life will be basically unrecep- tive to crime. Of course, addiction, which is also a crime, would also be eliminated. - JAVANAN: What concluding remarks do you have? Dr Fakhr: The staff's program will continue as a cooperative effort in all necessary - activities to stop addiction and eliminate the phenomenon of addiction throughout Iranian society, with an eye to all causes, effects, and altered or trans�ormed ' elements and circumstances. Again I wou~d like to use this media exposure to request that the people counsel any addict they find, wherever they find him, to quit his addiction. I also ask all addicted compatriots to make use of the time remaining in the period of grace and deliver themselves f rom the demonic jungle of addiction, for our country, now and in the future, needs healthy and creative people. Everyone must proudly and capably claim his share in the building of Iran. Addiction will clearly be an obstacle from the standpoint of the individual in the claiming of this responsibility, and it will be an obstacle from the standpoint of society in the management and development of the nation. 9 310 CSO: 5300 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 ~ r~ SUPERVISOR TO HEAD NARCOTICS UNIT APPOINTID LD240636 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 0530 GMT 24 Dec 80 [Text? The following statement was given to the Central News Bureau this morning by the Supreme Council of Justice concerning the campaign against narcotics. In the name of God. His Excellency Hojjat ol-Eslam Khalkhali has resigned as head of the antinarcotic squad on the grounds that he already stated to the public and now our valiant nation, while paying tribu[e to Mr Khalkhali's effective role and roles played by al.i those who had cooperated sincerely, is expecting that the campaign against narcotics and its smug�lers will be dealt with as before--with firmness. While thanking his excellency, with prior approval of the Supreme Council of Justice, the Central Committee _ oE the islamic revolution has appointed a Supervi5or for this great and important task as hecid ~f an equipped organization to continue t}ie campaign firmly. The organization, wliich beneEits from its judicial and executive personnel, would not spare any effort in its campaign. "['he chief Islamic revolution prosecutor office thc~refore is hereby req~iesting everyone who has been cooperating to this date, to hand over within 24 hours all the files, documents, prc~perties and nar~otics at their disposal over tu this office in Tehran or their nearest revolution prosecutor offices. Meanwhile, all the revolution prosecutor offices :~11 over the country are dutybound to cooperate with the new organization without any delay to arrest and prosecute the smugglers, traders, buyers of narcotics and all those who may be wanting to use this oppc~rtunity. They must be handed over to tt:e revo'.~.i*_ion courts. (Signed] For and on behalf of the Supreme Council of Justice, Ayatollah 'Ali Qodd u~i CSO: 5300 Lt8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 ~ IRAN BRIEFS ANTINARCOTIC RESULTS--Tehran--A total quantity of over 38 tons of narcotic supplies were discovered and confiscated so far during the aational anti-narcotic drive, latest figures claimed. The breakdown of the confiscations included 30 tons of - opium, 4 tons of hash, 3 tons of sap, 1 ton of heroine and 100 kilograms of morphine, said reports attributed to Anti-Narcotics Headquarters in Tehrano - ~Text~ ~Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in English 11 Dec 80 p 2] CSO: 5300 ~ 49 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 DENMARK AUTEiORITIES TIGHTEN CUSTOMS CONTROL AGAINST DRUGS Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 4 Nov 80 p 3 [Text] Increased control over trips into and out of the country, eventually by re instituting the stamping of passports f or special trips, could be a counter move against the increase in narcotics smuggling. That is what should now be considered, according to the vice chairman of the Law Committee of Parliament, Hagen Hagensen (conservarive), "espPCially since it has become more and more clear that something must be done about the problem. The , weekend seizure of heroin worth 40 million kr clearly shows the need for action." Hagen Hagensen says. "For a layman it is shocking that so much hard stuff is for sale in Denmark," Hagen Hagensen informs BERLINGSKE TIDENDE. "Established routes and organizations for smuggling and selling must therefore exist, f or only a small part of the stuff falls into the hands of the police." Hagen Hagensen hence believes that there is now reason to decide if the stamping of passports for specific destinations--the Far East and Amsterdam, for example-- - should be made obligatory for a time. - "It will certainly have a deterrent impact," Hagen Hagensen says. "And on the other hand, it will be nice for aeople to be able to document where they tiave been. It would not involve the extensive control system which we previously had here--only one additional step to insure the customs, the police and other authorities the most effective scrutiny in narcotics questions." Hagen Hagensen believes that such rules can be implemented under the present regulations. If it is done at regular intervals, it can have a deterrent effect. The chairman of the Legal Committee, Jimmy Stahr (socialist), believes that the solution of the problem is purely a police matter. He therefore does not want to become involved in the debate--only indicates that there will be a debate in parliament on Thursday, particularly, in regard to narcotics and violence in the Danish prisons. "The problem is growing. There has been an increase in visits to treatment centers recently. There is a great demand for 'products' in the hard substances market, - and consumption has increased." 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 That is what Birk Keller, the chairman of the People's Movement Against Hard Sub- stances informs BERLINGSKE TIDENDE. " "Nevertheless, I hope that the Municipality of Copenhagen and certain politicians will not succeed in establishing metadon clinics," Birk Keller says, "It is a fiction to think that in this way the criminal misuse of narcotics can be avoided. It helps only the insurance companies and 'society'--not the addicts, who will get, i~tstead of one illegal substance, two legal ones--metadon and as a rule an alcohol problem. The two things often go together." The conclusion r.eached at a hearing arranged by the People's Movement was that the use of inetado*. as a treatment substance for severe addicts should be opposed. "It only pushes the problem aside, and investigations show that afterwards it is more difficult to get rid of the habit than if one were on heroin," Birk Ke ller says. "These people consequently get into a tighter bind than they are in today, for it is physically and psychiatrically harder to get off inetadon," Birk Kel ler says. 68 93 I ~ CS 0: 5300 51 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 DENMARK POLTCE INSPECT~JR REPORTS ON COOPERATION WITH INTERPOL Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 4 Nov 80 p 3 [Text] "Confiscations of imported quantities of narcotics are increasing steadily, the same is true in regard to the number of addicts who are dying from narcotics misuse, and we all are convinced that the quantity which eludes the police and goes into the illegal market is rising at the same rate," say De~tective Superintendent Bjarke Andersen in the narcotics division of the Copenhagen police. ~ If more police were made available for combatting the smuggling of narcotics, more - would be confiscated than now, but a general feeling of impotence vis a vis the international and well-organized smugglers characterizes the police who work with problem intimately on a daily basis. "New people who are willing to make big money on the misery and death of others are constantly appearing. We can far from carry out effective control over the thousands of ways that exist for smuggling in to Denmark, but we are doing all we can to keep up with it, even if at times it seems impossible," Bjarke Andersen says. The Nordic narcotics police chiefs discussed last week at a meeting in Finland the ~ problem of ways of smuggling as well as the big problems each country's police encounter when it is a question of establishing good cooperation, for example, with ~ the producing countries. "Betore our people can get permission to 'follow' a smuggler from, for example, the Middle East across national frontiers through Europe to Denmark, a sea of forms and papers must be filled out. If we could only establish more flexible and intimate cooperation with the narcotics police of che Interpol countries, we could stop a great deai of the importation of narcotics into the Nordic countries," says Detective Inspector Pedro Gauguin. During the first 8 months of 198U, 44 tons of hash and 917 kilograms of heroin were seized in the countries who cooperate in Interpol, but it is estimated that th:ts is only between 10-20 percent of the quantity being smuggleuo _ In Denmark the figure of the social and medical authorities of people who misuse narcotics is about 7,000, but the police fear the real f igure would be closer to ' 15,000 if all serious abusers were registered. Several thousands never come to the social authorities or a doctor with a narcotics problem. They are the so-called ;aell-to-do narcotics misusers, the police say. 6893 CSO: 5300 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074421-8 nErrr~,xic POLICE REPORT LSD AGAIN ON DANISH MARKET Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 4 Nov 80 p 3 [Article by Bent Bak Andersen] [Text] LSD is again on the illegal market in Denmark. In the last month security patrols from the Copenhagen police have seized in several raids in the "Free City Christiania" several sheets of paper with the dangerous substance. The sheets are very much like sheets of stamps, in that one can tear off a little ~ piece and consume it. After ingestation unpleasant hallucinations develop, irrespective of whatever frame of mind one was in at ingestion. The hallucinations can reappear time and time again years after the ingestion. In the United States a number of patients who have been guinea pigs or have been treated . with the substance have brought suit against the public authorities on the ground of severe psychiatric sufferings they have had. One of the most well-known cases in Denmark occurred about 10 years ago when a man under the inf luence of LSD stabbed a nurse on the street in Nykobing, Zealand. LSD is made from ergot of rye mixed with a synthetic substance discovered by the Swiss professor, Hoffman. The immediate effects of the substance last 6=7 hours, but the experiences which one had during "the trip" can return with the same force years later. LSD is only one of tY~e many euforin substances flooding the Danish market. It is estimated that in Copenhagen a kilo of heroin, with a markpt value of about S million kr, is used illegally daily. In addition there is cocain, amphetamines, hash, morphine, morphine cloride and many others, including many medicinal drugs which are used illegally by addicts. 6893 CSO: 5300 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 DENMARK PHYSICIAN: RECENT DRUGS SEIZURES HAVE AFFECTED MARKET Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish 4 Nov 80 Pt II p 3 (Article by Henning Ziebe) (Text] The seizure of 4 kilograms heroin by the police is something which those people who treat serious narcotics addicts can detect. It corresponds, namely, to 50,000 doses, and since a heroin addict on th: average uses the stuff 3 times a day, ' about 16,000-17,000 "narcotics days" are taken off the market. "It is something which means something," says Dr Soren Haastrup at the county hospital Nordvag in Glostrup," for heroin is the substance which our 5000-7000 hard addicts use today. It is by far the most important substance, and it is simply the substance which is found on the market today. Hence the seizure of 4 kg is important." Not a Medicine Heroin has been officially banned from Denmark by the health authorities for many years, and it is still forbidden to use it in medical treatments here, in contrast, for example, to England, where doctors can use it as a pain killer for among others, cancer patients, in their last days. The Danish health board has not wanted to import it, os*_ensibl~ because it is regarded as somewhat more dangerous than the other morphine preparations with which we are familiar. And it is of the opinion that there are sufficient other effective morphine-derived medications to cover medicinal needs. But fvr many years the substance has been the one most used by addicts in the United States, and in a number of countries the day when it would reach the domestic boundaries was fearfully awaited. ~ That happened several years ago in Denmark, and the use of it has steadily increased, so heroin today is the most commonly used ~orphine preparation among narcotics addicts. ' Fatal Dose for Many Heroin is called diacetylmorfin in Latin, and it is a so-called opium alkoloid, which is obtained by linking morphine to acetic acid. It is a white powder which outwardly resembles sugar. - 51~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 7 Since it has been feared so much, it has been blamed for causing many people to get thE~ idea that it can lead to both physical and psychological dependence in a few days. But even if it creates addiction faster than other substances, the experts today believe that if one becomes an addict in 6-7 weeks with other substances, addiction to heroin develops in 5-6 weeks. So there is not a great deal of difference. Addiction means that the dosage must be steadily increased. Just a few milligrams are fatal to a person not used to heroin, while little by little the dosage goes up to 100 milligrams, taken several times daily. Difficult to Abstain Heroin works somewhat like morphine but affects the brain quicker. Abstineiice symptoms develop quicker than with other morphine preparations, that is to say, in the course of a few hours, and that contributes to an increase in the number of doses. This means that the individual addict can acquire a usage which costs him or her easily 2 thousand kr a day. It is by far in most cases what leads to prostitution on Halmtorvet or similar places for girls and pimping and frequent break-ins for the boys. Abstinence is very unpleasant. It consists of worrying, anxiety, vomiting, severe st~mach pains, diarrhea, cramps, sniffling, weeping. It is believed that it is ' more difficult to break the heroin habit than for other morphine preparations. "Cold turkey" detoxification, in which the patients are completely deprived of the stuff is used, or the warm method, in which decreasing doses of inetadon are given over a period of 8-10 days. But then tne difficult time comes--when the patient must be induced to do something else than to circle around the stuff. A Bouquet for the Police - "There is a good reason to give the police a bouauet for their work which ha.s now resulted in 4 kg of heroin being seized," Dr Soren Haastrup says. "It is extremely good that an effort is being made here rather than utilizing a great deal of effort to f ind 80 kg of hash." 6893 CSO: 5300 - 55 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 FOR OFFICIAL TJSE ONLY - FRANCE BRIEFS DRUG OVERDOSE DEATHS--Drug overdose deaths have doubled in a year, having now i reached 240. French figures are thus approaching those of neighboring countries. ~ Minister Delegate for the Feminine Condition Monique Pelletier is coordinating i the fight against drugs. [Excerpt] [Paris VALEURS ACTUELLES in Frenc 29 Dec 80 p 10] CSO: 5300 - 56 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8 - - - _ i ITALY BRIEFS HEROIN SEIZURE--A press conference was held at the Trento Police Headquarters on a most successful operation which led to the seizure of 7.5 kg of pure heroin on the ~ outskirts of Trento and subsequently of no less than 46 kg of morphine in Bolzano. According to the investigators, this is the biggest crug investigation ever under- , taken in Europe. A search is now going on for a refinery which almost certainly must be in the Trentino-Alto Adige area, with the drugs coming from Trieste. It seems that the traffic emana:.ed from Turkey. The investigations continue in other Italian cities. [LD280400 Rome Domestic Service in ~talian ZQ00.~4T 27�Dec 80 LDJ CSO: 5300 END , - ~ , 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070021-8