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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JFRS L/�481 12 January 1 ~81 = East Euro e Re ort p p ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS (FOUO 1 /81) Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 NOTE ,IPRS publications contain informatio~z primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics reta~ned. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the - last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark arid enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The coztents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWiVERSHIP OF MATERIALS RE�RODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/9481 12 January 1981 EAST EUROPE REPORT ECONOMI C AN~ INDUSTR I AL ?~FFA I RS (~'.OUO 1/81) ~ CONTENTS CZECHOSLOVAKIA SSR Trends in Cattle Production - (Joaef Judtova ; EKONOMIKA POLNOHOSPODiARSTVA, Nov 80) o o. o. a. 1 Distribution of Agricultural Plant Production in SSR For 1985-1990 (Emilia Os~anova; EKONOMIKA POLNOHOSPODiP~RSTVA, Nov 80) 8 i - a- [ IZI - EE - 64 FOr.?O] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECHOSLOVAKIA SSR TRENDS IN CATTLE PRODUCTION Bratislava EKONOMIKA PO;~IOHOSPODARSTVA in Slovak Nov $0 pp 516-519 [Article by Engr. Jozef Judtova of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the SSR: "Beef Cattle Production in Slovakia"] [xext] During the Fifth Five-Year Plan, gross production of livestock pioducts rose by about 2.5 percent per year, and during the Sixth Five-Year Plan, we expect it to increase 2.4 percent per year. Tn spite of this over-all favorable develop- ~ ment, nevertheless, we did not achieve the planned goals ~or the development of beef cattle. Cattle raising is one of the most im~ortant branches of livestock production, and is rightfully considered to be the focal point of agricultural pro- - duction. Beef and veal, along with milk, are an important source of nutrition for the populace. Their production requires the use of a certain share of domestic - sources of fodder that other domestic animals can use to a limited extent only. ' Cattle raising is liuked to the soil, in which case, there is a reciprocal connec- tion--the dependence of the feztility of the soil on the intensity of cattle rais- , ~g. In order to provide for the alimentation of the populace, it is necessary to in- crease the production of beef cattle at a faster rate, with the existing sources of the feed and fodder basz, and in th3�, way, to solve thP requirement for raising the production of ineat with z lower consumption of grain feeds. T'hese goals were spelled out by the Sixth Five-Year Plan, which ~..;ks for an increase of beef cattle production in Slovakia during the Sixth Five-Year Plan of 8.9 percent as against the average Fifth Five-Year ?'lan level. The tasks of the Sixth Five-Year Plan for the production of beef cattle are not being fulfilled. According to the anticipated fulfillment, the average annu31 out- put of beef cattle including an incre~se in cattle herds will be only 2.9 percent higher as compared with the Fiftt~ Five-Year Plan average, a~nd the average annual procurement of cattle for state stocks is expected to be on the Fifth Five-Year Plan 1eve1. Relatively good results have been achieved in increasing the produc- tion of milk for state stocks. The situation in beef cattle production also influences the work for the prepara- tion of the Seventh Five-Year Plan, and requires workers at all stages of manage- ment to ~nalyze the ca~s~s for the non-fulfillment of the plan targets in beef cattle production during the Sixth Plan, and to work out and implement 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY meastires for a substantial increase in the production of beef cattle during the Seventh Five-Year Plan. We are citing the development of certain indicators dependent upon the cattle pro- duction in Slovakia during the 5th and 6th five-year plan periods in tables 1 and 2. A more comprehensive survey of the results for the Fifth Five-Year Plan and the expected results of the Sixth Five-Year Plan are given in Table 3. Years Table 1 Indicatorc 1971 1972 1973 1914 , 1975 T o t a 1 c t t 1 e h e r d s as of 1 Jan. 1330,1 ~ 13=3.~ 1:,73. ; 1390,4 1378,4 (1,000 head~ of this, cous 578.4 ~ S~~J.5 � St32.3 591 ; 589,7 free grazing heifers 87,5 i 9a.4 ' 112.3 123 124,3 percent of F~erd ~ cous 15,1 i 1G,a ' 19,3 I 20.8 31,1 fattening cattle '310.9 i 316,1 2'11,5 3U9.9 '?00,5 Procurement for state stocks 1 ; I Total beef cattle ,1,000 tons) 163,G ' 167.~ , 179,4 18~.3 187,6 _ of this number, cous 44,~ i ~8,7 5=,6 , 63,1 65.8 other cattle 119,4 ' 118,; , 126,8 � 121.2 i 1~1,8 Beef cattle (1 000 tons) 356.5 ~ ~54.9 ; 377,1 386,7 ~ 398 of this nuaber, cows 91.1 i 98,1 ~ 104,8 ~ 122.1 127.8 other cattle ~~5�4 ~ ~~~�8 ~ 2~'-,3 26~.G ~ 270,2 ~ 45A ' 4i3 ' 476 j 477 ~ 471 Slaughter value of cattle (kgi of this number cous 4SS , ~9C 50'~ 817 I 5t5 ' 450 46'~ 4G6 458 I 451 other cattle Milk (million liters) Output 14i~J.6 15?7,; 1551,3 1587,5 ' 156~,1 Procurement for state stocks ~,1 ~ 10~0,4 1118,9 1154,8 1177,3 i ~ Table 2 Years - I n d i c a t o r s 19i6_ ~ 1977 _(_1978 I_ 1979 ~ 1980 _ Total cattle herds as of 1 January I (1,000 head) 1349,6 j 1386,4 ~ 14:1,7 i 1450,7 I 1485,8 of this number, cous ~ Sgp 577,g ~ g;q,g i gg2 584,4 free grazing heifers 1?8 129,2 ' 1~5,? 148,2 I 155,1 percent of herd ~ cows ZZ,1 , 22,4 35,1 ~ 25,5 ( 26,5 fattening cattle 184,2 ~ 194,a ~ 201,9 I 201,1 i 20? i ~ I I Procurement of beef cattle for state i stocks I ~ I ~ I Total beef cattle (1,000 tons) 169,1 170,6 ~ 177,6 ~ 180,5 I of this number, cows 63,2 ' &~,1 I 68,5 I 68,6 i other cattle ' 105,9 105,5 ; 109.1 ~ 111,9 ' i Deef cattle, total (1,000 tons) 361,7 j 364,6 I 377,3 I 386,5 I of this number, cows ~ 122.5 ' 126 ~ 133 I 135,5 other cattle I 239,2 I 238,6 ~ ~44,3 ' 251 ~ 467 ' 468 471 t 467 $~a qhter value of cattl,e (kg) 518 517 515 ' SU6 - or t~is nu~nber, cows (kgl ~3 ,}~Z g;7 ~ 446 i other cattle (kg) - Milk (million liters) ' I ' Output , 1543 ' 1584 ! 1621.3 ~ 166G,8 Procuren~ent for state stocks 1310,5 , 1362,6 i 1315,9 I 1374,4 ~ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ From the aforenoted data, it is shown that during the Sixth Five-Year Plan, the orientation of cattle raising has grown in favor of an increase in production intensitq, especially, the marketing of milk, and the intensity of beef cattle production per head of cattle has dropped, at the same time. The orientation of market production of milk toward a rise was supported also by the dev~zlopment of cow herds, and t~is was by decreasing the herds in the private sector, where there is a law marketability of production, and bp increasing them in the socialized cector, where there is a high share of market production of milk (Table 4) . The orientation toward an increase in the market production of milk took place as follows: --Through increasing the procurement of milk for state stocks, with an expected average annual grewth by 3.8 percent during the Sixth Five-Year Pla~ (estimate of the 5-y2ar plan averag~s); --By increasing the herds of free grazing heifers. The n~ber of free grazing heifers as of 1 January on the average for the Sixth Five-Year Plan is more than 40 percent higher as compared with the average of the Fifth Five-Year Plan, in which case, their share of cow herds has increased substantially. --By increasing the selecting out of caws. During the Fifth Five-Year Plan, as of 1 January, an average of 18.6 percent of the herds of cows were sold off to the state stocks for slaughter purposes, and in the Sixth Five-Year Plan, 22.5 percent is expected. The planned rise in the production of beef cattle was not attained. - --In the Sixth Five-Year Plan, the average annual proctirement of beef cattle is ex- pected to be at the Fifth-Five Year Plan ievel. --The herds of cattle under fattening as of 1 January have decreased in their annual average of the Sixth Five-Year Plan by 6.6 percent as compared with the Fifth Five-Year Plan, in which case, their share of the total cattle herds was lowered. --The structure of procurement of beef cattle has changed, and it is expected that the proportion of slaughter cows will increase from 31.1 percent in the Fifth Five- I Year Plan to 36.9 percent average for the Sixth Five-Year Plan, with a decrease in the proportion of other beef cattle. --The draG*ing of cattle from the cattle herds for procurement for state stocks has dropped on the whole. During the Fifth Five-Year Plan, as of 1 January, an average of 27.48 percent was sold from the ~:erds for the state stocks, and during the Sixth b'ive-Year Plan, 26.58 percent is expected to be sold. In particular, the selling of the so-called other cattle to state stocks has been lowered (fattening and other categories without cows). In all, during the Fifth Five-Year Plan, 14.5U head of other cattle per lU0 head of cattle were sold to the state stocks, and in the Siacth Five-Year Plan, this number is 17.37 head. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY --The average slaughter value of cattle has dropped in general, and this means the slaughter value of the other cattle ~rith dn increase in the slaughter value of cows. The intensity of beef cattle production and cattle in toto has decr eased relative to cattle herds as a whole, with a slight increase of intensity in regard to the cow herds. The average daily weight gain in fattening cattle has become lower. On the whole, therefore, a certain increase was attained in the production of cat- - tle, especially the increase in herds; however, the desired increase in intensity - of using production capacities in the production of ineat was not attained. As is knawn, for the development cattle raising, it is important to provide suffi- cient high-quality bulk fodders. The development of the production of bulk fodder in Slovakia is given in Table 5. , ~ ' Table 3 ' Average annual _ 'Index of Actual in Expected annual Indicators Fifth lin Sixth;averages = !5-yr Plan! 5-qr� f'lan~ Cattle herds, total 1 Jar. (1,000 head 1363,3 ~ 1418,8 1Q4,1 of this number, cous (1,000 head} , ~84,2 . 580,4 ~ 99,3 free-qrazing heifers lOS.5 ! 155,1 142,9 their ;hare of cow herds (x) 18,6 ; 24,3 fattening cattle (1,000 head) ~ 211,8 i 197,8 ~ 93,4 proportion of fattening anie(~als 15,5 ~ 13,9 ~ - Procuremhnteof16ee~acattlee(I500(~~head) ' 176 S ' 1?6,5 1~~ of this number, cows (1,000 head) 54,9 j 68,9 121,9 other cattle (1,000 head) 121,6 I 109,6 90,1 Procurement of beef c ttle (1,000 head) , 37~,6 ~ 377,1 : 100,7 of this number, co~+s 1,000 ead) ~ 108,8 130,6 ; 1?~ other cattle ll, 0 head~ ~ 265,8 246,5 ' 92,7 Slaughter value (kg) ' 471,1 468 ~ 99,3 of this number, cows (kg) 504,6 512,2 I 101,5 other r.attle ~ 457,5 444,6 97,2 ' Average daify weight gain during ~ ~ ~~78 I 91 fattening c cattle (kg) ~ OutPut of cattle including increase ! 177~6 ig2~q lp?,g of heards (',000 tons) ~ Per head of cattle ~ 129,5 124,4 9G.1 procurFment of beef cattle (kg) ! 130,3 138,8 ~ 9E,$ output ~f cattie (kg) ~ Per tou ~ 302,1 producenent of beef cattle (kg) , 304,0 ~4,5 I 103.5 output ~f cattle (kg) Production f milk (million liters) ~ 1547~9 1621 i 104,? Frocurement of ~iik for st~~g stp~ks j 1091,1 I 1314,7 ~ 120,5 ~,ni ion !i ersl 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 4 AnnuaJ Average ~ , A c t u a 1 ; ~ Expected I Index of ~ during the I during the ~ 'fifth 5-yr , Sixth 5-yr ' ann~~l - Ind~cator as of 1 January . p}~ - ~ a~erages Cou herds in the social. sect. (ih~0~ 41G.4 I 500,5 I 120,~ ~ow herds in priv. sector (1,000 head) 1~',8 i 79,9 + 47,6 Table 5 I Unit of-Annual_ averaQe__ ~ ~easure- I Actual in Ex~a. ~ Indes of I n d i c a t o r ment ~ Fifth 5-yr ~~tual in annual ~ Plan 19~fi~19)9 ; averages _ Hay from perennial fodder crops ~ ~ _ harvest (1,000 t) ~ 1532,~ I 13.^,? 7 ~ 8? yie~d '(1.~0 ha) 279,1 i 202.5 ~ 43,G Hay from meadows ,(t�ha 5,}9 I 6,U1 ~ 120.~ - , i harvest ~(l~pp~ t) 867,4 ~ 852 ~ 93,3 ~ area ~(1,000 ha); 3(14,3 I 3i3.3 89,5 yield l ~ 3,85 ~ 3,13 109.8 ~t.ha ) i Hay frcm pasture land: ~ ' 72g,g ; 806,1 ' 110,5 ~ ~~~~est ~~1~' a~ 5Q3 53G,5 I 106,7 yie d ~(t.}~a-1~ , 1,45 i 1,5 iQ3,5 Annual fodders , harvest (1,~0 t) ! 4�}1? ~ ~ 5252 119 area (l,ppp ha' 196,3 2?3,6 113.9 yield (t.ha-1) 22,48 23.49 ~ 104,5 Fodders in terms of hay, total ~ t ) ~ 3906,2 ; 3928,7 ~ 100,~ , _ ~ ~ _ The average annual production of bulk fodder in terms of hay was only 0.6 percent higher during the Sixth Five-Year Plan (during the years of 1976-1979) as compared with the annua~ average of the Fifth Five-Year Plan. With a decrease in area sown to fodder crops on cultivated land (more than 10 percent all told), and with a - change in structure of perennial grasses for the promotion of pasturing, and with the increase in yield per hectare, consequently, during the years 1967-1979, a slightly higher annual harvest of fodders in terms of hay was obtained as compared to the Fifth Five-Year Plan. The share of hay was lowered in structure of peren- nial fodders and hay from meadows, and the share of annual fodders and pasture crops was increased. Because hay from pasture lands, except in isolated cases, is not a source for che fodder stocks for the winter season [sentence as publish- _ ed]. Therefore, the sources for the production of winter feed will decrease to a certain extent. In this case, the needed level of qualitq is not being achieved for stored fodders. All of this has affected the level of consumption ~f grain feeds, which is higher than the balance standards. From the aforenoted, it is seen that in the production of bulk fodder, the neces- sary prerequisites for increasing meat production intensity could not be created. - 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - '"'~e situation in the production o� grain feeds made it necessary to take economiza- ~lon measures in the consumption of grain feeds, wfiich were realized mainly in the raising of cattl~ for meat production. - At the current time, work on the preparation of the Seventh FivQ-Year Plan is in - fuil swing. In addition t~ t~ie incre~se in output and market production of milk, it is required to provide for a relatively high rate of growth of procurement of slaughter beef cattle as well. TELe economic means prepared for the Seventh Five- - Year Plan are also supporting this orientation. The guid elines for the preparation of the Seventh Five-Year Plan in Slovakia hinge - on an increase during the Seve..~�h Five-Y~ar Plan of an average annual procurement of milk for state stocks of 17.9 perrent, :~s compared with the expected average of the Sixth Five-Year Flan, and an average annuay procurement ~f beef cattle for state stc~cks of 12.7 percent. It is necessary to make provisions for a basic increase in the production of beef catrle. In this connection, the following have to be provided for: --An increase i.n cow herds and of their reproductive capacity. ~ --An increase in the measure of utilization of cattle for effective feeding. --Proper feeding of every category of cattle. --Increase in slaughter quality of animals, especially in fattening. For the optimum live weight of young bulls at the end of fattening, according ta the data of workers of the. scientific research institute, for thoraughbred Slovak mottle- _ colored cattle and their cross-breeds with a beef cattle strains, a live weight - of up to 600 kg is estimated; for crossbreeding Slovak mottled-c~lor cattle with producing strains with a smaller proportion of improvement strains, and for pingauzer breed, from 500 to 550 kg is estimated, and winc ~rossbreeding of Slovak mottle-colored cattle and pinzgauer with milk producing strains with a higher pro- - portion of the blood of improvement breeds (over 50 percent), a live weight of up to 500 kg is estimated. The parameters of added weight in fattening, according to the data of Workers of the scientific research institute, should vary slightly _ within the range of 0.9-1 kg per head per day. We have considerable reserves in _ this area. In 1979, the average slaughter value of bulls after fattening in Slovakia was 460 kg, with an average daily weight gain of 0.77 kg. Consequently, in the work for ttie preparation of the Seventh Five-Year Plan, at all ~tages of management, it is necessary to work out the possibilities and mea- sures for a maximum increase in the production of slaughter cattle and the provi- ~ sions for their gradual realization. In this case, it is necessary to pay particular attention to increasing the produc- tion and quality of bulk fodder including material-technical and investment provi- sions, in the of harvesting, transport, and storage. The guideline for preparation of the Seventh Five-Year Plan counts on a basic in- crease in the harvesting of hay, along with an increase of yield per hectare of 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY fodder crops, and a decrease in tiie ar~-. sown on tilled soil. A substantial in- crease in the planting of catch crops, a more intensive utilizati.on of the produc- tion capacities of ineado~ws and pastures, and als~ an increase in the proportion of _ hay among perennial fodder crops is called for. During the Seventh Five-Year Plan, the harvesting of hay in Slovakia is supposed to rise 18.2 percent as compared to the expected harvest in tfie Sixth Five-Year Plan, of which, the harvesting of hap from perennial fodder plants will rise 36.8 percent. The urgencp of the task to incr ease harvesting of haq depends on a rela- _ tively greater creation of reserves of bulk fodders, as di:-ring this 5-year plan. The increase in the production and quality of bulk fodders tied into the planned . develoFment of livestock production is one of the main tasks of the development of plant production. It is necessary to wor?: out a program at every level of manage- ment for providing for the tasks in the production of bulk fodders, for improving their quality, and for providing higher rating of bulk fodders by 10-15 percent with a lowering of the use of grain feeds. The increa~e in the production of bulk fodders and in their quality, the increase in the production of ineat and milk, with upgrading of domestic fodders, these are the greatest reserves for increasing agri cultural production during the Seventh Five-Year Plan. CGPYRIGHT: PRIRODA, Vydavatelstvo Knih a Casopisov, Bratislava, 1980 5808 CSO: 2400 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECHOSLOVAKIA DISTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURAL PIANT PRODL'CTION IN SSR FOR 1985-1990 Br3tislava EKONOMIKA POLNOHOSPODARSTVA in Slovak Nov 80 pp 500-502 [Article by Engr Emilia Osrmanova, Research I~:stitute for Agricultural and Foodstuff Economics, Bratislava: "Survey of Plant Production Development by Natural Area of the SSR to 1990"] [Text] Employees of the Research Institute far Agricultural ac?d Foodstuff Economics have been working recently, among other things, on the problem of the distribution , of agricultural production and its labor force for the period 1985-1990. The goal of this task has been to provide management and, above all, planning agencies with scientifically justified foundations for an objectivizaticn of the spatial differentiation of production assignments by region, district, and natural agricultural zones, on the basis of common initial conditions, the productive capa- bilit ies of the land stock, and unified criteria fot the economic efficiency of the d istribution of agricultural production. The distribution of plant production is a matter. of implementing land division on the basis of enterprise specialization and the concentration of agricultural produc- tion based on the optimal utilization of varying natural and economic conditions. An obj ectivized approach to distribution has also required a classification of agric ultural land which characterizes natural conditions with sufficient precision and makes possible at a given level of management the rational analysis, evaluation, and d ifferentiation of the intensity of agricultural production under varying natural conditions. These requirements are met t~y a system of natural agricultural zones arrived at by an appropriate aggregation of natural conditions. - The distribution of individual production branches has therefore been differentiated - according to areas posses~ing the proper natural and economic production character- istics, while the surface area to be occupied in the districts and regions of the SSR has be~en worked out by the employees of the Research Institute for Agricultural and Foodstuff Economics in Bratislava. 15 natural agricultural zones hdve been defined for the SSR within the framework of 4 climatic regions. Th~ey are the areas of : - the warm lowlands (Nt 1, Nt 2, Nt 3, Nt 4), - lowlands (N 1, N 2, N 3), - hill country (P l, P 2, P 3, P 4), - mountain (V 1, V Z, V 3. V 4). 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 - rox or~zcia~. usF ornY The whole distribution process took place in two phases. The first phase saw the preparation of economic production parameters, i.e. the pro~essing or data concerning the land stock in addition to the processing of input data from models based on technical economic studies from specialized institutes. - Above all it has been necessary to divide the land stock of the districts and regions of the SSR into natural agricultural zones according to individual crops, which is the basis for the distribution of plant production. Each area has defi- - nite production conditions for a given crop. Altogether 71 production branches of plant production have heen distributed _ (including the aggregates which have been formed). - Al1 crops are classified as eith er "high volume" or "low volume." - Among tl?e high volume crops are wheat, rye, barley, oats, grain corn, cereals _ generally, food potatoes, potatoes generally, feed peas, tubers, fodder legumes - generally, sugar beets, perennial fodder crops on arable land, silage corn and corn to be plowed under, fodder beets, other cul.tivated fodder crops, and fodder crops generally on arable land. The f.ollowing input data for these crops were applied in a modelling treatment: - the extent of the share of sown area of the crops on arable ~oil (in percent), - the per hectare harvest (in tons), - sowing/planting standards per hectare (~n kilograms), - the yearly alternation of seeds and see6~ings (in percent), - consumption of industrial fertilizers - pure N-P-K nutrients (in kilograms), _ - need for biocontrols and chemical prote~tive substances (in Kcs), - labor consumption per unit of surface area tin hectares). The following crops have been included in the low volume group: lentils, kidney beans, edible peas, sunflower seeds, soy beans, poppy seed, seedling, industrial, and early potatoes, sugar beet sets and seeds, flax, hemp, vegetables (including - tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, garlic, and early vegetables), medicinal and aromatic plants, tobacco, grass seed, and other crops raised on arable land (nurseries for fruit and ornamental trees, plots for vegetable and flower seeds, and the like). These crops have been distributed directly to districts and regions with a view to the requirements of the crop, the maximum utilization vf natural conditions, husbandry traditions, and the most recent scientific findings. In the second phase, the so called "automated modelling system," and in particular two linear programming block models have been used to implement the distribution of the production and the procurement oF plant production. The first model dis- tributed the production objectives for the SSR which have ~een determined for _ individual agricultural areas according to the unified foundations for the devel- opment of the agricultural and nutrition branch to 1990 (as established by the - Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition). The second model provided assis- tance in distributing the objectives determined by the first model to the regions. = 9 _ FOR OFFICIA"L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the first model, inequalities are used for each distributed crop to dPtermine - the lower and upper limits of the raquired volume of output at the republic level. In the blocks for individual agricultural areas equations are used to determine the extent of useable lana area, while inequalities are tised to determine the upper and l~wer limits of the sown area for raiaing each crop. In a connecting block, the second model determines by means of equations the sown area and production volume (this information is an output of the first m~del) for each crop of a given agricultural area, and uses equations in regional blocks to establish the extent of useable soil in a given region and the lower and upper Iimits of the sown areas for specific crops. The object of maximization is the total output in a given natural agricultural zone, expressed in units of grain. Bath models take into account the appropriateness of natural conditions for the raising of the distributed crops by applying differentiated per hectare yields and sown areas. The outputs of these distribution models for plant production are the basis for the development of planting plans for a region and provide part - of the input information for the distribution of livestock production. ~ - The structure of sown areas which results from this solution incorporates composite trends determined for individual bases. For instance, in comparison with the 1971-1975 average the area sown with grain corn will increase by about 60,000 hectares by 1990, and the area in rye by about 4,000 hectares, while the area in barley will decrease by about 33,000 hectares. Legume area is to be increased - by about 8,000 hectares in 1985 and by 17,000 hectares l~y 1990. Of the oil crops, the largest increase will be in the area sown in sunflowers, which will rise from 3700 hectares to 20,000 in 1985, and to 23,500 hectares in 1990, while the area - sown in soy beans will increase from 4,000 hectares to 9,000 in 1985, and 12,000 hectares in 1990. The area in potatoes is to be lowered from 85,000 hectares to 65,00~ in 1985, and to 55,000 by 1990. ~ Results regarding the distribution of sown areas according to natural agricultural. zones for the 1985-1990 period have been processed in two directions: - in terms of the area concentration of crops in individual natural agricultural _ zones of the SSR, and grouped by regions, which expresses the significance of a given region in the raising of a particular crop; - as the structure of sown areas on the arable land of individual areas of the SSR (in percent); - as the percentage, in in:iividual natural agricultural zones, of the total area sown on the territory of the SSR, and grouped by regions, a figure which expresses the appropriateness of the growing conditions in specific areas for a given crop (in percent). We present the results of the distribution of several major cr.~;:s (in hectares) - throughout the natural agricultural zones of the SSR for 1985 in the accompan.ying table (the 199Q results are only slightly differer~t). In addition to the crops raised on arable soil, permanent agricultural endeavors were also the subject of distribution. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1. Areas Sown with Several Major Crops, by Natural Agricultural Zones - of the SSR (in hectares) CrflP Natural Agricultural Zones Nt 1 Nt 2 Nt 3 Nt 4 N 1 N 2 Wheat 26787 62110 23577 15709 32804 58033 Barley 9039 18266 5525 8857 20717 32601 ~ Maize 29914 76404 15754 7g01 26658 15970 Cereal Grains _ total 65740 156913 45488 37368 80179 108882 - Edible Legumes total 100 2700 850 150 120t~ 1000 - Fodder Legumes total 2215 4434 1557 - 4907 6399 Winter Rape 554 1318 872 1434 692 4855 ~ Sunflowers 3600 8450 850 350 2850 240~ Industrial - Sugar Beet 8353 11370 4751 2067 10072 9172 Tobacco 255 1770 1100 330 865 575 Potatoes total 400 1150 1250 1583 200 975 Fodder Crops on Arable Land - total 24799 56437 15776 18645 30832 45425 o� which, Perennial Fodder Crops on Arable Land 18144 33971 6123 11129 17511 27705 Vegetables total 3085 . 8474 2876 1030 2719 2675 Arable Land total 112987 258790 78906 63268 137512 185189 continued next page 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CroP Natural Agricul.tural Zones N 3 P 1 P 2 P 3 P 4 V 1 - Wheat 27460 13217 42559 11442 30789 3973 Barley 23607 11465 27694 11097 35772 7393 Maize 12789 2143 5513 - 5212 - Cereal Grains - total 65252 27830 79970 24319 78614 13987 Edible Legumes total 800 100 - - - - Fodder Legumes total 4016 893 4834 728 113 - _ Winter Rape 1950 1244 4357 1040 4739 - Sunflowers 1700 - - - - ' Industrial Sugar Beet 6234 1911 4830 - 1393 - Tobacco 305 - 380 - 240 - ' Potatoes total 1625 1228 1445 2829 8153 4740 Fodder Crops on Arable Land total 21754 8941 35995 11344 38460 9248 ' of which, Perennial Fodder Crops on A~able Land 10489 5032 20838 6571 24136 6606 Vegetables total 2266 795 2C5~ 988 1661 284 Arable Land total 107034 44079 137595 42592 136289 29239 ~ continued next page 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CroP Natural Agricultural Zones - SSR total V 2 V 3 V 4 hectares ercent Wheat 10210 11397 9143 379,210 24.OC' Barley 12249 19974 34038 275,293 15.71 Maize - - - 198,157 12.54 Cereal srain total 26796 39887 58263 909,488 57.56 Edible Legumes total - - - 7,000 0.44 Fodder Legumes total 798 - - 30,894 1.96 Winter Rape - - - 23,061 1.46 Sunflowers - - - 20,200 1.28 " Industrial Sugar Beet - - - 60,153 3.81 Tobacco - - - 5,820 0.37 Potatoes total 8677 12800 18090 65,145 4.12 Fodder Crops on Arable Land total 18474 22329 35279 393,738 24.92 - of which, Perennial Fodder Crops on Arable Land 12563 15277 27374 243,469 15.41 Vegetables total 668 394 250 30,229 1.91 Arable Land to~al 57256 76698 112566 1,580,000 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The distribution proposal calls attention to the basic interzone relationships in the growing of "high volume" and "low volume" crops in the following ways: l. In the warm lowland area (Nt), grain will increase as a percentage of total producticn, due to an increase in the area devoted to grain corn, even while the area sown in wheat and barley will be decreased moderately. The Nt 2 area will have the largest percentage of grain (60.7 percent). The raising of edible legumes will b~ concentrated in the Nt 2 area, independent of their continued share of Nt 4 production. The percentage of early potatoes will increase in all four areas, a conse:,;.ence of concentrating them in the warmest areas. Winter rape will decrease as a percentage of oil crop production, but the percentage of sunflowers and soy beans will substantially increase; 2, A similar trend to that of [he Nt group will become evident in the lowland group (N) in grain and oil crops. The greatest increase, however, will be in feed legumes which, for instance, in area N 3 will increase their share from 3.8 percent to 5.7 percent of the total by 1990. The share of perennial forage crops will decrease; 3. The grain share in the foothill group (P) will also increase, due to an increasing percentage of grain corn and barley. Increased legume plantings will be concentrated in the P 1 and P 2 regions where they will occupy 6 percent of ttie arable soil. Winter rape will come to occupy 3 per~ent of the arable soil in the P 2 and P 4 areas, the percentage of potatoes in areas P 1 and P 2 will decline, _ while increasing in areas P 3 and P 4 to the vicinity of 6 percent of the total. - Here as well the share of perennial fodder crops will be partially reduced; 4. In the mountain group (V), the main growing zones are devoted to oats ana - rye, while at the same time the share of other grains will be increased. Legumes are to be grown only in area V 2. The percentage of potatoes is to reach 16,6 percent of the total in area V 3 by 1985, and 16.5 percent of the 1990 total in area V 1. Fodder crops on arable land will be marked by a moderate decline. , The results of the distribution of crops by natural agricultural zones has been _ further broken down by the districts and regions of the SSR by an additional linear programming model. In the West Slovakian region the area sown in grain corn wil.l expand the most, from 13 percent to 18.9 percent of the total, while the areas sown in oats and wheat will see particular declines. The share of all grains will reach almost - 60 percent. The percentage of legume crops (especially for livestock) will increase from 1.6 percent as of 1975 to 3 percent by 1990. The area sown in sun- flowers and soy beans will increase significantly (and become more than 3 times that of. 1975), at the same time t.hat the area sown in rape will moderately decline. The percentage of potatoes will decliiie, with production focusing mostly on early potatoes, while in the Topol'cany and Trencin regions efforts will be concentrated on industrial potatoes. The share of pere:~nial fodder crops will increase at the expense of grain corn and silage. In the Central Slovakian region the percentage of ~rains (excluding oats) will increase from its 49.9 percent figure for 1975 to 55.1 percent by 1985, and 65.3 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE OrTLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074416-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY percent by 1990. The total share of legume crops will remain unchanged, bu;. their conce~tration by region will change significantly. For instance, edible legume crops will be concentrated in 3 regions, in comparison with 12 regions in 1975. - The percentage of oil crops will increase from 0.9 perc~nt to 2.4 percent, primarily by expanding the area sown with winter rape. The percentage of potatoes will be decreased from 10.7 percent to 8.1 percent, and to 6.3 percent by 1990, at the same time tl:at the raising of early potatoes will be concentrated in 4 regions. The percentage of fodder crops on arable soil will decline moderately. In the East Slovakian region the percentage of grains will increase from 48.3 percent to 55.9 percent, primarily by increasing the share alloted to wheat from 13.7 percent to 22.4 percent, and that of grain corn from 5.2 percent to 7.I per- cent. The percentage of. barley will decrease from 24.9 percent to 21.2 p~:rcent. The area devoted to feed legumes will be substantially increased and t}i:it. devoted to edible legumes lessened, and their raising concentrated in 3 region5. Primarily in the southern regions there will be a decline in the percentage of potatoes from 7.9 percent to 7.1 percent and, by 1990, to 6.1 percent, while in the northern regions their production will remain at roughly its present level. The greatest reduction in the area of arable ~and sown in fodder crops is to be in this region, from 31.6 percent to 26.5, and in some cases 27.2 percent by 1990. It may be justifiably presumed that the implementation of the distri~ution proposal in accordance with husbandry requiremen*s will increase the certainty of achieving per hectare yield target~, and that loweri:ig the costs per unit of production will increase production efficiency. The distribution and balance of industrial fertilizers has been realized in accor- dance with this modelled distribution of crops. Doses of pure N-P-K nutrients (in kilograms) have been established for each crop and for each natural agricultural zone accordin, to the level of the per hectare harvest. The distributionoElives`~ock production, of investment for the Seventh and Eighth Five Year Plans, the relation of agricultural production to the distribution af - its processing inciustry, the distribution of che work force and the requirements for labor value added according to natural agricultural zones will a11 be connected to the distribution proposal for plant production. COPYRIGHT: PRIRODA, Publishing H~use for Books and Periodicals, Bratislava, I980 9276 CSO: 2400 E~ 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070016-4