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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064446-2
JPRS L/9465
31 December 1980
Worldwide Re ort
CFOUO 54/~0)
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JPRS publications contain information primarily from toreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language `
sources are translated; those from English-language sources _
are tra nscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and =
other characteristics retained.
- Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the .
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Unfamiliar names rendered phcnetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parentheticat notes within the body of an
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The contents af this publica*_ion in no way represent the poli-
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JPRS L/9465
31 December 1980
(k'oU0 54/80)
ONCB To Begin Crop Subetitution Drive in 1981
(TAWAN SIAM, 15 Oct 80) 1
Problems of Crop Substitution Deacribed
(Charat Phuachuai; SIAM RAT, 10 Oc~t 80) 3
Member of Royal Guard Unit Arrested in Marihuana Seizure
(BAN MUANG, 22 Oct 80) 8
Chiang Mai Heroin Trafficker 10
Crop Substitution Funde 10 _
Mystery of 'Cocaine Godmother' Probed ,
(EL TIEMPO, various dates) 11 =
Everyone Looks for Griselda
Background on the 'Godmother'
Rumor of Her Death
Marihuana Seized in Santa Marta Area 15
Traffickers, Aircraft, Marihuana Seized 15 -
Case of Fired Judge Discussed 15
' Druga, Traffickers Seized in La Virginia 16
Traffickerat Cocaine Seized at Eldorado 16
Marihuana Seizure 16
Morphine Seizure 16
- a - [~IT - WW - 138 FOUOJ
Fnp ncF*~-? e i t iCF (1N1.Y
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Drug Trafficking, Use in Capital Will Be Fought
(Freddy Antonio Cruz; EL NACiONAL, 31 Oct 80) 17
Marihuana Shipment Seized 19
Marihuana Crop NQar Guanare 20
- Ten Trsffickers Arrested 20
Coca on Colombian Border 20
Cocaine Traffickers Arrested 20 ~
Khalkhali Pushes Measures Against Smugglers
(KEYHAN, 25 Nov 80) 22
Stricter Anti-Narcotic Laws 24
Opium Haul 24
- Statistica Show Low Drug Use Among Youth
(THE 3ERUSALEM POST, 21 Nov 80) 25
Heroin Seized 26
Australian Fined in Hashish, Bribery Case
(KUWAIT TIMES, 16 Nav 80) 27
Three Persons Arrested in Hashish Smuggling Case
(AL-QABAS, 18 Ivov 80) . 28
Narcotics ~zizure 30
�Zuantity of Hashish Seized 31
- b -
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Burning of Marihuana 32
Official Says Drug Problem Worsening
(THE CAPE TIMES, 6 Nov 80) 33
Storting Demonstrates Broad Agreement on Antidrug War
(AFTENPOSTEN, 12 Nov 80) 34
, Press To Publish Names, Photos in Narcotics Cases
� (Tor Risberg; ARBEIDERBLADET, 7 Nov ~0) 36
- Drug Abuae Study 37 -
Druge Biggest Problem 37
Aixlines Stewar~d Sentenced to 6 3fears; Smuggled Hashish
(Claes von Hosten; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 13 Nov 80) 38
Mora Drugs Gang Unraveled 39
- Hashish Seized From Harbor 39 -
- c -
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_ nangkok TAWAN SIF~Ai in Thai 15 Oct 80 p~ 7, 10
[Article: "Plans Have Been Quickl y Made to GrQw atibstitute Crops In
Pl ac:e of Poppy" ]
[Text] Police Major G~nerai Chawalit Yotmani, the deputy secretary-
_ general of the Office of the Narcotics Controi Board (ONCB), has
stated that, next year, plans wiii seriously be made to encourage the
hill tribes to gro~r substitute crops in place of poppy. This wi11 no -
longer be a trial program since, at present; the United States and
German~ :have provided support, and the sectors concerned such as the _
- Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the Ministry of Public =
_ Health and the Ministry of Interior have discussed matters and found
ways to help.
Police Major G eneral Chaxali talked about the present problems of
hill tribesmen in growing substitute cro~s instead of poppy. He said
that they have mark~eting and transportation problems. [Attempts are
being made] to solve these problems by requesting cooperation from
the private sector. In particular, the Thai Inter Company is presently
purchaszng all the goods of the hili tribes. However, government
officials are trying to contact various hotels and have them purchase
goods from the hiii tribes ~lirectiy. _
Concerning suppressing drug smuggiing, Police Major General Chawalit
stated that severai sectors have estabiished special units for this
in order to prevent various critieisms that mZy be made. The various _
units concerne~ have been given ~ role and they have been made more '
aware of their duties. They are cooperating with foreign countries
and keeping chemicals from reaching the various factories in areas -
that have been de~^lared to be chemical free areas.
~~At present, the amount of drugs is increasing in the rural areas and
~ this is very disturbing. It is very difficult to suppress this
because communications ar~e not convenient. As for Bangkok and Chiang
Mai Province, the amount of drugs has declined greatiy. Zt is thought
that, in the next 2~0 3 years, officiais wiil have suppressed all _
_ ~ the major drug producers or important dealers,~~ stated Police Major
General Cha~ral it .
' 1
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The deputy secretary-general of the ONCB also stated that, next
month, drug suppression officials fro~r. other rountries ~ill come and
observe operations in Thailand in order to discuss matters and find
a way to cooperate in suppressing drugs.
- 11943
- CSO: 5300
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Bangkok SIAM EtAT in Thai 10 Oct 80 p 7
[Article by Charat Phuachuaiz "Opium and the Government's
Suppress ion Measures~~ ]
[Text] Recently, I~ent and listened to a special committee discuss
the budget for 198~1. ~
That day, ~hen discussing a government unit subordinate ~o the Office
' of the Prime Minis~er, that is, the Narcoti~s Control Board, whose
budget has been set at 33,768,700 baht, vhich is to pay for general
administrative activities, suppression and information seminars, ~
investigations, su~pressien activities and Thai hill tribe economic
and crop ~ubst itution activities, the secretary-generai of the Off ice
of the Narcotics Controi Board (ONCB) discussed the various activities
of the ONCB that have already been carried out, that are presently '
underway and that wiil be carrisd out in the future.
Thailand has a population of approximately 47 miilion. The total _
number of drug addicts who have actually been surveyed reaches .
300,000, or 0.63 percent. But there are approximately 200,000 more -
addi~ts xho have not been surveyed. �
This is a total o~ approximately SOO,Q00 addicts or about 1.06
percent of the country�s totai population.
= Of this number, upproximately 60 percent of the drug addicts are boys
and girls between the ages of 14 and 24. Of the remaxning number, most
- are older, ~ith only a few younger than this.
Concerning the problems discussed that day, the main points can be
_ summarized as folloxs:
a. Problems and obstacless An important obstacle in dtug suppression ~
- activities is that the budget allocated for this is not sufficient. _
Because of this, the ONCB lacks offices, equi~ment and the manpower
to carry on such activities. Last year, this office xas allocated
approximat~ly 31 miliion baht. This year, it has been aliocated 33
million baht. This is in line with the rate qf increase of the
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- budget. When discussing the budqet ~hat has been established, most of
the peoplP on the commifitee were in favar of increasing the budget
- af this sector so that i~ can finish t~:e work or come close to the
targets set. One of the topics that was ~iscussed often concerned the
poppy growing activi~.ies o~ the Tnai hxll tribes in the r~~rttzern
regi~n of the country.
At a later date, the committe~ made an ~ffarc i.o go obscrve the
poppy groWing ac~ivities of the hx~l f:ribes and to visit the border
~ patrol police who are r~spor~sible for carrying on the suppression
_ acl:ivities mentioned above. The hill tribes gro~r much poppy at
elevations of 1,000 meters or mor~ above sea lEVel. They transport
the opium from the north ta the s~a for distribution and sale abroad. people at the national lev~l are involved in this and,
therefore., the units with r~sponsibility for suppreGsing such
activities cannot suppress them and do no~ dar~ do much.
One time, a police sergeant corifisca~ced some opium but this opYUm
_ belonged to an influential perso~. The sergean~t was transferred.
Ar~other obstacle is the lack of rnanpower and 2quipment. The ONCB has
sent officials to arres~ those tran.sportinG o~ium from the north but
wrhen they encouazter them, the ~e~ple transpo~�ting the opium [often]
have ma~re than 10 small pickup trucks while the ONCB has only t~ro or
three vehicles. The suppression activities ~iav~e not achieved good
- results.
- Th~ sprea~ of drugs has, therefore, inc~~a~ed greatly. Tho~e wha know
what is qoing on do not dare talk abc~u~. ~r~o ~.h~ opium traffickets
, really are, what their social positio~ is or how much influence they
have at the national level.
As for the other obst acles, I wi12 not say very much about them~
Instead, I will firs~ discuss solufiions and th~ suppression activities
of the governmen~.
b. Solutions
1. End-point solutions: The g~vernmex~t sectors resg~onsible for such
activities include ~he Public Welfare Department, the llepartment of
Land Ueve~.opment, the Police Department, the Northern Region
A3ric~~ltural Offic~, the Royal Hili Tribes Dev~lopm~nt Project in
coordination wi~h the Ford Foundation, the ONCB and so on. The
government is we11. aware of the fact that drugs, especially opium,
can l.ead to the destxuction of trie country and destroy the energy of
the people. Thus, it has mobilized manpnwer an.d money to solve the
problEm cc~mpletely.
- 4
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, Hoxever, things have not been completed in acc~rd with the targets
set because the units have not dared to take serious action. This is
because, if they do, they will run up against [people with] national
influence. Thus, they can only try to solve the probl em at the end
For example, there is the Royal Hill Tribes Development Program and
the ONCB's crop substitution program to encourage the hill tribes to
grow other crops instead of poppy. This includes encouraging them to
grow plums, kidney beans, vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, coffee and so
These programs have been underway for 10 years now but the hill
tribe areas planted in poppy have not decreased. Rather, the smuggling
of opium has increased. The problems and obstacles are that the hill
tribes are not intert~sted and they have not turned to g r~wing such
crops. When I wnrked at the Northern Region Aqr~cuitural Office, I
analyzed this problem and things can be summarized as fallowsa
, a. The substitute crops, such as coffee, kidney beans and vegetables,
are difficult to grox. For example, coffee must be looked aft~r
constantly, it must be water~d regularly ax~d ~he ground must be
loosened frequently. If it is not Watered e~ery 7 to 8 da1~s, it will
One unit that was responsible for such work had a demonstration field
and let hill tribesmen observe things but the hill tribesmen were not
~nterested. For example, in planting cabbage, when the officials went
to demonstrate cultivation methods for the hill tribesmen, the
- tribesmen said ~~when ~e plant cabbage, we use shoots. We do not use
seeds like the government officials,~~ ~rhich means that the tribesmen
groW cabbage using shoots. They do not use seed. This produces better
and faster resul~s than ~he method introduced by the of ficials ~nd it
is easy.
b. Subst.itute crops such as plums, kidney beans, strawbe~ries, cabbage
- and lettuce are v~ry heavy ~nd this makes it difficult ~a transport
them. This is because the tribesmen must harvest the crops, put them
in baskets anci carry them approximately 5 to 1G kilomet ers over the
mountains to sell them at the market. This is very hard work. If they
use vehicles, fares are high because the vehicles t~~iat operate in the
mountains must use much gasoline and therQ is much weax and ~ear on
thQ vehicle. "
_ It is true that some tribesmen o4rn their awn trucks but they were able
- to purchase a truck because of gror~ring and selling opiuxn. Some units
alternate growing coffee and poppy ~o that the tribesm~n can observe
things but this is not done very much as compared with the amount of
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- lanci pl~i;~~ed i:~ p~~~y� I~or ~xa~nn'~.en arc~r c~f~z.:e is harvest~e~,thPre
are other obsLacleso Ti�~is is b~c~us~ ~,:~ocessing ~che raw cofiee into
grow-~d cof~ee i.s dir: z~�r~cl aiany s~~p::: ure ~nvai~~~~ci. ~u~ the
impurtan~ th?nc~ is t:he ~t.r_ans~or~.a~ior, probl~m m~~~~ianed a~aove.
- c. The pric2 of s~ma aq~ic~lfiu:ca"a ~rocfuct~ is as foll~ws: plums ar~
2-3 baht pez ki~c~g~~?n, kidr~=~y k.~ans are lU~-120 bahL ;~~r ki:~agram,
cabbaq~ ~s 2-3 ba'r~c per kil~~e~ra~r~, s~,:c�wb~r:c'ies ay~ 00 bal~t per
l~:ilagram anci le~.tuce is 5-~ :~,:i~~c ;u~~ ir ~~.~gr�~r~l~ nut ~hen th~y are
sold d~ t.i~~ Ch~a;ic; :~;a.i ,::a:c'c.~:c_= ,~c.i'.CY ~._~GG:i:ZQ~~ c~mpet2 in ~rice with
~ the ~r~~t_a~l~s cJrv~rn iy ~,t:~ p:o~t~ around Chiang M~z City. .
Also~ it is a i.~ng t~ip -co i:h~ markei.s, Tris c~uses th2 veg~tables
to wilt and ~rices fall.
As for gro~inq po~py, po~py is easie:~ ~or ~.he hill tribes to grow
~ because 'r_:,e~ are f amil ia r~?~it:n if:. D~hey h~ve gro~rn ii f~r generations,
jus:. as it is eas;e~ fc~r lo~rland farmers tt~ grow rice. They do not
have to water it very mucn beca~ase it .~s planted during the rainy
season. The high~i t~e e:i~~ra~tioz~ ~h~2 ~e~Ler. Opium doen not weigh
very much . A~tso , o~ium ~r:~rcnants came and pick it up and so the
tribesmen do not riave to ~ak~ a~.y risks . Opium is expensive, 1 choi
costina 3, OOU to 4, 000 i~ah~t ( 1 choi ecguals 3. . 5 kilograms One rai
can produce app~oxirnateZy ;i to 5 c~hoi . Usua~.7.y, th~ hill tribe~s work
as families, with each :~amily planting ap~roximately 3 rai.
Thus, the hill L- ribesnten can ~arn ~n inc~me or approximately 27, 000.
to 36~000 bah~. a year.
But at th~ ONCB it is estima~ed thaL the tribesmen earn appruximately
4,500 baht per r~~i. This may be in erro~.
_ Thus, the way to solve the prob~.~m is to increase, or find a way to �
increase, ~h~ price of th~se agra.cultu~al products so that the price
com2s close to o~ ~qua~s ~he price of ~pium per rao. The hill i.ribes
wi~l then turn ta gro~~riny su~stitut~ cropso Or~ an in~titute to
purchase ~ust thes~ crops cara be e~tablished.
But I do not think anyone ~aili d~o this because this would affect the
interests of thase people who hav~ infl~uence at the national level.
2. Solving the px~ablem at the ~uurceo A serious effort to change the
- ec~nomic and syst.ems and fc~rge a new society must be mad2
by suppr~ssing and toppling i:ho~~ peoplE who ha~v~ inflizen~:e at the
nat.ional level. 'I'he problems must i~e solvec~ quickly ar~d a way must be
_ foux~d to destroy al.l the poppy plants and not allo�~r any mor~ to be
~ratiin. ,~t the same, land must be found for ~he hill tr.ibes to
live ~~nd ~rk on so that th~ hill tribes have incom~s equal or close
ta th,~se earned by ~rowing poppy. Ac~ual ~urveys ~f their inc.romes
must be made tc determine what ~heir incomes rea].1y ar~. There must
_ ~
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be money to pay compensation to the hill tribes. When the hill tribes
are earning a good income, the compens~tion can be stopped. The
budgets of the various sectors cor~cerned do not have to be increased,
or only a little if at ail.
If these things are not done, it xill not be possible to do anything
- more because of running 'up against the interests of the influential _
_ people at the national levei. If these things cannot be done, xhy
don�t we just promote the g~owing of poppy throughout the country
like in Turkey in order to put an eiid to this problemt
_ CSO: 5300
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' '1"rlAT~i,r,i`i ~
N'1EM13~R UF ~ZGY~L'~ GU.AKD i;Iv.3T Afik; ~~'~v ~tav P'~t~Rrc'_L'?AI~I~ S~IZURE
Banqkok BAN i~ILJA~IC~ in ~rnai. ~2 ocr. t3ii ~p 1. , 1. ~a
[Art:icle; '�M~~rih~uar~a Maf"i~ Arres~t~3, A Solcia.~i: ~.r~r.~ [Sev~ral~
Pol icemen Are Inval.v~d�~ ]
[Text] The ~ommand~x ~f Lhe C:ri~ne Suppr~ssica?: 1~iv~.sion has bela~edly
revealed that 3 tc:ns of ~lari~~aana ~ralu~~ a'~ 2. mil~.iun bant w~'re _
s~ix~d whi:le reir~c~ pac);:~c~ iz~ b~x~r.> fr~~�~ : ~~i~~:r~en~:. ~r~ tne ilni~ed States. -
He 4~t~ia~:. ~:ho~~~ izzvv'Lv~~ si~~~F~ E~a.:c~~ ua.: majo~ in'~~rn~~ional
c~ariu ~ I~ was a~c~~ ~~iqrx in~estai vrY~c~ r~~a~~c Llz~, ~.t ~~ok 6 months
t~o 9arr~~k th~ cau~~ Z'~:~s gana us~ nzo~~l ~c~ ~u.y o~f oftic.ials in all
~~ct ians involv~ci z~ sr.ip~ing ~r~oc~~ ~a~~~r,~�~ A T}Z~,y even nrii~~d customs
orF:.icia~.s a~cl ~5C1 i.t~�~ suppo~~~r~ 1-.1�c.~i~. -
At :i130 hour~ oz~~ 2:~ ~7c~'cok~~ry Po~..ic~ ~.~.j~x~ ~=~a1~x~'i Sarag~a~. xChlangchai,
tlz~ cornmanaer o~ 2~~z~ SamyUY: C:c im.~ Sup~r~s~,~.on l~iv'~si~n3 rave a
del ay~~d ~u~. c~eL- ~ i~ ec? s~~ a~.r:~'r~~n~ i:.~~ ~riaas rned~a conc~rnixig th~
seizu~ce of 3 tor~s of ir~ar ~kx~~.ana ~rrtl.a+~~l a~c 2 ~n1-1'~i+ori b~~?~~~. � He stated
tnat at '183C :ho~~~:c~~ ~n 2~~ i)L^~~b~~, ~.~v'~xu~~ uf~i.ciais a house ~
a~ 60/5 Soi 'I'h~~pha*'cz;za, i~!g~?m~e.~nc;~s~r~n. ~:.e,~~:, t~~.a~t~q Dgs�~rict, Nont?laburi
Pr~~~ir~r_e, ax~d arz~es~ ~d Sczr~c~"sa-~~ ~a.~ a~Y~~ngy an offi~er with the
I 1 t~h Rayal C~~ard Izzf arf.x-.y f3at~;~a. ~.s~~ y t�~~.. ~2ea~t~t Komk~o~ s Mr Iengchieng
Saeyia, Mr So~hr~n,, f:~.e ~~acJ aF ~x~,~ l~zag S~zp~r~ssion Section
af th~~ Cus'tc~ms 1)e_~a~~-tm~n~., :~x Ph.:~a{~ 5~:~~:i~.? r M~ San~.~ Phongsuwan,
- Mr ~omsak E3~ricl~ama~~. ;~:n ~ff:ici.a.~ ~_n ~.h:~ ~ir~r~ys ~ri~ght control
sectior~, an;~ Mr ~~~rci ~;-~ur~p.l~~.r~,r~:~~~a+y?~~ a~i~.~.~,~,i.n~ zzffic~.a1 at Don
~ P~1uan~ Aix'~c~c~: ~~,11 1C;}:a:. SdGr~"r.� i~7'i~S4~(~ r~hi~.~ pdck:Zrig marfhuana
weighi.z~c~ 3 i~~ns z.r~ k:~o,Fes ar~d ~u~,z '~k~~ in~ a V~~kswagen van,
1~.r;~Pnse 3vu T~~i q~J2(3~ p~ cJ: sktl~Jt'i1G'Tl'~ ~o f:h~ I; ~'~w~~~ S~.ates ,
Tri~ Lommanc~er of th~ Crirne :~~.zp~~:~~ssi~r~ ~3.~vzsian sir_atad ~hat it took
the Crime Su~~:r~ssioz~ Division ap~cc~~i~a~~~.y ~i mor~i:hs a~ inv~estigative
wc~rk k~~f.o~~ the c�~u7.d be ~r~es~.~d. �� y�ng made very
goc~d ~].ans . I~ was a ina;or. druc~ tzafa ickirig gang o A foreign investor
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ntade plans to buy off the shipping officials concerne.i and the
~ customs officials in charge of wieghing gAOds. Many sectors cooper- _
ated with each other in order to facilitate ship~ent. But in the end,
they xere arrested. As for the soldier gho vas invoived, his
immediate superior xas informed so that he could join in the
investigation and in handling the case.~~
Concerning another case, at 0700 hours on 22 October, Police Captain
Chaloem Yubamrung, an inspector at 5ection 4, Police Precinct 2,
Crime Suppression Division, arresteci a Mr Laksami, or Miya, Sakun,
age 28, and Mr Wicha Hienchasi, age 25, in the Hong Kong Lane area _
of Bang Rak Commune, Bang Rak Dis~rict, since he had received an
order to this effect. Police Major General Sanguan Khlongchai stated ~
that these two men were criminals who had ext~rted money from S iso
Sae Hon, the manager of t2:e Kingly Organization Company and from -
~Ir Bak Sung Wai and Mrs Suang Di, both Chinese from Hong Kong who had
come to Thailand on business. Prior to this, the three victims ~ad
gone and told Police General Monchai Phankongchoen that 450,000
baht had been extorted from them and that they had paid this mon~y
to the two criminals.
. As for investigating this major extortion case, Police Captain
Chaloem Yubamrung told one of our reporters that it took from
17 October, the day the victims reported the crime to the director-
general of the Pol ice Department, to learn the whereabouts and
identities of the men invoived. It was leanred that they were members
of the Mongkut 18 gang and that to extort this large sum of money,
the criminals made very complex plans. Mr Sithiphong Baiyok, who is `
the son of a wealthy oil merchant known as ~'Leru~loet Baiyok~~ and who
has not yet been captured, is the person ~rho made the plans ~rhile
~rorking at the company managed by Mr Siso. Besides this, there were
tw~o policemen who facilitated things and who supported this extortion
gang. At present, they are being sought for arrest.
�~This case ~aegan on 22 September. At first Mr Sithiphong was the
1 eader af these cri.minals and he implemented his plan using deception -
Going out of the company office to eat, he took the opportunity to
plant heroin in the victims' car and then informed the tWO policemen
who were his accompl ices. They aarested the victims and took them to ~
a ho~el. They told them that they would not prosecute the case if
they paid them 250,000 baht and also gave them a check for 200,000
baht. Out of fear, the victims paid them the money. After that,
the case rras kept quiet . When the three Ehinese returned to Hong -
Kong, they told the head manager about the matter in detailo They
them returned to Thailand again in order to inform the director-
general of the Police Department. Two of the criminals xere then
arrested,~~ said the inspector from the Crime Suppression Division
to the reporter in conclusion.
- 11943
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- T HA ILt~ND =
- CHIANG MAI HERQIN TRAFFICKER~-Heroir~ valued at 1.5 million baht was
transported from the north to Bangkok. The police trailed the
trafficker and arreste~ him. He has deni~d the cha~ges even though -
he had the evidence in his possession. A~. O~QO hours yesterday,
Police Captain Prasit Khlaimuk, tlne head of iche Chiang Mai Provincial
drug suppression unit, searched Mr Inta Maliwan, age 32, who lives at
- 3/].3 Charigphuak Road, ~tuang District, Chiang I~ai Province, a~ the
Mochit Market. Searchitig a small carc~board box tnat he had with him, _
� [~the police] f~ound two bags of Supex~an ~eroin weighing 700 grams
and valued at more than 100,OQ0 baht in Thailand or at 1.5 million -
baht if sold in the United Sta~res. The suspect was turned over to
Police Captain Ghanyut Wiriya9 the o~fa.cer on duty a+~ Police Precinct
2, Suppression Da.visiori. From ~tk~e investigation, it turned out ~hat
Police Capt~iin Prasit Khlaimuk had followed ma~ters and learn~d that
Mr Inta was involved with majoY heroin traffickers. he trailed him
from Chiang Mai with the hope of being ab1~ ta arrest the major
dealers. But wner Mr Inta �rri~ved ~t th~ Mochit Marke~s he took the
_ bo:c out of his car but di.d not make con~act with anyone. He was then
sear_ched and the heroin was found as described above. Mr Inta Maiiwan
has constantly deni~d the charges and claims that the box does not
belong to him. The policc have placed hirn under ar~est for further
handling of the case. [Text] (~Bangk.ok TAWA3V SIAM in Thai 1 Nov 80
pp 1, 12~J 11943
- CROP SUBSTITUTION FUNDS--A to~al ~f_ I00 million b~h~ wil? be used to
develop aiternate jobs for ~the ha.lx tribesmen instead of growing
poppy. T his will be carried on in faur nor~hern provinces, which is
an area wher~ man~ ha.11 ~ribe ~m~n 1 zve. For the firs~: phase of the _
program b~tween 1~~79 and ].982y it has be2n 5icipulated that the
growing o~ crops already mentioned b~ promotec~ in the four provinces
where many Thai hil.l tr.ibes live. Tr.e four provirzces are Chiang Mai,
Chiang Rai, Tak and Mae Hong Son. Carx~ying out th~ activities in
= accord with this program wi~.2 cos~ approxi.mately 86 milYion baht. Of
_ triis amount, 2~.9 mil~ion baht has beer budget~d by the government,
49.7 million baht is aid fx~~m ~.he Uni~ed Nation�s Funding Office for
- the Control of I~legal Drug U~e a~.d 11.~ bah~. is a loan from
the Bank foz Agr~culture an~ Agr.icultura~l Coope~atives. In carrying ~
- on operatior~s ],ast yeara ~rhic~a was the first year of the program,
it appears that c~ood results ~rere achieved. ~Text] [Bangkok SIAM RAT
in Thai 16 Oct 80 p 2] I1943
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Everyone Looks For Griselda
Bogota EL TIEI~O in Spanish 28 Sep 80 p 3-A
[Text] Griselda Blanco, "Ttie Godmother," wh~se power enabled her to retain the most
loyal and daring gunmen at her service and to cover all the cocaime traffic routes, -
is on the decline, and, even worse, is caught between two fires.
~ Interpol is conducting an intensive search for her, as are other individuals inter-
ested ~n settling accounts with "The Godmother." It is said that once a floor of a
building in Bogota was going to be blown up because it was thought that the woman
_ lived there. flowever, someone pointed out that "The Godmother" did not live in
" any apartment in that complex, and the idea was discarded.
"The Godmother" is considered to be one of the most powerful traffickers in Colombia, _
with connections in major world capitals. Because of her "dirty tricks" she was
losing faithful friends and had acquired a fine collection of enemies, who now ~re
looking for her to liquidate her if the opportunity arises. Nobody knows where "The
Godmother" is at present, although they have not ruled out the possibility that she
is in some ma~or city in Colombia.
"The Godmother," according to informed circles, was the one who set up in Medellin
the method of "motorcycle killings"--hired gunmen who systematically eliminated per-
sons who in "Th~e Godmother's" opinion were in the way. The list of deaths is said
to be long.
"The Godmother" made use of her economic power coming from the drug traffic to join
social clubs to attend elegant parties without being turned down. Also, she is known
for her aid to charitable organizations. She is the owner of immense properties: _
, ranches, plantations, florist businesses.
~ According to reports, ambition is what led "The Godmother" to the collapse of her
empire. Today she is alone, and abandoned by the top men who used to defend her.
- She devoted herself to the task of finishing off her best confederates, which
started a war among the national mafia that has extended to various locations in the ~
country. Also, it is believed that at least 15 men were "executed" recently by orders
of "The Godmother." Conservative estimates by persons who have found out details
of the war indicate that more than 50 individuals have been shot at the woman's re-
ques t .
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She was very young wh~~Il she li.nked up wich ve~~ importa~.t and rich gangsters. She
learned thei'r operating methods for transporting drugs abroad, and in time built up
substantial capital.
3hP was already a millionaire when she set up iier own organization, which for many
yenrs spread ter.ror in Medellin,
Some people think that "The (~odmother" is in hiding, alone, in some major city of
Colotabia, and that, when least expected, she will suddenly try to escape, seeking
refuge in any country in the world.
The woman's life hangs by a tnread. tlnd sh~. is worth a ruil.lion. So, even though she
may hide herself in the most remote area, the men who are determined to eliminate her
. will come there.
"The Godmother" fell into disgrace when--r.rithout needing to, as she was a millionaire--
' she stole a valuable s}?i_pment of cocaine in a tricky move which will not be forgiven
Seven trusted meii paid the penalty for "The Godmother's" treachery, because she had
the audar_ity to say tllat they were the instioators of that dirty triclc.
The survivors, other individuals who used~~to proZect and pamper "The Godmother,"
decided to take off rather ttian to die riddled with bullets in a street.
Since then the fate of "The Godmother" has been a mystery.
v ~
- ~
yK '
Griselda Blanco
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Background On The 'Godmother'
Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 7 Oct 80 p 16-A
[Text] Griselda Blanco, "The Godmother," who is being hunted by an army of her en-
emies and another one of police agenCs, ~ust have hidden herself some place in Ca1i,
according to informed circles.
However, some people are not ruling out the possibility that the woman, the cocaine
queen, has circulated that story so as to remain undisturbed in Medellin, or in some
other Colombian city where she would not be discovered.
- "The Godmother" fell into disgrace because of her ambitiousness, when she cheated
her cronies, and stole substantial shipments of cocaine from them. She also betrayed
the best men in her service, because she said that they were the ones who carried out
- the swindle.
_ She created a real underworld empire in Medellin. She own~d properties, in which she
lived protected by bodyguards. "The Godmother" unleashed a series of revenge killings
in that city, which began with the famous "motorcycie murder," thugs hired and paid
by Griselda Blanco to eliminate the people who got in her way.
The treachery of "The Godmother" was turned back against her. Dario de Jesus Sepulveda,
her lover, abandoned her to live with Luz Maria Sanchez, private secretary of
Griselda Blanco. Sepulveda has a reputation as a sinister bar~dit who has no qualms
in kissing the barrel of his revolver after he does auray with a rival.
According to reports, "The Godmother" advised her "attack dogs" to shoot one of her
: associates d~ad. Nowever, the order was not carried out, which cost the life of one
of them, Dario Valencia.
Gridelda Blanco is also reputed to be the brains behind the death of Hernan Cardenas,
the famous horse breeder. The woman's motives for murdering Cardenas, whose life
was used as an example, are not known. Also, another story has come out which relates
that Griselda Blanco's properties are rented, but when the tenants do not leave be-
cause of fear of reprisals, the neighbors do. In Medellin, when she was known to have
_ a permanent residence, "The Godmother" lived in veritable fortresses.
Now Blanco is not just caught between two fires, but being hunted from three sides:
the international police, her enemies who have not forgiven her for "tricking" them,
and Dario Jesus Sepulveda.
_ The latter got rid of Alberto Bravo, "Trapito," and began to plot revenge against
the woman for being unfaithful to him with that individual. Sepulveda will not
forgive her for infidelity, it is said. Griselda Blanco frequented the Medellin bars,
where she made friends of some gang members. In this environment she became the
lover of Bario Trujillo, with whom she settled in the United States. T'he man died
in a hospital because of poison which "The Godmother" gave him, according to reports.
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Rumor Of Hor Death
Bogota EL TIEMFO in Spanish 14 Oct 80 p 2-A
(Text] Medellin, 13 Oct (Editorial Ozfice)--The arrival of a mysterious wooden crate,
- sent by international air mail from Miami, let loose a wave of rumors tonight in _
Medellin about the possible arrival in Colombia of the body of Griselda Blanco, known
in law enforcement circles as "The Cocaine Queen " or "'I71e Godmother."
_ According to those rumors, Griselda Blanco had been murdered in Miami about 10 days
ago, as she was accompanied by her son, Oswaldo Trujillo Blanco, age 14.
The wooden box is 2.4 meters in length and 70 centimeters, and was appraised
in Miami a few days ago.
- According to an airport customs official, a label on one of the sides reads "auto-
mobile spare parts."
It was reported unofficially that agents of the Administrative Department of Security,
DAS, immediately approached the case and put about 20 seals on it.
For this reason the customs officials were not able to ascertain the contents.
Griselda Blanco has been sought for several months by persons linked to the nar cotics
traffic .
However, up until now the whereabouts of the woman has been a mystery to the author-
ities and to her enemies.
r~ crime wave which has occurred in this city arising from disputes related to a
giant cocaine business is being attributed to the "cocaine queen."
An F-2 agent who asked not to b~ identified said that a very important body had
arrived at the Medellin airport today, wirh many people around it, but he refrained
from confirming that it was Griselda Blanco.
It is reported unofficially that the body of the son, Oswaldo Trujillo Blanco, who -
3pparently died the same day during the assault perpetrated in Miami, could also
have been sent in the crate.
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MARIHi.iANA SEIZED IN SANTA MARTA AREA--Santa Marta, 28 Oct. Marihuana valued at more
tt?a~ 15 million pesos has been seized by the army in the vicinity of Simon Bolivar
Airport between Cienaga and Santa Marta. One hundred fifty-eight bales of the drug
were b~ing transported in a late-model Dodge truck and three vans, which were also
seized, as well as a camper. The five occupants of the camper were ar_rested. The
- $~tion was carried out by units of the Cordoba de Santa Marta battalion at a place
called "Rona" near the air terminal. The army seized another 175 bales of the grass
at a ranch in the jurisdiction of Guachaca, where three persons were arrested as
. th~y guarded the cache. [Text] [Bogota EL TIEI~O in Spanish 29 Oct 80 p 5-C] 8735
- TRAFFICKERS, AIRCRAFT, MARIHUANA SEtZED--Santa Marta. The army has seiaed 670 bales�
o� marihuana and an American light aircraft in two operations carried out in Magdalena
and La Guajira. During the last 24 hours the army seized 320 bales of pressed
"marimba" which they found hidden un a ranch in Cienaga, north of Magdalena, and -
arFested five drug dealers, among them two Americans whose names were not released.
In the same period, u~its of the Cartagena Battalion assigned to Riohacha seized a
light aircraft, registration N-789C, as it was loading 370 sacks of the drug on a _
cl~n~iestine airstrip r~ear Camarones. No one was arrested in this military action. -
The v~lue of the drugs taken in the two operatiAns was estimated~at 35 million pesos;
some firearms were conf iscated. [Text] [Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 23 Oct
_ 80 p 3-B] 8735
CASE OF FIRED JUDGE DISCUSSED--Gustavo Soto Rodriguez, penal circuit ~udge 25, was
f ir~d because he lied and 6ecause of hie alleged connection with members of the
_ mar.cotics maf ia, although some time ago he refused a bribe of 2 million pesos in a
_ kidnap investigatiop, according to a ruling by the Higher Council of the Court.
- The instructor asked Judge Absalon Cardenas to turn over to him a drug traff ic case
involving Saul Trillos, alleging that one of those arrested was his cousin's
- husband and that the family was pressuring him. When the judge refused, Soto
Rodriguez approached the off ice secretaries, with identical results. Later in the
- investigation, the 25th penal circuit judge contradicted himsel.f, telling the
natfonal Attorney GeYiera'_'s Office that he had been threatened with death by the
perpetrators of the kidnapping of Andres Uribe Compuzano and his wife. The kidnappers
- were free at that time and were involved in the narcotice traff ic. This story proved
to be false. The Higher Council of the Court stated in its ruling that "these
moral pressures which Soto Rodriguez claims were the cause of his illegal acts do
not constitute suff icient proof, nor are they credible." However, when the Public
Ministry began its inveatigation, he began to circulate the story that his conduct was -
- motiv~ted by the anonymous pressures and threats he had recieved from Uribe Compuzano's
kidnappers. [TextJ [Bogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 24 Oct 80 p 12-AJ 8735
- 15
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DRUGS, TFAFFICKERS SEIZED IN LA VIRGIIdIA--La Virginia, 21 Oct. A gang of narcotics
,~f traffickers composed of five persons, among them three women--one of them 80 years
~J old--was broken up and 15 pounds of marihuana, 9U tubes of "bazooka" and a half-
pound of coca seized. The action took place at No 5-�45 Highway 6, home of one of
those arrested, where the alkaloid was being distributed. Carlos Emilio Betancur,
43 yeara of age; Elvia Varela Pineda, 23 years; I~iria Elena, eister of Carlos;
Carmelina de Londono, 80 years; and Gildardo Blandon were arrested as they wer~
getting ready to deliver the drug, valued at 150,000 pesas, to their clients. A
motorcycle and various implements for processing the drug were also confiscated.
[Text] [Bogota EL TIII~iPO in Spanish 23 Oct 80 p 3-B] 8735
TItAFFICKERS, COCAINE SEIZED AT ELDORADO--A man identirying himself as Jairo Arnoldo
Perez Pimiento was arrested yesterday at Eldorado International Airport as he was
about to board a plane for Miami 2 kilos of cocaine. He remains in custody of
the DAS [Administrative Department of Security] o The drug trafficker was arrested
at I000 hours yesterday by officers of the Antinarcotics Groups of the Attorney
General's Off-ice as he was boarding an AVIANCA [Colombian National Airways] plane
bound for the aforementionsd American city. The cocaine was found in a false-
bottomed su itcase carried by the man in question, and according to preliminary
studies is of high quality. The seizure yesterday is the second blow dealt by
authorities in Eldurado to the mafia, which uses "mules" and other means to transport
the alka.loid to other countries. Thursday of last oreek a package from Bolivia was
seized and found to contain 10 kilos of the valuable and dangerous product. That
time, the addressee of ChP package had not dared to claim: it, since he must
realized the contents had be~n snotted and that as a result he might be arrested.
[TextJ (Bo gota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish 28 Oct 80 p 21-A) 8735
' MARiJUANA SEIZU1tE--Medellin--The Antioquia police have seized 92 bundles of mari-
juana and have captnred four well-known drug traffickers in Turbo. Those captured
have been identified as (Humberto) Vi11a Lapez, Ariel Padilla, Juan Antonio Pereiro
and Carlos Miguel Cabra. ThdiorSantarFe inSSpanishe1730nGMTnlObDece80]o the United
States. [PA142205 Bogota Ra
MORPHINE SEIZURE--Bogota--For the first time the authorities have seized a large
- am o u n t o r m o r p h i n e. The seizure r.ook place at the time the traffickers were selling
t he n a r c o t i c i n a d r u g store in house No 10779, on 37-A Street. Ten ki l o g r a
m s o f
p ure morphine were seized and six persons were arrested. On t he nat iona l m a r k e t
a kilogram of morphine is worta more than 2 million pesos. In the tlnited States
it is worth 50 million pesos. The morphine seized today had been stolen from an
European ship in Buena V'entura. The ship was to take the morphine, as medicine,
to tl~e Uraited States. (PA142205 Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 2330 GMT
10 Dec 80 ]
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Santo Domingo EL NACIONAL in Spanish 31 Oct 80 p 7
[Article by Freddy Antonio Cruz]
[TextJ Dr Julio Ibarra Rios observed that while he is district attorney of the
District he will f ight as much as possible the traff icking and use of drugs.
And he observed with greater vehemence that he will not give in to pressure from
sectors, concerning persons involved in the trafficking and use of drugs.
In an obvious referen~ce to Dr Andres Antonio Decamps, Dr Ibarra Rios 8sid that he
"is acting correctly."
The day before yesterday, Dr Decampe spoke out against the legal authorities and
tliose who fight the trafficking and use of drugs, especially the district attorney.
Dr Aecamps represents the interests of four North Americans arrested here upon landing
- in an aix~plane which, it raas learned, was stolen in the United States and in which
narcotics were found.
_ Touching upon t'he references Dr Decam~e made to him, Dr Ibarra Rios said: "When
' these~persons, who represent the drug traff ickers, f ight me, they do so because
their interests are opposed to those of socYety:'
If I paid attent~on to this man (that is Decamps), who claims to be a lawyer, I
would revise my conduct, " stated the attorney general.
- We explained that while he is attorney general, "I will continue to confront the
traffick~ng and use of drugs, without fear of threats, be they verbal or physical."
Ibasra Rios said that the use of drugs is increasing in the country, profoundly
damaging our society.
In answer to a question, Dr Ibarra Rios said that "I will do everything within my
power to fight the trafficking and use of drugs." '
On another sub~ect, the district attorney promised to equalize the treatment which
is extended to the prisoners, because he understands that all offenders are equal.
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The district attorney was told that the day before yesterday, when the bus was
transporting the prisoners, it was obaerved that persons linked with the
traff icking and use of drugs were not handcuffed like the other prisoners accused
of thefts considered "simple."
Qne could see a professional wrestler, involved with drugs, conversing animatedly
with a friend or relative, without being handcuffed or guarded as zealously as the
other prisoners. "I am going to take steps so that this situation changes," said
Dr Ibarra Rios when the journalists questioned him about what is considered
"priv ilege."
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MARIHUANA SHIPMENT SEIZED--Agents of the Federal Judicial Police seized a shipment
of cannab~s indica the estimated value of which was about 300,000 pesos, on the
Altamirano co~aunal farm in the municipality of Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, wh~re
they simultaneously captured two presumed drug traffickers. Many years of imprison-
ment are a~aiting Maxi~ino Barbosa Madriga and Cipriano Moreno Cantu who, after being
inEerrogated confessed tfiat they had been engaged in the purchase, sale and exporting
of druga for several years. The agency of the Federal Public Ministry announced that
_ the pair would be held responsible ror their presumed guilt in committing a crime
against health in whatever degrees are proven. On Sunday morning, federal agents
went to the aforementioned communal farm, having been informed a few days earlier
that a"bale" which apparently contained marihuana had been taken to that location
in a pickup truck. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 4 Nov 80 Sec B p 5j 2909
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MARIHUANA CROP NEAR GUANARE--Guanare, Oct J(INNAC)--The PTJ [Judicial Technical
Police] has discovered a marihuana crop within a parcel of land belonging to the
General Paez sharecroppers settlement located south of this city, across from the Rio
~ Guanare sugarmill. Implicated are five local farmers, allegedly headed by a graduate
agronomist, who is being actively sought by the authorities. The large plantation
of the evil weed was hidden within a tomato field, which did not prevent the detectives
from discovering rhe il legal situation and carrying out the legal steps leading to
its destruction. Commi ssioner Manuel Enrique Rodr3guez pointed out that the technical
: squad of t' ~ Judicial Poli;.e station here, which he heads, had in fact carried out
ttie operation at the f arm settlement, but he declinea to supply further details of
the case, except that i t was being investigated; he limited himself to stating that~
five suspects had been arrested. [Text] [Caracas EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish 8 Oct 80
p 2-27] 9015
TEN TRAFFICKERS ARRESTID--Ten suspects, among whom were a woman and several minors
implicated in the traff ic and use of drugs, were arrested by officers of the Intelli-
gence and Vice DivYsion of the Metropolitan Police.[PM]. It was learned from the PM
_ Department of Information that these persons operated out of night spots in the
easEern section of the city, as well as Antimano and Catia. Among those arrested were
Maria Victoria Hernande z, 21,.who has a record of arrests for the same offense. This
time she was arrested while selling drugs (marijuana and "mandrax" pills) along parts
of Casanova Ave in Sab ana Grande. Also arrested was Luis Gustavo Gonzalez, 34, re-
ported to be operating in sections of the Mamera neighborhood in Antimano. Gonzalez
has a record of eight arrests by the PM for drug trafficking. Jose Luis Hidrogo
Urbina, 28, was arrested on LibErtador Ave and 3s reported to he one of the most
active cocaine, m~ndrax and mari3uana vendors in that part of the city. [Text]
[Caracas EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish 20 Oct 80 p 1-36] 9015
COCA ON COLOMBIAN BORDER--Cucuta, 17 Oct (Special)--Coca crops have been discovered
along the Colombian-Venezuelan border. It was learned here that Colombian authorities,
' in their fight agains t the cul tivation and trafficking of drugs, discovered more than
1,000 coca plants growing on two farms located along the border between the two
~ countries. The plants were discovered on the Santa Barbara and Agua Verde farms in
the E1 Meta district (of Colombia) and the Amazonas Federal Territory (of Venezuela).
- [Text] [Caracas EL NAC IONAL in Spaaish 18 Oct 80 p D 2J 9015
COCAIN~ TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Cha:lotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands, 7 Oct (UPI)--
Five Venezuelan citizens--four men and one woman--were accused of smuggling 14 kilos
of cocaine into the United States aboard a small airpla~rie, U.S. officials said toda,y.
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Ishm~ael Meyers�,U.S. attorney for the Virgin Islands, said today the five were arrested
- last Friday after they arrived in St. Thomas from Caracas and customs officials
found 14 kilos of cocaine aboard their Piper Seneca II a:Lrcraf t. Manuel Mendez
- Ortiz is the only one of the group still in ~ail, and Meyers refused to say why. Th~ _
other four--Man~el Torres, Jorge Campins, Dani.el Larosa, and Elena Martinez--are
_ free on bond, but they must report to federal officials daily. Meyers said the five
~ would be formally charged tomorrow. [Text] [Caracas EL NACIONAL in Spanish 8 Oct 80
p D 15 ] 9015 ~
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Tetira~ KEYBAN in Persia~ 25 Nov 80 p 4
[Text] - City NewsService - Yesterday afternoon Ayatollah Khalkhali, head of ,
the aAti-drug crusade, talked with KEYHAN~s citq reporter concerning the campaign
against ~mugglers and the collection of addicts, placing new information at
KEY'FIAPT~s disposal.
Ap~atollah Khalkhali, concerning his Tassu'a [9 Mnharram, religious mouxning day]
tv~ t~rarning to the special drug courts, said: These courts must intervene solely
~,n drug matters. In the meantime, they will not be ab3.e to carry out any decisions
~ithout my notice. Ayatollah Khalkhali stated in this interview: Because I was
at the battle front for a while, a group of major amugglers once agains set to
Mtork. I therefore warn this group to cease their illegal actions, because anti-
drug offici~ls are keeping the activities of amugglere under surveillance day and
a~f.ght in Tehran and on the roads outside the cities.
Ap~tolla~h Kh~lkhali added: During the pasr �ew nights a large number of addicts
at~ ~qtygglers were arrested in Tehran. Last night the strike force and otker
officia~,$ ~rseated ~00 vagsant addicts in Tehraa. Among them were a number of
Eseed prisoners, who af cou~se will be treated more sev~rely.
Ayatollah Khalkhali added: We are vigorously pursuing major smugglers in Tehran
aad the cit}t regions. Because of 19 Azar [10 December 1980] addiction is con-
sidered a crime, addicts must break their habits, smash their opium pipes and
turn their drugs over to the special anti-drug courts.
Temporary detention centers muet be set up in the Ministry of Health, so that
a~ter 1Q Azar [10 Dece~mber 1980J addicts can be dealt with decisively. Their
h,~b~ts can be broken in these temporary detention centers.
Ay,atollah Khalkhali added: If dtug smugglers identify themselves to the special
courta and turn ove.r- their goods, a complete reduction will be made in their
He said: According to inform~ation I have received, addiction is tyrannizing Che
towns of Quch,~n, Birjand, Shirvan, Kashmar, Torbat-e Heydariyeh and the province
_ - of K,ofsoxasan in general. The letter from the girl residing in Bir~and that was
p=inted in Z~+?Ai-E RUZ [Today's Woman] is a good example of the complaints reaching -
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T imagine that Mr Hoseyn 5afa'i, head of the special antf-drug courts in Khorasan,
~.s neglecting his duties: he must dis~lay forcefulness. If he is not so inclined,
he can resign so that we can appoint someone else. I ask him and the strike force
in particular to hustle more so ti~at we will no~ be require3 to send a force from
Ayatollah Khalkhali then warned those smugglers who are using the night's darkness
to distribute opium, heroin and morphine. fle requested them to cease and desist. -
H,e furthermore asked for the cooperation of families in the extirpation of addic-
tion, and said: If a family is not able to prevent the addiction of a family
memb~r, it can inform a special court by letter ~nd we can take direct action.
Apatollah I~alkhali, chief of the anti-drug campaign, also announced that Tehran's
special courts had sent the following items to Ilam province: 109 ten-man tents�
312 "Valur" lamps, 1000 200-gram tea packets, 116 sets of warm winter clothes,
1Q0 cartons of Winston cigarettes, 4000 meters of carpet, 2,200 blankets, 257
overcoats, 10 tons of the best rice, 2 tons of oil, 11 tones of dates, 20 tons
of Elour, and a large quantity of sY~oes, clothes and household items. The
Governor of Ilam will send them to the war zones. Furthermore a check in the
- ^mount of 90,000 tumans was sent to Dezful's Friday prayer leader in order to
help the needp. A large quantity of blankets, tents and overcoats were also
- ~ent to Mah Sfiahr and Dezful to be forwarded to the battle fronts.
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STRICTER ANTI-NARCOTIC LAWS--Tehran (PAI:S)--According to the new bill, for
the Campaign ~lgainst Narcotics in Iran, wtiich will be implemented from ,
Wedneaday, anyone who would, carry or consume any amount of the materials
which have been identified as narcotics would be considered guilty and
heavy penalties would have to be levied on him, an info-~med source at the
Office for Narcotics Super~iision, said yesterday. He stressed that from
the same date, undertaking treatment for addiction would be possible onl.y
in prisons and there would be m hospital, clinic or physicfan~' offic~ for
- the treatment of addicted persons outside the prisons. In addition, the
execution of the regulations relating to addiction wr.i~h were formerly
delegated to the Health Ministry have been tranaferred to the Judiciary
and its personnel. It should be recalled that all addicts were warned
previously to apply to th e centers allocated for the trea ~ent of addiction -
and to abandon their addi~tfon. [Text] [Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in Engli~h
OPIUM HAUL--Tehran--Some 20 kilograms of opium was seized from two drug traffick-
ers riding on a motorcycle in a small village named Kalateh-Kambuzia, five
kilometers to the eastern city of Zahedan on Thursday November 20th. As the
Islamic Revolutionary Guards became suspicious of the two traffickers they ordered
them to stop, but the two continued on their way without heeding the order. In
an ensuing shoot-out between the IRG's and the traffickers, one of the two _
traffickers was killed. [Text] [Tehran TEHRAN TIMES in English 24 Nov 80 p 2]
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3Prusalem THE JERUSALII~i POST in English 21 Nov 80 p 3
(Taxt] M~ducatlon l~[faiitr~? atudr researchers found ~that in the
pupl~h~d ye~rdar dbclwee~ t~it $econd group, the figure for
etie ~is~"�ot dtup amoa~' Yiiiracll
routh U'�low" in compar~on with drug use (at least once) in
younpter~ tn we~tern SuroPean reiigious vocational schools -
countrfu and North Amerlca. w~ 9. 2 per cent as compared
Tht itudy wu prepared by Dr. -
Rahel Ysvets aad Prot. Yehudit with 8.3 per cent in non- _
shov~l, of the Hadaa~ah'tJNversft~ religious vocational schools .
Hapital in Eiu Kuem. It la baaed
on anonymow. quertiqnnaire~
_ ~ent dwin~ Marcb�3uae 1~7o to o,� The comparative figures in
~,~T ~~ven h�to�lZth 6raders ~n the state school s stem were
~ucatlon ~ni~trp ichoola +~nd 7et Y
pup~ls ~tudytn~ ~n nintb�to-inb 1.4 per cent in religfous
~rada tn voc~tiona! ~ctwbV ~up~r� gchools and 2.8 in non-reli-
vlsed by tlie Labour M1nt~tr~?.
The re~earcheri report~d ehat tn gious schools .
- Narth Ametlca. mon than ~0 per
. hnt ot ibyear-otd~ had u~ed drust ~e re ort stated that some
~t ?eut once~. In Western E~uopeaa P
oountrie~, the re~qaechers 7.5 per cent of the 18- and
re~oe~ted, d'iv~ u4e. at l.eas~, oiice, 19- ear-o 1 ds in the f irs t
- a21101~ 1~yEal'-Old/ ViT~Od tlOA1 40 y
to ~o per cent. group and some 15.1 per cent of
Tf~e rtudy oi Lrul~ reveicled the 18- and 19-year olds in
that only 2.s per cern ot th~ rtate the second rou had used dru s
~choot puplb and only tl.b per ceat 8 P 8
ot the vo.oadonal acbtiol p~pW hsd at least once .
evee u1e~d diti~s~ eonie i.a Ptr ceat
:r? the tlrst ~roup arid ebme ~.Y per
_ cent ~n t1+e secwnd ~roup bad u~ee With regard to where the youth
drup twics or more. lived, the researchers found that
30Rl~ 1.4 per cerit 0~ tbo~! !n th~ �
~ lte~t phaau,~4~r~h~ in the first group the most pro- .
mu! ua~ia, v,tNreaa ~ome 4 p'er minent drug-users (5.6 per cent)
~e'�CO"d lived on kibbutzim, while in the
oal~ ie~rt~uan~ or ha~hf~h.
Tf,e rsport, how~ver, ~tated that second group youngsters from
- a l~r6er perc~ntap had been ex- development towns were in the
po~ed to drug uee -!n the rirst
~p,l3percenthadbeenpresent forefront (18.6 per cent).
aheri dsu~ wen us~d aat! 3~ per
cent trnew ~omeoae afio used druas Tr n to determine the causes
and, 1n the aecoad ~roup. the Yi 8
ri~ures were ~.1 per cent aad ~u per of drug use, the researchers found
cent reipectively. that ma users suffered from
In analpsin~'these statlWcs. the m'
social and home tensions, as well
as strained relations with teachers.
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HEROIN S~IZID--A 16-year-old Tel Av~v youth was arrested earlier thi s week at
Ben-Gurion airport when he returned from Turkey carrying 250 grams of pure heroin.
A man known to the police as a drug dealer was arrested with the boy. The police
suspect that the two are part of a drug ring and that the youth has served in the
_ past as a carrier of drugs for the ring. [TA130649 Tel Aviv MA'ARIV in Hebrew
10 Dec 80 p 16]
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Kuwait KUWAIT TIMES in English 16 Nov 80 p 5
" [ Text ] AN Australian woman
asaenger in transit has beea ~ p~~ to someoae in
p hu homeland The liqucr -
fined KD 500 !or carryinB svas._me~r~t,.to:=�hor .own con-
hashish and attempting tp s~p~~, ~ court was told.
- bribe ot~cials at the Kuwait -:~tyg.. t~hst ahe attempt-
Airport. 'eS''t6"~Dr~lfe ~'the"oIDcia]s~ she
The Kuwait Criminal said the moneq o8ered was
Court heard that a yvoman iateraded to be the cast o[
customs o~cial recovere~ destroyiag the rnntraband.
from the overcoat ot the pas- The defence counael con-
senger 1.9 kg of narcotip tended that his client's fln31
atter a b~dy search, destination w~ not Kuweit
The o~cial, Mona, told the and tbat she was on her way
court that the passenger, who to Au~tralia
_ anived here e~ , route to The counael said that ahe
Beirut, was st~]ected to a was not aware that she was
thorou~h senrch `ms she 6rew in po~sessid"n of any contra-
iuspiciou: oi t!4 araasan'~ band The liquor, he added,
�-,,,...,,v apoearance. was tor her own use on er
Mona said whea the wo- way home and was no: iucra- _
- man waa aaked to reveal ded for sale. '
what waa hldden in her over-
coat, she opened her hand- BIILING
bag and oPtered a wad o[ Dismissing the contentions,
foreian currencY aa bribe. the court said the o8ence o[
The woman requested Mocta the accused ia carrying dru~
and another woman o~dal~ had been proved beyond
- Shanaz that she be let oR. doub~ The court said thai~ it
The otscials refused to yield was not certain if the hquar
' and insisted on her revealin~ was for sale in Ruwait but
the contraband. noted that drinking was pu-
LIQII08 ~able o8ence in the cou- _
Aa inspection of the wo-
man'~ luggaQe resulted in ~1~n8 the defence cou-
- the recovery ot a can 1uU ~'s plea that she was a
o[ alcohol. Person in traasit, the court
On further interrogatioa~ ~at she was liable to
the Australian coniessed that ~ ~hed for the oSence
the narcotics was Qiven to in the country out
her by a man in Aeirut a ot her own iree will.
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- xuwAZT
Kuwait AL-QABAS in Arabic 18 Nov 80 p 6
[Artic.le: "He Brought In 20 Blocks of Hashish in a Secret Hiding Place In His
Luggage; He Is Arrested, Along With 'Itao Others, on a Narcotics Smuggling Charge."~
[Text) An al-Fayha' District investigation officer apprehended three suspects who
- were dealing in narcotics: Muhammad S., fAli M., and Muha~ad B.
- The inquir~es conducted by the investigators indicated that the first suspect was
bringing !.n ~arcotics from Egypt and trafficking them inside Kuwait, assisted by the
seconci an~t t.hird suspects.
In light of. Ghis information, it became clear that the first suspect was in Egypt
at the time, and that he would be arriving with a quantity of hashish.
When r_t~e m~:tter was submitted to Capital Governorate Investigation Inspe.ctor Lt Col
`r1b~-a!.-G'~affur al-'Awdi, the latter drew up a comprehensive plan whereby the in-
V25C1.a3tiCiTS men could a:rest the suspect in the act. He was arrested at his home
in rhe al-I'anj.tis area, near the floor tile Factory. Upon searching his home, a large
black leather suitcase was found to contain 20 blocks of hashish. -
Whec qc~est~ioned about the source of the hashish, the suspect said that he had
brougt~r_ rhem LT'OB1 Egypt on the day of his arrest. He was able to pass them through
custu~n~ ~~e�_:ause he had prepared a hard-to-find secret hiding place inside the suit-
case. f!~ F::zci pulled up the lining of the suitcase and had glued 20 blocks of hashish
to the 't~ottom oi the suitcase, which was made of thick reinforced paper. Then he
- had placed a layer of cotton over it and had replaced the lining. This made it easy
f.or him to get it through the airport in spite of inspection. But the investigations
men him leave the airp~rt and arrive at his home, where they surprised him.
Upen continuation of questioning, the suspect declared that he had acquired the -
hashish from a per.son calied Dimrdash, whom he had met in Egypt and who had
counnissioned him to transport the hashish to the second and third suspects.
The al--Fayha' investigators arrested these two persons right away, but they both
denied having any connection with the first suspect or any knowledge of the seized _
suitcase. They mentioned that they knew someone called Dimrdash, because they had
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_ worked with him, but he had left the country and they had not heard anything from
him about the narcotics.
The three suspects were referred to the public prosecutor, who ordered their de-
tention pending investigation preparatory to their trial.
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NARCOTICS SEIZURE--Agents of tt?e drug control unit seized secret caches of nar-
cotics smuggled inside some trucks. This occurred before their drivers could
_ amuggle these drugs into the country for later distribution to addicts throughout
the Persian Gulf. Customs agents working for the overland and air district noticed
two trucks suspiciously stopping in the district although their dealings were fin-
ished. After some time had passed without anqone approaching the trucks to accept
their goods the customs agents became suspicious and reported them to the automo-
bile inspection authority, part of the Interior Ministry. In the meanwhile the
Syrian drivers, Muhammad D, and Riyadh S., took the opportunity to escape from
tr,e country. A thorough inspection uncovered a secret cache on the sides of the
trucks loaded with narcotics in excess of 300,000 pills. The investigation of the
suspects is still going on in order to turn the two over to the general prosecutor
tu com~lete the inquiry for presentation to the courts. [Text] [Kuwait AL-WATAN
in Ar.abic 3 Nov 80 p 3] 9587
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s ~xrA -
- QUANTITY OF HASHISH SEIZED--The Damascus international airport custoans department
seized yesterday a quantity of hashish estimated at 12 kg packaged in boxes of candy
and confectionery. The hashish was in the possession of Diyab and Muhammad
al-Juhayri and Hasan Hasanayn. All three are Lebanese citizens from 'Irsal, Lebanon~
The three were on ~heir way to France aboard an Italian airliner bound for Rome.
Upan inspection of their luggage, boxes of confectionery wrapped in such a way as
not to arouse suspicion were found. Upon careful examination of the contents of
the boxes, a quantity of hashish covered with a th in layer of chocolate and coffee
was discovered. The customs department thereupon proceeded with processing warrants
to turn over the smugglers to criminal imrestigations along with the seized quantity
of hashish. The three persons involved confessed that they arrived from the region _
of Ba'labakk in Lebanon the day before yesterday and that they were taking th is
_ quantity of hashish to London via Rome in return for a sum of 10,000 Syrian pounds
and all expenses of the trip. [Text] [Damascus AL-THAWRAH in Arabic 15 Nov 80
pp 1, 11]
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BURNING OF MARIHUANA--About half a million dollars worth of marijuana was
last Friday burnt behind the Ministry of Defense by high ranking military
personn~l, including Chief of Staff, Lt. General Henry A. Dubar. According
to the Chief of Staff, the consignment of the marijuana was found among
- unclaimed baggages by the joint security forces of the Roberts International
- Airport. The 27 bags of the "grass" were sealed in two large wooden boxes
which arrived at the airport on November 20, aboard Ghana Airways flight.
Since then, no one has claimed ownership of the boxes. [Text] [Monrovia
NEW LIBERIAN in English 1 Dec 80 p 8]
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Capetavn THE CAPE TII'iES in English 6 Nov 80 p 3
SOIJTH AF'RICA'S Wp oorcotlcs betective yeaterday said t6e drug About 300 000 Mandru tablatv - Methaqualooe. an ingredient
pcobfem in the coantry w~ gettla~ wax. at me tablet, b a~cheduled drug - had been coniLicated in 16
- Lieutenant Coloed Basie Smit, c6id o[ the Sontb Afrkao ~~~~i P~e investi~atio~ it had been twad this aas _
Narcotlcs Hurau (S~aaD) said that Santb Atrica 6ad a v~y oaly abaut halt af the anmba of tab(ets ~g iato tl~e country.
~erious drug problem ~od moat people pae afha ~wware of it Mudru fabkts. wMch ue nsed tn comDin~tlon with dagga,
~ or pre[ered to igrore tt sell ~t between R6 aad R3 a tabkt
He said police a~ c~mto~ns aEScials h~d caa(iecated N~adras Cdooel Smit said it wa~ ~octaet that peopk were made
taDkts wocW nurly R2 milliaf tn We pa~t 18 monlf~ md tbat tfin awsre d the e:tent of fhe pt+oblem a everq patent, man in the
ww probably ooly a 1Wt af the amonnt enteting tbe cwntr~. street sd apnizaUoas ooocecned with We drng problan could
Colonel S~nit wat ~paakmg at the oitictal lanach~g d a aeaiat We police.
pampAlet ontlining the probiems o( drng abu~e. The Qamphlet rdea~ad ysterday ia called "'11~e Miauee ot
The pamphlet, inteoded w e?fake parents aware ot drug abuse. ~d b a"pare~Ys guide".
has been prodaced by the Natiooal Mataal lite iawrance caa- Colonel Smit ~aid that wWle moei dru~s wce availabk on the
pany. AOwt 200 000 capks 6ave been produced witli tbe a~btance bladt martet, fhe proDkm-had intenaified in laat coaple o[ qears
ot Ne Medkal A.isocLtioa ot Sauth Atrica, the Depart~n~t d ~m ~~Y ~PY s~~8~8 a~~, ~D, and on a tew
Healtb. Sanab. Nicro aod the Sauth Atric~ NaGonal Cauacil oa occa~iont. cocaine.
Alcobolism md Urug Depe~deuce ISancad). Among tbose at tbe nlease qesterday were Mr J V Pegge.
Colond Smit said that altbougb Saoab wa5 doiag ib best to director d Nicro. Mr Dndley Green, reaionai dh~ctor d Sanca,
controi dtvg ttaffickin~ aod ffie illkit oae d dn~s, botb wee eo anJ Dr C J J Reyoecke, ebief edacatioaal plaoner (psycMlogical
the increax. aevicu) o[ tbe Gpe Edocatbe Deportmen~
"Our aim is not to prasecute the u~er but the dealu aod
supplier." be said. . .
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Oslo AFTENPOSTEN in Norwegian 12 Plov 80 p 3
[Article: "Increased War Against Narcotics!"]
[Text] The Conservatives and the Liberals did not obtain a majority in the Storting
for their proposal for appropriation of 8 million kroner extra in addition to what
the ~ustice ministry had proposed in its budget for fighting drug abuse. The de-
bate on the 1981 budget of the justice ministry yesterday showed broad agreement
on a more rigorous fight against illegal importation, sale and use of narcotics.
- Not least because of rumors to the effect that international narcotics leagues
regard Norway as a big market for drugs, further steps ma~ be necessary, including
in creased penal~ies for violations. A proposal to that effect will probably be
presented early in 1981.
However, Minister of Justice Odvar Berref~ord had his budget approved in the Stort-
ing without changes. The Conservatives were alon2 in saying no to an increase of
300 [sicJ in funds for the school for those sub3ect to civilian duty next year.
Only the Liberals went along with the Conservatives on a proposal for an extra appro-
priation of 23 million kroner for the police, including 8 million for extra measures~
- f o r combating narcotics. Nor did the Conservatives' desire to limit the number of
new positions in the Ministry obtain a m3jority. The proposal of the Socialist
Party of the Left to reduce apprqpriations for the police gained no support by
ott~er parties.
Th e narcotics question, brought up by Conservative Jan p. Syse, chairman of the
justice committee, became the central theme of debate yesterday in the Storting.
In his speech he referred to statements by Police Adjutant Arne Huuse, chief of
th e narcotics police, to the effect that international narcotics leagues are plan-
ning a great offensive against Norway. Huuse has said that the police will be
powerless against such an offensive unless it is given greater resources.
"There is ec~ery reason to take the information we have seriously. It merely under-
1 ines that the tragic tendency social workers and the police have long known of
ex ists. The narcotics �wave that has reached us must be stopped, and money must
- not be a problem. No more state secretary committees are needed now; action and
- support is what the police needs to solve these tasks," said Syse.
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Juatice Minister 0:lvar Berrefjord co~ented on the statements by Police Ad~utant
Huuse to wt~ich Sys~s referred. Berref~ord said that during the last [words illegible]
a meeting was held in the Justice Department, at which Hu$se expressed satisfac-
tion with the Justice Ministry's budget as concerns steps to cosbat narcotics.
This information from Berref~ord pr~bably contributed to the Conservatives and
the Liberals being alone in wishing to increase the police budget by 23 million =
_ kr~ner for the purpose of strengthening the police through the purchase of a new
police boat for Oslo and the earmarking of 8 million for special measures to
combat narcotics. in the debate, the Christian People's Party and the Center Party supported
the ~onservative proposal, among other things because Kjell Magne Bondevik advanced
a proposal ~o the erfect that the Justice Ministry would examine in detail the
effect: tt~at the Justice Ministry woul.d examine in detail the existing needs for
increascd efforts to combat narcotics,~and that on this basis the question of in-
creased appropriations would be taken up again when the Storting balances the
1981 budg~[.
~ In his contribution to the debate Storting President Guttorm Hansen severely criti- -
ci.z~d the Cc:rservatives, characterizing the"party's proposal for increased appro-
pria*ions fc�- combating drug abuse as party policy tactics. A vote on the Con-
sPrvatives` proposal would not give a true picture of the Storting`s opinion in
this q~s:'.S`_'1Q11, sai.d Guttorm Hansen.
In a later spec~cY~, Jan P. Syse> chairman of the Justice Committee, rebuked Hansen,
cr~ar~icteriz-!.ng izis statements as surprising. Syse pointed out that the Conserva-
t.tve;> had a?~o proposed cuts in certain parts of the Justice Ministry`s budgets
so ti~at the f.i.gzt to combat narcotics could be given priority. Jorgen Sonstebo -
oi: th~ Cfir~.;tian People's Party emphasizerl in the debate the heav} tasks of the
- st~erif f~;" police deFarl:ments. Great increases in crimE foll.ow in the wake of
als~nolism ~n3 drug zddiction, tie said. When in addition one also hears of child
l,rost~t:ic'.:~a, d-r-~stic. mzasures are needed, he said.