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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9464 31 December 1980 ~ USSR Re ort p ENERGY - (FOUO 27/80) F~IS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language ~ sources are translated; those from English-lan~uage sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- ~ mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEM"LNATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICI~:L USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9464 31 December 1980 USSR REPORT ~NERGY (FOUO 27/80) CONTENTS ELECTRIC P(~1ER ~ Designing Ele ctrical Equipment fo r the Oil, Gas Industry (ELEKTROOBORUDOVANIYE NEFTYANOY I GAZOVOY PROMYSHLENNOSTI. UQiEBNIK DLYA VOZOV. IZD. 2-e, PERERAB. I DOP, 1980).......~.... 1 High-Speed Construction of the Kurpsayskaya C~S (V. S. Shangin; ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL~STVO, Oct 8Q)......... 6 Efficient Lining Components on Boilers With Gas-Tight Shie lds , (Yu. S. Tsarikov; ENERGETICHESKOYE STR(JITEL'STVO, Oct 80)..~.... 16 New Grouping Solutions for the TPP-312A Boiler , (A. G. Isarev, A. G. Kravets; ENERGE~'iQiESKOYE STROITEL~STVO, Oct 80) 32 Cutting Labor Costs in Overhead Electric-Power Transmission Line Construction (Yu. V. Bushuyev, et al. ; ENERGETIQiESKOYE STROITEL' STVO, Oct 80) 42~: - Research on Structural Components of an AES Reactor Section (G. E. Shablinskiy, A. V. Gordeyev; ENERGETI(HESKOYE STROITEL'STVO, Oct 80) 61 ~ Planning and Studying Underground Fuel-Delivery Tunnels (V. I. Stepanov, et al.; ENERGEZ'l.Q~ESKOYE STRiOITEL'STVO, Oct 80) 73 FUELS Drilling Oil and Gas Wells _ ` (BURENIYE NEFTYANYi~i I GAZOVYKFi SKVAZIiIN, 1980) . . . . . . . . 83 - a - [III - USSR - 37 FOU.O] Cl1D i1CL'f~'T A T T!CL' !~M V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 Handbook on Drilling Muds ( SP RAVO Q~IN IK PO B UROVYM RAS TVO RAM, 19 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Table of Content From ' TECTONICS OF SIBERTA' (TEKTONIKA SIBIRI, 1980) . 90 . - b - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER UDC(622.323+622.324):621.313(075) DESIGNING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE OIL, GAS IIvDUSTRY - Moscow ELEKTROOBORUDOVANIYE NEFTYANOY I GAZOVOY PROMYSHLENNOSTI. UCHEBNIK DLYA WZOV. IZD. 2-e, PERERAB. I DOP. (Electrical Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industry. Textbook for VUZ. 2nd revised and expanded edition) in Russian 1980, p 2, 475-478 [Annotation and table of contents from book by S.G. Blanter and I.I. Sud, Nedra, 478 pages] [Excerpts] The book is a textbook for "Electrical Equipment" courses for students of petroleum WZ and departments offering instruction in the fields of "Technology _ and Full Mechanization for Working Oil and Gas Deposits," "Drilling Oil and Gas - We11s," "Design and Operation of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Gas Storage Tanks and - Bu1k0i1 Plants," and "Construction of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Gas Storage Tanks and Bulk Oil Plant~," as well as in the course "Compressor and Pump Installation Drive" for the field of "Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Fields." ~ Its contents is in accordance with programs for these courses confixmed by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education. The book may also be used as a guide by engineers and technical workers engaged in - the design and operation of electrical equipment for the oil and gas industry. In it power supply and electrical power equipment for drilling rigs, recovery and _ industrial oil preparatic+n facilities, oil field compressor and pumping stations, mainline oil and gas pipelines and machinery for laying mainline pipelines are _ examined. .Questions of electric lighting for oil and gas fields, operation of elec- trical equipment, accident prevention and electric gower conservation are set forth. In the present second edition of the book (the lst edition was in 1971), the mater- , - ial is updated in acr_ordance with new technica]. decisions for facil~ties and elec- trical equipment and advanced engineering achievements which have appzared since _ the publication of the first edition of the book. 27 tables, 200 illustrations, 17 titles in the bibliograpny. REVIEWER. Department of General and Specialized Electrical Engineering, Groznyy Petroleum Institute. 1 FOR OFFICIAT. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 CONTENTS Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Sources of Electric Power and its Distribution at Enterprises ~ . of the Oil and Gas Industry ,5 1. Power Sources and Requirements for Power Supply Fa~ilities 5 2. Load on Electric Power Receivers, Load ~alculation 12 3. Sasic Types of Electric Network Circuits 1~i 4. Calculation of Wire Cross-sections for Electric LinPS .'.0 5. Basic Design Elements for Electric Lines 27 6~ Short Circuit Currents and ~heir Effect on the Equipment 33 Chapter 2. Electrical Equipment for Transformer Substations and Dis- tribution Devices Rated at More Than 1000 V 46 7. Power Transformers and Their Selection 48 - 8. Switches for Voltages Above 1000 V 55 9. Circuit Breakers, Load Switches and Other Switching Equipment for Voltages Above 1000 V 64 - 10. Actuators for Controlling Power Switches for Voltages Above 1000 V and Circuit Breakers ~ 74 11. Measuring Current and Voltage Transformers and Their Selection 79 12. Distributor Design Bus Conductors [Russian--Shinnyye konstruk- tsii raspredelitel'nykh ustroystv tokoprovody] 88 13. Relay Prctection 9p 14. Automatic Line Reconnection and Automatic Conxiection of Reserve Capacities 111 15. Designs for Distributor and Substation Components 115 Chapter 3. Electric Motors and Their Service Properties 122 16. General Informatian on Electric Drive 122 _ 17. Mechanical Characteristics of Industrial Equipment and Electric Motors 12g 18. Start-up and Regulation of Electric Motor Rotation Speed 146 19. Design Versions and Operating Properties of Electric Motors 168 Chapter 4. Selection of Electric Motors 177 20. Ganeral Assumptions 177 21. Heating and Cooling of Electric Motors 179 22. Electric Motor Load Diagrams and Operating Conditions 183 23. Selection of Motor Duty Rating 185 - Chapter 5. Electric Motor ~ontrol Apparatus and Circuits 190 24. Control and Protection Equipment 190 25. Control System Classification and Means for Their Responsibilities 208 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 26. Typical Electric Motor Cantrol Assemblies and Circuits 210 Chapter 6. Explosion Res3stance of Electrical Equipment 219 27. Classification of Dangerously Explosive Mixtures and Places in ~the Oil and Gas IndustrY 219 ~ 28. Electrical Equipment With Explosion-proof Housing 222 29. Electrical Equipment With Improved Explosion Safetq 225 30. Electrical Equipment Exhausted at Gage Pressure [Russian--produvayemoye pod izbytochnym d~vleniyem] 226 31. Oil-filled electri~al Equipment 229 32. Specially designed Spark-safe Electrical EQuipment With Quartz Filling 231 ~ 33. Features of Facilities for Electric Power Supply to Dan- gerously Explosive Installations 232 Chapter 7. Electrical Equipment for Drilling Rigs ' 234 34. General Assumptions 234 -35. Electric Power Distribution on Drilling Rigs 23$ 36. Electric Bit Drive 241 37. Automatic Bit Feed Ragulators 256 38. Electric Drive of Drilling Hoist 262 39. Electric Drive of Drilling Pumps 275 40. Diesel Electric Drive 2g4 41. rlectrical Equipment for Off-shore Drilling Rigs 288 42. Equipment for Auxiliary Machinery 289 Chapter 8. Electrical Equipment for Oil Well Pumping Operations 293 43. Deep-well Pump Rod Installations 293 44. Efficiency and Power Factor of the Electric Motor for a Pumping Unit 297 - 45. Determining the Power of Electric Motors for Pumping~ilnits 299 46. Electric Motors for Pumping Units ~ 302 47. Power Supply Circuits, Automatic Start-up of Pumping Unit Electric Motors and Control Equipment 306 _ 48. Installations With Rodless Deep-well Pumps 311 49. Deep-well Electric Motors and Their Waterproofing 313 50. Devices and Power Supply Circuits for Installations With PED Motors 319 51. Deep-~ell Electric Motor Control Stations 322 52. Selection of Electrical Equipment for a Rodless Pumping Installation 32~ Chapter 9. Electrical Equipment for Oil Field Compressor and Pumping Stations and for Oil Preparation Installations 330 ~ 53. Compressor Houses, Pump Houses and Installations for Com- " plete Preparation of Oil in Oil and Gas Collection Systems 330 54. Electrical Equipment for Oil Field Compressor Installations 331 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 SS. Automatic Start-up of 0~.1 Field Compressor Stat3on Motors 339 56. Electrical Equipment for Oil Field Pumping Stations, Re- quirements for Electric Pump Drive 342 57. Electrical Equipment for Intra-field Oil Transfer ' 345 58. Electrical Equipment far Water Pumping Systems To Maintain Formation Pressure � 349 59. Dehydration anii Desalinization of Oil Using an Electric Field 353 60. Electric Dehydration and Desalinization Oil Field Installations 35? 61. Eler_trical Installations for Heat Treatment of the Critical Zone and Well Deparafinization ~h2 Chapter 10. Electric Lighting for Oil and Gas Fields 365 62. Electric Light Sources, Fixtures and Lamps 365 63. Systems and Types of Lighting 368 64. Methods for Rating Lighting Equipment 369 65. Lighting for Main Oil Field Ob~ects 373 Chapter 11. Electrical Equipment for Compressor and Pumping Stations of Mainline Pipelines 376 66. General Charact~ristics of Mainline Gas Pipeline Com- pressor Stations 376 67. Electric Drive for Centrifugal Force Pumps 379 68. Auxiliary Electrical Equipment for Compressor Stations 389 ~ 69. Electric Power Supply for Compressor Stations With Electric Drive for Centrifugal Force Pumps 391 70. Electric Power Supply for Compressor Stations With Gas Turbine and Gas Engine C~mpressor Drive 399 71. General Characteristics of Ma.inline Pipeline (Oil Pipeline) Pumping Stations 399 ` 72. Electric Drive for Main and Priming [Russian--podpornyye~ P~PS 402 73. Auxiliary Electrical Equipment for Oil-transfer Pwnping Stations 409 74. Electric Power Supply Installations for Oil-Transfer Pumping Stations, Block Substations 410 75. Controlled Electric Drive of KS [compressor station] Cen- trifugal Force Pumps and the Main Pumps of Transfer . Pumping Stations 414 Chapter 12. Electrical Equipment of Machinery for Constructing Mainline " Pipelines 419 76. General Assump;:ions 419 77. Electrical Equipment for Portable Electrical Power Plants 420 78. Start-up of an Asynchronous Squirrel-cage Motor From a Synchronous Generator of Comparable Power 427 79. Electric Drive for Trenching Machinery 42g 4 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 80. Electric Drive for Auxiliary Machinery 437 - 81. Electric Pipeline Welding Equipment 438 - Chapter 13. Power Rating and Conservation of Electricity 448 82. General Assumptions 448 83. Improving the Power Rating 452 - 84. Arrangement and Hook-up Diagrams for Compensating Devices 455 85. Conservation of Electricity 458 Chapter 14. Electrical Equipment Operation and Accident Prevention When _ Operating Eleci:rical Equipment 461 86. Basic Rules for the Operation and Safe Servicing of Electrical Installations 461 87. Protective Grounding and Protective Disconnection 465 88. Rendering First Aid to Electric Shock Victims 472 ~ Bibliof;raphy 474 COPY'RIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1980 - 9194 CSO: 1822 5 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER unc 6z6/6z7 HIGH-SPEID CONSTRUCTION OF THE KURPSAYS2C~YA~: GES Moscow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 10~ Oct 80 pp 2-8 ~Article by Engineer V. S. Shangin: "High-Speed Construction of the Kurp- ~ sayskaya GES'J ~ The brief titae periods for the ~TextJ ~FROM TH~~ IDITORS . erection of the Kurpsayskaya Hydroelectric Foxer Station , with its high concrete dam and excellent quality of con- struction work have evoked ca;siderable interest. The set i of articles published beloW illwninates the most important construction~ organizational, and engineering solutions which have been adopted in the process of designing and building this station in the Naryn Cascade.*~ ~in italics1` ; The Kurpsayskaya GES (Fig. 1)~ nox under construction in Kirghizia is the ~ = fourth hydroelectric power station on the Naryn River and the third (of the proposed five) in the Lower I3axyn Cascade. i The principa.l technical and economic indicators of this hydraulic develop- - _ ment are cited below : ~ - Rated capacity of the GES~ in MW (mega.Katts) 800 ~ Number of units 4 ! ! Capacity of the reservoir~ in millions of cu. m 37o i Including the following regulated amount 35 i Design (~alculated) pressure head~ in meters 91�5 I ~ Design (calculated) discharge of the GES~ in cu. m per sec. 972 I * This set of articles about experience gained in building the Kurpsay- ; ~ skaya GES utilizes photographs by Ye. Kuluzayev. ~ - ; , 6 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ;I ~ ~ i _ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Height of the dam, in meters 115 Total volume of concrete~ in millions of cu. m............ 1 Average annual production of electric poKer, in billions - of kW-hrs. (kilowatt-hours) 2.63 Estimated construction cost, in millions of rubles 193 Including the folloWing for SMR (Construction and Installation Work) 1$1 Production cost of electric power~ in kopecks per kW-hr. 0.13 Time required. for return of investment on this hydraulic developa?ent Less than one year _ The introduction of the first two units of the Kurpsayskaya GFS are sche- duled to take place in 1981~ and that of the remaining txo units--in 1982, xhile the planned deadline for completing construction occurs in 1983� The site of the Kurpsayskaya GES, situated at a distance of 4~0 Ian (loKer along the river's course) from the Toktogul'skaya GES~ is _ typically mountainous. The width of the gorge cut by the water amounts - to 40--50 meters~ rrhile at the point of the dam's crest it is approximately 360 meters. The average incline (declivity) of the riverbed is about 0.003. Passing alongside of the gorge is the Frunze--Osh Highxay~ which falls with- in the zone of reservoir flooding. The re~ion where this hydraulic developnent is located, including the reservoir, is characterized by heterogeneous~ extremely complex tectonic structures and engineering-geological cond.itions. This explains the presence of large discantinuous dislocations in the immed.iate vicinity of the hydraulic development~ as well as a~egional thal~o-Fergana' - depth fracture~ occurring at a distance of 60-65 Ian north of the hydra.ulic development; this has undergone rejuvenation at all stages af tectogenesis, including those of the present day. ~ The ba.sic structures of this hydraulic developnent are situa.ted in a single ` structural tectonic block; in accordance with the data of the Institute af Earth Physics (IFZ) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a maximum possible earthquake intensity of nine points has been adopted into the design of _ these structures. The basic rocks are interstratified. sandstones and axgillites~ xhose layers intersect the va.lley alm~st perpendiculaxly Kith respect to the upper head at an angle of 50---6s�. The proportion of sandstones herein comprises 7~--75 Percent, while that of argillites amounts to 25--30 percent. With 7 - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY respect ta thickness~ the sandstones are subdivided into thin-layered (with a stratwn thickness of less than 0.1 m), medium-layered (0.1--0.6 m) and - ~hick-layered (more than 0.6 m). The argillites have a thin-layered struc- ture. ~uaternary deposits have an tnsignificant distribution here. Within the riverbed the thickness of alluvial deposits does not exceed 1--2 m. The following shift characteristics of the foundation rocks have been adopted = in ths design: tgt~=~1.9 a~d S~.3 MFa (megapascals). ~ - The climate of the Naryn River Basin is continental. With an avsrage annua.l air temperature of +13.8�C, the minimum observed in January is -30'C, and a maximum in July of -N+4` C. Moreover ~ the inter period is characterized by frequent strong Hinds~ the velocity of xhich rea.ches 35 meters per secon!i. Frosts may be observed in October (-10�C) and April (-4�C). The av~rage annual amount of precipitation comes to 378 mm. The fluctuation of water levels in the river amounts to 12--16 m. The Toktogul'skaya GES, xhich is located higher on the course of the river, ~ has completely regulated the flow of the Naryn River; in designing the Kurpsayskaya GES this has allowed a substantial red.uction to be made in the design construction discharge, and it has been a.dopted as equa.l to 1,100 cu. m per sec in ~966 ~t amounted to 2~ 880, and in 1969 it was 2~6Z1~0 cu. m per second). After the construction of the Toktogul'skaya GES there was also a pxincipal cha,nge in the river's temperature cycle; practic - ally no ice and slush phenomena are nox observed. The basic structures of the Kurpsayskaya GES (Fig. 2) include the following: ~ - a concrete gravity dam, a GES building attached to the dam, an interior water spillway in the body af the dam~ a surface water spillway, an ORU (open distributive appara.tus) of 220 kV (kilovolts) and tine of 1!0 kV. The concrete gravity dam has a triangular cross-section; the upper pressure- head edge is vertical~ while the loker edge has a foundation of 0.7 for the riverbed sections and 0.75--0.8 for the side sections. Within the dam a sectional cut has been provided; herein the design of the intersectional seam provides for the possibility of the joint operation of the sections under loa.d. With its length along the crest of 364 m the dam is divided intc 13 sections as follows: four riverbed sections with turbine water ~ conduits and nine bank sections. The width of the sections vaxies fmm ; - 19.5 to 30 m. In the sections with a width of 30 m along the upper and lower edges further joint incisions are made to a depth of 5 m. Within the body of the dam provisions have been made to install a system of rooms~ stairwells, freight openings, as well as elevators~ service areas and so forth (Fig. 3). , The construc~ion of the body of the dam has been planned with a zonal distri- ; bution of concrete: the interior zone is made of non-frost-resistant M 150 concrete~ the exterior underwater zone--of M 250 concrete, and the exterior surface zone--of M 300 concrete. Provisions have been made to carry out anti-filtra.tion (well drainage) and reinforcement (cementa.tion) measures. ; 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The dar~ includes a xater intake 43 meters high, situated in its four river- bed ~ections; the loxer edges of these sections have turbine wate.r conduits seven meters in diatneter~ r+hiah ~xtend beyond the ].imits of the dam's cross- _ section. The open-type GES building with its single-series units is directly attached to the dam in its riverbed section. The turb~ne equipment is being supplied by the Turbine Plant PO (Producti~n Association) (from the city of Kharkov)~ and the genera.tors from the Sibelektrotyazhmash Plant (from the city of Novosibirsk The structures for absorbing construction outlays are traditional for an analogous grouping of a hydraulic development under mountain conditions: a by-pass tunnel, an upper cofferdam up to k0 m in height, and a lower cofferdam approximately 18 m in height. The deep interior water spillway~ consisting of a single-aperture rectangulax , pipe with a cross-section of SX7 m and equipperl xith working segTnental and repair flat gates, located in one of the ri~t-bank sections of the dam. - I?uring the period of reserv~oir flooding it will be used to pass water through into the tailrace. Within the GES building a spillxay is made in the fozm - of an elbow, and beyond the station the elbox makes a transition to a ter- minal section xith a lateral overflow . In building the Kurpsayskaya GES a complex of progressive engineering tech- nical and organizational economic solutions was adopted; thei~r realiza~iQr~ created the prerequisites for caxzying out under complex mountain conditions this high-speed construction in order to put into operation hydraulic units _ _ with capacities of 200 MW (megawatts) tirithin a single five-year period after the sta,rt of construction. Let's enumerate just the principal solu- tions here. 1. The beginning of the basic operations on the Kurpsayskaya hydraulic developnent was coordinated (albeit xith a certain delay) xith the final phase of these operations at the Toktogu]'skaya GE5. Thus, they managed to create favorable condi#,ions for the effective use in the construction of the Kurpsayska.ya CES of the existing groups of highly skilled workers and - ITR (engineering and technical personnel). 2. In order to erect the Kurpsayskaya GES, use has been made of the chief productian bases (the concrete plant, the gravel-grading system, the reinfbrced-concrete product construction yard~ the transfer center~ and so forth) which were built in their time for the construction of the Toktogul'- _ skaya GES. By the time construction began on the Kurpsayskaya GES in 1976 the facilities - of the production of Naryngidro~nerg~stroy had been mainly shifted to tr+o areas ( to the city of Kara-kul' and the village of Shamaldy-Say) and guaranteed the repair of the construction equipmrent and motor transport~ ~ 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the production of commercial concrete and a~gregates for it, structural components made of precast reinforced concrete, ~the necessary ou+.put of - xooden items etc. Moreover~ there existed a rrell-devel~ped transfer base and Narehouse system of the UF'I'K (Production--Techno? egica]. Administrati.on for Equipment Outfitting); all construction and installation organi- ~ � zati~ns also maintained their own systems. But directly in the region where - the hydraulic develupment is being built there is os~s~ac~annot benseparated enterprises which~ as regards their technical purpo from the construction site (Fig. 4). 3. The presence in the city of Kaxa-Kul' of a well-laid-out residential se~-- - tlement with a11 the necessaxy social and cultural facilities has made it possible to co~npletely avoid residential and civil construction at the site of the Kurpsayskaya CxES; it has adopted and carried out a scheme for sup- plying the workers~ the ITR and the office em~,i.oyees at the construction - site. 4. In developing structural components for the hydraulic development's prin- , cipal structures attempts have been made at insuring a high degree of teeh- nology in their erection as well as a decrease in the labor consumption of the operations. Furthern~ore, thanks to the close interrelatior.ship between ; the builders and planners~ already during the construction process addition- - al corrective measures Hfor thepmot rapidtpossibledstart- peofhthecfirst I lumes of Hork ne.essary I - few units. ; In order to cur~cail the duration of the preparatory period, Naryngidrostroy~ together with the planners, carefully and thoroughly analyzed. the follo~ring questions: the possibilities of cur~tailing maximum amounts of work needed to be carried out prior to the start of concrete laying in the principal structures and the maximun? combination of separate types of operations dur- ing this period; determining ~he minimum necessary list of temporaxy buildings and structures which had to be built at the construction site of the Kurpsayskaya GES (in- cluding those prior to the beginning of concrete laying); ~ the acceptability of the existing plan solutions for the hydraulic develop- ment's individual elements from the viewpoint of their fastest possible re- alization, as well as the presence of the necessary material and technical resources. With this same goal in mind a number of effective measures have been imple- mented on this construction project: - the replacenient of the open se~nent of the F`runze--Osh road running along _ the lef~ bank above the hydraulic developaent by"a tiznnel made it possible 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY to combine in time work on building the rcad and the dam; the replacement of the right-barik tunnel by an open section of. the road solved the problem of allowing transit tz~nsport through~ and it - insured the necessary rapid pace of excavating the foundation pit of the principal structures; - organizing the area of the pioneer period ir_ direct proximity to the place where the main operations were being carried out permitted a considerable - curtailment of the time periods required for putting into operation su~h ex- - tremely importa.nt facilities as the compressor~ the xater-collecting basin, ~ dining-room etc., as well as ~to reduce expenditur$s for erecting communica- tions a.nd insuring the necessary increase in the pace of operationsi a change in the construction of the upper cofferdara insured the erection of its principa.l part prior to sxitching over discharges into the tunnel and the required allorrances during the groxing season~ and it also consi- derably simplified the transport scheme at the loxar levels of the pit dur- - ing the period xhen its excavation was being co~apleted and conerete-laying operations were beginning; a change in the scheme of the water supply of the construction sites made _ it possible to avoid building a complicated cluster of water-colleeting - s~tructures, laying mairi water lines of as much as 10 km in length, includ- ing one along the rocky cliff over which the above-mentioned Frunze-Osh HighNay passes; - a reduction of the design construction discharge from 1800 to 1100 cu. m per sec.; the complete avoidance of building housing facilities in the region of the . Kurpsayskaya GES made it possible not to divert labor and material resour~ ces~ equipnent~ etc. from the main operations. Directly on.the const~~sction site of the Kurpsayskaya hydraulic network work began on putting up the section of 'che 110-kV (kilovolt) VL (overhead line) xhich pa.sses through the gorge along the operational Frunze-Osh High- rray and is situated above the future structures and construction sites. For this purpose it was necessary to install 15 metal poles (supports) on the _ rocky "crests" of cliffs which xere accessible only to mountain-climbers= _ materials and structural components from the assimilated levels were de- livexed. to a height of as much as 300 m sometimes by hand~ sometimes by utilizing helicopters. The total length of the raised section amounted to approximately five ]Qn. At the same time a 110~6-kV substa.tion was built in to insure electric-power operations and to solve the problem of high- - Frequency communications betxeen the Kurpsayskaya GES site~ the city of Kara-Kul' and the settlement of Shamaldy-Say. From the very beginning of production operat~ons there arose ~he extremely acute problem of insuring the reliability of th~ tra~nsport tyes with the 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY left-bank site, necessary for transferring the earth-mo~+~ing equipnient and working the soil under the hydraulic develop- ment's principal structures, Before the completion of che pennanent bridge across the Naryn River~ Hhich was put into operatiur, in 1980 anci became paxt of tne section of the F~unze-Osh Highway taken out of the flood zone, use was for these purposes of a temporary bridge~ erected by the bridge- - builders of the USStt h;inistry of Transport Construction. ' In May 1977 the rock drillers of the Kirghiz 5pecial AdministraLion of the Cidrospetsstroy AI1-Union Association completed work on the approach pas- sage and began cutting through the construction tunnel. In accordance w~th ' - the plan, 'this tunnel ha.s a length of 634 m, designed to through dis- charges of as much as 1100 cu. m per sec., and it was supposed to }-~ave a reinforced-concrete facing along its entire length. Ho?+ever, upon the ir;.- ~tiative of the builders~ the facing was revised and xas replaced along mc,st = of the tunnel's length by a jacketing of sprayed concrete. This made it possible to reduce the amount of concrete work by 8~000 cu. m~ outlays of reinforc-r.~ent by 350 tons and forms by more than 7,000 sq. m. , But the main effect derived from introducing this progressive jacketing con- sisted in curtailing the length of time required to erect the facility. ~ Thus, xork on building the tunnel was completed in one year, and on 10 May 197$ the riverbed of the Naryn River in the line oi direction of the Kurp- sayskaya GES was shut off. In accordance with irrigation requirements~ within 20 days after the shut- off a discharge was needed. through the hydraulic development's line of di- rection amounting to 8f50 cu. m per sec. For this purpose it was necessary ~ to erect an upper cofferdam more than 40 m high. In accordance with the initial plan, the cofferdam (with a total fill of 220.000 cu. m) was sup- pose~ to be made of rock-fill with a core of clay-loam. The material for , - erecting this cofferdam was supposed to be delivered from three independent quarries at hauling distances of 10--50 km. To i.mplement this solution, even in case of suspending the pit excavation (because of a transport shor-t- age) would have required 3--4 months. The workers' planning section of Gidroproyekt's SAO (Central Asizn Division)~ ; upon a proposal by the construction division developed xithin a very brief period of time a nex design for a cofferdam which could be built within the � ' required deadline at a considerable reduction in cost. Moreover, maximum and successful use was made of local conditions: the cofferdam's line of direction was arranged along the axis of the previously built, temporary i bridge xith concrete abutments and joining Ka11s; the main part of the anti- ; filtration facing took the forn~ of a concrete wall betxeen abutments on a ; cleaned rock foundation; directly in the riverbed section provision was made ~ for a fill made with a natural gravel-sand mixture, to be injected subse- ~ quently Hith a clay-cement groutir,g solution. By the growing season of 19?9 the cofferdam being erected was built up further, and this insured the - paysage of the required amounts from the reservoir of the Toktogul'skaya GES. i 12 I FOR OF~ICIAL USE aNLY ; . i - i ~ : APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Despite considera.ble pressure head~ the filtration discharge through the upper cofferdam after the first stage of the ceiaentation curtain was com- pleted did not exceed 100 l~s (liters per second). At the sam e time that the tunnel was being built Kork was begun on excavat- ing the foundation pit of the principal structures~ the site of the ORU (open distributive appaxatus), and other facilities. The complex topogra- phical conditions and the virtual impracticability of arra,ngin~ transport - routes to a whole number of intennediate points brought about the need for a differentiated approach to the solution of this problem. ` In the first place, as we have already noted~ there was a careful and tho- rough analysis o~ the possibility of reducing the volume of work, especially at the upper levels, which are difficult of access. The decision not to use cable cranes enabled us to cut out the excavaticn of 3~0~000 cu. m of rocky cliffs above the dam's foundation pit, the heighth of whose slopes reached 60 m~ and to reduce the total length of time taken by these operations by at least six months. There was an extremely substantial reduction in the amounts of rock excavation in the dam's foundation pit by means of reducing the depth of the cut and removing only the eroded surface zones with cracks which had filled in with suspended loamy material xhich did not lend itself . to cementation. Moreover, the thickness of the layer being removed at times did not exceed 3--5 m. Also reviewed and adopted xere a nwnber of other proposals, likewise aimed at reducing the work volLmmes and curtailing the construction time period.s. As a result, the total amount of earthmoving and rock excavation work carried out xith regard to the principal structures came to approximately 1.2 million cu. m, while the heighth of the founda- - tion pit's slopes is about 130 m. The earthmoving work xas carried out by EKG-4.6 excavators along with the use of BelAZ-54~0 and KrAZ-256 dump trucks. The principal amount of these operations was completed over a 1.5-year period ending in December 1978� Among the schemes utilized for excavating the foundation pit, the following deserve special menticn: 1. On the right bank between points 105.0 and 50.0 m it was practically im- possible to complete the transport i~vels. In order to arrange the founda- tion pit within these points~ it xas decided to carry out an excavation by means of a single explosion, and for this purpose they provided a set-up at ~ the 76.0-m point of a contour tunnel with a cross-section of 6--8 sq. m and a length of 80 m. Drillin~; out the massive rock was casried out from above as well as from the tunnel itself. Special attention was paid here to drilling holes for contour blasting, spaced at intervals of 0.8--1 m. Inas- much as the slopes of the foundation pit amounted to 1: 1 on an average, for the purpose of carrying out bulk loading after blasting at the lowest possible points~ the two lower tiers of excavation between points 30.0-- 50.0 m were removed first. This made it possible to utilize the two most convenient lower transport levels for excavating earth after mass blasting. The blasting of this ~ection of the foundation pit was completed within two months after the Naryn River was cut off. ~ 1~:~~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. On the left bank the dam's foundation pit was inaccessible to machines at height of more than 100 m. The upper pa.rt of the founc~ation pit to a heighth of about 40 m was excavated from modest-sized areas (created by the small borehole method)~ using i~KR-tQ0 machines. Fracessing the blasted earth was carried out by GMN-250 hydraulic monitors (excavators). In ac- - cordance with a specially developed plan regas~ding the bulk load which was being fonned from ti.~e blasted and excavated earth, two D-271 bulldozers and an SBU-2N drilling rig were hoisted by traction to a height of 60 m. F~r- ther excavation of the earth to existing transport levels was carried. out with the aid of these machines and hydraulic monitors at a step height, of = 2.5--3 m. - 3. The excavation of the foundation pit's lower tier was completed with- out maintaining a protective layer or the small borehole drilling of the final 1.5--2 m, as provided for in the plan. ~uch a decision was preced.;d by tests and full-scale research carried out directly in the foundation pit. Under the specific conditions of building th~ Kurpsayskaya GES the possibi- lity of avoiding the installation of a protective layer was guaranteed by , drilling the main boreholes ~.5 m higher than the plan outline~ by reduc- ing the diameter of the boreholes~ and by increasing the density of bore- ~ holes to 2 x 2.5 m. In order to clean up the foundation after the excava- tion of the earth~ bulldozers were used, equipped with special ripper- blades~ as well as hydraulic monitors and mounted shafts. - In December 1978 the earth and rock excavations in the dam foundation pit ~ - were completely finished; on 26 December the first cubic meter of concrete was laid into its foundation. The avaidance of building a complex for grading gravel and a concrete sys- tem in the region of the Kurpsayskaya GES~ despite the considerable dis- ' tance needed to transport the conerete mix (40 Iau)~ insured.from the first ~ few months on that the concrete would be laid at a smooth rate and that it ~ would be of the required good quality. In 1979 so~2 25~~000 cu. m of con- crete xas laid into the foundat~.on se~^tio~~ moreover, beginning in March, the average monthly pa.ce amounted to 23.800 cu. m(with a low of 17,200 and a high of 29~700 cu. m). Here again we should mention the high technology in the design of this hydsaulic develognent's principal structure--~he da.m, thanks to which as early as the first yeat of its construction the labor productivity was greater tha.n during the years of mass concrete laying in building the dam of the Toktogul'skaya GES. In separate months of 1979 output per man-day exceeded seven cu. m(these calculations made use of ' a method__ analogous to those employed in the construction of the Toktogul' skaya and Chirkeyskaya GES's). In accordance xith the start-up scheme~ by tre time the first unit is started up the dam should be built up to a heighth of 75 m and 680,000 cu. - m of concrete should be laid into the basic structures. As of 1 July 1980~ approximately 450~000 cu. m of this amount had been laid. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY f At the beginning of 1980 the work front was prepared for installing tha in- ' sertion parts of the turbine sta.tor and the spiral chamber of Unit No. 1; in ~ June the basic operations were completed on the deep interior spillxay, a.nd work had begun on installing the columns and sub-crane beams of the power- house (machine room). In conclusion~ it should be mentioned that i:he experience we have gained in _ building the KurpsayskayaGES has already convincingly demonstrated the genu- ine possibility of putting high-capacii;y hydro units into operation within the course of a single five-year period from ~he time operations 2re staxted. The principal prerequisites for this are as follows: _ a sharp reduction in the length of time required for the preparatory period; maximum utilization of the existing experience gained in erecting analogous structures; high technology of the structural components of the hydraulic development's principal and auxiliary structures~ guaranteeing the required labor produc- tivity and high-quality worlananship. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya, "~ergeticheskoye stroitel'stvo", 1980 238~ CSO : 1822 - - 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 run vrrl~lew u~r. uivL~ . ELECTRIC POWER ~ unc 621.185�5 CFFICI~vT LINING COM?=0'vTENTS Or' BOILERS WITH GAS-TIGHT SHI~LAS Moscow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROSTEL'STVO in Russian No 10, Oct 8Q pp 28-32 IArticle by Engineer ]u. S. Tsarikov: "Efficient Lining Components on Boil- ers with Gas-Tight Shields'] - ~ jText,J The lining of boilers with gas-tight~ all-welded shields of firu~ed tubes possesses essential advantages over the lining of boilers with smooth-tube shields. In such boilers the lining fulfills the function of inerely a thennal isolation of the radiating surfaces whose temperature does not exceed 600�C. At the present time boilers of both the single-pass - type as well as the drum-type boilers kith gas-tight shields are being turned out by the Red Boilermaker Production Association (TKZ) (Taganrog Boi].er Plant and the Barnaul Boiler P1ant (BKZ). The plant designs provide the following for the lining components of these boilers: the base layer , uses insulation made of inlaid products--perlite, vulcanite~ and calcareous- _ siliceous panels (IKP) and sprayed rr~th asbestos-perlite and asbestos compounds; for the coating layers plaster is used with fiberglass glued ~ on an epoxy base or thin-sheet steel. , The USSR Ministry of Power and Electrification has accumulated considerable experience in manufacturing the above-mentioned linings at assembly areas and at installation sites. In a n~unbQr of instances~ when there is a lack of the materials provided for by the plan~ their quality is poor~ or there ; is insufficient time for installati~n~ upon agreement with representatives I of the electric poxer stat~ons and boiler plants, lining components kave ; been m~,de which are not in the plan. At the present, therefore~ electric ' power stations now have about 12 types of linings in operation. , In connection with the above, the need has arisen to detezmine the quali- tative and technical characteristics of these components, to compare them, - and to develop the necessary recommendations on the basis of this. Thermal ~ tests of the linings are being systematically conducted by the quality- control service of the special administrations of the Soyuzenergozashchit ~ VO (All-Union Association) and the Soyuztekhenergo PO (Froduction Associ- ; ation) (in conjunction with representatives of the electric power sta,tions) i ; ~ 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; '1- - i _ ~ ~ . ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in accordance with the requireipents of the "Instructions on Testing Thermal Insulation in Electric Power Stations." For this purpose use is made of the ITP-6 thermal-flow measuring instruments of the Institute of Technical Thermal Physics of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences. When necessary, the measurements are double-checked by the flat t:~ermometers designed by _ the Teploproyekt V~JIPI (All-Union Scientific Research and Design Institute). The temperature on the surface is measured by semi-conductor heat sensors of tha TP-3 type and surface thezmocouples~ while the distribution of tem- peratures throughout the thickness of the layer is determined with the aid of chromel-cupriliferous and chromel-aluminiferous thermocouples. - The methodology for processing the data received is based upon the indicator - of the component's thernial conductivity at an average operating temperature. It characterizes not only the material and the manufacturing quality of the lining, but it also takes into consideration to a certain degree the influence on it of thertnal-conductive metallic and other inclusions. The reliability of this indicator of thermal conductivity is guaranteed by the large number of test measurements carried out. These tests have enabled us to make a comparison between the design values of the thermal conductivity of the lining components aiid the measurements obtained in the process. At the present time~ in calculating the thickness of a lining we proceed.from the reference values for the theimal conductivity of the materials which are included in its design. The thickness of a lining layer which is manifested as the fiesult of calculation is being increased somexhat, and it is being accepted (in the case of all kinds of materials) as equal to 160 - and 210 mm for the TKZ and BKZ boilers respectively. In connection with ` the absence in the literature of the design values for thermal conductivity of combined. components (those made of various materials and products),.an _ attempt has been made to determine them on the basis of data obtained. as the re:sult of tests; for this purpose the data were grouped by types of ~ _ materials and~methods of carrying out the operations. Examined below are the most efficient lining components. Sprayed lining ( insulation ).~in boldfaceJ Spraying asbestos and asbestos- perlite masses is a reliable method for obtaining seamless lining components. In recent years such components have been widely adopted on BKZ and TKZ boi lers. The spra~ring is carried out on mounted equipment (BKZ) and pa.rtial- ly at assembly areas (TKZ). As the spraying material use is made of Grades- II I~ V, and VI asbestos, uffed-up perlite, vulcanite, and other binders-- ac rylic resin (Plexiglass~~ an aluminum chromophosphate solution, and c ement. Spraying a lining, in accordance with the requirements of the . instruction now in effect Ilr~ must be carried out using Grade-III asbestos. How ever, this instruction I'if contains a stipulation concerning the possi- bil ity (as an exception) of utilizing a mixtixre consisting of ~ Gra,de-III asbestos and ,50~ Grade-V asbestos. In practice~ because of a shortage of asbestos, this ratio has recently been altered in favor of increa- sing the proportion of Grade-V asbestos~ and even Grade-VI asbestos is being used~ 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Everyxhere attempts are being with regard to the possibility of using non-asbestos compoLUids. At the Kuybyshevskaya 2'ETs (Heat and Electric Po- wer Station) and the VAZ (Volga Automotive Plant) TETs the lining and the insulation of the corners of the furnace (fire box), the drums~ and the gas- conduit ducts have been made as ?n experiment with a compou.-~d based on gra- nules of mineral wool with an additive of Grade-V asbestos and a binder of acrylic resin. At LnP Maryyskaya GRES (State Re ianal Electric Power Sta- tion) the spraying of a lining of a cold hopper ~funnel) of one of the boi- lers has been done using I1:I (calcareous-siliceous) granul~s. Widesprea.d � use is now being made of ready-made dried asbestos-perlite mixes produced by the Dmitruvskiy Thermal Insulation Froducts Plant and consisting of - Gracie-V (or VI) asbestos and puffed-up perlite in a ra,tio. of 2: 1. Test data on sprayeci linings are cited in Table 1. The material is usually sprayed on cold heating surfaces, though in some ca- ses it has been done on heated ones (Minskaya TETs-4). There is some expe- rience in spraying at belox-f.reezing temperatures; nephelinic antipyrine~ which is recommended by the technical specifications as a coagulant of acry- lic resin when spraying on a cold surface, is not always used. Furthermore, the lack of ready-made mixes with antipyrine and the existing technology of ~ spraying do not permit us to make a confident judgement about the effect of nephelinic antipyrine on the quality of a finished component. There is an opinionthat in the spraying process a considerable portion of the dust-type I_ coa~ulant is blown away by the air stream. This opinion needs to be checked out. In processing the test results run on existing operational boilers, indicators of component thermal conductivity have been obtained which differ substantially from the design indicators adopted in accordance with data in instructions and literature from the sources--- the Zi0 [possibly the Podol'sk Machinery Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze], the TsETI [Central Electrical and Heat Engineering Institute for Structural Components imeni Kucherenko]: for a lining made of Grade III asbestos 0.071 + 0.00013~P and made of Grade V asbestos 0.125 + 0.00008~~ p, - - The discre cy between the actual and the design values of thermal conduc- tivity j~an be demonstrated by making a calculation of the thickness of the lining layer of a BKZ 420-14~0 boiler, proceeding from a normative levsl - of heat losses of 349 Watts per sq. m and a lining surface temperature of ~ 55'C and a shield surface temperature of 345�C. The design value of the lining component's thezmal conductivity, i. e., of a component made of Grades-III and V asbestos~ under these conditions is equal to 0.097 and 0. 141 Watts~(m . K) respectively. The thicknesses of the lining layer axe as follows: SIII = O.o97 (3~5-55)/3~9 = 8o mm; d~i = o. lu 1( 3~+5 -55 )/349 = 1 i4 mm . It is obvious ~hat with such a thickness of the lining components it is im- ~ possible to insure a normative level of heat losses and temperature. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 ~ . ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i~ U ~ ~i N r-1 f: O 3 \ ~ tll I O UI p ~ ~ C~ ~ O~ (O ~C1N C~000 O O ,-1 cd i` N 0~ Ul Ul Ul O~ Ul N V1 t+l ~ A~ 3 N (~2 N C~2 (V N c~l f'1 C~l ~ (~~t A ]~C, ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ a o ~ ; ~ �i ! U ~ ~ U A ~ a ~ cd N 6 ~ cd 4-~ c~ 43 U ul C'1 O Q O~ ~ Ul A O~ N U ~ i~-1 ~ ~ U~ 0 ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ l"1 C'l vl ul ~/1 C1 ~ ~ Ea~+ o acni Q' a ~ � . ~ ~ ~ ~ i o cn r+ B~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ o o : o .e c~i o c~o 0 o cn~o ~ o o r~ o o a~ o ~ ~ o a ~ rn�-+ ~ c~ ~ o~ o ~ rn rn c~ v. o rn cd j ~ 4~ Li �-I cV ,1 .-1 cV ~Tf ~ N U . H o~ ~d 1~ U N ~ O ~ ~ N ~ ~ �-i 6 ~ ~ ~ ' O O O r~l O (~2 CV ~ p ~ ZO ~O ! ~ri 3 ~ UJ O~ ~ ri r-i ~ ~ ~ ,7.. ~N ~ .f. ~ ~ ~ N .7 ,r^., O (~A O O O ~ U] ~ ,.F'., ~ o a c~ c.y ~ o c5 z ~ z z z � o ~ cS c7 -v ~ zzz �z o ~ z o o p z~~ a~ .�~~o�z ,n �o ~ ~ ~ i- C!] ..i N ..1 .-i ~d .~-r ,-i p U1 ~ ~ O cA 1 I 1 d ~O 1 1 cd 1 I i~ Q 1 Op I O ~ 't~ ~ N 000 O 00 H 000\ O ~ O W .D (~I (V CV > (V C~2 (~2 CS CV CV C~t O H (~2 N ~ 4-~ U] i~~ C'1 r'1 Cl c`'~ y N ~ O ~ ?~a0 H ~~F~'a ~ H ~f~A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I E-~ .?r H H ~ N H ~ U' ~ I 1 W ~ i ~ ~ 'd CI ~ O ~N ~ ~ ~+j N ~ W N N EW+ u1 th ~ rl W CI2 , ~ H ~ ~ 4-~ CS H~ H V] E-~ O ~ ~ H 6Q x c~'d H iC cd C.7 ~ , i E ~ r~~i F~I ; ~ dC td cd ~a N v~ x t~ N~a ~n ,x ~ ~ o a~ v~ x~--i ~n o a~ cd ~ H N ,nE ~ ,~~ip ~A-1 ~ P c~d ~C N A � ' r~-1 U ,0 ~ cd O td O O~ ~ U ~ ~ * ~ c~d r-I ~ O N O~ O O.~ N ~ ~ ~ E+ W ~ ~ Az~ zZUA X x 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1 (Continued) Thermal Conductivity of Component, Length of Time in Watts~(m � K) in Operation, in hours Design Test Measurement . 0.09? o,liz 0.097 0. i66 $986 � 1000 0.097 o,i6 92~ 0.142 1~~ 0.~63 5252 I o.i67 - o.~i41 0.2 ` ~975 : o. iwi o.23 ~ z9628 ~ o.i41 o.zi3 o, i41 0. i87 1 I 1800 ~ 0.287 ~ I 6562 ~ ' ~ 0.184- I I 20,000 Testifying to this is the operating experience of the BKZ 420-14~0 NGN No. 5 boiler of the Bobruyskaya TETs-2, which had a lining thickness of 1~1-0 mm. After its start-up the need arose to spray on an additional la~er of insu- lation with a thickness of 20-30 mm. ~ It should be noted tha'~ the indicators of the insulation being sprayed, in particular density and thermal conductivity~ depend, to a great extent, on a number of objective factors such as the type of installation and the de- ~ree of asbestos swelling furnished by it~ the air pressure and outflow ve- locity of the air mixture~ the amount and density of the binder, the dis- tance of the nozzle from the surface being sprayed (it should amount to be- - tween 400 and 700 mm). The operator's experience is also quite important. The ratio between the density of the layer and the velocity of the air mix- ture's outflow as well as its saturation has been confi~ed. by the results of an experiment which was conducted at the Dzhatnbulskaya GRES. The scheme , of the unit for spraying insulation (Fig. 1) included a cyclone centrifuge ~ (separator; (Fig. 2;~ which permitted the excess dust-removed air to be dis- charged through a pistol-type ~,tomizer. T~e density of the test samples was lowered, according to the data of the construction laboratory of the Dzham- bulskaya GRES Special Administra.tion by an average of 20 kg per cu. m. The ' � use of such a meth~d of spra.ying with a discharge of excess air also per- mitted dustiness to be averted.. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5 6 7 8 ~j - - 3 ~ 17l ~ Z~ ' 10 9 - i 1 Figure 1. Schematic of Test Installation for Spraying Insulation Key: ~ 1~ Ejection machine 9. Material hose for enriched ' 2. Air collector for air mixture ~ � feeding air 10. Cyclone centrifuge 3. Receiving bunker (hopper) (separator) - 4. Air hose I Air mixture feeding - 5. Compressor receiver II Discharge of atomized 6. Tank for binding mortar 7. Hose for feeding mortar air mixture to pistol-type atomizer III Discharge of excess air - 8. Pistol-type atomizer , In view of the shortage of Grade-III asbestos~ a study was made of the pos- sibility of using Grade-V asbestos for spraying insulation. Grade-V asbes- tos has shorter fibers than Grade-III asbestos. In spra.ying, therefore, it requires an.increased discharge of binder and creates a denser mass of fi- bers, possessing less elasticity. As a result of such a subjective factor as the operator's attempt to red.uae dustiness in the work zone~ there is an excess moisture in the mixture. In the case where acrylic resin is used as the binder the excess moisture in the mixture does not cause any signifi- cant reduction in the lining's thernnal conductivity. When the lining layer is heated up~ the moisture contained within the acrylic resin evaporates, and the material becomes porous. Design calculation and experience have de- monstrated the possibility of using Grade-V asbestos for spraying xith a layer thickness of 210--220 mm. This thickness is sufficient to insure a noimative level of heat losses and temperature at the insulation surface (See Table 1). ~ 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY ' ~ , ~ r ~ : ~ , . ~ Y . 1 i F I I f I ~ I ~ ~ Figure 2. Cyclone Centrifuge (Sepaxator) Key: 1. Housin~ (Casingj 5. 3upporting structure 2. Nozzle (Outlet) for dis- 6. Nozzle for discharging charging excess air enriched air mixture 3. Discharge regulator 4. No2zle for feeding ai~ mixture ~ - Linings made of panel-fozmed products. ~in boldfaceJ The traditional ; block-inlaid material for BKZ boilers consists of vulcanite panels(plates). i Recently calcareous-siliceous panels (IlCP) have been used for lining BKZ ~ boilers installed at electric power stations in the European pa.rt of the USSR and TKZ boilers installed at TES's in other regions. According to the plant designs~ the following thicknesses have been provided for the linings made of IKP: in the TKZ boilers 160 mm (105+5+50~ where 105 and 50 axe the ~ thicknesses of the IKP, ar~d 5 is the thickness of the mastic layer)~ in the ~ BKZ boilers 210 mm (105 x 2). Despite the lack of.IKP with a thickness of ; j0 mm in production~ corrective adjustments in the Korking drawings of the TKZ's have not been made up to now~ and this has led to various difficul- , ties. In installing these panels, it is necessary to replace the existing i - ones with materials having equal values. For example, at the TGMP-204 boil- ~ ers No. 5~ 6, and 7 of the Zaporozhskaya GRES it was agreed upon with the manufacturing plant to replace IICP panels ,50 mm thick with perlite ones. i 22 ~ j FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ' ; i . ~ ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Other TES's have selected materials xith suitable thicknesses. For lin- - ing these same types of boilers at the Ugle~arskaya GRES as a first l.ayer they used perlite and perlite-phosphogel ~ panels whose thickness has - not always corresponded to the needs. Hence~ the layer thickness of such _ a lining amounted to 160--195 mm. At the TGME-206 No. 1 boiler of the Pe- - chorskaya GRES, for the same reason and because of a lack of suitable pro- _ ducts~ perlit,e-phosphogel panels 90 mm thick had to be cut in such a way - that their thickness amounted to 50 mm. and this lec~ to considerable waste. - The results of tests run on lining components made of panel-type products are cited in Table 2. It is obvious from Table 2 that the linings of the TGMP-204 boilers at the _ Uglegorskaya GRES have the highest indicators. This may be explained by the fortuitous selection of materials for the component (the first~ "hot" layer was of products with a lower. lineax shrinkage coefficient than that possessed by IK P--perlite and perlite-phosphogel panels~ which guaranteed _ less openings of the seams ,(joints,r, and the second layer xas made of IKP), , as well as by exceptionally care�ul execution of work in the assembly area. - The TKZ boiler laboratory followed up on the lining of this'same No. 5 boi- ler at the Zaporozhskaya GRES. In the report on the tests it was noted that in certain spots the temperature of the facing sheets reached 71� C. Unsa- ~ tisfactory work on the lining component of this boiler is the explanation for the shrinkages in the IKP layer, xhich reached 2 percent (according to the engineering snecifications) or 20 mm per meter. When the covering la- yer was removed, gaps (breaks) were revealed between the panels (of as much as 15--20 mm). Inasmuch as the first layer was made of sovelite ~?,J panels, their increased Y~ennetj.c qual3ty (6 times gredter than perlite panels and 12 times greater than IKF panels) caused a high temperature to occur in tl~ie zone where the I~CP had been installed. and, con~equently, an increased shrin- kage in the latter. Laboratory tests run by Sibtekhenergo have established that IKP shrinkage - amounts to 1.47--4.2 percent at a temperature of 600� C. Also included. among the shortcomings of IKI are t,heir hi~h hygroscopicity and density - under moist conditians. In the design calculations of the installed loads the density of the products is usually taken as equal to 225 kg (kilograms) per cu. m(in accordance with the engineering specifications). However, at times pressed IlCP axe delivered to the installation areas with a density of - 35o ax?d 450 kg per cu. m~ inasmuch as the hygroscopicity of the calcareous- siliceous products is very high, their moisture upon delivery according to the engineering specifications may comprise 70 percent~ and the actual den- sity of the IKP may exceed the design calculated amount by a factor of 4~ or 5. At the CheY:oksarskaya TETs-2, when the lining IKP of the boiler _ unit~were being hoisted up~ they fell, since this unit's lining components had been kept in the construction yard for three months without being co- - vered up. Tests which were conducted on samples of the lining panels in connsetion with this accident shoxed that their density amounted to 39b-- 672 kg per cu. m, and their xater absorption, when immersed in water for ~3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFI:CLAI. USE ONLY N ~ O ~ ~ q ~Ul ~ ~ ~ u'~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ U N O O ~ ~Il ~ ~ V'~ ~ :t N (V N Cl CV N c'1 N ~ ~ x ~ ~ �rl W ~ ~ rl i~ ~ . FI N ~ u1~0 f�1 C'1 ~ C~- ~l'~ ~ ~ , ~O ~ ~r1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ Ei O _ ~ - cd ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ q O O O O u~ O O O ~~~O N~O ~D .c: V~ A N N N N N N N(~! ~d r-1 ~ 0 ~ _ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ V N - . Py~a - rNi ~ H ~ ~ N _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ 'i x Otix. ~ _ 40 q O ~ vl L~. ~ cd ul a~ i-i r-i ~ ~ ~ z r~-f z~~ a~ cd N N aC ~ c~7 N . . r--~ . . . . ~ i � N � a~i ~ cd w ~ " Q ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ - o~ o ~ i o,~:.; c~zz:T:~ ~z az - (n�o ~ao~ii w .~i ~ ,./3 ~o N ~ ,d ~ a i i ~ o .7 a.~ -1~0000 .r{ p NONN U]00~~ ~ ~ 0 ~.~-~~N-.-.~t ~('N~l ~~Cj f'~ O(VN~'-~' ~CV r-''~IN O E � ~~i,~~':~; ~i ~~~E~ cn o ~^o o~~~~ ~ ~ . ti ~n c~ aa o~ aa ~ w ~ _ ~n ~ y ~ a ~ ~ t~ aa ~ o ~n - ~ ~ p, �d c~a r'+ ~i ~ ~ c*1 v~ H o~ v~i cd ~d ~ ~ ~ c~d :*~a ~ Y~ fZ ~ ~ rA ~ R3 c~ ~ ~ p ' ,~C ~d r1 cd Ch cd ~ ~ A ~ y~ ~ ~ ~ N cd ~ N ~d ~d ~ p ~'+N ~ * P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ~ ,.54' ~ - x V tl~ V1 T1 N ~ N 'N c~d ~ ~ N N 4~0 ~ ~ ~ .~I a a~ ~ ~ 0) 'N v ~d ~ N F~1 N - ~ ~ `-i cd ~ td ri ~ ~ N W ~tl ~ . y ~ c.' :Y: ~ a ~ E- ~ Czl 24 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 2 (Continued) Thexmal Conductivity of Comporient, Length of Time in Watts~ (m . K) in Operation, in hours Design Test tf easurement ~ 0.091 0.395 59~217 - - 0.091 0.486 12,7c~, o.o9i o,226 zo~i3o 0.09 0.368 0.094 o.i86 ~ 600 ~ 0.098 o.zo7 0.12 0.160 0.12 0.184- 25,079 = 0.112 8,814 0.114~ _ o.i74 o.i23 - ~ o.16i ~ 0.085 ~ 150 - 30 minutes reached as high as 144 percent. For the exact same reason at the - Heftinskaya GRES the shield unit of a P-S7 boiler~ lined with panels from TsKBenergo (Central Power Design Bureau), and fell, while it was being - hoisted up. Combination-type linings made of block-inJ.aid products, Il{P, and sprayed materials (Table 3).~in boldface,~ In order to reduce the influence - ~ of IKP's shrinkage phenomena and lack of compaction between panels to the level of heat losses, a combination-type of lining has been utilized in a number of boilers upon agreement with the plants concerned. On the BGZ 420- 140 NGFI Nos. 1 and 2 boilers of the Kaunasskaya and Minskaya TETs's, in ac- cordance with the plan~ the first layer has been applied consisting of IICP _ with a thickness of 105 mm, and the second layer--consisting of an asbes- tos-sprayed layer of material 100 mm thick. A lining of analogous compo- _ nents has been used on these same types of boilers at the Petrozavodskaya TETs~ except that instea.d of IlCP~ wlcanite panels were utilized in the first layer. Thennal testing confinned the high efficiency of the compo- nent which had been selected. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY N ~ ~ O ~\!1 ~ W ~ p p ~rl cd 0 ~ .-~i N ~ ~ ~ ~D ~ ~ ~O N ~ ~ t~d ~ N N c~2 N (~t N *-1 c~l .-1 N 4~ ~ A x ~ N ~ U ~ ~ ~d cd 4-+ ~ H P~ C!~] U ~ N~O Q~ N ul ul 00 ul O O 00 ~ - a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~, ~ r~ ~ r~ c~ c~, r~ ~ H o ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ +-i ~ ~ ~ ,~-1 O O O 4D ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~~0 ~ N N N N N ~ ~ O �-I ~ O . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ cd �-1 ~ ~ ~ ' U O CN~' ~ ~ cn O 3 ~ c~'d ~ c~i ~ N Ual ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~O 'd ~ . . . Ca O O O O ~ O O O O O f~~1 ~ ~ ~ zzzz z ozz~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ c~.~ c~.~ ~ ~ c.~~ ~ ~ ~ .1 ~o ~ - o ~ ~ a~zzzz ~z ~~zz ~~�z�z�w xz�z� vo~ - v~i.`~ ~~.�7.�~ ~ W cd .-1 ~ �-1 .-1 A~ . . ~dC~ 0000 ~ O 000 ~00~ O ~O ~0" _ ~ O ~ NN~' ~ ~ I~ N ~ ~O `.:4~~C~ x`~4`.-4 ~~~,ry~ ~c.7 N P~ E-i ~ Fq Pq f~ ~ ~1 al PQ GU ~ H~ C!~ H O O L!1 U _ ~ ~ b ~ H ~ ~I ~ y HU~ Em Cz7 ~ ~ ~j Grj E~j ~ v~ cd ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ha~ aa~ ~ H N ~ N ~ ~ F' cd ~ v~i w P, ~ ~ b ~ 'd ~~d ~ . 4 . C .c~~'de ~ o x ~ > Y, > .sC ~ ~ > . u~ A ~ ~ cn ~d cd cd ~d ~n .~C O O H ~ m x N ae N a~ eo ae o * ~ ~ ~ tNlJ i~-I ~E ~ v N ~ r1 ~ w ~ ~ a ~ a a ~ ai 5~ a H 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Table 3 (Continued) Thexmal Conductivity of Component~ Length of Time (Test Measurement}, in Operation, in Watts~ (m . K) in hours o.zio 6,960 0.174 1,440 o.i46 0.152 0.14 z,o56 - 0.~62 5,838 0.112 12~OOQ o,i57 z~o56 o.os~ 150 o.o7a 150 0.096 200 ~ 0.057 16~390 0.0675 i~oo0 0.073 3,000 Linings made of mineral-WOOl mats and sprayed materials. ~n boldface7 At the Ufimskaya TETs-5 a boiler lining was made of a layer of mineral-wool ' sewn mats with a thickness of 70 mm within a lining made of steel mesh~ installed at a distance of 100--300 mm from each other~ and a layer of sprayed asbestos material l00 mm thick~ Which also filled in the spaces between the mats. This component worked reliably for more than two years. Thezmal tests which were run by the Soyuzenergozashchita VO (Al1-Union A~sociation) and the Soyuztekhenergo PO (Production Association) at various times and after the boiler had been operatiag for various numbers of hours~ confirmed the high operational indicators of such a lining. _ Analogous components were placed on the boiler of the Petrozavodska.ya TETs. Linings made of block-inlaid products and minera.l-wool mats. Cin boldface,J In order to verify the possibilities for eliminating wet processes on the TGP~E-206 No. 1 boiler of the Pechorskaya GRES lining components of two types were installed, retaining the planned layer thickness as follows: nne of the IKP and the mineral=wool.mats were given layer thicknesses of 105 and 80 mm respectivelyi the other was made of a la;;er of mineral-wool mats, IKP~ and a second layer of mats (the thickness of the mat layers was 40 mm each, a1d that of the IKP xas 105mm). Observations on the data derived from these 27 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY components allow us to make preliminary conclusions about their rather high efficiency and reliability. The TGME-464 boiler of the Mazheykyayskaya TETs was given a lining witr. a thickness of 160 mm on all the shield heating sur- faces, made of IKF (hot layer) and mineral-xool sewn mats~ In carrying out the second type of boiler lining at the Pechorskaya GRES and the rIazheykyay- skaya TETs a levelling mastic layer xas not applied between the tubes. Also checked, out was the possibility of lining boilers with gas-tight shields made of mineral-wool products~ which would allow us to seamless indust- rial components and ensure their reliable u~e over the course of a prolonged. period of time. With this goal in mind, the No. 3 boiler of the Minskaya TETs was furnished with a lining component on one section of the shield~ of mineral-wool mats. Tests xhich were run on this section demonstrated ,,..~t at a layer thickness of 200 mm the density of the heat flow amounted to ''r5 Watts per sq. m, while the tetnperature of the lining surface was 42'C; the ; thermal conductivity of the lining xas 0.099 Watts/ (m�K�)~ A followup study was also made on the condition of a similar �lining in the Finnish soda-rege- neratin~ boiler with a steam productivity of 90 tons perhour (P=3.9 MFa~mega- pascals~) at~the TETs of the Svetogorskiy TsBK, which went into operation in 19?6 and which by the time of the tests had been operating for 16,390 hours. The lining components of this boiler are made of a carpet-like matting of "rock Frool" (basalt diabase), threaded on pin-hooks 6 mm in diameter. With a thickness of 200 mm this lining had a thermal conductivity of 0.057 Watts ~(m�K), the density of the heat flow amounted to 60 Watts~m2~ and the tean- perature of the lining surface xas 3b�C. ~ Recently, increasingly wider acceptance has been gained by 13ning components made of high-temperature fibrous materials--basalt fiber and kaolin wool. VNIPI (All-Union Scientific Research and Design Institute) Teploproyekt~ on - the basis of results of researching the properties of various fibrous mate- _ ria1s~41~ ~~ca~nmended for use in ine d~signs of t:~exmal ins4laiion the following optimum densities: mineral-wool 150--16Q kg per cu. m, wool mad.e of super-thin fiberglass 90, wool made of ba,salt super-thin fiber (BSTV)100~ and highly aluminous wool 200 kg per cu. m. In order to make an experimental industrial verification of the possibility of ut~lizing basalt super-thin fiber and kaolin wool in lining components, the TGMF-204 Nos. 6 and 7 boilers of the Uglegorskaya GRES were furnished with test sections of a lining made of rolled VGR-130 kaolin xool and BSTV of varying density. Tests which xere conducted for 3,500 hours after these sections were installed and subsequent observations of them over the course of 6~000 hours demonstrated the high reliability and economical nature of these lining components (Table 4). Moreover, it was established that the best indicators were achieved by utilizing BSTV with a density of 90--97 kg per cu. m. At the present time the TGM-1202 boiler of the Kostromskaya GRES has been furnished with lining components made of a layer of ba.salt fiber with a thickness of 160 mm, as provided for in the plan for IKP. 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ o ca o o ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~o ti ~ ~ .~r~ i i � ~ a~ . oG ~ ~ cv~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ > b x o v~ o c~ - s~ ~ ~ a~i ~ Q cd cd r-1 ~ ~ x ~ o c~ o0 0 ~ � N ~ ~ N O O O LYi N � _ ~ q 1 a0 ~ .C r-~1 c~t ~ u1 'd ~ N rn .ao-~ ~ o 0 0 ~ ~ ~ oo ~~w (~1. h0 N ~ r1 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - w co r~ o o ao o~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ i ?n o` ~t o o .r-i a~ a~ ~ ~ c` a~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o r-~-i ~ ~ N O O O cd �C ~ O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ O ~ t` 0~0 ~ ~ N id ~ ~ ~ O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ N O O O ~ r1 ~ . 1 ~ x N N ~I i~ . ~O > ~ O ~ 4-1 S F-1 ~ f-1 ~ ~ \ ~ c~d ~ r~-I ~ O ~ ~ai o~~ a~ a c~dc~d~ ~ v ~ ~ ~.~.,a e ~H a ~ _ ~ ao ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ z a~ * N ~ ~ H ~-~i a ~ .n > E+ ~-~i ~ E-~+ a � ~ ~ ~ o 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY For the purpose of economizing~ the coefficient of installation compaction of plant-manufactured mats made of BSTV h~s been accepted as equal to 3�5. and this insures their density at 81 kg~m , Ar 13 kg per sq. m of surface. For this purpose, mats were laid down in a layer 560 mm high and then com- pacted from above by a metallic frame to a thickness of 160 mm. At the _ planned heighth the frame is affixed by a wire "moustache~" welded to the _ pins. The possibil~ty of making a lining out of VGR-13U kaolin xool for the TGME No. 1 boiler of the Khax'kovskaya TETs-5 xas at,~*reed upon with the TKZ~ - but because of organizational reasons it replaced the planned lining made of IKP only on the bottom shields and the lower shield of the transfer gas con- duit. Rolls r~ade of kaolin xool were also placed on the pins and tightez:ed ~ by the frame. Thereby a compaction coefficient of 1.5 xas insured, and this all~~~ed a layer compaction of 210 kg~m3 to be achieved. However, ta.king into consideration the high cost of basalt and kaolin fiLer, we should probably use combination-type components with the second layer ma.d.e of cheap mineral-xool groducts. Conclusions _ 1. For lirting the gas-tight shields of boilers being produc;ed by the TKZ and the BKZ, a layer thickness of a lining made of block-inlaid form of thern?a1 insulation products (except for those made of sovelite) equal to 160 mm is sufficient to guarantee a normative level of heat losses. The principal factor detern?ining the level of heat losses under stable, equal conditions is the henaetic quality of the lining layers. 2. A combination-type lining made of block-inlaid products, mineral-wool mats~ and sprayed materials in various combinations successfully combines ` the stable thenno-physical properties of rigid-form products with the pro- perties of mineral-xool items and a sprayed layer. This makes it possible to forni a seamless, elastic component. The efficiency of using this type of compon~nt on BKZ boilers can be in- creased if the BKZ~ like the TKZ, peYmits lining operations to be carried out in assembly (prefabrication) areas. ' 3. The thenno-physical properties ~f sprayed insulation made of Grade-V - asbestos fully meet the requirements for heat insulation raaterials for the high-temperature surfaces of electric-power engineering equipment. 4. Linings made of fibrous materials (mineral-wool, basalt~ kaolin, and others) are the most effective of all those being made at the present time. The use of ba.salt and kaolin fibers for linings permits us to reduce the thickness of the lining components, the outlay of materials, and the weight of a boiler unit. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. "Vremennaya instruktsiya po vypolneniyu elementov obmurovochnykh kon- struktsiy parageneratorav napyleniyem" jProvisional Instructions on Making Elements of Zining Components for Steam Generators by means of Sprayir?~~ Moscow ~ Infornlenergo ~ 1975 ~ 3~?~ pa8es. 2. "Vypolneniye obmurovochnykh konstruktsiy parovykh kotlov metodom napy- _ leniya" aking Lining Components for Steam Boilers by the Spraying Methoc~ ~Shkola peredovogo opyta. Tezisy dokladov, Baku~ 1975~~ Moscow~ Informenergo ~ 1975 ~ 95 P~es, 3. Kozlov, Yu. V.; O1'shanskaya; Voronkov, S. T.; Vlasov~ G. B. "Testing Rapid-Hardening Sprayed Insulation with a Gas-Tight Exterior Coating" in Series III --"Teploizolayatsionnyye i izolyatsionnyye raboty" IHeat Insulation and Insulation OperationsJ~ 1976~ Issue 6(114)~ pp 5-8 - (TsBNTI Minmonta.zhspetstroya SS~R). 4. Semenov, S. I.;Semenov~ V. A.; and Taxkhov, A. A. "Issledowaniye teplo- ~ provodnosti materialov pri polozhitel'nykh tempera.turakh" ~Reseaxch on Thermal Conductivity of Materials at Temperatures above Freezingf in "Sb. trudov VNIFI Teploproyekt. Konstruktsii i stroitel'stvo spetsial'- _ nykh sooruzheniy" ~Collected Works of VNIPI Teploproyekt. Components and Construction of Special Structures~ Issue 47, 1978~ PP 112-124~. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya, "Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo", 1980 . 238~ CSO: 1822 ~ 31 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC POWER Ui7C 621.181.002.72 _ NEW GROUPII3G 50LUTIOt1S FOR THE TPF-312A BOILER Moscow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 10~ Oct 8~ pp 33-37 ~Article by ~ngineer A. G. Isarev and Candidate of Technical 5ciences A. G. Kravets: "New Grouping Solutions for the TPP-312A Boiler'J I ~Text,J At the Zuyevskaya GRES-2~ which is under construction in the Donbass I according to a plan of the Khar'kov Division of Teploelektroproyekt~ provi- sions have been made to insta.ll eight power units having a of 300 ~ MW (megawatts) each with TPP-312A boilers produced by the Krasnyy kotel' shchik ~Red Boilermaker) PO (Production Assaciation~. These boilers have been designed to operate on GSSh coal dust; their steam capacity (boiler rating) is 1,000 tons per hour each. Such boilers were also installed at the La.dyzhinskaya~ Zaporozhskaya~ and ' Uglegorskaya GRES's. Their auxiliary equigment is the same, but their grouping solutions vary slightly. This is connected with the fact that the _ boiler groupings at the Zaporozhskaya and Uglegorskaya GRES's were optimized on the basis of an analysis of the plan solutions for the main power unit of . the Ladyzhinska}a.GRES and a study of the experience gained in constructing it, Froposals for optimizing the boiler groupings were implemented to the maxi- mum degree on the first stage of the Zaporozhska.ya GRES; this pernmitted us - to curtail metal outlays for manufacturing dust-gas-air conduits (flues) and = their supporting structures, to simplify the scheme of dust-gas-air conduits and~ at the same time~ to increase their reli.ability~ to introduce a highly efficient mechanization scheme, and, thanks to this, to reduce installation time periods and labor outlays. The experience gained in building and operating the TtiP-312A boilers at the ! Zaporozhskaya GRES confirmed the advanta~es of the improved grouping~ and the ; latter was utilized by the general planner and the plant manufacturer for the boilers of the Zuyevskaya GRES-2 with minor changes. Thus, because of the ; soil characteristics at the GRES site, the general planner a.dopted a base- ~ ment-less grouping for the equipnent of the pow erhouse (machine room}~ and ' this led to a raising of the operational grade level of the turbine unit (to 12.6 m, instead of the 9.6 m used. at the other three electric power stations mentioned above). In order to create a common operational level, as well as i 32 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ I- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to eliminate the differences between the levels of the condensation floor of the powerhouse and the ash floor of the boiler section. the boilers were installed on reinforced-concrete subcolumns at a height of 3 meters. The profile of the site also caused a difference of 1.2 m betxeen the grade levels of the boiler ash floor and the open area of the regenerative air heaters (RVP) and the electrostatic precipitators. These changes in the boiler grouping Were reflected only in the vertical dimensions of the individual circuits of the dust-gas-air conduitsi but the arrangement of the auxiliary equipment and the layout of the dust-gas-air - conduits at the Zuyevskaya and Zaporozhskaya GRES's are the same. The boiler sec tion of the main building of the Zuyevskaya GRES-2 has floor- plan dimensions of 45yC48 m~ and its height to the loKer girder zone amounts to 61.07 m. Hot air is fed to the burners (the front and back Kalls of the furnace have four burners each) through a double tier of air conduits~ txo of Which are situated beloK the operational grade level~ while the other two are located above it. Also extended under this level are the primary air conduits~ gas - conduits for admixing inert gasses to the dust system and a suction circuit - from the slag shafts. The smoke suction tubes for recir~ulating the sanoke gasses of the GD-20-500U are located along both sides of the convection shaft~ - - while the TsN-15 cyclones (separators) are placed behind it at the 35.0-m grade level. The RVP-98 regenerative air heaters xere installed on reinforced-concrete footings (the upper footing grade level is 13.75 ~)r the VDN-32B draft fans were installed perpendiculax to the~+all on the G row of the main building, and the CO-110 heating elements Kere placed under the RVP. The hot air conduits from the RVP are introduced. into the boiler section at levels 8.6; 22.1 (air conduits for the secondary air) and 8.0 m(for the primary air); a baffle was placed between the RVP. The gas conduits from the bunkers of the convective shaft ( i n the forn? of two inclined boxes ) upon coming out of the boiler unit are joined at first in order to insure the intermixing of gasses, and. then they axe branched into the air heaters. In the area where the RVP are located the gas-air conduits are fastened to metallic structural components. in ortler to repair the RVP, the draft fans ~ and the gas-air conduits, a semi-gantry crane has been provided, which travels along tra.cks extended on the columns of the main building and the supporting structural elements of the RVP. The grouping solutions for the TPP-312A boilers of the Zuyevskaya GRES-2~ as - developed by the Khaxkov Division of the Teploelektmproyekt Institute and the Red Boilernaker PO (Fig. 1), were thoroughly analyzed by the Kharkov Branch of the Energomontazhproyekt Institute prior to executing the workin~ drawings 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 35 960 b i ~ ~ ~ . zs aan r07U70 m I' ( , ' .�0950 . ~ I ~ ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ y~o ~ i~ ~i~- i , ~ i _ _ - I Z o ~ ~ : J I~ ~ i ! ' ~ ~ , - - - - - 1-?--- - ~ ~ 1 I ~ ' _ I ~ / ~ ~ I - ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I S 6 5750 5730 � 1 i ~ ~ ~ 9690 y260~T~ 9710 _~SO l4000 ~ . r 3500 7950 ' 2� + p ~ hl ` 0 ~ ~ , A ti ~ $a,~ , ~ ' N - T ~ , . p ~ J Y' ' i ezoao �o ~ ' . , ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' _ ' ~ ~ 8660 ~ 6 p 1~ . ~ I I ~ d ~ 0 1` , i ~ ~ _ ~ ~ , x o ~ p 1- h; h~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ 0 ~ , I Oce .romnouape- a~~ ti~ - k., i m . tdmc " o t ~ o o , � \I000~1T50 ~ Q - - - �o , _ h ~ o 4~~ o ~ � i i ~ , } - o I~ , _ I g i T O1~ I i ~ I ~ ~1 ~s I r - i w ~ t , I oi '~800 ~ MI I i ~ r-- ~ � �o ~ ?~s~ ~ - I n' ~ -:~5~ : f000 �o , \ i01000 , o ' , - -~--~~-t--- _ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 470~ ' ?5000 ~ ~ ; 34 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 1. Initial Boiler Grouping Key: 1. TPP-312A boiler 5. ~ Flue-gas pump for recirculating 2. Cyclone (sepa.rator) smoke gases collector of recirculating 6. Electrical engineering smoke-gas c ircui.t heating element 3. Regenerative air heater 7. VDN-32B draft fan _ 4. Coa1-pulverizing mi13 of the dust-gas-air conduits. As a result of this analysis a.dditional possi- bilities w ere sought to perfect boiler grouping~ insuring a reductibn of capita.l and labor expenditures in building a GRES~ improving the conditions of boiler operations, increasing their installation technology and ease of _ repairs~ as well as reducing the expenditure of electric power for the - station's own requirements. Technical solutions for optimizing boiler group- ings were worked out by a group of specialists at the Khaxkov Branch of ~ the Energomantazhproyekt Institute and the Zuyevskaya GRES-2. After review by the Donba.ssenergo PEO (Planning and Economic Section), Soyuztekhenergo P0, ~ - the Red Boilermaker P0~ Glavteploenergomontazh. the Teploelektroproyekt In- stitute, the Glavenergoremont TsKB (Gentral Design Bureau)~ and the Soyuz- energozashchita VO (All-Union Association), they were approved by the USSR Ministry of Poxer and Electrification. Based on these solutions, the Khaxkov Branch of Energcmontazhproyekt, in con junction rrith the Red Boilermaker P0, developed a new boiler grouping (Fig. 2) and adjusted the engineering speci- fications for the auxiliary equipnent, while the Kharkov Division of the Teploelektroproyekt Institute introduced the necessary changes in the plan for the GRES. _ One of the unsatisfactory, solutions in the initial grouping was the placement of the electrical engineering heating elements directly under the RVP nozzles~ which did not allow mechanized equipment to be u.sed in repairing and replacing the heating elements and shut-off valves~ which were located in the flow zone of aggressive washing waters. In the new grouping these heating elements have been brou~ht out from under the RVP footings and placed to the side of the boiler section~ which elimin- ates the possibility of the washing Waters falling on the heating units and the shut-off valves. Thanks to the placement of the heating elements in the operating zone of the semi-gantry crane, installation and repair work has been simplified, and supplementary hoisting apparatus is not required. The baffle betw een the groups of heating elements insures the possibility that both air heaters may operate when one of the fans is shut, off. The draft fans are installed not parallel to the axis of the boiler~ as they were in the initial grouping, but at an angle to itj this is caused by the structure and tr.e reciprocal placement of the boiler footings, the RVP,and fans, as well as by the need to insure an even supply of air and an increase in the relative length of the defuser behind the fan for lowering the circuit's resistance. Also reduced is the aerodynaraic resistance of the cold-air - 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ � ' ~+YJBJB - - . i i 33960 ~ I p ~ J3300 I . d7010 I ~ , I I so . ~ oo - � o 3 11300 ~ ~ - _ t - i - �~r-- �-i 70930 ~ _ ~ i I . _ ? ~ ~ b~o~ ~ / T ~ I t I ~ ~ ~101~ 1 ~~02~ ~ I ~ laOp 70T00 { 1 - - - - _ ~ w , - ~ - ~ �o . J ~ - 9 ( ~ 5 - , r~sa s~so s~so 9630 4160 9710 6950 1'iD00 e J0450 o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ' 6 ~ ~ 1 . b a ~ . ~ . ' . -O ' - 310 100 , ..o~ ~ . 09J0 t150 - YB00 e - I i ~ ~l200 ~ 0 / ' o ~ . _L._ ~ / �o ~ o I ~ ~ ~ ' _ _ ~ 3500 ~ j a t ~ 1600 b ~ O ~ o ~ 160 F ~ Oce cuwM~mpr~ H m remoo ~ _ . _ . _ o ` ?70D . o . i , , r~ m; ~ o \ . (d JP5+~7 ~ ~ ` ~ I b~~ 4 ~ ~ , r 1 rl i 11 1~ O I ~ ~ ~ I \ , �o ru ~ i-I o t } . i 1050 I o ' i 0Y26 ~ o ~ Jhl~j i ~ ~I Iil~ m ~ o~ Q I I~ O ~ NI~ ~ p I \ ~6~ ' ~6ao _ ~ ,y ~ ~ ' ~ \ _ ~ . ~ I~e0o �o~ - -a~ i ~ �I � - - - - , 1 - Y :j' ~ Z ' 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY l7 - Figure 2. New Boiler Grouping ~ (with positions the sam e as in Figure 1) , suction section of the air conduit by m eans of i.nstalling a pocket ahamber in the boiler unit and eliminating two bends in the section of the air con- duit before it reaches the fan. Removing the heating units from under the air heaters pexmitted a reduction - in the height of the PVP footings by 5.8 m and, bFlcause of this~ a reduction ~ of the outlays required to build them. It also allowed us to substantially improve the gas-air-conduit circuits outside of the boiler section and to simplify the design of the supporting structural components. The gas-con- duit loop passes irom the bunkers from the boiler's convective shaft to the - RV'F in the common chamber (box) on a horizontal plane~ and it branches out only alongside of the entrance nozzles of the F~VP. In comparison w ith the initial grouping, this salution has the following advantages: a better in- - termixing of the gases in the common cr~amber is assured; design of the gas- conduit supporting structural components is simplified; there is an improve- ment in the aonditions for installation and repairs; there is a possibility for lowering the height of the semi-gantry crane for servicing the RVP and ' the draft fans; there is also an impravement in the external appeaxance of _ the electric power station's main building. _ In the new grouping the cross-section of the gas conduit is reduced~ and this decreases the expenditure of inetal and thennal insulation materials. It also assures the gas velocities necessary to avoid falling ash when the _ boiler is operating under low operating loads. Moreover~ the circui-~'s aerodynamic resistance is not increased. . " The hot-air conduits from both RVP ara joined (as a result of which there is no further need to install a baffle between the RVP) and are led into the boiler unit in the fonn of a common inclined chamber (Fig. 3). This chamber is divided by internal partitions into eight channels in ~~.cordance with the dust-gas-air conduit scheme. i 0 _ ' J ~ ' ~ f � 0 o ~ - 2 ' ~ f 2 d~ J200 ~ J200 Bo0 8000 Figure 3. Commor~ Hot-Air Chamber _ 37 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR QFFICIA~. USE ONLY ~ ~ Keys 1. Channel of secondary air to the burners (with Venturi tubes) ~ 2. Channel of primary air to the dust system (with Venturi tubes) , _ 3. Channel for recirculating hot air into the suction shaft and ' admixtures into compacting the smoke-gas recirculation circuit In the area of the boiler the air conduits are at first f'pd to the burners along the axis of ttie power unit in two branches (each of x~ich is divided by internal partitions into four channels with a cross-section of 1.4~X.1.6 m with Venturi tubes), and then, after the air has been fed back to the rear , ~ burners ~--b3r .two _chaabers Hith dividing partitions to the front burners. ' Under the boiler air conduits are placed in a horizontal plane; they axc suspended from the metal structural componen~;s of the convective shaft framE and the furnace door, and they do not interfere with the ha~Ylage of the slag-shaft transporters~ nor with access to the hatches for removing slag from the tap holes. Air is fed to all the burners from below, and ~ for this reason the chamber's four burners~ which were previously aimed upwards~ have been turned asound. j ~ The use of a single-eared circuit of chambers for feeding hot air to the burners, along with reducing the expenditure of inetal and thermal insu- lation materials, insures a reduction of the circuit's aerodynamic resist- ance, improvement in the conditions of carrying out repair operations ' thanks to a freeing up of the zones around the boiler, a reduction of heat releases above the operating level, and a simplification of the supporting ' structural components. The positioning of the shut-off and regulating - valves on the same level as the burners allows their servicing to be faci- ~ litated. The length of the primary air conduits has also.�been reduced, and their.configuration has been improved. In addition to improving the gas-air conduit circuit~ the new grouping pro- - vides for a reduction in the number and type size of their valves alongside the RVP. Only valves with a cross-section of 2.8X4 m are used in the feed ' and exhaust gas-air conduits. I i- The boiler's dust systern was not subjected to any substantial changes. In ~ optimizing the grouping a provision was made only to increase the cross-~ ; section of the air conduit feeding hot air to the mill fan and laying ~ through a new loop of dust conduits to the rear burners. The first of ~ these changes (it was introduced at the request of the Donbassenergo PEO ; ~Planning and Economic Section~, based on experience in operating boilers at the Uglegorskaya GRES) was brought about by the fact that because of the air conduit's insufficient cross-section, a portion of the air nece- ssary for transporting the dust when the mill was not in operation had to , - be forced through it, and this increases the danger of igniting the dust ; in the drum and excludes the possibility of carrying out repa,ir opez~a.tions. 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i i ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Changing the air-conduit circuit feading hoi: air to tha burners allowed us to position the dust conduits near the main back burners and the jet burners ranged directly along the side walls of the furnace. In compari- son with the initial grouping, this solution has the following advantagess the length of the dust conduits is reduced (by 13--15 m)~ and~ inasmuch as - - this section determines the fan pressure necessaxy to transport the dust, there is a reduction in the expenditure of electric power for the station's own needs; repair operations are simplified both for the dust conduits and for the boiler unit as a whole; there is a decrease in the outlay of inetal for manufacturing the dust con- duits and their supporting structural components. ~ The smoke-gas recirculation loop has undergone substantial changes. The new air-conduit circuit for hot air has allowed the shifting of the cyclones down below and a considerable lessening of the recirculation loop's aerody- namic resistance thanks to a reduct3on in the number of bends and in the extent of the gas conduits. The sorting of the gases is accomplished di- rectly from the bunkers (previously they had been sorted from the gas con- duit outside of the boiler unit), which~ in addition to improving the re- circulation loop's aerodynamics~ also guarantees that the boiler unit's xall guard structures will have a simplified design. However, in connection with the fact that the general planner in the adjusted working drawings has not fully realized the advantages of the new grouping, the cyclones have been installed not at the servic~ grade level~ but at a~oint 6 m higher. - ~esides the basic dust-gas-air conduits listed above, auxiliary loops have also been improved. The basic data testifying t~ the advantages of the new boiler grouping of the Zuyevskaya GR~S-2, as compared to the initial grouping, axe cited in the table shown below. _ r.quipanent Weight~ Aerodynamic Reduction in tons Resistance of Design of Loop, in MPa Drive Capa- - city, in kW ~ir conduits 305i228 0.0038/0.0036 71 Gas conduits from the boiler 262~218 0.0018~0.0017 32 to the electrostatic precipi- . tators Recircu~ating smoke-gas � 104~78 0.0035~0.0029 112 conduits Iiu~t conduits to burners 115/90 0.0038~0.0029 105 Exhaust loop from the tap holes 14~8 rletal structures in the RV P 215/133 area - 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' Table (Continued) Totals . . , 101j/75S ~ Npte: The numexatar shows the indicators of the initial grouping, _ while the d~-:ominator shows the indicators of the new groupin~. ; According to the data of ,organizations which have conducted thermal-ansta.l- lation and thern?al-insulation operations during the construction of these ' same kinds of electric-power units at the Uglegorskaya and Zaporozhskaya G:~ES's and who will carry them out at the Zuyevskaya GRES-2, the reductior in the work volumes and the increase in the grouping's techr.ology will al-~ low them to lower labor outlays for the installation o~ each boiler by a..- ' most 2,500 man-days, to curtail the installation time periods and raise the safety level of operations. 'h~e should also anticipate a substantial reduction in labor outlays and in the time periods needed to carry out work with regard to both the ~ dust-gas-air conduits and the boiler unit as a whole, improvement in ac- cess to the places where the operations are carried out, and a, reduction in the clogging of the boiler section and the RVP zone with dust-gas-air . conduits. Optimiza-tion of the boiler grouping will allow us to improve the conditions - of its use. Thanks to the change in the dust-gas-air conduit circuit and the dimensions of the safety-enclosure surfaces~ heat releases will be re- duced in the boiler section, especially at the operational level~ and wori~- ing conditions for the operating personnel will be improved. I~r~hermore, as a result of the reduction of the insulated surfaces of the boiler's dust- ; gas-air conduits the amount of thezmal insulation operations will be cur- tailed by 410 cu. m. For each operating power unit the yearly savings in electric power for the station's own needs will comprise about two m3.llion k'~!-hrs. It should be noted that in developin~ the new grouping for the boilers of ; the Zuyevskaya GR~.~-2 it was impossible to fully utilize all the possibili- ~ ties for its optimization~ inasmuch as the general planner had already com- ~ pleted the basic araount of the plan documents~ and the individua.l structu- , ral components were still in the manufacturing stage. However~ even under these conditions successful technical solutions were found which conditioned the efficiency of introducir.g the new boiler grouping. ~ Tmproving the grouping of the TPP-312A boiler once again confirms the fea- sibility and efficiency of the joint work of the planning, operational, and specialized organizations, along with the plants manufacturing the equip- ment~ taking part in the planning and the building of an electric power ~ station. Sucn a method of operation ought to become mandatory at the pre- sent time~ rrhen questions of red.ucin~ the time periods required for con- struction, insuring savings in capital and labor expenditures, deficit . 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY materials~ and electric power, as well as improving the conditions of uti- lizing electrical engineering facilities~ are particularly urgent. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Energiya~ "EY~ergeticheskoye stroitel'stvo"~ 1980 = 2384 CSO: 1822 ' 41 FCR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELE;CTRIC POWER uDC 62i.315.i7:621.315.i.oo~.z - CUTTIiJG L?~OR COSTS IN OVERHEr1D ELECTRIC-POWER T:~Ai1SMISSION LINE CONSTRUCTION t9oscow i;;VERG~TICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russi:n No 10, Oct 80 pp 41-48 ~~Article by En~ineers Yu. V. Bushuyev~ V. A. Druzhkov, G. N. Elenbogen: "~everal Ways to ~ut Labor r~xpenditures in Constructing Overhead 1150-kV Electric-FoH~er Transmission Lines'J ~Text~ The need to transmit the laxge capacities of the Ekibastuz and Kansk-Achinsk energy complexes and the Surgutskaya GRES to the country's industrial regions has required the creation of electric-pawer transmission lines with new voltage classes~ i.n particulax~ 1150-kV overhead lines. During the lith Five-Year-Plan the volume oP construction and installation operations in building the 1150-kV overhead lines should comprise 15~, earthmoving operations 10~~ installation of precast reinforced concrete 15~~ steel structural components 20~, conductors (wires) and cables 20;6 of the yearly amounts of the respective types of operations in building 35-kv overhead lines and higher. In order to carry out this program within the established time periods, an approach is necessary which is new in principle~. based on a progressive organization of production, rationalization of planning and technical solu- tions, as well as a widespread use of the achievements of Soviet and foreign science and technology. Such a complex problem must be solved by the jaint efforts of organizations and enterprises taking part in building the 1150-kV overhead lines. Nioreover, it is necessary to insure coordination and the centralized administration of the entire complex of operations with regard to creating such unique facilities of Soviet electric-power ~ngineer- ing. In connection with this. the Orgenergostroy Institute has developed a com- prehensive technological targetted program entitled "Organizing the Con- struction of 1150-kV Electric-Power Tran;~aission Lines," in the implementa- tion of which the following taking parts the Kuybyshev (the leading develope-r)~ Leningrad and Novosibirsk branches of the institute, Glavvostokelektroset'stroy, enterprises of Glavenergostroymekhanizatsiya, 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The ~oyuzelektroset'izolyatsiya VPO (All-Union Production Association), the Energostroytrud Center, the VNIIPANKh GA [expansion unknown], the SibNIIE (Si- berian Scientific Research Institute for Electrical Engineering) and others. Positive expPrience has also been accumulated in cooperation with the general planner of the first 1150-kV electric-power transmission lines--the Long- . Distance Transmission Division of the Energoset'proyekt Institute. In parti- - cular~ taking into consideration the technical schemes which have been worked out for the footings and poles, a check-up has been carried out on the latter - for the additional stresses which arise during the insta,llation af poles, conductor and cable; an engineering plan has been workFd out for the Eki- bastuz--kokcheta.v 1150-kV electric~Wer transmission line and others. - ~lnalysis of the technology of the plan solutions. ~in boldfaceJ The prin- cipal difference between the projected structural components for the first 1150-kV overhead lines and the analogous structural components of 500-kV and 750-kV overhead lines is the considerable increase in weight and size. As footings for the poles of the 1150-kV averhead lines the following pre- cast reinforced-concrete elements have been proposed: sub-footings and a.nchor slabs~ analogous to the mass-produced, standardized structural components of overhead-line footings. However, the dimensions xhich have been adopted for the sub-footings have led to a situation xb~ereby the amount of earth _ handled by the excavators has sharply increased. Thus, the volume of ttaP pit under the footing of an anchor-corner hole in certain soil categories amounts to 7000 cu. m. The weight of individual footing elements exceeds the hoisting capacity of the cra.nes now existing in the electric-network organizations. The anchor-corner poles of the 1150-kV overhead lines axe analogous to the _ triple-support free-standing poles of the 500-kV and 750-kV overhead lines. However~ increasing the base of the pole supports, paxticularly in con~unc- tion with block-supports 5 and 7 meters in height, has complicated their assembly. There has been a considerable increase in the volumes of opera- tions with regard to.~ssembling pole units at heights of more than 10 m. Intezm ediate poles of 1150-kV overhead lines on braces resting on a single point. Cin boldfaceJ Trro types of such poles have been developed,s POT (Triangular Intermediate Pole) and POG (Horizontal Intern?ediate Pole)(Fig. 1), _ which differ in the arrangement of the condu~tors (for the POT--triangular~ and for the POG--horizontal). Increasing the sizes and weight of the intern?ediate poles, taking into con- sideration their geometrical shape~ has brought about a raising in the center of gravity to a height of as much as 31 m(Table 1). - The designs of all the 1150-kV overhead-line poles are of the bolt type, made of low-alloy steel and St3-type steel~ zinc-plated. ~ 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Comparative indicators for the 11,50-kV overhead-line poles and analogous structural elements of the 500-kV and ?50-kY overhead lines are cited in Table 2. ? r. ~ \ i ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ - ' ' ~ , - ~ � ~-t, _;1~ ~ 1. . t 1:__ _ . - - i / ` r , . ~ \\\1 ~ Z ' _ ~ ' _ j~ -'t-_~I a 6~ Figure 1. Intennediate 1150-kV Overhead-Line Poles (a) POT type (b) POG type Table 1 I)imensions of Pole (Fig. 1), Weight of Position of Type of in mm Pole, in t Center of Gravity H, m pole h 11 ~ hl 12 13 PUT-- ~?~0~000 20,200 13~000 12~250 21~000 18.3 30.8 _ PoT i-i 40,000 20,20o i3,ooo i2~z5o 27,200 11.9 31 roT-i5 40,000 24,200 6,000 17,500 19,500 19.9 3o.z Foc-2o 37,000 23,000 6~000 17~500 17~,50o i7.8 28.1 ~oc 1150 -1 40~000 24,200 6,000 17,50~ 19,500 21.2 30.8 Table 2 Voltage, Type of Pole Weight of No. of Bolts Estimated ~ ; in kV Pole, in t per pole labor con- sumption per installed Irni ~ of line, in ~ ' 500 F~-1 6.6 1480 100 u2+5 z1.4 3070 - 44 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' Table x (Continued) - ~ 750 Nabla 12 2100 140 us75o-1+5 4z.i ~loo _ i15o Poc-15 19.9 3zoo - ui~5o+5 51 4900 260 The design of the Ekibastuz--Kokchetav phase of the 1150-kV overhea.d line has been accepted as a bundle of eight AS (Automatic Synchronization) 330~ 43 conductors; two AS 70~72 conductors each are used as lightning-protective cables. Thus, each pole has 28 conductors and cables suspended from it. The tension strands axe quadruple-circuit~ supporting--single-circuit and V-shaped--from PS-300 and FS-400 insulators. The length of an intezmediate- pole strand is 11 m. With the existing technology for building 35--750-kV overhead lines~ 48.5 percent of all types of operations IlJ axe carried out manually~ while 51.5 percent are accomplished by mechanical means. With regaxd to each type of operation~ the proportion of outlays ~or manual labor is characterized by the following indicators: assembly of steel poles 73.1 percent~ installation of conductors and cables 67.3 percent~ construction of footings under steel poles 42.1 percent~ and setting up steel poles 24.3 percent. Herein only at the tKO most labor-consuming types of operations (the assetnbly of steel poles and the installation of conductors and cables) does the amount of ma- nual operations comprise 60 percent of the total outlays of manual labor. Analysis of the design solutions adopted at the present time for 1150-kV overhead lines, taking the traditional technology into consideration~ indi- _ cates that the level of manual labor in building these electric-power tra.ns- mission lines will be higher than the indicators cited for the 35--750-kV overhead lines by an average of 15 percent. The distribution of labor out- lays bv types of operations for 500-, 750- and 1150-kV overhead lines are cited ~n Table 3(actual labor outlays are given for the 500- and ?50-kV - overhead lines~ while estimated labor outlays are given for the 1150-kV overhead lines). - In comparison with the 500-kV overhead lines, the estimated labor outlays per km of the 1150-kV overhead lines show an increase in earthmoving opera- tions by a factor of 1.6; installing footings--1.6, assembling poles--2.6; setting up poles--1.9; installing conductors and cables--2.8; loa,ding and unloading and other operations--1.8. Total labor outlays show an increase by a factor of 2.2. The solution to the problem of reducing labor outlays, and particulaxly those of manual labor, in building 1150-kV overhead lines lies in ratio- nalizing traditional technology as well as in working out designs which are new in principle~ along Nith mechanized means and technical processes. - ' 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Table 3 Jistribution of Labor Outlays by ~rpes of Operations~ in ~ o age o~arthinoving nstalling ssembl- Setting nstalling Loading, U.H. Line~ Footir?~s ing Poles Up Pole onductors Unloading, in kV d Cables etc. 50o ii.8 7.6 23.6 12.2 21.1 z3.7 75Q 8.8 6 3o.i so.8 z1.8 2z.5 li5o 8.5 5�5 32 I 10.2 25.5 18�3 - Based on the results of an analysis of the projected structural componer.~~s of the 1150-kV overhea.d lines, as w ell as of the construction technology now existing in the electric network a~ong with the status of the means of inechanization and transportation, the Orgenergostroy Institute has out- lined the following basic principles for planning the organization of con- ~ struction production: increasing the technology of the structural components; building facilities by means of technical flow lines, based on the spe iali- zation of the production units of trusts (sections, mechanized columns~~ for the basic types of construction and installation operations; ~ comprehensive mechanization of operations, based on the use of efficient means of inechanization and transpor-tation; transferring labor-consuming processes and those which depend on weather and climatic conditions to stationary~ highly mechanized axeas~ assembly and pre- paratory sections; mastering technological processes which are new in principle. Organization of construction. ~in boldfaceJ Building 1150-kV .overhead : ; lines is characterized by the followin traits: considerable volumes of operations~ great length of the lines ~routes), a minimum amount of type , ~ sizes of the structural components to be used, and a litnited number of plant-suppliers. These characteristics predetennine the necessity and fea- sibility of organizing construction by the flow (assembly-line) method. In the authors' opinion~ in working out an organizational structure for - assembly-line-type construction~ it is necessa_7y to guarantee a functional division of the production units. Mor.eover~ top priority must be given to solving the problem of filling out complete production-technology sets for - the canstruction of 1150-kV overhea.d lines. With this goal in mind~ the _ construction and installation trust must include the crea.tion of an Adminis- tration for Equipment Outfitting (UPTK), which 46 - FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY wi~l insure that oxrlers are received on time to obtain the material and technical resources for technically complete sets; the organization of a base warehouse system; the preliminary preparation of structural compo- nents (enlarged assembly of steel intexmediate pole aections~ making stays~ braces, and rigging~ enlarged asaembly of insulator atrands, ~Artin~ ~~pa w1t~h ~~~~n~1~~~at~)E'~ aral lit;r~t,~liri~4prcitecLlve ~~t~lee~ carrying out the cutting - of U-shaped bolts, waterproofing footings); as well as conducting loading and unloading and transport operations. The efficiency of assembly-line-type construction is detennined by the le- vel of technical specialization~ consolidation and functional duration of the assembly lines. Three variants are possible in organizing asse~nbly lines (flow lines): I--specialized brigades (xithin a construction super- visor's section); II--specialized sections (within a mechanized column); III--specialized mechanized columns (within a construction-and-installation trust). A comparison of these variarits shows that the efficiency of as- sembly lines increases as they become consolidated. Thus~ the reduction in the nwnber o� workers when utilizing variant III amounts to 7 percent in compaxison with vaxiant II and 11 percent in compa,rison with variant I. The Institute has xorked out a structural scheme for organizing assembly- line construction of 1150-kV overhead lines for a construction-and-insta,l- _ lation trust with an annual volume of SMR (construction and ins~tallation operations) of about 40 million rubles (Fig. 2). CmpoumeneMO- ' raoHma~cNe~u mpecm , ~z) C3 ~hl � b3 ~7~ npaBneNU,e neTKOl10MHQ SKO/10NNa 1 n~ZKOJfOHHQ /10 Mea�ononHano esKOnoNNa. OMl1/I[K/77Q~ !70 170l~20/l70B1L~ IIO LnC!!IL' Q60!lidM HIfJlE- MOHlf7QJIL(J n0 MOHl172JIf(~ L(LLIL 4 lrleAbNb/M �i16H6IM 17P060dOB tt 1 _ paNCno mn pa6amar~ a6omant 8ozo �~cKna onop mpoco8 ~ U! ; ~ (11) - ba aoBeie ~K~ ~ ae, o tl Y o o ~ o~'~;,~ , - E,�o,o Eoy Eo~a'o tlay d~E d~4 E yv~ -~cK c M i, ~ Y aE ~ ~ Konniermsuuu 3 (I~F) Ro: _rnei yQ~mon nazpy- 3ovHO-pa3tpy3o4- y~Py~,, ,~mrno- Me~z u mp�HC- ~~nu :6cpKU opmNa~s a6om cnaa Figure 2. Structural Scheme for Organizing Assembly-L1ne Construction of 1150-kV Overhea.d Lines 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: ; - 1. Construction-and-instal- 8. Base warehouses a lation trust 9. Section for _ 2. Administration for f ill- shifting base ing out sets and trans- 10. Section for prepasing ; portation route (righ~-of-way) ! 3. Mechanized caliunn for pre- 11. Section for reconstruction paxatory operations and rearrangement � riechanized colimin for spe- 12. Section for filling out sets cial operations 13. Construction aseas for 5. i~iechanized column for consolidated assembly of zero-cycle operations poles 6. riechanized column for 14. Section for loading and _ installing poles,g and transport 7. Mechanized column for operations installing conductors and cables ' Introduction of the scheme presented here will a11ow the following: to free up the basic production units from carrying out auxiliary, transpor- i tation, and other subordinate operations; to carry out consolida.ted assembly of p~les, waterproofing of footings, con- solidated assembly of insulator strands~ cutting U-shaped and anchor bolts, repairing structural components, etc. not on the route but under the sta- tionary conditions of a specialized construction yard, section~ or area; insuring centralized repair and technical servicing of the machinery; to - put an efficient dispatching communications system into good order; to - guarantee an increase in labor productivity and rapid rates of construc- ' tion; to raise the coefficient of utilizing machinery and to insure the comprehensive mechanization of the principa.l types of construction and installation operations. Cyclograms have been worked out for the construction of 1150-kV ovez~head ! lines~ as well as traffic schedules for the specialized. mechanized columns i within the construction-and-installation (Fig. 3). In working out the cyclogram~ the following factors were taken into consi- deration: the opti~num composition of the brigades, selected on the basi.s I_ of the technical schemes of operations; the monthly output of the brigades~ , determined on the basis of the physical labor productivity with regard to tlle individual types of operations; the number of brigades insuring an even ~ ~ and precise rhythm of assembly-lirie construction; technical placements by types of operations; distribution of capital investments by years, proceed- ing from the conditions of the maximum (even} load of the specialized me- chanized colwnns for the construction period. ; Cyclograms and schedules have been made for an amount of operations in ; building 1150-kV overhead lines for a length of ,500 Ian. Noreover, the i ~ 48 , _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 500 , , , ~ ~ - ~ KN ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ( ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ' ' _"r'~' ' iI I~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; I ~ ~ I ~ ~ 3 75 ~ ~ - i ~ � . - ~ ~~T ( ~ . . . ' ~ ~ - - - ~ 250 r, ~ ~ i I I ~ ; ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ --~---T.. ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ; . ~ ~ : - - ~ >ZS i i~--~~ ~ ; +(1~ MoHma.~c npo0odo u mpoca(2dp~czade~now?veq ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~~C6vpKa u~ ycmayoBKa'onop(i6pazada~no~2ve~j ~ ~f � PaGomsr~y ne8 z~ uxnc. ~ 1 '~~,i't'~ i j I ~~Q~__s~IL2� bI~OZ~A~ I lTodz mo8 me~anbie a.6 ,nb~ ~ ven II ~III ZY 1 II Ill 1P I II KBapmaa II I17 � IY I II III 8 I II x zopa 1980 1981 1982 2oa� 19~80 i 1981 TMQKC ` ~9BZ 1040 ~ ~tP ~ Tc.n tcB~ _ CpedNee Kon-Bo pa6ovrc,z 93oven_ 67Z ~ Tcr 704 - - 36B ..x;~~ 3,~6 . _ 2~8 ' , � 11 IZf IY 1 11 Ill !Y I II KBapman, ~ 19B0 '98l ~ 19BZ Zod Figure 3. Cyclogram of the Construction (a) and Traffic Schedule of Specialized Mechanized Columns (b) ~ and T~Ianpower (c ) Used on 1150-kV Overhead Lines Key: 1. Installation of conductor and cables (2 brigades of 42 men each) 2. Assemb~.y and set-up of poles (2 brigades of 42 men each) 3. Zero-cycle operations (2 brigades of 20 men each) - li. Preparatory operations (52 men) 5. Average nwnber of workers (950 men) _ _ _ _ _ _ Preparatory operations; _ _ . _ Zero-cycle operations _ Assembly and set-up of Installation of conductors - poles; a.nd cables; t Time for developin~ specialized p assembly lines; ~~Time for curtailing specialized assembly lines; f Time of maximum operational 1 ~stress; T~~y Time of praducing finished work _ f~~~ Length of time required for construction ~ 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY capital investments are distributed in the follorring manner: during the first year of canstruction, 11.4 million rubles; during the second year, 31.9 million rubles, and for the third yeax (first tr;o quarters), 12.7 million rubles. The length encompassed by an overnead section with the volume of work appropriate for the year's program of a specialized me- ' chanized column is accepted as equal to 125 km. ~ Calculations have shoNn that in using specialized mechar.ized columns to build overhead lines productivity in the individual types of operai:ions increases by 16--20 percent. Aioreover, the neczssary reduction is , achieved in t5e number of workers as well as the number of machines (Table 4). Table 4 Indicator Traditional Organi- Assembly-Line Savings zational Structure Method of Opera- tional Organi- zation ' i Labor outlays~ in ~ thou, man-days 663.7 557�9 105�8 - number of workers 1171 954 z21 ~ iYumber of constr.zctio machines 24~4 211 33 Yroposals for raising the technical level of structural components and for improving the technology of 1150-kV overhead-line construction. `in bold- face,J The use of technical structural components which meet the require- ments of the optimal processes for their manufacture~ transportation schemes and installation methods comprises one of the ways to reduce labor outlays. As was noted., the utilization of the accepted components for the ; 1150-kV overhead lines does not solve the problem of reducing labor outlays, and especially those of manual labor. It should also be noted that these structural components do not satisfy ~:he requirements for saving outlays on building materials nor for those on transportation expend'.tures. The de- ficiencies noted pertain primaxily to precast reinforced concre~te footings. In the authors' opinion, subsequent plans for the footings of 1150-kV over- , he~.d-line poles to be installed in rocky soils should make use of the spe- cial embedments in the form a cluster of thin cement anchor-piles which have been developed by the Energoset'proyekt Institute. Such footings can _ be made by a mechanical method, utilizing mortar-mixing units with forced feeding of the mortar(grouLing~ into the holes. When an overhead line pas- ses over relatively ~:eak and uater-saturated soils~ we should examine the possibility of installing footings made of reinforced-concrete piles. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In soils with improved mechanical chaxacteristics it is feasible to install V-shaped footings. The use of V-shaped footings and mechanical methods of operation ia installing them allows us to avoid excavating the soil and compacting the backfill on individual sections of the overhead line. In building 1150-kV overhead lines there are also prospects for utilizing scre~r-oile footings, paxticularly in xater-saturated soils. Experience in utilizing screw-piles rrith reinforced-concrete shafts on the individual - F,icket-points of the ?50-kV Konakovskaya Gc'~,'S--Moscow overhead 1 ine has ' shown that their construction requires 80ib less reinforced concrete and - 4 ~ less steel than in building precast reinforced-concrete sub-f~oti.ngs, Herein the labor outlays are reduced by 75f~ while the cost of o perations is reduced by 40y~. t~~oreover, the utilization of these footings allows us to practically avoid earthmoving operations, as well as operations with regard to installing pole groundings ~2f . In order to introduce screw piles on a widespread basis~ it is necessary to develop a special vehicle for sinking thern (ba,sed on a self-powered machine). Such a vehicle must have a high roadability~ a rather low propor~tionate load on the soil (the presently existing machines~ based on the KrAz-type trailer-truck, do not _ meet the above-mentioned requirements~, and at the same time sufficient speed to avoid the necessity of using trailers to haul it. abandoning the embedded precast reinforced-concrete footings, which have been accepted for all soil conditions~ and the adoption of a differentiated approach to using new structural components will make it possible~ in com- - bination with a mechanized technology~ to reduce total labor outlays on a zero cycle by an average of 25--3a`I� ~ ' Technical practice has shown that in creating new structura~ c omponents - for the 1150-kV overhead line ~ it is necessary to take the following con- ditions into consideration: the technical and economic basis of the struc - _ tural components for which ne~r mechanized means need to be developed; the possibility for a consolidated assembly of bolt-type structural com- ponents of poles at construction yards or ~,lants; the maximum and comprenensive utilization of helicopter equipm ent~ primasily where the route passes through difficult conditions (high mountains or swamps;; the use of new and progressive materials~ designs and complexes; the use in the structural components of technical assemblies (permanent hinge joints ~ ri ging-reinforcement assemblies, suspension lines for lami- - nated units~ etc~. - Carrying out the conditions enumerated above is only possit,le with joini - opera.tions by the planners and engineers, and this should be begun in the 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY early stages of planning a 1150-kV overhead line (for example, .~c the of technical and economi.c groundwork). It should be particularly emphaslzed that such a jni.nt operation must cer- _ tainly be carried out For planning overhead lines whose routes pass through _ difficult conditions. ~ I~iechanization of operations.~in boldface1 The Orgenergostroy Institute is devoting particular attent:Lon to the problems of rai~ing ~he level of inecha- nization of construction and installation operations on 1150-kV overhead lines. The motor pool and supply of machinery now existing in electric- net4rork organizations does riot guarantee an increase in tYae efficiency of carrying out operations to install planned struct~.iral ec~^ponents whose wei,ni and dimensi.ons are cons~derable. Thus, in order to install footings, we must use K-162 and MKP-25 cranes instead of t!z` most widespread. TIC-53 an,. _ T-7S cranes. The of setting up intermediate poles cannot be efficient- - ly solved without utilizing special cranes Hith a lax~e hoisting capacity. Up-to-date methods of installing conductors also require renavation of the machinery products list. 'This will allow us to introduce the following more progressive methods: laminating conductors under tension and a conti- nuous technical cable, stringing conductors and lightning-protective cables ' rrithout letting them sag to the ground~ combining conductors by using break energy, etc. The transportation of' siructural components is a complex task. It should ~ be no ~ed. that a specialization of transport means is necessary for hauling reinforE:ed-conerete sub-footings~ consolidated sections of intermediate _ steel poles and drums with conductor and cable. Hauling the remaining items (reinForced-concrete flat structural elements~ metal in cases~ strands ~ of insulators~ and circuit azmatures) is furnished by the existing trans- port means listed in the electric-network trusts (panel trucks with high _ - roadability~ log~in~ trucks and other trucks used in building 500--750-kV _ overhead. lines). The ~olutions adopted by the institute with regard. to _ mechanizing operations for the construction of 1150-kV overhead lines pro- vide both for the hidespread utilization of vehicles and machines in regular production Uy Soviet industry and which are being used in other ministries and departments, and the creation of new special means of inechanization i and transportation (for example~ the KVL-iZA installation crane with a hoisting capacity of 12 t, the TKB-3 crane for assembling bolt-type poles, a set of vehicles for erecting conductors under tension, etc). The use of these recommended means of inechanization instead of the tracii- tional ones, in conjunction with improved techr.~ques in conducting opera- tions~ will allow us to reduce the total labor outlays in building 1150-kV ; - overhead lines by 30;0. Assembly of poles. ~in boldfaceJ In the assembly of steel bolt-type inter- mediate poles on braces (stays)~ supplizd to the route in individual 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ti: . elements, the principal thrust in reducing labor outlays and the level of manual labor is the widespread utilization of inechanized construction yards along the route for preparatory consolidation of the pole sections. , The Kuybyshev branch of the institute has developed a standard mecha.nized construction yard for the consolidated assembly of bolt-type steel~pole sections~ using electro-telphers with a hoisting capacity of one ton (Fig. 4) o~ gantry cranes with a hoisting capacity of five tons. A distinguishing chaxacteristic of this construction yard with an electro- telpher is the possibility of increasing its productivity~ since it is . composed of single-type technical sections. When climatic conditions are unfavorable on an overhead-line route, such a construction yard can be enclosed, utilizing steel or reinforced-concrete sections of buildings which can be rapidly erected. In its enclosed. vasiant this construction yard comprises a two-span building made of folding-type, ~ sections created by the Energotekhprom enterprise. The introduction of such an enclosed standar3 construction yard for the _ preparatory assembly of poles will allow us to make more rational use of hoisting apparatus~ as k�ell as to brin the organization of work si-tes as close as possible to plant conditions ~to red.uce th~ influence of weather conditions~ to irnprove li~hting~ tool storage~ an~ to utilize additional means of inechanization, as well as to organize work tw< ~r three shifts). ; The prepaxatory consolidation of sections at the constructi~n yaxd and ~ completing the pole assembly at the stake-point, as compaared to assembling the poles from the individual e~ements at the stake-point~ allor+s us to guarantee a growth of labor productivity in the assembly process by 30~. - In overhead-line construction as a whole~ taking into consideration the other types of operations, labor productivity increases by 10go while the level of manual labor is reduced fmm 73~b to ~ more significant reduction in labor out]~.ys and the level of manual labor may be attained by organizing the plant manufacture of intermediate steel poles on braces and supplying them in sections. Caxrying out such a measure will also allow us to find an easier solution to the problem o~' the overall supply of st?~uctural components to the route and~ furthermore, to cut down ' on the metal losses in building 1150-kV overhead lines. Thexe are several progressive variants of plant manufacture and supply of steel intexmediate poles: welded large sections; large sections~ assembled at the plant from welded or bolted flat sections; and flat sections (welded - or bolted.). ~'~s the results of studies have shown l3J~ the consolidated assembly of poles on the overhead-line route, made of large sections manufactured at the plant, in comF,axison with the preparatory consolidation of sections at mechanized 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY _ ~ - i_ ' _ ~ - ~ i 2 y 3 , ~ _ _ , - . 1 / j . - , , , - ~ ; , ~ , - y ~ _ ~ - ~ ' r~.~ , . ~ ./5 ~'igure 4. Construction Yard for Consolidated ~ssembly of Poles for 1150-kV Overhead Lines ' , Key: 1. Telpher with a hoisting 4. Tilter ~ capacity of one ton 5. Rack (stand) i 2. Conductor (jig) ~ - 3. Roller conveyor (table) ; ~ construction yards and final assembly on the route, allows labor producti- ~ vity to be increased in th:: process of trole assembly by 270 percent, and with regard to overhead lines as a whole (ta.king other types of operations ! into considerationj by at least 23 percent. j i A less efficient measure is to organize the manufacture of the individua,l ~ flat sections (bolted or welded) at the plants. In this case~ according to a preliminary estimate~ labor productivity for overhead lines as a ' whole increases by 15 percent. - ~ 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICZEIL USE ONLY The results of computing the savings in labor out].ays per Ifln of 500--1150- kV overhead line under normal construction conditions~ when the assembly of inteYmediate pole sections with the braces occurs at a constructian yard and when they are manufactured at a plant~ are cited in Table 5. 'rfhen the overhead line passes through a forested or swampy locale~ the savings in ~ - labor outlays increase to 10 percent and 1~ percent respectively. Table 5 ~stimated Savings in Labor Outlays per Ian of Overhead Line ~ in Man-Days Voltage of Using i~;echanized M~,nnufactured at a Plant Overhea.d Line~ Construction Yard Laxge Sectians Flat Sections in kV for Assembling Sections from In- dividual ~lements 5co 20 60 30 _ 750 30 85 4~ li5o 5o i2o 60 Depending on the conditions through which the overhead-line route passes, the assembly of the anchor-corners of free-standing poles is caxried. out in accordance ~rith one of three technical schemes. In mountainous and srrampy regions the pole base stands. support props and supplementary stands are assembled at a consolidated-assembly site (first scheme). Herein the stand sections the geometrical dimensions of whose bases are greater than their height ase mounted in a vertical position from the standard kork areas. In order to strengthen the zones of the intezme- _ diate sections and the support props in the vertical position, standard stamped conductors (jigs) are employed. The area is serviced by TK-53 and T-75 cranes~ a lever-~ype derrick~ a compressor with a set of pneumatic nut drills, and a mobile light tower. I~;I-6 or MI-lOK helicopters may be uti- lized to deliver the pole sections to the picket-sta.kes and to install them. Under plain-type conditions~ where cranes may be used having greater ho'st- ing capacity (!~F-25~ ~-z55 ~d MKT-6-4~j~ poles are mounted by the method of augm enting the consolidated sections (second scheme). The technology of carrying out operations in accordance with the third ~ - scheme is traditional. In this case the pole stands are assembled entirely on the ground and axe lifted into a vertical position by means of a hinge- joint rrith the aid of an installation boom or crane with traction from a tractor or a truck. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~etting up poles. ~in boldiace~ In examining a number of sche~nes for set- ting up intern?ediate poles, including those previously utilized by the elec- tric-r.ettirork trusts for the 750-kV Konakovskaya GRFS--Leningrad Overhead T.ine and the development of ne~~ scnemes using a falling installation boom~ tho c~nclucion w~:, clrZrtr~ th~t 1;r,d schontes to lift poles by the ~lew].ng me- thod is not ratior~l for the ~'OG and FOT type poles~ even if certain im- provements ~ ere to be :nade in them. Utilization of these schemes does not allow a reduction in the labor outlays, and especially not in the outlays - of manual labor, since it requires a considera.ble amount of supplementary operations to be carried out. F~zrthennore. in this case the process of controlling the pole liftin~ becomes moxe complicated~ and hence its reli- ability is decreased. In order to set up intermediate poles of 11~O~kV overhead lines~ it is .aa- _ sible to utilize the method of lifting the poles "in suspension" tirith the aid of t~~o trailer-tyge hoists havin~ a hoisting capacity of 12 tons each and a hoisting height of 32 meters, being developed by the Kuybyshev branch of the institute. Such hoists may also be used to set up anchor-corner and free-standing intennediate poles in conjunction with tractor traction. The Orgenergostroy Institute has also proposed a scheme for hoisting inter- mediate poles of 1150-kV overhead lines, using two pneumatic-tired cranes ~�rith load-hoisting capacities ~f 40 tons each. and now in serial production by Soviet industry (Fig. 5). 3 2~ 3 / - Z , , �o ~ 0 0 ~ - H - I ~ -1 1 1 1 , ' 1600D 16000 1BOG~ 7B000 a~ 6~ iigure 5. Scheme for Hoisting Intezmediate Poles of 1150-kV Overnead Lines ~T Type (a;~ and DCi Type (b} with the Aid of Zlao ineumatic- Tireci Cranes with Hoisting Capacities of 4G~ Tons Each 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , Key : 1. Pneumatic-tired crane= 2. Inatallation crosspiecei 3. Position of center of gravity Installation of conductors. ~in boldface1 In building 1150-kY overhead lines the labor outlays for installing 24 conductors~ using the tradition- al technology~ are estimated to comprise 25.5 percent of the total labor outlays. Noreover~ in compa,rison with 500-kV overhead lines~ the labor out- , lays for carrying out this type of operation increases by a factor of 2.8. Therefore, the Orgenergostroy Institute has developed new technical solu- tions for installing conduc~tors. In order to suspend tne conductors, it is proposed to use installation double-roll units ~ fastened on terniinal boats ~?J. The clamp assembly which has been developed allows the unit to be easily mounted and dis- mounted. The advantage of the method under examination is the possibility of carrying out at the same time as the suspension the lamination of the conductors within the terminal clamps of the supporting strand. Moreover~ in this case~ in order to restring the conductors, they do not have to be lowered to the ground. With the introduction of such a method of insta,lla- tion labor outlays are reduced by 15 percent. In order to combine conductors, the Kuybyshev branch of the institute~ in conjunction with the SibNIIE~ has proposed the use of break (explosion) energy . At the present t~ae positive experience has been gained in using this method for the simultaneous combination of eight conductors. Combining conductors by the use of the break-energy method~ in comparison with the pressizig method allows a considerable reduction in labor outlays and an increase in labor productivity ~+J. The Kuybyshev branch has also proposed a method of laminating conductors with the aid of a continuous technical cable. It insures the simultaneous - lamination of two-phase conductors~ which is paxticulasly efficient for in- stallation under difficult~ complex conditions of a route's passage and in transient situation4. . The method of installing conductors with a preliminary marking (measuring) off has good future prospects. In order to introduce this method it is ne- ` cessary to create a number of special attachments and instruments. In installing conductors by the proposed raethod the following technical operations are carried out: measuring out conductors in accordance with tables of installation lengths included in the overhead-line plan; measure- ments of the actual distances in the spans; office processing of the mea- surements with adjustments the planned installation lengths of the conductors in the spans; lamination~ combination~ and reinforcement of the conductors in the supporting terniinal-clamps of the strands or attachment to the tension strands, setting up distance tie beam s and hoisting them onto the poles. 57 FOR OFFICIAr. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 I _ j _ . . _ _ ~ ~x ~a~ i. 0o Nc~� ~ i o ~ i f~ 4i ~ ~ ' ~ O ~ U ~ ~ i I ~r~ ~ ~ i O O ~ ~ ~ ~ . .-1 ~ ~ O ' O f-1 ~ C~2 ia O ^ \ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ \ N ~ O O ~ ~ . ~ . b~,~ N~r�pir~ � c`i rn ~ I c~~"i x i ca , s~ ~�c~do~ ~i~a~i ~ ~ O f~1 U U 40 3 ~ N ~ ,-NI .S'. U ' .`-4' ~ ~ C'1 f~1 r~"I ~ ~ A ~ i~C N~.~C U c~~l ~ 1~ 4-~i N~O N ~ ~ ~ 'd ~ ~ ~ pd ~ �-i ~ ~ ~ N i ~ ~ ~ > i~-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ v o H ~ N Pi> ~ O~ ~ ~ ~H ~ c'~''d o~ ~ > ~ U 11 k~ ~ O.C ~ ~D �-I q+~ U Q ~p ~ ~ ~1 ~Y. f~" P~ ~ rl 1 ~ ,3 ~ri U .~i ~d f: N ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ a.-~i o P' ~ ~ cd ~ ~ ~ ' ~ d N ~ ~ ,~i a~i ~ ,~'-i ~ o ~H - , ~+.d ~ xi ~p o~ ~ ~ o ~{'ic~ vai GC ~ p4 ~ v~ ~ F P+ 3 5 ~ 1 ~ ~n a ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ � ai ~b a~ ~ eDO ~ o ~ri+`~' U I u~ m ~ o ~ .C - � ~ ~ cd ~ y ~ UI ~rl ~ ~ N ~ ~ U'd 1,'" rl N N tA ~ F: P I ~-1 � U N C+~ rl N N ~rl O .~i rl P~ N (A ~d �rl ~ ~d f!1 f!~ U H ~ 4~ ~ ri O�~ 4~ V~1 ~ U 4-I FI fy ~ 4f1 ~ f~' ~ N ~ cd .C .C O 1 u~ U� O'd O i-1 ~ N I �rUq-I cd ~ r-~'1 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ -N ~ ~ c.+~d 4-1 ~ a j � .C .C p r1 U 4-1 b~+D rl cd ~ O cd ~ i~ ~ ~ i~-~ w-1 rNi N(~l~ ~ w~+-I ~.~C. ~ Y.~' r~l i~ I- E+ !-1 ~0 ri (A t~' 'd O rpi ~rl ri 6 N+~ ~ i~~ O td ' FA ~ P~ d O U cd N ~ W.~ W a f-1 P~ ~ N~ _ G1 UJ L', ~ u~ ~ c~d ~ t~n N i o "~'c ~t~~ oo ~i ~ ~ a~ ~ o ~ - ' ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ai ~ib ~ ~ ~b c~i ~ - ~ s r-+ ~ a~ a : ao u~ U] ~ rl cd N ~(0 R 40 ~ _ O N a v 'd ~ C'+ ~ � rl , ~ rl ~I ~ ~pj{ rl A O O f~~" ~ rl N f~A r~~l �npp ri W i~ dg,C U! +-I cd i~ ~~ri ,L~" ri ra L: t~d O G3 V O 4-1 .f. ~~o.t~i' ~+ii ~p O N Cz, U~ U O,-I Ul W~ H U~ - 58. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In comparison with the traditional methods, the pr~posed technology al- lows us to eliminate such operations as suspending the conductors in la- - minated apparatus~ sighting and restringing conductors with lowering to ~ the ground~ as a result of khich lab~r outlays and manual-labor outlays are reduced by more than 50 percent, while there is also a considerable ' increa~e in ogerational safety. It should be noted that the introduction of the latter method will facili- tate the solution of the problem of installing conductors not only on the - _ 1150-kV overhead linesbut also on 500-kV, 750-kV, and 1500-kV overhead lines. Utilization of helicopters. /in boldface/ The Orgenergostroy Tnstitute has carried out preliminary work on the technology of building 1150-kV overhead lines with the aid of h~licopters. Results of cooperation with the VNIIPANKh GA [expansion unknownJ have already made it possible to put into operational plans the conduct of transport and a complex of instal- lation operations with the aid of helicopters. - . . _ . - - - An analysis of ~ndicators of the estimated reduction of labor outlays for the basic types of operation~ involved in building the 1150-kV overhead lines~ to be carried out using the new technical and design solutions which have been developed and proposed for introduction~ as compared Frith the indicators achieved by using the traditional technology and designs, are cited in Table 6. . 4s the results of calculations have show*;~ the introduction of the design - and technical solutions proposed by the Orgenergostroy Institu�e will per- ~ mit us to cut doc�~n labor outlays in building 1150-kV overhead lines by an average of 25 percent. However, it should be emphasized once more that in order to successfully implement what has been outlined here,it is necessary that all operations connected �ith the creation of electric transmissions with the new voltage ` ~lasses be carried out in accordance with a unified and comprehensive tax- = geted program, where the central place must be assigned to the problems of developing new designs and technology. I~oreover, the joint development of the designs and technology for building very high volta,ge transmission lines must be~in with the initial stages of plannin~ these lines. And~ of course~ pasticular attention must be paid to the development and serial production of special means of inechanization~ organization of asssmbly- line type of construction an~~ precise specialization according to kinds of oTerations b~ the subdivisions engaged in building electric-network facilities. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Zil'berman~ I., "On the Problem of Reducing rtanual Labor in Build- ing ~.lectric-i~o:�rer Transmission Lines~" EivERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVQ, i~o 9, 1~79, Pp 36-37. ~ 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ �S , i- 2. Vishnyakov, V. Tv.; rrenk, V. A.; and Elenbo~en, G. N., troitel stvo ~ linii elektroperedachi 750 kV Konakovskaya GRES" ~Building the 750-kV Konakovskaya G~S ~lectric-Power Transmissic~n LineJ, bloscow~ Energiya, 1969 ~ 8B pages. 3. Elenbogen~ G. N.~ "On Increasing the Efficiency of Building Very High ' Voltage Overhead Lines~" ENLRGETICHEShOYE STROITEL'5TV0~ 1977~ No 2, ~ pp 11--16. 4. Bolotov~ S. et al.~ "Schematic and Technology of Combining Overhead.- ; Line Conductors by the Break I~~ethod," EA~ERGE'I'ICHESKOYL STROITEL'STV~, _ Pto~~F, 19~~ ~ PP 21-23� ~ ; . COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo ~ergiya, "Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo", 19`.J ~ I ; _ 23~ I CSO: 18?2 ' ~ ' ~ ~ I i i i ! ; j i 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ ; i _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~LECTRIC ;�O~IER vnc 621.3ii.26:6zi.o39.001.57 S~RCH ON ~TRUCTUFWZ, COr1PONEi~TS CF A;~i A~S ~ACTOR S~CTION yioscow ENEt~Gi'TIC}iESKOYE STROITGL' 5TV0 in Russian No 10 ~ Oct 80 ' Pp 53-57 ~Article by CandidatE of Technical Sciences G. E. Shablinskiy and e^.ngineer A. V. Gordeyev: "Dynamic Studies of Structural Components of an Ai,S Reactor Section'1 ~TextJ The structural components of an~S (nuclear power station,) con- - stitute complex spatial structures which are affected by various types of . static and dynamic loads, conditioned by the operation of turbine units, _ gas blofrers, pumps,.etc. Another urgent problem is the dynamic interaction betrreen the heat caxrier and the heat-protection element, the facin and the individual structural assemblies of the reactor housing (casing~. ~ A substantial influence on the reinforced-conerete housing of a nueleax re- actor is exerted by tne dynamic loads khich come into being during the pro- cess of its preliminary pressurization (tensioning). These loads may de- termine the preliminary tensioning of cable strength and, as a result, the - metal consur,iption and economy of the design. _ ~ necessay condition for evaluating the safety of an AES is also the protec- tion a~ainst random (accidental) dynamic load.s, for example, those arising as a resul~ of a crash by an airplane or ~ther objects. The development of theoretical and experimental methods for researching the - dynamic groblems which must be solved in planning an AES is a necessary con- dition for successfully carrying out the tasks set by the Party in the field of nuclear pokrer engineering. Over the course of a number of years work has been done at the NISI (N:oscow ~tructural =~ngineering Institute imeni V. V. Kuybyshev~ on developing ex- perinental and theoretical methods for researching the pressurized (stressed) state of an tiLS's structural components ~i~ 2J. The fragment method of cal- culation is utilized in the theoretical studies. in the equations of the static and ~eometrical conjugation of the individual fraginents the influence of local effects is taken into consideration. The design schematic must - correctly reflect the operation of the actual structural component and its - behavior characteristics under the assigned laads. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ In order to select the design schematics correctly~ to verify the results ~ obtained by using them, and, in a number of instances~ to make an experi- mental study of the structural component uhose theoretical designs are linked with great 4~fficulties~ experimental research is necessary. In the process of developing research methods for studying the pressurized , state of ArS structural components, the authors have crea,ted new equipment which pernmits an increase in the precision of the studies being carried out. ' Lxamined beloti~ are the results of model dynamic tests run oz~ ~^5 structural , comgonents, the characteristics of the experimental methodology and of thA equipment which was developed. As is known, at model structure scales of 1: 50--1 : 200 the operational- _ frequency range of a vibration stand (platfoiza) necessary to simulate the spectrum of seismic vibrations must consist oi approximately 40--500 hertz (cycles per second). The existing electrodynamic-type vibrators meet this requirement. However~ in dynamic studies the model being tested must be ; subjected to the effect of vibrations within assigned amplitudes, frequen- - cies~ and directions. Because of the rise of resonance vibrations within the ordinary support systems of vibration stands, it is particularly diffi- cult to fulfill this condition. In order to create a vibration-stand sup- port which ~rould gua.rantee the required direction of vibrations with the least possible losses for friction and an elastic resistance with the mini- mum (no more than 10--12 percent) of lateral shifting, the authors conducted special studies and groposed the design of a hydrostatic support for the vibration stand. The principal difference between the indicated structural component (Fig. l~a` and the knorrn ones is the presence of a scheme for automatically sta- bilizing the platfozm along the coordinate axes. The adopted schematic allows us to execute independent, assigned shifts (displacements) of the platfozm alon~ each of its axes under minimum resistance rrith the aid of a system of hydrodynamic suspension~ which comprises an operating chamber ~ 1, an inlet valve or jet (nozzle) 3~ and an outlet valve or aperture 4 be- ; t~~een the support and the platfoxm 2. The liquid enterine into the operating charlber through the jet and flowing ou~t through the aperture is under a set pressure P~ which depends on the size of the aperture (the laxgerthe aperture~ the less is the pressure and vice versaj. altering the model in the direction of opening the aperture " rrider leads to a decrease in its width and an increa:,e in pressure. r~ sta- - bilizing influence is exerted on the system by the throughput section of the jet being greater and the hidth of the aperture iv' being wider. The pre- ' surre being transmitted to the model by the liquid which is in the operating ; chamber is equalized by the external pressure of the air F as a result of a ~ vacuum being created under the model in a special chamber. The combination of pressures F and I' prevents the emergence of conditions which would cause . ; 62 ~ FOR OFFICIA~L USE ONLY ~ ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a change in the dimensions of the aperture, and this causes a stabiliza- tion of the platfonn's vibrations. Change the section D of the jet allows us to create forced vibrations of the model in the direction of the aper- ture in accordance r:ith the booster scheme. 3uch a desi~-n for a hydrostatic support is also used to create vertical vi- - brations. This is achieved by setting up controllable jets, which regulate _ the pressure in the cha~ber and, therefore~ the aperture opening N as well. r ig. I,b shoias the schesnatic of a three-component vibration stand. The ver- tically oc~urring vibrations of the vibraticn-table-plate 2 axe created by changing the pressure in chambers 1 with the aid of a controllable jet 3, the size of whose opening is changed by a needle gate ~valve) 4~ connected with a small-capacity electrodynamic vibrator 5. In this schematic the in- ertia-less force F is created with the aid of a vacuwn chamber located be- t~reen the vibration table and the base of the stand. The vibration table's horizontal vibrations are provided by an electrodynamic-type heavy-duty vi- - brator; instead of this, however~ use may be made of analogous supports to those described~ with controllable jets turned to a 90� angle. The schema- tic of the vibration stand presented in Fig. l~b allows us~ thanks to the independence of the pressure controls in each chamber~ to obtain torsional (relative to the vertical axis; vibrations of the vibration table simulta- neously with horizontal and vertical vibrations. ihe laboratory of the resistance of materials department of the r;ISI imeni V. V. Kuybyshev has made a vibration stand with hydrostatic supports in ac- - cordance with the working principle described above. This vibration stand has three pressure chambers~ situated around the periphery~ and one vacuum chamber in the center of the vibration table. The vibration table consists of a circular steel plate 600 mm in diameter and 12 mm thick. The pressure and vacuum chambers are fastened onto a steel disc which is mounted on six., steel~ T-section supports, embedded in a massive~ reinforced-concrete base. The hei ht af the supports guaxantees the possibility of leading pipelines (tubing~ to the pressure chambers from the oil pump and to the exhaust cham- ber (vacuum space) f=rom the vacuum pump. The oil which flows out throt.~h the circular apertures of the pressure cha?r:ber when the stand is in opera- ~ tion at first flows into the oil collector~ and then through a hose into the oil pump's tank. The vibrations of the vibration table are created by the V^~5-200 vibrator by means of a special linking clutch. 1'he vibration-stand tests indicated a good stabilization of vibrations with- in the ire~uency ranoe of 10--400 hertz. Ancillary (lateral, vertical~ vi- brations in this range (in amplitude1 did not exceed 10 percentof the ba.sic - horizontal variations. :1t a frequency of approximately 400 hertz resonance vibrations arose ir. the steel vibration-table-plate, caused ~y the first current of its flexural (bending) vibrations. It is obvious that, in case of necessity, this upper limit could be raised substantially further by increasing the plate's rigidity by means of installing rigid fins (edges). 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ - r ~ ; ~ ! z - ~ N ~ i ~ ~ _ 4 S ' - ~ , ~ f' ` , I - . ~ .~;li / : i ~ i . y ' � _ t~a ; ~ ' On ~ii,~i l~a~ pa6o+~- ~ J D ynpo6wtNdi rt0 Ai~AO ~JOw ~ ~//OdOrO QO~O- ~ Q~ A' 6owyy~Macocy Y~10 ~71fA0 O/!J NGCOCO 6J ~ ^igure 1. achematics of a Hydrostatic Support (a) and a Three-Component Vibration Stand (b) Its is a well-known fact that the si.milarity theory of solid defonnable bor dies is ba.sed on the equality of the respective natural-sized and model de- f~n,lations (~N =~M In order to fulfill this condition in carrying out studies on the eartt~quake-resistance of structures with small-scale models, using iow-capacity, high-frequency v'b~ation stands~ the models should be i ma.c~ie of special materials with a lowered modulus of elasticity (EN : E M= - - 10 ; 500 ) and an increased average density ('YM : YH,;,1=3 In a number of instances, particularly when the basic purpose of the research is to study ~ a structure's dynarcic characteristics, the following ma.y be used as model - materials: acrylic resin (plexiglass), epoxy resin~ and gypsum (plaster of Parisl. In those cases whera ue need. to study the seismic stress and the i behavior of a structural component ?t a limiting point~ model materials are used ~r,zich are more complex in their composition~ including lead dust, shot~ rubber dust and ground limestone j1J. , ~ vibration stand ~:ith the design described above was used to conduct tests on a model of the reactor section of an AES building with a VV~;R (water- moderated water-cooled reactor)-1000 in a scale of 1: 200, made of acrylic resin (EM = 5200 T~;Pa,yM = 1.2 g per sq. m), as well as a model of the base (footing) of a K-220-4~--TVV-220-2 turbine unit~ made of gypsum (~M = 2850 ' P;Pa~'YM = 0.86 g per cu. cm}. The design of the reactor section of the Ar^~S building (Fig. 2a) comprises a three-di.mensional structure, including a protective shell (shield), a vault roof~ and the following components situated within it: the reactor shaft, ~ footings, and a system of auxiliary structures (walls, columns, and roofs), - placed on the base foundation around the shell and around the reactor shaft ; within it. - The foundation of tne turbine unit (Fig. 2,b) represents the structural de- sign of a three-dimensional frame system. ; In the tests k~hich ~~ere conducted on the design of the reactor section of I an ~ES building the frequencies and forms of its own vibrations were ~ 64 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 55.00 ~ � ~ + J3. 70 . - - - - - - . 45000 ~7.00 ~ ~ 2 � ~ 'J DO � -6_0 U DO ~ ~,;.f 00 ~~C~ C~~~ ~ -9.40 ~C'~~ ~-13.0 / ! . ~ , ~ � a ~ - s - - e- -a j I ~ ~ o a ~ t i- -0 + ~ e � ~ r a a 4 e ~ ~ ~ . e e e . a ' ~ e a e- ~ o~_ 0 ~ ~ ~ O . a. N i I~ ~ _ ~ _ -m l $ D- ~ ".-o -e- � p I - -i - .e--f e -e ~ -a s a- o- -+i -a 4 0 0 i ~ - e a o e-r~ Q_ 8~ a e- ~ ' i _ ~ 72000 ~ ~ ~ - Figure 2, a~esign of F?eactor 3ection of an AES Building with Schematic of Aieasureanent i'oints 65 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 rux ur�r'1C1AL USE ONLY N b ' 01~ O i yt ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ` ~ ol h; . `I - - � ---I" ~ i ` +-1-- {�~~L ~ ~ ~ OSl Z~- OSl Ol OOl o' I~ T_. 0 ~n o ~ ^ i h ~ � � ; r~ u ~I ~ ~ ~ - ~I i,; i ro ~r i ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ri ~ ~ ~ e o ~ ; - ~ -L----' ~l._h _ bj ~X e ~ / ~ o aI L~ , I~ . ~ ~ ~ o,~, y e~~ ~ ~ I h r ~i ~ ~ I . I - ` " i ~ ~ o ' ~ ~ , _ ~ o e r- ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ i i , - ~ ~ ~ . _ _ ~ - i~ ~ I o ~ � ' ~ o ~ ~ T~ 'i~ a,~ . Hr - . . e i , - ~ L ~ ~ 'e ti ~ ~ ~ N � o ~ e ' ~ `O I ~ ti �o ~ L J . I ~v ~ ~o ~ I I ~ O O Oi O ~ I ~ ~ O. ~ ~ ~ oi l~ i O N~ y' ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ~ ~ I I q o ~ i �o OO N ~ ~ Figure 2~ b Design of a~Zrbine-Unit Foundati~n ~ase within the Reactor Section of an AES Building 66 FOR JFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY deterrainsd~ as well as the amplitude-frequency characteristics (AChKhj of its individual points. Inasmuch as the structure under study is a complex three-dimensional structural component~ consisting of inter-related plates (partitions and roofs; and stands (columns), its A~hKh has a multiplicity of resonance peaks~ caused by these elements' becoming resonant in turn. In the tests AChI~h of the structure ~:ere studied ranging from 0.4 to 13 hz. (hertzj (here and further on all data are cited as converted to natural- size structuresj, i~hich is completely sufficient for evaluating its reaction _ to seismic influences. l,ost characteristic are the AChKh (Fig. 3, a) de- terminin~ the vibrations of the top of the footing section (at the zero mark ~grade level,J)and the top of the protective shell (shield) (at the ,55.0-m mar'cj in relation to the footing sole (bottom). The first two resonance " peaks correspond to the cantilever vibrations of the entire structure as a - unified ~rhole. The ba.sis of this cantilever design consists of the protec- tive shell (the highest a.nd relatively least rigid element) on an elastic foundation (the footing section) with the a.djacent rigidities and masses (the ancillary structures, reactor~ and steam generators). The first reso- nance peak (f, = 1.9 hz.~ corresponds to the first cantilever form of vi- - brations~ and the following one = 3.5 hz.~--to the second one (Fig. it should be noted that if the first tone of the vibrations are characterized primarily by shift defoYmations of the entire structure as a whole (the - graph of the distribution of accelerations along the high points is almost a straight line)~ the second tone is characterized by fiexural-shift defor- mations with a relatively bending at the place of a substantial change in the structure's rigidity along its height (see the graph for = 3.5 hz'.~ Fi~;. 1~;. 'rr~us, the footing section in this case moves practically like a _ rigid body. Then there is a Y~eak defox~nation in the lower third of the shell (frorr the zero marx to the 17.0-m mark;, the rigidity of which has been increased by means of installing internal partitions (baffles). But _ the greatest defonnations arise in the middle third of the protective shell (bet~~reen the 17.0-m and 33.8-m mark~--its most flexible paxt~ since above ~ it the rigidity is again increased by means of widenin~ the structural com- _ - ponent for the installation of the sub-crane beam and the juncture of the vertical cylinder with the vaulted roof. - The amplitude-frequency characteristics of 3 and 4(see Fig. 3~ b}, which are situated almost on one mark (grade levelj, reflect the nature of the vi- l~rations of the auxiliary structures and the reactor shaft. In the section of the resonance curve with a frequency of 0.4--5.7 hz. the vibrations of these points are practically the satne. At frequencies of more than 6 hz. the structural components of the reactor shaft vi3~rate, so to speak~ inde- pendently. I~ioreover~ the resonance curve of the shaft passes considerably below the resonance curve of the auxiliary structures. The rigidity of the reactor shaft, with its reinforcing paxtitions carrying out the function of rigid fins is higher thaii that of the auxiliaxy structures. The shaft's _ own vibration frec;uencies axe higher than 13 hz.~ whereas in the auxiliary structures the first resonance peak arises at the frequency of 8 hz.~ and the next three high resonance peaks in succession are 12~ 13.5, and 14.5 - 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 rucc Ur'P'1(:tAL US~: UNLY . - . ~ , ----T- I `y , . . - I--- '~~--xr-~ e I ' ~ i ~ - - - y. r '�x. ~ ~ A~ , f ~ I__-_._.~ I ~�IY O i w i I i ~ i 1~ i , , ~ ~ ~ X ~ ! ~ , . i ~ i I ~ i i cp ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ N ~ ' I t i ~ ` ~ 4 I j C W N i o p ~ q - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ N C ( v. ~ ' O ~o a N i ~ : ~ 7 { ax. o , ~ ~ , ~ ~~a o , ~ Ie ~e ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ , e ~ . ~ ~ x ar. E i ~ ~ , x~ y ~ - ~ ~ Q~.~. r ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ b w , 4~ ~ I ~ - L r. ~ ~ , b ~ d ~ ~ N i ~ i h , I I_~ o0 F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ I ~ hl I ~ ~ ~ ~ , �Qa~ ~ ; . , ~ I I , ~ N ~ ~ N ~ ~ T ~ ' ~ x ~ ' ~ ~o h a N . Cj ^ O oo co y,.. N O i~i~;ure 3. ;lmplitude-rrequency Characteristics of Various coints in the ~eactor Section (a, b) and the i . ^ooting (Ease; of the Turbine Unit (c} ; I ~ ~ 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key to r^igure 3: 1. Top of footing section 5~ 6. Lateral vibrations 2. Top of protective shell 7. Longitudinal vibrations 3. Reactor shaft at the level of the 4. f~uxiliary structures upper frame's axis (17.0-m maxk; ss J.~ ts ~ e ~a ro/{ J,1 J.l 1,7 f,! JAf . J,7 1,J .~9 '.7 n r,Q q~ t ~ ~ .~s a,Q _ ~ ~ > > > Figure Graphs of Velocity Distribution along the ~tructure's Height (Its ~xis) hz. The high levei of :1ChKh at frequencies above 10 hz. is caused by the general resonance ba.ckground~ arising from the vibrations simultaneously _ from several elemenis of the structure~ with a predominance of vibrations from any one of them. The graphs of the distribution of vibratioti velocities along the height of the structure for several resonance peaks are represented in Fig. 4. The first tti�ro ~;ra~hs have already been characterized above. The graphs con- structed for 8 anc f= 10 hz. correspond to the third form of flexu- ral vibrations (t~:o units in height). They diffex only in the nature of the distribution of velocities by height. Thus, the maximum velocities ap- _ pear at the 17.0-m nark. The results of studying the structure's vibration _ have sno�n that the maximum accelerations at this mark are linked jrith the coincidence between the inherent flexural frequencies of the shell and the inherent frequencies of the auxiliaxy structures. Tloreover, in the auxi- liary structures they are determined by the presence of the roof. In the floor plan each such roof consists of a square slab measuring 72x 72 m ~rith a large opening in the center (47.5 m in diameter), reinforced by columns on the floor~ ir:st.alled at intervals of 6 m~ and by walls (shells) around the edges. ~:urinti the vibrations of such a plate (slab) in its flat plane the columns r~ay the role of hinge-joint:fastenings (their rigidity in a horizontal direction is insignificant)~ while the side walls play the role 69 FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of ri~id fir.s. As a result of the general resonar~ce of the roof slabs of the auxiliary structures and the shell, the structure as a ti�:hole is affected by thP vibration of the complex~ three-dimensional form. In order to evaluate the earthquake-resistance of the turbine-unit footing~ to detezmine its c'~rnamic characteristics (frequencies and forms of its in- _ herent vibrations) and the nature of the distribution of the accelerated ve- ~ locities betweeil the individual points~ depending on the frequency of the ; forced vibrations~ aur research included an extremely detailed study of the footing's vibration in the section of the spectrum (range) khich is cha.- - racteristic of seismic activities. The equipm~cC installed in the upper fram~~ of the footing simulated the special loads placed on the model in accordance r,ith the mass of the individual units. Herein the sizes of the loads wert. , selected so as to insure a position of the ec~aipment's centers of gravi..y ~hich tirould be similar to those in nature. ~11 tes~s on the footing Frere conducted for dynamic effects directed along (longitudinal; and across (lateral) the turbine unit's axis.* l~,ost dangerous for the operation of the turbine unit are the footing's la- 1 teral vibrations~ ~ince they may lead to a destruction of the coaxiality - of the machine's individua.l parts (rig. 3, c). As may be seen from the ACh Kh graph presented here~ the determining influence on the fozmation of seis- mic loads iaill be had by the first tko tones of the inherent vibrations - = 1.1 and ~x = 2.$ hz.;; rnoreover~ the second tone provides the most dynamic coefficients (up to a= 10). In the re~aining section of the aChKh (to the ~ right of 4 hz.~ the dynamic coefficients ase basically less than the unit and do not exceed a= 2 for the individual points. ' ':he nature of the distribution of accelerations (in the forn? of dynamic co- efficients) alon~ the axis of the footing's upper frame for the first two resonance frequencies and for 12.7 hz. indicates (N'ig. 5) that the non- ; syir.netricality of the footing design itself (in a lateral direction~ and the ; placement on it of a mass of equipment along the longitudinal axis causes ~ - the appearanc;e of torsional vibrations. The first t~~o graphs reflect the nature of the torsional vibrations in the ~ upper frame relative to certain centers of ~ravity located on the longitu- dinal axis. For the first form of vibrations (~F, = 1.1 hz.) this center of ~ torsion is situated to the left, while the maximum amplitudes take place to the ri~ht in the section with greater masses (turbines and condensors). The second fom, of vibrations = 2.3 hz.).characterizes the maximum amp- litudes of the section :~ith less masses (see rig. 5}, r;rereas the center of torsion has shifted to i;he right. Obviously this testifies to the subse- - quent entry into resonance of individual parts of the structural component: ~ at first~ the sections iaith lateral frames bearing the turbines (more fle- xible), and then the sections with lateral frames bearing the generator and ~ ~ In the lateral direction measurements ~rere conducted at 7 points of the ! upper frame along the axes of the lateral frames; in the longitudinal--also at the upper-frame level along the footing's axis and the axes of the longi- tudinal fra.~nes. ` 70 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1~~ , ~ ~ ~ ,r '~l, Z ' ? 4 - , - , , I 3, 6~ ~~.0 ~s B,s ;s fZ = 1,Blu ' SS ~ ' i ~ 1~ 0 - y----L-- - - - ' _ I i !J = J7, 7!u ~~Z ( f, f 9, 4 0, 6 O,J 7, D r- S � f 1 - ~ Fi~ure 5. Graphs of Lateral Vibrations of a Footing's Upper I~`rame awci.liary equipment (more rigid). The third graph (Fig. 5) for 12.7 hz. characterizes the distribution of accelerations for one of the highest #~];ezural foxms of t~ie ixherent ~ vibrations of the footing's upper frame. Thus, as follorrs from the graghs (Fig. 3~ c and 4)~ the greatest values ~ of the dynamic coefficients correspond to the second tone of the vibrations ( f = 2~8 hz. N.oreover~ if tire consider that the maximum accelerations ~~rithin seismic vibrations are characteristic of the frequency range 3--5 hz, _ then the second tone of the vibrations will obviously be the deterntining factor in forming the seismic loads on th~ footing in a lateral direction. - Study of the footing's vibrations in a longitudinal direction has shown that in this case the footing component behaves as a single-mass elastic system; the frequency of its inherent vibrations amounts to 1.4 hz. (Fig. 3, c). Thus~ it may be assumed that the dynamic rigidity of the footing in both longitudinal and lateral directions is approxinately the s~ne. rurthermore, as a result of the slower damping of the longitudinal vibrations~ there occurs an increase by approximately 20`;o in the dynamic coefficient ~as compared to the maximum for lateral vibrati.ons). Conclusions 1. Study of the vibrations of the reactor section of an A~S building have shown that the two lowest tones of the inherent vibrations = 1.9~ ~=�3�~ hz.) are detezmined by the flexural-shift defozmations of the entire 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY structure as a unifieci ~rhole. .1t frec,uencies of more than 6 hz. the dynamic operation of the structure will be determined by the inherent vibrations - of tkle elements comprising it (shells, roof slabs, Nall:~). Herein the forms of vibrations of the entire structure have a compler.~ three-dimensional - nature. 2. The design of the turbine-unit foating studied here is s.~ ficiently flexible (with a vibration period of T~,i 1 c~~ possessi.n~ approximately the same dynamic rigidity in its longitudinal and lateral directions. The dynamic operation of the Fcoting in its lateral direction is conditioned by the torsional vibrations of the upper frame; herein the determining r,~le _ in the forn~ation of the seismic load tiiill be played by the second tone of the vibrations ( ~2 = 2 .8 hz . ; o( = 10 ) . BIBLIO(,RAF}iY _ 1. i~iedovikov, I.; Shablinskiy~ G. and Gordeyev, A. V., "Research on the Dynamic Characteristics of Structural Components of an t1E5," EI~~:?GETICH~SI~OY"r~ ST~OITr~L'STVO, ;~io 9, 1975~ PP 36-39� , 2. t~iedovikov~ A. I. et al. "The rragment Method of Calculating (Design- ing)Thin-41a11~1 Fressure Vessels," ~NERG~TICHF;SKOY~, STROITEL'STVO, tdo 2, 1979, PP 33-3s~ - i COPYR.iGHT: Izdatel'stvo ~nergiya~ "Energeticheskoye stroitel'stvo", 1980 z3~4 _ v5~: 1U22 " i 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRIC =C,�1~~R ~ u~; 621.311.z2:6zi.~67.662.63/67 PL.1iv.'~I.~G :~I~~ ~TliDY~,JG LivJ~RGftOUND FU~L-DELNE~Y TUNIr~~,LS t~ioscow r;ivL?CUTICHi,'~KGY~ ~TROIT'r;L';;TVO in Russian Vo 10, Oct 80 pp 57-60 r ~.~rticle by ~andidate of Technical 3ciences V. I. Stepanov and Lngineer V. G. tiovikov and 'J. T~. Favlov: "Planning Underground ~el-~elivery Tun- nels and Studying Their Cperation'~ _ jText,~ The Ural Division of the VGPI (All-Union State Planning Institute) TeploeleIctroproyekt (Ura1TEP) has developed fuel-delivery~ arch-type tres- tles (scaffold bridges)~ made of structural s~eel with mineral-wool heat insulation. The de~ign of these trestles contain practically no protrud- ing ele,-nents on which dust may be deposite~ and~this significa.ntly im- ' proves the conditions for utilizing them. ,~t the same time underground fuel-delivery tunnels~ whose operating conditions axe considerably worse i than those in above-ground galleries (in connection with the :iiffi~ulty of arranging transfers by conveyors and the presence of props (posts) within the central pa.ssagej~ are being made, as before~ of VKT 3�5-3 rectangulax elements. The constructional deficiencies of such tunnels~ it ~ ~ should be noted~ alsc include a large amount of work on integrating the hinge-type joints, the monolithic sections~ and placing concrete in the ~ floors, difficulties in manufacturing structural components at plants, as ~ well as the complexity of making the transition junction from the rectan- I gular~ underground structural components to the arch-type, above-ground I ones. i i I TaI:ing this into consideration~ in planning the fuel-delivery structures for the Reftinskaya~ Troitskaya and other GRES's, the liralT~P specialists developed and introduced a design for precast, arch-type, undarground tun- nels~ made of reinforced concrete. The arch-type tunnel (Fig. 1) consists of a support slab and tNo semi-vaults~ connec~ed in a"keystone," as well as a hinge-joint with the support slab. Lengthwise the elemPnts are con- nected ~rith the aid of'welding the embedded parts. 41ith regard to its in- terior outline the tunnel consists of a vault with a radius of 4100 mm. In choosing the sections of its elements and the type of reinforcement, con- sideration was given to the possibility of using them for the building of ' - the rotary gravity dwnps irith disk-toothed crushers at the grade level ~ where the underground tunnel comes out--13.8 m. , 73 i - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY _ ~ Op , V,G , e y\ \ y ~ " , " b. . ? ~ .9900 ; ~ ~ ; ~ - - - . 6 ?=6 q_A --1 FN i ol I i~ ~ - ~-~'I i s ~l r~O o-~ 1 m ~ d+ ~n, b . ' � 6 y ; to' ~ ~ i ~ s 'f'-::sa I+ I tJ ~ZF ~/ll B= B~ �o ' i i ~ ~ - ~ i ; r ( � - ' 1'n_~`~=�Q:s~~ .':n " _ . . B - f.9~0 0 ~ r- r ~ : , - . _ 9900 --~o ~ ~ - ~ e Figure 1. Ciross-Section and Reinforcement Schematics of Structural Cor~ponents of Underground~ Fuel-Delivery Tunnels , - In order to deter~ine the strength characteristics of the vault structure~ I a test model was made and tests were run on it. In contrast to the plan . - solution for the vault, the test model had a width of 1000 mm (instead of ; 19�0 mm) and an outline in the form of a broken circle, consisting of 12 stralght-line sections (instead of a circulax form~. ; In order to concrete the semi-vaults~ metallic and wooden forms were made with removabie sides. The semi-vaults werz concreted, and the fom~s were ; set aside. ~Y~e reinforcement and the concreting of the supp~rt slab z�~ere carried out in the operational pos~,tior.. ' The test model was assembled in the following manneri first~ the support ; - slab was placed on a sand base, a special appaxatus was installed on it in order to support the semi-vault in the plan position~ and then the 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY semi-vaults were erected~ their position was adjusted and checked~ and the joints in the "keystone" and "heels" were integrated. The data on the com- pression strength of the concrete in these elements of the vault, as well ~ as the integrated concrete are cited in Table 1. Table 1 Element T~Poraxy Resistance Actual Modulus of Elas- ~ to Compression, in NPa, ticity of Concrete~ in r1Pa Semi-vault I ~ 23~500 - Semi-vault II 56.8 19,8~ Key joint 43 23.800 = - Support slab ~5�3 30~100 Notes: 1. Flan concrete maxk M400 2. Concrete mix (composition) (outlay per cu. m): M~bO~cement-- 56o x~, granite crushed stone~ ranging in size (coaxseness~) up to 44 mm--1250 kg~ granite sand--340 kg. The test model of the vault was tested with three combinations of stress - (loads); moreover, in all cases the distributed load was replaced by a con- centrated one. The first combination of loads included within itself loads from the soil, ground water and rolling stock (Fig. 2). In the second P P, . 1 P~ PZ~' ~PZ ~Pt Pi 1 ~ . ~ PZ Pz ~ P~ ~ P2 6 ~ B PZ ~ p~ P~ s ~ PJ ~ p~ f M N P _ ~ - 3 17 � ~o 1 N. 13 + N . N 74 - N f550 Q) p~ r~ PJ r~ PJ p' P~ p' I ~ ~ S00 ~ bl00 1d00 UJ00 I?100 1300 l300 JDO S00 ~ 100 � 700 9900----------?j 61 c~igurs 2. Schematics of Loading in Testing Vault (a) and Support Slab (b~ 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY combination the vault rras loaded only with vertical elements from the first loading~ hhile in the third loading a one-sided loading of the vault Was conducted with a vertical load (Table 2). The vertical load P on the vault was created with the aid of 16 DG -50 pushing hydraulic jacks, while the hori2ontal load utilized three DG3-63 pulling hydraulic jacks. Defozmations and shif~5 of the vault during the test process were measured by indicators (1 � 101 mm; and by deflectometers (1 ~ 10"~ ~ 1� 10~~' mm), i�~hile stresses in its operational reinforcement were measured "by resistance strain ga.ges (tensometersl. Table 2 ~om ina ion _ Load Designation I II III (Stress; i Vertical P~ 300/360 300/360 150/180 326/390 32~/390 ~ P 2500/3000 2500/300 600/720 ' Horizontal N 236~280 ~ N 1410~1680 ~ r~ote : The ni:merator gives the nonnative load ( in kH while the denominator gives the design (estimated) load. L'uring the first loadin~ of the vault the test load was gradually brought up to the nozmative value. Herein vertical shifts in the keystone joint comprised 3.79 and horizontal shifts 0.22 mm. The maximum stress in the operational reinforcement rras equal to 78 P~iPa. Under normative load the vault held out for 17 hours; in this case the increase in deformations ~ in not a single one of the vault's cross-sections exceeded 0.3 mm, i. e.~ ; the structure operated in an elastic stage. The vault's remaining defo~na- tions after unloading did not exceed 10 percent of the full deformations - - under normative loadin~. The results of repeated of the vault up to the normative load rrere practically indistinguishable from the results of the first loading. - In the desi~n (estimated) loading the vertical shifts in the keystone joint amounted to ~.74, while the horizontal shifts amounted to 1.7 mm. The stress ( tension ) in the yau].t'.s operational reinforcement reached 100 I~1Pa. The first cracks in the vault in the zone where the maximum moment was act- ing under the conditions of ~ P= 4130 kH, ~I~ = 1320 kH. 76 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300064445-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 3, a depicts a graph of the dependency of the vault's vertical shifts in the keystone joint on the load (in compaxison with the design curves for two-hinged and hin~eless vaults). It may be seen from the graph that the curve. of the vault shifts~ constructed in accordance with the test data~ practically coincide with the curve constructed in accordance with the design data, obtained for a hingeless vault. Tt;is is probably explained by the fact that under the given combination of loads the junc- tion connecting the vault rrith the support slab operates rigidly. In testing the vault the test load brou~ht to ~ y= 4820 kH, ~ Pd = 2720 kH, exceeded the design load by a factor of 1.61. At this stage signs of the vault's destruction were not revealed. In analyzing the dependence of the vertical shifts on the loari (Fig. 3, a)~ exceeding the design load, we observe the maintenance of the proportions between tYae shifts and the loads~ i.e.~ even beyond the limits of the design load the structure operates in an elastic wanner. The maximum stresses in the reinforcement under con- trolled-destruction loading did not exceed 150 MPa. After unloading the _ residual deformations were insignificant, and this confirms the conclusion regarding the elastic operation of the vault even under controlled-destruct- ion loa.ding. In tests made using the second combination without adding horizontal loads the loading of the vault was also conducted in stages. Under a load of ~ ~ P= 2000 kH in the zone of the keystone joint cracks began to appear, and under $ P= 2500 kH the xidth of their opening reached 0.4 mm. I'ig. 3, b presents graphs of the changes in vertical shifts in the keystone joint depending on the vertical load obtained by the test method and deter- mined by the design for hingeless and two-hinged vaults. From a compa.xison of the design of the test data it may be seen that under this loading the. vault operates as a two-hinged unit. Thus, depending on the type of loading the assembly which joins the vault with the lower slab may operate both as a rigid and as a hinged joint. So, ~hhen the vault is loa.c~ed only by a vertica~ load (~'?P = 3000 kH) the shifts - in the keystone joint amount to 18.7 mm~ while the tension stresses in the operational reinforcement reach 222 i~1Pa, whereas when the vault is loaded with loa.ds corresponding to operational ones P= 3000 kH~ ~ N= 1680 kH)~ these same indicators do not exceed 4.7 mm and 100 P~Pa respectively. linder a vertical load of E P= 3900 ~cH rre observed the appeaxance of new cracks and the iaidening of existing ones, as well as an inerease in ;~Iie.. deformations and s~tifts. Ho~rever, we did not note any clear signs of the vault's destruction... The last o~ the vault was carried out in order to detern?ine the moment and character of destruction under a one-sided loading (the third combination;. The loading was caxried out in stages, and at a load of P= 1200 kH, which exceeded the design load by a factor of 1.66, ?7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A. nH p , , i~A ~ r r , . e N ~ l~: ~ . 4000 - - 4000 � 900 ~ 2 ~ . 2 i ~ _ J000 �~30D0 - + � f, ~ ' i ~ 600 2DU0 Z000 ' ~ � J00 lD00 ` f000 ' .1 - . ~ I, / I ~ i _ 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 cn 0 ; T cn ' a! 01 Figure 3. Vertical Shifts in the Keystone Jo~nt when the Vault is Loaded rrith the First (a) and Second (ti) Combination of Loads Key: 1. Test curves (loading--unloading---loading) 2.. 3 Design curves for hingeless and two-hinged. I vau~ts respectively t ~ destruction of the vault occurred along an inclined section at a distance - _ of approximately 1~3 of the semi-vault from the keystone joint (Fig. 4, a). The support slab S�raS tested in an inverted ~osition (with the bottom. up) ~ for a combination of loads creating a maximum span moment. A load in the fonn of concentrated forces rras created with the aid of DG-50 pushing hy- draulic jacks. _ Under a load co~prising 57 percent of the nonnative load crac3cs were re- ; vealed in the central part of the span with a~�idth of as much as 0.1 mm. Under the nozmative load r= 936 kH) the flexure of the slab in the mid- dle af the span amounted to 24.6 mm~ the maximum stress in ths longitudinal ' reinforcement did not exceed 190 I~iPa, and the widtn of the crack opening ; at~ained 0.3 r,un. Under the normative load the slab held up for 16 hours; in this case, the increase in flexure amounted to 0.73 mm; the residual de- ; - fonnations of the slab after unloading did not exceed 5 percent of the full defarmations. The results of repeated of the slab to the normative load i�iere practically no different from the results of the first loading. At a load of ~ P= 1290 kH (a design load of ~ F= 1120 kH) there appeaxed in the support zone of the slab an oblique crack with an opening width of 0.2 mm, Frhile at a load exceeding the design loa.d by a factor vf 1.49 de- struction of this zone occurred along an oblique section (Fig. w, b). Since the slab's support zone was destroyed under leading which was less - thari the con~olled-destruction loading~ it was decided to conduct a test 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300060045-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ~t p~, ~ tiu. i`t ~ y{ x - +:y::. n'i ~ _ 1 . ~ i :~._a:~. _ x�;~ J ~:{t~ t t., r,~ ~ , ~ t f k~ j'~ y ,,~q�~, ~ , ...At,. , J~ F t,'I ` . � '~~a,,~q : ~-~~~11,~ ~ ,w }i~' ~ a - t , r ` ; .:i ~'aY'`p�''..~ ...'~C.~i 1t, ~ ~ ~ ~ _ h~~`� ~~J, y~ ~~~1 r ~ i M C...~d ,~,.+,~`.~'Ys.r~ ' k~.r~~~-Sf i. '~~3 S t5~~