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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R0003000500'12-0 ~ 4 3� ,~~~.d s ~~z~ sser~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE OtiLY - JPRS L/9392 ~ 12 November 1980 Worldwide Re ort - p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 48/80) ~BIS FOREIGN BF~OADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE OMLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign ~ newspapers, periodicals and baoks, but also fr:~m news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are ~upplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Wha_re no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was sura.narized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered ph~~etically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mar,k and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the origi;~al but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an ite~ originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. TEze contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. i \ COPYRIGHT L~1WS AIv'D REGUL~,TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREI\ REQUIRE TI~T DISSE.IINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~tLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9392 12 November 1980 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROU~ DRUGS (FOUO 48/80) ~ CONTENTS Asza BuxMa B riefs Drug Suppression Efforts 1 PAKISTAN Briefs Illegal Charas 2 Illicit Use of Drugs on Inci_ase 2 Narcotics Seized in Multzn 2 Smuggling Attempt Foiled 2 Puajab Gang Sma.shed 3 PHILI~PINES Manila Key Link in Heroin Traffic Suggested ' (Manuel Silva; PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS, 18 Oct 80)............ 4 Drugs Fo~d in Suitcase at Manila Airport (PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS, 17 Oct 80) S Briefs ~ree Charged With Smuggling ( LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIA Briefs Search for Drug Traffickers ~ 7 - a - [I~I - WW - 138 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 MEXICO PJF Confiscates 5 Tons of Marihuana (EL SOL DE MERICO, 4 Oct 8~) 8 Addict Rehabilitation Efforts Discussed (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 5 Oct 80) . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Traffickers Use Juvenile 'Mules' (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 25 Sep 80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Oaxaca Indians Exploited by Traffickers (EL SOL DE MEXIC~, 5 Oct 80) 13 Colombian Women Seized With Cocaine (EL SOL DE MEXICO, 10 Sep 8~) 14 Briefs Penitentiary Drug Traffickers Seized 16 'It~o Cocaine Seizures Reported 16 Co lomb ians Arres te d With Co caine 17 Army Des t roys Ma rihuana in Hidal~o 17 - Police, Traffickers in Jalisco Shootout 17 P A~~ AI~fA Briefs Marihuana Seizure 18 Cocaine Trafficker Arrested lg hEAR EAST AND NOR~I AFRICA I RAN - Briefs Drug Traffickers Released 19 - SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA TOGO Briefs Europe-Bound Hashish Seized 20 WEST EUROPE , rEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Eriefs International Heroin Ring ~ � - b - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 FOR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY ITALY ` Heroin Dealers Arrested in Cagliari (L'UNIONE SARDA, 26, 28 Sep 80) 22 37 Heroin Traffickers Arrested Dealer Accused by ~ree Drug Addicts Five Arrested in Sassari for Heroin Trafficking ( LA NUOVA SARDE~IA, 30 Sep 80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ztao Arrested, Eleden Arrest Warrants Issued in Olbia (LA NUOVA SARDE(~IA, 30 Sep 80; 27 Wi ITED KINGDOM Briefs Moroccan Sentenced for Smuggling 29 Gravestone Drug Cache 29 - c - FnR (~~FrrTAT. T1SE OIJLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 BURMA B RI EFS DRUG SUPPRESSION EFFORTS--The fourth meeting of the First People's Assembly passed a res olution calling for a nationwide movement to combat, as a national duty, the threat of narcotic drugs, which can lead to national atrophy. The efforts made by the state in accordance with this resolution have been - successf ul. Due to systematic efforts made in all fronts, during 1980, 4,784.68 acres of opium fields were destroyed and action was taken against 1,054 narcotic drug cases throughout Burma, including the Shan State. ~ Moreover, under the educational and organizational guidance of the party and various levels of the people's councils, substitute crops were cultivated in opium and marihuana fields. While the success of the prevention and suppression drive is gaining moment~, progress is being made in educating the youth. Educational programs on the danger of narcotic drugs are being exp anded to prevent the youth--the precious sons of the future--from falling into the wrong path. It is necessary to maintain the success achieved so far and sustained efforts should be made until the threat of narcotic drugs, which can lead to national atrophy, is totally eliminated. [Text) [BK270900 Rangoon Domestic Service in Burmese 0140 GMT 27 Oct 80] CS0 : 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 PAKISTAN I BRIEFS ILLEGAL CIiA.RAS--The Directorate of Customs Intelligence at Karachi had recovered about 376 kilograms of foreign-origin charas from a vacant quarter in Azam Basti in Mahmoodabad. The seizure of the contraband drug was effected on the night of Oct 8. According to the Directorate sources, no arrest could be made as the quarter was vacant when the Intelligence Staff raided it. The market value of the seized charas is about Rs. 2 lakh.--APP. [Text] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 11 Oct 80 p SJ ILLICIT USE OF DRUGS ON INCREASE--Illicit use of drugs are on the increase in Hyderabad district, particularly in Hyderabad city. [as published] The "epi- demic" is now spreading fast among the new generation. Narcotics like charas, opium, bhang (hemp), local liquor, rocket capsules, mandrix and ot~er medicated harmful intoxicants are selling on wide scale, without any check by the law enforcing agencies. Consequently this has resulted in increase of crimes like teurder, robberies, kidnapping, rape etc. Although ~slamic laws including otrer - penal laws are there, but no concrete steps have been taken so far to curb these social evils completely. [as published] It is alleged that underground dis- tilleries are running in far-flung areas including in some nearby villages with no effective check on them. [Excerpt] [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 11 Oct 80 P 3 ) NA.RCOTICS SEIZED IN MULTAN--Narcotics including opium, charas and "bhong" in big quantity costing lakhs of rupees have been seized by the Muzaffargarh Police from the possession of a group of inter-provincial smugglers. According to reports here, Ghulam Haider and Wahid Bakhsh had stored these narcotics in a house ir. the area of Karamdad Qureshi Police Station near Muzaffargar~i to smug- gle them to various parts of the country. It is stated that these narcotics have allegedly been smuggled from NWFP. Further investigations in this regard are in progress. [Text] [Karachi DAWN in English 19 Oct 80 p 12] SMUGGLING ATTEMPT FOILED--Islamabad, Oct. 16: Moha~ad Nawaz was held here to- day at Islamabad airport for allegedly trying to smuggle out three kilos of op- ium. According to details, Cuetoms aut:~orities, informed that one Mohammad Nawaz of Haripur Hazara would try to smug~le contraband items to Singapore, hiding it in his baggage. Accordingly a trap was set up and Nawaz was taken into custody while boarding PIA flight No. PK-309. When the two suit cases, he wae carrying, were searched, three kilos of opium was recovered. A case has been registered under Customs Act. [Text] [Islamabad THE MEJSLIM in Engl.ish 17 Oct 80 p 3] L APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 PUNJAB GANG SMAS:iED--Sargodha, Oct. 21--Sargodha police have, after hectic chase, sma.shed an organised gang dealing with smuggling and sale of na.rcotics in the province. Police arrested Badshah Amin and Nizam Din of PoS. QamQr Mushani, district Mianwali. Two ring leaders of the racket who used to smuggle opium from tribal area via Mianwali had appointed their 'regular' dealers in various towns of the Punjab. Polica have also arrested Sana.ullah Pathan of Chak No. 36 and Mohamwad Hanif of Block No. II, who used to sell opium as an agent of the ring leaders. Police have recovered six kg opium from the four accused arrested so far. The value of recovered opium was estimated at more than Rs 50,040,--APp [Text~ ~Ka.rachi MUEtNING NEWS in English 22 Oct SO p 6] CSO: 5300 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 , - PHILIPPINES MA.~'VILA IC~Y LINK IN Hx~ROIN TRA?~'FIC SUGGESTED , Manila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in Engli~h 18 Oct 80 pp 1, G � f.Article by Manuel S.i.lva~ ~Text~ AGENTS of the Constabulary~ Anti-Narcotics . . _ Unit began launt-' Ing yesterdey more suspects in the , attempted smug- gling of 'P3.5 mil- ' lion worth of heroin through ~ the Manila int~r- national airport after the a~rest und ~~~nfes.~ior, c~{ two suspected accompliccs o~ the carrier. Tlie carrier, Tsang Hirs-wai, 21, a British nutional, v~as ~estal ahurs� day upon his arrivxl from Bangkoi: Chan, on the other tia~~d, ts a Ey customs agents, who acted on s quattermaster of an ocean-going tip from the Ph~llppines-US Custot~za veysel, Ben Rinnea, naw moored at Secvice under the office ~f Cust ~ms the Sc~uth kiarbor. Chan N Commiuioner P.amon Farolan. suppc~sec! to take Tsang back to a** Hongkong with tlio ~teroin abaatd TIIE HEROAi~ was fot+n+1 conce~l- the shin. ed in a felae bnltom c~f a bro~rn s~it- ('hti accarclirtg to Rolando case owned by 7'sang whic}~ arrav;~ x Yebes, ~cgrzl ar~d investigation offlcer d~y earlier from Bangkok. of d~e Nation~l Customs ,Pollce, i~ Tha, two suspected accompiices, alsa suspected ofunloadi~gsmuggled , identifled as ('hoy Meng�:S,�un a.~cl items in Batangas Cit~ recendy. Andy Chan, were a~rest~ in a.*a�~? ?,4~ru;wviiile, the customs police in their roo:r. ~t Niabuha~i l~otc.. Ix: impo:~3 stri~t surveillarux on ail cxi-~ Ermita. t~~;a~ ~oets of enYry zn th,. ca:htry, . Choy was on the s~me #li~h; vi~tl~ p~~]$~y ~he 3oud~ Narboa ard - TsAng bui eivdeci ~~:iTiv,ht :~n@s, tha Md~i, i,i efforta to ~~i~ce on - when�somebccir~ e,. tlc 'r' ~.~i ~,~;hist:~,ct ~c:cr+r,~,~;e~3 smu~zt.isg in E~a*~~n him past. ih~ tYI~Y.9~Ily~H1 i?R rc~=n r;'hEa.~le~te~dn.~ga~ rso: 5300 LE APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 - PHILIPPINES DRUGS FOUND IN SUITCASE AT MANILA ATRPORT Manila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 17 Oct 80 pp 1, 6 [Text] Customs authorities, acting on a tip, intercepted yesterday P3.5 million worth of heroin concealed in a suitcase brought in ~y a British national from Bangkok. Acting on an information relayed by the Philippines-US Customs Service under the office of Customs Co~issioner Ramon Farolan, customs policemen at the Manila airport held a brown suitcase which arrived the other day via a ~ Thai Airways flight from Bangkok ahead of its owner, who was identified as Tsang Hinwai, 21, - T~a:id srriv�d ~~n the same fli~ht No. 620 yesterday and was invited at once by customs agenzs to the headquarters of the National Cuatoms Police airport sector to open his baggage, The package of heroin, which weighed 2.8 kilos, was discovered in a false bottom of the suitcase. Maj, Carlos Demetriou, NCP airport sector commander, said Tsang will be charged with smugglino of prohibited drugs, a violation of Republic Act 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act, which carries a penalty of death. CSO: 5300 5 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ3QOQ5Q012-0 PHILIPPINES BRIEFS THREE CHARGED WITH SMUGGLING--Three foreigners, including two British nationals, were charged yesterday with the alleg~d amuggling of P3.5 million worth of her- oin powder last Thursday in violation of the Dangerous Drug Act. Charged with the Pasay City fiscal's office were Tsang Hin-wai, 20, a Britiah national; Choi Ming-cheung, 20, also a British national; and Andy Chan-chiway, 29, a Chinese seaman. The respondents, who were arrested by a~oint Cuetoms intelligence and the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics IInit (CANU) while allegedly in posseseion of 2.8 kilograms of heroin powder, are now under military custody. Tsang was ar- rested Thursday upon his arrival at the Manila International Airport from Bangkok, while the two other accused were apprehended in their room at Mabuhay Hotel, Ermita. The heroin was found concealed in a false bottom of a brown auitcase owned by Tsang which arrived a day earlier from Bangkok. [Text] [Manila PHILI- ~ PPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 23 Oct 80 p 2) _ CSO: 5300 ~ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 xo~~zvza BRIEFS - SEARCH FOR DRUG TRAFFICKERS--Personnel of the directorate for the control of dangerous substances in Santa Cruz City jointly with the Finance = Ministry will start to control those persons cashing dollar checks, since it is known that drug traffickers deliver their checks through a third person who gets very well paid for the ~ob, The search will be carried out at E1 Trompillo Airport and contact will be maintained with the banks of this city in order to identify the persons cashing dollar checks. [PY251328 La Paz Radio Illimani Network in Spanish 1130 GMT 25 Oct 80 PY] - CSO: 5300 ' ~ 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 i ~ MEXICO - PJF CONFISCATES 5 TONS OF MARIHUANA Mexico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 4 Oct 80 Sec A p 8 _ [Text) The day before yesterday, the Federal Judicial Police confiscated a~;hipment of S tons of smuggled marihuana worth approximately 50 million pesos, which had arrived aboard a ship coming from Thailand to the port of Manzanillo, in Colima, ~ and arrested four individuals who were involved. The ship "Nedlloyd Nassau," of Dutch manufacture, arriverl in Mexico from Japan on 28 September of this year. It was equipped with twQ -containers inside, holding 85 ti:n plate boxes filled with the aforementioned drug. The marihuana was addressed to Jose Luis Ortega, a resident of 280 Avenida de la Reforma, in Guadalajara, a nonexistent consignee and address. From that state, the grass was to continue its route to the United States. - Thanks to the permanent campaigns being conducted by the Federal Judicial Police against the growing, harvesting and trafficking of that plant, a shortage thereof has occurred in our country, for which reason the Mexican and American drug fickers have been obliged to import it. Mario Alberti Cueva, agent of the Federal Public Ministry in that state, who is also general coordinator of the campaign in Colima, ordered the huge container on the ' ship to be opened. He was accompanied by the deputy technical chief assigned to Local customs, Capt Jose de Jesus P~rez Herrera, and other state officials, as well as th? ship's officers. _ Second Comdr Margarito Mendez Rico and the group chief of the aforementioned entity, after difficult investigati~ns, succeeded in capturing Manuel Cordera Jaime, a cus- _ toms inspector who had signed and sealed the "inspection" of the goods and the import application, knowing that it was marihuana that was being shipped . Enrique Galindo Oznaya is another individual involved, since he was a dispatcher from the Federal Electricity Commission. 2909 . CSO: 5300 - 8 _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 MEXICO ADDICT REHABILITATION EFFORTS DISCUSSED Mexico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 5 Oct 80 Sec A p 5 [Text] Only 4 percent of the drug addicts who enter the youth rehabilitation center manage to take the entire treatnent. This fact was reported by Dr Juan Maceira, a physician from the Mexican Psychoana- lytic Association, during the ceremony r~~arking Executive Secretary Day. The psychoanalyst remarked that there are 40 youth rehabilitation centers distributed throughout the country. 0~ the 100 percent of children and adolescents who are admitted, 80 percent give up completely and, of the remaining 20 percent, only 4 percen~ take th.e entire treatment. At present, according to Dr Maceira, a study is being made of the cause of so much attrition, because it may be due to the fact that the personnel are not really trained, and cannot control the pressure; while in other instances it may be that tne addict is rebellious and does not;want to return. The percentage of drug addicts is high, but in recent years it has dropped slightly owing to the publicity campa~gns conducted in the news media. The doctor noted that, in the metropolitan area, there is more consumption of mari- _ huana and inhalants (thinner, cement, gasoline, etc.), while in the northern area, specifically on the border, there is cocaine and morphine consumption. Al1 this depresses the central nervous system and, on occasion, there are individuals who suffer delirium and hallucinations when they consume stronger drugs, such as peyate, mushrooms and LSD. _ I)r "4aceira explained that there are different degrees and diagnoses which change the behavior of tze human being. T'he first might be categorized as the experimenter, who consumes a drug out of curio- sity but who does not do so again. Then there is the ac~olescent with conflicts, who cunsumes a larger quantity of drugs. The third i~ the functional person, who con- sumes druss periodically without any effect on his work or daily life. There is the dysfunctional person, who is affected when he consumes marihuana or any other drug, and who no longer remembers that he must study or work. And, finally, there is the former dru~ addict, who formerly consumed drugs and no longer does so. 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 The youth rehabilitation centers are re~ponsible for aiding in prevention, by giving lectures in the schools, and also treating the patients who come with their relatives. - Dr Maceira emphasized that, so that everyone may be given assistance, since 8,000 patients are admitted per month, the medtcal psychologist is being trained in the new ahort-term systems of psychotherapy. 2909 CSO: 5300 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 � MEXICO TRAFFICKERS USE JWENILE 'MULES' - Mexico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 25 Sep 80 Sec A p 8 [Text] Yesterday, DIPD [Federal District Police Intelligence DepartmentJ agents arrested Jose de la Torre Alvarez and two minors at the eastern bus~terminal in this capital with a shipment of 3F kilograms of marihuana. The final destination of the drugs, which were being carried in four suitcases, is presumed to have been the United States, where cannabis has a commercial value in excess of a million pe~os. Upon being questioned by police officers, De la Torre Alvarez said that he was unaware of the contents of the bags until his arrest, and noted that he had only been paid 2,000 pesos by an individual named Raul Torres de la Garza, a relative of one of the youngsters. He said that the one with a complete knowledge of the situation is Jose de Jesus Tor- res de Ia Garza, aged 12, who proposed making the trip "without disclosing to me what it was about." He t~ld the reporters who questioned him:"Since I needed money, I did not investigate, and accepted the offer immediately." i11e arrest of the presumed drug trafficker was made by agents from the TAPO group under orders of Pia~ Marcos Cavazos, shortly aiter the minors and the accused arrived from the state of Veracruz. In police circles there was speculation concerning the possibility that the final destination of the marihuana shipment might have been several educational centers in Mexico Ci ty . - 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 ~ , - ~ . ; o': rK . . ~'il~~~ ..t.~ ~A ~~'~7 : . i ' ~ tY t Y ` Y � . ~f . ~f! ~e~'~j: iA.~~.�~'t ~ r;. " ~ '~b` � ? ~ � ` ,;ti. �"G; r ~i - ' ~ { _ s_ I~"~ _ ,..~a.-`- . _ � Contraband. Yesterday, 36 kilograms of marihuana were seized by the police at the terminal for buses arriving from Veracruz, and it is believed that the shipment was bound for educational centers. 2909 CSO: 5300 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 ~ MEXICO - OAXACA INDIANS EXPLOITED BY TRAFFICKERS Me:cico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 5 Oct 80 Sec A p 2 [Text] The new target for the native and foreign drug traffickers is the Indians in the state of Qaxaca because, with the backing of the state authorities and the poli- tical bosses, they are being deprived of their land to plant marihuana and poppies which results in Zarge profits fo: the traffickers. On the other hand, for defending their rights and land, the Indians are r~warded with imprisonment on alleged charges of murder, robbery and plundering. The foregoing was revealed during the Meeting of Independent Indian Organizations, held in Puxme- tacan, Oaxaca. In a report sent to the participants in the event by a group of 20 Mixe and Chinan- teca Indians who are jailed in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, for having led battles for land and having promoted communal types of organization in the settlements of Paso de Aguila and Santiago Tuxtla, they claim that the land ownership is what has converted that area into a powder keg, and make it clear that, until this problem is solved, it will_ be impossible to change the situation of repression and exploitation being suffered by the ethnic groups. ;ditti regard to the state of Oaxaca, they note that the plundering of communal assets has been accelerated, and that in the Mixe Chinanteca area in pa~ticular, the drug traffic ~las found allies in the regional political bosses, who, in collusion with th e state authorities, have succeeded in legalizing the appropriation of communal land to use it for growing marihuana and poppies, as well as for extensive livestock raising . The Indians explain that this situation has resulted in a systematic repression of the commune members who are opposed and who have begun political battles for the confirmation of their communal assets, or who are attempting to foster collective forms of production. ?yoQ rSO: 53~u 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 . MEXICO COLOMBIAN WOMEN SEIZED WITH COCAINE Mexico City EL SOI, DE MEXICO in Spanish 10 Sep 80 p 8-A [Text) Tw~ Colombian women were arrested by the Federal Judicial Police [PJFJ at the Mexico City international airport where they had arrived with a shipment of pure cocaine in plastic bags which contained 90 grams of the drug. After having disembarked from the Avianca plane, flight No 82, on which they had arrived, Belma Cabezas de Herran and Maria Lucero Nieto, who were coming from Cali Valle, bia, were arrested by Federal agents. When they arrived in the customs inspection area, they became nervous, for which reason a body search was ordered and the female personnel of the customs unit discovered why the two women were frightened: each one had a bag in her vagina, which on examination proved to contain cocaine. Armando Martinez Salgado, second in command of the customs unit, and who was station- ed at the airport, reported that the two arrested Colom~ian women said they had met in Cali where Maria Lucero proposed to Belma that they transport drugs to Mexico where a certain person would pay them well for each trip they made. Both had planned to travel to Mexico City and then to New York and other cities of the IJnited States where they would attempt to establish contact with the heads of the international rings of gansters engaged in drug trafficking. According to Belma and Maria Lucero they were going to settle in Mexico City where they would endeavor to meet some of the drug traffickers who have access to Mexico City prisons. ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 . k,~ . ~ 1 r ~ .-:,,r''~ k~ r~ d \ _ y'.. ~ / ~M. ~:7~~' ' ~ ~ . , ~1~ . / / ` . r� ~ . ~ i`:. ~ ,k(~1 . ' ,r 1a ~ 1 . . ` ~ ~ � , ~1,^ ~ if t~ ' w ,~1 ' .~l.. '~~i5 ...~h ~ i t!~'~~ 4 ~.6~ ~ � . . ~ 1..~... 4 A'!! S ~ . , . . . ~ ~ ~ ~~:1~ ~r~~, . . . ~ Maria Lucero Nieto Valencia and her friend Belma Cabezas _ de ~ierran triad to bring 90 grams o� pure cocaine into Mexico. 9204 CSO: 5300 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 , ~ MEXICO BRIEFS PENITENTIARY DRUG TRAFFICKERS SEIZED--Dr Arian Segura Arrachea; prison guard Fran- cisco Villada Hernandez; and Francisco de los Reyes Guerrero, who had been distri- buting drugs in the Oriente Penitentiary for the past 4 years, were apprehended yes- terday by agents of the Investigation Division. The three men had an accomplice, the prisoner Enrique Tapia Herrera, who was in charge of selling toxic tablets and other narcotics among his companions. The arrest of the three was announced yester- day by Col Francisco Sahagun Baca, head of the Investigation Division, who reported that the investigations had been carried out at the request of the penitentiary authorities in order to arrest the persons responsible for introducing the drugs into the prison. After several days of surveillance the guard Vil.lada Hernandez was arrested when he was surprised trying to bring in a package of toxic tablets. When interrogated he confessed that he had been engaged in this activity for the past 4 years together with Dr Adrian Segura Arrachea and an assistant of the doctor, Francisco de los Reyes Guerrero, who were later arrested at a clinic which is locat- ed on 123 Rio Consulado Street, San Juan de Aragon Unit. About 10,000 tablets were seized there. Franci~co de los Reyes Guerrero, who left Oriente Penitentiary 4 months ago, informed rhe agents that in prison he had met the guard who had invited Y:im to become associated with the doctor in the distribution of drugs inside the Frison. "We sold not only tablets but other narcotics as well," he said. [Text~ [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 5 Sep 80 p 7-D] 92C4 TWO COCAsNE SEIZURES REPORTED--U.S. citizen William Haddock Jr, was arrested yester- day at the Mexico City airport with 18 plastic bags full of pure cocaine tied to the calves of his legs. Shortly afterward, at the same airport, federal agents arrested the sisters Olivia and Ana Guzman Rosales, who are Peruvian citizens, with a contraband of 120 grams of pure cocaine which they were going to take to Los Angeles, California, Wayne [sic] was arrested when he arrived on Aeroperu flight 622, coming from Lima, with drugs weighing a total of 1.50 kg, valued at approxi- mately 1 million pesos. In the presence of Commander Armando Martinez Salgado the prisoner stated that he had met an individual in Lima who proposed that he trans- port cocaine to the United States, goi~g through Mexico as far as Tijuana where someone whose photograph they gave bim would receive Che drug which would then be taken to San Diego, California. In addition, one of the most powerful drug traf- fickers on the northern border, who control the traffic of heroin which is proces- sed in clandestine laboratories in Sinaloa and Sonora, was arrested by agents of the Judicial Police in Tijuana, Baja California. The man involved is Jose Betan- _ court Barcia, the owner of several laboratories in towns in Sinaloa, who supplied heroin to a number of traff~ckers on the northern border. When he was arrested Betancourt was carrying a package containing 3.2 kg of very high quality heroin which on t.he drug black market is valued at 5 million pegos. [Text] [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 11 Sep 80 p 31-A] 9204 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 COLOMBIANS ARRESTED ~ITH COCAINE--One kg of pure cocaine valued at more than 3 mil- lion pesos has been seized at the airport from two CoJ.ombians: Vicente Jose Jimenez Sigrad and Yolanda Bernal Jaramillo. The foreigners who were coming frem Bogota, ' were carrying the drug concealed in plastic bags hidden in their clothes. J.J. Sigrad, who is 42, stated that he has lived for 27 years in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has a rug and flooring installation business, and that he had traveled to Colom- bia f or the purpose of acquiring the cocaine to sell in the United States. [Text] [Mexico City EXCELSIOR in Spanish 30 Aug 80 p 29-A] 9204 ARMY DESTROYS MARIHUANA IN HIDALGO--Pachuca, Hidalgo (OEM)--Federal authorities have destroyed 12 hectares of marihuana and 4,000 square meters of poppies, with strong support from the Mexican Army, in the municipalities of Agua Blanca, and Santiago Tutotepec. The above was reported by Jose Abel Corona Mungia, an agent of the Federal Public Ministry, who stated that pilots of the National Attorney Gen- eral's Office will continue to carry out surveillance flights in the Hidalgo area in order to detect additional clandestine crops. The federal official indicated that in less than 2 weeks large tracts of land planted with the pernicious weed have been sprayed. "The campaign will continue because there is interest in pre- venting Hidalgo f rom becoming a drug producing state," he added. He said that for 4 days the pilots and technical personnel of the Office of the Regional Attorney General [PGR] flew over a large part of Hidalgo territory and only detected the poppy and marihuana crops in the municipalities just mentioned. He expressed appre- ciation for the great help that the Mexican Army has provided in the campaign. At - the same time, he said that flights over Hidalgo will be carried out periodically. "It is the only possibility we have to surprise the traffickers," he pointed out. When asked about the value of the poppy and marihuana crops which were destroyed he said tliat he does not know the price on the black market but he did say thatthe traffickers have lost many thousands of pesos. "Hidalgo must not be- comc a poppy and marihuana producing state and for that reason we will continue with the reconnaissance flights," he concluded, [Mexico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 1 Sep 80 p 4-F) 9204 POLICE, TRAFFICKERS IN JALISCO SHOOTOUT--Guadalajara, Jalisco (OEM)--The brothers Zosimo and Francisco Acuna Hernandez, members of a family of drug traffickers engaged in growing poppies and marihuana on the coast of Jalisco, shot at a helicopter of ~he Office of the Attorney General of the Republic and, in the shootout, the former was wounded. Both men were arrested. The attack on the Federal Judlcial Police took place during the morning, in the settlement of E1 Limon, in the municipality of Tcrmatlan, Jalisco, and the incident was reported to the agent of the Federal Public Ministry in Puerta Vallarta, Guillermo Soltero Toro. The helicopter was crewed by Carlos Gutierrez and Guillermo Malancon. They were eng~~ged in fumigating a total of 64 plantations which they had discovered in the~:r air in~pections. [TextJ [Mesico City EL SOL DE MEXICO in Spanish 21 Sep 80 Sec F p S] 2909 CSO: 5300 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 PANAMA BRIEFS MARIHUANA SEIZURE--The attorney general of the republic, Olmedo Miranda, reported on 15 October that the Panamanian authorities have seized a Panamanian-flag ship, the "Roonded," in international waters. The ship - was carrying marihuana worth between $30 and $40 million. ~he ship was detained at the request of the U.S. Government which learned the marihuana was coming from La Guaira, Venezuela, The Panamanian authorities arres ted the four English crewmembers for interrogation. [Panama City CRITICA in Spanish 15 Oct 80 p 12'PA] COGAINE TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Agents of the narcotics department of the Treasury Ministry arrested Louis Montgomery Robinson, a 22-year-old U.S. citizen, at Tocumen Airport on 1 October. He was carrying two deodorant containers which had almost 1/4 kg of cocaine in them. The cocaine was valued at 20,000 balboas in the international drug market. [Panama City MATUTINO in Spanish 4 Oct 80 p 2-A PA] CSO: 5300 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 IRAN BRIEFS DRUG TRAFFICKERS RELEASED--Hojjat ol-Eslam Shaykh Sadeq Khalkhali has announced that 500 persons indicted by special courts combatting narcotics will be released on the occasion of 'Id al-Adha. [Text] [GF18131~ Tehran International Service in Arabic 1300 GMT 18 Oct 80] CS0 : 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 Toco BRIEFS - EUROPE-BOUND HASHISH SEIZED--Lome, 31 Oct (AFP)--Togolese police have seized $115,000 worth of hashish that was to have been sent to Europe, police sources said here today. Th ey said a total of 41 kilograms (90 pounds) was confiscated in two operations during the last 3 weeks. The first seizure of 16 kilos (35 pounds), coming from Ghana, was made at the Togolese border, the sources s aid. The hashish was hidden in the sest backs of a car. Ghana3ans ~aere arrested. Then, at the beginning of th is week, 25 kilos (65 pounds) of the drug were seized after coming in f rom Benin, the sources said. Two Beninese were arrested. [Text] [AB031756 Paris AFP in English 1220 GMT 31 Oct 80] CSO: 5300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 ~ FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY BRIEFS INTERNATIONAL HEROIN RING--Frankfurt, 3 Nov--The police have smashed an - - international ring of heroin dealers. A total of 11.5 kilos of heroin worth over DM2 million was confiscated. The Frank~urt police today s tated that several dealers, all K?;,rds of Turkish descent, some of whom had come to the Federal Repub lic as tourists, were arrested. [Excerpt] [LD050 802 Hamb urg DPA in German 1130 GMT 3 Nov 80 LD] CSO: 5300 , 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 _ ITALY ` HEROIN DEALERS ARRESTED IN CAGLIARI 37 Heroin Traffickers Arrested Cagliari L'UNIONE SARDA in Italian 26 Sep 80 p 4 [Text] Thirty-seven heroin dealers were arrested. Another three suspects passed . through the Buoncammino prison gate yesterday. Only two names were made known by the inve~tigators: those of 29-year-old Sergio Schirru, 71 Porcile Street; and 28-year-old Giampiero Merella, 15 Cannizzaro Street. The former is accused of being a"regular drug vendor." The latter is accused of being a receiver of stolen goods. About 7 million in cash and several articles believed to have been stolen were confiscated from him. The name of the third suspect waa kept secret. "Its discloaure would prejudice the investigation," said Commissioner Peace. , , M, = Y f : } i{':.' ~n ) r' S - ~ - " _ 'i . - fi�''. ' .i ' f:. ~"'~:'Y~ _ f~'~ _ _ _ ~~r :i~! - - i ~t ~ ~ ~ . . ~ r~} i~.. 9 's., ~ i~ tt i -f ' ..~1 E~ h . . ~ ' F6~ ~ � . . . ~ F : 4~i!'L I - ."~'7d 4 '6 'k'' ~ ~ . ~ yi; x~ y. ,~,w. Sy ,e t f' - t ~ r ~'~,9 r i ~ f ~ ' ~F~~~ ~~`-f . - _1 W_~ t~glo Schirru e Giampieru 1VIereila _ Sergio Schirru and Giampiero Merella - To sum up: of the 49 persons involved, according to the police, in the drug ring (37 arrested, 12 released on bail), only 3 names are known: that of Tullio Pilato, handcuffed Sunday night as soon as thE jet fram Milan landed and he was found to be in possession of 302 grams of pure heroin; and those of Schirru and Merella, arrested yesterday. 22 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 The policemen wore bu11Qt proof vests when they arrested Sergio Schirru, believed _ to be very dangerous. In the middle of the night they lef t Sant'Avendrace police - headquarters and went to Porcile Street, where they encircled building No 71. After a few minutes, they knocked on the door of the home of the sought-after person, wtio opened the door almost i~�rmo3iately. He was in his underpants and was sleepy. When Sergio Schirru saw the officers, he did not resist. He asked only for enough time to put on a suit and to take a small suitcase with personal clothes. His place was searched. Some docimments were confiacated and are now - . being examined by investigators. Giampiero Merella instead was stopped on Elsnas Street. He was returning from the continent. He was accompanied to the Abruzzi Street police station, where he was found to possess 6 million 600 lire in cash and valuable articles, the sources of which he was not able to specify. Schirru and Merella are not drug addicts. Their names, however, are said to have emerged during the last 2 months of investigation. They are said to have been named by several heroin addicts who were arrested for having agreed to sell drugs in exchange for small doses of heroin for their daily wants. According to the police, Sergio Schirru is a man of authority in the heavy drugs field. He allegedly is an "area chief" who has several dealers under him who are said to have set up a regular distribution chain--a distribution chain that allegedly has nothing to do with the one that is directed by Tullio Pilato. In short, various "gangs" of drug dealers are said to be operating in the city, each of which is headed by praminent racketeers. It is said that the investigators did not want to disclose the name of the third suspect who landed in Buoncammino yesterday. Aowever, Commaissioner Pesce wanted to make it clear it is not a question of a previous offender. "He is a young person - who has never had anything to do with the law," he said. At the right time you will know his name and the names of all the others who were arrested or released on bail. Assistant District Attorney Ettore Angioni, who is conducting the judicial investi- gation, spent yesterday morning in Buoncammino. It seems that he questioned several suspects, including Pilato,. But the magistrate did not wish to say anything _ about his visit to the prison. "We will speak of this next week," he answered a journalist, as he went away. - Dealer Accused by Three Drug Addicts _ Caglia ri L'UNIONE SARDA in Italian 28 Sep 80 p 7 � (Text] When arrested, Fausto Cocco said, "I am a drug addict." Accuse d by some drug addicts wha were surprised by the police as the addicts were in~ect ing *hemselves with a dose of heroin, a young man was arrested yesterday in Quartu for the possession and sale of drugs. This was 18-year-old Fausto Cocco, 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 a reaident of 36 Paganini Street. A po?ice patrol of the mobile squad stopped him in Sant'Elena Square after a long surveillance. He was handcuffed and iamme- diately brought to Buoncammino, and placed at Che disposition of the magistracy. ~ _ _ - ~ ~ --t~= - ~ - - _ = ~ - =p~~ - _ _ - - - Fausto C.occo The arrest of the drug seller--already known as a drug addict to police circles-- occurred after an annnymous telephone ca~l was received at the operations center of police headquarters; an unknown person said that he had seen three young persons "inject themselves" in an "R5." A police patrol headed by Marshal Giuseppe - Sigimondo and a patrol of the "Flying Squad" went to the indicated area (Berlino Street) and stopped an automobile in which there were three young persons. Without offering any resistance, the three admitted having injected themselves with a dose of heroin. They were brought to police headquarters and subjected to a long interrogation, during which they supplied useful information that led to the arrest of the dealer who had furnished them the drug. The police then set out again for Quartu a~d very carefully surrounded Sant'Elena Square, which in recent times has become a sort of set destination for drug distributors and addicts. ~ _ After a few hours of waiting, the policemen observed a young man in the square whose clothes and physical features corresponded to those indicated by the three drug addicta who were surprised on Berlino Street. At the policemen's "halt," the dealer--immediately identified as Fausto Cocco--offered no resistance. Once brought to the Amat Street station and sub~ected to interrogation, the young man admitted being a drug addict who, in order to obtain some doses of heroin, sold two, three small envelopes a day to other drug addicts. "In this manner," he further told the policemen, "I obtained something to eat. I ran away from home and have no family." But this was not enough to avert arrest. In fact, a few minutes later he landed in Buoncammino. The mobile squad is now searching for the drug trafficker who supplied the heroin ' to be resold to drug addicts. According to rumors, he has been identified, but the policemen have not yet taken any action. 8255 24 CSO : 5 300 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 ITALY FIVE ARRESTED IN SASSARI FOR HEROIN TRAFFICKING Sassari LA NUOVA SARDEGNA in Italian 30 Sep 80 p 5 [Text] Five arrest warrents were issued by Examining Magistrate Francesco Palombo - for the arrest of five young persons who are strongly suspected of having sold _ heroin. Four warrants were served in prison; the fifth was served by the "Narcotics" police on a known previous covmmon offender, 27-year-old Francesco Marogna, called "Swindler,~~ a resident of 143 Rockefeller Street. Others who have been charged are: Attilio Cadoni and Laura Sanna, husband and wife, recently arrested by the police because they were found to possess about 50 doses of heroin; intended for sale; 38-year-old Antonio Mura, called "30 kilos," a resident of - _ Porcellana Street; 28-year-old Gavino Piana, a resident of Li Punti. Cadoni, Sanna, Mura, and Piana have been in jail for several days. The `ive arrest warrants are the result of a very laborious investigation which the "narcotics squad," coordinated by Conmmissioner Antonello Pagliei, had carried out over a period of about 3 months, with the cooperation of Marshal Barbalinardo and Satta, the noted Cavaleri, the Agnotelli Guard, and three men of the "flying squad" (brigadier Obinu and officers Pinna and Marchisio). The police in fact had ascertained that not all of the heroin was sold by drug addicts, the so-called "ants," but that common delinquents were increasingly appropriating the market (Marogna, Mura, and Pina belong to this sector). There- _ for_e careful checks were made; people were under surveillance and were shadowed; proof was collected. Finally, a detaile~? report was sent to the magistracy--all of which led to the issuance of the fivE :~rrest warrants. For all, the charge is sustained drug trafficking. According to the "narcotics squad," Marogna, Mura, and Pina had frequent relations with drug distributors and drug addicts who operate, or buy, in the Sant'Antonio Square area, one of the town centers for the sale of drugs, but also a regular haunt of thieves and fences. The first stage of the investigation has come to a close; but the investigators have 1~, it be understood that they have embarked on a good road that may lead-- even if it takes a long time--to the identification of other drug traffickers. 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 ~ ~ Kyt p~"Yb ~~~y.. 'ry,:yj+Y ~ A :~j"�.~ a~`,,'~� >'e~', y~e . . ,,4. , ..::b -SS~ , s f~~: f ~ ,~'.~wr ~ ~ ` ~ Yt ~ k f p ~Z ~ Y~k ~ ~ P~.: ~ N~ wt ~yt ~'j : 'i 3 ' � =:?'A`%i. fs~ , r . ~ S'/ y ~ . . ~ Y ~ F . S ` Y ' f a f 0 Wp f ~ ; . . . . . u, . ~ Roberto Businaro and Valeria Poluzzi 5255 CSO: 5300 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300054412-4 UNIT~D KINGDOM BRIEFS - MOROCCAN SENTENCED FOR SMUGGLING--A former Moroccan embassy employee used a diplamatic "bag" when he tried to smuggle one-third of a ton of cannabis-- worth 635,140 pounds at street prices--into Britain, a court was told - yesterday. (Mueen Uddin ~Chishti), 47, who was personal secretary to the Moroccan ambassador in Islamabad, admitted illegally attempting to import the drug and was jailed for nine years. [Excerpts] [LDI60901 London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 16 Oct 80 p 3] GRAVESTON:: DRUG CACHE--Drugs worth more than 1 million pounds on the black market have been seized in separate police raids in Suffolk in the past week, including one haul hidden in a hollowed-out gravestone, it was disclosed today. Customs officers at Felixstowe seized heroin weighing two and a quarter pounds and worth 650,000 pounds in a gravestone on a lorry which had travelled from Belgium. Severai men are helping - police with inquiries in London. On Wednesday cannabis worth 400,000 pounds was found hidden in a trailer on board a German-based ship at ipswich docks. A Scotland Yard spokesman said today the two finds were not conn~~cted. [Text] [LD200515 London Press Association in English 1112 GMT 18 O:.t 80 LD] CSO: 5300 END 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300050012-0