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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040059 -8 i E i1 i L3 Vi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i.,~ ~ ~ T ~~t~~ 1~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 F~oK or~F��~~t. ~;sF: o~~~.~~ JPRS L/9371 28 October 1980 , ~ Transl~tion ~ METHODS OF DYNAMIC TESTING OF RlGID POLYMER MATERIALS By - Semen Mikhaylovich Kokoshvili FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATfON SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are tran~lated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and ~ other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was sum:narized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in conteYt. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an - item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. _ The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- ciess views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVE RNING OW~IERSHIP OF . _ MATERIALS REPRODUi,E.~ HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEi~1ZNATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL U:'E 0~1LY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 _ ~~~~?tt c~i~~N~ ic~ ~ n~, usr. ONLY JPRS L/9 371 28 October 1980 METHODS OF DYNAMIC TESTING - OF RI~ID POLYMER MATERIALS ~ Riga METODY DINAMICHESKIKH ISPYTANIY ZHESTKIKH POLIMERNYKH MA- TERIP,ZOV in Russian 1978 signed to ~ress 29 Jun 78 pp 4-182 [~ook by Semen Mikhaylovich Rokoshv~ili, Institute of Mechanics ~ of Polymers, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo Zinatne, 1300 copies, 182 pagea, UDC 620.178.7] CONTENTS Annotation ~ ~ 1 . - - : . . - - - - - . Preface ~ 1 Introduction 2 Part I. Loading and Recordin~ Facilities for Dynamic Tests 6 Chapter 1. Loading Devices 6 - 1.1. Traditional Loading Devices 7 1.2. Magnetic Pulse Facility 10 1.2.1. Loading by Electrodynamic Forces 13 1.2.2. Loading by an Electric Discharge in Liquid 16 Chapter 2. Recording Devices 1~ 2.1. Measur~ment of Load and Pressure 17 2.1.1. Piezoelectric Dynamometers 18 2.1.2. Waveguide Dynamometers 21 - 2.1.3. Capacitive and Dielectric Pressure Sensors 24 2.2. Measurement of Displacements and Deformations 25 2.2.1. Photoelectric Methods 26 2.2.2. Strain-Gage Methods 28 2.3. Measurement of Velocities 32 Part II. Dynamic Tests of Rigid Polymer Materials ~6 Chapter 3. The Hopkinson Split Bsr Method 37 3.1. Governing Principles of the HSB Method 39 3.2. Hardware of Variants of the HSB Method 43 3.3. Validation of the HSB Method 47 Chapter 4. Methods of T;esting Polymers With Dynamic Bending 53 4.1. Transverse Impact of a Freely Thrown Mass 56 . 4.2. Experimental Studie~s of Transverse Impact 62 4.3. Wave Phenomena in the Striker Upon Transverse Impact 66 4.4. Pulse Loading by ~ler_tromagnetic Fields ~2 4.5. Standard Methods 76 ~ 4.6. Oscillographic tiethods 81 - a - [I - USSR - I FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE O~TT Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 5. Methods of Testing Annular and Tubular Specimens 86 5.1. Testin~ Thin Rings 86 5.1.1. Use of Mechanical L~ading Devices, Explosives - and Magnetic-Pulse Faci~lities 87 ' S.1.2. Loading by Electrical Discharge in a Liquid 89 5.2. Test for the Complex-Stressed State 95 5.2.1. Use of Mechanical Loading Devices 96 5.2.2. Use of the Magnetic-Pulse Facility 98 Part III. Generalizing the Results of I?ynamic Tes~s of Rigid Polymers 101 - Chapter 6. Influence of Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Materials 102 - 6.1. Amorphous Polymers 102 6.2. Crystalline Polymers 111 6.3. Reinforced Materials 116 - Chapter 7. Models of Mechanical Behavior of Polymers 118 7.1. Calculation of Relaxation Spectra 118 ~ 7.2. Validation of the Model of Mechanica? Behavior of Polymers 125~ 7.2.1. Model Based on Tests for Mechanical Vibrations 126 7.2.2. Model Based on Quasistatic Tests 128 7.3. Validation of Model From a Study of Propagation of Added Load ~ - Pulses 140 ' References 146 ~ ' Subiect Index 159 i r ~ - b - FOR OFFICII~. USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ANNOTATION [Text] This book deals with dynamic testing techniques _ that results used as the basis for designing poly- mer parts and components that operate under impact _ loading conditions. Particular attention is given to tests of rings and beams, and also to the use of the split pressure bar method proposed by Hopkinson. The theoretical basis of inethods of dynamic testing is outlined, and a detailed description is given of tech- niques for loading by electromagnetic fields and an electric discharge in liquid. The book contains ref- erence material on the mechanical behavior of polymer materials over a wide range of temperatures and strain rates. Methods are given for constructing and ve,~,ifying models of viscoelastic behavior of polymers. Tables 8, ~ f igures 148, references 170. _ PREFACE The introduction of modern synthetic materials requires extensive in- vestigation of their mechanical properties, and above all demands devel- _ opment of sound methods of testing under various loading conditiona. Practically and theoretically sound techniques and generalized reference books are available for static tests of reinforced plates, but in the field of dynamic tests an acute need is felt for ~ust such developments. _ Dynamic tests for pre~ent-day polymer and composition materials are especially necessary as a consequence of the sharp sensitivity of these materials to changes in loading rate. This book generalizes the experience of dynamic testing of polymer and composite materials that has been accumulatEd in the Laboratory of 1 FOR OFFICT eT USE QNT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 - Dynamic Properties of Polymer Materials at the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences. Considerable a~~tention is - given to methods of high strain-rate testing. However, the materials of - research done by the author are naturally of special interest, in ~ar- - ticular the development of inethods of loading by electromagnetic fields and the electrohydraulic effect, improvement of the Hopkinson split ~ pressure bar system, investigation of the properties of ring specimens and beams made up of reinforced plates. Although the data in the book are based on the study of polymer behavior, it is hoped that the proposed methods for dynamic loading and registration of 1_?~gh strain-rate processes will find application in the investigation of other str~ictural materials. All comments will be appreciated, and should be addressed to the author or the science editor at: 226006, Riga, Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences, 23 Ayzlcraukles Street. V. P. Tamuzh (science editor) INTRODUCTION A typical peculiarity of the behavior of polymer materials is the con- siderable time dependence of their mechanical properties. Inelastic , behavior of polymers can be observed even in cases where the loading time amounts to days or is measured in microseconds. A fairly complete de- scription of the principles governing mechanical properties of polymers is attained in complex mechanical tests that include changes in strain rates and temperatures. Methods of inechanical tests of materials, regardless of the form of stressed state of the investigated object, can be differenr.iated into static, quasistatic and dynamic methods. Static testing methods for polymer materials are based on using standard loading devices and recording equipment. The range of strain rates that are covered by these method~ is fairly wide. In creep studies, strain = rates are of the order of 10-6-10-1 s'1, and in the case of uniform ten- sion 10-3-10-1 s-1. Static testing methods are not considered in this book. Quasistatic testing methods cover strain rates of the order of 10-1-104 s-1. These methods are realized by identical loading devices and iden- - tical recording facilities. The loading devices must meet the require- ment of transmitting high energy to the specimen over a time that varies over wide limits (from a few milliseconds to *nicroseconds). The record- _ ing equipment is quick-response sensors, wide-band amplifiers and oscil- lographic devices. In describing the loading facilities, particular attention was given to devices that use electric energy, which have a number of advantages over 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY conventional loading devices, one of these advantages being the capability of loading the surface of a specimen by forces with a given distribution. Methods of transmitting electric energy to a specimen are based on load- ing by powerful electromagnetic pulsed fields or by action through a ' transfer medium (free electric diacharge in a liquid). Both loading methods have found ~pplication fairly recently in mechanical tests, and have a good outlook, Loading and recording facilities selected with con- sideration of anticipated strain rates, and also with consideration of - the shape and dimensions of the specimen, comprise the testing method. The same test involving short-term loading can be taken as quasistatic or dynamic, depending on loading duration and the geometric dimensions of the specimen. Dz~npmie testing is done with loading of the s~ecimen by an intense short- - duration pulse load that produces a nonuniform stressed state in the specimen as a consequence of stress wave propagation. Dynamic methods i involve loads in which considerable inertial foi`,~es act on the specimen. Investigation of wave propagation is the most devEloped method of dynamic testing. In a number of cases dynamic methods do not involve wave propa- gation, even though they are based on accounting for inertial forces. One form of the method is testing of a thin r~ng under the action of internal uniform pulse pressure. The use of quasistatic testing methods is based on the assumption of uniformity of the stressed state of the specimen in time at any point, i, e. without consideration of wave processes. Therefore the results of quasistatic experiments are processed ~ust as for static tests, al- though we will show that the loading and recording facilities of the methods to be compared are quite different. Quasistatic tests are done over a wide range of strain rates. Close to the upper limit of this rang~:, the tests differ more an.d more from the static case. For example, the influence that inertial for"ce~ have on the process of deformation becomes more pronounced and apparent, as'shown by recordings of the - transient process. - ~.~r-' ~ 6j . _ E 9 ~ _ ~o~Co ' ~ _ �~~~r . . _ . e -V%t ~ o~~ ~ t ~ r 4 Fig. I.1. Displacement-time dependEnce in cross section x= L/2 for an elastic (a) and a viscoelastic (b) rod 3 FOR OFFI(:TnT USF. ~N7.Y _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 As an example, Fig. I.1 shows two solutions of the problem of stretching of a uniform elastic rod of length L with one end fixed ar.d the other _ moving at constant velocity Vp. The straight line e= Vpt/L is the result of the quasistatic approach to the solution. The graph showing the step = function is tl~e solurion of the dynamic problem for croas section x= L/2 of the rod. The dynamic and static solutions coincide at times Ln/cp (n =C~, 1, 2...), where cp is the rate of propagation of longitudinal _ elast.ic waves in the rod. Experiments with a polymer rod show that vis- cosity effects are the cause of the observed e-t de^endence shown anal- ogou~~ly in Fig. I.1, b. Region A-A can be taken as a transition zone. When this region covers a considerable part of the process of deforma- . tion, the test should be considered dynamic. Let us note that depending on the length of the rods, the same testing conditions may lead to dif- ferent results that must be treated in accordance with quasistatic or - - dynamic u:ethods. A combination of dynamic and quasistatic processes of - defarmation in mechanical tests is observed in a system made up of two long rods separa~ed by a test specimen in the form of a thin gasket. Loading such a system by a pulse of certain length leads to quasistatic deformation of the gasket. At the same time, lengthwise nonuniform st~:essed state of the rods makes it necessary to treat their deformation as a dynamic process. This testing arrangement is realized by the Hop- kinson split pressure bar method. Material testing by this method can ; be: classif ied as intermediate between quasistatic 3nd dynamic studies. I_ Conclusions about the stLessed state of a specimen at strain rates that ' ~ipproach the limit of applicability of these techniques require additional proofs. Adequately precise definition of the quasistatic nature of de- formatio*~ is complicated (compared with the above example) by nonlinear behavior of the test material, the need for accounting for radial move- ments of the specimen and so on. The final decision on the validity of the quasistatic approach to the treatment of test results is based on solution of the problem of propagation and interaction of stress waves in the speci~en (see Fig. I.1). Testing by the Hopkinson split pressure _ bar methed is substantiated by solution of the prablem of wave propa- - gation in the split bar. While effortg on the part of experimenters to eliminate the influence of wave processes in dynamic tests could hardly be expected to succeed, a change to new unconventional testing methods - does make it possible to disregard wave effects in a specimen up to very high strain rates. One such method, on which devel.opment began quite recently, is testing of a thin ring with loading by a uniformly dis- tsibuted impulsive foce. The dynamic response of the ring specimen to , such loading makes it necessary to consider the ring as a mechanical oscillatory system, which requires registration of accelerations to com- pute the stresses in the ring. New testing methods are now supplemented by quasistatic tests in the complex-stressed state. Such methods are still in the early develop- mental stage. In view of the complexity of solving problems on propa- gation of combined waves and the undsveloped state of the art, it could be assumed that there is no sound basis for quasistatic testing methods _ 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY in the complex-stressed state. Nevertheless we feel that it is necessary _ to examine the corresponding techniques. The first attempts to develop a biaxial version of the Hopkinson split pressure bar are especially promising in our opinion. It is apparently in this direction that fur- ther development of inethods of dynamic and quasistatic tests will take place. Has there been progress in the traditional method of testing for impact toughness which is standardized in the Soviet Union and elsewhere? Ab- solutely. More and more frequent use is now being of standard methods that include registration of force and displacement. The impact toughness method is still the most accessible technique for qualitative evaluation of materials that are being compared. The breaking energy is - calculated in accordance with the method of impact toughness testing without consideration of forces of inertia, i. e, such tests can be . called quasistatic. _ Dynamic and quasistatic studies are aimed at getting fairly exact me- chanical characteristics. Generalization of the results of these tests - in the form of models of inechanical behavior is cf first-rank importance since engineering calculations are based on them. Materials of theo- ~ retical and experimental studies of wave propagation in rods can be used ~ to verify a model obtained with consideration of the results of quasi- static experiments. The justification procedure is done in the follow- ing sequence: the problem of wave propagation in the rod is solved on the basis of the proposed model (which must necessarily conform to an equation of motion of hyperbolic type), and then an experiment is done to study wave phenomena in the rod. A decision as tc applicability of the model is made on the basis of comparison of theory and experiment. One of the important features~~f the mechanical behavior of polymers is ~ considerable dependence of all mechanical parameters on strain rate. ' The way that strain rate affects the mechanical properties of polymers of different classes cannot be reduced to a single formulation. For example, studies of the mechanical properties of amorphous and crystal- line polymers has shown that their mechanical behavior depends on the nature of the relaxation process that predominates during deformation. The problems to be solved in this book were determined on the basis of - the foregoing presentation: 1) the development of modern facilities for loading and registration; 2) verification of quasistatic methods of inechanical testing on the basis of theories of wave propagation; 3) construction of a model of inechanical behavior that reflects response of the material over a wide rartge of times of loading action, and veri- fication of this model by studying wave propagation; 5 F~R f1FFTrTnT iTSF. f1NT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 ~ i vi. v. i i~.icw u..ra: vl~i~~ 4) establishment of principles that govern the influence of strain rate on deformarion and strength of polymers. Tr~e author takes this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to the science editor of the boo k, Professor V. P. Tamuzh, and also to Frofessor G. S. Shapiro, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. V. Kovriga, Candidate of - Technical Sciences V. V. Viktorov and Candidate of Physical and Mathe- matical Sciences R. A. Basin for discussing the results. The author thanks P. V. Tikhomirov for assistance, and also Yu. Ya. Riba, P. P. Kal- ninya and D. A. Abolinyu. PART I - LOADING AND RECORDING FACILITIES FOR DYNAMIC TESTS Dynamic tests utilize facilities that differ in the form of cumulative _ energy. Loading facilities that utilize mechanical energy (swinging and = rotating hammers) and compressed gas energy (pneumatic hammers) have been fairly well developed. To hurl masses with velocity of the order of - several kilometers per second, gas guns are used [Ref. 4, 64, 65]. Work - has been successfully begun on using electrical energy accumulated in , capacitors for dynamic tests. i Recording of dynamic quantities is made difficult by the brevity of the , process, and therefore the use of rapid-action facilities enables reduc- tion of response lag in accordance with the anticipated strain rates. At very high strain rates it is advisable to use non-contact measurement instrumentation distingnished by a comparatively small mass and short - measurement base. Without going in~o the question of reproducing equipment, let us note . that modern cathode-ray oscillographs (S1-29, S1-33, S-37, etc.) that have taken the place of galvanometer oscillographs only partly meet the requirements of researchers because of the inadequate screen. The DL-905 instrument made by Datalab, which stores a pulse and reproduces it by - a two-coordinate chart recorder in the necessary time scale could serve ~ as the ideal reproducing device for dynamic tests. Chapter 1 _ LOADING DEVICES Depending on the kind of cumulative energy, facilities for quasistatic and dynamic tests can be classified as follows: 1) mechanical; 2) pneu- matic and hydraulic; 3) using explosive energy; 4) using electrical _ - energy. The use of these latter as loading devices has begun fairly recently, and therefore the most space in this chapter has been devoted to their description. A detailed descriptian is given of two loading '6 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 ~ FOR OFI'ICIAL USE ONLY _ methods based on the interaction of pulsed electromagnetic fields and use of the electrohydraulic effect. 1.1. Traditional* Loading Devices The simplest device in this category is the drop hczmmer. This mechanism transmits the energy of free fall of a massive body to the specimen. Because of the restricted height from which the mass descends onto the specimen, the rate of impact of the free body on the specimen does no t - exceed 10 m/s. To increase the initial impact velocity, a slingshot _ device is used in which the energy of a stretched rubber band supplements the energy of free fall [Ref. 109J. The Ansler ham~ter was one of the first devices based on using free fall of a system with the specimen that stops when a mass fastened to the specimen impacts against projections of a massive base. Stretching of the specimen is accomplished by inertia 1 forces. To increase the capacity of the device, it is necessary to in- - crease the mass fastened to the specimen. A more up-to-date design is proposed in Ref. 28, in which the weight is a hollow cylinder and stretching is accomplished by impact of the weight against a crosshead fastened to the specimen. The design proposed by N. N. Davidenkov is improved in Ref. 20. Another extensive group of facilities using the energy of free fall is pendulum hammers with principal parameters defined by State Standard GOST 14703-73 (hammers, pendulum, for determining impact toughness of ~ plastics). In recent years Japan, East Germany and other nations have been producing hammers for research purposes on which tests for canti- _ lever bending and impact stretching can be done in addition to two- support bending tests. Such hammers are equipped with devices for mea- " - suring elongation of the specimen and t:ie impact force; however, in some - cases the results do not meet research requirements. The Soviet Union makes BKM-S-1 and BKM-5-3 hammers. Interchangeable pendulums and supports - on the model BKM-5-1 allow tests for two-support bending, impact stretch- ing, cantilever bending and shear. Amung the disadvantages of hammers with a falling weight are: 1) the limited impact velocity, which cannot be increased without increasing the dimensions of the hammer; 2) bending of the specimects due to pendulum travel on a circular arc; 3) repeated impacts of the loading element with - the specimen. Nevertheless, the hammers meet requirements for getting estimates of the characteristics of materials to be compared by standard techniques. ~ - Rotarz~ hairnrters are based on using the energy of a flywheel accelerated to _ a predetermined speed. The Werkstoffprufmaschinen testing machine plant *For more detailed information on the loading devices here termed "traditional," we refer the reader to monographs in the reference list: - 20, 22, 28, 29, 36, 109. P 7 FOR OFFICIA7, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 1'Vl~ VL'1'LVlnl~ VJli V1YL1 r in Leipzig, East Germany, makes the series-produced PCO facility. In testing, one end of the specimen is held in a fixed clamp, and a light crosshead is fastened to the other end. The striker of the hammer is restrained by a pawl. When the rotor reaches the set speed, a signal energizes an electromagnet that releases the pawl. The striker thus _ freed swivels about a pivot under the action of centrifugal force, and occupies its working position by the instant when it meets the crosshead. The disadvantages of the hammer are the same as f~r the drop hammers. Adequate precision of results can be achieved with r~liable registration _ of forces and deformation, and estimation of bending deformations with stretching of ~he specimen. Despite the capability for impact tests with velocit}~ up to 50 m/s, sufficiently reliable results can apparently be - obtained at velocities that do not exceed 7-8 m/s. The inadaquacy of the rotary hammer has been eliminated to a great degree in the design described in Ref. 37. An overall view of the unit - is shown in Fig. 1.1. Specimen 1 with dynamometer 2 is fastened and cer.tered in cylindrical gu.ide 3 hinged to lever 4. At the instant IA 19 J J6 r t 7 6 J P9 TJ ~ ~ ~ ~1 4 � ~ ~ ~ ~ I i 14 1 I I V ~ _ _ ~15 ` I / ' - i .lO I~~. . y - - � - u .i. ~ ~ 9 ~ ' ll !2 ~ 10 1 ~ ~ � _ ~ ~ P1 / I i . ~ t .~.~--._...'-"''I`.-' . d~~3'--._�J i - I ~ I l7 - i , _ Fig. .':_.1. Diagram of rotary ha~ner [Ref. 37). See the text for details. preceding impact, wedge 5 with springs 6 produces slight tension (about 10 kgf) o n the specimen with dynamomster through clamp 7. When rotor 8 has reached the required speed, a controlling signal from the control panel through arcless breaker 9 releases the lever from pin 11 by means - of electromagnet 10. Under the action of spring 12, the lever puts con- nected roller 13 under the thrust of striker 14 and, turning about pivot _ 15 through an angle determined by gap ~Z, transforms the rotary motion ~ of the ro tor to translational motion of clamp 16 that has a velocity _ = range of 2-30 m/s. After destruction of the specimen, motor 17 auto- matically switches to self -braking, and in the case ~f a single strike lever 4 is held by a special catch (not shown) in a rosition that 8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY prevents idle knocking of the striker against roller 13 during deceler- - ation of the rotor (5-6 s). Lever 4 i~ set in the initial position by worm gear 18, 19. Gap ~Z can be regulated by motor 20 through worm gear 21, 22 and eccentric shaft 23. By regulat~.:g this gap, rhe force that. ~rises in the specimen upon impact can be varied with fixed rotor speed. - flydrauZic ar~d pneumatie facilities based on the use of energy trans- mitted by a liquid or compressed gas enable testing over a fairly wide _ range of strain rates. ?hese devices are not industrially produced in the Soviet Union, and therefore a number of laboratories have developed - original installations [e. g, aee Ref. 16]. In the United States, same recent developments of the MTS system are used in quasistatic tests. Pneumatic facilities [Ref. 7, 20, 70] enable tes*_ing to a fairly high strain rate (10`' s-1). It should be mentioned that A. A. I1'yushin (Ref. ~ 86J was the first in the USSR to develop a pneumatic instalZati.on with technical parameters that satisfy modern requirements right up to the present. Ref. 94 deals with a hydraulic facility that operates over a ~ wide range of velocities, and can be used for both static and dynamic testing (E = 50 s-1) . . The simplest design of a pneumatic facility (hammer) includes the follow- ing principal elements: a cylinder, a piston, a system for emptying the - = cylinder and a device for fastening the the specimen. To increase the _ speed of hammer action, the emptied part of the cylinder must have a minimum volume. The speed of the piston depends on its mass and the elements attached to it, and on the speed of operation of the valve that - = bleeds pressure in the cylinder. A low-pressure line is provided for regulating the position of the piston before the test (fastening the _ specimen, pretensioning, compression and so on). Systems with replace- - able diaphragms that rupture for rapid discharge of gas from the cylinder have given a good account of themselves as emptying devices. Ref. 70 - describes a dev ice in which two diauhragms are ruptured (in two stages). First a blade slits one of the diaphragms, which leads to a rise in pressure on the other diaphragm. The abrupt bursting of the second dia- - phragm empties the cylinder at the appropriate rate. The kinematics of pneumatic facilities are considered in Ref. 70, 94. _ The use of energy of powder and explosives for dynamic testing was started ' _ long ago because of a number of advantages of the method. Ordinary firearma are the simplest means used for impact loading of a specimen. Davis [Ref, 29~ noted that different force-time relations can be realized by changing the shape of the tip of the bullet. A disadvantage of Che method of direct impact of a bullet against the end of the specimen is that contact phenomena arise that are difficult to account for in pro- cessing results. This disadvantage has been eliminated in the loading methods described in Ref. 45, 77. G, M. Kozlov [Ref. 45] has proposed a facility in which a tubular specimen is subjected to tension upon impact of a lead bullet traveling at 300-800 m/s through a bullet guide con- nected to the loaded end of the specimen. Ref. 77 describes a facility - that can strain a specimen at rates up to 1200 m/s. 9 FOR OFFICIAT, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 rUK ~rrlLttu. UJ~ U[VLY The use of explosives for loading a specimen does nat require special devices, excepting those cases where the force is transmitted through a - transfex� medium (for example a liquid) . Ref. 41 describes methods of ioading a specimen by forces of inertia of a masa with detonati~n of an expiogive charge on its surface, Ref. 141 dewonatrates the use of ex- plosives as a source of energy for loading a Hopkineon bar, and Ref. 169 shows the use of explosives for studying surface waves. The use of explosives is accompanied by electromagnetic pickups, and as a result registration of the stressed state is done either at a point removed from the blast point, or the surface of the specimen is studied ~ by high-speed photography. We should point out the similarity of loading by explosives and by electrical devices, which is especially apparent _ when forces are transmitted through a transfer medium. " 1.2. Magnetic-Pulse Facility - . It is comparatively recently that electric energy has been used for mechanical tests. The basic principle of dynamic accumula- _ _ tion of considerable energy and release over a short time has been most successfully realized in facilities intended for dynamic and quasi- ; static testing. Energy is accumulated by capacitor banks, and discharge ; is accompanied by release of the energy. The device used for accumu- ~ lating and relea~ing energy is called a pulse current generator. ltao ~ methods are known for transmitting the discharge energy of capacitors to _ a test specimen. The first is based on deformation of specimens by rather high-power pulsed electromagnetic fields [Ref. 9, 21, 34, 44, 136]. The technique is most simply realized by special inductors. Upon discharge, electrodynamic forces repel a metal body that is freely set on the inductor and is used as the striker on the test specimen. The - othar method of transmitting energy consists in using the so-called elec- trohydraulic effect, resulting in intensive pulse pressure in a liquid as a consequence of electric discharge. - The use of facilities based on electric energy stored in capacitors is dictated mainly by high efficiency and the capability for producing short and fairly intensive loads. An electric diagram of a pulse generator is R Fig. 1.2. Electric diagram of a pulse _ ~~p generator: T--high-voltage step-up trans- ~ 3 H== former; B--high-volCage rectifier; C-- b capacitors; P--spark gap shown in Fig. 1.2. The element for electrical-to-mechanical energy con- - version (denoted by H on the diagram) in this case is based on free dis- _ charge in a liquid. The most important characteristics of the generator are the installed power and energy of the discharge, and also the period of the discharge. The discharge energy is G oz E = z C, 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOFt OFFTCIAL USE ONLY - - where Up is the working voltage. The frequency of capacitor discharRe ~ determines the shape of the pulse acting on the test specimen. MIU-40/5 faciZity. The schematic electric diagram of a facility used _ at the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences, is shown in Fig. 1.3. The circuit operates as follows. I i i2 p! R ~ , - ~ 4-4 6 ~ ~ i ~ , i i i i zo ; ; r ,+n-so R R ; ' ~at, K~ Qv Tp/ Rr ~ rpt? g K6 ~ Ipy I p~ u K R R . /yr1 ~7} YO ID ~0 X, R qw ~i X i ; JO K ~ r o~ i a , 61l~ GK, ' ~ D~-D,. IP [rar Ru . 10 1 ~21.~[l~/Nit AE~9~A~9 ?p ~a pisR 7P ~ ; w - � i ~ ~ PQ.~9 JP _ I1--set awitch ~ v ~2 -iii~r;h voltage ~p 2p 3P ;3--~afety p Fig. 1.3. El~ctric schematic of the MIU-40/5 facility at the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers [see explanation in text] - _ Pressing the "charge" button jaapttg] engages contactor K1 that sends voltage to step-up transformer Tpl. The secondary voltage of the trans- former is rectified by high-voltage rectifier BB and is fed through current-limiting resistors R1-R4 to sections of the capacitor bank 1~1 and KG2. The charging voltage level is monitored by microammeters connected in the circuits of each of the sections of the capacitor bank. Charging of the capacitor banks is stopped by pressing the "STOP" button jC7n17]; when this is done, capacitor K1 is disconnected. The "discharge" button [pa3pRyJ is pressed to discharge the sections of the capacitor _ bank to the inductor. Doing this energizes the ignition system consist- - ing of elements Tp2, ,Lj1, ...,,L16, C1, C6, R~, C7, PI and P6. The igni- tion system produces a high-voltage pulse of 25 kV that is fed to the ig- nition electrodes of transformers Tpl, Tp2. The pulse ionizes the gap - between the electrodes, resulting in discharge of the capacitor bank to the inductor. A more detailed description of the principal components of the circuit is given below. 11 FOR OFFTCT^T TJSF. ~NT,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 - , ~ - Car�acitor bank. The MIU-40/5 facility uses IMU-140-5 capacitors dis- tingui~hed by low self-inductance. The capacitor bank is made in the - fr~rm of two sections of ten capacitors each. The choice of two parallel - _ operating sections of the capacitor bank facilitates the work of the dis- chargers. The possibility of non-simultaneous firing of both dischargers - is prevented ~y a special ignition circuit. In each section, the capaci- tors are interconnected by three-layer flat busbars made of copper plates 6 mm thick. Dischargers (Tpa). The facility uses two dischargers operating in parallel. Dischargers of coaxial type are used to reduce self-inductance. - Teflon is the insulating material. Practical tests have shown that dis- charge tracks can be observed on the electrodes after 150-2J0 operations. The discharger leads are interconnected by a three-layer system of flat busbars to wnich leads are attached for connecting the load. _ Step-v.p transformer, high-voZtage rectifier. The primary of transformer Tp3 (see Fig. ]:~.3) is connected to a 220 V line. The MIU-40/5 uses an NOM-10 voltage transformer with seconnary voltage of 10 kV and power of ' 750 W. The time for charging the capacitor bank to the full working j voltage is about two minutes. The high-voltage rectifier rectifies the I secondary voltage of the step-up transformer. The rectifier is based on silicon semiconductor diodes. The working voltage of the rectifier is ~ 28 kV, which is much higher than the voltage rating of the transformer. ; The rectifier operates in a half-wave circuit. - Ignition deviee. The capacitor bank is discharged when a high-voltage pulse produced by a special system utilizing low-power step-up trans- former Tp2 (see Fig. 1.3) with secondary voltage of 4 kV is sent to the controlling electrodes of a trigatron. For reliable firing of trigatrons the voltage pulse must have a steep leading edge, therefore the ignitior. voltage Uign is chosen 2-�3 times as high as the charging voltage of the capacitor bank. The voltage of the secondary winding of the transformer is stepped up by multiplying the voltage of,L(1,...,,Lj6 and C1,..., C6 _ by a factor of six. Ignition capacitor C7 is charged to a certain level of voltag~ (24 kV), the capacitance of 0.8 uF ensuring a sufficient dis- - charge frequency of C6, and thus providing a steep front for the initiat- ing pulse. When the voltage across capacitor C7 reaches 20 kV, breakdown of the spark gap takes place in discharger P1, whose second electrode is - connected through resistor R to the zero wire. When this happens, a high-voltage pulse is also sent to the controlling electrodes of triga- trons Tp21 and Tpz2. The selected discharge frequency of tha ignition capacitor, which is 5-10 times as high as the frequency of the main cur- rent of the capacitor bank, is conducive to simultaneity of trigatron - firing and discharge of both�section of the capacitor bank. , ~2e eontroZ eireuit of the facility is based on DC electromagnetic relays supplied by step-down transformer Tp3 with rectifier ~(7-I~10 connected in - _ a bridge circuit. Also connected to the transformer secondary is the supply to the signal circuits (.lIC-7. ...IIC-3) . When AT!-50 is switched on, 12 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY voltage is fed to the facility that goes through normally clossd con- tacts of relay 3P to the windi.ngs of safety discharge cont3ctors K2 and _ K3. Pressing pushbutton sapRg sends voltage to intermediate relay 1P through normally clcased contacts of relays 4P and 5P. Intermediate relay 1P energizes contactor K1, which sends line voltage to the primary winding of step-up transformer Tpl. This results in charging of sections 1{61 and 1~2 of the capacitor bank. The resistance of R4 and R2 is ex- perimentally determined for simultaneously charging these sections to a _ given voltage. The voltage level across the capacitors is monitored by two microammeters connected to high-potential voltage dividers R7, R8 and R11, R12. Resist- - ances of R19 and R25 are used for calibrating the microammeters with re- spect to a laborator}~ voltmeter. Capacitors C8 and C9 that shunt the microammeters protect them from pulse interference during discharge of the capacitor bank. Charging of the capcitor bank can be terminated by pressing pushbutton C7n17. This interrupts the supply to relay 1P and K1, and disconnects transformer Tpl from the line. Charging is also termi- � nated automatically when a certain voltage is reached, that is set by _ potentiometers R21 and R23 through which voltage relays 4P and 5P are supplied from voltage dividers R9,..., R14. Patentiometers R21 and R23 ~ are selected so that at thei.r maximum resistance the operation of rela;;,~ _ 4P and 5P occurs at a voltage of 5 kV on the capacitor bank, i. e. the maximum permissible voltage. The next major operation on the facility discharge takes place after pressing the pushbutton pa3pstg. This energizes intermediate relay 2P that supplies the ignition unit. _ 1.2.1. Loading by Electrodynamic Forces - The ma.gnetic pulse facility can be a generator of a powerful pulsed mag- _ _ netic field if an inductor is connscted to its output terminals, and the magnetic field induces eddy currents in metal comvonents in the near vicinity. Interaction between the magnetic field of the inductor and the induced field leads to mechanical body forces in the inductor and the components directed in accordance with the well known left hand rule. As a result of this interaction, the component is pushed away from the securely fastened inductor. Ano~her method that is used for transmitting energy to a specimen from capacitors is based on repulsion of 2 conductors with currents in opposed directions. At present, both of these methods of transferring the energy of strong magnetic fields to a test specimen - can be considered fairly well developed. The former is realized by single-turn inductors (Fig. 1.4); the latter is based on the use of Fig. 1.4. Diagram of specimen loading by ~ a single-loop inductor: x NI~GY= to magnetic- x NSI pulse facility = many-turn inductors paired with massive bodies. The accelerated masses may be plates [Ref. 9, 21, 34, 44], cylinders, etc. The working principle of the single-turn inductor is as follows. A one-piece or composite band 13 - FOR OFFT(:T^T USF nNT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 is shaped into a loop. One half of this loop is secured to a massive base, and the other half rests freely on the surface of the specimen. The ends of the inductor are connected to the leads of the magnetic-pulse facility. Discharge of the capacitors of the magnetic-pulse facility to the single-turn inductor leads to electrodynamic forces of repulsion between the two halves of the inducror. The use of the single-turn inductor for testing beams and rings is described in more detail in the next section. Discharging the capacitors of the magnetic-pulse facility produces electromagnetic pickups that complicate the recording process in . tests with single-turn inductors. For thisreason, recording must be done on the surface of the specimen at a point rather far removed from the . inductor, or else t?~e stressed and strained state that arises in the specimen under the action of inertial forces must be recorded (i. e. at - the instant of termination of' the discharge and hence when the influence of electrodynamic forces is.absent). Complete independence of recordings from pickups due to dischar_ge is attained when the force is transmitted ' to the specimen by using many-turn inductors to hurl massive bodies. To eliminate interference in this case, it is only necessary to choose the distance covered by the thrown body L before it meets the specimen such that the relation y > T 0 is satisfied, where Vp is the mean velocity of the hurled body, T is the - time of discharge. The impulse of the force acti:lg on the thrown mass is found from the formula [Ref. 43] - p_ 2nE~on2 (h'i+Rz) z~~y s s 1'h - y~ (Rz-R,) ~ I sh 2 ; (1.1) f~-f-S~R2; G+~' Eia is the coefficient of induction; R2, Rl are tY:e 1 outside and inside radius of the inductor respectively; h= H/R2; H is the thickness of a turn of the inductor; d is the distance from the inductor to the mass to be thrown; I is the current in the inductor; n is the _ number of turns; c is the width of the insulation; b is the width of a - turn. The velocity with which the mass is thrown is V= F/m. ~ At the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences, re~earch has been done on throwing a mass by an inductor that is a copper plate in which Micarta is cemented into a milled spiral gap. _ Copper bars 8 mm in diameter were welded to the plate as leads of the inductor. The design of the projectil.e-mass is shown in Fig. 1.5. The _ way that the velocity of this pro~ectile depends on the parameters of - the ind.uctor (Table 1.1) and the charging voltage of the capacitors is shot~n in Fig. 1.6 and 1.7. These figures also show the results of calcu- lation by formula (1.1). 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TABLE 1.1 Variants Inductor parameters I II III Number of turns 3 6 6 Inside diameter 2R1 0 0 0 Outside diameter 2R2 70 70 70 Turn thickness H, mm 2.0 2.5 2.0 Turn width h, ~mm 9.0 5.0 9.0 Insulation width c, mm 1.~ 1.0 1.0 Inductance, n?.~i 0.244 0.833 1.640 Resistance, S2 8.6 27.5 34.4 I Ie I ~ b I ' Fig. 1.5. Shape and dimensions of ~ - projectile-mass , . ~eo----- , , ~~c 3 V, n/c V~ ID S ~ e ID~8 III3SS g 1 30 ~ a,~ s0 47,1 666 ~ 12 SB V ~ ~ Cl1TV l ~ ~ ( ~ . / / I ---1-- . , s - - ---f- 2~ ~ ~ . / ~ ~ 6 ( , . ~ ~o - - 20 - - ~ ~ i 'k~ I u, kv ~ ~ u, V ~ ~ U,KB ~ I u, a ! _ - 0 0,4 ~o,e ~2 v 40o r~oo Fig. 1.6. Curves for projectile velocity as a function of voltage across the capacitors: 1 and 4--calculation; 2 and 3--experiments using in- - ductors I and III (see Table 1.1). Projectile mass.30 g. Fig. 1.7. Curves for projective velocity as a function of voltage across the capacitors and the value of the mass: 2, 4, 6--calculation; 1,, 3, 5-- experiment 15 FOR OFFICIQT~ i7SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 rvn vrrt~lru, u~~, VLVLY w / J~ a + e~ c ~ . / s T ~~2 . eo . / --l60--- / ' b~b _ C =_300 uF ~ ~ Y' M~ . c�aoo ~ na? ao 8~ ~ s ~ 20 ao - ' ~ uF _ '~i ~ � ~ o ~s rso rzs ~oo 40 - j 75 Fig. 1.8. Curves for velocity of po _ throwing by an inductor (a) as a func- ~ p,kV tion of the voltage across capacitor~ o' uo~8 (b) and their capacitance (c). Projec- . � . 2 3 k S tile masses 92 g( ) and 41 g(---) [Ref . 91] . Curves for the velocity of the projectile mass as a function of capaci- ~ tance of the capacitors as plotted by G. V. Stepanov [Ref. 91] using an - inductor consisting of 28 turns o:f PE 2.0 wire are shown in Fig. 1.8. i 1.2.2. Loading by an Electric Discharge in Liquid A method of producing high pulse pressures in a liquid by an electric discharge was discovered by L. A. Yutkin [Ref. 111] and called the elec- trohydraulic effect. The use of the electrohydraulic effect for testing beganfairly recently [Ref. 3]. At the present time, electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy by two equivalent techniques: by ex- = ploding a wire in the liquid, or by an electr~c discharge in the liquid [Ref. 14, 40J. EZectric discharge in ZZ(~'7,i2CZ. The process of electric discharge in a I liquid is characterized by a number of sequentially occurring effects. First electric breakdown takes place between electrodes with the forma.- - tion of a spark channel in which high temperature leads to the formation of a gas-vapor cavity with high internal pressure that causes abrupt expansion until the pressure inside the cavity is equal to the hydro- static pressure of the ambient liquid. Then the radius of the cavity ~ - fluctuates, attenuating in time. The abrupt enlargement of the gas-vapor cavity produces a shock wave in the ambient liquid. In addition to formation of a shock wave and external fluid flow around the gas-vapor cavity, the discharge is accompanied by acoustic, ultra- sonic, x-ray [Ref. 18] and other phenomena that have no significant influence on the process of deformation of the test speicmen, but do affect the recordings made during testing. The numerical values of the _ pressures on the shock wave front during free electric discharge in a liquid depend on many factors. Among these, we note the size of the 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P,an,,, , P, atm ~ au~ eoo - O Q00 o s i 400 ~ r 200 U0, V _ ~ U� e sao +soo tsoo Fig. 1.9. Pressure in liquid accompanying electrohydraulic effect as a function of the discharge gap 8 and initial vol~age acorss the capacitors. The pressure was measured at a distance of 200 mm from the initiator. - discharge gap, the voltage across the capacitors, the inductance��and capacitance of the capacitors. Fig. 1.9 shows the way that pressure depends on the discharge gap and voltage across the capacitors of the MIU-40/5 facility. The pressure - was determined at a distance of 200 mm from the discharge source by measurement of deformation on the surface of an aluminum rod with its end immersed in the liquid. Chapter 2 ~ RECORDING DEVICES Recording during dynamic testing is faced with a number of difficulties due to the brevity of the processes to be recorded. The measurements are influenced by the time lag of the recording sensors, wave phenomena in the specimen, and the frequency responses of the recording and amplifying equipment Development of correct and sufficiently reliable recording methods is aimed primarily at eliminating the influence of these effects on the parameters to be recorded. 2.1. Measurement of Load and Pressure The load must be recorded in addition to strain measurements for plotting stress-strain diagrams in quasistatic and dynamic tests. When forces are transmitted to the specimen through an intermediate medium, the pressure is measured. .Linear forces are determined by sensors (strain gages, piezoelectric sensors, capacitive, inductive, dielectric). The 17 - FOR OFFICTAT, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 - ? vi. v. L~, u.)l:. varL,1 main requirement to be met by the dynamometer is that readings must be independent of strain rate, i, e. the static and dynamic calibration should coincide. Force registration by dynamometers reduces to measuring deformation of an elastic element by sensors of a type determined by the anticipated magnitude of the force as well as the time of its action. - The elastic element of the dynamometer may be the thickened portion of the specimen [Ref. 7, 20] or a sgecial structural component that goes beyond the limits of the specimen. The simplest dynamometer of the latter type is a long waveguide rod. The main requirements to be met _ by dynamometers that are a thicker~ed portion of the specimen are: the stresses in the thickened part must not exceed the yield point of the material, which should show pure elasticity. Therefore the given method of force measurement is used only in testing metals. The values of the force measured on the thickened part of a specimen in quasistatic tests - of pclym~rs cannot be considered reliable because of the dependence of the mechanical properties of the specimen material on strain rate. 2.1.1. Piezoelectric Dynamometers - Dynamometers may be placed on the striker or in direct proximity to the stationary clamp. Combining the dynamometer with a massive striking body , is most ~ustified in recordings that accompany tests for dynamic bending. I : Fig. 2.1. Diagram of the simples~ i dynamometer , , I . . I - _ . A ~ A.~ . _ _ ~ ~ ~C""~ R3 �1! ~oR Jl~ rs~n ~ nro: nap I ~ R6 i L R2 ~ ~ 1.3K ~ i Q� -lt ~ Fig. 2.2. Circuit of the simplest piezoelectric amplifier [Ref. 66]: _ exog = input The simplest dynamometer located beyond the limits of the specimen is shown in Fig. 2.1. The construction of the elastic element depends on the method used for measuring deformation. The dynamometer has the - 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 i ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY simplest construction when deformations of the elastic element are mea- sured by strain gages placed as cZose as possible to the clamp. Regardless of the measurement method, the dynamometers must meet the following requirements: 1) the frequency of thei�r norsal modes must be suff iciently high; 2,1 the readings of the dynamometer must depend linearly on the applied load. These requirements are interrelated since they - reduce to the necessity for high rigi~ity of the dynamometer, which in ! turn leads to a reduction in sensitivity of strain gage registrations. As a result, a trend was noted long ago to force measurement by piezo- . electric pickups with sensitivity 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than that of recording by strain gages under conditione of identical dyna- mometer sensitivity. A definite advantage of using piezoelectric sensors is the capability for measuring weak forces, which is very important in tests of low-modulus materials, filaments and so on. Another advantage of piezoelec~ric dynamometers that is no less important is practically total shielding from pickups due to ionization of the air when explosives are used, and also with the use of electric energy stored in capacitors. Piezoelectric measurements are based on the piezoelectric effect, and on the charge that arises when a load acts on a piezoelectric element. - Quantitatively, the piezoelectric effect is determined by the relaticin q = aP~ ~1.2) - where a= const is the piezoelectric constant. The piezoelectric effect is displayed by materials among which quartz occupies a special place due to high mechanical strength. A number of ceramics that have lower mechanical strength have a piezoelectric constant an order of magnitude greater than that of quartz (Table 2.1). The emf that arises upon impact loading in a piezoelectric element can be recorded by a reproducing device without intermediate amplification. However, for purposes of static graduation of the piezoelectric element an amplifier with high-impedance input is needed to reduce the rate o� ~ bleeding of the charge from the element. Piezoelectric amplifiers have practically zero lag. Fig. 2.2 shows a schematic diagram of the simplest amplifier [Ref. 66]. The standard PM-1 - set (East Germany) includes a piezoelectric amplifier with high�-impedance input. The device can be used for static graduation of piezoelectric elements, and has a wide frequency passband. Standard dynamometers called force sensors or pressure sensors are also produced in the United States and Denmark. Practically aZl standard force sensors have a low level of ineasurable force, and therefore are used mainly in testing materials for harmonic oscil~.ations (from 0.5 g to 5-10 kg). - D~nczmometers for tensiZe tests. In contrast to designs with annular piezoelectric elements in standard non-Soviet dynamometers, the devices 19 - FOR OFFIC7~T TTSE ~NT,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 rvn vrrl~irw u~~ VLVLs m ~c~ I~~ ~ i ~I I o ~ tl $ r N _ ~ . m V F . A Q ~ ~ T O ~ ' s V ~ ~ Ca C~ II II ~ ~r1 C m $ � v CV _ n O~$ p . ~ n _ I m ~ ~ tl.a0. ~ - .'iCV . . 9 � . ' 7 _ C u � . '.~.r ~ ~ \ � - t~ p U~ M U OcVt~ ~ O I N O ~ ~ II II - ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ r, ,-{c~ O N ~ ~ - i--I tA U ~ - v . ~ ~ � N 4.~ N N a ~ ~ ~ ~ H~ ~ ' 1J \ ~ \ i -0, p ' b cd ~ GfI b0 O N . ~ h C aQ. ~ g~~ I vI tn 00 ~G aG ~-I N m O N N.L" .C Q U ~ ~..i ~ cv . , , ~ , ~ u w v~i ~ ~ ( W _ _ ~ t) c~v u c~v o ~ t~.i y a1 1~-+ N ~ ~ N ~ 41 J-1 H ~ u~ II ea O M ~ ~ ~ U N m cn ~ M ~ m v o0 cv - u ~ ~ ~ r-1 ~ - �rl O tA rl rl q N~ a tA TJ ' _ a u~ u~ ccOV ~~ri U O d N , ~ e~ 1 A W~ U E+ o~t `~j~W O n I I~ i i i i i i ~ F n�a N t~ ao rn O'-1 F ~ ~ M ~ 0 p p M~I~ N O lT! pQ F CQ N M CV tD ~ i N ~ I L"+ cd _ ~ , ~ ~r~l ~ ~ CV Q G y ~1 ~ ~ t0 N 4 ~ ~ 1~ QJ I ~ N ~ M ^ ~ Ri 41 ' - cd q ~u ci u1 O cb Q~1 t~.~ 3a O - � ~J ~r~l ~ri ~ 0 ~ Q N N~ N G"+ F- ~ 1J ~ vi ~ ~ 1- q (d 3-1 rl 'U 'U C ` ~ ~ a ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b ' ~ ~ V ~ ^ QI & sa a a ~ a ~ c�CV~~ $ i I I I I I ~a .a i, v u,p . ,p rl N rl ~7' ~1 . ~ V p ~N v~:.. va V^ - O i �-Spu pc~jp ~ 4 L .C X q Y O, X p, ~L o 1-~~ ~`hO.` !~o+`FO-~u ~ - .1 . 'Qi .1 i .1 .1 . /1. /ti r\ ~ , /1 ~D~f~ CO Q1 ~ ~ u v ..i u *-I rl v v 2~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ , , a ~ ~ ~ ' ~o-.w~ ~ _ - ~ ~ I ? " J . ~ , - ~ i i e ~ ~ _10 1. ~ - ~ m i ~ ` ~ '~'%~4~:: .~cmc~ ~ Fig. 2.3. Con.struction of piezoelectric dynamometer for tensile tests: 1--piezoelectric sensor; 2--specimen; 3--strain gage Fig, 2.4. Construction of piezoelectric dynamometer for compressive - tests: 1--piezoelectric sensor; 2--specimen desr.ribed below use piezoelectric elements in the form of disks that can take considerable forces. The time lag of the force sensor is evaluated on the basis of dynamometer design data, including the clamp for holding the specimen if the dynamometer is intended for force registration under tension. Fig. 2.3 and 2.4 show dynamometer designs in which the piez~- electric sensor is located as close as possible to the specimen in the _ clamp, which leads to an increase in the natural frequency of the dyna- mometer [Ref. 50, 51]. The piezoelectric element is installed in a window in the elastic element, which is combined with the clamp and precompressed by a screw. As the specimen is stretched, deformation of the elastic element relieves the pressure on the precompressed piezo- electric sensory and an emf arises. Piezoceramic pellets 8 mm in diam- eter and 5~n thick are used as the piezoelectric element. The natural frequency of the dynamometer depends on its geometric dimensions. Dp~namometers for compressive tests have a design analogous to that de- ~;cribed above. The only difference is that there are no clamps, which increases the natural frequency of the dynamometer. Fig. 2.5 shows a - ,typical oscillogram produced by a dynamometer with natural frequency of _ SO kHz [see Fig. 2.4]. 2.1.2. Waveguide-Dynamometers The lag time of dynamometers described in the preceding section limits - their applicability in tests with strain rates of about 20-50 s-1. The ' range of applicability is expanded by using waveguides, the main purpose being to prevent the natural vibrations of the dynamometer from being 21 � FOR OFFICrnr USE ~NT,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 _ . ~ iu~~l . .;d' p:' . ,yy:. I~1'. , { ~ :~~1.. ',~I ':.f.:.l~' . .jy, 5 y_� . - ~ q~ ;w ~ , . ? ~f '~1 ~.;.r .i~, ~ ~�.,~i I : ; 4,... 7' ,i,- / I� � : ~ i / !1 , ' ~ ~ ~ ~ J : J yl . i ~.~~r. ,i ~ I ..1. . . . ( ~ . . ~ I Fig. 2.5. Typical force-time oscillogram produced by a dynamometer [see Fig. 2.3]. Testing of glass-textolite at e= 5 s-1 (AST fabric 50%, EDT resin 50%). passed on to the specimen. A diagram of force measurements by waveguides _ is shown in Fig. 2.6. The length of the waveguide is selected so that Fig. 2.6. Diagram of force regis- � tration by a waveguide in compres- ' ? ~ y sion tests: 1--waveguide rod; 2-- rooo~-~--~-- ; support; 3--strain gage; 4--specimen. ~-8 ` ' _ . _ _ Cj 6s i the reflected waves from the left n ~ , end do not reach the specimen during =D testing. If the lengt:~ of t~?e p specimen is more than an ord~er of ~y,~y magnitude less than r..he lengr:;~ of " the waveguide, a qu~isistatic state may be rapidly reached in the specimen, whereas there is no such state in the waveguide thr%~ughout the course of the experiment. The simplest ver- sion of a waveguide is a specimen with an elongated dynamometric section - [Ref. 76, 9 2]. The advantage of a force sensor with a long waveguide rod 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is obvious, and shows up in the absence of distoztions caused by natural vibrations of the force sensor and elements of the facility [Ref. 23]. - Methods have been developed at the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, - Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences for recording quasistatic compression with a strain rate of up to 100 s'"i by using a waveguide [Ref. S:i]. Given below is the experimental technique and a comparison of the results - of ineasurements by the dynamometers described in 2.1.1 and by waveguides . Stress-atrain diagrams obtained by these devicea are shown in Fig. 2.7, showing the feasibility of plotting a reliable diagram right up to e = 100 s" 1. G~~` , Fig. 2. 7. Diagrams of Q/ob vs e in which _ oq _ _ the values of Q were found by a waveguide ~ and by a piezoelectric dynamometer ,p~ in compression tests: 1--strain rate 2~ 26 s~l; 2--5 s-1; 3--10-3 s-1; Qb is the - o? _ _ static breaking point. ~ 3 J.~ - ' A steel rod (waveguide) 10 ~ in diameter and -1- ~~y' 1 m long [see Fig. 2.6] was placed in Teflon 0 0,~ n,2 0,3 0,4 o,s bearings and put into contact with a test specimen resting against a rather massive plate. The specimens were bars with a cross section of 1Ox10 mm and length of 30-40 mm. The loading device was an MK-30 pendulum haBUner. The signals from strain gages A and B cemented close to the contacting ends of the rods were amplified by a T11-M device and fed to the inputs _ of two 51-29 memorizing oscilloscopes. Considering that the steel rod was elastically deformed, the experimental relation between strain and = time (eI-t) on the end of the steel rod was transformed to a relation - - between force and time (P-t). Dynamic stress-strain diagrams were - plotted from relations eIi-t for a polymer rod, and from P-t curves. Pressure sen3or~. The necessity for pressure measurement arises in cases where loading is done by an explosive charge or by underwater explosion of a wire. In either case the dynamic pressure is transmitted to the specimen through an intermediate medium (liquid) in which the pressure _ _ is recorded. Pressure sensors produced by a number of non-Soviet enter- prises and companies have a fairly wide range of ineasurable pressure. - _ The natural frequency of the sensors is no more than 45 kHz. Quick- response instruments based on waveguides have been used for recording pulse pressures over the last few years. A version of pressure recording ~ using a waveguide is shown in Fig. 2.8. The waveguide material is chosen so that the acoustic stiffness pc (Table 2.2) of the piezoelectric element - - is not appreciably different from that of the waveguide. The sensor for _ measuring pulse pressure [Ref. 66J (see Fig. 2.8) consists of a waveguide and piezoelectric element that have the same acoustic resistance. 23 FnR ~FFTrT~* iT~F. f1NT.ti APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 . v.. va a a.~.itu~ uJ1i TABLE 2.2 - '~Javeguide pc�10'4 Piezoelectric pc�10'`' material g/s�cm2 material g/s�cm2 Bismuth 214 H6C-1 200-240 - Cadmium 240 H6C-3 200-230 Zinc 296 uTC-19 290 Aluminum 169 quartz 152 Steel-3 454 - - . . . , j � P 9 I 2' Fig. 2.8. Piezoelectric pressure sensor: 1--elastic rod (waveguide); I 2, 2'--versions of placement of piezoelectric elements; 3--casing; 4-- insulating tube The sensor for measuring pulse pressure, including the piezoelectric ti~ element, can be statically calibrated. The simplest version of the pressure sensor is a metal rod waveguide with cemented strain gages (results of application of the sensor will be considered later on). 2.1.3. Capacitive and Dielectric Pressure Sensors - _ Below we describe methods of recording dynamic forces and pressures that have not been extensively used because of the complexity of realization and limits of applicability. Nevertheless, we will consider them in this section since experimental practice does not exclude cases where just ~ such methods are the only ones that can be realized. ~ A capacitive sensor of diaphragm type is described in Ref. 36. The pulse pressure to be measured by the sensor compresses its elastic element (e. g. a mica ring), whose thickness determines the gap in a capacitor. The sensor is connected in a tank circuit to which high-frequency voltage is sent from a stabilized quartz-crystal oscillator. The tank is tuned _ slightly off the frequency of the oscillator. Change in the capacitance of the sensor under the action of a load increases or decreases the mis- match of the tank frequency. The amplitude of the rf voltage on the tank varies as a f unction of the magnitude of the force acting on the dia- phragm, and as a result the carrier frequency is amplitude-modulated, and - 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i~ _ ~ p ~ j eooe earrn 6 I + ~ ~ ?~o ~ ~u' _ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ : , Y ~ 43 _ P to I Fig. 2.9. Diagrams of a dielectric ~ 73 I - pressure sensor (a) and a cathode ~ follower (b) [Ref. 93]. ~-----------___..i then goes to an oscilloscope input through a bandpass amplifier and detector. DieZectric pressure sensor [Ref. 79, 93]. This is a capacitor formed by aluminum foil (0.01 mm thick, 12 mm in diameter) and ad~oining metal - surtaces with a dielectric film between them (see Fig. 2.9,a). Preliminary electrical polarization of the dielectric compressed between plates under a potential of 800 V through a resistor of 4.3 MSt ensures constancy of the charge accumulated on the capacitor of the sensor and the capacitive divider. The dynamic component of the voltage across the sensor due to the change in capacitance with compression of the dielectric is sent _ - thro~}gh a cathode follower (Fig. 2.9, b) to the input of the oscilloscope. 2.2. Measurement of llisplacements and Deformations The basis of photoelectric methods of ineasurement in quasistatic and _ dynamic tests is the use of photoelectric devices photocells and photomultipliers that convert radiation in the visible, ultraviolet _ and infrared regions of the spectrum to an electric signal. This con- version is based on the photoemissive effect in which a flux of radiation incident on the surface of certain semi.conductors and metals produces emission of electrons (the physical nature of this effect is described in Ref. 71). Reasons for using photocells and photomultipliers in dynamic and quasistatic tests are: 1) practically zero response time; 2) capa- _ bility of total shielding of the measurement system from pickups caused - by the discharge of capacitors and ionization of air when explosives are used; 3) high sensitivity; 4) capability of direct static calibration. The simplest circuit for photocell connection is shown in Fig. 2.10. Displacement is registered by a display component (flag) fastened to a moving element that varies the light flux from the source. Between the flag and the photocell is a diaphragm (Fig. 2.11), which is a metal~plate - with a specially shaped opening. Because of the difference in sensitivity _ of cathode sections relati~�e to the center, the opening has a shape like that shown in Fig. 2.11 to make the sensor readings linear. Sensors for registration of 3isplacements in quasistatic tests differ with respect to the distances between the photocell and the light source. In the diagram _ ~ 25 FOR OFFICT^T i1SF f1NT,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 a) , r Q1,4 aw , . * 2 4 3 . s) ~ ~ - pM ~4 1 ! ~ + - Fig. 2.10. Systems for recording displacements by photocells with an optical lens system (a), and without one (b): 1--display element; 2-- ` light source; 3--photo~ell; 4--diaphragm; ~A--photodiode t ~ ~ i of Fig. 2.10, b, this distance is set at a minimum, and the light source and photocell I are accommodated in two housings fastened by ~ bolts. The clearance between the housings ! permits passage of the flag. A diagram of a ~ displacement sensor in which the light source ~ is more distant from the photocell and the ' photomultiplier is ahown in Fig. 2.10, a. Fig. 2.11. Construction In contrast to the previously described of diaphrs~,gm (1) with sensor, thi.s one is equipped with a lens frosted ~;iass (2) system. Registration of displacements by photocells and photomultipliers with the use - of flags is applied in the case of gnasistatic testing of materials. The indicator flag may be a moving part of the loading device. 2.2.1. Photoelectric Methods i i Use of tha method described above is limited to impact velocities at _ which vibration of the indicator component begins to distort the results, , and moreover it cannot be used to register small displacements (of the - order of 0.01 mm). ~ 7`he interferometric method of ineasuring longitudinal extension of a ' specimen under tension enables determination of quantities with very high precision. Ref. 155 describes the use of an interferometric method for measuring elongation and the angle of turn of a specimen sub~ected to ~ torsion and tension. Fig. 2.12, a shows a system for recording elongation of a specimen in quasistatic tests. The measurement links were 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Fig. 2.12. System for interfero- metric registration of elongation of a specimen (a) and stages of obtaining the dependence in time of elongation of a specimen under ~1~~ tension (b) [Ref. 154]: 1--specimen; 2--photodiode; 3�--counter; 4--pulse � generator; 5--integrating circuit (2) (3) (4).. ~5> y~,~ a,~�~,~� ~ ~ c, - A A' B - 6) Cu2xan sZgnaz ~ interferometers. Fig. 2.12, b shows ~`"A the corresponding signal diagrams ob- tained in the circuit elements of c~.~,a' 'll Fig. 2.12, a. The signals from the ~ photodiodes are sent to a binary- f,i decimal counter, which is a device c~~a ~ I , , ~ based on discrete measurement by r coding of the quantity to be measured c~+~e I IIII l+ I~ (designs of counters are described in Ref. 71). The pulses have the same amplitude and rise time and are used to trigger an oscillator i_n which.each trigger pulse produces a pulse of constant amplitude and duration at the output. Thus the passage of each interference band produces a pulse of. predetermined amplitude and dura- tion. The pulses are �ed to an integrator, and from there to an oscillo- scope. The interference photoelectric method used for recording defor- mations in tests of materials [Ref. 5, 115, 116] is now under intensive development, and certainly deserves attention. Registration of deformations is done as follows. A diffraction grating is formed on the surface of the specimen, at which a laser beam is aimed. _ - Upon reflection from the grating, the beam is diffracted and split into several beams that satisfy the Bragg condition (see Ref. 115): _ (2.2) where a is the wavelangth of laser emission, On is the angle of deflec- tion of the n-th order beam, dp is the lattice constant for the grating on the undeformed specimen. As the specimen is strained, the lattice constant changes, causing a change in angle On. Thus the registration of � 27 FOR nFFT('.TnT T1SR (1N7.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 ~ r Vc~ vr r tl.trw u~~ U1vLY deformations during testing reduces to measurement of the angle On. The theory of the diffraction grating is considered in Ref. 115. The system for converting the input quantity to recorded strain is not different from that given above for all practical purposes. 2.2.2. Strain-Gage Methods _ The change in resistivity of electrically conductive materials uilder the action of inechanical forces (strain-gage effect) is the basis for record- ing deformation by metallic strain wires. The most pronounced strain effect is displayed by semiconductor materials (germanium, silicon, indium _ antimonide, etc.). Both metallic and semiconductor strain wires are _ currently in use as strain gages. The principal equation of the strain effect for a metallic strain gage is ~R =Se, (2~3) R where e is relative deformation of the wire, R and ~R are deformations [sic] of the unstrained wire and the increment in its resistance under ' the action of a force; S is a coefficient of strain sensitivity (ranging - from 1.9 to 2.9 for high-resistance wirF~s). - Tfao kinds of inetallic strain gages wire and foil are produced by Soviet industry. Wire strain gages are made from annealed constantan i (GOST 492-52). The strain gages have a comparatively low coefficient.of ~ i_ strain sensitivity (about 2.1). Other disadvantages of wire strain gages are an inadequate range of ineasured deformations (less than 0.3-0.5~), sensitivity to transverse deformation and low permissible current. Foil st.rain gages are made from constantan foil 2-10 um thick. Their main advantage is lower sensitivity to transverse deformations than wire strain gages. The use of annealed iron for foil strain gages increases the maximum measurable relative deformation to 10% [Ref. 35]. - Uf the semiconductor materials tnat have been stuuied at ~he present ~ime the most suitable for making strain gages are germanium and silicon. The strain gages made from these materials are called gedistors and krem- ~ nistors respectively. Gedistors are not nearly as good as kremnistors in _ their operational parameters. The coefficient of strain sensitivity of semiconductor strain gages reaches 200, which gives a signal at the out- put of a bridge circuit of the order of a few volts with power of - hundreds of milliwatts, obviating the need for amplifiers. , Measurement and amplification cireuits for registr,ation of deformation by - strain gages. The strain gage senses the deformations to be measured ~ and transforms them. In order to register changes of resistance, they must be converted to the corresponding current or voltage. To do this, the strain gage is connected in an electric measurement circuit that is capable of performing these transformations. ~ao strain-gage conversion = 28 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY circuits have been developed: the potentiometric circuit and the bridge - circuit. These produce electric signals with a change in resistance of the sensor. When metallic strain gages are used, these signals may be so weak that they are not felt by the recording device (oacilloscope). In such cases, resort must be had to special amplifying devices that raise the signals to the necessary levels. ~r e ~ ,b q6 ~ J~ a - 6 D 9 ~ ~ ~ f~- Q~ r . u~'I ' ~ ' � u a a 6 ~r'~, Fig. 2.13. Potentiometric strain , P ~ Q i gage amplifier circuit [Ref. 110] ~ J~ w ~ V~ Fi 2.14 . Strain ~~'~f ~ ~~`~~'~t~l g. gage amplifier bridge circuit [Ref. 110] ~ The potentiometric conversion circuit is simplest (Fig. 2.13). The two- armed voltage amplifier consists of strain gage RT and ballast resistor R~ connected in series. The circuit is connected to a DC source with~ voltage U~. Thanks to a capacitor that blocks the constant singal com- ponent, the potentiometric circuit becomes suitable for measuring dynamic - processes. The v~ltage ~UT at the output of the amplifier depends on the voltage of the supply circuit U~ and the resistance of strain gage RT. The relation between ~UT and ~RT takes the form [Ref. 110]: - euT=aRT ~R6 ~RT)~. (Z.a> and since U6 = I(R6 +RT), ~RT = SeRT, it reduces to the form e uT - r RT P,S Rr ' (2.5) 1-}- R~ - In practice we take RT = R6, whence ~UT = 1/2IRTeS. We can see from (2.5) that increasing the supply current of the sensor causes a proportional increase in amplitude of the signal being recorded. Brief high-current - loading of the strain gage (impermissible with prolonged duty) during dynamic tests is extensively used [Ref. 20, 35]. The sensor does not have time to change temperature in this period. The bridge circuit for resistance measurement (Fig. 2.14) is based on a very important property of the bridge: at a certain resistance ratio in the arms (R1R3= R2R4) the voltage at the output vanishes even when there is input voltage. The state of electrical equilibrium of the bridge is 29 FOR OFFICT~T TTSE ONT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 run Vrrtl:l[~L USr; UNLY very easily upset with the slightest change in the given position, so that measurements with the circuit are very aeneitive. Strain ampZifiers. There are three types of standard strain amplifiers used in strain measurement: DC amplifiers, alternating voltage ampli- fiers and carrier frequency voltage amplifiera. The DC amplifier has considerable advantages over the other types, the main advantages being absence of frequency and phase distortions due to the fact that there are no reactive elements in the circuit. However, the DC type has the greatest zero drift, which is not very detrimental for recording rapid processes. Three-channel and ten-channel transistorized DC amplifiers have a passband of from 0 to 20 kHz. Alternating voltage amplifiers, _ K""�~�"""p�d�'"'�"s' while highly sensitive over a wide ~ 1 ~ uc.~nowwry nuRrorKM . frequency range, are subject to p~ '0~ strong influence from various kinds _ (2r nn�2ee HQ~Ov 3 of interference. The use of carrier ~ cr�rc ~ ~ frequency voltage amplifiers for recording fast processes is limited ~ Q~ p~ since the limiting frequency of the ~ carrier signal (close to 50 kHz) as ; a consequence of elevation of the - Fig. 2.15. Simplest transistorized carrier frequency causes an increase strain amplifier circuit [Ref. 35]: in phase shifts that impede balan- 1--to stabilized power supply cing of the bridge with respect to _ 2--switch the reactive component and reduce 3--to S1-29 oscilloscope input its sensitivity. The described - strain measuring equipment [Ref. 20] is based on series produced oscilloscope EO-7 supplemented by a block of input amplifiers with carrier frequency oscillator and commutating device, and a series produced rectifier with electronic stabilization of the anode voltage. The working principle of the amplifier shown in Fig. 2.15 is as follows [Ref. 35]. Strain gage RT is connected in the measurement circuit in a - potentiometric arrangement. The nonlinearity of the input circuit is less than 0.5% at a deformation of about 10%. Calibration is by vertical devlection of the oscilloscope Leam when the strain gage is shunted by a , calibration resistor. No phase or amplitude-frequency distortions are - observed at a pulse rate of up to 500 kHz. Influence that the base of the strain gage has on recordings in quasi- sl:atic tests. The mechanical distortions that accompny rapid processes ai~e due to various effects, the most significant being wave propagation. Let us consider the influence that these distortions have on registration of the deformation of a strain gage resistor of length Z cemented on the surface of a specimen subjected to impact. A mechanical quantity _ - deformation is converted to an electrical quantity change in 30 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 rr>~c �~~`x(:.~~t. l~5~~.� u~~.Y resistance of wire. If e is deformation at the point with coord.inate x, then the complete equation of strain gage resistance is - i-- ~R = S f edx ( 2. 6) R 1 ~ 0 - ~ where S is the coefficient of atrain sensitivity, and R is the initial resistance of the strain gage. For a plane wave propagating at velocity cp, deformation is e= f(x - cpt). The function f(~) depends on boundary conditions. For the case where a load is applied to the end of the rod that causes a constant strain rate, E_ (cot'-x). (2.7) Limits of integration in (2.6) equal to 0 and cpt correspond to the time _ interval during which the pulse front passes through the sensor, which gives on the first stage at t< L/cp: _ - _ AR eo r~~~_x) dx= - 21 c~t'. (2 .8) RS ~ col J o _ Denoting T= Z/c~, we rewrite (2.8) as aR t~ (~.9) _ RS 2z ~ 1~. The stage is terminated at t= T: - eR eoY ~2.10) RS I~_~ 2 . The readings of the strain gage on the second stage, i. e. t> T: . ~ _ e~R ~r ~cdt+-x) dx= - 2 (2t-~c), RS - Ico 0 i, e. the solution is the piecewise function eR . 12 - I~S _ _ g~ 2T ~ r~c. Both stages are matched both with respect to amplitude and with respect _ to the first derivative: ~ 31 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 1'Vi\ VL'1'LtJ1t1L UJL~ V1VL1 eR _ ~z d /oR~ � ~ RS - 2~ dt` RS ~~s=eo. (2.12) It can be concluded from (2.11) and (2.12) that: 1) distortion of strain registxations as deformation uniformly increases is expressed in the fact that on the first stage at t< T the signal e= ept is converted to the function ept2/2T as a consequence of the fact that the leading edge of the wave passes through the sensor in finite time T; 2) for times longer than T, the recorded strain rate coincides with the actual value. Elec- - trical distortions on the second stage (at t> T) are expressed in the fact that the recorded signal is less than *_he actual strain by an amount epT/2; 3) in contrast to other loading conditions (for ~xample e= const, e= Ae-t~T), under uniform deformation the function e(t) does not have a discontinuity of the first derivative. The amplitude error of ineasurements as a function of strain rate ep, base of the strain gage Z and velocity of wave propagation cp in the investi- gated material is computed from the formula i i EOT I OO ~~p - E0~'-----I OU%o ~ 2..13 ~ ~1~- 2 � _ - EMn~rc 2COeMauc ~ i where eMaKC is the maximum value for the strain gage at which it retains its linear readings. It can be concluded on the basis of (2.13) that the strain gage base Z must be selected in accordance with the anticipated strain rates. 2.3. Measurement of Velocities Methods of testing at low (less than 10 m/s) and moderately high veloci- ties (up to 100 m/s) differ not only in the necessity of using wide-band - equipment for the high-speed tests (with passband of more than 4 MHz), but also in construction. Discrete registration of veZoeities is based on using oscilloscope pips I that are generated by two or more electric contacts with known distance between them. Discrete velocity sensors (which are called electrocontact - sensors) are most justified in measurement of the velocity of the body striking against the specimen. Ref. 36 describes the electric circuit for measuring the velocity of a striker up to 5 m/s used in the construc- - tion of a horizontal hammer with rubber striker accelerator. The system includes two independent electric circuits, one of which triggers an - oscilloscope, while the other sends pulses from an electromagnetic sensor to the oscilloscope during motion of the striker preceding impact. Ref. 79 describes a method of ineasuring velocities exceeding 300 m/s by - electrocontact sensors (Fig. 2.16) made in the form of steel wires 0.5 mm 32 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY O _ c~�z~ rJ-2a . ' . (Wt-1Jl - ~i Q, ~1 . M~ Mi IM~ ~ N S ' R~ 11~' Rt' A~ . ~ H------~ -i- ~~i . N . .~_.-y _ L-----~ o Fig. 2.16. Diagram of discrete registration of the velocity of a pro- - jectile [Ref. 79] Fig. 2.17. Induction sensor [Ref. 69]: a--construction; b--sensor in a magnetic field in diameter stretched perpendicular to the direction of motion of the , striker. The measurement circuit includes multivibrators that operate in the slave mode. The multivibrators receive trigger pulses from a - three-armed voltage divider when the wires are broken by the striker immediately before collision and after breaking the specimen. The multi- vibrators generated pulses with duration of 9.1 us sent through cathode followers to the oscilloscope input. The slave sweep of the oscilloscope was triggered from a potentiometric circuit when the sensor was opened. - The use of three sensors enables measurement of two time intervals and computation of two velocities, which improves the reliability of the measurements. Discrete registration of velocities is satisfactory only in the case of _ measurement of kinematic quantities, in particular the velocity of a large mass striking against a specimen, since the velocity of this mass - during the experiment is taken as constant. In case of necessity of - establishing the velocity of a cross sectional surface or point of the specimen, continuous registration is advisable, a particular advantage of which is that where necessary the velocity registration data can be sup- - plemented or replaced by displacement data by means of an integrating _ circuit. Two methods are known for continuous velocity registration, ~ based on using inductive and capacitive sensors. The inductive sensor (Fig. 2.17) is a rectangular mica frame on which = 20-30 turns of fine wire are,wound. The frame is fastened to a rod . (wire), and one end is placed in the uniform magnetic field of a permanent magnet. With displacement along the long axis, an emf proportional to the velocity of displacement is induced in the frame. The signal from the sensor is sent without intermediate amplification to the input of a 33 FOR OFFT.(:T~T USF (1NT,Y' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 1'VL~ vi'l1V1t11. UJ~ V1VL1 - cathode-ray oscilloscope. The small dimensions of the sensor, and con- sequently its low mass, enable investigation of wave propagation in rods [Ref. 48, 49, 69, 155]. In case of necessity, the signal from the sensor _ goes to the input of an RC integrator. This gives a recording of dis- placement as a function of time [Ref. 38). The range of displacement measurements is limited to a quantity somewhat shorter than the sensor. The sensitivity of the sensor depends on magnetic field intensity, the - distance between poles of the magnet, the number of turns and the width of the sensor. The use of the sensors is limited by the finiteness of their mass. High accelerations cause development of considerable inertial - forces capable o.f deforming and destroying the sensor. The simplest method of calibrating inductive sensors is to compare recordings of the velocity V of some cross section of an elastic rod with data of strain measurements in the same cross section of the rod by a strain gage. In doing this, a relation is used from the one-dimensional theory of wave propagation: - -V = cpe, where cp is the velocity of elastic wave propagation. Capaeitive sensor. Recordings by capacitive sensors are zero-lag as a I consequence of the fact that the sensor is non-contact. The convenience of ineasuring velocity or displacement of a free surface has led to use i ot- a capacitive sensor in a system called the Hopkinson bar. A sensor was first used for this system by Davis [Ref. 29] who applied it for de- termining the displacement of the free end of a rod used as the grounded plate in a flat capacitor (the other plate was stationary while the was dynamically loaded). The change in capacitance of the capacitor thus formed in proportional to displacement of the end of the rod. S 4 3 ' _ ? . / - ~ ' < < Fig. 2.18. Kolsky bar [Ref. 46]: 1--specimen; 2--flat sensor; 3-- cylindrical capacitor sensor; 4--rod (waveguide); 5--explosive charge with cap Further improvements in the method of determining stresses by recording the rate of displacement by capacitive sensors are given by H. Kolsky [Ref. 46]. Fig. 2,18 shows a diagram of what is sometimes called the Kolsky bar. This design includes two rods between which a pellet speci- men is placed. Pulse pressure is applied to the free end of one of the 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 ~ a~. ~ _ rods. The pulse.,propagating through the rod compresses the specimen. The incident pulse is recorded by a cylindrical capacitive sensor, which enables determination of the relation between velocity and time. A flat sensor measures the displacement of the free end of the anvil rod. I~ur.~hc~r dcvel.o~~m~~cte al' e.Lectrie c:ireuitR, including capa~itive HE!1180r8~ has shown that the most convenient for dynamic measurements is an ar- rangement in which the potential difference across the sensor electrodes Up is proportional to the velocity of displacement. The signal amplitude from the capacitive sensor is [Ref. 93] z eu=udR dE =kuoRV oz, where R is the load resistance of the measurement circuit, V is the velocity of the free surface, C= kd2/x~ is the capacitance of the sensor, k is a constant, d/xp is the ratio of the diameter of the free electrode to the gap between electrodes. An increase in Up, R and d/x~ increases the sensitivity of the sensor. The maximum voltage Up is limited by the electric strength of the air gap. The permissible value of Up can be increased to several kilovolts by using a thin layer of dielectric to _ insulate the electrode from the surface of the specimen. Circuits for veloc ity measurement at Up = 1500 V were developed in Ref. 93. Electrodes with dimensions d= 25 mm, xp = 2 mm were used for measurements. The same voltage was applied to a guard ring with inside diameter of 28 mm and _ outside diameter of 96 mm. To prevent electric breakdown, a triacetate - - . . ' b~ Oscillosco e a) 'JO-3 CN-17;d ~ ' 40M I,OK C~ ~ J"8 RJ R4 - 13008 4,0 ,q lOYY !b0 zo ,q 20~ � , , Fig. 2.19. Electric diagram for measurement of velocity by a capacitive _ sensor with initial voltage of 1500 V across the plates [Ref. 93] (a), and with initial voltage of 5000 V[Ref. 167] (b) - f ilm 0.2 mm thick protected the electrodes of the sensor, the guard ring and the surface of the specimen (see Fig. 2,19, a). From the sensor, the signal went to the input of an oscilloscope through an amplifier with input impedance of 75 ohms. Ref. 124 and 167 give circuits for measuring veloc ity by a capacitive sensor with voltage of 5 kV applied to the plates (Fig. 2.19, b). In concluding our survey of inethods of velocity registration in dynamic tests, let us note that new non-contact facilities have been daveloped in recent years that are based on the use of laser interferometry [Ref. 11, 32, 33, I13, 163]. * * ~ 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 rUlt Vrrll:lA1. U5~ UNLY Since no universal facility has as yet been developed ~ar testing materi- als over a wide range of strain rates, studies are done on two or three - testing machines. Quasistatic tests are done by well developed facili- ' ties that use energy of various kinds (compressed gas, accelerated mass). - The main disadvan:tage of devices based on accumulation of inechanical energy (hammers with a falling weight, pendulum and rotary hammers) is - bending that cannot be eliminated. Pendulum and rotary hammers are in- tended for testing specimens with geometric dimensions that do not always satisfy the researcher. Hydraulic and pneumatic devices at present are the only facilities for quasistatic tests over a fairly wide range of strain rates. - _ Devices that use electrical energy have a number of advantages over the conventional loading devices: the capab ility of transmitting loads with distribution over the surface of the specimen that can be predetermined, and universality that ensures wide variation of the kinds of tests. An important advantage of the devices is also the capacity for transmitting considerable energy to a specimen over a quite brief time interval. The studies given in Part I of different modes of operation of the magnetic- - pulse facility show the feasibility of throwing considerable masses at high velocities, and transmitting intense forces by electromagnetic fields ; as well as by free discharge in a liquid. - Dynamic tests are done for fairly precise determination of functions that ~ characterize the stressed and strained state of a test specimen under short-term intense loads. This purpose may be attained when the tests are accompanied by correct and exact measurements, and therefore the record- ing facilities must meet requirements that minimize response time. Dyna- _ mometric devices combined with the clamp of a loading device with maximum frequency of up to SO kHz may find application in quasistatic tests with strain rates of no more than 50 s-1. Dynamometers in the form of wave- guides permit testing of materials at rates up to e= 103 s-1. Noncontact methods of ineasurements by capacitors and interferometry have practically - no limits of applicability with respect to e. - PART II DYNAMIC TESTS OF RIGID POLYMER MATERIALS - Testing of rod specimens is complicated by the presence of wave phenomena, stress concentration, local strains and so on. Therefore attempts have _ b een made recently to develop reliable methods for taking consideration _ _ of rhese effects, if not eliminating them entirely. The most d~veloped method is the Hopkinson split-bar system based on the use of specimens of the simplest shape (pellets), enabling consideration - of wave phenomena in the specimen. In the case of axisymmetric loading of a thin ring by a distributed dynamic load, wave grocesses in the specimen can be disregarded, which makes the method especially valuable. The method of dynamic bending of beams gives important information on the 36 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 F FOR OFFTCI~II, USE ONLY - resistance of polymer materials to shearing loads when studying trans- - verse impact. The investigation of inechanical properties cannot ~.n any way be considered complete without studying the behavior of polymer materials in the complex-stressed state. In dving Cests and developing methods, particular attention was given ~ to substantiating the quasistatic treatment of the results of experiments, which is based on solving problems of wave propagation. Chapter 3 THE HOPKINSON SPLIT BAR METHOD A method of calculating dynamic stresses in an elastic rod by :neasuring the velocity of the free end was proposed by Hopkinson [see Ref. 46;, and - later improved by Davis [Ref. 29] who provided a velocity sensor for the method, and made a careful analysis of wave pr~pagation in the rod. In 1949 H. Kolsky suggested using the Hopkinson bar to measure stresses and _ strains of a specimen in the form of a thin This marks the be- ginning of development of the Hopkinson split bar method for testing materials at co~siderable strain rates (up to e=~ 10`' s' 1) . By the ef- forts of experimenters [Ref. 5, 116, 126, 132, 145, 147, 168] a technique was developed based on using modern loading devices and recording fa- ciliCies. The Hopkinson split bar [HSB] method occupies an inr_ermediate position between quasistatic and dynamic tests, since the stressed state of the specimen is uniform within its range of applicability, and the recordings that accompany an experiment are mad e ~;ith consideration of - wave processes in long metal rods, Fairly well developed variants of the HSB method are ~ompressive, torsional and rensile. Reszarch has started on development of a biaxial variant of the technique. - All variants of the HSB method are based on using a system of split bara. _ These systems comprise two eiastic rods (a pres sure transmitter and an anvil) between which the specimen i~ placed. Recorded data on strains ei and eil enable determination of the stress and strain in the specimen. _ The rods are chosen of such a length that stres s~~waves reflected from the free ends do not introduce distortions. An indisputable advantage of the method (as compared with conventional techniques) is the capability of: - 1) tuning out interference due to the resp.nse time of the force sensor, - vibrations of the installation, the foundation, etc.; 2) determining con- siderable deformations of a specimen measured iri tens of percent; 3) pre- venting bending of a specimen in tensile and compre~sive tests; 4) cor- - rect validation of an experiment based on a simple scheme of force trans- mission to a specimen through rods. Stresses and strains in the specimen in tests by the HSB method are cal- - culated on the basis of a one-dimensional theory of wave propagation. According to the one-dimensional theory of elastic waves in semi-inf.inite - rods, strain and stress are related to velocity by the expressions 37 FOR nFF7GT ^T USF nNT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 rux ur'r~lc;ltw U5~ UNLY ~=-P~ov; (3.1) v - Q~- ~o~ (3.2) where p is the densi~y of th~ rod material. Let a rod consist of. two sections with area F1 and F2, i. e. at some coordinate the rod is broken by a discontinuity of cross section. If _ the rod is loaded by stress ~J, then a reflected wave will propagate _ from the coordinate of sudden change in F: - Q,~= _ F~-Fi Q~~ (3.3) Fs-{-F~ - and a transmission wave will enter the rod with area F2 stress T 2F2 f (3.4) Q = Fi+F2a . ~Lf the sections of `::ods F1 and F2 are made of different mater.ials with ~ - acoustic stiffnesses plcl and p2c2, then the functions relating QR ancl QT i to aJ, according to the one-d~mensional theory, take the form ~ ' - ~2~2F2_~~~~~F~~f1 I - R v (~i~~F~+ f~z~2F2 _ 2p2c2F2_Q, ( 3 . 5 ) ~T _ pic~F~�+'p2c~FZ - The correspondence between (3.5) and experimental results is demonstrated in Ref. 78, 132. The simplest refinement of the one-dimensional theory is a Love equation [see Ref. 22] derived by the Hamilton principle with - consideration of the kinetic energy of radial motion. De Vault [Ref. 127] gives asymptotic forms of the solution of the Love equation. At present no rigorous salutions have been found for the three-dimensional _ problem of wave propagation due to the complexity of simultaneously - accountin~ for boundary conditions on the ends of the rod and ies lateral - surfaces. The solutions of Po ghammer and Chree for a one-dimPnsional - circular rod [see Ref. 22] are considered the best approximation. The complicated form of the frequency equation brings about c~rtain diffi- - culties for getting numerical results. Besides, since the solutions are represented as infinite waves, they cannot describe the propagation af discontinuities. Less rigorous theories are an attempt to simplify = the mathematical description while retaining the m~st important con- clusions of the three-dimensional theory. The precision of this theory is usually evaluated by comparing the corresponding spectra with those - derived on the basis of the Poghammer-Chree theory. At present, the 38 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - exact equations are being successfully solved by numerical methods. In spite of the fact that in many cases they do not permit direct comparison - of results with the exact Pogha~ner-Chree solution, the reliability of numerical resulte can be valid~ted by existing methods of evaluating the accuracy of numerical methods. � Data found on the basis of the elementary theory do nut agree with ex- _ perimental data where the time of action of the load is commensurate with or less than the time taken by a wave to travel a distance comparable to the diameter of the rod. To describe the dispersion nature of wave - propagation in rods, methods have been developed that give asymptotic solutions of exact equations of motion with mixed boundary conditions (displacements and stresses are given on the ends). It was found that - the exact theory and all approxima.te theories (with the exception of the one-dimensional theories) lead to the same asymptotic solution for the head part of the pulse corresponding to the first mode of oscilla- ~ tions. These solutions take the form of an Airy integral, and are found _ on the assumption that flat cross sections are not curved during wave propagation, and therefore radial, circular and shear stresses are equal to zero. The curvatures of cross sections were first considered in an - examination of waves in rods of rectangular cross section under the action _ of a suddenly applied load [Ref. 30]. An a.symptotic solution of the problem for circular rods based on exact equations was found in Ref. 31 _ for the case of loading by stepwise pressure or by a velocity pulse. Numerical solutions have been found for the problem of wave propagation in an elastic rod when the end is loaded by pressure that depends on coordinate [Ref. 39]. Exact equations were used in Ref. 107, 108 for calculating dynamic stresses in a split bar. The results of this work can be expressed in the form of recommendations on loading a Hopkinson split bar and using it for recordings: 1) the head part of the pulse in a cross section not far from the end of the rod that is struck contains higher modes of vi- ~ brations that die out with distance from the end. Deformations on rods - - are measured in cross sections not more than twenty diameters from the ends; 2) the end face of the bar in the HSB system should be loaded by uniformly distributed pressure; excitation of higher modes incr~ases when the rod is loaded by a concentrated load; 3) specimens for tests by the HSB meth~d must be of such a shape and size t~-iat the free surfaces of the end faces of rods in contact with a specimen have minimum areas; 4) the HSB must not be loaded by an abrupt intense pulse of a length commensurate with the diameter of the specimen. 3.1. Governing Principles~of'_the HSB Method Let us consider loading of a system of three rods (Fig. 3.1). The load is applied to the end of a rod. With regard to the one-dimensional theory of propagation of elastic waves, deformation in some section of the rod on the wave is related to mass velocity by the expression 39 FnR (1FFT('T "T jTSR (1NT V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 j~~` Fig. 3.1. Diagram of the Hopkin- ~o`~' son split bar method: 1--pres- c~ c~ e* - . -�p, sure transmitting rod; 2--anvil , ~ ~I~ rod; 3--specimen; 4--damper; 5-- _ , striker; 6--supports; 7--piezo- ~ y e~ t y electric crystal; 8--system for measuring the striker velocity; ` ~-~-,-b I~a ~ 9, 10--amplifier and transducer ~ ~ B ~ of the signal from the piezo- - L~~__J v v electric crystal for triggering 9 the oscillosco e� e e strain P ~ I~ II-- ~o U gages e~r- ~o . ~U~ (3.6) r whence U= -co f edl', where cp is the velocity of propagation of elastic d 0 waves in the rod. The displacements of the ends of the rods U1 and U2 are found from the formulas r r e -Ui=co re~dl'-{-co reRdt'=co f (e~-{-eR) dC; .l J J 0 0 0 ~ (3.7) U2= -co f ETd~'~ 0 - where eJ, eR, eT are the deformations in the incident, reflected and transmission waves. Deformation of the specimen es, considering its , stressed state to be uniform, is defined as follows: - ~ i_ Uz-U~ _ _ ~o ~er+eR_e'') dt', I es= L - (,J ~3.8) 0 where L is the initial length of the specimen.~ Since eJ, eR, eT, we rewrite (3.8) in the form r Ea=- 2L f endt'. (3.9) - 0 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Let us go on to determine the stress in the specimen. For forces Pi and P2 (see Fig. 3.1) P,=EF (e'-cR); P~=EFe'', (3.10) 'where E and F are respectively the modulus of elasticity and the cross section of the rods. Since P1= P2, we get QS =(P1 + P2)/ZFS. The stress in the specimen as a consequence of continuity of forces on the ends of the specimen is - cta=2 F(eT~-~e'-eR)= FF$T, (3.11) ~ - where FS is the cross sectional area of the specimen. Expressions (3.9) and (3.11) are the starting relations in the case of utilization of the ' HSB method. The purpose of the method is to calculate QS and os from _ data of registration of eR and eT. Equality of the forces on the ends of the specimen occurs in cases where the accelerations and the inertial forces that they produce are vanishingly small. Otherwise they must be taken into consideration, I Computing stress css according to a two-dimensionaZ theory. The formula for computing stress with consideration of axial and radial inertia of the specimen from the HSB method is given in Ref. 126. However, this relation can be derived in a,impler way. Suppose that the axial and radial velocities of a specimen in the form of a cylinder of height L and radius R= D/2 are related to axial strain rate es by the expressions - ; ~x = ~1- EiX; (s.ia> _ Ut~ -VefCii where vS is the Poisson ratio, U1 is the velocity of cross section with ordinate x= 0. The x-axis is directed along che axis of the split bar. We take the cross sectional areas of the specimens and rods to be the same (F = FS =~rR2). The coordinate origin is at the center of the end face of the pressure-transmitting rod in contact with the specimen. Let us use the Hamilton principle - %1-F-1 ' _ _ jl . i i% + i Lv~ ' _ ~ . ~~1.f�q~Ol,c _ a~_~ ~ ~ t�10-4/2.07 s 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY m/M increases, there is a corresponding increase in the number of collisions; for m/M-~0 the time intervals beLween collisions decrease rapidly; after 4-5 collisions the striker moves into uninterrupted con- tact with the beam. The contact force is compriaed of polyharmonic os- cillations (the sum of the odd harmonics of the beam) around the straight line P=Apt, where Ap = 48EIVp/L3. The influence of shears and rotational inertia shows up as a small change in amplitude and in delay of the onset of the repeat collision (see Fig. 4.4). s 4.2. Experimental Studies of Transverse Impact Experiments [Ref. 61] on recording reactive forces, deformatians of the outside line and contact force in dynamic bending of a beam were done with impact by a mass of 590 g in the form of a rod freely dropped from a height of 5, 10 and 15 cm. _ A method of determining the static modulus of interlaminar shear from tests of bending of a beam by a concentrated load P is proposed in Ref. 96, 98. G is calculated from the formula 3 � y 98L:1~1+ 2 (L~ GJ' (4.18) where E/G is the ratio of the elastic modulus to the shear modulus; H/L is the ratio of the cross section of the beam to the length of the span. Numerous experi~ents done under static conditions as well as with _ transverse impact have shown that using (4.18) for calculating the shear ~ modulus leads to considerable errors and scatter of results as a con- 2 sequence of the fact that the order of magnitude of quantities Z~L~ G - is commensurate with the accuracy of the experiment . We consider below a method of calculating the dynamic shear modulus with high accuracy from data of registration of shear wave propagation. Reactive foz~ces and bending rrbments in the case o f dynamic bending. The propagation of bending moments was studied in Ref. 61 from data of registration of the deformation of the outside line of a beam by strain gages with a base of 10 mm. The results of numerical calculations ac- cording to (4 .1) and also experimental data are given in Fig. 4.5, which shows in particular that the main portion of the signal M vs. t propagates at the velocity of the shear wave; the part of the pulse that propagates at velocity cp is recorded in the form of a forerunner. . The reactive force was determined from~~ a dynamometer combined with a support (Fig. 4.6). It was established by preliminary experiments that the form of the support fasteners has a noticeable effect on the study results in the case of dynamic bending. It was ~ound that th e reaction of the support is most sensitive to the f orm of the support fastener. 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY Development of a support design (see Fig. 4.6) that produces supporCing E'10~ ~I _ conditions fairly close to hinge ~.,i ~ ~ 2 I support is dictated by the need for i comparing data of experiments with ~ the results of numerical calculations 2--- - 7V i for the case of bending of a hinged I ~ beam. Two piezoceramic pellets are _ ---I__2 placed in the opening of the support ~ v and compressed by a screw. Signals ~ i t�10~MKC I from the piezoelectric elements are o 1 4 s us ~ _ sent through an amplifier to the ~ input of an oscilloscope. The ar- ~__~_y~ ~ A l_J rangement permits static calibration. Triggering of the oscilloscope was synchronized with the beginning of Fig. 4.5. Theoretical (1) and contact of the striker and the beam. experimental (2) curves for _ Fig. 4.7 shows typical oscillograms e vs. t for cross section - - of R vs. t recorded during impact. x= 18.8 cm. Length of the We can see from Fig. 4.7, a, that beam 60 cm ~ preceding the registered force pulse is an oscillating forerunner that propagates at velocity cp. The os- r cillograms can be used in particular ~I~ _ to determine the rate of shear wave . propagation cG. The results of nu- merical calculation according to (4.1) and experimental data are , ~ given in Fig. 4.8. Steel and fiber- ~ I glass beams were tested to check out � the method. The problem was posed ~ of calculating the values of cG and L G from propagation of the transverse force, and also experimentally con- firming the influence that the shape Fig. 4.6. Design of the support _ of the beam cross section has on the for studying dynamic bending of velocity of shear wave propagation beams stemming from the relation cG , where k' is a coefficient that accounts for the shape of the cross sec- - rion [Ref. 125]. Data on the shape and dimensions of specimens are summarized in Table 4.1. The values of G3, cGT given in the Table were calculated from the expressions s , _ Ga = p ~ k ~ ~ ~G,T = k ~ ~ ~ 4 .19 ) U P ~~v) where v is the Poisson ratio equal to 0.3. It can be concluded from a comparison of the data given in the Table that the proposed method of 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Q 1~'~v,,a ~ Y ~ tii 4. irfl`'` . yi..'~Y ti^t�ri ,~'P.M . _ ~~r C. h' ~L ' y.~:. . .~.y.. ~ `~ir: ~ ~ f ' ~ ~ 3.~ �fF ~ ~.-I ~ � ~ 4 . ' . . r ~ Y:_~ ~ . ; � : - . d-� � , . . . . ~ ' ~'s R � y ~ 50 h1KCr ~t .~.�+r.~ ~+~~"rr.~pl ~ _ 50 us Fig. 4.7. Typical oscillograms of R vs. t with dynamic bending of steel (a) and fiberglass (b) beams 88.8 cm long determining the velocity of shear waves is reliable. The theoretical position on - fd,~rc (kgf) i the influence that ~he shape of the beam -0__ has on the velocity of shear waves can be 'I 2 taken as theoretically proved. Registra- _ tion of the velocity of shear waves ? enables determination of the shear modulus - 'c6 2 for glass-textolite where the reinforcing co t�~D,N~~. layers are perpendicular or parallel to � 2 ~ y s the acting force. In the former case the given characteristic is termed the inter- ? laminar shear modulus. For glass-textolite the computed value of the ratio E/~G was - 5.80. The static rs:Lio of these quantities _ ~ is ab4ut 10. Registra~ion o f contact forces . One paper on studying contact force [see Ref. 22] describes a method of recording it. A Fig. 4.8. Theoretical (1) steel ball fell on top of a steel hemis- - and experimental (2) curves Phere fastened on the upper surface of a - for R vs. t for a beam 60 cm beam. A barium titanate pellet secured to - long. The arrows indicate the beam measured the contact force. How- times of arrival of waves ever, such a beam canna t be used to record - cp and cG repeated collisions. At the Institute of Mechanics of Polymers, Lithuanian SSR Academy of - Sciences, a special dynamometer (Fig. 4.9) has been made far studying contact force. The device consists of a long (750 mm) cylinder l0 mm in diame ter terminating in a short thicker cylinder in which an opening has been c ut to accommodate two piezoelecttric ceramic pellets. The thick _ part of the dynamometer is tipped with a hemisphere 3 cm in radius. 64 FOk'OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~n ~ o _ ~ N '-1 a0 u1 O _ W N N tt1 ~t N N ' ~ ~N I ~ O O crt ~p M ~p O M N ~ tf'~ ~y ~p y,~ ~ O O O O O O O O O - ~ F v1 - \g O~ M M C7,SG N N ~ I - U ~ ' j ~N ~I U O O N G N~ N G aJ p~p O~ � � . W~ N N O~ t~.i ~ O 1.~ c0 'n O ~ O O c'~1 ~ 4J ~ c'n C Gl ~ ~ 00 o N . ~ . U~ v1 U1 ~t r~i 1~.~ ~~,7 +-1 ~ N O R1 'n cti _ ~i ~ ~ m\ ~ ~ o 0 0 ~7 ~O M O W C7 ~ C~'1 N r-I r~ r-I N a u 6 n o0 c"1 M M M = H o0 ~7 r1 c*1 M M _ ,y, ~ ~1 00 00 00 00 O O O O O O N r-{ N O r-1 rUi N N ~ 3~-+ N ~ aa ~ a~ ~ ~ a ~ N fn 1J 00 (n U N r-1 u1 i-~ U t~+ 1~+ rl D, 'b ~ II ro ~ q~ cd N ~ c7,U w .C cVU ~ H q ~ ro o ~n a~ ~.c q.. oo ~c o 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo v p oo ~ a~ a~i ~ ~ ~ ' v ~ ~ n II ~ q o ~ G u ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ N A O�~ ~ ~0 N�ri U d0 O~~ b00p - N r'+ N~..I U r-1 U Equation (7.37a) corresponds to the behavior of the model shown in Fig. 7.1. To write the equation of motion for this model, we assume that each element is acted on byninertial force ~o p~,t, where p is the density of the material, Eo= ~ E~; Eo is the instantaneous modulus of elasticity; ia, Ei is the modulus of elasticity of the i-th element. Summation over the individual elements of the model yields ~--n--E{ ---av av ~ Eo P ac -P ar � - The equation of motion of the i-th element is dz~ __~PEt dV ~ _ o dt = with considerstion of strain law (7.1) this is rewritten as 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044451-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - a-Q, F; a2E i a~Q{ a~ i ~ ~3.rz - p Eo dtz _~P Eo ~ Ei ~Iz + d t EiYt ' ( 7. 38) - Finally, (7.38) can be represented as follows: ,azQi `aZat ~ a~t ~~o= Eo aX2 acZ + ar ~ ~ ' c ~ . 39 ) - - Corresponding to each equation (7.39) is a pair of characteristics dx=�codt (7.40) , and the conditions thereon ' d crt Eo pcod V- art T t. ( 7. 41) Considering that , t ~~E _ . Qi=E~E- f E{e ~i E~~e~d~~ (7.42) d 0 by summing the stresses over the elements and passing to the limit, we get . , dQ=~pcadY-e f H(~z didt+ 0 ~_E -~-rtt f ~H,~~tlTe~ t e~~)d~. (7.43) J 0 0 Using the notation _ ~ (0) = f H~ ~ d~r; 0 t - ~t~ - dl,f H~rT, e~ T dt= - f�H~TS) e` d?~ 0 0 .q ~ (7.44) _ = H~ ) e s d~r; . . . u � 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY we rewrite (7.43) as .r z=r~--- . ~'o (7.45) On the characteristic dx = 0; x= x* _ da=Eod~-dl[etY(0) - f '~'(z*-~)e(g)dEJ~ (7.46) 0 ~ where z* = t- ~ . Let us find the change in stress on the leading edge ~ of the wave. Since on the leading edge ~(a~ _ -pcd[V]; =~Ed[e~~ we get from (7.46) 2d [v] _ -dt~~~ [a], , ~r~p~ (7.47) where Ep = pcp =4'(0) is the instantaneous modulus of elasticity (the sym- bols in brackets denote discontinuities of the corresponding quantities). Integration of (7.47) gives*: _ ~ . [c~J =voexpr - 2~~~0~ � Col � �(7.48) L J ~ Let us note that in order to account for equilibrium pliability it is necessary to substitute the constant 'Y(0): .f.~, - l~~(0) = f H(t)dinT=Eo-E~. Relations (7.45), (7.46) and (7.48) are sufficient for numerical solution of the problem with the given initial and boundary conditions. It should be emphasized that the choice of functions 'Y(t) at which `Y(0)-~~ leads to infinite attenuation of discontinuities on the leading edge. Infinite attenuation of discontinuities of stresses on the leading *The same result, obtained by the Laplace transform method, is given _ in Ref. 63. - 130 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040051-8 , edge of a wave takes place in the case of models with wealcly singular waves. Let us assume Chat in the strain law r. . _ Q=E~e- (Eo-E�) f ~'(t-T)e(T)dt J 0 the function `Y'(t) is selected according to Ref. 88: a~e-nt ~~.49) ~f~~~~ 1'~k~~tl--IS (a~ 0, 0< S