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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 ME 6 OCTOBER 1980 NO. 7, JULY 1980 1 OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 - FOR OFF[CIAL 'JSE ONLY _ JPRS L/9334 6 October 1980 _ USSR Report . METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY - No. 7, July. 1980 _ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 NOTE JPR`_' publicatiuns contain information pri.marily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprir.ted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics rPCair.ed. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are sugplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of cach it2m, or following the last of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were noc clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattr?buted par.enthetical notes within the body of an ;.tem originate with *_he source. Times within items are as given by source. TlZe contents of thi.s piiblication in no way represent the poli- cies, vzews or attitudes o� the U.S. Government. Por further information on report conter.t call (703) 351-2779 (political, socio- logical, milicary); 351-27E0 (economic, scietice and technology). COPYRIGHT IAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNI:VG OTn1iVERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODtiCEL HEREIN RcQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLTCATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9334 6 October 1980 USSR REPORT METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY No. 7, July 1980 Translation of the Russian-language monthly journal METEOROLOGIYA - I GIDROLOGIYA published in Moscow by Gidrometeoizdat. CONTENTS Empirical. Models of Wind Velocity Distributton in the St'ratoaphere and Mesosphere of the Northern HemispherP (S. S. Gaygerov, et al.) 1 Nonlocal Parameterization of Turbulent Fluxes (V. M. Voloshchuk and P. N. Svirkunov) 9 ' Choice of Parameters for Formulation of Regressional Modpls (M. S. Kogan and L. N. Romanov) 19 Optimization of a Method for Solving the Balance Equation in a Spherical Coordinate System (G. S. Rivin and Z. K. Urazalina) 28 ~ Spatial Structure of Circumpolar Vortices of the Atmosphere and Circulation in the Equatorial Zone _ (Ts, A. Kanter) 38 Modeling of Transboundary Transport of Sulfur Dioxide With Allowance for Vertical Movements (N. S. Vel'tishcheva)......o 48 ~ Effect of Change in Albedo of the Earth's Surface on the Earth's _ Thermal Regime _ (N. A. Yefimova) 58 Dependence of the Albedo of Polar Ice on Air Temperature (L. A. Strokina) 67 Smoothing of Empirical Hydrometeorological Relationships by a Cubic Spl ine (A. R. Konstantinov and N. M. Khimin) 73 - a- [III - USSR - 33 S&T FOUO] F(lu r)P'F`TOTar rTeP nT7r.V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OH'FICIAL USE ONLY Determining Runoff During Winter and Transitional Periods (V. S. Rl'azanov) 82 Method For Making Observations of the Water Surface Slope of River Flows (V. V. Kovalenko)........................................ 94 Study of Kinematic Structure of Flow in River Mouth Reach Model (N. A. Mikhaylova, et al.) ..........................o........ 102 Effect of Wintering on the Yield and Gross Harvest of Winter Rye (V. k. Shavkunova) 109 Investigation of a Cloud Ensemble Model on the Rasis of GATE Data (A. I. Fal'kovich) 118 Investigation of Spectra of Variability of Meteorolegical Elements and Requirements on Meteoro'.ogical Measurements (A. S. Krantsberg, et al.) 132 Evaluation of the Ynformation Content of Successive Radiosonde Measurements of Meteorological Parameters (A. F. Kuzenkov) 139 On the Problem of the Height of Installation of a Field Rain Gauge (N. N. Podgayskiy)...v 146 Review of Monograph by I. D. Kopanev: SNEZHNYY POKROV NA TERRITORII SSSR (Snow Cover Over the Territory of the USSR), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1978, 180 pages (A. I. Voskresenskiy and N. N. Bryazgin) 150 Review of Monograph by A. P. Fedoseyev: AGROTEKHNIKA I POGODA (Agricultural Techniques and the Weather), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1979, 240 pages (V. N. Strashnyy and G. Z. Goloverdyuk) 153 Sixtieth Birthday of Samuil Moiseyevich Shul'man 156 At the USSR State Committee on Hydremeteorology and Environmental Munitoring - (V. N. Zakharov) 159 At the All-Union Exhibition of Achievements in the National Economy (S. B. Iokhel'son, et al.) 160 Conferences, Meetings and Seminars (I. A. Yankovskiy) 165 Notes from Abroad (B. I. Silkin) 170 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 ,q FOR OFFICItiI, USc ONLY UDC 553.557(215-17) EMPIRICAL MODELS OF WIND VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION IN THE STRATOSPHERE AND MESOSPHERE OF THE NORTHERN HE141SPHERE Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, J-s7. 80 pp 5-10 [Axticle by Profesaor S. S. Gaygerov, M. Ya. Kalikhman and V. V. Fedorov, Cen*_ral Aerological Obaervatory, eubmitted for publication 15 ,7anuary 19801 [Text] Abstract: The article describea canstruction of empirical models of the wind (including zonal and meridional components) for alti- tudes greater than 30 1m on the, basis of joint use of data fram rocket and satellite sounding. The atmospheric layer in the range 30-80 lan remains poorly investigated due to a lack of data. This layer is situated over the upper level of system- atic ascents of radiosondes and considerably lower than the layex studied by orbital artificial earth satellitea. Accor.ding3.y, the climatological de- scrYption of the stratomesosphere for the tiiee being ia in the stage of empirical modeling on the basis of data from infrequent rocket launchings and thermal sounding from satellites. , The term "empirical models of tte at~~oaphere" ususlly means the typica'1 (spatial and temporal) distrihutions of its parameters, obtained on the basis of statistical FrGcessing and analysis of experimental data. Great difficulties arise when developing empirical taodels of zonal and mer- idional components of wind velocity in connection wtth the need for taking into account the longitudinal differences which are eapecially significant - during winter. It is found that for the levels of the upper atmosphere the - greatest longitudinal d3fferences are characteristic of the meridional wind components [5-7]. Due to the lack of data on the global distribution of wind in the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-1972) data are given on the zonal components of wind velocity [3]. Even relativel3 recent studies are limited to a synoptic and atatistical analysis of ttie zonal components of the aind, for the most part along the meridia:i 80�W [1, 2]. l 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 ruK urrlultiL uat u1vLz Due to practical requirements the need arises for ohtaining empirical models of the wind haGed on global data, wi*_h the models extended to the levels of the upper mesosphere. The posaibility of constructing such models is becoming increasiugly realistic in connection with the appear- ance durin& recent years of high-level charts based on ajoint analysis of rocket and satellite data, and also with the development of wind ob- servations in the high layers of the atmosphere by indirect methods (radar tracking of 'Lhe drift of ineteor trails, observations of ionospheric inhomo- geneities, etc.). In this article we give an example of the development of empirical models of the distribution of the zonal and meridional components of wind velo- city in the altitude range 30-8J lan. These models are based on an analysis - of the actual wind and geostrophic wind values, computed from pressure pat- tern charts constructed on the basis of joint use of satellite and rocket data. - Data sources and methodological problems. The principal result of construc- tion of wind models for the stratosphere and mesosphere of the northern J ;iemisphere was maps of the mean zonal and meridional components of the wind and their standard deviations for the levels 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, ~ 50, 70 and 80 km. _ In compiling these maps use was made of data from the international network of rocket sounding stations and USSR scientific research shiFs for the period from 1962 to 1977. The mentioned data were taken from the bulle- tins of results of rocket sounding publiehed in the USSR and in the United Ststes. A :'ig. 1. Maps of inean monthly zonal (a) and meridional (b) wind components and their standard deviations. January, level 40 1m. 1) lines of equal values of westerly and southerly components; 2) easterly and northerly componenCs; 3) lines of equal values of standard deviations. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE )NLY On the maps for the levels indicated ahove we plotted tle monthly values of the zonal and meridional components o.f wind velocity and their stan- dard deviations, which were corrected hy means of construction and anal- sis of high-level time sections. Nnn IOJOSO 60ioJ0090 ,10 0 10 10 01~ pp ypsp 50 ,)p100 0 10 90 f010 0 BO m! W/ 90 so ~0 . a ~ 0 c o 9 70. E lo . ~ 10 ,50 10 o~ U o io. t o � l o -�/o 10 90 E ; c~a0 ~ `~~i. '10, E -"'-10 I JO ' 0 10 70 10100 - l0 y20 0 10 I 0 0101010 fo 0-10 b DO 10 JO ylo 40 JO 10 d L)p JO 40 40 JO ?p ~ max min u~ ( max 0 mo~ 70 ;nin \ 40 ma,~ min 6Q 10 40 30 - ZO s~ma.~ Jp 10 &R 10 ~ 10 / 20 ~ ~ mm � JO 10 ZO TO min m~n 20 p 20 ' '0 30 SU 70 90 70 SO JO 10 10 ,70 SO 70 90 10 SO 30 10 c' 1e0 � 9o�a.a E 9o'j.a W I Fig. 2. Time sections of inean values of the zonal wind along the meridians 0-180� (a) and 90�E - 90�W (c) and standard deviations 0-180� (b) and 90� E - 90�W (d). January. Taking into account that the observational data for some rocket stations did not ensure the necessary spatial resolution far representation of the planetary wind fields, the results of thermal sounding-from satellites were also used in constructing the wind models. Weekly pressure pattern charts for 5, 2 and 0.4 mb for each Wednesday in January and July for a five-year period were compiled using rocket and sate'Llite data for com- puting the values of the geostrophic wind. For the years 1972 and 1973 the charts were taken from [8]. Since 1975 such charts have been compiled at the Central Aerological Observatory on the basis of data from satellite sounding (VTPR radiometfr) received from the United States by way of ex- change of scientific information. The charts gave rocket data and the geo- potential heights on the basis of data from thernal sounding from a satel- lite. The rocket and satellite data were in very satisfactory agreement. The values of the geostrophic wind were computed using weekly pressure pattern charts at 48 points in the hemisphere (each 20� of latitude and 30� of longitude). Then we computed the mean rlonthly values of components 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of the geostrophic wind, which together with the corresponding values obtained on the hasis of rocket ohservations were plotted on charts fox the levels 35, 40 and 55 km (which approximately correspond to the levels 5, 2 and 0.4 mb) and analyzed. Examples of construction of such maps are ' given in Fig. 1. Maps of wind at the remaining levels were analyzed pri- ~ marily on the basis of the results of rocket sounding. The next stage in the development of wind models was the construction (on the basis of the charts) of vertical sections of the mean monthly values of the zonal and meridional wind components and their standard devia- tions along four meridians (0, 90�E., 180, 90�W) from 10 to 80�N. The _ choice of the ir.dicated meridians was determined from the following con- ' siderations. The -tection 0-180� gives the latitudinal distribution af the wind over the oceans of the northern hsmisphere, whereas the section 90�E - 90�W represents the wind distribution over the continents. Description of models. As an example we will examine the distribution of the zonal wind along the above-mentioned meridians in January. Fj.gure 2a, c shows that westerly transfer predominates along both meridiane. Differ- ences in winter circulation in the upper atmosphere in its western and eastern parts are clearly expressed in the section 0-1 80� longitude. Over the Atlantic Ocean there are two maxima of velocity of the westerly wind. ' One of these is situated at an altitude of 40 km near 50�N; the second is present in the upper mesosphere at 40�N. Over the Pacific Qcean there are three weaker maxima: the first is situated in the middle stratusphere at - latitude 60�N, the second is at approxiuately this saxne latitude in the region of the stratopause and the third, which is situated in the middle mesosphere, is displaced into the tropics (Fig. 2a). I t should be noted that the velocity of westerly transfer over the Pacific Ocean in the en- tire thickness of the stratosphere and mesosphere is approximately half the wind velocity over the Atlantic, which is attributable to the devel- - opment of the Aleutian High. The easterly winds in the stratosphere and mesosphere over the polar regions are asaociated with frequent movements of the center of the circur.polar cyclone into the Canadian and European sec- - tors of the Arctic. Figure 2c shows the latitudinal distribution of the zonal wind along the - meridian 90�E - 90�W. It is possible to discriminate two characteristic peculiarities: stronger westerly transfer in the middle mesosphere and - :he presence of only one maximum of velocity of the wasterly wind over , I3orth America. - Figure 2b,d, which shows the variability of the zonal wind along the men- tioned meridians, makes clear that the highest standard deviations of the - zonal wind component are situated in the neighborhood of the stratopause and in the middle mesospfiere. This agrees with the gr eat variations of temperature and geopotential of the isobaric surfaces transpiring during the winter and having a qua.siperiodic nature. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Results of Comparison of Represented Empirical Model of Wind Distribution in the Northern Hemisphere Upper Atmosphere (EVM-1918) and International Reference Atmoaphere COSPAR (CIRA-1972). Zonal Component I 1 3BM- 1978 - C I RA� 1972 H ivi I 10 I 20 I 30 I 40 1 50 I 60 I 70 180' c. ui. 6 . 2 SI x e a p 6, 9A' a. A. 60 -16 -6 - I 2 5 42 8 50 45 55 -7 4 -10 I-21 43 -11 ~ 45 65 50 -5 9 -8 -35 27 - I 2 25 72 45 -2 3 -6 -40 19 -6 0 66 40 -9 U -1 -38 23 1 -20 52 35 -1 I -1 1 -28 41 2 -27 35 30 -12 -7 1 -7 39 -5 -22 16 3 HlOdb, 90� 3. 2. 60 S 1 12 3 I 14 7 9 6 55 -9 -9 2 -3 7 -2 1 4 50 -9 -8 -5 -2 2 -2 4 4 45 -4 -4 -8 -3 -3 0 5 4 -40 -2 -2 -8 ' -2 -3 0 6 2 35 0 0 -8 -3 -1 2 5 -1 30 0 -1 -7 -4 2 3 ~ 5 1 _ 4 AHeapb> 90' s. .3. . 60 -22 -4 -5 -34 -8 -8 15 1'I 55 -12 0 3 -32 -18 -23 : 0 28 50 4 13 13 -48 -34 -25 -3 33 _ 45 -2 3 Il -57 -45 -22 -5 35 40 -8 -3 12 -59 -40 -20 -2 31 35 -10 -1 12 -52 -31 -24 -1 18 30 -8 0 8 -40 -30 -53 -1.0 -4 5H to n b, 90' S. A. KEY; 1. EVM-1978 - CIRA-1972 2. January, 90�W 3. July, 90�W 4. Jauuary, 90�F 5. July, -90�E 6. N In summer, by virtue of the sym*etry of circulation in the stratosphere _ and lower mesos.phere, the,latituciinal dtstribution of the zonal wind in all the sections has an approxima.tely identical character. As iadicated 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 60 -3 -13 13 11 22 13 12 4 55 -2 -�2 8 8 17 3 ~ 4 I 3 SO -3 ri 3 5 7 I ~ 4 3 45 -3 ~ 1 p 3 -1 2 i 4 40 -5 3 -2 4 -I I 6 Z 35 7 p 4 4 5 6 0 30 o q 4 5 8 7 8 l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 P'Uti UP'r'1(:lAL USE UNLY above, the principal form of representation of the developed models is maps of the distribution of the zonal and meridional components of the wind in the stratosphere and mesosphere in the northem hemisphere. Fig- ure la shows that at an altitude of 40 km over the northein part of the - Atlantic Ocean and adjacent regions of the continents there are maximum velocities of westerly transfer, which is considerably reduced over the - Pacific Ocean. The axis of the westerlv jzt stream with maximum winds of more than 60 m/sec is oriented approximately along 50�N. Weak easterly flows predominate over the western part of the Pacific Ocean, bounded by the Arctic region, in coanection w.ith development of the Aleutian High. The interpretation of ineridional circulation is most complex because of poor study. In winter tlze distribution of the mer_idional components in the polar and subpolar regions is most charar.teristic. Figure lb shows that there is a prpdominance of air tranefer from Eurasia to North Amer- ica in the stratosphere, which is attributable to development of tl.e A1eu*_ian High and frequeut displacement of the center of the circumpolar vortex ir,to the Canadian and European sectors of the A:ctic. Judging from the maps constructed for the higher levels, in the mesosphere there is a compensating flow in the opposite direction. The latter can be at- tributed to the fact that the Aleutian High cannot be traced in the upper mesosphere, whereas the center of the cyclon2 is displaced into the east- ern sectoi of the Arctic. Comparison with models developed earlier. Up to the present time different authors have repeatedly wndertaken to construct global empirical models - of c,iind distribution in the high layers of the ataasphere. The most modern = of these is the International Reference Atmosphere COSPAR (CIRA) [3]. It is therefore of interest to carrj out a comparison of the mean values of the zonal wind on the basis of the data in the model described here with the values in the CIRA-1972 model. The results of the comparison are pre- - seiited in the table, in wY,lch we give the diff.erences in the mean values of the zonal wind to an altitude 60 km along two meridians for winter and - summer. The linitation of altitude is attributable to the fact that in the CIRA-1972 model above EO km the longitudinal differences are not tak- en into account. It is easy to see a considerable discrepancy in the compared data in Jan- uary. For example, at latitude 80�N over North America they attain 70 m/ sec, and in the middle latitudes approximatEly 40 m/sec. In the eastern hemisphere these differences are also considerable and in the middle lat- itudes approach 60 m/sec. Such discrepancies can be attributed to the fact that, first of all, for _ the development of the represented model we also made use of a consider- able number of observations carried out in 1971-1977 using an improved method. Second, in the considered model a more precise allowance has been made for the J.ongitudinal differences in the characteristics of large-scale cirGUlatory processes observed in wiuter in the northern hemisphere. ~ 6 F(,_. OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY As is well known, during sumner circulation in the upper atmosphere hae an ordered stable character which varies extremely insignificantly from year to year. From this point of view the small differences in the mean valuea of the zonal wind in July which are diecovered in a comparison of the two mentioned models are entirely explicable. At the same time this can serve as additional confirmation of the reality of the model descrihed here. = Summary. Thus, on the basis of observations of the wind made using rocket prohes and data on the geostrophic wind, computed with the additional use of the results of thermal sounding from satellites, we obtained a model distribution of the values of the zonal and meridional wind com- ponents and their variability over the northern hemisphere in the layer 30-80 km. It appears that the characteristics described above really reflect the wind distribution in the stratosphere and mesosphere in the _ northern hemisphere. It should he noted that the proposed models of latitudinal distribution of the wind give some idea concerning the mean long-term conditions of circulation in the stratosphere and mesoaphere in the northern hemi- sphere. The models of zonal and meridional wind components for July com- pletely reflect the characteristics of atmospheric circulation in summer because the year-to-year varisbility at this time of the year ie inaig- niiicant. This cannot be said of the wintQr wind diatribution (January) due to the development of atratomesospheric warmings and the circulatory restructurings associated with them. It is well known that mid-winter - warmings in the upper atmoaphere in the polar regions of the northern hemisphere are observed every year. Nevertheless, the circulatory re- structurings associated with them are not observed every winter and ac- cording to the dsta in some studies have a quaei-two-year periodicity [4]. - Accordingly, the routine use of long-term mean wind vaZues in the high latitudes is not always juatified becauae in the process of averaging ~ over a series of years there is a conaiderable smoothing of the data. Thus, the considerable year-to-year variability of wind distribution in the polar regions of the northern hemisphere in winter is not reflected in averaged models. As is well known, in some reference and standard at- ~ mospheres winter temperature models for the stratomesopause were develop- ed separately for winters with and without warminga. In the future it is evidently necessary to consider similar approaches in constructing wind models; it is necessary to develop taodexs for winters without circulatory restructurings (with a�predominance of wPSterly flow over the polar re- _ gions) and winters with restructurings (with easterly winds over the Arc- - tic). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Gaygerov, S. S., Zaychikov, B. P., Kalikhman, M. Ya., Fedorov, V. V., VOZDUSHiVYYE TECIiENIYA V MEZOSFERE ANTARKTIKI (Air Currents in the Antarctic Mesosphere), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL`I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340040014-9 rvn urriutcu. uOL u1vLt 2. Belmont, A. D., Dartt, D. G., Nastrom, G. D., Variations of Strato- epheric Zonal Winds, 20-65 1an 1961-1971," J. APPL. METEOROL., Vol 14, - y vo 4, 1976. _ 3. COSPAR INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE ATMOSPHERE 1972-CIRA, 1972, Academic Verlag, Berlin, 1972. 4. Gaigerov, S. S., "On Stratospheric Warmings in the Antarctic and Arc- ` tic," POLAR METEOROLOGY. WMO TEGHN. NOTE, No 87, 1967. . 5. Groves, G. V., "Atmospheric Structure and its Variation in the Region from 25 to 120 km," AFCRL ENVIROH. RES. PAPER No 368, 1971. 6. Murgatroyd, R. .T., "Winds in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere," PROC. ROY� SOC., Vo1 288, No 1415, 1965. ~ 7. Kantor, A. J., Cole, A. E., "Zonal and Meridional Wind to 120 km," JGR, Vol 69, No 24, 1964. 8. Staff, Upper Air Brancn NOAA. National Weather Service, National = Meteorological Centre, "Synoptic Analyses, 5-, 2- and 0.4-Millibar Surface for January 1972 Through June 1973, NASA SP-3091, Washington, D. C., 1975. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.551.2 NCNLOCAL PARAMETERIZATION OF TURBULENT FLUXr S Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 11-19 [Article by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. M. Voloshchuk and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences P. N. Svirkunov, In- stitute of Experimental Meteorology, submitted for publication 20 Febru- ary 1980] [Text] Abstract: The authors examine a general scheme - for nonlocal parameterization of turbulent fluxes based on a formal aolution of the con- tinuity equation. The kernal of the integral expression,relating the turbulent flux to the gradient of the mean concentration of an impur- ity, is expressed in terms of the statistical characteristics of the turbulent medium. The article indicates the possibility of a nonlocal relationship between the global meridional heat flux and the gradient of the mean temperature - profile, following from the well-known Budyko climatic model. _ The problem uf parameterization of turbulent fluxes is one of the most com- plex aspects of the theory of turbulent diffusion which has not been com- , pletely investigated. In most of the existing theories there is predonin- ance of a semiempirical approach, the basis of which is a local parameter- ization [ 5 ] : - q = -Kq, where I is the turbulent flux, < c> is the mean (determined from turbulence records) concentration of the impurity, K is the so-called coefficient of - i:urbulent exchange (in a general case a second-order tensor). In order to ascertain K we make use of a variety of physical assumptions, as well as empirical data. However, in a general case it is impossible to make an imambiguous comparison of the exchange coefficient with the s tat- istical characteristics of the turbulent medium. This is indicated, in particular, by the circumstance that in the field of stationary turbulence for some conditions, for example, with boundary conditions not dependent ~ - 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY on time, the K coefficient can be represented conveniently by some func- tion of coordinates, whereas for other conditions, such as diffusion from an instaataneous point source, there are data indicating that K is a function of time. A detailed analysis of this problem is given in [9]. The main reason for such a circumstance is that the transport of an impurity in a turbulent flow is determined by the entire spectrum of velocity fluctuations, up to fluctuations of external scales. The exter- nal scale of the turbulent flux as a rule is comparable with the charac- teristic scale of change in the mean concentration profile [4, 5]. As a result, the turbulent flux can be dependent not only on the gradient of the mean concentration, but also on higher-order derivatives. The pres- ence of this sort of "latent parameters" does not make it possible to re- late the exchange coeff icient unambiguously to the statistical properties of the turbulent medium. It appears probable that such difficulties can be overcome by using a non- local par2meterization in which the turbulent flux is related by a linear integral expression with the mean concentration gradient. This hypotheses was expressed for the first time in [2], in which, proceeding on the basis of physical considerations, the author proposed some integral expression relating the turbulent flux in the surface layer to the impurity concen- tration gradient. In this article we propose a general scheme of nonlocal parameterization hased on a formal solution of the continuity equation. Such an approach makes it possible, on the one hand, to confirm the hypo- thesis of a nonlocal parameterization by formal reasonings, and on the other hand, makes it possible to express the parameterization nucleus i^ terms of the statistical (generally speaking, Lagrangian) characteristics of the turbulent flux. The lattzr can be useful in refining the different approximate approaches in the theory of turbulent diffusion. 1. As the basis for the examination we will a passive scalar substance at ~ div cv = Q (r, use the continuity equation for t), where c is the concentration, Q(i t) are the sources, v( , t) is the velocity field. (1) In order to simplify the reasonings we will consider the medium to be in- compressible: div v = 0. Applying the usual averaging procedure, which we will represent by the sym- bolization < . . . > , from (1) we obtain a + div ( ) = Q (r, r), (2) ar 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL't APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL ;;SE ONLY d1 div vc' = div Gv'c'> - div v' t~ > 110, it is possible to shift the initial condition in the solution (5) to a later moment in time, in particular, to the moment when the concentration is for the first time stipulated arbitra;cilq, in a form not correlated with the velocity field. This circumstance makes it possible to neglect the influ- ence of the initial value of the fluctuation. Henceforth as a simplification we will assume that T=00. Multiplying expression (5) by v'( , t) and averaging, for the components of the turbulent flux q=< v'c'> we obtain - ~ - qj - f dt' f dr' ( V. Gc (r3, ts) > - (8) - f dt, dr, < v; (r, t) G(r, t1 ti) v; (rt ti) > Vk < c (r,, tt) Symlw lically, in shortened operator form, expression (8) can be written in the form q = ( (k, W Taking this circumstance into account, after simple transforma'tione from (11) we obtain 4 k, W) -i' i~') c w)� (15) Inverting (15), for the flux we obtain the expression y q dr'' ~ dt' A(r t t') v _(2 tcoa (t-- t'))-3~2 eXp I - 2~0 (t r)r) (18) ( , I ) J where d'2(t - t') is the dispersion of the displacements of a particle of - the impur~ty a,uring the time t- t'. Accordingly G(k,cJ) will be determined by the integral: ._00 G dt exp ~i cu t - ; k= oa (t)). (19) a For a 2(t) we will use the Taylor formula and the asymptotic expansion fol- t lauzing from it: 31 (t)=2 v=t;dt'(1- t )R(t')-2x(t-tl~-O(t;)), (20) ~ where R(t) is the Lagrangian correlation function, nornualized to unity f dtR (t) t~ is the turbulent diffusion coefficient,. dttR(t) ~'dtR(t) ~Q U 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is a value clos in sense to the Lagrangian time scale. For the time t< , tj~"2(t) = 2v2t~ + 0(t3). Using these expansions in an evaluation of the integral (19), for q(k,cJ) we obtain an asymptotic expansion: - " . " _ - y 9(k, u)) lk (x - x= k= ti + i mu ti -F 6 (t,2)) c(k m), (21) - and for the turbulent flux q(r, t) we accordingly will have ' d q(r,t)=-y(~~c>-xtl~p-ti d T -1-0(ti) (22) The first term in (22) correaponds to a local parameterization; the othez-s correspond to corrections to it. If we denote by L and T the characteristic spatial and temporal scaYea of the mean concentration field, it can be seen from S22) that the expansion is carried out in powers of the parameters ~tL L-~ and tt `i'1. For prob- lems wfth sufficiently slowly changiag external conditions the paremeter tt T-1 can be amall. However, the vslue x tLL"2 for typical conditions of turhulent currents in order of magnitude is equal to unity. This circumstance is also the reason for the shortcominge in local parameterization. In order to mr~ke them clearer, we will examine in greater detail the situation ~Ct~, L-2>1. For the function < G( ; tj 1',t') > we will uae a self-similar rep- resentation which follows from dimensioaality and isotropicity considera- tions [5], r-A,) I _ =-s (t - ti) g (z ' (23) In this case the normalization condition must be satiefied 4- f dx x= z 1. (24) 8~ 0 The function z is related to the dispersion 4Y by the expression 4 r dxx4 g (x) z' (t). (25) 0 Under the condition 7cttL-2>> 1, as is well ki:own.,[5], z(t),t. We will examine the more general dependence z (t) = 7 ta . . . (26) We will limit uurselves to the stationary case a < c> /a r. = 0. In this case the flux will be determined by the component G(k, 0), which can be computed without putting g(x) into specific form: 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 P'UK U:'r'1l:lAL USE UNLY G (k, U) - (1+ z / (r k)ll� sIn l r 00 1 xdX x a g 0 c2i; Substiituting (27) into (15) and inverting the Fourier transform, we obtain the sought-for relationsh{p (=r~l G, _ (28) q - - f dr''A ~ where A(r) is determined by the expression - ` _ 1 i dx x � ( I b' (x) sin A (r) = t - n d - ~ T~'' ' (29) - (1 a~s 1 t a tin j ra - ll t+ t ~ ~ r z In particular, in the inertial interval (z~t) we have an essentially non- _ local relationship 0. (7) 2 s p a a b a:' As in [6], to both.sides of equation (50) we add the value I(L1yj)2, where ~ is some nonzero parameter, Chen - ri (~,!j) = -L f ~,L - F = 0. (8) where - - - - - - Fe p-{- 2 J( u, V)- a 'r a. ( i- ctg P a e 1(ury V2) - r~ L 1 31 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 = Solving (S) as a quadratic equation relative to d~y we obtain - 1 f F 2 r ~-J ~~J r r 4 F). (9) ~ For fi ndin g the stream function in the northern hemis phere we use the fol- � lowing iteration process: f-FVf2+4 7if'(l)). ,LU+U _ *(1+112) (X) =p e)r(Pf), 0�. e) E D, GO., E3) = P(~�, e),'(Pf), 0�.. e) E dD. (10) An inversion of the difference analogue of the Laplace operator was carried out by a direct method [3]. This method uses a fast Fourier transform for expansion of the sought-for solution and the known right-hand side along ' the parallel into series of - - - - li +c li l . { cos 'N , sin N J r The equaCions then derived for the coefficients were solved by the elimin- ation method along tfie meridian. The detetmined coefficients were used in - determining the value of the sought-for function at the points of grid in- ' tersection once again using the fast Fourier transform [3, 51. Numerical experiments. The regions of the opt3mwn a and q values were deter- mined hy numerical experiments due to the nonlinearity of the iteration - process. In evalua.ting the rate of convergenre of the iteration process (10) it is important to choose the norm for which this evaluation is made because we are interested not so much in the convergence gr(J) as in the convergence of the derivatives of this f unction. As in [7], we traced the behavior of _ the value UI~-~ u` -F-v`;N, - N T,rhere1J =(u, v)' is the wind velocity vector, N is the number of internal points in the D region. The convergence o� the iteration process (10) was evaluated by a comparison o f U(j) with the precise solution U(�p ).For each level as 11 U(`" ) 11 we - selected the 11 U0031 value, which did not change even one of the first ten signi�icant decimal piaces in the subsequent iteration. - Henceforth we will say that U(j) has n true places, if for all i;~j we have the inequality . 32 , . P 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY j~ Uli, II - II U(1) I~ 1 < Q,IU ni where m is the decimal order II UQOp. Table 1 Number of Iterations Required for Obtaining n True Places ef Solution With M-Parameters, (I), With PT-Parameters (II) and With RU-Parameters (III) _ . . _ _ - - - - ~ I 3 anpenR 2, A44e471 . 22 anrycra 99 e..,...,,t - n=7 I 22 25 33 ~ 19 I 22 33 _ tI 13 I 12 21 9 ~ 13 20 III I 8 ~ 8 8 I 8 I 8 8 n-6 II 10 10 15 8 JO 20 ' 111 I 6 I 16 I. 26 I 15 ' I 27 In [7] we carried out an adequate number of numerical experiments for clar- ~ ifying the opti.mum Yi values with A;= 0.5 with data in a rectangular region - covering all seasons of the year. In this connection numerical experiments - were carried out using data analyzed by Professor T. V. But' for 3 April and 22 August 1965 at six levels. As the levels we used z= 0, 1400, 2900, _ 5460, 9120, 11 870 m. These values correspond to the altitudes of the stan- dard atmosphere with p= 1000, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200 mb. The finding of _ the p values with the above-mentioned z values on the basis of data for the isobaric surfaces was accomplished using the equation of statics, as was described in [2]. Hereafter as a convenience we will use the following notations: we will _ call the pair 0.5 and 0.5, used by Miyakoda, the M-parameters, the pair OC = 0.75 and r~= 0.5 from [18] the PT-parameters, and the val- ues aC = 1.0 and 0.15 the RU-parame'Lars. The table gives the nimmber of iterations necessary for obtaining 8, 7 and 6 true placea of the solution with M-.parameters in case I, ;aith PT-para- meters in case II, with RU-parametere in case III. This table shows that the choice OG = 0.75 gives a gain in the numlier of iterations in comparison 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 AaE3 I 28 ~ 28 41 22 24 40 II 17 18 25 12 18 2~. III I 8 ~ 9 I 9 I 9 10 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 - with 06 = 0.5, as in the study hy Paegle and Tomlinson. At the same time, with this value oG = 0.75 a choice Yj= 0.15 instead of Y? = 0.5 leads to a _ further acceleration of the rate of convergence of the iteration process ~ (10), as can be seen clearly in Fig. 1. This figure shows curves of the numher of iterations necessary for ofitaining n true places of the solu- tion with z= 0, and z= 11 870 m respectively. We note that with n= 8 as a rule the nonclosure of the initial equation becoIDes a value of about 10-16 s2c'2. ~ Now we will examine these results in greater datail. In order to obtain 8 true places of the salution at the level 1000 mb for 22 August with use of the M-parameters it is necessary to have 38 iterations; with the PT- parameters it is necessary tc have 23 iterations; using the RU-psrameters it is necessary to have only 9 iterations. With these same values of the parameters for the data for 3 April at this same level it is necessary to have 30, 18 and 8 iteratians respectively. �7-~s s 36 Z4 98 12 0 #B~ 41 .36 30 24 ~e. i1 6 1 A ~�0,5 a�Q7s n- j ~ ~y"O'O`a�o,s '7-q1s a'=Q7S q�Q15 ~ a�10 io:-- ~1'~15 ~r- R�0,5 a�0,75 q,0,5 . ~�~bis ~ d-Q1S Q15 [t%1,Qi V05 cr�0,5 S'S0 n-0,5 a p%~ .~�~~7�015 a-Q7sq-q1s t~" z� �0,15 ' ' 7 ~ S 7 9 n Fig. 1. Dependence of number of iterations s required for obtaining n true places of solution on values of Ot and Yt parameters at the level z= 0(at left) and z= 11 830 m(at right) for altitudes of isobaric surfaces 1000 mb (at left) and 200 mb (at righz) on 3 April (at top) and on 22 August 1965 (at bottom). Similar curves were also constructed for other levels. The behavior of the curves is very similar, which makes it poesible to speak of an optimum value of the RU-parameters both in comparison with the M-parameters and in comparison with the PT-parameters. 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In order to clarify the optimimm oC and rZ intervals, Fig. 2 shows curves of c the number of iterations necessary for ohtaining 8 true places nf the solution with z= 5460 m for different oC and )j values (as a convenience - a nonuniform scale has been used along the x-axis). - a�~r s 5,55 ~a1,1s J6 0 , 14 ir' - ~ Cr 0 ~-~-~,~,.1r�~R�0,75 12 6~--�-----.~- 0 e'S a-Ris J6 0 5'S i JO P G�1,1 . 1B ~ ~ 1,0 11 6 0 0101 4013 QOJ 11 Q15 'QZS QJS 4f1f q = Fig. 2. Curves of the number of iterations s required for obtaining 8 true places of solution at level z= 5460 m for altitudes of isobaric surface 500 mb for 3 April (at top) and 22 August 1965 (at bottom). With each fixed QC value the preferable interval for is the segment [0.05; 0.25]. The advantage of choice of the Yt values from this interval in com- parison with n= 0.5 is obvious. We note that with a fixed QG value for different rZ the number of required iterations from the mentioned interval virtually does not change. Such a rather broad region of optimum r? values, common for all lX , makes it possible to hope that the choice of one of the '2 values from the indicated region will not give a marked change in the hehavior of the rate of convergence of the iteration proceas even with other factual data. On the other hand, with stipulated YZ from the indicated interval it can be seen that with oC = 0.5 the iteration process (10) converges considerably more slowly than with all remaining OK values. For example, for 1"1 - 0.15 it is necessary to have 14 iterations with oc = 0.75; 10 iterations with W_ 1.0; 9 iterations with ov- = 1.1; 11 iterations with aC= 1.15, but 25 iter- ations with ot a 0.5 (for data for 22 August). For the data for 3 April the behuvior of the relationship in the number of iterations with these - same values of the o6 parameter is very similar. It should be noted that in - bott-, cases with OL a 0.75 it is necessary to have more iterations than with 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 OG = 1.0 andoC= 1.1. Thus, for oC the interval (0.75; 1.15) can be consid- ered acceptable. _ Summary. Similar curves were also constructed for the other levels. Ths be- havior of these curves also leads us to the conclusior that the region of optimum 2 values is tfie segment 10.05; 0.25], but with lZ values froin this region ol from the"interval (0.75; 1.15) are optimum. The results of numer- ical experiments show that the use of optimum o[ and rjvalues, without chang-ing the total number of aritfimetical and logical eperations in one iteratinn, decreases the numher of required iterations an the average by a factcr of 3 in comparison with tfie M-parameters and by a factor of 2 in _ comparison with tfie PT-parameters. Although the region of optimum values for each level was found only for twi dates, our experience [7] with computations for a Cartesian coordinate sy s- E- tem with different values of ttie ri parameter with a fixed oe value shows that the region of optimum rl values is virtually independent of the initial information. Thus, the above-mentioned optimum values of the ot andrlpara- meters can be recommended in practical computations for any factual data. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Dzhahar-Zade, R. M., "One Al.gorithm for Solution of the Balance Equa- ~ tion," IZVESTIYA AN SSSR, FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEAir'A (News of the USSR - Academy of Sciences, Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean), Vol 5, No 3, 1969. ` - 2. Kalenkovich, Ye. Ye., "Numerical Scheme for Predicting the Fieids of Meteorological Elements for the Northern Hemisphere," Dissertation for Award of the Academic Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathe- matical Sci.ences, Manuscript, Novosibirsk, 1970. 3. Marchuk, G. I., METOllY VYCHISLZTEL'NOY MATEMATIKI (Methods of Computa- tional Mathematics), Moscow, Nauka, 1977. 4. Miyakoda, K., "Introduction to Numerical Weather Forecasting," CHIS- LENNYYE METODY RESHENIYA ZADACH DINAMIKI ATMOSFLRY I OKEANA (Numer- ical Methods for Solving Problems in the Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean), Leningrad, Gidrometeoiadat, 1968. - 5. Obraztsov, N. N., "Solution of the Helmholtz Equation on a Sphere," - ALGORITMY I PROGRAMr4Y (Algorithms and Programs), No 2, 1975. 6. Rivin, G. S., Uraz3lina, Z. K., "Determination of the Initial Wind Field for a Weather Forecasting Scheme," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Metearology and Hydrology), No 12, 1977. 7. Rivin, G. S., Urazalina, Z. K., "Optimization of a Method for Solving the Balance Equation," METEOROLbGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, No 9, 1978. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8. Arnason, G. A., "A Convergent Method for Solving the Balance Equa- tion," J. METEOROL., Yol 15, No 2, 1958. 9. Asselin, R. ,"Tfie Operati:onal Solution of tfie Balance Equation," TELLUS, Vo1 12, No 1, 1I67. 10. Bengtsson, L., "Four-Dimensional Assimilation of Meteorological Ob- servations 4M0/ICSU," GARP PUBL. SER. , No 15, 1975. 11. Bolin, B., "Numerical Forecasting With the Barotropic Mo3e1," TELLUS, Vol 7, No l, 1955. 12, Bolin, B., "An Improved Barotropic Model and Some Asgects of Using the Balance Equation for Three-Dimensional Flow," TELLUS, Vol 8, No 1, 1956. -A 13. Charney, J., "The Us.e of the Primitive Equations of Motion in Numer- - ical Prediction," TELLUS, Vol 7, No 1, 1955. 14. Hinkelmann, K., "Der Mecfianismus des Meteorologischen Larmes," TELLUS, Vol 3, No 4, 1951. 15. Houghton, D. D., "Derivation of the Elliptic Condition for the Balance Equatio n in Spherical Coordinates," J. ATMOS. SCI., Vol 25, No 1, 1968. 16. Houghton, D. D., Washington, W., "On Glotial Initialization of the Prim- itive Equations.: Part I," J. APPL. METEOROL., Vol 8, No 5, 1969. 17. Miyakoda, K., "On a Metfiod of Solving the Balance Equation," J. METEOROLe SOC. JAPAN, Vol 34, No 6,.1956. 18. Paegle, J., Tomlinson, E. M., "5olution of the Balance Equation by Faurier Transform and Gauss Elimination," MON. WEATHFQ REV., Vol 103, - No 6, 1975. 19. Paegle, J., Paegle, J. N., "1On Geopotential Data and Ellipticity of the - Balance Equation," MON. WEATHER REV., Vol 104, No 3, 1976. _ 20. Petterssen, S., "On the Relation Between Vorticity, Deformation and Divergence and the Configuration of the Pressure Field," TELLUS, Vol - 5, 1953. 21. Phillips, N. A., "Un the Problem of Initial Data for the Primitive Equations," TELLTIS, Vol 12, No 2, 1960. 22. Shuman, F. G., "Numerical Methods in Weather Prediction: I. The Bal- ance Equa.tion," MON. WEATHER REV,, Vol 85, No 10, 1957. 23. Shuman, F. G., "Numerical Methods in Weather Predi.ction: II. Smooth- ing and Filtering," MON. WEATEER REV., Vol 85, No 11, 1957. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 UDC 551.513 SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF CIRCUMPOLAR VORTICES OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND CIRCULATION IN THE EQUATORIAL ZONE Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 35-41 [Article by Candidate of Geographical Sc,iences Ts. A. Kanter, Saratov State _ University, submitted for publication 11 November 19791 [Text] Abstract: In the 60-km layer of the atmosphere there was found to be a three-level spatial structure of circumpolar motion with strongly expressed broadenings in the region of the - tropopause and stratopause. It is shown that - in the layer 20-40 km,.where the circumpolar vortex of the winter hemisphere has a minimum diameter, the aubtropical zone of high pressure adj acent to it migratea along the meridian and - causes a change in westerly and easterly cir- culation in the equatorial stratosphere. It is ' postulated that a quasi-two-year cycle is the cha.racteristic period of interaction of pro- cesses in the northern and southern hemiapheres. A difference in the structure of circumpolar vortices in hoth hemiapheres was established. A knowledge of the patterns of general circulation of the atmosphere is a highly important link in creating a theory of climate and improvement in ' long-range weather forecasts. Accordingly, at the present time work has _ considerably broadened on the investigation and modeling of large-scale at- mospheric proceases. - However., the fact should be noted that the largest features of planetary - circulation. caused by the temperature difference between the equator and the poles, circumpolar vortices (CPV) of the northern and southern hemi- ; spheres,for the time being have been poorly investigated. However, the cir- cumpolar motion is a grandiose unified three-dimensional formation. It - takps in the extratropical latitudes, at least the troposphere, strato- sphere and mesosphere; it is easily detected on pressure pattern charts for all levels above 1000 mb. Now we wi11 turn to these materials. 38 - FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mean long-term pressure pattern charts have now been published for each month for the northern [2] and southern [39 4] hemispheres. They were pre- pared for nine isotaaric surfaces: 1000, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50 and 30 mb, that is, to an altitude of 24 km. In addit{on to long-term maps, daily charts are published for the northern hemisphere which char- acterize the pressure field to an altitude of 30 lan (10 mb). Above 30 km mean weekly pressure charts for six levels (35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 km) are published f.or the northern hemisphere on the basis of data from rocket sounding of the atmosphere [1]. We used the materials enumerated above, characterizing the 60-km lay2r of the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere and a 24-km layer in the south- ern hemisphere. Figure 1 shows long-term mean monthly presaure pattern charts for the north- ern hemisphere (January) for the isobaric surfaces 850 and 300 mb and Fig. 2 showe pressure charts for the levels 40 and 60 km (January 1977). An an- alysis of this material, first of ally does not leave doubt that in the winter (at least to an altitude of 60 km) there is a well-expressed cyclonic circumpolar vortex; it is the largest feature of semiglobal circulation. Second, in a comparison of the diameters of the CPV vertically there is found to be a clear pattern first the vortex expands considerably (Fig. 1), then it is narrowed (Fig. 2a) and thereafter again expands (Fig. 2b). This pattern is confirmed by all cartographic materials, both long-term mean monthly and daily, to wit: topography of the isobaric surfaces 700, 500, 200, 100, 50, 30, 10 mb; pressure charts at the levels 35, 45, 50, 55 km. The CPV is very well expressed in the southern hemisphere, where its contours are more concentric with the circles of latitude than in the northern hemisphere and the pattern described above is manifested still more clearly. . \ % .501 P ~ 32118 1SJ~ I 130 ) 1 ~ I ~ ~ I i ~ 1 1 ~ ~ t B ~ high H ~ low 1 ` \ 6`~ 1 ~ 910 ! ~ / i ~ ~ . , 466 ~7~1 Fig. 1. Mean long-term maps AT850 and AT300 (a, b). January, northern hemi- sphere. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 ~ r , ~ \ . ~ Z'a ^ ze H,rn M6 mb sv e,~i ~ Q 6 Q) i 1B JO m fOB ~ JOO 0 100 Fig. 2. P.ressure maps at the levels 40 and 60 km (a, b).,January 1977, north- ern hemisphere. B= Ilig, H m low _ _HKn pr+6 v,z $0 Q9 40 ~T~ JO 90 BO DO 40 V' 700 � - 400 ' d 10 f00 - - L. T-- - - - - - - -r 40 3,3 ~ ~ 50 92 ~ . ~ JO - ZO 100 - - - - - - - J00 1 0 700 _ 0 40 80180 '+a (t. 0 700 , J00 20 100 i0 ~ i 1l 10 40 2 ~ ~ 0,6 60 Q 1 Fig. 3. Models of planetary circumpolar movement of atmosphere. a) January; b) July; I) northern hemisphere, II) southern hemisphere. In order to compare the magnitude of the circumpolar vortices at different altitudes in different hemispheres and seasons it is necessary somehow to make a quantitative evaluation of the space occupied by them. The area bounded by the last closed isohypse of the CPV can serve as such an evalu- ation. In the proposed investigation the area was determined using a spec- ial ovex.lay proposed in [5] and later improved.� Figures 1-2 shour that the isohypaes of the circumpolar vortices do not dif- fer too much fram the circles.of.latitude; therefore, for the purposes of clarity the position of the last closed'isohypse should be expressed in 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY mb APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOK OFFICIAL USE ONLY degrees of latitude of the parallel which limits the area identical to it. The described method was used in determining the boundaries of the CPV for January and July at al.l isobaric surfaces in both hemispheres and on rocket sounding maps for the northern hemisphere. This made it possible to con- struct models of planetary circumpolar motion, repreaented in Fig. 3, _ where for January and July we successively plotted (vertically) the dia- meters of the circumpolar vortices at the isobaric surfaces 1000, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50, 30 mb, at the levels 40, 50, 60 lm, and envelopes were drawn through their ends. - Table 1 Boundaries of CPV (in Degrees of Latitude) in Troposphere and in Lower Stratosphere in the Winter - L {I306apttwecicue noeepxHOCrti, .u6 1000 I 850 I 700 I 500 I 300 i 200 100 I I i 50 I 30 2 CesepHOe noayw apHe, AHdape Her I 3-1 i 26 I 24 I 15 I 15 i 23 I 29 I 25 unB 4 3 IOacaoe non ymapNe, xrona 42 I 38 1 27 ; 19 1 15 1 16 I 24 30 36 KEY : 1. Isobaric surfaces, mb 2. Northern hemisphere, January 3. Southern hemisphere, July 4. no CPV Since the vertical structure of the CPV was specific, we will examine its most important peculiarities in greater detail. , Table 1 gives the limits of the vortex at all isobaric surfaces according to the mean monthly long-term pressure pattern charts in the layer from 1000 to 30 mb. An analysis of this table and Fig. 3 clearly shows that in winter in each of tiie hemispheres in the troposphere and lower stratosphere the circum- - polar movement has a highly expanded part which is situated in the layer 300-200 mb. The area of the vortex in the region of the expansion on the average is twice as great as outside it (850 and 30 mb). It mus` be noted that the expansion of the CPV coincides with such atmospheric features as _ the tropopause and jet streams. These three phenomena have a high probabil- ity of an interrelationship and there is possibly an intercausality. 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 A comparison of the data in Table 1 showe that the winter circumpolar movement in the layer from 1000 to 30 mb in both hemispheres has virtually identical limits at all levels. The difference between them is that the southern hemisphere vortex has a greater depth than that in the northern hemisphere (Table 2). Table 2 _ Geopotential Height (dam) in the Central Part of the CPV in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at Standard Isobaric Surfaces According to Mean Long-Term.Data i n,,......~...,e I o L1inAampuPrs:uP nnnenxuocrif. .u6 KEY: 1000 1 850 I I 700 I 500 I I 3^0 200 1 100 I 50 l 30 Ceaepxoe 3 HQT 5 12S 270 I 504 836 1(18S 1516 1832 2240 s n u fO~caa 4 -0, 12 112 252 484 824 1056 1452 1532 2112 1. Hemisphere 2. Isobaric surface, mb 3. Northern 4. Southern 5. No CPV Table 3 Limits (in Degrees of Latitude) of Circumpolar VorCex in Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere According to Data for 15 January for Five Yeara in the Northern Hemisphere H3�6ayxqecKaR ~ 1971 noaepzxocrb, M6 j~ I 1974 1975 I I 1976 I 1977 I CpeltHee 2 850 38 46 41 30 37 40 700 29 31 I 34 27 29 30 Spp 24 25 27 25 25 25 300 22 22 20 20 20 21 200 23 23 I 21 23 19 21 IOU 24 26 25 26 21 24 50 40 47 I 35 39 43 40 30 54 53 41 I 45 47 48 10 59 47 ~ 52 ~ 47 42 49 KEY: 1. Isobaric surface, mb 2. Mean 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Now we will examine to what degree the limits of cixcumpolar movement in the troposphere and lower stratosphere are stable. In the first approxim- ation this can be done by examining the vertical profile of the CPV on in- dividual days. As an example we will take the 15 of January for different years (1971, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977). The boundaries of the vortex are givo-n in Table 3. Here we can note two facts. The first is a stable regularity involving a broadening of the CPV from the lower levels to the isobaric surfaces 300 and 200 mb and subsequent narrowing of the vortex with altitude. This can be seen from the data in each column. The second is the great stability of the horiaontal dimensions of the CPV in the layer from 500 to 200 mb, whereas above and below it the ].imijs'of the vortex vary substantially and in individual cases the area of the expanded part is three times greater than outside it. Table 4 Limits of CPV in Atmosphere (in Degrees of Latitude) in Layer 40-60 km in January in Two Years in the Northern Hemisphere 1976 - - ~ 1977 Ypoeexb, LIiicna x 3-9 ~ I 0-16 17--23 24--30 31-7 8-1-F 15-21 ~ 22-28 l 1 ~ 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 44 57 50 40 60 I 50 I 32 I 0 I 29 I 53 I 54 I 35 I 22 KEY : 1. Level, lan 2. Dates Thus, the circumpolar vortex has the most stable limits in the region of the tropopausal expansion. The variation of its boundaries in the lower tropo- - sphere is evidently associated with the distorting influence of macrotur- bulent vortices, cyclones and anticyclonea, whereas the instability of the boundaries in the sr_ratosphere is attributable to the fact that its temper- ature regime in winter is unstable (the depth of the CPV and its diameter are sharply reduced in the layer where stratospheric warming occurs). Next we will turn to the vertical profile of the winter circumpolar vortex in the layer 40-60 km on the basis of data from rocket sounding of the at- mosphere [1]. Since these data for the time being are not being reduced to long-term values but are being published, as mentioned above, in the form of inean weekly pressure chares, we will cite the limits of the CPV in this layer for four weeks in each of the Januaries of 1976 and 1977 (Table 4). 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 Here in columns 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 it is easy to trace the broadening of the vertex from altitude to altitude. In column 1 this expansinn is expressed - weakly, whereas in columns 5 and 6 it can be seen that the limits of the vortex are even narrowed with altiCude. An attentive study of all the matPrials for the mentioned time intervals and also similar materials for other winter months in3icatecl that usually from 40 km and above the CPV expands and it is narrowed only in the case and in the layer where winter stratospheric warming occurs. This narrowing is the greater the stronger the warming. After summarizing the peculiarities of the vertical profile of the circum- � polar vortex in winter it can be said that in the 60-km layer of the atmo- sphere it is characterized by a three-level structure with two expanded - parts in the regions of the tropopause and stratopause (we will call them tropopausal and stratopausal expansions), and there is a third narrow part between them (we will call it the "saddle" of the CPV). Now we will examine the relationship between the vertical profile of the winter CPV and the peculiarities of circulation in the tropical and equa- _ torial zones. Figures 1-2 clearly show that the circimmpolar vortex borders on the subtropical region of high pressure. Naturally, circulation in the tropical and equatorial zones is determined by the position of the axial line of this region. 0 The vertical profile of the subtropical zone of high pressure, like the circumpol:ar vortex, has a three-level structure. At the levels of the tro- popause and stratopauae, where the CPV is considerably expanded, the sub- tropical anticyclonic zone is narrow and is "pressed" toward the equator. Its axial line reaches latitude 10� (Fig. lb). In the region of the saddle - of the CPV the high pressure zone is "floating." For example, in the north- ern hemisphere in January 1976 its axial line at the isobaric surface 30 mh ran approximately along the parallel 28� and in January 1977 7-90 to the south. Migration of subtropical anticyclones along the meridian has a very impor- tant series of consequences. tt leads to a change in the direction and in- tensity of transfer in the tropics and- in the equatorial zone. In the equa- torial stratosphere-the change in circulation has.a quasi-two-year cyclic- ity. This phenomenon, discovered about 20-years ago, is now being extensive- ly studied [6-9]. It is exceedingly noteworthy that the layer in which aa alternation of westerly and easterly circulations is observed completely caincides with the region of narrowi,ng of the circumpolar vortex, that is, with the region in which the anticyclonic zone can first come close to the equator and cause an easterl;; flaw in its aone, then withdraw from it, giw ing place to a small-cellular circulation with westerly, less stable winds. We recall that this peculiarity of the pressure field is characteristic of the winter hemisphere. However, on the planet one of the hemispheres is always a winter fiemispfiere. It can be assumed that in the course of one year 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . . . . . ~ - h~ , . . . . . . . ~ . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY they alternately ensure easterly transfer in the equatorial atratosphere, and in the course of the next westerly,-manifesting itself as an indi- cator of a unified circulation mechanism. In this case the quasi-two-year cycle is the characteristic period of interaction of processes in the two hemispheres. This assumption requirea further checking. It becomes possible wiCh an increase in the quantity and quality of aerological and rocket ob- = servations in the equatorial and tropical zones. Now we will proceed to an examination of summer circumpolar movament of the atmosphere in both.hemispheres (Table S). Table S Limits of CPV (in Degrees of Latitude) in Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere in Supnner 1000 I 850 700 I 500 I 390 I 200 100 I 50 I 30 2 CeBegeoe nonymapHe, monb _ HeT ~ 38 I 37 I 39 I 40 ~ 41 I 53 IatiTnuuh.~ox laur~iuexnoi 3 uns I i 4 4 5 tOmHOe nonymapNe, Axsapb 4 47 ~ 41 ~ 36 I 26 1 24 1 24 1 34 1 55 JBHTNllHKJ10H KEY: 1. Isoharic surfaces 2. Northern hemisphere, July 3. No CPV 4. Anticyclone 5. Southern hemisphere, January As indicated in the cited tables, and also in Fig. 3, in summer, as in win- ter, the circumpolar vortex has a three-level structure. The lower part is the cycl.onic vortex, the upper part is the anticyc?otd-^_ vortex, at each of rhe considered levels taking in all the hemispheres, whereos the tliird is a thin layer between them in which the circinnpolar movement is disorganiz- ed (in the northern hemisphere this is the layer between 100 and 50 mb, _ and in the southern hemisphere 50-30 mb). The difference in the vertical profiles of summer CPV in both hemispheres is suhstantial and involves the following. First, its lcwer part the cy- clonic vortex differs witF.respect to vertical exte7it by approximately 4-5 km (in the northern hemisphere it is shorter). Sec.ond, in the southern hemisphere there is a clearly expressed tropopausal expansion of the CPV (Fig. 30, whereas 1n the northern hemisphere it doera not exist (Fig. 3b). Third, in summer the cyclonic circumpolar vortices of the southern hemi- sphere have a greater depth than in tiie northera hemisphere. 45 ; . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thus, the difference in the underlying surfaces in both hemispheres finds - total expression in t he difference in spatial structure of the largest features of planetary circulation. Summary In a study of circumpolar vortices in the 60-1m layer of the atmosphere it ` was discovered that they have not only a strongly expressed three-level structure, hut in ac cordance with this, the subtropical high-pressure field has a similar s tructure, that is, in essence, the entire planet3ry _ pressure field. A direct result of this is a multilevel st.ructure of the wind over the equator. It was found that in the expanded parts of the CPV there are such atmospher- ic phenomena as the t ropopause, stratopause and 3et streams, whereas in the layer of narrowing of the vortex subtropical anticyclones migrate along the meridian, causing a cfiange in the westerly and eaeterly circulations over the equator. A specific structure of tfie pressure field probably could also be detected - in a study of layers of tfie earth's atmospfiere ahove 60 1m, as well as in the atmospheres of o tfier planets. This would make it possible to clarify specifically how pfiysicochemical and astronomical factors exert an infltr- ence on planetary circulation. The fact that the dif ference in the underlying surfaces of the northern and southern hemispheres is manifested toCally in the difference of the ver- tical structure of tfieir circumpolar vortices can become a key to con- struction of models of the "underlying surface - three-dimensional planet- ary circulation" system. Such models are necessary both for reconstructing the pattern of general circulation of the atmosphers in climates of the past and for predicting the nature of future circulation as a result of nat- ural or inadvertent change of the underlying surface. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. "Atlas of High-A1 titude Charts for the Layer 35-60 km," PRZLOZHEttIYE SYULLETENYU "REZUI,'TATY RAKETNOGO ZONDIROVANIYA ATMOSFFRY" (Appendix to the Bulletin " Results of Rocket Sounding of the Atmosphere"), No 9, lI, TsAO, GUGMS, 1978. 2. ATLAS KLIMATICHE SKIKH #LHARAKTERISTIK TEMPERATURY, PLOTNOSTI I DAVLENIYA VOZDUKHA, VETRA I. GEOPOTEPITSIALA V. TROPOSFERE I PdIZHNEY STRATOSFERE SEVERNOGO POLUSHA1tIYA, VYP IV (Atlas of Climatic Characteristics of - Temperature, Dens ity and Air Presaure, Wind and Geopotential in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere) No IV, - edited hy D. I. S tekhnovsk3.y and B. S. Chuchkalov, Moscow, Gidrometeo- izdat, 1174. 46. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE G'NLY - 3. Zas tavenko, L. i. , ATLAS TCLIMATICHESKIKH KART BARICHESKOY TOPOGRAFII ^ NIZHNEY STRATOSFERY YUZHNOGO POLUSHARIXA (At1as of Clj.matic Pressure - Pattern Charts of the Lower Stratosphere in the Southram Hemisphere), Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1475. 4. Zaetavenko, L. G.s Zakharova, I. B., Olintseva--Nebrat, G. G., ATLA9 KLIMATICHESKIKH KART BARICHESKOY TOPOGP.AFII YL'ZHNOGO POLUSHARIYA - (1000-10 mb)(Atias of Climatic Pressure Charts of the So uthern Hemi- - sphere (1000-10 mb)), P4oscow, 1972. _ 5. Kanter, Te. A., ISSLEDOVANIYE NEKOTORYKH SVOYSTV Bp.RICIiESKO(;0 POLYA SVOBODNOY ATMOSFERY METODOM PLOSHCHADEY I TSIRRUMPqLYARNOC-0 MODEL- IROVAIIYA (Investigation of Some Properties of the Preas ure Field - in the Free Atmosphere by the Areas Method and by Circumpolar Model- ing), Saratov, Izd-vo Saratovakogo Un-ta, 1975. 6. Kats, A. L., TSIRKULYATSIYA V STRATOSFERE I MEZOSFERE (Circulation in ~ the Stratosphere and Mesosphere), Leningrad, Gidx.�ometeoi zdat, 1968. 7. Nemirovskaya, L. G., "Wind Structure i.n the Stratosphere of the Equa- torial Zone," TRUDY GiUROMETTSENTRA S`3SR (Transslctions of the USSR - Hydrometeorological Center), No 128, 1974. � 8. Pavlovskaya, A. t\. ,"Structure of Global Geopotential Fields in Rela- - tion to Quasi-Ttvo--Year Cyclicity in the Equatorial Stratosphere," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDftOLOGIYA (Hetaorology and Hydrology), No 7, 1973. ' 9. Pogosyan, Kh. P., "Some Characteristics of Wind Cyclicity in the Equa- torial Stratosphere,1� METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROL0GIYA, No 9, 1973. 10. SINOPZICHESKIY BYULLETEN'. SEVERNOYE POLUSHARIYE (Synoptic Bulletin. - Northern Hemisphere), Mascow, Gidromettsentr SSSR, 1971-1975. : 1 s 47 FOR OFFICIAL UST: QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UBC 551.510.42 MODELING OF TRAtdSBOUNDARY TRANSPORT OF SULFUR DIOXIDE WITH ALLOWANCE FOR VERTICAL M'JVIIMENTS Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 42-49 [Article by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N. S. Vel'ti- shcheva, USSR Iiydrometeorological Scientific Research Center, submitted for puhlication 25 January 1980] [Text] Ab.stract: This paper presents the results of work _ on improvement of the model for evaluating the - long-range transport of sulfur dioxide by means of improvement in the approximation of boundary conditions at the earth's surface, introduction of a nonuniform vertical interval, and also al- lowance for vertical movements. The author gives the results of computation of the flux of sulfur dioxide through elements of the boundary and its precipitation onto the underlying surface. A study of the transport of contaminating substances for distances of 1,5U0- 2,000 km is important for determining the contribution of different coun- tries to contamination of the air.basin. Experimental methods for determin- ing the fluxes of impurity through boundaries are costly. Accordingly, dur- ing recent years there has been development of a combined approach matching - the use of different models and observation systems [8]. The development of models for evalua.ting the transport of impurity pursues two objectives. First, using them, compute the quantity of matter transport- ed acroas the boundaries of different countries. The second objective is a determination of the quantity of substance precipitated onto the underlying surface. The collection of this information is necessary for evaluating the degree of the effect of contaminating substances on the environment. ~ _ A three-dimensional model for computing the concentration of sulfur dioxide - during its propagation over a distance of 1,500-2,000 km has been formulat- ed at the USSR Hydrometeorological Center (1976) [2]. The choice of a dif- . ference acheme and an investigation of its stability for solution of the three-dimenaional equation for the tranaport of mass of impurity were 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY deacrihed in [3]. In this investigation emphasis is on improvement of the _ model [2] by an improvement in the approximation of houndary conditions at the earth's surface, introduction of a nonunifo rm vertical interval, and also development of a variant of a model with vertical movements taken in- to account. In addition, we give an algorithm for computing the flux of contaminating substances across the elements of a boundary and their precip- itation onto the underlying surface. The propagation of an impurity in the atmosphere will be described by the three-dimensional equation . aq aa dQ 24 6:~Q 64 or v ay waz = KS dX: ~ 77l (1) 1 + a: (K= dz ~-'R-s+ F, where q is the volumetric concentration of 502; u, v, w are the components of wind velocity; KS, KZ are the coefficients of horizontal and vertical diffusion; R and S are the S02 losses as a result of chemical reactions and washing out by precipitation, F is the source. In o rder to solve equation (1) we selected the following boundary and ini- tial conditions: K=az-~q-0 atz=0, (2) _ q = 0 atz=H, where p is a parameter determining the interaction between the impurity and _ the underlying sur�ace; H is the height of the mixing layer, which was as- sumed to be constant for the entire region and equal to 2 km for the com- - puted cases. A zero concentration was stipulated at the lateral boundar- - ies. 9(Y, y, z, 0) =0 (3) for model computations and q(Y, y, z. 0) = qo (Y, J, z) (4) for comparison of the results of computations and observational data, where q0(x, y, z) is the mean daily SO2 concentration during the preceding 24-hour period. Befo re proceeding to an exposition of the res ults of numerical experiments ~ we will discuss two matters related to representation of equation (1) and checking of the conservative character of the scheme. - The equation for the transport of a mass of impurity was reduced to dimen- sionless form using the following expressions for its coefficients: 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ V x- x,5 L: z= z~; r7t % lt = 116 V: v= Z'4 V: i11 ='(1'6 m~ t=fb - L, h=Ks.b~.V; K,=flz.6 L; S= K;,blf ~5~ v ~ s m= m j 6= dimensionlessJ where L is the horizontal scale, which was stipulated at 106 m; V is the ctiaracteristic velocity (10 m/sec); m is a scale factor determining the relationship between the horizontal and vertical scales (S x 102); the sufiscript "6" indicai:es dimensiorLless values. In making the numerical experiments the diffErence scheme was checked for the conservation of mass. The balance of mass was computed in the entire volume in each time interval on the asaumption that the impurity is intro- duced by a single source situated at an adequate distance from the lateral ~ houndaries in order to exclude their influence and also with 0. v v . q l~ t~- ~ t't,t=~ ql) + ~\Rl+'Si~'~t- (K, dZ~ f! (b) + 1: a (w9 )t ~ t+ ^v where N is the ntunber of points in the considered redgion; the last two tQrms on the right-hand side of expression (6) designate the loss of mass tfirough the upper hoimdary (G) as a result of diffusion and vertical move- ments. For a more precise evaluation of the loss of impurity through the ~ boundary the.derivatives were approximated with a second order of accuracy. d, q 1 ds= z_ ~2 9n -5 Qn_t 4[JR-2 - Qn-3)1 d (wq) z ( 2 ('~Q)n�-t L (4E'4)n--)� (7) \ The results of the following numerica.l experiments relate to solution of equation (1) without allowance far vertical movements. Model computations, using equation (1) and its dimensionless analogue, ob- tained using expressions (5), indicated that the mass deficit the dif- f erence between the left and right'aides of formula (6), is reduced by a factor of 3 when using the dimensionleas form of equation (1). These re- sults can be attributed to the faet that with a changeover to a dimension- less analogue of equation (1) there is a decrease in. the relationship be- tween the horizontal and vertical intervals, and aleso between the terms of the difference equation. Now we will examine the problem of the approximatian of boundary conditions at the ground surface. In a preceding study [2] aq/a z in equation (2) was approximated with the first order of accuracy by means of introduction of a ficr.itious level, in accordance with [4]. In this case the value of the 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY first elimination coefficient - Kzf ~ z - 3i2 a.- ~=,~s=, ~,2 to a high degree wasdependent on the relationship between KZ and With a0-f 1 the solution became little stahle. In order Co improve the approx- imation use was made of a principle proposed by A. A. Samarskiy [7] and based oa expansion of a q/ a z into a Taylor seriea at a boundary point and its determination througFL tfie solved equation. Then the first elim:Ln- ation coefficients assume the following form: k j n� K:+01 zT26 z2/9t' (8) (K:9i-Kz4n-qo3 4 zTqo2a t=;~t) 60 k: +Piz+ 2.1z=111t , where L1 z and At are time and height intervals and the subscripts on q indicate the level at which this value was selected. In such an approxim- ation method the question ~;rises: what is the value of the sought-for func- tion at the level adjacent to the boundaYy which should be used in comp~~3 ap and bp? We teated two variants: I) at z= 1-- use the value qn~' with a correction for scattering by diffusion; 2) at z a 1-- take the val- ue qn. Model computations indicated that the uae of qn at z= 1 gives a bent~~3 value of the deficit of mass of impurity (3x) in comparison with ` q+ , at which the mass deficit is 11%. LuE to the f act that most of the sources are situated in the Iower part of the boundary layer, a more detailed allowance for the structure of this layer is desirable. A solution ef this problEm was carried out in two di- rections: the initial algorithm, using a uniform vertical interval, was modified by the introduction of an additional level (150 m) in the lower 300 m; the change in the coefficient of vertical diffusion with altitude was - taken into account. The introduction of an additional level considerably reduces the deficit uf impurity mass: whereas the use of a large interval in the lower part of the atmosphere gave an excess of the renaining mass by 17% in compar- ison with that introduced, when the grid was made finer in a downward direction the mass deficit was reduced to 2-3%. The sharp decrease in mass - imbalance of the impurity observed with the introduction of the addition- al level is attributable to the fact that this ].evel is introduced in a - layer of a considerable concentration gradient (the source in our case _ was stipulatsd at a height of 300 m) . As was demonstrated in [3], the - closer the initial dispersion ls to the selected grid interval, tiie lesser is the value of the residual term with the replacement of the differential equation by a difference equation. The concentration Zevels in the entire layer in the case of a nonuniform interval were aomewhat lower and above the source its sharper decrease was observed. 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6 The inclusion in the model of a variable with height KZ (in our case Kz in- . creases to 300 m and 3ecreasea uputard) leada to a ayatesnatic exceas (up to 's 9%) in the mass of matter rematning in the conaidered volumP comparison with the mass introduced. The reason for tfiis becomes und.!�._standable xf we represent the term descrihing vertical diffusion as a /Kz ay ) axz aq , _ K= _a'_q _ oz - as~ ' d l a v When KZ changes with height, the vertical transport va7.ue is determined by both terms, and in the last analysia is dependent on the Kz and q profiles. It hae been estahlished theoretically and exper imentally [6, 8] that both functions decrease with height, except for the lower 200-300 m, and there- fore thP contribution < will almost always he positive. In other words, the introduction of the var- iahle KZ into the equation for the transport of masn will lead to a nonsta- tionary solution. With respect to Che concentration profile, we note that with a constant Kz there will be slower mixing in the layer where the source is situated and therefore a smoother change in q with height than with var- iable KZ. Now we will proceed to the formulation of a difference scheme which takes vertical movements into account. The inclusion of w in the model for the transport of contaminating substancea involves two difficu].ties. One of these is determined by the complexity of computation of the vertical velo- city components. The second is associated with the introduction of the term a Q/az into the model. The considerable anisotropicity of the process in horizontal and vertical directions requires the creation of a stable numer- ical scheme which would be econorlical. We computed the transport of impurity for a distance of 1,500-2,000 km on the basis of the real wind field at the standard isobaric levels. Accord- ingly, as a first approximation it was decided that vertical movements _ would be computed from the continuity equation, using the same information. In order to increase accuracy and obtain a greater amoothness the deriva- tives were approximated with a second order of accuracy using a six-point - scheme within the region d 1 1 dx 2 h ~ (?i. t+t - 4 (4/-1. W - T1-i. r_ i ) - (9) - t ~ (.?i-I-i. !-Ft 'FI+1, I-t)b and using a three-point scheme at the boundary. For example, for i= 0(the ~ x coordinate) the derivativp was computed using the formula - 'd h ~2 o : (10,) 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 0 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Vertical movements were determined using layers with a thickness of 500 m. A qualitative evaluation demonstrated a satisfactory agi^Iment of the computed fields of vertical movements with the nature of the pressure field. A nimmerical scheme for the solution of equation (1) with the conditions (2)-(3) or (4) belongs to the splitting method. The principle for its con- struction is that the operators for each direction of coordinates are re- _ duced to the upper time level and are represented in the form of a product. At the lower time level we select an expreasion satisfying the approxitna- tions of the differential equation and stability. An important difference in our scheme is in the metfiod for obtaining the products af the operators. Adhering to thE idea expressed by Ye. G. D'yakonov in [5], the product of - the operators present on the right aide of the difference scheme is ~ (E - z 2-1k + n - S=1 3 ~-t~,,, .1,�;n+t(F-~'-S), s=1 where 6q . - d? 9 . - s s dxs s~ K.~ OX., , s s= 1, 2, 3; E is a unit operator, realized in the Xirs` time interval. However, taking into account�the great difference in the order of the ad- - vective transport terms and the scattering by diffusion [2], the operators describing advection were solved alternately in all the intermediate inter- vals, and diffusion, the gains and losses were included only in unit time intervals. Taking what has been said into account, the acheme for realiz- ing (11) can be written in the form 3 3 ~ r (E + A,) / c~"-`~13 = g. I E - , -iS) t ~ _1se't t (F-R-$), ~ S =I ~ S=I (12) 2 ~ ~E rt t E -E- ~ A solution of system (12) was obtained by the elimination method. On the basis of the results descrihed above, we introduced an additional level in the lower layer and w a q/ a z was approximated using the expression d9 2 ~ wi-Iwtl x1+i-zi - d " z;_ 1- z;_ 1 1 2 zl - s;_ 1 ~9~- i- 9i) (13) + wr+lw" 2 z,+,-z; (9i-q;_1)l. J 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ The same as the scheme without vert.ical movements, conservancy was deter- mined by expression (6). Numerical experiments cqrried out with a different number of levels select- ed at different heights indicated that the use of seven levels in compar- ison with five considerably improves the mass deficit (1%), whereas with Eive computation levels the deficit is 12%. It is interesting to evaluate the influence of vertical movements on the vertical distribution of the concentration. It was found that with the introduction of vertical movements there is a more uniform distribution of the impurity than without them. In addition, the introduction of vertical velocities reduces the time for stabilizing the solution, that is, with the introduction of w the solution becomes stationary 36 hours after the initial moment, whereas when they are absent a complete stabilization of the solution does not occur even after 48 hours. aI b) . ~ M ~ ~z ~ � ~ i .o nJ ; _ , ~J3 1 ^1,0~ ~ ~fZ.. v . I , O ~�SI~~}� I . ~ Fig. 1. Computed mean daily concentration of sulfur dioxide ( g/m3) at ground surface (1) with allowance for vertical movements (a) ~and without allowance for vertical movements (b) and precipitation of sulfur dioxide onto surface (g/(m2�day)) (2) on 15 Septemher 1974. The observed concentra- . tion values are indicated in circles. Figure 1 gives the computed concentration fields with and without allowance for vertical movements. As can be seen from a comparison with the measured values, a model with.w hetter tiescribes the concentration field than with- out w. Appreciable difference: are observed in southern Scandinavia, in northern France and in southern England. 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In solution of the prohlem of propagation of an impurity an important ques- _ tion is the form of representation of S02 effluent. In further developing - the model we used data on S02 effluent ob.tained as a result of implementa- tion of the "Joint Program for Evaluating the Diatant Transport Qf Air Con- taminants in Europe" [8] and representing the S02 flux (tons/(km~�year)) from an area of 127 x 127 km2. In the case of one-dimensional models the conversion'from the flux to the influx of S02 (ftg/(0�teour) is accomplish- ed hy normalization to the height of the considered layer. This assumption is not correct from the point of view of experimental reliability [8]. The entry of S02 into the atmosphere occurs for the most part through stacks whose height is from 40 to 150 m and the effective height of the effluent [1] is in the range 100-600 m. lde made the assumption that the ejection of S02 from a definite area corres- ponds to the total influx to the layer into which the contaminating sub- stances enter. For conversion from the flux of impurity to the influx we introduced the function F= - d Q/ a z, which was computed by layers. Such a representation can be used in a more realistic deacription of the vex- tical nonuniformity of effluent. The influence of different stipulation of the S02 discharge on the distrib- ution and degree of the surface concentration was evaluated using a vari- ant of the model with the introduction of real effluent and with stipula- tion of the initial concentration at the earth in the territory of Eurasia. The concentration fields were computed using the real wind for a 48-hour period and were compared with the measured S02 levels in the European net- work of stations. Three experiments were computed: 1) the S02 mass was in- troduced into a 1,000-m layer and uniformly distributed vertically; 2) the S02 influx to a layer with a thickness of 400 m was stipulated in the form a Qia z and was introduced at the level 500 m; 3) an experiment similar to the second, but the S02 mass was nonuniformly distributed in the 625-m lay- er (in 250 m-- 20%, in 500 m-- 80%). An analysis of the results indicated that the distribution of centers of high concentration, like its value, co- incide more witti the real data when the sources are described by the third method (Fig. 1). = The precipitation of S02 onto the underlying surface was determined by time integration of the flux at the ground, determined from condition (2). The quantity of S02 in mg/m2 in 48 hours is shown in Fig. lb. We note the fact - that although the concentration levels in regions remote from large indus- trial centers (for example, Scandinavia) are small, the precipitation of S07 here is close to the quantities observed over central Europe. Finally, the SOZ flux across elements of the boundary was computed using the formula Q= qn. : Vn, z COS (1), /l.~i` ~ ~ 55 FCR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where qn and Vn~Z are the concentration and velocity at the center of an area d~th sides equal to Che length of an element of the houndary and the vertical interval, ohtained b.y means of interpolation from the near- est points of grid intersection; pC is the angle between the direction of the normal to an element of the Uoundary and the extension of the vector determining the wind direction. -zoo 0 0 -100 - 0~7 1 3 W U za -oo 3 so 3r0 ~ E B 1000 0 2 f ~ . 10 12 14 16 16 10 Ii Tv Fig. 2. Vertical time section of fluxes (W westerly, E-- easterly) of sulfur dioxide Chrough segment of weatern houndary of USSR observed on 13- 14 Septemher 1974. Figure 2 shows a vertical time section of impurity fluxes (in kg/hour) across a segment of the western boundary of the USSR (from Kaliningrad to the Gulf of Riga) as observed on 13-14 September 1974. We should note the considerable variability of the fluxes both vertically and with time. The latter circumstance is particularly important in computing Che quantity of matter transported across the boundaries of individual countries. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Berlyand, M. Ye., SOVREMENNYYE PROBLEMY ATMOSFERNOY DIFFUZII I ZAGRYAZNENIYA ATMOSFERY (Modern Problems in Atmospheric Diffusion and _ Atmospheric Contamination), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. 2. Vel'tishcheva, N. S., "Numerical Model of Distant Transport of Sulfur Dioxide," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrology), No Q, 1977. 3. Vel'tishcheva, N. S., "Numerical Solution of the Turbulent Diffusion Equation in the Field of a Variable Wind," TRUDY GIDROMETTSENTRA SSSR (xransactions of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center), No 139, 1974. 4. Godunov, S. K., Ryahen'kiy, V. S., WEDENIYE V TEORIYU RAZNOSTNYKH SKHEM (Introduction to rhe Theory of Difference Schemes), Moscow, Fiz- matgiz, 1962. 5. D'yakonov, Ye. G., "Difference Schemes With a Splitting Operator for General Second-Degree Paraholic Equations With Variable Coefficients," ZHURNAL yYCHISLITEL'NOY MATEMATIKI I MATEMATICHESKOY FIZIKI (Journal of Computational=Mathematica and Mathematical Physics), Vol 4, No 2, 1464. 56 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6. Zilitinkevich, S. S., DINAMIKA POGRANZCHNOGO SLOYA ATMOSFERY (Dynam- ics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974. 7. Samarskiy, A. A., WEDENIYE V TEORIYU RAZNOSTNYKH SKHEM (Introduction into the Theory of Difference Schemes), Moacow, Fizmatgiz, 1971. 8. THE OECD PROGRAMME ON LONG-RANGE TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTANTS, OECD,, Paris, 1977. 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL IJSE ONLY UDC 551.(583+-521.14+524.34) EFFECT OF CHANGE IN ALBEDO UF THE EARTH'S SURFACE ON THE EARTH'S THERMAL REGIME Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 50-56 [Article by Doctor of Geographical Sciences N. A. Yefimova, State Hydro- logical Inatitute, submitted for publication 15 January 19801 [Text] Abstract: The author evaluates the influence of the feedback between changes in mean glo- bal air temperature and albedo of the earth's surface (including changes in albedo with a change in vegetation cover) for conditions of warming of climate ir. the example of the epoch of the Early Pliocene and for conditions of cooling during the last glaciation. Introduction. In a study of climatic changes with the use of semi-empir- ical models it is necessary to take into account the feedbacks between the thermal regime of the atmosphere and outgoing radiation, air humidity and albedo of the earth's surface. It must be remembered that the influ- ence of the first two factors on the therma.l regime is manifeated in all casea, whereas the third is manifested when there are more or lesa pro- longed climatic changes. - Changes in the albedo of the earth's surface when there are variations in the thermal regime occur as a result of an increase or a decrease in - the area of the pnlar ice, snow covert and also due to changes in the types of vegetatian on the continente. An allocaance for feedback between the thermal regime and the snow-ice cover was introduced in the studies of M. I. Budyko (1968) and Sellers (1969). In the studies of Manabe and Wetherald (1975, 1979) the feedback between the the thermal regime and changes in snow cover on the continents and sea ice was taken into account separately. Cess (1978) brought attention to the need for allowance for the feedback between the thermal regime and the change in the albedo of the vegetation cover on the continents. An evaltiation of Che change in albedo of the 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY vegetation cover and its influence on air temperature was made by Cess in the example of the epoch of the last glaciation on the basis of data from CLIMAP (1976) and Gates (1916). In this study an attempt is made to evaluate the overall effect of aTl the components of the feedback betwzen change in the mean globai air tempera- ture and albedo of the earth's surface. These evaluations were made for conditions of cZimatic warming in the example of the epoch of the'Early Pliocene (about 6 million years ago) and for the conditions of cooling during the last glaciation (about 18,000-20,000 years ago). The results are compared with paleoclimatic data and the results of computations using a climatic model. Warm climate, Early Pliocene. As the initial data for determining albedo of the surface of the continents under the conditione of the warm climate of the Early Pliocene we used the maps prepared by V. M. Sinitayn (1965, 1967) showing the distribution of the vegetation cover, air temperatures of the warmest and coldes` months, and the annual sums of precipitation - over the territory of Eurasia. On the basis of these data, with modern climatic analogues and types of vagetation into account, it was possible to reconstruct the annual variation of temperature and the characteristics of the snow cover in the high latitudes. Then, using a known method (Budy- ko, 1971; Yefimova, 1977), we determined the mean monthly and annual al- bedo values for the territory of Eurasia and the northern half of Africa. The mean annual albedo val.ues obtain$d in this way for the latitudinal zones of the mentioned continents were deemed characteristic for the lat- itudinal zones of the continents in the aorthern hemisphere as a whole by analogy with the circumstance that in the modern epoch the mean albedo values for the latitudinal zones of Eurasia are extremely close to those for the northern hemisphere. The mean annual albedo values for the continents in the present epoch were obtained on the basis of materials used in constructing maps of the heat - balance components (Budyko, et al., 1978; Mukhenberg, 190). When determin- ing the albedo of the continents for the modern epoch an allowance was made for the real areas of forested expanses, meadows and agricultural fields. According to paleoclimatic data, the climate of the Early Pliocene was warmer and moister in comparison with the modern epoch. In the middle and high latitudes of Eurasia and North America the vegetation cover was char- acterized by a richer species compoaition and the forests occupied exten- sive terrizories extending to the northern shores of the continents and to the south of the boundary of the present-day forested zone. The snow cover was situated coneiderably to the north and was briefer than at the present time. As is well known, the albedo of the forests both dur- ing the growing season and in the presence of a anow cover is less than the ' albedo of tundra, grassy vegetation and thin forests. Accordingly, over a great part of the surface of the continenta,the aYbedo was less than ia the case at the present time. 59. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The mean albedo of the land surface in the northern hemiaphere in the Plio- cene was 0.060 less than the gresent-day value (the difference in albedo of the land in the northern hemisphere between the present:-day epoch and the Pliocene was oUtained as the mean weighted value of ttie differences in the albedos of the latitudinal zones, taking into account the solar radia- tion levels incident on the earth's surface). Taking into account the relationship of the areas of the land and ocean, the mean difference in albedos between the present epoch and the Pliacene for the en[ire surface of the northern hemisphere was 0.024. In order to evaluate the influence of change in albedo of the surface of the continents on the thermal _egime we determined the difference in al- bedo of the earth - atmosphere system in the considered egochs ('601-s). It was obtained by summing the differences in albedo of the earth's surface - of the latitudinal zones (QoC~,..., da n), taking into account the influence _ exerted on planetary a'ibedo by Rayleigh scattering and cloud cover (td) in the form proposed by Cess (1978): Aa'S - Aa' (0,69 - 0,52 N), where Qoc's is the difference in zonal albedo of the earth - atmosphere system. The mean zonal differences in a].bedo are given in the table. The mean dif- ference in albedos of the earth - atmosphere system for the entire north- ern hemisphere between the present epoch and the Early Pliocene was 0.0104 (in the averaging allowance was made for the dependence of receipts of solar radiation at the upper boundary of the atmosphere on latitude). This value was governed by the change in albedo of the continents as a result of change in the types of vegetation and snow cover. Some of the differ- ence in albedo caused by differences in the vegetation cover was obtained from a comparison of present-day data on albedo of the surface of the con- tinents during the summer months wich the albedo in the Pliocene under conditions of absence of a snow cover over the entire considered terri- tory. This part of the difference in albedos was equal to 0.0040; the re- ma3.ning part 0.0064 was related to differences in the distribution and duration of presence of snow cover 3uring these epochs. It is known from paleogeographic inveatigations that at the end of the Tertiary the area of the sea ice in the arctic basin was considerably less than today. In accordance with the data of V. M. Sinitsyn on the thermal regime of the cold season in the northern part of Eurasia it can be assum- ed that in the Early PLiocene the boundary of the sea polar ice ran approx- imately 15� of latitude to the nortli in comparison with the present time. An evaluation of chaage in albedo of the earth - atmosphere system due to this contraction of the area of sea ice indicated that it decreased by 0.0035. Thus, the total- decrease in albedo of the earth - atmosphere sys- tem during the Pliocene was 0.0139, includlng 0.0104 as a result of the 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY change in the albedo of the continents 3nd 0.0035 due to a decrease in the area of the sea ice. The contribution to the total. change in albedo from - the c.hange in albedo of the vegetation cover was substanCial, constituting about 30% of the total change in albedo of the earth - atmosphere syatem. tiie note that this evaluation applies to the northern hemisphere. For the earth as a whole tiie general change in the albedo of the earth - atmoapheYe increased somewhat due to the great chang6 in area of the polar ice and de-- creased due to the lesser ar2a of the conCinents in the southern hemi- sphere; the corresponding albedo change was O.Oi02 (0.0050 due to the de- I ,:rease in the area of sea ice, 0.0052 as a result of decrease in the snow cuver and change in vegetation). The contribution of the difference in the state of the vegetation cover to the changE in albedo for the earth as a whoie was less than the evaluation ci*_ed above, constituting about 20%. Cold climate. Epoch of the last glaciation uf the Pleiatocene. In deter- - mining the alhedo of the continents in the epoch of the last glaciation of the I'leistocene (ahout 18,000-20,000 yaars ago) we used CLIMAP data (1476), the paleogeographic generalizations of A. A. Velichko (1973), I. T.Avenarius, M. V. Muratova, et al. (1978) and others. In these inves- tigations it was established that under conditions of a cold and in many regions of more arid climate of the glacial period the forest vegetation on the continents was replaced in the high latitudes by tundras, in the temperate latitudes by tundra steppes and thin forest, in the lower lati- � tudes hy savannas and steppes. There was a conaiderable broadening of zones of dry steppes, semideserts and deserts. In accordance with this change in the vegetation cover, and also in connection with the occurrence - of continental glaciation in the high and temperate latitudes there was an increase in the albedo of the surface of the continents. _ ~ Taking these changes into account, we determined the mean annual albedo values and the difference in albedo of the surface of the continents in I the glacial period and the modern epoch for the earth's latitudinal zones. ~ The mean difference in the albedo of the land surface during the period , of glaciation and the present epoch (obtained by averaging the differences in the albedos of the land by 10� latitudinal zones, with allowance for ttieir areas and the distribution of solar radiation) was 0.083. Taking into account the ratio of the areas of the land and ocean, we com- puted the mean zonal differences and then the total difference in albedo of the earth's surface caused by the change in albedo of the continents during the glacial period in comparison with the present epoch, which was 0.024. Taking into account ttie already considered dependence of planetary albedo on cloud cover and the receipts of solar radiation we computed the mean zonal (see table) and total mean difference in the albedos of the earth - atmosphere system during the glacial period, caused by an increase in the albedo of the continents as a result of change in the vegetation cover and the presence of continental glaciation. This value was found to be equal 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mean Zonal Albedo Differences 1 w 90-80 1 80-70 1 70-60 1 60-50 2 CoapeMeHxaa 3noxa - - CeeepHOe 4 tiunywapHe I 0,0575 0,1416 0,0799 0,0288 3 CospeMexHaa 9noxa - CeeepHOe 4 nonywap;ie 0 -0,0958 -0,1343 -0,0794 5 IOH:HOe nonyuiapNe 0 0 -0.1416 -0.1469 to 0.0105. It was found that the contribution of the increase in continen- tal glaciation to the change in albedo of the earth - atmoephere system is 0.0041, whereas the r emaining part - 0.0064 - is attributable to the change in albedo due to a change in snow cover and vegetation (0.0030 and 0.0034 respectively). An evaluation of the influence of an increase in the area of polar sea ice on change in albedo during the glaciation period indicated that because of this the albedo of the earth - atmnsphere syetem increased by 0.0110 in comparison with the present epoch. Moat of this albedo difference (0.0090) is attributable to the extenaive occurrence of a zonz of sea ice in the southern hemisphere. Thus, the total increase in albedo vf the earth - at- mosphere system in the glacial period in comparison with the present epoch was 0.0215; the contribution of change in the albedo of vegetation (0.0034) to the total change in the planetary albedo was about 15%. In astudy by Cess (1978) the change in the albedo of the vegetation cover in the glacial period is about 0.01 or 40% of the total change in the planetary albedo, which also was somewhat greater (0.025) than that ob- tained in our study. These differences are probably partially attributable to the fact that Cess determined the differences in albedo for July, where- as here we have made computations of the mean annual values. Another rea- son for the indicated difference is the noncoincidence of the data used on the albedo of the surface of the continents. We feel that the data of Posey and Clapp (1964) on the albedo of the continents in July for the present epoch, which Gates and Sess used in the computations, are considerably too low. For example, in large territories occupied by different types of vege- tation - from forests and thin �orests to steppea, praries and savannas, they adopted an albedo of 0.07-0.15, whereas using the observational data which we employed in constructing the maps the albedo of these types of vegetation is from 0.12 to 0.22. EffPCt of f eedback of albedo changea on thermal regime. The changes in al- bedo of the earth - atmosphere syetem in the Early Pliccene and during the last glaciation make it possible to evaluate the changes in mcan global air 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y EartYi - Atmosphere System (AoC'g) 30HW, epaO 50�-40 40-30 I 30-20 I 20-10 10-0 6 N.7H. .1CT H238A I 0,0155 I 0,0068 I 0,0036 I 0.0021 I O,pppg 18-20 Tuc. oer ttaaa,q -0,0451 -0,0033 -0,0008 -0,0021 I -0,0044 -0,0047 -0,0058 -0,0030 -0,0030 I -0,0026 KEY : l. Latitudinal zones, degrees 2. Modern epoch 6 million years ago 3. Modern epoch 18,000-20,000 years ago 4. Northern hemisphere 5. Southern hemisphere temperature at the earth's surface caused by this factor. Assuming that with a change in planetary albedo hy 0.01 the global temperature changed by 2.10C (Budykfl, 1974, 1979) we find that in the Pliocene the change in the mean annual air temperature at the earth's surface as a result of change in the alhedo of the earth - atmosphere system was about 2.1�C, including 0.4�C due to a change in the albedo of the vegetation cover, 0.7�C due to changes in the snow cover and 1� due to change in the area of sea ice. Taking into account that the approximately doubled con- tent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in this epoch leads to a temper- ature increase by approximately 2.5�C (Budyko, 1972, 1977), we find that the total increase in air temperature in the Early Pliocene in comparison with the modern epoch is about 4.6�C. The increase in air temperature in the northern hemisphere (4.6�C) obtained for the Early Pliocene is very close to the similar value determined from the paleoclimatic maps prepared by V. M. Sinitsyn (4.8�C). During the period of the last glaciation the decrease in air temperature as a result of the increase in planetary albedo, in accordance with the data cited above, was 4.5�C, including by 0.7�C due to the change in the albedo of vegetation, by 0.6�C due to change in the snow cover, by 0.9�C due to an increase in continental glaciation and by 2.3�C due to an increase in the area of polar sea ice, especially in the 5outh- ern hemisphere. The difference in the mean global annual temperatures dur- ing the glacial perio d and in the modern epoch (4.5�C) found here is close 63 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to the values obtaiaed for July by Gates (1976) 4.90C and by Cess _ (1978) - about 5�C. It is obvious from the materials cited here that in the study of climatic changes transpiring over long time intervals there is a need to take into account all the principal factors exerting an influence on the albedo of the earth's surface, including the state of the vegetation cover. Fig. 1. Dependence of change in albedo of the earth - atmosphere system Qa(s on change in glohal temperature AT. 1) Pliocene - modern epoch, 2) last glaciatiori - modern epoch. Infl-uence of changes in air temperature on planetary albedo. Figure 1 il- lustrates the dependence of planetary albedo on changes in mean global - air temperature at the earth's surface. In this figure ao4s denotes the change in albedo of the earth - atmosphere system in comparison with the modern value, A T is the difference in mean air temperature relative to the modern epoch, determined independently on the basis of paleoclimatic data and computations using climatic models. We note that the accuracy of the data used in constructing this graph is limited, in particular, due to the fallure to take into account the in- fluence exerted on planetary albedo by changes in the cloud cover. It is evident that the feedback between air tempera ture and albedo of the earth's surface considerably intensifies the sensitivity of the thermal - regime to variations in the heat influx. Takiag into account the depen- dence of temperature of the lower air layer on albedo of the earth - atmo- ' sphere system cited above, it can be concluded that the relationship rep- - resented in Fig. 1 doubles the sensitivity of the thermal regime to vari- ations of the heat influx with an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the Pliocene. 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 . Z d as APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A still greater role is played by the change in albedo in development of cooling during the last glaciation. Assuming that this glaciation was caused by the redistribution of the solar energy arriving during the warm and cold seasons of the year at different latitudes, we can conclude that change in the albedo of the earth's surface was of decisive impor- tance for the mentioned cooling. Although the influence of changes in the albedo of the earth's surface is fully manifested for prolonged climatic variations occurring during time intervals during which continental ice covers are formed or are de- - _ stroyed, i t is also of importance for relatively short cl imatic changes transpiring over the course of decades and centuries which lead to a change in the area of sea ice, snow cover and vegetation on the contin- ents. BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Avenarius, I. G., Muratova, M. V., Spasskaya, I. I., PALEOGEOGRAFIYA SEVERNOY YEVRAZII V POZDNEM PLEYSTOTSENE, GOLOTSENE I GEOGRAFICHESKIY _ PROGNOZ (Paleogeography uf Northern Eurasia and the Late Fleistocene, Holocene and Geographic Prediction), Moscow, Nauka, 1978. 2. Budyko, M. I. ,"Or igin of the Glacial Epochs," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDRU- , LOGIYA (Meteorolody and Hydrology), No 11, 1968. 3. Budyko, M. I., KLIMAT I ZHIZN' (Climate and Life), Leningrad, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1971. 4. Budyko, M. I., VLIYANIYF. CHE-LOVEKA NA KLIMAT (Man's Influence on Cli- mate), Leningrad, Gidrometeoiadat, 1972. 5. Budyko, M. I., IZMENF.NIYE KLIMATA (Climatic Change), Leningrad, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1974. 6. Budyko, M. I. SOVREPiF.N110YE IZMCNENIYE KLI14ATA (Modern Change in Cli- mate Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1977. 7. Budyko, 14. I., PROBLEMA UGLEKISLOGO GAZA (The Carbon Dioxide Problem), Leningrad, Gl.drometeoizdat, 1979. 8. Budyko, M. I., et al., TEPLOVOY BAI,ANS ZEMLI (The Earth's Heat Bal- ance), Leningra d, Gidrometeoizdat, 1978. 9. Velichko, A. A., PRIRODAiYY PROTSESS V FLEYSTOTSENE (Natural Process in the Pleistocene), Moscow, Nauka, 1973. 10. Yef imova, N. A., RADIATSTONNYYE FAKTORY PRODUKTIVNOSTI RASTITEL'NOGO POKROVA (Ra diation Factors in Productivity of the Vegetation Cover), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1977. 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11. Mukhenberg, V. V., "Albedo of the Earth's Solid Surface," TRUDY GGO (Transactions of the Mairi Geophysical Observatory), No 193, 1967. 12. Sinitsyn, V. M., DREVNIYE KLIMATY YEVRAZII, CH. l. PALEOGEN I NEOGEN (Ancient Climates of Eurasia,.Part 1. Paleogene and Neogene), Lenin- grgd, Izd-vo LGU, 1965. 13. Sinitsyn, V. M., WEDENIYE V PALEOKLIMATOLOGIYU (Introduction to _ Paleoclimatology), Leningrad, Nauka, 1967. 14. "CLIMAP Proj ect Members. The Surface of the Ice-Age Earth," SCIENCE, Vol 191, 1976. 15. Cess, R. D., "Biosphere-Albedo Feedback and Climate Modelling," J. ATMOS. SCI., Vol 35, 1976. 16. Gaees, W. L., "A Numerical Simulation of Ice-Age Climate With a Global General Circulation Model," J. ATMOS. SCI., Vol 33, 1976. 17. Manahe, S., Wetherald, W. T., "The Effect of Doubling the C02 Concen- tration on the Climaee of a General Circulation Model," J. AZ'MOS. SCI., - Vol 32, No 2, 1975. 18. Manabe, S., Wetherald, W. T., "On the Horizontal Distribution of Cli- mate Change Resulting from an Increase in C02 Content of the Atmo- spfiere," Preprint, 1979. 19a Posey, J. W., Clapp, P. F., "Global Distribution of Normal Surface A1- bedo," GE(','HYS. INTERN., Vol 4, 1964. 20. Sellers, W. D. A., "A Global Climatic Model Based on the Energy Bal- ance of the Earth-Atmosphere System," J. APPL. METEOROL., Vol 8, No _ 3, 1969. 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.(583+521.14+524)(268/269) DEPENDENCE OF THE ALBIDO OF POLAR ICE ON AIR TEMPERATURE Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 57-60 [Article by Candidate of GeograpMical Sciences L. A. 5trokina, State Hydro- - log;cal Institute, submitted for publieation 15 January 1980] (Text] Abstract: A study was made of the dependence of the albedo of the snow-ice surface on air tem- perature and the angle of incidence of solar rays in regions of Arctie and Antarctic ice cover for more precise determination of the feedback between the thermal regime and the area of polar ice in models of the theory of climate. Beginn ing with the studies of M. I. Budyko [1] and W. Sellers [12], in most modern models of the theory of cl-imate an allowance is made for the feedhack between air temperature and the area of the polar ice. Since with an increase in the ice area the albedo of the earth's surface increases, this leads to a decrease of absorbed radiation and a decrease in air tem- perature. The inverse process occurs with a deerease in the ice area. Since the considered feedback intensifies the fluctuations of the thermal regime, in accordance with the adopted terminology it is considered posi- tive. For a correct allowance for the dependence between the thermal regime and the area of the polar ice in models of the theory of climate it is neces- sary to study the influence of air temperature and the angle of incidence of the solar rays on albedo of the ice cover. In one of the first studies devoted to this problem it was postulated that with an increase in the area occupied by the ice cover the mean albedo of the earth-atmosphere system in the ice cover zone changes little since a decrease in albedo due to an increase in mean solar al�titude in the first approximation is compensated by a change in climatic conditions in the ice zone, iicreasing the mean albedo [2]. Later Lian and Cess [13] made quantitative computations of the dependence of albedo of the earth- 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY atmosphere system on latitude; with allowance for the influence exerted on albedo by changes in solar altitude. However, they did not take into ac- count the effect exerted on reflectivity of ice by thanges in the complex of climatic conditions in connection with spreading of the ice cover. From these computations it follows that there is a decrease in the mean albedo of the ice zone with an increase in its extent. Ax � _ f 3 ~ ^ Bo o ~ -5~ 't'r . A. 90 ,i ~ 10 -6J ~ I. . ^ K = siupw-ice : � � ~ ~ . .ov � ow r ~ ~ M . x.X � 2 -4C '?0 0 Ml'C Fig. 1. Latitudinal variation of the Fig. 2. Dependence of albedo of the albeda of sea ice (1) and air tempera- snow-ice surface in the Arctic (1) ture (2) in the Arctic during the Ap- and Antarctica (2) on air temper- ril-September period. ature in the course of the polar day. ;o ;r JJ' _ y0 -10 0 T'C a K r. r,G K = snow- et ea sJ es -ZO 82 87 -yO 60 BO z' Fig. 3. Dependence of albedo of snow- Fig. 4. Change in albedo of snow- ice surface in Aretic and Antarctica ice surface in Arctic and Antarc- on air temperature for solar zenith tica in dependence on air tempera- angles from 55 to 65�. ture and solar zenith angle. 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 K = snow-ice APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This conclusion evidently does not correspond to the conditions of a real climate. It can be noted that with the existing differences in the ex- tent of the Arctic and Antarctic ice covers the mean albedo of the earth- atmosphere system, according to satellite data, is greater over Antarctic ice, which in area exceeds the zone of arctic ice. This fact is probably attributable to a considerable degree to the above-mentioned effect of a change in climatic conditions, which are associated, in particular, with the appearance of stable regions of high pressure over extensive ice _ covers. Under such conditions cloud cover is usually limited and the al- bedo of the earth-atmosphere system is closer to the albedo of the under- _ lying snow surface than in the case of an overcast state of the sky [3]. In order to understand the dependence between the temperature regime and the area of the polar ice it is first of all interesting to clarify the relationship between the albedo of the ice surface and air temperature on the basis of empirical materials. For this purpose we used climatic handbooks and uanographs on the meteorological and radiation regimes of the polar region in which most of the data are presented in the form of charts of the mean long-term monthly ai.r temperature and the albedo of sea ice [4, 5, 7-9, 111. From the mentioned maps of the Arctic Ocean we read the air temperatures and albedo of the sea ice during the period of the polar day (April-September) in the polar region and at the circles of latitude to 65, 70, 75, 80 and 85�N with a longitude in- - terval of 5�. The mean latitudinal temperature and albedo values deter- mined in this way for the Arctic are presented in Fig. 1 as a function of latitude. It can be seen that the albedo of the surface of arctic ice changes cQnsid- erably with latitude, decreasing from the pole to the southern edge of the floating ice by 23% (curve 1). This change in albedo corresponds to an in- crease in the mean air temperature during the period of the polar day by 1].�C (curve 2). It ig necessary to clarify to what degree the discovered albedo change is dependent on the thermal regime and to what extent on the angle of incidence of the solar rays. The presence of a dependence between air temperature and ice reflectivity can be postulated from data presented on the graph (Fig. 2). This graph shows the mean monthly data for albedo of the ice cover surface in the Arctic and also data on the albedo of the snow surface in Antarctica, ob- - tained from long-term observations at the stations Mirnyy (66�33'S, 93�O1' E) and Vostok (78�28'S, 106�48'E), in dependence on air temperature. In an examination of the data in Fig. 2 it must be taken into account that the mean monthly albedo of the ice changea not oniy due to the differences - In air temperature, but as a result of changes in solar altitude, de- creasing with an increase in these altitudes. For a separate analysis of both dependences we found the empirical relation- ship between the mc:an monthly albedo values for the polar ice and air tem- perature for several 10� intervals of the values of the minimum monthly 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOk OFFICIAL USE ONLY sular zenith angle (z), falling in tha range of zenith angles 40-90� dur- ing the period of the polar day. Figure 3 shows one such graph, which cor- responds to the minimum monthly values of solar zenith angle from 55 to 65�. In this figure, as in Fig. 2, one can clearly see the correlation between the albedo of the ice surface and the air temperature, which intensifies considerably when the temperatures are above -10�C. The materials in Fig. 3 and graphs similar to it for other zenith angle intervals made it possible to evaluate the dependence between the mean monthly albedo values and the minimum zenith angle for air temperatures below -10�C (Fig. 4). As might be expected, it was found that with one and the same air temper.ature with an incre8se in the soiar zenith angle - the ice albedo values increase. However, this change in albedo is not great. It does not exceed 4-5�L at air temperatures -20�C and below. In the temperature region above -20�C this dependence is still weaker. For higher air temperatures, close to 0�C, it is diff icult to establish the dependence of ice albedo on zenith angle on the basis of empirical data because in this case small temperature changes result in considerable variations in the albedo values, which greatly exceed its changes caused by differences in solar altitude. The slight dependence of the albedo of a snow-ice surface on solar alti- tude was also pointed out by A. A. Timerev [10]. As a result of an analy- sis of ineasurements of albedo in the polar regions the author drew the conclusion that within the limits of observational accuracy the change in reflectivity of the snow-ice surface is caused by a change in the state of the underlying surface. A definite role in the state of snow and ice in the change of albedo was also noted in the investigations of M. S. Mar- shunova and N. T. Chernigovskiy [4, 11]. It can be seen from the data cited above that in the Arctic with a decrease in air temperature from 4.0 to -6.0�C, when there is a marked change in the state of the ice cover surface, the albedo increases by approximately SOX (Figures 2, 3). Although the nature of the dependence of albedo of the ice cover on air temperature in the regions of both polar caps is identical, we note some difference in the albedo values in the Arctic and Antarctica with one and the same sir temperature values and with identical zenith angle values. The albedo values in Antarctica are usually several percent higher than in the Arctic, which is probably attributable to the greater dryness of the snow, the lesser contamination and more even surface of the snow and ice cover in comparison with the ice cover of the Arctic basin [6, 7]. The mean albedo of the surface of the snow and ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, determined from the above-mentioned data, is 65%. It is difficult to determine the similar value for Antarctica due to the lesser volume of ob- servations made there. However, without queation, the mean albedo of the 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY surface of the Antarctic ice cover is considerably greater than the value cited above. Thus, in particular, the albedo value at Mirnyy station, sit- uated at the periphery of the Antarctic glacier, during the period from October through March is 81.4%. On the glacier plateau of Central Antarctica the albedo is still greater. In this connection it can be surmised that with an increase in the polar ice covers the mean albedo of their surface increases. This favors an in- tensif ication of the positive feedback between air temperature and the area of the polar ice. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Budyko, M. I., "On the Origin of the Glacial Epochs," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrology), No 11, 1968. 2. Budyko, M. I., IZMENENIYE KLIMATA (Climatic Change), Leningrad, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1969. 3. Budyko, M. I., "Semi-Empirical Model of the Thermal Regime of the Atmo- sphere and Real Climate," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, No 4, 1979. 4, Marshunova, M. S., Chernigovskiy, N. T., RADIATSIONNYY REZHIM ZARUBEZH- NOY ARKTIKI (Radiation Regime of the Foreign Arctic), Leningrad, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1971. 5. METEOROLOGICHESKIY REZHIM ZARUBEZHNOY ARKTIKI (Meteorological Regime of the Foreign Arctic), edited by I. M. Dolgin, Leningrad, Gidrometeoiz- dat, 1971. 6. Romanov, A. A., "Ice Conditions for Navigation in Antarctic Waters," 'I'RUDY AANII (Transactions of the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Re- search Institute), Vol 335, 1976. 7. Rtisin, N. P., METr,OROLOGICHESKIY I RADIATSIONNY.' REZHIM ANTARKTIDY (Meteorological and Radiation Regime af Antarctica), Leningrad, Gidrometeaizdat, 1961. 8. SPRAVOCHNIK PO IQ.IMATU ANTARKTIDY. T I. SOLNECHNAYA RADIATSIYA, RADI- ATSIONNYY BALANS, SOLNECHNOYE SIYANIYE (Handbook of the Climate of Antarctica. Vol I. Solar Radiation, Radiation Balance, Sunshine), Len- ingrad, Gidrometeoj.zdat, 1976. 9. SPRAVOCHNIK PO EQ.,IMATU ANTARKTIDY. T II. TEMPERATURA VOZDUKHA, ATMO- SFERNOYE DAVLENIYE, VETER, VLAZHNOST' VOZDUKHA, OBLACHNOST', OSADKI, _ ATMOSFERNYYE YAVLENIYA, VIDIMOST' (Handbook on the Climate of Antarc- tica, Pressure, Wind, Air Humidity, Cloud Cover, Precipitation, Atmo- spheric Phenomena, Visibility), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1977. ~ 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 , ~ FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY 10. Timerev, A. A., "Reflective Properties of the Underlying Surface of the Polar Regions," TRUDY AANII (Transactions of the Arctic and Ant- arctic Scientific Research Institute), Vol 328, 1976. 11. Chernigovskiy, N. T., Marshunova, M. S., KLIMAT SOVETSKOY ARKTIKI (RADIATSIONNYY REZHIM) (Climate of the Soviet Arctic (Radiation Re- gime)), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965. 12. Sellers, W. D., "A Global Climatic Model Based on the Energy Balance r - of the Earth-Atmosphere System," J. APPL. METEOROL., Vol 8, No 3, 1969. , 13. Lian, M. S., Cess, R. D., "Energy Balance Climate Models; a Reappraisal of Ice-Albedo Feedback," J, ATMOS. SCI., Vol 34, No 7, 1977. 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX A APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.509.314 SMOOTHING OF EMPIRICAL HYDROMETEORULOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS BY A CUBIC SPLINE - Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 61-67 (Article by Professor A. R. Konstantinov and N. M. Khimin, Leningrad Hydro- _ meteorological Institute, submitted for publication 28 February 19801 [Text] Abstract: The authors examine problems in the theory of splines applicable to an an- alysis of hydrometeorological processes. The article farmulates the problem of non- linear multiple regresaion and existing solution methods are evaluated. Splines are regarded as a universal tool for construct- ing nonlinear relationships between statis- tically linked variables. Recomnendations on the use of splines can also he useful in an analysis of this class of problems in - other scientific fieldsr but the effective- ness of their use is demonstrated in stat- istical problems of a hydrometeorological nature. Most hydrometeorological relationships have a nonlinear character. In these cases the use of the multiple linear regression approach leads to substan- _ tial errors. Accordingly, researchers have been forced to seek new ana- lytical methods. Among such methods is the "residual method" of statis- tical analysis, suitable for any form of relationships, including nonlin- ear relationships. Initially the relationst:ip between the selected func- tion and the first determining argwnent is taken into account; the residual value of the function is related to the second argument, etc. This method has found extenaive application ahraad [4, 10, 11, 13].'During recent years _ it has also heen used in Soviet investigations [5]. In order to realize this method it is necessary to construct graphic re- gressions of the sought-for relationships. Such a construction sometimes to one degree or another has a subjective nature, although it is accomplish- ed using the condition of maximizing of the closQness of the correlation 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL JSE ObTLY between the values of the function for one and the same arguments, deter- mined by experimental points and regression curves [S, 61. Some problems in the mathematical approximation of the graphic regression curves were examined in [6]. The method proposed in this article makes it possible ro construct the me.n-- tioned graphic relationships quite rigorously and objectively. It can also A have broader application for consCructing any one-dimensional relationships. In developing the method it is assumed a priori that the relationship be- tween the determining factor and the phenomenon is expressed by a smooth function, whereas the experimental data can have a considerable scatter. The construction of the smoothing function is an approximation problem. In this study we give an algorithm for solution of this problem; its real- ization in some hydrometeorological examples is demonstrated. - Assume that in the segment [a, b] the grid W,s - (Q - .Co < .C1 < . . . < �rn -bIr is stipulated and the values yi, i= 0, 1,...,n are stipulated at thE points xi. The yi values can be regarded as quantitative characteristics of some process at the times xi. As an adequately general mathematical ex- pression we use a model from [2] in the form yl (xi) (2) In this model the observed series is regarded as the sum of the determined sequence [4f(xi)] and the random sequence These companents are usual- ly computed theoretical values. It is assumed that at least theoretically it is possible to repeat the ex- - periment fully as many times as desired, obtaining new sets of observa- tions. With such repetition the function W(x), called the trend, should remain one and the same, but the random components would be different as different realizations of a random process. The problem of smoothing of experimental data includes the forming of the ~ function f(x), in some sense being the best approximation to the trend _ 7~(x) in [a, b]. Splines have recently come into wide use for smoothing purposes. We wili recall the definition of a polynomial spline. The breakdown (1) is stip- - ulated in the segmenC ja,b]. The function Sm(x) = Sm(x, wn) is called a polynomial spline in the breakdown wn if: 1 ) = 1 . . . S. IxI C Pm, - ? X CI�r~, lt+S] , 1 0., , JI , ~ Z) S. (C) ~ 0T-11 [ar bl, where Pm is a set of polynomiala of a degree not higher than m, m> 0, but C(k) [a,h] is a set of functions in [a,h] having a continuous k-th deriva- tive. 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY  APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY There i5 a series of approaches to solution of the smoothing problem lead- ing to splines (see review 112]). A diatinguishing characteristic of all these approaches is that in actuality for conatructing a smoothing func- tion it is necessary to know the value af the standard error in measuring ~ the yi value. We will examine one of these problema, the algorithm of whose solution is given in [14]; we will use it in the text which fol- lows. It is necessary to find the function f(x) by which is attained e min I(g) = j g" (x)' dx (3) ~ amongst all g(x)E C(2) [a,b] and satisfying the inequality n . 8 (X) - Yt ~ S. ~ z ) (4) t-o fiere ayi>0 and S>0 are stipulated numbers. In other words, among all the functions �or which the devi.ation from the measured values with the weigtits S yi2 does not exceed a stipulated value we seek afunction which is smoothest in the sense (3). The integral in (3) gives a good approximation for the integral of the square of curva- ture of the curve y= g(x). If an evaluation of the standard error of the ordinate y is used as ~'yi, S should fall within the interval (N -(2N)1/2, N+(2N)1/~), N= n+ 1. A solution of this problem is a cubic spline which we r'_11 represent in the form 3 f(C)aii (x-x1)I, xI- xEx;- i. (5) ,~o If yi is the result of a l~~boratory experiment, the 6i values in (2) for ttie most part are governed by the errors inzroduced by the measuring appar- atus. These errors can be considered normally distributed random values with zero mean values and dispersions which are easy to evaluate if infor- mation on the accuracy of the used instruments is taken into account. In this case the 6 yi values are known and function (5), being a solution of ' problem (3), (4), serves as a good approximation to the trend 7/f(x). ~ Zde }iave a different situation in an experiment under natural conditions. In J t}iis case the 61 values are governed by both instrumental inaccuracy and by the influence exerted on the yi values by external factors, not taken into account, which caci have a random character. In this case the byi values are - unknown and the evaluation of "the parameters of the distribution of the Q i randum values in this case is an extremely complex problem having indepen- cient importance. Now we will proceed to r_he prohleln of smoothing from points of view some- what different than in the studies cited above. Regardless of the nature of the L1i values, henceforth we will call them errors. We will assume that the 61 errors are uncorrelated and have a zero mean value. This means that 61 form a purely random process, but the determined dependence of y on x 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR QFFICIAI. USE ONLY is completely determined by the trend Y(x). In this case, according to [3], the autocorrelation function p(k) of the Q i process is equal to 0 ~ for all whole positive k. Assume that r(k) is a sample autocorrelation function determined by the ex- pression �_k - 2: o,, - i(A, -T) (6) r(k) n ~ t-o where 0 is the sample mean value of the sequence {Q i} . In [3] it was dem- onstrated that when the nimmher of terms in the series is sufficiently great it is admissible to assume that r(k) is distributed in conformity to a nor- mal law with a zero mean value and a dispereion equal to ri 1. This means that in order for the sequence [4 ij to be conaidered a eample of a set oi purely random numbers, r(k) must eatiefy the expreasion JQ _ ~r(k)~ where q is the selected significance level and uq can be obtained from a normal distribution law table. In most practical cases the function jr(k)l is decreasing. Accordingly, hereafter we will limit ourselves to an exam- ination of the r(1) value, being an evaluation of the first-order autocor- re?ation coefficient for the series (Qi, , which we will denote by rl. As the randomness test for the {L1ilsequence we use the expression uv ~7) =rv�nYn Assume that (8) ;i- -Y-9(X), 9(x) E C(`' (a, hl. Assume that G is a set of such g(x) for which the sequence {~i3 satisfies - the randomness test (7), that is I 1 1 I - n_1 ~z~_ b~ (9) 1 (ar+i -6) i-o ~ (LI - b)~ 1= o - where T is the sample mean value of the series [Sil . We will call the f(x) function best with a C(2) [a,b] approximation to the trend V(x) of the observed yi series if f(x) minimizes the functional (3) amongst all g(x)E G. Now the problem of smoothing of experimental data is formulated in the following way. 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It is necessary to find the functio n f(x) with which the minimum of the functional (3) among all g(x)E C(?) ja,b] ie attained, for which the conditions (8), (9; are sati.sfied. In other wnrds, among all the con- tinuously differen*iahle functions for which the aeries of residuea (8) can be considered a sample from a set of purely random numbers it is neces- sary to find the smoothest in the s enae of the integral (3). - For solution of this problem we will use an algorithm for solution of prob- lem (3), (4). Iti (4) we will assume that 8 yi =Sy, i= 0, 1,...,n and we will introduce the parameter (2 y)2S. The inequality (4) will be writ- ten in the form n 1: f g' (XI) - v, 1= - Q_ (lo) o In accordance with the "existence and uniqueness theorem" [12], each Q cor- responds to a unique function fQ, b eing a solution of problem (3), (10). We will use ~p to denote a set of such values Q for which the functions fQ satisfy coddition (9). The set of f unctions fQ corresponding to XQ will be denoted FQ. According to the definition of the b est approximation to the trend yr(x), - given above, the sought-for function fp(x) minimizes the functional (3) in the set FQ. Sinr.e a unique fQ E F corresponds to each Q E}~, We can determine the un- - ambiguous function q(U - b _ 9 (Q) = f fQ (x)2 dx' (11) a being, eviaently, a nonincreasing function. It was demonstrated in [14] that there is such Q'> 0 that for all Q**Q' the solution of problem (3), (10) is a straight line t(x), constructed by the least squares method on the basis of observed values (xi, yi)� We will denote hy r'1 the evaluation of the autocorrelation ceefficient, - computed using formula (6) with k= 1, for the sequence A, - N-; - l (xt). [t is easy to show that r'l with a p robability not less than (1 - q) sat- isEies the condition ri > = rq~n, It therefore fo:Llows thzt eitlier rlC rq n and then the Itraight line (x) is the sought-for appr.oximation co the ~rend 'Y(x) or rl > rq,n. In the latter case }CQ is a limited set. tiJe denote (2o = sup {Xi~} . It is evident that QO 30 cm for different h values, cm. normalized (uj) variables (j a 0. 1) curve constructed by author [9], 19, l, 3). - - 2) trend 4f (X) � - -1) w,lXa, (a�a,. no,): 2�u,,cx, . (rtl' rlrl' J) U_ (s,). (xw w21); 1) Ue (XI). (xy u31)� Thus, the solution of the formulated problem ia either a straight line, constructed hy the least squares method, or a cubic apline (5), being a ~ solution of problem (3), (10) with Q- Qo. In the latter case the solution of the prohlem is reduced to a determination of Qp and further application ~ of the algorithm represented in [14]. On a practical basis it is neceseary 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY to f:ad Q belonging to a quite small neighborhood of the QQ value. _ We wrote the program in ALGOL-60 language, formalized in the form of a TREND procedure for realizing solution of thia particular problem. I n order to check the quality of operation of th.e TREND procedure we carr- ied out a great number of numerical experiments with different mssses of values yi(i = 1,...,n) which were stipulated by expressian (i)~ where as y% (x) we tested different s.mooth functions of the type x, x~, sin x, cos x, eX, and n i were a realization of a random value having a zero - mean value and distributed either uniformly in [-1, 11 or normally with a dispersion equal to l. The Ai were generated by a computer, xi were a x uniform breakdown of the segment [a, b], the a and b values were different for dif ferent V(x). The experiments were carried out for n= 50, 100, 250. The f&) function, obtained as a result uf use of the TREND procedure, in each case Gzas very cloae to the true trend lt((x). Figure 1 shows the result of one of the experimenta. The values 'V(x) ~ -cos x in 31, Tl n= 100, ai had a normal distribution. The dots in the figure show the yi values and the solid curve represents the approx- imation fp (x) to the trend 4/' (x) , obtained as a result of application of ~ the TREND procedure. We deliberately selected as an illustration of use of the algorithm a case when the characteristic change in the values of the trend ?/f(x) in [a,b] is comparable to the mean square error in measuring the Vf (x) values. This ~ case is very characteristic for hyd.rometeorological processes, where quite - often it is necessary to see{ the rel,ationship between poorly correlated variab:l Es . Figure 2 illustrates the application of the algorithm described above in agrometeorological practice. The example was taken from [9]. As the next example we will demonatrate the possibility of using approxima- tiou splines in the method of nonlinear multiple regression proposed by - C> A. Alekseyev [1]. The method is based on the transforma.tion of initial es xj into normalized variables uj. In [1] this transformation is - accomglis'ed using tabulated values { xji, ujil by means of the. procedure of smoothing "by hand." For closing the Alekseyev algorithm it is necessary to carry out this procedure analytically. In our opinian, splines are an applicablP tool for solving this prohlem primarily because the method for constructing them is completely "blinc'," that is, is based only on initial informar_ion, witheut relying on any a priori information o;i the character- lstic form of tne dependence uj (xj). The latter circuffistance is decisive for complete automation of the Alekseyev algorithm. Figure 3 shows the curves for the correlation uj (x3) for the example, pub- _ lished in [1], of detezmination of the correlation between runoff during December and precipitation during December, November and Octnber for the 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ttie White Hollow River basin. The constructed curves represent curves of approximation cuhic splines. � As indicated at the heginning of the article, the residual deviations meth- od is an extremely Promising multidimensional statistical analysis method. At the present time we have developed an algorithm realizing this method . in analytical f.orm [7]. The central place in the algorithm is occupied by _ the smoothing procedure described in this article. B.IBZIOGRAPHY 1. Alekseyev, G. A., OB."YEKTIVNYYE METODY VYRAVNIVANIYA I NORMALIZATSII _ KORRELYATSIONDiYKH SVYA?EY (Ohjective Methods for Smoothing and Normal- _ izing Correlations), Leningrad, Gidrometc.oizdat, 1971. 2, Anderson, G., STATISTICHE5KIY ANALIZ VREMENNYKli RYADOV (Statistical An- alysis of Time Series), Moscow, Mir, 1976. 3. Jenkins, H., Watts, D., SPEKTRAL'NYY ANALIZ I YEGO PRILOZHENIYA (Spec- tral Analysis and its Applicatioi:s), Vol 1, Moscow, Mir, 1971. 4. Yezekiyel, ]i., Foks, K. A., METODY AAIALIZA KORRELYATSII I REGRESSIY LINEYNYKH I NELINEYNYKH (Methods of Analysis of Correlations and Re- gressions, Direct and Indirect), Translated from English, Moscow, Stat- istika, 1966. 5. Konstantinov, A. R., Golitsina, Ye. F., "Ana].ysis of Results of Labor- atory Investigations of Runoff Losses into Thawed and Frozen Soil," TRUDY GGI (Tra:isactions of the State Hydrological Institute), No 250, 1977. _ 6. Konstantinov, A. R., Serikova, V. V., "Mathematical Approximation of Graphic Regression Curves for the Correlation Between Runoff Loases - and Yield and Determining Factors," TRUDY LGMI (Transactions of the - Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute), No 42, 1977. 7. Konstantinov, A. R., Khimin, N. M., "Use of the Residual Statistical _ Analysis Method for Inveatigating Hydrometeorological Processes," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and iiydrology), No 2, 1980. - 8. Laykhtman, D. L., FIZIKA POGRANICHNOGO 5LOYA ATMU'DFERY (Physics of the - Atmospheric Boundary Layer), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1970. 9. Moiseychik, V. A., AGROMETEOROLOGICHESKIYE USLOVIYA I PEREZIMOVKA OZIM- YICH KUL'TUR (Agrometeorological Conditiona and the Wintering of Winter Crops), Leningrad, Gidrometeoixdat, 1975. 10. Panovskiy, G. A., Brayer, G. V., STATISTICHESKIYE METODY V METEOROLOGII (Statistical Methods in Meteorology), Translated from English, Lenin- grad, Gidrometeo izdat, 1967. ' 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY 11. Solomon, S., "Statistical Corrplations Between Hydrological Variables," STATISTICHESKIYE METODY V GIDROLOGII (Statistical Methoda in Hydrol- ogy), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1170. 12. Stechkin, S. B., Suhbotin, Yu. N., SPLAYNY V VYCHISLITEL'NOY MATEMAT- IKE (Splines in Computational Mathematics), Moscow, Nauka, 1976. 13. Brandon, D. B., DEVELOPING MATNEMATICAL MODELS FOR COMPUTER CONTROL, GSA, Vol 7, 1954. 14. Reinsch, H., "Smoothing by Spline Functions," N. M., Vol 10, 1967. 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 ~ J FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 556.16"32" ~ DETEtZMINING RUNOFF DURING WINTER AND TRANSITIONAL PERIODS Moacow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russtan No 7, Jul 80 pp 68-77 [Article by V. S. Ryazanov, Upper Volga Territorial Administration of Hy- drometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, submitted for publication 30 October 1979] [Text] Ahstract: The possibility of using correlation- hydraulic models based on the Chezy-Manning for- mula for taking winter runoff into account in operational work is examined. In the examp'.t~ of individual hydraulic sraCions, aituated on the ri-vers of the hasin of the upper Volga and hav- ing a different character of flow pattern under winter conditions it is shown that the multiple regression equations, computed on the basis of measurements from preceding years, are an objec- tive basis for routine (operational) determina- tion of winter water runoff. At the present time there are no objective methods for routine determina- tion of river runoff in the absence of an unambiguous.dependence between water discharges and levels, in particular when ice formations are present and ice has set in. In actual practice use is made ^f intuitive procedures for the extrapolation of water diacharges up to the next measurement when it is possible to correct Lhem. Such procedures lead to considerable errors in computing daily water discharges, considerably exceeding the admissible accuracy of t10%. Recently hydraulic models have been proposed for the hy- drometric determination of runoEf [1]. 'Lheir checlcing and experimental in- troduction have been carried out at a number of hydraulic stations on rivers in the Volga basin. The article gives the results relating to models of hy- drometric determination of winter runoff. The appearance of ice formations on rivers leads to an increase in hydraulic resistances to the movement of flow. For this reasor water discharge in the m presence of ice formations and setCing-in of the ict (Qwin) differsi~h one the water discharge when there is a free state of the channel (Qp) W 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and the same river level (H). This difference in the Qwin and Qp values is evaluated using the cnnversion factor Kain � Qwin/Qp � &)win vwin/G"O �0' (1) where WQ and witl are the croas-se5tional areas of the open channel and the river channel under the ice in m, vp and vwin are the mean current velocities of the water in the crose section of the open flow and under the ice in m/sec. When using the Chezy and Manning formulas expression (1) for determining Kwin is written in the form of the known formula K - m (1 _ .~.1513 - ( 3 N� i ` u,u ~ n3xw 7o )0'5 ' ~ 2) [3 N M= win; 3Z = ice] wherecJicB ia the area of the submerged ice in m2; edo and no are the cross-sectional area in m2 and the open channel rough- ness coefficient reapectively; nWin is the generalized coefficient of roughness of the channel under the ice; IO and Iwin are the hydraulic slopea of the open and ice-covered river channels; ml is a coefficient taking into account the relationship between the hydraulic radiua and the geometrical characteristics of the flow cross section. For the period of continuous ice cover, when the wetted perimeter (Pwin) is equal to douhled the wetted perimeter of the channel when in an open state (PO) and the hydraulic radius is RWin - 0.5 Rp, the coefficient ml = 0.63. During the transitional periods of freezing and opening-up of the _ river, when PWin varles in dependence on the degree of coverage of the _ water surface with ice formationa and is difficult to determine; the coef- ficient ml is also virtually impossible to determine. Many autr;ors, including P. N. Belokon', V. N. Goncharov and S. I. Kolu- paylo, in investigations of the poasibility of applying formulas of the type (2) for determining ICWin, made the assumption of an equaTity be- tween Ip and IWin [3]. The same assumption was r3de by I. F. Karasev [1] iti the multiple correlation equation which he proposed as a computation model for determining Kwin - 5 ~ h)N.f = m'-mI m' T e m' W, m m= T,, e- n~' , ' ~ ~ 3 5 2 T y ni ~ -2 ~ m ImI w_A f r '00 01 ~ o ' where TiCe is the duration of ice coverage of the river channel in days, varying from T= 0 to T� Tice+ m2 ia an empirical coefficient. Equation (3) in general form descrihes the change in the conversion factor Kain during the entire period of the winter low water (from Kwin = 1.00 at the heginning of the appearance of ice formations in autumn to Kwin = 1.00 with the clearing of tfie river from ice at the beginning of the spring 83 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONL'I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY high water). The terms of this equation take into account the influence of the two principal factors on which the carrying capacity of the chan- nel is dependent: the changing roughness of the lower ice surface, represented in depen- dence on the time T from the time of setting-in of the ice, degree of restriction of the river channel. The terms on the right side of expression (3), except for ml, can be re- garded as variables entering into a regression equation in the form - - i_N � y c Qo (Ij lil ~4) where _ T T r e 7' e 1 . - .r~ - , - , wo 1'., . T '2 ~ T - 0 - W 4.1 ~ .I . x ,I ~ 'C.1 e ~ 1 . ~ .1 ~nn ~uu ap, al,...,as are the parameters of the regression equation. The cross-sectional area of the open channel (WO), entering into equation (4), on any date is determined from the dependence cJ~ = f(H). The area of the submerged ice (~ice) is determined using data on the ice thickness (hice) in a hole: ej ice T m4hiceBice' Here B ti Bp is the river channel width at the hydraulic station in m; m4 is a coeTficient taking into account the noncoincidence of the mean thick- ness of ttte ice in the width of the channel and its thickness measured in the hole. 5ince :'aily measurements of ice thickness are not made at hydrological posts, we also tested a model which takes into account the known relationship be- twPen the increase in ice thickness and the sum of negative air tempera- tures. Accordin to investigations of different authors, for example, F. I. Bydin, hice ~,t � According to observations made on the rivers of the upper Volga basin during the period from 1946 through 1965, Z. S. Surina [4] obtained the depen ence hice � 0,97 E t ~)�'S~� Accordingly, the area of the submerged iee (cJ ice) in equation (3) can be completely represented by the expression Wice ' mSBice Iitl' (5) where m5 is a proportionality factor. 84 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY After substituting expressions (5) in place of 4)ice the regression equa- tion (4) a:; one of the determining factora will take the temperature fac- tor into account. Models based on the multiple regreasion equation (4) and using data on the ice thickness or on ttie sum of negative air temperatures are valid only for condieions of a stable ice cover without aignificant ice jam - water-under- snow phenomena during the period of winter low water. Preciaely such a re- gime is characteristic for most of the rivers in the upper Volga basin. On the basis of the nature of river freezing in the considered basin, in ac- cordance with the classification proposed by R. A. Nezhikhovskiy, types I and II can be distinguished. A fixed ice cover on them is established for the most part hy a gradual expan8ioa and closing-in of ice forming along khe s:tore (type I) or hy aimultaneous formation of "bridges" in a number of places where the ice-tranaporting capacity of the flow is reduced, with the subsequent filling of the spaces between the ice bridgea with floating floes (type II). Z'he entire difficulty in operational determination of runoff is that the daily water discharges are computed under conditions when there is still no complete set of ineasurements of diacharges for g particular year. In this case as a base for the computations it ie poasible to use regression equa- tions of type (4), derived using the results of preceding measurements either during periods with winters cloae in severity (WCS) or during the long-term period as a whole (LTP). Such a type of regression equation with the use of data on the ice thicknese (WCS-I, LTP-I) and on the sum of neg- ative air temperatures (WCS-II, LTP-II) was computed for the period 1959 ttirough 1975 for the hydraulic stations Oka River (.Gorbatov), Oka River (Murom), Oka River (lielev), Vetluga River (Vetluzhskiy) and Mera River (Malo- IIerezovo), having basin areas from 224,000 to 820 km2. _ The parameters of the multiple regresaion equations were determined at the Computation Center Verkhne-Volzhskoye Administration of the Hydrometeorolog- ical Service by the least squares method using a"Minsk-32" electronic com- piiter with a standard program developed at the 5tate Hydrological Insti- tute. The mean air temperature during the time Tice was adopted as the'in- dex uf winter severity. Winters for whichiz ti/TieE < 7.0 we're classified _ as mild, withlZtl/Tice � 7�0-9.0 as normal, with J'Ztj/Tice ~>9.0 as severe. 'Che free term (ap) in the derived regression equations was always close to 1.00, which is natural, hecause with T m 0cAJice � 0 and KWin = 1.00. The remfiining parameters of the regresaion equations (a1,...,ap) vary in a rather broad range and reflect the physical conditions of processes of chunge in KWin� The de:ived regression equltions in mogt cases have rather high multiple correl.ation coefficients (Ro = Q.75-0.95). An exceptibn is the regression equation for the station on the Mera River, Malo-Berezovo, Ro for which 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR 'OFFICIAL iJSE ONLY ls only 0.56-0.73. The multiple correlation coefficients as a rule are high- er for models using data on ice thickness in comparis.on with models taking into ac count the temperature factor and this is logical. The highest Ro curresp ond to the regression equstions for severe winters when a stable ice cover i.s fermed on rivers rapidly and is not impaired by thaws to the very b e ginning oE the spring higfi water.-The minimum mean square errors (Q which directly characterize the accuracy of the values computed from the regression equations, correspond to these same winters. The Rp values are usually lower for gentle unatable winters when the formation of the ice cover lasts a long time and is disrupted by thaws leading to the temporary clearing of ice from the river. In actual hydrological computations it is necessary to compute the daily water discharges during years when the measurements of discharges during the winter low-water period are not made aC a11. The need for thia kind of cocnp utations arises, for example, in casea of reatoration of winter runoff on the basis of ineasurements of preceding or subsequent years. In such c ases it is usually recommended that winter runoff be computed from the ECwin valuea for the closest years or the means for a number of years. ~ However, such averaged KWin(T) curvea usually do not make it possible to compute the daily water discharges sufficient reliability. For this reaso n the resulta. of such compu*ations of winter runoff during past years in mo st cases were deemed urlreliable when preparing the handbook SURFACE WATER RESOURCES IN THE USSR�. Compar ison of the Kwin values on the baeis of ineasurements and computations using WCS models, on the assumption that meaeurements were not made, was carXied out for the posts Oka River (Gorbatov) and Oka River (Murom) in the years 1958-1959 and 1975-1976, that is, during winters not entering into - the p eriod adopted for determining the regression equations. Taking into accoun t that the mean air temperature f.or the winter of 1958/1959 for Gor- batov was -4.4�C and for Murom was -5.2�C, the KWin values were computed using the following type of regresaion equatione for 3entle wintere: 1) Oka River Gorbatov WC5-I Kwin = 0.89-1,63 .r,-3.38.rZ - 10,2 x3-{-8,37 x4+37,7 xs, WCS-II Kwin = 1,01-}-1,69.r1-0,03.r2-2,05xg-O.OOOIz4+0,14x5; Z) Oka River Murom WCS-I Kwin = 0,99-4.62xi-2,72x2-14,7.Y3-}-1,94xA+205xs, WCS-II ICwin s 1,08-3,01.r,-0,05xz-1,19x3 ; 0,0003x4+0.13x5. For the winter of 1475/1976 the mean air te.mperature at Gorhat'ov was -7.7�C and at Murom was --8.6�C. Proceeding on the basis of this value, FCte1in was comp uted using regression equatiotis for normal winters in the form: 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL 'JSE ONLY l; Oka River Gorbatov WCS-I Kwin ' 0,94--7.99x,-6.14.r2 -~-117.r3+2p.4x4-343.r;, WCS-II Kwin m 1,00-7.45.ri-0.04x:+0,72x3+0,001x4-0.05.r;; 2) Oke River Murom WCS-I ICwin = 0,95-2,13x,-2,57x2-35,8x9-}-1,34a4+266x5, WCS-II K4,in a 0,99+0,74x,-{-0,0002x2-1,64x9-0,002x4+0,1Ox6. Table 1 Results of Computations of Wa ter Diacharges (WCS Model) for Cases of Abaence of Meaeurements 3 O7'K310HEHHA BdqNC1!lHBdx 3H8qCBHA Q llepifo,~ KOAHQCCT80 OT N3M8ptHN61fi, 113MepenNfi 1 2 V J(f= ~ QrtpeAearxoel AeTS 6A10aeAb yPn, y-uTueobwaA aaHHue orOAupHe ,:bao 8 p. OKa - r. I'op6aroe 10 31tWa 1958/59 ( 11 8,6 23,4 1 XII 1958 I 3HNia 1975/76 14 10,4 I 22,3 I 17 XII 1975 9 p. OKa - r, MypoM 311M8 1R58!59 I 10 15,1 -28,7 ] 1 XII 1958 - 3N+,a 1975/76 i 15 I 9,1 I 24,7 I 19 X1 1975 7 YPlI, y,curaecrayan re.wteparypreaA Oaxrap _ 8 p. Oxe - r. .Tap6aron 311Ma 1958,'59 I 11 I 13,6 45,6 1 XII 1958 - 3i+"a 1975/76 I I 14 9,0 20,6 17 XII 1975 9 p. Oxa - r. Mypom 3iMS 1958,'59 10 I 10 I-33,4 22 X11 1956 31+M2 1975!76 ~ I 15 12.2 47,3 19 XI 1975 KEY : 1. Period 2. Number of ineasurements 3. Deviation of computed Q values from measured values, % 4. Limit _ 5. Date 6. WCS model taking into account data on ice thickness 7. WCS model taking into account temperature factor 8. Oka River Gorbatov 9. Oka River Murom 10. IJinter... 87 FOK OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The reaulta of comparison of the computed and measured ICWin values are giv- en in Table 1. WMMM" 4,~a3laec ~ L ~ 9 ~ a ~ ~ a~ o 6CC - C J a ; u'~ i pi~�,..,__~ � y Fig. 1. Matching of rLnoff ttydrographs. a) Oka River Gorbatov. Winter 1977/1978; b) Oka River Gorbatov. Winter 1975/1976; c) Vetluga River Vetluzhskiy post. Winter 1974/1975. 1) According to hydrolopical yearbook; 2) According to WCS model; 3) According to routiue dats; 41/ Measured water discharges. The cited data make it possible to draw the preliminary conclusior. that models of the WCS type are adequately effectivey eapecially models taking into Rccount data on the thickness of the ice, for the purpases of recon- structing the winter daily water diacharges during years when no measure- ' ments are made. Howeverr, very high deviatians (AQ) when using models of the WCS type in individual cases are considerable and uaually correspond to the characteristic points at the beginning of winter when there is a minimum Kvin value determining the general form of the Kwin(T) function. Computed models of the WCS type, when reliable weather .forecasts (of the nature of winter) are available, could also serve as a basis for routine determination of water runoff. But, unfortunately, hydrologists for the time being do not have such forecaets. For this reason for opera- t:.onal purposes at the present time it is possible to u,3e only models - based on the WCS, obtained on the basis af long-term data for the preced- ing years of observations. Numerical expe:imenta with the use of auch model.s for the purpoaes of rou- _ tine computation of daily water diacharges were carried oLt for the posts - Oka River Gorbatov and Vetluga River Vetltzhskiy poat. Gorbatov post on the Oka River was of the greatest intereat from the poin.t of siew of the possibflities of u$e of correlation-hydraulic madels for operational _ determination of runoff: it ts one af the two principal stations for 88 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 2 Comparative Results of Operational Computation of Daily Water Discharges lising LTP Model With Allowance for Temperature Factor j OTR.70flCHIlA pacxoaue OT OIt)'61NKUPBHHNX 1 XapaKrepN- 1 d flldpOAUf{I4CCKOM CJKCrUIHIIKe, ~p 3 nCpNO1 CTIih2 4 n 0 MOIlCIIN YPitiI 0 OI1Cp2THBHdM AaHNdM CTOKa c I~~~, q1IQl1 8 P. OKd - f. FOP62TOD 7 3~+n+a j C) TovHdii 8,1 10.5 -31A - i - 19; 5/76 1AcK81H6fA 7.1 9,8 -25.0 - - - 1 v,ECq4HdA 3,6 4.7 -6,4 - - - 3 11M3 C)T04N14A 6,0 7,8 27,1 11,9 16,1 34,5 14+77/78 aehaaHwA 4,5 5,1 -8,0 11,2 14,3 -21,8 I '4l'CA4NN11 3,8 4,8 -510 9,6 11,9 -IS,I 9 p Berlyra - p. n. Ber.IyAchi1i: KEY: 1. Period 2. Runoff characteristic 3. Deviation eF discharges from data published in hydrological year- book, o 4. Using LTF' mudel 5. Using operational data 6. A Qlim 7. Winter 8. Oka River Corbatov 9. Vetluga Kiver Vetluzhskiy post 10. 24 hours ll . 10-day period 1'1, month (letermining the annua.t diacharges of Volga water at Gor'kiy below the con- fluence of the Uka. Upstream is the post at the Gor'kovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station, at which r.outine determination of runoff is accomplished quite reliably. In tile experiments we used the following regression equa- tions for a long-term period in which the degree of channel restriction 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3iiWa CVTCNH611 8,6 11,8 34,5 19,9 21,8 44 4 1973/74 1ch2AHdii 8,4 10.5 21,6 18,4 21,0 , 42,0 I!PCq4H61f1 i 6.1 7,6 11,8 20,4 23,0 31,2 311Ma I cVrovHd~1 4,7 9,9 -26.6 19,4 23 7 51 5 1974/75 :;cKaatdA 2,8 3,9 -19.3 18,4 , 22,5 , 44.7 I 'APCH4Nd1~ 2,6 3,1 5,3 16.8 20,5 40,2 3)iMa ' cVT04H61A 6,2 7,1 -35,6 8.8 11,9 -44 7 1975/76 iaeKa,zHdit 4,2 6,4 -15,2 8,7 11,5 , -31,7 I.:ec941idC~ 3,3 3,8 4,5 8,5 10,9 20,4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ was taken into account through the sum of negative air temperatures (LTP- _ II): 1) Oka River Gorbatov Kwin 6 1,0 1 -5,38.Y,-0,04 x2+0,23 x3+0,001 .Y4-0,02 Xs; 2) Vetluga River Vetluzhskiy poat Kwin � 1,01-4,78.ri-0,03.r2-0,10,r3+0,000003x4=-0,02zs. The values of the mean daily air temperatures entering into these equa- tions were used for the post Gorbatov on the Oka River in accordance with ohservations at Gor'kiy (Stri_.lo) meteorological station and for the poat Vetluzhakiy on the Vetluga River on the basis of observations at Krasnyye Baki meteorological station. Taking into account that in the routine computation of the daily water dis- _ charges the actual duration of ice phenomena and presence of ice (Tice) is _ an unknown value, as the computed Tice values it ia desirable to use the mean for the long-term period of preceding observations. Such an assumption daea not exert a significant influence on the final results of computations. In order to tie in the LTP parameters employed in routine computation of annual water diacharges to the peculiaritiea of the winter for the comput- ation year we carried out correction of the free term of the equation (Q0) on the basis of factual ICwin values for the date of each measurement of water discharge (4) written relative to (ap), [30M - win ] tio ! _ (KIN.I)i - (11 (xi)r - a, (-C,)i - a7 1X3I1- (l, (aC&)l aa (xs)i� (6) 7- A coinparison of the data from the hydrological yearbook and the results of determination of the annual water diecharges by exieting methods and on the basis of the LTP model is given in Table 2 and in the figure. The deviations (6Q) show that the values of the daily water discharges, - computed using the LTP model, for the most part coincide with those pub- lishri in the hydrological yearbooks and are considerably more exact than the daily water discharges computed using schematic procedures for the ex- trapolation of winter water diacharges used for routine purposea at the present time. However, during the initial period of river freezing, and ~ in individual cases also during the opening-up period, the deviations of ~ the daily water discharges, computed using the LTP model, on individual days attain 30% or more. Particularly significant errors are observed in [he initial period of river freezing when a considerable time elapsea from the date ICWin a 1.00 to the date of the firsC measurement of water diacharge. An example is the winter of 1975/1976 for Gorbatov post, when the {.,ossibility of correction of the free term (ap) appeared only after 1 1/2 months from the onaet of setting--in of the ice on the Oka River lU FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Fig, Lb). This once a gain confirms the correctness of the requirement for the need of mPasur ing water discharges during the period of river freezing as frequently as is practical, taking into account safety con- ditions in performing the work. Table 3 Parameters of Regression Equation Based on Logarithmic Model. Mera River Malo-Berezovo Station, F= 820 1m2 i~.iEivecreo ; ~ I 9E~.t } an~irNn~; u 1ieWCpeHii~ uu ai az ~ a.~ ~ Ra ~ 3 YPfI anA mHfKNX JNN I 68 4 YPn a:iH Eiupaia.tbtiaX i 3 HM 103 5 YPII 1.iA cypoeUr 111.%1 , dl 6 YPi%t ea nepiu,2 I 1960-75 rr. ~ :'S? -0.128 1 0.537 1 0.841 1 0.006 1 0.81 2,372 -0.895 2.4 : Q 0,007 0.89 0.734 I 0.126 1.732 0.110; 0.90 0,841 I 0,064 I 1.661 I 0.006 1 O,a� KEY: 1. Type of equntion 2. Number of measurements 3. MCS for gentle w inters 4. MCS for normal winters 5. MCS for severe w inters 6. LTP tnodel for period 1960-1975 In cases when additional resistances to flow, caused by ice formations and an !ce cover, ;are aguravated by any other additional factors, the use of mociels c,f the type (4) loses physical sense and leads to considerable errors in computation of daily water discharges. One of these additional - facturs, distorttng the general fo nn of the function ICwin(T), is water vegetatiun, whicli, dying otit in the autumn, in many small rivers in the Volga River basin is nu t carried away by the current, but cnntinues to exert an addttiunal influence on the relationship between water discharge ,ind l cvel. An exampt e a f this type of river is the Mera River at Malo-Ber- L'zOvc) statiuu, adopted as one of the analogue rivers in the scheme f.or uperational comptitation and prediction of Che daily lateral inflow into Gor'kovskove Reservoir. 'i'he daily water disc}iarges dtir.tng the period of winter low water on the Mera River a[ Malo-Berezovo, like on most such rivers, are computed vsing the coef f icient 1Cwit1 pre(T) . Therefore, the WCS and LTP data computed for ,I p:irti~~ulac post us~ng a model of the fortn (4) have low multiple correla- - _[on coefficients (Ito = 0.56-0.73). The use of these models for operation- a.l computatioti of wntPr discharges leads to inadmissibly high errors (on ihe average 25-45% witli values of the limiting errors exceeding 100X). in such cases when [he Kwin conversion factor loses physical sense, an at- tempt was made to apply a model for determining water runoff which makes direct utie of the Chezy-Manning formula 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE 0NL,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY n213 W]NN rt7Al' - [3H M - win; 11 = ice Q R3114 c>> ] transformed by I. F. Karasev [1] into the expreseion 1,41 ~yNy R�aNY V / I :~-----5-- 7HV (H) Q - n., I~~,~ The reduction of expression (8) to logarithmic form makes it possible to obtain a multiple correlation equation in the forni (4) in which _ [ 3n M= win; 51= ice ] y= 18 Q; xl _ Ig W~HYxs =~8' R,~~~~ Ig (no) Y 1-?- el'7 h'. Table 4 Comparative Table of Deviations of Computed Discharges From Those Published in Hydrological Yearbook for Mera River - Malo-Berezovo Station ITO AOC8pNQ11tHVlCKOA Ilu oneparstaHdu Moaenx vPM 4 Aaxedu KEY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ilcpxoa 1 haKaxrroKa i 2 ~ 5 31tN8 1975/76 cyTOVeetA 7,3 1 13.2 8 4 8.0 6 0 10.8 E,6 nexaAHdA 6, MCCRqHdA 3,3 , 5,0 . 3,9 5,2 311M8 1976i7; cyrovawA 9,3 5 2 12,1 6 8 )2,2 9,6 15,8 12,3 1 IItK1AHdA NeCR4NdA 3,T , 4.7 8.4 10,7 Period 12unof f cliaracteristic According to LPT ].o~arithmic model According to operational data Winter 24 hours Ten-day Month The ap, al, a2, a3 values statiatically generalize the parameters of equa- tion (7), including the canstant slope IWin. The factor xg �or simplifica- tion of the computations is adopted in the form of the sum of the moduli - of negative air temperatures (jZtj), which integrally take into account the degree of channel restriction and roughness. The equations derived for the Malo-Berezovo post on the Mera River (WSC and L'rP) with the use of a logarithmic model are given in Table 3. 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 6 OCTOBER 1980 ME t ' _Ol3 T NO. 7J JULT 1980 2 OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Checking of the possibility of use of a multiple regresaion equation (LTP) for the purpo3e of operational computativn of the daily water diacharge was carried out during the winter of 1975/1976 and 1976/1977. Data on air temperature were taken from observations at Ostrovakoye meteorolog- ieal station, the closest to Malo-Berezovo station. The correction of the free term of equation (ao) for the purpose of tie- in of the LTP to the peculiarities of winter of a specific year was carried out applicable to equation (8) using the expression (70 1 =(IgQ)r-a, (x, )r-as(X2)t-ax(x,1j� , (9) The comparative results of the computatione are given in Table 4. The dis- crepancy of the discharges Q Q cha.racterizes only the degree of coincid- ence of the data in the hydrological yearboa'c and the results of computa- tions on the basis of models and does not at all serve as an evaluation of the accuracy of the Iatter. The deviations Q axe related primarily to the inadequata soundness o,f the procedures for computing the daily water discharges contained in the yearbuoks, Accordirg to evaluations made by the Hydrometry Section at the State Hydrological Inatitute, cor- relation-hydraulic models ensure a decresse in the errora in operational determination of runoff by a factor of 1.2-1.5 in comparison with the methods used. The results of numerical experiments presented in the article show that ~ equations of the LTP type, taking the teznperature factor into account, are an entirely objective basis for operational determination of river runoff during winter on rivers where an increase in hydraulic resistances to the mocement of the f low is caused only by ice formatione and the ice cover. In the case of rivers on which additional resiatancea, caused by ice formations or an ice cover, are complicated by the influence of water vegetation remaining in the channel, !.t is deairable for operational pur- _ poses to use a logarithmic model for taking winter runoff into account. ~ B IBL IOGRAPHY l. Karasev, I. F., "Mathematical Models for Hydrometric Determination of River Runoff," TRUDY GGI (Transactions of the State Hydrological In- stitute), No 256, 1978. 2. Nezhikhovskiy, R. A. ,"Types of River Freezing and Types of Ice Jams," ' METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrology), No 2, 1974. 3. Polyakov, B. V., GIDROLOGICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA NIZHNEY VOLGI (Hydro- logical Investigations cf the Low2r Volga), Moacow, Gosstroyizdat, 1938. 4. Surina, Z. S., "Investigation ot Growth and Computation of Ice Thick- ness on Rivers o� the Upper "lolga Basin," SB. RABOT GOR'KOVSKOY, VOLZH- i SKOY I RYBINSKOY GMO (Callection of Papers of the Gor'kiy, Volga and r Rybinsk Hydrometeorological Obser-vatories), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1973. 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 556.536 METHOD FOR MAKING OBSERVATIONS OF THE WATER SURFACE SLOPE OF RIVER FLOWS Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 78-83 [Article by Candidate of Technical Sciences V. V. Kovalenko, Leningrad Hy- ' drometeorologica? Institute, submitted for publication 21 January 19811 [Text] Abstract: The author deiines a quantitative criterion which makes it possible to select the location of a hydrometric station and the length of the base for making observations of the water surface slope of river flowa. The restrictions on base length which follow from ~ the hydraulic conditions of the water flow cur- rent are pointed out. ~ The slope of Che free surface of a river flow is one of the most important hydraulic characteristics [5, 6, 16]. However, the recommendations on the organization of s'lope observations given in [13, 14] sometimes have a pure- _ ly qualitative character, which sometime3 leada to subjectivity in siting a hydrometric station and the choice of the slope base length. In this article an zttempt is made to define objective quantitative cri- teria making it possible to regularize slope observations. The equations of hydromechanics relate the f ield of velocities aud the pres- sure field. Within the framework of one-dimensional hydraulic idealization this has the following rESUIt: in principle, on the basis of the measured pressure differential (or piezometric alope) it is posaible to judge the discharge passing in the sectioa. In the well-developed countries most of the industrial �low meters (in Great Britain, for example, 90%) are based precisely on measurement of the preasure differential (slope). The principal norm-setting documenta j.n the field of hydrometry of slopes [13, 141 define the, puxpose of -b'servations of the' longituainal slope as follows: 1) for estimating the capacity of the channel, determined by the waCer dis- charge; 2) for ascertaining the value of the Chezy coefficient C, taking into 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - account the hydraulic resistances. - Taking into account that the water movement in the river flow has a nonuni- form and nonstationary character, it is natural to generalize the Chezy formula and obtain a general mathematical model which can be used for the above purposes and more graphically reflect the role played by the slope in the solution, possibly, of other hydrometric problems. In order to ob- tain such a"hydrometric model" it is natural to use hydraulic idealiza- tion equations, for example, in the following approximation [8]: dh 1 dU cU dU a- 1 U dF 1 - ' -d - d�x - j + g� ar ~ g,~ gM F dr +I ~ d' FRU y2.: FR FRU2 a'` + g*F ~ dt dz ~ dx dt dx'= ~ dx + s, FRU dh(2) avF aF _ ~ d.r ~ at ' where j is a dissipative term; 0~ ~'1,A2, P3, Aq are coefficients de- pendent on the velocity distribution in the cross section; the remaining notations are those in general use in hydrometry. For a case of practical interest, when information is known on the level H= f(x, t) and the morphometry of a fixed hydrometric location with the coordinate xp, after simple transformations of equations (1) and (2) it is possible to derive an equa.tion in full derivatives [10] Q ~ fi (xo, t) U" f~ (xn, t) U ~ f,( rol t) l= fa ixo, t~� (3) In (3) the functions fl, f'1, f2, f 3, with a known morphometry of the hy- drometric location, are dependent only on the water level and its deriva- tives in coordinates and time. If it follows from the Chezy formula for uniform movement that Q= f(H), then from (3) for smoothly changing movement Q= f(H, dH, dH 1 - aY vr J~ whereas for a general case dH dN 61-H d~ H Q- fa , o~ ~ ux- ar~ that is, in the most general case for determining the discharge it is - necessary to have information not only on the level and slope, but also on the curvature and derivatives of curvature of the free surface. 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIp.L USE ONLY Information on the water surface slope is necessary for the solution of at least four fundamental problems in hydrometry which in general form can be solved using equation (3), to wit: a) indirect measurement (determination) of water discharge, b) extrapolation of discharge, c) restoration of the hydrograph; d) determination of hydraulic resistances (Chezy coefficient). An investigation of the sensitivity of equation (3), that is, for discharge or current velocity, to changes in the parameters enrering into it [9], re- vealed that the free surface slope is the most important. We note that in the determination of hydraulic resietances from equation (3) (with measured slope and current velocity) the measurement of convec- tive acceleration in actuality ia not accompliehed from the difference in velocities in two sectioas (which in the caee of nonetationary movement leade to considerable errors), but from the alope and derivative of the level in time (more detail concerning this is given in [21). In addition to the piezometric level, which has been discussed until now, a certain role is played by the inertial and hydraulic (dissipative term in equa- tion (3)) slopes. For example, in deCermining the additional slope caused by the difference in dissipation in a uniform flow from that in the case of nonstationary movement, the piezometric slope is used again [3]. The following points can be noted in comzection with the method for making slope observatione [13, 14]: a) choice of site fox a hydrometric post for slope observations; b) choice of length of segment (base) for measuring slope. The instructions give quite clear aad sprcif ic recommendations only on the choice of base length, with accuracy characteristics taken into account; the instructions are limited to qualitative indications, for ex- ample, on the unidirectiona.l change in the areas of the cross sections in - the sector. In order to obtain quantitative criteria for the purpnse of deaignating the site of the hydrometric post and base length it is natural to select a criterion which at the most "advantageous" hydrometric post would assume an extremal value. In obtaining such a criterion it is neces- sary to take into account the purpose of the slope observations, that is, on the one hand, at the optimum hydrametric post the measured slope must _ react well to a change in discharge aad hydraulic resistances, and on the other hand, with the further use of the slope in computations the dis- charges and resistances must be adequately sensitive to slope. As such a criterion we can use the extremum (in the longitudinal coordinate) di the matrix norm of the corresponding sensitAvity functions Si in some func- tional space whose metrics is determined by the purpose of the observa- tions (stationary long-term observations, high-water observations, obserw - ations of minimum runoff, etc.). 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The sensitivity functions are derived from equations (1) and (2) by known methods. In particular, the equation for the function of sensitivity of discharge to slope will be -F-'C=R dQ-/aBQ=C2 R+gQ'F-~QaC=R rdF I~)f S-~- I 1 QIFCIR rt (4) I z BQ=C=R + 1gF3C=Rl gFaQ G"tR - a BQ3r"-R a 1) Q=FC=R J S ~ (Q + 1) 2RQ1F. . The solution of equation (4) with zero "initial" conditions and "freezing- in" [11] of the coefficients and free term, correspoi;ding to their values at the hydrometric post, will be S=(gF3QC=R - z BQIG"R) C- tnC'R Q- I a BQ'C=R + 8Q2F- - a QzC2R ( dX ) -}-1 a BQ=C'R -I-1gF3C=R)-1 f 1 -exP ((a (5) + 1) ~RQ"F)-I F2 CzR ad -~-1 a BQ'Cs R + BQ2F - - a Q=C=R ( aX ta 13QZC=R -F- IgfBC'R) ' x,}� * In a general case the components of the matrix of seneitivity functions are dependent on the coordinate of the hydrometric post, the extent of the channel reach (slope base), time and specific realization of the hy- drological year or observation iaterval. The location of the optimum hydro- metric poat and the slope base length are not independent of one another, have a stochastic nature and are determined by the extremum of the norm of the matrix of sensitivity functions. After designating the location of the hydrometric post it is necessary to select the length of the base on which the slope will be deternined. If the equations of hydraulics are ' used as a point of departure, we have aH------p N dz ~nxj o A x From the point of view of hydraulics, it would seem that the best base is a zero base (we note tha*_ there are methods for measuring a slope at a - point [l, 4]). In actuality, however, this is not the case. The longitudinal coordinate x explicitly enters the sensitivity function S. Theoretically S attains its maximum value when x=00. On a practical basis, as has been done in an investigation of dynamic systems [9], it is reasonable to limit ourselves to those x= L values for which the exponen- ~~ial term in S attains the level 0.63. Using (5), taking into account the principal hydraulic characteristics and channel morphometry, we derive a formul.a for base length 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY h4f3F L= ' gn2F- 0,;> h4/3 dF ~ dx (6) The restrictions on base length, following from formula (6), are related to - the inertial effect in water flow movement. However, there is still another restriction associated with the correctness of the one-dimensional hy- ` draulic idealization itseZf. The H level, figuring in the equations of ' hydraulics, naturally differs from that level z which in actuality is ob- served in a real flow and with which the relief of the free surface is associated. The difference between the averaged (hydraulic) and actual levels also dictates the choice of the slope measurement base from zhe con- _ dition that the drop of the averaged slope be at least an order of magnitude greater than the level drop as a result of its random variations, that is aJit'li-. dx ~ dx, (7) 4 ax ` ~ where f is the norm of level variatinns not taken into account by the one-dimensional idealization. At the present time only estimates of the systematic level deviations in width from a horizontal position as a re- sult of rounding-off of the flow, Coriolis force of the earth's rotation and relief of the channel cross sect3on are real. At Che present time nothing is known about the dependence of this same systematic deviation on the phases for the hydrological year, and also about the distribution of water volume in the long-term section. It is reasonable to adopt the following hypothesis: _ . . . . yEf B12,B121I H-zi. M'lx The slanting of the free surface due to Che enuoonerated factors can be de- termined using the known [7]. U.sing the mean value theorem, from (7) we obtain an estimate of the slope measurement base length lo Ilfii f (8) where the hottom slope can be taken approximately as I. The instructions [13, 14] recommend a formula for designating the base length, using as a point of departure the accuracy in measuring water level and the leveling of poats, that is, the determination of L is re- lated only to the possibilities.for technical outfitting of the hydrolog- ical network. However, the reetrictions corresponding to formulas (6) and (8) have a fundamental character and cannot be elim4.nated b,y any tech- nical means. Taking into account that when making alope observations in the network use�is made of a'etandard program and technical means, the errora in leveling and level measurement can be conaidered identical. Then 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the base length, accord4_nq to [13, 14], will be determined only by the flow slope. m o, t 0, ~ L _ L p'� h ~ Fig. 1. Results of analysis of field daza. 1) theoretical curve, 2) data from yearbooks. On the other hand, the bilinear symmetric functional corresponding to the scalar product of the sensitivity vector in measurements and the aensitiv- ity vector in computations and relating the meaeured and computed para- meters, is dependent not only on the slope, but also (in the simplest case of a quasisteady regime) on channel roughness, depth of filling and the value ( d F/ a x),t. However, the instructions do not fix the base length in dependence on chan- nel fi?ling and roughneas, but only in inverse dependence on slope, which should lead to a decrease in the correlaCion of the measured slopea and discharges with an increase in roughness and a decrease in filling. In order to check this assumption we made an aaalysis of 1,500 measured dis- charges (on the basis of data frvm the yearbooks) at 78 hydrometric posts located on diiferent rivers in the USSR. The results of computations are shown in Fig. 1(significance level SX). Taking into account the measure- ment errors and the fact that data from standard observations cited in yearbooks cannot be used in calculating the'above-mentioned functional at each point in the observation interval, with allowance for sensitivity to the Chezy coefficient, along the y-ardiaate we plotted the product of the discharge-to-slope and slope-to-discharge regression coefficients m. An evaluation of statistical homogeneity was made using the Fisher test [15]. The figure shows that the representativeness of the observations is leas than is theoretically possible. The dropoff of the theoretical curve from their point of intersection is attributable to the fact that with a zero base a zero sensitivity is adopted. S ummary 1. The official norarsetting documents dealing with slope observations have a q_ualitative character, which can reduce the representativeness of ineas- urements. 2. The site for a hydrometric post and slope base length are not mutually independent. 99 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. An objective method for designating the hydrometric post coordinate in- volves finding the extremum of the norm of the matrix of sensitivity func- - tions within the li.mits of the channel resch in which the caxrying out o� hydrometric observations is planned. 4. The slope measured at a point, that is, on a zero base, m3y or may not characterize the discharge acually passing through the hydrometric post. D Due to the explicit dependence of the sensitivity function on the longitud- inal coordinate there is a finite length of the base in which the measured slope 4zi11 determine discharge. This base is dependent for the most part on channel filling, roughness and morphometry of the channel reach. 5. The base Iength should be such that th.z drop of the averaged (hydraulic) level not only substantially exceeds the error in determining slope, but also is an order of magnitude grsater than the level drop as a result of its random variations (wind waves, etc.) or the systematic deviations as- sociated with incorrectness of the one-dim2nsional hydraulic idealization (water surface slanting in the case of ehannel curvature or in the case of a nonuniform distribution of diFCharge in the cross section). 6. At the 5% significance level there are systematic deviations of field data from the theoretical data, which indicates a nonrepresentativeness of the measured slopes at a number of posfis in the network and the deairabil- ity of taking into account the results cited above when organizing si;,pe observations. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arbuzov, I. A., Kovalenko, V. V., "Device for Measuring the Longitud- inal Slope of the Free Surface of a Watercourse," Author's Certif- icate USSR 535456, OTKRYTIYAO IZOBRETENIYA, PROMYSHLENNYYE OBRAZTSYO TOVARNYYE ZNAKt (Discoveries, Inventions, Industrial Models, Trade- marks), No 42, 1976. 2. Kovalenko, V. V., "Method for Determining Convective Acceleration in Open Channels," Author's Certificate USSR 606135, OTI:RYTIYA, IZOBRET- ENIYA, PROMYSHLENNYYE OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYYE ZNAKI, No 17, 1978. 3. Kovalenko, V. V., "Method for Determining Additional Hydraulic SZope of a Nansteady Open Flow,",Author's Certificate USSR 605085, OTICRYT- IYA, IZOBRETENIYA, PROMYSHLENNYYE OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYYE ZNAKI, No 16, 1978. 4. Kovalenko, V. V., "Method for Aetermining the Longitudinal S?ope of a Water Surface," OTKRYTIYA, IZOBRETENIYA, PROMYSHLENNYYE OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYYE ZNAKI, No 19, 1978. 5. Zheleznyakov, G. V., Danilevich, B. V., TJCHNOST' GIDROLOGICMSKIKH IZMERENIY I RASCHETOV (Accuracy of Hydrological Measurements and Com- putations), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1966. 100 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY 6. Karasev, I. F., Chizhov, A. N., "Cr iteria in Measuring the Accuracy of Water 'A'Ievels on Rivers and Reservoirs," TRUDY GGI (Transactiona of the State Hydrological institute No 150, 1968. 7. Karaushev, A. V., RECHliAYA GIDRAVLIKA (Fluvial Hydraulics), Leningrad, - Gidrometeoizdat, 1969. 8. KartvelishviZi, N. A., NEUSTANOVIVSHIYESYA OTKRITYYE POTOKI (Uneteady Open Flows), Leningrad, Gidrometeo i zdat, 1968. 9. Katys, G. P., ELEMENTY SZSTEM AVTQMATICHESKOGO KONTROLYA NESTATSION- ARNYKH POTOKOV (Elements of Systems for Automatic Monitoring of Non- stationary Flows), Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. - 10. Kovalenko, V. V., "Measurement of the Hydraulic Characteristics of Nonsteady Open Flows," SBORNIK RABOT PO GIDROLOGII (Collection of Papers an Hydrology), No 12, 1977. 11. Kovalenko, V. V., Varyshnikov, N. B., "On the Problem of the Extrapo- lation of the Diechargea Curve in a Case of Unstegdy Movement of an Open F].ow," MEZINUZOVSKI'Y SBORNIK (Intercollege Collection of Ar- ticles), No 63, 1977. 12. Kovalenko, V. V., Stolyar, S. Ye.. "Some Problems in Hydrometry of Unsteady Open Flows," IIROBLEMY ARMrIKI I ANTARRTIKI (Problems of the Ar;:tic and Antarctica), No 53, 1978. 13. METODICHESKIYE UKAZANIYA UGMS No 81. ORGANIZATSIYA NABLYUDENIY NAD PRODOL'NYM UKLONOM VODNOY POVERKHIJOSTI (Systematic Instructions of the Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service No 81. Organization of Obaervations of the Longitudinal Slope of a Water Surface), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1971. 14. NASTAVLENIYE GIDROMETEOROLOGICHESKIM STANTSIYAM I POSTAM, I'YP 6, CA I (Instructions to Hydrometeorological Stations and Posts, No 6, Part I, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1978. 15. Rozhdestvenskiy, A. V., Chebotarev, A. I., STATISTICHESKIYE METODY V - GIDROLOGII (Statistical Methods in Hydrology), Leningrad, Gidrometeo- izdat, 1974. lb. Shestakova, R. A., "Choice of the Reach for Measuring the Slope of a Water Surface in Channels Without Floodplains," TRUDY GGI, No 164, 1968. 101 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDr, 556.(536+537) STUDY OF KINEMATIC STRUCTURE OF r'LOW IN RIVER MOUTH REACH MODEL Moscow METEOROLOGIYa t GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 84-89 [Article by Candidates of Physicsl and Mathematical Sciences N. A. Mikhayl- ova and V. P. Petrov, 0. P. Petrosyan, Moscow State University, submitted for publication 25 October 1979] = [Text] Abstract: Data from laboratory investigations are compared with the energy spectra of tur- bulence in the main channel and in the mouth reach of a river. It is shown that the dimen- sions of the eddies in the thiclcness of the flow co:incide with the dimensions of the macro- scale channel formations at the bottom of the flow. Despite the fact that the problem of formation of the mouth reaches of rivers has long attracted the attention of researchers, until now there has been no clear understanding of the mechanism of this process and its quantitative evaluation. The mouths of rivers are characterized by all the peculiarities of channel flow determined by the principle of interaction between channel and flow forunulated by M. A. Velikanov. But at the same time there are additional difficulties associated primarily with consider- able horizontal broadening o� the channel,including with depth. All the mentioned circumstances determine the specific structure of flow in mouth reaches, which as of yet has noti been adequately studied. In analyzing the considered flow it is evidently desirable to apply the method already de- veloped for the investigation of channel flows [3, 41. To be sure, it is necLasary to take into account the peculiarities of movement of sand waves and bars under conditions of nonuniform movement of the flow [2]. The investigations described in this article were carried out under labora- tory conditions in the hydrophysics laboratory of the Department of Physics of the Sea and Waters of the Land of the Physics Faculty at Moscow State University. The model of a microriver with a mouth reach was formed in a channel flume 21 m in length, 4 m wide and 1 m high using sand 0.2 mm in diameter. The initial groove was linear longitudinally and in cross section had a tragezoidal configuration with the �ol.lowing river parameters: width at iw ttom 30 cm, side slope coeff9.cient 1:2, longitudinal bottom slope 0.001. 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Flow Characteristics 10 K 1 1 8016 I I I II ( I I II h cx 11,6 17.8 10,5 11,4 2 1' c4c 41,1 37,1 37,6 38.7 Fr .0,15 0,09 0,13 0,13 Re 0,48�105 0,67�106 0,38�105 I 0,44�106 KEY: l. hours 2. cm/sec y` q0 . ~ a1 JO 1 d cm/sec ~ 10 10 1. 1 1 . , I . . a~~r 100 � 110 940 1Q0 140 100IiM Fig. 1. Transverse sections of channel (uP.tQ its~midpoint along the right bank) at post I 10 (curve 1), 50 (curve 2) and 80 (curve 3) hours after on- set of experiment (a) and distribution of inean velocity in depth of flow at post 7 10 hours after onset of experiment (b). In the mouth reach the horizontal configuration persisted but the bottom slope changed sharply and was equal to 0.01. The banks of tne model, which were horizontal in the river reach, had a slope 0.015. The length of the - microriver was 16.5 m; the remaining part of the model was accounted for by the mouth reach of the river and sea. The microriver was formed with a water discharge Q= 44 liters/sec. The experiment lasted 82 hours. During this time the channel of the microriver and its mouth reach were re�ormed; the intensity of the process gradually attenuated with transition from the river to the mouth, where there was a marked broadening of the flow. In order to ,judge the temporal change of characteristics of the channel and flow along the length of the model we selected characteristic control points at distances of 14 m, 17.5 m and 18 m from the entry into the flume. Point ( ?I post") I was in the channel reach of the model where there was no influ- ence from the broadening and deepening of the flow, points II and III were in the moizth reach. Table l gives the flow characteristics at points I and II 10 a.r~d 80 hours after onset of the experiment. All the characteristics relate ro the vertical on the flow axis. When carrying out the experiment 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY observations were made of formation of bottom relief in the channel and mouth. At the indicated moment in time the mean length of the sand waves in the channel was 12 cm and their rate of mAVement was 5 cm/sec. Measure- ments of the bottom profile were made systema tically at the control points. Figure la shows cross sections at point I 10 (curve 1), 50 (curve 2) and 30 (curve 3) hours after onset of the experimPmi. Tne sections were run to the midpoint of the channel along the righ t bank. The cited curves show that with the course of time the shore slope becomes more gentl.e and the channel is widened. In this process ttie bottom readings in the middle ' of the channel increase, whereas on the slope they decrease. As a characteristic of the degree of formation of the channel we used the flow width B at point I, which was measured each 5-F hours. With the course of time the B value first increased rapidly and after attaining some value during the time t= 55 hours then remained essentially constant. By thie time the bottom relief in the channel (point I) had already formed. In the mouth reach (points II, III) the formation of a bar was ot,served. Two series of ineasurements of the mean and fluctuating characteristics of velocity at points I and II on the vertical in the middle of the channel were carried out for a comparison of the kinematic and etiergy characteris- tics of the flow in the channel and mouth in the scage of formation and in a formed state. The first series of ineasurements was made after 10 hours and the second was made 80 hours after onset of the experiment. At these same moments in time we measured the bottom p rofile along the axis of channel symnetry (see Fig. 2c,f). Measurements of the mean velocities were made with a vane. As an example, Fig. lb shows the velocity curve at point I 10 hours after channel forma.tion. The origin of the coordinate system was matched with a point on the�bottom through which the control vertical passed, where measurements were made. Both in the initial stage - of channel formation and in the of a forming channel it was found that the velocity gradients in the bottom region at point I were greater than at point II. However, the elevation of the bottom region, where the mean velocity varies substantially, at point II is greater; this is attribut- able to broadening and deepening of the flow. - Fluctuations of the vertical and horizontal velocity components were regis- - tered using a thermohydrometer with a compe.nsating resistor [5]. Registry - was with an N-327 automatic recorder; a UT-401B amplifier with a microcir- cuit was used. At each point registry was for 1 min. Since the water dis- charge did not change in the course of the experiment, and channel dEforma- tion was insignificant during the time of registry,-during this time inter- - val the flow movement can be considered steady. In processing these records we applied a theory developed for stationary random processes [1]. Each record was represented in the form of a series of 600 points; the dis- ' creteness'interval was Q t= 0.1 sec and the corresponding Nyquist fre- quency was ' fN = 1/2A t = 5 Hz, 104 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY which is less than the limiting frequency transmitted by the recording instrument. The duration of the record (1 min) imposes a limitation on the minimum frequency fmin = 1 = O, 16 . T where T is the length of the record. - - - - Y`M ~ a 42 Q 1~ CM/G C W 10 S n d ~e ~ a) zy , cui/sec cn/c Hz, O) b cm/sec ; 4, wr/c e a~ z 6a ~ t~1/c - 74 i5 16 17 10 X M Fig. 2. Vertical distribution of standard deviations of horizontal (1) and vertical (2) velocity components at posts .(points) I(a, d) and II - (b, e) after 10 and 80 hours and also longitudinal section of channel after 10 and 80 hours (c, f) from onset of experiment. Thus the range of investigated frequencies falls in the limits 0.16 Hz4 f S 5 Hz. On the basis of the results of statistical processing we obtained data on the distribution (in the depth of the flow) of the standard devia- tions of fluctuations of the horizontal O' and vertical O'y velocity components at points I(Fig. 2a,d) and II ~Fig. 2b,e) 10 and 80 hours after onset of rhe experiment. At point I the O'u and ~ values in both cases have a maaimum at the bottom, where the main zone of production of turbulent energy is situated. Then, beginning with a distance of 0.4 H from the bottom, the intensity of the turbulence remains constant, which agrees with the investigations in [4]. - At point II, with an unformed mouth (10 hours.after onset of the experi- ment) O'u has a ma.ximum at the bottom and the elevation of the region with an increased Q v value is greatly increased. However, when the mouth is formed, the O"u and f)"v distiribution curves, together with the maxima at the bottom, have a tendency to an increase in the values of the mentioned characteristics at the midpoint of the flow as weZl. In order to evaluate the contribution of velocity fluctuations of differ- ent frequency to the energy of turhulent fluctuations we examined the correlation functions and the spectral density functions. These were 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY computed from numerical series, processed in accordance with a program prepared by V. R. Nikitin applicable to tne problems described in [3]. In order to reduce the record to a stationary form we employed the - "moving average with a Tukey cosine-kernel" operation. In this case the "moving" mathematical expectation for the i-th term of the series was determined by the expression Ui ' 2 11 1 ~ Ut+' (1 4- Cos 2~ z I. In order to select the optimum value of the filter parameter we carried out a methodological study similar to that described in [3]. In all the investigated cases for both velocity components the spectral density functions S(f) are multimodal and the main energy of the turbul.ent fluc- tuations is concentrated in the region of low frequencies. As a sample, Figure 3 shows the energy spectra of fluctuations of the horizontal (a) and vertical (b) velocity components at point II 10 hours after onset of the experiment at a distance of 0.05 H from the bottom. The maximum of the S(f) functions, obtained for point I 10 hours after onset of channel formation,falls at one and the same frequency fur the vertical and hori- zontal velocity components. At points situated at a distance of 0.05 H and 0.15 H from the bottom the spectral functicns have a clearly expressed maximum at a frequency of 0.3 Hz. With increasing distance from the bot- tom the intensity of this maximum for both the vertical and hor- izontal components, remaining graater for the horizontal component. How- ever, at the su-rface, at a distance 0.8 H from the bottom, once again there is a marked increase in the intensity of the first maximum, evi- dently caused by the presence of an interface. With increasing distance from the bottom of the flow the spectra become more broad-banded. s(f; 1,0 QB 0, 6 Ry 41 o z 4 o z OFrK gz Fig. 3. Energy spectra of fluctuations of horizontal (a) and vertical (b) velocity components at point II 10 hours after onset of experiment at distance 0.05 H from bottom. In order to estimate the degree of concentration of'energy at a particular frequency we used the characteristic fo/Af, sinilar to the quality of the vibrational system CJO/2 a'il in radiophysics. Here 0 f is the width of the spectral curve at tfie 0.7-level from the maximtnn value, fp is the fre- quency which.corresponds to the maximum. An increase in the fp/pf charac- teristic identical fo value is evidence of a clearer definition of structural formations in the flow. The maximum values of the fp/,&f parameter are observed at the bottom and at the surface of the flow and are equal to 3 and 2.5 regpectively. 106 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY On the assumpt.ion of correctness of the hypothesis of "frozen-in" turbu- lence we made an evaluation of the size of an eddy using the expression L~UT, where U is the maan velocity at a point, T is the characteristic period, obtained using the spectral function. The characLeristic size of the eddies, correspending to a frequency f= 0.3 I?z, is 1.1-1.4 m, which is 13 H. At this same vertical with forming bottom relief 80 hours after onset of the experiment the main energy of the turbulent fluctuations is also con- centrated in the low-frequency region. However, in this case the spectra become wideribanded. For both velocity components the spectral density functions have maxima at one and the same frequeneies and the first maximum falls at a frequency of 0.2 Hz. In contrast to the initial stage in channel - formation, the first maximum for the vertical velocity component is every- where more intensive than for the horizontal component. The characteristic size of the eddies corresponding to a frequency of 0.2 Hz is 1.4-1.9 m, which is 20 H and is equal to the size of macroscale formations at the bottom of the flow. 'I'he maximum values of the fp/Q f parameter, the same as in the initial stage of formation, are observed at the bottom and at the surface of the flow. In spectra obtained 10 hours after the onset of formation of tre mouth at the bottom at dis tances 0.05 H and 0.15 H from the bottom, the first maxi- mum falls at a frequency of 0.4 Hz. The fp/L1f value attains a maximum val- ue at a distance 0.05 H.; 0.4 H; 0.98 H from the bottom. Both'the spectral components have maxima at the same frequencies. The main energy of the tur- bulent fluctuations is concentrated in the lcw-frequency region. The char- - acteristic dimensions of the eddies present in the bottom region of the mouth and corresponding to a frequency of 0.4 Hz are equal to 0.14-0.27 m, which corresponds to a dimension of the order of the depth of flow at this vertical. The formation of such eddies is evidently associated with a mark- ed deepening of the flow at the investigated point. In addttion to these eddies, in the upper part of the flow there are eddies measuring about 6 H. _ Thus, the eddies arising during the passage of the flow in the channel also persist in the mouth reach. The spectra obta ined at this same vertical af ter 80 hours, when the mouth - has been formed, and the bar has already been formed, are wider-banded. The main energy of the turbulent fluctuations is also concentrated in the low- _ frequency region. The maximum values of the f0/Q f parameter are attained at the bottom and 3t the surface. 'I'he chara.cteristic sizes of the eddies corresponding to a frequency of 0.3 Hz, at.which the first S(f) maximum falls, are equal to 1.1-1.3 m, which corresponds to 12 H, that is, we again observe eddies existing also at (in the channel.) with a formed ~ bottom. 107 F.OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OEFICIAL USE ONLY Summary 1. The kinematic structure of the flow in the mouth reach was governed by the broadening and deepening of the channel and differs from the structure of the flow in the channel. The hottom region, where there is a substantial - change in velocity in the depth of the flow in the mouth reach is greater than in the main channel. 2. Energy spectra in the main channel and in the mouth reach are multimodal - for different moments of channel formation. The main part of the energy in all cases is concentrated in the region of low frequ2ncies. However, if the main frequency in tfie channel persists in the entire depth, in the mouth reach it hecomes lower wiCfi an increase in elevaCion. 3. In the channel reach there are eddie5 of about 10-13 H which also persist in the upper part of the flow in the mouth reach. The indicated sizes of eddies coincide with Che sizes of the macroscale channel formaticns on the bottom of the flow. 4. The standard deviations of the velocity fluctuations have maxima at the bottom, which indicates the existence of a region with an increased turbu- lence intensity. In the the distribution of the standard devia- tions has a tendency ta an increase in the middle of the flow. BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Jenkins, H., Watts, D., SPEKTRAL'NYY ANALIZ I YEGO PRILOZHENIYA (Spec- tral Analysis and its Applications), Vol 1, Moscow, Mir, 1972. 2. Mikhaylov, V. N., DINAMIKA POTOKA I RUSLA V NEPRILIVNYKH UST'YAKH REK (Flow and Channel Dynamics in Nontidal River Mouths), Moscow, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1971. 3. Mikhaylova, N. A., Shevchenko, 0. B., "Laboratory Investigations of the Characteristics of Channel Turbulence and Channel Deformation in the Coastal Region," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrol- ogy), No 4, 1976. 4. Mikhaylova, N. A., Kharchenko, I. P., "Laboratory and Field Investiga- tions of Turb.ulence in Channel Flows in the Low-Frequency Part of the Spectrum, VESTNIK MGU. FIZIKA, ASTRONOMIYA (Herald of Moscow State University. Physics, Astronomy), No 6, 1976. 5. Petrov, V. P., "Instrumentation, Method and Results of Investigation of Turb.ulent ii4:.tuations of Concentration and Velocity in a Sediment- Transporting Channel Flouz," Aurhor's Summary of Dissertation for the Award of the Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Moscow, Moscow State University, Physics Faculty, 1971. 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 i FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONI.Y UDC 551.5:633.14 EFFECT OF WINTERING ON THE YIELD ANb GR05S HARVEST OF WINTER RYE Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDRQLOGIYA in Ruseian No 7, Jul 80 pp 90-96 [Article by V. A. Shavkunova, US3R Hydrometeorological Scientific Reaearch Institutey submitted for publicatiou 27 E'ebruary 19801 [Text] Abstract: The authox cites the results of in- vestigations of the effect of wintering condi- _ tiiona on the yield and gross harvest of winter rye. The change in the yield of winter rye dur- - ing the last 20 yeare is inveatigated. Equations reflecting the trend of this change with time are derived for obZasts, republics and economic - regions in which plantings of winter rye are for the most part concentrated. The principal grain crop in the Noncher-nozem zone is winter rye. About 80% of the entire area of wintar rye in the USSR is located in this zone. Due - to the climatic characteristics in the Nonctternozem zone ita yields are more atable than in a number of other agricultural regions in the country. However, even here there are variationa in yield by years. For example, during the periad from 1958 through 1978 the maximum yield of winter rye in a ninnber of regions was 22-25 Centners/hectareo whereas the minimum yield was 5-9 centner s /hectare. (Table 1). Many researchers have dealt with the problems relating to the influence of agrometeorological conditions on the yield of winter crops in our country [1, 3, 4, 6]. They determined the influence of wintering on the yield of winter crops on the basis of the state of sown-crops in spring (using the = number of plants and stems per 1 m~ or using the thinness of plantings after wintering). The investigations of V. A. Moiseychik [3] have demonatrated that with a decrease in the number of stems in apring in comparison with their number F in autumn as a result of damage to the sown areas during the wintering per- iod the yield is reduced with one and the same state of the winter crops in autumn. The correlation between the yield and the percentage of intact 109 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY stems hy spring is linear. However, its dependence on the degree of bushi- ness of planta in autumn has a nonlinear character. For winter rye of the Vyatka and Vyatka 2 varieties the dependence of yield on the state of the - sown crops in autumn and spring is expreased by the equation - Y= 0,063 9P; r = 0,84 � 0,04, where y is the yield, centners/hectare, K is the mean bushiness of the sown crops in autumn, P is the percentage of intact stems by the time of renew- al of the spring growing season of plants. Table 1 Yield of Winter Rye (Centners/Hectare) During Period 1958-1978 8 9 io 11 12 14 15 16 Teppxropl+A ~ CPCAH z MSKCH- M8JI6Hq~ roA 4 MNHN� M8JI6li8R 5 I r0�~ 6 KOjie68- IIEPHO,q JIeHitcrpaltcxaa o6n 15,4 24,4 1973 7,2 1961 17,2 MocKOSCxaA 06a. 14,3 23,9 1973 8,2 1964 15,7 BopoxeHCCtcaii 06.1. 14,9 23,0 1973 6,6 1963 18,4 KyA6dweBCxaA o6n. 12,9 24,5 1975 7,0 1967 17,5 CaparoecxaA o6n. 12,0 22,4 1978 5,4 1963 17,0 6amKxpcttaa ACCP 13,8 22,3 1978 9,3 1964 13,0 ,Opex6yprcxa� o6n. 11,8 25,7 1978 4,6 1975 21,1 5eaopyCCKBA CCP 14,6 26,7 1978 6,8 1958 19,9 Tlarauescxas CCP 14,9 25,1 1976 7,8 1962 17,3 KEY: 1. Territory 9. Moskovskaya Oblast 2. Mean 10. Voronezhskaya Oblast 3. Maximum 11. Kuybyshevskaya Oblast - 4. Year 12. Saratovskaya Oblast 5. Minimum 13. Bashkirskaya ASSR 6. Year 14. Orenburgskaya Oblast 7. Variation during period 15. Belorussian SSR _ 8. Leningradskaya Oblast 16. Latvian SSR - As indicated by an analysis of the data for the last 20 years which we made, the yield of winter rye, despite the increased intensification of agricul- ture during recent years, increases more slowly than the yield of winter - wheat. In order to clarify the trend in the increase in the yield of winter rye we constructed curves of the dynamics of its yield from 1958 through 1978 and derived equations for the trend lines for 37 oblasts, 5 economic regions, the Baltic region and Belor;issia, where the sowings of winter rye for the most part are concentrated. Table 2 gives these equations for econ- omic regions. The change in the yield of winter rye during the last 20 year~., without al- lowance for the influence of weather during individual years, can be traced from the position of the trend line at the beginning (1958) and at tlLe end 110 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of the period (1978). The greateat increase in the yield of winter rye as a reault of an increase in the level of agricultural techniques and the introduction of new varieties into production, judging from the trend lines, was in the Belorussian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR (16.5- 18.5 centners/hectare). in the Latvian SSR the yield of winter rye in- creased by 11.9 centners/hectare, in the Northwestern and Central Regions by 7 centners/hectare. Its minimum increase wae in the Volgo-Vyatskiy, Tsentral'nochernozemnyy and Povolzhskiy Regions (3-4 centners/hectare). However, in individual years favorahle for wintering (1973, 1978), the yield of winter rye in the Tsentral'nochernozemnyy Region attained 22 cen- tners/hectare, and in PovoJ_zhskiy Region 19 centners/hectare: Table 2 Equations for Trend Lines for Yield of Winter Rye t the Period 1958 to 197$ 1(03(04)H- TeppNropiR YPaBHE'HkfA J1HHN11 L(HCH'f TpCHAOB KOpP!?fA- 1 2 uxln 3 8 Ceaepo-3anaAHWN pai'+oK 9 L(P_HTP8A6HW{i P2FtOH 10 BOJIfO�HUCKHA p3fCON 11 UeHTpB:IbH04epH03Q5tHb1lt - paNUtt 12 IIOBOlIMCCKNR p8t(()H 1 6enopycctcas CCP 1~ :IE[TOecxaR CCP 15 JlaraHAcKax CCP - 16 3CTOHCK2R CCP KEY : 1. 2. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. >y Economic Regione for YpoxcaAxocTb no rpex,zY, 4 4/za Hfl 5 ea 6 yeeaN4e? H148A0 KOHELj HFlC 3fl uepNOua nepiloAa aepHOA y=0.327 T+6.066 0,836 6,4 13,0 6,6 yz0,343 T+6,198 0,850 6,5 13,4 6,9 y=0,151 r+7,614 0,492 7,7 10,8 3,1 y=0,193 T+ 11.874 0,313 12,0 16.4 4,4 y=0,1i1 T+9,914 0,379 10,0 i3,1 3,1 y-1,174T+7,395 0,771 7,3 23,8 16,5 y=0,891 T+5,444 0,889 6,3 24.2 11,9 Y=0.697 T+7,481 0,822 8,1 22,0 11,9 y=0.917 T+8,382 0,849 9,2 27,7 18,5 17 II P{{ !4i Q y 8 H ff e. tf - YPOiiC241HOCTb I70 TfeHAY, T- IIOPAzKOBWIt xoKep COAg� C4H- TaA c 1958 r., HOMep KOTOpOfO 839T 3d eAHHHL1y (1I:ISi TCCP - 1963 C.). Territory Trend line equa.tions Correlation coefficient Yield according to trend, centners/hectare At onset of period At end of period Increase during period Severo-Zapadnyy Reg:ion Tsentral'nyy Region - [Severo-Zapadnyy - Northwest- ern; Tsentral'nyy = Centrsl] 10. Volgo-Vyatakiy Region 11. Tsentral'nochennozemnyy Region 12. Povolzhskiy Region 13. Belorusskaya SSR 14. Lith;ianian SSR 15. Latvian SSR 16. Estonian SSR 17. Note. y is the yield according to the trend, T is the sequence number of the year, reckoned from 1958, the number of which was used as unity (for the Belorus- sian SSR 1963) 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ a a c~d H H C1 u s~ �d o Cd w 4) b U cn tb 00 O ~ 6 cd r~ .C Q+ 11 rl 'd 3 'tl A N U cd C3 GI 3+ ~d ? O G a~ Z ~ b -H a a~ qA H 0 w ,-4 a a~ rl G! ~ H v 44 o ~ d >4 a 44 O ~ W ~ O 'a a i~ ,,,Cd~~~111 ~ A 8L/LL6I o c~ i N ~ cc ~ ~ ~ o t~ cc co v +r' aho 00 + ~ r I . LL/9L8[ 7~ I- 9L1SL61 CV tD N +,c Qf N +,ri 0 c'] -}-Ci tO O +a~ 0000 N T SL/tiL6i + r C) aS + ~z C4 `+aS � t-: ti 4Ll�L6I rV I =,i l- M 1Lli tD a0 I " I!] _ +c' Tv- �L/ZL6t co !c~ r~ o e~ : Y + + I + ZL/il6t j~ ~c~4 IN I�~,� ~^I�� I~ I1/016I ; + oo ao 0000 V n +0 _ OL/ S96I U~O 00 V 0000 O + 00M ~i. _ . tn ~ ~ o c~ o o .r +U, ~ 69/8961 mo + N .r ~ap ~cD d�� ~e. Nh I a ~o0) +co Cv +to . ^~oo Ot~ Ne'q o0M ~O ~h NCV L9/996I d 40 flo of tD N10 1O N c2 ~ 99/996"t +a~ I`~ I�: ~ cr ~ Fv' ~v Ac'> b~. a. a. a, a, C s a~i N a~n Q~n ah av~ a~n a~n F � Q t~J O i~ Qf u~ do y~ l~ 00 ~ go Ld 0 ~ ~ a a ~ 1 f~. v e~0 G 'W2 m S ~ D b O ~ M 4 C ~ I 'S A fi 3 C ~ R F ~ U I:t U'1 ~C f, 112 00 Q~ O rA FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY KE" TO TABLE 3 1. Oblast 3. ndices, % 4. Vologodskaya 5. Fskovskaya 6. Voronezhskaya 7. Lipetskaya 8. Tambovskaya 9. Kuybyshevskaya 10. Saratovskaya In the trend line equations the regression coefficients characterize the mean year-by-year tendency of increase in the yield of winter rye. Their analysis by individual oblasts and republ ics of the European USSR indicat- ed that the hi.ghest trend in increase in the yield of winter rye was observ- ed in Leningradskaya (0.747 centner/nectare) and Moskovskaya (0.811 centner/ hectare) Oblasts, Belorussian SSR (1.174 centner/hectare), Lithuanian SSR (0.891 centner/hectare), Latvian SSR (0.697 centner/hoctare) and Estonian SSR (0.917 centner/hectare) . -y u%ia -c y en~ne"rafhecfa_ro 10 0 Fig. 1. Dependence of yield on area the Northwestern Economic Region. ~ !W~ , . ~ ~ 20 4o s~ i Sdead� T with dead plantings of winter rye in The deviations of yield �rom the trend line, which characterize the degree of stability of yields, during the cou~se of the entire analyzed period by oblasts, regions and republics consistently fell in a large range (�15-30%), but in a number of regions during the last decade even increased Co 1-50-60% of the yield according to the trend. In Leningradskaya, Novgorodskaya and Pskovskaya Oblasts in the Northwestern Region, in all oblasts of the Central ReEion, in Gor'kovskaya, Voronezhskaya, Kurskaya and Ul'yanovskaya Oblasts and Chuvashskaya ASSR, in the yea.r 1972/73, which was favorable for the wintering and growth of crops, the positive deviations of yield from fihe trend ware 25-50%. In years with unfavorable wintering conditions, when the plantings of winter rye in the course of 120-160 days were under a thick snow cover with weak freezing of the soil and soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of about 0�C (1965/66, 1977/78) or were subject- ed to the harmful influence of strong freezes or a thin snow cover (1968/ 69, 1971/72), the deviations of yield from the trend attained -30 and -50%. In a comparison of the deviation of yield and the extent of the area with plantings of winter rye killed during the autumn-winter period it was es- tablished that there is a nonlinear inverse relationship between them (Fig. 1). As a rule a large area with dead plantings of winter ryP corresponds to a minimum value of its yteld. We also discovered similar dependences of the yield of winter rye on the area witFi planting3 which had perished by spring for other economic regions. This pattern was violat2d only fn indi- vidual years with unfavorable wintering conditions, but very good 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY conditions for yield formation during the spring-surmner period. Table 3 shows that in 1968/69 winter rye perished over great areas as a result of winterkilling and was resown with spring crops; its yield in Kuybyshevsk- aya asd Lipetskaya Oblasts was somewhat higher than the yield according to the trend. A positive deviation from the trend was observed in Kuyby- shevskaya and Saratovskaya Oblasts in 1475/76 as we11, when due to an aut- umn drought a considerable part of the area of winter rye was resown in spring. As indicated by an analysis of data for the last 17 years, a decrease in the yield and a decrease in the harvested area of winter rye also lead to a decrease in the gross grain harvest. Figure 2 shows the change in the gross yield of winter rye and the area of its perishing by years for the period from 1961/62 through 1976/77 for - Novgorodskaya, Tul'skaya and Penzenskaya Oblasts. For the c:omparability of data for different years the gross yield of winter crops was reduced to a _ unit planted area (mean for the period) and was given in percent of its mean value. Figure 2 shows that the gross yield decreases considerably with an increase in the area of perished winter rye. In years with poor - winterir.g conditions (Novgorodskaya Oblast 1965/66, 1976/77, Tul'skaya Oblast 1963/64, 1974/75, 1976/77, Penzenskaya Oblast 1962/63, 1968/ 69, 1974/75, 1976/77),with the perishing of crops over an area equal to 20-50% of the total area of sown winter rye, jt decreased to 50-70%. In years with favorable weather conditions for the autumn growing season and the wintering of crops (Novgorodskaya Oblast 1966/67, 1970/71, 1972/73, Tul'skaya 1969/70, 1972/73, I975/76, and Penzenskaya 1969/70, 1973/ 74, 1975/76), when the death of winter rye was not great, the gross yield was 110-170% of the mean. In the Nonchernozem zone one of the principal reasons for the decrease in the yield of winter rye is a weakening of the crop:; and the death of a great number of stems as a result of their prolonged presence under a thick snow cover with only a slight rreezing of the soil. The area with the dead plantings may be small, but in the remaining part of the plantings of win- ter rye the plants are damaged. In winter the apical cone grows without be- coming differentiated, as a result of which in spring some of the sprouts completely die off o.r the ears are shortened, with a lesser number of grains. � We determined the dependence of thP gross yield of winter rye for the ter- ritory of different oblasts on the area with dead crops in winter. The method cited in [S] was used in the computations. For the oblasts of the Northwestern economic region the dependence is ex- pressed by the equation " - W- 235.5 e'0'os sB 32,4; (1) [B = dead] r~ =0,671 + 0,082; Ew 1 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY for the oblasts of the Tsentral'nochernozemnyy (Central Chernozem) econ- omic region W= 171,8 e o.a{s sa + 3,5; (2) ~1= 0,781 � 0,058; Ea. l i,9�/0; [B = dead ] for the oblasts for the Volgo-Vyatskiy economic region w- 168,7 e- 0. 055 ss +29,5~ (3) ~ =11,762 t 0,102; Ew - � 17,70l0; for the oblasts of the Ural'skiy economic region W- 150,7 e-o.089 Ss + 20,0; (4) r~ - 0,717 -4- O,Otil; Em = t 22,10/0; for the oblasts of the Tsentral'nyy (Central) economic region - - [Y~ = 222,8 e'o,osa sa + 21, 1~ - (5) i= 0,547 � Q,091; E w_ -T- 23,4�/0� - ' Here W is the gross yield of winter rye grain over the territory of the oblasts, reduced to a unit planted area in pezcent of its mean value; Sdead is the area with dead plantings of winter rye; '1'1 is the correlation ratio; EW is the error of the equation. wr., s11% Sdead o x sso r, 'A ~ I 1#o 1?o I ! i I ~ 1on v BO 1 r~ vX I 1,I ~ I ~j 19 / so ~\1 yo n i A~ 20 r / ! . \ ; . �r-rar : r .9sr162 W/66 � ~s69no ~9TJ,~~y � 1M164 ~967/6D 1911/77 7975/16 , Fig. 2. Change in gross yield W and area with dead plantings of winter rye Sdead in Novgorodskaya (1), Tul'skaya (2) and Penzenskaya (3) Oblasts. 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The carrelation hatween the gros.s yield of winter r}e and the area with _ dead plantings is nonlinear. It is expresged-with particular clarity in - the case of an area with dead plantings in apring equal to 15% of ita sown area or more. In years with conditiona favo:.ahle for wintering, when the area of death of the plantings is less than 10% cf the sown area, the gross yield of grain as a rule ts determined by the conditions of the spring-summer period and the level of agricultural engineering. An ex- ception is the years when a considerable percentage of the stems of win- ter rye in the Nonchernozem zone perished as a result of rotting (1966/ 67, 1467/68). The correlation between the gross yield of winter rye and the area of destruction of plantings during the winter period, as can be seen from the cited equations., for the Volgo-Vyatskiy, Ural'skiy and Tsen- tral'nochernozemnyy econonomic regions was closer (rJ= 0.72-0.78) than in the Central and Northwestern regions (YZ = 0.55-0.67). This can be attrib- uted, evidently, to the more favorable conditions for the wintering of winter rye in the Central and Northwestern regions in comparison with the Volgo-Vyatskiy region, where rye is frequently subjected to rotting, and in the Ural'skiy and Tsentral'nochernozemnyy regions where it frequently freezes out. V. A. '.�;oiseychik [3] earl:ier obtained a quantitative dependence of the gross yield on the area with dead plantings as a whole for winter crops for 1950-1970. It revealed that each percent of area with dead plantings of winter crops in spring reduces the gross yield as a whole for the USSR on the average by 1.7%. The introduction of more winter-resistant varieties, an increase in the level of agricultural techniques for the cultivation of plants and the timely adoption of ineasures for the care of plantings during the early spring period in many regions to a definite degree can reduce the yield losses due to unfavorable agrometeorological conditions during the winter period. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Kulik, M. S., METODICHESKIYE UKAZANIYA PO SOSTAVLENIYU DOLGOSROCHNYKH AGROrIETEOROLOGICHESKIKH PROGNOZOV SREDNEY OBLASTNOY UROZHAYNOSTI OZIMYKH ZERNOVYKH V NECHERNOZEtQ10Y ZONE (Systematic Instructions on Preparing Long-Range Agrometeorological Forecasts of the Mean Oblast Yield of,Wiater Grain Crops in the Nonchernozem Zone), Moscow, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1976. 2. Kuperman, F. M., Moiseychik, V. A., VXPREVANIYE OZIMYKH KUL'TUR (Rott- ing of Winter Crops), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1977. 3. Moiseychik, V. A., AGROMETEOROLOGICHESKIYE USLOVIYA I PEREZIMOVKA OZIM- YKH KUL'TUR (Agrometeorolagical Conditions and Wintering of Winter Crops), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Obukhov, V. M., UROZHAYNOST' I METEOROLOGICHESKIYE FAKZORY (Y1e1d and Meteorological Factors), Moscow, Gosp.lanizdat, 1949. 5. Semendyayev, K. A., EMPIRICHESKIYE FORMULY (EmFirical Formulas), Mns- cow-Leningrad, Tekhteoretizdat, 1933. 6. Ulanova, Ye. S., AGROMETEOROLOGICHESKIYE USLOVIYA I UROZHAYNOST' OZIMOY P5HENITSY (Agrometeorological Conditions and Yield of Winter Wheat), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1975. 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.(576.1+509.334-513) INVESTIGATION OF A CLOUD ENSEMBLE MODEL ON THE BASIS OF GATE DATA Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 97-108 _ [Article by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. I. Fal'- kovich, USSR Hydrometeorological Scientific Research Center, submitted �or publication 15 January 1480] [Text] Abstract: The author has formulated a cloud ensemble model for tfie purpose of parameter- ization of the moist convection processes in problems of general circulation of the atmo- sphere and long-range weather forecasting. The investigation is carried out on the basis of observation phase III in GATE polygon A/B. A study is made of the spectrum of the cloud . ensemble, the distribution of entrainment and expulsion of mass, heat and moisture balance in the cloud ensemb.le, heating function as a result of condensation. A new principle for - the parameterization of moist convection is proposed. ~ In the numerical integration of the equations of hydrotherigodynamics a part of the spectrum of movements (so-called subgrid processes) is cut off. Due to the nonlinearity of the equations its influence on the remaining part _ must be parameterized, that is, must be expressed quantitatively through parameters described by the grid, the redistribution of energy and momentum among these parts of the spectrum. Here it should not be thought that if we integrated the weather forecasting equations with a very small interval it would be possible to describe the life cycle of each cloud separately and - that the parameterization is governed only by the technical possibilities of modern computers. This is not so. First, for the time being there is still no satisfactory cloud model, and second, even if it was, at the ini- - tial moment in time we will never know with the required accuracy the necessary characteristics of the cloud. The model of an individual cloud is described by a complex system of equations in hydrothermodynamics. A - very important role in its development is played by microphysical processes, whose description in weather forecasting problems is impossible. 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY  In this connection clouds in Weather forecasting must be regarded stat- _ _ istically as a cloud ensemble, investigating its total influence on the change on the macroscale characteristics of the atmosphere. In this case it is necessary to make abstraction from the nature of an individual cloud, introducing some stylization of this cloud, and no longer model a cloud, _ but the entire cloud ensemble corresponding to some macroscale disturbance. There are several different approaches to solution of this problem. For ex- ample, Fraser [6] in 1968 attempted to describe the mechanism of the life cycle of a cloud. He regarded the cloud as a"white box," consisting of the cloud proper, a homogeneous sphere-i occupied by an ascending current, and the cloud "jacket," where the temperature can not only be below the temperature of the cloud, but also below the ambient temperature. The tem- perature minimum is attained at the visible boundary of the cloud (where the liquid water content becomes equal to zero). Writing the equation for the first law in thermodynamics for the iaixture of cloud sir and ambient air, Fraser finds the temperature distribution with increasing distance from the core of the cloud. As the horizontal coorainate here use is made of the ratio of the mass of cloud 3ir to the mase of the mixture. The par- ticles, entering into the cloud "Jacket," have a negative buoyancy force relative to the ambient air. They descead first in conformity to the moist adiabat, for the time being without evaporation of all the liquid water, and then in conformity to the dry adiabat, and for the time being their temperature is not comparable to the ambient temperature. Computing the flow of mass in the settling region, it is possible to relate it to the upward transport in the cloud core and thereby compute the total vertical _ _ transport of mass generated by the "white tax" at any level. It is true that for this it is samehow neceseary to parameterize precipitation. Many unclear points remain in this cloud atylization. For example, it is not clear how to stipulate the cloud boundaries vertically. In this connec- - tion it is unclear whether the continuity equation is satisfactory here. The third equation of dynamics is used only qualitatively: it is assumed that the particle descends (rises) if its temperature differa from the am- bient temperature to the point where these temperatures are comparable. - Another approach is based on the use of the theory of a turbulent noniso- thermic jet for the mo deling of a cloud [1]. Here the cloud is a jet with characteristics homogeneous along the section and is entrained into homogeneous surroundings. In the model of ajet use is made of the third equation of motion, in which an allowance is made for the buoyancy force, the weight of the liquid water in the jet, entrainment of ambient air into the jet and the resistance of the ,jet to the external flow. Use is also made of the equations for conservation of energy, specific liquid water content and ice content. Precipitation does not fall and ice content is parameterized by the introduction of the radius of the cloud particles. It is asstnned that the pressure in the jet and in the surround- ing atmosphere is identical. The entrainment is stipulated inverse propor- tional to the radius of the jet, which can change with altitude. The 119 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY expulsion of mass and radiation cooling at the tops of the clouda are neglected. The model is stationary. The cloud top is situated where the vertical velocity becomes equal to zero. We note that it follows from the condition of stipulation of entrainment that the vertical velocity can be- come equal to aero only where the jet under the influence of the external flow turns and becomes completely horizontal. The slope of the jet is de- termined by the effect of aerodynamic @rag forc:es; difficulties arise in the choice of the aerodynami c drag coefficient. . This cloud model was used in [2] for computing some properties of the en- semble of convective clouds on the basis of aerological sounding data. At the levEl of the cloud base it was assumed that the overheating of the ~ cloud relative to the surrounding air was 0.1�C and W= 1 m;sec for all clouds. The distribution function for clouds was stipulated on the basis of horizontal dimensions, fo llowing Plgnk [8]: - 1V (D) ~ jVo e-Q o Here 0< D- O > rl U cd rl q th cd cC 00 �r1 9: uS 00 co �rl 9 v7 OD cd -H c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H HO A U~ A U~ P W ~ A 0- 148 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 F0A OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tahle 2 shows Lhat the quantity of precip itation determined in a season with a field rain gauge installed at a height of 0.35 m, that is, dire ct- ly at the ground surface, in both places of comparative observatione, ex- ceeded the amount determined by a similar instrument at a heigY:t of 1.5 m f rom 3. 8 to 8. 2%. It should be neted that the seasons of comparative observations in 1977 and 1979 were arid and the shortage of precipitation was 40 and 24% re- spectively; 1978 was overmoist, with the quantity of falling p recipita tion exceeding the norm by 32%. After summarizing the results of the comparative observations cited above thE preliminary conclusion can be drawn that a field rain gauge installed at a height of 0.35 m more completely determines tfie quantity of falling precipitation than one installed at the standard height 1.5 m. It is also interesting to note Chat when uaing a field rain gauge in the surface variant of the apparatus (0.35 m) there is a greater degree of concealment and a ccordingly it is more secure, which is a condition of more than a little importance when it is emplo yed under field conditions. Such investigations of the Davitaya field rain gause, carried out in dif- ferent regions of the country, make it possible to draw final conclus ions concerning the feasibility of its installation in the surface variant. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Podgayskiy, N. N., "Use of the Davitaya Field Rain Gauge as a Total Instrument," rIETEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrology), No 2, 1975. 2. Podgayskiy, N. N., "Tota1 Measurement of Precipitation in Rotated Fields," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, No 10, 1977. 3. RUKOVODSTVO DLYA AGROMETEOROLOGICHESKIKH POSTOV, MTS, KOLKHOZOV I SOV- KHOZOV (Manual for Agrometeorological Posts) Machine Tractor Stations, Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz Enterprises), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1955. 149. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ REVIEW OF MONOGRAPH BY I. D. KOPANEV: $NEZHNYY POKROV NA TERRITORII SSSR (SNOW COVER OVER THE TERRITORY OF THE USSR), LENINGRAD, GIDROMETEOIZDAT, 1978, 180 PAGES Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 119-120 [Review hy Candidates of Geographical Sciences A. I. Voskresenskiy and N. N. Bryazgin] [Text] The author of this neuily published bouk, I. D. Kopanev, is one of the outstanding specialists in our country in the field of study of the ~ snow cover. The new monograph which he has writCen contains a scientific generalization of an enormous volume of long=term observations of the snaw cover by more than 600 hydrometeorological stations and posts in the USSR. ' The reviewed book is distinguished by its practical nature. It is intend- - ed for a broad circle of readers, not only professional climatologists and geographers, but also workers in agriculture and transportation, and also those at planning and construction agencies. The monograph includes extensive, well-selected reference material and also the results of anal- ysis necessary for solving scientific problems related to the climatology of the snow cover. Much attention is devoted to the stochastic analysis method, by means of which it is possible to take into account the entire statistical total- ity of initial information. This enabled the author to obtain some char- acteristics of the snow cover with a st3.pulated guaranteed probability for most of the stations in the USSR (excluding mountain and arctic sta- tions). The book gives a concise history of the method for making snow-measuring observations since 1892 and its changes during subsequent years. The author feels that at the prPSent time the method for carrying out snow- measuring observations in general has been considerably improved. How- evez, it should be noted that the last review of the method for snow-meas- uring ohservations, made in 1965 and directed to a decrease in the volume 150 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of observations (a changeover from snow surveys every 10 da;s to monthly surveys only) reduced the information yield of data on the snow cover. This applies, in particular, to the northern regions, where as a result of frequent blizzards there is a considerable horizontal redistribution of the snow cover. In the monograph considerable attention is devoted to an investigation of the accuracy of standard snow-measuring observations. Using the mathemat- ical statistics approach, the author defined the most advantageous solu- tions of the evaluation of errors in snow-measuring observations and a method for computing the temporal characteristics of the snow cover. The conclusion is drawn that the maximum admissible error in snow-measuring observations (5-10%) in different regions of the USSR requires a differ- ent choice of the number of ineasuremenC points, the time interval, length and form of the route. In connection with the change in the mEthod for mak- ing snow-measuring observations the author draws attention to the neces- sary evaluations of homogeneity of series of snow-measuring observations. One of the sections of the mnograph is devoted to this problem. Here the author has established that the inhomogeneity in the series of snow-meas- uring observations at most hydrometeorological stations in the USSR is in- significant and is within the limits of ineasurement error. In a number of sections in the monograph the author also gives the climatic aspects of the snow cover. For example, the duration of the snow cover., the dates of formation and destruction of the snow cover, are presented in the form of maps and tables giving the characteristics of their spatial and - temporal variabiZity over the territaiy of the USSR. ,..ies? results will be useful in solving a number of practical and methodologicat prL,lems. - In the monograph the information on the depth of the snow cover is given in the greatest detail. Its mean chara^teristics are given for the terri- ' tories of the administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service, separate- ly for the Baykal-Amur Railroad snd the entire Soviet Union in the form of monthly maps and also maps of the mean maximum and extremal depths of the snow cover on the basis of data from snow-measuring surveys. As new inform- ation the author gives the variability of the depth of the snow cover in the course of winter and also evaluations of changes in its depth in field and forest sectors in comparison with observational data obtained using _ permanent rods. However, it must be admitted that the problem of the non- representativeness of observations with permanent rods at meteorological stations in arctic and probably subarctic regions remains timely. In such areas these observations possibly should be abolished since they do not - reflect the real distribution of the snow cover and accordingly cannot be used for practical and scientif ic purposes. The computations of the probabil.ity of distribution of the snow cover by regions and individual stations by the author make it possible to _ satisfy more completely and on a modern level the requirements of many - branches of the national economy. Using the tables and nomograms presented in the monograph practical workers can independently obtain the necessary information. The same purpose is solved by the ma.terial, presented for 151 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY m APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the first time, on the spatial and tempoial variabj.lity of depth of the snow cover. The author established a considerable year-to-year variabil- ity of depth of the snow cover (on the basis of data for stations with long series of obssrvations), dependent on the combinations of conditions of circulation of the atmosphere and local physiographic conditions. - In the monograph considerably less attention is devoted to two other char- acteristics of the snow cover density of the snow cover and water re- serve in the snow cover. However, the author has been able to supplement considerably the materials contained in handbooks on the climate of the USSR. In addition to variability of density of the snow cover, the author also examined the characteristics of blizzard activity, and also the cor- relation between data on water reserves in the snow cover and precipita- tion, etc. The results of investigations described in this section can be used for solving different practical problems, in particular, in computa- - tions of snow transport during blizzarda and computations of the water bal- ance. The appearance of the new publication must be regarded as an important con- tribution of hydrometeorology to supporting the needs of the national econ- ony of the country. 152 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REVIEW OF MONOGRAPH BY A. P. FEDOSEYEV: AGROTEKHNIKA I POGODA (AGRICULTURAL TECHNIQUES AND THE WEATHER), LENINGRAD, GIDROMETEOIZDAT, 1979, 240 PAGES Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No Jul 80 pp 120-121 [Review by Candidate of Geographical Sciences V. N. Strashnyy and G. Z. Goloverdyuk] [Text] In this book by A. P. Fedoseyev, which was edited by Academician I. S. Shatilov of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, agricul- tural specialists will find information on the influence of agrometeoro- logical conditions on agricultural production, and also on different agri- cultural engineering methods which make possible more effective use of the potential natural resources uf a territory and favor obtaining higher and more stable yields. The author demonstrates the results of investigations of the inf luence ' of differentia*..ed agricultural techniques for the cultivation of agricul- tural crops on their yield in relation to climatic and agrometeorological cotiditions. The author sets forth the essence of recommendations on taking into account existing and anticipated weather conditions in determining the desirable struc-,ure of sown areas, methoda and times for working the soil, determining the vptimum times and doses of application of mineral fertilizers, times for the sowing of grain crops, and also for the care for sown areas and carrying out the harvest. It was established as a result of the investigations that with deviation of the times for the sowing cf spring and winter grain crops from the op- timum times a noncorrespondence arises between the biological needs of plants and the prevailing meteorological conditions and this leads to a decrease in crop yield. The possibility of selecting the optimum times for sowing and the optimum seeding norms for grain crops in each specific year in dependence on meteorological conditians and the climatic probability of different gradations of precipit3tion in .Tuly is made clear. It is demonstrated on the basis of extensive experimental data that with - allawance for the state of grain crop sprouts and.prevailing agrometeor- ological conditions it is possible to select the corresponding agricultur- al techniq~:c,; for caring for sown areas favoring an increase in crop yield. 153 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The agrometeorological criteria of desirability of packing the soil and harrowing sown areas are given. The influence of unfavorable agrometeorological conditions during the cold season of the year on the state of winter grain crops and methods for pro- tecting sown areas from tfieir ef�ect is considered. The hook gives the agrometeorolog:_,:al indices for the beating down of the principal regionalized varieties of harley and a method for predicting the beating down of crops and the effectiveness of their processing with TUR preparation are examined in dependence on weather conditions. The author attaches much importance to the choice of the optimum techniques o� harvesting work, taking into account the influence of agrometeorolog- ical conditions on the magnitude of the grain losses. Zn the book special attention is devoted to the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in dependence on weather conditions. Among the agrometeorolog- ical factors. determining the effectiveness of fertilizers the author in- cludes the level of the exposure of plants to light, temperature, air and soil moisture content. In the clima.tic aepect, a decrease in the annual quantity of precipitation from the northern to the southern agricultural regions of the European USSR by 100 mm causes a decrease in the effective- ness of moderate doses of fertilizers on the average by 1.1 centner/hectare of grain for grain crops as a whole and by 1.9 centner/hectare for winter crops. A decrease in the reserves of productive moisture in the soil dur- _ ing the growing season for grain crops by 10 mm results in a decrease in the effectiveness of fertilizers on the average by 0.1-0.2 centner/hectare of grain. It is shown that the content of nitrates in the soil in spring is dependent on the quantity of precipitation during the winter period and the nature of snow melting. With precipitation of 190-200 mm or more the content of ni- - trates decreases sharply, which predetermines the high effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizers. The author has proposed equations for computing evaluations of the effect- iveness of fertilizers as a function of ineteorological factors and indi- vidual agrochemical properties of the soil. Maps of the average effectiveness of fertilizers for grain crops jn depen- dence on agroclimatic conditions are given. Methods are proposed for de- termining the precipitation for the autumn-winter period in ascertaining the optimum doses of nitrogen fertilizers for grain crops in each specific year. Agrometeorological recommendations are given for optimizing the doses of nitrogen topdressing for grain crops in dependence on meteorological conditions. It is shown that allourance for the quantity of falling precipit- ation or soil moisture content during the autumn period makes it possible to make a correct decision concerning the advantage of sowings of winter 154 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY or spring grain crops for the purpose of obtalning the maximum yield in each specific year. In the author's opinion, allowance for agrometeorological conditions when using differentiated agricultural techniques for the cultivation of agri- cultural crops and the making of optimum agricultural engineering decisions constitutes a significant, but for the time being a poorly used reserve for the increasing of crop yields. The book also gives exampJ_es of computations of the economic effectiveness of different agrometeorological recommendations. The book has individual shortcomings. For example, there is inadequate discussion of the matters of using two- and three-day weather forecasts and also predictions of air temperature and precipitation anomalies for 5 and 10 days for the making of economic decisions in agricultural produc- tion. References are made to long-range predictions of the time of onset of the summer precipitation maximum, climatic stochastic forecasts, sto- chastic synoptic forecasts of moistening conditions despite the fact that such forecasts are not made in the system operated by the State Committee on Hydrometeorology. In general the book merits a high evaluation because a study of this type has appeared for the first time and its publication must be regarded as a significant contribution to solution of the problem of introduction of hydrometeorological information iiito agricultural production. It will be a valuable aid for a wide range of specialists in agriculture and agro- meteorologists. Without question, it will be read with interest and profit. 155 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY OF SAMUIL r10ISEYEVICH SHUL'MAN Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 122-123 [Article by members of the Board of the USSR State Committee on Hydro- meteorology and Environmental Monitoring] [Text] Samuil Moiseyevich Shul'man, Director of the West Siberian Regional ~ Scientific Research Institute and Chief of the West Siberian Territorial Administration of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, marked his 60th birthday on 20 July 1980. Samuil Pioiseyevich began his work activity in the Hydrometeorological Ser- vice in 1944 after graduation from the Higher Military Hydrometeorological Institute in the post of ineteorological engineer at the polar station Am- derma. During the period 1945-1947 he worked as a meteorological engineer at the aviation meteorological station Sofia in Bulgaria. In May 1947, af- ter demobilization from the ranks of the Soviet Army, Samuil Moiseyevich was sent to Austria, where until November 1949 he worked as chief of the for- eign aviation meteorological station in Vienna. The next five years he 156 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE Oidl,� headed prognostic subdivisions at the Administration of the Hydrometeor- ological Service of the Karelian-Finnish SSR. Beginning in 1954 and to the present time the work activity of S. M. Shul'- man has been associated with the West Siberian Tei�ritorial Administration of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monicoring, whlch he has headed since 1959. Samuil Moiseyevich is devoting much effort Lo the development and improvement of a system of prognostic agencies and a network of sta- tions in the administration. He is devoting great attention to improve- ment in the forms and methods for hydrometeorological support of Party and soviet agencies in Western Siberia, which has led to an increase in the ef- fectiveness of operation of the service in the national economy. The broad development of scientific research in the subdivisions of the - administration led to the organization in 1968 of the Novosibirsk Affil- iate of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center and its subaequent transforma- tion in 1970 into the jdest Siberian Regional Scientific Research Institute. 14hile combining the tasks of chief of the administration and director of the institute, S. M. Shul'man exhili.ts 2oncern about the development of a broad complex of scientific investigations in the field of the hydrometeor- ology of Siberia, an increase in the scientific potential of the institute and the creation of a progressive scientific atmosphere there. _ The activity of S. M. Shul'nan, directed to the universal development and strengthening of creative contacts with the key institutes of the Siberian Division USSR Academy of. Sciences and the Siberian Division of the All- Union Agricultural Academy, has been of great importance in establishing the institute and ensuring a high level of investigations by its workers. Samuil Moiseyevich made a definite contribution to the creation and suc- cessful operation of the West Siberian Regional Computation Center, the - Novosibirsk Service of the Automated System for Data Transmission and the Center for the Reception and Processing of Satellite Information. Under his direction and with his direct participation work is successfully done on the organization of a national service of observations and mon- itoring of environmental contamination. During the time of his work at - the Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service he has done much work on the introduction of modern technical equipment in the network of stations in the administratior_, on the development of an automated system for the processing of hydrometeorological information at the West Siberian Regional Hydrometeoralogical Center, and in compiling and issuing regime and reference materials. Samuil Moiseyevich is carrying out much wcrk for strengthening the opera- tional and observation agencies of the West Siberian Territorial Adminis- tration of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. In addition to his great routine productive activity and organizational work, S. M. Shul'man is actively participating in public 1if.e. The busi- nesslike and personal qualities of Samuil Moiseyevich have won him merited 157 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 j FOR OFFICIAi, USE ONLY authority in the organizations of the State Committee on Hydrometeorol- ogy, among subordinates, and also in the organizations of other depart- ments. The services of S. M. Shul'man in the development of the Hydrometeorolog- - ical Service, as well as active participation in public life, have been recognized by government awards the "Emblem of Honor" and medals. In warmly congratulating the veteran of the Hydrometeorological Service on his noteworthy anniversary, we wish him long and productive years of life, strong health and new work successes. 158 F(1R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AT THE USSR STATE COMMITTEE ON HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 p 123 [Article by V. N. Zakharov] [Text] During the period 25-27 March 1980 the State Hydrological Institute held a coordination conference on the draft of a plan for scientific-re- search and experimental des ign work for 1981-1985 in the field of hydrol- ogy of the land. A numher of scientific reports were presented prior to discussion of the draft of this plan. The mos t important scientific and technical problems in the field of hydrology of the land in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan were discussed by the conference chairman, the director of the State Hydrolog- ical Institute A. A. Sokolov. Reporta were presented on the present sta- tus and tasks of hydrological investigations in the Ukraine (A. V. Shch- erhak), in Central Asia (Yu. N. Ivanov), in the Far East (V. N. Glubokov), in Kazakhstan (V. V. Golubtsov), in Transcaucasia (V. Sh. Tsomaya), on the prospects for the devel opment of investigations for study of the mouth reaches of river.s (M. M. Ro gov) and on the atatus and prospects for devel- opment of investigatians for study of the quality of water resourcea (L. V. Brazhnikova). Communications of the scientific directors nf the corresponding sections were presented in relation to the draft plau presented for consideration. The draft plan was approved after taking into account the comments and additions expressed or proposed in the course of the discussion. The dealt with such themes as changing the water balance, hydrological regime and surface water resources, hydrometeorological basis for the ter- ritorial redistribution of water resources, water balance, water regime and hydrological computations, channel processes, erosion and sediments, and also on some other sections. In addition to the scientis ts and specialists of the State Hydrological Institute, the conference was attended by representatives of the State Oceanographic and Hydrochemical Institutes, Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute, Transcaucasian Scientific Research Institute, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute, Central dsian Scientific Reaearch Institute, Ukrainian Scientt,fic Research Institute, Institute of Water Problems USSR Academy of Sciences. 159 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AT THE ALL-UNION EXHIBITION OF ACHIEVF.MENTS IN THE NATIONAL ECONOMY Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 123-125 [Article by S. B. Iokhel'son, I. A. Koloskov and M. M. Novikov] [TextJ The problem of preaervation of the environment occupies one of the first places among the vitally important problems exciting mankind today. In our country the preservation of the environment has been elevated to a constitutional issue and it is being devoted great attention on an- everyday basis. A special exhibit entitled "The Environment Reliable Monitoring" was opened on 10 January 1980 in the pav3lion "USSR Hydrometeorological Ser- vice" at the All-Union Exhibition of Ach3evements in the Natienal Economy. This exhibit reflected the achievements brought about in this field. The exhibit consiated of five main sections: State System for Observing and Monitoring the State of the Environment; Instruments and Methods for Study- ing and Monitoring the Environment; Methods for Routine and Long-Range Fore- casting; Scientific Research Work; International Activity of the Institu- tions of the State Committee on Aydrometeorolo gy in the Field of Preserva- t.ion of the Environment. In the Soviet Union a National Service for Ob.serving and Monitoring the Level of Environmental Contamination has been established with the direct paxticipation of the key scientific research institutes of the State Com- mittee on Hydrometeorology (Institute of Applied Geophysics, Main Geophys- ical Observatory, State Hydrochemical and Oceanographic Institutes, and Institute of Experimental Meteorology). Its activity can be characterized by the following data: the state of the air basin ia monitored in 350 cit- ies in our country, including at stationary observation points in 250 cit- ies; each year laboratories make more than 3 million analyses of aerosols and gases in the atmosphere; monitoring of contamination of waters of the land is carried out in 1,900 rivers, lakes and reservoirs and in 14 seas; observations in fresh-water bodies are carried out at 4,000 pointso and in sea waters - at 1,800 stations; the total number of analyses of water samples annu:uly exceeds 2 million. The netwnrk for the monitoring of soil contamination, organized four years ago, even now monitors the content 160 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of pesticides and metals at 1,700 points in the Soviet Union. Water quality is monitored with respect to hydrobiological indices in 170 rivers, lakes and seas. The effectiveness of ineasureQ for preventing the contamination of the en- - vironment is dependent to a high degree on the inatsvments and equipment used in monitoring. The wide variety of instrwnentation shown at the ex- hibit shows that the main direction in developments in the field of anal- ytical instrument making is directed to ensuring the reliability, opera- bility and effectiveness of monitoring of the state of the environment. The exhibit familiarizes visitors with new instruments, standard-produced by industry, introduced in the system of the State Committee on Hydrometeor- ology and other ministriea and departments, and also new inatrument devel- opments in this f ield. During recent years automatic eyatems for observation, collection and pro- cessing of information have been auccessfully introduced into the monitor- ing network. The Central Design Bureau of Hydrometeorological Instruments, together with other organizations, ia demonatrating an automatic station for the monitoring of atmospheric contamination ASKZA - avtomaticheskaya stantsiya kontrolya zagryazneniya atmosfery. It makes possible snnitoring and transmission of data on contamination of atmoapheric air with CO and S02. The Hydrochemical Inatitute is exhibiting an automatic station for the mon- itoring of surface waters of the land ASKPV avtomaticheskaya stants- iya kontrolya poverkhnostnykh vod sushi. The station makes ppssible the simultaneous collection of information on seven parameters (oxygen content, turbidity, pH, and others). ~ Among the most interesting instruments shown at the exhibit we can mention the following: the "Atmosfera II" truck laboratory, intended for carrying out exped- - itionary work and routine monitoring of air contamination (Safonovskiy Plant) ; the "Komponent" sampling apparatus, making it possible to take 32 gas samples from the air in accordance with a stipulated program (Leningrad _ Saecial Design Bureau of Thermophysical Instrument Making); portable sensitive instruments for continuous measurement of the atmo- spheric dust content (Leningrad Instrument of Aviation Instrument Making); a complex of laboratory equipment, including the S 112 atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the APV-102 automatic photocolorimetric analyzer and the S603 spectrophotometer for determining organic and inorganic contaminants in objects in the environment (Tbilisi Scientific-Production Combine "Ana- litpribor"). The S 112 instrument has a large range of lamps, attachments and auxiliary devices and in its sensitivity is equal in every way to sim- ilar foreign spectrophotometers; 161 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY experimental model of the "Khrustal' 4001" two-channel gas chromatograph; the ins trument is supplied with four detectors for the registry or a wide range of organic compounds (Hydrochemical Institute and Moscow Special De- sign Bureau of Gas Chromatography). In addition, at the exhibit there was demonstration of standard samples of soil and water intended for the calibration of instruments fabricated at the Moscow Soil Institute imeni V. V. Dokuchayev and the Odessa Physico- chemical Institute. In the soil samples it was possible to certify the presence of 34 elements, in the water samples 17 elements, including mercury, lead, cadmium, antimony and other toxic elements. The experimental operational system for the collection and proce,_,sing of daily informa*_ion arriving from the atmospheric monitoring network, devel- - oped at the Institute of Applied Geophysics, is of great practical impor- tance. The information analyzed and generalized on the "Minsk-32" elec- tronic computer is transmitted on the very same day to interested organ- izatioxis for the adoption of the corresponding decisions. In one of the sections of the eahibit information was given on the USSR State Standards, prepared with the direct participation of the Main Geo- physical Observatory, intended for safeguarding the purity of the air basin of our country: GOST "Meteorological Aspects of Contamination and Indus- trial Wastes. Principal Terms and.Definitions"; GOST "Rules for Monitoring the Quality of Air of Populat- ed Places"; - GOST "Rules for Setting the Admissible Wastes of Harmful Substances by Industrial Enterprises." _ The Central High-Elevation Hydrometeorological Observatory presented a method for computing the admissible load of waste waters in watercourses - and regulation of their discharge. The introduction of this method in the purif ication structures of the Kurovskiy Melange Combine and the Orekhovo- Zuyevskiy Plant "Karbolit" considerably improved the quality of water in the rivers of the Moscow region. A section of particular interest was that telling of the scientific re- search work carried out in the field of monitoring of contamination of the environment. At the Institute of Applied Geophysics specialists have developed a mathematical model for routine computation of the transport of contaminating substances across USSR national boundaries. Data on the fluxes of transported substances are regularly transmitted to internation- al organizations. Using a flying laboratory created at the Institute of Applied Geophysics, a study was made of the distant transPort of sulfur compounde, nitrogen oxides, mercury vapors, hydrocarbons, pesticides and metals in the atmosphere. The collected data made it possible to formulate models of behavior of inercury in tha biosphere. 162 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The Institute of Applied Geophysics is presenting a method which makes - it possible to use standarr.i network snow-measuring surveys for determin- - ing contamination of the snow cover by the fallout of heavy metals, sulfur compounds, pesticides, benzapyrene, etc. This makes it possible, without - significant additional expenditures, to determine the wastes expelled by individual enterprises and to study the distant transport of contaminat- ing subs tances . . Aircraft investigations of aerosol effluent are made by the Institute of Applied Geophysics. Interesting data have been obtained on the f ractional composition of smoke discharged at the Shchekinskaya State Regional Elec- tric Power Station. The Northwestern Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service, in col- laboration the Botanical Institute imeni Komarov USSR Academy of Sci- ences, has developed an experimental method for the joint monitoring of atmospheric contamination in Leningrad on the basis of chemical and biolog- ical indices. Several types of ferns have been used in carrying out bioin- dication monitoring, since these have increased sensitivity to contamina- tions. Specialists at the Institute of Applied Geophysics have created a remote apparatus on the basis of a COZ laser for highly sensitive monitoring Af - the atmospheric content of ozone, ammonia, ethylene and other coritaminat- ing gases. An operational model of the apparatus is being demonstrated. At the Institute of Applied Geophysics specialists have also developed a method for determining the mass concentration of aerosol on the basis of the results of multifrequency laser sounding which is undergoing testing. Specialists at the Main Geophysical Observatory have developed methods for numerical modeling for studying the patterns of dispersal of impurities and establishing the admissible discharge into the atmosphere. These methods served as a basis for the INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPUTING THE A`iTiOS_ HERTC SCATTERING OF HARMFUL SUBSTANCES PRESENT IN THE EFFLUENT OF ENTERPRISES SN369-74. One of. 012 sections at the exhibit was devoted to methods for predicting the levels of environmpntal contamination. _ A method for long-range prediction of the effect of economic activity on the state of the environment has been created under the direction of sci- entists at the Institute of Applied Geophysics. Methods for meteorological prediction of high levels of atmospreric contamination have been developed at the Diain Geophysical Observatory. In 1979 warriings concerning an anti- cipated high atmospheric contamination were prepared for 103 cities. The Hydrochemical Institute and the Institute of Applied Geophysics for _ the first time have developed a method for the routine predictio n of con- tamination of river water. The method developed by the State Hydrochemical 163 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Institute has undergone practical testing at a number of ,3dministrakions - of the Hydrometeorological Service. The results of the checking were en- - tirely satisfactory. - - During recent years the NorLhern Administrati.on of the Hydrometeorological Service has begun to predict the oxygen regime of rivers. The measures taken on the basis of the forecast prevented the freezing-in of fish in the rivers of the Severnaya Dvina basin during the severe winter cold of 1977 and 1979. In conclusion we should note the exhibit devoted to international coopera- tion in the field of monitoring the state of the environment. The Soviet Union is taking an active part in all the principal interna.tional programs. Particularly important is realization of a global system for monitoring the enviranment. The member countries of the Socialist Economic Bloc are par- tj.cipating in solution of this problem, together with other countries. The - first joint expeditionary experiment of the member countries of the Social- ise Ecar..::nic Bloc on the problem of the global system for monitoring the environment was carried out in the autumn of 1979 in the territory of the Hungarian People's Republic. Specialists of the Laboratory for Monitoring - the Environment and Climate of the State Committee on Hydrometeorology and the USSR Academy of Sciences participated in the experiment from the USSR. The program of the experiment (observations under the background monitor- - ing program, intercalibration of inethods and instruments, mutual training of specialists) was completely c3rried out. As a result of implementation ' of the program it was possible to obtain new and interesting data on the background state of the environment in the central European region. The speci"l exhibit entitled "Environment - Reliable Monitoring" objective- ly reflects the activity of the State Committee on Hydrometeorology in the field of preservation of the environment. The successes attained in the Soviet Union in this f ield were possibl.e due to the everyday attention given to these problems by the Party and the government. 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONFERENCES, MEETINGS AND SEMINARS Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Ju1 80 pp 125-127 _ [Article by I. A. Yankovskiy] [Text] Scientific-methodological seminars were held in 1979 for examining ways to increase the effectiveness and quality of work on monitoring and predicting air contamination, the inventorying of harmfnl effluent. ~ Field seminars were held at the Central Asian Scientific Research Insti- tute (Tashkent) during the period 28 May through 2 June, at the Verkhne- Volzhskoye Te�rritorial Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service (Gor'kiy) during the period 1 through 5 October,at the Far Eastern Sci- _ entific Research Institute (Vladivostok) during the period 15 through 20 _ October 1979. These seminars were attended by representatives of 36 admin- _ istrations of the Hydrometeorological Service and scientific research in- _ stitutes, a number of organizations of the USSR Health Ministry, planning, industrial and public service organizations, the type of whose activity is - related to preservation of the environment. Altogether more than 360 repre- sentatives of 160 organizations and departments participated in the sem- inars. In opening the seminars, N. N. Aksarin, director of the Central Asian Sci- entific Research Institute, V. S. Ryazanov, chief of the Verkhne-Volzhsk- oye Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service and Yu. P. Kovtan- yuk, deputy director of the Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute, presented reports on the tasks of the National Service for Observing and Monitoring the Environment (SKZA Sluzhba Nablyudeniy i Kontrolya Okruzhayushchey Sredy) and on the tasks of the seminar. The speakers told about the status of work on investigation of contamination of atmospheric air, stated some shortcomings in the activity of network subdivisions of the SKZA and brought artention to the need for further development and inr- provement in operation of the network for monitoring contamination of the air medium. They demonstrated that strengthening of the relationships be- tween scientific ins*_itutes and practical workers and creative cooperation of the personnel of the administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service 165 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and scientific research centera is, under present-day conditions, a highly important factor in increasing the quality and ensuring the maximum effectiveness of operation of network suhdivisions in the service. The reports and communications of specialists in the Administration for Observing and Monitoring the Environment (V. V. Chelyukanov), Main Geophys- ical Observatory* (I. A. Yankovskiy, L. R. Son'kin, I. A. Solomatina, E. Yu. ' Bezuglaya, N. S. Vol'berg, Ye. A. Shaykova, Ya. S. Kanchan, M. N. Zashikh- in), USSR Hydrometeorological Center (L. M. Neronova and I. A. Tikhomirova) were devoted to: analysis of the status of definite types of work for studying atmospher- ic contamination; prospects for the development of ineans and methods for analysis of con-- tamination of atmospheric air, taking into account the off:Lcial new "Manual on Monitoring Atmospheric Contamination;" automatic methods for analysis of atmospheric contamination; analysis and generalization of data on the discharge of harmful sub- stances into the atmosphere; organization of work on the inventorying of harmful discharges; - examination of norms for the maximum admissible discharges into the at- mosphere and implementation of the plan for measures for the introduction of GOST [State Standard], a method for avaluating the quality and effectiveness of operation of the network for observing and monitoring atmospheric contamination; status of work for predicting air contamination; introduction of new methods for analysis of air contamination; examination of ways to improve operation of new technical means, such as automatic gas analyzers, computations of the norms for maximum admis- sible discharges; coordination of schemes for siting and plans for the construction of industrial facilities; - computation methods for determining the harmful substances expelle3 in- to the atmosphere by industrial sourcea, proposals on the sequence for monitoring sources of contamination of the air medium. V. V. Chelyukanov, a specialist of the Administration for Monitoring Con- taminants of the State Committee on Hydrometeorology, discussed the prob- lems facing republic and territorial administrations of the Hydrometeorolog- ical Service. He noted that the local subdivisions of the SKZA have done much for the development and improvement of monitoring of atmospheric con- - tamination, but can do far more. The most important task of each subdiv- ision is intensifying attention to improvement iu the quality ot work and increasing its effectiveness. He also emphasized the need for the speediest possible introduction of new gas analysis apparatus and new methods for analysis of air contamination, rapid mastery of new manuals and State Stan- dards. In conclusion the apeaker mentioned the need for improving the rou- - tine servicing of Party and state agencies and organizations dealing with the national economy. 166 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The communications of specialists of the republic and territorial adminis- trations of the Hydrometeorological Service and scientific research insti- tutes noted the positive results obtained in the course of investigations of atmospheric contamination. TheGe investigations are being made by spec- ialists under thE direction of M. Ye. Berlyand with the broad participa- tiorl of specialists in network subdivisions of the service. A high evalu- ation was given to the "Method for Evaluating the Quality and Effective- ness of Network Operation," developed on the basis of an analysis of the activity of the existing network and allowance for the requirements set forth in the "Manual on Montitoring of Atmospheric Contamination," as well as GOST [State Standard] "Preservation of the Environment. Atmosphere. Rules for Monitoring Air Quality of Populated Places" and in- cluding use of data from an experimental evaluation of the quality of work performed by specialists of republic (territorial) administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service and scie4tific research institutes, It is as- sumed that the use qf this method will favor a further improvelqent in the effectiveness of servicing of the national economy. An equally important effect can be obtained from the introduction of the "Methodological Instruction~ on the Prediction of Air Contamination in Cities," also developed at the Main Geophysical Observatory, which were publistied and disseminated to all 3dministrations of the Hydrometeorolog- _ ical Service and scientific research institutes. This has created the pre- requisites for the organization of work on protecting the atmosphere against contamination during periods of dangerous meteorological condi-- - tions. It was noted in a report by L. R. Son'kin that at the present time pr.edictions of air contamination are prepared for more than 100 cities in the country. Warnings are transmitted to several hundred industrial, power and transport organizations. It was noted that a good effect was ob- tained by the specialists of the Central Asian Scientific Research Inst- _ itute, West Siberian Scientific Research Institute, Azerbaydzhan, Irkutsk, - Kazakh, Kirgiz, Krasnoyarsk (Noril'sk), Northern, Northwestern and North- ern Caucasus Administrations of the Hydrometeorological Service. The greatest number of cities was supplied with prognostic information on at- mospheric contamination by the Ural, Volga Region, Upper Volga, Northern Caucasus Adminl.strations of the Hydrometeorological Service and the Cen- tral Asian Scientific Research Institute. In ttte seminars an important place was devoted to a discussion of the prob- lems involved in the sequence of development and examination of the norms for maximum admissible levels in the atmosphere and implementation of the plan for measures for introducing GOST [State Standard] en-- titled "Preservation of Nature. Atmosphere. Rules for Setting Admissible D.ischarges of Harmful Substances by Industrial Enterprises." Revealing the essence of these important steps in the field of improvement of work in the field of scientific expertise, the speakers M. N. Zashikhin and Ya. S. Kanchan emphasized the necessity for both coordination of the schemes for distribution and the plans for construction of industrial facilities and also for computing the norns for maximum admissible discharges. 167 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY As indicated in the reports of N. S. Vol'berg and Ye. A. Shaykov, great - possibilities for a substantial improvement in the quality of collection of informa*ive data are being afforded by the introduction of the "Manual on Monitoring of Atmospheric Contamination," the new methods and technical means for analysis of the state af the air set forth in this manual. The objective is to make fuller allowance for the peculiarities of analysis of atmospheric air for its content of harmf ul substances by manual and automatic methods and make more extensive use of already available auto- matic methods recommended by the Administration for Monitoring Contamina- tion of the State Committee on Hydrometeorology. However, at some admin- istrations of the Hydrometeorological Service and scientific research in- _ stitutes automatic gas analyzers are being introduced into the practical work of the SKZA very slowly. Exceptional importance has been given to the organization and development of forms of operational servicing of Party and soviet agencies and organ- izations ser.vicing the national econotuy. A good basis for increasing tl-.e effectiveness of operational servicing of users is the use of information accumulated in the experience of specialists of a number of administra- tions of the Hydrometeorological Service in close collaboration with the prognostic agencies of the service (report of I. A. Yankovskiy). A particular place was devoted to an analysis and generalization of data on the discharge of harmful substances into the atmosphere and also to an examination of the organization of inventorying work. These and other aspects of this problem were covered in the reports of I. I. Solomatina, which were read in the plenary and section sessions. It was demonstrated in a report by E. Yu. Bezuglaya entitled "Study of Climatic Conditions of Scattering of Impurities in the Atmosphere" that this matter is closely related to the quality and effectiveness of servic- ing of interested organizations. D. V. Vinokurova told about the results of work on complex themes related to the study of the climatic conditiona of transport and scattering of impurities in the atmosphere and to the development of a method for eval- uating the quality of operation of the network for the monitoring of at- mospheric contamination. There has been considerable work on the plan for scientific-methodological direction of the network. Among the many forms of information on the state of atmospheric air a leading place at the ad- ministrations of the Hydrometeorological Service is occupied by graphic information. Maps, photographs, graphs and figures have been produced and beautifully finalized; these reflect the nature and tendency of atmospher- ic contamination and illustrate the principles and methods for analysis of the state of the atmosphere. The resolutions adopted by participants in the seminars formulated spe- cific proposals on the further improvement of operation of network subdiv- isions of the SKZA and improvement in methodological leadership on the 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY part of the central agencies of the service. Particular attention was de- voted to the need for a highly speedy introduction of new technical appar- atus, preparation of inethodological aids for carrying out expert examina- tion of projects, preparation of a plan for the section "Preservation of the Air Basin" and determination cf the discharge of harmful substances into the atmosphere and computation of the maximum admissible discharge levels, 169 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NOTES F2tOM ABROAD Moscow METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA in Russian No 7, Jul 80 pp 127-128 [Article by B. I. Silkin] [Text] As reported in SCIENCE NEWS, Vol 115, No 24, the American meteor- ologist W. A. Lyons has carried out an analysis of daytime space photo- graphs taken in June 1979 from aboard meteorological satellites situated in an equatorial orbit at an altitude of about 46,000 km above the earth's surface. On a series of photographs it is possible to distinguish a thick zone of haze which extends over a considerable part of the United States from Kentucky to Maryland and which then extends 1,300 k~n to the east of the shore, reaching the central part of the Atlantic Ocean. The analysis revealed that this haze is a dense air mass saturated with sul- fates released into the atmosphere as a result of combustion of great tnass- es of coal at electric power stations in industrial regions of the basin of the Ohio River and New England (the northeastern states in the United States situated along the Atlantic coast of the country). The sulfates are condensation nuclei for the naisture droplets which form the haze and usually reduce visibility by more than half. Such haze can persist in one - place for several weeks. The rain "washes away" the haze, but absorbing sulfuric acid, the precipitation acquires toxic and corrosive properties. The investigations of W. A. Lyons also indicated that within the limits of _ the haze there is a high ozone concentration. Within this air mass it at- - tains 91 parts per billion, whereas outside this mass it is only 69 parts per billion. As demonstrated by recent studies in the field of agrometeor- ology, such an ozone concentration is extremely harmful for plantings of soy beans and legumes. As reported in NATURE, 31 May 1979, and in SCIENCE NEWS, Vol 116, No 1, ~ 1974, the American chemist and meteorologist J. 0. Nriagu carried out an investigation of the intensity at which contamination of the earth's air envelope with metals is transpiring at the present time. According to his conclusions, during the last decade approximately 74 mil- lion lcilograms of cadmium, 585 million kilograms of copper, 4.3 billion kg of lead, 4.5 million kilograms of nickel and 3.3 billion kilograms of zinc have entered the atmosphere. 170 F6R OFFICIAL USE ONLY tv APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The estimate of the quantity of inetals entering into air space was made separately for natural sources (eruptions of volcanoes, forest fires, erosio n, rising duat particlea and salts expelled from the surface of seas and oceans) and for sources associated with man's activity ( industry, metallurgy, combustion of coal in different fields of produc- a~ tion, combustion of firewood and wastes, blowing away of fertilizers, etc. ) . As might be expected, human activity was a much more important source of agents contaminating air than natural processes. For example, in 1975 the combustion of liquid fossil type of fuel (including gasoline) led to the entry of 273 million kilograms of lead into the atmosphere. At the Game time, eruptions of all the earth's volcanoes, being highly important natural sources of lead, introduced only about 6.4 million kilograme of this metal into the atmosphere. The h igh lead content in air apace ie a relatively new phenomenon. In the decade 1910-1920 its total quantity in the atmosphere did not exceed 493 million kilograms. During the next decade alone it attained 1.1 bil- lion kilograms. J. 0. Nriagu attributes such a rapid increase to the large-scale use of automotive vehicles and the appearance of gasoline with lead additives in 1923. As reported in CHEMICAL WEEK, 21 February 1979, and in THE SCIENCES, Vol 19, No 16, 1979, on the request of the US Environmental Protection Agency a group of TVA specialists, headed by the geochemist and soil scientist G. S. Loggle, carried out an investigation, lasting two years, of the in- fluence exerted on vegetation by sulfur present in the air. The s tudies were made in greenhouses into which no air could penetrate from thP outaide. Ttie inside atmosphere was purified from the sulfur whictn it usual ly contains by means of charcoal filters. In addition, in order to determine the quantity of sulfur absorbed by vegetation from the soil and from *_he air, the radioactive tracer S35 was used under the open sky. It wa s established that with a reduction in the content of sulfur in the soil the plant increases its absorption from the air medium. Cotton, hay and o ther plants cultivated in the alkaline soils of the southeastern United States satisfy a considerable part af their needs for sulfur from the air. ' ldith an increase in the combustion of fossil fuel, increasing the sulf ur content in the atmosphere, there was an approximate coincidence in time with the decrease in the quantity of fertilizers containing sulfur which is applied to the soil. Sulfur increases the content of chlorophyll in plants and thereby facilitates. the processes of photosynthesis and growth. Thus, the dependence of vegetation on chemical substances in the atmoaphere _ has recently increased. 171 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300044414-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the opinion of G. S. Ploggle, if the present-day efforts for air purif- ication are crowned with success, in the territory of the Tennessee River valley, covering seven states in the United States, there will be a de- crease in crop yields by app roximately 10%. In order to make up for the loss of sulfur from the air here it will be r.er_essary ta apply fertilizer at a cost up to 7.6 million dollars. Although it still has not been possible to establish a difference between the sulfur "naturally" pr_esent in the atmosphere and the sulfur ejected in ~ the course of industrial activity, it is nevertheless clear that the con- tamination of air by sulfur has some unquestionable positive aspects in addition to negative aspects. - COPYRIGHT: "Meteorologiya i gidrologiya," 1980 [11-5303] 5303 -END- CSO: 1864 172 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300040014-9