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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ ; ~ ~T_ ~F ~~'~TE1~ I ~ MECH~tI~ I ~~5 ~F ~EH~~' I ~UL~' SHU'~~1~~~ - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000204100048-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9217 - 24 July 1980 - Translation NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF - . , Y SYSTEMIC MECHANiSMS OF BEHAVIO.R : By _ V:B. Shuyrkov ~~IS ~'OREIGN BR~A~CAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFI~'IAZ USE O1viLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency - transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources ~ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and - other characteris~ics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerptj in the first line of each item, or foll~wing the Iast line of a brief, indicate how ~he original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclose~i in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other t~r~attributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. _ The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Govern~ent. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 _ (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences}; 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHI~ OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATTON OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JFRS i/9217 ~ 24 July 1980 NEUROPHYSIOLOGICA~ STUDY OF SYSTEMIC MECHANISMS OF BEHAVIOR - Moscow ~iEYROFIZIOLOGICHESKOYE IZUCHENIYE SISTENINYKH MEKH,ANIZMOV - . POVEDENIYA in Russian 1978 signed to press 31 Aug 78 pp 2-240 [Book by V.B. Shuyrkov, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 3,150 copies] CONTENTS ~ Annotation 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 1. Systemic Description of the Behavioral Act = Qualitative Distincticn of Behavior From Elementary Physiological Processes 7 Goal Orientation of the Behavioral Act 11 Isolation of the BehavioraZ Act in the Continuum of Behavior 20 - Organization of Physiological Functions in the Behavioral ~~ct 25 ~ , ~perational Architectonics of the Functional System in the - Elementary Behavioral Act 29 Chapter 2. Electrophysiological Correlates of Systemic Processes in the Elementary Behavioral Act Electrical Activity of the Brain in Behavior 34 , Synchronism and Similarity of Configuration of EP of Various Struc~tures in Behavior 37 Link Between EP and Time of Behavioral Act 43 "Endogeny" of EP in Behavior ~ 45 Link Between EP ~:~d Future Events 47 EP Components--Correlates of Systemic Processes of the Behavioral Act 56 _ -a- LI -USSR-CFOUO] FOR OFFICIAT, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX Chapter 3. Systemic Organization of Neuronal Activity in Behavior Link Between Overall Activity and Neuronal Tmpulsation 74 Link Between Neuronal Activity and EP 75 Synchronism and Similarity of Neuronal Discharge Patterns in Various Brain Structures ~g Determination of Neuronal Discharge Pattern by Pretriggering Integration 90 Involvement of N e~ons in Systemic Mechanisms of the Behavioral Act 95 ` Chapter 4. Mechanisms of Transformation of External Information Into - Organization of Processes in the ~unctional System of a Beha.vioral Act Relationship Between Prior Experience, Motivation and Information = About the Current ~tate of the EEAVironment in Determination of _ Goal-Directed Activity 118 Organization of Memory 12~ Use of Exogenous Info`-mation to Organize Purposeful.Neuronal _ Activity in the Behavioral Act 133 Role of Goal in Organization Processes 149 Involvemen~ of Different Regions of the Brain in the Functional System of the Behavioral Act 164 Chapter 5. Mechanisms of Involvement of a Single Neuron in the Functional System of the Behavioral Act MPChanisms of G~neration of a Goal-Directed Pattern 176 ~ Correlation Between Functional Synaptic Fields in Pretrigg~ring Integration lgg Chapter 6. Functional System Theory and the Psychophysiological - Problem Impossibility of Direct Correlation of Mental and Neurophysiological Processes 197 The Problem of Correlation of' Systemic and Mental Processes 199 Correlation of Systemic and Neurophysiological Processes 204 Conclusion Bibliography 209 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PUBLICATION DATA English title . Neurophysiological Study of Systemic - Mechanisms of Behavior Russian title : Neyrofisiologicheskoye izucheniye ~ sistemnykh mekhanizmov povedeniya _ Author . V. B. Shvyrkov Editor . K. V. Sudakov, corresponding me~aber - of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Publishing house . Nauka Place of publication . Moscow Date of publication . 1978 Signed to press . 31 August 1978 Copies . 3150 COPYRIGHT . Izdatel~stvo "Nauka", 1978 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ANNOTATION This study deals with analysis of behavioral mechanisms from the stand- point of functional system theory created by P. K. Anokhin, and it sub- stantiates the need for the systemic approach to investigation thereof. From the point of view of P. K. Anokhin's theory, the elementary beha- vioral act is considered as a cycle of "exchange of information" between the environment and the organism. Mechanisms of involvement of an individual neuron in the system of the behavioral act are examined. - There is discussion of correlations between mental, systemic and neuro- physiological processes in behavior. _ . 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI~'LY ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INTRODUCTION The behavior of living organisms is the subject of investigation of many disciplines, in each of which special aspects of behavior are studied. ' This circumstance, as noted by R. Hinde (1975) in the preface to his book, does not allow us to define the concept of "behavior." However, ; for many areas of research, including neurophysiology and psychology, behavior in the most general sense can be defined as the relations of ~ an organism and the environment. For this reason, the study of behavior should include analysis of both the environment and processes within an = organism, and interaction between the organism and environment. The , concept of "behavior" should pertain to all forms of interrelations ' between the organism and environment, including those that are reflected in the psychological aspect of the organism. At the present time hardly anyone will deny the role of the psychological factor in behavior. Yet, it is obvious that behavior is based on physio- logical functional processes of specific sorphological structures of the organism. The correlation between mental and physiological processes constitutes the so-called psychophysiological problem. The materialistic thesis of unity of behavior and the psyche rules out the possibility of gaining full knowledge about the mechanisms of behavior ~ without determining the role of inental processes~in behavior. Any behavior theory that "throws out" or excludes mental processes is not, in our opinion, consistent with reality, since it is expressly through mental processes, through informational correlations that the external ~ environment determines behavior, as reflected in the theses of reflecting , and regulatory role of the psyche in beb.avior. At the same time, the unity of behavior and the psyche implies that it is impossible for mental pro- cesses to occur apart from behavior, i..e., certain physiological processes. ~ Thus, a given solution to the problem of inechanisms of behavior of ~ - necessity leads to a given solution of the psychophysiological problem , as well. ' - The psychological problem cannot be solved solely on a physiological or solely on a psycnological basis; consequently, neither physic,logy nor psychology can offer a complete description of behavior. Nor can this be achieved by means of direct correlation of inental and physiological 2 FOR OFFI:CIAL USE ONLY ~ ' ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY processes. As validly noted by A. N. Le~nt~yev (1975, p 7), "the fact of the matter is that no direct correlation of inental and cerebral physiolo- gical processes solves the problem. The theoretical alternatlves that arise with such direct comparison are weli-known: there is either a hypothesis of parallelism which inevitably leads to interpretation of the psyche as an epiphenomenon, or a thesis of naive physiological deter- minism with the ensuing reduction of psychology to physiology, or else, finally, there is a dualistic hypothesis of psychophysiological inter- action, which assumes. that the nonmaterial psyche affects tangible processes occurring zn the brain. There is simply no other solution for metaphysical thinking, only the terms change to refer to the same alterna- tives." It is presentiy bzcoming obvious that synthesis of psychol~gy and physio logy _ to describe bel:yvior is possible only on some higher basir~ common to both disciplines. The systemic approach is such a basis, and it is now being developed in many areas of knowledge (Anokhin, 1�73a; Ke3rov, 1974; _ Kuz'min, 1976; Lomov, 1975, and others). Of the many variants of the systemic approach, functional system thPOry, which was dev~loped by Academician F. K. Anokhin (1935-1974) aF~pears to us to be the most adequate to the problems of physiology and psychalogy and the task of their synthesis in the description of b~~havior. This theory proceeds from the most general - biological theary, theory of ec:,lution, to explain behavior. L~~ Indeed, unlike many variants of the systemic approach in biology, which _ propose to study the properties of systems on formal models (Mesarovich, 1970), functional system theory is er.tirely based on biological facts, and it uses the concept of survival, or useful adagtive result, as the foundation for the method of isolating the system. Like all fundamental.initial con- cepts (Kedrov, 1962), the concepts of system and result are definad in functional system theory through the relationship between them. T'ne result is a state of tti~? environment that allows the system to survive. The system is an aggregate of elements so organized as to achiev~ this result. Survival is the main result that is ultiimately reached by bio- logical systems. Hence, the behavior of biological systems is goal- oriented, and any behavior occurs to reach some useful adaptire result that ultimately leads to survival. Of course, there are very diverse forms of interactions between an organism _ and the environment; behavior can be defined as interaction, in which both the organism and environment are whole. Then behavior wi11 appear as a two-way exchange of organization or information between the environment and organism, which can occur only by means of informational or specifically _ systemic processes th~t cannot be reduced to separate physiological pro- cesses or separate effects of the environment. Systemic processes describe the state of both the organism and environment; for this reason, a neurophysiological or psychological description of 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - behavior is a particular description of the same systea~ic processes of ' correlation between the integral organism and environment. From this point of view, the dESCription of the correlation between the organism and environment in terms of systemic processes should constitute the special subject of "syst~mology." Correlations between systemic and elementary neurophysiological processes are the relations between informa- tion and its material carrier, since systemic processes are distinctive informational processes (Ferster, 1964; Gorskiy, 1974). But the correla- tions between mental and systemic processes ar~� the relations between - internal and external ifnormation. External lnformation is the organiza- tional attribute of environmental elements, ~while internal information - is that of organization of elements of the organism. Thus, one can com- _ pare neurophysiological and mental processes only through qualitatively unique systemic processes, which exist in the organism as processes of organization of va~ious elements into a s~ngle whole, a functional system. - Since systemic processes, one asp~ct of which is the psyche, are represented in the organism by processes of expressly organization of physiological functions, this view avoids equating mental and physiological processes. . It also avoids parallelism, since sysLemic processes are processes of organization of expressly physiological functions and the psyche is the product of the brain. Since internal organization is de- , termined by organization of the environment, i.e., its object structure, the psyche cannot be excl.uded from analysis of inechanisms of behavior. Finally, since systemic processes "consist" exclusively of physiological processes and a new quality is attained exclusively as a result of their organization, physiological and psychological dei:ermination of behavior is inseparabl~ united and the two do not exist without one another, which precludes any psychophysiological interactions. Evidently, this point of view is consistent with conceptions of correla- tion between the psyche and brain as information and its carrier, which ~ are being developed from the philosophical point of view (Ponomarev, 1967; Dubrovskiy, 1971, 1976). Thus, functional theory system serves as the basis on which one can find an experimental solution to both the problem _ of inechanisms of behavior and the psychophysiological problem. From the standpoint of this theory, neurophysiology of behavior and the psyche ' can be interpreted as the study of systemic processes of exchange of or- ganization between *_he organism and objective environment using ; _ neurophysiological nethods. In research on behavior, the problem of elementary phenomenon was always ~ considered the key one, determined all subsequent theoretical developments and direction of research. Since the times of Descartes, the organism's reaction to some environmental agent was alwais considered to be an elementary manifestation of behavior. There is a certain inter- val between a"stimulus" and the "reaction" to it, and in difierent - aspects. it is referred to as "delay," "reaction time," "reflex time," etc. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The poler~ics on the subject of processes that occur in this interval gathered, or concentrated, all of the contractions in. psychology, physiology and other disciplines that deal with th~ brain and behavior. - The problem of determination of behavior, the psychophysiological prob- - lem, the problem of localization of functions, cybernetic proolems of information coding and regulation of the organism's relations with the environment, and all other general biological problems of behavior and the psyche are related in sone way or other to determination of the ~ mechanisms of the elementary behavioral act. - From time immemorial, such mental processes as perception, comparison [ccallation], remembering, etc., have been attributed to this interval also. Measurement of this interval in different experimental modifica- tions is widely used to describe the most diverse mental processes and states; and it is even believed that "the method of ineasuring reaction - time is the best method for studying higher functions, and it has a. great future" (Shoshol', 1966, p 316). In spite of the complexity and diversity of processes that one relates to - _ elementary behavioral acts, for a long time the neuraphysiological inter- pretation of processes occurring between the "stimulus" and "reaction" amounted to conducti.on of stimulation from receptors to effectors, as was dictated ~y reflex theory. - The conception of the behavioral act as a reflex was not based on direct - studies of neuronal mechanisms of behavior and not on physiological facts or even anatomical conceptions, but exclusively on the ideas of inechanistic determinisin. In his "Answer of a Physiologist to Psvchologists," I. P. Pavlov wrote: "It is generally accepted that the concept of reflex originates with Descartes; but what was known about the detailed construc- - tion of the central nervous system or about its activity in the times of . Descartes? Physiological and anatomical separation of sensory nerves from _ motor nerves occurred only in the early lOth century. Obviously, the idea of determinism was for Descartes the essence of the concept of reflex, hence his conception of the animal organism as a machine. This was the interpretation of reflexes of all subsequent physiologists, who _ related different activities of the organism to ditferent stir~~:li, gradu- ally isolating elements of neural structures in tfie form af various affer- ent and efferent nerves, and in the form of special pathways and centers - of the central nervous system, and finally also gathering the typic,al dynamic features of the last mentioned system" (1949, p/~95). Even at the moment of its inception, the idea of reflexes "made the first breakthrough in the strong wall of mystical and religious concep- ~ tions that separated the researcher from real facts" (Anokhin, 1945, p 6). _ The principle of determinism, contained in the reflex concept was not only used to fight against interpretation of behavior from the te].eolo- gical positians of idealism, but served as a natural methodological basis for experimental research on the nervous syste~. The contemporary 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - advances in neurophysiology became possible only on the basis of the ana- lytical approach, which enabled neurophysiologists working with local processes or substrates to use the same approach that had been used and ~ _ glo~~ingly justified itself in mechanics. At the present time, the principle of "mechanistic determinism" (also - qualified as "linear" and "naive physiological") as applied to interpret biological processes and behavior is being critized from the most varied positions, including philosophical (Dubrovskiy, 1971; Serzhantov, 1974), - - cybernetic (Menitskiy, 1975; Svinitskiy, 1976), psychological (Lomov, 1975), biological (Oparin, 1964) and neurophysiological (B urns, 1969; Relenkov, - - 1975, 1976; John, 1973; Sudakov, 1976, and others). Although it was obvious to many, rather long ago, that the reflex inter- pretation of the elementary behavioral act was unsatisfactory, for a long time more constructive solutions of this problem were delayed by the fact that considera~le revision of the entire system of conceptions that had been formed would be necessary to reject ;.entury-old reflex traditions in physiology. As noted by B. Burns with reference to one of the earliest and most striking critics of the reflex, "Iashle~ s argumentation was weak because Lashley quantitatively tested the reflex or telephone theory of behavior and found it to be invalid, but did not offer any other = ' promising system of concepts" (1~09, p 19). _ Functional system theory created by P. K. Anokhin provides such a system of concepts. V. F~ Serzhantuv believes that "acceptance of this concep- tian leads to certain consequences for the entire theoretical system of - biology and psychology: the principle of functional system permits deeper interpretation of biological and psychological concepts formulated in science to this time; hence the need to reorganize the entire concep- _ tual structure of these areas of science" (1974, p 74). Application of the conceptual apparatus of functional system theory to - problems pertaining to the elementary behavioral act alters radically the very methodology of research. For this reason, analysis of the neuro- _ physiological mechanisms of the elementary behavioral act from the positions of functional system theory requires preliminary consideration - - of behavior in the terms of this theory. We shall make such an examination as compared to known and customary conceptions of reflexes; however, our main goal will not be to compare - _ the two approaches, but to define the subject of investigation and formulate concrete problems, for which experimental neuraphysiological solutions must be found. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTER 1. SYSTEMIC DESCRIPTION OF THE BEHAVIORAL ACT _ Qualitative Distinction of Behavior From Elementary Physiological Processes _ ~ The psychological description of relations between an organism and the _ environment includes such concepts as memory, motivation, percepti~~n, action, emotion, etc., i.e., concepts that characterize the organism as - a whole, as a subject. The environment is also described in psychology as "objective" [objectt-related], and the correlation of an integral or- ganism and objective environment emerges as the correlation between a subject and object. As validly observed by L. M. Vekker, "the ultimate, . final characteristics of any mental prucess in the general case can only _ be described in terms of properties and relations of external objects. Thus, perception or a conception cannot be described in other than terms of shape, size, consistency, etc., of the perceived or imagined object. Thought can be described only in the terms of the features of _ objects, the relations between which it discloses; emotion can be des- ~ cribed in terms of attitude toward events, objects or individuals that induce it, while voluntary decisions or a volitional act cannot be expressed in other than terms of the events in relation to which the _ action or deed is performed" (1974, p 11). � Thus, psychology describes the relations between the organism and environ- ment in terms of properties and relations of expressly environmental - elements. This is an extremely important aspact of behavior; however, - psychological concepts do not describe internal processes at all, i.e., processes that take place in the organism, since "phenomena of subjective reality constitute information given to the person so to speak in 'pure form (Dubrovskiq, 1976, p 54). Internal processes have always been referred to the area of physiology, - which has its own conceptual system. From the very beginning, physiology developed as an experimental and analytical science. Neurophysiological concepts., such as stiznulation;~ excitation or inhibition, afferentation or efferentation, etc., were created to describe processes occurring in diffP:.ent, morphologically distinguishable organs or nerves. For many reasons, for a long time experimentation was possible only on preparations of animals, in which, o.f course, there is no behavior. _ 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In undertaking development of physiology of behavior, I. T'. Pavlov intro- ~ duced into the practice of physiological experimentation w~.~rk with integ- ral organisms. It is expressly to I. P. Pavlov that we o*:e formulation of tne task of physiological study of behavior, which l:as not losr its meaning to this day. Already in 1903, he o~+~erved; " The tremendous com- _ plexity of higher, as well as lower, organisms continues to exist as a ' whole only so long as all of its elements are finely and precisely linked, balanced with one another and with the surroundings. Analysis - of this balancing of the system con~titutes the first and foremost task - _ and goal of physiological research as purely objective research" (1949, p 337). _ However, having formulated the task of studying inte:gral behavior, neverthe- ` _ less the Pavlovian school first concentrated its expprimentation on the study of actual function of a single salivary gland, rather than mechanisms of integral behavior, and this was of decisive significance to developsent ~f the entire conceptual system of the teaching on higher nervous activity. = Having concentrated its efforts expressly on analysis of brain function, the teaching on higher nervous activity used the analytical concept of "reflex," which already existed in physiology and was developed to des- cribe processes demonstrated in preparations, i.e., expressly beyond _ integral behavior, as the foundation for conceptions of the mechanisms of , the integral behavioral act. For this reason, the descriptions of behavior of an integral organism and processes occurring in preparations turned out to be identical. , ~ With reference to adaptive behavior, I. P. Pavlov wro te: adaptation is based on a simple ref lex act, which is initiated by certain exogenous = conditions that affect only a specific kind of endings of centripetal nerves, from which stimulation passes over a specific nervous pathway to - the center, from their to a gland, also over a specific pathway, thus causing specific function in it" (1949, p 334). Application of the ana- - lytical concept of "ref lex" to analysis of inechanisms of integral behavior - resulted in setting aside from the main line of physiological research ' the qualitative specifics of expi�essly integral behavior. Confusion of concepts ~.escr~'~ing the function of disconnected physiological mechanisms and the integral organism made it impossibl e, for a long time, to see the actual problem of integrity, since "excitation of neurons" - = ultimately produced "excitation of a center" and even "excitation of the brain," while "inhibition of a reflex" was attributed to "inhibition of ~ neurons" of the corresponding centers. This "energet ic" description of , processes occurring in the organism and implementing behavior also required an "energetic" description of the environment as an aggregate of different "stimuli" or "irritants." The correlation between the organism and environment with reference to behavior was actually reduced to conformity between elements of stimulation and elements of reaction. ' 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Applicatio:~ of the analytical concept of "reflex~~ to descx'iptian of integral behavior appeared to disclose ~he po~s9.bility of describing ~:nternal processes of behavior in traditiQnal physiological concepts describing the state of different organs and ti,ssues. However, this approach also closed the way for relating "properties and relations of external objects" to processes within the organism. Tndeed, if, as is assumed in reflex theory, relations between the organism and environment consist of element-by- - element conformity between stimuli and reactions, some sort of special concepts would be utterly superfluous to describe "properties and relations of external objects" and processes of correlation between - expressly the integral organism and objectiv~ environment. As we know, = this circumstance had dramatic consequences with re~ard to the contact _ bztween physiology and psychology, and made it impossible to develop a _ conceptual system comnion to these two disciplines that describe behavior. Development of the ideas of I. P. Pavlov concerning the systemic nature of higher nervous activity led to creation of functional system theory - (Anokhin, 1935-1974), which reflected the qualitative uniqueness of inechan- isms of integral behavior, as compared to reflex mechanisms of spinal preparations and anesthetized animals. As observed by V. F. Serzhantov, 11functional system theory grew from reflex theory in its Pavlovian inter- - pretation, it is a continuation of the latter, but at the same time it is - also a negation thereof in a certain sense. However, this is dialectical negation" (1974, p 70). - P. K. Anokhin expounded functional system theory on the basis of physiolo- - gical facts that disclosed the Qualitative specificity of processes of integration of different physiological processes into a single whole, the functional system of integral behavior. This disclosed an absolutely new - type of processes in the integral organism, a type of systemic processes - or "processes of organization of physiological processes." Discovery of systemic processes in the organism automatically leads to - a certain interpretatian of both the environment and correlation between the organism and envir~nment. According to functional system th2ory, unlike material-energetic relations between a local stimulus and local reflex reaction occurr~ng in anesthetized or spinal preparations, beha~~ior is - a means of two-way informational correlation between the organism and environment. Aighly organized organisms exist in an organized environment; in the course of evolution they had to adapt to such environmental factors as behavior of the prey.or predator, availability of mater3.a1 to build a nest, behavior of sexual partner, etc. Al1 these adaptations required integral evaluation ~ of different material-energetic factors and attitude toward their specific - organization as to a whole, i.e., an object. _ The environment affects different receptors of the organism in the form of different, separate energies; Che object, i.e., organized aggregate of 9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY F _ environmental elements, may even find passive reflection only in organization _ _ of activity of many receptors, when the organism emerges as a whole. There - is reflection in hehavior of the environment, not only ob~ectively, but - actively; the organism constantly searches for and obtains the information it needs, unlike a preparation whtch is indeed "submitted to the effect of a stimulus." ' = Processes within the organism referable to behavior can also not be reduced _ to energy processes of "excitation and inhibition." Any aggregate of ~ excited elements per se does not create the phenomenon of behavior. It is ~ expressly processes of coordination of specific elements and organization . thereof in a singlz who]e, in which everything is "finely and precisely related, balanced within itself and with external conditions," expressly _ these processes of organization constitute the essence of internal mechan- isms of behavior of the integral organization, and not "stimulation of . cells af a functional organ" per se. _ The systemic approach compels one to consider behavior as the correlation between organization of the environment and organization of processes within the organism. And determination of behavior by the external environ- ment emerges as determination of organization of processes within the _ organism expressly by organization of the environment. ~ Just as "life is characterized by a special, specific combination of - properties, rather than any particular properties" (Oparin, 1924, p 36), so i _ behavior is not referable to some special processes, but to specific " organization of processes on the physiological level. Processes of organization are qualitatively specific and bilateral: environmental ~ organization determines organization of processes in the organism, ; which in turn leads to organized influences of the organism on the environment and new organization of the environment, etc. This entire, ; continuous cyclic process is designated in systemic terminology by the general term, "behavior." ~ ~ - As we know, biological existence of an organism is implemented by absorp- tion of organization, or "negentropy" of chemical bonds (Schroedinger, 1947). - This principle is common to all living things, regardless of complexity of the organism. The behavior of multicel?.ular and particularly highly organized organisms can be viewPd as development of this capacity and use by the organism, to maintain its integrity and organization, not only ; of organization of chemical bonds, but other, higher forms of organization of the environment. In this regard, "adaptation of organisms to it ~ acquires a qualitatively new form, which is related to reflection of ~ _ objectively object-related reality" [Leont'yev, 1972, p 49). Thus, behavior as a qualitatively specif ic form of adaptation of the integ- ral organism to the objective environment is based on systemic mechanisms of organization of different physiological processes into a single whole, a functional system. ~ 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Functional system theory provides the hasis for descrihing hehavior in _ terms of systemic processes proper, i.e., processes o� cprrelation between external and internal organization. Exchange of organization between the organism and envixonment can only he descrihed by systemic categories, which characterize the environment azd processes in the organism from the standpoint of correlation [compariscn]. The environment must be charac- terized not oniy by a specific orgar~ization of its elements in time and = space, but existence in the organisn studied of the capacity to make use, in some way or other, of this organization of environmental elements in behavior. In turn, processes in the organism must characterize not only a specific organization of elements of the organism, but the link between these organization and certain exogenous events. Therefore, the concepts of functional system theory, such as "goal" or "result," "memory" or "motivation," refer both to specific organization of the environment and specific organization of elements within the organism. At the present time, actually only the "skeleton" of the system ic conceptual apparatus has been created, and different concepts will be constantly defined; however, such definition must be made on the basis of concrete factual material. Description of these processes in terms of "properties = and relations in objective-object-related reality" is the subject of psychology; their description in terms of activity of endogenous elements of the organism is the subject of behavioral neurophysiology. As noted by K. Lashley, reflex theory "has the advantage of simplicity, which explains its popularity as a slogan" (1933, p 188). Systemic _ categories do not have this aclvantage. They are not referable to traditional or intuitively obvious categories; nevertheless, for the methodological considerations stated above, the objectives of neurophysio- logical studies of behavioral mechanisms should ensue expressly from a _ systemic description of behavior as exchange of organization betw~en the organism and environment. ~ Goal Orientation of the Behavioral Act The purposefulness of behavior of living organisms has actually never been completely denied, since even mechanicism, which considered a"reaction" to be the immediate consequence of a"stimulus," was also compelled to recognize at least "seeming" purposefulness of behavior. This recognition ensued from the adaptational nature of behavior directed toward survival of the organism. While rejecting the concept of "goal" to interpret a specific behavioral act, not a single biologist could deny that "all life is the pursuit of one goal, namely of preserving life itself" (Pavlov, 1951, p 33). The conviction taken from mechanics, that the only scientific interpre- tation is interpretation in terms of linearly related "causes" and "effects," _ and at the same time the obvious orientation of behavior of organisms ~ 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY toward reaching the goal of "surviving" generated numerous attempts ~ at explaining the purposefulness of behavior without using the concept of "goal." This situation was cleverly described by the expression: "Teleology is a lady, without whom not a single biologist can live, but he is ashamed to appear in public with her" (quoted in: Mesarovich, 197Q). . ; The law of Thorndike's effect, which postulates that there is a retro- ~ _ active effect of the result of action on the "stimulus" and ~'reaction" link, the conceptions of the Pavlovian school about "copying" an un- conditioned (already adaptive) reaction to a conditioned signal, as well as the inborn permissive [oz resolving] mechanism of ethologists--all these are attempts to explain purposeful behavior through cause and effect relations between "stimulus" and "reaction." This desire is attributable to exclusively general philosophical considerations, since any behavior ~ is a continuum of behavioral acts, and in reality it is much more convenient to classify natural behavior according to "actions" and "re- sults," as is done by zoologists (Chauvin,1972), rather than according - to "stimuli" and "reactions." The independence of reflex formulatian of the problem of behavior from the subject of research proper can be very graphically seen in the book by R. Hinde (1975). While indicating the considerable advantages of describing behavior ~ according to the results attained and noting that "a description according to consequences is often absolutely necessary for a complete description of behavior"(p 21), R. Ninde nevertY~~eless views the problem of behavior as "establishing a link between the phenomena studied and events and conditions that immediately preceded them. Such analysis is usually called 'causative analysis'"(p 12). , Both the natural forms of behavior, such as "food searching," "nest building," "sexual" and "instrumental" behavior observed in experiments, and such facts as the relationship between chemistry of saliva and composition of future food, demonstrated in the classical experiments of I. P. Pavlov--all these observations were a direct indication that both the integral behavioral act and any behl~~ioral reaction are ' directly governed by future, rather than prior, events. The obvious link between a given form of beha~vior and future events, or ~ results, also failed to serve as the theoretical basis for analysis of ; behavior exclusively for general, philosophical considerations, since it required an utterly different methodological approach. ~ The critical comments directed toward reflex theory and "causative` analysis" of behavior, which became particularly numerous in the last ; d~cade, made it absolutely obvious that mechanistic determinism (also called linear, naively physiological, etc.) could not explain the behavior _ of living organisms. However, as noted by P. K. Anokhin (1962b), rejection of inechanistic determinism led to teleological concepticns, which were 12 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY found to be idealistic, since in the history of science, as a rule the recognition of purposefulness ~.n living nature was set against materialistic determinism. - - The conceptians of purposeful behavior fe11 i.nto the stream of philosophical ' systems that extended the concept of "goal" to nature as a whole, which led - to "vitalism," finalism," recognition of "entelechy," etc. One can find a critique of these conceptions in recent philosophical works (Volkova,et al., 1971; Ukraintsev, 1973, 1976, and others). Demon- strating the inapplicability of philosophical te~.eology, the authors - arrive at the conclusion that the goal-oriented approach to analysis of biological phenomena is justified and absolutely mandatory. ~ Behavioristic theories such as "~~ymbol what it designates" (Tolman, 1951}, - as well as conceptions of "extrapolation reflexes" (Krushinskiy, 1967), of _ behavior guided by images (Beritov, 1961), "TOTE unit" type of concepts (Millar, Galanter, Pribram, 1965), cybernetic behavior theories (Ashby, 1962; George, 1963), made a significant contribution to interpretation of determination of future events, but all of these conceptions recognized.purposefulness of behavior, along with the reflex, which appeared to be a satisfactory explanatory principle, at any rate, at least on the level of some physiological mechanisms. The "firmness" of the reflex in physiology was in contradiction to purpose- - fulness of behavior as a whole, which led some to maintain that it was ~ "premature to physiologize" to interpret behavior (Tolman, 1951) and others - to use reflexology even to explain human behavior. At the present time, there are apparently few who would question the pur- posefulness of human behavior, although there have been both philosophical and physiological attempts to interpret human behavior from successively reflex positions, a summary and critique of which can be found in the book by Ye, A. Budilova (1972). At present, it is imperative to have the goal category in an explanation of human behavior (Leont'yev, 1975; Gal'perin, 1976; Bekhtereya, 1974). How- ever, for some authors,. an obstacle arises when the conclusion of purposeful- ness of behavior is extended to animals, which consists of consciousness of human activity, the "humanitarian nature" of the concept of "goal," or "anthropomorphism" of such extrapolation. These obstacles appear contrived, since the concept of "goal" fn its application to analys~s of animal behavior can be used without the adjective "conscious," ~~ing this term to refer to the future, for which the behavior occurs. In this interpretation, the concept of "goal" can apparently be used with equal significance to describe both the behavior of a man who goes shopping in a store, and of the earthworm who crawls up to the earth's surface for leaves and grass. 13 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 I - i ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The systemic "goal" category refexs. to an eventfor which behav~.or occurs. - Like all systemic categories, "goal" characterizes the relati.onships between an integral organism and organized environment; ~or this reason, this _ category also refers to a specific organization of the environment, as - well as specific organization of elements of the organism. - - Functional system theory extended the principle of gurposefulness to all levels of analysis of behavior and all physiological mechanisms, on which behavior is based. Successive application of the principle of purpose- fulness permits solving a number of "paradoxes" and creating a unified and orderly system of concepts to explain both integral activity of the organism i~? behavior and elementary neurophysiological processes con- - tained in behavior. The purposefulness of all biological processes is related to the very ~ history of appearan.ce of Iife on earth. Observing that "the analogy drawn by mechanists between organisms and machines cannot by any means explain the very thing it is called upon to explain, the 'purposefulness' of organization of living beings," A. I. Oparin stresses that differentiation ~ of integral multimolecular systems from the primeval sottp could only occur by virtue of the fact that the association of several molecules enabled this structure to interact with the environment as a whole and to preserve integrity. "By virtue of their differentiation, the emergence _ of such systems does not represent anything unique: at first these were simply isolated regions in the primeval soup." And "any, even scattered ! ~ chemical processes taking place in a drop, let alone some combination or other thereof, were not indifferent to its subsequent fate"(1964, p 27). Some of them aided in, while others prevented retention of the integrity of multimolecular systems. "This is the route, already at the early stage of evolution of coacervates, along which a form of selection arose of the primitive syst:ems, according to the feature of conformity y of their organization with the objective of preserving a biven drop under conditions of its continuous interaction with the environment. It is expressly on the basis of this new pattern, which emerged in the very process of inception of life, that there was formation of the metabolism inherent in all living things, a combination of different reactions that, as an aggregate, was 'purposeful,' for constant self- preservation and self-reproduction of living systems under prevailing environmenta~ conditions" (1964, p 28). The purposeful organization of different chemical processes constituting - metabolism became enriched during evolution with more and more, also~ ~ purposeful additions. This is how D. Kenyon and G. Steinman describe how metabolism became more complex in evolution: "There had to be a tim~ when the most easily assimilated nutrients (A) would be entirely used up; then the eobionts (primitive prototypes af living cells), which were capable of producing A from other available compounds (B) gained the _ _ advantage. When, in turn, the amount of secondary nutrients (B) - 14 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY diminished, it became necessary for A and B to furm from C, and so on. Acquisition of the appropriate catalysts to accelerate these reactions determinec? the degree of complication of this process" (1972, p 269). All subsequent evol~tior~ and all, even qualitative, comglication of organiza- - tion of biological systems and those derived from them were thereby - guided by the same "system-forming factor" (P. K. Anokhin), the result that - increased their chances of survival. This "patenc" significance of the result to determination of purposeful behavior of systems with different levels of organization was constantly stressed by P. K. Anokhin: "The very appearance of stable systems with elements of self-regulation hecame _ , possible only because the first result of such seif~regulation emerged in the form of stability itself, capable of withstanding exogenous factors. Consequently, the regulatory role of the result of the system was the first moving factor of development of systems, which accompanied all stages of prebiological, biological and social development of matter" (1975, p 339). In any concrete study, we find contemporary organisms at a certain phase of evolutionary development, when their structure reflects the entire history of their survival. Since only purposeful forms of activity of organisms were selected and structurally fixed in the course of evolution, the genetic memory of organisms could only contain potentially purposeful behavioral acts whichy under any conditions, led ultimately to survival of the organ- - ism. Individually acquired behavioral acts were superimposed over innate ones in accordance with the same evolutionary principle of survival. The aggregate of all innate and acquired acts constitutes the general stock of adaptive behavior of animals, which differs in different species and specimens. This stock is life experience, or memory of the organism. The systemic "memory" category refers to the aggregate of specific organi- zations of elements of the organism that corresponded.~in the past to some behavioral acts. Aside from learning processes, adaptive behavior can be gleaned only from - the store of inemory. For this reason, behavioral acts cannot in principle be other than purposeful. According to functional system theory, the selection of some particular goal out of all the material in memory and of one behavioral act conforming with this goal occur under the influence _ of several factors, designated as "motivation," "situation" and "trigger- _ ing stimulus." The interaction of these factors is referred to as - _ "afferent synthesis." On the leuel of highly organized animals, the main goal of life, to survive through the demands of tiss~rlar metabolism and homeostatic mechanisms, is man~.fested in the form of motivations of behavior. Adapta- tional behavior cannflt be unmotivated. Functional system theory makes full use of the idea, vviced by I. M. Sechenov: "Vital needs generate 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY desire, and then it leads to action; desire will then be a motive or goal, while movement will be the action or means of reaching the goal. Movement would be senseless in general without desire as a motive or impulse (1952, p 516). Motivation as a systemic category is concrete definttion of the goal to survive. "Motivation retrieves all (behavioral) acts from memory that - had at one time been related to satisfying this motivation" (Anokhin, 1974b, p 23). Since the same motivation (for example, the motivation of hunger) can be satisfied by means of reaching different, even more eon- crete,goals in the form, for example, of a specific type of food, further reduction of potentially attainable goals and potentially feasible behavioral acts occur under the influence of the situation, which permits only the behavioral acts whose goals are attainable only in thi.s situation. This state preceding the triggering stimulus was named preliminary ["pretriggering"] integration. These conceptions are illustrated in Figure l. S i t u a t i o n Possible acts~at ~ giden mbment 3 . ~ - 1 U! rd Fulaire acts ~ o a~~ s~o ~ oti uxi atznn a~ v.~ m - W U i~ , ~ �rl i.~" 4-I U aa~~~c Key: S) survival ' S ' Figure 1. Correlation between motivation and situation in pre- ~ liminary integration. The circles refer to behavioral i ~ acts constituting the organism's life experience. The links between them reflect their position in the hierarchy of goals. � Arrows show the direction of influences of motivation and situation determining the priority (.circled numbers) of behavioral acts in a ~ state of preliminary integration. The circles without numbers refer to "reduced degrees of freedom." ; In highly organized animals, attainment of the main goal of survival is ' mediated by many hierarchically organized intermediate goals. Separate, ; interrelated events serve as these goals, and the successive occurrence thereof can lead the animal to satisfying its movitvation. These events form the "tree of goals" of a specific motivation in the entire logic net [system] of life experience. In different situations, the same goal 16 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ can be reached by different actions; at the same time, under different con- ditions, the same action is used to reach different goals. The final choice of one goal and one behavioral act out of the many possible ones in a given situation is made at the time when an event occurs in the environment that favors orie of the goals already chosen by motivation and the ~ituati~n. This event is called the triggering stimulus. Only events included in tl-~e hierarchy of goals are actively "pursued" or "expected" by the organ~sm, can guide the animal in choosing one concrete goal out of all those that could be attained with the motivation at hand - in a given situation, and lead to survival. In actuality, trigger stimuli appear only as a result of prior behavioral acts in the continuum of be- havior. Any unexpected events immediately interrupt goal-directed behavior and induce an orienting-exploring reaction. The process of selection of one goal and one action otit of all the material in memory, = under the influence of alI ~lements of afferent synthesis, is referred to as "decision making." Separation of afferent synthesis and decision making only means that there is isolation of determinants, on the one hand, and output functions of a single process, on the other, which translates the orderliness of the environment into an orderliness of elementary physiological processes in the functional system of behavior. One goal, selected in the process of afferent synthesis and decision making, is referred to as the "acceptor of action results." The model of this goal,.which exists as a certain organization of elements extracted from memory, in turn determines the organization of actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act, i.e., organization of physical influences.of the organism - on the environment. This organizatior of actuating mechanisms is referred to by the term "program of action," while the organized influences on the - environment are referred to by the term "action." Action is a means of altering the correlation between the organism and the environment, a means of "translating" the expected event--"goal" into a real event--"result"; for this reason, action is totally determined by = the model of a future event, rather than the txigger stimulus that directly precedes the behavioral act. Determination of action by the goal, i.e., "anticipatory reflection of reality" (P. K. Anokhin) matees 3t possible to elimin~te the so-called t~me-related paradox, which arises in reflex interpr.etation of the behavioral act, in which the orientation of action toward reaching future events does indeed appear paradoxical, since the stimulus that directly preceded action is believed to be the cause of action. At present, conceptions of purposefulness [goal orientation] of behavior ' are becoming widely recognized. Eve~ such a strong proponent of reflex . theory as E. A. Asratyan devoted part of his paper at the 21st Inter- national Psychological Congress to a discussion of "neurophysiological mechanisms of goal-directed nature of motivational motor acts" (1976, p 18). 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . One car~ find a discussion of some conceptions of goal orientation (E. S. Russell, W. Thorpe, G. A~ Deutsch and others) in a special chapter of - the book by R. Hinde (1975), in which objections to these conceptions - are also cited. R. Hinde believes that "behavioral activity directed toward a certain goal will attenuate as the goal situation is approached," and he sees an ob- jection to this thes is in the fact that "rats run fastest when coming close to the goal" (p 669). In actuality, these view is wrong in its first premise. Sinc e"approaching the goal situation" is possible only as the systematic attainment of more important goals in the hierarchy, any "attenuation" of behavieral activity half way to the ultimate goal is not justified ~.n any way. Another objection is due to the fact that R. Hinde relates the goal orientation of behavior to its determination by an "error signal," i.e., - discrepancy between the real and "goal" situations, and he concludes: - there :is no conclusive evidence that, for example, the reaction of a wasp to damage to its nest is a reaction to the difference between the damaged and intact nest, rather than a reaction to the edges of the hole" (p 669-670). However, according to functional system theory, a discrepancy between a real and goal situation by r~o means serves as the cause of goal-directed behavior. A discrepancy between the goal and - a real event can only induce a general orie nting-exploring reaction. But ~ goal-directed behavior is determined by the goals themselves, i.e., models of future situations extracted from memory; these models precede actions - - and determine them. = A concre~e model is compared to the result only after the action, i.e., ' a comparison is made of the informationally equivalent real situation - to the model of this same (and not future) situation. For this reason, ; ~ from the standpoint of functional sy~tem theory, in the example discussed _ by R. Hinde, the goal included in the hierarchy and ultimately leading to ; survival is the intact nest, and behavior is directed expressly toward this goal, rather than the "difference between damaged and intact nest." With such interpretation of the mechanisms of goal-directed behavior there is in general none of the contradiction mentioned by R. Hinde, - _ since elimination of the hole serves ae the more concrete goal of an intermediate behavioral act in the sequence of acts of nest-building behavior. = Thus, the general conclusion nf R. Hinde, that the goal approach "should _ be limited to cases, in which behavior includes reactions to inconsistency between the existina and goal situations" (p 675), cannot be deemed - warranted. Inconsistency between the existing and goal situations is _ demonstrable only as an inadequate result, and it elicits "orienting" behavior which disrup ts the ongoing goal-directed behavior. The goal ' approach is mandatory for all cases of behavior, since there simply are - no unpurposef~al acts in the animal's prior experience. ~ 18 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The other objections are probably based on pure mi5understandings. For example, R. Hinde Frrites: "It is important to stress here that hehavior may be goal-directed on one level of integration and not on another. At - the early stages of nest-building behavior, the typical movements of the weaver are directed and coordinated so as to obtain a finished "stitch," but these stitches are not directed so as to lead to building the nest. The lowest levels are probably goal-directed, but behavior is not directed toward completing building of the nest" (pp 672-673). R. Hinde does not e~lain which mechanisms are involved in appearance of individual goals-- "stitches," and how precisely a nest and not something else is created in integral nest-building behavior. From the standpoint of functional system theory, any concrete goal may be formed exclusively as concretization of a more general goal and ultimately the main goal of survival, which is an inalienable property of everything living. We should also mention the instances of obviously useless and'"senseless" animal behavior under inadequate environmental conditions as a frequently raised objection to goal-directed behavior. Such behavior is inherent even in mammals, For example, a fox or sled dog "buries" uneaten food by scratching a wooden f~oor with its paws and, of course, does not produce a resul~. (V. Fishel', 1973). In our opinion, these findings a~e in contradiction to the purposefulness and success of behavior, rather than - goal orientation, and they are apparently attributed to the fact that both the goals and actions to reach ~hem can be retrieved only from memory, while the store of inemory cannot be adequately used in an inadequate situ- ation. If, however, training is included in such situations, which broadens the store of prior experience, behavior may change radically~and become quite purposeful. . ~ As a rule, examples of unpurposeful animal behavior are cited to illustrate its difference from human behavior. However, all elements of human be- havior are also extracted from the store of inemory, and man's behavior in psychological experiments demonstrating the conservatism of thinking - have much in common with the behavior of a fox that is placed in a cage. The experiments of Lachins, for example, offer a striking demonstration of this (see Liper, 1963, pp 301-302). _ Our description of the thesis in function~l system theory of the - goal-orientation of behavior is only a scheme, and does not presume to have offered a11 of the arguments in favor of goal-directed behavior, let alone complete discussion of the mechanisms of goal-directed behavior. It was necessary only to show that recognition of purposefulness of behavior is not in contradiction to the principle of causation in explaining - behavior, but develops it. Indeed, func:tional system theory considers the immediate cause of action to be ? boal,� the:~taformation model of a future event retrieved from memory. Alhhough the goal serves as a model of the future, it already exists in the form of specific ne~YVOUS act~ivity 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY even prior to action and, consequently, has the main property of a cause: � it precedes its effect, i.e., action. It also has another property of - a cause: it consistently induces its effects-�-actions, which were - related in the past with reaching it. At the same time, functional system theory discloses the causes and mechanisms of goal formation proper. The goal emerges as a consistent consequence of processes of choice and formation fr~m all elements in memory of the model of only one event required for survival, and this choice is made under the influence of both endogenous (motivation) and exogenous (situation) factors. The trigger stimulus is considered to be the result of prior behavior and one of the exogenous factors of choosing the goal. For expressly this reason, the link between a stimulus and action that follows it is stochastic, and the occurrence of the same action following the same stimulus is merely a special case. _ Thus, functional system theory removes the seemingly unresolved contra- ! diction between the principles of causation and goal orientation in explaining behavior. Appearance of the result, i.e., a new event in the environment, leads to a situation of conformity between the result of action and "acceptor of result of action," thereby indicating the end of one cycle of exchange in orderliness between the organism and the environment, and the start of the next one. Isolation of the Behavioral Act in the Continuum of Behavior In order to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms of systemic processes in the behavioral act, it is absolutely mandatory to be able to isolate the behavioral act in the continuum of behavior. _ In the reflex interpretation of behavior, it is assumed that any behavior is made up of different reflexes. The unit of behavior is a single reaction to a single stimulus. R. Chauvin calls this the "atomistic" approach and _ observes that reactions "are never isolated; separation thereof leads to impossibility of any interpretation of either these reactions or behavior , as a whole. For ethologists, the concept of reflex in the na.rrow sense is, we are not afraid to state, senseless" (1972, p 11). Successive behavior in the reflex interpretation is viewed as a"chain reflex," i.e., a successive series of reactions to corresponding stimuli, which appeared as a result of prior actions. P. Milner observes that "in many reactions, the same movement is performed several times, but in each instance it is followed by different movement; then the problem arises as to how two different movements can be induced by the conditioned reflex mechanism, by the same feedback signal. Of course, we can follow seve~al routes to bypass this difficulty, but the simple basic theory does not ;~old up under the burden of the required additions and changes" (1973, p 121). - 20 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Because of the methodological convenience of delivering stimuli and recording reactions, the usual artificial sequence of events in physiolo- gical experiments (stimulation, delay, change in observed parameter) was taken as the natural course of events. Orze can indeed detect such a sequence in preparations (anesthetized animals, with severing of the brain - and spinal cord, or with the use of curare), i.e., in cases where we are - dealing with "machine-like" factors and there is no adaptive behavior. - In a waking anim-al, the concepts of "stimulus" and "reaction" do not enable us to unequivocally isolate a behavioral act. The presence of behavioral acts without obvious exogenous stimuli ("false starts," "motivational reflexes," "intersignal reactions," "reactions to time," etc.) indicates that the processes determining action appear long before the stimulus, and - this complicates signif~cantly deterrnination of the actual moment that the processes referable to a given behavioral act begin. As for the "reaction," this is not so much a reference to some definite, qualitative reality of behavior, as it is a synonym for the philosophic al category of _ "effect," which is meaningless apart from its relation to the stimulus. In some studies of behavior, electromyographic activity or some autonomic parameters or other are taken as the rea~tion, in others movement of some part of the body, in others yet, an event such as making contact - by means of a telegraph key, etc. _ Thus, the concepts of "stimulus" and "reaction" are philosophical, and _ they may include any changes in the environment (stimuli) and any changes in the organism that follow the stimulus (reactions). This diffuseness of the concepts of stimulus and reaction does not permit isolation of expressly one behavioral act. Indeed, to describe elements of behavior one must resort to such terms as, for example, "swallowing reaction," "running reaction," etc. On the one hand, they reflect the methodological principle of inechanistic determinism, according to which the behavioral act is a"reaction"; on the other hand, isolation of the behavioral act - is accomplished with actual disregard of this principle. Indeed, "the run" characterizes a segment of behavior only from its phenomenological aspect, regardless of whether some stimulus is present. Introduction of a stimulus still does not lead to unequivocal isolation of a"stimulus-reaction" pair, since one ean consider the turn of the animal`s head in the direction of the feeder and running toward it, as well as taking feed and salivation, change in respiration and change in cardiac activity, etc., as a reaction to a conditioned alimentary signal, for example. At the same time, the run may be interpreted as the reaction = to turning the head and taking feed as a reaction to the run, etc. It is - _ only the proposed "neural link" between specific anatomical structures (for exanple, between the "eye and salivary gland'~) that ~*ould permit ~ isolation of some reflex, but then a vicious logic circle is formed: for we cannot study the mechanisms of a phenomenon isolated solely on the basis of a hypothetical mechanism. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFSCIAL USE ONLY ~ ' _ Thus, there a~e ob~ections to the reflex approach, which separates behavior - into reflexes induced by separate stimuli, not only when compared to the continuum of behavior; ~,,on of a behavioral act to study the neuro- physiological mechanisms of behavior cannot Iae performed unequivocally - when it is considered as a reaction to some stimulus or other, since ' neither the stimulus nor the reaction can be unequivocally defined in the continuum of behavior. J F'rom the standpoint of functional system theory, an individual behavioral act is directed toward achieving a certain result, and it~ can be isolated expressly by its result, i.e., by the event that it.causes in the environ- - ment and to achieve which it is performed, The result has very specific properties and meaning in the functional system, which are isolated according to different criteria (Anokhin, 1968; Serzhanfiov, 1974) . Here, we shall discuss only those of . its features, according to which it can - be defined by external oliservation of behavior. ~ i ; Since we are dealing witn behavior which, in the broadest sense, can be defined as the "balance between the organism and environment" (I. P. Pavlov) , the first property of the result of expressly a behavioral act ' is that the result is .a specific correlation between the organism and environment, i.e., event-. Any behavioral act elicits numerous changes in the environment, which may be indifferent and occasionally even ~ harmful to the organism. In accordance with the terminology of functional system theory, let us call the result of the behavioral act expressly - events, i.e:, organized aggregates of environmental elements that can be - used in behavior. Let us call all incidental changes in the environment the effects; ~e shall not discuss them in this work. The fact that ~ "events" characterize expressly the correlations between the enva.ronment ' and organism, and that any concrete special goal is. included in the - _ hierarchy of goals and, consequently, in the structure of inemory or lif e experience of the organism, automatically render the concept of "result" _ applicable only to "familiary'' organized sets of environmental elements, All so-called meaningful stimuli may be a result: inborn "releasers" or acquired conditioned signals. ~ Since, according to functional system theory, behavior is goal directed - and all actions are determined by th,~ goal, which is "translated01 by acti~n into a result, the second decisive property of a r.esult is also the fact that a result is an event that stops actior:s directed toward reaching it. ' Since goals are hierarchically organized in the structure of expe~ience and any exogenous factors become goala only if they bring the organism closer to reaching the goal of survival, i;T the continuum of behavior, achieve- ment of any result enables the animal to move toward achievement of the next goal. For this reason, the third essential property of a result is that it initiates the next behavioral act, which is determiaed by the next goal in the hierarchy of goals leading to satisfaction~ oi a concre~te - - 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY motivation and achi vement of the goal to survive. For expressly this reasvn, a stimulus, i.e., result of prior behavior, is only a trigger of subsequent behavior, whereas the specifics of the latter -�-a determined by the model of a future event, i.e., goal. These three properties of a result enable us to define, quite unequi- � vocally, some of the results of behavior and, consequently, to single out individual acts in the continuum of behavior. In our opinion, this idea was very well expressed by V. F. Serzhantov: "A performed functional act - that ends with a specific result causes the to move to other similar acts. Thus, each separate act is qualitatively circumscribed in - time, being separated from both preceding and subsequent phenomena of vital functions. As life moves from one result to another, there is distinctive expression of its rhythms on the level of the organism" , (1974, p 73). y Thus, according to functional system theory, the behavioral act can be . isolated as a segment of the behavioral continuum from one result to another. These acts, which take place successively in time, do not form a"chain," but an hierarchy, since the goals are hierarchically organized in . accordance with the general goal of "survival" and any result turns out to be made up of more concrete results, and itself is part of a more general result. In the~above~example of behavior, occurring after use of a conditioned alimentary signal, the portion of food serves as a. rather major result, to the achievement of which all of the behavior discussed is directed. It is achieved, in turn, through the successive achievement of more special results, which refer both to the change in situation when the head is turned and change in po~ition of the animal - in space as it runs. At the same time, the portion of food serves only as a special result of behavior directed toward satisfying the hunger motivation. Description of the real hierarchy of goals would require knowledge about the entire _ subjective life experience of the animal; however, example, we can confine ourselves to listing only some of the obvious events included in the hierarchy of goals and results: "to be satiated;'--"to eat a portion of foot"--"to be near the feeder"--"to see the feeder"--"to receive the conditioned signal." The goal "to eat a portion of food" contains all of the preceding goals and is itself contained as an element of the system with the more general goal "to be satiated." ~ According to this arbitrary hypotheti~al hierarchy, the result (for examp~e, "to be near the feeder") is reached by all prior behavior, including turning the head, which leads to a special result, �'to see the feeder." 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thus, by introducing the conception of hierarchic organization o~ goals - in the stxucture of the qrgani:sm~s experience, ~unctional system theory makes it possible to isolate a behavioral act no matter how minute, in accordance with the result it achi.eyes, without removing it from the continuum of behavior and without breaking behavior down into separate "atoms." ~ At the same time, functional system theory permits retention of all the conveniences of delivering stimuli and recording reac~ions. Indeed, in the case of integral behavior, a stimulus is, from the ~ _ standpoint of functional system theory, the result of prior behavior, ~ i- sin~e it even has all of its external features: it is familiar, it ~ stops activity preceding it and causes the action to start that is determined by the next goal in the str'ucture of experience on the road - toward satisfaction of motivation. � It is not the next, but prior behavior, which led to appearance of a , stimulus, that is informationally related to this stimulus, which exists be�orehand as a goal, in the form of a certain "anticipatory reflection" ' (Anokhin, 1962). All those who work with animals by the conditioned reflex method know that dogs literally require a conditioned signal facing the experimenter and barking. Training alters this behavior, since "stimulus-result" are attainable by means of "passive anticipation," ' which the experimenter specially develops by reinforcement with a ; conditioned "calm background" signal. As we have already stated, a stimulus serves only as one of the guide- lines of future behavior, which permits the selection of one goal ~ ~ out of the many possible ones according to motivation and situation, by means of a model thereof in the etructure of experience. Since this ~ goal can be reached by different means, depending on other conditions, for exdmple, initial position, it is understandable that different actions may follow the same "stimulus." _ Since, by virtue of the complexity of organization of experience, the same goal can be selected under various exogenous conditions, it is understandable that action may be performed in the absence of a given stimulus, whereas other conditions make it possible to reach this goal (evaluation of this possibility by the animal may also be wrong). The~ - distinct appearance of the same action following the same stimulus is a ; special. case of goal-directed behavior, when a constant goal in a ! specific situation can be reached by the same ~eans and only in the' ' presence of the same prior "result--stimulus." This situation is the most convenient for the study of neurophysiological mec anisms of systemic processes, since in the case of a constant , stimulus--result of prior action and stimulus--result of next action it is easy to isolate the interval between the two results, in which all.of ~ activity is directed toward reaching only one goa1, i.e., we can isolate ' a single behavioral act. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Organization of Physiological Functions in the Behavioral Act Functional systein theory also alters conceptians of organization _f differ- ent physiological functions in behavior, in accordance with conceptions of ~ determination of behavior by the goal. In physiology, the concept of "function" was related to a specific sCructure for a long time. A reflection of this approaca is seen in such concepts as "spinal functions," "cortical functions," "function5 of the liver" or "salivary gland." At the present time, the limitation of such an approach for analysis of integral activity of the organism is obvious (Anokhin, 1940; Luriya, 1962; Menitskiy, 1975, and others). - Conceptions of reflex mechanisms of behavior were closely linked with con- ceptions of reflex mechanisms of different physiological functions, down to - the functions of a single neuran. Synthesis of "little" reflexes could not yield anything but a"big" reflex: some receptor nerve unit is, hit by some agent of the outside world or inner world of the organism. This hit is transformed into a neural process, into the phenomenon of neural excitation. Excitation trsv els over nerve fibers, as if they were wires, to the central nervous system and from there, by virtue of estab- ~ lished links, over other wires to the functional organ, in turn changing into a specific process in the cells of this organ. Thus, any agent _ consistently is related to some activity of the organism, like cause and effect" (Pavlov, 1949, p 553). Although this conception of the reflex has occasionally been labeled as oversimplified or even "caricatured," it has not become enriched by any basic changes in the last 70 years. As validly observed by D. N. Menitskiy, "in spite of the enormous advances of natural sciences and modern technology, as well as psychology and neurophysiology, the basic tenets of conditioned reflex theory remained without appreciable change until recent years.... The categorial structure, i.e., set of problems, principles and concepts of the classical direction of physiology of higher nervous activiLy remained the same" (1975, p.71). Nor could these conceptions change, remaining reflex-oriented, since the above quotation of I. P. Pavlov serves as an excellent definition of the physiological concept of "reflex," reflecting real physiological processes in spinal preparations and anesthetized animals. We believe that authors who object to this definition of reflex do not actually uphold successively reflex positions to interpret integral behavior, and they put some other content into the distinct physiological con- - cept of "reflex." The conceptions of reflex mechanisms of physiological functions were based on factual data, which continue to be submitted to this day. They appear absolutely reliable with the use of modern investigative methods. For example, the ares of spinal reflexes can presently be 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY descrihed with exhaustive accuracy and thoroughness (Eccles, 1959; Kostyuk, 1971). However, all these data were obtained esclusively on preparations (spinal, pretrigeminal, anesthesia, muscle relaxants, etc.), i.e., ex- pressly in states that preclude goal-directed behavior. This circumstance, i.e., demonstration of reflexes in the absence of inte~ral behavior, was noted by I. P. Pavlov as far back as 1904, at the very inception of conditioned reflex theory: amazingly, after transection of all sensory nerves of the tongue, most substances that reach the mouth when eating or forced in lead to absolutely the same salivation as before they were severed. One has to resort to. more - radical measures, to give a toxic ager~t to the animal, remove the ~ - higher branches of the central nervous system, to become conv~.nced of the fact that there is not only a mental, but purely physiological link , between substances that stimulate the mouth and the salivary glands" (1949, p 348). This link is also demonstrable in clinically important reflexes. In states that preclude goal-directed behavior, the.effects of stimulation do indeed appear "automatically" ["machine-like"], since they are caused by stable and in essence "dead" morphology, although it is purposeful, _ which the experimenter actuates with stimulation. Under such conditions, - stimulation does indeed serve as the cause of all processes occurring in the preparation. The assumption that the animal uses certain morphological ~ elements in behavior just as they are used by the experiment in a pre- paration was accepted without proof, since there simply was no methodo- - logical possibility, for a long time, to examine the activity of the nervous system in behavior. In the case of integral behavior, in the presence of "spontaneous" nervous system activity, even the primary nature of afferent processes in relation to efferent ones is found to be related to ~.nterpretation of the behavioral act as a reaction to a stimulus. The constant flows of impulses in both directions make it possible to consider either direction as the first - (Bernshteyn, 1966) or render such a choice generally impossible, since one ~ cannot single out the moment when there would be only afferent or only efferent activity. The fact that behavior is a continuum of constant cyclic _ correlations between the organism and the environment relegates the ques- tion of whicti is first, afferentation or efferentation, to problems of the "egg and chicken" type. ! The conception of action as efferent activity and specific processes in ; "functional organ" cells appears to be just as unjustified. As repeatedly ; stressed by P. K. Anokhin, ",the conception that any exogenous stimulus can produce a'reflex on a muscle,' 'reflex on a gland' or 'reflex on ' the heart' is more an expression of the technique used to evaluate reactions than of our knowledge. about the mechanisms of reactions" (1975, p 148). Even as a phenomenon, the behavioral act exists when and only when there is organization of various processes into a single whole. P. K. 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Anokhin observed that only the deepest b~as could enable one to see re- flexes iii the behavioral act. "Consider a kitten," he wrote," that - performs rhythmic scratching movements to remove some irritant from the . ear. This is not only a commonplace 'scratching reflex,' th~.s is consolidation, in the true meaning of the word, of all parts of the system for a result. Indeed, it is not only the paw that extends toward the head, in this case, i.e., to the point of irritation, but the head extends toward the paw. The cervical muscles on the irritated side ar�e selectively tense, as a result of which the entire head is bent toward the paw. The trunk is also curved in such a manner as to make free manipulations with the paw easier. And even the three paws that are not directly involved in scratching are so placed as to assure the success - of scratching, from the standpoint of position of the body and center of gravity. As we see, the entire body is turned toward the focus of the result; consequen~ly, not a single muscle of the body remains uninvolved in reaching a useful result. We are dealing, in the true sense of the word, with a system of relations that is entirely subordinated to the achievement of a result that is useful to the organism at a given time" (1975, F 3..5). This integration of activities of anatomically different structures and - subordination of any physiological process contained in the behavioral � ~ act to the~general result rules out the possibility of performing any - physiological function included in behavior as an independent "reaction" to some separate factor, and this can be observed on preparations. It is only organization as a whole that determines the form of activity of - each structure, and "the components referable to some anatomical system or other are mobilized and involved in the system only to the extent that they aid in obtaining the programmed result "(Anokhin, 1973a, p 35). Functional system theory makes it possible to extend the concept of purpose�ulness to all levels of organization of physiological functions, which leads to a revision of the content of the concept of function itself. According to functional system theory, goal-directed behavior of - the entire organism is organized from also goal-directed activities of its elements, and the result of the entire int~gral behavior is achieved by reaching the more elementary special results. Consequently, it is possible to make any division of activity of the integral organism into parts, i.e., into separate functions, only in accordance with the hierarchy of the results. Achievement of some result in the organism is a function, i.e., part of the general [overall] work, while the organized aggregate of activities leading to attainment of this result is a f.unctional system. "We interpret functional system as a combination of processes and mechan- isms which, being formed dynamically in accordance with a given situation, necessarily leads to an ultimate adaptive effect that is beneficial _ to the organism in this very situation" (Anokhin, 1962b, p 77). From this systemic thesis, not only any function is multistructural, but any structure is multifunctional, since it is not one function, but all 27 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY those that could take place w~,th the use o~ this structure that are fixed in the structuxal distinctions. For example, such a result as moistening food in the mouth is achieved by an entire functional system, including the activity of many neural, muscular, vascular, glandular and other morphological elements. At the same time, the same process of salivation and activity of the same structure, the salivary gland (for example, in the dog), can be used to achieve different results: not only to moisten food and submit it to primary enzymatic treatment, but for heat regulation, 1 icking a wound, etc. - One could use the term "function of structure" to designate all these func- tions, since t11e entire set of functions, in which the salivary gland can be used in general, with only part of these possibilities being used in each individual functional system, is fixed in the structural distinctions of ' the salivary gland. Thus, according to functional system theory, all functions contained in the functional system of the integral behavioral act are, in turn, organized as functional systems of a lower order of complexity. - Functional systems on different hierarchic levels were analyzed in detail in the school of P. K. Anokhin. For example, many studies dealt wiCh func- tional systems of regulation of respiration (Golubeva, 1971; Polyantsev, 1969; Yumatov, 1976), position (Shumilina, 1949; Agayan, 1970), arterial pressure (Anokhin, 1947; Shumilina, 1961), autbnomic el ements of behavior ~ (Shidlovskiy, 1969), integral food-obtaining behavior (Sudakov, 1971; - - Shuleykina, 1971; Khayutin and Umitriyeva, 1976) and many others, as can - be seen, if only from the bibliography compilec~ by D. G. Shevchenko (1972). Functional systems on the lowest level of complexity are functional elements of more complex functional systems. The behavioral act is performed as the immense hierarchy of functional systems on different levels of complexity: "Of course, the correlation between actin and actomyosin constitutes a ~ well-circumscribed functional system, with regard to it s operational archi- ; tectonics, which ends with a positive result that can be formulated as the contraction of a muscular fibril. But such a func tional system is , merely an intermediate system between even finer molecular correlations ; - of muscle cell protoplasm and between movement, for example, of a hunter in the forest in search of game, since this movement is also ultimately ~ performed by means of actin and actomyosin. How wide the range is, which contains numerous functional systems making up this immense hierarchy of systems!" (Anokhin, 1973a, p 37). An enromous number of various means of organizing elements is possible in this hierarchy. However, it does not contain all possible combinations, and is limited only to inborn and acquired integrations, since the very - formation of some organization or other in philogenesis or through learning is possible only under the system-farming influence of the result, and it is ; 28 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY j APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY already the "purposefulness" of the morphological structure o� the organism that reflects the restrict~on o~ "degrees of freedom" of different combina- tions. Still, even the variants of organization,�which had, in principle, at some time led to an adaptive result on some level of cotnplexity or other and therefore were fixed in the inborn or acquired experience of the organism, are present in sufficient number to make the necessary - selection and organization of elements on each hierarchic level to rzach an individual result. Thus, from the standpoint of functional system theory, performance of any function is related to organization. of specific activities, rather than activity or a substrate per se. This link was determined already in the course of inception of life. Since the main goal of biological systems, to survive, is actually the goal of preserving integrity and organiza- tion of inetabolic processes, the entire hierarchy of goals of highly . organized animals is a hierarchy of organization of physiological processes ultimately leading to preservation of integrity and organization of ineta- - bolism within the enttre organism. And only those of the more elementary functional systems, the results of which form the result of a larger system, _ are involved in some large functional system. Tlius,,the inter~e~at~,ons of elements~in the system.are subordinated to the result of the entire system. "The term 'system' can be used only for a set of selectively - involved elements, in which interaction and interrelations acquire the nature of interaction of elements to achieve a focused useful result" - (Anokhin, 1975, p 37). ~ Consequently, the neurophysiological study of systemic processes in the behavioral act is the study of processes of organization in behavior of the activities of separate brain structures and separate neurons. Operational Architectonics of the Funczional System in an Elementary Behavioral Act The orderliness of the environment, both present and past, makes up the memory of an organism, is used to put in order the relations between elements in the functional system of a single behavioral act. The correla- tion between this order of environmental elements and processes of organiza- - tion of elements of the organism is implemented through the operational architectonics of the functional system of a behavioral act. According to - the theory of P. K. Anokhin, the structure, or operational architectonics, of a functional system of any degree of complexity is comprised of systemic mechanisms, or stages, of afferent synthesis and decision ma.king, and then the acceptor of results or ~oals of action and action program; per- formance of action; achievement of results and comparison of feedback from the parameters of the results to the acceptor of action results (Figure 2). In an elementary behavioral act, these systemic processes, i.e., processes of interrelation between current and past information,and organization t - - 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of the system, are directly superimposed o~~er the time structure of the behavioral act, and they can be precisely determined in time. There are various systemic processes involved in a behavioral act, singled out as - a segment of the behavioral continuum from one result to another, at dif- ferent phases of its development: afferent synthesis and decision making become involved between the result of the preceding act and start of _ actuating mechanisms of the next one; the start of the actuating mechan- isms of a behavioral act already coincides with implementation of the - program of action and acceptor of results of action, while achievement of . the result marks the time of occurrence of feedback and comparison thereof to the acceptor of results of action (Anokhin, 1973b). All these processes, or stages, of organization of elements into a system exist in functional systems of all levels of complexity; however, they present a number of distinctive features in an integral behavioral act, which are related to the fact that behavior "equilibrates" expressly the entire organism with the object-related [objective] environment. Situational en~ ~ r afferentation . . ~ ' PR Trigger` eci- sion ~ stimulus ~ makin pA . ' , ctio Situationa~. Dominant - afferentation otivatio Afferen~ synthesis Key: ARA) acceptor of action result PR) parameters of result PA) program of action RA) result of action Figure 2. Operational architectonics of a functional system after P. K. Anokhin (1973a) Even the first living systems were open (Anokhin, 1975, p 333) and included interaction with the environment. The' result, in this sense, is part of the system brought out into the environment, or part of the environment contained in the system. Organization of the system can be maintained only by means of organization of the environment (Ferster, 1964), and the very first living things had to utilize "negentropy" from the environment (Schroedinger, 1947). For this reason, the results on the level of biochemical systems were specific chemical substances, organization of the relations of which was used to maintain metabolism. On the level of highly organized organisms, an event in the environment that became a result could also consist of only a.specific organization of the environment. This organization of the environment, or information flowing and already fixed in memory,.ultimately determines the selection , 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and organization of elements and physiolog~.ca1 processes on all levels of complexity in the functional system of the integral behavioral act. In order to form an hierarchy, the "operational architectonics" of systemic . processes must be basically invariant on all hierarchic levels of the systems (Anokhi.n, 1973a). The functional system of the integral behavioral act 3s made up of subsystems on the physiological level, each of which undergoes a stage of afferent spnthesis and decision making, and includes its own = acceptor of results of action and program of action. Of course, on the level of physiological subsystems, all these processes take less time than processes of organization of the entire system of the behavioral act. This is related both to the lower volume of elements in physiological systems and partial morphological fixing of some organizations "refined" in phylo- genesis or ontogenesis. At the same time, an individual behavioral act is always only one of the sub- systems on the behavioral Ievel in the functional system whose goal is to satisfy motivation, in which each systemic process may involve man~ elemen- tary behavioral acts. Thus, the functional system of an integral (and, at the same time, elementary) behavioral act must result in an even, i.e., correlation with the environment of the entire organism, and consists of subsystems of only the physi.ological level, the results of which are certain changes within and without the organism, constituting part of the events, but not correlating the environment and organism as a whole. We have already noted that, according to functional s;stem theory, the choice of one goal and one behavioral act out of the entire store of memory take place with the involvement of motivation and situation. It actually signifies a choice of an enormous amount of subsystems on all hierarchic levels and organization from them of a specific integration, - or even an entire hierarchy of integrations of physiological processes. The purposeful coordination of functions of different elements into an integral system Lakes place by means of eliminating "superfluous" degrees of freedom from the elements (Anokhin, 1973a, 1974a), related to Che possibility of using the same element in diFferent systems. Since exchange of orderliness between the organism and envixonment takes place constantly, at any g~ven moment motivation and situatian make it y possible to implement only a small number (probably about seven) of behavioral acts (~huprikova, 1978). Motivation and situation reduce the degrees of freedom of all subsystems used in behavior, so that in the presence of one motivation and in a specific situation only limited sets of elements can unite into the functional system of the behavioral act. This preliminary selective organization of elements is what constitutes "preliminary [pretrigger] integration" (Anokhin, 1968). The latter concept ~.s referable to the next act, and in the continuum of behavior preliminary integrations of future behavioral acts are formed and change during current behavior, which is the expression of one of the preceding preliminary integrations. 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100048-6 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = The process of translation of preliminary integrat~on into a behavioral : act, i.e., final el,imination of all supexfluous degrees of freedom of ; all subsystems of the physiological level and organization thereof into - a single,purposeful functional system of tt~e integral behavioral act, = occurs with appearance in the environment of some result of prior beha- ~ vior, on which depends the choi ce of a conerete goal and a r~eans of reaching it. , Since there is no information in the environment as to expressly which - subsystem organization will lead to satisfaction of motivation, while memory of the organism consists entirely of such information, exogenous infermation in the course of aff erent synthesis and decision making is used expressly for selection from memory of specific information, from which a concrete goal is set (acceptor of results of action), which is reached through a single act and adequate motivation and situation. _ These processes of organization of elements into'a system take up the ' interval between the�result of the preceding behavioral act (stimulus) and start of purposeful action (reaction). The acceptor of results of action, which appears after decision making, can be theoretically related only to the programs of action that had led to achievement of expressly this result in the past, and thi., determines the purposefulness of any action. Since actuating mec:'.ianisms � of the behavioral act are determined by the acceptor of results ot action and retrieved from memory, where they are c~ordinated beforehand, _ the program of action arises immediately after decision making as an ~ "efferent integral" (Anokhin, 1968). Reverse organization of system elements into a new order of environmental elements occurs already by means of the systemic process of action, when the organized work of actuating physiological subsystems is performed and real results of integral behavior are achieved. Action is now mani- fested as the coordinated function of selected subsy~tems, and until the result is achieved coordination occurs only on the subsystem level, whereas the correlations between the integral organism and organization = of the environment are predetermined until the next result is achieved. Upon completion of action and achievement of results, information about the parameters of the real resul ts is compared to the.information of the acceptor of results of action and, in the event they coincide, the organism is able to move to the next purposeful behavioral act on the road toward satisfying motivatio n; whereas in rlte case of noncoincidence, ~ this induces a universal orienting-exploring behavioral act. Thus, the integral elementary behavioral act is an elementary cycle of " _ correlating organization of the integral organism to the objective enviranment. We can examine this cycle starting, for example, with action: action leads to a result, i.e., specific organization of elements of the environment which, along with motivation and situation, is used to organize elements of the organism in processes of afferent synthesis 32 FOR OFF ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and decision making; the oxganrzation formed after deci~ion znaking conforms with the acceptor of resclts of action and related program of action. Decision making is a transitional factor, after which all combina- tions of stimulai acquire an actuating, efferent immediately after making a decision there is formation of the integral of efferent stimuli, which must first implement a peripheral action and then achieve- ment of the results of action. There~is a precise, i~e., equivalent, informational link between all these stages of formatio:~ of the act proper.... If we were to examine the results of action as consequences of organized centrifugal flows of stimuli, these deterministic relations can be con- tinued further, in the direction of information about the results obtained" ' (Anokhin, 1968, p 233). - Now that we have discussed this elementary cycle in terms of systemic pro- cesses, we can undertake the neurophysiological study of systemic pro- cesses of the elementary behavioral act. . Our objective should be to try to disclose the neurophysiological content - of such systemic processes as afferene synthesis and de~ision making, acceptor of results of action and program of action. All these concepts are related to the concepts of "organization" and "information," which cannot be unequivocally defined at the present time (see, for example, Abramova, 1976; Kremyanskiy, 1976). Perhap s, as the relevant neurophysiological data are accumulated, it will be possible to define these concepts both in philosophical and cybernetic terms. However, this wi11 require that the systemic principle be the ~ guiding one in neurophysiological studies of behavior. When it is dis- regarded, a situation is formed in neurophysiology that is quite vividly described by G. Somyen: when it is a matter of the central nervous system, we are rich in facts but poor in theory. Data are accumulating with incredible speed, but they form an amorphous~mass, rather than an � organized structure. Advancement is inevitably retarded and the route _ becomes confused whenever there is an abundance of facts but not enough = guiding principles (1975, p 235). We should like to end this chap*er and, at the same time, give warning in the words of K. Lashley: "The point of view of nervous activity described here apparently does not give us the simple and clear explana- tions that are possible if we~recognize the reflex hypothesis. But this ~ clarity was attained at the price of disto,.ting the truth, and we prefer to admit our ignorance and be accused of vagueness, instead of shutting our eyes to the most important problems (1933y p 196). 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI~TLY ~ CHAPTER 2. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF SYSTEMIC PROCESSES IN THE ELEMENTARY BEHAVIORAL ACT Electrical Activity of the Brain in Behavior Electrical activity of different brain structures and neurons is the most accessible and widely used parameter of processes occurring in the central nervous system in performing behavior. Since the functional system of the goal-directed behavioral a.ct is formed by the coordinated activity of many struc tures and neurons, it is equally important to neurophysi.ological _ studies of systemic processes to determine the time characteristics of neurophysiological processes in each separate structure or neuron and the correlation between these processes. - Of course, the systemic significance of time and space characteristics of elect rical activity of different brain structures can be disclosed by comparing them to the time intervals of the behavioral act and systemic processes occurring in these intervals. As we have alrea~ly noted, there must be general systemic processes of afferent synthesis and decision making in the elementary behavioral act, in the interval between the stimulus and start of action, i.e., processes of coordination of activities of many elements on the scale of the ~ entire organism; there must also be genezal systemic pr.ocesses of _ implementation of the acceptor of results and program of action between - the s tart of action~to achievement of the result, when activity of the ; organism as a whole is already coordinated and goal-directed, while coordi- _ nation processes take place only on the level of physiological subsystems of the integral behavioral act. _ Systemic processes can be determined only in time, and they cannot be : local ized in some structure, since systemic processes are processes of interaction between many constantly functioning afferent and efferer.t central and peripheral structures that are coordinated in a specific way to achieve a concrete, adaptive result. At the same time, it is apparent that local processes in separate struc- tures, which perform different functions, must be related to expressly ' these specific functions. Electrophysiological phenomena are usually compared to specific functions, since they are always recorded in some . 3~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY concrete local structures. For example, witn derivation from the visual - cortex, all electrophysiological parameters are compared to the pxoper-- ties of visual stimuli and assessed as the correlates of visua~ informa- tion processing, whereas with derivation of potentials from motor structures they are compared to movement and considered as correlates of specific motor functions. When analyzing the significance of electrophysiological phenomena from the positions of functional system theory, the question arises as to how special and systemic processes are related and to what extent they are ref lected in electrophysiological phenomena. This question is also closely lintced with the problem of origin of electrophysiological pheno.- mena. Do they reflect processes specific to the morphological structure and relations of a specific structure, or processes of coordination of activities of elements situated in different structures? If electrophysiological parameters are correlates of processes related to specific structure and physiological functions of specific brain structures, they must be peculiar to each structure. But if electrophysiological indicators are related to systemic processes and reflect coordination of activities of elements "referable to different anatomical systems," these parameters must be similar for different structures, but specific to a specific behavior. According to current data, the activity recorded with a macroelectrode _ in some point of rhe brain represents the sum of many processes occurring in adjacent tissue. Overall electrica]. activity reflects both synaptic potentials (Jasper, Stefanis, 1965; Frost, Gol, 1966) and dendritic ones _ _ (Purpura, 1963; Klee et al., 1965) and, perhaps, glial ones (Roytbak, 19Es5), as well as circulatory and tissular metabolic processes (Aladzhalova, 1962); and the active elements do not remain constant, so that the overall effects owe their origin to different neurons in different time segments (Elul, 1972). = The complexity of electrogenesis of total activity, which is also in- - creased by anisotropism of brain tissue and presence of dipole relations - in oriented structures, does not enable us to relate the charac~eristics of overall activity to the activity of some specific structural elements of brain tissue. However, total electrical activity of specific brain structures can serve as an indicator of the state of these structures and dynamics of processes in macrostructures. It is for this purpose that one usually records overall electrical activity of different brain structures in relation to behavior. At the present time, there are very many works dealing with analysis of the EEG of _ activity in behavior.. As noted by V. I. Gusel'nikov, at the first stage "there w~s a great desire to see, in the dynamics of the overall EEG, a ref lection of the classical conceptions of the main patterns of brain function, which led at best to repetition of the general schemes already - proposed for them by I. P. Pavlov" (1976, p 8). 35 ^ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONT~Y ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY However, already visual evaluat~on o~ overall act~,vity according to the _ change in frequency and amplitude o~ oscil,lations tnade it possible to , determine that during performance of behavioral acts, in response to - a conditioned signal, activation is ohserved in many structures o~ the brain (Gasteau, Roget, 1962), and there is selective involvement in activation of vzrious structures with various forms of behavior (Shumilina, 1959, 1961b). These facts already warranted reference to systemic organization of processes in the brain during performance of _ behavioral acts (Shumilina, 1965; Naumova, 1968). With the appearance of a possibility to asses s more precisely the frequency and time characteristics cf overall activity, it was found that the oscilla- tions of potentials become synchronous in var ious structures during behavioral acts (Livanov, 1962, 1972). Synchrany is also observed in selectively related structures, rather than all of �them (Anokhin et al., 1973), and the set thereof changes with change in form of behavior (Ioshii et al., 1969). ` _ Special experiments conducted in the laborato ry of M. N. Livanov (1972) ~ revealed that synchronous activation of different structures is closely linked with behavior. On the one hand, a correlation was established ; between the probability of moveiuent of a rabbit in response to a flash ' and level of spatial synchronization of the cortical EEG (Luchkova, 1971); on the other hand, there was a link between spontaneous movements and Ievel of EEG synchronization (Trush, Korol'kova, 1974). A correlation ~ was also established between human reaction t ime and level of spatial synchronization of cortical activity (Vasil'yev, Trush, 1975) . ' Thus, studies of overall electrical activity revealed that, in perform- I- ing behavior, there is,activation of an entir e system of structure, the _ composition of which depends on the form of behavior; electrical processes are synchronous in many structures; synchroni zation of processes is ~ referable to a specific set of structures, and it is necessary to behavior. ' All these data already indicate that, in behavior, cerebral processes ~ = have systemic, rather than linear, organization. However, the EEG describes processes occu rring in a particular structure in only the ~ most general features; moreover, evaluation of changes in the overall EEG requires rather long time segments, and changes in the overall EEG may be referable to Iarge segments of the behavioral continuum. Separate oscillations of overall electrical activity, which are referred to as "evoked potentials" (EP), "generated po tentials," "premotor poten- tials," "motor potentials," as well as "wave of anticipation" or "condi- = tioned negativeness," in relation to exogenous event.s or movements, are more suitable for comparison to systemic mechanisms of the elementary ; behavioral act. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Like overall activity, EP constitute a complex phenomenon reflecting the state of many different elements at the point of derivation. The configu- ration of EP recorded in a given point probably also depends on both synaptic (Purpura, 1963) and dendritic (Kullanda, 1964) potentials, and perhaps glial ones as well (Roytb~k, 1965), and the location of the macro- electrode in relation to orientation of dipoles alsa p lays a role in polarity and amplitude of components (Guseltnikav, 1976). EP are used in behavioral experiments and clinical examinations as a parameter of the I dynamics of rather rapid processes in local points of derivation. Synchronism and Similarity of Conf iguration of EP o~ Various Structures in Bt~havior _ For ri long time, EP were studied on animals ar.esthetized with barbiturates. - Under such conditions, the oscillations of potential. in response to affer- en~ stimulation were recorded from relatively local "focuses of maximum activity," and they were stable in amplitude and conf iguration (Chang, 1959). _ This circumstance caused wid~ use of the EP phenomenon in studies of the morphology of relations in the central nervous system and publicati~n of numerous studies dealing with a search for the pathways and structures through which particular oscillations are "conducted." Reflex or "commutator" conceptions of the mechanisms of behavior determined the same approach ta the study ~of EP in integral behavior as well. However, already the use - of chloralose (Buser et al., 1959) and muscle relaxants (Buser, Borenstein, 1959) revealed that, in response to the same stimulus, EP can be demon- strated in many structures of the brain, while responses to different stimuli can be recorded in the same structure. - = EP were found to be very generalized (Kogan, 1965; Shul'ga, 1965) and _ unstable in both localization and configuration in waking animals and man, - which made it necessary to use the averaging procedure. Destruction of different brain structures in waking animals did not el iminate EP in - others (Chow et al., 1966; Cohn, 1969), while the observed EP changes were ` brief and could not be unequivocally explained (Cherkes, Lukhanina, 1972). Nevertheless, debates continue concerning the links between EP components and conduc~ion of afferent excitation over some "projection" and "non- specific" pathways or other. - Already in the early studies invulving recording of EP in response to stimuli requiring a behavioral reaction it was found that there is very early oscillation of potentials in cortical regions that were unrelated to the stimulated analyzer (Artem'yev, 1956, 1959). A11 researchers working ~n development of conditioned reflexes observed a phase of gerierali- zation, when EP were demonstrable in virtually all leads (Shumilina, 1965; - Naumova, 1968). E. R. John and his coworkers compared, in an entire . series of experiments, the time parameters and configuration of EP in many different brain structures, and demons~rated in many of them syn- chronous EP, similar in configuration, in response to a stimulus that induced behavior (John, 1969; John, 1972). In these studies, a comparison 37 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAi~ USE ONLY was made of configuration of EP averaged for many delivexies of a stimulus, which permitted elimination of EP instab:ility i.n any structure, which is common in waking animals. Analysis of the acfiivity af neuxonal "ensembles," - - recorded with the same "quasimicroelectrodes" used for EP revealed that - impulse activity of neurons of many anatomically and functionally differ- ent structures was similarly organized in time when submitted to statis- tical evaluation (John, Morgades, 1969). These data served as one of the bases for "statistical configuration theory" (John, 1973). The synchronism and similarity of.EP configurations in response to a stimulus that evokes behavior do not extend to all structures of the ~ brain. In addition to the fact that EP are specific in:configuration and distribution for different behavioral acts (for example, food-searching and defense behavior), they are also variable and individual for each animal (Myshkin et al., 1968). The question of individuality of EP has been best studied in man. It was demonstrated, for example that, other condi- - tions being equal, EP of twins have marked similarity (Dustman, Beck, 1465); some of the individua~. characteristics of EP are beginning to be used in differential psychophysiology (Rutman, 1974; Rusalov, 1974, 1975). ~ All of these distinctive features of EP do not.make it possible to intro- duce a nomenclature of EP components that would apply equally to all condi- i tions (Rutman, 1974) or to outline the typical topography of theix deriva- tion. Under some conditions, marked EP may be recorded even from~"extra- j- cranial" structures (Prichard et al., 1965), under others they are depressed i a.nd not demonstrable at all (Coquery et al., 1972). i In our laboratory, we also observed synchronism of EP in different brain ' structures in response to a flash of light, in the case wher~e the flash - triggered the rabbit's run to the feeder. Experiments were conducted (with S. S. Trofimov) on five rabbits in a special chamber (Figure 3). A flash of~light from the flash lamp of a Soneclat stimulator (0.3 J, 50 us) was delivered from the ceiling of the chamber (?0 cm above the floor). There was a 1-s interval between the flash and automatic delivery of a feeder with 10-30 g of cabbage or ~ carrots. The EEG of the right and left visual, right and left sensorimotor, right ; auditory cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and reticular formation of the I mesencephalon, was derived monopolarly by means of implanted electr~des. ~ The silent electrode was placed over the frontal sinus. A Polygraph-YVII, - with concurrent recording on a Magnetor XIV, was used to record the EEG, as well as EMG of cervical muscles and relevant marks. The bandpass ' constituted 0.3-200 Hz for the EEG channels. The EP were averaged by reproducing the tape for 25 runs on an NTA-512B analyzer (bandwidth 2 ms, period ["epoch"] of analysis 512 ms or 1024 ms). 38 i = FOR OFFI~tAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ . . , t ~ i ~ o 0 1, ~ 6 _...._:...;~s..~ . ; ~ ~ } Y 1 ~ , ' - +,GYyN. ~Y4 , I + * ~a i ti:..:. Figure 3. Genera]_ view of experimental chamber - 1) flash lamp 2) feeder with automatic delivery of 10-20 g cabbage 3) contacts = Figure 4 illustrates the tracing of total electrical activity of different regions of the brain in a single behavioral act. It was demonstrated that - EMG acti~ity marking the start of functioning of actuating mechanisms appears on the rear front of the negative component of EP. On the left are averaged evoked potentials (AEP) in different structures of the brain corresponding to 25 such acts. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate AEP of different regions of the brain in res- ponse to a light, which triggers orienting~exploring behavior in one gituation (a) and purposeful movement toward the feeder in another (b) - for two different rabbits (in Figure 5, the tracings were obtained for rabbit No 2 and in Figure 6, for rabbit No 4). These.same figures � 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FAR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ illustrate histograms o~ latency periods o~ II~G actiyation during the corresponding acts. GOs , Cod Cms ' Cm - Cacs r..~..~-.... Hfh . Fr ,EMG I0~ '~`~w~1~`~''1~'`'~ _ ~ -E- 800 ms -j- Zigfit Food - Act - Figure 4. Rabbit EEG during elementary behavioral act: In response to the flash of light, the ra}abit heads for the feeder, in which carrots appear after 800 ms. Top to bottom, leads: left and right visual cortex, left and right motor9 left aiiditory cortex, hypothalamus, reticular formation of the mesencephalon, EMG of cervical muscles, stimulation marks, actogram (shows rabbit nearing i the feeder) Analysis of these tracings revealed that when the flash of light tri.ggered - food-obtaining behavior, AEP are synchronous and similar in configuration in several structures of the brain; for example, in Figure Sb, there are very similar AEP in the sensorimotor and auditory cortex, and in Figure 6b, ' this applies to the right visual and sensorimotor cortex, as well as 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' reticular formation and hippocampus. If the similarity is assessed solely according to time organization of processes without consideration of ampli- tude of different elements and the initial level of constant potential, we - can consider AEP to be similar in all leads, with the exception of the hippocampus, in rabbit No 2(Figure 5b), and in all leads with the exception ~ of the hypothalamus and left visual cortex in rabbtt No 4(Figure 6b). The _ difference in amplitude of different AEP components could be related to the location of electrodes in relation to active tissular elements and - different conditions of derivation of electrical activity for differently localized electrodes. a b ~ ~ Figure 5. C.v.s Averaged evoked potentials in response c.o.f. to flash of light triggering orienting behavior (a) and running toward feeder c.s-m.s (b) in rabbit No 2. - ts-r'~. The time of the flash is shown by the ~A~~ arrow. Leads, top to bottom: left and yth.,.~,V,~,~,.�. right visual cortex, left and right sensorimotor cortex, right auditory ~~f ' cortex, hypothalamus, reticular formation, hippocampus. At the bottom of (b): ~p~ histogram of distribution of latency ' periods of EMG of cervical muscles in 25 averaged combinations. ~0o ms w In some structures, ALP have opposite pol.arity of all or some components. This renders the AEP in such structures as the hippocampus in rabbit No2 and hypothalamus in rabbit No 4 dissimilar to AEP of other derivations; but if we judge only the dynamics of processes and consider that the amplitude and sign of components in each given structure are related to the location _ of electrodes in relation to active elements of brain tissue, on the basis of AEP configuration, we can conclude that ~n these structures also - the dynam3cs of the processes have similar organization in time. _ Thus, during a behavioral act, the processes in some.functionally and mor- phoZogically different brain structures are synchronous and present similar time organization. , 41 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Getting somewhat ahead of our presPn- tation, 1et us mention that we b obtained the same results in experi- 1 a ~ ments with defense behavior, and / with recording o� activity of individual neurons in different c.0.s. parts of the brain during behavior. G.O. d. We believe that the same time organi- ' Cs-m,r zation of processes in functionally ~ cs-m.d and morphologically different struc- tures, such as, for example, the C.A.d. visual and sensorimotor cortex, ; precludes interpretation of AEP as yth. correlates of coding of some speci- fic information, in this case ! R�F f"'~"'''ti" visual. Since physiological func- Y ,~,i~~ tions of different structures ~'P~� ~ n evidently remain different in ~oa ms behavior, it must be accepted that W common features of organization of ~ i- activity are created by processes Figure 6. that are common to many structures, ~ Averaged evoked potentials for rabbi.t and they occur only during behavior, No 4. Designations are the same as~ but not under anesthesia, when EP in Figure 5. are recorded in limited points. The synchronism and similarity of organization of processes in different structures also rules out the possi- j~ bility of "conduction of oscillations" from one structure to another, and dascription of processes whose correlates are EP in terms of "con- duction pathways" is generally inadequate. If we were to compile a general nomenclature of all EP components demon-. _ strable in at least one lead a~d t~~.ynthesize"~an artificial "common" EP - from them, indicating only the time interval.s taken up by specific compo- nents, regardless of their sign and amplitude, we could gain an idea about ~ the time organization of processes in all derivations. A comparison of ; EP in each specific lead to the "common" EP would show us the form of _ involvement of a specific structure in general~processes. And we learn that some structures have a complete set of components: primary positive ~ oscillation.followed by great negativ3.ty, then positivity and slow ~ - ne~ative deviation. In other structures, there is not a complete set of components, but the existing oscillatians are synchronous with some ~ components of the "general" [common] EP. This shows that the EP of a separate structure, even if dissimilar in general configuration to EP _ of other derivations, may reflect involvement of this structure in some phases of the general process. ; 42 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A comparison of EP in two different behavioral situations, or3enfiing and food-obtaining behavior (Figure Sa and b; Figure 6a and b), indicates that although the configuration of EP in~the same structures varies widely, the "general" EP consists of the same main components, each of which spreads differently in structures and is complicated by various subcompo- nents in different behavioral acts. - The same phenomenon was demonstrated when a comparison was made of EP of different rabbits with the same behavior (Figures 5 and 6): the distribu- tion, configuration and even polarity of differen.t components could be quite different; however, the four-component structure of the "general". EP is apparently mandatory. We observed this four-component EP structure - in virtually all of our experiments, and we sha11 adhere to the following ~ nomenclature of these components hereafter: primary, negativlty and late positivity, which may be followed by a slow negative deviation under certain conditions. Link Between EP and Time of Behavioral Act In the same experiments, we measured the latency periods of electrical ~ activation of cervical muscles, and plotted histograms of distribution of these latency periods. The earliest EMG reactions appeared with a latency period of about 50 ms; mean latency time ranged from 100 to 400 ms in . different rabbits. A comparison of histograms of distribution of these latency periods to time of development of EP revealed that only primary = and negative components of EP develop in the latency period of the EMG = reaction, whereas late positivity corresponded already to the start of muscular contraction and, consequently, start of function of actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act (Figures 5 and 6). Many studies have been devoted to EP changes related to different reaction - - times (Donchin, Lindsley, 1966; Bostock, Jarvin, 1970, and others). However, researchers concentrated mainly on the correlation between reaction time and amplitude of difFerent EP components. The question of correlation between time characteristics of EP and time of behavioral act was not posed, probably because of the prevailing view that EP are related to "afferent processes." ~Still, R. Eason et al. (1967) demonstrated a link between reaction time and latency of various EP components. If we cempare the literature, according to which human reaction time to ~ different stimuli constitutes 100-300 ms (Shoshol', 1966), while EP in _ response to the same stimuli constitute 300-400 ms (Rutman, 1974), it is _ ' easy to see that EP correspond to all processes in the behavioral act, _ rather than only "analysis of the stimulus." In recent times, direct evidence has also appeared of the fact that the start of motor activity coincides in time with the rear front of negati- vity or anterior front of the positive component (Peymer, 1971; Ikeda, - 43 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1973). A correlation was demonstrated: in all cases of increase in reac- � tion time, regardless of the cause of this increase, there ~.s increase and even dovbling of the negative ~omponent (k'eymer, 1971; Tkeda, 1973; Ritter et al., 1972). The ~act that EP conform with processes of the entir.e behavioral act makes it un~ustified to classify potentials as sensory and motor, since they only differ in means of isolation from the general, overall EEG. Indeed, if we average the electrical activity of some structure due to a stimulus, we obtain a sensory EP, whereas if we "reverse average" the same activity from the start of the EMG, we obtain a m,otor potential. In view of the variabi- - lity of the latency period of the EMG reaction, the configuration of motor - potentials may differ somewhat from the configuration of the evoked potential; however, the general composition of components rema.ins the same. ~ Tracings of the motor potential related to voluntary movement of the foot, submitted, for example, in the work of L. Gilden et al. t1966), . conform entirely with the late components observed in the behavioral act and triggered by some stimulus: first a small positive component, then negativ ity,' which reaches a maximum about 100 ms after its start, followed by strong positivity. EMG activity begins together with the posterior front of negativ~ity. L. Decke et al. (1969) described a very similar sequence of components, associated with finger movement: against the background of "potential readiness" 86 ms before the EMG or. 117 ms before deviations on the mechanogram, "premotor positiv~ity" was recorded, which changed 56 ms . before the start of EMG activity into a"negative motor potential," the ~ posterior front of which corresponded to the start of EMG activity. The ' maximum level of this activity coincided with the next positive companent. The same sequence of processes has been described with other forms of ~ motion and eye movement (Becker et al., 197~). _ All these facts convince us that in all cases the summa~_�ed potentials _ associated with a behavioral act correspond to all processes of organiza- tion of this act. - Neverthelecs, EP rec~rded in response to a sensory stimulus are usually analyzed as correlates of only sensory processes, whereas the potentials - isolated by "reverse averaging" are analyzed as correlates of only motor , pr~cesses. If we agree that both aualysis of the environment and ~rganization of actuating mechanisms are required to perform a behav~oral act in any case and, as we have tried to demonstrate in the preceding. section, that processes in sensory and motor structures have the same _ time organization, it becomes apparent that EP reflect very unique and qualj.tatively specific processes that occur during performance of integral behavior. The use of anatomical and physiological categories of "afferent--efferent," or "sensory--motor," is not adequate for evalua- tion of processes, the correlates of which are EP. 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~'Endcgeny" of EP in Behavior Evoked potentials were used in an enormous amount of studies of the most diverse problems. These studies made it possible to accumulate some very important facts dealing with the dependence of diverse EP characteristics, such as configu- ration, latency periods, amplitude and polarity of components, on the most varied experimental conditions. Particularly many works dealt with deter- mination of the dependence of EP on intensity of stimulation. Some authors found a link between intensity of stimulus and primary EP component (Schmidt, 1968); however, most studies demonstrated that laCer components depend Dn intensity of stimulation (Beck, Rosner, 1968; Wicke et al., 1964). EP were also found to be related to the content of stimuli, such as slides or words (Lifshitz, 1966; John et al., 1967), as we11 as informa- tion contained in the stimulus (Sutton et a1., 1967; Buchsbaum, Fedio, 1969) and meaning of the stimulus for the sub~ect (Kostandov, 1977; Jennes, 1972).. Many studies dealt with dependence of EP on level of attention (Garcia- ' Austt et al., 1964; Mackworth, 1969), and it was found that relevant, or meaningful, stimuli that the subjAct had to count or to which he had to respond always induced more marked EP than irrelevant ones. Here, the link betw~en EP and the entire behavioral act�is particularly dist:inct. In extreme cases of distraction of attention, EP are not recarded at all, as had already been demonstrated by R. Hernandez-Peon (1960, 1961). ~ In our experiments, in response to presentation of rhythmic flashes of light as a conditioned signal reinforced by stimulation (ECS), a complete EP developed only to the first flash in a series, after which defense behavior began and the next flashes were "unmeaningful" (Figure 7) (Shvqrkov, Velichkina, 1970). We obtainad similar data with regard to food-re~a*.ed behavior (Shvyrkov, Grinchenko, 1972), and they have also been d~;:=ribed by many other authors. A correlation was also demonstrated between EE and nature of future motor response (.Spinelli, Pribram, 1970), time and probability structure of presentation of s~imuli (Jenness, 1972a, b; Boddy, 1973; Poon et al., 1976), etc., in o:'ther words, all factors determining integral behavior. At the same time, corx'elations were demonstrated b~t~aeen EP and physiolo- gical parameters: the configuration of EP changed when stimuli were de- livered at different phases of respiration or the cardiac cycle (Callaway, - M. Buchsbaum, 1965), with change in state of the thyroid (Shagass,~1975), with adm~niscration of pharmaceutical agents, etc. Interpretations o� these facts are ~ust as diverse as the data themselves; - however, they can be divided into three groups. Some authors prefer to interpret L~P chang~es in psychological terms, such as "perception," "attentian," "recognition," etc. The second group of explanations refers - 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100048-6 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - to physiological discussion of the sources and pathways of conduction of a given component. The third group uses the terminology of information processes: "evaluation of signals," "information processing," etc., etc. _ a , ' b c Figure 7. Evoked p~tentials in response to rhythmic flashes of light, in somatosensory cortex of the rabbit with development of conditioned reflex a) before development of reflex b) lst to 20th combinations, delivery of~electrocutaneous stimulation ~ S00 ms after the 6th flash c) 21st-40th combinations - - All these interpretations make some use or other of. the link between EP _ and parameters of the stimulus that induces them, while changes in EP con- , figuration are related to the modulating influence of either attention, emo- tions, etc., or nonspecific structures, or informational meaning. A. M. Ivanitskiy believes that "the possibility of recording a response in the. _ absence of stimulus is an objection to conceptions of the exclusively - modulating action of nonspecific influences on late waves of the response (1976, p 73), and he cites extensive facts to support this possibility. - Iiowever, A. M. Ivanitskiy believes that this is the only ob~ection. We believe that the list of objectians must also include the resu~*_~ of experiments involving recording of "motor" potentials, as well as data that _ there are no EP in the presence of tiie stimuli described in the preceding section. But the decisive objections which, we believe, compel us to ' abandon these conceptions, were obtained from systematic experiments j in the laboratory of E. R. John, which demonstrated the "endogeny" of all EP components after 40 ms (John, 1972) or even 25 ms (John, Morgades, 1969). The main experiment of E. R. John consists of delivery of flashes _ at a frequency of 3 Hz to cats trained to depress one lever in response to flashes at a frequency of 2 Hz and another lever, in response to ~ - flashes at 4 Hz. This was associated with "generalization," and the cats ~ sometimes went to one lever and sometimes to the othez. The EP configura- tion in response to such a"generalizing" signal corresponded expressly to the light that was a"signal" for the ~ever to whicfi the cat went. . ~ 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The conditions of these experiments were changed in all sorts of ways. The "generalizing" flash was replaced with a sound or electric stimula- tion of brain structures; depression uf the lever was reinforced with either food or elimination of a possible nociceptive stimulus. In addi- tion to EP, aetivity of neuronal "ensembles" was also recorded, and a computer was used to define the configuration of EP and "population activity" corresponding to specific behavioral acts. Al1 these modifications revealed that in response to any stimulus there was reproduction of the EP configuration corresponding to specific beha- vior, and it was unrelated to the parameters of the stimulus. In order _ tu stress the independence of EP configuration from the parameters of ~ exogenous stimu~ation, E. R. John called the components "endogenous~~ after 25 ms or 40 ms, i.e., reflecting internal activity of the brain read out of inemory (John, 1973). _ The fact that the early components were present with any form of behavior served as grounds to consider these components (up to 25 or 40 ms) "exogenous," related to input in the brain of ''external information." The fact that EP reflect the "memory of prior experience" (John, 1973, p 209), i.e., activity retrieved from the organismts memory, makes it possible to explain the dependence of EP on a11 factors in the exogenous - and endogenous environment. According to functional system theory, retrieval of a given behavioral act from memory depends on both endogenous = factors (motivation) and exogenou~ ones (situat~on). This shows that a stimulus is exclusively an impetus, or trigger factor, which does not determin~ endogenous brain processes, but only triggers them. - This is also confirmed by experiments, in which an exogenous acoustic stimulus was replaced with electrical stimulation of the auditory cortex (Miller et al., 1969) or photic stimulus was replaced by stimulation of the external geniculate body or visual cortex (M. t. Glickstein, 1972). - The latency period of the motor response diminished with electrical stimuli by exactly the magnitude of the interval occupied by the primary component. These utterly artificial electrical stimuli 3pparently replace entirely the exogerious trigger signal, although, of course, it is unlikely that they carry "information about the physical properties of the stimulus." _ Since, according to our hypothesis, EP reflect processes of coordination of elements of different structures into a single system, "endogeny" of EP _ signifies that the trigger stimulus reproduces processes of concordance of the elements that previou~ly formed a functional system of the corres- - ponding behavioral act. Link Between EP and Future Events According to system theory, the activity of different brain structures in the behavioral act is not only "endogenous," i:e., retrieved - 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY from memory, but goal-directed. In other words, the choice of a specific activity from memory is determined by hierarchically organized goals or anticipated future events. The link between EP configuration in response to any trigger stimulus and future events can already be seen in the fact that EP to a conditioned stimulus followed by reinforcement is significantly different from the EP in response to an "indifferent" stimulus, as has been demonstrated in a vast number of studies. The experiments of A. I. Shumilina (1965) revealed that the configuration of EP to a conditioned stimulus depends on the quality of reinforcement. EP in response to the same flash of light, with respect to its physical parameters, present different conf igurations when the flash serves as a conditioned signal of future food or defense reinforcement. The above- cited data of E. R. John can be interpreted as confirmation of another aspect of dependence of EP on future events. While in the experiments of A. I. Shumilina the same stimulus served as a signal of different future ~ events, in the experiments of E. R. John different stimuli, which triggered the same behavioral act, were signals about the same future event. There was direct demonstration of the possibility of purposeful transforma- : tion of EP when a specific EP conf iguration leads to reinforcement in the experiments of S. Fox, A. Ruddel (1970) and J. Rosenfeld, R. Owen (1972). All these data warrant th~ assumption that the configuration of EP reflects org~nization of processes that leads to a specific future event. Of course, event isnot a purely physiological concept. We have already _ stated that, as an organized aggregate of elements in the environment, it can be compared only to a specific organization of physiological processes. - For this reason, the link between configuration of EP in response to some triggering stimulus and a future event can be demonstrated only by comparing the configuration of EP corresponding to two consistently successive events. We found that with recording of EP in light and EC.S in the somatosensory cortex, in the conditoned defense reflex, that these EP become amazingly similar (Shvyrkov, Velichkina, 1970). At that time we evaluated this phenomenon as the correlate of "anticipatory reflection" and manifestation of the model of future ECS, according to conditioned si.gnal in expressly the somatosensory cortex. However, this conclusion ' was derived without considering the fact that EP reflect general cerebral systemic processes, rather than special functions of the somatosensory cortex. The objective of the next series of experiments was to compare the EP ~ ~ configuration with conditioned and unconditioned stimuli in several structures of the brain performing di�ferent special functions. It is ~ 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY generally believed that the visual and somatosensory cortex perform different functions in the conditioned defense reflex to light, reinforced by electrocutaneous noxious stimulation: the conditioned stimulus is analyzed in the former and the unconditioned, in the latter.* It was assumed that comparisonfof EP configuration in response to light and EC S would yield information about the extent of dependence of configu- ration of EP on light and configuration of EP to ECS, and thereby about reflection in EP configuration to light of the future event--electro- cutaneous stimulatioa. A comparison of EP configuration in the visuzl and somatosensory regions would ~grmit differentiation of components related to general cerebral, systemic processes from components rela;.ed only to special functions of one structure. - Although there is no analogue in nature of constant combinations of light ~ and electrocutaneous stimulation, this experimental model is methodologi- cally very convenient for the study of elementary behavior. One can ` arbitrarily consider reduction of the deleterious eff ect of electrocu- taneous stimulation as the goal of this behavior (Laptev, 1949; Ivanova, 1970). " - We conducted our experiments on nine adult rabbits whose paws~w~re immobilized on a stand. The conditioned defense reflex and differentiation _ were developed in one session, during which the rabbit received about 300 combined and separate stimuli. Three flashes of light, synchronized with clicks delivered at 700-ms intervals, served as the conditioned stimulus; 700 ms after the last flash we delivered reinforcing ECS, square-wave pulse lasting 1-500 ms, with amplitude of 40-120 W, and intersignal intervals of 30-90 s. *In using the terms "conditioned reflex," "conditioned stimulus," etc., - we are merely following the physiological tradition of their referring to certain experimental procedures, but by no means do we impart in these terms their ori~inal conceptual meaning. In this book, we shall not ~ specially discuss the problem of formation of new behavioral acts; let ~ us merely indicate that, with the systemic approach to analysis of the mechanism of learning, the very formulation of the problem changes: if conditioned and unconditioned behavioral acts are not organized like "ares" of corresponding reflexes, but as functional systems, there is no physiological meaning to the question of bridging of a connection between them. The organism does indeed detect a lYnk 3etween two events and organizes a conditioned behavioral act, with due consideration of future reinforcement, as established by I. P. Pavlqv. However, the conditioned behavioral act is not a copy of an unconditioned reflex, but new integration, a new functional system organized to achieve a certain - result, which plays the part of a system-forming factor. - 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Light flashes attenuated with a yellow filter, also synchronized with clicks, served as the differentiation signal. Since the rabbit retina - contains only rods, differentiation apparently occurred according to brightness. Cond:Ltioned (reinforced) and differentiation stimuli were delivered in series of 25, which was motivated by the convenience of subsequent processing of evoked potentials. The electrical activity derived from the muscles of the front leg served ~ - as a criterion of development of the conditioned ref lex. Electrical I activity of the visual and somatosensory cortex was derived with needle _ electrodes inserted in the cranial bone and immobilized with dental ~ cement. After amplification by means of a Biophase universal unit, along with recoridng on an ink recorder, the EP and EMG were recorded on tape on a multichannel recorder ~"magnettor"], using frequency modula- tion, and then they were averaged on a Mnemograph ac cumulator unit. _ The bandwidth of all of the equipment constituted 1.2-500 Hz. Time of ' analysis of evoked poten tials constituted 400 or 800 ms, and averaging - of 25 runs was perfor~ed. We analyzed the responses to electrical stimuli and the~first in a series of flashes, since preceding experiments convinced us that, under such conditions, the EMG reaction appears already after the first conditioned signal flash, and the responses to expressly the first f lash unde.rgo the main changes related to developed - of the condi*_ioned reflex; the responses to other flashes are depressed, and they con;ain only the primary complex, as illustrated in Figure 7. Our obj ective made �it necessary to analyze expressly the configuration, i.e., the time pzrameters and component composition of an evoked poten- tial, rather than amplitude. Before combining the flashes with ECS, the responses to the former ~ varied significantly in t?~,a visual cortex of different animals, and they ~ containEd a dissimilar nu:~ber of components (compare Figures 8 and 11) . The responses to white (future conditioned) and yellow (future differentia- ; tion) light presented the same configuration, but the latency period of the response to yetlow light was usually several milliseconds longer. ~ It is a known fact that there is a correlation between latency period of EP and brightness of flashes (Shevelev, 1971). Light also induced some response or cther in the somatosensory region, ~ and such responses were virtually absent in only three rabbits (Figure 8). In the other three rabbits, tr~e evoked potentials even contained the early ~ negative components first described by K. M. Kullanda (1964), with a ~ latency period of 15-20 ms (F~gure 11). ~ As can be seen in Figures 8 and 11, before development of the conditioned reflex, the responses to light could vary, not only in the visual and somatosensory regions, but even in the left and right visual areas - (Figure 8), which we had already observed in freely behaving rabbits. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Right Left Left ~ visual visual , _ Lig ECS Ligh ECS Ligh ECS J _ , 3 ~ ~ - S 6 7 8 200m . ~ - a b .c~:. ,d ' e ~ Figure 8. EP to light and ECS in right and ~eft visual and left ~ somatosensory cortex during development of conditioned - reflex ~ Averaging of 25 runs at a time: 1) before combinatiorLs 6) continuation, 76th-100th combina- ? 2~ lst-25th combinationc tions - 3) 26th-50th combinations 7~ 51st-75th delivery of differenti- - _ 4) 51st-75 combinations ated light S) 1sC-15th delivery of differenti- 8) former differentiation yellow ~ ated yellow light light reinforced by ECS, lst- - 25th combinations ~ 51 ' ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; Figure 9. . Comparison of evoked potentials to one a ~ another and to averaged EMG reaction. ~ ' Same experiment as in Figure 8: a) response to ECS in somatosensory cortex after development of reflex (frame '~f" in Figure 8) ~ - b b) response to light in somatosensory ' ~ cortex after development (frame ' e-6) ' - c) response to light in left visual cortex (frame.c-6) - d d) averaged conditioned EMG reaction, ~ I�-- 200ms--?I 76th-100th combinations The responses to ECS were also a b individual. They differed only ~ in the first combinations in the . somatosensory and visual cortex. ~ Already after 25 combinations, the ~ ; _ 1 early components of re~ponses to ECS in the somatosen~~ry and visual cortex were the sam~ an~ had a latency period of 10-2G ms , - (Figure 11). The responses usually presented initial positivity, _ ~I but the main typical component of _ the response to ECS was negativity -~-zoams in all areas, with a latency period ~ of 20-40 ms. Its duration was ~ Figure 10. very indiviuual, ranging from 40 to Comparison of responses to conditioned 200 ms in different animals. Nega- _ (a) and differentiated (b) light in tivity was followed by a late visual (I; (frames c-6 and c-7 in positive component. ' Figure 8) and somatosensory (II) ~ (frames e-6 and e-7) cortex. Same The dynamicg of responses to ECS experiment as in Figure 8. during development of conditioned ! reflexes consisted of simplification ~ of configuration, and they were similar in ~ll of the examined parts of the cortex (Figure 8) . , Responses to light, which had become a conditioned signal, were completely _ transformed in both the visual and somatosensory regions after 25-50 com- binations; at the same time, a stable conditioned EMG reaction appeared. ; A comparison of configurations o~ EP to conditioned light in the visual and somatosensory cortex showed them to be very similar (Figures 8, 9 and ; 52 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ON1.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 11); there was coincidenc~ of latency periods and duration of phases, particularly the negative one, and often subcomponents as well. Light ECS Conditioned Differ. i 2 i 3 . -r _ Figure 11. Comparison of responses in left visual (1) and somato- - ~ sensory left (2) and right (3) cortex to light before development of reflex, to ECS, conditioned light (25th- 50th combinations) and to differentiation yellow light (25th-50th deliveries). Averages for 25 runs, 400 ms , frames In other words, in defense behavior induced�by a conditioned or uncondi- tioned stimulus, the evoked potentials in different parts of the cortex were also synchronous and similar in configuration, as in the previously - discussed food-related behavior. It is very important to note that, in oiir experiments, the responses to conditioned light in the somatosensory ~ - cortex always contained a short, early component, which was usually positive (~'igures 8 and 10). In two experiments and before development = of the conditioned reflex, light induced an early negative component in the soma.tosensory cortex, which persisted even after it was developed (Figure 11). The early components had a latency period of 15-20 ms, which was the same as the latency period of responses in the visual cortex - (Figures 9 and 11). Appearance of such early oscillations of potential in response to a conditioned signal, at the "point of reinforcement" had already been reported in the literature (Artem'yev, 1959). The early component was followed by negativity, which lasted 40 to 200 ms in different ra~bits and was complicatea :ry a different number of subcompo- nents, and late positive oscillation. - 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A comparison of the responses to conditioned light and ECS in somatosensory regions confirmed our previous data (Shvyrkov, Velichkina, 1970) indicating _ the similarity of their configurations. The responses to light and ECS in the visual cortex after development of reflexes were also similar (Figure 11). If the response to ECS changed, similarity was observed . between the response a given rabbit presented before the conditioned ~ reflex, rather than the one ~hat was transformed as a result of develop- ment thereof (Figures 8 and 9). This transformation of EP in response to - ECS was studied by us in separate experiments (Shvyrkov, 1969), and we shall not discuss it specially here. The similarity of configurations of ' responses to conditioned light and ECS was graphically demonstrable with any individual configuration of EP (Figures 10 and 11). The responses to differentiated light in the visual cortex differed in most experiments from the conditioned evoked potential, in that they con- - tained an additional negative oscillation and had no late positivity, or else the latter was shifted in time (Figures l0.and 11). In the somato- sensory cortex, the responses to differentiation light were always less marked than before the combinations; they did not resemble the response to ECS or conditioned signal and, what is important to note, they contained no early components (Figures 8, 10 and 11). With the reinforcement of - differentiation light, the responses immediately acquired all of the features of a conditioned one, in both the visual and somatosensory regions ~ ~ (Figure 8). ; The conditioned EMG reaction appeared after 25-50 combinations, and it had a relatively stable latency period for each rabbit, from 50 to 300 ms. The EMG reaction began at the time of the posterior front of negativity and late positive oscillation (Figure 9). According to the EMG reaction, ~ differentiation reached a 70-80% level after 25-75 separate presentations ~ of differentiation light. These data indicate that the phenomenon that accompanies development of a conditioned reflex does not consist merely of generalization or trans- formation of ~he evoked potential to light, but the responses to conditioned signals in the visual and somatosensory cortex become synchronous and identical in configuration; and the responses to reinforcing ECS were . also the same as before the combinations. This pattern was demonstrable in all animals, with any individual configuration of EP. The fact that, before and after development of the conditioned reflex, the same stimulus could induce responses of utterly different configuration, while different stimuli, light and cu~rent, cou13 evoke the same responses after development (in different regions) demonstrates, once more, that the ~echanisms that determined EP configuration in behavior are qualita- tively different from the mechanisu:s that detErmined EP configuration in anesthetized animals, in which case there is a distinct link between configuration and distribution of EP, on the one hand, and anatomical 54 FOR OFFICIAI~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY porjections of receptor surfaces, on the other hand. This serves as additional confirmation 6f the "endogeny" of processes, the correlates of which are EP. Our data indicate that the primary response, at least in the somatosensory cortex, is also "endogenous," since presence or abaence thereof are directly related to reinforcement and, consequently, like the later components, the primary response also corresponds to prior experience stored in memory. ~ _ The link between configuration of EP in response to light and to current also indicates that retrieval of a certain organization of physiological processes from memory takes place in accordance w ith a future event. The _ order of processes may be as follows. According to functional system tY:eory, any stimulus that appears in the environment finds preliminary integration of elements prepared, and determined by the future event, the _ appearance of which is predicted by motivatiqn and~situation. In our case, this event, which generated preliminary [pretrigger] integra- tion, was ECS. The result, i.e., attenuation of the deleterious effect of ECS, w~as achieved by means of a functional system that contained specific elements in different structures, including the visual and somatosensory - cortex. Coordination of activity of expressly these elements was re- flected in a specific EP configuration in response tc ECS. Since motiva- tion (defense) and situation (constant) do not predict any future event other than ECS, the preliminary integration in our experiments corresponds mainly to one future event and one goal: to reduce the injurious effect of ECS. The similarity of EP in response to light and ECS can be explained _ by the fact that the light flashed in the presence of preliminary integ- ration created by ECS, and after it there was coordination of activity of mainly the same elements that were involved in the functional system of the unconditioned behavioral act. We tested thi~s hypothesis in special experiments, where we recorded neuronal impulsation activity, which is discussed in Chapter 4. Here, let us merely mention that, since EP in response to differentiation flashes differ from EP to both conditioned and indifferent flashes, it - is imperative to assume that development of differentiation consists of formation of a separate behavioral act, the functional system of which is formed of different elements than the functional system of the other acts studied. Although delivery of combinations and differentiation flashes in our experiments was performed in blocks of 25 presentations which, of course, _ led to a change in preliminary integrations already after the first flashes in a successive block, we can still assume that both preliminary integrations exist from the time of introduction of differentiation . light in any intersignal intervals. _ 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Triggering of a given integration is determined by the parameters of de- livered light. Sin~:e, in our experiments, the EP to a conditioned light differed from EP to differentiation light in tha t there was already a primary response with a latency period of 15-20 ms in the somatosensory cortex, it should have been assumed that not only "identification of - physical properties," but "determination of signal meaning" of the light _ occur within the latency period of cortical EP. This conclusion. seems paradoxical. However, one should apparently seek the cause of the para- - dox in the conceptions of identification of physical properties and determinatien of signal meaning of a stimulus as real processes, EP Components--Correlates of Systemic Processes of the Behavioral Act It appears to us that the EP distinctions demons trated in behavioral experiments compel us to change the view of EP as a physiological pheno- menon. Synchronism and similarity of EP configurations in different structures do not offer grounds to maintain that there are some uni- directional "afferent messages" cr "flows of excitation" spreading from one structure to another. Rather, we can conceive of multilateral ex- change of influences be~tween elements of many structures, which occurs at - each phase of an evoked potential. This hypothesis can also be extended to EP demons t rable under anesthesia, the only difference being that elements involved in interaction processes ; under anesthesia are limited to constant "narcoti c" preliminary integra- tion, which could refer to the correlation between intact functional links between struc~ures and links impaired by a specific anesthetic. As we know, with the use of different types of anesthesia, stimulation of - the same nerve elicits an evoked potential with d ifferent localization and configuration (Nabil', 1969). Thus, the possibility of recording EP under anesthesia, without integral - behavior, is not in contradiction with the concep tion that EP are linked with systemic processes of organization of the int egral behavioral act: - EP is a phenomenon that reflects processes of any interaction of many elements. In behavior, this interaction is determined by the goal and - goal-directed organization of preliminary integra t ion; under anesthesia, this interaction is due to the stable state creat ed by anesthesia. The distinctions of EP in integral behavior are an expression of these ; differences: synchronism and similarity in functionally different struc- ~ tures; dependence of configuration on future event s and relative indepen- dence of parameters, modality and even presence of a trigger stimulus; ~ distinct link with time intervals of the behaviora 1 act. _ In the co~ltinu~~m of behavior, a single behavioral act--single organiza- tion of activity of elements--replaces another behavioral act--another - organization. Transitional processes triggered by a stimulus, the result _ of a prior act, are reflected in EP. ~ 56 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY According to functional system theory, there must be processes of afferent synthesis and decision making in an elementary behavioral act, between the stimulus and start of action: start of muscular contraction already indicates implementation of the acceptor of action results and program of action. The rather stable correlation between EP components in different behavioral acts and start of the EMG reaction warrants the assumption that the _ primary response and negativity of EP correspond to processes of afferent ~ synthesis and decision making; late positivity already coincides with the start of actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act, which are integrated in processes of the acceptor of action results and program of action. In order to determine more precisely the meaning of different EP components as correlates of processes in the functional system of behavior, we con- " ducted several series of experiments. ~ In the first series, we studied a behavioral act contained in the continuum of behavior in order to track the dynamics of processes corresponding to the moment of transition from one behavioral act to another. According to functional system theory, motivation and situation retrieve preliminary integration from memory, which corresponds to the goal of entire behavior. This goal is hierarchically organized, and preliminary integration includes all elements of future behavior. Performance of the - first behavioral act and achievement of the first result out of the _ entire hierarchy, which ].eads tn achievement of the ultimate goal, must be associated with the following successive processes: comparison of para- meters of achieved result to the acceptor of results of action of this act, afferent synthesis and decision making of the second act; then there is formation of the acceptor of action results and program of action for the second act, which determine action until the results of the second act are reached, etc. We simulated this segment of the continuum of behavior in the model of instrumental behavior, in which rabbits turned on a flash of light and headed for a feeder by pulling a ring with their teeth over a specific distance. Both behavioral acts monitored by the experimenter (pulling the ring and approaching the feeder) are contained in the general func- tional system of food-obtaining behavior, but each of them is a functional system with its own interim result. We can describe this segment of the behavioral continuum schematically (Figure 12). The first objective of our experiments was to have expressly the flash of light serve as an interim result, i.e., the goal of tugging and triggE~ stimulus to run toward the feeder. Experiments were conducted on 16 rabbits in a specially outfitted cage. Flashes of light were delivered from the top at a distance of 70 cm.from the floor of the cage 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (flash energy 0.3 J and duration 50 us) from a Soneclat stimuZator lamp. In experiments on 8 rabbits, we used a series of six flashes at 600-rms intervals; in the experiments on the other 8 rabbits, we delivered series of 3 flashes at 700-ms intervals. Tric~ger , i Trig er A'ffer- c ion stim. Affer,~ Action ~ stimu~us ent ^esult synth. resul~t ' s nth. acceptrs (light) accap ~r~g~ � (light) (c~bage~ ~ , ci- ig Deci- ~ a9e sion result sion result aram. . param.. . ~ i. ' ~ - Action Action ' pmgram rogram ( u~l.n Aoin~n , ~g t 5 xing) Resnlt eeder Result~ I Figure 12. Schematic rendition of segment of behavioral continuum In all of the experiments, activity of the visual and sensorimotor cortex was derived monopolarly using implanted electrodes. The silent electrode - was over the frontal sinuses. We used special stainless steel pins to - derive electrical 3ctivity of cervical muscles, whir_h were inserted in the _ skin on both sides of the neck; the EEG and EMG were recorded on a Polygraph XVII electroencephalograph; in addition, a tape recording , was made of the experiments on the 8 rabbits to whom three flashes of ~ light were presented. In these experiments, electrical activity of the cortex and EMG were ' recorded, after amplification on a universal Biophase unit, on magnetic - tape. For reproduction from the tape, electrical activity was averaged ~ _ using a Mnemograph accumulator unit. ~ In the first experiments, the animals developed a classical conditioned reflex: the flash was reinforced by automatic presentation of a feeder ' with 10-20 g cabbage. The control pulse for presentation of the feeder as 50Q ms away from the last flash. Thus, the first fTash was more than 2 s ahead of presentation of the feeder. The conditioned reaction was recorded as electrical activity of cervical muscles (Figure 14). Already 58 ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY after 3-5 combinations, the rabbits turned their head and went toward the feeder in response to the conditioned signal. After 10-30 combinations, running to the feeder was triggered by a flash in almost 100% of the cases. During the second to fourth experiments, i.e., after 100-150 combinations, we began to develop the instrumental behavior of tugging the ring, in which we put a cabbage leaf for the first 3-5 times. A string connected the ring to three contacts, which were so located that to bridge the � first one the ring had to be pulled over 3 cm, for the second 8 cm and the third 14 cm (Figure 13). By tugging at the ring, the rabbit could successively bridge all contacts; however, the flash and then the feeder - were presented only after bridging of the contact that the experimenter connected to the stimulator. . - . . . I z~ ~ ' ~ -+~r. II . ,T . 1 p 1 ~ y tirt , .;F~ ! A V~I ~ - y~;~.... w~: .f. � ~ ~'!r ' r . '~q 7~ ~I ~ ~ ~7+~ f; ~f t f x"~ ~ { �~'v~''~' ~ ~;ade?'~ ~ ~ J, S' Figure 13. Experimental cage. By tugging the ring with its teeth, the rabbit moves a lever and bridges contacts I, II, III, - one of which turns the light on Interestingly enough, already in the first tests many rabbits, after reaching for the cabbage leaf in the ring and unintentionally making contact, dropped the leaf when the flash appeared and headed for the feeder, which did not yet contain any cabbage. At first, the first contact wa~r effectively produced. But when the rabbits learned to tug the empty ring and this skill became f ixed (usually after 50-70 times), each of the 3 contacts became alternately effective. We tried to change contacts in random order; the procedure for this change consisted of silent movement of the switch on a console 3 m from 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' the cage. Thus, the rabbit did not receive a signal that the contact was - changed, let alone which contact would be effective when it next pulled the ring. ~ a b. c d . ~ i+1~-~~4'1,~I'h' +�.K+-~�"^M'1, ~1~.....+-avw~r ww~w.,.+.,-.,.w+~,.---�-� 1~I~N`yMN~ ~aht~~1~J'y,q1~M4~+~tWti?~.vv``"4'~N~+~~Ir~'+~+~~VM44~+1~A~Mikh~rM11+~ --~--~Irw~?' - '-T-1~-'(- TT~" I I ~11n111 ~ --Y 1~- . Figure 14. Classical conditioned reflex (a) and instrumental behavior (b, c, d) of rabbit. _ - Top to bottom: EEG of sensorimotor and visual cortex; EMG of cervical muscles; marks for 3 flashes and presentation of feeder; marks for making contact--in b, c, d, a--conditioned EMG activation,correspond- ing to the rabbit's turning toward the feeder, begins after the first flash. Nevertheless, the experiments showed that all rabbits related quite ~ accurately pulling the ring to appearance of light: if they saw the. light after pulling the ring over 3 cm (Figure 14d), they immediately released the ring and headed for the.empty feeder; if,~ however, the - _ experimenter rendered the third contact effective, the rabbits pulled the ring to the maximum dietance. They did not always succeed in so doing - at the first try; however, the rabbits did not stop trying and. did not - head toward the feeder until the light was flashed (Figure 14b). When they failed, they often "stood up" and sniffed the lamp. One of the - rabbits, who could not pull the ring over a distance of 14 cm by moving only its head, had to first tug the ring down with its paws, then grab the string from the contacts in its teeth and addYtionally pu11 it out by ~ moving the head. As soon as the light appeared, the rabbit dropped the string and ring, and headed for the feeder. ' ~ Since no signal was delivered as to the distance over which the ring had to be pulled and the rabbits pulled it out each time over a different _ distance, it must be conceded that, in our experiments, the scope and discontinuation of pulling were not determined by the conditioned signal, but by the goal. e ~ 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ - The cage itself or the ring may be considered the signal to trigger - pulling; however, these factors were constant, while the rabbits pulled the ring over different distances each time, for which purpose they performed different actions, including some to which they were not specially trained. Since the volume of movements varied and could not be determined by any stimulus prior to the start of movement, the event that stopped pulling the ring had to appear as a result of movement. _ Evidently, merely the position could not be such an event, since the rabbits pulled the ring over different distances, and kinesthetic aff erentation arising when the ring was pulled out for 3 cm was associ- _ ated with termination of action in some cases and continuation in others. Evidently, the result of action could not be the feeder itself, since the rabbits released the ring with appearance of the first flash. - The light was expressly the result that stopped at the ring _ and it was necessary to stop pulling, whatever the mode of act~on. By altering the effective contacts, the experimenter could always predict which action would be performed and when it would stop. Thus, our experiments showed once more that it is expressly the model of the result, rather than any conditioned signal, that determines the = range and mode of action performed to achieve it. ~ Whenever the ring was pulled there were many consequences: appearance of the sound of movement of the lever, change in position of the ring, posi- tion of the rabbit, etc. However, only the light~had the property of = stopping the pulling. The distinction of light from the other conse- quences is expressly that it emerges as a foreseeable and necessary event, i. e. , as the goal of pulling. _ , Of course, light acquired this property as a result of prior development of signal-related link with the feeder, which was the more distant goal of the entire food-obtaining behavioral cycle: approaching the ring-- pulling--obtaining light--approaching feeder--receiving cabbage. Thus, we added light to the general hierarchy of results of food-obtaining behavior and, consequently, it merely served as an interim, but immediate goal, which was reached by pulling the light, and it was con~tained in the ~ hierarchically organized goal of the entire food-obtaining behavior. We observed a rather interesting form of behavior in some experiments. Af ter becoming satiated by the end of an experimental session, a rabbit began to tug the ring often and regularly, relating the pulling distance to appearance of light. It did not pay attention to the _ automatically presented feeder with cabbage, and could tug the ring even at the moment the feeder was presented (Figure 15). After pulling the ring over the required distance, it waited for the end of the series of flashes, then pulled the ring again. ~ 61 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~a,~,, ~ Thus, light added to the hierarchy - _ of goals acquires inclependent meaning as r~inforcea.:~ent, although - the feeder, of which it is a signal, temporarily lases this meaning - ' due to elimination of the motiva- - . tion of. hunger. ' ~ In our opinion, these findings also corroborate the conclusion that the flash of light is the immedi- r~ ate goal of pulling the ring. Evi- dently, achievement of this goal - _ elicits some positive emotional ~ state, similar to the state of ~ satisfaction that appears when the ultimate, biologically useful effect is reached. It may be Figure 15. assumed that, in this instance, Satiated rabbit regularly pulls ring behavior is no longer guided by and obtains light, but ignores the hunger, but by newly acquired, feeder completely. Top to bottom: secondary (Miller, 1960) motivation EEG of sensorimotor and visual cor.tex; that causes game behavior. EMG of cervical muscles; marks of 3~ flashes and presentation of feeder; The results indicate that the marks of closing contacts first objective of this series was reached, that we developed a method, with which any stimulus can be made the goal ot a behavioral act, or method of "enrichment " of the acceptor of action results with additional events. The proposed modification of instrumental behavior does not differ essentially from methods that are already known (Skinner, 1938; Beritov, 1961; Konorski, 1970, and others). However, addition of the procedure of "variable action controlled by the resultt� enabled us to become con- vinced that pulling the ring was indeed performed to obtain expressly the light. In the same experiments, we tried to demonstrate the electrographic cor- relates of systemic'processes and, particularly, formation of the interim acceptor of action results, i.e., prediction of light. For this purpose, . _ we analyzed the electrical activity of the visual cortex at the time - preceding pulling the ring and appearance of light. According to data in the literature concerning the possibility of reproduction of the rhythm of "marked" unconditioned reactions to a conditioned signal (John, , 1966; Ruchkin, John, 1966), we could have expected appearance at this = time of oscillations in the rhythm of future light in the visual cortex. ' ~ 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - - _ I ~.oo uv ~ ~oo ~ - ~ Figure 16. 158th pull of the ring. No EEG oscillations in - flash rhythm either before pulling or during the action of light. Top to bottom: EEG of sotnatosensory and visual cortex; EMG of cervical muscles; marks of flashes and presentation - oi feeder; mark of making c~ntact In additiore to visual appraisal of the ink tracings (Figure 16), we performed reverse averaging using a mnemograph in the series of experiments _ on the 8 rabbits exposed to three flashes of light. This procedure consists of reproducing the tape by moving it in the reverse direction. We averaged 25 runs at a time; the mark of the first flash served as the trigger signal, and analysis time was 2 s. Our analysis revealed that, when the rabbit pulls the ring, there is development of negative oscilla- . tion in the visual cortex, which precedes appearance of the first flash (FYgure 17a, 2, 3, 4). During the first pulls, it starts 1100 ms b~fore appearance of the light (Figure 17a, 2) and upon fixing of instrumental - behavior it starts 850 ms before (Figure 17a, 4). A comparison of this ` negativity to the start of Pulling at the ring was, unfortunately, not feasible, since the moment of movement toward the ring was not fixed in our experiments, and pulling itself lasted a different period of time - in each instance. However, it is apparent that this oscillation also existed during pulling, since the latter stopped after the flash. The fact that the described negative oscillation increases with strengthen- ing of the skill renders it similar to an anticipatory wave or conditioned negativity (G. Walter, 1965). In our experiments, light served as the expected stimulus, and therefore it may be assumed that the dynamics of negative oscillation reflect the dynamics of formation of the interim acceptor of action. Perhaps, the so-called readiness potentials that precede voluntary movements of man (Deecke et al., I969), which are - - similar to the above-described negativity in the rabbit, also reflect 63 � FOR OFFICIA~, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY for~ation of the parameters of the result of voluntary movement. The - schemes of the experiments are very similar, since in most studies the subjects were instructed to achieve a"good~' movement, monitoring their own EMG on the oscillograph screen. At the same time, this slow negative _ oscillation must also conform with performance of the program of action, since it develops while the rabbit is pulling and stops when it stops ' pulling. ~ - a b ~ . - i i- Z , ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ 100 uV - OOOms 2000 ms ' BOO.~ns I _ Figure 17, Averaged activity of rabbit's visual cortex during ! classical conditioned reflex (1) and at different stages - of instrumental behavior (2, 3, 4) ~ a) activity preceding presentation of light b) evoked potentials in response to all 3 flashes; time of flashes is narked by arrows at the bottom c) response to first flash in the same combinations but a different . time scale; in each case, 25 runs are averaged 1) classical conditioned reflex 2) instrumental behavior, 14th to 39th pull of the ring ~ _ 3) 76th to 100th pull; in (c), the arrow shows additional negativity 4~ l~lst to 176th pull; additional negativity also shown by arrow It must be noted that we failed to demonstrate oscillations of rhythm of , future light in the visual cortex, either in averaging,or analysis ' 64 - FOR OFFICIAL USE OIv'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of each separate tracing in the period before pulling the ring and during the latter. Moreover, already upon formation of the clasaical conditioned food reflex, we found that evoked potentials to the first and subsequent flashes diff.ered in amplitude and configuration, as in defense behavior, in accordance with previously described findings. The conditioned EMG reaction started in our experiments after the first flash (see Figure 14a), ~ and cortical responses to the first flash were always the most marked (Figure 17c, 1), whereas responses to subsequent flashes were deformed and disappeared. The structure of EP to the first f lash before addition of tugs did not differ from that described before. In the situation of instrumental behavior, the rabbits stopped pulling right after the first flash. The response to the f irs t flash remained the most marked, although its configuration changed (Figure 17, 2, 3, 4). - The chan~es in configuration consisted chiefly of appearance of an addi- - ti~nal late negative oscillation with amplitude of about 100 uV, which appeared at the site of ~he former late positive peak. Figure 11, 3, 4, where this negative oscillation is shown by arrows, indicates that late positivity does not disappear, but is shifted in time by about 100 ms. Appearance of additional negativity did not cause an increase in latency - period of the late positive oscillation in any of the rabbits, since this _ negativity lasted only 30 ms. As the skill in pulling the ring became more fixed, the additional negative oscillation increased in amplitude. Figure 1Z shows that the increase in additional negativity of EP is concurrent with increase in ~~egativity - - preceding the flash. At Lirst, we assumed that the additionai negative _ oscillation could be somehow related to comparison pro cesses (Shvyrkov, _ Grinchenko, 1972). However, the fact that similar additional negativity appears in response to differentiation light in def ense behavior, as well as that comparison processes occur also when the flash is delivered without pulling, compelled us to re~ect this hypothes is. - Since "light-goal" differs from "trigger light," not only in that the former coincides with a specific moment in the rabbit's behavior, but also in that it stops active pulling, whereas the triggering light stops only passive anticipation, the hypothesis was expounded that the addi- tional negativity is related to processes of discontinuing active pulling (Trofimov, Grinchenko, 1975). However, control experiments proved this to be wrong. In the control experiments, which were conducted on 2 rabbits, only one _ flash was delivered, and a lag of 200 ms was produced between closing contact and delivery of the flash. This resulted in a change in rabbit behavior: after pulling the ring over some distance, the rabbit waited for the light either after dropping the ring or holding it in its teeth. 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In this case, when we compared the EP in response to "triggering" light and "light-goal," we also observed additional negativity (Figure 18). On the basis of these experiments it was concluded that appearance of addi- tional negativity was not related to the preceding acti, i.e., pulling, but to the one for which the flash was a trigger, i.e., the act of ~ heading for the feeder. Such doubling of negative oscilla- tion has been described in experi- ' � ments on man with increase in number of alternatives, out of which the ~ a sub~ect must choose one. For ' example, in the experiments of Ya. A. Peymer (1971), additional " oscillations appeared when the ~ b subject had to determine one out of ' - several possible positions of a pointer on a briefly displayed dial or in response to a flash which was a signal for the reac- tion of choice among four alterna- tives. The possibility of alter- 500 ms ~ natives means that elements . are involved in "pretrigger integ- _ Figure 18. ration" in activity required to Doubling of negative oscillation and perform all possible behavioral acts; appearance of P-300 in EP to light the decision making mechanism, which 200 ms after making contact; arrow is triggered after the stimulus, - indicates time of appearance of flash; chooses only one of them,~i.e., n=-25 it reduces the superfluous degrees a) potential in response to of freedom. trigger flash - b) evoked potential to flash of It may be assumed that, in our experi- ' light--result of pulling ments, "t~~gger light" coincided with only one formed pretrigger integration in the simple conditioned reflex, corresponding to the run toward the feeder. Implementation thereof corresponds to EP with one - negativity. When pulling on the ring, the "light-goal" always was asso- ciated with at least two mutually exclusive integrations corresponding to conti.nuation and repetition of pulls, as well as running to the feeder. ~ This made decision making difficult, i.e., processes of implementing the - one integration that corresponded to running to the feeder. Probably, doubling of negativity was a reflection of this increase in superfluous degrees of freedom and more difficult decision making. It appears to us that this hypothesis can be extended to other instances of doubling of EP negativity. In experiments involving a choice among several alternatives, there was apparently no doubt as to the presence of - 66 ; - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY pretrigger integrations corresponding to several acts (Chuprilcov, 1978). Addition of a differentiation stimulu~ in our experiments should also have been associated with expansion of pretrigger integration. Thus, double negativity can be interpreted as a reflection of "two-cycle" reduction of superfluous degrees of freedom, i.e., a reflection of processes of afferent synthesis and decision making that occurred twice. ~ Assuming that EP negativity corresponds, in any case, to concurrent systemic processes of afferent synthesis and decision making, we can observe that there remain only the latency period and primary response for processes of comparison of par3meters of the result to acceptor of results. Since we had demonstrated in preceding experiments that appearance of a primary response in the somatosensory cortex can be induced by a conditioned signal and not by a differentiation one, one must assume that the appear- ance of the primary EP component in nonspecific regions is attributable already to the result of comparison and coincidence of parameters of the light with some model thereof or other. This again leads us to the _ assumption that such comparison is made during the latency period of cor- tical EP. The constancy of the primary EP component in projection regions, in rela- tion to the modality of the stimulus, in different experimental situations � l~d many authors to the conclusion that it is related to a reflection of ~ the "physical properties of the stimulus" (Ivanitskiy, 1976). However, the "endogeny" of the primary component in nonprojection regions warrants the - - a~sumption that it already reflects processes of implementation of pre- - trigger integration, i.e., retrieval of activity of specific elements from memory. Thus, the primary component can be interpreted as the correlate of processes of comparison of the real result--trigger stimulus and its model--acceptor of action results. We thus have some arguments for identifying the "anticipation wave," latency period, primary component and negativity of EP with specific systemic _ mechanisms of the eiementary behavioral act. - The late positive component of EP, which may have different latency periods under different experimental conditions and in different rabbits, coincides ~ with the start of EMG activity and changes to a slow negative oscillation, _ which we related to the function of the acceptor of action results and ' program of action. Consequently, it is contained between processes of decision making and function of actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act. The correspondence of this potential to the start of EMG activity led us to analyze these correlations. As we have already mentioned, according to - functional system theory, the behavioral act is implemented as organized - 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I _ activity of many elements, and any muscle could be involved in the actuating _ mechanisms only to the extent of its contribution to achieving the result. - The coordinated involvement of muscles is implemented by the "program of action" or "effector integral," which can be determined from the order of involvement of different muscle groups in actuating mechanisms. Visual cortex Right . motor Lef t motor _ / _ Z ~ 3' ~-r ~ ~ 5 ~ EMG TAR RT 100`ms Figure 19. Correlation between EEG activity, latency periods (LP) ~f EMG activation of different muscle groups, time of achieve- ment of result (TAR) in one act of approaching feeder; RT--reaction time.~ Top to bottom: EEG activity of right visual, right and left motor cortex; 1, 2, 3, 4--EMG activation of right and left groups of cervical muscles and posterior groups of brachial muscles ' of the right and left front legs, respectively. Below this, mark for delivery of flash and feeder; 5--actogram In experiments conducted with A. Kh. Pashina on ~five r.abbits involving the simple conditioned reflex, where the light triggered going to the feeder, we recorded activity of cervical muscles on the right and left, and - activity of posterior muscle groups of the front legs, also on the right 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - and left. This activity was compared to the parameters of the late positive component of EP recorded in the visual and sensorimotor cortex (Figure 19). The experiments revealed that the order of involvement of different muscle - groups is not constant, even after 500 runs to the feeder. One muscle group, then another was first to be active (Figure 20), and the latency _ period of the very first EMG reaction constituted a mean of about 100 ms (Figure 20). In general, the distribution of ~s latency periods of involvement of i different muscle groups coincided. , When we compared EP to histograms _ ~ of latency periods of EMG reactions of any muscle, we only found that ~ , the earliest EMG reaction corres- ponded to the posterior front of negativity and anterior front of ~ S00 , late positivity, as was also ~ demonstrable when recording the ~ activity of one muscle. i~ ' ~n~ ,1 ~ A comparison of late positivity to Z' ~ ' n latency periods of EMG activation _ , ~ , , � ~ ~ i l~'`_ ~ .,f of all muscles studied revealed ' ~ ` y~ ~ that all EMG activations begin !00 ~ yi within the range cf the late posi- tive component. Zpp Combinations ZZg Figure 21 illustrates the AEP in Figure 20. the visual cortex, as compared to - Correlation between latency periods of time of involvement of all muscles activation of different muscle groups; in these 25 acts. A comparison of x-axis, sequential number of behavi- ~ the top and bottom parts of this . - oral ac~ y-axis, latency period, ms figure indicates that the form of 1) time of achieving result the late positive component of AEP 2) latency period of activation of corresponds to the compcsition of right front leg muscles the time segments between involve- 3) left front leg ment of the firs;. and last muscles 4) right cervical muscles in acts that, were "avers~ed." It _ 5) left cervical muscles is therefo,re possible that the variabilil.y of configuration of late posi;tivity in unaveraged EP is correlated with the instability of time of in-~olvement of various somatic and autonomic components in actuating mechanisms ~f single behavioral acts? - By measuring the time between triggering of the first and last EMG reaction, we can obtain information about the time of existing of the initial "efferent integral." Subsequently, in the course of performing action, the constantly 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR ~JFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ _ . Figure 21. ~ ~ Correlation between late positivity ' - of averaged evoked potential (in ' ` visual cortex) and time of involve- r ment of all recorded muscles in ~ , ~ actuating mechanisms of the be- havioral act. Averaged EP in . 26th-50th acts (top) and lOlst- ~ 125th acts (bottom). Under them are the time segments in which ; ' ~ all muscles became involved. ~ The starting point on a line seg- ~ ment corresponds to the time of ~ S-~ involvement of the first muscle ~ and the last point, to.that of the last muscle recorded. The top � segment of the line corrresponds'to the first run to the feeder and the ~ bottom segment to the 25th. The ' dot refers to combinations when all muscles were involved simul- - taneously and the arrow shows ~ ~ ~ time of delivery of flash. ~ ~ - - � - i---~ 100 ms ~ incoming feedback, of course, corrects significantly and read~usts the ~ initial program of action within the framework of the precoordinated sub- - systems on the physiological level. According to functional system theory, the program of action is formed con- currently with the acceptor of action results which actually determines ! the entire possible set of inechanisms included in the program. Conse- quently, it is more correct to interpret the late positive component as a correlate of the process of mobilization of actuating mechanisms of ~ the behavioral act, which trigger both the acceptor of action results and - program of action. � � ' 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The latency period of late positivity of AEP [averaged EP] in our experi- ments could const~tute only 100 ms (according to maximum), but could also = increa5e signif~cantly, particularly in tl~e experiments involving tugging at the ring. For example, in Figure 17 this late positivity has a latency period of about 300 ms. - As we know, late positivity with a latency period of 300 ms, or so-called P-300, has attracted the special attention of psychologists, since this component appears in human EP in situations of "elimination of uncertainty" (Sutton et al., 1965, 1967; Debecher, Desmedt, 1974; Ruchkin et al,, 1975). - Evidently, the latency period of the late positive component depends on the duration of prior EP components. As we have already mentioned, the - number of prior negative oscillations is related to the number of "cycles" of afferent synthesis and decision making which, in turn, are determined by the number of competing behavioral acts represented in general pre- triggering integration. ~ Thus, late positivity does indeed appear at the ti~e when excessive degrees of freedom, present in preliminary integration, are eliminated, ' but this "elimination of uncertainty" apparently occurs earlier, during - the negative component. From the point of view we are developing, P-300 does not differ in meaning from the late positive component, which has a shorter latency period in ~ simple situations. In both instances, the late positive component cor- responds to the process of mobilization of actu2ting mechanisms of the _ behavioral act. The presence of P-300 only in response to "relevant" - stimuli is probably related to the fact that it is only after such stimuli that the corresponding actuating mechanisms become involved. The link _ between P-300 and complexity of the situation can be explained by the fact that it is only in such situations that additionll negative oscilla- _ tions appear, which defer late positivity to a later interval; in simple situations, the actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act become active sooner, and one observes earlier positivity, and not P-300. Thus, the general scheme of conformity of EP components with systemic mechanisms of the behavioral act acquires the following appearance: in the latency period and at the tine of the primary response there is com- parison of parameters of the stimulus to its model; the negative component corresponds to simultaneous processes of afferent synthesis and decision making; late positivity is a correlate of simultaneous processes of forma- tion of the acceptor of action results and program of action; "conditioned negativity" serves as the correlate of actuating mechanisms of the beha- vioral act--acceptor of results of action and program of action; the - "stimulus-result" of a given behavioral act triggers the next cycle, starting with the comparison procpss, etc. (Figure 80). 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY All of the above-listed systemic pracesses are processes that relate the organism to external events, both those existing before action and those appearir_g during and after action. It is convenient to begin our discussion of the entire cycle, in terms characterizing organization of elements of the organism itself, with the preceding behavioral act, when organization of real activity of elements is related expressly to this prior behav~oral act. At this time, pre- liminary integration, which corresponds to a possible subsequent behavioral act, without being realized, increasingly loses "excessive degrees of freedom" as the preceding act is performed. Upon achieving the result of the preceding behavioral act, the "stimulus-result" initiates, like a trigger, processes of reorganization of the activity of many elements; EP are a reflection of this transitional process. A change in organization probably does not occur during the latency period of the primary component, and in this sense it is indeed a"latent" period. The primary response corresponds to processes.of partial realization of ' preliminary integration, i.e., establishment of interaction between only the elements whose "degrees of freedom" were coordinated at the time of appearance of the "stimulus-result." - tlegativity is a correlate of a comp.lete change from one form of organiza- tion of elements to another. During zegativity, integratiun corresponding to precerling behavior "falls apart," there is elimination of "excessive degrees of freedom" of all elements contained in pretrigger integration, - and only one form of organization of elements is left. In the ca~se of ~ competing organizations corresponding to different behavioral acts, within the framework of a single preliminary integration, this process may be . repeated several tiwes. Late positivity corresponds to the process of involvement of all necessary elements, i.e., implementation of a single integration, formed during - negativity, and start of "maturation" of organization of a future behavioral act. Finally, slow negativity, referred to as "conditioned negativity," "wave - of anticipation," "potential of readiness," etc., corresponds to processes of implementation of actuating mechanisms of a current behavioral act and "maturation" of preliminary integration for the next one, i.e., it corres- i ponds to processes of organized function of physiological functional systems contained in the hierarchy of the functional system of a given integral behavioral act. The characteristics of systemic processes from the standpoint of physiolo- _ gical mechanisms are characteristics of processes of organizing the activity of various elements into a single whole;for this reason, none of the - EP components, according to the view presented, reflects only afferent or - 72 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ only efferent processes, and it is not related to stimulation of some individual morphological, isolated pathways or structures. EP ar e related to reorganization of activity of elements and relations within the entire brain. Of course, the above-presented conceptions concerning the correlation between EP and systemic processes are speculative to a significant extent, because of the complexity of the link between summated activity arid that of single elements. In order to define the actual mechanisms invo lved in processes of organizatLon, it is necessary to study the activi ty of ele- ments, i.e., impulsation activity of single neurons. 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTER 3. SYSTLMIC ORGANIZATION OF NEURONAL ACTIVITY IN BEHAVTOR Link Between Overall Activity and Neuronal Impulsation For a long time, impulsation of single neurons, like overall electrical - activity, was studied in accordance with reflex conceptions and related conceptions of localization of functions. Neuronal activity appeared to ~ be a very obvious reaction to a stimulus, which came to the neuron under study over specific pathways. According to the reflex conception, excitation appearing in receptors activates chains of~neurons situated in successively connected structures, which serve their own special functions up to the effectors. - These conceptions appeared to be so obvious and firm that the question of inechanisms of the behavioral act was simply not posed in studies of neur~onal impulsation. All efforts were concentrated on two different ar~u unrelated directions; one consisted of examining neuronal impulsation in different structures in order to determine the mechanisms of "sight," "hearing," "movement," etc.; the other concentrated on determination of the neuronal mechanisms of learning, which was interpreted as formation of a new "conditioned reflex," i.e., as "bridging of a new arc" between receptors and other effectors than before. From the standpoint of functional system theory, the main question that should have been posed in studies of neuronal impulsation related to ~ behavior is the question of inechanisms of organization of activity of single neurons into a single whole, into the functional system of the _ behavioral act. Since ttie :esearcher usually deals the activity of only one neuron in his experiments, the question of organization of activity of many neurons can be technically divided into two: first to deternine organization of activity of single neurons in time and then, after comparing the time organization of discharges of different neurons, to obtain information about organization of neuronal activity in different structures for the behavioral act. It could be of substantial help to compare impulsation discharges of single neurons to the activity recorded with a macroelectrode, since overall activity reflects processes of interaction of many elements. 74 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY There is a long history to the problem of correlation between impulsation of single neurons and overall potentials (see, for example, V. I. Gusel'nikov, 1975), and it is closely linked with the problem of - electro genesis of summated activity. The link between impulsation discharges and "spontaneous" summated poten- tials turned out to be quite complex (Frost, A. Gol, 1966; Livanov, 1972; Lebedev, Lutskiy, 1972; Elul, 1972). At the same time, it was shown that - the oscillations of inembrane potentials of single neurons recorded intra- cellularly correlated with macroactivity (Klee et al., 1965; Jasper, - - Stefanis, 1965; Elul, 1964, 1972). Since changes in membrane potential are related to entrance of synaptic influences in neurons, macroactivity can be used to evaluate overall organization of synaptic influx in a given structure as a function of time. The reactions of single neurons to some stimulus or other were evaluated in early studies only on the basis of impulse frequency, and they were described as excitation and inhibition without consideration oP organiza- _ tion of impulsation in time. A more comprehensive analysis revealed that neuronal reactions usually consist of alternating phases of activation - and inhibition, which made it necessary to search for new criteria to classify the entire neuronal reaction, reserving excitation and inhibition only fo r evaluation of different phases. A comparison of impulsation to evoked potentials opened up some utterly new opportuni~ies for analysis of the time and space organization of processes in the nervous system. Tt was found that the phases of neuronal excitation and inhibtion often coincided with specific phases of EP (Polyanskiy, 1965; Kondrat'yeva, 1967). At the present time, the link = between single discharges and some components or other of EP has been demonstrated in virtually all parts of the brain, for example, the retina (Fokiny Fomin, 1969), visual (Creutzfeldt et al., 1969), sensori- _ motor (Vasilevskiy, Soroko, 1970; Storozhuk, 1970) and other parts of the cortex (Thompson et al., 1969), in the cerebellum (Bratus' et al., 1971), _ hippocampus (Dubrovinskaya, 1971), activating structures (Shevchenko, 1975a), etc. Since, as we strived to demonstrate in the preceding section, EP serves as a correlate of general cerebral processes of organization of activity of different elements into the functional system of the behavioral act, the correlation between EP and impulsation of different neurons is of special interest to us. For this reason, we shall discuss in detail the relation- _ ship between EP and neuronal discharges. Link Between Neuronal Activity and EP _ When using anesthetized preparations, discharges of single neurons in pro~ection regions, in relation to the stimulus, were demonstrable chiefly - during the period of superficially positive EP oscillations. However, 75 FOR UFr'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY G. Fromm and G. Glass (1970) demonstrated that the form of correlation with some EP component or other could be related to the constant cortical potential, which changes with different doses of anestt?etic. In experiments on waking animals, with the use of neutral stimuli, neuronal discharges also appeared chiefly during superficially positive EP components, which served as grounds to assume that there was inhibition of neurons ~ during negative EP waves. The few cells (2-3%} that presented a discharge during negativity were interpreted as special inhibitory neurons. S. N. - Khayutin demonstrated that, in the presence of natural, increased food _ motivation and stimulation of the "hunger center" of the hypothalamus, the number of neurons responding to neutral flashes of light with a dis- charge in negativity ~f the evoked potential increased to 22% (1971, 1973). He critized the conception of inhibitory pause and inhibitary neurons, - and he concluded that the form of link between the neuronal response and EP components was not fixed (Khayutin, 1973; Loseva et al:, 1970). ~ Neuronal discharges are observed in all EP phases, in response to stimuli that trigger a given form of behavior (John, 1972; Shvyrkov, 1974 and others), and the quantitative correlations between neurons presenting discharges in the presence of different components of EP vary in different ~ behavioral acts and different structures (Aleksandrov, 1975; Shevch~nko, . 1975; Shevchenko, Aleksandrov, 1978). We shall discuss the forms of correlations between impulsation and EP on - the example of neurons of the somatosensory cortex with the use of electro- cutaneous stimulation (ECS), which induces integral defensive behavior. In our experiments, we examined the activity of 182 neurons of the somato- sensory cortex on waking rabbits, stereotactically immobilized, with the use of novocain alone. We used glass microelectrod es with tip diameter _ of about a micron, which were filled with 3 molar solution of KC1. EP were derived from the surface of the somatosensory cortex with a silver electrode immersed in agar, with which the trephination opening was filled. ECS which consisted of square-wave pulses varying in duration and intensity and delivered from a Physiovar stimulator by means of needle electrodes, inserced subcutaneously in the assumed receptive _ field of the neuron under study, which was found in advance by testing different parts of the body. - We recorded impulsation and EP on tape, using the Ampex recorder, and processed it on an A14096 analyzer. - Under these experimental conditions, we observed the most diverse forms of relations between neuronal discharges and EP components (figure 22); _ and the same neuron could present discharges that coincided with several or even all EP components. In other cases, a discharge appeared only - during the anterior or posterior fron.t of one of the components (Figure 22). - The phases of activation of single neurons could be more "divided" than the EP components, but in general the pattern of activity of a single neuron 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ could be described by the EP component:,, which coincide with the phases of its activation. The discharges of only some neurons correspond to specific EP components. In our experiments, 84 (46.4%) out of 182 neurons presented discharges corresponding to some phase or o:.her of EP, and we succeeded in demonstrating a primary response in 29 neurons (16%), dis- charges during negativity in 45 units (24.8%) and late activation, which _ began during the late positive EP component or later, in 31 units (17.2~'). ~ 30 _ 24 LP 1Q ms Figure 22. ~0 Poststimulus histograms of 6 - neurons of the somatosensory cor- tex as related to averaged evoked Z~ potential (top) LP 10 ms � In these and all subsequent histo- ` grams the x-axis shows time in ms - 30 an3 y-axis the nusber of impulses Z~ LP 20 ms in the channel; n= 25, channel !0 ~ width 5 ms. Averaging was done - ~ fm m the time of delivery of ECS; 30 - LP--latency period af the first Zp ~ LP 30 ms phase of activation IO I~ I y~ ~~~~~n~uf6Jl 30 LP 10 ms 20 !0 - ~-~1~1, wt ~ ~ia?~,~t ,O `~y11W~ ul~lll~~ 50 I00 200 9pp ms - _ � _ In these same experiments, we examined the correlation between the pattern _ of neuronal responses and ECS parameters, and we found that the neuronal pattern could change entirely with different intensity and loca].ization of stimulation. For this reason, the figures cited above characterize only the number of neurons that served as the material of our study, and they do not characterize activity of neurons of the somatosensory cortex in any single behavioral act or ECS of specific parameters. 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Syzchronism and Similarity of Neuronal Discharge Patterns in Various Brain Structures The link between pattern-compone~~ts in a single neuren and EP components - l~ads us to pose the question of correlation between time organization of neuronal jischarges in different brain structures. This is a critical question to reflex conceptions of t?:A ~behavioral act. Indeed, according to reflex theory, the latency period of a~ehavioral reaction is defined _ as the tine of conduction of excitation over the are of the corresponding - ref lex. This conception is based chiefly on the idea of localization of functions and the common sense of the temptingly understandable reflex = scheme of stimulus--reaction. For example, processing of visual informa- tion is viewed as the function of the visual analyzer, "from receptors to the cortex," and the "output" of the visual analyzer then proceeds t~ _ motor structures that issue a"command" to actuating organs. Thus, under the influence of a given conditioned or unconditioned stimulus, excitation travels over a specific route, forcing some structures or o*_her to perform their inherent functions. In this case, different structures should discharge successively, and the time structure of neu- ronal discharges in each structure should be related to the specific func- ~ = tion of this structure. According to functional system theory, in the interval between st:imulus _ and action there are processes of coordination of activity of different elements into a single system. Of course, the coordination processes - must be si~ilar and simultaneous in structures to be coordinated. Quite a long time ago it was demonstrated that neurons of the same struc- ture could response to stimuli of different modalities. At first, this - property was believed to be specific for neurons of the reticular forma- ~ tion and other activatin~ structures on which the collaterals of specif ic - or classical afferent pathways converge (Rossi, Zanchetti, 1960; Magoun, 1960}. Soon, however, "conzrargent properties" were aZso found in the _ neurons of cortical projection regions (Jung et al., 1963; Buser, Imbert, 1964; Murata et al., 1965) and in all brain structures in general (Dubner, _ 15G7; Bakl.avadzhan et al., 1971; Kazakov, Izmest'yev, 1972). These data ~_ndicate that, after a stimulus, neurons situated in many parts _ of the brain are activated somehow or other. A mere comparison of latency ~ periods of neuronal responses recorded in different structure after arf erent stimuli shows tnat neurons of different structures can be ' stimulated simultaneously. For example, a click in an interval of up to - , 30 ms elicits responses or alters activity not only of the auditory analyzer, but neurons in other parts of the cortex (Voronin, Ezrokhi, ' 1973), hypothalamus (Baklava3zhan et al., 1971), hippoc2mpus (Dubrovinskaya, 1971; Lidsky et al., 1974), cerebellum ~Khanbabyan, 1971), a- and Y-motoneurons of the spinal cord (Buchwald et al., 1961), primary 78 _ i0R OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY cutaneous afferents (Banno et al., 1972), optic nerve fibers (Spinelli, M. Weingarten, 1966), etc. J. Olds et al. (].972) obtained direct da*_a on time of activation of neurons of different structures in the same behavioral act with the use of numerous implanted electrodes. Tn these experiments, a click caused _ rats to run to the feeder. A total of 64 different brain structures _ was examined. The experiments revealed that there are neurons that fire in the interval of 0-20 ms. 4_n interval of 20 ms is the maximum resolution capacity of the method. Continuing these studies, J. Disterhoft and J. Olds (1972) demonstrated that neurons that present discharges with the same latency period are present in different structures in a different percentile ratio. In all of these experiments, thick microelectrodes were used, the tip of which was 62.5 um in diameter, which made it possible to describe the activity of expressl y neuronal ensemliles, although one could also isolate thn ~ activity of single celis using a computer. As we have already mentioned, in all structures the time organization of discharges of single neurons corresponds to some components or other of EP derived from this structure. Since the EP in different structures ~ become synchronous in response to stimuli that trigger a given form of bet~avior, it is understandable that neuronal discharges with the same latency period are demonstrable in many regions of the brain. E. R. John et aI. (1969, 1972, 1974) also used the technique of recording activity of neuronal ensembles, and they demonstrated that the activity of ensembles is synchronous and similar in different structures. _ The objective of our studies was to coinpare the discharge patterns of expressly single nPurons of different structures in the same behavioral act. Experiments were conducted using the same method: rabbits immobi- lized stereotactically, with anesthetization of the sites of fixation, developed conditioned reflexes to a flash of light reinforced by ECS - after 600 ms. We analyzed the evoked potentials and ~�ssponses of neurons - in the visual and somatosensory regions of the cortex and reticular forma- tion of the mesencephalon. Unlike the experiments of J. Olds and E. John, in ours we used glass microelectrodes filled with 3 M KC1, with tip diameter of about one micron, which enabled us to reliably isolate the activity of expressly a single neuron. Since our objective was to demonstrate the possible patterns of neuronal discharges in the structures under study, ECS was delivered to different points of the body surface so that we could assess the discharge patterns in the cour se of various pretrigger integrations. . ~ Impulsation, EP and electrical activity of cervical muscles, which served as a contro 1 of development of the conditioned reflex, were recorded on 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tape and processed on AI-256 and NTA-512 analyzers. The results, i.e., , averaged EP and poststimulus histograms of neuronal discharges, were recorded on a two-coordinate automatic recorder, or photographed from the analyzer oscilloscope. We recorded 35 neurons in the visual cortex; 7 of them remained "areactive" to light whatever the ECS parameters; 1 was always inhibited and 27 showed some pattern or other corresponding to EP. Since the pattern of the response to light could change with changes in ECS parameters and the discharges could correspond to several different EP components, we shall classify the phases of neuronal activation independently of the number of phases for a single neuron. - We observed a discharge during the first EP component in response to light with variois ECS parameters in seven neurons. In this phase, there were usually only 1-3 impulses, which appeared with a latency period of 18 to 26 n~s. During the negative EP component, 5 neurons presented activation with a latency period of 28 to 88 ms, and 26 neurons presented late = activation with latency period of 100 to 500 ms. ~ Late activation was observed both in neurons that did not response or - were inhibited during preceding phases (15 cells) and neurons that were - activated in preceding phases. In response to ECS, 3 out of 35 neurons showed a primary response; dis- charges in negativity were observed in 13 cells; late activation was found in 19 neu.rons, both among those that fired discharges in the preceding EP phases (8 neurons) and those inhibited or that did not ~ respond during the early phases (11 neurons). Data for the somatosensory cortex were obtained in experiments conducted under the very same conditions also on 12 rabbits. We analyzed the - activity of 83 neurons. Of this number, 33 cells responded to the conditioned signal in accordance with the EP phases: we succeeded in demonstrating a primary response with latency period of ~1-30 ms in 10 neurons, discharges in negativity (latency period of 30-86 ms) in 17 . and late activation in 19, 6 of which did not present early phases. ~ Phasic activity was observed in 49 neurons out of 83 in response to ECS: a primary response in 12, discharges in negativity in 29 and late activation in 21, 8 of which did not present discharges in the early phases. In analyzing the activity of neurons of the reticular formation, we com- pared the phases of activation to EP derived from the surface of the visual cortex, rather than reticular formation. Althoug'~ we also - recorded EP from the reticular formation in these experiments, as the microelectrode was introduced its position in relation to different = tissular elements of the reticular formation changed, and this led to a 80 - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY change in configuration and even inversion of polarity of different EP _ components. The studies of A. Ramos et al. (1975, 1976) revealed that there could be independent change in "focal EP" and impulsation derived with the same microelectrode. This is probably related to the plastic geometric localization of microelectrodes in tissue. When recording EP from the cortical surface with a macroelectrode, the derivation conditions remain constant, which enables us to compare the phases of activation of differ- ent neurons, demonstrated even during different "passages" of the micro- electrode, to the same components. _ We observed phasic reactions in response to a conditioned stimulus in 31 out of 68 neurons of the reticular formation. A,total of 20 cells fired discharges~during the primary reaponse, 11 did so during EP negativity, and late activation was demonstrated ir.~ 24 neurons, 8 of which did not have early phases of activation. Phasic reactions to ECS were observed in 41 neurons: primary resgonse in 25, discharges in negativity in 7 and late activation in 26, 9 of the latter presenting only late activation. A comparison of all these data leads us to conclude that, in all of the structures examined, the time organization of neuronal discharge^ is similar and that each of them contained neurons that presented identical discharge patterns in response to a conditioned signal or ECS. - Figure 23 illustrates poststimulus histograms of responses of neurons _ of different structures to a conditioned signal, which contained the - main components of the pattern. The responses to ECS were also similar and had components corresponding to - the phases of synchronous EP in different parts of the brain. For the sake of comparison, Figure 24 illustrates the poststimulus histogram of a reticular formation neuron, and Figure 25 illustrates poststimulus histograms of a neuron of the somatosensory cortex, which show discharges during the negative EP component, both in the conditioned and unconditioned responses. For direct comparison of time characteristics of neuronal activity in the - visual and somatosensory cortex, we (with Yu. I. Aleksandrov) conducted special experiments, in which we recorded neurorial activity in both regions using two microelectrodes at the same time. The rest of the . experimental conditions were analogous to the preceding ones. We recorded 61 pairs of neurons: 48 neurons of the visual cortex and 53 of the somatosensory. These proportions are attributable to t}ie fact that we sometimes were able to record the activity of one neuror.~ in one region "in a pair," with two or three successively demonstrable neurons in another region. - 81 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SSC VC RF ~ VC ~ ~ RF~ '0 10 ID ~ S 5 S 0 '~II'~-',..1.�'_- 0 4 VC ~ RF ~ ~ !0 ~ , 0^ I ~ ' ~ VC~ ' RF~ ~~~~*1~ """T ~ r-'*~.w ~o . 10 5 S ~ - 5 ~ ~ ~ l~ ' � ~ 0 "~f-T-'r- ~ , _ SO 150 Z50 350 50 150 Z30 350 60 150 230 350 Light Light Light Figure 23. Identical types of neuronal responses to flash of light, in somatosensory (SSC) and visual (VC) cortex, and in mesencephalic reticular formation (RF). Photograph of NTA-512B screen, n= 25; channel width 4 ms. Averaged potentials in corresponding regions shown above the histograms. T'he top row of histograms refers to neurons firing discharges at the time of the primary EP response; the middle row . is at the time of negativity and the bottom row, late activation In some cases, we were able to directly observe neuronal discharges in both regions that were synchronous and coinc~.ded~with the same EP components. Figure 26 illustrates a vivid example of discharges of two neurons coincid- ing with the primary components of EP, in response to both the conditioned stimulus and ECS. In this series, we tried to assess the order of involvement in activation of neurons in different cortical regions after delivery of conditioned signal. For this purpose, poststimulus histograms were plotted with channel width of 2 and 4 ms. The latenc~ period of the neuronal response was defined as the time between the stimulus and first maximum on the 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY histogram. We analyzed neurons with maximums within 100 ma after the stimulus. We found 24 such neurons in the visual cortex and 28 in the somatosensory cortex. RF 25 Figure 27 illustrates histograms !5 of distribution of neurons of the 5 visual and somatosensory cortex according to latency periods. In Light E S both regions, neurons become active simultaneously and the maximums of Figure 24. probability of their responses are Responses of reticular formation in the range of 20 to 40 ms. These neuron to conditioned stimulus probabilities constitute.0.58 for (light) and electrocutaneous the visual cortex and 0.57 for the - stimulation (ECS). Top: averaged EP somatosensory cortex. of visual cortex and reticular for- mation; bottom: poststimulus histo- In order to compare the dynamics gram of reticular formation neuron of processes in these regions responses. Channel width 3 ms; according to the parameter of n= 25 (Slst to 75th combinations)y number of activated neurons, we - 650-ms interval between light and ECS calculated the latency periods not only for the first, but all _ phases of activation of each neuron. From these data we plotted histo- ~ grams of distribution of activation phases of 34 neurons of the visual imp� ' cortex and 40 of the somatosensory ~ Z4 , cortex (the rest of the neurons Z~ presented no phasic activation). !6 These "activity profiles" are ~~Z illustrated in Figure 28. Although B they differ somewhat from one 4 another, due to the difference in Z //2 22y 336 44B S60 1~Z 224 336 ms number of neurons in different ' C$ US~ regions that are active within a Eigure 25. given interv~l, it is obvious that - Poststimulus histogram of sornatosen- there is no question of any sory cortical neuron firing dis- . successive [systematicJ involvement charges in EP negativity. Bottom: of these regions. histagram; channel width 4 ms; n= 25; ~us, after a stimulus that triggers photograph from X=Y recorder. Arrows a behavioral act, the neurons of show time of stimulation each region fire discharges through- out all phases of EP. There are neurons that fire discharges synchronously in different structures at any given time. - 83 ` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , i~,Y~`~"`~ 2 ~ - ~ , ~ ;~r~,-~+~.,. ~ - 4 I I.~l--l~-~ , ~ ~+~~I~ ~~1~ ~ ^r~l ~ ~ . ~fi' I :~~F,. 5 imp. - a imp. b ~0 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , CS /00 Z00 300 ~i!!0 500 US ~00 Figure 26. Synchronism of neuronal discharges in visual and somatosensory cortex in response to conditioned light flash (CS) and electrocutaneous reinforcement (US [unconditioned ~ stimulus]). Bottom: averaged EP and peristimulus histogram of neurons of visual cortex (a) and somatosensory cortex (b). Channel width 8 ms; n= 25 ~ 1, 3) EEG of visual and samatosensory cortex, respectively _ 2, 4) impulsation activity of neurons 5 ) EMG 6) mark.s of stimulation 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - n It is not always the same neurons - 4 that fire synchronous discharges, n.Zg � since the latency periods of 3 ~ activ3tion phases of the same a Z neuron vary significantly, Figure ~ 29, tor example, illus.trates the , dynamics of latency perioda of two 3 n�t~ simultaneously recorded neurons in b Z the visual and somatosensory cortex ~ in response to a con~itioned signal. ~ When the stimulating electrodes , were moved from the front leg to the ~ s ~ contralateral hir~d leg, the response 4 ; ~ patterns of these neurons to the ~ 3 ~ conditioned signal changed signifi- Z ; , cantly, although the physical pro- I ; ~ perties of the conditioned stimulus ~ ' remaiiied constant. This change in 20 ~io 60 BO !00 ms patterns was reflected in the change _ Figure 27. in dynamics of latency periods of responses. Histograms of neuronal distribution - according to latency periods of re- Since there are neurons that are actions to conditioned light stimulus. stimulated during any EP componenC X-axis, latency period, ms; y-axis, in all regions, it is obvious that number of neurons - a) somatosensory cortex the discharges of some neuron in b) visual cortex some part of the cortex are syn- c) somatosensory (solid line) and chronous with discharges of some visual (dash line) cortex neurons or other in other brain structures. - It appears to us that all of the above data warrant the conclusion that there are simultaneously functioning neurons in all structures in the .behavioral act. Although a different number o� neurons is activated in each structure during different phases of EP, the overall time structure of processes in different regions is identical, and it corresponds to the time structure of "synchronous" or "general" EP. We believe that synchronism and idei:tical nature of time organization of both EP and neuronal discharges in diiferent structures rule out successive performance of any functions by separate structures, and cannot conform with conceptions of "conduction of stimulation" over the "reflex arc." The neurons in each structure do not become active for a specific time - as excitation advances from receptors to effectors, but they are involved in all processes that participate in formation and implementation of the _ behavioral act. 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~p ' B E ~ a ~ .2 6 b ~ ' 2 CS 100 200 300 400 J00 jj~ !00 200 300 900 S00 600 Figure 28. Histograms of distribution of activation phases for neurons of somatosensory and visual cortex, according to latency periods of responses to conditioned light flash (CS) and electrocutaneous stimulation (US). X-axis, latency period, ms; y-axis, number of activation phases with the indicated latency period a) in somatosensory cortex b) in visual cortex It is also apparent that the similarity of EP configuration and neuronal discharge p atterns in different structures precludea consicierati~n of EP , configuration and neuronal discharge pattern as the expression of only _ some specif~c function of a structure; the question of time pattern as a means of co ding expressly specific information is also eliminated. All of the submitted facts indicate, in our opinion, that processes in different s tructures of tne brain acquire common features of organiza- _ tion in performance of~a behavioral act and only during this act. Since EP and neuronal discharge patterns corresponding to EP phases are demonstrable locally, they reflect local physiological proceases; buC since they are synchronous and common to different structures, it must be - agreed that the same processes develop in many structures. Since both physiological functions and links between various structures are different, only process es of interacCion between elements of different structures can have Che same dynamics. In other words, in the course of a behavioral act, organization of physiological processes in time is the same for different brain structures, and it is determined by tt~ie time structure 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of systemic processes of the behavioral act that are common to the entire brain and organism, specific processes of organization of an integral functional system out of special physiological mechanisms, rather than the function of specific, for examp le, "visual," mechanisms in the visual analyzer. ms It is difficult to reconcile the ! 92~ a ~ fact that there is synchronism Zy i and similarity of pattern configura- ~s tions in the responses of neurons of different structures to the same 32 b stimulus, as well as the possibility 2~t of obtaining similar responses by ~s the same neuron to different sti- iso Isz I,~4 ~ss ~S8 cos:'~ muli, with the analytical data c' obtained on preparations as to ~Z~ dete~mination of the ~atency period of a given discharge by a fixed lOS number of synaptic arrests on the way from a receptor to the recorded 74 neuron. 5B Tndeed, the specific and constant 82 . d anatomical organization of links 66 in different parts ~f the brain 30 cannot explain the similar configu- _ ,~y I ration of responses to the condi- f tioned stimulus and ECS in, for ~B example, the somatosensory cortex, ~e0 ~ Z 1B~ 1B6 ,iBB where this has been described b ~ombinattons y many authors (Shul'gina, 1967, Figure 29. 1969; Vasilevskiy et al., 1972), or Dynamics of latency periods of reac- similar patterns in reaponse to tions of two simultaneously recorded the same conditioned stimulus by neurons. X-axis, sequential number neurons of ~he visual and somato- of combinations; y-axis, latency sensory cortex. Evidently, mor- per~',ods of responses to 3.ight, ms. phological links rewain constant Reinforcement ECS of 45 V was deli- and implement all types of time ' vered to the front (a, b) or hind organization of processes in all (c, d) leg regions and with ali stimuli. How- a, c) latency periods of responses ever, the link between the discharge of somatosensory cortical of some neuron and arrival of neurons to flash excitation over any specific path- bt d) same for neurons of vieual ways can be established only on cortex anesthetized preparations, in which behavior is impossible. 87 FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Even the eariiest neuronal responses, with a latency period of 10-20 ms, could be related to delivery to it of simultaneous influences from many sources. The very possibility of such influences (for example, on neurons of the somatosensory cortex) was demonatrated through etimulation of various brain structures in anesthetized preparations (Storozhuk, 1974). Some of these influences may be subliminal, with the use of anestheaia, for onset of a spike response, while others may be so strong that they induce EPSP [excitatory postsynaptic potentials] and spikes. For example, stimulation of the amygdaloid complex of cats given nembutal elicited a response in 11 out of 194 neurons of the somatosensory cortex, in 5 of which an impulse appeared with a latency period of 1-2.2 ms, and in another the "laten~y period of the response to stimulation of the amygdaloid complex was even shorter than in response to stimulation of VPL [expansion not known]: 2.2�0.2 and 2.4�0.17 ms, respectively, although in both cases the response consisted of one impulse, and the probability - of a response was the same, P= 1" [Storozhuk, 1974, p 149). In response - to stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus, 15 out of 132 neurons res- ponded, 4 of which had a latency period of 1.9-3.9 ms (p 150). Upon stimulation of the pyramidal tract, orthodromal spikes appeared in 13 out of 21 neurons, with latency periods of 2.6 to 7.5 ms. The collateral influences from pyramidal cell axons could be addressed to different neurons. In the opinion of V. M. Storozhuk, "in the case of spontaneous activity this could cause a distinctive chain reaction of dissemination of excitation in the somatic cortex" (p 151). ~ If we consider that fibers from the most diverse regions of the brain come to the somatosensory cortex and that these structures have a"tonic" � effect on neurons of the somatosensory cortex (Li, 1956; Tori et al., 1965), even if stimulation Lhereof does not induce spikes in somatosensory neurons, we arrive at the somewhat trite conclusion that the neurons of the somatosensory cortex ar~~ under the inlfuence of all structures of the - brain. As we have already mentioned, a stimulus in the behavioral act induces neuronal responses in many structures with short latency period and, in particular, ECS induces responses with short latency periods by elements of the optic nerve (Spinelli, Weingarten, 1966), reticular format3on (Shevcher~ico, 1975a), hypothalamus (Bakl~,vadzhan et al., 1971), hippocampus (Dubrovinskaya, 1971), etc. For this reason there are no grounds ta questi~n the fact that, even with delivery of ECS that is "specifi^." for the somatic analyzer, even the early responses of the pro~ection neurons of the somatosensory cortex may be due to aynchronous comrergence of many influences, rather than afferentiation over lemniscal pathways alone. A. S. Batuyev er al. arrived at the same conclusion earlier, with reference to the primary evoked potential: "The experiments convinced us that 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE GidLY the primary response has a rather complex structure and contains components that differ, not only in source in subcortical structures, but in distinc- tions of their expression on the cortical level.... The main debatable ques- - tion is whether the primary response is the result of one afferent volley in a specific thalamocortical systew or whether it is the product of integra- tion on cortical neurons of many afferent messages from various subcortical structures, and we uphold the latter view" (1971, p 29). These considerations are even more valid with regard to the early responses of nonprojection regions and all late activations. The presence of simultaneously discharging neurons in many structures and the unquestionable links between them invalidate the question of how expressly one structure affected another. From the point of view that we are developing, all processes in all structures reflect interaction of neurons in all structures, in accordance with the morphological links between them. For example, while we know from morphological studies that - _ the somatosensory cortex has direct communication with VPL, nonspecific thalamic nuclei, reticular formation, other cortical regions, etc., it is obvious that the discharges of neurons in the somatosensory cortex are caused by influences that are carried over a certain number of fibers from all these structures. _ At the same t~me, the question of which exact fibers deliver influences - to the somatosensory cortex, for example, from VPL or visual cortex, can be answered on the level of VPL neurons or neurons of the visual cortex, the activity of which, in turn, ~epends on all influences converging on the VPL ar visual cortex neurons. Ultimately, each spike of each neuron - is caused by the integr.ative activity of the entire brain. ` Thus, as applied to a waking organism, the explanation that any phase of nesronal activation occurs by conduction of exeitation over some isolated _ pathways or chains of neurons is unjustifiably simple, since these chains, by virtue of the specificity of morphological communications o~'each neuron, must be specific and show quite diverse phases of activation in different neuronv. It is only organization of processes in the entire network of neurons that can cause similar patterns for different neurons - that have a different place in this network. Consequently, it is only organization of all processes that causes appearance of each spike. It is known that quite a large number of synaptic influences should reach a n euron simultaneously for at least one spike to appear (Kostyuk, 1971). The time and space organization of influences on a specific neuron should, in turn, be a funcL-ion of coordination of integrative processes occurring in many neurons. The appearance of phases of neuronal reactions can apparently be attributed to the presence of sta- - tistical maximums and minimums in the dynamics of number of selectively - related and mutually coordinated elements. Expressly such dynamics of 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY processes of coordination of activity of different elements must probably be [he same and common to d ifferent parts of the brain involved in the functional system of the behavioral act. The fact that both neuronal discharges and EP, which are a reflection of membrane potentials of many neurons, has the same time organization in different structures indicates that different structures receive and send influences simultaneously in the behavioral act. If we consider the synaptic influx f rom dif ferent sources into each individual structure, by virtue of synchronism of discharges in the other structures this influx will have the same time organization as everywt~ere else, and it will determine neuronal discharges also in accordance with the general time structure of processes in all other parts of the brain. In this sense, we can refer to systemic general cerebral time organization of synaptic influx to any neuron. The similar EP in different structures are a reflection of this general cerebral synaptic influx. The identical time organization of processes in various structures indi- cates that it is only the sp ecifi~ity of afferent and efferent coummunica- tions that determines the difference in significance of spikes appearing simultaneously in two different neurons in two different parts of the - brain. According to functio nal system theory, any exoge:~ous stimulus finds pretrigger integration ready, i.e., a dynamic system of interrelations of elements prepared in advance, which is what determines the "spatial" ~:omposition of synaptic influx to each element. Determination of Neuronal Discharge Pattern by Pretrigger Integration When the activity of neurons was compared to EP in response to an insigni- ficant stimulus, it was already found that the patterns of activity of different neurons could chan ge (Kogan, Klepach, 1967). Moreover, in some cases, the poststimulus histogram summated for many responses did indeed refl.ect different patterns present in different responses, as illustrated in Figure 30, taken Lrom the work of T. N. Loseva, S. N. Khayutin and V. B. Shvyrkov (1970). - E. John (1972, 1974) even expounded the view that neuronal responses are always extremely variable, and that it is only the pattern of activity of neuronal ensembles that does indeed have a constant correlation with EP. However, the experiments of Ramos et al. (1976a, b, c) and Schwartz et al. (1976) in the laboratory of E. John revealed that the response pattern of the same neuron may even be more const~nt than the EP configuration with the same behavior, and that it is demonstrable for several days. The same neuron yielded diff erent patterns in response to the same stimulus ~ that triggered different behavior. The stability of neuronal responses with stability of stimulus of behavior was also observed in the studies of other authors (Olds, Hirano, 1969; Hirano et al., 1970; Phillips, Olds, 1969). 90 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , t~~'' - - , ~ , , _ - i ~ i ' ~ dfTr~"~ I I__1 1_ _ I ~ " "'~T~ `~'-~"^~-^-~V 1 IV�~~/`V~`1~r~/~,^"`.v,- - s ~ ~ ~J~~ Light ~ ~ a _ d ~ i ~~,'1,.r~-~- -----~--T--r- ; '9 ~ ~ t sin ~ _ , ~--f-t--r-t-F-~~1-,~I�I-~~-T+ ,,,~~i �~~t,,,�, Mean number of im ises ~ A Z per ms g ~ . 1 u_ "~t,.~,_ ~ r,t~ _ _ SD w0 SOO ^ ms ~ ~-~---~r- ~ ~ ~ ;--i- _ ~ ---.r-~-- r~-r'~n~.-~.- ' ~~n~ ntilb'~~~,~~ti''.-_-.._'..r....,`_ 6 i ~ ~ ~ ----,--r-F+-~t~'a~fi~-~-tY;- , b Light - ~ . I ; I ~ , f i ~200 uV VY r #~----;-;;:~;r~!^I-- [1 mV I I Mean impulses per Sp ~ Light i B 2 I ( 1 ~ - Z~ I i ms A+B ~E i ~~`n ~ - .f0 7S0 SOr'I 1 I I ms Figure 30. Reaction of one reuron of the visual cortex to exposure of the retina to 9 successive 500-ms flashes. On each strip: top line is superficial ECC [electrocorticogram]; the n~nbers - _ on the left are sequential flash numbers. A) average of 5 neuronal responses, including a primary resnonse and late activation; inhibitory pause corresponds to slow negative oscill. B) average of 4 responses of same neuron, where activation phase corres- ponds to slow negative oscillation A+B) averaging of all reactions of same neuron 91 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ ~ ~T GF ~~~~'E1~ I~ 1~E~N~1~ i~1~~ QF ~EHA~' I~1~ ~4 ,~UL~,'' ~HU"~~~~',~' ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - - Thus, the phases of activation of single neurons under different experi- - menta.l conditions may be related to diverse ways to EP components. How- _ ever, these relations are not formed at random, and they depend on the - behavior triggered by the stimulus. As validly observed by M. N. Livanov, - "one should probably think about participation of each neuron in the formed system of integration, rather than initially inherent capacity of neurons to react only to a given stimulus and only in a specific wa.y. _ It seems correct to refer to nature of reaction of cortical neurons, rahter than to types of such neurons" (1971, p 7). .7ust like EP, the discnarge pattern of a single neuron is "endogenous" in behavior, i.e., it can be quite different in response to the same stimulus that triggers different behavior. This has already been demonstrated iri , numerous experiments involving development o� conditioned reflexes, which - showed that the responses of neurons in different parts of the brain to - - a lioht flash, which became. a conditioned stimulus, changed in configura- tion (Kondrat'yeva et al., 1970; Sviderskaya, 1971; Vasilevskiy, 1971, _ and others). At the same time, diff erent stimuli that trigger similar behavioral acts can trigger similar discharge patterns in the same neuron, and this was - - demonstrated in a comparison of patterns of conditioned and unconditioned responses of neurons in defensP behavior (Vasilevskiy, 1973; Shul'gina, ~ = I968; Shvyrkov, Aleksandrov, 1973, and others). Many a.uth~rs have re- ported that, with change in behavior, there is change mainly in the late phases of the patcern of neuronal responses (Travis, Sparks, 1967; Ramos - et al., 1976, and others). On the bas~s of analysis of activity of ~ neuronal ensembles, E. R. John and Morgades (1969) also believe that the = early components of the pattem are "exogenous," unlike the "endogenous" - late ones. _ ~ According to our point of view about the conformity of EP with systemic ~ ~ processes, the greater dependence of late phases on behaviox could be attribu~ed to the fact that the late phases correspond to processes of ~ - implementation of one specific behavioral act, which changes with the slightest change in exog:enous conditions. The early EP components reflect : the transition to actuating mechanisms of one act from pretrigger integra- - - tion, corresponding to all possible behavioral acts in a given situation; f or this reason, the early phases are less related to one specific ' behavioral act, and they should change with change in a11 pretriggering integration. , _ We tested this hypothesis in special experiments, which Yu. I. Aleksandrov _ (1975) conducted on rabbits with developed conditioned defense reflex. - The ECS parameters were changed to alter pzetrigger integration, since = _ ECS diffe.ring in duration and force I.nduce, of course, different degrees of deiensive motivation (Leander, 1973). ECS of different localization - also has different ecological and behavioral slgnificance (Rozhanskiy, 1953; Menitskiy, Trubachev, 1974). 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Experiments were conducted on 12 stereotactically immobilized rabbits, - with anesthetization of fixation sites. The conditioned stimulus, a - flash af light synchronized with a click delivered from a Soneclat - stimulator (0.3 J, 50 ~ts), remained unchanged throughaut the experiment; ~CS delivered through needle electrodes from a Physiovar stimulator was ~ altered after every 25-75 combinations. The light was 600 ms away from ECS, and interstimulus intervals ranged from 10 to 2 min. We recorded impulsation of neurons of the visual cortex, EP and EMG, which served as a control of development of the conditioned reflex, on magnetic t,ape, and the data were processed on AI-256 and NTA-512-B analyzers. The results (averaged EP ~nd poststimulus histograms of neuronal discharges) - were recorded on a two-coordinate recorder or photographed from the ~ analyzer oscilloscope. - . Of the 30 neurons of the visual cortex that presented phasic responses to - the light o�r ECS, we succeeded at least once in altering the parameters = of reinforcement in 15 neurons. In 9 of the latter, there was a change in - pattern of responses to a light flash that was unchanged in physical - parameters. In one neuron, a change in pattern was observed when the - stimulating electrodes were moved over just a few centimeters. In others, we succeeded in inducing such change only by changing significantly the _ intensity of ECS or moving the electrodes to another leg. The changes , in pattern could consist of either disappearance of one uf the phases, = or appearance of new components, and they were observed in neurons that had differer.t "base patterns." These data are listed in Table l, which also shows that, even in neurons - whose activation phases did not change the response to change in ECS parameters changed quantitatively, i.e., it contained more or fewer spikes in the same phases. Table 1. Modification of reactions of visual cortex neurons to condi- tioned flash of light with chang~ in ECS parameters - Type of response ~~ber of Qualitative and quantitative Changes in neurons chan es in reactions atter.n Primary activation 6 6 4 Negative activation 3 3 1 Late activation 5 5 4 , It must be noted that even the primary phases of the pattern were related - to ECS parameters. In three cases, the primary response present with the = initial parameters disappeared and in another it appeared (Figure 31). ~ The responses of neurons of the visual cortex to ECS itself also changed - with ci~ange in its par~meters (Figure 32). These changes were less marked, - but they also involved all phases of the pattern, as can be seen in _ Table 2. - 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = � - Table 2. Modification of reactions of neurons of visual cortex to ECS with change in its parameters _ Type of response N~ber of Qualitative and quantitative Changes in neurans chan es in reactions attern - Primary activation 1 1 1 Negative activation 9 4 1 Late activation 1 1 1 Figure 31. a~" Appearance of primary response by - imp. neuron of visual cortex to condi- ~ tioned light flash with increase in intensity of ECS ' 5 r p~;x �,~~,t~d},~~_. t- j~, -f a) inhibition of neuronal activity ~ - in response to flash, reinforced I by ECS of contralateral front ~ paw, 30 V ; b) appearance of primary response b to conditioned flash with in- crease in ECS to 60 V, Above (a) and (b): averaged EP; below: peristimulus histogram of ' = 5~ impulsation activity. Channel _ p ~-~t"�=`,~..~''a`L~`i �r"i~''='_=-''?--`:~,+' width 4 ms, n= 25 _ ~00 ~00 I S00 CS--conditioned stimulus CS u~ US--unconrlitioned stimulus These data indicate that all phases of the pattern can change with a change ' in pretrigger integration. Since primary discharges appear in different neurons in response t~ the same conditioned signal that triggers different preliminary integrations, it may be assumed that even in regions that _ are projections in relation to the stimulus the response is "endogenous," , i.e., it corresponds to activity of expressly the elements that were ~ included in advance in pretriggering integration. Of caurse, "endogeny" of the primary response in projection regions could not be demonstrated - when recording only macroactivity. - Comparable results were also obtained for neurons of the somatosensory cortex (Shvyrkov, 1974) and reticular formation (Shevchenko, 1975a). ~ 94 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 32. Disappearance of visual neuron res- - ponse to conditioned light and ECS ~ with change iz localizatior of a - stimulating electrodes. imp. ~a 1) averaged EP ' f~ ~ 2) peristimulus histogram; channel Z p . ' o width 2 ms, n= 25 CS 'T- U a) late activation in response to light and activa*_ion in - ~ ne~ativity with affierdischarges - in response to ECS of contra- b � lateral hind paw, 30 V ~ l~P' b) disappearance of reactions with _ Z o~ .~~ty;;t~, ;~y,~~~ stimulation of ipsilateral front = CS ~oa ao~ 3vs yao sao US;o~ en:~ ms Paw with same intensity of current Tt~zre was equally graphic demonstration of the dependence of pattern of activity of vis~ial neurons in response to light on pretrigger integration in experiments where a change in preliminary integration was produczd by - changing reinforcement from food to defensive (Shvyrkova and Shvyrkov, 1974; Shevchenko, 1976). We shall consider these findings in connection ~ with other questions. _ Involvement of Neurons in Systemic Mechanisms of the Behavioral Act Cortical neurons: For a long time, ~he activity of neurons of different ~ - structures of the brain was traditionally analyzed solely as a parameter of the specific function of a given structure. It appeared quite logical to relate all types of activity (for example, of neurons of the visual cortex) to the parameters of a visual stimulus and processing of informa- tian about this stimulus. Hoaever, the very first data obtained on waking _ animals in learning studies revealed that the activity of visual cartex _ neurons :.hanges in relation to chan~ge in beha~;ior (Ricci et al., 1957; . - Jasper et al., 1962). The same experiments revealed that neuronal activity - in other structures, in particular, somatosensory, motor and frontal cortex, depended on behavior. - Subsequently, all researchers concerned with development of conditioned reflexes observed a change in neuronal activity in response to a stimulus that had become conditioned (Vasilevskiy, 1968; Shul'gina, 1967, 196A; - Rabinovich, 1975, 1976, and others). At the present time, because of development of techniques for recording ` neuronal activity of freely behaving animals, an increasing number of 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 _ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - works is being published demonstrating a direct link between activity of neurons of all brain structures and specific stages of integral behavior, rather than a given stimulus. For example, V. Mountcastle et al. (1975), wno studied neuronal activity of the associative cortex demonstrated a link between the discharges of these neurons and situational d~stinctions that cannot be formuiated in other than terms of and objectives of behavior. An entire series of studies conducted by H. Niki (1974a, b) demonstrated a relationship between neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex and specific stages of behavior. _ I.Ranck (1973), who studied hippocampal neurons, found that it was possible, - _ in general, to compare their activity to only specific behavioral acts. He calls this approach "microphrenology." . Hawever, we believe that the ter~ "microethology" would be more suitable, since we are dealing here with the link between activity of specific neurons and specific behavior, rather than specific behavior and activity of a localized _ region of the brain. ~ The experiments of J. Olds et al. (1969a, b; 1972) ar.d E. R. John (1969, 1972, 1974) showed that a link with specific behavior is observed for neuronal activity in many structures of the brain. A link with expressly behavior was noted by many authors; for neurons of the reticular formation (Sparks, Travis, 1968; Travis, Sparks, 1967), as well as neurons of cortical projection regions (Shvyrkova,Shvyrkov, 1975; Andrianov, Fadeyev, 1976; Miller et al., 1972, 1974). J. Mi1J_er et al. _ (1972) maintain that "cellular activity in sensory systems is strictly determined by the behavioral situation and objective" (1972). - All of the cited data, as well as our experiments that demonstrated a ~ ; correlation between neuronal activity and parameters of future reinforce- ' ment, confirm the validity of the thesis of functional system theory, to the effect that "elements rererable to some anatomical system or. other are _ involved in the system of a behavioral act only to the extent that they aid in achieving a preplanned result" (Anokhin, 1973a, p 35). Indeed, each neuron participates in the behavioral act in the form of ~ impulses which, as they spread over axonal collaterals, have a specific I influence on all elements linked with this neuron and, ultimately, the ~ entire system. The presence of "superfluous" impulses, as well as absence of "necessary" ones woulci create a discordance in the system ' and~make it difficult t.o achieve the useful adaptive result. In this sense, any impulses have actuating output functions. According to functional system theory, impulses can only appear in neurons whose past activity led to achieveme.nt of a specific result; in this sense, 96 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY we can speak of goal-directed activity of each element in the functional system of the behavioral act. The link with behavior can be explained, from the point of view we are developing, by the fact that neuronal activity is not a"reaction" to a"stimulus," but is retrieved fram memory, as it is necessary to achieve the result of the entire behavioral act. - Of course, this is possible only when the model of the result is already represented in pretriggering integration. - The link between activity of single neurons and the entire behavioral act = enables us to raise the question of involvement of nFnrons in specific _ = systemic mechanisms of the behavioral act. At the same time, this is a _ question of how pretriggering integration is implemented in the goal- = directed activity of many different neurons. - Since, as we tried to prove in Chapter 2, EP components serve as correlates of specific systemic proces~e~ in the behavioral act, and the discharges of single neurons coincide.. in time with some EP components or other and - have the same properties, the next hypothesis logically arises. Neuronal = discharges corresponding to the primary EP component reflect processes of implementation of the part of preliminary integration that is the most "prepared" for the triggering stimulus; the discharges during EP negativity must correspond to processes of afferent synthesis and decision making, i.e., total replacement of prior organized activity of the � integral organism by coordinated activity corresponding to the next - behavioral act. The discharges during the positive EP component must _ correspond to processes of mobilization of organizerl actuating mechanisms = = and, finally, late act~va*_ion should correspond to actual implementation ` of the acceptor of acti~~n results and program o� action, i.e., coordinated = purposeful activity of ele-merts that were unite,; in prior processes into a single functional system of the behavioral act. At the same time, there must be "further maturation" of pretrigger integration of the next behavioral act directed toward achievement of ~he next goal in the entire _ hierarchy of behavioral acts that ultimately result in sarvival of the organism. Since the same neuron can be activated in different EP phases, it must be assumed that the same element can participate in several or even all systemfc processes of the behavioral act. Tk?e.fact .that�a neuron can present phasic activation in different behavioral acts suggests that the same neuron may _ be involved in different integrations. Since neuronal function, i.e., its ~ possible: contribution to achievement of the result of a behavioral act, is determine~d exclusively by the topography of its axonal collaterals, diverse integrations can be related only to the disersity of sets of neurons included in a given integration. 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY We tested all these hypotheses in collaboration with Yu. V. Grinchenko b~ means of special experiments. We used the same method as for the study = of evoked patentials in the continuum of behavior. The modification was that the rabbit was trained to pull on a ring upon delivery of the � conditioned signal of a click. The click triggered approach to the ring 1 and pulling on it; the light flash stopped the pulling and triggered movement to the feeder. ~ In these experiments, in addition to recording of EP in the visual cortex by means of a silver electro~e immersed in agar, which filled a trephina- tion opening, we recorded the impulsations of 68 neurons of the visual cortex. These recordings were made using a merhod developed in aur laboratory (Grinchenko, Shvyrkov, 1974). We used a micromanipulator attached to the rabbit's skull; a field transistor operating in the mode of a source follower and connected in the circuit (Rosetto, Vandercar, 1972) was also placed on the skull. This technique enabled us to record, with virtually no artefacts, the activity of single~neurons in the course of several behavioral cycles and, occasionally, several hours. After amplification with a UBP 1-02 and Biophase, the EEG of the visual cortex, impulsations, EMG of cervical muscles and ma.rks.for sound, pulling, light and presentation of feeder were recorded on magnetic tape of a 14- . channel magnettor. These tapes were then reproduced on paper using an automatic ink recorder, with reduction of feed rate to one-eighth. = Impulsation was processed by the histogram method, and 50% deviations from the background were considered as a change in activity. We selected - 39 of the 68 neurons of the visual cortex under observation in these . experiments for comprehensive analysis, am~ng those demonstrated in at least five behavioral cycles. Of these 39, 7 neurons did not change their - activity in any of the phases of the behavioral cycle. The change in activity of the other 32 neurons coincided with some behavioral act which, in accordance with functional system theory, we singled out as a segment - of the behavioral continuum from one result to another: from the click to appearance of light, and from the light to the feeder. In the firsti behavioral act, we observed a change in activity of 20 neurons, 7 of = which contained activation phases in their response and 13 only inhibi- tion. In the second behavioral act, activation was demonstrated in the responses of 18 neurons and 12 cells were inhibited; in all 30 neurons showed a change in activity in the second act. As in the preceding experiments, we found that neuronal activity in the visual cortex is obser~ed in all time intervals of the behavioral act (Figure 33). The early (up to 200 ms) phases of activation were clearly related in time to the prior stimulus--result (Figure 34), whereas the late ones appeared with a variable latency period. This "late" activation was observed in 4 neurons in the first behavioral act and 6 in � the second. They were demonstrable much better by the method of "reverse" averaging, i.e., by plotting the "preresult histograms" (Figure 35). ~ 98 . FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Expressly these activations are related to the actuating mechanisms of the bchavioral act directed toward achievement flf a specific result. _ Appearance of "stimulus--result" stops these activations (Figure 35). In our rabbits, we occasionally observed intersignal tugging at the ring, i.e., tugging that started without the click and, of course, did not lead to appearance of the flash. In su~~h cases, the link between late - activations and a specific behavior was also manifested in the abse:nce - of a stimulus (Figure 35), which does not warrant consideration of these activations as reactions to some factor. Actually, expressly these late activations reflect the coordinated purposeiul activit}- of elements of the inte.gral organism in a specific behavioral act. A ~omparison of late activation of nesrons of the visual cortex in two successive behavioral acts revealed that two neurons participated in _ both behavioral acts and the remaining eight in only one of them. Five - neurons that showed late activation only in the second act were not reactive or inhibited in the first (FigurF:, 36~, while three cells, which - showed late activation in the first act ~~~ere areactive or inhibited in~ the second, but two of them presented prim Z 3 b ~ 5 5 ~mP L Light ~ECS Figure 8~. Depression of background activity and all phases of neuronal activation under the influence of GABA 1) EEG of somatosensory cortex 5) poststimulus histograms, channel 2) neuronogram width 24 ms, n= 25 3) EMG a) before GABA 4) averaged EP (n = 25) b) against the background of GABA ' Analysis of sensitivity to the agents used of different elements of the pattern only enable us to state that in each phase the functional synaptic fields change under the influence of several agents. Thus, of the 9 neurons which demonstrated a primary response, 7 showed a change after phoresis of not only one, but two or even three agents which changed background activity differently (Figure 82). The primary response of different neurons was sensitive to different agents. Since synpatic influences are mediated by - different mediators and changes in FSF are specific for different agents administered phoretically, the change in the primary response under the influence of different a gents is indicative of the multimediator nature of synaptic activity at the time of the primary response. 181 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a . . . a ' ..~v"1r~--~-- imn JO ~ b 5 ~ b _ c _ 5 l~1 d c - 5 . ECS L~p ECS 9BI4~290 ms ~ 10 ms � Figure 84. Figure 85. Comparative effects of atropine, GABA Appearance of new phase in neuronal and glutamate on ECS-evoked neuronal response with ionophoretic adminis- re~ponse; n= 15, on histograms the tration of acetylcholine channel width is 24 ms a) initial nauronal reaction-- a) initial neuronal reaction (primary primary response response and late activation) b) the primary response is b) elimination of response by atro- eliminated by acetylcholine, pine (+25 nA, 8 min) but there is appearance of a c) inhibition of response by GABA phase of late activation (+10 nA, 7 min) c) control series of combinations, - d) elimination of initial pliases and appearance of new (negative) n= 10, channel width 24 ms ' phase with L-glutamate (-15 nA, 8 min) If we were to concur with r_he popular view (Orlov, 1974; Sherstnev, 1971; ; Marsden, 1973; Spehlman et al., 1974a, b) that neurons of different brain structures produce and use for synaptic transmission different mediators, it is logical to conlcude that not only the primary response of the entire set of neurons but, possibly, the.primary response of a single unit is generated upon convergence on it of stimuli from many different sources. We had arrived at this c~nclusion earlier on the basis of other data. The same applies to the discharges in negativity, as well as the phase of late - activation. 182 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OI'FICIAL USE ONLY The fact that different phases of the pattern can differ in sensitivity to the same agent is indicative of differences in neuronal SFS in the course of various systemic processes according to the neurochemical criterion also. Since a change in the state of a neuron under the influence of some agent does not lead to a chaotic reaction, but to elimination or appearance of _ additional phases, but always phases corresponding to some components of EP, it can be concluded ~hat the state of the nevron per se does not lead _ to spike generation, bui influences the output pattern merely by selectively - alte~:�ing the effectiveness of synapses making up the dynamic functional - synaptic field, whereas initiation of phases is implemenL�ed by the phasic synaptic influx. As we know, synaptic influences on a neuron induce two sorts of effects: "integrator," which are related to a change in state of the neuron, and "detonator," which induce spike generation. According to P. Andersen and T. Lomo (1967), integrating influences go to the distal parts of den- drites, while detonator ones come closer to the soma. This implies that there is morphological. fixation of integrator and detonator links vetween neurons. P. G. Kostyuk (1974) believes that tonic and phasic influences are distinguished exclusively by their functional and dynamic features, and there can be both detonator and integrator influences from different sources on a given neuron. Since influences that elicit a neuronal discharge also alter the state of the neuron, like the iniluences that do not elicit a discharge, we believe there is more justification for making a distinction between effects, rather than influences, on the assu~ption that any influence perceived by a neuron will have an integratxve effec~, while generation of spikes would depend on the entire ~et of influences and other conditions. . _ - - Under normal conditions, a given state of a neuron and selective effective- ness or "detonatory nature" of specific synpases are apparently related to corresponding integrator effects of all influences on a single neuron by _ other elements of the entire integration. In our experiments, the selective effectivenessas detonators of only some synaptic inputs and, consequently, the pati:ern of a neuronal response could be determined by constant integrator influences created by :he motivation of fear and defense activa- tion, which always appear in a situ~ztion of delivery of nociceptive stimuli. Since motivational influences are se~.ective and elicit only neuronal ~ states that led to acheivement of an a~daptive result in the entire system _ in prior experience (Anokhin, 1968, 1974a; Sudakov, 1971), only the syn- - apses whose activation would lead to purpos2ful activation of a neuron, - aiding in achievement of this adaptive result, turn out to be effective. Al,though numerous exogenous influences converge on a neuron with electro-. ' cutaneous stimulation, a real pattern appears as the result of selective activation of the neuron only through specific effective synapes, which ~ 183 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR CFFICIe'~I. USE ONLY is what pred`termines the appearance of a"purposeful" pattern in the reac- tion to current synaptic activation and involvement of the neuron in some - systemic pro~_esses of the behavioral act. Thus, the neuron does not emerge - as a summator, but as an "organizer" of influences coning to it: from the - organization of incoming influences, which does not conform well with the goal, it creates an organization of discharges in time that conforms more fully with the goal. There are two points of view that can be discussed to explain the inter- action of different synaptic influences on a single neuron. According to one of them, the only form of interaction of synaptic influences is their summation on the neuronal membrane. According to the other view, integra- tive neuronal activity is not limited to summation of inembrane potentials: some synaptic processes induce specific chemical changes in subsynaptic regions that are integrated in a change in metabolism of the entire neuron, and through the metabolic change they have a specific influence on the effectiveness of other syn~aptic inputs using different mediators. This intersynaptic integration, which is a reflection of all interneuronal integration ~n the level of a single neuron, lea~s in turn to intermolecular integration, which is the object of fixation in molecular mechanisms of memory (Anokhin, 1974; Matthies, 1973, 1974; Huttunen, 1973). _ Phoretic administraticn of agents, which blocks or alleviates neuronal activation with regard to some inputs, of course elicits a very complex change in the synaptic input, which could also be related to different pre- synaptic effects and some of its influences on adjacent elements. Never- theless, phoretically administered agents, such as glutamate and GABA, always alter background activity unequivocally, which can be interpreted as an indicator of change in neuronal excitability, regardless of which ~ specific mechanism is involved in obtaining this ch3nge. If ue accept the summation hypothesis, we must conclude that changes in the background and reaction must proceed in the same direction, and this is what is usually observed when the neuronal membrane potential is changed by means of polarization (Kabur~eyeva, 1971). However, as noted by many authors, when biologically active substances are delivered to a neuron the change in background activity often fails to be correlated with the change in reac- tion (Kozhechkin, Zhadina, 1973; Schmidt et al., 1974; Hess, Murata, Y974). zn our e:cperiments, glutamate, which depolarized the membrane (Krn~evic, 1970; Bernardi et al., 1972), increased background activity, but could eliminate the entire response or one of the phases of the response, while GABA, which hyperpolarized the membrane (Krn~evic, 1970; Altman et al., 1973) and blocked background activity almost entirely, could - alleviate significantly the neuron's evoked reaction (Figure 86). At the same time, different agents, even those that changed background activity in the same way, c~uld alter very differently the patterr? of neuronal reaction. The difference in directions of changes in background activity and the evoked reaction, as well as different phases of neuronal reaction 184 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY under the influence of the same agent cannot, in ou~ opinion, be attributed to simple summation of inembrane potentials evoked by phoretic and natural synaptic activation. - a b ~ � , imp imp imp I5 /5 15 !0 IO IO S S 5 ' ECS ECS ECSs~~ Figure 86. Comparative effects of L-glutamate and GABA on neuronal response evoked by ECS a) initial neuronal response contains a negative phase b} with L-glutamace an additional phase of late activation is added to the initial phase , c) with GABA, the initial reaction is alleviated, while background activity is depressed. On the histograms, channel width is 24 ms, n=20 Within the framework of the summation hypothesis, this difference in direc- tions could be explained by means of additional hypotheses to the effect - that different components of the synaptic influh change differently under ~~he infliaence of the same agent. However, these hypotheses appear con- - trived to us, since the absence of reaction change under the influence _ of glutamate, which depolar:izes the membrane and izicreases background activity in all cases,uAUld have to be attributed to the fact that the heightened excitability of the neuron is "compensated" proportionately to the decrease in synaptic influx, whereas blocking of the reaction (as, for example, ~n Figure 82) would have to be related to blocking of only one group of synapses, and one that is not isolated by the morphological ~ criterion, but the functional time criterion. Analogously, under the influence of GABA, for example, in the case i].lustrated in Figures 86 and 87, we would have to assume that there is unexplainable intensification _ of synaptic influx under the influence of a universal inhibitory agent, - 185 FOR OFFICIAL U'SE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and this intelsification of synaptic influx is so great that it overcomes even a significant decrease in excitability of the neuron. " a b ~ ~ c --~".~/1/."V`'�,' I ECS E S Figure 87. Effect of GABA on neuronal responses as a function of parameters of ECS. - Left--responses of ne~iron to ECS of contralateral front foot, 15 V, 1 ms: ~ a) initial neuronal r.:sponse consists of negative phase and phase of late activation _ b) GABA (+6 nA, 14 min, which depresses background activity, alleviates negative phase and depresses phase of late activation - c) control series Right--responses of neuron to ECS of contralateral hind foot, 30 V, 1 ms a) 3.~itial neuronal response consists of negative phase b)"GABA (+6 nA, 14 min), which depresses background activity, also depresses negative phase of response ' c) control series of combinations - Channel width 24 ms, n= 20 \ 186 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY These hypotheses turn out to be unnecessary, if we assume that constant phoretic activation or blocking of some synaptic inputs leads, in addition to change in membrane potential, transsynaptically to an increase in effectiveness of some synapes and concurrent decrea~e in effectiveness of others, which are activated immediately after the stimulus. _ Since different synaptic inputs can be implemented by various mediators (Orlov, 1974; Sakharov, 1974), the difference in direction of the effect of the same agent on effectiveness of these inputs could be attributed to a change in neuronal sensitivity to different mediators. According to the integrative hypothesis, this selective change in sensitivity must be related to a change in general intraneuronal metabolism induced by the inf luence of a phoretically delivered agent. - Since different agents can change the pattern of neuronal reaction in different ways, it can be concluded that the change in metabolism induced by phoretic application of an agent is rather specif ic, i.e., that there is a specific link between activation of a certain functional synaptic fieZd, metabolic changes within a neuron and new functional synaptic field, _ i.e., new organization of effective synapses. " This specific conformity is~apparently determined by molecular processes in neuronal protoplasm and constitutes the "substrate of neuronal memory." - Thus, the integrative state of a neuron is mediated by neurochemical - mechanisms. The general hypothetical scheme of correlation of neuro- - physiological processes on the level of a single neuron and of neuro- chemical processes is conceived as follows: when a neuron is involved in - pretriggeri~ig integration, different integrative synpatic influences _ induce specific chemical changes in subsynaptic regions, which are integ- _ rated into a change in metabolism of the entire neuron, and through the c,hange in metabolism they have specific influences on the effectiveness of synapses that use different mediators. Probably, the neuron "recognizes" a specific int~bration of synaptic influx as organization of ined.iators. - At the present time, there are already several hypotheses concerning the link between synaptic activation, molecular processes in neuronal proto- plasm and impulse output of the neuron (Anokhin, 1974; Matthies, 1973, - 1975; Matthies, 1974). The concrete intermolecular mechani.sms of integra- tion are beyond the area of competence of the neurophysiologist. We only have to stress the fact that, on all levels of thishierarchy,selection of different mechanisms into the functional system of an integral behavioral act occurs in accordance with a single evolutionary principle, namely the criterion of their cooperation in achievement of a useful adaptive result and, ultimately, survival of the organism. This entire hierarchy of inte~rations, c~hich could be continued in both directions (in the direction of "molecular memory" and in the direction of "memory of the arganism"), is established during formation of the functional system of a behavioral 187 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 _ FOR OFFICZAL USE ONLY act during trial behavioral acts, and it is fixed by the useful adaptive result. In accordance with the general direction of integrative activity of the nervous system toward reduction of "degrees of freedom" and selection of one behavioral act out of the many possible ones, integrative activity of a neuron consists of reducing the "degrees of freedom" referable to time of appearance of discharges and choosing one pattern of responses out of the many possible ones (Anokhin, 1974). On the basis of the facts w~ have ~ submitted and data in the literature, it can be assumed that reduction of "degrees of f~eedom" of neuronal discharges is achieved on the basis of a general "principle of conformity." This principle is already manifested an the periphery, and it consists of the fact that neuronal responses appear only when there is conformity of stimulus properties with the pro- perties of the peripheral receptive field. In the experiments described above, this principle was manifested by the fact that, although many synaptic influences converge on the neuron after ECS, a real pattern appears as the result of conformity between "endogenously'(through meta- bolic mechanismsl effective synapses with those that are really activated. As a result of all this, neurons, whose set of elementary functions corresponds to the goal and real info~ation, become involved in the func- tional system, and behavioral acts are retrieved from inemory that corres- pond to motivation and situation. Since motivational influences that determine pretriggering integration are selective and induce only neuronal states that led to achievement of a given adaptive result in prior experience, on].y the synapses and FSF whose activation would lead to purposeful neuronal activity corresponding to achie~aement of one of the adaptive results are endogenously effective. Additional reduction of degrees of freedom of the neuron is related to the influence of numerous situational afferentations through which the change in all of pretriggering integration narrows even more the area of neuronal FSF. Thus, the role of pretriggering integration in generation of a purposeful neuronal pattern consists of reducing the degrees ~f freedom of the neuron - by means of formation of funetional synaptic fields out of selectively effective synapses, the use of which in prior experience had already led to a useful adaptive result in a given situation. Correlation Between Functional Synaptic Fields in Pretriggering Integration The final choice of one degree of freedom in the behavioral act, i.e., the final organization of one system of orderly and purposeful relations, among all neuronal interactions that are possi hle due to divergence and conver- gence of their axonal collaterals within FSF selected in pretriggering - - integration, is established only after making a decision, when the actuating mechanisms of the behavioral act begin to function. 18$ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY According to the conceptions ;ae are - ' ` developing, auring pretriggering - integration the FSF corresponding 2 . to future events related to the given motivation and situation should be effective. a We tested this hypothesis by com- - paring neuronal activity in cozdi- tioned and unconditioned behavioral ~ acts wi*_h phoretic delivery of different agents. The logic of 1 such comparison consists of the . ~~I~~ ~���~.~��+~r�~ following: as we have established ~ ~ in the preceding experiments, b neuranal activity in a conditioned _ 2 behavioral act is determined by a model of a specific future event-- electrocutaneous stimulation with specific parameters; the activity in an unconditioned behavioral act - - is determined by a model of some other future event, apparently, - disc~ntinuation of the nociceptive ~ effect of ECS. These two goals are hierarchically related, the Light ~CSi~~ latter being "larger" in the entire 50 ms hierarchy of goals constituting rigure 88. defense motivation. Effect of glutamate on identical two- By comparing the effects of the phase patterns of neuronal responses same agent delivered constantly on - _ evoked by conditioned and uncondi- neuronal activity in the two be- tioned stimuli. Channel width 24 ms, havioral acts, we hoped to separate n = 25 a) initial res~onses of neuron are FSF corresponding to different repreaented by negative phase and hierarchically organized goals. � phase of late activation Of the total of 70 neurons, 21 res- b) glutamate alleviates negative ponded to conditioned light. phases and depresses phases of Delivery of some agent to eight late activation neurons that presented . 1) neuronogram 2) averaged EP patterns in the two acts altered - 3) poststimulus histogram these patterns in six cases, in the same direction (Figure 88). In two cases, these patterns changed independently: with delivery of the same agent, neuronal activity was depressed in the first act and enriched by additional components in the second one (Figure 89). There was also independent change in reaction in the two behavioral acts in seven neurons that origina.lly presented - 189 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ ~ ~T ~F , ~~'~TE~t I ~ ~tE~H~I~ I ~F ~EH~~ I ,~l~L~ ~H~~'~1~~'~ ~ ~F ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~ _ - _ different patterns (Figure 90); ' a the changes in reactions to light - and ECS were induced by different - _ imp agents. Conditioned responses ~ 10 appeared in 5 out of 14 neurons - ~ that had responded only in the = _ ~ second act af ter delivery of the _ agent (Figure 91). In six neurons = that presented ph~sic responses - - only to the conditioned stimulus _ b and did not react or were inhibited _ witn ECS, no reaction to the un- - ~-mP conditioned stimulus appeared - - under the inf luence of application _ of the agent, although responses 5 to the conditioned stimulus could - change (Figure 92). Delivery of - - agents to 35 neurons that were - Light ECS inhibited or did not react in both SOuis acts elicited a response to the Figure 89. conditioned stimulus by only one Different changes in patterns of neu- neur~n and to an unconditioned ' ronal responses to light and ECS under stimulus by another onF.. - the influence of glutamate. Channel - ~ width 24 ms, n= 15 In 12 neurons, we succee~ed in - a) initially, neuron responded with altering the parameters of ECS in - : _ negative phases t~ light f.iash at least one instance. In seven = _ and ECS of tnem, this elicited a change in b) L-glutamate eliminated negative pattern of reaction, not only to phases in both responses and ECS, as yhown in Figure 87~, but to ` "created" a primary response and the conditioned stimulus, and this _ = late activation in response to was also associated with a change - ECS in effects of phoretically delivered - agents (Figures 93 and 94). Inter- - estingly enough, with change in ECS parameters, the patterns of conditioned - reactions and sensitivity to different agents also changed in three neurons that did not react to ECS of any parameters before (Figure 94). ; Let us discuss these findings from the vantage point of the qiiestions we have posed. As it appears to us, the independence of changes in conditioned and unconditioned patterns with change in state of the neuron induced by ' - ianophoretic application of agents, as well as the possiblity of appearance - _ of conditioned act~vation with retention of the pa~tern for ECS, ~ndicate - _ that the pattern of conditioned activity of many neurons cannot be deter- mined by generator mechanisms or the synaptic inputs that really activate the neuron and induce the unconditioned pattern. 190 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 , ~ _ FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY a - ,,,,(~-n - imp � - 30 a _ 25 ~ _ ~a = _ _ Light EC ~ . b _ b - = imp~I~ ~ Y 30 ~ ~ - - 20 j - /0 ~~'I ~ J~,a � ry ~l~,n ;"j y~ ~n . ' _ ~ ~ U~ ~1 ~ ~ j J"~ ~ = Light ECS S~ ~S Li:ght ECS ~PL - _ ,f0 ms I'igure 90. Figure 91. Effect of L-glutamate on different pat- Appearance of late activation zn = _ terns of neuronal responses in condi- response to con~3itioned light = tioned and unconditioned acts. Channel under the ir.fluence of acetyl- _ width 4 ms, n= 25 choline; on histogr~ms: channel = _ a) initiial neuronal responses: late widti:24 ms, n= 15 . _ ~ activation to light and primary a) befnre acetylcholine - response to ECS b) with acetylcholin.~ - - b) with T.-glutamate, late activation c) control spries to light is elimin.ated, primary response to ECS does not change - Indeed, the independence of changes in pattern of activity in the first and _ secand acts with delivery of some agent means that the neuron is activa.ted in these two acts through different synaptic inputs. If we assume that _ the functional synpatic field of ~ neuron in the conditioned act is - determined by "detonator" ~nfluences, which really activate the nF:uron after ECS, the changes in these influences, which weie observed witn ionophoresis, should have also altered the pattern of tne response to the conditioned signal in the same direction. Appearance of spikes in some neurons in ~ response to a previously ineffective condition_ed signal, with unchanged - - pattern after ECS, also indicates that tlie functional synaptic fields de- - termining the response to light could ~:hange, in the presence of the same ` 191 ` FOK t;~FICIr~L YJSE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = pattern. The dependence of parameters of future ECS or. "conditioned" activity of even neurons that do not generally respond to ECS, as we ob- - ser~�ed not only in neurons of the somatosensory co;-te~, but those of the visual cortex, speaks in favor of this conclusion. a b Figure 92. ' - Effects of different agents on a _ neuron that is inhibited in the ,J~P unconditioned acL. _ I ^ a) initial activity ~ ~ ~v`~" b) with atropine c) control series _ d) with L-glutamate ~ e) control series - ~ f) with GABA ; _ d ` Poststimulus histograms, channel , _ width 24 ms; above histograms . ~1 ~ are averaged evoked potentials, - . l~'~~11,~1 ~ ~II n = 25 ~ U - First arraw--light, second--ECS. = e~,_~~ ~ Calibration: 5 impulses, 50 ms : ~i - � I~1~~_I,~II ~ ~ , I ~i - .~1.~.~.~ 1 - - f ,~.~,t~r,,,._.... ; ~ ~ ; ~ 1 ~~~"~r~~~~ ~ i ~ i L - 192 - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY - A Figure 93. _ a Effect of L-glutamate on conditioned ~ y ~ 2 and unconditioned responses of the +1.~~~...~ same neuron as a function o f p a r a- _ meters of reinforcemeat A) electrocutaneous stimulation of contralateral hind foot (30 V, _ 1 ms) _ b a) initial activity _ ~ U b) with L-glutamate, a response _ _ ~ appears to conditioned stimulus c) control series - B) ECS of contr:ilateral hir_d foot - ~ (50 V, 1 ms~ a) initial activity b) L-glutamate eliminates primary response to u~iconditioned - B stimulus ~ In both cases, the L-glutamate - dosage was the same (-10 nA, 6 min). a - Channel width 24 ms, n= 10 ~ 1~~ i - _ b Light ECS 5 imp~ 50 ms ` - The state.of the neuron very definitely determines che conditioned pattErn, - and it does so to such an extent that a change in. state of the neuran by - ionopH.oresis could even create a new response in neurons that did not - react to light previously. A change in state of a neuron alters the - - 193 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ response even of neurons that do not respond to ECS. Thus, we arrive at - the conclusion that it is expressly a specific organization of internal metabolic processes that determines the functional synaptic field and, consequently, the pattern of the neuronal response in a conditioned - behavi~ral act. = imp - - 15 ~ a ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~s , I b s~ I I~ ~ ~I ~ ~I~~~ ~ I ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' I ~ I , J5 ~ - - ! � _ c 3 .I I . ? i , I~ - ~ - Li_ght CS Z p Light E S ~ - Figure 94. Effect of acetylcholine on conditioned re$ponse of the same neuron as a fun~tion of parameters of reinforce- ~ ment. - - a) initial activity with ECS of 40 V, I ms, coatralateral hind foot - _ (on the left) and 30 V, 1 ms, contralateral front foot (on the right) - = b) against the background of acetylcholine ~ ~ cc ntro'. series Channel width 24 ms, n= 15. In both cases the acetylcholine I losage is the same ~+50 nA, 8 min) - ~ ~ i~ _ Normally, a given state of a neuron determining its FSF is probably produced by all influences going to this neuron from elements related to it, which have an integrative effect. Organization of these influences is _ determined by motivation and situation. As it changes constantly, this - organization of interneuronal interactions leads to constant changes in endogenous metabolic processes, as they determine neuronal FSF for - each subsequent mo~nent, in turn determine organization of interneuronal interactions. 194 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In our experiments, it is logical to relate organization of integrator in- - fluences to defense motivation, which always appears in the situation of " delivering electrocutaneous stimulation. The change in effects of pho- retically delivered agents with change in parameters of ECS (Figures 93 and ~ 94) and the fact that delivery of an agent to neurons showing different - ! patterns in the two acts usually also elicits different changes in these patterns and, in general, could influence or~ly one of the patterns, - indicate that organization of integrator influences of defense motivation creates differezt FSF in many neurons, to be used in the system of the conditioned and ur_conditio*~ed act. It may be assumed that, in such neurons, - the FSF in the conditioned act are created by the "metabolic model of electrocutaneous stimulation," whereas in the unconditioned act they are created by the model of "discontir.uation of electrocutaneous stimula- - tion." This is also indicated by the fact thaC, with change in parameters of ECS,there is also a change in effects of the agents we used. In those neurons that present sim.ilar patters in the two successive acts, ~ _ the functional synaptic fields in the two systems are probably created by ~ - motiv2tion as the hierarchy of all goals and future events, wnich is = what determines the sinilar sensitivit~ of similar patterns to ionophoresis of the agents. . Neurons whose activity does not generally change (i.e., "areactive" ones) and, perhaps, inhibitory neurons probably simply do not have "metabolic - - models" and, consequently, no syna~tic fields referable to the given motiva- tion. For this reason, any change in the state of such neurons by mean5 - - of clectrophoresis cannot create metabolic changes that would be specific - in relation to organization of synaptic influx. _ Thus, de~ermination of FSF ~y motil~ation emerges a^ an overall ch~nge in metabolism, which ultimately ?eaus to sat::sfaction thi~ ~notivation. - Determination of FSF by the model of a concrete event, which is possible ~ in a given situation, energes as definition [specification] of inetabolic - changes bq integrator infl.u?nces from the situation. On the level of metabolic mechan.isms of inemory, the same "law of conformity" probably ~ appl.ies: metabolic. processes that would implement syn.t.heG:.~ of specific � - biochemical recegtors for specific mediators that could be received - . at a future time are probably initiated only when there is a conformity _ between the receptors present at this time and real mediators. ` Of course, all these hypotheses, which have been expo~snded on the basis _ of studies of only "~utput" impulse activity of neurons, require verifica- tion in special experiments that would enable us to monitor [control] meta- bolic processes in a neuron d:uri:ng a behavioral act. _ The operational architectonic:.~ of systemic p~ocesses must be invariant on - all levels of the hierar~hy systems (Anakhin, 197.3). In order to form � an hierarchy, ~he operational architectonic>> of the functional system of - a behavioral act and functional system of a neuronal discharge must be _ ].95 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY functionally identical. To continue the analogy to organization of systemic processes of a behavioral act, it can be assumed that a spike (or discharge within a single phase of EP) is the realizatioti of an e.lementary program of action of the corresponding functional system. According to functional = - s,ystem theory, generatiar. of spikes is the product of intiegrative activity - of the neuron, in which convergence of different synaptic influences can be interpreted as elementary afferent synthesis, while e~tablishment of "metabolic conlor~ity" between the integrative state and detonator activa- tion, i.e., functional synaptic field, as elementary decision mal;ing. Since the neuror_is under the constant inf.luence of other elements of the system - and through its discharges influences the state of the entire system, appearance of a spike in the collaterals of its axon shou~d alter the state of the entire system. This change can be interpreted as a result elicited by the spike; the rev~~rse influence of the system on the neuron emerges - as "feedback." - Aay "anticipatory reflection" is based on anticipatory change in metabolism (Anokhin, 1962a); this anticipa~ory change in metabolism and preparation of , subsynaptic membranes for feedback that it elicits can be interpreted as - an elementary "acceptor of results of action." Thus, organization of intraneuronaJ. intersynaptic integration allows for analysis of its functional architectonics from the standpoint ot functional system.theory. The "principle of conformity" also applies in the performance of a single behavioral act; although pretriggering integration allows for achieve- ment of the same result by different means, which corresponds on the level of a single neuron to potentiation of several FSF, real afferenta- - tion after a stimulus activates only one functional synaptic field in _ each neuron 3nd determines implementation of a single [only] means of reaching the goal. In the course of different systemic processes, the integrator influences organized by each systemic process successively "narrow down" functional synaptic fields, rendering them more adequate to the goal and situation. Complete exclusion of "superfluous degrees of freedom" and determination of the pattern of neuronal c~ctivity of the neuron in actuating~mechanisms of the behavioral act by the only goal of this act and spe~ific environment are achiPVed by the set of integrator influences created at the stage of afferent synthesis and decision making of expressly this elementary behavioral act. Evidently, these integrator ~nfluences, created by ~ neuronal discharges during negativity of EP, determine the purposeful and ~ selective sensitivity of neurons to synaptic influxes, wnich appear during - - performance of action until the result of a given behavioral act is achieved. � 196 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHAPTER 6. FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM THEORY, AND THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROBLEM - Impossibility of Direct Correlation of Mental and Neurophysiological - ~ Processes The nature of inental processes and their material substrate have always been the subject of enormous interest to mankind. And the present time, "the study of psychosomatic correlations continues to be a most pressing ~ problem, proper work on which would be inconceivable without the first _ and foremost involvement of neurophysiology"(Dubrovskiy, 1971, p 271). - As he began to study the brain by objective methods, I. P. Pavlov abserved: - _ "In essence, there i~ only one thir?g in life that interests us, our mental content" (Pavlov, 1949, p 351j. Associatior.ism in psychology and reflex physiological conceptions led to - interpretation of neurophysiological mechar.isms of the psyche in ~he teaching on higher nervous activity on the basis of the idea of sameness of "an elementary mental phenomenon"--associat~on and "the purely - physiological phenomenon"--�-the conditioned reflex. I. P. Pavlov believed that "here there is total ft~sion, total absorption of one by the other, identificatior." (1949, p 521). For a long time this was the idea that guided the research of both physiologists and psychologists. The neurophysiological mechanisms of the behavioral act, interpreted as a ` reflex, were limited in essence to conduction of excitation over a specific route, and they could be described as a succession.of physiological nro- cesses occurring in different parts of the brain. In the very same way, - mental processes were directly compared to physiological ones, which were studied (as we mentioned i.^. the first chapter) in the absence of . behavior ar.d mental activity. It turned out ttiat these process:~s could not be~, by virtue of absolutely objective properties of physiological piocesses that are ~ always very definite in time and space, as well as mental processes local- ~ ized only within the entire brain and organism, and within the time of the en*_ire behavioral act. This circumstance led I. Y. Pavlov to the ne~d ~o exclude psychological concepts from analysis af inechanisms of behavior: - "As shown by all of the experiments, the entire substance of studying the - 197 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY reflex mechanism, wh ich is the foundation of central nervous activity, _ - amounts to spatial relations, determinatian of the pathways over which _ stimulation spreads and collects. Then it is absolutely clear that the - probability of learning everything on this subject only exists for the - concepts in this fi eld that are characterized as spatial concepts. This - is why it must be clear that one cannot use psychological concepts, - ~ which are essentially nonspatial, to delve into the mechanisms of these - relations. It is necessary to point with a finger to the site of stimulation - and where it traveled. If you can conceive of this vividly, you will = , comprehend the entire force and truth of the teaching that we uphold and are developing, i.e., the teaching on conditioned reflexes, which has excluded entirely from its realm any psychological concepts, and wliich always deals only c~ith objective facts, i.e., facts that exist in time and - space" (1949, p 385). - Another solution to the prohlem of impossibi~ity of comparing mental and - reflex processes was offered by psychologists, and it refers to the fact - - that since "direct r econstruction of perception, feeling or a thought... from the material of standard nervous i~npulses or graduated bioe~lect*_-ic potentials cannot be done, this impossibility of formuZating the characteristics of inental processes in the language oz physiology of endogenous changes in their substrate is the opposite side of the possi- - bility of formulatin g them only on the language of properties and re~a- - tions af their object" (Vekker, 1974, pp 14-15). This conclusion was ~ very logically made by L. M. Vekker on the basis of an analytir_al reflex premis: any mental process, like any other act of human vital functions, originates from some human organ" (p 11). Thus, mental and ref Iex mechanisms cannot be compared, both from the physiological and psychological points of view. The organism always emerges as a whole in a behavioral act, and such psycho- logical concepts a5 motivation, perception, memory or goal reflect conceptions about processes that are referable not only to the entire behavioral act, but to the entire organism tliat performs behayior, and they characterize it exp ressly as a whole. I. P. Pavlov observed that "mental processes are very c losely linked with physiological phe:~omena, determining - integral function of an organ" (1949, p 348j. However, with the analytical approach, integral mental processes could only be compared to local and special physiological ~rocesses, since systemic processes uniting elements - into a single whole nad not yet been discovered. We believe that it is e~cpressly at this point that the "possibility" appeared of ruling o ut the mental factor from analysis of behavior, _ since the mental factor is something ovar and above the sum of purely _ = nervous functions and, consequently, it also appeared to be over and above behavior. Efforts to compare integral mental and special r~euro- _ _ physiological processes also led to psychophysiological parallelism, or even directly equating mental processes with physiological ones, and the ' 198 FOR OFF`~CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - intensity of a sub,jective mental experience was compared to the force of excitation of the corresponding structure, while the content of this ex- perience was compared to localization of excitation. For example, visual _ sensations and perceptions were viewed aa excitation of the visual ana- _ lyzer or as a process accompanying such excitation; motivation was inter- - - prete3 as excitation or the "subjective aspect" of excitation of som e hypothalamic center, etc. The concept of threshold made only a quanti- _ tative separation of purely physiological excitatory processes from the same excitation acc.nmpanied by an experience, and it did not permit posing the question of quantitative spECifics of the nervous processes at the - basis of psychological phenomena. At the same time, it is obvious that by no means any nervous activity is associated with mental experiences. This circumstance led to a search for the "center of consciousness," which was subsequently ca].~ed "anatomization of abstraction" (Burns, 1969). We believe that, by exclu~ing the psychological element from mechanisms of behavior, reflex theory only created the illus~on of the possibility of a purely physiological explanation of behavior. It appears to us that it - appeared because the reflex was the basis of all conceptions of reflex - theory, i.e., the phenomenon that occurs in spina' and anesthetized preparations,in which, o� cours~ there is no integral adaptive behavior and, consequently, there is indeed n. u~~nd. Physiological reflex theory provided a"purely" physiological interpretation of the causes and mechanisms of behavior, in which reflection of objective reality by the - brain was limited to physiological processes. In the reflex scheme of the behavioral act, which was an arc linking different effects to different reactions of different organs, there was simply no need for informational relations ~between the environment and the organism as a whole nor, conse- quently, for the mind. Since, however, there were few who were willing to negate the mind in general, the latter always emerged as an _ "epiphenomenon," which was not mandatory for performance of behavior. ~ For this reason, efforts to reconcile physiological and psycliological des- _ criptions of an elementary behavioral act were always within the framework ~ of psychophy5iological parallelism. The Problem of Correlation af Systemic and Mental Processes Analysis of the development of psychology and physiology from the systemic _ point of view led P. K. Anokhin to the conclusion that, in order to paint a complete natural scientific picture of brain function, it was not necessary to blend or equate physiological and psychological elements, but that a"conceptual bridge" was needed that would permit comparison of the concepts of these two disciplines and see physiological mechanisms - behind psychological phenomena. _ Since there are specific systemic processes of organization, qualitatively different from elementary ones, and integral behavioral acts are linked 199 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 . FOR OFFICIAI~ USE ONLY expressly with systemic processes, mental processes are based on systemic - processes of organization of different processes into a single whole, rather than elementary physiological processes of excitation or inhibition. A comparison of neurophysiological and mental processes is possible only through processes on the systemic level. - A comparison of the concepts of systemic and psychological processes no longer involves the difficulties that arise if one directly compares mental and physiological processes. Indeed, in addition to time and space charac- - teristics in common in physiological and systemic processes, the latter are also characterized by the parameters of integrity [wholeness] and organi- zation. Like any processes of organization, systemic processes of the be- - havioral act are distinctive information processes, for which the "physio- logical level" emerges as the "material carrier." A comparison of these informational parameters of systemic processes to mental ones is then made using the same gage with regard to, since both information and psychological processes are systemic properties of the organism as a whole. The systemic nature of organization of processes is comparab le to psycho- ~ logical processes in the sense of the latter's reflective functior.. Psy- chologists have provided convincing proof of the active role of perceptive ' actions in apprehension (Zinchenko, Lomov, 1960; Zaporozhets et al., 1967), and this compels us to question any physiological conceptions concerning purely sensory organization of in.formation processing in analyzers, from "receptor to cortex." Some correlation or other can be demonstrated between reactions and a stimulus in any part of the brain and, consequently, this phenom~~non cannot be interpreted as an indication of expressly mental reflection of the properties of a stimulus in the activity of some analyzer. Such properties of apprehension as activity, integrity and objectivity [in the iiature of an object] cannot be compared to processes within a single analyzer, and they require a systemic foundation. At the same time, as we have tried to demonstrate, analyzers are also involved in such systemic processes as the program of action. Experimeuts with reverse masking (D~nchin, Lindsley, 1964; Kostandov, Shostakovich, 1970; Massaro, Kahn, 1973) and direct comparison of evoked potentials to the re~orts of subjects (Rosner, Goff, 1969; Libet et al., 1967; Fox et al., 1973), revealed that about 100 ms are required, with presence of both earl}r and late components of EP, for the appearance of subjective sensa- tions. = At the same time, physiological experiments did not confirm the conceptions that are popular in psychology and based on the reflex princip le to the - effect that expressly the motor elements of perceptive actions, likened to the properties of an object, implement the creation of an adequate image of this object. Indeed, in afferent synthesis of the percept ual act, material in memory about movements can only be one of the components, along with information about the entire sensory.situation (p ast, present and future). 200 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Since information about any event is used, as we tried to show, during all systemic processes and for organization of activity of elements of the entire system, perception as a reflection of the properties of an exogenous object is linked with many central and peripheral structures, and with all the key mechanisms of the functional system of the perceptual behavioral act. Thus, the reflective role of the mind is thus comparable to the pro-- cess of the organism's use of exogenous information (organization of en- vironment) to build its own organization (organization of physiological processes). As for the regulatory role of the mind, it couid be compared to the systemi~ ~ process of action: the higher the degree of organization of processes within _ the system, ~ut more perfect the behavioral acts and the better the result is attained. Here, the process of afferent synthesis and decision making translates information (order [organization]) about the environment into an order of physiological elementary processes in the system, while reverse = translation of organizaticn of the system into orderliness of the environ- ment occurs with the function of systemic mechanisms of the acceptor of results and prograr.: of action, when the action is performed, i.e., ~ organized function of physiological actuating mechanisms, and real results - of behavior. are attained, i.e., new organization of the environment. Thus, the function of determination of behavior by the mind can be compared to the organizational parameters of systemic processes. Insofar as systemic processes consist exclusively of physiological processes - and organization of these processes creates a new quality--informational parameter of the system, comparable to the conception of the mind, physio- ~ logical and mental determination of behavior are inseparable, and they do - not exist without one auother or without informational or systemic determination. Although the "mental" factor is an attribute only o� integration as a whole, _ this does n~t preclude the existence of a specific structure in mental pro- cesses. Since mental processes are based on integral behavioral acts, functional system theory, which describes the structure of behavioral acts, is also applicable for description of the structure of inental processes, and each of the key mechanisms of the functional system has, as can be seen from the submitted experimental results, very concrete neuronal implementa- tion. - The properties of inental processes (for example, perception), demonstrated - in psychological experiments, are found to be~comparable to systemic mechanisms and, conseuqently, a very definite form of activity of concrete . neurons. The activity of perception and apperception can be the consequence of presence in the functional system oF the perceptual act of the system of the acczptor of action results, which actively reques~s the required information from the exogneous environment. Perception a.s objective [ob~ect- related] and integral [whole], because information retrieved simultaneously - 201 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200104448-6 FOR OrFICIAL USE ONLY from the most varied regions o~ the brain and combined in pretriggering - integration is involved in afferent synthesis; it is constant when the - 3ensory situation changes, because material from memory is inputted jn afferent synthesis, rather than the recoded state of receptors. Of course, this is only an example of possible comparison of properties of mental ~nd systemic processes. - Functional system theory provides the same "operational architectpnics" ` _ for any behavioral act; at the same time, psychology makes a distinction between several mental processes, such as perception, thinking, remembering, - etc. In view of the fact that there is objective manifestation of the _ mind only through behavior and that the concept of activity (behavior for animals) is included in current conceptions of any mentai prQCesses, it may be assumed that the specific mental processes singled outby psychology ~ - can be compared to the specific characteristics of the same systemic processes corresponding to behavior, which is consistent with the thesis _ of integrity [wholeness] of the mind. The structure of systemic processes is, apparently, referable to the common features of "an;~ menta~. process which constitute the basis for distinguishing between the mental and nnnmental" (Vekker, 1974, p 10). Functional system theory enables us to refer to the concept of quantity _ of information in the system and raise the question of dependen~ce of � properties of integration on informational and energy characteristic~ of the stimulus, as well as the problem of quantitative correlations between the properties of integration and se~.sation, to provide objective quanti- _ tative characteristics of sensation. Perhaps, the solution to these - problems will rela.te ~he stimulus and sensation in a f~rmula free of the objections th~t the psychophysiological law is presently encountering (Luce, Galanter, 1967; Pieron, 1966; Lomov, ~574). The approaches to _ the psychological solution of the problem of signal detection (Zabrodin, = 1973) and the problem of reaction time (Stepanskiy, 1972; Oshanin, Konopkin, 1973) presently requrie analysis of the entire behavioral act and the = entire experimental situation. At the present time, we do not know at all which systemic characteristics - uri.ll be comparable to s~me mental chara~teristics or other; hcwever, the possibilities that are ~resently emerging of calculating such systemic _ characteristics as complexity, orderliness, wholeness, volume, composition, - - organizatioLZ of a system, etc. (Ferster, 1964; Gorskiy, 1974) gives us _ - hope that there will be a qu~ntitative verification of this hypo*_hesis. ` The idea of expres~ly integrative activity of the nervous system has a?r,ng _ history (see,for example: Anokhin, 1968, pp 194-202). The conception of = systemic organization of pt~ysiological mechanisms in behavior has been ~ widely accepted ir. modera physiology, and it is winning increasing _ recognition by psychologists and pnilosophers. - 202 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ ~ FOR OFFIC]:AL USE ONLY r' Having proved the existence of specifically systemic processes of integra- ~ = tion, qualitatively different from elementary physiological procPSSes, functional system theory removed the main obstacle i:o synthesis of psycho- _ logy and physiology, which consisted of the fact that, in ana~ytical - neurophysiological experiments, the researcher always deals only with local _ ' and special processes, whereas behavior and mental processes are related = to function of the brain and the organism as a whole. Thereby, functional system theory made it possible to synthesize physiology and psychology = while confirming the qualltative specifics of their objects of investiga- ` - tion. The solution to the psychophysiological problem apparently - consists of the fact that organization of physiological processes into - a single system occurs by means of qualitatively unique systemic processes; their substrate is physiology, while their informational content refers to the properties and relations of exogenous objects. Interpenetration and - - mutual enrichment of physiology and psychology are po~ssible expressly on the level of consideration of systemic processes. - Functional system theory, first formulated in general terms in physiology _ as far back as 1935 (Anokhin, 1935), is becoming the logical basis of _ systemic conceptions that are presently also being developeci in psycl-~ology (Lomov, 1975)� The use of the same methodological approach to problems - of consciousness and the mind in these disciplines opens up new opportu- _ nities for synthesis of a single natural scientific idea about the world. ~ - At the same time, the systemic approach also imposes certain requirements r.ot only of physiological, but psychological research. - At the present time, we can still encounter quite often interpretation of - different mental processes as independent realities, which merely interact - with one another. ror example, it is assumed that prccesses of perception _ and memory, attention and thinking are independent, and determination is . � - made of their influence on one another. This analytical, or "atomistic" - ~ approach, which was in its day a necessary stage of development of psy- ` _ chology, is now in contradictien with conceptions of integrity [wholeness] _ of the mind and unity of behavior and the mind. As noted by D. T. - Dubrovskiy, this approach led to a situation where "t;~e term 'mental,' which is one of the most widely used in modern scientific parlance, - entails a variegated 'train' woven of different meanings and values. - And in this fo3-m it appears as the cornerstone of psychology, reflecting its - lack of theoretical organization" (1971, p 162). _ At the same time, the integrity of inental phenomena, the impossibility of _ breaking them down into pieces, are usually mentioned as one of the fundamental features of the mind. It appears to us that the theses ` - gained by psychology concerning the integrity of the mirid and unity of - behavior and mind constitute a good foundation for the systemic approach. 203 FOR OFFICIAT. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Correlation of Systemic and Neurophysiological Processes ~ This section is a summation of sorts of the conceptions that were di~cussed on the preceding pages. - _ We shall begin the comparison of systemic processes to processes on the : neuronal level with consideration of inemory ("life experience"). On the behavioral level, memory emerges as an hierarchy of goal-directed behavioral - acts, which lead to survival of the organism under some conditions or = other. Or. the neurophysiological level, different behavioral acts are the integration of a selective set of neurons with functions that are deter- mined by organization of associations of each neuron. _ On the level of a single neuron, its "life experience" consists of a set - of functional synaptic fields that are used in any behavioral acts. These - functional synaptic fields are hierarchically organized, and they are based _ on an hierarchy of inetabolic processes within the neuron. - - Thus, the behavioral act stored in memory"is the possibility of coordina- = tion of activities, functions, functional synaptic fields and metabolism = of many elements, which leads to survival under specific conditions. - ~otivations are based on metabolic changes, which determine the appropriate - - organization of functional synaptic fields and, consequently, possible - organizations of interneuronal relations. ~ - - The situation affec~s the hierarchy of life experience in the opposite ; ~ direction: a certain organization of exogenous factors has a corresponding = influence on coordination c~f neuronal metabolism through synaptic influ- ~ ences on specific functional synaptic fields. Al1 these correlations ~occur onlythrough systemic processes: local changes ; - in tissular metabolism, for example, in the hypothalamus, become motivation , only through interneuronal and intertissular coordination of inetabolism on _ the scale of the entire braln and organism; exogenous factors are considered ' = as a situation only by comparing the effects to functional synaptic fields = which, in turn, are determined by metabolism. ~ ~ Since the situation.and motivation change constantly, the interneuronal = integrations, functional synaptic fields and metabolism of different neurons j are in constant dynamic conformity with both motivation and situation. - Goal-directed behavior develops when it is necessary and possible to alter this conformity in the direction of im~irovement. _ In the continuum of behavior, pretriggering integration is formed while , performing the preceding action and achieving interim results. At this ; - time, impulsation is related to coordination of functions of the subsystems of the preceding action; at the same time, through integrator effects,.it - 204 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ adjusts the functional synaptic fields to ihe properties of the future re- sult of the entire behavioral act and thereby reduces the degrees of - freedom of both individual neurons and the entire organism. There is constant comparison of exogenous properties to the parameters of generated FSF; howev~?-, in the process of performing an action, the exogeno~s environment is c:ompared to the parameters of FSF generated by - subsystems on the physiological level. Performance of action leads to appearance in the environment of a result--event, which is then used to coordinate the functions in the entire brain and organism. For this reason, _ when a result appears in the environment, its parameters are compared to - the prepared FSF in all analyzers, in accordance with the goal of a given behavioral act, which we considered to be the "preceding" one. ~ - Comparison of the real multimodal parameters of the result to the parameters - of the goal leads to appearance of a primary response that is synchronous _ _ in many structures of the brain. This response occurs only in the set of - neurons whose FSF were prepared for the parameters of the result of action by the time it appeared. By virtue of hierarchi,c organization of FSF, - only the fields ir.cluded in the hierarchy of tHe entire motivated behavior _ can be prepared, and only in neurons whose function had ever been used to _ attain the future result. Thus, at the moment of the primary t~esponse, pretriggering integr~~tion tha~t contains the possibility of performing several acts becomes signifi- cantly reduced, and there is activation only of neurons whose FSF~must meet one of two conditiozs: 1) ever been reach some goal under cir- cumstan ces analogous to the state of the environment at the time of the prim.ary respcnse; 2) ever been used to attain the needed result under any = circumstances. ~ The discharges of units with such properties through integrator effects _ lead to expansion of FSF in the direction of coordination with both the situation and the goal. This stage correspor.ds to aff erent synthesj.s _ and decision making, and in the evoked potential it corresponds to ne~ative oscillation. - At this time, disr_harges appear in the set of neurons whose FSF meet both conditions simultaneously, i.e., they had been used at some time to reach a given goal in expressly the given environment. - There can still be several integrations that could lead to a given goal � in a given environment; of course, concurrent implementation thereof would - disarrange the system and lead to diverse mistakes. = The final choice of one means of coordination of the activity of all elements on the scale of the entire brain and organism occurs next: when neuronal discharges corresponding to negative oscillation of evoked potentials - ~05 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 = F6R OFFICIr~L USE OI~TLY - alter FSF through integrator effects in such a way that discharges can ' appear only in neurons whose coordinated activity led in the past to the required result. This stage corresponds to complete reductioa of deg~ees - of freedom of both single neurons and the entire organism; this is the stage of the acceptor of results and program of action. From this time on, - the different physiological subsystems that were coordinated in the prc- _ ceding stages of farmation of the functional system of th? behavioral - act begin to function in accordance with the hi.erarchy of results making - up the acceptor of results of action in the behavioral act. F ' The real information about results in subsystems alters integration and - prepares new pretriggering integration for appearance of the result of the entire behavioral act, etc. . 206 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONCLTJSION - H11 of the problems dealt with in our study of neurophysiological mechanisms of systemic processes require further development and definition. 1'his - ~ applies to both the conceptual system and hypotheses, as wel.l as - conclusions. Use of functional system theory in our approach to behavior opens up a wide - range of problems that must be submitted to experimental and theoretical studies in both the physiological and psychological aspects. . We have barely touched upon the problem of hierarchy of behavioral acts in complex behavior and the problem of automation of the behavioral act, when it probably becones a sybsystem on the physiological level. The very content of our dtscussion of systemic processes may change appreciably = when adequate ~uantitative gages will be found to describe organization, integrity, composition, size and other systemic parameters. - The feasibility of comparing mental and physiological processes with the use of systemic ones raises the question of direct identification of - neurophysiological bases of inental processes and states. For example, = it may be that the "quantity of motivation" can be measured by the number of elements involved in integration and extent of expansion of ttieir functional synaptic fields, and that the "quantity of perception" can be measured by the number of degrees of freedom removed by some perceived _ event from elements and the organism as a whole. These are all problems - that can be solved directly through psychophysiological epxeriments from the positions of functional system theory. - The learning problem, i.e., formation of new functional systems under the system-f~rming influence of goals and results, requires systemic analysis, ' and it is becoming a part of general problems of systemogenesis. . Apparently, development of neurophysiology, psychology and other disciplines, the correlations between which are becoming possible by virtue of the - - sameness of the systemic approach in these fields, will very soon lead to significant clarification and even radical change in the initial theses of functional system theory, as is presently happening with Darwinism. _ However, the significance of functional system theory, which was expounded 207 - FOR OFFICIAL USE OI3LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100048-6 _ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - by P. 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