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JPRS L/9208
23 July 1980 ~
Woridv~rid~ Re ort
p -
(FOUO 5>80)
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JPRS L/9208
23 July 1980
~ (FOUO 5/80)
- Nonferrous Metallurgy Takes Measures To Protecr Environment
(Q. Iv, Bagrov; PROMYSHi,ENNAYA ENERGETIKA, No 2, 198a) 1
Booti on USSR Conservation Documents Published
(A. M. ~aleyeva, M. L. Kurok; OB OKHRANE
Mercury, Insecticide Contamination of Fish Life in Po River
~ (Roberto Marchetti; CORRIERE DELLA SERA, 24 May 80) 17
_ F
a - [III - WW - 139 FOUO)
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uDC [ 6z1. 311. 03~, 699] ~ 6z8.5
Moscow PROMYSHI~NNAYA ENERGETIICA in Russian No 2~ 1980 pp 2-5
~Article by O.N. Bagrov, engineer, US3R Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgyt -
"Power En~ineering in Nonferrous Metallurgsr and Environmental Protection"~
[ Text] Ra,p id industrial development has Flaced before huma,nity the very
acute problem of protection of the environment, on the correct and timely
solution o~ which the health and well-being of this and ~.iture generations
depend.. Pollution of the environment occurs~everywhere tha,t energy re-
sources are produced and consumed.
The effect of fuel-ener~}r complexes ( extracting enterprises , l~ydro-
_ and thermal electric power plants and so on) on pollution of the air and
water basins is widely known. The ener~,y technology processes of industrial
production can ha,ve a no less ha,rm~Zl effect on the environment.
Industry ~consumes 60 percent of the ~el extracted. in the country, 70
perc~nt of the electric power produ.^ed, an~i 30 percent of the total use
of water. In addition, enterprises produce and consume other energy re-
sources (compressed air, oxygen, hot water, technological steam and so on~,
~ the centralized. supply of which over great distances is technically
- impossible or economically unprofitable. Depending on the technical level
the power engineering and energy technology processes (the stages of pro- _
duction) can either be the source of pollution of the environment or insure
its protecti~n. The chief goal now facing industry is the c:reation of waste - -
free prod.uction facilities ~perating with the maxim~zm ener ~r efficiency
- with closed. ma, and energy ba,lances. ,
The effect of industrial enterprises on the environment and the effect of
the technology of consumption on their ~zel-ener~r resources can be traced
using the experience of nonferrous metalluz�gy. Used during the prod.uction .
of nonferrous metals are divErse pyrometallurgical, chemical, Y~ydrochemical
and other processes, which lea,d to the formation ~f a signi~ica,nt qua,ntity
- of polluted waste waters, ha,rmf'~Z1 discharges of technological gases, sla,gs,
- sludges and other byproducts which cause extensive contamina,tion and con-
tain toxic substances. In additlon, the ma,jority of components contamina.ting
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~ the waste waters and technological ga,ses axe valuable products of indus- _
- trial production processes. Therefore in non~'errous metallurgy
dust-gas-water purification facilities are an integral ga,rt of techno-
logical assemblies and shopso
In the USSR Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy adopted as the basic direc- _
tion of protection of ba,sin.s of water was the introd.uction of total return
water supply, and for protection of the air basin--the development and
introduction of combined effective processes of purificat,ion of techno-
logical gases and outfitting all technolr~gical a,ggregates with effective
dust and gas purification systems, insuring the minimum expenditure of
- water and a reduction of h~�rmtl~l discharges of dust and gas into the
In all sectors of the na,tiona,l economy measures are being developed for
na,ture conservation which are a component of the annua,l and five-year
p].a,ns fbr development of the country`s na,tiona,l econo~y. At en~terprises -
in nonferrous metallur~y long-range planning of na,ture co.nservation
measures has been done since 1966. In the 8th Five-Yeax Plan spent For
these purposes throughout the sector was 160 million rubles and 193 na,ture
conservation projects were introduced, and for the 9th Five-Year Plan
- the figures are, respectively, 4~97 m'_?.llion rubles and 336 prc;jects. Al1o- -
cations have been set aside in the lOth Five-Yeax Plan amounting to
- 74~ million rubles and it is planned to erect 3&b facilities for protec- ~ ~
tion di the water and air basins. :
Iarge gas-purif:tcation installations have been erected at the Bratsk,
Bogoslovak, Krasnoyarsk imeni 50 letiya V7~KSM, Srxutsk, Volgograd,
Tadzhik and other aluminum plants, at the Novosibirsk, Dneprovsk imeni
50-le~iya Sovetskoy Ukrainy, Chelyabinsk and other electrod.e pla,nts, the
Elektrotsink and Ukrtsink plants, the Krasnoural'sk imeni Ozdzhonikidze
and the Kirovgrad imeni S.M. Kirova copper smelting combines and ma,ny othe-r
enterprises in the sector. Very laxge water purification facilities _
_ ha,ve been introd.uced at the Ust'-Ka,menogorsk Lea,d and Zinc Combine imeni
I~enin, the Yuzhuralnikel' Combine and a number of other enterprises.
Much ha.s been done to improve the water systems of the majority of enter-
prises in the sector.
The volume of work in nonferrous metallurgy for de-relopment of secondary
energy resources [VER; vtorichnyye energeticheskiye res~sy~ ~,s been '
= considerable. According to the data as of 1 January 1979 there are 96
waste-heat boilers in operation, and 158 systelos of evaporation cooling
~ (I0; isparitel'noye okhlaztuieniye), and 46 air heaters. The total output
_ of heat ener~r owing tothe, use of secondary energy resources in 1978 ~
came to about 4 million Gcal. Thanks to the outfitting of technological
aggregates with hea,t-utilization installa,tions the expenditure of fossil -
fUe~ was red.uced. by 1 million tons of standard flzel, which it possible -
to improve the condition of the air basin in regions where enterprises of ~
the sector a,re located.
2 _
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Waste heat installa,tions have had a still greater effect. on increasing
the effectiveness of the operation of ga,s-purifica,tion facilities~ there
ha,s been an improvement in the prepa,ration of technological ga,ses for
pur; Y~ication arul utilization by mea,ns of cooling and. coa.rse dust-trapping,
efficient removal of them from operating units ha,s been organized, and
hermetization of technological units ha,s been insured, which ha,s sha,rply
improved the condition of the atmosphere in the shops. The use of waste
heat installations has made it possible to reduce the volumes of gases and
to insure tra,nsportation of them over considerable distances along gas
pipelines, which in turn ha,s crea:ed. the conditions for energy-technology
combining o~ production between in the f`ramework of an industrial
co.mplex. This ~s especially important for utilization and decontamination
of sulflir-containing f~rna,ce ga,ses.
In the working spaces of the ~rnaces the concentration of sul~r dioxide
S02 in the gases reaches a level tha,t is adequa,te for utilization of them
~.n sulflaric acid ma,nufacture. For instance, at the outlet f`rom the
working space of -~Fie reverberatory ~rna,ce the content of 50 ~s,l
to 4 pexcent, from the boiling la,yer flirnace 12 percent~ the c~dnveri:or 12
percent, the rotary kiln 4 percent~ the oxygen-suspended smelting fl~rnace
80 percent and so on. Previously uaed method.s of cooling flzYna.ce gases
_ by suction of atmospheric air or cooling in coolers led to rarefying the
_ gases and reduction of the SO concentration in th~m. In addition the gases
became unsui�~able for utiliza~ion in sulfuric acid prod.uction and. were
discha,rged into the atmosphere.
Power engineers of the sector were able to outfit ma,ny technological un~ts
with evaporative cooling systems, with gas-tight take-offs, with reliably
, operating coolers of gases (wa,ste-h sat boilera~~ and to carry out rationa,l
_ diversion and transport of gases to the gas-purification and sul~,iric acid
shops. The schemes of gas exha,ust operating at a number of pla,nts include
a gas-proof flarna,ce uptake, a waste-heat boiler, a rough dust trapping
cha,mber, a traction nnit, fine gas purification and a high-spee3 highly
sensitive system of automa,tic regula,tion of the l~ydraulic regime. These
schemes, providing the maximum possible utilization of the sulfur from
technological gases at all furnaces must be introduced everywhere.
It should be noted. that the gas-proof bypass and rationa,l systems of
cooling and preparing the gases are necessary not only for processes of
treating sulfide raw ma,terial, but also for other processes, including in
aluminum production, for instance for flarnaces for calcina,tion roasting
of the anod.ic ma,ss .
~ The conversion of inetallurgical ftizrr.aces f`rom flow-type to evaporative
cooling has ma,de it possible to reduce the annual consumption of fresh
water for the sector by more tha,n 350 million cubic meters.
~ A positive result with respect to improving the san~.tation of the air
- basin was obtained tha,nks to replacement of coal with highly e~ficient
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- types of fuel--ma.zut and na,tural gas. Their share in the sector�s flzel
bala.nce xose from 37.3 percent in 1970 to 53 percent in 19?8. The
tra,nsition to hea~ting �,~rith natural ga,s and ma,zut insured not only -
intensificati~n of productiori, but also red.uction of the loss of cha,rge
ma,terials with the, and also created the opportunity for a
- transition to more ideal processes.
- The use of oxygen ha,s a direct relation to the energy part of production.
_ The conversion of pyrometallurgical processes to forced oxygen blowing
led to a radical reorganization of old proce~ses an+d to the creation of
new ':echnological processes and has yielded. favorable ecolo~ical results.
In iionferrous metallurgy the use of oxygen ha,s increased 10-fold since
_ 1965� -
_ The traditiona,l work of power engineers and. technologists, connected with =
= a saving of primary and maximum utilization of secondary energy resources, -
also contributes to a red.uction in pollution of the air and water ba.sins.
At many enterprises they axe systematically red.ucing the specific expend.i- -
tures of energy resource~, and the use of secor~lary energy resources
- is .being increased annua,lly by s-10 percent. In the last three years
- the expenditure of fl.iel in the sector wi~~h an increase in the volumes ~
- of production and domestic consumptian of heat and fl.iel ha,s not increased.
For 1978 there was a saving aga,inst the pla,nned expenditure of 300 million
kilowatt-hours of electrical and 1,180,000 Gcal of heat ener~r, and also
_ 151,200 tons of standard ftizel. The work performed in the sector yielded
perceptible results. In the 10 years the absolute ~onsumption of
fresh water has been reduced by 9 percent, and the total water use has
increa,sed. by 60 percent owing to the use of recycled. water. At the present
time 120 enterprises ha,ve a return water supply, and at 30 o f them the
proportion of returii anci recycled water reaches 85-97 percent.
At the ma,jority of enterprises the discharge of dust and ha, substances
into the atmo:,phere has been reduced considerably. Thus, at the Chelya-
uinsk Zinc-Electrolyte Pl~,nt imeni Kirov and. the Ryaztsvetmet Flant the
= discha.rge of ha,rmftzl prod.uction wastes into the atmosphere has ceased.,
and recycling of water ha.s reached 96-98 percent. The sanitation basin
- inspectorates ha,ve no compla,ints against the operation of these enterprises.
_ It sho~.zld be noted, however, tha,t at nonf,errous metallurgy enterprises it
is necessary in the ~zture too to intensi~ the worTt for creation of
ecologically clean waste-free prod.uction processes. Whereas at the first
stage of solution of the problem of protection of the environment there
were the tasks of ascertaining the volumes and stud.ying the n~,ture of the _
- wastes of prod.uctic.~n which were conta.mina,ting the environment, and of
establishing the way~ to e].iminate them, then at the second stage, which
is now being implemente~, we are solving the problems concerning suppres-
sion of ha,rmftiil emissions in tna technological process itself, of their
- maximum utilization through pre-outfitting of units and shops with
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purifica,tion facilities~ modernization of operating purification units
arxl imp~ovement of their operation. Being solved. at the same time axe
problems of. the third stage--the creation of prod.uction facilities with
_ complete exclusion of pollution of the environment.
- . =The scientific and technica,l ba,sis of conversion of ma,ny production
- facilities for flzlfillment, with minimum labor and ma,terial out].a~ys, of
the tasks of the third sta,ge ~s their energy technology construction--th~
combining of the process in the limits of the ba,sic technologica,l aggre-
gates ar~d stages of production and shops in the fra,mework of the
enterprise or combine. Improvement of the produ~ction processes in non-
fe-rrcus metallurgy ha,s a specific feature, determined. by the multiple-
component composition of the cha,rge and the necessity of complex utiliza-
tion of raw material and the ~5zel-ener~y resources, Ores and concentrates
- of nonferrous metals almost always contain sul~r, which is a good ~zel.
Its total content in raw ma,terial processed duri
hea,t- rod.uci ~ a yeax with respect to
P ~ capaczty is equivalent to j million tons of atandard ~Zel.
For this reason the processing of ores and concentrates on the basis of
energ}r tPChnology is the most rational. �
In connection with the crea,t~.on of co~~rp~ex processes with the maximum
; energy technologyr combina,tion in the development of nonferrous metall~.irgy
- a large role is pla,yed by power engineering. At the present time the
highly developed. power engineering base of nonferrous metallurgy enter-
prises determ~.nes in many ways the prod.uction potential of the sector.
The power engineering services in addition to the tra,d.itiona,l role
(uninterrupted supply of ener~}r~for production) are providing the intro-
duction of automa,tion of all processes of production and of electronic
compute~ equipment, and they axe taking pa.rt in the organization of the
latest ~technological processes (e lectrolysis, electrothermics, electro-
heating, electrosmelting, galvanics, gas ~rna,ce therma,l er.gineering~
pla.sma processes, and others).
An energy technology unit or stage should satis.f_`y the following mazlern
A high specific and aggrega,te productivlty with a high stability (greater
- length of the between-repair campaign);
Sta,bility and continuity of prccesses;
Complex utilization of raw ma,teria 1 and all types of ~el-power resources
with high energy efficiency of the process;
= Maximum automa,tion;
F~cclusion of environmental pollution.
The most complete observation of indicated requirements can be attained.
_ only through combined. prod.uction of inetals and heat energy. The ba,sic
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task of the unit is to inaure the optimum regime of the metallurgical pro--
cess, but this task should be closely coordina,ted. with the power engineering
of the process, Th~ heat ~rod.uced. during the metallurgical process should
firs t of all be directed for insuring the optimum regime of the process~
heating up the blowing, the f1ze1, the cha,rge, and the surpluses of it
should be directed for purely energy purposes.
2~rpical energy technolo~}r units opera.ting at the present time in the
sect or are the i*istallation for oxygen-tor~h melting of copper concen-
trates (Almalyk Mining a.nd Metallurgica,l Combine imeni and the
oxygen-susp~nsion cyclone electrothermal installa,tion (Irtysh Polymetals
Combine). Work is being done successflzlly to crea,te smelting in a
liquid ba,th. The Tsentroenergotsvetmet Production Association jointly
witY~ the Irkutsk branch of VAM[ [AlI.-Union Institute of Aluminum and
Ma,gnesium] ha,ve created. a unit for roa^ting petroleum coke, consisting of
a rotating roasting ftiirna,ce with a cooler, a dust cha,mber, a waste-heat
boiler, electrofilt,~s and a~orced.-dra,ft device. Installa,tion of four
sucY~l units at the Bratsk Aluminum Plant has ma,de i~ possible, i.n a3dition
to the considerable economic benefit ~rom imprwement of technology,
to produce an additiona,l 150,000 Gcal of heat energy in 1978. Analogous
unit s are being introduced at the Rrasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant imeni 50-letiya
VIi~M and the Tadzhik Aluminwr, Plant.
Introduced at the Ust' Kamenogorsk I~ead-Zinc Combine imeni 7~enin was an
energy-techr.ology unit for rolling, developed by the Uralenergotsvetmet
Production Association. This unit makes it possible to increase the pro-
~ ductivity of the flxrna,ce by 20 percent, to improve working conditions and
- to sa,ve 6,500 tons of standar3 ~Zel per year. ~renty-two such flarna,ces
are operating in the sector. The Tsentroenergotsvetmet Production Associa-
tion jointly with the Gipronikel' Institute, the Belgorod Pla,nt
and the TsKTI [Central Boiler and '~.irbine Institute] imeni I.I. Polzynov
created. an ener~y technology unit for the convertor stage, which is being
a~s imilated at the Severonikel' Combine imeni ?~enin. It is planned to
introduce about 5~ such unit~ in the sector, which will make it possible
annually to praiuce an a,dditional 2.5 million Gcal of heat energy. The
utilization of secondary energy resources is a component of energy
technology aggregation, since waste-heat ir_stalla,tions serve as a
~echnical means of preventing pollution and preservation of the environment.
It is impossible to consider the complex of energy technology process
stages without its automation. At the present time any technological and ~
eriergy problem should be studied in inseparabl~ relation and on the basis
of flzll autcmation, since only ~uch a way of posing the problem will
ma,ke it ~ossible to find the ideal technical solutions and instuue the
greatest saving of labor and material resources. Automation of the tech-
- nological processes will yie3d a positive result also in optimi.zation of
the operation of purificatian installa,tions.
Thus, the following means axe being util3zed. for protection of the environ-
ment at .an industrial enterprise:
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Reorganization of the technolo~,v of production on the basis of energy-
_ technology ama.lgama,tion with the maximum saturation of technological
schemes with waste-heat recovery installations;
The use of intensifiers of prod.uction--hot blasting and oxygen;
Replacement of hard coal with na,tural gas and ~,zut;
Nlaximum and complete automation of processes;
Organization of effective operation of ga,s and water purification units;
' The saving of prima,ry energy resources and the maximum utilization of
seccndary enerpr resources.
In connectior. with the peculiarities of solution of the problem of pro-
tecting the environment in no~ferrous metallur~r the organizing centers for '
nature protection are the power engineering services of the ministry and
~ the enterprises. Despite the ~act tha,t much work ha,s been done and
definite results have been obtained, the problem of protecting the environ-
ment in regions where nonferrous meta:i~urgy enterpr;ses are located
still rema,ins unresolved.
Foreseen in the pla,ns for protection of the air and water basins is the
- 3evelopment and introd.uction of new energy technology processes and
technologies insu.ring a reduction in the expend.iture of water and. in
haxmflzl discha,rges, enlaxged combined gas-proof transport systems,
complete return water supply with bringing recycling of water in the next
' few years up to 80-85 percent of the total use of water for industrial
purp~ses, and the standardization of water consumption and water draina,ge.
Als~ pla,nned is the complete stoppa,ge of dischaxge of unpurified. waste
waters. Flanned in the field of prvte etion of the air basin is the
m~,ximum utilization of sulfur dioxide, cessation of dust dischaxges,
reduction (to sanitary norms) of ha,rmflal dischaxges into the atmosphere
- in regions where enterprises of the sector are loca,ted. In all this
work it is difficult to ~verestima,te the role of the power engineering
services of the enterprises ~,nd specialized power engineering organizations
of the sector, in connection with which their ~.irther organizationa,l
reinforcement, and ma,terial and technical outfitting are required.
- l. Bagrov, O.N. , Smirnova, O.A. , I{ulikov, E.P. ,'Siste~y po hogo oborotnogo
vodosna,bzheniya na, pred.priyat3yakh tsvetnoy metallurgii" [Systems of
_ Complete Return Water Supp~y at Nonferrous Metallurgy Enterprises],
Moscow, Metallurgiya, 1978.
, 7 _
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200100039-6
2. Bagrov~ O.N., "Isparitel'noye okhla,zhdeniye pechey v tsvetnoy
metallurgii" ~E~raporative Cooling of Furna,ces in Nonferrotzs Metallurgy]
Mo scow, Metallurgiya, 1979�
3. Bagrov, O.N,~ Klyashko, B.M., Mikhaylov, V.V., "Energetika osnovnykh
proizvodstv tsvetnoy metallurg3i" [Power Engineering of the Basic
Production Processes in Nonferrous Metallurgy~, ~Ioscow, Metallurgiya,
COPYRIGHT~ Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", "Pror~yshlenna,ya energetika,", 1980.
CSO i 5000
8 -
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PRAVITEI,'STVA, 1917-1978 GG. (On ~;nvironmental Protection: Collection of
Documents of the Party arul Government, 1917-1978) in Russian 1979 signed
- to press 19 Feb 79, inside front cover arul pp 347-352
[ Annotation and table of contents ~om book compiled. by A.M. Galeyeva,
candidate of philosophical sciences, and M.I~. Kurok, candidate of philoso-
phical sciences, Politizdat, 100~000 copies, 352 pages]
~,Text~ Included in the collection are the basic documents of the party
and the government rega,rding or~,nization of scientific na,ture utiliza-
tion and conservation of na.ture in the USSR. They vividly reflect the
principled an~d consistent poticy of the Comimznist Party arxl the Soviet
government in the axea of environmenta,l protection.
The book is addressed to publicists, political informa,tion specialists~
agitators, teachers of educationa,l institutions, and also everyone who is
occupied with questions of na,ture conservation.
Contents Page
_ Concerning Environmental Protection Z
Concerning Iand. F`rom the Decree of the II All-Russian Congress ~
of S oviets of W orkers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, 26
October 1917 1,~
On Socialization of La,nd. F`rom the Decree of the All-Russian
` Central E~cecutive Committee of the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers'
and Peasants' Deputies, 27 Janua,ryr 191g 18
On the Proposal of the Academy of Sciences to Nork to Register
the Natural Resources of Russia. Decree of the f'ouncil of
- People's Commissars, 12 April 1918 22
On Org;a,nization of Irrigation Pro jects in ~.irkEStan. F~om the
Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, 17 Ma,y 1918
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Concerning Forests. Decree of the Al1-Russian Central bcecutive
Committee of the Soviets of Workers' , Soldiers' , Pe~a~ants' and
Cossack Deputies, 27 Ma,y 1918 25
From the Conatitution (Basic Iaw) of the Ruseian 5ocialist
= FEdarated Sovie+. Republic, Adopted by the V All-Rusalan -
, Oongress of Soviets in th,e Meeting of 10 July ~918 W2
_ On ^herapeutic Locations of G~neral Sta,te Significance.
- Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, ~ April 1919 ~'3
- On Hunting Periods and the Right to Hunting l~eapons. Decree
of the Council of People's Commissars, z7 May 1919 ~'S
On .~eorganization of the Administration for Fishing and
the Fishing Industry in Ru;~sia and. its On Site Agencies.
_ Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, 26 February 1920 ~6
On Resources of the Earth. Decree of the Council of People's
Commissars, 30 Apr~.l 1920 4~8
On Dec].aration of Individua,l Sections of the I1'menskiy
_ Mount,a.ins in the Southern Urals a State Minera~.ogical Reserve.
~ec-ree of the Council of People's Commissars, 1~ Ma,y 1920 50
On Utilization of the Crin~~a, for Treatment of ~Iorkers .
becree of the Council of People's Commissars ~ 21 December 1920 51
On Combatting Drought. Decree of the Council of ,Labor and
~ Defense, 29 April 1921. 52 _
On Protection o~ Fishing and Anima,l La,nds in the Northern ~
Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Decree of the Council of
People's Commissars, 24~ I~ay 1921 56
- On Protection of Monuments of Nature, Gardens and. Parks.
_ Decree of the Cour_cil of People's Commissars, 16 September 1921 57
On Regis#,ration and Conservation of Monuments o.f Art, Ar~tiquity _
and Nature. Decree of the A11-Russian Central ~ecutive Committee
_ and the Council of People's Comm3.ssars, 7 January 1924 5g
~rom the Basic Iaw (Constitution~ of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics. Adopted by the Second 5ession of the Central bcecutive
Gommittee of the USSR, first convocation, 6 Ju1,y 1923~ and in the final
, Final Edition by the II Con gress of S oviets of the USSR,
= 31 Janua,ry ~924
On Measures for Organization of Forestry. Dec-ree of the Council
~ of People's C ommissars of the USSR, 2 Februaxy l92$ 61
= 10 -
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On the Time Limit for Land Leasing. Decree uf the Central
~ ~ecutive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of
the USSR, 18 July 1928 6z
On Reorganization of Forestry and the Timber Indust.ry. Decree of
_ the Council for Labor and Defense, 12 July 1929
On the k'ork of the Gla,vkhlopkom [ Committe for the Cotton
Industry]. F`rom a Decree of the Central Committee of the All-
Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks~, 18 July 1929 63 -
_ Concerning Formation of the People's Commissaxiat for Farming of -
_ the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. P`rom a Decree of the Centr~~l
bcecutive~ Co:nmittee of the USSR, 7 December 1929 67
On Measures for Development of Animal Husbandry. From a Decree of the
of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, -
13 Februa,ry 1930 68
' Concerning Organization of Forestry. Decree of the Council of
People's Commissars of the USSR, 31 July 1931 69
On Regulation of Fishing and Conservation of Fishing Reserves.
From a Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR,
_ 25 September 1935 ~2
From the Constitu~ion (Basic I,aw) of the Un3.on of Soviet Socialist
Republics. Approved by thP VIII Extraordina.~y Congress of
5oviets of the Union af Soviet S ocialist Republics~ 5 December
- 1936 7g -
Concerning an All-Union Geological F`und. Decree of the ~Council
of People's Commissars of the USSR, z7 rtarch 1937 79
On Regulating the Use of Kolkhoz Forests and Improving the
Conduct of Farming in Them, Decree of the USSR Council of
Ministers, l~ Ma;r 194~8 $p
From a Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers and the Ce;ztral
Committee of the All-Union 'Communist Party (Bolsheviks~,
20 0 ctober 194~8 82
On Measures for Comba,tting Polluti rn of the Atmosphere a.nd On
Improving the Sanitary and I~ygiene Conditions of Popula,tion
Centers. Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers, z9 rta,y 1949 95 '
On Flzrther Improvement in Grain Production in the Country and
- On i~evelopment of V irgin and Fallow Ia,nds . From a Decree of the
= Plenum of the CPSU CentraT Committee, 2 I~Iarch 19~ 9g
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_ On iJnified State Registration of the Land F~ncl of the USSR.
DecreP of the USSR Council of Ministers~ 31 December 19~ 99 -
On Irrigation and Dovelopment of Virgin La.nds of th~ Golodnaya
Steppe in the Uzbek SSR and the Kazakh SSR To Increase
= Cotton Production. From a Dec~ree of the CPSU Central Committee _
arxl the USSR Council of Ministers, 6 August 1956 103
On Mms~mes for Limiting Noise in Industry. Resolution of the
~ iI5S K Council of Ministers, 2 February 1960 105
On Measures for Regula.ting the Use and Increasing the Protection
- of Water Resources of the USSR. F`rom a Decree of the USSR
Council of Ministers, 22 Apr31 1960 107 -
From the Program of the Commnznist Paxty of the Soviet L'nion.
Adopted by the XXII Congress of the CPSU 112
- On Improving State Registration of La,nds and Utilization of
_ Them in Agricultura,l Producti~n. Decree of the USSR Council
of Ministers, 12 July 1962 113
On :Lncreasing administrative Responsibility for Violating
the Rules of Fishing and Pro~tection of Fishery Reserves in _
Bodies of Wai;er in the USSR. Uka,se ~f the Presidium of the
USSR Supreme Soviet, 27 IKarch 19611- � 117 _
" On Extensive Development of Ie,n,d to Obtain High anri
Sta,ble Yields of Grains and Other Agricultur~,l Crops. From the
Decree of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, z7 May 19667 -
F`rom the Directives of the XXIII CPSU Congress for the Fi~e- -
Year Plan of Development of the tTSSR Nationa,l Economy in
1966-1.970 121
On Urgent Measures for Protection of the Soils Against 1i~ind �
and Water Erosion. From a Decree of the CPSU Central Committee
and the USSR Council of Ministers, 20'~March 1967 122
_ On Approval of a General Regula.tion on Ministries of the US5R. -
From the Decxe~e of the USSR Council of Ministers, 10 July 1967 132
On Measure,s for Development of the P roduction of Chemical Means
of Plant Protection (Pesticides) that are Effective and Safer for
the Population, Improvement of their Qua,lity anri Insuring the -
Supply of the Means of Plant Protection in Packaging tha,t is
' Reliable and Convenient for Use. F`rom a Decree of the USSR Coun~il
of Ministers, 28 March 1968 133
12 ~
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On the Procedures, and .A~nounts of Physical Liability for Dama,ge
Cauaed to Forestry. F`rom a Decree of the USSR Council of
Ministers~ 21 August 1968 136 ~
_ On Measures for Preventing Pollution of the Caspian Sea.
- Decree of the USSR Cauncil of Ministers, 23 ~September 1965 138
Ftizndamentals of I~and Legisl,ation of the USSR and. the Union
Republ~.cs. F`rom the Law of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, lj December 1968 1~5
On Measures for Preservation and Ration,~l Utilization of Na,tural
Complexes of the I,ake Baika,l Basin. Decr~e of the li~SR Council
of M3nisters, 21 Janna,ry 196g 162
On Measures for Ftizrther Development of Tourism and Excursions
in the Country. From a Decree of the CPSU Central Comm3.ttee, the
USSR Council of M~nisters and the All-Un~.on Central Council of
Trade Unions (AUCCTU), 3p Ma,y 1969 i67
On the Procedure for ~lorking on the Continental Shelf of the
- USSR and, Protection of Its Natural Resources. Decree of the =
iJSSR Council of Ministers, 18 Ju]tiy 1.969 168
On Measures f~o~ Increasing Protection of Fishing Reserves in
Bodies of Kater in the USSR. Decree of the USSR Council of
Ministers, 10 December 1969 1,~2
F1.indamental~s of Legislation of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics and the Union Republics Concerning Public Health.
From the Law of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics~
19 December 196g 1,~~ -
On Administrative Responsibilit,y for Viola,tion of Land Legisla-
tion. Uka,se of the Presidium o~ the USSR Supreme Soviet,
14~ Ma,y 1970 187
F~zndamenl,,a,ls of Water Legisla,tion in the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics and the Union Republics. F`rom the Law of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, 10 December 1970 lgg
On the Basic Rights and Duties of Ra,yon Soviets of Workers'
Deputies. F`rom the Uka,se of the Presidium of the US3~ Supreme
Soviet, 19 M~�ch 1971 206
Or;. the Ba,sic Rights and Duties i~4 Cities of City and. Ra,yon Soviets
- of Workers' Deputies. From the Uka,se of the Presidium of the USSR
Svpreme Soviet, 19 Ma,rch 1971 207 -
- 13
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From the Report of the Central Committee of the CRSU to the
XXIV Congress of the Cemmur~ist Party of the Soviet Union,
- 30 �March 1971 209
From the Directives of th~ XXIV Congress of the CPSU Regarding
the Five-Yeax Plan of Development of the USSR Nationa,l Econoir~y
for 1971-1975 -
' On Ad.ditiona,l Measures for Insuring Rational Utilization and _
Preservation of the Natural Resources of the Lake Baikal Basin. _
Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of
Ministers, 16 June 1971 210
- On Increasing Administrative Responsibility for Viola,tion of _
Rules of Fire ~afety in Forests. F`rom the Ukase of the Presidium _
of the USSR 5upreme Soviet, 18 June 1.971 213 -
On Measures for Prev'enting Contamination of the Basins of
- the Volga and Ural Rivers by Unpurified Waste Waters. Decree
of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of
Mtnisters, 13 Maxch 1972
On Measuresfor F~.rther Improvement of Nature Conservation
and R ational Use of Natural Resources. Decree of the USSR
_ Supreme 5oviet, 20 September 1972 218
On Increasing the P rotection of Nature and. Improving the
_ Use of Natural Resources. F`rom the Decree of the CPSU Central
Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers, 29 December 197z ~3
On Me~ ures for Increa,sing the .Anti-Fire Protection of Forests and.
Peat Deposits. F`rom a Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers, -
_ 20 March 1973 ~ 239
On Measures for Reducing Noise at Industrial Enter_prises, in
Cities and Other Popula,tion Centers. From a Decree of the USSR
Council of Ministers, 3 October 1973� 242
On Increasing the Fight Aga,inst Pollution of the Sea, by Sub-
, stances Ha, to the Health of People or the Living Reso~ces
of the Sea. Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers,
_ 1~ February 7.97~ 2~
On Increasing Liability for Pollution of the Sea, by Substances -
Haxmf~l to the Health of People or the Living Resources of the
Sea,. Uka,se of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet,
26 Februazy 197~ 2~7
~ ~
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- On Mea.sures for Further Development o~ Agriculture in the ?'Jon-
Chernozem Zone of ~he RSFSR. F~om a Decree of the Central Com,-nittee
_ of the CPSU and the USSR ~ouncil of Miniaters~ 20 ~arch 197~ 24~8
On Approval of the Regula,ti~n on ttze Production Association
(Combine~. F~om a Decree ~f the USSR Council of Mini~"',ers,
27 1~rc;h 1974 256 _
On Mea,sttres for Further Increasing Conservation of Resources
_ and Tmprovement in the Use of Minerals. From A Decree of the
- USSR Supreme Soviet, 9 July 1975 257
F~ndamenta,ls of I,egislation of the Union of Soviet 5ocialist
Republics a,nd the Union Republics Concerning Resources. From the
- Isw of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 9 Ju1y 1975 258
On Measures for Improving the Or~anization of Work to Protect
the Soils Against Wind and Water Erosion. From a Decree of the
USSR Council of Ministers, 13 October 1975 270
On Measures for Preventing Pollution of the Basins of the Black
_ and Azov 5eas. Decree of the CFSU Central Committee and the USSR
Council of Ministers, 16 Janyary 19'76 272 _
- Report of the CPSU Central Comm3.t ~ee and the Next Tas~ of the
Party in the Field of Domestic and Foreign Policy. F~om the Report
to the XXV Congress of the CPSU, 24 February 1976 275
~om the Basic Directions of Development of the USSR Nationa,l
Econoir~y for 1976-198p 276
On Recultivation of Iand., Preservation and Ra,tiona,l Utilization
of the Fertile Layer of Soil when Working Deposits of Minerals
and Peat, During the Cond.uct of Geological Prospecting, Construction
and Other Projects. F`rom a Decree of the USSR Council of ~
Ministers, 2 June 1976 278
On the Proced.ure for Partial or Complete Banning of ttYe Use of `
Nater Targets Ha,ving Especial Sta,te Signif3cance or Especial
Scientific or Cultural Value. Decree of the USSR Cauncil of
Ministers, 11 June 1976 283
On the Course of Ft.ilfillment in the Azerbai jan SSR of the 20
- September 19'72 Decree of the USSR Supreme Soviet "On Measures
- for Flzrther Improvement of Nature Conservation and Ra,tional Use of
_ Natural Resources." Decree of the Presidium of th~ USSR Supreme
Soviet, 13 July 1976 2~
On the Plan for Land Reclama,tion in 1976-1980 and Measures to
Improve the Use of Recla,imed. Lands. Decree of the CPSU Central
Committee and the USSR Council af Ministers, 15 July 1976 286
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On Measures for Increasing Protection Against Pollution of ;;he
Bal�tic Sea Basin. F~om a Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers,
16 July 1976 295
On Temporary Mea~izres for Preserving Resources and
Reg~~lation of Fish~ng in Marine Regions Adjacent to the Coast
of the U5SR. Uka,se of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme ~oviet,
- 10 December 1976 301
On :Introduction of Terrrporary Measures for Preservation of
Living Resources and Regula,tion of Fishing in Regions of the Pacific =
and North Arctic Oceans Adjacent to the Coast of ~he USSR. Decree
of �~he USSR Council of Ministers, 24~ February 1977 3~3
Regulation on Protection of Fish and Other Live Resources in
Maxine Regions Adjacent to the Coast of the U55R. From a Decree -
of the USSR Council of Ministers, 25 February 1977 3~~'
On Mea.sures for ~,irther Improvement of Protection of Forests _
and Rationa,l Utilization of F orest Resources. Decree of the
USSR Supreme Soviet, 17 June 1977 ~ 308
- Fundamentals of Forest Legislation of the Union o~ Soviet =
Socialist Republics and the Union Republ3cs. F~om the Ie.w of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 17 June 1977 312
From the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, adopted at the Special Seventh Session
of the USSR Supreme Soviet~ Ninth Convocation, '~~October 1977 331
On Additiona,l Mea,sures for Increasing Natur~ Conservation and
Improvement in the Use of Natural Resources. Decree of the CPSU
Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers, 1 December
- 1978 33~
Zist of Decisions of P;arty and State Agencies on Q,uesti~ons of
Protection of the Environment arul Ra,tiona,l Utilization of Natural
Resources, Not Included. in the Collection 339 ~
Preserves of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ~ 3~b3
c~o: ,5000
~ -
16 -
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Milan CORRI$RE DELLA SERA in Itali3n 24 Tiay 80 p 27 '
[Article b~ Roberto Marchetti, professor of ecolagy at Milan University:
- "Po River Fish 'Seasoned' With Mercury and Insecticides"]
[Text] The levels of poisoning of the fauna have not
yet reached the danger point, but analyses show that the
river's is seriously jeopardized,
The Po is experiencing many difficulties. In a previous article (the _
CORRIERE of 26 April) we listed so many that even the recent and extremely
- seribus pollution by CONOCO hydrocarbons pales by comparison. And yet,
despite all these difficulties, a significant index is that of the continued
presence of fish, an important factor in acriving at an evaluation of the
quality of the water, and this seems to contradict the picture which has
been painted.
The number of species of fish living in the river (34, of which 6 are
migratory) has, in fact, not decreased in the course of a century; it has
even increased by 7 species. Among the latter are the rainbow trout,
- salmerino, Persian sole, Persian trout and catfish, all imported in about
1900, and the gambusia ta type of larva-eating minnow] which spread as far
as the Po (after 1920) from the waters of the Roman countryside in which it
had been stocked to combat malaria. Recently, the European sheathfish, of
Yugoslav origin, appeared in the Po. Among the original species there are
several of high quality, such as the speckled troup, grayling, shad and
If we limit ourselves to this enumeration of species, our conclusion could
only be that we are dealing with waters of good quality. But if, on the
_ basis of information gathered by specialists of the University of Parma and
the Institute of Research on katers (CNR), we exam~ne the density and
distribution of the species of fish in the Po and the degree of contamination
- of each one, we get quite a different picture.
For example, in the upper course of the river, between Turin and Chivasso,
we note the complete or almost complete disappearance of the grayling,
17 -
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scazzone and lamprey; other species, such as the loach, gudgeon and the
like, have been drastically reduce3 in number. The effect of dams has been
more far-reaching than that of pollution, limiting the area. of expansion of
migratory species: the sturgeon,.which for a century h?~ not ascended
beyond the dams of Casale rionferrato, now has great difficulty going beyond
the :Csola Serafini breakwater constructed for the Caorso Nuclear Power
Plant. In any case, fishing for sturgeon has becrnne increasingly less
- productive, and even more so downstream from this dam. For the sane rea-
sons there has been a drastic reduction in another migratory fish, th~
shad, which had its reproduction area in the upper tributaries of the Po,
now t~locked off. At least some species seem to be unaffected by the reduc-
tion process brought about by dams: the barbels, dace, tench, pike and, in
the central stretch of the Po, even catfish.
o.zo - - - - - - 1
_ `
0.18- - '
I 0.74
! 0.12 -
I 0.10
0, 08 _ ~ ~ ~
~ - , ~ I ~ ~ I
i V[R[LLLI � ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ � I
~ ~ ~AVIA � CRLMONA~ ~MOVA � ~ I
- ~ ~ ROt7G0�
AL[SSA9D~tA� ~
~'~x~ ~ IEiiA~A �
m w..
~ ' Adrl~tle~
QuantitA di mercurlo (in mllligrarr~~r.f per chllogrammo di carne) rilevate sulla
muscoletura di cavedani prelevati in nove punti del fiume.
~ ~
Quantity of inercury (in milligrams
per kilogram of flesh) found
in the muscular system of chub taken
from nine different points of ttte river.
Certain species, which are still abundant in the river, h.~ve been examined
to isolate the phenomena of the accumulation of poisonous~compounds in
their organs. About 200 chub gathered between Turin and Ferrara have,
without exception, shown the presence of inercury in their muscular system,
in both the inorganic form.and in the more poisonous form of inethyl
mercury. The maximum found was 0.380 milligrams of total mercury per
kilogram of flesh. In addition to this informati.on, published by the
Institute of Research on Waters, the same institute recently found in
300 specimens of alburnus alborella and chub gathered between Turin and
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t�lantua and absence of DDT but a constant presence of i*s metabolic elements
(DD~ and DDD which are formed during the decomposition of the DDT) or of
BHC, both of which products are used as insecticides. The values observed
rangE from a minimum of 0.01 to a maximum of 0.12 milligrams pe~r kilogram
of flesh for derivatives of DDT.
- Together with these contsminants of agricultural origin, the same fish
revealed a consistent~presence of polychlorobiphenyJ. (PCB), compounds
highly resistant to decomposition and widely used industrially (0.1 to
0,6 milligrams per kilogram of flesh). With these levels of contamination,
it is not astonishing that even the marginal elements of the Po ecological
system are found to be contaminated, as typically occurs with aquatic birds
- which have fis~ as part of their diet (the peewit gull, tern, coot and the
At the conclusion of this concise survey it should be pointed out that none
of the findings obtained ug to now exceeds the limits considered dangerous
_ by the health-control organizations. But this conclusion should not put
our minds at ease: the changes described are an indication of a profound
regression taking place in the Po River system, one which does not concern
only fi~h and fishermen. It is absolutely correct that the Lombardy and
Emilia-Romagna regians have taken drastic steps to effect an improvement
in the prevailing conditions and enforce payment for damages incurred by
those who have seriously polluted more than 100 kilometers of the Po with
hydrocarbons, But the Po's worst ills still remain: those which attract
the least attention, which can be revealed only through sophisticated
- analyses and which often show up much later when recovery is no longer
possibla. The diagnosis of these ills now exists: the scientific world
has done its part by furnist;ing the Po's clinical picture. It is now up
to those who are in power, in the state, regions, local communities, to
take action through all valid legal means to correct these conditions with
the urgency which the situation demands and before that clinical picture is
transformed into a death certificate.
' COPYRIGHT: 1980 Editoriale del "Corriere della Sera" s.a.s.
CSO: 5000 ~D
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