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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2UU7/02/U8: CIA-R~P82-UU850ROOU200090044-2 I ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OF'FI('1 ~1. 1'til~: Utii.l' . JPRS L/9158 20 June 1980 ~ ~JSSR Re ort _ p PHYSICS AND N~ATHEMATICS CFOUO 6/80) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVII~E FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 NOTE ~ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are tr~nscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators su;.i as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how th~ original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extra_cted. Unfamiliar names rendered phcnetically or transliterated are enclosed in parenthese~. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied a, appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. - The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. , For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociol.ogical, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMIPIATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9158 _ 20 June 1980 - USSR REPORT J PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS (FOUO 6/80) CONTENTS CRYSTALS AND SEMICO~IDUCTORS Magneto-Optic Effects in Ferromagnetic Materials 1 FLUID DYNAMICS Gas and Wave Dynamics 12 Problems of Flow Around Bodies With Three-Dimensional Configuration 14 NiJCLEAR PHYS I CS Radiation Damage in Refractory Compounds 16 Prospects for Using Relativistic Electron Beams in Industrial Processes 20 OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY - Proceedings of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Topical - Collection, P'hysical Optics 35 TfiERMODYNAMI CS Porous Materials in Cryogenic Equipment.,....~,,.,.,.,~,,...~...,, 40 ' a- [III - USSR - 21H S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CRYSTALS AND SEMICONDUCTORS UDC 538.61 - MAGNETO-OPTIC EFFECTS IN FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS ~ Moscow VESTNIK AKADErIII NAUK SSSR in Russian No 2,1980 pp 15-23 [Article by Doctor of Physicomathematical Sciences G. S. Krinchik] [Text] The development of magneto-optics began with the discovery of the effect of rotation of the light polarization plane in glass placed in a magnetic field, disc~~ered by Faraday in 1845. Since that time this scien- tific direction has studied the characteristics of light interaction with magnetized material. Classical magneto-optics mainly investigated phenom- ena related to light and was essentially a section of optics. Problems of classical magneto-optics were exhausted at the beginning of our century and it turned out that this section of science was completed. - The second stage in development of magneto-optics began in the 1950s when a new approach arose to study of the interaction of light and matter: the derived information began to be used to investigate the structure of the material itself--a magnetically ordered crystal. This problem can already - be related to the physics of magnetic phenomena (although magneto-optics is _ actually at the junction of physical optics and magnetism). In the 1950s this section of physics began to be developed at MGU [Moscow State Univer- sity imeni Lomonosov] with regard to the problem of investigating magnetic- ally ordered crystals from the results of the interaction of light, passing through or reflected from them, with these crystals. - riagneto-optic spectroscopy should primarily be distinguished in the indi- cated section of magneto-optics. The problem of investigating a magnetic- ally ordered crystal can be postulated in a manner similar to how main data on the structure of the atom and on the arrangement of electron energy lev- els are found from optical spectra, by observing the dependence of some magneto-optic effect on the wavelength of light, thus finding the natural frequencies and identifying them with the electron energy spectrum in the magnetically ordered crystal. When setting up these investigations, many scientists felt that it would be impossible to find natural frequencies in the continuous spectrum due to the 1 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY complexity of tl:e energy structure of the crystal. Investigations of ' FIAN [Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the USSR Academy of Sciences] in the field of inetal-optics and of MGU in the field of the magneto-optics of inetals dispersed these doubts. Because of improvement in the method of investigations and the progress achieved in understanding the structure of r~etals, it was possible to find the natural frequencies and to identify them ~aith characteristic interband intervals. _ Discovery of the nontrivial effect of variation of reflected light intensity during rotation of the magnetization vector in a crystal was of important significance. ~^ihen the magnetization vector is rotated with respect to crystallographic axes, the band spectrum varies and this leads to variation of the reflection coefficient. Because of the fact that the variations oc- _ cur at strictly specific locations of the Brillouiun zone, the spectrum is well structured and clearly marked natural frequencies are observed in it. For example, the transitiorbf 0.3 eV was identified with that between the exchange-split bands (Fiqure 1) for the best studied ierromagnetic material --classical nickel. Thus, one can immediately conclude that the main param- eter of ferromagnetic material--exchange splitting--is to 0.3 eV for nickel. Magneto-optical spectroscopy has the following advantages over ordinary optics: first, it is based on the differential effect--variation of the re- flection coefficient during field modulation is measured and therefore it is easier to observe the characteristics of the crystal structure on magneto- optic spectra than when measuring the total reflection coefficient; second, the sians of magneto-optic effects depend on the sign of the electron spin in the sub-band where ontical transition occurs, which permits determination of this s.ib-band. A model of the electron structure of nickel with reverse order of levels was proposed on the basis of this information. It was previously assumed that nickel has the same structure as its neighbor--copper, in which the ~l.ectrun conduction band at the L-point is located above the d-elec- trc~n Land. To explain our experiment we had to reverse the order of the sequence of the bands and to create a model with reverse order of levels (Figure 2). The hole pocket in the vicinity of the L-point disap- peared and some other effects appeared which were later confirmed in Fermi experiments. The model of ferromagnetic nickel with reverse order of levels and exchancte splitting of 0.3 eV is now the generally accepted model. Easily distinguishable transitions which can be identified with a specific ~ distance between levels and from which we can reconstruct the electronic _ structure of the investigated crystal, are always visible on the magneto- - optic spectra in magnetically ordered dielectrics: ferrite-garnets, fer.rite-spinels and orthoferrites. Tlle narrow ion lines of rare-earth metals, for example trivalent-europium or terbium placed in a magnetically ordered ferrite-garnet crystal, are 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OrFICIAL i1SF. ONLY _ _ . . - - - _ ~ ~ ` ~ I E ~ _ ~ t - ~ I ~ _ i i i i ~ 1 ;i00 hi i ho: ;~Ei I ~ - I 0~ 10 ~ ~ - I T=iS H -0.5 - - Figure 1. Orientation Magneto-Optic Effect (Variation of Reflected Light Intensity During Rotation of Magnetizati~n Vector Related to Variation of Zonal Structure) in a Single Crys- tal of Nickel in the Plane (110). The maximum of G at 0.3 eV corresponds to optical transition between exchange split bands. manifested most clearly. In this case very many spectral lines are observed within a small energy range and the spectrum varies sharply as a function of the magnetic state of the crystal (Figure 3). For example, when the magnet- ization vector in the crystal rotates (in a field on the order of several oersteds), the absorption line of specific frequency can either be opened or it can be completely closed. We call this effect the controlled optics of a ferromagnetic crystal. The narrow lines of rare-earth ions provide information about the spectrum of rare-earth ions in magnetic crystals. The overall pattern of the magne- to-optic spectral structure (from the ultraviolet to tlie infrared) of a _ magnetic crystal is characterized primarily by allowed strong transitions in the ultraviolet regio- which determine the magneto-optic properties of crystals of important practical significance. The absorption of ferromagnetic dielectrics decreases upon moving to the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum--this is the region of the magneto-optics of transparent ferromagnetic materials. The discovery of transparent ferromagnetic materials in the 1950s and the onset of the "laser era" provided an additional impetus to development of magneto-optics. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~ I Q 6 I I - I ~ ~a~~' ~ I - - I IEF EF ~ L~ ~ L? ~ z - ~ ~ I Figure 'l. Model of the Band Structure of Nickel With Reverse Order of Levels--the 3 d- band (L32) is Located Above the 4 s-band (L' 2): a--without regard to band hybridization; b--with regard to band hybridization The Faraday effect was studied in the zone of transparency on ferri tes- garnets and other ferrodielectrics and later on the simplest materials them- . selves. Far example, simple gadolinium glass is magnetized by a fie ld on the order of inegagauss to the extent that its susceptibility at optical frequencies leads to rotations of the polarization plane by hundreds of de- - gress due to the garamagnetic gadolinium ions. Similar effects were also observed in metals slthough the first experiments showed that they are low in value. However, we have now found that, along with ordinary, normal - suscentibility which can be calculated from the Landau-Lifshits equation, anomalousl.y high susceptibility related to interesting character- istics of the interaction of light with a magnetic crystal (for example, excitation of spin waves) is sometimes observed. Thus, study of so-called hydromagnetic magneto-optic effects will become an effective tool for investigation of maqnetic crystals. Practical use of transparent ferromagnetic materials is similar to the use of magnetic crystals in the region of the SF~' hand (modulators, gyrators and devices for controlling an electromagnetic radiation beam). Modulators, non- reciprocal devices and magneto-optic waveguides--all devices necessary for integrated optics on transparent magnetic crystals--are created from these materials. Specifically, magneto-optic interference waG observed in a thin magnetic garnet crystal: due to interference of the transmitted beams, mag- netization of the crystal led to variation of the intensity of the 1 ight passing through the crystal by 20 percent. The efficiency of devices based on transparent ferromagnetic materials de- pends on how rapidly the magnetic structure of the crystal reacts to varia- tion of the external magnetic field. The effectiveness of control in mag- netic terms is determined by the speed of the domain boundaries of ferromag- netic materials. Record speeds of the interface between two domains in an 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI~ZY ~ c; 7 ~ ~I * I~ (I 3'n t ~ ~ 7 I I ~ i 2 _ ~ I I ~ I I , 2~~ I I - ~ ~ I ~ II ~ I I,S ~ ~ ~ II ~ 1 ~ ~ I I ~.o - I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~11 ~ ~ 1 1 O,s I ~ ~ - ~i \ ~ ~ i i 4~.o asoo asso sooo so5o s~uo h~,,cM-~ Figure 3. Variation of Absorption Spectrum of Europium ~arnet Ferrite in the Region of ~F~--~~F6 During Rotation of the Magnet- ization Vector by 90� : curve 1--H~! [110] [001] ; 2-- H ~j [110) , e ~r [001] ; plane (110) ; H--magnetic field; e-- electric vector of linearly polarized light wave external magnetic field were found at the Department of Magnetism of MGU. The speed of the interface in an orthoferrite crystal reaches 20 km/s in control fields on the order of 800 Oe. Z'he sound barrier was initially passed, that is, the excitation of sound in the crystal,and then the spin waves began to be excited, which led to a new delay in the increase of speed in the interface. Investigations in this direction are now continu-- ing, but the speed of 20 km/s already achieved makes it possible to control the light beam in magneto-optic oxthoferrite transparent materials with short switching time. The next question which characterizes the possibilities of magneto-optics is investigation of the surface magnetic transformations in the crystals. We recall that light penetrates to a depth of less than 0.1 micron in met- als. Similarly, quasi-metallic reflection can be created in ferromagnetic dielectrics by varying the wavelength of light (changing to the ultraviolet region) and light can be forced to penetrate the crystal by no more than 0.1 micron. But since most magneto-optic effects are proportional to the magnetization of a crystal, the unique possibility arises of investigatinq the surface layer of the ferromagnetic material regard less of its volume. This method of investigating surface magnetic properties, which we pro- posed and developed, has already led to some important results. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . - o 4 + m / + +-+-f--+-_.__~ .o + g + 5 / + i ~ / ~+a-+-}~-{-i--~--+2 + 3 ~ j+~ ~ , Q i--1-+~-+--{--1--f--~ ..+_~-L I.O 1.5 2,0 2,5 _ ~ ~w.aD Figure 4. Frequency Dependence of Equatorial Kerr Effect Proportional to the Magnetization of the Surface Layer on Steel EP-838: 1--initial Electropolished specimen, annealing in a vacuum; 2--at T= 500�C; 3--at T= 940�C; 4--at T= 1,100�C. First, the phenomenon of surface magnetism--spontaneous magnetic transform- a~ion in the surface layer--was discovered. Due to the fact that the sym- metry of circulation of magnetically active surface ions is different than that in the volume, the magnetic structure should seemingly rearrange itself only in the first atomic layer. However, because of the exchange interac- tion between the first and adjacent layers, this disturbance is propagated inside the crystal to typical depths on the order of 0.1-2 microns. A macroscopic "cloak"--a surface layer--is created, surface magnetism occurs and magnetic reconstruction of the surface domain occurs. Rearrangement of the magnetic structure of hermatite to orthoferrite type (the type of magnetic orderinq of another crystal) was first discovered by using the magneto-optic method. There are also simpler examples of important magnetic phase transformations on the surface of ordinary crystals, ordinary steels and so on. As an illus- tration one can cite the structural materials for thermonunlear reactors. We carried out this work jointly with the Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Due to the fact that the austeniz- ing additive evaporates in nonmaqnetic steel in a vacuum space with very slight heating of the specimen (to 200�C), phase transition is completed in the surface layer: the stPel changes from nonmagnetic austenitic to the ferromagnetic state (F9.gure 4). The effect is absent in the initial state or in the case of a polished surface of the specimen since there is nc mag- netic phase on the surface. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 - I 1,5 2,0 2,5 r. 0 ~ ~ ~ _ o f 0 ~ hw,3E ~ ~ 3 _ ~J - ? 2 + + -3 - + _4 \ / ~l ~ ~ '6 F _5 ~ { * ~ ,igure 5. Equatorial Kerr Effect Proporatioal to Magnetization of Surface Layer. ZrNiH3 Compound Heated in Air at T= 200�C for Three Hours: 1--in the absence of a field; 2--in a permanent field (easy axis); 3--in a permanent field (diffi- cult axis) _ Thus, the method of diagnosis of materials designed for thermonuclear reac- tors appeared. Moreover, the fact itself of formation o� a ferromagnetic layer several microns thick during vacuum treatment or utilization of an item is interesting. It was established that a ferromagnetic surface film always forms in any nonmagnetic steel of the investigated type (chrome, manganese or some other stainless steels) when they are treated in vacuum tubes. Another example of magnetic phase transformations was obtained when inves- tigating ferromagnetic catalysts. The investigation was carried out jointly with the chemistry department of idGU, where nickel-zirconium catalysts are � bcing developed. It turned out that their activity varies with a time from zero to some finite value. Chemists suggested that this is related to sep- aration of nickel ori the surface of the initial nickel-zirconium nonmagnet- ic system. This hypothesis was confirmed by investigations which we car- ried out using the magneto-optic method. It turned out that there is n~ - magnetic layer on the surface and there is no magneto-optic effect in the initial state of nickel-zirconiwn nonmagnetic alloy. When the specimen is heated in an active gas (the magnetic phase does not form in a vacuum ir~ this case), a layer appears which yields the typical magneto-optic curves corresponding precisely to ferromagnetic nickel, that is, a ferromagnetic layer which is the basis of the catalyzing component, is formed on the surface. When this process was investigated in an external magnetic field, it turned out that it significantly affects the nature of formation of the magnetic layer in the surface region (Figure 5). Specifically, the presence of a magnetic fie13 during treatment of a catalyst makes the latter sharply - anisotropic in the magnetic sense. 7 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A less understandable phenomenon is the effect of the magnetic field on _ the rate of heterogeneous chemical reaction, for example, in carbonyliza- tioz~ of nickel. In this case the rate of reaction varies in a periodic manner as a function of the value of the magnetic field with continuous variation of the magnetic field in the region where nickel satu~ration oc- curs. The time dependence of the oscillatory processes occurring on the surface of ferr~magnetic sermiconductors--so-called chalcogenide spinels-- was also observed. Let us turn to investigation of magneto-optic effects with low resolution (on the order of several microns). As noted above, the surface properties of magnetic materials can be studied by reducing the depth of light penetration and by thus acting only on the surface layer. Let us now imagine that, besides a restriction in depth, the light beam impinging on the investigated material is limited spatially. Based on this idea, one can create a device which permits measurement of the magnetic characteristics of magnetic material in a volume on the order of 10'13cm3 since the measurements can be made on a section of one square - micron (with maximum optical resolution) and with depth of light penetra- tion less than 0.1 micron. We developed this method to investigate natural small magnetic formations existing in ferromagnetic materials. This natur- al form~tion on the order of fractions of a micron wide is, for example, tlie, interface between two domains. Magneto-optic signals reaching the de- vice from the point of emergence of the domain boundary to the surface of the ferromagnetic material, that is, from an area measuring on the order of 0.5-1 square micron, G~ere measured. io Y : ~ - ~ x ' - ~ ~ W An n _ 4 g I? t. rnh~ ~ A `~~~5~~~~~" q~ V v 04 c 6.' 3 -i0 Figure 6. Magnetization Distribution of Elements of a~Chevron Readout Sensor Along Lines A, A' and A" (Curves 1, 2 and 3, Respectively) ~ In a Field of Hy = 60 Oe: a--components of sensor for stretching bubbles; b--central component for recording; L= 20 microns and W = 4 microns ~ 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240090044-2 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY Developm~nt of a device designed for physical investigations was completed approximately five years ago. It turned out that by this time engineering required the development of artificial magnetic components of very small _ dimensions. It should be noted that the t~ndency toward miniaturization of magnetic devices will be developed in the future. Similar to how the - method of magnetic measurements brought about a revolution 20 years ago in conversion from ordinary objects of investigations to film objects (having 3-4 times less volume) and vibrating magnetometers, sensitive electronic - circuits and so on had to be created, the field of ineasuring new magnetic - - components must now be organized. These components not only became thinner (their thickness comprises fractions of a micron)--their area was reduced by a factor of one million: a single c~mponent is located on an area of 10 X 10 square microns. The unique method of ineasurement for the time being which meets the requirements of increased sensitivity and resolution is the magneto-optical method. So-called bubble~ -cylindrical magnetic domains--are used as micron compon- ents formed in thin transparent magnetic cr.ystals. Applicatian of a mag- - netic field causes a reduction in the area of the magnetic phase of one _ direction. Spheres (their height is equal to the thickness of the crystal), which move along the crystal by means of a specially applied grid of control permalloy elements,are formed from this phase with a further increase of the field. Thus, a mill.ion of these information recording components can be located in a crystal 1 cm2 in area. A chevron readout sensor !is used for signal recording. Approaching the readout system, the bubble is first severely stretched by the first rows of elements, then passes through the central element between whose individual regions are bridges for transmission of current. Thus, a magnetoresist- ive readout sensor is achieved since the electric signal is recorded by variation of the resistance of these central elements. The magnetization of the elements in a given field at any point can be measured with typical dimensions of a single component of 2 X 10 square microns (Figure 6). As a result the main functional char~icteristic of the given device--distribution of magnetization in its components--can be restored. The dependence of magnetization on the magnetic field at a specific point of the qiven com- ponent can also be measured. ~ The described device is a unique magnetic microscope which can be used for different purposes. By varying the magnetic structure of the crystal by means of the magnetic field, one can record the variation of reflected light intensity and can see the distribution relief of magnetization through the components. If light polarization varies, the effect caused by the normal component of magnetization is recorded and then the effect caused by its tangential components is recorded. As a result all three independently measured magnetization con:ynonents are restored. Let us present yet another example of a modern magnetic device with micron components~ So-called integrated magnetic heads with film components are 9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ jI x Y 0.8 z - I ~ ~.6 ~ 2 _ 0,4 \ 0.2 2 ~ 6 B 10 12 o ~ ' W x, MMM -0.2 1 - -0,4 -0.8 -0,8 -I - -1.~ 14 ~ _ Figure 7. Distribution of Magnetization on Working Surface of Integral Magnetic Head: curve 1 shows the dependence of the tan- gential component of magnetization IX; curve 2 shows the _ dependence of the normal component of magnetization IZ. The zero values of magnetization correspond to the gap of the head. � now being developed. The current winding of the head is a system of non- r;~agnetic films, the magnetic circuit is a system of sprayed films of mag- netically soft material, the tip has an information-recording section meas- uring 2 X 100 square microns and that in the best heads measures 2 X 20 square microns. The described method of micron resolution permits one to study the magnetization distribution of this section, which is the main characteristic determining the efficiency oi the device. By studying the tangential and normal magnetization component separately, complete informa- tion can be found for calculating the magnetic fields at any distance from t'r~e head (along the vertical and horizontal) and one can determine the ef- ficiency of the components (Figure 7). Ttie given examples show that the new scientific trend--the magneto-optics _ of ferromagnetic materials, developed at the Chair of Magnetism of the 10 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Physics Department of biGU, led to development of new methods of physical investigations and laid the bases of the crystal optics of magnetically ordered crystals. This made it possible to discover a number of new physi- cal effects and to work out methods of investigation and checking of mag- netic components and systems of modern computer equipment. The scientific communication of G. S. Krinchik was heard with great inter- est at a meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Summar- izing the results of the discussion, the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, A cademician A. P. Aleksandrov noted the great significance of investigations of magneto-optic phenomena in ferromagnetic materials, car- ried out at MGU, for modern computer technology and wished further success in development of this important direction. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR", 1980 [8144/1102-6521] 6521 CSO: 8144/1102 , 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 N'UR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - FLUID DYNAMICS GAS AND WAVE DYN?iMICS Moscow GAZOVAYA I VOLNOVAYA DINAMIKA in Russian 1979 signed to press 9 Jan 79 pp 2, 199-200 [Annotation and table of contents from book edited by Kh. A. Rakhmatulin, _ "Moskovskiy Universitet" Publishing flouse, 200 pages, 300 copies] - [Text] Annotation: This collection includes articles reflecting both traditional and new direc- tions being developed at the chair of gas and wave dynamics of the Mechanics- Mathematics Department of Moscow State University. The bulk of the works presented are devoted to problems of gas dynamics and the dynamics of a so- lid deformable body. This collection is intended for use by specialists in - the Field of continuum mechanics, graduate students and students. Table of Contents: _ Solving 'I~ao-Dimensional Problems of Ideal-Gas Fluidics (Kh. A. Rakh- ma tulin and A. A. Khamidov) 3 Approximations in Setting Up a Barrier-Piercing Problem (A. Ya. Sago- ~ monyan) 1~ Analytical Method of Determining Aerodynamic Forces and Moments for Unsteady Particle Movement in Different Rarefied Gases (A.I. Bunimovich and N. I. Sazonova) 32 - Development of Two-Phase (Gas-Film) Detonation (I. N. Zverev, N. I. Zverev and N. N. Smirnov) 44 Movement of Slender Bodies in a Linearly Elastic Medium (A. L. Pav- lenko and A. V. Zvyagin) 57 - Possibility o� Appearance and Disappearance of Wrinkle Fronts With Normal Incidence of a Cone on a Diaphragm (S. S. Grigoryan and B. V. Kuksenko) 68 Tnteraction Between a Longitudinal Wave and a Sh~rp Bend in a Filament (V.F. Maksimov and B.V. Osnach) 72 Thermoelastic Spherical Waves Caused by the Instantaneous Liberation of Heat in a Closed Spherical Space (P. E. Sabodash, B. Mardonov and Sh. T. Kadyrbayev) 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Change in Concentration Near a Slightly Oscillating Spherical Electrode in an Electrolyte Solution (r1.A. Vorotyntsev, B.M. Grafov and S.A. Piartem'yanov) 8,5 The Problem of Shock Wave Movement in a Tapering Channel (S.V. Guvernyuk) 91 Quasi-Rayleigh Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Media (Kh. A. Rakhmatulin and Yu. N. Kuliyev) 100 Theory of Associated Oscillations of Piezoceramic Discs (Kh. A. Rakhmatulin and A.M. Allaverdiyev and Yu. N. Kuliyev) 108 'I~ao-Dimensional Steady Rarefaction Wave Propagation (Kh. A. Rakhmatulin and A.P. Barpiyev) 118 Basic Solutions to [dave Equations for Cylindrical Shells (A. Ya. Sagomonyan) 127 Shock Impact on a Spherical Shell (A. Ya. Sagomonyan) 134 Unsteady Movement of One Class of High-Speed Three-Dimensional Bodies (A.I. Bunimovich and L.G. Sadykova) 140 An Analytical Method of Determining the Aerodynamic Forces Acting on Solids of Revolution During Flow Under Conditions of the Law of Localizability (A.I. Bunimovich and O.A. Khots) 146 Two-Phase Detonation in Pipes (T.V. Ramodanova and I.N. Zverev) 155 Detonation in a Porous Plate Impregnated With Liquid Oxygen (I.N. Zverev and I.S. Gayevskaya) 159 Approximate Method of Solving Problems of Forced Oscillations of a Thin-Walled Hemispherical Piezoceramic Shell on a Rigid Base (B.V. Kuksenko and A.M. Abdulgalimov) 166 _ Movement of a Stiff, Smooth Str:ip in a Linearly Elastic Medium (B. Mardonov, F.K. Mansurov and R. Sh. Yakomova) 171 Electrical Properties of Nonconducting Contact Between Metal and a Solid Electrolyte (M.A. Vorontyntsev and A.A. Kornyshev) I76 Radio Cylindrical Source (Kh. A. Rakhmatulin and V.V. Lubashevskiy) 182 Chemically Reactive Non-Self-Similar Boundary Layer Behind a Shock Wave (I.N. Zverev and R.V. Ramodanova) 18~ Determining the Separation Zone of an Infinitely Long Beam from its Base Under the Impact of Concentrated Forces (B. Mardonov, D.S. Osmonkulov and A. Barayev) 191 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1979 [142-11052] . 11052 ` CSO: 1862 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 532+533+629.135 PROBLEMS OF FLOW AROUND BODIES ~dITH THRE~-DIMENSIONAL CONFIGURATION Novosibirsk ZADACHI OBTEKANIYA PROSTRANSTVENNOY KONFIGURATSII in Russian 1978 signed to press 25 Dec 78 pp 2, 126 [Annotation and Table of Contents from book "Zadachi obtekaniya prostranst- vennoy konfiguratsii" edited by N. F. Vorob'yev, 400 copies, 126 pages] [TextJ The coll~ction includes papers on calculation of flow around bodies with three-dimensional configuration. The problem of a supersonic flow around delta-shaped aircraft (wing-air scoop-fuselage) is considered in the first paper within the framework of linear theory with regard to the effects of diffraction with reflection. Two papers are devoted to justification and realization of a seconc~order numerical scheme for approximation of cal- culating nonviscous gas-dynamic flows at supersonic speeds. Problems related to calculation of incompressible flow around wings according to the discrete vortex scheme of the wing are outlined in one paper. One paper considers the problems of organizing ~ommunication (dialogue) of man and machines, which occur when solving problems of flow around bodies. The ccllection is of interest to specialists involved in problems of flow around bodies. Contents Page 1. Vorob'yev, N. F., On Solution in Linear Postulation of the Problem of Supersonic Flow Around Three-D imensional Configuration 3 2. Shashkin, A. P. and Volkov, V. F., One Scheme of Numerical Calcu- lation of Nonviscous Gas-Dynamic Flows 17 3. vol'kov, V. F., Application of Linear Theory to Selection of the Grid in Numerical Solution of Prob lems of Supersonic F1ow Around Bodies 5~ 4. Vorob'yev, N. F. and G. N. Shashkina, The Problem of Selecting the Discrete Vortex Scheme of a Wing 65 . 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. Bokovikov, Yu. G., Structural Analysis and Psychol~gical C~aracteristics of the P4an-Computer Communication Process 102 COPYRIGHT: INSTITUT TEORETICHESKOY I PRIICLADNOY MEKHANIKI [140-6521] 6521 CSO: 1862 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y NUCLEAR PHYSICS UDC 669.018:539.1 RADIATIOp DAMAGE IN 1tEFRACTOR? CO~t~ODNDS Hoecaa RADIATSIONNO~tE POVREZ~BNIYE TUGOPLAVIRH SOYEDIN~NIY (Radiation ~ - Damags in Rofractor~ Co~powida) in Russian 1979 signed to preas 29 Aug 79 pp 2-b, 160 ~ [Aanotation, introduction snd table of conteata from book by Mikhail Sawich Roval'chanko, Val~riy Vladiuirovich Ogorodnik~ov, Yuriy Ivanovich Rogovoy, Aleksandr Gavrilovich Urays?iy; Atosizdat, 1,300 copies, 160 pagea) [Teut~ This book syat~natis~s avsilable data on radiation damge in - refractorq coepouads. It eYasiaes the fmida~entals of the theory of radiatic~ daaage in solids ts it applias to binary comprnmds; aechanis~s which cre~te radiation defecta; chaagea in internal nnergq, structnre ~ and propv~~tiea of refractory eo~pounda und~r the e~fecta of ionizing radiation; beluvioral chsractarietica ot boridea irradiated ia connection with burn-up of boron; sa well ar the phenosenon of racovary of �tructure and propertiea of rafractory cospounds during post-radiation annealing. ~ This book ie intendad for ecientific workare and ~aginaers ~?orking in the field of radiation saterial acinnce aad reactor construction. It tiay slro be uaeful to studenta and post-graduates in ths conesponding epecialties. Tables - 24. Figures - 83. Sibliographical entries - 203. Introduction Deciuions of the 25tb CPSII Congreas pointed out the neceasitq for further accelerated development of nuclear energy and an increased proportion of nuclear power etations in the averall eaergy balance of the couatry. The development of nuclear energy, ~rhich is following a path topard creation of more poMerful nuclaar reactora and development of fast-breeder reactora, reqairea the developa~ent of nev ~atarials, ahich ar~ capable of performing mider the difficnlt coaditions o! �imaltaneons exposnre to high machanical - streas and te~p~ratnree.aggressive ageats~and iatising radiation. - 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY For these reasons the proepective materials for nuclear energy are refractory caRpounda~ thair alloye sad compouads. Devoted to the questioa _ of the affects of irradiation on solide are: sonographs of S.T. Koaobe- ya~wkiy (66], G. Dina and G. Vinayard [37], V.S~ Bavilov and N.A. IIkhin [8], M. Tho~son (123), S.T. Kiahkin [54), V.V. Pon'kov~kiy [101~, A.N. Shalayev [136], Ye.A. I~arkovskiy, M.M. Rrasnoahchekov, V.I. Tikhonovich and V.G. Chernon [16], V.P. Gol'tsev [25]~ O.A. Troitskiy and D.G. - Shteynbexg (125j, B. ReYly [49j, B. Last~sn [76], A.R. Semanynk and V.I. Rhivrich (68]~ Yu.Y. Likhachev and V.Ya. Pupko [77J; a nun~ber of collact- ions (15, 33-35, 81, 102~ 126]; and a number of abatracte (9, 19, 22, 43, 51, 119, 127]. Further, the effects of ionizing radiation on inetru- meate, electronic camponents and radiotechnical ~aterials are eaamined in moaographs [14, 139]. In tbese ~rorks primasy attantion is devoted to matals, semicondnctors and ionic crystals. 1'his work preaents the reaulte of eystematic etudy of the effects of nuclear reactor radiatioa on the atructure and propertiea of refractory compouads specifically, compoaade of transition ~atala with such _ non-setals as B, C, H(borides, csrbides, nitrides), aa aell as racipro- cal conpouade of these sstarials. Metallic refractory compounds (coaponade of netale with non-netals) are characterised, along with a high melting temperature, by a high degree of hardness, thersal and alectrical conductivity aad chemical durability uader the effects of variona agreesive agents, fncludiag nalten metale (52, 53, 98, 110-112, 114-118, 121]. They have a naique crystal-cheaical strncture and a comple~c natnre of chemical bonding [2, 4, 24, 69, 124J. This uaiqueneea it manifestsd in the fact that, ~ndged by electrical propertiee, they appear as tppieal metale, ~fiile at the eane tima~ ~udged by mechaaical propert3ao, they resemble oxide-based ceranic aaterials and covalent cryetals. Compounda for~ed from non-~etals (84C, BN and others) ezhibit semiconduct- ive propertiee and have a high meltiag temperature~ hardnees and chemical durability. Thotmal conducti~rity of these co~rounds depends pri~arily on the lattice paraa~ster, Which can be quiCe great as a resnlt of lav atonic ~ras~ . The realm of poeaible uee of_c8rbidea and nitrides in reactore ia in etructnral elefenta in the core :one, in moderators, reflectore and natrices for auclea~ fuel diepersion. Additionally, sosa carbides (alloys of uraaiua, thorim snd plutonius carbidas pith niobina arid zirconiun carbidas) can ba used ae csthode nateriala for couveraion of nnclear eaergy into elactrical eaergy [lOSj. Carbides and nitridea can be ueed as coatinga on refractory ~tals and alloye used in reactor constructiou (20~ 38]. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The large cross section of slo~ neutron capture by boron allo+~a borid~a to be uoad in regulating dsvices and as a biological ~hield against neutron radiation [102]. This work e~mines the fwida~eatals of tha theory of radiatiou da~sge ia solida, priaarilq biaary compouada. It also aets forth ezperiseatal data on radiatioa durability of refractorq co~ponmds and their theoretical interpretation. In particnlar~ attentian ie devoted to mechanieas for : radiation damage, change in stracture and propertiee of refractos~? materi- ale uader the effect4 of ionizing radiati.on, the peculiaritiee of radi- ation damage to boYides in conasetion ~rith (n,a)-reaction in l~B nuclei, as vell ae the phenamanon of recovery during annealing. Aa attempt ia made to establieh a quantitative relatioiuhip betpenn changes in structnre and changes in properties. Contents Page Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the Theory of Radiation Damage in Refractory Campounds S _ 1.1. Interaction of radiation ~? a eubetance 6 1.2. Dynamica of radiation damage 9 1.3. Nature and properties of radiation defecte 14 1.4. Computer modeling of radiation dsmage in biaary crystale 19 1.5. Anneanling of radiation defects 21 Chapter 2. Change in the Pine Structnre and Properties of Refractory - Compounde uader Etfects of Ionizing Radiation 26 2.1. Damage to etracture 26 2.2. Stored-up energy 51 2.3. Change in phyaical propertiee 61 2.4. Change in mechanical propertias 75 _ Chapter 3. Me~croetructural Changes and Radiation Durability of Refractory Ccre~pounds. 94 3.1. Perturbation of neutron flus bq absorptive materiala 94 3.2. Neutron diffusion in an abeorptive medium 101 3.3. Accumulation of impurity atoms and gas swelling 109 3.4. Radiation aurability 115 _ Chapter 4. Phenamena Occnrring During Annealing o~ Irradiated Refractory Compounds �~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.s~~� 1~9 4.1. Stages of aaaealing and temperature pereistence of radiaCion defects 119 ~1.2. Recavery of fine QtrllC~Ll1'E 1z1 ' I8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 � _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4.3. Recwery of propertiea 129 - 4.4. Generation of gaseona fission prodncts 146 Conclasion 149 81bliOgraphy 1S1 GGPYSIGET: Atomizdat, 1979 [141-12184] iziea CSO: 1862 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROSPECTS FOR USING RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON BEAPiS IN INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES - Moscow VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian I1o I1, 1979 pp 57-68 [Article by Doctor of Technical Sciences Ye. A. Abramyan] [TextJ The tluxes of fast, accelerate~ electrons were used for the first time in engineering at the end of the last century to obtain x-radiation. Many properties of an electron beam high propagation rate, the possi- bility of high energy concentration, relative simplicity of generation and control today provide the basis for the operation of many instrumenta and devices. In certain cases accelerated electrons interact with matter, causing various useful effects: light emission (on a television screen), penetrating radiation (in the x-ray machines), heating and welding of metals (in the electronic welders). In other instruments the electron tubes and the devices for generating superhigh frequency emission the beam is used to transport energy, close electric circuits and other targets. The rapid development of nuclear engineering and technology during the postwar years has promoted the development of new methods of working materials based on the use of ~amma-quantum and accelerated charged particle fluxes. Obviously, one of the most developed methods of radiation technology at the present time is the use of a relativistic (having almost the speed of light) electron beam on matter. Interaction of Electrons and Matter The nature of the interaction of a fast-electron flux with matter in the general case depends on the energy and intensity of the beam and also the _ duration of the irradiation. With high beam density, heating and evapora- tion material can take place. If the intensity does not exc:eed several hundreds of watts per~.square meter, and the exposu~e time is on the order of 0.1 seconds, the temperature of the irradiated ~ta.terial rises insignifi- cantly, and ionization plays the primary role. The electron beams used for radiation treatment of products on an indus- trial scale havg~.the following characteristic parameters: an energy of 0.15 to 10 Mev, an average power of 3-150 kilowatts. In this energy range the electron energy losses in the matter take place basically as a 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 FOR OFFICrAL USE ONLY result of multiple collisions with orbital electrons of the atoms; for each collision the primary electron is repelled, and the bound electron - either separates from the atom or goea into orbit with greater energy. The tra~ectories of the primary electrons reaemble brownian motion although the displacement in the initial direction predominatea. Fig 1 ahows the tra~ectory of the electrons having an initial energy of 0.15 Mev in the ordinary atmosphere. In a material with high densitv, the theoretical picture of the electron transmission is retained, and only the scale of the image changes. Fig 2 shows the ionizatinn density distribution in the depths of the material in the electron energy range of 1-10 Mev. The determination of the thickness of the layer a in which the nonuniformity of the~.ionization density is +20% is of praa.tical interest. For unilateral irradiation of a material ~ith a density electrons having an energy E, a(cm)=0.33E(Mev)/p(g/cm and in the case of two-way irradiation a(cm)=0.8E(Mev)/p(g/cm3). CY S 0 I 2 0,8 d / -S ~ z 0~6 o ~ ~ 0,4 0 0,2 Zmax ~ 0,2 0,4 0,0 0,8 ~2`TonuiNNa warepNana,r/GM~.M3B ~ _~go 5 IO 15 , ZOcr Figure 1. Standard electron tra- Figure 2. Ionization density jectories with an initial energy of distribution of the material for 0.15 Mev emitted into the atmosphere one-way (1) and two-way (2) (calculated by the Monte Carlo method irradiation for room air temperature) Key: 1. Dosage, relative units 2. Thickness of the material, g/cm2=Mev 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 ~ v.� v~ ~ a~a~u~ uua~ VI~LL The unit of ineasure of the absorbed dosage of one rad corresponds to absorption in 1 g of the irradiated material with an energy of 100 ergs ' (or 1 Mrad-10 ~oules/g). Thus~ the irradiatton with a dosage of 25 Mrad of material with a density of p=1 g/cm~ lead:s to heating by 60�C. In order to eliminate the overheating of the material with large irradiation dosages it is performed in several steps. As is obvious from the presented relations, the relativistic electrons . have high penetrating capacity; in the atmosphere the maximum mean free path z~X of the electrons with an energy of 1 Mev is 3.8 meters; in water it is 4.3 mm. This makes it possible to emit a beam of electrons from an evacuated volume where acceleration takes place throu3h a thin ft~il into the air and machine parts directly in the atmospher.�e.l As the material for the emission windows, foil is used made from light metals titanium, aluminum and others; the thickness of the windows will usually be 15-100 microns. i,o a o,e m _ . 0 0 0 0 0,8 a ~ s m ~ ~ a a 0,4 m : m _ ~l~o.s 0 0 0,2 o,a o,e : z max Figure 3. Ratio of the most probable energy of the electrons passing through the material to the initial energy as a function of the thickness of the material. z~ is the depth of penetration of the electrons; the electron energy is 0.1 to 1 Mev, and the material is titanium Key: 1. Electron en~r~y, relative units lIn some cases in order to avoid oxidation of the materials, the irradia- tion zone is filled with inert gas most frequently nitrogen. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240090044-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 30 - i~ i i i i 25 i~ 1/~ i / ? - S 20 u ~ ' n / a~ ~ m ~ i 15 2 m / 7 ~ $ / . O 10 ~ _ s ~ ~1) i 3 5 ~ / 4 � ~ / ~ ' ~ ~r 4 8 6 10 l2~ 3HeprNA anenrpoNOa, M36 Figure 4. The conversion factor for conversian of the energy of the accelerated electrons into bremsstrahlung energy as a function of the electron energy for tungsten (1 and 2) and aluminum (3 and 4) targets. Curves 1 and 3 correspond to a total energy of the gamma- quantum f lux, 2 and 4, to the energy directed along the path of the beam. Key : 1. Conversion factor, % 2. Electron energy, Mev On passage of the electrons through the foil they lose part of their energy and are deflected from the initial direction. Both processes have a probability nature. Fig 3 shows the energy loss by the beam on passage of it through different layers of the material. As a rule, the electron losses in the emission window are 1-2% for energies of about 1 Mev and to 10-15% for an energy of 0.15 to 0.2 Mev. On bombardment from the irradiated products and on passage through the foil, the beam generates the secondary electron flux. With an increase in the energy of the primary flux, the probability of returning in the ~ opposite direction f or the primary or knock-on secondary electron - decreases. The greater part of the existing industrial units with electron beams have electron energy below 1.5 Mev. This eliminates the danger of the occurrence of residual radioactivity, the threshold energy of which exceeds � this level. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 , FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Radioactive isotopes created by bremsstrahlung Element 9Be 2H 127Y ~Li 81Br 14N 31p Threshold 1.67 2.23 9.8 9.8 10.7 10.65 12.35 energy, Mev Thus, the danger of the appearance of radioactivity becomes significant ~ only with an energy of 9-10 Mev. With an increase in the electron energy, the losses to bremsstrahlung increase (~ee Fig 4). With an E*�ergy on the order of 1 Mev, these losses - are negligibly small and they are not considered when calculating the energy balance of the irradiation process. With a beam energy of 4-6 Mev, the proportion of the energy converted to bremsstrahlung. is tens of _ ~ percer?tages. Therefore, the irradiation of the thick layers of the ; material with bremsstrahlung, the penetrating capacity of which is almost two orders higher than for the electrons, can become prof itable. A signif icantly different physical p icture occurs on interaction of an - intensive, concentrated electron flux with matter. The beams with an energy to 100-120 kev and the density of 104 to 106 - watts/cm2 have been industrially assimilated; they ar.e used for the welding and fusion of inetals in a vacuum or at reduced~pnessure. For ~ relativistic energies, the concentrat ed beam can be coupled out into the ~ atmospheLe and also used for the heat treatment of materials, The application of the beam as a tool for the treatment and destruction of rock is of interest. In particular, on irradiation by a pulse beam, - fast, adiabatic heating and cleavage of the rock take place; a significant ~ role is also played by the electric breakdown of the charge accumulated _ i.n the body of the material. When treating materials with an intense beam outside a vacuum, the basic problem is to maintain high energy intensity (on the order of 106 watts/cm2) a t a distance o f tens of centimeters from the emitting device. An obvious way of dec,reasing the beam dispersion is to increase the electron energy. ` However, according to the experimental papers which have appeared in , recent years,l the electron dispersion in the atmosphere decreases significantly both with an increase in intensity and an increase in the _ power of the beam. Obviously, heating of the air by the electron beam takes place, as a result of which the interaction cross section of the . electrons with the medium decreases in the channels formed. The analogous fact anomalously deep transmission of the electron beam into the metal also exists in the case of electron welding of inetals in a vacuum. � _ See: J. F. Lowry, B. W. Schumacher. "Extended Working Range for Elec- tron Beams in the Atmosphere," NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS, Vol 130~ 1975, p 577. ~ 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Industrial Radiation Processes With a certain measured irradiation, the destruction of the intramolecular bonds leads to the formation of new compounds with given properties. For variation of the structure of the materials usually significantly less energy is required than for the traditional technological processes. This fact is especially promoting the spread of radiation technology at the present time when the cost of oil and other ~nergy sources is increasing steadily. In a number of cases the application of ionizing radiation is the only possibility for obtaining a material with given properties. The most economically advantageous regions of application of the radiation are irradiation of live organisms (sterilization of inedical equipment, products, the control of insect pests) and the irradiation of polymers. There are two basic methods of varying the structure of polymers: cross- linking the formation of transverse bonds between adjacent molecules and destruction the rupture of principal chain of the molecule. In the fi~st case, the molecular weight increases and a spatial structure is formed; in the second case the of the molecule decreases. In both cases the physical properties of the materials f.ormed differ from the prop- _ erties of the initial products. Anather energy-advantageous class of radiation technology is the chairi reactions in which one act of initiation = of the chemical reaction leads to a change in many of the chemical bonds. i The standard radiation processes with electron accelerators which have become widespread at the present time are presented in the table. Industrial Applications of Intense Electron Beams with an Energy of More than 150 kev Process Ener , Mev Dosage, Mrad - Cross-linking of polyethylene 0.3-4 10-25 Production of thermo-shrinking polymer 0.3-4 10-25 - products Hardening of coating 0.15-0.5 2-50 Graft polymerization 0.3-2.5 1-30 Sizing of textiles 0.3-1.5 0.5-5 Manufacture of fiberglass 0.5-1 1-40 Vulcanization of rubber 0.5-10(15) 5-30 - Sterilization of inedical equipment 1-10 2_5 Treatment of waste water 0.5-4 0.05-1 The cross-linking of polyethylene is one of the first radiation processes mastered on industrial scale in our country and abroad. The spatial grid formed during the cross-linking decreases the fluidity and solubility of the polyethylene; the heat resistance and the impact tou~hness increase significantly. The high power of the radiation dosage which electron 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 r~u1t Ub~FTC1AL USE ONLY acceleraturs can support decreases the role of radiation oxidation of the irradiated polymers competing with the process of cross-linking and having a negative effect on the mechanical and electrical properties of the material. The cables with insulation made of radiation-modified poly- ethylene are used for higher current load; they retain their fitness for work for several hours at a temperature of 200 to 250�C and for hundreda of hours at 110�C. In an oxygen-free environment such insulation cgn be preserved for a long time at a temperature of 250 to 300�C. Another application of an irradiated polyethylene is based on the "memory effect": on heating products made of polyethylene and subsequent deforma-- tioii and then cooling in the deformed state the polyethylene can store its initial dimensions "in memory" for a long time. The heating of a product made from such a polyethylene at a temperature of 100�C returns - it to these dimensions. Radiation hardening of coatings i~~also one of the most widespread meth4ds based on the application of accelerated electrons. It includes the polymerization of monomers or low-molecular polymers, the crass-linking of polymers formed and the appearance of chemical bonds between the molecules of the coating and the base. In contrast to the cross-linking and the destruction for which the modification of the polymer molecules takes place, the process of polymerization of the monomers gives a chain reaction in which the series of chemical conversions is caused by a single act of ionization of excitation. In the case of radiation polymerization, contamination is absent, whereas for chemical polymerization, catalysts are used which remain in the polymer and have a negative effect on ifs qualitieso The prucess can take place at a temperature which is optimal for growth of the chains for any state of the material, including the solid phase. The costs of the radiation and ordinary hardening of the coatings are close, but in the first case higher thermal stability, mechanical strength and chemical strength are achieved. Explosion and fire danger in the - production process decrease. In the case of graft polymerization, one polymer is grafted to another undsr the effect of ionizing radiation. The molecules of the copolymer formed are different from both the grafted one and the base polymer. In contrast to the radiation hardening where the basic process is polymeriza- tion of the applied layer and bonding to the substrate plays a secondary role, in this case the formation of the copolymer is the principal effect. Radiation grafting can be accomplished in a thin surface layer and in the ~ body of the material. The treatment of fabrics with an electron beam promotes ,improvement of their use and operating qualities. Radiation grafting to textiles lends them chemical and antirotting strength, wrinkle-proofness, oil resistance. It lowers the capacity for accumulation of static electric charges, con- tamination, and so on. Here, various radiation-chemical processes are 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY used: cross-linking, destruction, graft polymerization, copolymeriza- tion, and so on. The process of manufacturing multilayered f iberglass obtained by impregna- tion of glass fabrics with a binder made of a mixture of polyester resin and vinyl monomer and copolymerization of them is similar to the radiation modification of the fabrics. The polymer material formed has ~ high chemical strength, high impact toughness and low density. The strength characteristics of the fiberglass obtained by the radiation method are appreciably higher than for the fiberglass manufactured by the thermo- chemical method. In the case of radiation of rubbei, pri.mary chemical bonds occur between the carbon atoms, and the spatial grid is formed which by comparison with the ordinary chemical vulcanization insures greater heat resistance, resistance to aging and deformation at high temperature, and wear resistance. For vulcanization of tire rubber which does not achieve vulcanization by the thermal process but is already capable of retaining its shape, the tire is irradiated with electrons with an energy on the order of 10 Mev. Irradiating the product in contact with a graftable monomer, it is possi- - ble to obtain rubbers of various versions. The gas-phase graft polymerization on the surfaces of fabrics and f ibers to increase their adhesion to the rubber is of interest. Obviously, this mei:hod can be used to increase the adhesion of the rubber to synthetic fabrics. Successf ul results have been obtained by vulcanizing extruded products made of silicone rubber and the manufacture of thin-walled.products. The primary advantage of radiation sterilization of products is the low energy expenditures. Thus, for sterilization under a dosage of 2.5 Mrads per gram of materials =.ix calories are absorbed, which corresponds to - heating of water by 6�C (in contrast to the usual sterilization by boiling). In practice all of the microorganisms receive a lethal dosage during the irradiation, and at the same time no chemical changes take place in the irradiated material. If it is necessary to keep the sterilized objects for a nrolonged time, they are GQaled azd then irradiated. The most wide- spread waterial for packaging is nolyethylene which is transparent for radiation and nonpermeable for bacteria. As a result of significant thickness of the irradiated products in many cases it is preferable to use bremsstrahlung or gamma radf:atibn. Some medical materials (for example, surgical threads), sterilized by radiation, have better characteristics than those treated by ordinary methods. For a number of years a study has been made of radiation sterilization of food products which permits meat, fish, berries and fruits to be stored for a long time at ordinary temperatures. However, the widespread use of this process is being held up as a result of the necessity for compre- hensive and prolonged checking of possible chemical changes in the part 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 rux ur~r'1c:LAL USE ONLY itself. The use of food products irradiated by a dosage of about 0.1 Mrad is permissible in many countries; the possibility of sterilization by doses of 2-S Mrads remains problematic. The process of disinfestation of grain irradiation of the grain stored loose with a dosage on the order of 0.1 Mrad in order to sterilize the insect pests is closer to realization. The radiation treatment of industrial waste and sewage is one of the methods ~f decreasing the environmental pollution. Under the effect of ionizing radiation, organic and other pollutants decompose. The processes _ of destruction, radiolysis and other processes improve the process of purifying waste water: the precipitation and coagulation are accelerated. The cost of the treatment increases in the case of combining radiation with chemical or physical agents or with biochemical purification. Obtain- ing ozone by radiation and then using it to purify water is of interest. In addition to the above-enumerated purposes of the application of electron accelerators they can obviously be used on a broad scale for the treatment of leather vroducts, the~pur~~ication of gaseous chlorine to remove hydrogen, atmospheric nitrogen fixation, irridiation of cuncrete and in a number of other cases. The application of a concentrated relativistic beam for the processing of ma~erials outside a vacuum still has not become widespread. For the weld- ing of inetal, individual devices are being used with a beam energy of about 0.15 Mev, a power on the order of tens of kilowatts and also experi- mental accelerators with an energy of about 1 Mev in the same power range. In the existing devices the beam diameter in the atmosphere near the emission device is 1-3 mm. Let us note that at the present time, in addition to high energy concen- tration in the pulse electron beam, record energy fluxes are obtained (to 2�1013 watts), and effective utilization of it is insured: the efficiency of the conversion of the energy to an electron flux and from the flux into matter reaches 60-90%. The application of the concentrated relativistic beams in industry is still being held up by technical complex- ity of their generation and signif icant radiation danger. Industrial Electron Accelerators The first devices of generating relativistic electron beams for applied purposes were based on the systems for accelerating particles used in research accelerators. Although the electron energy required by industry (0.15-10 Mev) is several orders below the energy attained on the best research devices (2�103 Mev), more rigid requirements are imposed on the industrial accelerators with respect to reliability and efficiency; in some cases the accelerators must have minimum size and weight. The tech- nological process w~ith the electron accelerator must insure cheaper pro- duction by comparison with other technological methods, including 28 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY with the irradiation by gamma quanta of an isotopic source. In the last 15 to 20 years, several new types of accelerato rs have been specially developed for industrial purposes, which has p ermitted the support of the - growing introduction of radiation technology. There are two classes of industrial devices; direct-action accelerators (with an energy to 3-4 Mev and a power to 200 k3.lowatts) and linear accel erators (with an energy of 3-10 Mev, and a power to 10 kilowatts). The d evices of thefirst class contain a high-voltage generator which generates a~voltage equal to the acceleration energy and an accelerator in which under the effect of this - voltage the electrons are accelerated in a potential electric field. Such _ devices convert up to 60-90X of the energy taken from the industrial net- - work to the energy of accelerated electrons. In linear accelerators, the high-frequency electric field is used,and the ab solute value of the high voltage of th~.structural elements is significantly lower; the efficiency does not exceed 5-10Y. The schematic diagram of a direct-action accel erator is shown in Fig 5, a. In addition to the accelerator and the high-vol tage generator the device contains a unit for discharge of the beam into the atmosphere. If the accelerator is designed for radiation treatmen t of materials, the intensity of the irradiation of the target (moving perpendicular to the figure) must be no more than 100-200 watts/cm?,~ ,and ~~,n order to increas~ the cross section:the beam is scanned by an alternating (5 0-5000 hertz) magnetic field-- in one or in two mutually perpendicular directions. The concentrated electron beam is emitted from a vacuum into the atmosphere through the through channel near which several vacuum pumps are installed which pump out the air which gets into it. I'or accelerator energies of 0.5 to 0.7 Nfev and higher the accelerators in the hign-voltage generator are in a single sealed volume (vessel) filled with electrically strong gas (a misture of nitrogen with SF6) ur~der a pressure of up to 15 kg/cm3. The electric strength of this gas medium under operating conditions is 150 to 300 kv/cm, which makes it possible to create high-voltage devices which are signif icantly more compact than the equipment with air insulation. Thus, the accelerators are functioning successfully on an energy of 1-1.5 Mev and a beam power of several kilo- watts in a vessel with a volume of less than 1 m3. For energies of 0.15 to 0.7 Mev the accelerator can be located at a d istance of several meters from the high-voltage generator, connected to it by a cable. This permits removal of the generator from the radiation-hazardous zone and a decrease in mass of the radiation shielding. - The most widespread accelerator is the accelerat ion tube (see Fig 5). The primary problem occurring on development of the tube is to insure electric strength with minimum length of the tube and maximum beam current. The reduction of the length of the tube increases the admissi.ble current ~ density (the perveance of the system), which, in turn, permits a decrease in the channel diameter in which the electrons ar e accelerated and the ~ overall diameter of the tube. In the existing tubes the electric field _ 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (4) BdnycHHOe ~ ~oHHo _ ~1) (2) (3~ 11N~eKTOp YcNOpnwuiee Paaeepraearouiee 06ny4aewaA ~ yCTpONCT80 yCTPOMCTBO 06b9HT ~ ~1fir'~~~ ~~~,,~t ~ ~5~ i ~ ~ ~ , . ~ BWCOHOBO11hiHNN f@:1CP8T0~7 ~ (6) ~ . ~ b Ha~~~~ C � ~11) BMCOH080JIbTHdii , aneKTpoq ~ ~ ~ HaMNIN /~11A yCHOPBHNA ~ ~ ~311QMTPOH08 HaTOq(1,2, ~ ~ ~ 3nenTpoqm ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ lO-tOO MHM ~ 0 0 ~1~~ . Figure 5. Direct-action accelerator. a-- schematic diagram of the accelerator, b-- schematic of a - compact multi-aperture tube, c-- cross section of the device with single�high-voltage gaps for the acceleration of a ribbon beam - Key: 1. Injector 7. Cathode 2. Accelerator 8. Channels for electron accelera- 3. Scanning device tion 4. Discharge opening 9. Electrodes - S. Irradiated target 10. 10-100 microns 6. High-vo~'.tage generator .11. High-voltage electrode 12. Cathode gradient is no more than 2-3 MV/m; the constancy of the gradient ~s insured by intermediat2 electrodes, the potential on which is maintained by an external voltage c:ivider (not shown in the figure). The most vulnerable sections for breakdown are the surface of the insulator in the vacuum and through cilannel on the tube axis in which the electrons move. Acceleration and breeding of secondary particles can occur in the 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY channel, Zeading to the formation of an avalanche and, as a result, to breakdown of the tube. The processes causing tube breakdown still have not been subjected to calculation. The basic methods of increasing the fitness of the acceleration tube are elimination of the losses on trans- mission of the basic accelerator beam in the acceleration channel, attenua- Cion of the secondary particle flux and also the use of protective spark gaps laced between the electrodes. One of the methods of increasing the electric gradient and miniaturization of the tube obviously is smaller sectioning of it (to spacing between the electrodes of tens of microns instead of the centimeters used today) and acceleration of the electrons in many small-diameter parallel channels (see Fig 5, b).1 It has been discovered experimentally that many of the _ insulating media in micron gaps are capable of withstanding a static - electric field with an intensity on the order of 1 MV/cm, and the problem consists in insuring these gradients in a multilayer structure in the presence of many openings for electron acceleration. Another version of the accelerator is used to generate a ribbo.n electron beam with an euergy to 200-300 kev (see Fig 5, c). Here the voltage is applied to a single unsectioned vacuum gap; the average gradient of the electric field is 15-25 kv/cm. The optoelectronic properties of the system insure the required cross section of the electron flux without the scanner. Unfartunately, with an increase in voltage in such systems it is necessary signiticant~.y to reduce the gradient of the electric field, which leads to a decrease in perveance and an increase in the dimensions of the devices. The leading active studies in many laboratories of the mechanism of vacuum breakdown obviously permit the voltage level to be raised in such devices. The high-voltage generators of direct-action industrial accelerators differ signif icantly from the devices for increasing the voltage used in electrical engineering. As a rule, significantly higher voltages are required here but lower powers than in the power electrotechnical systems. In addition, the high-voltage generators of industrial accelerators which generate voltage of more tha.n 0.5 to 0.7 MV must be placed inside a radiatior, shielded facility and, consequently, be sufficiently complex. Whereas the voltage generated by high-voltage electrotechnical sources is released into fhe atmosphere, in the industrial accelerators all of the elements under voltage usually are located in an insulating medium which is significantly better than the air compressed gas, oil or a vacuum. 1See: E. A. Abramyan, B. A. Altercop, G. D. Kuleshov. "Microsecond Intensive E-beams," REPORT ON THE 2ND INTERN. TOPICAL CONF. ON HIGH POWER ELECTRON AND ION BEAM, RESEARCH AND TECIiNOLOGY, Ithaca, USA, 1977. 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 rux urr~l~tA1. U5~ ONLY The basic principles used for high-voltage generation are mechanical charge transport, single-step transformation and staged voltage increase. - The charge transport by a moving belt is the basis for operation of one of the first high-voltage sources the electrostatic generator (van de Graaf _ generator). In the latest devices of this type a potential of about 30 MV has been reached. Versions of this system include the palletrons in which the charge is transported by a chain and the rotary generators. The essential deficiencies of electrostatic generators are low power (no more than several kilowatts) and the presence of moving parts. The three -phase step-up transformers have in practice unlimited poss3;bi1- ities for increasing the generated power. As a rule, in such devices an _ increase in voltage is combined with rectification. In certain generators. the rectifying elements are.desigaed for ~h~ total voltage; in others, the secondary winding is made up of many sections, each of which has rectifying elements. In some devices a continuous magnetic circuit is under ground potential, the insulation between the primary and secondary windings and other elements of the generator is provided by gas gaps or - solid insulation, in others the magnetic circuit is separated into individual elements insulated from each other. At the present time in a number of lal~qratortes high-voltage generators are being developed on the basis of the three -phase transformers for a voltage on the order of 1 MV and a power of 1 Mwatt . In the power range from 10 to 100 kilowatts, several versions of the single-phase systems are used: the stage generators, the pulse trans- formers with high repetition frequency, electronic transfiormers, and so on. One of the models of the industrial accelerators is the high-frequency resonator in which the high voltage is generated, and the electron accelera- tion.takes place in a potential field. The linear electron accelerators contain a waveguide in which the high- frequency field with a traveling wave is created. The wave propagation rate at each point corresponds to the speed of movement of the accelerated electrons. Beginning with an energy of 2-3 Mev, the electron velocity changes little, and the waveguide structure becomes constant. j~ith some approximation it can be considered that with an increase~�in the energy of the accelerated particles, the rate and the cost of the linearaccelerators increase proportionately to the first power of the energy, and the direct- action accelerators, to a power of 2.5-3. The latter is connected with the fact that with an increase in the absolute pdtential on the structural elements in all three directions, the length of the high-voltape gaps and insulators increases. Trends in the Development of Process Units with Electron Beams Simultaneously with the expansion of the sphere of use of the electron beams, the power and the output capacity of the radiation devices increase. 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Whereas in the first industrial accelerators the power of the beam was units of kilawatts, in the near future it is necessary to expect the appearance of devices with a power of about 1000 kilowatts (see Fig 6). With an increase in power, the cost of the beam energy and, consequently, the cost of irradiation decreases, On the one hand, this makes the more energy-consuming radiation processes profitable, and on the other hand, it permits conversion to ir.radiation of massive products by bremsstrah}.ung generated on the internal target of the accelerator. ~ 300 ' m ~ : ~ i 250 I T ' C Y ' i V Z~~ O 2 ~ O ~ 150 ~1~ ioo 50 1950 1955 1960 1985 1970 1975 1880 ~2 ~~Ad Figure 6. Growth of the power of industrial aevices Key: 1. Power in the beam, kilowatts 2. Years It must be noted that at the present time U�S� industry is using 230 accelerators with a::otal power of 2000 kilowatts and 60 isotopic sources; the cost of r~.~terials treated with ionizing radiation exceeds $1 billion per ;Jea�r,i It is poasible to expect that the powers of the devices and tk~e scale of their application will increase significantly as a resul.i of the assimilation of radiation treatment of waste water and the application of concentrated beams in mining and metallurgy. The use of radiation to treat textiles, paints and varnishes (including automobile parts) and to sterilize food have great potential possibilties. In addition to the creation of reliable accelerators and the irradiation technology, in a number of cases it is necessary to overcome a psycholog- ical ba~rier connected with the usual idea of radiation, the measured application of which for technological purposes presents no danger. 1See: J. Silverman, "Current Status of Radiation Processing." REPORT ON THE 2ND INTERN. MEETING ON RADIATION PROCESSING, 1978, Miami, USA. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 r�ox ur�r'LCIAL USE ONLY i - � ;C~ ~ ~ - ~ . - , ~ '?E: 4 ~ ` ti~. � . . ~f . . ~,N, , 13~1 ~ � r,~Y.~Si ".w~ i . ~ '4 v~`, t'Fr`. i ~ ~ s . ~ ~ ~ ~ % r " % ! / ' % . , . ~.~.e..�,.,, . ~ ~ , y.. ~ ; . ..~.~i~+i: ~ y.: I ~ ~1~~~~ ~ ~ ~ :..e M ~ t . :3 ' 4r Figure 7. Irradiation zone of the first Soviet industrial device for electron beam treatment of polyolifene cable insulation In the more distant future intense relativistic electron beams can be used to transmit energy, and the synchrotron:electron emission~ for technological purposes. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stov "Nauka," "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR," 1979 [8144/1133-10845] 10845 CSO: 8144/1133 34 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY PROCEEDINGS OF THE MOSCOW POWER ENGINEERING INSTITUTE, TOPICAL COLLDCTION, _ PHYSICAL OPTICS Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA, TEMATI- CI~SKIY SBORNIK, FIZICHESKAYA OPTIKA in Russian No 426, 1979 pp 2, 81-86 (Annotation and abstracts from the collection "Trudy moskovskogo ordEna Lenina energeticheskogo instituta, tematicheskiy sbornik, fizicheskaya optika" edited by Doctor of Physicomathematical Sciences, Professor V. A. Fabrikant, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, 86 pages] [Text] The collection contains theoretical papers carried out at the De- partment of Physics of I~+~I [Moscow Power Ehgineering Institute) during 1977- 1978 and joined by a common theme--investiqation of optical phenomena in cavities, gaseous and solid-state media. Investigations of the statistical properties of the electromagnetic field occupy a significant position. The statistics of radiation reflected from an atomic gas filling a half-space are considered. Nonlinear phenomena in scattering of an electron beam in the f~eld of a strong electromagnetic wave are analyzed. The kinetics of radiation during free-free transitions are investigated. The effect of resonances on the threshold intensity of radiation upon optical breakdown in a gas is analyzed. The method of integral equations and the method of beam matrices are compared in papers devoted to calculation of phenomena in optical cavities and the new criterion of the stability of optical cavities - is introduced. The problem of the boundaries of applicability of the dif- fusion theory of photon transport in solid-state photocells is considered. The collection may be useful for specialists in optics and quantum radio physics. UDC 535.31 The Stability of Arbitrary Spherical Cavities, Ye. F. Ishchenko and G. S. Ramazanova. It is shown that the traditional geometric condition of stability loses its significance for cavities containing an active medium or diaphragms with 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 rvn vrrtl.irw U~C~ U1VLY - transverse amplification (absorption) inhomogeneity. The criterion of stability--attenuation of the natural fields with unlimited separation from the cavity axis--is proposed. The calculating apparatus which per- mits an estimate of stability ia presented. The possibility of reciprocity of stability for counterwaves in a circular cavity is shown. ~ UDC 535.31 The Applicability of Huygens Principle to Calculation of Cavities Contain- ing a Weakly Inhomogeneous Medium, G. S. Ramazanova. The applicability of the method of integral equations to calculation of the natural waves of cavities containing a weakly inhomogeneous medium is checked by comparison to the method of beam matrices, which follows from the wave equation. It is shown that both methods yield an identical result in approximation of i.nfinite apertures. UDC 621.378 ~ Methods of Calculating the Effects of Misalignment of Open Optical Cavities, Ye. F. Reshetin. It is suggested that the effects of arbitrary misalignment of a linear sym- metrical cavity be calculated as the sum of the effects occurring due to symmetxical and antisymmetrical inclinations of the mirrors. The limits of the applicability of this approximation are estimated. Calculation of dif- fraction losses yields the greatest error; shifting of the field on mir- - rors and variation of the phase-lead with misalignment coincide with exact calculations. UDC 621.378 The Effects of Misalignment of Open Optical Cavities, Ye. F. Reshetin. The main trends in variation of diffraction losses, phase lead and shifting and distortion of the electromagnetic field on the mirrors of linear sym- metrical cavities during misalignment are studied by computer calculation. Some anomalies caused by field distortion on the mirror edges are determined. UDC 535.14 ~ Relaxation of the Statistical Characteristics of Radiation in A Resonance Cavity, B. A. Veklenko. The time moments of the photon density matrix, which describes the evolu- tion of the electromagnetic field due to instantaneous variation of the Q-�actor of the resonance cavity, are found in analytical form. The cal~cu- lations are based on iteration of the control equation found in the paper, which takes into account the fast time-variable processes and is related to integral differential equations. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240090044-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 535.14 The Statistical Properties of Radiation Coherently Reflected From a Half- Space, B. A. Veklenko. The evolution of the photon density matrix during resonance reflection from an atomic gas filling a half-space is considered. It is shown that the statistical properties of the reflected radiation are described by binomial distribution whose parameters are determined by Fresnel formulas. UDC 621.383.52 ~ The Collection Coeff icient in Phbtocells ~;ith Thin Front Layer, A. M. _ Vasil'yev and I. I. Z~ukhov., - Collection carriers in photocells with front layer thickness comparable to the length of the free path of the carriers generated by short-wave _ light is considered. It is shown that use of diffusion theory in photo- cells with very thin layers is incorrect. The probability method of calculation, possible in this case, is presented. The values for collection of carriers are compared to those found from diffusion theory. UDC 537.531.2 Damping Processes in a Bichromatic Field, A. K. Lebedev. Derivation of the kinetic equation of the evolution of an electromagnetic wave of arbitrary intensity upon interaction with an electron beam injected into a rarified plasma is presented. The plasma is under the effect of a second wave of arbitrary intensity. The case of damping processes with Coulomb scattering is considered. Z'he formulas are generalized for the case of several external waves and also for the case of a nonmonochromatic wave. The kinetic equation for the density matrix of bremsstrahlung in the _ field of an external classical wave is found. UDC 537.531.2 Amplification of a Weak Wave During Bremsstrahlung of an Electron Beam in a Rarified Plasma in the Field of a Strong Electromagnetic Wave, A. K. Lebedev. The nonlinPar amplification factor of bremsstrahlung in the field of an ex- ternal classical wave is analyzed. It is shown that the amplification, fac- tor is classical and differs qualitatively from the case of a very strong - second wave in expansion of a second wave in intensity. Formulas for dif- ferent cases of electron injection are discussed. Amplification of the - radiation is suppressed for short-acting potentials. - 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 rvn vrrtl.ltw UJC, ULVLY UDC 535.14 ~ The Density Matrix of Subsystems Under Thermodynamic Equilibrium Conditions, B. A. Veklenko. A regular method of calculating subsystems (for example, a photon gas) which generally interacts strongly with its own environment under thermo- - - dynamic equilibrium conditions is proposed. The method is based on a com- _ bination of generalized quantum Green functions and Matsubari temperature technique. _ UDC 533.9.01 The Spectra of Many~Electron Systems in a Dense Medium, L. L. Podlubnyy. The variational pri~ci,,pp.eiis used for theoretical�description of strong interac*ion of many-electron systems (atomic and ionic) with a thermostat (plasma). The energy of the ground state of the system is calculated. The formalism of functional integrals and Feynman integrals from electron tra- jectories in random fields is used to describe electron behavior in a dense medium. UDC 539.18 Calculation of the Potential Curves by the Model Potential Method, I. V. Avilova. Wave functions of Fuss's model atomic notential were used to calculate single-electron two-center integrals which are used in calculating the paremeters of two-atom molecules and the characteristics of atom-atom in- _ teraction. It is shown that the model potential in the form of Fuss's atomic potential leads to comparatively simple expressions suitable for - mass calculations. UDC 533.9 The Theory of Resonance Optical Breakdown of Gases, V. A. Kas'yanov and A. N. Starostin. - A quantum kinetic equation is found for electrons in a plasm:, in the field of an intensive electromagnetic wave during photon resonance of radiation ~ with energy qf,some ~tomic (molecular) transition. The instantaneous and adiabatic activation of the field and the saturation mode are considered. Estimates af the reduction of the threshold intensity during resonance op- tical breakdown compared to the nonresonance case are presented. 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 532.537.226 The Ratio of Relaxation Times foz Strongly Polar Fluida,V.P. Kobelev and M. S. Checheybayev. ~ Experimental data for the relaxation times of strongly polar fluids are ana- lyzed. A.~relation is found to estimate the microscopic relaxation times for strongly pblar.fluids from measurements of the macroscopic relaxation time and permeabilities based on a new expression of the local field. The calcu- lating data are in good agreement with experimental data. UDC 537.531.2 An Equation for the Density Matrix of High-Intensity Bremsstrahlung, G. B. _ Tkachu?; . An expression is derived for the density matrix of bremsstrahlung. The equation takes into account photon-electron interaction in all orders of per- turbation theory. Electron i.nteraction with scattering cenf~ers is de- s~ribed in Born approximation. Taking into account many-photon~-processes _ is necessary when considering the interaction of high-intensity radiation ~ with the plasma. - UDC 537.531.2 The Effect of Shielding the Coulomb Potential On Bremsstrahlung Amplification , of a Monoenergetic '~lectron Beam, A. K. Lebedev. The effect of shielding..on the polarization-frequency characteristics of the bremsstrahlung of a=monoenergy electron beam ir. a plasma is considered. Suppression of amplification with an increase of shielding and also disap- pearance of the anomaly in weakly linear amplification is shown. Graphs of the dependence of radiation polarization and the amplification factor as a function of frequency for different values of the shielding parameter from zero to infinity are presented. COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1979 [146-6521] 6521 CSO: 1862 ' 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY THERMODYNAMICS ~ UDC 536. 48 POROUS MATERIALS IN CRYOGSNIC BQUIPI~NT Kiask PORISTYYE MATBBIALY V 1CRIOGBNNO~Y T8I~IIRB (Porous Msterials in Crpogenic Equip~ant) in aassian 1979 sigaed to pres� 2 Nov 79. pp 2, 221 [Aaaotation and table of coateota fYOi book by Laow~rd Leoaidwich Vaail'yev, Galina Ivanovaa Bobrova~ Svetlaas Aleksandrovna Tanayeva; Naaka i Tekhnika, 1,040 copies~ 224 pages] [Tezt] This book aza~i.nes original de~igns of cryogenic equipment Mhich utilise porous el~senta: cryogeais heat tubes, st~an chamb~rs, porous nozzles~ porous cryogeaic coadnctor~, pe~row csqog~nic intakas, etc. It prea~.nts reo~ilts of a=pesi~ental stndiss of heat eschsage in porous crqogeaic ubl~ aad poroas cond~etors and the thermo-phpsical character- istica of structnral and thatsal-insulating sat~rials in crpogenic equip~oent in tbe 10-400�R temp~rature spectrua. It analyzes results of studiee of theraal proparties of poroas thermal in~ulatioa and po~ders over a broad tesparature spectrun in operational uee. Structural = materiala axa pYesented in the forn of various polymeric�compo~ition~. This book is intended for ~orkers in scientific research institutes, planning organiz~tions and design bureaas and engineeriug-tachnical workera, uaivareity atudents and post-graduate studenta. Tab les - 30. IlZnstrationa - 46. Bibliographical entries - 249. Contents Page Introdnction .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� 3 - Chap ter 1~ Stractural C~aractaristics of Cspillary-Porous Bodiee 7 , 1.1. Heat pach~g~,in the oresence of phase traneition on poroue sad developed heating surface 15 : 1.2. Heat exchange aad ra~iataace in a porous body with filtration of liqaid aith phase tranaition 41 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094444-2 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Cbapter 2. Pornua Heat Exchaagars in Cryogenic Equipment 63 2.1. ,Cryogenic;~electrical transaission lines 63 2.2. S~toerconducting solestoide 71 2.3. Cooling of crpogeuic electrical tranemisaion liaee 73 2.4. Poroua conductors 97 2.5. Low--te~peratura seaeoPS 99 2.6. Crpogenic heat tubes 103 Chapter 3. Thermo-physical Propertiea of Structural and Thermal- inaulation Hateriale in Cryogenic Eqaipment 116 3.1. Mathode for mfasurea~nt of thereo-physical characterietics in the 4.2-400'R teanperature spectrum 116 3.2. Calculation aud eaperin~ental atudy of tharmo-phyeical properties of pocoue nstarisls 135 3.3. Calcnlation and e~,periaeatal study of thermo-phqeical propertias of poly~eric materiale 148 Bibliography 210 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka i tekhnika", 1979 [143-12184J 12184 CSO: 1862 END - 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090044-2