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APPROVEE3 FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RE3P82-00850R000200060021-O 18 MRRCH 1980 ~ Hi- ~ (FOUO ar$e) 1 aF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICI.A1. l'SE ONLti' - JPRS L/8980 18 March 1980 - East Europe Report - SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS (FOUO 4/80) , FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-langu2;,e sources - are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets iJ are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Exce=pt] in the first line of each item, or following the _ , last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- matian was summarized or extracted. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques� tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but havs been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an _ item originate with the source. Times with in items are as given by source. _ The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. I'or further information on report content call (703) 351-3060. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE 0NLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 ' . - - - v~~+r� JPRS L/8980 18 March 1980 EAST EUROPE REPORT $CIENTIFIC AFFAIRS (FOUO 4/80) CONTENTS PAsE CZECHOSLOVAKIA Impact of NC, Microprocessor Technology on Machine Tool Industry ' (Ivan Krsiak, STROJIRENSKA VYROBA, various dates) 1 Digital Semiconductor Technology � Machine Tool Industry Microprocessor - Applications ~ Control Systems in CSSR, CEMA - a - [IiI - EE - 65 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECHOSLWAKIA IMPACT OF NC, MICROPROCESSOR TECHNOLCGY ON MACHINE TOOL INDUSTRY Digital Semiconductor Zechnology Prague STROJIRENSKA JYROBA in Czech No 8, Aug 79 pp 633-639 [Article by Ivan Krsiak, Research Institute for Machine Tools and Machining Processes, Prague: "Progress in Digital Microelectronics and Its Impact on Machine Tcols Automation"(part 1)] [Text] For the past 20 years numerically controlled (NC) machines have been used for the automatian of small-scale and intermediate-scale mass production. But up until recently NC machines accounted for only a small percentage of the total output of machine tools. But in conjunction with the strides that have been made in the development and application of microprocessor technology we are now witnessing a real boom in the produc- tion and installation of NC machines. It is to be expected that during the 1980's the application of microprocessors will play a crucial role in determining the technical quality, utility and marketability of most machine tools. This three-part article is intended to serve as an i.ntroductory discussion of the development of digital microelectronics and their impact on the - automation of machine tools. In part one we will be talking about current trends in the devFlopment df digital semiconductor technology with special reference to microprocessors and memory units. Part two will give an account of the impact of th$s technology on the machine tools industry, and part thrF-e will be devoted to a discussion of the current state-of-the art in the ~ievelopment of CNC systems and microprocessors in che CEMA countries snd the CSSR. The Development of Digital 3emiconductor Technology The development of semicondur_tor technology got under way in 1948 when the three inventors Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain published their find- ings on the theory and design of the type-A transistor. This work laid the groundwork for the development of transistors, which eventually _ 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY replaced the vacuum electron tube. The results of research work in the ' field of solid-state physics and the opPortunities opened up by develop- ments in precision mechanics, optics and photochemistry paved the way for the transition to a new and qualitatively nigher stage in the field of electronics, i.e., the emergence of the science of microelectronics. The first digital integrated circuits were introduced in 1961. These circuits _ combined several transistors (now numbering in the thousands) on a single silicon chip. The discovery of the multiemitter transistor structure in 1965 and its use in the design of TTL-type integrated circuits opened the way for the rapid development of the microelectronics field and led to the production of increasingly more complex integrated circuits. While the SSI (small-scale integration) integrated circuits developed during the period 1965-1970 made it possible to mount, say, a counter or adder on a single board, the development of MSI (medium-scale intPgration) circuits made it possible to mount a simplified processor on a single board. LSI (large-scale integration) circuits, which went into production starting in 1974, make it possible tc :iount an entire computer, including a micro- processor, memory unit and input/output circuits, on the same board. Cur- rent development work has brought things to the point where it is possible to incorporate all of these circuits into a single integrated circuit, the so-called single-chip microcomputer. These efforts have culminated in the development of VLSI (very-large-scale integration) circuits. _ The growth in the scale of circuit integration together with the refinements that have been made in the physical properties of integrated circuits is illustrated in Table l. Table 1. Advances in the Level of Integration of Digital Circuits 1; 4', ~ 1950-1965 I 1965-1970 I 1970-1971 1974-1978 I dallt vyvoJ I Stupe7i integrace ` disouEbskretni stky 5 I / ~ S51 I M51 I LSI VLSI Potae tranzldor3 h t 6~ t~2mm~ 8 1~~~ ) 5-10 mm= 9) 1000-1mm~ 20-0 l 10) > ipu a Ploc SouESstka odpory hrodla bitata mikroprxewry mlkropodttale konden:btory invertory registry L51 pamitl diody klopne obvody 4bitov6 sEitaeka tronziatory sesilovaae Key: 1) Scale of integration 2) Number of transistors 3) Surface area of chip 4) Component 5) Discrete components 6) resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors 7) gates, inverters, flip-flop circuits, amplifiers 8) counters, registers, 4-bit adders 9) microprocessors, LSI memory units 10) microcomputers 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL� These rapid strides that were made in the development of semiconductor technolog;, are largely attributable to the dev2lopment of the technology required for the production of integrated ci.rcuits. Table 2 gives a com- parative breakdown of the characteristics of the most important technolo- gies developed in recent years. '1'able 2. Quality Ratings of t}ie Characteristics of the Most ImportaA~ Technologies tised in the Production o� Integrated Circuits ])Technologle - g IPoibrnr 9) unipoiarnr I Vlastnost TTL ECL Itl P-MOS N�MOS C�MQS Hustota 2 I integrace 3 1 2 2 1 2 Rychlost 3~ 2 1 2 4 J 3 SpotFaba anergis J 4 2 2 2 1 Odolnost protl ruieni ~ 3 4 3 2 2 1 Vjrrobni ndkl dy 3 3 2 i 2 2 v/ 1 valmi dobrd].o)TTL @ TranzisWr - Tran:istor - Logic 2 dobrd l~ ECL = Emitter Coupled Logle 3 uspokojiv 2~ I=L = Integrated InJectlon Loyle 1 ipatn6 13 P-MOS = P- Channal MOS N�MOS = N - Channal MOS C-MOS = Complementary MOS � Key: 1) Characteristic 8) bipolar 2) Integration density 9) unipolar 3) Speed 10) 1-- very good 4) Energy consumption 11) 2-- good 5) Reliability 12) 3-- satisfactory 6) Production costs 13) 4-- poor - 7) Technology - Depending on the transistors that are used, the production technologies are classified basically as being either bipolar (TTL, ECL, I2L) or uni- polar (PMOS, NMOS, CMOS). While in the case of bipolar transistors the current is shared by carriers of both polarities (negative electrons and positive holes), in unipolar transistors the current is generated by charges of only one polarity (positive holes in PMOS and faster negative electrons in NMOS). Bipolar integrated circuits are characterized by a higher function performance speed, whereas unipolar MOS circuits can be manufactured more easily and permit extremely high integration densities. In most cases LSI circuits (microprocessors, RAM and ROM memory units and - input-output circuits) are still being manufactured by means of the PMOS and NMOS technology, and in this connection the NMOS technology is now most prevalPnt due to its higher speed of function. The CMOS technology, as a special case represented by the combination of the PMOS and NMOS technologies, is marked by a high interf erence resis- tance rating an3 by an extremely low power consumption rate, even chough relatively few LSI circuits are now being produced using this technology. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1JI,Y ~ = The most advanced technology cited in Table 2 is _he I'"L technology, which combines the advantages of the TTL (high speed) and MOS (easier production and high integration density) technologies and which is there- fore considered to be very pmnistng. The increased density of integration has been accompanied by faster func- tional speeds, a development which is mainly attributable to the reduction of parasite capacities and the shortening of signal paths as a result of the smaller geometric dime-.isions of the component parts. GivPn the - smaller dimensions of transistors and their connecting wires, the size and width of which naw vary on the order of micromillimeters, light diffraction problems naw have to be taken inCo account during exposure. 7'his is wliy exposure to electron or X-ray beams is now being used more and more fre- quently for the production of VLSI circuits. Beam lithography is making it possible to manufacture structures that are smaller than 1 micromilli- meter. It goes without saying that Che transition from photolithography to beam lithography will fo?-ce components manufacturers to make consider- able capital outlays amounting to milliotis of U.S. dollars. Since the development of integrated circuit production technologies has been accompanied by a steady increase in chip surface area, it can reason- ably be expected that the predictions will come true which hold that by 1980 the density of integration per chip will amount to 106 transistors, by 1990--108 transistors per chip, and by 200.0--1010 transistors per chip. In the future this scale of integration will make it possible to design complex computational and control systems which by virtue of the func- tions they can perf orm will begin to approximate the complexity of ths functions performed by the human brain. Even though we do not necessarily agree with thQSe bold predictions, it is certainly to be expected that in the not too distant future it will be possible to construct an entire con- trol system for a machine-too.t consisting of a few command-controlled inte- grated circuits supplemented by appropriate control and readout elements. In the next section of this article we wi11 give a more detalled descrip- tion of the two most important categories of LSI and VLSI circuits, i.e., memory units and microprocessors. Memory Units The first breakthrough involved the integration of more than 1,000 tran- sistors on a single silicon chip in memory circuits (see Figure 1) with uniform structures and requiring relatively few housing leads. This re- sulted in the development of the first random access memory units (RAM) which were manufactured according to either unipolar or bipolar engineer- _ , ing designs. One disadvantage of the RAM memory unit is that information is lost when the power feed is shut off. A little bit later on atatic memory units (ROM-read-only memories) were developed with an unalterable data store which can only be read, but these memory units did not lose 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFF~CiAL USE ONLY recorded informatinn when the pawer is removed from the system. For this reason ROM-type memories are used as ma:.ories for discrete and unalterable control programs, while RAM-type memories are used as memories for the storage of data which needs to be altered. In the control of machine tools RAM memories are used, for example, to insert programs for the kinds of pieces to be machined, for tool adjustment values, for start- ing-point adjustments, and so on, while RGM memories are used tc set up control programs for system operating modes, for determining the way in which workpiece machining programs are Lo be edited, for position plotting, for controlling feed drive, and so on. Every RAM meinory consists of a series of individual memory elements which , assume a position of either logic-0 or logic-1. Depending on the design used, memories are distinguished by the time it takes to access informa- tion and by the density of inemory-element integration, which in 1978 reached the point of 64k memory word locations (1k=1,024). The evolution of access time, integration density and relative costs per memory bit is described in Figures 2, 3 and 4. / ' Figure 1. Chip microstructure of an Intel 2107 dynamic RAM memory with a capacity of 4,096 x 1 bit. In 1974 this memory virtually brought the era of ferrite memories to an end. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL 14SE ONLY 5M, .101,~n:�.'1 ~ ~ Jk I ~ -2114 - - 4k ~ fA7j- - - ~ ~k 2115 ~ Sp 15 Key: 1) data access time [ns] Ik ~ 10 - - Sk 1) ~ 2i r9in n x 76 2 v Figure 2. Evolution of data access time in static RAM memories g ~ Key: 1,1 number of transistors ~ per chip ~ 2) (chip surface area) Wal 24 1 Figure 3. Evolution of integration density in dynamic memories Key: relative costs per bit Figure 4. Evolution of relative costs per bit of inemory unit capacity 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RAM memory units are classified as being either static or dyniimic memorieti. While the memory element of a static memory unit conslsts of rit least two transistors, which form a flip-flop circuit (normally comprising 4 tran- sistors and 2 resistors or 6 transistors), all that is needed to create a dynanic memory is a single transistor which is energized by a charged or discharged capacitor. For this reason, a dynamic memory unit is character- ized by a higher degree of integration density and a lower power consumption rate; but one disadvantage of these kinds of inemory units is that they have to be periodically refreshed in order to retain information stored in the capacitor (e.g., every 2 ms). RAM-type CMOS memory units have recently appeared on the market that have extremely low power input requirements (usually on the order of microamperes per memory element). T.n the event of a power loss these memory units can be energized by batteries which can comperisate for a power outage over a _ period of several days without any loss of recorded information. ROM memory units are programmed by the manufacturer to suit the applica- tion needs of the customer during the actual productian.procP.s (as a rule by using the so-called final mask). Programmable ROM memor units can be programmed one time by the user, e.g., by "blowing" the bridge link in a given memory element by means of current impulses of sufficient magnitude. Both types of inemory units cannot be reprogrammed. In order to be ab le to do this it is necessary to have an Erasable Pro- grammable Read Only Memory unit (EPROM) whose information content can b e erased, after the link is placed into an open condition, by means of ultraviolet light irradiation within a few minutes and then reprogrammed. The use of an ROM memory unit is advisable only when a larger number of pieces (more than 1,000) are being produced, for only then does it become economical to fabricate the relatively expensive mask which is used to determine the amount of information to be recorded. When a smaller number of pieces are being produced it becomes convenient to use PROM or, more often, EPROM memory units, whose principal advan- tages are related to the alleviation of the programming workload. An innovdL-on in the field of static memory units is represented by the development of Electrically Alterable PROM memory units (EAPROM), which without being removed from the board can be first erased and then repro- grammed by means of an electric signal. The entire function lasts just a few ms. Insofar as the user is not concerned about this relatively long time span, EAPROM memories combine the advantages of RAM and ROM memory units (the feasibility of on-board reprogramming and the retention of information in the event of a power loss). As is shown by Figures 2, 3 and 4 the evolution of semiconductor memory circuits is headed toward a further increase in integration density and, 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY therefore, toward an i.mprovement in their parameters. In 1978 the VLSI threshold was crossed with the development of a dynamic RAM memory unit w ith a capacity of 64k bits (the Texas Instruments TMS 4164 memory). Using this memory unit it is possible to mount an operational memory w ith a storage capacity of 1MB (8 x 106 bits) on a single cirruit board costing anywhere from 20,000 to 28,000 dollars. In order to build an o perational memory unit with this capacity rating it was necessary up until very recently to make room, say, in an IBM 360 computer for sev- eral fer.rite-core memory boxes with substantial?y inferior functional p roperties. Microprocessors In the wake of the successe5 that were scored in the development of tech- " nologies for the production of semiconductor memories leading manufactur- ers were attracted by the idea of starting with the large-scale integration - of arithmetic and control circuits which heretofore had been realized in the form of small- and medium-scale integration circuits in the central processing units of computers. The first microprocessor was developed in 1971 as a byproduct of the unsuccessful development ot a circuit for computer imaging units. It was a t that tim e that the still not-so-well-known firm Intel introduced the world's first four-bit microprocessor onto the market. Since 1971 the d evelopment of microprocessors has moved ahead by leaps and bounds, many n ew manufacturers have entered the market, new technologies have been d eveloped, and word-position length has been lengthened from 4 to 16 bits, even though the Intel firm still outranks all other manufacturers as the world's leading producer in this field. The development of microprocessors was made possible above all by the development of new MOS-type technologies which are needed for the pro- duction of high-capacity semiconductor memory circuits and more complex types of calculators. I t was on this basis that it proved to be possible to design a universal computing system which affords a broader range of _ application potential than even the most refined calculator. In the case of microprocessors it proved to be possible to transfer the basic opera- tional principles of relatiyely larger computers onto the small surface area of a silicon chip no larger than several square millimeters. But at this point it needs to be pointed out that there is a major difference between a microprocessor and a microcomputer. A microprocessor (see F igure 5) is merely the primary unit of a microcomputer that is incapable of functioning as an independent unit. It takes the place of what is known as the central Frocessing unit (CPU) in computers. They always contain an arithmetic logic unit, various working registers and control circuits (see Figure 6). A microcomputer on the other hand is a complete computing system which can perform predetermined (programmed) functions such as numerical calculations, control calculations and so on. A microcomputer - 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 5. ' % AT r ~ i nejs~ ablova oadroJOrri sWrnico  i , _ 2) 1 vs u~ rys u - q) 9) P/1p9/17/1bY a ~ MS /1'/ I PC foc islr /R 5~ 3) 10 ahs~or deko ~r 'sfi' y instrukci 6 dato - j tidic; 11) 7) .a sfibdoc~ 12) 8 ',S F pamocne l i rey ry s ~'~;I>. ~~~jI I ~ Key: 1) outside data and address buses 2) input-output circuits 3) inside data bus 4) program counter 5) address reigster 6) data register 7) accumulator 8) arithmetic-logic unit 9) instruction register 10) instruction decoder 11) con trol signals 12) auxiliary registers Figure 6. General scheme of a microprocessor 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is a combination of subassemblies consisting of the microprocessor, memory unit, control circuits for the synchronization and generation of control r;ignals (the read-write memory and peripheral equipment), input-output circuits for entering data into the system and retrieving data from the system, and interrupt circuits that enable the microprocessor to be con- trolled from ;he outside when necessary (see Figure 7). r_ Figure 7. ~ - - - - - - - -I 7vc . 1- I I ~ ~~r� I I 5~ mikiqa'xrsar dol I fRON) (RAMI I I I _ 0 PlSO AIC[ I I genertilor hodin 9 ~ - - - - - - General scheme of a microcomputer Key: 1) peripherals 2) input-output circuits 3) interrupt circuits 4) data bus 5) microprocessor (CPU) 6) program memory (ROM) 7) data memory (RAM) 8) address bus 9) clock pulse generator The operation of a microprocessor is determined by a sequence of instruc- tions which comprise the program. The instructions of a given program are entered consecutively into the ROM memory from a selected address so that the lowest address contains the first instruction which is the f irst to be executed, while the higher addresses contain the following instructions. At the start of every program the address of the first instruction is placed into the program counter (PC). The microprocessor retrieves the instruction from the memory and places it into the instruction register (IR). The instruction decoder decodes the instruction and then executes it. Even before the completion of any instruction phase the microprocessor increments the PC (i.e., it increases its information content by 1) and thereby locates the address for the next instruction. This sequential retrieval of instructions can be interrupted by a special jump instruction whereby the microprocessor replaces the PC informat4 on content with the address contained in the jump instruction. In this way the ROM instruc- tion jumps over to another section of the memory unit. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i - i , - 1 II~ , , , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The PMUS technology was used to produce the first 4-bit and the later 8-bit microprocessors (e.g., the Intel 4004 and 8008). These micropro- cessors are characterized by an instruction-cycle period (the time it takes to retrieve and execute instructions) ranging between 10 and 30 microseconds, a housing with less than 20 outlets, and a not overly ref ined set of elements comprising the microcomputer hardware. The second-generation microprocessors are distinguished by the use of the NMOS technology. Typical representatives of this generation are the 8-bit Intel 8080 and Motorola 6800 microprocessors introduced in 1974. Second- - generation microprocessors have a more advanced structure and, correspond- _ ingly, housings with 40 outlets. The second-generation microprocessors represent a major step forward in terms of operational speed, functional properties, differential circuits and the ref inement of software. The _ instruction-cycle time amounts to about 2 microseconds. The structure of the Intel 8080A microprocessor is shown in Figure 9. f r4slr iq5//7/kCi . . Figure 9. Microstructure of the Intel 8080A microprocessor. There are more than 5,000 transistors on this one chip. Key: 1) instruction register 3) ALU 2) registers f ield 4) I/0 circuits 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 ~ pde ~rgist~u 6ritmetiCka - 64,r~upn~ %ryslu;.~r,r 7'rko~eJ~cl~u obvody ~ 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the course of executing instructions the microprocessor uses addi- tional registers (data and address registers) or tlie so-call.ed accumti- lator and the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU). The accumulator is a central _ register in which one of the ALU operands is always stored and which _ usually also records the result of an operation. The arithmetic-l)gic unit performs all arithmetic and logic operations (addition and sultraction in binary or decimal arithmetic, rotations, moves, and so on). The address register holds the a3dress of the memory location of the RAM memory or the address of the input or output port = of the peripheral equipment. This means that the address register con- tains the address of the loc.ation inside the microprocessor which is designated by a given instruction for the processing of data. Finally, the data register provides for the temporary memory storage of data thereby eliminating utmecessary contact with the main memory and speeding up the operation of the microcomputer. Connection between the individual registers of the microprocessor and the ALU is accomplished by the internal data bus. The number of carriers on a bus exactly matches the number of bits contained in one microprocessor word. The number of bits in a word is usually 4, 8 or 16. The micropro- - cessor is linked to the other microprocessor circuits by means of an input-output circuit which is connected to an external bidirectional data bus. Some older types of microprocessors use this bus to transmit the addresses of inemory units or external devices, but the newer microproces- sors with 40 outlets have an address bus with a separate outlet. Even though th,e history of the production of microprocessors only spans a period of 6 years, some authors have already identif ied three separate generation classes in their development based on the technologies used for their manufacture. The evolutionary stages in the development of micro- processors is shown in Figure 8. 4 F 'a 0 .,72 dtuti I i/ tos ~ , . !bd'lri ~ ~ a^u'~ BOB6 73mvn' 104 ~ d ~r ~E17BO1Bmm' f0~ 1074 ~~_a~n cipu 2 t970 ~ 71 74 6 78 BO 82 A F igure 8. Evolutionary stages in the development of microprocessors Key: 1) number of transistors per chip 2) (chiF surface area) 11 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In 1975 the Intel firm introduced the bipolar "bit-slice" microprocessor - series 3000. This paved the way f or the development of a special cate- _ gory oF multichip microprocessors. In view of the fact that the bipolar technology does not permit a very high integration density, the bipolar microprocessors consist of two or four 2- or 4-bit slices which by means of a cascading arrangement can be used to assemble a microprocessor of indeterminate word length. The larger number of integrated circuits is offset by the extremely high speed at which operations can be performed, since the instruction-cycle time of these mlcroprocessors drops to a leve.l as low as 100 nanoseconds. Not even the fastest minicomputer could possi- bly match this speed of operation. The further development of the I 3000 bipolar microprocessor system is also under way in Czechoslovakia at the TESLA n.p. [national enterprise] in Roznov. The professional literature indicates that at the present time there are more than 50 manufacturers engaged in the production of around 80 differ- ent types of microprocessors. The most prominent manufacturers of micro- processors include the firms Intel, Motorola, National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Advanced Micro Devices, Rockwell, Signetics, Fair- _ child, Western Digital, Toshiba, Nippon Electric, Fijitsu and Hitachi. Among the various European manufacturers of microprocessors we should mention Siemens (under the terms of a joint-venture agreement Intel), AEG-Telefunken, and Philips (under the terms of a joint-venture agreement with Signetics). The most widely used microprocessors include the Intel 8080 and Motorola 6800 models, the production of which has also been taken over by other manufactuers (e.g., the 8080 is being manufactured by Texas Instruments, Signetics, Advanct.L' Mi_cro Devices, National Semi- conductor, NEC, and Siemens). However, the development of microprocessors has not come to a halt. This development work is continuing both at Intel and at other companies. In addition to the CPU, all of these manufacturers are trying to combine other circuits as well into a,ingle housing and thereby reduce , the necessary number of in tegrated, circuits in a microcomputer to a minimum. The ultimate design goal is to build an entire microcomputer cezsisting of a single integrated circuit. Indications of the feasibility of this goal have been provided, once again, by the Intel company which has intro- duced a single-chip-type microcomputer model 8748/8048, which consists of an 8-bit microcomputer with an electrically (8748) or mask (8048) pro- grammed ROM memory with a capacity of 8k bits, an RAM memory with a capa- city of 64 x 9 bits, and built in input-output circuits. This single- chip microcomputer is designed to serve primarily as a control element for various kinds of tern,'.nals, e.g., for printing machines, cash regis- ters, automobile instrument panels, and so on. It is certain that we will not have to wait very long before we witness the development of more advanced types of microcomputers with larger memory-storage capa- cities that can also be used for a.nstrument control purposes. - 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The new, third generation microprocessors came onto the scene in 1978- 1979 with the development of the Intel 8086, Zilog 8000 and Motorola MC 68000 16-bit models. In many respects these microprocessors have sur- passed the performance ratings of the MSI minicomputers (e.g., the PDP 11/40 minicomputer). Moreover, the MC 68000 microprocessor has an internal data ttiroughput capacity of 32 bits, a system of 32-bit opera- tions, and a set of i6 registers with a 32-bit capacity. In addition, these third-generation microprocessors are much cheaper than the earlier a models. A comparative breakdown of the first-, second- and third-generation micro- processors manufactured by Intel is shown in Table 3. Table 3. Three Generations of Microprocessors (A Comparative Survey of Basic Parameters) 11)1. yonerace 1971 1 12 2. ysnerace 1974 j 3)3. 9sneraes 1978 wpg epep I 8086 Uchnologi� P�MOS N-MOS H�MOS PoL'at :ouL'Gst( 3000 10 000 30000 16 Potst bitu Ro:sah adnsy e 11 bttG 14) e 16 blt8 20 bitu D61ka eyklu . 20 Vs 2 �s 015 Vs Pofat Instrukcf 5yriim piarutani IE 1 Interrupt 7e matkovan$ 16) vaktorovy ~.7~ Hodinov6 trekvencs Na djsn( 0,3 MHs I S V, -9 V 2 MHz 5 V, - 12 V 4-8 MHz S V Pouidro 1 16 vjrvod8 1.5 ) 10 vyvod'u 10, 18, 64 vyvodS i Key: 1) Technology 10) 2) Number of components 11) 3) Number of bits 12) 4) Address range 13) 5) Instruction-cycle time 14) 6) Number of instructions 15) 7) Interrupt system 16) 8) Clock frequency 17) 9) Power Conclusion In part 1 of this article we have reviewed development trends in the field of digital microelectronics which culminated in the production of VLSI circuits, including in particular 16-bit microprocessors and 64k-bit semi- conductor memory units. We can only hope that microprocessors and their related circuitry will soon be put to full-scale use in Czechoslovakia as well both for the con trol of machine tools and in other branches of our machine-building industry. The applications of microprocessor technology in the machine tools industry will. be discussed in parts 2 and 3 of this article. Housing First-generation 1971 Second-generation 1974 Third generation 1978 bits lines masked vectored 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Binder, D., and Worn, H. "The Development of Digital Semiconductor Technology and Its Impact on Process Automation in the Mechanical I:nfiineering Tnduatry," K()NSTRUKTIQN, Vol 29, No 6, 1977, Pp 219-226. - 2. Weinerth, H. "Microelectronics in the 1980s," ELEKTRONIK, No 1, 1979, pp 33-37. 3. Schoppnies, E. "Submicrostructures for Large-scale Integration Cir- cuits," RADIO-FERNSEHEN-ELEKTRONIK, Vol 28, No 1, 1979, pp 8-11. 4. Klaeger, S., and Mangelsdorf, R. "State-of the-Art and Emerging Trends in CNC Control Technology," FERTIGUNGSTECHNIK UND BETRIEB, Vol 28, No 8, 1978, pp 498-501. 5. Lyman, J. "Lithography Chases the Incredible Shrinking Line," ELECTRONICS, 12 April 1979, pg 105-116. 6. Losch, F. "The Single-chip Microcomputer; a Standard Component of the Future," ELEKTRONIK, No 7, 1979, pp 79-80. 7. Shima, M. "Tao Versions of the 16-bit Chip Span Microprocessor, Minicomputer Needs," ELECTRONICS, 21 December 1978, pp 81-88. _ 8. Valasek, P. "Trends in the Development of Microcomputers and Their Impact on the Future Development of Automation Technology"; collection of papers read at a seminar organized by the Machine Tools Research InsCitute in May 1979. 9. Kolinsky, J. "Plans for the Development of LSI Circuits at TESLA n.p. Rosnov and the Prospects for International Cooperation"; collection of papers read at a seminar organized by the Machine Tools ~ Research Institute in May 1979. 10. Mirtes, B. "New Trends in the Development af Computer Technology Devices With Decentralized Control Applications"; collection of papers read at a seminar organized by the Machine Tools Research Institute in May 1979. 11. Sobotka, Z. "The Nlicrocomputer; Its Subassemblies and Functions," SDELOVACI TECHNIKA, No 1979, pp 177-184. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Machine Tool Industry Microprocessor Applications Prague STROJIRENSICA VYROBA in Czech No 9, 1979 pp 706-712 ' [Article by Ivan Krsiak, Research InsLitute for Machine Tools and Machining Processes: "Progress in Digital Microelectronics and Its Impact on Machine Tools Automation" (part 2)] [Text] It is a generally well-known fact, sufficiently substantiated by recent world exhibitions of machine tools, that the current state-of-the- art in the development of machine tools control technology is attributable to the use of large-scale integration integrated circuits, including in particular microprocessors and semiconductor memory units. We gave an account of state-of-the-art developments in the field of digi- tal semiconductor technology in part one of this three-part article. In part two we will be discussing the applications of microprocessor technology in the machine tools industry. We will b e citing specific examples in order to show how the use of microprocessors has altered the structure of control systems and how currant developments in the field of micro- electronics are beginning to have an impact on the machine tools industry as a whole. Evolutionary Stages in the Development of Control Systems Before we proceed to discuss microprocessor equipped control systems we will give a brief account of the previous stages in the development of machine tools control technology. As was similarly the case with most other electronic devices the develop- ment of machine tools control systems also went through several distinct generational phases which can be summarized as follows: _ --First generation (vacuum tubes)--used to control workpiece path geo- metrics and feed-motion speed; -�-Second generation (transistors)--standard block program format used to perform linear and circular interpolations, to adjust the length and diameter of tool pieces and to control auxiliary functions; --Third generation (integrated circuits)--used for absolute and incre- mental programming, reducing the magnitude of programming and calibra- tion increments from 0.01 mm to 0.001 mm, and increasing the number of feed passes; --Fourth generation (computers)--used to store a complete program for one or several workpieces in the memory unit, to eliminate the punch-tape reader from the recycling process, to edit the program stored in the memory unit, to record the edited program on punch-tape or magnetic tape, to store and activate various repetitive subprograms, and to perform troubleshooting tasks. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 41 c ~ - Z - 1 The time scale spanned by the development of machine tools NC systems in the CSSR is shown in Figure 1. 2)1955 1965 1970 1975 1 ~ 9rm+ree NC a~Crlenru _ , ! AI! ~ li! 6) poc~tace 4) '"49~ �b''�dY NS 500 3) erorvlory N 100 Ns soo elelrbl* AW htS 100 IYS 700 PPJ ~ 300 SRF IFS NS 400 Key: 1) NC system generations 2) development of NC technology 3) vacuum tubes 4) transistors 5) integrated circuits 6) computers Figure 1. The development af NC systems in the CSSR (dates indicate the start of work on the development of indiv idual NC system generations in the CSSR) Machine tools control systems can ncna be classified as belonging to the following basic categories (see Figure 2): --control of process functions, --digital control, --direct computer control. 1 ) i Hzc,i obrabicich ,rlVjii 2) ~IIIdR lECI~naI. fY/1kCt j 3) 1 c<'64 1 t, ) ~r ) vx 5 a~ cne m 1~�~ 8) r0 CNral"o PC r C m 9) DNC Figure 2. Machine tool control systems Key : 1) machine tools con trol systems 6) program controlled/PC 2) process control 7) fixed connection/conventional NC 3) digiCal control 8) program controlled/CNC 4) computer control 9) program controlled/DNC 5) fixed connection/conventional process control 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY While in the case of process control systems there has been a clear ten- dency to move away from fixed-logic relay boxes toward programmable auto- mata (PC--programmable controllers), the development of digital control systems has been marked by a tendency to move away from so-called fixed- logic NC control systems of the third generation Coward CNC (Computer Ni:merical Control) "computerized" systems with built-in minicomputers or microcomputers. Direct computer control systems (or DNC--Direct Numerical Control) are being used for the control of entire production systems (consolidated production departments and flexible production systems). In this article we will be focusing exclusively on digital control systems for machine tools. The other cldsses of control equipment exceed the scope of this article. Microprocessor Equipped Control Systems The last 5 years have witnessed and are continuing to witness the develop- ment of many kinds of micropracessor-equipped control systems in various categories ranging from the simplest kinds of inemory-equipped position- indicator control systems to the most complex multiprocessor systems that control intricate centering machines and also the adjustment of workpieces and toollieads. What is the biggest benefit resulting from the application of microprocessors in the machine tools industry? The most important gain resulting from the advent of microprocessors should not be viewed as con- sisting in the development of complex computer systems stored on a single - silicon chip, i.e., in the density of elements per chip in relation to the chip dimensions. Identical or even greater densities were achieved in ~ earlier years in the case of semiconductor memory units and calculators. - The main contribution of microprocessors to the machine tools industry consists in the fact that these components have made it possible for manu- facturers of control systems and, more and more often, even the manufac- turers of the actual machine tools to take systematic advantage of the opportunities opened up by computer technology. Attempts to put the camputer to work for the control of machine tools were in evidence at the very start of work on the development of NS systems, but at that time the utilization of computers was still too expensive. This situation was changed to some extent with the advent of minicomputers at the start of the 1970s. The relatively low cost of mini- computers made it possible to harness these devices for certain, more complex applications. 3ut it still needs to be said that minicomputers are not now so affordable so as to permit a general shift away from the use of fixed-logic systems (i.e., systems with unalterable logic func- tions) and toward the use of computerized systems (CNC systems). This transition is just now getting under way thanks to the development of microprocessors and microcomputers. The first CNC systems equipped with minicomputers appeared on the market as far back as 1970. The following systems are among the most noteworthy in this category: 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI3LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY --the Dynapath CNC System 5 manufactured by Bendix, --the Adapt-a-path system manufactured by General Automation, --the Series 8300 manufactured by Allen-Bradley, --the Acramatic CNC system manufactured by Cincinnati Milacron. But it was not until after 1974, when microprocessor equipped CNC sys- tems began to show up on the market, that computerized control systems began to be used on a much larger scale. This trend is illustrated by Figure 3, which shows the percentage breakdown of fixed-logic NC systems and computerized CNC systems displayed at leading world exhibits of machine tools. VD % ~ u ~ ~ ~ a mikroproces�ry ~ u ` 1% ~ ~ / S 1 0 / I.f I / ~ ~ 74 75 72 1J ~ e $ S z u c Figure 3. Share of CNC systesns in the total number of exhibited systems Key: 1) breakdown of exhibited systems 3) CNC systems with minicomputers 2) fixed-logic NC systems 4) CNC systems with microprocessors , The increase in the number of exhibited CNC systems after 1974 was attributable to the launching of the production of CNC systems equipped with microprocessors. Thus, for example, at the Second EMO Exhibition of Machine Tools held in Hanover in 1977 out of a total of 345 exhibited NC machines 221 machines, or two-thirds, were CNC systems equipped with microprocessors. This ratio is even more marked in the case of lathes, since out of a total of 156 exhibited NC lathes three-fourths were con- trolled by CNC systems equipped with microprocessors. The year 1978 witnessed a further intensif ication of development work on microprocessor- equipped CNC systems, while work on the development of fixed-logic NC and CNC systems equipped with minicomputers leveled off or declined. ' CNC systems with microprocessors can, depending on their structure, be , classified as belonging to basically three categories which correspond _ to the classes of machines which they are designed to serve. These cate- gories are dQSCrlbed below. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Qem~ zapo eni .NC syslemy cHC ,,y~ l~my 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. Systems With a Fast 16-Bit Microprocessor or Multiple Microprocessors " Used for Large-Scale and Complex riachines 1'hese systems are desiRned to control machines with five or more coordi- nates and their characteristics enable them to perform the sams kind5 of - functions as the most advanced CNC systems equipped with minicomputers, ttie only difference being that the number of active components in these systems has b een reduced by as much as 60 percent and that they are roughly 30 percent cheaper. In order to make it easier to operate these machines and to edit programs these systems are equipped with an alpha- numeric CRT or semiconductor display device, have a well-developed error- detection regime, and with the aid of various subprograms and modular and fixed cycles can simplify the programming of workpieces. In view of the fact that standard microprocessors manufactured by means of the MOS technology usually have a longer computing cycle time than fast minicomputers and a shorter word length (8 bits in contrast to the most often used 16-bit word length in minicomputers), with the result that a s;ngle 8-bit microprocessor would not be able to handle all of the tasks that complex systems are designed to perform, it was necessary to compen- sate for this deficiency. This was accomplished by using a fast bipolar microprocessor, making provisions for longer word lengths, and building multiprocesso.r systems. Some of the most noteworthy systems in this category are as follows: --the Mark Century 1050 manufactured by General Electric, --the Sinumerik 7- System 7 manufactured by Siemens-Fanuc, --and the Actrion III manufactured by McDonnell Douglas Corp. _ The Intel 3000 bipolar cascaded microprocessor with a word length of - 16 bits was f irst used by Siemens in its Sinumerik 7 and Sprint systems. On the other hand, the multiprocessor structure was chosen by firms such as General Electric for its 1050 system, McDonnell Douglas Corp and AEG for the Actrion III system, Gildemeister for its Eltropilot-M system (designed to be used with a dual-spindle facing lathe) and other manu- facturers of NC technology. In the Actrion III system, a block diagram of which is shown in figure 4, three comp atible microcomputers, which share a common data memory, operate in a multiprocessor mode. The microcomputers are linked up with this memory on an alternating basis. One microcomputer is designed to process input and output data, the second one is used to compute the continuous f eed path, and the third one operates as a central position control unit. All of the processors are ::ardware compatible, each one is mounted on its own board, and they differ only in terms of the content of the EPRON :nemory which contains the standard routines. Another advan- tage of the system is that it has a built-in CRT display device, and a programmable automaton for controlling machine mechanical functions can also be placed in the system console. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200064421-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .si~ 4) ~rr.spbN7 5) Figure 4. Block schematic of the Actrion III system Key: 1) microcomputer No 2 7) microcomputer No 1 (interpolator) (data input and output) 2) common ~ata memory 8) programmable interface 3) microcomputer No 3 9) control panel (position control) 10) CRT display 4) calibration 11) output ports to machine S) power unit 12) feedback ports from machine 6) punch reader The Actrion III system is designed for the continuous-path control of machines with up to 5 coordinates and equipped with DC power~-units. For example, this system is being used for the control of Beohringer, H.E.S., Heylingenstaedt, Index, Newall and other machines. In Western Europe the Actrion III system is being sold by AEG under the trademark Numerous System III (see Figure 5). Figure 5. Panel of the Actrion III - Numeric System III system 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The General Electric 1050 system (see Figure 6) uses a separate Toshiba 12-bit microprocessor to control all machine coordinates and also to com- pute interpolations. Overriding the coordinates microprocessors is a so- called look-ahead microprocessor which is used to control tranafers of data on the universal bus and to proceas the system's input and output data. Figure 6. The General Electric 1050 system The General Electric 1050 is designed for the continuous-path control of machines with up to 6 coordinates and equipped with DC power units. Calibration is accompl ished by means of selsyn or indoctosyn systems. For example, the General Electric 1050 system is used for machines manu- factured by the firms Burgmaster, Defum, Excello, Mandelli, Monarch, SHW, Wanderer, Churchill, Lodge-Shipley, Warner-Swasey, Sheldon, Wiclanan, Brown-Sharpe, Hunger and others. The Sinumerik 7-System 7 manufactured by Siemens-Fanuc is designed to be used for the continuous-path control of machines with as many as four coordinates and equipped with DC power units. Calibration is performed by means of selsyn or inductosyn systems. This system is used for machines manufactured by the firms Bohner-Kohle, Burkhard-Weber, Cit Alcatel, Droop-Rein, Jungenthal, Mandelli, Oerlikon, and Wyssbrod. It uses only one very fast Intel 3000 16-bit microprocessor. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In multiprocessor systems the various digital control functions are shared by several microprocessor units. This functional breakdown of micropro- cessor tasks permits a clear and well-arranged control structure from the standpoint of both hardware and sof tware. Due to this parallel data pro- cessing arrangement the system can also be programmed to perform other auxiliary functions, e.g., the control of workpiece handling and trans- port. This design is compatible with current trends in the development of numerically controlled engineering processes, which are characterized by a considerable degree of structural decentralization, and so it there- fore appears to have a very bright future. 2. Systems With a Single 8-Bit Microprocessor for Medium-Complex Machinea At the present time this category of systems is most prevalent, since it is designed to accommodate the widest range of machine tools equipped with from two to four coordinates. We have selected the Philips Series 6600 system, a block schematic of which is shown in Figure 7, as a typical example of the ar chitecture of these syst ens. The Philips 6600 system is organized around an 8-bit microcomputer equipped w ith an Intel 8080 microprocessor which is modularly linked by means of Interface boards to all input and output devices. Interface boards are used in a similar way to link the microcomputer with the machine, in which case the interpola- tion function is taken care of by an auxiliary arithmetic unit. This architecture makes maximum use of all the advantages of 8-bit micropro- - cessors and permits the total modular construction of the system in accord- ance with user requirements. The Philips 6600 system is designed for the point-to-point and continuous-path control of machines with as many as f our coordinates. For example, this system is used with machines manu- f artured by the firms Bohner-Kohle, EMAG, Pittler, and Schmarmann. It is s}tawn in Figure 8 with a Maho milling machine. 4 Figure 8. Control panel of the Philips 6600 system together with a Maho milling machine 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7 ) MY`" $ ) ,rtnj j ) kazelavy ma9n. 3) wGisoct 2) � ~ 4).~ 5)~ 6 18) 9) d rikior 10 1 12 134 1 9^� ~OJ PJPbM RAM #4 P ,terro fni � ic ice adresovn akrmcs Figure 7. Block schematic of the Philips 6600 system - Key: 1) cassette magnetic tap.e 11) transmitter-receiver - 2) sequence transfer 12) PRO1�1 memory 3) control panel 13) RAM memory 4) machine commands 14) output 5) f eedback 15) input 6) power unit cables 16) power output - 7) power unit housing 17) calibration module 8) mach ine 18) data bus 9) calibration cables 19) control bus ` 10) magnetic tape control 20) address bus Some of the most we11-known systems in this category, designed along - similar lines as the Philips 6600, include the following: --System 5-Sinumerik 5 manufactured by Fanuc-Siemens, --NUCON 400 manufactured by ASEA, --and the RUSC system manufactured by Plessey. A distinguishing f eature of the System 5-Sinumerik 5 system is that, in addition to a Motorola (Fujitsu) 6800 microprocessor and LSI memory unit, - it uses additional command LSI circuits for interpolation and position calibration. The System 5-3inumerik 5, just like the System 7-Sinumerik 7, was developed in cooperation with the f irms Fujitsu and Fanuc-Sienens. It is uesigned for the.continuous-path control of machines with as many as four coordinates and equipped with DC power units. The machine is cali- brated by means of a rotary pulse reader. This system is used with machines manufactured by such firms as Chiron, Heidenreich-Harbeck, Hitachi-Seiki, Deckel, Scharmann, Schaublin, American Tools, H.E.S., and Dunhan Tool. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The NUCON 400 system manufactured by ASEA is designed for the continuous- path control of machines with as many as five coordinates and equipped with DC power units. These machines are calibrated by means of a rotary pulse reader or inductosyn systems. This system 3s used with machines manufac- tured by firms such as Dorries, Georg Fischer, Pedersen, and SKF Machine Tools. The system uses multiple processors whose functions are controlled by an Intel 8080A microprocessor. The NUCON 400 system is also produced under license by the Polish enterprise MERA. The RUSC system manufactured by Plessey is designed for the point-to-point or continuous-path control of machines with as many as four coordinates and equipped with DC, hydraulic or stepping motor power units. Thase machines are calibrated by means of rotary pulse readers, selsyn systems, or induc- tosyn systems. Inte? 8080A microprocessors are used in this systEm. 3. Simplified Systems With Manual Input for the Automation cf Conventional Machines The utilization of microeleFtronics in the machine tools industry has made it possible to develop a n ew category of control sys+cems, i.e., manual data input systems which are often referred to as HNC (Hand NC, Handeingabe - NC) systems. These systems are compact enough so that they can often be installed directly in the machine control panel (see Figure 9). They are also inexpensive and very dependable. With the aid of a pushbutton key- board they can be used to insert and alter the program for a machined , companent while it is still on the machine. These systems are very popular and the number of users of these systems is growing ever larger. Since they are very simple to manufacture owing to the use of microcompu- ter technology (most of the problems associated with the manufacture of these systems have naw shifted into the sof tware area), these systems are now being manufactured more and more often directly by the manufacturers of machine tools who can do the best job of adapting them to machine requirements with respect to control modes, installation on the machine, and hookup with power unit housings (see Figure 10). And it is certainly trn_a that marketing questions and simplified servicing also come into. consideration in this regarii. Figure 9. The Gildemeister N.E.F. 480 universal lathe with a Fanuc memory system built into the machine support platform. 25 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 4~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 10. ACU-RITE digitalposition readout device with memory capacity for 100 coordinate positions manufactured by Bausch and Lomb with built-in - calculator: 1)--readout cancel; 2)--coordinate readout; 3)--memory erase; 4)--coordinate callup; 5)--digital keyboard; 6)--coordinate add/subtract; 7)--inch/mm converter switch; 8)--on-off switch. The following are some of the most well-lmown syste9ns in this category: --Fanuc Mate-Sinumerik Mate manufactured by Fanuc-Siemens, --Mark Century 1050 HL manufactured by General Electric, --7100 CNC manufactured by Allen-Bradley, --and the TNC 121 manufactured by Heidenhain. The Fanuc Mate-Sinumerik Mate aysten manufactured by Fanuc-Siemens (see Figure 11) is designed for the continuous-path control of DC powered machines with two or three coordinates. The machines are calibrated by means of a rotary pulse reader. This system uses a Motorola 6800 (Fujitsu ME 6800) microprocessor. Figure 11. The Sinumerik-Mate system manufactured by Fanuc-Siemens 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The latest model of the Mate TG has an interactive graphic display _ device for monitoring the programmed path of the workpiece and a simpli- fied programming system using coded repeat cycles. The General Electric 1050 HL system is designed for the continuous-path control of DC powered lathes with two coordinates. It is a scaled down version of the GE 1050 system. It uses Toshiba microprocessors. The Allen Bradley 7100 CNC system is designed for the continuous-path control of DC powered machines with 2 or 3 coordinates. It consists of three sections, i.e., the control panel, electronic circuits, and power supply unit. The Heidenhain TNC 121 system is designed for the point-to-point control of machines hooked up to central power supplies with 3 coordinates. This system is used most often with machines manufactured by Matio. Machines are calibrated by means of linear or rotary pulse readers. The system uses an Intel 4040 microprocessor. - In addition to these examples, there are a number of other manual input systems (and other categories as well) which are produced directly by machine tool manufacturers. Among others, we should at least mention the - firms Deckel, Klopp, Gildemeister, Pittler, G. Fischer, Schaublin (see Figure 12), Oerlikon, Wotan, Dorries, Scheller, Heckler and Koch, Fehl- mann, SIP, Giddings-Lewis, Cincinnati Milacron, Kearney Trecker, Scheiss- Froriep, and Heiligenstaedt. Figure 12. 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Conclusion In part 2 of this article we have described haw over the past few years ' many new microprocessor control systens have been developed in various categories ranging from the simplest memory-equipped position readout devices to the most complex multiprocessor systems used to control com- plex centering machines and to handle both workpieces and machine tool- heads. At the same time it is important to remember that microprocessor- based electronic control technology is beginning to have an impact on the machine tools industry as a whole, since, in addition to NC machine con- trol applications, this technology is also being put to work on an increas- ingly larger scale for the control of principal machine tool classes, i.e., so-called conventional or hand-controlled machines. These machines are being adapted to incorporate elements and circuitry of NC machines and are in fact being transformed into NC machine tools controlled by microproces- sor control systems. The progress of the structural shift away from the use of conventional machines and toward the use of NC machines varies from one machine class to another. Perhaps the most dramatic progress has been made in the case of universal semiautomatic lathes, which in recent years have b een manu- factured almost exclusively in accordance with NC design parameters. Noticeable progress has also been made in the application of NC technology to milling machines, horizontal boring and milling machines, drills'and up- right lathes, but this technology is also beginning to be applied to other classes of machines such as grinders, gear making machines, and automatic lathes. At the close of part 2 of this article it can be said that the sharp de- cline in the cost of NC systems together with the improvements that have been made in their functional characteristics make it reasonable to expect that even before the end of the 1980s microprocessor applications will p}.ay a crucial role in determining the technical quality of machine tools, their utility, and, hence, their marketability. In the third and final part of this article we will discuss the progress that has been made to date in the CSSR and the other CEMA countries with. regard to finding applications for microprocessor technology in the machine tools industry. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Pressman, R.S., and Williams, J.E. "Numerical Control and Computer- aided Manufacturing, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1977. 2. Vlach, B. "Technologie obrabeni na cislicove rizenych strojich" [Machining Technologies Using Numerically Controlled Machines], Prague, SNTL and Alfa, 1978. 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. Mathes, H.,and Schiffelmann, H. "NC Controls for Machine Tools," ZwF, Vol 72, No 12, 1977, pp 625-633. 4. Klose, G. "A Control Unit for the Automation of Conventional Machine Tools," Wt-Z ind. FERTIG., Vol 67, 1977, pp 579-580. 5. Mikulaschek, E., and Rauh, G. "The Microprofessor as a Basis for Numerical Control," MASCHINENMARKT, Wurzburg, Vol 83, No 85, 1977, pp 1,680-1,682. , 6. Gossler, R. "The Role of the Microcomputer in the Control of Machine Tools," F?.FKTRONIK, No 12, 1977, pp 48-50. 7. "CNC Dominates American Machine Tool Progress," MACHINERY AND PRODUC- TION ENGINEERING, 30 March 1977, p 300. 8. Gehrels, J. "New Microprocessor-CNC-Controls," ZwF, Vol 72, No 11, 1977, pp 566-568. 9. Brodowski, W. "Problems Associated with the Introduction and - Applications Potential*of CNC Controls," MASCHINEMARKT, Wurzburg, Vol 84, No 28, 1978, pp 516-520. 10. Klaeger, S., and Mangelsdorf, R. "Current Status and Development - Trends in the Field of CNC Control Technology," FERTIGNUNGSTECHNIK UND BETRIEB, No 28, 1978, pp 498-501. 11. Krsiak, I. "Mikroprocesory v obrabecich strojich" [Microprocessors in Machine Tools], Prague, UTRIN, 1979. 12. Niesyt, G. "The Impact of Microprocessor Technology on the Future Development of the Machine Tools Industry," collection of papers read at a seminar organized by the Machine Tools Research Institute in 1979. Control Systems in CSSR, CEMA Prague STROJIRENSKA VYROBA in Czech No 10, 1979 pp 783-791 [Article by Ivan Krsiak, Research Institute for Machine Tools and Machining - Processes: "Progress in Digital Microelectronics and Its Impact on Machine Tools Automation" (part 3)] ~ [Text] In an effort to keep pace with worldwide trends in the development of NC technology most of the CEMA countries, including the CSSR, have started work on the development of microprocessor CNC systems. In the f inal part of this article we will show where the development of microprocessor 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY control systems is heading i*_: the individual socialist countries while paying special attention to development wurk in this field in Czechoslo- vakia. State-of-the-Art Microprocessor CNC Systems in the CEMA Countries ~ Responding to the task set forth by the CEMA Executive Committee calling for the start-up of the production af advanced NC machines and NC systems by the end of 1979, most of the CEMA countries have started work on the development of microprocessor CNC systems. In order to be able to meet the tight deadline set by the Executive Committee work on the development of class 1 CNC systems has been proceeding thus far on the basis of thE national economic plans of the member countries, and in this connection the necessary coordination of this work is being taken care of by the NC Systems Task Force which was set up under the terms of the CEMA Countries Agreement on the Joint Planning of Develogment Work on Selected Machine Tools. The industrial production of microprocessor systems has already gotten under way in most of the socialist countries. Among the systens that are ' naw in production we should mention the Soviet 1M22 and 2U22 systems equipped with a microcomputer and the Elektronika 60 and 2U32 systems equipped with a NC03T microcomputer, the Hungarian Unimerik 200 and 700 systems equipped with a Texas Instruments 9900 microprocessor, the Dialog system equipped with a Motorola 6800 microprocessor and the Hunor PNC 712 manual data input system equipped with an Intel 8080A microprocessor, the GDR NC 621 and CNC 600 systems equipped with the domestically manufactured - microprocessors U 808D (similar to the Intel 8008) and U 880 (similar to the Zilog Z80), and the Polish MERA NUCON 400 systen equipped with an _ Intel 8080A microprocessor manufactured under a license procured from the Swedish firm ASEA. Most of these systems were on display at the CEMA Machine Tools Exhibition held in Brno in Novemb er 1978. Table 1 shows a survey of the basic data in microprocessor CNC systems which are under development or already in production in the socialist - countries. We will now examine at least some of the systems mentioned in Table 1 in greater detail. The Soviet 2U32 system is manufactured by the LEMZ Association of Leningrad. It is designed for the control of NC milling machines, drill- ing machines and boring and drilling machin es. Using this system it is possible to insert a part program either by means of punch tape or by _ ad,justing the machine directly from the control panel, which can also be used to edit programs. The part program memory has a capacity of 8,000 symbols and it can b e expanded to a capacity of 16,000 symbols. The sys- tem is organized around a Soviet NC 03T microcomputer which is fabricated 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 F'OR'OFFICIAL USE ONLY , Table 1. Microprocessor CNC Systems in the Socialist Countries Pol. Typ 2sm3 Pro stroja Pout P(oyram. Ryehlopmuv Rozmiry Ukonteni Pozn6mka 1) 2) 9) 1u6)_ le ~17a 18) 19) :ifojerrQ~1MP eoi )2~ 1 z 3� � s e 7 e 9 10 1. Propramma B1R soustruhy 2 0,01 mm 10 mlmin 1950 syslim t ruln(m _3 ~ lo ~ v'tupem, MP Mota l 6e ro a 00 221_ 2. Hunor PNC MLR soustruhy 2 0,001/ 0025 /0 10120 mlmin vostavn6 prov~do ni 1979 fy~tim s rutn(m v:tup-m, MP 1njl 712 ` 4 ~ , X2oo eooX2eo eoeoA 1.i 3. Unimult MLR soustruhy 2/3 � 0,01 mm 6 mlmin 300X64OX1320 1979 MP Texas Instru- 200 Iri:ky 11) ments TMS 9900 4. Unlmorle M! R soustruhy 0,001 mm 10 m/min 6EOX640X1s2o 1919 vfee MP Terai 700 fri:ky . Iumenb T 4 . obr. pndo 12 ) 2 ) S. Dlalop MLR soustruhy 2-i 0,002 mm 10 m/min 600X60OX1600 1979 MP Motorola 680D hi:ky ~ obr. nntra 6. NC 621 NDR soustruhy ] O,OOS 10 m/min 600x400X1600 1978 vatup Intormace 2 5 5) pravo(ihly 13) 0,001 mm ZO m/min , kullt. krokovjrm bu- btnksm, MP UEOED 7. CNC 600 NDR soustruhy 6 0,001 mm 10 mfirin 60oX60OX1000 1979 vice MP UEeO fri:ky (Zilap EO) 26) obr. anua f � MERA CNC Pl soustruhy S 0,001 mm 15 m/min 750X75OX1970 1979- MP Intel EOEOA NUCON }r6=ky 1980 100 obr. eontro 9. NUME- KSR tauabuhr 3 0,001 mm JO/e m/min 1980 ROM 140 }ri:ky 7) obr. centra 10. 21.122 SSSR soustruhy 2 0,001 mm 15 m/min 700X700X1dS0 1979 po vypnutf t(ti27) 8) 100 h bo: :trdryr in� formace, mikropo8l- taf Elsklronika 60 11 172 21 SSSR 3 0.001 mm 15 m/mIn 700X700X16S0 1979 Po vyPnutf tttd2$) . . 14~ 100 h bo: :er6ty llh farmace, mlkropob(� tat NC 03T IZ, Ip122 SSSR spee. stroje 2 0,0005 mm 210 mm/min 60p)(65Ox1650 1979 pro krokovi motory. (slektro- 15) mikropo8ita8 Eisi� ike 60 29L t Iitkrov8) ron Key: 1) type of system 17) programming unit 2) country 18) feed speed 3) Bulgaria 19) dimensions 4) Hungary 20) date machine testing completed 5) GDR 21) comments (PiP = microprocessor) 6) Poland 22) HNC system, MP Motorola 6800 7) Romania 23) HNC system, MP Intel 8080A 8) USSR 24) multiple MP, Texas Instruments TMS 9900 - 9) types of machines 25) data input by cylindrical sprocket drum, 10) lathes MP U808D 11) milling machines 26) multiple MP U880 (Zilog 80) 12) machinery centers 27) no loss of information after 100-hour 13) point-to-point power loss, Elektronika 60 microcomputer 14) drills 28) no loss of information after 100-hour 15) specialty machines power loss, NC 03T microcomputer electrospark) 29) used with stepping motors, 16) number of coordinates Elektronika 60 microcomputer 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY out of LSI integrated CMOS-technology circuits (series K 587). The error- detection programs make it easy to rectify prob?ems. The system is designed to control DC electrical feed drives and to calibrate positions it uses either a linear inductosyn or a resolver system. A block diagram of the 2U32 system is shown in Figure 1. 1 ~pPita~ NC OJT ~ 4) ~ cPU )5 ~ . 1 ~ '10) 12 A nseai nrropdronri I J1r1Avn; tevbiMl. Ifvmki` I' or/ddod pnnr! s)(inw Ar rtroji Figure 1. Block diagram of the Soviet 2U32 system Key: 1) NC 03T microcomputer 8) punch interface 2) reader 9) microcomputer buses 3) punch 10) bus matching 4) CPU (microprocQSSOr) 11) NC system buses 5) RAM, PROM memories 12) power unit control 6) microcomputer panel 13) process control 7) reader interf ace 14) system control panel 15) to machine The Hungarian manual data input Hunor PNC 712 system, which is manufac- tured by the EMG measurement instrumentat3ariplant, was displayed at the machine tools exhibition in Brno in November 1978 in conjunction with an - EEN 630 universal lathe (see Figure 2) and it attracted a great deal of attention among the visitors to the exhibition. The system is built into a portable console located as close as possible to the machine operator. The system's control panel (see Figure 3), which consists of a compact module comprising the system's electronic circuitry, is very well designed, and the programning of parts on the machine can be learned in just a few hours. The systpm does not have a console with its own cooling .cycle, so the machine manufacturer has to take care of building the system 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 21 cfc& 131 aowr - 7~~~M 8 ~ - - - - - ;I . r I I - - - - - - - J I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 2. The Hungarian EEN 630 lathe together with the Hunor PNC 712 - system built into the machine`s retractable cabinet cover Figure 3. Control panel of the Hunor PNC 712 system into the machine and providing it with a cooling cycle. The heart of the system is the Intel 8080A microprocessor, the 16k-byte capacity of the PROM memory, and the up to $k-byte (cca 8,000 symbols) capacity of the part program RAM memory. Urcular interpolation is taken care of by the system's hardware. The component program can also be entered into the system's memory by means of a cassette magnetic tape. The magnetic tape can be prepared externally on a separate Hunor 716 programming machine to which a printer and drafting table can be hooked up to monitor the writing of the program. The Polish MERA CNC NUCON 400 system is manufactured in the Warsaw divi- sion of the MERA enterprise under a license from the Swedish firm ASEA. At first the system was merely assembled from imported parts, but this year the plant started producing the entire system on its own. The sys- tem is designed to control machines with up to S coordinates. In addition to its other functions, the system makes it possible to perform spatial 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE dNLY 6) f'~1 RIN~iPOM aM'roti1' ~ I /i'u,rai +r". twnk( I g) prsdfiirc~ 9) oilddoti pand sy~trmiv Q rnrCe a~ dnic ' 12) 13 14) 15) .~~a.~~�~ ~ _ r!.~ � , Figure 4. Block diagram of the Polish MERA CNC NUCON 400 systenn Key : 1) CPU (Intel 8080A--8 bits) 2) computer f or calculating center path (24 b its) 3) RAM, PROM memories 4) reader and punch 5) CRT 6) DNC connection 7) microcomputer buses 8) bus matching 9) system control panel 10) coordinate bus es 11) process control 12) interpolation computer (16 bits) 13) control for one coordinate 14) control for five coordinates 15) spindle control interpolations and to program the f inal shape of the workpiece (the center path of the toolhead, including angular approximations, is computed by the system itself). A block diagram of the system is shown in Figure 4. The system is con trolled by an Intel 8080A microprocessor. In addition to the microprocessor, the system is made up of two other f ixed-logic cumputing units, one fo r the computation of the toolhead center path (with a word length of 24 bits) and one for the computation of interpolation (with a word length of 16 bits). The interesting CNC 600 system from the GDR, which is manufactured by the Karl-Marx-Stadt division of the VEB Numerik "Karl Marx," was exhibited at this year's Leipzig spring fair. The CNC 600 system (see Figure 5) employs a multiprocessor structure based on the use of U880 microprocessors manufactured in the GDR (analogous to the Zilog 80 microprocessor). The block diagram (see Figure 6) shows that each system comprises four basic microcomputers (a control computer, a control panel computer, an interpola- tions computer, and a proceos control computer). For every coordinate these computers are backed up by An additional computer designed to control 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE CVLY . avlddd r ,rhnjt 3) g) 4) 1~~ 6~ 2J7 fhf~n ~ 9) io) pendu .cpejovati sddrnite 17) d 4 18 19 iatapro ' s*Wce f 20) s'd'r,~rce 2 21) S-9 3. 1. ~ l 1 , ..w.. , _ r.~~: `ZZ}r 23 25 26) ~ Figure 5. The multiprocessor 27) 8) 29) CNC 600 system manufactured by ky~,"konovd od od,k'ovon kp~ol~ona~, puu~i the Numerik "Karl Marx" � fo ~ s!%'s enterprise Figure 6. Block diagram of the CNC 600 systea Key: 1) main computer 16) control computer 2) machine control (exteMal) 17) connecting bus 3) punch 18) machine process computer 4) teleprinter 19) interpolatian computer 5) reader 20) bus No 1 6) control panel 21) bus No 2 7) machine control (external) 22) CMOS RAM or PROM memory 8) CRT 23) I/0 control 9) panel computer 24) calibration interface 10) RAM, PROM menories 25) digital-to-analog converter 11) programnable interface 26) position computer 12) panel interface 27) to machine output sections 13) CRT interface 28) calibration feedback 14) sequence interface 29) to feed drives 15) control compu ter bus 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY workpiece positions. So when the system is built to accommodate the maximum load of f ive coordinates it will consist of nine microcomputers with U880 microprocessors. The system comes with an alphanumeric CRT display device which makes the programming of components much easier. The capacity of the part programming memory ranges as high as 32k bytes (in modules of 8k bytes each). It is also important to note that the system contains machine and process control adapter circuits. In closing it can be said that the CEMA countries are now beginning to offer a wide selection of microprocessor CNC systems that run the gamut _ from the Hungarian PNC 712 Hunor system with manual data input for con- ventional machines, through the Soviet 2U22 and 2U32 systems for medium- camplex NC machines, to the Polish MERA CNC NUCON 400 system and the GDR _ CNC 600 system wh ich are used in conjunction with the most advanced f ive- coordinate centers. State-of-the Art Microprocessor CNC Systems in the CSSR In the CSSR work is under way on the development of microprocessor CNC systems at the TESLA and ZAVT [expansion unlmown] VHJs. The TESLA-Kolin n.p. has been working on the development of a microcom- puter system ever since 1975. In view of the unavailability of certain microprocessor circuits this development work has been carried out using components obtainable within the CSSR. But this work has been proceeding in such a way so that the central unit is completely interchangeable with th e Intel 3000 assemb ly or, f or simpler applications, with the Intel 8080A _ asse.^bly. At the present time the TESLA-Kolin n.p. is wrapping up its development work and has started the production of the NS 660 systen which is designed for the continuous-path control of lathe machines. The TESLA- Kolin n.p. is also working on the development of the NS 670 system which is designed for mare exacting applications (centering machines, continuous milling). In the cas e of both systems it is poss ible to install a program- mable NS 900 series automaton for machine process control in a console with dimensions of 600 x 1,800 x 600 mm. The TELSA-Kolin n.p. is working ~ with the Research Institute for Machine Tools and Machining Processes in Prague and the TESLA WST [expansion unlaiown] on the development of soft- ware for both systems. On 1 January 1977 the ZPA-Kosir [Instrumentation and Automation Plants in Kosir] n.p., working together with the WOSO [Research Institute for - Machines Tools and Machining Processes] in Prague, started work on the development of the po int-to-point systems NS 632 f or drills, NS 633 f or m illing machines, and the continuous NS 642 system for lathes. Th is development work is b eing carried out on the basis of the imported Intel 8080A microprocessor assembly and CMOS-type manory units with battery-backup power systems. Tests of the f irst system in this series, 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIEII. USE ONLY the NS 633, were successfully completed in conjunction with an FCR 50 NC milling machine manufacture3 by the TOS [Machine Toals Factories] n.p. in Kurim. The production of these systems is slated to get under way at the ZPA Kosir in 1980. The HNC NS 560-570 systems which were developed by the TESIA-Kolin n.p. are scaled down versions of the NS 660-670 systems. Working together with W+DSO, the ZPA-Kosir n.p. also developed the HNC systems NS 510 (for lathes) and NS 520 (for milling and drilling machines). A survey of the basic specifications of the microprocessor CNC systems developed by the TESLA-Kolin and ZPA-Kosir national enterprises is shown in Table 2. Table 2. Microprocessor CNC Systems Deve?oped in the CSSR Po~� Trv Vjrrobce Pro itroJ* Potet souF. Program. j*dnotka Rpehlo- posuv Ro:miry 12) Ukonten Po=Mmka Prxeiorj' ikoulek m t 1) 2) 3) s} 9) 11~ 18 $t 1 ~ l7 ) o~m ~ z 3 4 ~ 6 7 e o to NS 510 ZPA soustruhy 2 0A7 mm 15 m/min restaveni 13) 1979- systim t nutnlm I Koi(}~ 4 ) (dElko prowdsnl 1980 rstupom nbrmoef 19) MP I t l I0l 1 prBmbrZ1 0) IOOX20OX250 n e OA NS 320 ZPA Koitie M+b ~ vto81ry 6 0,01 mm 13 m/min restov*ni 19l0 syitfm s evgnlm In 1n e( ) IOOXZOOX20 ~ MP bl lO~OA NS 360 TESLA soustruhr 2 0,00?/ 01 21 m/min eIektroniko 14) I0OX190X230 odvo:en od N5660, modulov6 proved*n(2O) Kolfn mm 10,0 , 15)pond 190x320 NS 570 TESLA Irhky Kolin vRafiry 4 O.OOQ/ ZI m/min aIektraniko od+ro:en 5670. modulov~ provedent21J .j9� /D,OGI mm ~ X~ n S. NS 6J2 ZPA wrtatiry 3 0.001 mm 16 m/min 600X6WX1" 1980 MP Inhl l01p/ pravouhli 22) Koft1* 6, NS 633 ZPA Irdziry 3 0.01 mm 6 m/mIq 6~idroJ~c pon~l im ~a~io~~ pB0~o�,,:a.~~23) 1 Koifie �omostotni sowtruhq 7. NS 642 K R 0.001 mm ib m/mie 600X60CX1Ed1 1980 MP intel QOlpA ; t, a NS 660 TESLA ioustruhy oi 4 O,OOQ/ 24 m/min 600X60OX1E00 1919 10 001 Koltn . V U NS 670 KU n ~ ~ m/min QOOX600XiE00 1900 b ~ s . ~ ho n 0 01 / Key : 1) type of system 13) built-in single-module design 2) manufacturer 14) electronic circuitry module 3) type of machine 15) panel module 4) lathes 16) cassettes, power and panel modules 5) milling machines designed as discrete units 6) drills 17) date machine testing completed 7) centering machines 18) comments (MP = microprocessor) 8) number of coordinates 19) HNC system, MP Intel 8080A 9) programming unit 20) based on design of NS 660 system, 10) length and diameter modular design 11) feed velocity 21) based on design of NS 670 system, 12) dimensions modular design 22) MP Intel 8080A, rectangular 23) MP Intel 8080A, modular design 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Let us now proceed to discuss the individual series of systems developed in the CSSR in somewhat greater detail. _ The NS 510 and NS 520 systems are designed for the control of simpler, so-called conventional machine tools, i.e., the NS 510 is designed for use with lathes with 2 coordinates and the NS 520 is designed to be used with milling machines with 3 coordinates. These systems are classified as HNC systems and are similar to such systems as the Fanuc Mate and Hunor - PNC 712. These systems allow for the easy ope.�ration and manual control of machines and make it possible to insert compc.tent programs for batches of up to 100 units. They are designed to contro.l machines equipped with "Mezomatic" automatic feed drive mechanisms manufactured by MEZ [Moravian- Silesian Electrical Engineering Plants] Brno with pulsed data input (one input pulse corresponds to a movement of 0.001 mm). It is also possible to use stepping motors or hydraulic cylinders with closed-position coup- lings, e.g., by means of a linear inductosyn system whenever these drive mechanisms have pulsed data input. _ Both systems are designed to be self-contained units with a panel (see Figure 7) that comprises control and imaging elements. The dimensions of the system including the panel are approximately 420 x 250 x 200 mm. The system is designed to be installed in a built-in mode, e.g., into the con- trol panel of a machine. The system must be mounted in a dust-free receptacle rvith an internal cooling mechanism (provided by the machine - manufacturer). 11 indiRaa pun~ql~ a slnvd VP = Xe o 0 0 0 0 0' o U Au Ye a r~rj n "I ABS !NK o 0 0 e i~ tr i~ ~r r.~ ~l 9 9 .9 N G f X Y Z M 5 T P 10~" lNS N~ I ~0 ~ ~ 6o a7 7 B 9 O / / 117 4 S 6 _ ~ =110 0 ~ 0. �-f~io 1 2 3 O O A'w o a Figure 7. 1he control panel of an HNC NS 510-NS 520 system Key: 1) trouble and status readouts 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The NS 510 and NS 520 systems are assembled from the following functional units which are mounted on four separate large-scale printed-circuit - boards: --the microcomputer (comprising the CPU and RAM and EPROM memories), --path generation system (contains the velocity control unit and a linear and loop DDA [digital differential analyzer] iaterpolator), --input-output cor.trol system (contains the necessary machine-system connecting circuits; galvanic separation is perforr.ed by DIL language converters which are controlled by Intel 8212 circuits), --panel unit (contains command and readout elements including a dial for manual feed control), � --power unit. The individual units are linked by buses. The buses are connected and controlled in accordance with the recommendations of the firm Intel- Multibus. The systems control microcomputer uses an Intel 8080A micro- processor. Thirty-two Intersil IM 6508 circuits (static CMOS memory unit wiCh a 1,024 x 1 bit organization) were used for the P.AM memory unit with a c.3paciLy of 4k bytes. The data stored in this memory (the part program , and the machine constants) are protected against loss of power for a period of at least 72 hours by a VARTA nickel-cadmium battery with sintered _ electrodes that permits a steady flow of power into the system. The EPROM memory with a capacity of 8k bytes, whici is also mounted an the micro- computer board, consists of 8 Intel 2708 circuits (an EPROPi memory with an organization of 1,024 x 8 bits). - Ever since May 1978 VUOSO in Prague has been collaborating with ZFA-Kosir - on the development of the NS 510 and NS 520 systems. At the present time ~ two working models have been built that have been tested together with models of the Mezomatic autonomous drive mechanism at WOSO in Prague. At the end of 1979 work will begin on the testing of the SKI 16 machine at the TOS n.p. at Hulin. The NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 systems are designed to be used for the control of moderately advanced machines. Namely, the NS 632 system is to be used for the control of drilling machines with 2 or 3 coordinates, the NS 633 system--for the control of 3-coordinate milling m3chines equipped with central feed drives or with electromagnetic couplings, and the NS 642 system--for the control of lathe machines with 2 coordinates. The functional parameters of these systems are approximately the same as - those of such systems as the Philips 6600 or the Plessey RUSC. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 systems are installed either in a large console with an FS 330 photoelectric reader or in a small console with- out a photoelectric reader (in which case an FS 751 tabletop photoelec- tric reader can be used) or they are designed as built-in units with separate control panels. The NS 632 and NS 633 are point-to-point control systems, and the NS 642 is a continuous-path control system in which the interpolation function is taken care of by an auxiliary arithmetic unit. The development of these systems is geared primarily toward engender9ng innovations within the existing third-generation NS 316, NS 320 and NS 421 systems manufac- tured by ZPA-Kosir. The new systems offer a number of advantages both for the user and for the manufacturer. Let us list at least some of these advantages: --the ability to write and edit a program directly on the machine, --the ability to record a used program on a punch tape by means of a portable punch or to record the program on a cassette magnetic tape, --the elimination of the punch-tape reader from the recycling process (i.e., the workpiece is machined according to the instructions in the program stored in the system me:nory), --easier programming and the abbreviation of part programs by means of parametric subprograms, --the modular construction of individual system types (i.e., systems for drilling machines, milling machines and lathes will be assembled for the most part from identical modules), --the utilization of LSI circuits (a reduction in the number of components which thereby enhances dependability), --the simplification of servicing (the utilization of troubleshooting techniques tested by digital computers). The general block diagram architecture that is common to all ZPA systems fn the NS 600 series is shown in Figure 9[i.e., Figure 8; typographic error]. Not all of the modules can be used in any single system type at the present time. Thus, for example, a given system will be equipped with either binary inputs and outputs for the control of machine processes or with an interface for a programmable automaton. Similarly, these systems will operate either with punch tape or with cassette magnetic tape depending on the preferences of the user. This is the standard practice among most foreign manufacturers of CNC systems. All of the electronic modules shown in the block diagram are mounted on modular circuit boards used in third-generation ADP devices (URS), i.e., 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY L _ ~ I ~2) 3) ~ 1 rd'e allicl~ L----J ~ i� I ronr~..__J Figure 8. Block diagram of the NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 systems ~ Key: 1) control panel 13) interface for control computer 2) reader 14) arithmetic logic unit 3) punch 15) spindLe control 4) cassette magnetic tape 16) differential link for feed _ 5) CPU 8080A 17) IRC calibration 6) EPROM memory 18) outputs to machine - 7) RAM memory 19) inputs to machine 8) panel interface 20) interface for programQnable 9) reader and punch interface robot 10) cassette magnetic tape interface 21) error-detection devices 11) address, data and control buses 22) to computer 12) interface for error detection 23) controlled machine devices 24) programmable automaton according to the traditional modular design of NC systems. When it came time to select the components base a decision was made to use circuits manufactured by Intel together with the Intel 8080A microprocessor supple- mented by an Intersil IM 6508 CMOS-type RAM memory. It is anticipated that all of these circuits will soon be produced by the CEMA countries, so they will be gradually replaced by equivalent circuits manufactured by these countries. The basic type of calibration mechanism used in the NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 systems is incremental calibration with IRC 110 rotary photoelec- tric readers. Whenever phased calibration is used (resolver or inductosyn 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY systems) the feed phase is converted into impulses that match the im- pulses of the incremental reader. The further processing of calibra- tion impulses is identical to that which takes place in the case of incremental calibration. The increment of calibration and programming in the NS 633 system amounts to 0.01 mm and to 0.001 mm in the NS 632 and NS 642 systems. The NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 systems are being developed at the ZPA- Kosir n.p. in cooperation with VUOSO Prague. Thanks to the generosity oE the workers at the SKLOSTROJ n.p. in Turnov who let the engineering team have one of their machines on loan, the first working model of the NS 633 system was successfully tested with a FCR 50NC milling machine (see Figure 9). The NS 632 system is being prepared for test runs with a VR 5NA drilling machine. The NS 642 system will be tested in 1980. The mass production of these new systems will get under way in 1981. Figure 9. Testing of the NS 633 system with a FCR 50 NC milling machine The NS 660 and NS 670 systems are designed to be used for the contral of more advanced machines. Namely, the NS 660 system (see Figure 10) is designed to be used for the control of lathes with as many as 4 coordi- nates, while the NS 670 system is designed to be used for the control of milling machines or centering machines with as many as 5 coordinates. These systems permit linear and circular interpolation, thread cutting, the control of constant cutting speed, and limited-path adaptive control. They are equipped with a program memory with a maximum content of up to 64k bytes. They make it possible to completely override a part program and call up subprograms or specific cycles including repeat cycles. 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 10. The NS 660 System The heart of the NS 660 and NS 670 systems as they are presently designed is the 8-bit processor unit which consists of three 220 x 170 mm units with integrated circuits, most of which are in the MSI category. The processor unit developed by TELSA-Kolin is based on the in:ytruction set of the Intel 8080A microprocessor, the only difference being that the gap ` of the instruction code of the 8080A was used to fill in several additional instructions that are useful for purposes of numerical control. But the design of the processor unit itself is only one of the problems that had to be resolved. No less important are the memory units, buC due to their size they posed a much greater problem. In the opening phase of the development work tests were conducted using so-called filament memories in which cata are recorded on thin sheets of magnetic material. These tests showed that these memories possess certain advantages such as the ability to retain information in spite of power losses. But it is by now quite clear that current trends are headed toward the universal acceptance of semiconductor memories, the properties of which are constantly being refined and the cost of which is rapidly declining. Hence, systems are being designed so as to permit the use of various types of inemories without altering the internal structure of central processing units. At the present time work on the testing of a prototype version of the NS 660 system with an SPT 16NC lathe is nearing completion and the 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY production of pilot series is already under way. TESLA-Kolin plans to gradually extend the modular compatibility of the NS 660 and NS 670 systems to other types of machines, e.g., shaping machines, gearing machines, electrospark machine tools, and automata. Figure 11. A Tektronix logic analyzer Figure 12. An Intel development which makes it possible to monitor as system useful for software many as 16 operations on buses development The NS 560 and NS 570 systems are conceptually derived from the NS 660 anti NS 670 system series. But in view of the fact that they are designed for the control of less complex machines they are characterized by a different architecture, certain func�tional simplifications, and a reduc- tion in the number of controlled coordinates. The systems are designed to be built into the machine's matching circuits in 19-point holding frames. The approximately 490 x 320 mm panel can be mounted, for example, in the machine control panei. Those elements which play an important role in the manual operation of the machine are located in a highly visi- ble position on the control panel. The NS 560 and NS 570 systems will go into production af ter the testing of the NS 660 and NS 670 systems has been completed. _ The main problem associated with the production of microprocessor CNC systems in the CSSR is the shortage of su!table microelectronic circuits, including microprocessors in particular, btt also semiconductor memories and other LSI circuits, most of which atill have to be imported from the capitalist countries. This situation will improve during the period 1980- 1982 after the production of certain types of necessary circuits gets under way in the CSSR. In addition, it will be necessary to speed up efforta geared taward the importation of needed circuits from the CEMA countries, especially from the USSR and the GDR which have made the greatest progress - in this area. 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Another major problem associated with the production of microproceseor CNC systems involves the procurement of the necessary kinds of instru- mentation hardware which is specifically required for the construcCion of microprocessor systems (logic analyzers, error-detection inatruments and, most importantly, development systems for the creation of eoftwnre). Furthermore, an effort must be made to develop the manpower reaources that are required for the manufacture of CNC systems, especially when it - comes to workers who have been trained in the development of sof tware for microprocessor technology. In this three-part article we have outlined state-of-the-art trends in the development of digital semiconductor technology, shown how these development trends have had an impact on the machine tools industry, and reported on the progress that has been made to date in the develupment of microprocessor technology in the CSSR and in the other CEMA countries. It is apparent that in the years that lie im:nediately ahead the applica- tion of advanced electronic components will result in a major acceleration of the development of numerically controlled machine tools. The share of NC machines in the total output of machine tools will continue to increase and by the end of the 1980s, at the very latest, it is to be expected that the volume of NC machines manufactured in the advanced industrial countries will surpass the production volume of all other categories of machine tools. If we are going to keep pace with all of the developments implicit in this assumption, we rnust immediately take whatever steps are necessary so as to insure that we will be prepared for this change in the output structure of the machine toqls industry. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Smirnov, J.A. and Jakunin, V.A. "The Development of NC Systems with Fixed Algorithms for Lathe, Milling and Drilling-Boring Machines," article published in the anthology "Cislicovo riadene obrabac3e stroje z clenskych statov RVHP" [NC Machine Tools from the CEMA Member Countries], Dom techniky CSVTS [Houae of Technology of the Czechoslovak Science and Technology Society], Bratislava, November 1978. 2. Vasek, K.; Slomcinski, E.; and Morawski, J. "The Development of NC Systems from the Standpoint of Their Logic Structure; the MERA CNC NUCON 400 System--An Example of an Advanced NC Machine Tool System," article published in the anthology "Cislicovo riadene obrabacie stroje z clenskych statov RVHP," Dom techniky CSVTS, Bratislava, November 1978. - 3. Nemes, L. "Recent Successes in the Development of NC Machine Tools in Hungary," article published in the anthology "Cislicovo riadene obrabacie stroje z clengkych statov RVHP," Dom Techniky CSVTS, Bratis- lava, Nuvember 1978. 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Hlubocky, J. "Plans for a New Series of NC Systelns," collection af papers presented on the occasion of "New Technology Days," TELSA-Kolin, November 1978. 5. Dolezal, L. "NS-500 and NS-600 Series Microprocessor Control Systems," collection of papers presented at a seminar organized by WOSO in May 1979. 6. Kapralek, A., and Nejepsa, P. "The NS 510 and NS 520 HNC Systems for Conventional Machine Tools," collection of papers presented at a seminar organized by WOSO in May 1979. 7. Klimes, M. and Bloch, P. "Circuitry Design of the NS 532, NS 633 and NS 642 Microprocessor Systems," collection of papers presented at a seminar organized by WOSO in May 1979. 8. Kondr, J. and Beran, V. "Programming of the NS 632, NS 633 and NS 642 Microprocessor Systems," collection of papers presented at a seminar organized by WOSO in May 1979. COPYRIGHT: SNTL n.p., Praha 1979 11813 CSO: 2402 END ~ 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060021-0