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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200050039-2 ' i ~l ' _ ~ ~ ~ IU > > ~ � 2i FEBRUARY i988 CFOUO 3r88) 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFI('IAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8937 21 Fehruary 1980 ~ ~JSSR Re o~t ~ CYBERNtTICS, CQIV~PUTERS AND _ AUTOMATION TECHNOLO~GY (FOUO 3/80) ~ ~ ~BIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 I NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language ~ sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or re~rinted, with the original phrasing and - other characteristics retained. ` Headli.nes, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Proces~ing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brie~, indic3te how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or e::tracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or translitprated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not cl~ar in the _ or~ginal but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. - The conten~s of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes c~f the U.S. Government. ; For further ~~fprmation on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (poiitical, sociological, military); 2726 _ (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMIN~`TION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE (i:TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 I FOR OFFICIAL USE OIJLY JPRS G~8937 21 February 1980 USSR REPORT ~ CYBERNETICS, COMPUI"ERS pPJD AUTOMATION IECHNOLOGY (FOUO 3/80) This serial publication contains articles, abstracts of articles and news iteu~s from USSR scientific and technical journaLson the specific subjec:s reflected in the table of contents. Photoduplications of foreign-language sources ~ay be obtained from the Fhotoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 20540. ?~equests should provide adequate identification both as to the source and the individual article(s) desired. CONTENTS PAGE I. DEVELOPI~4ENT AND PRODUCTiO'V OF COMPUTERS AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT.. 1 � A. General Treatment 1 - Interviews With Ci,ief Computer Designers of the USSR and GDR 1 ~ 13. Hardware 8 'ISOTIMPEX' Disk Packages 8 Measurement of Geometric Parameters of Magnetic Disks...... 10 Digital Magiietic Tape Recorder for Automated Control Systems 15 Photographs of 'YeS' and 'SM' Computers 17 - Improving the Working Reliability of the PA80-2/3M Keypunch 19 Frontcover Pictures From 'PRIBORY I S.T_STErIY UPRAVLENIYA'... 21 Exhibition of 'YeS'EVM and 'SM' EVM Gomputers 23' - a- jIII - USSR - 21C S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 � FO~t OFFICIAL USE ONLY CON'l'i?N'I'S (Cunl'nucd) ~ Pa~;~ II. ECOIIOMIC APPLICATIONS 34 A. Over-all Planning Methods 34 ~ Gosplan Planning Calculation System Adds Uniform Codes, Documents 3/a B. Economic Control at Le-.~1 37 Uniform Ciassifiers, Documents ~3eirrg IntroducPd Nationwide 37 III. INFORMATION SCIENCE...... 41 - A. Information Services 4.l Progress on Sr_andardization of Scientific-Tec:inical Terminology 41 IV. GENERAL INFORMATION 43 A. Personalities 43 List oF Authors, Titles, Affiliations From Journal 'KIBERNETIKA' 43 - ~ List of Authors, Titles, Affiliations From Kiev Journal... 46 " B. Publications il Computing Technology in Health Care 51 Cybernetics in Systems of Military Assignment 53 - Designing Computer Checkout Equipment 59 ~ Improvement of the Planning of Trade Under Automated Control System Conditioas 63 - Methods of Solving Integral Equations With Computer Programs 65 Proceedings of Symposium on Theory of Information Systems and Control Systems With Distributed Parameters......... 68 Systems Structural Modeling and Automation of Technological Process Planning 74 -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I. DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF COMPUTERS AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT A. General Treatment , INTERVIEWS WITH CHIEF COMPUTER DESIGI~ERS OF THE USSR AND GDR Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 11, 1979 pp 14-15 [Interviews with B. N. Naumov, general designer of the SM EVM, director of the Institute of Electronic Control Machines (Moscow) and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, V. V. Przhiyalkovskiy, general designer of the YeS EVM, director of the Scientific Research Center of Electronic Computer Technology and Candidate in Technical Sciences, and G. Srok, general director of VEB Robotron Export-Import (GDR)]. [Textj ~ , ~ . , _ ~ Genera 1 des igner of the YeS EVM V. V. Przhiyalkovskiy answers the questions _ k~ ~ of the correspondent. [Question] What are the general idea and purposes of the exhibition? [Answer] This year marks the lOth anniversary of ttle f ormation of the Inter- governmental Coanmission for Collaboration of the Socialist Countries in the Area of Computer Technology. The program for ~he creation of YeS EVM hard- ware and software of the second section ("Ryad-2") will be practically com- pleted also this year. The main purposes of the exhibition are reduced to the f ollowin,q: 1) to sum up the results of the 10-year collaboration on the YeS EVM and show what the combination of eff orts of the socialist countries has given for the development of computer technology in the socialist camp; ' 1 FOR OF'FICI~,?. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL liSE OIv'LY 2) to deu~,onstrate to the specialists and management of interested enter- - prises, ministries and departments practically the entire gamut of machines, - devices and ~perating systems of the YaS EVM and SM EVM, so that they may be oriented toward it in future work on the creation of various automated control systems; - 3) to show s~,ecialists the progress in the creation of automated control systems of different scale. , [Question] How can the attainc:d technical level of the YeS EVM be charac- ' terized? [Answer] The "Ryad-2" pr~gram, which will be practically completed this year, will bring the general-purpose computer technology of the cauntries of socialist collaboration orito the level of the world industrial standards ~or most hardware and software.items. With the start of production of the YeS-1065 computer next year the provision of a r,umber of branches of industry and science with camputer technology with high and superhigh productivity _ will be substantially improved. [Question] What are the prospects of the development oi the YeS EVM in the next few years? [Answer] The transition of all YeS EVM machihes to semiconductor immediate- access storage is now being completed. In 1980 the senior series model YeS-1060 computer ~aill obtain a=emicohductor storage with a volume of 8~ Mbytes. Magnetic disk stores with capacities of 200, 317 and 625 Mbytes are being developed, and two-machine systems based on the YeS-1033, YeS-1035 and YeS-1060 computers have started to be produced. Next year the senior "Ryad-2" ~ YeS-1054 computer will appear. Wc,rk is being completed on a program of fur- ther development of the YeS EVM series, the hardware and software of the next generation (!'Ryad-3"). : ~ General designer ~f the SM EVM B. N. Naumov answers the correspondent's questions. 2 - FOR OFFICI~i:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Question] What place do SM EVM models occupy in the arsenal of computer hardware? _ [Answer] The need to create a standardized series of small computer models . ' that would meet completely the requirements of the rapidly developing econ- omy of the CEMA member-countries became evident in the mid-1970's. In our country work on the SM EVI~i program was an organic development of experience accumulated by organizations of the Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation - Eq~:ipment and Control Systems: computers of that class--the M-6000 and M-400 , ASVT-M [modular systems of computer technology]--have found wide application in the solution of two important problems set for the branch in the years of the Tenth Five-Year Plan: automation of the control of technological pro- cesses and automation of planning and design work. The prospects of the :i principles of modularity in the designing of control computer complexes and - systems based on them have been confirmed. In the development of large-series production of cc~aputer hardware, small computers must be endowed with use properties that will contribute to the effective organization of new massive areas of use of electronic computers. Such qualities should include above all a substantial reduction of labor expenditures in the connection of computers with an object of control, small dimensions of the main and peripheral devices, whiah permit building the com- puter directly into the object of control, and also the appearance of new means of assuring reliability and longevity of contral systems. When large universal computers are used in control systems the rigid centralized structure of the system is imposed on the user; under those conditions a certain redun- dancy of the equipment is inevitable. When small computers are used the equipment can be selected to obtain for each specific case the best correla- tion between costs of the object and the control system. The development of the principles of problem orientation in systems based on small computers and distributed data processing results in very high require- - ments for the software. It is necessary to put at the disposal of the user a _ broad spectrum of programming languages; modularity of ~he main operating - systems also acquires decisive importance. An effective mechanism of inter- - action must be created betwen the users of small computers and the developers ~f new software. On the whole the transition to the production of problem-oriented computer , complexes based on the SM EVM will create conditions in which a basis for = the use of electronic computers in industry, science and the sphere of con- trol, a basis common to the entire national economy, will f orm. - [Question] Which areas of application of the SM EVM are most effective? [Answer] SM EVM hardware and software being developed for the construction of systems for th~ control of technological processes and production facil- ities, the automation of scientific experiments and the gathering and pro- cessing of data in multilevel complexes. Important practical results have been achieved aZso in the creation and introduction into practice of design - 3 FOR OrFICIAi: L'SE Ob'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY planning of complexes ~f the type of the "automated working place of the designer." One of the basic tasks of the SM EVM program, as has already been mentioned, - is the development uf so-called problem-oriented complexes for newly organ- ized areas of application of computers. Examples of the mentioned complexes are measuring and computing complexes (IVK) in which SM-3 and SM-4 computers are connected with program-controlled instruments of CAMAC or ACET [expan- sion not given] systems; the measuring and computing c~mplexes are widely used in such areas of science as nuclear physics, the physics of the earth, oceanology and biology. Problem-oriented complexes are also~being created to solve problems in the control of ~onitoring and testing equipment, the - preparation of programs f or machine tools with numerical control and the processing of economic daCa. Expansion of the list of those complexes is connected with the appearance of new types of peripherals (thus, the effec- tiveness of solution of tasks in the processing of textual inforeiation is greatly increased with the transition to the use of flexible magnetic disks instead of punched cards and the organization of new software oriented toward dialog regimes). The development of multimachine networks on the basis of YeS EVM and SM EVM models will permit creating systems with distributed data bases and various remote processing regimes; as a result the effectiveness of the use of large universal computers will be increased. [Question] What are the prospects of the development of SM EVM in the next few years? ' [Answer] In proportion to the organization of new areas of application of small computers and the appearance of a new unit base (:n particular, micro- processor sets of large-scale integrated microcircuits), requirements have _ begun to f orm for models of the second line of SM EVM, the production of which wiLl be expanded at the start of the 1980's. In determining the char- _ acteristics of that generation of small computers, three basic varieties of the basic equipment were distinguished: micro-computers for mass applica- - tions in lower control systems, small compute-s w~th expansion of the range of working characteristics (storage volume, speed and the use of ~xternal devices on the basis of new physical principles) and specialized processors, - during the connection of which to micro- and small computers the productivity - of a given problem-oriented complexfrom the selected class of problems will - substantially increase. With expansion of the spectrum of SM EVM models and _ reduction of their cost, broader possibilities will appear for the introduc- tion of computer hardware in those regions of the national economy in which automation is capab?e of assuring the greatest economic effect: machine tools and robots with programmed control, means of transport, medical equipment, scientific and measuring instruments, means of office crechanization. Simul- taneously plans are being made for the very rapid creation and organi2ation _ of software convenient to operate, which will permit expanding work on the production of various centrol complexes already by the start of production of series SV EVM models of the second line. 4 FOR OFFICI?.L LSE OiV'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY N< ; G. Srok gives an interview. [Question] Can yc~u tell us about Robotron and its goals and tasks in the national economy of the GDR? [Answer] The Robotron combine was formed in 1969 on the basis of combination = of several production enterprises and institutes. Its main tasks are the development, production and delivery to users of devices f or electironic data processing as an important means for the rationali2ation of processes of production and control and the effective solution of scientific and tech- nical problems. The combine now consists of 21 enterprises. At 14 production enterprises, _ at the Center f or Science and Technology, at enterprises for the productian of ineans of rationalization of processes, four sales enterprises and the _ national foreigh trading enterprise of the GDR, Robotron Export-Import, 70,000 workers, engineers, scientific workers and economists are working. Over 7500 workers are studying questions of research ac~d development. The export program of Robotron includes electronic installations for data processing, small computers, contr~l and mini-computers, equi~?ent for data input, output and processing, automatic account~ng and billing machines, typewriters, means of office mechanization and drawing machines, measuring electronic devices, radio relay technology and household electronics. [Question] What trade contacts does R~botron maintain with the USS R and - what percentage of the total exports of the combine do deliveries to the USSR represent? [Answer] Over 60 percent of our exports go to the USS R. The USS R is an - unportant foreign trade partner of the combine. The development of exports - and imports with the USSR, as with other socialist countries, is based on long-term agreements and contracts on specialization and collaboratian. The export of YaS EVM computers, peripherals and mini-computers to the USS R ~ and other socialist countries is supplemented by large deliveries of auto- matia accounting machines and caiculators, and also typewriters and printing presses. 5 FOR OFFICI~,I. USE Ob'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL JSE ONLY [Questi~n] What contacts in the area of imports exist between the Rnbntr~n cowbine and S oviet exporters? [Answer] Imports of machinery and equipment from the USSR into the GDR have _ developed at rapid rates. The volume of deliveries from the USS R to the GDR are 6 times greater than in 1970. The CDR has obtained the YeS-1020/22 com- puter fr~m the USS R. In addition, we buy desk calculators, cash registers and peripherals for electronic computers in the USSR. Soviet YeS-1035 com- puters will be introduced in various important national economic sectors of - the GDR in 1980. [Question] Can you tell me the most ~tnAOrtant export deliveries to the llSSR, for which sectors of the national economy they are taade, the main users they are intended for and what those articles are2 [Ans~aer] In 1978 the cbmbine shipped over 100 YeS-1040 computer configurations to the USSR. Within the framework of the Five-Year Plan effective at the pre- sent time our articles, in particular the YeS-1040 cumputer, automatic account- ing and billing machines are being successfully used at the large constructi~n sites of Orenburzh'ye, the Kamskiy riotor Vehicl.e Plant, at enter.~~ri.~es f:~r tl~e use c,f atomic energy f or peaceful purpcses, in aircraft building, transpor- tation, the energy economy and many scientific institutes of the USSR. By _ means of information gathering devices, accounting and billing machines and computers designed for specific operating conditions many problems are being solved in industry, science and the economy. The hardware corresponds to the present-day level, is constructed on the basis of microprocessor units and meet the requirements of the world market. [Question] How is the Robotron combine participating in international exYiibi- tions in the USS R, and are specialized exhibitions held in the GDRT [Answer] In the course of our many years of joint work we have partici~ated ~ in many exhibitions and fairs in the USSR and have organized many specialized exhibitions ourselves. In 1978, on the threshold of the 61st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, we conducted the 13th speeialized exhibition of office machines of the combine in Alma-Ata, and a subsequent exhibition is planned for October 1980 in Kiev. In addition, we are parti- cipating in international exhibitions and fairs being conducted in all coun- tries of the world. All this helps to acquainC users of the USSR with the export program of the Robotron combine and is a demonstration of the close collaboration of the USSR and the GllR. - The combine exports its production to 66 countries, and in more than 25 of , them it has its own representatives. [Question] What work is the Robotron combine doing within the framework of the Unified S ystem of Electronic Computers of the socialist countries? 6 FOR OFFICI~i:. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY [Answer] By its work in the Unified System of Electronic Computers (YeS EVM) and the International System of Small Computers (SM EVM) the combine ~ is making a large contribution to s~ciaYist economic integration. This col- Iaboration is characterized by the fact that the combine assumes the respon- L sibility for the performance of agreed-upon tasks in the development, pro- duction and use of electronic computer technology. Over 30 percent of the themes in the stages of research and development are connected with joint work of the GDR and the USSR. - The high scientific and technical dchievements of workers of the Kobotron combine are clearly traced on the example of ~new systems of YeS-1055 com~uter _ articles and peripherals at the exhibition. COpYRIGHT; Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1979. [ 133-2174] 2174 CSO; 1863 r 7 FOR OFFICIAi. L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. Hardware 'ISOTIMPEX� DISK PACKAGES Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 10, 1979 p 47 [Advertisement] [Text] Type of Package YeS 5053 YeS 5261 YeS 5269 IZOT 5266 Capacity in Mbytes 7.25 29/58 2.45/5 100 Number of disks 6 11 1 12 - Number of recordic~.g surfaces 10 20 2 20 Track density (TPI) 100 100/200 100/200 200 Recording density (BPI) 1100 2200 2200 4400 Compatibility of disk package, with IBM 1311 or IBM 2314 or IBM 5440 or IBM 3300 equzvalent equivalent equivalent Specification number 2864 3564 3562 4337 Contemporary technology meets the requirements of the customer. The above will help you select us as a supplier. IS OT IMPIX VTO "ISOTIMPEKS" Bulgaria - Sofiya Telephone; 73-61 ul. Chapaeva, 51 Telex: 022731 ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES ACQUIRE COIrA~IODITIF~ IN THE ESTABLISHED PRO- CEDURE THROUGH THE APPROPRIATE MINISTRY AND DEPARTMENT. ` REQUESTS FOR A PROSPECTUS OR CATALOG SHOULD BE DIREC~ED T0; 103074,MOSCOW, PL. NOGINA, 2/5, INDUSTRIAL CATALOG SECTION, USSR STATE PUBLIC SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LIBRV~RY. V~0 "VNESHTORGREHI~AMA" � [All-Union Foreign Trade Advertising Association] 8 - FOR OFFICI~ LTSE 0~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY 1'.~T/ ~�t~,,p ~ x 1 ~Y~~~ r~�W ! ~ _ ~ ~ ~ `4~ q'~q~ i ~~n ~ : f t - ?t? F ' ' 'sT ~ t,� b } , �Z `f f~,~ ~ � ,if'~:aux - ^~:a 0, ! ,Fk" S' . J ik3� ~'~i ~ r COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". - "Pribory i s3stemy upravleniya", 1979. [130-2174] 2174 CSO; 1863 9 FOR OFFICIAI. LTSE ONLY F APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 531.7.081:681.327.66 N~ASUREMENT OF GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF MAGNETIC DISKS - Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 10, 1979, pp 25-26 [Article by Engineers V. I. Popov, A. A. Zemlitskas and L. L. Musteykis] [Text] Magnetic disk stores YeS-5050, R-412, R-421, etc, are widely used at the present time as external computer storages. The geometric parameters = of the data carrier, the magnetic disk, have a considerable influence on the quality and working reliability of those stores. Of very great impor- tance are the parameters that characterize the quality of manufacture of the working end faces of magnetic disks (end runout, acceleration of end - ruriout, etc). The rigid technical conditions presented f or magnetic disk parameters in the micrometric range stipulate specific requirements for control methods, and the precision of ineasuring devices and their precision mechanical parts [1, 2]. It should be noted that magnetic disk parameters are monitored 3 or 4 times in various stages of the technological process of the manufac- ture of disks and their bases. Theref ore besides meeting the indicated requirements such devices must measure all the princi~~al magnetic disk _ parameters, have an improved output of inf ormation.adout the results oP measurements and be automated, productive, and convenient and simple to operate. - On the basis of that, to reduce labor intensiveness and improve the quality of output, a unit f or monitoring the geometric parameters of magne tic disks [ustanovka dlya kontrolya geometricheskikh parametrov MD (~JIQrID)] has been developed in the Special Design and Technological Office of N~eans of Auto- mation of the Vil'nyus "Sigma" Computer Equipment Production Association [3]. Figure 1 presents a photograph of the unit. It is executed in the form oa a table, ~n the horizontal surface of which are a plate with a rotary drive and a magnetic disk holder, a carrier with measurement sensors that move in a straight line over the radius of the magnetic disk, a control panel and a display panel. The main electronic part of the unit is made of series K140 and K?55 microcircuits, set on standard replaceable elements. 10 FOR OrFTCI~ LSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050039-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . . , - ~ f ^k~'~"~ . ~~r ~ - . ~ . . . ' ' ,1 . oj` a ~f r 3 m-4 ~ ' yr.a.,. . - R . ;~y .cki~ ~ ~ ,.1 "'~'.'-..�~.~.T. ~,+efye~ t� f II~'+iW4nFJw ,M ~.,,~p.q~!} &i~C ~ _ r=ar , k~ ~ ~~F x ~ ` ` , _ . ~ ~ ~ . . O . s,..: ~ ~ :__.~..:~:'l. L .E ~ ~w._