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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/OS: CIA-R~P82-00850R00020004009 S-6 ~ 8 JANUARY 1988 C FOUO 1r80 ) 1 OF 3. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPF~S L/885~ - 8 January 1~980 USSR Re ort p - RESOURCES CFOUO 1~%80) ~ FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 NOTE JPRS publicat~ons contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerptj in the f irst line of each item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetica113~ or transliterated are enclosed parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. . Other unattribured parer.thetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source . The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, vietas or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For fsrther information on report content call (703) 351.-2938 (economic) ; 346~3 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWIVERSHIP OF 1K?.TERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUT_RE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~?PRS L/8852 8 January 1980 USSR REPORT RESOURCES (FOUO 1/80) CONTENTS PAGE FUELS AriD RELATED EQUIPMENT Planning of Systems for Carbon Dioxide Injection Into a Bed (B. M. Vladimirov, G. N. Yemel'yanov; NEFTEPROMY- SLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79) 1 Means for Perfecting Gas Lift Method of Oil Extraction (N. S. Marinin, et al.; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79) 6 Control of Salt Precipitates at Fields of West Siberia (S. A. Mihlaylov; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79)...... 12 Control of Paraffin Deposits at Udmurtiya F=elds (F. A. Kamenshchikov, et al.; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79) 16 Stabilization of Oil at West Siberian Fields (M. G. Ibragimov, et al.; NEF'TEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79) 21 Oil Preparation at Pravdinsk Field (V. S. Ambros, G. A. Atanov; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Se~ 79) 25 - Control of Carbonate Salt Precipitates in Oil Field Equipment (F. M. Sattarova; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79)...... 29 Study of Pipeline Failures at Samotlor Field (E. P. Mingalev, et al.; NEFTEPROMYSLOVOYE DELO, Sep 79) 32 - a - [III - US5R - 37 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 CONTENTS (Continued) Page . New Approach to Classification of Oil Resources (E. M. Khalimov, M. V. Feygin; GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, Sep 79) 37 - Commercial Reserves of Gas (I. N. Malinovskiy, et al.; GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, Sep 79) 45 . Underground Gasificaticn of Coal Discussed (V. A. Kushniruk, et al.; UGOL' UKRAINY, Oct 79)....... 52 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' FUEIS AND RELATED DQUI'~~MENT UDC 622.276.f PIANNING OF SYSTEMS FOR CAR'BQN DIOXIDE INJECTION INTO A BED T?oscow NEFTEpROMYSIAVOYE DELO in Russian No 9, Sep 79 pp 5-7 ri CArticle by B. M. Yladimirov and G. N. Yemel'yanov~ Bashkir.State Scientif~c Research and Planning Institute of the Oil Industry, submitted for publi- ca.tion 21 Dec 78~ [Text] For the purposes of a more complete extraction of oil from the depths of the earth it is planned to widely introduce new methods for working the fields with the use of c~emical reagents. Abroa.d work on ca.rbon dioxide injecticn into a bed to the oil out- put has been done since 1949, whereby positivs results have been obtained. Experimental work to es~imats the effectiveness of using carbon dioxide to increase the oil outpu~ was carried out at the Aleksa.ndrovskiy area in the association 'Bashneft"' [l~. " Carbon dioxide is not an active compound~ it is thermally stable~ does not burn, and partially interacts with water~ forming carbonic acid tha.t posseses the properties of a weak acid [2]. The physica.l properties of carbon dio- xide depend on the temperature ressure and hase state. conditions C1O and 760 mm H~) carbon dioxide is a gas with density of 1 1.9769 kg/m~ and molecula~ weight 44. The indices for injection ;~to a bed (discharge~ pressure, cycle of operations, sequence of connection~ etc.) are ta.ken according to the data, of the production plan or the pla.n for development of the formation. ~n- jection of carbon dioxide into the bed~ as a rule~ is done through injsction wells cyclically (alternately with water). Therefore the systems of flooding of the bed and injaction of carbon dioxide into the bed must comprise a unified system of ma,intaining formation pressure (MN'p) of the field. In the development of new oil fields or in the ca,se where the a.ctive system of flooding meets the requirements set for the systems of carbon dioxide injection into a bed~ certain elements in the MFp system (walls~ injection ~ 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 ~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY pi~pelines and distributi:4; points) can operate both nn water and on carbon dioxide. The requirements for tiie quality of the product to be pumped are ta.ken ~om the condition of complete solubility in liquid carbon dioxide of gaseous admixtures and prevention of interna,l corrosion of ths pipes. The maximum permissible content of admixtures in carbon dioxide tha.t is designed for injection into a bsd is given below ~ . water,~ 0.02 Hydrogen, ~ p,15 carbon monoxide,~ p~15 _ hydrogen sulfide~ mg~m3 2p other admixtures traces Tho optimal working parameters of the pipeline transport of carbon dioxide in a certain are defined by the temperature of the envisonment (soil~ air), physical properties of the transported product~ presence of effective thermal insulation structures~ and the pumping indices (output~ dista.nce). Thus~ for example, the main pipelines and intrafield systems of carbon dioxide that are planned for construction extend from several tens to hundreds of kilometers. The output of the pipelines changes f`ram 0.2 to 4.0 million ~r~Year. Under conditions of the Ural Volga region the soil temperature in the zone of oarbon dioxide pipel~ne la, (depth of occurrence 1.K-1;7 m~ in winter is plus 1-1.5�C, and in summer plus 10-13�C. For the indicated temperatures the absoiute saturation pressure of carbon ~ioxide (e~asticity of.vapors) is in winter 35-37 kg-f/cm2, and in summer 4~b-4$ kg-f~cm . To preserve the one-phase staze of carbon dioxide its pressure at a~y point must differ f`rom the saturation press~m e by no less tha,n 5-6 kg-f~cm . Transporting of carbon dioxide on pipelines can be implemented as follows. First method--transporting of carbon dioxide in a gaseous state under pressares up to 35 kg-f/cm2 on anisothermic pipel~nes. The density of the product here will be altered in limits 30-90 kg~m , which results in large metal outlays for the construction of the linear section of the gas pipe- lines~ increase i.n the aquipment and consumption of electricity for d~iving i;he compressors. Before injecting the carbon dioxide into the wells it i$ necessary to raise the pressure to 150-200 kg~em2. Second method--~ransporting carbon~dioxide in the liquid state under pressures over 54 kg-f~cm on anisothermic pipelines is the most efficient. This is evident from the following; the caxbon di~xide with pressure abova the critical (over 75 kg-f~cm2) can be injected in a relatively broad range of temperatures without the danger of phase conversions. Here the density of carbon aioxide in the:temperature interval 0-15~C wil'1 be altered insig- nificantly. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE (1NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pressure, kg-f~cm2 Density, kg~m3 - So 9~2-870 ; 15~ iooo-935 zoo lozo-96o With this method it, is recommended that the caxbon diox~de be transported fr~m the site of its production to the fiel3s under pressure ~zp to 100 kg-f~ cm , and a~ the oil fialds under pressure 1j0-200 kg-fjcm2. Third method--transporting caxbon dioxide in the liquid state under pressures up to 54 kg-f~cm2. The temperature of the product to be pumped here must not be above the temperat~e of condar.~?;ion (minus 20�C-minus 5�C~ in order to prevent the separation aftrie gaseous In this case the liquid carbon dioxide can be pumped on isothermic pipelines. In order to the hea~ content of the medium to be pumped on the required level on the linear section of the pipeline in 40-60 km the product must be cooled to the initial temperature with the help of cooling units. With the given method of pu:nping ca,rbon dioxide complexities arise in the ope~ration of the struct~es and it is necessa.ry to employ cooling units and effective hydrophobic thermal insulating materials. Fourth ,nsthod--transporting of carbon dioxide in the supercritical state at a temperature to grevent condensation above plus 31�C. The sta.rtir~ presswre of pumping for economic considerations is taken as 140-]_80 kg-f~cm2. p umping of the product in this case is possible on isothermic pipelines. In ordor to the heat content of the m~dium to be pwnped on the requirod level ~n the linear section of the pipeline in 40-60 km the carbon ' dioxide must be heated in heat generators. This method of transporting ca.rbon dioxide can be very effective in ptunping on sta.ndard (anisothermic) pipelines in cases where the specific loca.l conditions guarantee the product temperature at the end of the pipeline not lower than 3~-44�C. The ?ndicated temperature can be obtained during pumping of carbon dioxide with relatively high sta.rting temperature (40�C and higher) on pipelines - of sma.ll langth~ and also in supplying a.dditiona.l quantities of caxbon dioxide in a number of_intermediate points of~the pipeline of great leng~th. In the latter case the heat losses of the pipeline into t~e environment must be compensated for by the heat introduced by carbon dioxide in intermediato _ points of the product into the pipeline. Technical and economic comparisons of the methods described above for trans- porting carbon dioxide demonstra~te that the most economica.l for the conditions of ~he Ural-Volga region and the technically foasible is the second method-- _ transporting of car'oon 3ioxide in the liquid sta.te under high press~es on 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY anisothermic pipelines. This method toakes it possible to putnp casbon dioxide in a broad range of temperatures without the danger of con- - versions and trie density c~ the product is altered insignificantly. The latter affects the stability of operation of the pumping equipment. Taking into account the high pressures of pumping under which it becomes inoxpedient to set up intermediate storehouses to regulate the nonuniformity in consumption, the carbon dioxide must be fed from the site of its pro- duction to the injectior. walls on piFelines according to the "rigid" plan - fxon~ pump to pump. Therefore regula.tion of the output of the system will be carried out by means of cha.nging the operating pa.ttern of the pumpin~ stations, and the number of wells connected for injection. The liquid carb~n dioxide tha.t is obtained ba,sed on the recovery of gaseous wastes of ammonium production is fed along the main pipeline to the field. The liquid carbon dioxide with pressure 55 kg-f~cm2 enters the buffer ta,nks throu~h the connection block and it~ ther to the intake of the centrifugal pumps. The purnps raise the pressure of tho casbon dioxide to the required ainount (150-200 kg-f~cm2), after whictii.t enters the collector block from which it is sent along the distributing pipelines to the distributing pipes and f~.m ther along the injection gipelines to the wells, Tl~~ b~_~.f'ff~r. tanks aro designed for regulation of the output of the pumps and - the mdin pipeline, and for preventing possible entrance intothe pumps of gaseous admixtures released from the carbon dioxide. To stabilize the operating pa.tterns the production plan provides for the possibility of ir.jecting carbon dioxide into tha b uffer wells connscted directly to the collector block. The carbon dioxide is injected into the bed with the help of the resources of control, automa.tics, interlocking, remote control that provide the normal operation and localization of possible deviations in the operation of tho technological equipment with the minimum participation of the service personnel. The rate of carbon dio;~ide in jection is gua,ranteed by the flow rate regulators that are installed at the opening of the well. A utomatic reg ulation of the maximwn permissible pressure is provided for injaction and the maximum permissible pxessure for suction of the pumps, For this purpose a pressure regulator "bef~~e itself" is installed on the pressure side of the pumps tha.t maintains the minimum permissible carbon dioxide pressure on the final segment of the main pipc~line~ and a pressure regulator "~,fter itsslf" on the suction side of the pumps to limit the~possible in- crease in carbon pressure abovo the calculated valus. . B IBZIOGRAPHY l. Babalyans G. A,; Tuma.syan, A. B.; panteleyev V. G.; et al. "primeneniye ka.rbonizlrovannoy vody dlay uvelicheniya nef~ootdachi" [Use of 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Carbonized Water to Increase Oil Output~, Moscow~ Nedra~ 1976. 2. Altunin, V. V. "Teplofizicheskiye svo :~tva dvuokisi ugleroda" ~Thermo- physical Properties of Carbon nioxide~~ Moscow, Standart~ 1975� COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii~ upravleniya. i ekonomiki neftegazovoy pramyshlennosti (VNIIOENG), 1979 9035 cso: 18zz . . 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUELS ANU REIATED DQUIPMENT . unc 6z2.z76.5z2 MEANS FOR PERFECTING GAS LIFT METHOD OF OIL EXTRACT ION _ 1Koscow NEFTEPROMYSIAVOYE DEIA in Russian No 9, Sep 79 pp 15-19 [Article by N. S. Marinin, V. A. popov and Ye. P. Erte, Siberian Scientific Research Institute of the Petroleum Industry~ submitted for publication 16 A pr 79] ~Text] At the fields of West Siberia thc~ gas lif`t method of oil extraction is being w~dely employed. At the Pravdinsk field oil wells are being operated with a comprsssor gas lift. At the Samotlor field plans of a compressorless gas lift developed by the Siberian Scientific Reseaxch Ir.~titute of the Petroleum Industry and Glavtyumenneftegaz have been intro- ciuc~d; they include withdra~ral of gas for the gas lift from the gas cap and f ~r elevation of the liquid directly from the gas bed by an intrawell over- flow (IWO). As a result of this therd is no need to lift the gas to the surface,_ prepare and withdraw the gas and oil in one well equipped according to the plan of intrawell gas lift-gas (IWO-gas)~ on independent channels. Here the gas is lifted on pump-compressor pipres (P ~p~, heated by the ~ ascending flow of oil through the ring space up to 40-50~C and is fed to the gas lift wells. According to the data of field studies of gas wells in the Samotlor field, the gas tsmperature at the head'is 3-20�C, and the dew point temperature is +20 �C, i.e., the feeding of gas to the gas lift wells without preparation is impossible. The use of the IfrfO-gas plan in withdrawal of oil over the pipe spaco with output of 300, 600 and 900 T~day ma,kes it possible to heat the gas withdrawn on the P CP to t=40-60�C, and to feed it to the gas lif wells even beyond the limits of ~he cluster without preparation, According to the ~ given plan wells 390 and 2048 of the Samotlor field were equipped. It is recommended tha.t sin~le wells be operated on the IWO pla.n. Eight wells been equipped and are operating on this pla,n. Complete use of energy, of the compressed gas and the absence of surface lines are the most promising for ttie introduction of the gas lift. A necessary condition for the efficient operation of the gas lift wells is determination of the optimal parameters of their operation and establish- ment of the assigned pattern. The most widespread method for solving this 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY e ~ r 1 _ 1 i - ~ ~30 ~N 1n1 ~ ` O.,M/~Y�^ ' m~day Figure l. Example of Processing Results of Study for Well 473 (1) and 46~ (2) problem is the method of studying the gas lift wells proposed by the Azerbaijan State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Oil Industry tha.t etzpulates that the amount of the head press~e in studying the wells be constant. The fie ld tests of the gas lift wells demonstrated tha.t the head~pressure in the process of the study is considerably altered, which impa.irs the use of this method. Therefore the possibility was studied of determining and selecting the optimal conditions for the operation of gas lift wells by processing the rasults of field studies. Figt~e 1 pre- sents an exa.mple of the pr~cessing of results of studies on compressor � wells 473 and 463 of the Prav3insk field. The complex parameter R~P represents the ratio of the specific discharge of gas to the hea,d p~essure whose minimum value serves as the criterion of optimality. Thus, for xell 463 the minimum value R~P is 5.6. With the known amount of head _ Qressure, for example, 15 kg-f~cm2~ the specific discha.rge of gas in the optima.l pattern will be 84 m3~T with output of 170 T~day. In order to select the operating pattern of the wells equipped according to the IWO plan, a method was developed fox studying and processing its results in the coordinates P-Q ~ which makes it possible to select the operating pa.ttern of the wel~s with any values of the determining parameters (figure 2). One of the characteristics of the gas lift tnethod of extraction is its efficiency. Based on the field tests and c~,l~ula~ions made the efficiency - of the gas lift system and its individua.l objects can be chaxacterized by averaged data, given in the tab le. F~om the table one can define the two directions for increase in the = efficiency of the gas lift. The first direction is linked to a reduction ~ in the objects of the gas lift system~ and the second--with an increase in the efficiency of each object. The limit reduction in objects was achieved with the intrawell gas lift - trans ort t~ technologica.l operations (wi~hdrawal of compressed gas its p ~ prepa.ration~ regulat ion and use are implemented in the l~mits ~ . FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of one ob ject~ the gas lift we11. The low efficiency of gas lift wells is explained primarily by the laxge losses for slipping of tha gas in the 1ift. ~ t ~ _ ~1~~' ~ I , ( ~ 1~1 I ~ b (l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ 0 ~CY7 KA~ ttY! c~17 - A~i. ,n/.;~n~~~ Figure 2. Example of Processing Results of Studies on PJ.a.n IWO (d3 and d-- I~i.;.~meters F'ace and Head Flow Regula.tors Respectively, R--Specific Discharge of Gas) . Key: 1. Head pressure, kg-f~cm2 2. Output~ T~day Tho collea.gues of the Siberian Scientific Research Znstitute of the Oil Industr.y joiiitly with the workers of NGDU ~Oil and Gas Mining Administration~ "Pravdinskneft developed, tested and introduced a removable device for gas dispersion ~hat makes it possible to considerably reduce the losses of gas for slipping. The removab]~e device of gas dispersion can be installed in the sleeve connection of the PCP at any depth by a cable tool. With passage of the gas-liquid mixt~me through the flow regulator the gas _ is spli.t up~ the relative velocity of the gas is decreased and the losses for slipping are reduced, which results in ar~ increase in the efficiency of the gas lift well and decrease in the specific gas consumption. . In 1976-1977 tha econom9.c effectiveness f`rom introducing the devices of gas dispersion according to the NGDU "Pravdinskneft Were 738,000 R. The results of field tests indicate the high effectiveness of using deep flow-re~ulator dispersex; the sufficient reliability of its design and the operations for insta~lation in the P(~, It is necessaxy to develop for � different designs of wells and parameters of their opera~tion a measuring order, method s of cnmputation and to organize series output of the dis- persing devices. ~ The ever increasing volumes of introducing the gas ~lift at the fields of Glavtyumenneftegas [Main Administration of the Tytunen' Oil and Gas Industry] advancs in the number of m~,in tasks the selection of the system of start- up of the gas lift wells. In this respect a set of field studies was formulated and a study was made on the effect of different types of gas lift 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 I , - FO1R OFFICIAL USE ONLY - . . . . Ob jects of gas lift mixtu~e Gas lift - - . _ _ comt~cessor com ressorles t ~ ~11. . Gas engine p.1~3 - - Piston compressor ~ p~85 _ _ . Gas-withdrawing well p~g5 p~g5 Gas pipeline I 0.9$ O.c~g _ - Gas-distributing booth ~ 0, 9!F p~ 4t~, _ _ Gan-lift well ~ 0.41 0.41 0.41 _System nf ~as-lift as a whole ~ 0.14 p 2 ~ --1---- `3-- _ . ~~35 . valvos on the operating pattern of the gas lift wells. According to the ~ test results it ~ras esta.blished tha.t the use of spring-bellows valves with light pressure of nitrogen by the bellows made it possible to r~duce the specific consumption of gas by 10-2~, increase the output by 20-30~~ and icrcprove the efficiency of the gas lift wells by 7-10y6. The effect was obtained as a result of the maximum use of the pressure ~f the injected gas. Further it is necessa.ry to continue the studies of the spring-bellows valves with light bellows in order to study the3r characteristics, in particula.r the performe.nce capacity of the spring, in a broad range of discharges of gas and outputs of liquid, and to determine the expediency of their mass use in the systems for starting-up the gas lift co~aplexes. peculiarities of the sta.rt-up of gas lift wells under conditions of the West Siberian fields are associated with the curvat~e of th~ir sha.fts. - The la,boratory and field studies showed that for successful start-up the dista.nces between the va.lves must be reduced as compared to the distance for the vertical lift by 10-2~�,b depend3,ng on the angle of curvat~e of the shaft of the gas lift well. In accordance with the indicated recommendations the start-up gas lift valves were axranged in the inclined gas lift wells of the Pravdinsk field~ which promoted an increase in the depth of gas input into the hoist, increase in output and reduction in specific discha,rge of gas. Based on the stu8.ies made in ~he institute a"Technique for Arrangement of Star t-ixp Valves in Inclined Gas Zift Wells" was developed and approved by the Min~stry of the Oil Industry which was recommended for computa.tion of the sta.rt-ixp patterns in the inclined ga.s lift wells at all the fields. In the operation of the gas lift wells the groblem arises of the optimal distribution of gas of high p~essure for the wells. The task of the optimal distribution of gas is reduced to the maximization of oil withdrawal with limited discharge of gas or minimization of gas discha.rge with~the assigned withdrawal of liquid. As a result of the resolution of the it~dicated problem a technique wa.s developed for distributing gas by the an,alytical � method. The field tests of the efficient distribution of gas for the ga.s lift wells were made on a group of 13 wells in the NGDU "Pravdinskneft'," It was established that with the individua.l selection of the operating ~ pattern of the gas lift wells for the least specific discharge of gas the withdrawal of liquid is 20,~ lower tha.n th~.t obta.ined by the analytical - method. 9 . FOR OFFICIAL USE 0?dLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In addition to the examined one of the important tasks of the research is ~ an increase in the rel:Lability of the functioning of the gas lift complex. In field practice the reliability is evaluated based on the p~riod betwesn repairs and tho o~parating coeffi.cient of the gas lift wells. The ma.iri types of ma. jo'r r~pa,irs on the gas liFt wells of the Pravdinsk , field in 1973-1977 are presented below in percentages of the total balance. Txansfer of wells to gas lift, f ~,6 Repair of gas lift well~ f 32 Including repair of tha operating column,/ 1 perforation 3 isolation of water 7 intensif ication of influx 19 other work on the bed 2 Repair of gas lift equipment 22 Including elimination of accidents of underground equipment,~ 2 ~ elimination of hydrate plug in well 10 ~ revision and replacement of gas lift equipment 10 Since the equipment of the well for the gas lift is included in the cycle of construction of wells, then further the work for transfer to the gas lift can be excluded from the volume fulfilled by the major repair ~teams. The work for change in the characteristics of the critical zone (per- For~.t;ion, isola.tion, intensification) is carried out on wells regardless af ~he ~,~~3~;hod of opexation. A reduction in the number of these repairs is J.inked to the development and introduction of more adva.nced systems of development. Of the amount of work on repair of underground gas lift equipment about half is elimination of hydrate plugs in the wells. Elimination of these r~pa,irs is possible based on a more thorough preparation of the gas before feeding it into the well, and develapment and introduction of ineasures for preventing hydrate-formations in the shafts of the gas lift wells. Unly a tonth of all the repairs a-re Iinked to elimination of accidents, inspection and replacemant of the gas lift equipment. This indicates that ft~ther increase in the reliability of the standard set of underground gas lift equipment does not a significant effect on the reliability of the gas lift system as a whole. However the attained period between repairs implemented on all fields. For example, the repair of wells with compressorless gas lift is linked to deposits of salts in the equipment and imperfection in the throttle valve in the experimental design of the unit for intrawell gas 1'ift. To increase the period between repairs it is necessary in the first place to develop and introduce.effective methods for combatting salt deposits. We will analyze for the wells nf the pravdinsk field~the operating coeffi- cient for the period 1973-1977; on the averageit is 0.97 Half of the time of inactivity is lir_ked to the repair of wells, a third part--to a shortage 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200044418-6 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY of gas and repair of collectors, and a fifth part--with research. A reduction in the number ~f repairs of wells, idla time of the compressors and use of _ methods of research tha.t exclude stopping of the wells~ will make it possible to obtain an operating coefficient tha.t is close to a unit~ Thus~ the studies on the development~ testing and introduction of the com-� pressorless gas lift at the Samotlor field, search for and intro3uction of methods for incre~:sing the efficiency of the ,~as lift wells (devices for gas dispersion, optimization of gas distribution over the ga~s lift wells~ selection of efficient designs of gas lift valves~ axrangement of start-up valves with regard for the cu~vature of the uha.ft of the gas lift wells~ ~ guaranteed the successful introduction of the gas lift taethod of operation at the Pravdinsk and substa.ntiation of the selection of gas lift e~ct.raction of oil at 48 fields in West Siberia, including the Samotlor, Fedorovskiy~ Bystrinskiy, Tagrinskiy, Lyantorskiy and Vax'yeganskiy fields. The intro- duction of ~he gas lift method of operation in broad scales will permit an increase in the period between repairs of the gas lift wells by 3-4-fold as compared to the pu?rcp method, and to bring the operating coefficient to 0.9?-0.99, which will provide a reduction in the need for repair~teams of the wells 2-3-fold, and losses for extraction of oil due to idle times of tize wells by 5-10~. A f~ther increase in the effectiveness of gas lift oil extraction is determined by the development and selecti~n of economically expedient and reliable systems of gas lift~ type, design and drive of the compressors, characteristics of the cable tool for conducting maintena.nce, selection of the appropriate parameters of the equipment~ study and selection of effi- cient conditions for staxt-up and operation of the gas lift wells~ search for effective methods of controlling deposits in the gas lift system~ and development and introduction of inethods that make it possible to bring the efficiency of the gas lift wells to 0.6-0.8. COPYRIGHT: V sesoyuznyy'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleniya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG~~ 1979 9035 cso: 18zz li FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUEI~S AND REIATEll DQUIPMENT unc 6zz.z76.7z CONTROL OF SALT PRECIPSTATES AT FIEI~DS OF WEST SIBERTA Moscow NEFT~ROMYSI~OVOYE DEI~O in Russian No 9, Sep 79 PP 25-27 CArtic.le by-�S. A. Mihlaylov~ Siberian Scientific Resear~h Institute of the Petroleum Indiistry, ~ubmitted for pu~lication 16 Apr 79] LText] The operation of the majority of oil fields of +:he oil-eactracting regions is complica.ted by the precipitation of inorganic salts in the underground and surface oil field equi~pment. Salt precipitation sharply ' rQduces the period between �of the equigment wF~ich .results in losses in oil extraction. ti;; 1~~ f~.cilities of the Trekhozernyy and Mortym'ya-Teterevskiy fields in 1971 salt precipitates were found f~r the first time. In 1978 for all the fields of West Siberia over 250 facilities were noted that were subject to salt precipitation. The dynamics of ~alt precipitation for years and ~ fields is given in table 1. The salt precipitates are mainly represented by carbonates of calcium and magnesium~ however sulfates of ba.rium and calcium are also encountered, products of c~rrosion, mechanical admixt~es~ petroleum products, The problem of salt precipitation can be conditionally divided into two parts. The first--study of the causes, conditions and mechanism for salt precipitation on the surface c~ the oil field equipment. The goal of the ~ givsn work is to and issue the initial data for planning the schemes to develop the fields, guaranteeing their salt-free operation, as well as predicting salt precipitation, selection of sot~ ces of water-supply for systems to maintain the fo~ma~ion pressure and methods to control salt precipitation. The second pa,rt is development, creation and use of inethods and resources for controlling salt precipitation in the underground and surface oil field equipment. One of the main reasons causing salt precipitation is the use of fresh water of surface sources to maintain the forma.ti.on press~e. The mean com- position of the bed and injected water is presented in table 2, from which it is apparent that the closest in its composition to the bed water is the water of the apt-senomanskiy complex and waste water. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1 ~ 1~ 2 rott~ MecTOpomtteenx 1971119721197311974~1975119i6 1977 ~ ~ 3/ WBHMCB011 rpynnW 14 53 68 80 98 9o fi~ CBMOT 70(1CKOC . - - 1 7 21 83 104 ( S~ Ycrb-SanwKCKOe - 2 6 14 20 27 3l ~6~ 3anaAHO�Cypryr- ~ 2 1cKOC . . . . - 1 ~ ~ / hierHOecKOC . - - - - 3 3 . ( 8 ~ Coeercaoe . . - - - - - 9 Key: 1. fields Us'-Balykskoye 2. yeaxs 6. West Surgut 3. Shaimskaya group 7~, Megion 4. Samotlor 8. Sovetskoye Table 2. (1~ + M"' (2) ~41ecTOpohc� ~ y~ xe a- . Aci{ite, ucTO~c- ~ CI - ~ Ca~+ Mg~+ nRSa- aeh v ~ p ~ uxR, ~ v~ z al,t Ca~toT~op- 195 16728 _ 2290 4R 8192,6 2~45 ~ choe ~ 3,2 471,2 114,26 3,94 356,2 ~ Tpc~oaepT~~ 2293,6 9121,0 12,4 153,9 43,2 6521,~ ~s CeHOWaw- 37,6 256,93 0,26 7,68 3,55 283,56 ~ cKaA ,~.~r~ 159.0 IIl97 _ 641 127 63~IQ,0 18,46 2,6 315,9 31,9 10,4 275,6 fTpecaaa ~~.2 16,0 8,5 (peqNan~(,~ _ - 0,10 1,15 0,2 O,A 0,7 CT09N3A (rto;ro~aA- 354,0 8971 64,3 10,0 5188,8 15 HaA 7~ 5.8 252,7 32,1 0,8 225,6 ~16 Key: l. Field, so~ce 4. ~ekhozerz~oye 2. Mineralizat_ton~ g~l 3. Samotlor 5. Senomanskaya 6. F~esh (river) 7. Waste water (lumber) . Note: Numerator--mg~l; denominator--mg-e~uiv~l. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Injection into the productive beds of water that is close in its chemical composition to the bed water, to a lower degree disrupts the stoady-state - salino equilibrium in the complex system bed water-rocks of collecto-r-oil~ ' than injection of fresh water from the surface of sources, rivers and l~,kes. The given situation is confirmed by the experimental ope.ration of such fields as the West Surgut and Pravdinsk, where in the system of PPD water of apt-al'b-senomanskiy water-bearing levels is used. In predicting the salt precipitation at the oil fields the selection of the optimal (~om the viewpoint of salt precipitation~ plans for development of deposits one needs to know all the hydrochemical and hydrogeological peculi- _ arities of each specific field. The water to be injected in the process of its movement aver the bed from the injection to the extracting wells enters a complex interaction with the container rock, oil, bed and connate water. A study of these procasses and their consequences is one of the most urgent problems in the area of salt precipitation. The studies made in the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of the Petro- leum Industry made it possible to g�ropose the following~'simplified plan of processes that result in salt precipitation or i.nfluence them. At the first stage of oil remova.l by water the pattern of oil-dispiace- ment c~.n be assumed to be the piston. Here the injected water creates in the beginning a swPll o~' the mix~ure of connate and bed water of increased minera.lization which also can promote salt precipitation, however it does not have a noticeable negative effect on the operation of the wells due to the l.ow degree of flooding and the gusher pa.ttern of operation of the wells. _ On i;he second plan the process of"depletion" of the film oil by carbon dioxide occurs due to its transfer into the injected water. Here the _ aggressiveness of the injected water is considerably increased in relation _ to the carbonate cement of rocks in the prod uctive levels. The injected water at this stage has little contact with the rock of the bed that is covered with a film of oil. Only after multiple washings of individua.l pore channels and washing off of the film d~ direct contact and sa.turation of. water by ions of calcium occur to equilibrium under conditions of the bad. Such water during its eleva.tion over the we11 shaft promotes the salt precipitation during degassir.g as a consequence of the isolation of carbon d9.oxide into the gas With a sufficient degree of "washing" of the oil bed by the injected water the process of salt precip~.tation can cease sp~ntaneously. The proposed plan is only a hypothesis and requires a strict theoretical and experi- mental substantiation. The methods for controlling sa:1t precipita-tion at the oil fieJ.ds can be divided into chemical, physical and technological. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The chemical methods are based on the use of reagents, inhibitors of salt precipitation tha.t prevent the settling out of salts from the over- saturated s~lutions. The physical--on the use of ma,gnetic and acoust~c fields. The technological methods include the use of equipment with coatin~;; on which precipitation of salts does not occur, as well as dif- ferent devices that affect the dynamics and structure of the water-oil f~ow and the operating conditions of the oil field equipment. The most widespread is the chemica,l method. Highly effective inhibitors have been created for salt precipitation that make it po~sible wi~h feeders of roughly 5-30 g~T of extracted water to completely prevent precipita.tion of salts. In recent years the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of the Petroleum Industry jointly with the production enterprises of Siberia have conducted extensive work to develop the technology for application of salt precipitati~n inhibitors. In addition, highly effective inhibitors of salt pr~cipi-~ation were successfully created. C~rently~ two of them are passing field test~ --OEDP (oxyethylidenediphosphonic acid) and PAp (polyethylenepolyamine-N_methylphosphonic acid~. Work has also been done to create reagents of multi-functiona.l action~ for example, corrosion inhibitor-inhibitor of precipitation-bactericide. ~ Studies on the effect of cer~ain inhibitors of precipitation on the prooesses of deh,ydration of oil demonstrate tha,t a number of reagents, in pa.rticular OEDP and PAP improve the processes of oil preparation. Com- positions have been developed based on pAP and OEDp that make it possib le to succes~fully employ the given reagents under the climate conditions of Wast Siberia, i.e., under low temperatur_es. The magnetic and acoustic m~~hods for controlling sa,lt precipitation are pa.ssing ex~erimental and industrial tests on the fields of West Siberia~ In the proce:s of application of the magnetic methods positive results have been obtained at the fields of Azerba.ijan, and at the fields of.West Siberia-- indefinite. The hydrodynamic acoustic emitters of the type "Sirena." and others demonstrate positive results at the Sa.motlor field: The Siberian Scientific Reseaxch Institute of the petroleum Industry ha,s developed and is making ex,perimenta.l and industrial tests on polymer coatings tha.t possess low adhesion to the salt precipitates. 'I~ro electrical-immersion pumps were assembled with polymer sleeves and guide apparatus with polymer m coatings. Prelimina.ry results demonstrate their high performa.nce capacity under conditions of salt precipitation. Thus, one can note that many phenomena.~ processes and conditions that result in the appearance of sa,lt deposits on oil fields are already known. However, there are certain ur:solved questions: the mecha.nism for forma,tion of the chemical composition of water in the process of movement over the bed, the mechanism for formation of salt deposits on the surface of equipment, the mecha.nism for the action of salt precipitation inhibitors~ and others, COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleniya. i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG~~ 1979 9035 CSO: 1822 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY F'UELS AND RET,ATED EQUIPMENT uDC 622.276,72 CONTROI, OF PARAFFIN DEpOSI'rS AT UDMURTIYA FIEI,LS Moscow NEFTEpROMYSIAVOYE DEI.U in Russian No 9, sep 79 pp 27-29 LArticle by F. A. Kamenshchikov, Ya, I,~ Smirnov, B. M. Suchkov, V. Ye. Yupashevskiy, and Z. A. Gumerova, Tata,r Scientific Research and Planning Ins�itute of the petro~eum Industry, submitted for publication 20 Dec 7$~ L~'ext~ The operation of the Urdmurtiya fields is complicated due to the isolation of paraffin from the highly viscous oil. particles of paraffin adhere to the rods and walls ofnthee um inng ~ells pipes (PCp) reducing their flow section and creating additional resistanceor to the mover~ent of the liquid. Paraffin is deposited especially intensivel iri the discharge lines of the pumping wells in the winter. y in the PCp is sharply 5.ncreased, which causes leaks in the Here the pressure oil seal, and sometimes breaks in the rods occur. P~P~ P1PeS~ head paraffin is deposited on the face and reduces the influxrofloil fromtthe bed. According to its physical and chemical properties the oil of the Udmurtiya fields belongs to the highly sulfurous (over 2/ The total content of substa.nces cha~nPesafrom lasto~3~6-9.1~). viscosity of the oil 100-160 cP. g 7 7' o. The To control deposits of paraffin mechanical, thermal, chemical methods are used, as well as pumping-compressor pipes with protective coatings. The mecha.nical methods include the use of different weights, scrapers~ sweeps, spheres designed to clean the PG'p at~d discha,rge lines. In the thermal methods the precipitated paraffin is heated, it floats and is removed together with the ascending stream of liquid. The chemical methods con- sist of the use of d.~fferen~E solvents. ~ The most widespread method of depa.raffinization of wells under conditions of field development of Udmurtiya is the thermal method i.e. wells with hot oil or steam. Washing of the wells with hot biladonetth~othh the Pipe space is carried out with different volumes ~ the effect from them also varies, A s a result of the therma5l treatment~on the wells of the Mishkinskiy fields the dependence was definsd for the mean 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL US,~ ONLY (4) . . ~ . ~ n ~?7 ~ ?S a Yn' T, 9~ dP7 ~ ~ , 7 - J y0 � . 0 lU /S 20 1.f d 1~ Yn~ Figure l. Dependence of Interpurifica.tion Period on Yolume of Injected Liquid in Thermal Treatment of Wells of Mishkinskiy Field for All (a) and Individual (b~ Isvels Key: 1,2~3- Bashkir, Veraian~ Cherepetskiy 4--days ~ interpnrification period on the volume of injected hot oil (fig l~a). It is easy to note tha.t with an increase in the volume of injected hot oil the interpurification period increases. Ana.lysis of the factua.l materials made it possible to approach thermal treatments from a more differentiated viewpoint. The action of the volume of injectad hot oil on the paraffin deposits varies~ especially for wells that use different levels (fig l~b). The thermal treatments have ~he greatest effect on wells that use the deposits of the Bashkir stage, and the least effect on wells of the Cherepetskiy level. Besides the treatments of the paraffin-covered cages with hot oil at the fields the pumping-conpressor pipes are steam treated with the help of a steam-generating unit, less often in combina.tion with a compressor. The effect ~om such a method ~f deparaffinization 3s also not the In contrast to the thermal treatments the best results from steam treatment are obtained in wells of the Cherepetskiy level. Periodic deparaffinization of the lifting pipes with hot oil for ma.ny wells is a labor-intensive pro- cess, since it must bs heated in measured ta.nks by superheated steam from the steam-generating units or with the help of mobile steam decontamina.tion units. A shortcoming of this method is the need to stop the wells. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The indicated ~hortcomings are noz inherent to the mathod that is based on the use of a�protective coating applied to the PCP, One of the methods for ~roatiri~; a: protective coating is linir~ the pipes with glass Lll. The paxaff'in is poorly adsorbed and crysta.llized on the gla,ss coating which prevonts precipita~ion of the paraffin in the p~~oces~ of oil extraction. An important index in evalua.ting the effec-tivenoss of the operation of pipes with protective coating is the inter-repa,ir period of well operation. In the ~ analysis it is difficult to differentiate ma.intenance according to types of work, i.e., it is impossible in a number of cases to determine what are the reasons for it: due to a disruption in the coating~ coating with paraffin, etc. For comparative cha.racteristics of the amount of the inter-repair period of operation of the wells with different coatings all the repairs are . considered that are made on the wells. ?'he data on the amounts of the averaged inter-repair period of operation of. wells equipped with sucker rod pumps, with enamel and vitrified cages for the Mishkinskiy and Chutyrsko-I~iyengopskiy fields are given in the ta.ble. Indices T e_ of coating__ . - -l--- ~ without enamel glass _ coat~___ _ - . - . . _ . ~u yrsko-Kiyengopskiy field N~unber. of repairs for one well 2.83 2.77 - N~,unber treatments for one well 8.51 7.02 _ ~ In-tar-repair period 129, 20 131. 70 ].9p~ Mishkinskiy field i Number of repairs for one well 2( I _ . N umber of treatments for one well; - ?~5g period ~ 140.30 I 210-~ ' ----1- - _ _ _ . . . . The inter-repair period for the wells equipped with vitrified pumping- compressor pipes is computed for an incomplete calendar year. It is apparent from the table that the amount of the inter-repair par iod for wells equipped with cages covered with enamel is cotnmensurate with the amount of the inter-repair period of pipes without coa,ting; while for ~ wells equipped with vitrified cages, it is considerably higher~ The analy- sis of the inter-repair period of well operation ~took into account all types of treatment done on the wells, including acid tha,t produces a pa,rtial (sometimes also complete). deterioration of the enamel coating. Th.ere- fore acid treatments must be carried out with the use of a special complex of pipes without coating. The vitrified cages in the association "Ud~~urtneft were lowered into wells 1724~ of the Mishkinskiy field, well 847 of the Chutyrskiy and 380 of the Kiyer~opskiy fields. Wells 172~ and 3~5~ were equipped with deep sucker rod ~umps, and well $47--with an immersed electrical-centrifugal pumpin~ unit. During their opera-tion no treatments or maintenance work 18 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY because of deterioration in the ccating itself were carried out. As a result af the introduction ofsuch pipes it was no longer necessary to con- _ duct hat treatments~ and the inter-repair period was considerably increased. ' Ic~ addition to the use of pwnping-compressor pipes with the protective coatings, thermal deparaffinization of the wells and putnping equipment, ~ 'recently ever more attention has been focused in the control of paraffin deposits on methods directed towards the creation of conditions tha,t pre- ~ vent their formation. Sueh methods include the methods of regulation gxowth of crystals in the volutne of the extracted oil by using various types of depressing~agents, adsorption of specially selected surface-active substances (SAS), or compositions based on them~ etc. - Makin~ the ineer surface of the PCP hydrophilic with the help of SAS is be- . coming ever more widespread; for.this purpose polyacrylamides are also used which possess the best proparties for making a substance hydrophilic as compared to other polymers L2~. A n aqueous solution of polya.cryla.mide applied to the wa.lls of pipes in the form of a protective film, tha.nks to the long-chain globula.r-branched struct~e reduces the near-wall friction , of the la.yers of liquid and prevents further precipitation of paraffim [3~. In order to imple ment a number of ineasures to control paraffin and prevent its precipitation on the walls of the pumping-compressor pipes at the Mish- kinskiy field tests were of a O.lf solution of polyacrylamide. The solution of the hydrophilic-making solution of va.rying volume was injected into the PQp of we lls 1811~ 1438, 1954, and 1723 through the pipe space. The volume of injected solution significantly affects the it~ter-purification period of wdll operation. It is apparent from figure 2 that with an in- crease in the volume of solution of polyacrylamide the inter-purification period increases. A n important fact that affects the amount of the inter-purification period is the ~egree of purification of the pipes f~om the paraffin that has been precipitated during the operating period before the injection of the hydrophilic-making reagent. The more thoroughly the pipes are cleaned~ the more stable the film of polyacrylamide is and the longer the inter- purification period. In August 1976 at wells 1328~ 1329, 131+3 and 174p nf the Mishkinskiy fiel.d a two-component mixture was tested of polyacryla.mide with liquid glass. The latter was introduced to stabilize the polya,crylamide film. A t wells 1343 and 1740 the composition was injected through the pi~e space~ and at wells 1328 and 1;29~ directly into the pumping-comprassor pipes. The greatest effect was obtained during injection of the two-component mixture of polyacrylamide and liquid glass directly~into the PCp in wells recently drilled. Therefore one can recommend the application of poly- acrylamide treatment to all the wells just drilled~ as well as ~those operating after maintenance and thorough cleaning of the inner surface of the p3.}~es and rods of resin-paraffin deposits. In treatment with the two-component 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY mixture of polyacrylamide with liquid the pumping-compressor pipes , and rods are covered with a solid, stable protecting film tha,~t reduces or prevents precipitation on them of resin-paraffin formations and gua,rantees a longc~r period of opexation of the wells without treatments. m day i30 � ' ?SO � ~SO - ?30 SO /BO ~ ~ ,t50 Figur~ 2. Duration of Well Operation depending on Volume of Injected Po1y- acrylamide - Thus, the most effective method for increasing the inter-purifica.tion period of well operation is the use of a protective coating. It ma,kes it possible to increase the inter-repair period 1.5-2-fold. The selection of the method for deparaffinization of wells depends on the employed level. It is expedie~t to treat wells of the Bashkir level with :~t oil in a volume of 22-25 m. It is preferable to equip wells of the Cherepetskiy level with vitrified pumping-compressor pipes, and also to employ steam treatment with the help of a steam-generating unit. Making the inner surface of pipes hydrophilic with the help of SAS is a promising method for preventing paraffin precipitation. It is recommended that polya,crylamide treatments be carried out in a volume of 150-200 1 and concentration of 0.1-0.1~ at wells just drilled~ as well as those operating after ma,intenance. B IBI,IOGRAPHY I l. Maksutov, R. A.; and Kan, A. G. "Osteklovannyye truby v neftyanoy pro- myshlennosti" [,Vitrified Pipes in the Oil Industry~, Moscow, Nedra~ 1973� ' 2. Gubin, V. Ye.; Pelevin? Z. A.i F'ozdnyshev, G. N.; et al. "Hydrophilic- Making ComQosition to Frevent Precipi.tation of Paraffin in Pipelines~" HNTS, NEFI'EpROMYSL0V0YE DEIA, No 8, 1975. 3� Gubin, V. Ye.; Pozdnyshev, G. N.; Yemkov, A, A.; et al. "Results of Experimental and Industrial Tests of Wetting Composition in Extraction of High paraffin-Base Oil, " RNTS NEFI'~pROp,IySL0Y0YE DEIA, No 4, 1975. COPYR~GH'!': ,/se o uz na hno-issledovate1 'ski s uprav eniya i e~CO~iom~ ne}~~ega,zovoy promyshlenn~s~~ (~}~p~~~'n~~~~ii, 9035 20 cso: lszz FOR OFFICI~`.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUEIS AND REIA TED EQUIPMENI' UDC 622.276.8:665.6z5.oo1.8 STABII,IZATION OF 01Z AT WEST SIBERIAN FIELDS Moscow NEFTEpROMYSIAVOYE DEIA in Russian No 9~ sep ?9 pp 32-33 [Article by M. G. Ibragimov~ E. Sh. Telyakov~ R. Sh. Sala.khutdinov~ S. M. Yumasheva., A 11-Union Scientific Rsseasch Institute of Hydrocarbon Raw Material, submitted for publication 19 Jan 79] ~,Text~ Tha oil of West Siberia in a small quantity is sta.bili.zed at two units of complex oil preparation (UKpN) of the.association "Bashneft the UKpN of the oil and gas extracting administration "'skneft"' and the oil and gas extracting administration"Tuymazaneft'." In ~9?6 the ~ VNIIUS [A 11-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydrocarbon Raw Material~ and the association "Bashneft examined the operation of the oil-stabilizing unit of the UI~N of the oil and gas extracting administration "Oktyabr'sk- neft and in 19?7 the operation of the unit of the oil and gas extracting administration "Tuyma.zaneft'." In the oil entering the unit of stabilization of "Tuymazaneft the content of light hydrocarbons differed insignificantly from the content of these components in the oil of the Bashkir and Tatar ASSR (table 1), The ma.terial balance given in table 2 was compiled ~om the results of an examination of the unit of the oil and gas extracting aci~ministration "Tuymazaneft where the output of a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (WFLH~ is low. The reason for the low yield of W'FLH is the imperfect technological plan and outdated equipment of tha unit that do not provide a high temperature of oil entering for rectification. The pa.rameters of the technological' pa.ttern " according to the data of the examina,tion are given below. Temperature,~C Of oil after furn~,ce 160-165 of top of column 100-120 stable ~,~~,5 w~,x 51-so zi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pressure, kg-f~cm2 in column y.,3~. in gas-separator 3~6_2~5 TABLE l. a b~ Yr.ticao;topn~inrTi cocTa~ nc�?rEi (r.l ~ ~~oita>~. % Kn~~nonetirH ---~-~-~~~----Te~--- 3anaAnaa 6amKUpcKaA TaTapcKasi Cu6~~pb ,1rCP ( 11CCP CH~ 0,02 0,01. 0,01 C~Hs 0,06 0,10 0,10 ~ f) C~He 0,64 0,8U 0,90 tt3o�C,FI,a 0,42 0,33 0,35 H�~,Hid h~ 1,37 1,35 1,40 ~ ~i~o-CSH~z 1,02 0,90 0,9~i ~t-CSH~z ~ 1'1~ t,47 1,39 1,25 Cat[i.+sdtJ~~~ 95,UU 95,12 93,U4 l Key: a. Components e. Tatar ASSR b. Hydrocarbon composition of f iso- oil by regions, % g. above c. 'r~est Siberia h. n- ~ d. Bashkir A~SR The yield of WFLH at the unit of "Tuymazaneft"' equal to the yield at the unit of "Ok-t~-abr'skneft"' was possible with a higher (166�C) tempsrature for feeding the coiumn. In the recommendations worked out in the examination of the unit of "Oktyabr'sk- neft"' a more advanced pla.n was suggested with topping of the bottoms of the column. The suggested plan was very effective with temperature of feading the column above 170�C. However on the units where it is impossible to reach this temperature, the proposed method of oil stabilization insig- nif icantly increases the output of WFLH. They include the majority of UKPN put into operation over 15 years ago, including the examined units. Intensif ication of the process of oil stabilization on these uni~s is possible with the introduction of a plan given in figure 1 that permits',the use of the heat of condensation of the steam phase of secondary topping. Comparison of the operating indices of the latter pla,n with the previous was made on a mathematical madel based on computation of rectification by the r.elaxation method. Figure 2 presents the depencence of the WI,FH y3.eld (D) on the temperature of the condensate in the ta,nk of secondary topping (tk). The o utput of WLFH according to the proposed plan is increased by more tha.n lOJ in rolatiot~ to the previously examined method of stabilization. The increase in WI,F'H output, increase in the output ~om the potential of target 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TABLE 2 . ~ l, 2 KoMnoneFiruw~+c~rran, r/a TIOTOK{I C~ C~ C( ~ 3~ + U ~~o6ecco ci"toi~ uc~r?t 0,07 0,18 2,03 1,32 4,37 2,80 a,26 284,08 PacxoA ( cra6Nntiyq,i ?+e�~TH lt~~ - 0,06 0,93 0,73 2,67 2,00 3,16 280,96 III~CJIS' ~ 9~ - 0,01 0,33 0,30 1,17 0,67 0,99 3,53 I'a:~ rr~6~+.p 3aqNN .11~~ 0,07 0,11 0,77~0,29 0,53 0,13 0,11 0,09 Key: 1. Streams 6. of oil 2. Component composition,T~h 7 Dischar e 3. iso- ' g . n_ 8. of stable oil 5� Influx 9. wFI,Ii 10. Gas of stabilization 6 I - f /i' 4, ~ 8 J ~Z 9 r1 `e O ~jp ~ ~~i Figure 1. plan of Oil Stabi~ization ~ Key: 1,8,11,14,15. pumps ~3, tank of topping 2~3,9. heat excha.ngers 16. settling tank of salt elimination 6~12, condensers l~, f~~.1Ce and dehydration 5. rectification column I� extracted oil 7. sepa,rator Il� s~.ble oil 10. reflux tank III� gas of stabilization N. W~ - 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . L, z . 6 ' o----------------o J p...,_._. . ._�-�-�-o ~ - -~~------c 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ + ~d. - ~ , ~ w --O s~ J a�..~~' 2-- 1 0 1 0 n1U ~k Z -V' /Q7 +fSO ?Q7 1.~ lw.C Figure .2, Dependence of Output of WFI~i on Paxameters of Pattern and Quality of Product with Content in WFLH 25(l~, 20 (2~, 15 (3) and 17.% (4~ of Hydro- carbons C~8 and Feeding Temperature 240 (1), 210 (II) and 190~C (~I)~ . components of petrochemistry in the use of the exa.mined plan make it possible to reduce the outlays for conducting the process, Thus, intensification of the process of stabilization of the West Siberian oil with the use of the examined plan makes it possible to significantly in~~~ase the output of raw material for petrochemistry. COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii~ upravleniya i ekonomiki naftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG)~ 1979 90 35 CSO: 1822 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUEIS AND RETATED DQU7PMENT vnc 62z.z76.8 OIi, PREPARATION AT PRAVDINSK F~.n Moscow NEFTFpROMYSIAVOYE DEIA in Russian No 9, Sep 79 pp 40-41 [Article by V. S. Ambros and G. A. Atanov, production association "Yugansk- neftgas", submit�ed for publica.tion 19 Jan 79] [Text] The Pravdinsk field has been built up on the pressure-tight pla.n with gas lift method of operating the oil wells. On this plan the first stage of separation is implemented directly at the field under press~e 10-12 kg-~~ cm2. The sepaxated oil and gas are sent on indepe~dent collectors to the central collection point (C~P) for further prepaxation. A t the CCP (figure 1) the oil is separated from the gas that was isola.ted with reduction in pressure to 4-5 kg-f~cm2, in segarators C=1,2. A reagent is fed intci the stream of oil before and after the sepa.rators. F`rom these. se~aratars the oil enters the slag-settling ta.nk (not shown in the figure), then to the flow-divider 1~-1, in which it is separated to heaters fl-1 and f~4. The oil hea.ted in n-4 pa,sses gas-separator 1~-26~ settling tank of dehydration 1~-27, arid terminal separator 1~-2 that fulfills the role of the buffer tank, In the second stream the heating~ separation and dehydration are combined in one appa.ratus n-1. From ta.nk I~-2 the prepared oil is pumped by pnmps H-1 to the reservoirs~ and from the reservoirs by pumps H-2 to the main oil pipeline. The possibility is provided for pumping out the oil to the main oil pipeline by pumps H-2 directly from separator li-2, by-pa,ssing the reser- voirs. The ga.s ~om all collection points (C-1~2, ~,-1~ l7-1, I~-26~ JX-2~ enters for reception of the compressors and is fed to the tlatural gasoline unit that is located in this same area. The water separated from the oil in the apparatus 1l-1~ tT-1~ G-27 and lT-2 ~ and the reservoirs is fed to thc~ purification pla,nts. The unit for oil prepa.ration is distinguished by compactness of the equipment axrangement with the minimum length of the production pipelines. The entire process of oil collection is carried out by means of the energy in ~he bed without the use of pumping aggregates to transport the water-oil emulsion over the production chain. The oil fed for treatment ha.s density of 0.85-0.87 g~cm3 ' viscosity at 20�C 12-15 cP, degree of flooding 5-6~~ it conta.ins ~ 4-~ resin, 2-3. ~ asphaltenes, 4. 7.96 sulfur 5-}~ paraffins. According to the 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY p r""/~ f'~ . f%1 / 1 4 i'j"~ -1 -Z R L r~ . i / - - - D~ - - QI ~ ` ~1 Figure 1. Production Plan of Oil Prepa,ration Key: I. oil III. drainage water _ II. gas Siberian Scientific Research Institute of the petroelum Industry this oil refers to the first group. The necessary heating temperature for preliminary discharge of water is 22-25~C, and for final dehydration 45-5o'C. The factors that affect the qua,lity of the prepared oil are the time of contact between the reagent and the emulsion, and the presence of fres gas~ ~ as well as the time for presence of the emulsion in the settling appa,ratus. Tha plan provides for the feeding of the reagent-demulsifier before the apparatus 1. However its conta.ct time with the emulsion before the _ i:3ating is several seconds, which is not sufficient tbr complete mixing. By using the recommendations of the Siberian Scientific Research Institute ~ of the Fetroleum Industry the introduction of the reagent was transferred to - before the separator C-1,2 which increased the contact time to 10-12 min. The reagent was intensively mixed with the emulsion in the turbulent gas- saturated stream, in the gas sepa,rators C-1,2, as well as due to the available local resistances of varying type. With introduction of the reagent before the appa,ratus T~-1 the degree of flooding W in the appaxatus ,C(_27 fluctua.ted in limits ~-1.8J with mean d9gree of flooding 1~331 (fig 2). An increase in the time of contact between the and the emulsion, and its intensive mixing resulted in a decrease in the degree of flooding to 0.5-J,l, which make~ it possibls in certain case~ to yield the oil, by-passing the reservoirs. A fter heating in (j-~ the emulsion enters i.n a q ntity of 410-430 m3~h into two settling apparatus Z1-27 with volume of 128 m~ each. The emulsion enters in an amount of 650-660 mj~h into 7 heaters-demulsifiers (1-1 with volume of 155 m3 each ( the settling cha.mber of one t1-1 is 40- 0 m3 same load the apparatus I~-27 and f1-1 operate in differe)t pa,tternstheln the appa,ratusl~-27 only separation of the processed e lsion occurs: in ~ l~-1 additional gas is collected in a quantity of 2-5 m~~T~ ~om the results of ana,lyses with the help of the method of mathematical statistics it was detexmined that the mean indices in oil preparation in the gas-saturated _ state are somewhat better ~ The av ra~e-monthl~ water-c nt ina.t i n of il in the appa,ratus 1~-27 is b.84--1.3~, n the he ter-demu~si~`~er C1-~__p~7g_1~2,4J~ 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = The gas separated f~ om the oil in small qua.ntities with re~pect to the entire volume of f(-1 promotes the merging of small drops of water and accelerates their settling out. v, ~ ~s ~ ~ . /a v~` r~~ ~ ~ _ 04 ~ ~ ~~t � ~ \~P`~~ b' Q~ ~ 7 7 /I ty ~9 ?3 ?7 ; ~ Figure 2. Cha.nge in Residual Content of Water in Oil depending on Point of Input of - Key: . l. Input of reagent befare -1 - 2. Input of reagent before C-1,2. w,; ae o.s a~ o~ 0 4s i z,o 1.~ r.~{; ~ Figure 3. Effect of Settling Time on Residual Content of 4tater in Oil However, in all cases water-contamina.tion below 0.5-1~ is impossible to This is explained by the increased velocities of movement of the finely-dispersed emulsion (l.s-1.6 m~s) in the production pipelines, which results in its additional dispersion. As a result of this the rate of settling is considerably slowed down~ and to obtain high quality oil it is necessary to increase the settling time t to 1.5-2 h(fig 3). ~ s a consequence of this, in order to obtain oil with wa.-ter-confi,amina.tion 0.2,96 - and wi~th salt content up to 40 mg~l it is sent a.dditionally to reservoirs that operate in dynamic settling. Thus, ana.logous oil of West Siberia cari be prepa,red in the gas-saturated state. In the block units w~ere the time for the passage of emulsion ~om the heat~ng furnace to the settling apparatus is insignificant, the residual content of wa.ter,appaxently~ will fluctuate in limits 0.5-].9~. The settl3r~g process can be accelerated by the use before the settling tanks of devices 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y _ that it possible~ by using re-drainage water to coalesce the finely- dispersed drops~ accelerata stratification of the emulsion, and improve the operation of the settling tanks~ The use of such a prepa,ration pla,n is preferable at the central collection points located near the gas refineries which are capa,ble of receiving gas of all stages of sepaxation without additional compression. COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy na,'skiy institut organizatsii, upravlaniya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG), 1979 9035 CSO: 1822 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUEIS AND RELATED ~QUIPMENT unc 62z.z76.7z~-6.zz.276.8 CONTROZ OF GARBONATE SAI,T PRECIPITATEg IN Or[, FIELD DQUIpMENT Moscow NEFTEpROMYSLOVOYE DELO in Russian, No 9, sep 79 pp 4~-~5 LArticle by F. M. Sattarova., Tata.r State Scientific Research and Planni Institute of tha Petroleum Industry, submit~ed for publication 25 Sep 78~ [Text~ In the Equipment of oil prepa.ration units there are cases of pre- cipitation of mineral sa.lts, mainly consisting of calcium carbona.te. _ The water used in the units of oil prepa.ration for cooling the condenser- coolers and salt elimina.tion is fresh or slightly mineralized. The table gives the chemica.l composit~.on of the water used in the oil preparation units. This is medium-ha.rd and hard water. The carbona.te haxdness is governed by the presence of cabonate ions; the pH of this water is above the pH of the eq uilibrium sat~ation, consequently, when this water is used precipi- tates should be expected. According to the technology of oil prepa,ration the water used in the unit,s is heated to 6o-7o~c. With an increase in the temperature the dissolved carbon dioxida is sepa.rated f`rom the wa.ter and the pH rises. A 11 of this results in a disruption in the ca.rbonate equilibrium. part of the bicar- - bonate ions become carbonate ions, which, in connecting with the calcium ions form calcium carbonate that is difficult to dissolve, For a more complete washing of the salts f~om the oil a water-oil emulsion before the second phase of elimina.tion is pa.ssed through the f~esh water. It wa~.noted that in mixing the simultaneously extracted and the f`resh water the intensity of salt precipitation depends on the correlation of the waters. With a reduction in the quantity of fresh water and an in- crease in the bed xater the precipitation of caxbonate sa.lts ceases. The bed water of the~Devonian and Carboniferous levels of the oil fields of Tata.ria is characterized by a low content of bicarbona.te ions, and a high content of ammonium ions. During mixing of the water the bica.rbonate ions , 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ v,. -ti rncr ~ ~ c~ -r r: ~ S H Q~ aoo ~r.n � o o v oU a x x e~ m~ o0 00 / c-) ~ o - Y2 ~ao mc~ ~ ~ o c~~ o 0 0 0 a o0 oc ~ c, a~ r: ~ , c~ co c~ ~y~` c~ - ^ ~ ~U if0711 00 oc mo �x oo i^ ~n in m ~.~~J ~r, co cv,r ~ oc ac c. x a ~~o -rc ^ - r~ -r ca w =o co iD n a~0 n . C[~+ - t~ 1~ . ci~ Co co oc ' cc rn -r c+ _ i~~~ P 3.� a t~ ~^.i - o0 oc co oc -r ci a~ ~ J ~~~7 ~ o 0 0 m o0 oc ~ - ~ rt~ ac a cb co �u i OJI I ~ c~ ~ c~ 00 ~c 'u c .~~i z ~ T i.~~7 c o I~ ~ ~ y _ o0 s ~o r- �o - ?a Y n~OS c~~', o o~ rl \ c~ ~ co 00 ~ ~ N . ~ o ~i n t,p ~ O C`1 ~I~ ~ = C ~ O ~ o :S o '-'~C o U ~~-I ~ x o ~ot}~d ooca v" `-I~ ~~rl ~ 4~ ri ~ ~ Z ~ co oc oo ~ O ~ ~ ~ H ~ �~C ~ o o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tv~/z '0LP o 0 0 0�_ c~d U c~ f~-t t1I fl~ m r--I F-I Id m~ r-~ rY, ~ a o~ ~ ~N~~H~ N � ~o ` ~ o - ~ �c. C ` ~ m ~ m ~ cd ~ ,~C ~ ^ ~ ~ n � ~ \.C \t~ ?C N cd cd O ~ i� i, ~ v Ul tt0 U 6D W W~' '.Y'. `,-c', C7 ~ ~ o .,r5 x ~ m ~ C 1 Ul ~ ~ ~o `y S~ x r-~ C~2 C~l ul ~O t~ 00 ~ O . ~A ~ u O.~ ~ G ~ n ~a x c m p ~ ~x ~ x z ^ ~ w `y,~ - 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of the fresh water, bonding with the ions of ammonium of the bed water form ammonium bicasbonate. With a temperature above 36~C the ammonium bicarbonate is broken down wi~h the release of ca.rbon ioxide and ammonia gas. In order to prevent precipiation of carbonate sa.lts ~om the water of the circulating water system dosing of ammonium sa.lts can be used~ such as ammonium chloride and ammonium nitrate, The mechanism for prevention~ as in the case of wa.ter mixing, consists of a reduction in the pH and break- down by the ammonium ions of part of the bicaxbonate ions. Besides prevention of precipi~ates the solutions of ammonium salts can be used to remove the alreacly precipita.ted ca.rbonates. The mechanisms for dissolving of the carbonate salts consists of the formation of ammonium carbona.te from the carbonates and the ammonium ions. With a temperature above 60'C the ammonium carbonate is broken down with the release of ammonia gas and carbon dioxide. With an increase in the concentration of ammoniwn salts and temperature of the solution the solubility of the calcium carbonate rises. The qua.ntity of reagent for removal of the broken down carbona.te salts is computed according to the formula. S�h�d~l~i0 , XL 100 where X--quantity. of ammonium nitrate, kg; S--a2 a of appa.ratus f'rom which it is necessary to remove the sa.lts~ m ; h--thickness of sa,lt precipi~ate~ m; d--density of precipitate, kg~m3. Remc~ral of the precipitates of carbonate sa.lts from the equipment can be carxied out without stopping the unit of gas preparation~directly during ~ operation. The calculated amount of reagent in this case should be intro- duced both for prevention and for removal of salts. COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy na.uchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii~ upra.vleniya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy pro~yshlennos~i (VNIIOENG~, 1979 9035. cso: 18zz ' 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 ' FOR OFi~'T.CIAL tISF. ONLY l+'IJEIS ANn REIATED E~7QUI~'N~NT vvc 622.692.4~:620.193 ~ STUDY OF PIPELINE FAILURES AT SAMOTLOR FIELD ~ Moscow NEFTEpROMYSI,OVOYE DEIA in Russian No 9, seP 79 pP~4~5-48 ['Article by E. P. Mingalev, V. N. Kushnir, 0. N. Kuz'micheva, B. V. Yevdo- kimov, and A. A. Sila.yav, State Institute for Pla,nning of Tyumen' Oil and Gas Plant, submitted for publication 2 Apr 79~ ~Text] The KSP-3 region of the Samotlor field belongs to the category of increased corrosion danger. From July 19?7 to June 1978 in this region i;here were 17 cases of rupture in the oil collectors (see table). The collectors were put into operation in 1972-197~ and after 3-5 years failed. In the analyzed period the system of oil collection at KSp-3 :cwitched fr om separate to the stage of one-pipe, although in the majority of cases the products are transported simultaneously over two p~.rallel oi1 conductors. A three-phase medium~ gas-oil-water undsr pressure about 0.8 MPa is delivered to the oil collectors. The collectors are made of pipe steel with terri- torial unif ication of the clusters, and are telescopic with junctions 4~26- 53~-720-820 mm in diameter. A large number of accidents occurred on co~lec- tors 530 and 820 mm in diameter. The telescopic design of the collectors is made in order to obtain the same amounts of velocities of motion and creation of the necessary pressure of the liquid at each section of the collector. However, comparative ana,lysis of the throughput of the oil collectors under real conditions demonstrated tha,t sections of the collec- tors with the same diameters operate with different discharges of liquid and rates of flows. This is explaina.ble by the absence of equa,lity in the correlations of phases of the transported mixture. In addition, the medium has a~/hjgh temperature (30-4~O~C) and increased gas factor (mean value 73 m T , Accidents occurred on the sections of unc~er-loaded collectors where the flow rate fluctua.ted f`rom 0.03 to 0.86 m~s. On the sections of the collectors 820 mm in diameter operating with greatex load~ with rate of flow 1.64-1.70 m~s the emergency situa,tions were not observed. Evidently, the change in 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ,qNaa~eTp~~tmu(1rPY6~, AaT`a2~ ~ 3~ J~~uuil~ 5~ ,~.k (Hecro aeapHi~, Kycr uoona o J~ara Tlpi+ywia aaueocnno� CKD8HCN11~ 3hcnnyara� aeap~~N popdaa ro y~acTKa, u~uo, rott 820x10/2750 (K. 6;i, 64, 1974 27/V[[ 1977 r. BN)'T~CIIRASI KOpP031~A n ' 20 63, 62, 42) a Ac KAf18BK1~ IZ .u 219 1972 23/VIII 1997 r. 7~ie ~craxoaneeu - (K, 46) 530Xy/14~0 1972 8J1X 1977 r. B~iyrpc~~HHA ~:oppu:+nA e 40 (K. 61) eN~e KaFiae~:~~ l=A .u 82~~(~0~26~ ~9~2 28/IX 1977 C. (6 BHyTPCNHAA ~o~po~~~A fl 5~ (K. 39) exAe xaHaetn~ l0 ~u 22/II 1978 r. 6 BNy'IPCI'.IAA KOPpOJNA s 1130 426X8/1200 1972 24/XI 1977 r. ~tde KaxaeKw l=8 ~u _ ~ (K. 39) ~ J f1c ~craxoBnexa 720X10/73a 1974 1977 BRyI'PCI[NAA xoppoanA 50 (K. 42) , 530X~/a170 1979 18/I 1978 r. BeyrpeenH~ hc~ppo~H~ u 10 (K. 61) xae tca~taaxu l=8 ~u 530X8 1976 18/I 1978 r. MuKporpeut~+~ - (h. 87) . 820X10/I~00 1974 18/1 1978 r. B~iyrpe~iHAA xoppoJ~~a l= 100 . (K. 74~ _ ~2 .4 530)(8/4700 l974 4/II 1978 r. g~yrpcuHaA KOP~03t1f1 e - (K. 63) enuc Tpeul~ttiW /=2 c.u 530X8/~700 4/!I 1978 r. 7~e ycraxoeneaa - (K. 88) ' 7/ll 1978 r. 530)(8/1500 , - 426X8 1975 7/t ( 1978 r. ~ 0~ - - ~K oac6auxst Tpy6w 820X9/2600 1974 22/II 1978 r. 7~ye ycraxonneHa - (h. 4~1) 1g72 5 111 1978 r. ' 820X9/2G00 ~ ~ 1~ Clpx onpeccoe~:c Tpy6~t - - (K. 39) 426X8/1842 - - ~ ~ Hc ycranae~erta - (K. 891 3/VI 1978 r. 426XA - ~ 2~Cexu~ - (K. 86) . Key; - ~ l. diameter~length of pipe mm (site of accident, cluster of wells (k)) 2. date put into operation, year 3. date of accident 4. reason for rupture 5. leng~h of repla.ced section, m 6. inner corrosion in form of groove 7. not esta.blished 8. inner corrosion 9, microfissures 10. oscillations in pipe . 11, d~ing press~izing of pipe 12. air hole 33 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' the hydraulic pattern of the pipeline sometimes results in accidents. To clarify the causes of the emergenca of accident situations conditions for~ the operation of oil collectors of the KSP-3 and other collection points ` wer e compased (DNS-1, DNS-4, KSp-5~ KSp-9) of the Samotlor field. The collectors of the same diametars with equa.l operating periods were con- sidered to be of one type, The comparison was made according to the water- contamination of the oil, output of the collector, qua,ntity of treatments of the clus~ers of wells by reagents of salt precipita-tes and acid. In the comparison the differsnces were especially noticeable in the output of� the single-type collectors whose product has roughly the sa,me water- contamination. The.collectors ~om the cluster of wells KSP-3 have a load for liqui~ and gas that is several times lower than the collectors of other collection points. If one considers the greatest load of the single-type collector at which accidents were recorded to ba the critical, then the overwhelming ma jority of values of loads of KSP-3 collectors are below the critical, when the loads on the other collectors are 2-3 times higher. The appearance of corrosion in the system of collection and transport of oil should be linked to the increase in water-conta,mination of the well Froduct. The average water contamina.tion of the product does not exceed 20/, however the water content ~n certa,in sections of the collectors reaches 60-65~. The bed water that is sepa,rated f`rom the oil, in moving ovor the bottom of the collector and accumulating in the reduced sections (~~~~�d rI~JI1PS) produces intensive corrosion of the lower formi composition of water in the collector is not uniform, its mi eralizatione fluctua.tes ~n limits 8-27 g~l. 2 The ion com os~ion of water (mg~l~_ Ca - 2g0-850; Na ,K~--3000-10,000; ~ 3p ~P - 120; HCO --2pp_700. In addition the0water containS00-16i 00; SQ~ __5_ ~.2; hyd~ogen sulfide 0 1-4~ iron 0.05- 5 0; carbon dioxide 10-80, mecha,nical admixtures up to 140; SVB up to lOb calls per 1 ml. The factor tha,t intensifies the process of corrosion can be the h~�drochloric acid tha.t is used in hydro- chloric a.cid treatments of wells. From 1977 to July 1978 4~5 such treatments were carriec? out at the KSP-3, Corrosion is unique and ha,s the appearance of a 20-60 mm wide, up to 20 m long with variable depth~(fig~areselt2~gu At thet~n sites o~ -the greatest deepening longitudina,l ruptures occurred up to 10- 12 m long. The ;;ha,pe of the corrosion dam~ges, as well as their localization in the lower part of the pipe indicates that the process of failure has an electromechanical na.ture~ _ ~'~.sed on an analysis of the reasons for the rup-tures in the oil collectors onQ can suggest the following mschanism of corrosion. The mechanical ad_ mixtures that accumulate in the lower sections of the,pipeline form strong precipitates that, as the analysis showed, are ma,inly represented by carbonates, iron sulfides and also an increa,sed qua,ntity of microcomponen~s: A1~,Mn and Fe. The formed dense la,yer of precipita~te increases the electro- chemical heterogeneity of the surface along the lower forming pipeline. 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ti ~ + ~ ~ JavO pGVOedo~ (5~ " - ~ ~i. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ /lOdnAXrtNdotme. n _ 0 e'~ : ~ ~ i i 1 9 .~7 �~S� ~~~y: t 1J ~ _ ~ I ~ ~ ~j__ ~ ~ ' ~/11lAill~ 71 ~ ' ?,J t,~ 1,1 ~7 r�~ J,i {6 ?,7 7< 6.1 6.7 fnOnn~nmeNUe nnnryoa~a Kamad/oNOd ~ 8~ CL1L ~ ~ 7 O J ~ Figure 1. Plan of Failures in Metal of Incier Surface at Lower Forming Pipe on Accident Section Kay: 1. areas with ca.rbonate precipita.te 5. vertica.l scale 3,:2 2. regions of inetal failure (groove) 6. extent~ m 3. oil film 7. zone of~pittings t+. zone of rupt~e 8. correla.tion of axeas ef cathode~anode c ~a . - i e i6 ~ c 4 `1 ~ 0 ~ o A7.;edl~~ o~ ~p ' i (3~ a 3 6~b n n ~a r~ 6 n~,?,~~~�a~, n Figure 2. Depth (a) and Width (b) of Breakdown of Inner-S~face of P ipe 820 x 10 in Diameter on ~lccident Section (thickened line shows metal fail~s) Key: 1. depth, mm 2. zone of rupture 3. widtn, mm 4. extent, m 35 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY The sections under the precipitats become anodes, while the precipitate itself becomes the cathode. Between the anode and the cathoc~ a powerful macrocell develops;as a result~~of its work the collector is destroyed. In- . tensification in the work of the macrocell can be promoted by the con- cen+ration heterogeneity of the ion composition of water along the collec- tor. The ascending and descending streams of liquid, forming the edge of the precipitate, give form to the breakdowns as a groove. The proposed mechanism for corrosion of steel under a precipitate was simula.ted i.n the laboratory in ~he presence of SVB with temperature of 40�C. The tests were on fla,t samples 28 x 28 mm in size on which the precipitate - was applic3 in a strip, mixture of sand and clay. The medium used was oil accumulated ~cm a collector containing 20J mineralized water. The test samples were placed in hermetic,ally-sealed ves~els to which 2 ml of SVB cul- ti:se were added (to 1 ml of ~~6 units) . Two series of experiments were conducted lasting 1104 and 3336 h, The results of the tests indicate that in its appearance the corrosion under artificial precipitate is similar to the na.ture of breakdown of the surface of the oil conductor. A strip of destruction under the precip;+,ate is - clearly traced. TY:e cor.trol (without precipita.te) were cha.racterized by sma.ll amounts of uniform corrosion. The addition of corrosion inhibitors Il~ -4 (150 mg~l) and Sever-1 (600 mg~l) to certain vessels did not promote a retardation af the process, since the f'orma,tion of' an inhibi~tor film under the precipitate was impaired by its denso structure and the good adhesion to the metal. Thus, the most effective method is inhibition. In the process of corrosion under the precipi~ate the proposed method for protection of oil conductors with the hel.p of inhibitors can be ineffective if the inhibitor does not psnetrate under the precipitate. Therefore before using the inhibitor it is very important to mechanically clean the collectors of precipitates. However, as shown by the analysis of the causes of accidents of collectors in a number of complex collection points of the Samotlor field the operating life of the collectors can be prolonged if their load is inerea5ed and a flow rate of liquid above 2 m~s is created. COFYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleniya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshl_ennosti (VNIIOENG~, 1979 9035 CSO: 1822 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200044418-6 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I'Ul'sLS AIvD RELATED EQUIPMENT NEW APPROACH TO CLASSIFICATION OF OIL RESOURCES Moscow GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 9, Sep 79 pp 7-12 [Article by E. M. Khalimov, Ministry of the Petroleum Industry and M. V. Feygin, Institute of Geology and Development of Mineral Fuels] [Text] The early 1960's witnessed enormous progress by Soviet geologic science and practice. Our country took first place in world crude produo- tion, thanks to the discovery of the Western Siberian basin and its acceler- ated development. Future development there will involve, first, more complete involvement in the development of ezisting crude reserves and the utilization of re;'.dual reserves in ri~.:pleted oil fields; second, new progress in geologic prospecting work and new discoveries. How the proportions between these two trends will be determined will goverr~ to a great extent the rate of growth not anly of , sectors directly invclved in petroleum production (crude, gas and geologic), - but also of allied sectors that comprise the foundation for the development of oil production (the machine building industry, metallurgy, chemical industry, etc.). Substantial progress in science and technology in the field of geologic research and prospecting operations notwithstanding, positive results will continue to be of a probabilistic nature. Therefore the evaluation of possible increments of reserves and ~f the even more uncertain recovery of petroleum from them is especially probabilistic. The accuracy of calculations during the planning of production from dis- covered deposits and prospected reserves of petroleum is determined not only by the reliability of the latter (as was assumed for a long time), but also by a complex of factors that characterize the conditions of development and construction of oil wells and the feasibility of using new technology and techniques. No importance was attached to these factors during future planning in individual regions with heavy production and substantial petroieum reserves, in which there apparently existed the conditions necessary for continued 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY increase of production, the growth of production slowed down and ceased in many c3ses and oil production declined. The inaccuracy of planning calcula- tions is a result primarily of the fai.lure tc~ take into account the qualita- tive cl~aracteristics of reserves. Petroleum production in the country as a whole, given the current high level, cannot be increased by way of the discovery ~ind development of new deposits and more complete utilization of existing petroleum reserves in an effort to maintain production levels in some regions a~id to slow down the rates of decline in others. The indispensable condition of optimum industry develop- _ ment ~~lanning here is the correct assessment of overall petroleum resources in tl~e ground, especially in that part of the resources (reserves), from - wh.ich crude can be extracted with existing technology. Tlie first classification of petroleum reserves in the USSIt was developed by a commission of the Geological Committee in 1928. Reserves were supposed to - have been differentiated in accordance with the principle of reliability (amoiint of knowledge available) into three categories: A-- prepared, B-- prospected, C-- presumed. Then the classification was improved considerably by I. I~1. Gubkin, D. V. Golubyatnikov, V. V. Bilibin, D4. V. Abramovich, M. A. Zhdanov and others. All subsequent classifications (1932, 1937, 1942, 1953, 1959) were based ori the very same principle. - "fhe ~~~�eser~t classification of reserves in the USSR (1970) is also based on thr~ 1~,�inciPle of differentiation in accordance with how much is known about thr geology of fields and deposits and individual parts thereof, and of structiires that show promise of containing petroleum (traps). There are four categories of reserves (A, B, C1 and C2), in addition to a quantitative petro- leurn forec.ast evaluation group (D). The reserves in categories A, B and C1 are figureci within a proven petrolifer, but they differ from each.other in terms of how accurately the calculated parameters are determined. The reserves of category C2 are extremely diversified in terms of composition and iriclude unprospected portions of discovered deposits, promising formations ~Jl.t~l unverified petrolifers in known fields, and promising petroleum structures (tra~~s) in a region with a proven commercial petrolifer [1]. _ The development of classification on this principle was no accident. At the same time the promise of many tracts and even of geologic provinces, which - are now recognized oil centers (Uralo-Povolzh'ye and Western Siberia) have not yet been rroved. Development under these conditions was completely jtastified. And for many long years it promoted intensified analysis of the ~~etroletim content of the depths and objective evaluation of petroleum reserves. 'I'oday our country has a strong raw materials base, which provides for stable cievelopment of oil production; the commercial importance of many petroleum deposits has been proved. At the same time the diversity of deposits, differi_ng in terms of grades of crude and reservoirs, character and depth of ' 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200044418-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY deposition, conditions and methods of development, accessibility, geographic and weather conditions, remoteness from consumers, development cost and cost - effectiveness, has been established. Problems of correct economic and technological evaluation of resources and their complete utilization must be solved under these conditions. Therefore the classification should take into account not only the reliability of the assessment of reserves, but also the factors mentioned above. On the basis of the proposed classification of petroleum resources and their evaluation it is recommended that the following four principles be utilized: 1) tlie amount of available knowledge of resources; 2) the economic desirability of developing resources at the present time (profitability); 3) the commercial importance of resources; 4) the possible completeness of the utilization of deposits and of the recovery of the resources of oil fields. _ It is desirable to refine certain terms to preclude contradictoTy interpre- tation of individual classes. Utilization of the term "reserves" must be restricted [3]. It is recommended that just the amount of petroleum that has already been prospected (or dis- covered and deposited next to prospected reserves), and which can be extracted with existing technological, technical and economic capabilities, be called reserves. Then all the rest of the petroleum, which has not yet been discovered or even prospected, but which cannot yet be extracted, should - be called "resources." Thc term that expresses the total amount of petroleum in the ground is also ~imbiguous. The term "geologic reserves" is used today, but in reality reserves refer only to the recoverable fraction (on the average 30-600 of the oil in the ground). The term "oil in place," which is also imprecise, is used in the United States. It would be becter to use the term "total volume of petroleum in formation," since it most completely expresses the semantic meaning of the examined con- cept. However, this term is unsuitable for statistics and is inconvenient to use. Therefore it is recommended that the term "formation resources" be used as a conditional synonym. Then the term "recoverable" can be used in reference both to reserves and to resources, whereas the term "formation" refers only to resources. Thus, petroleum formation resources contain a recoverable fraction and an unrecoverable fraction. The recoverable fraction of petroleum formation resources of prospected and profitable (at the present time) oil fields and deposits is defined as reserves. The remaining fraction of formation resources is called unrecoverable resources (given present technological and economic capabilities). It is better to discuss other terms and concepts in the presentation of the meaning of the proposed classification of petroleum resources, which may be used for chaxacterizing both recoverable and formation resources (see the chart). 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200044418-6 FOR OFFTCIAL US~ ONLY � ~~~~;,~o~ ~ K xsa~ F'~~c�.,'o u~c+ys r.~~ r F x~~x y u h~~ 4 Cl. x C3' d Y. G~~ G ~nK ~~,a~Fx ~s~+? ~ o~c.~.x~"~~xYKuu ~C7xr'OS~q$.SA~a~+ sp' C~r, x -~o>,x~ v r, Q ~_~.~..p05 C.~~O ~t20 s 's ~ a '6' u o.z~sa.~H?eay�mos ~61Zx ~o~`SAw=u ~ eKa `~s x7Jx'`H~uc`a u`0 p. p, ~ CJ C~:c U~ t0 p~ m.~. t'. . apr- o x H Y c.~ s F�'x ~ x.-~. o A, ,-~~~2us~,~, ~Xwo a r'' ''x a ~ ~ :e ~i.o a Ux~s ~'~~u4~c~is~ t- 7! a x F ~ s ~ o ~ o x a''~`~so` ~ ~ ~ � ~ . a.s ~ ~ s ~ o ~ ~ ~ - ~ 5 ~ ~ S ,.~x ~ ~ . x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q G+ p Q O.~. 4 ~ e-1 ~ y, p� p, ~ ~ Vms~xC ~ ~ �J ~ a ~ u ~ ~ m a , a, ~ ~~xo.x p - ~n r, t~ 4 s I 't~. ~D ~ C�~i F~. y ~ ~ S y,~ '-~c~i'Xcm+~aui~ yG Y..�~ ~~SroiC ~ ~ - ~ .Ti5S:2 ~x~u I o~ooF C~. ~ x o . o qaX m NO~.q a~~� O[d w mH3,< ~E"'~qF~�, p Q'' .o ea o s~i a~ �rl i-~ tl o. x ~1 ~ v^ - S 0v% C~i Cd ~ cV r'y aai o~0 ' S T, 5 V ~ x ~m Mu~u~ �1 s5C ~ ~ y�u '~~Ta~i~ d~G~~~o 4-d ~ ,o - ~ a a x �~-1 O b ~K F ~ ~a ~ H~ m o~~e ~ ~5~�s~~ c~d ay'i _ u a ~ p, ~ ~ A4 u ~ m~ 'Ta~' V u n. ~ ^ e= ~ ~ a x ~ ~ ~ aQ 3 z cc ~04 C '7 F ~ C � ~ ~ ~ W ^ (V ~ a N y~ ~L O ;e3 0, ~x7 r' ~ m n. 7! ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ o a~ O. ~ tu ~ . v ~ ~ a ~ a ~ ~ s e~ W vvz T ~Sw ^uv~~ ~p s~r ~ ~ e c r'1a+�' ~m%Ft t~q~,o~ ' S GC a. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ �d ~ ~ o ~ a~ ~ w ~ a~ ~ cn K F+ ~O "d '-~i ~ ~ ~ O ~ N cd t~d O 1~-~ ~ ~ �ri U V ~ 1-~ u o ao t~ u ~ Q ~ ~ a ~ u a uc�~ H.~ ~ a~i ~ ~ ~ cd o U cd ~ i~ ~ O cd U O ~ 't7 r-~i c~d 3 c~i 'd ~ r-~i y ~ .b ~ ~ b0 v1 i~ tn ~ O - ~ 0 �N "b O �ri ~ �e-1 O O U~ U v! ~ E'~ ~ cd ~ c~i v~i X ~ o �~-~i rn ,-~�i, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O E t~. > c~d 1-~i v v ^ ~ O O �ri �r~ cC 4~ U b U v) ~ b0 �rl O�i-I ~ ~ O~'L7 N~ uf U~~ cd ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~d bH0 ~ ~ ~ O ~ 'C ~r~l ~ ~br10 a N ~ ~ F-~ ~ � O ~ O i-~ cd cd x b0 td v rn f-~ 4-1 �rl ~ N't7 v1 ~ o~-+ t~ a a~ o i~Ui ~ b0 N c~0 "d tp cd > U.C ~ v cd b0 ~ f~+ ~ v1 ~ O cd i-+ 1-+ cd �rl rn ~ 9'L7 cd F+ t~ N ~ vI N 'L1 U ~ ~ O ~ �ri a.+~ ~ tn Vi tn b0 N ld N t~ t) ~e-i �rl td U f~ ~ ~y eJ tn 'S7 Cd ~1 Pr ~ i~ 'C "C ~ f-~ i-~ f~-~ ? ~ v~i 'L7 �rl t/~ RS ~ ctf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N . ctf N i~+ N .C 3~ ad v~i H p., p, N y~ v~ ~ U�'.n ~ O ct! cd O'b b0 E _ v f~+ ~ b0 ~ 3 c0 ~ f-~ 4-1 F-~ i-~ U~�rl cd ~ X ~ ~ ~ ~ �r1 ~ ~ 'b N 1-~~ 4-1 ral 41 ~ v v �rl N ~ Tl O'C7 'b vl �r1 X O.~ t-1 i-+ V) v1 ~ r-1 ~ 4~ ~ P. N.i .fJ N'L7 cd N~ t1, .D N cd N U~~.~ ~ O.~ f~+ .n cd i-~ y y~.,~ o cd rn i~+ N 3 c0 �rl tn ~a~ca~~as~.n~.,+~oa~�~oaa~ ~ ~ a~ a~ o ~ ~o ~ a~ u++ >w ~ v~ ~~~~n a~ o�~ > a�-+ a~ >~d o v~ o u u o a~r+ a~.a ~+uwoNa~�~v~va~~+~a~s~�~s~~~�~ ~n o ~ o > -d ~n a v ss, s~ oo ~ ~ ~oaaa~'.n~~~~~wxa~~~v~iv~i ~ >.a c�~ u~i N M~ tn ~D a0 p~ O r-i N M ~t' t1y ~O t~ 00 Ol . '-i ~--1 r-1 r-1 r-~1 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-I ~ ' W ~ 41 FOR OFFICIt~L USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 'I'lie term "discovered resources" refer~: to resources of already discovered oil deposits. It takes into account i�eliable data on formation parameters, the quality of petroleum and development conditions. "Undiscovered resources" are only presumed to exist on the b.tsis of favorable results of geophysical analyses of individual structures (traps) and territories, and t of theoretical representations. Undiscovered resources are identified as a result of a quantitative evaluation of a forecast of the existence of a petrolifer. ; As a term that combines the two indicated groups of resources (discovered and undiscovered) it is recommended that the term "initial potential resources" be used, and the term "current potential resources" should be used in cases when already extracted reserves (cumul.ative yield) are excluded. The "discovered resources" group, when the economic principle of the profit- - ability of their development at the present time is used, is divided into "profitable" and "unprofitable." The industrial utilization of "unprofitable" (balance) resources is possible only in the future, since their development is uneconomical at the present time for a number of reasons. We refer here to resources that may become _ recoverable (i.e., reserves) with the improvement of existing development systems. The main factor here is cost effectiveness. Systematic accounting and analysis of petroleum resources of this subgroup focus greater attention o~l m~�cistires to increase the recovery of petroleum from formations of developed fields. The possible completeness of the utilization of formations and of the development of petroleum resources is determined on the basis of technological and technical-economic calculations of several different ways of developing oil fields. "Discovered profitable resources" correspond to the term "reserves" and include: 1) "recoverable reserves" or "cumulative yield"; 2) "prospected reserves" (current); 3) "reserves of unprospected parts of discovered deposits" (next to prospected reserves). The "recoverable reserves" subgroup is a part of "discovered resources," and it must be singled out for the correct characterization of the overall status of resources and completeness of their utilization. The "prospected reserves" subgroup is the basis of the classification, since i.t determines recovery capabilities that exist today. It essentially should include reserves that have been prospected to a degree sufficient for draft- ing a technological plan of developmert of an oil field. T'his subgroup is di>>ided into "devel~ped" and "undeveloped" reserves, depend- ing on the stage of industrial utilization. This distinction provides an opportunity to characterize the degree of involvement of prospected reserves in develo~ment and the availability of ready reser>>es for increasing national oil production. , 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A more detailed evaluation of prospected petroleum reserves in terms of commercial import:ince may be recommended [2]. As is known, the first stage _ of development of oil fields (until the time the planned yield is reached), during which the yield increases, is brief. Usually 20-30$ of the initial - recoverable reserves are produced during that time. Much of the life of an ; oil field, during which the basic volume of its reserves is recovered, nearly always proceeds under conditions of stable or declining yield. There- for~ tfie separation of petroleum reserves into those developed during the "rising," "stable" and "declining" stages of production significantly clarifies the status of tlie production capabilities of producing fields. "Undeveloped" reserves similarly also can be differentiated in terms of their commercial importance as "extractable by traditional development methods" and "hard to extract by traditional development methods." The latter include reserves of heavy crude, subgas deposits, water-petroleum _ zones, reservoirs of complex structure, etc., and also deposits of insig- nificant size. The "reserves of unprospected parts of discovered deposits" subgroup includes reserves calculated to exist between a section with prospected reserves and a ; _ discernible petrolifer contour. This subgroup is the next reserve for the preparation of new prospected reserves. According to the current Soviet classification it should include the nost reliable part of the reserves of _ category C2 (and perhaps some of C1). "Undiscovered resources" ire classified on the basis of a quantitative : evaluation of a forecast ~f the petroleum prospects of variously analyzed and substantiated geologi~ formations. It is suggested that the Eollowing four subgroups of resources be classified on the basis of the indic.~ted princip]es. 1. Unprospected formations of known oil fields. The commercial petroleum reserves of these formations are forecast on the basis of geologic analogy with productive formations of a given or adjacent fields. 2. Structures (traps) investigated by reliable methods and located in a commercial petreleum region. The pronise of these formations is forecast by geologic analogy with adjacent fields. The success of their prospecting usually varies from 30-60~. Therefore the appropriate correction factor for this should be introduced during the ~etermination of the total petroleum resources of a large region as a whole. 3. Structures (traps) and tracts that have been analyzed to a considerable extent and are located in a r.egion where the commercial importance of the examined litho-stratigraphic complexe~ is not yet established, but is proved in a given petroleum province, The e~istence ~f petroleum resources is fore- cast on the basis of geologic analogy with some region of a given oil pro- vince, where commercial reserves have been established in the same litho- stratigraphic complex. 43 FOR QFFICIPL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Little-investigated tracts (or parzs of a cross section), when the commercial importance of the examined litho-stratigraphic complexes within a given province (or large tectonic formation) is not yet established. In t}iis c~ise petroleum is forecast on the basis of analysis of the genera.l geologic criteria of the existence of petroleum and on the basis of theoretical representations. Also used here is geologic analogy with other large tectonic formations, where the evaluated litho-stratigraphic~compl~ex is a petrolifer. The main criterion for distir?guishing between the last two subgroups is establishment of the commercial significance of a given litho-stratigraphic complex within a large tectonic formation, or first-order structure (the latter is conditio*~ally equated with an oil province). 'fhus, the suggested classification of petroleum resources, without changing existing requirements on the individual categories of reserves, accurately describes their position in the general scheme and sufficiently completely characterizes the status of the prospecting and utilization of petroleum resot~rces . BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. "ITistruktsiya po Primeneniyu Klassifikatsii Zapasov k Mestorozhdeniyam Nefti i Goryuc}~ikh Gazov" [Instruction on the Application of Classifica- tion of Reserves to Oil Fields and Fuel GasesJ, b9oscow, Nedra, 1972. 2. Feygin, b1. V., "Classification of Oil and Gas Resources Based on Commercial Importance," NEFTEGAZ. GEOL. I GEOFIZ. [Petroleum and Gas Geology and GeophysicsJ, 1978, No. 2,.pp. 15-19. 3. "Organization and Definitions for the Estimation of Reserves and Pro- ductive Capacity of Crude Oil," Technical Report, N 2, Second Edition, APG, Washington, June 1976. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", "Geologiya nefti i gaza", 1979 7872 CSO: 1822 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUELS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT CONIlNERCIAL RESERVES OF GAS Moscow GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 9, Sep 79 pp 27-30 [Article by I. N. Malinovskiy, A. S. Panteleyev, Ye. S. Grishin, D. S. Golovastov, South Ural Branch (YuUO) of the All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Institute of Geological Exploration (VNIGNI) and V. V. Popovin (VNIGNI): "Assessing Commercial Gas Reserves in Oil-Gas and Oil-Gas Conden- sate Fields"] [Text] Several oil-gas and ~il-gas conderisate fields have been discovered in recent years in Orenburgskaya Oblast. The total reserves of petroleum in these fields now amount to about l00 of tne calculated balance of the oblast. The prospe~ts of the discovery of new oil-gas deposits are quite good. ~ 7'he development of oil fringes poses a difficult problem. The deposition of petroleum along with gas, their mutual subordination and the common practice of developing gas first detract so much from the technological and economic indices of the development of the oil part of a deposit that fringe reserves ars often relegated to the balance group. Under these conditions it is very important to objectively evaluate commercial reserves of gas dissolved in oil. In most cases ths saturation pressure of gas in oil in oil-gas deposits i~s equal or nearly equal to the initial formation pressure. Consequently, during the process of the development of an oil-gas deposit dissolved gas is inevit- ably released from an oil fringe (whether or not it is commercial) as the �ormation pressure decreases. ~ ~ The amount of this gas, released and recovered along with free dissolved gas, depends on the final fluid dynamic conditions of the development of the deposit. Consequently, the practice of placing the reserves of an oil fringe in the balance group should not be applied to the gas dissolved therein. w 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The experience of the development of the Sovkhoz field is an example that confirms the above theoretical premises. The oil-gas condensate deposit of the Sovkhoz field is confined to a Riffian formation of the Sakmaroartinskiy age. The gas portion of the deposit over- lies a type "A" oil fringe, which accounts for about half of the effective volume of the deposit. The fringe is 85-100 m thick. Two wells are pro- ducing commercial oil yields, but test operations disclosed that the fringe - is not of commercial importance. Based on data �rom an analysis of surface - tests, its density varies from 0.8725-0.8920 t/m3, and its viscosity is 10-20 centipoise. The development of the gas deposit was completed in 1974. The total gas yield exceeded the initial reserves, calculated by the volumetric method, by nearly a factor of two. The degree of analysis of the field was sufficiently high at the time of calculation of the reserves, and the gas reserves were confirmed as category Q by GKZ [State Commission on Mineral Resources] USSR. The large discrepancy between the confirmed reserves and the recovered gas cannot be attributed simply to miscalculations during the determination of the effective gas-saturated volume. Some gas undoubtedly came from degassing _ of tlle oil fringe. According to calculations dissolved gas (which was not figu;�ed in during calculation of the reserves) accounted for 150 of the totai yield. Similar conditions existed in the Orenburg gas condensate field, where an oil friTl~e, accompanying the Artinskiy-Middle Carboniferous gas deposit, was dis- closed ~~s the result of prospecting operations. The fringe oil has the following properties: surface density 0.84 t/m3, forma- tion viscosity 2 centipoise, gas factor 176-204 m3/m3 at a saturation pressure of 19.9 h1Pa. The gas factor, calculated on the basis of M. Stending's empirical formula ' [4], is 160 m3/t. - A technical-economic evaluation of the commercial development of the Artinskiy- T7iddle Carboniferous oil fringe, completed by YuUO VNIGNI, indicated that the development of the biggest part of it (90% of the reserves) is characterized by poor indices, in which connection it was recommended that these reserves be placed in the balance group. It is methodologically more correct to place the gas dissolved in the oil in commercial categories, since degassing of oil during the development of a deposit is inevitable, and this gas can be recovered along with free gas. 46 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It is recommended in the literature [3] that the formula ~0 - QbrO ~ Qrec~b0~l'faff - Qnr(b~ - ~1) - bf)�pfaf~f ~nr~rf . be used for calc~lating recoverable dissolved gas reserves in the gas cap mode. Here Qb are balance oil reserves; Q,reC are recoverable oil reserves; Qrlr are nonrecoverable oil reserves; b0 is the initial volume ratio~; bf is the volume ratio of formation oil on the final development date; r~ is the initial gas factor; rf is the residual quantity of gas at the final pressure; pf is the residual formation pressure; af is the correction factor for com- pressibility at pressure pf; f is a correction factor for temperature. Since in the case at hand it is not planned to recover the oil from the fringe formula (1) acquires the form v0 = Qbr~ - Qnr(b~ - bf)Pff - Qnrrf. ~2) The development of deposits in the depletion mode also causes complex behavior on the part of multicomponent mixtures in a porous medium, accompanied by phase conversions. Formulas (1) and (2) do not take into account the dynamics of the liberation and filtration of gas in a reservoir in the presence of the liquid (oil) phase. Gas that saturates a porous medium to less than 20-300 is known to lose its mobility in the presence of liquid phase. This phenomenon - undoubtedly will occur during the development of gas-oil fields and should be taken into account. Al1 the diverse factors that influence the gas yield of oil fringes should be analyzed in each specific case on the basis of geologic data and analytical _ investigations, during which the processes that take place during development are modeled. To calculate recoverable gas reserves in a f::inge it is recommended that a correction factor of 0.7-0.8 be introduced in formulas (1) and (2). This correction factor, in the first approximation, takes into consideration the influence of actual formation conditions on filtration in a porous medium. Another important means of improving the accuracy of gas reserve calculation is to consider the residual oil saturation in the gas part of a deposit. Studies have established that in many gas and gas condensate fields of Orenburgskaya Oblast the porous part of the gas-saturated volume, along with bonded water, contains a certain amount of heavy hydrocarbons in the form of bitumens and lighter mobile components. 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY An analysis of core samples from 11 wells in Kalinovsko-Novostepanovskiy ficlcl estai~lished tr~at tlie residual oil in the gas part of the Kalinovskaya suite deposit occupies 2.1 to 20.6~ of the pore volume and the average con- - tent is 10.5% [1]. The gas-saturated volume of the Artinskiy-Middle Carboniferous deposit of the Orenburg gas condensate field contains hydrocarbons (heavy fractions). The average content is estimated at 13.So of the pore volume. - Ttie existence of residual oil has been noted in the gas-saturated cross sec- tion of tl~e Sakmaro-Artinskiy deposit of the Sovkhoz field and of fields out- side of Orenburgskaya Oblast [2]. The above data indicate that residual oil saturation of the gas part of the deposits is quite often encountered in a wide stratigraphic range. A certain amount of the heavy hydrocarbons that saturate the pores of gas deposits is close to petroleum in terms of physico-chemical properties and undoubtedly exhibits all the features of the thermodynamic transformations of multicomponent hydrocarbon systems. According to calculations gas reserves are greatly affected by the volumetric expansion of residual oil as a result of the dissolving of a certain amount of gas in it under the initial thermcdynamic conditions. This circumstance redtices the amount of free gas, but a certain amount of gas dissolved in the residttal oil is added, and during the development of a deposit in the gas mode this gas escapes from the oil and is recovered along with the free gas. Calculations have shown that when the volume ratio is taken into consideration the total amount of free gas and of gas dissolved in residual oil is larger tl~an wlien just the free gas is considered, when the volume ratio is ignored. 'Clie aynamics of the relative increase (in percent) of gas reserves is shown in Figure 1 as a function of the volume ratio. Empirical relations between the gas saturation of oil and the volume ratio for crudes with a density of 0.78 to 1 were used for the calculation. The utilization of the volume ratio for residual oil with any density leads to an increase of the calculated gas _ reserves, and the difference gets greater as the oil gets lighter, and conse- quently as its gas saturation increases. Porosity, water saturation, amount of oil and thermodynamic conditions, corresponding to point c in Figure 1, were calculated for the purpose of - analyzing the influence of residual oil saturation on gas reserves. The results of the calculations (Figure 2) show that the magnitude of gas reserves decreases significantly as oil saturation increases, whether or. not the volume ratio is taken into account. The summary reserves of free and dissolved gas (curve a-- the volume ratio of petroleurn is considered) exceed the reserves of free gas (curve b-- the volume ratio is not con- sidered) in the entire investigated range of oil saturation values. As the oil saturation of a reservoir increases the difference between them gets larger and the fraction of dissolved gas increases (curve c). 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY d - 0 e d. 05 ' o % ~4 . ~ c - 0 ~ ` ~3 b 'a 2 a . ~ ~ ~ ~ f,/ 1,2 1,3 >,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 ~ 1) 2 ) 06veMy~u Ko3y~uyueHm Figure 1. Relative increment of gas reserves _ as function of volume ratio. Density of oil ~ in g/cm3: a-- 1.00; b-- 0.91; c-- 0.84; d 0.78. _ _ Key: 1. Relative increment of gas reserves, ~ ~ 2. Volume ratio - ~ ~ ~ ~ a a _ ~ b c z0 1) 00 1~0 20 30 40 SO 1 . Z ~OC/l~?/l704HQR /~E/MCA+IlfPJ/N6CYJ1a/' Figure 2. Dynamics of change of relative gas reserves as function of residual oil satura- tion: a-- in consideration of dissolvec; gas; b-- dissolved gas not considered; c-- fraction of dissolved gas in total gas reserves. Key: 1. Relative gas reserves, ~ 2. Residual oil saturation, ~ Gas reserves in reservoirs with residual oil saturation should be calculated by the formula 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200044418-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Q~ = Fhm{'I~rf ~pHa,~ - PKax)) + ~~H'~o - ~H~boPK~Kf - ~H(i -r~) X [r=g~ H=o~ t~=f] X ~bo - bK) � PKaKf - ~n(1 - ~l~ X ~3) X tK]}, _ where Fiim is the effective reservoir volume; S is the gas saturation of a S reservoir in consideration of the volumetric expansion of the residual oil; po is tl~e initial formation pressure of a deposit; ao is a correction factor for co~npressibility at pressure pi; So is the residual oil saturation coefficient; rl is the oil yield coefficient. The other symbols are the szme as in ec{uation (1) . Under conditions when petroleum is not recovered and remains entirely in pores (n = 0) formula (3) acquires the simpler form Qr = Fhm {'[~rf (/~HaH - pKaK) ] ~~i~ro - ~A~bo - bK)PxaKf - {i� X (4) XrH]}. This version of the formula apparently is the best one, since the theoretical prerequisites of the formation of residual petroleum in gas deposits and development practice ir~dicate that residual petroleum, as a rule, will not come out, since it loses its mobility as a result of degassing. 'i'he �ollowing conclusions are offered by way of summary. 1. 'I'l~e gas dissolved in fringe oil classified as balance reserves must be considered in terms of commercial categories. 2. Gas dissolved in residual oil should be taken into consideration, in addition to free gas, during calculation of gas reserve~~ in reservoirs with residual oil saturation. 3. Special studies must be conducte3 for the purpose of estimating the amount ~ of gas dissolved in residual oil and fringe oil during the preparation of a field for the calculation of reserves. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abramova, L. M, and K. B. Ashirov, "On the Completeness of Displacement oF Petroleum from Free Fart of Oil Deposit of Kalinovsko-Novostepanovskiy Field during Gas Capping," TRUDY GIPROVOSTOKNEFTI [Proceedings of the State Institute for Planning and Research in the Petroleum Production Industry], Kuybyshev, No. IX, 1965, p. 29. 2. llurmish'yan, A. G., "On Bonded Oil in Gas and Gas Condensate Formations," GF.OLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA [Geology of Petroleum and Gas], 1963, No. 9, PP. 49-52. 50 FOR OFFICI~'1L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. Zhdanov, M. A., V. R. Lisunov and F. A. Grishin, "Atetodika i Praktika Podscheta Zapasov Nefti i Gaza" [Procedures and Practice of Calculation of Oil and Gas Reserves~, Moscow, Nedra, 1967. 4. Orkin, K. G, and A. M. Yurchuk, "Raschety v Tekhnologii i Tekhnike Dobychi Nefti" [Calculations in Oil Production Technology and Engineer- - ingJ, Moscow, Nedra, 1967, pp, 6-8. COPYRIGHT; Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", "Geologiya nefti i gaza", 1979 7872 CSO: 1822 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUEIS AND REI,ATED D~UIPN~NT uDC 553.9~.622.278~~77.7~) UNDERGROUND GASIFICATION OF COAL DISCUSSID Kiev UGOL' UI~AINY in Russian No 10~ oct 79 pp 5-6 [ Article by V.A. Kushniruk, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, and candidates of geological-mineralogical sciences Ye.S. Bartoshinska,ya and S.I. Byk, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Mineral ~els of the Ukrainian SSR Academ,y of Sciences: "Underground Gasifica- tion of Coals of the L'vovsko-Volynsk Basin"~ j~ Tex.�~ The L'vovsko-Volynsk coal basin with an area of 10 ,000 squa,re ` k~tlor~~eters is an important energy base for a number of oblasts of the Ukraine, Belorussia and the Baltic region. The lower and middle coa,l deposits are coal-bearing. The geological reserves of the basin come to more than 3 billion tons, approximately one-third of which can be ex-~racted � through mines. qzt of the 88 bed.s and interstratifications of coal established in the basin at the present time 6 are being worked and two more beds are being prepa,red for exploitation in the near fl.iture. The rema,ining layers are ma,inly of substandard or insufficient;l,y aged ~ capacity~ but they are mixed with coals of good quality. Thus, rema.i:~ing in the earth is than 70 percent of the coalreserves, in connection with which the question of the stud.y of the possibilities of recovering the deposits using underground gasification of coal becomes ~ an ur~ent one. This method is generally accepted for working coals that are inaccessible for extraction by the open pit or mine method~ although it has not received wide distribution. Underground gasification is a pt~ysico-chemical process of turning the coal into gaseous f~zels using free or bound oxygen in the depths of the exth. The gases produced are used as an energy ~5ze1 or as a chemic~.l raw - ma,terial. Suitable for gasification are non-caking or slighty-caking brown or hard coals a,nd anthracites, which are cha,racterized. by a re1.a- � _ tively high mecha,nical strength and thermal stability~ a low ash ~ content A~, and an insignificant content of Stot' ~ 52 FOR OFFICIA; USE ONLY ,f APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040018-6 rOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The thickness of soft 1