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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ ~1 i ~ ' AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY 26 DECEMBER 197~ CFOUO 4179) i aF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8831 - 26 December� 1979 IJSSR R~ ort _ p , . . _ CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS Q.ND = AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY ~ (FOUO 4/79) F(~~$ FOR~IGiV BROADCAST INFORNlATION SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 NOTE _ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign - _ newspapers, periodicals and books, but a~so from news agency transmissions and broadcas+:s. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those �r~m English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, wizh the original phrasing and other c~aracteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in thE first line of each item, or following the lasc line of a brief, ind.icate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is g~ven, the infor- mation was su~nmarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or t~ansliterated are - - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tinn mark and enclosed in riarentheses were not clear in the _ original but have been sup'~lied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The contents of this publica~ion in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. - For fsrther information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 - - (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICT.ED FOR OFFICIAL iISE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8831 � 26~December 1979 ~ USSR REPORT ~ - CYBERNETICS, COMPUTER~ AND - AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY ' (FOUO 4/79) . This serial publication contains articles, abstract$ of art~.cles and news items from USSR scientific and technical journals on the spe~ifia subjects reflected in the table of contents. _ i~~~~ Photoduplications of foreign-language sources cnay be obt~,ained from the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congre~s, Washington, D. C. 20540. Requests ~hould provide adequate identification both a~ to the source,and the individual article(s) desired. CONTENTS Pp.GE I, DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF COMPUTERS AND CONTROL EQIUIPMENT 1 _ A, General Treatment,.. 1 Translations of Articles 1 The Proble;n of Estimating the Quality of Computer . - Systema 1 , B. Unified System or Ryad Series 3 Translations of Articles 3 The YeS 1025 Electron:Lc Computer 3 Concepts of Development of the Second Series of YeS _ Computers 4 , _ Experim~ntal Integrated Data Baseg Its Planning and Actualization on the YeS 1030 Comput~r g . - a - jTII USSR - 21C S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ CONTENTS (Continued) Page A High-Speed Fast Fourier Transform Processor 5 ~ C. Hardware 6 ~ Translations of Articles 6 - Dialogue Information Displays Using Cathode-Ray Tubes 6 The Use of the "Videoton-340" Video Term~nal With ~ Printer On-Line With the BESM-6 for Electrical Power Network Enterprise Data Pxocessing 6 An Infora~ tion Reader and Writer 7 A Scaler 8 A Computer Sys tem 9 - An Information Input Unit g A Binary-Decimal 12222 Code to a Unitary Code Converter . 10 A Desk Top Computer Designed Around a Microprocessor 11 ; The Realization of Group Exchange Through the YER15-02 - _ Unit on the YeS-1010 Computer 12 = Specifics of the Instruction System of One Multiprocessor Computer With Common Control 12 . Arithmetic-Logic Device for a Multiprocessor Computer 13 - Group Parallelism and Dual Perfor.mance of Parallel Computations 13 - Use of Associative Buffer Memory in Multiprocessor - Systems 14 - b - . I ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ; _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Coatin~ted) page ~ Simple Hardware Actualization of Ar~.thmetic and Logic Operators in a Homogeneous Computing Structure 14 Methods of Increasing the Effectiveness of Multiproceeaor Computer Systems 15 _ Dialogue Remote Task Input 15 A Group Interface for Connection of Analog-Digital Converters W ith the M-400 Computer .,,,,,.o.,.,.,,,...~ 16 An Interface Between Terminals and Computer 16 USSRA Device to Convert Shaft Rotation Angle Into Code 17 Device for Multiplication and Division lg v ~ `i Device for Reading Information on Cylindrical Magnetic Domaiiis . 19 . - The Processor of a Digital Computer System 19 Criteria for Optimal Subdi~�ision of a Semiconductor Memory in Modules 20 One Method of Actualization of a D iscret~ Automaton Using the M6800 Microprocessor 21 Mechanical Effects and Protection of Electro~zic _ Apparatus. A Textbook for Students in the Area of Design and Production of Electronic Computer Equipment . 22 Semiconductor Zntegrated Memory Circuits Based on Bipolr~r Transistor Structitres 22 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Analysis of Algorithms for the Coupling of Large and Small Electronic Computera in Teleautomatic Queueing Systems. I 23 Rules for Minimization of the Number of Conflicts in - Multiprocessor Couaputer Systems 26 - ~''::omputers in Scientific Research 26 Design of Multifunction Cells in Reconstructed Multi- " purpose Uniform Computing Arrays 2~ D. Programming and Saftware 30 Translations of Articles 30 Questions of the Modular Construction of CoMplex Programs 30 A Budget Syst~m for the Dispak Operating System 30 Software for the Unified System of Computers for , ~ Operation in a Multiple Machine Computer Complex 31 Modernization of the Madlen Autocode. Met:?~ds of ~ Tr.inslator ~Optimization g2 - 1' Software for the "Nairi-2" Computer Data Plotter 32 ~ The DOS YeS Operating System~ Handbook 33 Systems Capability of Remote Processing Softraare Packages 33 Determinism of Parallel Diagrams 34 : _ _ d _ FOR I~FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 _ . - `~,i - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) pag~ A System'for Processing the Results of Numerica;. Calculations Using"a Small Computer 35 ' COBOL. A Programmed Text ~or Economics Students 36 - Estimation of the Time Required to Reach Operators in a Program 37 - Formatless Input Programs Written in Machir,ie- ,Independent Fortran 38 ~ - ~ E. Automated Design and Engineering `39 Translations of Articles 39 The Utilization of Graphical Displays for Flanning the Topology of Large Scale Integrated Circuits 3q II. ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS 40 A. General Treatment 4~ Trans.lations of Articles 40 - Problems of Data Aggregation and Disaggregation in Automatic Management Systems 40 The Activi~y of Computer Centers During the Stage of Creation of an Automated Ma.nagement System 4L Automation of Planning of Ma.nagecuent Systems . Colleation of Works 42 An Administrative-Terminal Enterprise Control System 42 Information Support of Management Systems 43 - e - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) p$ge Technique Proposed for Figuring Automatic Ma.nagement System Efficiency by Stages Sg A Method of Calculating the Personnel Involved in , Planning and�Introduction of Automated Enterprise ~ Mana ement S s tems at� a Com uter Center 62 ~ g Y P B. Bloc-NonBloc Cooperation 63 ~ Transla.tions of Articles 63 The Current Status and Prospects for Future Utilization---- of C~mputer Equipment in the Ecoaomy ~ 63 - ; . - Economic and Legal Aspect of Op~rating Int~rnational _ Computer Networks -64` C. Over-All Planning M~thods 65 Translations of Articles 65- - The Improvement of the Or�ganization of CompuCational Processes in Automated Management Systeros 65 The Economic Analysis Subsystem of an Automated Enterprise Management System 66 D, Economic Coc~trol at National Level 68 ~ Translations of Articles ~g Automa:ted System for Scientific and Technical Inform:ition in the Heavy and Transport Ma.chine-Building Sector-- ASNTItyazhmash . 68 . -f- - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ CONTENTS (Continued) Page E, Economic Control at Local Level 71 . Abstracts of Articles 71 Organi,zation and Minsk-32 Computer Solution of Tasks Re:.~ted to the Combined Model for Pl~nning tine Econamy of th~ TSSR 71 F. Ma~ufacturing and Processing Industries 72 Translations of Articles 72 . Automation of Ferrous Metallurgy 72 - Autoroation of Technology and Management of Production in Ferrous Metallurgy 73 G. Transportation SystPm 76 Translations of Articles 76 Keyboard Computers. Design and Maintenance. A Textbook for Railroad Transport Technical Schools 76 H. Construction = Translations of Articles ................................o. 77 New Index of Use Efficiency of Computers in Construction Needed 77 _ I. Financial System 80 ~ Transla~ions of Articles gp One Method of Estimating the Indirect Savings From - the Use of Computers for Processing ot Bank Information 80 - ~ - ; gOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Computer-Aided Data Procesaing in a Financial-Credit System 82 Dialog Automated System of Renumeration for Work 82 III. SOCIOCiTLTURAL AND PSYCHOLOG ICAL PROBLEMS 84 A. Planning, Management, and Automation of Scientific Research 84 Translations of Articles 84 The Problem of Integration of Scientific and Adminis- trative Information Systems 84 Problems o� Development of an Automatic Management SysCem _ , t _ for a Branch Scientific Research and Planning- Design Organization 85 - B. Artificial Intelligence g~~ - Translations of Articles g~ The Plener-BESM Programming Language 87 Achievement of Global Control in a Group of Processors 87 , IV. NATURAL SCIENCE RESEARCH 89 A. Biology and Medicine gg Abstracts of Articles gg ~ An Analog-Digital Attachment to an "Elcar" Electro- - cardiograph 89 - - h - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) page V, INFORMATION SCIENCE 90 A. Information Services 90 - Translations of Articles 90 A Device for Decoding of Code 90 The Remote Data Processing Created at Mera Associa tion 91 - D evelopment of Cooperation in the Ar~a of Remote D ata ~ Processing. New Tas 92 _ Representation of Output Data in Automated Information Systems With nifferentiated Absolute Accuracy 94 The Problem of Calculation o~ Certain Characteristics of Interference Stability of D iscrete Information Transmission Systems 94 D ata Base Systems Produced in the USSR. 95 An Adaptive Device for Information Processing 96 UPD-6 Da'ta Ma.nagement System. Additional Macro- - instructions and Utilities 97 VI. TFiEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 98 _ A. General Problems 98 Translations of Articles 98 Random Tracking in Optimization Problems 9g B. Automatic Control and Control Systems 100 _ Translations of Articles ].00 An Extremal Regulator 100 - i - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ _ CONTENTS (Continued) Page = VII. GENERAL INFORMATION 101 - A. Conferences 101 y Translations of Articles 101 Symposium on Sof tware Bevelopment for Highly Produc~tive Computing Systems 101 ~ ~ All-Union Seminar "Theoretical Problems of Programming" (Prograr.tis and Program Composition) 107 Ninth All-Union School-Seminar on Adaptive Systems 110 Work of the Leningrad School on the Problem of Bus ines s. Games l:i g - Fourth All-Union Conference on Statistical Mettcods of Contro~. Theory 119 ~ Calendar of Scientific Meetings 126 B. Persor.alities 127 - Translations of Articles 12~ 70th Anniversary Review of Career of Scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Siforov 127 ' Biographical Sketch of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Gavrilov 130 ' A. A. Sat~arskiy Receives Awards , Congratulations 132 N. P. Fedorenko Receives Prize for Op~:Lmization - Economics Book 134 - Boris Nikolayevich Petrov, Vice-President, USSR - ^ Academy of Sciences 134 ~ - j - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240030048-4 I _ FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY � ! CONTENTS (Continued) pag~ - Work by Viktor Mykhaylovych Glushkov 136 _ Capsule Description r.� dleg Mikhaylovich Belotaerkovakiy; _ His Main Works 137 _ Capsule Description of Georgiy Pavlovich Lopato, His - = Main Works 138 Capsule DescripCion of Nikolay Yakovlevich Matyukhin; His Main Works 139 - Scientific Personnel of Division of the USSR _ Academy of Sciences: Methods and Results of Statistical Investigation 139 C. Publications 144 - Translations of Articles 144 - ~ ~ Basic Theory of Commuting,Systems 1G4 Abstracts of Articles 147 Abstracts From the Journal "Programming" 147 Transformations Preserving D-Equivalence of Yanov - - Circuits (The General Case) 147 Heterogeneous Sorting 147 Method of Construc ting a Correct Program From Correct Subroutines 147 _ One Type of Context Conditions of Programming . J Languages 148 Classification and Machine Representation of Inforrostion 148 - k - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ CONTENTS (Continued) ' page One Approach to Organizing a Program Complex for Work With Binary Arrays 1481~ ~ The Polyp Programming System 149 Software tor a ~tao-Machine Complex, PDP-11/,2Q and = M-4oo 149 Experience in Measuring and Tuning the OS YeS _ Operating System 149 i - Experience in the Use of the Priz-32 System in _ Constructing Packets of Practical Programs of ~ Automated Design Systeros 149 The YaPP Language for Automating the Planning of Large Systems 150 Syntactically Contro].led Translator in an Automated . Programming System for Control Computers 150 ' Abstracts From the Journal "Programmirovaniye" 151 Validity of Program Optimization Algorithms 151 Fquivalent Conversions of Programming Language De�initions 1~1 - Fartial Solvability of Free Flow Diagram Nonequivalence. 151 _ _ Deparallelization of Arithmetic Expressions by _ Successive Intensification 152 One Result of Functional Equivalence of Program Flow . Diagrams With Undegenerated Operators 152 - - 1 - - . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Procedure for Calculating Semantic Attributes 152 The Class of Generalized Context Languages ~f Precedence 152 Realization of a Dynamic Distribution of the Main = Memory in ForCran 153 Logic of Transformation of a Network Model of Data Into _ a Relational Model 153 Soneya--A Debugging System Based on Application of a . Limited Natural Language 153 _ Translations of Articles 154 Publishing House Announces Plans for Books on Cybernetics in 1980 154 . . New Books on Cybernetics to be Published in 1980 160 Contents From Zhurnal Vychislitel'noy Matematiki i Ma.tematicheskoy Fiziki , 165 . - m - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY I. DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF COMPUTERS AI~ID CONTROL EQUIPMENT A. General Treatment - - Translations of Articles USSR UDC 658 .012 ,011,56 THE PROBLEM OF ESTIMATING THE QUALITY OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA SOTS7ALISTICHESKIKH STRAN [Computer Technology of the Socialist Countries] No 4, 1978 pp 49-60 YNITSKIY, . A . . . [Translated from Moscow REFERATIVNYY SBORNIK, ORGANIZATSIYA UPItAVLENIYA No 2, 1979 Abstract No 2.67.192 by Yu. P. D.] _ [Text] The lack of any precisely defined criteria for evaluating the quality of electronic computers and computer systems, which should - - encompass their most important parameters, is explained by the fact that planners consider the natural trends towaxd maximum growth of various indices. T.hese trends can be reduced to an increase in the speed of _ data processing and input/output speed, an increase in memory capacity and more rapid memory access times, an increase in reliability and economy of hardware, and an increase in the convenience of hardware and of representation of the results of processing. However, the speed of _ processing of data remains dominant, in spite of the fact that estimates based on this parameter are widely known to be ambiguous, For this reason, for example, certain jobs can be more effectively run on machines , ~,,y~ with significantly lower basic speeds, but better internal organization. The time loss to accessing peripheral storage, in primitive or unsophisti- cated input/output control, sequential control, etc., has a significant influence on the throughput capacity of the machine. It follows from this that the most precise es timate of the quality of computer systems should be based on precisely defined effectiveness criteria. The more effective sys tem could then be called better, the system ~ ith maximum effectiveness for a given area of application would be called optimal. A general - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY approach is described to the estimation of effectiveness of computer ~ systems, An attempt is made at construction of a universal quality . criteria, considering all the structural, physical, operational and economic parameters. - ~426-6508] . 6508 CSO: 1863 + ~ ~ - 2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'i , . i, ~ , B. Unified Sys tem or Ryad Series Translations of Articles _ USSR ~)j ~ UDC 681.322 - THE YeS 1025 ELECTRONIC COMPUTER ''1'. VYBER INFORM, Z. ORGQ,NIZ A VYPOC .'TECHN , in Czech 1978 No 6 pp 735-743 Unsigned - [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979 Abstract No 6B211 by A, D. Plitman] [Text) A brief deseription and the basic characteristics of the YeS 1025 computer, developed in the CSSR as a part of the second series of YeS computers, are presented. . _ The YeS 1025 processor contains the following relatively independent modules: the service module, connected to the panel and operator's dis- play, as well as the service floppy disc memory; the operating module, which performs arithmetic and logic proeessing of data; the "disk" module, which performs the funct~.ons of a selector channel and ~controls the ~ magnetic disk drive; the "tape" module, which connects the operating - module and:main memory to the magnetic tape drive; the module for communi- cation with remote terminals; the multiplex module with 32 subchannels; the 128K byte main memory module with 500 ns read time, 750. ns write time, and the organizing module~ The processor operates at 38000 operations per second, Any peripheral device designed to operate.with the firat or second series of YeS computers can be conaected to the 1025 processor, The YeS 1025 o~erates under the c~ntrol of`t6e DOS 3/YeS virtual operating system, designed for YeS 1015 and.:YeS 1025 computers, although it can also operate with the YeS 1035 and YeS 1045 computers. [439-6508] 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ USSR UDC 681.322 CONCEPTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TEiE SECOND SERIES OF YeS COMPUTERS VYBER INFORM. Z ORBANIZ A VYPOS. TECHN. in Czech 1979 No 6, pp 729-736 _ KLOUCEK JAROMIR [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979 Abstract No 6B210 by A. D, Plitman] [Text] It is reported that the second series of YeS computers is a further development of the basic principles of logical organization of the ' = first series of YeS computers intended to: achieve higher~technical and economic indices (particularly improving Che "productivity/cost" coefficient by 2 to 3 times in comparison to the first series of YeS computers), expand ~ the range of fun.ctional ca~pabilities and improve the parameters of operating - systems, create a well-developed interrcal structure for the procesaor and ~ input/output system, based on the use of moderc~ hardware components. - - Considerable attention has also been given to increasing the capabilities - - for remote data processing and~utilization of the time sharing mode, in- creasin~ the effectiveness of testing and diagnostic equipment and servi- cing systems, achieving the possibility of organizing multimachine and multiprocessor systems, the formation of problem-oriented programming systems, and processing of data in systems at various levels. The basic differences :`-tween the YeS computers of the firs t and second ' series are analyzed; their parameters and the characteristics of rhe - componenCs of which they are made are compared, and information is pre- sented on new types of peripheral devices developed for the second aeries of XeS computers. Tables 5. [439-6508] , 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~i , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.322.06 EXPERIMENTAL INTEGRATID DATA BASE, ITS PLANNING AI~ID ACTUALIZATION ON THE YeS 1030 COMPUTER . MECH,, AUTOMAT. ADMIN, in Slovak 1978 Vol 18 No 12, pp 452-456 , LIESKOVSKY PETER and ANTONIC FRANTISEK . [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B162 by I. M. Shenbrot] [Text] A data base management system run on the YeS 1030 computer at the - Computer Center of the Statistical Administration of Slovakia in Bratislava _ under the OS operating system is described. _ (439-6508] USSR UDC 681.322 A HIGH-SPEED FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM PROCESSOR Kiev VYSTRODEYSTViJYUSHCHIY PROTSESSOR BYSTROGO PREOBRAZOVANIYA FUR'YE in ~ _ Russian 1979 12 pages KANEVSKIY, YU , S,, MADYE`:NOVA, N. YE NEKRASOV, B, A, and FEDOTOV, 0. A,, _ Kiev Polytechnical Institute [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEbiEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B245 DEP by the authors] [Text] A higr.-speed processor which performs a non-redundant fast Fourier transform in a base two system on N-512 complex readings in T-500 �s is described, The processor consists of two selected memory units, a main arithmetic processor, a control device and a module for the formation of weight coefficients. The specifics of the processor include a fortunate selection of algorithm and coordination with memory device structure, as well as organiz~.tion of information interchange with the arithmetic unit, allowing the read/write rules in the memory unit to be retained co:lstant for all iterations, thus simplifying the control device. [439-6508] 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ C. Hardware Translations of Articles ~ USSR . UDC 681.327.69'22 - D IA.LOGUE INFORMATION D ISPLAYS US ING CATHODE-RAY TUBES Moscow DIALOGOVYYE USTROYSTVA OTOBRAZHENIYA INFORMATSII NA ELEKTRONNO- . LUCHEVYI~i TRUBKAKH in Russian Statistika Publishers, 1977 184 pp ' BATANIST, M; L,, GORELOV, V. I., PETROV, G. M., RATTTIKOV, A. N.~ SOROKO, ~ L, G., TARASEVICH~ V. Ni. and TOLMA~HEV, A. M. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B531K by V. A. Garmash] [Text] The book is devoted to two types of CRT information display dialogue devices, developed for the unified series of computers: the YeS- _ 7906 alphanumeric information dieplay and the YeS-7064 graphical infor- mation display. The engineering design solutions used in these devices, ~ the operational features and programmiag principles are treated. [441-8225] ; . i USSR UDC 681.327.69'22+658:012.011.56 - THE USE OF THE "VIDEOTON-340" VIDEO TEYiMINAL WITfi A PRINTER ON-LINE WITH THE BESM-6 FOR ELECTRICAL POWER NETWORK ENTERPRISE DATA PROCESSING Dubna OB"YEDIN. INSTITUT YADER, ISSLID. in Russian No 10-10850, 1977 7 pp - KADANTSEV, S. G., MAZNYY, G. L., SAPOZHNIKOV, A, P. and SEMASHKO, G. L. - _ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . _ . , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 F01~'OFFICIAL USE ONLY TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract l~0 4B561K) _ [Text] The software design for the solution of several elecrrical power = network enterprise problems using the "Videoton-340" display, coupled to - a BESM-6 computer, is deacribed. The proposed software is deaigned for working in the "Dubna" operating aystem. [441-8225] _ USSR UDC 681,327.~62 AN INFORMATION READER AND WRITER , - Moscow USTROYSTVO DLYZ ZAPISI I SCHITYVANAYA INFORMATSII, USSR Patent No 542239 in Russian C1 G 11 C 7/00, Claimed 13 Feb 75 Published 30 Mar 77 DARBINYAN, A, A,, AVETISYAN, T. A, and ZAKHARYAN, G. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA . TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B315] [Text] An information readout and writing device is proposed, which contains a three winding transformer, the center tap of the first and second windings of which are connected to the outputs of the firs t and second write switches respectively and through resistors to the power supply. The taps of the third winding of the transformer are cocnnected to the inputs of the read unit. For Che purpose of increasing the operational speed and device reliability, two diodes and a resistor are~ introduced into it. xhe anodes of.the diodes are connected to the _ center tap of the first and second transformer windings respectively, _ while the cathods are connected together and connected through a resistor to the power supply. Figures 1; references 2, - [441-8225] - 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ USSR UDC 681.325.54 A SCALER r Moscow PERESCH~,TNOYE USTROYSTVO, USSR Patent No 553749 in Russian C1, H 03 K 23/02 Claimed 19 Ma.r 76 Published 13 Jun 77 . - ZAGURSKIY, V, YA., Institute of Electronics and Computer Engineering of the Latvian Academy of Sciences [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA - TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B219P] _ [Text] A scaler containing potential type logic gates is well known. The - drawbacks to the known device are limited capacity and a slow operational speed, The device which is closest to the proposed scaler contains two AND gates, an OR gate and an inverter in each stage, in which case, the ~ outputs af the AND gates are connected to the inputs of the OR gate, the output of which is connected to the inverter. A drawback of the well known device is the comparatively slow speed, something which is related ~ to the necessity of employing three-phase synchronization, The purpose of the invention, increasing the speed~ is accomplished in that in the scaler, each stage of which contains two AND gates, an OR gate and an invei�ter, where the outputs of the AI~ID gates are connected to the inputs of the OR gate, the output of which is connected to the inverter, a third AND gate is introduced into each stage, the output of which is connected - to the input of OR gate, while the inputs are connected to the firs t ~ inputs of the first and second AND gates, which are connected Co the outpuL of the inverter of the preceding stage and to the clock bus respectively. A fourth AND gate is introduced into one of the stages, where the output of the AND gate is connected to the input of the OR gate for this digit, the inputs are connected to the outputs of the inverters of the two other stages, while the output of the OR gates is connected to the second input of the first and second AND gates of this digit. In the case of an even number of stages, in all of the stages but one, the output of the OR gate - of the preceding stage is connec ted directly to the combined inputs of the first and third AI~ID gates of the next stage, the second inputs of the third AND gates are connected to the paraphase clock buses respectively, [441-8225] 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.323 A COMPUTER SYSTEM - Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA SISTEMA USSR Patent No 551655 C1. G 06 F 15/36, Claimed 11 Aug 75 Published 23 Jun 77 BELOV, V. A, and VETSHEV, ZH. N, [Siberian Physics and Engineering Institute at Tomsk University] [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'PIAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B160P] (Text] A computer system containing an electrnnic computer is proposed. For the purpose of expanding the functional capabilities by means of providing for the capability of computing the probability characteristics of random processes, the computer system contains a series connected code - to a voltage converter, a comparison unit, a firs t AND gate, an OR gate and a switch. The information input of the system is connected Co the information input of the comparison unit. Figures 1; references 2, [441-8225] USSR UDC 681.327,21:534,78(088.8)(47) - AN INFORMATION INPUT UNIT Moscow USTROYSTVO DLYA VVODA INFORMATSII, USSR Patent No 551637 in Russian C1. G 06 F 3/16, Claimed 29 Dec 75, 23 Jun 77 VOLODKOVICH, YE , F,, GONCHAROV, YU . P,, ZENIN, V. YA KUDREVATYIQI, S. I., MASLYUKOV, V, A,~ NIKOLAY~V, R, P, and SYCH~ V. P, [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHiVIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abs tract No 4B430P) [Text] An information input device is proposed which contains; electro- acoustical transducers, coupled to linear coordinate microphones, (B) - controls and to one of the inputs of the pulse-time converters, the other inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the B control, the linear coordinate microphones and the clock pulse generator; f irst and secbnd - coordinate countexs (S), the inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the pulse-time converters and to the outputs of the B control, the input of which is connected to the output of the f irst decoder, which is coupled to~ the first coordinate counter, Included in the complement of 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the device are two correction coefficient counters and a second decoder, - the inputs oi which are connected to the output of the B control and the digit output of the first correction coefficient counter, the ~etting input of which is connected to the output of the B control, while the count input is connected to the output of the clock pulse generator, The digit inputs of the first correc tion coefficient counter are connected to the digit outputs of the second coordinate counter and the second correction coefficient counter, the count input of which is coupled to rhe - output of the first decoder, which is connected to the inguts of the pulse- time converters. The device can be used, in particular, in acoustical information input devices as well as for the semiautomatic measurement of the lines of a drawing and the coordinates of the points of three-dimensional objects. Figures 1; references 2. - [441-8225] USSR UDC 681,325.63 A BINARY-DECIMAL 12222 CODE TO A UNITARY CODE CONVERTER - Moscow PREOBRAZOVATEL' DVOICHNO-DESYATICHNOGO KODA 12222 V UNITARNYY KOD, USSR Patent No 549803 in Russian Class G 06 F 5/04, Claimed 21 Mar 75 Published 27 Jul 77 ZHURAVLEV, A, I. and KHAMKO, N, G,, Special Design Office for Computer Equipment, Ryazan' Radio Engineering Institute [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B230] [Text] The invention applies to the computer engineering field and can be used in computer and digital automation circuits, A binary-decimal 12222 code to pulse-number code converter is well known, which contains ' a code storage register, a group of AND gates, OR gates and a delay line. A drawback to it is the large conversion time in the case of the truncated binary-decimal 12222 code format, something which reduces the speed, In this case, the code conversion time, regardless of its forma t, is measured based on the formula t= 4.5 T, where T is the amount of the shift between query pulses. The increase in the operational speed, through a reduction tn the conversion time for a shortened (al ternating) 12222 code to a , - pulse-number code is achieved by introducing into the converter circuit - an additional OR gate, an additional delay line and a second group of four _ ANI) gates, the first inputs of which are connected to the zero outputs of the register flip-flops for writing the parallel code with the weight of 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 i FOR OFFICIAL USE OPJI.Y the 2222 digite r~a~ectively. The aecond inputs are connected to the out- puts of the AND gates of the firat group, correaponding to digita with a - _ weight of 12222, The outputs of the AI~ID gates of the second group and the - output of the AND gate of the first group, corresponding to the lowest order digit of weight 2, are connected to the inputs Qf the additional OR gate, which is- connected to the input of the additional delay line, the output of which is connected to the signal bus of the device. FigureE~; 1; references 1. [441-8225] USSR UDC 681.322-185,3 A DESK TOP COMPUTER DESIGNED AROUND A MICROPROCESSOR Unknown MERES ES AUTOMAT in Hungarian Vol 25 No 7, 1977 pp 269-273 SAGHEGYI MARTON, LAKATOS IMRE and KAKUK SANDOR , [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL,, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKIiANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 7$ Abstract No 4B145 by Z. Kh. Shrago] (Ter.t] It is reported that the EMG plant (Hungarian People's Republic) has developed a programmable desk top computer for the solution of _ scientific problems based on MOS circuits, When working with the Hunor _ 301 calculator, the user can have at his disposal 50 data registers (in an expanded variant, 100 registers) and a program memory with a capacity of 512 words (1,000 in the expanded variant). The operational speeds are as follows: addi.tion and subtraction - 10 microseconds, multiplica tion 40 milliseconds and division 80 milliseconds, The display has 14 places, Numbers are displayed with 10 decimal digits for the mantissa and two for the exponent, Moreover, the EMG-14902 thermal printer is available with a print rate of three lines per second. The line size is 11 numerals and 4 alphanumeric symrals. The dimensions of the numexals are 3 x 1,6 mm. The data provided tor the programming and service capabilities permit the conclusion that the calculator is an efficient computing tool, At the _ present time, development of tha computer software is continuing. Fig~res 4, [441-8225] 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - USSR UDC 681.326,3 THE REALIZATION OF GROUP EXCHANGE THROUGH THE YER15-02 UNIT ON THE YES- 1010 COMPUTER Dubna SOOBSHCH, OB"YEDIN, INSTITUTA YADER, ISSLED, in Ruasian No 11-10786, 1977 7 PP VZOROV, I, K., IVANOV, V, V., KUZNETSOV, A. S, and SAMOYLOV, V, N, [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA _ TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B246K] - [Text] A modernized module of the 72854 type (YeR15-02) is described, which permits group exchange in real time using the Ye5-1010 computer. The following were introduced into the module: state registex� for a peripheral, state word readout instruction, and gating circuits for receiving and feeding out state words. The group exchange rate is 24 microseconds per word, which is about four times faster than tke exchange raCe whic h the 72854 unit permitted prior to improvement. The described - modernization roakes the unit more universal and expands the applications - area. [441-8225] C1SSR UDC 681.322.06 - SPECIFICS OF THE INSTRUCTION SYSTEM OF ONE MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTER WITH - COMMON CONTROL Moscow VOPR, KIBERNET, in Russian 1978 No 43, pp 16-25 MEDVEDEV, I, L. and FISHCHENKO, YE , A, [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL':VAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B48] - - [Text] The peculiarities and functions of the control system of a high- - speed mul tiprocessor computer are s tudied. All of the processors of the - computer are under common control. The distribution of functions among instructions of the functional subsystems is described~ The structur~ of instruction formats is described in detail. An example is presented of a - program, and the peculiarities of the instruction sys tem of the multi- processor computer are emphasized. Figures 2; references 1. [439-6508] - 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681,325.5.01 ARITHMETIC-LOGIC DEVICE FOR A MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTER Moscow VOPR, KIBERNET, in Russiun 1978 No 43, pp 38-44 ZHUKOV, B, A,~ MED~'EDEV, I. L. and TOMCHENKO, S. N. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA _ TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, i979, Abstract No 6B398] [Text) An analysis is ~iresented of:the effective use of various types of arithmetic-logic devices fo~~~,,mult~iprocessor computers, and the variation in the structure of a multiprocE~ssoi~. computer with the type of aritturietic- , logic device used is demonstratea;, Figures 2; references 4. [439-6508j ~ USSR UDC 681.322,06 GROUP PARALLELISM AND DUAL PERFORMANCE OF PARALLEL COMPUTATIONS Moscow VOPR. KIBERNET. in Russian 1978 No 43, pp 44-64 ZATULIVETER, YU . S, and MEDVEDEV, I. L, � ' [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B49] - [Text] A study is made of problems of organization of parallel compu- - tations in multiprocessor computers with a common flow of control. Con- ditions and a method are presented for assurance of uniform high-levels of loading of the set of processor elements over a broad range of tasks. ~ ' The concept of dual organization of computations is introduced and the - relationship of such an organization to the properties of the input _ language is discussed, The possibility is studied of achieving (basically) conflict-free operation of the memory during parallel computation in the ' group mode. Figures 3; references 6. [439-6508] - - 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ USSR UDC 681.322.013.2 ~ USE OF ASSOCIATIVE BUFFER MEMORY IN MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEMS Moscow VOPR, KIBERNET, in Russian 1978 No 43, pp 90-98 POPOVA ? G. M, and STEPANOV, I. V. XRV AVT~MATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Ruasian No 6, 19 79 , A t~s trac t No 6B69 [Text] A study is made of the specifics of inclusion of type KESH buffer memory with associative addressing in a multiprogramming computer system with memory structure~ A buffer memory organization ia suggested ! which has a numbar of advantages over traditional organizations and yields ~ the greatest effect when KESH is used in multiprogramming computers with : several independent coatrol modules~ Figures 6; references 9. ~ [439-6508] ~ _ USSR UDC 681.325.5.01 SIMPLE HARDWARE ACTUALIZATION OF ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC OPERATORS IN A = HOMOGENEOUS COMPUTING STRUCTURE Moscow VOPR, KIBERNET, in Russian 1978 No 43, pp 111-121 ~ _ CHACHANIDZE, V, G.~ KUBLASHVILI, T. 0.~ SMORODINOVA ~ 0. G., ASATLANI, G, G., MIRIANASHVILI, R. Z, and SKOBELEVA~ L, V. XRV AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, _ 1979, Abstract No 6B397 . ~ [TextJ Logic operators actualized in a retunable universal four-directional homogeneous computing s tructure are presented~ as well as a number of arithmetic operators for fixed-point numbers, synchronously arriving in sequential supplementary binary code, in which the sign is contained in the last bit and the 1ow-order bits arrive first. Figures 19; references _ 11. - [439-6508] ~ 14 : ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i I _ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.322.01 _ METHODS OF INCREAS~NG THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTER SYSTEMS = Moscow VOPR. KIBERNET. in Ruasian 1978 No 43, pp 163-176 CHUDIN, A, A, and PRANGISHVILI, I. V. _ [From REFFRATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKI~ I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA _ TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979~ Abstract No 6B85] [Textj Methods are discussed for increasing the effectiveness.of specialized and problem-oriented multiprocessor computer systems, as we11 as problems of the construction of such sys tems on the basis of a universal set ot software and hardware modules. References 5. [439-6508J USSR UDC 681,326 ,34 DIALOGUE REMOTE TASK INPUT Riga DIALOGOVIY UDALENNYY WOD ZADANIY in Russian 1978 21 pages ILZINYA, I. G., Institute of Electronic and Computer Technology [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B707] [Text] A study is a?ade of ineans of remote f~~.P,lO~UP.. j.ctput of tasks (DUVZ), allowing Che user to input tasks into the normal system job flaw from remote Ye5-8570 terminals and local YeS-7066 displays. A description of the DUVZ system is presented~ providing for input of both programs and data created~ altered and ~aved by the DUVZ ha.rdware. Figures 2; references 3. [439-6508) - 15 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR ~ UDC 681.326.34 A GROUP INTERFACE FOR CONNECTION OF ANALOG-D IGITAL CONVERTERS WITH THE M-400 COMPUTER GRUPPOVOY INTERFEYS DLYA SVYAZI AMt.'LITUDNO-TSIFROVYI~i PREOBRAZOVA.TELEY S EVM M-400, Preprint No 14, 1978 21 pages BEREZIN, F. N., KISURIN, V. A.~ OFENGEI~IDEN, R. G. and PATLAN' , YU . V.~ Institute of Nuclear Studies, UKR Academy of Sciences Preprint [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNL~L~ AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIK.A I VYCHISLITEI,'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract Ho 6B706 Annotation] [Text) An interface for connecting a group of ADC to Che.M-400 minicomputer is described. The interface is designed to operate in the external inter- rupt mode and scan up to 6 ADC and a cycle number coder. The variation - of ADC reaction time with method of connection of the ADC to the computer and the structure of the interrupt servicing program is analyzed, The ' effectiveness of the interface circuit is proven. [439-6508] ; USSR UDC 681.323 - _ AN INTERFACE BEZWEEN TERMINALS AND COMPUTER _ USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE NO 596938, Filed 3/07/75, No 2143901, Published 10/03/78 A1~IDROSENKO, S. G,, BARAN, L, B,, DINOVICH, M. V., KOBOZEV, A. A,~ MIKHAYLISHIN, A~ A e~ MOROZOV, A. A,~ SKURIKHIN ~ V. I. and KOBOZEVA ~ L. S.~ Institute of Cybernetics Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLIT~L'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B680PJ ~ [Text] A system is suggested for interfacing terminal devices to a com- puter, including an arithmetic-logic device, an operational register unit, a memory unit, a microinstruction register, ROM, and instruction address _ counter. Its first output is connected to the ROM input, the output of which is connected to the first input of the microinstruction regis ter. , The second input of the microinstruction register is connected to the ~r , first output of the main memory. ' 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , \ ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' The first output of the microinstruction register is connected to the firs t input of the instruction addreas counter. The second output of _ the main memory is connected to the first input of the operaeing register module, the first output of which is connected to the first input of the main memory. The second output is connected to the first input of the arithmetic-logic unit, the output of which is connected to the second ~.nput of the operational register module. The second output of the instruction addreas counter is connecCed to the f irst input of the operational register unit. Figures 1. � ~ [439-6508] ~ USSR UDC 681.325(088.8) USSRA DEVICE TO CONVERT SHAFT ROTATION ANGLE INTO CODE USSR AUTIiOR'S CERTIFICATE NO 595755, Filed 4/11/76, No 2417743, Published 10/03/78 PRESNUKHIN , L, N., BARKHOTKIN , V. A.~ NED OPEKIN , K. K., TOP IL' SKIY, V. B., - BOGOSLOVSKIY~ A. P., FROLOV, G. I., KOMONOV, P. S.~ KOROSTIYEV, V. K. and BEZRUCHENKOV, V. N., Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA , TEKHNIKA XA in Russian No 6, 6B521P) [Text] A device is known which contains a series-connected pulse generator, - voltage divider, filter, phase splitter connected to a coarse and fine reading phase inverter, the outputs of which are connected through com- parators to the control inputs of th~ corresponding leading read channels. The output of the coarse reading comparator is connected to the input of the lagging read channel. In order to increase the accuracy, an additional comparator and an ad- d itional frequency divider are added to the device, with the input of the frequency divider connected to the output of the pulse generator, its output to the inputs of sections of AND gates, while one output of the phase splitter is connecte~ to the additional comparator to the setting inputs of the additional frequency divider. Figures 1. ~439-6508J . ~ 17 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR ~ UDC 681.325,57 A DEVICE FOR MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION ~ USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE NO 6000555, Filed 13/02/75, No 2104691, Publiahed , 21/04/78 LEYTAN, Z, YA.~ MURZIN, V, A.~ RUGINSKAYA~ T. V. and FROLOV, YU. V., State Special Design Bureau for Planning of Computational Machinery, Experimental Plant of the State Special Design Bureau for Planning of Computational Machinery . [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKNNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B400P] ~ [Text] A device is suggested for multiplication and division, containing ~ a synchronization unit, the first ou tput of which is connected to the control input of the control unit, while the second output is connected , to the firs t inputs of the f9_rst two AI~ID gates , and outputs of which are - connec ted to the inputs of the corresponding operand registers. In order : to reduce hardware and increase the speed, the device includes a cycle counter, an operand analysis unit, additional AI~ID gates, OR gates, and two flin-flops. The first two inputs of the control unit are connected to thp outputs of the corresponding flip-flops, the zero inputs of which are connected to the third input of the device. The ones input of the firs t slip-flop is connected to the output of the firs t additional AND element, the firat - input of which is connected to the output of the cycle counter, the first control input of which is connected to the output of the second additional AND gate. Figures 1; references 2. [439-6508] . , 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY U5SR UDC 681.325-416 DEVICE FOR READ ING INFORMATION ON CYLINDRICAL MAGNETIC DOMAINS USSR AUTIiOR'S CERTIFICATE NO 613403, Filed 24/12/76, No 2433897, Publiahed 15/06/78 KRASOVSKIY, V. YE, and SMIRNOV, S. N., Institute of Control Computera (INEUM) [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA _ TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B298P] [Text] A device is suggested for reading informa~tion carried on cylindrical magnetic domains, including main and secondary channels for shifting of domains, made in the form of ferromagnetic applications on a plate of magnetical~y uniaxial material, a magnetoresistive sensor and a device for recording the changes in resistance of the sensor. ~ In order to increase reliability, the device contains a domain divider and a NOT element. The supplementary domain shifting cha.nnel is magnetically coupled through the domain divider and the NOT element to the main domain shifting channel. The main and supplementary domain shifting channels are placed symmetrically in relationship to the magnetoresistive sensor. Figures 2. [439-6508] USSR UDC 681.325.5 THE PROCESSOR OF A D IGITAL COMPUZER SYSTEM _ USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE NO 475897, Filed 14/06/71, No 1fi68568, Published 26/08/78 LEVIN, V. K,, ANTONOV, V. S,~ SHUL'GIN, A. A,~ MIKHAYLOV, I, B., ZHUKOV- YEMEL' YANOV, 0, D.~ PEBART, M, D,~ KHRAMTSOV, I, S.~ POPOVA ~ I, A,~ Y~GORYCHEVA ~ N. V., PAPIL INA ~ G. S.~ KOKHANOV, YU . A.~ POCHECHUYEV, YU , A,~ KOROLEVA~ T, M., PRYAKHIN~ B, A. and KLIMOV, V. V. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ AVTOMATIKA~ TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B250P] [Text) The invention is a digital computer device, a central processor for a computer system, containing a set of quasi-independent modules 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY operating simultaneously, including a built-in diagnoeis module. Digital computer syatem procesaors containing quasi-independenC modules such ae an instruction module, memory control module connected to the memory unit and including input and output registers and a control panel are known. _ However, these computer system processors do not have sufficient speed, - their diagnostic apparatus is complex, due to its autonomy and universality and, furthermore, they do not utilize local control modules which are available in various subsystems of the system for diagnosis of the pro- cessor. The separation of the testing and diagnosis functions of the proc:essor in individual aubsystems by the use of local control module hardware in these subsystems is essentially new and a basic distinction between the present processor and all other known devices. In order to reduce the amount of hardware required and increase the speed of the processor, the overflow and inversion outputs of the diagnosis unit - are connected to the third and fourth inputs of the memory control unit. The information output of the diagnosis module is connected to the fourth input of the binary arithmetic unit, while the fifth and sixth inputs of the binary arithmetic unit are connected to the interrupt output and the code conditions output of the decicnal arithmetic unit. Figures 3. [439-6508J ~ USSR UDC 681.327,67 CRITERIA FOR OPTIMAI, SUBDIVISION UF A SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORY IN MODULES TR, MOSK. ENERG. IN-TA in Russian 1978 No 380, pp 46-50 BOROD IN ~ G . A , ~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA XA in Russian No 6, 6B459 by S. G. Romanova] . ~ [Text] It is noted that the use of microcircuit memory for long-Cerm storage requires that a number of specific factors be considered~ in addition to the usual factors~ These include the discrete nature of the _ memory circuits, the possibility of combining built-in address and bit lines in the same outputs, etc. Various factors are considered in various = ways during planning, but selec~ion of the optimal memory unit structure ~ is always necessary. _ 20 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It is pointed out that conaideration of all factora greatly complicates the task in ques tion and it is frequently sufficient to consider several - main factors, including the quantity and complexity of t?~rdware and effectiveness of its utilization. Furthermore, economic requirements must also be considered. A method is suggested for es timating the optimal - subdivisior_ of long-term memory into modules considering information capacity and word length during automatic planning of such mewory units on computer. Figures 2; tables 1; references 4. [439-6508] USSR UDC 681,3 .019 ONE METHOD OF ACTUALIZATION OF A DISCRETE AUTOMATON USING THE M6800 MICROPROCESSOR AVTOMATIKA I IZCHISL. TEKH. in Bulgarian 1978 Vol 12 No 5, pp 30-36 STANCHEV, and GEORGIYEV, TS, [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in~ Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B96 by A. D, Plitman] ll - [Text] In the method sLtggested, the stages of synthesis, related to the formal description of th~e functioning of the automaton, inc].uding the production of a graph of`;transitions, coincide to the classical stages: the stages of minimization of the number of internal variables and their optimal coding are absent. The stage of composition of the code table of transitions and outputs is replaced by composition of a file of transitions and outputs, while the stage of production of excitation functions is replaced by the placement of this file and a special automatic program in ROM. The method is - applicable to the production of both synchronous and asynchronous Moore and Mealy automata. Figures 2; tables 5;:;references 3. (439-6508] 21 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` USSR UDC 621.396.6+539.4.019(07) MECHANICAL EFFECTS APID PROTECTION OF ELECTRONIC APPARATUS. A TEXTBOOK FOR STIJDENTS IN THE AREA OF DESIGN AND PRaDUCTION OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Kiev MEKHANICHESKIYE VOZDEYSTVIYA I ZASHCHITA ELEKTRONNOY APPARATURY. UCHEB. POSOBIYE DLYA STUD. VYZOV, UBUCH~ PO SPETS. KONSTRUIR. I PR-VO ELEKTRON.-VYCHISL. APPARATURY in Russian Vyahcha Shkola Press, 1979, 128 pp FROLOV, V , A . ~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIRA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6A253K] [Text] This textbook presents a~eneral analysis of inechanical effects, mathematical models and methods of computer processing. The properties of electronic elements which operate ;inder conditions of vibration load are described. Problems of modeling of the dynamic s tatus of an ob3ect using electronic models are s tudied, The basic elements are studied and methods of their design ar~e presented. The book is intended for students studying the specialty "Design and Production of Electronic Computer Hardware," but may also be useful to ' _ elec tronic equipment designers. Figures 84; tables 9; references 19. [439-6508] USSR UDC 681.327.67 ~ - SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATID MEMORY CIRCUITS BASED ON BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR STRUCTURES Moscow POLUPROVODNIKOVYYE INTEGRAL'NYYE SKHEMY PAMyATI NA BIPOLYARNYKH TRANZISTORNYKH STRUKTURAKH in Russian Sov. Radio Press 1979 296 pages " VALIYEV, K, A. and ORLIKOVSKIY, A. A. - [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA ' TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B454K Annotation] [Text) Design and technological peculiarities, circuitry and problems of _ planning of semiconductor IC bipolar transistor memories are studied~ ~LL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The basic principles of planning and selection of operating modes of integrated-circuit memories and their control circuits are outlined. The prospects for further increa~ea in the capacity and speed of bipolar IC memories are analyzed. The book is designed for engineers, students . and graduate students specializing in microelectronics. - [439-6508] UDC 681.32 : ANALYSIS OF ALGQRITHMS FOR THE COUPLING OF LARGE AI~ID SMALL ELECTRONIC - COMPUTERS IN TELEAUTOMATIC QUEUEING SYSTEMS. I ~ Moscow AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIKA in Russian No 3, 1979 pp 150-152 _ [Article by V. M. Vishnevskiy, V. A. Zharkikh, V, A. Zhozhikashvili and N. V. Petukhova, Moscow] [Excerpt] The striving to increase the effectiveness of the application of ~omputer technology in systems with time-shared servicing of a large number of users has led to the creation of multimachine structures that include machines of t~ao levels: preprocessors and central processing electronic computers, Small computers are used as preprocessors, as a - rule, whereas data are processed on large and medium-sized computers. Included i.n the functions of the preprocessor are the reception and issuance of data to lines of communication, the formation of inessages from arriving data, headline analysis, the editing and monitoring of . messages and also, if necessary, the establishment of queues and control of priori~ties`. Central computers are thus reli.aved of the execution of routine procedures connected with input and output, and this u~kes it possible to use with ~aximum effectiveness all their resources for practical data processiag programs. In such systems preprocessors are connected to the selec tor or multiplex channel of the central processing computer through adapters--specialized - devices that match the input-output interfaces of those computers. An upper-level machine perce~'ves a preprocessor in an aggregate with an adaptor as an external triggering device, A small computer, working in accordance with its algorithms, at a certain moment of time forms the signal "attention," which is analyzed by the supervisor of the cenCral computer, A simplified scheme of the interaction of two computers is presented on Figure 1. Input into the exchange system on the part of the preprocessor is accomplished by means of special requests that evoke sequences on the mnemonic code and are generated by the user's program. 23 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , C1~ T~cnT~~:i~i.usi~ :1[3M (2~ TT~u�.1uj~~~i4i~rcop lT~~r~~r~nTev,cttno Ynl~ai,ne~u~o T1 m~~~a,~~~ia; IT `nrPr~~~~~iaJ~ 1~ciuui~p IIIi7f1P~117P7L- (3) J~~~~~rj~~~,~~~W (4) �/e OL UC (~6) n/u cm~c upu- ~~y rp~M?tts - ~ Il~o6xonx- . P~Gora _ r~ncrb cunau ~ucner~icpa c ~tcnrpr~nb- , �oit 713M 1 : i _ O;~a~ue OupcAcneH~te Ofipa6oTxa : 4~uprtupunaai~c ~ pUFlIIAf8llI1AA Tuua Raanr~a- ~ npepn~ia~wx cnrnana ni~x~ xnint++~r~neh 1 AA~ I annue+ani~n~ ! 1 mopM�po~aai~e napa~terpoe. - 13~aqa aanpoca ~:oNaeA~t aerca?ie~ ~ 1 B~anor~~- --~"j' f,~_ = Orpa6orxa ONSSfAaaNo ouepaur~~t : anropnr?ta ~ oxoa~asaA i D~H I CbA811 COABH - l ~ C Pa6oque � ra6oqae nporpa~M~ n~iurpauM~t ! ~ ~ Figure 1 Key: 1- Central computer 10 - Determination of "attention" type 2- Preprocessor 11 - Processing of interruption 3- User's programs 12 - rormation of "attention" signal 4- Control of input-output 13 - Analysis of "attention" _ 5- Operating sysCem programs 14 - Formation of request parameters 6- Input-output exciter 15 - Issurance of order "resd" 7- Work of dispatcher 16 - Performance of input-output 8- Need to communicate with operations central computer 17 - Handling of communication algorithm 9- Expectation of "attention" i8 - Expecta.tion of end of communication 19 - Working programs 24 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Those requests are directed through the input-output control program to the driver of the adapter~ which triggers the adapter and transmits the - parameters of the requesC to the data processing computer. In respons~ to the triggering the data processing computer sends the order to read~ _ ' after which the algorithm of communication and data transmission is accomplished, The data can be received in the central computer simultaneously with data processing according to the user's programs, However, operations on the organization of a communications session require certain expenditures of the processor's time, henceforth called the registration time; the s ize of - those expenditures will depend substantially on the adopted algorithm of interaction. Listed below are a number of ineasures that appear to be - technically and algorithmically accomplishable; data input from the preprocessor to the data processing computer is _ accomplished for each message assembled preliminarily in the preprocessor, - with interruption of the work of the main computer; messages from the preprocessor are inserted only after completion of the current program by the central computer; the "attention" signal is produced in the preprocessor according to a timer after given time intervals, as a result of which all the messages accumulated during that time are entered in the main computer; the central computer reads information from the preprocessor after all the messages inserted in the preceding communications session have been handled . The pres~nt work has the goal of solving the question of the advisability of conducting group measures of interaction of preprocessors with the central computer, The variant with interruption of the computer for each message evidently is the worst in lengths of queues and time the = - messages remain in the system under consideration. Consequently, comparison of it with the case where there is no preliminary registration permits ' _ giving an estimate of the amount of gain that can be obtained from carrying out the measures with group servicing. Thus the ques tion of the effectiveness of conducting group measures of interaction of preprocessors with the central computer is reduced to in- vestigation of the characteristics of a two-s tage queueing system in which the first stage is registration of the message and the second is direct servicing in the main computer. _ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Avtomatika i telemekhanika," 1979 [424-2174] ~ 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240030048-4 FOR 0;~~�~''~~CIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.3 ,008 RULES FOR MINIMIZATION OF THE NUI~ER OF CONFLICTS IN MULTIPROCESSOR COI~UTER SYSTEMS AVTOMAT, I TELEMIKH, in Russian 1979 No 3, pp 143-149 - BRONSHTEYN, I, I,, GENINSON, B. A. and TRAKHTENGERTS~ E, A, _ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELENIEI~IANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA - TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B95] [Text] An optimal rule is found for resolution of conflicts in multi- processor computer systems, minimizing the mean number (frequency) of conflicts, in order to increase the effectiveness ot parallel computation. References 8. - [439-6508] ~ USSR - COMPUTERS IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ' Moscow VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSR in Russian No 6, 1979 pp 8-12 ` , ["Introductory Speech by the President of the USSR Academy of Science Academician A, P. Aleksandrov"] [Excerpt] I wish to say a few woxds about instrument manufacture and the automatization of scientific research. Z}ao years ago at the meeting of ~ the Presidents of the Academies of Science of the socialist nations a plan for work on the preparation of components of circuits and systems for the ' automatization of scientific research was accepted. Organizations of the USSR Academy of Sci~nces and a number of our ministries, especially the Ministry of Instrument Building, Means of Automation and Sys tems of Control, took part in this work. Today we have already developed and given to - industry the computer complexes IVK-1 and IVK-2, which make it possible to - obtain and process various types~ of data from scientific experiments and - either send the results to scientists in printed form or give commands for management processes. A system of units which go to make up a complex makes it possible to deal with a11 types of informa.tion. One such syseem of this sort was shown to the presidium of the academy of sc iencea. The same one was demonstr,~~ted at the Moscow CiCy party conference where it attracted general attention. This year we tried to give some of our 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY scientific centers and institutes sets of such apparatus which should - restructure the style of experimental work in these scientific institutions. Imagine that in each sizable institute a library of units of the new - apparatus will be establiahed. If the laboratory changea ita direction of research or the technological processing of experimental data, it can return some of its units to the library in exchange for new ones. One and the same system can be transferred from research in, let's say, the field of biology to chemistry or to control of industrial processes. - ~ The present organization of scientific research requires broad use of _ computer technology. It seems to cne tha.t we now have entered a p.eriod where work on the mathematical support for research has broadened greatly, they are getting ready to put out new machines ot great productivity, universal ma.chines. In Che Institute of Problems of Control, Academician V. A, irapeznikov has begun to develop multiprocessors with a reorganized structure which can process information at a rate of up to 100 million _ operations per second. It seems to me that this is a significant step _ forward in the development of our computer technology. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'Stvo, "Nauka," "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1979 USSR UDC 621.325 DESIGN OF MULTIFUNCTION CELLS IN RECONSTRUCTED MULTIPURPOSE UNIFORM - COMPUTING ARRAYS Moscow AUTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIKA in Russian No 7, 1979 pp 146-155 [Article by G. G. Asatiani, T. 0. Kublashvili, P. Z. Mirianashvili, L~ B. ~ Skobeleva, Oa G. Smorodinova, B. G. Chachanidze] _ [Excerpt] The task of further perfecting cells of uniform computing arrays arises in connection with the fact that at the present time the restructured multipurpose four directional uniform computing array (OVS) is used in computers of various purposes which been or are being developed, particularly in microcomputers in control logical computers, etc~ The main purpose of the development of the proposed cell variants is to - decrease the number of combinatorial logical elements* in an OVS cell of a given base and to decrease the number of sequentially switched on logical elements in asynchronic cha.nnels compared to previous variants [1-3] and *We will subsequently refer to combinatorial logical elements as logical elements. - 27 - FAR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY others. This allows the reliability of the cell's function to increase ' along with its speed. One feature of these cells is the blocking of data input busbars in the interval of time it takes to attain tuning of the potential level in the busbars of the cell. This permits a significant total increase in the reliability of the cell's �unctioning, since it prevents the spread of "travelli,ng," one and zero logical levels along Che OVS cells, which, when allowed, can be registered in cyclic compounds - _ of the circuit, realized in ttie OVS, constantly causing inaccuraCe functioning. Moreover, this blocking in the use of busbars with three _ states as data output busbars and cell tuning busbars allows input arnd output busbars and tuning busbars to be combined. This permits a decrease in the number of electrical outlets of the cell's circuit~ The first two variants of the OVS cell realized identical base functions, - which formed automa.tic and commutative fu11 bases [4], ensured the uni- _ versality of the OVS in tha class of finite automata and were characterized - by an identical number of electrical outlets. These two variants of the - cell differed from each other in construction, and also in number of logical elements, number of large-scale integrated microcircuit components, and in Quine coefficients, Alr.hough the latter were approximately equal. The functional circuit of the first variant of the cell is shown in Fig, 1. xhe circuit is realized with 138 NIDP (expansion unknown)--transistors ; (tne uumber of logical elemsnts equals 37 and the Quine coefficient is 101) , and has 20 electrical outlets (4 data input busbars, 2 data outp:~*_ h,~R~~rs, , 9 tuning busbars, a blocking busbar, 2 busbars for diverse time pulses,` ' 2 feed busbars). When the input and output busbars and tuning busbars a,re combined the ce11 circuit has 14 electrical outlets . - The functioning of these OVS cells was modeled on a ISL4-70 computer wi th the help of r_he method described in [6], ~ Received 17 May 1978 REFERENCES _ J. . Prang~ shvili, I. V.,, M. A. Principles of cons truction of ~ computing devices and methods of organizing computing processes in uniform arrays, Automation and computer technology, No 3, p 23-3~'+, 19 72 . . 2. Yevreinov, E. V., Prangis hvili, I. V. Digital automatons with tuned structures (unifoxm media). "Energy," 1974. � " 3. Chachanidze, V. G., Kublashvili, T. 0. On one variant of ~1 cell. of a programmed-tuned universal computing array. Tr. of All-union - school-seminar on control of large systems, p 238-242. "Metzniyereba," Tbilisi, 1976. _ 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Yevreynov, E. V., Kosarev, Yu. G. Uniform multipurpose computing - arrays ot high productivity. "Nauka," Novosibirsk, 1966. 5. Yakubaytis, E. A. Asynchronic logical automatons. "Zinatne," Riga, 1966. ` 6. Pantzkhava, L. I., Chachanidze, V. G. On the analyais of circuits, reali~zed in uniform structure. Theses of reports of republic scientific-technical conference of young scientists. "Automation and control of technological processes," p 11. Pub. Georgian Polytechnic Institute, Tbilisi, 1974, COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka~" "Automatika i telemekhanika," 1979. [425-92851 - - 29 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 _ , ~ I~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1C~ _ i~~ ~ , ' ~ D. Programming and Software Translations of Articles ~ USSR UDC 681.322.06.01 QUESTIONS OF THE MODULAR CONSTRUCTION OF CQMPLEX PROGRAMS Unknown SBORNIK TR, INSTITUT PROBL. UPR in Russian No 13, 1976 pp 32-42 ~ ~ MAMIKONOV, A. G., KOS YACHENKO, S. A.~ KUL' BA, V. V. and TSVIRKUN , A, D. [From RFFERATIVN'iY ZHURNAL~ AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA , TEI~ii~I:KA in Russian No 4, Apr 78, Abstract 4B104] ' [Text] Models are proposed for the synthesis of software systems designed ~ - on a modular principle. The formulation and solution of problems of breaking a system of information and software down into functional sub- ' systems are treated, where these subsystems a minimum number of information links with limitations plac~d on the overall number of sub- � ~ystems, the composition and number of internal links between subsystems. Figures 3; references 5, i [441-8225] , , i _ ' USSR UDC 681.322.066 ~ A IiUDGET SYSTEM FOR THE DISPAK OPERATING SYSTEM Moscow INSTITUT PRIKL. MAT. AN SSSR in Rusaian 1977 42 pp , ; BALAKIREV, N. YE., MIKHAYLOV, A. P. and TYURIN, V. F. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 73 Abstract No 4B72K by V. A. Garmash] 30 1 - , ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] The book contains the following chapters: the general operating principle and structure of a budget ayatem, the method of interfacing a budget eyetem, the e tructure of catalogs, and eervice programe. ~441-8225] USSR UDC 681.3.06:51 SOFTWARE.FOR THE UNIFIID SYSTEM OF COMPUTERS FOR OPERATION IN A MULTIPLE MACHINE COMPUTER COMPLEX Unknown PROGRAP'lNINOYE OBESPECHENIYE YEF EVM DLYA RABOTY V MNOGOMASHINNOM VYCHISLITEL'NOM KOMPLEKSE in Russian 1977 pp 166-170 KOVALENKO, YU. G. and LARIONOV, K. A, ,[From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B83 by M. B. Yevdokimenko] [Text] The software for large computers is based on the feedback of the - YeS [unified sys tem], one of the most powerful and sophisticated of operating systems. YeS feedback has the means of interfacing YeS com- puters through a common peripheral memory field, for an immediate access memory througin direct control units and a channel to channel adapter. - For interfacing o ther types of computers, it is necessary to design only relative~.y simple equipment and special software or equipment, which in conjunction with the computer being tied in, can simulate one of the indicated pieces of equiptnent for composing the set. The software of the YeS computers for operating in a multiple machine computer complex . will be developed through the refinement of the operating system iCself and the creatioa of additional programs which expand the capabilities of the computer complex. , [441-8225J 31 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.322.068 " - MODERNIZATION OF THE MADLEN AUTOCODE. METHODS OF TRANSLATOR OPTIMIZATION Dubna PREPRINT NO 11-10813, OB"YIDIN. INSTITUT YADER. ISSLID. in Russian 1977 7 PP ; POPOV, M. YU, and FEDYUN'KIN, YE . D. ~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATII~A, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abs tract No 4B77K] [Text] The next rsgular variant of the Madlen autocode has been developed for BESM-6 computers. Methods of op timizing the algorithms used in the _ autocode translators are discussed~ New language capabilities are _ described. , [441-8225] USSR UDC 681.3 :002 ;513 .5 SOFTWARE FOR THE "NAIRI-2" COMPUTER DATA PLOTTER ~ Dubna SOOBSHCH. OB"YED IN. INSTITUTA YADER. ISSLID. in Russian No 11-10818, 1977 21 PP AKSENOVA' YE. K., KOL'GA, V. V, and TREYBAL, Z. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B98K by V. A. Garmash] [Text] The software for the data plotter of "Nairi-2" computers is described. The system of "Grafik" subroutines, composed in the "Nairi-2" machine language, makes it possible to represent infarmation in graphical form which is obtained both directly in the "Nairi-2" computers, and in the base computers (of the "BESM-6," SDS-6500 type) through an information processing system. A graphical function can be represented with a selected scale in the form of a continuous line with programmed linear interpolation - between Che points, or in the form of individual points with the coordinate axes plotted in any specified direction. Work with the subroutine system ; is accomplished in the autoprogramming language using a number of new operator;, introduced into the translator of the "Nairi-2" computers. [441-8225) 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FO& OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.327.06(02) _ _ THE DOS YES OPERATING SYSTEM. HANDBOOK , Moscow STATISTIKA in Russian 1977 271 pp BITEL', YU; YU,, VOYUSH, V. I,, GORBUNOVA~ R, V,, DASHINSKAYA~ YE, I,, ' LYAKH, A. G., MARUK, Z. A. and SKOROMNIK, M. G. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B70K] _ [Text] Ma.terial on the operating system of the DOS YeS [unified ~ystem disk operating sys tem], which is widely used in the YeS-1020, YeS-1022, YeS-1030 computers is generalized. Brief data are given on the asembler language, directive formats, operators and macroinstructions of the s ystem programs, on the use of such system funct~ons as the design and accessing - of libraries, editing and translation of programs, etc. - [441-8225] USSR UDC 658.012.011.56 SYSTEMS CAPABILITY OF REMOTE PROCESSING SOFTWARE PACKAGES Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEK~IIQIKA SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH STRAN [Computer Technology of the Socialist Countries] 1978, No 4, pp 82-86 KPYSTEV, S~, _ [Translated from Moscow REFERATIVNYY SBORNIK. ORGANIZATSIYA UPRAVLENIYA No 2, 19793, Abstract No 2.67.194, by Yu. P. D.] [Text] Ttie software used in remote data processing systems consists of two parts: systems software and applied (processing) programs. The systems sof tware controls the remote data processing system and supports communicat3.on with the applied pro~rams. It is constructed on the basis of the operating system used and the corresponding method of access for subscriber points or on the basis of~a certain remote processing program -, expanding the capability of the operating system. Application - programs ~re oriented toward various applications. The great variety of user requirements and the presence of reanote processing program packages, together with methods of access for terminals, requires that the connectiona 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; between application programs and remote processing packages be def:?.ned. There are 4 types of application programs: ior specialized applic~~tion; _ for joint use of a data base; for servicing of inessages from subscrtber , points; and for batch processing. The characteristics and functions of ; the 10 basic remote processing packages are studied~ including methods of access developed for the YeS computers. ~ [426-6508] ' USSR UDC 68~ .322 .O1 _ , - DETERMINISM OF PA.RALLEL DIAGRAMS Novos3.birsk VYCHISL. SISTEM,Y in Rus;sian 1978 No 73, pp 40-52 ' ANISHEV, P . A ~ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA ~ TEKHNIKt~i in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B52. Resume.] [Text] A solution is suggested to the problem ot checking of asynchronously , interacting processors in a deterministic system, fixed in the form of a garallel diagram of algorithms. The check is performed by analysis of a ; model of the behavior of the parallel diagram (Petry network) for viability ; and safety. The rules of transition from the parallel diagram to the ~ - Petry diagram are defined. ; _ It is shown that the properties of viability and safety of the corresponding Petry diagram can be achieved by the condition of determinism of the ' parallel diagram. An algorithm is presented for checking for viability ~ _ and safety, based on theorems proven earlier in a work of Hack. An estimate of the complexity of the algorithm is derived~ Figures 9; tables = 4; references 6. � [439-6508] 34 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 658.012.011.56 - A SYSTEM!FOR PROCESSING THE RESULTS OF NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS USING A SMAI;u COMPUTER SISTEMA OBRABOTKI REZUL'TATOV CHISLENNYKH RASCHETOV NA B~AZE MALOV EVM, "OB'YEDIN. IN-T YADER. ISSLID. DYBNA. PREPR," in Russian No R11-1971 1978 18 pages AKSENOVA ~ YE . K., GAVRISH, P. P., GORODNICHEV ~ YE . D,, KOL' GA, V. V., POLUMORDVINOVA~ N. I. and TREYBAL, Z, [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISTEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA,in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6A483. Annotation] [Text] A system is described for processing the results of numerical calculations, created in the Department of New Accelerators of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Using a small "Nairi-2" computer. Infor- mation is input through YeS tape drives from BESM-6 and CDC-6500 computers. A selector channel consisting of a functionally modular system following the "vector" standard has been developed for the "Nairi-2" computer for communication between the small computer, the YeS-5017 tape drive and the ~ O~K-1 graphic display. A discrete plotter developed from a DRP-3 stage ' is connected directly to the "Nairi-2" computer. - - Sqftware~supporting the operating modes of the tape drive, display and plotter has been created~ The system is now in operation, supporting continuous examination of the results of calculations performed on the large computers, output of information in graphic or tabular form, as well as the performance of various supplementary calculations. ~439-6508] 35 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ s APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' USSR UDC 681,3(07) COBOL. A PROGRAMMED TEXT FOR ECONOMICS STUDENTS Kiev KOBOL. PROGRAMMIROVANNOYE UCHEBNOYE POSOBIYE. UCHEB. POSOBIYE DLYA STUD. EKON. SPETS. WZOV. Kiev in Ruasian 3rd Edition Revised and Supple- mented Vishcha Shkola, 1978 407 pages YUSHCHENKO, YE . L., BABENKO, L. P., ANDRIYEVSKAYA, V. V.; BALL, G. A.~ BERESTOVAYA ~ S. N., BOPIDAREVSKAYA ~ V. M. , MASHBITS ~ YE . I. and ROGACH, V. D. [From REFFRATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B16K by S. G. Romanova] [Text) A textbook on the programming language COBOL is offered~ COBOL ~ is designed for description of a broad class of economic problems and is used as an input language for domestic series-produced computers. COBOL describes algorithms dealing with inforcnation elements of complex structure quite naturall.y, and has means for interacting with the operating system. This is the reason for inclusion of the apparatus of COBOL in a number - of newer languages, such as PL/1. COBOL has modular structure and consists of a nucleus containing the means for processing of data in machine memory, plus 11 modules, each of which perform some processing function. This textbook includes a detailed descrip tion of the nucleus and the modules for processing of tables and sequential I/0, allowing programming of a broad range of data processing problems. Standard COBOL is described, which coincides basically with the version wh~ch runs in the YeS computer up to 1978. The main differences of this version from the standard are described. - [439-6508] _ ~ . 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.322.06 - ESTIMATION OF THE TIME REQUIRED TO REACH OPERATORS IN A PROGRAM Novosibirsk VYCHISL. SISTEMY in Russian 1978 No 73, pp 152-167 ZNAK, V . I;. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISI~ITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6B50. Resume.] [Text] A s tudy is made of the task of analysis of the s tructure of branches of a p-program in order to determine such characteristics as the distri- bution of probabilities and to estimate the time required to reach certain predetermined operators.. The object of investigation used in an operator p-branch system which consists of a set of simple (elementary) paths from the starting operator to the predetermined operator and a set of simple loops. . A procedure is developed allowing the required characteristics to be - determined from the length and frequency of running of the simple loops. The method suggested for analysis of systems is uszd to analyze the p- branch of a program for solution of a system of equations, particularly for determination of the time characteristic defining the time required to reach an arbitrary assigned transition in the system when the branch is started from the initial operator. The basic possibilities for con- _ s truction of sets of assigned operators are analyzed for modeling of the interaction of branches of the p-program as it is run. Figures 1; references 8. j,, [ 439 - 65 O8 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034448-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 681.327 ,4' 21 FORMATLESS INPUT PROGRAMS WRITTEN IN MACHINE- INDEPENDENT FORTRAN Moscow PROGRAMMY BESFORMATNOGO VVODA NA YAZYKE FORTRAN (MASEiINNONEZAVISIMAYA VERSIYA) in Russian, Preprint No 3085 1979 14 pages VLADIMIROVA ~ T. M, , GORODKOV, S. S, and LIMAN, G. F. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AV^~OMATIKA~ TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAY[~ TEKHNIKA XA in Russ ian No 6, Abstract No 6B547. Annotation.] [Text] A system of subroutines written in FORTRAN is described, which - allows numerical information to be input from punch card~ to memory without . using formats and allows the files and variables to be input in batches , in arbitrary order. Practice has shown that unformatted input greatly simplifies the use of programs designed for repeated calculation vers9.ons. The subroutines were written using the common part of two versions of FORTRAN FORTRAN-CERN and FORTRAN-IV. It can be compiled and run on the BESM-6 and YeS computers with no alterations. [439-6508] . ri li 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY E. ~,utomated Design and Engineering ~ Translations of Articles USSR UDC 681.327.69'22 THE UTILIZATION OF GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS FOR PLANNING ~HE TOPOLOGY OF LARGE SCALE INTEGRATID CIRCUITS ~ Moscow SB. NAUCH. TR. FO PROBL. MIKROELEKTRON. MOSK, IN-~T ELEKTRON. TEKHN. in Russian 1976 No 31, pp 31-4~0 SHAN'GIN, V. F. and OGURTSOV, A, I., Moscow Electronics Engineering Ins ti, tute - [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 4, Apr 78 Abstract No 4B556j - [Text] The organizational methods and software for operational graphical _ ' systems for the planning of LSI topology are analyzed~ Figures 2; tables 2; references 3. [441-8225J 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ II. ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS _q A. General Treatment - Translations of Articles USSR UDC 658.012.011.56 ' PROBLEMS OF DATA AGGREGATION AND D ISAGGREGATION IN AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT - S YS TEMS Moscow PROBLEMY SOVERSHENIYA SISTEM UPRAVLENIYA PREDPRIYATYAMI (OB'YEDINENI- , YAMT) [Problems of Improving Autoroatic Enterprise (Association) Mana.geu?~nt Systems] in Russian 1977 pp 57-65 ~ BAYRAMOVA, I. P. and PROSKUROV, V. S, - [From REFERATIVNYY SBORNIK, ORGANIZATSIYA UPRA.VLENIYA No 6, 1979, Abstract _ No 6 .6~ .zo~ ] [Text] It is impossible to study a complex object without subdividing it into parts. The fundamental procedure for subciividing an object is ex- traction and analysis of independent subsystems within it. Following this ~ approach, one can construct a data disaggregation scheme for automa.tic management sys tems (ASU). The second prob3.em of data aggregation, if this is regarded as a joining together of information about and for various ~ - tasks, has not yet been formulated in general terms by anybody so far, = The gis t of this problem is to determine the tradeoff between storing in the computer memory either information about each task or information about the entire system as a whole. The main requirement serving as the criterion for selecting the method of data organization is the need to reduce the ~ labor of da ta. processing for computer-aided solution of problems in automatic management systems. The use of automatic data banks with central data storage for all tasks of automatic management systems contributes Co appreciable delays, which often amount to half the total machine time - needed for the solution of those problems. It is, therefore, necessary to make quanti tative estima.tes and to formulate specific rules as a basis ~ 40 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY for determining whether central or local data storage would be preferable. It can be asserted a priori that a better data organization allows for - both cenCral and local storage~ One then determines to what degree ~ - and according to which criteria data for various tasks must be aggregated. [435-2415] - USSR UDC 658.012,011.56 THE ACTIVITY OF COMPUTER CENTERS DURING THE STAGE OF CREATION OF AN AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM I~CH,, AUTOMAT, ADMIN. in Czech 1978 18 No 12, pp 476-478 [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATTKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6A447 by S. I. Volchek] - [Text] It is noted that the decisive factor in the intensification of the development and introduction of automa.ted management systems (ASU) and computer hardware to various branches of the economy of the CSSR has been the set of resolutions of the May 1974 Plenum of the CC CPC, indicating the great sign.ificance of the scientific approach to management problems - and the need for objective evaluation and processing of information (I). By the end ef 1976, 406 ASU had been completely developed, us ing modern comp~iter equipment. By this same date, 52 of these ASU were in operation. Several pressing problems of further development.of ASU and computer centers are discussed: the need for complete compatibility of the information being processed; standardization of indices and methods of their processing, common for most ASU; introduction of common classification principles, including the area of economic indices; standardization of data processing. technology, etc~ Significant improvement of information systems is required, including the introduction of obligatory or recommended information text structures, as well as information carriers, to allow exchange of information between different information-computer centers; standardization of algorithms for ~ information processing, etc. The tasks involved in broader introduction of ASU and computer centers and increasing the effectiveness of their atilization are outlined. [439-6508] 41 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ' FOR I:FFICIAL USE ONLY ussR uDC 6ss.oi2.oii.s6 AUTOMATION OF PLANNING OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. COLLECTION OF WORKS Moscow AVTOMATIZATSIYA PROYEKTIROVANIYA SISTEM UPRAVLENIYA. SB. STATEY. - in Russian Statistika Press 1978 198 pages TRAPEZNIKOV, V, A., Editor , [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVTOMATIKA, TELEMEKHANIKA I VYCHISLITEL'NAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 6, 1979, Abstract No 6A500K] - [Text] This collection contains articles of both expository and methodo- logic types, reflecting various aspects of the problem of automa.tion of the planning of management systems (ASU): principles of automation, problems of algorithmic and methodologic support, methods of performance of tasks related to automation of planning, etc. [439-6508] - USSR UDC 658.012.011,56 AN ADMINISTR/'~TIVE-TERMINAL ENTERPRISE CONTROL SYSTFM Perm ORGANIZATSIONNYYE I STRUKTURNYYE PROBLEMY UPRAVLENIYA SOTSIALISTICHE- _ SKIM PROIZVODSTVOM [Organizational and Structural Problems of Adminis- tration of Socialist Production] 1978, pp 23-27 BUDOV, A, A, and KISHEV, YU. I. [Translated from Moscow REFERATI~INYY S$ORNIK, ORGANIZATSIYA UPRAVLENIYA No 3, 19 79 , Abs trac t No 3, 67 .205 b~ Yu , P, D,] [Text] One means of improving automated management systems and increasing economic effectiveness by accelerating the processing and movement of information is the devalopment and creation of an administrative terminal system for management. Such a system allows input and calling of prepared records from a file using terminal devices, editing and formatting of - regulation and nonregulation documents as required, with output to the user's display. The administrative terminal management system ATS-10,340, developed by the Leningrad Water Transport Institute on the basis of the YeS-1010 computer and VT-340 "videoton" terminal devices is an interactive dialogue system. The specific tasks performed by the system are defined by the user in the dialogue;mode. The data stored in the system can be 42 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY interrogated or altered by several adminiatrative workers simultaneously at different levela of management. Based on this, the syetem usea two groups oL rerminal devicee -"acCive" and "paesive." The "active" terminale not only diaplay data on the acreen, but also allow editing in the oper- a tional archives. The operational archives are stored in the aystem on - fixed head magnetic disks. The "passive" terminals output regulation and nonregulation documents in resgonse to information requests. The software for the administrative terminal sysCem features a highly branched system - of programs in the form of modules: servicing of "active" and "passive" terminals, an instruction interpreter, a report generating file manager - and an executive program. A structural diagram of the interaction of the - modules of the ATS-10.340 is presented. Machine-language programs are _ written in FORTRAN IV and Assembler. The "active" terminals are serviced - by means of subroutines of a second type, called by the executive program and assigned to specific terminals. Commands from the "active" terminals call operational documents, enter information into the archives, edit forms, delete document lines, compress docuatents, insert new document lines, change output forms, copy documents onto blanks, and tabulate out- put forms. Commands of the "passive" terminal formulate and output finis hed documents. It should be noted that these commands, reproducible in the administrative terminal system, are single-line instructions, trans- - mitted to the system from the "active" and "passive" terminals. They - allow changes to be made in the data base and output of information as formatted documents, The system allows formaCting of documents of any _ type, However, considering the limitations of the display screen of the - VT-340 (16 lines, 80 characters), some forms of documented infoYtnation must be divided into subdocuments to which names are assigned by the - sys tem. [426-6508] - INFORMATION SUPPORT OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI in Russian No 6, 1979 pp 44-54 - [Article by A. ModinJ [Text] Increase of the volume of information in the process of control of - production brings about an increase of information work. The information process in a control system predetermines the main expenditures of the ' labor of specialists in solving tasks of the economic plan. Even simple - operations with figures involve expenditures of working time. Thus. 0.45 second of time is required for the comparison of just two signs, and over � 43 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 second for the writing of one letter or digit. In processing the sta- tistical information of an automated sector control system (OASU), 455.14 million charactera a year were prepared. "The t~tal volume of output etutiatical information (according to the Scient�fic Reaearch Inatitute of the USSR Central Statiatical Adminiatration) ia atatietically distri- buCed by sectors ae tollows: 252.1 million characters to industry, 17.3 to capital construction, 18.0 to the most important construction sites, 34.4 to labor and wages, 57.7 to material-technical support, 6.74 to agriculture, 4.1 to new technology, 11.8 to budgets, 8.5 to trade, and 44.5 to culture, transport, and finances, etc" [1]. The growth of the scale of information work in control systems cannot _ under contemporary conditions be accompanied by a corresponding incrPase in the number of administrative personnel, and in recent years this has become the object of centralized planning. At the same time the personnel, no t being able to perform the actual volume of informational work satis- factorily, is unable to prepare economic plan decisions that permit more _ efficient production and economic activity. As a result, reserves are formed thaC are not mobilized by the actual traditional control sys tems. Indicative of the dimensions of those reserves is the fact that considerable investments in the creation of automated control systems in all units of , ' the national economy are repaid in 3 or 4 years.[2]. These circumstances have determined the objective need for improvement of information processes _ in tEie control of social production and the wide mechanization and auto- : mation of administrative labor, Three main directions have now formed in the improvement of the information support and the process of planning and control of various units of the national economy: redistribution of the volumes of information work among - levels of control of social production, having in mind Che transfer of a large volume of that work to inferior and priroary units of the national economy; the mechanizaCion and auromation of informa.tion processes through - the wide use of new technology and especially of electronic computers; the use of inetrods of economic information science to improve the supplying of control systetns with information. An important role in improving the supplying of information must be played by methods of economic information science in combination with use of the possibilities of contemporary electronic computer and other technology, - and also means of communication. The establis:~ment of developed organizational s tructures laid the foundation for the formation and improvement of the supplying of production control systems with information. Moreover, it is accomplished under conditions of invariability of the sources of primary information mainly by ramification of the data flows and the centers of their s torage. The development of information support ha,s for a long time proceeded extensively through multiple duplication of data in the channels of its movement and its 44 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY storage centers, and this has found some theoretical substantiation. For example, the construction of forms of statistical reporting was based on - the following recommendations: presentation to the specialist of data permitting him to solve problems and monitor the precision of the report; - - inclusion in the report of information characterizing the plan and the - actual dynamics of development of the object in the past; retlection in the report of estimated indicators, that is, the mean and re"lative values. The situation that has also formed in textbooks on statistics was cor- ' respondingly explained: "The main task of our accounting is to monitor the fulfillment of the olan and also to establish the status and develop- ment of the economy. In connection with that, many reports include three categories of information: factual data on the report period, the plan established for the report period and factual data for the preceding period. The presence of such indicators makes it possible to monitor the fulfillment of the plan and establish the dynamics of the development - _ of phenomena" [3]. As a result of implementation of those recommendations, in a number of forms of statistical reporting only 20 percent of the new information is _ contained, and the rema.ining indicators--reference and estimated indicators and their recording on forms--are redundant expenditures of labor in a lower unit. An analogous situation is also characteristic of others, - - including intraplant forms of economic plan documentation. ~ The first attempts to mechanize informational'work by means of electronic computers were unsuccessful without improvement of the routing of the forms of documentation; on the contrary~ the increase of costs resulting from large time expenditures on data input into the computer in many cases explained the inefficiency of inerha.nization of information work. The use of computers in the control of production required new methods of - constructing informational support~ In our country Academician V. Nemchinov _ was the first to formulate the basic principles of the construction of informa.tional support of control systems: 1) minimize the quantity of primary data. In this connection he wrote "a minimum of initial data, a minimum of primary information and a max~.mum of derivative secondary information"; 2) assure on the basis of a single flow of data the servicing of all types of economic management and the satisfaction of a11 units of controL - of the national economy. In his opinion it is advisable to combine into ~ one all types of information services and serve them with a single automated _ p-rocessing system"; 3) use a data processing system to comprehensively characterize economic objects and processes, that is, direction of the information system "not on].y toward obtaining data on processes and objects which cannot be observed _ 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY directly but also toward data which cannot be obtained by direct obser- , vation or calculation"; ~ 4) expand the functions of the economic information service. V. S. Nemchinov noted that "the functiona of the economic information service have been limited Co juat a aervosyatem, but have also been combined with definite functions of regula~cion and control"; S) provide initial data for tasks of economic mathetnatical modeling, tha,t is, "the economic information service is called upon to provide the needed volume of information for modeling economic processes" [4]. The principles of informational support formulated by V. Nemchinov have obtained development in the conception of the integrated data processing system in the management of associations The integrated data processing system as the basis of improvement of the information - support of production control sysrems is based on: "efficient distribution - of all the technology for planning and control work to creative and mechan- ical operations; the development of detailed procedures for the accomplish- ment of inechanical operations tha.t could not be performed by any man without occupational training; the construction of a form flow scheme with passage of documents through a"processing" filtar taken into consideration; the re?.ease of equipment that prepares initial data (primary documents) : L-rom operations connected with the search for and recording of any sort of reference or esti.mated data on the documents (primary documents); the organization of a single, centralized standard-reference economy in the operation of the technological equipment of the data processing group - [5l . Specialists of the Scientific Research Center of the USSR Central Statis- tical Adminis traCion investigated problems of the use of the principle ~ of deviations in constructing a sectoral system of operative accounting in the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry. Implementation of that principle assured a sharp reduction of data in the planning and regulation of pro- duction. Whereas in the presence of daily reporting upon transiCion to a year according to the compiled nomenclature 1,947,600 indiGators were reported, according to the program of the experiment their number was reduced to 497,100. But if only the data on deviations are taken, that is,' the volume of the 5-day reporting is excluded from the program, the number of indicators is 117,000, or 6 percent of the number in daily.reporting. The degree to which the management was inforcned remained practically the same. The cost of transmitting data on deviations is abou t 7-8 percent of the cost of transmitting daily reports" [6] . The basic indicators of the integrated data processing sys tem as the base of information support have found wide application in the creation of automated enterprise and association systems. The flow of primary control . 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - data and the volume of labor-iatensive information work in coatrol systems have been sharply curtailed, For example, the organization of the storage of ataadard-reference data in computer memories released persoanel of the admiaistration from systematic operations with a card file of 300,000- 500,000 cards. The printout of iaformatioa on the stiipment of producti~n to the user by means of computer output devices has eliminated the need . for manual preparation of invoices. Thus the development of electroaic _ data processing made it possible to substaatially improve the quality of execution of information work uader the conditions of growth of production without increasing the numbers of administrative personnel. In the beginning, when second-geaeration electronic computers were used in _ automated coatrol systems (ASU), the memory of a control system was �ormed = on magnetic tapes in the form of specialized files of standards aad other reference information. Such organization of the standard-reference base ' s till did~not permit excludiag duplication of data in different files, but it contributed to improvement of the quality of the calculations of economic plans and itself appeared as a labor-saving factor in systems for the control of production. The introduction of third-generation electronic computers in the creation - of automated enterprise control systems (ASUP) assured new possibilities ~ for the creation of the information base of the system for the control . and construction of integrated data processing systems. Random access to data in the memory of thir~:-generation computers as a result of the wide ~ dissemination of magnetic disk storage devices has permitted giving up the former principle of file formation. As a result of that, the concept of construction of universal programming facilitiea that have received the name of automated data banks has become the basis of the integrated _ data processing systems. The development of iaformation support of sector administratioa has oc- curred mainly within the framework of the corresponding automated control - systems, The creation of automated control systems for sectors of industry brought about a standardization of primary documentation and a curtailanent of its nomenclature, the formation of the standard-reference base in com- puter storages, the merging of flows of rapid and current information, etc. The information support was improved within the frabnework of the general principles of integrated data processing systems with the use of program- ming facilities for the construction of automated data banks~ At the same ~ time, imprdvement of information support in the sectoral unit (in the ministries and departmeats) has a number of principal distinctive features. FirsCly, independent associations or enterprises scattered.over the ter- ritory of the country are the source of primary data (documents) for ASU - for sectors of industry. This limits, on the one hand, and expands, on the other, the possibilities of using the methods of information scieace to improve information processes aad support, since the developera of the - 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ASU for sectors of industry do not have the right to change the forms of planning and statistical documentation with the exception of the intra- departmental. Moreover, the etandardization and rationalization of intradepartmental documentation considerably reduce the labor-intenaivenesa - of the information process. . Secondly, the inclusion of associations and enterprises in a single system of communications permits widely applying within Che framework of the ASU for sectors of industry data transmission tecHnology with minimum expendi- tures of manual labor. In pxactically all ministries and departments, - perforated teletype tapes serve as the source of data for the computers of ~ dispatcher information pointa. In automated dispatcher information points, - ~ information arrives directly at compufers from communication channels by ' means of special apparatus. ' _ Thirdly, in a sectoral unit the possibility appears of direct machine interaction in the information process of electronic computers of the main - computer center of the minisCry or department and the computers of the - automated data processing with minimal expenditures of manual labor, The mechanizad and automated interaction of control systems in the "secto;.- enterprise" link contributes to the scientific organization of "informational processes and support. Automated data banks have found application in the :~ute~~ated cont.rol sysL-em for the sector as well as for the enterprise. They are used in the automaCed management systems for the inatrument building sector, the chemical industry and a number of other sector control - systems. Automated diapatcher information points using technic~l methoda . of minimizing data flows are functioning in practically all automated ~ sector control systemn. These methods of organizing information processes and support of automated sector control systems reduce to a tenth (if not ` to a hundredth) th.e data flow ia the "ministry-enterprise" link, and also files of stored information, which in the final account leads to a relative - reduction of labor-intensiveness of information work and increase of the - qualiCy of control of production. The principles of scientific organization of information procesaes and~ support are used in the creation and development of the automated dat~ processing systems o� the cenCral economic planning and functional organs of the country (the automated system for planning calculations of the ~ _ USSR Goaplan, the automated system for state statiatics of the USSR Central - Statistical Administration, the ASU-Supply and ASU-Bank, etc.). Sector automated control systems or sector automa.ted data processing aystems are the sources of information for those systems. The concentra tion of both - central economic planning and functional organ aystems and their infor- mation sources within the limits of a single city opens up large possi- _ bilities of automating their informational interaction, and this in turn ia a reserve for reduction of maintaining the control apparatus and - increasing the speed and quality of solution of economic plan probleros. 48 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Thus the au~omated interaction of the automated management system for the instrument building sector and the automated infosmation-controlling system for standardization and metrology of the USSR State Committee for Standards permitted the saving of 45,000 rubles in the planning and ' functioning of thoae systems [7]. In spite of the successes achieved in the introduction of inethods of economic iaformation science ~n inforcnation procesaes and support of control systems, there still are definite shortcominga in the area of _ economic management. The principles of iategrated data processing syatems are utilized at far from all enterprises, associations and even miniatries - and departments~ In a number of cases the absence of answers to organi- zational and legal questions hinders the exchange of iaform,ation on machine carriers between automated systems. Such a practice not only does not save labor in the sphere of control but, as a rule, increases its _ expenditures in connection with transfer oi data from machine carriers to ordinary forms of documentation. The lack of agreement of classifiers of material.resources and the technical and economic indicators for sectors of the national economy hinders the interactiea both of sector automated control systems and of labor on the preparation of data for their use _ outside the framework of the sector. Finally, the planning and reporting documentation is more and more saturated with reference and estimated _ . indicators. "In the indicators of statistical reporting, planning and normative indicators represent 24 percent, indicators for past periods or estimated indicators, that is, those which can be determined from , indicators of available reporting, 31 percent, and newly obtained indi- cators, only 45 percent" [8]. - ~ A serious shortcoming in ~he organization of contemporary information _ support is the circulation of a large .volume of undocumented information _ in the control system. "Analysis of the support of functional control subsystems at enterprises shows that the standardization functions are 50-70 percent assured and the planning functions almost completely, the accounting and reporting by 70-80 percent (many documents on operative reporting) and functions of analysis 8.nd operative control by 20-30 ~ percent. The absence of documented information on the last two function~s shows that that part of the information reaches management in oral form, _ and that considerably reduces its reliability" [9). This, it seemn to us, - impoverishes the "memory" of the control system, without permitting it - to completely use accumulated knowledge and experience. _ The mentioned shortcomings result from both practical and theoretical dif- ficulties in improving information processes and support of systems for the control of social production, The practical difficulties, in our opinion, are connected with two questions. Firstly, improvement of - inforniation processes and support is a very labor-intensive measure in the nverall complex of work on the rationalization of control systems. As experience in the introduction of automated enterprise control systems 49 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ has s hown, juat the investigation of the actual form flow in order to - rationalize it requiree 20-40 man-years of labor expenditurea; reorgani- zation of the normative-reference base takea 2-3 years, etc. Of courae, - the conducting of such measures is not always within the capability of the control apparatus, overloased with current informational and analytical work. Secondly, habits and skills in the organization of administrative work do not occupy last place in the overall complex of difficulties in improving information support. The absence of a soluCion of theoretical questions has a great influence on the practical directivity of work on improvement of information pro- cesses and support. These problems still have not found due acknowledgment and place in the science of control of social production. Most often discussed in the economic literature are processes of reducing or increasing ~ the number of planning and report indicatars, of the introduction of new methods of calculation, the redistribution of rights and duties ot sub- divisions of the organs of control, etc. However, in all these investi- gations, questians of the information process and support remained for a ' long time and in a number of cases still remain wiChout connection with the measures under consideration to rationalize control of producCion. What this leads to can be illus trated with examples. This problem developed ; very acutely on a national economic scale during the working up of an ; - intersector balance of producCion and distribution of products~ The ; ob*_ai.ning of in~ormation about expenditures on the production of separate ! types of product in a cross-section of pure sectors required correQponding , ~ bookkeeping operations: at enterprises it would have been necessary to ~ have separate analyses of the production of each specific type of product. The great labor-intensiveness of auch a measure brought about the develop- ~ ment of a procedure for construction of an intersector balance of pro- , - duction and distribution of product on the basis of spo* check data~ In ' many cases the requirements for information support are not so obvious. It is known that the ministries and departments are responsible for s rudying, determining and satisfying the needs of the.national economy for corresponding types of production. What does the practical solution of this problem mean? The information and computaCional aspects of ~ determining the needs of the national economy for any type of production assumes a quanCitative estimate of the consumption standards for the given type of article by areas of its application, that is, in the produc tion of other types of product, and the prospects of development of the areas _ of application ot a given type o~f article. i In other words, determination of the need of the national economy for a given type of product on the informa.tion and computational level in a number of cases is idenCical to the preparation of a general forecast of the aevelopment.of interconnected sectors,of the economy. At the same _ Cime, the ministries and departments responsible for the solution of that ~ problem prove to be isolated.from direct sources of information; betweec~ ~ ~ 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - them and the conaumers there can be several intermediate linka producing primary daCa regarding the needs for its activity, which naturally hinders the making of such calculations or substantially lowers their precision. - The further development of information support and processes of the functioning of control systems requires the solution of a number of serious theoretical an.d practical problems. Above a11, the problem of intersector integration of informa.tion flows on a countrywide basis becomes more and more acute, The development and creation of "vertical" integrated infor- _ _ mation sys tems have determined the scientifically substantiated directions in the improvement of information support of plant and sector management, At the same time those systems do not eliminate intersector shortcomings arising where the activities of minis tries and departments abut. In turn they cause rec3undancy and duplication of data flows that give rise to unjus tified loading of communications channels and a need for storage devices for computers installed in the correspond~ng main computer centers. All this increases expenditures on the creation of automated control systems or automated data processing systems and reduces the effectiveness of electronic computer use in the national economy. The development of independence of associations in an operative economic _ respect and the imp~sition of responsibility on them for the final results and satisfaction of the needs of the corresponding economic units make it necessa-ry for them to obtain information about the character of use of their production directly from the user. In other words, in the long term . for planning the activity of separate associations and enterprises it can prove necessary to concentrate intersector informa.tion about Che consumption of separate types of production in various sec tors and regions of the _ country. . The considered aspects of improving the information support of a system - for control of social production are difficult to solve within the frame- work of systems for automatic control and data processing of separate ministries and departments. An intersector approach,is required, and also the creation of a network of data processing equipment. "The effectiveness of data processing integration," notes L. M. Volodarskiy, "is determined by the fact that it provides complex informational depiction _ and analysis of economic processes, reduces to a minimum duplication of the processes of ga thering, processing and transmission of data, and also _ permits minimizing specific exper_ditures to obtain a unit of output data. - Integration of data processing on the scale of the na.tional economy requires the solution of a number of complex problems, but it is the only real path that will permit satisfying the growing needs for control in the area of information at allowable dimensions of expenditures" [10], = An important way to solve that problem is to crea~e inC4rdepartmsntal auto- mated data banks, Those banks, based on use of electronic computers of the 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY s tate network of computer centers, have the task of concenrrating in ter- sector intormation and presenting it to the users, which relieves separate associations and organizations of gathering data, transferring it to machine - carriers and expending electronic computer resources on the storage of _ . information. The automated interaction of banks with sector automated control systems, au tomated data processing systems and enterprise auto- mated control systems will also contribute to a curtailment of the daCa flow al~ng communications channs~ls. For such purposes it is necessary to preliminarily investigate the a:~visability of creating intersector - automated data banks based on very winespiead information or informa tion- - _ connected sectors of the national economy'; The conducting of such in- _ vestigations can serve as a stimulus to the scientific solutions of problems of informa tion processes and support of various sector and - enterprise automa.ted control systems and a considerable increase in the effectiveness of their functioning. A n important direction in the improvement of information support in the system of control of the national economy is rationalization of horizontal flbws of data between primary prcduction economic units. The process of the preparation and organization (the main thing) of the fulfillment of ' plans causes an intensive exchange of information among producers, suppliers and users. That exchange of data, in contrast with vertical flows of _ planning, reporting and other documents, is practically unregulated and is accomplished in the form of indirect connections between associations in _ the form of telephone conversations, telegraph messages and all sorts of letters. As a rule such communications have the character of refinements, reminders and all sorts of complaints in connection with the non-fulfillment of contractual obligations. "According to data of the All-Union Scientific ~ _ Research Institute of Standardization, 4 billion administrative documents are compiled in the country in a year. Of them about 2 billion are letters, ~ tialf of which are duplicates. For each letter 3 or 4 standard sheets of paper (a rough ~raf t plus copies) are expended on the average. Conse- quently, on all letters, 6-8 billion sheets, or over 30,000 tons of paper" [11], Rationalization and s tandardization of the process of informa.tional inter- action of.associations and enterprises must contribute to a sharp reduction of labor-intensiveness and expenditures of other resources on data prepa- ~ ration. The es tablishment of intersectnr regulation of informational interactioci of various organizatians with consideration of the new possi- bilities can considerably reduce horizonta~ information flows. The introduction of regulatory conditions for the accomplishment of hori- zontal informational connections is impossible without scientific me thodo- logical substantiation. It is necessary to clearLy distinguish objects with respect to which various associations enter into the informational interaction, the situations determining the character of the interac tion and also the degree of informational significance of the interaction of - 52 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ subjects. Within the framework of separate associations and enterprises some experi.enc~ has already been accumulated. Thus, at a number of associa- - tions and enterprises of the country the d~cumenta.tion used to reflect mutual claims among various economic units has been formalized and atandard- - ized. However, those queationa require careful investigation and proper methodical presentation. Together with general problems in the improvement of informational pro- cesses and support of control systems, particular que:~tions occupy a place of no little importance. Emerging especially sharply is the problem of rai,sing the level of con- sistency and comparability of the technical-economic and planning-report. indicators, which support the planning and control of social production. - In solving questions of information support in the process of ASU creation _ the develcpers often encounter an absence of due comparability of the indicators reflecting separate aspects of the production and economic activity and recorded in documents relating to various functions. This results from both deviations in the accuracy of the recording of infor- - mation and the procedures of their presentation. Most of such disagree- ments take place between indicators expressed in value terms and in kind~ A need has developed for standardization of the nomenclature of the tech- - nical-economi.c and planning-report indicators and, what is the main thing, ' the procedure for their formation. Standardization of the nomenclature ar.d procedures for calculation of indicators has to do not only with the system in effect. It must take into consideration the development of the control sys tem and provide for the introduction of indicators that - still are not used in the practice of planning and ?-eporting. Prepara tion of separate indicators in advance will simplify later on the introduction of new methods of planning and control. Standardization of the nomenclature and proced ures for calculation of indicators requires the nationwide introduction of a single information language. In existing control systems one and the same indicator within the limits of an association is expressed by different combinations of ~ words, the names of indicators are replaced~ etc. True, in traditional controls systems all this is compensated by the universal possibilities of man and his work habits. The situation is different in an automated control system or an automa.ted data processing system, in the creation of which the developers are required to introduce formalized inf ormation languages. However, the development and introduction of information languages into operation are limited by the frameworks of the creation oP automated systems of the correspondin~ organizations or associations. As a resul.t there is a lack of coordination of the introduced information languages with one another and a preservation of existing languages where electronic computers and other equipment are not yet being used, 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Moreover, an information systein unified on a national ~cale must be used even before the introduction of electronic computers and other hardware everywhere. At the present time within the framework of developmanrs of automated cpntrol syatems for plauning calculations and seator automatic control systems a number of formalized information languages have been proposed, _ and so it is an important task to verify their relative effec tiveneas and select the basic variant. Delay in solving this question will result in the development of a number of additional "company" languages, increase their variety and draw off resources from practical tasks in improving - information processes and support of systems for the control of social - production~ Integration of information flows and the estabLishment of a single infor- mation language is the basis for improving forms of documentation, one that permits eliminating from documents of any kind reference and estimated - (that is, redundant) indicators, and also is a prerequisite for a sharp curtailment of forms of documentation and of the indicators contained in them, and in the final account a reduction of the labor-intensiveness of the formation of a documented data flow. The question arises of whether _ it isn't possible to accomplish that measure immediately before integration - of i.nfor.mation flows. It was said above that the data flows are already being integrated within the framework of the creation of enterprisQ and sector automated control systems~ Redundant indicatora are being eliminated - from the forms of intraplant and intrasector documentation. However, the - main part of the redundant indicators results from their intersector character. Elimination of this redundancy does not seem possible without integration of the information flows on the scale of the national economy. The introciuc tion of a single information language raises the level of ~ cor,sistency of indicators in all areas of their subsequent application and - improves the conditions of interac tion of different autociated control sys tems . This also mus t assure uniform formul.ation of the technical- economic, planning-reporting and accounting indica~ors in all links and sectors of the national economy and operations in obtaining and subsequently - using them. In that case a unique standard (o~ nomenclature and values) of all indicators used in the system for control of social production ought to be introduced first. That standard wi11 become the basis of the formu- lation of forms of documentation and methodical materials on the organi- zation of informa.tion processes and support of systems for control of all links of ~he national economy~ It is precisely the presence of such a . = standard that can regulate subsequer~t work on improving the in.furmation _ support of control systems. Solution of the above-considerad ques tions far from exhausts the problem of improving informa.tion processes and support of a social production 54 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - control system, An important measure in that area is the development of a scientifically substantiated technology for performing information work. ~apecially important will be standardization of technological procesaea as the baeis for asauring comparability and consistency of all technical- economic, planning-reporting and accounting indicators. The Cechnology for making technical-economic calculations--the formation of indicators and documents--must become an inseparable element of all _ materials on methods of solving tasks in rhe planning, calculating and control of production, When there is a precise technology for the performance of economic work, in the development of production control systems a new property emerges--the possibility of verifying the influence of the procedur~ for plan development on its precision and the adequacy ot regularities in the production and economic activity of enterprises, - associations and sectors of the economy. Correspondingly, elements of ~ self-instruction and self-organization obtain a strict quantitative base in the development of control sys tems. The information process in a social production control system accumulates _ a considerable portion of the labor resources. It is one of the most - labor-intensive in the entire cycle of social reproduction. The task of - increasing the effectiveness of control is also connected to a great extent with improving the quality of execution of information processes and support, with improving the use of the activity of manpower employed in that sphere . Improvement of information support is of great importance in the planning = and control of sectors of the national economy and production associations and enterprises. Therefore it is necessary to more widely use all the possibilities of scientific information science and also of ineans of automation of data processing and transmission, Rationalization of the information support must be accomplished in an organi~ combination with _ processes of improvement of the control of production and the creation - of automated control sys tems ~ It should be borne in mind that curtailment of the volume of information work by reduction of the number of planning and accounting indicators does not always improve the results of production and economic activity of sectors of the national economy, associations or enterprises. The fact is that the nomenclature of technical-economic indicators to a certain degree stipulates the quality of plans and operational adminis- trative decisions. The absence of necessary indicators in the planning _ and reporting documentation lessens the organizing role of the plans, increases indeterminacy in the making of administraCive decisions and in a number of situations brings about a need to expend resources on the ~ retrieval or the obtaining of lacing information. This is clearly _ manifested in material-technical supply: in many cases a shortage of ~ material resources in production is explained, not by the absence of - 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~materials or articles making up sets, but by an extreme aggregation of informa~ion about the state of stocks or the places where they are disposed~ ]:~iformation is becoming more and more a very importan.t resource of planning ' and control. It is precisely on the level of detail, precision and time- - liness of arrival of technical-economic data that the quality of planning ~ - and operational adminis trative decisions depends. Questions ot the ~ improvement of the planning procedure and the mecha.nism of cost accounting ' and correlation of the centralization of planning and economic independence ~ should be solved in a complex with the organization of information support of control systems. Thus the task arises of optimal agreement of the level of detail of the of indica tors ef planning and control with the quality of the planning decisions and expenditures on data gathering and processing. Correspondingly, it is advisable to consider measures to improve the - organization of control of sectors of the national economy, production - associations and enterprises jointly with questions of their effective ' information support. In other words, expenditures on the implementation _ of the information support of new methods of planning and forms of cos t accounting must be taken into account as a component part of expenditures ' on the introduction and carrying out of the proposed measures, ~ - Unfortunately, at the present *ime problems of iaformation support ~ an area of investigations of "narrow" specialists in the organization of ~ electronic data processing or clerical work. There are practically no examples of complex solution of problems in improving planning and control together with questions of corresponding information support. Measures - on the introduction of new methods of planning or forms of cost accounting are carried out first, and an additional flow of necessary data, which complicates the already existing information support system, is organized later . . ~ _ = At the same t,ime the problems of information support have gone far beyond the framework of narrow technicaL questions and are being linked more and _ more closely with the general complex of ineasures to improve sys tems for control of sectors of the national economy and production associations - and enterprises. Large planning and research collectives are working in that area, and on the results of their activity depend not only the - current but also the long-range effectiveness of the organization of control. In addition, automation of information support presents new and broader possibilities of rational planning and control as well. Serious = attention has been turned repeatedly toward the importance of development - of that dirzction of science. l:~ view of the organizational connection of information processes and _ support with the corresponding subdivisions of social production, at the 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY present time it is hardly possible to separate the information industry into an independent sector in its trac;itional sense. However, the problem of the development of a network of time-sharing computer centers, which also form the material basis of a new sector of indus try--data processing, is on the agenda, The development of the n~w sector makes it necessary to develop on a priority basis the economic principles of its construction and functioning. The main parameters of - automated control systems and methode of forecasting and planning have now been theoretically substantiated and worked out by the scientific � institutions of the country, the methodology of their cons truction has been formulated and a procedure for determining economic effectiveness ~ has been adopted. In addition, the introduction of computer technology and the methods of mathematical economics into the control of social production, the creation of aut~mated control systems and, what is the main thing, tasks in the further improvement of information processes and support are establishing a need for the development and formation, - within the framework of the general theory of scientific control, of - ques tions of the economics of the information industry as an independent - scientific discipline. ; B IBL IOGRA.PHY 1, Sinavina, V. S. Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya upravleniya otrasl'yu (Mechanization and Automation of St~,ctor Control). Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1970, PP 25, 28. ~ 2. Chumachenko, N. G. and Zabotina, R. I, Ekonomicheskaya effektivnosr' ASUP (Economic Effectiveness of the Automated Enterprise Control System) , Izd-vo "Statistika," 1977, pp 73, 78. _ 3, Suslov, I. P. Obshchaya teoriya statistika (General Theory of Statis- _ tics) . izd-vo "Statistika," 1970, p 75. 4. Nemchinov, V. S, Izbrannyye proizvedeniya (Selected Works). Izd-vo "Nauka," 1968, vol 5, pp 136-140, 5. Integrirovannyye sistemy obrabotki dannykh (Integrated Data Processing Systems). Izd-vo "Nauka," 1970, p 64, 6. Yasin, Ye. G. Teoriya informatsii i ekonomicheskiye issledovaniya (Information Theory and Economic Research). Izd-vo "Statistika," 19 70 , p 99 . 7. Metody postroyeniya ASU na baze EVM III-go pokoleniya (Methode of ASU Construction on the Basis of Third-Generation Electronic Computers), - Minsk, 1976, No 4(26), p 10, 57 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8. Statis tika i elektronno-vychislitel'naya tekhnika v ekonomike (Sta- tistics and Electronic Computer Technology in Economica). Izd-vo "Statistika," 1972, p 8. - 9. Proyektirovaniye i vnedreniye ASUP (Planning and Introduction of the Enterprise Automated Control Syatem) . 2nd ed. Kiev, 1974, p f34. 10. Aktual'nyye problemy upravleniya (UrgenC Problems of Control). Izd-vo ~ "Znaniye," 1972, p 281. ' 11. Kuznetsov, 0. A. and Lyakh, A. N. Informatsionnyye siatemy dlya ruko-voditeley (Information Systems for Managers). Izd-vo "Ekonomika," _ 1973, p 105. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pravda," "Voprosy ekonomiki," 1979 21~4 CSO: 1863 TECHNIQUE PROPOSED FOR FIGURING AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EFFICIENCY BY STAGES Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI in Russian No 7, 1979 pp 135-137 [Article by A. Kovalev, Omsk: "Changes in Economic Efficiency of ASU's Over Time"] - [Text] The current stage of scientific-technical progress in machine building is characterized by a high rate of development of automation - of production management. Expenditures to set up automated enterprise management systems (ASUP's) have reached significant dimensions, and ~ this requires improvement in methods of economic substantiation of plan- ning decisions . During economic subs tantiation a choice must be made of the type. of ASU and variations of solutions to problems of automating management to insure maximum possible impact in light of the specific conditions for _ introducing the ASUP at the particular site~ The qual.ity of planning calculations of the efficiency.of the ASU is deCermined largely by _ the extent to which the following characteristics are taken into account. _ 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - It is common knowledge tha.t the expenditures for and impact of an ASU are related to different spheres of the production sys tem. Expenditures are formad in the management syatem, while the reault appeara primarily in production. Introduction of an ASU by atages afforde a gradual increase in the economic impact until the syatem ia entirely launch~d. T;~e com- plexity of the syatem and close ties with the concrere parameters of the objects of automa.tion predetermine the need to take account of many , factors that influence the level of efficiency. Finally, the functioning ASU is developed and refined and this means that there will be an additional " - impact without additional capital investment. While the first three characteristics have been reflected, to one degree or another, in existing methodological schemes to determine the economic efficiency of ASU's, this is not true of the latter, fourth characteristic of such systems. Practical experience shows that a definite progression of efficiency - indexes ~:orresponds ta the nature of development of the ASU at each enterprise. The progression of indexes may vary, but in general we can - identify the following stages in the process of functioning of an ASU. In the first stages of introduction expenditures of ten rise for both ~ past and live labor in certain sub-headings of operations expenditures, which tends to decrease the impact of the ASU. As the phases of the ASU are launched the impac t grows. Refinements of the ASU, adjusting it to the enterprise, and broadening the sphere of influence on its economical operation promote growth in the impact obtained without additional capital investment. Then the system "grows old" and, if appropriate measures are not taken, a tendency for the impacC to decrease . may appear. Because of the variable nature of the ASU impac t, already in the stage of economic substantiation the dynamic factor must be taken into account in determining annual results. Given the condition that the impact of - the ASU in year t is not equivalent to the impact in years t+l, t+2, ..,t+n, we may conclude that it is advisable to determine the annual results of the functioning of an ASU as the average amount for a definite _ period of time: - y ` ~r ~ ~ _ ' T.. , (11 - where 3 is the average annual impact of the ASU, ~ is the impact in - year jl , and T is the interval of calculation. In this case the period T may be taken as equal to the time interval, obtained by forecasting _ ~ methods during which the projected system will not depend substantially . - on physical wear and obsolescence. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Let us take a hypothetical example. Suppose that there are two variations of the plan of an ASU for the same ob~ect of automation of management and that they differ by planning decieiona that enviaion, for example, variations in the distribution of jobs by subsyatems. Suppose that the ' - two variations A and B afford the same annual economic impact (30) of 220,000 rubies in the year of introduction of the last phase of the system. However, because variation A has coordinated the range of jobs more rationally to provide an opportunity for greater use of intermediate reaults of calculation and owing to various other factors, the annual growth in the economic impact will, according to expert estimates, be 10 percent (of the magnitude of impact for 5 years, whereas variation B insures an average annual increase in the impact of seven percent. According to fora?ula (1) the annual economic impact according to variation A(average magnitude wiCh due regard for change over time) will be equal to ;1:~ -f = 264, 000 rubles , while for variation B the figure is 250,800 rubles. Thus, variation A is the better of the two, Thus, consideration of dynamic aspects in evaluating the efficiency of _ an ASU fosters a sounder choice of variations. Indeed, if, for example, _ the annual growth in enterprise profit from an ASU is determined in planning calculations as Nave, this is no longer an isolated amount in year t(the year of introduction or the following year), but is a more - or less realistic parameter of the system determined with due regard for the rate of its devalopment in period T. Ne~dless to say~ nothing said above negates the advisability of determining the impact as a concrete annual magnitude also. _ Calculations taking account of the dynamic factor are based on the use of a system of forecast estima.tes of the impact of an ASU. It is not possible today to formalize the process of ineasuring this impact with a . - high degree of precision because we do not have adequately complete studies of the actual results of ASU introduction or analysis of the actual influence';,~-various efficiency factors on the amount of the _ impact. For this reason, forecasting the economic indexes of systems may be done in practice by the method ot expert estima.tes. However, an analysis found in the special literature concerned with ASU designs, the logic of sys tem behavior, and certain relationships leads to the conclusion that in principle the character of the process oE change in the impact of an ASU may be expressed by Che following functional relation- s hips : 60 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030048-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i .a = J� nt c~ ~ , ( 2) where is the magnitude of the impact in year t(the year of system introduction according to the technical apecification; a and c are parameters that characterize the magn~.tude of capital inves tment related - to setting up the system (a) and the given level of syatem reliability (c) . t~` Taking the derivative and solving the equation rela tive to t, the extremal values of ~ are determined , Then 3,,;,~ - 3,; for t=1,; = c , considering that: 3, _ ~+Ue_-~ -4 ~ c r ut~' (I f ) _ (l; c' I 1 Il: ~ r: