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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R0002000300'12-3 i ~ S DECEM6ER i9T9 N0. 2854 i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 JPRS 74716 - 5 December 1979 e st I~orth Africc~ Re ort ~I a r E a p No. 2054 . ti- ~ FBIS FOt~EIGN BROADC~4ST IIVFORAAATION SERVICE APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency tr.ausmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the origina.l phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Keadlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. 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RecipianYS Accacsion No PAGE JI'RS 7471fi 4. llNe and SubGtle - 5. Report Oete NEAK ~AST/NORTIi AFRICA REPORT, No. 2054 5 December 1y79 6. 7. Author(s) 8. Pertorming Organi:ation Rept. No. 9. Performing Oreaniiation Name and Address 30. Pro~cct/Task/Work Unil No. Joint Publications 12esearctl Service 1000 North Glebe Road 11. Contract(C) or Grent(CI No. ` Arlington, Virginia 22201 _ (G1 12. Sponsoring Organixation Name and Address 13. Type ot ReDort & Period Covered As above i~. I5. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstrar~ ~~imit: 200 words) This serial report contains information on socioeconomic, government, political, and tec}inical deve].opments in the countries of the Near East and North Africa. 17. Doc~ment Anal/sis a. Descriptors Political Science X Inter-Arab Affairs X Libya x Sultanate SocioloKy North African Mauritat~ia iof Oman Economics Affairs X Morocco Syria Culture (Social Afghanistan People's Demo- x Tunisia Sciences) X Algeria cratic Republic United Arab Lthnology X Bahrain of Yemen Emirates Geography Egypt Persian Gulf Western Sahara Techolo~ical x Iran Area x Yemen Arab Mi.litary Sciences Iraq x Qatar Republic ~ x Iarael Saudi Arabia ' Jordan __Spanish North x Kuwait Africa Lebanon x Sudan b. Identit~ers/Open~Ended Terms t. COSATI Field/Gro~p 5D, 5C, 5K, 15 ltl. Av:~~lnnility Slalement ~ 19. Security Class (This Report) 21. No. of Pages Llnl.iml~c-~d Availability UNCLASSTFIED 97 Snl(j })1' i~`l~l:i 20. Securily Class (This PaRe) 22. Price S~~ri.n~,ficld, Virginia 22161 UNCLASSIFIED ~ (~ee APISI-Z39.10) Sa� Insfructions on Reverse OPTIONA~ FORM 2%2 (4-I7) (Formtily NT15-35) UeVartment ot Cummerca APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 JPRS 74716 5 December 1979 - NEAR EAST/NORTH AFRICA REPORT = No. 2054 CONTENTS PAGE INTER-l1RAB AFFAIl~S ~FFLP's Hawatimah Urges Further Opposition to U.S. - Policy (Nayif Hawatimari Interview; AL-WATAN, 26 Oct 79).. 1 PLO's 'Awwad: Iranian Moves 'Pa,ve the Way~ for Arab Anti-U.S. Action - (AL-WATAN, 20 Nov 79~ 6 PFLP Spokesman on Rel~.t;ons With Egypt, United States (Bassam abu-Sharif Interview; AL-WATAN, 31 Oct 79) 10 Klibi Holds Press Conference Following Arab Summi~. (TAP, 23 Nov 79~ 12 _ PLC's 'Ara:fat on Tunis Summit, Sahara Problem, Governm~nt in Exile _ (Yasir TArafat Interview; AL-RA'Y AL-'AMM, ~3 Nov 79) 15 - Foreign Minister Urges Lebanon To Solve Its Problem ('Ali Hashim; AL-NAHAR AL-'ARABI WA AL-DUWALI, 5-11 Nov 79) 17 Briefs Hostages in Tehran 19 AI,GII~ IA Algerian Paper Denounces U.S. Economic Measures Against Iran (Edi+orial; AL-SHA'B, 20 Nov 79~ 20 - a - [III - NE & A - 121.] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 CONTENTS (Continued) ~,~e Al~;erian-Soviet Commi.ttee Discusses Economic Relations (AL-~HA'B, 11 Nov 79) 22 'AP:~' Cumrnc~rit.~.r~~ Appl~.uds Ir;~,ri~ s Oi 1-Dol lar Dccic i uii (Algiers Domestic Service, 20 Nov 79) 2~~ Brie fs Al~; Cooperai;ion 2~~ BAHRAIN 'DAILY NEWS' Views Events Shaking Middle East (Editorial; GULF DAILY NEWS, 24 Nov 79) 26 Briefs ~ Embassy Takeover 'Barbaric' 27 Treasury Secretary Talks 27 ~I Takeover� of U.S. Embassy Gets Massive Support (Various sources, 5, 6 Nov 79) 2~i Backing of Political Fa,rties Student's Approval Support From Provinces Much Favorable Mail Premier Attempts To Reassert Authority (BAMDAD, 25 SeP 79) ...........................o.. 37 ~ome yni's Son Sets Limits on Rule by Clergy (Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Ahmad Khomeyni; KEYHAN, 20 Oct 79) o 44 ~ Army Purge Deemed Vital for Islamic Regime ( Habibollah Peyman; KEYHAPI, 21 Oct 7~ ) . . . . . . . . . . . 47 - Commanders Give Stern Warnicigs to Kurds (BANIDA.D, 23 oct 79) 49 ISRAEL I.~rael:i Settlement Policy.Called Threat to Peace (Editorial; AL-QUDS, 15 Oct 79) ..............oa.. 51 - b - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 CONTENTS (Continued) pa,ge Higher Education in the West Ba,nk (AL-SHA'B, 18 Oct 79) 5j KUWAi~ Kuwaiti Pa.pers Assess Implication of Seizure of U.S. Embassy (KUNA, 12 Nov 79) 55 'AL_ANBA � Comments on U.S.-Iranian Crisis (KtTNA, 15 Nov 79) 57 - '`1~..,' _RA'y AL_'AMM, +RidiculesT U.S. Statement on Mideast Policy (KUNA, 8 Nov 79) 58 'AL_RA'y AL_'AMMr 'Regrets' Arab, Pa,lestrnian 'Rush' To U.S. Hostages (i~i71vA, 11 Nov 79) 59 'AL-WATAN': U.S. Completes Preparations for Nile Basiri - Uni on ( ic[m~, io Trov 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Briefs Iranian Revolution Second Stage 61 Irants Loss of Prestige 61 ~ Possible Iranian Military Coup 62 LI~YA Libya Ur~es Arab Nation To 'Review' Deposits in U.S. Banks (Tripoli Voice of the Arab Homeland, 15 Nov 79)... 63 'MENA': In September Assassinations, Explosions _ Occurred in Libya (MEi1A, 14 Nov 79) 65 MOROCCO Morocco's Boucetta Views Ties With Spa,in, Equatorial Guinea, Sahara (M'hamed Boucetta Interview; LE MATIN,.11 Nov 79).. 66 Istiqlal Pa.rty Me;norat.d~_im Conaemri~;: Algeria~i ' Fratricidal~ War ( L~ MATIT�1, ~ Piov 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6~~ - - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 CONTEIVTS (Continued) pa,ge Q~1TpR - - f~r i i':~ U.S. Policy Toward Iran 7p SUDAN Briefs Ca11 for ' Governmcnt' 7.] Registering of Refugees 71 Airport Project Loan 72 Romanian Petroleum Delegation 72 Ba.nk Depos its Increase 72 Loans for Railway 72 Anti-Locust Campaign 72 SULTANATE OF OMAN Qabus Views Problems of Safeguarding Strait of Hormuz (Qabus Ibn Sa'id Interview; AL-WATAN, 16 Nov 79) 73 TUNISI'A - Political, Economic, Social Conditions Reported (Paul Balta; LE MOTJDE, various dates) 77 Briefs U.S. Freezing Iranian Assets 91 - YQ~N ARAB REPUBLIC Aden-Moscow Treaty Seen Ending Unity Projects (AL-.NAHAR AL-'ARABI WA AL-DUWALI, 12-18 Nov 79). 92 Brie fs _ Trade Agreement With Czechoslovakia . 93 - d - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS . DPFLP'S HAWATIMAIi URGES FURTHER OPPOSITION TO U.S. POLICY LD021105 Kuwait AL-WATAN in Arabic 26 Oct 79 p 1, 13 LD [Interview with DPFI.P Secretary General Nayif Hawatimah granted to Yusuf al-Shuli--date not given] [Excerpts] Beirut--The U.S. Proposal, Camp David [Question] What is the Palestinian attitude toward the proposal on Lebanon outlined by U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance? - [Answer) The recent U.S, proposal is a"Lebanese Camp David" to impose capitulation on Lebanon through a conciliation [sulh] treaty, to curb Arab and Palestinian opposition to the two Camp David agreements and to break the Arab blockade of al-Sadat's regime. It is no coincidence that the U.S. call for an international conf erence on Lebanon has been concomitant with the rightist sides' call for an Arab surmmit on southern Lebanon instead of - a su~it conference for promoting the Baghdad conference res~~utions and boycotting Amarican imperialism, now that the Arab wager on gaining tim e ~ in order to persuade the United States to change its attitude, on the one hand, and to fragmentize the Baghdad resolution, on the other, has failed. In practice the U.S, proposal means the withdrawal of the Palestinian resistance from south Leban~n and its replacement by the Lebanese Army, the substitution of UN forces for the deterrent forces and the establishment of a so-called general and lasting truce (a treaty of capitulation). Thus, _ the resistance would be fettered ~nd Syria weakened. Ou= attitude toward this plan is based on complete re~ection of all U.S. liquidatianist formulas. We call for a fourth summit of the steadfastness and confrontation front and strict implementation of the Baghdad summit resolutions. W2 also call for an ending to the phase of rushing to the , _ United States under the illusion that it is the sources which will regain Palestinian rights~ At the same time, we call for the convening of a lOth Arab summit conference to adopt measures against the United States, now that a year has elapsed since the Camp Uavid agreement and the al-Sadat-- i J APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 - Israeli treaty--a whole year o~ inaction with the United States is enough. A move toward practical and tangible measures is required, particularly ~ the use of the oil weapon. ~ [Question] The Palestinian attitude 3ppears to be divided on Rev Jesse Jackson's statements and the proposals he brought with him during his re- - cent tour. Is this true? What is the DPFLP's attitude? [AnswerJ We must differentiate between Jackson's visit to learn the facts and pramote the ,~merican blacks' solidarity with our people and an agitating but suspicious task which essentially amounts to U.S. containment of the ?L0. - The change thai: occurred in Rev Jesse Jackson's task from visitor to "m~edia- tor" prompts us to adopt a stand toward this new mediation. What Jackson proposes was aimed at getting the PLO to make concessions under the guise _ of moderation in return for establishir.g a relationship between the PLO and the United States. `L'herefore, Jackson wanted to clisarm the resistance, contain the PLO, ~iring _ about reconciliation with al-Sadat's regime and end the Arab blockade of this regime. Thus the PLO or any Palestinian side representing it would then be forced to tt~e Camp David table after being div~ested ~of all elements - of strength, Therefore, we reject part and parcel all Rev Jackson's proposals and call For the continuation of the struggle against the U.S. policy and schemes until the United States is compelled to acknowledge our people's rights in keeping with the widespread international will which has recognized our people's right to struggle to return to their hameland and achieve national - independence. The Possibilities of War Exist - [Question] Regarding the dogfights over Lebanon between Syrian and Leh:ne~e [as publiehedJ aircraft and the poss~ibility of the south triggering a new war, is such a war imminent? What is your estimation? [Answer] The Syrian aircraft's interaeption of the Zionist enemy's air- craft over Lebanon has added a new qc~alitative factor to the.continuous Zionist war of attrition. Since the start of the intermittent Zionist war the Arab states have contente~' themselves with aupporting us with statements - when they should have extsnded all elements of support and steadfastness to the Palestinian revolution and the Lebanese patriotic and national (Qawmiyah) movement. For the first time in this dramatic Arab atmosphere the Syrian air force has entered the ba~tle to defend the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, thus breaking the wall of Arab inaction and affecting the field of action of the Zionist air force, which had been using Lebanon as an open training ground and as an open area to carry out all its aggressive ~ 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 schemes and to test the moet modern U.S. weapons against the revolution of - the Lebanese and Palea tinian people and shed their blood. We are not exaggerating when we said that the partiea to Camp David are in a critical poaition. The bilateral agreement hae not expanded to include other Arab countriea. The agreements are still being denounced and blocked and the Palestinian seat is still vacant. All this made the enemy Iose hie senses and prompted him to commit one massacre after another, believing that this method would aurely break the chain of opposition to Camp David. _ Therefore, the factors of war atill exist and we, as a Palestinian revolu- tion, must prepare for it through coordination with Syria, the Lebanese patriotic and national movement, the steadfastness and confrontation front and the Arabs who are truly prepared to translate words into deeds on the basis of the resolutions of the Baghdad summit and the third confrontation states summit. Battleship and Fleet Policy [Question] Continuing threats to invade the oilf ields of the Arab Gulf have become the "daily bread" of U.S, policy. How significant are these threats in the light of the current balance of power in the Arab area and how can these threats be confronted? - [Answer] By throwing itself into the lap of ~J.S. imperialism and Israel, al-Sadat's reactionary bourgeois regime has greatly encouraged the offensive, aggressive U.S. policy in the Middle East and Africa. All this has prompted the more aggressive and reactionary circles at the White H~use to adopt the ~ direct gunboat policy well known from the history of colonialist empires. This is in addition to the constant U.S, reinforcement of Zionist Israeli military power with every sophisticated instrument of war. This was im- pudently revealed to Congress by U.S. war [as published] Secretary Harold Brown recently under the slogan of reliance on the presence of the U.S. war flag in the Middle East and the In~lian Ocean alongside the Israeli military. We can now see the U.S. Fifth Fleet in the Indian Ocean close to the sources of oil in the Arab Gulf. We are also witnessing efforts by _ the United States to build military bases in that area to replace the old . British colonialist bases. Return to Old Imperialism The U.S, gunboat diplomacy represents a reversion to old imperialist methods in the Middle East and Africa and constitutes a direct threat to the Arab and African peoples and their national security, being coordinated wtth the Israeli military clique and al-Sadat's bourgeois regime--the agent of U.S. imperialism. The policy of the DPFLP in particular and the Palestinian revolution in general is based on rejection, denunciation and confrontation of this aggressive U.S. policy and on the need for all the forces of ].ibera- tion and progress and all honest Arabs to unit against this U.S. gunboat - 3 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 diplomacy aimed at imposing a capitulationist solution on th~ Arab states and turning the Middle East into a U.S, oil lake guarded by U.S., Israeli aiid Egyptian forces, each of which has a role in serving U.S. imperialism and Israeli expansionism. Effective confrontation of the policy of imper ialiat military presence in - the Middle East requires a united atand agains t this policy and a firm principled strategic alliance among the Arab liberation and progresaive forces and all the World's forces of liberati:on, socialism and peace which support our people against U.S. and Israeli aggression to protect the Gulf and enable its people to liberate their national wealth in order to develop their countries and, at ~he same time, use the oil weapon to liber- ate the occupied Arab territories and insure the righta of the Palestinian~ ~ people return to their country and determine their own fate unconditionally within an independent state. [Question] PLO Executive Co~ittee Chairman Yasir 'Arafat`s rec~nt visita to Amman hav~e apparently ci~ated a new framewark in Palestinian-Jordanian relations. ~What is the DPFLP':o stand on these contacts? _ [Answer] The PLO executive committee delegation's recent visit to Amman produced nothing new. Jordan continues to insist on pursuing the line of ~ extracting every benefit from the current dialog with the PLO without taking any tangible step toward impelementing the B~ghdad resolution or toward developing the dialog on the basis of recognizing the PLO as the sole representative of all of our geople, whether inaide or outs3de the occupied territories, and PLO's right to carry out political and organ3za- tional work among our people in Jordan. Abu 'Ammar's [Yasir 'Arafat] recent visit to Jordan at the head of the exe- cutive committee delegation has proved thatJordan continues to overlook the demanda of the PLO stipulated in the Baghdad resolutions and to work to turn the ~oint committ~es formed a few manths ago to coordinate efforts at _ the level of the occupied territories into co~ittees to implement Jordan- ian policy in the occupied territories, strengthen Jordan's influ~nce there ~ and use the Arab funds which the Baghdad summit earmarked for bolstering and enabling [the Paleatinian people] to atand fast to create establishments operating under Jordanian control in order to strengthen Jordan's influence in the West Bank and Gaza sector. We must give serious consideration to the note which the people in the oc- cupied territories presented to the PLO executive committee last' week de- nouncing and rejecting the work of the ~oint committee and openly calling for the rectifi~ation of this serious situation which puts the people in the , occupied territories at the mercy of the Jordanian side in the ~oint com- mittee. - 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 The brothers in the PLO executive committee must respond to the note of our people in the occupied territories by correcting the source of the Jordanian- Palestinian dialog through adherence to the Baghdad resolutions to enable the revolution to be present among our people ir. Jordan and prevent the wasting of funds meant for steadfastness. - CSO: 4802 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 INTER-ARA.B AFFAIR~ PLO'S 'AWWAD: IRANIAN MOVES `PAVE THE WAY' FOR ARAB ANTI-U.S. ACTION - LD261231 Kuwait AL-WATAN in Arabic 20 Nov 79 p 13 LD [Dispatch by ~~AL-QIIF)~ P~~S:: "Arabi 'Awwad Tells AL-WATAN: 'The Expulsion of al-Shak'ah Has Triggered Wrath Against the Autonomy Plan [Excerpts] Beirut--'Arabi 'Awwad, secretary of the occupied lands off ice in Beirut, member of the PLO Central Council and member of the Jordanian Communist Party Central Committee, is one of the leaders of the National Front in the Occupied Homeland. The front includes representatives of the Palestinian resistance movement groups, the Palestine communist organization, - professional unions, trade unions, stud~nt unions and women's unions. The Zionist enemy has banned the activities of these organizations in the belief that they are a link bPtween the nationalist forces and the PLO. The followirg is the text of the questions put to 'Arabi 'Awwad by AL-QUDS . PRESS and his answers to these questions? [Question] How do you view the situation ~n the occupied homeland in light of the recent developm~nts? [Answer] Following the two Camp David agrezments which include the autonomy plan, the situation in the occupied territory has been characterized by increasing Zionist arrogance and denial of t:~e Palestinian people and their legi~imate national rights. The Zionists have also given free rein to their expansionist racist tendencies. The terrorist Menahem Begin professed this when he said that autonomy should apply to the inhabita~ts only but that Israel should have sovereignty over the land and its contents, particularly the vital resources. On the basis of the Camp David agreement, which resulted in Egypt moving from the anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist trench and joining the ranks of the Israel-U.S, imperialist alliance, the Zionist occupiers persisted in realizing their expansionist inclinat~.ons and in seizing Arab territory. _ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 To confront this aggressive policy, the resistance of our masses ia the occupied homeland escalated. They rose valiantly to reply to the conspiracy of Camp David and the autonomy plan and to face the onelaught of settle- ments and seizure of homes. This was highlighted in the prompt resistance to the Camp David agreement through etrikes, demonstrations, processione and mass meetings held in Jersualem, Bir Zayt, Bethlehem, Gaza, Nabulua and Hebron. Otir masses in their thousands participated in these mass meet- - ings, ~nlcuding representatives of the professional unions, workers and - women organizations, students councils and chambers of commerce, resulting in the emergence of the "higher national committee" to follow up the struggle against the autonomy plan. This atmosphere brought stronger unity among the national forces and pro- _ vided an opportunity to reactivate the "national front" which has been joined by broad masses of the nationalist forces, resistance movement or- ~ ganizations in the occupied territory (the Palestinian communist organiza- tion, al-Fatah, the Deruocratic Front and the Popular Front, as well as - partiotic personalities and representatives of professional, students, work- _ ers and women's unions). The "National Front" has announced a political , and struggle program based on the national unity program passed by the Palestine Natianal Council at its 14th sessions, including struggle duties as dictated by the conditions of occupation, such as defense of the land and national heritage, and defense of and solidarity with the prisoners. This infuriated the Zionists. The military governor of the West Bank and Caza sector issued decisions banning the "National Front," regarding it as illegal because, in his opinion, it is the link connecting the national - forces in the occupied homeland with the PLO and because of the front's role in activating popular struggle against the autonomy plan. [Question] In your opinion, what are the aims of the recent oppressive campaign, which was highlighted by the imprisonment and expulsion of the mayor of Nabulus, and the ensuing development? [Answer] The purpose of the Zionists occupiers' terrorist step of ~xpel- ling the mayor of Nabulus is to strike at the national forces which are - resolutely confronting the autonomy plan and to pave the way for imposing this plan on our occupied land. In addition to this step, the occupiers - have taken measures against the mayors of Ramallah and al-Birah and brought rhem to trial. ~ [Question] The PLO's diplomatic contacts in Europe and the United States are undoubtedly beneficial to the Palestinian cause, notably in gaining more . du~port for the Palestinian people's rights in areas which have been closed to the PLO. However, some people believe thatithese contacts involve the risk of giving way to bargaining over the Palestinian people's rights, - especially because the West European countries and the United States are imperialist in nature. What are the advantages and risks, in your opinion? 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 i [Answer] The d~plomatic act3.vities undertaken by the PLO to win more recog- nition for itself and support for the Palestinian Arab people's rights are really an important aspect of the Palestinian struggle and serve the ~ust Palestinian cause. Undoubtedly, the visits made to a number of West Euro- pean countries came into this category. - However, this does not mean that these countries now support a just solution to the Palestinian issue based on achieving the national rights--the right - to return, the right to self-determination and the right to establish an independent state. Despite their approval for the establishment of con- tacts with the PLO, these countries continue to revolve in the orbit of U.S. - policy because they consider the two Camp David agreements faits accomplis and believe that any solution must be based on them and that the Palestin- ians must participate in the current negotiations within the framework of the Camp David agreement on the autonomy plan. Through these contacts, therefore, they are trying to drag the Palestinian Arab people into the imperialist trap. Meanwhile, they seek to foment division within the Palestinian ranks by talking about moderation and extremism. [QuestionJ How do you view the Iranian-U.S. confrontation? In your opin- ion, what r.epercussions will this confrontation have on the Arab liberation movement, particularly i*s focal point, the Palestinian resistance move- ment? [Answer] It is natural for the Iranian revolution to confront U.S. imper- _ ialism, which was the bastc force supporting the shah's despotic regime and enabling it to steal the Iranian people's wealth. It is natural for this confrontation to take place, because U.S, imperialism is continuing to engineer plots against t~he Iranian revolution with a view to striking it down and reinstating the shah's regime or something similar in Iran, This was revealed in the secret documents found at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. This confrontation constitutes an incentive to the Arab liberation movement, particularly the Palestinian revolution, to intensify its struggle against U.S. imperialism. The Iranian revolutionaries' challenge to this imperial- ism does away with the myth of the American might about which al-Sadat has been bragg3.ngin his numerous speeches, saying that America holds 99 percent of the area's cards in its hand. The Iranian.example clearly proves that the Arab nation, once resolved, could challenge U.S. imperialism. [Question] What alternatives would cutting off oil to the United States, _ - withdrawing Iranian funds from U.S, banks and boldly confronting the im- perialist threat of economic blockade offer in terms of an appeal for the use of the oil and assets weapon at the imminent Arab summit? [Answer] The step taken by Iran constitutes a blow to the United States bcause it exacerbates the energy crisis and the economic problems in the capitalist world. It will pave the way for the Arab countries to take 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 I steps and make decisions to pressure the United States to abandon its _ discredited stand against the Arab nation and support for Zionist aggres- sion. This bold step taken by the Iranian re~rolution deserves to be put before the Arab summit in Tunis to persuade it to adopt a firm stand toward the Uni~ed States. The Baghdad summit, despite the steps it took against al- Sadat's regime, avoided zdopting a stand toward the United States in spite of the fact that it is the author and engineer of the Camp David conspir- acy. A1-Sadat and Begiii are only implements of world imperialism, which is led by the United States. CSO: 4802 . 9 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 INTER-ARAB AFFAIR5 PFLP SPOKESMAN ON FELATIONS WITH EGYPT, UNITED STATES LD061423 Kuwait AL-WATAN in Arabic 31 Oct 79 p 10 LD [Interview granted by PFLP official spokesman Bassam abu-Sharif to AL-WATAN - correspondent in Beirut--date not given] _ [Excerpts] [Question] How true is it that a senior Palestinian official visited Cairo recently or are you sure that there are no Palestinian con- ~acts with the Egyptian regime at present? [Answer] We have no knowledge of a Palestinian official visiting Cairo and I doubt that there is any truth in this information. I also believe that there are no political contacts between the resistance and al-Sadat's re- gime despite the attempts by the Egyptian regime to rees~ablish contact with the PLO and Syria. 'I'he Egyptian regime is now feeling the extent of its isolation and is therefore pretending to be in dispute with the Ztonist entity over the interpretation of the term "self-rule" and referring to its attitude in this dispute as a hardline stand. But as far as we and all the nationalists are concerned the Egyptian regime is a treasonous regime. In other words, our relations with it are relations of conflict and will remain so until it collapses. [Question] What is your attitude toward recer~~ calls in the Palestir.ian arena for the building of bridges with Egypt on the one hand and the United States on the other? [Answer] Any voice calling for the establishment of relations with the pre- sent Egyptian regime is a voice dissenting with out revolution and with the national stand and, therefore, is condemned. The PFLP liquidated al- Khazindar in Gaza because he was involved with al-Sadat and his plans. This was a lesson for anybody who might be tempted to deal with al-Sadat. There is no doubt that the ~4th Palestinian National Council [PNCJ program, which clearly determined the attitude of the Palestinian revolution factions toward Camp David and the al-Sadat regime, is the political guide governing the actions of the Palestinian revolution groups. 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 As for the United States, I woulc~ like to make it clear that the U.S. Administration, represented by the U.S. Government, is the leader of the imperialist camp and our masses' number one enemy. It is trying to domin- ate the Arab area and its markets; it is also providing the Zionist entity with economic, military and technological aid so that it will remain super- ior and continue to be the imperialist tool to atrike at the Arab libera- tion movement and the Palestinian revolution. Therefore, this being the attitude of the United States, we ob~ect to and refuse any contacts with this government. r With regard to the democratic forces inside the United States, we support and are working with enthusiasm to establish the closest relations with such democratic groupings, foremost among which are the groupings of black Americans who suffer fram U.S. Government persecution in American society. Consequently, making earnest efforts to win over popular public opin~on in the United States is legitimate and something we are trying to achieve with _ all means available to us. There is no doubt that creating a movement op- posed to the war which the United S~ates and its allies in the area are waging against our people and revolution will be in the interest of the ~ Palestinian revolution and the Arab masses. [Question] According to some, the PLO recently made many concessions, especially during Jesse Jackson's tour of some capitals of the area. Do you believe this is the case? - [Answer] The most serious situation the t'LO could face in its political and diplomatic moves is the ability of ir.nperialism to obtain concessions from it "in doses" in a manner that might appear democratic. Jesse Jackson, who came in his capacity as a black American leader interested in finding out about the situation in the area, appeared in the end to have another capacity, that of an intermediary or a messenger between Carter and some of the leaders in our area. Jackson was made to understand that-the Pales- tinian revolution will not stop the armed struggle because it is fighting a just battle and aims at just and legitimate targets. This goes to prove that the Palestinian revolution did not and will not retreat. [QuestionJ Do you believe that the coordination and unification between the resistance factions are equal to the serious and fateful dangers the Palestinian resistance is facing on the various fronts? [Answer] I regret to say that the level we are aspiring for has not yet ~ been achieved. But this does not prevent the Palestinian revolution factions from making steady progress. The Palestinian revolution is now armed with two programs: a political program and an organizational program, both endorsed by the PNC at its 14th session. These two programs, if imple- mented, represent suitable grounds for reaching the required level of co- ordination and cooperation between the resistance factions. CSO: 4802 1 I. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 i INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS KLIBI HOLDS PRESS CONFERENCE FOLLOWING ARAB SUrIlrIIT LD231942 Tunis TAP in English 1523 GMT 23 Nov 79 LD ["Pool" item] [TextJ Tunis, 23 Nov (TAP)--"For the first time, Arab heads of state agree - on adopting the principle of the elaboraticn of an Arab conmmon strategy of action :,i which they defined the big lines with all required frankness, seriousness and realism. This strategy includes the political, economic and military fields and aims at ensuring a compZementarity between the Arab possibilities and potentialities in the different fields by taking into account the Arab nations struggle against the Zionist forces and the neces- sity to strengthen the Arab nation's stand in all international instances," Mr Chedli Klibi, secretary general of the Arab League stated in a press con- ference held Thursday at the end of the tenth Arab suffinit closing session. "The tenth Arab summit," Mr Klibi added came up to the Arab public opinion expectations when it confirmed the solidarity of all the Arab League member states and the fidelity of Arab leaders to the principles and resolutions jointly adopted d~iring the Baghdad summit. _ The tenth su~it did not conf ine to confirm all the resolutions taken in Baghdad but it took important steps in the implementation~of these prin- _ ciples and in the strengthening of these resolution. The su~nit moreover managed to find an Arab solution to the problem, of south Lebanon in the framework of the Palestinian Lebanese brotherhood and in such a manner that the Lebanese state strengthens its authority and that - the Palestinian revolution is allowed to assume its historical responsibili- ties always within the framework of the Arab solidarity with the brother Lebanese co;~n~try which faces firmly and with dignity a hard trial. The summit furthermore recommended to accelerate the reorganization of the Arab League administrative structures and to propose a new conception of structures to be adopted by the league in the future. 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 _ Mr Chedli Lkibi afterwards answered a series of questions put by represent- tatives of the infotznation bodies who covered the activities of the tenth Arab summit. These questions dealt mainly with south Lebanon, the Palestinian resist- ~ ance, the economic cooperation and the Arab strat~gy in the field of economy. South Lebanon and the Palestinian Resistance The tenth Arab su~nit racommended the reactivation of the 3ayt al-Din Com- mittee to which a representative of the Arab League will be joined and which will ensure the follow-up and the execution of the Tunis summit deci- sions. The suimmit decided that the ,Arab states will help the Lebanese state in the effort he makes for protecting the Lebanese people--mainly in the south-- from the material constraints and rebuilding his national economy. A f;�re- year plan has been implemented and the league's member countries ~ranted for this effect a 2 billion dollar donation. - The summit moreover took note of the PLO engagement to refrain from now onwards launching military aperations against Israel from the Lebanese territory and also to refrain from diffusing news on the operations of fedayeen from Beirut. _ The Arab Economic Strategy of Action The tenth Arab su.*amit charged the Arab Economic Council to prepare a paper on an Arab economic Qtrategy of action to be included in the agenda of the coming Arab summit. However, the coming summit will the examination of eco- nomic issues for which other summits would be entirely devoted once the world would have done a new decisive step in the way of economic coopera- _ tion and complementarity, [Sentence as received] - The Tunis summit also tackled the new economic world order, stressing that the Arab strategy of joint action is not in contradiction with the efforts made by third world countries with a view to (?install) this new economic _ world order. _ The Arab Stand Vis-a-vis the Separate Peace Agreements Concerning the condemnation of the U.S. policy in the Middle East, Mr Klibi said that this condemnation results from the role played by the United States in the conclusion of the Camp David accords and form the "good ser- vices" that the White House is presently doing in order to [word indistinct] the current negotiations between Israel and Egypt succeed. 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 Answering the questions of several journalists who asked what would be the solution of replacement to the Israeli-Egyptian separate accords, Mr Klibi stated that there were no other solution of replacement to a deceitful solution apart from a just solution. - The solution of replacement consists in cuntinuing the struggle by all means until the recovery of the Palestinian peoples legitimate rights and until the total recovery of. all occupied territories. "No other solution can be admitted" the secretary general of the Arab League stressed. Answering a question on the visit recently paid to Tunisia by an Iranian delegation Mr Chedli Klibi stated that the presence of this delegation in Tunisia is norma.l if we take into account the relations between Tunisia and Iran and that the contacts it had with some Arab delegations pratici- pating in the tenth summit were bilateral contracts which had nothing to d~ with the summit's preoccupations. - CSO: 4420 I l~+ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 IN'~E~-ARAB AFFAIRS PLC' S'ARAFAT ON TUNIS SUI~R~iIT, SAHARA PROBLEM, GOVERNMENT IN EXILE LD141109 Kuwait AL-RA'Y AL-'AMNi in Arabic 8 Nov 79 p 19 LD [Report on interview with PLO Executive Committee Chairma: Yasir 'Arafat by 'Abdallah al-Shiti in Lisbon--date not given] ~ [Excerpt] Lisbon--AL-RA'Y AL-'ArII~i asked Yasir 'Arafat if the Baghdad sum- mit conference resolutions have borne any fruit. It also asked him about the summit conference which is expected to be held in Tunis on 20 November. Yasir 'Arafat said: "I can say that the Baghdad summit has achieved 95 per- cent of its resolutions, most of which have been implemented. On the day the Baghdad summit convened, there were ci~ims that the Arabs would not meet without al-Sadat, but the Arabs met with~ut al-Sadat and no one could obstruct that historic meeting. We adopted decisive resolutions without al-Sadat. I regard this as a turning point in our nation's history--I mean, the Baghdad summit and the resolutions it adopted. - Regarding the summit conference which is expected to be held in Tunis on 20 November, I hope that the conference will be convened on the scheduled da te and that it will succeed, as the Baghdad summi~ succeeded, under the canopy of Arab national unity and common destiay and appreciation of the present circumstances through which our nation and our just basic cause are passing. In coordination with our Syrian brothers, we have prepared a joint working paper for submission to the summit conference the Arabs are expected~ to convene in Tunis. I do nat wish to anticipate matters by saying anytt~ing more. I will say more only after the conference. When I asked him if the West Sahara issue has reached a deadlock following the Tunisian and Palestinian mediation between Morocco and Algeria, Yasir `Arafat expressed hope that this sub3ect would not develop in a manner contrary to our wishes. He said: The problem must be tackled with great calm and cool nerves because it is very sensitive. What I fear most, if we do not tackle the matter in this spirit and with cool nerves, is that this would provide Morocco with an excuse to go along with "Camp David" and deviate from the collective Arab will, which aims to overthrow the capitula- tionist solution agreement. ~-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 Regarding the establishment of a Palestinian government in exile, 'Arafat said: The usual thing would be for such a decision to be made by the Pales- ~ tinian command when it sees that such a decision, for example, would help and advance the struggle. The usual thing would be for such a proposal as forming a government in exile to be discussed in the Palestinian command like all other pro~ects and views which could benefit the Palestinian people. CSO: 4802 ~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS . FOREIGN MINISTER URGES LEBANON TO S4I.'VE ITS PROBLEM LD141337 Paris AL-NAHAR AL-'ARABI WA AL-DUWALI in Arabic 5-11 Nov 79 LD [Report by 'Ali Hashim: "Kuwait Has Nothing To Say and Sarkis Must Revive the Four-State Committee"] [Excerpt] Kuwait--Deputy Prim~ Minister and Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah has said that the Kuwaiti Government has no work- ing paper for the Arab foreign ninis�ters conference scheduled (in principle) to be held on 14 November or the summit conference scheduled to be held on 20 November. In a statement to AL-NAHAR AL-'ARABI WA AL-DUWALI, he said that Kuwait has - nothing more to say about the Lebanese problem because it has said much and done much "but in vain." Shaykh al-Sabah has called on the Lebanese regime to "move and do something...." He added: "Even if we go to the summit, what does Lebanon expect us to - say? We participated in the Riyadh summit, Bayt al-Din conference and the four-statecommittee. We took decisions and made recommendations. We won- der: Where are these resolutions, what has happened to them and how many of thean has been implemented"? Shaykh Sabah wondered: "Where is President Sarkis and what is he doing"? "If I ware in his place I would revive the four-state committee, summon its members and ask them: What have you done? Why are you not moving? "I would then ask the committee members--or take it upon myself--to con- tact all those involved in the conflict, all the parties, rightist and = leftist, the so-called nationalists and isolationists, be they in the north or the south, and the Syrians and Palestinians and ask them all: What do you want fram Lebanon and what are your demands? ~ 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 "After hearing their anawers and in the light of the informationI obtain, I will act. "It is of no use at one time saying you Arabs come and solve our problem, - help us to find a way out of it and at another time running after foreign - countries to solve this problem as long as several aspects of the problem are purely Lebanese." ~ - CSO: 4802 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 INTER-ARAB AFFAIRS BRIEFS HOSTAGES IN TEHRAN--Doha, 12 Nov--Bassam abu-Sharif, PFLP Central Committee member and official spokesman, has asserted that it is not in the interest of the Palestinian revolution to mediate between Iran and the United States concerning the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. He said in an - interview published by the Qatari newspaper AL-PARAB today that the Pales- - tinian revolution is supposed to support the Iranian revolution. He added ' that the resis~ance will not withdraw from southern Lebanon as long as Sa'd Haddad's enclave and the Zionist forces are there. Abu-Sharif said that a strong Arab stand is imperative to wreck ri~e Camp David accords. This is the responsibility of the upcoming Arab summit, he added. The Palestin- ian off icials asked what has been done regarding the implementation of the Baghdad su~it's resolutions. Has the minimum of the resolutions been im- plemented. He then said: This has not been implemented. Rather, some of - the sides which were supposed to proceed toward offensive positions t~ave remained in defenseive positions. [JN120934 Doha QNA in Arabic 0900 GMT 12 Nov 79 JN] CSO: 4802 . 19 I~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200034412-3 ALGERIA ALGERIAN PAPER DENOUNCES U.S. ECONOMIC MEASURES AGAINST IRAN LD231457 Algiers AL-SHA'B in Arabic 20 Nov 79 pp 1, 6 LD - [Editorial: "Between Political Feudalism and Monetary Feudalism"] [Excerpts] After opposing the shah's regime and overthrowing it, the Iran- ian people are continuing their battle on the international level by opposing the dollar domination of international relations. Iran has announced that henceforth it will request payment for its oil exports with currencies = other than the dollar. This was in response to the real economic war de- clared by the United States and represented in freezing the Iranian state's " - assets in Air~erican banks and boycotting the Iranian oil. Our country, in the light of its own experience, cannot but give i~s total support to the Iranian decision ir. response to the grave assault on its _ economic security by reviewing the doilar's domination of the world monetary system wt,ich is subjected to U.S. interests. = The role of the dollar as an international reserve and payment currency has enabled the U.S, authorities to strike, without fear, at the oil-exporting countries' desire to increase or, at least, mai.rta~!n the purchasing power _ of their basic wealth. As if Che indirect plundering of oil revenues was not enough, the United States is now tr}ring, through actual acts of robbery by the state under legal excuses, to continue to plunder tb~ wealth of third world countries. The time has come for OPEC member states to reviec~~ the dollar's role in the fuel market . The OPEC ministerial r.onference in Libreville in 1975 had already dealt with this problem. It suggested replacing the dollar--while still keeping it as a payment currency--by units of withdrawal rights (a new reserve currency established by the International ~Ionetary Fund b~.sed on a basket of convertible currencies) as an accounting currency. The tacticai rise in the dollar rate, which was followed by a somewhat con- ~rincirig political pressure, was sufficien~ to freeze this decision. This 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 time Iran created a new situa.tion by demanding changing the payment ~ currency itself. The issue of replacing the dollar by another currency can no longer be - avoided. It is the duty of OPEC to include it on ~i~t~ agen~a of its coming meeting in Caracas in December. In fact, some of the organization's member - states are afraid that the interest on the deposits they invest in the U.S. currency markets will drop if OPEC resorts to an accounting currency or to another payment currency. But it is the duty of these members to consider carefully the dangers to their deposits in the United States in the light of the "serious precedent in international relations" as ~~nfirmed by the Arab League Ministerial Council meeting in Tunis. The danger is not confined to the United States alone in view of the fact that ltsays that it has "ordered" the foreign countries where there are branches of American banks--thus showing contempt for the sovereignty of these countries--to act in accordance with the political decision adopted - by Washington. The prestige of these countries and the confidence in their currencies will depend on their response to "Washington's order." It is the duty of the nonalined states group to condemn this serious viola- tion of Iran`s economic secur ity, Iran being a new member of the group, in accordance with regulation number 3 regarding economic security which was endorsed by the Algiers [nonalined] summit conference in 1973. The rebulation stipulates: "International security msut be based 4~ refraining _ from the use of force as well as on refraining from all kinds of aggression in economic relations, whether through pressure, coercion, economic bZock- ade, freezing capital or by any other direct or indirect means aimed at ` encroaching on the sovereignty of countries an~. preventing them from exer- cising their right to independent development suitable to their nature." It is indeed harmful that the world economy should always be dependent upon an international monetary system which the United States can use as a wea- pon in its bilateral relations. The result of such a situation would be plunging the world economy in an increasingly turbulent sea and keeping - it in a state of stagnation that no country however powerful can avoid. CSO: 4402 ~ 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 ALGERIA ALGERIAN-SOVIET COMMITTEE DISCUSSES ECONOMIC RELATIONS - _ LD191019 Algiers AL-SHA'B in Arabic 11 Nov 79 pp 1, 5 LD [Unattributed report: "Algerian-Soviet Cooperation: Governmental Coopera- tion Committee Begins Fifth Session"J [Excerpt] The meetings of the fifth session of the Algerian-Soviet standing governmental committee for economic, scientific and technical cooperation opened yesterday evening at the government palace. The Algerian delegation to the meetings is headed by Brother Mohamed Hadj _ Yala, member of the Central Committee and minister of finance. The Soviet _ delegation is headed by Skachkov, member of the CPSU Central Conunittee and chairman of the USSR State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations. The two delegations discussed cooperation between the two countries and the traditional relations between the two peoples. In lauding the Soviet Union Brother Yala said that Algeria does not forget - its friends in times of difficulty, the friends who during the sever~ hard- ships of the war of liberation gave it the moral and material support of which it was in great need. - He added: "Liberated Algeria is fighting another war aimed at achieving genuine economic independence. Since 1965 the efforts of our leaders and people have been devoted to development, to which all the country's re- sources have been subordinated, including the resources of all our economic sectors and the country's national wealth." With regard to strengthening and consolidating economic relations between the two countries, the finance minister said: "Algerian-Soviet coopera- tion has maintained its vitality because we have known how to preserve our relations and protect them against the influence of the world capital- ist market whose crisis is affecting all economic activities." 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 On his part Skachkov said: "The Soviet people are well aware of the heroic history of the Algerian people. We follow with interest Algeria's develop- ment and are happy with the relations that link us to it." Head of the Soviet delegation added: "There is rapprochement in the poli- - tical field that is bringing the two countries even closer." Concluding, Skachkov affirmed that the work of the fifth session will great- ly contribute to cooperation and trade relations between the two countries. CSO: 4402 ~3 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 ALGERIA 'APS' COMMENTARY APPLAUDS IRAN'S OIL-DOLLAR DECISION LD201845 Algiers Domestic Service in French 1300 GMT 20 Nov 79 LD [Text] The national news agency Algerie Press Service devotes a commentary to the Iranian-U.S. dispute. Having opposed with success,as .~.s well known, in the domestic field the shah's feudal regime, the agency writes, the Iranian people, continuing the same struggle in the international field, have undertaken to contest the dollar's feudal position in international relations. Reacting to the veritable declaration of economic war which is the freezing of the assets of the Iranian state in U.S. banks by the U.S. Government, Iran has just announced that it will see to it that its oil ex- ports should' be paid for in other currencies than the dollar. Algeria, after its decision on nationalizing the hydrocarbon resources, has also found it- self expoaed to foreign economic pressures aimed at forcing it to give up its policy of national indepeadence. We have known, in particular, the era of red oil, a term used to give legitimacy to the boycott that has made us its victim. Today, as then, the countries imposing tlie boycott can count, as was reaf�irmed by the secretary general of the International Energy Agency recently, on an attitude of solidarity of all industrial countries. _ Strong in its own experience, our country can do nothing less but lend its full and wholehearted support to the Iranian decision ta react against this grave attempt at its economic security by calling into question the strangle- hold of the dollar on the international monetary system, which is thereby rendered subordinate to the interests of the United States. CSO: 4400 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 EILGERIA - , BRIEFS ALGERIAN-SOVIET COOPERATION--[Unattributed report: "Algerian-Soviet Co- operation: Discussion of Bilateral Cooperation in Heavy Industry Sector"] Brother Mohamed Liassine, Central Committee member and minister of heavy - industry, yesterday held talks at the ministry headquarters with Skachkov, CPSU Central Committee member and chairman of the State Committee for For- eign Economic Relations. The talks dealt with studying the most important aspects of the present cooperation. The two sides lauded the good progress made in the work to expand the al-Ha3ar iron and steel complex. They also exchanged views on future possibilities with regard to expanding and strength- ening cooperation ties between the two countries in the heavy industry sec- tor. [TextJ [LD201701 Algiers AL-SHA'B in Arabic 14 Nov 79 p 3 LD] CSO: 4402 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 BAHRAIN 'DAILY NEWS' VIEWS EVENTS SHAKING MIDDLE EAST GF241700 Manama GULF DAILY NEWS in English 24 Nov 79 p 2 GF [EditorialJ [Text] The events over the past few days involving the Grand Mosque in Mecca have been traiunatic. Not only for the Islamic faith but for the American expatriate community in different parts of the i~Iiddle East. The situation in this part of the world is volatile and for this to be the time for religious fanatics to make a move like they did is incredi- ble. They could have sparked off a bloodbath by their blinding stupidity. Naturally, when such a horrendous thing happens we are engulfed by rumour and counterrumour. And, of course, there are always those who will seek to turn any situation to their own advantage. But the result of this rumour swayed the Middle East dangerously towards a flare-up. The group who triggered off the events have been responsible for the deaths of many innocent people. The exact number of dead and wounded around the Grand Mosque has not yet been determined. But the sacking of the American Embassy in Pakistan by a mob too ready to blame the Americans for every sparrow that falls led to the death of seven people. Saudi Arabian authorities have gi>>en the assurance that the fanatics who committed the unforgivable will be dealt ~vith. The Pakistan Government have promised an investigation into the causes surrounding the Embassy violation. We hope that they too will be. just as uncompromising in bring- ing the leaders to justice. It would appear that the savaging of diplo~natic buildings and personnel is not the heinous crime it once was. The Saudi Government is demon- strating that no one dare tamper with the holy places. It is a principle that should also apply to the personnel and buildings of foreign guests. CSO: 4820 2b APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 BAHRAIN BRIEFS EMBASSY TAKEOVER 'BARBARIC'--We note that the Iranian foreign minister - has called for a meeting of the United Nations Security Council because he fears "an atmosphere of war" is being created in the U.S. Is it . - really surprising that the American Eagle is ruffling its feathers? No matter how placid the giant, no matter how conciliatory and easy-going, if a mosquito keeps biting, it is going to react. And as long as there are 100 men, women and children locked up in the American Embassy and trotted out at intervals blindfolded to be paraded before jeering mobs then there is go ing to be a groundswell of American and world condemna- tion to this act of barbarism. [EditorialJ [Text] [GF150530 Manama GtiLF DAILY NEWS in English 14 Nov 79 p 2 GF] TREASURY SECRETARY TALKS--Stability and energy must go hand-in-hand if the world is to overcome lurching economies and rampant inflation. While there are many factors that contribute to this unhappy situation--not least the greed of multinational concerns who owe no allegiance but to the balancesheet--the eyes of the world have fastened on oil which may well be used as a scapegoat, but which nevertheless is an important factor. America, anxious to pl.ay her part in bringing about an atmosphere that can lead to this stability in relation to oil, is now sending Treasury Secretary William Miller to hold talks with three major oil producers in the Gulf. This is to be applauded as long as he is prepared to see the . Arab point of view and not look at the question from just one side. Saudi Arabia has always led the way in an honest and balanced policy regarding production and pricing. If Secretary Miller can lend any weigl;t in supporting this view at the approaching OPEC meeting, then his tour will have been a success. [Editorial] [TextJ [GF190635 Manana GULF DAILY NEWS in English 19 Nov 79 p 2 GF] CSO: 4820 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 IRAN TAKEOV~R OF U.S. EMBASSY GETS MASSIVE SUPPORT Backing of Political Parties Te~ran KEYHAN in Persian 5 Nov 79 p 4 [Text] The takeover of the U.S. Embassy by Moslem students who follow _ Emam's policy has now entered its second day and has been supported by - various groups, societies and parties. The simmiary of statements issued in this respect are as follows: The C~nmittee of Emam's Syndicate ~iffairs: The takeover of the U.S. Embassy by a group of Moslem students has not been an accidental or unexpected matter. According to the law of action and reaction, it was quite natural that by following the Emam's policy, ~ Iran's revolutionary youth would take such an action on a day which reminds us of the responsibility for the death of young students by U.S. imperialism. The U.S, govertunent should know that since its political and military threats and even her action~ taken on economic grounds have not affected the hero nation of Iran, with this revolutionary action taken by a group of Moslem youth who ~elieve in the revolution, the reaction of the risen nation of Iran to the United States ~n hosting its mercenary servant Mohammad Reza Pahleui, has entered a new phase and it is going to affect all of the interests of that country in Iran. With full awareness of w~at world imperialism--under the leadership of America--is making preparations for, we, the syndicates in Tehran,announce to America and its mercenary allies that it is in the interest of the U.S. gover~ent to turn over the deposed shah as soon as possible to Iran's court of Islamic justice and revenge and not to create further anger in - Iran's aware and revolutionary nation. The Iranian Society of Cooperation With Palestine: - Our regards to you, our Moslem high school and university studenta. You, - who follow the Emam's policy and have taken over the center of shame, crimes, ~ 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 espionage, treason, imperialism and Zionism--for the hero nation of Iran's Islamic Republic. On this historic day on which Iran's decisive leader had been sent into - exile and is also the annivsrsary oE the death of dozens of stcdents, the Iranian Society for Cooperation with Palestine supports your revolutionary action and asks the United States to deliver the treacherous shah immediately and stop encouraging Israel in its crimes toward Palestine. Iran's Moslem People's Revolutionary riovement (JAMA): Iran's revolution against world colonialism and U.S. imperialism enters a - new phase. The anti-imperialist demonstrations of the Iranian people on 'Eyd-e Qorban [Feast of Sae~rifices] by taking over the U.S. Embassy has brought the anti colonialist movement of Iran's Moslem people to its peak. Fifteen years ago, 13 Aban [4 November] became a turning point in the history of our people's liberation movement when the Emam was sent into exile. Last year with the death of our devoted youths on 13 ~ban in the university, a decisive move was taken toward achieving victory in the revolution. This year 13 Aban the revolutionary action taken by the victorious students of our revolution, opens a new chapter in anti- colonialist struggles. We hope that next year 13th of Aban would mark the movement's victory over capitalism and colonialism. J~iMA supports the students' revolutionary action against the interfe.rences and aggressions of 1.S. imperialism and together with all Moslem revolutionary forces, it will accept the guidances of the honorable revolutiona~y leader. In the statement, the Community of Kurdish Residents of the capital city has announced its support for the students and Moslem scholars [of religious , studies] in taking over the U.S. Embassy and has demanded that relations wit}? the United States be brcken. - The statement indicate~a that the bloody events in Kordestan are fomented by U.S. imperialism and international Zionism and that the Islamic Community - of Kurdish Residents of the capital city has announced that it heartily supports the honorable leader, Emam Khomeyni and obeys him. The Union of Islamic Association of Studen.ts in Europe with headquarters in GeYtnany has sent the following telegram to the Mosler,i students who - follow the Emam's policy and are stationed in the U.S. Embassy: "In the name of God, our brave and Moslem brothers, students, brave guards of Iran's Islamic revolutionary achievements and those who follow - Emam's way, our revolutionary regard s to you, the people's Mosr.em children. "We heard your message and admire the holy action that you have taken. God is aiso pleased with what you have done. We hereby announce our decisive support of the truthful way you are following. ide promise that we will not remain s~_lent until final achievement of oux demands. We are with you. With God's help and the people's effort which is our backing, we wish you success." Signed by the Union of Islamic Students Association in Europe, headquarters - in Germany. 2g APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 In a message, the Islamic Students Association in America and Canada~ has supported the revolutionary action taken by Moslem students. The - message is as follows: - "Dear brothers and sisters, the Moslem students following the Emam's policy, The Islamic Association of Students in America and Canada supports the revolutionary action taken by you--the takeover of the U.S. Embassy. You, the beloved and courageous ones who bravely gave a positive response to the proclamation of Iran's Islamic revolutionary leader, Emam Khomeyni. We ask the government to follow the Emam and the nation's way and not to fail in taking action in returning the criminal deposed shah. "In the continuation of our revealing efforts, simultaneously with you, who went on food strike, we had a sitin demonstration in the Statue of Liberty and made the world hear the voice of Iran's Moslem people. We protested to the U.S. g overnment and demanded the delivery of the deposed shah. The criminal masters of the treacherous shah arrested our brothers and broke up the demonstrations and took these beloved ones into captivity. To support your action, we will continue with our revealing programs. - "Regards to you, the dear children of Iran's Moslem people and regards ` to our great leader, Emam Khomeyni. "Long last Iran's Islamic revolution, the true defender of the deprived in the world.' Death to the enemies of the Islamic revolution, especially U.S, imperialism.' Student's ~pproval Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 5 Nov 79 p 12 [Text] In an interview, some of the Moslem students who have demonstrated in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran expressed their views regarding their - revolutionary action in the takeover of the U.S. Embassy. _ One of the students said: "We are a group of students who believe in the Emam's policy and we believe that this revolution, that is, the movement which has brought the society up to this point, especially until 22 Bahman - (11 February) political and military move, has been ~omething of absorption of Emam's revolutionary p olicy in society. Those students who think like - us fonn a group believing in the Emam's policy and they are not affiliated - to any party or group. Now, what was the purpose of this action? Many anti-imperialist positions were observed in our ideological belief system with which we had started and achieved the revolution for fighting against domdnation, colonialism and dictatorship. The school of thought had the 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 _ capability of arousing a nation against other schools of thought and bringing - the movement to the final point. The movement continued until 22 Bahman and afterwards. We expected the school of thought which had brought us up to this point to meet with our other demands such as economic and cultural independence. However, we were seeing that the matters that the country was dealing with, especially actions taken by the executive pillars of the country were not accepted by this school of thought and that very easily grounds had been prepared for U.S. imperialism and Israel and, in general, the deviationist forces against which the nation has always fought, to penetrate into various pillars and take over various areas and not to allow the revolution to grow and even sometimes take it backward. It was in connection with this issue and the fact that we were seeing that America was deeply penetrating into our country. Unfortunately, the - government we have is not an efficient government, as observed in various dimensions--whether from the viewpoint of foreign policy, domestic policy or the manner of running the country. The youth who made the revolution ~ and believed in their school of thought saw that the ruling government had created a series of problems and that spies were found in various pillars. A series of military contracts were concluded and the nation was not aware of them. Or, a group of government officials would hold negotiations with an American delegation abroad. Anyway, things are getting out of hand - and there is the possibility for a series of deviationist events. Revealing this issue, especially the grounds that the Emam has prepared--an anti- American policy--led us to revealing this matter and telling the whole world that our nation is still an anti-imperialist nation and that it will not accept any domination. That is why we saw the U.S. Embassy as an espionage nest where conspiracies were planned. _ "Even the contacts established were for revealing this issue to say that the main enemy of our nation, the Emam and our school of thoug:~t is still the United States which has brought so much adversity for the Moslems. This is why we decided to take over the embassy and express our demands and protests." Another student expressed his views as follows: "Regarding the manner of occupying the U.S. Embassy, I should say that we could have acted in two ways: by military attack or by the people's participation, which was the specialty of our revolution. We chose the method of political action. In other words, by demonstrations our brothers would enter the embassy and take over the buildings. l~nd truly al1 brothers were ready for martyrdom, if they had been faced with any resistance. Because they believed that they should fight with America - and carry out the Emam's view. It has been anticipated that if there had been any shooting and we had martyrs, we would carry the martyrs to the streets by the people who would be covered. We did just that and succeeded ~ and the problems were overcome." 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 Support Erom Provinces Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 5 Nov 79 p 2 , [Text] In support of the brave action taken by Moslem students who follow the Emam's policy in taking over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, the Islamic ~ Association of Iranian Students in London has sent the following message: "Regards to the Moslem student brothers who took over the filty nest of the American CIA in Tehran. Regards to the brave Mojaheds [fighters _ of holy war] who frustrated crimina~ U.S. imperialism and revealed its inauspicious plans to give shelter to the deposed shah under the pretext of illness in their infidel arms in order to inflict a blow on Iran's _ Islamic revolution. "In supporting this brave action taken by our Moslem brothers, the Islamic Students Association in London condemns any conspiracies Eastern and Western worldeating imperialism and believes that our Islamic ideology under the uncompromising ltadership of Emam Khomeyni, the indefatigable mojahed and the firmness of the hero nation of Iran has closed the way for any negotiations or talks with Br z~x in s k i that is , the infidel who started their open encroachments against our poor nation from many years ago. Une should not stand, not even for une second, behind these clor~ed doors because it is non-Islamic and vain." Signed by the Islamic Students Association in London affiliated to - the Union of Islamic Students Association in Europe. The takeover of the American espionage nest in Tehran by Moslem st~dents following the Emam's policy has aroused a wave of excitement among the people of various cities in the country. Esfahan--After taking part in 13 Al~an [4 November] ceremonies and finding out about the takeover of the U.S. imbassy in Tehran, the people of Esfahan supported this action my ma~ching and shouting anti-American slogans. Today, the Moslem Students L~ssociation of Esfahan Industrial University issued a statement invitng the people to participate in a march on this occasion. Mashad--After finding out about the takeover of the U.S. Embassy, the people of Mashad made demonstrations and by shouting anti-American slogans, they demanded the return of the dep osed shah. Khorram Abad--Various groups of people in Khorram Abad, especially the Lor tribesmen referred to KEYHAN's office in this city, supported the takeover of the U.S. Embassy by Moslem students who fol~ow the Emam's policy. They announced that they are ready for any anti-American activity. 32 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 Kerman--Yesterday, in a splendid gathering ~f the people of Kerman on the occasion of 13 Aban [4 NovemberJ the people supported the action taken b~ Moslem students who follow the Emam's policy in taking over the U.S. Embassy. Orumiyeh--In :ionoring the memory of l.3 Aban martyrs [4 November] in Orumiyeh in which thousands of people participated in Or~miyeh University, the revolutionary action taken by students--the takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran--was supported. Shiraz--The Mojahedin Organization of Islamic revolution in Shiraz has ~ issued a statement announcing its unsparing support of the takeover of the American espionage nest in Tehran, the natural reaction and anger of the poor people toward the United States. Qast Shirin--Yesterday; f ol}.owing the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, the people of Qasr Sliirin marched in the streets supporting the students' - revolutior?ary action. _ Qom--Last night in supporting the revolutionary action taken by students-- the takeover of the U.S. Embassy, the people of Qam made huge demonstrations. The demonstrators were shouting "Death to Carter and his guest" in the streets and they condemned the meeting between the Iranian Government and - Brzez ins~ci, Carter's security adviser. - In a telegram, the comm~nications personnel in Qom have also announced their support of the revolutionary action taken by student who f ollow the Emam's policy in occupying the espionage nest of the U.S. Embassy. Karaj--Zn a statemen:. the Pasdaran Corps [Guards Corps] of Kara~ has announced its support of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy by students who follow the Emam's policy. - Yazd--The Pasdaran Corps of the Islamic Revolution in Yazd has also issued a statement announcing its support of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy. They nave stated that they are ready to neutralize any conspiracy and turn over the executioner, Mohammad Re:.a, under the order and leadership of Emam Khomeyni. Kermanshah--The Operational Staff of the Pasdaran Corps in the western part of the country has i~sued a statement announcing its support of the takeover of the American Embassy. Ramsar--The students, members of the Islamic associati.ons, the employees and personnel of Ramsar's Revolutionary court and Dr Shari'ati Hospital announced their support of the take over of the U.S. Embassy by marching. 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 - Arak--Ayatollah Haj Sheykh Abol Fazl Xhonsari, Emam Khomeyni's re- _ presentative in behalf of the people of Arak and himself, also sent a telegram to the U.S. Embassy today, praising the revolutionary action taken hy the students. 1'he telegram indicates that the rotten roots of world imperialism should be t-hrown into history's garbage can. The Democratic Youth and Studenta Organization has also announced its s~ipport of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy by Moslem student brothers - who follow the Emam's policy. They have asked all progressive and anti- imperialist- youths and students to hold each other's hand and unite in this sensitive mament in the country's po~.itical life against U.S, imperialism. U.S. imperialism. '!'he T_slamic Iranian Students Association in Manchester has sent a message ~ in support of the students wh o foltow the Emam's policy. They have announced their support for and cooperation with the hero students who have now occupied the U.S. Embassy and in revealing the conspiracies of the United States and its allies. Signed by the Islami.c Students t~ssociation in Manchester affiliated to the union of Islamic Associations in Europe. - The employees and the Islamic Cour.cil of Iran Air Lines have announced their support of ~_he revolutionary and brave action taken by I.ran's revolutionary students in occupying the U.S. Embassy. They have indicated that they are ready for any r ooperation even to shed their blood. Much Fa vorable Mail - Tehran BANIDAD in Persian 6 Nov 79 p 12 [Text] F ollowing the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Moslem students who follow the Emam's policy, yesterday various Islamic groups, _ societies, associations and centers issued separate statements announcing their support of the students' action. In the messages, various groups in the country have condemned the conspiracies of i.mperialism, headed by the United States, have supported the takeover of the U.S. Embassy and have demanded the extradition of the f ormer shah. The names of the groups and societies that have announced their support are as follows: The Islamic Society of PARS News Eigency, the Iranian Society for Cooperation with Palestine, the Committee of the Emam's Syndicate Affairs, the Islamic Society of Personnel of the Civil Defense Organization, the Islamic societies anu personnel of government organizations in Mazandaran, The Sistan and Baluchestan Pasdaran Corps, the Pasdaran Corps of Hamadan, the clergy 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 of Chahar Mahal Bakhtiyari, the Pasdaran Corps of Shahr Kurd, Moslem teachers following the Emam's policy in Shahr Kord, The Islamic Society of the Hanif Nezhad Educational Complex, Kerman's Construction Jehad, the judges and employees of the prosecutor's office and the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Kerman, the Islamic Society of Personnel of the Voice and Face ot the Islamic Republic of Kerman, the employees of Ministry of National Guidance, Pt~RS News Agency in KeYtnan, the Pasdaran Corps, the Islamic Communications Society, the Coal Employees Council in Bab Nizu area, the struggling people of Khanuk, the students and teachers of Khalq in Gilan, the Islamic Society of College of Literature and Foreign Languages, a group of employees of the Geology and Mineralogy Research Organization, Sympathizers of Mojahedin Khalq Organization, the Center for Fighting Against Freemasonry, Imperialism and Zionism, a group of employees of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Iran's Democratic Youth and Students _ Organization. A group of Moslem employees of the Ministry of Power, the Islamic Society ~ of the employees of the Ministry of Justice, the Mosle m employees of the - Envirotunental Protection Organization, the Islamic Society of Ministry _ of Power, the Palestinian Students Union in Iran's Islamic Republic _ Branch, the Islamic Society of Iran National Air Lines, the Islamic Revolutionary Council of HOM.4 Personnel [Iran Kir], the Islamic Society of Students of the Economic and Political Science School of National University, the Moslem Students Movement of Tehran University, the struggling clergy of Qir and Kazerun area, the employees of governors` offices and the Islamic societies of teachers and students in Sari, Behshahr, .4mo1 and the Office of the Construction Jehad in the cities of provinces. 3tudents, teachers and employees of Meshkin Fam Agricultural School - following Emam Khomeyni's policy in Kerman, the Pasdaran Corps, the syndicates, teachers and various classes of society in Islam Shahr, the Islamic Society of the Employees of the Sar Cheshmeh Copper Complex, the Islamic Revolutionary Continuation Complex in Kerman, the Construction Jehad Staff and the Islamic Society of Taleqani Bam, the Knitting and - Needlework Workers Syndicate of Tehran and Suburbs, the Islamic Revolutionary Pasdaran Corps of the cities of Orumiyeh and Miandoab, the Moslem Students Society of Tehran University Law School, the Pasdaran Corps, the syndicates and the bazaar businessmen, the Institute of the Islamic Cooperative Fund, the office of the Islamic Republic Party and the Islamic Council in Yazd Province, the students of the Natural Resources School in Gorgan and the Construction Jehad Staff in Gorgan, the Islamic Society of Asadi Arab Teachers College in Gorgan, the clerg; and people of ~irsanjan, the Construction Jehad Staff in Yazd, the Moslem Students of Sistan and Baluchestan University, the Moslem per.sonnel following the Emam's policy; - in the Kahkiluyeh Province, the Commanders Council of the Pasdaran Corps, - in Gilan Province, the Moslem Students Society of Mirza Kuchek Khan High School in Rasht, the Students Society of Azadegan Higfi School in Rasht, a group of sympathizers of the Mojahedin Organization, the personnel of the Ministry of Housing and City Development, the personnel of Communications and the Department of National Guidance of the Province, the employees - , students of Azad University in Behshahr, the teachers society and Pasdaran - 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 Corps i~i variuus cities in Mazandaran, tt~e offices of the Islr~mic Republic Party throughout the province, the community of Moslem engineers in Mazandaran, the Society of Moslem Youth and the personnel of inedical services in Behshahr, the Islamic Societies of Students of Samadiyeh Zabaf College in Babol, the College of Economics in Babolsar, the personnel of the Ministry of Education in Babolsar and Shahsavar, the Islamic societies and personnel of most of the govercunent offices in rfazandaran, the Students Council of Sharif Industrial University, the employees of the Royal Garden Hotel, the ~ Moslem students associations of the universities of Science and Industry, Polytechnique, Teachers' College, and the National University, the Justice Society, the Islamic Society of the employees of the Vahed [Bus] Company in Tehran, the Islamic Society of Iran's Customs Personnel, the Islamic Society of Oil Industry Personnel in ~ehran, the Society of Moslem Mothers, the 4th of Khordad [25 May] :'outh Society, the Islamic Society of Children and Youth Mental Development Center, the Islamic Society of Employees of Bank-e Melli Iran, the Movement of Vanguard Moslems, the Employees of Tehran Reconstruction and Development Corporation, the clergy of Yazd, The Islamic Society of Qom, Iran's Student Center, the Mo:~lem Worker's Movement, the employees of the Islamic Society of the General Depart- _ ment of Rural Development and Agriculture of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiyari provinces, the Moslem students of Amir Kabir High School in Shahr Kurd, the Pasdaran Corps of Borujen, the Construction Jehad of Borujen, the Moslem Students of Borujen, the employees of PARS News l~gency in Shahr Kurd, the A$ef Monotheism Organization, Fajr Islam (Dawn of Islam) Organization of the Islamic Community, the Social Welfare Organization, the Islamic Community of the Ministry of Labor and ~~cial Welfare, the _ employees of the Chamber of Co~nerce, Industries and Mines, the employees - and students of Husayni Islami Elementary School; District 5 Tehran, the employees of Mahab Conpany, the employees of Simorgh Production Co, the - Islamic Associa~ion of Iranian Students Residing in Hyderabad, India, - the atudents and employees of Parvin Etesami High School, District 17 in Tehran, the Pickup T.axis Union, the Islamic Association of Students of District 12 of the Department of Education, the Islamic Society of Razi Psychiatric Center, the Islamic Society of Vahdat, the Workers of the - Printing Department oi the Minisrry of National Guidance, the Islamic Community of Iranians Residing in Kuwait, Iran's National Front, the employees of the Ground Transportation Corp related to the Ministry of Roads and TransporL-ation, the Towhidi [Monotheism] Party, the Syndicate of � Technical Workers of the Vahed Bus Co. 9156 CSO: 4906 ~h , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 ~ IKAN PREMIER ATTEMPTS TO REASSERT AU'THORITY Tehran BAI�IDAD in Persian 25 Sep 79 pp 1, 2 /Article: "The Prime Minister: A~ive-Man Committee Has Been Charged with 'Cleaning up' Each Ministry So To Speak: Eng Bazargan: By Order of the Emam, No Figure or Body Has the Right To Interfere in Government Ac- tivity"/ /Text/ Eng Bazargan, the prime mfniater, gave a radto and television speech to the Iranian nation describing the country's political and econom- ic problems and issues and declaring the government's viewpoints concern- ing national affairs. At the start of his message, Eng Bazargan dealt with the reasons for his previous speech, thanked the people for their sentiments following the broadcast of rhat message and then proceeded to describe the nation's _ economic and agricultural condition, saying: "The Iranian banking system has given much assistance to agriculture, to industry and to commerce; however, there are problems with regard to open- ing credit and other things, and the fact that debtors are not treating the banks as they should and must. Although the tax revenues are propor- tionately far better than t hey were last year--that is, the year in which the new regime, the Islami c regime, had not yet arrived--nonetheless, our non oil revenues, one o� which is tax, along with customs and duties, are low as a consequence of Mi nistry of Finance measurea and some reductions and changes which the Mini stry of Finence has made, and from the economic standpoint--the budget and plan economy--our current situation is in no way sound or proper, alth ough, thanks be to God, expenditures have been met and God willing will c ontinue to be met. No country can live on special revenues from a god-given resource, without any real revenues fram - work, effort and toil. The unemployment situation is much better than it was 6 or 7 months ago but i ts future aituation ia not very assured and it is still one of our threatening matters." The prime minister then ref erred to the need for expansion and growth in the private sector and to t he damage that sector has endured, stressing ~ 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 that it is the most represaed of sectors. He examined the question of - - security and the state of the aecurity forces and emphasized that although these forces, from the physical corporal, material and peraonnel stand- pointa and tt~e standpoint of protection of the nation's security, are in no way camparable with their state when the regime was being overthrown, they are in a state of readiness in the face of domestic and foreign attacks through the protection and aid of the Army of the Guards of the Revolution and the committees, although they are still much less than what is needed and required by the country. Revolutionary Movement In another portion of his message Eng Bazargan dealt with the condition of white collar workers, stressing "The situation in the departmenta has = improved. "flowever, the revolutionary movement which I talked about 2 months ago is sti11 not being felt. "The situation is probably better than it was last year, that is, 7 or 8 months ago, but we are nonetheless still very far off. In short, the most important thing of all is that an imperial system, a tyrannical system, which ruled the country, has been eliminated. However, the system of the _ - Islamic republic, which must take its place, has in no way establfshed its _ foundations in any of the three stages, that is, Islam, the republic and _ freedom, and then the system, nor have their places been filled, - "Not only has Islam as it could and should rule not been recognized or be- come.a factor--neither has the republic, freedom or that deme~�racy whose - special condition was part of the government's program, whereby ~.he govern- _ ment would gradually follow these stages, the stages and program decreed - by the emam, wh~ch I have discussed a number of times. We have now reached - the point where the council is occupied with the constitution. Thus the government has performed its duty and it is now in the hands of these gentle- - men; let us see what is produced and to what degxee they discharge thia trust and this assignment. God willing, they will dfscharge it in a way that will bring them prestige and the attention of coming generations and the generations of all time." - - The Effects of the Revolution Referring to the deficiencies arising from the revolution, and evaluating this revolution, Eng Bazargan then said "This revolution is a great, all- encompassing one. Its measure and extent go even beyond the borders of Iran and it has assumed the guise of a world revolution. Such a revolution, which also took place with great speed, was not only 'nation~shaking'-- from certain standpoints it was 'world-shaking.' It is natural that it - has had consequences and effects. Revolutions in other countries in his- tory, for the past 300 years, for the past 500 years, have had the eame characteristics everywhere but rarely have they been more intense, more shattering and on occasion more encumbered with objectiona, faults and mistakes." - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 Cooperation with the Council of the Revolution The prime minister added, "There are many volunteers in this revolution. All the members of the - committees and the Guards of the Soldiers of the Revolution possess religi- ous, political or party centers which are coming into existence in all towns and provinces, ~nd many people are chasing members of Savak and oth- ers. They receive filea, investigate departments, present them to courts and people even come and go and make arrests without ordera having been given to them, along with the occupying forces and leaders who take places over. However, it is proper here that we face weak points and put our fingers on their existence, on the weak spots--this presence of abundant volunteers. While acknowledging, honoring, respecting and appreciating their original necessity, their presence and their services, since there are as always portions which have not turned out to be properly ordered ~ or arranged, they also have a weak spot. As I have also said in previous - speeches, it is this group of decision-making centers, people with divisive taste~ and opiniona and views, who are among the points of weakness and are inflicting a great blow on our revolution, that is, in the era follow- ing the initial victory. "The solution which was discovered and which has fortunately to a large extent eliminated much of this deficiency and weakness was the process of organization, coordination and in fact more or less regulation which came into being between the government and the Revolutionary Council, both of - - which are under the flag and under the leadership, the great leadership, of the revolution. Everything has in reality come into an organization - under the persons subject to this cooperation and solidarity between the Revolutionary Army and the committee. It is for this reason that I gave the good news at one point that the problem had to a relatively large ex- tent been eliminated and that fortunately, thanks to God and thanks to these young people and gentlemen, friendly sincere relations had come into being between the soldiers of the revolution and the guards and government officials and the government--although the cooperation of gentlemen in the Revolutionary Council and their way of spending tim~, especially the feel- ing of responsibility which we were looking for, to the extent desired and expected and in the early part also a bit more available, was not there- ' fore as it could have and should have bsen, and they have been more at- i tentive to their o~m duties and responsibilities and preoccupations than ~ to what the government and country require. Matters must soon be resolved. This is the first aspect of this revolution; it has been both a strong point and a weak point, and it is a factor from whfch these effects have arisen. The second is the matter of differences whi~.h arise in feelings of responsibility. Every person feels responsibility in his own fashion: 'what should I do, what should I not do?' On the basis of differences in feelings of responsibility, interferences arise, anc: these interferences are a lot of wood jatnned into the wheels of the government, be it this - government, or any other government. There is a common proverb in various 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 languages which in Persian is 'When there are two mothers a child~s head becomes twisted,' not to mention the situation when there are a hundred mothers. For this reason a great deal was said and a great deal was dis- _ cussed, until two or two and a half months ago when 11 of my honored col- League ministers resigned, resulting in my going to visit the emam. "These gentelemen considered four things to be an essential and neceasary condition if they were to serve and accept reaponsibility, and these thinga required very close cooperation and prosecution on the part of the govern- ment. These four things were the army of the revolution, the committees, _ the revolutionary courts and the medi.a, the radio and television. The first two things were handled i.n a relatively good fashion but the second - two remained with I do not want to say bad will being involved, but it was not until 2 weeks ago that an announcement was issued by the revolu~ _ tionary public prosecutor general, Mr Qoddusi, who gave a very correct, logical, sincere, friendly and brotherly opinion on the government, ad- dressed to the committees and so forth. In accordance with the emam's orders, no committee, no public presecutor, no revolutianary court, no guard, no soldier and no official has the right to intervene in matters related to the government. This matter, just like the previous one, has been one of the government's great victorious steps. "~Jhen I say that the government has no selfish aspects, I do not mean to say the victory of this government but the victory of an~ government; it has been one of the victorious steps of the Islamic revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran that such an order, such a proclamation, such a decree has come to be issued by the order of the leader of the revolution. To a degree, of course, it has been obeyed, and I hope that the orders of the leader of the revolution will be carried out completely in a mean- ingful, aincere, prof ound and obedient way, and that we, that is, the em- ployees of the government and the workers and servants of the country, will - not experience problems or interference." The Need for Order in Administrati~n - In another part or his message, after dESCribing the people's desires ~nd expectations, the goals and negative destructive plans of some people, the state of vengefulness which is still to be found, and the need to ob- serve order and principles in administration, Eng Bazargan said: Counterrevolution "To the extent that this first stage of the revolution, which is a nega- tive one, is inseparable and synonymous with speed, severity and even harshness, it must be tolerant, considered, studied and even easygoing. - All the criticisms and disputes which have existed between us and the rev _ olutionary young generation from the time the governmen~ was formed up to now and into the future are based on this very thing, two views and two different programs. The result of these two different programs is tw~ - 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 different views, a difference in views and programs. The government is a ~ government charged with making an accommodation with this revolutioaary ~ group, the severe and harsh group which still views the government employ- ees and apparatuses with an eye to enmity and continued enmity, an eye to the question of how we are exploiting this system, these employees and these individuals. We observe that these people are looking with an eye to wl~at job a person previously held and whether he is a counterrevolution ary hostile to us. They want thst person to have no head on his body and we, to the contrary, want the head which is on his body also to have a hat and very good clothing and we want his information and resources also to be greater. This is a contradiction which has come into being in differ- ent forms and these two actions, that. is, this constructive act of recon ciling the revolution are not compatible with that fact." The prime minister added, "My entire concern, all my appeals and all my talks, have been to say, Look, these two programs are not compatible-- either the negative program must be carried out to the hilt, and every building and everything that exists must be eliminated and destroyed, and later when the opportunity arises the work of construction will be carried out, and we will carry them both out together--this one destroying that and that person destroying this. The element of difference and the prob lem between the government and those people who pursue that has a well- - known frequently used title, 'liquidation.' The problem lies in the fact that we have two actions whose natures naturally are not compatible. The crusade to build is a crusade. There is some construction and it is also ` very necessary, but one cannot carry out the crusade of construction with a J-3. The reason why I went to Khuzestan with my beloved colleagues yes- terday waa because people had written me a letter the previous week with a large amount of complainta and these complaints prompCed me to see what was going on there. Tt~e prime minister added, "My entire concern, all my appeals and all my tallc, nave been to say, Look, these two programs are not compatible--eith- _ er tt~e nedative program must be carried out to the hilt, and every buildinF and everything that exists must be eliminated and destroyed, and later w}ien tf~e opportunity arises the work of construction will be carried out, and ~ae will carry them both out together--this one destroying that and that ~ nerson destroying this. The element of difference and the problem between the government and those people who pursue that has a well-known frequently used title, 'liquidation.' The problem lies in the fact that we have two actions whose natures naturally are not compatible~ The crusade to build is a crusade. There is some construction and it is also very necessary, but one cannot carry out the crusade of construction with a J-3. The reason why I went to Khuzestan with my beloved colleayues yesterday was because people had written me a letter the previous week containing a ~ large amount of complaints, and these complaints prompted me to see what was ~oing on there. I wish those who wrote letters would come and see how l~l - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200034412-3 a~id in what way the employees of the government and persons who are cooper- _ atinh are serving with enthusiasm, desire and efficiency. T'heir corr?plaint was that they went as part of the holy war of construction and a broken- down pump by the river--it is natural, in the thinking of Islam and the revolution, to maintain a farm; drawing from a river is not a crime or ~ sin, indeed it is very virtuous, but, because there was no irrigation season in that area and no need for one, l-hey went there and wanted to put a pump in operation and on their orders and by force of arms threatened the owner of the farm and tlie pump on grounds that ~you are aKainst development and the revolution and so on and so forth, we are going to put this pump in operation so the common people can farm.' This is not a holy war of con- str~,ction, it is a holy war of destruction, it is a holy war of confisca- tion. I do not know, the holy war is an attack, a revolution, and this is the first stage. The holy war of construction should not be 1.ike that." The prime minister added, "A bill was drawn up and ratified by the Council of the Revolution to the effect that a five-man committee would be in charge of so to speak purification in each ministry. Iiowever, the views of these cocr.mittees are mostly connected with the present and the future and mostly supervision over what people are doing now and /ruling/ 'let him stay, we also did this, and must do so.' ~Je are in no way opposed to purification bi~t the matter has a different face and form, just as, from the beginning of the triumph of the revolution, the enemy, through his domestic and his foreigti agents, proceeded according to a plan and put a very organized act into motion every month or every few weeks; it is as if this matter, this matter of purification, has developed dimensions and criteria, part oE which - is a plan--that is, people set out and, with very compassionate faces, like wolves in sheeps' clothing, on all sides bring out accusations, information, espionage and old files. It is very easy to grow a beard and hold a string _ of beads in one's hand. These days a title of Islamic Society of Workers, I do not know, ~rorkers have bee~i attributing such-and-such qualities to the?r~selves whereas, when we look into individuals and their files, we see that a given person up to the revolution was a Rastakhiz head or repre- sentative in charge of collecting the members of the ministry and on the Eirst page of someone else's file is an order which Ardeshir Zahedi issued and on another person's first page is a letter which for example he wrote to I~r Eqbal and there is the flattery and the accolade he made begging and imploring the Shah and Eqbal or others and the rest of them, ar, for example, writing to Dr Eqbal and prostrating himself bef.ore him. tJe have often seen people in the name of the committee or other than the committee pouring poisoii-filled goblets of charges against our ?ninisters, against the deputies, against the general directors and a~ainst other people. Now, for ~erhaps 2 or 3 weeks, or a month, this intensic~~ and haste have increased and people have been receiving assi~nments from che Re~rolutionary Court, the assi~n- ment to conduct a puzification--~' the donkey all at once and take the beans away'--just as if they were setting bombs and pinning Savak labels on each othera It is still not known what happens when such an earthquake and such a state of affairs arises in an office or agency where for example 25 or 30 million tomans of the country's bud~et are bein& spent, in the steel mill or the railway, in the National Oil Company or for example the 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200030012-3 ~tinistry of Comn~erce--people drop aLl c~f these /responsibilities/, set out under tlie pretext of purification a~~d so on and so forth, and create dis- turbances,